9781905862238 A Practical Manual Of Beekeeping
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- Contents
- List of illustrations
- List of photographs
- Introduction
- Acknowledgements
- 1 Honey-bees and human beings
- 2 Understanding the honey-bee colony
- 3 Using the products of the hive and bees
- 4 Obtaining equipment and bees
- 5 Starting with bees
- 6 The active season: spring
- 7 The active season: summer and autumn
- 8 Dealing with problems
- 9 Overwintering your bees: autumn to spring
- 10 Controlling diseases and pests
- 11 Rearing queens and breeding bees
- Why rear your own queens?
- Choosing the time of year to re-queen
- Queen rearing: an outline
- Preparing the larvae
- Moving the larvae
- Rearing queens: methods
- Inducing supersedure
- Marking your queens
- Troubleshooting queen cells
- Assessing queen cells
- Assessing queens
- Keeping records
- Breeding queens
- Practical bee breeding
- A bee breeding system: an example
- Bee breeding: a summary
- 12 Exploring products and career possibilities
- Weights and measures ready-reckoner
- Further reading
- International beekeeping organizations
- Beekeeping charities
- Beekeeping journals
- Beekeeping supply companies
- Index

A Practical Manual of

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David Cramp
Spring Hill
A Practical Manual of
How to keep bees and develop your full potential as an apiarist
Published by How To Content,
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The right of David Cramp to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in
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© 2008 David Cramp
First edition 2008
First published in electronic form 2008
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978 1 84803 306 1
Cover design by Baseline Arts Ltd, Oxford
Produced for How To Books by Deer Park Productions, Tavistock
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NOTE: The material contained in this book is set out in good faith for general guidance and
no liability can be accepted for loss or expense incurred as a result of relying in particular
circumstances on statements made in the book. Laws and regulations are complex and
liable to change, and readers should check the current position with the relevant
authorities before making personal arrangements.
List of illustrations ix
List of photographs xi
Introduction xiii
Acknowledgements xv
1 Honey-bees and human beings 1
Understanding the relationship between bees and pollination 1
Profiting from a gold mine 2
Coping with bee stings 4
Making a hobby of beekeeping 4
Bees and learning 5
Master chemists 5
Researching honey-bees 6
Becoming a beekeeper 6
The world is your oyster 8
2 Understanding the honey-bee colony 9
Considering the colony as a single organism 9
Bee development 10
Queen bees 12
Worker bees 15
Drone bees 21
The politics of the hive, or ‘who tells whom what to do?’ 23
The birth of a queen 25
Colony nest requirements 27
The beekeeper’s role 28
Summary 29

3 Using the products of the hive and bees 31
Producing honey 31
Collecting pollen 35
Harvesting royal jelly 36
Producing beeswax 38
Collecting propolis 40
Producing venom 42
Harvesting silk 43
Summary 44
4 Obtaining equipment and bees 45
Acquiring beehives 45
Choosing the type of beehive 57
Buying second-hand hives 59
Obtaining new hives or making your own 60
Acquiring other beekeeping equipment 60
Clothing 63
Obtaining bees 65
Acquiring gentle bees 66
Starting beekeeping: a summary 67
Acquiring the equipment 69
When to obtain your bees 69
What next? 70
5 Starting with bees 71
Positioning your hives 71
Arranging insurance in rural and urban areas 77
Your bees arrive 77
Summary 81
6 The active season: spring 82
Starting in the springtime 82
Swarming 91
Supersedure 109
Building up the colony 110
Summary 113

7 The active season: summer and autumn 115
Taking your bees to harvest 115
Supering up 116
Harvesting honey 118
Extracting the honey 126
Analysing your extracted honey 127
Dealing with the aftermath 131
Producing comb honey 132
Granulated and creamed honey 135
Inspecting the hive post-harvest 135
Marketing honey 136
The year so far: a summary 136
8 Dealing with problems 138
Laying workers 138
Coping with aggressive colonies 141
Dealing with robber bees 144
Uniting colonies 146
Preventing spray damage 148
Moving hives 150
Dealing with queen problems 152
Introducing a new queen: a summary 160
9 Overwintering your bees: autumn to spring 162
Preparing for winter 162
Making feed mixes 167
Storing sugar syrup 170
The spring start 171
The beekeeping year: a summary 175
10 Controlling diseases and pests 178
Managing diseases and pests 178
Wax moth 179
Brood diseases 182
Other brood problems 190
Adult bee diseases 192
Other pests and disorders 208
Yet other pests 212
Summary 214

11 Rearing queens and breeding bees 216
Why rear your own queens? 216
Choosing the time of year to re-queen 217
Queen rearing: an outline 218
Preparing the larvae 218
Moving the larvae 221
Rearing queens: methods 222
Inducing supersedure 232
Marking your queens 232
Troubleshooting queen cells 235
Assessing queen cells 236
Assessing queens 237
Keeping records 237
Breeding queens 237
Practical bee breeding 242
A bee breeding system: an example 246
Bee breeding: a summary 247
12 Exploring products and career possibilities 248
Pollination 248
Harvesting other products of the hive 252
Going organic 264
Making a career in beekeeping 266
Beekeeping around the world 272
Finale 273
Weights and measures ready-reckoner 275
Further reading 279
International beekeeping organizations 283
Beekeeping charities 285
Beekeeping journals 287
Beekeeping supply companies 289
Index 293
List of illustrations and tables
1 The inhabitants of the hive 10
2 Bee development 11
3 A worker bee’s age-related tasks in the colony 16
4 Waggle-dance communication 19
5 The Feminine Monarchie by Charles Butler 24
6 The basic Langstroth hive 46
7 A stainless-steel mesh floor 47
8 A plastic queen excluder 48
9 Keeping frames apart 51
10 A frame feeder out of the hive 53
11 A feeder slotted into the hive on the right 53
12 Foundation wax 54
13 Wax cells 54
14 Two types of hive tool 61
15 A smoker 62
16 A queen cell hanging from the bottom of a frame 93
17 A swarm clustering on a post 95
18 A handy swarm box 96
19 (a) Gauze floor with aluminium flange; (b) box sitting on the flange;
(c) lid on ready to go 96
20 Spreading the brood 112
21 Inside a motorized tangential extractor 120
22 MOD UK tea strainer 122
23 A honey hydrometer 128
24 A comb cutter 134

25 (a) Cut comb in a container; (b) a round section 134
26 Sacbrood larvae: typical position 187
27 A chemical treatment for varroa and an organic treatment 202
28 Cell bars with plastic cells hanging downwards 220
29 The Miller frame: trimmed foundation 226
30 A plastic queen catcher and a marking pen 234
31 The number of chromosomes in bees 241
32 A bottom-mounted trap removable from the side 256
33 A pollen drier heated by an element 257
34 A pollen-moisture meter 258
35 A solar extractor 260
36 A steam extractor 261
1 Observations of the hive’s entrance 84
2 Moisture content and honey’s liability to ferment 128
3 Time for 30 mg/kg of HMF to accumulate 130
4 The causes of, and remedies for, aggressiveness 142
5 Queen/brood-nest troubleshooting guide 153
6 Temperatures and timings to kill yeasts in sugar syrup 171
7 The International Marking Code 233
8 Number of hives per hectare for a selection of crops 251
List of photographs
(between pages 144 and 145)
1 One egg at the base of each cell
2 Healthy sealed brood
3 Small, isolated drone cells – a sign of laying workers
4 Multiple eggs per cell, laid part way down the cells
5 Queen introduction and travel cages, with two virgin cells at the front
6 Placing a new queen into a hive in a frame wrapped in newspaper
7 A lesser wax moth
8 Wax moth damage
9 Spotted brood pattern (pepperpot)
10 AFB: the telltale rope of a dead larva
11 Varroa destructor
12 Varroa on larvae
13 Varroa mite on an adult bee
14 Typical view of suspected parasitic mite syndrome
15 Tropilaelaps clarae
16 The typical deformed wings of a (Tropilaelaps clarae) infestation
17 Adult small hive beetle
18 Small hive beetle larva
19 Small hive beetles on comb
20 Moving bees on a large scale
21 Jobbing beekeepers in New Zealand
22 Dragging out the bee truck
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Many readers will ask themselves whether another book on beekeeping can really add
anything new to the beekeeping scene. The answer to this question is yes. Although
much contained in this book may be known already, information about beekeeping
is spread throughout many manuals, specialist books and scientific papers that, even
though interesting to search out and read, are not readily accessible to those beginning
in beekeeping. This book’s aims, therefore, are to gather this knowledge together, to
ensure it is presented practically and free from myths, to add to it my wide experience
of beekeeping in various parts of the world and to show that anyone can learn how to
keep bees, at whatever level they wish.
Beekeepers vary from those who aspire to be hobbyists, who simply enjoy a fascinating
pastime; to jobbing beekeepers, moving from hemisphere to hemisphere; managers
of their own beekeeping businesses; or researchers, undertaking cutting-edge work
into bee flight in space, for example. All this is possible if you are prepared to regard
beekeeping not as a quaint, rustic pastime pursued by old, white-haired gentlemen with
pipes or by dotty old dears in horn-rimmed glasses but as a vital, multi-billion pound
global industry that can offer you the world – if you are prepared to commit yourself
to it.
Knowing nothing about bees and beekeeping, I first grasped the opportunity to become
a beekeeper when I was given a swarm of bees in a duvet cover as a gift. Suddenly I
found that the world was my oyster. I wish only that I had taken this step earlier in my

This book will help you to start and continue to be a beekeeper. It offers advice in a
very practical manner, with step-by-step guidance at each stage of the way. The advice
and information it contains are based on general beekeeping knowledge, my own
experiences, my successes in beekeeping and, more importantly, my frequent early
No book on beekeeping can cover everything about such a vast subject, and so a decision
was taken to steer the reader towards the practical rather than the theoretical side of
the subject. It is hoped that, by doing so, this book should help to get you started. You
can pick up the more theoretical aspects from specialist books and beekeeping journals
and papers – the important thing now is to begin to explore the exciting world of
In writing this book, I gratefully acknowledge two important occurrences; firstly,
the unusual birthday present of a swarm of bees in a duvet cover given to me by
my wife 18 years ago which started me out on the utterly fascinating route to being
a beekeeper; and secondly, 18 years of valuable input from the global community of
beekeepers which saved me from the ditch many times and convinced me beyond all
doubt that beekeeping really is the finest of professions.
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Chapter 1
Honey-bees and human beings
You have just started to read a book about how to enter an exciting, multi-billion pound/
dollar, global industry that is not only of vital and strategic interest to governments but
is also one that can offer you a fascinating hobby or career that could make you money
and take you all over the world.
The honey-bee is one of our best known insects, whose relationship with humans can
be traced back to the dawn of humankind when early people ‘stole’ honey from wild bee
nests. Cave paintings in Spain from as long ago as 6000 show our ancestors taking
honey from bees, which surely indicates that beekeeping is at least as old as the other
two oldest professions!
By the time humans did come on the scene, the honey-bee had already been around for
about 40–50 million years or more – it had evolved from its hunting-wasp ancestors
and had become a strict vegetarian. Bees and flowering plants then evolved with each
other in a truly remarkable relationship that changed and coloured the world we live in.
This evolutionary symbiotic relationship is probably the most important reason why
our world looks like it does today, and still the vital work of bees goes on. It is a sobering
thought that, if all humans were to be wiped out, the world would probably revert to the
rich, ecologically balanced state that existed some 10,000 years ago. On the other hand,
if bees and other pollinating insects were to be wiped out, humans and other animals
would not last for long.

Bees pollinate plants so that plants can reproduce, and that really is the bottom line.
That is what bees are all about. That is why we need bees and that is why hundreds of
millions of dollars, pounds and euros are spent annually by governments around the
globe in protecting bees, in bee research and in beekeeping subsidies of one type or
Because of their pollinating activities, honey-bees are the most economically important
insects on earth, and certainly the most studied. Honey production is essentially a side
issue. The honey-bee’s role – and thus the beekeeper’s role – in this becomes more
important and valuable by the day as our farming and other practices dramatically
eradicate the habitats of other types of bees and pollinating insects. Some insects can
exist only by eating the pollen of certain plants. If those plants were removed so that
more crops could be planted, bees and other pollinating insects would die out. What,
then, would pollinate our huge areas of mono-crops? The answer would be to truck in
honey-bees by the million.
Pollination can be achieved only by using large numbers of honey-bees. In this way, our
crops and wildflowers are pollinated, and the beekeeper can obtain a pollination fee
and honey for sale. As a reward for pollination, and as an enticement to the bee, most
plants offer food – nectar – in return. The bees take this, alter it through the addition of
enzymes, reduce its moisture content and store it as honey so that they and their colony
may survive winter periods or other periods of dearth. In this way they differ from
wasps, bumble-bees and other types of bee, whose colonies die out on the approach of
winter, with only the newly mated queens hibernating until the spring when they will
start new colonies.
Food for free?
If you look at fields full of flowering crops or wild flowers in the countryside, or at
garden and park flowers in the cities, you are not only looking at beauty but also at gold
– thousands of tons of valuable honey. Liquid gold sitting there, all for you! If you don’t

go and get it, the flowers will die at the end of the season and all those tons of honey
will go to waste. All that money will simply have dried up in front of your eyes. If, on
the other hand, you have bees, they will go and get it for you for free, and you can then
either eat it or sell it or both.
Bees are probably the only livestock that use other people’s land without permission
– and those landowners welcome them. It is a win-win situation for the bee and for
everyone else. Your bees are happy carrying out their work; you can enjoy your hobby or
business, and if you want to you can make a profit; the farmers get their crops pollinated
and so they make a profit; the shops obtain food to sell and they make a profit; the
general public have food to eat; and the government is happy that its agricultural and
environmental sectors are running smoothly and that somewhere along the line they
will be able to raise some tax.
Bees and the economy
Don’t forget that governments regard the whole set-up as so important that they
are willing to spend millions on ensuring that the status quo does not change and
that nothing happens to harm it. Recent research in the USA has valued crops that
require pollination by honey-bees at an estimated $24 billion annually, and the value of
commercial bee pollination on contracts at around $10 billion annually. These are huge
figures by any standard and they show that bees are big business.
Using honey in medicine
Honey sale value, on the other hand, is much less, at $285 million annually in the USA.
However, now that hard clinical trials are showing that certain types of honey can
provide antibiotic wound treatments more effectively and with fewer side-effects than
conventional treatments, this non-pollination side of beekeeping has become a rapidly
growing industry. Active manuka honey has been shown to beat the MRSA super-bug
with no side-effects to the patient and is used in burn dressings. Buckwheat honey
has been found in clinical trials to be more effective as a cough treatment than many
over-the-counter cough medicines. Honey is no longer old Gran’s remedy for colds or
an ‘alternative’ therapy. It is now a mainstream medicine available on national health
systems and used in hospitals in the UK, the USA and other countries.

But bees sting, don’t they? And that hurts, doesn’t it? Other than producing honey, bees
are best known for their tendency to sting on sight. In fact, it is not in a bee’s interest to
sting for the sake of it because they die in the process and they will avoid doing so unless
in defence of their nest, which of course is why beekeepers are stung. All beekeepers
will be stung during their beekeeping careers. This is a fact and it is also a fact that it is
painful. But it is not very painful and the pain doesn’t last for long.
Bee sting ‘cures’ rely on this fact. By the time you apply the patented bee-sting cure
bought from the snake oil stall at the market (which, technically, can’t cure anything
unless it’s an anaesthetic), the pain would be just about to disappear anyway.
Most beekeepers will tell you that bee stings are more or less of no concern to them and
that, if you are well clothed and use calm bees, stings will be few and far between. For a
very few, however, there is a danger. Allergy to insect venom does exist and can be fatal
if the person stung goes into anaphylactic shock. This is extremely rare, however, and
one statistic indicates that you are more likely to die from a horse falling on you than
from a bee sting. Because there is a very remote possibility of suffering a fatal allergic
reaction, many beekeepers carry with them an epi-pen injector for emergency use. This
requires a prescription in most countries.
Beekeeping, though, is more than just a profit-making activity: it can also be a
fascinating, environmentally sound hobby that can totally absorb you. Beekeeping
in many countries is predominantly a hobby activity. The numbers of commercial
beekeepers who ‘farm’ bees are comparatively few and, in some countries such as the
UK and many other European countries, they are a tiny proportion of the whole, and
the ‘whole’ is but a tiny proportion of the population.
Why, then, are governments interested in this small group of people and their hobby?
The answer is that, whether beekeepers are hobbyists or commercial operators, they

have bees, and the national agricultural sector and the countryside commissions
rely totally on these bees. The fewer the commercial beekeepers there are, the more
hobbyists are needed to keep these vital sectors going.
Honey-bees are not domestic animals. They are wild and, unlike horses and cows and
other livestock, they don’t recognize beekeepers as their ‘owners’. Having said that,
recent research has shown that, despite the small size of its brain, a bee can recognize
human faces if trained to do so and can remember them for two days. Scientists hope
that, by studying this amazing ability further, they will be able to develop better face-
recognition computer software. It is unlikely, however, that the average beekeeper will
find their bees flocking to them on sight.
Bees (like other insects) are assumed to act on instinct alone. However, they can also
‘learn’ – and not only learn a primary task but they can also learn and remember a
secondary task resulting from the first. Like most other life forms, their daily life
involves family (colony) survival and the propagation of their species.
To accomplish this, bees manufacture wax as a building material and honey as an energy
food. They also collect pollen as a protein food. They produce propolis to use as a glue,
a gap filler and an antibiotic and anti-viral varnish for the nest. They manufacture a
highly complex venom to deter predators, including beekeepers, and complex arrays
of pheromones that regulate life in the hive. Finally, they produce royal jelly – a highly
nutritious substance with which to feed their brood, and they even produce silk to
cocoon themselves in during their larval/pupal development. In short, they are master
chemists, able to manufacture or collect and alter everything needed for their survival.

Honey-bees can navigate using the position of the sun, polarized light and landmarks.
They can ‘tell’ other bees about the distance and bearing to sources of food using a well
developed symbolic language based on movement and sound. They can also regulate
the temperature of the nest to an exact degree using heating and cooling systems of
immense complexity. As long as it has water and food, a colony placed on the sides of a
volcano or iceberg will maintain its brood nest at 34º C (93º F).
It is these facets of the honey-bee’s ability that have caused it to be one of the most
researched insects on earth, and all countries maintain at least one institute devoted to
bee research, and many universities have bee research departments.
So, could you manage to keep these highly complex creatures? The answer is yes, you
could – if you knew how to, and that can be learnt from this book. It is not difficult at
all, as long as you know what you are doing.
A beekeeper, then, is someone who is not only engaged in a hobby or business but also
someone who (by design or not) is taking an active part in protecting the future of the
planet. This sounds dramatic but in fact is true, as you will find out if you continue.
Spending your time beekeeping
Unlike other livestock, bees do not need constant attention. They will go out each day
and get on with it whether you are there or not. If you devote one day in ten to them
with occasional bursts of more attention when required and during the harvest, you
would be able to keep bees satisfactorily, and this is, in the main, for only part of the
year. During the winter months you can leave them alone completely unless something
dramatic happens, such as flooding or lightning strikes.

Hobby beekeepers usually increase the number of beehives they keep, and some may
expand their activity into selling part of their honey crop at local markets and in shops.
Most will join their local beekeeping associations that, in some countries such as the
UK, are very social institutions holding shows, dinners and drinks parties, lectures
and advice sessions, and some of the most cut-throat competitions where skulduggery
reigns supreme (they would never admit to this, though).
Most commercial beekeepers who make their living from bees started out as hobbyists.
Some specialize in honey production, others in pollination services to farmers; others
specialize in rearing queen bees for sale; and yet others specialize in other hive products,
such as beeswax, pollen, propolis or royal jelly. There is even a large and profitable
market in bee venom. Some graduate into apitherapy – a very effective alternative type
of healing that is fast becoming mainstream medicine. Mead, honey or propolis soap,
face creams and so on are all side-lines for the imaginative beekeeper.
Other beekeepers devote their efforts to breeding the ‘perfect’ bee: a calm, gentle,
disease-resistant, productive creature. Despite the fact that a male bee or drone has no
father (which complicates the issue), breeding success is often claimed to be at hand.
And then there are the professional itinerant beekeepers who make a living by hiring
themselves out to large commercial outfits all over the world. These young men and
women travel the world moving from one hemisphere to the other according to the
seasons, using their beekeeping skills to pick up the many jobs available in commercial
These people start as basic beekeepers and move on to become team leaders, head
beekeepers and managers. They lead a physically hard life of travel and excitement.
They pick up a huge range of skills, from heavy-truck driving, to landowner dispute
mediation, plant biology and chemistry, to disease problem-solving and everything in
between, and they come from all over the world. They need a huge amount of practical
ability so that they can exist for weeks on end in often very remote areas, and they are
known as the world’s last cowboys. In one beekeeping firm in New Zealand I worked
with Peruvians, Canadians, Australians, Philippinos and Brits. Just down the road

another similar firm employed Bulgarians and Peruvians. At the end of the season,
most of them moved on to the Northern Hemisphere. But they would be back. And
when on a night out, these young men tell the pretty young woman in the local pub that
they are beekeepers, that young lady always wants to find out more (or the other way
round, of course)!
Destressing yourself
You can even adopt a Zen approach to beekeeping – go with the seasons and be part of
nature. Remember that bees are probably the most ‘natural’ of all humanity’s livestock.
They are totally wild creatures. There is nothing domesticated about them at all, and so
nature and the seasons mean everything to them – and to you, if you follow them. All
the clues to success with this approach are in front of you.
Finally, while still on the subject of beekeepers, I know of two very highly placed
executives who each have two hives and who just like to destress themselves after a
busy week in the office by sitting in the sun with a glass of wine and watching the bees
coming and going from the hives. They leave all the honey to the bees and carry out only
minimal essential tasks to ensure their bees’ survival. What more could you ask for?
So what type of beekeeper will you be? There is a huge choice but, whatever you
choose to do, you will need some essential instruction and guidance, and it is the aim
of this book to start you off and to provide essential information clearly and accurately.
By following the information in this book you will soon be enjoying yourself as a
beekeeper, with a whole new world of possibilities opening up in front of you. If you are
a beekeeper, the world is your oyster.

Chapter 2
Understanding the
honey-bee colony
A single honey-bee cannot live for very long on its own. There would be no point in
doing so. A worker bee cannot reproduce; a queen bee cannot construct comb, collect
food or even feed herself; and a drone bee is able to accomplish only one task and that
is to mate. All three castes of honey-bee that live in a colony of bees – the queen, the
worker and the drone – therefore can live only as part of a colony. The colony is in effect
the organism, with the individual bees acting as the cells that make up that organism.
In order to keep bees successfully, the beekeeper has to understand that organism: how
and why it works and what it needs for its survival. Only then can the beekeeper work
with bees, adapting his or her requirements to theirs. You can’t direct bees, but you can
encourage them to work your way – to a certain extent.
When you first look into a hive and see thousands of bees apparently moving around at
random and flying off the comb in all directions, the colony appears to be a place of chaos.
But it isn’t. All this movement has a purpose and, within a short time in beekeeping,
you will begin to see this purpose for what it is, and that is a highly organized society
going about its business. You will also begin to notice when things aren’t going right in
the colony and, with more experience, you will be able to look at each comb and, almost
instantly, will be able to picture clearly in your mind the state of the colony. Is it healthy?
Is there a queen? Is the queen laying well? Are the bees building up in numbers as you
would expect? Will they survive the winter? Do they need feeding? It is like reading a

book with clearly drawn diagrams. First, however, you should gain an understanding of
the development of the three inhabitants of the hive – the queen, the worker and the
drone (see Figure 1).
Fig. 1. The inhabitants of the hive: (a) worker, (b) queen and (c) drone.
Each type of bee begins life as a small egg laid by the queen in the base of a wax cell
in the comb. After three days, the egg hatches and the bee begins its larval phase in an
open cell, being fed by nurse bees first on royal jelly and then on a mixture of pollen
and honey (unless they are destined to be a queen bee, when royal jelly will be fed
continuously). After another five days, (six for a drone bee), the workers cap the cell,
and the larva spin a cocoon around itself and begins its pupal stage during which it
gradually changes into an adult bee. The bee then chews through the capping of wax
and emerges as an adult. This means, of course, that every bee you see is an adult.
(b) (c)

0 3 8 16
0 3 8 21
0 3 9½ 24
Egg Uncapped larva Capped larva
Fig. 2. Bee development
Figure 2 shows this development and how long it takes. While it is important to
remember the timings of this development, which we look at in more detail in later
chapters of this book, the following are some notes about what each type of bee does
after emerging:
Queen: if climatic conditions permit, the queen will make a mating flight around
five or six days after emergence. She will start to lay eggs 36 hours or more after a
successful mating flight, usually more after three days.
Drones: these are fed by workers until around seven days old. They remain in
the hive until approximately 12–13 days old (when they are sexually mature).
Thereafter, they undertake mating flights during the afternoons. They are removed
from the hive during the autumn or during times of dearth.

Workers: this is a complex subject we can only touch on here. A worker’s lifespan
will vary according to the time of year. During the summer, the average life span is
15–38 days; during the winter it can be 140 days or more. This depends very much
on the prevailing conditions.
Note: the number of days until emergence can vary considerably (e.g. for a queen, 14–17
days; for a worker, 16–24 days; and for a drone, 20–28 days). This variability may be
due to environmental factors (especially temperature) and nutrition.
There is generally one queen bee in any colony. The queen is a complete female in that
she can mate and lay eggs, and those, essentially, are her only tasks in life – to mate
and lay eggs. She isn’t much bigger than a worker, especially before she has mated, and,
in a very populous hive, can be difficult to find but, with experience, most beekeepers
can find her easily enough. Finding the queen is an important part of beekeeping
management, and tips on queen-finding are given in Chapter 6.
On emergence from her cell as an adult virgin, the queen mates within a few days. With
worker bee encouragement she leaves the hive and flies some distance to what is known
as a drone congregation area (DCA), where she mates on the wing with up to 20–30
drone bees, but usually fewer. Her pheromones attract the waiting drones which, one
after another, fly up to her, grasp her from behind, evert their internal genitals and
literally explode into the queen, ripping themselves apart in the process and dying on
the spot. Then the next drone takes over.
As soon as the queen has stored enough sperm in her sperm sac or spermatheca, she
returns to the hive and starts life as the queen bee of the colony. Her time outside the
hive is dangerous because of predators, such as birds, and also as a result of bad weather,
and so all is usually accomplished in this one flight. She meets drones from many
different colonies, thus helping to maintain genetic diversity and preventing inbreeding.
It is perhaps a point worth making that only the fastest and strongest drones reach her
before she goes home, which may help in propagating only the best of the species.

DCAs are mysterious affairs, and much scientific research has gone into trying to
find out why they are where they are and exactly what their boundaries are. There
is a DCA over Selborne Common in Hampshire that was first described by the Rev.
Gilbert White in the 1700s. It still reappears in the same place each year and can
easily be heard on a fine summer’s day. In these DCAs, drones mate with a queen. If
they pass an invisible boundary inches away, they won’t. Why not? How do drones,
which are new each year, know where they are? How do virgin queens know where
they are? This is a subject ripe for further investigation, the results of which would aid
commercial beekeepers immensely, and this is another opportunity for those interested
in beekeeping – research on the subject. Why not combine your hobby with a career as
a scientist?
Participating in multiple sex
Research has shown that worker bees back in the colony will pay more attention to a
queen that has mated with a large number of drones than to one that has mated with
fewer, and that they will more readily accept her. The multiple-mated queen and the
queen mated fewer times have been found to have pheromonal differences, behavioural
differences and queen/worker interaction differences. In other words, the more matings
the better. If a beekeeper is introducing an expensively purchased queen to a colony, this
is an important matter, and scientists therefore hope to devise a test so that beekeepers
can know the quality of the queen they buy from a queen rearer.
Once the queen returns to her nest, she will have enough stored sperm in her
spermatheca to last her for her lifetime, and she will become an egg-laying machine able
to lay up to 2,000 eggs a day in her prime. During her ‘reign’ she will exude chemical
messages called pheromones that are passed around the colony by bee-to-bee contact.
Worker bees of a certain age groom, clean and feed the queen, who is unable to carry
out these tasks herself, and it is these attendants that initiate the passing around of
queen pheromones. The most important of these attendants tell the bees that the queen
is there; that she is fit and healthy and is laying eggs. These pheromones also inhibit the
enlargement of worker bee ovaries.

The fast and effective passage of these pheromones around the colony is essential to
colony stability. If the queen is ageing or has other problems and the strength of her
pheromones diminishes, or if the colony becomes so crowded that the message takes
longer to get around, then the workers may sense this and start to build new queen cells
in preparation for queen renewal. Unless the beekeeper acts decisively, this may lead to
swarming, where the old queen and up to half the workers and a few drones depart the
colony and start another one elsewhere while the workers in the original colony raise a
new queen. Thus where there was one colony there will now be two, with the new young
queen getting the best of the deal by retaining the existing nest, stores and brood.
This is in effect colony reproduction and is an entirely natural state of affairs, but it does
mean that half the beekeeper’s honey-producing livestock flies off and, in all likelihood,
becomes someone else’s honey-producing livestock. (Most beekeepers collect swarms
that are, in effect, free additions to their livestock numbers.) We deal with swarms and
swarm control in more detail in Chapter 6.
Attributes and role
The queen can sting, but her sting lacks an effective barb and its base is well anchored
so that she can usually withdraw it safely. She uses her sting only to kill rival queens and
would rarely, if ever, sting a human.
The queen bee can live for around four years (10 times longer than a worker) unless
replaced earlier by the bees or the beekeeper (queen replacement is discussed in
Chapter 6). She will not fly out of the hive again unless she leads a swarm in search of a
new home, or unless you drop her, when she may fly off never to be seen again.
Considering that she comes from the same genome as a worker bee, her long life is
surprising, especially as most organisms trade long life for not reproducing. Yet the
queen has it both ways. She can lay up to around 2,000 eggs a day and still live for a
long time.
Research shows that a substance called vitellogenin – a yoke protein important to
reproduction – is in higher concentrations in queens than in workers, especially as

they age. This substance has been shown to reduce oxidative stress in honey-bees by
scavenging free radicals that can lead to ageing or illness – a little like drinking green tea
and taking vitamin E pills.
As she lays her eggs, the queen measures the size of the cells with her antennae before
laying one egg at the base of the cell. If the cell is a ‘worker’-size cell, then the queen
will fertilize the egg as it passes out of her and, around 21 days later, one of the most
interesting and complex creatures on earth, a worker bee, inheriting genes from both
her father and mother, will emerge from the cell.
The worker is an incomplete female in that she can’t mate and reproduce, but she does
do just about everything else and, if you see a honey-bee collecting nectar and pollen
from flowers, it will be a worker. Worker bees pass through various task-related phases
as they age. Unlike ants, for example, which have task-related castes (such as soldier
ants for defence and so on), honey-bee workers engage in defence or other duties at
certain ages (see Figure 3).
On emerging from her cell as an adult bee, the worker begins work by cleaning out
brood cells and then by capping brood with wax as they enter their pupal stage. She
then tends the brood and feeds them and, after that, she engages in such duties as
tending the queen. As the worker becomes older (during the summer months we are
talking of an average 15–38 day lifespan), she receives nectar from incoming foragers
and places this in storage cells. She also engages in housework, such as hive-cleaning
duties that include, for some, undertaker bee duties or the removal of dead bees.
She then engages in ventilation and fanning duties, and produces wax. Workers can
synthesize the sugars in nectar and honey into beeswax, which they extrude through
glands underneath their abdomens. Each worker has four ‘wax mirrors’ from which wax
is extruded. Wax is employed to build comb that is used as a nursery for brood, as a
store for pollen, a store for honey and as a surface on which to live in the hive. In other

words, wax is central to the bees’ existence. Without it, no food can be stored, no eggs
could be laid and no brood reared. The colony would soon die out.
Finally, the worker begins guard and defence duties at the entrance to the hive and will
readily launch herself at the beekeeper or strange bees. This guarding stage may last for
only a day or two, after which she will fly off and forage for nectar, pollen, propolis or
water. Therefore as her various glands develop and then atrophy, her duties change, and
she finally works herself to death as a forager if she hasn’t previously died in combat,
from disease or from having been eaten by a predator.
Fig. 3. A worker bee’s age-related tasks in the colony

Regulating the duties
The colony can, however, alter this progression of duties if it needs to. If, for example,
the colony’s forager bees are killed by pesticides, then younger bees will become foragers
sooner and may miss out an intervening stage. On the other hand, if all the younger
nurse bees who feed the brood are removed, older forager bees will revert to being nurse
bees, and this is no mean feat: their food-producing glands have atrophied by the time
they become foragers and have to become active again in order for them to produce
brood food.
One of the pheromone chemicals that regulates this progression of work is ethyl oleate.
Possibly spread around the colony by mouth-to-mouth contact, this pheromone slows
down the development of younger bees. Older forager bees carry some 30 times as
much of this chemical as younger bees do so, if there are plenty of foragers bringing in
the honey, there will be plenty of ethyl oleate in the hive, and this will keep younger bees
from developing into foragers. However, should the colony run low on mature foragers
(for example, due to spray poisoning), the supply of this grow-slow pheromone will
dwindle, and young bees will mature rapidly to fill in the ranks. When foragers again
abound, a new abundance of the pheromone will slow the replacement process.
Living in a state of dynamic equilibrium
The whole colony, therefore, lives in a state of dynamic equilibrium, ready to alter or
amend its priorities and population ratios at any given time, but only and always for the
colony’s benefit and survival. The beekeeper can’t change any of this but can work with
the flow by helping to ensure that external factors, such as lack of shelter, starvation,
disease, queen failure and so on, are minimized and remedied swiftly if they do occur.
The worker bee, then, is an immensely complex creature that has given up her right to
reproduce in exchange for furthering the cause of her genetic propagation via a single
laying queen. This evolutionary trait, however, is apparently not yet complete. If the
queen dies and colony attempts to raise another queen fail, then the ovaries of certain of
the workers will enlarge and they will begin to lay eggs. However, the colony is doomed
because, as workers have no apparatus for mating, the eggs will result in unfertilized
drone brood laid in small worker cells.

Competition from other laying workers is intense, and a clear sign of this laying-worker
syndrome is the sight of several eggs in a cell. These eggs will often be placed halfway
down the cell due to the shorter length of the worker’s abdomen. If at this stage another
queen bee is introduced to the colony, the laying workers will invariably kill her (dealing
with this problem is examined in Chapter 8).
The ‘waggle dance’
Bees are such efficient pollinators because, as forager bees, they can communicate the
source of food to each other. Immediately on setting up as a colony, scout bees are out
looking for the nearest and best sources of nectar and pollen. When they find these, they
return to the nest with samples and tell the other foragers about the location and how to
get there using a highly symbolic dance language based on movement and sound.
Performing the ‘waggle dance’
What is known as the ‘waggle dance’ has been studied by scientists for decades, and it
is generally believed to be the method by which bees tell one another of the location of
food and potential new nest sites. The dance takes the form of a figure of eight and is
performed by worker bees on the vertical surface of a comb (see Figure 4). The worker
moves along a straight line in the figure of eight and waggles from side to side. When
this waggle phase is complete, the bee circles to one side and returns to the starting
point. This sequence is then often repeated over 100 times, with the direction of the
return phase circling alternating each time.
The duration of the waggle phase is correlated to the distance of the food source and
the number of cycles performed is correlated to the size of the food supply. The further
the foraging site, therefore, the longer the duration of the waggle, and the bigger the
food source the greater the number of dance cycles. The angle of the straight line from
the vertical (vertical comb) is equal to the angle between the food source and the sun
upon departure from the hive, and the vigour with which the waggle is performed is an
indication of how much food is present at the site.
While carrying out this dance routine, the bee will often stop and give out small
samples of nectar to those attending the dance. The attending bees gather a great deal
of information from this dance, such as how far away the nectar is, the direction of

flight to take and the value of the source, and they also gain a taste of the nectar, which
can give them an odour cue.
Another dance consists of the bee performing a circular movement. This is believed to
tell attending bees that there is nectar near to the hive and to go out and look in the
surrounding area.
Understanding the waggle dance
The significance of this dance was really discovered by professor Karl von Frisch in
Germany in the 1960s. His books, The Dancing Bees and Bees: Their Chemical Senses
and Language, describe the experiments he used and they are worth reading. The latter
was in fact the first book I ever read on bees, and the only reason I bought it was that I
love books and here was a hardback for only £6.95. How it changed things!
Fig. 4. Waggle-dance communication

Over the succeeding decades, however, von Frisch’s theories were constantly challenged
by scientists who believed that the bees found the food by flying downwind of the
odour plume and that all that the returning forager imparted was the odour. What was
questioned about the Frisch theory was whether bees could decode the dance because
scientists did not believe observing bees with such small brains could actually follow
the instructions.
New tests carried out at Rothamsted in the UK, however, have shown that von Frisch
was right all along. Radar has helped to resolve this long-standing controversy, and
the scientists found that the famous waggle dance contains information about the
whereabouts of nectar, just as was originally proposed in the 1960s.
Radar tracking effectively proved the bees do follow waggle-dance instructions. The
scientists fixed radar transponders to bees who had watched the waggle dance to track
their route to the food source, and it was found they flew straight there. To double
check, bee recruits were taken to release sites 250 m (820 ft) away from the hive. These
bees flew to where the feeding site should have been had they not been displaced,
showing they were following the dance instructions accurately. The scientists found
that this was very strong supporting evidence for the von Frisch hypothesis because, in
this case, there was no possibility the bees were following regular routes or any odours
the dancer might have left in the air.
The worker’s lifespan
All in all, a worker bee’s lifespan varies according to the time of the year. During
summer, the average lifespan is 15–38 days whereas, during winter, it can be 140 days
or more. This variation is probably due to environmental factors – she will work hard
during the summer weather – and also to nutrition. During the winter months she will
not work much and will live off stores in the hive and body fat built up prior to the
winter period.
Worker bee genetic variation
The worker bee, therefore, changes her duties according to a time schedule, but the
situation is more complex than this. For example, at a given stage in their development,
not all workers will be needed as undertaker bees, removing dead bees from the hive. So

who decides which workers will do this and which ones won’t? This is probably where
genetic variation comes into play: some workers will be more genetically disposed to
carrying out this task than others.
Why is this? Remember that the queen mates with many drones, and so one group
of workers will be super-sisters derived from one father, all with a particular genetic
make-up, while other workers will be from the same queen but another father with a
different genetic make-up. Workers from the different genetic groups will have different
genetically driven dispositions to carry out the myriad tasks in the colony. There may
be many different subfamilies in the colony, and this depends on the number of drones
the queen mated with. All the workers therefore will have the same mother, but not
necessarily the same father. Research has shown that this genetic variation is vital for
the efficient working of the hive and is another reason for the queen to mate with so
many drones.
The number of worker bees in a colony will vary throughout the year but, during the
height of the active season, will number around 60,000–80,000 or more bees.
If on measuring the size of the cell a queen bee finds that it is a larger drone cell, she will
not fertilize the egg as it passes out and, around 24 days later, a drone bee will emerge.
Resulting from an unfertilized egg by a process known as parthenogenesis, the drone
bee is, in effect, a flying gamete, having converted the genetic content of an unfertilized
egg from one female into sperm and having carried this to another female.
Recognizing drones
The drone is a very specialized animal indeed. He is a big, burly bee, and most novice
beekeepers mistake drones for the queen. He is easily distinguished, however, because
of his blunt abdomen and huge eyes, which cover most of his head. He has no sting
and can be handled safely. This fact often leads even mature beekeepers to show off in
front of non-beekeepers, and small children have been known to trick their teachers by
presenting them with a handful of buzzing drones.

Drones and mating
The drone is optimized for mating and, to do this to best effect, he needs to be able to
fly extremely fast (his flight muscles and wing size are larger than worker bees’), to have
extremely sharp vision and an extraordinary array of sense organs designed to respond
to queen and other drone pheromones over large distances. For example, a queen bee
has around 3,000–4,000 eye facets in her compound eye; a worker bee has up to
6,900; but a drone has up to 8,600. A queen bee has some 1,600 antennal plate organs
(sensory organs); the worker has around 3,000, and the drone has an amazing 30,000.
And it is these receptors that have been studied closely to find out how a drone finds a
queen in the air and, sure enough, a research team in the USA has recently identified
an odorant receptor that allows male drones to find a queen in flight. The receptor on
the male antennae can detect an available queen up to 60 m (195 ft) away. The drone
detects the queen substance pheromone, and this is the first time an odorant receptor
has been linked to a specific pheromone in honey-bees.
Queen substance pheromone
The ‘queen substance’ (or ‘queen retinue pheromone’) was first identified decades ago,
but scientists have only recently begun to understand its structure and role in the hive.
This pheromone is a primary source of the queen’s ability to influence behaviour in
the hive. It is made up of eight components, one of which – 9-oxo-2-decenoic acid (9-
ODA) – attracts the drones during mating flights. (It also draws workers to the queen
and retards their reproductive growth, which means that the lack of a queen can lead to
the presence of laying workers; we deal with this problem in Chapter 8.)
After mating
In the sense that the drone is a vital link in the reproductive chain, the colony could
not do without him, but he has few if any other tasks. During the autumn and winter
periods or other periods of dearth when mating cannot take place or other survival
factors take priority for the colony, the workers will therefore destroy drone brood and
drag out drones and kill them or refuse their readmittance to the hive.
The number of drones in a colony at the height of the season will be in the hundreds
only, perhaps at most around a thousand. The drone is fed by workers until he is around
seven days old, and he remains in the hive until around 12–13 days old when he is

sexually mature. He takes mating flights during afternoon periods. Usually drones are
pushed out of the hive when there is little forage or when winter approaches and they
have no further purpose. Some may survive: I have found drones in hives in mid-winter
and I think that those who say that all drones are kicked out as winter approaches have
never looked in a hive over this period – for very good reasons.
So who actually controls what goes on in the hive? Which of the three castes of bees
gives direction to the whole? Who decides when to send out foragers to concentrate on
water collection rather than nectar, for example? Who is the boss?
Decision-making in the colony
For thousands of years decision-making in the colony was thought to be the mandate
of the king bee, and the politics of the bee kingdom has been discussed in books and by
bee masters for centuries. This bee – which could be seen easily – was thought to direct
the total effort by sending out foragers for certain products and sending out his armies
for defence when required. In 1609, Charles Butler in England produced his book on
bees called The Feminine Monarchie (see Figure 5), in which he recognized that the king
was in fact a female and so should be called a queen.
Even Butler, however, believed that the bees obeyed this monarch in all things and
that the ‘queen’ kept order in the hive by using a whole hierarchy of the nobility and
other officials – princes, dukes, colonels, captains and so on – each with its own
distinguishing marks, hair tufts and tassels. The Romans even added magistrates to
the hierarchy! More recently, as we have begun to understand the dynamics of the hive
better, new research has shown that, although the queen is the mother of all the bees
in the colony and also their surrogate father (she holds the sperm in her spermatheca),
we can see that major colony activities are initiated by the cumulative group actions
of the colony’s older workers and not by the queen’s individual decision. For example,
scientists discovered that older workers give signals to the queen and to the rest of the
colony that it is time to swarm and leave the hive. They also initiate her swarm flight by
piping to her and telling her to fly (we look at swarming in more detail in Chapter 6).

We have also seen the example of ethyl oleate mentioned earlier in this chapter. Again,
this is a worker-inspired instruction.
Decentralized control
The bee colony is not, therefore, a dominance hierarchy – which is unusual from a
human perspective –but it is, in fact, very decentralized. Like humans, bees live in
large, organized groups where social behaviours co-ordinate the efforts of thousands of
individuals in order to accomplish complex activities, such as food provision, defence,
household maintenance, brood rearing and so on. But unlike humans, although the
colony is centred around the queen for the obvious reason that she is the propagator of
Fig. 5. The Feminine Monarchie by Charles Butler, often
regarded as the father of English beekeeping.

the species, she doesn’t rule. She doesn’t control. The colony appears to be controlled by
what has been called ‘the anonymous consensus of the colony’s workers’. These recent
findings could well be of importance to our understanding of the dynamics of all social
animals, including ourselves.
Preparing for the birth
When the colony requires a new queen – if, for example, the old one dies or becomes
old and ineffective in her laying, or for other reasons that will become clear later on in
the book – the workers begin to construct queen cups, which are cells on the surface of
the comb but facing vertically downwards. If they proceed with the plan, the queen lays
fertilized eggs into the cups (the same as worker eggs), and the creation of a new queen
begins. After 16 days, a queen bee emerges from her very distinctive cell.
If allowed to by the worker bees, the new queen kills off potential rival queens still in
sealed cells by stinging them through the cell wall, and then she fights any other virgin
queens in the hive that have emerged – again, if allowed to by the workers. Worker bees
occasionally keep another virgin in readiness in case the first fails to mate, and they will
protect this virgin until they have a mated queen.
Queen bee development
The difference between a worker bee and a queen is due solely to the quality and
quantity of the food fed to the larvae. The queen larvae receive a much larger percentage
of royal jelly over a longer period than do worker larvae. Royal jelly contains a much
higher proportion of worker mandibular gland secretions, and the difference is very
marked. Royal jelly has up to 10 times more pantothenic acid and 18 times more
biopterin than food fed to worker larvae, but quantity is also important, and queen
larvae must consume far more food than workers.
For the first two or three days of larval development, the respiratory and growth rates
of queens and workers are similar. The queen rates accelerate, however, during the last
few days so, although the development of workers and queens is based on nutrition,

the effects of the different feeding patterns are not expressed until the larvae are at least
three days old.
This whole subject is immensely complex, and this chapter is designed as an
introduction only. What you need to remember, though, is that worker and queen bees
start out exactly the same and that different nutritional regimes cause them to differ
markedly. In effect, all fertilized eggs start out as potential queens. After three days
of development a change in diet for the majority of them forms the worker bees. The
others remain as queens.
Researching royal jelly
Recent research at the Australian National University may explain why eating royal
jelly causes honey-bee larvae to become queens instead of workers. Scientists from the
Research School of Biological Sciences at the university have discovered that a copious
diet of royal jelly flicks a genetic switch in young bees that determines whether they’ll
become a queen or live a life of drudgery. They found that royal jelly seems to modify
chemically the bee’s genome by a process called DNA methylation and disrupts the
expression of genes that turn young bees into workers.
When they ‘silenced’ a gene controlling DNA methylation without recourse to royal
jelly, they discovered that the larvae began to develop as queens with the associated
fertility, rather than as infertile workers. They believe this is the first time that DNA
methylation has been functionally implicated in insects. This molecular process is
common in vertebrates – including humans.
Replacing a queen
If the queen suddenly dies or is removed, there will be no eggs in queen cups to develop
into queens. The workers will then choose young larvae under three days old in worker
cells that already exist, draw out the cells, feed them as for queens and so produce
emergency queens.
There is much debate and research on how effective these queens are compared with
planned ones, but it is evident that the bees do not always choose the best larvae and
that some of these emergency queens are, at best, sufficient. This is something to

remember, and in Chapter 11 we come back to it when we look at rearing queens. One
thing is certain, though, and that is that each time a beekeeper looks into the hive, they
should check on the existence of, and health of, the queen.
Finding a new nesting site
The queen, worker and drone are, then, the residents in a healthy colony of bees.
When a swarm of bees takes up residence at a site of their choosing, this site has been
carefully chosen for certain characteristics. Occasionally, a swarm is unable to find a
suitable home and so will end up out in the open where it may prosper for a while until
succumbing to cold, wet weather in the winter months or to varroa. Generally, however,
a cavity is looked for. This could be a hollow tree, an old chimney, a cavity wall or, on
one occasion, the pannier of a motorcycle.
Inspection of bee nests has found that the average nest comprises a cavity of around
40 l (70 pt) capacity, with most being between 20 and 100 l (35 and 175 pt), and these
can differ between the different races. Research has shown that the Italian bee prefers a
cavity of around 30 l (50 pt), whereas the central European German bee prefers a cavity
of 60 l (100 pt). Tropical honey-bees often choose sites outside cavities under branches
or overhangs.
The colony will choose a site out of direct exposure to sun, wind and rain with
south-facing entrances (in the Northern Hemisphere), and the preferred cavity
has only one entrance. From this knowledge, humans have been able to design the
best type of artificial cavity to make for their bees and have learnt the best places to
put them. Modern beehives and their preferred locations have been based on these
Developing the colony
On arrival at a new nest site, the workers immediately start to synthesize the honey in
their stomachs into wax and begin to build comb. Until they build comb, the queen
cannot lay eggs and the foragers cannot store food. Other workers search for food,

nectar and pollen and, very soon, the colony is established with the queen laying eggs,
the foragers bringing in food and the house bees maintaining the nest.
The colony grows: the bees store food beyond their immediate needs for periods of
dearth (such as winter) and, if they have chosen a good site, they will prosper until
the varroa mite causes the colony’s death. This is not true of all areas of the world,
but in most areas where the western honey-bee lives, varroa will kill the colony if left
untreated. They don’t intend to because, if the colony dies, so do the mites, but the
varroa mite evolved with the eastern honey-bee, Apis cerana which, having evolved with
it, knows how to control it and they can live together. When the western honey-bee
(which is hugely superior in honey production) was taken to the Far East and the mite
jumped species, the western bee had no defence and, apart from some bees of Russian
origin, still hasn’t. So it can be seen that, in nature, until evolutionary pressures cause
natural defence mechanisms to develop, the honey-bee cannot currently survive on its
own. It needs a beekeeper.
Now that you know that the honey-bee colony is a living, dynamic entity that can be
looked upon as a unit of livestock and now that you have an understanding of what
those bees are up to and why, it is easier to see where the beekeeper comes in and exactly
what their role is when working with bees. Like any other livestock guardian – whether
a hobbyist, a research scientist or a commercial farmer – a beekeeper has a responsibility
to use their skill and knowledge to provide the bees with appropriate shelter from the
elements; to place colonies in such a position that there is plenty of forage and water for
the bees in the local area; to protect the colony from predators and disease; to feed the
colony when required; to encourage it to produce honey by providing it with storage
room; and to know how to increase the number of colonies available if required or to
prevent this happening if increase is not wanted.
There is nothing more dismal for a beekeeper than finding an apiary of neglected hives
containing dead or dying colonies that provide a reservoir of disease-bearing organisms.

The beekeeper’s tasks outlined above are a summary of what you must be able to
accomplish if you become a beekeeper. This is not difficult: it is enjoyable and, at the
end of the day, seeing everything work out well is immensely satisfying.
But to do all this, the beekeeper needs certain items of equipment, knowledge and a
plan, and that is just the beginning. Once you start in beekeeping, you will never stop
This book will now show you exactly what you need to get started, what you need to
know to keep bees successfully, and it will provide you with the plan.
This chapter has discussed the following points:
The colony or beehive should contain a queen bee, worker bees and
drone bees.
The queen bee mates on the wing with up to 20 or more drone bees
(the more the better) from a wide radius in order to maintain genetic
diversity. She stores the sperm and uses it to fertilize eggs. She can lay
up to 2,000 eggs a day. She is fed and groomed by worker bees and, in
this way, spreads pheromones around the colony. She has a sting which
she uses only to fight rival queens. After mating she won’t fly again
unless part of a swarm – which we look at in Chapter 6. There is usually
only one queen in the hive. All fertilized eggs result in bees that have the
potential to be a queen.
The worker bee is an incomplete female who is unable to mate. She
carries out all the other tasks inside and outside the hive, such as
cleaning, caring for and feeding brood, foraging for food and colony
defence. She has a sting and will use it in defence of the colony. The

colony may contain many thousands of workers – perhaps 60,000–
80,000 or more in a good colony. Worker bees start off with the potential
to be queens, but diet change causes them to veer from this course and
they fail to develop as queens.
The drone bee is a male bee optimized for mating with a virgin queen
bee. He has no sting and is fed by workers. In times of lack of food,
drones are often ejected from the hive by workers. There are usually a
few hundred in a colony.
A colony of bees requires a cavity in which to live and in which they
construct wax combs for the storage of food (honey and pollen) and for
the rearing of young brood. The cavity or beehive must be well sited in
an area where forage and water are available and where it is protected
from the elements.
The beekeeper’s role is to ensure that the bees’ living requirements are
met and that they are protected from disease and starvation.
Knowing these requirements and understanding the inhabitants of a colony of honey-
bees, we can now progress to adapting these requirements in the form of easily managed
cavities (hives and other equipment) and to moving the bees more in the direction of
our own choosing (hive and apiary management). It is really that simple. But, first of
all, it is important to know exactly what these wonderful creatures produce and what
they can do for us.

Chapter 3
Using the products of the
hive and bees
This chapter addresses the question: ‘Why keep bees?’ I mentioned before that bees are
master chemists. They produce and adapt for their own use a range of substances that
will keep them and their colony fed, watered and disease free and that enables them
to rear and look after their young. They also provide humans with some of the most
important products on earth: honey, beeswax, pollen, propolis, venom and (perhaps
for future investigation) silk. In some countries their brood is eaten, and so food can
be added to this list. But they also provide us with pollination services without which
some 75% of crops in some countries wouldn’t exist. In the main, beekeepers start by
producing honey and then perhaps move on to other products when they have more
experience with bees.
This chapter outlines all that the honey-bee can produce and should give you some
ideas to think about once you become more experienced. However, as most people
associate honey-bees with honey, let’s start with this ‘liquid gold’ and take a look at it in
some detail.
All beekeepers start beekeeping by wanting to produce honey, and this is probably the
best way to begin. If given a shelter to live in, a colony of bees will produce honey without
a beekeeper’s intervention but, if you want them to produce it in abundance and in a

manner that makes it easy to extract, then you need to learn more about beekeeping.
But, in the meantime, what is this sweet substance and where does it come from?
Being a natural product, honey varies in composition enormously but, essentially, it is a
fluid, viscous or crystallized substance, produced by bees from the nectar of blossoms
that bees collect, transform or combine with substances of their own, which they then
store and leave to mature. Its main components are water and sucrose. Sucrose is
composed of glucose and fructose, and it is the glucose-to-fructose ratio that determines
some of honey’s most noticeable physical characteristics, such as how long it will take
to crystallize, for example. Water is always present in honey, and the amount is critical
to the beekeeper when processing or storing extracted honey. As we will see in Chapter
7, the beekeeper should always check their honey to ensure that this moisture/water
presence is within bounds.
A more detailed definition of the composition of honey would be as follows:
Honey is composed mainly of sugars and water.
The average honey is 79.6% sugar and 17.2% water.
The main sugars are fructose (38.2%) and glucose (31.3%).
Other sugars include maltose (7.3%) and sucrose (1.3%).
Honey also contains acids (.57%), protein (.26%), a small amount of minerals
(.17%) and a number of other minor components, including pigments, flavour and
aroma substances, sugar alcohols, colloids and vitamins. This group of materials
constitutes about 2.2% of the total composition.
Honey has many determinative properties but, for the average beekeeper who wants to
sell honey, the important ones are as follows.

