About_Echelon_and_ZCPR3 About Echelon And ZCPR3

About_Echelon_and_ZCPR3 About_Echelon_and_ZCPR3

User Manual: About_Echelon_and_ZCPR3

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CP/M-8O Console Command Processor Replacement
ZCPR3 takes CP/M-80 into UNIX domains offlexibilityand capabilitywith B-bit efficiencyand speed.
·Shells, including shell variables.
·Aliases. with parameter passing.
·Flow control with IF-ELSE conditional testing and GOTO'S.
·Resident command packages which can be selected dynamically.
·Variety of front-ends, including menu-driven types, VFILER and others.
0Multiple commands per line, initiahzation startup commands.
·Named directories may replace disk and user numbers.
·Search paths locate files on other drives and in other user areas.
·Full multilevel online HELP.
·Terminal install TERMCAP database.
·Complete error trapping with recovery. customizable messages and prompts.
·Redirection of input/output devices.
·Password control of access to drive and user areas. Tree directory structures
possible with named directories.
·Uses same 2k space as CP/M CCP. Optimum operation with modified BIOS.
!·, 0Lavish documentation contains user guide, installation procedures. concept
S: discussions and rationale. Over 300 pages. typeset.
É0Fast and streamlined operations, tailored for either 8080 or Z80 cpu's.
·Reasonable license fees for OEM's and system integrators (starts at S39).
-"i Supporting utilities (over 70) provide tools for the system integrator, OEM, and personal computer
programmer perfectly tailoring operating system characteristics with minimum hassle. In summary
ZCPR3 brings newlife to B-bit CP/M software through an operating environment fully configurable
to end user requirements without compromise.
Echelon yoursingle source forZCPR3 related software, forcommercial and non-commercial use.
We are interested in marketing programs having awide appeal that take full advantage of ZCPR3
capabilities. Send us your software in confidence you'll receive aspeedy review and response. Use
handy order form to get started using ZCPR3 and its utilities. Ourprices, combined with quick order filling,
can't be beat.
Trademarks: CP/M, Digital Research: ZCPR3. SYSLIB3, & TERM Ill, Richard L. Conn: DISCAT, Echelon. Inc.:
Z80. Zilog. Inc.: 8080, Intel Corp.; UNIX. AT & T Bell Laboratories, Inc.
=iEchelon, Inc.
101 First Street 0Suite427 0LosAltos, CA 94022 0415/948-3820
AMacro Library
SYSLIB3 is acollection of 210 subroutines designed to provide the CP/M 8080/Z80 assembly
language programmer with aset of functions to ease programming. The library relieves the
programmer from constantly "re-inventing the wheel" while providing an environment that
encourages structured programming at the assembly language level. The full power ofthe computer
is harnessed for the forgotten audience of assembly language programmers.
Subroutine Categories
·Directory manipulation 0Numeric string evaluation
"Byte-oriented file input/output 0CP/M file input/output
0Filename string parser and FCB initialization 0Input line editors
·String output 0Numeric output 0String &value comparison
·Character-oriented input/output 0Mathematics 0CRC routines
"Random number generation 0Disk/UserArea manipulation
·Sorting 0ZCPR3-specific routines 0Direct CP/M control
SYSLIB3 requires Microsoft's M80 and L80 macro relocating assembler and linker. SYSLIB3 itself is a
library of object modules created in the M icrosoft format.
SYSLIB3 is asignificant tool for the experienced programmer to:
1. Solve programming tasks quickly
2. Write space and speed-efficient code
3. Write more maintainable code
4. Reduce overall programming effort
The assembly language programmer is provided many ofthe advantages of Pascal or Clanguage by
using SYSLIB3. Furthermore, the code produced with it is the property of the programmer. For
essentiallythe cost ofdisk media, this fantastic libraryis ava liable. Documentation is provided as text
files on the library disk pair. (The majority of ZCPR3 utilities were written using SYSLIB3.)
ADisk and File Catalog Program
Managing floppy disks becomes difficult when the number exceeds about fifty. Trying to remember
the disk containing aspecific file becomes nearly impossible. DISCAT solves this problem in an
elegant and efficient manner.
·All disks and their file names are stored in amaster file database. Search
routines easily determine the disk containing the desired file(s).
0Each disk receives aunique identification on entering the database.
·Automatic updating with simple commands.
·Merge facility provided to permit multiple catalog files to be combined.
·Space remaining on each disk is stored in database for easy recall.
0Install program provided to handle CRT terminal characteristics. Based on
information in UC Berkeley UNIX TERMCAP program.
0Scan disks as well as files.
·Sizing data (disks, files and catalog file sizes).
·Menu or command-completion user interface, fully integrated.
·Send database to printer for hardcopy record.
·Runs on any 8080/Z80 based CP/M-80 computer using ZCPR3.
Fast and very disk-space efficient. Acomplete disk and file catalog system.
TERM 3'"
The Telecommunications Pmgram
TERM 3 is asmart terminal and file transfer program permitting communications between computers
of all types. A new-generation integrated system providing:
·Automatic telephone number diahng from library of numbers. Auto redial if busy signal. Editor
built-in to create and change libraries.
0Send and Receive files over telephone wirelines and satellite data links. Full error detection (CRC
and Checksum) with automatic retransmission on error. Multiple protocols provided: CompuServe ClS,
Kermit, Christensen MODEM7/XMODEM, TERM, etc.
·Batch file transfer using wildcards and multiple filenames per command.
0Control remote computer(s) from your local terminal.
·Capture complete transaction between your computer and remote timeshare systems. Data
optionally sent simultaneouslyto console, printer, and disk file. Automatic local memory buffercontrol
permits file lengths limited only by size of disk space available.
·Automatic sending of character strings, command lines, password sequences, all changeable
while online using built-in editor.
·Character set translation. Communicate in EBCDIC, BAUDOT, or other 7- or B-bit character
·Full disk manipulation facility built-in and usable while online. Copy, rename, delete, view on
console, send text to printer, group tag fordeletion and copying, file size and space remaining on disk,
all instantly available.
·hstallation program customizes program for your modem type and particular CRT terminal.
Commands and functions are screen oriented, using cursor positioning, clear screen, erase to end of
line, and half intensity for highlighting. Program uses UNIX TERMCAP for terminal control sequence
information. No need for Assembly Language knowledge. Works with any terminal.
·Full control of transmission characters for operation with timeshare protocols. PIus full 256-byte
translation table.
0Modern dynamic file overlay techniques used to speed program operations. All libraries and
major functions are software modules.
·Sizing memory and disk space tailoring! Features not desired can be omitted.
·ZCPR3 and standard CP/M-80 CCP compatibility.
Program designed for both ease of learning and use. System can be tailored forthe novice or made
more streamlined as the user becomes more comfortable wIth the system.
=1 Echelon, Inc.
101 First Street 0Suite 427 0Los Altos, CA 94022
Who and What is Echelon?
We're a company of people dedicated to providing software to users of all levels, beginners to
experts. Cost effective software that's adaptive to the needs and experiences of the computer
console operator. We representa breath of fresh thinking about software prices, about support
before and after sales.
