AP 86_Using_the_i RMX_86_Operating_System_Jul80 86 Using The I RMX Operating System Jul80
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APPLICATION NOTE Ap·86 July 1980 143006 RELATED INTEL PUBLICATIONS Introduction to the iRMX 86™ Operating System 9803124 iRMX 86™ Nucleus, Terminal Handler, and Debugger Reference Manual 9803122 iRMX 86™ 1/0 System Reference Manual 9803123 iRMX 86™ System Programmer's Reference Manual 142721 iRMX 86™ Installation Guide for ISIS-II Users 9803125 iRMX 86™ Configuration Guide for ISIS-II Users 9803126 The 8086 Family User's Manual 9800722 iSBC 86112™ Single Board Computer Hardware Reference Manual 9800645 iSBC 534™ Four Channel Communications Expansion Board Hardware Reference Manual 9800450 PL/M 86 Programming Manual 9800466 MSC-86™ Assembly Language Reference Manual 9800640 MCS-86™ Software Development Utilities Operating Instructions for ISIS-II Users 9800639 Intel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contai ned herei n. Intel software products are copyrighted by and shall remain the property of Intel Corporation. Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions stated in Intel's software license, or as defined in ASPR 7-104.9 (a) (9). Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in an Intel product. No other circuit patent licenses are implied. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Intel Corporation. The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may only be used to identify Intel products: ICE iAPX Intellec Megachassis Prompt iSBC Insite Library Manager Micromap UPI iSBX MULTIMODULE Intel MCS MULTIBUS Scope iCS CREDIT iRMX and the combinations of iAPX, ICE, iSBC, MCS, iSBX or iRMX and a numerical suffix. Additional copies of this manual or other Intel literature may be obtained from: Literature Department Intel Corporation 3065 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 © INTEL CORPORATION, 1980 AFN·01540A Using the iRMX 861M Operating System Contents INTRODUCTION ............................. 1 OVERViEW .................................. 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE iRMX 86 OPERATING SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tasks ..................................... Job and Free Space Management. . . . . . . . . .. Segments ................................. Communication &Synchronization .......... Interrupt Management ..................... Error Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Asynchronous I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Synchronousl/O ........................... Loaders ................................... File Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Human Interface Subsystem ................ Debugging Subsystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Configuration and Initialization. . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 DESIGN METHODOLOGY .. .................. 10 Application Example 1 ........................ 10 System Requirements ...................... 10 Hardware Requirements ................... 10 System Design ............................ 11 Application Example 2 ........................ 13 Overview of Device Driver Construction ...... 13 Design of an iSBC 534™ Driver .............. 15 CODE EXAMPLES .. ......................... 16 APPENDIX A ................................ 25 Code Listings APPENDIX B ................................ 51 Configuration Listings/Worksheets AP·86 OVERVIEW INTRODUCTiON 'Companies seeking to develop microcomputer applications are faced with two significant problems. First, applications are growing more and more sophisticated. With competition always present, products are continually being enhanced with new features. This burdens the underlying computer system by increasing both the complexity of the software and the number of events and functions that must be handled by the system. This overview is provided to investigate both the problems encountered in the design of applications software and also the classical solutions to these problems. Multitasking A real-time system is defined to be a system that reacts to events occurring external to the computer and which monitors or controls these events as they occur (or in "real-time"). The converse of a real-time system is known as a batch system where the outcome of a program does not depend on when it is run (for example, a payroll program). The second problem is a management problem. These newer and more sophisticated application systems must be developed quickly in order to hit shrinking market windows. Also, they must be developed with lower manpower costs to be feasible in an engineering community struck by insufficient technical personnel and skyrocketing software development costs. Two other characteristics typically encountered in a real-time system are asynchronous event occurrences and concurrent activity. The first characteristic is caused by events occurring randomly rather than at scheduled intervals. The second characteristic, concurrent activity, takes place when two or more events occur nearly at the same time, requiring simultaneous activity. These are the needs addressed by the iRMX 86™ Operating System. The two goals in the development of this product have been power/flexibility to meet the needs of increasingly complex application systems, and ease of understanding and use, to boost the productivity of available engineering resources. Users of Intel's line of iSBC 86™ Single Board Computers or custom-designed 8086-based boards can now obtain the same benefits from Intel supplied system software as they can from Intel supplied system hardware. One method of dealing with the requirements of a real-time system would be to write a program that knows what events could potentially occur (for example, an interrupt occurrence, a real-time clock counting down to zero, a byte in memory being modified by another program). This program could then execute a large loop checking for the occurrence of these events. The reader of this application note is provided with information in four subject areas. • • • • There are several problems with this approach. While processing one event which has occurred, the program is not responsive to other events. Also, the programmer has no way of prioritizing the importance of the various events. From a maintenance standpoint, this program is complex and difficult to enhance or modify. The requirements of operating systems are discussed along with traditional solutions. The iRMX 86 Operating System is introduced and its features are discussed in relation to the requirements studied earlier. System design using the iRMX 86 Operating System is studied using example solutions. Code for two example systems is examined to learn the details of system implementation. The traditional solution to these problems is a technique called multitasking. Essentially, this involves writing many small routines instead of one large one. Each of these routines (tasks) can process events independent of the other tasks in the system. In addition, a priority can be assigned each task so that the operating system can decide as to which task is the most important when more than one task requests con trol of the CPU. Some of the topics in this note may not be of interest to all readers. For example, an experienced real-time programmer may not need to read the entire overview of real-time systems. For those who want to brush up on a few topics, the overview is organized to allow the reader to focus attention on areas of specific interest. The support for multitasking involves a scheduler which is part of the service provided by the operating system. The scheduler allows each task to execute its program as if it has sole control of the CPU, ensuring that all tasks desiring CPU time are serviced according to the priority associated with each task. Throughout this application note, various terms and concepts are introduced and discussed. If further information on any of these topics is desired, the references listed in the front of this note should be used. 1 AFN-01540A Ap·86 unable to anticipate the outcome of certain conditions, or the software has undiscovered bugs, it is vital for the operating system to gracefully handle the situation and allow for further processing to continue as best as possible. From the standpoint of system design, multitasking has many desirable qualities. Large and potentially complex application programs can be decomposed into smaller more manageable units. This makes feasible the use of programmer teams to implement the application. Perhaps even more importantly, the potentially overwhelming problems surrounding concurrent execution and interrupt handling become transparent to the application programmer. Also, multitasking makes the modi fica tion of existing tasks and the addition of new ones become a manageable objective since the interaction between tasks is minimized. 110 Handling Many applications for I6-bit microcomputers require a variety of 1/0 devices. The support for I/O operations on these devices is typically provided by the operating system. Both sequential access and random access devices are typically encountered and, in addition, flexibility in handling I/O requests and acknowledgements is important. Interrupt Handling A common event in a real-time system is the occurrence of an interrupt. Because this event is so common, an important feature of a real-time operating system is its interrupt processing capabilities. The flexibility necessary typically involves the scheduling of a task's execution after an I/O request has been made. The greatest flexibility can be obtained by an asynchronous I/O system. In this system, a task makes an I/O request by calling the operating system. Once the processing of the request has begun, control is returned to the calling task. From the standpoint of application software, interrupt handling can be cumbersome. The currently running task must be preempted, various hardware devices must be manipulated and perhaps a hardware interrupt controller must be dealt with. A re-Hl-tlmp o'!1prHting f;!Vf;!tpm {,l=!n l=!hRt"!"~{'+ t'hr- !"\r-r-m" program while the I/O operation is progressing. When the results of the operation are desired, the task can call the operating system again to wait for the completion of the previous I/O request. rence of an interrupt into something more consistent with the way other events are handled. A task can simply inform the scheduler that it does not require any CPU time until an interrupt occurs. The relative priority of different interrupts can also be handled in the same manner as the priority of multiple tasks are handled. Thus, the application programmer need only deal with the actual processing related to interrupt occurrence. The second type of 1/0 support is less flexible but also easier to use. An operating system that supports synchronous I/O allows a task to make a single operating system call to make an I/O request. Once control is returned to the calling task, the I/O operation is complete and the results are immediately available. This type of I/O support sometimes takes advantage of a technique known as autobuffering to regain some of the performance advantage of the overlapped 110 found in the asynchronous system. Reliability ,Reliability is a keyword in all real-time systems. In this type of system, reliability does not refer to mean time between failure. In fact, the software in a realtime application typically cannot be allowed to fail. The difficulty imposed on the software by the environment comes from the near infinite number of permutations that can occur. A system that appears to be fully debugged can fail in the field because of a combination of simultaneous events that never occurred before. Debug Support The inherent characteristics of the real-time environment sometimes make it difficult to debug new software. If the simultaneous occurrence of two events causes a bug in the software, detection may be difficult because the next time the system is run the error is not reproduced. Also, because of the fact that the software is broken down into many independent tasks, the interaction may be difficult to track using standard debugging techniques. The only means to avoid failure in these instances is through the use of a consistent, well-thought-out model for handling events. Any special-cased solution is subject to failure when the special cases that were designed for are violated in the real world. The solution to these problems is a piece of software called the system debugger. The debugger typically has three characteristics. Error handling can also add reliability to an application system. When the application software is 2 AFN·01540A AP·86 Typically, this service is provided through the use of a file system. The mass storage device is partitioned into blocks and logical addresses are assigned to the blocks. Files are created to serve as directories where the names of other files can be cataloged and looked up. 1) It is designed to interact with the operating system and therefore has intimate knowledge of code, data structures and system objects. 2) Since the debugger is just another task in the system, it does not affect the operation of the other tasks that are running. 3) Through the use of sophisticated breakpointing facilities, the debugger allows the designer to track the tasks in the system, investigate their interaction with other tasks and selectively stop one or more tasks without stopping the entire system. In many systems, the directory structure can go many levels deep (see Figure 1). This provides several advantages. Directory searches can be done much faster if the general area where a file exists is known. Also, if several jobs are running at the same time, each can be given its own directory and therefore isolated from the others. Lastly, for human users, it is much easier to manage the information on the disk when some logical structure of files exists. Multiprogramming In some application systems, there arises the requirement to run several "applications" on the computer at the same time. This may be due to the desire to squeeze more use out of the hardware or it may be due to some system design consideration. These separate "applications" (often termed jobs) share many system resources (especially the CPU) but at the same time they need to be protected as much as possible from other jobs. In essence, it should be possible to develop two jobs independently and then run them both on the same hardware without any interaction. If interaction is desired, the operating system should support some well-defined protocol for jobs to use to communicate. - OBSTETRICS GYNECOLOGY r- ROOT DIRECTORY PRENATAL f- '---t--_DE_L_I V_ER_Y---I Free Space Management EMPTY DIRECTORY One of the most important resources in the computer system is the memory. In some applications, the amount of memory needed can be determined when the system is designed. In the more general case, the amount of memory needed by the system fluctuates. One solution to this management problem is to have available the amount needed in the worst possible case. A more flexible and economical solution is to dynamically allocate memory from a central pool upon demand and return it when possible. This service provides two tangible advantages. First, total memory needs are reduced. Second, this service allows for ease of use by the application programmer because there is no need to set aside blocks of memory and implement code to maintain information about current usage. - EMPTY DIRECTORY /\~ IN-PATIENT OUT-PATIENT I-- '-----~ A A / \ / \ File Management The ability to easily store and retrieve data stored on mass storage devices is a requirement in many application systems. Devices such as disks, tapes and bubble memories are used to store program code, data files and parameter tables. The operating system is called upon to store and retrieve the data and organize it such that application programs can easily find and manipulate the data when necessary. AFN-01540A IN-LABOR POST-PARTUM f - Figure 1. Hierarchical File System 3 AP-86 1) Engineering resources are becoming scarce. The use of an opearting system from a vendor allows attention to be focused on the application software. 2) The time taken to bring the product to market can be shortened, thereby gaining a competitive edge and generating early revenue. 3) Long-term maintenance costs can be reduced because the vendor supports the operating system software. 4) Personnel in all branches of the company can become familiar with one software architecture and apply this knowledge to a range of products. This applies not only to the design engineers, but also to quality assurance, customer engineers and system analysts. 