Assignement1 Instructions

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SIT 112 | Data Science Concepts
Unit Coordinator: Dr. Vin Senadheera (
Due: Friday, 12 April 2019, 10pm (Week 6)
Acknowledgment: This assessment is provided by Dr. Sergiy Shelyag
School of IT, Deakin University
Note: This assignment contributes 25% to your final SIT112 mark. It must be completed
individually and submitted to Resources and Assessment section on Moodle before the
due date/time mentioned above.
The theme for this assignment, and the subsequent data science project, is to explore data related
to Australia. In particular, we will use data provided by the Government at
Our data strategy and task specifications for this assignment will focus on the analysis of
Medicare office locations in March 2018. Please go to the website of the dataset for more
1. Data and Resources
In the Assignment file, you will find the following files:
These are the files you will be required to work with for this assignment.
2. Task Description
There are two main tasks for this assignment:
Construction of the data dictionary (35 marks) and
Programming tasks to perform basic data analysis (65 marks).
This is the dataset file provided by
This file contains description for attributes in the
data file.
This is the template for the data dictionary file in
This is the Jupyter notebook which has been
prepared and pre-filled for you to complete the
Programming task.
2.1 Construction of the Data Dictionary (35 marks)
For a data scientist, after obtaining the dataset, the first most crucial task is to obtain a good
understanding of the data he or she is dealing with. This includes examining the data attributes
(or equivalently, data fields), seeing what they look like, what is the data type for each field, and
from this information, determining suitable analysis tools. A systematic approach to this process,
as we have learned from the lectures and practical sessions, is to construct a data dictionary for the
Your task is to construct a data dictionary for the dataset you are working with (Medicare office
location dataset) using the provided data dictionary template.
You are required to prepare two sheets in your data dictionary Excel file:
Dataset description [5 marks]
Attribute dictionary [30 marks]
The total marks for this task is 35 marks. The data description sheet is worth five (5)
marks. The attribute dictionary is worth 30 marks where each correct attribute
specification is worth 2.5 mark. Name your solution as [YourID]_datadictionary.xls and
submit this file.
2.2 Programming task (65 marks)
A Python notebook file assignment1_notebook.ipynb has been prepared for you to complete
this task. Download this notebook, load it up and follow instructions inside the notebook to
complete the task.
The total mark for this task is 65 marks. You are required to submit your solution in two formats,
1) Jupyter Notebook format and 2) its exported version in HTML.
3. Summary for submission
This assignment is to be completed individually and submitted to the corresponding Moodle
Assignment1 submission link by the due date. Your submission must be made as a compressed
file named [Your ID] that includes the following files, named the given format:
1. [YourID]_datadictionary.xls: your solution for the data dictionary for the business
establishment dataset.
2. [YourID]_assignment1_solution.ipynb: your Jupyter notebook solution source file.
3. [YourID]_assingment1_output.html: the output of your Jupyter notebook solution in
For example, if your student ID is 123456, you will then need to submit following three (3) files:

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