©1984, Echelon, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Free to create computer environments right for you . . . free to automate repetitive tasks ...free to
increase your productivity. Z-Sy6tem, the high-performance B-bit operating system that flies!
Optimized assembly language code full software development system with linkable libraries of often
needed subroutines —relocating (ROM and RAM) macro assembler, linker, librarian, cross-reference
table generator, debuggers, translators, disassembler ready to free you!
New generation communications package provides levels of-flexibility, fuñe-
TERM Ill tionality, performance not available i.mti! now. Replaces BYE and XMODEM ...
master/server local area network capability .. . public or private bulletm board
and electronic message handling are integral features . . . auto-dial/answer, menu insta!l .. .
XMODEM (CRC/Checksum), MODEM7 Batch, Kermit, ClS, and XON/XOFF protocols . . .
lOO-page manual $99.00
Rolls Royce of message handling systems . . . mates with TERM ||| or BYE for
Z-MSG most advanced overall electronic mail/file transfer capabilities . . .menu
installed . . . extreme configurability . . . many levels of access and security .. .
word, phrase editor, field search . . .complete message manipulation and database
maintenance $99.95
Elegant, menu and command-line driven file and disk catalog manager.
DÓSCAT Generates and controls multiple master catalogs, working catalog used for
update quickness. Nine flexible modules easily altered by user for custom
requirements. Works with Zshells {VMENU, VFÍLEFL MENU), aliases, and multiple commands
per line $39.99
ZCPR3: The ManuM Bound, 350 pages, typeset book describes features of ZCPR3
command processor, how it works, how to install, and detailed command usage. Bible to
understand Z-System $19.95
ZCPR3 and LlOPS Loose-leaf book, 50 pages, 8-1/2" by 11", describes ins-and-outs of
input/output processing using Z-System. Shows how to modify your BIOS to include I/'O
redirection . . . complements The Manual $9.95
More missing links found ZApplication Progamt Fly with eagles! Our programs promote high
performance through flexibility! Productivity results from dynamically changeable work environments,
matching operator to ta8ks and machines.
Above programs require 48K-byte memory, ZCPR3, Z-Com, or Z-System, and Z80,.'NSC800/HD64180-
based computer. Shipping from stock. State desired disk format, plus two acceptable alternatives. As
payment, we accept Visa, Mastercard, personal checks, money orders, and purchase orders from
established companies. We also ship UPS COD.
Call or write to place order or to obtain literature.
\"iEche1on¶ Inc. 101 First Steet ·Suite427 ·LosAltos, CA 94022 ·415,"948-3820 ,1
Flexibility is key to Zpower. Productivity results from optimum organization of
human and machine resources. You are íree to create the thinking and working
environment that you choose! Zpermits quick computer system re-organization for
varying tasks and controls your application programs from integrated easily produced
and changed menus. Generation of aliases permit many commands and keystrokes to be
converted to afew. Aliases may be used from within menus. One alias may use
another. Control is near absolute using the supplied utilities. Menu generation
determines how the computer is used, simplifying and speeding operations. Only single
from-menu keystrokes are needed to activate many complex series of commands. Z is a
hard worker--a system you use, learn from, grow and live with!
Utilities provided conveniently permit file and disk management, easy
coordination of many application programs from chained menus with full security and
password protection. OMine help assists understanding details of each command
available. Asummary Command Reference card is also provided with agiossary of
computer and Zword meanings.
Z-System (combining ZCPR3 and ZRDOS, completely removing CP/M) is available in
two versions: I) manual-install system using your CP/M MOVCPM, SYSGEN, MAC, and DDT,
and 2) auto-install Z-Com version. The installation procedure for Z-Com is detailed
on afew lines at the bottom of the Command Reference eard. The manual-install
version is for two-year or over computer users and programmers; the auto-install is
ideal for microcomputer amateurs.
Z-Com is sold in either two or 5-disk set. Dual-disk package is for those who
have obtained the manual-install ZCPR3 Core and Utilities software and want now to add
auto-install to their collection. The 5-disk set is complete and provides seventy-
seven (77) utility files in object form. The source for the utilities is not
supplied, as it occupies eight (8) or more additional disks. The manual-install
utilities may be used with Z-Com by using the Z3INS.COM, ZCPR3.INS, and ZC.ENV files
supplied or auto-produced during the install process.
The #IA disk used for installation has sufficient reserve space to permit
creation of five (5) special files during installation. The #1B and #2 disks have
remaining utilities not on disk #IA, plus special ZRIXJS utilities and online help
files. Disks #3 & #4 have online help files used from tree-structure HELP.CONI menus.
Z-Corn installs on all CP/M 2.2 computers using 8080, 8085, Z80, NSC800, and
HD64180 mi eroproeessors. The install menu presently has over 50 terminals and
computers to fully handle CRT screen capabilities. We add to the menus as we gain
knowledge of additional control and escape sequences.
Future utilities planned for Z-System can be installed and used with Z-Com by
adding the utility name to the ZCPR3.INS file with any CP/M editor and then running
Z3INS with ZC.ENV and ZCPR3.INS. Installation then occurs automatically. Files named
in the ZCPR3.INS list not present on disk being installed are ignored.
Available OEM package permits bundling Z-System with your deliverable hardware.
SYSGEN and MOVZSYS, simple text editor, along with aZ-Tools Package (Zas and Zlink
reloeating mareo assembler and linker, and ZDM and DSD debuggers) fully support system
development and re-configurations.
Z R D O SPlus
ZRDOS Plus shipments started 5July 1985. Those who would like t.o
upgrade to asuper BOOS and no longer be dependent upon Digital Research
can now be fully free. ZCPR3 combined with ZRDOS does it all and with
complete software development system (Z-Toolstm) utilities: relocating
macro assembler, linker, librarian, cross-reference symbol table
generator, two debuggers, five translators (Intel/Zilog/TDL/CDL) and an
8080/Z80 disassembler. Sorne ZRDOS Plus features:
Upward compatible with CP/M-80, full ZCPR3 compatibility
Takes advantage of Z80 Instruction Set
ZCPR3 Wheel Byte write-protects selected fi}es from non-Wheel users
Changed Disks automatically logged in
Read/Only Disk status maintained after warm boot
Read Console Buffer Function (ID) treats rubout (DEL) same as backspace
File Archive Bit set by Function 30, compatible with MP/M &CP/M 3
Single-level re-entrance permits compact I/O Packages
Support Utilities include Copy, useful for archiving and backup, plus
Set/Display File Attribute, Dump, Compare, and View programs
Enhanced Error Handling with non-cryptic announcements
Added Functions (47, 50 &52) for get DMA and set/reset warm boot trap
Z800 version (ZRDOS3) has over 47 non-CP/M Functions added to achieve
easy MS-DOS program migration
Z80/HD64180 version in binary for auto-patching CP/M system @$49.50
Z800 version expected first-quarter '86
Your eyes get wet...and bugs of CP/M have been eliminated, even those in
Function 37. Documentation is 35 pages of crisp, unambiguous language
describing each DOS function. The Z80/HD64180 Z-Tools software
development system package is $150.00 complete; mainframe-featured
screen-oriented dynamic debugger adds $129.95. Our ZAS and ZDM, marco
assembler and debugger, of Z-Tools package, completely support the
extended instruction set of Hitachi's HD64I80 enhanced B-bit micro-
processor. Z800 version pricing not yet established.