5) The computer system vendor has knowledge of future technological advances coming in the product lines. For this reason, the operating system can be constructed so that applications software can be transported to future hardware without the need for expensive redesign. Device Independence One of the unfortunate characteristics of 1/0 devices is that they all tend to present different interfaces to the system software. When this is the case, the application programmer must become familiar with the unique characteristics of each device in order to communicate with it. One solution is to create an 1/0 driver which does the actual I/O. This driver can then be called by the application program whenever communication with the device is desired. The problem with this solution is that the programmer must still know what type of device is being talked to since the I/O driver is specialized. If the system configuration changes, all of the software must be rewritten to call new device drivers. The best solution is to design a standard interface to device drivers and postpone until run-time the decision about which devices to use. With this type of system, an application program can be written assuming that at run-time the human or program that invokes it will provide a specification of which devices should be used. In summary, the trade-offs are clear. An operating system from a computer system vendor is not the answer for every application. But in most cases, the High-Level Man-Machine Interface In artrtition to the services nroviclecl for ::mnli(,:ltion programs by the operating system, a set of services typically is offered to the human user sitting at the system console. System utilities are needed for file copying, disk formatting, and directory maintenance. Programs need to be loaded off disk to run and the programs themselves must be able to retrieve parameters passed to them by the opera tor. All of these functions are usually provided by the manmachine interface software in the operating system. mo~t p('()nomi('~l ~nr1 ~~fpQt hPt lQ to t~1rP ~r1v~nt~O"P nf the expertise of the vendor for the system software and use engineering resources to more quickly solve the application problem. INTRODUCTION TO THE iRMX 86 1M OPERATING SYSTEM The iRMX 86 Operating System meets the needs of real-time applications while simultaneously providing the full set of services normally found in a generalpurpose operating system. Make Versus Buy The previous sections dealt with operating system requirements. These requirements are encountered in the application development process. Whether the solution to meet the needs comes from the individual application designer or from a computer system vendor, the requirements do not change. The overall picture of the iRMX 86 Operating System is shown in Figure 2. The iRMX 86 Nucleus provides There usually exists a rather simple tradeoff between designing a custom opera ting system or buying a generalized system and tailoring it to the individual needs of the application. There are advantages to the custom solution. The system can often be made smaller since the requirements are known in great detail. Also, some small performance improvements can sometimes be made by taking advantage of the special cases to speed things up. Buying an operating system from a computer system vendor offers five advantages. Figure2. Layers of Support in the iRMX86™System 4 AFN·01540A Ap·86 3) The remaining system calls are specific to the attributes of a particular object. With this organization in mind, the entire operation of the iRMX 86 nucleus can be glimpsed in a single table. support for multitasking, multiprogramming, intertask communication, interrupt handling and error checking. The Basic I/O System provides support for device independent and file format independent manipulation of data on I/O devices. The Extended I/O system provides synchronous I/O calls, automatic buffering, logical file name support and high-level job management. The application loader provides the ability to load code and data from mass storage devices into RAM memory. The Human Interface provides for a high-level man-machine interface as well as file utilities and parsing support for application programs. Tasks Tasks are the active objects in the iRMX 86 architecture. Tasks execute program code and therefore are the only objects that can manipulate other objects. The attributes of a task include its program counter, stack, priority and dispatcher state. Tasks compete with each other for CPU time and the iRMX 86 scheduler determines which task to run based upon priorities. The dispatcher states for an iRMX 86 task are shown in Figure 3. At any given point in time, the highest priority task that is ready to run has control of the CPU. Control is transferred to another task only when The following sections deal in more detail with each of these iRMX 86 pieces. If more information is desired on the features discussed, please refer to the documents listed in the front of this application note. Architecture The iRMX 86 architecture is an object-oriented architecture. This means that the operating system is organized as a collection of building blocks that are manipulated by operators. The building blocks of the iRMX 86 system are called objects and are of several types. Some of the object types are tasks, jobs, mailboxes, semaphores and segments. These types are explained in subsequent sections of this application note. (NON-EXiSTENT; /1 ,,:n3)I, t(1 ASLEEP (4) , RUNNING 1 ~I~DEDI This type of architecture has two major advantages. First, the system is easier to learn and use. The attributes of the various objects and the operations that can be performed on them are well defined and consistent. Once an object type is understood, all objects of that type are understood. .. ,...,S-USPE-NDE-D~I (6) / - :J (8} '51 '------..~-~----------~ (8)L:] t(10) (NON-EXISTENT) The second advantage to an object-oriented architecture is the ease with which the operating system can be tailored to the application. If there is no need for a given object in the application, all operators for that object are not included in the final configured system. On the other hand, if the application designer needs a more complex building block that is not in the basic system, he can define and use a new object type. Figure 3. Task State Transition Diagram 1) the runmng task makes a request that cannot immediately be filled and is, therefore, moved to the asleep state, 2) an interrupt occurs causing a higher-priority task to become ready to run or 3) the running task causes a higher-priority asleep task to become ready by releasing some resource. Table 1 lists all of the system calls in the iRMX 86 Nucleus. There are three groupings of system calls in this table. The suspended and asleep-suspended states are entered whenever the suspend system call is invoked for a particular task. 1) The general system calis apply to ali objects uniformly. 2) The first two system calls for each object are the create and delete calls. These calls simply create a new object and initialize its attributes or delete an existing object. AFN-01540A I. j Job and Free Space Management Support for multiprogramming is provided by the job object. A job provides the environment for tasks to execute their programs. All other objects needed for a particular application are contained within the job. 5 Ap·86 Table 1. Nucleus Object Management System Calls System Calls for All Objects O.S. Objects Attributes JOBS Tasks Memory pool Object directory Exception handler TASKS Priority Stack Code State Exception handler SEGMENTS Buffer with length MAILBOXES List of objects CATALOG$OBJECT UNCATALOG$OBJECT LOOKUP$OBJECT ENABLE$DELETION DISABLE$DELETION List of tasks waiting for objects FORCE$DELETE SEMAPHORES r,FT$TYPF Semaphore unit value List of tasks waiting for units REGIONS FR OBJECTS Object-Specific System Calls CREATE$JOB DELETE$JOB SET$POOL$MIN GET$POOL$AnRIB OFFSPRING CREATE$T ASK DELETE$T ASK SUSPEND$TASK RESUME$TASK GET$EXCEPTION$HANDLER SET$EXCEPTION$HANDLER SLEEP GET$TASK$TOKENS GET$PRIORITY SET$PRIORITY CREATE$SEGMENT DELETE$SEGMENT GET$SIZE CREATE$MAILBOX DELETE$MAILBOX SEND$MESSAGE RECEIVE$MESSAGE CREATE$SEMAPHORE Ut:LI:: I C:.}~C:IVIJl-\f""nUnl:. RECEIVE$UNITS SEND$UNITS List of tasks waiting for critical section CREATE$REGION DELETE$REGION RECEIVE$CONTROL ACCEPT$CONTROL SEND$CONTROL License rights to a given extension type New object template CREATE$EXTENSION DELETE$EXTENSION CREATE$COMPOSITE DELETE$COMPOSITE I NSPECT$COM POSITE AL TER$COMPOSITE I A specific attribute of the job is a free memory pool from which blocks can be allocated only by tasks within the job. Also, the job contains an object directory which can be used by tasks to catalog objects under ASCII names so that other tasks, knowing the ASCII name, can look up the object and thereby gain addressability to it. More than one job can co-exist in the computer system. Tasks within jobs can also create children jobs forming a hierarchical tree of jobs (see Figure 4). Each job in the system has its unique set of contained objects, its own memory pool and its own object directory. Figure 4. iRMX 86™ Job Tree Example segment object. The segment is a block of contiguous memory. The attributes of a segment are its base address and size. A task needing memory requests a segment of whatever size it requires. The Nucleus attempts to create a segment from the memory pool given to the task's job when the job was created. Segments A fundamental resource that tasks need is memory. Memory is allocated to tasks in the form of the 6 AFN-01540A Ap·86 If there is not enough memory available, the Nucleus will try to get the needed memory from ancestors of the job. Interrupt Management When an interrupt is sensed by the 8086 hardware, a user interrupt handler is executed. The interrupt handler can either perform all interrupt processing itself without making any iRMX 86 system calls, or it can signal an interrupt task allowing more general interrupt processing including calls to the operating system. Communication and Synchronization In many cases it is necessary for two tasks to communicate in order to exchange data and commands. This is supported through the use of an object known as a mailbox. As its name implies, a mailbox is a holding place for objects. One task can send an object to a mailbox, causing the object to be queued there. Another task can later receive an object from the mailbox and thereby gain access to it (see Figure 5). If a task tries to receive an object from a mailbox and there are no objects there, the task can optionally be made to sleep for a specified time for an object to appear. The operating system maps hardware interrupt priorities into the software priority scheme allowing the designer to specify what software functions are important enough to have some interrupt levels masked off during their execution. Although this mapping should always be kept in mind during design, the mechanics of dealing with interrupt control are handled by the operating system. Error Management One of the central themes in the design of the iRMX 86 operating system has been reliability. The results of these efforts are evident in two particular features of the architecture. Beyond the ease of understanding brought about by the symmetry of the system, the reliability of applications using the iRMX 86 software is increased. The general case (as opposed to checking only for specific combinations of errors) has been designed for. Because of this, an unexpected combination of events or the simultaneous occurrence of interrupts will never catch the system by surprise. Figure 5. Intertask Communication via Mailboxes In the event that errors do occur, the operating system is set to detect them. Virtually all parameters in calls to the operating system are checked for validity. Any inconsistency causes a jump to an error routine to handle the problem. Two types of errors can potentially occur and there are two ways of handling errors. Note that any object can be sent to a mailbox to be received by another task. Typically, the object sent is a segment which is a block of memory and can contain any commands or data. The term message is often used to describe the object during the time it is being sent through a mailbox. The first error type is the programmer error condition which comes about due to some mistake in the coding of a system call. The second type is an environmental condition which arises due to factors out of the control of the engineer (e.g. insufficient memory). Each of these error types can be handled in-line by checking a status code upon return from the call or can cause an error handling subroutine to be called by the system. The system designer can choose the desired method for the system, for a specific job, and even for individual tasks within a job. In those cases where there is a requirement for synchronization between tasks but no data need be sent, a simpler more efficient mechanism exists. The semaphore object provides for the allocation of abstract entities called units. The primary attribute of the semaphore is an integer number. Tasks may send units to a semaphore thereby increasing the integer number or they can request units, thereby decreasing the number. If a task makes a request for more units than are available, it can optionally be made to sleep for a specified amount of time. This mechanism can be used for synchronization, resource allocation and mutual exclusion. AFN-01540A Asynchronous 1/0 Asynchronous I/O system calls are provided to support device independent 1/0 to any device in the 7 Ap·86 system. The type of 1/0 and the type of device are interrelated as shown in Figure 6. Every device driver in the 1/0 system is required to support a standard interface. In this manner, all devices look the same to higher level software. In the same manner, the individual file drivers, which provide the different types of file systems, all have a standard interface and call upon the various device drivers to perform 1/0. These interface standards = Response$mailbox$token RQ$create$ mailbox (0, @status); CALL RQ$A$read(connection$token, buf$ptr, count, response$mailbox$token, @status); IORS$token RQ$receive$message (response$mailbox$token,OFFFFH, @resp$t, @status); {check status} Call RQ$delete$segment(IORS$token, @status); = 1) provide for the device independence in the higher layers of the I/O system 2) make it easier for Intel to add future device drivers as new devices become available and 3) make it possible for iRMX 86 users to add their own drivers for custom 110 devices. Figure 7. Asynchronous 1/0 Call Call RQ$S$read(connection$token,buf$ptr, count, @status); {check status} Figure 8. Synchronous 1/0 Call Two other features provided by the Extended 110 System are logical name support and autobuffering. Logical names allow the application designer to postpone the decision concerning which files to use until 1"11n_til"nt) FQQt)ntll31h, .,11 - n ..."rnon ...... " - nn .... 'hn ..,. •...;++,,- ,,_.l compiled using logical file names and then these logical names can be mapped into real file names at run-time. The use of autobuffering regains much of performance advantage offered by overlapped I/O. When a user task opens a file for input, one or more buffers are automatically created and filled with data from the file. Thus, when the user task makes an I/O request, the data may already be available in memory. A similar case exists for write requests in that the 110 system will buffer data to be written to a device, allowing the user task to continue on. Figure 6. 1/0 System Structure The iRMX 86 I/O system provides both asynchronous and synchronous system calls. The asynchronous 110 calls are faster, provide more flexibility in the selection of options and allow the program making the call to perform other functions while waiting for the 110 operation to complete. Loaders The method by which the 110 system responds to the requestor is through the use of a mailbox. When any call is made to the asynchronous I/O system, one of the parameters indicates a mailbox where the caller expects to receive a segment containing the results of the operation (see Figure 7). The iRMX 86 application loader and bootstrap loader perform a variety of services for the user software. The following is a brief summary of the available features. 1) Systems can be boot loaded from mass storage devices at system reset. This saves not only ROM or EPROM memory, but also reduces field maintenance costs by allowing easy field updates. 2) Users can design their own SYSGEN procedure allowing tailoring of an application system to the individual installation. 3) Infrequently used programs can be brought in from mass storage when needed instead of using system memory unnecessarily. Synchronous 1/0 The alternative to using the asynchronous 110 system is to use synchronous 110 system calls. As shown in Figure 8, the number of options available are fewer and the caller cannot continue execution until the entire 110 operation is completed but from an ease-ofuse standpoint, the situation is much simplified. 