Hard or soft (liquid honey)
Most honeys eventually crystallize, but the rate of crystallization depends on the ratio
of glucose to fructose in the honey, and that depends mainly on the floral source. Some
honey, such as that from oilseed rape (canola), often crystallizes on the comb while
still in the hive, making it very difficult for the bees to use as stores and difficult for the
beekeeper to extract using standard equipment.
To the beekeeper, honey viscosity is very important, especially during extraction and
packing, and larger companies will heat their honey so that it flows through their
equipment more readily and can be packed in jars or drums easily. Some honeys may be
thixotropic, which means they become jelly-like if left undisturbed. This is especially
so of ling heather (Calluna vulgaris) and, again, this necessitates the use of special
procedures for extracting it.
The taste of honey varies enormously. Try some clover honey and then some manuka
honey and you will find a huge difference. Manuka isn’t highly regarded for taste and
used to be thrown away or fed back to the bees (but it is now highly priced and sought
after due to its proven medicinal properties).
Colour shouldn’t be an issue really but, in fact, in some countries such as the USA
and Germany, for example, it is very much a determinant of price. The Americans
prefer their honey ‘water white’, and dark honeys are referred to as ‘bakers’ honey’ and
command a lower price. In Germany, dark honey is preferred, and pale or white honeys
are lower in price. I once produced some honeydew (see below) from the cork-oak
forest aphids of southern Spain. It was a dense black and had a remarkably strong taste.
A German who had bought one of my jars in a nearby bar hastened to my house and
bought the entire year’s harvest – or what there was left of it.
Antibacterial quality
Honey’s ‘hyper-osmotic’ nature (due to the high concentration of solids and low
moisture content) prevents the growth of bacteria and yeasts as this draws water out of
the organisms, killing them by desiccation. It literally sucks them dry. Honey also has a

high acidity, which plays an important role in the system that prevents bacterial growth.
The pH of honeys may vary from approximately 3.2 to 4.5 (average pH = 3.9), making
it inhospitable for attack by most, but not all, bacteria.
Honey also has its own antibacterial substance in its make-up. Bees add an enzyme
called glucose oxidase to honey, and this enzyme reacts with glucose to produce
hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid, both of which have an antibacterial effect. This
system is most active in dilute honey and probably helps preserve honey diluted for
brood food use.
Like most products of the hive, honey is essentially a by-product of the all-important
pollination process. The value of honey in the economy of the major honey-producing
nations is far less than the value of pollination, but there is a huge global trade in honey
and many beekeepers can make a very decent living by producing good honey either in
bulk or packaged for sale.
Honeydew is a sugar-rich sticky substance, secreted by aphids and some scale insects
as they feed on plant sap. Because the sap has little protein, the aphids need to take in
large quantities of this high-pressure liquid and, when their mouth-part penetrates the
phloem, the sugary liquid is forced out of the gut’s terminal opening at the back end.
Bees and ants feed on this liquid, which drips off the aphids onto the leaves and bark
of the tree. Certain ants actively guard their aphids from predators and, in Germany
where honeydew is highly prized, ant colonies are moved into certain forests for
apicultural purposes. Honeydew is therefore still a plant-derived substance but it also
has the addition of insect enzymes as well as bee enzymes and generally has a broader
spectrum of sugars.
Honeydew is usually very dark in colour, often due to the sooty mould that can form
on it. In times of drought, when aphid and other pests tend to increase in numbers,
honeydew can be a very good crop for the beekeeper, and honeydew from the beech
forests of New Zealand is a major export.

However, certain types of honeydew (for example, that excreted by leaf hoppers when
feeding on the Tutu bush in New Zealand) are poisonous and have caused many
problems in the past – which emphasizes the need for beekeepers to know which plants
their bees are feeding on and at what time of the year.
Spreading pollen
Pollen is what bees are all about. Pollen is produced by the flower’s anthers and, when
the anthers dehisce or open, the pollen travels to the stigma of a receptive flower. How it
‘travels’ varies with the flower/plant. Grass pollen is mainly moved around by wind, and
this is what causes hay fever in allergic individuals. Many pollens come into contact with
and adhere to bees and other insects and, when the insect brushes against the stigma
of a receptive flower, pollination occurs. Some flowers use both wind and insects for
pollination, such as the olive, and, in this case, the bee assists in the pollination process.
The cucumber plant is a typical example of pollination. The male flowers have pollen
and nectar. The bee is attracted to the nectar and, while taking it, pollen adheres to its
body because the pollen grains have a tiny negative charge and the bee a tiny positive
charge. Bees also have very hairy bodies with plumose or multi-branched hairs that can
collect and hold pollen grains. The bee may then move to the female flowers on another
cucumber plant attracted by the nectar it offers. While the bee is taking this nectar, the
pollen comes into contact with the stigma of the plant sufficient for pollination to take
Harvesting the pollen
The bee in the above example is almost an accidental pollinator: its main target is the
nectar. Bees, however, also use pollen as a protein-providing food for brood and young
adult, maturing bees, and so a proportion of the foraging bees collect nectar and pollen
while some collect just pollen. The bee ‘combs’ itself and, by doing so, cleans out the
grains and packs them into what are called the corbiculae or pollen baskets on its hind
legs. Have a look at the entrance to any beehive during the active season and you will
easily see these pollen loads – they look like small round suitcases on the bees’ legs.

Once in the hive the bee dumps the pollen into a cell. House bees pack down the pollen
and cover it with a light cover of honey in order to preserve it. The pollen is stored near
the brood nest and it disappears at a fast rate for use as food. It provides protein, starch,
vitamins, minerals and fat in the bees’ diet, and the availability of pollen – especially
in the early spring for the brood – is something the beekeeper must ensure by the
location of the hives. Get to know your early pollen plants, such as gorse, rock rose and
willow. (Some nutritionists consider bee pollen to be a near perfect source of protein
for humans.)
These small pollen grains can be removed from the bees’ legs as they enter the hive and
collected in what is known as a pollen trap. While pollen collection is dealt with in
Chapter 12, suffice it to say that pollen has a market as a health food for humans and,
as such, its collection is certainly worthy of the beekeeper’s consideration. The market
for pollen is mainly for human nutritional supplements, for feeding to bees and as an
animal food. Pollen can be purchased in a variety of formats, including tablets, pollen
granules, oral liquids, candy bars, tonics, etc. The manufacture of pollen products for
human consumption has been growing at a rapid rate and, while the prices of pollen
products vary, they can often yield high profits.
Royal jelly is a milky-white cream. It is strongly acid, and rich in protein, sugars,
vitamins, RNA, DNA, and fatty acids. It is possibly the most valuable (in monetary
terms) product of the hive and numerous, fabulous claims have been made about it. It
is the food of queen bee larvae and, by feeding a worker bee larva this substance, she
will develop into a queen rather than a worker. She will be a female bee that can mate
– a totally different being from the worker, despite the fact that they start out exactly
the same.
For humans, royal jelly can be used as a food supplement or as an addition to cosmetics
to enhance their curative properties (and certainly to enhance their price!). There are
numerous stories about the powers of royal jelly and the part it can play in human
health, but most are anecdotal. In one of Roald Dahl’s Tales of the Unexpected, a

character turns his baby son into a bee (or at least a black-and-yellow striped, hairy
baby who buzzed) by feeding him exclusively on royal jelly. Amazing stuff! The
medicinal and curative properties of the substance lack much clinical research, but
what we do know is that it contains the eight essential amino acids, the full vitamin B
complex, acetylcholine (a powerful neurostimulant), testosterone, insulin-like peptides
and an antibiotic component. And it can easily be produced by any beekeeper whether
with one hive or a thousand.
Forming queen bees
What function does royal jelly have in the colony? Why is it produced? The basic
answer to these questions is that royal jelly is all about queen production, an issue so
vital to the propagation of the bee species that, in fact, all bees other than the drones
(who don’t have a father) are destined to become queens. At first!
One of the questions often asked by new beekeepers is: how is a queen formed? The
nature of honey-bees turns this question on its head, and beekeepers should ask ‘how
is a worker bee formed?’ because it is worth repeating that all female larvae are destined
to be queens. Nurse bees interfere with the vast majority of these potential queens by
limiting their royal jelly diet, thereby turning them into sterile female workers instead.
It is simply this lack of royal jelly at a certain stage in their development that creates
workers. Queens stay as queens because the continued feeding of royal jelly stimulates
the correct hormone production to develop egg-producing organs.
Recent research in Brazil has looked at when and how these organs develop for queens
but don’t for workers. This research found that all female larvae start off with the same
reproductive equipment (and are otherwise genetically the same as well). The pertinent
parts are the egg-producing ovarioles – long, skinny subdivisions of the ovaries. To
begin with, larval workers and queens have the same number of ovarioles. For the first
2½ to 3 days, this situation persists. While worker and queen larvae mature in different
cells, this makes little difference to their development – the important thing is that both
receive 100% royal jelly. So they stay the same and are on their way to queenhood.
On about day 3, the nurses stop giving larval workers 100% royal jelly food and give
them instead a mixture of jelly, pollen and honey. The workers thus receive much less

jelly than the queens, and, over the next few days, the number of worker ovarioles
therefore dwindles.
On day 5, the workers and queens differ vastly in ovarioles count. It is then that both
the worker and queen larvae spin cocoons and pupate (they undergo several changes
to emerge as adult bees). The workers continue to reabsorb their ovarioles into their
bodies through pupation. As emerging adults, workers have only about 10 ovarioles,
whereas queens have over 100. With so few egg-producing ovarioles left, the larval
workers largely lose the ability to reproduce.
The effects of royal jelly
Royal jelly creates queens through its effect on ‘juvenile hormone’. This amazing
hormone can, for example, keep caterpillars in the larval stage and so prevent them from
developing into adults. It puts them into an ‘eternal youth’ state and keeps them there.
It seems likely that lots of royal jelly changes the ‘juvenile hormone’ levels in maturing
larvae so that females develop fully formed egg-producing organs: the workers (who
don’t receive enough jelly) fall into an ‘eternal youth’ state, but the queens (who receive
plenty) don’t and therefore mature.
The nurse bees are the royal-jelly producers and feeders as a normal part of all worker
bee development. These nurse bees are young workers, usually around three to six days
old. At this age, the worker bee has well developed glands that produce this brood food.
The hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands, from which the main components of
royal jelly are formed, are located in the worker bees’ heads.
Harvesting royal jelly is not difficult and is dealt with in Chapter 12. Some beekeepers
dedicate their production to royal jelly alone, and the demand for the product is huge.
After all, it can make you young again!
Bees produce beeswax by synthesizing the sugars in honey. The worker bee’s four wax
glands mature around her second week of life as an adult and are situated on her lower

abdomen. The wax appears as a clear liquid, cools and turns white, forming a small wax
scale or flake. The workers can produce this in very large quantities. I have seen bees
that had been robbing a honey-extraction plant and that were unable to get out and,
full of honey, formed clusters in the shed rafters, covering the floor below in wax scales.
In the hive, they often link together into chains and clusters between the combs, which
helps them to maintain a temperature of about 35° C (96° F) in order to produce wax.
After clustering for around 24 hours, the small wax scales are secreted.
Wax is the bees’ basic house-building unit. It is often mixed with some propolis (see
below) for strength and, without it, a colony could not exist. It takes over 7 kg (15 lb)
of honey to produce 1 kg (2 lb) of wax, and so you can see that, if you take away the
beeswax at harvest time for sale as comb honey, the bees will need to use up a large
amount of honey to replace it. It becomes a matter of working out what will make the
most money for the beekeeper – selling honey alone and preserving the wax for a good
harvest the next year or a second harvest in year one, or selling more expensive comb
honey and letting the bees use up valuable honey in replacing it. It is estimated that a
standard Langstroth frame of comb can hold up to 3.8 kg (8¼ lb) of honey. The wax
necessary to hold this weighs only 100 g (3½ oz). Each wax scale produced by a honey-
bee weighs about 1 mg, which means that nearly one million are needed to make 1 kg (2
lb) of wax, and approximately 9 x 105 of these little scales are needed to make sufficient
wax for a normal bee colony. Work it out!
The composition of beeswax is complex, but it contains hydrocarbons, straight-chain
monohydric alcohols, acids, hydroxy acids, oils and other substances. Its specific gravity
is less than one, so it floats on water. It melts at 63–65° C (145–149º F) and solidifies
at 60–63° C (140–145º F), depending on its purity.
Wax is normally a by-product for beekeepers and, as a guide, for each 60 kg (130 lb)
of honey extracted from the hive, about 1 kg (2 lb) of beeswax is produced. This comes
from the cappings of the honeycomb, which are removed during the honey-extraction

If you look on Google to find the composition of propolis, you will find many headings
dealing with European propolis, American propolis, Indian propolis, South American
propolis and so on and so on, which, of course, indicates that propolis composition
varies enormously depending on its source. Some bees tend to produce more propolis
than others, and its presence can cause the beekeeper problems. Because bees close gaps
with it, they frequently stick the hive boxes together, which means using the hive tool to
separate them. The same goes for the frames. Lids are another target and are frequently
stuck down, especially if the lid undersurface is very close to the tops of the frames.
Defining propolis
In his 1998 paper, ‘Review of the biological properties and toxicity of bee propolis
(propolis)’, G.A. Burdock describes propolis as a sticky, dark-coloured material that
honey-bees collect from living plants, mix with wax and use in the construction and
adaptation of their nests, mainly to fill out cracks in the beehive. It has been used in
folk medicine since ancient times and is now known to be a natural medicine with
antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-tumoral, anti-oxidative, imunomodulatory and other
beneficial properties.
Bees use propolis for small gaps (approximately 6.35 mm (¼ in) or less), while larger
spaces are usually filled with beeswax. Its colour varies depending on its botanical
source, the most common being dark brown. Propolis is sticky at and above room
temperature. At lower temperatures it becomes hard and very brittle.
Bees’ use of propolis
Research shows that bees collect and use propolis for the following tasks. To:
prevent diseases and parasites from entering the hive;
reinforce the structural stability of the hive;
make the hive more defensible by sealing alternate entrances; and

mummify any large creature that dies in the hive (for example, a mouse or large
insect they are unable to remove themselves). This prevents putrefaction and
When bees collect propolis, they attach it to their corbiculae in just the same way as
pollen, but they need the help of house bees to remove it when they enter the hive.
The bee colony is warm and moist and an ideal breeding ground for all manner of
organisms, from fungi to bacteria. The bees tend to ‘varnish’ the inside of the hive with
propolis which, with its anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, can minimize the
effects of harmful organisms and prevent their worst effects.
Using propolis for humans
Beekeepers can spend much time scraping propolis off frames and other surfaces and
many simply throw it away. However, propolis has a value and, if you want to make
something of it, you should scrape it off carefully so that you don’t lift off paint and
wood. You should then store it until you have built up enough to sell.
Propolis is used for many purposes, such as medicinal ointments and tinctures, paints
and varnishes. It is commonly found in chewing gum, cosmetics, creams, lozenges and
ointments. Propolis has shown promise in dentistry for dental caries, as a natural
sealant and enamel hardener, and many other uses have been found for it. There is a
great deal of anecdotal evidence crediting propolis with many medicinal properties, but
little clinical research has been carried out, so care must be taken in its use. What we do
know is that some people are allergic to it and suffer skin problems if they touch it. One
beekeeper I know of has allergic reactions even to the vapour of propolis and needs to
wear a mask.
It is true to say, however, that in these days when increasing use is being made of natural
products in the health industry, the value of propolis is rising, and so it has a good value
as a secondary product of the hive. Clinical trials of propolis are bound to increase the
value of the product further, just as clinical trials on manuka honey raised its value
tremendously. In the meantime, one of the most extensively tested aspects of propolis is

its antibacterial properties. Scientific tests have been conducted on a variety of bacteria,
fungi, viruses and other micro-organisms, and many of these tests have demonstrated
positive effects on such organisms using various extracts and concentrations of propolis.
A synergistic effect has been reported for propolis extract when used with antibiotics.
Whether propolis exhibits bactericidal or bacteriostatic characteristics often depends
on its concentration in the applied extract. Sometimes, however, propolis extracts are
more effective than commercially available drugs.
Don’t ignore the possibilities of propolis, and see Chapter 12 for harvesting ideas.
Protecting yourself against stings
Honey-bee venom has evolved as an effective defence mechanism over millions of years
and is one of the reasons why everyone isn’t a beekeeper. It isn’t within the scope of
this book to describe bee venom properly but, suffice it to say, it is a clear, odourless
liquid comprising around 88% water and it has a very complex chemistry. At least 18
pharmacologically active components have been described, including various enzymes,
peptides and amines. Of the small proteins, one called melittin constitutes about
50% of the venom’s dry weight. This hydrolyzes cell membranes, causing changes in
permeability, and is most responsible for the pain. Other components, however, act in
concert with it, such as hyaluronidase, which causes changes in cell membranes and
allows the venom to spread easily. Other components can cause anaphylactic shock in
sting victims, and this is the cause of most fatalities from bee stings if they occur in
hypersensitive individuals. Death is most often induced by a single sting and usually
occurs within one hour of the sting.
It is for this reason that most sensible beekeepers take an epi pen with them to the
apiary. This device, which contains epinephrine, can auto-inject this substance into
your body and thus save your life. It is worth seeing your doctor about this aspect
of beekeeping so that you can obtain a prescription for the epi pen, if required.
Instead of the auto-injector, which is expensive, you can obtain a normal epinephrine-

containing syringe, but with this you actually have to inject yourself – i.e. push the
needle in!
Venom poisoning can be caused by large numbers of bees, and this can cause death
in non-hypersensitive individuals. It has been estimated that it would take 500–1500
stings for this to occur.
Using venom for humans
Apitherapists claim that bee venom can be used for the treatment of the following:
Chronic injuries, such as bursitis and tendonitis.
Scar tissue removal.
Certain skin conditions, such as eczema.
Hearing loss.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
However, there is no meaningful scientific evidence to indicate that bee venom is
effective for any of these conditions but, as there is a value in the substance, it is
worth considering it as a source of income. Equipment for its collection is necessarily
specialized, but most can be purchased from reputable bee-supply companies. Chapter
12 looks at harvesting ideas.
The production of silk from honey-bee colonies is probably not economically viable,
but honey-bee larvae produce silk to reinforce the wax cells in which they pupate.
Researchers in Australia have now identified honey-bee silk genes and say that bees

are among a group of insects that have evolved silks that are very tough and stable in
comparison with classical silks.
Bees can produce honey, honeydew, pollen, propolis, venom and silk, and all
except silk (at the moment) can be a profitable commodity for beekeepers.
With experience you will be able to decide just what you want your bees
to produce for you and will learn the best ways of getting your bees to
produce surplus.
There are other money-earning avenues for the experienced beekeeper,
such as pollination services or producing queen bees for sale, and these
activities are explained later in this book.

Chapter 4
Obtaining equipment and bees
Now that you know why you should keep bees and what beekeeping can do for you, it’s
time to move on to learning about how you can enter this fascinating and potentially
lucrative sphere of activity. Getting started in beekeeping is not difficult and, to start off,
you will need the following items:
beekeeping tools
suitable clothing
beehive sites and, finally,
somewhere to keep all your equipment.
My advice is to start with two (or more) beehives. The reason for this is that, during the
beekeeping year, much can go wrong with a colony of bees and, as you will learn, if one
colony begins to fail due, for example, to a bad queen or if it becomes entirely queenless,
you can use bees, larvae and eggs from the second colony to help out. If you have only
one colony you will have no immediate source of help and the colony will die out. So
my advice is to obtain two beehives initially.

A modern beehive looks complicated to the beginner but is really just a simple series of
boxes sitting on top of each other capped by a lid to keep the rain out. Inside the boxes,
frames of beeswax hang down from a revetment along the inside edge of the hive. Hives
usually have two sizes of box known as ‘full’ and ‘¾’ boxes. These different sizes are in
height only and they can be used for different purposes. Many beekeepers use just one
size of box; others use the different sizes on one hive. Figure 6 shows the different parts
of a hive.
Hive stands
Beehives should not be set directly on the ground. This is especially so if the floor (see
below) is open mesh. The main reason is that damp will get into the hive, and this
must not be allowed to happen. A hive stand, therefore, is anything that keeps the hive
off the ground. Stands can be pallets (four hives to a pallet), concrete blocks, bricks,
Fig. 6. The basic Langstroth hive. In the right-hand side of the figure, note the ‘handles’, or bars of wood for
holding, on the supers and the scallop on the brood box. Handles make the whole business much easier

wooden rails or simple wooden stands that hold one hive. In the main it is far better to
improvise than to buy a stand from a beekeeping supply company (it is better in that it
is cheaper and just as effective).
On the hive stand sits the floor and, essentially, a hive sits on this hive ‘floor’, which is
a simple stainless-steel mesh in a wooden frame with a ridge around the edge of three
of its sides (see Figure 7). The brood box sits on this floor. Try to ensure that it has a
stainless-steel mesh floor – many don’t.
Many beekeepers recoil at the idea of an open floor, believing that this will cause
draughts and cold in the beehive, thus chilling the delicate brood or even making the
bees feel cold! This is, of course, nonsense for the most part. Bees keep the brood at the
Fig 7. A stainless-steel mesh floor

correct temperature for their survival even in winter (if there is any brood around at this
time) – they don’t try to heat the hive!
The mesh floor will aid the hive’s ventilation, especially in hot weather when the bees do
try to cool the hive. It will also aid in varroa control – if a varroa mite falls off a bee, it
will fall through the mesh and will be unable to get back into the hive. Finally, any water
that enters the hive will drain away immediately. Damp kills bees, not cold. My advice
is always to use mesh floors.
Brood box (often called the brood chamber)
This first box is usually the larger size of box (full), and it is the box that holds the
queen and where she will lay eggs and where the brood-rearing occurs. If the queen is
a prolific layer and the colony builds up rapidly, overcrowding could cause swarming,
and so many beekeepers place a second full box on top of the first and move the queen
excluder (see below) up one. This gives the queen another box to lay in and can lower
the chance of swarming.
The larger the colony, the bigger the honey crop, so it is advantageous to give a good
queen plenty of room. A ¾ box could be used here instead of a full box as a second
brood chamber and, in this case, the brood chamber is call a ‘brood and a half ’.
Fig. 8. A plastic queen excluder

Queen excluder
This is a flat grid of slotted zinc, plastic or wire that lies on top of the brood box (see
Figure 8). Slotted zinc excluders can rip worker wings, so I prefer to use plastic excluders
that are cheaper and less prone to warping/bending than metal ones. Worker bees can
pass through the grid to the upper boxes to store honey, but the queen is unable to due
to her larger size. This means that the upper boxes will contain only honeycomb and
stored honey and will have no brood in them. This is important at harvest time because
the beekeeper knows that any combs they are placing in their extractor will have only
honey in them and that any bees they accidentally transfer to the honey room won’t be
the all-important queen.
The grids can easily be damaged and, if this happens, the queen will go up into the
honey chambers and will start laying eggs all through the hive. As noted above, zinc
excluders may have sharp edges that can damage wings and, if you accidentally bend
the zinc (which is easily done when trying to lift it off after the bees have stuck it down
with propolis), it stays bent and the slots may warp and widen. Wire excluders usually
have a wooden frame around them that often warps, again exposing areas where the
queen may slip through. Plastic excluders are tough, don’t stay bent if knocked and are
easy on the wings.
Many beekeepers don’t use queen excluders (calling them honey excluders instead), but
they make life much easier and, for the commercial beekeeper, ease means speed and
therefore less hourly costs. My advice is to use them until you have worked out a reason
why you shouldn’t.
These boxes are so called because they are ‘super’ imposed on the brood chamber. They
are often called ‘honey supers’. Many beekeepers use ¾-sized boxes here for a variety of
reasons, the main one being that when a full-sized box is full of honey, it is extremely
heavy and difficult to move about. When full of honey, however, ¾ boxes are lighter and
easier to handle. If the bees keep filling them up, you can place more on.
Some beekeepers, especially commercial operators, use full-sized boxes as supers (i.e.
the same-sized boxes as the brood chamber). This has advantages in that all the boxes

are interchangeable and you can swap the first super with the brood box (a method of
limiting swarming, which we will discuss in detail in Chapter 6). My advice, however, is
for beginners to use ¾ boxes as supers so there is no confusion. There will come a time
when you will decide for yourself which boxes you want to use and where.
Inside the boxes hang frames. These comparatively cheap items are one of the most
critical pieces of beekeeping equipment you will use. They can be good to work with or
extremely irritating.
Frames may be wooden (currently more usual especially among hobbyists) or plastic.
Wooden frames are literally just that – frames of wood in which a sheet of beeswax
stamped with hexagonal shapes is held. The wax is kept in place with thin wire that
crosses the frames. In the UK it is common to buy sheets of wax with wire already
embedded in them. In most other countries, you have to embed the wires yourself. This
is not difficult (see below). From this sheet of wax, bees will soon make more wax and
will develop the hexagonal shapes into the cells that form their all-purpose furniture.
Plastic frames
Plastic frames are simply sheets of plastic moulded into a frame. The plastic is formed
with the hexagons or cell bases, and many beekeepers dip these frames in molten
wax that forms a thin cover over the plastic hexagons and gives the bees a start when
building their cells. Because they are solid, plastic frames are strong and less easily
damaged when extracting honey. They are also easy to clean and you don’t have the
hassle of embedding sheets of wax onto wires and replacing the wires when broken. The
frame itself is less easily damaged when prising it up from the hive. My advice is, if you
think you are going to go commercial, to use plastic frames.
Types of frame
Frames (whether plastic or wood) come in a variety of shapes and sizes and, obviously
you must have ones that fit your hive. When frames hang in the box, there should be an
even distance between them. When the bees draw out the honeycomb from the sheet
of wax you’ve given them, they will always maintain a distance between one comb and
another, and this distance is known as bee space.

The bee space is simply the crawling space a bee needs to pass easily between two
structures (7.5 mm +/ 1.5 mm), thus allowing the bee to move around between frames.
Frames placed too closely will be glued together with propolis, and those placed too
far apart will have brace comb built between them. This applies to any part of the hive.
Frames are kept apart in various ways. (Figure 9 shows Hoffman frames and Manley
Fig. 9. Keeping frames apart: (a) the sides of the Hoffman Frame are scalloped to minimize contact with each
other. This helps you to separate them yet also spaces them correctly; (b) Manley frames are straight down
the edges, which facilitates uncapping
Hoffman frames
Hoffman frames are shaped so that they are kept apart at the right distance, but lower
down they thin out so that the bees can’t glue them together with propolis all the way
down. These are the best frames to use for the brood box, and most beekeepers use ten
of them in each brood-rearing box, especially when using foundation wax. Try not to
use any other frames.

Manley frames
Manley Frames have straight sides, which keep them wider apart all the way down. This
encourages the bees to draw out the wax comb further so they can store more honey.
These are the frames to use for the honey supers. Because they are wider you would
probably use only eight or, at most, nine of them in the box. When you come to extract
the honey, the frame’s straight sides make it easy for you to slide your uncapping knife
along the frame, thus cutting off the wax cappings evenly. Try to use these frames.
Other frames
Many appliance manufacturers provide thin-sided frames that need spacers to keep
them apart from other frames. When I started beekeeping using British National-
sized frames, small metal add-ons called ‘metal ends’ were used. These quickly became
clogged up with propolis and were dreadful things. Later they were made of plastic, and
so they were then known as ‘plastic metal ends’!
When holding a frame and looking at a fine queen, for example, you instinctively hold
the frame by these devices, which suddenly give way and fall off, causing you to drop
the frame and so to lose the queen. In Europe, other plastic slide-on pieces abound, and
none of these devices is as good as the Hoffman spaced frame for the brood box and the
Manley spaced frame for the honey boxes. My advice is definitely to use these frames if
you can, or swap over to them when you can. You will be surprised at just how critical
the design of these cheap hive items is in your beekeeping – you will curse nothing as
much as a badly designed frame.
One other method of spacing frames is via a castellated ridge at each end of the box
along the ridge from where the frames hang. These ridges work but they limit your
choices of bee management and frame use in the box and, to me, are annoying. My
advice is to avoid them if possible.
Frame feeders, (see Figure 10) are plastic frames with sides and an open top. They are
used to feed your bees with sugar syrup, when required. To do this you simply remove
the outer frame in the brood box and replace it with a frame feeder (see Figure 11). You
then fill the feeder with sugar syrup, remembering to place some material in the feeder,

such as bits of wood or dried bracken, so that the bees will have a foothold and will
not drown in the syrup. There are other feeders available but, in my opinion, the frame
feeder is the easiest one to use for the beekeeper with only a few hives.
Bucket feeders are cheap and consist of a small plastic bucket with a tight-fitting lid.
This lid is punctured with many small holes. The feeder is filled with sugar syrup,
the lid is put on and the bucket inverted over the frames. A spare box is required to
surround the feeder, and a hive lid is put on this box.
These feeders are very good if you want a slow feed for your bees and they have uses
in queen rearing (see Chapter 11). They are also readily available, especially in an
emergency, and are very easy to use, but they are definitely not as handy or convenient
as a frame feeder.
Fig. 11. A feeder slotted into the hive on the rightFig. 10. A frame feeder out of the hive (note the
plastic frames)

For large-scale commercial beekeepers, a lid feeder that holds more syrup and that can
be accessed without opening the hive is better because, with so many hives, visits to the
hives will be less frequent and so the syrup has to last longer.
Foundation wax
Unless you are buying a hive already stocked with bees, your frames should have a
wax foundation in them. This is a wax sheet that fits inside the frame and that is
impregnated with the hexagonal shape of the honeycomb (see Figure 12). The bees
will use this sheet as the basis for building their honeycomb and will ‘pull the wax out’
– i.e. they will produce wax and add it to the pattern until a honeycomb is formed (see
Figure 13).
(a) (b)
Fig. 12. Foundation wax: (a) in the frame; (b) a sheet of wax
(a) (b)
Fig. 13. Wax cells: (a) pulled out; (b) sloped upwards to hold honey

Wax sheets can be easily damaged, especially when you want to extract the honey.
Wire is usually therefore embedded in the sheet to hold it in the frames and to prevent
damage. In the UK you can buy pre-wired sheets to fix into your frames but, in most
other countries, the frames will have wires on them and you will have to melt the
wax sheets onto them. This is easy and can be accomplished as follows (it sounds
complicated but isn’t really). Try it:
1. Open up your car bonnet (hood) and attach a red wire to the positive terminal
of the battery and a black wire to the negative terminal. (The wires should have
crocodile clips at each end for this purpose and, in fact, can be any colour you
2. Attach the other ends to some rubber tubing to stop them touching each other.
3. Place a wooden board wherever it will sit without moving and place your frame on
4. Tighten up the wires in the frame so that, if you strum them, they sound like a
5. Hold up the frame and place a wax foundation sheet into it, ensuring that the top
edge goes into the groove in the frame’s top bar.
6. Place the frame horizontally onto the wooden board.
7. Attach the black wire to one end of the wire frame and hold it in place with a small
8. Briefly touch the red wire to the other end and gently rub your hand over the wax
sheet. The sheet will melt on to the wires and you must then immediately remove
the current otherwise you will end up with a load of wax strips.
This all comes with practice. A modification is to have a board with a block fixed to
it. This block should be of just the correct height to stop the wires from melting right
through the wax and out the other side. I have no doubt you will be able to work out the
best way to do this once you’ve seen everything in action.
You will now have either a load of wax strips or a frame with a wax sheet embedded
with wires. Keep going until you have sufficient to fill the boxes. Keep all the wax strips
because you can use them as starter strips.

The crown board
Often called the ‘inner cover’, especially in America, this is just a board that sits on top
of the top box under the lid. I don’t use them and in fact I can’t think what they are for.
It was only when I looked at a diagram of a hive that I remembered they existed. I then
recalled using them when I started because they came with the hive.
Crown boards often have a round hole in them so that you can invert a bucket feeder
of sugar syrup over the hole, but you can do the same directly on top of the frames. I
don’t think using them makes any difference – they are just another item you have to
put somewhere when looking into the hive.
The lid
Lids have a variety of designs. Some are telescopic and fit over the hive completely.
Some just sit on top of the hive and rely on strapping to keep them there (these are used
mainly by commercial beekeepers). Some fit over the hive at the front and back. Some
have integral sugar-syrup feeders, as described above. Most, however, are flat, but gabled
lids are available that make a hive look attractive but then, of course, you won’t be able
to stack the hives on top of each other for moving.
My advice is to use flat, telescopic lids for most flexibility. They don’t hinder you too
much if you are moving bees and they stay on in winds. If you are definitely not going
to stack your hives, then gabled lids look very attractive and, for looks alone, they are a
must on WBC hives (see below).
Some commercial beekeepers with large numbers of hives have a fat lid that contains a
cavity that can be filled with sugar syrup for feeding purposes. The lid’s top has a screw
bung and, when removed, a petrol-type nozzle can be put in this and syrup pumped in
from a truck-mounted tank. This has the advantage of speed and, because you don’t
need to remove the lid, you don’t upset the bees. The bees can enter the feeder from
inside the hive. Robbing is also prevented because any ‘foreign’ bees will have to pass
right through the hive to get to the sugar, and they tend not to do this.
Whatever they are made of, lids must have a tin/zinc cover, otherwise rain will get in.
In very hot countries it is helpful to the bees’ thermoregulation to paint the lids white.

This is also helpful to the beekeeper. Lids are flat surfaces and thus obey the laws of
all flat surfaces – they become covered with ‘things’. When out beekeeping you tend to
place items on to nearby lids, such as smokers, tools and frames from another hive. I
have gone out beekeeping in 50° C (120° F) in Andalucia and I’ve put honeycombs on
scorching hot lids that have melted almost at once. These red-hot lids must also cook
the bees and cause them to spend a great deal of time collecting water to cool the hive.
When they divert foragers to collect water, these bees are not collecting nectar/honey!
In hot places, paint the lids white. You want your bees to collect honey, not water.
Beehives round the world
There are many types of beehive available, especially on the second-hand market, but
my advice is to go for either the Langstroth or the Dadant hive. The reason is that
these two are common all over the world and, wherever you are located, you will be
able to buy frames, sheets of stamped wax and other items that fit on or into these two
designs. The most common is the Langstroth, which may be called other things in other
countries but essentially is the same hive. I wouldn’t think about buying any hive other
than one of these two. Even with these hives, though, you will find there are as many
different dimensions to a Langstroth as there are manufacturers, but all the bits will
more or less fit together sufficiently well for your purposes.
In the UK, however, the National hive is popular, as is the Smith in Scotland and, if
you are located in these countries, you will find many other beekeepers using these.
They look the same as a Langstroth, only slightly smaller. All countries have their own
indigenous designs, some of which are fine, others terrible. The Spanish Layens hive, for
example, is a box designed to make bees overheat, become savage and swarm incessantly,
whereas their ‘Perfeccion’ is in fact a Langstroth by another name – and so it goes on all
over the world. Many new beekeepers notice that these hives are just packing boxes on
top of each other and don’t look anything like the hive of their imagination. This is true,
and the reason is that the wonderful-looking hives of storybooks are either inefficient
or totally useless for modern beekeeping as well as being cruel to the bees.

One hive that does fit the description and that works well, however, is the WBC
– named after its designer, William Broughton Carr, in England. This hive is in fact a
series of packing boxes of English National size just like any other hive, but with outer
covers that go over the plain boxes and a gabled roof. It is these outer boxes and roof
that look nice. This type of hive looks good at the bottom of the garden under the apple
trees, and many hobbyists use them.
Going for practicality not appearance
If I wanted just a few hives to indulge my hobby, I would use WBCs and, in fact, I
started off with a couple. They are brilliant and the bees in them will produce just
as much honey as those in the National hive of the same size. They are, however,
unwieldy: you need to remove the outer boxes, which then lie on the ground around
you while you are manipulating the bees. These boxes get in the way, so you trip over
them usually while holding a frame with the queen on it. They are also very difficult
to load up and move because of the plethora of boxes and covers, which fall about and
come apart, and you can’t stack them due to the gabled roof. So if you just want a few
hives at the bottom of the garden and you don’t intend to move them to other crops,
and beekeeping is just a delightful hobby for you, these are the hives to buy – because
they look good. If you think you may be a little more ambitious and may want to take
bees to the heather or to other crops to maximize your honey production or to pollinate
crops, then don’t even think about the WBC. Get Langstroths or Dadants or the most
used and sold local equivalent.
I personally would go for a Langstroth. The difference between this hive and a Dadant
hive lies in the size of the brood box (i.e. the box in which the queen is confined and
where she lays her eggs). The Dadant brood box is larger, and so you usually need only
one. The Langstroth box is smaller and so you may need two (more work, more to lift,
etc.). Also, using two boxes may be too much for the bees in the winter when the queen
is not laying whereas, if you take one box off, it may be too small. Because the Dadant
brood box is larger, it may be more efficient for these circumstances. I was once in a
remote area of Spain and needed some frames and wax. I was directed to a bar. The bar
owner not only sold fine beers but also Langstroth hive equipment and wax sheets. I
would have been stuck if I had had any other hive.

There are as many arguments for choosing a particular hive as there are beekeepers.
The arguments could go on for ever and all are valid, so my advice is to by a universal
type of hive and, really, that is the Langstroth – unless your beekeeping is going to stay
at the small hobby level, in which case you can indulge yourself and buy something like
a WBC.
Many starter beekeepers buy second-hand hives from a local beekeeping association
and, in the UK, hives can be purchased at annual association auctions, and this is an
excellent way of starting. Not only can you buy equipment at these functions but you
can also buy bees. Second-hand equipment is usually very much cheaper than new
equipment and you can check whether the woodwork is sound.
The main disadvantage of this approach is that the kit may hold disease, and the main
disease that will worry you is American foul brood (AFB). The bacterium that causes
this disease has a spore or resting stage if the conditions are not right for its wellbeing.
These spores are tough and can stay on equipment for decades. When you put bees in
the empty hive, the AFB will resurrect itself and you will be in big trouble. This disease
spreads very easily and, from one contaminated hive, it will soon reach your other hives
and perhaps those of your neighbours. Eventually the government authorities will come
along and burn all your hives and bees. It is that serious.
So be very careful with second-hand kit. If you buy it, run a flame gun all over it, in the
cracks and corners and on the under-surfaces. Scorch the woodwork and kill any AFB
spores that may exist. Or you can soak the woodwork in potassium hypochlorite, which
also kills the AFB. For this, though, you will need a big tank and protective clothing.
It is best to scorch everything, while being very careful not to set light to anything.
Remember that wax and wood burn very easily.

If you buy new equipment from a beekeeping supplier, you can usually choose between
pine and red cedar in the UK but, often, just pine in continental Europe. There are
also various grades of wood. I once bought some cheap pine boxes full of knots. After
a few months in the sun, these knots became knot holes, and my hives suddenly had
entrances all over the place.
Buy the best you can afford or, if you are brave and have a basic woodworking skill,
make your own. Free plans for all the hives mentioned above (even the WBC) are
available on the website www.beesource.com, and I reckon that, if you want new kit,
this is just about the cheapest way of doing it if you are in the UK or USA. I also found
that, in Spain, you could purchase beehives so cheaply that it made little sense to make
your own.
Many beekeeping supply companies (listed at the end of this book) sell beginner’s kits
that include everything you need to set up as a beekeeper, plus the bees if required.
These kits are well worthwhile in that they are comprehensive and free of disease, but
they are expensive.
Over time you will acquire a whole host of bits of equipment, some useful and some not
but, initially, you will need two tools: a hive tool and a smoker.
The hive tool
This is a simple metal bar with two basic designs (see Figure 14). This is a vital piece
of kit. You need hive tools to prise apart those areas of the hive that the bees have stuck
together with propolis – their all-purpose glue and antibiotic. These tools need to be
tough, and those sold at bee-appliance stores are fine for the purpose. You will need
dozens of them because you will lose them frequently. This is the tool you put down
‘somewhere’ in the grass when looking at a queen or some other interesting sight. Then
you walk off without it. You will eventually be reduced to using chisels, pen knives,

kitchen knives and screwdrivers and, on one occasion, I tried a car key and had to walk
home. At this stage you must go to the shop and buy more hive tools.
Fig. 14. Two types of hive tool
The smoker
There are loads of theories as to why smoke calms down bees but it does seem that
the smoke in some way affects the bees’ sensory mechanisms. It sometimes works the
other way round, however – using a great deal of smoke on already-angry bees can
make things worse. My Spanish bees (Apis mellifera iberica) were usually so savage
that, unless blasts of flame were coming out of the smoker, it didn’t seem to make any
difference. In fact, if anything, they became more enraged. Usually, though, a few puffs
of smoke at the hive entrance will keep most bees calm because it induces them to gorge
themselves with honey. Then, when removing each box, a few puffs along the top of the
frames will keep the bees’ heads down. In New Zealand, however, it takes so much to
get my Italian bees worked up that I hardly use any smoke at all.

Fig. 15. A smoker.
When you buy a smoker, choose one with a protective
grid around it so that, if you pick it up without gloves
on, you won’t burn yourself (see Figure 15). Also, spend
a little more and buy a decent-sized one. Small ones are
no good at all because they don’t hold much fuel and
so have to be constantly re-lit. Make sure, too, that the
bellows aren’t made of flimsy material. These are the
first bits to wear out and should therefore be strong.
I use rolled-up corrugated cardboard as fuel, mainly because it burns slowly, is easy to
light with newspaper and it’s free (although believe it or not, you can buy rolls of it from
bee-appliance shops). Old sacking is another good fuel, as is dried grass.
The aim is to get your smoker to produce cool, dense smoke. Prior to inspecting your
bees, try to get the smoker going well so that it doesn’t go out while you are working
on the bees. It is a general rule that most smokers – of whatever make – really work
well only when you’ve just finished inspecting the last hive, and then you have difficulty
putting them out before you can go home.
To avoid all this, you can buy liquid smoke that you spray on the frames from a garden
spray bottle. Although this seems to work and you don’t have the bother of lighting
a stubborn smoker, I don’t like spraying any liquids in my hives and, when I was an
organic honey producer, smoke was the stipulated method. You also have to pay for the
liquid concentrate!

The division board
The division board is a board the same size as the boxes with a rim around it. In the rim
is a small cut-out. This board is a very useful item that you can easily make yourself in
minutes and is used when you want to split a hive into two separate units, both with
an entrance. The bees in the lower half of the hive use the normal entrance and the
bees above the division board go in and out through the small cut-out in the rim. One
example of their use is to start off a two-queen hive to maximize honey production (this
is explained in Chapter 6).
This is a subject very dear to the beginner’s heart – and mine! Whether you can tolerate
stings or not, it is never pleasant to feel a small gang of bees crawling down your back:
on the inside! You know exactly what’s going to happen and, by the time you’ve
panicked and torn off your clothing, it’s all too late. Bees crawling around on the inside
of your veil inches from your eyes and nose are particularly panic-inducing and, again,
they usually strike before you can sort the situation out. A sting on the end of, or up, the
nose or in the eye is very unpleasant. You can avoid these situations in two ways.
Buying a bee suit
Buy a decent bee suit, not one of those things with separate veils that have drawstrings
or that tuck into your top – bees always get in them. I started off with one and nearly
gave up because I was stung so much. Buy one with a hood that unzips and that can
be thrown back when you’ve finished. Most of these suits have hoops in the hood that
keep the veil away from your face and, if they don’t, don’t buy one. A good bee suit will
cost more, but it’s an excellent investment and should last you for years – in comfort.
There are companies that sell excellent lightweight suits for hot countries, but beekeepers
with many colonies and commercial beekeepers need a tough suit. Beekeeping with lots
of colonies is, effectively, heavy labour, and light suits are torn easily – leading to bees
down your back and all the things that follow! I prefer a half suit – i.e. one that covers
just the top half of me, like a zip-up jacket with a hood. I prefer it because it is more

comfortable than a full suit, but bees do get inside it if sufficiently keen to do so and, if
you wouldn’t want this to happen, then buy a full suit.
If you are in Spain and you keep the Iberian bee, then wear a thick full suit. Their sting
seems to be able to penetrate suit, trousers and underpants in one smooth and flowing
movement. Wear your suit with a pair of gum boots with the trousers tucked in, and
wear a pair of beekeeping gloves.
Wearing gloves
There are many beekeeping instructional books that tell you not to wear gloves – the
reason being that you can’t ‘feel’ what you are doing as well. Gloves can make you clumsy.
I know of a beekeeper in New Zealand who won’t let his staff use gloves for this very
reason. I use gloves and I always have done. To my mind, if anything is going to make
me clumsy while inspecting frames of bees, it is constantly being stung. I’ve tried it and
my fingers became so numb that, after a while, I couldn’t feel anything and I dropped no
end of frames. Repeated stinging also tends to put new beekeepers off.
If you want more ‘feel’, use washing-up gloves, which avoid the worst of the sting. If
you have many colonies, however, these will split very quickly. My advice is to buy a
good pair of leather gloves with gauntlets. When you are experienced enough to decide
whether these are necessary for you or not, you can then decide what to do with them.
Anticipating stings
The second way to avoid bee stings is to know when the bees are going to sting you
or not. This comes with experience and generally works well but, as with all livestock,
you never know exactly what they are going to do and they often break the rules of the

Obtaining bees is not difficult and can be accomplished as follows.
Already installed
If you are buying beehives from a local beekeeper, they may come with bees already
installed and, in the next chapter we explore what to look out for when inspecting these
bees – which is something you will need to do. You wouldn’t buy a car without ensuring
value for money and it’s the same with bees. They could come with a disease, without a
queen or with numerous other problems you will inherit.
This is an easy way to buy bees, but a large colony of bees comes complete with guard
bees ready to defend the nest and is always more of trial to a new beekeeper than a small
Hiving a swarm
This is an interesting way to start but it is unlikely that someone who wants to begin
beekeeping would do this without help, even though bees are at their most gentle when
swarming. You could let beekeepers or the local association know that, if there is a
swarm of bees around, you would like them. This is how I started. My wife obtained a
swarm off a beekeeper and transported them to our house in a duvet cover.
If you are a beginner, ask a beekeeper to install the bees for you if you go down this
route. Watch and learn (we look at hiving swarms in Chapter 6).
Buying a nucleus of bees
This is the usual method in the UK and continental Europe. A nucleus (or nuc) is a box
with only four or five frames in it, and it will contain a frame of brood (or two), a frame
of honey (or two) and a frame of comb or even foundation. The smallest nucleus that I
have seen had just a frame of brood, a frame of honey and an empty frame. Somewhere
in the nucleus (usually on the brood frame) will be a laying queen.

The frames will, of course, be the same size of frame as those in your hives, so you must
let the supplier know what size you want. So if, for example, the nuc is a five-frame one,
simply remove five frames from your brood box in the hive and carefully put the nuc
frames in (see Chapter 5).
The advantage of a nucleus is that it has brood ready to emerge and to contribute to the
colony’s development, and the queen will have already laid eggs.
Buying a package of bees
This is the most common method in the USA. A package of bees weighs about 1 or 1.5
kg (2 or 3 lb), with approximately 8,000 or 12,000 bees, respectively. The package box
has four wooden sides and a screen material in the front and back. It is 22 cm (8.5 in)
high, 40 cm (16 in) wide and 14 cm (5.5 in) deep.
An inverted can filled with sugar syrup and placed inside the box provides feed for the
bees during transit. Some New Zealand packages are shipped in tubular containers
with a gelled feeding source. The package contains a young, laying queen in a small
wooden cage with one screened side. The caged queen is well protected during transit
and fed through the screen. This contact with the bees improves her acceptance when
the package is hived.
The main disadvantage of a package is that it will be around three weeks before any
brood emerges ready to contribute to the colony’s development.
The type or race/strain of bee that you acquire is often a matter of chance. If you hive a
swarm or obtain hives with bees already in them, then you get what you get and, if the
vendor has any information, ask them for this. A swarm is the same. If you buy bees,
however, you can look in the beekeeping magazines and often there is a choice.
For gentleness – which is all important in urban situations – the Italian or Cecropian
bees are probably the gentlest, while the Spanish or Iberian bee is perhaps the most

savage after the Africanized bees of killer-bee fame. (None of the last two types would
do well in northern climes anyway.)
The type of bee that is best for your particular micro-climate is a source of endless
argument among beekeepers, some claiming that their savage little lot of black bees
are the best for the eastern Lincolnshire frosts or, others, that their yellow Italians can
gather twice as much honey (probably because they rob other hives) as any other bee
in the central Rutland fogs, even if they do need huge amounts of sugar syrup in the
winter. As I said before, as a general rule, unless you want to be a commercial beekeeper,
go for gentleness (in fact, go for this anyway), and many breeders will produce gentle
bees for you to buy as a nucleus. Contrary to much opinion, there is no scientifically
proven correlation between savageness and good honey collection.
What you do with this nucleus or package of gentle bees on Day 1 is discussed in
the next chapter. Just make sure (unlike me) that you have your beehives and other
equipment ready before the bees arrive.
In order to start beekeeping, you will ideally need the following items.
Two complete beehives (at least)
Use the most locally used, modern-style hive (but not the Layens hive in Spain
even if it is the most common). If in doubt use a Langstroth or local equivalent.
You will need at least one brood box (deep/full) and two supers (shallows, ¾
sized). Use a queen excluder to start beekeeping and use the frames as advised
Use Hoffman frames in the brood box and Manley frames in the honey
boxes. Avoid frames that require plastic or metal frame spacers (although,
unfortunately, these often come with new hives so, despite what I’ve said,

you will probably end up with them). The frames should have standard wax
foundation wired into them. You may have to do this. Or, preferably, they should
be made of plastic and coated with a light film of beeswax.
A hive tool
In fact, buy several hive tools.
A good-sized smoker
Make sure this has strong bellows and a protective grid around it.
A bee suit
Buy a suit with a zip-up hood/veil.
Good gloves
Purchase gloves with gauntlets – and also a pair of gumboots.
Use a gentle strain if you can obtain them and take advice from local beekeepers
as to the best strain for your area. Be careful whom you believe. My advice would
be to use Carniolan, Italian or Cecropian (Greek) bees, especially if you want to
keep your bees in an urban area – but more of this in Chapter 5. Many of the
local experts whom you seek advice from will say: ‘Oh, he (meaning me) doesn’t
know what he’s talking about – he’s never lived around these parts – the best
bees for around here are . . .’, and they’ll go on about Lincolnshire frosts and
Rutland fogs and you’ll end up obtaining a couple of hives full of savage little
horrors. I do know what I’m talking about, believe me. I’ve had them all! More
usually, though, you will take pot luck with a swarm or with a hive with bees
already in it.

If you want the start of your beekeeping career to go smoothly, make sure you have
hives, tools, clothing and this book before you obtain the bees. As noted earlier, I was
presented with a swarm of bees in a duvet cover as a surprise birthday present. This
wasn’t the best way to start! You can obtain this equipment as follows:
Buy a complete beginner’s kit, or individual items from a good bee-supply company.
This is the most expensive way. (See the list of suppliers at the end of this book.)
Obtain second-hand equipment from a local beekeeper or beekeeping association
auction. This is cheaper than the previous way but runs the risk of such diseases
as AFB. Having said that, if you buy a hive of bees at an auction, it should have
had a disease inspection before the sale. Most auctions insist on this and have a
visiting inspector. Ask about this. Used, empty hives on their own won’t have been
inspected and so may contain unnoticed diseases.
Make your own equipment. This is an economical option, and all plans can be
found at www.beedata.com. While this way is possible with the hives, I recommend
buying the other tools and clothing new unless items in excellent condition can be
had at a bee auction or from another beekeeper.
Buy bees in a nucleus (or two) from a reputable supplier, obtain a swarm from a
beekeeper or buy a package of bees for installation in a prepared hive from a bee
breeder/producer. Or you could buy an existing colony in a hive. All these sellers
will advertise in the beekeeping magazines or you can ask your local beekeeping
association for the swarm. Arrange for the bees to arrive only when you have
everything ready.
It is easier to buy/obtain your bees in the spring. This is because you will then be able
to see how the bees develop in their own year, from being a small colony or nucleus, to
growing rapidly, to swarming, to building up their honey stores and, finally, to slowing

down for the winter. At the start of spring, your colony will be small and gentle and, as
they grow and become more fierce, you too will be growing in experience and will be
able to handle it. Also, you will be able to see the queen more easily as she will be small.
Buy in early spring.
Now you have everything prepared and your bees have been ordered for a spring start,
you are ready to go on to the next stage of starting with bees.

Chapter 5
Starting with bees
This chapter explains what you do on day 1 of your beekeeping career – i.e. the lead
up to when your bees arrive. You have all the equipment and now need to put your
prepared hives in the right place – which must be convenient for you, convenient for
your neighbours and suitable for the bees. A general rule is that, the better the site, the
better the colony will build up and the more honey you will be able to obtain. Everything
you do now is aimed at obtaining a surplus of honey and at maximizing your harvest.
Many commercial beekeepers have to place their hives wherever they can obtain
permission from a landowner, but the general principles apply as much to them as to
the hobbyist with two hives. It isn’t always possible to get it spot on every time, but do
your best.
Country areas
If you place your bees placed in a country area miles away from your home, you should
try to stick to the following rules. These rules are designed to help you find the ideal
location, which may not always be possible. Needless to say, however, the hives are best
kept out of sight, sheltered from high winds and away from frost hollows. I have seen
bees kept in all sorts of areas over winter periods, and some of these were appalling
places. While bees are hardy creatures that can survive most things, if you expect them
to thrive in such areas and to provide you with honey, you will be disappointed.

