Auerbach_Data_Communications_Reports_Vol_2_1970 Auerbach Data Communications Reports Vol 2 1970
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AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS Prepared and Published by AUERBACH INFO, Inc. 121 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 Phone 215-491·8200 AUERBACH 1'1\ AUERBACH INFO, INC. AUERBACH INFO, INC. publishes periodically updated looseleaf reference works for current awareness in the field of Information processing, data communications, and graphics. • AUERBACH Standard EOP Repods An eight·volume analytical service providing detailed, objective reports on the major U.S. computer systems. Hardware and software are analyzed in a standardized report format that facilitates comparisons. Benchmark problems are used to measure overall system performance in typical commercial and scientific applications. Updated twelve tlflles per year. • AUERBACH Scientific and Control Computer Reports A two-volume extension of AUERBACH Standard EDP Reports containing detailed, objective analyses of the U.S. computer systems that are specialized, by hardware design or software support, for scientific, control, and other nonbusiness-oriented applications. Updated six times per year. • AUERBACH Computer Notebook A two-volume current awareness service on more than 80 U.S. computer systems, updated twelve times a year with new reports and revisions. Contains individual descriptions of the features and limitations of each system, over 100 pages of objective hardware and performance comparison charts, and complete price lists. • AUERBACH Computer Notebook International A two-volume guide which has the entire contents of AUERBACH Computer Notebook plus coverage expanded to include computer systems manufactured outside the United States. It also includes Special Reports which 'provide facts and guidelines on topics of current interest. Updated twelve times a year. • AUERBACH Software Notebook A detailed guide to the manufacturer·supplied software for third·generation U.S. computer systems. This service contains individual, analytical reports designed to supply the facts you need to understand, evaluate, and utilize computer software. Updated six times per year. • AUERBACH Data CommunIcations Reports A complete reference source on digital data communications equipment and techniques. Contains individual, analytical reports on more than 50 different types of communications terminals and processing equipment, detailed reports on common-carrier facilities, and a guide to the design of effective data com· munications systems. Updated four times per year. • AUERBACH Data Handling Reports A comprehensive guide to selecting and applying the wide range of support equipment and supplies used in conjunction with computer systems. Detailed, analytical reports, in a standardized format for easy comparisons, describe equipment used for capturing data at its source, preparing input to computers, performing media conversions, processing unit records, and handling printed forms. Updated four times per year. • AUERBACH Graphic Processing Reports A comprehensive analytical service on information storage and retrieval systems, microform reader/ printers, plotters, computer·driven displays, and photo typesetters. Includes system design tools, operational procedures, performance, support requirements and prices. Updated four times per year. • AUERBACH Time·Sharing Reports A two-volume service covering all aspects of commercial time·sharing. It includes reports on the state of the time-sharing art, time-sharing languages, applications, equipment and individual reports on commercial time-sharing services. Updated four times per year . ••••••••••• AUERBACH Data Communications Reports TItE I NFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM RELIABLE SOURCES AND HA,S. BEEN EVALUATED BY EXPERIENCED TEcHNICAL PERSONNEL DUE TO THE RAPiDlY CItANGING NATURE OF THE TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT HOWEVER. THE INFORMATION CANNOT BE GUARANTEED Printed ,n U.S.A, © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 6000:00 COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL EQUIPMENT (Continued) AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS AUERBACH ® fA. ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6270:01 FRIDEN TELEDATA LINE " FRIDEN TELEDATA LINE .1 GENERAL .11 Identity:....................... Teledata Tape Transmitter-Receiver, Models 7, 7A, 7B, S, SA, and SB . . 12 Manufacturer:................... Friden, Inc. San Leandro, California . . 13 Basic Function: . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .. reads data from punched paper tape and transmits it over narrow-band or voice-band lines (some models); receives data from narrow-band or voice-band lines (some models) and punches it into paper tape • . 15 Description The Friden Teledata line consists of a number of paper tape transmitter-receivers designed to transmit coded information punched into standard 5, 6, 7, or S-level tape at speeds up to 7.9 characters per second. When a standard telegraph-grade line is used, no special subset or interface unit is necessary, and full-duplex operation is possible. For transmission over voice-band lines (Model SA only), a special Friden Interface Unit and a Bell System 103A or 103F Data Set (or equivalent) are required, and operation is limited to the half-duplex mode (transmit or receive, but not both at the same time). The main characteristics of the models currently comprising the Teledata line are summarized in Table I. Error checking is accomplished by sending one or two parity bits with each character, depending on the model (see Table 1), and checking this parity when received data is punched. The second parity bit, when used, is formed from three levels of the coded character; this method limits the number of data bits per character to 5 or 6, depending on the model. Parity errors or an inoperative transmission line causes a halt in transmission and causes indicator lamps to be lit. Retransmission requires operator intervention. TABLE 1. FRlDEN TELEDATA GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Model Tape Levels Tape Width, inches Transmission Cycle, bit periods Data Bits per Transmission Cycle Parity Bits per Transmission Cycle Transmission Speed, char/sec* 7 7A 7B S 6 5 1. 000 0.S75 0.6S75 9.42 9.42 9.42 6 6 5 1 1 2 7.9 7.9 7.9 S SA SB S S 6 1. 000 1. 000 0.S75 10.42 10.42 10.42 6 6 2 2 2 7.1 7.1 7.1 6 *These speeds are based on transmission over a 100-wpm (75-bits/sec) telegraph line or a voice-band line. The transmission speed over a 45-bits/sec or 56-bits/sec telegraph line is proportionately lower. © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 11/69 6270:02 FRIDEN TELEDATA LINE .16 First Delivery: . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . April, 1958 . . 17 Availability:................... 60 days • .2 CONFIGURATION A Friden Teledata terminal consists of a punched paper tape reader and punch and the necessary control electronics. The facilities of the various models are summarized in Table 1. All models can be connected to 45, 56, or 75-bits-per-second telegraph-grade lines and require no data set for this type of connection. Interchangeable gears are provided to alter the speed for operation at the different rates. Model 8A can be connected to a voice-band line via the appropriate Interface Unit and data set; see Paragraph. 72 for the data set required . .3 INPUT Input medium: Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated input speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: standard fully punched 5/8, 11/16, or I-inch tape, depending on model; see Table 1. any 5, 6, 7, or 8-level code, depending on model, which conforms to the parity bit formation rules. Codes containing less than the maximum number of levels for a particular model can be used, and the parity bits will be supplied automati cally. See Table 1. variable. depends on grade of transmission line to be used; see Paragraph. 71. somewhat less than rated speed, and depends on the block length . . 32 Manual Input: . . . . . . . . . . no provis ion. . 33 Fixed Input: . • . . . . . . . . . no provision. .34 Transaction Code Input: no provis ion. .35 Message Configuration: 1 to N data characters; there are no special control characters . . 36 Operating Procedure (1) Mount tape and check switch positions. (2) Establish connection with remote point; switch to data mode if voice-band lines are used. (3) Turn Power switch on and operate Read switch. .37 Entry of Time and Date: .4 OUTPUT .41 Output to Punched Tape no provision . Tape size: Tape code: Rated punching speed: Effective speed: Format control: 11/69 ........... . standard 5/8, 11/16, or I-inch tape depending on model; see Table 1. a binary image of the received data is punched; parity bits can be deleted. depends on model and grade of transmission line; see Paragraph. 71. somewhat less than rated speed, and depends on block length. none. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6270:03 F'RIDEN TELEDATA LINE ~ .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION • 51 Data Entry Errors: . . . . . . . . . . · 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: no checking . Error indication: . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Correction procedure: . . . . . . . . . . . . one or two parity bits are transmitted with each character, depending on model; see Table 1. when receiving data, the parity is mechanically accumulated as the punches are activated. light and device halt. manual intervention. .53 Data Recording Errors: see Paragraph. 52, above. • 55 Line Malfunctions Detection: . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . Action: . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •6 CONDITION INDICATORS Input device available: . . . . . . . . . . . . Input device busy: • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Remote receiver ready: • . . . . . . . . . . Remote receiver busy: • . . . . . . • . . • . Power on: . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Improper data entry: . . . • . • . . . . . . . Transmission error: • . . . . . . • . . . . . Recording error: . . . . . • . . . . . .. . ·7 DATA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speedFriden 7, 7A, or 7B: . . • . . . . . . . . . Friden S, SA, or SB: . . • . . . . . . . . . Transmission method: ..•..•.••..• Transmission code: • . • . . . . • . . . . . . Transmission mode: . . . • . . . . . . . . . Order of bit transmission: . . . . . . • . . Synchronization: . . . • . . • . • . . . . . . . • 72 open lines are detected. transmission is halted and a lamp is lighted. none. none. none. none. visible switch. none. lamp. lamp. 7.9, 6.0, or 4.8 char/sec over voice-grade or 75-bits/sec telegraph-grade line, 56-bits/sec telegraph-grade line, or 45-bits/sec telegraphgrade line, respectively. 7.1, 5.4, or 4.3 char/sec over voice-grade or 75-bits/sec telegraph-grade line, 56-bits/sec telegraph-grade line, or 45-bits/sec telegraphgrade line, respectively. serial by bit. same as input code plus start and stop bits. half-duplex or full-duplex. low-order bit of each character is transmitted first. start and stop bits are transmitted with each character (asynchronous) . Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Common-carrier leased telegraph-grade lines (up to 75 bits/sec): . . . . . . . . . . none required. © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 11/69 6270:04 FRIDEN TELEDATA LINE .72 Connection to Communications Lines (Contd.) Data Set* Communications Line Common-carrier leased voice-band line (75 bits/sec): . . . • . . . • . . . . . . Public switched telephone network (75 bits/sec): . . . . . . . . • • . • . . • . . Bell System Data Set 103F or Western Union 75 Baud Data Modem. ** Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A. ** *In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see Sections 4620 and 4640 for a current list of modems available from independent manufacturers of telephone equipment. **Only Model 8A can be connected to a voice-band line. This connection also requires use of the proper Friden Interface Unit . . 73 Transmission Control Functional operations: .•.•••.••... manual dialing or Signaling. operator must establish communication and then switch to data mode if transmission is via voiceband lines. none • • 74 Multistation Operation: . . . • . . . . . . . • no provis ion • •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS C all initiation: C all reception: Teledata Models 7,7A, 7B, 8, 8A, 8B Component: Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 23 16.25 17 120 Power (KW) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 115 60 1 ? Temperature Range rF.) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr.) ? ? ? *Does not include channel-deriving (tone) equipment . .9 PRICE DATA Monthly Rental, Purchase Price, Yearly Maintenance, Component or Feature $ Teledata Model 7, 7A, or 7B 100.75 3100 155-200 Teledata Model 8, 8A, or 8B 100.75 3100 155-200 4.70 145 30 103A or 103F InterfaceUnit $ $ *Maintenance charge varies with distance, on a zone basis, from the nearest Friden Service Office. 11/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6271:01 FRIDEN.7100 '" FRIDEN 7100 CONVERSATIONAL TERMINAL .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: .. .12 Manufacturer: .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two-way typed-message communication at 10 or 12.2 char/sec over narrow-band or voice-band communications facilities . Description . 15 . . Model 7100 Conversational Terminal. .. Friden, Inc. Division of Singer Corporation 97 Humboldt Street Rochester, New York 14609 The Friden 7100 Conversational Terminal is designed to provide half-duplex typed message data communications at up to 10 or 12.2 characters per second. It can operate over a privately'owl'led or leased common-carrier narrow-band or voice-band line, or the public telephone network. The 7100 can communicate with other 7100 terminals or with a remote computer; it can also be 'operated locally as a conventional electric typewriter. A 52-key keyboard is provided with switches at the right of the keyboard for Power on/off, Break, Control and Color modes; see Figure 1. The 7100 employs the USASCII transmission code presented in Table I. The complete 128character USASCII character set can be transmitted or received. Control characters are transmitted by placing the 7100 in the Control mode and depressing the appropriate key. (Control characters are engraved on the front edge of the key, upper- and lower-case symbols, on the top.) This action transmits the appropriate control character and prints the corresponding upper-case symbol displayed on the key-top. Received control characters are either ignored or, the corresponding upper-case symbol is printed in red depending on the position of the color mode switch. The 7100 generates even parity for each character transmitted. Parity checking on received data is optional; a red upper-case M is printed in place of an incorrectly received character. A Break feature is provided; space characters are transmitted for as long as the Break switch is depressed. The 7100 does not respond to a received brake code. The Color Mode Switch provides two printing modes: (1) prints all transmitted characters in red and received characters in black (up position) or (2) prints both received and transmitted characters in black and printing the upper-case symbol corresponding to received control characters in red (down position). The Mechanical Nonprint option (switch selectable) prevents printing transmitted or received data when placed in the Nonprint position . . 16 First Delivery: ,17 Availability: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 months . . . . . . .. .. November 1967. .2 CONFIGURATION The Friden 7100 Conversational Terminal consists of a manual mput keyboard, Ii printer, and control logic including a communications interface. A data set is required to connect the 7100 to a communications line. .3 INPUT . 31 Prepared Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no provision . .32 Manual Input Method of entry:. Quantity of data:. . . . . . . . . via 52-key keyboard. . . . . . . . . variable. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/68 6271:02 FRIDEN 7100 Figure 1. .32 Friden 7100 Conversational Terminal. Manual Input (Contd.) Character set: . . . . . · 128 distinct character codes including numerics, upper- and lower-case alphabetics, special characters, and control characters; see Table 1. · control mode permits generating control characters from keyboard. Comments: . 33 Fixed Input: . · no provision . . 34 Transaction Code Input: . · no provision . .35 Message Configuration: . · 1 to N characters with control characters interspersed; control characters are keyed by depressing the Control Mode switch and the appropriate key . . 36 Operating Procedure (1) Switch power on. (2) Establish connection by dialing or manually signaling. (3) Key in message. (4) Terminate connection. • 37 Entry of Time and Data: .4 OUTPUT .44 Output to Printer · no provision . Output medium: .. · friction-fed roll paper or pin-fed (optional) fanfold forms up to 14 inches wide (13. 5-inch writing width) . Character set: . . . . . · 91 printable characters; see Table I. .10 or 12.2 chars/sec. Rated printing speed:. Effective speed: . · less than rated speed due to carriage return/line feed and control characters. Format control: . · controlled by control codes in incoming data or manually by operator. Controls include carriage return/line feed, case shift (includes Control mode) and Color mode (ribbon shift). Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · horizontal spacing is 10 chars/inch; vertical spacing is 6 lines/inch; color mode permits printing transmitted charactE'rs in red, received characters in black or just upper-case symbols in red for corresponding control characters. (Contd. ) 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Report~ A "UERBACH AUERBACH 6271:03 DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS FRIDEN 7100 ~ TABLE I: USASCII TRANSMISSION CODE* l,b7 ~ / . b6 0 b5 0 0 ~ + ----. ~ 0 0 0 ~ b3 b2 bl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 } 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 5 ENQ NAK 0 1 1 0 6 ACK SYN 0 1 1 } 7 BEL 1 0 0 0 8 BS 1 0 0 1 9 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Row 1 1 0 6 7 } 2 3 4 5 NUL SP 0 @ P ! } A Q a q " 2 B R b r -# 3 C S c s $ 4 D T d t SOH STX DC2 1 2 -- -.-- -.-. ---1 3 ETX DC3 0 0 4- EOT DC4 -- 1 } 0 DLE DC} - 0 0 1 1 } 1 0 1 0 } b4 1 0 1 - p % 5 E U e u F V f v ETB ", 6 7 G W g W CAN ( 8 H X h x HT EM ) 9 I Y i LF SUB ... : J Z j Y z 11 VT ESC + ; K ( k 0 12 FF FS < L \ 1 1 13 CR GB = M ) m > N 1\ n ? 0 - 1 1 1 0 14 SO RS 1 1 1 1 15 SI US . / - - 0 t I I ~ ...., DEL ... Non-printable characters or symbols include control characters contained in columns 0 and 1. and the symbols SP. @. -. and DEL . \ / ! \. ) '\ ;' .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors:. . . . . . . 52 Data Transmission Errors .. no provision for checking except through visual verification of input data when typed . Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .... optional character parity. Error indication: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. red upper case M is printed in place of character received in error. Correction procedure: . . . . . . . . . .. operator intervention. .6 CONDITION INDICATORS: . .7 DA TA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics ... visible switches for Power on/off and Color mode. Rated transmission speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 or 12.2 chars/sec. Transmission method: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . serial by bit. Transmission code: . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 7-level USASCII with 8th bit added for even character parity; a total of 11 or 11 bits are transmitted for each character, including start and stop bits. Transmission mode: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . half-duplex; full-duplex is required for Break feature. Order of bit transmission: . . . . . . . . . . . . low-order bit (bl) is transmitted first. Synchronization: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . start/stop; one start bit and one or two stop bits bracket each character transmitted. C 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH I.,fo. Inc. 5/68 6271:04 FRIDEN 7100 . 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Lines Data Set*** Bell System leased line Type 1006 Data Channel: . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 103F. VVestern Union Class D Data Channel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . VVestern Union 180 Baud Data Modem. Bell System leased line Type 3002 Data Channel: . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 103F. Public telephone network: . . . • . . . . . . . . Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A2 . . 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . manual dialing or signaling. Call reception:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . capable of automatic answering. Functional operations:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . carriage return/line feed; all USASCII control characters are received and can either be printed as the corresponding upper-case symbol or igllOr ed . . 74 Multistation Operation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no provision . .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model 7100 Conversational Terminal Component .9 VVidth (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) VVeight (pounds) 18 22 10 90 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) 0.2 115.!.15V 60 Phases Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 1 +35 to +115 5 to 95 ? PRICE DATA Component or Feature Monthly Rental, * $ Purchase Price, ** $ 90 3200 Model 7100 desk 6 200 Mechanical Nonprint 1. 25 25 Receive parity check 2.50 50 Model 7100 Conversational Terminal * Monthly rental is structured on a one-year lease; maintenance is included in the rental cost. ** A yearly maintenance contract priced at $160 is available for purchased equipment. *** In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUEIIIIACH DATA CDMMUNICATIDNI AUERBACH IIEI'D,"I 6272:01 FRIDEN 7102 • FRIDEN MODEL 7102 COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: .12 Manufacturer: .13 Basic Function: . 15 Description The Friden Model 7102 Communications Terminal incorporates an individual punched paper tape reader and tape punch as integral units; these units are positioned at the left side of the Flexowriter typewriter. The basic paper tape reader and punch can be replaced by an edge-punched card/tape reader and punch at additional cost. ........ . Model 7102 Communications Terminal. ................. . Friden, Inc. Division of Singer Corporation 97 Humboldt Street Rochester, New York 14609 transmission and reception of data over a narrow-band or voice-band line at 12. 2 characters per second; provides data input and output capabilities via typewriter, edge-punched card/paper tape reader and punch . ................ . The Model 7102 can communicate with another Model 7102, a Model 7100, or a remote computer system over a narrow-band or voice-band'communications facility at up to 10 or 12.2 (optional) characters per second. Transmission is half-duplex asynchronous. The Model 7102 can operate in anyone of six transmit modes or three receive modes as illustrated in the following table: Mode Function Transmit Print X X X X X X X X Punch Read X Key X Receive X X X X X X X In addition, data can be transcribed from edge-punched cards to paper tape or vice versa when the optional edge-punched card reader and punch is incorporated, data can also be entered from the keyboard and printed and/or punched without transmission. The basic reader and punch accept I-inch wide paper tape; the optional edge-punched card/ paper-tape reader and punch also accept 3-inch by 7-inch edge-punched cards. The reader and punch can operate up to 12.2 characters per second. The readers sense data mechanically. The Model 7102 generates even parity for each USASCII 'character transmitted from the keyboard; parity is not generated for data entered from the reader. Parity checking on received data is optional; a red upper-case M is printed and/or a delete code (punch in all channels) is punched in place of an incorrectly received character. A manual override switch permits punching any 8-level non-USASCII codes and printing and/or punching USASCn codes not containing a parity bit. A Break feature is provided; space characters are transmitted for as long as the Break switch is depressed. The Model 7102 responds to a received break signal only when operating in the full-duplex mode. The received break signal, consisting of a 200 millisecond signal (space) interrupts the transmission from the reader but not the keyboard. A 53-key keyboard is supplemented with switches located to the left and right of the keyboard for Tape Feed (punch), Start Read, Stop Read, Break, Control, Color mode and Power on/off. The Model 7102 employs the USASCn transmission code; see Report 6271, Table 1. The complete 128-character USASCII character set can be transmitted or received. Control o 1968 AUERBACH Corporlltion and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/68 6272:02 FRIDEN 7102 Figure 1. . 15 The Friden 7102 Communications Terminal Description (Contd. ) characters are transmitted by placing the 7102 in the Control mode and depressing the appropriate key. (Control characters are engraved on the front edge of the key; the associated graphic symbols are engraved on the top.) This action transmits the appropriate control character and prints the corresponding graphic symbol displayed on the key-top. The Color mode·switch provides three printing modes: • Xmit-Recv-prints all transmitted characters in red and received characters in black; the choice of colors for transmitted and received data is optionally reversible. The corresponding graphic symbol (as engraved on individual key-tops) is printed in red for transmitted control codes only. • Color Off-prints both transmitted and received characters in black; the corresponding graphic symbol is printed in red for transmitted control codes. Received control codes are not printed. • Char Recog. - prints both transmitted and received characters in black; the corresponding graphic symbol is printed in red for both transmitted and received control codes. In this mode a graphic representation of 128 USASCII characters, except for carriage ret'!lrn, is printed. Horizontal tabulation and backspace are inhibited in this mode. A red "I" is printed in place of horizontal tabulation; a red "H" is printed in place of backspace operation. Line feed, null, and delete codes are optionally inhibited. The Print Inhibit option (manually controlled by a lever on the right side of the Model 7102) prevents printing transmitted or received data when placed in the Print Inhibit position. Reader control keys provide for starting, stepping one character position at a time, and stopping reader operation. The Tape Feed key permits feeding tape; null codes are automatically punched when operating with the basic paper tape punch. When the edge-punched card/paper tape punch is incorporated, edge-punched cards are advanced to the initial punching pOSition and sprocket holes only are punched. As an option, the delete code (a punch in all channels) can be punched on depression of the Tape Feed switch. This option is available for both the basic and optional punch. (Contd. ) 8/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS AUERBACH REPORTS 6272:03 FRIDEN 7102 • . 15 Description (Contd. ) The three panel switches located immediately above and to the right of the keyboard provide reader, punch, and printer control functions. A reader code-sensitivity control (All switch), when placed in the Select (up) position, establishes reader sensit ivity to stop, delete, and null codes. The stop (DC4) code will stop the reader action; Tape Feed (DEL) and null (NUL) codes are ignored and are neither punched nor transmitted. When reader non-sensitivity is selected (down position) the reader is insensitive to control codeR except the NUL code, which causes the reader to stop. All codes are transmitted and punched (if the punch is operating). The punch contr9l is a momentary on-off switch. DepreSSing the Punch switch activates the punch; depressing the Punch switch a second time deactivates the punch. The printer control is also a momentary switch. Depressing the Print switch once establishes the normal print mode. In this mode. data entered from the reader or keyboard, or received from the communications line, is printed. Depressing the Print switch a second time functionally separates the printer and keyboard from the reader, punch, and communications line. Tn this mode, the printer and keyboard perform as a conventional typewriter while concurrent operations are performed, such as punching data received from the reader or from the communications line or transmitting and/or punching data entered from the reader. The Print On indicator, when lighted, indicates the normal print mode. The optional Automatic Device Control feature permits automatic selection of the reader, punch, or printer under command of the designated standard (S) or alternate (A) control codes in the following table: Device Status Note: "s" Reader Punch Printer S A S A S A On DC2 DCl DCl DC2 :->1 SI Off DC4 DC3 DC3 DC4 SO SO indicates standard control code; "A" indicates alternate control code. Control codes can be interspersed with manual operations such that a device can be activated by a control code and manually deactivated by the device switch. The All switch must be in the Select position for the Automatic Device Control feature to be operative. Control codes can be entered via the reader or the communications facility; codes entered via the reader are not transmitted. Control codes entered from the keyboard when in Control mode are transmitted and/or punched, but can not cause op-eration of the designated device. Reader operation halts when a stop code is read from tape or cards, when a 200-millisecond break signal is received (full-duplex mode only) from the remote terminal or computer, or when manually stopped. Reader operation is initiated by receiving a start code from the remote terminal or computer or by manual means. . . 16 First Delivery: .. July 1968 . . 17 Availability: . . . . 2 months . .2 CONFIGURATION The basic Friden 7102 Communications Terminal consists of a manual input keyboard, a printer, an individual paper tape reader and punch, and control logic including a communications interface. An optional edge-punched card reader and punch, which can read and punch both edge-punched cards and paper tape can he substituted for the basic tape-only reader and punch. A data set is required to connect the 7102 to a communications line; see Paragraph. 72. C 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/68 6272:04 FRIO EN 7102 .3 INPUT . 31 Prepared Input Basic Paper Tape Reader and optional Edge-Punched Card/Paper Tape Reader Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated input speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 fully punched I-inch. 8-level paper tape; 3- by 7-inch edge-punched cards. any 8-level code; the device is code insensitive. any size block length. 128 characters . 12.2 char/sec. somewhat less than transmission speed. depending on block length. holes are sensed mechanically; parity is not checked; basic 7102 reader does not handle edge-punched cards; reader can be started or halted by control codes when the Automatic Device Control option is incorporated. Manual Input Method of entry:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comments: via 53-key keyboard. variable. 128 distinct character codes including numerics. upper- and lower-case alphabetics. special characters. and control characters; see Paragraph . 32 Report 6271. Control mode permits generating 32 control code characters and 4 non-printing graphic symbols from keyboard. . 33 Fixed Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no provision. .34 Transaction Code Input: no provision. :35 Message Configuration: 1 to N characters with control characters interspersed; control characters are keyed by depressing the Control Mode switch and the appropriate key . . 36 Operating Procedure (1) Establish connection with remote terminal by manual dialing or signaling; on a dedicated line. a permanent connection can be maintained; (2) Insure that the called terminal is ready; (3) Depress the data set Data button; (4) Transmit data from the reader or the keyboard; (5) Terminate the connection. The Model 7102 can be operated automatically (once the connection is established) under control of the remote computer. The Automatic Device Control must be incorporated for automatic operation. A reader transmission can be interrupted by a received break signal when operating in the full-duplex mode . . 37 Entry of Time and Date: . . • . . . . . . . .. no provision . .4 .41 OUTPUT Output to Punched Tape Basic Paper Tape Punch and optional Edge-Punched Card and Paper Tape Punch Tape size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 8/68 I-inch paper tape; 3- by 7-inch edge-punched cards. (Contd. ) AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUEIIACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS AUERBACH Rll'OIITS 6272:05 FRIDEN 7102 • . 41 Output to Punched Tape (Contd.) Tape code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated punching speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Format control:. . . . . . . . . . . . . Comments: ........... . . 44 7 -level USASCII code plus an even parity bit (8-level) when punching from keyboard; puncl1 is code insensitive and will punch any 8-level code. 12.2 char/sec. somewhat less than transmission speed depending on block length. none. basic 7102 punch does not handle edge-punched cards; punch can be started or halted by control codes when the Automatic Device Control option is incorporated . Output to Printer Output medium: .. Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated printing speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Format control: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comments: . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors: . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: Error indication: Correction procedure: .......... Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . friction-fed roll paper or pin-feed (optional) fanfold forms up to 14 inches wide (13. 5-inch writing width) . 89 printable characters; see Paragraph 6271. 44. 12.2 chars/sec. less than rated speed due to carriage return/line feed hori~ontal tab, backspace, and case shift operations. controlled by control codes in incoming data or manually by operator. Controls include carriage return/line feed, horizontal tab, back-. space, case shift and ribbon color. horizontal spacing is 10 chars/inch; vertical spacing is 6 lines/inch; color ribbon shift incorporated, see Color Mode Control, Paragraph .15. Vertical Spacer forms handler can be attached to the printing carriage to accommodate sprocketed, continuous forms of different widths; printer can be started or halted by control codes when the Automatic Device Control option is incorporated . no provision for checking except for visual verification of input data when printed • optional character parity on received data. red upper case "M" is printed and/or delete code is punched in place of character received in error. operator intervention. . manual override switch permits punching any 8-level non-USASCII codes and printing and/or punching non-parity USASCII codes. . 53 Data Recording Errors: . . . . . . . . . . . . no provision for checking recorded data except for visual verification of input data when printed. . 55 Line Malfunctions: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 CONDITION INDICATORS: . . . . . . '.' .. no provisions for detection other than through operator recognizing halted operation; transmission must be coordinated between sending and and receiving operators. printer and punch status indicator lamps only; switches provide visual indication of setting. . C 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 8/68 6272:06 FRIDEN 7102 .7 DATA TRANSMISSION . 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed:. . . . . . . . . . . Transmission method: . . . . . . . . . . . • . Transmission code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission mode: ............. . Order of bit transmission: . . • . . . . . . . . Synchronization: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 10 or 12.2 char/sec. serial by bit. . 7-level USASCII with 8th bit added for even parity; a total of 10 or 11 bits are transmitted for each character, including start and stop bits. half-duplex; full-duplex is required for Break feature. low-order bit (hI) is transmitted first. start/ stop; one start bit and one or two stop bits bracket each character transmitted . Connection to Communications Lines Communications Lines Data Set* Bell System leased line Type 1006 Data Channel: . . . . . . . . . .. Type 3002 Data Channel: . . . . . . . . . .. Bell System Data Set 103F. Bell System Data Set 103F. Western Union Class D Data Channel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem. Public telephone network: . . . . . . . . . .. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A2. *In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant . . 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Call reception:. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. Functional operations: .. . . . . . . . . . .. manual dialing or signaling. capable of automatic answering. carriage return/line feed, case shift, horizontal tab, backspace, etc. . 74 Multistation Operation: no provision . .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model 7102 Communications Terminal * Component 20.5 22 10 110 Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cpS) 0.2 115 t 15V 60 Phases Temperature Range (OF.) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 1 +35 to +115 5 to 95 ? *Model 7102 desk size is 51.25 inches wide by 27.5 inches deep by 28.5 inches high. (Contd.) 8/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS 6272:07 FRIDEN 7102 REPORTS • .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Monthly Rental, * $ Purchase Price, ** $ 1----- Model 7102 Communications Terminal (includes paper tape reader and punch) Model 7102 Desk 140 4750 7.50 240 10.00 200 Print Inhibit 1. 25 25 Automatic Device Control 7.50 150 Receive parity check 2.50 50 Pin Feed Platen 3.85 110 Vertical Spacer 3.50 100 Edge-Punched Card Reader and Edge-Punched Card Punch *Monthly rental is structured on a one-year lease; maintenance is included in the rental. ** A yearly maintenance contract price at $237.50 is available for purchased equipment. \ ! . 0 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/68 A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6320:01 GE DATANET -600/601 • GE OAT ANET 6001601 .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: GE DATANET-600. GE DATANET-601. . 12 Manufacturer: . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . General Electric Company Computer Department Phoenix, Arizona. .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . • . . read data from punched paper tape and transmit it over a voice-band line; receive data from a voice-band line and punch it into paper tape . . 15 Description The GE DATANET-600 is a punched tape terminal which operates over a voice-band, halfduplex, common-carrier transmission line and consists of two separate components: • A controller, which contains circuitry for control, synchronization, error detection, and bit/character serial/parallel conversion. • A combination reader/punch, which provides paper tape input/output to the controller. The DA TANET-600 will transmit 5-, 6-, or 7-level codes at 50 characters per second. An 8-level code can be handled, but whenever the 8th level is punched, the transmission rate is reduced by half. Generally, the 8th level is used infrequently (for control codes), so the effective transmission rate for 8-level codes will be close to 50 characters per second. The DA TANET-600 operates in a half-duplex mode, alternately sending and receiving data. A full-character redundancy checking system is used, in which every character is sent twice. The second version of each character transmitted contains the inverse bit pattern of the first version transmitted. As the data is being received, each character is checked. At the end of a block, if all characters have been received correctly, a data character or tone is transmitted from the receiving station. If an error has been detected, no response is made. A DA TANET-600 can communicate with: • Another DA TANET-600 . • A GE-200 Series computer system, via a DATANET-15 Data Transmission Controller and a DATANET-601 at the computer site. • A DA TANET-30 Data Communication Processor. • A GE-400 Series computer system, via a DATANET-20 Data Transmission Controller, a single-channel controller for controlling the exchange of data between a GE-400 Series computer system and communications lines. The DATANET-601 is similar to the DATANET-600 but contains the additional circuitry necessary to allow it to signal a DATANET-15 that servicing is required and to exchange data with the DATANET-15. The 601 can be disconnected from the DATANET-15 and used as a DATANET-600. The DATANET-15 is a multiline controller for controlling the exchange of data between a GE-200 Series computer and communications lines. A DATANET-601 is required at the computer site to handle code conversion when a remote DATANET-600 is communicating with the computer. A paper tape copy of all received data can be made by the DATANET-601, if desired. © 1965 AUC:RGACI! Corporatio,l and AUERBACH 'fltu, Inc. 10,.65 6320:02 GE DATANET-600/601 • 15 Description (Contd. ) The DATANET-600 is capable of unattended operation. In this mode, a called terminal will not transmit or punch data until it has received a valid data code. This prevents unintentional operation if a number is called by mistake. The DATANET-600 Controller can be switched to operate in an off-line mode, in which the reader and punch can operate in conjunction with each other to perform duplication and editing. The duplication function can be used to duplicate tapes or to combine several tapes into one tape. The edit function can be used to punch a new, error-free tape from tapes which contain bad blocks. (incomplete blocks because of detected errors); the new tape contains only the good (error-free) data blocks. ~ • 16 First Delivery: . •.••••••••...• • 17 Availability:· ...••.••.••.•••••. ·2 CONFIGURATION ? no longer in production. A DATANET-600 or -601 terminal consists of two components housed in separate cabinets: . a controller and a combination reader/punch. The terminal is connected to a voice-band communications line via an appropriate data set, as specified in Paragraph. 72 . .3 INPUT · 31 Prepared Input Input medium: ............. ... Quantity of data: .•••••••••••..• Rated input speed: •.•••••••••••. Effective speed: ...•••••••••••• fully-punched 11/16-, 7/8-, or 1-inch, 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level Mylar or oiled paper tape. any 5 ... , 6-, 7-, or 8-level code; a separate plugin module is used for each different code. variable. 50 char/sec. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length. when transmitting an 8-level code, speed is cut in half for each character that has the 8th level punched. · 32 Manual Input: .•.•••••.•••••.•• no provision. · 33 Fixed Input: .•.•••••.••••..••• no provision. .34 Transaction Code Input: no provision. .35 Message Configuration: data characters are followed by end-of-block code. • 36 Operating Procedure ' Input code: .•.••.•.••.•.•••... .37 (1) Establish connection by manual dialing. (2) Set switches for receive/transmit. (3) Switch to data mode and start transmission. Entry of Time and Date: no provision. (Contd. ) 10/65 AlJ.ERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6320:03 GE DATANET-600/601 • .4 OUTPUT • 41 Output to Punched Tape Tape size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tape code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated punching speed: .••..•.••..•• Effective speed: .•••••••..•••••.. Format control: •5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors: . • . . • . • . . . . • • .. • 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: Error indication: Correction procedure: \ " each character and its inverse are transmitted sequentially, and the two codes are compared at the receiver. blank spaces on the output tape and failure to return an aclmowledgement signal following end":'ofblock. automatic backspaci,ng of tape and retransmission of entire block; if errors perSist, retransmissions will continue until operator intervenes. Data Recording Errors: no detection facilities • .55 Line Malfunctions: .•••••••••••••• no detection facilities; line failure will be regarded as an error, 'with continuous retransmissions until operator intervenes. •6 CONDITION INDICA TORS Input device available: .••••••••••• Input device busy: . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Remote receiver ready: • • •••••••••• Remote receiver busy: •••••••••••• Power on: ......••...•.•..•..•.• Improper data entry: ••••••••••••• T,ransmission error: •••••••• '. • • •• Recording error: .••••••••••••• '.. .7 'DATA TRANSMISSION • 71 Basic Characteristics ~ated ! no detection facilities. . 53 i \ 11/16-, 7/8-, or I-inch, 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level oiled paper tape. (Mylar tape is not recommended. ) same as input code; a separate plug-in module is required for each different code. 50 char/sec. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length; when receiving an 8-level code, speed is cut in half for each character containing an 8th-level punch. tapes can be duplicated off-line, with deletion of error blocks • transmission speed: Transmission method: none. none. none. none. lamp. none •. none. none . 50 char/sec (850 bits/sec) for 5-, 6-, or 7-level tapes. 25 char/sec (850 bits/sec) for 8-level tapes for each character containing an 8th-level punch. serial by bit. / @1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 10/65 6320:04 GE DATANET-600/60t .71 Basic Characteristics (Contd.) Transmission code: .•••• ' ••••••••• a total of 17 bits are transmitted for each chaJ;acter (a code containing a punch in the 8th level requires 34 bits). . half-duplex. ? start/ stop. Transmission mode: •••••••••••.• Order of bit transmission: ••••••• •• Synchronization: • . . . . . • . • • • • • •••• . 72 . 73 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Public switched telephone network: Common-carrier leased voice-band line: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. Bell System Data Set 202D, or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem . Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • • Call reception: . . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . Functional operations: ..••.•.•...• manual dialing. capable of unattended operation. none . . 74 Multistation Operation: . . . . . . . • . • .. no provision . .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component: DA TANET-600 or -601 Controller Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 26 18 9 10.5 12 5 20 54 Power (KW) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 0.14 max 115 60 1 Temperature range eF.) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU /hr. ) .9 Reader /Punch 65 to 95 20 to 80 478 (approx.) PRICE DATA Component or Feature Monthly Rental, Purchase Price, $ Monthly Maintenance, $ $ DATANET-600 (includes controller and reader/punch) 275 8,250 ? DATANET-601 (includes controller and reader/punch) 300 9,000 ? * In some cases. equivalent data sets can be used; check with the local common-carrier communications consultant. to/65 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS AUERBACH ' 6321 :00 ~ GE DATANET-760 REPORT UPDATE .. REPORT UPDATE . . GE INTRODUCES COMPONENT CHANGES IN DATANET-760 SUBSYSTEM GE has introduced significant changes in the DATANET-760 Subsystem. Basically, the DTU 760 Display Terminal Unit has been replaced by the Display Monitor Unit (DMU 761) and the Electronic Keyboard (EKB 761) ; see Figure L The new, 14-inch DMU 761 Display Unit provides the same display as the DTU 760 Display Unit. The DTU 760 Display Unit is no longer in production and is available on an "as returned" basis only. A number of new components now supplement the DATANET-760 Subsystem to extend the overall versatility and efficiency of the subsystem. Two new Data Line Controllers, the DLC 761 and DLC 766, provide full-duplex operation with respective transmission rates of 1200 bits per second (120 chara:cters per second) and 2000 or 2400 bits per second (250 or 300 characters per second). The DLC 761 operates asynchronously; each character is composed of 10 bits, which include parity and unity start and stop bits. The DLC 766 operates synchronously; a total of 8 bits, which includes parity, is transmitted for each character, and four sync characters precede each messliie'!" Two Basic Controller Units (BCU 760 and 761) provide basic control logic for keyboard entry control, character generation, and timing. The BCU 761 is employed when the Function Key Group option is incorporated. The BCU is included as an integral component of the Display Controller Units (DCU 760). Figure 1. New GE DATANET-760 Subsystem © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/67 GE OATANET-760 REPORT UPDATE The FunctlonKey Group 1s now availa.ble as a standard option providing 8 or 16 additional keys for the display and transmission of Bpecial symbols. Up to four or more 14-inch or 23-inch (DMU 765 23-inch Read Only Display Unit) display-only monitors can be connected to each Display Unit .for repeating a display at several locations. On special request, a DATANET-760 Subsystem can be interfaced with closed-circuit television. Read-only. two- or three-color monitor. are also available on request. a The configuration rules for incorporating pl'fnters In 760 Subsystem have been changed. Each Page Printer Controller (PPC 760) can accommodate only one Teletype Model 33 or 35 ReceiveOnly Page Printer. Up to four Printer. Controllers can be connected to a Display Controller. The Teletype Page Printers can now be obtained from GE; however, prices have not been established to date. . ... NEW PARTIYNE OPTION EXPANDS SIZE OF DATANET-760 SUBSYSTEM Each keyboard!display or read-only display unit can be located up to 5000 cable feet from the Display Controller by incorporating two Line Repeater Units (LRU 760). Each Line Repeater Unit extends the basic 1000-foot separation by 2000 feet. A Keyboard Video Amplifier (KVA 760) must be included in each Repeater Unit. When the Party Line Junction option (PLJ 760) is incorporated in the Line Repeater Unit. up to four additional keyboard/ display or read-only display units can be connected to the Line Repeater Unit. The Party Line Junction option requires a Party Line Monitor (PLM 760) for each terminal unit connected to the Line Repeater Unit. The Party" Line option alerts each of the party line operators to his own incoming message or alerts the operator when the party line is not busy. The 760 Subsystem can be expanded to provide a maximum combination of 288 keybOard/display and read-only display units with full utilization of the party line options • ... DATANET-760 PRI9ES~HAN9EP " pa.- The price data on 6321 :12 has been updated to reneet current prices and features included with the GE DATANET-760 Subsystem. 11/67 AUERBACH Data Communicetlons Reports 6321:01 GE. DATANET-760 GE DATANET-760 KEYBOARD/DISPLAY SUBSYSTEM .1 GENERAL .11 ¥dentity:....................... Manufacturer:................... • 12 · 13 · 14 DATANET-760 Keyboard/Display Subsystem • General Electric Company Information Systems Division P.O. Box 129 Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. Basic Function: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• visual display. via a cathode ray tube. of data transmitted between a DATANE't-760 subsystem and a remote computer; data can be entered via a keyboard; printed output is optional. Basic Components Name: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Display Terminal Unit. Model number: •••••••••••••••••• DTU760. Function: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• provides cathode ray tube and keyboard for display and entry of data. Name: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Display Controller Unit. Model number: •••••••••••••••••• DCU760. Function: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• provides basic control logic for keyboard entry control. character generation. and timing. Name: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Terminal Memory Unit. Model number: •••••••••••••••••• TMU760. Function: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• provides buffer storage and display logic for all units. • 1;) Name:. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Page Print Controller. Model number: •••••••••••••••••• PPC760. Function: ................... • • •• provides basic control logic for a Teletype Model 33 or 35 Receive-Only set. Name: ••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Data Line Controller. Model number: •••••••••••••••••• DLC760 or DLC765. Function: •••••••••••••••••• • • •• provides interface for data 'set. message assembly and distribution. and error detection and retransmission. Description The GE DATANET-760 Subsystem is designed to facilitate the rapid exchange of data between a computer system and one or more remote locations. under control of a stored program in the computer. Up to 32 cathode ray tube Display Terminal Units with data entry keyboards can be controlled by the Display Controller. Figure 1 shows the Display Terminal Unit. up to four Page Print Controllers can be included in a DATANET-760 Subsystem. Each Print Controller replaces one Display Terminal Unit and can drive one or more Teletype Model 33 or 35 (or equivalent) Receive-Only Printers. All printers connected to a single Print Controller receive and print the same data. Each display or printer unit can be located up to 1000 cable-feet from the Display Controller. (This distance can be extended for the display units with Line Repeater Units. available on special request.) The Display Controller Is connected to a remote computer via a commoncarrier leased voice-band line or the public telephone network. appropriate data sets. and an appropriate communications controller at the computer. The DATANET-760 can also be connecte'd directly to a computer I/O channel; this report. however. deals with the DATANET-760 Subsystem as used in a data communications environment. Only one DATANET-760 Display/Keyboard Subsystem is normally connected to a single communications line. C 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/66 6321:02 GE DA TANET-760 Figure 1: GE DATANET-760 Display Terminal Unit .15 Description (Contd. ) Basic Operation The GE DATANET-760 Subsystem operates in a half-duplex mode. Information is exchanged between the Subsystem and the remote computer by an alternating series of "transmission frames, " each consisting of one or more messages to or from individual display or printer units. After receiving a transmission frame from the remote computer, or after a predetermined time has elapsed without receiving anything, the Display Controller automatically scans the units for messages to be sent, and initiates the sending of a transmission frame, which may contain messages from up to eight terminals. During periods when no information is to be transmitted, empty frames are transmitted. Normally, all data messages are acknowledged. The Display Controller will automatically retransmit a message if a negative acknowl~dgment is received. Full-duplex operation, which permits simultaneous transmission and reception, is available upon special request. . The 7-level ASCII transmission code is employed, with an eighth bit added for character parity. A DATANET-760 Subsystem can be obtained for transmission at 1,200, 2,000, or 2,400 bits per second. Thecorresponding character rates are 120, 250, and 300 characters per second. Start/Stop synchronization is employed at 1,200 bits per second; a total of 10 bits, including start and stop bits, are transmitted for each character .. Synchronous transmission is used at 2,000 or 2,400 bits per second; sync characters are transmitted prior to each transmission frame. (Contd. ) 11/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6321:03 GE DATANET-760 • Components A DATANET-760 Display/Keyboard Subsystem consists of: • One Display Controller, • Up to 32 Display Terminal Units. and • Up to 4 Page Print Controllers. On special request, up to four or more 14-inch or 23-inch display-only monitors can be connected to each Display Unit for repeating a display at several locations. The Display Controller contains one to four Terminal Memory Units (TMU), each containing 1,472 characters of delay-line storage. The storage of each TMU can be segmented to accommodate from 1 to 8 Display Terminal Units and Print Controllers. On special request. multjple Display Terminal Units can share one memory segment of a TMU on a shared-access, party-line basis. Paragraph. 2 shows the display sizes when various numbers of units are connected. The Display Controller also contains the logic for character generation, display regeneration, parity checking, and control of multiple display stations and printers. The displayed characters are composed of one or more strokes. The Display Terminal Unit consists of a rectangular cathode ray tube with a 14-inch diagonal and a maximum display field 8 inches wide by 6.3 inches high. A physically separate alphanumeric keyboard is a standard part of the Display Terminal. The keyboard module can be located up to four feet from the display module. On special request, the keyboard can be as far as 100 feet from the display module. A Page Print Controller (PPC) is required for each independent group of printers incorporated in the Subsystem. The Print Controller utilizes one storage segment of a Terminal Memory Unit. GE supplies the PPC with an interface to accommodate a Teletype Model 33 or 35 Receive-Only Page Printer or equivalent. (The user must obtain the printers separately.) All data to be printed must be transmitted from the remote computer. If an operator desires a display to be printed, the displayed data is first sent to the computer, then back to the printer under control of the program stored in the remote computer. This technique enables the program stored in the remote computer to manipulate the printed format and to add stored data not displayed by the requesting station. The Page Print Controller formats the incoming data for line length and provides control functions that make it possible to tie together lengthy messages that require more than one frame for transmission. The display terminal is free to operate immediately after the print request has been transmitted. \ Editing Facilities Editing facilities available to the Display Terminal Unit operator include movement of the cursor forward or backward. up or down. to the beginning of a line. or to the first display position. The cursor is non-destructive; 1. e., it does not erase the character displayed in the position the cursor occupies. In the basic keyboard. cursor movement is controlled by certain character keys in the up-shift condition. The optional Entry Marker Group provides a separate set of keys at the right of the keyboard which duplicate these functions. These keys are repeating keys; 1. e. , the indicated action is continued if the key is held depressed. An automatic tab function is included in the basic unit which positions the cursor at a vertical line in a table outline previously written on the display. A Repeat key in the basic keyboard, if held depressed Simultaneously with a character key, enables the operator to make repetitive entries of characters or symbols. / A selected portion of the data displayed can be transmitted to the remote computer, beginning with any position in one line and continuing through to the end of a consecutive group of lines. The remainder of the display is not disturbed. The cursor can be positioned directly to any display position by control codes contained in the incoming message. This eliminates the need for rewriting previously displayed data. / © 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH In~o. Inc. 1t/66 6321:04 GE DATANET-760 .15 Description (Contd. ) Error Checking and Correction . Character and longitudinal (optional) parity checking are performed on all data received by the DAT ANET-760 Subsystem from the remote computer; character parity bits and longitudinal check characters (optional) are generated and transferred with all data transmitted from the Subsystem. If the remote computer returns a negative acknowledgment, indicating that an error was detected at the computer site, the Display Controller automatically retransmits the message. The Display Controls also makes certain checks on the validity of message formats received from the computer. If errors are detected, the Display Controller transmits a negative response. Programming Support GE states that software is now available or is being planned to facilitatetheuseoftheDATANET760 Subsystem with any GE computer system . . 16 First Delivery:. • • • • . • • • • • • . • • . •• . June 1966 . . 17 .2 Availability: ••••••••••••••••••• CONFIGURATION 5 months . AGE DATANET-760 Keyboard/Display Subsystem is composed of these units: • One Display Controller, • Up to 32 Display Terminal Units, and • Up to 4 Page Print Controllers. Each Display Unit or Printer can be located up to 1, 000 feet from the Display Controller. Extended distances are available on special request. Up to four or more 14-inch or 23-inch display monitors can be connected to each Display Terminal Unit (DTU) for display only. The monitor's display is exactly the same as that of the DTU to which it is connected. The monitors are available on special request. The Display Controller consists of the Display Controller Unit (DCU) , one Data Line Controller (DLC) , one to four Terminal Memory Units (TMU) , and up to four Page Print Controllers (PPC). All of these components are housed in the cabinet provided with the Display Controller Unit. Each component physically consists of one or more logic boards; configuration changes can be easily made in the field. A Terminal Memory Unit contains a delay-line memory with a total storage capacity of 1,472 characters. This memory can be segmented into two, four, or eight parts to accommodate up to eight Display Terminal Units or associated printers. The following table shows the allowable segmentation of each TMU and the resulting display size for each Display Unit. Number of Memory Segments Number of DTU's and Print Controllers· 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 Display Size Number of Lines Number of Char/Line Total Number of Characters 26 16 46 46 46 46 1,196 736 368 184 8 4 • Maximum of four Print Controllers per subsystem. All Display Units connected to the same TMU have the same display size. Units connected to different TMU's can have different display sizes. Each Page Print Controller can accommodate one independent group of printers. Each printer within a group receives and prints the same data. See Paragraph. 44. (Contd. ) 11/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6321:05 GE DATANET-760 • Two standard Data Line Controllers (DLC) are available. The DLC760 is for a data transmission rate of 1,200 bits per second (120 characters per second); the DLC765 is for a data transmission rate of 2, 000 or 2,400 bits per second (250 or 300 characters per second). Table IV lists the characteristics of each DLC. A special controller for full-duplex operation is available on special request. See Paragraph. 72 for the standard communications facilities that can be accommodated and the data set required . .3 INPUT .31 Prepared Input: • • • • . • . • • • • . • . • • •• no provision. • 32 Manual Input Display T.erminal Unit Method of entry:. . • • . . . • • . . • • . • . • via 53-key keyboard, including 10 control keys. Quantity of data:. • . . . • • . • . • . • • • . • up to 1,196, 736, 368, or 184 characters per display, depending on the number of displays per TMU; see Paragraph .2. digits, upper-case alphabetic letters, and 28 Character .set: ••• punctuation marks and special symbols; see Table I. (~onlments: •••••..••.•.•.•.•.•. 4 additional command keys are provided on right side of keyboard; 8 cursor control keys (optional) which duplicate functions of certain keyboard keys are located on right side of keyboard. except for punctuation marks and special symbols, keyboard layout is the same as for a standard typewriter. a group of Function keys is available on special request; see Paragraph . 34. to ) \ I / \ •••••••••••••• • 33 Fixed Input: . • . . • . • . . • • • . . . • . . . .. no provision. · 34 Transaction Code Input: . . . • . . . . • . . •• a group of Function keys is available on special request; these keys provide additional symbols for display and transmission and are normally used for transaction-code input or similar identification. .35 Message Configuration Input to the remote computer and data to be displayed or printed are transmitted between the computer and the DATANET-760 ~ubsystem in alternate groups of messages called "transmission frames" (see Paragraph. 7). A transmission frame sent by the computer consists of any number of computer messages followed by an EOT character. A transmission frame sent by the DATANET-760 consists of up to eight display messages followed by an EOT character. The exact number of display messages in a frame depends on the number of units connected to a TMU and the activity of the units (see Paragraph. 73). During periods when no information is to be exchanged, a two-character quiescent frame is transmitted which consists of an SOH and an EOT character. When the DLC765 Data Line Controller is used for transmission at 2,000 or 2,400 bits per second, each data message is preceded by four sync characters. The formats for all messages sent by the DATANET-760 are identical, and consist of the following characters: SOH, address of unit originating message, status character, FCl, FC2, STX, text, ETX, and LP. The FCl and FC2 characters are reserved for Function codes; see Paragraph. 34. There are five types of messages, which are distinguished by the status character; the five message types are listed in Table Ill. The LP character is the longitudinal parity check character. If the Longitudinal Parity Check option is not incorporated, the LP character transmitted is all ones. The DATANET-760 Subsystem can recognize and respond to three types of messages sent from the remote computer; see Table Ill. The format for these messages is identical to that for display-originated messages except that the address character indicates the unit addressed and the FCl and 'FC2 characters can be omitted. ' C 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. t1/66 6321:06 GE DATANET-760 TABLE I: GE DATANET-760 ASCll DATA TRANSMISSION CODE ~ ______________ b7 0 b6 0 b5 J-~ 0 c::J - Character for Storage It¥;;!;,;;1 - o o 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 o o o 1 o 1 _ 1 - Combinations not USE,d 1 externally Commands (not stored) * These symbols permit horizontal Note - o o or vertical lines to be drawn for tables or charts. See Table II for definition of control characters. Reproduced from DATANET-760 Keyboard/Display Subsystem Manual, CPB-1308, published by General Electric Company . . 36 Operating Procedure A Display Terminal Unit operates in one of four modes (Local, Transmit, Receive, or Print), as indicated by the mode indicator located in the left margin opposite the first display line. The Local mode is used to compose messages. The cursor (entry marker) identifies the next display position to be entered. Control keys are provided to space the cursor forward or backward one position at a time, move the cursor up or down one line at a time, move the cursor to the first character position of the same line, and position the cursor at the first displayable position. These control keys are located within the character keyboard layout in the basic keyboard and are operated in conjunction with a control shift key. The optional Marker Control Group provides a set of control keys in addition to the standard control keys to provide the same functions. These keys are located on the right side of the keyboard and operate without the control shift key. When held depressed, the optional cursor control keys will repetitively advance or backspace the cursor, or move it up or down. The cursor continually blinks 3 to 5 times per second, which permits quick visual location by the operator. (Contd. ) 11/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ 'lJ£RBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6321:07 GE DATANET-760 It TABLE II: \DEFINITIONS OF GE DATANET-760 CONTROL CHARACTERS Control Character Definition -----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------; NUL SOH STX . ETX Null. Used as a status character in message header to indicate the message contains text. Start of Header. Start of Text. End of. Text • EOT ENQ End of Transmission. ACK Acknowledgment. Used as a status character to indicate that the last message for the specified terminal was received correctly. BSY Busy. Used as a DA TANET-760 status character in the message header to indicate that the last message received was addressed to a Busy terminal. A terminal is Busy when it is under local control or has a message waiting to be transmitted. PRT Print. Used as a DATANET-760 status character to indicate that the message is to be printed. The computer then re-addresses the message to the PPC. Negative Acknowledgment. Used as a status character in message header to indicate that the last message was received with a detectable error. Backspace marker one character. When the marker is at the left edge of the page, subsequent backspaces have no effect. Line Feed. Moves marker down one line. When the marker is on the bo~tom line, a line feed moves the marker to the top line without changing character position. NAK BS LF FF CR Enquiry. Used in conjuncti?n with NAK as subsequently described. Form Feed. Clears memory, erases display, and page returns marker to the top left character poSition. Carriage Return. Returns marker to the leftmost character position. When the marker is at the left edge of the page, subsequent carriage returns have no effect. RLF Reverse Line Feed. Moves m!lrker up one line without changing character position. When marker is on top line, subsequent RLF's have no effect on the marker. Character position is never changed with this command. FS Forward Space marker one character. When the marker reaches the end of the line, another Forward Space causes generation of a Carriage Return - Line Feed. Page Return. Returns marker to top left character position without eraSing display. Synchronous Idle. Used in synchronous transmission to obtain character synchronization. PR SYN SP BLINK Space. Stores and displays a "Space" character. Causes all characters between Blink character and the next space character (or end of line) to blink. When inserted in a message to a Page Print Controller, a single Blink character stops the printer at that point. A Double Blink code causes the PPC to generate a form feed (carriage return. line feed) sequence and then stop printing. C 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/66 632t:08 GE DATANET-760 TABLE 1lI: SUMMARY OF MESSAGE TYPES Type of Message Status Character Text From Display From Computer Information NUL 1 to I, 196 data characters* 1 to 1,196 data characters plus cursor movement commands* Positive Acknowledgment ACK none cursor movement commands* Negative Acknowledgment NAK none ENQ plus cursor movement commands Busy BSY none - Print PRT 1 to 1,196 data characters* ** * Maximum number of data characters in messagtl is determined by the maximum display size of the sending or receiving Terminal Display Unit; see Paragraph. 2. ** A message from the computer which is to be printed is formatted as an Information message addressed to a printer • . 36 Operating Procedure (Contd.) To transmit a message to the remote computer, the operator: • Composes the message by keying in the data, using the cursor control keys to aid in positioning the data; • Moves the cursor to anywhere in the last line to be transmitted and depresses the ETX key to enter the End of Transmission character (displayed as a C) in the right margin opposite the last line; • Moves the cursor to the first character to be transmitted; and • Depresses the TX key. Transmission can be initiated in either the Local or Receive mode. All data between the cursor and the end of the line indicated by the ETX symbol is ready for transmission. Depression of the TX key places the Terminal Display Unit in the Transmit mode, as indicated by a "T" displayed in the mode indicator position .. The message will be included in the next available transmission frame. The keyboard is disabled until transmission is completed. The Terminal Unit is now free to receive a message from the remote computer. Normally, a positive or negative response is received. The keyboard is locked again if a negative response is received, and the mode indicator character will blink. The Display Control will automatically retransmit the message in the next available transmission frame. The Terminal Display Unit is automatically placed in the Receive mode after a successful transmission, and an "R" is displayed in the mode indicator charll:cter poSition. The operator can also change modes manually if required. To print out a display, the operator depresses the PRT key, which puts the display in the Print mode and causes a "P" to be displayed in the mode indicator character position. The display message is transmitted to the remote computer. The remote computer selects a print terminal as determined by the stored program and sends the message back to the DATANET-760 for printing. The keyboard is locked until the transmission to the computer is completed. The Display Terminal is freed for other operations immediately following the transmiss.ion. (Contd. ) t 1/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Rp.pcrt~ A ~ AuERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6321:09 GE DATANET-760 It The capability of the Display Unit to transmit selected portions of a message and the capability to include cursor positioning commands in the message from the computer allow a series of display messages and computer responses to be displayed simultaneously . . 37 Entry of Time and Date: . . . . . . . • • . .• .4 OUTPUT . 44 Output to Printer no provisions . Up to 4 independent groups of Teletype Model 33 or 35 Receive-Only Printers can be used in a DATANET-760 Subsystem for printed output at 10 char/sec. Each group of RO Printers requires a Page Printer Controller (PPC). All printers in a group receive and print the same data. The Teletype units are fully described in Reports 6804 and 6805. The output interface of the PPC is EIA RS232A. The output code is as shown in Table I with the addition of a start bit and two stop bits to correspond to the 11-unit code used by the Teletype Model 33 and 35 equipment. The output transfer rate is 10 characters per second (110 bits per second). The user must obtain the Teletype or equivalent printers separately . . 46 Output to Visual Display Device Display Terminal Unit Output medium: Character set: . . . . • . . . • . . . . • . • . • Character size: . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . • . Display size: .••...•....••.•••. Characters per line: • • • • . • • . • . • • •. Lines per display: . . . . . . . • . • ••••• Characters per display: •••••.. ••.• Buffer capacity: • . • • . . • . . . • . . • . •• Format control: . • • • . . . . • . . .•••.• Rated output speed:. • • • . • • • • • • • • • • cathode ray tube; displays white characters against gray background. digits 0-9, upper case letters A-Z, and 28 punctuation and special symbols; see Table I. Four of the special symbols permit drawiag vertical and horizontal lines. nominally 0.12 inch wide and 0.16 inch high. display field for a 26-line unit is 8.0 inches wide by 6.3 inches high; the display field of a 16-, 8-, or 4-line unit is proportionately shorter in height, and is centered on the face of the tube; the diagonal of the rectangular tube is 14 inches. 46. 26, 16, 8, or 4 depending on the number of displays per TMU; see Paragraph. 2. 1,196, 736, 368, or 184, depending on the number of displays per TMU; see Paragraph. 2. 1,472 characters per Terminal Memory Unit; maximum of 5,888 characters per DATANET760 Subsystem. each space in the display occupies one poSition of buffer storage; cursor is nondestructive and blinks continually 3 to 5 times a second to aid operator visibility; control keys allow cursor to be advanced or backspaced, moved up or down, positioned at the beginning of the next line, or poSitioned at the first display position; cursor can be positioned by the operator when composing. a message or by contl'ol codes in a received message; the entire message can be erased by the operator or by a control code in the received message; single characters are corrected or changed by poSitioning the cursor and depressing the correct character key; special symbols allow drawing of horizontal and vertical lines; cursor can be tabbed to the next position after a vertical line. 150, 250, or 300 char/sec (1,200, 2,000, or 2,400 bits/sec respectively). C 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH In.1o. Inc. 11/66 6321: 10 GE DATANET-760 .46 Output to Visual Display Device (Contd.) Effective output speed: • • . . . . . . • . . .5 EHHOH DETE( 'TION AND COHHECTION .51 --------- • 52 n.) provision for checking other than visual Data Entry Errors: verification of the display. Errors are corrected by repositioning the cursor and rekcving the data . Data TransJ!lission Errors Type of checldng: . . . . . . . Error indicathn: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corl'f)ction P,-()\."··dure: . . • . . " . . . . . • character parity; longitudinal parity (optional,; status cha racier validity check; various cheeks on format and control characters. a negative acknowledgment message is 11'a1lSmitted, the mode indicator on the disphy blinkB, and the keyboard remains locked during n tr;IIl~' misBion. autol1l-1f lC rctranHllliSdion by DATANET--j;iG, as progrll mnH'd I', (~omputer at remot.- site (uswllly re!.ransmisl:lion). no provision for checking other than visua I verifjeatioll of displayed or printed data .5:3 • 55 highly variable; depends on activity of display terminals, number of format control charaet£'rs in the display message, turnaround tIme, etc. The aetivity of the terminals affects thl' hl,wkingor messages into transmission fra mes_ Line Malfunctioll!:> no data received from remote computer within 4 seconds after transmission from DATANET760. Controller reinitiates a transmission frame: s"e Paragraph . 7, Detection: . . . . . . . . Action: .6 CONDITION INDICA TORS: . .7 DATA TRANSMISSION, the mode inr:iC'ator character is displayed in the left rna rgin opposite the first display line. An If W'. "L", "1''', or" P" is displayed to indicate Receive, Local, Transmit, or Print mode, respectively. The modc indicator blinks if fI negntive response. which indicates an errOl", is received. A wide array of controls allows the operator to adjust the brightness and contrast. of the display, the vertical size of the characters, and the horizontal and vertical synchronization . A DATANET-760 Subsystem can operate the public telephone network or over a dedicated line. A connection is normally maintained between the Suhsystem and the remote com~uter for an extended period of time. Groups of messages called "transmission frames" are normall~ transmitted continually in alternate directions hetween the Subsystem and the remote computer. The Data Line Controller contains a timer which is started after every transmission from the DATANET-760. If a transmission is not received from the remote computer within '1 seconds, the DATANET-760 will reinitiate a transmission frame. The remote computer can defeat the time out and prevent the DAT_ANET-760 ft'OIl' transmitting by appropriate signa's to the data set. All messages from Display Units are held pending until acknowledged. Spe Paragraph.35 for a discussion of the message and transmission frame formats . • 71 Basic Characteristics: • • • . . • • . • . . .. see Table IV. (Contd. ) 11/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ .. AVERBAn, AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6321: 11 GE DATANET-760 TABLE IV: DATANET-760 BASIC TRANSMISSION CHARACTERISTICS DLC 760 and DCL 761 Data Line Controllers Characteristic DLC 765 and DLC 766 Data Line Controllers 1,200 (120 char/sec) 2, 000 or 2,400 (250 or 300 char/sec) Serial by bit Serial by bit Transmission code ASCII, see Table II; a total of 10 bits are transmitted for each character, including start and stop bits ASCII, see Table II; a total of 6 bits are transmitted for each character Transmission mode Half-duplex (DLC 760); full-duplex (DLC 761) Half-duplex (DLC 765); full-duplex (DLC 766) Order of bit transmission Low-order bit first, parity bit last Low-order bit first, parity bit last Synchronization Start/sto!> Synchronous; 4 sync characters precede each message Rated transmission speed bits/sec Transmission method .72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Public telephone network, operating at the following speeds 1,200 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 bits/sec: Data Set* Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A. . Common-carrier leased voice-band line operating at the following speeds 1,200 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 . 74 Bell System Data Set 202C or 202D, or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. 2,000 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 201A. 2,400 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 201B or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Set. * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant . Transmission Control In half-duplex operation the Display Controller Unit initiates the sending of a transmission frame after each transmission frame received from the computer, or after the timer in the Data Line Controller has timed out. The Display Units and printers connected to a Terminal Memory Unit (TMU) are numbered sequentially, and all TMU's are also numbered sequentially. When initiating a transmission frame, the units are scanned in descending sequence by Memory Unit and by Display Unit for messages awaiting transmission. If a waiting message of any type is detected, that message and all messages from lowernumbered units connected to the same TMU are grouped and sent as one transmission frame. A similar procedure is followed in full-duplex operation except that the units are scanned continuously for transmit requests and there is no message framing . Multistation Operation Polling: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . automatic poll after each message received from remote computer; see Paragraph. 73. Addressing:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. individual Display Units cannot communicate directly with one another; such communication could be provided on a store-and-forward basis by appropriate programming of the remote computer, utilizing the individual address ability of the terminal units. @ 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/67 6321: 12 GE DATANET-760 .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component Display Terminal Unit Controller Cabinet· Line Repeater Unit -- --Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 16 27 )7 78 (appx.) Power (KyA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) - 27.25 27.25 62 550 (appx.) 0.20 115 60 1 0.75 115 60 1 40 to 100 10 to 90 65 to 85 20 to 80 0.06 115 60 1 -20 to -+125 5 to 95 ----- - --- .. * Houses all components except Display Terminal Units and Printers . .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Monthly Rental, $ Purchase Price. Monthly Maintenance, $ $ -- DMU 761 Display Monitor Unit (14-inch screen) DTU 760 Display Terminal Unit* DMU 765 Read-Only Display Unit (23-inch screen) 27.50 1,010 5 55 25 2,020 :100 10 5 EKB 761 Electronic Keyboard EMC 761 Entry Marker Control FKG 761 Function Key Group (8 keys) FKG 766 Function Key Group (16 keys) 27.50 10 15 1,OtO 375 550 5 2 3 20 735 4 350 110 NC NC 50 14.000 4,600 NC NC 2,100 24 8 NC NC 4 105 170 125 4,200 6,250 5,000 8 20 16 190 7,950 26 15 5 5 5 550 185 185 185 3 1 1 1 10 15 375 550 :1 20 735 4 185 1 DCU 760 Display Controller Unit TMU 760 Terminal Memory Unit BCU 760 Basic Controllflr Unit BCU 761 Basic Controller Unit PPC 760 Page Print Controller Data Line Controllers DLC 760 (half-duplex at 1200 bps) DLC 761 (full-duplex at 1200 bps) DLC 765 (half-duplex at 2000 or 2400 bps) DLC 766 (full-duplex at 2400 bps) LRU 760 Line Repeater Unit KVA 760 Keyboard Video Amplifer PLJ 760 Party Line Junction PLM 761 Party Line Monitor DTU 760 Options· EMC 760 Entry Mal ker Control FKG 760 Function Key Group (8 keys) FKG 765 Function KflY Group (16 keys) PLM 760 Party Line Monitor 5 - 2 * The DTU 760·is no longer in production; it is available on an "as returned" basis only. The options shown are still available for existing units. NC - No Cliarge. 11/67 11. 1 14 11 17 (maximum) AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6322:01 GE DATANET-730 ® GE DATANET-730 ACOUSTICALLY COUPLED TERMINAL .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: General Electric DATANET-730 Acoustically Coupled Terminal (ACT). .12 Manufacturer: General Electric Company Information Systems Division P. O. Box 12313 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112. . 13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . transmit and receive data over the public telephone network via an acoustic telephone coupler . . 14 Basic Components . 15 Name: • . . • . . . . Model number: .. Function: • . . . • . • • . • • • . . . . . • . . •. Portable Keyboard Send-Receive Set. Model ACT-731 KSR. transmits data from keyboard input; receives data and prints it. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Model number: . . . . . • • . . . Function: . . • . . • . . . . . . . . Portable Automatic Send-Receive Set. Model ACT-733 ASR. transmits data from punched paper tape or keyboard input; receives data and punches it into paper tape or prints it. Name: . . • . . . • • • • • . . . . . • . . • • . • . Model number: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function: . . . . . . . • • . • . . . • . . . • . • • Mobile Automatic Send-Receive Set. Model ACT-735 ASR. transmit data from punched paper tape or keyboard input; receives data and punches it into paper tape or prints it . Description The GE DATANET family now includes a line of acoustically-coupled teletypewriter terminals under the name of DATANET-730. Three models of the DATANET-730 are presently available; all include the Teletype Model 33 ASR or KSR (depending on the DATANET-730 model) interfaced with a GE DigiNet Model TDM-114 Data Set and packaged as a mobile unit, see Figure 1, or as portable units in separate hand-carrying cases. This report presents a summary of the DATANET-730, and includes only that information pertinent to the 730 configuration. Refer to Report 6804 for a detailed description of the Teletype Model 33 line. The GE DATANET-730 is available in three models: '\ I • Model ACT 731 - includes the Teletype Model 33 KSR and GE Model TDM-114 Data Set. Both units are packaged in separate hand-carrying cases. • Model ACT 733 - includes the Teletype Model 33 ASR and GE Model TDM-114 Data Set. Both units are packaged in separate hand-carrying cases. • Model ACT 735 - includes the Teletype Model 33 ASR and GE Model TDM-1l4 Data Set. Both units are functionally integrated into a mobile cabinet. / / © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/69 6322:02 GE DATANET-730 Figure 1. The GE DATANET-730 Model Act-735 Mobile Terminal, Connection to a Standard Desk-Telephone Set is Shown . . 15 Description (Contd.) The differences between the Teletype equipment and the GE DATANET-730 include some keyboard key-top changes, the addition of the GE acoustically-coupled data set, and the special packaging provisions. The DATANET-730 transmits at 10 characters per second (110 bits per second) and operates asynchronously in the half-duplex mode. The 7-level USASCII code with an 11-unit code structure is employed. Each character transmitted includes a parity bit, one start, and two stop bits. Even parity is generated and transmitted but no checking facilities are provided for received data other than operator surveillance. The character set totals 96 characters including upper-case alphabetics, numerics, special characters and control codes; of these 96, 64 characters are printable. The ASR models employ a punched paper type reader and a punched paper tape punch. Operation of these units can be initiated by the remote computer via special control codes. Both units employ 1-inch, 8-level paper tape. The GE TDM-114 is a telephone coupler data set that acoustically couples the Model 33 Teletype unit to the public telephone network via a standard desk telephone set such as the Bell System Series 500 telephone set. To transmit data between the DATANET-730 and a remote computer, the operator places the call in the conventional manner, positions the telephone handset in the telephone-coupler cradle and activates the data terminal. The call is terminated by simply removing the handset from the cradle and "hanging-up" in the conventional manner. Table I presents the operational characteristics of the TDM-114 Data Set. (Contd.) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A'A' AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS ~ 6322:03 GE DATANET-730 AUERBACH ® / TABLE 1. GE DATANET-730 ACOUSTIC COUPLER TRANSMISSION CHARACTERISTICS* Component TDM-114 Data Set Mode Half-duplex or full-duplex Method Modulation Serial by bit Frequency Shift Operating Mode Speed Timing Code Asynchronous Any code; unrestricted code length Originate only Up to 300 bps *The GE TDM-114 Data Set is compatible with the GE TDM-115 Data Set and the Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A2. GE also markets the TDM-114 and-115 Data Sets as separate units; see Section 4640: Telephone Coupler Data Sets. / .15 Description (Contd.) In addition to its data transmission capabilities, the DATANET-730 can be used off-line to prepare paper tape or list paper tape data. The Answer-Back feature of the standard Teletype Model 33 units is also present in the DATANET-730. The feature consists of a recorded message of up to 20 characters that is initiated by an ENQ code received from the remote computer or another DATANET-730 ACT. An elapsed time meter is available as an option for the DATANET-730 terminals • . 16 First Delivery: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. December 1968 . . 17 Availability:.................... 3 to 4 days . •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model 731 ACT Component Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (lbs.) Power(KW) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phase Model 733 ACT Model 735 ACT KSR Unit* TDM-114 Data Set* ASR Unit* TDM-114 Data Set* ASR Unit 21.2 22.0 14.0 70.0 10.0 12.0 4.62 8.5 24.63 22.0 14.0 82.0 10.0 12.0 4.62 8.5 22.0 18.5 8 4 TDM-114 Mobile nata Set Cabinet 9.5 7.5 4.0 125 .. 0** 0.110 Supplied 0.110 Supplied 0.110 Supplied 115 by 115 by by 115 60 60 KSR 60 ASR ASR 1 Unit 1 Unit Unit 1 40-120 Temperature Range CF) 0-,90 Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/Hr.) 409 ? 40-120 0-90 682 ? 682 *Includes carrying case. **Includes mobile cabinet. © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 40-120 0-90 ? 34.0 22.0 27.0 - 6322:04 GE DATANET-730 .9 PRICE DATA Monthly Rental, Purchase Price, Monthly Maintenance, Component $ $ $ Model ACT-731 KSR* N/A 2100 30 Model ACT-733 ASR* N/A 2200 35 Model ACT-735 ASR** 110 2100 35 *Includes carrying cases. **Includes mobile cabinet. N/A - Not Applicable. 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports 6380.01 HONEYWELL 480 HONEYWELL 480 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL UNIT .1 GENERAL · 11 !.!:!PlJtity:.. 480 Communications Contl',,1 Unit. Manufacturer: . Honeywell EDP Division (iO Walnut Street Wellesley lIills, Mass. · 1:1 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , provid('s a Honeywell 400 or HOO computer system with the capability of communicating with various remote terminals over a voice-band line. · 15 Desc'ription I" The Honeywell Model 480 Communications Control Unit controls the transfer of digital information over a single half-duplex voice-grade line (either leased, or the public switched network) between a Honeywell 400 or 1400 computer system and various terminal units, including: • Another Honeywell 400 or 1400 computer system equipped with a 480 Communication Control Unit. • A Honeywell 800 or 1800 computer system equipped with an 880 Communication Control Unit. • A Honeywell Series 200 computer system equipped with either a 281-2D or 286 Communication Control. • An IBM 1400 or 7000 Series computer system equipped with a 1009 Data Transmission Unit. • An IBM System/360 computer system equipped with a 2701 Data Adapter Unit. • An IBM 1013 Card Transmission Unit. • An IBM 7701 or 7702 Magnetic Tape Transmission Unit. The 480 operates at 250 or 300 characters per second and sends or receives a 4-of-8 transmission code, Utilizing a buffer capacity of 512 characters, the 480 supplies all control codes, establishes synchronization, automatically translates to and from the internal Honeywell 6-bit code, implements a character validity and longitudinal parity error detection scheme, and automatically retransmits erroneous messages. As many as four 480's can be connected to the central processor of a Honeywell 400 or 1400 computer system. Each requires an input and an output trunk from the central processor. A hardware interrupt feature allows a separate data processing program to be run concurrently with the transfer of data over a communications line . .2 CONFIGURATION A 480 can be connected to a Honeywell 400 or 1400 Central Processor via one input and one output trunk of the central processor. A maximum of four 480 Communications Control Units can be connected to either processor. Connections to standard communications facilities are as specified in Paragraph. 72. ©1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH I~fo. Inc. 10/65 6380.02 HONEYWELL 480 .3 INPUT All input to the 480 is from the assochted H-400 or H-1400 computer system under control of the stored program. Input to the 11-400 or H-1400 can be from the console keyboard, punched cards, puncher! paper tape, magnetic tape, or magnetic disc. data is transfel'l'l!d in blocks of ham 1 tl) 51~ characters under program control. Each message is preceded and followed by control characters automatic(l.lly supplied by the control unit. · 36 Operating Procedure (1) Operator establishes connection manually by dialing 01' signaling. (2) The 480 is set to transmit or receive. (3) The Start button is pressed and the telephonE' is switched to data mode . .4 OUTPUT All output from the 480 is to the associated H-400 or H-1400 computer system under control of the stored program. Output can he to printed copy (via either the line printer or the console typewriter), punched cards, punched paper tape, magnetic tape, or magnetic disc. ·5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors Type of checking: . : 52 no checking is performl'd on the data transferred from the attached computer system to the 480. Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Error indication: . . . . . . ..... Correction procedure: .. . 53 character validity and longitudinal parity. an interrupt signal is generated and the processor branches to a specified location. under control of the stored program; usually retransmission . Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . . . . . no checking is performed on the data transferred from the 480 to the connected computer system. . 55 Line Malfunctions: . . . • . . . . no checking . ·6 CONDITION INDICA TORS Component: . . . . . 480 Communications Control Unit System available: . Input device transmitting: ... Remote receiver ready: Remote receiver busy: ... Power on: . . . . . • . . . . . . Transmission error: . . . . . Retransmission occurring: lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. (ClIlltd. ) 10/65 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATIDNS REPORTS ~ AUERBACH 6380.03 HONEYWEL.L. 480 • .7 DATA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: Transmission method: . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission mode: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order of bit transmission: . . . . . . . . . Synchronization: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Public switched telephone network at 2,000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 20lA. Common-carrier leased voiceband lines at the following speeds: 2,000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): 2,400 bits/sec (300 char/sec): . 73 250 or 300 char/sec over voice-band lines. These speeds correspond to 2,000 and 2,400 bits per second, respectively. serial by bit. 4-of -8 (same as IBM 4-of-8 code used with 7702 Magnetic Tape Terminal; see Paragraph 6450.31). half -duplex. 1, 2, 4, 8, R, 0, X, N. synchronous; i. e., synchronization is maintained by the data signals . Bell System Data Set 20lA. Bell System Data Set 201B, or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem . Transmission Control Call initiation: Call reception: ............... Functional operations: ~ manual dialing or signaling. operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode. no direct control, but incoming data can be used to control operations through appropriate programming . . 74 Multistation Operation: .••......... no provision . .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component: \ 480 Communications Control Unit 35 30 Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 800 Power(KW) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 1.0 208 60 3 Temperature range (OF.) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr.) 70-74 66 ? ? * In some ca~es, equivalent data sets can be used; see your local common-carrier communications oonsultant. @1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH I."fo. Inc. 10/65 6380.04 HONEYWELL 480 .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature 480 Communications Control Unit 10/65 Monthly Rental, Purchase Price, Monthly Maintenance, $ $ $ 790 35,550 79.00 AUERBACH Data Communications Rer·"ts A ~ AUERBACH 6381 :01 AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS HONEYWEL.L. 481 '" ) HONEYWELL 481 SINGLE-CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL .1 GENERAL .11 Identity:....................... 481 Single-Channel Communications Control • • 12 Manufacturer:................... Honeywell EDP Division 60 Walnut Street Wellesley HUls, Mass . . 13 Basic Function: . • • • . . • . . . . • • • • • .. provides a Honeywell 400 or 1400 computer system with the capability of communicating with various remote terminals over a narrow-band or voice-band line . . 14 Basic Components Name: .• •. • • . . . • • . . . . • • . • • • . .. Single-Channel Communications Control (SCCC). Model number:. . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • •• 481. Function: •••• . • • . . • . • • • • . • • • • .. provides buffering to control data flow between the computer system and a communications line. Name: . • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • .• Communications Adapter Unit. Model number: .•••••..•••••••.••. 485-1R, -IT, -lH, -2R, -2T, or -2H. Function: . . . . • . . . . . . • . • • • • . . . .. provides the interface for a specific type of line .. . 15 Description The Model 481 Single-Channel Communications Control (SCCC) controls the transfer of digital information over a simplex or half-duplex narrow-band or voice-band line between a Honeywell 400 or 1400 central processor and a variety of terminal equipment. Generally, any standard teleprinter, paper tape reader or punch, etc., which can transmit or receive up to 105 characters per second with codes of up to 8 levels, can be employed as terminal equipment. The 481 has a dual two-character buffer for input, which is used as a single four-character buffer during output. A hardware interrupt facility allows an independent data-processing program to be run concurrently with the data communications transfer. All control signals, error checking, and translation are implemented by the central processor program. A Model 485 Communication Adapter Unit (CA U) is contained in the 481 and serves as the interface between the 481 and the line terminal. There are various types of CAUls, depending on the type of line to be serviced • •2 CONFIGURA nON The 481 SCCC can be connected to a Honeywell 400 or 1400 central processor via one input and one output trunk of the central processor. A maximum of four 481 SCCC units can be connected to either processor. A 485 Communications Adapter Unit is required for attachment to a specific communication line. Six models of the 485 are currently available: • 485-1R - permits connection to a telegraph-grade line for receive-only operation. • 485-1T - permits connection to a telegraph-grade line for transmitonly operation. • 485-1H - permits connection to a telegraph-grade line for halfduplex .operation. @ 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH .lnfo. Inc. 10/65' 6381:02 HONEYWELL 481 .2 CONFIGURATION (Contd.) • 485-2R - permits connection to a vOice-grade line for receiveonly operation. • 485-2T - permits connection to a voice-grade line for transmitonly operation. • 485-2H - permits connection to a voice-grade line for balf-duplex Operation. . The connections to various communications facilities, and the data sets required, are specified in Paragraph. 72 • •3 INPUT All input to the 481 is from the associated H-400 or H-1400 computer system under control of the stored program. Input to the H-400 or H-1400 can be from the console keyboard, punched cards, punched paper tape, magnetic tape, or magnetic disc • • 35 Message Configuration: • • • • • • • • • • • •• • 36 Operating Procedure data is transmitted in blocks of variable length. data characters are followed by an end-ofmessage or end-of-transmission character supplied by the stored program, when required by the remote terminal. minimum message length is four characters; maximum length is dependent on core storage availability and/or on program considerations . With 485-1 Communications Adapter Operation with this Adapter is entirely under program control; no operator action is required. With 485-2 Communications Adapter - •4 (1) Operator establishes connection manually by dialing or signaling. (2) The 481 is set to transmit or receive. (3) The Start button is pressed and the telephone is switched to data mode • OUTPUT All output from the 481 is to the associated H-400 or H-1400 computer system Wlder control of the stored program. Output can be to printed copy (via either the line printer or the printer or the console typewriter), punched cards, punched paper tape, magnetic tape, or magnetic disc • •5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION • 51 Data Entry Errors: ••••••••••••... no checking is performed on the data transferred from the attached computer system to the 481 SCCC. (Contd. ) 10/65 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 6381:03 AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS ~ AuERBACH HONEYWELL 481 '" · 52 Data Transmission Errors: . • . • • • • . •• no automatic checking is performed on trans-· mitted or received data, but various checks can be programmed, depending on coding and format restrictions of the remote terminal. If the 481 is receiving, the stored program can request retransmission; if the 481 is transmitting, the stored program can initiate retransmission • • 53 Data Recording Errors: .•.•.••••••• no automatic checking is performed on the data transferred from the 481 SCCC to the attached computer system. • 55 Line Malfunctions: . • • . • • • • • • • • • • •• •6 CONDITION INDICA TORS: .•••.••.••. there are no condition indicators on the 481 SCCC, and there are no indicators on the attached computer system console which directly pertain to data communications • •7 DA TA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics no automatic checking. Rated transmission speed485-1 Communications Adapter: • • •• 6.0, 6.6, 7.5, or 10.0 char/sec on Telegraphgrade line. 485-2 Communications Adapter: • • •• 14.8 or 105 char/sec OIl voice-band line. Transmission method:. • • • • • • • • • • • •• serial by bit. Transmission code: ..•.••......••. any code up to 8 levels; specified when ordered. Transmission mode: ••••••••••••••• simplex or hall-duplex, depending on Adapter model; see Paragraph. 