8 AFN-01540A AP·86 The Human Interface also contains a set of system utility routines which are used to copy files and disks, format disks, dynamically alter the system configuration and others. File Management There are three types of files supported by the iRMX 86 I/O system, named files, physical files and stream files. Named files are supported on devices possessing mass storage capability. Files in this system have ASCII pathnames and are cataloged in directories. Each device in the system contains a directory tree as shown previously in Figure 1. Access protection is provided through the use of access lists for each file. Each user or group of users in the system can be given different types of access to the file or can be denied access to it. Debugging Subsystem The iRMX 86 Debugging Subsystem allows the designer to interact with the prototype system and isolate and correct program errors. Since the debugger is an object-oriented debugger and is aware of the internal structure of the operating system, it can provide detailed information concerning objects and can monitor mailboxes and semaphores providing a breakpoint facility as well as error detection. For devices that cannot support a named file structure (e.g. printers and terminals) the physical file driver is used. Devices in this category are treated strictly as data going into and/or out of the device. If it is desirable to treat a mass storage device strictly as a large mass of data, it can also be addressed through the physical file driver. Specifically, the iRMX 86 Debugging Subsystem provides six sets of functions: 1) Wake-up upon operator invocation. The operator 2) The third type of file is the stream file. This file type has no correlation with any physical device but rather uses system memory for temporary storage of data. An example of the usage of a stream file is a job that gets its input stream of data from a file. Depending on which time the job is run, this file might be a named file on disk, a terminal, or a stream file being written to by another job (see Figure 9). RUN 1 ~ INPUT 3) 4) 5) ~ OUTPUT ~ ~~ RUN 2 ...........-1 INPUT 6) ~ OUTPUT ~ LJ~ TERMINAL Configuration and Initialization RUN3 Once the application is designed and coded, the engineer needs a mechanism to inform the operating system of the software and hardware configuration. Essentially, this involves building tables of information using tools provided with the iRMX 86 product. Figure 9. Stream File Example As shown earlier in Figure 4, the jobs in an iRMX 86 system form a hierarchical tree. The root in every job tree is known as the root job and is supplied as part of the iRMX 86 system. There are three important features of this job. Human Interface Subsystem The highest level of support provided by the iRMX 86 Operating System is the Human Interface Subsystem. This piece of software provides two basic services. Programs can be invoked by typing the program name at the system console. The Human Interface will load the given program into memory, set it up as a job and start it running. The invoked program can then call upon the Human Interface routines to determine what parameters were passed to it as part of the operator input. AFN-01540A types a control-D key to cause the debugger to wakeup. View system lists. The debugger can view lists of objects either globally or specifically for a given job. Also, lists of objects and tasks queued at mailboxes and semaphores can be seen. Inspect objects. A detailed report on any object can be requested showing the current state of all relevant attributes. Inspect and modify memory. Breakpoint control. Any number of breakpoints can be set causing a single task to break on either execution of particular instructions or sends and receives of messages or units. Error handling. The debugger can be set up to be the system default error handler thus catching system exceptions. 1) The root job has an object directory for cataloging and looking up objects. The special feature of this directory is that is is accessible by all tasks in the system since everyone can address the root job. For this reason the root object directory is useful for setting up inter-job communication paths. 9 AP·86 2) The root job initially contains all free space in the system. Part of the system initialization code performs a memory scan to automatically determine the amount of free RAM in the system. This memory is put into the free space pool of the root job and parceled out as user jobs are created. 3) The root job contains only one task, the root task. This task scans the configuration tables generated by the user and creates the user-specified jobs. FILE SHARING NODE Examples of configuration, initialization and the LINK 86 and LOC 86 operations needed to generate a system will be presented in the Code Examples section. Figure 10. Block Diagram of Example System 1 workstation shown is an intelligent terminal having local data and program storage. The stations all use the File Sharing Node (FSN) for storage and retrieval of records in much the same way as the secretaries in an office would make use of a filing cabinet. The FSN main tains the files on a fixed disk device and responds to requests from the workstations for access to the data. The design to follow concentrates on the File Sharing Node. DESIGN METHODOLOGY This section describes the design process involved in using the iRMX 86 system to solve application problems and presents two example solutions. System design with the iRMX 86 Operating System should be viewed as a process starting with the highest level definition of system requirements and successively adding more detail until the end product is program code. This description sounds very much like the description of top-down design and, of course, it Ol.lUU1U. .11il8 me U100010GY OIlers not oruy qwcker designs, fewer design flaws and easier implementation, but also easier maintenance and enhancement. System Requirements Each intelligent terminal in the network has command proceSSIng sottware. When a fHe reference is made that cannot be satisfied by the local file system, a request is made to the File Sharing Node. This request consists of a log-on request followed by a string of 110 requests and ultimately a log-off request. In general, every iRMX 86 design progresses through the following steps: The number of intelligent terminals (workstations) hooked up to the FSN varies from installation to installation. Therefore, the FSN must be capable of handling many simultaneous requests and no assumptions can be made about the maximum number of workstations or requests that may need to be handled. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Define system requirements. Breakdown into highest level sub-functions (jobs). Define job functions. Determine inter-job command and data flow. Break down each job into sub-functions. Based upon requirements, assign tasks to perform job functions. 7) Determine inter-task command and data flow. 8) Write program code for each task. Each node in the network has a unique address. A packet is sent onto the network by one node and the address field is examined by all other nodes. If this field does not match the node's address the packet is ignored. If a match is found the packet is retrieved from the network. Step 8 becomes the design process associated with the application programs themselves. The code for each task is essentially a sequential program that performs one of the functions of the computer system. Standard techniques for top-down design can therefore be used here to specify each module and its inputs and outputs as well as global and local data structures etc. The end product of this procedure is a modularized application system that should be easy to debug. Hardware Requirements The three main hardware building blocks needed by this application are shown in Figure 11. The iSBC 86/12A Single Board Computer will communicate with the iSBC 544 Intelligent Communications Controller to establish and maintain communications with the network. The Intel8085A on the iSBC 544 board will perform all of the address recognition, acknowledgements, packet retrieval and packet transmittal. The iSBC 206 Hard Disk Controller will be used to APPLICATION EXAMPLE 1 The first example presented here is based on the distributed local network diagrammed in Figure 10. Each 10 AFN-01540A Ap·86 create, maintain and access the data fUes which are at the heart of this application. COMMUNiCATiONS JOB FILE TRANSACTION JOB • iSBC 544™ INPUT INTERRUPT SERVICE • RETRIEVE INPUT REQUEST PACKETS FOR SERVICING • iSBC 544™ OUTPUT INTERRUPT SERVICE • DETERMINE WORKSTATION STATUS • SERVICE OUTPUT REQUEST MAILBOX • SERVICE TRANSACTION REQUESTS • QUEUE PACKETS OF INPUT DATA • PERFORM LOG-ON AND LOG-OFF AT INPUT MAILBOX FUNCTIONS • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT GENERATION • BUILD AND SEND RESPONSE MESSAGES Figure 12. Function Split-up The communication between the file transaction job and the communication job must fulfill two basic needs. The communication job will receive interrupts when packets addressed to the FSN are received. In order to remain attentive to new requests coming in, the communications job should have the capability to "spool" the requests off to the file transaction job. This buffering can be provided by using the mailbox object. Segments can be created to contain the packet request data and can then be sent to a mailbox where the file transaction job can receive and process them. When the file transaction job must send a packet to a workstation, the requirement is seen for another queue of requests. Since the communications board can only put one packet at a time on the network, a mailbox should be provided to allow tasks in the file transaction job to send output request segments into the queue and then continue on (see Figure 13). Figure 11. Hardware Block Diagram System Design The first step in the system design process is the breakdown of the system functions into one or several jobs. The reasons for doing this are system modularity and protection. With this type of design, each job can be designed separately, perhaps even by a different engineer or engineering team. The input and output requirements will be specified very tightly and the job will take on the appearance of a black box to other jobs in the system. If the job is enhanced or modified at a later date, the rest of the system can be left undisturbed providing that the input and output response remains the same. ", ...... I I \ .... ----- ....... -, ~----, ..... " \ WORKER TASK , "- , ..... ...... _---- COMMUNICATIONS JOB The job object in the iRMX 86 operating system also affords a degree of software protection for the tasks and other objects contained within the job. Each job has a separate memory pool, a separate object directory and a separate identification to the I/O system. -,' I .. ' '" ,- I FILE TRANSACTION JOB Figure 13. Output Maiibox Queue Since tasks in both the file transaction job and the communications job must have access to these input and output mailboxes, some means must be set up to ''broadcast'' the identifier for these objects. The two primary groupings of functions in this application are those related to the network communications and those related to processing the file transaction request. A list of a possible split-up of system functions is shown in Figure 12. AFN-01540A --------- ..... ,- '" In the iRMX 86 system, each object has associated with it a 16-bit number called a token. Whenever an object is referenced in an operating system call, the 11 Ap·86 1) Retrieve input requests from the mailbox set up by the communication job. 2) Determine state of specified workstation (for example, is it logged on?). 3) Perform 1/0 operation or log-on or log-off. 4) Build and send response to the workstation. token for the object is used. For example, assume that a segment must be sent to a mailbox. The segment and mailbox each have a token and these tokens are passed to the operating system as parameters in the send$message system call. There are three major ways to get the token for an object. The first way is to create an object. Whenever the operating system is called to create a new object, the value returned from the procedure call is the token for the new object. The second way to receive a token is through the receive message system call where an object is received from the queue at a mailbox where it was sent by another task. Recall from the discussion of system requirements that the number of nearly simultaneous requests that may be received by the FSN is not known. For this reason, some mechanism must be provided to allow parallel processing of many requests. This should prove feasible since the performance of step 3 will involve many delays while waiting for the operating system to perform I/O operations. The third major mechanism for the receipt of a token is provided by the object directory concept. As mentioned previously, each job in the system has an object directory. One straightforward way to provide for parallel processing is to create a task for each workstation that logs on. In this manner, each I/O request will be handled by a unique task. Through the use of the iRMX 86 scheduler, maximum CPU utilization will be gained by allowing each task to individually compete for CPU time. These "worker" tasks fulfill function 3 and 4 for the file transaction job. If a task in a job has the token for an object and wishes to let other tasks in other jobs have access to the object, the task can "catalog" the object in the object directory. The catalog$object system call takes the token for an object and an ASCII name as parameters and creates an entrv in thp ohiPf't. r1irpf't.orv If j:ln()th~r task knows the ASCII name for an object, it can obtain the token by performing a lookup$object call. task will wait at the input mailbox set up by the communications job. When a packet is received that requests a log-on operation, the "listener" task will create a new "worker" task to handle the request. Figure 15 shows a picture of the design. The object directory mechanism will be used in this example to allow the communications job to ''broadcast" the tokens for the input and output mailboxes. The jobs for this application are shown in Figure 14. Figure 15. Diagram of Design of File Transaction Job Figure 14. Job Structure The string of transaction requests that follow will simply be demultiplexed by the listener task. The workstation ID will be searched for and, if found, the packet will be sent to the appropriate worker task. If a request comes in from a station that is not logged on, an error response is sent directly to the communications output mailbox for transmittal to the station that made the request. The next step of the design methodology calls for each job to be further divided into sub-functions. In this application note, only the file transaction job is studied. In time sequence, the file transaction job will: 12 AFN-01540A Ap·86 listener task or one of the worker tasks needs to transmit a packet to a workstation, a segment is sent to the output request mailbox of the communication job. If the request packet indicates that a station desires to log-off, the listener task will delete all local reference to the station and pass the packet along. The listener task cannot simply delete the worker since the worker may be in the process of servicing a previous liO request. In general, it is never a good idea to arbitrarily delete another task. A better protocol is to pass along the message signaling the worker task to delete itself when convenient. The final step in the design methodology is to write program code for the tasks in the system. This step is performed in the Code Examples section. APPLICATION EXAMPLE 2 An investigation of the intertask communications needs highlights the requirement for passing data between tasks. The interjob communications protocol discussed earlier specified that the listener task will receive input request segments from the communications job via a mailbox. This example will deal with the design of a custom device driver for the iRMX 86 operating system. As shown in Figure 6, a device driver accepts high-level commands from the file drivers (such as read, write, seek, etc.) and transforms these commands into 1/0 port read and write commands in order to communicate with the device itself. By studying the construction of a driver for the iSBC 534 Serial Communication Expansion Board, a better understanding of the iRMX 86 I/O system will be gained along with an example of the use of nucleus facilities to construct a higher-level software function. Within these segments are fields containing the workstation ID and the command. Based upon these fields one of two things happens. If the command indicates that the station wishes to log on, a new worker task must