You should also ensure that there are plenty of flowering plants or crops in the area.
It is, however, often easier to be more certain of a honey crop in a city than in today’s
countryside, where thousands of acres of wheat won’t amount to much honey, especially
as wheat farmers will do their best to eradicate any nectar-bearing weed that dares to
pop its head up in the vicinity. Find out what is in the area first, and then try to keep to
the following rules:
Ensure easy access by foot or, preferably, by vehicle.
Permanent sites must have good nectar sources within 2 km (1 mile).
Sites must have a water source in the vicinity. This should preferably be in full sun
and out of the wind.
In temperate climates, place hives in the sun. Some dappled shade, however, is
Sites should have early sources of pollen for brood rearing, such as rock rose,
willow or gorse. Books that detail useful plants for nectar and pollen are listed on
pages 278-80.
Sites should be sheltered from the wind.
Ensure the site is not prone to flooding.
Make sure the site is not in a winter/spring frost hollow.
Sites should preferably be out of sight of roads.
Don’t place hives under trees where they can be dripped on during and after rain.
Keep sites away from HT power lines.
Keep the area around the hives clear of tall weeds or grass. Cut grass and weeds
– don’t use spray of any kind.
Minimizing drifting when siting your hives
Drifting is a problem associated with most apiary sites and occurs when bees enter the
wrong hive or ‘drift’ into the wrong hive. This can occur if:

hives are placed in straight rows;
there is a prevailing wind; or
all the hives are identical and facing the same way.
Research has shown that hives at the end of rows are more conspicuous to bees than
those within rows, and hives in the front and back rows are more conspicuous than
middle-row hives. Bees will, therefore, more readily enter hives in the outer rows at the
ends of rows.
The effects of drifting are that some hives can be depleted of foragers, thus affecting
their honey-gathering ability, and it can also be a way of spreading disease. With only a
couple or so of hives, this is unlikely to be a problem but, as soon as you expand, drifting
will become a major consideration.
Drifting can cause large variations in hive yields in an apiary that beekeepers may then
ascribe to a failing queen, etc., and the wrong corrective action may then be taken. It
is a bigger problem than most beekeepers realize and very few beekeepers control or
prevent it, mainly because neat rows of identical hives look tidy and efficient and good
to the eye. You won’t suffer from this problem, though, because you now know that it
really is a big, if hidden, problem and you will no doubt follow the advice below.
Preventing drifting
The following are some ways to prevent drifting:
Arrange your hives in an irregular manner. Hives situated among trees or shrubs
with the entrances facing indifferent directions should not suffer from drifting.
The hives are distinct to the bees, and the shrubs and trees act as landmarks for
Place or grow landmarks in an apiary.
Arrange your hives in a horse-shoe pattern, or in wavy lines.
Arrange your hives in pairs with 2–3 m (6½–10 ft) between pairs.

Paint different-coloured symbols on the hive entrances.
If your hives are in rows, ensure there is at least 3 m (10 ft) between the rows.
Urban areas
Some may wonder why on earth a beekeeper would keep bees in a city. In fact, some of
the best honey comes from city parks and gardens, and some areas are richer in nectar
than many areas of the mono-crop countryside zones. There are three important things
to think about in urban areas: neighbours, neighbours and neighbours. You might want
bees, but your neighbours might not. They like to buy their honey in the safety of a
supermarket. They will be scared of bees because many of them think that honey is
produced by nice, fluffy bumble bees and so, when they see your fast, horrid little wasp-
like things zipping around all over the place, they will not always be pleased or happy
about it. Keep them happy by trying to adhere to the hive placements outlined below,
and always use known, gentle bees – and give them loads of honey.
The main complaints by neighbours in urban areas are as follows:
Swarms settling on their property.
Bees buzzing around angrily and stinging when you are inspecting the hives or
taking honey.
Bees using water sources on their property.
Yellow staining on washing and cars from bee droppings.
There are two ideal sites for urban bees.
Many beekeepers in urban areas use rooftops for their hives. These sites are ideal as
they are the least likely to affect neighbours and the hives, if well placed, can be kept out
of sight – out of sight, out of mind.

Enclosed gardens
In urban areas, bee gardens need to be as enclosed as possible, with high walls in front
of and behind the hive to encourage the bees to fly high enough so as not to annoy
neighbours. Then, if you are using gentle bees, you should get away with being an urban
I have seen, however, just such a beekeeper whose bees had swarmed five times in five
days (he had five hives), and all had occupied tree branches, overhangs and other useful
bee-type perches in neighbours’ property. Very nervous neighbours were doing their
best to help the beekeeper collect the swarms by holding ladders and so on, but clearly
didn’t like the situation. Perhaps not surprisingly, though, because bees are prone not
to sting during swarming, none of the neighbours was stung, even though bees were
swirling around in all directions. After the worried beekeeper had sorted it all out, his
neighbours were much happier about having bees around – and with pots of honey to
give to their friends, they even referred to the bees as ‘our bees’ as they bragged about it
all in the pub.
The importance of water sources
All bees need a water source, whether in the countryside or in urban areas, but the
location of the water source is more critical in urban areas. All bees kept in urban areas
must have a water source on the property or provided by a nearby public water supply,
such as a river, pond or lake. If there is no such water supply, they will head for other
supplies and, inevitably, they will head for the garden pond or swimming pool of the
one neighbour with whom you don’t get on and who is implacably opposed to bees in
urban areas. This will cause a genuine nuisance, and you will have trouble.
It is very difficult to persuade the bees to change their habits once they have found a
source of water, so you need to be on the ball about this before you obtain your bees.
Your water supply need be nothing more than a trickle of water, a leak from an outside
tap or hose, or a small pond. Bees prefer water with an odour rather than fresh water,
and so a little mud and weed won’t harm the situation.

Bees from my home apiary in Spain found a small crack in the lid of our septic tank
and drew their ‘water’ supply from this until I managed to seal it up. This occurred even
though there was a stream nearby. I did feel a bit guilty about selling the honey for a
while after this, and felt it best not to advertise the fact on the jar label.
So, to avoid these problems, provide a clean water supply if one doesn’t exist already.
Avoiding complaints
To minimize complaints from neighbours, observe the following rules:
Don’t keep too many hives on the property. Keep two or three at the most.
Provide a water source.
Keep gentle bees.
Maximize your swarm-prevention techniques (explained in Chapter 6).
Collect any swarms quickly if they do occur.
Stop bees from robbing (explained in Chapter 8).
Put the hives in a sunny, sheltered position, out of sight of neighbours.
Erect a high fence around them to make them fly high after leaving the hive.
Talk about your bees and their amazing pollination abilities with fruit and crops.
Give your honey to your neighbours.
Keeping bees in an urban area takes common sense, explanation/education, gentle
involvement, if possible, and a huge charm offensive involving honey. You will be
surprised to find just how many people take a real interest in bees – if you take the
trouble to tell them about bees and as long as they feel safe from them.
The need to prevent drifting is the same in urban areas but, with fewer hives and a lack
of space for long rows of hives, drifting will probably be very much reduced. Make sure
your entrances face different ways, however.

Third-party insurance (at least) is essential if you keep bees in an urban area, and
comprehensive insurance is very desirable in a country area. In urban areas, because
your hives are on a roof or in your garden, they are not likely to be stolen or vandalized,
but they might be the cause of a claim from a neighbour if the neighbour’s washing is
soiled or if injury occurs. Bees kept in the countryside are not likely to offend anyone,
but may be stolen or vandalized in your absence.
In the UK, if you are a member of your local branch of any British national beekeeping
associations, you will receive automatic third-party insurance and can increase this
at a very reasonable cost. In Spain, basic insurance is provided if you belong to the
agricultural union, and it is worth investigating provisions such as these in your own
country or state.
As everyone knows, insurance is a complete waste of money until you need it and, if
you have it, you will probably never need it. All my brand-new hives (I had just fully re-
equipped), full of new, expensive, organically bred queens and bees were wiped out in a
forest fire in Spain. The reason the forest fire unexpectedly veered in my direction was
that the Big, Black Hand knew I was not yet insured! (I had three days to go.) With no
prospect of further income and kids to feed and debts to pay, I had to sell up and take a
beekeeping job in New Zealand, where I still reside. As you can see, not being insured
was a life-changing event for me and my family. So obtain insurance.
Now that your hives are in the correct place, near a convenient water source,
appropriately insured and generally out of sight of neighbours, you can install your
bees. Just before doing so, however, make sure you have 4 l (8 pt) of sugar syrup (2 l;
4 pt per hive). I make this by mixing 1 kg (2 lb) of sugar with 1 l (2 pt) of water (i.e.
thin syrup). Invert sugar is best for the fast development of a colony, and instructions
on how to prepare this are given in Chapter 9. Initially, however, use ordinary white
granulated sugar and warm water. Stir this well until it is clear.

Placing a hive full of bees
If you have bought hives with bees included, you will probably have taken a look into
the hive with an experienced beekeeper and you will know the state of the queen, brood
and stores. If not, you should at least ascertain from the seller that they have stores to
last them at least a few days.
When the hives arrive you should place them in your prepared positions, generally
facing south east in the Northern Hemisphere and north east in the Southern
Hemisphere. These facings aren’t essential, but early sunlight at the hive’s entrance can
stimulate bees to an early start. Each hive may arrive with its entrance blocked. Follow
the procedure outlined below:
Place the hive on its stand, which may be a pallet or bricks and so on (I’ve seen
them on rubber tyres – anything to keep the hive floor off the ground), facing in
the appropriate direction, if possible.
Slightly tilt the hive forward.
Unblock the hive entrance.
Leave the hive for a couple of days to settle down. This ‘couple of days’ isn’t a fixed
figure. If because of work or other commitments you can’t look at the bees for
another week, look at them then. You will have ascertained from the seller that
they have stores and so on, otherwise you wouldn’t have bought them. If so, they
will be perfectly able to look after themselves.
If, however, you have empty hives with frames of foundation and have purchased
nucleus bees, then the following is the simple procedure for installing them:
Place each nucleus on top of the hive in which it is to be installed, with the entrance
facing the same way as the hive entrance.
Open the nucleus entrance and leave the bees overnight.
The following evening, place the nucleus to one side, open up the hive brood
body and remove four or five (depending on the number of frames in the nucleus)

frames from the centre of box and then very carefully (so as not to drop the queen)
replace these frames with the frames from the nucleus. It is easy to see a queen in
a nuc because there are not many bees, and nucs are very gentle by nature. Ensure
that as, you move the frames over, the queen is on one of them.
With a bar of wood, close up the entrance so that only one bee can get in and out
at a time. (Entrance reducers can be purchased but it is easy to use a small bar of
Remove one more frame from the edge of the box and replace it with a frame
Fill the feeder about three quarters full with 1:1 sugar syrup.
Close the hive and leave for a week before inspecting it to ensure that the queen is
alive and laying.
Ensure that the hive is tilted slightly forward so that rainwater cannot enter it and
If you have purchased a package of bees, then follow this procedure:
When the packages arrives, place it in a cool, dark room. The ideal temperature is
about 18–20° C (65–70° F).
Give the bees some sugar syrup by brushing or sprinkling sugar syrup (1:1 ratio of
sugar to water) over the screen surface.
Install the bees in the late afternoon so that they will settle down and not drift.
Other bees will be less inclined to rob the small colony at this hour.
Reduce the hive entrance with an entrance reducer or a small bar of wood, as
described above.
Lightly bang the cage’s floor so that the clustered bees fall onto it.
Remove the cage’s wooden cover.
The feeder can will be exposed. Remove this.

Remove the queen cage and check the queen to make sure she is alive.
Using a nail, puncture the candy in the queen cage so that the queen can be released
more easily by the workers.
Half the ten frames should be removed, leaving five in the hive. Place the queen
cage with the candy end up between two frames. The cage screen should be
exposed to the bees.
Replace the frames that were removed so that there is a total of ten frames.
Place the package in front of the hive’s entrance so that the few remaining bees can
crawl into the hive.
Finally, provide the bees with sugar syrup in the frame feeder.
Put an empty hive body on top of the new hive.
Place the syrup can that came with the package inside the hive body, resting on the
top bars of the frames.
In about a week, inspect the colony for eggs and larvae and, while doing this, refill
the frame feeder.
Remove the empty queen cage, ensuring that the queen has got out.
Look for eggs in the cells.
If the queen fails, introduce a new queen immediately. If you have no queen
available, you can unite the package with another colony or package (see Chapter
8), or you can give the bees a frame of young larvae and let them raise another
queen (see Chapter 11).
Ensure that the hive is tilted slightly forward so that rainwater cannot enter it and
accumulate. To do this, place a small piece of wood under the stand’s back feet or
under the hive’s rear if you are not using a stand.

Ideally you should now have the following:
Two modern, complete, removable box hives common to your area, or
two Langstroth hives.
Hives situated in an urban or country location.
Hives consisting of a ‘full’ brood box and a ‘half’ super, with a queen
excluder in between the boxes. (Other half supers should be made
available as the season goes on.)
Each ‘full’ brood box containing a frame feeder with sugar syrup, plus
nine Hoffman frames with foundation wax, some of which that have
been replaced with the frames that came with a nucleus of bees.
Each ‘half’ super or honey super having eight Manley frames filled with
A gentle strain of bees with a young, laying queen. The queen should
be a new queen, mated and laying.
Other equipment as described above so that, after the week you have
given your bees to settle down, you will be able to open your hive
ready to inspect your bees, to see what is going on and to really start
learning about bees.

Chapter 6
The active season: spring
I mentioned earlier that spring is an ideal time to commence beekeeping. It is not the
only time, but it is easily the best for a new beekeeper. The reason for this is that you can
start with a small nucleus colony on just a few frames and watch it grow through your
beekeeping. If you follow the advice in this book, it will grow, and your experience will
grow with it. By the autumn, you will have seen colony expansion; undertaken swarm-
prevention methods; carried out manipulations to increase honey production; dealt
with any colony problems; extracted your honey crop; and perhaps split your hives so
that you’ll have more next year.
You have a great deal to do in the meantime, however. Your colonies are growing and
probably wanting to swarm; varroa will be increasing in your hives; and you will have to
assess carefully the amount of room the bees need to deposit their honey. Diseases may
rear their ugly heads, and you will have to inspect your colonies at regular intervals to
make sure they are not suffering or failing in some way. This is a lot to think about for
an experienced beekeeper, let alone a new one, but, if you follow the instructions in this
chapter carefully, you and your bees will survive to the summer.
Checking the hives
So, it is springtime, and you have left your newly arrived bees for a week to settle in
to their new surroundings. You now want your colonies to expand and, hopefully to
produce a surplus of honey that you can extract. You have already helped them by

placing them in a good position with plenty of forage available within a mile or so from
the hive, and now all you need to do is to ensure they stay disease and problem free
and have enough room to expand. In other words, you have to know what is going on
in the hive and react to their needs. You will have to do this at least once every month
– preferably more often – until the winter. So how do you do this?
First, you should look into the hives to see what is going on. What you are looking for
is as follows:
Is there a queen and is she laying eggs?
Is there brood of all ages present?
Are there any signs of diseases/pests? This includes a look at the general cleanliness
in the hive, especially the floor.
Has the colony sufficient food stores (honey and pollen)?
Has the colony built up in numbers and number of frames covered since you
installed them (or since your last visit)?
If so, have they enough room?
Fairly soon you will also be looking for indications that the colony may swarm and for
queen cells in the hive, but we’ll deal with those later in this chapter.
This all sounds complicated but it is, in fact, quite logical, and you will become very
much quicker at recognizing the telltale signs as you gain experience. Take your time,
therefore, and follow these instructions. Let’s first look at the bees without opening the
Inspecting the closed hive
As you approach the hives and before you open them, look at the entrances. Much can
be learnt about the internal state of a hive by observing the entrance, and Table 1 should
give you an idea of what you are looking for.

Bees fighting at the entrance
Pile of dead bees at the entrance
Dead bees, many still moving
Dead drones at the entrance or
drones being removed by workers
Bees unable to fly or staggering/
moribund on the hive or at the entrance
Mummified larvae littering entrance
Heavy faeces-spotting on the hive
Dead larvae being thrown out
but not carried away
Pollen being carried into the hive
Many bees flying at the entrance.
No fighting. Bees facing the hive
appear to be bobbing up and down
Many bees issuing from the hive in
a swirling ascending mass
A regular column of ants entering the
hive. Very few, if any, bees in sight.
Virus disease
Period of dearth; lack of stores
Virus disease (could also be starvation)
Chalk brood disease (see Chapter 10)
Dysentery (see Chapter 10)
Possible starvation
Usually indicates a healthy colony
Young adult bees on play/orientation
flights; usually late afternoon
Swarm emerging
Hive or nuc empty. Put your ear to the side
of the hive and give it a sharp knock.
If silent, the hive is empty. If you hear
a roar, then you have a colony in being
you need to check out.
Table 1. Observations of the hive’s entrance

Some of these observations may still be a bit vague, but all will become clear. This
inspection can be carried out every time you pass the hives, even if you do not have the
time for a full, open inspection. It takes only a couple of minutes and may alert you to a
possible problem, but it should never take the place of a full, open inspection.
Carrying out the full, open inspection
If you are about to inspect a newly installed nuc, there is no need to use smoke before
opening the hive. Until a colony has grown and has almost filled the brood box I never
use smoke. Small colonies are generally well behaved and calm and, if they aren’t, you
are going to have a feisty bunch of bees later on. The inspection schedule that follows is
for a newly established colony about a week old, but the general principles apply to any
colony and, by the time your colony has grown and expanded, your inspections will be
following the same pattern.
Lifting the lid
Approach the beehive from the side and, gently (using the hive tool if necessary), lift
the lid. Place this on the ground upside down. You do this so that you can place other
boxes on top of it later. If it is gabled WBC lid, you have to move it well out of the way
so that you don’t trip over it as you move around. As I said, I don’t use smoke on small
nucs because they are usually quiet enough without it but, if you want to see what effect
it has, then use a small amount only. Puff it over the top bars quickly and lay the smoker
down. You’ll see the bees near the top bars quickly disappear and start to gorge honey.
Checking for eggs
Now remove one of the end frames of the box (you could remove the feeder if it is
empty). This will give you room to move the other frames about. Gently separate the
frames with your hive tool so that you are able to lift out the centre frames without
rolling bees against the wax as you do so. The centre frames of a small colony will hold
the brood, and it is this you want to look at.
Take out a frame with brood on it and see if there are any eggs in the cells. Hold it up to
the light to see the eggs better. There should be one egg at the base of each cell. These
are tiny white, stick-like things, and you should have a look at Photograph 1 in the
colour photograph section of this book.

If you see more than one egg in a cell and these are laid up from the cell’s base, you have
the problem of laying workers, and you should go straight to Chapter 8. If this is the
case, your colony may well be doomed, and you should ask for advice. If you see no eggs
in any of the cells then you either have no queen or a non-laying queen. It is possible you
have a virgin but unlikely in these circumstances.
Finding the queen
Now look over the frame for the queen, who will usually (but not always) be on a frame
of brood. She will be walking around more slowly than the other bees, and often the
first thing you notice is her longer, tanned abdomen. If you see her, have a quick look
and then gently lower the frame back into the box. If you have seen eggs and a queen
then you know that, barring signs of disease, all is well. If you ordered your bees with a
marked queen she will be easier to pick out, but if you can’t find her and eggs are visible,
it is highly likely the queen will be somewhere around. Eggs are eggs for three days only
and so you had a queen three days ago at least and you probably still have one.
If you see eggs but still can’t find the queen, make a note of which hive it is, wait another
three to four days and have another look. The eggs you saw previously will now be
young larvae. If there are plenty of eggs still visible this means your queen is good
at keeping a low profile when you are looking for her. Some simply disappear when
the hive is opened and can be extremely difficult to find even for the experienced eye,
especially in a large colony. In a small nuc, however, she will be much easier to find.
Investigating the brood nest
Look to see if there is sealed brood and unsealed brood in various stages of development.
This is normal in a healthy colony, with brood as eggs, young larvae, larvae and larvae
in capped brood cells.
Inspecting the brood nest is one of the most effective ways of determining the health
of the colony and it can give you a timeline on what has been happening in the colony
at various times up to the present. The presence of sealed brood indicates what was
happening 9–21 days ago (see Figure 20 later in this chapter). Young, unsealed brood
shows what was happening more recently, and eggs and tiny larvae show what is
happening up to the present. Young larvae should be pearly white and neatly coiled in

their cells, and sealed brood should be covered in neat and clean, slightly convex wax
coverings with no holes and no sunken parts.
In a small colony it is easy to see all this, and this is one reason why buying a nuc or
package to start with is a good idea. It shows you what to look for early on in your
beekeeping career. If you find there are no eggs or young brood and you are unable to
find the queen then, after a thorough check to ensure there is no disease, the colony
must be united with another colony or a nucleus (see Chapter 8).
Inspecting the stores
Having seen the state of the brood and determined that a queen is present, now look at
the stores. The bees must have stores of honey and pollen for survival, or at least a full
feeder of sugar syrup. Stores are placed in an arc around the brood area, and checking
for the presence of honey and pollen is easy. If they have neither, you must do something
about it – i.e. feed them (see Chapter 9).
In European and many other countries bees have evolved with the local plants and,
generally, there will be pollen and nectar sources at the right time for them (unless you
have placed them in a huge monocrop area). In other countries, especially where honey-
bees have been introduced recently, this may not always be the case, especially with early
pollen sources essential for brood rearing. In such cases there may be a need for pollen
patties (substitute pollen) for the bees to feed on and to give them an early boost.
Lack of pollen can be one of the biggest causes of a colony’s failure to build up and
thrive. You should be aware of this and, if there is a scarcity of early pollen, ask for
advice from local beekeepers. You must then feed the colony (see Chapter 9).
Checking the amount of room
Now look at the amount of room the bees have. There should be enough empty cells
for the queen to lay eggs (and remember, she can lay 1,000–2,000 a day) and for the
workers to store food. If the nuc is only a week old, there should still be plenty of room
or potential room (i.e. frames of foundation for the bees to pull out). This is likely to
be the state of affairs in a nuc but, as time goes on, the colony will expand, and you may
have to give them more room with the addition of another brood box. If you don’t, the

bees will feel congested and will swarm. If this happens, you will lose up to about half
your workforce, which may well become someone else’s workforce.
Methods of preventing, or at least controlling, this phenomenon are given later in this
chapter but, I repeat, in a new, young colony indications of swarming are rare indeed.
Looking for signs of disease
You should also look for signs of disease, and this is difficult for a new beekeeper. Again,
it is a good idea to start off with a young colony because then you will quickly learn
what a healthy colony looks like: what the sealed brood looks like and what healthy eggs
and larvae look like (see Photograph 2 in the colour photograph section of this book).
Then, anything that looks or smells differently will suggest a problem.
Chapter 10 explains diseases and their symptoms and methods of treatment, and so
reading this chapter before each inspection will help to determine if you have any
problems. It may also be useful to obtain a copy of The Beekeepers Field Guide to take
to the apiary with you (see the bibliography at the end of this book). This guide goes
through all the signs and symptoms of diseases in one small volume that can be taken
into the field. No inspection, however, should be undertaken without looking for signs
of something being wrong.
Eradicating pests
You may see wax moths (see Chap 10) in a colony. If you’ve never seen one before, just
about any small, grey moth skittering around on a frame will be a wax moth. There are
small and large ones but, either way, kill them whenever you see them.
It is usual to see a few wax moths in a colony and the bees can normally control them,
but any indications of wax-moth damage should be investigated because it is often the
first sign to a new beekeeper (and many experienced beekeepers) that something is
wrong. As noted, however, a healthy colony can control these pests.
Inspecting the floor
Now look at the state of the floor. Gently lift the brood box and, equally gently, place
it on the upturned lid – you don’t want to dislodge the queen and lose her. The floor

will now be visible and, hopefully, you will be using a stainless-steel mesh floor but, if
not, the floor should be clean and free of debris. If there is a build-up of debris, give it a
scrape clean with your hive tool or swap it for a new floor and clean the old one later.
A very dirty floor could indicate a problem, so look around for any other signs of
trouble. If a solid floor has a build-up of water, this means the hive is not tilted forward
slightly to allow water to run out of the entrance. Do this now if you need to.
Observing the bees
At this point it may be worthwhile unhurriedly holding up some frames and observing
the bees to see what they are doing. Try to make some sense out of the apparent chaos.
You could see a bee dancing and telling her mates about a good food source, or you
could see a bee with pollen baskets moving towards the pollen storage area. You will
undoubtedly see new adults cutting though the wax cappings of their cells and slowly
emerging, with all the other bees walking about over their heads.
If you are very lucky and the bees are calm, you could see the queen laying an egg.
I’ve lost several queens in my time while gazing at a queen moving around on a comb
– especially a young one. So take a quick look by all means but then gently lower her
frame back into the hive. Always remember to replace frames in the same way as you
picked them up, unless you have another task in mind, but we come back to that later
in this chapter when we discuss building up a colony.
Reassembling the hive
Finally, if you mentally tick off all the above checks positively, reassemble the hive and
move on to the next hive, where you should repeat the whole process.
This chapter provides a checklist of all the inspection points, and Chapter 8 a queen/
brood-nest troubleshooting guide. Use these guides until you are able to remember
each point for yourself. The full hive inspection applies to every hive, whether a nucleus
hive or a full colony of bees that is 10 boxes high and bursting at the seams.

After the full inspection
If you have placed your bees in a good area, there should be no need to feed them during
the spring, except when starting off a nuc or package as described in Chapter 5. If, after
this feed, an otherwise healthy and growing colony fails to gather stores in the spring
and early summer, then consideration must be given to moving them to a better area
for forage.
If you think there is a problem with the colony, ask a more experienced beekeeper
for help. You can easily misread the signs and make the wrong decision based on an
incorrect diagnosis, and I think this is one of the most important reasons why you
should be in your local beekeeping association. It doesn’t matter where you live in the
world, there is likely to be one, and the members will (certainly initially) be an essential
support group for you. Not only that, with the spread of more exotic diseases among
bees and the increasing importance of honey-bee pollination to agriculture, you should
be on some recognized register for disease control, insecticide-spray monitoring and so
on. Even though beekeepers are often more individual beings than hermits, government
or club registration should be compulsory.
So that was your first full inspection of your new, young colonies. You may have sought
help and advice from an experienced beekeeper if you noticed anything amiss but, for
a young nucleus, problems should be rare. Otherwise, all is well, and you are more
conversant with your bees’ activities. There is, however, one preventative measure you
must take now even if your colonies look healthy: treat them for varroa.
Treating your hives for varroa
Most beekeepers place their bees in areas where a mite – varroa destructor – is
endemic. Varroa evolved with the far-eastern honey-bee, Apis cerana, and, during this
process, the bee learnt to deal with it. In a hive of these far-eastern bees, therefore,
varroa lives in a form of mutual hostility with the bees and is tolerated, even though it
causes some losses. Probably due to the movement of bees around the world, the varroa
mite came into contact with Apis mellifera, the western honey-bee, which had evolved
no defence mechanism against it and which therefore cannot deal with it. The mite has
now managed to invade just about everywhere where bees are kept, even New Zealand
– which is as isolated as you can get.

An infestation of varroa mites in your colony will destroy it unless you treat it. The
mite doesn’t intend this to happen because it will then die out itself. The varroa mite
probably assists in vectoring into the bees some or all of the many viruses that are
normally endemic in bee colonies but which are kept in check by healthy colonies. By
biting into the bees and puncturing the bees’ cuticle, the mite may well aid in the ingress
of viral particles and bacteria.
Since varroa arrived, we have learnt a great deal about this mite, but there is also much
we don’t yet know. It may be that many of the so-called syndromes currently affecting
the western honey-bee are the result of varroa activity. While Chapter 10 discusses this
mite in more detail, suffice it to say here that, if you are in a varroa area, you will have
to treat your colonies. There is no avoiding this and, if you don’t get it right, the colony
will without doubt die out and the wax moth will move in. In the early days of varroa
many beekeepers discovered that they were, in fact, wax-moth keepers! This happened
to me. Don’t let it happen to you.
In the spring when your bee populations are growing fast, so are the numbers of varroa
mites, and so you must treat them. This means April/May in the Northern Hemisphere
and September/October in the Southern Hemisphere, and then again in the autumn.
There are many treatments and many ways of administering them so, because you are
starting out, find out what members of your local beekeeping association are doing
and follow their example. Once you have treated your hives you can at least be more
relaxed about the state of your hives over this period and will have done your best to
limit varroa damage.
There is, however, another problem that often arrives quite suddenly in the spring, and
that is swarming. Like varroa it is best to recognize that swarming may well occur and to
try to avoid this problem. If you fail to do this then you can at least limit the damage.
Have you ever been driving along in the spring and suddenly you heard multiple splats
on your windscreen, which became covered with muck? You looked out to see insects

heading towards you in their hundreds, and then suddenly all was quiet again. That was
probably a swarm of bees.
As your colony grows – and it can very rapidly in the spring – you have to make sure
it has enough room. The queen needs room to lay eggs and the workers need room
to store honey. If the growing population does not have enough space, the bees will
swarm, and this is one of the most perplexing problems in beekeeping. It is especially
difficult for commercial beekeepers with perhaps thousands of hives to look after but,
even for the hobbyist with just a couple, it can be a daunting task to limit or prevent
this phenomenon.
If your bees swarm, there will be a long break in your colony’s development because a
new queen has to be mated and built up in the egg-laying stakes. There will be fewer
bees in your hive to gather honey, and the colony will have to wait for some weeks for
new bees to go through the egg to adult-forager-bee process. Your colony may thus not
have the time to make a surplus of honey that year and, if it does, it will be very much
What is swarming?
Swarming is honey-bee reproduction at colony level rather than bee-to-bee sexual
reproduction. In this way, honey-bees are able to increase their numbers by increasing
their colonies and also to invade new areas. Because this is a natural method of
reproduction and dispersal, it is difficult to stop it from occurring. Most swarming
occurs from around May to June in the Northern Hemisphere and from September to
early December in the Southern Hemisphere.
Preparing to swarm
As a result of certain conditions in the hive, the bees in your colony will raise new
queens. The process begins when worker bees make small cell cups on the comb,
mostly near to the comb’s outer edges and especially along the bottom. These small
cups don’t necessarily indicate immediate swarming as they may never be used but,
once the conditions arise that cause the swarming impulse to manifest itself, the queen
will be directed towards these cups and will lay an egg in some or all of them. At this
stage, the beekeeper must take note and commence swarm-prevention procedures. The

colony will develop these cups into queen cells that are so distinctive they are very easy
to recognize (see Figure 16).
Fig. 16. A queen cell hanging from the bottom of a frame
(note the ‘sculpture’ of the cell)
A virgin queen emerges
If left alone, after around 16 days, from one or more
of these cells a virgin queen will emerge that will take
over the colony, the old queen having departed with
the swarm. This new virgin queen will go to the other
queen cells, if allowed to by the workers, and will
sting through the cell to kill off her potential rivals.
The virgin, however, is now in a precarious position. She has to leave the hive and fly
off to a drone congregation area to mate with many drones and then return to the
hive. This is a very dangerous period of her life. She could become lost, be eaten, hit
bad weather or be sprayed with pesticide. The worker bees may have protected one or
more of the remaining queen cells just in case she doesn’t return and they need another
virgin, and they may have prevented the first virgin queen from harming it. If she mates
successfully and returns to the colony without mishap, however, she will be allowed to
kill off any rivals, whether they have emerged or not, or the bees themselves may tear
down any remaining queen cells.
Occasionally another virgin will emerge that is guarded by the workers until they are
sure she is not required, but this system seems sometimes to go wrong. I have seen a
swarm with a queen and seven virgins in it. What was going on in the original hive?

This type of occurrence suggests that the second newly mated queen – or even a virgin
in a hive – may swarm with half the remaining workers while another virgin mates and
takes over, thus depleting the colony even further. This is known as an after-swarm.
If a colony sends out several after-swarms, this can make it worthless. I’ve seen some
tiny little swarms that are of no use at all and, if they occur late in the year, they rarely
But back to the original plan, in which the old queen in the company of around half the
workers departs the hive. This is known as a prime swarm. Older workers are believed
to initiate this using both body language and noise signals. The queen is fed less for
some time before the flight and her egg-laying rate decreases so that she can fly more
Once the swarm has left the hive, it usually congregates first at some point not far from
the original hive. It hangs there for several hours, waiting for the scouts to direct them
to the new home. This is the point when most people see a swarm, and it is at this point
that it is most easily captured.
Catching a swarm
This is mostly easy – possibly the easiest thing about beekeeping. If you see a swarm
leaving the hive or flying past you, follow it until it hangs up. You can then (if it is
conveniently sited) shake it into a box, put some sort of lid over the box allowing a
small entrance for bees to go in and out, and leave it there, preferably in the shade,
until the evening. If the mass of bees stays in the box, this means you have the queen
in there and all is well. If the bees gradually leave the box and hang up again, they are
clustering around the queen, which you missed. You then have to shake the bees – in
one sharp shake, if possible – into the box again hoping that, this time, the queen falls
in as well. She usually does. Obviously, if you have an empty nucleus box or something
similar, this makes the operation easier, but I have used anything handy – cardboard
shoe-boxes, for example. In such situations, you know it is a new swarm and so it will
very likely be peaceful.

Sometimes swarms hang in the most awkward places (see Figure 17), making it very
difficult to retrieve them and, on these occasions you either have to leave them or use your
imagination. I used a ladder to get to a swarm on one occasion. It was hanging off a branch
fairly high up in the tree over a small arroyo, or stream. I lifted the box to it and, with my
other hand, shook the branch hard. The swarm fell into the box, the ladder fell away and I
was left hanging on the branch with one hand, and holding a heavy box of bees in the other.
I shouted for my wife to come to help but she arrived centuries too late and I had already
hit the shallow water by the time of her arrival. I was lying there, covered with thousands
of increasingly irritated bees. Even swarms can go into fight mode if provoked enough and,
as usual, I hadn’t put any gear on and so the pair of us fled.
A colleague of mine tried to extract a swarm from an electric fence, with comical results.
Most beekeepers have ‘swarm’ stories – a little like fishermen! Suffice to say that you
should be careful and treat them gently.
Swarm-collecting equipment
Keep a box handy for catching swarms. You can purchase basic cardboard boxes with
ventilation screens for this purpose. The one I use is shown in Figure 18. This doubles
as a swarm box for queen rearing and for holding the queen on a comb when I want her
out of the way.
Fig. 17. A swarm clustering on a post – difficult to get off.
We smoked them up into a box of comb held above them

Fig. 18. A handy swarm box
Another box I use has a removable
gauze floor that can be used for any
box, super or brood sized. You simply
slip the floor on, tip the bees in and
place a lid over it (see Figure 19).
Then, because they have plenty of
ventilation, they can be moved to their
final location.
Fig. 19. (a) Gauze floor with aluminium flange;
(b) box sitting in the flange of the floor; (c) lid on
ready to go (strap if required)
(a) (b)

Collecting unknown swarms
If you are asked to come to collect a swarm from someone else’s land or house, grasp the
opportunity for a free new colony to increase your stocks. You will need a spare hive and
wax frames, though, or at least a nucleus box until you can obtain another hive.
Many beekeepers will tell you to avoid unknown swarms because they may have a
disease or be a nasty strain, or a thousand other reasons. I say, go to get them. After
all, if you were a cow farmer and someone offered you a free herd of cows, would you
refuse? Diseases can be treated and nasty strains can be re-queened.
Swarms are programmed to make wax combs and, if you collected them just for this,
it would be worth it. In this case, however, try to find out how long the bees have been
hanging there. If a swarm has been hanging up for too long and the scouts haven’t sorted
out a new home or bad weather has prohibited takeoff – or for any other reason – the
bees may become irritable, and irritable swarms can explode like atom bombs if you
start messing about with them. Perhaps they have been there for so long that they have
built comb and have become a colony at this particular site. They will then be normally
protective of their nest.
Making a show of swarm collecting
Mostly, however, a swarm will be very gentle and easy to handle. It’s great to collect
them. You perform a service for others; you obtain free bees; and, if you make sure loads
of people are watching (get on your mobile to tell people about it and delay your own
arrival for a while – I know a beekeeper who did this), you can look like a hero.
Make sure your audience stays well back because of the ‘danger’, and advance bravely on
the swarm as if going into a war zone. The public don’t know that a swarm is the easiest
part of beekeeping because they will have seen the film, Swarm and, even if they haven’t,
everyone (except you) knows from birth that bee swarms are deadly! And there you will
be, bravely treating them like flies. Don’t mess this up, however, because, if you irritate
a swarm enough, a few of its members may just start stinging people, and then your
reputation will go straight down the drain. Also, by collecting swarms you may save the
bees from being classed as pests and destroyed. What a waste of livestock!

Africanized bees
The one big word of caution here is that, if you live in a part of the world (e.g. parts of
South America or the southern USA) that has been invaded by Africanized bees, the
words above about being deadly may well apply for real, and local laws and regulations
may exist to cater for such an event. These could be clearing people from the area if
appropriate, calling the authorities and so on. You should know about these laws and
regulations and, if you do go near the bees, you should be appropriately clothed.
Researchers and bee breeders are always attempting to improve the honey-bees
in their countries and, in 1956, Brazilian researchers imported honey-bees from
Africa into Brazil in an effort to improve beekeeping in the New World tropics. The
African bees were suited to conditions in Brazil and they began colonizing South
America, hybridizing with European honey-bees (hence the name ‘Africanized’ honey-
bees) and displacing the European bees.
Compared with the more docile European bees, Africanized honey-bees are extremely
defensive. They attack in large numbers and will sting people and livestock with little
provocation. They will even take over European bee colonies by entering them and
killing the resident queen.
These bees have since moved northwards at a rate of up to 480 km (300 miles) per year
and, today, every country in South and Central America has established populations
of Africanized honey-bees. In 1990 they entered the USA and are gradually creeping
north. Attempts to flood areas with European drones for mating met with little
success: an African queen emerges before a European queen and then, like all queens,
she destroys the other queen cells in the colony. A mixed mating, therefore, will always
result in an African queen and all that it entails. Beware!
For those in Europe and other parts of the world where Africanized bees are absent, you
will have an enjoyable and profitable time collecting swarms. Swarming is a nuisance
to you, but there is a flip-side to this – other beekeepers may not be so zealous in their
swarm-prevention regime and so, if their bees swarm, they may well become your bees
if you can catch them.

What goes on in a swarm?
If no one collects it and a swarm is left alone to hang up, scout bees will constantly go
to and fro from suitable sites. They will convey their message about a suitable site to the
swarm by dancing on its surface and by recruiting new scouts to view their proposal. It
seems a swarm will take up home in the proposed site of those scouts who are able to
recruit the most dancers and who dance the most vigorously in favour of their home
Once they have decided, the scouts will initiate a mass takeoff, possibly by using a
vibrating form of body language and by making a piping sound. The swarm will then
head off to its new home, directed all the way by scouts who fly through the swarm in the
required direction. If you have seen a swarm moving through the air, it seems to be an
aimless mass of insects whirling around in all directions and not really going anywhere.
But it is, and you soon realize that it is moving fairly quickly if you try to follow it. It’s
like an optical illusion: it is easy to follow on foot until it flies over a hedge or a river or
other obstacle, and then you can loose it. The scouts dive down to the entrance of the
new home and, slowly but surely, the swarm follows and takes up residence.
Taking up residence
Within minutes of taking up residence, the workers build comb, without which the
colony cannot function. One of the possible reasons why bees in a swarm are gentle is
that, during this process, they are conditioned not to sting. Before leaving their previous
home, each of them fills up with honey. Most of this is used to synthesize wax to build
the new home, and all the bees are needed for this: no honey, no wax; no wax, no new
home. If they go around stinging, they will die and their honey will be wasted.
My point earlier about swarms pulling out wax comb is a serious one. That is their first
main aim, and the beekeeper can use this propensity. You always need comb.
Other workers will be out foraging and, within half an hour, the swarm will be a
colony. Where previously there was one colony, there are now two – reproduction and
dissemination, just like us.

Dealing with the swarm
You, meanwhile, have captured your own, or someone else’s, swarm and will have placed
it in the shade, ensuring that the container has an entrance. Observe it for a while to
make sure the bees are not gradually leaving it and hanging up again. If all is well, you
can return home to prepare a hive for it. This requires just one box on a floor with
wax foundation on the frames. It’s a good idea to give them a good feed of sugar syrup,
and so one of the frames could contain some good, clean comb. This will allow the
early foragers to store their honey and pollen and may enable the queen to start laying
Go back to the swarm in the evening when most of the foragers will be back in their
temporary home and close the box. Take it to the prepared hive (with the frames taken
out), open it and tip all the bees into it. Gently place the frames in the hive with the
frame with comb (if you have one) in the centre and the frame feeder with syrup nearby.
Fill the rest of the hive with frames, close up and leave them to it.
Another way of putting them into the hive is to prepare a ramp in front of the hive
leading to the entrance. For effect, some beekeepers place a white sheet on this. Tip the
bees on to the ramp/sheet and you will see the bees march purposefully up the ramp
and into the hive. This is fun to watch – in fact it’s a wonderful sight – and it is good
for the education of others but, for practical beekeeping, it is easier simply to tip them
straight into the new hive.
Handling unexpected situations
The above instructions describe ideal situations. To be honest, while these often do
occur, things occasionally don’t go to plan. The swarm may hang up in impossible
situations, you don’t have a swarm box handy to put them in, or you have five spare
frames only and just two of these have wax and you have no feed. Well all that’s OK:
bees are hardy creatures. They weren’t expecting foundation frames and a feed of sugar
syrup anyway. Just do what you can for the moment. Give them the two frames and fill
the rest in a couple of days.
Bees can survive without feed for a while, and I’ve often not given them any at all if good
nectar sources were available – which, of course, you have made sure about anyway.

If you can meet the ideal, then do, because it hurries up the process of the swarm
becoming a productive hive. If you can’t, don’t worry: do what you can and give yourself
time to sort it all out later.
Putting the swarm back into the original hive
One final way of dealing with a swarm is to tip it back into the hive from which it came
– if you know it and if it’s one of yours. Many texts advise this. If you definitely don’t
want increase you can do this. The two queens will fight it out and one will live to head
the colony.
I did this twice in my early days because I didn’t know any better and, on both occasions,
the bees swarmed again the next day. If you put them back where they came from, they
are likely to swarm again because the original cause of swarming will reoccur. Generally,
I try to prevent the swarming process from starting in the first place but, if it occurs and
I see it, I take the opportunity of increasing my stocks and giving the swarm some work
to do in making comb. I don’t advise putting them back in their original hive. Try to
stop it in the first place and, if you can’t, then use the swarms for increase.
Swarm prevention or swarm control?
Remember, if your bees swarm, half your honey-collecting field force will go and there
will be a long gap before the hive is up and running again because the bees will have to
wait for the replacement queen to mate and lay eggs. You will then have to wait for these
eggs to become bees. So you must do something about swarming, and swarming only
happens significantly in the spring.
First, there is swarm prevention and, second, there is swarm control. Swarm
prevention is all about managing your colonies so that the swarming impulse doesn’t
arise in the first place. Swarm control is about letting the bees swarm, but only under
your control so that you at least retain the bees. This may occur when you have left
it too late to prevent them from swarming or, despite your best attempts at swarm
prevention, the bees are still determined to swarm – and it happens. Let’s first look at
swarm prevention.

Preventing swarming
Very experienced beekeepers advocate many methods for preventing swarming that,
to my mind, try to go against what the bees are attempting to do instead of going in
their direction. The two main culprits are clipping one of the queen’s wings and, in
conjunction with this, destroying queen cells. Those who advocate clipping the queen’s
wings, say this prevents her from flying and so going with a swarm. The theory is that
she will rush out with the swarm, fall on to the grass and climb back into the hive. The
swarm, in the meantime realizes the queen is not with them and flies back to the hive.
Doing this is neither pleasurable nor profitable and, with the bees back in the hive, the
same pressures that lead to swarming in the first place are again in place and the bees are
likely to have another go. I saw this in my early beekeeping days. A similar method that
at least doesn’t mutilate the queen is to place a queen excluder over the entrance so that
the queen is prevented from leaving. What that achieves I have no idea.
The swarming process takes a full month out of a colony’s productive period, from
the moment the queen cups are made to the moment the swarm leaves. The bees will
still forage and store nectar and pollen but at a reduced rate compared with a hive
that isn’t preparing to swarm. All the activities of the bees described above over that
month hugely reduce the colony’s ability to produce a surplus compared with that of a
colony that has been deterred from swarming in the first place. Deterrence is, I believe,
therefore, the best overall management plan.
Clipping wings should especially have no part in beekeeping. On a large scale it would
be far too time consuming and, on a small scale, it solves nothing. It was prohibited for
much of my commercial beekeeping time under EU rules for the production of organic
honey. Some will say it gives the beekeeper a better time-frame to inspect their bees
and so prevent swarming because the beekeeper destroys the swarm cells before queens
emerge. The mathematics of this method’s timelines are sound, but that is the only
good thing about it.
There are three points here:
1. In many colonies, by the time you find sealed swarm cells, there is a fair chance
your bees have already swarmed and you just haven’t noticed.

2. If your bees have swarmed and you destroy the remaining queen cells, you will
have destroyed their best chance of raising another queen. Soon you won’t have a
colony at all.
3. Finding queen cells to destroy is a tricky business. You are likely to miss one,
especially in a large colony, and if you miss one your bees will swarm anyway.
Work with your bees, not against them, and consign these primitive old practices to the
dustbin where they belong. One notable beekeeper, C.C. Miller of the USA, said early
in the twentieth century that ‘if a colony disposed to swarm should be blown up with
dynamite, it would probably not swarm again, but its usefulness as a honey gathering
unit would be somewhat impaired’. Clipping wings, placing queen excluders over the
entrance and destroying queen cells have the same effect. There are better ways that
work in the direction the bees want to go, so why not use them?
Methods to prevent swarming
Good swarm-prevention methods should reduce swarming with a low degree of colony
interference and should be compatible with good colony management for both pleasure
and profit. It goes without saying that a very good method is to obtain a strain of bees
that has a lower tendency to swarm. This is, of course, not always possible but, if you
are in a position to use this method and still keep your beekeeping pleasurable and
profitable, don’t dismiss it. When considering your swarm-control strategy, try to think
in terms of employing the following manipulations in conjunction with each other, not
as isolated examples.
Re-queening annually (or at least every two years)
This is one of the best methods for limiting swarming in your colonies, especially if you
are a commercial beekeeper and have perhaps thousands of hives. It is difficult under
these circumstances to keep such a close eye on matters but, if you re-queen annually,
you will at least know that even in your absence the number of colonies swarming in
your bee yards will be low. For a beekeeper with only a few colonies it is an easy method
to employ.

Research has shown that a queen under a year old with plenty of queen pheromone is
much less likely to swarm than a queen in her second year; a two-year-old queen is less
likely to swarm than a three-year-old; and so on. The figures are quite remarkable.
Re-queen, therefore, every year so that no queen is over 12 months old. Fall or autumn
re-queening is perhaps more difficult than spring re-queening, but it has so many
advantages over spring re-queening. From my own experience I think the reasons for this
are the better weather and the larger numbers of mature drones around. Troublesome
spring weather and the chances of fewer drones being available make spring mating less
certain. The great majority of professional honey producers re-queen every 12 months.
They do this for a reason: less swarming, more eggs/bees.
Reversing hive bodies
In the early spring, reversing hive bodies can be a useful and effective method of swarm
prevention. This simply involves swapping the positions of the upper and lower brood
boxes (if you have them). Alternatively you can place a second brood box on top of the
first. This box should have frames of empty comb, and a frame of capped brood from
the existing brood box should be placed in the middle of it. Bees tend to work upwards,
and so giving the colony more room for brood and for themselves reduces overcrowding
and, in turn, reduces the inclination to swarm.
Start this when you see a number of queen cups or before, if possible. Don’t leave it to
the stage when queen cells are started. This manipulation is very simple – whole boxes
are moved, and this is effective especially if used in conjunction with other methods.
After about two weeks, reverse them again if the bees have moved up and keep this up
until the end of the swarming season.
Supering up
This involves putting honey supers on to the brood body(s) in time for the honey flow.
The first box should be filled with comb, especially if the season is early – bees have
difficulty producing wax early on in the year. Putting supers on in time is not only
essential for honey storage preparation but it also limits swarming by giving the bees
more room in the hive.

Keeping your colonies equal in strength
This can be done in two ways. You can move frames of brood from strong colonies in
danger of overcrowding to weaker colonies, or you can swap the positions of weak and
strong hives. This latter manipulation can also be quite effective on hives that are near
to swarming. In both cases you should ensure that both colonies are free from disease,
otherwise you risk the chance of spreading it. You must also make sure the weaker hives
aren’t weak because of some disease, otherwise you are wasting your time and your
The idea, generally, is again to ensure that strong hives are relieved of overcrowding
pressure while, at the same time, helping colonies that are building up slowly. Evening
up your hives is, in any case, a good strategy. Hives with even numbers of bees tend to
‘do things’ at more or less the same time and make apiary management much easier.
Ventilating your hives
Good hive ventilation goes a long way to lessen the swarming impulse if other methods
are employed as well. Ensure that your entrances are appropriate for the time of year;
that in really hot climates your lids are painted white; and that you use a stainless-steel
mesh floor – which can also help in varroa control (see Chapter 10). The use of shade
boards over the hive entrance is also a good idea in hot climates.
Controlling swarming
But what if you have missed all the signs and you look in your crowded hive one day
during the swarming season and find queen cells? You’ve left it a little late but you can
at least step in here to ensure the inevitable swarm will stay in your apiary in one of
your hives and not fly off to some neighbour! Check to see if your colony has already
swarmed (a good reason for having marked queens). If it hasn’t or if it has and is still
very populous, you can carry out the following manipulations.
The artificial swarm (1)
This involves splitting a hive into two colonies. It is easily done:
Place a brood box on a floor on top of the existing hive, with the entrance facing
the opposite way to the hive, or place it nearby in the apiary.

Take two frames of brood (capped and uncapped) with as many adhering bees as
possible and place them in this box.
Place a frame of honey and pollen either side of them.
Fill the rest of the box with foundation or comb.
In between the two brood frames, place a caged queen or a queen cell.
If necessary, shake in some more bees from a brood frame to make up the
Give the new colony some sugar syrup in the frame feeder and place it near to the
other occupied frames and close the hive.
Reduce the entrance to one bee space to discourage robbing, or block a reduced
entrance with grass so that robbing won’t occur and the bees in the new hive won’t
rush out and return to the old hive.
Fill the old hive with comb and close up.
ou have now lessened the chances of swarming in the old colony and you have an extra
colony that, in this case, is called a ‘top’. You can either keep this separate or reunite it
with the original to take advantage of a major honey flow. By reuniting the hives you
will have done your best to ensure a good harvest, which would have been lowered by
swarming. In undertaking this type of manipulation you make sure that the queen is
in the original chamber. This is the only disadvantage of this method: you must locate
the queen.
The demaree method
This method keeps the hive together so that it can take advantage of a honey flow,
but it is time consuming and difficult to do on a large scale. It is, however, an excellent
swarm-prevention method for the hobbyist. If you find queen cells in the colony, follow
this procedure:
Destroy all queen cells. Don’t miss any.
Place all the frames of brood into a new brood chamber.

Place empty frames of comb in the original brood chamber.
Find the queen and put her into this empty brood chamber. She will probably be
with the brood in the new brood chamber.
On this new brood chamber, place a queen excluder or a super of honey (which
acts as a queen excluder).
Place the new brood chamber(s) above this.
After seven to eight days, destroy all queen cells in the upper brood chamber(s).
ou can see what is happening here. You are giving the queen a new nest in which there
is plenty of room to lay eggs. You are effectively stopping the bees in the upper brood
chambers from swarming because they have no queen up there, but you are also allowing
for the colony’s normalization because you are keeping it all together while preventing
the upper part from raising new queens by destroying any queen cells. Overall, the
colony retains its bees and so is able to take advantage of any honey flow.
The artificial swarm (2)
The procedure for this is as follows:
Move the entire hive to a new position.
Place a new brood box with floor in the old position.
Put the queen on a frame of brood in the new box.
Fill the new box with frames of foundation or comb.
Place the original supers with or without the queen excluder in the new hive.
Position the old hive anywhere in the apiary.
Cut out all the queen cells in the old hive.
One week later, again cut out all the new queen cells in the old hive except one,

leave them and let the bees choose; or
cut out all the queen cells and put in a new caged queen; or
put in a queen cell from elsewhere.
This procedure is effective and easier than it looks but, like all artificial swarming,
it splits the colony into two. If you want it to take full advantage of a nectar flow,
therefore, you should unite the two halves before the flow starts. The disadvantages of
this procedure are evident: you must find the queen, which can be difficult, and if you
want to destroy all the queen cells, you mustn’t miss any.
Unable to find the queen
If you cannot find the queen and you want to complete an artificial swarm, carry out
the following procedure:
Cut out all the queen cells – all of them.
Split the colony into two, ensuring that each half has eggs and young brood.
Place one half elsewhere in the apiary.
Block the entrances of the moved box with grass. The bees will eventually remove
it and, by the time they have done this, they will have become accustomed to their
new hive and won’t fly back to the original one.
After three days look at each half. The half with eggs will have the queen and the
other half will probably have queen cells.
In the queenless colony, cut out the queen cells, except one. The bees will raise a
queen from this. Or introduce a queen you have purchased in a queen cage.
The queen removal method
This is another effective but time-consuming method of swarm control where the
queen cells are found in a colony. Brother Adam claimed that it was a fail-safe method
of stopping swarming in a colony. It is simple and reliable, no extra equipment or boxes

are needed, and can be used in conjunction with your annual queen replacement.
However, the time between finding and removing the queen and a new queen laying
can be as much as three weeks. During this time, the colony may do little work, even
during a honey flow.
Carry out the following procedure:
Find and remove the queen. If you are going to re-queen your hive with a new
queen or a queen cell, the old queen must be killed. If you intend to keep her on,
place her on a frame of brood and bees into a nucleus box, add some frames of
comb and set aside.
Destroy all queen cells except one. Or destroy the queen cells and replace with one
of your own. Or destroy all queen cells; repeat a week later and, a week after this,
introduce a new queen in a cage or reintroduce the original queen.
Seven days after each step, inspect the colony and remove any new queen cells.
If, after removing the queen at the first step above you see a virgin queen on the comb
– and this does happen – she can be left on the comb. The colony with the new virgin
will probably not swarm.
One sight some beekeepers see during their inspections is two queens on the frame.
Everyone knows there should be one queen only, so what is going on? This situation is
probably the result of a natural phenomenon called supersedure.
Supersedure occurs when a colony replaces its queen without swarming. Colonies that
re-queen themselves without swarming are rare, however, and it is not yet known why
some bees supersede and stay put rather than swarm. Supersedure can therefore lead
to increased honey crops with less of an effort in swarm control on the beekeeper’s

There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence to suggest that certain strains of bees are
inclined to supersede rather than swarm. Despite the obvious commercial advantage
of having supersedure colonies, very little research has been done on the subject.
Supersedure queen cells are built from queen cups in the same way as swarm cells. They
are therefore very difficult to tell apart. Occasionally the new queen will mate and start
laying together with the old queen. The bees will dispose of the old queen later.
Trials in New Zealand claimed that induced supersedure (see Chapter 11 for
instructions on how to induce supersedure) was, at best, 75% successful. Trials in the
UK showed a 50% success rate. Unless you routinely mark all your queens, you will
never know if your bees have supersedured or not.
The supersedure cell
There is no easy way to distinguish a supersedure cell from a swarm cell. There tend,
however, to be fewer supersedure cells than swarm cells. Therefore if you find one or
two cells only, they could well be supersedure cells. The queen cells’ position may also
be indicative of supersedure cells: many beekeepers have reported that a few queen cells
built along the top edge of the frame or in the centre of the brood frame are more likely
to be supersedure cells.
So, if you see two queens during an inspection, this isn’t necessarily a problem: you may
well have a good colony to rear queens from (see Chapter 11). Earlier in this chapter, the
annual (or two-yearly) re-queening of your hives was suggested as a swarm-prevention
method. If you do this you must ensure that your queen is accepted, and this can be a
problem for some beekeepers. Chapter 8 gives comprehensive guidance that may help
you when re-queening.
Before we end this chapter on springtime tasks, there are two methods of adjusting a
hive that may increase your harvest by helping the bees to get the best out of the main
honey flow.