2. Order of bit transmission: • • • • • • • • • • • as specified when ordered. Synchronization:. • . • • • . • • • . . • • . . . • start and stop bits are transmitted with each character • • 72 \ Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Common-carrier leased telegraph grade lines (up to 7 5 bits/sec): • • • • • •• none required. Common-carrier leased narrow-band Data Channels (up to 75 bits/sec): • • • •• Bell System Data Set 103F or Western Union 75 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Schedule 3A Data Channel (150 bits/sec): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Bell System Data Set 103F. \ / * In some cases. equivalent data sets can be used; see your local common-carrier communicationS consultant. @1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH In!o. Inc. 10/65 6381 :04 HONEYWELL 481 • 72 Connection to Communications Lines (Contd.) Communications lJne Data Set* Western Union Class D Data Channel (180 bits/sec): . • • • • • . . • • . • • • . • •. Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem. Common carrier leased voice-band lines at the following speeds: Up to 150 bits/sec: . • • • • • • . . . . .• Up to 180 bits/sec: . . . • . . • . . . . .. Up to 1,200 bits/sec: . . • • • • . . • .. Public switched telephone network at the following speeds: Up to 150 bits/sec: . . • . • • • . • • . .. Up to 1,200 bits/sec: . . • • • . . . . .. . 73 Bell System D~ta Set 103F. Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data Set 202C or 202D, or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C . Transmission Control Call initiation: . • • • • • • . . . • . . • . • . .• manual dialing or signaling on voice-band lines. programmed calling on telegraph-grade lines. Call reception:. • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • . •• capable of unattended operation. Functional operations:. , . . . . • • . • . . •. no direct control, but incoming data can be used to control operations with appropriate programming . . 74 Multista.tion Operation: . • • • . • • • . • . .• •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS no provision other than the facilities offered hy programming; it would depend on the rf'moi" terminals' ability to rCb'Pond to message&. and would require program analysis of responses . Component: 481 SCCC** Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 20 30 73 400 Power (KW) Voltage Frequency (cps) Pbases 0.3 208 60 Temperature range (OF.) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr.) 70-74 ? ? "- 3 * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see your local common-carrier communications consultant • .** This unit also contains the 485 Communications Adapter Unit. (Contd. ) 10/65 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA ~ A•• [P6A(H 6381:05 AUEPBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS HONEYWELL 481 II> •9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Purchase Price, Monthly Maintenance, $ $ 300 13,650 24.00 25 25 30 30 30 40 1,125 1,125 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,800 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 Monthly Rental, $ 481 Single-Channel Communications Controller 485 Communications Adapter Unit: 485-1R 485-1T 485-1H 485-2R . 485-2T 485-2H / / \ \, \ \ ) @1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 10/65 A .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6382:01 HONEYWELL 281 HONEYWELL 281 SINGLE-CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL UNIT .1 GENERAL · 11 Identity:.;..................... · 12 Manufacturer:................... · 13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. · 15 De'scription Type 281 Single-Channel Communications Control Unit. Honeywell EDP Division 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills, Mass. 02181 different models provide a Honeywell Series 200 computer system with the capability of communicating with various remote terminals over a narrow-, voice-, or broad-band line. The Type 281 Single-Channel Communications Control Unit enables the transmission and reception of messages over a common-carrier narrow-, voice-, or broad-band communications line. Many models of the 281 are available to accommodate 5- to 8-level data codes and transmission rates of up to 5100 characters per second. The 281 is a Single-channel, half-duplex control that sends or receives either by single character or by message. For full-duplex or multiple-channel operation the Honeywell Type 286 Multi-channel Commooication Control (Report 8381) is generally recommended although additional Type 281 Controls can be added to a Honeywell Series 200 computer system. Each 281 Control requires two input-output address assignments of the associated Series 200 computer. By means of a 281 Commooications Control and appropriate commooication facilities, a Honeywell Series 200 system can communicate with a wide variety of remote devices, such as: • Teleprinters, paper tape readers, and paper tape pooches used with Bell System and Western Union telegraph services (Teletype Model 19, 28, 32, 33, 35 and 37 units over TWX, Telex, public telephone network and leased lines). • Teletype Telespeed 1050 Equipment (Bell System Dataspeed Type 2 Service). • IBM 1050 Data Communication System. • Honeywell Data Station. • Honeywell Keytape Units. • Honeywell Visual Information Projection (VIP) System. • Other Honeywell Series 200 computers (H-llO, H-120, H-125, H-200, H-1200, H-1250, H-2200, H-4200, or H-8200). • IBM (Synchronous Transmit Receive (STR) terminals (IBM 1013, IBM 1978, IBM 7702). • IBM System/360 computers equipped with 2701 Data Adapter Units or 2702 or 2703 Transmission Controls. ' • UNIVAC 1004 Card Processors equipped with a DLT 2 feature. There are two basic models and a number of variations in the 281 series. The characteristics of each model (type of communications service and terminals, transmission speed, and data set requirements) are presented in Table 1. \ The associated computer can test for the presence of incoming data or for readiness of the control to transmit data. The 281 can perform the same tests and interrupt the computer program automatically. Data being transmitted and received by a Communication Control is protected by a transmission-lapse check, by a character parity check, and by an optional longitudinal parity check in some models. The failure of a transmission or parity check sets a program-testable indicator. / C 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/68 6382:02 HONEYWELL 281 TABLE I: HONEYWELL TYPE 281 SINGLE-CHANNEL CONTROL UNITS N_BaIId Characteristic 281-'IB 2al-1A Buffer slu Transmission speed 8 bits 6.6 char/sec 8 bits 10 char/_ Transmission metbod Transmission code (I) Serial by bit 5-level Baudot; 7.5.-unlt Serial by bit B-level.USASCIJ; 11-unlt 8 bUs 6.0,6.6,7.5, or 10 char/sec Serial by bit 5-1evel Baudot; 7.5-un1t Transmission mode Order of bit transmissloa SynchonrtzaUon Half-duplex Low-order bit first Start/stop . HaIf-cluplex Low--order bit first Start/stop Half-duplex Low-order bit first Start/stop Compatible remote termlnsl Teletype Model 32 Teletype Modeis 33 aDd 35 Teletype Models 19 aDd 28 281-1E 281-ID 281-IC 8 bUs 10 char/sec a bits 14.8 char/sec SerIsl by bit a-level USAScn; IJ..un1t Serial by bit II-level mM code; 9-u1t Half-daplex Low-order btl first Start/stop HaIf-daplex Low-order bit first Start/stop Teletype Models 33 and 35 mM 1050 Data CommunlcsUon 8y8fem Reference (2) 6803 6804; 6805 6802 6804; 6805 6447 Compatible communication facility Western Union Telex Service Ben System TWX CE (100 Speed) Service Common-carrier leased telegrapbgrade line Bell System TWX CE (100 I\>eed) Service Compatible data set (3) None required Bell System Data Phone Data Set 103A None reqIllred Ben System 'l'JIpe 1006 Data ChsIIIlel; Western Union Cl88SDData Cluumel Ben System Data Set 103F or Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem Comments Manual dialing I Dell System DataPhone Dats Set 103A (1) See also th.. Reference entry In this column. (2) This refers to the report where the specified remote termlnsl Is covered. (3) In 80me cases. equivalent data sets can he used; check with your local communications consultant. • 15 Description (Contd.) With most models of the 281, each message character is stored in two core storage locations of the associated computer system. With the 281-1 models using 5- or 6-level codes, each character occupies one storage location. Unused bit positions are automatically zero filled. The 281 Control Unit can transmit or receive in either of two modes: character or message'. In the character mode, the transmission or reception of each message character must be individually pl'ogrammed; i. e .• an interrupt sequence must be executed for each message character. An interrupt sequence requires apprOximately 400 microseconds for an H-200 Processor and is proportionate for other models of the Series 200 line. In the character mode, the computer's input-output channel is released after the transfer of each message character. In the message mode, the input-output channel is not released until after the entire data block has been transferred. The demand on the central processor in the message mode is only the time required to transfer data between the 281 Control Unit and the processor (one or two core storage cycles per message character). An interrupt is not generated in the message mode until the whole data block has been transferred. For a brief outline of the characteristics of the Honeywell Series 200 family of computers, see Paragraph 8381. 23 • . 16 First Delivery: . July 1964 • • 17 Availability: .•.• 6 months • •2 CONFIGURA TION There are currently twenty-one different models of the Type 281 Control Unit, each designed for a specific combination of communication facilities and remote terminals. The characteristics of each model are presented in Table I. " One or more Type 281 Control Units can be connected to a Honeywell Series 200 Central Processor via one input and one output trunk per 281. Connections to standard communications facilities are also described in Table I, along with compatible data sets if any are required. 8/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A. .. ~ 4UfRB4C" AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6382:03 HONEYWELL 281 TABLE I: HONEYWELL TYPE 281 SINGLE-CHANNEL CONTROL UNITS (Contd.) ,-_._-_. - Voice-Band Narrow - Band Charactpristic 1---- - .--.---.--.. Bufft'r 2HI-K - 281-IR (4) 281-1M 281-111 281-2A 8 bits 14. H char/~ec 8 hits 105 char/sec 8 bits 120 char/sec H hith 12fl char/sec Transmission method fransmission Codl' (I) Serial by hit 6-lt'vt'IIOM cod.·; 9-unit :-;~'n('hroni'/ation Half-duplt·, Low-oro ... lilt first Start/stop Serial by bit 8-level USASCn; lO-unit Half-dupll'x Low-order bit first start/stop S.·rial by bit 8-1l'vpl \1SASen IO-unit Transmi~!'>lt)n Serial by bit Any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code; IO-unit lIalf-duplex Low-order bit first start/stop ('oltlp:ltlble remote terminal IBM 10;;11 Data Teletype Telespeed 1050 Equipment; Bell System Dataspeed Type 2 Service 6800 Honeywell Oats station Honeywell VIP IBM Synchronous Transmit Receive Terminals such as 7702 and 1013 6383 6384 6450; 6444 S 11'.1' Transm iSM Ion speed mode ()rci£"t' nf hit tl"ansmission Communication System Half-duplex Low-order bit first btart/stop Relt'r"nce (2) 66·1~ Compatible communication facility Bell :-'yslPm Type 100r. nata Channel; Wpstem Union Class 0 nata Channel Public switched telephone network; commo....carrier leased voice-band line. Compatible data set (3) nell SyslPm flat" Set 10:;1', Western Union JRO naud Data M(),iPm Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C; Bell System Data Set 202D, Western Union 1200 Baud nata Modem, or Weslt'rn \Jnion 2400 Baud Data Modem 8 bits 1200 or 1800 blts/sl'c Serial by bit mM 4-of-8 constant ratio code; 8-unit Half-duplex Low-order bit first Synchronous -- Comments (J I Sep also thp Hcferencp l'ntry in this column. (~l This refers to the report whl're thp specifipd rpmote terminal Is covered. (3) In some cases. equivalent data sets can Ill' used; check with your local communications consultant. (4) The ~"I-IR can also Ill' used locall\' up to ;;0 «'et from the 281 Control Unit; the 28J-1S ts equivalent to the -IR but, is used lor local oppratlon only at distances up to 200 feet from the 2R 1 Control Vnit . '\ / .3 INPUT All input to the 281 Control Unit is transferred from the associated Series 200 computer under control of the eomputer program. Input to the computer can be from the console keyboard, punched cards, punched paper tape, magnetic tape, magnetic drum, or magnetic strip devices. \ ,35 Message Configuration: , , 36 Operating Procedure I except with the 281-1 models, each message is preceded by a start-of-message character; if the message length is not fixed, the message must contain an end-of-message character; message length is dependent upon remote terminal equipment and core storage availability. (1) Operator establishes connection manually by dialing or Signaling. (2) The 281 is set to transmit or receive. (3) The Initialize button is pressed and the data set is switched to data mode. .4 OUTPUT All output from the 281 Controi Unit is transferred to the associated Series 200 computer under control of the computer program. Output from the computer can be printed copy, punched cards, punched paper tape, magnetic tape, or magnetic disc. ". •5 ERROR DETECTION" AND CORRECTION . 51 Data Entry Errors: \ / no checking is performed on data transferred from the associated computer system to the 281 Control Unit. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/68 6382:04 HONEYWELL 281 TABLE I: HONEYWELL TYPE 281 SINGLE-CHANNEL CONTROL UNITS (Contd.) Characteristic Voice-BIIDd (Contd.) 281-2M 281-2D 281-2B 281-2R(4) Broad-Band 281-2F 8 bits 2000 or 2400 bits/sec Serial by bit Any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code; 8-unlt Half-duplex Low-order bit first Syncbronous 8 bits 2000 or 2400 bits/sec Serial by bit IBM 4-of-8 constant ratio code; 8-unit Half-cmpleX Low-order bit first Syncbronous 8 bits 2000 or 2400 bits/sec Serlsl by bit 8-level USASCn 8 bits 2000 or 2400 bits/see Serial by bit 8-level USASCn 8 bits 40,800 bits/sec (5100 char/see) Serial by bit My 8-level code Half-duplex Low-order bit first Synchronous Half-duplex Low-order bit first Syncbronous Half- or full-duplex Low-order bit first Syncbronous Compatible remote terminal Remote Honeywell Computers IBM SyncbrODOII8 Transmit Receive Terminals sucb as 7702 and 1013 HODeyweli Date station Honeywell VIP Other Honeywell Series 200 computers; UNIVAC 1004 with DLT-2B Reference (2) 6380; 6381; 8380 8381 6450; 6444 6383 6384 6382; 6860 Compatible communication facility Public switched telephone network; common-carrier leased voice-band line. Common-carrier leased broad-band line (Series 8000 wideband Channel Type 8800) Compatible data set (3) Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A; Bell System Data Set 201B or Westem Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. Type 8801 Series Terminal Buffer size Transmission speed Transmission method Transmission code (1) Transmission mode Order of bit transmission Syncbronlzatlon Comments (1) (2) (3) (4) Can transmit or receive in message mode only See also the Reference entry in this column. This refers to the report wbere the specllied remote terminal Is covered. In some cases, equivalent data set can be used; cbeck with your local communications consultant. The 281-2R can also be used locally up to 50 feet from the 281 Control Unit; the 281-2S Is equivalent to the 2R but, is used for local operation only at distances up to 200 feet from the 281 Control Unit. • 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . • . • , • . Error indication: .•.. Correction procedure: . 53 Data Recording Errors: ....•.•.••. · 55 Line Malfunctions Detection: . no checking is performed on data transferred from the 281 Control Unit to the computer system. testable indicator is set if no data is received within a specified time. under program control. Action: ••. .6 CONDITION INDICATORS: . ·7 DA TA TRANSMISSION there are no condition indicators associated with the 281 Control Unit. .71 Basic Characteristics: see Table I. .72 Connection to Communications Lines: see Table I. · 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: .• Call reception:. • . • • • . 8/68 character and longitudinal parity checking is available for some narrow-band and all voiceand broad-band models of the 281; there is no extra cost for the character parity check option. a testable indicator is set. under control of computer program; usually retransmission • manual dialing or signaling. capable of unattended operation. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6382:05 HONEYWEL.L. 281 II Functional operations: ••••••.••••.. • 74 Multistation Operation: •....••.•.•. •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS in some models special characters in the received data can cause message termination, an interrupt signal to be generated, parity checking to be inhibited, etc.; in all models, characters in incoming data can be used to control operations by appropriate programming • no provisions other than the facilities offered by programming of the associated computer system; it would depend on the remote terminal's ability to respond to messages, and would require program analysis of responses • Logic Cabinet* Component: Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weigth (POunds) 39 30 42 400 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 0.148 115 60 1 Temperatul'e range (OF) Humidity range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 60 to 85 40 to 60 319 * The indicated dimensions are those of the Honeywell Series 200 Logic Cabinet, which can accommodate four logic drawers. Each 281 Control Unit occupies one logic drawer. Any number of logic cabinets can be incorporated in a Honeywell Series 200 computer system . .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Type 281 Single-Channel Communicatione Control Unit Models -lA, -lB, -lC, -10, -IE, -lH, -lK, -1M Model-1R Model-IS Models -2A, -20, -2F Models -2, -2M Model-2R Model-25 OptiOns 087 Long Check (longitudinal parity check; not available on 281-1 models) , Monthly Rental,* Purchase Price, Monthly Maintenance, $ $ $ 145 6750 22 190 205 215 175 230 235 8930 9620 10125 8100 10765 10995 30 32 34 27 36 36 50 2250 7 * Rates shown are for prime-shift use with a lease agreement of five years; most rates are higher for lease periods of less than five years. Hourly rates for extra-shift usage are approximately ten percent of prime-shift rates. @ 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/68 A AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6383:01 HONEYWELL DATA STATION '" HONEYWELL DATA STATION .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: Honeywell Data Station . Manufacturer:................... Honeywell EDP Division 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills, Mass. 02181 .13 Basic Function: transmission and reception of data over a voiceband communications line with a Honeywell Series 200 computer at up to 120 char/sec or at 250 or 300 char/sec; off-line data preparation and recording; input can be punched cards. optically coded cards. punched paper tape. or keyboard; output can be paper tape or printed copy . . 14 Basic Components: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. see Table I. .15 Description 12 A Honeywell Data Station consists of a group of input and/or output devices (see Table I) interconnected by a 288-1 or 288-3 Central Control Unit and is intended for use as a remote terminal for a Honeywell Series 200 computer system. The Data Station can also be used offline to perform data transcription functions such as listing punched cards, preparing punched papE'r tape, etc. Communication between a Series 200 computer and a Data station must be initiated by the remote computer. ) Data transmission is in the half-duplex mode. The 288-1 Central Control Unit operates101 110 P Q R S T U @ V W X y Z [ -] -" (1) The eighth bit is an even parity bit. Control Characters SOH* STX* start of heading. Start of text. CR CS· Carriage return. Control sample. ETX EOT End of text. End of transmission. TEL* BCA* Telephone (operator signal). Branch request signal. ENQ* Enquiry. DAC* Deactivate signal. ACK* Acknowledge. NACK* Negative acknowledge. BELL* Audible signal. DPB* Delay line buffer bypass. LF Line feed. DEL Delete. * These characters are not on the Data Station keyboard. 8/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports 111 DEL A AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6383:05 HONEYWELL DATA STATION co 289-7 Punched Card Reader Input medium: . . Input code: .. . . Quantity of data: standard 80-column punched cards. standard Hollerith card code; see Table III. 1 to N characters per block, not including control characters; N is limited to 132 (including control characters) if buffer is used; block can be read from up to 15 cards. Character set: ... 48 alphanumeric and special characters. Rated input speed: 100 cards/min. limited by block length, control messages, and Effective speed: . . speed of printer if used to record transmitted data. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . punched disc allows reading of selected fields; cards are end-read; requires huffer option 088-1. TABLE III: HONEYWELL DATA STATION PUNCHED CARD CODE USASCII Char Card Code (3) Space blank Key Punch Chat" (I) USASCn Char Space 0 1 2 3 <1 5 6 7 8 9 ! (2) (2) ,. # $ (2) 11-8-3 ~, (2) (2) & , ( ) • t , / $ (2) 0-8-4 12-8-4 11-8-4 12 ',:,[() nil) • &[-+') 0-8-3 , 11 12-8-3 0-1 - Card Code (3) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < - 8-3 > / ? Key Punch Char (1) USASCn Char 0 J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 @[:) (2) (2) \ A (3) B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 #1'1 (2) (2) Card Code Key Punch Char (1) Card Code Key Punch Char (1) 11-7 11-8 11-9 P C P Q R S D E T U F " 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 (2) 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-R 12-9 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 (1) Key punch characters are for a standard key punch keyboard arrangement. appear in place of the corresponding key punch character in a FORTRAN USASCII Char A B G II I J K L M N 0 (3) W X y Z ( -I 1\ - 0-2 O-Ii 0-9 ,~ R S T U \' \\ X Y Z (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) Characters in brackets (e. g. , [+ J) (2) There are no corresponding characters in a standard or FORTRAN keyboard arrangement. (3) The card codes are translated into the corresponding USASCn transmission codes (see Table II), 289-8 Optical Bar Code Reader Input medium: Input code: .. \ optically-coded card or paper documents, 5 to 8 inches long and 3.5 inches wide. 5-level bar code including parity (each character consists of 5 vertical printed bars per column, arranged horizontally in a yes-or-no position); 2-level mark-sense code which allows operator to enter up to four characters of data: see Table IV. Quantity of data:. . Character set: . . . Rated input speed: Effective speed: Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) up to 80 characters per block (read from up to seven documents). digits 0 through 9 for bar code; letters D through G for mark-sense code. 50 char/sec for bar coded documents; 25 char/sec for mark-sense coded documents. limited by block length, control messages and speed of printer if used to record transmitted data. documents are end-read; bar code can be printed on Honeywell high-speed printers or lithographed; mark-sense characters must be marked with a number 2 black lead pencil or equivalent; marksense coding can follow bar coding on the same document; requires buffer option 088-1. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/68 6383:06 HONEYWELL DATA STATION TABLE IV: HONEYWELL DATA STATION OPTICAL BAR CODE READER (OBCR) DATA CODES OBCR Character Code OBCR Bit Configuration P 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bar Code 0 Space (2) (3) (4) 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 1 1 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Space 0 0 0 1 1 0 = 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 (5) D E F G MarkSense Code U8ASCn Character Generated (1) - 0 < > ? 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 D E F G (1) See Table II for USASCII Transmission code. (2) Start or end of information. (3) Unspecified, (4) Mark-sense code follows. (5) . 32 Parity or dual-bit error • Manual Input Keyboard (289-2A, 289-2, or 289-3) Method of entry: . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character set: ... Comments: 8/68 48-key keyboard. 1 to N characters per block, not including control characters; N is limited to 132 (including control characters) if buffer is used. 65 characters, including upper-case alphabetics, numerics, 24 specials, and 5 control characters. a keyboard is required for remote operation. . 33 Fixed Input: no provision . . 34 Transaction Code Input: no provision . .35 Message Configuration: 3 to N characters per block including start-of-text character, data or control characters, end-ofblock or end-of-transmission character, and longitudinal check character. When the buffer is used, N is limited to 132 characters. All control characters are automatically generated by the Control Unit for all input devices except the keyboard. The longitudinal check character is automatically calculated and inserted for all inputs by the Control Unit. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports AB .. AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6383:07 HONEYWELL DATA STATION AUERBACH · 36 Operating Procedure • Turn on Data Station, select transmission mode (local, remote), and load devices (cards in reader, paper in printer, etc.). • Insert the program disc (for reading selected punched card fields) and set "Cards per Block" and "Documents per Block" switches if necessary. • In the local mode, press Master Clear Switch, activate desired devices, select single block or continuous read, set Buffer Bypass switch if desired, and press Run button to start. • In remote mode, insure that the data set is ready, and wait for computer to activate Data Station. Detected errors which require manual intervention can be flagged and corrected according to preset procedures. If the buffer is overloaded in remote mode, the overflow information is lost. The block must be retransmitted after removing the cause of the overflow . . 37 Entry of Time and Date: . . . . . . . . "... .4 OUTPUT · 41 Output to Punched Tape 289-5 Paper Tape Punch Tape size: . . . . . . . . . . Tape code: . . . . . . . " .. Rated punching speed: . . . Effective speed: .. · 44 no provisions . fully punched, I-inch paper tape. 8-1evel USASCII code; see Table III. 120 char/sec. limited by block length, control messages, and speed of printer if used to record transmitted data. none. contains a one-character buffer. Format control: . Comments: .... Output to Printer 289-2 or 289-3 Page Printer and Keyboard Output medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. friction-fed or phi-fed, continuous or fanfold forms 8.5 inches wide; maximum printed line length is 72 characters. Character set: . . . . . . . 59 characters, including upper-case alphabetics, numerics, and 24 specials; see Table II. Rated printing speed 289-2: . . . . . . . . 10 char/sec. 289-3: . . . . . . 40 char/sec. Effective speed: .. limited by block length, control messages, and functional operations, such as line feed and carriage return. Format control: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . via special control codes in received data; operations include space, line feed, and carriage return; there is no backspace or horizontal tab. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . asynchronous; printing is performed by paired hammers and rotating print drum. . .~. 289-9 Remote Line Printer Output medium: . . . . . . . . . Character set: . . . . . . . . Rated priIiting speed: . . . Effective speed: . . . -. ... Format control: . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .. . printed contiIluous forms from 4 to 20 inches wide; maximum printed line length is 120 characters; optional line length is 132 characters. 63 characters, including upper-case alphabetics, numerics, and 27 specials. See Table II. 400 lines per minute. limited by block length, control messages, and transmission speed. via special control codes in received data; operations include horizontal tab, vertical tab, and head-of-form. the 289-9 Printer can only be used when operating with the 288-3 Central Control Unit. C 1968 Al)ERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH I~fo. Inc. 8/68 6383:08 HONEYWELL DATA STATION .5 .51 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION Data Entry Errors Optical Bar Code Reader Type of checking: . . . . . . . . Error indication: Correcti &. + •, ( Cr _ I J:( c ; I % - ? STX ETX DCI DC2 01100011 11100100 01100101 01100110 11100111 11101000 01101001 01110010 11110011 01110100 11110101 11110110 01110111 01 1 1 1000 11111001 01000001 01000010 11000011 01000100 11000101 11000110 01000111 01001000 11001001 11000000 01001101 01101010 11101011 11101100 01101101 01101110 11101111 11110000 01110001 11001010 01001011 11001100 01100000 01001110 11001111 01010000 11111010 01111011 11111100 01111101 01111110 .11111111 01011010 11011011 01011100 11011101 11011110 01011111 10000010 00000011 00010010 00010010 001101111 100000010 000000011 000010001 000010010 • When transmitting data from a K-910 Keytape terminal to a K-710 Keytape terminal. the low order six bits contain data. bits 7 and 8 are transmitted as ones and' btt 9. parity . • " Symbols that are unique to the K-910 Keytape terminal are presented to the right of the first entry. all other symbols are common to both the K-710 and K-910 Keytape terminals. C 1968 AUERBA~H Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 8/68 6385:08 HONEYWELL KEYTAPE messages are transmitted in fixed-length records as specified by program; record size can be from one to 80 characters. or up to 120 characters optionally; the text portion of each record is preceded by an STX character and an Odd/ Even character and terminated by an ETX character and a longitudinal parity character . .35 Message Configuration: • . . • . • • . . . . . . 36 Operating Procedure Before a message is transmitted. predetermined programs and time of transmission should be established between the communicating terminals. Programs can not be loaded from tape and. therefore. must be entered manually from the keyboard. (1) Load program into memory. (2) Mount tape reel. (3)· Set control switches on keyboard. (4) Establish connection by dialing or manually signaling. . 37 (5) Depress Data key on data set . Entry of Time and Date: . . . . . . . . • .. no provision . .4 OUTPUT .43 Output to Magnetic Tape K-700 Series Keytape magnetic tape dl'ive Tape size: . . . . . . • • • . . • . . . . . . . . O. 5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 556 bitS/inch; 200 or 800 bit/inch densities are optional; compatible with IBM 729 Series tape format. Tape code: . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . 6-bit BCD (even parity) or binary (odd parity); see Table n. Rated output speed:. • . • . . . • . . . . . . 13,344 char/sec (556 bitS/inch). 4,800 char/sec (200 bits/inch), or 19,200 char/sec (800 bits/ inch). Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . limited by block length and transmission speed. Format control: . . . • • • . . . • . . . . . . extensive tape format control is provided by stored program; see Paragraph . 15 for description. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . records are recorded in fixed length format; an 80-character record is standard; with options, records can be 120 characters in length. K-900 Series Keytape magnetic tape drive Tape size:. . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . .. O. 5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 800 bits/inch; compatible with IBM 2400 Series tape format. Tape code: .•..•••....•...••.. 8-level EBCDIC code plus odd parity; see Table n. Rated output speed:. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19,200 char/sec. Effective speed: . . • • . . . . . . . . . . .. limited by block length and transmission speed. Format control: . . . • . . . . • . . . . . .. extensive tape format control is provided by stored program; see Paragraph .15 for description. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. records are recorded in fixed length format; an 80-character record is standard; with options, records can be 90, 100. 110, or 120 characters in length . . 44 Output to Printer Output medium: . . . . . . • • . . . . . • . .. pin-fed fanfold forms up to 20 inches wide. Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 64 characters including alphabetic, numeric, and 28 special symbols; see Table n. Rated printing speed: ..• • . . • . . • . .. 300 lines/minute. Effective speed: . . . . . . • . . • . • . . • •. limited by line spacing, number of characters per line. and transmission speed. (Contd.) 8/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS AUERBACH IllPORTS 6385:09 HONEYWELL KEYTAPE • . 44 OUtput to Printer (Contd.) Format control: . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . .. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .5 .51 controlled by horizontal and vertical tab function codes. horizontal spacing is 120 or 132 (optional) chari line; vertical spacing is 6 or 8 lines/inch; printer can operate in either of two selectible modes: List mode lists data as received; Format ·Control mode allows format operations to be performed; data can be received from remote terminal or transcribed from mangetic tape via the core buffer; zero suppression is optional and requires the Left Zero option . ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION Data Entry Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. · 52 · 53 · 55 .6 character parity and longitudinal parity are checked when each record is read from magnetic tape. Error indication: . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. audible alarm sounds; lamp is lighted. Correction procedure:. . . . • • . . • . . .. tape is automatically back-spaced and record is reread; operator intervention is required when an error is detected after the eighth consecutive reread operation. Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . • . . • . character parity and longitudinal parity. Error indication: . • . . . • . . . . • . . . . . indicator lamp is lighted; reverse-channel signal is interrupted for 200 milliseconds. Correction procedure:. . . . . . . • . • . . . automatic retransmission of record received in error up to two consecutive times; the third consecutive error halts transmission. audible alarm is sounded. lamp is lighted. and operator intervention is required. . Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . . . . . • . . . . . . • . .• each record is re-read and checked bit for bit with . the buffer contents; character and longitudinal , parity are also checked. Error indication: • • . . . . . . • . . . . . .. tape halts. lamp is lighted. and audible alarm is sounded. Correction procedure:. . . . • . . . . • • .. tape is automatically backspaced and data is rewritten up to eight times; operator intervention is required when error occurs after eighth consecutive re-write operation. Line Malfunctions Detection: . . . . • . • . . . . . • • . . . . . .. absence of signal on reverse channel for 30 seconds. Action: . • • . •. • . . . . . . . • . .. ; . . .. operation halts. unit disconnects. and audible alarm sounds . CONDITION INDICATORS A back-lighted display panel. consisting of 18 to 20 panel lamps. numerically displays (1) the active memory position. (2) the data stored in the active memory position. or (3) the contents of the controlling program memory for that poSition as determined by the Memory Inquiry switch located to the left of the display panel. Numeric digits are displayed directly as numeric digits. Alpha or special characters are displayed as two numbers; a decoding chart just above the display defines the displayed alpha or special characters. A comprehensive array of indicator lamps provides error status, transmission status, and verification status displays. An audible alarm is included in conjunction with the error status iildicators. o 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/68 6385: 10 HONEYWELL KEYTAPE .7 DATA TRANSMISSION . 7l Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: . • • • • . • • •. • 72 1200 bits/sec over the public telephone network; 1800 bits/sec over a leased voice-band line. Transmission method:. . • • • . . • . • . •• serial by bit. , Transmission code: ••• • . • • . • • • . •. 6-level BCD plus control and parity bits (K-710); 8-level EBCDIC plus parity (K-910); both transmission codes include even parity and start stop bits producing a total of 10 bits/char (X-7l0) or 11 bits/char (X-910). Transmission mode: . • . . . • . . . • • . •. half-duplex. Order of bit transmission: . . • . . . • . .. low-order data bit (bl) first. Synchronization:. . • • . • . . . . . • • . . .. asynchronous; a single start and stop bit append' each transmitted character • Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Public telephone network operating at the following speed: 1200 bits/sec: . . • . . • . . . . . . • . .. Common-carrier leased voice-band line operating at the following speed: 1800 bits/sec: . • . . . . . • . • . . . . .. • 73 Data Set * Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. Bell System Data Set 202D or Western Union 1800 Baud Data Modem • Transmission Control Call initiation: .•.•••... '. . . . . . • •. Call reception:. . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . .. • 74 manual dialing or signaling. operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode. Functional operations:. . . • . . . . . . . .. under control of stored program; see Paragraph . 15 for description . Multistation Operation: . • . • • . . . . • •. no provision . .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component KEYTAPE Unit (1) Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 600 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 0.72 120 60 1 Temperature Range ('F) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 50 18 43 50 to 90 20 to 80 2.300 (1) Dimensions do not include auxiliary devices. Reading table holds keyboard and is 30 inches wide. 19 inches deep and 27 inches high. * 8/68 In some cases. equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. Bell System 202C2 and 202D2 Data Sets provide reversechannel capability. Bell System 201A and 201B Data Sets and Western Union Data Sets do not provide reverse-channel capability. except through the use of a full-duplex line. (Contd.) AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 6385: t t AUEReACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS MlER8ACH HONEYWELL KEYTAPE R£PORTS • •9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Keytape Model K-710 Keytape Model K-910 Monthly Rental, (1) $ Purchase Price, $ Monthly Maintenance, $ 245 270 11,500 12,500 35.00 38.00 15 5 10 15 20 750 250 500 750 1,000 2.00 0.75 1.50 2.00 2.50 5 NC 5 250 NC 250 0.75 NC 0.75 Options: (2) 120-character record length (3) 90-character record length (4) 100-character record length (4) 1l0-character record length (4) 120-character record length (4) 800 bpi recording (3) 200 bpi recording (3) Right justification NC - No Charge. (1) Based on a one year lease. (2) A one-time charge of $25 is applied for field installation of each option. (3) K-700 Series option. (4) K-900 Series option. o 1968 AUERBApH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. :;->;'; 8/68 A AUERIIACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS 2Sl 6440:01 IBM 65/66 AUEll8ACH REPORTS • IBM 65/66 DATA TRANSCEIVERS .1 GENERAL · 11 Identity:....................... IBM 65 Data Transceiver; mM 66 Data Transceiver. · 12 Manufacturer:................... International Business Machines Corporation 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York. .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. card-to-card transmission of punched-card data over telephone or telegraph communications facUities. · 14 Basic Components Name: ....... "," .................................. .. Model number: Basic function: •••.••••••..••• ••• Nam.e: .............................................. .. Model number: Basic function: .................................. . Data Transceiver. 66. bidirectional punched-card data transmission, with printing on card at receiver. Name: .............................................. .. Telegraph Signal Unit. Model number: Basic function: .................................. .. 67. Name: .............................................. .. Model number: Basic function: ..•••.•.••...... •• · 15 Data Transceiver. 65. bidirectional punched-card data transmission. provides transmission control when using telegraph-grade lines. Telephone Signal Unit. 68. provides transmission control when using voice-grade lines. Description: The IBM 65 or 66 Data Transceiver can transmit data from punched cards or receive transmitted data and punch it into standard 80-column cards. The 66 can also print the data at the top of the corresponding card columns. The 65 and 66 Data Transceivers are based on the IBM 24 Keypunch and 26 Printing Keypunch, respectively. but cannot be used off-line to prepare punched cards. The format of the transmitted data or punched data is controlled by a program card which is mounted on a drum synchronized with the movement of the card . being read or punched. Format control is limited to fixed or X-skipping, variable end-ofcard, suppression of the blank-column check, and duplication of data punched into the previous card. The 65/66 Data Transceiver can be connected to a variety of communications facilities, including the public switched telephone network, common-carrier leased voice-grade lines, the TWX network, Western Union Class D service, and common-carrier leased telegraphgrade lines. The rate of data transmission depends on the particular communications facUity and can range from 3 fully-punched cards per minute over 60-speed (45 bits per second) telegraph lines to ll-fully punched cards per minute over voice-grade lines. Checking facUities include character validity checks on the data read from the cards and the data received by the terminal. The transmission code is a 4-of-8 constant-ratio code; which @ 1965 AUERBA~H Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 10/65 6440:02 IBM 65/66 . 15 Description (Contd.) is different from the code used by IBM devices such as the 1013, 7702, 7710, or 7711. Normally, when an error is detected, the device halts and manual intervention is necessary for a restart. If the optional Successive-Card Checking feature is installed, a device halt does not occur until three successive card records have been received in error. Cards punched from data received in error are offset in the stacker of the receiver; the corresponding cards at the transmitter are also offset. Card records passing all checks are marked by a special punch in the row 12 position of column 81. Another optional feature permits up to four independent pairs of Data Transceivers to be operated over a single voice-band line. The IBM 65/66 Data Transceivers are no longer in production and are available on a rental basis only . . 16 First Delivery: . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ? .17 Availability: . . . . . . . these units are no longer in production; availability depends on returns . .2 CONFIGURATION An IBM 65 or 66 Data Transceiver Terminal consists of either a 65 or a 66 Data Transceiver and either a 67 Tel.3graph Signal Unit or a 68 Telephone Signal Unit. The connection to various communications facilities is described in Paragraph. 72 . .3 INPUT .31 Prepared Input Input medium: ..•.•.•...•.. Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated input speed: . • . . • . • . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . • . • • . • • • . . • . . • . standard IBM SO-column cards (upper corner cuts only). standard Hollerith. 1 to 80 char/card; multiple cards can be transmitted automatically. full alphanumeric plus specials. 16 columns/sec (65); 14 columns/sec (66). 3 to 11 fully-punched cards/min, depending on communications facility .. The 66 is limited to 10 fully-punched cards/min. The effective speed also depends on the number of columns of data transmitted or punched. • 32 Manual Input: . no provision. . 33 Fixed Input: .• no direct provision; however, under control of the program card at the receiving terminal, specified data can be duplicated from previous card . . 34 Transaction Code Input:. . • . . • . . . . . .. no provision . . 35 Message Configuration: 1 to 80 characters per card, under control of the program card. Control signals and idle characters are supplied automatically or manually by operator. Input code: . • . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • Quantity of data: . . . • . . • . • . . . . . . . . ...•........ (Contd. ) 10/65 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 6440:03 AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS ~ AUERBACH IBM 65/66 REPORTS • • 36 Operating Procedure (1) Establish connection by telephone, teleprinter message, or by schedule. (2) Sequentially set receive and transmit signal-level switches. (3) Insert program card on program drum at each location. (4) Place cards in feed hopper. (5) Receiver operator feeds 3 blank cards into position. (6) Receiver operator presses Start key. (7) Transmitter operator feeds 3 cards into position. (8) Start light goes on at receiver and transmitter. (9) Transmitter operator presses Start key to begin transmission. (10) After last card has been transmitted, lamps and buzzers signal operators to press appropriate keys and buttons to end transmission. .37 Entry of Time and Date: •4 OUTPUT · 42 Output to Punched Cards Card type and size: .••..•..... .•. Card code: • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . Rated punching speed: ...•.•....•. Effective speed: . . • • . • . . . . • • • . .•• Fonnat control: . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . • . Comments: • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • ·5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors . Type of Checking: .•.•.••.•.•.... Error indication: .•.•••.•••• ' .•..• Correction Procedure: ••••.•.••••. • 52 no provision• standard mM 80-column (upper corner cuts only).· standard Hollerith. 16 columns/sec (65); 14 columns/sec (66). 3 to 11 fully-punched cards/min, depending on communications facility. The 66 is limited to 10 fully-punched cards/min . . program card. Model 66 can interpret and print each character over the corresponding card column. character validity and various checks on functional operations such as sldpping or feeding. machine halt at end of card, light, and buzzer. If all checks are passed, a punch is placed in the 12 row of column 81. press Release key, refeed last three cards, press Start key. Data Transmission Errors Type of checldng: .•••.••.••.•••• Error indication: • • • . . • • • . • • • • . •• Correction procedure: .•••••...•.• character validity. same as .51, above. same as .51, above. @1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 10/65 6440:04 IBM 65/66 · 52 Data Transmission Errors (Contd.) Comments: . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . • . . •. with the Successive-Card Checking feature. a machine halt occurs only after three successive cards have been received in error; cards punched from erroneously-received data are offset at both the transmitting and receiving terminal. • 53 Data Recording Errors Type of checldng: ..•••.••.••..••• Error indication: . . • . . . . . • • • . . . • .. Correction procedure: ••.•..•••.••• failure to .punch. to sldp or feed properly. or to punch the proper number of characters; timing checks such as receiving data while sldpping. sl'le. 51. above. see. 51. above • • 55 Line Malfunctions: • • . . • • . • . . . • . • •. no checldng provisions • •6 CONDITION INDICA TORS Input device available: ••.•••.•••••. Input device busy: .•..•....•..•.•• Remote receiver ready: .•.•.•...... Remote receiver busy: . . . . • . . . • • • .• Power on: . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . Improper data entry: . . . . • . . . . . . . • . Transmission error: . . . . . . . . . . . • . • Recording error: . . • . . . . . . • . . • . • •• •7 DATA TRANSMISSION • '11 Basic Characteristics none. lamp. lamp. none. lamp. lamp. buzzer, machine halt. lamp, buzzer. machine halt. lamp, buzzer, machine halt• Rated transmission speed:. . . . . . . . . . . depends on communications facility; separate removable speed selector modules are available for each speed capability. Transmission method: . . • . . . . . . . . . . se rial by bit. Transmission code: .•....•.•...•.. 4-of-8 Transceiver code; see the code table in the report on the mM 7740 Communication Control System, Paragraph 8440.24. Transmission mode: . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . half-duplex. Order of bit transmission: ...•••.•... ? Synchronization: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . start and stop bits are transmitted with each character . • 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Common-carrier leased telegraph-grade lines (up to 73 bits/sec): . • . . • . • • . • • • • •• none required. Common-carrier leased narrow-band Data Channels (up to 75 bits/sec): • . . . . • . • . • • . • •. * Bell System Data Set l03F or Western Union 75 Baud Data Modem. In some cases. equivalent data sets can be used: see your local common-carrier communications consultant. (Contd. ) 10/65 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 8 .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6440: 05 IBM 65/66 Communications Line Data Set* Bell System Schedule 3A Data Channel (up to 150 bits/sec): . . . . Western Union Class D Data Channel (up to 180 bits/sec): ..•. Common-carrier leased voiceband line: .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public switched telephone network: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Bell System Data Set 103F Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem Bell System Data Set 103F or Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Call reception:. '.' . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . Remote functional operations: •.•....• manual dialing or signaling. operator must establish connection. none . . 74 Multistation Operation: . . . • • . • . . • . . no provision • .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model 65 Data Transceiver Component Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 31 29 39 290 Power (kw) Voltage 0.85 115 or 208/230 60 1 Frequency (Hz) Phases Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) .9 Model 66 Data Transceiver Model 67/68 Signal Units 31 29 39 275 19 27 30 180 0.85 115 or 208/230 60 1 50-90 30-65 2,059 50-90 30-65 1,958 ** ** - -- PRICE DATA Component or Feature 65 66 67 68 Card Unit Printing Card Unit Telegraph Signal Unit Telephone Signal Unit Digital Data Set Feature Successive-Card Checking Feature Monthly Rental $ Purchase Price, $ 87 107 82 82 No longer in production; not possible to purchase 20 18 * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see Sections 4620 and 4640 for a current list of modems available from independent manufacturers of telephone equipment. ** Included in 65/66 © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. Transceivers 5/70 A ~ ,. AUERBACH 6444:01 AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS IBM 1013 IBM 1013 CARD TRANSMISSION TERMINAL .1 GENERAL .11 Identity:....................... 1013 Card Transmission Terminal . . 12 Manufacturer:................... International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York. .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . 15 Description transmits data from punched cards; receives and punches data into punched cards . The IBM 1013 Card Transmission Terminal is a punched card terminal capable of sending or receiving data at speeds up to 300 characters per second. It transmits data from punched cards, using a fixed or variable program, and punches cards from received data in a fixed or variable format (editing only; no data rearrangements). The IBM 1013 operates over the public switched telephone network or common-carrier leased voice-grade lines, using the appropriate common-carrier data set, or over any equivalent channel with input-output connections conforming to the Electronic Industries Association Standard RS 232. The 1013 is one of the IBM STR (Synchronous Transmit-Receive) terminal units and can communicate with other members of the STR group when set to compatible data rates. The terminals with which a 1013 can communicate include: • Another 1013. • An IBM 7701 or 7702 Magnetic Tape Transmission Terminal. • An IBM 7740 Communication Control System. • An IBM 1973 Data Transmission Terminal. • An IBM 1978 Print Read Punch Terminal. • An IBM 7750 Programmed Transmission Control. • An IBM 7711 Data Communication Unit. • An IBM System/360 Data Processing System via a 2701 Data Adapter Unit. • An IBM 1401, 1440, or 1460 Data Processing System via a 1009 or 7710 Data Transmission Unit. The 1013 transmits and receives data in a half-duplex mode. If full-duplex facilities are used, data transmission is still half-duplex, but synchronization can be maintained in both directions at the same time. This reduces the turnaround time when exchanging control signals. The 1013 can operate in any of five modes, selected by the operator. The Program Entry mode allows the operator to enter the data from four program cards into reserved areas of buffer storage. The program cards contain instructions for controlling the format of the Variable-Program Transmit or Receive mode. Fixed data, if any, is also included in the program cards. In the Fixed Transmit mode, 80 characters of data are transmitted from each card. @1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 10/65 6444:02 IBM 1013 .15 Description (Contd.) In the Fixed Receive mode, the received data is expected to be in BO-character records and each record is punched into one card. The Variable-Program Transmit mode allows a data block of up to 329 characters to be transmitted as one record. The record can consist of from one to seven subrecords, each in the same format. A subrecord consists of up to 80 characters read from a card and up to 47 characters of fixed data previously loaded into the 1013 with the program cards. Some of the control functions provided by the control instructions include fixed or X-skipping, suspension of the blank-column check, variable end-of-card location, deletion of data read from the cards, insertion of fixed data into the transmitted data, and various combinations of these functions. In the Variable-Program Receive mode, the format of the card punched is controlled by the receiving terminal in the same manner as in the Variable-Program Transmit mode. Up to seven cards can be punched from one received record, depending on the format of the transmitted data. In general, one card is punched for each transmitted card record. Additional fixed data can be inserted into the punched card from the data read from the program cards at the receiving terminal. The transmission code is the 4-of-8 constant ratio code used by other IBM data communications equipment (but not the IBM 65/66 Data Transceivers). Checking facilities include validity checks on the character codes read from the card and received as data. Detected errors result in up to two retransmissions of the entire record. If an error still persists, manual intervention is required. . 16 First Delivery: . fir st quarter, 1963. .17 Availability: ... ? .2 CONFIGURATION The 1013 consists of a 1, OOO-column-per-second card reader, a 160-column-per-second card punch, buffer storage, electronic control circuits, and an operator's console.Connections to various communication facilities are described in Paragraph. 72 . .3 INPUT .31 Prepared Input Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • • . • . Quantity of data Fixed operation: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Variable operation: . . . . • . • . . • . . . • Character set:. • . . . • • • . . • . • • • . • . . Rated input speed: . • . . . . . . . • • • . . . . Effective speed: • . . . . . • • . . . • . . • • • . • 33 SO characters read from a card. 1 to 80 characters read from a card. 56- characters, consisting of alphanumerics and specials; sec Table I. 1,000 columns/sec. apprOximately 40 to over 400 cards per minute. depending on grade of transmission line used, nunlber of characters per card, transmission modc (full-duplex or half-duplex) and the receiving terminal . Fixed Input Fixed operation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable operation: . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . • 10/65 standard IDM SO-column punched cards. standard Hollerith card code; see Table I. no provision. 1 to 47 characters per card transmission; fixed data is stored in the buffer area prior to initiating transmission. (Contd. ) AUERBACH Data Communicatrons Reports A AU[IIIIACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS ~ AU[RBACH 6444:03 IBM 1013 R[PORTS • TABLE I: IBM 1013 DATA CODES Printed Symbol Card Code Intennedlaloo Code 0 - -0 2 lR 2R 12 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 A 7 B 9 12-1 12-2 12-3 . 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-11 12-9 II-I 11-2 11-3 11-4 8 C 0 ~ G H I J K L M N 0 I' II-S 11-6 11-7 11-11 Q R 11-9 S 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 o-B 0-9 0-1 3-11 12-3-B 11-3-B 0-3-8 4-B 12-4-B 11:'''-8 T U V W X Y Z ,I S @ tl • 'Ib & Note ~ !?)& Note Note Note Note Note Note t I (I) 2 ..2 ,., 2 A 2 .... 2 .... Substitute Characte< 11-+-8 12 II -.4R 14 24 124 8R IB IRN 2RN 12N .caN 14N 2..N 124N eRN IBN IRX 2RX 12X 4RX 14X 2..X 12..X eRX lBX 2RO 120 .ca0 140 240 1240 IRO 180 IRO 128 12BN 12BX 1280 48R 48RN 48RX _0 N X 12-0 11-0 0-2-8 12-7-8 11-7-8 0-7-8 0-5-11 28R0 1248RN 124BRX 1248R0 I4BO 5-8 14 ~~ 4of8 Code 2480 2IRN 10XN 20XN 12RN 40XN 14RN 24N 124 80XN 18RN IROX 2ROX 120X 40X I..OX 2..0X 124N eROX IIOX IRXN 2RXN 12xN 4XN I..XN 2..XN 124X SRXN 18XN 2RON 120N 40N ' ..ON 240N 1240 IRON lION IRON 12IR 12BN 12ax 1280 48RN 40X 4X", ;:: 24X 2UUX 28XN 2BON 14N 14X I4BO 2IRX 124 Note 1 Plus zero and minus zero print as ? and J an tI!e 1407. MarX,... Note 2 "card MarX .... GIOUp Delta A. Segment MarX...... Ward Separatar... can be printed on any 1403 ar 1404 wilh the expanded character set. They are standard on the 1407. t The substitute character. which is used in the IBM 7701 Magnetic Tape Transmlaion Terminal. can be racei ..... and punched but nat transmitted by the IBM 1013. Punching the substitute character code camblnation stops the 1013. ancIsignals the aperatar. Reprinted from IBM 1013 Card Transmission Terminal. p. 7. Form A21-1068. published by IBM. © 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 10/65 6444:04 IBM 1013 • 34 Transaction Code Input: •••••••••••• • 35 Message Configuration Fixed operation: ••.••••..•••••••• Variable operation: ••••••.••••••.• • 36 no provision• each transmission consists of 80 data characters and control codes which are automatically inserted. up to 329 characters per transmission, consisting of from 1 to 7 card records (each in the same format), fixed data for each card record, and control codes. Operating Procedure (1) Dial receiving station or otherwise establish connection; check that data set is ready for transmission; check that 1013's are synchronized and Ready light is on; check other lights. (2) Select fixed or variable program (one 80-column card per record, or operation under 1013 program control). (3) Load data cards and press Start key. A special key, TEL, can be used to signal the remote operator. This is usually used to indicate totheremote operator that voice communication is desired. • 37 Entry of Time and Date: .4 OUTPUT • 42 Output to Punched Cards no provision • , Card type and size': •••••.•• Card code: • Rated punching speed: •• Effective speed: •..•.•••••• 0 • • •• ••••••••••••••• 0 0 •• 0 Format control Fixed operation: Variable operation: ••• 0 ••• 0 •• 0 • • • 0 0 • 0 • • • • •• 0 • • • • •• • • 0 •••• • • • • • •• 0 • • • •• •5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors Type of Checking:. • . • . • • • • • • • • • . •. Error indication: • • • • • . • • • • • . . • . •• Correction procedure: .•••••.••.••• • 52 none. stored program permits format control (see Description) • invalid card code combinations, column count check, and blank column detection (optional). machine halt, audible alarm, and light. manual intervention. Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . • • • . . . • . . • • • • . •. Error indication: • . • . • . • . . • • •• • • •. 10/65 standard IBM 80-column punched cards. standard Hollerith card code. 160 columns/sec. depends on transmission speed and location of the last column punched. For transmission speeds of 150 char/sec and higher, the range is approximately 90 to 170 cards/min if the last column punched is 80 or 30, respectively. At the 75 char/sec speed, the punching rate is limited by the transmission speed. character validity and longitudinal parity check. machine halt, audible alarm, and light after three unsuccessful attempts to transmit full record.' (Contd. ) AUERBACH Data Comrtlunications Reports A ~ . AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6444:05 IBM 1013 Correction procedure: ••.•••...•••• . 53 Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . . • . • . • • • • . • • . . •• Error indication: • . • • • . • • • • . • • • • .• Correction procedure: .•••••..••..• Comments: • • . . • • • • . • • . • • • . • • . •• • 55 Line Malfunctions: . • • • • . • • • • • • • • •. •6 CONDITION INDICATORS Input device available:. • • • • • • • • . • • •• Input device busy: ••••.••••.•••••. Remote receiver ready: ••.•......•. Remote receiver busy: . • • • • • . • . • • .. Power on: . • . • • • . • . • • . • . • • • • • • •• hnproper data entry: ••••••••••••.• Transmission error: ••••••.••••••• Recording error: . • • • • • . . • • • . . • • •. •7 DATA TRANSMISSION • 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: ••••..•..•• Transmission method: •..•.•...•.•• Transmission code: ....•.•.••••••. Transmission mode: ••.••.•....•.•. Order of bit transmission: •.•••••...• Synchronization: •••...•.••.••••.. • 72 automatic retransmission of record; manual refeeding of error card after three unsuccessful attempts to transmit record • error in card punching and blank column detection (optional). audible alarm, light, and machine halt. manually eject defective card and resume operation (card will be repunched). check punch can be put in column 81 of card to indicate correctly-punched card . no specific provision for checking . lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp, audible alarm. lamp, audible alarm. lamp, audible alarm • 75, 150, 250, or 300 char/sec. serial by bit. 4-of-8 constant ratio code; see Table I. half-duplex. 1, 2, 4, 8, R, 0, X, N; see Table I. synchronous; i. e. , synchronization is maintained by the data signals • Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Common-carrier leased voice-band lines at the following speeds: Up to 1,200 bits/sec (75 or 150 char/sec): ••••••.•.••••.••.• 2,000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): •••••• 2,400 bits/sec (300 char/sec): .••.•• Public switched telephone network at the following speeds: Up to 1,200 bits/sec (75 or 150 char/sec): ••.••...•.••••.••• 2,000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): ..••.. Data Set* Bell System Data Set 202C or 202D, or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data Set 201A. Bell System Data Set 201B or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A. Note: Any equivalent transmission medium that meets the standards of Electronic Industries Association's Recommended Standard 232 is usable by the IBM 1013 Card Transmission Terminal. * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see your local common-carrier communications consultant. @1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 10/65 6444:06 IBM 1013 .73 Transmission Control Call initiation:. . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • •• Call reception:. • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • •• Functional operations:. • • . • • . • • • • • •• manual dialing or signaling. operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode. none, except request retransmission. .74 Multistation Operation: no provision. •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS • • GO •••••••• 1013 Card Transmission Terminal Component Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Power (kw) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) .9 • 47 29 52 800 1.15 115 60 1 - PRICE DATA Component or Feature 1013 Card Transmission Terminal 5/70 - 3,415 Monthly Rental Purchase Price Monthly Maintenance $ $ $ 775 42,050 82.50 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AU[~.ACH ~ ~U[R8AC" 6445:01 DATA COMMUNICATIONS R[PORTS IBM 1978 • IBM 1978 PRINT READ PUNCH TERMINAL .1 GENERAL · 11 Identity: .......................... . .. 12 Manufacturer: ......................... .. • 13 Basic Function: ••••••..•.••••••• . 14 Basic Components transmit data from punched cards; receive and print data or punch data into cards; operates over a voice-band line • Name: ............................... .. Function: ............................... .. 1978 Printer includes line printer, buffers, and control circuitry. Printer is included in all models of the 1978. Name: ............................................ .. 1978 Card Read Punch provides punched card input and output. Card reading is provided in Models 1 and 2; card punching is provided in Model 2 only. Function: ...................................... .. · 15 1978 Print Read Punch Terminal; Models 1, 2, and 3. International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York. Description The IBM 1978 Print Read Punch Terminal is available in three models which provide various combinations of input/output components. The capabilities of the three models are as follows: • 1978 Model 1 - provides punched card input and printed output. • 1978 Model 2 - similar to Model 1, and provides pUnched card output in addition. • 1978 Model 3 - provides printed output only; no input capabilities. The 1978 Terminal operates at 75, 150, or 250 characters per second over the public telephone network or a common-carrier leased voice-band line; in addition, it can operate at 300 characters per second over a leased line. The 1978 is one of the IBM STR (Synchronous Transmit-Receive) terminal units and can communicate with other members of the 8TR group if compatible data rates and message configurations are employed, Refer to Paragraph 6444. 15 of the report on the IBM 1013 Card Transmission Terminal for a list of other terminals in the STR group. The 1978 transmits and receives in a half-duplex mode. If full-duplex facilities are used, data transmissions are still half-duplex but synchronization can be maintained in both directions at the same time, which reduces turnaround time when exchanging control signals. The 1978 Terminal is quite similar to the IBM 1013 Card Transmission Terminal; it uses a similar Card Read Punch unit and much of the same control circuitry. The primary difference between the 1978 and the 1013, aside from the printing capability of the 1978, is that the 1978 lacks the complex and flexible, variable programming mode provided in the 1013 (see Paragraph 6444. 15). The Card Read Punch unit is a modified version of the IBM 1442 Card Read Punch. The Printer is a modified version of the IBM 1443 Printer, which uses a horizontally oscillating type-bar. Both the 1442 and 1443 have been used extensively as peripheral devices in IBM computer systems. The peak card reading speed is 190 cards per minute; the peak card punching speed varies from 91 cards per minute for fully punched cards to 190 cards per minute for cards with 25 or fewer columns punched. C 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 8/66 6445:02 IBM 1978 • 15 Description (Contd.) The peak printing speed is 190 lines per minute if the standard 52-character type-bar is used. The Selective Character Set option permits the use of other type-bars having character sets of 13, 39, or 63 characters. The peak printing speed with the non-standard typebar varies between 475 and 160 lines per minute. The actual rate at which data can be transmitted depends on the transmitting and receiving components, the turnaround time, and the number of characters per record. See Tables V and VI for additional information about effective transmission rates. Data is transmitted between a 1978 Terminal and a remote terminal in an alternating sequence of data blocks (transmittal records) and control signals. A transmittal record contains from one to seven subtransmittal records. Each subtransmittal record corresponds to one card or one line of print. The transmittal record can contain up to 329 data characters including certain control characters (see Paragraph. 35). The 1978 operates in one of seven modes: • Send Normal Mode -- 80 characters are read from each card (one per column) and transmitted. The input cards are punched in standard IBM Card Code. • Send Binary Mode - 160 characters are read from each card (two per column) and transmitted. The- input cards are punched in column binary. • Send First Character Mode - the codtl punched in the first card column determines whether the card is read in the normal or binary mode. A 7-9 punch in column 1 indicates column binary reading; all other card punch combinations indicate normal reading. The first card column is transmitted as one or two data characters. • Receive Punch Normal Mode - received data is expected to be in the form of records containing up to 80 data characters; each record is punched into one card. • Receive Print Mode - received data is expected to be in the form of records containing up to 80 data characters; each record is printed on one line, with single line spacing. No form skips can be initiated. • Receive First Character Control Mode - received data recoras are punched or printed according to the initial character of each record. Cards can be punched in IBM Card Code or in column binary. Single, double, or triple line spacing can be performed after printing each line, or a skip to the top of the next page can be made. With the Skipping Device option, a forms skip can be initiated by the initial data character; actual skipping is controlled by the tape loop carriage control mechanism. Up to 120 or 144 (with optional feature) characters can be printed per line. • Off-Line Mode - data can be transcribed from punched cards to printed output. One line is printed for each card, with single line spacing. Input cards are expected to be in the standard IBM card eode. The rate of transcription varies from 130 cards per minute when using the 63-character type bar to 190 cards per minute with the 13-character type bar. The transmission code is the IBM 4-of-8 code used by the other terminals in the IBM STR group. Extensive checking provisions are included in the 1978. Character validity checking is performed on data read from a card (in the normal mode) and on data received from a remote terminal. A longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) is performed on each subtransmittal record r.eceived and on the entire transmittal record. When transmitting, LRC characters are automatically generated for transmission. Detection of an error in received data causes the 1978 terminal to automatically request a retransmission. If errors persist after a total of three transmissions, the terminal halts and manual intervention is required. Optional Features A number of optional features are available for a 1978 Terminal, including: • Selective Character Set - allows the operator to replace the printer type-bar with one containing a different character set. Type-bars having a character set containing 13, 39, 52 (standard). or 63 characters are available. (Contd.) 8/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6445:03 IBM 1978 • • • 24 Additional Print Positions - extends the print line from the standard 120 character positions to 144 positions. • • Printer Speed Increase - increases the maximum rate of printing with the standard 52 character set from 190 lines per minute to 240 lines per minute. • Automatic Turnaround - enables the 1978 Terminal to automatically switch from the selected transmit mode to Receive First Character Mode when a blank card is detected in the reader. When the following transmission and EOT signal is received, the 1978 switches back to the selected transmit mode. • Automatic Answer and Disconnect - allows a 1978 Terminal to answer an incoming call automatically, without need for operator attention, and to receive or transmit data automatically. • Speed Selection Switch - permits operator to select transmission speed• Skipping Device - provides additional carriage control via the 12-channel tape loop carriage control mechanism. The tape loop moves in synchronization with the form being printed and has 12 channels or columns which are prepunched to indicate different vertical points on the form. Channel 1 is reserved to indicate the top of the page and channel 12 the bottom. Without the Skipping Device option forms skipping is limited to a skip to the top of the next page initiated in the Receive First Character Control Mode or automatically when a punch in channel 12 is detected. With this option, skipping to anyone of 9 positions indicated by punches in the corresponding tape column or channel can be initiated by the first data character in the Receive First Character Control Mode. Transmit Variabl£'-Length Hecords - enables from 1 to 148 data characters to be read and transmitted from one or two cards; end-of-record is indicated by a special charnet£'r (Group Mark) punched in the card; this Group Mark replaces the one normally generated by the control circuitry. • 16 First Delivery: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • July 1965 . • 17 Availability: .•••••••••••••••••• not specified by IBM • •2 CONFIGURATION' The IBM 1978 Print Read Punch Terminal is available in three models having different combinations of input/output capabilities as follows: • • • 1978 Model 1 - provides punched card input and printed output. 1978 Model 2 - provides punched card output in addition to punched card input . and printed output. 1978 Model 3 - provides printed output only. The physical configurations of the various models are described in Paragraph. 8. The standard communications facilities that can be accommodated and the associated data . sets are listed in Paragraph • 72. The optional features available for .each model of the 1978 Terminal are listed and described in Paragraph . 15• •3 INPUT • 31 Prepared Input Card Read Punch (1978 Models 1 and 2) Input Dlediunl: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Input code: • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• Quantity of data: ••••••.•••••••• Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated input speed: •••••••.•••••• Effective speed: ••••••••••••• ' ••• standard IBM 80-column punched cards. standard Hollerith card code (see Table I), or column binary. 80 characters per card (normal mode) or 160 characters per card (column binary mode). see Table I. 190 cards/minute. see Tables V and VI. © 1966 AUERBA,CH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc, 8/66 6445:04 IBM 1978 TABLE I: IBM 1978 TERMINAL DATA CODES DEFINED CHARACTER BLANK (SEE NOTE 2) PERIOD LOZENGE LEFT BRACKET LESS THAN GROUP MARK AMPERSAND DOLLAR SIGN ASTERISK RIGHT BRACKET SEMICOLON DELTA HYPHEN (MINUS SIGN) DIAGONAL COMMA PERCENT MARK WORD SEPARA TOR LEFT OBLIQUE SEGMENT MARK SUBSTITUTE BLANK (SEE NOTE 2) NUMBER POUND SIGN AT SIGN COLON (SEE NOTE 3) GREATER THAN RADICAL QUESTION MARK (PLUS ZERO) A B C 0 E F G H I EXClAMATION POINT MINUS ZERO J X X X X ):( X X X X X ) [ 5:. * . & X $ X X X X + X X ] ; A f X , X % X X X X X X X V ,• \ ~ X X X X @ : X -, X > r ? A B C 0 E F G H I ! X X X X X X X X X -- X X J K l M N 0 P Q R RECORD MARK S T U V W X Y Z (0) ZERO I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NOTES: PRINT BAR SEE NOTE 1 13 39 52A 52H 63 PRINTS AS K L M N 0 P Q R )( X X X X X X + S T U V W X Y Z 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X STANDARD CARD CODE BCD CODE BITS 1 C B A 8 " 2 40F 8 ODE BITS 1 8 R 0 X N 2 " C 12-3-8 12-4-8 12-5-8 12-6-8 B C B B B R 0 A 8 A 8 2 1 " l;i-I-H I.. 1 A 8 " AlB 4 2 AlB 4 2 1 12 C A 11-3-8 11-4-8 1-1-5-8 11-6-8 '1-7-8 8 C B B 8 8 C B C B 8 8 B B C A A 8 C A 8 C A 8 A 8 C A 8 A 8 8 C 8 8 8 C C B A 8 B A B A C B A B A C B A C B A B A B A 8 C B A 8 B 8 C B C B B C B B B C B C B 8 B 8 A 8 A C A C A A A C A C A 8 A 8 C 8 0-1 0-3-8 0-4-8 0-5-8 0-6-8 0-7-8 2-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 7-8 12-0 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 11-0 11- I 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 0-2-8 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0~8 0-9 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 1 2 2 " 12 4 1 "" , I 2 I 4 2 4 2 1 2 I 2 1 I 1 2 4 4 2 4 2 I 2 2 2 2 I 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 I 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 I 2 " 4 1 4 2 2 , 1 I I 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 I 2 4 "" " I 1 2 1 1 1 I 2 2 2 1 1 2 "" " I I 4 2 2 I 1 1 I I 2 2 I 1 2 C I 4 " C C C 8 8 1 4 2 4 2 1 1 I 1 1 N 8 8 4 8 R 8 R 0 8 8 " R 0 8 0 8 0 8 R, 8 R 0 4 8 0 8 0 8 R 4 8 R " "" X in a print bar column indicate. that the character i. printed by that bar. Any other notation show. the character a. it i. printed by the 52 - character bar, Arrangement H. 2. The" of 8 codes shown are for Binary Mode. ,In BCD Mode the substitute blank character is deleted from the character set, and the blank has the" of 8 Bit Configuration 2 - 4 - 8 - O. 3. The colon is used as the .ubstitute character by the IBM 7702 Magnetic Tape Transmission Terminal. " " "" " X X N X X X N N X N 8 8 R 8 R 8 0 R 0 R 0 0 4 R 0 4 0 2 0 2 4 8 R 0 8 0 2 8 R 2 R 2 4 R 4 2 4 2 4 8 R 8 2 8 0 2 R 0 2 0 4 R 0 4 0 2 4 0 2 0 8 R 0 8 0 2 8 R 0 2 0 2 R 4 0 R 2 R 2 R 8 0 8 R 1. N 4H " , " , , " , "" " " " " 0 R R 0 X N N X X 4B 2 2 I 8 4 8 X X X X X X X N X X X X X X X X X X X X N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N X N X N N X N N N X N N Reprinted from IBM 1978 Print Read Punch Terminal, Form A21-9029, published by IBM. (Contd.) 8/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ oWERBACH .UERtI.CH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6445:05 IBM 1978 • • 32 Manual Input: .•.••••. ••••••••• no provision. • 33 .34 Fixed Input: •••••••••••••••••• no provision. Transaction Code Input: no provision • . 35 Message Configuration Data is transmitted or received by an IBM 1978 Terminal in a series of data blocks called transmittal records and appropriate control code sequences. Refer to Tables II and III for the structure and definition of each control sequence. Each transmittal record consists of a Start-of-Record sequence followed by one to seven subtransmittal records, and ended by an End-of-Transmittal-Record sequence. Each subtransmittal record consists of data characters followed by a Group Mark or Record Mark code and a Longitudinal Redundancy Check character (LRC). Depending on the mode of operation (see Paragraph. 15), the llUmber of data characters in each subtransmittal record can be 161 characters, including the initial control code when used. The number of data characters can vary in subtransmittal records within the same transmittal record, again depending on the mode of operation. The maximum number of data characters per subtransmittal record for each input or output component is shown in Table IV. The maximum number of data characters per transmittal rec,.rd, inclucting first character control codes and Record or Group Marks, but excluding LRC characters, is 329. When transmitting, each subtransmittal record corresponds to one 0ard read from the Card Read Punch unit. When receiving, each subtransmittal record corresponds to one card punched or one line printed. All control codes mentioned in this entry are generated • 36 autom~ti0ally by the 1978 Terminal. Operating Procedure (1) Operator establishes connection by dialing or signaling, coordinates the transmission with the remote operator, checks that the data set is ready for transmission, and switches to data mode. (2) Operator verifies that synchronization between terminals has been established and that all components are in a ready condition by observing the control panel lights. (3) Operator selects proper operation mode and loads data cards if transmitting or readies the Card Read Punch or Printer if receiving. The transndtting terminal operator Ulen presses the Start key. The exchanges of data messages and control signals are under' the contrul of the terminals. Further intervention by the operator is required only when eu'ors are repeatedly detected in retransmission of the same data block (transmittall'ecord). when reading, punching, or printing component malfunctions or errors are detected, aIld when the call is terminated. The Automatic Answer and Disconnect option permits transmission or reception of messages by an unattended IBM 1978 Terminal. T.ABLE II: mM 4-0F-8 CHARACTER TRANSMISSION CONTROL CODES Symbol (1) Transmission Code (2) Idle IDL 18RO Error-Inquiry EI 18RX Transmit Leader TRL 14RO Control Leader CTL 14RX SOR/ACK-1 SOR/ACK-2 S/A-1 12RX S/A-2 12RO Control Code (1) These are the symbols used in Table III. (2) See T8:b1e I. @ 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/66 6445:06 IBM 1978 TABLE HI: IBM 4-0F-8 CONTROL MESSAGES Characters Transmitted (2) Function Control Message (1) Idle End-of-Idle (EOI) Inquiry Start-of-Record (SOR-10r SOR-2) IDL CTL IDL To maintain synchronization. To signal that the direction of Idle transmissions shall be reversed. To interrogate remote terminal as to readiness. To signal the beginning of a transmittal record; records are alternately designated odd (SOR-1) and even (SOR-2) to provide detection of duplicate transmissions. TRL EI TRL S/A-1or TRL SA-2 Acknowledge (ACK-10r ACK-2) To signal readiness to receive in response to an inquiry message; to signal the transmitting terminal that a transmittal record was received without any detected errors. CTL S/A-1 or CTL S/A-2 Error To signal the transmitting terminal that errors were detected in one or more subtransmittal records. To signal the end of a transmittal record. CTL EI End-of-Transmittal Record (EOTR) End-of-Transmission To signal the remote operator that transmission has been completed (manually initiated). (EOT) To signal the remote operator j normally used TEL to indicate desire for voice communication (manually initiated). TRL LRC CTL CTL (1) All messages except Idle and start-of-Record cause a change in the direction of transmission; all messages except End-of-Transmission and TEL are automatically initiated. (2) All messages except Idle are two-character sequences; see Table IT for transmission codes. TABLE IV: MAXIMUM SIZES OF SUBTRANSMITTAL RECOR,pS Operation Transmit Receive Component Maximum Number of Data Characters Per Subtransmittal Record * Card Reader Normal Mode Binary Mode Card Punch....; Normal Mode Binary Mode Printer standard with Additional Print Positions Feature 80 160 80 161 120 144 * Does not include first character control codes. (Contd. ) 8/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS R[PORTS 6445:07 IBM 1978 • .37 Entry of Time and Date: .4 OUTPUT • 42 Output to Punched Cards no provisions. Card Read-Punch (1978 Model 2 only) Card type and size: Card code: . . . . . . standard SO-column pWlched cards_ standard Hollerith card code (see Table 1), or column binary. 160 columns/sec; 190 cards/min maximum. see Tables V and VI. none. Rated punching speed: . Effective speed: _ Format control: . ___ _ TABLE V: DArA TRANSMISSION RATE OF IBM 1978 TERMINAL ~ Data Transmission Rate, records/sec (1) Characters Per Record (1) Via a Half-Duplex Line Operating at: 75 char/sec 25 40 80 160 Via a Full-Duplex Line (2) Operating at: - 150 95 50 25 150 char/sec 250 char/sec 285 190 95 50 410 285 150 75 300 char/sec 75 cnar/sec 470 335 175 90 165 105 90 25 150 char/sec 250 char/sec 330 210 105 55 300 char/sec 550 345 180 90 655 415 215 110 (1) Each record Is a subtransmlttal record and corresponds to one card or one printed line. Maximum blocking is assumed. See Paragraph. 35 for details on message configuration. The rates shown in this table represent the speed at which data is sent over the line. The overall effective rate is governed by the peak ·reading. punching. or printing rate (see Table Vl). or the data transmission rate. whichever is the lowest. (2) The operation of the terminal Is always half-duplex, but'full-duplex facilities can be used to maintain synchronization In both directions simultaneously, which reduces turnaround time. . TABLE VI: IBM 1978 TERMINAL PEAK INPUT/OUTPUT RATES (1) Input or Output OPeration Peak Rate, Cards or lines per minute Card Reading Printing 13-character 39-character 52-character 63-character 190 set set set set Card Punching25 columns 40 columns 80 columns 475 240 190 160 190 146 91 (1) The overall effective speed of operation will be the lowest of the three following rates: data transmission rate (see Table IV), transmitting component rate, and receiving component rate. 01966 AUERBACH Corpor/ltion and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/66 6445:08 IBM 1978 • 44 Output to Printer Printer (all models of 1978) Output medium.: • . . . . • . .•••.•..• Character set: ••••••••••••••••• Rated printing speed With 13-character set: With 39-character set: With 52-character set: With 63-character set: Effective speed: . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . Format control: .••.•.••••.••.•• •5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION • 51 Data Entry Errors Type of checking: . . • • • • . • • • • . • • .• Error indication: • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • Correction procedure: ••••••.••••• • 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . • • • • • • • • • . • . • • . Error indication: • • . • . • • • • • • . • .•• Correction procedure: ••••.•••.•••• Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • 53 pin-fed continuous fan-fold forms from 4. 00 to 16.75 inches in width; 120 or 144 (optional) printing positions; 10 characters per inch horizontal spacing and 6 or 8 lines per inch vertical spacing. 52 characters standard; 13, 39, or 63 character set available with Selective Character Set option. 475 lines/min. 240 lines/min. 190 lines/min. 160 lines/min. see Tables V and VI. vertical forms control via 12-channel paper tape loop mechanism (optional). Skipping operation is initiated by first character control code of a message • character validity, card registration, character count, and reading lamp checks. terminal halts, a lamp is lighted, and an audible alarm is sounded. manual intervention. character validity check; longitudinal redundancy check for each subtransmittal record and for entire transmittal record. output is suspended and an error indication code is transmitted to the remote terminal after complete transmittal record is received. automatic retransmission of entire transmittal record; after a total of 3 failures to receive a record, the terminal halts with a lamp lighted and sounds an audible alarm. when r~ceiving a retransmission, the 1978 punches or prints the entire transmittal record . Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Error indication: • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• Correction procedure: •••••••••••• • 55 Line Malfunctions: ••••••••••••••• •6 CONDITION INDICATORS echo check to verify that correct dies have been activated in card punch; character parity checking on data sent to printer, but no direct check on printed output. a lamp is lighted and an audible alarm is sounded. manual intervention. no specific proviSions for checking• A comprehensive array of lamps and switches on the main operator panel, which is located on the printer, displays the flow of data through the buffers, the mode of operation, the status of each component, transmission errors, and printer malfunctions. A secondary panel is provided on the Card Read Punch unit to indicate reading or punching malfunctions. (Contd. ) 8/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA. ~ .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS •7 • 71 6445:09 IBM 1978 DATA TRANSMISSION Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: .••••••.•. Transmission method: ..•.•...•.•• Transmission code: •.••.•••••••.. Transmission mode: .••••••••••••• Order of bit transmission: ••.••••••• Synchronization: ••.••••.••••.••• • 72 600, 1200, 2000, or 2400 bits/sec (75, 150, 250, or 300 char/sec, respectively). serial by bit. . IBM 4-of-8 Transmission Code (see Table 1); a total of 8 bits are transmitted for each character. half-duplex. 1, 2, 4, 8, R, 0, X, N; see Table I. synchronous; a special character (Idle) is repeatedly transmitted between terminals prior to data transmission • Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line* Common-carrier leased voice-band line operating at the following speeds: Up to 1,200 bits/sec (75 or 150 char/sec): .• .•••••••••••••• 2,000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): ••••. 2,400 bits/sec (300 char/sec): .•••• Data Set** Bell System Data Set 202C or 202D or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data Set 201A. Bell System Data Set 201B or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. Public telephone network operating at the following speeds: Up to 1,200 bits/sec (75 or 150 chari sec): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): . 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . • . . . . . • . . • . . • • Call reception: ••••.•.•..••.•.. Functional operations: . . • . . • . . . . . • 74 Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A• Multistation Operation: ..•.•.•.•.• manual dialing or signaling. capable of unattended transmit or receive operation with optional feature. none standard (card feed and line advance are automatic at end of each data block); with the Skipping Device optional feature. vertical form skipping in the printer can be initiated by the initial control code for each data block• no special provisions. * IBM states that any transmission medium that meets the standards of EIA RS-232A is usable by the IBM 1978 Terminal. ** In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see your local common-carrier communications consultant. © 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/66 6445: 10 IBM 1978 •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS IBM 1978 Terminal Component Modell .9 Model 2 Model 3 Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 86 56 49 1,400 86 56 49 1,400 86 56 49 1,400 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 3.7 208/230 60 1 4.1 208/230 60 1 2.8 208/230 60 1 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 50-90 20-80 11,400 50-90 20-80 12,600 50-90 20-80 8,600 PRICE DATA* Purchase Price $ Monthly Maintenance $ 1,000 51,800 106.00 1,100 55,000 118.00 850 42,900 102.00 Selective Character Set (permits using type-bars with size of character set other than standard) Print Positions, 24 additional (expands print line from 120 positions to 144 positions) Printer Speed Increase Skipping Device (provides form skipping controlled by carriage control tape loop) Nonstandard Type-Bar** 13-symbol character set 39-symbol character set 52-symbol character set 63-symbol character set 25 1,375 2.00 45 2,475 2.25 60 5 100 150 8.00 0.50 - - 400 450 500 575 Transmit Variable-Length Records Automatic Turnaround Automatic Answer and Disconnect Speed Selection Switch 15 35 40 15 325 1,400 1,600 650 Component or Feature 1978 Terminal Modell (transmit-receive and print) Model 2 (transmit-receive and print or punch) Model 3 (receive and print) Monthly Rental $ Optional Features - - - 0.50 1. 50 1. 50 1.25 ** One type-bar, any size, is included with the basic terminal; these prices apply to additional type-bars. * Current pricing unavailable; equipment listed under Paragraph. 9 no longer in production" 5/70 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 6447:01 AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICA liONS REPORTS . "'~iJ ( ) I J M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X y Z Space " + -, , - ¢ I ? * With extended character punching and reading special features installed in 1056 Modell and 1057 Model 1. Shaded areas indicate the differences in card codes and graphics between the PTTC/BCD Code set with the Extended Character Reading and Extended Character Punching special features installed and the PTTC/EBCD Code set used with the 1056 Model 3 and 1058 Model 2. The transmission code is the same for both code sets. Reprinted from IBM 1050 Data Communication System Principles of Operation. Form A24-3474-0 published by IBM. (Contd.) 11/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 6447:09 AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS IBM 1050 AlJ(RRACH .~ TABLE m: IBM 1050 FUNC'l'ION CODES Transmission Code Symbol Card Code BY RES RS !.oF NL* HT UC EOB BS LC EOT PRE lL DEL Cancel Key 0-9-4 11-9-4 9-5 0-9-5 11-9-5 12-9-5 9-6 0-9-6 11-9-6 12-9-6 9-7 0-9-7 11-9-7 12-9-7 BAC8421 A 84 8 4 8 4 1 A C 8 4 1 C 8 4 1 B 84 BA 1 842 A C 84 2 C 8 4 a. B BA 842 C 842 1 8 4 2 1 A 8 4 2 1 B BAC8421 B C B Meaning Bypass Restore Reader stop Line Feed New Line Horizontal Tab Upper Case End of Block Backspace Lower Case End of Transmission Prefix Idle Delete *The eighth track of the tape is punched with the NL code when the 1050 system has either the Line Correction or Home Correction special feature (or both) installed. This punch is not included in the parity check of the NL character and therefore is not transmitted. Operation, . 36 Operating Procedure For point-to-point operation, the operator can initiate a connection by dialing another station and verifying that the other station is ready for a period of transmission. If the Master Station Feature is installed, remote components can be automatically polled or addressed. The operator can insert successive message cards; each card contains the receiving unit's address for each message. The optional Pack Feed Feature allows up to 300 cards to be sent without operator attention. Multiple messages can be sent by paper tape without operator attention, once the tape has been initially positioned. For multi station operation, the keyboard, paper tape reader, or card reader can be used to provide either polling or addressing characters for remote stations. Messages are automatically received following polling. Errors are indicated and require manual intervention according to preset procedt:.res. A special feature allows for two additional attempts to send a message in which an error has been detected. After addressing for transmission requests, the operator may key the message to the addressed unit. If the message is in a machine-readable form, the paper tape reader or card reader automatically sends the message (one block of indefinite length on paper tape, or one or several cards) to the addressed unit. Pressing the system reset button, when using tape or cards, automatically initiates polling and transmission. When the 1050 system is connected via communications lines to a computer system, all polling and addressing are controlled by the computer. .37 Entry of Time and Date: .4 OUTPUT .41 Output to Punched Tape no special proviSion. 1055 Paper-Tape Punch Tape size: Tape code: Rated punching speed: e chad (fully punched) I-inch, 8-level paper tape. Chad edge-punched documents (optional feature). 6-1evel PTTC/BCD plus odd parity; see Table II. 14.8 or 8.33 char/sec, depending on communication facility. 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/68 6447:10 IBM 1050 TABLE IV: UNUSED CODES* PTTC/BCD Code Transmission Code Symbol Lower Case Upper Case Card Code Card Code BAC8421 Symbol PTTC/EBCD Code Lower Case Upper Case Card Code Card Code PN 9-4 9-4 C 8 4 PN 9-4 9-4 PF 12-9-4 12-9-4 B A C 84 PF 12-9-4 12-9-4 PZ 12-0 8-7 MZ 11-0 0-8-5 t 0-8-2 12-8-7 BAC8 2 Unassigned 12-0 1-8 B 8 2 Unassigned 11-0 12-1-8 8 2 Unassigned 0-2-8 0-1-8 A *These codes serve no assigned function in the 1050 System and are not printable. but are valid data codes. Adapted from IBM 1050 Data Communication System Principles of Operation. Form A24-3474-0. published ~ IBM . . 41 Output to Punched Tape (Contd.) Effective speed: Format control: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . • . 42 depends upon block length. a hole is punched in level 8 for start of I:1essage block, beginning of each data line, error control or manual delete codes (optional features). power-driven take up reel is available optionally. Output to Punched Cards 1057 Card Punch; 1058 Printing Card Punch Card type and size: Card code: . . . . . . standard IBM 80-column cards. standard Hollerith code, or extended Card Code (optional); see Table II. 14.8 or 8.33 characters (columns) per second, depending on communication facility. approximately 10 fully-punched cards per minute. program card. these units are similar to the IBM Model 24 !'!nd 26 keypunches, respectively. The 1058 prints the data at the top of each column under control of the operator or program card . Rated punching speed: Effective speed: Format control: Comments: ... . 44 Output to Printer 1052 Printer Keyboard; 1053 Printer Output medium: . . . . Character set: . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . Rated printing speed: friction-fed forms pin-fed forms in 12 widths from 5.25 to 13.12 inches (optional). maximum printed line length is 13 inches. printing is 10 or 12 characters per inch horizontally and 6 or 8 lines per inch vertically. fan-fold forms up to 15 inches in width can be fed and stacked. 88 characters, including upper and lower-case alphabetics, numerics, punctuation, and special characters; see Table II. 14.8 or 8.33 char/sec, depending on the communication facility. (Contd. ) 11/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA. AUERBACH 6447:11 DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS . 1I~£RBA('H IBM 1050 Effective speed: Format control: Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION . 51 Data Entry Errors: . . . . . . . . . . 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . • . . . • . • . . • . . • .. Error indication: . . . • • . . . . . • . . . . . Correction procedure: . . . . . . . . . . . .. Comments: . . . . . . . • . . . . • • . . . . . . .53 .6 no provision for checking . an odd parity bit is attached to each character transmitted and is checked by the receiving terminal. a longitudinal redundancy check character (LRC) is generated for the entire message and is checked by the receiving terminal. if a parity error occurs, a hyphen character is punched on all receiving tape punches, a hyphen or underscore character (depending on shift status) is typed un all receiving printers, the data check light at the receiving station is turned on, and the receiving station is caused to generate negative answers to the LRC. if LRC characters are unequal, the receiving terminal data-check light is turned on, a hyphen characte t· is sent to the transmitting terminal, and the transmitting device halts. manual intervention. two automatic retL'ansmissions (with optional feature). all error detection is controlled by the 1501 Control Unit. Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . . . • . . • . • . • . . . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . .55 somewhat below rated speed due to carriage return, line feed, and other operations. controlled by function codes; functions include line feed, carriage return, case shift, backspace, and horizontal tab. printing mechanism is similar to IBM Selectric Typewriter . no checking. when punching cal'ds, an "X" punch is punched in column 81 to indicate that the data on the card has passed the LRC check. Line Malfunctions Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . optionally monitors for loss of carrier. I\.ction: . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . automatic disconnect after 20 to 30 seconds. CONDITION INDICATORS The 1052 Printer Keyboard contains all important switches and lamps. If the 1050 station does not include a 1052, the switches and lamps are located in a separate switch unit. Input device available: . . . . . . . . . .. none. Input device busy: . • . . . • . . . . . . . none. Remote receiver ready: . . . . . . . . . lamp (optional). Remote receiver busy:* . . . . . . . . . lamp. Power on: .. . . . . . . lamp. Improper data entry: . none. Transmission error: . lamp. Recording error: . . . . . . . . . none. Request to send data: . . . . . . . . . . lamp. Open transmission line: . . . . . . . . .. lamp (optional). * This condition is recognized by the remote terminal sending a negative response or no response. Except when polling, this is equivalent to an error condition. When polling, and a negative response or no response is received, the polling continues with no indication. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/68 6447: 12 IBM 1050 .7 DAT A TRANSMISSION The 10ril Control Unit is the interface between all 1050 system components and a communications data set. Only one component can transmit or receive at a time . . 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speecl: Transmission method: Transmission code: .. Transmission mode: Order of bit transmission: . Synchronization: . . . . . . . . . 72 Connection to Communications Lines Data Set* Communication Line Common -carrier leased telegraph-grade lines (75 bits/sec): . . . . . . Bell System Type 1006 Data Channel (150 bits/sec): Western Union C las s D Data Channel (180 bits/sec): Common carrier leased voice-band line: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public switched telephone network or Bell System TWX CE network: Privately-owned voice-band network: . . . . . . . . 73 Bell System Data Set l03F. Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data Set 103F or Western Union 180 Baud Data Modern. Bell System DataPhone Data Set 103A. furnished by IBM . manually by ('perator, or by polling or addressing by master station. capable of unattended operation. 16 different function codes can be received from a remote station to perform a variety of functions such as turning punch on, line feed, and carriage return. Call reception: Functional operations: Multistation Operation Polling: . . . . . . . . . . . . * 11/68 none required. Transmission Control Call initiation: .74 14.8 char/sec (134.89 bits/sec) on voice-grade lines. 8.33 char/sec (75 bits/sec) on telegraphgrade lines. serial by bit. IBM Standard Perforated Tape and Transmission Code; see Table II. a total of nine bits, including start, stop, and parity bits, are transmitted for each character. half-duplex. B, A, 8, 4, 2, 1, C; see Table II. start and stop bits are transmitted with each character . the master station transmits a two-character code specifying a particular station and a specific device. The polled station responds with a negative response or a positive response followed by text. If no response is received within two seconds, polling is continued. In some cases equivalent data sets can be used; see your local common-carrier communications consultant. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports (Contd.) A a . AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6447:13 IBM 1050 polling can be performed manually via the keyboard or automatically via a paper tape reader or card reader. Sequence of polling is determined by the operator via the keyboard or as punched in the paper tape or card. the master station sends a station device code to a particular station which will receive the succeeding message. addressing can be controlled through manual operation of keyboard, by paper tape reader, or card reader. If the addressed station responds positively, message transmission may begin. If the addressed station responds negatively, the next station on the line is addressed; if no response is received, the data check light is turned on . Addressing: .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component: Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (lbs.) Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases Temperature range, OF Humidity range, % Heat (BTU, hr)* 1052 1051 PrinterControl Key1053 Unitt board PrinteI 1054 PaperTape Reader ~3.75 1055 Paper- 1056 1057 Card Card Tape Punch Reader Punch 1058 Printing Card Punch 15.375 12.5 17.125 15 8.25 27 26 40 0.200 0.115 31 28 39 215 0.420 31 28 39 215 0.420 26 15 27 195 0.375 115 (208/ 230 optional) 60 1 23 19.75 9 65 0.115 23 11.5 9 35 0.115 50-100 50-100 50-100 50-100 50-tOO 50-100 50-100 50-100 IO-80 10-80 10-80 10-80 10-80 10-80 10-80 1280 392 392 870 690 1433 * ~3 ~.375 ~O p.ll5 0-80 ~70 1433 Based on maximum usage of optional features. T The 1051 Control Unit supplies power to each component. e 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. t 1/68 6447:14 IBM 1050 .