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The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide—
A Hands-on Manual from the Trenches
by Stefan Wolpers
Version: 1.6 2017-12-05

The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide










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The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide
Welcome to my hands-on guide on scrum anti-patterns, detailing over 160 anti-patterns
that you might observe in practice.
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The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide
Scrum Ceremony Anti-Patterns
17 Stand-up Anti-Patterns
The Daily Scrum
The daily stand-up is the ceremony with the highest anti-pattern density among all scrum
ceremonies. Learn more about the stand-up anti-patterns that threaten to derail your agile

Stand-up Anti-Patterns – From Dysfunctional Scrum Teams to Organizational
Typically, a good scrum team needs about five to ten minutes for a stand-up. Given this
short period, it is interesting to observe that the daily stand-up is the scrum ceremony with
the highest potential anti-pattern density. The anti-patterns range from behaviors driven by
dysfunctional teams to apparent failures at an organizational level.
My favorite stand-up anti-patterns are as follows:
1. No routine: The stand-up does not happen at the same time and the same place
every day. (While routine has the potential to ruin every retrospective, it is helpful in
the context of stand-ups. Think of it like a spontaneous drill: don’t put too much
thought into the stand-up, just do it. Skipping stand-ups can turn out to be a slippery
slope. And skipping may only be acceptable the day after the sprint planning.
However, please keep in mind that every team member can veto skipping the standup.))
2. Status report: The stand-up is a status report meeting, and team members are
waiting in line to “report” progress to the scrum master, the product owner, or
maybe even a stakeholder.
3. Ticket numbers only: Updates are generic with little or no value to others.
(“Yesterday, I worked on X-123. Today, I will work on X-129.”)
4. Problem solving: Discussions are triggered to solve problems, instead of parking
those so they can be addressed after the stand-up.
5. Planning meeting: The team hijacks the stand-up to discuss new requirements, to
refine user stories, or to have a sort of (sprint) planning meeting.
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6. No red dots: A team member experiences difficulties in accomplishing an issue over
several consecutive days, and nobody is offering help. (This a sign that that people
either do not trust each other, or that the utilization of the team is maximized.)
7. Monologs: Team members violate the time-boxing, starting monologues. (60 to 90
seconds per team member should be more than enough time on air.)
8. Statler and Waldorf: A few team members are commenting every issue. (Usually,
this is not just a waste of time, but also patronizing as well as annoying.)
9. Disrespect I: Other team members are talking while someone is sharing his or her
progress with the team. (Similarly irritating is the need to use speak tokens among
adults to avoid this behavior.)
10. Assignments: The product owner – or scrum master – assigns tasks directly to team
11. Cluelessness: Team members are not prepared for the stand-up. (“I was doing some
stuff but I cannot remember what. Was important, though.”)
12. Let’s start the shift: The stand-up acts as a kind of artificial factory siren to start the
next shift. (This is a common Taylorism artifact where trust in the team is missing.)
13. Disrespect II: Team members are late to the stand-up. (Note: if the time for the
stand-up was not chosen by the team it otherwise indicates distrust on the
management side.)
14. Excessive feedback: Team members criticize other team members right away
sparking a discussion instead of taking their critique outside the stand-up.
15. Overcrowded: Stand-ups are ineffective due to the large number of active
16. Talkative chickens: “Chickens” actively participate in the stand-up. (I think it is
generally acceptable if stakeholder ask a question during the stand-up. However,
they are otherwise supposed to merely listen in.)
17. Anti-agile: Line managers are attending stands-up to gather “performance data” on
individual team members. (This behavior is defying the very purpose of selforganizing teams.)
Depending on the context, it could also be an anti-pattern if the product owner – or even
another stakeholder – is introducing new tickets to the current sprint during the stand-up.
This behavior may be acceptable for priority one bugs. (Although the team should be aware
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of those before the stand-up.) However, it is an unacceptable behavior – and thus an antipattern – for changing priorities on the fly in the middle of a sprint.
Lastly, some teams like to have stand-ups in Slack, particularly those that are not co-located.
Again, depending on the context, this does not need to manifest an anti-pattern per se. I was
even working with a co-located team that used Slack as their preferred way of having a
stand-up. It worked.

A lot of agile practitioners tend to consider stand-ups to be a candidate for waste. However,
from a scrum master or agile coach perspective stand-ups offer the highest yield of antipatterns – given the effort is so small by comparison to other ceremonies.

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28 Product Backlog and Refinement Anti-Patterns
The Product Backlog
Scrum is a practical framework to build products, provided you identified in advance what
to build. But even after a successful product discovery phase, you may struggle to make the
right thing in the right way if your product backlog is not up to the job.
The following article points at the most common product backlog anti-patterns – including
the product backlog refinement process – that limit your team’s success.

The Product Backlog Refinement According to the Scrum Guide
First of all, let’s have a look at the current issue of the Scrum Guide on the product backlog
“Product Backlog refinement is the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product
Backlog. This is an ongoing process in which the Product Owner and the Development Team
collaborate on the details of Product Backlog items. During Product Backlog refinement, items are
reviewed and revised. The Scrum Team decides how and when refinement is done. Refinement usually
consumes no more than 10% of the capacity of the Development Team. However, Product Backlog
items can be updated at any time by the Product Owner or at the Product Owner’s discretion.
Higher ordered Product Backlog items are usually clearer and more detailed than lower ordered ones.
More precise estimates are made based on the greater clarity and increased detail; the lower the order,
the less detail. Product Backlog items that will occupy the Development Team for the upcoming Sprint
are refined so that any one item can reasonably be “Done” within the Sprint time-box. Product Backlog
items that can be “Done” by the Development Team within one Sprint are deemed “Ready” for selection
in a Sprint Planning. Product Backlog items usually acquire this degree of transparency through the
above-described refining activities.
The Development Team is responsible for all estimates. The Product Owner may influence the
Development Team by helping it understand and select trade-offs, but the people who will perform the
work make the final estimate.”

Source & Copyright: ©2016 Scrum.Org and ScrumInc1.

A Typical Product Backlog Refinement Process
Based on the Scrum Guide, a typical process looks as follows:
Offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons, accessible
at and also described in summary form

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The product owner prioritizes the backlog in advance, so it reflects the best
possible use of the development team’s resources:
The product owner creates and pre-populates the two upcoming sprints
with user stories, using the team’s project management software (or a
spreadsheet or any other organizational tool the team applies).
The product owner maintains this pattern continuously.
The product owner also adds new user stories that he or she may have
identified since the previous refinement session.
The product owner and the development team are jointly working on user stories:
The product owner provides the answer to the ‘why’ question (business
The team answers the ‘how’ question (technical implementation),
And both collaborate on the ‘what’ question: what scope is necessary to
achieve the desired purpose?
The whole team agrees to time-box discussions. A typical time-box per user story
would be around five minutes on average per cycle.
The product owner provides the acceptance criteria to user stories.
The development team defines what is required to consider a user story to be
ready for becoming a sprint backlog item.
The product owner clarifies questions of the team or invites subject matter
experts to refinement sessions who can answer the team’s questions.
Consecutive refinement cycles last until each user story meets the definition of
ready, or is no longer pursued.
Lastly, the team may estimate the available user stories that meet the “definition
of ready” criteria. The product owner can now choose from those user stories to
become part of an upcoming sprint.



Common Product Backlog (Refinement) Anti-Patterns
Despite being a relatively straightforward, the process of creating and refining a product
backlog often suffers from various anti-patterns. I have identified four different categories:
General Product Backlog Anti-Patterns

Prioritization by proxy: A single stakeholder or a committee of stakeholder
prioritizes the product backlog. (The strength of Scrum is building on the strong
position of the product owner. The product owner is the only persons to decide
what tasks become product backlog items. Hence, the product owner also
decides on the priority. Take away that empowerment, and Scrum turns into a
pretty robust waterfall 2.0 process.)

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100% in advance: The scrum team creates a product backlog covering the
complete project or product upfront because the scope of the release is limited.
(Question: how can you be sure to know today what to deliver in six months from


Over-sized: The product backlog contains more items than the scrum team can
deliver within three to four sprints. (This way the product owner creates waste
by hoarding issues that might never materialize.)


Outdated issues: The product backlog contains items that haven’t been touched
for six to eight weeks or more. (That is typically the length of two to four sprints.
If the product owner is hoarding backlog items, the risk emerges that older items
become outdated, thus rendering previously invested work of the scrum team


Everything is estimated: All user stories of the product backlog are detailed and
estimated. (That is too much upfront work and bears the risk of misallocating the
scrum team’s time.)


Component-based items: The product backlog items are sliced horizontally
based on components instead of vertically based on end-to-end features. (This
may be either caused by your organizational structure. Then move to crossfunctional teams to improve the team’s ability to deliver. Otherwise, the team –
and the product owner – need a workshop on writing user stories.)


Missing acceptance criteria: There are user stories in the product backlog
without acceptance criteria. (It is not necessary to have acceptance criteria at the
beginning the refinement cycle although they would make the task much easier.
In the end, however, all user stories need to meet the definition of ready standard,
and acceptance criteria are a part of that definition.)


No more than a title: The product backlog contains user stories that comprise of
little more than a title. (See above.)


Issues too detailed: There are user stories with an extensive list of acceptance
criteria. (This is the other extreme: the product owner covers each edge case
without negotiating with the team. Typically, three to five acceptance criteria are
more than sufficient.)


Neither themes nor epics: The product backlog is not structured by themes or
epics. (This makes it hard to align individual items with the “big picture” of the
organization. The product backlog is not supposed to be an assortment of

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isolated tasks or a large to-do-list.)