Spreading the brood
The first method helps a colony that is headed by a good queen and that is disease
free to build up more rapidly. This is achieved by spreading the brood. It is, however, a
labour-intensive method and should be repeated several times. It isn’t, therefore, used
by commercial beekeepers with many hives but, if you have a few hives only, it is a
worthwhile practice.
The procedure is as follows (see Figure 20):
Move the whole brood area to one side.
To protect this from cold, place a comb of stores between it and the side wall (this
may not be necessary in warm areas).
Find the comb with the most sealed brood (comb 4 in Figure 20 (a)).
Place it to the right of comb 7 (the last comb of brood in Figure 20 (a)). This
induces the queen to move to comb 6 (was comb 7), in which she will lay because
this comb is in between two brood combs and is warmer (see Figure 20 (b)).
Some 7–10 days later, make another such shift (see Figure 20 (c) and (d)).
Continue until you see a large, even brood pattern.
The main advantage of this method is that you are moving frames within the hive and
so there is no danger of disease being introduced from another hive. Also, the brood
chamber tends to expand in one direction, making it easier to assess.
While this is a simple and effective way to build up your colony, you should never
transfer a frame of brood over an empty frame: chilled and dead brood may be the
result. If you take care not to do this, you should see good results.
Using two queens
The second method of helping to increase your harvest is to use two queens in one
hive. Experience among large-scale commercial beekeepers has shown that two queen
colonies consistently produce better honey yields than single queen colonies. Obviously

the drawback is that, unless kept apart, the two queens will fight. Special, but simple,
procedures must therefore be carried out:
Use a strong colony only, preferably treated for nosema (see Chapter 10).
Two months before the expected start of the honey flow, divide the colony.
Fig. 20. Spreading the brood

Place the old queen, young brood (uncapped) and about half the bees in the
bottom chamber.
Above this, place a brood chamber with drawn comb, if available.
Cover with a division board (see below).
Place a new queen with capped brood and half the bees in the upper chamber.
Above this, put an empty brood chamber with drawn comb, if available.
Carry out brood chamber reversals as swarm-prevention methods in both the
upper and lower levels, if required.
After two weeks, replace the division board with a queen excluder.
As the flow starts, super up as required.
About one month before the flow ends, remove the queen excluder to combine
both colonies. The old queen is usually killed.
Winter the colony with the young queen.
This method of increasing your honey harvest means you really need to know your local
plants and when they will give nectar so, unless you can predict the flow fairly accurately,
it isn’t worth doing. One advantage of this method is that it tends to reduce or eliminate
swarming because the brood nest is split up and because you use young queens. Also,
colonies tend to be equalized during the set-up, which aids apiary management.
In the spring you manage your hives so that they can take advantage of the
honey flow. The following, therefore, are the main tasks for spring:
Inspect your colonies to ensure that:
y they have a young queen no older than two years (a marked queen
will make this task easier);

y there are no signs of disease;
y they have sufficient stores of honey and pollen;
y they have sufficient room for the queen to lay eggs and for the
foragers to store honey;
y the colony is growing; and
y there are no signs of swarming.
Treat your hives against varroa.
Carry out swarm-prevention measures and, if required, swarm-control
Every time you pass your hives, carry out a quick, external hive
Utilize methods to increase your honey harvest and to make apiary
management easier.
At this time of the year you should carry out these inspections at least every
two weeks. Don’t hurry them, however, and make sure you are satisfied that
you have seen everything you want to see before closing a hive.
Commercial beekeepers with thousands of hives often take at most a
couple of minutes over a hive inspection and are able to ‘read’ immediately
the signs of something being amiss. They need to do this because of time
and money factors, although I have seen apiaries with hives full of American
foul brood that have been missed in the early stages of the disease because
of hurried inspections. These bees have to be destroyed and the hives burnt
or otherwise treated, which leads to huge extra costs and a very much
reduced harvest. So, even for the experts, hurried inspections can be a case
of more haste, less speed, causing a large hole in their wallets!

Chapter 7
The active season: summer
and autumn
By now, you have established your apiary in either a rural or urban site, or both. You
have inspected your bees every 10 days or so and have made sure that your colonies are
growing – they have a young queen and have been treated for varroa. You have carried
out swarm-prevention and swarm-control measures where required, and the bees have
sufficient room for expansion in the brood nest and enough space to store honey in the
Your management strategy should now be to assist your colonies in building up to their
maximum strength before the main flow starts. High bee numbers are important for
this flow. A colony of 60,000 bees will collect 50 kg (110 lb) of honey during the season,
and two colonies of 30,000 bees will collect a total of 45 kg (100 lb). You will see, that
therefore, one colony will collect 5 kg (10 lb) more honey than two smaller ones, even
though the total number of bees is the same. Thus six colonies of 10,000 bees will
collect only 40 kg (90 lb) of honey in total! Each bee in a large colony will therefore
collect more honey than each bee in a smaller colony over its foraging lifetime.
Spring is ending and the worst of the swarming season is over, so what is there to do
now? There is a honey flow to attend to and, in many areas, this may well have started.
Inspect your colonies: any by this stage that do not occupy to overflowing at least one
brood box should be united with another colony (see Chapter 8). Regarding the honey

flow, you will probably notice an increase in foraging activity and fresh nectar in the
Making sure your bees have enough room to store honey is now a very important issue.
If all has gone well, your young colonies will be large and still growing. If you initially
purchased colonies of bees rather than nucleus colonies or packages, the same situation
should apply. Your aim, therefore, is to ensure you have the maximum number of bees
available to take advantage of any honey flow the flora in your area can provide.
You have undertaken most of the manipulations to maximize honey production (i.e.
preventing swarming and keeping your colonies healthy) and, if good nectar sources
exist, you should now give your bees sufficient room to store all this nectar. To begin
with, you should add honey boxes to the hive – a process known as supering up.
Researching honey storage
Research has shown that bees can be induced to store more honey than they require
for their own purposes if they have drawn comb available in which to store it. As long
as there is a honey flow and sufficient bees, they will keep on storing more and more
honey. There are many theories about whether you should place only one box at a time
and allow the bees to move into it and, when it is half full, add another box, or about
whether you should add the second box under the first or on top of it, or just plonk all
your boxes onto the hive in one go.
I haven’t seen any research on this but I have always found it easier simply to place
each new super on top of the last and, usually, to place at least two supers on at a time.
I have generally used drawn comb whenever it was available, and I usually put a comb
of honey into a new super from the super below just to ‘invite’ the bees up. If you need
to employ foundation, use it during a good honey flow only, otherwise the bees will not
draw it out well.

Placing honey boxes
Many commercial beekeepers, myself included, often move hives to remote areas many
hours from their operations base. In such cases, the hives are placed in a position to take
advantage of the local honey flow, and several honey boxes are placed on them at once.
Then, later on, when time permits another visit to the site, more boxes are placed on
the hives if required. This seems to work very well, which suggests that all the theories
about how and when to place supers on hives may not be very sound.
It follows, then, that you should put sufficient boxes on to last until your next visit.
Putting ‘too many’ boxes on should do no harm, and putting on too few will cause
problems for the bees and lessen your honey crop.
There may just be one objection to this policy, however. If there are insufficient bees
in the hive to move up into the new supers – especially the top ones – and you have
used frames of comb, then the wax moth may enter and damage the comb, sometimes
beyond repair. They will do this because there won’t be any bees up there looking
after things. The moths are unlikely to bother with foundation, however (they prefer
used comb), so, if you use comb in the first one or two boxes and then place boxes of
foundation, you should be fine.
Whenever you first put the supers on, it should always be before the main honey flow
starts. Apart from being a good swarm-prevention measure in the spring, it will stop
the bees storing nectar in the brood nest which, in turn, lessens the room for the queen
to lay eggs.
Helping your bees to store honey
When conditions are ideal and there is a heavy honey flow on, it is amazing how quickly
a healthy colony manages to store huge amounts of honey. When this happens, there
are several ways in which you can help your bees to store their honey more efficiently.
It is not essential to use supers full of comb when supering up, but it does help the bees
if a heavy flow is on. Another way to assist the bees is to have entrances in each of the
supers in the form of a drilled hole 1 cm (½ in) across. This saves the bees from having
to enter at the bottom of the hives, crawl up through the brood areas, scramble through

the queen excluder and move up to the top super to unload their honey. With a hole in
the super they can go straight to the storage area, unload and return to the field. Some
beekeepers who don’t want holes in the woodwork stagger the supers slightly so that the
bees can enter the top super immediately upon return.
If you have only a couple or so of colonies, it is easy to experiment with these ideas to
gain experience of your bees during this heavy workload time.
Let’s assume that your colonies are well and packing in the honey and that you have
given your bees more boxes in which to store honey. (Problems that may, and probably
will, arise are dealt with in the next chapter.)
Honey can be harvested as the season progresses or at the end of the season. This
decision is usually based on the existence of the honey flows in the area. For example, if
you have an early flow of, say, dandelion and then a later flow of thistle, you may wish to
sell the two honeys separately. If you are not bothered, then you can let the honey build
up in the hives and extract the lot in one go.
Knowing when to harvest
Honey can be extracted when it has been capped over by the bees on the comb. At
this stage, the honey will have been ‘matured’ by the bees, sealed up and is ready to eat.
Often, when you want to remove the honey, not all will have been sealed. I always use
a rule of thumb here: if three quarters of the honey is sealed, I am happy to remove it
from the hive. This is an important point. If you extract honey that has not been sealed,
the water content will inevitably be too high, and the honey will ferment in storage and
explode if sealed in a jar or tank. It will also taste foul if this happens. You must remove
honey, therefore, only if the majority of it has been sealed over by the bees.
Equipment for honey extraction
Later in this chapter we discuss analysing your honey, and you will see from this the
various factors that go into producing a good jar of honey. But before you think of

harvesting your honey you must collect some extra equipment. The main piece of kit is
the extractor itself, but you will also need an uncapping knife or machine, filters, food-
grade containers and somewhere bee-proof to do all this.
This last point is important. I have been in too many situations where extraction was
carried out in non-bee-proof areas – even professional extraction plants. If bees can
get in, they will, and soon it becomes impossible to work. Thousands will enter and
everything you touch will have a bee on it, and your fingers will end up looking like
marrows in no time.
Before you remove boxes of honey from your hives, therefore, you will need the
following equipment to extract your honey.
Extractors can be of the radial or tangential type (the latter so called because the
frames sit at a tangent to the direction of the spinner’s rotation) and should be made
of stainless steel or food-grade plastic. It is important when you spin the frames that
the honey from both sides is extracted, and you can do this more easily with a radial
extractor because you simply rotate the spinner the opposite way to extract both sides.
You don’t have to turn the frame over.
With the tangential extractor (see Figure 21), you should spin the frames one way quickly
and then remove them, turn them around and then continue spinning. It’s usually a good
idea then to turn them again and spin again. This extracts the honey from both sides.
Larger, more modern machines may have cages that can be turned, and so you needn’t
keep removing and replacing the frames. Another disadvantage is that this type of
extractor places enormous strain on the frames’ wax and can destroy the comb. Because
of its design, fewer frames can be accommodated. The one advantage is that it is a more
efficient extraction process and clears out more honey – but not that much more.
Large commercial companies use all sorts of extraction machines, and a favourite is the
box extractor. The frames are uncapped automatically and placed back in the boxes by

the machine. The boxes are then loaded sideways into a huge extractor, which turns at
high speed to extract some 80 or more frames at a time in their boxes.
All this machinery sounds complicated, but it isn’t really. My advice is to go to a bee-
supply company or a beekeeper who has an extractor and have a look. Then you will see
just how simple it all is.
Fig. 21. Inside a motorized tangential extractor
Obtaining an extractor
You can obtain extractors new from bee-supply
shops, or second hand from association auctions or
from advertisements in beekeeping magazines. They
come with a handle on top for winding the spinner
or with small motors. Many tin-plate extractors are
offered for sale in the magazines, the reason being
that they are no longer regarded as food-grade equipment. You would not, therefore, be
able to sell any honey extracted by these machines.
For your first harvest it is a good idea to ask if you can use someone else’s extractor, or
you could hire one or borrow one belonging to your local beekeeping association. If you
decide to buy one, my advice is to buy one with a motor. This is so much easier and it
revolutionized my life when I first obtained one.
Some commercial beekeeping companies will extract your honey for you for a fee, but
you may not end up with the same honey you put in! Or the same frames!
In some countries there are plants dedicated to extracting honey on a co-operative basis.
In such circumstances you will receive back your own honey and your own frames. It is
much more fun to do it yourself, however, and so that is what we’ll assume you will do.

Uncapping knife
The idea of this implement is to slice off the honey cells’ cappings so that the honey can
flow out of the cells. This knife could be a simple bread knife with a serrated edge if
that’s all you can find. You can buy them very cheaply, and the shape of the offset blade
renders purpose-made knives easier to use.
Uncapping knives are best used when they are hot so that they go through the wax more
easily. You can soak a knife in a bowl of hot water before slicing off the cappings or you
can purchase an electrically heated model or even a steam-heated model.
Moving up the scale, there are electric uncapping machines based on a revolving nylon
brush that spins very quickly. You put the frame of honeycomb against the brush and this
‘rubs’ the cappings off. It resembles one of those brushes you find in hotels for cleaning
shoes. They are now much cheaper than previously and are coming into the expenditure
range of the serious hobbyist. And then there are the professional uncapping machines
that cost thousands and that are used by large commercial companies. If this is your
first attempt, we’ll assume you’ll be using some sort of knife and a bowl of hot water.
Honey filters
A honey extractor will extract everything on the comb, including pollen, bits of bee,
twigs, pieces of broken frame and so on, and so before you jar up your honey, you should
filter it. There is a market for unfiltered honey for those people who regard it as having
more health-giving properties than the filtered variety, but most people want a clean-
looking product without the bits. A filter can be just about anything, from a muslin bag
to a high-performance, high-pressure filter using diatomaceous earth to eradicate the
chances of any possible microscopic particles from entering the food chain.
Personally I prefer muslin bags. I started with them and then moved on to an old MOD
UK tea strainer, shown in the Figure 22. This still works well. As I moved up to being
semi-commercial, however, I used the Strainaway® system, which consists of a couple of
buckets on top of each other separated by a filter. The different buckets have different
sized filters. By creating a vacuum in the bottom bucket, honey tipped into the top
bucket was sucked through the filter and stored in the lower bucket. It was brilliant and
easily capable of looking after an operation of 3–400 hives.

Fig 22. MOD UK tea strainer
Other filters are available from bee-supply
shops, and these are simply stainless-steel
sieves of various sizes through which you
pour your honey. They are all very easy to
Honey bucket (or several) with a tap
A honey extractor can hold only so much
honey before you need to empty it through
a filter to make more room in the extractor.
You will therefore require one or more honey buckets for this purpose. These can be
made of food-grade plastic or stainless steel, and they must have a tap at the bottom for
draining the honey into jars or other containers.
Make a conscious effort to ensure that, before you use these buckets, the taps are shut.
Honey is silent when it runs out of containers, and you won’t notice it until you tread in
it or see it appearing under the door. This warning goes for the extractor as well. I have
extracted honey and lost it at the same time because it flowed out of the tap all over the
floor – in silence.
And that is it at first. So, armed with your borrowed extractor, bread knife and bowl of
hot water, together with your muslin bag and honey buckets with taps firmly shut, you
are now ready to take the honey away from your bees. How do you go about this?
Removing honey
Once all your extraction equipment has been collected together and your extraction
room is ready (often the kitchen), you can go out to the bees and remove the honey.

The only problem is that there will be hundreds, if not thousands, of bees in the honey
supers on the combs and so, first of all, you have to get rid of them. There are various
ways of doing this and the main ways are shown below but before you do anything
else, check each hive for signs of American foul brood (AFB) and European foul brood
(EFB). After you have removed the honey, the empty frames may be placed in other
hives, and this will spread the disease.
The various ways of removing bees from the supers are, however, as follows.
Bee escape boards
Many hobbyist beekeepers place a bee escape board between the brood boxes and the
supers. The bees go down to the brood box at night through this escape board, and it
prevents them passing up again. These boards are simple affairs, with a hole or holes
in them. Over these holes, various devices can be fitted that allow the bees a one-way
passage downwards.
There is one escape board beloved of the hobbyist: the Porter bee escape, which I
found to clog up with drone bees within minutes, so becoming useless. The little wire
valves in these things are also propolized by bees and so, again, they become useless and
difficult to clean properly. The idea is that you place the board overnight in between the
supers and the brood box and return to the hive the next day to remove the now empty
Whichever type of bee valve you use, make sure it has multiple escapes so that, if one
becomes clogged up, the bees can use others. Even with a bee escape board, you may
experience problems because many bees will remain on the honeycombs overnight,
especially when it is warm. The other disadvantage – especially for commercial
beekeepers – is that you have to visit the apiary twice: once to place the boards on the
hives and then the next day to remove the honey.
Fume Boards
Fume boards are frames the same size as a hive lid covered with tin. In these boards is
an absorbent fabric that soaks up a liquid bee repellent. The tin is usually black so that
the boards warm up in the sun and thus help the liquid to evaporate more easily. The

liquids (which go under various trade names) can be purchased from any bee-supply
outfit. By placing the board over the top of the frames in the top box, the bees will move
rapidly downwards. It is a good idea, however, to smoke the bees to start them moving
before you use the board.
These boards and the liquids must be used as directed. If you overdo it by using
too much liquid or by keeping the boards on too long, the bees become thoroughly
confused and cling on to the comb, making it even more difficult to dislodge them. If
used correctly, the bees will move rapidly down into the next super. After a few minutes
you should check that the vast majority of bees have moved down. If so, then remove
the super and place the fume board over the next super down so that you gradually
move down the hive. In a large apiary, if you employ several fume boards, moving from
one to another, you can clear several hives at a time and so complete the task in short
It is important that the fumes move downwards into the supers, and so there is now a
device that sits on top of the fume board over a hole. This swivels with the wind, and its
aim is to direct air into the fume board and thus to blow the fumes downwards. I have
found that, if fume boards are used correctly, these are not necessary.
Before using the boards, any holes you have made in the honey super boxes so that it is
easier for the bees to fly straight into the supers will need to be blocked up. If you have
staggered the supers for the same reason, they will have to be put back together properly
so that the bees cannot enter them.
Brushing bees off the frames
Bee brushes
Many hobbyists who have only a few hives use a bee brush to brush the bees off the
frames one by one. This is not a bad idea for a few hives, but bee brushes usually become
clogged with honey very quickly and I have found that, however gently you brush the
bees, they soon become defensive.

The best way to remove the bees is to have a spare empty super available. Pull out each
frame, give it a shake to remove most of the bees and then brush the rest off in front of
the hive entrance. Place the now bee-less honey frames into the spare super and, once
full, cover it up.
Bee brushes can be purchased from any bee-supply company very cheaply and are
designed for the purpose. There are those who still advocate the use of goose-wing
feathers as a brush. I tried one once: it barely lasted for more than one super of honey
(in fact, it didn’t even last as long as 10 frames), and it had no better effect than a bee
brush, which will last for years. Forget it!
Motorized bee blowers
I must confess I have never used a motorized bee blower, but I have spoken to those
who have and who tell me that they are fast and efficient if used correctly. They should
be used in conjunction with a stand, on which the supers are placed. This stand is
placed on the ground in front of the hive, and the bees are blown downwards out of the
super on to the ground in front of their hive, from where the bees can crawl back into
the hive. Bee blowers can be purchased from bee-supply shops.
Transporting the supers
Before progressing any further, it is as well to repeat the fact that honey should be
removed only from hives that have been checked for diseases, especially AFB.
Once you have removed the bees from the supers, you can load them into your car or
onto the truck if you are a commercial beekeeper. This part of the operation can be one
of the most unpleasant aspects of beekeeping. For the hobbyist with only a few supers
it isn’t too bad but, for the commercial operator moving hundreds of very heavy supers
onto a truck surrounded by millions of bees that want to get their honey back, usually
on a boiling hot day, it can be a very tiring, sticky and slippery affair. Then, at the end
of the day, all these boxes have to be moved from the truck into a secure shed prior to

Preparing to extract
You now have your boxes full of honey frames in your extraction facility or, more likely,
in your kitchen, and you want to start the final part of the process.
Let’s assume your boxes are in your kitchen with your bread knife in a bowl of hot water
and your borrowed extractor is sitting there ready and waiting. The boxes should be on
newspapers on the floor because, whatever you do, honey will drip. All you need now
is to find a spare empty super and place this next to the stick of full ones – the rest is
Take the first frame out of the first box and, over a large bowl, run the hot knife cleanly
up the comb so that it slices off the wax cappings covering the cells. Turn the frame over
and do the same on the other side, and then place the frame in the extractor. Easy, unless
the comb is badly formed and you have to wind the knife in and out of its hills and
valleys. Once the extractor is full, wind the handle like crazy to turn the machine and
the honey will fly out into the base of the extractor. If you have a tangential extractor,
you should then turn the frames and spin again until all the honey is extracted. If you
are like me you just need to turn on the motor and wait! One problem with a motorized
spinner is that, unless you place the frames in the extractor evenly as far as weight is
concerned (especially if it is a tangential extractor), you will spend a great deal of your
time trying to stop the thing dancing round the kitchen.
The honey in the extractor’s base will stay there unless the tap is open. Once the level
of the honey reaches the level of the spinner, you must pour the honey into the honey
buckets through your filter or muslin bag before continuing the process. Don’t forget
the filtering process, but my opinion is that you shouldn’t go overboard with it. A clean-
looking product is what you want and, if your stainless-steel filter can remove most of
the bits as you pour, you will be pleased with the result.

In Spain my honey sales relied on the fact that I used this simple process. I had
information on the label (in Spanish, of course) that my honey was cold filtered, thus
maintaining all the product’s goodness and value. It worked, and people chose my honey
over others just because of this. That was using a cheap, stainless-steel filter hung over
the honey bin and, later, the much easier but same principle Strainaway® system.
Pre- and post-harvest work
Occasionally with some crops, such as oil seed rape/canola, the honey crystallizes very
swiftly and may even crystallize in the comb unless extracted as soon as it is capped
over. If this happens and you end up with some solid combs of crystallized honey, it is
probably best to break the combs up and melt them in a large container set in a hot-
water bath – a sort of huge bain-marie. This bath should be heated from below and,
eventually, the comb and honey will melt. This can then be poured into buckets and
recycled or sold.
Another way of sorting out this problem is to place the frames of comb into a warm
room for sufficient time for them to loosen up. Most of you, however, won’t have
this facility. If you are in an area of a crop such as this, you should check your hives
frequently and take off the supers of honey individually when they are three quarters
full. In other words, you can’t do them all at the end of the season.
Another problem you may encounter is that you find brood in the honey supers. This
means the queen excluder has failed, probably as a result of damage by your hive tool,
and the queen has gone up into the supers. She may still be there or she may have been
damaged when you used a fume board or brush to remove the bees prior to taking the
supers off. If you see brood in the honey supers, check the hive it came from (if you
Now that you have extracted your honey and poured it into your honey buckets or bins,
you should cap it tightly. Honey is hygroscopic and will absorb moisture from the air.
The following points should now be noted.

Moisture content
Test the water content of your honey. Honey can ferment naturally due to the presence
of wild yeasts and, of course, sugar, and whether it does or not depends on the water
content. If your honey ferments, it may explode in the jar just like homemade beer and
it will taste foul. Use a calibrated refractometer. This will give you peace of mind.
Moisture % Liability to ferment
Less than 17.1 Safe regardless of yeast
17.1–18 Safe if yeast count < 1,000/g
18.1–19 Safe if yeast count < 10/g
19.1–20 Safe if yeast count < 1/g
Above 20 Always in danger
Table 2. Moisture content and honey’s liability to ferment
You will see from Table 2 that, if the
percentage water content is above 20%,
your honey is likely to ferment. The figure is
higher for some honeys due to their different
characteristics but, for most honey, these
figures will apply.
Fig. 23. A honey hydrometer – expensive but useful

You may ask: ‘Where can I get a hydrometer?’ The answer is from a bee-supply
company, but they are very expensive and you may have to borrow one (see Figure
23). Or, if you have ensured that you have definitely extracted honey only from frames
that were at least three quarters capped (preferably more), you can rely on luck. Most
new beekeepers do and, indeed, I did for years and had no problems at all. In fact, even
after I eventually bought one in a bid to look more professional, it was only two years
later that I found all my readings were wrong because the hydrometer wasn’t correctly
calibrated. So much for professionalism!
Another problem that may occur is that your honey soon sets in the containers and so
that it is very difficult to get it out of and into jars. There are several things you can do
here. First, you can spoon it out of the honey buckets as and when you need it and warm
it gently in small quantities. Or you can place your containers in a warm room, if you
have one, or even the airing cupboard. It will take a while but, eventually, it will soften
and become easier to handle.
Other methods of preventing granulation include freezing the honey, which greatly
retards granulation. When you defrost it, however, the honey it returns to its original
state. Controlled granulation and creaming are other processes used by commercial
packers that prevent honey becoming rock hard, and these are described later in this
Hydroxy-methyl-furfuraldehyde (HMF)
There is a danger that if you heat your honey too much in order to liquefy it or to
make it easier to pack into containers, a breakdown product called hydroxy-methyl-
furfuraldehyde (HMF) will increase in quantity in your honey, and there is only a
certain amount of this that is legal. HMF is formed by the breakdown of fructose in
the presence of an acid, and heat increases the speed of this reaction. The authorities
use HMF as an indicator of heat and storage changes in honey, and this can be a real
problem for producers in hot developing countries who may have inadequate storage
facilities. You won’t be able to measure HMF easily, but Table 3 is a rough field test for
this. In most countries and the EU, a level of HMF above 40 mg/kg is illegal. It can
be seen from the table that honey held at an ambient temperature over 30° C for six

months will accumulate more HMF than the same honey flash heated to 70° C for five
minutes and then cooled rapidly.
Temperature (ºC) Time
30 100–300 days
40 20–50 days
50 4–10 days
60 1–2.5 days
70 3–5 hours
80 < 2 hours
Table 3. Time for 30 mg/kg of HMF to accumulate (based on three samples).
Source: Kushnir and Subers (1964)
Detecting the level of HMF in honey
The following is a very rough but easy method of ensuring that your stored honey
is saleable or at least that it has a low level of HMF. This is accurate to within 95%
reliability and it is cheap. The test strips cost only 20p (approximately), although you
do have to buy them in packs of 25 minimum:
Mix 10 g of honey with 40 ml of distilled water at 20° C (i.e. room temperature).
Don’t warm the liquid.
Leave the mixture for 1 hour, keeping it at the same temperature. The glucose
oxidase in the mix will give off hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
Immerse a hydrogen peroxide strip (Merckoquant 110011 or 110081) into the
liquid for 1 second.
Wait for 15 seconds and then read off the colour against the colour scale. This scale
goes from 0 to 25 mg H2O2/per litre. The colour will indicate a number.
Multiply the number by 5. The result gives the amount of H2O2 in micrograms
(µg) as determined by the glucose oxidase from 1 g honey in 1 hour at 20° C. For

example, a reading of 2 mg H2O2 × 5 shows that 10 µg of H2O2/g/hour at 20° C
are present.
If the number is greater than or equal to 10 mg per g per hour, it means that the
HMF level will be lower than 40 mg/kg. Reliability = 95%.
If the result is 0, for example, this means that the honey has been heated too much
or has been heated for too long.
This test is not so reliable with certain honeys from thyme or mint because of the higher
levels of vitamin C in this honey. The H2O2 oxidizes the vitamin and so is reduced. The
presence of the enzyme katalase can also upset the results. However, even though this
test is not exact, it can give you an idea of an approaching or existing problem, and a bad
result may make it worthwhile sending your honey to a laboratory for a full analysis.
You will now appreciate that looking after your honey post-harvest is an important
part of being a honey producer, especially if you want to sell the product. Selling honey
that requires a chain saw to break into it will not bring you many sales, and nor will
honey that blows the lid off its jar in a customer’s larder. I have seen both; in fact, I have
produced both!
Finally, what do you do with the cappings you have left over and all the wet frames?
The cappings
The cappings can be left to drain in a filter or sieve, or be hung up in muslin bags and
left to drain. You will be surprised how much honey is left in them. Or you can purchase
a cappings cage. This fits into an extractor (of the same make) after removing the frame
cages. You then spin out the cappings, leaving lots of fine, white wax particles. This
wax is highly valued and should be stored for possible future sale or used to make new
foundation (see Chapter 12).

The wet frames
The wet frames can be given back to the bees to clean up but, when doing this, take
the precaution of blocking up most of the hive entrances to reduce any robbing (see
Chapter 8), or you can take all the boxes full of wet frames and place them near the
apiary for a general free-for-all by the bees. Many texts will tell you that this will lead
to a huge outbreak of robbing, but I have never found this to be true. The bees will
clean the boxes very quickly, and these should then be stored in a safe, dry, light and
airy place.
Dealing with wax moths
The big danger of stored comb is from the ravages of the wax moth (see Chapter 10).
Wax moths don’t like light and so, if you can store the frames in a light place, all may be
well, but stacked boxes generally don’t let light in except at the top. Many books – and
beekeepers who ought to know better – will tell you to sprinkle para-dichlor-benzine
(PDB) (moth balls) on top of the pile of boxes. Being heavier than air, the fumes will
then sink into the boxes and prevent the wax moths from surviving. Don’t go near
this. It’s carcinogenic and dangerous and could contaminate the wax and future honey
You could, with a little more time, buy some Bacillus thuringiensis. Just mix some with
water in a garden spray bottle and lightly spray both sides of each frame. This is time
consuming, however, except for the hobbyist with a few hives, but these little beasts
will kill any wax moth larva that dares to poke its head up and they won’t contaminate
anything. They will protect your combs all through the winter. Any bee-supply
company will sell this under various brand names.
There are a few other methods of harvesting honey, one of which requires some skill
in ensuring that the bees are encouraged to do what you ask. The first of these is
producing comb honey. Comb honey can be produced in two ways.

Using sections
You can place wooden inserts called sections (either round or square) into the frames,
each with some foundation in it, thus dividing the area of the frame into a series of
smaller frames. You then encourage the bees to pull out the foundation in these. Once
pulled out, the bees will fill them with honey and cap them. The round sections are now
mainly made of plastic, and the wooden square sections are often purchased as wooden
strips that you make up yourself.
People eating comb honey don’t want a thick midrib or wires in the honey, and so you
should use very thin foundation that can be purchased for this purpose with no wiring.
Remember to cut this foundation to fit the sections when it is at room temperature,
otherwise it will easily break up. Sections can be used in half and full supers and, to
make sure the bees pull out these small frames, the colony must be a very populous one
that has started a honey flow, or at least is storing surplus honey, before you put the
sections in the hive. If no honey is already being stored, the bees can pull holes in the
foundation of the small frames. The trick, therefore, is to replace the super in which the
bees are rapidly storing honey with the super of frames with sections.
One beekeeper who regularly produces these sections told me (for I have never used
frames like this) that a balancing act is involved here. If you place another super of
sections on too soon, you will end up with frames of half-filled sections, but if you leave
it too late in supering up and the bees become too crowded, you could end up inducing
swarming. For successful comb honey production, however, you do need crowded
colonies, so make sure you ventilate the hives well – full, open entrances and perhaps
the boxes very slightly staggered. Another point he made is that, once full, the sections
must be removed swiftly while the cappings are still white. If you leave them too long
the cappings will discolour with millions of little feet crawling over them. Experience
Using non-wired, thin foundation
Another way of making comb honey is to use full frames of non-wired, thin foundation
and, when you harvest the honey (again with dispatch to prevent discolouring from the
bees’ feet), you cut the comb with a comb cutter (see Figure 24) and place each delicious
slice into a plastic container made for the purpose (see Figure 25). These comb cutters

are cheap devices – just like large cookie cutters – and I have had much success with
this way of producing comb honey. Basically, hive management is easier and the process
itself is easier.
Fig. 24. A comb cutter
(a) (b)
Fig. 25. (a) Cut comb in a container; (b) a round section
Mixing comb with honey
Many beekeepers use up odd chunks of honeycomb or empty comb by placing the
chunks in a jar and then filling this with honey. This is a useful method of using up odd
bits of comb. I found, however, that the honey would often set faster than usual, making
the whole thing look very unattractive and so unsaleable. Ultimately I either produced
liquid honey or cut comb honey. I stored the comb in a freezer until it was ready for
sale. It kept well, and it also kept away the wax moth and other predators. Freezing also
prevented any wax-moth eggs from hatching.

Granulated honey is liquid honey seeded with a fine-grained, starter honey. About
5–10% of the honey should be made up of this seed honey or starter. The seed honey’s
small glucose crystals are spread throughout the honey by a stirrer and held at an
optimum temperature for crystal growth. If the seed honey is heated slightly in a warm
room so that it spreads easily, it will mix better.
Stir the honey at 20°C (68ºF) – not more – until it is thoroughly mixed, and then store
it in a cold room at around 14° C (57ºF). This will achieve the finely granulated honey
that is popular with the public. This method is named after its discoverer and is known
as the Dyce process.
This honey may set hard, and so creamed honey is also produced. This is honey that
will not set hard. It is produced by a process that involves turning finely granulated
honey in a stirrer that incorporates air into the mix and reduces the size of the glucose
Most beginner beekeepers, however, prefer to start off by producing plain, well filtered
liquid honey. I have included the information above about comb, granulated and
creamed honeys to give you a taster of what is to come in your beekeeping career.
After the bees have settled down, inspect all the hives to ensure the queen is present
(you may have damaged or lost her during the harvest), that there are no diseases and
that there are adequate stores. (Remember you have just taken away most of them.)
That is your year up to the harvest. It wasn’t difficult, was it? It should, however, have
been interesting and, if you’ve got this far, you’ve done pretty well. Below is a general
timeline for your activities throughout the active beekeeping season, just to remind you
of your tasks.

This book doesn’t pretend to be a marketing manual, and methods of marketing vary
widely in different countries and very much according to your circumstances. I would
say, however, to be bold and imaginative. Tell people of the benefits of local honey.
When selling honey in Spain, I packaged it in small hexagonal jars and placed these
in small, open, wooden crates. With an attractive label telling the customer that it was
cold-filtered honey straight from the hive and showing a local scene, and going further
to name the honey after the local village, I outsold all the competition. I was selling 250
g (8 fl oz) jars of honey for more than the competition was selling 1 kg (2 lb) pots! My
honey was especially attractive to the local hippy community (one even asked me if I
had any marijuana honey; I didn’t even know if the plant gave nectar – I still don’t!). It
was also attractive to the Moors in Gibraltar for use in their coffee and tea, and the pots
were small enough for tourists to take home in a hand luggage as souvenirs.
Go boutique if you are a small producer and you can make money but, before you sell
anything, make sure you know the labelling rules and all the other compliance-related
laws. These often change, especially in the EU.
This chapter has assumed you have had few, if any problems, with your colonies – and,
if that’s the case, this would be a fine achievement, but what if something does go
wrong? In the next chapter we have a look at some of the problems you may encounter
and what to do about them.
January/March–June/July: Assemble all the required equipment and
hives. Prepare an apiary site in either an urban or rural location. Decide
on your source of bees.
April/May–September/October: Receive your package/nucleus of bees
and install them. After installation, carry out a full hive inspection.
Remember what was discussed in Chapter 6.

May/June–November/December: You may be starting out at this point
if you are being given a swarm. If so, install it and carry on. Carry out
swarm-prevention and, if required, swarm-control activities. Continue
with hive inspections.
July/August–December/January: Super up as and when required. Keep
up the checks. Prepare your harvest equipment. Harvest as required
if separate honeys are needed, or especially for any fast granulating
August/September–January/February: Harvest and post-harvest
activities. Store the empty boxes taking precautions against the
dangers of wax moths.

Chapter 8
Dealing with problems
Problems can arise in a colony of bees at any time of the year, and it is for this reason
that you should carry out regular inspections of your hives. Over the season, your
records will show you which hives are doing well and which aren’t, and this can give you
an advantage if you want to breed your own queens later on. Obviously, you will breed
only from queens who have demonstrated desirable traits, and this will show up in your
notes. But, in a more immediate timeframe, you may find problems during one of your
regular inspections or you may just be experiencing problems generally with some or
all of your hives.
This chapter should help you to counter any problems you may come across in your
inspections, and it offers advice on strategies and methods that can assist you and your
bees to increase your output of surplus honey.
Causes and symptoms
This is a problem for beekeepers who are unable to check their colonies at regular
intervals, or whose intervals between inspections are too long. The signs are easy to
recognize. When carrying out your inspection, you see several eggs in one or more
cells, and these eggs are not right at the bottom of the cell where they should be. What
has happened is that the queen has died or is unable to lay eggs – possibly as a result
of damage when manipulated by the beekeeper. For some reason, the workers have
been unable to raise another queen from a young larva, and so the colony has become
hopelessly queenless.

When this problem occurs, the pheromonal imbalance in the colony – especially the
lack of queen pheromone and open-brood pheromone – causes the ovaries of some of
the workers to enlarge and so they start to lay eggs. Not being able to mate, the workers
can lay only drone eggs, and this they do in worker cells. The resulting drones are small
and useless, and the colony is doomed. Small, isolated drone cells made out of worker
cells are, therefore, another sign that there are problems in the colony (see Photograph
3 in the colour photograph section of this book). Quite a few workers may be at this
game, and they compete with each other, resulting in many eggs laid in single cells. A
worker’s abdomen is not as long as that of the queen, and so she can lay the egg only
part way down the cell (see Photograph 4 in the colour photograph section of this
book). Other workers may remove many of these eggs because they don’t recognize
them as queen eggs. The brood pattern, therefore, is always very spotty and uneven,
with empty cells scattered among the small, domed drone cells.
The easily visible symptoms of laying workers, therefore, include the following:
Spotty and uneven brood.
Small drone brood only present.
The number of eggs per cell.
Egg position.
Drone brood in worker cells.
Removing laying workers is difficult because they look the same as other workers and
because there will probably be quite a few of them. Introducing a new queen to a hive
with laying workers is, however, often a waste of money: the colony considers itself
queen-right and will not accept the new queen.
There are, fortunately, two methods that may work, and these are described below. It is,
however, often best to disband a colony in this state.

Solving laying-worker problems
First method
This is the treatment most likely to work and to cause the fewest problems:
Move the entire colony 200 m (220 yd) and take out all the frames.
Shake the frames onto the ground and brush all the bees off them.
Set aside any frames with drone brood or eggs to deal with later.
Return the bee-less hive to its original position and place a frame of young brood,
a queen cell or a caged queen in it. Feed if necessary.
Close the hive and leave it alone for a week.
Clean all the eggs and drone cells out of the set-aside brood frames and return
them to the hive.
The theory here is that the non-laying, normal worker bees will know the area and will
fly back to the hive, whereas the laying workers may never have left the hive and so won’t
know the way home. I have carried out this method and it works, although I’m sure
that, in some cases, a few laying workers managed to return to the hive.
Second method
A second method is to add a frame of open brood each week until the bees start queen
cells. The presence of open brood may induce the bees to raise a queen of their own.
Once they have started queen cells you can regard the colony as being ‘normal’ again,
and you can either allow the queen cell(s) to remain or destroy them and introduce your
own cell or a caged queen. I have tried this method twice and it failed both times, but
other beekeepers have told me that it has consistently worked for them.
Bad ways to deal with laying workers
Some texts advise a couple of other methods for dealing with laying workers – re-
queening with a push-in cage and uniting the colony with a queen-right colony. I have
included these methods here only in the hope of preventing you from carrying them

First method
I especially don’t advise re-queening with a push-in cage. This cage is large in area with
legs at each corner. These legs can be pushed into the wax comb, thus stabilizing the
cage and confining the queen to that area of comb. The cage also prevents the workers
from getting to the queen and killing her. The queen lays eggs in the cells in the cage,
and the bees that emerge from those cells regard her as the queen. When the cage is
eventually removed, the colony should accept her.
I don’t like this method for two main reasons. First, it takes a long time: the queen has
to lay eggs and then you have to wait three weeks for the first new adult bees to emerge.
By this time the original colony outside the cage will be in a very poor state and will
probably be infested with wax moth because of the insufficient number of bees to look
after the household. Secondly, if the bees don’t accept the new queen on release, you’ve
wasted both time and money. Don’t bother with this method.
Second method
The second method I advise against is to unite the laying-worker colony with a
good, queen-right colony. It could work, and I have done it once successfully and
once unsuccessfully, but the danger is that the laying workers may just kill your
queen – and then what? You have given them a larger colony to wreck. Murphy’s law
states categorically that, in cases like this, you will end up with another queenless
One problem you will come across in your beekeeping career will be that of very
aggressive colonies. These make beekeeping unpleasant, and even the hardiest of
beekeepers doesn’t like being continuously pasted by their bees. Compared with, say,
Italian or Cecropian bees, my Iberian bees were, generally, extremely aggressive. I did,
however, have one colony of gentle Iberians, and I kept the queen in it for as long as
possible to breed from her. She wasn’t my queen to start with (I picked her up in a
swarm), but she had a faded red dot painted on her back and so I called her Rose.

Unfortunately only a couple of her offspring had nice natures, and after three years, I
found Rose dead on the hive floor.
A variety of factors may influence how aggressive a colony becomes. As a general rule,
established colonies are more aggressive than small nuclei, and so any test of aggression
should be made when a nuc grows into a colony. The degree of aggression also depends
on the beekeeper’s perception – I inspected a colony of so-called aggressive Italians in
New Zealand and thought they were flies!
The factors that may influence a colony’s aggressive tendencies and possible remedies
are listed in Table 4.
Cause Remedy
Queen genetics/race genetics Re-queen from a gentle race of bees
Hive being robbed by wasps/bees Find and destroy the wasps nest (see the
section on robbing later in this chapter)
Hive being disturbed by large animals Resite hive or fence off hives
Hives badly sited – under power lines, near Resite hives
a busy road, under dripping trees, etc.
Bad weather (affects some colonies) Work in good weather. Obvious!
No honey flow Check for sufficient stores
Beekeeper works an aggressive colony, Always work the aggressive colony last
which then disturbs other colonies
Colony found to be queenless Re-queen if no laying workers/disease
Bees affected by spray poisoning See the section on spray damage later in
this chapter
Too much use of smoke. This can make Use only the minimum of smoke
some colonies aggressive
Table 4. The causes of, and remedies for, aggressiveness

The following points about aggressiveness, however, should also be noted:
There is no direct correlation between aggressiveness and honey collection.
Bad handling and the crushing of bees by the beekeeper will make colonies
aggressive. When I worked in a team of beekeepers in New Zealand, none of us
would work near to one team member who was rough with the hives. Despite
the heat, he would wear full protection and an undershirt, whereas the rest of us
– from cooler countries and unused to heat – wore as little as possible and thus got
pasted by his bees. I sent him on a charm course.
In some areas of the world, the most common cause of aggressive bees is animal
attention and predation, especially by bears and skunks.
Inspecting a colony of aggressive bees
It’s all very well having a table showing you what to do about aggressive bees but, if
you are in the position of having to inspect one, how do you go about it? It’s a daunting
prospect at times, so why not make it easy? Carry out the following moves, which
should be planned with military precision:
In the early evening of a good flying day, seal up the aggressive hive’s entrance. Do
this quickly, using a sponge strip prepared for length and thickness in advance.
Move the hive 10–15 m (11–16 yds) to the side and open it.
Place a hive body, lid and floor on the original site. Place in this one or more combs
of honey and pollen and an empty comb to collect the returning foragers.
Leave for an hour or two or, preferably, overnight for things to settle down.
Inspect the colony (most of the stinging foragers will be in the dummy hive on the
original site).
During your inspection, kill the queen and, the next day, introduce a gentle, caged
queen or a queen cell from a gentle colony.
Because the bad lot in the dummy hive are now queenless, re-queen these with a
known, gentle queen or a queen cell from a gentle colony.

You could, however, bungle the issue and irritate the bees even more than usual while
carrying out the above manipulations so that they become totally out of hand. The best
advice I can give is to cover everything up quickly and go home. Retry the next day with
a better operations plan.
If robber bees sound like something out of the Middle Ages, then this is probably
because robber bees operate on the same lines as the original robber barons of old.
Robbing occurs when bees from one or more colonies attempt to enter and rob the
stores of other hives. This is a serious problem in that, if it gets out of hand, some
hives may lose all their stores and many of their foragers in the fighting, thus hugely
debilitating that colony. Small nucleus hives that get in the way can easily be wiped out.
Some bees are more inclined to rob than others, but Italians are usually the first in.
Most robbing outbreaks are the result of feeding the bees, and honey or syrup exposed
in the apiary – especially during a period of dearth – can start it off. Within minutes,
a scout finding the honey tells her mates, and the problem grows from there. Feeding
small nucleus colonies can also cause problems. These are small and, due to their small
numbers, are unable to defend themselves against large-scale attack.
Colonies that are low in numbers because of disease are especially problematical. They
are often robbed out by bees from larger colonies, who then spread the disease all over
the apiary and beyond. American foul brood (AFB) can be spread this way and, if left
unchecked, can wipe out an entire apiary.
Robbing is easy to detect during an external hive inspection and, if you notice the
following signs, you have an outbreak on your hands:
Greatly increased activity at the hive’s entrance.
Bees fighting at the colony’s entrance.

1. One egg at the base of
each cell
2. Healthy sealed brood

3. Small, isolated
drone cells – a sign
of laying workers
4. Multiple eggs per
cell, laid part way down
the cells
5. Queen introduction
and travel cages, with two
virgin cells at the front

6. Placing a new queen into a hive in a frame wrapped in newspaper
7. A lesser wax moth

8. Wax moth damage
9. Spotted brood pattern

10. AFB: the telltale rope
of a dead larva
11. Varroa destructor
12. Varroa on larvae

13. Varroa mite on an adult bee
14. Typical view of suspected parasitic mite syndrome
15. Tropilaelaps clarae

16 The typical deformed wings of
aTropilaelaps clarae infestation
17. Adult small hive beetle
18. Small hive beetle larva
19. Small hive beetles on comb

20. Moving bees on a
large scale
21. Jobbing beekeepers in
New Zealand
22. Dragging out the
bee truck

Much debris at the hive’s entrance, especially wax particles as a result of the bees
ripping the comb apart to steal the honey.
Many bees entering and leaving every small crack in the hive.
The whole apiary alive with bees flying in all directions, combined with the above
Treating robbing
Once robbing starts it is very difficult to stop, but the following actions should help if
one of your hives is being robbed:
Block up all cracks in the hive(s) with grass, mud or whatever else comes to hand.
Reduce the hive’s entrance to one bee space.
If available, lean a glass screen or board across the hive’s entrance. This will confuse
the robbers and, in conjunction with the other controls, can help greatly. If nothing
comes to hand, place straw or grass across the entrance. Again, this will confuse the
Alternatively, swap the hive being robbed with the robber hive. This is a little
drastic and, if several hives are involved, it might not solve the problem unless done
in the evening just before everything settles down.
If the situation is very serious, consider moving the robber colony or the robbed
colony to another apiary at least 2 km (1 mile) away.
If the apiary has a water supply, spray the bees with a hose. They will then go
Preventing robbing
The following precautions will help to prevent robbing in the first case:
Don’t spill honey in the apiary during times of dearth.
Ensure that small colonies and nucleus colonies have entrances reduced to the
minimum, especially if feeding them. If they haven’t got small entrances, when

feeding stuff grass into the entrances to reduce them to one bee way. After splitting
colonies, reduce the entrances to the splits to one bee way until the colonies have
grown in numbers.
Make sure all your hives have crack-free boxes and joins.
Treat robbing seriously. It disrupts and destroys colonies and is highly instrumental in
spreading disease.
There will probably come a time when you will have to unite one colony with another.
There is a variety of reasons for this. For example, a colony may have lost its queen and
have dwindled because you did not have a replacement queen. To utilize the remaining
bees, you could unite these with a healthy colony. Or you may have carried out the
artificial swarm procedure to prevent swarming but don’t need the extra colony. Some
weeks later, you could unite the two parts. This may help your honey flow – remember,
one big colony is better than two smaller ones.
Before uniting colonies, however, it is essential that you know the reason why you are
doing this. For example, if a colony is queenless or weak, you should know why. It would
be pointless uniting this hive with another if it had a disease: you would be giving the
disease to the healthy hive. So, before uniting colonies, check for disease. Also, if you
have a good queen you want to keep in the healthy, large colony, make sure that, when
you unite this colony with a weaker colony, the latter hasn’t got a queen in it you didn’t
find. Murphy’s Law states that, on an occasion such as this, the two queens will fight
and the better one will lose.
The problem with uniting colonies is that you are trying to combine two units of bees
that will immediately fight each other when you put them together and, in the process,
you will lose lots of bees and possibly one or both of the queens. You have to convince
the bees they are not enemies so that they unite peacefully. You can do this in two main

Method 1
Give the bees time to get used to each other. This can be accomplished quite easily:
Open the larger queen-right hive.
Place a sheet of newspaper over the open box, over the bees, and make some slits
in the paper with your hive tool.
Lift the smaller, queenless hive off its floor and place it on the box covered by the
Leave alone for a couple of days before checking that the colony has united.
On the very many occasions I have done this, I have found it works 100% of the time.
It’s a bit slow and cumbersome, but it does work.
Method 2
The second way to get the bees used to each other is to confuse them. This can be
accomplished by changing their odour. The fastest way I have done this is to give a very
swift squirt of non-toxic room-odour spray to each box.
Open the larger queen-right hive and quickly spray the bees in the top of the box. Then,
just before placing the box with the queenless bees on top, quickly spray the bottom of
this box so that the bees all smell the same. By the time the spray wears off, the bees will
be accustomed to each other.
Other than room spray, I have also used sugar-syrup spray and flour. They all work but
I don’t really like spraying chemicals or powders into hives, and sugar-syrup spraying
can cause an outbreak of robbing. My preferred method is to employ the slower, more
awkward newspaper.

Spray damage is a huge problem born mainly of ignorance on the part of farmers and
orchard contractors. The simple fact of the matter is that insecticides kill bees, and
anyone spraying insecticides near an apiary without warning the beekeeper can be
prosecuted. Herbicides can also kill bees – even those with labels on them saying ‘safe
for bees’. Many herbicides contain agents called surfactants that make the liquid stick to
the plants’ foliage. This also sticks to adult bees, which then return to the hive and pass
it on to the young larvae in the brood chamber. The larvae may then die. So, although a
herbicide may be safe for adult bees, it will eventually reduce or even kill the colony.
Most farmers are aware of the problem and will warn beekeepers they know of that
they are going to spray. Beekeepers, however, also have a responsibility either to be in
their local association’s spray scheme (which will send them spray notices) or to make
themselves known to local farmers so that they are aware of the existence of bees near
to their land.
Protecting your bees
So, if you receive a warning of spraying nearby, what should you do? There are two main
strategies. First, if you have other apiaries, you can move the bees to another area. Before
you do, however, make sure there are no spray warnings for that area about which you
may not have been notified. Secondly, you can close the hives so that the bees can’t fly.
The first expedient is obvious. You load up and move (see the section on moving hives
later in this chapter) prior to the spraying and move back afterwards. The second is a
little more complicated. Bees shut in a hive unable to fly may panic, overheat, suffer
stress or undergo meltdown. In other words, you may kill your bees by trying to protect
them just as easily as the insecticide may. The answer is to ensure that, at all times, your
bees have food stores, room to move, ventilation and water. If you can ensure this, you
can shut your bees up.
Follow the advice below so that your bees survive the chemical warfare so prevalent in
modern-day agriculture and horticulture:

Place a frame feeder full of sugar syrup in the hive.
Remove the lids from your hives and place soaked sponges on the hives’ top bars.
Place a shallow, empty box on top of each hive.
Staple a gauze cover onto this box.
Place a tin lid on this new gauze lid. Raise this above the gauze lid by using slats of
wood. This keeps the rain out.
The night before the spraying, stuff the hives’ entrance with gauze or place a mesh
across the entrances, (i.e. something that will allow air in but won’t allow the bees
Your bees are now prepared. If it is hot, you must keep the sponges wet by pouring
water on them, as required. As soon as the all-clear is given, remove the entrance
meshes to allow the bees to fly.
Alternative method
With this method you can leave your hives as they are: you simply cover an entire hive
with a black tent made of sacking or hessian. Make sure the edge of the tent around the
hive is secured snugly to the ground. The bees will tend not to leave the hive, and those
few that do will not be able to get back in. The only thing you have to remember is to
keep the sacking wet. This way the bees won’t overheat. In research trials this method
was used with no entrance blocks, and it significantly reduced bee mortality. I’ve tried
it and it works well.
If your bees do suffer from spray poisoning, first make sure you have made the correct
diagnosis: the symptoms of spray poisoning look very much like some diseases. If you
are sure it is spray damage, then all you can do is hope that the queen hasn’t been harmed
and that the colony will build up again. Obviously, you mustn’t unite a poisoned colony
with a strong one.