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature 1051 Control Unit Modell Model 2 Model N1 First Printer Attachment Models 1 and 2 Model Nl Second Printer Attachment First or Second Punch Attachment :First Reader Attachment Second Reader Attachment IBM Line Adapter Leased Line Shared Line Limited Distance Type 2 Printer-Keyboard Printer Paper-Tape Reader Paper-Tape Punch 1056 Card Reader Modell Pack Feed Feature Model 2 (no provision for Pack Feed Feature) 1057 Card Punch 1058 Printing Card Punch Modell Model 2 Programmed Keyboard 1092 Modell 1092 Model 2 1093 Modell 1093 Model 2 Special Features (aU models) 1051 Attaclililent Multiple Key Depression Tandem Operation Telegraph Speed Data Set Attachment Purchase Price Monthly Maintenance $ $ 3,410 2,475 2,960 10.00 9.75 10.50 10 2.50 15 3 10 3 560 115 820 135 560 105 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25 5 2 5 5 2.50 230 100 230 230 115 0.50 0.25 0,50 0.50 0.50 5 5 9 ? 5 Hi 3 250 250 400 ? 250 500 150 0.75 0.50 2.00 ? NC 0.75 0.25 10 NC 500 NC 0.50 NC 10 5 500 275 0.50 0.25 10 5 550 275 0.25 0.25 10 20 10 400 800 450 1.00 1. 25 0.50 63 49 29 39 2,645 1,940 1,505 1,965 68 5 58 3,515 185 3,030 8.00 0.50 6.75 73 49 58 1051 Special Features Line Correction Line Correction Release Master Station Home Component Recognition Home Correction Automatic Ribbon Shift and Line Feed Select Reader Stop - Prefix J Auto-Fill Character Generation Audible Alarm Automatic EOB Home Loop Input Component Interlock Keyboard Request Telegraph Line Attachment Vertical Forms Control Text Time-Out Suppression Open Line Detection CPU Attachment Switch Unit 1052 1053 1054 1055 Monthly Rental $ 1'1.00 to.OO 4.25 6.50 73 3,005 18.00 92 136 3,955 4,415 20.00 40.00 44 49 39 44 1,745 1,940 1,550 1,745 2.00 4.50 1.25 3.50 7 280 280 NC NC 400 1. 00 7 NC NC 10 NC - No charge 5/70 ! AUERBACH Data;.Communications Reports 0.50 NC NC 3.00 A ~ IIIJDIIIACH AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6450:01 IBM 7702 • IBM 7702 MAGNETIC TAPE TRANSMISSION TERMINAL .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: •.•••••••••••••••••••• 7702 Magnetic Tape Transmission Terminal . • 12 Manufacturer: •••••••••.••.••••• International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York. .13 Basic Function: reads data from magnetic tape and transmits it over voice-band lines; receives transmitted data and records it on magnetic tape • . 15 Description The IBM 7702 contains a magnetic tape unit which serves as the input or recording medium for transmission or reception of data over voice-band lines. The tape unit uses standard O. 5-inch magnetic tape; the tape format is compatible with IBM 727, 729, and 7330 Magnetic Tape Units at 200-bits-per-inch density. The 7702 can operate over the public telephone switched network or over common-carrier leased voice-grade lines, using appropriate data sets, or over any equivalent channel with input-output connections conforming to the Electronic Industries Association Standard RS 232. The transmission speed is selected by the operator and can be lfiO, 250, or 300 characters per second; these correspond to speeds of 1200, 2000, and 2400 bits per second, respectively. Synchronization is maintained by the data signals themselves or by idle characters transmitted when no data is being transmitted. The 7702 operates in a half-duplex mode; i. e., data can be transmitted bidirectionally, but in only one direction at a time. Reversal of the direction of data transmission requires synchronization to be established in the reverse direction prior to data transmission. Full-duplex communication facilities can be used to maintain synchronization in both directions at the same time and reduce the turnaround time. The 7702 is one of the IBM STR (Synchronous Transmit-Receive) terminals and can communicate with other members of this group when set to compatible data rates. The terminals with which a 7702 can communicate include: • Another 7702. • An IBM 1013 Card Transmission Terminal. • An IBM 1401 or 1410 Data Processing System equippe I with an IBM 1009 Data Transmission Unit. • An IBM 7710 or 7711 Data Communication Unit. • An IBM 7740 Communication Control System. • An IBM 7750 Programmed Transmission Control. • An IBM System/360 Data Processing System equipped with an IBM 2701 Data Adapter unit. ©1965 AIII"RB"CH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. !nc. 10/65 6450:02 IBM 7702 · 15 Description (Contd.) Error-control in the 7702 is extensive, including reading checks, transmission checks (character validity and message redundancy), and recording checks. Automatic retransmission is performed when errors are detected. The 7702 terminal can ::>perate in two self-test modes fot' testing the reading and recording operations. The test provisions will help in isolating troubles in the 7702, the data set. the communications link, or the remote terminal • • 16 First Delivery: . • • . . • . . • . • . • • • • •. first quarter, 1962. • 17 Availability:.................... unit is no longer in production; availability depends on returns • •2 CONFIGURATION The 7702 is composed of a magnetic tape unit and the synchronous transmitter-receiver (STR). See Paragraph. 72 for the communications facilities to which the 7702 can be connected and the data sets required • •3 INPUT .31 Prepared Input Input medium: . . . . . . . • . ' . . . . . • . . . . O. 5-inch heavy-duty or Mylar magnetic tape. Input cooe: . . . • . • . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . IBM 55-character or 63-character BCD (even parity) or binary (odd parity); see Table I. 1 to N characters. see Table I. 150, 250, or 300 char/sec, set by switch. depends on transmission speed, length of blocks, and whether over half- or fullduplex facilities. For example, the effective speed for transmission of 1,000-character blocks at the 250 char/sec speed is 225 char/sec over half-duplex facilities and 230 char/sec over full-duplex facilities. Quantity of data: • . . . . • . . • • . • • • . . . Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Rated input speed: ....•••.•..•.•.• Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 32 Manual Input: no provision . • 33 Fixed Input: . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . • no provision. • 34 Transaction Code Input: . . . . . . • . . . • • no provision . . 35 Message Configuration: . . • . . • . • • . . .. a message consists of a start-of-record control code, the data characters, an endof-record control code, and a check character. The control codes are supplied automatically by the 7702. · 36 Operating Procedure The operator must make several switch settings to make the 7702 compatible with the remote terminal. These settings can be obtained from a prearranged schedule or by voice communication with the remote operator. The sequence of events involved in use of the 7702 is as follows: • Set full-duplex/half-duplex switeh. (Contd. ) 10/65 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH 6450:03 AUERBACH DATA COMMUfIIlCATIOfllS REPORTS IBM 7702 ~ • Set transmission speed. • Set blnary/BCD switch. • Load tape; check file-protect light. • Establish voice connection with remote operator (may not be necessary with leased-line operation). • Press start key and observe synchronization indicator light and run light. • No further attention is required when receiving; an audible signal is sounded if an end-of-file (end-of-transmission). end-of-reel, or error condition occurs. When transmitting, the end-of-transmission key must be pressed at the end of the transmission. A special key, TEL, can be used to signal the remote operator. This is usually used to indicate to the remote operator that voice communication is required, perhaps to check switch settings. .37 Entry of Time and Date: •4 OUTPUT .41 Output to Punched Tape: none • • 42 Output to Punched Cards:. • . • • • • • • • •. none • • 43 Output to Magnetic Tape no provisions • Rated output speed: •••••.••••.••.. Effective speed: ••••••.•..•.••.•. FOl"lllat control: ••••••••.•.••.••. O. 5-inch heavy-duty or Mylar magnetic tape. IBM 55-character or 63-character BCD (even parity) or binary (odd parity); see Table I. 150, 250, or 300 char/sec, set by switch. see Paragraph . 31. none • • 44 Output to Printer: ••••••••••••••.• none . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors Tape size: Tape code: Type of checking: •••.•••••.•••..• Error indication: ..•••..•...•.••.• Correction procedure: ...•••.•..... Comnlents: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . character and longitudinal parity checks. light, buzzer, and terminal halt. if error persists after two automatic retransmissions. press start key to initiate an additional three retransmissions; or press "substitute record key" which causes a special one-character record to be transmitted and all invalid characters within th,., message to be replaced with a special character code. tape is automatically backspaced for retransmission. @1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 10/65 6450:04 IBM 7702 . 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: •.•..•.•...••.. Error indication: . . . • . . • . • . . . . Correction procedure: .•.••.•.. character validity and longitudinal parity check upon entire message. see. 51, above. see. 51, above. Data Recording Errors . 53 Error indication: . . . • . . . • • . • . . • . • Correction procedure: . . . . . . • . • • . • read-after-write character and longitudinal parity checks. see. 51, above. see. 51, above. . 55 Line Malfunctions: . . . . . no direct provision for checking. .6 CONDITION INDICATORS Type of checking: •.••...••.••••• Input device available: . . . . • . . . . • . . Input device busy: . . . . . • . . . . . • . . • Remote receiver ready: . . . . . . . . . • . Remote receiver busy: . • . . . . . . . • • • Power on: . . • . • . . . . . . . • . . • • . . • • Improper data entry: . . . . . . • . . . . • • Transmission error: . • . • . . . . . . . • • Hccording error: • . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . Lo<;s of synchronization: . . . . . . . . . .. lamp. lamp. none. none. lamp. lamp and lamp and lamp and lamp and buzzer. buzzer. huzzer. buzzer. Note; There are many additional lamps to permit s(!rvice personnel to monitor and test the various functions of the 7702 • .7 DATA TRANSMISSION .• 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: TransmissioQ method: ... Transmission code: . Transmission mode: . . . . . . . . . . . Order of bit tran!-.m is~jon: •..•.. Synchroni7ation: . . . . . . . . . • . . . 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Public switched telephone network at the following speeds: 1,200 bits/sec: ..•••.•••••••.• 2,000 bits/sec: ..•.••.•••••••••• Common-carrier leased voice-band line at the following speeds: Up to 1,200 bits/sec: ••.•••••••••• 2,000 bits/sec: ••••••.•.•.•••.•• 2,400 bits/sec: •.•••••••.•••.... * 10/65 150, 250, or 300 char/sec. (operator selectable). serial by bit. IBM 4-of-8 transmission code; see Table 1. half-duplex. I, 2, 4, 8, n, 0, X, N; see Table 1. synchronous; i.e., synchronization i1> maintained by the data signals. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201 A. Bell System Data Set 202C or 2020, or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data Set 201A. Bell System Data Set 201B, or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. (Contd. ) AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6450:05 IBM 7702 e TABLE L IBM 7702 DATA CODES 4 f 8 T, Code I 2 4 8 R 0 Symbol Space 2 4 8 0 2 8 R f1 I 2 o o I 2 I 2 3 4 5 6 4 I 4 2 4 I 2 4 9 I I A B C I 0 E I F I G H I I I J K L M 0 R 2 I 2 R 4 4 2 4 I 2 4 R I N 0 P Q R S I 2 I 2 T 4 4 2 4 I 2 4 U I V W X Y Z I / I = I I 2 2 X X X R R R 8 0 8 R R 0 2 R 0 2 0 4 R 0 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 8 R 0 8 0 8 R 8 R 0 0 R 0 0 u 0 8 R 0 8 0 R 0 8 R 8 Mc,g Tape Cade (BCD I 248CA8 N N N N N N N 2 I 2 I 2 4 4 2 4 I 2 4 S N X X X X 4 4 2 4 I 2 4 I X N X X X X X X X X X I I 2 I 2 X N N N N N N I I 2 I 2 4 4 2 4 I 2 4 I X N X N N N N N N N N N N @ . C C C I C C C 8 8 C A C A 4 A 4 I C A L • l. A A I 2 4 8 A I B C A I A I 2 8 C I 2 8 C A B 2 I 2 II ) % & L + -? I X N I 2 I 2 , 8 C 8 C 8 C A 8 C A B A B C A 8 A A C A 8 C A 8 A 4 of 8 T, Cade I 2 4 8 R 0 Symbol C A R 7 8 # X N I RM GM MC SM WS TM : I I I A ..... V t > < I , Jel , Note 2 I I C Note 1 J Blenk Note 3 Control Character 0 I 2 I 2 N X X N N N X X X N N N 0 X 0 R R R R 0 R 0 X R 0 R R R 0 Mag Tope Code (8CD) I 2 4 8 CAB X X X N 2 2 2 I I I I I 0 Inq - Error 8 R 4 X 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 R X 2 R 0 8 R X 8 R 0 8 R X 8 R X 2 2 2 8 8 8 A 4 8 4 8 A B 4 8 C B 4 8 C A A B B C A B 8 8 C B 8 C A 4 8 A B 4 8 C B 4 8 C A 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 248 I 2 A~ 4 8 I I 4 8 4 8 I ..A C CAB ..A B C C A B B Anal zer Output Emitter Output Input ACKI - SOR 1 ACK2 - SOR2 Idle TEL EOT CL TL N X 8 8 0 4 8 R 4 8 0 4 8 4 8 0 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 8 8 2 8 2 4 8 4 8 4 8 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 4< 8, 2 8 2 4 8 2 4 4 8 X Input 1 1 I I 4 2 I I 2 2 8 8 8 8 R X R 0 R X R 0 R X R X 4 R X 4 R 0 R N o N 8 N 4 X I 2 Note I--Valid in binary or expanded BCD only. Note 2--Tronsmitted as the substitut~ character. Invalid if reod from tape by a transmitter operating in the normal (unexpanded) BCD mode. Note 3--Volid in binary only. Reprinted from IDM 7702 Magnetic Tape Transmission Terminal Reference Manual, Form A22-6702, published by IBM • . 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: Call reception: • 74 Functional operations: manual dialing or signaling. operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode. none, except request retransmission • Multistation Operation: no provision. ©1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc.' 10/65 6450:06 IBM 7702 •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS 7702 Magnetic Tape Transmission Terminal Component 29 31 60 950 Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) .9 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 1.27 115 ± 10% 60 ± 1 1 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 50-90 20-80 3,650 PRICE DATA Monthly Rental $ Component 7702 Magnetic Tape Transmission Terminal 5/70 1,260 Purchase Price $ 56,260 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A MIOIIIIICH 6451 :01 AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS RlPORTS IBM 7710 • IBM 7710 DATA COMMUNICATION UNIT .1 GENERAL .11 Identity:....................... IBM 7710 Data Communication Unit • • 12 Manufacturer:................... . 13 Basic Function: . . . • . • . . . . • • . . . • .. provides IBM 1401 computer system with transmission and reception facUities via voice-band or broad-band communications facilities • • 15 Description International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York . The IBM 7710 Data Communication Unit is a communications line terminal device which permits an IBM 1401 Data Processing System to communicate with a similarly-equipped 1401 at a remote location or with one of several other types of IBM data terminals. These terminals can be any of the following: • An IBM 1400 or 7000 Series computer system using an IBM 1009 Data Transmission Unit. • An IBM 1013 Card Transmission Terminal. • An IBM 7702 Magnetic Tape Transmission Terminal. • An IBM 7711 Data Communication. Unit. • An mM 7740 Communication Control System. • An mM System/360 computer system using a 2701 Data Adapter Unit. The transmission speed can be 150, 250, 300, or 5,100 characters per second. Speeds of 300 characters per second and lower are used over voice-band facilities; the 5,100characters-per-second speed requires broad-band facUities. Data is transferred in a half-duplex mode. Full-duplex facilities can be used to maint.ain synchronization in both directions at the same time, thereby reducing the turnaround times when sending control signals. The 7710 is controlled by the 1401 program. However, the 7710 performs code conversions between the 4-of-8 transmission code and the 1401 BCD code, reqliests data transfers to and from the 1401, and checks character and message parity. The 1401 contains instructions which control the 7710 and which permit logical branching based on signals from the 7710. These enable the 1401 to service 7710 data reqt,.;-sts and error indications, reverse transmission direction, and send control characters to the transmitting 1401/7710. If the remote unit is not a 1401/7710 combination, the operator at the remote tL'lit must manually change transmission direction when required. Automatic retransmission can be performed under program control of the 1401. To support the use of a 7710 with a 1401 to form a data transmission system, three IBM utility programs are available for customer use: • 1401-7710 Tape Transmit Program: Provides for transmission of tape data from a 7710-equipped 1401 to a remote terminal. @1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 10/65 6451:02 IBM 7710 .15 Description (Contd.) • 1401-7710 Tape Receive Program: Provides for reception by a 7710equipped 1401 of data transmitted from a remote terminal. • 1401-7710 Transmit-Receive Utility Program: Provides the user with a means of controlling data transmission between a 1401 with an attached 7710 and a remote terminal, and performs the following functions: (a) Transmitting and receiving of data. (b) Integration with the user's operating programs. (c) Allowing special-purpose programming with a minimum amount of programming effort. The 7710 includes provision for self-testing. By switch control, it can receive its own transmisRion, independently of the communications network. Data for the test can be generated under switch control or can be received from the computer. Several diag!lostic programs are available for execution in the 141)1 to test the 7710, communications link, and remote terminal. The 7710 can be connected to mM computers other than the 1401 on a Request Price Quotation (RPQ) basis. On the same basis, broad-band communications facilities can be used at transmission speeds of up to 28,000 characters per second . . 16 First Delivery: . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . .. third quarter, 1963 . • 17 Availability:.................... no longer in production; availability depf'flds . on returns. . •2 CONFIG URA TION A 7710 can be connected to any mM 1401 computer system except Models A and G via a Serial Input/Output Adapter in the 1401. Two interfaces are available for connection to communications lines. The RS 232 Interface is required for connection to common-carrier voice- band lines and the High-Speed Digital Interface is required for connection to TELPAK facilities. One interface (either one) is standard; a second interface is optional, permitting alternate transmission over both voice-band and broad-band facilities. Connection to communications facilities r4~qllires an appropriate data set; the data set requirements are listed in Paragraph .72 . •3 INPUT All input to the 7710 is from the connected 1401 computer, under control of the program stored in the 1401. Input to the 1401 can be from punched cards, punched paper tape, magnetic tape, or magnetic disc . • 35 Message Configuration Data is transferred in blocks under control of the stored program. Message length is limited only hy core storage availability in the 1401 system. Each message is preceded and followed by control characters automatically supplied by the 7710 . • 36 Operating Procedure The 7710 is normally initialized only during start-up at the beginning of the day; operation thereafter is under control of the 1401. The start-up procedure is as follows: 10/65 (1) Select BCD or binary code. (2) Set speed. (Contd. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports DATA ~ COMMUNICATIONS 6451:03 AUERBACH .IiIBACH IBM 7710 aEPOIITS • •4 (3) !Select ball-duplex or full-duplex operation. (4) Check that terminals are in phase. (5) Press Start switch; 1401 assumes control of transmissions . OUTPUT All output from the 7710 is to the connected 1401 computer, under control of the program stored in the 1401. Output from the 1401 system can be to punched cards, punched paper tape, printed copy, magnetic tape, or magnetic disc files . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION . 51 Data Entry Errors Type of checking: . . • . . . . . • • . . . . . .. Error indication: . • • • • • • . • • . • . • . .. Correction procedure:. . • . • . • . • • • • .. . 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . • • . • • • • . . • . • . • .. Error indication: . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . •. Correction procedure:. • • • • • • • • • . . .• . 53 Error indication: • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • •• Correction procedure:. • • • . • • • • • • • .. the 1401 checks character parity of data transferred to the 1401 by the 7710. light and error signal to the 7710, causing an error control signal to be transmitted to the remote terminal. as programmed in the 1401: usually retransmission of an entire record . Line Malfunctions Detection: . • • • • . • . . . • • . • . • • • • • •. Action.: . . • • • . . . • • • • . • . • . . . • • . •. •6 character validity and longitudinal parity checks. light and signal to the 1401. as programmed in the 1401; usually retransmission of an entire record. Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . . . . • . . • • • • • • • • .. • 55 character parity is checked on the data transferred from the 1401 to the 7710. light and signal to the 1401. as programmed in the 1401; usually retransfer of data character to the 7710 . loss of synchronization (lamp), continuous retransmission attempts. call service personnel . CONDITION INDICA TORS Input device available:. • . Input device busy:. . . • . . Remote receiver ready:. . Remote receiver busy: . . Power on: . . • • • • . . • • . • . . . • • . . . . . . • • • ••• ••• . • -. . •• . . . . • • • • . . • • • . .• . .• • •. . •. . .. lamp. lamps. no direct indicator. no direct indicator. lamp. Transmission error:. . • . . . . . . . . . • .. Recording error: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .. End of transmission: . • . . . • . . • . . . . . Computer connected and on: . . . • . . • . .. Data set ready: . . . . • • • . • • . • . . • . .. lamp, audible alarr"". lamp, audible alarm. lamp, audible alarm. lamp. lamp. Loss of synchronization: . • • . • • • . • • •• Computer error: . . . • . . • . • . . • • • . .. Computer program not compatible with record received: • . . . . . . . • . . .• lamp, audible alarm. lamp, audible alarm. © 1965 lamp. AUERBACH Corporation a'1d AUERBACH Info. Inc. 10./65 6451:04 IBM 7710 .7 DA TA TRANSMISSION . 71 Basic Characteristics . 72 Rated transmission speed: ...•..••••.. 150, 250, or 300 char/sec over voice-band lines. 5,100 char/sec over broad-band facilities. Transmission method: •••••••••••••.. serial by bit. Transmission, code: •••••••••••.•••• mM 4-of-8 code; see Table 1. Transmission mode: .•.•••.•.••.•••. half-duplex. Order of bit transmission: ..•.•.•..••. I, 2, 4, 8, R, 0, X, N; see Table 1. Synchronization: . . . . • . . . . • . . • • . . . . . synchronous; i. e., synchronization is maintained by the data signals • Connection to Communications Lines Data Set* Communications Line Public switched telephone network at the following speeds: 1,200 bits/sec (150 char/sec): .•.... Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C or 202D. 2,000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): ...•.. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A. Common-carrier leased voice-band line at the following speeds: 1,2(10 bits/sec (150 char/sec): . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 202C or 202D, or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. 2,000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): ....•. Bell System Data Set 201A. 2,,*00 bits/sec (300 char/sec): .••.•• Bell System Data Set 201B, or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. Telpak A at 40,800 bits/sec (5,100 char/sec): ••••.•...•...•... ** ·.73 Transmission Control Call initiation: . • . . . . . . • . . . • . . . • . . . "manual dialing or signaling. Call reception: ..••.•••••.•.•••••.. capable of unattended operation. Functional operations: ...•••••...•... no direct control; however, incoming data can be used to control operations through appropriate programming . • 74 Multistation Operation: . . . . . . . . . • • . . . no provision . •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component: 7710 Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inChes) Weight (pounds) 38 32 70 500 Power (KVA) 0.7 208/230 Voltage Frequency (cps) 60 Phases 1 Temperature Range eF.) 60-90 20-80 Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 1,650 * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see your local common-carrier communications consultant. ** Connection to Telpak A service requires a Telpak Channel Terminal A2, which includes a data set. (Contd. ) AUERBACH Data Communications Ref.lort~ A a . AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6451: 05 IBM 7710 TABLE 1. ffiM 7710 DATA CODES TransmiS$ion Code Symbol Space (Note 1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D " 8 0 2 4 8 2 8 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 .. 4 8 2 2 4 .. 4 4 J K L M N 0 0 N N N 4 4 2 4 2 4 X X X X 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 4 '4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 0 N 0 0 X X N N 4 8 4 8 4 8 B 4 8 Group Mark Delta Segment Mark Word Separator Tape Mark I > < A A A A A A A A B 8 C A C C 4 8 4 4 8 2 8 2 4 8 ( ) 4 4 4 4 8 8 I I Trans-Leader I Cant-Leader I SOR-I/ACK-I I SOR-2/ACK-2 I B B B 8 C C A 0 X X X 2 2 2 8 C 8 8 A 0 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 C A C A A 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 8 8 8 C 8 C 8 N N N X 0 X 0 0 0 X X X N A A C 4 8 4 8 C C A A A B 4 4 0 X 0 X X 0 A C 8 C B C A A A 8 C 8 C 8 C 8 8 1 2 4 Transmission Control Code Combinations (Note 2) A A A A A C N N 0 Idle Error-Inquiry C C 8 C 8 C MOll!etic Toee Code OX 2 4 4 8 Blank (Note 1) Note 1: A set-up switch alters the code to correct the coding discrepancy of l400-series machines as follows: a. The binary mode is not affected. b. In the BCD mode, the code for "space" is changed to the C X 2 Record Mark 4 8 4 8 4 8 8 8 8 C C 2 2 N N N N N N 2 2 C 4 N 2 2 2 2 2 f C C 8 C N N N N N 2 & C 8 8 R 0 8 0 0 " Symbol ii 2 2 N N N N N 2 4 2 4 Transmission Code A B 8 C N 0 0 0 0 0 4 Y Z 2 X X X X X X X T % X X 0 U D 0 0 8 8 V @ X X X X 2 4 2 4 R S $ X 0 0 0 0 "4 Q ~ X N N N N N 8 8 H X X X 8 I W 0 4 8 C N A R R R 4 E F G 0 P 0 Magnetic TOl!e Code X C-bit instead of the A-bit. The A-bit code is then treated as Q non-valid code combination instead of the C code. A ~ A These code combinations are used exclusively for exchange of control instruction across the communication channel and never appear at the computer interface. A Reprinted from. mM 7710 Data Communication Unit Principles of Operation, p. 6, Form A22-6776, published by ffiM. .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature 7710 Data Communication Unit Dual Communications Interface Internal Clock* Monthly Rental Purchase Price $ $ 1,575 20 No longer in production; not possible to purchase 145 * This feature is required when 7710 is used with a data set that does not provide clocking pulses. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/70 A ~ ~UERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6452:01 IBM 7711 '" IBM 7711 DATA COMMUNICATION UNIT .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: .. IBM 7711 Data Communication Unit. . 12 Manufacturer: . International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York. . 13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. reads magnetic tape and transmits data over voice-band or broad-band communications facilities. receives data from communications lines and records it on magnetic tape . . 15 Description: The IBM 7711 Data Communication Unit is a communications line terminal device which permits transmission and reception of magnetic tape data, independent of computer control. It can be connected to one IBM 729 or 7330 Magnetic Tape Unit, and provides transmission rates of 150, 250, or 300 characters per second over voice-band lines, or up to 28, 800 characters per second (230,400 bits per second) over leased broad-band communications services. Data transmission is in a half-duplex mode. Full-duplex lines can be used to maintain synchronization in both directions at once; this reduces the turnaround time when reversing the direction of transmission. The remote terminals with which a 7711 can communicate include: • An IBM 1400 or 7000 Series computer system using a 1009 Data Transmission Unit. • An IBM System/360 computer system using a 2701 Data Adapter Unit. • An IBM 1013 Card Transmission Terminal. • An IBM 7701 or 7702 Magnetic Tape Transmission Terminal. • An IBM 7710 Data Communication Unit. • An IBM 7740 Communication Control System. • An IBM 7750 Programmed Transmission Terminal. • Another IBM 7711. This compatibility permits tape-to-computer, tape-to-tape, or tape-to-card communications. The 7711 reads data from the magnetic tape unit, record by record, into its core storage buffer. Records can be variable in length, up to the capacity of the buffer, and can be intermixed BCD and binary. The standard buffer size is 200 characters, and options provide for buffer sizes of 400, 800, 1200, or 2400 characters. To increase transmission efficiency, tlle buffer is loaded from the tape unit while the 7711 waits for verification of correct transmission of the previous record. Tape units available for use with the 7711 Data Communication Unit are the IBM 729 II and IV and the IBM 7330. With an extra-cost option, the IBM 729 V or VI units can be used. The 6452:02 IBM 7711 · 15 Description (Contd.) recording density of the tape at a transmitting 7711 terminal can be 200, 556, or (on the 729 V or VI) 800 bits per inch. The tape at a receiving 7711 terminal can be recorded at 200, 556, or (on the 729 V or VI) 800 bits per inch, as selected by the operator. Different densities can be used at the transmitting and receiving terminals if desired. One tape unit can be connected to a 7711 terminal and switched manually to an on-line computer near the 7711. The 7711 provides tape character parity checking, 4-of-8 transmission code validity checking of the transmitted characters, longitudinal redundaIlCY checking, and automatic refilling or message retransmission when errors are detected. · 16 First Delivery: .• . . . . . . . • . • . . . . .. third quarter, 1964. • 17 Availability:.................... 9 months • .2 CONFIGURATION A data communications terminal using a 7711 Data Communication Unit consists of the following components: • An IBM 7711 Data Communication Unit with either an RS 232 Interface for voice-band lines or a Digital Interface for broadband lines. One interface is standard; the Dual Interface optional feature permits both interfaces to be included and selected under operator control. • One IBM 729 Model II, IV, V, or VI Magnetic Tape Unit or one IBM 7330 Magnetic Tape Unit. Use of a 729 Model V or Model VI requires an optional feature. • An· appropriate data set, depending on the particular communications facility to be used. See Paragraph .72 for the usable communications facilities and the required data sets • .3 INPUT .. 31 Prepared Input IBM 729 or 7330 Magnetic Tape UnitInput medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . •. Input code: . • • • . . . . . . . . . • . . • .• Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Rated input speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• 0.5-inch, IBM 729-compatible tape. BCD (even parity) or binary (odd parity). variable block size up to 200, 400, 800, 1,200, or 2,400 characters, depending on size of buffer. 7, 200 char/sec to 90,000 char/sec, depending on tape unit model and recording density. somewhat less than transmission speed; see Paragraph . 71. · 32 Manual Input: . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . • . • • no provision. • 33 Fixed Input: . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • . . • . no provision. .34 Transaction Code Input: no provision. .35 Message Configuration: up to 2,400 data characters, depending on buffer Size, preceded and followed by control codes automatically supplied by the 7711. « . I. A ~ AU[RtlACH 6452:03 AUEIlllACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS IllPOIITS IBM 7711 • • 36 Operating Procedure • Mount tape reels. • Set tape density switch. • Set Speed. • Set parity (even or odd). • Select half-duplex or full-duplex operation. • . Establish connection by manual dialing or signaling. • Check that terminals are in.phase (Ready light on). • Press Start switch. .37 Entry of Time and Date: •4 OUTPUT • 43 Output to Magnetic Tape no provision . IBM 729 or 7330 Magnetic Tape UnitTape size: .•......••.•.••...• TaJ)e cooe: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated output speed: ..•..••••••.• 0.5-inch. IBM 729-compatible. IBM BCD (even parity) or binary (odd parity). 7 • 200 char/sec to 90.000 char/sec. depending on tape unit model and recording denSity. Effective speed: . • . • . • • • • . . . . • • • somewhat less than transmission speed; see Paragraph • 71. Format control:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . none . •5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION · 51 Data Entry Errors Type of checking: ••.•.••••••..•.. Error indication: . . • • • . . • • • . . . • • .. Correction procedure: .••.•••.••... · 52 Data Transmission Errors . Type of checking: •••••••.••••••.• Error indication: . • • • • . . • • • • • • • • •• Correction procedure:. • . . • • • • . • . • •. · 53 character validity and longitudinal parity. light. automatic retransmission of record. Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . . . . • . . . . • . . . . • •. Error indication: . • . • • . . . • . . • • . • •. Correction procedure: •••••.•.••.•. • 55 character parity and longitudinal parity. light. automatic backspace and reread before transmission. read-after-write check of character and longitudinal parity. light. automatic retransmission of record. Line Malfunctions Detection: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . • . • loss of synchronization (lamp); continuous retransmission attempts. Action: call service personnel. @1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 10/65 6452:04 IBM 7711 .6 CONDITiON INDICATORS Input device available: ...•.•.•••••• Input device busy: .••••...•••••••• Remote receiver ready:. • . • • • . •• • • •. Remote receiver busy: . • . • • • . • • • • •• Power on: . • • • • . • . • . • • • • • . . . • • •• Improper data entry: •••..••.•.•••• Transmission" error: •..•.••..••... Recording error: . • • • . • • • • • . • . • • •• Half-duplex/full-duplex: • • . • • • • • • • •• Recording density: • . • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •7 DATA TRANSMISSION • 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: ..•••...••. Transmission method: . • . • . . . . . . . • . Transmission code: •...•...•...••. Transmission mode: . . . • . • . . . . . . . • . Order of bit transmission: . . . . . . . . . • . Synchronization: . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . . 72 lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. lamps • 150, 250, or 300 char/sec over voice-band lines. 5,100 char/sec over broad-band facilities. serial by bit. mM 4-of-8 code; see Table iin the report on the mM 7710 Communication Unit, page 6451:05. half-duplex. 1, 2, 4, 8, R, 0, X, N. synchronous; 1. e. , synchronization is maintained by the data signals . Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Se1* Public switched telephone networks at the following speeds: 1,200 bits/sec (150 char/sec): . . . . .• 2,000 bits/sec (2bO char/sec): . . . . .. Common-carrier leased voice-band line at the following speeds: 1,200 bits/sec (150 char/sec): . . . . .. 2,000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): • . . . .. 2,100 bits/sec (300 char/sec): . • . . .• Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C or 202D. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A. Bell System Data Set 202C or 202D, or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data Set 201A. Bell System Data Set 201B, or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. Telpak A at 40,800 bits/sec (5,100 char/sec): . • . • . . • . . . . . . . (1). Telpak Cat 230,400 bits/sec (28,800 char/sec): . • . • . . • . • . . • •• (2). *In some cases, equipment data sets can be used; sec your local COl.l1moncarrier communications consultants. (1) Connection to Telpak A requires a Telpak Channel Terminal A2, which includes a data set. (2) Connection to Telpak C requires a Telpak Channel Terminal C3. which includes a data set. (Col1td. ) AUERBACH Data Communications Rep"'" A 8 . AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS • 73 6452:05 IBM 7711 Transmission Control Call initiation: . • • . • . • . • • • . . • . • • .• Call reception:. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .. manual dialing or signaling. operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode • . 74 Multistation Operation: . . • • • . . • . . . .. no provision . .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component .9 7711 Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 29 30.6 58 800 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 2.5 208 or 230 60 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 60-90 8-80 3,600 1 PRICE DATA Compoment or Feature Monthly Rental $ 7711 Data Communication Unit Purchase Price $ 1,065 46,755 Buffer positions 201-400 Buffer positions 401-800 Buffer positions 801-1200 Buffer positions 1201-2400 Dual Communications Interface Internal Clock 729 VIVI Attachment 20 39 68 116 20 25 10 900 1,745 3,055 5,240 925 1,150 400 729 n Magnetic Tape Unit 729 IV Magnetic Tape Unit 729 V Magnetic Tape Unit 729 VI Magnetic Tape Unit 7330 Magnetic Tape Unit 680 875 725 920 435 34,920 40,010 36,085 41,175 21,340 Monthly Maintenance $ 47 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 99 109 103 114 58 NC - No charge © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/70 A ~ AUERBACH AU£RBACH DATA CDM.UNICAlIONS REPORTS 6453:01 IBM 2712 • IBM 2712 REMOTE MULTIPLEXOR .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2712 Remote Multiplexor, Model 1 and Model 2. .12 Manufacturer: International Business Machines Corp. Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • multiplex multiple low-speed data transmissions onto a single voice-band line. · 14 · 15 Basic Components Name: . • . . . • . • . . . . . • . • • . . . . . Model number: • . . . . . . • . . . . • • . • . Function: . . • . • . . . • . . . . . • . • • • . . 2712 Remote Multiplexor. Name: Model number: •.•.••.••.••....• Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2712 Remote Multiplexor. 1. multiplex data from up to 10 lines operating at 134. 5 bits/sec over a single voice- band line. 2. multiplex data from up to 14 lines operating at 74.2 bits/sec over a single voice-band line. Description The IBM 2712 Remote Multiplexor is intended to provide economies in communications line· costs by permitting messages from multiple low-speed lines to be transmitted simultaneously over a single voice-band line. The low-speed lines are terminated at the 2712 by data sets, IBM line adapters, or relays in the normal manner. When transmitting, the 2712 selects one bit from each low-speed line during each scan cycle, adds a sync bit, and transmits these bits as a word. When receiving, the 2712 divides each word from the remote station into in-. dividual bits and distributes each bit to the appropriate low-speed line. The 2712 can transmit and receive data simultaneously; i. e., full-duplex operation is possible. The 2712's primary purpose is to concentrate data transmission between a low-speed network and an IBM System/360 computer. The 2712 communicates with the computer via a 2702 or 2703 Transmission Control (see Reports 8443 and 8444), The 2712 has no effect on the programming of the computer; as far as the programmer is concerned, communications over each low-speed line are handled as if the line were connected directly to the Transmission Control. Two models of the 2712 Remote Multiplexor are available. Modell can handle up to 10 narrow-band lines from IBM terminals operating at 134.5 bits per second. Model 2 can handle up to 14 telegraph-grade lines operating at 74.2 bits per second. • 16 First Delivery: ..•••.•.••.••.•.• July 1966. • 17 .2 Availability: • . . • . . • . . . • . • • . • • . . CONFIGURATION 12 months . The 2712 Modell requires, in addition to the basic unit, a line adapter for each line terminated on the low-speed side and a data set for the single voice-band line terminated on the highspeed side. Three line adapters are available: • Data Set Line Adapter - Provides for connection of a narrow-band line terminated by a common-carrier data set; see Paragraph • 72. • IBM Line Adapter - Provides for direct cable connection of an IBM 1050 station located not more than 40 feet away. • IBM Limited Distance Line Adapter - Type 1 - Provides for communication with IBM terminals located not more than 4. 75 miles away, via a privately-owned 4-wire transmission line. . © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/67 6453:02 IBM 2712 .2 CONFIGURATION (Contd.) Any combination of these adapters that does not include more than one cable-connected IBM Line Adapter, nor more than 10 adapters total, can be used. The 2712 Model 2 requires, in addition to the basic unit, one Telegraph Line Adapter for each pair of telegraph lines terminated on the low-speed side and a data set for the single voiceband line terminated on the high-speed side. To allow servicing and testing to be performed, IBM requires that the 2712 Remote Multiplexor be installed within sight (40 feet) of one of the terminal devices in the network. See Paragraph. 72 for the standard communications facilities that can be used and the data sets required, if any. •3 INPUT: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . input to the 2712 is the data transmitted over a group of low-speed lines; the 2712 multiplexes this data for transmission over a single voiceband line. .4 OUTPUT: output from the 2712 is the data it transmits to a group of low-speed lines; the 2712 receives this data, in multiplexed form, over a single voiceband line and distributes the individual bits to the appropriate low-speed lines . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION: no provisions for checking. .6 CONDITION INDICATORS Power on: . . . . . . . . . ............ . Out of synchronization: ••.••.••.•• Not connected to output line: ••.••••• CE mode (test): ••••.•.••...•..• lamp. lamp. lamp. lamp. DATA TRANSMISSION At the present time, the 2712 Remote Multiplexor can only communicate, on the high-speed side, with an IBM System/360 computer via a 2702 or 2703 Transmission Control Unit equipped with the appropriate features (see Reports 8443 and 8444). When transmitting to a remote System/360 computer, one bit is taken from each low-speed line during each scan cycle. The data bits and one sync bit per cycle are formed into a word which is transmitted over a voice-band line. When receiving data from the remote computer, the word is broken down into individual bits which are distributed to the appropriate low-speed terminals. . The word length for Modell is 11 bits (10 data bitsand 1 sync bit), and the word length for Model 2 is 15 bits (14 data bits and 1 sync bit). The 2712 Remote Multiplexor can handle data flow in both directions simultaneously, i. e. , full-duplex operation • • 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed High-speed side Model 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . • . Model 2: . . . . . . . . . • . • • • . . • . . Low-speed side (each line) Model 1: . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . • . . . Mooe12: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission method: ••.•••••.••. Transmission code Mooel 1: .....•.............. Mooel 2: ................... . 1, 526 bits/sec. 1,113 bits/sec. 134.5 bits/sec. 74.2 bits/sec. serial by bit. 11 bits/word. 15 bits/word. (Contd. ) 5/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports 3Z A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6453:03 IBM 2712 " Transmission mode: .•.•••••••••• Synchronization High-speed side: •.•.•••.••..••• Low- speed side: . 72 full-duplex. synchronous (one sync bit is added to each word transmitted). start! stop. Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Low-speed side Model 1Bell System Schedule 3A or 4 Data Channels: ••••.•••• \Vestern Union Class D Data Channels: ••••••••••••••• Model 2 Common-carrier leased telegraphgrade lines: ••.•••••••••••••• Bell System Data Set 103F. \Vestern Union 180 Baud Data Modem. none required. High-speed side (Both models) Bell System Schedule 4, Type 4A or Type 4B leased Data Channel**: •.•••...••....• Bell System Data Set 202D. .73 Transmission Control: •.••••.•••.. the 2712 is a completely passive element in a communications network; it contains no facilities for transmission control. .74 Multistation Operation: no provision. .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS 2712 Remote MUltiplexor Component \vidth (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) \Veight (pounds) 43 24 29 Approx. 400 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 0.5 115 60 1 Temperature range tF.) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU /hr) * 50 to 110 10 to 80 1,500 In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. See also Paragraph. 2, Configuration. ** Full-duplex Type 4A line is required for 2712 Model 2; full-duplex Type 4B line is required for Modell. © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/67 6453:04 IBM 2712 .9 PRICE DATA Monthly Rental * $ Component or Feature 2712 Remote Multiplexor: Modell Model 2 Data Set Line Adapter IBM Line Adapter (for conn.ooting a nearby mM 10[0 station) IBM Limited Distance Line Adapter - Type 1 Telegraph Line Adapter (provides for connecting two telegraph-grade lines to a 2712 Model 2) Purchase Price $ 460 495 20,080 21,605 28.75 30.25 10 10 450 450 0.75 0.75 13 585 1.00 40 1,750 1.75 * Monthly rentals are shown for 24-hour usage. 5/70 Monthly Maintenance $ AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERIIACH 6454:00 AUlnAeH DATA COMMUNICATIDNI REPORTS IBM 2740 REPORT UPDATE • REPORT UPDATE ~ IBM 2740 MODEL 2 IBM has introduced a buffered 2740 Communication Terminal, which is designated the Model 2; the previous unbuffered 2740 has been continued with no changes, and is designated the Model 1. Other than the differencl!s stated in this Report Update, the buffered 2740 Model 2 is identical to the unbuffered Model 1. The 2740 Model 2 can communicate only with a remote System/3S0 computer equipped with a 2701 Data Adapter Unit or a 2702 or 2703 Transmission Control (see Reports 8442, 8443, and 8444) and only over a leased or privately owned communications facility. The basic 2740 Model 2 is equipped with a 120-character core buffer. Data entered from the keyboard is stored in the buffer, which all.ows the typed copy to be visually verified prior to transmission. Received messages are transferred directly to the printer and are not stored. Optional features include: • Buffer Expansion - one or two expansion modules can be added to increase the basic buffer capacity to 248 or 440 character positions. • Buffer Receive - permits received messages to be stored in the core buffer prior to printing; the contents of the buffer is printed when an EOT control character is received. • Document Insertion - permits single-part ledger cards to be inserted in front of the typewriter platen without using the platen knobs. Manual positioning is required for each new print line; the top 1-1/3 inch and the bottom 1 inch cannot be used for printing. A pin-feed platen cannot be used with this option. The Document Insertion option can be obtained for handling two widths of ledger cards: six or 7-3/8 inches. Either width can be up to five inches long. The positioning of the ledger cards is such that a short space is available ahead of the ledger card for printing on a form carried in the regular carriage. A space 2.5 inches long is provided with the narrower card (S-inch width), and a space 5.5 inches long is provided for the wider card (7-3/8-inch width). • Edit - provides two additional keys: Line Return and Line Type, to be used for keyboard editing of incorrectly entered data prior to transmission. •. Header Control - permits message header information to be entered from the keyboard and stored in increments of four characters up to a total of 28 charaCters. The header is stored beginning with the first character position of the buffer. The header is transmitted with each message and can be verified prior to a transmission. Header length must be pre-designated. • SOO BPS Speed Base - provides data transmission at 600 bits per second (6S. 7 char/sec) over leased or privately owned facilities. The peak printer rate remains at 14.8 characters per second. • Telegraph Line Attachment - provides data transmission at 75 bits per second (8.33 characters per second) over a leased telegraph-grade line. The print rate remains at 14.8 characters per second if Buffer Receive option is incorPorated. This option cannot be used if the 2740 is connected to an IBM 2712 Remote Multiplexor. . • Split Friction Feed Platen - provides a two-section platen; printing line length is 5-1/2 inches on left side, 7-1/2 inches on right. When this option is included with the Document Insertion option, two separate forms, in addition to a ledger card. can be inserted and individually controlled. .Document Insertion and six-lines-per-inch vertical spacing are prerequisite to this option. . Some options available for the Modell are not available for the Model 2; see Paragraph .9. IBM 2750 MODEL 2 PRICES The price data OJ;! page 6454:08 has been updated to reflect current prices and features included with the IBM 2740 Communication Terminal, Models 1 and 2. C 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/68 A ~ IUERHACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATlDNS REPORTS 6454:01 IBM 2740 CO IBM 2740 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL .1 GENERAL · 11 Identity: 2740 Communication Terminal. · 12 Manufacturer: International Business Machines Corp. Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York. · 13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. two-way typed-message data communication at 14.8 char/sec over narrow-band or voice-band communications facilities. · 15 Description The IBM 2740 Communication Terminal is an adaptation of the IBM Selectric Typewriter designed to provide half-duplex typed-message data communications at 14.8 characters per second (134.5 bits per second) over a privately-owned or leased common-carrier narrowband or voice-band line, or the public telephone network. The 2740 can communicate with other 2740 terminals or with a remote IBM System/360 computer equipped with a 2701 Data Adapter Unit or a 2702 or 2703 Transmission Control (see Reports 8442, 8443, and 8444). An optional feature provides a 2740 terminal with the capability to respond to polling or selective addressing messages transmitted from the System/ 360 computer. The 2740 can operate in either a "communicate" mode for data communications or in a "local" mode for local typing functions. The printing mechanism of the 2740 utilizes an interchangeable "type ball" similar to those used in IBM Selectric Typewriters. Three different transmission codes and corresponding keyboards can be selected for use with the IBM 2740 Terminal; see Figure 2 and Tables I, II, and III. The Standard Selectric Typewriter code and keyboard permit the use of Selectric typewriter type-balls, but there are differences in the selection of special symbols among the many type-balls offered. The Paper Tape EBCn and BCD Transmission codes are compatible except for punctuation marks and special symbols. These two codes are not compatible with the Standard Selectric Typewriter Codes. IBM emphasizes that any network employing multiple 2740 or 2741 (see Report 6455) Communication Terminals should use the same keyboard and code for all units. If a System/360 computer were included in the 2740 Terminal network, the computer could perform code translations to iron out terminal code compatibility problems, but only at the cost of extra programming and proceSSing time. Optional features that are available for the 2740 Communication Terminal include: • Record Checking - Provides for automatic generation and checking of character and message parity. A switch Js provided to enable or disable the checking feature. • Automatic EOB - Provides for transmitting an End-of-Block (EOB) code and message parity character after each line is typed and the carriage is returned. This feature is available only with the Record Checking feature; it provides message parity checking on a line-by..:line basis instead of on the whole trans miss ion. • Dial Up - Permits the 2740 to be connected to the public telephone network via a common-carrier data set. • Station Control - Provides the 2740 terminal with the capability to recognize and respond to special addressing and control signals transmitted from a System/360 computer. Inclusion of the Station Control feature excludes the Dial Up feature. • Transmit Control - Allows a remote computer to control the transmit/receive status of a 2740 terminal if operation is over the public telephone network. The Dial Up feature is required for installation of the Transmit Control feature. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/67 6454:02 IBM 2740 Figure 1. · 15 IBM 2740 Communication Terminal Description (Contd.) • Pin-Feed Platen - Allows sprocketed forms to be used and fed; provides more precise control over vertical positioning and alignment of printing, which could be important if preprinted forms are used. The 2740 Communication Terminal is connected to a communications line via either a common-carrier data set or an IBM line adapter. Four different IBM line adpaters are available for various types of communications lines. These include: . • Limited Distance Line Adapter Type 1 - For use with a two-wire or four-wire privately-owned or leased common-carrier line not exceeding 4.75 wire-miles in length. The four-wire version of the adapter can be used to communicate with the IBM 2712 Remote Multiplexor. • IBM Limited Distance Line Adapter Type 2 - For use with a two-wire privatelyowned or leased common-carrier line not exceeding 8. 0 wire-miles in length. • IBM Leased Line Adapter - For use with a privately-owned or leased commoncarrier voice-band line. • IBM Shared Line Adapter - Provides the capability for transmitting over a subchannel of a voice-band line; up to four subchannels can be "derived" from a single line. Different models utilize different subchannels. The remote station must be equipped with a similar modem, and only terminals on the same subchannel can communicate with one another. · 16 First Delivery: December 1965. · 17 Availability: 12 months. ·2 CONFIGURA TION A 2740 Communication Terminal consists of a manual input keyboard, a printing component, special features as desired, and a common-carrier data set or IBM Line Adapter, depending on the tranmission facility employed. See Paragraph. 72 for the standard communications facilities that can be used and the data set required. (Contd. ) 5/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6454:03 IBM 2740 • TABLE I: IBM STANDARD SELECTRIC TYEPWRITER CODE In VALUE LOWER CAY. I I I • I C I .L . J 2 J I •• •• •• 0 I I •• 2 I I ~ ~. 2 , I • •• C 7 -i-T •• • . - • •• " ~ 2 2 I · · urPfR CASE I --} •, I A D , • • H • J 1 l ·· • N P Q • ·· " • THE CODES BeLOw ARE NOT PfUNTAW FUNCTION CODES IV RES p, IS If Nl HI UC 'OS 85 lC '01 PRE Il D CIlI s,.. 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/67 6455:02 IBM 2741 Figure 1. IBM 2741 Communication Terminal .32 Manual Input (Contd.) Comments: . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. three keyboards are available which correspond to the three different codes. The Standard Selectric Typewriter keyboard is shown in Figure 2 of Report 6454. . 33 .34 Fixed Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • no provision . Transaction Code Input: no provision. .35 Message Configuration: data characters are preceded by a@code (automatically transmitted) and followed by an endof-transmission code (EaT) keyed in by the operator . . 36 Operating Procedure To transmit a message to the remote computer, the operator: (1) Places the terminal in the Communicate mode. (2) Establishes connection by dialing or manually signaling. On a dedicated line, a ~rmanent connection can be maintained. (After connection is established, a@is automatically sent to the computer and the keyboard is unlocked. ) (3) (4) Keys in the message. Presses either the Attention key or the Carriage Return key. When either key is depressed, an EaT code is sent to the computer. The terminal is automatically placed in the receive state when a@code is received from the computer, in response to a transmitted message. An EaT code received from the computer causes the 2741 to switch to the transmit state and unlocks the keyboard. Communication is terminated by the operator who switches the terminal to the local mode. The terminal also disconnects when power is switched off. (Contd.) 5/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports 44 A ~ .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6455:03 IBM 2741 The 2741 Communication Terminal is designed to communicate with an IBM System/360 computer over a dedicated privately-owned or leased common-carrier communications facility; a permanent connection is maintained between the two stations unless the Dial-Up feature is used . . 37 Entry of Time and Date: . . . . . . . • . . .• no provision . .4 OUTPUT .44 Output to Printer friction-fed or pin-fed (optional) fanfold forms up to 15.5 inches wide (13-inch writing width). 88 printable characters; see Tables I, II, and III Character set: . . . . in Report 6454. Rated printing speed: 14.8 char/sec. Effective speed: less than rated speed due to carriage return, line feed, or other format operations. controlled by function codes in incoming data or Format control: manually by operator. Controls include line feed, carriage return, case shift, backspace, and horizontal tab. Comments: •••••...••.•••..••.. horizontal spacing is 10 char/inch (12 char/inch optional); vertical spacing is 6 lines/inch (8 lines/inch optional) . Output medium: •. .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION:. no provisions for checking except for visual verification of input data when typed. .6 CONDITION INDICATORS: .7 DATA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics visible switches for power on/off and terminal mode (communications/local) only • Rated transmission speed: .••••••••• 14.8 char/sec (134.5 bits/sec). Transmission method: . • • • • . . • • • • •. serial by bit. Transmission code: . . • • . . • • • • • • • •• identical with codes used by IBM 2740; see Report 6454, Tables I, II, and III. Transmission mode: . . . . . . . • . . . • . . half-duplex. Order of bit transmission: .•.••••••• high-order bit is transmitted first. Synchronization: • • • • . . . . • • • . . • • •• start/stop • • 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Bell System Schedule 3A Data Channel: Bell System Data Set 103F. Western Union Class D Data Channel: •.• Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem. Public switched telephone network: ••.•. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A. Privately-owned or leased commoncarrier narrow-band or voice-band line: . . . . . • . . . • • . • . • • . . • • . . •. IBM Line Adapter. ** .73 Transmission Control Call initiation: Call reception: manual dialing or Signaling. operator attention is required. *In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. ** See Paragraph 6454.15, in the IBM 2740 report, for a description of the IBM Line Adapters available. A5 © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/67 6455:04 IBM 2741 .73 Transmission Control (Contd.) Functional operations: ••••••••••••• 16 different control codes can be received from a remote station to perform a variety of functions such as line feed, carriage return, case shift, horizontal tab, backspace, etc • • 74 Multistation Operation: • • • • • • • • • • •• no provision• •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component 2741 Communication Terminal Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 28.75 25.25 36.50 325 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 0.15 115 or 208/230 60 1 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) •9 50-110 10-80 400 PRICE DATA Component or Feature* 2741 Communication Terminal Monthly Rental** Purchase Price Monthly Maintenance $ $ $ 3,930 23.50 85.00 Optional Features Dialup Interrupt Pin-Feed Platen Typamatic Keys 3.00 2.50 - 5.00 NC - No charge * See Paragraph 6454.9 for prices of the various IBM Line Adapters. ** Rentals shown are for 24-hour usage. *** Time and materials only. 5/70 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports 135 115 59.25 225 - NC NC *** NC A ~ AUERBACH AU'RiACH DATA CDIIMUNICATIONS 6456:00 IBM 2260 REPORT UPDATE IllI'OIITS • . REPORT UPDATE ~ IBM ASSIGNS MODEL NUMBERS TO ITS 2260 DISPLAY STATIONS 113M has assigned two model numbers to its 2260 Display stations without affecting the existing configuration rules presented in the table on page 6456: 02. The 2260 Display station used with the 2848 Model 3 is now designated the 2260 Modell; the Display station used with the 2848 Models 1 and 2 is now designated the 2260 Model 2. ~ DISPLAY STATION PRICES CHANGED The price data on page 6456: 12 has been updated to reflect current prices and features included with the 2260 Display Station. ~ IBM INTRODUCES TWO CONTROLS FOR LOCAL DISPLAYS IBM has introduced two new models of the 2848 Display Control for local operation of the 2260 Display Station at a maximum data rate of 2560 characters per second. IBM found that the 2848 Models 1 and 2 could not adequately handle a large number of displays operating locally (i. e., via direct cable connection). Models 21 and 22 have additional transfer buffering to accommodate larger volumes of data. Models 1 and 2 can still be used for small-volume local operation and are significantly less expensive than Models 21 and 22 (see page 6456:12). The new 2848 Models 21 and 22 Display Controls correspond to the 2848 Models 1 and 2, 'respectively, in maximum display size and number of connected displays. Model 21 can flccommodate up to 12 (basic) or up to 24 (with an expansion unit) 2260 Model 2 Display stations. Model 22 can accommodate up to 8 (basic) or up to 16 (with an expansion unit) 2260 Model 2 Display stations. A display adapter is required for each pair of 2260 Display stations. An alphanumeric keyboard with the numbers arranged in a block format is available with the 2848 Models 21 and 22. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 11/67 A AUIIlUCH 6456:01 DATA ~ COIHIUNtCATlONS AUER8ACH IBM 2260 fIUiOIITI • IBM 2260 DISPLAY STATION .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • 12 Manufacmrer: . . . . • • . • . . • . • . . . . . . • 13 Basic Function: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • visual display, via a cathode ray tube, of data transmitted between a 2260 and a local or remote IBM System/360 computer; data can be entered via a keyboard; printed output is optional • • 14 Basic Components ~ Name: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Function: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • 15 2260 Display Station; 2848 Display Control, Models 1, 2 and 3; 1053 Model 4 Printer. International Business Machines Corp. Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York 2260 Display Station. display of alphanumeric data. Name: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 2848 Display Control. Model number: •••••••••••••••••• -I, 2, or S. Function: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• provides basic control and buffer storage for Display Stations; different models permit connection of different numbers of stations and different display sizes. Name: . . • . . • . • . . . • . . • • . • ..... • • .• 1053 ~inter. Model number: . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . 4. Function: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• provides printed output; maximum of one per 2848 Control • Description The IBM 2260 Display Station is designed to facilitate rapid access to data stored in an IBM System/S60 computer, under control of a stored program in the computer. The 2260 displays data on the face of a cathode ray tube and can include a keyboard for data entry by the operator. Multiple 2260 Display Stations can be controlled by a 2848 Display Control. The 2848 Control can be connected directly to a Multiplexor or Selector Channel of an IBM System/360 Model SO, 40, 44, 50, 65, 67, or 75 computer, or it can be connected remotely via a commoncarrier leased voice-band line, appropriate data sets, and a 2701 Data Adapter Unit incorporating an mM Terminal Adapter Type III (see Report 8442). Each 2260 Display Station can be located up to 2,000 cable-feet from the 2848 Control. The data transmission rate between a directly-connected 2260 station and the computer ill 2,560 characters per second. When the 2260 is connected remotely, the data transmission rate is 120 or 240 characters per second (1,200 or 2,400 bits per second, respectively). The flDlctional operation of the 2260 when connected to a System/360 computer is similar to its operation when connected remotely. The remainder of this report reflects the 2260 Display Station operating remotely, as a communications terminal device, except where specifically stated. Basic Operation The 2260 Display Stations and associated 2848 Display Control operate in a half-duplex mode. ,All communication between the display complex and the remote cQmputer is initiated by the computer. Displayed data is received from the remote computer or is keyed into the 2260 by the operator. When data is to be entered, the operator keys in the data and depresses the Enter Key. The displayed data will be transmitted to the computer the next time the computer requests a transfer. 645&:02 "IBM 2260 Figure 1. IBM 2260 Display Station • 15 Descriptiop (Contd. ) Except when an error is detected in a command sequence, all data messages are acknowledged to indicate correct or incorrect reception by both the 2848 Control and the remote computer. The '(-level ASCII transmission code is employed, with an eighth bit added for ~haracter parity. A total of 10 bits are transmitted for each character, including start and stop bits. The remote 'System/360 computer automatically converts the seven-level code into an eight-level code by adding a bit; see Table II. These converted codes do not correspond to the internal EBCDIC code of a System/360 computer; see T:~.ble IV. If extended internal computation or output at the computer site is desired, data received from a 2260 Display Station will need to be converted to the internal code by the stored program in the System/360 computer. Display Complex A display complex consists of the following components: • One 2848 Display COl;ltrol, Modell, 2, or 3; • Up to 24, 16, or 8 2260 Display Stations; depending on which model oithe 2848 is incorporated; and • One 1053 Model 4 ~rinter (optional). The maximum number of Display Stations and the maximum .display size for each mOdel of the 2848 Display Control are shown in the table below. . 2848 Display Control Maximum .Number of 2260 Display Stations Maximum Size of Display .Lines Modell 24 6 Char/Line 40 Ch.aracters .Modet 2 16 12 40 480 Model 3 8 12 80 960 240 (Contd.) 1.1/66 AUI;:RBACH Data (,;ommunications Reports A ~ . AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6456:03 IBM 2260 The 2848 Display Control provides the basic control logic and buffer storage for all units, and a character generator for converting the 7-bit ASCII data codes into a 35-bit video display code. Display adapters contain delay-line buffers for each Display Station; these buffers store video display codes and continuously regenerate the display. Characters and symools are displayed by a 5-by-7 dot matrix; each bit of the video display code corresponds to one dot-matrix position. One Display Adapter is required for each pair of Display Stations. A separate adapter is required for connecting the 1053 Printer. The Display Station consists of a 12-inch-diameter cathode ray tube with a display field 4 inches high by 9 incnes wide. A numeric or alphanumeric keyboard can be incorporated in each 2260 Display Station, or the station can be used without a keyboard for display purposes only. Figure 1 shows the 2260 Display Station with alphanumeric keyboard. The 1053 Model 4 Printer is a modified version of the IBM Selectric Typewriter and is similar to the printers used in IBM 1050 Data Communications Systems. All Display Stations connected to one 2848 Display Control share the one 1053 Printer. The Printer Adapter contains a buffer for storing data to be printed. This permits a printing operation to proceed simultaneously with operations by the Display Station. A print operation can be initiated by the remote computer, as described later; a Display Station operator can also cause the station display to be printed. Commands The IBM 2260 Display Station, in combination with a 2848 Display Control, is capable of responding to eight commands transmitted by the remote computer. There are four read commands for transmitting data from the Display Station to the computer: • Specific Poll to 2260 Station - initiates transfer of data displayed by a specific station to the computer, provided that the Start symbol is displayed and the Enter key has been depressed. . • Specific Poll to Printer - initiates transmission of printer status to computer (e. g., busy, ready, not ready). • General Poll - initiates transfer of data to C Jmputer from all stations that have the Start symbol displayed and in which the Enter key has been depressed. Messages are transferred sequentially and are accompanied by the address of the corresponding Display Station. • Read Addressed Full Display Station Buffer - initiates unconditional transfer to the computer of the entire buffer for the addressed station. Selected portions of the display can be transmitted in response to a Specific or General Poll; see the paragraphs under Editing Facilities. There are four write commands for transferring data to a Display Station or Printer: • Write Addressed Display Station - conditions the 2848 Control and the addressed station for reception and display of the associated message. • Erase/Write Addressed Display Station - causes the display of the addressed station to be erased and the cursor to be positioned at the first displayable position. • Write Printer - conditions the 2848 Control and the 1053 Printer for reception and printing of the associated message. A positive indication of status is returned if the printer is busy or not ready. • Write Display Station Line Address - same as Write Addressed Display Station except that the display is started on the indicated line instead of on the first line. The Line Addressing Feature is required in the 2848 Display Control for the use of this command. Editing' Facilities The 2260 Display Station makes limited editing facilities available to the operator. The standard cursor (destructive) can be moved one position at a time either forward or backward; each position occupied by this cursor is erased. The optional non-destructive cursor can be moved forward or backward and also up or down one line at a time; this cursor does not © 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/66 6456:04 IBM 2260 .15 Description (Contd.) erase the contents of each position it occupies. Either cursor "wraps around, " i. e., moves from the first display position to the last when backspaced or from the last display position to the first when advanced. The entire display can be erased by the operator at any time. Either cursor can be advanced to be first position of the next line by depressing the New Line key. This operation also causes the New Line symbol to be displayed in the cursor position of the previous line. When transmitting in response to a Specific Poll or General Poll command, data located between the New Line symbol and the end of that line is not transferred. When receiving, a New Line code in the text data causes the display to jump to the beginning of the next line; data between the New Line symbol and the end of the line is not erased. This "split-screen" capability allows fixed information such as table or entry headings to be continuously displayed without the need for retransmitting them each time. Error Checking and Correction Character and longitudinal parity checking is performed on all data received by the 2848 Control from the remote computer; character parity bits and longitudinal check characters are generated and transferred with all data transmitted from the 2848 Control. If the remote computer returns a negative acknowledgment indicating that an error was detected at the computer Site, the 2848 Control automatically retransmits the message. The 2848 Control also checks the parity and validity of each command sequence received from the computer. If errors are detected, the 2848 does not make a response of any kind. Programming Support IBM states that the software support for the 2701 Data Adapter Unit is being extended to cover 2260 Display Stations as remote terminals under BTAM and QTAM for the Operating System/ 360 and under BT AM for the Disk Operating System; see Paragraph 8442.4 in the report on the 2701. The Disk Operating System is the disk-resident version of the Basic Operating System described in the 2701 report . . . 16 First Delivery: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 1966. • 17 Availability:................... 22 months, maximum . .2 CONFIGURATION A network of 2260 Display Stations is composed of: • One 284R Display Control, Model 1, 2, or 3. • Multiple 2260 Display Stations, each with no keyboard, a numeric keyboar:d, or an alphanumeric keyboard; and • One 1053 Model 4 Printer if deSired. Table I shows the maximum number of display units that can be connected to each model of the 2848 Control. and the features required. The display size also varies for each model of the 2848 Control; these variations are also shown in Table I. Each 2260 station can be located up to 2,000 feet fron l the 2848 Display Control. The 2M8 Control and 22GC Display Station network can communicate over a common-carrier leasea voice-band line ",ith an IBM System/360 Model 30, 40, 44, 50, 65, 67, or 75 computer system incorporating an IBM 2701 Data Adapter Unit. The transmission speed is 1,20(1 or 2,400 bits per second, depending on the Data Set Adapter selected. Once installed: the transmission speed is fixed; i. e., the operator cannot select between the two speeds. Sec Paragraph . 72 for the communications facilities that can be accommodated and the data set required for each. The 2848 Control can also be connected directly to a control unit position of an input/output channel of an IBM System/360 Model 30, 40, 44, 50, 65, 67 or 75 computer system. In addition to the capability to connect a 1053 Printer, two other optional features are available: Line Addressing and Non-Destructive Cursor. To incorporate the Line Addressing capability, only one Line Addressing feature is required regardless of the number of Display (Contd. ) 11/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports DATA ~ COMMUNICATIONS AUERBACH 6456:05 ~ ~BACH IBM 2260 REPORTS • Stations. To incorporate the Non-Destructive Cursor, one Non-Destructive Cursor Feature is required in the 2848 Control, and one Non-Destructive Cursor Adapter is required for each Display Adapter. All Display Stations connected to the same 2848 Display Control must use the same type of cursor • •3 INPUT .31 • 32 Prepared Input: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Manual Input no provision• Alphameric Keyboard Method of entry: •••••••.••••••••• Quantity of data: •••••••••••••••• Character set: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Comments: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • •• via optional 50-key keyboard. up to 240, 480, or 960 characters, depending on the model of the 2848 Control used. 64 characters, including digits, upper-case letters, and special symbols; see Table n. 6 keys provide control functions only and do not produce a displayable symbol. Numeric KeyboardMethod of entry: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Quantity of data: •••••••••••••••• Character set: . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Comments: . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • .. via optional 26-key keyboard. up to 240, 480, or 960 characters, depending on the model of the 2848 Control used. 25 characters, including the numeric digits and 15 special symbols; see Table m. 8 keys are unused. TABLE I: 2848 DIS I"' LAY CONTROL CONFIGURATION POSSIBILITIES ------..- - - ----- -, 2848 Display Control Components Basic 2848 Display Control; maximum number of: Display Adapters 2260 Display Stations 1053 Printers 3857 Expansion Panel (2) ; maximum number of: Display Adapters 2260 Display Stations 1053 Printers 3858 Expansion Panel (2); maximum number of: Display Adapters 2260 Display Stations 1053 Printers Fully expanded configuration; maximum number of: Display Adapters 2260 Display Stations 1053 Printers Display size: Number of lines per display 'Number of characters per line Total number of characters per display f- Modell Model 2 Model 3 '" 0 1 2 1 (1) 4 3 8 6 0 0 0 4 8 1 (1) 3 6 - 4 2 ..,1 0 6 12 . 1 (1) - 12 24 1 8 16 1 8 1 6 40 240 12 40 480 12 80 960 4 (1) Requires special Printer Adapter. (2) Either or both Expansion Panels can be included in a Modell 2848 Display Control configuration. @ or 2 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 11/66 6456:06 IBM 2260 TABLE n: IBM 2260 DISPLAY STATION ASCII DATA TRANSMISSION CODES (6) Bih • • • B7 86 8x 85 ... • Col" B3 82 Bl Rc:w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 SOH 0 0 I 0 2 srx 0 0 I I 3 0 I 0 0 .- 0 I 0 I 5 0 I I 0 6 0 1 I 1 0 0 0 1 8 I 0 0 1 9 I 0 I 0 10 I 0 I I 11 -- 1 Note I Note '2' ~ 3 2 SP .- I A Q @ ,--- liA 2 B R ETX 3 C 5 ' £or $ .. .0 r % 5 f u & 6 F V ACK 7 - CAN I I 0 0 12 1 I 0 I 13 I 1 I ,0 14 I I I 1 15 B R C 5 : r , I 0 Ii E G .... t--"" 7 G W 8 H X 1 H ) 9 I V · : J l ; K < L - M / > N ? 0 V , F ( ·- u , .-1--' 1-_,- · -- i , I I I + NoL I--! ~ P , t--t Q , 1 -, LF 7 6 5 P 0 I 0 I 0 I I , NAK I I I 1 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 I I I 0 I I 0 I 0 0 0 0 Note4 , W I X , vJ .. I Z , 1 J r.:-I ~~!!! 1 K 1 Note 5 .., 1 L~J ~ ' 1M' 1--' 1 N 1~ - t-o-' ~ 1__ 1 Note 1. Displayed on 2260's as the EOM (-) symbol. Prints on the 1053 Modell Printer as the exclamation mark (I). Note 2. Displayed on 2260's as the Check (I) symbol. Prints on the 1053 Modell Printer as the quote symbol (II). Note 3. Displayed on 2260's as the New Line (~) symbol. Causes a carriage return and line feed on the 1053 Modell Printer. Note 4. Displayed on 2260's as the Start NIl Printer as a cent sign (9). Note 5. The codes represented by the characters within the dotted outline are the ASCII-8 codes for the lower-case alphabetic characters. These codes are converted to upper case by the 2848 and displayed as 'upper-case characters. If retrieved by a read operation, the codes' will be in the upper-case bit configuration. Note 6. The 8-bit codes shown in this table are the codes as they appear in the core memory of the remote computer. The ASCII transmission code is obtained by deleting Bit X. This conversion is performed by the 2701 Data Adapter Unit prior to transmitting data to a 2260 Display Station and after receiving data from a 2260. See Table IV for the data codes used when a 2260 is connected directly to a System/360 I/O channel. Note 7. Graphic representations are undefined for the bit patterns outside the heavily outlined portions of the chart. These bit patterns are referred to as undefined graphic bit patterns. If an undefined graphic bit pattern is sent from channel to the deVice, the graphic that will be displayed or printed by the device is not specified. Note 8. IBM reserves the right to change at any time the graphic displayed or printed by this device for an undefined graphic bit pattern. (~) symbol. Prints on the 1053 Modell Reproduced from IBM Form A27-2700-1, page 33. (Contd. ) 11/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUEII8ACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6456:07 IBM 2260 • TABLE III: IBM 2260 NUMERIC KEYBOARD CHARACTER SET (1) No Shift Shift 1 2 $ 3 4 % @ , . 5 6 7 8 9 0 Sp / - + *# Advance (1) Control characters are the same as for the alphanumeric keyboard; see Table II. • ;34 Transaction Code Input: .35 l\Iessage Configuration no provision. Communication between the remote computer and a 2260 Display Station or 1053 Printer is initiated when the computer transmits a four-character addressing sequence to the 2848 Display Control. This sequence consists of the following characters: EOT (poll or read) or SDH (write), 2848 address, device address, and command character. The two general types of commands are poll (or read) and write. When a poll command addressed to a Display Station is received, the appropriate 2260 Station responds with a text message consisting of the following characters: STX, 2260 address, text, ETX, and LRC (longitudinal redundancy check). If a parity error is detected in the buffer when transmitting, the CAN character will be inserted just before the ETX character. If the computer receives the message without detectin~ an error, an ACK character is transmitted. If an error is detected, the NAK character is transmitted and the 2848 Control automatically retransmits the message. After the message has been correctly received and the acknowledgment transmitted, the computer can transmit one or more messages to the Display Station. Each message from the computer consists of the following characters: STX, text, ETC, and LRC. Each message is acknowledged with an ACK or NAK character. If the command is a General Poll, the other Display Stations connected to the 2848 Control are tested following the completion of the transmission from the first station. If the computer directs a message to one of the stations during the execution of a General Poll operation, the operation must be reinitiated following the transmission of text from the computer to ensure that all stations are polled. If the command is a write command, the 2848 responds with an ACK character if it receives the command correctly and a NAK if not. The computer then transmits one or more messages to the addressed station in the same format as above. Each message is acknowledged with an ACK or NAK by the 2848. If the command is a Line Address Write, the line address is inserted following the STX character in the computer text message. The 2848 Control will make no response if"it detects a parity error or an invalid command or address in the addressing sequence. A one-character response of EOT or SOH from the 2848 Control is transmitted to indicate: a negative response to a polling command, end of transmission to a read command, data lost condition to a write command, buffer overflow, or printer busy when addressed. The EOT character normally terminates communication. The text can contain up to 240, 480, or 960 characters, depending on which model of the 2848 Control is being used; see Table 1. Except for data following a New Line symbol, all displayed characters and symbols are included in the text, except the non-destructive cursor; see Table II. The displayed data between a New Line symbol and the end of the line is not transmitted when a 2260 is polled,. and will not be overwritten or erased during a write operation. C 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/66 6456:08 IBM 2260 TABLE IV: IBM 2260 EBCDIC DATA CODES FOR LOCAL OPERATION (6) 811.0, I IIh 2, 3 BII. 4,5,67 , '--__o0_---'1 L-I__0_1_---I11L-__10_---'1 L-I__"_---' I I 00 01 110 I" 11 I 00 SP 0000 01 110 & I" 11 - 0010 J B K / A J S 8 K 1 5 2 T C i. T 3 U 0 M U 4 E N V E N V 5 01 10 F 0 W F 0 W 6 0111 G P X G P X 7 H 0 Y H -0 Y 8 Z I R Z 9 100 I f--Nor I NL Nole 2-Note 3 - J R : 101 I . $ 1100 < I 101 ( I I 10 1111 I J 1010 Note 5. 0 L 1000 Note 4. A I" I M 0100 Note 3. 01 1 10 0 010 I Note 2. 00 C 00 II Note 1. I" II I Nole 5 / 0001 00 1 01 1 10 , , % @ ) - t ; > I -, ? , : f-~te 4 Displayed on 2260 l s as the New Line (~) symbol. Causes carriage return and line feed on the 1053 Modell Printer. Displayed on 2260's as the Start MI ( ..) symbol. Prints on the 1053 Modell Printer as a cent sign (~)" Displayed on 2260's as the EOM (-) symbol. Prints on the 1053 Modell Printer as an exclamation mark (I). Displayed on 2260's as the Check ( I ) symbol. Prints on the 1053 Modell Printer as a quote (") symbol. The codes represented by the characters within the dotted outline are the EBCDIC codes for the lower case alphabetic characters. These codes are converted to upper case by the 2848 and displayed as upper-case characters. If retrieved by a read operation, the codes will be in the upper-case bit configuration. Note 6. The data codes in this table are used when the 2260 is connected directly to a System/360 computer I/O channel (via a 2848 Control). These codes correspond to the internal code of the System/360 computers. Bit 7 of the EBCDIC code is the low-order bit and corresponds to bit 1 of the ASCII code. Note 7. Graphic representations are undefined for the bit patterns outside the heavily outlined portions of the chart. These bit patterns are referred to as undefined graphic bit patterns. If an undefined graphic bit pattern is sent from channel to the device, the graphic that will be displayed or printed by the device is not specified. IBM reserves the right to change at any time the graphic displayed or printed by the device for an undefined graphic bit pattern. Reproduced from IBM Form A27-2700-1, page 21. Note 8. (Contd., 11/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports IA ~ I[RBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6456:09 IBM 2260 • • 36 Operating Procedure A message to be transmitted from a 2260 Display Station is composed by positioning the cursor at the desired starting position, depressing the Shift key and Start key (which enters the Start MI symbol in the cursor position), and keying the data. Controls are provided to space forward or backward one position at a time and to move the cursor to the beginning of the next line. The optional non-destructive cursor can be moved up Or down one line at a time. The cursor identifies the next display position to be entered. When the standard destructive cursor is moved to a position already containing a display character, that position is erased. The non-destructive cursor can be moved freely without erasing data. To transmit a message, the Shift key and Enter key are depressed; this action locks the keyboard and puts the Display Station in a wait condition. When the station is polled by the r~mote computer, the data stored in the buffer will be transmitted to the computer. A successful transmission causes the Start MI symbol to be erased and the keyboard unlocked. If a transmission error is detected at the remote computer, an automatic retransmission can be requested. For certain types of errors, ·other correction techniques may be used, as controlled by the stored program in the remote computer • • 40 Entry of Time and Date: • • . • • • • • • • •• OUTPUT .44 Output to Printer • 37 no provisions • 1053 Model 4 Printer Output medium: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Character set: . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Rated printing speed: • . • • . • • • • • • •• Effective speed:. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Format control:. • • • • • • • • . • • • • • •• Comments: • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • •• . 46 friction-fed forms up to 15 inches in width; pinfeed platen is optional; 13-inch maximum print line; printing is 6 or 8 lines per inch vertically and 10 or 12 characters per inch horizontally. 63 characters plus space; see Table II. 14.8 char/sec. somewhat below rated speed due to carriage return and line feed operations. controlled by function codes in the data message; EOM causes an exclamation mark to be printed, followed by a carriage return and line feed; the New Line code causes a line feed. printing mechanism is similar to IBM Selectric Typewriter • Output to Visual Display Device 2260 Display Station Output medium: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character size: • • • • • • .' • • • • • • • • • Display size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Characters per line: •••••••••••• Lines per display: • • • • • • . • •••••• Characters per display: •.•.• ••••• Buffer capacity:. • • • • • • • • • • ••••• @ cathode ray tube; displays orange characters against gray background. digits 0-9, upper-case letters A-Z, and 28 punctuation and special symbols; see Table n. characters are formed by a 5-by-7 dot matrix which is nominally 0.09 inch wide and 0.12 inch high; spacing between characters is 0.05 inch. 9 inches wide by 4 inches high on 12-inch diameter tube. 40 (with 2848 Model 1 or 2) or 80 (with 2848 Model 3). 6 (with 2848 Modell) or 12 (with 2848 Model 2 or 3). 240, 480, or 960 with 2848 Modell, 2, or 3 respectively. 7,680 characters per 2848 Control. 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/66 6456: 10 IBM 2260 .46 Output to Visual Display Device (Contd.) Format control: ..•.•..•.••••.• Rated output speed: . • . . . . • . • . . . . Effective output speed: •.......••• ·5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors: . • • . . . . • . . . • . . • 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: .••••••••••••••• Error indication: . • • • • . • • • • • • . . . • Correction procedure: • •.• • • • • • • . .• .53 Data Recording Errors: .54 Buffer Errors Type of checking: Error indication: .•••• : .......... . Correction procedure: .•.•..••..•. • 55 •6 Line Malfunctions: •••••.•••••••.• CONDITION INDICATORS: ••••...••• .7 DATA TRANSMISSION • 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: .••••..••• Transmission method: .•.•.••••..• Transmission code: ••••.••••••.•• Transmission mode: .••••.••••.•• Order of bit transmission: •••••••••• Synchronization: ••••••.•••.••••• each space position on the display occupies one character position in the buffer; cursor can be moved one space at a time horizontally in either direction; autOmatic cursor wrap-around from last position to first when advancing or first position to last when backspacing; Non-Destructive Cursor (optional) can be moved up or down one line at a time; a portion of each line can be fixed and not transmitted; entire display except for fixed portion is transmitted each time. 2,560 char/sec when connected directly to a System/360 channel; 120 or 240 char/sec over a voice -band line. lower than rated speed due to exchange of control messages and presence of header characters. visual checking only;-depression of a key representing a non-existent character causes the Check character to be displayed on the screen. character and longitudinal parity checks. negative response (NAIq if parity error is detected in text; no response if parity error is detected in address sequence. automatic retransmission by 2848; as programmed in computer. no checking, except visual. character parity is checked prior to transmission from 2848 buffer. inclusion of CAN character in transmitted message. as programmed at the computer. no special provisions for checking. no indicators other than visible display . 120 or 240 char/sec (1,200 or 2,400 bits/sec, respectively) • serial by bit. 7 data bits plus a parity bit and 2 start-stop bits; a total of 10 bits are transmitted for each character; see Table II. half-duplex. low-order bit is transmitted first, parity bit last. start and stop bits are transmitted with each character. (Contd.) 11/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Report5 A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS ~ 6456: 11 IBM 2260 . AUERBACH REPORTS . 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Data Set* Bell System Schedule 4 Type 4A Data Channel (1,200 bits/sec): ••••••••• Bell System Data Set 202D. Bell System Schedule 4 Type 4B Data Bell System Data Set 201B. Chamel (2,400 bits/sec): ••••••.•• * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant• . 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: .••••••••••••••••• Call reception: ••••••••••••••••• Functional operations: ••••••••.••• • 74 Multistation Operation Polling: . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . Addressing: ••••••••••••••••••• •8 only when polled or addressed by remote computer. normally a 2260 complex operates over a dedicated line on which a permanent connection is maintained. line feed and carriage return operations can be initiated by control characters in the text of a message • the 2260 stations and the associated 1053 Printer are individually addressable; units can be polled individually (Specific Poll) or all units connected to the 2848 Control can be polled for messages (General Poll); a Specific Poll directed toward the Printer ascertains whether the Printer is ready or busy. A specific device address is transmitted with the data in response to polling commands. Only one 2848 Control can be connected to a communications line. Display Stations cannot communicate directly with one another; the remote computer can selectively communicate with each terminal • PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS 2260 Display Unit (all models) Component Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Without Keyboard 13.75 13.19 17.38 30 With Keyboard 13.75 19.38 17.38 43 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 0.15 115 60 1 0.15 115 60 1 50 to 110 8 to 80 477 50 to 110 8 to 80 477 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 2848 Display Con 1053 Model 4 trol (all models) Printer 61.5 32.25 70.75 1000 (max) 14 14 17 40 3.3 208/230 60 1 0.1 115 60 1 60 to 90 8 to 80 10,000 © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 60 to 90 20 to 80 335 11/67 6456: 12 IBM 2260 .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature 2260 Display Station Modell or 2 Alphameric keyboard Numeric keyboard 2848 Display Control Modell Model 2 Model 3 1053 Model 4 Printer Pin- Feed Platen Monthly Rental Purchase Price Monthly Maintenance $ $ $ 30 20 10 970 600 300 8.25 1.50 1.00 360 390 420 15,715 16,840 17,975 23.00 23.50 24.00 49 - 1,940 59.25 10.00 - Special Features for 2848 Display Adapter For Modell For Model 2 For Model 3 Expansion Unit (#3857; for connection of up to 6, 4, or 3 Display Adapters to 2848 Modell, 2, or 3) Expansion Unit (#3858; for connection of up to 4 or 3 Display Adapters and a 1053 Adapter to 2848 Model 1 or 2.) Line Addressing Nondestructive CUrsor (1 per 2848) Nondestructive Cursor Adapter (1 per Display Adapter) 1053 Adapter For Modell or 2 For Model 3 40 80 100 44 1,5Q5 3,005 3,765 1,905 2.00 4.00 5.00 NC 55 2,260 NC 10 10 5 450 430 215 1.25 1.00 0.50 40 40 1,505 1,505 3.25 3.25 NC - No charge 5/70 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A zs: ~UERBACH AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6457:01 IBM .2780 • IBM 2780 DATA TRANSMISSION TERMINAL .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . 2780 Data Transmission Terminal; Models 1. 2, 3 and 4. · 12 Manufacturer: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York . . 13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transmits data from punched cards; receives and prints data or punches data into cards; operates synchronously over a voice-band line at speeds of 1200. 2000. or 2400 bits per second. · 14 Basic Components Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2780 Printer • Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . includes line printer, buffers, and control circuitry. Printer is included in Models 1, 2. and 3. Name: .. Function: · 15 . 2780 Card/Punch. . provides punched card input and output. Card reading is provided in Models 1, 2, and 4 j card punching is provided in Models 2 and 4 o.nly. Description The IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal is available in four models that provide various combinations of input/output components. The capabilities of the four models are: • 2780 Modell - provides punched card input and printed output. • 2780 Model 2 - provides punched card input and punched card and printed output. • 2780 Model 3 - provides printed output only (no input capabilities). • 2780 Model 4 - provides punched card input and output. Figure 1 shows the 2780 Model 2. The 2780 Data Transmission Terminal operates at 1200 or 2000 bits per second over the public telephone network or at 1200. 2000, or 2400 bits per second over a leased voice-band line. The 2780 is designed to use the IBM Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) technique to transmit data in a half-duplex mode. Essentially. the BSC technique provides for synchronous transmission of a continuous stream of data with all error-checking information transmitted at the end of a record. Alternatively. the USASCII code can be used with conventional character and message parity checking. Although data can be transmitted or received only in a half-duplex mode. IBM recommends the use of a full-duplex line to significantly reduce the turn-around time when exchanging acknowledgement messages. The 2780 can be used to communicate with another 2780 Terminal or a System/360 Model 30. 40. 50. 65. or 75 computer equipped with the appropriate multi-line controller and transmission adapters (see Reports 8442 and 8444 on the IBM 2701 Data Adapter Unit and the 2703 Transmission Control). The 2780 can operate as one of several 2780 Terminals in a multistation arrangement operating over a single leased voice-band line under the control of a System/360 computer. The 2780 can also operate off-line to print data from punched cards. Three transmission codes are available for the 2780: the 8-level USASCII (formerly ASCll). the 8-level EBCDIC. and the Six-Bit Transcode (SBT); see Tables I. II. and III. The same data-link control characters. described in Paragraph. 35. are used with all three codes. Table IV shows the special characters included in each transmission code. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/67 6457:02 IBM 2780 Figure 1. IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal, Model 2 .15 Description (Contd.) The card read/punch unit is a modified version of the IBM 1442 Card Read Punch having a single card path with both read and punch stations. The printer is a modified version of the IBM 1443 Printer which uses a horizontally oscillating type-bar. Both the 1442 and 1443 have been used extensively as peripheral devices in IBM computer systems. The peak card reading speed is 400 cards per minute; the peak card punching speed is from 91 to 355 cards per minute, depending on the number of columns punched. The cards are fed from a hopper with a capacity of 1200 cards, read or punched column by column, and loaded into a 1300-card-capacity stacker. The peak printing speed is 240 lines per minute if the standard 52-character type-bar is used. The Selective Character Set option permits the use of other type-bars having character sets of 39, 47, or 63 characters. The peak printing speed with the non-standard type-bar varies from 200 to 300 lines per minute. The print cycle time for the standard 240-line-per-minute printer is 250 milliseconds. The actual print operation requires 198 milliseconds; the remaining 52 milliseconds are used to move paper and to restore the print hammers. Skips or line spaces greater than two lines require an additional 10 milliseconds per line. The print line can be optionally expanded from the standard 80 character positions to 120 or 144 character positions. All arrangements print 10 characters per inch, horizontally. A 12-channel punched tape loop, of which only nine channels can be used, is employed to define the vertical format. The 2780 contains two buffers which are used to transfer data between the communications line and the reader, punch, or printer. A 400-character line buffer stores data transferred between the communications line and the 110 buffer. Without options, the line buffer can only store up to two 80-character records. When the Multiple Record Transmission feature is employed, all 400 character positions of the line buffer can be used. The I/o buffer contains 200 character positions and stores a single 80-character punched card record or a printer record of up to 144 characters. The I/O buffer is used to interface the reader, punch, and printer with the line buffer. 8/67 All models of the 2780 except the Model 3 can operate as either a receiving or a transmitting terminal. Model 3 operates as a receiving terminal only. When transmitting, each data block that is transmitted is acknowledged with a special message that specifies correct or incorrect reception. When receiving, the 2780 responds to the transmitting station in the same manner. (Contd. ) AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ IUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6457:03 IBM 2780 e The 2780 operates in one of six modes that are switch-selected by the operator: • Print Mode - Received data is expected to be in the form of records containing up to 80 data characters. or up to 144 data characters with an optional feature. Each record is printed on one line; line spacing is initiated by a tWo-character sequence (see Table V). • Punch Mode - Received data is expected to be in the form of records containing up to 80 data characters: each record is punched into one card. • Off-Line Mode - Data read from punched cards is transcribed to a printed listing. One line is printed for each card; printing is single-spaced. • Receive Mode - Received data records are punched or printed according to the selection character in the data record. Cards are punched in IBM card code. Single-. double-. or triple-line spacing or multi-line skipping can be performed after printing each line. Spacing or skipping is initiated by a vertical format control code included in the data record (see Tabie V). Multi-line skipping halts when a hole is sensed in the specified channel of the vertical format control tape loop. • Transmit Mode - Data is read from cards and data records are transmitted. When transmission is completed. the terminal is automatically prepared to receive data and print it. • Transmit Transparent Mode - Operates the same as the Transmit Mode, except that any EBCDIC bit pattern can be transmitted: control character recognition is inhibited (see Paragraph. 35). This mode requires the EBCDIC Transparency optional feature. Figures 2 and 3 show the operations of the 2780 in the Transmit and Receive modes. The possible modes of operation are restricted by the complement of input/output devices included in the various models. The Print and Punch modes are inoperable if the Multipoint Line Control feature is installed. A number of optional features are available for the 2780 Terminal. including: • Multipoint Line Control - Allows a number of 2780 Terminals to communicate in a multi station arrangement over a single leased line with a System/360 computer. All communications are initiated by the computer by polling or addressing the terminals. Individual 2780 Terminals cannot communicate directly with one another in this arrangement. See Paragraph. 35 for additional information on the control character sequences used in this arrangement. • Printer Horizontal Format Control - Allows the 2780 terminal to store a horizontal format record containing horizontal tab (HT) characters in specified positions; remaining data pOSitions are filled with space characters. The HT characters in the format record identify the beginning of printed data fields. When an HT character is received in an incoming message. the next data field will be printed beginning with the next horizontal tab position as defined by the HT character in the stored format record. The format record remains stored until a card is read or punched. a new format record is received. or the power is removed from the terminal. Card reading or punching has no effect on the stored format record when'SBT code is used. A format record is identified by the prefix ESC HT. This feature cannot be used when the 2780 is operating off-line. or when operating in the Transparent mode. • Synchronous Clock - Allows the 2780 Terminal to operate with data sets that do not supply clocking pulses. such as the Bell System Data Set 202C or 202D. The Synchronous Clock provides clocking for operation at a specified data rate of 1200. 2000. or 2400 bits per second. The sync pattern at the beginning of each transmission is expanded from three to seven SYN characters when using the Synchronous Clock. • Auto Answer - Allows the 2780 Terminal to automatically answer calls from another 2780 Terminal or a System/360 computer. Calls are accepted only when either the reader. punch. or printer is ready. The initial mode of operation (i. e .• Transmit or Receive) must be anticipated by the operator. A 20-second timer is started when a call is answered. If no data is received during this period. the terminal is automatically disconnected. A timed-out call is not considered an error condition. A (Text continued on page 6457: 07) @1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 8/67 6457:04 IBM 2780 TABLE I: USASCn DATA TRANSMISSION CODE ....... IiI Positions b4 b3 J J b7 b6 ....... 