Trademarks: Z80/800, Zilog; MP/M, CP,/Pi, Digital Research; MS-DOS,
Microsoft; Z-Tools, Z-Com, ZCPR3 and ZRDOS, Echelon, Richard Conn,
joseph Wright, and Dennis Wright; 8080, Intel; HD64180, Hitachi.
Copyright 1985 Echelon, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
12 July 1985
Flexibility is key to ZCPR3 power. Productivity results from optimum
organization of human and machine resources. You are free to ereate the
thinking and working environment that you choose! ZCPR3 permits quick
computer system re-organization for varying tasks and controls your
application programs from integrated easily produced and changed menus.
Generation of aliases permit many commands and keystrokes to be eonverted to a
few. Aliases may be used from within menus. One alias may use another.
Control is near absolute using the supplied utilities. Menu generation
determir)es how the computer is used, simplifying and speeding operations.
Only single from-menu keystrokes are needed to activate many complex series of
ZCPR3 is ahard worker--a system you use, learn from, grow and live with!
Utilities provided permit file and disk management, easy coordination of
many application programs from chained menus with full security and password
protection. Online help assists understanding details of eaeh eommand
available. Asummary Command Reference card is also provided with aglossary
of computer and ZCPR3 word meanings.
ZCPR3 is available in two versions: I) manual-install system using CP/M
MOVCPM, SYSGEN, MAC, and DDT, and 2) auto-install Z3-Dot-Com version. The
installation procedure for Z3-Dot-Com is detailed in eleven (li) lines at the
bottom of the Command Reference card. The manual-install version is for two-
year or over computer users and programmers; the auto-install is ideal for the
CP,."M beginner.
Z3-Dot-Com is sold in either asingle or 4-disk set. The single-disk
package is for those who have obtained the manual-install ZCPR3 Core and
Utilities software and want now to add auto-install to their collection. The
4-disk set is complete and provides seventy (70) utility files in object form.
The source for the utilities is not supplied, as it occupies eight (8) or more
additional disks. The manual-install utilities may be used with Z3-Dot-Com by
using the Z3INS.COM, ZCPR3.INS and Z3.ENV files supplied or auto-produced
during install process.
The #1 disk used for installation has sufficient reserve space to permit
creation of five (5) special files during installation. The #2 disks have
remaining utilities not on disk #1. Disks #3 & #4 have the online help files
used from tree-structure HELP.COM eentral menus.
Z3-Dot-Com installs on all CP/M-80 computers using 8080, 8085, NSC-80Q
and Z80 microproeessor& The install menu presently has over 50 terminals md
computers to fully handle CRT screen eapabilitiem We add to the menus as we
gain knowledge of additional eontrol and escape sequeneem
Future utilities planned for the ZCPR3 System can be installed and used
with Z3-Dot-Com by adding the utility name to the ZCPR3.INS file with any CP/M
editor and then running Z3INS with Z3.ENV and ZCPR3.INS. Installation then
oecurs automatically. Files named in the ZCPR3JNS list not present on disk
being installed are ignored.
If assembly of ZCPR3 batch and flow control proeessor ZEX is desired after
ZEX.COM is installed use ZEX.ZEX to make the proeess automatic. The CP/M
utility programs required to assemble ZEX: I) MAC, 2) ED, and 3) SID or ZSID.
Other file required, RELS.UTL, is public domain and supplied by Eehelon.
REA.MME frcm Z3-DOT-COM Disk #2 16 November 1984
'?"jj¿ additional COM files ííor un disk #1 must be installed using the
Z? í.-:)Ot-C.7T,' Z3INS .COM command. Z3AÑV, created chn"ing the installation
pí'oe: ess, is specific to your system environment. Copy Z3INS.COM and
Z3,ZNV froni Disk #1 cnto this disk #2. Then enter the fozMwim command:
IV" yüur Q: csk has capacity (both .space "and directory entries) to hold all the
u": ii-ity CUM files at once, then you may copy all the COM files on disk //2 to
dü:,k #1 é.YÁi install all files at uñce, during the initial first-tim install.
Retá'in orí your CP/M system disk only ttose files you have interest in using.
T7+: HLP fiXs on disk #3 and #4 mus': be placed in the same directory (disk
ai'.á usei" area) as HELP.COM, or they may be in current directory with HELP.COM
ányt·: here atcng the chosen flle search path. After you are ccjr¿7fL3i'"tab1e with
tA'm running system, we suggest you copy all the utility CCji>«.fiks-: to ?3ser
aí"c: í"15 i2ñt! call that directory ROOT. The dEfaU!t search path is set to
aNays IOOY 11? A15: directory. And r2mETL1beT, search always starts with the
c"m': tzüt ditectüry, the: one ynu are pre: sentj yicÉged iíítc.
Study tiít' USER'S PE'tSPECTIVE Nanuai-, written fy Eichard Conn, í:ogain a
Fet: iing for ZCFR3 F"-ommand usííuge .The i:?j3·-sided .Commar.d ?M!eí erice 'Ca mcczíes
£n ;:E}i:1dy to á:emind you of tM mcre izoori.ant comr.ands. "ZCPR3: The M: n::t:U" is
t.j: é ?ñ.b1e for ccciwíáñd descriptions. Rjp (;[.CSt.3RY s't!22et it', ubefui- to gaZ'i
und.er3ta'nd-iHg of word meanirrg. To i_n,i: ta1l, fol?,ow tibe simyié Z3Akñ.--'C.=·
I3z3ta!1¿2tjL)!) prece&: re detccñed at the· bottom oí' the Comínand Referenc.z Cavd.
Ytúu., a3 3. c"ustorr,úu" of Echelon, are now orí the mailing list üü"r k:!!e fortnighter
k"¿?k'ks].2ti.ek'o Current events and tips are ;massed' aiüííg in atimiy manner. And
wt: fry i:tj a:isw.er questions in the nE'aE;!cL"ter' before they are asked! We also
pc'se lots ni' microcomputer indUstry-j.mpori: ant qcestions having nc rati: mal,
lFy"7: g_t("1m': an7'"Üprs,
I: yc: ühay2 L3'rc1b]erns or cuesí: :icns, caj ior write: Ecbelon, lac .
íOl S':i'rs? Stre: A.
Los Altos, ;;p, '3s':í.Ü:??
'í'Uephcme: 4i5/9L8-332Q
933 Modem: 415/43'3--9'005
Pe3. The au,zc·-created file Z3.ENV is identical (except for the name) i-o the
S'i.5 .ENV inentiúmed in ZCPR3 listings and ¿9cunentationR Any ZCPR3 MAC f"i.1s:
mzy be aEse2ílb!ed and run under Z3-Dot-Com by w'ing the Z3BASE.LIB su#piied.
After ed: irg Z3BASE by placing your Z3ENV addresq Kjlet2rInine¿ wiüí S!"í)'d or
by using 7,?LCC Z, assemble MAC files using Microsoft M8Ci and link with L80,
cí"eatG.ñ¶ an executable COM file, Needed REL files SYSLIZ"s, Z3L.IB,, and VLIB
have 2)ee2 µ.kíced on your disks. Also, public domain prc: brarÜs MLOAD, EX,
and R'FF..S: jj7L are there. We included afew MAC files fz"op ':áie B-disk 'Ut: '-lity
Set ($8'LUC" purchased from Echelon) to illustrate structured Assembly L?ánÉUaEe
prclgz"a: !ú?.7-z'I.g techniques .
