ATLAS Procedures Guide V1.0
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PCMD, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth ATLAS Operational Procedures Guide, revision 1.0 PCMD, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth ATLAS, (r1.0 2013/03/11) Rokk Media Ltd, Chantry House, Chantry Meadow, Exeter EX2 8FF 01392 424300 | | page 1 of 8 1. 1.1. 1.2. Atlas overview ................................................................................................ 3 What this document provides .................................................................................3 What this document does not provide ...................................................................3 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Academic year procedures .............................................................................. 4 Creating a new academic year.................................................................................4 Student enrolment ..................................................................................................4 Applied Medical Knowledge (AMK) .........................................................................4 Special Study Units (SSU) .........................................................................................5 Plenaries ..................................................................................................................5 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Recurring procedures ...................................................................................... 6 Benchmarking ..........................................................................................................6 Applied Medical Knowledge (AMK) .........................................................................6 Dental tests..............................................................................................................7 SSU selections and allocations ................................................................................7 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. Ad-hoc procedures .......................................................................................... 8 Student updates ......................................................................................................8 Staff updates............................................................................................................8 Miscellaneous updates ............................................................................................8 PCMD, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth ATLAS, (r1.0 2013/03/11) Rokk Media Ltd, Chantry House, Chantry Meadow, Exeter EX2 8FF 01392 424300 | | page 2 of 8 1. Atlas overview “ATLAS” is an acronym for “Academic Tutor Logbook Access System”. However, this is only a single component of the system known as “Atlas”. Atlas is a collection of web-based (intranet) software components which can be installed on an appropriate set of systems for use by medical students and administrative personnel. 1.1. What this document provides This document is provided for Atlas administrators responsible for maintaining the application on their internal network throughout the academic year. Please note that details will differ according to implemented policies and features. Atlas can be used in a variety of ways and this document cannot cover all possibilities. 1.2. What this document does not provide This document does NOT provide: Atlas installation (refer to the Atlas Installation Guide) an overview of Atlas, its features, or “how-to” guides usage recommendations integration with optional facilities. Atlas outputs information in formats such as XML and ICS which can be used by systems such as SharePoint, Outlook and many other standard IT components. PCMD, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth ATLAS, (r1.0 2013/03/11) Rokk Media Ltd, Chantry House, Chantry Meadow, Exeter EX2 8FF 01392 424300 | | page 3 of 8 2. Academic year procedures A number of procedures must be completed prior to the start of an academic year to ensure Atlas is ready for use by administrators and students. 2.1. Creating a new academic year To create a new academic year, enter the details in the generic_info. academic_years table with the start and end dates. This is normally performed around half-way through the current academic year before students start to select SSUs or Plenaries for the following year. For example: INSERT INTO GENERIC_INFO.academic_years (acyear,startdate,enddate,live,y5_startdate) VALUES ('2012/13','30-JUL-12','28-JUL-13','Y','15-OCT-12'); 2.2. Student enrolment A list of new stage 1 students is provided by Registry Services once the online enrolment process has been completed. This list is imported from Excel (or another suitable format) into the logbook.students and logbook.student_yeargroup tables. 2.2.1. Student year group update Students moving to the next academic year will already have a record in the logbook.students table, but the logbook.student_yeargroup table must be updated accordingly. Students who are intercalating are marked with an ‘i’ in the stage field rather than the year. 2.2.2. Graduating students Students graduating from stage 5 are flagged with a ‘Y’ in the logbook.students ‘graduated’ field. 