Artificial Intelligence A Guide To Intelligent Systems, 2nd Edition


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Artificial Intelligence is often perceived as being a highly complicated, even
frightening subject in Computer Science. This view is compounded by books in this
area being crowded with complex matrix algebra and differential equations – until
now. This book, evolving from lectures given to students with little knowledge of
calculus, assumes no prior programming experience and demonstrates that most
of the underlying ideas in intelligent systems are, in reality, simple and straight-
forward. Are you looking for a genuinely lucid, introductory text for a course in AI
or Intelligent Systems Design? Perhaps you’re a non-computer science professional
looking for a self-study guide to the state-of-the art in knowledge based systems?
Either way, you can’t afford to ignore this book.
Rule-based expert systems
Fuzzy expert systems
Frame-based expert systems
Artificial neural networks
Evolutionary computation
Hybrid intelligent systems
Knowledge engineering
Data mining
New to this edition:
New demonstration rule-based system, MEDIA ADVISOR
New section on genetic algorithms
Four new case studies
Completely updated to incorporate the latest developments in this
fast-paced field
Dr Michael Negnevitsky is a Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science at the University of Tasmania, Australia. The book has developed from
lectures to undergraduates. Its material has also been extensively tested through
short courses introduced at Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Institut
Elektroantriebstechnik, Magdeburg, Germany, Hiroshima University, Japan and
Boston University and Rochester Institute of Technology, USA.
Educated as an electrical engineer, Dr Negnevitsky’s many interests include artificial
intelligence and soft computing. His research involves the development and
application of intelligent systems in electrical engineering, process control and
environmental engineering. He has authored and co-authored over 250 research
publications including numerous journal articles, four patents for inventions and
two books.
Cover image by Anthony Rule
Artificial Intelligence/Soft Computing
A Guide to Intelligent Systems
Artificial Intelligence
A Guide to Intelligent Systems
Second Edition
Second Edition
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Artificial Intelligence
A Guide to Intelligent Systems
Second Edition
Michael Negnevitsky
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First published 2002
Second edition published 2005
#Pearson Education Limited 2002
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ISBN 0 321 20466 2
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Negnevitsky, Michael.
Artificial intelligence: a guide to intelligent systems/Michael Negnevitsky.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-321-20466-2 (case: alk. paper)
1. Expert systems (Computer science) 2. Artificial intelligence. I. Title.
QA76.76.E95N445 2004
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For my son, Vlad
Preface xi
Preface to the second edition xv
Acknowledgements xvii
1 Introduction to knowledge-based intelligent systems 1
1.1 Intelligent machines, or what machines can do 1
1.2 The history of artificial intelligence, or from the ‘Dark Ages’
to knowledge-based systems 4
1.3 Summary 17
Questions for review 21
References 22
2 Rule-based expert systems 25
2.1 Introduction, or what is knowledge? 25
2.2 Rules as a knowledge representation technique 26
2.3 The main players in the expert system development team 28
2.4 Structure of a rule-based expert system 30
2.5 Fundamental characteristics of an expert system 33
2.6 Forward chaining and backward chaining inference
techniques 35
2.7 MEDIA ADVISOR: a demonstration rule-based expert system 41
2.8 Conflict resolution 47
2.9 Advantages and disadvantages of rule-based expert systems 50
2.10 Summary 51
Questions for review 53
References 54
3 Uncertainty management in rule-based expert systems 55
3.1 Introduction, or what is uncertainty? 55
3.2 Basic probability theory 57
3.3 Bayesian reasoning 61
3.4 FORECAST: Bayesian accumulation of evidence 65
3.5 Bias of the Bayesian method 72
3.6 Certainty factors theory and evidential reasoning 74
3.7 FORECAST: an application of certainty factors 80
3.8 Comparison of Bayesian reasoning and certainty factors 82
3.9 Summary 83
Questions for review 85
References 85
4 Fuzzy expert systems 87
4.1 Introduction, or what is fuzzy thinking? 87
4.2 Fuzzy sets 89
4.3 Linguistic variables and hedges 94
4.4 Operations of fuzzy sets 97
4.5 Fuzzy rules 103
4.6 Fuzzy inference 106
4.7 Building a fuzzy expert system 114
4.8 Summary 125
Questions for review 126
References 127
Bibliography 127
5 Frame-based expert systems 131
5.1 Introduction, or what is a frame? 131
5.2 Frames as a knowledge representation technique 133
5.3 Inheritance in frame-based systems 138
5.4 Methods and demons 142
5.5 Interaction of frames and rules 146
5.6 Buy Smart: a frame-based expert system 149
5.7 Summary 161
Questions for review 163
References 163
Bibliography 164
6 Artificial neural networks 165
6.1 Introduction, or how the brain works 165
6.2 The neuron as a simple computing element 168
6.3 The perceptron 170
6.4 Multilayer neural networks 175
6.5 Accelerated learning in multilayer neural networks 185
6.6 The Hopfield network 188
6.7 Bidirectional associative memory 196
6.8 Self-organising neural networks 200
6.9 Summary 212
Questions for review 215
References 216
7 Evolutionary computation 219
7.1 Introduction, or can evolution be intelligent? 219
7.2 Simulation of natural evolution 219
7.3 Genetic algorithms 222
7.4 Why genetic algorithms work 232
7.5 Case study: maintenance scheduling with genetic
algorithms 235
7.6 Evolution strategies 242
7.7 Genetic programming 245
7.8 Summary 254
Questions for review 255
References 256
Bibliography 257
8 Hybrid intelligent systems 259
8.1 Introduction, or how to combine German mechanics with
Italian love 259
8.2 Neural expert systems 261
8.3 Neuro-fuzzy systems 268
8.4 ANFIS: Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System 277
8.5 Evolutionary neural networks 285
8.6 Fuzzy evolutionary systems 290
8.7 Summary 296
Questions for review 297
References 298
9 Knowledge engineering and data mining 301
9.1 Introduction, or what is knowledge engineering? 301
9.2 Will an expert system work for my problem? 308
9.3 Will a fuzzy expert system work for my problem? 317
9.4 Will a neural network work for my problem? 323
9.5 Will genetic algorithms work for my problem? 336
9.6 Will a hybrid intelligent system work for my problem? 339
9.7 Data mining and knowledge discovery 349
9.8 Summary 361
Questions for review 362
References 363
Glossary 365
Appendix 391
Index 407
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The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
KnowledgeSEEKER is a trademark of Angoss Software Corporation; Outlook and
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The MathWorks, Inc; Unix is a trademark of the Open Group.
See Appendix for AI tools and their respective vendors.
‘The only way not to succeed is not to try.’
Edward Teller
Another book on artificial intelligence . . . I’ve already seen so many of them.
Why should I bother with this one? What makes this book different from the
Each year hundreds of books and doctoral theses extend our knowledge of
computer, or artificial, intelligence. Expert systems, artificial neural networks,
fuzzy systems and evolutionary computation are major technologies used in
intelligent systems. Hundreds of tools support these technologies, and thou-
sands of scientific papers continue to push their boundaries. The contents of any
chapter in this book can be, and in fact is, the subject of dozens of monographs.
However, I wanted to write a book that would explain the basics of intelligent
systems, and perhaps even more importantly, eliminate the fear of artificial
Most of the literature on artificial intelligence is expressed in the jargon of
computer science, and crowded with complex matrix algebra and differential
equations. This, of course, gives artificial intelligence an aura of respectability,
and until recently kept non-computer scientists at bay. But the situation has
The personal computer has become indispensable in our everyday life. We use
it as a typewriter and a calculator, a calendar and a communication system, an
interactive database and a decision-support system. And we want more. We want
our computers to act intelligently! We see that intelligent systems are rapidly
coming out of research laboratories, and we want to use them to our advantage.
What are the principles behind intelligent systems? How are they built? What
are intelligent systems useful for? How do we choose the right tool for the job?
These questions are answered in this book.
Unlike many books on computer intelligence, this one shows that most ideas
behind intelligent systems are wonderfully simple and straightforward. The book
is based on lectures given to students who have little knowledge of calculus. And
readers do not need to learn a programming language! The material in this book
has been extensively tested through several courses taught by the author for the
past decade. Typical questions and suggestions from my students influenced
the way this book was written.
The book is an introduction to the field of computer intelligence. It covers
rule-based expert systems, fuzzy expert systems, frame-based expert systems,
artificial neural networks, evolutionary computation, hybrid intelligent systems
and knowledge engineering.
In a university setting, this book provides an introductory course for under-
graduate students in computer science, computer information systems, and
engineering. In the courses I teach, my students develop small rule-based and
frame-based expert systems, design a fuzzy system, explore artificial neural
networks, and implement a simple problem as a genetic algorithm. They use
expert system shells (Leonardo, XpertRule, Level5 Object and Visual Rule
Studio), MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox.
I chose these tools because they can easily demonstrate the theory being
presented. However, the book is not tied to any specific tool; the examples given
in the book are easy to implement with different tools.
This book is also suitable as a self-study guide for non-computer science
professionals. For them, the book provides access to the state of the art in
knowledge-based systems and computational intelligence. In fact, this book is
aimed at a large professional audience: engineers and scientists, managers and
businessmen, doctors and lawyers – everyone who faces challenging problems
and cannot solve them by using traditional approaches, everyone who wants to
understand the tremendous achievements in computer intelligence. The book
will help to develop a practical understanding of what intelligent systems can
and cannot do, discover which tools are most relevant for your task and, finally,
how to use these tools.
The book consists of nine chapters.
In Chapter 1, we briefly discuss the history of artificial intelligence from the
era of great ideas and great expectations in the 1960s to the disillusionment and
funding cutbacks in the early 1970s; from the development of the first expert
systems such as DENDRAL, MYCIN and PROSPECTOR in the seventies to the
maturity of expert system technology and its massive applications in different
areas in the 1980s and 1990s; from a simple binary model of neurons proposed in
the 1940s to a dramatic resurgence of the field of artificial neural networks in the
1980s; from the introduction of fuzzy set theory and its being ignored by
the West in the 1960s to numerous ‘fuzzy’ consumer products offered by the
Japanese in the 1980s and world-wide acceptance of ‘soft’ computing and
computing with words in the 1990s.
In Chapter 2, we present an overview of rule-based expert systems. We briefly
discuss what knowledge is, and how experts express their knowledge in the form
of production rules. We identify the main players in the expert system develop-
ment team and show the structure of a rule-based system. We discuss
fundamental characteristics of expert systems and note that expert systems can
make mistakes. Then we review the forward and backward chaining inference
techniques and debate conflict resolution strategies. Finally, the advantages and
disadvantages of rule-based expert systems are examined.
In Chapter 3, we present two uncertainty management techniques used in
expert systems: Bayesian reasoning and certainty factors. We identify the main
sources of uncertain knowledge and briefly review probability theory. We consider
the Bayesian method of accumulating evidence and develop a simple expert
system based on the Bayesian approach. Then we examine the certainty factors
theory (a popular alternative to Bayesian reasoning) and develop an expert system
based on evidential reasoning. Finally, we compare Bayesian reasoning and
certainty factors, and determine appropriate areas for their applications.
In Chapter 4, we introduce fuzzy logic and discuss the philosophical ideas
behind it. We present the concept of fuzzy sets, consider how to represent a fuzzy
set in a computer, and examine operations of fuzzy sets. We also define linguistic
variables and hedges. Then we present fuzzy rules and explain the main differences
between classical and fuzzy rules. We explore two fuzzy inference techniques
Mamdani and Sugeno – and suggest appropriate areas for their application. Finally,
we introduce the main steps in developing a fuzzy expert system, and illustrate the
theory through the actual process of building and tuning a fuzzy system.
In Chapter 5, we present an overview of frame-based expert systems. We
consider the concept of a frame and discuss how to use frames for knowledge
representation. We find that inheritance is an essential feature of frame
based systems. We examine the application of methods, demons and rules. Finally,
we consider the development of a frame-based expert system through an example.
In Chapter 6, we introduce artificial neural networks and discuss the basic
ideas behind machine learning. We present the concept of a perceptron as a
simple computing element and consider the perceptron learning rule. We
explore multilayer neural networks and discuss how to improve the computa-
tional efficiency of the back-propagation learning algorithm. Then we introduce
recurrent neural networks, consider the Hopfield network training algorithm
and bidirectional associative memory (BAM). Finally, we present self-organising
neural networks and explore Hebbian and competitive learning.
In Chapter 7, we present an overview of evolutionary computation. We consider
genetic algorithms, evolution strategies and genetic programming. We introduce the
main steps in developing a genetic algorithm, discuss why genetic algorithms work,
and illustrate the theory through actual applications of genetic algorithms. Then we
present a basic concept of evolutionary strategies and determine the differences
between evolutionary strategies and genetic algorithms. Finally, we consider genetic
programming and its application to real problems.
In Chapter 8, we consider hybrid intelligent systems as a combination of
different intelligent technologies. First we introduce a new breed of expert
systems, called neural expert systems, which combine neural networks and rule-
based expert systems. Then we consider a neuro-fuzzy system that is functionally
equivalent to the Mamdani fuzzy inference model, and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system (ANFIS), equivalent to the Sugeno fuzzy inference model. Finally,
we discuss evolutionary neural networks and fuzzy evolutionary systems.
In Chapter 9, we consider knowledge engineering and data mining. First we
discuss what kind of problems can be addressed with intelligent systems and
introduce six main phases of the knowledge engineering process. Then we study
typical applications of intelligent systems, including diagnosis, classification,
decision support, pattern recognition and prediction. Finally, we examine an
application of decision trees in data mining.
The book also has an appendix and a glossary. The appendix provides a list
of commercially available AI tools. The glossary contains definitions of over
250 terms used in expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, evolutionary
computation, knowledge engineering and data mining.
I hope that the reader will share my excitement on the subject of artificial
intelligence and soft computing and will find this book useful.
The website can be accessed at:
Michael Negnevitsky
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
February 2001
The main objective of the book remains the same as in the first edition – to
provide the reader with practical understanding of the field of computer
intelligence. It is intended as an introductory text suitable for a one-semester
course, and assumes the students have no programming experience.
In terms of the coverage, in this edition we demonstrate several new
applications of intelligent tools for solving specific problems. The changes are
in the following chapters:
.In Chapter 2, we introduce a new demonstration rule-based expert system,
.In Chapter 9, we add a new case study on classification neural networks with
competitive learning.
.In Chapter 9, we introduce a section ‘Will genetic algorithms work for my
problem?’. The section includes a case study with the travelling salesman
.Also in Chapter 9, we add a new section ‘Will a hybrid intelligent system work
for my problem?’. This section includes two case studies: the first covers a
neuro-fuzzy decision-support system with a heterogeneous structure, and the
second explores an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) with a
homogeneous structure.
Finally, we have expanded the book’s references and bibliographies, and updated
the list of AI tools and vendors in the appendix.
Michael Negnevitsky
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
January 2004
I am deeply indebted to many people who, directly or indirectly, are responsible
for this book coming into being. I am most grateful to Dr Vitaly Faybisovich for
his constructive criticism of my research on soft computing, and most of all for
his friendship and support in all my endeavours for the last twenty years.
I am also very grateful to numerous reviewers of my book for their comments
and helpful suggestions, and to the Pearson Education editors, particularly Keith
Mansfield, Owen Knight and Liz Johnson, who led me through the process of
publishing this book.
I also thank my undergraduate and postgraduate students from the University
of Tasmania, especially my former Ph.D. students Tan Loc Le, Quang Ha and
Steven Carter, whose desire for new knowledge was both a challenge and an
inspiration to me.
I am indebted to Professor Stephen Grossberg from Boston University,
Professor Frank Palis from the Otto-von-Guericke-Universita¨t Magdeburg,
Germany, Professor Hiroshi Sasaki from Hiroshima University, Japan and
Professor Walter Wolf from the Rochester Institute of Technology, USA for
giving me the opportunity to test the book’s material on their students.
I am also truly grateful to Dr Vivienne Mawson and Margaret Eldridge for
proof-reading the draft text.
Although the first edition of this book appeared just two years ago, I cannot
possibly thank all the people who have already used it and sent me their
comments. However, I must acknowledge at least those who made especially
helpful suggestions: Martin Beck (University of Plymouth, UK), Mike Brooks
(University of Adelaide, Australia), Genard Catalano (Columbia College, USA),
Warren du Plessis (University of Pretoria, South Africa), Salah Amin Elewa
(American University, Egypt), John Fronckowiak (Medaille College, USA), Lev
Goldfarb (University of New Brunswick, Canada), Susan Haller (University of
Wisconsin, USA), Evor Hines (University of Warwick, UK), Philip Hingston (Edith
Cowan University, Australia), Sam Hui (Stanford University, USA), David Lee
(University of Hertfordshire, UK), Leon Reznik (Rochester Institute of Technology,
USA), Simon Shiu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Thomas Uthmann
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universita¨t Mainz, Germany), Anne Venables (Victoria
University, Australia), Brigitte Verdonk (University of Antwerp, Belgium), Ken
Vollmar (Southwest Missouri State University, USA) and Kok Wai Wong (Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore).
1Introduction to knowledge-
based intelligent systems
In which we consider what it means to be intelligent and whether
machines could be such a thing.
1.1 Intelligent machines, or what machines can do
Philosophers have been trying for over two thousand years to understand and
resolve two big questions of the universe: how does a human mind work, and
can non-humans have minds? However, these questions are still unanswered.
Some philosophers have picked up the computational approach originated by
computer scientists and accepted the idea that machines can do everything that
humans can do. Others have openly opposed this idea, claiming that such
highly sophisticated behaviour as love, creative discovery and moral choice will
always be beyond the scope of any machine.
The nature of philosophy allows for disagreements to remain unresolved. In
fact, engineers and scientists have already built machines that we can call
‘intelligent’. So what does the word ‘intelligence’ mean? Let us look at a
dictionary definition.
1 Someone’s intelligence is their ability to understand and learn things.
2Intelligence is the ability to think and understand instead of doing things
by instinct or automatically.
(Essential English Dictionary, Collins, London, 1990)
Thus, according to the first definition, intelligence is the quality possessed by
humans. But the second definition suggests a completely different approach and
gives some flexibility; it does not specify whether it is someone or something
that has the ability to think and understand. Now we should discover what
thinking means. Let us consult our dictionary again.
Thinking is the activity of using your brain to consider a problem or to create
an idea.
(Essential English Dictionary, Collins, London, 1990)
So, in order to think, someone or something has to have a brain, or in other
words, an organ that enables someone or something to learn and understand
things, to solve problems and to make decisions. So we can define intelligence as
‘the ability to learn and understand, to solve problems and to make decisions’.
The very question that asks whether computers can be intelligent, or whether
machines can think, came to us from the ‘dark ages’ of artificial intelligence
(from the late 1940s). The goal of artificial intelligence (AI) as a science is to
make machines do things that would require intelligence if done by humans
(Boden, 1977). Therefore, the answer to the question ‘Can machines think?’ was
vitally important to the discipline. However, the answer is not a simple ‘Yes’ or
‘No’, but rather a vague or fuzzy one. Your everyday experience and common
sense would have told you that. Some people are smarter in some ways than
others. Sometimes we make very intelligent decisions but sometimes we also
make very silly mistakes. Some of us deal with complex mathematical and
engineering problems but are moronic in philosophy and history. Some people
are good at making money, while others are better at spending it. As humans, we
all have the ability to learn and understand, to solve problems and to make
decisions; however, our abilities are not equal and lie in different areas. There-
fore, we should expect that if machines can think, some of them might be
smarter than others in some ways.
One of the earliest and most significant papers on machine intelligence,
‘Computing machinery and intelligence’, was written by the British mathema-
tician Alan Turing over fifty years ago (Turing, 1950). However, it has stood up
well to the test of time, and Turing’s approach remains universal.
Alan Turing began his scientific career in the early 1930s by rediscovering the
Central Limit Theorem. In 1937 he wrote a paper on computable numbers, in
which he proposed the concept of a universal machine. Later, during the Second
World War, he was a key player in deciphering Enigma, the German military
encoding machine. After the war, Turing designed the ‘Automatic Computing
Engine’. He also wrote the first program capable of playing a complete chess
game; it was later implemented on the Manchester University computer.
Turing’s theoretical concept of the universal computer and his practical experi-
ence in building code-breaking systems equipped him to approach the key
fundamental question of artificial intelligence. He asked: Is there thought
without experience? Is there mind without communication? Is there language
without living? Is there intelligence without life? All these questions, as you can
see, are just variations on the fundamental question of artificial intelligence, Can
machines think?
Turing did not provide definitions of machines and thinking, he just avoided
semantic arguments by inventing a game, the Turing imitation game. Instead
of asking, ‘Can machines think?’, Turing said we should ask, ‘Can machines pass
a behaviour test for intelligence?’ He predicted that by the year 2000, a computer
could be programmed to have a conversation with a human interrogator for five
minutes and would have a 30 per cent chance of deceiving the interrogator that
it was a human. Turing defined the intelligent behaviour of a computer as the
ability to achieve the human-level performance in cognitive tasks. In other
words, a computer passes the test if interrogators cannot distinguish the
machine from a human on the basis of the answers to their questions.
The imitation game proposed by Turing originally included two phases. In
the first phase, shown in Figure 1.1, the interrogator, a man and a woman are
each placed in separate rooms and can communicate only via a neutral medium
such as a remote terminal. The interrogator’s objective is to work out who is the
man and who is the woman by questioning them. The rules of the game are
that the man should attempt to deceive the interrogator that he is the woman,
while the woman has to convince the interrogator that she is the woman.
In the second phase of the game, shown in Figure 1.2, the man is replaced by a
computer programmed to deceive the interrogator as the man did. It would even
be programmed to make mistakes and provide fuzzy answers in the way a human
would. If the computer can fool the interrogator as often as the man did, we may
say this computer has passed the intelligent behaviour test.
Physical simulation of a human is not important for intelligence. Hence, in
the Turing test the interrogator does not see, touch or hear the computer and is
therefore not influenced by its appearance or voice. However, the interrogator
is allowed to ask any questions, even provocative ones, in order to identify
the machine. The interrogator may, for example, ask both the human and the
Figure 1.1 Turing imitation game: phase 1
Figure 1.2 Turing imitation game: phase 2
machine to perform complex mathematical calculations, expecting that the
computer will provide a correct solution and will do it faster than the human.
Thus, the computer will need to know when to make a mistake and when to
delay its answer. The interrogator also may attempt to discover the emotional
nature of the human, and thus, he might ask both subjects to examine a short
novel or poem or even painting. Obviously, the computer will be required here
to simulate a human’s emotional understanding of the work.
The Turing test has two remarkable qualities that make it really universal.
.By maintaining communication between the human and the machine via
terminals, the test gives us an objective standard view on intelligence. It
avoids debates over the human nature of intelligence and eliminates any bias
in favour of humans.
.The test itself is quite independent from the details of the experiment. It can
be conducted either as a two-phase game as just described, or even as a single-
phase game in which the interrogator needs to choose between the human
and the machine from the beginning of the test. The interrogator is also free
to ask any question in any field and can concentrate solely on the content of
the answers provided.
Turing believed that by the end of the 20th century it would be possible to
program a digital computer to play the imitation game. Although modern
computers still cannot pass the Turing test, it provides a basis for the verification
and validation of knowledge-based systems. A program thought intelligent in
some narrow area of expertise is evaluated by comparing its performance with
the performance of a human expert.
Our brain stores the equivalent of over 1018 bits and can process information
at the equivalent of about 1015 bits per second. By 2020, the brain will probably
be modelled by a chip the size of a sugar cube – and perhaps by then there will be
a computer that can play – even win – the Turing imitation game. However, do
we really want the machine to perform mathematical calculations as slowly and
inaccurately as humans do? From a practical point of view, an intelligent
machine should help humans to make decisions, to search for information, to
control complex objects, and finally to understand the meaning of words. There
is probably no point in trying to achieve the abstract and elusive goal of
developing machines with human-like intelligence. To build an intelligent
computer system, we have to capture, organise and use human expert knowl-
edge in some narrow area of expertise.
1.2 The history of artificial intelligence, or from the ‘Dark
Ages’ to knowledge-based systems
Artificial intelligence as a science was founded by three generations of research-
ers. Some of the most important events and contributors from each generation
are described next.
1.2.1 The ‘Dark Ages’, or the birth of artificial intelligence (194356)
The first work recognised in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) was presented
by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts in 1943. McCulloch had degrees in
philosophy and medicine from Columbia University and became the Director of
the Basic Research Laboratory in the Department of Psychiatry at the University
of Illinois. His research on the central nervous system resulted in the first major
contribution to AI: a model of neurons of the brain.
McCulloch and his co-author Walter Pitts, a young mathematician, proposed
a model of artificial neural networks in which each neuron was postulated as
being in binary state, that is, in either on or off condition (McCulloch and Pitts,
1943). They demonstrated that their neural network model was, in fact,
equivalent to the Turing machine, and proved that any computable function
could be computed by some network of connected neurons. McCulloch and Pitts
also showed that simple network structures could learn.
The neural network model stimulated both theoretical and experimental
work to model the brain in the laboratory. However, experiments clearly
demonstrated that the binary model of neurons was not correct. In fact,
a neuron has highly non-linear characteristics and cannot be considered as a
simple two-state device. Nonetheless, McCulloch, the second ‘founding father’
of AI after Alan Turing, had created the cornerstone of neural computing and
artificial neural networks (ANN). After a decline in the 1970s, the field of ANN
was revived in the late 1980s.
The third founder of AI was John von Neumann, the brilliant Hungarian-
born mathematician. In 1930, he joined the Princeton University, lecturing in
mathematical physics. He was a colleague and friend of Alan Turing. During the
Second World War, von Neumann played a key role in the Manhattan Project
that built the nuclear bomb. He also became an adviser for the Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) project at the University of
Pennsylvania and helped to design the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic
Computer (EDVAC), a stored program machine. He was influenced by
McCulloch and Pitts’s neural network model. When Marvin Minsky and Dean
Edmonds, two graduate students in the Princeton mathematics department,
built the first neural network computer in 1951, von Neumann encouraged and
supported them.