For various reasons, you may have to move your hives to another apiary (for example, to
avoid spray damage, to pollinate a certain crop or just because you are moving). Moving
bees isn’t difficult, but there are two major problems.
If you move your bees within their radius of foraging, then, once you have moved the
hive, the foragers will all fly back to the original position. This means you should move
your bees at least 2–3 km (1–2 miles away). Even if you move them 18 m (20 yds) they
will fly back to their original position and cluster there. If you move them just a metre,
however, they will usually suss things out and go to the right place. There are ways
around all this, as I explain below.
The second problem is that, if you move your bees during the day, you will lose most of
your foragers because they will be out. You can, however, block them in the night before
with equipment similar to that used for spray protection (mesh entrance block and
gauze lid), and then move the hives the next day. The bees will panic and suffer stress
but, if you have provided them with room, water, food and ventilation, they should
I carried 20 colonies from Toulouse in France down to near the southern tip of Spain
in an enclosed van. By ensuring that each hive had an empty box on top and a gauze lid,
and by squirting water from a hand-held spray into the top of each hive every hour, the
bees survived the three-day journey and were perfectly well at the end of it, if a little
angry when released.
You could, however, move your bees on an open truck at night or in bad weather. They
will all be in the hives because it is night or raining, and you can load them with no
precautions other than to ensure they are well strapped down and won’t move. We
moved all our bees like this in New Zealand with no cover and with no entrance blocks.
It was essential to arrive at the destination by dawn, though, and when on one occasion
this didn’t happen, many bees were lost.

Before moving your bees you must ensure the hive boxes won’t come apart. This
includes the floor and the lid, unless the lids are telescopic. Use straps, staples between
the boxes or clips of some kind. Metal straps are, in my opinion, the best method.
On the journey through Spain, I crashed the van, and the staples holding the hives
together flew apart and so did the hives. I was unable to continue that day simply
because of the number of bees on the windscreen blocking my view. I didn’t dare open
the window or they would all have gone. I waited until nightfall when the bees dutifully
went back to their boxes. I then managed to reassemble the hives and nail them up.
The basic rules for moving bees are, then, as follows:
Always strap the hives up tight.
Ensure the hives won’t shift and are strapped down well.
Move your bees more than 2–3 km (1–2 miles) away so that you have no problems
with your bees returning.
Move your bees up to a metre away and your bees will have no problems in
At night, load up, strap down and go.
In bad weather, load up, strap down and go.
During the day, shut the hives the night before when all the bees are in, and allow
plenty of room, ventilation and water.
For short moves of up to an hour, block the hives up at dawn before the bees are
out and then go.
The short move
But what if you need to move your bees only 18 m (20 yds) or so? This can be done but
it is a little laborious. You could take 18 days to do this by moving a metre a day, or you
could move the hive and place a dummy hive with comb on the original site to collect

the foragers. Then, at the end of the day, you put the dummy hive onto the moved hive.
That evening, block the entrance with grass and, by the time the bees manage to chew
their way out, they will have gathered that something is different and may then take
new orientation flights. You may need to repeat this procedure until the foragers learn
where they are meant to be. I’ve done this with not too many problems but, as I said, it
is laborious.
Seeing problems on your inspections
If on an inspection you see no eggs and no young larvae, but you do see a marked queen,
you have a problem. Unless you can replace this queen quickly, your colony will soon
dwindle as older workers die and are not replaced by younger bees. Sooner or later the
queen will disappear, and you will end up with a laying-worker situation. It is evident
in this example that the queen has stopped laying and something needs to be done.
Problems with the queen can strike at any time. Sometimes a queen will simply stop
laying due, perhaps, to some genetic fault, or because she has been damaged during one
of your inspections. This happens much more frequently than beekeepers think. The
brood pattern of a healthy colony is an ellipse of sealed brood cells neatly waxed over
with slightly raised wax cappings (see Photograph 2 in the colour photograph section
of this book). Around this mass of sealed cells should be open cells with pearly white
larvae in them and, as you look towards the edge of this area, the larvae become younger
until, finally, you simply see eggs. The outer edges of this ‘arc’ of brood are often the
stores area for honey although, in healthy colonies that are building up swiftly in the
spring, the brood frames are usually just slabs of brood.
The above may not be exactly what you see but that is the general idea. Any areas of
capped brood with too many uncapped, empty cells that give a spotty or pepper-pot
appearance mean trouble. It could be that inbreeding is causing the queen to lay too
many non-viable eggs and the workers are removing them, or it could be the result of
diseases, such as AFB or European foul brood (EFB) (see Chapter 10). The worst sight
of all is a brood pattern with, mostly, empty cells and isolated drone cells made out of
worker-sized cells (see Photograph 3 in the colour photograph section of this book).

Table 5 is a troubleshooting guide that should help you to identify queen problems and
to determine the causes of the problems and ways of treating them. Note, however, that
many queen problems are also caused by the following:
Queens are damaged or killed during manipulations.
Queens are introduced while the old queen is still present.
A queen is introduced when laying workers are present.
The beekeeper’s inability to find queens, thus making the wrong assumptions.
Problem Cause Treatment
No brood present No queen/failed queen Re-queen or unite the colony.
Make sure it is not a natural time
for a break in egg laying, (e.g. winter)
Sealed brood only; Colony swarmed Check in 3 weeks for eggs/young
no eggs brood
Drone brood only; Drone-laying queen Re-queen/unite the colony
1 egg per cell (queen failure)
Drone brood only, often Laying workers See the treatment outlined earlier
in worker cells; eggs in this chapter
not at base of cell
Mix of drone brood Laying workers See the treatment outlined earlier
in worker cells; in this chapter
normal capped brood;
several eggs in some
worker cells
No brood; small queen, Virgin queen, delayed Check for eggs in 1 week
excitable on the comb mating/not yet mated.
Newly arrived postal

Supersedure cell(s) Common; cause unknown Remove cell(s); can be cut out and
formed after queen put in a queenless nuc
Badly mated queen Check brood pattern; if bad,
allow supersedure
Cells were present before Destroy cells
Queen in introduction Not fed by workers or Laying workers may be present
cell dies cage balled
Introduced queen Old queen present Remove old queen prior to
killed after release introduction
Unnoticed virgin present Leave her to mate or kill her and
re-queen (see later in this chapter)
Laying workers present See earlier in this chapter
Spotty brood pattern Queen failing Re-queen (see later in this chapter)
Inbreeding depression Re-queen (see later in this chapter)
Disease, especially AFB, (see chapter 10)
EFB and PMS (parasitic
mite syndrome)
Very heavy fl ow; cells Give comb for queen, super for
fi lled before queen honey
can lay
Pesticide poisoning and Add more bees or unite if serious
insuffi cient nurse bees.
Dead larvae being
Small but good brood Newly mated queen Inspect again in 2/3 weeks

Slow laying queen Re-queen or accept the situation
(see later in this chapter)
Not enough bees to Allow colony to build up or, if
look after brood serious, add more bees or unite
Not enough room for Provide comb/clear brood nest
queen to lay
Poor brood pattern Inbreeding, leading to Re-queen if serious (see later
(larvae of different ages removal of diploid drones in this chapter)
grouped together) and re-laying by the
Swarm cells present Colony preparing to Carry out artifi cial swarm procedure
Two queens present Supersedure queen Leave alone if no fi ghting. Old
and daughter queen will disappear. Or split hive
Swarm(s) waiting to go Virgin(s) will probably leave with
the swarm
Table 5. Queen/brood-nest troubleshooting guide
Introducing a new queen
There are many situations that may require you to re-queen a colony, and this is usually
a very straightforward task – as long as you can get hold of a queen. Comparatively
little research has, however, been carried out on the act of re-queening, despite its
importance in beekeeping. The research that has been done suggests, firstly, that the
receiving bees need time to adjust to the new queen and that, during this period, she
should be protected from those bees that are finding it difficult to adjust. Secondly,
there should be a balance between adult bees, brood and the queen. So if your bees are,
say, very aggressive and you want to put in a queen from a known gentle colony or race,
to increase your chances of a successful introduction, you should make sure the new

queen is similar to the old queen (i.e. well mated and laying well). In an illuminating
experiment, two American bee scientists swapped similar queens back and forth
between colonies 292 times without loss.
In the main it is difficult to achieve this like-for-like, especially if you receive a queen
through the post. So let’s take a look at some methods of queen introduction that
should increase your chances of success. Remember, though, that nothing is certain
with bees, but there are some rules of thumb that, if obeyed, can improve the odds:
The most important rule is that the receiving colony must be queenless. This
sounds obvious but it is often ignored by those who can’t find the queen. Such
people hope for the best, leaving the queens to fight it out. You can, however, be
sure that the old, feeble, arthritic and half-blind queen will defeat the new, strong
and virile young thing you introduce. So, after you have de-queened the colony or
nuc, check that a virgin hasn’t just emerged that is patiently waiting for mum to
swarm. It’s surprising how often there is more than one queen in a hive. A swarm
that appeared on our land one year had one mated queen and five virgins in it. All
these were in the hive together.
The second important rule to remember is that smaller colonies or nucs accept
new queens more readily than large colonies. It is best, then, to introduce a new
queen to a small nuc made up for the purpose.
Finally, if a colony loses its queen during the late autumn or winter, it is usually best to
unite it with another colony to take it through the winter rather than introduce a new
Re-queening annually
The annual replacement of the old queen with a new young queen or queen cell is the
main reason for re-queening. Annual re-queening gives you the best chance of producing
more bees and so more honey, and it is also the best way of reducing swarming. You can
either buy a queen or queen cell from a breeder or produce one yourself (see Chapter
11). Buying a mated queen is more expensive than buying a queen cell but less risky.
The queen in the cell has to emerge, leave the hive and enter a world full of predators,

such as birds, mate, return safely to the hive and then start laying. Something could go
wrong at any time during this period.
Annual re-queening also allows you to retain the strain of bees you are happy with. It
also keeps all the colonies on an even footing, thus making apiary management much
Autumn or spring?
You can re-queen in the autumn or spring, and there are distinct advantages to both
periods. In the autumn, the hives are generally strong and, usually (but not everywhere),
the weather is stable and so better for mating. There are also likely to be more drones
around (in cold, wet springs, drones are fewer in number, immature and may not fly due
to bad weather).
In the spring, on the other hand, you obtain a new queen that will be young and better
able to take advantage of the honey flow. By re-queening in the spring you also lessen
the chance of swarming.
Some commercial beekeepers with thousands of hives swear by autumn queens, but
most hobbyists re-queen – if they are going to at all – in the spring when colonies are
smaller and more easily managed. My advice is to re-queen in the spring if you are a
new beekeeper or a hobbyist but to re-queen in the autumn if you are a commercial
beekeeper relying on the honey crop for your income.
Buying a new queen
If you buy a new queen, she will arrive in a cage made of plastic or wood (see Photograph
5 in the colour photograph section of this book) with two or three attendant bees, and
there will be an exit hole in the cage blocked by candy (see Chapter 9 for a candy recipe).
There will be a plastic cover over the outer part of the hole. This is to prevent the caged
bees from chewing their way through the candy and escaping. It may be you are unable
to put the queen into the colony for a day or two, and in this time the bees can chew
through a great deal of candy! So, before you put the queen in the colony, you must
remove the plastic cover so that the bees can chew their way out. By the time they have

done this, the queen will normally have been accepted by the colony – as long as they
are queenless.
If you are unable to put the queen in straightaway, she can be kept in the cage but she
must be protected from fly spray or other insecticides and from drying out in the heat.
Two or three times a day, therefore, drop some water onto the cage. I don’t think there is
any need to remove the attendant bees from the cage before putting it into the hive.
The bees in the hive need time to accept the new queen, and this is where the cage and
the candy come in. The bees will immediately sense a new set of pheromonal signals and
odours from this new queen and would probably kill her if you just put her in the hive.
Young bees are also more receptive to a new queen than older bees. The re-queening
method shown below recognizes this fact: its aim is to make the whole business easy
and painless.
Opening cages is always a problem because, if the queen escapes, you will lose her. If you
really must open the cage for some reason (for example, to remove a dead attendant),
open it near a closed window. If the queen then escapes she will fly to the window and
you will be able to catch her again. (Remember, queen bees won’t sting even though they
have a sting.)
The most successful ways of introducing a new queen into a hive are described below.
How to re-queen
Method 1
Collect together the same number of spare boxes, floors and lids as the number of hives
you want to re-queen – what you are going to do is make some mini-hives or nucleus
hives. Using a piece of wood, make the entrances to these small hives just one or two bee
spaces wide. Place the nucleus hives on the lids of the hives you are going to re-queen,
but facing in the opposite direction. Block the entrances with grass.
In the hives you want to re-queen, first make a split by removing from them two frames
of emerging brood, one frame of stores and a frame of empty comb. The emerging

brood should cover only about half of the frame. Don’t brush off any bees because you
are going to need them and, as these are brood frames, they are likely to be young nurse
bees. These frames must be placed in your new nucleus hive.
Place the brood frames together, and put the stores on one side and the comb on the
other. You can fill the rest of the box with foundation. Many beekeepers have nucleus
boxes that hold only four or five frames. Use one of these if you have one. If you haven’t,
don’t worry – just use an ordinary box with a floor and lid.
Shake the bees off two or three other frames into the new nucleus you are making.
These will be more nurse bees. Replace the frames in the hive.
As you place each brood frame into the nuc, you must check that the old queen isn’t on
it and that there are no queen cells. This is important – the whole thing will fail if you
do not ensure this.
When all is ready, push the queen cage onto one of the brood frames in the nuc. This
should be in a position three quarters the way up the frame, and the cage’s escape hole
should be facing slightly upwards so that any dead attendants won’t block it. Don’t push
the cage onto the brood comb along its flat surface because the bees outside need to
communicate with the queen. Shove it into the brood frame at an angle. In other words,
the cage should be between the two brood frames at an angle so that the bees can reach
most of the sides and with the escape facing slightly upwards.
Three days later, check for eggs and ensure that the bees have unblocked the entrance.
If all is OK and eggs are being laid, leave for another three weeks until brood is being
capped over and all is well.
Now go into the main hive and kill the old queen. Then unite the two boxes using the
newspaper method described earlier in this chapter, placing the nuc on top. If you are
employing a smaller four-frame nucleus box for the new queen, you will first have to
place all the frames into a normal-sized brood box and then fill the rest with comb
before uniting.

This method is easy and it works very well. It allows the main hive to continue as
normal, with their queen until you are sure the new queen is viable, and it hardly
disturbs the colony’s life at all. The bees that are accustomed to going in and out of the
nuc in the opposite direction will soon learn to adapt, and all will carry on as normal
with a new, low-swarming, heavy-laying, young queen. Easy!
Method 2
This method also works well and is for those who want a quick-fix, low-tech
application. The theory is the same as the first method but, in this case, you install the
queen straight into the main hive without using a nuc:
Remove and kill the queen of the colony to be re-queened. Destroy any and all
queen cells.
Leave the colony queenless until the next day.
Remove a frame of capped and emerging brood from the colony.
Press into this frame the queen cage.
Wrap the entire frame in newspaper, stapling the newspaper ends along the top
bar (see Photograph 6 in the colour photograph section of this book).
Make a few slits in the paper with your hive tool.
Lower the entire frame into the colony.
Check for queen release in three days.
Check for eggs a week later.
Even easier!
If you keep it simple and try to understand what the bees are doing, you
should have no trouble with queen introduction. You must, however,
remember the following points:

The colony accepting a new queen must be queenless.
All queen cells must be destroyed, including those made after the
colony has been made queenless.
Queens are more readily accepted by small colonies and nuclei.
In large colonies, queens are more readily accepted early or late in the
active season or during a heavy honey flow.
The bees may build queen cells or supersedure cells even after
apparently accepting the new queen. These cells must be destroyed,
and you must check that the new queen is still around.
Basically, there is no method that offers a 100% guarantee of queen acceptance, but the
methods outlined above are well tried and tested and invariably work. Remember, with
the above methods you can substitute a queen cell, either purchased by you or made by
your bees. Or you can even purchase small, plastic queen cells into which you can put
a virgin queen. A thin film of plastic is placed over the exit hole, and the cell is placed
on a frame of brood hanging downwards. I have never tried this but have heard from
others that it works.
There will be other occasions when you will need to re-queen a colony (for example,
when you find a failed or dead queen or a colony in which the queen has disappeared).
You can employ these two methods just as easily for these circumstances.
Many beekeepers are very nice people who don’t like to kill a queen. I’m afraid I’m a bit
like that so, if she is a one-year-old, you can place her in a nuc and grow the nuc into a
colony, but you need to take combs from your other colonies to make up the nucs, and
that may not be in your management/harvest plans. Also, this will effectively double
your stock-holding which you may not want (or have sufficient boxes/frames/lids, etc.),
and half your stock will be new queens and half one-year-olds. This may make things
difficult for you, so it really is best to kill the old queen. As one commercial beekeeper
told me: ‘A queen is just a production unit. Nothing more.’

Chapter 9
Overwintering your bees:
autumn to spring
Now that you have completed the harvest and your colonies have settled down again,
you should start thinking about two things – storing your honeycomb and preparing
your hives for winter. For most beekeepers, the management of their bees is really
centred around honey flows, and the early autumn may be a time when you wish to
move your bees to the heather (in the UK), for example, or to a late crop if you are in
Spain. Before you do this, remember that the colony must be inspected to make sure
it has:
no diseases (see Chapter 10);
sufficient bees for the purpose (it’s no good taking a depleted stock); and
a laying queen.
Apart from storing honeycomb and preparing for winter, the only other task after the
harvest is to go right through your apiary and inspect every hive. Winter is approaching,
and your colonies must go into winter as strong as possible. If there is any uniting to do
to boost certain weak colonies, do it now before wintering the hives down.
Moving your hives for the winter
If colonies need to be moved to winter sites, this is the time to do it. For many
beekeepers – especially commercial operators – honey-collecting and winter sites may

be a long distance apart. As we saw in Chapter 8, moving hives is stressful to the bees
and so, after moving them, another inspection is warranted.
Your winter sites should be as sunny as possible – i.e. south or north facing, depending
on where you are. They should not be prone to flooding, should be protected from the
prevailing wind and not be in frost hollows. The sunnier the site the better because, the
more the bees can fly and ‘un-cluster’ themselves, the better their chances of survival.
Surviving the winter
Essentially, you prepare your colonies to survive the winter on two brood boxes. The
queen will soon cease laying and, during very cold weather, the colony will go into a
cluster formation to maintain brood temperature. Little if any foraging will be done, not
only because of the cold but also because, even on sunny days, there will be no nectar
sources. So, even if the bees fly to void themselves, they will collect no food.
In order that your colony will survive the winter, therefore, you should ensure the
It has a laying queen.
There are sufficient reserves of bees. I suggest 15 frames of bees for cold winters
and at least 6 for mild ones. The more the better.
It has no diseases (see Chapter 10).
It was treated in the autumn for varroa as part of your treatment plan.
There are sufficient stores to take it through the winter. If not, feed the colony (see
below). Remember, stores include pollen.
The queen excluder has been removed (it can be stored in the lid).
There are two brood boxes for the bees. Some authorities believe that winter losses
are reduced if three boxes are available for the winter. I have had no problems with

Now examine the state of the woodwork and hive, and carry out the following tasks:
Clean the floors. If necessary, scrape them or replace them with new ones.
Check that the lids are sound. The tin should not be rusty or holed. Make sure the
lids fit well and won’t blow off in wind. If necessary, strap them on.
Check that the boxes’ woodwork is sound. It should have no holes or splits in it:
these will let in the rain and wasps. Swap any damaged boxes for sound ones.
Because the bees tend to cluster in the empty brood area, ensure these frames are
surrounded by frames of stores (both pollen and honey). These should be in the
bottom brood box. As the bees tend to move upwards during the winter, the upper
brood box should also have frames of stores, especially honey around the brood
frames. Any brood frames that still have brood can be placed up there.
The bees will begin to cluster as the temperature falls below 18°C (64°F). As the
temperature goes lower, more bees will cluster until, at around 13–14°C (55–57°F),
all the bees will be clustered. They cluster to ensure that the brood-nest temperature
remains at 34–35°C (93–95°F). If the temperature goes lower, they will tighten the
cluster; if it rises, the cluster will loosen. If the temperature drops dramatically, the bees
will cluster very tightly and will sometimes remain like this and not move. In this way
they can become divorced from their stores and will starve. It is a pitiful sight to open
up in the spring to find a cluster of dead bees just below the stores of honey.
Additional tasks for overwintering your bees
Any frames of comb you want to replace can be put at the sides of the boxes. In this way
they will at least be protected from wax moth. They can be removed, melted down and
replaced on your first spring inspection.
Top ventilation of the hive is beneficial for the bees, but not too much. One or two
corners of the lid propped up by a matchstick should be sufficient. This will enable
a throughflow of air and will prevent the build-up of condensation and moisture.
Remember that the bees are not trying to keep the hive warm – only the cluster itself

– and so a throughflow of cold air won’t harm them. The lid, however, should be secure
at all times so that it won’t blow off in the wind.
Install an entrance block or mouse excluder. Mice entering the hive for warmth
during the winter can be a real problem. If wasps are a problem, use a tunnel entrance.
These can be purchased from bee-supply shops or, better still, can be made at home.
Essentially, this is a tube fixed to the floor board that runs from the entrance into the
hive. Wasps don’t like entering these and will leave the colony alone.
Organizing winter stores
It is very important that your colonies have enough stores to last them through the
winter. The amount required will depend on what your winters are like. Below are the
storage requirements for the Northern Hemisphere. These requirements are the same
for the Southern Hemisphere – you simply need to amend the words accordingly:
Northern climates (cold): average winter temperature <7°C (45°F). There should
be a minimum of 40 kg (90 lb) in three brood boxes. As a rule of thumb, the
following amounts are required: 10 kg (20 lb) in the bottom box, 15 kg (33 lb) in
the middle box and the rest in the top box.
Temperate climates (e.g. the UK/NZ): average winter temperature –4 to +10°C
(–39 to +50°F); 15–30 kg (33–66 lb).
Southern climates: average winter temperature 10–20°C (50–70°F); 8–15 kg
(17–33 lb).
So what does all this look like in terms of frames of honey or cans of syrup? When
working out the amount of stores your bees should have to enable them to survive the
winter, use the following approximate weights of honey in the comb (the figures have
been rounded up):
Each Langstroth frame should contain approximately 3 kg (6.5 lb) of honey.
Each shallow Langstroth frame should contain approximately 2 kg (4.5 lb) of

Each British Standard (BS) frame should contain approximately 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) of
Each shallow BS frame should contain approximately 1.5 kg (3.5 lb) of honey.
Each deep Modified Dadant frame should contain approximately 4 kg (9 lb) of
Note: each full ¾ Langstroth frame covered with bees has approximately 2,300 bees;
each full Langstroth frame covered with bees has approximately 3,500 bees.
The above figures will vary, however. For example, a rare super that contains perfect
combs correctly bee spaced and totally sealed will have a greater weight of honey than
poorly built combs.
Calculating the sugar syrup stores
If the stores are short, you will need to feed your bees with sugar syrup (preferably
invert – see below):
Each 5 l (1 gal) of heavy syrup will increase the colony’s stores by 3 kg (7 lb).
In 5 kg (10 lb) of honey there is 4 kg (8 lb) of sugar.
So, if the colony is 5 kg (10 lb) of stores short, feed 4 kg (9 lb) of sugar syrup.
It follows that, for other shortages, you should multiply the amount of shortage by 0.8.
You should then have the correct amount of sugar syrup to feed.
Preparing for the winter: a summary
Always ensure (and I repeat this) that the honey reserves are properly organized. In
cold areas, many authorities recommend a three-box wintering unit with reserves in all
three boxes, but that none of the boxes should be honey bound. In mild areas where
inspections can be carried out, there should always be at least four combs of honey and
pollen. These combs may be part filled.

Similarly, the colony must have sufficient pollen reserves – something many hobby
beekeepers ignore or fail to understand. Again, this pollen must be available in or next
to the cluster. Pollen patties (see below) provided near to the cluster four to five weeks
before the availability of natural pollen should stimulate brood rearing. A lack of pollen
will cause the colony to dwindle in late winter and early spring.
Remember also the following:
Bees don’t die of cold. They starve.
Bees don’t try to heat the hive. They maintain the cluster temperature.
The autumn sugar-syrup feed can be used to administer fumagillin (see Nosema,
Chapter 10) in those countries that permit its use.
Many texts suggest that, around Christmas (or in mid-winter in the Southern
Hemisphere), you should place some sugar candy on the hive’s top frames or over the
feed hole if you use an inner cover. If you follow the advice given above, there should be
no need to do this – I don’t recommend messing around inside the hives until the spring
unless this is for some experimental purpose, such as to see if the drones are still around
in midwinter or some other such investigation. By all means unblock the entrance if it is
covered with snow and, of course, do something about floods or hives being blown over,
but otherwise leave it all alone – until the spring!
We have discussed how much and when to feed your bees, but how exactly do you
make these feeds? Below are recipes for sugar syrup, invert sugar syrup, queen candy
and pollen substitute. Candy is used for such purposes as blocking a queen-cage exit so
that the bees have to chew it away, thus giving them time to become accustomed to the
queen, and it can also be used as a quick, emergency feed left on top of the bars if no
syrup is available at the time.

Invert sugar
When bees collect nectar, they invert the sugars in the nectar by the addition of
enzymes. This enables the bees to pack more of the resulting sugars into the cells than
would otherwise be the case because inverting a disaccharide (sucrose) into its two
component sugars, glucose and fructose, effectively doubles the concentration of sugar
molecules. Using invert sugar means that the bees can skip this stage, and it gives your
colonies a huge boost. It is particularly effective as a spring feed and as a feed for nucs
and small colonies. For those interested in the science of this, the chemical reaction is
as follows:
C12H22O11 (sucrose) + H2O (water) = C6H12O6 (glucose) + C6H12O6 (fructose)
This reaction is enabled by the presence of an enzyme that is not shown in the
Many texts advise inverting sugar syrup by acid hydrolysis – i.e. employing acids of
various types. My advice is don’t. Acid hydrolysis is dangerous because you need to heat
the sugar to near boiling point and also because the acids themselves are dangerous.
Similarly, unless you know how to halt the reaction at the right time, it will carry on
breaking down the sugars into dangerous products, including raising the hydroxy-
methyl-furfuraldehyde (HMF) levels enormously, and so you will end up poisoning
your bees. I know of many beekeepers who have done this and who didn’t realize why
their colonies were dwindling. They ascribed all sorts of other reasons for the deaths
when, in fact, they were the result of the feeding regime. Remember, feeding your bees
is meant to help them, not kill them. I recall one beekeeper complaining that hot sugar
had wrecked his honey pump!
The recipe below for invert sugar syrup uses active baker’s yeast. It is designed for large
commercial quantities but if the hobbyist beekeeper wants to use invert sugar syrup it
is easy to reduce the quantities as long as the proportions are kept. This method is safe
and won’t poison your bees or injure you.

Sugar syrup
For a thick sugar syrup for autumn feeding: 1 kg (2 lb) sugar to 500 ml (1 pt) water.
For a thin sugar syrup for spring stimulation or pollination feeding: 1 kg sugar (2 lb) to
1 l (2 pt) water.
Invert sugar syrup
This is especially recommended for the spring build-up. It is designed for large
1,000 l (220 gal) sugar syrup at 30–40°C (85–105°F)
250 gm (8 oz) dried active baker’s yeast
1 l (2 pt) warm water
Mix the yeast with a cup of sugar syrup and the 1 l (2 pt) warm water (around
35–40°C; 95–105°F).
When it starts to rise, pour the mix into the 1,000 l (220 gal) vat of sugar syrup
and stir well.
Increase the temperature of the sugar syrup to 65°C (150°F), ensuring that it
remains for at least 2 hours between 45 and 55°C (110 and 130°F).
Once the temperature reaches 65°C (150°F), turn off the heat and allow to cool.
Queen candy
For this recipe you can use bulk-purchased sugar syrup or your own homemade syrup.
It makes sufficient candy for around 350 queen cages. The sugar syrup made is from 2
cups of white sugar to 1 cup of water:
2 kg (4 lb) icing sugar
¼ teaspoon tartaric acid
2 teaspoons glycerine

Or, more expensively, honey and icing sugar mixed to a stiff paste. This is more difficult
to maintain as a firm mixture.
Pollen substitute
When used at the right time, pollen substitutes can be a vital supplement for colonies.
Start feeding them about 4 to 5 weeks before brood rearing commences, and keep
feeding until natural pollen is plentiful:
1 part sodium caseinate (a readily available dairy derivative)
2 parts dried non-active yeast.
Sugar syrup to make a stiff paste (ensure that the sugar syrup is not fermenting,
otherwise the patties will blow up)
Combine in a cake mixer or a commercial baker’s mixer if large quantities are being
made. Fill small paper bags with the mix and, when you give them to the bees, open the
upper side of the pattie bag.
Note: avoid the use of soya protein in bee feed. I once read some research that said it
has a deleterious effect on the queen’s ovarioles. The trouble is, I can’t find that research
Sugar syrup will ferment very readily if wild yeast enters it or if the baker’s yeast is
not killed off following inversion. To kill sugar-tolerant yeasts in syrup, either use the
syrup immediately or, if you need to store it, make sure you kill off the yeasts using the
temperatures and times shown in Table 6.

Temperature (°C) Time (minutes)
51.7 470.0
54.4 170.0
57.2 60.0
60.0 22.0
62.8 7.5
65.6 2.8
68.3 1.0
Table 6. Temperatures and timings to kill yeasts in sugar syrup
Unlike last spring when you started off with nucleus hives or package bees or even a
swarm, you now have overwintered colonies to look after. Spring is when the whole
shooting match starts again. The queen begins to lay (she has probably been laying since
around mid-December), but now her egg-laying rate increases. The colonies build up
and swarming pressures arise and are dealt with. You increase the number of colonies
if you didn’t do this in the autumn, and so the year gradually repeats itself. Except that
no two years are ever the same. The bees follow the seasonal variations in temperature,
rainfall and flower availability and, generally, ignore your requests for order. Yet again,
therefore, you must go with the flow and try to organize things to your own advantage
and to the advantage of your bees. So, when do you start and what do you do?
The spring management of overwintered colonies
As the daytime temperatures increase, the winter cluster will break up. During a warm
sunny day in February/March (September in the south) when the bees are flying
strongly, lift off the lid and have a look into the hive. Look at the brood to ensure that
the queen is healthy and laying eggs and that there is brood of all ages in the brood nest.
The bees will most likely have moved up into the top box, and it is useful at this stage to
reverse the boxes. If there are no eggs, the queen has failed. If she is still alive she should
be killed and the hive united with a healthy stock.

Check there is no disease (the likely one would be nosema (see Chapter 10), which
can strike at this time). If there are no signs of nosema but the colony fails to develop
normally, then suspect this. Inspect the stores of both honey and pollen. If necessary,
give a frame feeder of syrup. Beware of robbing and, if this occurs, try to put a stop to
it immediately.
Providing your bees with pollen
The need for pollen in the early spring is something many beekeepers don’t seem to
understand. In fact, the whole subject of pollen is often only vaguely thought about
by many beekeepers, but it shouldn’t be. Many are satisfied if their bees have plenty
of honey or syrup, but plenty of pollen is vital for healthy brood development and,
without it, a colony may fail to build up and may dwindle. Many beekeepers ascribe this
to nosema and so miss the fact that the real culprit is a pollen shortage.
If there is insufficient early pollen then a pollen substitute should be given (a recipe for
this is given above). Feed your bees according to the instructions given above. In Europe
there are usually early pollen sources, such as willow or rock roses, but this may not
always be the case, so keep an eye on the situation. Pollen is vital for a colony’s build-up.
Don’t forget this.
Anticipating swarming
Once you are sure the colony is healthy and fit and developing nicely, just make sure the
woodwork is sound, that the hive is not damp and that the floor is clean – and you will
be all set again for the swarming season.
At this time of the year your bees are probably preparing to swarm, so you should carry
out all the swarm-prevention measures outlined in Chapter 6. But swarms will also be
emerging from other beekeepers’ hives. The scouts from these potential swarms will be
looking for new homes and, if you want to increase your hive numbers without any real
effort, now is the time to set up bait hives. I always set up some of these and so usually
benefit from some new blood in my apiaries.
Setting up swarm traps and swarm baiting
A swarm trap can be made as follows:

Make up a bait box from an old hive body (a full-depth Langstroth size is
recommended), although it is best to use a hive body you currently employ in your
apiary. Ensure this is free from disease.
Fit it with a floor without an entrance and make a lid.
Put in two old combs that are free of disease and another two of foundation.
Close the box and drill a hole ½ in (10 mm) in diameter near the bottom of the
box’s front.
Place the bait hive 3 ft (1 m) above the ground, away from direct sunlight and in a
place that is sheltered from high winds.
If a swarm enters, when the bees have ceased flying, transfer them to the appropriate
hive and return the bait hive to its original position.
After a couple of days, treat the swarm for varroa.
This method is very inexpensive – you simply use old kit and just sit and wait. However,
if the box is left too long, wax moth may become a problem and, if the weather is hot,
the foundation may buckle (unless a plastic foundation is used).
A variation on this method is to use foundation only and a pheromone lure (nasonov
pheromone – see below). This is, however, more expensive than the previous method.
Commercial swarm lures are also available.
When setting swarm traps and baiting swarms, remember the following:
Propolis and other remnant hive odours are powerful attractants to scout bees
(this is the most likely scenario in nature).
Swarms generally prefer hives containing propolis to those that do not.
Swarms prefer hives containing old comb to than hives with remnant odours but
no old comb.

If you use a nasonov pheromone lure, swarms are attracted solely on the basis of
this lure. Old comb and remnant hive odours are not important.
Research has shown that odours from substances not of bee origin are neither attractive
nor repellent to swarms. The same research demonstrated that odours from bee
diseases were similarly neither attractive nor repellent. Beekeepers who employ other
attractant substances are, therefore, basing their swarm-attracting, methods more on
luck than judgement.
Nasonov pheromone
Nasonov pheromone is named after the nasonov gland on the bee. This pheromone is
used by bees as a signal to other bees that says ‘we are here – this is where the nest is.
Come on in’. Often, after an inspection or when you have just hived a swarm, you will
see bees standing at the entrance with their rear ends facing you, fanning their wings. If
you look closer you will see a small white patch near the bee’s rear-end between seventh
tergite, or segment. This is the gland from where the pheromone originates, and the
bees are wafting it into the air as a signal to the others. It is also employed to orientate
returning forager bees back to the colony.
This pheromone includes a number of different terpenoids, including geraniol, nerolic
acid, citral and geranic acid. Bees use these to find the entrance to their colony or hive,
and they may also release them onto flowers so that the other bees know which flowers
have nectar. The amount of time they expose their gland seems to depend on reward
expectations, the bees having acquired this information on previous foraging visits to
the food source. In other words, if they expect a great deal of nectar, they will expose
their glands for longer, even though on the current foraging trip the nectar reward is
A synthetically produced nasonov pheromone can be used to attract a honey-bee
swarm to an unoccupied hive or to a swarm-catching box. Synthetically produced
nasonov consists of citral and geraniol in a ratio of 2:1. There has been much research
in the USA on employing other honey-bee pheromones, such as the queen mandibular
pheromone, to attract swarms more effectively and for making swarm lures.

That is the beekeeping year. If you follow a routine of hive inspections,
taking action as and when necessary, and if you catch any swarms you are
notified of and put up baits for others, you will enjoy the beekeeping year
This final section takes you through the beekeeping year and highlights the
main tasks on a month-by-month basis. This regime depends on the climate
in your area, and so should be adjusted accordingly.
Make sure all your equipment is in order and is clean. Patch up clothing and
renew items, if necessary.
Check you have enough frames and foundation for the year ahead – or at
least to start off with.
Order new queens if you are going to re-queen your colonies in the spring.
our first hive inspection, if the weather permits.
Check for stores and feed if necessary. Don’t forget the pollen.
Maintain your inspection and feeding schedule.
Remove mouse guards.
Prepare your re-queening equipment (nucs, etc.).
Raise new queens if you are using your own queens. (Starting this too early
may result in a failure to mate adequately.)
Check your stored comb for wax moth and spray if necessary.

Start re-queening your hives if spring is your re-queening season. Check for
queen cups and cells and signs of swarming. The swarming season varies a
great deal so don’t be taken by surprise.
Super up hives if necessary. Certainly put at least one super on and keep a
close eye on the situation.
Commence swarm-prevention manipulations, such as reversing hive bodies.
Carry out your inspections at regular intervals of around a week to ten
Keep up with the honey supers.
Extract spring honey, if required
Maintain vigilance for signs of swarming.
Keep up with swarm-prevention or swarm-control measures.
Extract the main harvest.
Commence queen rearing for autumn queens, if that is when you re-queen.
Split hives for re-queening.
Move hives to winter sites, if necessary.
Start preparing your hives for the winter.
September–October/ April–May
Winter down the hives after a thorough inspection.
Prepare the hives according to the advice given in this chapter.
Store surplus frames and comb after treating them for wax moth.
Use the winter for wax rendering, for making new boxes and frames, etc.
Repair old, damaged equipment
Keep an eye on the hives to make sure there is no animal, flood or snow
Go on holiday to get away from it all.

That, then, is the year in brief, and should be adjusted according to your circumstances.
It all sounds complicated but, in fact, there is nothing difficult in any of it and, if you
follow the advice in this book and follow the bees, you will sail through the year with
great enjoyment and a huge amount of satisfaction.

Chapter 10
Controlling diseases and pests
Diseases and pests are a huge subject, and volumes have been written on them. They are
complex and sometimes difficult to understand, yet it is important that all beekeepers
are aware of the diseases and pests that can afflict a colony.
All livestock suffers from a range of problems, and bees are no exception. The only
difference with beekeepers is that, by and large, they can’t call in the vet. It is up to
them to do something about their colonies, and the best way to go about this is to
develop what is known as an integrated pest management (IPM) system. This is the
management of pests employing a combination of methods that include economic,
ecological and toxological factors while emphasizing biological (as opposed to chemical)
controls and economic thresholds. The basic components of an IPM programme are:
prevention and awareness (by regular inspections and thorough knowledge);
observation and monitoring; and
intervention (where necessary).
our apicultural extension officer or local association will be able to advise you on this,
and you should seek that advice.
This chapter is designed to give you an overview of the common diseases and pests
that affect colonies of bees, to provide you with advice on preventing disease striking
in the first place and to suggest treatments and solutions when this does happen.

Disease diagnosis and treatment are really up to you. While advice can be sought from
other beekeepers and local extension officers, they won’t be around when you are out
inspecting your bees, and, as noted above, it’s no good calling the vet!
Because of its importance, I advise you to obtain a specialist book on the subject or to
use The Beekeeper’s Field Guide, which offers advice on diseases for beekeepers in the
field (see the ‘Further Reading’ section at the end of the book). There are some diseases
you must report to the authorities in most countries and states, and you should know
the rules about this. Failure to report could lead to legal action. There are no ‘worst’
diseases because most, if left untreated, will kill your bees, but there are some that
require more immediate attention than others, such as American Foul Brood (AFB).
The first many beekeepers know they have a problem is when they open up their hives
for an inspection to find them all crawling with wax-moth larvae, which look up and
say: ‘Where were you, mate? We’ve taken over in here now.’ Sadly this happens all too
often to beekeepers who don’t check their hives properly.
Let’s start our look at diseases and pests with wax moths which, although not a disease,
often invade a colony because a disease or other problem has wasted it and made it
unable to defend itself.
Wax moths perform a vital service to bees in the wild. They destroy diseased hives and
so help to prevent the spread of disease. Colonies with genetically weak components in
their queens or drones may also fail and be destroyed by wax moths, again helping the
bees to eradicate their less viable elements. Unfortunately, the moth is essentially after
food for its larvae and won’t distinguish between wax combs in colonies and wax combs
you have stored for the winter. Where there is wax comb, there will be wax moths, and
these can be effectively protected only by healthy colonies that can control the pest. It is
not uncommon to see one or two moths in the more remote corners of a healthy hive,
but any signs of wax-moth damage mean there is a problem in the colony.

Identifying wax moth
Identification is easy as, apart from the death’s head hawkmoth that is seen only rarely
in colonies in hot countries, the wax moth is likely to be the only moth around. They
are silvery-grey/brown, dull and ordinary and come in two sizes.
First, the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) (1.3–1.9 cm or ⁄–¾ in long) is usually
found in most beehives, and the bees normally repair any damage it causes as soon as it
appears. It is for this reason that most beekeepers are unaware of it until the bees lose
their ability to defend themselves and the moth larvae take over.
The problems this moth causes in warm countries are more acute because such
conditions favour continuous reproduction. If you live in a warm climate, keep supering
up to the minimum required; otherwise, I found that the wax moth will take over in
the top unused super where there are few bees to stop them. The female lays her eggs in
small crevasses in the hive, and these hatch out into white grubs with a brown end. The
lesser wax moth (Achroia grisella) is smaller (see Photograph 7 in the colour photograph
section of this book) and more silvery in appearance, and its larvae are correspondingly
smaller than those of the greater wax moth.
The grubs move through the comb, eating honey, pollen and beeswax. The tunnels they
make through the comb are silk lined and full of frass. These tunnels are easily seen
and are just the beginning (see Photograph 8 in the colour photograph section of this
book). When they have grown (up to about 3 cm (1¼ in) for the greater wax moth)
the grubs will hollow out a shallow, boat-shaped depression in the woodwork, spin a
cocoon and pupate. They do this in large numbers and, if you are unfortunate enough
to see this, you will know you have left things very late. The smaller moth larvae usually
pupate singly. By this stage, the comb will have been reduced to almost nothing and will
be held together by moth silk rather than by anything else. This is a horrible sight.
When surprised, both moths remain still, hoping not to be seen. As soon as you try to
kill them, however, they will start to move rapidly.

Protecting against wax moth
The only protection against wax moth is to keep your colonies strong and healthy. If a
colony is failing, consider uniting it with another one (after checking it has no disease).
Protecting stored comb is difficult. Wax moths won’t usually infest clean comb that has
no pollen or other debris in it, and they never (in my experience) attack foundation.
They seem to need used comb that has ingredients other than wax in it – they will
attack, for example, comb with honey in it, or comb containing pollen, brood, old brood
remains, cocoons and so on.
Stored comb
If you are storing comb, spray them with Bacillus thuringiensis. This bacterium can be
purchased from bee-supply stores and, when mixed with water and poured into a hand
garden-sprayer, can be sprayed easily on to the combs’ face. The bacterium will protect
the comb without fail and won’t contaminate anything except the wax moth larvae. This
treatment usually lasts throughout the winter. It is quite a task if you have thousands of
combs to treat but, for the small producer, it is very cost effective.
Freezing comb kills all stages of the pest. When you store comb over the winter in a
shed, keep the boxes in a cool, well-ventilated place with a spacer between them to let in
light: wax moths shy away from light.
In cold climates you can store your supers on top of your hives with a mat or escape
board between them. This will allow limited bee access but will keep the supers cold.
Whatever you read elsewhere, don’t use PDB (para-dichlor-benzine) crystals. They
work, but have been shown to be carcinogenic. Remember, beeswax is a chemical
sponge that will soak up just about anything. It’s best not to fumigate combs for the
same reason. It will also contaminate the honey if you try to use these crystals on
Stored pollen and propolis
Stored pollen and propolis that has been harvested (see Chapter 12) will also be
attacked by wax moth, and for this reason should be sealed tightly in storage. Pollen

traps placed on your hives should be emptied at least twice weekly. I well remember
selling what I thought was a barrel of propolis to a buyer who later found he had bought
a barrel of maggots.
Remember that, if you do find moth damage in your hives, look for the reason why the
moths have managed to cause this damage. It could be because of disease.
Diseases affect either the brood or the adult bees. Here we look first at those that affect
the brood. Diseases are sometimes difficult to recognize, especially in their early stages,
so, if you think there may be something amiss, ask for advice. The worst thing you can
do is nothing, and other beekeepers will be willing to help simply because they don’t
want infected hives in their areas. Most areas also have bee-disease inspectors of some
kind, and it is much better to meet them earlier rather than later.
American Foul Brood (AFB)
AFB is probably the most serious of the brood diseases. It is highly infectious bacterial
disease and can be spread by drifting bees, by robbing and by the beekeeper moving
from an infected hive to others during inspections. Colonies that have AFB must
be destroyed. By this I mean that the bees must be killed and brood frames burnt.
Woodwork other than the frames may be saved, depending on state or national laws,
but must usually be thoroughly sterilized. In many countries outbreaks of AFB must
be reported to the appropriate authority, and it is these who deal with the problem. In
other words, the outbreak is taken out of the beekeeper’s hands.
AFB is caused by the spore-forming bacterium Paenibacillus larvae (formerly classified
as Bacillus larvae). Larvae up to three days old become infected by their ingesting spores
present in their food. Young larvae less than 24 hours old are, however, most susceptible,
and infected larvae usually die after their cells are sealed.

The big problem with AFB is that, when the vegetative form of the bacterium eventually
dies, it produces millions of spores. This means that each dead larva may contain as
many as 100 million spores. It is these spores that can be spread so easily, especially by
the beekeeper and by the bees which drift into or rob other hives.
Identifying AFB
Identifying the early stages of AFB is difficult but possible and, because this disease
could destroy all your colonies, it is worth looking out for it every time you inspect your
colonies. Look for the following.
In the early stages, the combs may or may not have the pepper-pot appearance typical of
the disease. ‘Pepper pot’ describes exactly what you may see – a brood comb with sealed
brood but with many gaps in the sealed brood that resemble the holes in a pepper pot
(see Photograph 9 in the colour photograph section of this book).
The cell cappings may be dark brown and sunken. At this stage, you can tease out
the brown remains of the larvae. These will be like a thread about 2 cm (1 in) long.
A matchstick pushed through the capping and slowly pulled it out should extract the
telltale ‘rope’ of a dead larva (see Photograph 10 in the colour photograph section of
this book.
Sometimes the cappings are perforated and, instead of being pearly or creamy white,
the larvae are discoloured.
Later, the larvae dry out and become difficult to remove as a result of the pupal tongue
that projects from some of the now scale-like larvae to the centre of the cell.
Colonies infected with AFB really do smell foul. Get to know the nice smell of a healthy
colony. Then, when you smell something different, suspect AFB.
Treating AFB
Treating AFB is difficult and, in some countries, beekeepers are not permitted to
treat it themselves. Know the rules and, if in doubt, ask. Treatments for AFB include,
however, the following:

Burning the hives and bees is one way of ensuring an end to the matter, but this is not
as easy as it may appear. You have to wait until all the bees are in the hive in the evening
when you shut the entrance, open the lid and pour petrol into it. This kills the bees
almost immediately and the hive can then be burnt. You must be careful. I know of an
apiary inspector who poured in the petrol and then dropped in a match. He almost
blew himself and the beekeeper up.
The UK and New Zealand have a markedly reduced the incidence of AFB because of
their policies of burning.
Burning the frames and bees and then sterilizing the scraped hive parts with sodium
hypochlorite is also effective. The hive parts should be cleaned before they are soaked
in a solution of sodium hypochlorite for at least 20 minutes. Use gloves and overalls if
you employ this method.
Irradiating the hive parts and combs is effective but is not practical for most beekeepers.
It is also expensive.
Using the bacteriostat oxytetracycline
The bacteriostat oxytetracycline (which goes under several tradenames, such as
Terramycin), can be an effective treatment and prophylactic. Its use, however, is fraught
with the danger of the bacteria becoming resistant, and so it should never be employed
without expert advice. Many states and countries have banned its use except by the
authorities, and some have banned it altogether. Again, know your local rules.
My advice is not to use it at all – it’s just another chemical that will contaminate your
honey, wax and bees. If you want an alternative to this chemical, read ‘Eradicating AFB
without the use of drugs’ (see the ‘Further Reading’ section at the end of the book).
To sum up the main points about AFB:
This is probably the most infectious honey-bee brood disease.

Its name bears no relationship to its geographical spread.
The early stages are not easily identified, so ask for advice if you think something
is amiss.
The larvae die after the cell has been capped.
It appears that AFB is becoming resistant to oxytetracycline, and the inexperienced
use of oxytetracycline may contaminate the honey.
If you leave AFB unchecked, it will destroy the colony and spread to others.
If you have handled a colony with AFB, sterilize your hive tool, wash your bee suit
and burn your gloves.
Try not to blow yourself up when using petrol to destroy an infected hive.
European Foul Brood (EFB)
Like AFB, EFB is a bacterial disease. The causal agent of EFB is the bacterium,
Melissococcus pluton, which infests the guts of bee larvae. Although considered less
damaging to a colony than AFB, it should never be underestimated and should be
attended to if and when detected. The bacterium does not form spores, although it can
overwinter on comb. Because it doesn’t form spores it’s not as infectious as AFB and, if
it is caught in its early stages, the colony can usually be saved.
EFB is often considered a ‘stress’ disease – a disease that is dangerous only if the
colony is already under stress for other reasons such as frequent moves, other disease
problems, pesticide poisoning and so on. If the colony is given the chance to build up,
however, it can usually survive.
Identifying EFB
The following are the signs of an EFB infestation:
The larvae die of starvation because of the action of the bacteria in the gut, and
they change to an off-white colour – not the pearly white of healthy larvae.
The larvae adopt unnatural positions in the cells and are not coiled neatly.

The larvae appear to ‘melt down’ and to lose definition.
The bees do not usually cap infected cells, but larvae that are capped may die of
the disease and, in this case, the cappings are sunken and often perforated (pepper
The later stages of the disease produce a foul smell – often worse than AFB. In
both diseases this smell depends on which secondary bacteria infest the larval
remains after death.
Treating EFB
Treatment may not be necessary in an otherwise healthy colony, although you may
have to report an infestation to the statutory authorities in your area. The bacteriostat
oxytetracycline will prevent and cure the problem and many texts advocate this, but its
use is not really recommended unless a bee-inspection officer advises it and then only
under their direct guidance. Personally, I wouldn’t employ it at all. Its overuse can cause
resistance and, without doubt, it can contaminate the honey.
Try to remove the cause of stress, and boost the colony’s efforts to build up, perhaps
with a frame of brood and bees, if possible. If the disease is not too far gone, then all
should be well. There is no need for chemicals.
Remember that, because this disease is caused by the starvation of the larvae, it can
be hidden in, for example, queen-rearing colonies where high levels of feeding are
undertaken. If this is the case, the larvae are able to overcome the parasitic nature of
the bacteria.
The name EFB bears no relationship to its geographical spread, and very few areas
of the world have escaped it. At the time of writing, New Zealand has no EFB. It is
important you know the rules in your area concerning the reporting and treatment of
Sacbrood is a viral disease (Morator aetatulae) that does not usually cause severe losses.
It mainly occurs early in the brood-rearing season when the ratio of brood to bees

is high. Most beekeepers don’t notice it mainly because it affects a small percentage
of larvae only. Adult bees detect and remove infected larvae very quickly and so, if
the beekeeper does notice the problem, this is usually because it has progressed to a
stage where the workers can no longer control it. Therefore, by the time the beekeeper
observes the symptoms, the disease may be too severe for the adult worker population
to handle.
Both worker and drone larvae are affected. Pupae may be killed occasionally, but adult
bees are immune to it. Dead brood is often scattered among healthy brood. Nurse bees
are suspected of transmitting the disease by carrying the virus from cell to cell. It is also
believed that robber bees spread the disease by taking contaminated honey from one
colony to another. The spread of this disease is another reason why drifting and robbing
should be prevented.
Fig. 26. Sacbrood larvae: typical position
Identifying sacbrood
The following are the signs of a sacbrood infestation:
If the cells have been capped, the cappings may be perforated (if so, also check for
If the cells are open, identification is easier. The larva’s head, the first part of the
body to change colour, becomes dark brown to black. If lifted from the cell, the
abdomen is bloated, resembling a watery sack.
Death usually occurs after the cell is sealed and the larva has spun its cocoon.