No research: The product backlog contains few to no spikes. (This often
correlates with a team that is spending too much time on discussing prospective
problems, instead of researching them with a spike as a part of an iterative user
story creation process.)

Product Backlog Anti-Patterns at Portfolio and Product Roadmap Level

Roadmap? The product backlog is not reflecting the roadmap. (The product
backlog is supposed to be detailed only for the first two or three sprints. Beyond
that point, the product backlog should rather focus on themes and epics from the
product roadmap. If those are not available, the product backlog is likely to


Annual roadmaps: The organization’s portfolio plan, as well as the release plan
or product roadmap, are created once a year in advance. (If the product backlog
stays aligned to these plans, it introduces waterfall planning through the
backdoor. Agile planning is always “continuous”. At the portfolio level, the plan
needs to be revised be least every three months.)


Roadmaps kept secret: The portfolio planning and the release plan or product
roadmap are not visible to everybody. (If you do not know where you are going
any road will get you there. This information is crucial for any scrum team and
needs to be available to everybody at any time. )


China in your hands: The portfolio planning and the release plan or the product
roadmap are not considered achievable and believable. (If this is reflected in the
product backlog, working on user stories will probably be a waste.)

Product Backlog Anti-Patterns of the Product Owner

Storage for ideas: The product owner is using the product backlog as a
repository of ideas and requirements. (This practice is clogging the product
backlog, may lead to a cognitive overload and makes alignment with the ‘big
picture’ at portfolio management and roadmap planning level very tough.)


Part-time PO: The product owner is not working daily on the product backlog.
(The product backlog needs to represent at any given time the best use of the
development team’s resources. Updating it once a week before the next
refinement session does not suffice to meet this requirement.)

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Copy & paste PO: The product owner creates user stories by breaking down
requirement documents received from stakeholders into smaller chunks. (That
scenario helped to coin the nickname “ticket monkey” for the product owner.
Remember: user story creation is a team exercise.)


Dominant PO: The product owner creates user stories by providing not just the
‘why’ but also the ‘how’, and the ‘what’. (The team answers the ‘how’ question –
the technical implementation –, and both the team and the PO collaborate on the
‘what’ question: what scope is necessary to achieve the desired purpose.)


INVEST? The product owner is not applying the INVEST principle by Bill Wake to
user stories.


Issues too detailed: The product owner invests too much time upfront in user
stories making them too detailed. (If a user story looks complete, the team
members might not see the necessity to get involved in a further refinement. This
way a “fat” user story reduces the engagement level of the team, compromising
the creation of a shared understanding. By the way, this didn’t happen back in
the days when we used index cards given their physical limitation.)


What team? The product owner is not involving the entire scrum team in the
refinement process and instead is relying on just the “lead engineer” (or any
other member of the team independently of the others).


‘I know it all’ PO: The product owner does not involve stakeholders or subject
matter experts in the refinement process. (A product owner who believes to be
either omniscient or a communication gateway is a risk to the Scrum team’s

Product Backlog Anti-Patterns of the Development Team

Submissive team: The development team submissively follows the demands of
the product owner. (Challenging the product owner whether his or her selection
of issues is the best use of the development team’s time is the noblest obligation
of every team member: why shall we do this?)


What technical debt? The development team is not demanding adequate
resources to tackle technical debt and bugs. (The rule of thumb is that 25% of
resources are allocated every sprint to fixings bugs and refactor the code base.)


No slack: The development team is not demanding 20% slack time from the
product owner. (This is overlapping with the sprint planning and the team’s
commitment. However, it cannot be addressed early enough. If a team’s capacity

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is always utilized at 100 %, its performance will decrease over time. Everyone
will focus on getting his or her tasks done. There will be less time to support
teammates or to pair. Small issues will no longer be addressed immediately. And
ultimately, the ‘I am busy’ attitude will reduce the generation of a shared
understanding among all team members why they do what they are doing.)
Product Backlog Anti-Patterns of the Scrum Team

No time for refinement: The team does not have enough refinement sessions,
resulting in a low-quality backlog. (The Scrum Guide advises spending up to 10%
of the Scrum team’s time on the product backlog refinement. Which is a sound
business decision: Nothing is more expensive than a feature that is not delivering
any value.)


Too much refinement: The team has too many refinement sessions, resulting in
a too detailed backlog. (Too much refinement isn’t healthy either.)


No DoR: The scrum team has not created a ‘definition of ready’ that product
backlog items need to match before becoming selectable for a sprint. (A simple
checklist like the ‘definition of ready’ can significantly improve the scrum team’s
work. It will increase the quality of both the resulting user stories as well as the
general way of working as a team.)

Even in the case, you have successfully identified what to build next, your product backlog,
as well as its refinement process, will likely provide room for improvement. Just take it to
the team.
What product backlog and refinement anti-patterns are missing? Please share with us in the

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The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide
19 Sprint Planning Anti-Patterns
The Sprint Planning
Scrum’s sprint planning is a simple ceremony. Invest upfront during the product backlog
refinement, and you will keep it productive. Avoiding the following 19 sprint planning antipatterns will help, too.

The Purpose of the Sprint Planning
The purpose of Scrum’s sprint planning is to align the development team and the product
owner. Both need to agree on the shippable product increment of the next sprint. The idea
is that the development team’s commitment reflects the product owner’s sprint goal. Also,
the team needs to come up with a plan on how to accomplish its commitment. (Or forecast if
you prefer that term.)
If the scrum team has been successfully using product backlog refinements in the past the
sprint planning part 1 will be short. The development team and the product owner will
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adjust the discussed scope of the upcoming sprint to the available capacity. Maybe,
someone from development team will not be available next sprint. So, one or two tasks will
have to go back to the product backlog.
Or a valuable new task appeared overnight, and the product owner wants this task to
become a part of the next sprint backlog. Consequently, some other user story needs to go
back to the product backlog. A good team can handle that in five to ten minutes before
moving on to sprint planning part 2. During sprint planning II the team breaks down the
first set of sprint backlog items into subtasks.

Sprint Planning Anti-Patterns
There are three categories of sprint planning anti-patterns. They concern the development
team, the product owner, and the scrum team.
Sprint Planning Anti-Patterns of the Development Team

Any absentees? The team members do not determine their availability at the
beginning of the sprint planning. (Good luck with making a commitment in this


Capacity? The development team overestimates its capacity and takes on too many
tasks. (The development team should instead take everything into account that
might affect its ability to deliver. The list of those issues is long: public holidays, new
team members, and those on vacation leave, team members quitting, team members
on sick leave, corporate overhead, scrum ceremonies and other meetings to name a


Ignoring technical debt: The development team is not demanding adequate
capacity to tackle technical debt and bugs during the sprint. (The rule of thumb is
that 25% of resources are allocated every sprint to fix bugs and refactor the code
base. If the product owner ignores this practice, and the development team accepts
this violation the scrum team will find itself in a downward spiral. Its future product
delivery capability will decrease.)


No slack: The development team is not demanding 20% slack time from the product
owner. (If a team’s capacity is always over-utilized, its performance will decrease
over time. This will particularly happen in an organization with a volatile daily
business. As a consequence, everyone will focus on getting his or her tasks done.
There will be less time to support teammates or to pair. The team will no longer
address smaller or urgent issues promptly. Individual team members will become
bottlenecks, which might seriously impede the flow within the team. Lastly, the ‘I am
busy’ attitude will reduce the generation of a shared understanding among all team

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members. Overutilization will always push the individual team member to focus on
his or her output. On the other side, slack time will allow the scrum team to act
collaboratively and focus on the outcome.)

Planning too detailed: During sprint planning II, the development team plans every
single subtask of the upcoming sprint in advance. (Don’t become too granular. Twothirds of the sub-tasks are more than sufficient, the rest will follow naturally during
the sprint. Doing too much planning upfront might result in waste.)


Too much estimating: The development team estimates sub-tasks. (That looks like
accounting for the sake of accounting to me. Don’t waste your time on that.)


Too little planning: The development team is skipping the sprint planning II
altogether. (Skipping the sprint planning II is unfortunate, as it is also a good
situation to talk about how to spread knowledge within the development team. For
example, the team should think about who will be pairing with whom on what task.
The sprint planning II is also a well-suited to consider how to reduce technical debt.)


Team leads? The development team does not come up with a plan to deliver on its
commitment collaboratively. Instead, a ‘team lead’ assigns tasks to individual team
members. (I know that senior developers do not like the idea, but there is no ‘team
lead’ in a scrum team. Read More: Why Engineers Despise Agile).

Sprint Planning Anti-Patterns of the Product Owner

What are we fighting for? The product owner cannot provide a sprint goal, or the
chosen sprint goal is flawed. (An original sprint goal answers the “What are we
fighting for?” question. It is a negotiation between the product owner and the
development team. It is focused and measurable, as sprint goal and team
commitment go hand in hand. Lastly, the sprint goal is a useful calibration for the
upcoming sprint.)


Calling Kanban ‘Scrum’: The sprint backlog resembles a random assortment of
tasks, and no sprint goal is defined. (If this is the natural way of finishing your sprint
planning I, you probably have outlived the usefulness of Scrum as a product
development framework. Depending on the maturity of your product, Kanban may
prove to be a better solution. Otherwise, the randomness may signal a weak product
owner who listens too much to stakeholders instead of prioritizing the product
backlog appropriately.)