be created to process the I/O requests that will follow. Overview of Device Driver Construction The code executed by all worker tasks will be identical since they all perform identical functions. However, some unique pieces of information must be passed to a new worker task. This can be accomplished by having the worker task first wait at a "log on" mailbox. Here it will receive a segment from the listener task which contains the necessary information (see Figure 16). Each I/O device consists of a controller and one or more units. A device as a whole is identified by a device number. Units are identified by unit number and device-unit number. The unit number identifies the unit within the device and the device-unit number identifies the unit among all the units on all of the devices. WORKER A device driver must be provided for every device in the hardware configuration. That device driver must handle the I/O requests for all of the units on the device. Different devices can use different device drivers; or if they are the same kind of device, they can use the same device driver code. TASK LISTENER TASK SERVICE MAILBOX TOKEN RESPONSE MAILBOX TOKEN WORKSTATION 10 -- At its highest level, a device driver consists of four procedures which are called directly by the I/O System. These procedures can be identified according to purpose, as follows: SEGME NT FOR MAT Initialize I/O Finish IiO QueuellO Cancel lIO Figure 16. Communications Between Listener Task and a Newly Created Worker Task After this initialization is complete, the workstation requests that are received by the listener task can be sent to the service mailbox associated with the workstation. The token for the service mailbox is one of the pieces of information contained in the log on segment. \Vhen a USer makeS an I/O System call to manipulate a device, the lIO System ultimately calls one or more of these procedures, which operate in conjunction with an interrupt handler to coordinate the actual lIO transfers. This section provides a general description of each of these procedures, and the interrupt handler. The last communication path needed is predefined by the interjob communication protocol. When either the AFN-01540A 13 Ap·86 QUEUE 1/0 1) In order to start I/O processing, the user must make an 110 request. This can be done by making a variety of system calls. However, the first 110 request to each device-unit must be the RQ$A$PHYSICAL$ ATrACH$DEVICE system call. 2) The I/O System checks to see if the 110 request results from the first RQ$A$PHYSICAL$ATTACH $DEVICE system call for the device (the first unit attached in a device). If it is, the 110 System realizes that the device has not been initialized and calls the initialize 110 procedure first, before queueing the request. 3) Whether or not the 110 System called the initialize 110 procedure, it calls the queue 1/0 procedure to queue the request for execution. 4) The 110 System checks to see if the request just queued resulted from the last RQ$A$PHYSICAL$ DETACH$DEVICE system call for the device (detaching the last unit of a device). If so, the 1/0 System calls the finish 110 procedure to do any final processing on the device and clean up objects used by the device driver routines. This procedure places 110 requests on a queue, so that they can start when the appropriate unit becomes available. If the device is not busy, the queue$IO The I/O System calls the fourth device driver INITIALIZE 1/0 This procedure creates all of the iRMX 86 objects needed by the remainder of the routines in the device driver. It typically creates an interrupt task and a segment to store data local to the device. It also performs device initialization, if any such is necessary. The 110 System calls this routine just prior to the first attach of a unit on the device (the first RQ$A$PHYSICAL $ATrACH$DEVICE system call). The time sequence of calls to these procedures will be described a little later. FINISH 1/0 The 110 System calls this procedure after all units of the device have been detached (the last RQ$A$ PHYSICAL$DETACH$DEVICE system call). The finish$IO procedure performs any necessary final processing on the device and deletes all of the objects used by the device handler, including the interrupt task and the device-local data segment. pJ.U\;tUUlt ot..d..1~ LIlt J1 , p_ v reque~L. ...... u.u~ ... , " .... " " " .......... ,,\J... ... ....i V ,P'" v\...I;;:UU.l.I;;:, utlutJ. ... ....lit following conditions: CANCEL 1/0 • This procedure cancels a previously queued 110 request. Unless the device is such that a request can take an indefinite amount of time to process (such as keyboard input from a terminal), this procedure can perform a null operation. • INTERRUPT HANDLERS AND INTERRUPT TASKS If the user makes an RQ$A$PHYSICAL$ DETACH$DEVICE system call specifying the hard detach option, in order to forcibly detach the connection objects associated with a deviceunit. If a job containing the task which made the request is deleted. Each procedure will now be discussed in more detail. The initialize $10 procedure takes three parameters: After a device finishes processing an 1/0 request, it sends an interrupt to the iRMX 86 system. As a consequence, the interrupt handler for the device is called. This handler either processes the interrupt itself or signals an interrupt task to process the interrupt. Since an interrupt handler is limited in the types of system calls that it can make, an interrupt task usually services the interrupt. The interrupt task feeds the results of the interrupt back to the application software (data from a read operation, status from other types of operations). It then gets the next 110 request from the queue and starts the device processing this request. This cycle continues until the device is detached. The interrupt task is normally created by the initialize 110 procedure. init$io: Procedure (duib$p, ret$data$t$p, status $p) The duib$p parameter contains a pointer to a device unit information block (DUIB) which is the configuration table for the device in question. The structure of this table is shown in Figure 17. Note that this table contains pointers to device and unit information tables which can contain hardware specific information (such as 110 base addresses, interrupt levels etc.). The second parameter is a pointer to a word which can be assigned the value of a token for an iRMX 86 object. Quite often this object would be a segment which could be created by the init$io procedure and filled with information needed by the other procedures in the driver. The token for this segment will be provided to the other procedures when they are called. The 110 System calls each one of the four device driver procedures in response to specific conditions. Three of the procedures are called under the following conditions. 14 AFN-01540A Ap·86 I NAME (14) I STATUS I F!LE DR!VERS I I UNIT STATUS FUNCTIONS DEVICE DEVICE GRANULARITY UNIT DEVICE SIZE FUNCTION DEVICE SUBFUNCTION f----- UNIT DEVICE LOCATION DEVICE UNIT BUFFER POINTER INITSIO COUNT QUEUE$IO AUXILLIARY POINTER CANCEL$IO LINK FORWARD FINISH$IO LINK BACKWARD DEVICE INFORMATION POINTER UNIT INFORMATION POINTER Figure 18. 1/0 Request Segment Format Figure 17. DUIB Format The final argument in the call is a pointer to a status word. This word should be assigned by the init$io procedure before a RETURN is executed. If a non-zero value is returned indicating an error condition, the I/O System assumes that init$io has deleted any objects created before the error was encountered. created by the init$io procedure. The final device driver procedure is cancel$io. This procedure is called by the 1/0 System to cancel a previous 1/0 request. If the device is of such a nature that a request will complete in a bounded amount of time, this procedure can be a null procedure. The parameters to the call are identical to those for the queue$io call. The finish$io procedure is called by the I/O System just after the last detach$device call is made on the device. This procedure is expected to delete any objects created by the init$io procedure and shut down the connected device. In addition to the elementary support discussed here, the I/O System provides extra support to the designer of a device driver if some simplifying assumptions about the device can be made. Also, if the device supports random access (such as disks, magnetic bubbles, etc.), support routines can be used to simplify the process of blocking and deblocking I/O requests. More detail on the process of writing I/O drivers can be found in the manual titled "A Guide to Writing Device Drivers for the iRMX 86 I/O System." finish$io: Procedure (duib$p, ret$data$t); Once again, the first parameter to the call is a pointer to a DUIB. The second parameter is the token returned by the init$io procedure. The queue$io procedure is called to initiate an I/O request. Design of an iSBC 534™ Device Driver queue$io: Procedure (IORS$t,duib$p, ret$data$t) The following section will discuss an example device driver for the iRMX 86 Operating System. The driver will be for the iSBC 534 board which contains four 8251 US ART devices; therefore, there is one device and four units on the device. The specifics of the request are indicated in an I/O request segment (IORS) which is provided by the first parameter. The format of this segment is shown in Figure 18. The most important fields here are the count, function, status and buffer pointer fields which tell the queue$io procedure what needs to be done. The second and third parameters are once again the pointer to the DUIB and the token for the object AFN-01540A The init$io procedure for this driver initializes the hardware, creates an interrupt task, creates other necessary objects and creates a segment to contain the relevant information. 15 Ap·86 The structure of the queue$io procedure is more complex. When calls are made to this procedure to perform data reading and writing, the actual operation could be somewhat lengthy (especially an input operation). Since the queue$io procedure is called by the I/O system, it is not efficient to perform the entire operation before control is returned to the 1/0 system. available, the USART is not ready and the task will be put in the asleep state until the interrupt occurs and the unit is sent. CODE EXAMPLES This chaper will present and analyze some sample code for the iRMX 86 applications presented in Chapter 4. The code listings are contained in Appendix A and the individual modules are numbered sequentially. When a specific line or sequence of lines of code must be pointed out in the text, a two part number is used where the first part is the module number and the second is the compiler-assigned line number. For example, 3.27 would be used to point out line 27 in module 3. A more efficient mechanism is to have an independent task take the request and fulfill it while the queue$io procedure returns to the I/O system allowing other operations to be started in parallel. This leads to the structure diagrammed in Figure 19. When a read or a write request is received, the I/O request segment is sent to the request mailbox where it is received by an I/O handler task. When the request is complete, the I/O task sends the segment to the response mailbox indica ted in the segment. A standard set of suffixes to labels will be followed in the code to follow. A PL/M-86 WORD variable that will contain the token for an iRMX 86 object will have the suffix "$t." A POINTER variable will be followed by "$p" and a structure used to overlay a POINTER allowing access to the base and offset will be followed by "$p$o.~' I i~tp.nAr Task The first module to be studied contains the code for the listener task. The various include statements bring in literal declarations and external procedure declarations. The file NUCPRM.EXT is on the iRMX 86 diskette and contains the external declarations for all iRMX 86 nucleus system calls. Figure 19. Queue$io Procedure Interface to 1/0 Tasks Line 1.323 contains all of the declarations for the module. The literal req$segment$struc is used to access the fields of a segment returned from the communications job. The format of a request packet from a workstation is shown in Figure 20. The literal node is used to access the information in a segment used as a workstation descriptor in a list maintained by the listener task. The format of a node in this list is shown in Figure 21. The structure at the end of the declaration statement is used to individually access the two halves of a 32-bit PL/M-86 POINTER. The remaining design of the device driver is concerned with interrupt handling. The iSBC 534 board contains four 8251 USART devices. Each device supplies two interrupts; one indicating that the receiver has a data character available and the other indicating that the transmitter is ready to accept a character. Each of these interrupts (8 in all) are connected to one of the 8259 Interrupt Controllers on the board. The software on the iSBC 86/12A board must read a register in the 8259 controller to determine which of the eight sources caused the current interrupt. This information must then be fed to the I/O task which may be waiting for the event. Note in line 1.330 that the task is coded as a public procedure having no parameters. A main procedure should never be used for a task's code since the preamble for a main procedure sets the stack pointer. One way to meet this requirement uses an interrupt task for the iSBC 534 board. The task receives the interrupt, determines which device caused it, and sends a unit to a semaphore to indicate the occurrence of the event. Thus, when an I/O task wishes to be informed of a receiver or transmitter interrupt, it simply tries to receive a unit from the appropriate semaphore. If a unit is available, the receiver has a character or the transmitter is ready. If the unit is not The mailbox to be used for sending a newly created worker task an information segment is called the log$on$info$mbox. This mailbox is created in line 1.331. Lines 1.332-1.334 perform the operation of finding the tokens for the communication job's input and output request mailboxes in the object directory of 16 AFN·01540A Ap·86 FUNCTION COUNT ACTUAL EXCEPTION CODE WORKSTATION 10 COMMAND SHARE MODE STATUS FILE NAME (64) BUFFER (128) Figure 20. Request Packet Format LI N""FO K RW A RD LINK BACKWARD Figure 22. Workstation Descriptor List Structure WORKSTATION 10 SERVICE MAILBOX task that will handle I/O requests from this workstation is created in line 1.351. Note the use of the structure data$seg$p$o, which is declared at the same address as the POINTER data$seg$p. The POINTER is initialized to equal the beginning of the data segment of the worker task module (1.323) and then the base portion is used as a parameter in the create task call. WORKER TASK TOKEN RESPONSE MAILBOX Figure 21. Workstation Descriptor Format the root job. The token for the root job is obtained by the system call in 1.332. Once the worker task is created, it will wait at the log$on$info$mbox for a segment giving it its initialization information. The segment is sent in line 1.352 and received back as an acknowledgement in line 1.353. At this point, the segment is inserted on the list of active workstation descriptors by the call in line 1.354. Finally the request packet itself is sent to the worker task via the service mailbox for the new worker. Whenever a workstation logs on, various actions are taken by the listener task. One of these actions involves adding a descriptor for the workstation to a list so that the state of the workstation can be maintained by the listener task. The list structure is shown in Figure 22. Statements 1.336-1.340 create the root of this list and initialize the list to an empty state. If a log off request is received, lines 1.358 to 1.366 are executed. First, the active workstation list is searched for the ID of the requesting station. If the station is not found to be logged on, the status field is set and the request segment is sent to the workstation through the communications job. If the station is logged on, the descriptor is deleted from the list, the packet is sent along to the worker task, and the descriptor is deleted. Line 1.340 marks the beginning of an infinite loop. Most often a task executes a procedure which performs some initialization and then enters an endless loop performing the necessary processing. The literal "forever" translates into "while 1." A packet is received from the input mailbox by the call in line 1.341. The command field of the message is checked in line 1.343. If the command indicates that a log on request is being made, lines 1.345-1.356 are executed. A log on information segment is created in line 1.345. A mailbox is created to handle further request packets and another is created to be used by the worker task as a response mailbox. The worker AFN-01540A If the command is anything but log on or log off, lines 1.368-~.376 are executed. Once again the station ID is checked to see if it is logged on. If not, an error message is returned. If the station is logged on, the request packet is sent along to the worker task. 17 Ap·86 Dele te$from$lis t (4.27-4.35) unlinks the indicated node from the list it belongs to. Search$list (4.36-4.46) searches a list for the workstation ID given. If the ID is not found, a zero is returned. If the ID is found, the token for that node is returned. WORKER TASK The code for the worker task is shown in module 2. Upon creation of a new worker task, a segment is received at the log$on$info$mbox (2.242). The data in this segment is copied into local variables and the segment is returned (2.247). At this point an overview of the configuration process is needed. A more detailed coverage of the process of configuring an iRMX 86 system is provided in the manual entitled "iRMX 86 Configuration Guide for ISIS-II Users." The initialization task for this job has already created a user object for this job and has also set up a prefix which points to the root directory for the disk device. These tokens have been cataloged in the root object directory. The worker task obtains these tokens through the sequence of calls 2.248-2.250. For each iRMX 86 application, the following steps must be performed. The worker task now enters an infinite loop servicing the workstation it is assigned to. The specific action to be taken by the worker is determined by inspecting the cmd field of the request message. 