Another of the first-generation researchers was Claude Shannon. He gradu-
ated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and joined Bell
Telephone Laboratories in 1941. Shannon shared Alan Turing’s ideas on the
possibility of machine intelligence. In 1950, he published a paper on chess-
playing machines, which pointed out that a typical chess game involved about
10120 possible moves (Shannon, 1950). Even if the new von Neumann-type
computer could examine one move per microsecond, it would take 3 10106
years to make its first move. Thus Shannon demonstrated the need to use
heuristics in the search for the solution.
Princeton University was also home to John McCarthy, another founder of AI.
He convinced Martin Minsky and Claude Shannon to organise a summer
workshop at Dartmouth College, where McCarthy worked after graduating from
Princeton. In 1956, they brought together researchers interested in the study of
machine intelligence, artificial neural nets and automata theory. The workshop
was sponsored by IBM. Although there were just ten researchers, this workshop
gave birth to a new science called artificial intelligence. For the next twenty
years the field of AI would be dominated by the participants at the Dartmouth
workshop and their students.
1.2.2 The rise of artificial intelligence, or the era of great expectations
(1956late 1960s)
The early years of AI are characterised by tremendous enthusiasm, great ideas
and very limited success. Only a few years before, computers had been intro-
duced to perform routine mathematical calculations, but now AI researchers
were demonstrating that computers could do more than that. It was an era of
great expectations.
John McCarthy, one of the organisers of the Dartmouth workshop and the
inventor of the term ‘artificial intelligence’, moved from Dartmouth to MIT. He
defined the high-level language LISP – one of the oldest programming languages
(FORTRAN is just two years older), which is still in current use. In 1958,
McCarthy presented a paper, ‘Programs with Common Sense’, in which he
proposed a program called the Advice Taker to search for solutions to general
problems of the world (McCarthy, 1958). McCarthy demonstrated how his
program could generate, for example, a plan to drive to the airport, based on
some simple axioms. Most importantly, the program was designed to accept new
axioms, or in other words new knowledge, in different areas of expertise without
being reprogrammed. Thus the Advice Taker was the first complete knowledge-
based system incorporating the central principles of knowledge representation
and reasoning.
Another organiser of the Dartmouth workshop, Marvin Minsky, also moved
to MIT. However, unlike McCarthy with his focus on formal logic, Minsky
developed an anti-logical outlook on knowledge representation and reasoning.
His theory of frames (Minsky, 1975) was a major contribution to knowledge
The early work on neural computing and artificial neural networks started by
McCulloch and Pitts was continued. Learning methods were improved and Frank
Rosenblatt proved the perceptron convergence theorem, demonstrating that
his learning algorithm could adjust the connection strengths of a perceptron
(Rosenblatt, 1962).
One of the most ambitious projects of the era of great expectations was the
General Problem Solver (GPS) (Newell and Simon, 1961, 1972). Allen Newell and
Herbert Simon from the Carnegie Mellon University developed a general-
purpose program to simulate human problem-solving methods. GPS was
probably the first attempt to separate the problem-solving technique from the
data. It was based on the technique now referred to as means-ends analysis.
Newell and Simon postulated that a problem to be solved could be defined in
terms of states. The means-ends analysis was used to determine a difference
between the current state and the desirable state or the goal state of the
problem, and to choose and apply operators to reach the goal state. If the goal
state could not be immediately reached from the current state, a new state closer
to the goal would be established and the procedure repeated until the goal state
was reached. The set of operators determined the solution plan.
However, GPS failed to solve complicated problems. The program was based
on formal logic and therefore could generate an infinite number of possible
operators, which is inherently inefficient. The amount of computer time and
memory that GPS required to solve real-world problems led to the project being
In summary, we can say that in the 1960s, AI researchers attempted to
simulate the complex thinking process by inventing general methods for
solving broad classes of problems. They used the general-purpose search
mechanism to find a solution to the problem. Such approaches, now referred
to as weak methods, applied weak information about the problem domain; this
resulted in weak performance of the programs developed.
However, it was also a time when the field of AI attracted great scientists who
introduced fundamental new ideas in such areas as knowledge representation,
learning algorithms, neural computing and computing with words. These ideas
could not be implemented then because of the limited capabilities of computers,
but two decades later they have led to the development of real-life practical
It is interesting to note that Lotfi Zadeh, a professor from the University of
California at Berkeley, published his famous paper ‘Fuzzy sets’ also in the 1960s
(Zadeh, 1965). This paper is now considered the foundation of the fuzzy set
theory. Two decades later, fuzzy researchers have built hundreds of smart
machines and intelligent systems.
By 1970, the euphoria about AI was gone, and most government funding for
AI projects was cancelled. AI was still a relatively new field, academic in nature,
with few practical applications apart from playing games (Samuel, 1959, 1967;
Greenblatt et al., 1967). So, to the outsider, the achievements would be seen as
toys, as no AI system at that time could manage real-world problems.
1.2.3 Unfulfilled promises, or the impact of reality
(late 1960searly 1970s)
From the mid-1950s, AI researchers were making promises to build all-purpose
intelligent machines on a human-scale knowledge base by the 1980s, and to
exceed human intelligence by the year 2000. By 1970, however, they realised
that such claims were too optimistic. Although a few AI programs could
demonstrate some level of machine intelligence in one or two toy problems,
almost no AI projects could deal with a wider selection of tasks or more difficult
real-world problems.
The main difficulties for AI in the late 1960s were:
.Because AI researchers were developing general methods for broad classes
of problems, early programs contained little or even no knowledge about a
problem domain. To solve problems, programs applied a search strategy by
trying out different combinations of small steps, until the right one was
found. This method worked for ‘toy’ problems, so it seemed reasonable that, if
the programs could be ‘scaled up’ to solve large problems, they would finally
succeed. However, this approach was wrong.
Easy, or tractable, problems can be solved in polynomial time, i.e. for a
problem of size n, the time or number of steps needed to find the solution is
a polynomial function of n. On the other hand, hard or intractable problems
require times that are exponential functions of the problem size. While a
polynomial-time algorithm is considered to be efficient, an exponential-time
algorithm is inefficient, because its execution time increases rapidly with the
problem size. The theory of NP-completeness (Cook, 1971; Karp, 1972),
developed in the early 1970s, showed the existence of a large class of non-
deterministic polynomial problems (NP problems) that are NP-complete. A
problem is called NP if its solution (if one exists) can be guessed and verified
in polynomial time; non-deterministic means that no particular algorithm
is followed to make the guess. The hardest problems in this class are
NP-complete. Even with faster computers and larger memories, these
problems are hard to solve.
.Many of the problems that AI attempted to solve were too broad and too
difficult. A typical task for early AI was machine translation. For example, the
National Research Council, USA, funded the translation of Russian scientific
papers after the launch of the first artificial satellite (Sputnik) in 1957.
Initially, the project team tried simply replacing Russian words with English,
using an electronic dictionary. However, it was soon found that translation
requires a general understanding of the subject to choose the correct words.
This task was too difficult. In 1966, all translation projects funded by the US
government were cancelled.
.In 1971, the British government also suspended support for AI research. Sir
James Lighthill had been commissioned by the Science Research Council of
Great Britain to review the current state of AI (Lighthill, 1973). He did not
find any major or even significant results from AI research, and therefore saw
no need to have a separate science called ‘artificial intelligence’.
1.2.4 The technology of expert systems, or the key to success
(early 1970smid-1980s)
Probably the most important development in the 1970s was the realisation
that the problem domain for intelligent machines had to be sufficiently
restricted. Previously, AI researchers had believed that clever search algorithms
and reasoning techniques could be invented to emulate general, human-like,
problem-solving methods. A general-purpose search mechanism could rely on
elementary reasoning steps to find complete solutions and could use weak
knowledge about domain. However, when weak methods failed, researchers
finally realised that the only way to deliver practical results was to solve typical
cases in narrow areas of expertise by making large reasoning steps.
The DENDRAL program is a typical example of the emerging technology
(Buchanan et al., 1969). DENDRAL was developed at Stanford University
to analyse chemicals. The project was supported by NASA, because an un-
manned spacecraft was to be launched to Mars and a program was required to
determine the molecular structure of Martian soil, based on the mass spectral
data provided by a mass spectrometer. Edward Feigenbaum (a former student
of Herbert Simon), Bruce Buchanan (a computer scientist) and Joshua Lederberg
(a Nobel prize winner in genetics) formed a team to solve this challenging
The traditional method of solving such problems relies on a generate-
and-test technique: all possible molecular structures consistent with the mass
spectrogram are generated first, and then the mass spectrum is determined
or predicted for each structure and tested against the actual spectrum.
However, this method failed because millions of possible structures could be
generated – the problem rapidly became intractable even for decent-sized
To add to the difficulties of the challenge, there was no scientific algorithm
for mapping the mass spectrum into its molecular structure. However, analytical
chemists, such as Lederberg, could solve this problem by using their skills,
experience and expertise. They could enormously reduce the number of possible
structures by looking for well-known patterns of peaks in the spectrum, and
thus provide just a few feasible solutions for further examination. Therefore,
Feigenbaum’s job became to incorporate the expertise of Lederberg into a
computer program to make it perform at a human expert level. Such programs
were later called expert systems. To understand and adopt Lederberg’s knowl-
edge and operate with his terminology, Feigenbaum had to learn basic ideas in
chemistry and spectral analysis. However, it became apparent that Feigenbaum
used not only rules of chemistry but also his own heuristics, or rules-of-thumb,
based on his experience, and even guesswork. Soon Feigenbaum identified one
of the major difficulties in the project, which he called the ‘knowledge acquisi-
tion bottleneck’ – how to extract knowledge from human experts to apply to
computers. To articulate his knowledge, Lederberg even needed to study basics
in computing.
Working as a team, Feigenbaum, Buchanan and Lederberg developed
DENDRAL, the first successful knowledge-based system. The key to their success
was mapping all the relevant theoretical knowledge from its general form to
highly specific rules (‘cookbook recipes’) (Feigenbaum et al., 1971).
The significance of DENDRAL can be summarised as follows:
.DENDRAL marked a major ‘paradigm shift’ in AI: a shift from general-
purpose, knowledge-sparse, weak methods to domain-specific, knowledge-
intensive techniques.
.The aim of the project was to develop a computer program to attain the level
of performance of an experienced human chemist. Using heuristics in the
form of high-quality specific rules – rules-of-thumb – elicited from human
experts, the DENDRAL team proved that computers could equal an expert in
narrow, defined, problem areas.
.The DENDRAL project originated the fundamental idea of the new method-
ology of expert systems – knowledge engineering, which encompassed
techniques of capturing, analysing and expressing in rules an expert’s
DENDRAL proved to be a useful analytical tool for chemists and was marketed
commercially in the United States.
The next major project undertaken by Feigenbaum and others at Stanford
University was in the area of medical diagnosis. The project, called MYCIN,
started in 1972. It later became the Ph.D. thesis of Edward Shortliffe (Shortliffe,
1976). MYCIN was a rule-based expert system for the diagnosis of infectious
blood diseases. It also provided a doctor with therapeutic advice in a convenient,
user-friendly manner.
MYCIN had a number of characteristics common to early expert systems,
.MYCIN could perform at a level equivalent to human experts in the field and
considerably better than junior doctors.
.MYCIN’s knowledge consisted of about 450 independent rules of IF-THEN
form derived from human knowledge in a narrow domain through extensive
interviewing of experts.
.The knowledge incorporated in the form of rules was clearly separated from
the reasoning mechanism. The system developer could easily manipulate
knowledge in the system by inserting or deleting some rules. For example, a
domain-independent version of MYCIN called EMYCIN (Empty MYCIN) was
later produced at Stanford University (van Melle, 1979; van Melle et al., 1981).
It had all the features of the MYCIN system except the knowledge of
infectious blood diseases. EMYCIN facilitated the development of a variety
of diagnostic applications. System developers just had to add new knowledge
in the form of rules to obtain a new application.
MYCIN also introduced a few new features. Rules incorporated in MYCIN
reflected the uncertainty associated with knowledge, in this case with medical
diagnosis. It tested rule conditions (the IF part) against available data or data
requested from the physician. When appropriate, MYCIN inferred the truth of a
condition through a calculus of uncertainty called certainty factors. Reasoning
in the face of uncertainty was the most important part of the system.
Another probabilistic system that generated enormous publicity was
PROSPECTOR, an expert system for mineral exploration developed by the
Stanford Research Institute (Duda et al., 1979). The project ran from 1974 to
1983. Nine experts contributed their knowledge and expertise. To represent their
knowledge, PROSPECTOR used a combined structure that incorporated rules and
a semantic network. PROSPECTOR had over a thousand rules to represent
extensive domain knowledge. It also had a sophisticated support package
including a knowledge acquisition system.
PROSPECTOR operates as follows. The user, an exploration geologist, is asked
to input the characteristics of a suspected deposit: the geological setting,
structures, kinds of rocks and minerals. Then the program compares these
characteristics with models of ore deposits and, if necessary, queries the user to
obtain additional information. Finally, PROSPECTOR makes an assessment of
the suspected mineral deposit and presents its conclusion. It can also explain the
steps it used to reach the conclusion.
In exploration geology, important decisions are usually made in the face of
uncertainty, with knowledge that is incomplete or fuzzy. To deal with such
knowledge, PROSPECTOR incorporated Bayes’s rules of evidence to propagate
uncertainties through the system. PROSPECTOR performed at the level of an
expert geologist and proved itself in practice. In 1980, it identified a molybde-
num deposit near Mount Tolman in Washington State. Subsequent drilling by a
mining company confirmed the deposit was worth over $100 million. You
couldn’t hope for a better justification for using expert systems.
The expert systems mentioned above have now become classics. A growing
number of successful applications of expert systems in the late 1970s
showed that AI technology could move successfully from the research laboratory
to the commercial environment. During this period, however, most expert
systems were developed with special AI languages, such as LISP, PROLOG and
OPS, based on powerful workstations. The need to have rather expensive
hardware and complicated programming languages meant that the challenge
of expert system development was left in the hands of a few research groups at
Stanford University, MIT, Stanford Research Institute and Carnegie-Mellon
University. Only in the 1980s, with the arrival of personal computers (PCs) and
easy-to-use expert system development tools – shells – could ordinary researchers
and engineers in all disciplines take up the opportunity to develop expert
A 1986 survey reported a remarkable number of successful expert system
applications in different areas: chemistry, electronics, engineering, geology,
management, medicine, process control and military science (Waterman,
1986). Although Waterman found nearly 200 expert systems, most of the
applications were in the field of medical diagnosis. Seven years later a similar
survey reported over 2500 developed expert systems (Durkin, 1994). The new
growing area was business and manufacturing, which accounted for about 60 per
cent of the applications. Expert system technology had clearly matured.
Are expert systems really the key to success in any field? In spite of a great
number of successful developments and implementations of expert systems in
different areas of human knowledge, it would be a mistake to overestimate the
capability of this technology. The difficulties are rather complex and lie in both
technical and sociological spheres. They include the following:
.Expert systems are restricted to a very narrow domain of expertise. For
example, MYCIN, which was developed for the diagnosis of infectious blood
diseases, lacks any real knowledge of human physiology. If a patient has more
than one disease, we cannot rely on MYCIN. In fact, therapy prescribed for
the blood disease might even be harmful because of the other disease.
.Because of the narrow domain, expert systems are not as robust and flexible as
a user might want. Furthermore, expert systems can have difficulty recognis-
ing domain boundaries. When given a task different from the typical
problems, an expert system might attempt to solve it and fail in rather
unpredictable ways.
.Expert systems have limited explanation capabilities. They can show the
sequence of the rules they applied to reach a solution, but cannot relate
accumulated, heuristic knowledge to any deeper understanding of the
problem domain.
.Expert systems are also difficult to verify and validate. No general technique
has yet been developed for analysing their completeness and consistency.
Heuristic rules represent knowledge in abstract form and lack even basic
understanding of the domain area. It makes the task of identifying incorrect,
incomplete or inconsistent knowledge very difficult.
.Expert systems, especially the first generation, have little or no ability to learn
from their experience. Expert systems are built individually and cannot be
developed fast. It might take from five to ten person-years to build an expert
system to solve a moderately difficult problem (Waterman, 1986). Complex
systems such as DENDRAL, MYCIN or PROSPECTOR can take over 30 person-
years to build. This large effort, however, would be difficult to justify if
improvements to the expert system’s performance depended on further
attention from its developers.
Despite all these difficulties, expert systems have made the breakthrough and
proved their value in a number of important applications.
1.2.5 How to make a machine learn, or the rebirth of neural networks
In the mid-1980s, researchers, engineers and experts found that building an
expert system required much more than just buying a reasoning system or expert
system shell and putting enough rules in it. Disillusion about the applicability of
expert system technology even led to people predicting an AI ‘winter’ with
severely squeezed funding for AI projects. AI researchers decided to have a new
look at neural networks.
By the late 1960s, most of the basic ideas and concepts necessary for
neural computing had already been formulated (Cowan, 1990). However, only
in the mid-1980s did the solution emerge. The major reason for the delay was
technological: there were no PCs or powerful workstations to model and
experiment with artificial neural networks. The other reasons were psychological
and financial. For example, in 1969, Minsky and Papert had mathematically
demonstrated the fundamental computational limitations of one-layer
perceptrons (Minsky and Papert, 1969). They also said there was no reason to
expect that more complex multilayer perceptrons would represent much. This
certainly would not encourage anyone to work on perceptrons, and as a
result, most AI researchers deserted the field of artificial neural networks in the
In the 1980s, because of the need for brain-like information processing, as
well as the advances in computer technology and progress in neuroscience, the
field of neural networks experienced a dramatic resurgence. Major contributions
to both theory and design were made on several fronts. Grossberg established a
new principle of self-organisation (adaptive resonance theory), which provided
the basis for a new class of neural networks (Grossberg, 1980). Hopfield
introduced neural networks with feedback Hopfield networks, which attracted
much attention in the 1980s (Hopfield, 1982). Kohonen published a paper on
self-organised maps (Kohonen, 1982). Barto, Sutton and Anderson published
their work on reinforcement learning and its application in control (Barto et al.,
1983). But the real breakthrough came in 1986 when the back-propagation
learning algorithm, first introduced by Bryson and Ho in 1969 (Bryson and Ho,
1969), was reinvented by Rumelhart and McClelland in Parallel Distributed
Processing: Explorations in the Microstructures of Cognition (Rumelhart and
McClelland, 1986). At the same time, back-propagation learning was also
discovered by Parker (Parker, 1987) and LeCun (LeCun, 1988), and since then
has become the most popular technique for training multilayer perceptrons. In
1988, Broomhead and Lowe found a procedure to design layered feedforward
networks using radial basis functions, an alternative to multilayer perceptrons
(Broomhead and Lowe, 1988).
Artificial neural networks have come a long way from the early models of
McCulloch and Pitts to an interdisciplinary subject with roots in neuroscience,
psychology, mathematics and engineering, and will continue to develop in both
theory and practical applications. However, Hopfield’s paper (Hopfield, 1982)
and Rumelhart and McClelland’s book (Rumelhart and McClelland, 1986) were
the most significant and influential works responsible for the rebirth of neural
networks in the 1980s.
1.2.6 Evolutionary computation, or learning by doing
(early 1970sonwards)
Natural intelligence is a product of evolution. Therefore, by simulating bio-
logical evolution, we might expect to discover how living systems are propelled
towards high-level intelligence. Nature learns by doing; biological systems are
not told how to adapt to a specific environment – they simply compete for
survival. The fittest species have a greater chance to reproduce, and thereby to
pass their genetic material to the next generation.
The evolutionary approach to artificial intelligence is based on the com-
putational models of natural selection and genetics. Evolutionary computation
works by simulating a population of individuals, evaluating their performance,
generating a new population, and repeating this process a number of times.
Evolutionary computation combines three main techniques: genetic algo-
rithms, evolutionary strategies, and genetic programming.
The concept of genetic algorithms was introduced by John Holland in the
early 1970s (Holland, 1975). He developed an algorithm for manipulating
artificial ‘chromosomes’ (strings of binary digits), using such genetic operations
as selection, crossover and mutation. Genetic algorithms are based on a solid
theoretical foundation of the Schema Theorem (Holland, 1975; Goldberg, 1989).
In the early 1960s, independently of Holland’s genetic algorithms, Ingo
Rechenberg and Hans-Paul Schwefel, students of the Technical University of
Berlin, proposed a new optimisation method called evolutionary strategies
(Rechenberg, 1965). Evolutionary strategies were designed specifically for solving
parameter optimisation problems in engineering. Rechenberg and Schwefel
suggested using random changes in the parameters, as happens in natural
mutation. In fact, an evolutionary strategies approach can be considered as an
alternative to the engineer’s intuition. Evolutionary strategies use a numerical
optimisation procedure, similar to a focused Monte Carlo search.
Both genetic algorithms and evolutionary strategies can solve a wide range of
problems. They provide robust and reliable solutions for highly complex, non-
linear search and optimisation problems that previously could not be solved at
all (Holland, 1995; Schwefel, 1995).
Genetic programming represents an application of the genetic model of
learning to programming. Its goal is to evolve not a coded representation
of some problem, but rather a computer code that solves the problem. That is,
genetic programming generates computer programs as the solution.
The interest in genetic programming was greatly stimulated by John Koza in
the 1990s (Koza, 1992, 1994). He used genetic operations to manipulate
symbolic code representing LISP programs. Genetic programming offers a
solution to the main challenge of computer science – making computers solve
problems without being explicitly programmed.
Genetic algorithms, evolutionary strategies and genetic programming repre-
sent rapidly growing areas of AI, and have great potential.
1.2.7 The new era of knowledge engineering, or computing with words
(late 1980sonwards)
Neural network technology offers more natural interaction with the real world
than do systems based on symbolic reasoning. Neural networks can learn, adapt
to changes in a problem’s environment, establish patterns in situations where
rules are not known, and deal with fuzzy or incomplete information. However,
they lack explanation facilities and usually act as a black box. The process of
training neural networks with current technologies is slow, and frequent
retraining can cause serious difficulties.
Although in some special cases, particularly in knowledge-poor situations,
ANNs can solve problems better than expert systems, the two technologies are
not in competition now. They rather nicely complement each other.
Classic expert systems are especially good for closed-system applications with
precise inputs and logical outputs. They use expert knowledge in the form of
rules and, if required, can interact with the user to establish a particular fact. A
major drawback is that human experts cannot always express their knowledge in
terms of rules or explain the line of their reasoning. This can prevent the expert
system from accumulating the necessary knowledge, and consequently lead to
its failure. To overcome this limitation, neural computing can be used for
extracting hidden knowledge in large data sets to obtain rules for expert systems
(Medsker and Leibowitz, 1994; Zahedi, 1993). ANNs can also be used for
correcting rules in traditional rule-based expert systems (Omlin and Giles,
1996). In other words, where acquired knowledge is incomplete, neural networks
can refine the knowledge, and where the knowledge is inconsistent with some
given data, neural networks can revise the rules.
Another very important technology dealing with vague, imprecise and
uncertain knowledge and data is fuzzy logic. Most methods of handling
imprecision in classic expert systems are based on the probability concept.
MYCIN, for example, introduced certainty factors, while PROSPECTOR incorp-
orated Bayes’ rules to propagate uncertainties. However, experts do not usually
think in probability values, but in such terms as often,generally,sometimes,
occasionally and rarely. Fuzzy logic is concerned with the use of fuzzy values
that capture the meaning of words, human reasoning and decision making. As a
method to encode and apply human knowledge in a form that accurately reflects
an expert’s understanding of difficult, complex problems, fuzzy logic provides
the way to break through the computational bottlenecks of traditional expert
At the heart of fuzzy logic lies the concept of a linguistic variable. The values
of the linguistic variable are words rather than numbers. Similar to expert
systems, fuzzy systems use IF-THEN rules to incorporate human knowledge, but
these rules are fuzzy, such as:
IF speed is high THEN stopping_distance is long
IF speed is low THEN stopping_distance is short.
Fuzzy logic or fuzzy set theory was introduced by Professor Lotfi Zadeh,
Berkeley’s electrical engineering department chairman, in 1965 (Zadeh, 1965). It
provided a means of computing with words. However, acceptance of fuzzy set
theory by the technical community was slow and difficult. Part of the problem
was the provocative name – ‘fuzzy’ – which seemed too light-hearted to be taken
seriously. Eventually, fuzzy theory, ignored in the West, was taken seriously
in the East – by the Japanese. It has been used successfully since 1987 in
Japanese-designed dishwashers, washing machines, air conditioners, television
sets, copiers and even cars.
The introduction of fuzzy products gave rise to tremendous interest in
this apparently ‘new’ technology first proposed over 30 years ago. Hundreds of
books and thousands of technical papers have been written on this topic. Some
of the classics are: Fuzzy Sets, Neural Networks and Soft Computing (Yager and
Zadeh, eds, 1994); The Fuzzy Systems Handbook (Cox, 1999); Fuzzy Engineering
(Kosko, 1997); Expert Systems and Fuzzy Systems (Negoita, 1985); and also the
best-seller science book, Fuzzy Thinking (Kosko, 1993), which popularised the
field of fuzzy logic.
Most fuzzy logic applications have been in the area of control engineering.
However, fuzzy control systems use only a small part of fuzzy logic’s power of
knowledge representation. Benefits derived from the application of fuzzy logic
models in knowledge-based and decision-support systems can be summarised as
follows (Cox, 1999; Turban and Aronson, 2000):
.Improved computational power: Fuzzy rule-based systems perform faster
than conventional expert systems and require fewer rules. A fuzzy expert
system merges the rules, making them more powerful. Lotfi Zadeh believes
that in a few years most expert systems will use fuzzy logic to solve highly
nonlinear and computationally difficult problems.