The larvae die in an upright position in the cell, and this is very noticeable (see
Figure 26).
The larva eventually dries to a scale resembling a Chinese slipper or gondola. This
does not adhere tightly to the cell wall and so, unlike AFB scales, the workers can
remove them. By doing this, however, they tend to spread the virus throughout the
After a few weeks the larval remains are no longer infective.
Treating of sacbrood
Strong colonies and regular re-queening seem to be the best means of combating this
disease – no antibiotic is effective at preventing or controlling it. Colonies suffering
from this virus usually recover spontaneously when the honey flow starts because, at
this time, there are fewer adults in the hive to pass on the disease.
Chalkbrood is a disease caused by the fungus, Ascosphaera apis, and it affects unsealed
and sealed brood. It can be triggered by a change in brood-nest temperature. When
there are insufficient nurse bees to cope with extreme weather conditions (e.g. for cold
clustering and heat fanning), the brood may be left unattended. The first larvae affected
are usually those around the edges of the brood, where the brood temperature may be
higher or lower.
Stress of any kind can result in chalkbrood: high or low temperatures, wet or dry
conditions, an increase in CO2, poor nutrition, a failing queen, poor hive management
and moving hives. In other words, all sorts of environmental factors have been linked
to the disease at one time or another, which means the trigger is not completely
Identifying chalkbrood
Chalkbrood is fairly easy to recognize, especially in its later stages, because the hive’s
floor and front will be littered with small hexagonal blocks of chalk-like material.
Initially, the larvae are covered by a fluffy white fungal (mycelial) growth, which looks

like white mould on bread. The larvae are, at first, swollen inside their cells, but, later
on, dry out to become hard, white or grey/black, chalk-like mummies.
The fungus can affect larvae in unsealed (as in sacbrood) or sealed cells. The cell caps
are either light or dark, and are sunken with many with perforations like AFB, EFB
and sacbrood. Indeed, chalkbrood symptoms may be mistaken for other brood diseases
(such as AFB, EFB and sacbrood), and even, for white pollen. If you become at all
confused – and most of us do – ask for advice from your local bee-inspection officer or
from other beekeepers.
In a hygienic colony, if the bees detect dead larvae under the cell caps, they chew holes
in cappings and remove the mummies within ten days. The mummies are dropped onto
the hive floor and, later, outside the entrance, where they can usually be seen on the
alighting board.
Treating and preventing chalkbrood
There is no chemical cure or treatment for chalkbrood although, in recent years, many
patent liquids have been marketed as cure-alls. Management practices that reduce the
stress on the hives and, thus, that reduce the number of chalkbrood spores, are probably
the best way to prevent and manage the disease. Maintaining strong, healthy colonies is
also important in the management of chalkbrood.
Other management practices are as follows:
Provide good ventilation in your hives. Research has shown a possible link between
chalkbrood and CO2 levels in hives.
Add young adult bees to your hives.
Do not force your bees to spend the winter in a hive that is over supered. This will
lead to chilling.
Avoid opening your hives in cold weather.
Try not to stress your colonies (for example, by moving them too much).

Feed your colonies with sugar syrup, fresh, uncontaminated pollen or
Maintain strong hives by regular re-queening.
Some hives are more susceptible to chalkbrood than others. Most of this variation is
due to differences in the bees’ ability to uncap and remove diseased brood. By selecting
queens with hygienic traits, outbreaks of this and other diseases can be reduced.
There are two other, principal brood ailments: chilled brood and bald brood. Neither is
very serious, and the first can be prevented by good hive management.
Chilled brood
Chilled brood is caused by chilling. Brood of all ages die because of a depletion in
the number of bees looking after them. This could be caused by pesticide poisoning,
insufficient bees in a hive that has been split after carrying out an artificial swarm or any
other reason. Always be careful, therefore, when splitting hives or making up nucs that
the brood have enough bees to look after them.
Bald brood
Bald Brood is so called because it occurs when the cell cappings are removed while the
larvae are still inside. This is not a disease but is the result of greater wax-moth larvae
chewing through brood cappings in a straight line. It is also the result of a genetic trait
in some strains of bee, where small patches of brood are left uncapped.
If the problem is due to wax moth, the bees remove the silk tunnels and leave the
larvae bare – for some reason they fail to re-cap the cells. The cappings are not always
completely removed, and so there may be a slightly raised ridge at the edge.
If the problem is due to the genetic trait, you will see small patches of bald brood rather
than straight lines.

Treating for bald brood
There is no treatment for bald brood other than to re-queen if it seems to be a genetic
trait, or to build up the colony by uniting it or adding brood if the problem is wax moth
larvae. Remember, a large, healthy colony can deal with wax moth predation.
Brood disease problems: a summary
Because of the similarity especially of the early symptoms of the brood diseases so far
described, the points below should help you to distinguish them:
AFB: The larvae are ropey and discoloured (dark brown) in unsealed cells or, in
cells with perforated, sunken discoloured cappings. The larvae dry to hard scales
that are difficult to remove.
EFB: The larvae are in an unnatural position in and around the cell walls. They
may be white through to a discoloured, yellow to dark brown. The larvae are
watery, granular or, occasionally, ropey.
Sacbrood: The larvae are discoloured, brown through to black. Chinese slipper or
gondola-shaped larvae are found in capped cells or under perforated caps. These
can easily be removed.
Chalkbrood: The larvae are white and mouldy. Hard larvae (mummies) are white
or grey/black and are found in the cells on the floor or on the alighting board at the
front of the hive.
Chilled brood: Larvae of all ages die at the same time. The problem is usually
confined to the periphery of the brood area.
Bald brood: The larvae remain healthy and pearly white. They usually pupate

Nosema apis is a unicellular parasite of the class of Microsporidia that is now considered
to be a fungus. N. apis has a resistant spore that can withstand temperature extremes
and dehydration. It is a very widespread disease of honey-bees and, when the spores
are eaten by adult bees, they germinate and invade the gut wall. Here they multiply and
produce more spores that are passed out in the waste.
Nosema is common in spring and autumn, and many beekeepers treat the condition
with an antibiotic substance called fumagillin (the tradename of which is Fumadil B),
added to an autumn feed of sugar syrup. Fumadil B (prepared from Aspergillis fumigatus,
the causative agent of stone brood!) inhibits the spores reproducing in the ventriculus,
but it does not kill them.
Identifying nosema
There are no specific external symptoms of nosema, but the colony’s failure to build
up in the spring could be an indication of the disease. Many beekeepers believe that, if
their bees have dysentery, this is a sign of nosema. This is not so. Nosema can be spread
rapidly by dysentery via nosema spores in the faeces the cleaning bees will eat, but
dysentery is not in itself an indicator. Some texts will tell you that bees crawling around
the hive’s entrance may also be a sign of nosema. Again, this is not so. It is more likely
to be a symptom of a viral disease or even of pesticide poisoning.
If you believe one of your colonies has nosema, you can do two things to check this.
First, you could obtain the advice of the bee-disease officer in your region, who would
probably ask for a certain number of bees to be sent to the laboratory for analysis,
Second, you could grind up some bees and look at them under a microscope yourself.
You don’t need much power to see the very evident rod-shaped spores.
Alternatively, you could carry out a field test on a few of your bees (preferably around
30) from each suspect hive. To carry out this test, follow the procedures outlined

Grab your bee. Don’t use gloves – you will probably be stung but you will get hold
of the bee better.
Remove the bee’s head. Pull it off gently – slowly but surely. Remember, you are
doing this for the benefit of your bees generally. This severs the mid-gut from the
head. The bee may continue to struggle even when headless, and this can alarm
some people.
Grasp the very last segment of the bee’s abdomen with a pair of good tweezers and,
gently holding the thorax with your other hand, slowly but firmly pull the sting
and last segment away from the bee.
The rectum and mid-gut will follow. Keep pulling slowly and firmly. Don’t pull
too suddenly or too hard – otherwise something will break and you’ll have to start
again. The bee may still be struggling.
After the mid-gut has emerged, hold it over a piece of white paper. The mid-gut
can now be seen easily.
Study the mid-gut. If it is tan coloured and wrinkly, it is healthy. If it is smooth and
white, it probably has nosema.
Nosema ceranae
Unfortunately, Spanish researchers have identified another type of nosema – Nosema
ceranae – that is widespread in the Spanish honey-bee, Apis mellifera. N. ceranae
evolved with the far-eastern honey-bee, Apis cerana, but these findings indicate that
this parasite had now moved out of Asia to Europe. The disease has been reported in
France, Germany and Switzerland. More worryingly still were the massive colony losses
in Spain during the winter of 2005–6, some of which have been linked to nosema.
Nosema may also have caused the huge colony losses in Spain in 2004–5, from which
my own bees suffered, or these losses may have been due to varroa or some other
pathogen and the nosema simply multiplied in the remains of the dead bees.
Nosema is usually less of a problem in warm climates and so, in common with other
beekeepers in the region, I had done little to prevent it. At the time of writing, Spanish
and other researchers are still evaluating the problem. The world is becoming smaller

by the day, and what were once exotic diseases are spreading very rapidly to western
Treating Nosema apis
Good colony management, as well as chemicals, can keep nosema at bay:
Make sure the colony goes into the winter with a young and prolific queen and
with many young bees (another reason for autumn re-queening).
Ensure that the colony going into winter has adequate stores of honey and pollen
(see Chapter 9).
Feed fumagillin as sold under the tradename Fumadil B. If fed in sugar syrup to
overwintering colonies, this can markedly reduce the incidence of nosema the
following spring. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully because under
or overuse can negate the effects. If feeding this medicated syrup, do not then feed
your bees with non-medicated syrup because this will dilute the beneficial effects
of the chemical.
Nosema is very widespread, so don’t underestimate its effects on your colonies. It is
thought to be the cause of early queen supersedure and, as there are so few visible
indications of the disease, it is regarded by many as a sort of silent killer.
Dysentery is not a disease but a symptom of something being wrong. It is caused by
excess water accumulation in the rectum and it can spread nosema (but remember, it
isn’t a sign of nosema). It can be recognized easily: there will be greatly increased faecal
spotting on and around the hive’s entrance. A bad case of dysentery can cover the entire
front of the hive.
Treating dysentery
As dysentery is not a disease, look for the problem. This could be contamination of the
food supply or unsuitable winter stores. Ensure that any food given before and during
the winter is not contaminated.

The prevention of dysentery, like so many other problems, is basically down to good
beekeeping practice.
Virus paralysis disease
Two different viruses – chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV) and acute bee paralysis
virus (ABPV) – have been isolated from paralytic bees. In Europe and North America,
ABPV has been shown to kill adult bees and bee larvae in colonies infested with the
mite, Varroa destructor (see below). This mite damages bee tissues and, in so doing,
probably acts as a vector, releasing viral particles into the haemolymph. The biology of
bee viral diseases, their relationship with mites and their effects on bees are the subject
of many investigations in university departments and government bee laboratories
around the world, especially in the light of new developments in such bee diseases such
as parasitic mite syndrome and colony collapse disorder (see below).
Identifying virus paralysis disease
Virus paralysis disease can be identified as follows:
The bees will be crawling around the hive’s alighting board or entrance in a semi-
moribund or moribund state, often in large numbers. These bees will not react if
you prod them.
These bees are usually unable to fly.
They often appear blacker in colour than other bees and shiny as they become
A close examination will often show that these bees have extended abdomens.
The bees are often refused entry to the hive. This situation looks remarkably
like pesticide poisoning when bees are refused entry and die outside the hive in
large numbers. Don’t confuse the two. This situation can also be symptomatic of
starvation, so this is yet another confusing signal.
Acarine (tracheal mite)
When assessing its effects on bees, the mite, Acarapis woodii, has caused much
controversy. This mite inhabits the prothoracic trachea of the honey-bee – the thoracic

opening nearest to the bee’s head on the thorax. These openings are really air inlets that
allow air to enter the bee’s blood stream. The mites enter this opening a few days after
the bee emerges when the hairs surrounding the opening are still soft.
Bees seem to vary in their susceptibility to this mite. In the USA, for example, it is
a major problem whereas, in Europe, it is a minor player and causes little damage.
This might not always have been the case, however. In the early years of the twentieth
century, the so-called Isle of Wight disease had a huge effect on British and European
beekeeping. During studies of this disease, the mite was discovered and immediately
blamed for every colony death. The mite may have been the culprit, or it may have been
part of the problem of vectoring viruses into the bees. Or the mite may have been there
all the time undiscovered when along came a new virus for it inadvertently to vector into
the bees. Suffice to say, every colony death at the time – whether caused by starvation or
something else – was blamed on this new mite. Diagnostic features and symptoms were
described and, of course, new remedies were sought.
The symptoms (which are still described in some texts today) include crawling at the
hive’s entrance, crossed wings (K wing) and other wing troubles. These seem to me,
however, to be more likely to be associated with a viral disease. Treatments (which are
still touted) include ‘Frow mixture’ which was devised by a Lincolnshire beekeeper and
which consisted of nitrobenzine, saffrol and motor-car petrol. It seemed to work – or
at least it was used when the problem was passing, and Frow was rightly honoured for
his efforts. The thought of putting something like Frow mixture in a hive today would,
rightly, fill anyone with horror, yet some texts still advocate its use. Don’t use it.
Identifying acarine
There are no certain field methods for determining an infestation. Dissecting the bee
and a microscopic examination of the trachea is the only way. There are no visible
Treating acarine
Certain evaporative treatments, such as those using menthol or formic acid and which
are used for varroa control, can be employed for the treatment of this mite, but it is best

to obtain expert advice. You may have made a misdiagnosis and, in Europe in any case,
treatment is generally unnecessary.
Varroa destructor
In many texts this may be called Varroa jacobsonii, but it has become evident that,
hiding under this name, are two are different beasts. The name now given to the specific
mite that affects us all is, very aptly, V. d est r u c t o r (see Photograph 11 in the colour
photograph section of this book). It is V. d e s t r u c t o r that has caused so much trouble for
many of the world’s beekeepers since it jumped from its natural host, the far-eastern
honey-bee, Apis cerana, to the western honey-bee Apis mellifera – a bee that didn’t know
what to do about it.
The topic of varroa and its effects on honey-bees is vast and one that we are only just
beginning to understand. For example, its relationship with other ‘syndromes’, such as
parasitic mite syndrome and colony collapse disorder, is the subject of furious research.
Because this mite has had such an impact on the economy of beekeeping, therefore, I
think it is important that we have a look at it in some detail.
When the mite first arrives in a country, by and large it takes all beekeepers by surprise.
Most were hoping that it simply wouldn’t appear but, when it does, many beekeepers
suddenly become wax-moth keepers. I did in Spain. I had moved from the UK where
there was no varroa at the time to a country where there was, and I should have known
better. I was then new to the game and I hope that, if such a thing happens again, I will
be better prepared. You must be.
The mites reproduce on a 10-day cycle. The female enters a honey-bee brood cell and,
as soon as the cell is capped, she lays eggs on the bee larva. These eggs hatch into several
females and usually one male (see Photograph 12 in the colour photograph section of
this book). The young mites hatch in about the same time as it takes the young bees
to develop. When the young bee emerges from the cell after pupation, the varroa mites
also leave and disperse to other bees and larvae. The varroa mite prefers drone cells to
inhabit and breed in because the cycle and timing of drone development suit it better,
but it will also infest worker cells.

When on adult bees (see Photograph 13 in the colour photograph section of this
book), the mite sucks the bees’ blood by piercing their cuticles. It is then that the bees
are thought to be more prone to infections from existing bee pathogens. With the
exception of some resistance in the Russian Primorskiy bee, Apis mellifera is defenseless
against these parasites and, unless the beekeeper intervenes with treatment, the colony
will have died out by the autumn.
Identifying Varroa destructor
On adult bees the mites look like small, crab-shaped, red/brown blobs 1.5 mm wide
and 1.1 mm long. They can be missed because they tend to blend in with the colour of
the bee, so look carefully. Mites can be seen, however, more easily by uncapping drone
brood and lifting them out.
Assessing colony infestation
The natural daily mite fall can be employed to assess varroa infestation (see below).
In severely infested colonies, there will be a rapid reduction in the number of adult
bees, and some or many of the adults will have deformed, ragged wings and deformed
abdomens. In severely infested colonies, foul brood-type symptoms may be also seen,
and this may lead to a diagnosis of parasitic mite syndrome, which is described later in
this chapter.
The following methods should help to determine varroa infestations in your hives. It
is also worth checking to see if the mites have become resistant to the usual chemical
treatments. Such resistance has occurred in many countries as a result of abusing the
chemicals, and it has taken many beekeepers by surprise (an easy way to check this is
also shown below).
Drone brood inspection
Test 100 cells. If there are, say, 5% with varroa, you have a low infestation. If there are,
say, 25% with varroa you have a high infestation.
Natural mite-fall inspection
This method involves counting the mites that fall off the bees naturally during the
normal course of the day. You can do this by inserting what is known as a ‘sticky board’

onto the hive’s floor. These can be purchased from most bee-supply shops. The fallen
mites adhere to this board. After 24 hours, count the mites on the board. Depending on
whether you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, if your count is 6 mites in
May/November; 10 mites in June/December; 16 mites in July/January; and 33 mites
in August/February (or below) your colony is running along fine, but keep a close eye
on it. If the count is in excess of these figures, the colony will collapse before the end of
the season.
Sampling the whole hive for varroa numbers
Normally, only about 15% of the mites will be on the adult bees in a hive in full
production. A correction factor is therefore needed to account for the rest:
Using a clean, sticky board as above, place Apistan or Bayvarol in the hive to kill the
mites (see ‘Treating Varroa destructor’ below).
After 24 hours count the mites. Assume an 85% kill rate.
Divide number of mites counted by 0.85.
If the hive is in full production, multiply the result by 6.
If the hive is not in full production but has brood, multiply it by 3.
If no brood is present, then no correction factor is required.
This method should give you an idea of the total number of mites in a hive. A rule of
thumb for working out the approximate total number of mites in a colony is, however,
as follows:
November–February (May–August): multiply the daily mite fall on the sticky
board by 400.
March–April (September–October) and September–October (March–April):
Multiply the daily mite fall by 100.
May–August (November–February): Multiply the daily mite fall by 30.

Ether-roll field test to determine varroa numbers
This is an easy test you can carry out in the field:
Collect about 300–500 bees in a jar.
Spray ether into the jar for 1–2 seconds (use a can of Quick Start ether).
Rotate the bees for about 10 seconds.
Put the bees on a piece of white paper. Do this immediately after the 10 seconds.
Spread the bees around to dislodge all the mites.
Count the mites. In this example, let the number of mites seen be 5.
Divide the number of bees in the hive (see Chapter 9 for an estimation) by the
number in the sample (e.g. 25,000 bees in the hive ÷ 500 in the sample = 50).
Multiply 50 by 5 (the number of mites seen) = 250.
Multiply 250 by 6 if the hive is in full production = 1,500. Or by 2 if not in full
production but contains brood = 500. Or by 5 if no brood is present = 50.
Note: Fine sugar or soapy water can also be used instead of ether.
Field test for mite resistance to chemicals
Again, this test can be carried out in the field:
Cut out a 9 mm × 25 mm (⅓ in ×1 in) piece of Apistan strip (see below). Staple
this to a 125 mm × 75 mm (5 in ×3 in) piece of card.
Place the card in a 500 ml (1 pt) glass jar.
Prepare a light, metal-mesh cover for the jar.
Shake the bees from 1 or 2 combs into an upturned hive roof.
Scoop up about a quarter of these (about 150) and place them in the jar with a
sugar cube.

Cover the jar with the mesh lid and store upturned in the dark at room
After 24 hours, place the upturned jar over some white paper and hit it to dislodge
the dead mites. Count the initial mite kill.
Replace the lid and put the jar of bees in a freezer until they are dead (1–4
Take the jar out of the freezer and hit it again to dislodge any dead mites that were
not killed before. Count these.
% kill by the chemical strip = Initial kill ÷ (initial + final kill) x 100.
The number killed by the chemical strip = the initial kill. Add this number to the
number killed by freezing the bees (the final kill). Divide the initial kill by the sum of
the initial kill and the final kill and multiply the result by 100. This will give you the
percentage killed by the chemical strip. If this is less than 50%, the mites are probably
resistant to chemicals.
Treating and protecting against varroa destructor
The timing of the treatment is important. Treat your bees in the spring when large
amounts of brood provide the ideal conditions for varroa infestation. If you don’t, your
colony could collapse in the late summer. Use an authorized miticide, such as Apistan
or Bayvarol (see below).
To protect your colony against a varroa invasion, treat it in the early autumn, after the
harvest. For this, use an organic product, such as oxalic or formic acid. This will slow
down the mites’ resistance to miticides and the formic acid will penetrate the wax to kill
the mites capped in the cells.
You should usually assume you have varroa in your hives even if you can’t see them.
Contact your local beekeeping association to find out what everyone else is doing and

when. Concerted action against these mites assists everyone and helps to guard against
a re-invasion of your colonies. Treatment also reduces an infestation to a level that can
be tolerated by your bees.
Many treatments are available, including ones suitable for organic honey production
(although, in my opinion, these are more difficult to use). When I produced organic
honey in Spain, for example, legislation restricted the chemicals and methods I could
employ in the fight against varroa but, even though this involved more work, I found it
extremely satisfying.
Treating varroa is a very complex and fast-changing area. There are several prevention
and control strategies, and you should always keep up to date with the latest innovations
and talk to your local adviser. The following are some of the treatments commonly
Chemical controls (miticides)
Bayvarol, Apistan, Apivar, Check Mite and Apitol (see Figure 27) are proprietary
treatments produced and designed to kill varroa. These comprise synthetic chemicals.
They are usually reliable and effective when the mites are not chemically resistant. They
are also quick and easy to use.
Fig. 27. A chemical treatment for varroa (Bayvarol strips) and an organic treatment
(Apilife Var)

‘Organic’ controls
Thymol, formic acid, lactic acid, oxalic acid and other essential oils are ‘soft’ chemicals
that are reliable to varying degrees but, for good effect, they must be employed at
the right time and in the right circumstances. Some, however, are very temperature
dependent. I found, for example, that those based on thymol could cause the bees to
abandon the hive and abscond if employed when the temperature was too hot. This is
particularly the case with homemade thymol treatments. Commercial treatments are,
however, available based on some of these substances – such as Apilife Var (various oils
and thymol; see Figure 27), Apicure (formic acid) and Apiguard (thymol).
The biggest problem with essential oils compared with such chemical treatments as
fluvalinate (used in Apistan) is the small difference between the amount of the substance
that will kill the mites and the amount that will kill the bees. Fluvalinate, for example,
is 800–1000 times more toxic to varroa than to bees, whereas the best essential oils are
only two to four times more toxic. This doesn’t apply to all oils, however. Thymol is not
toxic to bees, for example. Unless you know what you are doing, therefore, it is not wise
to make your own treatments using various oils because you may well be assisting the
varroa mites in finishing off your colony. Further, oils may well contaminate the wax
and the honey in the hive and may well be dangerous to humans. Be careful, therefore,
using these treatments.
Devices for the efficient use of oxalic and lactic acids are also commercially available.
One of these is simply a heated spoon that contains crystals of oxalic acid. The spoon is
plugged into a car battery, inserted into the hive’s entrance and turned on. The crystals
then vaporize in the hive. This process takes about two minutes.
Biotechnical controls (manipulations)
If carried out correctly and at the right time, drone-brood trapping can dramatically
reduce the number of varroa and will not affect the colony as much as worker-brood
trapping (see below). This method is based on the fact that, as mentioned earlier, varroa
mites are more attracted to drone brood than worker brood.
The frames of drone brood (in which the varroa mites prefer to live when starting their
reproductive cycle) are removed from the hive and destroyed. This method may hence

affect the number of drones in the area and thus queen mating. Personally I have never
liked methods that alter the natural dynamics of the hive and the apiary.
Nevertheless, this method can be carried out as follows:
Place a drone frame in the colony. These can be purchased from bee-supply shops
or you can put drone foundation wax-sheets into the frames yourself.
The workers will now clean the cells in these frames and the queen will recognize
that they are drone cells from their size. She will therefore lay unfertilized drone
eggs in the cells.
In about 10 days the drone cells are sealed with the mites inside them.
You should now remove the sealed drone-brood frame and put it in a freezer to
kill the drone brood and mites. Alternatively, you could open the drone brood cells
with an uncapping fork (available from bee-supplies shops) and lift out the larvae.
Researchers say that, if there is no worker brood in the colony, this method can remove
over 90% of the mites with a single treatment. If there is worker brood in the colony,
they will compete with the drone brood in ‘trapping’ the mites, and so the efficiency rate
will be lower.
There is now even a device that will kill the mites in the cells without having to remove
the frames. The Saartan ‘mite zapper’ was developed in the USA and comprises heated
wires embedded in a drone brood frame. When the cells are sealed, an electrical current
is passed through the frame and thus the mites and drone larvae are killed. The house
bees will then clean out the cells.
If done correctly, worker-brood trapping is very effective in reducing varroa numbers but
it affects the colony because you are removing your future foragers. I don’t recommend
it. Hive splitting/drone trapping is also very effective and is popular in Vietnam but,
again, it will affect the apiary’s overall ability to maximize the honey harvest.

Mesh-bottomed floors were discussed earlier in the book. While not effective on their
own, they help to reduce varroa numbers, and mesh floors are better for colonies
Varroa mites often fall off the bees onto the floor. They then clamber back onto a passing
bee and recommence their damage. If there is a mesh floor, they will fall out of the hive
and be lost. A floor devised by a Belgian apiarist employs this principle of losing varroa
mites. It consists of a series of long, smooth tubes with gaps between them. The varroa
mites are unable to cling onto the tubes and thus fall out of the hive. This is a simple
and apparently effective method but is very expensive to purchase.
Heat treatment works but is time consuming and is only 50–80% effective, according
to US research. It is currently popular in Russia. The theory is that adult female mites
are more sensitive to temperatures above normal brood-nest temperature (34° C; 93°
F) than are the bee larvae and pupae themselves. If you heat the bees in a colony up to
44° C, (111° F) for 4 hours, the varroa mites on the brood will therefore die but the
larvae will, in the main, survive. There will still be a great many mites on the adult bees,
though. With its limited kill rate (compared with other methods) and the undoubted
stress it puts on the bees, I would not recommend this method.
Finally, co-ordination with your neighbours helps to reduce re-invasion from untreated
stocks and can play a vital part in any varroa treatment programme. Many beekeepers,
however, fail to recognize this. If they did, this would make life a great deal easier –and
cheaper – for everyone.
Biological controls
Breeding programmes mainly involve the selection of genetic traits that are hostile to the
varroa mite’s reproduction cycle or worker-bee traits that actively remove or hinder the
mites. The ‘suppression of mite reproduction’ (SMR) has been extensively studied in
the USA, and the selection of traits in the honey-bee population that effectively limit
the mite’s reproductive ability seems to be bearing fruit. These programmes are not
easily carried out, but all beekeepers should keep up to date with varroa treatments and
methods of control.

Research is showing that the pathogenic fungus, Matarhizium anisopliae, may also be
effective in the biological control of varroa – at least, as effective as fluvalinate.
Parasitic mite syndrome (PMS)
I have included this syndrome because of its association with varroa. ‘Parasitic mite
syndrome’ (PMS) is the name given to a range of abnormal brood symptoms associated
with the presence of varroa in both brood and adult bees. The symptoms, which were
first noticed by beekeepers and the US Department of Agriculture Bee Research
Laboratory in the mid-1990s, were found in association with infections of both varroa
and acarine (the tracheal mite) (see above).
It is suggested that PMS could be caused by the varroa mite vectoring the acute bee
paralysis virus (ABPV), and possibly other viruses, into the honey-bee larvae. However,
in one piece of research, US scientists analysed samples of adult bees from colonies with
PMS and found that in the majority of cases, neither ABV, Kashmir bee virus (KBV)
nor any of nine other bee viruses were in evidence. Therefore, while these viruses may
be one of the causes of the syndrome, other factors cannot be ruled out.
PMS affects both brood and adult bees and is usually associated with colony collapse,
especially in the autumn. The symptoms can appear at any time of the year, although
they are more prevalent in mid-summer and autumn. These symptoms are, however,
often difficult to interpret and can be very easily confused with the symptoms of AFB,
EFB, sacbrood and various viral diseases (see Photograph 14 in the colour photograph
section of this book). Because commercially available, easy-to-use tests for AFB and
EFB can now be purchased, the first thing to do is to test for AFB/EFB and other
problems. One way of differentiating the symptoms of PMS from AFB is the lack of a
foul smell. Similarly, if the larvae have dried to scales, these can be removed easily, and
they will not rope if a stick is pushed into the cell and slowly extracted.
Identifying PMS
Once other problems have been eliminated, look for all or some of the following
symptoms (the notes in brackets indicate symptoms similar to other diseases and

The presence of varroa in the colony (PMS is always associated with varroa).
A reduction in the colony’s population (most diseases).
Larvae of all ages are affected.
Larvae stretched out in the cells with their heads raised (sacbrood).
Crawling, moribund bees leaving the hive (viral diseases/poisoning/starvation).
The possible supersedure of the queen (nosema).
The presence of varroa on the pupae.
The cappings perforated or the cells left uncapped by the bees (AFB).
Tropilaelaps clarae
This mite is similar to varroa in its effect on a colony, but it can be distinguished
easily from varroa by its elongated shape, as opposed to the crab shape of varroa (see
Photograph 15 in the colour photograph section of this book; compare this with the
varroa mite shown in Photograph 11). Tropilaelaps clarae is not yet a pest in most
countries outside its natural, far-eastern range but, like varroa it could spread, and
beekeepers are asked to keep an eye out for this new danger.
Identifying Tropilaelaps clarae
As noted above, Tropilaelaps clarae is smaller than varroa, and it is elongated, not crab
shaped. If the infestation is high, there will be an irregular, punctured brood pattern
and malformed brood. The adult bees may have deformed wings (see Photograph 16 in
the colour photograph section of this book).
Similar diagnostic tests to varroa can be used to determine a T. clarae infestation,
particularly an inspection of the capped brood.
Treating of Tropilaelaps clarae
Treatment is similar to that used in varroa control. Tropilaelaps clarae has, however, one
major weakness in that it cannot exist outside the cell for long. Brood-less periods will
therefore clean the hive of mites.

Remember the following points about T. c l a rae:
It can cause colony collapse faster than varroa.
It can mate outside cells as well as inside cells (unlike varroa).
It cannot live outside cells for very long, and this is a major weakness. This means
that, during brood-less periods such as cold winters, the mite cannot survive in a
colony and will be cleared out.
All beekeepers – even in areas without T. clara e – should keep an eye out for it.
Small hive beetle
The arrival of this pest in the USA and Australia has been a major blow to beekeeping
in these countries. The small hive beetle can eat the brood, destroy the comb and quickly
end a colony’s life. Its home is Africa where it is regarded as a minor pest of honey-bees,
but its presence outside this area is, like so many pests and diseases that have spread
throughout the world, a disaster. Beekeepers in beetle-free areas of the world should
look out for this pest and report any findings immediately.
Identifying small hive beetle
The one easy thing about this beetle is that an infestation is easy to recognize:
The adult beetle is about one third the size of a bee and can be seen readily, as can their
larvae. The beetles are initially reddish brown but mature to black. The adults have two
distinctive, club-shaped antennae (see Photographs 17 and 18 in the colour photograph
section of this book).
When a hive is opened, adult beetles can be seen running across the combs to hide
from the light (see Photograph 19 in the colour photograph section of this book).

If the infestation is heavy, adults may be seen on hive floors and under lids.
Small, pearly white eggs, smaller than bee eggs, can be found in irregular masses in
crevices or brood combs.
If you leave pieces of corrugated cardboard in the hive, the beetles will be attracted
to them for shelter and so readily found if their presence is suspected.
The smell of fermented honey (caused by the larvae excreting in the honeycomb)
is distinctive.
The larvae are similar in size to wax moth larvae. After 10–14 days they are 10–11
mm (⅜ in) long. They have three pairs of small proto-legs near to their heads and
spines on their backs.
The larvae do not produce webbing or frass in the combs.
Infested combs have a slimy appearance.
Points to note about the small hive beetle
A few points to remember about this devastating pest include the fact that both adults
and larvae will eat bee eggs, brood, honey and pollen, thus very quickly destroying the
entire colony. Before this happens, however, when heavily infested, a colony will often
abscond. Heavy infestations can reach tens of thousands of larvae, causing partial comb
meltdown and fermented, spoiled comb that is repellent to the bees.
Some other interesting points about these clever little beasts include the fact that beetles
have been found in bee swarms! Imagine capturing a swarm only to bring death and
destruction to your own and your neighbourhood beekeeping. Another point is that,
the day after an apiary inspection, there appears to be a huge influx of beetles. It seems
that the inspection releases hive odours thus attracting beetles that can detect these
odours up to 15 km (10 miles) away! Opening a hive also provokes the existing beetles
in the colony to lay eggs, and stored comb in a honey-extraction room is especially at
risk of infestation. It seems that whatever you do makes the situation worse!

Treating of the small hive beetle
Beetle traps may be effective, and some are now on the market in the USA. Some
of these, however, are merely corrugated cardboard strips. The beetles hide in the
corrugations and the strip can then be removed.
Fluorescent-light, larvae-attracting traps can also be used, as can soil drenches in front
of the hive – the larvae use sandy soil to pupate in, preferably near to a beehive. Chemical
strips may also be placed in the hive, and good hygiene is important, especially in the
extracting room.
Colony collapse disorder (CCD)
This is a new and little understood phenomenon in which the worker bees from a colony
suddenly disappear. Since 2004, in certain parts of Europe, there has been a dramatic
rise in the number of disappearances of honey-bee colonies, and these disappearances
are for no apparent reason. The colonies were left with no adult bees, but brood and
stores were often present.
Bees very rarely, if ever, abandon brood and stores and, if they do, robbing from other
hives usually ensues. Again, after abandonment, the wax moth settles in and destroys the
comb. On the occasion of these mysterious disappearances, however, neither robbing
nor wax moths were evident. I encountered this problem in Spain in 2004 when I found
many of my colonies suddenly empty. One week I had healthy colonies but, a week or so
later, they were eerily empty of adults. There was still food on the table but no bees. The
brood were dead because of chilling, but there was no robbing and there were no wax
moths which, in Spain, are very fast workers because the climate favours their lifestyle.
Other beekeepers put it down to bad beekeeping on my part, while (I found out later
on) suffering the same problem themselves. They admitted that they, too, had problems
only when these disappearances became known as an official ‘disorder’ and therefore
was not their fault!
After a while, however, I began to think it was me, and I vowed somehow to change
my way of beekeeping. Being then an organic beekeeper, I employed many different
management strategies compared with my neighbours, and so I began to believe that
these strategies were at fault. I didn’t have to worry for long, though, because a forest fire

devastated many of my hives and, in search of a new income I moved to New Zealand.
About a year later I read about CCD in Spain and realized that I was possibly one of its
first victims – or at least one of the first to admit to it.
The cause or causes of the syndrome are not yet well understood, but many have
been proposed, including environmental change-related stresses, malnutrition, Israel
acute paralysis virus, mites, pesticides (such as neonicotinoids or imidacloprid) and
genetically modified (GM) crops with pest-control characteristics, such as transgenic
maize. The newly discovered variant of nosema (Nosema ceranae) has also been
postulated as a cause of the problem.
Somewhat tongue in cheek (although it is what I believe), I wrote the following in the
editorial for the February 2008 edition of Apis UK, the online beekeeping magazine:
The problem of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) seems to be the ‘new varroa’
talk of the day in the bee and public press. I can well remember the days not so
long ago when varroa was the only thing that beekeepers talked about – and
perhaps it still should be. I have been in the beekeeping world a comparatively
short time (around 18 years) and my main interests in it have been both
the production side of things and the scientific side of beekeeping research.
I happily trawl through an awful lot of research articles for Apis UK for
example and I have watched over those few years as new and exotically named
syndromes have appeared on the scene – Varroasis; Parasytic Mite Syndrome;
Virus diseases of various kinds; a new variant of Nosema and now CCD, and
as I read various bits and pieces and listen to people talking on the subject,
except for the new variant of nosema, it usually all comes back to varroa. I
could be spot off here but that’s what it all looks like to me.
There is also I believe the very underestimated effects of stress on bees to think
about. Many beekeepers place enormous stress on their colonies. I did. Moving
them from winter quarters to pollination where they could obtain no nectar
(kiwifruit) and feeding them copious amounts of sugar and then moving them
hurriedly from Gold fruit orchards to Green fruit and then equally hurriedly

to dump sites to congregate for the big moves to manuka areas many hours
away. Then splitting them for increase and finally back to often inadequate and
damp winter sites (because of any lack of alternatives). Then the process starts
all over again. The stress in the colony must be enormous and our moves were
minor compared to the multiple shifts I have read about in America. Ally all
this to the arrival of a new and devastating mite that assists in the vectoring of
existing harmful viruses into stressed and debilitated colonies and I think most
humans would give up the ghost. The effect on bees must be catastrophic and
so it would seem. They are disappearing. So would I. Let’s hope that science
can help sort it all out because I’m sure that in this particular case, evolution
needs a hand.
Bee eaters and other birds
There are many other pests that can make the beekeeper’s life difficult, and these
include the bee eater, which I have knowledge of from Spain. These delightful-looking
birds (they are a little like kingfishers, to whom they are related) can have an amazing
effect on the habits of bees. During the day, my bees would fly at low level in a zig-
zag motion to try to protect themselves. The number of bees killed this way was not,
however, too significant, and I firmly believe the problem is overstated.
The destruction of bee-eater nests in earlier years, for example, backfired. This spread
the birds’ range, forcing them to colonize new areas that previously had no problems.
Bee eaters can, however, have an effect on queen-rearing operations because they tend
to prey on larger bees. This could be a major problem when you are trying to mate your
Other birds, such as herons, may attack a beehive’s woodwork in their efforts to
get at the bees, especially in the winter when there is little else around, but, again,
however great their effect on the individual beekeeper and apiary, their overall effect on
beekeeping as a whole, and on bee-kind generally, is small and limited in scope. In fact,
it is insignificant.

Other animals
Similarly, I have watched toads sit at the hive’s entrance and take bees. I have also seen
a preying mantis lay her egg sack in the shelter of one of the hive’s handles, presumable
so that her offspring could build up on my bees! It was all fascinating stuff.
Perhaps one problem that may be more serious is wasp predation. The best way to deal
with wasps is, perhaps, to place bottle wasp-traps near each hive – bottles with sweet
liquid or beer in them. The wasps can then enter but can’t get out. Other than that,
you can follow the wasps back to their nest and destroy it. I have done this on many
occasions. I don’t like doing it because I believe that even wasps have their purpose
– they act as the vultures or carrion crows of the insect world – but, now and again,
needs must.
There could also be a problem with oriental hornets, such as the mandarin hornet, if
ever these spread to other shores. This beast can decimate a colony in no time simply
by sitting there and decapitating the guard bees and then going for the brood. However
fascinating this might be, it would obviously go against your management strategy. The
eastern honey-bee has sorted this problem out. It balls the hornet with a group of bees,
and then raises the temperature in the ball to a degree more than the hornet can stand.
The bees can survive this temperature but the hornet dies. The western honey-bee, Apis
mellifera, doesn’t know this trick, so watch out for the hornet.
Bears are a problem in both Spain and the USA and, I imagine, in areas of eastern
Europe and Russia. The USA and Spain have designed strategies to deal with the
bears, and the Spanish even encourage them by placing primitive hives in old, stone
bee enclosures with broken walls for the bears to ravage. The bees are then replaced
with more from modern hives located in bear-safe areas. Any commercial hives
damaged by bears are assessed quickly by independent, non-governmental experts and
compensation is paid – again quickly. Even the beekeepers are happy with this regime,
and so they do not try to kill the bears, which are very few in numbers.
In the USA, where bears are not an endangered species, different strategies are being
developed as the authorities realize that increasing urbanization and the destruction
of natural habitats mean that both farmers and wildlife need somehow to be

accommodated. Skunk predation in the USA can also lead to very defensive bees and
colony destruction. Finally, in some countries, ants are a major pest.
All this seems to boil down to the usual dilemma of people, their agriculture and wild
life. While none of these problems should be dismissed, solutions should be sought
that enable beekeepers to maintain healthy apiaries and, hopefully wildlife to keep up
their numbers. This is, however, an ongoing development well beyond the scope of this
This chapter has attempted to cover the subject of diseases and pests as
comprehensively as an introduction to beekeeping allows. This is a huge
area, however, and each disease could have a volume of its own. To the
beginning beekeeper, the whole thing may be difficult to grasp.
To summarize, therefore:
Remember that the diagnosis of diseases can be difficult. Some, such as
chalkbrood, are more readily identifiable than others, such as EFB, the
visual symptoms of which are often confused with other diseases and
In many cases (e.g. foulbrood), it is easier to identify a diseased colony
if you know what a healthy one looks like.
If you have doubts about a field diagnosis, seek advice from someone
competent or contact the statutory authority. It is inadvisable to do
nothing in the hope it will go away. This is especially important in
cases of AFB and EFB which, in some countries/states, are not notifiable

As noted above, the main thing is to know what a healthy colony looks and
smells like. Similarly, know what healthy brood looks like, and know what
eggs correctly laid at the base of each cell look like. Know how many bees
you should expect to see in a colony, and know what sort of activity you
should see at the hive’s entrance on a sunny day. If you know these things
then, if you notice anything different or smell anything different, either
follow the diagnostic advice given in this book or, better still, ask for advice
from a bee-disease officer or an experienced beekeeper. By doing this you
will learn how to deal with these problems and you will know which ones to
report to the authorities.
My final piece of advice is that, if your bees have a disease, don’t try to
hide it. AFB in your hives, for example, can be embarrassing – it suggests to
others that you are not a competent beekeeper, and so many people hide
the fact and try to deal with it on their own. The reality may be, however,
that it is your neighbour who is not a competent beekeeper – the disease
had to come from somewhere! I remember a beekeeper in Lincolnshire
whose bees contracted AFB. He immediately rang not only the bee-disease
officer but also the rest of the beekeepers in his association and said: ‘If
you’ve never seen AFB, here’s your chance. Get round here quickly before
they are destroyed.’ I went round, saw my first AFB and learnt from it. That’s
the way to do things.

Chapter 11
Rearing Queens and breeding
This chapter has been written as an introduction for those who want to move on to
producing their own queens and perhaps breeding their own bees. There are many very
good books on the subject, and if you are keen on rearing queens for yourself or for sale
to others, or if you simply want to explore the world of bee breeding, it would be wise
to study these texts. This is just a taster to get you started.
First, all queen-rearing methods are centred on one basic fact of bee biology: nurse bees
can turn one-day-old female (worker) larvae into queens by enlarging the young grubs’
cells and feeding them on a steady diet of hormone-rich royal jelly. Every technique
in queen rearing is thus based on introducing tiny, one-day-old larvae that resemble a
small comma to a group of queenless – and thus highly motivated – nurse bees.
You already know that you should replace your queens at least every two years, and you
know the great advantages of doing this in terms of reducing swarming and increasing
honey production. You can, of course, buy your queens from a reputable supplier but,
to save money and to increase your enjoyment of beekeeping, you can also produce your
own, and this is not at all difficult. In fact, if you leave your bees alone, they will do it
for you: they will produce queen cells full of viable virgin queens that you can use to
replace your old queens with.

This isn’t, perhaps, the best way of going about this, however. It is uncontrolled, and
you won’t know until it happens just how many queen cells you are going to have
available. Also, the cells may come from hives that have characteristics you don’t want to
propagate, such as a tendency to swarm excessively, foul temperedness or aggressiveness.
Sure, you can use queen cells like this in an emergency, but most beekeepers will agree
that controlled, planned and simple queen rearing is a far better bet.
Queen rearing means what it says. It does not necessarily mean queen ‘breeding’ – i.e.
the selection of certain traits and breeding for these over several generations until the
‘perfect’ queen is produced. This is indeed carried out by some beekeepers and research
labs in an effort to sort out the varroa problem or for the selection of hygienic bees that
will be resistant to American foul brood (AFB) and, indeed, the last part of this chapter
explores selective breeding. In the first part of this chapter, however, we just look at ways
to produce your queens, preferably from colonies that are good tempered and strong (so
that a small amount of ‘breeding’ comes into it) and in a simple and controlled fashion.
I have, therefore, included three methods here that are simple and easy, but there are
many other methods. If you want more information, you should read a specialist book
on the subject, and these are listed in the ‘Further reading’ section at the end of this
Before you begin to rear your own queens you should decide at what time of year you
want to re-queen your hives. Autumn or spring are the two choices, and the relative
advantages of each season were discussed in Chapters 6 and 7. One thing you must
understand at all times, however, is that queen rearing is all about timing. Once you
have started the process, you must stick rigidly to a timetable for several weeks. So if
you are unable for some reason to be around at the appropriate times, don’t start.

Queen rearing is in four parts, as follows. First, you prepare the larvae for presentation
to the queen-rearing units. This involves letting the bees choose their own larvae or
grafting larvae about 24 hours old from your chosen colony into either plastic or
homemade wax cells. Alternatively, you could use a queen-rearing kit whereby the
queen is trapped in a cage on a comb where she lays her eggs into prepared plastic cells.
These eggs are subsequently removed and presented to a queen-rearing unit.
The next stage comprises preparing queen-rearing units to receive the selected larvae.
These units are strong colonies from which the queen has been removed or has been
separated from the queen-rearing part of the hive by a queen excluder. Next, you
transfer the resulting queens/queen cells to the receiving hives/nuclei, from where they
fly and mate. Finally, the mated queen(s) are placed in a queenless nucleus or hive ready
to begin work as the colony’s queen.
To take the first point, in most fully controlled, queen-rearing operations, the beekeeper
selects larvae from their chosen colony, puts them into plastic or homemade wax cells
and then places a frame bar hanging downwards (as nature intended) on them in a
queenless colony that is rich in nurse bees. Because the bees are queenless they will
recognize these cells as ‘queen cups’ and will draw them out into queen cells while, at
the same time, feeding and nurturing the larvae within them. After a few days, you will
find a neat row of queen cells hanging there. You know where they came from, and you
know their exact age.
While there are excellent methods of rearing queens that do not require the larvae to be
transferred from their original cells to small, artificial queen cups, should you decide to
employ the swarm box system of queen rearing described later in this chapter, you will
need to know the rules for transferring the larvae into queen cups.

Larval transfer
The term ‘larval transfer’ describes accurately this method of rearing queens, but the
word ‘grafting’ is used colloquially and will therefore be employed here. Transferring
small larvae from cell to cell requires excellent close-up vision and so, for many
beekeepers, reading glasses and/or a magnifying glass may be necessary. If all the
following looks a little complicated at first, persevere: it really is simple, is invariably
successful and well worth the effort.
To transfer larvae, you will need some extra equipment:
A bain-marie.
Some wax, new or recycled.
A wooden cell former (a piece of 8 mm (⅓ in) dowel with a rounded end).
A frame with a cell bar(s).
A ‘grafting’ tool. There are several different types of grafting tool, and most are
available from bee-supply firms. The Chinese grafting tool is perhaps the easiest to
use because it facilitates both the removal of the larvae and the placing of them in
their prepared queen cells.
A small, sharp scalpel.
A magnifying glass, if necessary.
When you first start this process, you should prepare certain items in advance, and so
the procedure starts off with a preparation phase.
First, prepare a frame fitted with two cell bars. Then make some artificial queen cells,
as follows:
Round off an 8 mm-diameter (⅓ in) piece of dowling as a cell former.
Make a mark on the dowelling 5 mm (¼ in) from the rounded end.
Place the rounded end in a glass of water for an hour or so.

Melt some wax in the bain-marie and remove from the heat.
Take the dowel rod from the water, shake the water off it and briefly dip it into the
melted wax up to the mark.
Remove from the wax and plunge into the water.
Repeat this process about five or six times.
Carefully rotate the wax off the dowel. You will now have a queen cup.
Make about 30 of these.
Run some molten wax along the underside of the cell bar(s).
Place a blob of molten wax about 25–50 mm (1–2 in) along a cell bar and, before
it dries, place a queen cell on this.
If you are using Langstroth frames, you can place 12 cells on each cell bar. If you use
British Standard frames, you can place 8–10 cells. The more you space them out, the
easier it is to remove them. You have now prepared your queen cells (see Figure 28).
Fig. 28. Cell bars with plastic cells (queen cups) hanging downwards. The
yellow ones are used for Italian queens and the black ones for Carniolans.

Alternatively, having prepared your cell bars, place plastic queen cells (with their special
mounts) on to the bars. There is no difference in acceptance rates between wax and
plastic queen cells, but plastic cells are awkward to clean afterwards, whereas you simply
re-melt wax ones.
You should now choose the colony from which you want to raise queens. In this colony,
place a frame of newish comb in the centre of the brood nest. Eight days later, you will
find eggs and newly hatched larvae ready for transfer. These small larvae will usually be
situated around the edges of older larvae and capped cells. From this colony, take the
comb of eggs and the very young larvae. (This is easier if the comb is of newish wax.)
Take this frame to your shed or car/lorry cab and inspect the larvae carefully. Look for
those that are so small that you can hardly see them. The ones you want will resemble
a small letter c or a comma sitting in the bottom of the cell in a bed of royal jelly. Use a
magnifying glass if necessary.
With a scalpel, pare down the cell walls of a row of these larvae. This will make it easier
to remove them. Using your favourite grafting tool, transfer each larvae you have chosen
from its original cell to the artificial cell. If you roll a larvae or in any way damage it,
discard it.
When you have transferred the required number of larvae, put the cell bar(s) into
the down position and, for safety, place the cell frame in an empty nucleus hive. Next,
return the rest of the brood frame to its brood chamber. Remember that, if you produce
too many queen cells, you may not have enough colonies to provide the bees necessary
to make up the number of nucs. If you need 20 queens, go for 30 queen cells to allow
for failures and wastage.
Now put the cell bar(s) in the down position and place the frame into the rearing colony.
Some 48 hours later, check the bars for acceptance. You will know if the cells have been
accepted because the bees will have drawn out the cells and the larvae will be floating

on a bed of royal jelly. You will now know how many nucs to prepare for the number of
queen cells. Ten days after grafting, remove the queen cells with a scalpel (or unplug the
plastic cells) and place each one into a prepared mating nucleus.
Before you start to rear queens, decide which method you are going to use and which
method of larval presentation: some are incompatible. Have a plan ready and mark it
out in your diary. Modern queen-rearing systems, such as the Jenter or Cuckpit (which
can be purchased from bee-supply companies) have removed a great deal of the fiddly
work of grafting as described above. If you don’t use one of these systems or a let-alone
system, therefore, you will have to graft the larvae.
Before raising queen bees, make sure there are plenty of drones flying or at least plenty
of drone larvae in your hive(s). When selecting a colony to provide the larvae, it is
common sense to select a gentle colony. This will make it easier to handle and may even
provide gentle daughter queens. Remember also that queen-rearing units do not have
to be super-strong, so choose one of a size you can easily manage.
Whatever method you decide on, the colony that is to rear queens (or the part of the
colony that is to rear queens) must be queenless. De-queen thoroughly, therefore, and
then check to see if there is another queen lurking about. This happens. Treat the
eggs and very young larvae carefully – neither should be exposed to too much direct
sunlight. Use healthy colonies only and, finally, remember that timing is all important
in queen rearing, so a failure to keep accurate records could be disastrous.
The following sections describe a few easy methods of rearing queens in the numbers
you want. There are other very good ones, such as the Cooke and Cloake methods
– both named after New Zealand beekeepers – and there are excellent texts on these,
but these methods are beyond the scope of this book.

The easy, let-alone method
(Larval transfer not necessary.) Let-alone methods of queen rearing offer the beekeeper
easy ways of producing queens but they are the least controllable. This method permits
the colony to decide when new queen cells are to be produced. There are several
variations on this method that allow the beekeeper a greater degree of control over
certain aspects of the operation, and two of these are described below. Generally, let-
alone methods are used only during the spring build-up time because they require the
bees’ swarming impulse to kick in to provide queen cells. Finally, this method (especially
the basic method) corresponds most closely to the way colonies reproduce in nature, and
a surprisingly large number of beekeepers rely on it both by accident and by design.
Additional equipment
You will need a sharp knife or scalpel and the required number of prepared nucleus
boxes. (Nucs with a frame or two of brood and bees, and a frame of stores as a
The following is the procedure for the basic method:
In the spring during colony build-up, do not carry out any swarm-control
As soon as you see queen cells during a hive inspection, study them carefully to
decide if they are suitable and if they are ready to be moved.
Carefully cut out any large, ripe cells and introduce them to the waiting nuclei
immediately. Make sure you cut right under the queen cells and through the comb’s
midrib. This will ensure you do not cut into the queen cell.
Check that the queen is still present and healthy, and then deal with any other
queen cells as required. These superfluous cells could be destroyed as part of an
integrated swarm-control programme.

Advantages: This method is easy – the bees do all the ‘thinking’. The beekeeper can also
assess and choose the best cells from a good selection, and very little extra equipment
is needed.
Disadvantages: The beekeeper has no control over the timing of queen-cell production,
and assessing the age of the cells can be difficult. Remember that, if the cells are cut out
and moved too early, the queen may be damaged.
Note: If you find sealed queen cells, it is likely the colony has already swarmed. Look
for the open queen cell, therefore, and for a virgin or young queen: the bees may have
re-queened for you.
The let-alone method: variations
(Larval transfer not necessary.)
Variation 1
This method is based on the fact that queenless bees will try to raise another queen
from young larvae. Again, it allows the bees to develop their own larvae into queens but,
this time, the beekeeper has a greater say in the timings.
The following is the procedure for variation 1:
During the spring, check that the colony has plenty of drone larvae or that the
drones are flying.
Make sure the colony has eggs and young larvae. Remove the queen and place her
in a prepared nucleus with a frame of brood and bees, and some honey frames.
This is for safe keeping in case things go wrong and the bees don’t develop another
Inspect the colony 48 hours later to see if queen cells have been started.

Remove the queen cells 10 days later and place them in prepared mating nuclei
– four or five frame nuclei with a frame or two of capped and emerging brood, one
empty comb and two frames of honey.
If you don’t need her anymore, destroy the queen you have been keeping safe.
Check the mating nuclei after two weeks to see if the queen has mated and is
laying. Leave her where she is to build the nuc into a colony or remove her to the
queenless destination hive and put new, just-about-to-emerge queen cells in the
mating nuclei.
Advantages: The beekeeper has more control over the timings: they know the queen
cells’ age and can therefore move them when ripe. The method also retains many of the
‘easy’ features of the basic method, and very little extra equipment is needed.
Disadvantages: The bees rear queens from worker cells, not from eggs laid in queen
cups. This may mean that larvae of the wrong age are chosen, possibly leading to
inferior queens.
Variation 2
The following is the procedure for variation 2:
In the spring, as soon as drone larvae are plentiful or the drones are flying, split a
colony in two, making sure that each half has both very young larvae and eggs. If
possible, move one half to a different apiary.
Two days later, check both halves. One half – the half without the queen – should
now have queen cells of a known age.
Ten days after splitting the hives, assess the cells and cut out those you find as
suitable for placing in mating nuclei.
Leave two good queen cells in the still queenless part and keep it separate, or
destroy them and reunite the colony.