1) Program code for each task in the system must be written and compiled or assembled. 2) A memory map for the software must be drawn up. 3) The system software must be linked and located. 4) The application jobs must be linked and located. 5) Tables of configuration data must be drawn up. 6) The tabular data from step 5 must be formatted into a memory data block through the use of a set of ASM-86 macros provided with the iRMX 86 product. 7) The root job must be linked and located. If the command is a log on, the code from 2.256-2.263 is executed. The file name specified in the request segment is attached and opened and thereby made ready for subsequent I/O requests. After this, an acknowledgement is sent back to the workstation via the output$request$mailbox (2.263). If a log off command is received, the file is closed and detached, the service and response mailboxes are deleted, a response is sent to the workstation and the worker task is deleted. The code executed by the root task is part of the iRMX 86 system code. This task is initially the only task in the system. The root task will access the data block constructed by the ASM -86 macros and will create the user jobs specified by the macros. The data for the configuration process for example 1 is shown in AppendixB. If the command is either a read or write command, the operation is performed by calling the 1/0 system. When the response is received, an acknowledgement is sent to the workstation. Note that the task would normally perform more processing. In this example its duties have been kept simple. The first page diagrams the memory map for the example. The iterative link and locate process to put these pieces together begins on the second page. The LINK86 and LOC86 commands shown place the iRMX/86 nucleus into memory. The LOCATE map indicates that the last memory location used by the nucleus was 077DFH. Therefore, the next contiguous piece, the I/O system, is located at 077EOH. POINTERIZE PROCEDURE The ASM-86 code for the pointerize support routine is shown in Module 3. The token for a segment is the base portion of a 32-bit POINTER to the memory. In order to access the data in a segment, this 16-bit token must be loaded into the base part of a POINTER while the offset portion of the POINTER is set to zero. The base and offset values are returned in the ES and BX regusters as specified by the PL/M-86 calling conventions. This is the operation performed by the pointerize routine. This process is repeated for the remainder of the jobs in the system. When the link and locate process is complete, the information for the ASM-86 macros must be brought together. Worksheets are provided in the iRMX 86 configuration guide to simplify this process. LIST MANIPULATION ROUTINES Lines 4.1-4.4 7 provide three subroutines used by the tasks in this system to manipulate the list of workstation descriptors. Insert$on$list (4.15-4.26) inserts the indicated node at the head of the list whose root is given as the first parameter. The filled-out worksheets for the macros are shown in the appendix. A configuration file is constructed using 18 I~ l:"IJ.(1' 540A Ap·86 the editor and the worksheet information is entered into this file. When the file is complete, the configuration table is created by assembling the file CTABLE. A86. This file accesses the configuration file built earlier. pending) and the maximum value is one. Since the nature of the 8251 USART device does not support buffering, when a new character overruns the previous character before the interrupt can be serviced, the data is lost. Therefore, there is no need to indicate the occurrence of multiple interrupts pending on the same device. The configuration tables are then linked and located together with the code for the root task and the system generation process is complete. The call at line 5.345 initializes the programmable devices on the iSBC 534 board. If execution has proceeded to line 5.346, the initialization is complete and a zero status is returned. If an error occurred at any point, the code in lines 5.348-5.356 will clean up the partial initializa tion. EXAMPLE 2 INIT$IO AND FINISH$IO The start$and$finish module (5.1-5.371) contains the code for the init$534$io and finish$534$io procedures. The init$534$io procedure creates a segment, shown in Figure 23, which is used to hold the various pieces of information needed by the other driver procedures (5.323). The discussion of this procedure in Chapter 4 pointed out that any errors encountered in the initialization are indicated by the non-zero status and that the assumption is made that any partial creations must be cleaned up by the init$io procedure. This assumption is carried out by the check at line 5.324 (and the others at 5.331,5,335,5.339 and 5.342). INTERRUPT LEVEL The finish$534$io procedure (5.358-5.370) undoes the work of the init$534$io procedure. The segment, mailbox, interrupt task and semaphores are all deleted. The queue$534$io procedure is shown in lines 6.16.382. In line 6.322 the function field of the I/O request segment is checked to see if it is within bounds. If it is not, a bad status code is returned. If the function is valid, a do case block is executed using the function code as the index. If a read request is encountered, the auxiliary pointer is set to point to the ret$data structure (initialized earlier by the init$534$io procedure). In line 6.327 the segment is then sent to the request mailbox to be received and processed by an I/O processor task. In lines 6.330-6.334 the same action is taken with write requests. I 1/0 BASE ADDRESS INTERRUPT PENDING SEMAPHORE (8) INTERRUPT TASK TOKEN REQUEST MAILBOX TOKEN Since this driver does not support seeking and special functions, the code for these two cases simply returns an error condition. USARTCOM· MAND PORT(4) USART DATA PORT (4) TIMER COM· MAND PORT (4) TIMER LOAD PORT (4) In the case of an attach$device call, the code in lines 6.341-6.361 is executed. First, two I/O processing tasks are created. All of these tasks execute identical code and each task is capable of servicing a read or a write request on any 8251. Two tasks are created for each 8251 device so that the peak load can always be handled (that is, all receivers and transmitters going simultaneously). Lines 6.346-6.357 perforni the initialization of the 8251 USART and the baud rate generators for this channel. The calls in line 6.358 and 6.359 accept. an interrupt and a character from the semaphore associated with the receiver just initialized. This is done to clear off an interrupt generated by the 8251 whenever it is initialized. TIMER COM· MAND(4) Figure 23. init$S34$io Segment Format The device information contained in the device unit information block for this device is retrieved in line 5.328-5.329. A mailbox to be used for sending I/O request segments to the I/O handler tasks is created in line 5.330. The interrupt task for this job is created by the call in line 5.337. The do loop starting at line 5.340 is executed to create eight semaphores to be used by the interrupt task to indicate the occurrence of an interrupt. Note that the initial value of the semaphore is zero (no interrupt AFN-01540A In the case of a detach$device call, the code in lines 6.363-6.367 sends the I/O request segment to the 19 Ap·86 request mailbox twice. This is done to signal. two of the I/O handler tasks to delete themselves. As discussed earlier in the attach$device section, none of the I/O handler tasks is any different from any of the others. There are two created for each 8251 device which is attached. The protocol set up for their deletion is shown here. When an I/O handler task receives a segment of type "detach$device" it will send the segment to the response mailbox and then delete itself. The last request which is recognized by the I/O task is for a write operation. The code for this request is almost identical to the code for a read request. An interrupt from the transmitter is awaited, a character is output and the counts are updated in lines 8.3418.346. Once the request is fulfilled, the message is sent to the response exchange in line 8.350. The code for the open and close requests is the same. Both cases are supported but are NOPs since no specific action needs to be taken by the driver. The configuration of this system is studied next. The code for the iSBC 534 driver is linked directly to the rest of the I/O system libraries. The entry point addresses for the queue$534$io, cancel$534$io, init$ 534$io, and {inish$534$io procedures are declared in the IOCNFG.A86 file on the I/O system disk. This file also contains the device unit information block (DUIB) structures for the four units on the iSBC 534 board. The unique information for the iSBC 534 device and the units on the device is contained in the device and unit information tables. Pointers to these tables are contained in the DUIB structures. All of this information is shown in Figure 24. Lines 6.379-6.382 contain the code for the cancel$ 534$io procedure. As discussed earlier, this procedure is simply a placeholder and serves no particular purpose. INTERRUPT CONTROL MODULE The interrupt handler and interrupt task are shown in lines 7.1-7.329. The interrupt task is the first piece executed. It is created by the init$534$io procedure. It calls RQ$set$interrupt in line 7.325 to indicate to the iRMX 86 nucleus that it is an interrupt task. The submit file used to build an I/O system using the . nT"l"'" ,.,. n.. ........... ~v uU:&. ,. \A.Jt...a."~.&. • .&.trJ. ~ ":>.I..LU".i.l , .L.a..!. .I..'.1.f)U.1.C ~tJ. ~.1Jt:: lilt: DRV534.LIB contains the object files generated by PL/M-86 and ASM-86 from the source code shown in modules 5-9. Once the initialization is complete, the task enters an infinite loop. The call to RQ$wait$interrupt in line 7.322 causes the task to be put into the asleep state until an interrupt occurrence is signaled. The task will be returned to the READY state when an interrupt occurs, the interrupt handler is started, and the call to RQ$signal$interrupt is executed at line 7.312. The current interrupt level is then determined by polling the 8259 chip on the iSBC 534 board. Using the encoded level number, a unit is sent to the appropriate semaphore to indicate that an interrupt is pending. SUMMARY This application note is an introduction to the iRMX 86 Operating System. The requirements of operating systems were studied along with traditional solutions. Following this, the iRMX 86 Operating System was introduced and its correlation with the requirements was studied. 1/0 TASK The final procedure that makes up this driver contains the code for the tasks that perform the actual I/O to the iSBC 534 board. The loop executed by each task starts by waiting at the request mailbox for an 1/0 request segment. When the segment is sent by the queue$534$IO procedure, its function code is checked (line 8.327, 8.332, 8.340). If the function is {$ detach$device, the task sends the segment to the response mailbox and then deletes itself. Later in the application note, the topic of system design was covered. Example solutions were studied to solidify a methodology for solving application problems and then the code for these solutions was discussed to gain insight into the details of implementing iRMX 86 systems. The purpose of a configurable, real-time, multipurpose operating system is to provide a solid foundation for application software. The iRMX 86 system provides this foundation, giving the software engineer a means to quickly and easily implement new designs. In addition, the iRMX 86 architecture is the bridge to future technology providing the designer with an upgrade path to future hardware and software products. If the request was for a read, the task fills the buffer with input data. The call at line 8.334 waits for a unit at the semaphore which will indicate a receiver ready on the input line. When the unit is sent by the interrupt task, the character is read in, the pointers and counts are updated, and another unit is requested. 20 AFN-01540A Ap·86 extrn extrn extrn extrn init534io: near queue534io: near cance1534io: near finish534io: near , ; Duib(8): iSBC 534, unit , define duib < & 'i534.1', name (14) & & & & 03H, 00033H, supp$opt file drivers granularity device size 0, 0, (I, 3, 1, & & & fi, & & & & & & init534io, finish534io, gueue534io, cance1534io, dev 534 info, unit 534 1 info device unit device unit init$io finishSio queueS io cancel$io device info uni t info &> ; 534 device info dev 534 info , dw db db 48H 61 040H level priority base address unit info: iSBC 534.0 unit 534 0 info db dw 4EH 8 usart$cmd ba ud rate unit info: iSBC 534.1 unit 534 1 info db dw , 8 usart$cmd baud rate unit info: iSBC 534.2 unit 534 2 info db dw , 4EH 4EH 8 usart$cmd baud rate unit info: iSBC 534.3 unit 534 3 info db dw 4EH 8 usartScmd baud rate Figure 24.IOCNFG A8S File Entries for iSBC 534™ Driver ios(date,origin) Sample I/O System .csd file to link and locate an I/O System. This file links an I/O System with the timer included. This .csd file assumes the I/O System configuration module is iocnfg.a86 (found on the release diskette). , The origin parameter sets the low address of the I/O System; all the segments are contiguous in memory. asm86 :fl:iocnfg.a86 date(%0) print(:f5:iocnfg.lst) link86 & :fl:ios.lib(ioinit), & :fl:iocnfg.obj, & :f 1: ios.l ib, & :fl:drv534.1ib, & :f4:rpifc.lib & I..U :fl:ios.lnk map print(:fl:ios.mpl) loc86 :fl:ios.lnk to :fl:ios map sc(3) print(:fl:ios.mp2) oc(noli,nopl,nocm,nosb) & order(classes(code,data,stack,memory)) & addresses(classes(code(%l))) & segsize(stack(0)) & Figure 25. Submit File for Generating an 1/0 System with the iSBC 534™ Driver AFN-01540A 21 Ap·86 22 APPENDIX A .................................... 25 APPENDIX B .................................... 51 23 Ap·86 24 APPENDIXA Code Listings 25 Ap·86 26 Ap·86 Module 1 ISIS-II PL/M-86 V2.0 COMPILATION OF MODULE LISTENERMODULE OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN :Fl:1isten.OBJ COMPILER INVOKED BY: plm86 :Fl:1isten.plm PRINT(:Fl:LISTEN.LST) DEBUG COMPACT OPTIMIZE(3) ROM DATE(5/28/8e listener$module: do; 1 /************************************************************************ LISTENER: TASK. This task creates segments, sends them to the input service job to be filled with input packet info. Upon response the info is checked to see what action needs to be taken. If a log$on request is sensed, a worker task, service mailbox, and response mailbox are created and the packet is sent along to the worker task. If a log$off is sensed all local reference to the workstation is deleted and the packet is sent along to tell the worker to delete himself. If an I/O request is sensed the station ID is checked to make sure it is logged on. If it is, the packet is sent along to the worker. If it isn't an error packet is sent back to the requesting workstation. ************************************************************************/ $include(:f2:common.lit) $SAVE NOLIST $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 1 : nod e • 1 it) /* literal declaration o~ node descriptor for list utilities */ 11 1 declare node literally 'structure( link$f word, link$b word, work$station$ID word, service$mbox$t word, worker$task$t word, resp$mbox$t word) '; $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 1 : 1 stu t 1 • ext) /* external declarations for list manipulation utilities */ $save nolist $include(:fl:pointr.ext) /* external declaration of pointerize procedure */ $save nolist $include(:fl:rqpckt.lit) /* literal declaration for request packet structure */ 24 1 declare req$segment$struc literally 'structure( funct word, count wo rd, act ua 1 wo r d , exS val wo rd. work$statio~$ID word, cmd word, share word, mode word, s tat 11 s wo r d , fileSname (64) byte, buf (128) byte)'; $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 2 : n llC p r m• ext) $SAVE NOLIST 321 1 322 2 worker$task: procedure external; end worker$task; 27 Ap·86 Module 1, continued declare begin$listener$task$data byte public, begin$worker$taskSdata byte external, log$on$info$mbox$t token public, ex$ val wo rd , 10gSon$mbox$name (7) byte data(6,'LOG$ON'), packet$size literally '132', f$read literally'S', f$write literally '6', log$on literally '0', log$off literally '1', not$logged$on literally '1', (root$ j ob$ t, i nput$ reqlJest$mbox$ t) token, (0 utpu t$ reques t$mbox$ t , r esp$mbox$ t) to ken, ( wo r k $ s tat ion $ 1 i s t $ roo t $ t r r e q$ s e 9 men t $ t) to ken, ( logS on$ in fo$ seg$ t,d ummy$t, ws$desc$ t) token, (req$segment$p,work$station$list$rootSp) pointer, (log$on$info$seg$p,data$seg$p,ws$desc$p) pointer, (req$segment based req$segment$p) req$segment$struc, (work$station$list$root based work$station$list$root$p) node, (log$on$info$seg based log$on$info$seg$p) node, data$seg$p$o structure(offset word, base word) at(@data$seg$p), (ws$desc based ws$desc$p) node; 323 1 324 1 325 326 327 328 2 2 2 2 1?Q ? 