.Improved cognitive modelling: Fuzzy systems allow the encoding of knowl-
edge in a form that reflects the way experts think about a complex problem.
They usually think in such imprecise terms as high and low,fast and slow,
heavy and light, and they also use such terms as very often and almost
never,usually and hardly ever,frequently and occasionally. In order to
build conventional rules, we need to define the crisp boundaries for these
terms, thus breaking down the expertise into fragments. However, this
fragmentation leads to the poor performance of conventional expert systems
when they deal with highly complex problems. In contrast, fuzzy expert
systems model imprecise information, capturing expertise much more closely
to the way it is represented in the expert mind, and thus improve cognitive
modelling of the problem.
.The ability to represent multiple experts: Conventional expert systems are
built for a very narrow domain with clearly defined expertise. It makes the
system’s performance fully dependent on the right choice of experts.
Although a common strategy is to find just one expert, when a more complex
expert system is being built or when expertise is not well defined, multiple
experts might be needed. Multiple experts can expand the domain, syn-
thesise expertise and eliminate the need for a world-class expert, who is likely
to be both very expensive and hard to access. However, multiple experts
seldom reach close agreements; there are often differences in opinions and
even conflicts. This is especially true in areas such as business and manage-
ment where no simple solution exists and conflicting views should be taken
into account. Fuzzy expert systems can help to represent the expertise of
multiple experts when they have opposing views.
Although fuzzy systems allow expression of expert knowledge in a more
natural way, they still depend on the rules extracted from the experts, and thus
might be smart or dumb. Some experts can provide very clever fuzzy rules – but
some just guess and may even get them wrong. Therefore, all rules must be tested
and tuned, which can be a prolonged and tedious process. For example, it took
Hitachi engineers several years to test and tune only 54 fuzzy rules to guide the
Sendai Subway System.
Using fuzzy logic development tools, we can easily build a simple fuzzy
system, but then we may spend days, weeks and even months trying out new
rules and tuning our system. How do we make this process faster or, in other
words, how do we generate good fuzzy rules automatically?
In recent years, several methods based on neural network technology have
been used to search numerical data for fuzzy rules. Adaptive or neural fuzzy
systems can find new fuzzy rules, or change and tune existing ones based on the
data provided. In other words, data in – rules out, or experience in – common
sense out.
So, where is knowledge engineering heading?
Expert, neural and fuzzy systems have now matured and have been applied to
a broad range of different problems, mainly in engineering, medicine, finance,
business and management. Each technology handles the uncertainty and
ambiguity of human knowledge differently, and each technology has found its
place in knowledge engineering. They no longer compete; rather they comple-
ment each other. A synergy of expert systems with fuzzy logic and neural
computing improves adaptability, robustness, fault-tolerance and speed of
knowledge-based systems. Besides, computing with words makes them more
‘human’. It is now common practice to build intelligent systems using existing
theories rather than to propose new ones, and to apply these systems to real-
world problems rather than to ‘toy’ problems.
1.3 Summary
We live in the era of the knowledge revolution, when the power of a nation is
determined not by the number of soldiers in its army but the knowledge it
possesses. Science, medicine, engineering and business propel nations towards a
higher quality of life, but they also require highly qualified and skilful people.
We are now adopting intelligent machines that can capture the expertise of such
knowledgeable people and reason in a manner similar to humans.
The desire for intelligent machines was just an elusive dream until the first
computer was developed. The early computers could manipulate large data bases
effectively by following prescribed algorithms, but could not reason about the
information provided. This gave rise to the question of whether computers could
ever think. Alan Turing defined the intelligent behaviour of a computer as the
ability to achieve human-level performance in a cognitive task. The Turing test
provided a basis for the verification and validation of knowledge-based systems.
In 1956, a summer workshop at Dartmouth College brought together ten
researchers interested in the study of machine intelligence, and a new science –
artificial intelligence – was born.
Since the early 1950s, AI technology has developed from the curiosity of a
few researchers to a valuable tool to support humans making decisions. We
have seen historical cycles of AI from the era of great ideas and great
expectations in the 1960s to the disillusionment and funding cutbacks in
the early 1970s; from the development of the first expert systems such as
DENDRAL, MYCIN and PROSPECTOR in the 1970s to the maturity of expert
system technology and its massive applications in different areas in the 1980s/
90s; from a simple binary model of neurons proposed in the 1940s to a
dramatic resurgence of the field of artificial neural networks in the 1980s; from
the introduction of fuzzy set theory and its being ignored by the West in the
1960s to numerous ‘fuzzy’ consumer products offered by the Japanese in
the 1980s and world-wide acceptance of ‘soft’ computing and computing with
words in the 1990s.
The development of expert systems created knowledge engineering, the
process of building intelligent systems. Today it deals not only with expert
systems but also with neural networks and fuzzy logic. Knowledge engineering
is still an art rather than engineering, but attempts have already been made
to extract rules automatically from numerical data through neural network
Table 1.1 summarises the key events in the history of AI and knowledge
engineering from the first work on AI by McCulloch and Pitts in 1943, to the
recent trends of combining the strengths of expert systems, fuzzy logic and
neural computing in modern knowledge-based systems capable of computing
with words.
The most important lessons learned in this chapter are:
.Intelligence is the ability to learn and understand, to solve problems and to
make decisions.
.Artificial intelligence is a science that has defined its goal as making machines
do things that would require intelligence if done by humans.
.A machine is thought intelligent if it can achieve human-level performance in
some cognitive task. To build an intelligent machine, we have to capture,
organise and use human expert knowledge in some problem area.
.The realisation that the problem domain for intelligent machines had to be
sufficiently restricted marked a major ‘paradigm shift’ in AI from general-
purpose, knowledge-sparse, weak methods to domain-specific, knowledge-
intensive methods. This led to the development of expert systems – computer
programs capable of performing at a human-expert level in a narrow problem
area. Expert systems use human knowledge and expertise in the form of
specific rules, and are distinguished by the clean separation of the knowledge
and the reasoning mechanism. They can also explain their reasoning
Table 1.1 A summary of the main events in the history of AI and knowledge engineering
Period Key events
The birth of artificial
McCulloch and Pitts, A Logical Calculus of the Ideas
Immanent in Nervous Activity, 1943
Turing, Computing Machinery and Intelligence, 1950
The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator project
(von Neumann)
Shannon, Programming a Computer for Playing Chess,
The Dartmouth College summer workshop on machine
intelligence, artificial neural nets and automata theory,
The rise of artificial
(1956late 1960s)
LISP (McCarthy)
The General Problem Solver (GPR) project (Newell and
Newell and Simon, Human Problem Solving, 1972
Minsky, A Framework for Representing Knowledge, 1975
The disillusionment in
artificial intelligence
(late 1960searly
Cook, The Complexity of Theorem Proving Procedures,
Karp, Reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems, 1972
The Lighthill Report, 1971
The discovery of
expert systems (early
DENDRAL (Feigenbaum, Buchanan and Lederberg, Stanford
MYCIN (Feigenbaum and Shortliffe, Stanford University)
PROSPECTOR (Stanford Research Institute)
PROLOG – a Logic Programming Language (Colmerauer,
Roussel and Kowalski, France)
EMYCIN (Stanford University)
Waterman, A Guide to Expert Systems, 1986
The rebirth of artificial
neural networks
Hopfield, Neural Networks and Physical Systems with
Emergent Collective Computational Abilities, 1982
Kohonen, Self-Organized Formation of Topologically Correct
Feature Maps, 1982
Rumelhart and McClelland, Parallel Distributed Processing,
The First IEEE International Conference on Neural
Networks, 1987
Haykin, Neural Networks, 1994
Neural Network, MATLAB Application Toolbox (The
MathWork, Inc.)
.One of the main difficulties in building intelligent machines, or in other
words in knowledge engineering, is the ‘knowledge acquisition bottleneck’ –
extracting knowledge from human experts.
.Experts think in imprecise terms, such as very often and almost never,
usually and hardly ever,frequently and occasionally, and use linguistic
variables, such as high and low,fast and slow,heavy and light. Fuzzy logic
Table 1.1 (cont.)
Period Key events
computation (early
Rechenberg, Evolutionsstrategien – Optimierung
Technischer Systeme Nach Prinzipien der Biologischen
Information, 1973
Holland, Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems,
Koza, Genetic Programming: On the Programming of the
Computers by Means of Natural Selection, 1992
Schwefel, Evolution and Optimum Seeking, 1995
Fogel, Evolutionary Computation – Towards a New
Philosophy of Machine Intelligence, 1995
Computing with words
(late 1980sonwards)
Zadeh, Fuzzy Sets, 1965
Zadeh, Fuzzy Algorithms, 1969
Mamdani, Application of Fuzzy Logic to Approximate
Reasoning Using Linguistic Synthesis, 1977
Sugeno, Fuzzy Theory, 1983
Japanese ‘fuzzy’ consumer products (dishwashers,
washing machines, air conditioners, television sets,
Sendai Subway System (Hitachi, Japan), 1986
Negoita, Expert Systems and Fuzzy Systems, 1985
The First IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems,
Kosko, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, 1992
Kosko, Fuzzy Thinking, 1993
Yager and Zadeh, Fuzzy Sets, Neural Networks and Soft
Computing, 1994
Cox, The Fuzzy Systems Handbook, 1994
Kosko, Fuzzy Engineering, 1996
Zadeh, Computing with Words – A Paradigm Shift, 1996
Fuzzy Logic, MATLAB Application Toolbox (The MathWork,
or fuzzy set theory provides a means to compute with words. It concentrates
on the use of fuzzy values that capture the meaning of words, human
reasoning and decision making, and provides a way of breaking through the
computational burden of traditional expert systems.
.Expert systems can neither learn nor improve themselves through experience.
They are individually created and demand large efforts for their development.
It can take from five to ten person-years to build even a moderate expert
system. Machine learning can accelerate this process significantly and
enhance the quality of knowledge by adding new rules or changing incorrect
.Artificial neural networks, inspired by biological neural networks, learn from
historical cases and make it possible to generate rules automatically and thus
avoid the tedious and expensive processes of knowledge acquisition, valida-
tion and revision.
.Integration of expert systems and ANNs, and fuzzy logic and ANNs improve
the adaptability, fault tolerance and speed of knowledge-based systems.
Questions for review
1 Define intelligence. What is the intelligent behaviour of a machine?
2 Describe the Turing test for artificial intelligence and justify its validity from a modern
3 Define artificial intelligence as a science. When was artificial intelligence born?
4 What are weak methods? Identify the main difficulties that led to the disillusion with AI
in the early 1970s.
5 Define expert systems. What is the main difference between weak methods and the
expert system technology?
6 List the common characteristics of early expert systems such as DENDRAL, MYCIN
7 What are the limitations of expert systems?
8 What are the differences between expert systems and artificial neural networks?
9 Why was the field of ANN reborn in the 1980s?
10 What are the premises on which fuzzy logic is based? When was fuzzy set theory
11 What are the main advantages of applying fuzzy logic in knowledge-based systems?
12 What are the benefits of integrating expert systems, fuzzy logic and neural
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2Rule-based expert systems
In which we introduce the most popular choice for building
knowledge-based systems: rule-based expert systems.
2.1 Introduction, or what is knowledge?
In the 1970s, it was finally accepted that to make a machine solve an intellectual
problem one had to know the solution. In other words, one has to have
knowledge, ‘know-how’, in some specific domain.
What is knowledge?
Knowledge is a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject or a domain.
Knowledge is also the sum of what is currently known, and apparently knowl-
edge is power. Those who possess knowledge are called experts. They are the
most powerful and important people in their organisations. Any successful
company has at least a few first-class experts and it cannot remain in business
without them.
Who is generally acknowledged as an expert?
Anyone can be considered a domain expert if he or she has deep knowledge (of
both facts and rules) and strong practical experience in a particular domain. The
area of the domain may be limited. For example, experts in electrical machines
may have only general knowledge about transformers, while experts in life
insurance marketing might have limited understanding of a real estate insurance
policy. In general, an expert is a skilful person who can do things other people
How do experts think?
The human mental process is internal, and it is too complex to be represented as
an algorithm. However, most experts are capable of expressing their knowledge
in the form of rules for problem solving. Consider a simple example. Imagine,
you meet an alien! He wants to cross a road. Can you help him? You are an
expert in crossing roads – you’ve been on this job for several years. Thus you are
able to teach the alien. How would you do this?
You explain to the alien that he can cross the road safely when the traffic light
is green, and he must stop when the traffic light is red. These are the basic rules.
Your knowledge can be formulated as the following simple statements:
IF the ‘traffic light’ is green
THEN the action is go
IF the ‘traffic light’ is red
THEN the action is stop
These statements represented in the IF-THEN form are called production
rules or just rules. The term ‘rule’ in AI, which is the most commonly used type
of knowledge representation, can be defined as an IF-THEN structure that relates
given information or facts in the IF part to some action in the THEN part. A rule
provides some description of how to solve a problem. Rules are relatively easy to
create and understand.
2.2 Rules as a knowledge representation technique
Any rule consists of two parts: the IF part, called the antecedent (premise or
condition) and the THEN part called the consequent (conclusion or action).
The basic syntax of a rule is:
IF <antecedent>
THEN <consequent>
In general, a rule can have multiple antecedents joined by the keywords AND
(conjunction), OR (disjunction) or a combination of both. However, it is a good
habit to avoid mixing conjunctions and disjunctions in the same rule.
IF <antecedent 1>
AND <antecedent 2>
AND <antecedent n>
THEN <consequent>
IF <antecedent 1>
OR <antecedent 2>
OR <antecedent n>
THEN <consequent>
The consequent of a rule can also have multiple clauses:
IF <antecedent>
THEN <consequent 1>
<consequent 2>
<consequent m>
The antecedent of a rule incorporates two parts: an object (linguistic object)
and its value. In our road crossing example, the linguistic object ‘traffic light’
can take either the value green or the value red. The object and its value are linked
by an operator. The operator identifies the object and assigns the value.
Operators such as is,are,is not,are not are used to assign a symbolic value to a
linguistic object. But expert systems can also use mathematical operators to
define an object as numerical and assign it to the numerical value. For example,
IF ‘age of the customer’ < 18
AND ‘cash withdrawal’ > 1000
THEN ‘signature of the parent’ is required
Similar to a rule antecedent, a consequent combines an object and a value
connected by an operator. The operator assigns the value to the linguistic object.
In the road crossing example, if the value of traffic light is green, the first rule sets
the linguistic object action to the value go. Numerical objects and even simple
arithmetical expression can also be used in a rule consequent.
IF ‘taxable income’ > 16283
THEN ‘Medicare levy’ ¼‘taxable income’ 1.5 / 100
Rules can represent relations, recommendations, directives, strategies and
heuristics (Durkin, 1994).
IF the ‘fuel tank’ is empty
THEN the car is dead
IF the season is autumn
AND the sky is cloudy
AND the forecast is drizzle
THEN the advice is ‘take an umbrella’
IF the car is dead
AND the ‘fuel tank’ is empty
THEN the action is ‘refuel the car’
IF the car is dead
THEN the action is ‘check the fuel tank’;
step1 is complete
IF step1 is complete
AND the ‘fuel tank’ is full
THEN the action is ‘check the battery’;
step2 is complete
IF the spill is liquid
AND the ‘spill pH’ < 6
AND the ‘spill smell’ is vinegar
THEN the ‘spill material’ is ‘acetic acid’
2.3 The main players in the expert system development team
As soon as knowledge is provided by a human expert, we can input it into a
computer. We expect the computer to act as an intelligent assistant in some
specific domain of expertise or to solve a problem that would otherwise have to
be solved by an expert. We also would like the computer to be able to integrate
new knowledge and to show its knowledge in a form that is easy to read and
understand, and to deal with simple sentences in a natural language rather than
an artificial programming language. Finally, we want our computer to explain
how it reaches a particular conclusion. In other words, we have to build an
expert system, a computer program capable of performing at the level of a
human expert in a narrow problem area.
The most popular expert systems are rule-based systems. A great number have
been built and successfully applied in such areas as business and engineering,
medicine and geology, power systems and mining. A large number of companies
produce and market software for rule-based expert system development – expert
system shells for personal computers.
Expert system shells are becoming particularly popular for developing rule-
based systems. Their main advantage is that the system builder can now
concentrate on the knowledge itself rather than on learning a programming
What is an expert system shell?
An expert system shell can be considered as an expert system with the
knowledge removed. Therefore, all the user has to do is to add the knowledge
in the form of rules and provide relevant data to solve a problem.
Let us now look at who is needed to develop an expert system and what skills
are needed.
In general, there are five members of the expert system development
team: the domain expert, the knowledge engineer, the programmer, the project
manager and the end-user. The success of their expert system entirely depends
on how well the members work together. The basic relations in the development
team are summarised in Figure 2.1.
The domain expert is a knowledgeable and skilled person capable of solving
problems in a specific area or domain. This person has the greatest expertise in a
given domain. This expertise is to be captured in the expert system. Therefore,
the expert must be able to communicate his or her knowledge, be willing to
participate in the expert system development and commit a substantial amount
of time to the project. The domain expert is the most important player in the
expert system development team.
The knowledge engineer is someone who is capable of designing, building
and testing an expert system. This person is responsible for selecting an
appropriate task for the expert system. He or she interviews the domain expert
to find out how a particular problem is solved. Through interaction with the
expert, the knowledge engineer establishes what reasoning methods the expert
uses to handle facts and rules and decides how to represent them in the expert
system. The knowledge engineer then chooses some development software or an
expert system shell, or looks at programming languages for encoding the
knowledge (and sometimes encodes it himself). And finally, the knowledge
engineer is responsible for testing, revising and integrating the expert system
into the workplace. Thus, the knowledge engineer is committed to the project
from the initial design stage to the final delivery of the expert system, and even
after the project is completed, he or she may also be involved in maintaining the
The programmer is the person responsible for the actual programming,
describing the domain knowledge in terms that a computer can understand.
The programmer needs to have skills in symbolic programming in such AI
Figure 2.1 The main players of the expert system development team
languages as LISP, Prolog and OPS5 and also some experience in the application
of different types of expert system shells. In addition, the programmer should
know conventional programming languages like C, Pascal, FORTRAN and Basic.
If an expert system shell is used, the knowledge engineer can easily encode the
knowledge into the expert system and thus eliminate the need for the program-
mer. However, if a shell cannot be used, a programmer must develop the
knowledge and data representation structures (knowledge base and database),
control structure (inference engine) and dialogue structure (user interface). The
programmer may also be involved in testing the expert system.
The project manager is the leader of the expert system development team,
responsible for keeping the project on track. He or she makes sure that all
deliverables and milestones are met, interacts with the expert, knowledge
engineer, programmer and end-user.
The end-user, often called just the user, is a person who uses the expert
system when it is developed. The user might be an analytical chemist determin-
ing the molecular structure of soil from Mars (Feigenbaum et al., 1971), a junior
doctor diagnosing an infectious blood disease (Shortliffe, 1976), an exploration
geologist trying to discover a new mineral deposit (Duda et al., 1979), or a power
system operator needing advice in an emergency (Negnevitsky, 1996). Each of
these users of expert systems has different needs, which the system must meet:
the system’s final acceptance will depend on the user’s satisfaction. The user
must not only be confident in the expert system performance but also feel
comfortable using it. Therefore, the design of the user interface of the expert
system is also vital for the project’s success; the end-user’s contribution here can
be crucial.
The development of an expert system can be started when all five players have
joined the team. However, many expert systems are now developed on personal
computers using expert system shells. This can eliminate the need for the
programmer and also might reduce the role of the knowledge engineer. For
small expert systems, the project manager, knowledge engineer, programmer
and even the expert could be the same person. But all team players are required
when large expert systems are developed.
2.4 Structure of a rule-based expert system
In the early 1970s, Newell and Simon from Carnegie-Mellon University proposed
a production system model, the foundation of the modern rule-based expert
systems (Newell and Simon, 1972). The production model is based on the idea
that humans solve problems by applying their knowledge (expressed as produc-
tion rules) to a given problem represented by problem-specific information. The
production rules are stored in the long-term memory and the problem-specific
information or facts in the short-term memory. The production system model
and the basic structure of a rule-based expert system are shown in Figure 2.2.
A rule-based expert system has five components: the knowledge base, the
database, the inference engine, the explanation facilities, and the user interface.
The knowledge base contains the domain knowledge useful for problem
solving. In a rule-based expert system, the knowledge is represented as a set
of rules. Each rule specifies a relation, recommendation, directive, strategy or
heuristic and has the IF (condition) THEN (action) structure. When the condition
part of a rule is satisfied, the rule is said to fire and the action part is executed.
The database includes a set of facts used to match against the IF (condition)
parts of rules stored in the knowledge base.
The inference engine carries out the reasoning whereby the expert system
reaches a solution. It links the rules given in the knowledge base with the facts
provided in the database.
Figure 2.2 Production system and basic structure of a rule-based expert system:
(a) production system model; (b) basic structure of a rule-based expert system
The explanation facilities enable the user to ask the expert system how a
particular conclusion is reached and why a specific fact is needed. An expert
system must be able to explain its reasoning and justify its advice, analysis or
The user interface is the means of communication between a user seeking a
solution to the problem and an expert system. The communication should be as
meaningful and friendly as possible.
These five components are essential for any rule-based expert system. They
constitute its core, but there may be a few additional components.
The external interface allows an expert system to work with external data
files and programs written in conventional programming languages such as C,
Pascal, FORTRAN and Basic. The complete structure of a rule-based expert system
is shown in Figure 2.3.
The developer interface usually includes knowledge base editors, debugging
aids and input/output facilities.
All expert system shells provide a simple text editor to input and modify
rules, and to check their correct format and spelling. Many expert systems also
Figure 2.3 Complete structure of a rule-based expert system
include book-keeping facilities to monitor the changes made by the knowledge
engineer or expert. If a rule is changed, the editor will automatically store the
change date and the name of the person who made this change for later
reference. This is very important when a number of knowledge engineers and
experts have access to the knowledge base and can modify it.
Debugging aids usually consist of tracing facilities and break packages.
Tracing provides a list of all rules fired during the program’s execution, and a
break package makes it possible to tell the expert system in advance where to
stop so that the knowledge engineer or the expert can examine the current
values in the database.
Most expert systems also accommodate input/output facilities such as run-
time knowledge acquisition. This enables the running expert system to ask for
needed information whenever this information is not available in the database.
When the requested information is input by the knowledge engineer or the
expert, the program resumes.
In general, the developer interface, and knowledge acquisition facilities in
particular, are designed to enable a domain expert to input his or her knowledge
directly in the expert system and thus to minimise the intervention of a
knowledge engineer.
2.5 Fundamental characteristics of an expert system
An expert system is built to perform at a human expert level in a narrow,
specialised domain. Thus, the most important characteristic of an expert
system is its high-quality performance. No matter how fast the system can solve
a problem, the user will not be satisfied if the result is wrong. On the other hand,
the speed of reaching a solution is very important. Even the most accurate
decision or diagnosis may not be useful if it is too late to apply, for instance, in
an emergency, when a patient dies or a nuclear power plant explodes. Experts
use their practical experience and understanding of the problem to find short
cuts to a solution. Experts use rules of thumb or heuristics. Like their human
counterparts, expert systems should apply heuristics to guide the reasoning and
thus reduce the search area for a solution.
A unique feature of an expert system is its explanation capability. This
enables the expert system to review its own reasoning and explain its decisions.
An explanation in expert systems in effect traces the rules fired during a
problem-solving session. This is, of course, a simplification; however a real or
‘human’ explanation is not yet possible because it requires basic understanding
of the domain. Although a sequence of rules fired cannot be used to justify a
conclusion, we can attach appropriate fundamental principles of the domain
expressed as text to each rule, or at least each high-level rule, stored in the
knowledge base. This is probably as far as the explanation capability can be
taken. However, the ability to explain a line of reasoning may not be essential for
some expert systems. For example, a scientific system built for experts may not
be required to provide extensive explanations, because the conclusion it reaches
can be self-explanatory to other experts; a simple rule-tracing might be quite
appropriate. On the other hand, expert systems used in decision making usually
demand complete and thoughtful explanations, as the cost of a wrong decision
may be very high.
Expert systems employ symbolic reasoning when solving a problem.
Symbols are used to represent different types of knowledge such as facts,
concepts and rules. Unlike conventional programs written for numerical data
processing, expert systems are built for knowledge processing and can easily deal
with qualitative data.
Conventional programs process data using algorithms, or in other words, a
series of well-defined step-by-step operations. An algorithm always performs the
same operations in the same order, and it always provides an exact solution.
Conventional programs do not make mistakes – but programmers sometimes do.
Unlike conventional programs, expert systems do not follow a prescribed
sequence of steps. They permit inexact reasoning and can deal with incomplete,
uncertain and fuzzy data.
Can expert systems make mistakes?
Even a brilliant expert is only a human and thus can make mistakes. This
suggests that an expert system built to perform at a human expert level also
should be allowed to make mistakes. But we still trust experts, although we do
recognise that their judgements are sometimes wrong. Likewise, at least in most
cases, we can rely on solutions provided by expert systems, but mistakes are
possible and we should be aware of this.
Does it mean that conventional programs have an advantage over expert
In theory, conventional programs always provide the same ‘correct’ solutions.
However, we must remember that conventional programs can tackle problems if,
and only if, the data is complete and exact. When the data is incomplete or
includes some errors, a conventional program will provide either no solution at
all or an incorrect one. In contrast, expert systems recognise that the available
information may be incomplete or fuzzy, but they can work in such situations
and still arrive at some reasonable conclusion.