0 0 0 0 " " I J~ J.5 0 I I 0 0 I I 0 I 0 I I I I 0 0 I 0 I I b2 bl 0 0 NUL OLE SP 0 @ P I I A Q Q q " 2 I R b r J C 5 c • . 0 0 0 0 0 I SOH DCI 0 0 I 0 STX DC2 0 0 I I ETX DO , 0 I 0 0 EOT DC4 S 4 0 T d I 0 I 0 I ENQ NAK % 5 E U • u & 6 F V r y 7 G W 9 w p 0 I I 0 ACK SYN 0 I I I BEL ETB I 0 0 0 BS CAN ( 8 H X h I 0 0 I HT EM ) I "l. i Y I 0 I 0 IF SUB . 9 : J Z i z + [ k I I I I 1-. I 0 1 1 VT ESC 1 1 0 0 FF FS 1 1 0 I CR GS 1 1 I 0 SO RS 1 1 1 1 51 US I , K <; L , = M J m > N ,, / > 47* 39 . $ $ ; I tI * % @ ( ) -, ; 39 - ,, · Six-BIT Tramcode EBCDIC 63* & / ESC Q ESCR ESC S ESC A ESC B ESC C ESCD ESC E ESC F ESC G ESC H Six-Bit Transcode ESC / ESC S ESC T· ESC A ESCB ESC C ESCD ESC E ESC F ESC G ESC H after Printing Single Space Double Space Triple Space Skip to Channel Skip to Channel Skip to Channel Skip to Channel Skip to Channel Skip to Channel Skip to Channel Skip to Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reprinted from IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal - Component Description, Form A27-3005, published by IBM. = - USASCII & / I \ Standard type-bar. Reprinted from IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal - Component Description, Form A27-3005, published by IBM. * C 196TAUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 8/67 6457:06 IBM 2780 Transmit a character from the Line Buffer Establish connection with receiving terminal (1) Read character from card into I/O Buffer Advance Output Counter by 1 Last record of block has lJeen read Transfer character from I/O Buffer to Line Duffer Endof File iteplal'(' US with ETD nelllac(' US with ETX Insert lJS in Line Buff!',. card has been read -Transmit ETBor ETX Advance Input Switch to receive modc and wait up to 2 seconds for block check reply from receive terminal Counter hy t:TB idenLifi('s ('luI of hlock; ETX identifil's end of last hlol'k; both charaders cause line lurn-a round /----<0-1 (1) Conncction is e"tahlished by manually dialing or signaling, or hy :uldrl'ssing or polling operation wh!'n Multipoint Lin!' Control feature is used. Figure 2. IBM 2780 Transmit Mode (Contd. ) 8/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUER8ACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS ~ AUERBACH 6457:07 IBM 2780 REPORTS • Message Acknowledgement and Termination , . . . - - - - - - - - - , Retransmit last block of data Clear Output 03 Counter Yes Data block received incorrectly End transmission Block check reply not received Yes No End transmission No No Transmit EOT Transmit ENQ Switch to receive mode and wait up to 1 second for block check reply from receive terminal Clear Input and Output Counters Transmission is terminated and connection is broken Yes End transmission Figure 2. IBM 2780 Transmit Mode (Contd.) completed call is ended when the calling terminal sends a two-character DLE EOT sequence which causes the called terminal to automatically disconnect. When the 2780 is communibating with another 2780 on a point-to-point basis. there is a 20second delay between reception of the EOT character and disconnection. \ • Multiple Record Transmission - Allows the 2780 Terminal to use all 400 positions of the line buffer and to transmit or receive up to seven records per block.. A linebuffer overrun will occur if more than seven records or 400 characters have been read or received. • Auto Turnaround - Allows the 2780 Terminal to switch automatically to Receive mode. with punch ready. following the transmission of a message. Punch-ready status is established when the reader senses a blank card following a series of data cards. The blank card causes transmission of an ETX character. The punch must be selected by the remote terminal by a component selection sequence. \ • 120- or 144-Character Print Line - Allows the 2780 Terminal to print a total of 120 or 144 positions per line at 10 characters per inch. This f,eature is useful only when communicating with aSystem/360 computer. because another 2780 can only transmit '80-character records. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 8/67 6457:08 IBM 2780 Print or Punch Transfer a character from Line Buffer to I/O Buffer Connection Is established (1) Transfer character from line to Line Buffer Advance Output Counter by1 No Initiate output operation Yes Print one line or punch one card End of record (US) or end of block (ETB or ETX) No Second record in Line Buffer If parity was Yes incorrect for 1st or 2nd record. block must be retransmitted Yes; End of 2nd Record Switch to transmit mode and transmit negative reply (NAK) Advance Input Counter by 1 Clear Input Counter to zero Switch to transmit mode and transmit positive reply Clear Input and OUtput Counters to zero Switch to receive mode (1) Connection is established by manually dialing or signaling. or by addressing or polling operation. when Multipoint Line Control feature is used. Figure 3. IBM 2780 Receive Mode (Contd. ) 8/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6457:09 IBM 2780 • .2 • EBCDIC Transparency - Allows unrestricted transfer of all bit patterns within the EBCDIC code; see Paragraph. 35. The optional Printer Horizontal Format Control feature and component selection code~ are void when the 2780 is in Transparency mode. The optional Multiple-Record feature can be used with Transparency, but record length is fixed at 80 characters. • Selective Character Set - Allows the operator to replace the printer type-bar with one containing a different character set than the standard EBCDIC or SBT type-bar. This feature allows the use of a 39- or 63-character EBCDIC character set or a 39character SBT character set. This feature is a prerequisite when using the USASCn code • CONFIGURATION The IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal is available in four models having different combinations of input/output capabilities as follows: • 2780 Modell - provides punched card input and printed output. • 2780 Model 2 - provides punched card input and output in addition to printed output. • 2780 Model 3 - provides printed output only. • 2780 Model 4 - provides punched card input and output. The standard communications facilities that can be accommodated and the associated data sets are listed in Paragraph . 72. The optional features available for each model of the 2780 Terminal are described in Paragraph .15 • •3 INPUT · 31 Prepared Input Card Read Punch (2780 Models 1, 2, and 4) Input medium: • • • . . . . . . • • • • • . . • • . standard IBM 80-column punched cards. Input code: .•.••.•.....•.. " .•... standard Hollerith card code. Quantity of data:. . • • . . . . . . • . . • • • • • up to 80 characters per card. Character set: .•••...••...•.•••.• depends on transmission code; see Tables I. II. andm. Rated input speed: ...•••.•••••••• ~ 400 cards/min. Effective speed: . . . • . . . . . • • . • . . . • . see Table VII . • 32 Manual Input: .•••••..••..••...•... no provision . . 33 • 34 Fixed Input: .•.•••...••....•.•••.. no provision. Transaction Code Input:. • . . • . . • . . . . . • no provision. · 35 Message Configuration Data is transmitted and rec"eived by a 2780 Terminal in blocks of two records for a standard configuration. If the optional Multiple-Record Transmission feature is included, a data block can contain up to seven data records. A clata record normally consists of up to 80 data characters plus control characters. Records received from a System/360 computer can contain up to 120 or 144 data characters to utilize the optional expanded print line features. Data-Link Control Characters Nine data-link control characters are automatically encoded by the control circuitry in the 2780. The data-link control characters are stripped from the data at the receiving terminal. Table VI .describes the function of each data-link control character. Message Format A Start-of-Message (STX) character is used at the beginning of each block; the text contained in the first record of the block follows the STX character. Each record is terminated by a US. ETB. or ETX chttracter and is followed by one or two error-checking characters and one C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, loc. 8/67 6457:10 IBM 2780 .35 Message Configuration (Contd.) sync (SYN) character. A Unit Separator (US) terminates each record of a block except the final record, which is terminated by an End-of-Transmission Block (ETB) character. The final record in the last block of a message is terminated by an End-of-Text (ETX) char!1cter. The receiving terminal will accept an SOH character in place of the STX character; however, the 2780 cannot transmit an SOH. A block of data is not accepted by the receiving terminal if the STX or SOH character is missing. Terminal Status Interrogation Before transmitting a message to a remote terminal, the transmitting terminal must determine the status of the receiving terminal. The 2780 interrogates the receiving terminal by sending an enquiry message consisting of four SYN characters followed by an ENQ character. The receiving terminal must respond to the enquiry with a positive reply indicating that the terminal is ready to receive or a negative reply indicating the terminal is not ready because of an existing contingency. If a reply is not received from the remote terminal within a predetermined period of time, a second enquiry message is sent. An EOT character is sent and disconnect procedure initiated after four unsuccessful attempts t.) interrogate the terminal. The data message is transmitted when the 2780 receives a positive reply ~o an enquiry. End-of-Block Response The receiving terminal responds to an ETB or ETX character designating the end of a block or end of the final block in a message, respectively. The terminal responds to a correctly received block by sending a positive reply to the transmitting terminal; a negative reply is sent in response to an incorrectly received block. A positive reply to an ETX character causes the transmitting terminal to send an EOT which terminates the transmission. The transmitting terminal will retransmit an incorrectly received block up to three times (when transmitting from 2780 to 2780) before operator intervention is required. When communication is between a 2780 and a System/360 computer, the number of retransmissions is specified by the stored program in the computer. A negative reply to a final retransmission causes the transmitting terminal to send an End-of-Transmission (EOT) character. followed by disconnection. Block Sequence Check The 2780 Terminal employs an odd/even block count to insure the correct sequencing of data blocks within a message. The first block in a message is identified as an odd block. Block checking is performed at both the transmitting and receiving terminals. The odd/even count is toggled at the receiving terminal in response to a correctly received block, and a positive reply containing the toggled block c6unt is sent to the transmitting terminal, where it is compared to the transmitter block count. \\'hen the compared block counts do not agree, the transmitting terminal sends an ENQ requesting that the receiving terminal retransmit the positive reply. l..Jp to three enquiries can be sent before the transmitting terminal terminates the call with EOT. Output Selection Selection between the printer or punch for output in a :2780 Model 2 in the Receive mode is controlled by a two-character sequence: ESC plus a component-selection code. The sequence must follow an STX or US end-of-record character, in the first record of the transmitted message. Selection is sustained until the next selection code is received. The punch is selected by the digit "4" following an ESC; the printer, by any printer-control character following an ESC. Invalid codes are either ignored or cause an erroneous print operation to be performed. EBCDIC Transparency When the EBCDIC Transparency feature is used, message Transparency is entered through a DLE STX sequence and exited through a DLE followed by a US, ETB, or ETX character, two sync characters, a second US character, and one or two check characters. Transparency can be entered or exited only after a record check sequence. Record length is fixed at 80 characters; EM or ETX characters read from the card are ignored. Control character recognition (Contd. ) 8/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6457: 11 IBM 2780 ~ TABLE VI: IBM 2780 DATA-LINK CONTROL CHARACTERS Control Character Function Character Transmitted Sync To establish and maintain synchronization. SYN Enquiry To interrogate remote terminal as to readiness (a request to transmit). ENQ Start-of-Text To alert remote terminal as to the beginning of a. block of text. STX Unit Separator To end record and in.itiate error checking. US End-of-Transmission Block To initiate error checking at end of last record in a block; initiates line turn-around to allow remote terminal to respond with a positive or negative reply. ETB End-of-Text To initiate error checking at end of last record in a message; initiates line turn-around to allow remote terminal to respond with a positive or negative reply. ETX Data-Link Escape To acknowledge an enquiry from the transmitting terminal, DLE is followed by a zero which indicates the receiving terminal is ready to receive data. DLE To inform the transmitting terminal that the last block of data was received without error, a DLE is followed by an even or odd block designation. * To enter into or exit from the EBCDIC Transparency mode, a DLE is followed by an STX or an ETB respectively; to identify a control character when in transparency, a DLE precedes the control character; to be accepted as data, a DLE is followed by another DLE automatically inserted at the transmitting terminal and stripped at the receiving terminal. Negative Acknowledgement To acknowledge an enquiry from the transmitting terminal, NAK indicates that the receiving terminal is not ready to receive data; to inform the transmitting terminal that the last block of data transmitted was received in error. NAK End-ofTransmission To inform the receiving terminal that the message is completed and transmission is to be terminated; to abort transmission when sent from the receiving terminal; to indicate that the polled terminal does not have data to transmit. EOT * The following odd! even block deSignations are for USASCIl, SBT, and EBCDIC codes: USASCII: 1 (odd); SBT: T (odd); EBCDIC: 61 (odd); The EBCDIC designations graphic characters ~ @ 0 (even) - (even) 70 (even) are hexadecimal code representations and have no corresponding 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/67 6457: 12 IBM 2780 TABLE VIT: EFFECTIVE DATA TRANSMISSION RATES OF IBM 2780 TERMINAL Component and Record Size (1) Data Transmission Rate, records per minute (2) Full-duplex, 2400 bits/sec (4) Half-duplex, 2000 bits/sec (3) SBT (5) USASCIT or EBCDIC (6) SBT (5) USASCIT or EBCDIC (6) Card Reader 24 char/record 40 char/record 80 char/record 215 199 143 196 171 118 390 355 237 370 310 182 Card Punch25 char/record 40 char/record 80 char/record 165 138 91 155 130 89 190 145 91 190 145 91 Printer 25 char/record 40 char/record 80 char/record 120 char/record 144 char/record 180; 195 168; 182 145 113 98 160; 171; 184 147; 157; 167 117 99 78 240; 300 240; 300 218; 233 170 145 199; 240; 300 199; 240; 277 177; 183, 183 130 110 (1) Record size includes HT horizontal format characters and ESC sequences controlling vertical spacing but excludes all other control characters. (2) A record corresponds to one card or one line of print. The data transmission rates include transmission of all control characters, turnaround times, and the transmission of acknowl. edgement messages. The blocking used is two records per block; slightly higher transmission rates may be achieved in some cases if the Multiple-Record Transmission feature is installed and more than two records are transmitted per block. The actual rate when communicating between two 2780's will be the lower of the card reader and printer or punch rates, depending on which is receiving. (3) This transmission mode is normally used over the public telephone network. (4) This transmission mode is normally us~d with a full-duplex leased voice-band line. (5) Where two sets of figures are shown for the printer, the first corresponds to the 47-character type-bar, and the second to the 39-character type-bar. When only one figure is shown, the rate is the same for both arrangements. (6) Where three sets of figures are shown for the printer, the first corresponds to the 63-character type-bar, the second to the 52-character type-bar, and the third to the 39-character type-bar. When only one figure is shown, the rate is the same for all three arrangements . . 35 Message Configuration (Contd. ) is established by preceding a control character with a DLE character. A second DLE character is automatically inserted following a DLE read from a card; the receiving terminal treats this sequence as one DLE data character. When the printer is receiving in Transparent mode from a System/360 computer, the record length must be equal to the number of print positions plus a two-character vertical forms-control sequence if other than Single-line spacing is desired. Multipoint Line Control When the 2780 Terminal is part of a multi-station configuration using the Multipoint Line Control feature, component selection differs from the basic operation. The computer polls or addresses one of the remote terminals using a three-character address sequence. The first character identifies the terminal, the second identifies the component (reader, punch, or (Contd.) 8/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AU[RBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6457: 13 IBM 2780 • printer). and the third character is an ENQ which ends the sequence. The printer, punch, or reader is selected by the character "3", "4", or "6". respectively. Any character can be selected for terminal identification. An addressing sequence which contains a "3" or "4" is defined as a selection sequence; a "6" defines a polling sequence. The 2780 Terminal responds to a polling sequence with a negative response (EOT) or a positive response (STX). A negative response indicates that the terminal is not ready to transmit; a positive response indicates that data will follow. No response is returned if the polled terminal is in the off-line mode. The 2780 Terminal responds to a selection sequence with a negative response, which indicates that the selected component is not ready to receive, or a positive response. No response is returned if the selected terminal is in the off-line mode. The basic terminal component selection sequence (ESC plus selection code) is inoperative when the Multipoint Line Control feature is installed. All ESC sequence codes, when used in the first two character positions of data, are interpreted as vertical or horizontal format-control sequences. The 2780 Terminal, when initially switched on. remains in a non-addressable receive-text mode until a sync pattern followed with an EOT is received. The terminal is then sw~tched to control mode and will recognize a polling or selection sequence. An STX following a sync pattern returns the terminal to its initial mode . . 36 Operating Procedure (1) Operator establishes connection by dialing or signaling, coordinates the transmission with the remote operator, checks that the data set is ready for transmission, and switches to data mode. (2) Operator verifies that synchronization between terminals has been established and that all components are in a ready condition by observin,g the control panel lights. (3) Operator selects proper operation mode and loads data cards if transmitting or readies the card read punch or printer if receiving. The transmitting terminal operator then presses the Start key. The exchanges of data messages and control signals an under the control of the terminals. Further intervention by the operator is required only when errors are repeatedly detected in retransmission of the same data block, when reading, punching, or printing component malfunctions or errors are detected. and when the call is terminated. The Auto Answer option permits transmission or reception of messages by an unattended IBM 2780 Terminal. Two special control characters, Bell (BEL) and End-of-File (EOF) , can be transmitted, under certain conditions, by manually depressing a key. A BEL charact!lr can be sent in response to polling, in place of a block-checking response, at any time between messages, or in place of data. The BEL character lights an indicator and sounds an audible alarm at the receiving terminal. Depressing the EO}t' key causes an ETX data-link control character to be transmitted after the last card has been read. An STX ENQsequence is normally sent after the last card when the EOF key is not depressed • . 37 Entry of Time and Date: . .4 OUTPUT . 42 Output to Punched Cards ~ . . . . . • . • . . • no provisions . Card Read Punch (2780 Models 2 and 4) Card type and size: .••.••..•.•••••• standard IBM 80·-column punched cards. Card code: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . • . • • standard Hollerith card code. Rated punching speed: . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 160 columns/sec; 91 to 355 cards/minute, depending . on number of columns punched. Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . see Table VII. Format control: . . . . • . . . . . . . • • • • . • none except capability for punching records of less than 80 characters. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/67 6457:14 IBM 2780 . 44 Output to Printer Printer (2780 Models 1, 2, and 3) Output medium: . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . .• pin-fed continuous fanfold forms from 4. 00 to 16.75 inches in width; 80, 120 (optional), or 144 (optional) printing positions; 10 characters per inch horizontal spacing and 6 or 8 lines per inch vertical spacing. Character set: . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . 47 or 39 (optional) with SBT code; 52", 39 (optional), or 63 (optional) with EBCDIC code; 63 with USASCII code. Rated printing speed With 39-character set: ..•.••••••.. 300 lines/min. With 47- or 52-character set: . . . . • • . . 240 lines/min. With 63-character set: . . . • . . • . . . . . 200 lines/min. Effective speed: • . . • . . . . . . . • . • . • • • see Table VII. Format contro]: • . . . . . " . . . . • • . . . . . vertical forms spacing is initiated by a 2-character control sequence (see Table V); skips of over 3 lines are controlled by punches in carriage control loop; horizontal tab (optional) is "initiated by HT character in data and controlled by prestored format control record. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Selective Character Set feature is required to use an optional character set or the USASCII code • .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION IBM has introduced a polynomial checking technique, referred to as Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC), for use with Binary Synchronous Communications. The CRC technique uses a checking polynomial to generate a 12-bit (SBT code) or 16-bit (EBCDIC code) block check character which is appended to each block of data transmitted. The received block check character is compared with a block check character generated from the received data. Comparison of the block check characters determines the validity of the received message block. Both EBCDIC and SBT transmission ,codes use the CRC error checking technqiue. Transmissions using USASCII are not checked by the CRC technique, but employ an odd-parity check bit for each character and a longitudinal redundancy check character at the end of each record . . 51 Data Entry Errors Type of cheeking:, .. , . . . . . . . . . • . . . . character validity checks. card registration. card column count, and photo.,...transistor check. Error indication: • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . terminal halts, a lamp is lighted, and an audible " alarm is sounded. Correction procedure: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . manual intervention . . 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . cyclic redundancy checking (CRC) for EBCDIC and SBT; character parity (odd) and longitudinal redundancy check for USASCII. Error indication: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . receiving terminal returns a negative acknowledgement (NAK) at the end of a block. Correction procedure: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . automatic retransmission of block received in error; terminal halts, a lamp is lighted, and an audible alarm is sounded if three retransmissions fail when two 2780 Terminals are communicating; computer controls number of retransmissions when a 2780 is transmitting to a System/360 computer . . 53 Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . echo check to verify tlu... correct dies have been activated in card punch; character parity checking on data sent to printer, but no direc! check on printed output. (Contd. ) AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUlRBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6457: 15 IBM 2780 • . 54 Error indication: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a lamp is lighted and an audible alarm is sounded. Correction procedure: • . . . . . . . . . . . • . • operator intervention . Buffer Errors , 55 Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . odd character parity checking on USASCII and SBT; USASCII is checked on entering or exiting the buffers; SBT character parity is generated on entering the buffers and checked on exiting; even longitudinal parity is generated for each EBCDIC record entering and exiting the buffers, and entrance and exit parity characters are compared for accuracy; buffer is checked when transmitting or receiving to insure buffer capacity is not exceeded and/or that no more than two records per block are received (overrun), Error indication: . , , . . . . . . . . . . , ", ... when a buffer error is detected, the transmitting terminal sends an ENQ code, the receiving terminal responds with NAK, and the transmitting terminal sends an EOT which terminates the transmission; the receiving terminal replies to a block-checking sequence with a NAK response (line buffer overflow) or with an EOT ",hich terminates the transmission; a lamp is lighted and the audible alarm is sounded. Correction procedure: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . operator intervention. Comments: . . . • . . • . , . . • . . . • . . . . • . the transmitting terminal immediately sends an ENQ code to the receiving terminal if a line buffer parity error or overflow condition is detected; an STX ENQ sequence is sent following a correct response to a block check to indicate an I/o buffer Arror condition; the receiving terminal responds to the STX ENQ sequence with NAK, and the transmitting terminal sends an EOT code which terminates the transmission. Line Malfunctions Detection: • . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . . . . . • • failure to receive data or a response within a 1, 2, or 3 second period, depending on operation and whether the terminal is transmitting or receiving. Action:. . . . • . . . , . . • . • . . • , . . • • . • • up to three enquiry sequences are automatically transmitted; if an enquiry sequence or response is still not received, the terminal halts and operator intervention is required. In addition the Data Set Ready lamp is lighted • .6 CONDITION INDICATORS A comprehensive array of lamps and switches on the main operator panel, which is located on the Card Read Punch in Models 1, 2, and 4 and on the Printer in Model 3, displays the flow of data through the buffers, the mode of operation, the status of each component, and transmission errors. The operator panel on the Model 3 (receive-only printer) is an abbreviated version of the operator panels used on the other models . .7 . 71 DATA TRANSMISSION Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: ..•.•..••.•• 1200, 2000, or 2400 bits/sec. Transmission method: ••.••.•••.•...• serial by bit. Transmission code: ••........••.••• 8-level U8ASCII, EBCDIC, or 6-bit SBT; see Tables I, II, and III. 01967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/67 6457: 16 IBM 2780 .71 Basic Characteristics (Contd.) Transmission mode: ••...•.•••. ' .••.• half-duplex. Order of bit transmission: . . . . . . . . . . . . low-order bit first. Synchronization: • . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • synchronous; a special character (SYN) is transmitted between terminals prior to data transmission. • 72 Connection to Communications Lines Data Set* Communications Line Common-carrier leased voice-band line operating at the following speeds: , Up to 1200 bits/ sec: . . . . • • . • • . . . . . Bell System Data Set 202C or 202D or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. 2000 bits/sec: . . . • . . • • . • . . . . . • • . Bell System Data Set 201A or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. 2400 bits/sec: . . • • . • . . . • • . . • . • . . Bell System Data Set 201B or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. Public telephone network operating at the following speeds: Up to 1200 bits/sec: . . • . . . . . . . • • . . Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. 2000 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . BeH System Data-Phone Data Set 201A. · 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: . • . • . . . . . . . • • . • . • . . . manual dialing or signaling. Call reception: . . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . capable of unattended transmit or receive operation with optional Auto Answer feature. Functional operations: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Model 2 punch or printer can be selected by control codes; vertical form spacing or skipping and horizontal tabulation on printer; audible alarm can be initiated by Bell character. · 74 Multistation Operation: . . . . . . . • . . • . . . the optional Multipoint Line Control feature enables the 2780 to respond to polling or addressing by the controlling System/360 computer when a number of 2780 Terminals are connected in a multi station arrangement; see Paragraph.15. ·8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal Component Modell Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases Temperature Range (OF.) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 86 56 49 1700 Model 2 86 56 49 1700 Model 3 86 56 49 1500 Model 4 43 24 49 600 1.9 208/230 60 1 2.2 208/230 60 1 1.5 208/230 60 1 1.4 208/230 60 60 to 90 8 to 80 5300 60 to 90 8 to 80 6200 60 to 90 8 to 80 4200 60 to 90 8 to 80 4000 1 * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. (eontd. ) 8/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA (& AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6457:17 IBM 2780 co .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature 2780 Data Transmission Terminal Modell (card read and print) Model 2 (card read, card punch, and print) Model 3 (print only) Model 4 (card read and punch) Monthly Rental Purchase Price Monthly Maintenance $ $ 875 970 38,410 42,680 215.00 260.00 725 680 32,010 29,875 200.00 180.00 $ Optional Features Auto Answer Auto Turnaround Multiple Record Transmission Printer Horizontal Format Control Print Line 120-character 144-character 15 10 15 29 660 440 660 925 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 82 44 3,630 1,920 6.00 3.00 Selective Character Set Synchronous Clock EBCDIC Transparency Multipoint Line Control 25 25 15 25 1,065 1,065 660 1,065 3.50 1.00 0.50 2.50 © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/70 A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS AUERBACH REPORTS 6458'01 IBMMT/ST • IBM MAGNETIC TAPE SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER WITH REMOTE RECORD .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . IBM Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter (MT/ST) with Remote Record . . 12 Manufacturer: . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Business Machines Corp. Office Products Division 590 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10022 .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two-way recorded- or typed-message communication at 14.8 char/sec over the public telephone network . . 14 Basic Components Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . IBM MT/ST with Remote Record. Model number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model II. Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . data entered from keyboard or received from communications line is recorded on a magnetic tape and printed; recorded data can be transmitted. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBM MT/ST with Remote Record. Model number:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model IV. Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . same as Model II, but includes two tape units and has the'capability for transmitting or receiving using either tape; one tape can be updated using corrections recorded on the second tape; data from the two tapes can be merged and the result printed locally or transmitted . . 15 Description The IBM Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter (MT /ST) with nemote Record is designed to provide half-duplex typed- or recorded-message data communications at up to ,14.8 characters per second over the public telephone network to a second MT/ST with Remote Record. The MT/ST employs a: 6-level code; odd parity and unity start and stop bits, each character transmitted. Table I presents the MT/ST transmission code. ' The MT /ST with Remote Record is an extension of the MT/ST originally designed for a typing station in an office environment. TheMT/ST with Remote Record is available in two different models; each model contains an IBM Selectric typewriter and a magnetic tape console. MT/ST Model II contahls Ii single magnetic tape station; MT/ST Model IV contains two magnetic tape stations. Each tape station of the MT /ST magnetic tape console contains one (Model II) or two (Model IV) incremental tape recorders that employ a 35- or 100-foot reel of half-inch wide. 9-channel magnetic tape enclosed in a plastic container (I!artridge) measuring 4-1/4 inches by 4'~1/4 inches. Up to 23.240 characters can be stored in each cartridge; recording density is 20 characters per inch. The MT/ST can be operated in two modes: local and remote. Data can be entered on the magnetic tape from the keyboard when in local mode; a printed copy is produced while recording. The recorded tape can be read back and edited from the keyboard; a typed copy is produced while editing the recorded message. Recorded data can be updated when using the dual-tape Model IV MT/ST; again. a typed copy is produced during this operation; When operating in the remote mode. a recorded meSsage can be transmitted to a second MT /ST with Remote Record over a communications line. A typed copy of all transmissions is also prodUced. Editing is flexible; a complete line. word. or character can be added to or deleted from text by simple keyboard operations. The text recording is automatically compensated for these changes by expanding to insert data or by closing up when deleting data. Data updating can be performed on the Model IV MT/ST by placing a clean tape on the left tape station and the tape to be updated 6458:02 IBM MT/ST Figure 1. IBM MT /ST Model IV with Remote Record . . 15 Description (Contd.) on the right tape· station. After placing the Model IV in the proper mode, data'is read from the right tape and recorded on the left; a typed copy of the recorded data is produced concurrently. Updating data is" entered from the keyboard, which" overrides the magnetic tape data and permits data to be entered in any line, word, or character location on the updated page. A search operation can also be performed to locate data at any desired location. Prior to the search operation, the operator must enter a search code at specified locations while recording data. To search, the operator dials the search code and initiates the search operation; The MT/ST automatically searches the tape for the dialed code at 900 characters per second. halting at tne desired lo.cation. When it is aesired to transmit a recorded message to a,nother MT/ST with Remote Record. the operator establishes the connection by dialing the remote MT/ST. Once the connection is established. the operator places the data switch on the data set in the data mode and depresses the Start key on the magnetic tape console to initiate data transmission. The Start key automatically generates a bid character on the line which places the remote MT/ST in the receive mode and locks its keyboard. Data can be transmitted frolJ). tape· or keyboard by selecting the proper mode. When operating with the Model IV. left or right tape stations can be manually selected. A typed copy of ~he transmitted data is produ"ced concurrent to the transmission at both trans:"" mit and receive stations. The receiving operator can interrupt the transmIssion when desired, by switching his data set to voice, thereby halting tape action at both transmitting and receiving station"sand looking the keyboard at the transmitting station. Voice coordination is" then required. Messages of greater length than 23,240 characters can be transmitted by replacement and/or manual seleCtion (Model IV only) of tape cartridges at both transmit and receive stations. This procedure requires voice coordination at the end of each cartridge. (Contd. ) 5/68 AU ERBACH Oata" Communications Reports" fA a AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATlDNS REPORTS 6458:03 IBM MT/ST '" TABLE I: IBM MT/sT TRANSMISSION CODE Bit Position Lower Case Upper Case .. ; ! I = [ -/ 1/) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i I 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 I 0 0 1· 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 j k I m n 0 P q II 1 r s t u v w x Y z 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 I 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 I 1 7 (P) 1 1 0 1 0 0 : · · It + -? 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 II.:. @ I$ % • & * ( ) A B C D E F G H I 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X 1 0 Y 0 1 Z 1) 1 J Function Codes (non-printing) I Meaning CR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 TAB SPACE BKSP STOP (1) FEED (1) AUTO SEARCH (1) SWITCH (1) STOP TRANSFER (1) UC (2) LC (2) D (2) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 (1) Tape codes not transmitted on line. (2) Line codes not recorded on tape. 0 1 New Line (Carriage Return and Line Feed) Horizontal Tab Space Backspace Stop Line Feed Automatic Search Switch Stop Transfer Upper-Case Shift Lower-Case Shift Bid (P) Odd parity bit. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 5/68 6458:04 IBM MT/ST · 16 • 17 First Delivery: . • . . . • . • . . . . • . . . . . . April 1968 . Availability:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 4 months . .2 CONFIGURATION The IBM Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter with Remote Record consists of a manual input keyboard, a printing component, a magnetic tape station, and a data set. The Model n MT/ST includes a single tape station; the Model IV MT/ST includes two tape stations . •3 INPUT · 31 Prepared Input Magnetic Tape Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5 inch magnetic tape recorded at 20 char/inch. Input code: • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-level IBM Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter Code; see Table I. Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . variable; up to 23,240 characters. Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 distinct codes, in conjunction with upper and lower case control codes, provide 88 upper and lower case alphabetic, numeric, and special characters. Rated input speed: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.8 char/sec. Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tape is synchronized with typewriter; see. 44. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . each tape cartridge has a 23,240 character storage capacity; left or right tape stations can be manually selected on Model IV to provide an effective capacity of any multiple of 23,240 characters. • 32 Manual Input Keyboard Method of entry: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . via 44-key keyboard; additional keys provide special functions such as backspace, carriage return, horizontal tab, etc. Quantity of data: . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . variable, up to 23,240 characters. Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 44 distinct character codes, in conjunction with upper and lower case control code, provide 88 upper and lower case alphabetic, numeric and special characters . .33 Fixed Input:. . . . . . . . . . . . . " . data entered from keyboard is recorded directly on magnetic tape when terminal is in local mode; several keyboard arrangements are available. . 34 Transaction Code Input: .. . . no provision . . 35 Message Configuration: .. . · 36 Operating Pro(,l'dUl'e (1) Establish connection by dialing. (2) Depress Data button data set. (3) Depn'ss Start key on magnetic tape console. If the magnetic tape console is in the Play mode, data is transmitted from the magnetic tape; if data transmission from keyboard is desired, mode switches must not be in Play mode or tape must be removed. (4) Key in message (if applicable). (5) Switch to voice (coordinate message with receiving operator). (fi) H:lUg up f " • A"l',in'ltc call. . . Bit character (" D ") followed by up to 23,240 text characters; message is terminated when receiving terminal switches to voice; bid character is autom:'til'ally transmitted by depressing Start key. A 8 .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS .37 6458:05 IBM MT/ST Entry of Time and Date: ... no provision. .4 OUTPUT · 43 Output to Magnetic Tape . 44 . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5-inch recorded at 20 char/inch. Tape size:. . . . . . . . Tape code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 -level IBM Selectric Typewriter Code; see Table 1. Rated output speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.8 char/sec. Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . synchronized with typewriter; see. 44; speed dependent upon typing rate when entering data via keyboard . Format control: .. . several types of function codes can be recorded. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each tape cartridge has a 23. 240-character storage capacity; left or right tape stations can be manually selected on Model IV to provide an effective capacity of any multiple of 23,240 characters . Output to Printer Output medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . friction-fed or pin-fed (optional) roll paper or fanfold forms up to 15.5 inches wide (13-inch writing width) . Character set: . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 88 printable characters; see Table I. Rated printing speed: .. . .. · ... 14.8 char/sec. Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . .. · ... less than rated speed due to carriage return. line feed. or other format operations. Format control: . . . . . . . . . . . · ... controlled by function codes in incoming data or manually by operator. Controls include line feed. carriage return. case shift, backspace, and horizontal tab. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . horizontal spacing is 10 char/inch (12 char/inch optional) vertical spacing is 6 lines/inch (8 lines/ inch optional) . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . no provision. · 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . character parity is checked for each character received from communications line. Error indication: • . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . indicator lamp lights. Correction procedure: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . receiving operator switches to voice on data set. interrupting data transmission; (transmitting tape is automatically halted; voice coordination is required; transmitting operator performs line return function and retransmits data. · 53 Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . read-after-write character parity check. Error indication: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •... indicator lamp lights. operation halts, and keyboard is locked. Correction procedure: • . . • . . . . . . . . • . . operator keys backspace and re-enters data. · 55 Line Malfunctions • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. line malfunctions are interpreted as incorrect parity or no response. Action: • . • . . . • . . • • . . . . . • . . . • . • . . indicator lamp lights; operation halts; operator attention is required. Detection: . . 10 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH InfO, Inc. 5/68 6458:06 IBM MT/ST .7 DATA TRANSMISSION . 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: .....••.•..• 14.8 char/sec (134.5 bits/sec). Transmission method: . . • . • • . • . . . . . . . serial by bit. Transmission code:....•..•.••.•..•. 7-level IBM Selectric Typewriter Code (6 bits plus parity); unity start and stop bits are added to each character (total of 9 bits/char); see Table I. Transmission mode: •••...••.•...•.• half-duplex. Order of bit transmission: .•.•...•••.• high-order bit of each character is transmitted first. Synchronization: •...•.•.•.•.....•.• start-stop . • 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Data Set* Public telephone network: . • . . • . . • . • . . Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A2 • . 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: . • . . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . . . manual dialing or signaling. Call reception:. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . operator attention is recommended although terminal is capable of auto answer. Functional operations: •••••.....•.... different control codes perform a variety of functions such as line feed, carriage return. case shift. horizontal tab. backspace. etc . . 74 •8 Multistation Operation: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . no provision . PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS MT/ST Typewriter and Desk Component Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) MT/ST Magnetic Tape Console 15 34.5 36 242 45 30 29.5 62* 0.4 115 60 Power is derived from magnetic tape console Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 33-85 8-80 1,100 33-85 8-80 - * Weight of typewriter only .9 PRICE DATA Monthly Rental Component or Feature Purchase Price Monthly Maintenance $ $ $ Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter with Remote Record Model II (single-tape station) 275 10,750 45.60 Model IV (double-tape station) 333 13,135 53.50 * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see Sections 4620 and 4640 for a current list of modems available from independent manufacturers of telephone equipment. 5/70 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA. AUERBACH co AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6459:01 IBM 2265 IBM 2265 DISPLAY STATION .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2265 Display Station; 2845 Display Control, and 1053 Model 4 Printer . . 12 Manufacturer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Business Machines Corp. Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . visual display, via a cathode ray tube, of data to be transmitted between a 2265 and a remote IBM System/360 computer; data can be entered via a keyboard; printed output is optional. .14 Basic Components Name: . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2265 Display Station. Model number:. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Function: • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . display of alphanumeric data. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2845 Display Control. Model number:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . provides basic control and buffer storage for one 2265 Display station and 1053 Printer. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053 Printer (optional). Model number:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.Function: .... . provides printed output; maximum of one per 28'15 Control . . 15 Description The IBM 2265 Display Station is designed t('l facilitate rapid access to data stored in an IBM System/360 computer, under control of a stored program in the computer. The 2265 displays data on the face of a cathode ray tube. and can include a keyboard for data entry by the operator. The 2845 Control can be connected directly to a Multiplexor or Selector Channel of an IBM System/360 Model 25, 30: 40, 44, 50, 65, 67, 75, or 85 computer, or it can be connected remotely via a common-carrier leased voice-band line, appropriate data sets, and a 2701 Data Adapter Unit incorporating an IBM Terminal Adapter Type III (see Report 8442). The 2265 Display Station can be located up to 50 cable-feet from the 2845 Control. The data transmission rate between a directly-connected 2265/2845 station and the computer is 2560 character per second. When the 2265/2845 is connected remotely, the data transmission rate is 120 or 240 characters per second (1200 or 2400 bits per second, respectively). The 2265/2845 station can operate in a multi-station environment. Up to 16 2265/2845 stations can be connected to a single communications line. ' The functional operation of the 2265 when connected to a System/360 computer is similar to its operation when connected remotely. .The remainder of this report reflects the 2265 Display Station operating remotely, as a communications terminal device, except where specifically stated. Basic Operation The 2265 Display Station and associated 2845 Display Control operate in a half-duplex mode. All communication between the display complex and the remote computer is initiated by the computer. Displayed data is received from the remote computer or is keyed into the 2265 by the operator. When data is to be entered, the operator keys in the data and depresses the Enter key. The displayed data will be transmitted to the computer the next time the computer requests a transfer. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 5/68 6459:02 IBM 2265 Figure 1. IBM 2265 Display Station . . 15 Description (Contd.) Except when an error is detected in a command sequence, all data messages are acknowledged to indicate correct or incorrect reception by both the 2845 Control and the remote computer. The 7-level USASCII transmission code is employed, with an eighth bit added for character parity. A total of 10 bits are transmitted for each character, including start and stop bits. The remote System/360 computer automatically converts the seven-level code into an eightlevel code by adding a bit; see Table I. These converted codes do not correspond to the internal EBCDIC code of a System/360 computer. If extended internal computation or output at the computer site is desired, data received from a 2265 Display Station will need to .be converted to the internal code by the stored program in the System/360 computer. Display Complex A display complex consists of the following components: • One 2845 Display Control, Modell; • One 2265 Display Station, Modell; and • One 1053 Model 4 Printer (optional). The 2845 Display Control contains the basic control logic, buffer storage, character generator, and communications interface for the 2265 Display Station. The stroke technique is employed to generate the display characters. A Data Set Adapter is required to interface the 2845 Control with a data set. Two Data Set Adapters are available for operation at 1200 and 2400 bits per second. An interval clock is provided for 1200 bit-per-second operation; an external clocking signal is required for the higher speed operation. (Contd) 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A / I AUERBACH ./ J 6459:03 DATA COMMUNICA nONS IBM 2265 R£POAH> AUERBACH 9 TABLE I: IBl\122GZi DISPLAY STATION USASCII DATA THAt\Sl\lISSION CODE (6) Bits L___ B7 R6 Ax Br.---- .. ---- A, 133 B;! Al 0 0 0 0 0 () 1 0 ~ r---------- 0 .. 0 0 0 n ----- ColRow O •0 --- 0 ;! 3 SP 0 -- 0 0 1 0 ;j 6 P 9. - - 1 -------2 STX 2 -1 A - --_._--- Q A R (' S T -0 0 1 1 3 ETX # 0 1 0 0 4 EOT ~ ~ 0 1 0 1 5 0 1 1 0 6 -. 0 1 1 1 7 1 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 1_ _9 1 0 1 0 10 I 0 1 1 11 1 1 0 0 12 1 1 0 1 13 1 1 1 0 ACK LF I J 1 1 ~ote 1 1. 1 - -- 4 5 6 F V 7 G w ( 8 II X ) 9 I Y * : J Z + ; K Note 4 , < L - = M > N ? 0 / 15_L I> - - - f--- - - - - U & CAN 3 E , 14 . ,-,(, NAK 1 Note 3 7 r-p-,• -- ._--- -- 1 - ---.---- . 1 0 1 0 ---> 1 1 1 1 1 1 ------- N()t(.,~ Not£':.! "" SOH 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 ~ 0 1 () 1 I. r-A-11I' :iii II • I :I B R I~ C S I.I D T E U I F V ! G w H X I Ii II I! Ii ~ I! i :I I J K • i i -~ ! z .i •--Note 5 i "'Y L ! M I iI-~Ii .. _.. N - Q ~ I Displayed and printed as the EOM (-) symhol. I ) symbol. Note 2. Displayed and printed as the Check ( Note 3. Displayed on 2265's as the New Line ( J ) symbol. line feed on the 1053 Model 4 Printer. Note 4. Displayed and printed as the SOM ( ~ Causes a carriage return and ) symbol. Note 5. The codes represented by the characters within the dotted outline are the USASCII-8 codes for the lower-case alphabetic characters. These codes are converted to upper case by the 2845 and displayed as upper-case characters. IT retrieved by a read operation, the codes will be in the upper-case bit configuration. Note 6. The 8-bit codes shown in this table are the codes as they appear in the core memory of the remote IBM System/360 computer. The USASCII transmission code is obtained by deleting bit X. This conversion is performed by the 2701 Data Adapter Unit prior to transmitting data to a 2265 Display Station and after receiving data from a 2265. Note 7. Graphic representations are undefined for the bit patterns outside the heavily outlined portions of the chart. These bit patterns are referred to as undefined graphic bit patterns. IT an undefined graphic bit pattern is sent from channel to the device, the graphic that will be displayed or printed by the device is not specified. Note 8. iBM resetves the right to change at any time the graphir. displayed or printed by this device for an undefined graphic bit pattern. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 5/68 6459:04 IBM 2265 . 15· Description (Contd.) The Display Station consists of a 14-inch cathode ray tube and an optional alphanumeric keyboard that can be directly attached to the display unit or located up to five feet away. One of two display formats can be specified: • 15 rows with 64 characters per row, or • 12 rows with 80 characters per row. A total of 960 characters can be displayed using either format. The 1053 Model 4 Printer is a modified version of the IBM Selectric Typewriter and is similar to the printers used in IBM 1050 Data Communications Systems. Only one 1053 Model 4 Printer can be connected to a 2845 Display Control via an optional 1053 Adapter. The buffered Adapter accepts computer messages of up to 240 characters or data entered via the 2265. A print operation can be initiated by the remote computer, as described later; a Display Station operator can also cause the station display to be printed. Commands The IBM 2265 Display Station, in combination with a 2845 Display Control, is capable of responding to eight commands transmitted by the remote computer. There are four read commands for transmitting data from the Display Station to the computer: • Specific Poll to 2265 Station - initiates transfer of data displayed by a specific station to the computer, provided that the SOM symbol is displayed and the Enter key has been depressed. • Specific Poll to Printer - initiates transmission of printer status to computer (e. g., busy, .ready, not ready). • General Poll - initiates transfer of Printer status and/or. displayed data to computer from the addressed 2845 Display Control. The message from a 2265 Station is transferred if the SOM symbol is displayed and the Enter key has been depressed. Messages are accompanied by the address of the corresponding Display Station. • Read Addressed Full Display btation Buffer - initiates unconditional transfer to the computer of the entire buffer for the addressed station. Selected portions of the display can be transmitted in response to a Specific or General Poll; see the paragraphs under Editing Facilities. There are four write eommands for transferring data to ~ Display Station or Printer: • Write Addressed Display St~tion - conditions the 2845 Control and the addressed station for reception and display of the associated message . • Erase/Write Addressed Display Station - causes the display of the addressed station to be erased and the cursor to be positioned at the first displayable position. • Write Printer - conditions the 2845 Control and the 1053 Printer for reception and printing of the associated message. A positive indication of status is returned if the printer is ready and not busy. • Write Display Line Address - same as Write Addressed Display Station except that the display is started on the indicated line instead of on the first line. The Line Addressing Feature is required in the 2845 Display Control for the use of this command. • Editing Facilities The 2265 Display Station provides a flexible set of edit functions inco:rporating a high degree of cursor mobility. A non-destructive cursor is standardly used; a destructive cursor can be specified at no additional cost. Cursor controls include: • Advance - advances cursor one character position. The destructive cursor causes a blank to be stored in the cursor position. (Contd. ) 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A a . AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6459:05 IBM 2265 AU£RBA( h • 1;:) Description (Contd.) • BacI{space - backspaces cursor one character position. If cursor occupies first character position on line it is moved to the last character position of the previous line. • Space/ Erase - advances the cursor one character position erasing the position occupied by the cursol'. A blank is stored in the cursor position when the destructive cursor is uscd. • Down - positions the cUI'sor down one line; cursor occupies samc location in line. The cursor "wraps-a round;" i. e., moves from the last line to the first line. • l'p - positions til(' cUl'sor up one line; cursor occupies same location in line. cursor '\\'l'aps-around"; i. ('., mo\'es from the first line to the last line. The The cursor is moved at a rate of nine characters per second when the Advance or Backspace are held down. The destructive cursor erases each character location occupied by the cursor. k('~'s Either eursor can be ad\'anced to tlw first position of the ne:\.1 line b~' depressing the Ne\\' Line This operation also l'UUS(,S till' :\e\\' Line symbol to be displayed in the position occupied by the cursor prior to initiat ing the New Line function. The cursor mov('s to the first position of the first line wh(>n the cursor occupies a position on the last line prior to the New Line function (wrap-around). ke~·. When transmitting in response to a Specific Poll or General Poll command, data located between the New Line symbol and the end of that line is not transferred. When receiving, a New Line code in the text data causes the display to jump to the beginning of the next line; data between the ~e\\' Line s~'l11bol and the end of the line is not erased. This "split-screen" capability allO\\'s fixed information such as table or entry headings to be continuously displayed without the need for retransmitting them eac h time. The Line Addressing Feature permits the cursor, under urogram control, to be positioned to the first character position of any line. Other edit functions include: • Erase Disp1n~· - erases entire character location. disp1a~', • Erase to End of Line - erases entire line beginning \\'ith the character location following the cursor; the cursor is not moved. • Erase to End of Screen - erases all data follo'\'ing the (.'Ursor to the last displayable character location. relocating cursor to the first displayable Error Checking and Correction Character and longitudinal parity checking is performed on all data received by the 2845 Control from the remote computer; character parity bits and longitudinal check characters are generated and transferred with all data transmitted from the 2845 Control. If the remote computer retul'l1S a negati\'e acknowledgement indicating that an error was detected at the computer site, the :28-15 Control automatically retransmits the message. The :28-15 Control also checks the parit~' and validity of each command sequence received from the computer. If errors are detected, the 2845 does not make a response of any kind. Programming Support IB:\I states that the software support for the 2701 Data Adapter Unit is extended to cover 2:265 Displa~' Stations as remote terminals under BTAM and QTA:\I for the Operating System/360 and under BTA:'II for the Disk Operating System; see Paragraph 8-1-1:2. -1 in the report on the 2701. .16 First Delh'ery: . April 1969 . . 17 A ya Ua bility: . ? © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5 68 6459:06 IBM 2265 .2- CONFIGURA TION The 2265 Display Station includes: • One 2845 Display Control. Model 1, • One 2265 Display Station, Model 1, and • One 1053 Model 4 Printer if desired. Up to 16 2265/2845 Stations can be connected to the same communications line (multi-station operation) . The 2265 Display can be located up to 50 feet from the 2R45 Display Control. The 2845 Control and 2265 Display Station network can communicate over a common-carrier leased voice-band line with an IBM System/360 Model 25, 30. 40, 44, 50, 65, 67, 75, or 85 computer system incorporating ari IBM 2701 Data Adapter Unit. The transmission speed is 1200 or 2400 bits per second, depending on the Data Set Adapter selected. Once installed, the transmission speed is fixed; i. e. , the operator cannot select between the two speeds. See Paragraph . 72 for the communications facilities that can be accommodated and the data set required for each. The 2845 Control can also be connected directly to a control unit pOSition of an input/output channel of an IBM System/360 Model 25, 30, 40, 44, 50, 65. 67. 75, or 85 computer system. In addition to the capability to connect a 1053 Printer, two other optional features are available: Line Addressing and Destructive Cursor . .3 INPUT . 31 Prepared Input: . 32 Manual Input · no provision . Alphanumeric Keyboard Method of entry:. . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data:. . . Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · via optional 50-key keyboard. · up to 960 characters. . . 64 characters, including digits, upper-case letters, and special symbols; see Table I. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 of the 50 keys provide control functions only and do not produce a displayable symbol; 5 keys to the right of the keyboard provide edit and control functions . . 33 Fixed Input: . . . . . . . . . · no provision. . 34 Transaction Code Input: . ... no provision. .35 Message Configuration Communication between the remote computer and a 2265 Display Station or 1053 Printer is initiated when the computer transmits a four-character addressing sequence to the 2845 Display Control. This sequence consists of the following characters: EOT (poll or read) or SOH (write). Control address. device address. and command character. The command character specifies one of the eight commands discussed in Paragraph .15. When a poll command addressed to a Display Station is received, the appropriate 2265 Station responds with a text message 'consisting of the following characters: STX, Station address. text, ETX, and LRC (longitudinal redundancy check). If a parity error is detected in the buffer when transmitting, the CAN character is inserted just prior to the ETX character. If the computer receives the message without detecting an error. an ACK character is transmitted to the 2265. IT an error is detected. the NAK character is transmitted and the 2845 Contrcl automatically retransmits the message. After the message has been correctly received and the acknowledgement transmitted. the computer can transmit one or more messages to the Display Station. Each message from the computer consists of the following characters: STX. text, ETX. and LRC. Each message is acknowledged with an ACK or NAK character. (Contd. ) 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A I;'b... AlI£RBACH DAH COMM,,'i1LA110N' R£ PORTS 6459:07 IBM 2265 - 3;) l\lessage Configuration (Contd.) If the command is a General Poll, Printer status is first interrogated (if 1053 Adapter is installed) to determine that the Printer is waiting for a computer message and is not busy (ready status). A positive response to printer status is provided by the ~R45 Control which responds: STX. printer address, ETX. and LRC. The required response to this sequence is: STX. text, ETX. and LRC. After accepting the Printer message. the 284G responds with ACK. Another message may be received by the Printer or the operation is terminated by SOH or EOT. The General Poll must be reinitiated after a printer operation to interrogate the 2265 Display status, 01' if a negative response to printer status was transmitted by the 2845, the 2265 Display status is interrogated. If the command is a write command, the 2845 responds with an ACK character if it receives the command correctly and a NAK if not. The computer then transmits one or more messages to the addressed station in the same format as above. Each message is acknowledged with an ACK or NAK by the 2845. If the command is a Line Address Write, the line address is inserted follOWing the STX characte1' in the computer text message. The 3845 Control will make no response if it detects a parity error or an invalid command or address in the addressing sequence. A one-character response of EOT or NAK from the 2845 Control is transmitted to indicate: a negative response to a polling command, end of transmission to a read command. data lost condition to a write command, buffer overflow. or printer busy when addressed. The EOT character normally terminates communication. The text can contain lip to 960 characters. Except for data following a New Line symbol. all characters and symbols are included in the text. excluding the cursor. The displayed data between a New Line symbol and the end of the line is not transmitted when a 2265 is polled, and will not be over-written or erased during a write operation . displa~'ed . 36 Operating Procedure A message to be transmitted from a 2265 Display Station is composed by positioning the cursor at the desired starting position. depressing the Shift key and Start key( which enters the SOH symbol in the cursor position). and keying the data using New Line symbols where applicable. Controls are provided to space forward or backward. move up or down a line at a time. and to return the cursor to the beginning of the next line. The cursor identifies the next display position to be entered. When the optional destructive cursor is moved to a position already containing a display character, that position is erased. The standard non-destructive cursor can be moved freely \\'ithout eraSing data. To transmit a message. Enter key is depressed; this action locks the keyboard and puts the Display Station in a wait condition. When the station is polled by the remote computer. the data stored in the buffer ",ill be transmitted to the computer. A successful transmission causes the SOH symbol to be erased and the keyboard unlocked. If a transmission error is detected at the remote computer. an automatic retransmission can be requested. For certain types of errors, other correction techniques may be used. as controlled by the stored program in the remote computer . . 37 Entry of Time and Date: . . . . . . . • . . . . . no provision . .4 Ol'TPUT . 44 Output to Printer 1053 Model 4 Primer Output medium: . . . . . Character set: . . . . . . . Rated printing speed: . Effective speed: . · friction-fed forms up to 15 inches in width; pinfeed platen is optional; 13-inch maximum print line; printing is 6 or 8 lines per inch vertically and 10 or 12 characters per inch horizontally. · 63 characters plus space; see Table I. · 14.8 char/sec. · somewhat below rated speed due to carriage return and line feed operations. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/68 6459:08 IBM 2265 .44 Output to Printer (Contd.) Format control: . . . . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 · . controlled by function codes in the data message; SOM and EOM cause an SOM and EOM symbol to be printed, respectively; the New Line code causes a carriage return, and line feed. · . printing mechanism is similar to IBM Selectric Typewriter . Output to Visual Display Device 2265 Display Station Output medium: . . . . . cathode ray tube; displays green characters against gray background . Character set: . . . . . . digits 0-9, upper-case letters A-Z, and 28 punctuation and special symbols; see Table I. Character size: . · depends on display format specified; 0.16 inch wide and 0.32 inch high* or 0.13 inch wide and 0.26 inch high; see Comments. Display size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . depends on display format specified; 10.4 inches wide by 4. 8 inches high * or 10. 4 inches wide by 3.12 inches high; see Comments . . . . depends on display format specified; 64* or 80; see Characters per line: . Comments. Lines per display:. . . · depends on display format specified; 15* or 12; see Comments. Characters per display: . . . . . . . . .960. · 960 characters. Buffer capacity: . Format control: . . . . . . . . . . . . . · each space position on the display occupies one character position in the buffer; cursor can be moved one space at a time horizontally or vertically in either direction; automatic cursor wraparound from last position to first when advancing or first position to last when backspacing; Destructive Cursor is optional; a portion of each line can be fixed and not transmitted; entire display except for fixed portion is transmitted each time. Rated output speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2560 char/sec when connected directly to a System/ 360 channel; 120 or 240 char/sec over a voiceband line. Effective output speed: . . . . . . · . lower than rated speed due to exchange of control mes.sages and presence of header characters. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . · two display formats are available; all entries marked by asterisk belong to first display format; those entries that are not marked belong to second display format. .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . visual checking only; depression of a key representing a non-existent character causes the Check symbol to be displayed on the screen . . 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . character and longitudinal parity checks. Error indication: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . negative response (NAK) if parity error is detected in text or if LRC character is not correct; no response if parity error is detected in address sequence; character parity errors are displayed as a Check symbol in place of the character in error. Correction procedure: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . automatic retransmission by 2845, or as programmed in computer. (Contd. ) 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A a .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6459:09 IBM 2265 . 53 Data Recording Errors: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no checking, except visual. · 54 Buffer Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . character parity i:;l checked prior to transmission from 2845 buffer; because of buffer structure, character pairs are checked for parity when refreshing display from buffer; character parity is checked on each character transferred from 2845 buffer to print buffer. Error indication: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inclusion of CAN character just prior to ETX in transmitted message; internal parity errors are indicated by two Check ( ) characters displayed approximately one-half screen apart; each Check character is displayed in the character position immediately following each possible parity error and overwrites previous data; a Check symbol is printed as the last character of a printer operation and precedes the EOM symboi if the error was detected in the display buffer, or follows the EOM symbol if the error was detected in the print buffer; a space is substituted in place of the erroneous character if the error was detected in the print buffer. Correction procedure:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . response to the CAN character is anticipated as a NAK character, which initiates retransmission; attempted keyboard entry following the displayed Check characters causes the keyboard to lock; depressing the Reset key unlocks the keyboard. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if a Read Buffer command is received prior to a keyboard restoration, a CAN character is transmitted. · 55 Line Malfunctions: . . . . .. ·6 CONDITION INDICATORS: . .7 DATA TRANSMISSION · 71 . . . message status, data set status and power. Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: . Transmission method:. . . Transmission code:. . . . . Transmission mode: . . . . . . . . . Order of bit transmission: . . . . . SYilchronization:. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 · no provisions for checking . ... 120 or 240 char/sec (1200 or 2400 bits/sec, respectively) . .. serial by bit. · 7 data bits plus parity bit and unity start-stop bits; a total of 10 bits are transmitted for each character. · half-duplex. · low-order bit (B1) is transmitted first, parity bit last. · unity start and stop bits are transmitted with each character . Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Data Set* Bell System leased line Type 3002-C1 Data Channel (1200 bits/sec): . . . . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 202D. Bell System leased line Type 3002-C2 Data Channel (2400 bits/sec): . . . . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 201B. * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/68 6459:10 IBM 2265 .73 Transmission Control Call initiation: Call reception: Functional operations: . . • . . . . • . . . . 74 Multistation Operation Polling: . . • . • . . . . . . . . • . . • . • . . Addressing: . • . . . • • • . • . . . • . • . . .8 only when polled or addressed by remote computer. normally a 2265 complex operates over a dedicated line and a permanent connection maintained. line feed and carriage return operations can be initiated by control characters in the text of a message . up to 16 2845/2265 stations can be attached to a communications line; units attached to a 2845 control can be polled individually (Specific Poll) or all units connected to a 2845 Control can be polled (General Poll). 2845/2265 stations cannot communicate directly with one another; the remote computer can selectively communicate with each terminal. PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS 2265 Display Unit Component Without Keyboard With Keyboard 2845 Display Control 1053 Model 4 Printer 18.375 17.375 16.375 75 18.375 26 16.375 90 15 26 27 195 14 14 17 40 - O. 1 115 60 1 50-110 8-80 1 60-90 20-80 335 Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) 115 60 Phases Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) .9 - 1 50-110 8-80 - 115 60 - 1 50-110 8-80 - - PRICE DATA Monthly Rental Purchase Price Monthly Maintenance $ $ $ 2265 Display Station, Modell Alphanumeric Keyboard 170 20 5,430 900 40. 00 5,00 2845 Display Control, Modell 170 8,295 28.25 1,940 59.25 10.00 Component or Feature 1053 Model 4 Printer Pin- Feed Platen 49 - Special Features for 2845 Destructive Cursor Line Addressing 1053 Adapter NC 10 73 NC - No charge 5/70 115 60 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports NC 450 3,275 - NC NC 2.25 fA ,~, ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA 6520:01 COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS KLEINSCHMIDT 300 SERIES ~ KLEINSCHMIDT 300 SERIES TELEPRINTERS .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . Kleinschmidt Model 311 Electronic Data Printer and Model 321 High Speed Automatic Data Set (ADS). .12 Manufacturer: •.. Kleinschmidt Division of SCM Corporation Deerfield. illinois .13 Basic Function: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .. transmit data from paper tape (Model 321) or keyboard over a narrow-band or voice-band line at transmission rates up to 37.5 char/sec; receive data from a narrow-band or voice-band line at transmission rates up to 37.5 char/sec and punch it into paper tape (Model 321) and/or print data on paper form . . 15 Description The Model 311 Electronic Data Printer and the Model 321 High Speed Automatic Data Set are included in the SCM Kleinschmidt 300 Series of teleprinte:rs. These units serve as data communications terminals when connected to a communications line or as input-output devices when interfaced with a computer system. Model 311 is available as a receive-only page printer. or as a send-receive set equipped with a keyboard. Model 321 is an automatic send-receive set conSisting of a keyboard. page printer. and paper tape reader and punch. The set can provide printed copy and/or punched paper tape copy fram received messages. and can transmit messages automatically from the tape reader or manually from the keyboard. All models and configurations require an Electronic Logic Module. The .Electronic Logic Module for Model 321 is enclosed in the table (Figure 1). Model 311 Printers can have three different module configurations: a separate package. a "bustle" behind the printer. or a table-mounted arrangement similar to the Model 321. These three logic packages are utilized according to the specific equipment requirements. Both models can be equipped with a 32-key (3-row) keyboard for operation with conventional 5-level Baudot .code. Alternatively. either model can be equipped with a 53-key or 52-key (4-row) keyboard for operation with a 6-level code (6 data bits per character) or 8-level ASCII code (7 data bits per character plus odd parity) respectively. The keyboard is self-contained and does not require key pressure to drive the key-lever mechanism. Model 321 keyboards are equipped with an end-of-line indicator and a character counter. The page printer used in both m:odels employs a type drum containing the character set required by the keyboard type used. A double-hammer printing mechanism allows the printer to operate at a peak speed of 37. 5 characters per second by processing two characters simultaneously. Many previously-sold models use a Single-hammer printing mechanism that limits the transmission rate to a maximum of 20 characters per second. A singlehammer printer is now offered as an option for compatibility with previous Kleinschmidt Single-hammer printers. Single-hammer printers are not available with the Model 321. Printed line length is 72 characters, spaced at 10 characters per inch, or an optional 76. 78, or 80 characters per line with the same spacing. Vertical spacing is 6 lines per inch. Rolls of paper or fanfold forms can be used by the printers, with paper widths of S inches for 72- or 76-character line lengths or 9 inches for SO-character line lengths. The printer sprocket pins can be retracted by the operator when friction feed is desired. The sprocket pins will feed the original and up to three copies, but only a single copy can be fed by friction feed. © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 2/67 6520:02 KLEINSCHMIDT 300 SERIES Figure 1. Kleinschmidt Model 311 Electronic Data Printer (left) and Model 321 High Speed Automatic Data Set (right) • 15 Description (Contd. ) The paper tape reader and punch, (Model 321) are provided with adjustable tape guides to permit using standard 11/16-, 7/8-, or 1-inch paper tape with 5, 6, 7, or 8 code levels. Partially-punched (chadless) or fully-punched paper tape can be used on the readers; the punch produces fully-punched tape. A wide range of serial-by-bit transmission rates is available when Models 311 and 321 are used as data communications terminals. The Kleinschmidt devices in this report use an 8-unit or 11-unit code structure (see Table I) as standard; however, Teletype-compatible unit-code structures of 7. 0, 7. 42, and 7.5 units at standard transmission rates from 45 to 75 bits per second are available. Unit-code structures of 9, 10, and 10.5 units are also available over a wide range of transmission rates. To change unit-code structures or transmission rates, it is only necessary to interchange a few printed-circuit boards in the Electronic Logic Module. A two-position switch is provided to select one of two customer-selected transmission rates. TABLE I: BASIC TRANSMISSION RATES Code Level Code Structure, Units* Transmission Rate Bits/Sec Char/Sec 5 8.00 150 300 18.8 37.5 6 8.00 110 150 13.8 18.8 8 11.00 150 300 13.6 27.3 * Total number of bits per data character, including start and stop bits used for synchronization. (Contd. ) 2/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports IA ,~, ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6520:03 KLEINSCHMIDT 300 SERIES III Both models can be used on narrow-band communications lines when transmitting at the lower transmission rates; a voice-band communications line is required for transmiS8ion at 300 bits per second. Models 311 and 321 can be used as input-output equipment interfaced with a computer system. Data transmission rates of up to 40 characters per second (parallel by bit) are obtainable. An 8-leve1 (7 data bits plus odd parity) ASCII code is usually employed with this configuration. Parallel data transmission can be used for data communications terminal applications, but is not recommended. The Electronic Logic Module, contained in both models, provides logic circuits necessary for control of the page printer, tape reader and punch, and transmission rate regulation. Space is available in the module for optional features including Form Feed, Vertical Tab, etc. Optional features available for Models 311 and 321 include: 8~level • Choice of 5-, 6-, 7-, or • • Low paper alarm, Combined carriage return and line feed, • • Automatic carriage return and line feed, Various multistation operation control features, • Extended print line length from 72 characters to 76, 78, or 80 characters, and code, • Horizontal and vertical tabulation. The keyboard page printer, pap~r tape reader, and punch contained in the Model 321 can be operated in various combinations to perform a variety of functions. For example, the keyboard and punch can be used for direct, off-line perforation of tape while the page printer remains free to receive incoming messages or to monitor messages transmitted from the tape reader. • 16 First Delivery: . • • . • • • . • • • . • . • • •• Model 311: August 1964; Model 321: January 1966. • 17 Availability:.................... 5 to 10 months, depending on configuration . .2 CONFIGURATION Model 311, when used as a receive-only set, contains a page printer and Electronic Logic Module; when used as a send-receive set, it contains a page printer, keyboard, and Electronic Logic Module. Model 321 contains a page printer, keyboard, paper tape reader and punch, and Electronic Logic Module. Connection to standard communications facilities and the data set required, if any, are described in Paragraph. 72 • •3 INPUT · 31 Prepared Input Model 321 Paper Tape Reader Input medium: •..•.••...•.•..... Input code: •.•..•.•••..••...... Quantity of data:. • • . . . . . . . • . . . • . . Rated input speed: . . . . . • . • • • . . . . . Effective speed: ••.••••••••••. •. Comments: 11/16-, 7/8- or I-inch fully-punched or partially-punched paper tape. 5-level Baudot, 6-level code, or 8-level ASCII; see Tables II, ill anq. IV. Optionally, any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code can be used. variable. 40 char/sec. somewhat less than rated speed; depends on transmission rate and block length. holes are pin sensed; movement of the sensing pins is photoelectrically sensed. © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 2/67 6520:04 KLEINSCHMIDT 300 SERIES TABLE TI: KLEINSCHMIDT BAUDOT 5-LEVEL TRANSMISSION CODE LETTERS BIT5_ b 3 b, b. ~ ~ ~ 0 b,~ • FIGURES I BITS 0 I b. b. ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 2 3 CALANK) T ,tLANK) 5 [ l 3 " 0 0 , 0 LI.' '[(D) L ,I£D' ~-- 0 0 I I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 I 0 2 0 0 I I 3 A W 0 I 0 0 4 (SPACEI H 0 I 0 I s y 0 I I 0 0 I I I I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 I I 0 I I I I 0 I 13 F x I I I 0 14 c v I I I I 15 K (LTRS. I I LINE 'HYPHEN) CSPACEI # 0 0 0 I , R II J , , 0 C toO F X 0 12 13 14 N 0 I 15 I I 1\ J 0 Manual Input Model 311 and Model 321 Keyboard Method of entry: •••••••••.••••• Quantity of data: •••••.•••••.••. Character set: .............. . Comments: p 9 0 (LT"S) I 10 II ( y I 10 : H S 0 0 I ISPAC[I I IC.'. B G ! W 0 0 0 N A 0 «C.R.) 9 , , , , , , , , I I I 0 , j t C x • L ICL'NE FEED 0 8 I 12 5 " Q 0 "'GS) 3 0 I . • i! U 7 C'ICS. toO 2 3 4 5 3 le.R Q * , E 2 8 0 u 4 I 0 I T 0 III -- It 0 II 0 ~ -'IIEL 8 6 I ? a 0 ROW 10 6 7 5 6 7 -~- , 0 0 01 , , 0 , , 0 I 'H"P"[H) J .. 2 tt • 8 7 t 1 A 9 B S ? G 4 . a __ ~J"oP"' I to , I Oft .-- f - . _ . I ..- V " , • 1/1 " . (1) This code is the same as the 5-level Baudot code in Table I with the addition of a sixth bit to indicate Letters or Figures shift. tt Invalid code; the indicated symbol is printed if the code is received, but the code cannot be transmitted from the keyboard. 33-, 52-, or 53-key keyboard. variable. 64 or 96 (ASCII) characters, including uppercase letters, digits, special characters and functions; see Tables II, TIl, and IV. there is no mechanical linkage between keyboard keys and printing mechanism. no provision. no provision. 1 to N data characters with control characters intel'spersed; control characters are keyed in or are in the paper tape input (Model 321 only). .33 • 34 .35 Fixed Input: Transaction Code Input:. . . • . . • . • . . . Message Configuration: .•.•••.•.•.. • 36 Operating Procedure The operating procedure can vary greatly depending on the application and the optional control features installed • Entry of Time and Date: • • • • • • • • • • • no provision • OUTPUT Output to Punched Tape Model 321 Paper Tape Punch Tape size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/16-, 7/8, or I-inch paper tape. Tape code: •••••••.••••.••••.• 5-level Baudot, 6-level code, or 8-level ASCII; see Tables II, m, and IV. Optionally, any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code can be used. Rated punching speed: • • • • • • • • • • • • 40 char/sec. Effective speed: •••••••••••••••• somewhat less than rated speed; depends on speed of transmitting device, block length, and grade of transmission line used. none. Format control: •••••••••••••.•• (Contd. ) • 37 •4 .41 2/67 ~ I 0 • 32 •,~ . ROW.~ 0 00 6,5_ b, b, 0 0 0 TABLE III: KLEINSCHMIDT 6-LEVEL TRANSMISSION CODE (1) AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6520:05 KLEINSCHMIDT 300 SERIES TABLE IV: KLEINSCHMIDT ASCII TRANSMISSION CODE alTS 7,',Ii_ •• ~ ·s ·2 ~ ~ 100 101 110 III 3 4 5 6 7 • , p I A 2 B 0 R " 3 4 C S D T Yo !I 6 7 8 E U H X 9 y Z 000 001 010 011 0 I 2 j'r::R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NUll OLE .....<1. I I SOH DCI ! I 0 2 sn De2 I I 3 ETX DC3 I 0 (l • EOT I I 0 I ~ DC4 NACK I 0 6 I I I 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I 0 0 I I 0 I .. I I I I I I I I I I ENO ACK 8 CNCl 9 HT EM 0 10 LF S$ I 10 VT ESC 12 FF 11 RElURN I 1+ • •, SYNC BELL 15 0 · ETa I I F V G W : t J + ; K [ FS I COM ... I < l M '" kwtMI!' SO GS RS 51 us > N I ? 0 * · · - 1 .... "" utlDI_l._ DEL TYPE WI1CEL SYMBOLS NOTES: (1) Odd parity bit be is generated. (2) Shift key inverts bs and be. (3) Control key (CTRL) changes try from 1 to 0 and inverts be. (4) Shift and control keys invert b s and change ~ from 1 to O. (5) n is nonprint symbol in space position. • 44 Output to Printer Model 311 and 321 Page Printer Output medium: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. Rated printing speed: '. • • . • • • • • • •• Effective speed: •••.•••••••••••• Format control: •••••••••••••••• Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION: •7 • 71 DAT A TRANSMISSION Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: .•.•.••••• Transmission method: .••..••••.•. Transn1ission code: ••••.••.•••••• (6) Incoming codes from columns 0 and 1 will be discarded except for Bell, LF and Return. (7) Incoming codes for columns 6 and 7 will be printed as corresponding characters in columns 4 and 5. The DEL code will not cause printing. (8) All control characters appear on keys and can be transmitted from keyboard. friction-fed or pin-fed roll or fanfold forms, 8 inches wide (72- or 76-position line) or 9 inches wide (78- or 80 position line. upper-case alphabetics, numerics, specials and punctuation marks; see Tables II, m, and IV. 37.5 char/sec. somewhat less than rated speed, depends on transmission speed, block length, and operations such as carriage return, line feed, etc. through the use of special control codes in the received data. horizontal spacing is 10 char/inch; vertical spacing is 6 char/inch. no detection facilities other than visual verification of manual input. A character parity bit is generated and transmitted with each character when using the ASCII keyboard arrangement. Parity error detection is available by request for ASCII models 311 and 321. up to 300 bits/sec; see Table I. serial by bit. 5-level Baudot, 6-level code, or 8-level ASCII; see Tables II, III, and IV. Optionally, any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code can be used. © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation anrt AUERBACH Info, Inc. 2/67 6520:06 KLEINSCHMIDT 300 SERIES . 71 Basic Characteristics (Contd.) Transmission mode: .••••••.••••.• Order of bit transmission: ••.•.•••• Synchronization: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Data Set* Common-carrier leased telegraphgrade line (up to 75 bits/sec) ••..••. Bell System Schedule 3A NarrowBand Data Channel (up to 150 bits/sec) •• Western Union Class D Data Channel (up to 180 bits/sec): •••••.••••••• Public switched telephone network (up to 300 bits/sec): •••..••.••.•• Common-carrier leased voice-band line (up to 300 bits/sec): ..•.••.••. • 73 half-duplex or full-duplex. low..:.order bit of each character is transmitted first. start and stop bits are transmitted with each character; see Table I for code structure • none required. Bell System Data Set 103F. Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A. Bell System Data Sci- 103F, or Western Union 1200 Baud Data JI.lodem • Transmission Control Call initiation: •..•.••..•.•••.••• Call reception: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional operations:. . • • . . • . .• • • • manual. manual. carriage return, line feed, bell, horizontal tab, and vertical tab are initiated by special control codes . • 74 Multistation Operation: . : ",' ••.•..•• various control units and additional Model 311 or 321 modifications allow multi station operation; e ..g., selective polling and addressing • . This feature is based on specific customer requirements . .8 PHYSCIAL SPECIFICATIONS Component Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Model 311 R/O Printer 17 20.6 9.75 56 Model 311 SIR Printer 17 24.75 9.75 64 Model 321 ADS - 21 25.6 35.9 130 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 0.150 115 50* or 60 1 0.150 115 50* or 60 1 0.250 115 50* or 60 1 Temperllture Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat kBTU!hr) 32 to 132 up to 95 NA 32 to 132 up to 95 NA 40 to 122 up to 95 NA -- * Pulley change is required for 50-cycle operation. NA - Information not available from Kleinschmidt. * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. (Contd. ) 2/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH DATA ~ AUERBACH 6520:07 COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS KLEINSCHMIDT 300 SERIES 110 .9 PRICE DATA Kleinschmidt states that a complete price list would be impractical due to the great number of options and special arrangements possible. Price ranges for units equipped for bit-serial data communications are listed below. Component or Feature Purchase Price Range, $* Model 311 Electronic Data Printer: Receive-Only Page Printer I Send-Receive Set I 2,370 to 3,355 3,790 to 4,470 I Model 321 Automatic Data Set 5,748 to 6,401 Options Extended Print Line: 76 Character Positions 78 Character Positions 80 Character Positions Horizontal Tab Vertical Tab 7 10 15 100 to 235 105 to 165 '-- * T.he price ranges reflect the use of different transmission codes and keyboards. The first figure is for a 5-level Baudot arrangement; the second is for an 8-level ASCII arrangement. Information on quantity discounts, lease rates, and maintenance charges can be obtained from Kleinschmidt for specific equipment arrangements. @ 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 2/67 A AUERBACH AUERBACH COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY REPORTS e 1. I MOHAWK 1100 SERIES DAT A-RECORDERS 6540 GENERAL 1.1 Identity:...................... 1100 Series Data-Recorders; see Table I for a list of the current models in the line. 1.2 Manufacturer: Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation P.O. Box 630 Herkimer, New York 13350 1.3 Basic Function: transmission of computer-compatible magnetic tape data over a voiceband line; source tape can be recorded and verified via keyboard. 1.4 Basic Units: see Table I 1. 5 Description The Mohawk 1100 Series Data-Recorders are designed to reduce or eliminate the need for punched cards as an input medium for computer installations. The 1100 Series Data-Recorders record data directly on magnetic tape in a format compatible with the IBM 729 Series Magnetic Tape Units; this format has become a virtual industry standard for 7-track recording. The units used to record data can also be used to verify previously recorded records. TABLE 1. MOHAWK 1100 SERIES DATA-RECORDERS Data-Recorder Model (1) Auxiliary Input/Output Device 1 poolin Control 2) Communications Interface Standard Features (3) Optional Features (3) 1101 None No No None All except 705, 707 1102 None Yes No 100 All except 705, 707 1103 None No Yes 100 All except 705, 707 1104 3021 Adding Machine No No 703 All except 707 1105 3005 Paper Tape Reader No No 703 All except 705, 707 All except 401-407, 705 1106 3011 or 3051 Punched Card Reader No No 703 1109 3011 or 3051 Punched Card Reader No Yes 100, 703 All except 401-407, 705 1112 3021 Adding Machine No Yes 100, 703 All except 707 1115 3005 Paper Tape Reader No Yes 100 All except 705, 707 1118 3013 Prtuter No No 703 All except 401-407, 705, 707 1122 None Yes No 100 All except 500, 501, 503, 705, and 707 902 None Yes No 100, 600 110 only 1181 (4) 3013 Printer No No 709 503 only 1183 3013 Printer No Yes 100, 703 All except 401-407, 705, 707 Notes: (I) See text for additional details about the capabilities of individual models. (2) Pooling control Is the capability for transcription of data from one magnetic tape to another on a different unit. (3) These numbers refer to the Special Feature numbers; see Paragraph. 9, Price Data. (4) Data is entered directly from the typewriter keyboard; the standard Data-Recorder keyboard Is not included. e 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc 6540 DATA COMMUNICATIONS Figure 1. Mohawk 1103 LDC Data-Recorder Different models of the 11 00 line provide limited capabilities for data input or output using a variety of devices other than a keyboard; some models are equipped with a communications interface for transmitting and receiving data over a voiceband line. Only those models of the 1100 Series that are equipped with a communications interface are described in this report. For a detailed analysis of the 1100 Series Data-Recorders as used for input preparation, see AUERBACH Data Handling Reports, Report 2550. Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation was formed in September 1964. Its first product, the 1101 Keyed Data-Recorder, was announced shortly afterward, and initial deliveries were made in April 1965. Through the addition of auxiliary input or output units, special controls, and communications interfaces to the basic 1101, the product line has been expanded to include some 13 devices within the 1100 Series. In addition, Mohawk produces several units designed for sale to computer manufacturers for inclusion in computer systems. The 1101 Keyed Data-Recorder is the basic member of the 1100 Series. It permits data entered via a keyboard to be recorded directly on magnetic tape in a format suitable for input to a computer. The same unit, operating in a different mode, can be used to verify a tape previously recorded by itself or by another 1101. The 1101 Data-Recorder provides the same general facilities for preparation and verification of magnetic tape records that a conventional keypunch and verifier provide for punched cards. as well as some unique capabilities. The models contained in the current 1100 Series line are listed in Table I along with the distinctive features of each device; additional details on each model with a communications interface are contained later in this section. All models (except the 902, which records in a 9-track format) 2 AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-128 MOHAWK 1100 SERIES DATA-RECORDERS 6540 TABLE II. AUXILIARY INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES Mohawk Model Number Original Manufacturer and Designation Adding Machine 3021 Victor Digit-Matic Premier Paper Tape Reader 3005 NCR EM-A4 Device Punched Card Reader Printer 3011 (80-column); 3051 (51-column) 3013 NCR EM-D2 (PE) IBM Model 735 I/O Typewriter can be used to prepare or verify data in the same way as an 1101. Models with communications interfaces transmit data from a previously prepared tape; manual or auxiliary input operations cannot be performed during transmission. The 1103 ltDC Data-Recorder The 1103 LDC Data-Recorder is essentially an 1101 Keyed Data-Recorder with a communications interface added. Other 1100 Series members that include a communications interface are simply expanded versions of the 1103 LDC incorporating various input/output devices. In addition to the basic functions of the 1101, the 1103 LDC is designed to provide buffered, syn- chronous communications in a half-duplex mode with a remote 1100 Series communications terminal over the public telephone network at 1200 or 1,600 (optional) bits per second, or over a leased voiceband line at 2,400 or 4,800 (optional) bits per second. Speeds above 1,600 bits per second require the optional High-Speed Communications Interface. Data transfer between terminals is under control of the programs stored in the sending and receiving buffers. The central component of the 1103 is the core storage unit which acts as a buffer. The buffer holds the keyed-in or received data when recording and the record to be checked when verifying. The use of the buffer eased Mohawk's task of designing a unit for recording tape in a format compatible with the magnetic tape drives used with computers. The core storage unit adds greatly to the ease and flexibility of preparing and verifying magnetic tape records. This unit permits a program to be stored for defining the format of the tape records and for automatically initiating certain operations; it also provides buffer storage for data prior to recording or comparison. The basic 1101 contains 100 positions of core storage, of which 80 are used. Usable storage can optionally be increased, in discrete amounts, up to 180 characters. The Basic Program storage area contains three bits of storage for each character position of the record. Codes stored in the program area are used to delimit fields within a record and to define such operations as automatic duplication or verification of common information, automatic skipping, manual keying, and alphabetic (lower) or numeric (upper) shift. The Alternate Program storage area (a standard feature on the 1103 LDC) provides an additional three bits of program storage per character position. The Basic and Alternate progTam storage areas allow two different record formats to be defined; e. g., both a transmit and receive program could be stored for interchanging data between terminals. Control can be freely switched between the basic program and the alternate program by the Program Revert switch located on the operator panel. Program memory can be loaded from a strip of magnetic tape or by manual entry. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 3 6540 DATA COMMUNICATIONS A separate bit, common to both the basic and alternate programs, is provided for each character position. This bit is set during a verifying operation when the character read from a record is not the same as that in data storage for the previous record. This technique permits manual initiation of automatic verification of data fields duplicated in consecutive records. Operating Modes There are five principal modes of operation for the 1103 LDC Data-Recorder, of which two are used for data communications. The five principal modes, as selected by the operator, are Entry, Verify, Search, Send, and Receive. Data is recorded on magnetic tape in the Entry mode. Data entered via the keyboard is stored in the core storage unit. Fixed data can be automatically retained from record to record. When a complete record has been assembled, the recording action can be initiated automatically or manually. Data is written on the tape along with the character parity bits and the longitudinal parity check character. Then the tape is automatically backspaced and read, and the recorded data is compared bit for bit with the data stored in memory. The recorded character parity bits and the longitudinal check character are also checked. A magnetic tape previously recorded on an 1103 can be checked in the Verify mode. A record is read into the unit's data storage area. Duplicate information in a series of records can be verified automatically as specified by the program. The operator can also initiate automatic verification of a data field by depressing the Dup key. Character and longitudinal parity are checked as the record is read in. If a discrepancy is detected while data is being keyed in to verify a tape record, the keyboard is inter locked and the operator is alerted by indicator lamps and an audible alarm. The opera,tor can determine whether there is an error in the tape record by making repeated attempts to key in the character or by observing and interpreting the one-character binary data display. Corrections are easily made by depressing a special key and then keying the correct character. A separate control key permits correction of an entire field. If a correction is made, the tape is automatically backspaced. After completing the verification and correction of a record containing errors, the operator must reverify the entire corrected record. The record is written on tape, backspaced, and checked as when recording. The recorded and verified data is transmitted to the receiving terminal by placing the sending and receiving terminals in the Send and Receive mode, respectively. Both operations are discussed in the following paragraphs. Data is transmitted in fixed-length records as specified by the send and receive programs. Record size can vary from a single character up to the 80-character capacity of the standard buffer. A record can contain as many as 180 characters when the available buffer options are employed at both the sending and receiving terminals. Before a record can be transmitted, the sending terminal must read the record from tape, check each character read for correct parity, and load the entire record into the ('ore buffer. Transmission begins when the core buffer contains the complete record and a ready status is received from the receiving terminal. Each 6-bit character read from the core buffer during transmission is translated to a 4-bit or an 8-bit character, serialized, and transmitted to the receiving terminal. The receiving terminal performs a validity check on each received character, translates the 4or 8-bit character to the internal 6-bit code, and stores each of the translated characters in the core buffer. In addition to the validity check performed on each character, the receiving terminal performs a longitudinal parity check at the end of the received record. After each character of the record has been correctly received (i.e., no transmission errors), the record is written on tape and the written data is checked for data recording errors. When the received. record is successfully written on tape, the receiving terminal acknowledges the transmitting terminal via 4 AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 300'-'30 MOHAWK noo 6540 SERIES DATA-RECORDERS the reverse-channel technique. Transmission of the next record begins when the acknowledge is received from the receiving terminal and the sending terminal is ready to transmit (i. e., when the next record is stored in its core buffer). In the Search mode, a particular record can be located on the tape if it contains a unique identifying code or field. The identifying data is keyed into memory in the same position it occupies in the record. The tape halts when a match is found or when blank tape is encountered. The Search mode can be used to locate the beginning point of an interrupted recording or verifying operation, or to locate a specific record for modification or correction. TABLE Ill. MOHAWK 1100 SERIES NUMERIC TRANSMISSION CODE Numeric to Be Transmitted 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Representation in Buffer and on Magnetic Tape* Transmission Code** BA8421 8 4 2 1 o0 o0 o0 o0 o0 1 0 1 1 0 1 001 001 o1 0 0 0 0 000 001 001 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 000101 o 0 011 0 o0 0 1 1 1 00100 0 o 0 1 001 0 1 0 1 0 o1 0 1 011 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 001 *Each numeric includes a parity bit, which accompanies the numeric when recorded on tape or in the buffer. **The transmission code configuration provents more than two sequential identical bits per numeric and permits a limited validity check. Codes and Error Control Internal 6-bit character codes are translated to one of two specific transmission codes. Buffer positions designated as numeric locations by the stored program are translated from a 6-bit code to a 4-bit transmission code. Alphanumeric buffer positions are translated from a 6-bit code to an 8-bit transmission code. Table III shows the relationship between the numeric internal code and the transmission code. Alphanumeric characters are encoded as follows: Internal code 1248AB Transmission code 12248AAB The barred numbers indicate the two's complement of the preceding bit. transmission code for alphanumerics. Table IV shows the The numeric and alphanumeric transmission codes permit a limited means for checking character validity. The stored program at the receiving terminal designates specific buffer positions as numeric or alphanumeric codes. If an alphanumeric character is received in a position programmed for a numeric character, a character error results. A numeric character received in a pOSition programmed for an alphanumeric character does not cause a character error. