DV Bank August2011Webchat

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WEB CHAT MODERATOR: Welcome to the Diversity Visa web chat. Our consular
officers will start answering your questions now.
abc: Suppose I win a DV lottery. and got a green card. Do I still need F1
visa to continue my further study in US?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: If you win the DV and get a green card, you won't
need an F1 student visa. You will be a legal permanent resident of the
abc: What is the first step we need to do after we are confirmed through
official website that we have won the DV lottery?

www.dvlottery.state.gov for further

* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: Hi Ramesh, the only place you need to check is this
website: www.dvlottery.state.gov
Anu Mulmi: I have selected for further processing but when I filled up the
form of edv 2012, I am unmarried.
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: Anu, I can't post all of your question here but you
are basically asking what to do if you get married after you win the DV
lottery. The answer is to send an email to consktm@state.gov and let us
know about your new marriage. You will need to fill out information about
your new spouse and you will need to pay the DV fee for both you and your
spouse at the time of your interview.
Anu Mulmi: Still I am unmarried but I am going to marry on this dec 2011.
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: It is no problem to marry after getting selected for
the lottery, you may apply for the new family members. If you get
married, let us know at consktm@state.gov
mahesh: Please tell me ,where can we find the kentucty consultant centre's
posts of the current case number range every month?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: You can get this info at travel.state.gov under
“Visas” and then “Visa Bulletin.”
hari koirala: How many lot will be there for the DV result? for e.g. if my
name didn't come in first check, than what will be the probability of
second check after some days.
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: There are no lot numbers. For the 2012 DV, you can
continue to check to see if you have been selected between July 15, 2011

and June 30, 2012. You can see what cases have been processed at
travel.state.gov under “Visas” and then “Visa Bulletin.”
hari koirala: How the lottery's draw is done? for e.g. all the
application is processed at once or it is drawn differently like job
application differently, educaton qualification different, and other .?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Hari--this is a good question. The drawing of the
lottery is done by a randomly selecting computer program. The drawing is
held only after the entries are closed, so that every entry has an equal
chance. Only after an entry is selected, does the applicant need to
demonstrate the necessary qualifications such as education, etc.
hari koirala: What is the position of commodity broker in job's level? I
couldn't find clearly it's level on O'net?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: You will have to look on O*Net for a job that fits
the description of your current job. They may not always have the same
title. You can look at http://www.onetonline.org/find/ - Qualifying jobs
have an SVP range of 7.0 or higher. It is VERY HARD to qualify based on
work experience.
kalewakids: what are the main criteria for visa who has got second letter
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: As with any DV interview, there are only 2
qualifications - that you meet the minimum education requirement and that
you have listed all of your family members. Although those are the
minimum qualifications, you can be disqualified for a DV if you presented
fraudulent documents or other material misrepresentation, fail to overcome
public charge, and if you have any medical ineligibilities
Saurav Gautam: Currently i am studying A-levels and i want to apply to
undergrad program at some US universities. If i apply for Diversity Visa
then will it not create problem while applying for student visa?
You have to have 12 years of education to apply for a DV. Applying for a
DV visa while you are applying for schools in the US or while you are
already a student in the US is not a problem.
shyam: Dear sir, my wife is a winner of dv2012, her case number is around
14000 when will be second letter come and interview is in english language
or Nepali Language.
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: Shyam, the interivew can be completed in either
English or Nepali. We are able to understand both languages. You can check
the status of her case and get your interview date at

roshan: i've applied 2 times for student Visa for MBA and i was rejected
twice. ...during second interview i was told not to apply for US again?can
i apply again even the consular told me that?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: The consular officer meant that you would probably
not qualify for another student visa. You are able to apply for any visa,
including the Diversity Visa.
Manoj: iwon dv lottery for 2010, what documentshould i have to submit??
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Manoj ji, I'm afraid we are processing DV2010 visas
now and people are finding out interview dates for DV 2012. DV 2013 will
be starting soon. I'm afraid you are too late for your interview, your DV
2010 season has closed.
Sagar Gautam: Is there still a chance to win the dv lottery 2012 or u have
disclosed all the winners
* CONSULAR OFFICER 2: Hi Sagar, the DV lottery 2012 is closed – but you
can enter the 2013 DV lottery. The online registration period for the
2013 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2013) will begin on Tuesday, October 4,
2011, at noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), and conclude on
Wednesday, November 2, 2011, at noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT5).
Anu Mulmi: I am still unmarried and after 2 mohth I am going to marry, on
that condition, how can i proceed for 2 step
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: You may apply for additional family members. If you
have not yet received an interview appointment, fill out form DS-230 and
send it to the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC). If you already have an
interview appointment at the embassy, send us an email at
consktm@state.gov or visit us any Wednesday or Friday between 1:30pm and
3:00pm. Come see us if you have any questions.
diksha bhattarai: I’ve won 2011 DV , andi would like to know what
doucuments should i have to submit at the interview?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Diksha--this is a great question for everyone. We
have a complete checklist of all the required documents posted on our
website. Please carefully review:
Manoj: I won dv lottery for 2011, what documents should i have to
submit?? for interview
Applicants in DV interviews are required to demonstrate that they met the
educational or employment qualifications for the DV program when they
applied for the DV. Bringing original transcripts and mark sheets from