Another important feature that distinguishes expert systems from conven-
tional programs is that knowledge is separated from its processing (the
knowledge base and the inference engine are split up). A conventional program
is a mixture of knowledge and the control structure to process this knowledge.
This mixing leads to difficulties in understanding and reviewing the program
code, as any change to the code affects both the knowledge and its processing. In
expert systems, knowledge is clearly separated from the processing mechanism.
This makes expert systems much easier to build and maintain. When an expert
system shell is used, a knowledge engineer or an expert simply enters rules in the
knowledge base. Each new rule adds some new knowledge and makes the expert
system smarter. The system can then be easily modified by changing or
subtracting rules.
The characteristics of expert systems discussed above make them different
from conventional systems and human experts. A comparison is shown in
Table 2.1.
2.6 Forward chaining and backward chaining inference
In a rule-based expert system, the domain knowledge is represented by a set of
IF-THEN production rules and data is represented by a set of facts about
the current situation. The inference engine compares each rule stored in the
Table 2.1 Comparison of expert systems with conventional systems and human experts
Human experts Expert systems Conventional programs
Use knowledge in the
form of rules of thumb or
heuristics to solve
problems in a narrow
Process knowledge
expressed in the form of
rules and use symbolic
reasoning to solve
problems in a narrow
Process data and use
algorithms, a series of
well-defined operations, to
solve general numerical
In a human brain,
knowledge exists in a
compiled form.
Provide a clear separation
of knowledge from its
Do not separate
knowledge from the
control structure to
process this knowledge.
Capable of explaining a
line of reasoning and
providing the details.
Trace the rules fired during
a problem-solving session
and explain how a
particular conclusion was
reached and why specific
data was needed.
Do not explain how a
particular result was
obtained and why input
data was needed.
Use inexact reasoning
and can deal with
incomplete, uncertain and
fuzzy information.
Permit inexact reasoning
and can deal with
incomplete, uncertain and
fuzzy data.
Work only on problems
where data is complete
and exact.
Can make mistakes when
information is incomplete
or fuzzy.
Can make mistakes when
data is incomplete or fuzzy.
Provide no solution at all,
or a wrong one, when data
is incomplete or fuzzy.
Enhance the quality of
problem solving via years
of learning and practical
training. This process is
slow, inefficient and
Enhance the quality of
problem solving by adding
new rules or adjusting old
ones in the knowledge
base. When new knowledge
is acquired, changes are
easy to accomplish.
Enhance the quality of
problem solving by
changing the program
code, which affects both
the knowledge and its
processing, making
changes difficult.
knowledge base with facts contained in the database. When the IF (condition)
part of the rule matches a fact, the rule is fired and its THEN (action) part is
executed. The fired rule may change the set of facts by adding a new fact, as
shown in Figure 2.4. Letters in the database and the knowledge base are used to
represent situations or concepts.
The matching of the rule IF parts to the facts produces inference chains.
The inference chain indicates how an expert system applies the rules to reach
a conclusion. To illustrate chaining inference techniques, consider a simple
Suppose the database initially includes facts A,B,C,Dand E, and the
knowledge base contains only three rules:
Rule 1: IF Yis true
AND Dis true
THEN Zis true
Rule 2: IF Xis true
AND Bis true
AND Eis true
THEN Yis true
Rule 3: IF Ais true
THEN Xis true
The inference chain shown in Figure 2.5 indicates how the expert system
applies the rules to infer fact Z. First Rule 3 is fired to deduce new fact Xfrom
given fact A. Then Rule 2 is executed to infer fact Yfrom initially known facts B
and E, and already known fact X. And finally, Rule 1 applies initially known fact
Dand just-obtained fact Yto arrive at conclusion Z.
An expert system can display its inference chain to explain how a particular
conclusion was reached; this is an essential part of its explanation facilities.
Figure 2.4 The inference engine cycles via a match-fire procedure
The inference engine must decide when the rules have to be fired. There are
two principal ways in which rules are executed. One is called forward chaining
and the other backward chaining (Waterman and Hayes-Roth, 1978).
2.6.1 Forward chaining
The example discussed above uses forward chaining. Now consider this tech-
nique in more detail. Let us first rewrite our rules in the following form:
Rule 1: Y&D!Z
Rule 2: X&B&E!Y
Rule 3: A!X
Arrows here indicate the IF and THEN parts of the rules. Let us also add two more
Rule 4: C!L
Rule 5: L&M!N
Figure 2.6 shows how forward chaining works for this simple set of rules.
Forward chaining is the data-driven reasoning. The reasoning starts from the
known data and proceeds forward with that data. Each time only the topmost
rule is executed. When fired, the rule adds a new fact in the database. Any rule
can be executed only once. The match-fire cycle stops when no further rules can
be fired.
In the first cycle, only two rules, Rule 3: A!Xand Rule 4: C!L, match facts
in the database. Rule 3: A!Xis fired first as the topmost one. The IF part of this
rule matches fact Ain the database, its THEN part is executed and new fact Xis
added to the database. Then Rule 4: C!Lis fired and fact Lis also placed in the
In the second cycle, Rule 2: X&B&E!Yis fired because facts B,Eand Xare
already in the database, and as a consequence fact Yis inferred and put in the
database. This in turn causes Rule 1: Y&D!Zto execute, placing fact Zin
the database (cycle 3). Now the match-fire cycles stop because the IF part of
Rule 5: L&M!Ndoes not match all facts in the database and thus Rule 5
cannot be fired.
Figure 2.5 An example of an inference chain
Forward chaining is a technique for gathering information and then inferring
from it whatever can be inferred. However, in forward chaining, many rules may
be executed that have nothing to do with the established goal. Suppose, in our
example, the goal was to determine fact Z. We had only five rules in the
knowledge base and four of them were fired. But Rule 4: C!L, which is
unrelated to fact Z, was also fired among others. A real rule-based expert system
can have hundreds of rules, many of which might be fired to derive new facts
that are valid, but unfortunately unrelated to the goal. Therefore, if our goal is to
infer only one particular fact, the forward chaining inference technique would
not be efficient.
In such a situation, backward chaining is more appropriate.
2.6.2 Backward chaining
Backward chaining is the goal-driven reasoning. In backward chaining, an
expert system has the goal (a hypothetical solution) and the inference engine
attempts to find the evidence to prove it. First, the knowledge base is searched to
find rules that might have the desired solution. Such rules must have the goal in
their THEN (action) parts. If such a rule is found and its IF (condition) part
matches data in the database, then the rule is fired and the goal is proved.
However, this is rarely the case. Thus the inference engine puts aside the rule it is
working with (the rule is said to stack) and sets up a new goal, a sub-goal, to
prove the IF part of this rule. Then the knowledge base is searched again for rules
that can prove the sub-goal. The inference engine repeats the process of stacking
the rules until no rules are found in the knowledge base to prove the current
Figure 2.6 Forward chaining
Figure 2.7 shows how backward chaining works, using the rules for the
forward chaining example.
In Pass 1, the inference engine attempts to infer fact Z. It searches the
knowledge base to find the rule that has the goal, in our case fact Z, in its THEN
part. The inference engine finds and stacks Rule 1: Y&D!Z. The IF part of
Rule 1 includes facts Yand D, and thus these facts must be established.
In Pass 2, the inference engine sets up the sub-goal, fact Y, and tries to
determine it. First it checks the database, but fact Yis not there. Then the
knowledge base is searched again for the rule with fact Yin its THEN part. The
Figure 2.7 Backward chaining
inference engine locates and stacks Rule 2: X&B&E!Y. The IF part of Rule 2
consists of facts X,Band E, and these facts also have to be established.
In Pass 3, the inference engine sets up a new sub-goal, fact X. It checks the
database for fact X, and when that fails, searches for the rule that infers X.
The inference engine finds and stacks Rule 3: A!X. Now it must determine
fact A.
In Pass 4, the inference engine finds fact Ain the database, Rule 3: A!Xis
fired and new fact Xis inferred.
In Pass 5, the inference engine returns to the sub-goal fact Yand once again
tries to execute Rule 2: X&B&E!Y. Facts X,Band Eare in the database and
thus Rule 2 is fired and a new fact, fact Y, is added to the database.
In Pass 6, the system returns to Rule 1: Y&D!Ztrying to establish the
original goal, fact Z. The IF part of Rule 1 matches all facts in the database, Rule 1
is executed and thus the original goal is finally established.
Let us now compare Figure 2.6 with Figure 2.7. As you can see, four rules were
fired when forward chaining was used, but just three rules when we applied
backward chaining. This simple example shows that the backward chaining
inference technique is more effective when we need to infer one particular fact,
in our case fact Z. In forward chaining, the data is known at the beginning of the
inference process, and the user is never asked to input additional facts. In
backward chaining, the goal is set up and the only data used is the data needed
to support the direct line of reasoning, and the user may be asked to input any
fact that is not in the database.
How do we choose between forward and backward chaining?
The answer is to study how a domain expert solves a problem. If an expert first
needs to gather some information and then tries to infer from it whatever can be
inferred, choose the forward chaining inference engine. However, if your expert
begins with a hypothetical solution and then attempts to find facts to prove it,
choose the backward chaining inference engine.
Forward chaining is a natural way to design expert systems for analysis and
interpretation. For example, DENDRAL, an expert system for determining the
molecular structure of unknown soil based on its mass spectral data (Feigenbaum
et al., 1971), uses forward chaining. Most backward chaining expert systems
are used for diagnostic purposes. For instance, MYCIN, a medical expert system
for diagnosing infectious blood diseases (Shortliffe, 1976), uses backward
Can we combine forward and backward chaining?
Many expert system shells use a combination of forward and backward chaining
inference techniques, so the knowledge engineer does not have to choose
between them. However, the basic inference mechanism is usually backward
chaining. Only when a new fact is established is forward chaining employed to
maximise the use of the new data.
2.7 MEDIA ADVISOR: a demonstration rule-based expert
To illustrate some of the ideas discussed above, we next consider a simple rule-
based expert system. The Leonardo expert system shell was selected as a tool to
build a decision-support system called MEDIA ADVISOR. The system provides
advice on selecting a medium for delivering a training program based on the
trainee’s job. For example, if a trainee is a mechanical technician responsible for
maintaining hydraulic systems, an appropriate medium might be a workshop,
where the trainee could learn how basic hydraulic components operate, how to
troubleshoot hydraulics problems and how to make simple repairs to hydraulic
systems. On the other hand, if a trainee is a clerk assessing insurance applica-
tions, a training program might include lectures on specific problems of the task,
as well as tutorials where the trainee could evaluate real applications. For
complex tasks, where trainees are likely to make mistakes, a training program
should also include feedback on the trainee’s performance.
Knowledge base
/*MEDIA ADVISOR: a demonstration rule-based expert system
Rule: 1
if the environment is papers
or the environment is manuals
or the environment is documents
or the environment is textbooks
then the stimulus_situation is verbal
Rule: 2
if the environment is pictures
or the environment is illustrations
or the environment is photographs
or the environment is diagrams
then the stimulus_situation is visual
Rule: 3
if the environment is machines
or the environment is buildings
or the environment is tools
then the stimulus_situation is ‘physical object’
Rule: 4
if the environment is numbers
or the environment is formulas
or the environment is ‘computer programs’
then the stimulus_situation is symbolic
Rule: 5
if the job is lecturing
or the job is advising
or the job is counselling
then the stimulus_response is oral
Rule: 6
if the job is building
or the job is repairing
or the job is troubleshooting
then the stimulus_response is ‘hands-on’
Rule: 7
if the job is writing
or the job is typing
or the job is drawing
then the stimulus_response is documented
Rule: 8
if the job is evaluating
or the job is reasoning
or the job is investigating
then the stimulus_response is analytical
Rule: 9
if the stimulus_situation is ‘physical object’
and the stimulus_response is ‘hands-on’
and feedback is required
then medium is workshop
Rule: 10
if the stimulus_situation is symbolic
and the stimulus_response is analytical
and feedback is required
then medium is ‘lecture – tutorial’
Rule: 11
if the stimulus_situation is visual
and the stimulus_response is documented
and feedback is not required
then medium is videocassette
Rule: 12
if the stimulus_situation is visual
and the stimulus_response is oral
and feedback is required
then medium is ‘lecture – tutorial’
Rule: 13
if the stimulus_situation is verbal
and the stimulus_response is analytical
and feedback is required
then medium is ‘lecture – tutorial’
Rule: 14
if the stimulus_situation is verbal
and the stimulus_response is oral
and feedback is required
then medium is ‘role-play exercises’
/*The SEEK directive sets up the goal of the rule set
seek medium
MEDIA ADVISOR uses six linguistic objects: environment, stimulus_situation, job,
stimulus_response, feedback and medium. Each object can take one of the allowed
values (for example, object environment can take the value of papers, manuals,
documents, textbooks, pictures, illustrations, photographs, diagrams, machines, build-
ings, tools, numbers, formulas, computer programs). An object and its value
constitute a fact (for instance, the environment is machines, and the job is
repairing). All facts are placed in the database.
Object Allowed values Object Allowed values
environment papers job lecturing
manuals advising
documents counselling
textbooks building
pictures repairing
illustrations troubleshooting
photographs writing
diagrams typing
machines drawing
buildings evaluating
tools reasoning
computer programs stimulus_ response oral
stimulus_situation verbal
physical object feedback required
symbolic not required
The final goal of the rule-based expert system is to produce a solution to the
problem based on input data. In MEDIA ADVISOR, the solution is a medium
selected from the list of four options:
medium is workshop
medium is ‘lecture – tutorial’
medium is videocassette
medium is ‘role-play exercises’
In the dialogue shown below, the expert system asks the user to input the data
needed to solve the problem (the environment, the job and feedback). Based on
the answers supplied by the user (answers are indicated by arrows), the expert
system applies rules from its knowledge base to infer that the stimulus_situation is
physical object, and the stimulus_response is hands-on. Rule 9 then selects one of
the allowed values of medium.
What sort of environment is a trainee dealing with on the job?
Rule: 3
if the environment is machines
or the environment is buildings
or the environment is tools
then the stimulus_situation is ‘physical object’
In what way is a trainee expected to act or respond on the job?
Rule: 6
if the job is building
or the job is repairing
or the job is troubleshooting
then the stimulus_response is ‘hands-on’
Is feedback on the trainee’s progress required during training?
Rule: 9
if the stimulus_situation is ‘physical object’
and the stimulus_response is ‘hands-on’
and feedback is required
then medium is workshop
medium is workshop
Inference techniques
The standard inference technique in Leonardo is backward chaining with
opportunistic forward chaining, which is the most efficient way to deal with
the available information. However, Leonardo also enables the user to turn off
either backward or forward chaining, and thus allows us to study each inference
technique separately.
Forward chaining is data-driven reasoning, so we need first to provide some
data. Assume that
the environment is machines
environment’ instantiated by user input to ‘machines
the job is repairing
job’ instantiated by user input to ‘repairing
feedback is required
feedback’ instantiated by user input to ‘required
The following process will then happen:
Rule: 3 fires stimulus_situation’ instantiated by Rule: 3 to ‘physical object
Rule: 6 fires stimulus_response’ instantiated by Rule: 6 to hands-on
Rule: 9 fires medium’ instantiated by Rule: 9 to ‘workshop
No rules fire stop
Backward chaining is goal-driven reasoning, so we need first to establish a
hypothetical solution (the goal). Let us, for example, set up the following goal:
‘medium’ is ‘workshop’
Pass 1
Trying Rule: 9 Need to find object ‘stimulus_situation
Rule: 9 stacked Object ‘stimulus_situation’ sought as ‘physical
Pass 2
Trying Rule: 3 Need to find object ‘environment
Rule: 3 stacked Object ‘environment’ sought as ‘machines
ask environment
)machines environment’ instantiated by user input to
Trying Rule: 3 stimulus_situation’ instantiated by Rule: 3 to
physical object
Pass 3
Trying Rule: 9 Need to find object ‘stimulus_response
Rule: 9 stacked Object ‘stimulus_response’soughtas‘hands-on
Pass 4
Trying Rule: 6 Need to find object ‘job
Rule: 6 stacked Object ‘job’ sought as ‘building
ask job
)repairing job’ instantiated by user input to ‘repairing’
Trying Rule: 6 stimulus_response’ instantiated by Rule: 6 to
Pass 5
Trying Rule: 9 Need to find object ‘feedback
Rule: 9 stacked Object ‘feedback’ sought as ‘required
ask feedback
)required feedback’ instantiated by user input to ‘required
Trying Rule: 9 medium’ instantiated by Rule: 9 to workshop
medium is workshop
It is useful to have a tree diagram that maps a consultation session with an
expert system. A diagram for MEDIA ADVISOR is shown in Figure 2.8. The root
node is the goal; when the system is started, the inference engine seeks to
determine the goal’s value.
Goal: medium
Rule: 10Rule: 9 Rule: 11 Rule: 12 Rule: 13 Rule: 14
Rule: 2Rule: 1 Rule: 3 Rule: 4 Rule: 5 Rule: 6 Rule: 7 Rule: 8
Figure 2.8 Tree diagram for the rule-based expert system MEDIA ADVISOR
Does MEDIA ADVISOR handle all possible situations?
When we start to use our expert system more often, we might find that the
provided options do not cover all possible situations. For instance, the following
dialogue might occur:
What sort of environment is a trainee dealing with on the job?
In what way is a trainee expected to act or respond on the job?
Is feedback on the trainee’s progress required during training?
I am unable to draw any conclusions on the basis of the data.
Thus, MEDIA ADVISOR in its present state cannot handle this particular
situation. Fortunately, the expert system can easily be expanded to accommo-
date more rules until it finally does what the user wants it to do.
2.8 Conflict resolution
Earlier in this chapter, we considered two simple rules for crossing a road. Let us
now add a third rule. We will get the following set of rules:
Rule 1:
IF the ‘traffic light’ is green
THEN the action is go
Rule 2:
IF the ‘traffic light’ is red
THEN the action is stop
Rule 3:
IF the ‘traffic light’ is red
THEN the action is go
What will happen?
The inference engine compares IF (condition) parts of the rules with data
available in the database, and when conditions are satisfied the rules are set to
fire. The firing of one rule may affect the activation of other rules, and therefore
the inference engine must allow only one rule to fire at a time. In our road
crossing example, we have two rules, Rule 2 and Rule 3, with the same IF part.
Thus both of them can be set to fire when the condition part is satisfied. These
rules represent a conflict set. The inference engine must determine which rule to
fire from such a set. A method for choosing a rule to fire when more than one
rule can be fired in a given cycle is called conflict resolution.
If the traffic light is red, which rule should be executed?
In forward chaining, both rules would be fired. Rule 2 is fired first as the top-
most one, and as a result, its THEN part is executed and linguistic object action
obtains value stop. However, Rule 3 is also fired because the condition part of
this rule matches the fact ‘traffic light’ is red, which is still in the database.
As a consequence, object action takes new value go. This simple example shows
that the rule order is vital when the forward chaining inference technique is used.
How can we resolve a conflict?
The obvious strategy for resolving conflicts is to establish a goal and stop the rule
execution when the goal is reached. In our problem, for example, the goal is to
establish a value for linguistic object action. When the expert system determines
a value for action, it has reached the goal and stops. Thus if the traffic light is
red, Rule 2 is executed, object action attains value stop and the expert system
stops. In the given example, the expert system makes a right decision; however if
we arranged the rules in the reverse order, the conclusion would be wrong. It
means that the rule order in the knowledge base is still very important.
Are there any other conflict resolution methods?
Several methods are in use (Giarratano and Riley, 1998; Shirai and Tsuji, 1982):
.Fire the rule with the highest priority. In simple applications, the priority can
be established by placing the rules in an appropriate order in the knowledge
base. Usually this strategy works well for expert systems with around 100
rules. However, in some applications, the data should be processed in order of
importance. For example, in a medical consultation system (Durkin, 1994),
the following priorities are introduced:
Goal 1. Prescription is? Prescription
RULE 1 Meningitis Prescription1
(Priority 100)
IF Infection is Meningitis
AND The Patient is a Child
THEN Prescription is Number_1
AND Drug Recommendation is Ampicillin
AND Drug Recommendation is Gentamicin
AND Display Meningitis Prescription1
RULE 2 Meningitis Prescription2
(Priority 90)
IF Infection is Meningitis
AND The Patient is an Adult
THEN Prescription is Number_2
AND Drug Recommendation is Penicillin
AND Display Meningitis Prescription2
.Fire the most specific rule. This method is also known as the longest
matching strategy. It is based on the assumption that a specific rule processes
more information than a general one. For example,
Rule 1:
IF the season is autumn
AND the sky is cloudy
AND the forecast is rain
THEN the advice is ‘stay home’
Rule 2:
IF the season is autumn
THEN the advice is ‘take an umbrella’
If the season is autumn, the sky is cloudy and the forecast is rain, then Rule 1
would be fired because its antecedent, the matching part, is more specific than
that of Rule 2. But if it is known only that the season is autumn, then Rule 2
would be executed.
.Fire the rule that uses the data most recently entered in the database. This
method relies on time tags attached to each fact in the database. In the conflict
set, the expert system first fires the rule whose antecedent uses the data most
recently added to the database. For example,
Rule 1:
IF the forecast is rain [08:16 PM 11/25/96]
THEN the advice is ‘take an umbrella’
Rule 2:
IF the weather is wet [10:18 AM 11/26/96]
THEN the advice is ‘stay home’
Assume that the IF parts of both rules match facts in the database. In this
case, Rule 2 would be fired since the fact weather is wet was entered after the
fact forecast is rain. This technique is especially useful for real-time expert
system applications when information in the database is constantly updated.
The conflict resolution methods considered above are simple and easily
implemented. In most cases, these methods provide satisfactory solutions.
However, as a program grows larger and more complex, it becomes increasingly
difficult for the knowledge engineer to manage and oversee rules in the
knowledge base. The expert system itself must take at least some of the burden
and understand its own behaviour.
To improve the performance of an expert system, we should supply the
system with some knowledge about the knowledge it possesses, or in other
words, metaknowledge.
Metaknowledge can be simply defined as knowledge about knowledge.
Metaknowledge is knowledge about the use and control of domain knowledge
in an expert system (Waterman, 1986). In rule-based expert systems, meta-
knowledge is represented by metarules. A metarule determines a strategy for the
use of task-specific rules in the expert system.
What is the origin of metaknowledge?
The knowledge engineer transfers the knowledge of the domain expert to the
expert system, learns how problem-specific rules are used, and gradually creates
in his or her own mind a new body of knowledge, knowledge about the overall
behaviour of the expert system. This new knowledge, or metaknowledge, is
largely domain-independent. For example,
Metarule 1:
Rules supplied by experts have higher priorities than rules supplied by
Metarule 2:
Rules governing the rescue of human lives have higher priorities than rules
concerned with clearing overloads on power system equipment.
Can an expert system understand and use metarules?
Some expert systems provide a separate inference engine for metarules. However,
most expert systems cannot distinguish between rules and metarules. Thus
metarules should be given the highest priority in the existing knowledge base.
When fired, a metarule ‘injects’ some important information into the database
that can change the priorities of some other rules.
2.9 Advantages and disadvantages of rule-based expert
Rule-based expert systems are generally accepted as the best option for building
knowledge-based systems.
Which features make rule-based expert systems particularly attractive for
knowledge engineers?
Among these features are:
.Natural knowledge representation. An expert usually explains the problem-
solving procedure with such expressions as this: ‘In such-and-such situation,
I do so-and-so’. These expressions can be represented quite naturally as
IF-THEN production rules.
.Uniform structure. Production rules have the uniform IF-THEN structure.
Each rule is an independent piece of knowledge. The very syntax of produc-
tion rules enables them to be self-documented.
.Separation of knowledge from its processing. The structure of a rule-based
expert system provides an effective separation of the knowledge base from the
inference engine. This makes it possible to develop different applications
using the same expert system shell. It also allows a graceful and easy
expansion of the expert system. To make the system smarter, a knowledge
engineer simply adds some rules to the knowledge base without intervening
in the control structure.
.Dealing with incomplete and uncertain knowledge. Most rule-based expert
systems are capable of representing and reasoning with incomplete and
uncertain knowledge. For example, the rule
IF season is autumn
AND sky is ‘cloudy’
AND wind is low
THEN forecast is clear { cf 0.1 };
forecast is drizzle { cf 1.0 };
forecast is rain { cf 0.9 }
could be used to express the uncertainty of the following statement, ‘If the
season is autumn and it looks like drizzle, then it will probably be another wet
day today’.
The rule represents the uncertainty by numbers called certainty factors
fcf 0.1g. The expert system uses certainty factors to establish the degree of
confidence or level of belief that the rule’s conclusion is true. This topic will
be considered in detail in Chapter 3.
All these features of the rule-based expert systems make them highly desirable
for knowledge representation in real-world problems.
Are rule-based expert systems problem-free?
There are three main shortcomings:
.Opaque relations between rules. Although the individual production rules
tend to be relatively simple and self-documented, their logical interactions
within the large set of rules may be opaque. Rule-based systems make it
difficult to observe how individual rules serve the overall strategy. This
problem is related to the lack of hierarchical knowledge representation in
the rule-based expert systems.
.Ineffective search strategy. The inference engine applies an exhaustive
search through all the production rules during each cycle. Expert systems
with a large set of rules (over 100 rules) can be slow, and thus large rule-based
systems can be unsuitable for real-time applications.
.Inability to learn. In general, rule-based expert systems do not have an
ability to learn from the experience. Unlike a human expert, who knows
when to ‘break the rules’, an expert system cannot automatically modify its
knowledge base, or adjust existing rules or add new ones. The knowledge
engineer is still responsible for revising and maintaining the system.