In order to re-assemble ZEX, the ZCPR3 batch processor, you should use batch
file ZEX.ZEX. Edit file Z3BASE.LIB by addiW your Z3ENV (Environmental
Descriptor) address. This address is determined by running SHOW or Z3LOC Z.
Assembly is accomplished with MAC.CCNí, with ED.COM, RELS.UTL and ZSID.COM or
SID.COM. Type: ZEX ZEX<cr>. At completion, ZEX.COM will have been
installed. After installing ZEX, use it as your main batch processor. It
works correctly with submit file extensions of type ZEX or SUB. The
supplied ZEX.COM is auto-installed with Z3INS along with all the other
If you wish to change the WHEEL password, edit 'ppass' equate in WHEEL.MAC to
the password desired and assemble and link to aCOM file, using M80 and L80.
(Default password is SYSTEM.)
CPY and VID are new ZCPR3 utilities that copy and rename sirig1e files, and
respectively, display text files with video attributes enabled, e.g. HELLO or
Z3HELLO on Z3-Dot-Com disk #1, Remember to use <command> // to get instant
command syntax help.
ZCPR3 and the ZCPR3 System of utilities is copyright 1984 by Richard L. Conn.
Z3-Dot-Com is copyright 1984 by joseph Wright and trademarked by Echelon.
[zrdos2 .el)
mjos2 18 l='h-r=n IM over for lxíffered cxmmrd line editing, big
disk usage arid improved zcm I/O Package interfaces. Planned shipments
start 28 February 1985. Those who would like to upgrade to a8uper Z80 coded
BOOS and no longer te dependent l1FKjn Digital Re8earch can now be fully free.
ZCFR3 combined with ZRDOS2 does it all.
Additionally, we offer acomplete set of software development 8ystem
UK: relocating Z80 macro ameñbler, liriker, library manager, two deljug9er8,
five tran8lator8 (to and frcm Int: el/Zilcg/TDL/CDL) and 8080/Z80 disassemblers.
Some iHFKjrtant mDos2 features:
cxmmtible with CP/M-80, full ZCFR3 c=Fatibility
Takes full advantage of Z80 Ingt]=tiorl Set with Ungle-level re-entrance
ZCTR3 Eiyte ulBed to write-protect 8elected files frcxn rion4díeel users
Hardies files arid U8Íc8 to 512 r~t!ytes
flcES?Y diSks aub~tically lcgged in
Read/Qnly Diák statusi maintained after warm tKx)t
Read CbnEK)le Buffer Function (IQ) has full edit and recall caFábility plus
treats rúlxxrt (DEL) mme as rg("Í""T""j"
File Archive Attrihite Bit eet W FUmtion 30, c=Fatible with m/M and CP/M 3
sLuFort Utilitie irelude ~(íwefúl for archiving arid ljackup) plus
Set aind Display File Attrilmte pIxjgr
'7'j" = 'r m=j Error M""'"'"j=' wíth rKx)~ryptic announe«TE!n!ts
Exterded Furx±i (47, 50 &52) get lt'A and 8et/reget warm txxjt trap
Z800 (ZRDQS3) verUon Ms over 47 non-CP/M Functions added to achieve
~W FSAJOS prrjgram migration
Z80 vemion in Eex cede to patch existing CP/M system @$74.99
Z800 version pricing not yet established
Function 10 enhanced with full in8ert edit capability, command recall frorri
buf fer area, add new convenience with ZCPR3 multiple commands per line.
Drxmroentatim 18 45 pages of ti@t, unambigUKju8 language dribing each DCS
function. We are only handl ing ZRDOS2 on 8" sssd disks at present; if demand
is high for other formats we will ajwnlcEd.
~680 devel(X=nt System Z-Tool Packaget" is $200.00 eolTu?lete; the super
maiinframe-featured ereen oriented aynamic debugger adds $195.00. Again, Z800
vemion pricing not yet establi8hed.
Furietion 10 Ccxitrol Codes: CIRL-E Set/Reset Insert WIT MODE
CTRL-R Recall last entered mfered Line
mIT KX)E Functions (active only in Edit Mode)
CTRL-S move cursor left one character CTRL-D mjve cursor right one character
CTRL-A nrwe curgor left one CIRL-F ñK)vé cursor right one ccxmand
CIRL-G delete cMracter at cursor CTRL-K clear to end of line
CTRL-T delete one cxmrand entry
ZRlxjS2 editing features add new diRen8ions to imltiple cxxmaM Exjs8ibilities!
Trademrks: Z80/800, Zilcg; MP/M, CP/M, Digital Research; MS-IX)G, Microsoft;
ZCFR3, Rictmxí Conn; ZRDCS, D«inis Wright.
~right 1984 Edielon, Inc. All Rights Re3erved 26 tec«rter 1984
"e> >'l-/' ()Cqq :g
6jcl Am k
zrdosin s tallat i onli !C: >, F(jq Ky
r,,):L¿] '{)Gc'c-
ZRDOS replaces your existing CP/M 2.2 bdos with enhanced Z80 code. It
occupies same code space (14 pages, 3.5k-bytes) with installation near
automatic using the install file: ZRDINS.COM.
zRbINs contains arelocatable ZRDOS binary image. Relocation to your
present BDQS base address is automatic if utility Z3INS.COM is used to
install ZRDINS.COM to your ZCPR3 environment. Optionally, you may use
Z3LDC.COM to determine your BlXjS and Z3WHL addresses and enter them from
the keyboard when ZRDINS prompts you for them.
You place asystem image (using your SYSGEN program) on same disk
containing ZRDINS.COM, along with debugger ZDM, DSD or DDT. You also
need your ZCPR3 SYS.ENV (or Z3-Dot-Com Z3.ENV) file and utility
Z3INS.COM. Again, optionally, your can use Z3LOC.COM (or SHOW.COM) to
determine and your debugger to patch your environmental descriptor base
address to location 1OAH in file ZRDINS.COM.
Now, run ZRDINS, answer all questions, and get ready to use created
file, ZRDOS.BIN, to overlay your ZCPR3/BDOS system image using your
debugger. Next, SYSGEN your system from outer disk tracks to RAM. Save
as file CPMnn.SYS, then:
DDT cmnn.SYS<cr> (note number of pages to later save)
IZRDOS.BIN<cr> (set up file for insert)
Rl080<cr> (offset required)
G0<er> (exit)
SAVE nZ.SYS<cr> (your full-up Z-System file)
SYSGEN Z.SYS to system tracks and boot--done!