Unfinished business: Unfinished user stories and other tasks from the last sprint
spill over into the new sprint without any discussion. (There might be good reasons
for that, for example, a task’s value has not changed. It should not be an automatism,

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though, remember the sunk cost fallacy.)

Last minute changes: The product owner tries to squeeze in some last-minute user
stories that do not meet the definition of ready. (Principally, it is the prerogative of
the product owner to make such kind of changes to ensure that the development
team is working only on the most valuable user stories at any given time. However, if
the scrum team is otherwise practicing product backlog refinement sessions
regularly, these occurrences should be a rare exception. If those happen frequently,
it indicates that the product owner needs help with prioritization and team
communication. Or the product owner needs support to say ‘no’ more often to


Output focus: The product owner pushes the development team to take on more
tasks than it could realistically handle. Probably, the product owner is referring to
former team metrics such as velocity to support his or her desire. (This would be an
opportunity for the candidate to step in and address the issue.)

Sprint Planning Anti-Patterns of the Scrum Team

Irregular sprint lengths: The scrum team has variable sprint cadences. For
example, tasks are not sized to fit into the regular sprint length. Instead, the sprint
length is adapted to the size of the tasks. (It is quite common to extend the sprint
length at the end of the year when most of the team member are on holiday.
However, there is no reason to deviate from the regular cadence during the rest of
the year. Instead of changing the sprint length, the scrum team should invest more
effort into sizing epics and user stories in the right way.)


Over-commitment: The scrum team regularly takes on way too many tasks and
moves unfinished work simply to the next sprint. (If two or three items spill over to
the next sprint, so be it. If regularly 30-40 percent of the original commitment is not
delivered during the sprint the scrum team may have created a kind of ‘time-boxed
Kanban.’ Maybe, this is the right moment to ask the scrum team whether moving to
Kanban might be an alternative.)


Stage-gate by DoR: The definition of ready is handled in a dogmatic way thus
creating a stage-gate-like approval process. (That is an interesting topic for a
discussion among the team members. For example, should a valuable user story be
postponed to another sprint just because the front end designs will not be available
for another two working days? My suggestion: take it to the team. If they agree with
the circumstances and accept the user story into the sprint — that is fine. Read
More: The Dangers of a Definition of Ready.)


Ignoring the DoR: The development team is not rejecting user stories that do not
meet the definition of ready. (This is the opposite side of being dogmatic about the

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application of DoR: not-ready user stories that will cause unnecessary disruptions
during the sprint are allowed into it. Laissez-faire does not help either.)

Forecast imposed: The sprint commitment is not a team-based decision. Or it is not
free from outside influence. (There are several anti-patterns here. For example, an
assertive product owner dominates the development team by defining its scope of
the commitment. Or a stakeholder points at the team’s previous velocity demanding
to take on more user stories. (“We need to fill our free capacity.”) Or the ‘tech lead’ of
the development team is making a commitment on behalf of the team. Whatever the
reason is, the candidate should address the underlying issues.)


Planning ignored: The development team is not participating collectively in the
sprint planning. Instead, two team members, for example, the tech and UX leads,
represent the team. (As far as the idea of one or two ‘leading’ teammates in a scrum
team is concerned, there are none, see above. And unless you are using LeSS – no
pun intended – where teams are represented in the overall sprint planning, the
whole scrum team needs to participate. It is a team effort, and everyone voice hence
needs to be heard.)

Scrum’s sprint planning is a simple ceremony. Invest upfront during the product backlog
refinement, and you will keep it productive. Most of the beforementioned sprint planning
anti-patterns are simple to fix. Just take it to the team.

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27 Sprint Anti-Patterns
The Sprint
The sprint is neither an official scrum ceremony nor an artifact. Obviously, it is not a role
either. It is merely a time-box. Still, there are plenty of sprint anti-patterns to make your life
as a scrum team harder than necessary.

Sprint Anti-Patterns
This list of notorious sprint anti-patterns applies to the development team, the product
owner, the scrum master, the scrum team, as well as stakeholders and the IT management:
Sprint Anti-patterns of the Product Owner

Absent PO: The product owner is absent most of the sprint and is not available to
answer questions of the development team. (That creates a micro-waterfall

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approach for the duration of the sprint.)

PO clinging to tasks: The product owner cannot let go product backlog items once
they become sprint backlog items. For example, the product owner increases the
scope of a user story. Or, he or she changes acceptance criteria once the team
accepted the issue into the sprint backlog. (There is a clear line: before a product
backlog item turns into a sprint backlog item the product owner is responsible.
However, once it moves from one backlog to the other, the development team
becomes responsible. If changes become acute during the sprint the team will
collaboratively decide on how to handle them.)


Inflexible PO: The product owner is not flexible to adjust acceptance criteria. (If the
work on a task reveals that the agreed upon acceptance criteria are no longer
achievable or waste, the scrum team needs to adapt to the new reality. Blindly
following the original plan violates a core scrum principle.)


Delaying PO: The product owner does not accept sprint backlog items once those
are finished. Instead, he or she waits until the end of the sprint. (In the spirit of
continuous integration, the product owner should immediately check tasks that
meet the acceptance criteria. Otherwise, the product owner will create an artificial
queue which will increase the cycle-time. This habit puts also reaching the sprint
goal at risk.)


Misuse of sprint cancellation: The product owner cancels sprints to impose his or
her will onto the team. (It is the prerogative of the product owner to cancel sprints.
However, the product owner should not do this lightly without a serious cause. The
product owner should also never abort a sprint without consulting the development
team first. Probably, the team has an idea how to save the sprint. Lastly, misusing the
cancelation privilege also indicates a serious team collaboration issue.)


No sprint cancellation: The product owner does not cancel a sprint whose sprint
goal can no longer be achieved. (If the product owner identified a unifying sprint
goal, for example, integrating a new payment method, and the management then
abandons that payment method mid-sprint, continuing working on the sprint goal
would be waste. In this case, the product owner should cancel the sprint.)

Sprint Anti-patterns of the Development Team

No WiP limit: There is no work in progress limit. (The purpose of the sprint is to
deliver a potentially shippable product increment that provides value to either the
customers or the organization. This goal requires getting something done by the end
of the sprint. The flow theory suggests that the productivity of a team improves with
a work-in-progress (WiP) limit. The WiP limit defines the largest number of tasks a

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team can work on at the same time. Exceeding this WiP number results in creating
extra queues that reduce the throughput of the team. The cycle time which is the
period between starting and finishing a ticket measures this effect.)

Cherry-picking: The team cherry-picks work. (This effect often overlays with the
missing WiP issue. Human beings are motivated by short-term gratifications. It just
feels good to solve yet another puzzle from the board, here: coding a new task. By
comparison to this dopamine fix, checking how someone else solved another
problem during code review is less rewarding. Hence you often notice tickets
queueing in the code-review-column, for example.)


Board out-of-date: The team does not update tickets on the board in time to reflect
the current statuses. (The board, no matter if it is a physical or digital board, is not
only vital for coordinating a team’s work. It is also an integral part of the
communication of the scrum team with its stakeholders. A board that is not up-todate will impact the trust the stakeholders have in the scrum team. Deteriorating
trust may then cause counter-measures on the side of the stakeholders. The
(management) pendulum may swing back toward traditional methods as a
consequence. The road back to PRINCE II is paved with abandoned boards.)


Side-gigs: The team is working on issues that are not visible on the board. (While
sloppiness is excusable, siphoning off resources, and by-passing the product owner –
who is accountable of the scrum team’s return on investment – is inacceptable. This
behavior also signals a massive conflict within the “team.” Given this display of
distrust—why didn’t the engineers address this seemingly important issue during
the sprint planning or before—the team is probably rather a group anyway.)


Gold-plating: The team increases the scope of the sprint by adding unnecessary
work to sprint backlog items. (This effect is often referred to as scope-stretching or
gold-plating. The development team ignores the original scope agreement with the
product owner. For whatever reason, the team enlarges the task without prior
consulting of the product owner. This ignorance may result in a questionable
allocation of resources. However, there is a simple solution: the developers and the
product owner need to talk more often with each other. If the product owner is not
yet co-located with the development team now would be a good moment to

Sprint Anti-patterns of the Scrum Master

Flow disruption: The scrum master allows stakeholders to disrupt the flow of the
development team during the sprint. (There are several possibilities how
stakeholders can interrupt the flow of the team during a sprint. For example:

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o The scrum master has a laissez-faire policy as far as access to the
development team is concerned.
o The scrum master does not object that the management invites engineers to
random meetings as subject matter experts.
o Lastly, the scrum master allows that either stakeholders or managers turn the
daily scrum into a reporting session.
Any of these behaviors will impede the team’s productivity. It is the scrum
master’s obligation to prevent them from manifesting themselves.)

Lack of support: The scrum master does not support team members that need help
with a task. (Often, development teams create tasks an engineer can finish within a
day. However, if someone struggles with such a task for more than two days without
voicing that he or she needs support, the scrum master should address the issue. By
the way, this is also the reason for marking tasks on a physical board with red dots
each day if they do not move to the next column.)


Micro-management: The scrum master does not prevent the product owner—or
anyone else—from assigning tasks to engineers. (The development team organizes
itself without external intervention. And the scrum master is the shield of the team
in that respect.)


#NoRetro: The scrum master does not gather data during the sprint that supports
the team in the upcoming retrospective. (This is self-explanatory.)

