My AT100 Quickstart Guide
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Aqua TROLL Quickstart Guide
Instrument &Accessories
1. Aqua TROLL 100 or 200 instrument
2. Rugged Twist-Lock Cable
3. Wireless TROLLCom or USBTROLLCom
4. Bluetooth-enabled mobile device or Windows PC
Getting Started
1Connect the instrument to TROLLCom communication device.
Wireless TROLL Com Users USB TROLL Com Users
A. Connect Rugged Cable to
Wireless TROLLCom and
B. Instrument is ready to pair with
software. Turn on the Wireless
A. Connect Rugged Cable to
TROLLCom and instrument.
B. Plug TROLLCom into PC.
Information subject to change without notice. In-Situ, In-Situ logo, Baro Merge, BaroTROLL, HERMIT, HydroVu™, iSitu, Pocket-Situ, RDO,
RuggedCable, RuggedReader, SmarTROLL™, TROLL, VuSitu, and Win-Situ are trademarks or registered trademarks of In-Situ Inc.©. All
rights reserved. This product may be covered by patents identified at
0056102 | 1 | 10/2017

2Connect to the software.
Option 1: Connect to the VuSitu mobile app (recommended)
Download the VuSitu mobile app from the Google Play Store at
A. Turn on the Wireless
TROLLCom and open
VuSitu mobile app. Select
Choose or Add aDevice.
B. Select Add New Device
when connecting for the
first time.
C. Locate the serial number
under the yellow lid of the
Wireless TROLLCom.
D. From device's Bluetooth
Settings screen, tap serial
number of TROLLCom to
E. Tap mobile device's back
button to view Connected
Instrument screen.
F. Tap mobile device's back
button to view Connected
Instrument screen.
VuSitu's on-screen instructions will guide you through instrument calibration, live
readings, log setup and data sharing.
See next page for additional software options.

Option 2: Connect to Win-Situ on aPC via Bluetooth
Download Win-Situ from
A. Open Win-Situ. Select
Yes when asked to connect
B. Click Add Bluetooth
Device button.
C. From Devices and
Printers window, click Add
D. Select your Wireless
TROLLCom (PowerPack)
from the list of Bluetooth-
enabled devices. Click
E. Make sure device is
highlighted in Select a
Bluetooth Device window
and click check mark button.
F. Click check mark button
on Default Communication
Settings window to close.
G. Click yellow connect
button at bottom of screen.
H. Your instrument is now
connected to Win-Situ and
you should see the Home
Option 3: Connect to Win-Situ on aPC via USBTROLLCom
A. Open Win-Situ. Select No
when asked Connect to
device now?
B. Choose Preferences
>Com Settings from menu
bar. Select Serial
Communications radio
button. Click check mark
C. Click the yellow connect
button at the bottom right
of the screen.
D. Click Yes if prompted to
sync device time with local

3Learn more.
Before deploying your instrument, calibrate it using the on-screen instructions in VuSitu or Win-Situ. You can then create
sites to associate with your data, set up logs and start recording information.
Download the product manual from for complete instructions.