ZRIX)S.BIN is installed in Z3-Dot-Com (file Z3.COM) in asimilar way:
IjiDT Z3.COM<cr> (load existing system file)
IZRDOS.BIN<cr> (set up binary image for insert)
R900<er> (read into place)
G0<cr> (exit)
SAVE 39 Z.COM<cr> (your Z-Com file)
ZRDOS support utilities supplied are COPY for file archiving, SFA (set
file attribute), DFA (display file attribute), COMP for file comparing,
DUMP to displayaCOM inhex, andVIEW for text file screenviewingas
well as sending to the printer. These utilities, as well as all DOS
functions, are explained by the online help file system, entered by
typing HELP ZRDOSI<cr>. The 35-page Programmer's Manual covers all
aspects of ZRDOS features.
ZRDINS.COM has two screens of installation information to assist in case
this sheet is misplaced. Simply type ZRDINS //<cr>.
Echelon, Inc. 101 First Street Los Altos, CA 94022
TERM III is acommunications system which runs under the Z-System
(the ZCPR3 command processor with, optionally, the ZRDOS CP/M
BDOS replacement). Over twenty (20) programs provide the
following capabilities:
ointeractive comnunications with remote computer systems
oreliable file transfer between the user's computer {host)
and aremote computer
ocontrol of an auto-dial/auto-an8wer modem
oaccess control for remote system applications (the user's
8ysteln can be set up to be dialed into by outside users)
orapid and easy reconfiguration of the comunications
environment for different applications
TERM III is integrated with ZCPR3 and provides the Z-System
user with acommunications capability adaptable to awide variety
of needs andcanbeused inconjunction withhis other Z-System
tools. The TERM III programs return result codes (which indicate
the success or failure of their operation) in amanner which can
be examined using the IF command. TERM III programs can be
employed in menus and aliases that provide commands and
applications environments which are tailored to auser's specific
needs. TERM III programs rely upcm the environment provided by a
Z-System for suEEc)rt. Some aspects of this support include:
oAll screen-oriented displays obtain terminal-sFecific
information from the ZCPR3 TCAP
oMany of the programs return result codes (via the Program
Error Message in most cases) through the ZCPR3
Environment Descriptor
oFile references can be prefixed with the ZCPR3 directory
reference forms (DIR or DU)
oPath searches or direct ROOT accesses are employed
oMessages and other attributes of the ZCPR3 environment
are used extensively
The large number of features built into the TERM III System
combine to provide the user with flexibility of use and
adaptability to different communications requirements. Ease of
use and user-friendliness are also key elements of the design.
An outline of the features of the TERM III System follows:
l. Interactive Commínications
oterminal mc>de -the user "feels" like he is directly
connected to the remote computer via aterminal
oconversation mode -the screen is divided, with
incoming characters printed in the top half and
outgoing characters printed in the bottom half
otranslation tables -all incoming and outgoing
characters pass through translation tables,
supEc)rting parity transmissions, masking of
selected characters (such as escape sequences),
and using different character 8ets (such as EBCDIC)
omacro tables -ten predefined strings can be
transmitted at will, using multiple tables
oprinter output -displayed characters can be queued
to the printer
obuffer load and dump -displayed characters ean be
stored in amemory buffer and dumped to disk,
printer, or the remote coTuputer
oXON/XOFF recording -displayed characters can be
stored in adisk file, using XON/XOFF handshaking
to ensure no loss of data
odynamic: setting and displaying of environment
variables for ease of selection of features
2. File Transfer
oseveral comnunications protocols available, including
XMODEM with Checksum, XMODEM with CRC, and KERMIT
obatch file transfer (sending lists of files using
wild cards) available with some protocols
ocomnunications server -remote system access and
control from the user's system without the need
for the user to issue commands to the remote
system directly
3. Mod«n Control
oanswer the telephone and drop into the Z-System
environment with aresult code {phone rang or
user abort)
odial the telephone based on mnemonics or specific
telephone numbers, built-in editor
orotary dialing -dial all nuñbers in adirectory
file in sequence until one answers
omultiple telephone nuñber directories
4. Aeeess Control
oLCGIN program
oselecting the attributes of auser's environment
based on the user's ID; attributes include:
-corwnand search path
-ZCPR3 System segrRents loaded
-startup command ltne
-various Environment Descriptor data
-wheel byte and quiet flag
oloading aTCAP entry based on the user's ID
5. Environment Configuration
ouse of Corrm Sets (Comnunications Sets) which
define the aspects of an environment and
can be quickly loaded as needed
oscreen-oriented editors to create and tailor
Comn Sets easily
oautomated program installation procedure with
installation configuration files
TERM III was designed to meet the communications needs of the
serious Z-System user, and knowledge of that operating system is
required to make effective use of the combination. Three books,
ZCPR3: The Manual, ZCPR3 and lOPs, and ZRIXJS Pr%ralnlner'8 Manual,
provide detail descriptions of all Z-System functions. Prices:
Terin3, with lOO-page, loose-leaf manual .......... $99.00
ZCPR3: The Manual, 351 pages, bound ............... 19.95
ZCPR3 and lOPs, 50 pages, loose-leaf ............... 9.95
ZRDOS Programner's Manual, 35-page loose-leaf ..... 8.95
Order from: Echelon, Inc.
101 First Street
Los Altos, ca 94022
Telephone: 415/948-3820
Z-Node Central: 415/489-9005
Rev. 8/5/85
zi Eche1on,lnc.
Z-Msg Message Handling Program
The Z-Msg Message Handling Program is used for local and remote
electronic mail, as public and privat.e access electronic bulletin
boards (BBS), inter-office memo tool and product. support aid using
available communication channels. Written in CLanguage (optimized),
Z-PIsg is configurable without need for recompilation, using multi-
function menu for qui-ck and easy installation. Remote communications
requires use of public donain program BYE.
Ease of use and state-of-art- soft-ware functionality are designed into
Z-Msg. Message editingby word, phrase and line, string searching,
collecting usage statistics, configurabi.lity, and security of access
are engineered into the program.
From the user's perspective, major features include:
oCommands to selectively read messages deposited since
last access of system.
oSimple method of replying to and deleting messages being
read and addressed to user and also replying to other
messages on system.
oAbility to enter up to 1OO-Jine messages containing up to
80 characters per line. Values are set by the System
Operator (Sysop) and depend on memory limitations of the
computer system.
oAt login, messages addressed to calier/user are announced.
Information includes sender's name, status of message
(private or public), and if new since last access.
oArticles and Notes commands allow user to read selected
text files placed by Sysop. Extensive system information
usually is found in these areas.
oAbility to search within "fields" of message headers, e. g.,
find and read messages addressed to all users, those of date
1/23/85, or those having word ZCPR3 within message text.
oCommands to read messages in reverse order, most recent first.
oCommand to only read or to restore deleted (killed)
messages to active state, provided Sysop has not
performed a message purge since message were deleted.
oAutomatic screen page pause, opt.ionally turned off.
Major operational features available to Sysop:
oCommands to add, delete, and edit user database, list
of subscribers to system.
oSave messages to disk and output to aprinter.
oRead standard text files from disk into messages
being entering.
oFlexible purge command permits convenient message database
maintenance. Database may be saved to any disk/user area
(directory) with automatic creation of backup file.
Matrix and modular design promote high security and access-level
flexibility. Eight (8) user access categories are controlled within
six (6) major functions:
oOperating System (OS), Zor CP/M, accessiblility.
c) Access of user areas within OS (assuming OS access and
system is running remotely under BYE program).
oLength of time system waits for input from user before
automatically disconnecting, BYE operation assumed.
oAbility to enter messages. All users may leave private
messages to the System Operator with special commands.
oAbility to read and delete private and public messages
not addressed to user.
oSpecial OS access if system uses ZCPR Console Comnand
Processor Replacement in secure mode (WHEEL byte).