2.10 Summary
In this chapter, we presented an overview of rule-based expert systems. We
briefly discussed what knowledge is, and how experts express their knowledge in
the form of production rules. We identified the main players in the expert
system development team and showed the structure of a rule-based system. We
discussed fundamental characteristics of expert systems and noted that expert
systems can make mistakes. Then we reviewed the forward and backward
chaining inference techniques and debated conflict resolution strategies. Finally,
the advantages and disadvantages of rule-based expert systems were examined.
The most important lessons learned in this chapter are:
.Knowledge is a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. Knowledge
is the sum of what is currently known.
.An expert is a person who has deep knowledge in the form of facts and rules
and strong practical experience in a particular domain. An expert can do
things other people cannot.
.The experts can usually express their knowledge in the form of production
.Production rules are represented as IF (antecedent) THEN (consequent)
statements. A production rule is the most popular type of knowledge
representation. Rules can express relations, recommendations, directives,
strategies and heuristics.
.A computer program capable of performing at a human-expert level in a
narrow problem domain area is called an expert system. The most popular
expert systems are rule-based expert systems.
.In developing rule-based expert systems, shells are becoming particularly
common. An expert system shell is a skeleton expert system with the
knowledge removed. To build a new expert system application, all the user
has to do is to add the knowledge in the form of rules and provide relevant
data. Expert system shells offer a dramatic reduction in the development time
of expert systems.
.The expert system development team should include the domain expert, the
knowledge engineer, the programmer, the project manager and the end-user.
The knowledge engineer designs, builds and tests an expert system. He or she
captures the knowledge from the domain expert, establishes reasoning
methods and chooses the development software. For small expert systems
based on expert system shells, the project manager, knowledge engineer,
programmer and even the expert could be the same person.
.A rule-based expert system has five basic components: the knowledge base,
the database, the inference engine, the explanation facilities and the user
interface. The knowledge base contains the domain knowledge represented as
a set of rules. The database includes a set of facts used to match against the IF
parts of rules. The inference engine links the rules with the facts and carries
out the reasoning whereby the expert system reaches a solution. The
explanation facilities enable the user to query the expert system about how
a particular conclusion is reached and why a specific fact is needed. The user
interface is the means of communication between a user and an expert
.Expert systems separate knowledge from its processing by splitting up the
knowledge base and the inference engine. This makes the task of building and
maintaining an expert system much easier. When an expert system shell is
used, a knowledge engineer or an expert simply enter rules in the knowledge
base. Each new rule adds some new knowledge and makes the expert system
.Expert systems provide a limited explanation capability by tracing the rules
fired during a problem-solving session.
.Unlike conventional programs, expert systems can deal with incomplete and
uncertain data and permit inexact reasoning. However, like their human
counterparts, expert systems can make mistakes when information is incom-
plete or fuzzy.
.There are two principal methods to direct search and reasoning: forward
chaining and backward chaining inference techniques. Forward chaining is
data-driven reasoning; it starts from the known data and proceeds forward
until no further rules can be fired. Backward chaining is goal-driven reason-
ing; an expert system has a hypothetical solution (the goal), and the inference
engine attempts to find the evidence to prove it.
.If more than one rule can be fired in a given cycle, the inference engine
must decide which rule to fire. A method for deciding is called conflict
.Rule-based expert systems have the advantages of natural knowledge repres-
entation, uniform structure, separation of knowledge from its processing, and
coping with incomplete and uncertain knowledge.
.Rule-based expert systems also have disadvantages, especially opaque rela-
tions between rules, ineffective search strategy, and inability to learn.
Questions for review
1 What is knowledge? Explain why experts usually have detailed knowledge of a limited
area of a specific domain. What do we mean by heuristic?
2 What is a production rule? Give an example and define two basic parts of the
production rule.
3 List and describe the five major players in the expert system development team. What
is the role of the knowledge engineer?
4 What is an expert system shell? Explain why the use of an expert system shell can
dramatically reduce the development time of an expert system.
5 What is a production system model? List and define the five basic components of an
expert system.
6 What are the fundamental characteristics of an expert system? What are the
differences between expert systems and conventional programs?
7 Can an expert system make mistakes? Why?
8 Describe the forward chaining inference process. Give an example.
9 Describe the backward chaining inference process. Give an example.
10 List problems for which the forward chaining inference technique is appropriate. Why is
backward chaining used for diagnostic problems?
11 What is a conflict set of rules? How can we resolve a conflict? List and describe the
basic conflict resolution methods.
12 List advantages of rule-based expert systems. What are their disadvantages?
Duda, R., Gaschnig, J. and Hart, P. (1979). Model design in the PROSPECTOR
consultant system for mineral exploration, Expert Systems in the Microelectronic
Age, D. Michie, ed., Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 153–167.
Durkin, J. (1994). Expert Systems Design and Development. Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ.
Feigenbaum, E.A., Buchanan, B.G. and Lederberg, J. (1971). On generality and
problem solving: a case study using the DENDRAL program, Machine Intelligence
6, B. Meltzer and D. Michie, eds, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, Scotland,
pp. 165–190.
Giarratano, J. and Riley, G. (1998). Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, 3rd edn.
PWS Publishing Company, Boston.
Negnevitsky, M. (1996). Crisis management in power systems: a knowledge based
approach, Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering XI, R.A. Adey,
G. Rzevski and A.K. Sunol, eds, Computational Mechanics Publications, South-
ampton, UK, pp. 122–141.
Newell, A. and Simon, H.A. (1972). Human Problem Solving. Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ.
Shirai, Y. and Tsuji, J. (1982). Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Technologies and Applica-
tions. John Wiley, New York.
Shortliffe, E.H. (1976). MYCIN: Computer-Based Medical Consultations. Elsevier Press,
New York.
Waterman, D.A. (1986). A Guide to Expert Systems. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
Waterman, D.A. and Hayes-Roth, F. (1978). An overview of pattern-directed inference
systems, Pattern-Directed Inference Systems, D.A. Waterman and F. Hayes-Roth, eds,
Academic Press, New York.
3Uncertainty management in
rule-based expert systems
In which we present the main uncertainty management paradigms,
Bayesian reasoning and certainty factors, discuss their relative
merits and consider examples to illustrate the theory.
3.1 Introduction, or what is uncertainty?
One of the common characteristics of the information available to human
experts is its imperfection. Information can be incomplete, inconsistent, un-
certain, or all three. In other words, information is often unsuitable for solving a
problem. However, an expert can cope with these defects and can usually make
correct judgements and right decisions. Expert systems also have to be able to
handle uncertainty and draw valid conclusions.
What is uncertainty in expert systems?
Uncertainty can be defined as the lack of the exact knowledge that would enable
us to reach a perfectly reliable conclusion (Stephanou and Sage, 1987). Classical
logic permits only exact reasoning. It assumes that perfect knowledge always
exists and the law of the excluded middle can always be applied:
IF Ais true
THEN Ais not false
IF Bis false
THEN Bis not true
Unfortunately most real-world problems where expert systems could be used
do not provide us with such clear-cut knowledge. The available information
often contains inexact, incomplete or even unmeasurable data.
What are the sources of uncertain knowledge in expert systems?
In general, we can identify four main sources: weak implications, imprecise
language, unknown data, and the difficulty of combining the views of different
experts (Bonissone and Tong, 1985). Let us consider these sources in more
.Weak implications. Rule-based expert systems often suffer from weak
implications and vague associations. Domain experts and knowledge engi-
neers have the painful, and rather hopeless, task of establishing concrete
correlations between IF (condition) and THEN (action) parts of the rules.
Therefore, expert systems need to have the ability to handle vague associa-
tions, for example by accepting the degree of correlations as numerical
certainty factors.
.Imprecise language. Our natural language is inherently ambiguous and
imprecise. We describe facts with such terms as often and sometimes,
frequently and hardly ever. As a result, it can be difficult to express
knowledge in the precise IF-THEN form of production rules. However, if the
meaning of the facts is quantified, it can be used in expert systems. In 1944,
Ray Simpson asked 355 high school and college students to place 20 terms
like often on a scale between 1 and 100 (Simpson, 1944). In 1968, Milton
Hakel repeated this experiment (Hakel, 1968). Their results are presented in
Table 3.1.
Quantifying the meaning of the terms enables an expert system to
establish an appropriate matching of the IF (condition) part of the rules with
facts available in the database.
.Unknown data. When the data is incomplete or missing, the only solution is
to accept the value ‘unknown’ and proceed to an approximate reasoning with
this value.
.Combining the views of different experts. Large expert systems usually
combine the knowledge and expertise of a number of experts. For example,
nine experts participated in the development of PROSPECTOR, an expert
system for mineral exploration (Duda et al., 1979). Unfortunately, experts
seldom reach exactly the same conclusions. Usually, experts have contra-
dictory opinions and produce conflicting rules. To resolve the conflict, the
knowledge engineer has to attach a weight to each expert and then calculate
the composite conclusion. However, even a domain expert generally does not
have the same uniform level of expertise throughout a domain. In addition,
no systematic method exists to obtain weights.
In summary, an expert system should be able to manage uncertainties because
any real-world domain contains inexact knowledge and needs to cope with
incomplete, inconsistent or even missing data. A number of numeric and non-
numeric methods have been developed to deal with uncertainty in rule-based
expert systems (Bhatnagar and Kanal, 1986). In this chapter, we consider the
most popular uncertainty management paradigms: Bayesian reasoning and
certainty factors. However, we first look at the basic principles of classical
probability theory.
3.2 Basic probability theory
The basic concept of probability plays a significant role in our everyday life. We
try to determine the probability of rain and the prospects of our promotion,
the odds that the Australian cricket team will win the next test match, and the
likelihood of winning a million dollars in Tattslotto.
The concept of probability has a long history that goes back thousands of
years when words like ‘probably’, ‘likely’, ‘maybe’, ‘perhaps’ and ‘possibly’ were
introduced into spoken languages (Good, 1959). However, the mathematical
theory of probability was formulated only in the 17th century.
How can we define probability?
The probability of an event is the proportion of cases in which the event occurs
(Good, 1959). Probability can also be defined as a scientific measure of chance.
Detailed analysis of modern probability theory can be found in such well-known
textbooks as Feller (1957) and Fine (1973). In this chapter, we examine only the
basic ideas used in representing uncertainties in expert systems.
Probability can be expressed mathematically as a numerical index with a
range between zero (an absolute impossibility) to unity (an absolute certainty).
Most events have a probability index strictly between 0 and 1, which means that
Table 3.1 Quantification of ambiguous and imprecise terms on a time-frequency scale
Ray Simpson (1944) Milton Hakel (1968)
Term Mean value Term Mean value
Always 99 Always 100
Very often 88 Very often 87
Usually 85 Usually 79
Often 78 Often 74
Generally 78 Rather often 74
Frequently 73 Frequently 72
Rather often 65 Generally 72
About as often as not 50 About as often as not 50
Now and then 20 Now and then 34
Sometimes 20 Sometimes 29
Occasionally 20 Occasionally 28
Once in a while 15 Once in a while 22
Not often 13 Not often 16
Usually not 10 Usually not 16
Seldom 10 Seldom 9
Hardly ever 7 Hardly ever 8
Very seldom 6 Very seldom 7
Rarely 5 Rarely 5
Almost never 3 Almost never 2
Never 0 Never 0
each event has at least two possible outcomes: favourable outcome or success,
and unfavourable outcome or failure.
The probability of success and failure can be determined as follows:
PðsuccessÞ¼ the number of successes
the number of possible outcomes ð3:1Þ
PðfailureÞ¼ the number of failures
the number of possible outcomes ð3:2Þ
Therefore, if sis the number of times success can occur, and fis the number of
times failure can occur, then
Let us consider classical examples with a coin and a die. If we throw a coin,
the probability of getting a head will be equal to the probability of getting a tail.
In a single throw, s¼f¼1, and therefore the probability of getting a head (or a
tail) is 0.5.
Consider now a dice and determine the probability of getting a 6 from a single
throw. If we assume a 6 as the only success, then s¼1 and f¼5, since there is
just one way of getting a 6, and there are five ways of not getting a 6 in a single
throw. Therefore, the probability of getting a 6 is
and the probability of not getting a 6 is
So far, we have been concerned with events that are independent and
mutually exclusive (i.e. events that cannot happen simultaneously). In the dice
experiment, the two events of obtaining a 6 and, for example, a 1 are mutually
exclusive because we cannot obtain a 6 and a 1 simultaneously in a single throw.
However, events that are not independent may affect the likelihood of one or
the other occurring. Consider, for instance, the probability of getting a 6 in a
single throw, knowing this time that a 1 has not come up. There are still five
ways of not getting a 6, but one of them can be eliminated as we know that a 1
has not been obtained. Thus,
Let Abe an event in the world and Bbe another event. Suppose that events A
and Bare not mutually exclusive, but occur conditionally on the occurrence of
the other. The probability that event Awill occur if event Boccurs is called the
conditional probability. Conditional probability is denoted mathematically as
pðAjBÞin which the vertical bar represents GIVEN and the complete probability
expression is interpreted as ‘Conditional probability of event Aoccurring given
that event Bhas occurred’.
pðAjBÞ¼the number of times Aand Bcan occur
the number of times Bcan occur ð3:6Þ
The number of times Aand Bcan occur, or the probability that both Aand B
will occur, is called the joint probability of Aand B. It is represented
mathematically as pðA\BÞ. The number of ways Bcan occur is the probability
of B,pðBÞ, and thus
Similarly, the conditional probability of event Boccurring given that event A
has occurred equals
The joint probability is commutative, thus
Substituting Eq. (3.10) into Eq. (3.7) yields the following equation:
pðAjBÞis the conditional probability that event Aoccurs given that event
Bhas occurred;
pðBjAÞis the conditional probability of event Boccurring given that event A
has occurred;
pðAÞis the probability of event Aoccurring;
pðBÞis the probability of event Boccurring.
Equation (3.11) is known as the Bayesian rule, which is named after Thomas
Bayes, an 18th-century British mathematician who introduced this rule.
The concept of conditional probability introduced so far considered that
event Awas dependent upon event B. This principle can be extended to event A
being dependent on a number of mutually exclusive events B1;B2;...;Bn. The
following set of equations can then be derived from Eq. (3.7):
or when combined:
If Eq. (3.12) is summed over an exhaustive list of events for Bias illustrated in
Figure 3.1, we obtain
It reduces Eq. (3.12) to the following conditional probability equation:
If the occurrence of event Adepends on only two mutually exclusive events,
i.e. Band NOT B, then Eq. (3.14) becomes
where :is the logical function NOT.
Let us now substitute Eq. (3.16) into the Bayesian rule (3.11) to yield
pðAjBÞ¼ pðBjAÞpðAÞ
Equation (3.17) provides the background for the application of probability
theory to manage uncertainty in expert systems.
3.3 Bayesian reasoning
With Eq. (3.17) we can now leave basic probability theory and turn our attention
back to expert systems. Suppose all rules in the knowledge base are represented
in the following form:
IF Eis true
THEN His true {with probability p}
This rule implies that if event Eoccurs, then the probability that event Hwill
occur is p.
What if event Ehas occurred but we do not know whether event Hhas
occurred? Can we compute the probability that event Hhas occurred as
Equation (3.17) tells us how to do this. We simply use Hand Einstead of Aand B.
In expert systems, Husually represents a hypothesis and Edenotes evidence to
Figure 3.1 The joint probability
support this hypothesis. Thus, Eq. (3.17) expressed in terms of hypotheses and
evidence looks like this (Firebaugh, 1989):
pðHjEÞ¼ pðEjHÞpðHÞ
pðHÞis the prior probability of hypothesis Hbeing true;
pðEjHÞis the probability that hypothesis Hbeing true will result in evidence E;
pð:HÞis the prior probability of hypothesis Hbeing false;
pðEj:HÞis the probability of finding evidence Eeven when hypothesis His
Equation (3.18) suggests that the probability of hypothesis H,pðHÞ, has to be
defined before any evidence is examined. In expert systems, the probabilities
required to solve a problem are provided by experts. An expert determines the
prior probabilities for possible hypotheses pðHÞand pð:HÞ, and also the con-
ditional probabilities for observing evidence Eif hypothesis His true, pðEjHÞ, and
if hypothesis His false, pðEj:HÞ. Users provide information about the evidence
observed and the expert system computes pðHjEÞfor hypothesis Hin light of the
user-supplied evidence E. Probability pðHjEÞis called the posterior probability
of hypothesis Hupon observing evidence E.
What if the expert, based on single evidence E, cannot choose a single
hypothesis but rather provides multiple hypotheses H1,H2, ..., Hm?Or
given multiple evidences E1,E2, ..., En, the expert also produces
multiple hypotheses?
We can generalise Eq. (3.18) to take into account both multiple hypotheses
H1;H2;...;Hmand multiple evidences E1;E2;...;En. But the hypotheses as well as
the evidences must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
Single evidence Eand multiple hypotheses H1;H2;...;Hmfollow:
pðHijEÞ¼ pðEjHiÞpðHiÞ
Multiple evidences E1;E2;...;Enand multiple hypotheses H1;H2;...;Hm
pðHijE1E2...EnÞ¼ pðE1E2...EnjHiÞpðHiÞ
An application of Eq. (3.20) requires us to obtain the conditional probabilities
of all possible combinations of evidences for all hypotheses. This requirement
places an enormous burden on the expert and makes his or her task practically
impossible. Therefore, in expert systems, subtleties of evidence should be
suppressed and conditional independence among different evidences assumed
(Ng and Abramson, 1990). Thus, instead of unworkable Eq. (3.20), we attain:
pðHijE1E2...EnÞ¼ pðE1jHiÞpðE2jHiÞ...pðEnjHiÞpðHiÞ
How does an expert system compute all posterior probabilities and finally
rank potentially true hypotheses?
Let us consider a simple example. Suppose an expert, given three conditionally
independent evidences E1,E2and E3, creates three mutually exclusive and
exhaustive hypotheses H1,H2and H3, and provides prior probabilities for these
hypotheses – pðH1Þ,pðH2Þand pðH3Þ, respectively. The expert also determines the
conditional probabilities of observing each evidence for all possible hypotheses.
Table 3.2 illustrates the prior and conditional probabilities provided by the expert.
Assume that we first observe evidence E3. The expert system computes the
posterior probabilities for all hypotheses according to Eq. (3.19):
pðHijE3Þ¼ pðE3jHiÞpðHiÞ
pðH1jE3Þ¼ 0:60:40
0:60:40 þ0:70:35 þ0:90:25 ¼0:34
pðH2jE3Þ¼ 0:70:35
0:60:40 þ0:70:35 þ0:90:25 ¼0:34
pðH3jE3Þ¼ 0:90:25
0:60:40 þ0:70:35 þ0:90:25 ¼0:32
Table 3.2 The prior and conditional probabilities
Probability i¼1i¼2i¼3
pðHiÞ0.40 0.35 0.25
pðE1jHiÞ0.3 0.8 0.5
pðE2jHiÞ0.9 0.0 0.7
pðE3jHiÞ0.6 0.7 0.9
As you can see, after evidence E3is observed, belief in hypothesis H1decreases
and becomes equal to belief in hypothesis H2. Belief in hypothesis H3increases
and even nearly reaches beliefs in hypotheses H1and H2.
Suppose now that we observe evidence E1. The posterior probabilities are
calculated by Eq. (3.21):
pðHijE1E3Þ¼ pðE1jHiÞpðE3jHiÞpðHiÞ
pðH1jE1E3Þ¼ 0:30:60:40
0:30:60:40 þ0:80:70:35 þ0:50:90:25 ¼0:19
pðH2jE1E3Þ¼ 0:80:70:35
0:30:60:40 þ0:80:70:35 þ0:50:90:25 ¼0:52
pðH3jE1E3Þ¼ 0:50:90:25
0:30:60:40 þ0:80:70:35 þ0:50:90:25 ¼0:29
Hypothesis H2is now considered as the most likely one, while belief in
hypothesis H1has decreased dramatically.
After observing evidence E2as well, the expert system calculates the final
posterior probabilities for all hypotheses:
pðHijE1E2E3Þ¼ pðE1jHiÞpðE2jHiÞpðE3jHiÞpðHiÞ
pðH1jE1E2E3Þ¼ 0:30:90:60:40
pðH2jE1E2E3Þ¼ 0:80:00:70:35
pðH3jE1E2E3Þ¼ 0:50:70:90:25
Although the initial ranking provided by the expert was H1,H2and H3, only
hypotheses H1and H3remain under consideration after all evidences (E1,E2and
E3) were observed. Hypothesis H2can now be completely abandoned. Note that
hypothesis H3is considered more likely than hypothesis H1.
PROSPECTOR, an expert system for mineral exploration, was the first system
to use Bayesian rules of evidence to compute pðHjEÞand propagate uncertainties
throughout the system (Duda et al., 1979). To help interpret Bayesian reasoning
in expert systems, consider a simple example.
3.4 FORECAST: Bayesian accumulation of evidence
Let us develop an expert system for a real problem such as the weather forecast.
Our expert system will be required to work out if it is going to rain tomorrow. It
will need some real data, which can be obtained from the weather bureau.
Table 3.3 summarises London weather for March 1982. It gives the minimum
and maximum temperatures, rainfall and sunshine for each day. If rainfall is zero
it is a dry day.
The expert system should give us two possible outcomes tomorrow is rain and
tomorrow is dry – and provide their likelihood. In other words, the expert system
must determine the conditional probabilities of the two hypotheses tomorrow is
rain and tomorrow is dry.
To apply the Bayesian rule (3.18), we should provide the prior probabilities of
these hypotheses.
The first thing to do is to write two basic rules that, with the data provided,
could predict the weather for tomorrow.
Rule: 1
IF today is rain
THEN tomorrow is rain
Rule: 2
IF today is dry
THEN tomorrow is dry
Using these rules we will make only ten mistakes – every time a wet day
precedes a dry one, or a dry day precedes a wet one. Thus, we can accept the prior
probabilities of 0.5 for both hypotheses and rewrite our rules in the following
Rule: 1
IF today is rain {LS 2.5 LN .6}
THEN tomorrow is rain {prior .5}
Rule: 2
IF today is dry {LS 1.6 LN .4}
THEN tomorrow is dry {prior .5}
The value of LS represents a measure of the expert belief in hypothesis Hif
evidence Eis present. It is called likelihood of sufficiency. The likelihood of
sufficiency is defined as the ratio of pðEjHÞover pðEj:HÞ
LS ¼pðEjHÞ
In our case, LS is the probability of getting rain today if we have rain tomorrow,
divided by the probability of getting rain today if there is no rain tomorrow:
LS ¼pðtoday is rain jtomorrow is rainÞ
pðtoday is rain jtomorrow is dryÞ
Table 3.3 London weather summary for March 1982
Day of
Min. temp.
Max. temp.
1 9.4 11.0 17.5 3.2 Rain
2 4.2 12.5 4.1 6.2 Rain Rain
3 7.6 11.2 7.7 1.1 Rain Rain
4 5.7 10.5 0.0 4.3 Dry Rain*
5 3.0 12.0 0.0 9.5 Dry Dry
6 4.4 9.6 0.0 3.5 Dry Dry
7 4.8 9.4 4.6 10.1 Rain Rain
8 1.8 9.2 5.5 7.8 Rain Rain
9 2.4 10.2 4.8 4.1 Rain Rain
10 5.5 12.7 4.2 3.8 Rain Rain
11 3.7 10.9 4.4 9.2 Rain Rain
12 5.9 10.0 4.8 7.1 Rain Rain
13 3.0 11.9 0.0 8.3 Dry Rain*
14 5.4 12.1 4.8 1.8 Rain Dry*
15 8.8 9.1 8.8 0.0 Rain Rain
16 2.4 8.4 3.0 3.1 Rain Rain
17 4.3 10.8 0.0 4.3 Dry Dry
18 3.4 11.1 4.2 6.6 Rain Rain
19 4.4 8.4 5.4 0.7 Rain Rain
20 5.1 7.9 3.0 0.1 Rain Rain
21 4.4 7.3 0.0 0.0 Dry Dry
22 5.6 14.0 0.0 6.8 Dry Dry
23 5.7 14.0 0.0 8.8 Dry Dry
24 2.9 13.9 0.0 9.5 Dry Dry
25 5.8 16.4 0.0 10.3 Dry Dry
26 3.9 17.0 0.0 9.9 Dry Dry
27 3.8 18.3 0.0 8.3 Dry Dry
28 5.8 15.4 3.2 7.0 Rain Dry*
29 6.7 8.8 0.0 4.2 Dry Dry
30 4.5 9.6 4.8 8.8 Rain Rain
31 4.6 9.6 3.2 4.2 Rain Rain
*errors in weather forecast
LN, as you may already have guessed, is a measure of discredit to hypothesis H
if evidence Eis missing. LN is called likelihood of necessity and defined as:
LN ¼pð:EjHÞ
In our weather example, LN is the probability of not getting rain today if we
have rain tomorrow, divided by the probability of not getting rain today if there
is no rain tomorrow:
LN ¼pðtoday is dry jtomorrow is rainÞ
pðtoday is dry jtomorrow is dryÞ
Note that LN cannot be derived from LS. The domain expert must provide
both values independently.
How does the domain expert determine values of the likelihood of
sufficiency and the likelihood of necessity? Is the expert required to deal
with conditional probabilities?
To provide values for LS and LN, an expert does not need to determine exact
values of conditional probabilities. The expert decides likelihood ratios directly.
High values of LS ðLS >> 1Þindicate that the rule strongly supports the
hypothesis if the evidence is observed, and low values of LN ð0<LN <1Þsuggest
that the rule also strongly opposes the hypothesis if the evidence is missing.
Since the conditional probabilities can be easily computed from the likelihood
ratios LS and LN, this approach can use the Bayesian rule to propagate evidence.
Go back now to the London weather. Rule 1 tells us that if it is raining today,
there is a high probability of rain tomorrow ðLS ¼2:5Þ. But even if there is no
rain today, or in other words today is dry, there is still some chance of having
rain tomorrow ðLN ¼0:6Þ.