Advantages: This method has several advantages. It can be used to produce queens and
as a swarm-control method. Similarly, there is no need to find the queen although,
after day two, you will know which half she is in. This method can also be employed to
increase your stocks, if necessary.
Disadvantages: Although not essential, another apiary site is an advantage. More work,
time and care are also involved. It is important to note that, in both variations, the
beekeeper is forcing the colony to raise queens from what were originally worker cells
under ‘emergency’ conditions. Research has shown that queens produced in this way
may, on average, be inferior.
The Miller method
(Larval transfer not necessary.) This a very easy, controllable way of rearing queens.
First, take a frame of foundation and trim this to form triangular shapes, as shown in
Figure 29. Put this frame into a strong nucleus hive that contains a queen, plenty of bees
and frames of brood and honey.
Fig. 29. The Miller
frame: trimmed

Making the hive
To make up this hive (a four-frame nuc, for example), just place the Miller frame with
its zig-zag foundation into it, a frame of capped and emerging brood, and two frames
of honey. Then place a queen from a colony you believe has good characteristics into
the box and shake in several frames of bees. Shake the bees off the brood combs so that
you get the nurse bees, and shake to overflowing. The queen will have very little room
to lay eggs, and so the bees will quickly draw out the wax on the Miller frame into cells
where the queen will lay her eggs. Even easier is to place the frame in the middle of the
hive’s brood box in which the favoured queen lives but, whichever way you do it, you
are basically enticing the queen to lay eggs. So far, you have control of the bee and the
After six days, you could prepare a good, full nucleus of bees with stores and emerging
brood but no queen; you could de-queen a strong colony you were going to re-queen
anyway; or you could place a queen excluder over a strong colony’s brood box (ensuring
that the queen is below the excluder) and lift a couple of frames of emerging brood and
some stores to the top box. Whichever way you do it, you are making sure the colony
that will develop your queen cells will be queenless for a day before introducing the
Preparing the larvae
A day later, look at the edges of the triangles of comb. The larvae along the triangles’
edges aren’t, in fact, larvae but eggs. Trim these edges back until you can see the tiny,
comma-shaped larvae. These will be about 24 hours old or younger. They really will
look like a tiny c. Don’t confuse these with the eggs. Once you’ve trimmed the eggs away,
each cell on these edges will contain just the right type of larvae.
Now, following the edges of the triangles, with a matchstick destroy two out of three
larvae. Once you’ve done this, place the frame into your queenless hive/nuc. Check
there are no queen cells in this hive/nuc you may have missed and no open brood. If
there are, the bees may not accept your Miller frame larvae.

The bees will now develop the larvae along the edges of the trimmed frame. They will
automatically draw out queen cells along the bottom and slanting edges. After 10 days,
these cells can be used for re-queening purposes. Very carefully cut them out with a
sharp scalpel, ensuring you don’t press or squeeze them and that you don’t cut into the
The main reason for cutting the foundation into triangular shapes is to give the bees
plenty of ‘edges’ to construct queen cells, and the reason for destroying two out of three
larvae is to give the bees more room to draw out uncrowded queen cells. This will make
it easier for you when you come to cut them out.
Remember that you will have to have places to put these cells. De-queen your hives in
readiness, therefore, or prepare good nucleus hives for the cells if you are building up
new colonies.
Rearing queens
But what if you want queens, not cells? In this case you have to go a step further when
you cut out your cells from the Miller frame. A day before cutting, prepare nucleus hives
with a frame of capped and emerging brood, with loads of bees, frames of stores and an
empty frame of comb. You make these nucs from bigger colonies, so once made it is best
to move them to another apiary so that all the bees don’t fly home. Or you could plug
the entrance with grass so that they’ll take a while to get out.
Another method of preventing the bees from flying home is to use frames of brood from
just one hive. Place the nucs in a circle around the hive, with their entrances pointing
towards the original hive. The bees in the nucs will now not go back to the main hive.
This idea was developed by a New Zealand beekeeper, Vince Cook, and I’ve tried it. It
works well although, to be honest, I’m not sure why!
A day later, cut out the cells from the Miller frame and place one cell on the frame of
brood in each nuc. Gently push the cell into the wax on the brood frame, being careful
not to damage it and positioning it so that it hangs downwards. The bees will now look
after the cell until the queen emerges. After about two or three days, the queen will fly
off to mate and, if all goes well and she isn’t eaten or doesn’t get lost, she will return to

the hive. A few days later she will commence laying eggs, and you will have a mated
queen to sell, to build the nuc into a colony or to re-queen another hive.
The Miller method: a summary
Before you begin, choose a colony with good characteristic (e.g. gentleness, low
swarming, superseding, adequate honey yields, etc.):
Day 1: make the Miller frame from good foundation wax and place this into a full
and queen-less nuc/hive or a hive with a queen excluder.
Day 6: prepare your queenless cell-building nucs or queenless hive.
Day 7: remove your Miller frame, trim the edges back to the little comma-shaped
larvae and place the frame into the centre of the queenless hive/nuc, which will act
as the developer hive.
Day 16: if you are going a step further to rear mated queens, prepare your
queenless nucs ready to receive one queen cell. Move them to another apiary, block
their entrances with grass or place them in a circle around the original hive.
Day 17: carefully cut out the developed queen cells from the Miller frame and use
these to re-queen your hives, sell them or place them in the prepared mating nucs
described in the previous point.
The advantages of this method are that it is low tech and needs no equipment other than
hives and/or nucs. You can also raise a good number of queens from it. Once you have
removed the Miller frame full of eggs and young larvae from the starter hive, you can
put in another frame to start the process again. In this way, you can keep on producing
good queens according to a controlled plan, with no need to graft the larvae.
The swarm box method
(Larval transfer necessary.) This is probably the most extensively employed queen-
rearing method, especially by serious queen rearers. It is not compatible with the
let-alone method of larval presentation because you need to graft some larvae yourself
or use a queen-rearing kit, such as the Jenter or Cuckpit, to prepare the larvae. This
method is, however, suitable for continuous production.

Additional equipment
You will need a well ventilated, three- or four-frame nucleus box and a frame feeder.
The following is the procedure for the swarm box method:
Take a well ventilated, three- or four-frame nucleus box. Into this shake the bees
off three well covered combs of brood. If you shake off brood frames you will be
more certain of obtaining nurse bees.
Place into the box a full frame mainly of honey but with some pollen and a full
frame of pollen. Do not put in any brood. Leave a gap between the frames.
If the box takes four frames, put in a frame feeder filled with sugar syrup.
Prepare the larvae by your chosen method and place this frame into the box
between the two frames of stores.
Close the nuc and place in a dark, cool room for about 24 hours. Note this in your
About one hour before opening the nuc, take a populous, healthy colony of at least
two storeys and confine the queen to the lower chamber with a queen excluder.
Put a frame of young larvae into the centre of the upper chamber (this will attract
the nurse bees) and a frame of pollen. Make sure there is a gap between them.
Fill the rest of the chamber with sealed brood or stores.
An hour or two later, open the swarm box and transfer the started queen cells to
the main colony above the queen excluder and close up. Note this in your diary.
The cells stay here until they are transferred to the mating nuclei – i.e. just before
the virgin queens emerge. Meanwhile, you can place another batch of prepared
larvae into the swarm box.
Advantages: This method is fast and simple, can be used for continuous production and
is very reliable.

Disadvantages: This method involves a larval transfer and two hives (a nuc and a full
hive), and is not really the best method to use if you require only, say, 10–12 queens.
Note: If you are unable to transfer the started queen cells to a builder hive in the
timeframe outlined above, don’t worry. Just make sure you place the swarm box outside
in a convenient position and let the bees fly. Transfer the frame of cells when you can.
You must, however, remove the queen cells to mating nuclei (or an incubator) 10 days
after introduction. Swarm boxes are not designed for this but, in extremis, they will
produce queens.
Other methods
There are plenty of other methods of rearing queens but, because they are all based on
the same biological principles, they differ mainly in the detail. Read up and experiment
if you have the time because it is well worth the effort, but always remember two things.
First, timing is all important and, once you’ve started the process, you can’t stop it until
the queens are finished. One year in Spain I had to move all my mating nucs at just the
wrong moment and so I lost most of the queens. Another time, the weather was very
cold and wet and so few, if any, of the queens mated successfully.
The second thing to remember is that any hive or nuc you want to develop queens in
must be queenless or the queen must be kept away from the developing cells.
Queen-rearing kits
There are several queen-rearing kits on the market, but they all employ the same
principle of inducing the queen to lay eggs in special, plastic, cell bases. These little
plastic cells can be removed and set into special frames that hang downwards without
touching the larvae. The frames are then placed into queenless cell-builder hives and
developed into queen cells.
While these systems allow the beekeeper a large degree of control over their queen-
rearing efforts, they are essentially for convenience: the same results can be achieved
without them. I now use the Cuckpit system whereas a colleague of mine employs a
homemade system. Another favourite system is the Jenter kit. Full instructions are
provided with all these kits.

With care and an element of luck, supersedure can be induced or, rather, the bees can be
‘tricked’ into thinking that a virgin emerging from a queen cell placed there by you has
come from a supersedure cell and so will accept it as such.
The following is the procedure for inducing supersedure:
Place a ripe, protected queen cell between two frames of a honey super. Make a
small entrance in the super or between the two supers.
Leave alone until the (hopefully) resulting queen can be seen laying.
Mark the new queen to distinguish her from the old one.
Now wait to see if the new queen is accepted as a supersedure queen.
As an added precaution, a queen excluder can be placed above the brood nest that
contains the queen and taken away when the new queen is laying. When the excluder is
removed, the bees and new queen can be smoked down.
Recognizing the supersedure cell
There is no easy way of distinguishing a supersedure cell from a swarm cell. There tend,
however, to be fewer supersedure cells than swarm cells. Therefore if you find only one
or two cells, these could well be supersedure cells.
The position of the queen cells may be important. Many beekeepers have reported that
queen cells built along a frame’s top edge are more likely to be supersedure cells.
Once you have produced your own queens, it might be a good idea to mark them. For
various reasons (see below), queen bees are marked on the thorax. There is no evidence

to suggest that marked queens have shorter lives, are superseded more quickly by
workers or produce fewer eggs than unmarked queens, unless they are damaged in the
marking process.
Advantages: A marked queen is more easily identified: if you mark a queen but later
find an unmarked queen, you will know that either swarming or supersedure has taken
place, or that your marked queen has died. If you employ the International Marking
Code (see Table 7), you will be able to tell a queen’s age. Marking queens with coloured
discs or numbers can be of value in research and is helpful for identifying specific
strains, lineages or other qualities.
Disadvantages: You could damage a queen while marking her, which could lead to her
being rejected by the colony. Damage could also lead to a reduced egg-laying rate or
even to a drone-laying queen. You may also become accustomed to looking for dots and
not queens, and so you could miss a queen without a mark. You might then assume you
have a queenless colony and so make the wrong decisions.
Year Colour
0 or 5 Blue
1 or 6 White
2 or 7 Yellow
3 or 8 Red
4 or 9 Green
Table 7. The International Marking Code
A queen for 2012, for example, would thus be colour-marked Yellow.
There are three basic ways to mark queens:
The queen can be picked up manually by placing your fingers on the sides of the
thorax or by holding one of her hind legs. Once picked up, mark her thorax, allow

the paint or glue to dry, and place her back in the colony. This takes some practice
and is the method most likely to damage a queen. Try it on drones first. If you try
it on workers, you will be stung.
A small cage can be constructed or purchased that is held over the queen on the
comb. The workers can escape through the cage, but the queen is too big. The
cage is pressed onto the comb until the queen is trapped fast, and the paint is
then applied. Wait until the paint is dry before removing the cage. This method is
simple and is less likely to damage a queen.
A queen catcher can be employed. You put the queen in a marking cage where she
is pushed up to a screen a sponge plunger. Once trapped against the screen, apply
paint to her thorax and allow this to dry before releasing her.
I personally find marking queens useful: it makes my colony inspections faster and
easier. I never touch a queen by hand, however, when marking her. I always employ
a queen catcher and a press-on cage, and I mark the queen through the grid with a
marking pen (see Figure 30). This is a safe and easy method. I normally use white
whatever year it is, mainly because I never seem to have the appropriate colour to hand
and, if I can’t find my pen, I use typewriting correction fluid (this comes with a handy
little brush).
Fig. 30. A plastic queen catcher (with the openings blocked) and a marking pen

This section deals specifically with the problems that may affect ripe queen cells in the
rearing chamber or mating nuc.
Queen cell found on the floor of a mating nuc
The beekeeper did not fix the queen cell firmly enough to the brood comb. The cell
must be securely attached. When you cut out the wax, leave a large flange of surplus
wax to attach the cell to the comb. If necessary, add burr comb to the cell’s base – the
bees will have made it more secure by the next day.
Queen cell is ripped apart prior to emergence
This can happen if the cell, having been placed in the nuc’s brood nest, extends too far
above the comb’s surface and is partly attached to the adjacent comb by the bees. Make
sure you push the queen cell well into the comb when attaching it. You may have to
make a largish depression or recess in the comb’s face before you attach the cell.
A queen cell on a bar is empty even though it appears normal
Other cells may also have been destroyed. In such cases, a virgin has emerged and has
destroyed the other cells. She has ignored the apparently healthy cell because the queen
inside has died of other causes. Check that your timing is right and/or place protection
cages over developing cells to prevent their destruction.
A queen cell in a mating nuc appears normal but no queen emerges
On inspection the queen cell is found to be empty. This usually means that the queen
has emerged and the bees have resealed the cell. This happens. Look for the queen
and/or eggs.
Queen cells on a bar have holes in their sides
The occupants are dead. Either one virgin has emerged earlier than the rest and
destroyed her rivals, or a queen or virgin has beaten the queen excluder and entered the
queen-rearing part of the hive (this is especially easy for virgins). Make sure you employ
sound queen excluders and that there are no queen cells in the excluded part of the hive
before the rearing takes place. Placing cell protectors around the queen cells can prevent

these problems. These can be purchased from bee-supply shops, or hair curlers can be
used with their open ends covered or drawn closed with thread.
One factor that has been stressed in this chapter is the necessity to choose good queen
cells, but how do you ensure the queen cells are good? The following are some valuable
Regardless of how you have produced your queen cells, only the best should be used to
head colonies. Queen cells do vary, partly because of their developmental environment.
Some of the differences in this environment are reflected in both queen-cell size and
appearance. When assessing queen cells, remember that size is important. Research has
shown that larger queen cells generally produce better queens than smaller ones.
Highly sculptured cells have received more attention from the bees than smoother cells,
and thus they usually produce larger and better queens. Sculpturing makes the cell
resemble a peanut’s shell. Size and sculpturing normally go together, so a larger queen
cell will often be more highly sculptured.
The open cell test allows you to check the age and condition of the queen in her cell. It
takes advantage of the fact that the cocoon – which is difficult to cut – surrounds the
lower part of the cell only. The part near the base is, however, wax only and can easily
be cut. Proceed as follows:
With a very sharp scalpel, carefully cut round the cell wall.
Gently fold over the cell wall and inspect the queen.
Finally, fold the cell wall back to its original position so as to achieve a seamless

Queen bees can be judged according to a multiplicity of criteria. For many beekeepers,
the two most important are ‘productivity’ (the number of eggs produced on a daily
basis) and the ‘hatchability’ of the brood (a measure of fertility).
If climatic conditions permit, the queen will fly and mate five or six days after emergence.
She will begin to lay eggs 36 hours or more after her mating flight, but usually after
three days. Therefore, when you check the nuc two weeks after placing the queen cell,
look for the following:
On one frame at least, a small, round patch of sealed brood surrounded by
uncapped brood. The brood should become younger towards the edges.
There should not be too many empty cells in the area of capped brood (the ‘pepper
pot’ appearance).
Eggs around the edges of the unsealed brood. At this time, make sure the queen is
safe and well.
It may sound tedious but, when you rear queens, it is essential to keep at least a note of
what you did and when. If you don’t, you will inevitably forget where you have got to,
and so a great deal of preparation and hard work will go down the drain.
Breeding queens is complex subject but one that many beekeepers like to become
involved with for various reasons – perhaps they have dreams of developing a ‘super-
bee’ resistant to disease and able to gather more honey than any other; perhaps they just

want to improve their stock to obtain a bigger harvest; or even perhaps because they are
just interested. Whatever the aim, queen breeding depends on you knowing about bee
reproduction and genetics.
Bee production and genetics
Until very recently, we knew very little about bee reproduction and genetics, but with
research agencies all over the world having to face an onslaught of new pathogens, a
new interest in this subject has emerged. This, together with the mapping of the bee
genome, has told us a great deal about the realities of bee genetics and breeding.
Most organisms function according to a certain set of basic principles, and now that
many of the genomes of a variety of plants and animals have been decoded we can see
just how much alike we all are. For example, humans share 99% of their genes with
chimps and 25% with bananas! But what makes bees and some other organisms slightly
different is the fact that the male bee has no father. He is born from an unfertilized egg
(a process known as parthenogenesis), and this has enormous implications for breeding
Another factor is that queen bees mate with many drones, all of which could be
described as flying gametes because they are the offspring of one queen only (no father
remember) and so bring the genes of another queen to the receiving queen. Confused?
Probably, but the situation does explain much about the social make-up of a colony.
It was mentioned in Chapter 2 that a queen who mates with drones from a wide area
will bring the benefits of genetic diversity to the hive. This means that the colony will
be made up of different subfamilies, each with the same mother but different fathers.
The next section of this chapter therefore explores basic bee genetics – something that
should help you to understand better the nature of these subfamilies, and how and why
a colony of bees is made up as it is.

Understanding basic bee genetics
Passing on genes
Chromosomes contain the genes that determine an organism’s make-up. Humans have
two sets of chromosomes, 23 from the female egg and 23 from the male sperm, which
makes 46 in total. Queen and worker bees have 32 chromosomes, again in two sets
– 16 from the queen’s egg and 16 from the drone’s sperm. Queen and worker bees are
therefore diploid: di (two sets) and ploid (of chromosomes). Drones, which result from
an unfertilized egg, have 16 chromosomes only. They receive these from the queen’s
egg (they have no father). They are therefore called haploid: ha (one set) and ploid (of
After a queen has mated with a drone, she will produce eggs. As in humans and most
other animals, each egg will contain half her total chromosomes – in this case, 16. This
means that she can pass on to her offspring only 50% of her genes, and her eggs will
contain a random selection of these genes.
The drone contributes the other 16 chromosomes, which are 100% of his total genes.
Each sperm from a drone is therefore identical – i.e. it is a clone. A worker or queen
thus receives 50% of her mother’s genes and 100% of her father’s genes. A sister worker
or queen from the same drone and queen will hence have a 75% relationship. These
sisters are called super-sisters and comprise definite groupings within a hive.
In humans and other animals, the offspring have only a 50% relationship (50% from
the mother and 50% from the father). If a worker had her own offspring, she, too,
would have only this 50% relationship with her offspring. By helping the queen to
raise her super-sisters, however, she has increased this relationship to 75%. This close
relationship probably explains why workers have given up reproducing in favour of
helping the queen raise more super-sisters. This may satisfy a biological principle
whereby organisms try to pass on to the next generation as many of their genes as
possible. This is the first complication for bee breeders.

Controlling for sex
The next complication stems from the first: the sex of bees is controlled by what
could be called a lethal gene, or sex allele. Despite a colony’s fairly complicated family
structure and despite the fact that a male bee emerges from an unfertilized egg, the basic
principles of genetics still apply to bees. We must now, therefore, go beyond generalities
and plunge into chromosomes, genes and alleles.
The specific place on a chromosome where particular genes are found is called a locus.
All the forms of a gene that occur at a locus are called alleles. ‘Allele’ is simply a word
that means a version of a gene. For example, genes for blue eyes and brown eyes are
alleles of the eye-colour gene. Importantly in bees, there is a gene that controls a bee’s
sex, and this, of course, is called the sex allele. If two different sex alleles are present, the
bee will develop into a female (worker or queen). If only one allele is present, the bee
will develop into a drone.
There are two ways that only one sex allele can be present. First, as described above, the
egg may be unfertilized and thus contain one sex allele only. Second, both the mother
and father may contribute the same allele in a fertilized egg, and so this egg – even
though fertilized – will also develop into a drone. The drone will therefore have two
sets of chromosomes instead of the normal one set (i.e. a diploid drone) and will not be
able to function as a normal drone. These diploid drones are always destroyed by the
workers, who eat them on hatching. When inbreeding occurs – i.e. when the mother
and father have the same allele – the queen lays her diploid drone eggs in worker
cells, and these eggs are subsequently eaten. The brood pattern will therefore be holes
alternating with normal larvae. Most beekeepers will have seen this shot brood pattern.
The closer the relationship between the mating partners, therefore, the fewer the viable
brood. A brother and sister who mate, for example, will produce only 50% viable brood,
and the brood pattern will look terrible.
Genetic variability is, therefore, of paramount importance and queens flying to a
drone congregation area (DCA) to breed with as many drones as possible from as
many different colonies as possible now assumes greater validity. Scientists believe
there are around 19 alleles of the sex gene and, the more such alleles present in the
bee population, the more solid will be our brood patterns and so the more bees will be
available to collect honey.

Genetic variability
While sex determination is, therefore, generally complicated, other characteristics can
be even more complex. Different combinations of alleles at a locus can result in many
different expressions of characteristics, and all these different factors result in complex
genetic systems that produce a wide variety of character expressions in bees. Alleles at
other loci can also affect a characteristic, but from this variety comes some of the raw
material necessary for the genetic improvement of bee stocks.
So far we have looked at the genetic make-up of queens and drones and have explored
how these genetic characteristics can affect colonies. A key factor in all this is the
number of chromosomes in bees. To summarize so far, therefore (see also Figure 31):
Fig. 31. The number of chromosomes in bees
Drones result from unfertilized eggs by a process known as parthenogenesis. They
have no father.
Eggs and sperm carry 16 chromosomes each.
Each egg contains a unique combination of 50% of the queen’s genes, and sperm
contains 100% of the drone’s genes.
Almost all the 10 million sperm produced by a drone are identical clones. As a
drone results from a queen only, he inherits her characteristics, converting her egg
into sperm and carrying this to another queen.

Since each queen mates with 10–20 drones, colonies comprise subfamilies, each
having the same mother but different fathers.
Workers of the same subfamily are related by 75% of their genes.
This ‘extra’ close relatedness may explain the co-operative and altruistic behaviours
found in colonies.
It may also explain why workers forgo their own reproduction in favour of helping
their queen/mother raise more sisters. Their sisters are more closely related to
them than their own offspring would be (75% v. 50%).
Mitochondrial DNA
As a small digression, it is worthwhile looking at how genetics can be employed as an
investigative tool when tracing the lineage of bees. To track the lineage of bees – for
example, to work out if a bee is of a European type or an African type – researchers look
at the mitochondrial DNA.
Mitochondria are small organelles found in every living cell. Their job is to release
energy by burning sugar with oxygen. In this way they make respiration possible.
When a cell divides, the mitochondria divide as well, but the small amount of DNA
they have remains separate from the nucleus. Also, when the sperm and egg unite
at fertilization to create a new genetic composition, the mitochondrial DNA stays
unchanged. Mitochondria thus pass through generations without their DNA ever
being changed, except by occasional mutations. These changes slowly accumulate, and
it is these accumulations that enable scientists to differentiate bee lineages.
So far we have looked at the theory of bee genetics. In this section we explore what
we can do with this information. Can we breed better bees, just as farmers improve
cows and other livestock, for instance? Given the knowledge we now possess about the
subject, the answer to this must be yes. Remember, we can only skim the surface here,
but the following should give you an idea of how bee breeders go about their work. For

those interested in pursuing bee breeding further, there are many books on the subject
(see the ‘Further reading’ section at the end of this book).
Improving bees’ behaviour
Bee breeders have as their objective the improvement of one or more facets of bee
behaviour: better honey collection, a better ability to overwinter, a tendency not to
swarm, a better temper and so on. Many of these traits may be incompatible with one
another, and so compromises have to be made but, generally, the idea is improvement.
Once the breeding goal has been established, the bee breeder must choose their stock
from the on-site performance of colonies established in apiaries. These colonies are
then tested and given numerical scores for the characteristics being evaluated. This
procedure can take two years or more, and as many colonies as possible should be
evaluated. This latter point is one of the most difficult to overcome for the hobbyist
with only one or two colonies, but it is often equally as difficult for the professional
beekeeper with thousands of colonies simply because of the time constraints.
Once all the colonies have been evaluated, breeder colonies can be chosen. To select the
best colonies to breed from for a particular trait, the scores for certain characteristics are
given more prominence than others. For example, if honey production was considered
twice as important as temper, honey production would be scored on a scale of 0–20,
whereas temper would be scored on a scale of 0–10.
Once the colonies have been evaluated, there are two main methods of breeding queens:
line breeding (closed-population breeding) and hybrid breeding. Both methods have
their merits and either may be employed, depending on which part of the world the bee
breeder lives in.
Line breeding
Line breeding is the commoner of the two main methods, and this can be defined as
breeding and selecting from within a relatively small, closed population. Queens are
reared from the best colonies – i.e. those that produce the most honey, that have the
best temper and so on. These queens are sold as production queens or are used to
re-queen the breeder’s test colonies. They are also allowed to mate with the drones in

the breeder’s apiary. Controlling the drone brood and the propagation of drones from
exceptional colonies are, therefore, part-and-parcel of the line-breeding process. This
improves the stock’s male parentage but, obviously, this procedure can be employed
effectively only in those areas where mating apiaries can be isolated.
The main problem with line breeding is that a fixed population of bees means that
some inbreeding is inevitable. This reduces the stock’s vigour, the result being a poor
brood pattern. Inbreeding can, however, be minimized by rearing queens from as large
a number of outstanding queens as possible and when possible, by re-queening all the
colonies with queens from other breeders.
Is line breeding, therefore, worth the effort? The answer to this question must be yes. In
the USA in the 1930s, for example, a four-year line-breeding selection project resulted
in an increase in honey production from 67 to 181 kg (148 to 398 lb) per colony. Two
important features of this project were the culling of poorer queens and grafting from
the best queens.
Hybrid breeding
When inbred lines or races of bees are crossed, the progeny are often superior to either
parent for one or more traits. This phenomenon is called hybrid vigour or heterosis,
and little is known about it apart from its effects. Hybrid-breeding programmes are
more complicated than line-breeding programmes and involve the use of artificial
insemination. At the minimum, three inbred lines must be combined so that both their
queens and worker daughters are hybrids.
According to John Harbo and Thomas Rinderer in the USA, comparative tests of bee-
breeding programmes have demonstrated the superiority of hybrid over line-breeding
techniques. For example, increased productivity of 34–50% over the average has been
reported in hybrid as opposed to line-bred strains of bees. The one big problem with
this type of improvement, however, is that you have to keep on crossing. Hybrids are
an end product and, to make the best use of them, it is necessary to re-queen every
year – you can’t breed from them to continue a line of successful bees. Because of the
complexity of this type of breeding programme, and because of its requirement for

artificial insemination, few bee breeders have undertaken an entire hybrid-breeding
Selecting traits
Hygienic behaviour is probably one of the bee breeder’s most successful achievements.
This trait benefits colonies in terms of disease resistance: hygienic bees will remove
infected larvae within 24 hours of their appearance and so quickly prevent the build-up
of harmful organisms. After a few generations of bees bred from colonies that express
this trait, hygiene can become a fixed trait in a population of bees.
But how do you check for the existence of such a trait? In this case, the procedure was
fairly simple. Blocks of around 100 capped brood were frozen, and each colony was
timed to see how long it took the worker bees to clear away the dead brood. Those that
accomplished this task the most quickly (i.e. in under 24 hours) were used to propagate
Other traits that have been successfully encouraged include, in the USA where they are
a problem, a resistance to tracheal mites and, more recently, the SMR trait in the fight
against the varroa mite discussed in Chapter 10. Other experiments in breeding and
crossing bee lines have gone spectacularly wrong, such as the efforts associated with
the extremely aggressive Africanized bees that are now causing such a problem as they
advance into the USA.
The selection of high brood viability (i.e. a loss of sex alleles in the population, leading
to inbreeding depression) can also be achieved by beekeepers fairly simply through
programmes such as the one described below. If you cut out a parallelogram measuring
5.3 cm (2⁄ in) by 5.3 cm from a piece of card, you should find that there are 100 cells
in this cut-out if you place it over a frame of brood. Position it over the most solidly
sealed area of brood and count the number of empty cells. Subtract this number from
100. The result should give a percentage brood viability, and anything above 85% is
acceptable. Once this trait – or any other trait – is elected, it can be propagated, as the
example below shows.

Bee breeding and improvement are not something that can be undertaken in isolation
by small-scale beekeepers. Evaluations of the results require large numbers of trial
colonies, but progressive improvements to populations can be achieved on a smaller
scale. The following is an example of such an improvement.
Closed-population line breeding is employed by breeders all over the world. In
this system, instrumental insemination is used to improve the breeding population
progressively and to maintain high brood viability (this minimizes the loss of sex alleles
and so minimizes inbreeding depression).
The procedure for closed-population line breeding is as follows:
Identify the superior-performing queens in your stock and select 35–50 of these.
These are the breeder queens.
Produce several virgins from each breeder queen.
Mate the virgins with 10 drones selected at random from the population.
Place these mated queens in hives and evaluate their performance. The more
evaluations, the better.
Select superior queens from among these queens and use them as breeder queens.
Researchers have estimated that 35–50 breeder colonies must be selected and
maintained in each generation if there is to be a 95% probability of retaining sufficient
sex alleles for at least 85% brood viability for 20 generations.
There are variations on this method. For example, the semen from a large, equal
number of drones from each breeder queen can be pooled and homogenized. This
is used to inseminate the daughters of the selected queens, thus ensuring that all the
queens are effectively mated with the population’s entire gene pool. If the breeder
queens were selected for high brood viability, this would also maintain more sex alleles

in the population. This system relies on advances in artificial insemination, which is
now routine in the bee-breeding world.
This chapter has only skimmed the surface of bee breeding. Bee breeding
can, however, lead to a very interesting and even lucrative career as either
a researcher or breeder. Even the hobbyist beekeeper can institute an
improvement programme by rearing queens from their most productive,
gentle colony. While this may not always work – the new virgin queens may
mate with some not very nice drones – generally, if you keep trying, you
should see improvements in your yields of honey or in your bees’ temper.
I mentioned in Chapter 8 that I had a Cecropian queen called Rose. I
tried propagating from her, but the results were awful. Obviously, her
characteristics did not combine well with those of the local Iberian bees. If
you recall the Africanized bee disaster where African bees were mated with
European bees, you will appreciate just how far things can go wrong. But, by
and large, in your own population you should be able to improve your bees
– and, in doing so, you will gain a huge amount of knowledge about bees.
There are many good books on the subject, and the best of these are
listed in the ‘Further reading’ section at the end of this book. As far as I
am concerned, I need to remember just one thing about bee breeding and
genetics: ‘the drone doesn’t have a father.’ It is when I contemplate this that
I can only admire those who go on to become successful bee breeders.

Chapter 12
Exploring products and career
This final chapter introduces you to the many possibilities of obtaining an income
from beekeeping, from harvesting pollen, to becoming a research scientist, to working
as a jobbing beekeeper on the world stage – beekeeping has immense possibilities for
We looked at the products of the hive in Chapter 3, and we dealt with the honey
harvest in Chapter 7, but what about harvesting other products? But first, we explore
here the main purpose of the bees – pollination – a big subject that can be a very good
financial proposition for beekeepers.
Bees and the farmer
Many fruit and other crops produce more and better fruit or more and better seeds if
they are pollinated by bees. The percentages of increased fruit yield are, in particular,
amazing. Many orchards farmers have thus, at one time or another, kept bees to perform
this vital function for free. This isn’t really for free, however, because beehives have to
be managed well if the bees are to take advantage of the often very early-flowering fruit
crops, and this management is usually needed when farmers are, themselves, busy with
their fruit or crops. Farmers also often find that they need to spray insecticides on their
crops at the pre- and post-flowering stage, and so they have to move the bees out of the

way. When the flowers are out and the bees are needed, therefore, the colonies are often
weak as a result of neglect. Thus many farmers eventually give up keeping bees, and the
colonies are sold or are abandoned to form reservoirs of disease and varroa mites until
the wax moth finally destroys them.
I’ve seen this scenario so often, and that is why you, as a dedicated beekeeper are
needed. You take your bees in at the right moment and take them away again when
the job is done. The farmer makes their money from apples/pears/plums, etc., and you
make yours from your bees.
Why bees are good pollinators
Honey-bees are good at pollinating crops – indeed, they have been doing so for over 40
million years. They have hairy bodies that attract pollen with an electrostatic charge;
they recruit others to the flowers very rapidly and in large numbers because of their
communicative abilities; and they can be trucked in by beekeepers in their millions to
pollination sites (see Photograph 20 in the colour photograph section of this book).
Pollination hives are at their best when they are stimulated to collect pollen, and that is
when there are plenty of unsealed brood. Very populous hives are needed with at least
two brood boxes, the bottom one of which should be full. There should also be slabs of
brood on about six or seven frames or more. The upper box should be well stocked with
brood, and there should be three or four combs of honey.
Consulting closely with the grower
Hives should be moved to the pollination site in close consultation with the grower,
who will probably need them at about the 10% flowering stage. For some crops that
give no nectar, such as kiwi fruit, it is best to move them in at this flowering stage in any
case because, if you move them in sooner, they may well go after other flowers and it
will be very difficult to re-orientate them to the crop you want pollinated. The grower
will probably want your bees until the very last flower has been pollinated. It is as
well, however, to move your bees out at the 95% flowering stage, well before any post-
blossom insecticides are sprayed.

Avoiding spray poisoning
One of the main problems for beekeepers is pesticides, and these may not originate
from the orchard where your bees are but from the one next door or downwind of you.
If your bees suffer from spray poisoning, you may lose your livelihood. Dead colonies
are expensive in time and cash to replace, so go for the sprayer. This may be a contractor
who should know better but has a tight schedule to maintain, or a grower who hasn’t
thought to check on their neighbours. Whatever happens, take action. If someone’s
cows are stolen and killed, there is always trouble. The situation should be no different
for bees.
Siting hives
The siting of your hives for pollination is critical because you want the most out of your
bees. Bees tend to fly at temperatures above 14° C (57° F) and not when it is very windy.
The hives, therefore, should be sited in sunny areas facing the sun and, if possible, near
a wind-break. Some beekeepers place their hives in laagers, surrounded by bales of
straw. For field crops, hives are often sited along the hedgerow. Although this may be
convenient for the beekeeper and farmer, it may not be the best place because bees tend
to go to the nearest flowers and may therefore miss the centre of a field – or at least not
pollinate it so well.
Siting and timing differ between crops, and so it is essential to obtain the advice of a
horticultural consultant who knows a particular crop and its requirements. The farmer
may also be aware of this, and so their advice should be sought as well.
Calculating the number of hives needed
The number of hives per hectare or acre is a major consideration, and this depends
on several factors, such as the attractiveness of the crop to the bees and any rivalry
from nearby, more attractive or equally attractive plants. In parts of New Zealand, for
example, clover flowering can overlap with manuka flowering, and in kiwi orchards it is
a tricky business to keep the bees’ minds on the job if attractive wild flowers are around.
Kiwis give no nectar, and so feeding the bees with sugar syrup is an essential, added

Table 8 gives the number of hives per hectare for some crops that benefit from bee
pollination. It must be stressed, however, that these are average figures – other factors
mentioned above must also be taken into account.
Crop No. of hives per hectare
Apple 2
Avocado 6
Blackcurrant 4
Cherry 0.5
Citrus crops 1
Clover 0.3
Pear 1
Plum 0.5
Kiwi 10–12
Sunflower 1–2
Table 8. Number of hives per hectare for a selection of crops
Moving the hives
Bees should be moved to the crops at night and, if the hives are strapped down well on
the truck or trailer, there should be no need to block the entrances. All the hives should
be settled in their positions by dawn.
When I was involved in pollination, we took our bees to the roadside near to the
entrance to the kiwi orchards and unloaded them on pallets of four hives (the pallets
had a mesh covering that were the floors for the hives above). A contractor would then
arrive with a forklift on the back of his small truck, and he would move the pallets to
the correct positions in the orchard as designated on a map. Sometimes, the orchardist
would do this job, especially if he had forks that could be fitted to his tractor. Another
contractor would arrive at intervals to feed the bees with sugar syrup – or the farmer
would do this if he had the means to do so.

So the orchardist could choose how many hives he wanted, when he wanted them,
whether they needed placing and by whom, and who would feed them. He would pay
for each service accordingly. Generally, the operation ran smoothly but there were the
inevitable hiccups caused by working at night and becoming tired and miserable or
being stuck in an orchard in the truck. One of the most difficult tasks was to find the
right orchard at night when they all looked exactly the same. We had a system in place
in the form of signs at the orchard’s entrance, but these were often pulled off by small
boys, resulting in many a load of bees ending up in the wrong place.
Making a profit
Generally speaking, pollination contracts will make you money, but at a cost. The main
costs are fuel, sugar syrup (if the crop doesn’t give nectar) and wages (if you have to
employ people). It is hard work and always at night. And because bees won’t fly at night
– they crawl – this can make the situation worse. I have never been stung so much as
when I was doing this work.
We eventually worked out that, if each hive could obtain just a few more kilos of manuka
honey (a very few kilos more), it would make more profit. This would also remove the
need to reposition the bees so frequently, thus reducing the beekeepers’ stress, saving
fuel and truck wear and preventing the bees from being sprayed with insecticide (which
always seemed to happen). This example, however, concerns kiwi (a non-nectar giving
plant) and manuka honey (a very high-value crop). The same maths may not work for
other crops. Before you decide to take up this potentially lucrative aspect of beekeeping,
therefore, work out your maths and then, if all is well, go for it.
Before you decide whether to harvest other products, it’s worthwhile finding out the
value of them in your own country. In other words, will anyone buy them, and how
much will they pay? Another factor to bear in mind are compliance issues. These apply
to honey as well as to the other food items, such as pollen, royal jelly and, perhaps,
propolis if it is to be used for internal consumption as a tincture, etc.

These compliance rules become tougher every year and, by and large, are dictated by
the big consumer blocks, such as the EU and the USA. If you don’t comply, they won’t
buy. It’s as simple as that.
Compliance costs vary and will depend on your status in the chain. If, for example, you
are supplying honey to a packer, then the rules will affect you less than if you decide to
pack and sell to the public yourself. The packer would pick up most of the flak. In most
states the compliance rules are enforced by inspectors who will come knocking on your
door. So, before you take the plunge, work out how you are going to comply with all the
Producing royal jelly
Royal jelly is possibly the most valuable (in monetary terms) product of the hive, and
numerous, fabulous claims have been made about it. It is the food of queen bee larvae
and, by feeding a worker bee larva this substance, she will develop into a queen rather
than a worker. She will be a female bee that can mate – a totally different being from the
worker, despite the fact that they start out genetically the same.
How can you become involved?
There is always a market for royal jelly and, whether you are producing it for your own
use as a health supplement or you want to go into royal jelly production for sale, it is
well worthwhile adding royal jelly production to your beekeeping skills. Any beekeeper
who has reared their own queens will know how to produce it.
Royal jelly production consists of the following:
Ensuring the hives you use are bulging with bees.
Making wax queen cells or using plastic ones.
Grafting young larvae into these cells.
Letting the nurse bees fill the cells with royal jelly to feed the larvae.
Removing the royal jelly before the larvae eat too much and before the cells are

The queen producer will omit the last part of this process, allowing the cells to be
capped. Otherwise, everything else is the same.
Removing royal jelly
The jelly is best removed with a small suction device available from beekeeping-supply
companies, although Chinese beekeepers (who produce the bulk of the world’s supply)
use tiny wooden spoons to extract the jelly at an incredibly fast rate. Once extracted,
royal jelly must be frozen or at least kept in the fridge until it is sold or used.
Much royal jelly is freeze dried and sold in this form, but there is a discussion among
scientists about how much of the goodness is removed during this process. One piece
of research showed that feeding larvae on reconstituted freeze-dried jelly didn’t work
– the larvae didn’t prosper or simply died. Others say there is no difference and that
reconstituted royal jelly retains its properties. Clearly this is an aspect of royal jelly
production and sale that needs further research.
Nowadays, the availability of plastic cell inserts and small suction devices makes the
production of royal jelly an easier and more viable proposition for all beekeepers even if
they have just one or two hives.
The one thing that doesn’t change in either queen rearing or royal jelly production,
however, is the need to adhere to a very strict timetable. Once you start the process,
each manipulation must be carried out on time – otherwise the cells will be capped
and you will be producing queens, or the larvae will eat too much jelly and it won’t be
worthwhile extracting what is left. This is a technical business but one that can bring
in great rewards, not least that you will learn a huge amount about what goes on in the
hive and what goes on among your bees.
Before you start, however, obtain guidance and an outline plan of the proceedings so
that you will have something to follow that will increase your chances of success.
Collecting pollen
There is a large market for pollen, especially as a health-food product, and some people
regard it as the perfect food. Certainly there are beekeepers in some countries such as

Spain who dedicate their hives to pollen rather than honey collection and who make an
excellent living from it.
Pollen collection should, however, be considered only on good, strong hives during
seasons when it abounds. Bees collect pollen avidly in the spring when the colony is
expanding rapidly, but pollen may be abundant at other times of the year, depending
on the local flora.
Beekeepers and scientists have long debated whether taking too much pollen affects
a hive’s performance, but it seems self-evident that the bees will step up their pollen
foraging to counteract the loss at the expense of collecting honey. Further, the colony’s
pollen-store level could dip below that required for food, and so the colony could
Trapping pollen
Pollen is harvested in pollen traps, which are placed on the hive for this purpose. A basic
pollen trap is simply a screen through which the bees have to scramble to get into the
hive. As they scramble through the screen, the small pollen loads many are carrying are
pulled off, and these drop into a specially constructed drawer below the screen.
A pollen trap should catch between 60 and 80% of all the pollen bought into the hive.
Some beekeepers believe that traps that retain 60% of the pollen may be kept on the
hives throughout the active season, whereas others believe this places too much stress
on the colony and that, after two weeks of use, the traps should be removed for at least
a week before being replaced.
Traps should effectively exclude all debris (such as insect parts, wax moths, etc.), should
be easy to operate and should protect the pollen from sunlight, moisture and any forms
of adulteration.
Pollen traps are either front- or bottom-mounted. Front-mounted traps were the first
to be used, and these are still employed by commercial beekeepers in many parts of
the world. While front-mounted traps are easy to install and remove, bottom-mounted
traps are perhaps more efficient and effective.

Bottom-mounted traps can be housed in a standard hive body (see Figure 32). These
traps have a screen bottom of 6 × 6.5 mesh per inch (25 mm). The collection drawer
slides out to the rear of the hive and, for ease of operation, this may have sloping sides
and may also be protected by a sliding outer cover. The drawer’s pollen-collecting area is
fitted with a plastic-wire or stainless-steel mesh bottom to allow for good ventilation.
Fig. 32. A bottom-mounted
trap removable from the
side. This is easy to use and
causes less disturbance to
the bees
Both types of pollen trap can be purchased from bee-supply companies or they can be
made by the more talented carpenters among us. Plans are available for this purpose at
Drying pollen
Before drying the pollen, it is a good idea to freeze it overnight to kill off any wax moths
or wax moth eggs that may be in it. Fumigants should not be used for this because they
will contaminate the pollen.
When first collected, pollen has a moisture content of between 7 and 21%. It therefore
needs to be dried to prevent fermentation and deterioration. Large-scale pollen
producers use huge ovens for this purpose that can dry racks of pollen to an exact

degree, which should be between 2.5 and 6%. Dry air heated to a temperature of 45° C
(113F) is forced through the pollen.
I have never collected much pollen but, when I did have a go at a small-scale production
for my own use, I employed a heating device that could be placed on a table (see Figure
33). The pollen was heated gently on several racks positioned above an element. This
device could also be used for drying fruit. Such devices are easy to operate but it is
essential that you keep checking the moisture content because on several occasions, I
burnt all the pollen.
Fig. 33. A pollen drier heated by an element
Drying pollen outside will not normally
dry it sufficiently for marketing. To air
dry, the pollen is spread about 20 mm
(¾ in) deep in shallow trays with wire
bottoms. The pollen should not, however, be placed in direct sunlight, although this is
exactly what I have seen done. It should also be protected from dust and debris, which
it normally isn’t. (It may also have to be protected from bees.)
The moisture content of pollen can be determined easily by a pollen-moisture meter
(see Figure 34). These can be purchased from most bee-supply companies and, if you
are going to produce pollen for sale, you will need one of these. For those who don’t
have access to a moisture meter, the following guidelines are often given to Australian
beekeepers: attempt to break a pollen pellet between your fingernails. If it does not
disintegrate and is difficult to break, the moisture content is between 2.5 and 5%.

Fig. 34. A pollen-moisture meter
Cleaning pollen
When it has been dried to its
optimum, the pollen should be
cleaned of all debris. The amount of
debris in the pollen is a reflection of
the pollen trap’s efficiency. Pollen is
usually cleaned using a series of sieves
of different calibers or by passing it
through a series of differently sized
screens. The dust is collected in a box
below the lowest screen.
Post-harvest storage
Pollen should be packaged in clean, airtight containers immediately after drying and
cleaning. If it is allowed to stand in the open air for any period of time, it will absorb
moisture and subsequently deteriorate or go mouldy.
Pollen for human consumption should be sold (or used) as soon as possible to ensure
its freshness. If it is going to be fed to the bees, it should be used within 12 months.
Extracting beeswax
Beeswax is essentially a side-product of beekeeping, although one that can provide a
useful – if sporadic – income. Because of the following, beeswax is an ideal product:

Processing beeswax is easy. Rendering it to a quality suitable for sale or export
involves simple heating and filtering methods only.
It can easily be moulded into blocks, using any suitably sized containers.
The transport and storage of beeswax are straightforward because no special
packaging is required.
It does not deteriorate with age, so you can store small amounts until you have
enough to sell. The wax moth tends to leave it alone because there is little, if any,
sustenance in beeswax.
The value of beeswax varies according to its purity and colour. Light-coloured wax is
more highly valued than dark-coloured wax because dark wax is likely to have been
contaminated or overheated. The finest beeswax comes from wax cappings, which are
the wax seals with which the bees cover ripe honeycombs. This new wax is pure and
white – pollen and other impurities turn beeswax yellow.
Rendering beeswax
Most beekeepers produce surplus beeswax by rendering down old, dark comb, and
this practice is to be encouraged. After about three or four years, the wax in the comb,
especially brood comb, becomes almost black in colour. It is full of impurities in the
form of old cocoons and other accumulated debris, and it should be rendered down and
either recycled or sold. Also, any other wax scrapings from the hive should be collected
and rendered. There are three fairly easy ways to do this.
Solar extractors
A solar extractor is merely a box with a glass lid and a couple of metal pans inside it (see
Figure 35). The box is placed at a slant so that the glass lid faces the sun. If you paint
the box black and double-glaze the lid, it will even operate in very feeble temperatures
as long as the sun is out (for example, on a cool but sunny winter’s day).
You place old wax in the upper pan, where it melts. The wax then passes down through
a sieve or grating to a small collection pan. When this pan is full, you remove it and cool

it, while placing another collection pan in the extractor. You then invert the cooled pan
and a block of wax will fall out of it.
If this wax has been made from old black comb, it will be a darkish-brown colour (but
nowhere near as black as the comb). If it came from cappings after the harvest, it will
be clean and white (and so more valuable). These blocks of beeswax can then be stored
until sold or employed to make new foundation using a hand foundation-maker that is
available from most bee-supply companies.
Fig. 35. A solar extractor
The only disadvantage of solar extractors is that, if they are used to render old wax comb
that is full of cocoons, they will not extract all the wax from the cocoons. The remaining
slum gum can, however, be steam rendered (see below) to extract the maximum amount
of wax or, perhaps more practically for the hobbyist, it can be used as firelighters.
Steam extractors
A steam extractor will become a necessity if you build up your hives into a commercial
operation of around 100 hives. Figure 36 explains the procedure. I use a portable gas
ring below the extractor and a cylinder of butane to power it because I have access to
solar power only, but an electric element could also be used if you have a mains supply.

Fig. 36. A steam extractor
As you will see, you just need to place the old frames or the wax into the upper basket,
close up, light up and wait for the wax to come pouring out. Make sure, however, that
the container receiving the wax is pliable and large enough to hold a decent-sized block
and, as soon as this is full, replace it with another one. You will need several of these
containers on a good rendering day.
Boiling water
An even simpler way to render down old combs is to put them in a clean sack and
then plunge this into a container of boiling water. As the sack boils away, press it down
with a block and the molten wax will escape and rise to the surface. A spout near the
container’s top will enable you to pour the molten wax into a collection tray. In fact,
because the spout on my container often blocked or because something else would
stop the flow of wax, I usually just collected the wax as a cake at the top of the tank.
Eventually I did away with the spout altogether. Because the cake was a large, circular
lump of wax, I rendered it down in a solar extractor into smaller cakes that were easier
to handle.

Reusing beeswax
If you want to reuse the wax, it is worth investing in a wax foundation mould. I use
one that makes a single sheet of Langstroth-sized foundation. This is simply a press
with hinges. Inside, on the upper and lower leaves, made of a rubber material are the
imprints of foundation.
To make a sheet, you melt the wax in a bain-marie, spray some liquid lubricant over the
rubber leaves, pour over the wax, close the press and wait a short while. Next, you trim
off any excess wax, open the leaves and gently pull off the sheet of wax.
An even easier method is to take your wax to a bee-supply company to exchange this for
wax foundation, or even just to sell it. There is always a demand for wax.
Harvesting propolis
Propolis is another side-line of beekeeping, and few, if any, commercial operators
harvest propolis alone. With advances in our understanding of propolis and with
advances in its uses in medicine, perhaps one day they will. In the meantime, however,
propolis is a very saleable product.
There are two basic methods of harvesting propolis.
First, propolis can be scraped off all the woodwork. The main problem with this
method is the tiny wood shavings that get into the propolis. Not only that, but this also
is a very time-consuming way of collecting propolis and so, if you have to pay someone
to do it for you, it is probably not a cost-effective method.
Propolis screens
The main way to collect propolis is to employ propolis screens. These screens (or grids)
can be purchased from any bee-supply shop, or you could make your own – but they
must be flexible. The screens rely on the fact that the bees will propolize any small holes
in the hive. If the screen is made of slots (holes) around 3–4 mm (⅛ in) in width, and if
the screen is placed on top of the bars (where you would place a crown board if you used
one), then the bees will propolize the slots. When these are full, you remove the screen,

put it in a freezer and, when it is very cold or frozen, you take it out of the freezer, flex
the screen and out will pop the propolis. In the commercial versions of this product, the
slots have slightly sloping sides that aid in the extraction of the propolis.
Alternatively, polyethylene-yarn netting can be employed. The propolis is removed by
scrunching up the netting after it has been frozen. Again, this netting can be purchased
at bee-supply shops, but many beekeepers buy a similar material from DIY or garden
stores that can do just as good a job but more cheaply. It always surprises me how many
items of beekeeping equipment can be substituted by much cheaper items that do the
job just as well.
Remember to keep the propolis well sealed to protect it from the wax moth. Propolis
contains varying amounts of wax and, on one occasion, we sold two barrels of propolis
heaving with wax moth larvae. We didn’t receive much for them.
Collecting venom
To collect venom, a glass electric-shock plate is usually placed on the hive’s alighting
board. On receiving a shock, a bee will sting the thin membrane that covers this plate.
Because it is able to withdraw its sting from this membrane, the bee then continues
to enter the hive. The venom is captured between the membrane and the glass, where
it dries. Once the venom has been scraped off this plate under hygienic conditions,
the plate is placed on another hive’s entrance – colonies can become very defensive
if the plate is left on a hive for too long.
Interest in apitherapy (a branch of natural medicine using bee products) has increased
in recent years, and so the value of bee venom has consequently grown. Unfortunately,
there have been no double-blind, placebo-controlled studies validating the effectiveness
of bee venom. A trial carried out in 2005 did not show any efficaciousness for bee
venom in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Another study done the same year did,
however, show that bee venom may be effective as a treatment for arthritis.
Venom collecting is a very specialized branch of beekeeping, but it can be a lucrative
sideline or mainstream activity. Advice should therefore be sought from bee-supply

companies or from a specialist supplier, such as Apitronic Services in Canada
(http://www.beevenom.com). Although difficult to collect, there is a demand for bee
venom, and so beekeepers should not disregard this product of the hive.
Producing silk
No research I am aware of has looked into the commercial harvesting of honey-bee silk,
and it will probably take a great deal of investigation before silk production is deemed
viable on either a large or small scale. All that is known so far is that cocoon silk is tough
and effective. Producing silk is, therefore, something to keep your eye on.
Producing organic products can be very rewarding. Not only are you ensuring purity of
product but you are also assisting, in however small a way, in preserving the health of
the planet. And, of course, you are charging a premium for this, so you can be satisfied
and rich!
We decided to go organic in Spain partly because I incline that way (although not
fanatically so) and partly because it was a good business proposition. Unfortunately
we relied on natural flora (no crops) to give us the honey crop and, when a prolonged
three-year drought hit us, we were unable to move the bees to cultivated and irrigated
crops because we would have lost our hard-earned organic status. We had invested in
organically-produced queen bees to head all our colonies and we did not use chemicals
to treat diseases. This would all have been lost if we had moved the hives.
Organic beekeeping rules
The rules pertaining to organic food production, including honey, are set out in European
legislation. This legislation is followed by most other states, so these regulations can be
regarded as the norm. You can access them online (at http://www.beekeeping.com/
databases/eu_organic_honey_standard.htm). Have a look at Council Regulation
(EC) No. 1804/1999, which supplements Regulation (EEC) No. 2092/91. This
regulation covers livestock – from bison down to roasting geese and guinea fowl – and it
sets out a whole series of definitions. The important part in terms of organic beekeeping

is in Annex I, Part C. Of major concern here is paragraph 4.2, which pertains to the
siting of apiaries and which determines whether you can produce organic honey or not.
This paragraph states that the siting of apiaries must:
a. ensure enough natural nectar, honeydew and pollen sources for bees and
access to water;
b. be such that, within a radius of 3 km from the apiary site, nectar and
pollen sources consist essentially [my italics] of organically produced crops
and/or spontaneous vegetation according to the requirements of Article 6
and Annex I* of this regulation, and crops not subject to the provisions of
this Regulation, but treated with low environmental impact methods such
as for example, those described in programs developed under Regulation
(EEC) No 2078/92(5)* which cannot significantly affect the beekeeping
production as being organic.
c. maintain enough distance from any non agricultural production sources
possibly leading to contamination, for example, urban centres, motorways,
industrial areas, waste dumps, waste incinerators etc. The inspection
authorities or bodies shall establish measures to ensure this requirement.
(*These further references define organic agriculture and low environmental impact
methods, respectively. The latter is, in my opinion, an excellent method of farming for
those who cannot meet the organic regulations. You will find that all the regulations
refer to other regulations ad nauseam. Although admittedly providing a comprehensive
and logical regulation base, the regulations do, however, take some reading.)
The above requirements do not apply to areas where flowering is not taking place or to
when the hives are dormant (for example, in southern or eastern Spain).
The important observation in these regulations is the 3 km (approximately 2 miles)
limit. This really means 6 km (4 miles) without pollution of any kind and, even in the
wild areas of Spain, this is not easy to comply with – there is always one little isolated
household where the owners spray their cabbages or whatever. It is here, I think,
that a sensible interpretation of the word ‘essentially’ comes into play: local certifying
authorities will have to determine each site on its own merits.