your university or high school (SLC and intermediate or plus two)
education will help to demonstrate educational history.
ramesh: where can we get the second letter notification ??? in visa
bulletin . if yes then till now i could't see it in the web site . can't
we know it from the website of us embassy of nepal?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: Rameshji, I assume you're talking about the second
notification for DV 2012. You might not get a letter but you can check
your status and appointment date through www.dvlottery.state.gov - The DV
bulletin tells you what cases have been processed. It is available at
travel.state.gov under “visas” and then “visa bulletin.”
ram thapa: dear sir, my wife is a dv winner of 2012 her case nuber is
13000 around when will come second letter and what is the chance to get a
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: She will not receive a second letter. She needs to
log in at www.dvlottery.state.gov with her user name and password and see
if she received notice that she won.
Sagar Gautam: when will the edv 2013 will begin
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Sagar! Thanks for this question. The online
registration period for the 2013 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2013) will
begin on Tuesday, October 4, 2011, at noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
(GMT-4), and conclude on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, at noon, Eastern
Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5). Check back later for the DV-2013
instructions, which are not yet available.
diksha bhattarai: is it necessary to show bank balance , who have won DV
lottery ? i have prepared my bankbalance ...what should i do?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: You do not need to show a bank balance at the DV
interview. We ask that you have a sponsor in America because the initial
days of entering into the US you may find yourself in various difficult
situations. This is when your sponsor can prove to be really helpful to
you. In addition a U.S mailing address is required so that your green
card can get posted at that address.
Saurav Gautam: My examinition report will be published on january 2012.
Can i apply for diversity visa opening on 4 october 2011?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Yes. Just be sure that you pass your +2 and that
you schedule your interview AFTER your exam results return. Good luck!
Anu Mulmi: For 2 step , do I have to submit education , work certificates
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Once you have been selected, you can come in to the
Embassy to find out all the information you need about submitting your

documents and getting your medical exam, etc.
DV Wednesdays and Fridays from 1-3pm.

We have Inquiry hours for

Sagar Gautam: If more than one member of the same family win the dv
lottery, what will happen? All will get the visas at the interview or else
will happen?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: Sagarji, if more than one family member wins the DV,
you are a very lucky family! If this happens to you, send us an email at
consktm@state.gov and we'll coordinate the process.
Manoj: what information should I have to know about the person who have
send me thae welcome letter?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: They should be someone who will genuinely help you
when you first arrive in America. This is for your protection. You should
already have some kind of relationship with them. If you have a
relationship with someone, you will be able to answer simple questions
about their life, their family, and why they are willing to help you.
Saurav Gautam: How and where can i apply for diversity visa. Can you give
me reliable link that i can follow
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Saurav---this is a very important question! There
is only ONE website where you can apply for the Diversity Visa:
http://dvlottery.state.gov There are many other websites which claim to
accept entries, but they are usually scams. Do not trust those websites!
Always refer to our official websites only. Here's a video clip about DV
Fraud in Nepal:
Sanket Tandan: Hi, I am a Nepalese student currently persuing
undergraduate study in India. i will be completing my under graduate
course in June, 2013. if the result is declared before my course ends, I
may not be able to appear for the interview. Is there any chances of the
result being declared before June, 2013?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: The results are usually posted the summer following,
for example DV2012's results should be posted in June or July of 2012. If
you are studying, try to schedule your interview during one of your breaks
as you do have to interview in person. Send us an email at
consktm@state.gov if you have questions.
rohan: hello sir,can a student in us can process for immigrant visa??if
yeah then what r the requirements?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: If you are a Nepali citizen and residing in another
country you can apply. The application is online and can be done from
anywhere. The requirements are the same whether you are currently in Nepal
or America, or any other country.