Rule 2, on the other hand, clarifies the situation with a dry day. If it is dry
today, then the probability of a dry day tomorrow is also high ðLS ¼1:6Þ.
However, as you can see, the probability of rain tomorrow if it is raining today
is higher than the probability of a dry day tomorrow if it is dry today. Why? The
values of LS and LN are usually determined by the domain expert. In our weather
example, these values can also be confirmed from the statistical information
published by the weather bureau. Rule 2 also determines the chance of a dry day
tomorrow even if today we have rain ðLN ¼0:4Þ.
How does the expert system get the overall probability of a dry or wet
day tomorrow?
In the rule-based expert system, the prior probability of the consequent, pðHÞ,is
converted into the prior odds:
OðHÞ¼ pðHÞ
The prior probability is only used when the uncertainty of the consequent is
adjusted for the first time. Then in order to obtain the posterior odds, the prior
odds are updated by LS if the antecedent of the rule (in other words evidence) is
true and by LN if the antecedent is false:
OðHjEÞ¼LS OðHÞð3:25Þ
OðHj:EÞ¼LN OðHÞð3:26Þ
The posterior odds are then used to recover the posterior probabilities:
pðHjEÞ¼ OðHjEÞ
pðHj:EÞ¼ OðHj:EÞ
Our London weather example shows how this scheme works. Suppose the
user indicates that today is rain. Rule 1 is fired and the prior probability of
tomorrow is rain is converted into the prior odds:
Oðtomorrow is rainÞ¼ 0:5
The evidence today is rain increases the odds by a factor of 2.5, thereby raising the
probability from 0.5 to 0.71:
Oðtomorrow is rain jtoday is rainÞ¼2:51:0¼2:5
pðtomorrow is rain jtoday is rainÞ¼ 2:5
Rule 2 is also fired. The prior probability of tomorrow is dry is converted into
the prior odds, but the evidence today is rain reduces the odds by a factor of 0.4.
This, in turn, diminishes the probability of tomorrow is dry from 0.5 to 0.29:
Oðtomorrow is dryÞ¼ 0:5
Oðtomorrow is dry jtoday is rainÞ¼0:41:0¼0:4
pðtomorrow is dry jtoday is rainÞ¼ 0:4
Hence if it is raining today there is a 71 per cent chance of it raining and a
29 per cent chance of it being dry tomorrow.
Further suppose that the user input is today is dry. By a similar calculation
there is a 62 per cent chance of it being dry and a 38 per cent chance of it raining
Now we have examined the basic principles of Bayesian rules of evidence, we
can incorporate some new knowledge in our expert system. To do this, we need
to determine conditions when the weather actually did change. Analysis of the
data provided in Table 3.3 allows us to develop the following knowledge base
(the Leonardo expert system shell is used here).
Knowledge base
control bayes
Rule: 1
if today is rain {LS 2.5 LN .6}
then tomorrow is rain {prior .5}
Rule: 2
if today is dry {LS 1.6 LN .4}
then tomorrow is dry {prior .5}
Rule: 3
if today is rain
and rainfall is low {LS 10 LN 1}
then tomorrow is dry {prior .5}
Rule: 4
if today is rain
and rainfall is low
and temperature is cold {LS 1.5 LN 1}
then tomorrow is dry {prior .5}
Rule: 5
if today is dry
and temperature is warm {LS 2 LN .9}
then tomorrow is rain {prior .5}
Rule: 6
if today is dry
and temperature is warm
and sky is overcast {LS 5 LN 1}
then tomorrow is rain {prior .5}
/*The SEEK directive sets up the goal of the rule set
seek tomorrow
Based on the information provided by the user, the expert system determines
whether we can expect a dry day tomorrow. The user’s answers are indicated by
arrows. We assume that rainfall is low if it is less than 4.1 mm, the temperature is
cold if the average daily temperature is lower than or equal to 7.08C, and warm if
it is higher than 7.08C. Finally, sunshine less than 4.6 hours a day stands for
What is the weather today?
Rule: 1
if today is rain {LS 2.5 LN .6}
then tomorrow is rain {prior .5}
Oðtomorrow is rainÞ¼ 0:5
Oðtomorrow is rain jtoday is rainÞ¼2:51:0¼2:5
pðtomorrow is rain jtoday is rainÞ¼ 2:5
tomorrow is rain {0.71}
Rule: 2
if today is dry {LS 1.6 LN .4}
then tomorrow is dry {prior .5}
Oðtomorrow is dryÞ¼ 0:5
Oðtomorrow is dry jtoday is rainÞ¼0:41:0¼0:4
pðtomorrow is dry jtoday is rainÞ¼ 0:4
tomorrow is rain {0.71}
dry {0.29}
What is the rainfall today?
Rule: 3
if today is rain
and rainfall is low {LS 10 LN 1}
then tomorrow is dry {prior .5}
Oðtomorrow is dryÞ¼ 0:29
10:29 ¼0:41
Oðtomorrow is dry jtoday is rain \rainfall is lowÞ¼10 0:41 ¼4:1
pðtomorrow is dry jtoday is rain \rainfall is lowÞ¼ 4:1
tomorrow is dry {0.80}
rain {0.71}
What is the temperature today?
Rule: 4
if today is rain
and rainfall is low
and temperature is cold {LS 1.5 LN 1}
then tomorrow is dry {prior .5}
Oðtomorrow is dryÞ¼ 0:80
10:80 ¼4
Oðtomorrow is dry jtoday is rain \rainfall is low \temperature is coldÞ
¼1:50 4¼6
pðtomorrow is dry jtoday is rain \rainfall is low \temperature is coldÞ
tomorrow is dry {0.86}
rain {0.71}
Rule: 5
if today is dry
and temperature is warm {LS 2 LN .9}
then tomorrow is rain {prior .5}
Oðtomorrow is rainÞ¼ 0:71
10:71 ¼2:45
Oðtomorrow is rain jtoday is not dry \temperature is not warmÞ¼0:92:45 ¼2:21
pðtomorrow is rain jtoday is not dry \temperature is not warmÞ¼ 2:21
1þ2:21 ¼0:69
tomorrow is dry {0.86}
rain {0.69}
What is the cloud cover today?
Rule: 6
if today is dry
and temperature is warm
and sky is overcast {LS 5 LN 1}
then tomorrow is rain {prior .5}
Oðtomorrow is rainÞ¼ 0:69
10:69 ¼2:23
Oðtomorrow is rain jtoday is not dry \temperature is not warm \sky is overcastÞ
¼1:02:23 ¼2:23
pðtomorrow is rain jtoday is not dry \temperature is not warm \sky is overcastÞ
1þ2:23 ¼0:69
tomorrow is dry {0.86}
rain {0.69}
This means that we have two potentially true hypotheses, tomorrow is dry and
tomorrow is rain, but the likelihood of the first one is higher.
From Table 3.3 you can see that our expert system made only four mistakes.
This is an 86 per cent success rate, which compares well with the results provided
in Naylor (1987) for the same case of the London weather.
3.5 Bias of the Bayesian method
The framework for Bayesian reasoning requires probability values as primary
inputs. The assessment of these values usually involves human judgement.
However, psychological research shows that humans either cannot elicit prob-
ability values consistent with the Bayesian rules or do it badly (Burns and Pearl,
1981; Tversky and Kahneman, 1982). This suggests that the conditional prob-
abilities may be inconsistent with the prior probabilities given by the expert.
Consider, for example, a car that does not start and makes odd noises when you
press the starter. The conditional probability of the starter being faulty if the car
makes odd noises may be expressed as:
IF the symptom is ‘odd noises’
THEN the starter is bad {with probability 0.7}
Apparently the conditional probability that the starter is not bad if the car
makes odd noises is:
pðstarter is not bad jodd noisesÞ¼pðstarter is good jodd noisesÞ¼10:7¼0:3
Therefore, we can obtain a companion rule that states
IF the symptom is ‘odd noises’
THEN the starter is good {with probability 0.3}
Domain experts do not deal easily with conditional probabilities and quite
often deny the very existence of the hidden implicit probability (0.3 in our
In our case, we would use available statistical information and empirical
studies to derive the following two rules:
IF the starter is bad
THEN the symptom is ‘odd noises’ {with probability 0.85}
IF the starter is bad
THEN the symptom is not ‘odd noises’ {with probability 0.15}
To use the Bayesian rule, we still need the prior probability, the probability
that the starter is bad if the car does not start. Here we need an expert judgement.
Suppose, the expert supplies us the value of 5 per cent. Now we can apply the
Bayesian rule (3.18) to obtain
pðstarter is bad jodd noisesÞ¼ 0:85 0:05
0:85 0:05 þ0:15 0:95 ¼0:23
The number obtained is significantly lower than the expert’s estimate of 0.7
given at the beginning of this section.
Why this inconsistency? Did the expert make a mistake?
The most obvious reason for the inconsistency is that the expert made different
assumptions when assessing the conditional and prior probabilities. We may
attempt to investigate it by working backwards from the posterior probability
pðstarter is bad jodd noisesÞto the prior probability pðstarter is badÞ. In our case,
we can assume that
pðstarter is goodÞ¼1pðstarter is badÞ
From Eq. (3.18) we obtain:
pðHÞ¼ pðHjEÞpðEj:HÞ
pðHÞ¼pðstarter is badÞ;
pðHjEÞ¼pðstarter is bad jodd noisesÞ;
pðEjHÞ¼pðodd noises jstarter is badÞ;
pðEj:HÞ¼pðodd noises jstarter is goodÞ.
If we now take the value of 0.7, pðstarter is badjodd noisesÞ, provided by the
expert as the correct one, the prior probability pðstarter is badÞwould have
to be:
pðHÞ¼ 0:70:15
0:70:15 þ0:85 ð10:7Þ¼0:29
This value is almost six times larger than the figure of 5 per cent provided by
the expert. Thus the expert indeed uses quite different estimates of the prior and
conditional probabilities.
In fact, the prior probabilities also provided by the expert are likely to be
inconsistent with the likelihood of sufficiency, LS, and the likelihood of
necessity, LN. Several methods are proposed to handle this problem (Duda
et al., 1976). The most popular technique, first applied in PROSPECTOR, is the
use of a piecewise linear interpolation model (Duda et al., 1979).
However, to use the subjective Bayesian approach, we must satisfy many
assumptions, including the conditional independence of evidence under both a
hypothesis and its negation. As these assumptions are rarely satisfied in real
world problems, only a few systems have been built based on Bayesian reason-
ing. The best known one is PROSPECTOR, an expert system for mineral
exploration (Duda et al., 1979).
3.6 Certainty factors theory and evidential reasoning
Certainty factors theory is a popular alternative to Bayesian reasoning. The basic
principles of this theory were first introduced in MYCIN, an expert system for the
diagnosis and therapy of blood infections and meningitis (Shortliffe and
Buchanan, 1975). The developers of MYCIN found that medical experts
expressed the strength of their belief in terms that were neither logical nor
mathematically consistent. In addition, reliable statistical data about the
problem domain was not available. Therefore, the MYCIN team was unable to
use a classical probability approach. Instead they decided to introduce a
certainty factor (cf ), a number to measure the expert’s belief. The maximum
value of the certainty factor was þ1:0 (definitely true) and the minimum 1:0
(definitely false). A positive value represented a degree of belief and a negative
a degree of disbelief. For example, if the expert stated that some evidence
was almost certainly true, a cf value of 0.8 would be assigned to this evidence.
Table 3.4 shows some uncertain terms interpreted in MYCIN (Durkin, 1994).
In expert systems with certainty factors, the knowledge base consists of a set
of rules that have the following syntax:
IF <evidence>
THEN <hypothesis> {cf}
where cf represents belief in hypothesis Hgiven that evidence Ehas occurred.
The certainty factors theory is based on two functions: measure of belief
MBðH;EÞ, and measure of disbelief MDðH;EÞ(Shortliffe and Buchanan, 1975).
These functions indicate, respectively, the degree to which belief in hypothesis H
would be increased if evidence Ewere observed, and the degree to which
disbelief in hypothesis Hwould be increased by observing the same evidence E.
The measure of belief and disbelief can be defined in terms of prior and
conditional probabilities as follows (Ng and Abramson, 1990):
max ½pðHjEÞ;pðHÞ  pðHÞ
max ½1;0pðHÞotherwise
min ½pðHjEÞ;pðHÞ  pðHÞ
min ½1;0pðHÞotherwise
pðHÞis the prior probability of hypothesis Hbeing true;
pðHjEÞis the probability that hypothesis His true given evidence E.
The values of MBðH;EÞand MDðH;EÞrange between 0 and 1. The strength of
belief or disbelief in hypothesis Hdepends on the kind of evidence Eobserved.
Some facts may increase the strength of belief, but some increase the strength of
How can we determine the total strength of belief or disbelief in a
To combine them into one number, the certainty factor, the following equation
is used:
1min ½MBðH;EÞ;MDðH;EÞ ð3:31Þ
Table 3.4 Uncertain terms and their interpretation
Term Certainty factor
Definitely not 1:0
Almost certainly not 0:8
Probably not 0:6
Maybe not 0:4
Unknown 0:2toþ0:2
Maybe þ0:4
Probably þ0:6
Almost certainly þ0:8
Definitely þ1:0
Thus cf, which can range in MYCIN from 1toþ1, indicates the total belief in
hypothesis H.
The MYCIN approach can be illustrated through an example. Consider a
simple rule:
IF Ais X
Quite often, an expert may not be absolutely certain that this rule holds. Also
suppose it has been observed that in some cases, even when the IF part of the
rule is satisfied and object Atakes on value X, object Bcan acquire some different
value Z. In other words, we have here the uncertainty of a quasi-statistical kind.
The expert usually can associate a certainty factor with each possible value B
given that Ahas value X. Thus our rule might look as follows:
IF Ais X
THEN Bis Y{cf 0.7};
Bis Z{cf 0.2}
What does it mean? Where is the other 10 per cent?
It means that, given Ahas received value X,Bwill be Y70 per cent and Z20 per
cent of the time. The other 10 per cent of the time it could be anything. In such a
way the expert might reserve a possibility that object Bcan take not only two
known values, Yand Z, but also some other value that has not yet been observed.
Note that we assign multiple values to object B.
The certainty factor assigned by a rule is then propagated through the
reasoning chain. Propagation of the certainty factor involves establishing the
net certainty of the rule consequent when the evidence in the rule antecedent is
uncertain. The net certainty for a single antecedent rule, cf ðH;EÞ, can be easily
calculated by multiplying the certainty factor of the antecedent, cf ðEÞ, with
the rule certainty factor, cf
cf ðH;EÞ¼cf ðEÞcf ð3:32Þ
For example,
IF the sky is clear
THEN the forecast is sunny {cf 0.8}
and the current certainty factor of sky is clear is 0.5, then
cf ðH;EÞ¼0:50:8¼0:4
This result, according to Table 3.4, would read as ‘It may be sunny’.
How does an expert system establish the certainty factor for rules with
multiple antecedents?
For conjunctive rules such as
IF <evidence E1>
AND <evidence E2>
AND <evidence En>
THEN <hypothesis H>{cf}
the net certainty of the consequent, or in other words the certainty of hypothesis
H, is established as follows:
cf ðH;E1\E2\...\EnÞ¼min ½cf ðE1Þ;cf ðE2Þ;...;cf ðEnÞ  cf ð3:33Þ
For example,
IF sky is clear
AND the forecast is sunny
THEN the action is ‘wear sunglasses’ {cf 0.8}
and the certainty of sky is clear is 0.9 and the certainty of the forecast is sunny
is 0.7, then
cf ðH;E1\E2Þ¼min ½0:9;0:70:8¼0:70:8¼0:56
According to Table 3.4, this conclusion might be interpreted as ‘Probably it
would be a good idea to wear sunglasses today’.
For disjunctive rules such as
IF <evidence E1>
OR <evidence E2>
OR <evidence En>
THEN <hypothesis H>{cf}
the certainty of hypothesis H, is determined as follows:
cf ðH;E1[E2[...[EnÞ¼max ½cf ðE1Þ;cf ðE2Þ;...;cf ðEnÞ  cf ð3:34Þ
For example,
IF sky is overcast
OR the forecast is rain
THEN the action is ‘take an umbrella’ {cf 0.9}
and the certainty of sky is overcast is 0.6 and the certainty of the forecast is rain
is 0.8, then
cf ðH;E1[E2Þ¼max ½0:6;0:80:9¼0:80:9¼0:72;
which can be interpreted as ‘Almost certainly an umbrella should be taken today’.
Sometimes two or even more rules can affect the same hypothesis. How
does an expert system cope with such situations?
When the same consequent is obtained as a result of the execution of two or
more rules, the individual certainty factors of these rules must be merged to give
a combined certainty factor for a hypothesis. Suppose the knowledge base
consists of the following rules:
Rule 1: IF Ais X
THEN Cis Z{cf 0.8}
Rule 2: IF Bis Y
THEN Cis Z{cf 0.6}
What certainty should be assigned to object Chaving value Zif both Rule 1 and
Rule 2 are fired? Our common sense suggests that, if we have two pieces of
evidence (Ais Xand Bis Y) from different sources (Rule 1 and Rule 2) supporting
the same hypothesis (Cis Z), then the confidence in this hypothesis should
increase and become stronger than if only one piece of evidence had been
To calculate a combined certainty factor we can use the following equation
(Durkin, 1994):
cf ðcf1;cf2Þ¼
cf1þcf2ð1cf1Þif cf1>0 and cf2>0
1min ½jcf1j;jcf2j if cf1<0orcf2<0
cf1þcf2ð1þcf1Þif cf1<0 and cf2<0
cf1is the confidence in hypothesis Hestablished by Rule 1;
cf2is the confidence in hypothesis Hestablished by Rule 2;
jcf1jand jcf2jare absolute magnitudes of cf1and cf2, respectively.
Thus, if we assume that
cf ðE1Þ¼cf ðE2Þ¼1:0
then from Eq. (3.32) we get:
cf1ðH;E1Þ¼cf ðE1Þcf1¼1:00:8¼0:8
cf2ðH;E2Þ¼cf ðE2Þcf2¼1:00:6¼0:6
and from Eq. (3.35) we obtain:
cf ðcf1;cf2Þ¼cf1ðH;E1Þþcf2ðH;E2Þ½1cf1ðH;E1Þ
This example shows an incremental increase of belief in a hypothesis and also
confirms our expectations.
Consider now a case when rule certainty factors have the opposite signs.
Suppose that
cf ðE1Þ¼1 and cf ðE2Þ¼1:0;
and from Eq. (3.35) we obtain:
cf ðcf1;cf2Þ¼ cf1ðH;E1Þþcf2ðH;E2Þ
1min ½jcf1ðH;E1Þj;jcf2ðH;E2Þj ¼0:80:6
1min ½0:8;0:6¼0:5
This example shows how a combined certainty factor, or in other words net
belief, is obtained when one rule, Rule 1, confirms a hypothesis but another,
Rule 2, discounts it.
Let us consider now the case when rule certainty factors have negative signs.
Suppose that:
cf ðE1Þ¼cf ðE2Þ¼1:0;
and from Eq. (3.35) we obtain:
cf ðcf1;cf2Þ¼cf1ðH;E1Þþcf2ðH;E2Þ½1þcf1ðH;E1Þ
This example represents an incremental increase of disbelief in a hypothesis.
The certainty factors theory provides a practical alternative to Bayesian
reasoning. The heuristic manner of combining certainty factors is different from
the manner in which they would be combined if they were probabilities. The
certainty theory is not ‘mathematically pure’ but does mimic the thinking
process of a human expert.
To illustrate the evidential reasoning and the method of certainty factors
propagation through a set of rules, consider again the FORECAST expert system
developed in section 3.4.
3.7 FORECAST: an application of certainty factors
The expert system is required to predict whether it will rain tomorrow, or in
other words to establish certainty factors for the multivalued object tomorrow.To
simplify our task, we use the same set of rules as in section 3.4.
Knowledge base
control cf
control ‘threshold 0.01’
Rule: 1
if today is rain
then tomorrow is rain {cf 0.5}
Rule: 2
if today is dry
then tomorrow is dry {cf 0.5}
Rule: 3
if today is rain
and rainfall is low
then tomorrow is dry {cf 0.6}
Rule: 4
if today is rain
and rainfall is low
and temperature is cold
then tomorrow is dry {cf 0.7}
Rule: 5
if today is dry
and temperature is warm
then tomorrow is rain {cf 0.65}
Rule: 6
if today is dry
and temperature is warm
and sky is overcast
then tomorrow is rain {cf 0.55}
seek tomorrow
To apply an inexact reasoning technique based on certainty factors, the expert
system prompts the user to input not only the object value but also the certainty
associated with this value. For example, using the Leonardo scale from 0 to 1.0,
the following dialogue might be obtained:
What is the weather today?
Rule: 1
if today is rain
then tomorrow is rain {cf 0.5}
cf ðtomorrow is rain, today is rainÞ¼cf ðtoday is rainÞcf ¼1:00:5¼0:5
tomorrow is rain {0.50}
What is the rainfall today?
To what degree do you believe the rainfall is low? Enter a numeric certainty
between 0 and 1.0 inclusive.
Rule: 3
if today is rain
and rainfall is low
then tomorrow is dry {cf 0.6}
cf ðtomorrow is dry, today is rain \rainfall is lowÞ
¼min ½cf ðtoday is rainÞ;cf ðrainfall is lowÞ  cf ¼min ½1;0:80:6¼0:48
tomorrow is rain {0.50}
dry {0.48}
What is the temperature today?
To what degree do you believe the temperature is cold? Enter a numeric certainty
between 0 and 1.0 inclusive.
Rule: 4
if today is rain
and rainfall is low
and temperature is cold
then tomorrow is dry {cf 0.7}
cf ðtomorrow is dry, today is rain \rainfall is low \temperature is coldÞ
¼min ½cf ðtoday is rainÞ;cf ðrainfall is lowÞ;cf ðtemperature is coldÞ  cf
¼min ½1;0:8;0:90:7¼0:56
tomorrow is dry {0.56}
rain {0.50}
cf ðcfRule:3;cfRule:4Þ¼cfRule:3 þcfRule:4 ð1cfRule:3Þ
¼0:48 þ0:56 ð10:48Þ¼0:77
tomorrow is dry {0.77}
rain {0.50}
Now we would conclude that the probability of having a dry day tomorrow is
almost certain; however we also may expect some rain!
3.8 Comparison of Bayesian reasoning and certainty factors
In the previous sections, we outlined the two most popular techniques for
uncertainty management in expert systems. Now we will compare these tech-
niques and determine the kinds of problems that can make effective use of either
Bayesian reasoning or certainty factors.
Probability theory is the oldest and best-established technique to deal with
inexact knowledge and random data. It works well in such areas as forecasting
and planning, where statistical data is usually available and accurate probability
statements can be made.
An expert system that applied the Bayesian technique, PROSPECTOR, was
developed to aid exploration geologists in their search for ore deposits. It
was very successful; for example using geological, geophysical and geochemical
data, PROSPECTOR predicted the existence of molybdenum near Mount Tolman
in Washington State (Campbell et al., 1982). But the PROSPECTOR team could
rely on valid data about known mineral deposits and reliable statistical informa-
tion. The probabilities of each event were defined as well. The PROSPECTOR
team also could assume the conditional independence of evidence, a constraint
that must be satisfied in order to apply the Bayesian approach.
However, in many areas of possible applications of expert systems, reliable
statistical information is not available or we cannot assume the conditional
independence of evidence. As a result, many researchers have found the Bayesian
method unsuitable for their work. For example, Shortliffe and Buchanan
could not use a classical probability approach in MYCIN because the medical
field often could not provide the required data (Shortliffe and Buchanan,
1975). This dissatisfaction motivated the development of the certainty factors
Although the certainty factors approach lacks the mathematical correctness
of the probability theory, it appears to outperform subjective Bayesian reasoning
in such areas as diagnostics, particularly in medicine. In diagnostic expert
systems like MYCIN, rules and certainty factors come from the expert’s knowl-
edge and his or her intuitive judgements. Certainty factors are used in cases
where the probabilities are not known or are too difficult or expensive to obtain.
The evidential reasoning mechanism can manage incrementally acquired
evidence, the conjunction and disjunction of hypotheses, as well as evidences
with different degrees of belief. Besides, the certainty factors approach provides
better explanations of the control flow through a rule-based expert system.
The Bayesian approach and certainty factors are different from one another,
but they share a common problem: finding an expert able to quantify personal,
subjective and qualitative information. Humans are easily biased, and therefore
the choice of an uncertainty management technique strongly depends on the
existing domain expert.
The Bayesian method is likely to be the most appropriate if reliable statistical
data exists, the knowledge engineer is able to lead, and the expert is available for
serious decision-analytical conversations. In the absence of any of the specified
conditions, the Bayesian approach might be too arbitrary and even biased to
produce meaningful results. It should also be mentioned that the Bayesian belief
propagation is of exponential complexity, and thus is impractical for large
knowledge bases.
The certainty factors technique, despite the lack of a formal foundation, offers
a simple approach for dealing with uncertainties in expert systems and delivers
results acceptable in many applications.
3.9 Summary
In this chapter, we presented two uncertainty management techniques used in
expert systems: Bayesian reasoning and certainty factors. We identified the main
sources of uncertain knowledge and briefly reviewed probability theory. We
considered the Bayesian method of accumulating evidence and developed a
simple expert system based on the Bayesian approach. Then we examined the
certainty factors theory (a popular alternative to Bayesian reasoning) and
developed an expert system based on evidential reasoning. Finally, we compared
Bayesian reasoning and certainty factors, and determined appropriate areas for
their applications.
The most important lessons learned in this chapter are:
.Uncertainty is the lack of exact knowledge that would allow us to reach a
perfectly reliable conclusion. The main sources of uncertain knowledge in
expert systems are: weak implications, imprecise language, missing data and
combining the views of different experts.