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5 DATA COMMUNICATIONS 6540 TABLE IV. MOHAWK 1100 SERIES ALPHANUMERIC TRANSMISSION CODE Bit Position Symbol SYNC* ODD* EVEN* (NOT USED) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 'if @ , = " SPACE / S T U V W X Y Z F , % - Bit Position Symbol BAA8 4221 o0 1 1 o0 1 1 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 10 10 1011 o 100 0101 o 0 10 0011 1100 1101 1010 1100 1101 1101 1101 1101 1011 0100 0101 0010 001 1 & 110 1 1101 1101 1101 1010 1100 1101 1010 1011 0100 A B C D E 1 01 0 101 0 1010 1010 1010 0101 0010 0011 1100 1101 F 1010 1010 1011 1 0 1 1 1 01 1 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1010 101 1 0100 o 10 1 0010 o0 1 1 1100 1101 1010 1 01 1 BAA8 4221 o 000 o 010 0100 0100 o 100 010 0 0100 0100 0100 111 1 1111 1 1 1 1 0100 0101 o 010 001 1 1100 110 1 0100 0100 010 1 010 1 010 1 101 0 101 1 0100 010 1 0010 010 010 010 010 010 001 1 1100 1101 1010 1011 * 0100 0101 001 0 0011 110 0 1 1 1 1 1 o 010 o0 1 0 o0 1 0 001 0 o 010 o0 1 0 o0 1 0 o 010 o0 1 1 o0 1 1 o0 1 1 001 1 o 011 o0 1 1 1101 1010 1011 0100 0101 o0 1 0 o0 1 1 1100 1101 '> ? - J K L M N 0 P Q R ! $ ) ; G H I 9 < ( + I *ODD or EVEN message codes precede data block for block count protection; see Paragraph 1. 5. SYNC, ODD, and EVEN codes are unique and are not generated from a character code by the method described in Paragraph 1. 5. An odd/even message code (8-bits) precedes each transmitted record to ensure against the loss or duplication of records. The odd/even message code is generated at both sending and receiving terminals. A message code error results when the two codes do not agree. Error signaling in response to incorrect message codes or data transmission errors is performed via the reverse-channel technique. The inherent value of this technique is that it eliminates the time required for line turnaround to allow the receiver to transmit an acknowledge code. An interrupted signal on the reverse channel during data transmission is interpreted by the send-:ing terminal as a request for retransmission. The signal on the reverse channel is normally interrupted at the end of a transmission (i. e., after the last character is received correctly) and 6 AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-132. MOHAWK 1100 SERIES DATA-RECORDERS 6540 is not returned until the currently received record has been successfully written on magnetic tape. Once the signal is returned, the sending terminal, if ready, begins to transmit the next record to the receiving terminal. If the reverse-channel signal is not returned within a 20-second period, initiated at the start of the last record, transmission is halted and operator intervention is required. For a further description of the reverse-channel technique, see Report 6221, Digitronics Reverse-Channel Dial-o-Verter Line. Other 1100 Series Models Other models in the 1100 Series line, which contain a communications interface, are described in the following paragraphs. All these units can be operated as an 1101 Keyed Data-Recorder when not in the send or receive modes. In appearance, the other models are identical with the 1103 LDC except for the addition of an auxiliary input or output device, which is usually located on the desk to the left of the operator. Model 1109 DPC Data-Recorder (Punched Card Input) - This unit is similar to the 1103 and includes a 3011 (SO-column) or 3051 (51-column) Punched Card Reader. Data is read photoelectrically from cards and can be entered into memory for recording on the magnetic tape in addition to keyed-in data. The punched card reader is controlled from the 1109 keyboard and by program codes in memory. Cards can be read continuously at 75 cards per minute for transcription of data from the punched cards to magnetic tape. Cards can also be fed one at a time. The capacity of both the input hopper and output stacker is 500 cards. The 11 09 is normally used to transfer prepunched data contained in turnaround cards to magnetic tape as part of the total record. Model 1112 Data-llecorder (Adding/Listing) - This unit is similar to the 1103 and includes a Model 3021 14-column, net balance, adding/listing machine that can be operated from the 1104 keyboard. Data keyed into the fields specified by program codes is entered into memory and transferred to the adding machine, where it is printed and added to the machine accumulator. Non-add, identifying numbers, and negative numbers (subtraction) can also be entered. Printing of a total can be initiated from either the keyboard or the adding machine; the total, however, is not entered into the 1112's memory or recorded on the magnetic tape. A subtotal key is provided on the adding machine keyboard with Feature 705. The adding machine can be used independently of the 1112 for conventional functions. The 1112 provides a convenient method for accumulating proof or hash totals when preparing a large number of records for input to further processing. Model 1115 Data-Recorder (Paper Tape Input) - This unit is similar to the 1103 and includes a Model 3005 Paper Tape Reader. Data can be read from paper tape and entered into data memory for recording on the magnetic tape in addition to keyed-in data. The Paper Tape Reader is controlled from the 1115 keyboard and by program codes in memory and codes in the data from paper tape. The 3005 Tape Reader can accommodate 11/16-, 7/S-, or 1-inch paper tape punched in any 5- to S-level code. The rated reading speed is 400 characters per second. Mohawk states that the unit will read a minimum of 100 SO-character records per minute and typically averages 120 to 130 records per minute. Model 1183 Data-Recorder (Typewriter Output) - This unit is similar to the 1103 and includes a MOdel 3013 Printer. Data previously recorded on magnetic tape can be printed in a separate pass. Data within a record can be selectively printed as specified by the program codes in memory. Horizontal tabulation can be initiated by a specific program code and controlled by the tab stops set up in the printer. Printing can be initiated automatically for each record in a continuous run or initiated manually for selected records (located, perhaps, by search operations). The 3013 Printer is the JBM 735 Input/Output Typewriter; it can be used as a conventional electric typewriter when not being used with the 1183. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS 6540 Model 1320 Buffered Line Printer - This unit consists of a line printer with a rated printing speed of 250 lines per minute (using full character set) or 375 lines per minute (all numeric) and a 132-character buffer. The printer can be connected to any 1100 Series Data-Recorder and can receive data directly from a communications line or from magnetic tape; both operations are controlled by the program stored in the Data-Recorder buffer. The printer is capable of printing up to 132 characters per line and can handle pin-fed fanfold forms up to 20 inches wide. The printer can operate in one of two modes: the edit mode or the non-edit mode. Format control operations, including horizontal tabulation, spacing, and line feed, are initiated by control characters when the printer is in the edit mode. The non-edit mode is used for tape listing operations; format control functions are not provided. 1.6 First Delivery: May 1966. 1. 7 Availability: 4 to 6 weeks 2. CONFIGURATION The 1103 LDC Data-Recorder includes: • A magnetic tape drive. II A magIietic core buffer. • A keyboard for entering data. • A communications interface. Other 1100 Series models that include a communications interface and an input or output device include: • 1109 DPC Data-Recorder - includes a punched card reader. • 1112 DPA Data-Recorder - includes an adding/listing machine. • 1115 DPT Data-Recorder - includes a paper tape strip reader. • 1183 DPP Data-Recorder - includes an output typewriter. Any 1100 Series Data-Recorder can also include a Model 1320 Buffered Line Printer. The 1320 Printer can be used to receive data from a communications line directly or can operate a data transcription device to print data previously recorded on magnetic tape. All auxiliary input/output devices included with Mohawk Data-Recorders except the 1320 Printer can be used only for data transcription purposes or in the preparation of a tape; they cannot interface directly with a communications line. The adding/listing device included with the 1112 Data-Recorder is operated from the 1112 keyboard concurrently with entering data in the 1112 buffer; data cannot be transferred from the buffer to the adding/listing device. 3. 3.1 INPUT Prepared Input Magnetic tape drive (with all 1100 Series Data-Recorders) Input medium: 8 0.5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 200 bits/in. compatible with IBM 729 Series tape format. AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-134 MOHAWK 1100 SERIES DATA-RECORDERS Input code: 6540 6-bit BCD (even parity) or binary (odd parity); see Tables III and IV. 80 characters; optionally 84, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160 or 180 characters. 64 characters; alphanumerics plus special and record format characters. 6,250 char/sec. limited by block length and transmission speed. Quanti ty of data: Character set: Rated input spe ed: Effective speed: Punched card reader (with 1109 DPC Data-Recorder) . Input medium: Input code: ••. Quantity of data: Character set: . Rated input speed: Effective speed: Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .• . . ••. •. . . •. . . . •••• ••.•.•...........• . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • .. standard 80-column punched cards. standard Hollerith card code. up to 80 characters per card. 64 characters. 100 chards/min. 75 cards/min. Hollerith card code is translated to IBM BCD code when data is transcribed on magnetic tape; data is recorded on magnetic tape via the core buffer. Paper tape reader (with-1115 DPT Data-Recorder) Input medium: Input code: Quantity of data: Rated input speed: Effective speed: Comments: 3.2 fully punched 11/16-, 7/8-, or 1-inch strips of paper tape; tape widths are selectable by switch. any 5-, 7-, or 8-level code; parity can be selected as odd or even when using 7- or 8level codes or can be ignored. variable up to buffer capacity. 400 char/sec. limited by record length. paper tape data is transcribed to magnetic tape via the core buffer. Manual Input Keyboard (with all 1100 Series Data-Recorders except 1181) Method of entry: Quanti ty of data: Character set: Comments: 47-key keyboard; optional 64-key keyboard available. up to capacity of buffer. 47 characters; 26 alpha, 10 numeric, and 11 special. 64 code combinations can be produced when the Multiple Code key is used; 13 of the 47 keys are used to initiate special functions; keyboard data is entered on tape via the core buffer. 3.3 Fixed Input: a data field can be entered into the buffer and automatically or manually duplicated in all subsequent records. 3.4 Transaction Code Input: no proviSion. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 9 DATA COMMUNICATIONS 6540 3. 5 Message Configuration: messages are transmitted in fixed-length records as specified by program; record size can be from 1 to 80 data characters, or up to 180 characters optionally; each record is preceded by a minimum of 3 sync characters followed by an odd/even message code; each record contains a longitudinal parity character at the end. 3.6 OperatingProcedure Before a message is transmitted, predetermined programs and time of transmission should be established between the communicating terminals. Programs should be on program tapes and ready for immediate use. (1) Load program into memory. (2) Mount tape reel. (3) Set control punch and keyboard switches. (4) Establish connection by dialing or manually signaling. (5) Depress Data key on data set. 3.7 4. Entry of TIme and Date: no provision. OUTPUT 4.3 Output to Magnetic Tape Magnetic tape drive (with al11100 Series Data-Recorders) Tape size: Tape code: . . • . . . • . • . . . • . . . . . . . . Rated output speed: .•.•... . . . . . . . . Effective speed: .•...........•... Format control: .•..•............ Comments: 4.4 O.5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 200 bits/in. compatible with IBM 729 Series tape format. 6-bit BCD (even parity) or binary (odd parity). 6,250 char/sec. limited by block length and transmission speed. extensive tape format control is provided by stored program; see Paragraph 1.5 for description. records are recorded in fixed-length format; an 80-character record is standard; with options, records can be 84, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160 or 180 characters in length. Output to Printer Output typewriter (with 1183 DPP Data-Recorder) Output medium: •••••• 0· •••• 0 ••••• Character set: Rated printing speed: .••....•.•..•. Effective speed: .•..........•.... 10 friction-fed or pin-fed (optional) fanfold forms up to 15.5 inches wide (13-inch writing width). 64 characters, including uppercase alphabetics, numerics, punctuation marks, and special characters; see Tables ITI and IV. 15 char/sec. limited by carriage return, line feed, and other format control functions. AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-136 MOHAWK 1100 SERIES DATA-RECORDERS Format control: Comments: ........... 6540 controlled by horizontal and vertical tab function codes. horizontal spacing is 10 char/in.; vertical spacing is 6 lines/in.; printer can operate in either of 2 selectable modes; edit mode allows format control; non-edit mode lists tape data; data is transcribed from magnetic tape via the core buffer. 1320 Buffered Line Printer (with any 1100 Series Data-Recorder) Output medium: Character set: Rated printing speed: Effective speed: Format control: Comments: 5. 5.1 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION Data Entry Errors Type of checking: Error indication: . •. ••. . . •. . . • Correction procedure: . . . • • • • . •. 5.2 character parity and longitudinal parity are checked when each record is read from magnetic tape. audible alarm sounds; lamp is lighted. tape is automatically backspaced and read a second time; operator intervention is required when an error is detected a second time. Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: Error indication: Correction procedure: 5.3 printed fanfold forms up to 20 inches in width. 64 characters including alphabetic, numeric and special symbols; see Tables III and IV. 250 lines/min (with full character set); 375 lines/ min (all numeric). limited by character sequence, spacing, and number of char/line. controlled by horizontal and vertical tab function codes. horizontal spacing is 132 char/line; vertical spacing is 6 or 8 lines/in.; printer can operate in either of 2 selectable modes; edit mode allows format control; non-edit mode lists data; data can be received from remote terminal or transcribed from magnetic tape via the core buffer. character validity and longitudinal parity. indicator lamp is lighted; reverse-channel signal is interrupted. automatic retransmissions continue for up to 20 seconds; after this time period, transmission halts, audible alarm sounds, lamp is lighted, and operator intervention is required. Data Recording Errors Type of checking: © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. each record is reread and checked bit for bit with the buffer contents; character and longitudinal parity are also checked. 11 DATA COMMUN,ICATIONS 6540 Error indication: Correction procedure: . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .• 5.5 Line Malfunctions Detection: Action: 6. keyboard is locked, tape halts, lamp is lighted, and audible alarm is sounded. tape is automatically backspaced and data is written a second time; operator intervention is required when error occurs a second time. •.........•...•......•••• •..•..•......••..•...•...• absence of signal on reverse channel for 20 seconds. operation halts. CONDITION INDICATORS A one-character binary data display. consisting of a group of lamps, is a standard feature of the 1100 Series Data-Recorders. The data character stored in the active memory position is displayed in 6-bit BCD code. The contents of the controlling program memory for that position are also displayed, in 3-bit binary fashion. A separate lamp indicates whether the base or alternate program is controlling. The number of the active memory position is displayed in decimal fashion by two groups of ten lamps. A comprehensive array of indicator lamps provides error status, transmission status, and verification status displays. An audible alarm is included in conjunction with the error status indicators. DATA TRANSMISSION 7. 7. 1 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: 1,200 or 1,600 (optional) bits/sec over the public telephone network; 3,400 or 4,800 (optional) bits/sec over a leased voice-band line. Transmission method: • • . . . . . . . . . . . . • serial by bit. Transmission code: . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . • • modified BCD code; see Paragraph 1.5. Transmission mode: • . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . • half-duplex. Order of bit transmission: .. . . . . . • •••• low-order data bit first. Synchronization: . • . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • ••. synchronous; each record is preceded by a minimum or three sync characters. 7. 2 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Public telephone network operating at the follOwing speeds: 1,200 bits/sec: •.•••..••••••.•••• 1,600 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Common-carrier leased voiceband line operating at the following speeds: 2,400 bits/sec: ••.•.••.•.••••.••• 4, 800 bits/sec: Data Set* Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A Bell System Data Set 201B or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem Bell System Data Set 203 or Western Union 2481A Data Modem *In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant; also see Sections 4600, 4620 and 4640 for a current list of data sets available from the common carriers and independent manufacturers. 12 AUERBACH Computer Technolo~y Reports 3001-138 6540 MOHAWK 1100 SERIES DATA-RECORDERS 7. 3 Transmission Control manual dialing or signaling. operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode. under control of stored program; see Paragraph 1.5 for description. Call initiation: Call reception: Functional operations: 7.4 8. no provision. Multistation Operation: PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component 1100 Series Data-Recorders, all models (1) 3021 Adding Machine (1112) 10 15 8.25 30 Width (in.) Depth (in.) Height (in.) Weight (lb.) 31 or 43 29.25 43 260 Power (kva) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 0.31 115 60 1 0.06 115 60 1 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 50-100 20-88 900 35-120 Up-95 160 Component Width (in.) Depth (in.) Height (in.) Weight (lb.) 3031 Printer (1183) 21.75 15.75 9.75 61 Power (kva) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 0.12 115 60 1 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) ? ? 350 3005 Paper Tape Reader (1115) 20 10.5 10 35 - 0.07 -60-90 20-80 200 3011 or 3051 Card Reader (1109) 18 10 8.25 25 0.07 (2) - - 59-98 20-75 190 1320 Buffered Line Printer 39 24 48 500 ? 115 60 1 60-95 40-80 ? Notes: (1) This column applies to the basic keyed recording unit for all 1100 Series Data-Recorders. Auxiliary input or output devices are listed separately. The reading table extension is 12 inches wide; this feature is standard on all models except the 1101, 1102, and 1103. (2) Power for these devices is supplied from the basic 1100 Series unit. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 3001-139 13 6540 9. DATA COMMUNICATIONS PRICE DATA Monthly Rental Component or Feature 1103 1109 1112 1115 1183 1320 LDC Data-Recorder DPC Data-Recorder DPA Data-Recorder DPT Data-Recorder DPP Data-Recorder Buffered Line Printer $ Purchase Price Monthly Maintenance Field Installation $ $ $ - 195.00 335.00 255.00 305.00 315.00 420 9,750 13,300 11,025 13,000 13,000 21,000 30.00 55.00 45.00 52.00 60.00 80.00 Std 5.00 Std 200 Std 0.50 50.00 7.00 10.00 6.00 20.00 280 400 240 990 2.00 2.50 0.50 5.00 FO 50.00 20.00 FO 990 1,200 5.00 5.00 40 NC FO FO FO 25.00 3.00 120 0.50 10.00 NC 120 0.50 FO* NC 120 0.50 FO* 3.00 120 0.50 FO* 3.00 120 0.50 FO* 3.00 120 0.50 FO* 3.00 120 0.50 FO* 3.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 20,00 30.00 40.00 50.00 NC 120 200 200 100 300 600 900 1,200 1,500 NC 0.50 0.50 0.50 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC FO* 18.00 18.00 40.00 FO FO FO FO FO NC - - - - Optional Features ** 100 Block Counter (incrementing) 110 In Lieu of Feature 100 132 Data-Recorder/1320 Interface for Second DataRecorder 150 Takeup Reel 200 Alternate Program 300 Self Check Digit (Mod 10) 302 Self Check Digit (Mod 11IBM Standard) 305 Universal Check Digit 310 Programmed Left Zero 311 Lette: Shift Lock 400 64-C racter Keyboard (IBM) 401 64-Cbaracter Keyboard (NCR) 402 64-Cbaracter Keyboard (Honeywell) 403 64-Character Keyboard (RCA-compatible) 404 64-Character Keyboard (Burrough's 5000) 405 64-Character Keyboard (GE) 407 64-Character Keyboard (XS3-1050) 408 64-Character Keyboard (RCA 381, 382 MTH) 500 90-Charapter Memory 501 84-Character Memory 502 Selective Record Limit 503 100-Character Memory 504120-Character Memory 505 140-Character Memory 506 160-Character Memory 507 180-Character Memory 600 Odd Parity 601 Odd/Even Parity Switch (Toggle) 14 20.00 25.00 150.000TC 1.00 75.000TC - - - AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-140 6540 MOHAWK 1100 SERIES DATA-RECORDERS Component or Feature 602 Odd/Even Parity Switch (Momentary) 605 1,600-bps Transmission Rate 606 Remote End of Transmission Alarm 608 High Speed 4-Wire Interface for 11 03 609 End of File Recognition Single Character 609-A EOF Recognition Single Character and Full Block 630 Timing for Transatlantic Communications 631 Western Union 2121B Interface 632 ITT 2002 Interface 633 Data Rate Selection GPO Modem 634 Data Rate Select 1200/1800 635 International/Domestic Comm Adapter 700 Stroke Counter 702 End of Record Warning Light 703 Reading Table Extension w/o panel insert 704 Reading Table Extension w/panel insert 708 RCA Compatible Hub 71 0 Document Holder 720 Memory Check 2105 GPO Modem Adapter 8641 ±. Phase Translator Monthly Rental $ 75.000TC NC 50.000TC 30.00 Purchase Price $ - - - NC - - 1,200 50.000TC - 50.000TC - 10.000TC - 25.000TC 30.000TC 20.000TC 20.000TC 5.00 5.00 50.000TC 300 200 - 5.00 6.00 30.000TC 8.000TC - 10.00 - Monthly Maintenance $ 50 - 57 Field Installation $ 15.00 - NC 35.00 - 90.00 NC 15.00 NC NC 30.00 35.00 NC 35.00 NC 25.00 1. 00 0.50 30.00 10.00 - - NC NC NC NC - 400 NC NC NC 90.00 NC - Installed at customer engineer request only NC 15.00 Notes: NC - No charge OTC - One-time charge FO - Factory only *Field changes will be made by exchanging machines, at MDS discretion, for $25 maximum freight charge. **See Table I for the features included or available with each 1100 Series model. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 15 A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS 6541:01 MOHA WK 4200 SYSTEM AUERBACH REPORTS • ADVANCE REPORT MOHAWK 4200 TTT DATA RECORDER SYSTEM .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity:........................ 4200 TTT Data Recorder System . . 12 Manufacturer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation P. O. Box 630 Herkimer, New York 13350 .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . translates and records data received from a TouchTone Telephone; can also consolidate several tapes and convert between 7-channel and 9-channel format . Description . 15 The Mohawk 4200 TTT Data Recorder System, announced in early 1968, includes two Type 4201 magnetic tape units and a pooler control or a Type 902 interface. The 4200 TTT is functionally similar to the other Mohawk Data Recorders discussed in Report 6540, but is packaged in a different cabinet and is arranged for receiving data from a conventional Touch-Tone telephone. The information presented in this Advance Report was obtained from preliminary documentation. A complete report on the Mohawk 4200 TTT Data Recorder System will be published in AUERBACH Data Communications Reports when detailed information becomes available. The Type 4201 Unit is baSically a 7 -channel Data Recorder that includes a 64-character BCD keyboard, an 80-character buffer, and an interface compatible with the Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 403E3 for receiving the tones generated by a Touch-Tone Telephone set. The TouchTone telephone is discussed in Report 6040. Data can be entered into the 4201 buffer via the keyboard or from a remote Touch-Tone telephone set. The Touch-Tone signals received by the Type 4201 Unit are translated to the BCD code prior to buffer entry. A single data set can be shared by both Type 4201 Units when the Type 4202 Electronic Switch feature is incorporated. A pooler control can be connected to the Type 4~01 Units to enable consolidating several short tapes on a single tape for more efficient computer input. A Type 902 interface can h~ used in place of the pooler control to permit data recorded at 200 bits per inch on 7-channd tapes to be pooled and converted to a 9-channel, 800-bit-per-inch format. All calls placed to the 4200 TT1' System are automatically answered. Originating devices include: a dial telephone with a 12-key Touch-Tone pad, a 12-key Touch-Tone telephone, or a Touch-Tone Card Dialer. Initial deliveries of the 420,0 TTT Data Recorder System are expected in the fourth quarter of 1968. The price of a typical 4200 TTT System is $430 per month. It can be purchased for approximately $25,800. A maintenance contract is available for $70 per month. @ 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/68 A AUERBACH COMPUTER TECHNOL.OGY REPORTS AUERBACH 1. e I MOHAWK 6403 DATA-RECORDER 6543 GENERAL 1.1 Identity ..•..•.••...•••••••..... 6403 Data-Recorder. 1.2 Manufacturer.................... Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation P.O. Box 630 Herkimer, New York 13350 1.3 Basic Function •.•••••••••.••••••. transmission and reception of data over a voiceband line; input is from magnetic tape recorded in 9-channel, ffiM-compatible format; source tape can be recorded and verified via keyboard. 1.5 Description The Mohawk 6400 Series Data-Recorders are functionally identical to the 1100 Series discussed in Report 6540. In the 6400 Series data is recorded on magnetic tape at 800 bits per inch in a 9channel format. Tapes prepared on a 6400 Series Data-Recorder are recorded in ffiM EBCDIC code and are compatible with IBM 2400 Series Magnetic Tape Units. The basic function of a data-recorder is to record data entered from a keyboard; i. e., it is intended as a replacement for keypunches. Various models in the 1100 Series provide auxiliary input or output devices to add flexibility to the data preparation operation. The 6400 Series includes a wide range of models corresponding to the models in the 1100 Series line. The 6403 is designed to provide buffered, synchronous communications in a half-/full-duplex mode with a remote 6403 or 1100 Series communications terminal over the public telephone net- , work at 1,200 or 1,600 bits per second, or over a leased voiceband line at 2,400 or 4,800 bits per second. The higher speeds of 2,400 and 4,800 bits per second require. the optional 8608 HighSpeed Communications Interface. Data transfer between terminals is under control of the programs stored in the sending and receiving buffers. Mohawk also provides a line of adapters that permit the 6403 to be used over international commoncarrier facilities, including ITT, RCA, Western Union, and the British Government Post Office. These adapters include timing for Transatlantic Communication, Western Union 2121B Interface, ITT 2002 Interface, and the Data Rate Selection GPO Modem. A one-time charge of $10 to $30 applies for each of the adapters; and they can be installed only at the factory when the 6403 DataRecorder is ordered. The central component of the 6403 is the core storage unit, which acts as a buffer. The buffer holds the keyed-in or received data when recording and the record to be checked when verifying. Use of the buffer eased Mohawk's task of designing a unit for recording tape in a format compatible with the magnetic tape drives used with computers. The core storage unit adds greatly to the ease and flexibility of preparing and verifying magnetic tape records. This unit permits storage of a program for defining the format of the tape records and for automatically initiating certain operations; it also provides buffer storage for data prior to recording or comparison. The standard 6403 contains 100 pOSitions of core storage; an 80- or 90-character buffer can be incorporated in place of the 100-character buffer at no additional cost. A 180-character buffer with the selective block length device is also available at additional cost. This option permits dialing any block length from 10 to 180 characters. The Basic Program storage area contains four bits of storage for each character position of the record. The alternate storage area (a standard feature on the 6403) provides an additional four bits of program storage ?er character pOSition. Codes stored in the program areas are used to delimit fields within a record and to define operations such as automatic duplication or verification of common information, automatic skipping, manual keying, and alphabetic (lower) or numeric (upper) shift. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 6543 DATA COMMUNICATIONS Figure 1. Mohawk 6403 Data-Recorder. The Basic and Alternate program storage areas allow two different record formats to be defined, e.g., both a transmit and receive program could be stored for interchanging data between terminals. Control can be freely switched between the basic program and the alternate program by a Program Select key located on the keyboard. Program memory can be loaded from a strip of magnetic tape or by manual entry. A separate bit, common to both the basic and alternate programs, is provided for each character position. This bit is set during a verifying operation when the character read from a record is not the same as that in data storage for the previous record. This technique permits manual initiation of automatic verification of data fields duplicated in consecutive records. The 6403 incorporates a translator for translating the EBCDIC internal code to a modified EBCDIC or modified BCD transmission code. The translator also translates the received BCD transmission code to the internal EBCDIC code. In addition to the character set defined in Table n, the translator translates between BCD and EBCDIC plus zeros, minus zeros, and record marks. It also translates EBCDIC right and left brackets to BCD plus and minus zeros, respectively, and an EBCDIC colon to a BCD record mark. Operating Modes There are five principal modes of operation for the 6403 Data-Recorder, two of which are used for data communications. The five principal modes, selected by the operator, are Entry, Verify, Search, Send, and Receive. Data is recorded on magnetic tape in the Entry mode. Data entered via the keyboard is stored in the core storage unit. Fixed data can be automatically retained from record to record. 2 AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-144 MOHAWK 6403 6543 When a complete record has been assembled, the recording action can be initiated automatically or manually. Data is written on the tape along with character parity bits and the longitudinal parity check character. The tape is then automatically backspaced and read, and the recorded data is compared bit for bit with the data stored in memory. The recorded character parity bits and the longitudinal check character are also checked. A magnetic tape previously recorded on a 6403 can be checked in the Verify mode. A record is read into the unit's data storage area. Duplicate information in a series of records can be verified automatically as specified by the program. The operator can also initiate automatic verification of a data field repeated in successive records by depressing the Dup key. Character and longitudinal parity are checked as the record is read in. If a discrepancy is detected while data is being keyed in to verify a tape record, the keyboard is interlocked and the operator is alerted by an indicator lamp. The operator can determine whether there is an error in the tape record by making repeated attempts to key in the character or by observing and interpreting the one-character binary data display. Corrections are easily made by depressing a special key and then keying the correct character. A separate control key permits correction of an entire field. If a correction is made, the tape is automatically backspaced. After completing the verification and correction of a record containing errors, the operator must reverify the entire corrected record. The record is written on tape, backspaced, and checked as when recording. The recorded and verified data is transmitted to the receiving terminal by placing the sending and receiving terminals in the Send and Receive mode, respectively. Both operations are discussed in the following paragraphs. Data is transmitted in fixed-length records as specified by the send and receive programs; record size can vary from a single character up to the capacity of the buffer. A record can contain as many as 180 characters when the available buffer options are employed at both the sending and receiving terminals. Before a record can be transmitted, the sending terminal reads the record from tape, checks each character read for correct parity, and loads the entire record into the core buffer. Transmission begins when the core buffer contains the complete record and a ready status is received from the receiving terminal. Each 8-bit character read from the core buffer during transmission is translated to the modified BCD or EBCDIC transmission code, serialized, and transmitted to the receiving terminal. The receiving terminal performs a validity check on each received character, translates the modified BCD or EBCDIC transmission code to the internal 8-bit EBCDIC code, and stores each of the translated characters in the core buffer. In addition to the validity check performed on each character, the receiving terminal performs a longitudinal parity check at the end of the received record. After each character of the record ;las been correctly received (i.e., no transmission errors), the record is written on tape and the written data is checked for data recording errors. When the received record is successfully written on tape, the receiving terminal acknowledges the transmitting terminal via the reverse-channel technique. Transmission of the next record begins when the acknowledge is received from the receiving terminal and the sending terminal is ready to transmit (i. e., when the next record is stored in its core buffer). In the Search mode, a particular record can be located on the tape if it contains a unique identifying code or field. The identifying data is keyed into memory in the same poSition it occupies in the record. The tape halts when a match is found or when blank tape is encountered. The Search mode can be used to locate the beginning point of an interrupted recording or verifying operation, or to locate a specific record for modification or correction. Codes and Error Control The specific codes transmitted are determined by both the Image Mode switch on the keyboard and the program stored in the buffer memory. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 3 6543 DATA COMMUNICATIONS When operating in the Image mode, the 6463 can transmit and receive any of the 256 code combinations in the EBCDIC code; this mode can only be used when communicating with a remote 6403. When communicating with a remote 1103 IDC, the Image Mode switch must be placed in the Off position to establish translation between EBCDIC and BCD codes. When operating in the BCD mode, data communication between the 6403 and a remote 1103 IDe or another 6403 is limited to the 64 code combinations compatible with the 1100 Series Data-Recorders. When operating in the Image mode, redundancy is incorporated such that the 8-bit EBCDIC character is encoded as a 12-bit transmission code. AB with the 1100 Series Data-Recorders the transmission codes are decoded in 4-bit groups. The following example illustrates the relationship between the internal code and the transmission code: Internal code: 1 2 4 8 ABC D Transmission code: 1 2 2 4 8 A ABC D D 0 The barred symbols indicate the complement of the preceding bit; a binary 0 is transmitted in the most significant bit poSition. EBCDIC codes structured in this format provide a limited means for checking character validity. When operating in the BCD mode, internal 6-bit character codes are translated to one of two specific transmission codes. Buffer pOSitions designated as numeric locations by the stored program are translated from a 6-bit code to a 4-bit transmission code. Alphanumeric buffer pOSitions are translated from a 6-bit code to an 8-bit transmission code. Table I shows the relationship between the numeric internal code and the transmission code • Alphanumeric characters are encoded as ' follows: Internal code: , Transmission code: 1 2 4 8 A B 1 22 4 8 A A B The barred numbers indicate the complement of the preceding bit. TABLE I. BCD MODE NUMERIC TRANSMISSION CODE Numeric to be Transmitted Representation in Buffer and on Magnetic Tape* Transmission Code** BA8421 8421 0 1 2 3 4 000000 '000001 000010 .600011 000100 1010 1011 0010 0011 0100 5 6 7 DO{)101 {)00110 OGOlll 001000 001001 010 1 0110 1101 1100 1001 8 9 *Each numeric is accompanied by a parity bit when recorded on tape or in the buffer. **The transmission code configuration prevents more than two sequential identical bits per numeric and permits a limited validity check. 4 AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-146 6543 MOHAWK 6403 The numeric and alphanumeric transmission codes provide a limited means for checking character validity. The stored program at the receiving terminal designates specific buffer positions as numeric or alphanumeric codes. If an alphanumeric character is received in a position programmed for a numeric character, a character error results. A numeric character received in a position programmed for an alphanumeric character does not cuase a character error. The EBCDIC and BCD transmission codes are shown in Table II. TABLE II. MOHAWK 6403 LDC TRANSMISSION CODE Code BCD EBCDIC Bit Position Symbol* SYNC** ODD** EVEN** (NOT USED) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 0 # @ I = " SPACE / S T U V W X Y Z : (~) , % - Bit Position BAAS 4221 EDDC BAAS 4221 0000 0010 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 11 11 1 1 1 1 1111 0100 010 1 0010 o0 1 1 1100 1101 0011 1 1 0011 0011 0011 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 010 1 0010 o0 1 1 1100 1101 o 100 1010 10 11 o 100 o 10 1 0010 o0 1 1 o0 1 1 0011 0011 o0 1 1 1010 1010 10 11 10 11 1010 1010 101 1 0100 010 1 0100 o0 0100 0101 0101 o 101 o0 1 1 o0 0101 0101 o 10 1 o 10 1 0101 110 0 110 1 1010 10 11 0101 010 1 010 1 0101 o 10 1 10 11 10 1 1 101 1 10 11 10 1 1 1 1 1100 110 1 1010 1011 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0100 1 0010 0011 1 100 010 1 010 1 0011 o0 1 1 o0 1 1 o 100 1 100 1100 1100 1100 0100 010 1 0010 o0 1 1 1100 0010 00 10 0010 o0 1 1 0011 0011 0011 0011 o0 1 1 110 1 1010 1011 0100 0101 0010 0011 1100 1 10 1 0011 0011 0011 0011 o0 1 1 o 10 1 010 1 o 10 1 0101 1100 1100 1100 0101 o 10 1 1011 110 1 1101 1101 110 1 1010 10 1 1 0100 0101 o0 1 1 1100 1101 1010 © 1970 AUER8ACH Info, Inc. o 10 5 DATA COMMUNICATIONS 6543 TABLE ll. (Contd.) EBCDIC BCD Code Bit Position Symbol* Bit Position BAA8 4221 EDDC BAA8 4221 0011 001 1 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1010 1011 0100 0101 0010 o0 1 1 1100 1101 1010 0101 0101 0101 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 1101 10 11 1100 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 1011 0010 o 100 010 1 0010 0011 1100 1101 1010 1100 110 1 1101 110 1 1101 1011 0100 0101 0010 o0 1 1 0011 0011 o0 1 1 0101 0101 0010 0011 0011 0011 0011 0101 0011 1100 ) ; /\(1) & 1101 110 1 1101 110 1 1010 1100 110 1 1010 1011 0100 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0011 0011 0011 0011 0010 1100 1101 1010 1011 o 100 A B C D E 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 0101 0010 0011 1100 1101 o0 1 1 0011 0011 0011 0011 0100 0100 o 100 0100 o 100 0101 0010 o 0 11 1100 1101 F 1010 1010 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1010 1011 0100 0101 0010 0011 1100 1101 1010 1011 o0 1 1 0011 o0 1 1 0011 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 010 1 0100 0100 0101 0101 0101 0101 010 1 0101 0101 0101 10 10 1011 o 100 0101 0010 o 0 11 1100 1101 1010 1011 > ? -J K L M N 0 P Q R [(!) $ * G H I ](¢ ) . < ( + ! (I) 1011 o 100 *Symbols in parentheses indicate the corresponding symbol for the 1103 LDC. **Odd or even message codes precede the data block for block count protection; see Paragraph 1.5. Sync, odd, and even codes are unique and are not generated from a character code by the method described in Paragraph 1.5. An odd/even message code (8 bits) precedes each transmitted record to ensure against the loss or duplication of records. The odd/even message code is generated at both sending and receiving terminals. A message code error results when the two codes do not agree. 6 AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-148 MOHAWK 6403 6543 Error signaling in response to incorrect message codes or data transmission errors is performed via the reverse channel. The inherent value of this technique is that it eliminates the time required for line turnaround to allow the receiver to transmit an acknowledge code. An interrupted signal on the reverse channel during data transmission is interpreted by the sending terminal as a request for retransmission. The signal on the reverse channel is normally interrupted at the end of a transmission (i. e.. after the last character is received correctly) and is not returned until the currently received record has been successfully written on magnetic tape. Once the signal is returned. the sending terminal, if ready, begins to transmit the next record to the receiving terminal. If the reverse-channel signal is not returned within a 20-second period, which is initiated at the start of the last record, transmission is halted and operator intervention is required. For a further description of the reverse-channel technique. see Report 6221, Digitronics Reverse-Channel Dial-o- Verter Line. The Model 1320 Buffered line Printer has a rated printing speed of 250 lines per minute (using the full character set) or 3751ines per minute (all numeric) and a 132-character buffer. The printer can be connected to. any 6400 Series Data-Recorder (except the 6404) operating in the BCD mode and can receive data directly from a communications line or from magnetic tape; both operations are controlled by the program stored in the data-recorder buffer. The printer is capable of printing up to 132 characters per line and can handle pin-fed fanfold forms up to 20 inches wide. The printer can operate in one of three modes: Full Edit. Line Edit. and List. Format control operations, incl~ding horizontal tabulation, spacing. and line feed. are initiated by control characters when the printer is in the Edit mode. The List mode is used for tape listing operations; format control functions are not provided. Other Options Other options for the 6400 Series Data-Recorders include: • Remote End-of-Transmission Alarm - audibly indicates the end of a transmission; the alarm sounds for approximately 20 seconds at the end of transmission. The alarm can be located 50-cable feet from the data-recorder. • Negative Field IndicatioD./Record Delete - provides two separate and distinct functions. The Negative Field Indication permits entering a minus sign in the zone portion of the last character of a field. The field to be affected must be a programmed left zero field. (programmed left zero is a standard feature on the 6403.) The Record Delete feature permits erasing a complete record on tape by reading the record into memory and initiating an Erase Backwards operation. This feature is operational during Entry or Verify operations and is provided mainly for correcting operator errors on tape. The Record Delete operation in the Verify mode should be followed by a Release operation. which reads the next record into memory. When deleting in the Verify mode, records can be removed if they were inadvertently entered twice or contain parity errors. • Data-Recorder/1320 OUterface - provides a 1320 Buffered line Printer interface for a second data-recorder to be used for backup. 1.6 First Delivery •••••..•••••....•.• Apri11968. 1.7 Availability ••••..••.•••..•.••.•. 5 months. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 7 6543 2. DATA COMMUNICATIONS CONFIGURATION The 6403 Data-Recorder includes: • An mM 2400 Series compatible magnetic tape drive • A magnetic core buffer • A keyboard for entering data • A communications interface 3. INPUT 3.1 Prepared Input Magnetic tape drive (with all 6400 Series Data-Recorders) Input medium •.••••••••••••••••• 0. 5.... inch magnetic tape recorded at 800 bits/in.; compatible with mM 2400 Series tape format. Input code ••••••••••••••••••••• 8-level EBCDIC plus odd parity; see Table II. Quantity of data ••••••••••••••••• 100 characters; with options, records can be 80, 90, or from 10 to 180 characters in length when the l80-character buffer with the selective block length device is incorporated. Character set ••••••••••••••••.• 64 characters; alphanumeric plus special and record format characters. See Tables I and II; any of the possible 256 code combinations can be recorded. Rated input speed •••••••••••••••• 13,200 char/sec. Effective speed ••••••••••••••••• limited by block length, transmission speed, and transmission mode; see Table m. 3.2 Manual Input Keyboard (with all 6400 Series Data-Recorders) Method of entry ••••••••••••••••• 47-key keyboard. Quantity of data • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • up to capacity of buffer. Character set •••••••••••••••••• 64 characters; 26 alpha, 10 numeric, and 28 special. Comments ••••••••••••••••••••• 256 code combinations can be produced when the Multiple Code key is used; 13 of the 47 keys are used to initiate special functions; keyboard data is entered on tape via the core buffer. 8 AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-150 6543 MOHAWK 6403 TABLE III: MOHAWK 6403 EFFECTIVE BLOCK TRANSMISSION SPEEDS Effective Block Transmission Speed, blocks/min Block Size, characters Mode Line Transmission Speed, bits/sec 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 20 Image BCD, Alpha BCD, Num. 140 152 166 153 163 175 161 170 181 168 176 185 100 Image BCD, Alpha BCD, Num. 45 60 91 56 73 106 66 84 117 74 94 126 180 Image BCD, Alpha BCD, Num 28 39 65 36 49 78 43 58 89 50 66 99 3. 3 Fixed Input • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a data field can be entered into the buffer and automatically or duplicated in all subsequent records. Receiving terminal can substitute fixed fields for fields deleted from transmiSSion; these fields need not have same location as deleted fields. 3.4 Transaction Code Input •.••.••.••••. no proviSion. 3.5 Message Configuration ••••••••.•••• messages are transmitted in fixed-length records as specified by program; the actual transmitted record length varies with the program and with buffer size; up to 25 consecutive characters can be deleted; at least 1 character must separate deleted fields; the last position must be transmitted. Fields deleted in the tranSmission can be automatically filled from constant information preset in the receiving terminal buffer; see Paragraph 3.3. Each record is preceded by a minimum of 3 sync characters followed by an odd/even message code; each record contains a longitudinal parity character at the end. 3.6 Operating Procedure Before a message is transmitted, predetermined programs and time of transmission should be established between the communicating terminals. Programs should be on program tapes and ready for immediate use. The operating procedure is as follows: (1) Load program into memory. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 9 6543 DATA COMMUNICATIONS (2) Mount tape reel. (3) Set control switches on keyboard. (4) Establish connection by dialing or manually signaling. (5) Depress Data key on data set. 3. 7 Entry of Time and Date ••• '. ~ • • • • • • ••• no provision. 4. 4.3 OUTPUT Output to Magnetic Tape Magnetic tape unit (with all 6400 Series Data-Recorders) Tape size ••••••••••••••••••••• O. 5-inch magnetic tape recorded at-SOO bits/in.; compatible with IBM 2400 Series tape format. Tape code ••••••••••••••••••••• 8-level EBCDIC plus odd parity. Rated output speed ••••••••••••••• 13,200 char/sec. Effective speed • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • limited by block length, transmission speed, and transmission mode; see Table m. Format control • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ••• extensive tape format control is provided by stored program; see Paragraph 1.5 for description. Comments .••••••••••••••••••.. records are recorded in fixed-length format; a 100-character record is standard; with options, records can be 80, 90, or from 10 to 180 characters in length when the 180-character buffer with the selective block length device is incorporated. 5. 5.1 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION Data Entry Errors Type of checking • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• character parity and longitudinal parity are checked when each record is read from magnetic tape. Error indication ••••••••••••••••. lamp is lighted. Correction procedure •••••••••••••• tape is automatically backspaced and read a second time; operator intervention is required when an error is detected a second time. 5.2 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . character validity and longitudinal parity • Error indication •••••••••••••• •.• indicator lamp is lighted; reverse-channel signal is interrupted. 10 AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-15Z MOHAWK 6403 6543 Correction procedure .••.•......•.• automatic retransmissions continue for up to 20 seconds; after this time period, transmission is halted, error indicators are lighted, and operator intervention is required. 5. 3 Data Recording Errors Type of checking • • • • • . • . . • . .. each record is reread and checked bit for bit with the buffer contents; character and longitudinal parity are also checked. Error indication •••••...•....• ••. keyboard is locked, tape is halted, and status indicators are lighted. Correction procedure • • • • . . • . • . . ... tape is automatically backspaced and data is written a second time; operator intervention is required when error occurs a second time. 5. 5 Line Malfunctions Detection • • . • . . • • • • . • • . • . • . . ••. absence of signal on reverse channel for 20 seconds. Action • . • • . • • . • • • • . • • • •••••••• operation halts • 6. CONDITION INDICATORS A one-character binary data display, consisting of a group of lamps, is a standard feature on 6400 Series Data-Recorders. The data character stored in the active memory pOSition is displayed in 8-bit EBCDIC code. The contents of the controlling program memory for that poSition are also displayed, in 4-bit binary fashion. A separate lamp indicates whether the basic or alternate program is controlling. The number of the active memory position is displayed in decimal fashion by two groups of ten lamps and one group of two lamps. A comprehensive array of indicator lamps provides error status, transmission status, and verification status displays. 7. 7.1 DATA TRANSMISSION Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed .••••..•..• 1,200 or 1,600 (optional) bits/sec over the public telephone network; 2,400 or 4, 800 (optional) bits/sec over a leased voiceband line. Transmission method . • • . . • . . . . . . • . serial by bit. Transmission code ••••..•.••.•.••• modified BCD or EBCDIC code; see Paragraph 1.5 and Tables II and ill. Transmission mode .••••.••.•••••• half-duplex. Order of bit transmiSSion .••..•••••• low-order data bit first. Synchronization ••••.•.•••••.••••. synchronous; each record is preceded by a minimum of 3 sync characters. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11 6543 7. 2 DATA COMMUNICATIONS Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Data Set* Public telephone network operating at the following speeds: 1,200 bits/sec ••••••.•••••••••• Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. 1,600 bits/sec. ,.••••••••.•.•••. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A. Common-carrier leased voiceband line operating at the following speeds: 2,400 bits/sec ••••••••••••••••• Bell System Data Set 201B or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. 4,800 bits/sec ••••••••••••••••• Bell System Data Set 203 or Western Union 2481A Baud Data Modem. 7.3 Transmission Control Call initiation •••.•.••••••••••••• manual dialing or signaling. Call reception •••••••••••.••••••• operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode. Functional operations • • • • • • • • • • • • • . under control of stored program; see Paragraph 1.5. 7.4 Multistation Operation ••••••••.•••• no provision. 8. PHYSICAL SPECI~ICATIONS Component 6403 Data-Recorder Width (in.) Depth (in.) Height (in.) Weight (lb.) 31.25 29.25 43 270 Power (kva) Voltage Frequency (Hz) 0.31 115 60 Phases Temperature Range eF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 1 50-100 20-88 885 * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used: check with your local common-carrier communications consultant; also see Reports 4600, 4620, and 4640 for a current list of data sets available from the common carriers and independent manufacturers. 12 AUERBACH Computer Technology Reports 3001-154 MOHAWK 6403 9. 6543 PRICE DATA Component or Feature 6403 LDC Data-Recorder Monthly Rental Purchase Price Monthly Maintenance Field Installation $ $ $ $ - 220.00 10,550 39.00 10.00 5.00 400 200 NC 0.50 NC 50.00 7.00 280 2.00 FO 10.00 20.00 400 990 2.50 5.00 50.00 FO 20.00 990 5.00 FO 20.00 990 5.00 FO 25.00 1,200 5.00 FO 115 - 0.50 600 1.00 FO 50.00 18.00 FO - NC NC 18.00 . 15.00 Optional Fea1ures 2105 GPO Modem Adapter 8110 Block Counter (Decrementing) 8132 Data-Recorder/1320 Interface for Second Data-Recorder 8150 Take-up Reel 8300 Self-Check Number Device (Mod 10) 8301 Self-Check Number Device (Mod 7) 8302 Self-Check Number Device (Mod 11) 8305 Universal Self-Check Number Device 8309 Negative Field Indication 8320 Single Run Entry/Verify 8500 90-Character Memory 8507 180-Character Memory with Selective Block Length Device 8508 80-Character Memory 8605 1,600-bit/sec Transmission Rate 8606 Remote End of Transmission Alarm 8608 High-Speed Four-Wire Interface for 6403 8630 Timing for Transatlantic Communications 8631 Western Union 2121B Interface 8632 ITT 2002 Interface 8633 Data Rate Selection GPO Modem 8634 Data Rate Select 1,200/1,800 8635 International Domestic Communications Adapter 8640 :I:: Phase, Record Mark Translator 8703 Reading Table Extension without Panel Insert 8704 Reading Table Extension with Panel Insert 8705 Subtotal for 3021 Adding Machine NC 2.00 NC 14.50 NC NC 50.000TC - - - - 1,200 NC 35.00 10.000TC - NC 15.00 25.000TC - NC 30.00 30.000TC 20.000TC -- NC NC 35.00 35.00 20.000TC - NC 25.00 5.00 300 1.00 30.00 NC - - 15.00 30 .• 00 5.00 50 NC NC 6.00 57 NC NC NC FO 50.000TC - NC - no charge OTe - one-time charge FO - .factory only. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 13 A AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6550:01 II MOTOROLA TP-4000 SERIES MOTOROLA TP-4000 SERIES TELEPRINTERS .1 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 15 GENERAL Identity: ... Manufacturer: . TP-4000 Sertes Teleprinters . Motorola Inc . Government Electronics Division 1460 N. Cicero Avenue Chioago, minois 60651 prSnts data received from a para1lel-by-bit source. Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DeSCription A common misconception within computer circles is that the Motorola TP-4000 Series Teleprinter is a data communications device. The Teleprinter has been incorporated in special systems in a data communications environment, but at present, an off-the-shelf TP-4000 Series Teleprinter with a communications interface is not available. Motorola is, however, planning a oommunication capability for its TP-4000 Series Teleprinters to be avaUable in the near future. The Motorola TP-4000 Series Teleprinter is a high-speed, desk-top, non-impact printer that uses an electrothermal printing technique simUar to the technique used by some facsimUe devices. The Teleprinter prints at speeds up to 400 characters per second (4000 words per minute) and features a core-rope translator and integrated circuity in addition to its unique printing technique. Figure 1 shows a typical TP-4000 Series Teleprinter. The special paper required for the Motorola Teleprinter contains a thin layer of aluminum deposited on a paper base, smoothly surfaced by a light-gray chemical coating. Printing appears as gray characters over the light gray background, with a limited degree of contrast (see Figure 2). Multiple copies cannot be produced by the Teleprinter. The Teleprinter prints 80 characters per line with a vertical line spacing of six lines per inch. Maximum line length and paper width are 7. 2 inches and 8. 4 inches, respectively. Frictionfed roll forms are used. The Teleprinter includes a code translator unit and a printer. The translator unit accepts parallel-by-bit data characters and translates each character into five discrete seven-bit codes required to form a printed character. Up to U (or optionally 33) printers can be operated from a single translator unit. The TP-4000 Series Teleprinter line includes six models ranging in speed from 125 to 400 characters per second. Table I lists the available models together with rated speed and cost information. TABLE I: TP-4000 SERIES TELEPRINTERS Model Speed, char/Bec Printer Cost, $ (1) Translator Cost, $ (2) TP-4125 125 5,400 3,900 TP-4200 200 5,400 3,900 TP-4225 225 5,400 3,900 TP-4250 250 5,400 3,900 TP-4300 300 5,000 3,800 TP-4400 400 5,400 3,900 (1) Discounts applying to purchases of printers in quantities exceeding nine are approximately as follows: 10 to 19 printers: 12% 20 to 49 prtnte1'll: 23% DtBcounts apply to all model. and refer to base prices shown in table. (2) Discounts applying to purchues of translators in quantities exceeding nine are approximately as follows: 10 to 19 tran.lators: 5% 20 to 49 translators: 10% Diaoountll apply to all model. and refer to b..e prices .hown in table. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 11/67 6550:02 MOTOROLA TP-4000 SERIES . 15 Figure 1. Typical Motorola TP-4000 Series Teleprinter . Description (Contd. ) The Teleprinter accepts any customer-specified 6- or 7 -level code. Control-character recognition, including Carriage Return/Line Feed and End-of-Transmission (EDT). is performed by the translator unit. A Carriage Return/Line Feed operation is automatic at the end of an 80-character line; an EDT character inhibits further printer action. The character set contains up to 63 printable characters, including upper-case alphabetics. numerics, punctuation marks, and special symbols. Motorola's printing technique employs four equally-spaced printing heads attached to a continuous belt. The belt, which is slightly inclined from the horizontal. is driven at constant speed across the paper from left to right. A single synchronous motor drives the paper and the belt; both are in constant motion as printing is performed. Print head spacing is such that the departure of a print head from a completed print line coincides with the arrival of the follOwing print head at the beginning of the next line. Figure 3 shows the relationships of the various components. A single print head is connected to the print circuitry during a line print period; connection is made by seven fingers extending from the print head. When a print head enters the printing zone, its fingers contact a commutator that extends the width of the paper. The fingers ride against the commutator as the head moves across the paper from left to right. Head connection terminates as the print head exits from the print zone and the next print head contacts the commutator to print the next line. Each of the seven fingers extending from the print head terminates in a print stylus. The seven styli are arranged in a vertical column. Printing is performed by an electrical discharge between a stylus and the platen; the discharge produces a small dark dot on the chemically-treated paper. .A printed character appears as a pattern of dots arranged in five columns of seven dots per column. The character is constructed by applying five sequential electrical impulses to selected styli. Selection and sequencing of the print styli is a function of the print control circuits. Figure 2 shows a sample of the printing. (Contd. ) 11/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A.. ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6~50:03 MOTOROLA TP-4000 SERIES CONCEPTS. At"lONG THES:E ARE THE FOLLOt·.11 t'~G;: Figure 2. Motorola TP-4000 Series Sample Printout. PAPER ROL.L. SEVEN INPUT CONNECTIONS FROM PRINT AMPL.IFIER L.ETTER SPACE COL.UMNS ROWS I! z. ~ ; : ,,?- ! 6 '---., 3. PRINT 4.... HEAD 5 • 6 • 7 ••••• Figure 3. TP-4000 Series Printing Technique. © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/67 A.. AUERBACH AUERBACH 6650:01 DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS PHILCO-FORD 0-20 PHILCO-FORD ALPHANUMERIC COLOR DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 0-20 .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alphanumeric Color Display Unit Model D-20 . . 12 Manufacturer: . .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . displays, via cathode ray tube, data received from a remote computer or entered via keyboard; transmits data to a remote computer over the public telephone network or leased voice-band line . . 15 Description . . . . . . . Phllco-Ford Corporation W D L Division 1002 Gemini Avenue Houston, Texas 77058 The Philco-Ford Model D-20 Alphanumeric Color Display Unit is designed to communicate with a remote computer over the public telephone network or a leased voice-band line, under control of a stored program in the computer. The D-20 is a self-contained unit and includes a keyboard, cathode ray tube, memory, and communications interface. Data is transmitted asynchronously in a half-duplex mode at 110 bits per second (10 characters per second). A modified 7-level USASCn transmission code Is employed, with an eighth bit added for character parity; see Table 1. One start bit and two stop bits are appended to each character transmitted resulting in an 11-bit character. The D-20 Color Display Unit contains a 768-character memory module, composed of magnetostrictive delay lines, in addition to editing logic, control logic, color circuits, character generation circuits, and a communications interface that is compatible with the Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A2. The D-20 Color Display Unit provides a 10.4 inch by 7.4 inch image area. The long side of the cathode ray tube (CRT) is mounted horizontally. The image area is arranged in 24 lines of 32 characters per line. A maximum of 768 characters can be displayed on the screen. The D-20 can display data in three colors: red, green and blue; data can also be displayed in white. Characters and symbols are displayed by a 5by-7 dot matrix. The keyboard is attached directly to the Display Unit and has 53 keys arranged in conventional typewriter style plus an array of 12 special function keys located at the right of the keyboard. Of the 12 special function keys, 9 provide control functions that include color selection, local operation, transmit, etc; three of these keys are not used at present. Editing Facilities Editing facilities are limited; they include the ability to replace a character with another character or space and to erase the screen by clearing the memory. Repetitive entry of characters or space is provided by the simultaneous depression of the Repeat key and that of the desired character to be repeated. Horizontal and vertical tab functions are not provided. Cursor Controls Cursor controls include: • Skip - advances the cursor one character position. Simultaneous depression of the Repeat and Skip keys causes repetitive cursor movement until the cursor moves off the screen (after the last display position is located). • Backspace - backspaces the cursor one character position. Simultaneous depression of the Repeat and Backspace keys cause repetitive cursor movement until the first display position is located. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH !nfo, Inc. 5/68 6650:02 PHILCO -FORD 0 -20 Figure 1. Philco-Ford Alphanumeric Color Display Unit Model D-20. · 15 Description (Contd.) • Carriage Return/Line Feed Down - establishes a single space between displayed lines with the cursor positioned at the initial character location of the next line. Simultaneous depression of the Repeat key and this key causes repetitive cursor movement until the cursor is positioned at the initial character position of the last line. • Carriage Return/Line Feed Up - establishes a single space between displayed lines with the cursor positioned at the initial character location of the previous line. Simultaneous depression of the Repeat key and this key causes repetitive cursor movement until the cursor is positioned at the initial character location of the first line. The non-destructive cursor is displayed as a caret (1\) and marks the next data-entry position. The cursor color indicates the color of the next character to be displayed and can be switched between red, green, blue, and white via the keyboard. A data code does exist for the cursor sy~bol and can be received and displayed but cannot be entered and stored from the keyboard. · 16 First Delivery: ........ ? · 17 Availability:..................... 3 months. (Contd. ) 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6650:03 PHILCO-FORD 0 -20 It TABLE I: PHILCO-FORD D-20 COLOR DISPLAY UNIT USACII TRANSMISSION CODE Bit Positions bT 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 be 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 b5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 6· T· Column b4 b3 b2 bl Row O· NULL 1· 2 3 4 5 SP ; /\ P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 9 1 A Q 0 0 1 0 2 C 2 B R 0 0 1 1 3 ,. 3 C S 0 1 0 0 4 $ 4 D T 0 1 0 1 5 % 5 E U 0 1 1 0 6 6 F V 0 1 1 1 7 ", 7 G W 1 0 0 0 8 ( 8 H X 1 0 0 1 9 ) 9 I Y • : J. Z + ; K •• < L = M > N ? 0 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 1 11 0 0 12 1 1 1 1 0 1 13 1 1 1 0 14 1 1 1 1 15 LF . CR / NOT DEFINED • t •• • Codes contained in columns O. 1. 6. and 7 are not displayed or stored in the buffer memory . •• These codes are displayed as spaces. Special symbols: • Start-of-Entry symbol 9 End-of-Entry symbol. .2 .3 .31 . 32 - Tilde symbol; can be stored in memory and displayed only through keybo.ard entry. t Up Arrow symbol; can be stored in memory and displayed as I only through keyboard entry . CONFIGURATION The D-20 is a self-contained unit and includes a keyboard, cathode ray tube, memory, and communications interface. The data sets required for connection to standard communications facilities are specified in Paragraph . 72 . INPUT Fixed Input:. . · no provision . Manual Input Keyboard: .. · via a 53-key keyboard. Quantity of Data: · up to 768 characters . Character set: . . 60 characters, including digits, upper-case letters, and special symbols. Comments: .. · 6 keys provide control functions only and do not produce a displayable symbol; 4 keys are blank (no function). © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 5/68 6650:04 PHILCO-FORO 0-20 · 33 Fixed Input: . . . . . . . . . . no provision. · 34 Transaction Code Input: . . no provision. · 35 Message Configuration The D-20 accepts commands configured in a two-character sequence. Table II presents the ten commands accepted by the D-20. Messages received by the D-20 must begin with an SOM character sequence. Message transmission from the D-20 is initiated by a Request-for-Data (RFD) character sequence or by depressing the Transmit key on the keyboard. Control characters are stripped from the incoming message and are not entered in the buffer memory . Data received between the Up Arrow and Line Feed characters is also excluded from entering the memory. Control characters can not be transmitted from the D-20 except by entering the desired two-character control sequence via the keyboard; see Table II. TABLE II: CONTROL CHARACTER SEQUENCES * Control Characters Function Control Codes - 0 1011100 0110000 Initiates white color mode - 1 1011100 0110001 Initiates green color mode - 2 1011100 0110010 - 3 1011100 0110011 Initiates red color mode Initiates blue color mode - 4 1011100 0110100 Initiates carriage return - 5 1011100 0110101 Initiates EOM sequence; unlocks Keyboard at end of received message - 6 1011100 0110110 Initiates character skip sequence (same as Skip key) - 7 1011100 0110111 Request-far-Data (RFD) sequence initiates transmit mode - 8 1011100 0111000 Start-of-Message (SaM) sequence when received. positions cursor to upper-left corner. initiates white color mode. and locks keyboard - 9 1011100 0111001 Initiates display erase sequence (same as Erase) * Control character sequences can be entered from the keyboard or received from the communications line . . 36 Operating Procedure A message to be transmitted from a D-20 Alphanumeric COIOl' Display Unit is composed by depressing the Erase key to clear the screen and pOSition the cursor at the upper left corner of the screen (first position in memory), and then entering the data from the keyboard. Controls are provided to advance or backspace the cursor one or several pOSitions at a time (when using the Repeat key) to move the cursor to the beginning of the next line or to the beginning of the previous line, or to return the cursor to the beginnin!; of tle first line. Composition errors can be corrected or changes to existing text can be made by positioning the cursor to the character (s) to be changed and keying new data; existing text can only be erased by entering spaces over the portion of tcxt to be erased. The message to be transmitted is bracketed by the displayed Start-of-Entry and End-of-Entry symbols which are entered from the keyboard. Once the message has been composed and is ready for transmission, the operator depresses the On Line switch to On Line mode (which locks the keyboard) and either awaits a Request-for-Data (RFD) sequence or depresses the transmit key. Only the bracketed data is transmitted. Specific cursor positioning is not essential prior to transmission. Keyboard entery is inhibited while receiving or transmitting a message . . 37 Entry of Time and Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no provision. (Contd. ) 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA a .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6650:05 PHILCO-FORD D -20 .4 OUTPUT .46 Output to Visual Display Device D-20 A/N Color Display Unit Output medium: . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . cathode ray tube, displays red, green, blue, or white characters against black background . Character set: ... . . . . . . . . . . digits 0-9, upper-case letters A -Z, and 24 punctuation and special symbols; see Table 1. Character size: . . . . . . . .. .. characters are formed by a 5- by 7 -dot matrix which is nominally 0.20 inch wide and 0.21 inch high. · . 10.4 inches wide by 7.4 inches high. Display size: . . . . . . . . . . Characters per line: . . . . . · .32 • . . . . . . 24. Lines per display: . . . . . . Characters per display:. . . . . · .768. Buffer capacity: . . . · 768 characters. Format control: . . . . . . . . . . · . . . ., . flexible cursor movement controls: see Paragraph .15; each space position on the display occupies one character position in the buffer; horizontal and vertical tab functions are not provided; color selection; carriage return. Rated output speed:. . . · 10 char/sec over a voice-band line. · . . lower than rated speed due to exchange of control Effective output speed: sequences. ·5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION · 51 Data Entry Errors: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no provision except visual checking of displayed data. · 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . Error indication: . . . . . Correction procedure:. . · . . character and longitudinal parity. · .. special symbol (customer option) is displayed in place of error character. . . . . . requires operator intervention. · 53 Data Recording Errors,: . · no provision except visual checking of displayed data. .55 Line Malfunctions: · no special provisions for checking. .6 CONDITION INDICA TORS: . ·7 DATA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics . . . . . . . . . none. Rated transmission speed: . · . . . . . . 10 char/sec (110 bits/sec). Transmission method:. . · . . . . . . serial by bit. Transmission code: ... . . . . . . · . . . . . . 7-level USASCII; a start bit, an even parity bit, and two stop bits are added to each character; a total of 11 bits are transmitted per character; see Table 1. · . . . . . . . half-duplex. Transmission mode: . . . . . Order of bit transmission: . · . . . . . . . low-order bit (bl) is transmitted first, parity bit last . Synchronization:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . start and stop bits are transmitted with each character. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/68 6650:06 PHILCO-FORD 0 -20 . 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Data Set* Bell System leased line Type 3002 Data Channel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 103F. Western Union Class E Data Channel: . . . . Western Union 600 Baud Data Modem. Public telephone network: . . . . . • . . . . . . Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 103A2. * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see your local common-carrier communications consultant . . 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: . • . . . . . · .. manual dialing or signaling. Call reception: . . . . . . . . . Functional operation:. . . . . · .. manual. · .. carriabe return, line feed, and the control character sequences listed in Table II . . 74 Multistation Operation: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . no provision . .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS D-20 Display Unit Component .9 Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 18.25 28.5 19.5 125 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 0.35 115 60 1 Temperature Range rF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 59 to 95 10 to 90 ? PRICE DATA Componcnt or Feature Purchase * Price, $ Model D-20 Alphanumeric Color Display Unit * 5/68 7200 Philco-Ford states that a leasing arrangement and a maintenance contract is available on request. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6651:01 PHILCO-FORD 0-21 III PHILCO-FORD ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 0-21 .1 GENERAL ,11 Identity:.. . Alphanumeric Display Unit Model D-2L .12 Manufacturer: . . Philco-Ford Corporation WDL Division 1002 Gemini Avenue Houston, Texas 77058 . . 13 Basic Function: . , . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . displays, via cathode ray tube, 'data received from a remote computer or entered via keyboard; transmits data to a remote computer over the public telephone network or leased voice-band line . . 15 Description The Philco-Ford Model D-21 Alphanumeric Display Unit is a stand-alone display unit developed A detailed analysis of the IBM 2260/2848 can be found in Report 6456. by Philco-Ford from the basic IBM 2260 Display Station and IBM 2848 Display Control. This summary report presents the differences between the equipment marketed by Philco-Ford and IBM and contains the information unique to the D-21 Display Unit. Except where noted in this report, the Philco-Ford D-21 is functionally identical to the IBM 2260 (see Report 6456). Differences Between Philco-Ford and IBM Equipment Some major differences exist between the Philco-Ford Model D-21 Alphanumeric Display Unit and the IBM 2260 Display Station/2848 Display Control. The D-21 features: • Increased memory size, • Increased viewing area, • A different display format, and • A different keyboard arrangement. Transmission Characteristic s The D-21 Display Unit operates asynchronously over the public telephone network or a leased voice-band line at up to 120 characters per second (1200 hits per second), The D-21 interface is compatible with the Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C or Data Set 202D. A modified 7-level USASCII transmission code, presented in Table I, is used with an eighth bit added for parity. Unity start and stop bits bracket each character transmitted to produce a 10-bit character. The low-order bit (b1) of each character is transmitted first. Display Unit The display portion of the D-21 Display Unit is a 14-inch rectangular CRT with a 9-inch high by 10.7 -inch-wide viewing surface. The characteristics of the display are presented in Table II, Each character is formed by a 5- by 7-dot matrix. The display can be adjusted for intenSity and contrast. Keyboard The keyboard included with the D-21 Display Unit contains 65 keys, including cursor and control keys, arranged in a conventional typewriter style. The non-destructive cursor is displayed as a caret ( 1\) and marks the next data entry position. The cursor can not be entered in the buffer memory from the keyboard, but can be stored as the result of a computer message. Cursor controls include: • Skip - advances the cursor one character position. Simultaneous depreSSion of the Repeat and Skip keys causes repetitive cursor movement until the cursor moves off the screen (after the last display position is located). © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/68 665t:02 PHILCO -FORD 0 -2 t Figure L .15 Philco-Ford Alphanumeric Display Unit Model D-21. Description (Contd.) • Backspace - backspaces the cursor one character position. Simultaneous depression of the Repeat and Backspace keys cause repetitive cursor movement until the first display position is located. • Carriage Return/Line Feed Down - establishes a single space between displayed lines with the cursor positioned at the initial character location of the next line. Simultaneous depression of the Repeat key and this key causes repetitive cursor movement until the cursor is positioned at the initial character position of the last line. • Carriage Return/Line Feed Up - establishes a single space between displayed lines with the cursor positioned at the initial character location of the previous line. Simultaneous depression of the Repeat key and this key causes repetitive cursor movement until the cursor is positioned at the initial character location of the first line. Editing Facilities Editing facilities are limited; they include the ability to replace a character with another character or space and to erase the screen by clearing the memory. Repetitive entry of characters or spaces is provided by the simultaneous depression of the Repeat key and the desired character key. Horizontal and vertical tab functions are not provided. When it is desired to retain fixed data, as in a fixed format, a New Line symbol is used at the end of each entry. The New Line symbol causes the cursor to skip all succeeding characters in the line and move to the beginning of the next line, this providing split-screen capability. The New Line symbol (displayed as -) can be entered from the keyboard or received as part of the computer message. (Contd. ) 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6651:03 PHIL-CO -FORD 0 -21 TABLE I: MODEL D-21 DISPLAY UNIT USASCII TRANSMISSION CODE* b7 Bit Positions 0 0 0 b6 b5 ; 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SP 0 1\ P Column b4 b3 b2 bl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 SOH 9 1 A Q a q 0 0 1 0 2 STX 0 2 B R b r 0 0 1 1 3 ETX #= 3 C S c s 0 1 0 0 4 EOT $ 4 D T d t 0 1 0 1 5 % 5 E U e u 0 1 1 0 6 &; 6 F V f v 7 G W g w It Row 0 1 NAK ACK , P 0 1 1 1 7 1 0 0 0 8 ( 8 H X h x 1 0 0 1 9 ) 9 I Y i Y 1 0 1 0 10 • : J Z j z 1 0 1 1 11 + ; K k 1 1 0 0 12 . < L I 1 1 0 1 13 - = M 1 1 1 0 14 > N 1 1 1 1 15 ? 0 - / t::. m n - I 0 All characters In columns 2 through 5 inclusive. are displayable; characters in columns 6 and 7 can be received but. are displayed as their upper-case equivalents. The following symbols are displayed: t::. - Start-of-Entry symbol 9 - End-of-Entry symbol - - New Line symbol 1\ - .15 Cursor Description (Contd.) A Reset key is provided to initialize the D-21 Display Unit and. when depressed. resets the cursor to the upper-left corner of the display; the memory is not cleared. Message Configuration The D-21 Display Unit employs the same message configuration and uses the same pclling sequence as the IBM 2260. Its five read and write commands are identical to the 2260; printer commands are not included. Communication between the remote computer and a D-21 Display Unit is initiated when the computer transmits a four-character address to the D-21 Display Unit. This sequence consists of the characters: EaT (poll or read) or SOH (write), the D-21 address, unit address, and command. Because the D-21 Display Unit is a stand-alone display unit, the D-21 address is the only address recognized; the unit address character is converted but not identified. The two general types of commands are poll (or read) and write. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Il1fo. Inc. 5/68 6651 :04 PHILCO-FORD D-21 TABLE ll: D-21 DISPLAY UNIT CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic .15 Description Output medium Cathode ray tube; displays white characters against black background. Character set 62 characters, including upper-case alphabetics, numerics, punctuation marks and special symbols. Character size Characters are formed by a 5- by 7 -dot matrix which is nominally O. 11 inch wide and 0 ~ 26 inch high. Display size 10.7 inches wide by 9 inches high. Characters per line 64. Lines per display 24. Characters per display 1536. Buffer capacity 1536 characters. Format control Flexible cursor movement controls; each space position on the display occupies one character pOSition in the buffer; horizontal and vertical tab functions are not provided. Rated output speed Up to 1::!0 char/sec (1200 bits/sec). Effective output speed Limited by message length and communications facility. Description (Contd.) There are two read commands for transmitting data from the D-21 Display Unit to the computer and three write commands for transferring data to a Display Unit. These commands include: • Specific Poll - initiates transfer of a message entered via the keyboard. • Read Full - initiates transfer of the entire buffer memory contents. • Write Addressed Unit - conditions the addressed D-21 for reception and display of the associated message. • Erase/Write Addressed Unit - causes the display of the addressed D-21 to be erased and the cursor to be positioned at the first displayable position. • Write Line Address - same as Write !\cldr'-'!"Co·'.:d 111":(" started on the addressed line instead .f dl.lll l~l·",l. l1:w. c ')t that the display is When a poll command addressed to the D-21 Display Unit. is received, the D-21 responds with a text message consisting of the following characters: STX, D-21 Unit Address, text, ETX, and LRC (longitudinal redundancy check). If the computer receives the message without detecting an error, an ACK character is transmitted. If an crror is detected, a NAK character is transmitted and the D-21 Display Unit automatically retransmits the message. After the message has been correctly received and the acknowledgement transmitted, the computer can transmit one or 'TIore messages to the Display Unit. Each message from the computer consists of: STX, text, ETX, and LRC. Each message is acknowledged with an ACK or NAK response. (eontd. ) 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 8 . ,UERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS . 15 6651 :05 PHILCO-FORO 0-21 Description (Contd.) If the command is a write command, the D-21 Display Unit responds with an ACK character if it receives the message correctly and a NAK if not. The computer then transmits one or more messages to the addressed D-21 in the same format as above. Each message is acknowledged with an ACK or NAK by the D-21. If the command is a Write Line Address, the line address is inserted following STX in the computer message. The D-21 Display Unit will make no response if it detects a parity error or an invalid command or address in the addressing sequence. A one-character response of EaT from the D-21 is transmitted to terminate a message after having received positive acknowledgement to a Read or Specific Poll command from the remote computer. An EaT is transmitted by the remote computer to terminate a message after having received a positive acknowledgement to a write command from the D-21. An EaT is also transmitted by the D-21 as a negative response (no message waiting) to a Specific Poll. The text can contain up to 1536 characters. The displayed data between a New Line symbol and the end of the line is not transmitted when a D-21 is polled; fixed data can be retained on the screen during a write operation if New Line symbols are contained in the received message in the appropriate places. Operating Procedure A message to be transmitted from a D-21 Display Unit is composed by depressing the Erase key to clear the screen and position the cursor at the upper left corner of the screen (first position in memory), and then entering the data from the keyboard. Controls are provided to advance or backspace the cursor one or several positions at a time (when using the Repeat key) to move the cursor to the beginning of the next line or the beginning of the previous line, or to return the cursor to the beginning of the first line. Composition errors can be corrected or changes to existing text can be made by positioning the cursor to the character(s) to be changed and keying new data; existing text can only be erased by entering spaces over the portion of text to be erased. The message to be transmitted is bracketed by the displayed Start-of-Entry and End-of-Entry symbols which are entered from the keyboard. Once the message has been composed and is ready for transmission, the operator depresses the Transmit key and places the Display Unit in the On-Line mode. Only the bracketed data is transmitted when the D-21 is polled. Specific cursor positioning is not essential prior to transmission. Keyboard entry is inhibited while receiving or transmitting a message. Error Detection and Correction Character and longitudinal parity checking is performed on all data received by the D-21 Display Unit from the remote computer; character parity bits and longitudinal check characters are generated and transferred with all data transmitted from the D-21. If the remote computer returns a negative acknowledgement indicating that an error was detected at the computer site, the D-21 Display Unit automatically retransmits the message. The D-21 Display Unit also checks parity and validity of each command sequence received from the computer. If errors are detected, the D-21 does not respond. Software Philco states that the D-21 is compatible with the IBM software (including BTAM and QTAM) for the IBM 2260 Display Station. . 16 First Delivery: . . . . . . . . . March 1968 . . 17 Availability:................ .. 3 months. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/68 6651:06 PHILCO-FORO 0-21 .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS D-21 Display Unit Component .9 Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 18.25 28.50 19.50 125 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) 0.345 115 60 Phases Temperature Range (OF.) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 1 59 to 95 10 to 90 ? PRICE DATA Component or Feature Purchase * Price, $ Model D-21 Alphanumeric Display Unit 9200 * Philco states that a leaSing arrangement and a maintenance contract is available on request. 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 8 . AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6700:01 RCA 70/653 RCA 70/653 COMMUNICATION CONTROL (WITH RCA SPECTRA 70 COMPUTERS) .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: .. . 12 Manufacturer: . . . . .13 Basic Function: .15 Description RCA 70/653 Communication Control (Single Channel) Radio Corporation of America Electronic Data Processing Division Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08101 transmission of data over a voice or broadband line between an RCA Spectra 70 computer system and another RCA computer, which has appropriate communications equipment The single-channel RCA Communication Control was designed to permit synchronous, halfduplex communication between an RCA Spectra 70 computer system and a remote RCA 301, 3301, or Spectra 70 computer system equipped with the appropriate communications equipment. All models of the 70/653 Communications Controls are functionally similar; they differ in transmission speeds and in the communications facilities with which they can be used. In general, communications between an RCA Spectra 70 computer equipped with a 70/653 Communication Control and a remote computer equipped with compatible equipment take place as an interchange of data and and acknowledgment messages. An interrupt is generated only at the end of a data block or because of errors or malfunctions. A 70/653 Communication Control (any model) can be connected via one trunk of any type of input/output channel in any Spectra computer system. Three models of the 70/653 Communication Control are available. The 70/653-25 permits communications at 2000 bits per second over the public telephone network or at 2400 bits per second over a common-carrier leased voiceband line. The 70/653-26 is restricted to transmission at 2000 bits per second over the public telephone network and includes provisions for programmed automatic dialing in conjunction with a Bell System Automatic Calling Unit. The 70/653-34 operates at 40,800 bits per second over a leased broadband line such as a Telpak A channel with a Type A2 termination arrangement. All three models can use either an 8-level transmission code that contains 6 data bits, 1 parity bit, and 1 control bit or a 9-level code that contains 8 data bits and 1 parity bit; the selected code level is permanently wired at installation time. The 8-level code is intended for communications with RCA 301 or RCA 3301 computer systems. For each message character, the RCA 70/653 transmits the 6 least Significant bits of one 8-bit byte in core memory of the RCA Spectra 70 plus a parity bit and a control bit. If code interpretation is required, the stored program in the transmitting or receiving computer must perform the code translation. The 9-level code is intended for communication with other Spectra 70 computer systems only. Character transmission speeds for the different code options are listed in Table I. TABLE 1. CHARACTER TRANSMISSION SPEEDS Bit Rate, bits/sec Character Rate, char/sec 8-level code 2,000 2,400 40,800 9-level code 250 300 5,100 © 1970 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 222 267 4,533 1/70 6700:02 RCA 70/653 Checking provisions in all models include character parity and block or longitudinal parity. Errors or other conditions (such as no more data to transmit) are generally indicated by failure to respond to a data or acknowledgement message within a specified time·. Upon expiration of this time, the computer is interrupted and the message can be retransmitted or the call can be terminated, depending on the program and the conditions . . 16 .17 .2 First Delivery: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Availability:.................... CONFIGURATION .3 A 70/653 Communication Control (any model) can be connected via one trunk of any type of input/ output channel in any Spectra computer system. Connections to standard -communications facilities and compatible data sets are listed in Paragraph. 72 • INPUT not specified 9 months All input to the 70/653 Communications Control is transferred from the associated RCA computer system under control of the computer program. Input to the computer can be from the console keyboard, punched cards, punched paper tape, magnetic tape, optically coded documents, inquiry stations, or other RCA computers . . 35 Message Configuration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Operating Procedure .4 •5 .51 In attended operation, the operator establishes a connection by manually dialing or signaling. The control is then ready for transmission or reception. Further action is controlled by the stored program in the associated computer system. Programmed automatic dialing over the public switched telephone network can be performed with the 70/653-26. All models are capable of unattended call reception. OUTPUT All output from the 70/653 Control is transferred to the associated RCA computer under control of the computer program. Output from the computer can 'be printed copy, punched 'cards, punched paper tape, or magnetic tape . ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION Data Entry Errors Type of checking: • 52 character ·parity checking is perfortned on data transferred to the 70/653 from the assO'ciated computer. Error indication: .••. .....•.••.. '. an interrupt is .generated. Correction procedure: . . . . . . • . . . . • . as programmed. Data Transmission Errors character and message parity checking. an interrupt ·is generated. as programmed; usually retransmission. .53 Type of checking: •....•....•..••. Error indication: .••.•.•..•.. •..• Correction procedure: ...•.•..•.•.• Data Recording Errors Type of checking: .•.•..•••.. •.•.. character parity checking 'is performed on data transferred from the 70/653 to the associated computer system. an interrupt is generated. as programmed. Error indication: • . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . Correction procedure: . . . . . • . . . . . . . 1/70 10 to N characters per block, including 7 synchronization characters, message characters, end-of-message character, and longitudinal parity check character. Various control codes, such as acknowledge, terminate message, transmit next message, etc., are transmitted as I-character messages, preceded by the 7 sync characters . AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA a .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS . 55 6700:03 RCA 70/653 Line Malfunctions Detection: failure to receive a response from the remote terminal within 19 seconds. an interrupt is generated, and the Control is automatically disconnected . Action: .6 CONDITION INDICATORS A switch is provided to condition the 70/653 Control for operation over the public telephone network or over a leased line. The 70/653-26 can be set to operate in either a manual or automatic dialing mode. A switch is also furnished to allow signaling of the remote operator. Lights are provided to indicate Transmit or Receive mode, transmission or reception errors, and that the remote operator is signaling. A buzzer is sounded when errors are detected and when the remote operator signals . .7 DATA TRANSMISSION In general, communications between an RCA Spectra 70 computer equipped with a 70/653 Control and a remote computer equipped with compatible equipment take place as an interchange of data and acknowledgment messages. Failure to receive an acknowledgment within 1. 6 seconds causes an interrupt to be generated. Failure to receive a "continue-totransmit" character code within 19 seconds causes an interrupt to be generated and the 70/653 Control to be automatically disconnected . . 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed 70/653-25: . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70/653-26: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70/653-34: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission method: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission mode: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order of bit transmission: .. . . . . . . . . Synchronization: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 2000 or 2400 bits/sec. * 2000 bits/sec. * 40,800 bits/sec. * serial by bit. any 8-level code including 6 data bits, 1 parity bit, and 1 control bit or any 9-level code including 8 data bits and 1 parity bit. One of these code levels is permanently wired at installation time. Data bits transmitted are the lower 6 bits (8-level) or all 8 bits (9-level) of one Spectra 70 core location (byte). half -duplex low-order bit first. synchronous; synchronization is maintained by idle characters transmitted at the beginning of each data block . Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Public switched telephone network (2000 bits/sec): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Common-carrier leased voiceband line (2400 bits/ sec): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telpak A (40,800 bits/sec): . . . . . . . . . . Data Set** Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A Bell System Data Set 201B or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem requires a Telpak Channel Terminal A-2. which includes a data set *See Table I for relationships between bits/sec rate and char/sec rate for 8-level and 9-level codes. **In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. © 1970 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 1/70 6700:04 RCA 70/653 .73 Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . . . manual dialing or signaling; programmed automatic dialing with 70/653-26. all models are capable of unattended operation. no direct control, but incoming data can be used to control operations via appropriate programming of the associated computer system. Call reception:. . . • . • • • . . . . • . . ... Functional operation: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 74 Multistation Operation: . . • . . • . . • . . . •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS RCA 70/653 (all models) Component Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 27 25 62 440 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 1.2 208 60 3 Temperature range (OF) Humidity range (%) Heat (BTU /hr) .9 60 to 90 20 to 80 3000 PRICE DATA Monthly Rental Component or Feature RCA 70/653 Communication Control (all models) 1/70 no provision other than the facilities of the associated computer system; would require program analysis of the responses of the remote terminals . Purchase Price Monthly Maintenance $ $ $ 285 14,550 31 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERIACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS z:s: 6701:00 RCA 6051 REPORT UPDATE AUERBACH IllI'ORTS • REPORT UPDATE • RCA REPLACES THE 6051 DISPLAY UNIT WITH THE 70/752 RCA has introduced the 70/752 Video Data Terminal and 70/755 Video Data Switch (see Report 6702) to replace the 6051 Video Data Interrogator and its controller. the.6077 Interrogator Control Terminal. RCA states that the 6051 and 6077 are no longer in p.roduction but are available on an "as returned" basis. 01967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/67 fA ~ AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS 6701:01 RCA 6051 \UERBACH REPORTS • RCA 6051 VIDEO DATA INTERROGATOR .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: •....•..• -..•..••.••••• .12 Manufacturer: • 13 Basic Function: ••...••...••.•.•• · 14 Basic Components Name: ••....•.•...••..••..••• Model number: .....•....•••.••• Function: ••.....••..••.••..••• Name: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • Model number: •..•.••.•....•.•• Function: . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . • · 15 6051-1, -2, or -3 Video Data Interrogator; 6077 Interrogator Control Terminal. Radio Corporation of America Electronic Data Processing Division -Camden, New Jersey 081~1 displays, via cathode ray tube, data received from a remote computer or entered via keyboard; transmits data to remote computer over a leased voice-band line. Video Data Interrogator. 6051-1, -2, -3. display of alphanumeric data; keyboard data entry. Interrogator Control Terminal. 6077. provides communications interface, buffer storage, and basic control logic. Description: The RCA 6051 Video Data Interrogator is designed to permit rapid, convenient exchange of data between an RCA 301, 3301, or Spectra 70 computer and a remote operator. Up to eight 6051 units can be controlled by a 6077 Interrogator Control Terminal. Each 6051 unit can be located up to 650 feet from the Control Terminal. There are three models of the 6051 Interrogator. Each can display a total of 480 characters, but the models differ in the number of lines per display and the number of characters per line. Table II shows the display characteristics of each model. Different models of the 6051 unit cannot be intermixed. Each unit can display 64 different characters and symbols including digits, upper-case letters, punctuation marks, and special symbols. Characters are displayed on the face of a 14-inch rectangular cathode ray tube. A four-row keyboard, which can be moved up to 1,300 feet from the display unit, is provided for data entry, but there are no provisions for printed output of displayed data. The 6077 Interrogator Control Terminal contains logic for character generation, display regeneration, and control. The 6077 control also contains buffer storage for all units in the form of a magnetic disc. (The RCA 6050 Video Data Terminal, which provided a video display unit and integrated control in a single cabinet, has been discontinued. ) A unique feature of the 6077 Control Terminal is its capability for storing up to 16 different prerecorded formats on the magnetic disc. Each format defines areas open for operator data entry, areas where the operator cannot write, and fixed data to be displayed (such as headings, titles, and entry legends). Data within the fixed area is not transmitted. The operator can call for any of the prerecorded formats by depressing one of 16 switches. When trans- , mitting, a format identification code is transmitted, but not the locked-out area of the format. The remote computer can specify any one (or none) of the 16 formats when transmitting a message to a display terminal. Different formats can be recorded on the magnetic disc in the Control Terminal only via a transmission from the remote computer. The 6077 Control Terminal and associated 6051 display units operate in a half-duplex mode over a common-carrier leased voice-band line. Operation over the public telephone network is possible but not recommended if heavy message traffic Is anticipated due to the high cost for prolonged calls. The transmission speed is either 120 or 180 characters per second (1,200 or 1,800 characters per second, respectively), as specified when ordered. Start/ stop synchronization is used. C 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/66 6701:02 RCA 6051 Figure 1: RCA 6051 Video Data Interrogator • 15 Description (Contd.) The Control Terminal scans the display units sequentially for messages to be transmitted. When a display unit is found to have a message ready, the unit is shifted to the Transmit mode and the message is transmitted. The Control remains locked to that display unit until a response is received from the remote computer or until a predetermined amount of time has elapsed. The Control then begins the scan again with the next sequential display unit. Messages sent to the remote computer contain the identification of the transmitting display unit. Return messages from the computer do not contain a display unit deSignation. The computer cannot originate messages to particular units; it can only respond to inquiries from the display units. The communication line is terminated at the remote RCA computer by a data set and the appropriate communications buffer and controller; see Report 8700 on the 378 CMC (RCA 301 computer), Report 8701 on the 3378 CMC (RCA 3301 computer), and Report 8703 on the 70/668 CCM (RCA Spectra 70 computers). Local 6051 and 6077 units, located within 50 feet of the computer, can be connected to an I/O channel of a 301, 3301, or Spectra 70 computer via the same controller and buffer as when connected remotely; no data sets are required in this case. Editing facilities available to the operator include movement of the cursor forward or backward, or to the beginning of the next line or to the next field as defined by the pre-recorded format. The cursor is non-destructive; i. e., it does not erase the character displayed in the position the cursor occupies. Only data not in the fixed portion of the format is transmitted. Character parity is checked on all data received by the 6077 Control; a parity bit is generated and transferred with each character transmitted from the Control. The Control and associated display units do not generate or recognize any acknowledgment messages. If a parity error is detected by the Control, that character is displayed as a brightened area. The Control Terminal contains a timer which is started when a message is transmitted to the remote computer. If a response is not received within a predetermined time, the timer expires and causes the data display to be flashed on and off. This is the normal technique for informing the operator that the message should be retransmitted. The message does not need to be rekeyed for retransmission. (Contd.) 