Manages OS functions ERA, REN, COPY, PATH, PEEK, POKE,
and other corrunands.
Price for object file package is $99.95. Source code is an additional
$100. The Z-Msg manual may be purchased separately for $20.00. $3.00
covers shipping and handling. If you purchase source and make
changes, Manx Aztec C(v1.05g) is required for compilation.
Available directly from: Echelon, Inc.
101 First Street
Los Altos, ca 94022
Telephone: 415/948-3820
Macro RelocatinK ,Ass.em.bl,e.r= Translators, Disassembler.,, ,and. De.bu=e.rs.
Universal, fast assembler producing Microsoft and Digital Research compatible REL
files or Intel compatible HEX files. Linkable REL files allow modular, efficient
programm ing. You're not limited by memory size; you can write extremely large
programs, with small modules that are easy to debug. Using proven subroutines from
libraries SYSLIB3, VLIB and Z3LIB, structured program generation is made easy.
Compatible with Microsoft and Digital Research assemblers, MAC, RMAC, Macro-80 (M80)
and Link-80 (L80), ZAS also handles all Hitachi HD64180 instructions. You have aceess
to Assembly Language programs and macro libraries available through public domain
software sources, such as Z-Nodes, RCP/M'S and SIG/M. You ean write your BIOS using
Z80 instructions for faster execution! Generates standard Digital Research SYM files
useable by DSD, SID and ZSID debuggers.
Features: handles full Zilog"Hitaehi instruction sets; MACLIB and INCLUDE for
inserting maero libraries; separate data, program, absolute, and common eode spaces
for advanced program generation; nested conditional program source options; linking
loader generate COM files and full-feature library manager for subroutine control.
Supplied souree-eode eonverter permits convenient upgrading of existing programs to
use Z80 instructions. By automatieally converting 8080 and TDL,/CDL mnemonics to
Zil «, tedious manual or macro conversion with your editor is no longer necessary.
Requires using Z80 or HD64180 microcomputer system.
Complete set of lour (4) translators to convert popular mnemonic sets to that desi: '. '.l:
extended Intel, TDL, CDL, Xitan and Zilog.
Most pseudo-ops used by Intel, Microsoft, Digital Research, TDL and Zilog are con-
verted. Those not handled may be added using asupplied utility, thus stopping error
reporting (exact one-for-one conversion).
Extremely quiek compared to hand translation using program editors. Extremely useful
tool for those using many different mnemonic sets.
Professional Z80/8080/NSC800 disassembler producing source code from object code!
REVAS3 interactively helps you analyze your software for modification, disassemble
files as large as 64k-bytes, assign real labels in process, insert comments, and
generate across referenee listing.
Sixty-page manual shows how the powerful REVAS3 command set gives you instant control
over VO to files, printer, and console. Also shows how to do adisassembly and how
the disassembler works. Program has orüine help, ehoice of assembler mnemonics,
eontrol of data interpretation, and calculation in any number base. Requires Z80
or equivalent microprocessor.
Dyjna,mi.e _De.buE&e.rs
Greatly enhanced standard operating system debugger and monitor using familiar command
set. The Pontiae of debuggers allows string searches in ASCII or hex with full I/O
port communications.
Commands permit showing only branch instructions: jumps, calls, returns, restarts,
and PCHL, speeding debug cycles. Able to send all eonsole output also to printer.
Command prompts are used to assist operator in performing functions, reducing mental
overhead. Total of twenty-one (21) eommands.
Works with both extended Intel (TDL"CDL"Xitan), Zilog, and Hitachi mnemonics. Runs
with Z80 and HD64180 mieroproeessors and only uses 4k-bytes of memory!
The Cadillac of debuggers--none better! Full-screen debugging for NSC800, Z80, 8085,
and 8080 microeomputers with simultaneous instruction, register, stack and two memory
displays. Symbols and labels are used along with terminal sereen highlig'hting
indicating where registers point! Auto-installation to ZCPR3 TCAP file.
Integral Software In-Circuit-Emulator provides many capabilities of expensive hardware
I.C.E. but with no wires to attach. You can single step or breakpoint in ROM, write
protect RAM, set code execute only, protect the stack from overflows, catch illegal
instructions, and watch memory locations and registers. The emulator can do some
things that even hardware I.C.E. can't do, like breakpoint on arbitrary conditions or
identify when aLDIR instruction is going to overwrite protected memory locations
before it oceurs.
Provides complete support for symbol files generated by ZAS, MAC, RMAC and Maero-80
(M80) assemblers. You may enter or delete new symbol definitions on the spot, works
with large symbol files.
Superset of ZDM and DDT eommands, no need to learn new basic funetions. Ready to be
used efíeetively in minutes after installing.
Other features: In-context online help, save memory into afile, single step over
subroutines, configure to use any RST as breakpoint, string searches, port VO, view
disk files, and uses only 16k-bytes of memory.
Works with extended Intel (TDL"CDL"Xitan) and Zilog mnemonics and runs on 8080, Z80,
NSC800, and HD64180 computer systems.
Notes: Echelon Z-Tools are updated at nominal charge to handle the extended
instruction sets of Hitachi HD64180 and when available, Zilog Z800. (Program names
are trademarks of their respective authors and owners.) Rev. 7/1 5/85
ZiEchelon, Inc.
!(li íij'\,t !>trrc't 0>uilt'j2T 0Iá)x \!tm, ('\ f)4(l?2
Dynamic D.ebuE&Érs
Greatly enhanced standard operating system debugger and monitor using familiar command
set. The Pontiac of debuggers allows string searches in ASCII or HEX with full VO
port eommunieations.
Commands permit showing only branch instructions: jumps, calls, returns, restarts,
and PCHL, speeding debug cycles. Able to send all console output also to printer.
Command prompts are used to assist operator in performing funetions, reducing mental
overhead. Total of twenty-one (2 I) commands; requires Z80 microprocessor.
Works with both extended Intel (TDL"CDL"Xitan) and Zilog mnemonics. Runs with Z80
microprocessor and only uses 6k-bytes of memory!
The Cadillac of debuggers--none better! Full-screen debugging for Z80, NSC800, 8085,
and 8080 microcomputers with simultaneous instruction, register, stack and two memory
displays. Symbols and labels are used along with terminal screen highlighting
indicating where registers point!
Integral Software In-Circuit-Emulator provides many capabilities of expensive hardware
I.C.E. but with no wires to attach. You ean single step or breakpoint in ROM; write
proteet RAM; set code exeeute only; protect the stack from overflows; eatch iñegal
instructions and watch memory loeations and registers. The emulator can do some
things that even hardware I.C.E. can't do, like bréakpoint on arbitrary conditions or
identify when aLDIR instruetion is going to overwrite protected memory locations
before it occurs.
Provides complete support for symbol files generated by ZAS, MAC, RMAC and Macro-80
(M80). You may enter or delete new symbol definitions on the spot, works with iarge
symbol files.