330 1 331 332 333 2 2 2 10gSon$info$mbox$t=rq$createSmailbox(0,@ex$val) ; root$job$t=rq$get$task$tokens(3,@ex$val); inpllt$request$mbox$t=rqSlookup$object( /* job */ root$job$t, /* name */ @(9,'INPUT$REQ'), /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* statlls ptr */ @ex$val); 334 2 output$reguest$mbox$t=rg$lookup$object( /* job */ root$job$t, /* name */ @(10,'OUTPUT$REQ'), /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); 335 336 337 338 2 2 2 2 339 2 resp$mbox$t=rg$create$mailbox(0,@ex$val); work$station$list$root$t=rg$create$segment(16,@ex$val); work$station$list$root$p=pointerize(work$station$list$root$t); work$station$list$root.link$f, work$station$list$root.link$b=work$station$list$root$t; work$station$listSroot.workstation$ID=0; 340 2 do forever; 341 3 342 3 reg$segment$t = rq$receive$message( /* mbox token */ input$request$mbox$t, /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* response ptr */ @dummy$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); reg$segment$p=pointerize(reg$segment$t) ; 343 344 3 3 if reg$segment.cmd= log$on then do; return$error$to$WS: procedure; req$segment.funct=f$write; reg$segment.status=not$logged$on; call rq$send$message(output$request$mbox$t,reg$segment$t,0,@ex$val); return; Listener: procedure public; /* task */ 28 AFN·01540A Ap·86 Module 1, continued log$on$info$seg$t=rq$create$segment( / * size * / 16, /* status ptr*/ @ex$val); log$on$info$seg$p=pointerize( log$on$info$seg$t); log$on$info$seg.service$mbox$t= rq$create$mailbox(0,@ex$val); log$on$info$seg.resp$mbox$t= rq$create$mailbox(0,@ex$val); 10g$on$info$seg.work$station$ID= req$segment.work$station$ID; data$seg$p=@begin$worker$task$data; log$on$info$seg.worker$task$t= rq$create$task( /* priority */ 200, @wo r k e r $ t ask , /* start addr */ /* data seg ptr */ data$seg$p$o.base, /* stack pointer */ 0, 500, /* stack size */ 0, /* task flags */ /* status ptr */ @ex$val) ; 345 4 346 4 347 4 348 4 349 4 350 351 4 4 352 4 call rq$send$message( /* mbox token */ log$on$info$mbox$t, /* object token */ log$on$info$seg$t, /* response token */ resp$mbox$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); 353 4 10gSon$info$seg$t=rq$receive$message( /* mailbox token */ resp$mbox$t, /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* response token */ @dummy$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); 354 4 355 4 call insert$on$list(work$station$list$root$t, 10g$on$info$segSt); call rq$send$message( /* mbox tok */ log$on$info$seg.service$mbox$t, /* obj tok */ req$segment$t, /* response */ 0, /* status */ @ex$val); 356 4 357 358 359 3 3 4 360 361 4 4 362 363 364 4 5 5 36'3 5 end; else if req$segment.cmd = log$off then do; ws$desc$t=search$list(work$stationSlist$root$t, req$segment.work$station$ID); if ws$desc$t = 0 then call retll[n$error$to$WS; else do; ws$descp=pointerize(wsSdesc$t) ; call delete$fromSlist( ws$desc$ t) ; call rq$send$message( ws$desc.service$mbox$t, req$segment$t, 0, @ex$val) ; 366 5 367 4 368 369 3 4 end; end; else AFN-01540A do; ws$desc$t=search$list(work$station$list$root$t, req$segment.work$station$ID); 29 Ap·86 Module 1, continued 370 371 4 4 372 373 374 4 5 5 if ws$desc$t=0 then call return$error$to$WS; else do; ws$descp=poiryterize(ws$desc$t) ; call rq$send$message( ws$desc.service$mbox$t, req$segment$t, 0, @ex$val) ; 375 376 377 378 5 4 3 3 379 2 38eJ 1 end; end; call rq$delete$segment(req$segment$t,@ex$val); end; /* of do forever */ end; /* of listener task */ end listener$module; MODULE INFORMATION: CODE AREA SIZE CONSTANT AREA SIZE VARIABLE AREA SIZE MAXIMUM STACK SIZE 694 LINES READ eJ PROGRAM ERROR(S) ':"lUi vs:: r'L/I·l-OtJ eJ281H 0eJeJeJH eJeJ2BH eJeJISH 641D eJD 43D 24D l,UMr'lLA'l'lUN 30 AFN-01540A Ap·86 Module 2 ISIS-II PL/M-86 V2.0 COMPILATION OF MODULE WORKERTASK OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN :Fl:worker.OBJ COMPiLER INVOKED BY: plm86 :Fl:worker.plm PRINT(:Fl:WORKER.LST) DEBUG COMPACT OPTIMIZE(3) ROM DATE(5/28/80) wo r k e r $ t ask: do; 1 /************************************************************************* WORKER$TASK: TASK. This module contains the code executed by the worker tasks. When started, the task goes to a mailbox to receive a segment containing initialization information. Using this information the task services a service mailbox performing any I/O functions requested of it. When a log$off request comes in the worker task closes and detaches the file and deletes itself. *************************************************************************/ $include( :fl:nucprm.ext) $SAVE NOLIST $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 1 : i 0 s ys • ext) $save nolist $include(:rl:node.lit) /* literal declaration of node descriptor for list utilities $save nolist $include{:f2:common.lit) $SAVE NOLIST $include{:fl:pointr.ext) /* external declaration of pointerize procedure */ $save nolist $include{:fl:rqpckt.lit) /* literal declaration for request packet structure */ */ I $save nolist declare read literally 'I', write literally'S', log$on literally '2', log$off literally '3', (log$on$info$mbox$t,output$request$mbox$t) token external; 239 1 240 1 241 2 declare (log$on$info$seg$t,log$on$resp$mbox$t,resp$mbox$t, root$job$t,user$object$t,prefix$t,iors$t, serv ice$mbox$ t ,conn$ t, req$ seg$ t) token, (log$on$info$p,req$seg$p) pointer, ( req$ seg based req$ seg$ p) req$ segmentS st r uc , (log$on$info based log$on$info$p) node, (dummy$t,ex$val,work$station$ID) word; 242 2 10g$on$info$seg$t=rg$receiveSmessage( /* mbox token */ 10gSon$info$mbox$t, /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* response ptr */ @log$on$resp$mbox$t, /* statlls ptr */ @ex$valj i 243 244 245 2 2 2 246 2 10g$on$infoSp=pointerize(10g$onSinfo$seg$t) ; service$mbox$t=log$on$info.service$mbox$t; resp$mbox$t=log$on$info.resp$mbox$t; work$station$ID=logSon$info.work$station$ID; worker$task: procedure reentrant public; 31 Ap·86 Module 2, continued 247 2 call rq$send$message( /* mbox token */ log$on$resp$mbox$t, /* object token */ log$on$info$seg$t, /* response token */ 0, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); 248 249· 2 2 250 2 root$job$t=rq$get$task$tokens(3,@ex$val); user$object$t=rq$lookup$object( /* job token */ root$job$t, /* name * / @ (11, 'USER$OBJECT' ) , /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); prefix$t=rq$lookup$object( /* job token */ root$job$t, /* name */ @(6,'PREFIX'), /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); 251 2 252 3 req$seg$t=rq$receive$message( /* mailbox token */ service$mbox$t, /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* response ptr */ @dummy$t, /* statlls ptr */ @ex$val); 253 3 req$seg$p=pointerize(req$seg$t); 254 255 256 3 3 4 if req$seg.cmd=log$on then do; do forever; (";.=311 rO~rI~AttArh~filp( user object */ user$object$t, prefix token */ prefix$t, pathname */ @req$seg.file$name, resp token */ resp$mbox$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); iors$t=rqSreceive$message( /* mbox token */ resp$mbox$t, /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* resp ptr */ @dummy$t, /* statlls ptr */ @ex$val); call rq$delete$segment(iors$t,@ex$val); call rq$a$open( /* connection */ conn$t, /* mode */ req$seg.mode, /* share */ req$seg.share, /* resp token */ resp$mbox$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); iors$t=rq$receive$message( /* mbox token */ resp$mbox$t, /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* resp ptr */ @dummy$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); call rq$delete$segment(iors$t,@ex$val); req$seg.status=0; call rq$send$message{ /* mbox token */ output$request$mbox$t, /* object token */ req$seg$t, /* resp ptr */ 0, /* status ptr */ @ex$val) ; /* /* /* /* 257 4 258 259 4 260 4 261 4 4 262 4 263 4 264 4 265 266 3 3 267 4 end; else if req$seg.cmd=logSoff do; call rq$a$close( /* connection */ /* resp token */ /* status ptr */ 32 then conn$t, resp$mbox$t, @ex$val) ; AFN-01540A Ap·86 Module 2, continued 268 iors$t= rq$receive$message( mbox token */ resp$mbox$t, time limit */ 0FFFFH, resp ptr */ @dummy$t, status ptr */ @ex$val); call rq$delete$segment(iors$t,@ex$val); call rq$a$delete$connection( /* connection */ conn$t, /* response ptr */ resp$mbox$t, /* statlls ptr */ @ex$val) i iors$t=rq$receive$message( /* mbox token */ resp$mbox$t, /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* response ptr */ @dummy$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); call rq$delete$segment(iors$t,@exSval)i call rq$delete$mailbox(service$mbox$t,@ex$val)i call rq$deleteSmailbox(r~sp$mboxSt,@ex$val)i req$seg.status=0; call rq$send$message( /* mbox token */ output$request$mbox$t, /* object token */ req$seg$t, /* resp token */ 0, /* status ptr */ @ex$val)i call rq$delete$task(0,@ex$val); 4 /* /* /* /* 269 270 4 4 271 4 272 273 274 275 276 4 4 4 4 4 277 278 4 4 279 280 3 3 281 4 end; else if req$seg.cmd=read then do; call rq$ a$ read ( /* connection */ conn$t, @reqSseg.buf, /* count */ req$seg.count, /* resp token */ resp$mbox$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); iors$t=rqSreceive$message( /* mbox token */ resp$mbox$t, /* time limit */ 0FFFFH, /* resp ptr */ @dummy$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val)i call rq$delete$segment(iors$t,@ex$val); req$seg.status=0; call rq$send$messag~( /* mbox token */ outpllt$request$mbox$t, /* object token */ req$seg$t, /* resp token */ 0, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); /* buf ptr */ 282 4 283 284 285 4 4 4 286 4 287 288 3 3 289 4 end; else if req$seg.cmd=write then do; call rq$a$write( /* connection */ conn$t, 1* lny<=>nC: c::<=>n _ hllf _ \.- .... - """1 ...... - - J .. .....,. - - , I h"F Ia.J \"&.L nt-y t"' '-.... *1 I /* count */ req$seg.count, /* resp token */ resp$mbox$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); 290 4 iors$t=rq$receive$message( mbox token */ resp$mbox$t, time limit */ 0FFFFH, resp ptr */ @dummy$t, status ptr */ @ex$val); call rqSdelete$segment1iors$t,@ex$val); /* /* /* /* 291 4 33 Ap·86 Module 2, continued 292 4 293 4 295 2 296 1 call rq$send$message( /* mbox token */ output$request$mbox$t, /* object token */ req$seg$t, /* resp token */ 0, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); end; end; /* of do forever */ end; /* of task */ end wo r k e r $ t ask ; MODULE INFORMATION: CODE AREA SIZE CONSTANT AREA SIZE VARIABLE AREA SIZE MAXIMUM STACK SIZE 717 LINES READ o PROGRAM ERROR(S) 0288H 0000H 0000H 0034H 648D 0D 0D 52D END OF PL/M-86 COMPILATION 34 AFN-01540A Ap·86 Module 3 ISIS-II MCS-86 MACRO ASSEMBLER V2.0 ASSEMBLY OF MODULE POINTR OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN :F1:POINTR.OBJ ASSEMBLER INVOKED BV' asm86 :fl:pointr.a86 debug pr(:f5:pointr.lst) LOC OBJ 0004 LINE 1 2 3 4 5 SOURCE Stitle(pointerize Ut iIi t y) 4 equ arg off i set args for "DELUXE" code code segment word public 'CODE' ends cg ro up code code group segment assume cs: cgroup pointerize proc public push mov near pointerize bp bp, sp equ word ptr [bp + arg off + 0] mov xor es, token bx, bx get base zap offset mov pop ret endp ends sp, bp bp restore stack f) 7 8 9 0000 55 (0001 8.B EC 0004 [] 0003 8E4604 0006 33DB 10 1] 12 13 ]4 15 16 17 18 19 token 20 0008 5D 0009 C20200 21 22 23 24 25 26 pointerize code end ASSEMBLY COMPLETE, NO ERRORS FOUND AFN-01540A 35 2 save mark stack Ap·86 Module 4 ISIS-II PL/M-8~ X167 COMPILATION OF MODULE LISTUTILITIESMODULE OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN :F1:lstutl.OBJ COMPILER INVOKED BY: plm86 :F1:lstutl.plm PRINT(:F5:LSTUTL.LST) DEBUG COMPACT OPTIMIZE(3) ROM DATE(3/7/80) list$utilities$module: do; 1 /************************************************************************ LIST$UTILITIES: PUBLIC PROCEDURES. This module contains three list manipulation utilities. Insert$on$list takes the given node and inserts it on the list indicated by the root node parameter. Delete$from list unlinks the indicated node from the list it is linked to. Search$list scans the list from the root looking for the indicated node. If found, the token for the node is returned. If not found, a zero is returned. ************************************************************************/ Sinclude(:f4:common.lit) $SAVE NOLIST $include(:f1:node.lit) /* literal declaration of node descriptor for list utilities */ $save nolist $include(:fl:pointr.ext) /* external declaration of pointerize procedure */ $save nolist 15 1 16 2 declare (root$ t ,new$descS t, fwd$desc$ t) token, (rootSp,newSdesc$p,fwd$descSp) pointer, (root based root$p) node, (newSdesc based new$desc$p) node, (fwdSdesc based fwdSdescSp) node; 17 18 19 2 2 root$p=pointerize(rootSt); new$desc$p=pointerize(newSdesc$t); fwd$desc$t=root.link$f; fwd$descSp=pointerize(fwdSdescSt); root.linkSf=newSdesc$t; newSdesc.linkSf=fwd$descSt; new$desc.linkSb=root$t; fwdSdesc.linkSb=newSdescSt; return; 2 20 2 21 2 22 2 2 23 Insert$on$list: procedure( rootSt,newSdesc$t) reentrant public; 24 2 25 2 26 2 end; /* insertSonSlist */ 27 1 Delete$fromSlist: procedure(desc$t) reentrant public; 28 2 declare descSt token, ( des c $ p , b S des c S p , f Sdes c S p) po in t e r , (desc based descSp) node, (bSdesc based bSdescSp) node, (fSdesc based fSdesc$p) node; 29 2 2 2 2 2 2 desc$p=pointerize(descSt); bSdescSp=pointerize(desc.linkSb) ; f S d es c S p= po i n t e r i ze ( d es c . 