11/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ZSi AUERBACH AUI~'ACH 6701:03 DATA COMMUNICA "ONS RCA 6051 ~11'O~TS • . 16 RCA states that I/O control routines are being provided under the operating systems of the RCA 3301 and Spectra 70 computers for remote RCA 6051 Video Data Interrogator terminals. The programmer specifies the formats of messages to be transmitted to the remote terminals and must be aware of the formats of messages transmitted to the computer. RCA states that no RCA 301 Software to support a display station network is available or being planned . First Delivery: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 1966 . • 17 .2 Availability: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 to 12 months . CONFIGURATION Up to eight RCA 6051-1, -2, or -3 Video Data Interrogator units can be connected to a 6077 Interrogator Terminal Control. No intermixing of models is possible. The differences in the characteristics of the three models of the 6051 unit are shown in Table II. The 6077 Control Terminal contains buffer storage and logic for all eight unitsj no extra-cost features are required for the addition of Video Interrogator units. See Paragraph . 72 for the standard communications facilities that can be used and the data sets required . .3 ~ .31 Prepared Input: . 32 Manual Input no provision . Keyboard Method of entry: Quantity of data: Character set: Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 .34 Fixed Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transaction Code Input: .35 Message Configuration: . 36 Operating Procedure via 48-key keyboard, including some control keys; 24 additional keys provide functional control. up to 479 characters per display. 64 characters: digits, upper-case letters, and 28 punctuation marks and special symbols. standard keyboard layout is same as standard typewriter keyboard except for punctuation marks and special symbols. no provision. format identification code could be used as transaction code; see Paragraph. 35. each message transferred from the display unit is transmitted in the (ollowing format: DDl, VI, FI, Data, DDt. . each message transferred from the remote computer is transmitted in the following format: SOH, FI, Data, DD2. VI is· a one-character display unit address; FI is a one-character identifier of the prerecorded format used; DDI and DD2 are special characters specified when ordered; DDI and VI are automatically generated by the Terminal Control; FI and DD2 are generated by depressing keys. up to 479 characters of data can be included in one message . A message is composed for transmission by: (1) Depressing the Write switch, which clears the displaYj (2) Depressing the appropriate format switch, which displays 1 of 16 prel'ecorded formatsj and . (3) Keying in the desired data, using the cursor controls as necessary to position the cursor. C 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/66 6701:04 RCA 6051 .36 Operating Procedure' (Contd.) The cursor automatically skips locations occupied by thr prerecorded format. The display is visually verified and corrections are made by positioning the cursor and rekeying. The cursor is nondestructive. To transmit the displayed 'data, the Transmit Switch is depressed. This disables the Write mode and prevents any more data from being entered. J! a response from the remote computer is not received within a predetermined period of time, the display begins to flash on and off. Normally, this indicates that an error was detected by the computer and that a retransmission is required. To retransmit, the operator depresses the Write Switch and then the Transmit Switch. J! the computer generates a response, the receiving display unit .is erased and the prerecorded format indicated in the message is transferred to the display unit buffer. After reception is complete, the Write Switch is illuminated and the message is displayed. · 37 .4 Entry of Time and Date: . . . . . . . . . . OUTPUT no provisions . · 44 Output to Printer: no provisions. · 46 Output to Visual Display Device ......... . Display unit Output medium: Character set: Character size: . . . . . . Display size: . . . . . . . . . Characters per line: . . . . . . . . . Lines per display: . Characters per display: . . . . . . . Buffer capacity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Format control: Rated output speed: Effective output speed: . . . . . . • . . . . ·5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cathode ray tube; displays black characters on white background. 64 characters: digits, upper-case letters, alltl 28 punctuation marks and special symbols: see Table 1. see Table II. displayed on rectangular tube with a 14-inch diagonal; see Table II for display size for each model. see Table n. see Table II. see Table II. 11,536 characters total; 480 characters for each of 8 display units and 481 characters for each of 16 prerecorded formats. cursor (underline) can be advanced or backspaced; movement of cursor does not erase character positions; cursor can also be positioned at the beginning of the next line. prerecorded formats can be transmitted from the remote computer, stored in the buffer, and displayed on command of the operator or the computer; data and spaces can be included in the format; cursor cannot be pOSitioned ' within the defined areas of the format. 120 or 180 char/sec (1,200 or 1,800 bits/sec. respect ively) over a voice-band line. less than rated speed, depending on message length, turnaround time, etc. no checking except for visual verification of displayed data. (Contd. ) , 1/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AU'UACH DATA CDMMUNICATlDNS "'I'OIIT5 6701:05 RCA 6051 • TABLE I: RCA 6051 ASCn DATA TRANSMISSION CODE b7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 b6 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 b5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 b4 b3 b2 b1 0 0 0 0 SP 0 @ p 0 0 0 1 ! 1 A Q 0 0 1 0 " 2 B R 0 0 1 1 # 3 C S 0 1 0 0 $ 4 D T 0 1 0 1 C{ 5 E U 0 1 1 0 & 6 F V 0 1 1 1 7 G W 1 0 0 0 ( 8 H X 1 0 0 1 ) 9 I Y 1 0 1 0 ... : J Z 1 0 1 1 + ; K 1 1 0 0 • < L 1 1 0 1 - = M ] 1 1 1 0 > N t 1 1 1 1 ? 0 , SKIP RET / SOM - Note: Any displayable characters can be used for DD1 and DD2, as specified when ordered . . 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Error indication: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correction procedure: . . . . . . . . . . . . Conunents: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . character parity; character validity. received character with parity error is displayed as a brightened area; invalid codes are displayed as blanks; if a "no response" is used to indicate detection of an error by the computer. the display flashes on and off. manual retransmission by operator. Remote computer can be programmed to recognize a retransmission request. unit does not transmit or recognize a positive or negative acknowledgment message. C 1966 AuERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/66 6701:06 RCA 6051 TABLE n: DISPLAY CHARACTERISTICS OF RCA 6051 MODELS Model 6051-1 Model 6051-2 Model 6051-3 Character size Width, inches Height, inches 0.18 0.22 O. 12 0.15 0.14 0.18 Display size Width, inches Height, inches 8.0 6.0 8.16 4.0 8.0 4.B Characteristic Characters per line 32 48 40 Lines per display 15 10 12 480 480 4BO Characters per display .53 Data Recording Errors: · 55 Line Malfunctions Detection: no checking except for visual verification of displayed data. Action: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." ....... . no data received within a predetermined time; see also Paragraph . 52. display flashes on and off. .6 CONDITION INDICA TORS: ·7 DAT A TRANSMISSION The Interrogator Control Terminal sequentially scans the associated Video Data Interrogator linits. When one is found to be in the Transmit mode, transmission is initiated. The connection between that display unit and the remote computer is maintained until the computer responds or until a predetermined amount of time has elapsed. The timer can be set for a period of 5, 10, or 30 seconds or can be disabled. After the computer has responded or the timer has timed out, the Terminal Control continues the scan with the next sequential display unit. · 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: Transmission method: . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission mode: • . . . . . . . . . . . . Order of bit transmission: . . . . . . . . . Synchronization: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a switch/lamp is provided on the Control Terminal to indicate that the power is on; a switch/lamp is provided on the Control and each display unit to indicate that the data set is ready; a sWitch/lamp is provided on each display unit to indicate when the unit is transmitting. 120 or 1BO char/sec (1,200 or 1, BOO bits/sec, respectively). serial by bit. 7-level ASCII plus an added parity bit; a total of 10 bits are transmitted for each character, including start and stop bits. half-duplex . low-order bit first, parity bit last. start and stop bits are transmitted with each character. (Contd. ) t 1/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A• ~ 4UEIIB4CH 6701:07 DATA auoeACM COMMUNICATIONS RII'ORTS • 72 RCA 6051 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Public switched telephone network operating at 1,200 bits/sec (120 char/sec): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Common-carrier leased· voiceband line operating at: 1,200 bits/sec (120 char/sec): Data Set. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. Bell System Data Set 202 €or 202D, or Western Union 1200 Baud Modem. 1, BOO bits/sec (IBO char/sec): Bell System Data Set 202D . ... In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. · 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: Can reception: Functional operations: . . . . . . . . . . . · 74 Multistation Operation Polling: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a I ••••• Addressing: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •B manual dialing (public telephone network); direct transmission (dedicated line). operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode (public telephone network); direct transmission (dedicated line). receipt of SKIP character causes the succeeding character to be placed in the first position of the next area available as defined by prerecorded format; receipt of RETURN character causes the succeeding character to be placed in the first available position of the next line. remote computer cannot poll display units; units transmit only to computer under control of operator. remote computer cannot selectively address the display units connected to the Control Terminal; display units can transmit only to computer. PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6051-1, -2, or-3 Video Display Interrogator Component Display unit Keyboard 6077 Interrogator Control Terminal Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 15 19 195 50 15 10 6 16 69.4 24 62 1,200 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 0.1 115 60 1 ... ... ... 3.0 115 60 1 Temperature Range (oF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 10 to 120 o to 90 340 • • ... ... 60 to 90 10 to BO 10,000 ... Included in figures for Display unit. C 1966 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Iflc. , 1/66 1701:08 RCA 6051 .9 PRICE DATA Rental,· , Purchase Price, $ Monthly Maintenance, $ 45 1,900 6.25 1,160 48,700 162.00 Monthly Component or Feature 605-1, -2, or -3 Video Display Interrogator 6077 Interrogator Control Terminal ... Monthly rentals are for unUmited use. 11/66 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6702:01 RCA 70/752 RCA 70/752 VIDEO DATA TERMINAL .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70/752 Video Data Terminal. . 12 Manufacturer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radio Corporation of America Electronic Data Processing Division Camden, New Jersey OS101 .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . displays, via cathode ray tube, data received from a remote computer or entered via keyboard; transmits data to a remote computer over a leased voice-band line . . 15 Description The RCA 70/752 Video Data Terminal is a visual communications terminal designed to permit rapid exchange of data between an RCA Spectra 70 Model 35, 45, 46, or 55 computer and a remote operator. The basic 70/752 Terminal is designed to operate as a single station in a non-polling environment. Multi-station operation in a polling environment can be obtained with optional components. An adapter is also available for connecting a Teletypewriter if hard copy is desired. Configuration The 70/752 Video Data Terminal contains a cathode ray tube (CRT) display, a separate keyboard, a 10S0-character magnetostrictive delay-line buffer, and character generation and control logic. The 70/755 Video Data Switch allows multiple 70/752 Terminals at one location to share one communications line in a non-polling environment. The Video Data Switch can accommodate up to eight 70/752 Terminals. In this configuration, the Video Data Switch scans each of the 70/752 Terminals until it finds a Terminal in the Transmit mode. The scanning is then interrupted and that Terminal is connected to the line. A timer in the Data Switch monitors the time required for the computer to respond. The Terminal is disconnected and the scanning continues when the timed interval has elapsed. The timer can be manually set for an interval of 15 or 30 seconds, or it can be locked out. Each 70/752 Terminal can accommodate a Teletype Model 33 or 35 Receive-Only Teletypewriter when the Printer Adapter feature is incorporated. Transmission Characteristics The 70/752 Video Data Terminal operates asynchronously in the half-duplex mode over the public telephone network or a leased voice-band line at up to 120 characters per second (1200 bits per second). The Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C or Data Set 202D is compatible with the 70/752 Terminal for use over the public telephone network or leased voice-band line, respectively. The transmission code used by the 70/752 Terminal is a modified 7-level USASCII code with an even parity bit, a start bit, and a stop bit added. A total of 10 bits are transmitted per character. The low-order bit of each character is transmitted first. Display Unit The display portion of the 70/752 Video Data Terminal is a 12-inch rectangular CRT with a 5. 6-inch-high by S-inch-wide viewing area. The characteristics of the display unit are shown in Table I. The monoscope technique is used to generate each character of a 64-symbol character set consisting of upper-case alphabetics, numerics, punctuation marks, and special symbols. Keyboard The keyboard included with the 70/752 Video Data Terminal contains 62 keys, including cursor, editing, and control keys arranged in conventional typewriter style. The keyboard is not permanently attached to the display unit and can be positioned up to 20 cable-feet from the display. @ 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/67 6702:02 RCA 70/752 Figure 1. RCA 70/752 Video Data Terminal. .15 Description (Contd.) Cursor controls allow the operator to position the cursor (an underscore) to: • The first character position of the next line (or to the first character position of the first line when the cursor is positioned on the last line), • The next position to the right (which can be the first position of the next line or the first position of the first line), or ' • The adjacent position to the left (this function is terminated when the first position of the line is reached). Editing Facilities Editing facilities available for the 70/752 Video Data Terminal include the Data Insert function, which allows data to be inserted in a line of text; existing data is displaced to the right with each character inserted. Data displacement propagates from line to line, except that control characters are not displaced beyond the end of a line. This function is deleted when the Data Format feature is installed. The Data Format feature provides for receiVing display format messages. The format message is displayed with reduced brightness. After receipt of a format message, the cursor is positioned to the beginning of the first data field. As data is entered from the keyboard, the cursor is advanced to the next position until the end of the data field is reached. At this point, the cursor is positioned to the beginning of the next data field and data entry continues until the last data field is completed. When data entry is completed and the transmit control is depressed, only the data that has been entered in the data fields within the format is transmitted. (Contd. ) 11/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERSACH 6702:03 DATA ~ .. AUERBACH COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS RCA 70/752 TABLE I: 70/752 DISPLAY CHARACTERISTICS Description CharacterisUc Output medium Cathode ray tube; displays white characters agaiDat black backgroUDd. Character set 64 characters. including upper-caae alphabetics. numerics. punctuation marks. and special symbols. Character size Nominally 0.10 iDch wide aDd 0.14 inch bigh. Display size 8 inches wide by 5.6 inches high. Characters per line 54 characters. Lines per display 20 lines. Characters per display 1080 characters. Buffer capacity 1080 characters. Format control Retum characters. Data Insert function or Data Format feature; split-screen capability; flexible cursor movement controls. Rated output speed Up to 120 char/sec (1200 bps). Effective output speed Limited by message length and communications facility. Other editing facilities include: Screen Erase, which erases the entire contents of the buffer memory and poSitions the cursor to the beginning of the display area; Line Erase, which erases the character in the cursor position and all following characters on that line; Character Erase, which erases the character in the cursor pOSition; and Format Data Erase. which erases the data entered from the keyboard in conjunction with the Data Format feature. Erase functions are controlled by the Master Erase key and require simultaneous depreSSion of two keys. The Line Erase function will erase only non-format data when the Data Format feature is incorporated. Operating Procedure Message composition is performed when the terminal is in the Write mode. Data can be entered at any location on the display by positioning the cursor and keying the data. The cursor is advanced one character position for each character entered. The cursor returns to the beginning of the next line when the end of a line is reached. The Return function erases the characters to the right of the cursor in the current line when the Return key is depressed and, unconditionally, returns the cursor to the beginning of the next line. After the message is composed and the End-of-Text (ETX) character is entered, the message can be visually verified; if in error. the message can be altered by means of the editing controls in conjunction with the cursor controls. When the message is. found to be correct. the communications link is established and the Transmit mode enabled. The message is transmitted; the contents of the display memory remain unchanged. Following the transmission of ETX, the Terminal is automatically.switched to the Receive mode, and the cursor returns to the start of the message. If a computer response is not received within a reasonable period of time, the operator can switch to the Write mode and retransmit the message. The received computer message is preceded by start-of-text (STX) and is displayed beginning at the first character pOSition of the first line. Existing data (the inquiry) is overwritten by the message. The balance of the screen is erased; the Terminal is automatically switched to the Write mode; and the cursor is returned to the beginning of the screen when ETX is received. Further input from the communications line is inhibited, and the displayed computer message remains on the screen until erased. The Transmit and Receive modes are modified when the Message Segment Address (MSA) function is used. With MSA, each message transmitted begins at the cursor position and ends with ETX. The cursor advances with each character transmitted as in the normal Transmit mode, © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/67 6702:04 RCA 70/752 . 15 Description (Contd.) but the cursor does not return to the start of the message; it remains at the location following the ETX character. A received computer message is displayed starting at that cursor location. With the MSA function, both inquiry and response messages can be displayed simultaneously and can be separated by the use of Line Return, Null, or Space characters at the beginning of the computer-response message. Message Configuration The message configuration for the 70/752 Video Data Terminal includes a Start-of-Text (STX) character (automatically inserted), the text, and an End-of-Text (ETX) character. When the Station Selection feature is used, the Terminal is under the control of the computer. The terminal is polled by a Transmit Start Code (TSC) , a two-character sequence including EOT and a customer-assigned terminal address character. (Up to 26 address codes can be specified). The received EOT character places all terminals on the multi station line in the Select mode. The addressed Terminal responds to a TSC with a text message or a no-text message (identified by an EOT) , or the Terminal does not respond. The remote computer must be programmed to handle a no-response condition. Multistation Operation The Station Selection Feature allows up to 26 70/752 Video Data Terminals, each incorporating this feature, to communicate in a multi station arrangement over a single leased line with a remote computer. All communications are initiated by the computer by polling or addressing the Terminals. The polling operation is described in the paragraph under Message Configuration. Error Detection and Correction Character parity is checked on all data received by the 70/752 Terminal; a parity bit is generated and transferred with each character transmitted from the Terminal. If a parity error is detected by the Terminal, that character is displayed as a brightened area. The Terminal does not generate or recognize any acknowledgement messages for automatic retransmission. Software RCA provides two software packages for implementing communications-oriented programs: Primary Communications Oriented System (PCOS) and Multichannel Communications System (MCS). PCOS provides an independent, though limited, operating environment. It permits concurrent operation of a single user's communication program with up to six data transcription programs. MCS operates under the Tape/DiSC Operating System (TDOS) and provides extensive data communication support. Although message-switching applications can be accommodated, MCS is primarily intended for use in either remote batch-processing or inquiry/response data communications applications. Provisions are made to accommodate the RCA 70/752 Video Data Terminal in both the PCOS and the MCS environment . . 16 First Delivery: . • . . . • . . . . April 1967 . . 17 Availability:. . . . . . . . . • ,9 months • •9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Monthly Rental. $ Purchase Price. $ Monthly Maintenance. $ 70/752 Video Data Terminsl 190 8325 23.50 70/755 Video Data Switch 125 5900 13.75 20 20 40 850 850 1700 75* 75* 2.50 2.50 5.00 Options Station Selection Data Format Printer Adapter Keyboard Cable Extension (1) Data Set Cable Extension (2) -- -- * One-time charge. (1) Allows keyboard to be located up to 20 cable-feet away from display. (2) Allows 70/752 Terminal to be located up to 100 cable-feet away from 70/755 Video Data Switch. 11/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6703:01 RCA 70/750 • RCA 70 750 MODULAR VIDEO DATA SYSTEM .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity:....................... RCA 70/750 Modular Video Data System• • 12 Manufacturer:................... Radio Corporation of America Electronic Data Processing Division Camden, New Jersey 08101 .13 Basic Function: • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • •• displays via cathode ray tube, data received from a remote computer or entered via keyboard; transmits data to remote computer over a leased voice-band line • • 14 Basic Components Name: . . . • • • . . • . • . • • • . • . . . . . • . Mexiel ntIm.ber: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • F'UIlCtion: . • . • • . • . . . . . • . • . . . . . •• Name: . • . • • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: . . • • . . • • . . • • • . . . . . Function: . • • . . . • . . . • • . . . . . . . . • . Name: . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: ..••..••.. . . . • . . . . Function: . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 15 Video Data Terminal. 70/751-10, -11, -12. display of alphanumeric data; keyboard data entry. Video Data Generator. 70/756-11, 21, -31. provides display memory, character generator, and control logic. Video Data Controller. 70/759-11, -21. provides communications interface and transmission control • Description The RCA 70/750 Modular Video Data System is a visual communications system designed to permit rapid exchange of data between an RCA Spectra 70 Model 35, 45, 46, or 55 computer and one or more remote stations in a single- or multi-station arrangement under control of a stored program in the computer. The 70/750 System can be operated in a single-station non-polling environment where all message transmission is initiated by the operator, or the 70/750 System can be operated in a multi -station arrangement under a polling and addressing environment. The 70/750 System includes the 70/751 Video Data Terminal (a visual display with an independent keyboard) the 70/756 Video Data Generator, and the 70/759 Video Data Controller. Each Video Data Generator can accommodate from two to eight Video Data Terminals; the number of Terminals that can be connected is dependent upon the Video Data Generator model employed. The Video Data Controller provides housing for the Video Data Generators and can accommodate up to six (when directly connected to a multiplexor channel) or four Video Data Generators (when remotely connected via a communications line). The 70/750 Modular Video Data System can operate synchronously in a full-duplex mode over a leased voice-band line at 300 characters per second (2400 bits per second). The transmission code used is a modified 7-level USASCII code with odd parity; see Table I. When directly connected, the 70/750 system transfers data at 2400 bytes per second each way simultaneously. The remainder of this report pertains to a remotely connected 70/750 system unless otherwise specified. The 70/751 Video Data Terminal contains a 12-inch rectangular CRT with a 5. 6- inch-high by 8-inch wide viewing area. The 70/751 can display from 270 to 1080 characters depending upon the type of Video Generator employed. The monos cope technique is used to generate each character of a 96-symbol character set consisting of upper- and lower-case alphabetics, numerics, punctuation marks and special symbols. The characteristics of the display unit are presented in Paragraph. 46. The 70/751 can be positioned up to 500 cable-feet from the 70/756 Video Data Generator. The 70/751 Terminal includes a 66-key keyboard and is available in three different models: 70/751-10, -11, and -12. Model 70/751-10 provides a typewriter style keyboard capable of generating a 70-character set. Model 70/751-11 provides a combination key-punch and @ 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/68 6703:02 RCA 701750 Figure 1. RCA 70/751 Video Data Terminal, an integral component of the RCA 70/750 Modular Video Data System • • 15 Description (Contd.) typewriter style keyboard with selectable alphanumeric and numeric modes also capable of generating a 70- character set. Model 70/751-12 provides a typewriter style keyboard capable of generating a 96-character set that includes lower-case alphabetics. The keyboard can be physically attached to the 70/751 Terminal or it can be positioned up to 12 inches frorr the 70/751. The cursor controls provide step-by-step operation or continuous movement-at nine steps per second when a cursor control key is held in a depressed position. Cursor controls allow the operator to position the cursor to: 11/68 • The first character position of the next line or to the first character position of the first line when the cursor is positioned on the last line (Return key). • The next position to the right, which can be the first position of the next line, or the first position of the first line (Advance key). • The next position to the left terminating at the first position of a line (Backspace key). AUERBACH Data Communications Reports (Contd.) A AUERBACH 6703: 03 DATA ~ AUERBACH COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS RCA 70/750 '" TABLE I: RCA 70/750 USASCII DATA TRANSMISSION CODE ~ b 7 0 b ~ ~b5 ~ ts A • • • • 0 umn • ~ Row 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ b 4 b) b Z b l SHIFTING TO NEXT LINE NON-SHIFTING TO NEXT LINE DATA INSERTING - - - . 1 0 1 1 1 2 ) 4 5 6 7 (blank) I~I 0 0 0 ~~ (blank) SP 0 @ P 0 0 G 1 1 (blank) (blank) : 1 A Q 0 0 1 0 2 ~(STX) (blank) " 2 B R # ) 1 1 ) 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 5 0 1 1 0 6 J (ETX) ~~~~~ II (blank) c S % 5 E U (blank) ~~~ & 6 F V r:~I 7 G w ~I ~I hi ~I , 0 0 0 8 (blank) ~~~~~ ( 8 H X 1 0 0 1 9 (blank) ) I Y 1 0 1 0 10 (blank) (blank) . 9 : J Z 1 0 1 1 11 (blank) (blank) + ; K 1 1 0 0 12 (blank) (blank) , 1 1 0 1 13 ~ (blank) - 1 15 LEGEND: It~II (blank) 1 1 r, (blank) (blank) 1 ~I } T (blank) 1 hi D 7 14 ~I 4 1 0 61 $ 1 1 q (blank) 1 1 f' 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 ~(HT) (CR) ~~ ~~~ L = > (blank) (blank) / ? N a i-I 1\ ?: (blank) x i M 1\ (blank) tl ~I il ~I k' ¢ ~I I ~I ~I bl I .u. ---, (blank) ·United States (of) America Standard Code (for) Information Interchange HT = tab character SI = Data Format off ~~ = not displayed may be manually generated from 70/751-12 boards only. SO = Data Format On 11111= © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc_ 11 /68 6703:04 RCA 70/750 • 15 Description (Contd.) When the Data Format feature is incorporated. cursor controls allow the operator to position the cursor to: • The first data position of the next variable data field (Skip key). The cursor returns to the first position of the first line when format headings are not present. • The first data position of the next variable data field. an HT character is entered in the display memory at the location occupied by the cursor before the action is initiated (Tab key). • The next position to the left terminating at the first position of the same variable data field (Backspace key). Editing facilities available for the 70/751 Video Data Terminal include the Data Insert function. which allows data to be inserted in a line of text; existing data is displaced to the right with each character inserted. Data displacement propagates from line to line. except that control characters are not displaced beyond the end of a line. The Data Format feature provides for receiving display format messages. Mter receipt of a format message. the cursor is automatically positioned to the beginning of the first data field. As data is entered from the keyboard. the cursor is advanced to the next position until the end of the data field is reached. At this point. the cursor is automatically positioned to the beginning of the next data field and data entry continues until the last data field is completed. When data entry is completed and the transmit control is depressed. only the data that has been entered in the data fields within the format is transmitted. Other editing facilities include flexible erase functions that operate only in the Write mode. Screen Erase erases the entire contents of the buffer memory and positions the cursor to the beginning of the display area. Line Erase erases the character in the cursor position and all following characters on that line and the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the next line. (Execution of the Line Erase function when the cursor is positioned on the last line. causes the cursor to move to the beginning of the first line.) When the Data Format feature is incorporated. execution of the Line Erase function causes erasure of variable data in and to the right of the cursor. terminating at the end of the variable data field, and the cursor is positioned at the first position of the next variable data field. (When the cursor is located on the last line. execution of the Line Erase function will position the cursor at first position of the first variable data field.) Character Erase erases the character at the cursor position. Variable Data Erase is provided with the Data Format feature and when executed. erases all variable data fields. the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the first variable data field. Options available for the 70/750 System include: • Variable Start-of-Transmission - permits the operator to indicate the starting point of a transmission by inserting an STX character at any screen location except within a format heading. • Data Format - permits a rigid format. consisting of format headings and variable data fields, to be constructed and displayed. The displayed format permits the operator to insert data only in the variable data fields and to transmit only the inserted data when the transmit function is initiated. • 11/68 Station Selection - permits operation in a multi-station environment. Up to six Video Data Controllers can be connected to a single commWlications line. The computer polls for messages from the remote 70/750 System. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports (Contd.) A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6703: 05 RCA 70/750 '" •2 CONFIGURATION The 70/750 Modular Video Data System consists of: • The 70/759 Video Data Controller; • Up to four (remotely connected) or six (directly connected) 70/756 Video Data Generators; and • Up to thirty-two (remotely connected~ or from two to forty-eight (directly connected) 70/751 Video Data Terminals. Up to six 70/759 Video Data Controllers can be connected to a single voice-band line in a multistation environment when the station Selection option is incorporated. The 70/759 Controller is available as two distinct models: 70/759-11, directly connects to a multiplexer trunk of a Spectra 70/35, 45, 46, or 55 computer; 70/759-21, remotely connects to a Spectra 70/35, 45, 46, or 55 computer via a 70/668 Communications Controller Multichannel (CCM) and two 70/721 Communications Buffers. Three distinct models of the 70/756 Video Data Generator are available; see Table II. The 70/756 model employed determines the maximum number of Video Data Terminals that can be attached to it and the choice of character array. Three distinct keyboard styles are available for the 70/751 Video Data Terminals. The three keyboard styles are reflected in the three model numbers of the Video Data Terminal as follows: • 70/751-10 - Typewriter-style keyboard capable of generating a 70-character set excluding lower-case alphabetics. • 70/751-11 - Combination typewriter- and keypunch-style keyboard capable of generating a 70-character set excluding lower-case alphabetics. • 70/751-12 - Typewriter-style keyboard capable of generating a 96-character set including lower-case alphabetics. See Paragraph. 72 for the standard communications facilities that can be used and the data sets required • •3 INPUT • 31 Prepared Input: ••••••••••.•••••• • 32 Manual Input Models 70/751-10 and -12 Typewriter Style Keyboards; Model 70/751-11 Keypunch Style Keyboard Method of entry: ••••••••••••.•• Quantity of data: . . . Character set Model 70/751-10 and -11: Model 70/751-12: •..•.•.•.•..• Comments: •..••••.•.••......• no provision• via 66-key keyboard including cursor, edit and control keys. up to 270, 480, 540, 960,. or 1080 characters depending on Video Data Generator model used and number of displays connected; see Table II. 70 characters including upper-case letters, numerics, punctuation, and special symbols. 96 characters, including upper- and lower-case letters, numerics, punctuation, and special symbols. 16 keys provide cursor edit, and control functions and do not produce a displayable symbol. • 33 Fixed Input: ••.••.•..•..•...•.• no provision. • 34 Transaction Code Input: no provision. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11 /68 6703:06 RCA 70/750 TABLE II: DISPLAY CHARACTEIDSTICS OF RCA VIDEO DATA GENERATOR MODELS Characteristics Model 70/756-11 Model 70/756-31 Model 70/756-21 Character size Width, inches 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.085 6.10 0.085 Height, inches 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.14 0.12 4.0 8.0 4.0 8.0 8.4 8.0 8.4 3.4 Display size Width, inches 2.8 1.4 5.6 2.B 1.7 5.6 Characters per line* 27 54 27 54 BO 54 80 Lines per display* 10 5 20 10 6 20 12 270 270 540 540 4BO lOBO 960 B 8 4 4 4 2 2 Height, inches Characters per display Maximum number of displays .35 Message Configuration The 70/750 System is designed to be operated as a single-station in a non-polling environment or as a multi-station arrangement in an addressing and polling environment where only the computer can initiate data transmission from the 70/750 System. The message format consists of a Start-of-Text (STX) character, two address characters, the text portion, and an End-of-Text (ETX) character. The first address character identifies one of six Video Data Controllers (three most significant bit positions) and one of six Video Data Generators. The second address character identifies one of eight Video Data Terminals. Messages, composed at the Video Data Terminal are automatically appended with the necessary control and address characters except for ETX which can be automatically or manually generated. Messages transmitted to or received from the spectra 70 computer via the 70/668 CCM are preceded by three marking and four SYN characters. A polling sequence, consisting of marking for a three character period, four SYN characters, an EOT (which activates all controllers) and a controller identifier character is transmitted by the computer where more than one 70/750 System is connected to a single communications line. The station Selection option is required for the multi-station arrangement. The 70/750 System response to the polling sequence consists of a series of messages from the attached Video Data Terminals or a "no-traffic" response consisting of four SYN characters, an EOT, and marking which continues for a three-character period. When the Data Format option is incorporated, data format characters" DF On and DF Off, are employed in the text portion of the computer message to establish a fixed format, displayed by the addressed Video Data Terminal. The control characters DR On and DF Off bracket each of the format headings; variable data fields are bracketed by the DF Off and DF On characters. The DF On character can be used at the start of the first format heading and serve all following format headings if NUL characters are employed to specify each of the variable data fields . • 36 Operating Procedure Message composition is performed when the terminal is in the Write mode. Data can be entered at any location on the display by positioning the cursor and keying the data. The cursor is advanced one character position for each character entered. The cursor returns to the beginning of the next line when the end of a line is reached. The Return function inserts a CR character and erases the characters to the right of the cursor in the current line when the Return key is depressed and, unconditionally, returns the cursor, to the beginning of the next line. The Return key should not be confused with the Return cursor control key which does not erase or insert data in the display memory. ' t t /68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports (Contd. ) A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6703:07 RCA 70/750 '" • 36 Operating Procedure After the message is composed and the End-of-Text (ETX) character is manually entered (if automatic ETX is not selected). the message can be visually verified; if in error. the message can be altered by means of the editing controls in conjunction with the cursor controls. When the message is found to be correct. the operator initiates the Transmit mode by depressing the Transmit key. The Video Data Generator. which sequentially scans the attached Video Data Terminals for a request to transmit. transfer the data contained by those segments of the delay-line display memory corresponding to the requesting Video Data Terminals. to the communications facility under control of the Video Data Controller. Transmission of data is initiated by the Video Data Controller except when the Controller js operating in a multi-station environment where data transmission is initiated by the computer. The Video Data Controller sequentially scans the attached Video Data Generators for a request to transmit messages from the attached Video Data Terminals. The scanning Video Data Controller advances its scan to the subsequent Video Data Generator after having transmitted all messages from a previous Video Data Generator. Transmission is terminated when the ETX character of the final message is transmitted. After each message is transmitted from a Video Data Terminal the terminal automatically enters the Receive mode. The Transmit and Receive modes are modified when the Message Segment Address (MSA) function and/or the optional Variable Start of Transmission (VST) are employed. Normally. message transmission begins with the first displayed message character and continues through the ETX character; if an ETX character is not present when the ETX switch is in the manual position. transmission is inhibited. The operator can choose to manually insert the ETX character or the ETX can be generated automatically. The cursor advances with each character transmitted. With MSA. each message transmitted begins at the cursor position and ends with ETC or the end of the frame if ETX is nQt present. With VST, each message transmitted begins with the first non-format STX. When both MSA and VST are selected, the message transmitted begins with the first non-format STX only where the STX precedes the cursor position. The STX is erased unless it is positioned after the cursor when it is transmitted as data. When the Data Format feature is incorporated. only the data contained in the variable data fields (non-format data) is transmitted. When the Station Selection feature is employed. transmission from a Video Data Controller is initiated only when the controller is polled. All messages are transmitted by the polled controller followed by a "no traffic" response (see Paragraph. 35). The operator can. by manual selection. permit computer messages to override data stored in the display memory; otherwise. computer messages are lost if the Terminal is not in the Receive mode. • 37 Entry of Time and Data: .4 OUTPUT .44 Output to Printer: • 46 Output to Visual Display Device no provisions . Copy key is provided for future implementation of of a print function • Display unit Output medium: ..• Character set: . . . . . . . . . . • .•..•• Character size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e • Display size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lines per display: • • • • • . • • • . . . •• Characters per display: •.• • • • . • • . cathode ray tube; displays white characters against black background. 96 characters. including upper- and lower-case alphabetics. numeriCS. punctuation marks. and special symbols. see Table II. B inches wide by 5. 6 inches high. see Table II. see Table n. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11 /68 6703:08 RCA 70/750 .46 Output to Visual Display Device (Contd.) Buffer capacity: •...•...•.•.••• Format control: ••••..•.•.•.•.• Rated output speed: •••••.•..•.•• Effective output speed: •.••••••••• •5 1080 characters total, see Table II. flexible cursor controls, Data Insert capability Data Format feature, and flexible erasure. 300 char/sec (2400 bps). limited by message length and communications facility • ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION The 70/750 System does not incorporate data transmission error detection circuits. The 70/750 converts between the odd character parity of transmitted and received data and the even internal character parity. All characters are stored with even parity; parity is checked for each character read from the display memory to be displayed at a Video Data Terminal. A detected parity error causes a brightened rectangular area to appear on the screen in place of the character read in error. All requests for retransmission must be performed by the operator. • 55 Line Malfunctions Detection: • . . . . . . Action: •.•••........•..•.• absence of data. time-out occurs and CAN (cancel) character is transmitted. •6 CONDITION INDICATORS Each Video Data Terminal provides indicators for mode status, Memory Segment Address and Data Insert functions, and power control. The Video Data Controller provides indicators for control functions • •7 DATA TRANSMISSION The 70/750 Modular Video Data System is designed to communicate with a Spectra 70/35, 45, 46, or 55 computer equipped with a 70/668 Communications Controller Multichannel (CCM) and two SDS 70/721 buffers. . • 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: Transmission method: •••••••.•••• Transmission code: ••.••••••••••• Transmission mode: •••••••••.•••• Order of bit transmission: •.•.•••••• Synchronization: •••••••••..••••• • 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Common-carrier leased voice-band line (2400 bits/sec): ••.••••..•••••• • 73 Bell System Data Set 201 B, Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem or equivalent. Transmission Control Call initiation •..••••...• Call reception: • . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • Functional operations: •.•.••...•.• 11/68 250 char/sec (2000 bits/sec) or 300 char/sec (2400 bits/sec). serial by bit. 7-level USASCII plus an odd parity bit per character. full-duplex. low-order bit (h1) first. synchronous; synchronization is established by SYN characters transmitted at the beginning of code message • terminals can initiate calls except when controller is operating in a multi-station environment where calls are initiated by remote computer. each terminal is directly addressable. control characters in message initiate format control functions. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports (Contd. ) A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6703:09 RCA 70/750 co .74 Multistation Operation Multistation operation requires the optional Station Selection feature. This feature provides for operating with up to six Video Data Controllers connected to a single voice-band line. Polling: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • •• Addressing: •••••••••••••••••••• •8 the 70/759 Video Data Controller is polled for all messages from the attached 70/751 Terminals; the controller responds with sequential messages, including the address header of each message, or a negative response indicating there are no messages to be transmitted. the 70/751 Terminals can be addressed individually for messages from the computer • PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component 70/759-21 Controller 70/756* Generator 70/751 Terminal Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 49.5 24.75 62 400 20 21 14.5 40 16.9 20.5 14.5 80 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 1.1 115 60 1 Power derived from controller 0.25 115 60 1 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 40 to 110 10 to 90 3560 40 to 110 10 to 90 40 to 110 10 to 90 810 - *Contained in 70/759-21 Controller .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Monthly Rental, $ Purchase * Price, $ RCA Video Data Controller Model 70/759-11 Model 70/759-21 600 400 28,200 18,800 RCA Video Data Generator Model 756-11 Model 756-21 Model 756-31 275 225 200 12,925 10,575 9,400 RCA Video Data Terminal Model 751-10 Model 751-11 Model 751-12 75 75 75 3,525 3,525 3,525 25 10 10 1,175 470 470 Options Station Selection Data Format Variable Start-ofTransmission *Monthly maintenance costs for purchased equipment is not available from RCA at present. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/68 A AUlRBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS RlPORTS 6704:01 'UERBACH • RCA 70/740 RCA 70/740 DATA TERMINAL .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: •.....•..•..•.............•.. Model 70/740 Data Terminal. . 12 Manufacturer: ...•................... Radio Corporation of America Information Systems Division Cherry Hill, 204-2 Camden, N. J. 08101 .13 Basic Function: reception and optional transmission of data over a voice-band line with a wide variety of RCA computer systems at up to 300 char/sec; received data is printed, transmitted data is read from punched cards • . 14 Basic Components Name: ••••••••••.••••.•.••••••••.•••• Model number: ......•.......•.•.•.•.. Function: •.•.•.••.•..•••...•••.••••••• . 15 Data Terminal. 70/740-11. provides basic control unit functions and prints alphanumeric information at up to 300 lines/ min at up to 80 char/line. Name: .............................. . Model number: ...................... . Function: ..................... '," ... . Data Terminal. 70/740-21. provides basic control unit functions and prints alphanumeric information of up to 300 lines/ min at up to 132 char/line. Name: .............................. . Model number: .............•••.•••.•.. Function: ...•........•....•••...•..•• Card Reader (optional). 70/741. reads cards at up to 300 cards/min. Description The RCA 70/740 Data Terminal, a high performance printer terminal with a card reader option, is designed for remote operation with an RCA Spectra 70 Model 35, 45, 46, 55, or 60 computer via the RCA 70/668 Communication Controller-MultichalUJ.el and 70/721 Communication Buffer (see Report 8702) or the RCA 70/656 Communication Controller-Single channel. The 70/740 is available in two models: • Model 70/740-11 -- provides printed output with an 80-character print line. • Model 70/740-21 -- provides printed output with a 132-character print line. The optional Model 70/741 Card Reader can be used with either model printer terminal. The 70/740 operates in a poll/address environment where all communication between the Terminal and computer is under control of the stored program at the remote computer. The Terminal can be used in a single-station or multi-station arrangement, communication between two 70/740 Terminals, however, is not permitted. The 70/740 also operates in an off-line mode to provide printed copy from punched card data. The 70/740 operates over the public telephone network at 2000 bits per second or over a leased voice-band line at 2000 or 2400 bits per second. Communications are synchronous 6704:02 RCA 70/740 Figure 1. RCA 70/740 Data Terminal (left) and Optional 70/741 Card Reader (right) .15 Description (Contd. ) in a half-duplex mode, but full-duplex communications facilities can be utilized to maintain synchronization in both directions; this reduces the turn-around time and consequently provides higher effective performance. The transmission code is 7-level USASCII plus odd parity. An optional card-reader adapter provides for translation from extended Hollerith to USASCII code. The basic 70/740 consists of a 300-line per minute, 80- or 132-column impact printer and a communications control unit, which includes I/O control logic and 446 characters of buffering. The basic terminal can be expanded by the addition of the 5753 Card Reader Adapter and 70/741 Card Reader, a 300-card per minute reader. Communication between the 70/740 and remote computer constitutes an alternate series of data messages and message acknowledgements. A data message can contain an unlimited number of blocks, each composed of up to 16 sub-blocks; each sub-block is equivalent to one print line or one 80-column card. Reader messages are restricted to a maximum block length of 365 characters limited by the buffer capacity. Printer messages are not restricted in this respect, since extensive buffering is not required. The printing operation requires the use of alternate print areas within the buffer, each with the capacity of a full print line. Alternate use of the two print areas permits printing to be performed concurrent with receiving and assembling the following print line. Horizontal and vertical tabulation are standard features on the 70/740. Horizontal tabulation is implemented through the use of a stored horizontal format record; vertical tabulation 8/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A JERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS R[PORTS 6704:03 RCA 70/740 • is implemented through the use of a 12-channel punched tape loop, which defines the vertical format. Horizontal and vertical tabulation respond to a two-character format-control sequence contained within a Printer message; see Paragraph. 35 for a detailed description. The peak printing speed is 300 lines per minute; the print cycle time is 200 milliseconds. The actual print operation requires 175 milliseconds; the remaining 25 milliseconds are used to advance paper one line and to restore the print hammers. Line advancement in excess of one line requires 8.4 milliseconds maximum per line for six lines per inch vertical spacing and 6.2 milliseconds maximum per line for eight lines per inch vertical spacing; both line advance times are based upon a paper-slewing rate of 20 inches per second. The print line consists of 80-character positions for the Model 70/740-11 and 132-character positions for the Model 70/740-21. Features common to both models include horizontal spacing at 10 characters per inch, programmed horizontal and vertical tabulation. The peak reading speed of the 70/741 Card Reader is 300 cards per minute. The cards are fed from a 1000-card-capacity hopper, read column by column, and loaded into a 1000-cardcapacity stacker. The extended Hollerith card code is translated to the 7-level USASCII code by the 5753 Card Reader Adapter. Protection against the loss or duplication of message blocks is provided by a block count feature. Each block within a message is preceded by a block identification number ranging in sequence from zero to seven. The block number is automatically assigned by the 70/740 when transmitting to the remote computer. The block count of each received message block is sampled and compared to the count of an internal counter for equality. The received block is printed only when equal to the internal count and the count is advanced by one. The 70/740 responds to a block count greater than the internal block count by transmitting a negative acknowledgement at the end of the block and by visually alerting the operator. A received block count less than the internal block count results in a positive acknowledgement at the end of the block. . 16 First Delivery: ••..•...•...••.•...••• February 1970 • • 17 Availability: •.......•...•.•••••.•••.• 9 months (initially) • .2 CONFIGURA TION The baisc RCA 70/740 Data Terminal includes a communications control unit and a 300-line per minute printer and is available in two models that differ only in the number of print positions per print line: • Model 70/740-11 - provides printed output at 80 characters per line. • Model 70/740-21 - provides printed output at 132 characters per line. The optional RCA 70/741 Card Reader and 5753 Card Reader Adapter can be added to the basic 70/740 Terminal. The standard communications facilities that can be accommodated and the associated data sets are listed in Paragraph. 72 • .3 INPUT . 31 Prepared Input 70/741 Card Reader -Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . standard IBM 80-column punched cards. standard Hollerith card code; see Table II. © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 6704:04 RCA 70/740 TABLE I: USASCII DATA TRANSMISSION CODE .,. ""'OIl1lon. 114 "' bl III 1 ! 1 D D f-"--- 0 ~- D 0 0 D -0 • • • r-• - • 1--- r-• •, • -- --• 0 , , , , , , , • -- - • -- • , , , , , , 0 ,. It SOH DC. I 1 II Q • q STX DC2 B R b r ETX DC3 .. 2 3 C I c EDT DCC $ D T d • • ENO NIIK % 0 0 D • 0 liCK BYN BEL ETB 0 0 BS CAN ( 0 HT EM ) LF SUB 0 0 0 VT ESC FF FS CR OS 80 RS SI US 0 0 - 0 • • , 0 0 •• 1 -- -- 0 1 II' -- - --- r 0 f---- -- ---• D 0 • -•0 0 0 • -- - 1-- - 0 0 • -- --•r--- 1 DLE ~ •- •0 NUL bl 0 •0 0 0 III b' 0 0 0 0 bT / • • • E U • • F V t • T 0 W w • H X • • I Y , ; • + • •0 u I · J Z I z K I k I " I I "' I < L · M I > N 1\ ? 0 - y ·• DEL TABLE II: RCA 70/741 CARD CODE* 5 Col. Row __ tiUk _ _ 12-0-9-S-1 _ _ _ Q.L~ _ _ Ii!' _____ Q.. __ l. __ f _ _ _ _'- _ _ 12-11-9-S-1 no punches 0 8-4 11-7 8-1 r __ _ 12-11-7 ------8-7 __ E..QT_ _ 9-7 _ - !ll=L ___ l. ___ .J __ 12. __ 1:. __ .Ii _ 9-8-4 11-8-3 - - - i - - .) - - i 0-8-4 --~ 5 _ _ 1_ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ . EM 12 10 11 - _LF_ - 0-9- 5 _ _ VT_ _ 12-9-S-3 - S\!!l --9-8-7 _ E§.C 0-9-7 11-8-5 - - - 12 _ U _ _ _ _ Ell_ 12-9-8-4 11-9-8-4 13 __ C.It __ __ Q§ _ _ 12-9-8-5 11-9-8-5 1~8=-4 -+ -12-8-6 - - 9 - - - ~ 12-6 I 0-8-3 12-8-4 12-9-8-7 11-9-8-7 12-0-5 11-0-4 12-0-6 11-0-5 _'C _ 0-8 J Z i _ y__ _ 12=-0-9 11-0-8 :L - u-11-1 k J - (- - ii-11--2 ·11-2 12-8-2 11 8-6 0-1 0-8-7 --L12-0 1 : 0-S-2 12-11-3 12-11- 11-3 11-4 11-8-2 12-11-4 11-6 z 11-0=-9 __, _ -= ____= __ .11 __ ~ __ J1l_ _ ...L _ _ _ 1 _ _ _0 _ 15 0-5 -S:2- -11-1 -0=-9 .1 __ a_ _ _ 1!.. __ __ V ___ j . . _.v. __ __ ... ___ ~ _ _L . _ 11_ 0-4 E___ "9 - -i"i-9 11-8-6 _t _ _ 12-0-4 11-0-3 0-3 12-5 Ii.. __ 6 _ _ )_ _ _ il-9-=S=-1 - 12-4 4 _ -=- _ 0 0-8-5 12-U-6 -:/ __ 11-0 DEL -i'2-9-7 * The Hollerith card code is translated to the USASCII character set, shown above the dotted line, by the 5753 Card Reader Adapter. 8/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A JERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6704:05 RCA 70/740 8 Quantity of data: . Character set: " Rated input speed: Effective speed: . up to 80 characters per card. 128-character USASCII character set. 300 cards per minute. less than rated speed depending on number of characters per card, block length and limitations of communications facility; see Table VII. Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hollerith code is translated to 7-level USASCII code plus odd parity by the 5753 Card Reader Adapter . • 32 Manual Input: ••....•.••••...••••.••• no provision . . 33 Fixed Input: ...••...•...•..••.•••••. no pro vis ion . . 34 Transaction Code Input: ..•.•..••••••. no provision . . 35 Message Configuration Message Types The 70/740 employs five message types: Poll, Select, Request, Printer, and Reader; see Table V. Basic Format Printer and Reader messages are divided into blocks; each block is divided into sub-blocks or records. Each block can contain up to 16 records. The number of blocks per message is unlimited. Block Identification Each block is assigned a module-8 number for identification. Block identification is employed in both transmit and receive modes to prevent the loss or duplication of a data block within a message. An internal block counter is preset to one by a Select message or an EOT character prior to receiving the first message, which must be assigned a block count of one. The received block count is sampled at the beginning of each block and compared to that of the block counter for equality. A message block is not printed when its block count is less or greater than the internal block counter. Each block correctly received is printed and the block counter is advanced by one. Message Sequence Both Printer and Reader messages are identical except for the format-control sequence required by the printer. The text contained in the initial record of each block is preceded by: four SYN characters; STX, BLK, and a two-character format-control sequence, (see Tables IV, V, and VI) which is required for Printer messages only. Records other than the initial record begin with text when contained in a Reader message and with a format-control sequence followed by text when contained in a Printer message. Each record is terminated by a US, ETB, or ETX character followed by a longitudinal parity character. A DEL character terminates the last record of each block contained in a Reader message to allow for equipment timing considerations. A Unit Separator (US) terminates each record of a block except the final record, which is terminated by an End-of-Transmission Block (ETB) character. The final record of the last message block is terminated by an End-of-Text (ETX) character. 6704:06 RCA 70/740 TABLE III: RCA 70/740 PRINTER CHARACTER SET* Print Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Symbol USASCII Code, Column/Row @ 4/0 2/13 3/0 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/9 2/4 2/14 2/12 4/5 4/15 4/14 5/3 4/9 4/3 5/2 4/7 4/8 4/10 4/4 4/13 5/7 4/2 4/11 5/8 5/10 -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $ . , E 0 N S I C R G H J D M W B K X Z Print Sequence 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Symbol A L Q T U P F Y V / 'I ):( ? I ) ( ; ! 1\ " : T > < = * # % & ~ + USASCII Code, Column/Row 4/1 4/12 5/1 5/4 5/5 5/0 4/6 5/9 5/6 2/15 5/13 5/12 3/15 7/12 2/9 2/8 3/11 2/1 5/14 2/2 3/10 5/15 2/7 3/14 3/12 3/13 2/10 2/3 2/5 2/6 5/11 2/11 * The symbols ], /, and [ can be substituted for the symbols at print locations 43, 44, and 63, respectively, at no additional cost • . 35 Message Configuration (Contd.) Poll and Select messages are also identical and are constructed as follows: four SYN, SID, DEV, ENQ. The SID character identifies one of several stations in a multi-station environment. The DEV character identifies the device (printer or reader) and also defines the message type as a Poll (reader) or Select (printer) message. An EOT character can be used directly ahead of the SID character to ensure that the 70/740 is ready to respond to the Poll or Select message. The request message is manually initiated as an invitation to a Poll message. The message is constructed as: four SYN, SID, ENQ, DEL. Acknowledgement The 70/740 acknowledges all messages received and requires an acknowledgement to all messages transmitted, The 70/740 responds to an ETB or ETX at the end of a received message block with one of the following replies: 8/69 • DLE 1 - a positive reply to the first and all subsequent odd numbered blocks. • DLE 0 - a positive reply to all even numbered blocks. • NAK - a negative reply prefixed by an A, B, or C to designate a specific error condition. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~U[R8ACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6704:07 RCA 70/740 8 TABLE IV: RCA 70/740 PRINTER VERTICAL FORMAT CONTROL CODES USASCII Format Control Code Carriage Operation after Printing ESC 0 No Space ESC 1 Single Space ESC 2 Double Space ESC 3 Triple Space ESC 4 Skip to Channel 1 ESC 5 Skip to Channel 2 ESC 6 Skip to Channel 3 ESC 7 Skip to Channel 4 ESC 8 Skip to Channel 5 ESC 9 Skip to Channel 6 ESC: Skip to Channel 7 ESC; Skip to Channel 8 ESC < Skip to Channel 9 ESC = Skip to Channel 10 ESC> Skip to Channel 11 ESC? Skip to Channel 12 A positive reply indicates a block was received without error and that the received block count was equal to or less than the internal block count. The Terminal responds to a received block count that is greater than the internal block count with a NAK. The Terminal anticipates the computer to retransmit a message block following a NAK reply or an acknowledgement following an ENQ reply. The computer is required to acknowledge the Terminal within a predetermined period ranging from 2.6 to 3.6 seconds following the transmission of ENQ, ETB, or ETX. Failure for the computer to respond with STX, DLE 0/1 (ACK), NAK, BEL, EOT, or WABT within the established period, results in a retransmission of the last message block, or if three retransmissions have already occurred, an EOT is transmitted to terminate the transmission. Printer Messages . Each record received consists of a format control sequence followed by the data to be printed and represents one print line of up to 80 or 132 characters depending on the printer model. Printing is performed first, vertical formatting last. Minimum record length requirements are 49 text characters when receiving at 250 char/sec (4 Msec/char) and 59 text characters when receiving at 300 char/sec (3.3 Msec/char). These minimum requirements can be satisfied by the use of NUL characters in the print positions of each record. Printer Format Control Horizontal and vertical tabulation are standard features on the 70/740. Horizontal tabulation is implemented through the use of a stored horizontal format record, which contains horizontal tab (HT) characters in predetermined positions; remaining positions are filled with space characters. The HT characters in the format record identify the 8/69 6704:08 RCA 70/740 TABLE V: RCA 70/740 MESSAGE TYPES Type of Message .35 Origin of Transmission Message Sequence Purpose of Message Poll Computer four SYN, EOT, SID, DE V, ENQ To request the addressed 70/740 to transmit a message from the 70/741 Card Reader Select Computer four SYN, EOT, SID, DE V, ENQ To request control unit/printer status; i. e., "ready" or "not ready" to receive a Print message Request Terminal four SYN, SID, ENQ, DEL To request a Poll message; the Request message is manually initiated by Terminal operator Printer Computer Initial record: four SYN, STX, BLK, ESC, Text, US, BCC Following records: ESC, Text, ETB/ETX, BCC To print message on paper Reader Terminal Initial record: four SYN, STX, BLK, Text, US, BCC Following records: Text, ETB/ETX, BCC, DEL To read message from punched cards Acknowledgement Terminal four SYN, SID, NAK, DEL To inform the remote computer that the Terminal is not ready to receive a message; the audible alarm is activated four SYN, DEL 0, DEL, 0, DEL To inform the remote computer that the Terminal is ready to receive a message four SYN, EOT, DEL To inform the remote computer that the 70/740 does not have a waiting message Message Configuration (Contd.) beginning of printed data fields. When an HT character is received in an incoming message, the next data field will be printed beginning with the next horizontal tab position as defined by the HT character in the stored format record. The format record remains stored until a new format record is received. A format record is identified by the prefix ESC HT. Vertical tabulation is implemented through the use of a 12-channel punched tape loop, which defines the vertical format. A print record is prefixed by a two-character sequence, ESC followed by an address code, that specifies one of the twelve channels on the format loop or paper advance positions up to three, see Table IV. 8/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A UERBACH os AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS 6704:09 REPORTS RCA 70/740 TABLE VI: RCA 70/740 DATA TERMINAL CONTROL CHARACTERS Control Character Character TrlUlBmltted Function Bell To light BEL lamp and sound audible alarm when transmitted or received by the terminal. BEL Block Check Character To establish block parity check; generated and checked by the terminal; follows US, ETB, or ETX control characters. BCC Block Number To identify the message block; immediately follows STX control character. BLK Delete To allow for equipment timing considerations; generated by the terminal following last character of each transmission; ignored by the terminal when received. DEL Device Number To identify a message for printer or card reader. DEV Data-Unk Escape To inform the transmitting terminal that the last block of data was received without error; a OLE is followed by a 0 (even) or 1 (odd) block designation. OLE Disconnect Line, OEOT To terminate a connection via public telephone network when the two character sequence is transmitted or received by the terminal. OLE EOT Substitute To replace an invalid character from the 70/741 Card Reader; automatically inserted by terminal. SUB Wait-BeforeTransmit WABT To indicate to the terminal that remote computer is not ready to receive; initiates retransmission of previous message from the terminal. OLE? End of Transmission To indicate a no-message status in response to a polling message from remote computer. EOT Inquiry To terminate a polling or selection sequence from remote computer. ENQ To initiate retransmission of a response such as OLE, OLE?, etc. End-ofTransmission Block To identify the end of a message block. ETB End-of- Text To identify the end of a message. ETX Format Control Character To initiate a printer forms feed or horizontal tab operation; see Table IV. The two-character sequence immediately follows a BLK or US, BCC control characters. ESC Horizontal Tabulation To initiate printer horizontal tab operation; part of format control character sequence; see Table IV. HT Negative Acknowledge To indicate to remote computer that last block of data transmitted was received in error; it is prefixed by A, B, or C to identify type of error NAK Null To be used as a fill character only; causes no printing or spacing. NUL Station Identification To identify the recipient terminal of a polling or selection sequence; one of 64 address combinations. SID Start-of-Text To identify beginning of a message STX Synchronization Character To establish synchronization between transmitting and receiving devices; can be used as a filler character. SYN Unit Separater To identify the end of a message block; initiates Block Check Character generation or checking when transmitted or received by the terminal. (16 blocks per message maximum.) ~ 1 nco A IICOCAf""U 1" .......................... ;,... ... ..... ""'~ 1\ IICDOAf"U 1 ..... 1....... I"' .... 6704:10 RCA 70/740 • 35 Message Configuration (Contd. ) The printer format-control sequence for vertical or horizontal formatting immediately follows the Block Count (BLK) character of the initial record in a block and at the very beginning of each of the following records. Compensation for the time required to space paper in a vertical format operation is accomplished through the use of NUL characters following the format-control sequence. Reader Message Each record represents one 80-column card. Block length is limited to 360 characters over a maximum of 16 records. Record length is automatically set at 80 characters unless the 70/740 encounters a US, ETB, or ETX character punched into the card. Punched data following one of these characters on the same card is ignored. Block length is established at 320 characters (four punched cards) in the absence of punched control characters, unless limited by the number of remaining cards . • 36 Operating Procedure The operator prepares the terminal by loading the printer with forms if required, by loading the card reader with cards (if transmitting data), and by setting the switches on the Operator's Control Panel to conform with the desired operating procedure. Calls are initiated manually and answered automatically. The subsequent transmission and reception of data are largely automatic and require little operator attention, if any. Retransmission of data blocks containing errors is automatic. Up to three retransmissions resulting from any combination of a consecutively negative response or fixed time-out due to a no-response condition will occur before operator intervention is required. The terminal halts, and visual and audible alarms are activated in response to a fourth negative reply or time-out . . 37 Entry of Time and Date: ...•.......... .4 OUTPUT .44 Output to Printer Printer (70/740 Models -11 and -21) Output medium: . . . . . . . • • • • . • • . . Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated printing speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . • . . • . . • . . Format control: . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . 8/69 no provision . pin-fed continuous fanfold forms from 4.00 to 22 inches wide and up to 17 inches long; maximum printed line length is 80 characters for Model 70/740-11 and 132 characters for Model 70/740-21. 64 characters; see Table III. 300 lines/min. less than rated speed depending on the number of characters per line, transmission speed, type of line, and size of message block; see Table VII. via Format Control Character (ESC) sequence at beginning of each print record and stored horizontal tab format; vertical and horizontal tabulation is standard; see Table IV. prints up to 16 lines per message block; available as a no-charge option, three RCA special symbols replace three USASCII special symbols; see Table III. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports AUER8ACH DATA ~ COIIMUNICATIONS .ERBACH 6704: 11 REPORTS RCA 70/740 • .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION The 70/740 classifies errors detected within a received message as belonging to one of three general types: parity errors, block-count errors, and format errors. A negative acknowledgement (NAK) preceded by the prefix A, B, or C to define the error type is transmitted in response to a message block containing anyone or combination of three error conditions. When more than one type occurs in the same message block, the first to be detected is the one reported. The prefix A, B, and C is assigned to parity, block-count, and format errors, respectively. A parity error reflects either incorrect character or longitudinal parity. A block-count error is reported only when the received block count is greater than the internal block count. A format error includes anyone of the following conditions: (1) the loss of received data due to a buffer-full condition. · 51 (2) a message block containing more than 16 records. (3) a record containing more than 80 (Model 70/740-11) or 132 (Model 70/740-21) characters. (4) an invalid character code. (5) an undefined format-control sequence. Data Entry Errors Type of checking: Error indication: Correction procedure: • • . . • . • . . . . . · 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Error indication: . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Correction procedure: . • . . . . . . . . . . • 53 Data Recording Errors: . . • . . . • . . . . · 54 Buffer Errors Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Error indication: . • . • . • • . . • . . . . . Correction procedure: . . . . . • . . . . . . · 55 validity checking on data read from cards. indicator lights, SUB character substituted for USASCII control character other than US, ETB or ETX; character read in error is not transmitted. operator intervention. character and longitudinal parity check; modulo8 block-count check. indicator lights, printing halts, and an acknowledgement (A NAK if parity error, B NAK if block-count error) is returned at end of block. automatic retransmission of block received in error; terminal halts, a lamp is lighted and an audible alarm is sounded after three retransmissions; operator intervention is then required. no provisions . odd character parity check on data read from buffer storage. indicator lights, terminal halts, and EOT is transmitted. operator intervention. Line Malfunctions The 70/740 guards against prolonged periods of inactivity on the public telephone network by disconnecting the line and energizing the audible alarm and the respective indicator lamp when a transmission has not begun within a 20-second period following the initial connection. ~, laha 1I.11~RQlI.rl-l rnrnnr"tlnn "nrl AIIFRRAr.H Info Inc: ft J,..,.. 6704:12 RCA 70/740 .55 Line Malfunctions (Contd.) I>etection: ••••.•.•..•••••••••• Action: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •7 DAT A TRANSMISSION . 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: . . . • • . . . . Transmission method: . • . . • • . . . . . . Transmission code: . • • . . • • • . • . . . . Transmission mode: . . . . • . . . . . . . . Order of bit transmission: . . . . • . • . . Synchronization: . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . • 72 expiration of a fixed time interval (approximately two seconds) between a received STX character and a two-character sequence of SYN or any character (selected manually).· terminal halts indicator lights; terminal responds to a received ENQ with A NAK . 250 or 300 char/sec (2000 or 2400 bits/sec). respectively. serial by bit. 7-level USAscn plus parity totaling 8 bits/char; see Table 1. half-duplex. low-order bit first. synchronous; a sequence of four SYN characters precedes each message and acknowledgement to establish synchronization between transmitting and receiving units . COlUlection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Data Set* Common-carrier leased voice-band line operating at the following speeds: .73 2000 or 2400 bits/sec: Bell System Data Set 201B or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. Public telephone network operating at 2000 bits/sec: Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A. Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . . . Call reception: .•.. Functional operations: . . . • . . . . . . . . . 74 manual dialing or signaling. capable of unattended transmit-receive operation. printer or reader is selected by control codes; vertical form spacing or skipping and horizontal tabulation on printer. audible alarm and indicator lamp can be energized by BEL code . Multistation Operation Polling: . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a polling sequence requests data from the addressed 70/740; a request for a polling sequence can be manually initiated. * Equivalent data sets can be used; see Section 4620 for a current list of modems available from independent manufacturers of telephone equipment, then check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. 8/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A .. UERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6704: 13 RCA 70/740 TABLE VII: EFFECTIVE DATA TRANSMISSION RATES OF RCA 70/740 DATA TERMINAL Component and Record Size(l) Printer(3) 50 char/record 65 80 95 110 120 130 Data Transmission Rate, records per minute (2) Half-duplex, 2000 bits/sec(5) 186; 165; 140; 120; 112; 105; 93; Card Reader(4) 10 25 40 60 80 (1) 263 213 170 145 130 118 108 Full-duplex, 2400 bits/sec(6) 297; 240; 200; 168; 148; 137; 127; 281 270 253 188 142 300 270 220 185 162 145 137 300 300 295 265 200 Record size includes HT horizontal format characters and ESC sequences controlling vertical spacing but excludes all other control characters. (2) A record corresponds to one card or one line of print. The data transmission rates include transmission of all control characters, turnaround times, and the transmission of acknowledgement messages. (3) The data transmission rate is based on a four-record block (first column) and a sixteenrecord block (second column). (4) The data transmission rate is based on a 360-character block. (5) This transmission mode is normally used over the public telephone network (300 msec total turnaround time). (6) This transmission mode is normally used with a full-duplex leased voice-band line (40 msec total turnaround time). Addressing: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •8 individual Data Terminals cannot communicate directly with one another; such communication could be provided on a store-and-forward basis by appropriate programming of the remote computer, utilizing the individual addressability of the terminal units . PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component Width Depth Height Weight (inches) (inches) (inches) (pounds) Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases Temperature Range rF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 70/740 Data Terminal Models -11 and -21 70/741 Card Reader 57 30 54 25.5 36.25 46.5 150 3.5 208/240 60 1 0.75 120 60 1 50 to 110 10 to 90 9600 50 to 110 10 to 90 2560 © 1969 AUERBACH Corooratlon and AUERBACH Info. Inc. R/fiq 6704:14 RCA 70/740 .9 PRICE DATA Monthly Rental, Purchase Price, Monthly Maintenance, Component or Feature $ $ $ 70/740 Data Terminal: Model 70/740-11 Model 70/740-21 70/741 Card Reader 5753 Card Reader Adapter 857.50 1075.00 238.75 30.00 37,125 40,500 9000 1125 162.50 175.00 38.75 5.00 5750-01 Special Print Symbols NC NC NC - No Charge 8/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports - A ~ AUERBACH C 0 E F G CHARACTERS K L M H 0 Q R S T U V W y Z r j EB '\ 0 0 1 1 1 8 9 0 0 0 @ A. B ,, 0 0 1 I,t 1 J 1 0 I 0 P X Modd 402 Display Terminal control characters mcluuc ~l'X, El'X, EOT, and CR onlr (2) • + * (1) SYN ETB * ) 1 CR % ( I CONTROL CHARACTERS S , - 0 ~T ERASE ! 1 . 15 0 b4 Morlel 425 Conlro! Unit tah control option use!:; the "f" and "ESI' codes for non-displayable <'ontrol characters, (:!) & - / 7 ? I-- DISPLAYED ~ S"mhol iut'ntificalion: - Cursor character ~ End of message eha r"acwr \ Carriage return character ~ Parity error charact"r Description (Contd. ) Message Configuration The message configuration for the Model 425 Control Unit includes a Start-of-Header (SOH) character, an Address character which identifies a specific control unit or display console, the text, and an End-of-Transmission Block (ETB),character. Transmission is synchronized by sync characters preceding each message. Th~ message configuration for the Model 402 Display Terminal includes a Start-of-Text (STX) character, a display address, text, and an End-of-Text (ETX) character. An EaT character can be substituted for the ETX character. Error Detection and Correction Errors that occur during off-line composition can be corrected by positioning the cursor over the character in error and rekeying the correct character. A detected transmission error occurring during a computer message causes a special symbol to be displayed in place of that character. Atuomatic retransmission request upon detection of a transmission error is optional. If a transmission error occurs when the Start-of-Message (SOM) character or the Address character is received, the message is not displayed and the operator must repeat the query. If the End-of-Message character is not received by the display, the display remains on-line and the message is displayed. The receive mode is terminated in this case by depressing the Shift and Clear keys. (Contd. ) 11/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA ~ .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6735:05 RAYTHEON 0105-400 Multistation Operation Polling options are available for the Model 425 Control Unit and the Model 402 Display Terminal. The 425 Control Unit with the polling option responds to four separate commands: transmit message from a specified display, transmit message from all displays associated with one control unit, transmit message from the first display ready to transmit, and receive computer message addressed to a specified display. The polling option available with the Model 402 terminal permits polling an individual display, polling all displays common to a specific Multiplex Switch Unit, or both. A Broadcast Address option, also available for the 402 terminal, allows all display devices to receive the same computer message. Options Other options presently available for the Model 402 display terminal include a Keyboard Lockout option which inhibits keyboard operation during the receive mode, special cursor operation options, and non-standard USASCII coding for control characters. Raytheon states that the cost of these options is negotiated individually. Similar options can be requested for the Model 401 display terminal . . 16 First Delivery: November 1965 . . 17 Availability:. 6 months . .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Model 401 Display Console (used with Model 425 Control Unit) 1040 Character Option (3) Model 402 Display Console (used as Single unit or with Model 426 Multiplex Switch Unit) 1040 Character Option (3) Model 402 Polling Capability Model 425 Control Unid 1) 8-Module Add-On Capability Model 426 Multiplex (2) Switch Unit Model 441 Printer (used with Model Unit) Model 442 Printer (used with Model Switch Unit) Adapter 425 Control Adapter 426 Multiplex Teletype Model 33 Receive-Only Teleprinter Teletype Model 35 Receive-Only Teleprinter Monthly Rental, Purchase Price, (4) $ $ 114 4100 17 167 600 6000 17 11 600 400 225 to 390 31 32 8300to 14,000 1100 1160 78 2800 117 4200 19 660 52 1870 (1) Provides connections for any combination of up to eight Model 401 Display Consoles or Model 141 Printer Adapters; expandable to 64 pOSitions in increments of 8 pOSitions. Price variation reflects hardware additions required to operate with some computers. (2) Provides connections for any combination of up to five Model 402 Display Consoles on Model 442 Printer Adapters. (3) Expands baSic 520-character capacity to 1040-character capacity (13 lines at 80 char/line). (4) The maintenance cost for purchased units is individually negotiated and is dependent upon the number of units installed and their geographical location. © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 11/67 A 8 AUERBACH s AUERBACH 6744:01 DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS SANDERS 620 SANDERS 620 STAND-ALONE DATA DISPLAY SYSTEM .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity:.. · 620 Stand-Alone Data Display System . . 12 Manufacturer: · Sanders Associates, Inc . Data Systems Division 95 Canal Street Nashua, New Hampshire 03060 .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . displays, via cathode ray tube, data received from a remote computer or entered via keyboard; transmits data to a remote computer over the public telephone network or leased voice-band lines . . 14 Basic Components . 15 Name:... Function:. · Model 6220 Display Unit · display of alphanumeric data. Name: ... Function:. · Model 6240 Typewriter Style Keyboard Unit. · provides entry of data into the buffer memory contained in the Display Unit. Description The Sanders 620 Stand-Alone Data Display System is designed to facilitate rapid exchange of data between a computer and a remote station under control of a stored program in the computer. The 620 is a self-contained unit and includes a keyboard, I/O module, and memory module. A Teletype Model 33 or 35 RO teleprinter can be connected to the 620 via a special adapter. The transmission rate is governed by the specific communications interface and can range from 110 bits per second to 2400 bits per second. This report discusses the 620 Display System as used in a communications environment only, except where noted. There are two communications interfaces available for the 620: asynchronous and synchronous. The asynchronous interface provides selectable transmission rates of 110, 1000, 1200, and 1800 bits per second; the synchronous interface provides selectable transmission rates of 2000 and 2400 bits per second. The 7-level USASCII transmission code is employed, with an eighth bit added for character parity; see Table I, Report 6745 (Sanders 720 Data Display System). When the asynchronous communications interface is used, one start bit and one or two stop bits are added to each character transmitted, resulting in a 10- or l1-bit character. Character length is eight bits with the synchronous communications interface. The Model 6220 Display Unit contains a 768-character memory module, composed of magnetostrictive delay lines, in addition to editing logic, character generation circuits, control logic, and a communications interface. The Model 6220 Display Unit provides a 9. 5-inch by 7. 5-inch image area. Nqrmally, the long side of the cathode ray tube (CRT) is mounted horizontally. The CRT can be mounted vertically if desired. The image area is arranged in 32 lines of 64 or 84 (optional) characters per line when the horizo'ntal orientation is specified, and 40 lines of 52 characters per line with the vertical orientation. A maximum of 768 characters can be simultaneously'displayed on the screen, but they can be displayed in any of the more than 2000 display locations. Various control and format characters also occupy positions in the buffer and therefore reduce the number of data characters that can be displayed. The stroke technique is employed to generate the displayed characters. The Display Unit provides controls for adjusting focus, brightness, page size, page centering, character size, and the character tilt. The character tilt control varies all displayed characters from a vertical position to a slanted (italic) position. tel 1968 AUERBACH Corooration and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 5/68 6744:02 SANDERS 620 Figure 1. Sanders 620 Stand-Alone Data Display System with Horizontal Screen Orientation . . 15 Description (Contd. ) The Model 6240 Keyboard Unit can be attached directly to the Display Unit or can be connected remotely at a distance of up to 10 cable feet. The keyboard has 51 keys arranged in conventional typewriter style plus an array of 16 special function keys located at the right of the keyboard. Of the 16 special function keys, 11 provide discrete control functions; the 5 remaining keys are adaptable to a variety of customer uses. Depressing a key causes the generation of a Unique USASCn character or control code. Editing Facilities Four operating modes are available for the 620: Data Entry, Format (optional), Conversation (optional), and Hard Copy (optional). Functional keys associated with these operating modes include: • Format Type - initiates Data Entry mode; permits data to be entered into the buffer memory replacing any previous text. • Type - initiates Format mode; permits data to be entered into the buffer memory only in areas (variable fields) specified by a previously stored display format. • Conversation Type - initiates Conversation mode; permits data to be entered into the buffer memory following the last line of displayed data. (Contd. ) 5/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 8 AUElleACH DATA .. AUERBACH 6744:03 COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS SANDERS 620 • Clear - erases all data stored in buffer memory (Data Entry or Conversation modes); erases only data contained in variable fields specified by stored format (Format mode). • Send - transmits the entire displayed page (Data Entry mode); transmits data contained in variable fields or data bracketed by left and right delta symbols (Format mode); transmits last displayed line (Conversational mode). The Hard Copy mode can be entered from the Format Type. Type. or Conversational mode to specify transferring all data stored in the buffer memory or only data contained in variable fields (Format mode). Data is transferred to the attached Teletype Unit when the Send key is depressed. Cursor Controls Six control keys provide a high degree of cursor mobility by directing the cursor to anyone of five positions. When used with the Format Type mode (requires Format option). four of the cursor control keys place control characters (formaters) in the buffer memory. The formaters are used to structure the data entered in the Format mode. and can be erased only by typing over in the Format mode or when the Clear key is depressed in the Data Entry mode. Cursor controls include: • Horizontal Tab (optional) - establishes four character spaces between segments of the displayed teAi for each Horizontal Tab formater stored. • Vertical Tab (optional) - establishes four line spaces following the last displayed line of text for each Vertical Tab formater stored. • Carriage Return - establishes a single space between displayed lines with the cursor positioned at the initial character location for each key depression or each Carriage Return formater stored. • Frontspace/Backspace - establishes a single character space forward or backward for each key depression or Frontspace/Backspace formater stored. • Reset - returns the cursor to the display position of the initial character stored in buffer memory; when used with Format mode, the cursor is returned to the initial character position of the first variable field. Reset formaters are stored in buffer memory. • Shift - provides control for dual-operation keys including the cursor control keys described above. • Cycle Left/Right - steps the cursor forward or backward at a 30-steps-per-second rate for duration of key depression. The backward limiting position is the initial character location in memory or initial character location of the first variable field; the forward limiting position is the last character location in memory or final character location of the last variable field. Cursor will not wrap-around when in Data Entry mode. A repeat key causes repetition of any operation associated with a simultaneously depressed key as long as both keys are depressed. . The Sanders 620 Data Display System can also interface the 731 Display Communications Buffer for operation in an IBM System/360 environment; see Sanders 720 Data Display System (see Paragraph 6745 .15). The Sanders file maintenance software package (AUTOGRAPH) is also applicable with the 620 . . 16 First Delivery: .. . September 1968 . . 17 Availability: . . . . . 3 months (after initial deliveries) . .2 CONFIGURATION The 620 Data Display System includes: • A Model 6220 Display Unit. • A Model 6240 Keyboard. and • An optional Model 6250 Hard Copy Adapter. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/68 6744:04 SANDERS 620 .2 CONFIGURATION (Contd. ) Up to 20 Model 620 Display Terminals can be connected to the same communications line via a Model 716 Serial Distributor. One Keyboard Unit can be connected to each Display Unit. The Keyboard Unit can be attached to the Display Unit or located 10 feet away from it. . 32 Manual Input Model 6240 Typewriter Style Keyboard; Model 6242 Keypunch Sty Ie Keyboard Method of entry:. . . . Quantity of data: .. Character set: . Comments: . · via 51-key keyboard; an additional set of 16 keys (grouped separately) is provided for editing. · 768 characters. · 64 characters including digits, upper case letters, and special symbols . . . 16 keys control edit operations only and do not produce a displayable symbol. . 33 Fixed Input: .. · no provision. .34 Transaction Code Input:. . · no provision. .35 Message Configuration The 620 was designed to operate in a polled environment; only the computer can initiate data transmission from the 620. The 620 accepts a request-to-send poll (SOH, AO, AI, DCI) and replies with a negative (NAK) or positive (STX, AO, AI, Text,. ETX, and LPC) response. After transmitting the message the 620 waits for a NAK (request for retransmission) or ACK (positive acknowledgement) from the computer and responds with an EOT (End of Transmission) character. The 620 accepts a request-to-receive poll (SOH, AO, AI. and DC2) and replies with a negative (NAK) or positive (ACK) response. An ACK response is followed by the computer message (STX, Text, ETX, and LPC). The 620 responds with NAK (request for transmission) or ACK (positive acknowledgement). The computer message is terminated by an EOT character. The Control characters are defined in Table I. All messages are preceded by from two to five SYN characters when operating synchronously. The size of the text portion of a transmitted or received message is variable up to 768 characters. Careful coordination is required when transmitting infol'mation between the 620 and the computer; there are no interlocks to prevent the operator from interfering with a message being received from the computer or to prevent a computer message from interfering with message composition by the operator . . 36 Operating Procedure A message to be transmitted from a 620 Data Display System is composed by depressing the Clear key to clear the screen and position the cursor at the upper left corner of the screen (first position in memory), and then keying in the data. Controls are provided to space the cursor forward or backward one or four (optional) positions at n time, to move the cursor to the beginning of the next line or back to the end of the pJ'('violls line, step the cursor forward or backward at a fixed rate, or to space the cursor down the page nne or four (optiol1 • > N 1 1 1 1 wledgement) 84 Character Horizontal Screen Option Model 716 Serial D~stributer Model 731 Display Cqmmunications Buffer * ** 5/68 5 - The ~sic 620 Data Display System iucludes a Typewriter Style Keybo:;lrd and an Asynchronous II 0 Control Module with or without LPC (longitudinal parity checking) and pol;litive or negative (ACK/NAK) acknowledgement. Replaces Asynchronous I/O Control Module. AUERBACH Data Communications R~ports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6745:01 SANDERS 720 '" SANDERS 720 DATA DISPLAY SYSTEM .1 GENERAL · 11 Identity:.. 720 Data Display System. · 12 Manufacturer: Sanders Associates, Inc. Data Systems Division 95 Canal Street Nashua, New Hampshire 03060 · 13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. displays, via cathode ray tube, data received from a remote computeror entered via keyboard; transmits data to a remote computer over the public telephone network or leased voice-band lines . . 14 Basic Components · 15 Name: .. Function: . Model 708 Display Unit. display of alphanumeric data. Name: ... Function: Model 722 Typewriter Style Keyboard Unit. provides entry of data into the buffer memory contained in the Control Unit. Name: .. Function: Model 701 Control Unit. provides basic control and buffer storage for Display Units. Description The Sanders 720 Data Display System is designed to facilitate rapid exchange of data between a computer and one or more remote stations under control of a stored program in the computer. A large number of cathode ray tube (CRT) Display Units can be connected to a Control Unit, which contains the interface for the communications line. The Control Unit can also be connected directly to a computer. Each Display Unit can be located up to 1000 cable feet from the Control Unit. Several types of non-display devices, including Teletype paper tape readers and punches and Teletype Models 33 or 35 Receive-Only Printers, can also be incorporated through the use of special adapters. The data transmission rate between a directly-connected 720 station and the computer averages about 47,500 characters per second. When the 720 is connected remotely, the transmission rate is governed by the specific communications interface and can range from 110 bits per second to 2400 bits per second. This report discusses the 720 Display System as used in a communications environment only, except where noted. There are two communications interfaces available for the 720: asynchronous and synchronous. The asynchronous interface provides switch-selected transmission rates of 110, 1000, 1200, 1800, 2000, and 2400 bits per second; the synchronous interface provides switchselected transmission rates of 2000 and 2400 bits per second. The 7 -level USAScn (formerly ASCII) transmission code is employed, with an eighth bit added for character parity; see Table 1. When the asynchronous communications interface is used, one start bit and one or two stop bits are added to each character transmitted, resulting in a 10- or 11-bit character. Character length is eight bits with the synchronous communications interface; sync characters are transmitted whenever there is no data to be transmitted. The Model 701 Control Unit can contain up to three 1024-character memory modules composed of magnetostrictive delay lines. Each memory module provides buffering for one, two, or four Display Units; the same number of Display Units must be attached to each memory module. The 1024 character locations contained in a memory module are divided equally among the number of attached Display Units. In addition to the memory modules, the Control Unit contains the communications interface, editing logic, character generation circuits, multiplexing logiC, and control logic. © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/67 6745:02 SANDERS 720 Figure 1. Sanders 720 Data Display System with Vertical Screen Orientation. .15 Description (Contd.) The basic Model 716 Serial Distributor can accommodate up to four Control Units and is used to interface the Control Units to a single leased line. The Serial Distributor operates in the full-duplex mode, which permits concurrent polling of one Control Unit while transmitting from another. Up to 20 Control Units can be accommodated by the Serial Distributor with the addition of Model 7180 Expansion Units; each ExpanSion Unit accommodates four Control Units. The Model 708 Display Unit provides a 7. 5-inch by 9. 