2.3. Applied Medical Knowledge (AMK) AMK progress test placeholders are defined for each of the four tests prior to the first medical programme. This is achieved with the Oracle stored procedure named populate_amk_tests which is passed dates published in the academic timetable provided by Registry Services, e.g. EXEC POPULATE_AMK_TESTS('2012/13','PT-41',' 24-OCT-12','16-JAN13','13-MAR-13','22-MAY-13'); PCMD, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth ATLAS, (r1.0 2013/03/11) Rokk Media Ltd, Chantry House, Chantry Meadow, Exeter EX2 8FF 01392 424300 | | page 4 of 8 2.4. Special Study Units (SSU) SSU data is imported or manually entered into the database: Create SSU presentations from the calendar for all SSU locality teams. Presentations are the same for all localities. Benchmarking dates are sometimes provided later as an ad-hoc event. Populate the ssu.designator_locality table accordingly. Populate the ssu.designator_theme table accordingly. The ‘release’ date field must be set to the end of the academic year. 2.5. Plenaries Plenary sessions for the next academic year are copied from a previous academic year. This is achieved by executing the Oracle stored procedure named ssu.rollover_plenary_year, i.e. EXEC ROLLOVER_PLENARY_YEAR (source_year_id, destination_year_id); PCMD, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth ATLAS, (r1.0 2013/03/11) Rokk Media Ltd, Chantry House, Chantry Meadow, Exeter EX2 8FF 01392 424300 | | page 5 of 8 3. Recurring procedures The following processes are performed several times during the academic year. 3.1. Benchmarking Two benchmarking types require file administration: SSU benchmarking: scripts will be replaced or resources such as video links will be provided with dates from SSU locality teams. PA and Elective Benchmarking: new scripts are uploaded as requested. Typically, two or three new scripts are provided every year. 3.2. Applied Medical Knowledge (AMK) Applied Medical Knowledge progress tests occur four times per year. Occasionally, results are added for re-sits. Data is provided by Registry Services and imported into the database using the Oracle SQL Loader or another appropriate tool. Following the import, the p_grade_amk stored procedure must be executed to: create grade boundaries grade students for the current progress test, and calculate an aggregate grade for the current and all previous tests. This process takes approximately twenty minutes. Separate documentation is available for AMK Progress Testing procedures implemented by the PCMD. 3.2.1. AMK post-test meeting Following the AMK post-test meeting, the following information is entered: 1. The stage 5 pass mark. 2. Withdrawn questions and re-keyed answers. 3. The release date and time. The grading process is now re-run – this normally takes ten minutes. Blueprint data sent from Assessment Analysts/Psychometricians is then imported using the Oracle SQL Loader or another appropriate tool (it is normally sent in a format which requires no further examination or manipulation). 3.2.2. EC Committee Following the EC Committee, Registry Services send a list of required changes to AMK grades for students with valid extenuating circumstances. In some cases, the original score may be negated to ensure it is not displayed to the student. PCMD, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth ATLAS, (r1.0 2013/03/11) Rokk Media Ltd, Chantry House, Chantry Meadow, Exeter EX2 8FF 01392 424300 | | page 6 of 8 3.3. Dental tests Dental progress and Science for Dentistry tests occur several times per year. Data is sent from Registry Services or the Assessment Analysts/Psychometricians and imported into the database using Oracle SQL Loader or another appropriate tool. No further procedures need be run since analysis has already been completed. 3.4. SSU selections and allocations SSU dates are entered into the database using the SQL update scripts. Note that dates may be decided close to the opening selection period for the SSU theme and student stage owing to difficulty in finding sufficient SSU providers for some themes. Therefore, SSU administrators have the ability to add SSU allocations using the Atlas web interface. However, this can be time-consuming for large lists so data may be provided in Excel or another suitable format for import into the database using Oracle SQL Loader or another appropriate tool. PCMD, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth ATLAS, (r1.0 2013/03/11) Rokk Media Ltd, Chantry House, Chantry Meadow, Exeter EX2 8FF 01392 424300 | | page 7 of 8 4. Ad-hoc procedures Database information may need to be manually updated in response to specific events occurring throughout the academic year. The most common are listed below: 4.1. Student updates The logbook.students and other tables require modification when: The student changes name as a result of marriage, divorce, deed poll etc. The student withdraws or interrupts their study A request is made for a patient encounter to be deleted An encounter date is modified 4.2. Staff updates Appropriate staff tables may require modification when: A new staff member starts A staff member leaves A staff member requires a change of user permission A tutor is granted temporary access to student records in Atlas (an entry is made in the temp_access table). 4.3. Miscellaneous updates Appropriate tables may require modification when: The pass marks for Dental progress or Science for Dentistry tests are changed after the data has been imported. Grades will normally be amended using an SQL update script. Reports and data export. Specific reports and data export may be requested on an ad-hoc basis by Registry Services, students or tutors, e.g. an export of all clinical encounters for a particular individual. PCMD, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth ATLAS, (r1.0 2013/03/11) Rokk Media Ltd, Chantry House, Chantry Meadow, Exeter EX2 8FF 01392 424300 | | page 8 of 8
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 8 Language : en-GB Tagged PDF : Yes Title : ATLAS Author : Craig Buckler Subject : PCMD, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth Creator : Microsoft® Office Word 2007 Create Date : 2013:03:09 17:40:19+00:00 Modify Date : 2013:03:09 17:40:19+00:00 Producer : Microsoft® Office Word 2007EXIF Metadata provided by