1 ink Sf) ; bSdesc.linkSf=desc.linkSf; fSdesc.linkSb=desc.linkSb; return; 30 31 32 33 34 36 AFN-01540A Ap·86 Module 4, continued 35 2 end; /* delete$fromSlist */ 36 1 search$list: procedure(root$t,WS$ID) word reentrant public; 37 2 38 39 2 2 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 2 declare (root$t,WS$ID) word, ( s $ des c $ p , roo t $ p) po i n t e r , (root based rootSp) node, (s$desc based s$desc$p) node, s$desc$p$o structure (offset word, base word) at(@s$desc$p), temp pointer; 2 s$desc$p=pointerize(rootSt); next$node: if s$desc.work$station$ID=WS$ID then return s$descSp$o.base; if s$desc.linkSf = root$t then return 0; temp=pointerize(sSdesc.link$f); s$desc$p=ternp; goto next$node; 46 2 end; /* searchSlist */ 47 1 end list$utilities$rnodule; 2 2 2 MODULE INFORMATION: CODE AREA SIZ E CONSTANT AREA SIZE VARIABLE AREA SIZE MAXIMUM STACK SIZE 114 LINES READ o PROGRAM ERROR(S) 254D 00FEH 0000H 0000H 0018H 0D 0D 74D END OF PL/M-86 COMPILATION AFN·01540A 37 Ap·86 Module 5 ISIS-II PL/M-86 X167 COMPILATION OF MODULE STARTANDFINISH OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN :Fl:strfin.OBJ COMPILER INVOKED BY: plm86 :Fl:strfin.plm PRINT(:FS:STRFIN.LST) DEBUG COMPACT OPTIMIZE(2) ROM DATE{4/28/80) start$and$finish: do; 1 /*********************************************************************** INIT$S34$IO and FINISH$S34$IO: PUBLIC PROCEDURES. This module contains the init$S34$IO and the FINISH$534$IO procedures which can be called by the RMX/86 I/O system. START$IO is called just before the first attachSdevice is performed. It will create the interrupt task and the eight interrupt$pending semaphores. The FINISH$IO procedure is called just after the last detach$device is performed. It undoes everything the START$IO call did. ***********************************************************************/ $include( :f4:nucprm.ext) $SAVE NOLIST $include(:f4:common.lit) $SAVE NOLIST $inc1ude(:f1:duib.lit) /* duib structure definition */ Ssave nolist $include{:f4:nerror.lit) $SAVE NOLIST $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 1 : poi n t r • ext) /* external declaration of pointerize procedure */ $save nolist $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 1 : ret d t a • 1 it) /* literal declaration of ret$data structure for initS534Sio */ $save nolist 314 315 316 1 2 2 procedure{data$p) external; declare dataSp pointer; end init$534$hw; /* initializes 534 hardware */ 317 318 1 int$534$task: procedure external; end int$534Stask; 319 1 320 1 321 2 2 init$534S~w: declare begin$int$534Sdata byte external, IO$base$addr byte public, int$level word public, g$ret$data$p pointer public, req$mbox$t token public; init$534$IO: procedure(duib$p,ret$data$t$p,status$p) reentrant public; declare (duibSp,ret$d2.r~St~p,stntusSp) pointer, (duib based ouibSp) oev$unltSinfoSb..l.ock, (ret$dataSt basen retSoatnStSp) token, ( s tat usb a sen s tat u s $ p) wo r d , dev$infoSp pointer, nevSinfo based dev$infoSp structure( 1 evel wo rd , priority byte, IOSbaseSaddr byte), 38 AFN·01540A Ap·86 Module 5, continued exS val wo rd , data$seg$p pointer, data$seg$p$o structure{offset word,base word) at(@data$seg$p) ( i , j) byte; 322 2 declare ret$dataSp pointer, retSdata based ret$dataSp structure(ret$dataSstruc); 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 retSdata$t=rq$createSsegment (si ze (ret$data) ,@ex$val) ; if ex$val <> 0 then goto err0; g$ret$dataSp,ret$data$p=pointerize(ret$dataSt)i dev$info$p=duib.dev$info$p; IO$base$addr,ret$data.IO$base=dev$i~fo.IOSbase$addr; int$level,ret$data.intSlevel=devSinfo.level; /* create the request mailbox */ 330 2 331 332 2 2 ret$data.request$mbox$t,reqSmbox$t =rq$create$mailbox(0,@ex$val) i if ex$val <> 0 then goto errl; 333 334 335 2 2 2 ret$data.resp$mbox$t=rq$create$mailbox(0,@ex$val); if ex$val <> 0 then goto err2; /* clean up partial creation */ 336 337 2 2 338 339 2 2 data$seg$p=@begin$int$534Sdata; ret$data.int$taskSt=rqScreateStask( /* priority */ devSinfo.priority, /* entry point */ @intS534$task, /* data segment */ data$segSpSo.base, /* stack pointer */ 0, /* stack size */ 400, /* task flags */ 0, /* status pointer */ @ex$val); if ex$val <> 0 then goto err3; /* can't create. clean up partial creation */ 2 3 342 3 343 3 344 345 346 347 3 2 2 2 348 2 349 350 351 352 3 3 353 2 354 2 AFN-01540A 2 2 do i=0 to 7; /* create semaphores */ ret$data.int$sema(i)=rq$create$semaphore( /* initial value */ 0, /* max value */ 1, /* priority queue */ 1, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); if ex$val <> 0 then goto err4; /* clean up partial creation */ end; call init$534Shw(ret$data$p); status=ESOK; return; err4: do j=0 to i; call rqSdelete$semaphore(retSdata.int$sema(j) ,status$p); end; call rq$resetSinterrupt(dev$info.level,status$p); err3: call rqSdeleteSmailbox(retSdata.respSmboxSt,statusSp)i err2: call rqSdeleteSmailbox(retSdata.requestSmbox$t,status$p); errl: call rq$deleteSsegment(ret$dataSt,status$p); 39 I Ap·86 Module 5, continued 355 2 356 357 2 2 358 359 1 2 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 367 368 369 370 371 3 2 2 2 1 err0: status=exSvali /* restore original status condition */ return; end; /* of procedure */ finishS534$IO: procedure(duibSp,retSdataSt) reentrant public; declare d u i b $ P po i n t e r , dev$info$p pointer, dev$info based devSinfoSp structure( level wo rd , priority byte, IOSbase$addr byte), retSdata$p pointer, ret$data based ret$dat('l$p structure (retSdata$struc) , (duib based duibSp) devSunit$info$block, ret$dataSt token, i byte, ex $ val wo r d ; dev$info$p=duib.devSinfoSp; ret$data$p=pointerize(ret$dataSt); call rg$reset$interrupt(dev$info.level,~exSval); call rgSdelete$mailbox(ret$data.reguest$mbox$t,@ex$val); call rg$delete$mailbox(ret$data.respSmboxSt,@ex$val); do i=0 to 7; call rg$delete$semaphore( ret$data.i:1t$sema(i) , Idex$val); end; call ro~rlplptp~C:::C>rlmprt-l ... pt-(:il;ot"'¢~ t;l",v¢··::-1\. return; end; /* of procedure */ end start$andSfinish; MODULE INFORMATION: CODE AREA SIZE CONSTANT AREA SIZE VARIABLE AREA SIZE MAXIMUM STACK SIZE 67.1 LINES READ o PROGRAM ERROR(S) 0220H 0000H 0009H 0034H 5Ll4D 0D 9D 52D END OF PL/M-86 COMPILATION 40 AFN·01540A Ap·86 Module 6 ISIS-II PL/M-86 Xln7 COMPILATION OF MODULE QUEUE534IOMODULE OBJECT-MODULE PLACED IN :Fl:queio.OBJ COMPILER INVOKED BY: plm8~ :Fl:queio.plm PRINT(:F5:QUEIO.LST) DEBUG COMPACT OPTIMIZE(2) ROM DATE(4/25/80) queueS53~$io$module: 1 do; /******************************************************************* QUEUE$534SIO. PUBLIC PROCEDURE. This procedure is called by the I/O System to queue an I/O request to the 534 board. The function field in the IORS is used to determine what specific action to take. Module also contains a dummy cancel$534$io procedure. *******************************************************************/ $include( :f4:nucprm.ext) $SAVE NOLIST $include(:f4:common.lit) $SAVE NOLIST Sinclude(:f~:nerrorelit) $SAVE NOLIST $include(:fl:pointr.ext) /* external declaration of pointerize procedure */ $save nolist $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 1 : d u i b .1 it) /* duib structure definition */ $save nolist $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 1: i 0 r s.l it) /* literal declaration for iors */ $save nolist $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 1 : ret d t a . 1 it) /* literal declaration of ret$data structure for initS534Sio */ $save nolist 315 316 1 2 317 1 318 1 319 2 io$534$task: procedure external; end i 0$ 534 $task; declare begin$io$taskSdata byte external; queueS534$io: procedure(iors$t,duibSp,ret$dataSt) reentrant public; declare (iors$t,ret$data$t) token, data$seg$p pointer, data$seg$p$o structure(offset word,base word) at(@dataSsegSp), IDDR literally '2AH', ( d u i b $ p , ret S d a t aSp, i 0 r sSp) po i n t e r , (duib based duibSp) dev$unitSinfoSblock, (ret$data based retSdataSp) structure (retSdataSstruc) , (iors based iors$p) IOSrequestSresult.Ssegment, io$taskSt token, unit$infoSp pointer, unitSinfo based unitSinro$p structure( usart$cmd byte, baud S rat e wo r d) , i byte, d urn my S t to ken, e x S val wo r d i AFN-01540A .A1 Ap·86 Module 6, continued 320 321 2 2 iors$p=pointerize(iors$t)j ret$datn$p=pointerize(ret$data$t)j 322 323 2 2 if iors.funct > 7 then goto bad$requestj 324 2 do case iors.functj 325 326 327 3 4 4 328 329 4 4 330 331 332 3 4 4 333 334 4 4 335 336 3 4 do; 338 339 340 3 4 4 dOj 341 3 do; do; 1* case 0-- read *1 iors.aux$p=ret$data$p; call rq$send$message( 1* mbox *1 ret$data.request$mbox$t, 1* token *1 iors$t, 1* resp *1 0, 1* status ptr*1 ~ex$val); return; end; dOj 1* case 1-- write *1 iors.aux$p=ret$data$p; call rq$send$message( 1* mbox *1 ret$data.request$mbox$t, 1* token *1 iors$t, 1* resp *1 0, 1* status ptr*1 @ex$val)j return; end; 1* case 2--seek (illegal) goto bad$request; 1* case 3-- special (illegal) goto bad$request; 4 4 5 345 5 346 347 348 349 350 351 4 4 5 5 352 353 354 4 4 4 355 4 356 4 *1 end; 1* case 4-- attach$device *1 1* create two 342 343 344 *1 1/0 tasks *1 data$segSp=@begin$IO$task$data; do i=0 to 1; io$task$t= rq$create$task( 1* priority *1 150, 1* entry pnt *1 @io$534$task, 1* data seg *1 data$seg$p$o.base, 1* stack ptr *1 0, 500, 1* stack size *1 0, /* task flags */ (clex~val)j /* status ptr *1 end; 4 unitSinfoSp=duib.unitSinfo$p; do i=0 to 3; output(retSdata.usart$cmdSport(iors.unit»=0; end; out put ( ret $ d a t a • usa r t Scm d S po r t ( i 0 r s • un it) ) = 4 0 H ; 4 output(ret$data.usnrt~cmdSport(iors.unit»= unitSinfo.usartScmd; output(retSdata.usartScmdSport(iors.unit»=27H; output(retSdatn.IOSbase+0CH)=Oj 1* select cntr1 b1k output(ret$data.timer$cmdSport(iors.unit)): retSdata.timerScmd(iors.unit) ; out put ( ret S d a t a • tim e r $ loa d S po r t ( i 0 r s • un it) ) = low ( un i t $ in f 0 • baud $ rat e) ; out put ( ret S d a t a • tim e r S loa d S po r t ( i 0 r s • u nit) ) = h i g h ( un i t $ i n f 0 • baud S rat e) j 42 *1 AFN·01540A Ap·86 Module 6, continued 357 output(ret$data.IO$base+0DH)=0; 4 1* select data blk */ /* accept interrupt and character from receiver */ dummySt=rq$receive$units( /* serna */ ret$data.int$sema( 2 * iors.unit), /* units */ 1, /* time$out */ 0, /* status */ @ex$val); i=input(ret$data.usart$data$port( iors.unit ) ; goto okSsend$resp; 358 4 359 360 361 4 4 4 end; 362 3 do; /* case 5-- detach$device */ /* send two copies of the detach request to the request mailbox. This will signal to two of the I/O tasks that they are to delete themselves */ 363 4 call rq$send$message( /* mbox token */ ret$data.request$mbox$t, /* object token */ iors$t, /* response */ ret$data.resp$mbox$t, /* status */ @ex$val); dummy$t=rq$receive$message( /* mbox token */ ret$data.resp$mbox$t, /* time$limit */ 0FFFFH, /* response ptr */ @dummySt, /* status ptr */ @ex$val)i call rq$send$message( /* mbox token */ ret$data.request$mbox$t, /* object token */ iors$t, /* response */ ret$data.resp$mbox$t, /* status */ @ex$val); dummySt=rq$receive$message( /* mbox token */ ret$data.resp$mboxSt, /* time$limit */ 0FFFFH, /* response ptr */ @dummy$t, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); goto ok$send$resp; 364 4 365 4 366 4 367 368 4 end; 369 370 371 3 4 4 do; /* case 6-- open */ goto ok$send$resp; end; 372 373 374 375 376 377 3 4 4 3 2 2 378 379 2 2 380 2 381 382 2 2 send$resp: call rq$send$message(iors.resp$mbox,iorsSt,0,@ex$val); return; end; /* procedure */ 383 1 cancel$S34$io: procedure(iors$t,duib$p,ret$data$t) public; 384 2 4 do; /* case 7-- close */ goto ok$send$resp; end; end; /* do case */ return; bad$request: iors.status=IDDR; goto send$resPi ok$send$resp: .;.-..,..~ ~""'::t.""I,C'"-~C'ntl • .LVi. ';:'.o.J'-U'-U~-U"""'-'''''\, 385 2 declare (iors$t,ret$data$t) d u i b$ P po i n t e r i return; token, Ap·86 Module 6, continued 386 387 2 1 end; end gueueS534SioSmodule; MODULE INFORMATION: CODE AREA SIZ E CONSTANT AREA SIZE VARIABLE AREA SIZE MAXIMUM STACK SIZE 729 LINES READ o PROGRAM ERROR(S) 020CH 0000H 0000H 0038H 524D ~D 0D 50D END OF PL/M-86 COMPILATION 44 AFN·01540A Ap·86 Module 7 ISIS-II PL/M-86 V2.0 COMPILATION OF MODULE INTERRUPT534MODULE OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN :Fl:int534.0BJ COMPILER INVOKED BY: plm86 :Fl:int534.plm PRINT(:Fl:INT534.LST) DEBUG COMPACT OPTIMIZE(2) ROM DATE(5/28/80) $nointvector Interrupt$534$module: do; 1 /*********************************************************************** INT$534$TASK and INT$534$HND: PUBLIC PROCEDURES: This module contains the interrupt handler and the interrupt task for the 534 board interrupt. The handler simply calls signa1$interrupt and the task reads the ISR on the 534 board's 8259 and sends a unit to one of eight interruptS pending semaphores to signal the occurrence of the event. ***********************************************************************/ $include( :f2:nucprm.ext) $SAVE NOLIST $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 1 : ret d t a • 1 it) 1* literal declaration of ret$data structure for init$534$io */ $save nolist $include(:f2:common.lit) $SAVE NOLIST declare begin$int$534$data byte public q g$ret$data$p pointer external, IO$baseSaddr byte external, intSlevel word external; 308 1 309 1 310 2 declare I wo rd, ex$val word; 311 312 313 314 2 2 2 2 l=rq$get$level(@ex$val) ; call rq$signal$interrupt(l,@ex$val); return; end; 315 1 316 2 declare IO$534$base byte, int$534$level word, ret$data$p pointer, ret$data based ret$dati$p structure(ret$data$struc) , c$level byte, ex $ val wo r d : eoi literally '20H'; 317 318 2 2 2 2 IO$534$base=IO$base$addr; int$534$level=int$level; ret$data$p=g$ret$dataSp; call rq$set$interrupt( /* level */ int$534$level, /* flags */ 1, / * en try po in t * / i n t err up t $ p t r ( i n t $ 5 34 $ h n d) , /* data segment */ 0, /* status ptr */ @ex$val); 319 320 AFN-01540A int$534$hnd: procedure interrupt 5; int$534$task: procedure reentrant public; 45 Ap·86 Module 7, continued 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 do forever; call rq$wait$interrupt(int$534$level,@ex$val); output(IO$534$base+8)=0CH; c$level=input(IO$534$base+8) and 07H; call rq$send$units(ret$data.int$sema(c$level) ,l,@ex$val); output(IO$534$base+8)=EOI; end; /* of do forever */ end; /* of procedure */ 329 1 end interrupt$534$module; MODULE INFORMATION: CODE AREA SIZE CONSTANT AREA SIZE VARIABLE AREA SIZE MAXIMUM STACK SIZE 541 LINES READ o PROGRAM ERROR(S) 00B5H 0000H 0005H 0026H 1810 00 5D 380 END OF PL/M-86 COMPILATION 46 AFN·01540A Ap·86 Module 8 ISIS-II PL/M-86 X167 COMPILATION OF MODULE I0534TASKMODULE OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN :Fl:iotask.OBJ COMPILER INVOKED BY: plm86 :Fl:iotask.plm PRINT(:F5:IOTASK.LST) DEBUG COMPACT OPTIMIZE(2) ROM DATE(4/25/8~) io$534$task$module: do; 1 /*********************************************************************** IO$534$TASK: TASK. This task receives IORS segments from the queueSio procedure and performs the necessary input or output operations on the iSBC 534 board. ***********************************************************************/ $include(:f4:common.lit) $SAVE NOLIST $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 1 : poi n t r • ext) /* external declaration of pointerize procedure */ $save nolist $ inc 1 ud e ( : f 4 : n uc p r m• ext) $SAVE NOLIST $include(:f4:nerror.lit) $SAVE NOLIST $include(:f1:retdta.lit) /* literal declaration of retSdata structure for initS534Sio */ $save nolist $include(:f1:iors.lit) /* literal declaration for iors */ $save nolist 314 1 315 1 316 2 declare begin$ioStask$data byte public, req$mbox$t token external, f$detach$device literally '5', f$read literally '~', fSwrite literally 'I'; IO$534$task: procedure reentrant public; declare iors$t token, iorsSp pointer, iors based iors$p IOSrequest$resultSsegment, ex $ val wo r d , resp$t token, buff$p pointer, buf based buff$p (1) byte, i wo rd, unit byte, ret$data$p pointer, .- - .I.... " . _, _ .I.... _ [t=L;:>UdLd L _ _ _ ...JI Ud::>t=U _ . - £.. ,... ~ _ .L _ tAo _ Lt::l..;;;>Udl..CI;;;>P _.L. _ ... _ .&.. ... _ _ I __ ~ e ~ _ ~ ~ e ~ ~ W'" I"'" \ ::;l..LU~I...ULC~LCI..."'UO'-O""'::>'-LU""I' c$ val wo rd; 317 318 2 3 do forever; iors$t=rq$receive$message(regSmboxSt,0FFFFH,0respSt,@exSval); /* check for non-existence of mailbox. IF last device has been detached the mailbox will be deleted In this case, delete thyself */ 319 320 321 3 3 3 AFN-01540A if ex$val= ESexist thep call rgSdeleteStask(0,@ex$val); iors$p=pointerize(iorsSt); 47 Ap·86 Module 8, continued 322 323 324 325 326 3 3 3 3 3 buffSp=iors.buffSp; unit=iors.unit; iors.actual=0; i=0; ret$dataSp=iors.auxSp; 327 328 329 3 3 4 330 331 4 4 if iors.funct = fSdetachSdevice then do; call rgSsendSrnessage( /* rnbox token */ respSt, /* object token */ iors$t, /* response token */ 0, /* status ptr */ @exSval); call rgSdeleteStask(0,@exSval); end; 332 333 334 3 3 4 335 336 337 338 339 4 4 4 4 4 if iors.funct= fSread then do while iors.count >0; cSval=rgSreceive$units( /* serna */ ret$data.intSserna(2*unit), /* units */ 1, /* time */ 0FFFFH, /* status*/ @exSval); buf(i)=input(retSdata.usartSdata$port(unit» i=i+1; iors.count=iors.count-l; iors.actual=iors.actual+l; end; 340 3 341 342 3 4 343 344 345 346 347 4 4 4 4 349 350 351 3 3 3 352 2 end; /* of procedure */ 353 1 end ioS534Stask$rnodule; 4 and 07FH; else if iors.funct= fSwrite then do while iors.count >0; c$val=rg$receiveSunits( /* serna */ retSdata.intSsema(2*unit+1), /* units */ 1, /* time */ ~FFFFH, /* status*/ @exSval); output(retSdata.usartSdataSport(unit»=buf(i) ; i=i+1; iors.count=iors.count-l; iors.actual=iors.actual+l; end; iors.status=E$OK; iors.done==TRUE; call rgSsend$rnessage(iors.respSmbox,iorsSt,~,@exSva1); end; /* of do forever */ MODULE INFORMATION: CODE AREA SIZE CONSTANT AREA SIZE VARIABLE AREA SIZE MAXIMUM STACK SIZE 624 LINES READ o PROGRAM ERROR(S) 018DH 397D 0000H 0D 000lH ID 0028H 40D END OF PL/M-86 COMPILATION 48 AFN·01540A Ap·86 Module 9 ISIS-II PL/M-86 X167 COMPILATION OF MODULE INIT534HW OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN :F1:inithw.OBJ COMPILER INVOKED BY: plm86 :Fl:inithw.plm PRINT(:F5:INITHW.LST) DEBUG COMPACT OP.TIMIZE(2) ROM DATE(4/25/80) 1 init$534$hw: do; /*********************************************************************** init$534$hw: PUBLIC PROCEDURE. This procedure initializes the iSBC 534 hardware and sets up the device dependent fields of the ret$data segment which will be used by the queueSio procedures. ***********************************************************************/ $include(:f4:common.lit) $SAVE NOLIST $ inc I ud e ( : f 1 : ret d t a • 1 it) /* literal declaration of ret$data structure for initS534Sio */ $save nolist 12 1 13 2 declare ret$data$p pointer, ret$data based ret$data$p structure(ret$data$struc), (base, i) byte; 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 base=ret$data.io$base; output(base+0FH)=0; /* output(base+0DH)=0; /* output(base+8)=16H; /* output(base+9)=0; /* output(base+9)=0; /* 15 16 17 18 19 init$534$hw: procedure(retSdataSp) reentrant public; board reset select data output ICWI output ICW2 output mask */ block */ */ */ word */ /* attach$device calls will initialize usarts and timers */ /* set up tables of port addresses for use by queue$io procs */ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 30 31 2 2 32 2 33 1 ret$ data. t imer$ cmd (0) , r et$ data. tim er$ cmd (3) = 3 6H ; ret$data.timer$cmd(1)=76H; ret$data.timer$cmd(2)=0B6H; do i=0 to 3; retSdata.usartScmd$port(i)=base+2*i+1; ret$data.usart$dataSport(i)=base+2*i; ret$data.timer$loadSport(i)=base+i; end; ret$data.timer$load$port(3)=base+4; ret$data.timer$cmdSport(0) , ret$data.timer$cmd$port(l) , ret$data.timer$cmdSport(2)=base+3; ret$data.timer$cmdSport(3)=base+7; return; .:>nn· ~~d' init$534Shw; MODULE INFORMATION: CODE AREA SIZE CONSTANT AREA SIZE VARIABLE AREA SIZE MAXIMUM STACK SIZF 77 LINES READ o PROGRAM ERROR(S) 00E4H ""000H 0000H 2280 0D (HH~8H 8D 0D END OF PL/M-86 COMPILATION AFN·01540A 49 Ap·86 50 APPENDIX B Configuration Listings/Worksheets J;1 Ap·86 FREE SPACE ROOT JOB APPLICATION JOB COMMUNICATIONS JOB 1/0 SYSTEM NUCLEUS INTERRUPT VECTOR System Memory Map *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-' 4 .... ..