Superset of ZDM and DDT commands, no need to learn new basic functions. Ready to
effectively in minutes after installing.
Other íeatures: OMine help, save memory into afile, singie step over subroutines,
eonfigure to use any RST as breakpoint, string searches, port VO, view disk files,
and uses only 16k-bytes of memory.
Works with extended Intel (TDL/CDL"Xitan) and Zilog mnemonics and runs on both 8080
and Z80 microprocessor systems.
Note: All Eehelon Z-Tools will be updated at nominal charge to handle the extended
instruction sets of Hitachi HD64180 and Zilog Z800 superchips. (Program names are
trademarks of their respective authors and owners.) 2/1&/85
=iEchelon, Inc.
1()1 First Street 0Suin' 427 0Los Altos, C-\ 94()22
Macro ReloeatiW Assembler= Translators, Disassembler,,. and Debumers
Universal, fast assembler producing Microsoft and Digital Research compatible REL
files or Intel compatible HEX files. Linkable REL files allow modular, efficient
programming. You're not limited by memory size; you can write extremely large
programs, with small modules easy to debug. Using proven subroutines from SYSLIB3,
VLIB and Z3LIB, structured program generation is made easy.
Compatible with Microsoft and Digital Research assemblers, MAC, RMAC, Maero-80 (M80)
and Link-80 (L80). You have access to Assembly Language programs and macro libraries
available through public domain software sources, such as Z-Nodes, RCP/M's and SICVM.
You can write your BIOS using Z80 instructions for faster execution! Generates stan-
dard Digital Research SYM files useabZe by DSD, SID and ZSID debuggers.
Features: handles full Zilog instruction set; MACLIB and INCLUDE for inserting macro
libraries; separate data, program, absolute, and common eode spaces for advanced
program generation; nested eonditional program source options; linking loader for
creating executable COM files and library manager for complete subroutine control.
Convenience source code converter supplied permits upgrading existing programs to use
Z80 instructions. By converting 8080 and TDL"CDL mnemonics to Zilog automatically,
tedious manual or macro conversion with your editor is no longer necessary. Requires
using Z80 mierDcomputer system.
Complete set of four (4) translators to convert popular mnemonic sets to that desired.
Extended Intel, TDL, CDL, Xitan and zilog, plus many undocumented Z80 instructions are
correctly handled.
Most pseudo-ops used by Intel, Microsoft, Digital Research, TDL and Zilog are con-
verted. Those not handled may be added using asupplied utility, thus stopping error
reporting (exact one-for-one conversion).
Extremely quick compared to hand translation using program editors. Extremely useful
tool for those using many different mnemonic sets.
Professional Z80/808Q/NSC800 disassembler producing source eode from ob jeet eode!
REVAS3 interaetively helps you analyze your software for modification, disassemble
files as large as 64k-bytes, assign real labels in process, insert comments, and
generate a cross referenee listing.
Sixty-page manual shows how powerful REVAS3 command set gives you instant eontrol over
VO to files, printer, and console; how to do adisassembly; and how the disassembler
works. Also received is online help, ehoiee of assembler mnemonics, control of data
interpretation, and calculation in any number base. Requires Z80 microprocessor.
21 january 1985
z-node cmcm:s
Z-System has introduced increasedperformancefrom B-bit Z-80
micr«ompíters, while maintainingabsolute CP/M-80 compatibility.
Z-Node is conceptually mind expanding. Each node runs secure
ZCPR3 and ZRDOS with Term3 and Emsg for auto-handling of global
(Earthly) message distribution (post electronic mail).
Nodal ccxruunications systm is i:njplenented in three phases:
I) Use Z-System (ZCPR3 and ZRIX)S, or Z-Com if more convenient)
as operating system. Any message handling package is acceptable
in this phase, although we recommend METAL from Delphi Data
Systems {Mountain View, CA). METAL is by far the test BBS system
at this time. We are presently in this phase and software is
2) Add Term3 as thetelephone answering module replacing the
ubiquitousBYE. AndwhenavailableaddEmsg (having geography
tables for off-hour automatic node-to-node message relay) to
replaceexistingCBBS, RBBS, RIBBS, Oxgate, DataTech, or METAL.
Half of this phase should te completed in Uout two months. Emsg
will likely take until near end of sumer.
3) Connect with ham radio packet network and its new data relay
satellite to te operational in about 18 months. This phase will
Fe completed (using existing ham microwave µícket networks) as
fast as interfaces are understood between radio and dial-up
telephone circuits.
Echelon will give you Z-System if you commit to use itonyour
existing (or planned) system, fully replacing CP/M. We will also
giveyouTerm3 and Emsg as theybecomeavailable. For this to
haEEen you must sign (a license agreement) astatement you will
not pass along to others the software we provide for your system:
neither give, trade nor sell to anyone.
If you are interested in supEK)rting Z-System activities and agree
to general principies noted ajxwe, please write (and we do prefer
you write) or call:
Echelon, Inc.
101 First Street
Iájs Altos, ca 94022
Telephone: 415/941-2219
aZ-System LIST PRICES -- effective 17 january 1985
Operating System Modules
Item Price
01. ZCpR3tm Core Starter Kit contains source to permit manual installation
of ZCPR3 CCP (console command processor) and its buffers using MOVCPM, DDT,
MAC and SYSGEN. Loose leaf 173-page Installation Guide (Sampler) in-
cluded, with 20 utility programs in binary form (6/1/84) ........... $39.00
02. ZCPR3 Utilities Package consists of 70 programs in both binary and source
code form. Combined with Item 01 forms complete command processing sub-
system. Online (over 40Ok-byte) help system included (6/1/84) ..... $89.00
03. Z3-Dot-Comtm is the auto-install version of ZCPR3. Package contains all
binary utility programs released to date, complete system. Secure versions
availablgn Installs in four minutes or less; full online help files, 52-
page loose leaf tutorial (9/15/84) ................................ $149.00
04. Z3-Dot-Com on one disk for those who already have Item 02 and wish to add
auto-install to their collection (9/15/84) ......................... $49.95
C)5. Z-Comtm same as Item 03 but with Item 09 added (1/28/85)........... $199.00
06. Z-Com same as Item 04 but with ítem 09 added (1/28/85) ............. $99.00
07. Z-Com same as Item 03 but with Item 10 added (3/8/85) ............. $224.00
08. Z-Com same as Item 04 but with Item 10 added (3/8/85) ............. $124.00
09. ZRDOStm improved BOOS in hex, with six support utilities: copy for file
backup and archiving, set and display file attributes; file compare, dump,
and bi-directional viewing. Upward compatible with CP/M-80. 66k-bytes of
online help for both functions and utilities, plus 35-page loose leaf
manual for programming system functions (1/9/85) ................... $49.50
19. ZRDOS2 same as Item 09 but with single level re-entrance, function 10 full
command line editing and buffer recall, get DMA address, and 5l2-megabyte
maximum file and disk sizes, 45-page loose leaf manual (2/28/85) ... $74.99