.Probability theory provides an exact, mathematically correct, approach to
uncertainty management in expert systems. The Bayesian rule permits us
to determine the probability of a hypothesis given that some evidence has
been observed.
.PROSPECTOR, an expert system for mineral exploration, was the first
successful system to employ Bayesian rules of evidence to propagate uncer-
tainties throughout the system.
.In the Bayesian approach, an expert is required to provide the prior
probability of hypothesis Hand values for the likelihood of sufficiency, LS,
to measure belief in the hypothesis if evidence Eis present, and the likelihood
of necessity, LN, to measure disbelief in hypothesis Hif the same evidence is
missing. The Bayesian method uses rules of the following form:
IF Eis true {LS,LN}
THEN His true {prior probability}
.To employ the Bayesian approach, we must satisfy the conditional independ-
ence of evidence. We also should have reliable statistical data and define the
prior probabilities for each hypothesis. As these requirements are rarely
satisfied in real-world problems, only a few systems have been built based
on Bayesian reasoning.
.Certainty factors theory is a popular alternative to Bayesian reasoning. The
basic principles of this theory were introduced in MYCIN, a diagnostic
medical expert system.
.Certainty factors theory provides a judgemental approach to uncertainty
management in expert systems. An expert is required to provide a certainty
factor, cf, to represent the level of belief in hypothesis Hgiven that evidence E
has been observed. The certainty factors method uses rules of the following
IF Eis true
THEN His true {cf}
.Certainty factors are used if the probabilities are not known or cannot be
easily obtained. Certainty theory can manage incrementally acquired
evidence, the conjunction and disjunction of hypotheses, as well as evidences
with different degrees of belief.
.Both Bayesian reasoning and certainty theory share a common problem:
finding an expert able to quantify subjective and qualitative information.
Questions for review
1 What is uncertainty? When can knowledge be inexact and data incomplete or
inconsistent? Give an example of inexact knowledge.
2 What is probability? Describe mathematically the conditional probability of event A
occurring given that event Bhas occurred. What is the Bayesian rule?
3 What is Bayesian reasoning? How does an expert system rank potentially true
hypotheses? Give an example.
4 Why was the PROSPECTOR team able to apply the Bayesian approach as an
uncertainty management technique? What requirements must be satisfied before
Bayesian reasoning will be effective?
5 What are the likelihood of sufficiency and likelihood of necessity? How does an expert
determine values for LS and LN?
6 What is a prior probability? Give an example of the rule representation in the expert
system based on Bayesian reasoning.
7 How does a rule-based expert system propagate uncertainties using the Bayesian
8 Why may conditional probabilities be inconsistent with the prior probabilities provided
by the expert? Give an example of such an inconsistency.
9 Why is the certainty factors theory considered as a practical alternative to Bayesian
reasoning? What are the measure of belief and the measure of disbelief? Define a
certainty factor.
10 How does an expert system establish the net certainty for conjunctive and disjunctive
rules? Give an example for each case.
11 How does an expert system combine certainty factors of two or more rules affecting
the same hypothesis? Give an example.
12 Compare Bayesian reasoning and certainty factors. Which applications are most
suitable for Bayesian reasoning and which for certainty factors? Why? What is a
common problem in both methods?
Bhatnagar, R.K. and Kanal, L.N. (1986). Handling uncertain information: A review of
numeric and non-numeric methods, Uncertainty in AI, L.N. Kanal and J.F. Lemmer,
eds, Elsevier North-Holland, New York, pp. 326.
Bonissone, P.P. and Tong, R.M. (1985). Reasoning with uncertainty in expert systems,
International Journal on ManMachine Studies, 22(3), 241–250.
Burns, M. and Pearl, J. (1981). Causal and diagnostic inferences: A comparison of
validity, Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance, 28, 379394.
Campbell, A.N., Hollister, V.F., Duda, R.O. and Hart, P.E. (1982). Recognition of
a hidden mineral deposit by an artificial intelligence program, Science, 217(3),
Good, I.J. (1959). Kinds of probability, Science, 129(3347), 443447.
Duda, R.O., Hart, P.E. and Nilsson, N.L. (1976). Subjective Bayesian methods for a
rule-based inference system, Proceedings of the National Computer Conference
(AFIPS), vol. 45, pp. 1075–1082.
Duda, R.O., Gaschnig, J. and Hart, P.E. (1979). Model design in the PROSPECTOR
consultant system for mineral exploration, Expert Systems in the Microelectronic Age,
D. Michie, ed., Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 153–167.
Durkin, J. (1994). Expert Systems Design and Development. Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ.
Feller, W. (1957). An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications. John Wiley,
New York.
Fine, T.L. (1973). Theories of Probability: An Examination of Foundations. Academic
Press, New York.
Firebaugh, M.W. (1989). Artificial Intelligence: A Knowledge-based Approach. PWS-KENT
Publishing Company, Boston.
Hakel, M.D. (1968). How often is often? American Psychologist, no. 23, 533534.
Naylor, C. (1987). Build Your Own Expert System. Sigma Press, England.
Ng, K.-C. and Abramson, B. (1990). Uncertainty management in expert systems, IEEE
Expert, 5(2), 2947.
Shortliffe, E.H. and Buchanan, B.G. (1975). A model of inexact reasoning in
medicine, Mathematical Biosciences, 23(3/4), 351–379.
Simpson, R. (1944). The specific meanings of certain terms indicating differing
degrees of frequency, The Quarterly Journal of Speech, no. 30, 328330.
Stephanou, H.E. and Sage, A.P. (1987). Perspectives on imperfect information
processing, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC-17(5),
Tversky, A. and Kahneman, D. (1982). Causal schemes in judgements under
uncertainty, Judgements Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases, D. Kahneman,
P. Slovic and A. Tversky, eds, Cambridge University Press, New York.
4Fuzzy expert systems
In which we present fuzzy set theory, consider how to build fuzzy
expert systems and illustrate the theory through an example.
4.1 Introduction, or what is fuzzy thinking?
Experts usually rely on common sense when they solve problems. They also use
vague and ambiguous terms. For example, an expert might say, ‘Though the
power transformer is slightly overloaded, I can keep this load for a while’. Other
experts have no difficulties with understanding and interpreting this statement
because they have the background to hearing problems described like this.
However, a knowledge engineer would have difficulties providing a computer
with the same level of understanding. How can we represent expert knowledge
that uses vague and ambiguous terms in a computer? Can it be done at all?
This chapter attempts to answer these questions by exploring the fuzzy set
theory (or fuzzy logic). We review the philosophical ideas behind fuzzy logic,
study its apparatus and then consider how fuzzy logic is used in fuzzy expert
Let us begin with a trivial, but still basic and essential, statement: fuzzy logic is
not logic that is fuzzy, but logic that is used to describe fuzziness. Fuzzy logic
is the theory of fuzzy sets, sets that calibrate vagueness. Fuzzy logic is based on
the idea that all things admit of degrees. Temperature, height, speed, distance,
beauty – all come on a sliding scale. The motor is running really hot. Tom is
avery tall guy. Electric cars are not very fast.High-performance drives require
very rapid dynamics and precise regulation. Hobart is quite a short distance
from Melbourne. Sydney is a beautiful city. Such a sliding scale often makes it
impossible to distinguish members of a class from non-members. When does a
hill become a mountain?
Boolean or conventional logic uses sharp distinctions. It forces us to draw
lines between members of a class and non-members. It makes us draw lines in
the sand. For instance, we may say, ‘The maximum range of an electric vehicle is
short’, regarding a range of 300 km or less as short, and a range greater than
300 km as long. By this standard, any electric vehicle that can cover a distance of
301 km (or 300 km and 500 m or even 300 km and 1 m) would be described as
long-range. Similarly, we say Tom is tall because his height is 181 cm. If we drew
a line at 180 cm, we would find that David, who is 179 cm, is small. Is David
really a small man or have we just drawn an arbitrary line in the sand? Fuzzy
logic makes it possible to avoid such absurdities.
Fuzzy logic reflects how people think. It attempts to model our sense of words,
our decision making and our common sense. As a result, it is leading to new,
more human, intelligent systems.
Fuzzy, or multi-valued logic was introduced in the 1930s by Jan Lukasiewicz, a
Polish logician and philosopher (Lukasiewicz, 1930). He studied the mathema-
tical representation of fuzziness based on such terms as tall,old and hot. While
classical logic operates with only two values 1 (true) and 0 (false), Lukasiewicz
introduced logic that extended the range of truth values to all real numbers in
the interval between 0 and 1. He used a number in this interval to represent the
possibility that a given statement was true or false. For example, the possibility
that a man 181 cm tall is really tall might be set to a value of 0.86. It is likely that
the man is tall. This work led to an inexact reasoning technique often called
possibility theory.
Later, in 1937, Max Black, a philosopher, published a paper called ‘Vagueness:
an exercise in logical analysis’ (Black, 1937). In this paper, he argued that a
continuum implies degrees. Imagine, he said, a line of countless ‘chairs’. At one
end is a Chippendale. Next to it is a near-Chippendale, in fact indistinguishable
from the first item. Succeeding ‘chairs’ are less and less chair-like, until the line
ends with a log. When does a chair become a log? The concept chair does not
permit us to draw a clear line distinguishing chair from not-chair. Max Black
also stated that if a continuum is discrete, a number can be allocated to each
element. This number will indicate a degree. But the question is degree of what.
Black used the number to show the percentage of people who would call an
element in a line of ‘chairs’ a chair; in other words, he accepted vagueness as a
matter of probability.
However, Black’s most important contribution was in the paper’s appendix.
Here he defined the first simple fuzzy set and outlined the basic ideas of fuzzy set
In 1965 Lotfi Zadeh, Professor and Head of the Electrical Engineering
Department at the University of California at Berkeley, published his famous
paper ‘Fuzzy sets’. In fact, Zadeh rediscovered fuzziness, identified and explored
it, and promoted and fought for it.
Zadeh extended the work on possibility theory into a formal system of
mathematical logic, and even more importantly, he introduced a new concept
for applying natural language terms. This new logic for representing and
manipulating fuzzy terms was called fuzzy logic, and Zadeh became the Master
of fuzzy logic.
Why fuzzy?
As Zadeh said, the term is concrete, immediate and descriptive; we all know what
it means. However, many people in the West were repelled by the word fuzzy,
because it is usually used in a negative sense.
Why logic?
Fuzziness rests on fuzzy set theory, and fuzzy logic is just a small part of that
theory. However, Zadeh used the term fuzzy logic in a broader sense (Zadeh,
Fuzzy logic is determined as a set of mathematical principles for knowledge
representation based on degrees of membership rather than on crisp member-
ship of classical binary logic.
Unlike two-valued Boolean logic, fuzzy logic is multi-valued. It deals with
degrees of membership and degrees of truth. Fuzzy logic uses the continuum
of logical values between 0 (completely false) and 1 (completely true). Instead of
just black and white, it employs the spectrum of colours, accepting that things
can be partly true and partly false at the same time. As can be seen in Figure 4.1,
fuzzy logic adds a range of logical values to Boolean logic. Classical binary logic
now can be considered as a special case of multi-valued fuzzy logic.
4.2 Fuzzy sets
The concept of a set is fundamental to mathematics. However, our own language
is the supreme expression of sets. For example, car indicates the set of cars. When
we say a car, we mean one out of the set of cars.
Let Xbe a classical (crisp) set and xan element. Then the element xeither
belongs to Xðx2XÞor does not belong to Xðx62 XÞ. That is, classical set theory
imposes a sharp boundary on this set and gives each member of the set the value
of 1, and all members that are not within the set a value of 0. This is known as
the principle of dichotomy. Let us now dispute this principle.
Consider the following classical paradoxes of logic.
1 Pythagorean School (400 BC):
Question: Does the Cretan philosopher tell the truth when he asserts that
‘All Cretans always lie’?
Boolean logic: This assertion contains a contradiction.
Fuzzy logic: The philosopher does and does not tell the truth!
2 Russell’s Paradox:
The barber of a village gives a hair cut only to those who do not cut their hair
Figure 4.1 Range of logical values in Boolean and fuzzy logic: (a) Boolean logic; (b) multi-
valued logic
Question: Who cuts the barber’s hair?
Boolean logic: This assertion contains a contradiction.
Fuzzy logic: The barber cuts and doesn’t cut his own hair!
Crisp set theory is governed by a logic that uses one of only two values: true or
false. This logic cannot represent vague concepts, and therefore fails to give the
answers on the paradoxes. The basic idea of the fuzzy set theory is that an
element belongs to a fuzzy set with a certain degree of membership. Thus, a
proposition is not either true or false, but may be partly true (or partly false) to
any degree. This degree is usually taken as a real number in the interval [0,1].
The classical example in the fuzzy set theory is tall men. The elements of the
fuzzy set ‘tall men’ are all men, but their degrees of membership depend on their
height, as shown in Table 4.1. Suppose, for example, Mark at 205 cm tall is given
a degree of 1, and Peter at 152 cm is given a degree of 0. All men of intermediate
height have intermediate degrees. They are partly tall. Obviously, different
people may have different views as to whether a given man should be considered
as tall. However, our candidates for tall men could have the memberships
presented in Table 4.1.
It can be seen that the crisp set asks the question, ‘Is the man tall?’ and draws
a line at, say, 180 cm. Tall men are above this height and not tall men below. In
contrast, the fuzzy set asks, ‘How tall is the man?’ The answer is the partial
membership in the fuzzy set, for example, Tom is 0.82 tall.
A fuzzy set is capable of providing a graceful transition across a boundary, as
shown in Figure 4.2.
We might consider a few other sets such as ‘very short men’, ‘short men’,
‘average men’ and ‘very tall men’.
In Figure 4.2 the horizontal axis represents the universe of discourse
the range of all possible values applicable to a chosen variable. In our case, the
variable is the human height. According to this representation, the universe of
men’s heights consists of all tall men. However, there is often room for
Table 4.1 Degree of membership of ‘tall men’
Degree of membership
Name Height, cm Crisp Fuzzy
Chris 208 1 1.00
Mark 205 1 1.00
John 198 1 0.98
Tom 181 1 0.82
David 179 0 0.78
Mike 172 0 0.24
Bob 167 0 0.15
Steven 158 0 0.06
Bill 155 0 0.01
Peter 152 0 0.00
discretion, since the context of the universe may vary. For example, the set of
‘tall men’ might be part of the universe of human heights or mammal heights, or
even all animal heights.
The vertical axis in Figure 4.2 represents the membership value of the fuzzy
set. In our case, the fuzzy set of ‘tall men’ maps height values into corresponding
membership values. As can be seen from Figure 4.2, David who is 179 cm tall,
which is just 2 cm less than Tom, no longer suddenly becomes a not tall (or short)
man (as he would in crisp sets). Now David and other men are gradually removed
from the set of ‘tall men’ according to the decrease of their heights.
What is a fuzzy set?
A fuzzy set can be simply defined as a set with fuzzy boundaries.
Let Xbe the universe of discourse and its elements be denoted as x. In classical
set theory, crisp set Aof Xis defined as function fAðxÞcalled the characteristic
function of A
fAðxÞ¼ 1;if x2A
0;if x62 A
Figure 4.2 Crisp (a) and fuzzy (b) sets of ‘tall men’
This set maps universe Xto a set of two elements. For any element xof
universe X, characteristic function fAðxÞis equal to 1 if xis an element of set A,
and is equal to 0 if xis not an element of A.
In the fuzzy theory, fuzzy set Aof universe Xis defined by function AðxÞ
called the membership function of set A
AðxÞ¼1ifxis totally in A;
AðxÞ¼0ifxis not in A;
AðxÞ<1ifxis partly in A.
This set allows a continuum of possible choices. For any element xof universe
X, membership function AðxÞequals the degree to which xis an element of set
A. This degree, a value between 0 and 1, represents the degree of membership,
also called membership value, of element xin set A.
How to represent a fuzzy set in a computer?
The membership function must be determined first. A number of methods
learned from knowledge acquisition can be applied here. For example, one of the
most practical approaches for forming fuzzy sets relies on the knowledge of a
single expert. The expert is asked for his or her opinion whether various elements
belong to a given set. Another useful approach is to acquire knowledge from
multiple experts. A new technique to form fuzzy sets was recently introduced. It
is based on artificial neural networks, which learn available system operation
data and then derive the fuzzy sets automatically.
Now we return to our ‘tall men’ example. After acquiring the knowledge for
men’s heights, we could produce a fuzzy set of tall men. In a similar manner, we
could obtain fuzzy sets of short and average men. These sets are shown in Figure
4.3, along with crisp sets. The universe of discourse – the men’s heights – consists
of three sets: short,average and tall men. In fuzzy logic, as you can see, a man who
is 184 cm tall is a member of the average men set with a degree of membership
of 0.1, and at the same time, he is also a member of the tall men set with a degree of
0.4. This means that a man of 184 cm tall has partial membership in multiple sets.
Now assume that universe of discourse X, also called the reference super set,
is a crisp set containing five elements X¼fx1;x2;x3;x4;x5g. Let Abe a crisp
subset of Xand assume that Aconsists of only two elements, A¼fx2;x3g. Subset
Acan now be described by A¼fðx1;0Þ;ðx2;1Þ;ðx3;1Þ;ðx4;0Þ;ðx5;0Þg, i.e. as a set
of pairs xi;
AðxiÞg, where AðxiÞis the membership function of element xiin
the subset A.
The question is whether AðxÞcan take only two values, either 0 or 1, or any
value between 0 and 1. It was also the basic question in fuzzy sets examined by
Lotfi Zadeh in 1965 (Zadeh, 1965).
If Xis the reference super set and Ais a subset of X, then Ais said to be a fuzzy
subset of Xif, and only if,
AðxÞg x2X;
In a special case, when X!f0;1gis used instead of X0;1, the fuzzy
subset Abecomes the crisp subset A.
Fuzzy and crisp sets can be also presented as shown in Figure 4.4.
Figure 4.3 Crisp (a) and fuzzy (b) sets of short, average and tall men
Figure 4.4 Representation of crisp and fuzzy subset of X
Fuzzy subset Aof the finite reference super set Xcan be expressed as,
AðxnÞg ð4:4Þ
However, it is more convenient to represent Aas,
where the separating symbol / is used to associate the membership value with its
coordinate on the horizontal axis.
To represent a continuous fuzzy set in a computer, we need to express it as a
function and then to map the elements of the set to their degree of membership.
Typical functions that can be used are sigmoid, gaussian and pi. These functions
can represent the real data in fuzzy sets, but they also increase the time of
computation. Therefore, in practice, most applications use linear fit functions
similar to those shown in Figure 4.3. For example, the fuzzy set of tall men in
Figure 4.3 can be represented as a fit-vector,
tall men ¼(0/180, 0.5/185, 1/190) or
tall men ¼(0/180, 1/190)
Fuzzy sets of short and average men can be also represented in a similar manner,
short men ¼(1/160, 0.5/165, 0/170) or
short men ¼(1/160, 0/170)
average men ¼(0/165, 1/175, 0/185)
4.3 Linguistic variables and hedges
At the root of fuzzy set theory lies the idea of linguistic variables. A linguistic
variable is a fuzzy variable. For example, the statement ‘John is tall’ implies that
the linguistic variable John takes the linguistic value tall. In fuzzy expert systems,
linguistic variables are used in fuzzy rules. For example,
IF wind is strong
THEN sailing is good
IF project_duration is long
THEN completion_risk is high
IF speed is slow
THEN stopping_distance is short
The range of possible values of a linguistic variable represents the universe of
discourse of that variable. For example, the universe of discourse of the linguistic
variable speed might have the range between 0 and 220 km per hour and may
include such fuzzy subsets as very slow,slow,medium,fast, and very fast. Each
fuzzy subset also represents a linguistic value of the corresponding linguistic
A linguistic variable carries with it the concept of fuzzy set qualifiers, called
hedges. Hedges are terms that modify the shape of fuzzy sets. They include
adverbs such as very,somewhat,quite,more or less and slightly. Hedges can modify
verbs, adjectives, adverbs or even whole sentences. They are used as
.All-purpose modifiers, such as very,quite or extremely.
.Truth-values, such as quite true or mostly false.
.Probabilities, such as likely or not very likely.
.Quantifiers, such as most,several or few.
.Possibilities, such as almost impossible or quite possible.
Hedges act as operations themselves. For instance, very performs concentra-
tion and creates a new subset. From the set of tall men, it derives the subset of very
tall men.Extremely serves the same purpose to a greater extent.
An operation opposite to concentration is dilation. It expands the set. More or
less performs dilation; for example, the set of more or less tall men is broader than
the set of tall men.
Hedges are useful as operations, but they can also break down continuums
into fuzzy intervals. For example, the following hedges could be used to describe
temperature: very cold,moderately cold,slightly cold,neutral,slightly hot,moderately
hot and very hot. Obviously these fuzzy sets overlap. Hedges help to reflect human
thinking, since people usually cannot distinguish between slightly hot and
moderately hot.
Figure 4.5 illustrates an application of hedges. The fuzzy sets shown previ-
ously in Figure 4.3 are now modified mathematically by the hedge very.
Consider, for example, a man who is 185 cm tall. He is a member of the tall
men set with a degree of membership of 0.5. However, he is also a member of the
set of very tall men with a degree of 0.15, which is fairly reasonable.
Figure 4.5 Fuzzy sets with very hedge
Let us now consider the hedges often used in practical applications.
.Very, the operation of concentration, as we mentioned above, narrows a set
down and thus reduces the degree of membership of fuzzy elements. This
operation can be given as a mathematical square:
Hence, if Tom has a 0.86 membership in the set of tall men, he will have a
0.7396 membership in the set of very tall men.
.Extremely serves the same purpose as very, but does it to a greater extent. This
operation can be performed by raising AðxÞto the third power:
If Tom has a 0.86 membership in the set of tall men, he will have a 0.7396
membership in the set of very tall men and 0.6361 membership in the set of
extremely tall men.
.Very very is just an extension of concentration. It can be given as a square of
the operation of concentration:
very very
For example, Tom, with a 0.86 membership in the tall men set and a 0.7396
membership in the very tall men set, will have a membership of 0.5470 in the
set of very very tall men.
.More or less, the operation of dilation, expands a set and thus increases the
degree of membership of fuzzy elements. This operation is presented as:
more or less
AðxÞ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Hence, if Tom has a 0.86 membership in the set of tall men, he will have a
0.9274 membership in the set of more or less tall men.
.Indeed, the operation of intensification, intensifies the meaning of the whole
sentence. It can be done by increasing the degree of membership above 0.5
and decreasing those below 0.5. The hedge indeed may be given by either:
AðxÞ¼2½AðxÞ2if 0 4AðxÞ40:5ð4:10Þ
AðxÞ¼12½1AðxÞ2if 0:5<
If Tom has a 0.86 membership in the set of tall men, he can have a 0.9608
membership in the set of indeed tall men. In contrast, Mike, who has a
0.24 membership in tall men set, will have a 0.1152 membership in the indeed
tall men set.
Mathematical and graphical representation of hedges are summarised in
Table 4.2.
4.4 Operations of fuzzy sets
The classical set theory developed in the late 19th century by Georg Cantor
describes how crisp sets can interact. These interactions are called operations.
Table 4.2 Representation of hedges in fuzzy logic
Hedge Mathematical expression Graphical representation
A little ½AðxÞ1:3
Slightly ½AðxÞ1:7
Very ½AðxÞ2
Extremely ½AðxÞ3
Very very ½AðxÞ4
More or less ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Somewhat ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Indeed 2½AðxÞ2if 0 4A40:5
12½1AðxÞ2if 0:5<
We look at four of them: complement, containment, intersection and union.
These operations are presented graphically in Figure 4.6. Let us compare
operations of classical and fuzzy sets.
.Crisp sets: Who does not belong to the set?
.Fuzzy sets: How much do elements not belong to the set?
The complement of a set is an opposite of this set. For example, if we have the set
of tall men, its complement is the set of NOT tall men. When we remove the tall
men set from the universe of discourse, we obtain the complement. If Ais the
fuzzy set, its complement :Acan be found as follows:
For example, if we have a fuzzy set of tall men, we can easily obtain the fuzzy set
of NOT tall men:
tall men ¼ð0=180;0:25=182:5;0:5=185;0:75=187:5;1=190Þ
NOT tall men ¼ð1=180;0:75=182:5;0:5=185;0:25=187:5;0=190Þ
.Crisp sets: Which sets belong to which other sets?
.Fuzzy sets: Which sets belong to other sets?
Figure 4.6 Operations on classical sets
Similar to a Chinese box or Russian doll, a set can contain other sets. The smaller
set is called the subset. For example, the set of tall men contains all tall men.
Therefore, very tall men is a subset of tall men. However, the tall men set is just a
subset of the set of men. In crisp sets, all elements of a subset entirely belong to
a larger set and their membership values are equal to 1. In fuzzy sets, however,
each element can belong less to the subset than to the larger set. Elements of the
fuzzy subset have smaller memberships in it than in the larger set.
tall men ¼ð0=180;0:25=182:5;0:50=185;0:75=187:5;1=190Þ
very tall men ¼ð0=180;0:06=182:5;0:25=185;0:56=187:5;1=190Þ
.Crisp sets: Which element belongs to both sets?
.Fuzzy sets: How much of the element is in both sets?
In classical set theory, an intersection between two sets contains the elements
shared by these sets. If we have, for example, the set of tall men and the set of fat
men, the intersection is the area where these sets overlap, i.e. Tom is in the
intersection only if he is tall AND fat. In fuzzy sets, however, an element may
partly belong to both sets with different memberships. Thus, a fuzzy intersection
is the lower membership in both sets of each element.