&.....,; ....,V&.JI·J. ...... .i. .... &..I~ ......... " .. ,'\v .L,u. ..., NUCLNK.CSD --*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ..... v""" .....a ... v....,;. i :F0:LINK86 & :Fl:NUC86.LIB(NENTRY), & :Fl:NUC86.LIB & TO :Fl:NUCLUS.LNK MAP PRINT(:Fl:NUCLUS.MPl} NAME(NUCLEUS) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-- NUCLOC.CSD --*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* i iTHIS SUBMIT FILE LOCATES THE NUCLEUS IN MEMORY. : F0: LOC86 & :Fl:NUCLUS.LNK TO :Fl:NUCLUS MAP PRINT(:Fl:NUCLUS.MP2) SC(3) & RESERVE(0 TO 7FFH) SEGSIZE(STACK(0}} & ORDER(CLASSES(CODE,DATA,STACK,MEMORY}) & OBJECTCONTROLS(NOLINES,NOCOMMENTS,NOPUBLICS,NOSYMBOLS) Nucleus Link and Locate Commands 52 AFN·01540A Ap·86 ios(date,origin) Sample I/O System .csd file to link and locate an I/O System. This file links an I/O System with the timer included. This .csd file assumes the I/O System configuration module is iocnfg.a86 (found on the release diskette) • . The origin parameter sets the low address of the I/O System; all the segments are contiguous in memory. asm86 :fl:iocnfg.a86 date(%0) link86 & :fl:ios.lib(ioinit), & :fl:iocnfg.obj, & :fl:ios.lib, & :fl:rpifc.lib & to :fl:ios.lnk map print(:fl:ios.mpl) loc86 :fl:ios.lnk to :fl:ios map sc(3) print(:fl:ios.mp2) & oc(noli,nopl,nocm,nosb) & order(classes(code,data,stack,memory» & addresses(classes{code(%l») & segsize(stack(0» 1/0 System Link and Locate Commands Submit file to generate located version of file transaction job ; link86 & :fl:ftinit.obj, & :fl:listen.obj, & :fl:worker.obj, & :fl:pointr.obj, & :fl:rpifc.lib & to :fl:apexl.lnk map print(:fl:apexl.mpl) J loc86 :fl:apexl.lnk to :fl:apexl map sc(3) print(:fl:apexl.mp2) & oc(noli,nopl,nocm,nosb) & order(classes(code,data,stack,memory» & addresses(classes(code(%l») & segsize(stack(0» File Transaction Job; Link and Locate Commands Submit file to generate located version of communications job ; link86 & :fl:cminit.obj, & :fl:comm.lib, & :fl:pointr.obj, & :fl:rpifc.lib & to :fl:comm.lnk map print(:fl:apexl.mpl) 10c86 :fl:comm.lnk to :fl:comm map sc(3) print(:fl:comm.mp2) & oc{noli,nopl,nocm,nosb) & order(classes(code,data,stack,memory)) & addresses(classes(code(%l») & segsize(stack(0» Communications Job; Link and Locate Commands 53 AFN-01540A Ap·86 077EH 077EH 077EH 10E4H 0EB3H 0CA8H --.077EH 077EH 073EH 003EH INITDEVICETABLES DECRUSECOUNT NAMEDCHANGEACCES -S PUB ATTACHDEVICETASK PUB RQAIOSINITTASK PUB PUB PUB 077EH 077EH 077EH 0FBCH 0E51H 0B5AH PUB PUB PUB NAMEDDELETE UNLINKCONN ATTACHNAMEDFILE 077EH 077EH 0574H 0006H PUB PUB I LLEGALFUNCT COPYRIGHT SEGMENT MAP START STOP 077E0H 14540H 14600H --.146E0H 14746H 14750H --.14750H CLASS LENGTH ALIGN NAME 1453EH 145FFH 146DFH 14745H 14746H 14750H 14750H CD5FH 00C0H 00E0H 0066H 0000H 0000H 0000H CODE CODE CODE DATA STACK CODE REQ TABLE lOS-TABLE DATA STACK ??SEG MEMORY W W W W W G W MEMORY Locate Map for 1/0 System (The "--." indicates entries for job macros and memory map) 147SH e79EH PUB $ETUP544 147SH 0SB5H PUB INDEX 1475H 06C5H PUB --.1475H 0572H PUB PACKETINPUT COMMINITTASKENTRY -ESS SEGMENT MAP START 147S0H --'lSBD0H 170D2H 17130H --'17130H STOP LENGTH ALIGN NAME lSBCDH 170D2H 1712EH 17130H 17130H 147DH 1502H 004CH 0000H 0000H W W W G W CODE DATA STACK ??SEG MEMORY CLASS CODE DATA STACK MEMORY Locate Map for Communications Job 17D6H --.1713H 03BSH 0112H PUB PUB BEGINLISTENERTASKDATA1713H INITTASKENTRY 1713H 0153H 0401H PUB PUB POINTERIZE WORKERTASK SEGMENT MAP START 17130H 17D60H 17E30H STOP 17DS9H 1 7E 28H 17E9AH LENGTH ALIGN NAME 0C29H 00C8H 006AH W W W CODE DATA STACK CLASS CODE DATA STACK Locate Map for File Transaction Job 54 AFN·01540A Ap·86 Macrocal_I:___________________s~Y~S~T~E~M~(s~y~s~te~m~p~a~ra_m_e~t~e~rs~)______________________ exactly one Number of calls required: ----------------~~-------------------------------- CONFIGURATION FILENAME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ FORMAT: 0/0 SYSTEM parameter type (nucleus_entry, rOd_size, min_trans_size, debugger, base word work see note 1 see note 2 word defau It_e_h_provided, mode) suggested default 80:0 (0) 1D (64) 6g (A) N (N) NOTES: 1. Valid entries for the debugger parameter include: A N 2. Debugger available No debugger available Valid entries for the default_e_h_provided parameter include: Y D N Yes Debugger No %SYSTEM Macro Worksheet AFN-01540A 55 value N 1 Ap·86 SAB (for system address blocks) Macro call: ----------------------~--~--------------~------------------- Number of calls required: one or more -----------------------------------------------------APEX1 CONFIGURATION FILE NAME: ------------------------------------------------- FORMAT: %SAB parameter type (start_base, end_base, type) base base see note 1 suggested default value 0 J~OO U U NOTES: 1. The type parameter is reserved for future use. Enter the character U for this parameter. 2. A SAB is declared between start_base:O and end_base:F, inclusive. %SAB Macro Worksheet 56 AFN·Q1540A Ap·86 Macro call: JOB (defines first-level jobs) Number of calls required: one for each first-level job ------------------------~--------------------------- CONFIGURATION FILE NAME: APEX 1 FORMAT: suggested type parameter %JOB (directory_size, pool_min, pool_max, max_objects, max_tasks, max_job_priority, exception_handler_entry, exception_handler_mode, job_flags, init_tasLpriority, word word word word word byte addr byte word byte base addr word word dat~segment_base, stacLpoi nter, stacLsize, tasLflags) NOTE: 1. addr is specified as base:offset %JOB Macro Worksheet AFN-01540A 57 default value (0) Q (OFFFFH) OFFFF QEFFF FFFF FFFF 129 (0:0) 0:0 (1 ) 1 (0) 0 (0) (0:0) 1713:112 1706 0:0 (512) 512 (0) 0 AP·86 %sab(0,1900,U) %job(0,300h,0FFFh,0ffffh,0ffffh,0,0:0,0,0,128,77e:3e,1 46e,0:0,512,0) %job(0,lFFH,0FFFH,0FFFFH,0FFFFH,128,0:0,0,0,131,1475:572,15bd,0:0,400,0) %job(~,300H,0FFFFH,0FFFFH,0FFFFH,128,0:0,1,0,130,1713:II2,17d6,0:0,400H,0) %system(80,10,64,N,N,I) Configuration File Apex 1.CN F ; ;*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-- CTABLE.CSD --*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* SUBMIT :Fx:CTABLE{ fsys, fin, fout, config_file, date .; Th i s submit file assembles the CTABLE module, where: the system disk containing ASM86 fsys the source/input disk (FI is assumed) fin the object/listing/output disk fout the path-name of the configuration file config file date the date copy ~,j t: 0 : r J. ; con r 1 9 • t: 11 L U :%0:asm86 :%1:ctable.a86 pr(:%2:ctable.lst) oj(:%2:ctable.obj) date{%4) & xref debug ep Submit File to Generate Configuration Table ;*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-- CLNKRJ.CSD --*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* SUBMIT :Fx:CLNKRJ( fsys, fin, fout) This submit file links the Root-Job, where: fsys the system disk containing LINK86 fin the source/inp1lt disk fout the object/listing/output disk ; :%0:link86 :%l:croot.lib(root),& : %2:ctable.obj,& :%I:croot.lib & to :%2:rootjb.lnk map pr{:%2:rootjb.mpl) Submit File to Link the Root Job 58 AFN·01540A Ap·86 ; ;*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-- CLOCRJ.CSD --*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* SUBMIT :Fx:CLOCRJ( fsys, fin, fout) This submit file locates the Root-Job, where: fsys the system disk containing LOC86 fin = source/input disk fout = object/listing/output disk ;-- NOTE: BE SURE TO REPLACE THE "?????" BELOW WITH THE APPROPRIATE ;-- ADDRESS THE ROOT-JOB IS TO BE LOCATED AT!! ; :%0:1oc86 :%2:rootjb.lnk to :%2:rootjb & map pr(:%2:rootjb.mp2) sc(3) & name(ROOT JOB) oc(nocm,noli,nopl,nosb) & segsize(stack(200h)) & order(classes(data,stack,memory,code)) & addresses(classes(data(12C00H))) Submit File to Locate Root Job AFN-01540A 59 Using the iRMX 86™ Operating System Ap·86 REQUEST FOR READER'S COMMENTS The Microcomputer Division Technical Publications Department attempts to provide documents that meet the needs of all Intel product users. Th is form lets you participate directly in the documentation process. Please restrict your comments to the usability, accuracy, readability, organization, and completeness of this document. 1. Please specify by page any errors you found in this manual. 2. Does the document cover the information you expected or required? Please make suggestions for improvement . .:S. IS this the nght type ot document tor your needs? Is It at the nght level? 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Systems & Components Pty. ltd. 310 Queen Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Tel: TELEX: Warburton Franki Corporate Headquarters 372 Eastern Valley Way Chats wood, New South Wales 2067 Tel: 407-3261 TELEX: AA 21299 AUSTRIA Bacher Elektronische Geraete GmbH Rotenmulgasse 26 A 1120 Vienna Tel: (0222) 83 63 96 TELEX: (01) 1532 Rekirsch Elektronik Geraete GmbH Lichtensteinstrasse 97 A1000 Vienna Tel: (222) 347646 TELEX: 74759 FRANCE Celdis SA' 53, Rue Charles Frerot F-94250 Gentilly Tel: (1) 58100 20 TELEX: 200 485 Asahi Electronics Co. ltd. KMM Bldg. Room 407 2-14-1 Asano, Kokura Kita-Ku, Kitokyushu City 802 Tel: (093) 511-6471 TELEX: AECKY 7126-16 Feutrier Rue des Trois Glorieuses F-42270 St. Priest-en-Jarez Tel: (77) 74 67 33 TELEX: 300 0 21 Hamilton-Avnet Electronics Japan ltd. YU and YOU Bldg. 1-4 Horidome-Cho Nihonbashi Tel: (03) 662-9911 TELEX: 2523774 Metrologie' La Tour d'Asnieres 4, Avenue Laurent Cely 92606-Asnieres Tel: 791 44 44 TELEX: 611448 Nippon Micro Computer Co. ltd. Mutsumi Bldg. 4-5-21 Kojimachi Chlyoda-ku, Tokyo 102 Tel: (03) 230-0041 Tekelec Airtronic' Cite des Bruyeres Rue Carle Vernet F-92310 Sevres Tel: (1) 534 7535 TELEX: 204552 GERMANY BELGIUM Inelco Belgium SA Ave. des Croix de Guerre 94 B1120 Brussels Tel: (02) 216 01 60 TELEX: 25441 BRAZIL Electronic 2000 Vertriebs GmbH Neumarkter Strasse 75 0-8000 Munich 80 Tel: (089) 434061 TELEX: 522561 Jermyn GmbH Postfach 1180 0-6077 Cam berg • :....,. 0511-Av. Mutinga 3650 6 Andar Pirituba-Sao Paulo Tel: 26HI211 TELEX: (011) 222 ICO BR CHILE DIN Av. Vic. Mc kenna 2Q.1 Casilla 6055 Santiago Tel: 227564 TELEX: 3520003 CHINA C.M. Technologies 525 University Avenue Suite A-40 Palo Alto, CA 94301 COLOMBIA International Computer Machines Adpo. Aereo 19403 Bogota 1 Tel: 232-6635 TELEX: 43439 CYPRUS Cyprus Eltrom Electronics P.O. Box 5393 Nicosia Tel: 21-27982 DENMARK STL-Lyngso Komponent AlS Ostmarken 4 DK-2860 Soborg Tel: (01) 67 00 77 TELEX: 22990 Scandinavian Semiconductor Supply AlS Nannasgade 18 DK-2200 Copenhagen Tel: (01) 83 50 90 TELEX: 19037 ,\0,01'··.. • ...... 1 ... 0.1· TELEX: 484426 Kontron Elektronik GmbH Breslauerstrasse 2 8057 Eching B D-8OOO Munich Tel: (89) 319.011 TELEX: 522122 Neye Enatechnik GmbH Schillerstrasse 14 0-2085 Quickborn-Hamburg Tel: (04106) 6121 TELEX: 02-13590 GREECE American Technical Enterprises P.O. Box 156 Athens Tel: 30-1-8811271 30-1-8219470 HONG KONG Schmidt & Co. 28/F Wing on Center Connaught Road Hong Kong Tel: 5-455-644 TELEX: 74766 Schmc Hx INDIA Micronic Devices 104/109C, Nirmal Industrial Estate Sion (E) Bombay 400022, India Tel: 486-170 TELEX: 011-5947 MDEV IN ISRAEL Eastronics ltd.' 11 Rozanis Street P.O. Box 39300 Tel Aviv 61390' Tel: 475151 TELEX: 33638 Ryoyo Electric Corp. Konwa Bldg. 1-12-22, Tsukiji, 1-Chome Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 1Q.1 Tel: (03) 543-7711 Tokyo Electron ltd. No.1 Higashikata-Machi Midori-Ku, Yokohama 226 Tel: (045) 471-8811 TELEX: 781-4473 KOREA Koram Digital Room 411 Ahil Bldg. 49-4 2-GA Hoehyun-Dong Chung-Ku Seoul Tel: 23-8123 TELEX: K23542 HANSINT Leewooo Internallonal, inC. C.P.O. Box 4046 112-25, Sokong-Dong Chung-Ku, Seoul 100 Tel: 28-5927 CABLE: "LEEWOOD" Seoul NETHERLANDS Inelco Nether. Compo Sys. BV Turfstekerstraat 63 Aalsmeer 1431 0 Tel: (2977) 28855 TELEX: 14693 Koning & Hartman Koperwerf 30 2544 EN Den Haag Tel: (70) 210.101 TELEX: 31528 NEW ZEALAND W. K. McLean ltd. P.O. Box 18-065 Glenn Innes, Auckland, 6 Tel: 587-037 TELEX: NZ2763 KOSFY NORWAY Nordisk Elektronik (Norge) A/S Postoffice Box 122 Smedsvingen 4 1364 Hvalstad Tel: 02 78 62 10 TELEX: 17546 PORTUGAL Ditram Componentes E Electronica LDA Av. Miguel Bombarda, 133 Lisboa 1 Tel: (19) 545313 TELEX: 14347 GESPIC SPAIN Interface Av. Generalisimo 51 9' E-Madrid 16 Tel: 456 3151 ITISESA Miguel Angel 16 Madrid 10 Tel: (1) 4190957 TELEX: 27707/27461 SWEDEN AB Gosta Backstrom Box 12009 10221 Stockholm Tel: (08) 541 080 TELEX: 10135 Nordisk Electronik AB Box 27301 S-10254 Stockholm Tel: (08) 635040 TELEX: 10547 SWITZERLAND Industrade AG Gemsenstrasse 2 Postcheck 80 - 21190 CH-8021 Zurich Tel: (01) 60 22 30 TELEX: 56788 TAIWAN Taiwan Automation Co.' ... 1.0 , .w ........... , ..... ~ ......... , • Nanking East Road Taipei Tel: 771.()940 TELEX: 11942 TAIAUTO TURKEY Turkelek Electronics Apapurk Boulevard 169 Ankara Tel: 189483 UNITED KINGDOM Com way Microsystems ltd. Market Street 68-Bracknell, Berkshire Tel: (344) 51654 TELEX: 847201 G.E.C. Semiconductors ltd. East Lane North Wembley Middlesex HA9 7PP Tel: (01) 904-9303/908-4111 TELEX: 28817 Jermyn Industries Vestry Estate Sevenoaks, Kent Tel: (0732) 501.44 TELEX: 95142 Rapid Recall, ltd. 6 Soho Mills Ind. Park Wooburn Green Bucks, England Tel: (6285) 24961 TELEX: 849439 Sintrom Electronics ltd." Arkwright Road 2 Reading, Berkshire RG2 OLS Tel: (0734) 85464 TELEX: 847395 VENEZUELA SINGAPORE General Engineers Associates Blk 3, 1003-1008, 10th Floor P.S.A. Multi-Storey Complex Telok Blangah/Pasir Panjang Singapore 5 Tel: 271-3163 TELEX: RS23987 GENERCO Componentes y Circuilos Eiectronicos TTLCA C.A. Apartado 3223 Caracas 101 Tel: 718-100 TELEX: 21795 TELETIPOS "Field Application Location INTERNATIONAL SALES AND MARKETING OFFICES INTEL@ MARKETING OFFICES AUSTRALIA GERMANY ITALY SWEDEN Intel Australia Suite 2, Level 15, North Point 100 Miller Street North Sydney, NSW, 2060 Tel: 450-847 TELEX: AA 20097 Intel Semiconductor GmbH" Seidlstrasse 27 8000 Muenchen 2 Tel: (089) 53 891 TELEX: 523 177 Intel Corporation Italia, S.p.A. Corso Sempione 39 1-20145 Milano Tel: 2/34.93287 TELEX: 311211 Intel Sweden A.B.' Box 20092 Alpvagen 17 5-16120 Bromma Tei: (OS) 98 53 90 TELEX: 12261 BELGIUM Intel Corporation SA Rue du Moulin a Papier 51 Boite 1 B-1160 BrusselS Tel: (02) 660 30 10 TELEX: 24814 DENMARK Intel Denmark AlS' Lyngbyvej 32 2nd Floor DK-2100 Copenhagen East Tel: (01) 182000 TELEX: 19567 FINLAND Intel Scandinavia Sentnerikuja 3 SF - 00400 Helsinki 40 Tel: (0) 558531 TELEX: 123 332 FRANCE Intel Corporation, S.A.R.l.· 5 Place de la Balance Silic 223 94528 Rungis Cedex Tel: (01) 687 22 21 TELEX: 270475 Intel Semiconductor GmbH Mainzer Strasse 75 6200 Wiesbaden 1 Tel: (06121) 700874 TELEX: 04186183 Intel Semiconductor GmbH Wernerstrasse 67 P.O. Box 1460 7012 Fellbach Tel: (0711) 580082 TELEX: 7254826 Intel Semiconductor GmbH Hindenburgstrasse 28/29 3000 Hannover 1 Tel: (0511) 852051 TELEX: 923625 HONG KONG Intel Trading Corporation 99-105 Des Voeux Rd., Central 18F, Unit B Hong Kong Tel: 5-450-847 TELEX: 63869 ISRAEL Intel Semiconductor Ltd.' P.O. Box 2404 Haifa Tel: 972/4524261 TELEX: 92246511 JAPAN SWITZERLAND Intel Japan K.K.· Flower Hill-Shinmachi East Bldg. 1-23-9, Shinmachi, Setagaya-ku Tokyo 154 Tel: (03) 426-9261 TELEX: 781-28426 Intel Semiconductor A.G. Forchstrasse 95 CH 8032 Zurich Tel: 1-55 45 02 TELEX: 55789 ich ch NETHERLANDS UNITED KINGDOM Intel Semiconductor B.V. Cometongebouw Westblaak 106 3012 Km Rotterdam Tel: (10) 149122 TELEX: 22283 Intel Corporation (U.K.) Ltd. Broadfield House 4 Between Towns Road Cowley, Oxford OX4 3NB Tel: (0865) 77 1431 TELEX: 837203 NORWAY Intel Norway AlS P.O. Box 92 Hvamveien 4 N-2013 Skjetten Tel: (2) 742 420 TELEX: 18018 Intel Corporation (U.K.) Ltd.' 5 Hospital Street Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 5RE Tel: (0270) 62 65 60 TELEX: 36620 Intel Corporation (U.K.) ltd. Dorcan House Eldine Drive Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 3TU Tel: (0793) 26101 TELEX: 444447 tNT SWN • Field Application Location INTEL CORPORATION, 3065 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95051 • (408) 734-8102 x598 Printed in U.S.A.lB261/0780/10K/BO&A/BL AFN·01540A
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