5-inch image area. Normally, the long side of the cathode ray tube (CRT) is mounted vertically so that the displayed information app-ears in a conventional page format. The CRT can be mounted horizontally if desired. The image area is arranged in 49 lines of 52 characters per line when the vertical orientation is specified, or in 32 lines of 64 or 84 (optional) characters per line with the horizontal orientation. A maximum of 256, 512, or 1024 characters can be displayed on the screen, but they can be displayed in any of the more than 2000 display locations. Various control and format characters occupy positions in the buffer and th~refore reduce the number of data characters that can be displayed. The stroke technique is employed to generate the displayed characters. Each Display Unit provides controls for adjusting focus, brightness, page size, page centering, character size, and character tilt. The character tilt control varies the displayed character from a vertical pOSition to a slanted (italic) position. The Model 722 or 7240 Keyboard Unit can be attached directly to a Display Unit or can be connected remotely at a distance of up to 10 cable-feet. The keyboard has 51 keys arranged in either conventional typewriter (722) or keypunch (7240) style plus an array of 16 special function keys located at the right of the keyboard. Of the 16 special function keys, 11 provide discrete control functions; the 5 remaining keys are adaptable to a variety of custom uses. Depressing a key causes the generation of a unique USASCII character or control code. (Contd. ) 11/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6745:03 SANDERS 720 '" Editing Facilities The 720 Data Display System incorporates a very flexible set of edit functions. Editing operations are divided into two categories: Data Entry (Operator) Mode operations and Format (Programmer) Mode operations. Data Entry operations are controlled by a group of four keys and enable the operator to enter. manipulate. or erase data within a preset format. Format Mode operations are controlled by a group of seven keys and enable a programmer or supervisor to enter, manipulate, or erase the data formats used to structure data entered in the Data Entry Mode. Data Entry Mode functional keys include: • Type - permits data to be entered into the buffer memory, replacing any previous text. • Insert - permits data to be added to an existing text. As data is entered the existing text is automatically spread to accommodate the added text. • Delete - permits data to be erased from the existing text while closing the text to maintain continuity. • Send Block - transmits a block of text; a block is defined as the text that is bracketed by two Home characters. Format Mode functional keys include: • • • Format Type - permits format data to be entered into the buffer memory. Format Insert - permits format data to be added to the existing format. Format Delete - permits format data to be erased from the existing format. • Move Cursor - permits. the cursor to be positioned at any location on the viewing screen. • Clear - erases all data stored in the buffer memory segment associated with the display unit. • Send Page - transmits the entire displayed page. • Reset Cursor - returns the cursor to the display pOSition of the initial character stored in the buffer memory (home position). The newly announced Sanders Model 737 PHOTOPEN Cursor Controller can be used with a Model 708 Display Unit. This device contains a light-sensing element and outputs a signal in synchronization with the appearance of a character on the screen within the field of view (one character) of the PHOTOPEN. An outlining circle of light, projected by the light pen, identifies the field of view. The amplified output from the PHOTOPEN is used to reposition the cursor to the PHOTOPEN's present location when the Cursor button on the PHOTOPEN is depressed. The Send Block button on the PHOTOPEN initiates transmission of the block of text identified by the cursor. Cursor Controls Six control keys provide a high degree of cursor mobility by directing the cursor to anyone of eight pOSitions. When used with the Format Type or Format Insert functions, four of the cursor control keys place control characters (formaters) in the buffer memory. The formaters are used to structure the data entered in the Data Entry Mode, and can be erased only with the Format Delete function. The formaters include: • Horizontal Tab/Back Tab - establishes four character spaces between segments of the displayed text for each Horizontal Tab character stored. • Vertical Tab - establishes four line spaces following the last displayed line of text for each Vertical Tab character stored. • Carriage Return/Back Return - establishes a single space between displayed lines with the cursor positioned at the initial character location.. • Home - establishes the initial position for a block of text; the "home" or starting position for the first block of text is always the upper left margin. (A block of text is the text that is included between two Home characters.) The Send Block key transmits the block of text that contains the cursor. © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 11/67 6745:04 SANDERS 720 · 15 Description (Contd. ) • Frontspace/Backspace - establishes a single character space forward or backward. • Shift - provides control for dual-operation keys including the cursor control keys described above. Other Controls A Repeat key causes repetition of any operation associated with a simultaneously depressed key as long as both keys are depressed. Specific characters can be made to blink by entering a Start Blink (SB) control character before entering the characters to be blinked. A Clear Blink (CB) control character is entered when blinking is to be discontinued. The SB and CB control characters are located on the shifted positions of the Vertical Tab and Home keys. 731 Display Communications Buffer The 731 Display Communications Buffer is specifically designed to interface a 720 Data Display System with an IBM System/360 and is capable of operating in a local or remote mode. In the local mode, data is transferred between the 720 system and the System/360 computer in parallel-by-bit fashion at 47,500 characters per second. Up to 192 Display Units can be directly connected to a single System/360 Multiplexor or Selector Channel. In the remote mode, data is transferred synchronously, in serial-by-bit fashion, at 2000 or 2400 bits per second. Up to 16 half-duplex lines can be connected to a 731 Buffer. Sanders provides a software package called AUTOGRAPH that permits file maintenance functions to be performed via 720 Data Displays connected directly to an IBM System/360 computer. Sanders states that AUTOGRAPH is fully compatible with the IBM Disk Operating System (DOS/360) or Operating System/360 (OS/360). A simple mnemonic language allows an operator to insert, revise, or delete forms or records stored in anyone of several libraries. Printed output of the additions or changes can be obtained via the System/360 printer or the Sanders Hard Copy Adapter. · 16 First Delivery 720 System without 731 Buffer 720 System with 731 Buffer .. · 17 Availability 720 System without 731 Buffer 720 System with 731 Buffer .. .2 October 1966. December 1967. 3 months. 3 months (after initial deliveries). CONFIGURATION A 720 Data Display System includes: • A Model 701 Control Unit, • Up to 12 Model 708 Display Units, • Up to 12 Model 722 or 7240 Keyboard Units (one per Display Unit), • Optional Model 737 PHOTOPEN Cursor Controllers (one per Display Unit), • An optional Model 706 Hard Copy Adapter (one per Control Unit), and • An optional Model 718 Paper Tape Reader/Punch Adapter (one per Control Unit). Up to four Model 701 Control Units and their associated components can be connected to the same communications line via a Model 716 Serial Distributor. Up to 3 Model 7180 Expansion Units CM he incorporated to expand the bas i~ inh~rface capability of 4 Control Units to a mR.-dIllltn' of 20 in increments of 4. A 701 Control Unit ean contain up to three memory n',){hl,,~:. Far'!; memory modllle (".111 s€I'Vice 011e, two. Pl' four 708 Display Units. The 1;[11'" 1:1 ,1I111'r II' Dil'pl:IY T:ni!s IllUf'1 hi' C01!IWe{:('d to each "1 ",,,)}'Y module. 'Cont.d. \ II '{."I AUI RBi\CIl U,ta COl "PII/f.icatioll , '}purl" A AUERBACH 6745:05 DATA ~ .. AUERBACH COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS SANDERS 720 TABLE I: SANDERS 720 SYSTEM USASCII TRANSMISSION CODE 7, 6, 5 BIT POSITION 4 3 2 I 000 0 0 0 0 NULL* 001 0 0 0 I SOM * RTS* I 0 0 I 0 EOA* RTR* " 0 0 I I EOM* . EOT* 011 010 100 101 110 @ p I A Q 2 B R TI 3 C S T2 II 0 5 (SP) CM 0 I 0 0 S 4 0 T 0 I 0 I % 5 E U 12 0 I I 0 & 6 F V 01 0 I I I I 0 0 0 FS BS I 0 0 I HT BT I 0 I 0 I 0 I I I I 0 0 HM CB I I 0 I CR BR I I I 0 I I I I 7 G W 02 ( 8 H X 01 ) 9 I Y 02 * : J Z INT K C RC \ ] (APOS) VT + SB < L - = M > N i- / ? 0 ~ (COMMA + CONTROL& OPERATION CHARACTERS SB Start Blink CB BS Clear Blink Back Space FS Front Space III EDIT & I/O FUNCTION CHARACTERS ALPHANUMERIC 01 Send (output) mock Send (output) Page Reset cursor 02 INT I} Insert SOM - start of Message* 12 Format Insert EOA EOMEOT- End of Message* End of Transmission* BR CM RCU Back Return Cursor Motion Clear (initiate) End of Address- HT Horizontal Tab BT Back (horizontal) Tab VT Vertical Teb D1 D2 Delete Format Delete HM - Home T} Type RTS - Request to Send· CR - Carriage Return T2 Format Type RTR- Request to Receive· *These cOdes cannot be generated from the keyboard. A memory module provides 1024 character display positions when servicing a single Display Unit. When servicing two or four Displ!ly Units, a memory module provides 512 or 256 character positions per Display Unit, respectively. One Keyboard Unit can be connected to each Display Unit. The Keyboard Unit can be attached to the Display Unit or located up to 10 feet away from it. The Model 718 Paper Tape Reader/Punch Adapter permits connection of up to three Teletype Model CX Paper Tape Readers and one Teletype Model DRPE Paper Tape Punch. .3 INPUT .31 Prepared Input Teletype Model CX Reader Input medium: Input code: . . Quantity of data:. l-inch-wide punched paper tape; chad or chadless. 7 -level USASCII plus character parity (8 bits); see Table 1. up to maximum size of associated buffer segment. . C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 11/67 6745:06 SANDERS 720 .31 Prepared Input (Contd.) Rated input speed: . . • . . • • . . • . . . • Effective speed: . . Comments: . . . . . · 32 105 char/sec. limited by transmission speed, turnaround time, etc. requires a Model 718 Adapter; CX Reader must be obtained directly from Teletype Corporation. Manual Input Model 722 Typewriter Style Keyboard; Model 7240 Keypunch Style Keyboard Method of entry:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character set: . Comments: . via 51-key keyboard; an additional set of 16 keys (grouped separately) is provided for editing. up to 1024, 512, or 256 characters, depending on number of displays connected to a single memory module. 64 characters, including digits, uppercase letters, and special symbols. 16 keys control edit operations only and do not produce a displayable symbol. · 33 Fixed Input: ... no provision . . 34 Transaction Code Input: no provision. · 35 Message Configuration The basic format for messages transmitted to or from a 720 terminal operating in a nonpolled environment is as follows: SOM, AO, AI, A2, EOA, Text, and EOM. The AO character is a control unit address; Al is a memory buffer address; A2 is a display unit address. The control characters are defined in Table 1. When operating in a polled environment, the 720 System responds to a request-to-send poll, received from the remote computer, by replying with the requested message (SOM, AO, AI, A2, EOA, Text, EOM, EOT, EOT) or by replying with a no-message response (SOM, AO, AI, A2, EOA, EOT, EOT). The 720 System does not reply to the request-to-receive poll that is used to select a display unit for receiving a message from the computer. The message format for the request-to-send poll is SOM, AO, AI, A2, EOA, RTS, EOM, EOM. The message format for the Request-to-receive poll is the same except that RTS is replaced by RTR and the message, and the two EOM characters are replaced by EOT characters. Sanders states that a message format identical with the IBM 2260 message format is available at no extra cost. Changing from the Sanders ,standard message format to the IBMcompatible message format is easily accomplished by replacing the standard I/O control module in the Model 701 Control Unit with an IBM-compatible I/O control module. A request-to-send poll can be issued to a speCific control unit, memory buffer, or display unit. When a request-to-send poll contains only the address of a control unit or the address of a control unit and memory buffer, the 720 System replies to the request-to-send poll with up to 12 sequential messages (one message from each display unit associated with the addressed Control Unit) or up to 4 sequential messages (one message from each display unit associated with th~ addressed buffer memory). Each sequential message is preceded by an AO, AI, A2 address header and terminated with an EOM character. The size of the text portion of a transmitted or received message is variable, and is limited only by the buffer segment associated with the specifiC display device. Careful coordination is required when transmitting information hetween a display unit and the computer; there are no interlocks to prevent the operator from interfering with a message being received from the computer or to prevent a computer message from interfering with message composition by the operator. (Contd. ) 11/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports DATA ~ ~, COMMUNICATIONS AUERBACH ~ ERBACH 6745:07 REPORTS SANDERS 720 co . 36 Operating Procedure A message to be transmitted from a 720 Data Display System is composed by depressing the Clear key to clear the screen and position the cursor at the upper left corner of the screen (first pOSition in memory), and then keying in the data. Controls are provided to space the cursor forward or backward one or four pOSitions at a time, to move the cursor to the beginning of the next line or back to the end of the previous line, or to space the cursor down the page, four line spaces at a time. other controls allow data to be inserted or deleted. The cursor can also be positioned by pointing the optional PHOTOPEN at the desired cursor position on1he display screen. .37 To transmit a portion of the displayed message (i.e., a single block of text), the operator depresses the Send Block key, which transmits only that block of text containing the cursor. A block is defined as a group of text characters bracketed by Home characters. To transmit all the displayed data, the operator simply depresses the Send Page key. If a transmission error is detected at the remote computer, a retransmission can be requested only when operating with a System/360 computer.' no provis ion. Entry of Time and Date: .3 OUTPUT .41 Output to Punched Tape Teletype DRPE PunchTape size: . . . . . . . . . . . . Tape code: . . . . . . . . . . . Rated punching speed: . . Effective speed: .. Format control: . . Comments; .44 I-inch. 7 -level USASCII including character parity (8 bits); see Table 1. 105 char/sec. limited by transmission speed, turnaround time, etc. none. requires a Model 718 Adapter. DRPE Punch must be obtained directly from Teletype Corp. Output to Printer Teletype Model 33 or 35 Receive-Only (RO) sets can be used for printed output at 10 characters per second. Each RO requires a Hard Copy Adapter. The Teletype equipment is fully described in Reports 6804 and 6805. See Paragraph. 2, Configuration, for the rules governing the number of RO sets that can be connected. .46 Output to Visual Display Device Model 708 Display Unit Output medium: .. Character set: . . . . . . Character size: Display size: . Characters per line: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lines per display: .... Characters per display: Buffer capacity: Format control: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ cathode ray tube; displays white characters against black background. 64 characters: digits, upper-case letters, punctuation marks, and special symbols; see Table I. nominally 0.09 inch wide and O. 12 inch high. display field is 7. 5 inches by 9. 5 inches; CRT may be positioned vertically or horizontally. 52 with vertical display; 64 or 84 (optional) with horizontal display. 40 with vertical display; 32 with horizontal display. 1024, 512, or 256, depending on the number of Display Units connected to the Control Unit. 1024 characters per memory module; up to three memory modules can be incorporated in one Control Unto horizontal or vertical tabbing; very flexible cursor movement controls; see Paragraph . 15, Editing Facilities. 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/67 6745:08 SANDERS 720 . 46 Output to Visual Display Device (Contd. ) Rated output speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective output speed: Comments: .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION . 51 Data Entry Errors: .... . . 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: . 47 ,500 char/sec when connected directly to a computer; up to 300 char/sec over a voiceband line. limited by transmission speed, turnaround time, block length, etc. character size and tilt are adjustable. no checking except for visual verification of displayed data. Errors are corrected by repositioning the cursor and rekeying the data . character parity; longitudinal parity is optional at no extra cost. error character is replaced with question mark character. manually clear displayed message and request retransmission. Automatic retransmission when operating with an IBM System 360 computer. no checking except for visual verification of displayed data. Error indication: . Correction procedure: . 53 Data Recording Errors: . . 55 Line Malfunctions: .... no special provisions for checking . .6 CONDITION INDICATORS:. a minimum of indicators are provided in a 720 system. Three yellow indicators centered directly above the keyboard indicate (when lighted) that the cursor is located directly on an HM control character, a CR control character, or an HT character. The eursor does not appear on the viewing screen under these conditions . .7 DAT A TRANSMISSION The 720 Data Display System can be arranged for non-polling or polling operations; see Paragraphs.73 and .74. The primary difference between the two arrangements is that the Display Unit initiates all communications in the non-polling arrangement, while the remote computer initiates all communications in the polling arrangement. The Control Unit performs a scan of associated devices when it receives a request in the polling mode. The computer can request the Control Unit to scan all Display Units, Display Units associated with a specific buffer memory, or a speCific Display Unit . . 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed Asynchronous: .... . Synchronous: . . . . . . . Transmission method: .. Transmission code: ... Transmission mode: . . . . . Order of bit transmission: . Synchronization: . . . . . . . 100, 1000, 1200, 1800, 2000, or 2400 bits/sec. 2000 or 2400 bits/sec. serial by bit. 7 -level USAscn plus an added parity bit; see Table 1. A total of 8 bits are transmitted synchronously, or 10 or 11 bits asynchronously. half-duplex. low-order bit is transmitted first, parity bit last. synchronous or asynchronous; start and stop bits are transmitted with each asynchronously transmitted character . (Contd. ) ! 1,'1" '] AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH 6745:09 DATA ~ AUERBACH COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS SANDERS 720 II . 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Bell System Schedule 3A Data Channel (up to 300 bits/sec): .. Western Union Class D Data Channel (up to 180 bits/sec): . . . . . . . Public switched telephone network operating at the following speeds 110 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Common-carrier leased voice-band line operating at the following speeds Up to 1200 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . Up to 1800 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . 2000 bits/sec: . . . . . . . ..... . 2400 bits/sec: . 73 Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data Phone Data Set 103A. Bell System Data Phone Data Set 202C. Bell System Data Phone Data Set 201A. Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. Bell System Data Set 202C or 202D. Bell System Data Set 201A. Bell System Data Set 201B, or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem . manual dialing over switched network; direct transmission over a dedicated line. capable of unattended operation. carriage return, horizontal and vertical tab, blink, etc. can be initiated by control characters; see table I. Call reception: . . . . . . . Functional operations: " only when polled by remote computer; display stations cannot initiate a call. capable of unattended operation. same as non-polling arrangement. Call initiation: . . Call reception: . Function operations: .. Multistation Operation Polling: . . . . . . . . . . . Addressing: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •8 Bell System Data Set 103F. Transmission Control Non-Polling Arrangement Call initiation: . 74 Data Set* the 708 Display Units are individually addressable; units can be polled individually or in groups of four, or all units can be polled for messages. Display Units cannot communicate directly with one another; the remote computer can selectively communicate with each terminal . PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model 708 Display Unit Component Width (Inches) Depth (Inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 15.5 21.5 18.5 60 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases Temperature Range (OF.) Humidity Range ('!O) Heat (BTU/hr) Model 701 Control Unit 19 17 14 50 200 115 60 150 115 60 1 60 to 100 o to 90 ? 1 60 to 100 o to 90 ? * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/67 6745: 10 SANDERS 720 .9 PRICE DATA Monthly Rental, Purchase Price, Monthly Maintenance, $ $ $ 238 6,000 50 293 7,500 50 339 9,000 50 40 9 900 270 7 NC 100 20 2,550 475 35 NC 3 95 NC 25 65"0 NC POR POR - Model 718 Paper Tape Reader/Punch Adapter (for Teletype CX or DRPE paper tape equipment) Model 706 Hard Copy Adapter POR POR - POR POR Model 731 Display Communications Buffer POR POR 37 950 Component or Feature Model 701 Control Unit* with one memory module Model 701 Control Unit* with two memory modules Model 701 Control Unit* with three memory modules Model 716 Serial Distribution Model 7180 Expansion Unit Model 708 Display Unit Model 722 Typewriter Style Keyboard 134 characters per line (horizontal orientation only) Model 7240 Keypunch Style Keyboard Model 737 PHOTOPEN Cursor Controller Model 713D Control ** Unit Cabinet NC No Charge. POR Price on Request. * NC The Model 701 Control Unit price includes the communications interface. ** Two models of the 713D Control Unit Cabinet are available: Model 713 D-1 can house one 701 Control Unit plus power supply; Model 713 D-2 is capable of containing two 701 Control Units plus a power supply. 11/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS ~ IERBACH 6750:01 SANGAMO DATA STATION REPORTS • SANGAMO DATA STATION .1 GENERAL .11 Identity:....................... DS-7300 and DS-9300 Data Stations. · 12 Manufacturer:................... Sangamo Electric Company P.O. Box 359 Springfield, minois 62705 • 13 Basic Function: • . • • . • . • • . • • • • . . .. transmission and reception of data over a voice-band line; input is from magnetic tape recorded in a 7 -channel or 9-channel mM compatible format; source tape can be recorded and verified via keyboard. · 15 Description Sangamo is one of the more recent manufacturers to enter the keyboard-to-magnetic-tape market. Its two initial entries are the Model 7100 and 9100 Data Stations, the first members of two proposed product lines that are to functionally correspond to the Mohawk and Honeywell keyboard-to-magnetic tape product lines. Sangamo has also started production on the 7200 and 9200 Poolers and the 7300 and 9300 Communication Terminals. The Sangamo Data Stations are designed to reduce or eliminate the need for punched cards as an input medium for computer installations. The 7000 Series Data stations record data entered from a keyboard directly on seven-track magnetic tape in a format compatible with IBM 729 Series Magnetic Tape Units; the 9000 Series record in a nine-track format compatible with mM 2400 Series Magnetic Tape Units. The units used to record data can also be used to verify previously recorded records. The Data stations provide the same general facilities for preparation and verification of magnetic tape records that a conventional keypunch and verifier provide for punched cards, plus some speCialized capabilities. A magnetic core buffer, a central component of the Data Stations, holds the keyed-in data or data received from a communications line (7300 and 9300 only) where recording and the record to be checked when verifying. The core storage unit provides ease and flexibility of preparing, verifying, and searching magnetic tape records and permits storing a program to define the tape record format and to automatically initiate certain operations. The basic core storage unit contained in the 7000 Series provides 100-character positions; manual control is provided to permit selection of 80- or 100-character record lengths. With options, the 7000 Series core capacity can be increased to 120 or up to 240 positions. Manual selection of 80, 100, or 120 character records is provided for the 120 position option. Manual selection of from 20- to 240-character records in increments of 20 character positions is provided with the 240-position option. The basic core storage unit contained in the 9000 Series provides 120-character positions; manual control is provided to permit selection of 80-, 100-, or 120-character record lengths. As an option, the 9000 Series core capacity can be increased to 240 positions with prOVision for manual selection of from 20- to 240-character records in increments of 20 character positions. The program storage area contains four bits of storage for each character position of the record; the fourth bit is used to control auxiliary devices. Its function is similar to that of a program card in keypunch units. Codes stored in the bits are used to delimit fields within a record and to define operations such as automatic duplication or verification of common information, automatic skipping, and alphabetic (lower) or numeric (upper) shift. The field definition allows fields to be skipped out, either in their entirety" or after they have been partially filled with data. The other program functions relieve the operator of the necessity of depressing keys for the related functions. The Alternate Program feature provides additional bits for each character position to allow two different record formats to be defined. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/68 6750:02 SANGAMO DATA STATION Figure 1. The Sangamo Data Station . 15 Description (Contd.) The Program switch is used to select which of the two programs is to be active at the beginning of each record. Program memory is loaded from the keyboard. A feature allowing program data to be read from a magnetic tape is expected to be announced this year. There are five principal modes of operation for all Data Stations; two additional modes are incorporated in the 7300 and 9300 to be used for data communications. The five principal modes, as selected by the operator, are Data Entry, Data Verify, Search, Program Entry, and Program Verify. In addition to these principal operating modes, the 7300 and 9300 incorporate Send and Receive modes for data communication. Data is recorded on magnetic tape in the Data Entry mode. Data entered via the keyboard is stored in the core storage unit. Fixed data can be automatically retained from record to record. When a complete record has been assembled, the recording action can be initiated automatically or manually. Data is written on the tape along with the character parity bits and the longitudinal parity check character. The tape is then automatically backspaced and read, and the recorded data is compared bit for bit with the data stored in memory. The recorded character parity bits and the longitudinal check character are also checked. The keyboard is locked for apprOXimately 120 milliseconds during the checking operation. 11/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports (Contd.) A ~ ., AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6750:03 SANGAMO DATA STATION A magnetic tape previously recorded on a Data station can be checked in the Data Verify mode. A record is read into the unit's data storage area. Duplicate information in a series of records can be verified automatically as specified by the program. The operator can also initiate automatic verification of a duplicate data field by depressing the Dup key. Character and longitudinal parity are checked as the record is read in. If a discrepancy is detected while data is being keyed in to verify a tape record, the keyboard is locked and the operator is alerted by an indicator lamp and an adjustable audible alarm. The operator can determine whether there is an error in the tape record by making repeated attempts to key in the character or by observing the one-character data display; all characters are displayed as real symbols. Corrections are easily made by depressing the Correction key and then keying the correct character. After completing the verification and correction of a record containing errors the operator depresses the Home key to verify the same record or the Override key to go on to the next record. The verified record is written on tape, backspaced, and checked as when recording. In the Search mode, a particular record can be located on the tape if it contains a unique identifying code or field. The identifying data is keyed into memory in the same position it occupies in the record. The tape halts when a match is found or when blank tape is encountered. The Search mode can be used to locate the beginning point of an interrupted recording or verifying operation, or to locate a specific record for modification or correction. The basic or alternate program is entered via keyboard in the designated program storage area of the core buffer when the Data Station is placed in the Program Entry mode. A previously entered program is checked in the Program Verify mode by rekeying the program in sequence to the stored program. A verify error occurs when the key just depressed does not compare with the corresponding program character in the core buffer. A 47-key keyboard, arranged in a conventional keypunch style, is incorporated in the 7000 Series Data Stations; a 64-key keyboard is available as an option. The 9000 Series incorporates a 64-key keypunch-style keyboard. An option available for the 64-key keyboard permits manual lockout of all upper case special characters. The remainder of this report is devoted to describing the data communications aspect of the Data stations equipped with a communications interface. See AUERBACH Data Handling Reports for a detailed analysis of the other members of the Data Station family that are used for input preparation. Data station Models 7300 and 9300 are designed to provide buffered, synchronous communications in a half-duplex mode with a remote 7300 or 9300 Data Station over the public telephone network at 1200 or 2000 (optional) bits per second, or over a leased voice-band line at 1600 or 2400 (optional) bits per second. The higher speeds of 2000 and 2400 bits per second require an optional communications interface. Data transfer between terminals is under control of the program stored in the sending and receiving buffers. The Model 7300 Data Station translates its internal six-bit BCD code to one of two specific transmission codes. Buffer positions designated as numeric positions by the stored program are translated to a four-bit transmission code; alphabetic buffer positions are translated to an eight-bit transmission code. Table I shows the relationship between the numeric internal code and the transmission code. Alphabetic characters are encoded as follows: Internal Code: Transmission Code: 1248AB 12248 AAB The barred numbers indicate the complement of the preceding bit. The numeric and alphabetic transmission codes permit a limited means for checking character validity. The stored program at the receiving terminal designates speCific buffer positions as numeric or alphabetic codes. If an alphabetic character is received in a position programmed for a numeric character, a character error results. A numeric character received in a position programmed for an alphabetic character does not cause a character error. The Model 9300 Data Station performs translation from its internal eight-bit EBCDIC code to the six-bit BCD code as the first step prior to transmitting the data. The six-bit code is then modified to the transmission code using the same procedure as the Model 7300. Because both the 7300 and 9300 produce the same transmission code; the two terminals can intercommunicate. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. tt /68 6750:04 SANGAMO DATA STATION TABLE I: SANGAMO NUMERIC TRANSMISSION CODE Numeric to be Transmitted 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Representation in Buffer and on Magnetic Tape* Transmission Code B A 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 *Each numeric includes a parity bit which accompanies the numeric when recorded on tape or in the buffer • . 15 Description (Contd.) Although 256 character codes can be generated by the Model 9300 keyboard by using the Multiple Code key, the 9300 translator is designed to translate only those codes included in the basic 64-character set employed by the Model 7300. Sangamo states that at present it has not resolved the problem of what it intends to do with EBCDIC codes external to the basic 64character set. There are several alternates to be considered; some of the more obvious of these are: (1) non-translated EBCDIC codes can be ignored, (2) the terminal can be halted and the operator alerted, (3) a case shift character can precede the codes, (4) the 256 character set can be folded into the 64 character set with resulting ambiquities. The modified BCD transmission code is shown in Table II. The recorded and verified data is transmitted to the receiving terminal by placing the sending and receiving terminals in the Send and Receive mode, respectively. Both operations are discussed in the following paragraphs. Data is recorded in fixed-length records as speCified by the manual switch settings. Transmission record size can vary from a single character up to the capacity of the buffer as determined by the send and receive programs. A record can contain as many as 240 characters when the available buffer options are employed at both the sending and receiving terminals. Before a record is transmitted, the sending terminal reads the record from the tape, checks each character read for correct parity, and loads the entire record into the core buffer. Transmission begins when the core buffer contains the complete record and a ready status is received from the receiving terminal. Each character read from the core buffer during transmission is translated to a four-bit or eight-bit character, serialized, and transmitted to the receiving terminal. In addition to the transmitted data, a modulo four block count is inserted to identify the record sequence. The receiving terminal performs a validity check on each received character, translates the four- or eight-bit character to the internal code, and stores each of the translated characters in the core buffer. In addition to the validity check performed on each character, the receiving terminal performs a modulo four block-count check and a longitudinal parity check (modulo 64 count of all ones in the text portion of each record). After each character of the record has been correctly received (i. e., no transmission or programming errors), the record is written on tape and the recorded data is checked for data recording errors. 11/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports (Contd.) A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6750:05 SANGAMO DATA STATION " TABLE II. SANGAMO BCD TRANSMISSION CODE Bit Position Bit Position Symbol A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X y Z - Symbol - B A A 8 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 & -# < > = - + ! ? , ; ) ( $ i % # @ / l *1 , " - Space - - B A A 8 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 An auxiliary or second buffer is used for retransmitting a record received in error (when the terminal is operating in the transmit mode) and for receiving a record directly from the communications line (when the terminal is operating in the receive mode). When transmitting, the auxiliary buffer is loaded with the record just transmitted in anticipation of a request for retransmission. Concurrent with this operation, the next record to be transmitted is read from tape and stored in the primary buffer. A record received from the communications facility by the receiving terminal is initially checked for the anticipated block count and stored in the auxiliary buffer. The record stored in the auxiliary buffer is then transferred to the primary buffer, checked for character validity and longitudinal parity, and written on tape. Concurrently with the tape write operation, the next record is received and stored in the auxiliary buffer. After each record is written on tape, the tape is backspaced to the beginning of the record, read forward and a bit-for-bit comparison to the data stored in the primary buffer is performed. Error signaling in response to incorrect message codes or data transmission errors is performed via the reverse-channel technique. The inherent value of this technique is that it eliminates the time required for line turn-around to allow the receiver to transmit an acknowledge code. Reverse-channel signaling occurs at interrecord intervals only . . 16 First Delivery: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. April 1969. .17 Availability: 8 months. © 1968 AUERBACH Corooration and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 11/68 6750:06 SANGAMO DATA STATION .2 CONFIGURATION The Model 7300 and 9300 Data stations include: • A magnetic tape drive compatible with mM 729 Series units (7300) or mM 2400 Series units (9300), • A magnetic core buffer, • A keyboard for entering data, and • A communications interface. A data set is required to connect either Data station to a communications line • .3 INPUT .31 Prepared Input DS-7000 Series Magnetic Tape Drive Input medium: . . . . . • • • . . • • . . . . . Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Character set: ............... . Rated input speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: .............. . Comments: O. 5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 556 bitS/inch: 200 or 800 bit/inch densities are optional: compatible with mM 729 Series tape format. 6-bit BCD (even parity) or binary (odd parity); see Table m. 80 or 100 characters: optionally up to 240 characters in 20-character increments. 64 characters; alphanumerics plus special and record format characters. 16,680 char/sec (556 bits/inch), 6000 char/sec (200 bitS/inch), 24,000 char/sec (800 bits/inch). limited by block length and transmission speed: see also Table IV. maximum reel size permitted is seven inches. DS-9000-Series Magnetic Tape Drive Input medium: • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . . Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Quantity of data:. • . . . • . • • • . . . • . . Character set: ••.....•••••••... Rated input speed: . . . . • • • • • • • . . • Effective speed: ..•••••••..•••• Comments: . 32 compatible with mM 2400 Series tape format. 8-level EBCDIC code plus odd parity: see Table m. 80, 100, or 120 characters; optional record lengths can be switch selected in 20-character increments from 80 to 240 characters. 256 characters" 24,000 char/sec. limited by block length and transmission speed: see also Table IV. maximum reel size permitted is seven inches. Manual Input Keyboard (with all Data Stations) Method of entry: ••••••••••••••. Quantity of data: . . . . . • . • . • . . . . . Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comments: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Fixed In.put: ....••••.•.•••••••• .34 Transaction Code Input: 11/68 O. 5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 800 bitS/inch: 49-key keyboard. up to capacity of buffer. 64 characters: 26 alpha, 10 numeric, and 27 special. 256 code combinations can be produced when the Multiple Cod!3 Key is used: keyboard data is entered on tape via the core buffer. a data field can be entered into the buffer and automatically or manually duplicated in all subsequent records. no provisions. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports (Contd.) A ~ AUERBACH 6750:07 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SANGAMO DATA STATION AUERBACH REPORTS TABLE Ill: SANGAMO 9000 SERIES TAPE CODE HexaDecimal Code Char. A Char. C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 D1 D2 D3 B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Space ] D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 E2 E3 E4 Char. . < [ $ * ) ; /\ - / , % - > ? : # @ , 4B 4C 4D 4E ( 4F 50 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 00 & 4A + HexaDecimal Code ,. E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 40 V W X D4 U HexaDecimal Code = "MC TABLE IV: SANGAMO 7300 AND 9300 EFFECTIVE BLOCK TRANSMISSION RATES* Effective Transmission Rate, records/min, at a Transmission Speed of Record Length, characters 1200 bps 1600 bps 2000 bps 2400 bps 80 95 124 150 176 100 78 102 125 147 180 47 62 77 90 240 35 46 57 68 *Sangamo states that these rates can be attained Wlder the following conditions: all al~habetic data; propagation delay of 15 milliseconds; single-bit error rate of 1 in 100 bits. The effect of retransmission due to the specified error rate is included• . 35 Message Configurations: • . . • . • . . • • .. messages are transmitted in fixed-length records as specified by program; record size can be from one character up to size of buffer. Fields within a record can be skipped and nOt transmitted. All messages are preceded by idle characters (used to synchronize transmission) and a Start-of-Message characters that incorporates a modulo four block cOWlt. Records are terminated with an End-of-Record character repeated three Urnes. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 11/68 6750:08 SANGAMO DATA STATION .36 Operating Procedure Before transmitting a message, predetermined programs and time of transmission should be established between the communicating terminals. Programs cannot be loaded from tape and, therefore, must be entered manually from the keyboard. The sequence of operations in preparing to transmit is: (1) Load program into memory. (2) Mount tape reel. (3) Set control switches on operator panel. (4) Establish connection by dialing or manually signaling. I (5) Depress Data key on data set. . 37 .4 .43 Entry of Time and Date: OUTPUT Output to Magnetic Tape no provision• DS-7000 Series Magnetic Tape Drive Tape size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tape code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated output speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Format control: . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . • . • . O. 5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 556 bits/ inch; 200 or 800 bits/inch densities are optional; compatible with mM 729 Series tape format. 6-bit BCD (even parity) or binary (odd parity); see Table m. 16,680 char/sec (556 bitS/inch), 6000 char/sec (200 bitS/inch), or 24,000 char/sec (800 bits/ inch). limited by block length and transmission speed; see also Table IV. extensive tape format control is provided by stored program. See paragraph .15 for description. records are recorded in fixed length format; an 80 or 100 character record is standard; with options, record length can be switch selected in 20 character increments from 20 to 240 characters; maximum tape reel size permitted is seven inches. DS-9000 Series Magnetic Tape Drive O. 5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 800 bits/ Tape size: Tape code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated output speed: •.•••••..•••• Effective speed: .•.•••.••.••••• Format control: Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/68 inch; compatible with mM 2400 Series tape format. 8-level EBCDIC code plus odd parity; see Table m. 24,000 char/sec. limited by block length and transmission speed; see also Table IV. extensive tape format control is provided by stored program. See Paragraph • 15 for description. records are recorded in fixed length format; an 80, 100, or 120 character record is standard; with options records can be switch selected in 20-character increments from 20 to 240 characters. Maximum tape reel size permitted is seven inches. AUERBACH Data Communication.s Reports (Contd.) A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6750:09 SANGAMO DATA STATION '" ·5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION · 51 Data Entry Errors Type of checking: .••.•.••••••••.. character and longitudinal parity are checked as each record is read from tape. Error indication: . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • . • indicator lamp is lighted; audible alarm sounds. Correction procedure: .••.••••••••. tape is automatically backspaced and read a second time; tape halts and operator intervention is required when a second error is detected . . 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: Error indication: ..••.••.•.•••... ...•.•.....•.•. Correction procedure: . . . . . . . . • . • . . .53 Data Recording Errors Type of checking: ..... . Error indication: . . . . . . Correction procedure: .. · 55 each record is re-read and checked bit for bit with the buffer contents. Character and longitudinal parity are also checked. keyboard is locked, tape halts, lamp is lighted, and audible alarm is sounded. tape is automatically backspaced and data is written a second time; operator intervention is required when error occurs a second time. Line Malfunctions Detection: . . . . • . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . . Action: .7 DATA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: Transmission method: ••••••••.•••• • Transmission code: .••••.•••••••. Transmission mode: ....••••••••... Order of bit transmission: ..••••••.. Synchronization: . . . • . . . . . . • • . . . • . . 72 character validity and longitudinal parity. indicator lamp is lighted; reverse channel signal is interrupted. automatic retransmissions continue for up to 20 seconds; after this time period, transmission halts, audible alarm sounds, and operator intervention is required. absence of signal on reverse channel for 20 seconds. operation halts. 1200 or 2000 (optional) bits/sec over the public telephone network; 1600 or 2400 (optional) bits/ sec over a leased voi<:le-band line. serial by bit. . modified BCD code (4 or 8 bits per character) see Paragraph .15. half-duplex. low order data bit (b1) first. synchronous; each record is preceded by idle characters • Connection to Communications Lines Communications Lines Public telephone network operating at the following speeds: 1200 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 2000 bits/sec: . . . . . . . • . • . . . • . . . Data Set* Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C or equivalent. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A or equivalent. *In some cases, ~quivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. Bell System 202C2 and 202D2 Data Sets provide reversechannel capability. Bell System 201A and 201B Data Sets and Western Union Data Sets do not provide reverse-channel capability, except through the use of a full-duplex line. © 1968 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. t 1/68 6750:10 SANGAMO DATA STATION Common-carrier leased voice-band line operating at the following speeds: 1600 bits/sec: . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . Bell System Data Set 202D, Western Union 1800 Baud Data Modem or equivalent. Bell System Data Set 201B, Western Union, 2400 Baud Data Modem, or equivalent . 2400 bits/sec: . 73 Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . Call reception: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional operations: . 74 Multistation Operation: .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS I no provision• Sangamo DS-7000/DS-9000 Series Data stations Component (inches) (inches) (inches) (pounds) 42 24 28 200 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases Temperature Range eF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 0.29 115 60 1 36 to 100 ? 750 Width Depth Height Weight .9 .....•.•... manual dialing or signaling. operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode. under control of stored program; see Paragraph .15 for description . PRICE DATA Component or Feature Data Station Model 7300 Data Station Model 9300 Options 120-Character Core Memory for Model 7300 240-Character Core (1) Memory for both Models 7300 and 9300 High Speed Communications Interlace Monthly Rental, Purchase Price, Monthly Maintenance, $ $ $ 232 255 9,510 10,310 32 35 10 (2) NC 30 (2) NC 30 (2) NC (1) 120-Character Core Memory is prerequisite to this option for Model 7300. (2) Sangamo states it has not established a purchase price for these items. NC -- No Charge 11/68 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERIACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6760:00 TALLY PARALLEL EQUIPMENT REPORT UPDATE '" REPORT UPDATE ~ ~EW 72 CHARACTER-PER-SECOND SENDERS Tally has introduced a line of three punched tape senders for parallel data transmission at 72 characters per second. The new System 120, 122, and 128 Senders are the same as the System 100, 102, and 108 Senders respectively, except for the increased data transmission rate. The recommended Tally Receiver for the System 120 and 122 Senders is the System 220; the recommended receiver for the System 128 Sender is the System 228. The prices for these units are shown in the accompanying table (next page). ~ PUNCHED CARD TRANSMITTING TERMINAL Tally has also introduced a punched card sender, the System 180 Card Transmitter. This unit reads standard 80-column punched cards at 42 cards per minute. Data is translated from the Hollerith card code to a 7-level BCD transmission code which includes an odd character parity bit. Data is transmitted at 42 cards per minute (56 characters per second). Data is transmitted in blocks. Each block contains the data from one card. A full 80 columns can be transmitted, or the program disc can be utlized to specify deletion of any portion of the card data. A customer-specified block character is automatically inserted after each card record. The transmission format is compatible with Tally parallel punched tape equipment. The recommended Tally Receiver is the System 228 Punched Tape Receiver; Tally has not announced a receiving card punch to date. The System 180 Card Transmitter pauses momentarily after each card is read and transmitted. If an error is detected at the remote station and signaled via the reverse channel, the System 180 Transmitter halts before the next card is read, and an error indicator lamp is lighted. The operator must manually remove and reinsert the card containing the data that must be retransmitted. Mter reinserting the card, the operator pushes a reset button to resume transmission. The input and output hoppers have a maximum capacity of 430 cards. unloaded while the 180 Transmitter is operating. Cards can be loaded or The System 180 Card Transmitter operates over the public telephone network or a leased voiceband line and is compatible with the Bell System Data Set 402C. ~ OTHER CHANGES IN TALLY PARALLEL EQUIPMENT • The minimum leasing period is now 24 months. Other leasing periods include 36, 40, 48, and 65 months. Complete price information, including approximate discounts for extended leases, is shown in the accompanying table. • New options for some models include cabinet installation with tape reeling prOVisions, free-standing floor console, and 3000-foot tape supply provisions. The accompanying table shows the prices and applicable models. • The Tally System 300 Sender/Receiver has been dropped from the standard product line. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 8/67 TALLY PARALLEL EQUIPMENT REPORT UPDATE TALLY PARALLEL EQUIPMENT PRICE DATA Component or Feature Monthly Rental, * Punched TaEe Receivers 60 Characters per Second: System 200 60 or 72 Characters per Second: System 220 System 228 $ 27.90 33.48 39.06 600 720 840 4.00 4.80 5.60 33.48 39.06 44.64 720 840 960 4.80 5.60 6.40 167.40 3600 24.00 91. 37 1965 15.00 136.48 180.42 2935 3880 18. 00 19. 00 23.25 500 3.50 17.44 375 2.50 16.97 365 2.44 Options Error Detection (System 220) Floor Console (Systems 200, 220, and 228) 3000-Foot Tape Supply** (Systems 200, 220, and 228) Cabinet Installation with tape reeling (Systems 100, 102, 108, 120, 122, and 128) * These rentals are based on a two-year leasing agreement. Leases are also available for 36, 40, 48 and 65 months. The approximate long-term rental rates are shown below as a percentage of the two-year rate: 36 months - 70.5 percent. 40 months - 64.5 percent. 48 months - 55. 5 percent. 65 months - 43. 0 percent. The rental rates do not include maintenance. ** The Floor Console is a prerequisite for the 3000-Foot Tape Supply. 8/67 Monthly Maintenance, $ $ Punched TaEe Senders 60 Characters per Second: System 100 System 102 System 108 72 Characters per Second: System 120 System 122 System 128 Punched Card Sender System 180 Purchase Price, AUERBACH Data c,) .... l1unications Reports A fI! ,UERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6760:01 TALLY PARALLEL EQUIPMENT " TALLY PARALLEL DATA COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: ... System 100, 102, 108, 120, 122, and 128 Senders . System 200, and 228 Receivers • . 1:2 Manufacturer:................... Tally Corporation 8301 South 180th Street Kent, Washington 98031 . 13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. transmission of punched tape data over a voiceband line at 60 or 72 char/sec . . 14 Basic Components . 15 Name: . . . . . . . . Model number: .. Function: . Tally Bi-directional Tape Reader. 424. reads punched paper tape at up to 60 or 72 char/ sec. Name: ... Model number: . . . . Function: . . . . . . Tally Paper Tape Perforator. 420. punches paper tape at up to 60 char/sec. Name: . . . . . . . . Model number: Function: . . . . Tally Paper Tape Perforator. P-120. punches paper tape at up to 120 char/sec. Description In mid-1965 Tally Corporation renamed its line of punched paper tape data communications equipment. Whereas Tally formerly used a Mark Series designation (Mark lA, Mark 1D, etc.), the firm now uses a System-Series designation and groups the equipment uniformly according to type of device. The Tally Systems are now grouped as follows: Series Series Series Series Series Series Series 100 200 300 600 800 1000 4000 - Transmitters Receivers Transmitter/Receivers Magnetic Tape/Paper Tape Conversion Systems Paper Tape Verify/Duplicate Systems Magnetic Tape Data Terminal Magnetic Tape Data Terminal Within the Series 100, 200, and 300 line, Tally offers two basic types of equipment, differing principally in the transmission method. The Tally Equipment which transmits or receives data in a parallel fashion is described in this report; Tally's serial transmission equipment is described in Report 6761. The Tally Parallel Data Communications Equipment consists of a line of eight punched paper tape senders and receivers that utilize the proven Tally mechanical punched tape readers and punches. The various models operate at 60 or 72 characters per second, but differ in their capability for unattended operation and error checking. Table I contains a summary of the characteristics of the Tally Parallel Data Communications equipment, and also indicates the former Mark series designation for each device. 6760:02 TALLY PARALLEL EQUIPMENT Figure 1. The Tally Series 100 Transmitter (left) and System 228 Receiver (right) . . 15 Description (Contd.) In general, all devices can intercommunicate, although some special features such as error checking and automatic retransmission are not operable with certain combinations. All of these devices operate over a voice-band line and utilize the Bell System 400 Series Data Sets or equivalent data sets where permitted. A special option in the Tally serial equipment permits the serial receivers to receive transmissions from the parallel senders at 60 or 72 characters per second; see Paragraph 6761.15. Error-checking provisions are included only in the System 228 Receiver. The 228 Receiver can perform odd or even character parity checks on 6-, 7-, or 8-level received data codes. The 228 Receiver can also control the direction of reading of the 108 Sender via the reverse channel of the data set. Upon detection of a parity error, the 228 Receiver punches a specified flag character and controls backspacing and retransmission of the flawed data block by the 108 Sender. Parity information and blocking characters must be included in the data input to the 108 Sender if the checking feature of the 228 Receiver is to be used. .. ~, Tally states that due to their error-checking capabilities when used in combination, the System 108 and 128 Sender and 228 Receiver are the devices currently in highest demand. 8/69 . 16 Tally has discontinued the System 180 Card Transmitter. The former System 180 was rated at 42 cards per minute and translated the Hollerith card code to a 7-level BCD transmission code • First Delivery . 17 System 100: System 102: Systems 108 System 200: Availability: ............. . ......•............ and 228: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . •••..•.••..•.•...•. January 1964. November 1964. June 1965. January 1963. 60 days for all systems. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports ~ !D ERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6760:03 TALLY PARALLEL EQUIPMENT 01 .2 CONFIGURATION Each device consists of a punched paper tape reader or punch, or both, and the logic necessary to perform the functions indicated in Table 1. The particular Tally reader and/or punch used in each model is indicated below: • Model 424 Tape Reader - modified version used in System 100, 102, 108, 120, 122, and 128 Sender. • Model 420 Tape Perforator - used in the System 200 Receiver. • Model P-120 Tape Perforator - used in the System 228 Receiver. The standard communications facilities over which the Tally parallel equipment can operate, and the data sets required, are specified in Paragraph . 72. TABLE I: CHARACTERISTICS OF TALLY PARALLEL DATA COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT Send L'nattended System (2) Hated Speed 100 60 ~o 10~ 60 Yes 10~ GO Yes 120 72 No 1 )<) 72 Yes 12~ 72 Yes ~OO 60 - l2S 72 0 Heceive L'nattended - - Start Unattended Sender Parity Check - No - No - Xo No Yes Yes Automatic Hequest Retransmission Automatic Hetransmission Tape Handlin/{ Recommended Hemote Tally TC'rminals No Optional 200 No Optional 228 Yes Optional 22R No Optional 228,1021,4031 No - No Optional 22H,1021,4031 No - YCH Optional 2~8, No Yes(l) No - Heels 100 Heels 10:!,10H No No Yes ] 021, 4031 (11 Checking is performed by I'ecei\'in/{ punch, (2) Series 100 devices are transmitters; Series 200 devices are recci\'crs, .3 INPUT · 31 Prepared Input Model 424 Tape Reader (used in Systems 100, 102, 108, 120, 122, and 128 Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input code: . . . • . . . Quantity of data: . . . Rated input speed: . Effective speed: . . . Comments: .. fully-punched 11/16-, 7/8-, or I-inch, 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level paper tape. Tape can be of any material, color, thickness, or opacity. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. data blocks can be of any size except when transmitting to a parity-checking receiver; in this case, each block must contain at least 30 data characters. 60 or 72 char/sec. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length. reader uses mechanical star-wheel sensing. · 32 Manual Input: . no provision . . 33 Fixed Input: . . . . no provision. · 34 Transaction Code Input: . no provision. 6760:04 TALL Y PARALLEL EQUIPMENT · 35 Message Configuration: . . . • . . . . . . . . · 36 Operating Procedure 1 to N data characters (no control codes); 30 to N data characters followed by a customerspecified block character (System 108, 128, and 228 in parity-checking mode only). (1) Operator establishes connection with remote station and exchanges instructions with the remote operator. (2) Both operators select Attended and Send or Receive switch positions on control panel. (3) Receive operator presses Data button on data set. (4) Send operator presses Data button on data set upon hearing tone. (5) Sender and receiver are started automatically. (6) If the sender runs out of tape, it will wait 30 seconds for possible operator inter- vention and then automatically terminate the call. See Paragraph. 52 for the resulting action if errors are detected by a System 228 Receiver. .37 Entry of Time and Date: .4 OUTPUT · 41 Output to Punched Tape no provision . Model 420 Tape Perforator (used in System 200) Tape size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated punching speed: . • . . . • . . . . . Tape cooe: .. , . Effective speed: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . II ••• II •••• , ••••• Format control: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . standard 11/16-, 7/8, or 1-inch. 60 char/sec. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. up to 60 char/sec, limited by transmission speed of sender. none. Model P-120 Tape Perforator (used in System 228) Tape size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tape cooe: ... , ... II ••••••••• , • Rated punching speed: . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Format control: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors: ........••.•.• . 52 Data Transmission Errors (System 228 Receiver only) Type of checking:. . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . Error indication: . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . 8/69 standard 11/16-, 7/8-, or 1-inch tape. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. 120 char/sec. up to 72 char/sec, limited by transmission speed of sender and by data set. none . no provision • switch- selected odd or even character parity check on 6-, 7-, or 8-level codes. Parity is accumulated by sensing the movements of punch pins. in System 228, all eight holes of any character received in error are punched (Delete character), a flag character (specified by the user AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A a ~ERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6760:05 TALLY PARALLEL EQUIPMENT • . 52 Data Transmission Errors (System 228 Receiver only) (Contd.) when system was ordered) is punched. punching halts. and the receiver signals the sender at the end of the current data block to reverse the tape to the beginning of the block and retransmit. • 53 Correction procedure: • • . • . . . . • . . . automatic retransmission; if error persists, receiver inhibits parity checking on the fourth transmission of the same data block. Comments: •. parity checking can be inhibited. When checking odd parity, Blank characters (no holes punched) or Delete characters (all holes punched), do not cause a parity error condition. 0 ••••••••••••••••• Data Recording Errors: . 0 ••••••••• no provision • The parity checking mechanism of the 220 and 228 Receivers provides an indirect check on data recording; see Paragraph. 52 . . 55 Line Malfunctions Detection:. . . . . . . . Action: . . . . . . . . . . .6 loss of carrier tone is detected. automatic disconnect . CONDITION INDICATORS The various Tally devices described in this report contain a minimum of condition indicators. In general, the only visual indicators provided are visible off/on switches and lamps for indicating errors . .7 DATA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmiss ion speed: . . . . . . . . . . Transmission method: • . . . • . • . . . . . . Transmission code: .• 0 ••••••••••• Transmission mode: ..••. Synchronization: .•••.•.•.•....••. 0 . 72 •••••• 0 • 60 char/sec (480 bits/sec) or 72 char/sec (576 bits/sec). parallel by 8 bits (one character); serial by character. 8 bits are transmitted for each character; 5-, 6-, and 7-level codes are zero-filled. simplex (sender or receiver). the receiver is actuated by the beginning of each transmitted data character . Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Public switched telephone network: . . . Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 402C (send) and/or 402D (receive) Bell System Data Set 402C (send) and/or 402D (receive) Bell System leased voice-band line: . . .. * Equivalent data sets can be used; see Section 4620 for a current list of modems available from independent manufacturers of telephone equipment, then check with your local commoncarrier communications consultant. The 108 Sender and 228 Receiver require the reverse channel feature to enable automatic retransmission upon detection of an error. © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/69 6760:06 TALLY PARALLEL EQUIPMENT .73 Transmission Control Call initiation: Functional operations: .... manual or unattended, depending on model; see Table I. some units require an operator to' establish a connection; some units are capable of unattended receiving; some units can start a remote unattended terminal; see Table I. none . . 74 Multistation Operation: . . . . no provision . .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Call reception: Senders, System Receivers, System Component: 100,102,108,120,122, and 128 Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 8.81 12.5 4.81 10 Power (KW) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 0.15 115 60 1 Temperature range ("F) Humidity range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) • .9 200 228 20 20 22 22 15 75 27 190 0.575 115 60 1 50 to 110 20 to 80 392 59 to 110 20 to 80 1962 Options permit operation on 230-volt, 50-hertz power • PRICE DATA Component or Feature Monthly Rental, • Purchase ,Price, Monthly ' Maintenance, $ $ $ 27 36 45 720 864 1008 4.00 4.80 5.60 35 44 55 864 1008 1152 4.80 5.60 6.40 105 2358 15.00 205 5000 19.00 10 180 - 25 525 2.50 25 438 2.44 Punched Tape Senders 60 Characters per Second: System 100 System 102 System 108 72 Characters per Second: System 120 System 122 System 128 Punched Tape Receivers 60 Characters per Second: System 200 60 or 72 Characters per Second: System 228 Options Floor Console (Systems 200, and 228) 3000-Foot Tape Supply" (Systems 200 and 228) Cabinet Installation with tape reeling (Systems 100, 102, 108, 120, 122, and 128) • These rentals are based on a one-year leasing agreement and include maintenance • •• The Floor Console is a prerequisite for the 3000-Foot Tape Supply. 8/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 8 .. AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6761:01 TALLY SERIAL EQUIPMENT TALLY SERIAL DATA COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: . . . . . . . . . System 111 Sender . System 211 Receiver. System 311 Sender/Receiver . . 12 Manufacturer:................... Tally Corporation 8301 South 180th Street Kent, Washington 98031 .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. transmission of punched tape data over a voiceband line at 120 char/sec; reception of punched tape data over a voice-band line at 120 chari sec; or both, depending on model. .14 Basic Components . 15 Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: Function: . . . . . . . . Tally Bi-directional Tape Reader. 464A. reads punched paper tape at up to 120 char/sec. Name: . . . . . . . . . . Model number: .. . Function: .. Tally Paper Tape Perforator. P-120. punches paper tape at up to 120 char/sec. Description The Tally Serial Data Communications Equipment includes a punched paper tape sender, a receiver, and a combination sender/receiver. Each of these units utilize the Tally Model 464 Tape Reader and/or the Tally Model P-120 Tape Perforator. Information about other data communications equipment produced by Tally can be found in Report 6760. Each of the Tally serial devices transmits or receives data from pre-punched paper tape at 120 characters per second over a voice-band line. The characteristics of each System model are summarized in Table 1. The primary difference between the various models, aside from their functional differences, is the capability of some models for error checking and automatic retransmission of data blocks containing detected errors. All models are provided with the capability for handling reels. The System 111 Sender, 211 Receiver, and 311 Sender/Receiver have error-checking provisions similar to those implemented in the System 108 and 128 Sender and 228 Receiver in the Parallel Equipment line (see Report 6760). The 211 Receiver and 311 Sender/Receiver can optionally perform odd or even character parity checks on 6-, 7-, or 8-level (including parity) received data codes. The receiver portion of either a 211 or a 311 can also control the direction of reading by a 111 Sender or by the sending portion of a 311 Sender/Receiver via the reverse channel of the data set. Upon detection of a parity error, the receiver punches a specified flag character and controls backspacing and retransmission of the data block containing the error. The 111 Sender and 311 Sender/Receiver can optionally be equipped to generate character parity and/or blocking characters for input tapes. All models in the Tally line of serial equipment can now be optionally equipped to transmit and receive data serially by bit at 60 characters per second in addition to the standard rate of 120 characters per second. The alternate transmission rate is switch-selected. The parallel receive option allows manual switching to an alternate data set (Bell System 402D Data Set); the de serializing logic is also bypassed. In this mode, a Tally serial receiver or sender/receiver can receive data from a Tally parallel sender (see Report 6760) at 60 or 72 characters per second. In effect, the serial receiver acts as a parallel receiver: any error-checking and retransmission features are fully operative. 676 t :02 TALLY SERIAL EQUIPMENT Figure 1. . 15 The Tally System III Transmitter (left) and System 211 (right); the System 311 combines both units in one cabinet • Description (Contd.) An IBM Selectric Input/Output Typewriter can be connected to a Tally System 311 Sender/Receiver. The_ typewriter can be used off-line to: • Generate punched tape via manual keyboard entry, or • List data from a punched tape being read. during listing.) (A second, duplicate tape can be punched The rated speed of the Selectric Typewriter is 14.8 characters per second. It incorporates a roll-feed platen with 85 print positions. A platen with 135 printing positions is optionally available. When not used for punched tape generation or data listing, the typewriter can be used as a normal electric office typewriter. Tally has discontinued the card-reader option for the System 311 Sender/Receiver. The former option provided rated input capability of 60 cards per minute (80 columns or characters per second) and was used for direct transmission of card data to a remote Tally serial punched tape receiver or for local transcription of punched card data to punched paper tape. According to Tally, the System 311 Sender/Receiver is currently the most popular model in the serial transmission equipment line. "16 First Delivery Systems 111 and 211: . . . . . . . . . . . . . System 311: ........•...... February 1966. October 1965. . 17 Availability: 60 to 90 days for all Systems . .2 CONFIGURATION Each device consists of a Tally Model 464A Paper Tape Reader or Model P-120 Tape Perforator, or both, and the logic necessary to perform the functions indicated in Table 1. The standard communications facilities over which the Tally serial equipment can operate, and the data sets required, are specified in Paragraph. 72. 8/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports DATA ~ COMMUNICATIONS AU[RllACH JERBACH 6761:03 R[PORTS TALL Y SERIAL EQUIPMENT • TABLE I: CHARACTERISTICS OF TALLY SERIAL DATA COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT Send Unattended System Senders 111 Start Unattended Sender Parity Check Automatic Request Retransmission Automatic Retransmission Recommended Remote Tally Terminals Yes - - No - Yes 211, 311, 1021, 4031 - Yes Yes Yes(l) Yes' - Ill, 311, 1021, 4031 Yes Yes Yes Yes(1) Yes Yes Heceivt'rs 211 Sendel'LHeceivers :1l1 Heceive Unattended Ill, 211, 311, 1021, 4031 (1) Checking is performed by receiving punch • .3 INPUT .31 Prepared Input Model 464A ReaderInput medium: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . Input Code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data: . . • . . • . . . . • . . • . Rated input speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed:. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . Comments:" . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 fully-punched 11/16-, 7/8-, or 1-inch, 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level paper tape. Tape can be of any material, color, thickness, or opacity. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. 1 to N data characters when parity checking is not used; 30 to N data characters when transmitting to a parity-checking receiver (System 211 or 311). N is limited by capacity of reel, which is approximately 90,000 characters. 120 char/sec; 60 or 120 char/sec optional. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length. reader uses mechanical star-wheel sensing, 60 or 120 char/sec Speed - Selection option provides manual selection of either speed • Manual Input (IBM Selectric Typewriter Option) Keyboard Method of entry: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . via 44-key keyboard; additional keys provide special functions such as backspace, carriage return, horizontal tab, etc. Quantity of data: " variable. Character set: .... 44 distinct character codes, in conjunction with upper- and lower-case control code, provide 88 upper and lower case alphabetic, numeric, and special characters . . 33 Fixed Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. no provision . . 34 Transaction Code Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . no prOVision . . 35 Message Configuration:. . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 to N data characters (no control codes); 30 to N data characters followed by a customerspecified block character (Systems 111, 211, and 311 in parity-checking mode only). N is limited by capacity of reel, which is approximately 90,000 characters. (C) 1q6q ALJFRBACH Corooration and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 6761:04 TALLY SERIAL EQUIPMENT · 36 Operating Procedure (1) Operator establishes connection with remote station and exchanges instructions with the remote operator. (2) Both operators select Attended and Send or Receive switch positions on control panel. (3) Receive operator presses Data button on data set. (4) Send operator presses Data button on data set upon hearing tone. (5) Sender and receiver are started automatically. (6) If the sender runs out of tape, it will wait 30 seconds for possible operator intervention and then automatically terminate the call. If the receiver runs out of tape, the sender will automatically backspace and then terminate the call. See Paragraph. 52 for the resulting action if errors are detected by a System 211 Receiver or 311 Sender/Receiver. . 37 Entry of Time and Date: .4 OUTPUT · 41 Output to Punched Tape no provision . Model P-120 Perforator Tape size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T'ape code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated punching speed:. . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Format control: . . . . . . . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 4-1 . standard 11/16-, 7/8-, or I-inch tape. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. 120 char/sec; 60 or 120 char/sec optional. up to 120 char/sec. none. equipped with parity-checking mechanism when used in Systems 211 and 311; 60 or 120 char/sec Speed-Selection option provides manual selection of either speed. Output to Printer (IBM Selectric Typewriter Option) Output medium: . . . . . . . . . . 8/69 . . . . 0 •• 0 • • •• friction-fed or pin-fed (optional) roll paper or fanfold forms up to 15. 5 inches wide (13-inch writing width). Character set: . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. Rated printing speed: . • . . . . . . . • . . .. 88 printable characters. 14.8 char/sec. Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. less than rated speed due to carriage return, line feed, or other format operations. Format control: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. controlled by function codes in incoming data or manually by operator. Controls include line feed, carriage return, case shift, backspace, and horizontal tab. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. horizontal spacing is 10 char/inch (12 char/inch optional) ; vertical spacing is 6 lines/inch (8 lines/inch optional). AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6761:05 TALLY SERIAL EQUIPMENT JfRBACH '" .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors (System 311 only): .. . 52 Data Transmission Errors (System 211 Receiver and 311 Sender/Receiver only) Type of checking: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Error indication: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correction procedure: . . . . . . . . . . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the 311 Sender/Receiver can be operated in a test mode, which allows the receiver portion to receive transmission from the sender. This mode can be used prior to transmission to verify input tapes by means of the paritychecking mechanism described in Paragraph .52, or after transmission to delete data blocks which contained a detected error . switch- selected odd or even character parity check on 6-, 7-, or 8-level codes. Parity is accumulated by sensing the movements of punch pins. all eight holes of any character received in error are punched (Delete character), a flag character (specified by the user when system was ordered) is punched, punching halts, and receiver signals sender at the end of the current data block. automatic retransmission if sender is capable (e. g., System 111 or 311); if error persists, receiver inhibits parity checking on the fourth transmission of the same data block. parity checking can be inhibited. When checking odd parity, Blank characters (no holes punched) or Delete characters (all 8 holes punched) do not cause a parity error condition. .33 Data Recording Errors: . . . . . . . . . . . parity-checking mechanism of Sy.stem 211 and 311 receiver punch also provides an indirect check on data recording; see Paragraph. 52. .34 Equipment Errors (System 311 only): the System 311 Sender/Receiver can be operated in a test mode, which allows the receiver portion to receive transmission from the sender. The parity-checking mechanism of the receiver, as described in Paragraph. 52, can be used to provide a measure of assurance that the equipment is functioning properly . . 53 Line Malfunctions .6 Detection: .. Action: . . . . loss of carrier tone is detected. automatic disconnect; receiver halts; sender backspaces and halts. CONDITION INDICATORS: . . . . . . . . . . lamps are provided to indicate power on, device ready, device busy, ahd a detected error. © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/69 6761:06 TALLY SERIAL EQUIPMENT .7 DATA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: . . . . . . . . . . Transmission method: . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission mode: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Order of bit transmission: • . . . . . . . . . . Synchronization: . . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 . 73 120/char/sec (1200 bits/sec); optional 60 or 120 char/sec. serial by bit. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code; a total of 10 bits per character are transmitted including start and stop bits; codes of fewer than 8 levels are zero-filled when transmitted. simplex (sender or receiver); half-duplex (sender/receiver) . low-order bit is transmitted first. start-stop; start and stop bits are each 1 bittime long . Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Public switched telephone network: . . . .. Common-carrier leased voice-band line: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. Bell System Data Set 202C or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem . Transmission Control Functional operations: . . . . . . . . . . . . . manual. all models are capable of unattended operation; see Table I. none . . 74 Multistation Operation: . . . . . . . . . . . .. no provision . .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Call initiation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call reception: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Component: Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Power (KW) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases Temperature range eF) Humidity range (%) Heat (BTU /hr) Sender and Receiver System 211 System 111 20 22 13 75 0.460 115** 60** 1 50 to 110 20 to 80 1570 Sender/Recei ver System 311 22 26.378 59 350 20 22 27 150 0.575 115** 60** 1 0.920 115** 60** 1 50 to 110 20 to 80 1962 50 to 110 20 to 80 3140 * Equivalent data sets can be used; see Section 4620 for a current list of modems available from independent manufacturers of telephone equipment, then check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. Use of the automatic retransmission feature of the System 111, 211, and 311 devices requires the reverse channel feature in data set. ** 8/69 Operation on 230-volt, 50-hertz power is optional at extra cost. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports DATA ~ COMMUNICATIONS AUERBACH 6761:07 .. ERBACH REPORTS •9 TALL Y SERIAL EQUIPMENT PRICE DATA Component or Feature Monthly Rental, * Purchase Price, $ $ Monthly Maintenance, $ Senders System 111 (Options 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 available) 160 3500 15.00 Receivers System 211 (Options 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 available) 280 6240 22.50 400 8628 28.00 10 30 15 30 35 25 120 180 240 180 720 720 525 2950 1. 00 2.00 4.00 4.00 2.50 25.00 Sender[Receivers System 311 (Options 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 available Options (1) Floor Console (2) Parallel Receive Capability (3) 60/120 char/sec Speed Selection (4) Parity Generation (5) Automatic Block Code Generation (6) 3000 - Foot Perforator Tape Supply** (7) ffiM Selectric Typewriter - * These rentals are based on a one -year rental agreement and include maintenance. ** The Floor Console is a prerequisite for the 3000-Foot Tape Supply. IPt\ la~a AIICDDAf"u r' ............... ,.. .......... ; ......... .......... ....a AII~nnA"1 J '_.1.- 1 __ A a AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS • 6762:01 TALLY 1021 DATA TERMINAL s TALLY 1021 DATA TERMINAL .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: .12 Manufacturer: .13 Basic Function: • 14 Basic Components Tally 1021 Data Terminal. .. Tally Corporation 8301 South 180th Street Kent, Washington 98031 ................. transmission and reception of data over a voiecband communications line at 120 characters pe r second; input-output options are available; input, transmission, and output operations are performed separately, via internal magnetic tape buffer; can also be used for off-line data transscription or can be connected directly to a computer . Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data Terminal Controller. 1021. provides data buffering and control; includes Model 1020 magnetic tape unit as buffer. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typewriter Option. 1022. receives data from internal magnetic tape buffer and prints it; provides keyboard for recording data on internal magnetic tape buffer. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . Function: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paper Tape Reader Option. 1023. reads data from punched paper tape and records it on internal magnetic tape buffer. Name: Model number: Function: Serial Interface Option. 1025. provides interface with serial data set at 120 char/sec. Name: . . . . . . . . Model number: Function: . . . . . . Parallel Interface Option. 1028P. provides interface with parallel data set at 60 or 72 char/sec. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serial/Parallel Interface Option. 1028SP. provides interface with serial or parallel data set at 60, 72, or 120 char/sec. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . Model number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function: . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . Teletype 33 ASR. 1033 ASR. receives data from internal magnetic tape buffer and prints it; provides keyboard for recording data on internal magnetic tape buffer. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . 360 Communications Buffer. provides direct interface to System/360 computer. 6762:02 TALLY 1021 DATA TERMINAL Figure 1. Tally 1021 Data Terminal . . 15 Description The Tally 1021 Data Terminal, a former product of the Dartex Division of Tally, consists of a buffered controller (basic unit), a limited input/output capability that includes an IBM Selectric typewriter, a Teletype Model 33 ASR, and a Tally paper tape reader, an optional IBM System/360 interface for local operation, and a communications interface option, which provides one of three interfaces: serial (120 char/sec), parallel (60 or 72 char/sec), and a serial-parallel interface that selectively combines the advantages of the two. The optional System/360 interface can be combined with a data communications interface option to create a computer communications environment. The flexibility of the ;:rally 1021 can be appreciated when considering that it can be used in both a local and remote environment and that it is compatible with the other data communications devices in the Tally product line. The basic Tally 1021 Terminal includes an incremental magnetic tape recorder (Tally Model 1020) which is employed as a data buffer. When transmitting over a communications line, data is transferred from the buffer tape in the transmitting terminal to the buffer tape in the receiving terminal. When performing an off-line data transcription operation, data is first recorded on the internal magnetic tape buffer; the tape is rewound and the data is then transferred to the output device. Data cannot be transferred directly between an input--output device and the communications line or between an input device and an output devioe. This limitation is partially off-set by the flexibility provided by the removable buffer tape reel. 8/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports B "ERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6762:03 TALLY 1021 DATA TERMINAL s The internal magnetic tape buffer unit handles a removable three-inch reel of 0.25-inch-wide computer-grade magnetic tape. Data is recorded at a density of 800 bits per inch. The tape speed is 40 inches per second when operating continuously or up to 3 inches per second when operating in the start/stop mode. Each eight-bit character is recorded serially by bit on a single track; a O. 013-inch gap separates each group of bits forming a character. The low-order bit is recorded first, the odd parity bit and an end-of-character bit last. Concurrent with recording the data, a second track is recorded as the complement of the first. Both tracks are read and compared when reading the recorded data to ensure that the data is read correctly. The end-of-character bit is recorded as a "one" on each of the two tracks. Records, consisting of a group of characters, are separated by a O. 125-inch gap; blocks, consisting of one or more records, are separated by a 2. 5-inch gap. Block size can be manually established at 16, 32, or 64 records per block when the Model 1029 Block Forming Option is incorporated. Four tracks are recorded (two "channels"); i. e., two data tracks and two checking tracks. Data is recorded to the end of the first channel; the tape is rewound at 40 inches per second, and recording begins .in the second channel. Each three-inch reel of tape has a maximum storage capacity of 280, 000 characters (140,000 characters per channel). Any 5-, 6-, 7 - or 8-level code can be used when transcribing data from an input medium. Although the Terminal can transmit variable-length data records, Tally does not recommend the use of record lengths shorter than 30 characters. Character parity is transmitted with each character. Error signaling in response to detected transmission errors is performed via the reversechannel technique. The inherent value of this technique is that the process eliminates the time required for line turn-around to allow the receiver to transmit an acknowledge code. The reverse-channel technique is described in Paragraph 6221. 15 in the Report on the Digitronics Reverse-Channel Dial-o-verter Line. When a transmission error is detected at the receiving terminal, the signal on the reverse channel is interrupted. The interruption is interpreted at the transmitting terminal as a request to retransmit the incorrectly received record. Both transmitting and receiving terminal tapes are automatically reversed to the beginning of the incorrectly received record, and the record is again read and retransmitted. Automatic retransmission of an incorrectly received record will occur up to three times; after-three consecutive errors on the same record, the receiving terminal writes an error flag at the beginning of the record and accepts the record without further error checking. Error checking is resumed with the next record. The Tally 360 Communications Buffer combines the 1021 Data Terminal, a communications interface and an IBM System/360 interface in a single unit. Input/output operation with the computer is performed at 1600 characters per second via the System/360 Multiplexor Channel. Code translation between the internal EBCDIC code and the Tally 6-level BCD code is provided. Two standard programming packages are available: diagnostic routines and a micro package for the IBM Disc Operating System (DOS). The Model 1022 Typewriter Option (an IBM Selectric Typewriter) enables keyboard data to be entered directly onto the buffer tape and provides a hard copy when outputting from the buffer. The Selectric Typewriter is rated at 15.5 characters per second. The keyboard provides a 64-character set; each character is encoded in an eight-level BCD code. The standard type element provided is the IBM Type Style No.1, which contains a 64-character set; an optional type element contains an 88-character set. A pin-feed platen is standard with the 1022 Typewriter Option; the typewriter accept single sheets of paper or continuous marginallypunched forms. When the typewriter is not in use as a data entry device or as a printer, it can be used as a conventional typewriter, even though the terminal is otherwise occupied. will The Model 1033 ASR Option, a Teletype Model 33 ASR, can be substituted for the Model 1022 Typewriter Option. Teletypewriter operation is similar to the typewriter operation. A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS lA' -.II 6762:05 TALLY 1021 DATA TERMINAL AUERBACH " Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Itated input speed: . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . Effective speed: Comments: ... variable up to tape capacity of 280, 000 characters. up to 120 char/sec (start-stop) or 1600 char/sec (continuous) . limited by block lcngth and transmission speed. this unit serves as the data buffer; all transmission and transcription operations are performed via this unit. Model 1023 Paper Tape Reader Option Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input code: . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . • Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated input speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Comments: • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 32 fully punched 11/16-, 7/8- or I-inch, 5-, G-, 7-, or 8-level paper, paper-Mylar, or aluminumMylar tape; any color or opacity can be used. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. variable up to capacity of 1020 magnetic tape reel (280, 000 characters). 120 characters per second. limited by block length. data is transferred to the 1020 incremental recorder (tape buffer) from this unit . Manual Input Typewriter Option, Model 1022 Method of entry: . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data: • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . via a 53-key keyboard. variable. 64 characters, including 26 alphabetics, 10 numerics, and 27 special symbols plus space . . 33 Fixed Input: .' . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. no provision. .34 Transaction Code Input: no prOvision. .35 Message Configuration: data is transmitted in variable-length records; each data record begins with a record-count character and is terminated with a longitudinal parity character; both of these characters are automatically supplied by the terminal logic. The end of the record is recognized by the endof-record gap . . 36 Operating Procedure To send or receive a data message, the operator: • Depresses the Data-Phone selection switch; • Depresses the Data-Phone Manual or Automatic (unattended) mode switch; • Depresses the Send or Receive switch if in Manual mode; • Establishes connection by manual dialing or signaling; • Ensures that the called terminal is ready (automatic when in unattended mode); and • Starts the tape action by depressing the data set Data button. The subsequent transmission operation, including retransmission, is completely automatic. Operator attention is required only if repeated errors are detected or to break the connection when operating in the manual mode. 6762:06 TALLY 1021 DATA TERMINAL . 37 Entry of Time and Date: .4 OUTPUT . 43 Output to Magnetic Tape no provision . Model 1020 Digital Magnetic Tape Recorder (contained in 1021 Data Terminal) Tape size: • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . O. 25-inch magnetic tape recorded at 800 bits/inch on a 3-inch diameter reel. Tape code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. Rated output speed: . . . • . . . . . . . . up to 120 char/sec (start-stop) or 1600 char/sec (continuously) . Effective speed: limited by block length and transmission speed. Format control: none . . 44 Output to Printer Model 1022 Typewriter OptionOutput medium: ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated printing speed: . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Format control: Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors friction-fed forms up to 15. 5 inches in width; pinfed forms up to 13. 75 inches in width. 64 characters; optionally 88 characters. 15.5 char/sec. less than rated speed due to carriage return, line feed, and other operations. controlled by function codes; functions include line feed (index), carriage return, and horizontal tab. pin-feed platen is standard; 85 or 130 (optional) char/line at 10 char/inch; 6 lines/inch vertical spacing; other vertical spacings are available on request . Model 1020 Magnetic Tape Recorder, Model 1022 Typewriter Option, and Model 1023 Paper Tape Reader Option Type of checking: Error indication: Correction procedure: . 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: Error indication: 8/69 ........• 1020 checks character validity and character parity; visual check for 1022; 1023 checks character validity. lamp is lighted; 1022 types wrong character and halts. 1020 and 1023 re-read error character up to three times before operator intervention is required; 1020 flags error character; operator depresses error key, backspaces once, and retypes correct character on 1022 . character parity. lamp is lighted after three unsuccessful retransmissions (total of four transmissions) and error record is flagged. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A .. UERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS Correction procedure: 6762:07 TALLY 1021 DATA TERMINAL ~." ......•• Comments: · 53 Data Recording Errors: · 55 Line Malfunctions Detection: Action: •6 incorrectly received record is retransmitted up to three times, error record is flagged, and operation continues. both transmitting and receiving tapes automatically backspace to beginning of record. no provision for checking. loss of carrier. automatic disconnect. CONDITION INDICA TORS A comprehensive array of indicator lamps provides visual indication of error status, transmission status, and status of all components. ·7 DA TA TRANSMISSION · 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: . . . . . . . . . Transmission method: . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission cdde: . . . . . . • . . . • • . Transmission mode: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order of bit transmission: ....... . Synchronization: . . . . . . . . · 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line or Service Data Set* Public switched telephone network (up to 1200 bits/sec): . . . . . . . . Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. ** Common-carrier leased voiceband line (up to 1200 bits/sec): .73 120 char/sec (1200 bits/sec.) serial by bit. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code can be used; a total of 10 bits are transmitted for each character including parity, start, and stop bits; codes of less than 8 levels are zero-filled. half-duplex. low-order bit of each character is transmitted first, parity bits last. start and stop bits are transmitted with each char':" acter. Bell System Data Set 202C or 202D, or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. ** Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call reception: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional operations: . . . . . . . . . . . . manual dialing or signaling. capable of unattended operation. printer only; carriage return, space, index (line feed), and tab (horizontal). *Equivalent data sets can be used; see Section 4620 for a current list of modems available from independent manufacturers of telephone equipment, then check with your local commoncarrier communications consultant. **Bell System 202C2 and 202D2 Data Sets provide reverse-channel capability. Western Union Data Sets do not provide reverse-channel capability except through the use of a full-duplex line. 6762:08 TALLY 1021 DATA TERMINAL • 74 Multistation Operation: .•.•.•••••. .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model 1021 Data Terminal Controller Component 26 19 13 50 Width (inches Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 0.15 115 60 1 Temperature Range (" F. ) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 50 to 110 10 to 90 360 Models 1025, 1028P, or 1028SP Communications Interface Component Model 1022 Typewriter Option 17.25 15.75 9.75 52 0.15 115 60 1 50 to 110 10 to 90 360 360 Commu-. nications Buffer Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Fits in 1021 Data Terminal Controller 27 30 29 250 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases Power is supplied from Data Terminal 0.345 115 60 1 Temperature Range (oF.) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 8/69 no provision. 50 to 110 10 to 90 ? AUERBACH Data Communications Reports 50 to 110 10 to 90 ? Model 1023 Paper Tape Reader Option 8.75 12.5 5.5 8 0.23 115 60' 1 50 to 110 20 to 85 ? A 'UERBACH AU'R8ACH DATA COMMUNICATlDNS Rt:PORTS 6762:09 TALLY 1021 DATA TERMINAL • •9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Tally 1021 Data Terminal Monthly Rental, Purchase Price, Monthly Maintenance, $ $ $ 200 4800 30 115 25.30 75 85 90 2800 1265 2100 2400 2600 20 3.75 9.50 11 12 Options Model 1022 Typewriter Model 1023 Paper Tape Reader Model 1025 Serial Interface Model 1028P Parallel Interface Model 1028SP Serial/Parallel Interface Interface OptionsDelete Inhibit Remote Channel Select Remote Rewind Auto Block Gap on BOT Model 1029 Block Forming Option Model 1033 ASR (Teletype Model 33 ASR) 360 Communications Buffer* 12 12 12 12 30 100 700 300 300 300 300 600 2100 15,000 *Includes 1021, 1025 with Auto Block Gap option, and IBM System/360 interface. 2 2 2 2 4 25 58 A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6799:01 TELETYPE TELESPEED 1200 EDC @ TELETYPE TELESPEED 1200 EDC EQUIPMENT (AT&T DATASPEED TYPE 4) .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: ... Telespeed 1200 EDC Tape Sender; Telespeed 1200 EDC Tape Receiver; Dataspeed Type 4 Service . . 12 Manufacturer:................... Teletype Corporation 5555 Touhy Avenue Skokie, illinois 60076 . 13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. read data from paper tape and transmit it over a voice-band line. receive data from a voice-band line and punch it into paper tape . . 15 Description The Teletype Telespeed 1200 EDC equipment line consists of two independent units: a tape sender and a tape receiver. The two units are available separately. This equipment is available from Teletype Corporation on a purchase basis only. The Dataspeed Type 4 Service offered by AT&T utilizes this equipment and is available on a rental basis. Either chadless or fully-punched tape can be used in the Tape Sender, but the tape recreated by the Tape Receiver is always fully-punched. The Telespeed 1200 EDC components have adjustable heads to accommodate 5-level, 11/16-inch tape or 5-, 6-, 7-, or S-level, 1-inch tape. By special request, 6-level, 7IS-inch Teletypesetter tape with advanced feed holes can be accommodated. Data is transmitted over a 2-wire voice-band line at 1050 or 1200 words per minute (105 or 120 characters per second). A 10-bit code, including unity start and stop bits, is transmitted for each character regardless of the number of levels in the tape. Error signaling via a "reverse channel" characterizes the 1200 EDC equipment. Reyersechannel operation is a monitoring process by which the transmitting device is made immediately cognizant of transmission errors detected at the receiver. This process eliminates the time required for line turn-around to allow the receiver to transmit an acknowledge code. Reverse-channel data sets divide the available bandwidth in a normal voice-grade circuit into a forward data channel and a narrow reverse-signaling channel. Under normal circumstances, when no errors are detected, the receiving terminal allows a continuous tone to be transmitted on the reverse channel. When an error is detected, the signal on the reverse channel is interrupted. The interruption is interpreted by the transmitting device as a request for retransmission of a record. An extensive error detection and correction (EDC) capability is provided in both the 1200 EDC sending and receiving units. The sending unit includes a Teletype DX paper tape reader with two read heads. Data is read from tape by one of the heads, and transmitted; the other head is used to generate two check characters which are transmitted at the end of each SO-character record. The receiving unit contains a Teletype DRPE paper tape punch which includes a read head. As each character is received and punched into paper tape, the read head is used to generate both check characters. The transmitted check characters are compared to the check characters generated at the receiving unit at the end of each record. A retransmission request via the reverse channel occurs when the check characters do not agree. Error correction is performed automatically by backspacing the tape to the beginning of the record received in error at both sending and receiving units, deleting the incorrectly punched record (by overpunching the complete record) and retransmitting the record. In addition to the standard error detection and correction capability provided by the Telespeed 1200 EDC units, the units can be equipped to generate and check odd or even character parity in the eighth bit pOSition. 6799:02 TELETYPE TELESPEED t 200 EDC \ Figure 1: The Teletype Telespeed 1200 EDC Tape Sender (left) and Tape Receiver (right). Two options are available to provide unattended operation. One option provides the capability to send or receive data from an unattended terminal with no restrictions. The second option, the Protected Unattended Operation feature, requires that the unattended terminal receive a specified data character prior to establishing data communication. With either option, a connection cannot be established if the terminal is in a non-serviceable state due to equipment malfunctions or lack of power. An optional interface is available which provides a parallel-by-bit data transfer to external devices such as data display equipment. The Telespeed sender and receiver take-up reel are 7 1/2 inches in diameter with a core diameter of 1-15/16 inches. The reels are made of clear plastic with removable sides. The capacity of these reels is 800 feet of fully-punched tape or 500 feet of chadless tape. A holder (see Figure 1) is provided on the sender to hold the supply tape roll. A supply reel with a 3000-foot tape capacity is provided on the receiver. · 16 First Delivery: . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • .. 1967. • 17 Availability: • . . . . . . • . approximately 4 months . ·2 CONFIGURATION The 1200 EDC sending unit includes a Teletype DX paper tape reader with two read heads. The 1200 EDC receiving unit includes a Teletype DRPE paper tape punch which contains a read head. Telespeed 1200 EDC equipment can be connected to either the public switched telephone network or to a common-carrier leased voice-band line. The data sets required are specified in Paragraph. 72 . .3 INPUT · 31 Prepared Input Telespeed 1200 EDC Tape Sender - 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports (Contd.) A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS lA' ~ 6799:03 TELETYPE TELESPEED 1200 EDC AUERBACH • Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated input speed: Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Manual Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . . fully-punched or chadless 7/8, 11/16-, or I-inch paper tape. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. 80 characters per bloc~. 105 or 120 char/sec. somewhat less than rated speed. take-up reel can hold 800 feet of fully-punched paper tape or 500 feet of chadless paper tape; a supply reel with a 3000-foot tape capacity is also provided. no provision . . 33 Fixed Input: .. . . . . . . no provision. .34 Transaction Code Input: no provision. .35 Message Configuration: . . 3'6 Operating Procedure variable number of 80-character blocks; no control characters are used . (1) (2) (3) . 37 Load punched tape. Establish voice communication and switch to data mode. Depress Start button. Entry of Time and Date: . . . . . . . . . .4 OUTPUT .41 Output to Punched Tape no provisions . Telespeed 1200 EDC Tape Receiver Tape size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 standard 7/8-, 11/16-, or I-inch, 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level paper tape. Tape code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . binary image of received data is punched. 105 or 120 char/sec. Rated punching speed:. . . . . . . . . Effective speed:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . somewhat less than rated speed. Format control: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . none. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . take-up reel can hold 800 feet of fullypunched paper tape or 500 feet of chadless paper tape. ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION . 51 Data Entry Errors: . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Data Transmission Errors Type of checking:. . . . . . . . . Error indication: . . . . Correction procedure: . 53 Data Recording Errors:. . . . . . . . • . . .. . 