Note: I do not believe that it is the task of the scrum master to move tickets on a board. The
team members should do this during the stand-up. It is also not the responsibility of the
scrum master to update an online board so that it reflects the statuses of a corresponding
physical board. Lastly, if the team considers a burn-down chart helpful, the team members
should also update the chart after the stand-up.
Sprint Anti-patterns of the Scrum Team

The maverick & the sprint backlog: Someone adds an item to the sprint backlog
without consulting the team first. (The fixed scope of a sprint backlog—in the sense
of workload—is at the core of enabling the team to make a commitment or forecast.
The scope is hence per se untouchable during the sprint. Changes of the composition
of sprint backlog are possible, for example, when a critical bug pops up after a
sprint’s start. However, adding such an issue to the sprint backlog requires
compensation. Another task of a similar size needs to go back to the product backlog.
All these exceptions have in common that the scrum team decides collectively on
them. No single teammate can add or remove an item to or from the sprint backlog.)

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Hardening sprint: The scrum team decides to have a hardening or clean-up sprint.
(That is a simple one: there is no such thing as a hardening sprint in scrum. The goal
of the sprint is the delivery of a valuable potentially shippable product increment.
Often, scrum teams agree in advance on a standard of what “done” means – also
known as DoD or definition of done –. Declaring buggy tasks “done” thus violates
core principles of the team’s way of collaboration. Hardening sprints are commonly
a sign of a low grade of adoption of agile principles by the team or the organization.
This is probably because the team is not yet cross-functional. Or quality assurance is
still handled by a functional, non-agile silo with the product delivery organization.)


Delivering Y instead of X: The product owner believes in getting X. The
development team is working on Y. (This is not merely a result of an inferior product
backlog refinement. This anti-pattern indicates that the team failed to create a
shared understanding. There are plenty of reasons for this to happen, for example:
o The product owner and the development team members are not talking
enough during the sprint. (The product owner is too busy to answer
questions from the team or attend the daily scrum. Or, the team is not colocated, etc.)
o No development team member has ever participated in user tests. There is a
lack of understanding the users’ problems among the engineers. (This is the
reason why engineers should also interview users regularly.)
o The product owner presented a too granular user story, and no one from the
development team cared enough to have a thorough look. The user story
seemed ready.
o Probably, the user story was missing acceptance criteria altogether, or
existing acceptance criteria missed the problem. No matter the reason, the
team should address the issue during the next retrospective.)


No sense of urgency: There is no potentially shippable product increment at the
end of the sprint. There was no reason to cancel the sprint either. It was just an
ordinary sprint. (This is a sign that the scrum team lacks the sense of urgency to
deliver at the end of the sprint. If it is acceptable to fail on delivering value at the end
of the sprint, the whole idea behind scrum is questioned. Remember, a scrum team
trades a commitment or forecast for inclusion in decision-making, autonomy, and
self-organization. Creating a low-grade time-boxed Kanban and calling it “scrum”
will not honor this deal. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the scrum team to
make each sprint’s outcome releasable even if the release will not materialize.)


New kid on the block: The scrum team welcomed a new team member during the
sprint. They also forgot to address the issue during sprint planning thus ending up
overcommitted. (While it is acceptable to welcome new teammates during a sprint,
the team needs to account for the resulting onboarding effort during the sprint
planning and adjust its capacity. The new team member should not be a surprise.
However, if the newbie turns out to be a surprise it is rather an organizational anti-

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Variable sprint length: The scrum team extends the sprint length by a few days to
meet the sprint goal. (This is just another way of cooking the agile books to match a
goal or a metric. This is not agile; it is just inconsequential. Stop lying to yourself, and
address the underlying issues why the team outcome does not meet the sprint goal.
Note: I would not consider a deviating sprint length during the holiday season at the
end of the year to be an anti-pattern.)

Sprint Review Anti-patterns of the IT Management

All hands to the pumps w/o scrum: The management temporarily abandons
scrum in an all-hands-to-deck situation. (This is a classic manifestation of disbelief in
agile practices, fed by command & control thinking. Most likely, canceling sprints
and gathering the scrum teams would also solve the issue at hands.)


Reassigning team members: The management regularly assigns team members of
one scrum team to another team. (Scrum can only live up to its potential if the team
members can build trust among each other. The longevity of teams is hence essential.
Moving people between teams, on the contrary, reflects a project-minded idea of
management. It also ignores the preferred team building practice that scrum teams
should find themselves. All members need to be voluntarily on a team. Scrum does
rarely work if team members are pressed into service.
Note: It is not an anti-pattern, though, if two teams decide to exchange teammates
temporarily. It is an established practice that specialists spread knowledge this way
or mentor other colleagues.)


Special forces: A manager assigns tasks directly to engineers, thus bypassing the
product owner. (This behavior does not only violate core scrum principles. It also
indicates that the manager cannot let go command and control practices. He or she
continues to micromanage subordinates although a scrum team could accomplish
the task in a self-organized manner. This behavior demonstrates a level of ignorance
that may require support from a higher management level to deal with.)

Sprint Review Anti-patterns of Stakeholders

Pitching developers: The stakeholders try to sneak in small tasks by pitching them
directly to developers. (Nice try #1.)


Everything’s a bug: The stakeholders try to speed up delivery by relabeling their
tasks are ‘serious bugs’. (Nice try #2. A special case is an “express lane” for bug fixes
and other urgent issues. Every stakeholder will try and make his or her tasks eligible

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for that express lane.)

Distrupting the flow: The stakeholders disrupt the flow of the scrum team. (See
above, scrum master section.)

Although the sprint itself is just a time-box there are plenty of sprint anti-patterns to
observe. A lot of them are easy to fix by the scrum team. Other sprint anti-patterns,
however, point at organizational issues that probably will require more than a
retrospective to change.

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14 Sprint Review Anti-Patterns
The Sprint Review
Are we still on the right track? Answering this question in a collaborative effort of the scrum
team as well as internal (and external) stakeholders is the purpose of the sprint review.
Given its importance, it is worthwhile to tackle the most common sprint review antipatterns.

The Purpose of Scrum’s Sprint Review
The sprint review is about Scrum’s core principle: inspect & adapt. The development team,
the product owner, and the stakeholders need to figure out whether they are still on track
delivering value to customers. It is the best moment to create or reaffirm the shared
understanding among all participants whether the product backlog is still reflecting the
best use of the scrum team’s resources. It is also because of this context that calling the
sprint review a “sprint demo” does not match its importance for the effectiveness of the
scrum team.
The sprint review is thus an excellent opportunity to talk about the general progress of the
product. The sprint review’s importance is also the reason to address sprint review antipatterns as soon as possible.

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Sprint Review Anti-Patterns
Typically, you can observe the following sprint review anti-patterns.
Sprint Review Anti-patterns of the Product Owner

Selfish PO: The product owner presents “his or her” accomplishments to the
stakeholders. (Remember the old saying: There is no “I” in “team”?)


Delayed sprint acceptance: The product owner uses the sprint review to accept
user stories. (This should be decoupled from the sprint review. The product owner
should accept user stories the moment they meet the acceptance criteria.)


Unapproachable PO: The product owner is not accepting feedback from the
stakeholders. (Such a behavior violates the prime purpose of the sprint review

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Sprint Review Anti-patterns of the Development Team

Death by PowerPoint: Participants are bored to death by PowerPoint. (The
foundation of a successful sprint review is “show, don’t tell,” or even better: let the
stakeholders drive the ceremony.)


Same faces again: It is always the same representatives from the development team
who participate. (Unless the organization works with several teams based on LeSS
(large scale Scrum), this is not a good sign. The challenge is that you cannot enforce
the team’s participation either, though. Instead, make it interesting enough that
everyone wants to participate. Note: If the team does not attend religiously in full
strength in each sprint review it is not an anti-pattern per se. However, there should
be some rotation among participating team members.)

 Side gigs: The development team was working on issues outside the sprint scope.
The product owner learns about those for the first time during the sprint review.
 Cheating: The development team demos items that are still buggy. (There is a good
reason to show unfinished work on some occasions. Buggy work on the other side
violates the DoD at an unacceptable level.)
Sprint Review Anti-patterns of the Scrum Team

Following a plan: The scrum team does not use the sprint review to discuss the
current state of the product or project with the stakeholders. (Again, getting
feedback is the purpose of the exercise. A we-know-what-to-build attitude is
bordering on hubris. Read More: Sprint Review, a Feedback Gathering Event: 17
Questions and 8 Techniques.)


Sprint accounting: Every task accomplished is demoed, and stakeholders do not
take it enthusiastically. (Tell a compelling story at the beginning of the review to
engage the stakeholders. Leave out those user stories that are not relevant to the
story. Do not bore stakeholders by including everything that was accomplished. We
are not accountants.)

Sprint Review Anti-patterns of the Stakeholders

Scrum à la stage-gate: The sprint review is a kind of stage-gate approval process
where stakeholders sign off features. (This anti-pattern is typical for organizations
that use an agile-waterfall hybrid. Otherwise, it is the prerogative or the product
owner to decide what to ship when.)

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No stakeholders: Stakeholders do not attend the sprint review. (There are several
reasons why stakeholders do not go to the sprint review: they do not see any value
in the ceremony. It is conflicting with another important meeting. They do not
understand the importance of the sprint review event. No sponsor is participating in
the sprint review, for example, from the C-level. To my experience, you need to “sell”
the ceremony within the organization.)


No customers: External stakeholders – also known as customers – do not attend the
sprint review. (Break out of your organization’s filter bubble, and invite some paying
users of your product.)


Starting over again: There is no continuity in the attendance of stakeholders.
(Longevity is not just a team issue, but also applies to stakeholders. If they change
too often, for example, because of a rotation scheme, how can they provide in-depth
feedback? If this pattern appears the team needs to improve how stakeholders
understand the sprint review.)