ramesh: how can we check the appointment date through
www.dvlottery.state.gov as i couldn't see it nowadays or it has noy
started yet??? what will be given our name or something else and you
wrote above to log in with user name and password .. what will be the
username and password ??? please clearify so that i can understand from
the depth.
* CONSULAR OFFICER 2: hi ramesh,
www.dvlottery.state.gov is working. if you want to check the status if
your 2012 DV entry, you need to provide your DV confirmation number that
you got at the time of your DV application.
regards. Results are posted gradually – so your results may not be
available yet. You can see the numbers of the cases that have been
processed at www.travel.state.gov under “visas” and then “visa bulletin”
ramesh: if we success to get visa where should we go or its our choice to
choose the place???
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: Ramesh, once you reach America everything is up to
you - where to live, where to work, everytihng. There is a lot of freedom
in America but also a lot of responsibility. You should make decisions
like this only after careful research and consideration based on your
wants and needs.
diksha bhattarai: thanks forthe above informatin...i would like to ask
you that what type of question is going to ask me in the interview and
especially about the sponser? is the sponser is the same person who have
sent me a welcome letter
You should know who your sponsor is and they should be someone willing to
help you out when you get to America. You might need a place to stay,
some food, someone willing to drive you somewhere or help you with
paperwork. Moving to the US is not easy. So make sure you have a real
sponsor who can really help you - not just a name on a welcome letter.
Saurav Gautam: Can i apply myself or do i have to take help from some
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Absolutely you can apply yourself! In fact, we
encourage it. As long as you can fill out the form and you take care to
do it properly and honestly, listing all your family members and being
honest about your education and your job you should not need anyone else's
help. It is also good to apply on your own because then you have control
over your user name and password for accessing your DV information to find
out if you won or not.
Sanket Tandan: my indian friend wants to know if any indian national can
apply for DV or not?

* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Sanket, currently citizens of India are not
eligible to enter the DV. Every year, the list of eligible countries
45. ramesh: what will be checked in medical test
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: The medical check is a very thorough physical
examination. The doctors will check just about everything and ask
questions relating to your medical history.
47. Anu Mulmi: Until which date , I have to submit Form DSP-122 and Form
DS-230, Part I and II?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: Anu, there is no fixed time but the sooner you do
it, the better. If the Kentucky Consular Center doesn't have the required
documents in time for your interview, they will not process your case and
you will lose your DV.
48. Saurav Gautam: Do i have to pay while applying?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hey Saurav---another great question. There is NO
COST to submit an entry to the DV Lottery. You only pay a fee IF your
entry is selected. And you will only pay the fee at the US Embassy. Never
pay money to any visa broker or other agency which claims to process your
50. Manoj: while i was applying 4 dv i was single now i am married... my
wife is in USA... can we be both together for process?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 2: If you were single at the time of the registration
and now married with a child, you may apply for the new family members.
51. Sanket Tandan: who does the sponser refer to? can it be friends too
who have been there on F1 visa?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: It should be someone who will help you when you
first arrive in America. This can be a student in F-1 status.
52. ramesh: what will be our user name and password for accessing our DV
information to find out if got second letter or not
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: Ramesh, you will get that information when you
register for the DV. Make sure you keep the information you get when you
register because, if you lose it, there is no way to get it back!
53. Padam Niroula: as I know EDV program will be over from this years is
this true?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Padam: the DV program is not over. In fact,
citizens of Nepal can submit entries for the DV-2013 program starting
Tuesday, October 4, 2011.
54. ramesh: can't we know we got 2nd letter
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: No. This is a global
US Embassy Kathmandu. This is why you must
and follow the link to log on to see if you

from website of us embassy of
program, it is not run through
visit www.dvlottery.state.gov
got the second letter.