11. ZRDOS3 for 2800, multi-tasking, large memory address space usage, permits
easy application program migration from MS-DOS, etc, (prices not yet
established, are controlled by release date of Z800 microprocessor chip)
Z-Toolstm (Software Development System Utilities)
20. Relocating Z80 Macro Assembler (ZAStm) for Zilog mnemonics, includes linker
(ZLINKtm) and librarian (ZLIBt'n), compatible with ASM, MAC, RMAC, M80, and
L80; supports ZCPR3 flow control conditional assembly error testing; 55-
page loose leaf manual ............................................. $95.00
21. Z80 Debugger and Monitor (ZDM/ZDMZtIn) dynamic trouble-shooting, patcl:iing in
both Intel and Ziio9 code; DDT command compatible, 12-page loose leaf
manual (1/25/85) ................................................... $50.00
22. Translators (ITOZtm) convert Intel to/from Zilog and CDL/TDL mnemonics;
automatic conversions, table desi9ñ permits easy pseudo-op additions with
utility supplied; doc files on disk (1/25/85) ...................... $51.00
23. Disassembler (REVAS3tm) handles 5popular Intel and Ziio9 mnemonic sets,
best and easiest disassembler to use, with 60-page manual showing how to
disassemble and how disassembler works (2/1/85) .................... $90.00
24. Z-Too1stm Package of Items 20 thru 23 above; $286 value ........... $200.00
25. Dynamic Screen Debugger (DSDtm), afull screen symbolic debW9iñ9 program;
shows flags, cpu registers, stack and memory; software In-Circuit-Emulator;
DDT upward compatibility and other useful features; with 53-page loose leaf
manual ............................................................ $195.00
Item Price
26. Syslib3tm Library contains over 210 assembly language subroutines used
to write ZCPR3 utilities. Designed for use with macro assembler and
linker. Full online help describes use of each subroutine and makes a
printed manual unnecessary; source code provided (6/1/84) .......... $29.00
Input/Output Package Segments
40. Input/Output Recorder (I/ORtm), redirector outputs to/from console or
to printer to default file, controlled by ZCPR3 RECORD command, 1.5k-byte
segment, ZRDOS2 req'd (3/7/85) ..................................... $69.95
41. Print Spooler (Bprintertm), deluxe background single-file printing with
no change in TPA size, 1.5k-byte segment, ZRDOS2 req'd (3/7/85) .... $39.50
42. Key Translator (pKeytm) key strokes converted to command strings, saved
as loadable files; programmable function key generator works with either
ZRDOS or ZRDOS2; 1.5k-byte segment (1/28/85) ....................... $39.95
Lasting—Value Softwaretm (Applicatíons)
60. Discattm efficiently maintains and catalogs floppy and hard disk files for
easy recall; modular, menu-driven, 67-page instruction manual, fancy and
easy to use (8/24/84) .............................................. $49.00
61. TerÍn3tln provides full facilities for communicating with other computers,
terminals, and information services. Modular, menu-driven with extreme
flexibility for automatic operations; phone auto-answering ......... $99.00
62. Document Maintenance Manager (MaintMantm) audits trail of text changes,
disk space efficient and menu-driven ............................... $99.99
63. Emsgtm permits mail, message management and data transfers between two or
more sites using Z-System ..................... (price not yet established)
80. Sampler is an Introduction to ZCPR3 and Installation Guide, 173 pages,
loose leaf (6/1/84) ......,......................................... $12.00
81. ZCPR3: The Manual is bible of ZCPR3 and its utilities, over 300 pages,
typeset, bound book. Recommended purchase. $24.00 if ordered alone, but
includes fortnighter Newsletter; without Newsletter ................ $19.95
82. ZCPR3: The Libraries describes VLIB, Z3LIB, and SYSLIB3, three librar-
ies of assembly language subroutines used to write ZCPR3 utilities. Very
powerful; teaches structured, quick-writing of programs .... (no price yet)
83. Z-System Fortnighter Newsletter (Z-News) automatically received for 6
months by EI customers ordering $39.00 or more software, or for one year
with $35.00 user-support (free-ware) donation. Newsletter per year after
complementary period or per direct order (7/23/84) ................. $24.00
a. Some Items not available on some 5" disk formats.
b. Date in parentheses is Item first shipment date; if none,
shipment not presently scheduled, but soon will be.
c. Items 05 thru 10, 20 thru 24 require use of Z80 computers.
d. Programs with "tm" superscript are copyrighted by, and trademarks
or registered trademarks of, Echelon or their authors; CP/M, DDT,
MAC and RMAC, are of Digital Research; M80 and L80, of Microsoft.
Zi Eche1on,lnc.
i()l First Sltrct 0Siíitr J27 0I,()s \)llos, C,\ l)j()22
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1. Name Date
Street Telephone
City State Zip
2. Z80 CP/M based computer? (yes/no) Computer type/brand
3. Disk Format: 8inch SSSD IBM 3740 standard (yes/no)
51/4 inch, 40 tracks, soft-sectored, single-sided double-density: (yes/no)
Computer format: oKaypro oOsbornel oEpson QX-lO oHeath/Zenith 89/90/100
(check one) oAmpro oMorrow oApple CP/M oNorthstar CP/M (hard)
Any special instructions?
4. Ordering: (see LIST PRICES Sheet)
Item Number &Name Quantity Unit Price Extension
Subtotal $
If California, add 6.5% sales tax
Shipping &Handling charges: add $3.00 if continental USA; $5.00 for Hawaii,
Alaska, Canada or Mexico; or $12.00 if International address.
S&H $
Payment: Money Order, Check or Credit Card TOTAL $
(UPS COD'S acceptable)
VISA/MC Expiration date
Bank number if MC (Please print order clearly, thank you.)
=i Eche1on,lnc.
ii)! l'ií'st Stirrt 0Siiitr 127 0I,(')x \lhí>,, ('.\ !)J(RE
mRev. 01/17/85
Quantity: l-4 List Price $100.00 (example)
S-49 30% 70.00
50-249 50% 50.00
250-999 55% 45.00
1000-4999 60% 40.00
Exceptions: ZCPR3: The Manual and The Libraríes (no discount
on Sampler)
5-49 25% of prevailing list price
50-249 33% "" ""
250-4999 40% " " " "
General Terms and Conditions
1. Discounts based on yearly volume with any mix. Minimum order of
five (5) for quantity discount to apply. Dealer inquiries welcomed.
2. Special quantity prices may be negotiated for software without
media, labels, serialization, documentation, or with binders.
Write with detail requirements to receive our proposal. OEM and
VAR Agreements available.
3. Echelon software is licensed on "per computer" basis. Syslib3 is
licensed for non-commercial distribution only, not to be resold with
other software and not to be sold, bundled with hardware. No
restrictions on binary code produced with SYSLIB3.
4. Terms FOB Los Altos, CA. Payment by cashier's check, money order,
Visa or Mastercard. Personal and company checks cause delivery
delay. (COD'S collected by UPS accepted.)
5. Shipments via US Postal Service (Priority) unless special request.
Orders are completed on business day following receipt, if product
is in stock. Allow 10 days from date of shipment for delivery in
continental USA and Canada; other areas may take longer.
6, Prices may change without notice.
Echelon, Inc.
101 First Street
Los Altos, CA 94022
Order Desk Telephone: 415/948-3820
Technical Assistance: 415/941-2219, 2-8pm Pacific Time only, please.

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