Passive stakeholders: The stakeholders are passive and unengaged. (That is simple
to fix. Let the stakeholders drive the sprint review and put them at the helm. Or
organize the sprint review as a science fair with several booths.)

Scrum’s sprint review is a simple yet meaningful ceremony. It answers the question
whether the scrum team is still on track delivering value to the customers and the
organization. Avoiding the sprint review’s anti-patterns can significantly improve a team’s

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21 Sprint Retrospective Anti-Patterns Impeding Scrum Teams
What ceremony could better embody scrum’s ‘inspect and adapt’ mantra than the sprint
retrospective? I assume all agile peers agree that even the simplest retrospective—if only
held regularly—is far more useful than having a fancy one once in a while, or in the worst
case having none at all. And there is always room for improvement. Learn more about 21
common sprint retrospective anti-patterns.

Sprint Retrospective Anti-Patterns
No matter the frequency of your retrospectives you should always watch out for the
following sprint retrospective anti-patterns from the scrum team, the development team,
the scrum master, as well as the organization:
Sprint Retrospective Anti-Patterns of the Scrum Team

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#NoRetro: There is no retrospective as the team believes there is nothing to
improve. (There is no such thing as an agile Nirwana where everything is just perfect.
As people say: becoming agile is a journey, not a destination, and there is always
something to improve.)


Dispensable buffer: The team cancels retrospectives if more time is needed to
accomplish the sprint commitment/forecast. (The retrospective as a sprint
emergency reserve is a common sign of cargo cult agile. I believe, it is even a worse
anti-pattern than not having a retrospective because there is presumably nothing to
improve. That is just an all too human fallacy bordering on hubris. However,
randomly canceling the retrospective to achieve a sprint goal is a clear sign that the
team does not understand basic agile principles, such as continuous improvement. If
the scrum team repeatedly does not meet a sprint goal, it should inspect what is
going on here. Guess which scrum ceremony is designed for that purpose?)


Rushed retrospective: The team is in a hurry and allocates much less than the
necessary 60 to 90 minutes for a retrospective. (That is a slippery slope and will
probably end up with a ritualized ceremony of little value. Most team members will
likely regard it as a waste sooner or later. Do it right by allocating whatever time is
needed or consider stop having retrospectives. And while you are at it, why don’t
you abandon scrum altogether?)


Someone sings: Someone from the participants provides information on the
retrospective to an outsider. (For retrospectives, the Vegas rule applies: what is said
in the room stays in the room. There is no exception from this rule.)


Extensive whining: The team uses the retrospective primarily to complain about
the situation and assumes the victim’s role. (Change requires reflection, and
occasionally it is a good exercise to let off steam. However, not moving on once you
have identified critical issues and trying to change them defies the purpose of the
retrospective. Limiting the number of stickies to 2-3 per participant may help to
change this attitude. You may also consider balancing good and negative feedback by
handing out an equal number of green and red stickies. Looks to be a bit too
enforcing for my taste, though.)


UNSMART: The team chooses to tackle UNSMART actions. (Bill Wake created the
SMART acronym for reasonable action items: S – Specific, M – Measurable, A –
Achievable, R – Relevant, T – Time-boxed. If the team picks UNSMART action items,
though, it sets itself up for failure and may thus contribute to a bias that “agile” is not
working. Read More: INVEST in Good Stories, and SMART Tasks.)


#NoAccountability: Action items were accepted before. However, no one was
chosen to be responsible for the delivery. (If the “team” is supposed to fix X,
probably everyone will rely on his or her teammates to handle it. Make someone

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accountable instead.)

What action? The team does not check the status of the action items from the
previous retrospectives. (The sibling of autonomy is accountability. If you are not
following up on what you wanted to improve before why care about picking action
items in the first place?)

Sprint Retrospective Anti-Patterns of the Development Team
Product owner non grata: The product owner is not welcome to the retrospective. (Some
purists still believe that only the development team and the scrum master shall attend the
team’s retrospective. However, the Scrum Guide refers to the scrum team, including the
product owner. It does so for a good reason: the team wins together, and the team loses
together. How is that supposed to work without the product owner?)
Sprint Retrospective Anti-Patterns of the Scrum Master

Waste of time: The team does not collectively value the retrospective. (If some team
members consider the retrospective to be of little or no value it is most often the
retrospective itself that sucks. Is it the same procedure every time, ritualized, and
boring? Have a meta-retrospective on the retrospective itself. Change the venue.
Have a beer- or wine-driven retrospective. There are so many things a scrum master
can do to make retrospectives great again and reduce the absence rate. And yes, to
my experience introverts like to take part in retrospectives, too.)


Prisoners: Some team members only participate because they are forced to join.
(Don’t pressure anyone to take part in a retrospective. Instead, make it worth their
time. The drive to continuously improve as a team needs to be fueled by intrinsic
motivation, neither by fear nor by order. Tip: Retromat’s “Why are you here?”
exercise is a good opener for a retrospective from time to time.)


Groundhog day: The retrospective never changes in composition, venue, or length.
(There is a tendency in this case that the team will revisit the same issues over and
over again – it’s groundhog day without the happy ending, though.)


Let’s have it next sprint: The team postpones the retrospective into the next sprint.
(Beyond the ‘inspect & adapt’ task, the retrospective shall also serve as a moment of
closure that resets everybody’s mind so that the team can focus on the new sprint
goal. That is the reason why we have the retrospective before the planning of the
follow-up sprint. Postponing it into the next sprint may interrupt the flow of the
team. It also delays tackling possible improvements by up to a sprint.)

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#NoDocumentation: No one is taking minutes for later use. (A retrospective is a
substantial investment and should be taken seriously. Taking notes and photos
supports this process.)


No psychological safety: The retrospective is an endless cycle of blame and finger
pointing. (The team wins together, the team loses together. The blame game
documents both the failure of the scrum master as the facilitator of the retrospective
as well as the team’s lack of maturity and communication skills.)


Bullying: One or two team members are dominating the retrospective. (This
communication behavior is often a sign of either a weak or uninterested scrum
master. The retrospective needs to be a safe place where everyone–introverts
included–can address issues and provide his or her feedback free from third party
influence. If some of the team members are dominating the conversation, and
probably even bullying or intimidating other teammates, the retrospective will fail to
provide such a safe place. This failure will result in participants dropping out of the
retrospective and render the results obsolete. It is the main responsibility of the
scrum master to ensure that everyone will be heard and has an opportunity to voice
his or her thoughts. By the way, equally distributed speaking time is according to
Google also a sign of a high-performing team. Read More: What Google Learned
From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team.)


Stakeholder alert: Stakeholders participate in the retrospective. (There are plenty
of scrum ceremonies that address the communication needs of stakeholder: the
sprint review, the product backlog refinement, the daily scrums, not to mention
opportunities of having a conversation at water coolers, over coffee, or during
lunchtime. If that spectrum of possibilities still is not sufficient, feel free to have
additional meetings. However, the retrospective is off-limits to stakeholders.)


Passivity: The team members are present but are not participating. (There are
plenty of reasons for such a behavior: they regard the retrospective a waste of time,
it is an unsafe place, or the participants are bored to death by its predictiveness.
Probably, the team members fear negative repercussions in the case of their absence,
or you managed to hire a homogenous group of East-European introverts. In other
words: there is no quick fix, and the scrum master needs to figure out what kind of
retrospective works in his or her organization’s context.)

Sprint Retrospective Anti-Patterns of the Organization
 No suitable venue: There is no adequate place available to run the retrospective.
(The least appropriate place to have a retrospective is a meeting room with a
rectangular table surrounded by chairs. And yet it is the most common venue to have
a retrospective. Becoming agile requires space. If this space is not available, you
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should become creative and go somewhere else. If the weather is fine, grab your
stickies and go outside. Or rent a suitable space somewhere else. If that is not
working, for example, due to budget issues, remove at least the table so you can
sit/stand in a circle. Just be creative. Read More: Agile Workspace: The Undervalued
Success Factor.)
 Line managers present: Line managers participate in retrospectives. (This is the
worst anti-pattern I can think off. It turns the retrospective into an unsafe place. And
who would expect that an unsafe place triggers an open discussion among the team
members? Any line manager who insists on such a proceeding signals his or her lack
of understanding of basic agile practices. Note: If you are small product delivery
team at a start-up and your part-time scrum master (or product owner) also serves
in a management function, retrospectives might be challenging. In this case, consider
hiring an external scrum master to facilitate meaningful retrospectives.)
 Let us see your minutes: Someone from the organization—outside the team—
requires access to the retrospective minutes. (This is almost as bad as line managers
who want to participate in a retrospective. Of course, the access must be denied.)

There are many ways in which a retrospective can be a failure even if it looks favorable at
first glance. The top three sprint retrospective anti-patterns from my perspective are: not
making the retrospective a safe place, unequally distributed speaking time, and a ritualized
format that never changes.

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Scrum Roles
Product Owner Anti-Patterns
If you are working as a product owner, there is — very likely — room for improvement. I
curated 30-plus strong list of the most common product owner anti-patterns to help you up
your game.
If you like to improve on those you recognize why don’t you ask the scrum master for
support? The product owner anti-patterns list is a good starting point for a retrospective.