The fuzzy operation for creating the intersection of two fuzzy sets Aand Bon
universe of discourse Xcan be obtained as:
A\BðxÞ¼min ½AðxÞ;
BðxÞ ¼ AðxÞ\BðxÞ;where x2Xð4:13Þ
Consider, for example, the fuzzy sets of tall and average men:
tall men ¼ð0=165;0=175;0:0=180;0:25=182:5;0:5=185;1=190Þ
average men ¼ð0=165;1=175;0:5=180;0:25=182:5;0:0=185;0=190Þ
According to Eq. (4.13), the intersection of these two sets is
tall men \average men ¼ð0=165;0=175;0=180;0:25=182:5;0=185;0=190Þ
tall men \average men ¼ð0=180;0:25=182:5;0=185Þ
This solution is represented graphically in Figure 4.3.
.Crisp sets: Which element belongs to either set?
.Fuzzy sets: How much of the element is in either set?
The union of two crisp sets consists of every element that falls into either set. For
example, the union of tall men and fat men contains all men who are tall OR fat,
i.e. Tom is in the union since he is tall, and it does not matter whether he is fat or
not. In fuzzy sets, the union is the reverse of the intersection. That is, the union
is the largest membership value of the element in either set.
The fuzzy operation for forming the union of two fuzzy sets Aand Bon
universe Xcan be given as:
A[BðxÞ¼max ½AðxÞ;
BðxÞ ¼ AðxÞ[BðxÞ;where x2Xð4:14Þ
Consider again the fuzzy sets of tall and average men:
tall men ¼ð0=165;0=175;0:0=180;0:25=182:5;0:5=185;1=190Þ
average men ¼ð0=165;1=175;0:5=180;0:25=182:5;0:0=185;0=190Þ
According to Eq. (4.14), the union of these two sets is
tall men [average men ¼ð0=165;1=175;0:5=180;0:25=182:5;0:5=185;1=190Þ
Diagrams for fuzzy set operations are shown in Figure 4.7.
Crisp and fuzzy sets have the same properties; crisp sets can be considered as
just a special case of fuzzy sets. Frequently used properties of fuzzy sets are
described below.
tall men OR short men ¼short men OR tall men
tall men AND short men ¼short men AND tall men
tall men OR (short men OR average men)¼(tall men OR short men)OR
average men
tall men AND (short men AND average men)¼(tall men AND short men) AND
average men
tall men OR (short men AND average men)¼(tall men OR short men) AND
(tall men OR average men)
tall men AND (short men OR average men)¼(tall men AND short men)OR
(tall men AND average men)
Figure 4.7 Operations of fuzzy sets
tall men OR tall men ¼tall men
tall men AND tall men ¼tall men
tall men OR undefined ¼tall men
tall men AND unknown ¼tall men
tall men AND undefined ¼undefined
tall men OR unknown ¼unknown
where undefined is an empty (null) set, the set having all degree of member-
ships equal to 0, and unknown is a set having all degree of memberships equal
to 1.
NOT (NOT tall men)¼tall men
If ðABÞ\ðBCÞthen AC
Every set contains the subsets of its subsets.
IF (extremely tall men very tall men) AND (very tall men tall men)
THEN (extremely tall men tall men)
De Morgan’s Laws
NOT (tall men AND short men)¼NOT tall men OR NOT short men
NOT (tall men OR short men)¼NOT tall men AND NOT short men
Using fuzzy set operations, their properties and hedges, we can easily obtain a
variety of fuzzy sets from the existing ones. For example, if we have fuzzy set A
of tall men and fuzzy set Bof short men, we can derive fuzzy set Cof not very tall
men and not very short men or even set Dof not very very tall and not very very short
men from the following operations:
Generally, we apply fuzzy operations and hedges to obtain fuzzy sets which
can represent linguistic descriptions of our natural language.
4.5 Fuzzy rules
In 1973, Lotfi Zadeh published his second most influential paper (Zadeh, 1973).
This paper outlined a new approach to analysis of complex systems, in which
Zadeh suggested capturing human knowledge in fuzzy rules.
What is a fuzzy rule?
A fuzzy rule can be defined as a conditional statement in the form:
IF xis A
THEN yis B
where xand yare linguistic variables; and Aand Bare linguistic values
determined by fuzzy sets on the universe of discourses Xand Y, respectively.
What is the difference between classical and fuzzy rules?
A classical IF-THEN rule uses binary logic, for example,
Rule: 1
IF speed is > 100
THEN stopping_distance is long
Rule: 2
IF speed is < 40
THEN stopping_distance is short
The variable speed can have any numerical value between 0 and 220 km/h, but
the linguistic variable stopping_distance can take either value long or short.In
other words, classical rules are expressed in the black-and-white language of
Boolean logic. However, we can also represent the stopping distance rules in a
fuzzy form:
Rule: 1
IF speed is fast
THEN stopping_distance is long
Rule: 2
IF speed is slow
THEN stopping_distance is short
Here the linguistic variable speed also has the range (the universe of discourse)
between 0 and 220 km/h, but this range includes fuzzy sets, such as slow,medium
and fast. The universe of discourse of the linguistic variable stopping_distance can
be between 0 and 300 m and may include such fuzzy sets as short,medium and
long. Thus fuzzy rules relate to fuzzy sets.
Fuzzy expert systems merge the rules and consequently cut the number of
rules by at least 90 per cent.
How to reason with fuzzy rules?
Fuzzy reasoning includes two distinct parts: evaluating the rule antecedent (the
IF part of the rule) and implication or applying the result to the consequent
(the THEN part of the rule).
In classical rule-based systems, if the rule antecedent is true, then the
consequent is also true. In fuzzy systems, where the antecedent is a fuzzy
statement, all rules fire to some extent, or in other words they fire partially. If
the antecedent is true to some degree of membership, then the consequent is
also true to that same degree.
Consider, for example, two fuzzy sets, ‘tall men’ and ‘heavy men’ represented
in Figure 4.8.
Figure 4.8 Fuzzy sets of tall and heavy men
These fuzzy sets provide the basis for a weight estimation model. The model
is based on a relationship between a man’s height and his weight, which is
expressed as a single fuzzy rule:
IF height is tall
THEN weight is heavy
The value of the output or a truth membership grade of the rule consequent
can be estimated directly from a corresponding truth membership grade in the
antecedent (Cox, 1999). This form of fuzzy inference uses a method called
monotonic selection. Figure 4.9 shows how various values of men’s weight are
derived from different values for men’s height.
Can the antecedent of a fuzzy rule have multiple parts?
As a production rule, a fuzzy rule can have multiple antecedents, for example:
IF project_duration is long
AND project_staffing is large
AND project_funding is inadequate
THEN risk is high
IF service is excellent
OR food is delicious
THEN tip is generous
All parts of the antecedent are calculated simultaneously and resolved in a
single number, using fuzzy set operations considered in the previous section.
Can the consequent of a fuzzy rule have multiple parts?
The consequent of a fuzzy rule can also include multiple parts, for instance:
IF temperature is hot
THEN hot_water is reduced;
cold_water is increased
Figure 4.9 Monotonic selection of values for man weight
In this case, all parts of the consequent are affected equally by the antecedent.
In general, a fuzzy expert system incorporates not one but several rules that
describe expert knowledge and play off one another. The output of each rule is a
fuzzy set, but usually we need to obtain a single number representing the expert
system output. In other words, we want to get a precise solution, not a fuzzy one.
How are all these output fuzzy sets combined and transformed into a
single number?
To obtain a single crisp solution for the output variable, a fuzzy expert system
first aggregates all output fuzzy sets into a single output fuzzy set, and then
defuzzifies the resulting fuzzy set into a single number. In the next section we
will see how the whole process works from the beginning to the end.
4.6 Fuzzy inference
Fuzzy inference can be defined as a process of mapping from a given input to an
output, using the theory of fuzzy sets.
4.6.1 Mamdani-style inference
The most commonly used fuzzy inference technique is the so-called Mamdani
method. In 1975, Professor Ebrahim Mamdani of London University built one
of the first fuzzy systems to control a steam engine and boiler combination
(Mamdani and Assilian, 1975). He applied a set of fuzzy rules supplied by
experienced human operators.
The Mamdani-style fuzzy inference process is performed in four steps:
fuzzification of the input variables, rule evaluation, aggregation of the rule
outputs, and finally defuzzification.
To see how everything fits together, we examine a simple two-input one-
output problem that includes three rules:
Rule: 1 Rule: 1
IF xis A3IFproject_funding is adequate
OR yis B1ORproject_staffing is small
THEN zis C1 THEN risk is low
Rule: 2 Rule: 2
IF xis A2IFproject_funding is marginal
AND yis B2 AND project_staffing is large
THEN zis C2 THEN risk is normal
Rule: 3 Rule: 3
IF xis A1IFproject_funding is inadequate
THEN zis C3 THEN risk is high
where x,yand z(project funding,project staffing and risk) are linguistic vari-
ables; A1, A2 and A3(inadequate,marginal and adequate) are linguistic values
determined by fuzzy sets on universe of discourse X(project funding); B1 and B2
(small and large) are linguistic values determined by fuzzy sets on universe of
discourse Y(project staffing); C1, C2 and C3(low,normal and high) are linguistic
values determined by fuzzy sets on universe of discourse Z(risk).
The basic structure of Mamdani-style fuzzy inference for our problem is
shown in Figure 4.10.
Step 1: Fuzzification
The first step is to take the crisp inputs, x1 and y1(project funding and
project staffing), and determine the degree to which these inputs belong
to each of the appropriate fuzzy sets.
What is a crisp input and how is it determined?
The crisp input is always a numerical value limited to the universe of
discourse. In our case, values of x1 and y1 are limited to the universe
of discourses Xand Y, respectively. The ranges of the universe of
discourses can be determined by expert judgements. For instance, if we
need to examine the risk involved in developing the ‘fuzzy’ project,
we can ask the expert to give numbers between 0 and 100 per cent that
represent the project funding and the project staffing, respectively. In
other words, the expert is required to answer to what extent the project
funding and the project staffing are really adequate. Of course, various
fuzzy systems use a variety of different crisp inputs. While some of the
inputs can be measured directly (height, weight, speed, distance,
temperature, pressure etc.), some of them can be based only on expert
Once the crisp inputs, x1 and y1, are obtained, they are fuzzified
against the appropriate linguistic fuzzy sets. The crisp input x1 (project
funding rated by the expert as 35 per cent) corresponds to the member-
ship functions A1 and A2(inadequate and marginal) to the degrees of 0.5
and 0.2, respectively, and the crisp input y1 (project staffing rated as 60
per cent) maps the membership functions B1 and B2(small and large)to
the degrees of 0.1 and 0.7, respectively. In this manner, each input is
fuzzified over all the membership functions used by the fuzzy rules.
Step 2: Rule evaluation
The second step is to take the fuzzified inputs, ðx¼A1Þ¼0:5, ðx¼A2Þ¼
0:2, ðy¼B1Þ¼0:1 and ðy¼B2Þ¼0:7, and apply them to the antecedents
of the fuzzy rules. If a given fuzzy rule has multiple antecedents, the
fuzzy operator (AND or OR) is used to obtain a single number that
represents the result of the antecedent evaluation. This number (the
truth value) is then applied to the consequent membership function.
To evaluate the disjunction of the rule antecedents, we use the OR
fuzzy operation. Typically, fuzzy expert systems make use of the
classical fuzzy operation union (4.14) shown in Figure 4.10 (Rule 1):
A[BðxÞ¼max ½AðxÞ;
Figure 4.10 The basic structure of Mamdani-style fuzzy inference
However, the OR operation can be easily customised if necessary. For
example, the MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox has two built-in OR
methods: max and the probabilistic OR method, probor. The probabil-
istic OR, also known as the algebraic sum, is calculated as:
A[BðxÞ¼probor ½AðxÞ;
BðxÞ ¼ AðxÞþBðxÞAðxÞBðxÞð4:15Þ
Similarly, in order to evaluate the conjunction of the rule ante-
cedents, we apply the AND fuzzy operation intersection (4.13) also
shown in Figure 4.10 (Rule 2):
A\BðxÞ¼min ½AðxÞ;
The Fuzzy Logic Toolbox also supports two AND methods: min and the
product, prod. The product is calculated as:
A\BðxÞ¼prod ½AðxÞ;
BðxÞ ¼ AðxÞBðxÞð4:16Þ
Do different methods of the fuzzy operations produce different results?
Fuzzy researchers have proposed and applied several approaches to
execute AND and OR fuzzy operators (Cox, 1999) and, of course,
different methods may lead to different results. Most fuzzy packages
also allow us to customise the AND and OR fuzzy operations and a user
is required to make the choice.
Let us examine our rules again.
Rule: 1
IF xis A3 (0.0)
OR yis B1 (0.1)
THEN zis C1 (0.1)
C1ðzÞ¼max ½A3ðxÞ;
B1ðyÞ ¼ max ½0:0;0:1¼0:1
C1ðzÞ¼probor ½A3ðxÞ;
B1ðyÞ ¼ 0:0þ0:10:00:1¼0:1
Rule: 2
IF xis A2 (0.2)
AND yis B2 (0.7)
THEN zis C2 (0.2)
C2ðzÞ¼min ½A2ðxÞ;
B2ðyÞ ¼ min ½0:2;0:7¼0:2
C2ðzÞ¼prod ½A2ðxÞ;
B2ðyÞ ¼ 0:20:7¼0:14
Thus, Rule 2 can be also represented as shown in Figure 4.11.
Now the result of the antecedent evaluation can be applied to the
membership function of the consequent. In other words, the con-
sequent membership function is clipped or scaled to the level of the
truth value of the rule antecedent.
What do we mean by ‘clipped or scaled’?
The most common method of correlating the rule consequent with the
truth value of the rule antecedent is to simply cut the consequent
membership function at the level of the antecedent truth. This method
is called clipping or correlation minimum. Since the top of the
membership function is sliced, the clipped fuzzy set loses some informa-
tion. However, clipping is still often preferred because it involves less
complex and faster mathematics, and generates an aggregated output
surface that is easier to defuzzify.
While clipping is a frequently used method, scaling or correlation
product offers a better approach for preserving the original shape of
the fuzzy set. The original membership function of the rule consequent
is adjusted by multiplying all its membership degrees by the truth value
of the rule antecedent. This method, which generally loses less
information, can be very useful in fuzzy expert systems.
Clipped and scaled membership functions are illustrated in
Figure 4.12.
Step 3: Aggregation of the rule outputs
Aggregation is the process of unification of the outputs of all rules.
In other words, we take the membership functions of all rule conse-
quents previously clipped or scaled and combine them into a single
fuzzy set. Thus, the input of the aggregation process is the list of
clipped or scaled consequent membership functions, and the output is
one fuzzy set for each output variable. Figure 4.10 shows how the
output of each rule is aggregated into a single fuzzy set for the overall
fuzzy output.
Figure 4.11 The AND product fuzzy operation
Figure 4.12 Clipped (a) and scaled (b) membership functions
Step 4: Defuzzification
The last step in the fuzzy inference process is defuzzification. Fuzziness
helps us to evaluate the rules, but the final output of a fuzzy system has
to be a crisp number. The input for the defuzzification process is the
aggregate output fuzzy set and the output is a single number.
How do we defuzzify the aggregate fuzzy set?
There are several defuzzification methods (Cox, 1999), but probably the
most popular one is the centroid technique. It finds the point where a
vertical line would slice the aggregate set into two equal masses.
Mathematically this centre of gravity (COG) can be expressed as
AðxÞdx ð4:17Þ
As Figure 4.13 shows, a centroid defuzzification method finds a
point representing the centre of gravity of the fuzzy set, A, on the
interval, ab.
In theory, the COG is calculated over a continuum of points in
the aggregate output membership function, but in practice, a reason-
able estimate can be obtained by calculating it over a sample of
points, as shown in Figure 4.13. In this case, the following formula is
Let us now calculate the centre of gravity for our problem. The
solution is presented in Figure 4.14.
Figure 4.13 The centroid method of defuzzification
COG ¼ð0þ10 þ20Þ0:1þð30 þ40 þ50 þ60Þ0:2þð70 þ80 þ90 þ100Þ0:5
Thus, the result of defuzzification, crisp output z1, is 67.4. It means,
for instance, that the risk involved in our ‘fuzzy’ project is 67.4 per
4.6.2 Sugeno-style inference
Mamdani-style inference, as we have just seen, requires us to find the centroid of
a two-dimensional shape by integrating across a continuously varying function.
In general, this process is not computationally efficient.
Could we shorten the time of fuzzy inference?
We can use a single spike, a singleton, as the membership function of the rule
consequent. This method was first introduced by Michio Sugeno, the ‘Zadeh of
Japan’, in 1985 (Sugeno, 1985). A singleton, or more precisely a fuzzy singleton,
is a fuzzy set with a membership function that is unity at a single particular point
on the universe of discourse and zero everywhere else.
Sugeno-style fuzzy inference is very similar to the Mamdani method. Sugeno
changed only a rule consequent. Instead of a fuzzy set, he used a mathematical
function of the input variable. The format of the Sugeno-style fuzzy rule is
IF xis A
AND yis B
THEN zis fðx;yÞ
where x,yand zare linguistic variables; Aand Bare fuzzy sets on universe of
discourses Xand Y, respectively; and fðx;yÞis a mathematical function.
Figure 4.14 Defuzzifying the solution variable’s fuzzy set
Figure 4.15 The basic structure of Sugeno-style fuzzy inference
The most commonly used zero-order Sugeno fuzzy model applies fuzzy rules
in the following form:
IF xis A
AND yis B
THEN zis k
where kis a constant.
In this case, the output of each fuzzy rule is constant. In other words, all
consequent membership functions are represented by singleton spikes. Figure
4.15 shows the fuzzy inference process for a zero-order Sugeno model. Let us
compare Figure 4.15 with Figure 4.10. The similarity of Sugeno and Mamdani
methods is quite noticeable. The only distinction is that rule consequents are
singletons in Sugeno’s method.
How is the result, crisp output, obtained?
As you can see from Figure 4.15, the aggregation operation simply includes all
the singletons. Now we can find the weighted average (WA) of these singletons:
WA ¼ðk1Þk1þðk2Þk2þðk3Þk3
ðk1Þþðk2Þþðk3Þ¼0:120 þ0:250 þ0:580
Thus, a zero-order Sugeno system might be sufficient for our problem’s needs.
Fortunately, singleton output functions satisfy the requirements of a given
problem quite often.
How do we make a decision on which method to apply – Mamdani or
The Mamdani method is widely accepted for capturing expert knowledge. It
allows us to describe the expertise in more intuitive, more human-like manner.
However, Mamdani-type fuzzy inference entails a substantial computational
burden. On the other hand, the Sugeno method is computationally effective and
works well with optimisation and adaptive techniques, which makes it very
attractive in control problems, particularly for dynamic nonlinear systems.
4.7 Building a fuzzy expert system
To illustrate the design of a fuzzy expert system, we will consider a problem of
operating a service centre of spare parts (Turksen et al., 1992).
A service centre keeps spare parts and repairs failed ones. A customer brings a
failed item and receives a spare of the same type. Failed parts are repaired, placed
on the shelf, and thus become spares. If the required spare is available on the
shelf, the customer takes it and leaves the service centre. However, if there is no
spare on the shelf, the customer has to wait until the needed item becomes
available. The objective here is to advise a manager of the service centre on
certain decision policies to keep the customers satisfied.
A typical process in developing the fuzzy expert system incorporates the
following steps:
1. Specify the problem and define linguistic variables.
2. Determine fuzzy sets.
3. Elicit and construct fuzzy rules.
4. Encode the fuzzy sets, fuzzy rules and procedures to perform fuzzy inference
into the expert system.
5. Evaluate and tune the system.
Step 1: Specify the problem and define linguistic variables
The first, and probably the most important, step in building any expert
system is to specify the problem. We need to describe our problem in
terms of knowledge engineering. In other words, we need to determine
problem input and output variables and their ranges.
For our problem, there are four main linguistic variables: average
waiting time (mean delay) m, repair utilisation factor of the service
centre , number of servers s, and initial number of spare parts n.
The customer’s average waiting time, m, is the most important
criterion of the service centre’s performance. The actual mean delay
in service should not exceed the limits acceptable to customers.
The repair utilisation factor of the service centre, , is the ratio of the
customer arrival rate, , to the customer departure rate, . Magnitudes
of and indicate the rates of an item’s failure (failures per unit time)
and repair (repairs per unit time), respectively. Apparently, the
repair rate is proportional to the number of servers, s. To increase
the productivity of the service centre, its manager will try to keep the
repair utilisation factor as high as possible.
The number of servers, s, and the initial number of spares, n, directly
affect the customer’s average waiting time, and thus have a major
impact on the centre’s performance. By increasing sand n, we achieve
lower values of the mean delay, but, at the same time we increase the
costs of employing new servers, building up the number of spares and
expanding the inventory capacities of the service centre for additional
Let us determine the initial number of spares n, given the customer’s
mean delay m, number of servers s, and repair utilisation factor, .
Thus, in the decision model considered here, we have three inputs –
m,sand , and one output – n. In other words, a manager of the service
centre wants to determine the number of spares required to maintain
the actual mean delay in customer service within an acceptable range.
Now we need to specify the ranges of our linguistic variables.
Suppose we obtain the results shown in Table 4.3 where the intervals
for m,sand nare normalised to be within the range of ½0;1by dividing
base numerical values by the corresponding maximum magnitudes.
Note, that for the customer mean delay m, we consider only three
linguistic values – Very Short,Short and Medium because other values
such as Long and Very Long are simply not practical. A manager of the
service centre cannot afford to keep customers waiting longer than a
medium time.
In practice, all linguistic variables, linguistic values and their ranges
are usually chosen by the domain expert.
Step 2: Determine fuzzy sets
Fuzzy sets can have a variety of shapes. However, a triangle or a trapezoid
can often provide an adequate representation of the expert knowledge,
and at the same time significantly simplifies the process of computation.
Figures 4.16 to 4.19 show the fuzzy sets for all linguistic variables
used in our problem. As you may notice, one of the key points here is to
maintain sufficient overlap in adjacent fuzzy sets for the fuzzy system
to respond smoothly.
Table 4.3 Linguistic variables and their ranges
Linguistic variable: Mean delay, m
Linguistic value Notation Numerical range (normalised)
Very Short VS [0, 0.3]
Short S [0.1, 0.5]
Medium M [0.4, 0.7]
Linguistic variable: Number of servers, s
Linguistic value Notation Numerical range (normalised)
Small S [0, 0.35]
Medium M [0.30, 0.70]
Large L [0.60, 1]
Linguistic variable: Repair utilisation factor, q
Linguistic value Notation Numerical range
Low L [0, 0.6]
Medium M [0.4, 0.8]
High H [0.6, 1]
Linguistic variable: Number of spares, n
Linguistic value Notation Numerical range (normalised)
Very Small VS [0, 0.30]
Small S [0, 0.40]
Rather Small RS [0.25, 0.45]
Medium M [0.30, 0.70]
Rather Large RL [0.55, 0.75]
Large L [0.60, 1]
Very Large VL [0.70, 1]
Figure 4.16 Fuzzy sets of mean delay m
Figure 4.17 Fuzzy sets of number of servers s
Figure 4.18 Fuzzy sets of repair utilisation factor
Figure 4.19 Fuzzy sets of number of spares n
Step 3: Elicit and construct fuzzy rules
Next we need to obtain fuzzy rules. To accomplish this task, we might
ask the expert to describe how the problem can be solved using the
fuzzy linguistic variables defined previously.
Required knowledge also can be collected from other sources such as
books, computer databases, flow diagrams and observed human behav-
iour. In our case, we could apply rules provided in the research paper
(Turksen et al., 1992).
There are three input and one output variables in our example. It is
often convenient to represent fuzzy rules in a matrix form. A two-by-
one system (two inputs and one output) is depicted as an M N matrix
of input variables. The linguistic values of one input variable form the
horizontal axis and the linguistic values of the other input variable
form the vertical axis. At the intersection of a row and a column lies
the linguistic value of the output variable. For a three-by-one system
(three inputs and one output), the representation takes the shape of an
MNK cube. This form of representation is called a fuzzy associa-
tive memory (FAM).
Let us first make use of a very basic relation between the repair
utilisation factor , and the number of spares n, assuming that other
input variables are fixed. This relation can be expressed in the following
form: if increases, then nwill not decrease. Thus we could write the
following three rules:
1. If (utilisation_factor is L) then (number_of_spares is S)
2. If (utilisation_factor is M) then (number_of_spares is M)
3. If (utilisation_factor is H) then (number_of_spares is L)
Now we can develop the 3 3 FAM that will represent the rest of
the rules in a matrix form. The results of this effort are shown in
Figure 4.20.
Meanwhile, a detailed analysis of the service centre operation,
together with an ‘expert touch’ (Turksen et al., 1992), may enable us
to derive 27 rules that represent complex relationships between all
variables used in the expert system. Table 4.4 contains these rules and
Figure 4.21 shows the cube ð333ÞFAM representation.
Figure 4.20 The square FAM representation
First we developed 12 ð3þ33Þrules, but then we obtained 27
ð333Þrules. If we implement both schemes, we can compare
results; only the system’s performance can tell us which scheme is
Rule Base 1
1. If (utilisation_factor is L) then (number_of_spares is S)
2. If (utilisation_factor is M) then (number_of_spares is M)
3. If (utilisation_factor is H) then (number_of_spares is L)
4. If (mean_delay is VS) and (number_of_servers is S)
then (number_of_spares is VL)
5. If (mean_delay is S) and (number_of_servers is S)
then (number_of_spares is L)
Table 4.4 The rule table
Rule msnRule msnRule msn
1 VS S L VS 10 VS S M S 19 VS S H VL
2 S S L VS 11 S S M VS 20 S S H L
3 M S L VS 12 M S M VS 21 M S H M
5 S M L VS 14 S M M S 23 S M H M
6 M ML VS 15 M MMVS 24 M MH S