55 Line Malfunctions Detection: . . . . . . . . . . .. Action: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no checking. two check characters (longitudinal parity and spiral parity) are generated at the sending unit and transmitted to the receiving unit at the end of each record; the receiver generates both check characters from the received data, and both pairs of check characters are compared at the end of each received record. signal on reverse channel is interrupted when check characters do not compare. automatic backspacing of tape to beginning of record received in error at both sending and receiving units: receiving unit deletes the error record by over-punching in all channels; then the record is retransmitted . read-after-write check; see Paragraph. 52 . reverse-channel signal is interrupted. automatic disconnect or retransmission. ©1969AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 5/69 6799:04 TELETYPE TELESPEED 1200 EDC ·7 DATA TRANSMISSION · 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: . . . . . Transmission method: . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order of bit transmission:. . . . . . . . . . Synchronization:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 .73 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Public switched telephone network: Common-carrier leased voiceband line: Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C or 202D Bell System Data Set 202D or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call reception: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional operations: . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Multistation Operation: . . . . . . . . . . . . ·8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS manual dialing. operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode. unattended operation is optional; see Description. none. no direct provision: but with the Protected Unattended Operation feature, a Telespeed Tape Sender will not respond to a call unless a specified data character is received. Telespeed 1200 EDC Tape Sender Component .9 105 char/sec (1050 bits/sec) or 120 char/sec (1200 bits/sec). serial by bit. a total of 10 bits are sent for each character, including unity start and stop bits. low-order bit each character is transmitted first. start and stop bits are transmitted with each character . Telespeed 1200 EDC Tape Receiver Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 20.5 24 54 325 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 115 60 1 0.771 115 60 1 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 40-120 20-95 580 40-120 20-95 443 O. 345 20.5 24 54 350 PRICE DATA The 1200 EDC equipment is available from Teletype Corporation on a purchase basis only. Current prices, are $4,590 for the Tape Sender and $5,930 for the Tape Receiver. The same eqUipment is used in the Dataspeed Type 4 Service, offered by AT&T on a rental basis only. Pricing for optional features is available on request from Teletype Corporation. * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see Sections 4620 and 4640 for a current list of modems available from independent manufacturers of telephone equipment. Bell System 202C2 and 202D2 Data Sets provide reverse-channel capability. Western Union Data Sets do not provide reverse-channel capability except through the use of a fullduplex line. 5/70 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS lA' ~ 6800:01 TELETYPE TELESPEED 1050 AUERBACH '" TELETYPE TELESPEED 1050 EQUIPMENT (AT&T DATASPEED TYPE 2) \I / .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: Telespeed 1050 Tape Sender; Telespeed 1050 Tape Receiver; Dataspeed Type 2 Service. .12 Manufacturer: Teletype Corporation 5555 Touhy A venue Skokie, Illinois 60076 · 13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . read data from paper tape and transmit it over a voice-band line. receive data from a voice-band line and punch it into paper tape. · 15 Description The Teletype Telespeed 1050 equipment line consists of two independent units: a tape sender and a tape receiver. The two units are available separately. This equipment is available from Teletype Corporation on a purchase basis only. The Dataspeed Type 2 Service offered by AT&T utilizes this equipment and is available on a rental basis. Dataspeed Type 2 Service is described in the section on Common-Carrier Facilities; see Paragraph 3200. 51. Either chadless or fully-punched tape can be used in the Tape Sender, but the tape recreated by the Tape Receiver is always fully-punched. The Telespeed 1050 components have adjustable heads to accommodate 5-level, 11/16-inch tape or 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level, I-inch tape. By special request, 6-level, 7/8-inch Teletypesetter tape with advanced feed holes can be accommodated. Data is transmitted over a 2-wire voice-band line at 1, 050 words per minute (105 characters per second). A lO-bit code, including unity start and stop bits, is transmitted for each character regardless of the number of levels in the tape. Two options are available to provide unattended operation. One option provides the capability to send or receive data from an unattended terminal with no restrictions. The second option, the Protected Unattended Operation feature, requires that the unattended terminal receive a speCified data character prior to establishing data communication. With either option, a connection cannot be established if the terminal is in a non-serviceable state due to eqUipment malfunctions or lack of power. All reels mounted on the face of the Dataspeed sender and receiver are 7-1/2 inches in diameter with a core diameter of 1-15/16 inches. The reels are made of clear plastic with removable sides. The capacity of these reels is 800 feet of fully-punched tape or 500 feet of chadless tape. The supply reel on the tape receiver has a capacity of 3,000 feet. .16 First Delivery: 1960. \I · 17 Availability: .. approximately 4 months. ) .2 CONFIGURATION Telespeed 1050 equipment can be connected to either the public switched telephone network or to a common-carrier leased voice-band line. The data sets required are specified in Paragraph.72. ©1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/69 6800:02 TELETYPE TELESPEED t050 Figure 1. The Teletype Telespeed 1050 Tape Sender (left) and Tape Receiver (right) . .3 INPUT . 31 Prepared Input Telespeed 1050 Tape Sender Input medium: Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated input speed: . • . • . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Comments: fully-punched or chadless H/16-inch or I-inch paper tape. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. variable. 105 char/sec. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length. supply reel can hold 800 feet of fully-punched paper tape or 500 feet of chadless paper tape. . 32 Manual Input: . no provision. . 33 Fixed Input: .. no provision . .34 Transaction Code Input: no provision. .35 Message Configuration: variable number of characters of data; no control characters are used . . 36 Operating Procedure • 37 (1) Load punched tape. (2) Establish voice-communication and switch to data mode. (3) Depress Start button. Entry of Time and Date: . . . • . . . . no provisions. (Contd. ) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 6800: 03 AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS ~ TELETYPE TELESPEED 1250 AUERBACH REPORTS ." .4 OUTPUT • 41 Output to Punched Tape Telespeed 1050 Tape Receiver Tape size: Tape code: . . • . • . . . . • . • . . • . • • . Rated punching speed: .•..••••... Effective speed: . • • • . . . . . • . . . . . Format control: ...•.•.•••.•.•• Comments: • . . • . . . • . . • • • • . . • . . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION: • 55 Line Malfunctions Action: CONDITION INDICATORS Input device available: •.••••••...• Input device busy: .••..••.•••.•.• Remote receiver ready: •••••..•..• Remote receiver busy: •.•.•.••..•• Power on: ••.•••••...•.••.•.•• none. none. none. none. lamp. Improper data entry: •...•••••.••• Transmission error: ..•••.•..•.•. Recording error: . . • . . . . . . . • . . . • Line break (Tape Sender only): .••••• Low tape (Tape Receiver only): .••..• none. optional. none. lamp. lamp. •7 DATA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: .••..•..• Transmis sion method: •.•••..•.... Transmission code: •••••••••••.•• Order of bit transmission: Synchronization: ..•.••••••...... • 72 optional error detection facilities are provided • line breaks can be detected with optional equipment. a lamp is lighted. Detection: .6 standard 11/16-inch or I-inch, 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level paper tape. binary image of received data is punched. 105 char/sec. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length. none. supply reel has a capacity of 3,000 feet. 105 char/sec (1,050 bits/sec). serial by bit. a total of 10 bits are sent for each character, including unity start and stop bits. low-order bit of each character is transmitted first. start and stop bits are transmitted with each character. Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Public switched telephone network: Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C or 202D. Common carrier leased voice-band line: •.•...•..••..••••....•• Bell System Data Set 202D or Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. © 1969AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/69 6800:04 TELETYPE TELESPEED 1050 .73 Transmission Control Call initiation: Call reception: Functional ope rations: •••••••••••• .74 Multistation Operation: •••••••••••• * •8 no direct provision, but with the Protected Unattended Operation feature, a Telespeed Tape Sender will not respond to a call unless a specified data character is received. In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see Sections 4620 and 4640 for a current list of modems available from independent manufacturers of telephone equipment • PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Telespeed 1050 Tape Receiver Telespeed 1050 Tape Sender Component .9 manual dialing. operator must establish voice communioation and then switoh to data mode. unattended operation is optional; see Desoription. none. Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 16 23.25 54.25 176 16 23.25 54.25 176 Power (KVA) Voltage ± 10% Frequency (Hz) Phases 0.250 115 60 1 0.300 115 60 1 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 40-120 20-95 580 40-120 20-95 443 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Purchase Price * $ * 5/70 Telespeed 1050 Tape Sender 1,900 Telespeed 1050 Tape Receiver 2,500 Unattended Operation - Protected Unattended Operation - This equipment is available from Teletype Corporation on a purchase basis only. However, the same equipment is used in the Dataspeed Type 2 Service offered by AT&T on a rental basis only. For a description of this service, see Paragraph 3200.51. Pricing for optional features is available on request from Teletype Corporation. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A'A' AUERBACH DATA . COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS ~ 6801:01 TELETYPE TELESPEED 750 AUERBACH ® TELETYPE TELESPEED 750 EQUIPMENT (AT&T DATASPEED TYPE 5) \ .1 GENERAL . 11 Identity: ... Tele speed 750 Tape Sender; Telespeed 750 Tape Receiver; Dataspeed Type 5 Service. · 12 Manufacturer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teletype Corporation 5555 Touhy Avenue Skokie, illinois 60076 .13 Basic Function: read data from paper tape and transmit it over a voice-band line. receive data from a voice-band line and punch it into paper tape. · 15 Description ; The Teletype Telespeed 750 equipment line consists of two independent units: a tape sender and a tape receiver. The two units are available separately, and the sender is available in either a table-top version or a cabinet-mounted version. In the table-top version, the electronics are placed in a separate wall-box. This equipment is available from Teletype Corporation on a purchase basis only. The Dataspeed Type 5 Service offered by AT&T utilizes this equipment and is available on a rental basis. Dataspeed Type 5 Service is described in the section on Common-Carrier Facilities; see Paragraph 3200.51. Either chadless or fully-punched tape can be used in the Tape Sender, but the tape recreated by the Tape Receiver is always fully-punched. The Telespeed 750 components have adjustable heads to accommodate 5-level, 11/l6-inch tape or 5-, 6-, 7-, or S-level, I-inch tape. By special request, 6-level, 7/S-inch Teletypesetter tape with advanced feed holes can be accommodated. Data is transmitted in parallel-by-bit, serial-by-character form over a voice-band line at 75 characters per second. A total of eight bits per character is transmitted regardless of the number of levels in the tape. Two options are available to provide unattended operation. One option provides the capability to send or receive data from an unattended terminal with no restrictions. The second option, the Protected Unattended Operation feature, requires that the unattended terminal receive a specified data character prior to establishing data communication. With either option, a connection cannot be established if the terminal is in a non-serviceable state due to equipment malfunctions or lack of power. All reels mounted on the face of the Dataspeed sender and receiver are 7-1/2 inches in diameter with a core diameter of 1-15/16 inches. The reels are made of .9lear plastic with removable sides. The capacity of these reels is SOO feet of fully-punched tape or 500 feet of chadless tape. The supply reel on the tape receiver has a capacity of 3,000 feet. ~ ) · 16 First Delivery: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1964. · 17 Availability: . • . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . approximately 4 months. .2 CONFIGURATION Telespeed 750 equipment can be connected to either the public switched telephone network or to a common-carrier leased voice-band line. The data sets required are specified in Paragraph.72. 6801:02 TELETYPE TELESPEED 750 Figure 1. The Teletype Telespeed 750 Tape Sender (left) and Tape Receiver (right) . .3 INPUT .31 Prepared Input Telespeed 750 Tape Sender Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .• Quantity of data: . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . Rated input speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fully-punched or chadless 11/16-inch or 1-inch paper tape. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. variable. 75 char/sec. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length. supply reel can hold 800 feet of fully -punched paper tape or 500 feet of chadless paper tape. · 32 Manual Input: ...•••••••.••.•... no provision. • 33 Fixed Input: . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• no provision. .34 Transaction Code Input: no provision. .35 Message Configuration: variable number of characters of data; no control characters are used . . 36 Operating Procedure · 37 (1) Load punched tape. (2) Establish voice communication and switch to data mode. (3) Depress Start button. Entry of Time and Date: •.•.•...•.. no provisions. (Cont N A 'V 1111 SI US ? 0 - / UNUSED I I DEL Note: The eighth bit (not shown) is transmitted as even parity by Teletype Models 33 and 35 . . 44 Output to Printer Model 33 Page Printer (RO, KSR, and ASR Sets) Output medium: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .. friction-fed forms, 72 char/line max. pin-fed forms, 72 char/line max. Character set: . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . 64 printable characters: ·upper-case alphabetics, numerics, specials, and control codes. Rated printing speed: . . . • . . . . • . . .. 10 char/sec max. Effective speed: . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . somewhat less than rated speed due to operations such as carriage return, line feed, etc. Format control: . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . .. through the use of special control codes in the received data . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION:. even parity is generated and transmitted; no detection facilities except for visual verification of manual input. (Contd. ) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6804:05 TELETYPE MODEL 33 '" TABLE n~ USASCII CONTROL CODE IDENTIFICATION AND GENERATION (1) Code Identity ACK BEL BS CAN CR DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DEL DLE EM ENQ EOT ESC ETB ETX FF FS GS HT LF NAK NUL RS SI SO SOH STX SUB SYN US VT Acknowledge Bell Backspace Cancel Carriage Return Device Control Device Control Device Control Device Control (Stop) Delete Data Link Escape End of Medium Enquiry End of Transmission Escape End of Transmission Block End of Text Form Feed File Separator Group Separator Horizontal Tab Line Feed Negative Acknowledge Null Record Separator Shift In Shift Out Start of Heading Start of Text Substitute Synchronous Idle Unit Separator Vertical Tab Generati n (2) S C L F * G * H * X * M * Q * R * S * T * Rub-Out P * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Y E D K W C L L M I J U P N 0 N A B Z V 0 K (1) These control codes are presently generated and interpreted by Model 33 and 35 Teletype equipment. (2) Control character generation, in most cases, is performed by simultaneously depressing the Control (C) key and the appropriate letter (L) key; the Shift (S) key must be depressed in addition to the control and letter keys where specified. Separate keys are also provided for Carriage Return, Escape, and Line Feed codes • •6 CONDITION INDICATORS: . . • • . • . • . .. .7 DATA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: . . . . . • . . • . . Transmission method: .••.••••••.•• Transmission code: ••..•...•.•..•• Transmission mode: •..••.••.••..•. Order of bit transmission: ..••.•.•..• Synchronization: . • . • • . . . • . . . . •••• various indicators can be supplied, depending upon the application • 10 char/sec (110 bits/sec). serial by bit. S-level USASCII plus start and stop bits for each character. half-duplex or full-duplex. start bit followed by character bits, low-order bit first, and stop bits. start and stop bits are transmitted with each character. Start pulse is one bit-time in length; stop pulse is two bit-times in length. © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/69 6804:06 TELETYPE MODEL 33 .72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Western Union 180 Baud leased service: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem Bell System or Western Union Type 1006 Data Channel: . . • . • • • . . . . . . .73 Bell System Data Set 103F or Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem Transmission Control Call initiation:. . • . . . . • . • • . . • . • . . Call reception: •...•••.•••.•.... Functional operations: . . . . . . . . . • • . manual dialing or signaling. capable of unattended operation. carriage return, line feed, bell, horizontal tab, vertical tab, etc. are initiated by special control codes. . 74 Multistation Operation: various control units permit a wide range of multi station operation techniques. Facilities provided can range from uncontrolled receiving by all stations (broadcast operation) to selective polling and addressing. .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS .9 Model 33 ASR Component Model 33 RO Model 33 KSR Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height with stand (inches) Weight with stand (pounds) 18.625 18.5 32.875 51 18.625 18.5 32.875 56 22 18.5 32.875 56 Power (KW) Voltage, ±10% Frequency (Hz), ±0.45 Hz Phases 0.092 115 60 1 0.110 115 60 1 0.110 115 60 1 Temperature Range (0 F) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 40-120 0-90 409 40-120 0-90 409 40-120 0-90 682 PRICE DATA Approximate Purchase Price** * ** 5/70 Component or Feature $ Model 33 RO Model 33 KSR Model 33 ASR 500-600 550-650 700-850 In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; see Sections 4620 and 4640 for a current list of modems available from independent manufacturers of telephone equipment. This equipment is available from Teletype Corporation on a purchase basis only. However, the same equipment is provided on a rental basis as part of many of the common-carrier switched services and multi station leased systems; see Paragraphs 3100. 3 and 3100. 4 in the Common-Carrier Facilities section. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A IA'\. ~ AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6805:01 TELETYPE MODEL 35 .UERBACH ® TELETYPE MODEL 35 LINE .1 GENERAL · 11 Identiw: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model 35 Receive-Only Set (RO). Model 35 Keyboard Send-Receive Set (KSR). Model 35 Automatic Send-Receive Set (ASR). .12 Manufacturer: . • . . . . . . • . . • • . . . • • Teletype Corporation 5555 Touhy Avenue Skokie, illinois 60076 · 13 Basic Function: • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . send and receive data over telegraph-grade lines. Different sets provide input from a keyboard or punched paper tape, output to printed copy or punched paper tape, or combinations of these. · 14 Basic Components Name: . • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . Model number: • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . Function: . • . . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Receive-Only Set. Model 35 RO. receives data and prints it. Name: •. Model number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function: .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keyboard Send-Receive Set. Model 35 KSR. transmits data from keyboard input, receives data and prints it. Name: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Model number: • • • • . . . . . • . . . . • . . Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic Send-Receive Set. Model 35 ASR. transmits data from punched paper tape or keyboard input; receives data and punches it into paper tape or prints it. Description The Model 35 Line is one of four main lines of data communications equipment manufactured by Teletype Corporation. Announced in 1963, the Model 35 equipment uses the 8-level, 11. 0unit USASCII code and is designed for heavy-duty, unlimited usage at a speed of 100 words per minute. The Model 35 equipment is compatible with the less-expensive, lighter-duty Teletype Model 33 Line (Report 6804), but is incompatible with the 5-level Teletype Model 28 and Model 32 equipment. The standard Model 35 Line consists of an RO Set, a KSR Set, and an ASR Set assembled from the follOWing Model 35 components: a page printer, a manual keyboard, a paper tape reader, and a paper tape punch. On special order, Teletype will provide other sets assembled from these components in almost any configuration. The Model 35 Keyboard Send-Receive Set (KSR) consists of a manual keyboard for originating messages and a page printer that produces a record, on continuous paper forms, of both incoming and outgoing messages. The four-row keyboard is compatible with standard typewriter keyboards. Both friction-feed and sprocket-feed platens are available. The Model 35 Receive-Only Set (RO) contains the same printing and forms-handling mechanism as the KSR Set, but has no keyboard; it cannot be used to originate messages. No attendant is needed. The Model 35 Automatic Send-Receive Set (ASR) combines the keyboard and printing facilities of the KSR with a paper tape reader and punch. The result is a complete low-speed message ;/69 6805:02 TELETYPE MODEL 35 Figure 1. The Teletype Model 35 ASR Set. • 15 Description (Contd.) originating and receiving station in a single compact cabinet. The reader and pWlCh use standard I-inch, 8-level tape. A mode-switching panel contains controls that permit two separate operations to be performed at tile same time without interfering with each other (e. g. , keyboard-activated tape punching in combination with printing of incoming messages). The Model 35 units can be equipped with dialing units, pushbutton controls, and data sets for use with telephone lines. They can communicate with unattended remote stations, turning them on, transmitting messages to them, and then turning them off. An automatic answerback mechanism enables unattended receivers to identify themselves and notify the transmitting station that they are ready to receive messages. • 16 First Delivery: . • . . . . . . • . . . . • . • 1963. • 17 Availability: .••.••..•.•..••••. approximately 4 months. •2 CONFIGURATION The RO Set contains a page printer only. The KSR Set contains a page printer and keyboard. The ASR Set contains a page printer, a keyboard, a punched paper tape reader and a punched paper tape receiver. Numerous control unit options are available, depending on the application. Other combinations of the basic page printer, keyboard, punch, and reader units can be obtained from Teletype on special order. Connections to communications facilities are described in Paragraph. 72. (Contd. ) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA lA' ~ AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6805:03 TELETYPE MODEL 35 AUERBACH ® \ .3 INPUT · 31 Prepared Input Model 35 Tape Reader (ASR Set only) Input medium: . . . • • • . . • . . . . • . Input code: • . . • • . . . . . . . • • • . . Quantity of data: . • . . . . . . . . . • . Character set: . • . . . . • . • . . . . . . Rated input speed: ••..••....•. Effective speed: . • . . . • • . . . • • . . · 32 1-inch, fully-punched, 8-level paper tape. 8-level USASCII, see Table I in Report 6804. variable. see Table I in Report 6804. 10 char/sec max. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length. Manual Input Model 35 Keyboard (ASR and KSR Sets only) Method of entry: Quantity of data: . . . • . . . • • . . . . Character set:. . . • • . . • . . . . . . . via 4-row, 45-key keyboard (additional keys provide special functions). variable. 96 characters: upper-case letters, digits, special characters and control codes j see Table I and Table II in Report 6804. • 33 Fixed Input: • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . no provision, except for a 20-character reply to an "ENQ" (WRU) inquiry; these characters are set up in the answer-back mechanism and are usually used to identify the station. · 34 Transaction Code Input: . . • . . . . . . . no provision. .35 Message Configuration: . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to N data characters with control characters interspersedj control characters are keyed in or are in the paper tape input . . 36 Operating Procedure / The operating procedure can vary greatly depending on the optional control features installed and the application. See Paragraphs 3100.31, 3100.32, 3100.41, 3100.42, and 3100.43 for the manner in which Teletype units are being used in services offered by the common carriers. .37 Entry of Time and Date: •4 OUTPUT .41 Output to Punched Tape , no provisions • Model 35 Punch (ASR Set only) \, / Tape size: . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . Tape code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated punching speed: . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Format control: . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . 1-inch, fully-punched, 8-level paper tape. 8-level USASCIIj see Table I in Report 6804. 10 char/sec max. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length. none. ©1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 5/69 6805:04 TELETYPE MODEL 35 .. 44 Output to Printer Model 33 Page Printer (RO, KSR, and ASR Sets) Output medium: . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . Character. set: . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . • Rated printing speed: '.••.•.••... Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • Format control: . . • . . . • • . . . . . . . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION: even parity is generated and transmitted; no detection facilities except for visual verification of manual input. ·6 CONDITION INDICATORS: . . • • . • . . .. various indicators can be supplied, depending upon the application • .7 DATA TRANSMISSION · 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: . . . . . . . . . . Transmission method: . . . • . . . . . . . . Transmission code: .•..•.•.•.••.. Transmission mode: . • . • • . . . . . . . . . Order of bit transmission: . • . . . . . . . . Synchronization: . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . · 72 . 73 10 char/sec (110 bits/sec.) serial by bit. S-level USASCII plus start and stop bits for each character. half-duplex or full-duplex. start bit followed by character bits, low-order bit first, and stop bits. start and stop bits are transmitted with each character. Start pulse is one bit-time in length; stop pulse is two bit-times in length. Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Western Union 180 Baud Data Channel: •. Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem. Bell System or Western Union Type 1006 Data Channel: • . . . . . . . . 5/69 friction-fed forms, S5 char/line max. pin-fed forms, 80 char/line max. 64 printable characters: upper-case alphabetics. numerics and specials; see Table I in Report 6804. 10 char/sec max. somewhat less than rated speed due to operations such as carriage return, line feed, etc. through the use of special control codes in the received data . Transmission Control Bell System Data Set 103F or Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem . Call initiation: • . . . . • . • . • . • . . . . • • Call reception: ...•....•••.•.•.• Functional Operations . . . . • . • . . . . . • manual dialing or signaling. capable of unattended operation. carriage return, line feed, bell, horizontal tab, vertical tab, etc. are initiated by special control codes. .74 Multistation Operation: . . . . . • . . . . • • various control units permit a wide range of multistation operation techniques. Facilities provided can range from uncontrolled receiving by all stations (broadcast operation) to selective polling and addreSSing. * In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A a AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATlDNS REPDRTS AUERBACH 6805:05 TELETYPE MODEL 35 '" .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model 35 Rio Model 35 KSR Model 35 ASR Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height with stand (inches) Weight with stand (pounds) 20 24 38.5 164 20 24 38.5 180 40 24 38.5 320 Power(KW) Voltage, ±10% Frequency (Hz), ±O. 45 Hz Phases 0.116 115 60 1 0.120 115 60 1 0.207 115 60 1 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/hr) 40-120 0-90 409 40-120 0-90 409 40-120 0-90 682 Component .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Model 35 RO Model 35 KSR Model 35 ASR Approximate Purchase Price* $ 1,300-1,400 1,600-1,800 2,600-2,800 * This equipment is available from Teletype Corporation on a purchase basis only. However, the same equipment is provided on a rental basis as part of many of the common-carrier switched services and multi station leased systems; see Paragraphs 3100. 3 and 3100. 4 in the Common-Carrier Facilities section. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/70 A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6806:01 TELETYPE MODEL 37 ® TELETYPE MODEL 37 .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: . . . . . Model 37 Receive-Only Set (RO). Model 37 Keyboard Send-Receive Set (KSR). Model 37 Automatic Send-Receive Set (ASR) . . 12 Manufacturer:................... Teletype Corporation 5555 Touhy Avenue Skokie, Illinois 60076 .13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. send and receive data over telegraph-grade lines. Different sets provide input from a keyboard or punched paper tape, output to printed copy or punched paper tape, or combinations of these . . 14 Basic Components \I Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . • . . . Model number: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function: . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . Receive-Only Set. Model 37 RD. receives data and prints it. Name: ., . . . • . • • . . . . . . • . . . Model number: . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . • .• Function: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Keyboard Send-Receive Set. Model 37 KSR. transmits data from keyboard input, receives data and prints it. Name: Automatic Send-Receive Set. Model 37 ASR. transmits data from punched paper tape or keyboard input; receives data and punches it into paper tape or prints it • ) ......•.•....•......•.. Model number: . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Function: . , . • • • . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 15 Description The Model 37 Line is one of five main lines of data communications equipment manufactured by Teletype Corporation. Announced in 1966, the Model 37 equipment uses a 7-level, 10unit code and is designed for heavy-duty, unlimited usage at speeds up to 150 words per minute. The standard Model 37 Line consists of an RO Set, a KSR Set, and an ASR Set assembled from the following Model 37 components: a page printer, a manual keyboard, a paper tape reader, and a paper tape punch. On special order, Teletype will provide other sets assembled from these components in almost any configuration. ; / The Model 37 Keyboard Send-Receive Set (KSR) consists of a manual keyboard for originating messages and a page printer that produces a record, on continuous paper forms, of both incoming and outgoing messages. The four-row keyboard is compatible with standard typewriter keyboards. Both friction-feed and sprocket-feed platens are available. The Model 37 Receive-Only Set (RO) contains the same printing and forms-handling mechanism as the KSR Set, but has no keyboard; it cannot be used to originate messages. An attendant is not required. 6806:02 TELETYPE MODEL 37 Figure 1. The Teletype Model 37 ASR Set . • 15 Description (Contd.) The Model 37 Automatic Send-Receive Set (ASR) combines the keyboard and printing facilities of the KSR with a paper tape reader and punch. The result is a complete low-speed message originating and receiving station in a single compact cabinet. The paper tape reader and punch use standard 1-inch, 5 to 8-level tape. A mode-switching panel contains controls that permit two separate operations to be performed at the same time without interfering with each other (e. g., keyboard-activated tape punching in combination with printing of incoming messages). The Model 37 units can be equipped with dialing units, pushbutton controls, and data sets for use with telephone lines. They can communicate with unattended remote stations, turning them on, transmitting messages to them, and then turning them off. An automatic answerback mechanism enables unattended receivers to identify themselves and notify the transmitting station that they are ready to receive messages. Four features distinguish the Model 37 from earlier Teletype sets (see Reports 6802 through 6805): (1) It is faster; it can receive and print data at up to 15 characters per second. (2) It can generate and print all of the 128 character codes contained in the U. S. A. Standard Code for Information Interchange (USASCn, for!llerly ASCII). (3) The appearance and arrangement of the keyboard have been altered to conform to that of a conventional typewriter, as shown in the photograph. (4) Forward and reverse line feeds can be executed a half-line at a time. The capability for transmitting and receiving 128 different code combinations, including both upper-case and lower-case letters, will greatly aid in applications such as on-line text editing, which is now being implemented in some time-sharing computer arrangements. The Model 37 will also be available for operation with any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code, including odd or even parity, and can print in two colors if desired. (Contd.) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communi~ations Reports A AUERBACH OATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS lA' ~ 6806:03 TELETYPE MODEL 37 AUERBACH ® . 15 Description (Contd.) Other features provided with the new keyboard include two Shift keys, two Control keys, a Shift Lock key, and elimination of the need for a Repeat key. Characters can be repeated by depressing the appropriate keys below their normal down positions. Control codes can be generated from either the upper or lower case shift. Since line feeds can be executed a halfline at a time in either direction, scientific symbols having subscripts and superscripts, as well as charts, can be printed. The revised keyboard reduces the amount of training required to convert a typist to a teletypewriter operator. It also makes it more convenient to use the Model 37 for off-line copy preparation since an ordinary typist can operate it. . 16 First Delivery: . . . . 17 Availability: . . . . . . .2 CONFIGURATION 0 1968 . ••••• 6 months . The RO Set contains a page printer only The KSR Set contains a page printer and a keyboard. The ASR Set contains a page printer, a keyboard, a punched paper tape reader and a punched paper tape receiver. Numerous control unit options are available, depending on the application. Other combinations of the basic page printer, keyboard, punch, and reader units can be obtained from Teletype on special order. Connections to communications facilities are described in Paragraph .72 . 0 .3 INPUT .31 Prepared Input Model 37 Paper Tape Reader (ASR Set only) Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated input speed: . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . • . . . . . . . . . 32 I-inch, fully-punched, 8-level paper tape. 7-level USASCIIplus even parity; see Table 1. variable. see Table 1. 15 char/sec max. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length . Manual Input Mode137 Keyboard (ASR and KSR Sets only) Method of entry: Quantity of data: Character set: \ via 4-row, 64-key keyboard (additional keys provide special functions). variable. 128 characters: upper-case and lower-case letters, digits, special characters, and control codes; see Tables I and II. .33 Fixed Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no provision, except for a 20-character reply to an "ENQ" inquiry; these characters are set up in the answer-back mechaLism and are usually used to identify the station . . 34 Transaction Code Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . no provision. 6806:04 TELETYPE MODEL 37 TABLE I: USASCn (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STANDARD CODE FOR INFORMATION INTERCHANGE) Bits 7, 6, 5 Bits 4, 3, 2, 1 000 001 010 011 100 0000 NUL DLE SP 0 0001 SOH DC1 ! 0010 STX DC2 0011 ETX 0100 EOT 0101 101 110 @ P "- P 1 A Q a q " 2 B R b r DC3 # 3 C S c s $ 4 D T d t ENQ DC4 NAK % 5 E U e u 0110 ACK SYN & 0111 BEL 1000 1001 111 6 F V f v ETB , 7 G W g w BS CAN ( 8 H X h x HT EM ) 9 I Y i : J Z j Y z 1010 LF SUB .* 1011 VT ESC ; K [ k { 1100 FF FS + , < L 1 I 1101 CR GS - = M '] m } 1110 SO RS > N A n 'V 1111 SI US ? 0 - 0 / I DEL Note: The eighth bit (not shown) is always transmitted as even parity by Teletype Models 33, 35, and 37 • . 35 Message Configuration: . • . • • . . . . . • •• • 36 Operating Procedure 1 to N data characters with control characters interspersed; control characters are keyed in or the paper tape input . The operating procedure can vary greatly depending on the optional control features installed and the application. See Paragraphs 3100.31, 3100.32, 3100.41, 3100.42, and 3100.43 for the manner in which Teletype units are being used in services offered by the common carriers • . 37 Entry of Time and Date: • . . . • . • . . • .. •4 OUTPUT .41 Output to Punched Paper Tape no provisions • Model 37 Punch (ASR Set only) Tape size: ••.••....•.•••••••.. Tape oode: . ~ . • . . • • . . • . . . . . . . " Rated punching speed: . • • • • • • • • • • .. Effective speed: . • • • . • . . . • . • • • • .• Format control: • . • • • • • • . . . • . . . .. 1-inch, fully-punched, 8-level paper tape. 7-level USASCII plus even parity. 15 char/sec max. somewhat less than rated speed, depending on block length. none. (Contd.) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6806:05 TELETYPE MODEL 37 @ TABLE ll: USASCII CONTROL CODE IDENTIFICATION AND GENERATION(l) Code ACK BEL BS CAN CR DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DEL DLE EM ENQ EOT ESC ETB ETX FF FS GS HT LF NAK NUL RS SI SO SOH STX SUB SYN US VT Generation(2) L S C I Identity Acknowledge Bell Backspace Cancel Carriage Return Device Control Device Control Device Control Device Control (Stop) Delete Data Link Escape End of Medium Enquiry End of Transmission Escape End of Transmission Block End of Text Form Feed File Separator Group Separator Horizontal Tab Line Feed Negative Acknowledge Null Record Separator Shift In Shift Out Start of Heading Start of Text Substitute Synchronous Idle Unit Separator Vertical Tab I * * F G * X * * * * Q R S T * * * * P BS Return Delete Y E D Prefix * * * * * W C L - TAB LF * NUL * * * * * * * * * U 0 N A B Z V - K (1) These control codes are presently generated and interpreted by the Model 37 Teletype equipment. (2) Control character generation, in most cases, is performed by simultaneously depressing the Control (C) key and the appropriate letter (L) key; the Shift (S) key must be depressed in addition to the con trol and letter keys where specified. Some functions are provided by discrete keys. .44 \ Output to Printer Model 37 Page Printer (RO, KSR, and ASR Sets) Output medium: Character set: Rated printing speed: . • • . • . . • • • . • . friction-fed forms, 82 char/line max.; pin-fed forms, 84 char/line max. 94 printable characters: upper-case and lowercase alphabetics, numerics and specials; see Table 1. 15 char/sec max. © 1969 AUERBACH Corooration and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 6806:06 TELETYPE MODEL 37 .44 Output to Printer (Contd.) Effective speed: somewhat less than rated speed due to operations such as carriage return, line feed, etc. through the use of special control codes in the received data . Format control: .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION:. even parity accompanies each character generated from keyboard; visual verification of manual input . .6 CONDITION INDICATORS: . . • . . . • . . .. various indicators can be supplied, depending upon the application . .7 DATA TRANSMISSION . 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: . . . . . . . . . • . Transmission method: . . . . . . . • . . . . . Transmission code: . . . . • • • • . . . • . . . Transmission mode: Order of bit transmission: Synchronization: . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . • . . 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Bell System or Western Union Type 1006 Data Channel (150 bits/sec): • . . • •. . 73 Western Union 180 Baud Data Modem or Bell System Data Set 103F . Transmission Control Call initiation: . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call reception: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional Operations: . • . . . . . . • . . . . . 74 15 char/sec (150 bits/sec.). serial by bit. 7-level USASCII plus even parity, start, and stop bits for each character. (11 bits/char.) Simplex, half-duplex, or full-duplex depending on model. start bit followed by character bits, low-order bit first, and stop bits. asynchronous; start and stop bits are transmitted with each character. Start pulse is one bit-time in length; stop pulse is two bit-times in length . Multistation Operation: .....•.•••.•.. manual dialing or signaling. capable of unattended operation. carriage return, line feed, bell, horizontal tab, vertical tab, etc. are initiated by special control codes. various control units permit a wide range of multistation operation techniques. Facilities provided can range from uncontrolled receiving by all stations (broadcast operation) to selective polling and addressing. *In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. (Contd. ) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS lA' r&.Jl! 6806:07 TELETYPE MODEL 37 ., AUERBACH .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model 37 RO Model 37 KSR Model 37 ASR Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height with stand (inches) Weight with stand (pounds) 32.5 24.5 36.25 221 32.5 27.5 36.25 214 44.5 27.5 36.25 340 Power(KW) Voltage Frequency (Hz) Phases 0.200 115 60 1 0.300 115 60 1 0.550 115 60 1 40-120 0-90 409 40-120 0-90 409 40-120 0-90 682 Component Temperature Range (0 F) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU /hr) .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Model 37 RO Model 37 KSR Model 37 ASR Ap'prmamate Purcfiase Price * $ 1,977-2,162 2,325 3,870 * This equipment is available from Teletype Corporation on a purchase basis only. However, the same equipment is provided on a rental basis as part of many of the common-carrier switched services and multi station leased systems; see Paragraphs 3100.3 and 3100.4 in the Common-carrier Facilities section. © 1970 AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/70 fA. ~ . AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6807:01 TELETYPE PUSH BUTTON DATA GENERATOR TELETYPE PUSH BUTTON DATA GENERATOR .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . • . . Push Button Data Generator (PBDG) • • 12 Manufacturer: • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . • Teletype Corporation 5555 Touhy Avenue Skokie, Illinois 60078 . . 13 Basic Function: • • . • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . generates 1 to 24 characters of fixed data per pushbutton . . 15 Description The Teletype Push Button Data Generator (PBDG) is a novel unit designed to facilitate the transmission of fixed data such as addresses, code numbers, identifications, and part order numbers. The basic PBDG unit contains 12 nonlighted pushbuttons. Depression of each button can cause from 1 to 24 characters of data to be generated. The fixed data is set up in the unit by changeable wiring for each pushbutton. Any number of basic 12-button modules can be combined to provide unlimited fixed message transmission capabilities. The unit can transmit either a 5-level or 8-level code; code changes are accomplished by changing diode matrix cards. The fixed message can be automatically interrupted to allow entry of variable data from an associated keyboard (teletypewriter), after which the remainder of the fixed message is automatically transmitted. The PBDG can also be used in conjunction with a Teletype teleprinter. Up to two modules (24 pushbuttons) can be incorporated into the housing of the printer console, as shown in the photograph on the next page. Additional units require a separate cabinet. Cabinets are available for accommodating up to eight modules (96 pushbuttons). The PBDG can also respond to control codes in incoming messages and transfer the fixed data to the associated printer unit. This is particularly advantageous when receiving data in a fixed format; the PBDG can be programmed to supply the header information and thus reduce the amount of information that needs to be transmitted by the remote facility. Figure 1. Teletype Push Button Data Generator mounted in the cabinet of a Model 33 KSR Set. 49 © 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/67 A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS lA.' ~ 6808:01 TELETYPE INKTRONIC AUERBACH ® TELETYPE INKTRONIC LINE .1 GENERAL • 11 Identity: ... Teletype Inktronic Receive-Only Set (RO). Teletype Inktronic Keyboard Send-Receive Set (KSR) . • 12 Manufacturer:................... Teletype Corporation 5555 Toughy Avenue Skokie, Illinois 60076 . . 13 Basic Function: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . .• print data received locally from a computer (direct connection) or remotely over a voice-band line; print data entered at keyboard while sending it over voice-grade line . . 15 Description The Teletype Inktronic RO and KSR Sets, the first members of a new high-speed non-impact line of printers, electrostatically deflect successive electrically-charged jets of ink onto standard teletypewriter paper to form 120 characters per second, or 1200 words per minute; see Figure 1. This rapid printing rate, which is roughly twelve times that of most mechanical terminals, and the virtually noiseless operation of the equipment are both made possible by the elimination of nearly all moving mechanical parts and the absence of mechanical impact. Control information that shapes the character patterns traced by the tiny ink jets is stored in a transformer-core memory system (core-rope translator). Any number of alphanumeric characters up to 64, including space can be stored, and in accordance with the specified line code the translator will space them at up to 80 characters per line and provide automatic line-feed carriage return after the 80th (or last) character if desired. An option that holds the maximum number of characters to 72 is available. The horizontal and vertical spacing is ten characters per inch and six lines per inch respectively. The memory core, or "font", can be replaced in the field if transmission in a different language or symbol set is desired. When the machines are printing 80-character lines at the rate of 1200 words per minute, a standard 400-foot roll of 8. 5-inch-wide paper will last about five hours; a pint of the special ink will suffice for roughly 200 rolls of paper. Although multiple copies cannot be produced, reproductions can be made with office copiers at no loss of definition. The Inktronic KSR Set incorporates a four-row keyboard similar to that of a conventional typewriter, and as easy to operate. The complete 128-character standard USASCII code set can be generated from the keyboard. Controls are provided for on-line, real-time communication with a computer as well as for tape-to-tape monitoring, straight computer printout, and communication with other terminals. The Inktronic RO Set also can be used for computer printout, either local or remote, or as a monitor for tape-to-tape systems such as those employing Teletype Telespeed equipment with operating speeds of 750, 1050, or 1200 words per minute, or as a terminal for communicating over voice-grade channels. When used remotely, the RO operates in the simplex mode using a voice-band line. © f969AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 5/69 6808:02 TELETYPE INKTRONIC Figure 1. The Teletype Inktronic RO Set . • 15 Description (Contd.) A noteworthy characteristic of the Inktronic Printers is their unrestricted message format. Unlike most high-speed printers, which normally store characters in a buffer until printing them simultaneously to produce a full print line, the Inktronic Printer can print each character as it is received. It can also intermingle short and long printed lines without the use of "fill" characters. As can be seen from Figure 2, the principle of Teletype Inktronic printing resembles that of an electrostatic oscilloscope. The significant difference is that the electron beam of the oscilloscope is replaced in the Printer with a stream of negatively charged ink particles. These particles are electrostatically deflected to trace each character on paper in a manner corresponding to the action of an electron beam tracing patterns on the oscilloscope phosphorcoated face. A series of liquid-ink jets are drawn from the ink-supply nozzle by high-potential electrical pulses applied between the valving electrode (in proximity with the nozzle) and the ink supply. The ink jets are deflected first vertically and then horizontally by varying electrical potentials across each pair of deflection electrodes. Interlinking black dots are thus traced to form the desired characters. The nozzles and the valving and deflection electrodes are, of course, completely stationary. This non-impact printing technique limits the printed output to one copy, but results in greater reliability, as well as in faster and quieter operation, compared with conventional teleprinters. The Printers use a friction-feed platen. According to the company, sprocket feed will also become available. Electronic and mechanical assembles are of modular construction to simplify maintenance. Extensive use of solid-state integrated circuits helps reduce the size, weight, and cost of the equipment. (Contd.) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6808:03 TELETYPE INKTRONIC \UERBACH ® Figure 2. . 15 Teletype Inktronic Printing Technique . Description (C ontd.) The RO Set utilizes either 5-level, 10-unit Baudot code or 7-level, 10-unit USASCII code, plus parity. The KSR set utilizes only the 7-level, 10-unit USASCII code. The RO Set is available with a parallel communications interface compatible with the Bell System Data Set 402D, or with a serial communications interface . . 16 First Delivery: • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .. December, 1968 (RO Set). First quarter, 1970 (KSR Set) . . 17 Av.ailability: . • . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . . About 6 months (RO Set) . •2 CONFIGURATION The RO Set contains a page printer, a transformer-core memory, and associated electronic circuits. The KSR Set contains a page printer, a transformer-core memory, associated electronic circuits, and a four-row keyboard. Numerous control unit options are available, depending on the application. Connections to communications facilities are described in Paragraph. 72 . .3 INPUT . 31 Prepared Input: .32 Manual Input no provision . Inktronic Keyboard (KSR Set only) via 4-row, 64-key keyboard (additional keys provide special functions). variable. 128 characters: upper- and lower-case alphabetics, numerics, special characters, and control codes; see Table I in Report 6806 . Method of entry: Quantity of data: Character set: . 33 Fixed Input: • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . , . . . . no provision, but a 14-bit binary identification code can be transmitted by the RO Set to initiate a transmission. © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. I:;/t::Q 6808:04 TELETYPEINKTRONIC .34 Transaction Code Input: no provision. .35 Message Configuration: 1 to N data characters with interspersed control characters keyed in . . 36 Operating Procedure Both RO and KSR Sets provide straightforward controls for function selection, namely, tapeto-tape monitoring, direct computer printout, and in the case of the KSR model, real-time computer communications. Operation of the KSR keyboard resembles that of a conventional typewriter. .37 Entry of Time and Date: .4 OUTPUT .44 Output Printer no provision. Inktronic RO and KSR Sets Output medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . •. Friction-fed forms, 72 (optional) or 80 char/line max. Character Set Baudot (RO Set only): USAscn (RO or KSR Set): . . . . . . . . . Rated printing speed: .•... Effective speed: . . . . . . . . Format control: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION:. .6 CONDITION INDICATORS 58 printable characters: upper-case alphabetics, numerics, and special characters; see Report 6802 Table I. 64 printable characters: upper-case alphabetics, numerics, and special characters; see Report 6804 Table 1. 120 char/sec max. slightly less than rated speed due to operations such as carriage return and line feed, or reduced to limit set by transmission rate. Restricted to 75 char/sec when Bell System Data set 402D or equivalent used. through the use of special control codes in the received data . even parity accompanies each character generated from keyboard; visual verification of manual input . The Printers have six indicator lamps to indicate the following conditions of the equipment: BRAKE (lamp and switch) : . . . . . TRANSMIT-START: .......... depressing switch interrupts supervisory channel and signals that transmission should stop. when depressed, discrete call generator is activated to signal for start of transmission. PRINTER ON: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . when depressed, printer motor and high-voltage circuits are energized. LOW PAPER ALARM : . . . . . . . . indicates low paper supply. PAPER ADVANCE: . . . . . . . . . . initiates repetitive paper feeding action. READY: interlock and paper alarm are in ready state and printer can operate. ....•..•...•..... (Contd.) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports fA ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6808:05 TELETYPE INKTRONIC ® .7 DATA TRANSMISSION . 71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed: . . • • . . . . . . . Transmission method: . . . . • . . . . . . . . 120 char/sec (1200 bits/sec). serial by bit or parallel by bit, serial by character depending on communications interface. Transmission code RO Set: . • . . . . . . . . . . KSR Set: . . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission mode: . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Order of bit transmission: . . . . . . . . . . . Synchronization: . . . • • . . • . . • . . • . . . . 72 Connection to Communication Lines Communications Line Bell System or Western Union Type 3002 Data Channel (1200 bits/sec): • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . 73 5-level, 10-unit Baudot (each character includes two start and three stop bits) or 7-level, 10-unit USASCII (each character includes even parity and unity start and stop bits). 7-level, 10-unit USASCII (each character includes even parity and unity start and stop bits. simplex (RO) or half-duplex (KSR). start bit(s) followed by character bits, low-order bit first, and stop bits. asynchronous; 5-level, 10-unit Baudot code includes two start and three stop bits; 7-level, 10-unit USASCII code includes unity start and stop bits. When the parallel communications interface is used, start and stop bits are not employed . Data Set* Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem or Bell System Data Set 202D. Bell System or Western Union Type 3002 Data Channel (75 char/sec): . • • . • . • . . . . . . . . • • • . Bell System Data Set 402D. Public Telephone Network (1200 bits/sec): ..••••••.•...••.•. (75 char/sec): ..••••..•••..••.•. Bell System Data Set 202C. Bell System Data Set 402D . Transmission Control Call initiation: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . •. Manual dialing or signaling. Call reception: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Capable of unattended operation. Functional operations: • . • . . . . . . . . • .. Carriage return, line feed, bell, horizontal tab, vertical tab, and so on are initiated by special control codes . . 74 Multistation Operation: . . . . • . . . . . . .. various techniques and optional accessories are available for selective polling and addressing. *In some cases, equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. tel 1 Qj:;Q AIII'"RRA~I-I ~nrnnr,.tinn "nrl AIII'"RRA~I-I Infn In" 6808:06 TELETYPE INKTRONIC .8 .9 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component Inktronic RO Inktronic KSR Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height with stand (inches) Weight with stand (lbs.) Power (KW) Voltage, ±0.5Hz Frequency, (Hz) to.5 Hz Phases Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTV/hr) 18 27 47 325 0.600 115 60 1 40-110 0-95 1800 36 29 33 350 0.600 115 60 1 40-110 0-95 1800 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Purchase Price, $ (approximate) * Inktronic RO Serial Interface Parallel Interface Inktronic KSR 5450 5300 5800 *This equipment is available from Teletype Corp. on a purchase basis only. However, this equipment is available on a rental basis as part of many of the common-carrier switched services and multistation leased systems; see Paragraphs 3100.3 and 3100.4 in the Common-Carrier Facilities section. 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ \UERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6850:01 ULTRONIC MT 3000 • ULTRONIC SYSTEMS MT 3000 MAGNETIC TAPE TERMINAL .1 GENERAL · 11 Identity: . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . • . • . . . . . MT 3000 Magnetic Tape Terminal. · 12 Manufacturer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • • Ultronic Systems Corporation Mt. Laurel Industrial Park Moorestown, New Jersey 08057 .13 Basic Function: . . . • . . . . • . . . • • . . . . . reads data from magnetic tape and transmits it over a voice-band or broad-band line; receives data from a voice-band or broad-band line and records it on magnetic tape • . 14 Basic Units Name: . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . Magnetic Tape Terminal. Model number: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . MT 3000-7. FUllction: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • transmission or reception of magnetic-tape data; 7 -track tape format is compatible with IBM 729 Series Magnetic Tape Units. Name: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • • . . . • • . . Magnetic Tape Terminal. Model number: . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . MT 3000-9. Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . transmission or reception of magnetic-tape data; 9-track tape format is compatible with IBM 2400 Series Magnetic Tape Units. · 15 Description The MT 3000 Magnetic Tape Terminal can transmit or receive data over a common-carrier leased voice- or broad-band line or the public sw.itched telephone network. The terminal operates in half-duplex mode and is used to communicate with a remote MT 3000 Magnetic Tape Terminal or an equivalent device. A wide range of transmitting speeds, including 1200, 2000, 2400, and 40,800 bits per second, can be switch-selected. The MT 3000 is available in two models. The MT 3000-7 contains a 7-track tape drive and is compatible with the IBM 729 tape format. The MT 3000-9 contains a 9-track tape drive and is compatible with the IBM 2400 Series tape format. The MT 3000 Magnetic Tape Terminalis a buffered terminal consisting of a magnetic tape handler, a basic 1024-character buffer memory, and circuits for both transmitting and receiving data. Code translation is not provided. Any 6-1evel (MT 3000-7) or 8-level (MT 3000-9) code can be handled. The MT 3000 provides two switch-selected recording densities. Recording densities can be specified to be either 200 and 556 bits per inch or 556 and 800 bits per inch. The tape speed is 36 inches per second (standard) or 45 inches per second (optional). The MT 3000 can operate as a transmit terminal or a receive terminal. Mode selection is controlled by a selector switch on the operator panel. Data is read from or written on magnetic tape in the form of variable-length records. Record length is limited only by the memory buffer size of the transmitting or receiving terminal. When the MT 3000 operates in the transmit mode, data is read from magnetic tape, checked for correct character and longitudinal parity, and transferred to the buffer memory. When the buffer memory contains a complete record, the record is transferred from the buffer memory, serialized, and transmitted. The transmitted record includes odd or even character parity and a longitudinal parity character generated from the transmitted data. Control characters are automatically inserted into each record prior to transmission. When the MT 3000 operates in the receive mode, data received serially by bit is assembled, checked for correct character and longitudinal parity, and transferred to the buffer memory. Data is transferred from the buffer memory and written on tape immediately after the last character of the transmitted record is received. Control characters are stripped from the data written on tape. A read-after-write check is performed on the written data. C 196TAUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 8/67 6850:02 ULTRONIC MT 3000 Figure L Ultronic MT 3000 Magnetic Tape Terminal The receiving terminal acknowledges each record received by responding to the transmitting terminal with a positive or negative reply message. When a data transmission error is detected, the receiving terminal sends a negative reply immediately after the last character of the the transmitted record is received. The positive reply occurs after the received record has been written on tape and the read-after-write check has been satisfied. Operator inter- . vention is required after three unsuccessful attempts to write a correctly received record on tape. In this case the record is not acknowledged, the transmitting terminal times out, and the operator is alerted. (Contd. ) 8/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A.. ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6850:03 ULTRONIC MT 3000 The transmitting terminal transfers the next record from tape to the buffer memory immediately after the last character of the previous record is transmitted. The record is not transmitted until the transmitting terminal receives a positive reply from the receiving terminal which indicates that the previously transmitted record has been successfully written on tape. A negative acknowledgemenl is recognized by the transmitting terminal as a request to retransmit a previously transmitted record. The transmitting terminal responds to the negative acknowledgement only after the next record has been completely transferred to the buffer memory. The terminal responds by backspacing the tape to the beginning of the previous record; the record is then transferred to the buffer memory and retransmitted to the receiving terminal. Retransmission is automatically executed up to three times before operator intervention is required. Optional features for the MT 3000 Terminal include: • Master Terminal Data Director - allows an MT 3000-9 Terminal to select records for transmission based on an address header contained in each record. Selection is accomplished via switches located on the operator panel; only the records containing the selected address are transmitted. Up to 10 different address codes can be specified. • Record Counter - provides a digital counter located on the operator panel; the number of successful transmissions is accumulated by this counter. The basic counter capacity is 1024 and can be expanded. This feature is standard in the MT 3000-9. • Increased Tape Speed - allows the MT 3000-7 or MT 3000-9 to operate with a tape speed of 45 inches per second. • Optional Buffer Size - allows the MT 3000-7 or MT 3000-9 to employ a buffer other than the 1024-character buffer included in the basic terminal. Buffer sizes available are 512, 2048, 4096, or 8192 character positions . • 16 First Delivery: •.•••.••.•...•.•••• June 1964 • • 17 Availability:..................... 4 to 5 months • .2 CONFIGURATION Both models of the MT 3000 Magnetic Tape Terminal include: • • A magnetic tape drive, Up to 8192 characters of buffer memory, and • Control circuits necessary to transmit and receive data. Both MT 3000 models operate at tape speeds of 36 inches per second (basic) or 45 inches per second (optional). The standard buffer size is 1024 characters; optional buffer sizes include 512, 2048, 4096, and 8192 characters. See Paragraph . 72 for the standard communications facilities that can be used and the data sets required • .3 • 31 INPUT --- Prepared Input MT 3000-7 Magnetic Tape Terminal Input medium: ••.••..•••••.•••..• 0.5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 200, 556, or 800 bits/inch; 7-track tape format is compatible with IBM 729 Series Magnetic Tape Units. Input code: . . . • . . • . . . • • . • . . . . . . . any 6-level code; 6 data bits plus one parity bit per character; even or odd parity can be switchselected. Quantity of data: .....•••..•••.••.• 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, or 8192 characters per record, depending on buffer size. Rated input speed At 36 inches/sec tape speed and the following recording densities 200 bits/inch: ••••.•.•.•••••.• 7200 char/sec. 556 bits/inch: ••••••.••••.•••• 20,700 char/sec. 800 bits/inch: ••••.••••••••••• 28,800 char/sec. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/67 6850:04 ULTRONIC MT 3000 .31 Prepared Input (Contd.) At 45 inches/sec tape speed (optional) and the following recording densities 200 bits/inch: . . . . . . . • . • . • • . . • 556 bits/inch: •••......•.•.•.• 800 bits/inch: •..••..•••.•••.. Effective speed:. • • . • . . . . . . • . . . . .• 9000 char/sec. 25,000 char/sec. 36,000 char/sec. varies widely depending on the communications facility, transmission speed, and record size. Comments: • . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . high or low recording density can be switch-selected on. operator panel; only two recording densities per tape terminal are provided (200/ 556 or 556/800 bits per inch). • 32 MT 3000-9 Magnetic Tape Terminal Input medium: .••.•••...•••.•••.• 0.5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 200, 556, or 800 bits/inch; 9-track tape format is compatible with IBM 2400 Series Magnetic Tape Units. Input code: • . . • • • • • • • . . . • • . • • . • . any S-level code; 8 data bits per character; even or odd parity can be switch-selected. Quantity of data: .•.•.•...•.•••.•.• 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, or 8192 characters per record, depending on buffer size. Rated input speed At 36 inches/sec tape speed and the following recording densities 200 bits/inch: . . • • . . . . . . . . . . • . 7200 char/sec. 556 bits/inch: ...••..•.•.•...• 20,700 char/sec. SOO bitS/inch: • • . . . . . • . . . . . . • • 28,SOO char/sec. At 45 inches/sec tape speed (optional) and the following recording densities 200 bits/inch: •...••••...•...• 9000 char/sec. 556 bits/inch: . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 char/sec. SOO bits/inch: .••..••..•....•• 36,000 char/sec. Effective speed: ..••••.••.•..••.•. varies widely depending on the communications facility, transmission speed, and record size. Comments: .•••.•.•.•.•.••....•• high or low recording density can be switch-selected on operator panel; only two recording densities per tape terminal are provided (200/ 556 or 556/S00 bits per inch) . Manual Input: •.•.••..••..•••...••• no provision • • 33 Fixed Input: •••••••.••.••.•.••..• no provision • • 34 Transaction Code Input: .••••.•••••.•• no provision • • 35 Message Configuration Data is transmitted in variable-length records under control of the transmitting device. Record length is limited only by the transmitting or receiving memory buffer capacity; the standard buffer size is 1024 character positions. Each data record includes a Start-of-Message (SOM) character, a Start-of-Record (SOR) character, data, an End-of-Message (EOM) character, and a Longitudinal Parity Check (LPC) character. The SOR character is followed by a numeric one or two which identifies the record sequence. Each transmitted record is acknowledged by a positive or negative reply sent by the receiving terminal. The reply sequence is SOM, SOR (lor 2), EOM, and LPC. If the reply is negative, the numeric identifier will be the same as the identifier following the SOR in the incorrectly received record. A message is terminated by an End-of-File (EOF) character • • 37 Entry of Time and Date: .•.•••••..•.• no provision. (Contd.) 8/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6850:05 ULTRONIC MT 3000 • .4 OUTPUT .41 Output to Magnetic Tape MT 3000-7 Magnetic Tape Terminal Tape size: •.••...•.••.•••.•••••• O. 5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 200. 556, or SOO bits/inch; 7-track tape format is compatible with IBM 729 Series Magnetic Tape Units. Tape code: •.•..••.•••.•...••••• any 6-level code; 6 data bits plus one parity bit per character; even or odd parity can be switchselected. Rated output speed At 36 inches/sec tape speed and the following recording densities 200 bits/inch: ••••••.••.•.•••• 7200 char/sec. 556 biislinch: • . • • . • . • . . • .'. • • • 20. 700 char/sec. SOO bitS/inch: •••..•...•..•••• 2S.800 char/sec. At 45 inches/sec tape speed (optional) and the following recording densities 200 bits/inch: ..•...•.••.•.••• 9000 char/sec. 556 bitS/inch: ••.••..••••.•••• 25.000 char/sec. 800 bitS/inch: ..••••.•.••..••• 36.000 char/sec. Effective speed:. • • • • . . • • . • • • • • ••• varies widely depending on the communications facility. transmission speed, and record size. Format control:. • . . . . • . • • • . • ••••• none. Comments: • . • . • • • . . . . • • . . . • • • •• high or low recording density can be switch-selected on operator panel; only two recording densities per tape terminal are provided (200/ 556 or 556/S00 bits per inch). MT 3000-9 Magnetic Tape Terminal Tape size: ••.•...•.••.•••..••••• 0.5-inch magnetic tape recorded at 200.556. or SOO bits/inch; 9-track tape format is compatible with IBM 2400 Series Magnetic Tape Units. Tape code: •..••••.••••...•••••• any S-level code; S data bits plus one parity bit per character; even or odd parity can be switchselected. Rated output speed At 36 inches/sec tape speed and the following recording densities 200 bits/inch: .••.•••.•••..•.• 7200 char/sec. 556 bits/inch: •..••••..••..••• 20.700 char/sec. SOO bits/inch: •••.•.•••.•.•••• 28, SOO char/sec. At 45 inches/sec tape speed (optional) and the following recording densities 200 bits/inch: ••••••••••.••••• 9000 char/sec. 556 bits/inch: ••.••.••.•...••• 25.000 char/sec. SOO bits/inch: .••••••..••••••• 36.000 char/sec. Effective speed:. • • • • . • • • • • • ••.••• varies widely depending on the communications facility. transmission speed. and record size. Format control: •••.•....•.•.•.•.• none. Comments: . • . . • . • • • • • • • • . • . • • • . high or low recording density can be switch-selected on operator panel; only two recording densities per tape terminal are provided (200/ 556 or 556/800 bits per inch) • •5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors Type of checking: ••••.•••.••••••••• character and longitudinal parity checking. Error indication: ••••••..•••••.•••• indicator lamp is lighted and an audible alarm is sounded. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 8/67 6850:06 ULTRONIC MT 3000 · 51 Data Entry Errors (Contd.) Correction procedure: .•••••.•.••••.• the data block is automaticallyre-read up to three times (four read operations); if all attempts are unsuccessful, tape halts and operator intervention is required. • 52 Data Transmission Errors Type of (lhecking: •.••••••••••.•.••• character and longitudinal parity are checked only in receive mode. Error indication: ...•••..•••.•..••• indicator lamp is lighted and audible alarm is sounded. Correction procedure: •.•••..•••••••• retransmission of record up to three times (four transmissions); if all attempts are unsuccessful, data transmission is interrupted and operator intervention is required. • 53 Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . . . . • . • • . . • . . . . . . • read-after-write character and longitudinal parity checks. Error indication: ..••.•••••.••••... indicator lamp is lighted; audible alarm is sounded. Correction procedure:. • • • • . . • . • • . . . • data is automatically rewritten up to two times; operator intervention is required if error occurs after second rewrite. Comments: .•...••.....•..•.•.•.• operator can skip to new portion of tape and attempt to rewrite data. • 55 Life Malfunctions Detection: ..•..•••••••.••••.•...• when acknowledgement to transmitted record is not received within three minutes. Action: ••••••••.•..•••...•.•..•• transmission halts; operator intervention is required • •6 CONDITION INDICATORS A comprehensive array of indicator lamps on both models oJ the .MT 3000 Magnetic Tape Terminals provides visual indication of error status, transmission status, memory status, and end-of-file status • •7 DATA TRANSMISSION .71 Basic Characteristics Rated transmission speed MT 3000-7: •••.•••...•••.•....•• 171.4,285.7,342.8, or 5820.5 char/sec, corresponding to 1200, 2000, 2400, or 40,800 bits/ sec, respectively; transmission speed depends on communications line, data sets, and receiving terminal. MT 3000-9: •.•••.•.....•.•.....• 133.3,222.2,266.6, or 4533.3 char/sec, corresponding to 1200, 2000,2400, or 40,800 bits/ sec, respectively; transmission speed depends on communications line, data sets, and receiving terminal. Transmission method: ...•••..••..••• serial by bit. Transmission code MT 3000-7: .•.•....•..•..•...••• 6 data bits plus one parity bit per character; a total of 7 bits are transmitted for each character. MT 3000-9:. • . • • • • . • • . . . . • • • • . • . 8 data bits plus one parity bit per character; a total of 9 bits are transmitted for each character. Transmission mode: •.•••....•••.... half-duplex. Order of bit transmission:. . . . • • . • . . . • low-order bit of each character is transmitted first. Synchronization: .•••••......•••••.• synchronous; SOM character at beginning of each data block is used as sync character. (Contd. ) 8/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA CDMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6850:07 ULTRONIC MT 3000 II Comments: • . . • • • . . . . . . . • . • . . . • • • other transmission rates from 3000 to 6000 bits/ sec are available for special applications . • 72 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line Data Set* Public switched telephone network at the following speeds 1200 bits/sec (150 char/sec): . . . . . . . . Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 202C. 2000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): . . . . . . . . Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 201A. Common-carrier leased voice-band line at the following speeds 1200 bits/sec (150 char/sec): . . . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 202C. Western Union 1200 Baud Data Modem. or Ultronic Systems Data Pump. 2000 bits/sec (250 char/sec): . . . . • . • • Bell System Data Set 201A. 2400 bits/sec (300 char/sec): • . . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 201B or Western Union 2400 Baud Data Modem. • 73 Telpak A (40.800 bits/sec): . . . . . . . . . . . requires a Telpak Channel Terminal A-2. which includes a data set . Transmission Control Call initiation: ••..••••••..•••.•••• manual dialing or signaling. Call reception: • . • . • • • . . • . . . . . • • . • • attended operation; operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode. Functional operations: •..••••.•• •••• none; except request retransmission • • 74 Multistation Operation: •.•..•••..•.•• no provision • •8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component MT 3000 Magnetic Tape Terminal * Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 50 24 73 1000 Power (KVA) Voltage Frequency (cps) Phases 1.2 115 or 208/230 50 or 60 1 Temperature Range (OF) Humidity Range (%) Heat (BTU/Hr) 60 to 90 40 to 70 9000 * Physical size of the MT 3000-7 and MT 3000-9 Magnetic Tape Terminals is identical. * In some cases. equivalent data .sets can be used; check with the local common-carrier communications consultant. C 1967 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 8/67 6850:08 ULTRONIC MT 3000 .9 PRICE DATA Ultronic Systems is currently reviewing the price structure for the MT 3000 Magnetic Tape Terminals, and a firm price structure is not available. The data in the following table represents approximate current pricing; prices are negotiable based on quantity and individual situations. Maintenance charges are individually negotiated based on geographical location. Component or Feature Monthly Rental, Purchase Price, $ $ MT 3000-7 Magnetic Tape Terminal (with 1024-character buffer) 1,400 45,000 MT 3000-9 Magnetic Tape Terminal (with 1024-character buffer) 1,700 59,000 25 995 25 50 NC 995 1,990 NC ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Optional Features Record Counter (MT 3000-7 option) Master Terminal Data Director (MT 3000-9 option) 5 address selections 10 address selections Optional tape speed (45 inches/sec) Buffer size options 512 characters 2048 characters 4096 characters 8192 characters NC - No Charge. 8/67 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A 6860:0t AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS IA'\. ~ UNIVAC t004 UERBACH ® UNIVAC 1004 CARD PROCESSOR .1 GENERAL .11 Identity: UNIVAC 1004 Card Processor, Models I, II, and III. Data Line Terminal Type 1 (DLT-l). Data Line Terminal Type 2 (DLT-2). Data Line Terminal Type 3 (DLT-3). .12 Manufacturer: UNIVAC Division, Sperry Rand Corporation Post Office Box 8100 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101 . 13 Basic Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. compact, free-standing, plugboard-programmed computer; can transmit or receive data over voice-band communications facilities . . 14 Basic Components . 15 Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVAC 1004 Card Processing System. Models I, II, and III. small plugboard-programmed computer system. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data Line Terminal. Typel. provides a 1004 with the ability to communicate with a remote 1004 or larger UNIVAC computer system over a voice-band line. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data Line Terminal. Type 2. provides a 1004 with the ability to communicate with a remote 1004 or a Digitronics D520 Magnetic Tape Terminal over a voice-band line. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model number: . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data Line Terminal. Type 3. similar to Type 1, but permits data transmission to be overlapped with processing or input-output operations . Description The UNIVAC 1004 is a compact, plugboard-programmed computer which, with the inclusion of a Data Line Terminal Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3, can function as a communications terminal over either the public switched telephone network or common-carrier leased voice-band facilities. A number of other Data Line Terminals are available on a "Request Price Quotation" (RPQ) basis; different models enable transmission over Telpak A at 40,800 bits per second, permit communication with IBM Synchronous Terminals such as the IBM 1013, 7702, etc., and enable communication with various military networks. There are two basic models of the 1004. The 1004 I utilizes core storage with an 8. O-microsecond cycle time and comes equipped with a 400-card-per-minute card reader and a 400-lineper-minute line printer. The 1004 II uses faster core storage (6. 5-microsecond cycle time) and comes equipped with a 615-card-per-minute reader and a 600-line-per-minute printer. Additional peripheral equipment that can be connected to either the 1004 I or 1004 II includes ~ fnl'!'I't. I\llrnDI\f"'U ,..... ____ ..... .,.;_. .... .............. I\IIC"DCI\.('U I .... .f .... In,... 5/69 6860:02 UNIVAC 1004 Figure 1. The UNIVAC 1004 Card Processor. Integral units include card reader, line printer, and processor; the card punch stands alone . . 15 Description (Contd.) a card punch (200 cards per minute), a second card reader (400 cards per minute), a card/ read punch unit (200 cards per minute), a paper tape reader (400 characters per second), and a paper tape punch (110 characters per second). A special model of the processor, the 1004 III, permits the inclusion of additional peripheral equipment. The 1004 III is similar to the 1004 II but can also control one or two Uniservo Magnetic Tape Units with a peak data transfer rate of 33,664 characters per second. Each model of the UNIVAC 1004 has 961 alphameric character positions of core storage standard, with an additional 961 positions optional. Each core position contains six data bits. Core storage cycle time is 8.0 microseconds in the UNIVAC 1004 I and 6.5 microseconds in the UNIVAC 1004 II and III. The plugboard of the basic machine has a capacity for 31 program steps (expandable to 62). Each step can specify two operand addresses, and multiple operations can be performed in a single program step. Arithmetic operations include add and subtract (both algebraic and absolute) and compare. Multiply and divide operations require the use of wired subroutines. Seven types of transfer processes are provided, including several with editing facilities. Input-output areas are assigned fixed locations in core storage. Input-output commands can be combined in the same step with other operations. Operands can be of any length up to the capacity of core storage. Operand length is specified by the operand addresses wired in each program step. Instructions are executed at the rate of about 6, 500 instructions per second in the 1004 I processor and about 9,000 instructions per second in the 1004 II and III. The UNIVAC 1004 can be used with more than one coding system. It normally operates with either the standard UNIVAC XS-.3 code (80-column) or with the Remington Rand 90-column card code. Models of each processor are available that can use both codes under control of the plugboard wiring. When the code to be used is program-selectable, it is possible to use (Contd.) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ~ AUERBACH AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6860:03 UNIVAC 1004 ® .15 Description (Contd.) both codes within a single program. This allows, for instance, reading a mixture of 80column cards, and 90-column cards or reading 80-column cards and punching 90-column cards. Codes other than the XS-3 and the 90-column codes can be automatically translated to either of these codes by a special Translate Feature, provided that there are no more than 6 data bits per character in the original code. The Data Line Terminal Type 1 (DLT-1) permits a 1004 to communicate with a UNIVAC 418, 490, 1050, 1107, 1108, or another 1004. Data is transferred from or received into the core storage of the 1004 via the DLT-1 and the appropriate communications facilities. The data is transmitted as a binary image of the data in core storage, but with a parity bit appended to each character. Synchronization is maintained by the data signals (synchronous transmission). The transmission rate is 285 characters per second (2, 000 bits per second) over the public telephone network and 342 characters per second (2,400 bits per second) over common-carrier leased voice-band lines. The DLT-2 is similar to the DLT-1 except that an eighth bit is added to each character. The eighth bit is a synchronizing bit, and it permits a 1004 equipped with a DLT-2 to communicate with a Digitronics D520 Magnetic Tape Terminal (see page 6216:01). Two 1004's equipped with DLT-2's can also communicate with each other. The addition of the extra bit reduces the transmission rate to 250 or 300 characters per second for the public telephone network or common-carrier leased voice-band lines, respectively. The transmission characteristics of the DLT-3 are similar to those of the DLT-1; with the DLT-3, however, data transmission operations can be overlapped with processing or inputoutput operations. Data is transmitted in a half-duplex mode; i. e., in either direction, but in only one direction at a time. Full-duplex communications facilities can be used, however, to maintain synchronization in both directions at once and thereby reduce the turnaround time. This reduction in turnaround time can be important when transmitting small blocks of data, since a confirmation that the previous message was received without detecting an error is necessary before the next message can be transmitted; this requires two "turnarounds" or reversals of the .direction of transmission. '\/ The effective transmission speed depends on the amount of data per transmission and the amount of computation necessary prior to transmission. Maximum message lengths are restricted to the size of core storage, either 9610r 1, 922 characters. Data read from punched cards can be transmitted at approximately 180 cards per minute; if the receiving terminal is a 1004 using the card punch for output, transmission is limited to 125 cards per minute. In addition to the parity bit that is transmitted for each character, a longitudinal parity check character is transmitted with each message. Detected errors result in an "error" acknowledgement return. This activates a special hub on the 1004 plugboard, permitting retransmission of data received in error. A count can be made of the retransmissions to limit their number. In October, 1965, UNIVAC announced the 1005; this system is identical with the 1004 except that the newer 1005 is a stored-program computer with 2,048 or 4,096 core memory locations. The 1005 is offered in the same three basic models as the 1004 and utilizes the same peripheral devices. The performance of the 1005 for data communications applications will be similar to that of the 1004. . 16 First Delivery: March 1963 . .17 Availability: no longer actively marketed; available on an "as returned" basis only. © 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/69 6860:04 UNIVAC 1004 .2 CONFIGURATION A UNIVAC 1004 system intended to serve as a communications terminal includes the following units: • One 1004 Model I, II, or III Processor with built-in console and 961-character core memory. An additional 961 characters of core memory are optional. • One Card Reader - peak speed is 400 cpm in 1004 I; 615 cpm in 1004 II and III. • One Printer - peak speed is 400 lpm in 1004 I; 600 lpm in 1004 II and III. • One Data Line Terminal, any type. Other peripheral equipment that can be connected to a 1004 includes: • One Card Punch or Card Read/Punch (200 cpm). • One additional Card Reader (400 cpm). • One Paper Tape Reader (400 cps). • One Paper Tape Punch (110 cps). • One or two Uniservo Magnetic Tape Units (on 1004 III only). The requirements for connection to various communications facilities are listed in Paragraph.72 . •3 INPUT . 31 Prepared Input 1004 I Card Reader and Auxiliary Card Reader IBM 80-column or UNIVAC 90-column cards, Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . depending on model. Input code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . standard 80-column Hollerith or 90-column card code; see Tables I and II. 1 to 80 or 1 to 90 characters. Quantity of data: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Tables I and II. Rated input speed: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 400 cards/min. depends on amount of data transmitted, amount of Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . computation per record, and the communications facilities. a speed of approximately 180 cards/minute can be attained when transmitting data from two fullypunched cards at a time over half-duplex facilities. Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 80-column or 90-column versions are available; a column binary feature is available for the 80column model which treats each 12-row card column as containing two 6-bit characters, permitting up to 160 characters to be recorded on a card. (Contd. ) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A lA.' ~ AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS 6860:05 UNIVAC 1004 AUERBACH ® TABLE I: UNIVAC 1004 80-COLUMN DATA CODES 8O-Col. Printable Card Characters Code 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 XS·3 Code 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 10 0100 100101 10 0110 10 0111 10 1000 10 1001 10 1010 10 1011 10 1100 11 0101 11 0110 11 0111 11 11 11 11 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 SO·Col. Printable Card Characters Code 7 8 9 12 11 12-0 11-0 0-1 2-8 7 8 9 & ... (minus} ? !htxclam. I + # 3-8 I§ 4-8 : (colon) 5-8 6-8 > 7-8 • (apos.) 12-3-8 • (period) 12-4-8 12-5-8 12-6-8 < 12-7-8 = 11-3-8 $ 11-4-8 1[1 • 11-5-8 1 11-6-8 i( ••mi ..col) 11-7-8 ~ 0-2-8 ~ 0-3-8 , (comma) % 0-4-8 0-5-8 0-6-8 0-7-8 ( \ ) Blank Space N.P. TABLE II: UNIVAC 1004 90-COLUMN DATA CODES XS·3 Code 00 00 00 01 00 01 10 11 11 1010 1011 1100 0000 0010 0011 0011 0100 0011 01 1101 10 1110 01 0001 11 1110 10 0000 01 0010 11 1101 00 1111 01 1110 01 1111 100010 100001 00 0001 00 1110 10 1111 11 0000 11 0010 11 0001 10 1101 00 1101 11 1111 00 0000 Reproduced from UNIVAC 1004 Card Processor 80 Column, Publication UT 2543 REV. lA, page 4. PRINTED CHARACTERS 90·COLUMN CARD CODE PRINTED CHARACTERS A B C 1-5-9 1-5 0-7 0-3-5 0-3 1-7-9 7 8 9 D E F G H I L 5-7 3-7 3-5 1-3-5 3-5-9 0-9 M 0-5 J K" N & (- minus) ? ! (exclam.) I + /I @ : (colon) > • (apos.) • (period) 0~5-9 a 1-3 p 1-3-7 3-5-7 1-7 )::\ 1-5-7 3-7-9 = $ Q R S T U [ < 0-5-7 • W X 0-3-9 0-3-7 0-7-9 1 Y Z 0 1-3-9 5-7-9 0 1 2 3 1 1-9 3 \ 4 5 3-9 5 5-9 SPACE N.P. V 6 ; (sem ... colon) ~ iI (comma) % ( ) 9D-COLUMN CARD CODE 7 7-9 9 0-1-3-5-7 0-3-5-7 0-1-3 0-3-7-9 3-5-7-9 1-5-7-9 0-1-5-7 0-1-3-7 1-3-7-9 0-3-5-7-9 0-1-5-7-9 1-3-5-9 0-1-3-9 0-5-7-9 0-1-5-9 0-1-3-5-7-9 0-1-3-5-9 0-1 1-3-5-7 1-3-5-7-9 0-1-7 0-1-7-9 0-3-5-9 0-1-5 0-1-9 0-1-3-7-9 0-1-3-5 BLANK Reproduced from UNIVAC 1004 Card Processor - 90 Column, Publication UT 2541 REV. 1B, page 4. 1004 II/III Card Reader Input medium: Input code: .• Quantity of data: Character set: . . Rated input speed: Effective speed: Comments: • . . . • . . . • . • . • • • . . . • © IBM 80-column or UNIVAC 90-column cards, depending on model. standard 80-column Hollerith or 90-column card code; see Tables I and II. 1 to 80 or 1 to 90 characters. see Tables I and II. 615 cards/min. depends on amount of data transmitted, amount of computation per record, and the communications facilities. a speed of approximately 180 cards/minute can be attained when transmitting data from two fullypunched cards at a time over half-duplex facilities. 80-column or 90-column versions are available; a column binary feature is available for the 80column model which treats each 12-row card column as containing two 6-bit characters, permitting up to 160 characters to be recorded on a card. 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 5/69 6860:06 UNIVAC 1004 1004 Paper Tape Reader Input medium: . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Input code: ... '. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Quantity of data: . . . • . . • . • • • . . . • Rated input speed: . . . . . . • . . . . • . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fully-punched 11/16, 7/8, or 1-inch, 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level paper tape. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level code. The 7- and 8level codes require two core storage locations to store each character if more than 6 data bits are used per character. limited by core storage size to 960 or 1, 920 characters for 5- or 6-level codes, and to 480 or 960 characters for 7- and 8-level codes (see above). 400 char/sec. depends on the amount of data transmitted, the amount of computation per record, and the communications facilities. odd or even parity can be checked on 7- and 8level paper tape input. 1004 III Uniservo Magnetic Tape Unit Input medium: . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • • . Input code: . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . Quantity of data: . • . . . . . . . • . . . . • Rated input speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Manual Input: . . . . . . • . . . . • • • . . . . limited capability via console switches. . 33 Fixed Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . five different alphabetics (C, D, G, R, and T) and six different special characters (. , $ * - +) can be emitted under control of the plugboard wiring. a character of any bit configuration can be emitted by the bit generators under control of the plugboard wiring. .34 Transaction Code Input: no provision. .35 Message Configuration DLT-1 and DLT-3: . . . . . . . . . • . . . . DLT-2: . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 5/69 0.5-inch, IBM 729-compatible magnetic tape. any 6-bit code. limited by the size of core storage to 960 or 1, 920 characters. 8,416, 23,396, or 33,664 char/sec at recording densities of 200, 556, or 800 bits/inch, respectively. depends on block length, recording density, amount of computation per record, and communications facilities. magnetic tape reading or writing cannot be overlapped with computation or data transmission . five-character header including synchronizing codes and a start-of-message code, followed by the data, an end-of-message code and a longitudinal parity character, making a total of 7 characters plus the data. The synchronization and LPC characters are automatically supplied by the DLT-1 or -3. The acknowledge message is in the same format, with fewer data characters. five space codes followed by the data, an end-of.block code, a longitudinal parity cha.racter, and two space codes. Special formats are used for the control messages, usually consisting of seven characters. (Contd.) AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS ~ 6860:07 UNIVAC 1004 AUERBACH ® .36 Operating Procedure (1) Operators establish connection through manual dialing or signaling. (2) Receiving-terminal operator conditions the terminal to receive. (3) Phones are switched to data mode. (4) Transmitting terminal is started. (5) After transmission, voice communication is again established and the phones are "hung up." . 37 Entry of Time and Date: .4 OUTPUT .41 Output to Punched Tape no provision . 1004 Paper Tape Punch Tape size: Tape code: Rated punching speed: Effective speed: . . . . . . . . Format control: Comments: . 42 fully-punched 11/16, 7/8, or 1-inch, 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-level paper tape. any 5-, 6-, 7-, or S-level c.ode. The 7 and 8-level codes require two core storage locations to store each character if more than 6 data bits are used per character. 110 char/sec. depends on the amount of data transmitted, the amount of computation per record, and the communications facilities. as specified by the plugboard wiring in the 1004 processor. odd or even parity can be generated and punched on 7- or 8-level paper tape output . Output to Punched Cards 1004 Card Punch or Card Read/Punch Card type and size: . . . . Card code: Rated punching speed: . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Format control: . . . • . . Comments: . . . . . . . . . © IBM SO-column or UNIVAC 90-column cards, depending on model. standard 80-column Hollerith or 90-column card code; see Tables I and II. 200 cards/min. depends on amount of data transmitted, amount of computation per record, and communications facilities; a speed of approximately 125 cards/ min can be attained when receiving data from two fully-punched cards at a time over half-duplex facilities. as specified by the 1004 processor plugboard. 80-column or 90-column versions are available; a reading station ahead of the punching station is available; a column binary feature is available for the SO-column model which treats each 12-row card column as containing two 6-bit characters, permitting up to 160 characters to be recorded on a card. 1969 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info. Inc. 6860:08 UNIVAC 1004 · 43 Output to Magnetic Tape 1004 ill Uniservo Magnetic Tape Unit · 44 see Paragraph . 31. Output to Printer 1004 I Printer Output medium: Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated printing speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Format control: Comments: pin-fed, fanfold forms from 4 to 22 inches wide; 132 printing positions per line. see Tables I and II. 400 lines/min. depends on amount of data transmitted, amount of computation per record, and communications facilities. three-column paper tape loop controls vertical format; plugboard programming controls horizontal format. can be field-modified to the higher printing speed of the 1004 II/ill printer. 1004 II/ill Printer Output medium: Character set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rated printing speed: . . . . . . . . . . . Effective speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Format control: ·5 ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION .51 Data Entry Errors Type of checking . . . . Error indication: Correction procedure: . . . . . . . . . . . · 52 pin-fed, fanfold forms from 4 to 22 inches wide; 132 printing positions per line. see Tables I and II. 600 lines/min. depends on amount of data transmitted, amount of computation per record, and communications facilities. three-column paper tape loop controls vertical format; plugboard programming controls horizontal format. character validity on card input; character and longitudinal parity on magnetic tape input; optional character parity on 7- or 8-level paper tape input. light; machine halts if programmed recovery fails. manual intervention to correct source, if pr9grammed recovery fails. A Data Transmission Errors Type of checking: Error indication: Correction procedure: . . . . . . . . . . . character and longitudinal parity. return of error-control code and an impulse from the error hub on the 1004 plugboard. as specified by the plugboard wiring; usually retransmission. (Contd.) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A(0) AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS 6860:09 UNIVAC 1004 AUERBACH REPORTS ® · 53 Data Recording Errors Type of checking: . . . Error indication: Correction procedure: · 55 Line Malfunctions: ·6 CONDITION INDICATORS weighted hole-count check on punched-card input; no checking on paper tape or printer output; read-after-write character and longitudinal parity check on magnetic tape output. light; machine halts if programmed recovery fails. manual intervention, if programmed recovery fails. no special provisions for checking. Numerous lamps are provided on the console for monitoring the internal functions of the processor, but no indicators are specifically oriented towards data communications functions. ·7 DAT A TRANSMISSION · 71 Basic Characteristics* Rated transmission speed: Transmission method: Transmission code DLT-1 and DLT-3: DLT-2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission mode: Order of bit transmission:' Synchronization: . . . . . . . 2,000 bits/sec over public switched telephone network; 2,400 bits/sec over leased common-carrier voice-band line. serial by bit. a total of 7 bits are transmitted for each character (a 6-bit binary image of a core storage location and a parity bit. ) same as DLT-1, except that an additional bit is transmitted for each character, making a total of 8 bits per character. half-duplex. low-order bit of each character is transmitted first, parity last. synchronous; i. e., synchronization is maintained by the data signals; external synchronization required. * Unless otherwise specified, all entries apply to Data Line Terminals Type 1, 2, and 3. 6860: 10 UNIVAC 1004 . 72 . 73 Connection to Communications Lines Communications Line** Data Set* Public switched telephone network or common-carrier leased voice-band line (2,000 bits/sec): . . . • . . . . . . . . Bell System Data-Phone Data Set 20lA. Common-carrier leased voice-band line (2,400 bits/sec): . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell System Data Set 201B. Transmission Control manual dialing or Signaling. operator must establish voice communication and then switch to data mode. no direct control, but incoming data could be used to control operations through appropriate plugboard programming. Call initiation: Call reception: Functional operations: . no provision. . 74 Multistation Operation: .8 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Component Width (inches) Depth (inches) Height (inches) Weight (pounds) 1004 Processor*** (all models) 71 63 55 2,021 Power (KVA) Heat (BTU/hr) Auxiliary Card Reader 31 24 42 415 3.0 8,500 0.3 683 Card Punch or Card Read/Punch 42 25 49 870 1.5 3,500 Uniservo (first and control) Uniservo (second) 52 32 72.5 920 27 32 72.5 470 1.4 1.0 5,200 4,700 General Requirements Operating temperature: . . • • . . . . . . . Relative humidity: . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . Power: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 50 to 90° F. 20 to 85%. 208-230 volt, 60-cycle, I-phase, 3-wire AC. * In some cases,equivalent data sets can be used; check with your local common-carrier communications consultant. ** Other Data Line Terminals are available on special request for operation over Telpak A at 40,800 bits/sec. *** The standard card reader and paper tape reader and punch, and the Data Line Terminal (any type) are housed in or on the Processor cabinet and are included in these figures. (Contd.) 5/69 AUERBACH Data Communications Reports A ,Jt,., ~ 6860: 11 AUERBACH DATA COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS UNIVAC 1004 "", AUERBAC~ .9 PRICE DATA Component or Feature Monthly Rental, $ ./ Purchase Price, $ Monthly Maintenance, $ 1004 I Card Processor, 80- or 90column* (includes 400 cpm Reader, 400 lpm Printer, 31 program steps, and 951 positions of core storage; 8 jLsec cycle time) 975 46,000 225 1004 II Card Processor, 80- or 90column* (includes 615 cpm Reader, 600 lpm Printer, 31 program steps, and 961 positions of core storage; 6. 5 jLSec cycle time) 1035 51,000 300 1004 ill Card Processor, 80- or 90column* (includes 615 cpm Reader, 600 lpm Printer, 31 program steps, and 961 positions of core storage; 6. 5 jLsec cycle time) 1035 51,000 300 Data Line Terminal Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3 (max. of one) 150 8000 60 Card Punch - 80-column, 200 cpm Card Punch - 90-column, 200 cpm Card Read/Punch - 80-column, 200 cpm Card Read/Punch - 90-column, 200 cpm Auxiliary Card Reader - 400 cpm 215 215 320 320 150 12,000 12,000 18,000 18,000 7200 100 100 150 150 40 Paper Tape Reader - 400 cps Paper Tape Punch - 110 cps 140 225 6000 10,000 20 35 First Uniservo and Control Second Uniservo 400 240 17,350 10,470 115 70 95 235 2950 10,000 5 25 95 4000 10 140 6000 20 95 30 20 4000 1000 1000 10 10 7 23 1000 5 Optional Features Auxiliary Core Storage (961 locations) Processor, Expansion Kit* (includes 16 additional program steps and additional plugboard facilities; (one max) Processor, Expansion Kit* (includes 15 additional program steps and additional plugboard facilities; one max; requires the 16-Step Expansion Kit) 80/90-Column Read (processor must include 62 program steps) Code Conversion Short Card Feeding Code Image Read (column-binary; 80column only) Code Image Punch (column-binary; 80column only) * UNIVAC markets many models of the 1004 I, II, and III Card Processors; these models are combinations of the basic 80- or 90