Product Backlog and Refinement
You can spot most of the product owner anti-patterns in the PO’s backyard — the product
backlog and its refinement:

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1. Prioritization by proxy: A single stakeholder or a committee of stakeholder
prioritizes the product backlog. (The strength of Scrum is building on the strong
position of the product owner. The product owner is the only persons to decide what
tasks become product backlog items. Hence, the product owner also decides on the
priority. Take away that empowerment, and Scrum turns into a pretty robust
waterfall 2.0 process.)
2. Over-sized: The product backlog contains more items than the scrum team can
deliver within three to four sprints. (This way the product owner creates waste by
hoarding issues that might never materialize.)
3. Outdated issues: The product backlog contains items that haven’t been touched for
six to eight weeks or more. (That is typically the length of two to four sprints. If the
product owner is hoarding backlog items, the risk emerges that older items become
outdated, thus rendering previously invested work of the scrum team obsolete.)
4. Missing acceptance criteria: There are user stories in the product backlog without
acceptance criteria. (It is not necessary to have acceptance criteria at the beginning
the refinement cycle although they would make the task much easier. In the end,
however, all user stories need to meet the definition of ready standard, and
acceptance criteria are a part of that definition.)
5. No more than a title: The product backlog contains user stories that comprise of
little more than a title. (See above.)
6. Issues too detailed: There are user stories with an extensive list of acceptance
criteria. (This is the other extreme: the product owner covers each edge case without
negotiating with the team. Typically, three to five acceptance criteria are more than
sufficient.) Talkative chickens: The product owner — at least in my eyes — is more
a “chicken” than a team member in a stand-up. Talking too much may hence be an
issue. (The product owner who is also a part-time scrum master is a different
scenario, though.)
7. Storage for ideas: The product owner is using the product backlog as a repository
of ideas and requirements. (This practice is clogging the product backlog, may lead
to a cognitive overload and makes alignment with the ‘big picture’ at portfolio
management and roadmap planning level very tough.)
8. Part-time PO: The product owner is not working daily on the product backlog. (The
product backlog needs to represent at any given time the best use of the
development team’s resources. Updating it once a week before the next refinement
session does not suffice to meet this requirement.)

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9. Copy & paste PO: The product owner creates user stories by breaking down
requirement documents received from stakeholders into smaller chunks. (That
scenario helped to coin the nickname “ticket monkey” for the product owner.
Remember: user story creation is a team exercise.)
10. Dominant PO: The product owner creates user stories by providing not just the
‘why’ but also the ‘how’, and the ‘what’. (The team answers the ‘how’ question – the
technical implementation –, and both the team and the PO collaborate on the ‘what’
question: what scope is necessary to achieve the desired purpose.)
11. INVEST? The product owner is not applying the INVEST principle by Bill Wake to
user stories.
12. Issues too detailed: The product owner invests too much time upfront in user
stories making them too detailed. (If a user story looks complete, the team members
might not see the necessity to get involved in a further refinement. This way a “fat”
user story reduces the engagement level of the team, compromising the creation of a
shared understanding. By the way, this didn’t happen back in the days when we used
index cards given their physical limitation.)
13. What team? The product owner is not involving the entire scrum team in the
refinement process and instead is relying on just the “lead engineer” (or any other
member of the team independently of the others).
14. ‘I know it all’ PO: The product owner does not involve stakeholders or subject
matter experts in the refinement process. (A product owner who believes to be
either omniscient or a communication gateway is a risk to the Scrum team’s

Sprint Planning Anti-Patterns
The number two area on my list of product owner anti-patterns is the sprint planning itself:
1. What are we fighting for? The product owner cannot provide a sprint goal, or the
chosen sprint goal is flawed. (An original sprint goal answers the “What are we
fighting for?” question. It is a negotiation between the product owner and the
development team. It is focused and measurable, as sprint goal and team forecast go
hand in hand. Lastly, the sprint goal is a useful calibration for the upcoming sprint.)
2. Calling Kanban ‘Scrum’: The sprint backlog resembles a random assortment of
tasks, and no sprint goal is defined. (If this is the natural way of finishing your sprint
planning I, you probably have outlived the usefulness of Scrum as a product
development framework. Depending on the maturity of your product, Kanban may
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prove to be a better solution. Otherwise, the randomness may signal a weak product
owner who listens too much to stakeholders instead of prioritizing the product
backlog appropriately.)
3. Unfinished business: Unfinished user stories and other tasks from the last sprint
spill over into the new sprint without any discussion. (There might be good reasons
for that, for example, a task’s value has not changed. It should not be an automatism,
though, remember the sunk cost fallacy.)
4. Last minute changes: The product owner tries to squeeze in some last-minute user
stories that do not meet the definition of ready. (Principally, it is the prerogative of
the product owner to make such kind of changes to ensure that the development
team is working only on the most valuable user stories at any given time. However, if
the scrum team is otherwise practicing product backlog refinement sessions
regularly, these occurrences should be a rare exception. If those happen frequently,
it indicates that the product owner needs help with prioritization and team
communication. Or the product owner needs support to say ‘no’ more often to
5. Output focus: The product owner pushes the development team to take on more
tasks than it could realistically handle. Probably, the product owner is referring to
former team metrics such as velocity to support his or her desire.

Sprint Anti-Patterns
Another area prone to product owner anti-patterns is the sprint itself:
1. Absent PO: The product owner is absent most of the sprint and is not available to
answer questions of the development team. (That creates a micro-waterfall
approach for the duration of the sprint.)
2. PO clinging to tasks: The product owner cannot let go product backlog items once
they become sprint backlog items. For example, the product owner increases the
scope of a user story. Or, he or she changes acceptance criteria once the team
accepted the issue into the sprint backlog. (There is a clear line: before a product
backlog item turns into a sprint backlog item the product owner is responsible.
However, once it moves from one backlog to the other, the development team
becomes responsible. If changes become acute during the sprint the team will
collaboratively decide on how to handle them.)
3. Inflexible PO: The product owner is not flexible to adjust acceptance criteria. (If the
work on a task reveals that the agreed upon acceptance criteria are no longer
achievable or waste, the scrum team needs to adapt to the new reality. Blindly
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following the original plan violates a core scrum principle.)
4. Delaying PO: The product owner does not accept sprint backlog items once those
are finished. Instead, he or she waits until the end of the sprint. (In the spirit of
continuous integration, the product owner should immediately check tasks that
meet the acceptance criteria. Otherwise, the product owner will create an artificial
queue which will increase the cycle-time. This habit puts also reaching the sprint
goal at risk.)
5. Misuse of sprint cancellation: The product owner cancels sprints to impose his or
her will onto the team. (It is the prerogative of the product owner to cancel sprints.
However, the product owner should not do this lightly without a serious cause. The
product owner should also never abort a sprint without consulting the development
team first. Probably, the team has an idea how to save the sprint. Lastly, misusing the
cancellation privilege also indicates a serious team collaboration issue.)
6. No sprint cancellation: The product owner does not cancel a sprint whose sprint
goal can no longer be achieved. (If the product owner identified a unifying sprint
goal, for example, integrating a new payment method, and the management then
abandons that payment method mid-sprint, continuing working on the sprint goal
would be a waste. In this case, the product owner should cancel the sprint.)

By comparison to other Scrum ceremonies, the stand-up is remarkably resilient to product
owner anti-patterns. There is only one serious:
1. Planning meeting: The product owner hijacks the stand-up to discuss new
requirements, to refine user stories, or to have a sort of (sprint) planning meeting.
2. A talkative (PO) chicken: The product owner — at least in my eyes — is more a
“chicken” than a team member in a stand-up. Talking too much may hence be an
issue. (The product owner who is also a part-time scrum master is a different
scenario, though.)

Sprint Review Anti-Patterns
Finally, there is the sprint review. Despite that it is an outstanding opportunity for the
product owner to improve the collaboration with both stakeholders and the scrum team,
some POs simply do not get the message:
1. Selfish PO: The product owner presents “his or her” accomplishments to the
stakeholders. (Remember the old saying: There is no “I” in “team”?)

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2. Delayed sprint acceptance: The product owner uses the sprint review to accept
user stories. (This should be decoupled from the sprint review. The product owner
should accept user stories the moment they are meeting the acceptance criteria.)
3. Unapproachable PO: The product owner is not accepting feedback from the
stakeholders. (Such a behavior violates the prime purpose of the sprint review

Admittedly, the product owner role is the most challenging scrum role, and the higher the
expectations are, the easier it is to fail them. Nevertheless, the concept of continuous
improvement also applies to exercising the product owner role. The list of product owner
anti-patterns above may be a starting point.

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Scrum Master Anti-Patterns
Scrum Master Anti-Patterns: The reasons why scrum masters violate the spirit of the Scrum
Guide are multi-faceted. They run from ill-suited personal traits and the pursuit of
individual agendas to frustration with the team itself.
Read on and learn in this final post on scrum anti-patterns how you can identify if your
scrum master needs support from the team to up his or her agile game.

The Scrum Master According to the Scrum Guide
Before we start dissecting probable reasons and manifestations of scrum master antipatterns let us revisit how the Scrum Guide defines the role of the scrum master:

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“The Scrum Master is responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum as defined in the Scrum
Guide. Scrum Masters do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory, practices, rules,
and values.
The Scrum Master is a servant-leader for the Scrum Team. The Scrum Master helps those
outside the Scrum Team understand which of their interactions with the Scrum Team are
helpful and which aren’t. The Scrum Master helps everyone change these interactions to
maximize the value created by the Scrum Team.”
Source: Scrum Guide 2017.
The keystone of the definition of the scrum master role is the servant leadership aspect. In
most cases of scrum master anti-patterns, it is precisely this part that the individual is not
living up to.