Other regulations pertain, especially in the treatment of bee diseases, which, of course,
must be organic (for example, varroa must be treated without the use of synthetic
chemicals). Overall, however, the rules are designed to ensure a clean, pure, organic
Another point worth mentioning here is that, as every beekeeper knows, bees will
forage as close to home as possible. Therefore if there is sufficient wild forage for them
they will happily confine themselves to an area within a radius of 3 km (2 miles). While
bees have been known to forage up to 13 km (8 miles) or more from a hive, this occurs
only when there is nothing else nearer. If this is the case, you shouldn’t be in the organic-
honey production field, or even in beekeeping at all. In effect, therefore, a beekeeper can
control the flowers or areas over which their bees forage only if they are lucky enough
to have sufficient land with a known wild or organic crop on it.
My holding in Spain encompassed approximately 1,500 acres (600 ha) of wild land
and was surrounded by vast areas of the same. It was populated by numerous wild
flowers and trees, none of which were sprayed, and I doubt the bees went anywhere else.
Whether this is achievable in more populated countries I’m unsure, but I firmly believe
that, if you can do it, you should go for it.
Hobby beekeepers
Beekeeping as a hobby is large in scope but little known about. Many beekeepers – in
fact most – remain hobbyists, and they enjoy their beekeeping immensely to their dying
day. It is these beekeepers who add so much to the world of beekeeping because they
have time: it is a hobby. Because they have time, they notice things, and many an idea
put to commercial use in beekeeping has been dreamt up by a hobbyist.
Hobbyists are also experimenters. While the commercial operator simply hasn’t got the
time to experiment, the hobbyist will try things out and buy new-fangled devices from
bee-supply shops they don’t need but do want. They will use them and either debunk

them or tell the world how well they work. Hobbyists are as essential to the beekeeping
world as the largest of honey farmers.
Beekeeping for the disabled
I firmly believe that many disabled people could enjoy beekeeping. Obviously this
would depend on the extent of their disability but, for those in wheelchairs, for example,
low hives (such as the Dartington hive, in which the combs go horizontally rather than
upwards in supers) or African long hives (which work on the same principle) may be
used. One disabled gentleman asked me about the Spanish Layens hive, which he
thought would be suitable for him. These are a single box with a hinged lid, and he
found that, even in his wheelchair, he could manage them. I sent him the plans and he
got on with it.
There are several very successful projects in developing countries that have targeted
disabled people and introduced them to commercial beekeeping. The projects run by
the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have been very successful.
Beekeeping associations and courses
In most countries, hobby beekeepers are generally the life and soul of local associations.
They are the ones who organize the social gatherings and talks, and many become
involved in arranging beekeeping courses. For the beginner, these courses are well worth
attending, not least because you may find that you don’t really like beekeeping after all,
and so you can leave the scene before committing any money.
Most associations offer courses at various levels and, because you can never stop
learning about beekeeping, you can take courses to a very high level.
In the UK there is a qualification known as the NDB, or National Diploma in
Beekeeping. I have seen the syllabus for this and have talked to several beekeepers who
have passed the exam and, as a graduate and postgraduate myself, I can’t understand
why it isn’t called a degree. The amount of knowledge needed to pass it is certainly more
than that required by some of the degrees I have come across. In my opinion it is very
typical of the UK not to do so.

Hobbyists are also the people who tend to define our thinking about beekeeping. At
the time of writing I received an email from someone in the UK who wanted to know
about the treatment of mason bees. I replied that I didn’t know much about them but
would put her in touch with a university department that might help. In her reply she
said that she didn’t realize bees could be studied in university departments: she thought
they were ‘kind of nice and rustic’. I was pleased to enlighten her but I know that this is
the view of many. Beekeepers are perceived as elderly, pipe-smoking gents or dotty old
dears who love their little craft and who keep themselves to themselves. It’s a nice view
but, of course, totally wrong. In Chapter 1 the immensity of the subject and the huge
amounts of money pumped into beekeeping research, not just by governments but also
by universities and other scientific institutions, were discussed. From all this there must
be opportunities for careers. There are, and the following are some examples.
Jobbing beekeepers
There are opportunities throughout the world for jobbing beekeepers with some
experience to work for commercial companies (see Photograph 21 in the colour
photograph section of this book). These opportunities occur mainly in New Zealand,
Australia, Canada and the USA and, when the beekeeping season approaches, there
are plenty of adverts in local papers for experienced beekeepers. If you can demonstrate
that you have also had some commercial experience, you are almost certain to be
employed. How you obtain that commercial experience can be difficult, but many
people attain this by working for a commercial beekeeper in their home country, just
for the instruction.
Most beekeeping is hard, heavy lifting, and so most commercial beekeepers are happy
to have someone help them, especially when the work involves humping bees around
at night. Not only that, but the change from being a hobby beekeeper to working for
a commercial operator can be traumatic for some. While the processes are all basically
the same, a commercial beekeeper would probably pay you by the hour, and so speed
is of the essence. The sheer numbers of hives to be dealt with in a day and the sheer
scale of things can also be very daunting. Flying prepared hives into remote areas by
helicopter; preparing hundreds of hives for a night move; or loading and unloading
hives into orchards that all look the same and knowing you must finish the job before

dawn can all be very stressful experiences. Being stuck in some remote, wet area with
your truck tilting into a river (see Photograph 22 in the colour photograph section of
this book) with no phone coverage, or your trailer has overturned, scattering fifty hives
across the road that all need putting back together again before dawn – these are all
actual examples. I can only stress again that, before venturing into this exciting and
really interesting work, you should first obtain some experience of it close to home.
Obtaining a job
Unfortunately, there is no central, international agency that collates beekeeping jobs,
and beekeepers tend to advertise in their local papers only. One way to find an overseas
job, therefore, is to place an ad in a foreign magazine or newspaper. When I was involved
with a large company in New Zealand, the company would scan the magazines and
newspapers when it needed beekeepers to see what was on offer – usually around the
July/August period.
Another way is to find out the names of the large and medium-sized beekeeping
companies in the area of your choice and to write to them, offering your services
and explaining your level of experience. Again, we used to take such letters seriously
and, before the start of the season, would contact those we thought would do well.
Obviously, if you knew someone in that country you could ask them to obtain the
information for you and to keep a lookout in the local press, or even to go and ask at
the beekeeping company. Companies need beekeepers because of the shortage of them,
especially in such countries as New Zealand, and beekeepers want jobs. It is just a
matter of ensuring that the twain meet, and you should be proactive in this. Remember,
though, that large, industrial-scale beekeeping is not the same as hobby beekeeping, so
be prepared for a vertical learning curve, both mentally and physically.
Many of the beekeepers who worked for us in New Zealand would complete their
contracts and then move to Canada or the USA, if they could get in, to work the season
there before returning to New Zealand at the end of that season. Many worked their
way around the world in this fashion and then used their experience and earnings to set
up their own beekeeping enterprises.

Running your own beekeeping business
You can approach running your own beekeeping business from two angles. First,
you could gradually build up the number of hives you have as a hobbyist, gathering
experience all the time, until you have sufficient hives to earn some side-money from.
This is usually where most beekeepers stop, but some go on and suddenly find that not
only are they earning money but also they now have the experience and contacts to earn
more, if only they had the time. This is when you must decide whether to chuck in the
safety of your main job at the office or take up the undoubtedly lucrative but riskier
job of working for yourself in an activity that is dependent on the weather, like most
farming activities. As I mentioned earlier, in Spain, we suffered several years of drought
that, allied to a forest fire, so reduced our circumstances we had to flee.
This slow but sure method of building up a business is, nevertheless, sound, for two
reasons. First, you gain a great deal of experience and many contacts so that little comes
as a surprise and, second, by the time you make the decision or not to go full time, you
at least know whether you like it or not!
If you go down this route there will be another decision you must make. At around the
400–500 hive mark you will need help, but you won’t necessarily have enough money to
pay someone to work for you. Unless you do, however, you won’t be able to increase the
number of your hives or be able to make the best of what you have. It is not, however,
until you reach the 800–1,000 hive mark that you will be able to afford to employ
someone, and so in the meantime you could run out of cash. This type of decision
needs sound financial advice and input from your bank, but it has been done and there
are many medium to large beekeeping companies that have been through this phase of
development successfully.
The second way of starting your own business is to gain experience at home and
abroad with commercial beekeeping companies and, after several years, form your own
company with plenty of hives without going through the slow build-up process. You
will already have experience and you will have the advantage of having seen different
ideas and systems in action with various companies. This is a great way to start in
beekeeping and has many advantages over the slow build-up method, not least the fact
that you are already aware of all the costs involved and the experience levels required to
run large numbers of commercial hives.

Funding for such enterprises can come from a variety of sources, and a friend of
mine received his start-up funds from the Prince of Wales’s Trust. He was not an
experienced beekeeper but had been a hobbyist. The fund’s discipline and support
gave him an excellent start from which he has made a successful career as a commercial
beekeeper. So look around at all the funding possibilities in your area, especially those
organizations that deal with rural industries.
Scientific careers
A career in beekeeping doesn’t necessarily mean being a beekeeper. The world of science
is open to those who are suitably qualified, and the number of research possibilities is
endless. We know comparatively little about the bees we use compared with, say, cattle
or sheep, and the whole idea of insects as social animals can teach us a great deal.
I completed a postgraduate diploma in apiculture at Cardiff and really would have
liked to have gone on to a Masters and a PhD, but I was then in my early forties and no
one was going to sponsor me at that age. Had I been younger I would no doubt have
been accepted onto a programme under some sort of sponsorship. I researched drone
congregation areas, which is a very little known and studied area of bee research. It
always amazes me that we still don’t really know the parameters of these areas or how
exactly queens and drones find their way to them, or how exactly their boundaries are
defined. I would have loved to have carried on, but having to make a living got in the
way. However, this should not stop you, and there are thousands of questions about
bees and their products that would provide valid and useful research opportunities.
Entry to research is usually through a bachelors degree in science and then moving on
to postgraduate study. A talk with your university adviser and a basic Internet search
should show which research institutes are open to supervising this type of research, and
don’t forget the government laboratories that generally require scientists at this level.
I first took honours from London in the geological sciences, but it was 20 years later
that I used this degree to obtain a place on a postgraduate research programme. If you
are heading in this direction, your reading list should include at least The American Bee
Journal, Apis UK, The Journal of Apicultural Research and Apidologie. So my advice is if
you can, go for it, and the earlier the better. We need you.

Wherever bees can live, beekeeping is practised and has been for thousands of years.
The western honey-bee was introduced to many areas of the world as the discovery
of new lands gathered pace. The USA, South America, Australia, Canada and New
Zealand didn’t have Apis mellifera until colonization began, and these useful insects
were taken there by the colonists. Wherever they went, the bees spread and became an
indispensable addition to local agricultural operations.
Hives and other equipment – along with management methods – vary from the very
advanced to the incredibly primitive, even within countries. Spain, for example, has
advanced beekeeping operations that can compete with any in the world, but it also has
some of the most primitive, with beekeepers using old cork hives with cross sticks in
them for the bees to hang their combs on. Many beekeepers use the Layens hive, which
is truly awful (I tried a couple of them) and, while they are easy to close and load up, the
bees inside them are hot and crowded and swarm like crazy.
In Central America, prior to European honey arriving with the Spanish, the local
‘honey’ bee was the stingless melipona bee. These were kept in tubular log hives, gourds
or cylindrical pot hives and were regarded as the messengers of the gods by the Mayan
Indians. Special religious ceremonies were conducted at various times of the year, and
the Mayan Honey God presided over everything. These bees were a source of great
wealth, and the honey from them was used as a trading commodity. Each hive would
produce only some 2 kg (4 lb) per year of honey, and so many hives had to be kept to
ensure a good and plentiful harvest. The arrival of the more efficient Apis mellifera
almost caused the abandonment of stingless beekeeping, but recently there have been
concerted efforts to devise more efficient hives for these bees and to encourage their use,
not least because their honey may well hold a host of medical secrets.
These bees also have ways of conducting their nest mates to food sources. They leave
odour trails, and scientists have found that some of these bees use abbreviated odour
trails to prevent competitors from following them. Stingless beekeeping is now a hobby
practice in Australia and, hopefully, it will grow in tropical areas. There is really no end

to the enjoyment and uses of bees, and their study will reap benefits for the future in
the pollination of food in a more populous world.
Keeping bees all over the world – whether advanced or primitively managed – generates
a sort of global community, and it doesn’t matter where you go on holiday, if you are a
beekeeper, you will end up talking to other beekeepers. The biannual Apimondia Expo
also brings together thousands of beekeepers from this global community, or at least
those who can afford to go.
So ends this manual of beekeeping. It could go on for a thousand more pages because
there is so much to tell, but its purpose is just to get you started – obtain your bees
and learn as much about them as you can, either on your own or with others. Read the
following information about beekeeping organizations, charities and supply companies
and find out what they can offer. Finally, join your local beekeeping organization if only
for their advice – especially if you are starting out. You should also find that they are a
great bunch of people, as are most beekeepers I have met throughout the world. Good
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Weights and measures
Many of the measurements in this and other beekeeping books may be in units you are
unfamiliar with (e.g. metric, US or imperial). The following conversions may therefore
Note: The quantities have been rounded up. For more exact measurements, you should
consult a dedicated weights and measures ready-reckoner or one of the many online
conversion sites.
oz = ounce pt = pint
lb = pound gal = gallon
cwt = hundredweight
in = inch ml = millilitre
ft = foot (feet) l = litre
yd = yard
nm = nautical mile
g = gram mm = millimetre
kg = kilogram cm = centimetre
m = metre
km = kilometre

ha = hectare
fl = fluid sq = square
Linear measurement
1 in = 25 mm 1 yard = 915 mm (0.9 m)
1 ft = 305 mm (0.3 m) 1 mile = 1.6 km
1 cm = ⅜ in 1 km = 0.6 mile
1 m = 3 ft 3 in 1 nm = 1.8 km (legally, but
not by computation)
1 sq in = 6.5 cm² 1 sq mile = 2.6 km²
1 sq ft = 0.09 m² 1 acre = 0.4 ha
1 sq yd = 0.8 m²
1 ha = 2.5 acres
1 pt = 0.6 l 1 US gal = 0.8 UK gal = 3.8 l
1 UK gal = 1.2 US gal = 4.5 l
1 fl oz = 28 ml
1 l = 1.8 pt = 4.2 cups (US)
Liquid weights
1 pt water = 1.3 lb = 0.6 kg 1 gal water = 10 lb = 4.5 kg
1 pt = 20 fl oz = 570 ml
1 l water = 1 kg = 2.2 lb

1 oz = 28.4 g 1 UK cwt = 1.1 US cwt = 50.8 kg = 112 lb
1 lb = 0.5 kg 1 UK ton = 1 metric tonne = 1.12 US ton = 20 cwt
1 kg = 2.2 lb
Te m p e r a t u re
To convert Fahrenheit to centigrade (Celsius):
x ºF = (x – 32) ÷ 1.8 (e.g. 60ºF = (60 – 32) ÷ 1.8 = 15.5ºC)
To convert centigrade (Celsius) to Fahrenheit:
y ºC = (y × 1.8) + 32 (e.g. 60ºC = (60 × 1.8) + 32 = 140ºF)
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Further reading
The following is by no means a comprehensive list of all the beekeeping books available,
but it does give those I believe are the best of the bunch. Be careful about publication
dates – beekeeping is a fast-moving subject, and so books become out of date very
quickly. This is especially important in the area of pests and diseases.
Atkinson, J. (1999) Background to Bee Breeding. Mytholmroyd, West Yorks: Northern
Bee Books. An up-to-date book on bee breeding, including a comprehensive
introduction to bee genetics.
Bailey, L. and Ball, B.V. (1991) Honey Bee Pathology (2nd edn). London and San Diego,
CA: Academic Press.
British Beekeepers’ Association (n.d.) Honeybee Anatomy. Stoneleigh Park,
Warwickshire: British Beekeepers’ Association. A series of transparent illustrations
(in sectional form) through a bee. Excellent.
Brother Adam (1975) Bee-keeping at Buckfast Abbey. Mytholmroyd, West Yorks:
Northern Bee Books.
CAAPE (n.d.) Enfermedades de las Abejas. Prevencion, Diagnostico y Tratamiento.
Cordoba: Centro Andaluz de Apicultura Ecologico, Cordoba University. This very
comprehensive book on bee diseases is the ideal companion for those who speak
Spanish. Written by the team from CAAPE, the Andalucian centre for organic
beekeeping at Cordoba University, it gives excellent advice on organic treatments.
Cook, Vince (2004) Queen Rearing Simplified. Monmouth: Bees for Development. A
very simple and easy method of rearing your own queens explained step by step
using the Cook method.
Cramp, David (2006) The Beekeeper’s Field Guide. Tauranga, NZ: Bassdrum Books.

Not a starter guide but an aide-memoire to take to the apiary. Covers management,
manipulations and diseases in a series of comprehensive fact sections.
Crane, Eva (1999) The World History of Beekeeping and Honey Hunting. London
and New York: Routledge. A really comprehensive and up-to-date history of
beekeeping by the founder of IBRA. A must read.
Dade, H.A. (1994) Anatomy and Dissection of the Honeybee. Cardiff: IBRA.
Free, J.B. (1982) Bees and Mankind. London: George Allen & Unwin.
Graham, Joe (ed.) (1992) The Hive and the Honey Bee. Hamilton, IL: Dadant & Sons.
A very comprehensive text that needs updating, but it is still very useful.
Hansen, H. (n.d.) Honey Bee Brood Diseases. Danish State Bee Disease Committee
(also available in Spanish). An essential read.
Howes, F.N. (1945, reprinted 2007) Plants and Beekeeping. Mytholmroyd, West Yorks:
Northern Bee Books.
Jean-Prost, P. (1994) Apiculture (6th edn). Andover: Intercept. A French perspective.
Written as a series of lessons, this offers a different and interesting angle on
Kirk, W.D.J. (1994) A Colour Guide to the Pollen Load of the Honey Bee. Cardiff:
MAF (n.d.) Diagnosis of Common Honey Bee Brood Diseases and Parasitic Mite Syndrome.
MAF (available online at www.hortresearch.co.nz/files/science/biosecurity/
Morse, R. and Flottum, K. (eds) (1997) Honey Bee Pests, Predators and Diseases (3rd
edn). Medina, OH: A.I. Root Co.
Ortega, J.L. (1987) Flora de Interes Apicola y Polinizacion de Cultivos. Jaen: Libros Aula
Magna. An excellent book on flowers, fruits and crops that are of interest to bees
and therefore farmers and beekeepers (in Spanish).
Phipps, P. (ed.) (annually) The Beekeeper’s Annual. Mytholmroyd, West Yorks:
Northern Bee Books. Published annually in the UK, this is a complete guide to
beekeeping and research organizations in Britain.
Seeley, D. (1985) Honeybee Ecology. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Shimanuki, H., Flottum, K. and Harman, A. (eds) (2005) The ABC & XYZ of Bee
Culture (41st edn). Medina, OH: A.I. Root Co. Similar to Joe Graham’s (1992)
book but in alphabetical order. Try to obtain the latest edition.
Storch, H. (1985) At the Hive Entrance. Brussels: European Apicultural Editions. This

gives guidance on helping to determine a hive’s health by looking at what is going
on at the hive’s entrance.
Van Toor, R.F. (2006) Producing Royal Jelly: A Guide for the Commercial and Hobbyist
Beekeeper. Tauranga, NZ: Bassdrum Books. A step-by-step guide to making a
profit from royal jelly – an extra dimension to beekeeping.
Von Frisch, K. (1954) The Dancing Bees. London: Methuen.
Von Frisch, K. (re-issued 1983) Bees: Their Vision, Chemical Senses and Language.
London: Jonathan Cape. A classic. This and The Dancing Bees describe how Von
Frisch discovered the secrets of honeybee communication.
Whynott, D. (1991) Following the Bloom. Harrisberg, PA: Stackpole Books. An excellent
book about the world’s last cowboys – the migratory beekeepers of the USA.
Winston, M.L. (1987) The Biology of the Honey Bee. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Burdock, G.A. (1998) ‘Review of the biological properties and toxicity of bee propolis’,
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 36: 347–63.
Goodwin, R.M. and Van Eaton, C. (1999) Elimination of AFB without the Use of Drugs.
Tauranga: National Beekeepers’ Association of New Zealand.
White, J.W. Jr, Kushnir, I. and Subers, M.H. (1964) ‘Effect of storage and processing
temperatures on honey quality’, Food Technology, 18: 153–6.
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International beekeeping
The following is a list of beekeeping organizations and websites that have a global
interest. Organizations tend to come and go, but the following have proved to be
ANERCEA (Association Nationale des Eleveurs de Reines et des Centres d’Elevages
Apicoles): the French association of queen rearers (www.apiculture.com/
Apidologie: not an association but a major bimonthly international journal that
publishes original research articles and scientific notes concerning bee science and
Apoidea (www.edpsciences.org).
Apimondia (International Federation of Beekeeping Associations): promotes scientific,
ecological, social and economic apicultural development in all countries and the
co-operation of beekeepers’ associations, scientific bodies and individuals involved
in apiculture worldwide. Apimondia also aims to put into practice every initiative
that can contribute to improving apiculture practice and to rendering the obtained
products profitable. One of its major objectives is to facilitate the exchange of
information and discussion. This is done by organizing congresses, conferences
and seminars where beekeepers, scientist, honey-traders and legislators meet to
listen, discuss and learn from one another (www.beekeeping.com/apimondia).
Bees for Development: an information service at the centre of an international
network of people and organizations involved with apiculture in developing
countries. It aims to provide information to alleviate poverty and to maintain

biodiversity. It is financed from donations, sponsorship, journal subscriptions,
training courses, project management, consultancies and information services
CAAPE (Centro Andaluz de Apicultura Ecologico): based at the University of
Cordoba in Spain. Specializes in solutions for organic beekeepers or those trying
to limit their use of chemicals.
IBRA (International Bee Research Association): a not-for-profit organization that
‘aims to increase awareness of the vital role of bees in the environment and [to]
encourage the use of bees as wealth creators’. Its website gives information about
the association’s mission, members, library services and publications – including
the Journal of Apicultural Research (incorporating Bee World) – a major bee science
journal. Information is also provided on conferences and other meetings, and there
is a useful page of links to relevant websites (www.ibra.org.uk).
Finally, of interest to beekeepers the world over, www.beekeeping.com – the
international beekeeping virtual gallery that covers just about everything in the
beekeeping world (in English, Spanish, French and German).
Beekeeping charities
Beekeeping charities play an important role in helping people in poorer countries to
earn a sustainable living from honeybees.
Bees Abroad: a UK charity that raises funds to alleviate poverty in developing countries
by funding and running beekeeping projects (www.beesabroad.org.uk).
Bees for Development: see ‘International beekeeping organizations’.
Hives Save Lives: based in the UK, this charity works for the alleviation of poverty in
Africa by helping people to help themselves through beekeeping
IBRA: see ‘International beekeeping organizations’.
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Beekeeping journals
In most countries of the world there is a multitude of beekeeping journals. The
following are some of the most popular, enduring magazines in English and Spanish.
American Bee Journal: a monthly that contains a wealth of interesting articles and news
applicable not only to US beekeeping but also to beekeeping in general.
Apis UK: a free monthly, online magazine that brings to beekeepers worldwide the
science of beekeeping and the latest advances (www.beedata.com/apis-uk/
Bee Craft: a UK, full-colour monthly covering all aspects of beekeeping but aimed
mainly at a hobbyist audience. Provides information from expert correspondents
and keeps readers up to date with legislation.
Bee Culture: an American magazine that is aimed more at the hobbyist than the
American Bee Journal.
Beekeeper’s Quarterly: a glossy UK magazine covering all aspects of beekeeping aimed at
an international audience. Many articles from a range of global correspondents.
El Colmenar (in Spanish): the following information comes from the magazine’s website
(www.elcolmenar.org/): Colmenar (the magazine of the Association of Beekeeping
of Colmenar) contains articles, news about beekeeping, the environment and fairs,
guides to important suppliers at both a national and international level and an
online beekeeping course.
Journal of Apicultural Research (incorporating Bee World): a research-based journal that
now incorporates Bee World. A truly international beekeeping magazine.
New Zealand Beekeeper: the official journal of the national Beekeeper’s Association of
New Zealand. Always up to date with its news and articles. Provides first-rate
information to both commercial and hobby beekeepers.

Vida Apicola (Apicultural Life) (in Spanish): the following information comes from the
magazine’s website (www.vidaapicola.com): Vida Apicola (Apicultural Life) was
first published in Barcelona in 1982 by a group of beekeepers and lovers of honey.
It is now the most read beekeeping magazine in Spain and one of the best technical
beekeeping magazines in the world.
Beekeeping supply companies
Beekeeping supply companies come and go, but the following details are current at
the time of writing and are likely to last the course. There are many suppliers, and so I
have included here the larger companies only. For those outside the UK I have included
online companies.
E.H. Thorne (Beehives) Ltd
Beehive Works
Market Rasen
Lincolnshire LN8 5LA
Tel: 01673 857004
Maisemore Apiaries
Old Road
Gloucestershire GL2 8HT
Tel: 01452 700289
National Bee Supplies
Exeter Industrial Estate
Merrivale Road

Devon EX20 1UD
Tel: 01837 54084
Park Beekeeping Supplies
17 Blackheath Business Centre
78b Blackheath Hill
London SE10 8BA
Tel: 020 8694 9960
Sherriff (beekeeping clothing and gifts)
Carclew Road
Cornwall TR11 5UN
www.bjsherriff.com or www.beesuits.com or www.beegifts.com
Stamfordham Ltd
Heugh House
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE18 0NH
Tel: 01661 886219
For a comprehensive list of supply companies,
see http://www.australiadirectory.com.au/ca705-beekeeping-supplies/

For a comprehensive list of supply companies,
see http://www.canadianbusinessdirectory.ca/category.php?cat=309.
New Zealand
For a comprehensive list of supply companies,
see http://www.finda.co.nz/business/c/beekeeping/.
For a comprehensive list of supply companies with location maps,
see http://members.aol.com/queenb95/bee_supply_companies.html.
Europe and rest of world
The following website provides an important list of beekeeping supply companies in
many countries of the world:
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ABPV (acute bee paralysis virus) 195, 206
acids, formic 196, 201, 203
adult bees xi, 10, 15, 38, 148, 155, 182, 187,
192, 198-9, 205-7
young 84, 189
AFB (American Foul Brood) xi, 59, 69, 123,
144, 179, 182-7, 189, 206-7, 214-15,
bees 98, 247
queen 98
Africanized honey-bees 98
after-swarms 94
ages 15, 38, 83, 171, 190-1, 207, 224-5, 236,
259, 271
aggressive colonies vii, 141-2
aggressiveness 142-3, 217
alleles 240-1
Annual re-queening 156-7
aphids 34
apiary 28, 42, 73, 105, 107-8, 114-15, 144-5,
148, 172-3, 204, 228-9
complaints 76
enclosed garden 75
insurance 77
neighbours 76
roof top 74
rural/country 71-2
water source for 75
urban 74
apiculture 271, 279, 281
Apistan 199, 201-3
areas, urban vi, 68, 74-7
artificial insemination 244-5, 247
association, local beekeeping 7, 59, 69, 90-1,
120, 201
queens 157, 176
re-queening 104, 194
Bayvarol 199, 201-2
breeders 69, 98, 239, 242-3, 245, 247
breeding viii, 216, 242-3, 246-7, 278
brushes 124-5
stings v, 4, 42, 64
venom 7, 42-3, 263-4
bee-disease officer 192, 215
Bee eaters 212
bee eggs 209
Bee escape boards 123
beehives vi, 7, 29, 30, 35, 40, 45-7, 57, 65, 67,
85, 180
brood box 47

choosing 57
feeders 52-3
floors 47
foundation 54
frames 50
queen excluders 49
beekeeper problems 40
Beekeeper’s Field Guide 179, 278
hobbyist 168, 247
local 65, 68-9, 87
new 37, 57, 64-5, 82, 88, 157
organic 210, 282
beekeeping v, vi, viii, xiii, xiv, 3, 4, 7-9, 45,
57-9, 266-8, 270-3, 278-80, 283-4
books 275, 278
businesses xiii, 270
career 4, 69, 71, 87, 135, 141
charities viii, 283
journals viii, xiv, 284-5
magazines 66, 69, 120, 285
stingless 272
supply companies viii, 47, 60, 286-8
world xiv, 211, 266-7, 282
year vii, 45, 175
aggressive 143
attendant 157-8
colony of 9, 24, 30-1, 41, 45, 91, 138, 178,
crawling 63, 192
fighting 84, 144
fly 163, 231
flying 84, 145
gentle vi, 67, 74-6
guard 65, 213
house 28, 41, 204
hygienic 217, 245
insufficient 117, 190
killer 67, 98
male 7, 30, 238, 240
moving xi, 56, 150-1
plenty 226, 228
queenless 147, 224
rear queens 225
robber vii, 144, 187
scout 18, 99, 173
strain of 103, 157
young 17, 26, 158, 194, 197
beeswax 7, 15, 31, 38-40, 50, 68, 180-1,
beetles 208-9
birds 12, 157, 212
division 63, 113
fume 123-4, 127
sticky 198-9
boxes 46, 48-50, 52-3, 57-8, 94-6, 106-8,
116-18, 125-6, 132-3, 147, 258-9
empty 137, 149-50
full 48
full-sized 49
hang frames 50
packing 57-8
upper 49, 249
branch 27, 95, 263
breeding 7, 216-17, 238, 243, 245
BREEDING BEES viii, 216-17, 219, 221,
223, 225, 227, 229, 231, 233, 237-9
breeding queens viii, 237-8, 243
British Beekeepers’ Association 278
brood 14-17, 47-9, 65-6, 85-7, 104-7,

111-12, 152-5, 181-2, 190-1, 199-201,
bald 190-1
box 46-52, 58, 66-7, 81, 85, 87-8, 104-5,
107, 115, 123, 163
chamber 48-9, 107, 111, 113, 148, 221
combs 111, 183, 209, 227, 235, 259
disease problems 191
diseases vii, 182, 189, 191
frames 65, 86, 106-7, 109-11, 140, 152,
159, 161, 164, 186, 228
burnt 182
nest 6, 36, 86, 113, 115, 117, 171, 221,
open 140, 227
pattern 111, 139, 152, 154, 240, 244
problems vii, 190
rearing 24, 72, 87, 167, 170
unsealed 86, 237, 249
viability 245-6
high 245-6
worker 203-4
brush 121, 124-5, 127, 140, 159, 234
business 3, 6, 9, 46, 158, 270
candy 80, 157-8, 167, 169
cappings 10, 39, 121, 131, 133, 183, 186-7,
189-90, 207, 260
Career Possibilities viii, 248-9, 251, 253, 255,
257, 259, 261, 263, 265, 267
cavity 27, 30, 56
CCD (Colony collapse disorder) 195, 197,
Cecropian bees 66, 141
bars 219-21
walls 25, 188, 191, 221, 236
cells 15, 85-7, 138-41, 153-4, 187-91, 204,
206-8, 215-21, 227-8, 235-6, 253-4
artificial queen 219
bees start queen 140
capped 191, 221
developing 231, 235
empty 87, 139, 152, 237, 245
honey-bee brood 197
just-about-to-emerge queen 225
new queen 14, 107, 109, 223
open 10, 152
open queen 224
plastic queen 161, 221
prepared queen 219
protected queen 232
ripe queen 235
sealed 25, 152, 189
sealed queen 224
started queen 140, 230-1
supersedure queen 110
uncrowded queen 228
wax queen 253
chalkbrood 188-91, 214
Chemical strips 201, 210
chemicals 186, 194, 198, 200-3, 264, 282
Chilled brood 190-1
chromosomes 239-41
cluster 39, 150, 164, 167
cocoons 5, 10, 180-1, 187, 236, 259-60
queen larvae spin 38
colonies 21-5, 27-31, 82-94, 101-16, 138-44,
155-8, 160-3, 178-83, 201-13, 221-30,
best 243
breeder 243, 246
INDEX | 295

diseased 214
extra 106, 146
gentle 143, 155, 222, 247
infested 198
large 65, 86, 103, 115, 146, 156, 161
laying-worker 141
overwintered 171
queen-rearing 186
queen-right 140-1
queenless 108, 141, 218, 233
small 69, 79, 85, 87, 145, 161, 168
strong 105, 112, 188, 218, 227
swarming 103
uniting vii, 146
young 88, 90, 116
comb 9, 10, 99-101, 106-7, 111, 116-19,
126-7, 132-5, 164-6, 180-1, 208-10,
cutters 133-4
honey 39, 132-3
eating 133
expensive 39
producing vii, 132, 134
production 133
old 173-4, 261
stored 132, 175, 181, 209
commercial beekeepers 4, 5, 7, 13, 49, 56, 63,
67, 71, 92, 157, 268
large-scale 54, 111
Controlling Diseases vii, 178-9, 181, 183,
185, 187, 189, 191, 193, 195, 197
Dadant brood box 58
daily mite 199
damage 55, 91, 117, 127, 138, 180, 182, 196,
205, 221, 233-4
dance, waggle 18-20
Dancing Bees 280
DCAs (drone congregation area) 12-13, 93,
de-queen 222, 227-8
dead bees 15, 84, 164, 193
defence 4, 15, 23-4, 28-9
Diagnosis of Common Honey Bee Brood
Diseases 279
diseases 59, 60, 82-3, 86-8, 146, 172-3,
178-9, 181-3, 185-90, 192-4, 206-8,
signs of 88, 114
viral 186, 192, 195-6, 206-7
virus paralysis 195
DNA methylation 26
Drifting 72
prevention 73
bees v, 9, 10, 12, 21, 29, 30, 123
brood 139-40, 153, 203-4, 244
cells 204
frame 204
Laying workers 153
cells 21, 140, 197, 204
Drone-laying queen Re-queen 153
drones, diploid 155, 240
dysentery 84, 192, 194-5
EFB (European Foul Brood) 123, 152, 154,
185-6, 189, 191, 206, 214
eggs 10-18, 26-9, 48-9, 80, 85-7, 92, 101,
107-8, 138-41, 152-3, 159-60, 221-2,
224-5, 227, 237, 239-41
queen’s 239
eggs/bees 104

emergence 11-12, 235, 237
emerging brood 160, 225, 227-8
frames of 158, 227
entrance blocks 149-50, 165
Entrance reducers 79
entrances 16, 27, 35, 40, 60, 78-9, 83-4, 99,
100, 102-3, 105-6, 145-6, 149, 158-9,
173-4, 228-9, 251
enzymes 2, 34, 42, 168
equipment vi, 29, 30, 33, 43, 45, 59, 60, 67,
69, 71, 81, 118-19, 150, 175, 223,
229-30, 272
bees 98, 247
foul brood, see EFB
honey-bees 98
experience xiii, xiv, 9, 12, 31, 44, 64, 70, 82-3,
104, 111, 118, 133, 181, 268-70
Exploring Products 249, 251, 253, 255, 257,
259, 261, 263, 265, 267, 269, 271, 273
extractor 49, 119-20, 122, 126, 131, 260
solar 259-61
eye facets 22
feeders 38, 52-3, 56, 79, 85, 87
feeding 9, 35-7, 144-5, 168, 170, 186, 194,
211, 216, 218, 250, 253
ferment 118, 128, 170
filters 119, 121-2, 126, 131
floor 39, 46-7, 83, 88-9, 96, 100, 105, 107,
122, 126, 143, 147, 151, 158-9, 172-3,
flow 17, 33, 108, 113, 115-16, 118, 121, 171,
flowering stage 249
flowers 3, 15, 174, 249, 266, 279
fly 12, 14, 16, 22-3, 29, 75-6, 84, 93-4, 99,
105, 108, 124, 126, 140, 148-50, 157-8
food 2, 3, 6, 9, 16, 18, 20, 25, 27-31, 36, 87,
150, 163, 179, 182, 194, 210
of queen bee larvae 36, 253
source 6, 18, 20, 89, 174, 272
forage 16, 23, 28, 30, 83, 90, 102, 266
forager bees 17-18
foragers 16-18, 23, 27-8, 73, 100, 114, 144,
150, 152, 204
foundation 65, 81, 106, 116-17, 131, 133,
159, 173, 175, 226, 228, 260, 262
frames of 78, 87, 107
thin 133
wax 51, 54, 81, 229
frame feeder 52-3, 79-81, 100, 106, 149, 172,
frames 40-1, 50-8, 61-2, 64-8, 78-83, 85-6,
88-9, 100, 119-21, 123-6, 132-3, 140,
158-60, 203-4, 221, 225-32
of bees 163, 227
cell 221, 231
centre 85
of comb 109, 127, 164
drone 204
empty 65, 107, 111, 123, 228
hang 50, 52
of honey 126, 165, 224-5, 227
Hoffman 51, 67, 81
Manley 51-2, 67, 81
spaced 52
of stores 164, 228, 230
wet 131-2
freezer 134, 201, 204, 263
Frisch, Von 280
fructose 32-3, 129, 168
INDEX | 297

fuel, smoker 62, 252
fungi 41-2, 188-9, 192
genes 26, 238-40, 242
genetics 238, 240, 242, 247
Germany 19, 33-4, 193
glands, bee 15-16, 38, 174
glass, magnifying 219, 221
gloves 62, 64, 184-5, 193
glucose 32-4, 168
grafting 219, 222, 244, 253
harvest vii, 6, 39, 71, 106, 110-11, 115, 118,
120, 133, 135, 137, 162, 176, 201, 252
healthy colonies 27, 84, 86, 88, 91, 146, 152,
179, 183, 186, 189, 191, 210, 215, 222,
heat 33, 48, 129, 143, 158, 167-9, 205, 220
herbicides 148
entrance 61, 74, 78-9, 105, 125, 132, 279
inspections 89, 114, 136-7, 175, 223
tool 40, 60-1, 68, 85, 89, 127, 147, 160,
hives 8-12, 14-23, 33-7, 39-41, 46-51, 56-60,
66-9, 71-86, 89-94, 100-7, 116-19,
142-51, 156-9, 188-92, 198-201,
bait 172-3
buying 59 - 60
commercial 213, 270
Dadant 57
diseased 179
dummy 143, 151-2
empty 59, 69, 78
few 53, 58, 111, 124, 132
healthy 146, 179
infected 182, 185
Langstroth 57
layens 57
main 159-60, 228
moving vii, 148, 150, 163, 188
National 57
new vi, 60, 67, 80, 100, 106-8
old 106-7, 173
original 93-4, 101, 228-9
Perfeccion 57
prepared 69, 71, 100, 268
queen-right 147
queenless 147, 229
second-hand vi, 59
Smith 57
strong 105, 190, 255
two-queen 63
WBC 58
hive’s entrance 78, 80, 84, 144-5, 192, 194,
196, 203, 213, 215, 263, 280
HMF (Hydroxy-methyl-furfuraldehyde)
129-30, 168
hobby v, 1, 3, 4, 6, 13, 58, 266
beekeepers 7, 167, 266-8, 284
hobbyists xiii, 4, 5, 7, 28, 50, 71, 92, 106, 121,
123-5, 132, 157, 243, 260, 266-8, 270-1
Hoffman frames 51, 67, 81
honey 1-3, 7, 8, 30-4, 36-9, 49, 71-2, 74-6,
81-3, 99, 100, 114-31, 133-7, 144-5,
164-6, 184-6, 225-7, 272
boxes 52, 67, 116-17, 119
buckets 122, 126-7, 129
collection 67, 143, 243, 255
combs of 143, 166, 249
creamed vii, 135

crop 7, 48, 72, 82, 117, 132, 157, 264
dark 33
extracted vii, 32, 122, 127, 129
extracting 50, 120
extractor 121-2
flow 104, 106-7, 109-10, 112-13, 115-18,
133, 142, 146, 157, 162, 188
heavy 117, 161
frame of 65, 106
granulated 135
harvest 113-14, 204, 248
harvesting vii, 118, 132
manuka 33, 41, 252
marketing vii, 136
production 2, 7, 28, 58, 82, 243-4
organic 102, 202
seed 135
selling 39, 131, 136
stored 49, 130
stores of 69, 87, 164, 194
supers 49, 52, 104, 123, 127, 176
surplus of 71, 82, 92
Honey Bee 279-80
colonies v, 9, 28, 43, 210
larvae 26, 43, 206
Honey Bee Brood Diseases 279
honey-bees v, 1-3, 5, 6, 9, 15, 22, 28, 31, 37,
40, 92, 98, 192, 195, 197, 208
eastern 28, 213
far-eastern 90, 193, 197
western 28, 90-1, 194, 213, 272
honeycomb 39, 49, 50, 54, 57, 121, 134, 162,
181, 209
honeydew 33-5, 44, 265
hood 55, 63
hornet 213
Hydroxy-methyl-furfuraldehyde, see HMF
Iberian bees 64, 66, 141
IBRA 279, 282-3
infestation 91, 186, 196, 202, 207-9
insects, pollinating 1, 2
inspections 85, 88, 90, 109-10, 114, 138, 143,
152, 163, 166, 174-6, 179, 182, 198,
207, 235
open 85
insurance vi, 77
International beekeeping organizations viii,
281, 283
Italian bees 27, 61
jobbing beekeepers xiii, 248, 268
Killer bees 67, 98
kits, queen-rearing 218, 229, 231
Langstroth 57-9, 67
frame 165-6, 220
larva 187-8, 221
dead xi, 183
comma-shaped 227, 229
drone 187, 204, 222, 224-5
moth 180
laying queen 65-6, 81, 162-3
lids 40, 46, 53, 56-7, 76, 85, 94, 96, 105, 131,
143, 149, 151, 158-9, 163-5, 171
gauze 149-50
line breeding 243-4
liquid honey 33, 135
livestock, honey-producing 14
INDEX | 299

Manley frames 51-2, 67, 81
mated queen 25, 94, 154, 156, 218, 229, 246
mating 13, 17, 22, 29, 30, 98, 157
flights 11, 22-3, 237
nuclei 225, 230-1
maximize honey production 63, 116
ready-reckoner viii, 275, 277
swarm-control 114-15, 176
mesh floors 48, 205
mid-gut 193
Miller frame 226-9
larvae 227
mites 28, 90-1, 195-205, 207-8, 211-12
dead 201
mitochondria 242
Mix of drone brood Laying workers 153
Modern beehives 27, 46
moisture content 2, 128, 256-7
moths 117, 179-80, 182
nasonov pheromone 173-4
natural pollen 167, 170
nectar 2, 15-16, 18-20, 23, 28, 32, 35, 72, 74,
102, 113, 116, 136, 168, 174, 249-50
neighbours 59, 71, 74-7, 105, 205, 210, 215,
New Zealand xi, 7, 34, 61, 64, 66, 77, 90,
142-3, 150, 186, 211, 222, 228, 250,
nosema 112, 172, 192-4, 207, 211
sign of 192, 194
nucleus 65-7, 69, 78-9, 87, 142, 159, 161,
223, 227, 242
boxes, four-frame 159, 230
colonies 82, 116, 144-5
hives 89, 158, 171, 228
nurse bees 10, 17, 37-8, 159, 187, 216, 218,
227, 230, 253
insufficient 154, 188
Obtaining bees vi, 65
Obtaining equipment 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57,
59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69
odours 20, 75, 147, 158, 174, 209
organic honey 102, 265
ovarioles 37-8
Overwintering vii, 162-3, 165, 167, 169, 171,
173, 175, 177
oxytetracycline, bacteriostat 184, 186
package of bees 66, 69, 79
paint 41, 56-7, 74, 234, 259
pallets 46, 78, 251
parasitic mite syndrome (see also PMS) 195,
197-8, 206, 279
pepper pot appearance 183, 186
periods, brood-less 207-8
Pests 178-9, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191,
193, 195, 197, 199, 201, 203, 205,
207-9, 211-13
pheromones 5, 12-14, 17, 22, 29, 174
queen substance 22
cells 220-2, 231, 254
frames 50, 52-3
PMS (Parasitic mite syndrome) xi, 43, 154,
195, 197-8, 206-7, 279
pollen vi, 2, 5, 7, 15-6, 30-1, 35-7, 83-4, 87,
163-4, 166-7, 172, 180-1, 230, 249,
drying 256-7

grains 35-6
harvesting 36
products 36
sources 265
substitute 167, 170, 172
traps 36, 255-6
pollen-moisture meter 257-8
pollination v, viii, 1-3, 34-5, 211, 248, 250-1,
propolis vi, 5, 7, 16, 31, 39-42, 44, 49, 51-2,
60, 173, 181-2, 252, 262-3
composition 40
extracts 42
harvesting 262
properties 42
screens 262
queen viii, 9-15, 21-9, 36-8, 48-9, 78-81,
86-9, 92-5, 100-4, 106-12, 138-41, 146,
152-61, 216-18, 223-41, 243-4
bee larvae 36, 253
bees v, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 21-2, 25, 29, 37,
158, 232, 237
mate 238
produced 264
raising 222
rearing 7
breeder 246
cage 80, 108, 159-60, 169
caged 66, 106, 108, 140, 143
candy 167, 169
catcher 234
cells viii, 83, 93, 98, 102-10, 140, 143, 156,
159-61, 216-18, 220-5, 227-9, 231-2,
colonies, single 111
comb/clear brood nest 155
cups 25-6, 102, 104, 110, 176, 218, 220,
drone-laying 233
eggs 139
emergency 26
excluder 48-9, 67, 81, 102-3, 107, 113,
118, 127, 163, 218, 227, 229-30, 232,
failure 17, 153
finding 108
honey 154
introduction xi, 156, 160
larvae 25, 37
marked 86, 105, 113, 152, 233
marking 233-4
new xi, 14, 25, 80-1, 92, 107, 109-10, 113,
139, 141, 155-61, 175, 232
old 14, 93-4, 109-10, 113, 153-4, 156,
159, 161, 216
pheromones 13, 104, 139
potential 26, 37
problems vii, 152-3
rearers 13, 229, 281
replacement 101, 146
spotty brood pattern 154
unmarked 233
young 14, 113, 115, 156, 160, 224
operations 212, 218
units 218, 222
Queen/brood-nest troubleshooting guide
cell-builder hives 231
hive/nuc 227, 229
INDEX | 301

re-queen viii, 103-4, 109, 143, 154-5, 157-8,
161, 175-6, 191, 217, 227, 229, 243-4
professional honey producers 104
re-queening 103, 110, 141, 155-7, 176, 244
regular 188, 190
recipes 167-9, 172
research 3, 5, 13-14, 21, 23, 26-7, 37, 40, 73,
104, 116, 170, 174, 205-6, 254, 271
resistance 186, 198, 201, 245
robbing 39, 56, 76, 84, 106, 132, 142, 144-6,
172, 182, 187, 210
role, beekeeper’s v, 2, 28, 30
royal jelly 5, 7, 10, 25-6, 36-8, 252-4, 280
production 253-4
sacbrood 186, 188-9, 191, 206-7
scientists 5, 13, 18, 20, 22-3, 26, 206, 240,
242, 254-5, 271-2, 281
scouts 94, 97, 99, 144, 172
sealed brood 86-8, 111, 153, 183, 188, 230,
sealed drone-brood frame 204
selection 205, 217, 224, 245, 251
sex alleles 240, 246
silk 43
sisters 239-40, 242
sites 18, 27-8, 71-2, 74, 97, 99, 117, 143, 151,
163, 265
small hive beetles xi, 208-10
smell 88, 147, 183, 186, 209, 215
smoke 61-2, 85, 124, 142
smoker 57, 60-2, 85
Spain 58, 60, 64, 76-7, 127, 136, 150-1, 162,
193, 197, 202, 210-13, 231, 255, 264-6,
sperm 12, 21, 23, 29, 239, 241-2
split hives 155, 176
spores 59, 182-3, 192
spray damage 142, 148-50
spring vi, vii, 2, 69, 70, 82, 90-2, 101, 113,
115, 117, 152, 157, 167-8, 171, 175-6,
192, 223-5
re-queening 104
staples 149, 151, 200
starvation 17, 30, 84, 185-6, 195-6
steam extractors 260-1
sting 4, 14, 21, 29, 30, 42-3, 63-4, 75, 93, 99,
158, 193, 263
stored pollen 181
stores 14, 20, 29, 33, 78, 84, 87, 90, 111, 114,
135, 144, 163-6, 210, 227-8, 230
frame of 158, 223
stress 148, 150, 185-6, 188-9, 211-12, 252,
255, 269
subfamilies 21, 238, 242
sucrose 32, 168
sugar syrup 52-3, 56, 66-7, 77, 79-81, 87,
100, 106, 149, 166-7, 169-71, 190, 192,
194, 230, 250-2
sugars 15, 32, 34, 36, 38, 56, 77, 79, 128, 166,
168-9, 200, 211
summer 117, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129,
131, 133, 135, 137
supers 46, 49, 50, 67, 104, 107, 115-18,
123-5, 127, 133, 181, 232, 267
supersedure 109-10, 154, 207, 232-3
cells 110, 154, 161, 232
queen 155, 232
supply companies, comprehensive list of 288
swarm 14, 23, 27, 29, 57, 65-6, 68-9, 75-6,
82-4, 88, 92-5, 97-104, 109-10, 137,
155-6, 171-5

artificial 105, 107-8, 190
baiting 172-3
of bees xiii, 27, 65, 69, 92, 98, 101
box 95, 230-1
method 229-30
cells 102, 110, 155, 232
sealed 102
collecting 97
control 14, 101, 108-9
hiving 101
honey-bee 174
prevention 101, 104
prime 94
traps 172-3
unknown 97
swarm-prevention methods 82, 104-13
swarming vi, 14, 23, 48, 65, 69, 75, 88, 91-2,
98, 101-9, 113, 146, 172, 233
season 104-5, 115, 172, 176
signs of 114, 176
syrup 53-4, 56, 80, 100, 144, 165, 167, 170,
invert sugar 167-9
temperature, average winter 165
thymol 203
traits 138, 205, 217, 243-5
genetic 190-1, 205
transfer, larval 219, 223-4, 226, 229, 231
trapping, worker-brood 203-4
traps 182, 255-6
bottom-mounted 255-6
Tropical honey-bees 27
Tropilaelaps clarae xi, 207
troubleshooting queen cells 235
unfertilized egg 21, 238-41
unite 80, 108, 141, 146, 149, 153-6, 159
USA 3, 22, 33, 60, 66, 98, 103, 174, 196,
204-5, 208, 210, 213-14, 244-5, 253,
varroa xi, 27-8, 82, 90-1, 114-15, 163, 173,
193, 197-8, 201-3, 206-8, 211, 266
destructor xi, 90, 195, 197, 201
infestations 198, 201
mites xi, 28, 48, 90-1, 197, 203, 205-7,
245, 249
numbers 199, 200, 205
venom 31, 42, 44, 263
uses 43
virgin 25, 86, 93-4, 109, 155-6, 224, 232,
235, 246
queens 13, 25, 93, 109, 153, 161, 216, 230,
Virus diseases 84, 211
waggles 18
wasps 2, 164-5, 213
water 6, 16, 28, 30, 32-3, 39, 42, 48, 57, 75,
77, 79, 89, 150-1, 168-9, 219-20
content 118, 128
source 72, 74-6
supply 75-6, 145
wax 10, 15-16, 27, 39, 40, 50, 54-5, 58-9,
85, 99, 100, 119, 121, 131-2, 219-21,
227-8, 235-6, 259-63
cells 10, 43, 54
homemade 218
combs 30, 52, 97, 99, 141, 179, 260
composition 39
fitting to frames 55
INDEX | 303

foundation 55
molten 50, 220, 261
moth larvae 181, 191, 209, 263
moths vii, 88, 91, 117, 132, 134, 137, 141,
164, 173, 175-6, 179-81, 190, 210, 249,
scales 39
sheets 50, 54-5, 58, 262
strips 55
weight 39
WBC 58-60
websites 281-2, 288
wings, queen’s 102
winter vii, 2, 6, 9, 12, 20, 27-8, 48, 58, 67, 70,
156, 162-6, 176, 181, 193-4
sites 162-3, 176
wooden frames 47, 49, 50
bee larva 36, 253
bees v, 9, 13-18, 20-2, 25-6, 29, 38, 49,
92-3, 210, 239, 245
cells 17, 26, 139, 153, 225-6, 240
yeasts 33, 128, 169-71
young larvae 26, 86, 148, 152, 182, 221-2,
224-5, 229, 253
frame of 80, 230