Possible Reasons Why Scrum Masters Leave the Agile Path
The reasons why scrum masters violate the spirit of the Scrum Guide are multi-faceted.
They run from ill-suited personal traits via the pursuit of own agendas, to frustration with
the team itself. Some often-observed reasons are:

Ignorance or laziness: One size of agile fits every team. Your scrum master learned
the trade in a specific context and is now rolling out precisely this pattern in
whatever organization he or she is active no matter the context.


Lack of patience: Patience is a critical resource a successful scrum master needs to
field in abundance. Of course, there is no fun in readdressing the same issue several
times, rephrasing it probably, if the solution is so obvious—from the scrum master’s
perspective. So, why not tell them how to do it ‘right’ all the time, thus becoming
more efficient? Too bad, that agile cannot be pushed but needs to be pulled.


Dogmatism: Some scrum masters believe in applying the Scrum Guide literally
which unavoidably will cause friction.


Laissez-faire turned into indifference: Pointing the team in a direction where the
team members themselves can find a solution for an issue is good leadership. Letting
them run without guidance, however, quickly turns into indifference, or worse, into
an I-do-not-care mentality.


Dolla, dolla, bill ya’ll—the scrum master imposter: Secretly, the scrum master is
convinced that this agile/scrum thingy is a fad, but recognizes that it is a well-paid
one: “I will weather the decline in demand for project managers by getting a scrum
master certificate.” This conviction will bring out his or her true colors over time

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Pearls before swine — the frustrated scrum master: The scrum master has been
working his or her butt off for months, but the team is not responding to the effort.
The level of frustration is growing. There are a lot of potential reasons for a failure at
this level: the lack of sponsoring from the C-level of the organization, a wide-spread
belief that ‘agile’ is just the latest management fad, and thus ignorable. The team
composition is wrong. There is no psychological safety to address problems within
the team, and the company culture values neither transparency nor radical candor.
Or individual team members harbor personal agendas unaligned with the team’s
objective — just to name a few. If the scrum team does not manage to turn the ship
around the team will probably lose the scrum master. Note, that the scrum master
cannot solve this issue by herself or himself. The cooperation of the team is required.


Lastly, the rookie: If you apply Occam’s razor to the situation, you may also
conclude that your scrum master has not yet defected to the dark side. He or she
might merely be inexperienced. Given that we all need to learn new skills regularly,
cut him or her some slack in this case, and reach out to support the effort.

The Scrum Master as Agile Manager
In my eyes, ‘agile management’ is an oxymoron. The primary purpose of any agile practice
is empowering those closest to a problem with finding a solution. In other words, the team
shall become self-organizing over the course of time. Self-organizing teams need coaches,
mentors, and (servant) leaders, however, not a manager in the taylorist meaning of the
Watch out for the scrum master anti-patterns corresponding to this ‘agile manager’

Agile management: Self-organization does not mean the absence of management:
Why would a scrum team assume, for example, responsibility for pay-role? Would
that help with creating value for the customer? Probably less so. Hence, being a selforganizing team does not mean the absence of management per se. It does mean,
however, that there is no need for micromanagement comparable to practices at a
General Motors assembly plant in 1926. The scrum master is not a supervisor.


Running meetings be allowing someone to speak: When team members seek eyecontact with the scrum master before speaking out the scrum master already left the
facilitation role in favor of the supervisor mode.


Burn-down chart enforcer: The scrum master focuses his or her work on
producing a daily update to the burn-down chart. If the team considers a burn-down

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chart useful and the scrum master accepts to update it, so be it. I still believe, though,
that a current sprint board serves the same purpose at a glance without adding a
new administrative layer. However, if the burn-down is solely maintained to track
the output for reporting purposes the team needs to challenge this attitude.


Pursuing flawed metrics: The scrum master keeps track of individual performance
metrics such as story points per developer per sprint, probably to report to that
person’s line manager. That is a classic supervisor hack to reintroduce command &
control through the back door. It inevitably leads to cargo-cult scrum.


Escalating under-performance: The scrum master reports to higher levels that the
scrum team will not meet the current sprint commitment or forecast. I took this
from a job offer I received: “You will coordinate and manage the work of other team
members, ensuring that timescales are met and breaches are escalated.” Perhaps, we
should also reintroduce running the gauntlet for underperformers while we are at


Focusing on team harmony: The scrum master sweeps conflict and problems
under the rug by not using retrospectives to address those openly. This behavior is
often a sign of bowing to politics and instead using manipulation to meet

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organizational requirements that are opposing scrum principles and values. If the
organization values its underlings for following the ‘rules’ instead of speaking the
truth why would you run effective retrospectives in the first place? A ‘scrum master’
participating in cargo-cult agile is again a supervisor than an agile practitioner.)

Scrum Master Anti-Patterns by Scrum Ceremony
Scrum Master Anti-Patterns During the Sprint Planning
The following anti-patterns focus on the sprint planning:

Oversized sprint backlog without objection: The team regularly accepts more
issues into the sprint backlog than it can stomach without the scrum master’s
invention. If at the end of a sprint 50% of all issues spill over to the next sprint and
this a pattern then your team is not practicing scrum. Probably, it is a sort of timeboxed Kanban—which would be okay, too. Just make up your mind how you intend
improving your customers’ life. Perhaps, Kanban would be a good choice.


Unrefined stories accepted into the sprint backlog: The scrum master does not
address the acceptance of issues into the sprint backlog violating the team’s
definition of ready. This is a sure way that the scrum team will not deliver the sprint
goal, rendering a scrum principle useless: providing a potentially shippable product
increment at the end of the sprint. (This refers to regular work, not emergencies.)


100% utilization: The product owner squeezes additional (functional) work into
the sprint backlog, and the scrum master does not address the necessity of slack
time. (The scrum team’s effectiveness will be significantly impeded if the team does
not address technical debt every sprint. It will also suffer if there is no time for
pairing, for example. A level of 100% utilization always reduces the team’s long-term
productivity. A utilization rate of 100% is classic taylorist line management

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Scrum Master Anti-Patterns During the Sprint
The following anti-patterns focus on the mishandling of the sprint itself:

Flow disruption: The scrum master allows stakeholders to disrupt the flow of the
scrum team during the sprint. There are several possibilities how stakeholders can
interrupt the flow of the team during a sprint. Any of the examples will impede the
team’s productivity. The scrum master must prevent them from manifesting

The scrum master has a laissez-faire policy as far as access to the
development team is concerned.
The scrum master does not oppose line managers taking team members off
the team assigning other tasks.
The scrum master does not object that the management invites engineers to
random meetings as subject matter experts.
The scrum master turns a blind eye to mid-sprint changes of the sprint
backlog lacking the approval of scrum team.
Lastly, the scrum master allows that either stakeholders or managers turn the
daily scrum into a reporting session.

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Assigning sub-tasks to developers: The scrum master does not prevent the
product owner—or anyone else—from assigning tasks directly to engineers. (The
development team organizes itself without external intervention. And the scrum
master is the shield of the team in that respect.)


Defining technical solutions: The engineer turned scrum master and is now
‘suggesting’ how the scrum team is implementing issues.


Lack of support: The scrum master does not support team members that need help
with a task. Often, development teams create tasks an engineer can finish within a
day. However, if someone struggles with such a job for more than two days without
voicing that he or she needs support, the scrum master should address the issue. By
the way, this is also the reason for marking tasks on a physical board with red dots
each day if tasks do not move to the next column.

Scrum Master Anti-Patterns During the Retrospective
The final set of anti-patterns addresses the sprint retrospective:

Groundhog day: The retrospective never changes in composition, venue, or length.
There is a tendency in this case that the team will revisit the same issues over and
over again – it’s groundhog day without the happy ending, though.


Let’s have it next sprint: The scrum master postpones the retrospective into the
next sprint. Beyond the ‘inspect & adapt’ task, the retrospective shall also serve as a
moment of closure that resets everybody’s mind so that the team can focus on the
new sprint goal. That is the reason why we have the retrospective before the
planning of the follow-up sprint. Postponing it into the next sprint may interrupt the
flow of the team. It also delays tackling possible improvements by up to a sprint.


#NoRetro: The scrum master does not gather data during the sprint that supports
the team in the upcoming retrospective. This could also be a sign of frustration, see


#NoDocumentation: The scrum master does not take minutes for later use. A
retrospective is a substantial investment, and the scrum team should take it
seriously. Taking notes and photos supports this process.


No psychological safety: The retrospective is an endless cycle of blame and finger
pointing without intervention from the scrum master. The team wins together and
the team loses together. The blame game documents both the failure of the scrum

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master as the facilitator of the retrospective as well as the team’s lack of maturity
and communication skills.

Bullying is accepted: One or two team members are dominating the retrospective.
This communication behavior is often a sign of either a weak or uninterested scrum
master. The retrospective needs to be a safe place where everyone–introverts
included–can address issues and provide his or her feedback free from third-party
influence. If some of the team members are dominating the conversation, and
probably even bullying or intimidating other teammates, the retrospective will fail to
provide such a safe place. This failure will result in participants dropping out of the
retrospective and render the results obsolete. It is the primary responsibility of the
scrum master to ensure that everyone will be heard and has an opportunity to voice
his or her thoughts. By the way, equally distributed speaking time is according to
Google also a sign of a high-performing team.
Read More: What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team.


Stakeholder alert: The scrum master permits stakeholders to participate in the
retrospective. There are plenty of scrum ceremonies that address the
communication needs of stakeholders: the sprint review, probably the product
backlog refinement, the daily scrums, not to mention opportunities of having a
conversation at water coolers, over coffee, or during lunchtime. If that spectrum of
possibilities still is not sufficient, feel free to have additional meetings. However, the
retrospective is off-limits to stakeholders, and the scrum master needs to enforce
this rule.

The Conclusion
There are plenty of possibilities to fail as a scrum master. Sometimes, it is the lack of
organizational support. Some people are not suited for the job. Others put themselves
above their teams for questionable reasons. Some scrum masters simply lack feedback from
their scrum teams and stakeholders. Whatever the case may be, though, try and lend your
scrum master in need a hand to overcome the misery. Scrum is a team sport.

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Scrum Master Anti-Patterns Derived from Job Ads
Job ads for scrum master or agile coach positions reveal a great insight into an
organization’s progress on becoming agile. Learn more about what makes job ads such a
treasure trove with the following 22 scrum master anti-patterns. To gain these, I analyzed
more than 50 job ads for scrum master or agile coach positions.

Analyzing a Job Advertisement for a Scrum Master or Agile Coach position
Probably, you are considering a position as a scrum master or agile coach in a particular
organization. I suggest that before going all in (the application process), you should
consider analyzing the job description for scrum master anti-patterns first.
How Large Organizations Create Job Ads
Usually, the organization’s HR department will create the final text of the job advertisement
and post it to the chosen job sites. Hopefully, and depending on their process and level of
collaboration (and agile mindset) in the organization, the team for which the new position
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was advertised may have participated in creating the job ad. This certainly avoids
advertising a wrong description to prospective candidates.
Too often, however, advertisements may read like a copy and paste from positions that an
organization’s HR believes to be similar to that of a scrum master (for example, a project
manager). Or, sometimes, the HR department copies from other scrum master job ad which
they believe correctly reflect the requirements of the organization. So, don’t be too
surprised to see a job advertisement that reads like a list of scrum master anti-patterns.
Red Flags: A Sign of Cargo Cult Agile or just on Organization at the Beginning of the Agile
This is often the case when an organization’s HR does not have a lot of experience in hiring
agile practitioners because they are in the early stages of the agile transition. Therefore, an
unusual job description does not imply that the organization is not trying to become agile, it
may just mean that the HR department has not yet caught up with the new requirements.
Such an advertisement can actually help raise the topic and be of benefit during the job
Be aware, however, that if an organization which claims to be agile is using this kind of
advertisement despite being well underway on its agile transition, it then raises a red flag:
miscommunication in the hiring process may indicate deeper issues or problems at the
organizational level. It could be as critical as someone at management level, to whom the
new scrum master would likely report, having no clue what becoming agile is all about.

Scrum Master Anti-Patterns from Job Ads in 22 Examples
As mentioned previously, here are some examples of scrum master advertisement antipatterns (from more than 50 actual job descriptions) that should raise a red flag:
1. Ersatz PM: The scrum master position is labeled as “Project manager/Scrum
master”, “Agile Project Manager”, or “Agile scrum master”. (Are there un-agile scrum
masters mentioned in the Scrum Guide?)
2. The whip: The scrum master is expected to communicate the company priorities
and goals. (Product backlog-wise priorities are the job of the product owner. Scrumwise it is a good idea that the scrum master spreads scrum values and, for example,
coaches the scrum team to become self-organizing. Whether this is aligned with the
company goals remains to be seen.)
3. Technical PO: The scrum master is also supposed to act as a (technical) product
owner. (There is a reason why scrum knows three roles and not just two. Avoid

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assuming more than one role at a time in a scrum team.)
4. Outcome messenger: The scrum master reports to stakeholders the output of the
scrum team (velocity, burndown charts). (Velocity—my favorite agile vanity metric.)
(Read More: Agile Metrics — The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.)
5. SuperSM: The scrum master is supposed to handle more than one or two teams
simultaneously. (Handling two scrum teams is already challenging, any number
beyond that is not feasible.)
6. Scrum secretary: The scrum master is supposed to do secretarial work (room
bookings, facilitation of ceremonies, ordering office supplies). (Read More: Scrum
Master Anti-Patterns: Beware of Becoming a Scrum Mom (or Scrum Pop).)
7. Scrum mom: The scrum master is removing impediments on behalf of the team.
(How is the scrum team supposed to become self-organizing if the scrum master
handles all obstacles?).
8. Team manager: The scrum master is responsible for team management. (If nothing
else helps read the manual Scrum Guide: Is there anything said about team
management by the scrum master?)
9. Delivery manager: The scrum master is responsible for the “overall delivery of the
committed sprint”. (I assume the organization does not understand scrum principles
very well. The forecast and the sprint goal seem to be particularly challenging.)
10. CSM®, CSP® & CST®: CSM or equivalent certification is listed as mandatory. (A
typical save-my-butt approach to hiring. A CSM certification only signals that
someone participated in a workshop and passed a multi-choice test.)
11. Delivery scapegoat: The scrum master is expected to accept full responsibility of
the delivery process. (That is rather the responsibility of the scrum team.)
12. Proxy PO: The scrum master is expected to drive functional enhancements and
continuous maintenance. (Maybe someone should talk to the product owner first?)
13. Keeper of the archives: The scrum master is expected to maintain relevant
documentation. (Nope, documentation is a team effort.)
14. The PM Reloaded: The scrum master organizes the scrum team’s work instead of
the project manager. (Why use scrum in the first place if creating self-organizing
teams is not the goal?)
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15. Risk detector: The scrum master is expected to monitor progress, risks, resources,
and countermeasures in projects. (The scrum master is neither a project manager
nor a risk mitigator. (Risk mitigation is a side-effect of becoming a learning
organization built around self-organizing teams.))
16. Scrum minion: The scrum master is expected to prepare steering team and core
team meetings. (The last time I checked the Scrum Guide there was no ‘steering
team‘ mentioned.)
17. WTF? The scrum master is expected to perform the role for “multiple flavors of agile
methodologies”. (Multiple what?)
18. Psychic: The scrum master is expected to participate in “project plan review and
provide input to ensure accuracy”. (The scrum master is neither a project manager
nor capable of predicting the future any better than another human being.) <
19. Bean counter: The scrum master is expected to “review and validate estimates for
complex projects to ensure correct sizing of work”. (Well, reviewing estimates might
be the job of the scrum team during the product backlog refinement process if they
see value in that. However, there is no review by the scrum master.)
20. Discoverer: The scrum master is expected to provide “design thinking sessions”. (I
love covering the product discovery process, too. However, this should be a joint
effort with the product owner sand the rest of the team.)
21. Techie: The scrum master is expected to “walk the product owner through more
technical user stories”. (Nope, that is the job of the developers. The product backlog
refinement meetings are ideal for this purpose.)
22. Siloed in doing agile: There is no mention of the scrum master either coaching the
organization, or coaching the product owner.
My favorite anti-pattern is:
“…working reliably on projects within a given time and budget frame whilst maintaining
our quality standards.”
In other words: “Actually, we’re happy with our waterfall approach but the C-level wants us
to be agile.”
Let’s close this section with an exemplary job advertisement, posted by Zalando in 2016 for
a (senior) agile coach position: (Senior) Agile Coach.
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Conclusion—Scrum Master Anti-Patterns from Job Ads
The job ad of the organization of your interest is a best-of of scrum master anti-patterns.
Should you in this case immediately drop your interest in becoming a member of that
organization? I don’t think so. An extensive list of red flags can be beneficial, too.
For example, the HR department might merely be misaligned with the scrum team in
question as the organization is still in the early day of its agile transition. That sounds like
an attractive opportunity to me.
On the other hand, the organization might just try to attract talented people by sugarcoating its otherwise command & control like management style with some glitzy agile
wording. Continuing the application process under these conditions might indeed be a
waste of your time. A short phone call/interview will bring clarity.

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About the Author
Stefan Wolpers has worked many years as a product manager, product owner, and agile
coach (Scrum, Lean Startup, Lean Change). He’s founded multiple companies, and has led
the development of B2C and B2B software for, primarily, startups, but also for other
organizations — including a former Google subsidiary.
Despite originally studying chemistry Stefan has never worked in a laboratory, and instead
continued his education in business administration and law. Following school he
discovered a passion for software and, in 1996, launched the first online ecommerce
platform to feature SAP R/3 connectivity — only to learn that the early bird does not
necessarily catch the worm. After moving from his home town of Hamburg to Berlin,
Germany, he created Susuh GmbH, a marketplace for local services. Other ventures followed,
and in 2011 he founded Startup Camp Berlin — one of the largest German startup
conferences today.
Stefan’s latest project, Age of Product, focuses on the exchange of knowledge between the
people involved in product development: product managers, product owners, Scrum
Masters, designers, and developers. The goal is to help those involved in product
development with lessons learned and best practices for continuous agile product
discovery and delivery.
Connect with Stefan via Twitter, LinkedIn, or privately via email.

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Language                        : en-US
Page Count                      : 54
XMP Toolkit                     : 3.1-702
About                           : 7E1C061A-713D-DC82-F153-8E20F587E1A1
Keywords                        : 
Producer                        :
Modify Date                     : 2017:12:07 20:38:39+02:00
Create Date                     : 2017:12:07 20:38:38+02:00
Metadata Date                   : 2017:12:07 20:38:38+02:00
Creator Tool                    :
Format                          : application/pdf
Description                     : 
Creator                         : Stefan Wolpers
Title                           : 
Document ID                     : uuid:CC0165E5-BB40-A907-9B16-F4422CC9D3ED
Instance ID                     : uuid:7E1C061A-713D-DC82-F153-8E20F587E1A1
Author                          : Stefan Wolpers
EXIF Metadata provided by

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