55. Sundar: Good afternoon , when 2013 dv result will be published ?

* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Results are usually published the summer of the year
prior. So Next summer, June or july 2012 is when you should expect to see
the results of DV 2013.
56. Manoj: waht can we she do if she have classes running there without
coming here.....
* CONSULAR OFFICER 2: She will have to come to Nepal for the interview.
Once she has been given an appointment time, she may be able to request a
change of appointment time by writing to consktm@state.gov. However, even
if you request it, due to the circumstance, we may not be possible to
change the date.
57. Sanket Tandan: so last question counselor, suppose I don't have any
sponser in the us, will it decrease the probability of getting immigrant
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Most Nepalis know at least someone in America. If
you don't personally know someone, there are many Nepali organizations in
America who may be willing to set you up with a sponsor. Don’t pay for a
sponsor, though. A sponsor should be a good person who wants to help you.
This is for your protection.
58. Sagar Gautam: For how long US is planning to continue this program for
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Sagar--this is a very complex answer, but
basically we don't know how long Nepal will be elgible for the DV program.
It all depends upon how many citizens from Nepal migrated to the US during
the previous 5 years, and how that number compares in ratio to other
countries in Asia. So really there is no way to tell in advance how long
Nepal will be eligible.
60. Padam Niroula: when will stopped to selectiom process for 2012?
The DV 2012 selection process is already over. The DV 2013 selection
process will begin on Tuesday, October 4, 2011, at noon, Eastern Daylight
Time (EDT) (GMT-4), and conclude on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, at noon,
Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5).
61. ramesh: publication of 2nd letter of dv 2012 has started in websit
www.dvlottery.state.gov or not???? as i couldn't see it.
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Yes, Ramesh ji, it has. You should continue to check
the site.
62. kalewakids 2: hi, does the case number affect my chance of getting
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Yes, the lower your case number the better your
chances of winning.
63. Manoj: the person who have sent me sponser letter is my sisters friend
sister and i know her since 2009 ..soi have suggested by her that she
wll b responsibe for me when i came there in america to i would like to
ask you that ..in this condition is it necesary to show bank balance....
beause my sister is also ni america

* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: You do not need to show bank documents of the
sponsor. The sponsor is to help you get on your feet so you have a place
to stay and some emotional and financial support when you arrive. It also
gives the US government an address to send your green card to.
64. shiva thapaliya: i have many question
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: Hi Shiva, please ask!
65. shiva thapaliya: we can ask question only for dv ..or other else
* CONSULAR OFFICER 2: Just DV questions please
67. kalewakids 2: how many visa are available this year for DV..is there
any fixed quota for Nepal
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Hi, in DV2011 there were 2,189 visas available to
Nepal. However, the number is decided on a complex ration which includes
how many immigrants have gone from each country to the United States in a
given year. There will be over 3000 visas available for Nepal for the
2013 DV.
68. Padam Niroula: so it there no chance to win I was cheking my status
again and again? Do I stopped to check my application status?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: Padam, I mispoke. The 2012 DV ENTRY process is
over. The results are still coming out. You can see what cases have been
processed in the DV Bulletin at www.travel.state.gov. You can check your
result at www.dvlottery.state.gov
69. diksha bhattarai: what type of question is going to ask me in the
interview esecialy related to sopnser letter and about that person?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: The types of questiosn that will convince us that
the sponsor is genuine and will actually help you when you first arrive in
70. shiva thapaliya: my bro have got first letter ..and he have completed
the master leve.l..i means to say..does the 2nd letter will be selected
from education list or property or what
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Shiva ji, I am not entirely sure I understand your
question. However your brother will receive the second letter if his
number is within the pool of qualified applicants that won the DV.
71. ashish: how did u select the person for dv?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 2: Hello Ashish,
It's a lottery, so it's random. A computer program makes random
selections. But to qualify for the DV, the winner must have the
equivalent of twelve years of education. You must also have the financial
resources to support your visa application, and you must be able to show
that you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself and your
family in the United States to qualify for the visa. Regards.
72. diksha bhattarai: should i ve to know about the sponser and about her
family ..spouse??

* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: Diksha, I can't talk about the exact questions that
we will ask. But, if you really know this person and they are really the
kind of person who will help you out, you will do fine in your interview.
73. ramesh: publication of 2nd letter of dv 2012 has started in website
www.dvlottery.state.gov or not???? as i couldn't see it.
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Yes, people have begun to receive the second letter.
However it is not posted to www.dvlottery.state.gov. You need to go to
that website, then click on the link to sign in with your personal
username and password. AFTER logging in, you will be able to see if you
have received a second letter yet or not.
74. sanjit: when next dv program will beign ?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Sanjit--great question. The online registration
period for the 2013 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2013) will begin on
Tuesday, October 4, 2011, at noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4),
and conclude on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, at noon, Eastern Standard
Time (EST) (GMT-5). Check our website later for the DV-2013 instructions,
which are not yet available.
75. ashish: home many person of nepal has got the dv this year?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Ashish: for DV-2011, there were 2,189 visas
available for citizens of Nepal.
76. kalewakids 2: is there any difference for DV fees for single applicant
and married couple with no child? if yes how much?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: Yes. The fee for each applicant is $819. For a
married couple, the fee is $1638.
77. Manoj: what type of question are asked to the student whom have won DV
The questions are no different for a student. We would ask about
educational qualifications and financial resources to support yourself and
your family in the United States to qualify for the visa.
78. shiva thapaliya: i know that ...but after 2nd l;etter will we have
show bank balance or ..different document.
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: After you receive the second letter, come to DV
inquiry hours at the Embassy Wednesdays and Fridays from 1-3pm and you can
get a packet explaining all the documents you need to provide and how get
your medical form completed.
79. Sagar Gautam: If this year the site shows YOU HAVE NOT BEEN SELECTED
FOR FURTHER PROCESSING ::It means one is disqualified for this year DV or
still there is possibilities?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: That means there are no more possibilities for this
year. You can always apply again next year!
80. ashish: among 2189 didi all got the dv?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Ashish, well there were 2189 from Nepal who were
selected. We are still processing their applications, so we don't yet know

exactly the final number. All DV-2011 applications must be processed by
September 30, 2011. If someone doesn't complete their application on time,
then they won't get the visa.
81. sanjit: Can i ask one question , regarding your objectives over
diversity visas ?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4(privately): Not sure what you mean, but go ahead and
ask your question.
82. deepak: i have tried more than 7 years.but i can not win dv.why sir?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: It is a random lottery drawing. There is no reason
for winning nor not winning, it is by luck and chance only. Jiwan estai
83. diksha bhattarai: the person is my sister's friend sister and i kw
her through my sister but i dont know moreabout her spouse who is an
americain ..is it enough forme t know about her only?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Yes, that's fine. Again, the main purpose of the
sponsor is to make sure you have somewhere to go when you arrive, you have
someone to help you, a place to eat, a place to have your green card sent,
etc etc etc. It is for your benefit that we request you obtain a sponsor.
84. Ranjan Ojha: Why not the US issue diversity visa on basis of academic
and professional background unlike Canada does?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: You can qualify on the basis of work experience
instead of education in the DV but it is VERY HARD. There is more info on
qualifying based on work experience at travel.state.gov.
85. kalewakids 2: i didn;t get about the website i need to check for
notification about second letter.can you please mention it again
* CONSULAR OFFICER 3: www.dvlottery.state.gov
87. deepak: if i win dv,it is sure or not to get visa?
You have not won a visa if you've won the DV lottery. What you've won is
a chance to interview for the diversity visa. Not everyone who wins the
DV though is selected to interview. If you receive an interview date, you
will have to come to the embassy and demonstrate at the interview that you
have the equivalent of twelve years of education. You must also have the
financial resources to support your visa application, and you must be able
to show that you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself
and your family in the United States to qualify for the visa.
88. shiva thapaliya: when will be the 2nd letter result will be published
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: Shiva, you can look to see which cases have been
processed in the DV bulletin at www.travel.state.gov When your number has
been processed, you should check www.dvlottery.state.gov to see if you
have been selected.
89. deepak: if i win dv,it is sure or not to get visa?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: If you win the opportunity for a visa interview, it
is still not guaranteed your will get the visa. You should NOT apply for

the DV at all unless you have BOTH the required education (or qualifying
work experience) and you included all family members in your application.
People who are qualified for the DV to begin with, then win the interview,
easily obtain the visa. It is very easy to get if you are qualified. Do
not apply for the DV if you are unqualified. You will not receive the visa
and if you bring fake documents you will NEVER EVER be qualified for
another visa of ANY KIND to the US in the future. Only apply if you meet
the qualifications.
90. WEB CHAT MODERATOR: We have just a few more minutes left in the web
chat. The consular officers are working hard to answer all your questions.
91. ashish: that is there any difrence of getting dv filling single form
or with family?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Ashish---your chances of winning the DV are
equal, whether you are single or married. It does not make a difference.
However, if you enter as a single, but you are really married, then your
application will be disqualified.
92. kalewakids 2: how does it take to obtain second letter
* CONSULAR OFFICER 1: It depends on how high your number is. Check what
numbers have been processed in the DV Bulleting at www.travel.state.gov
93. Manoj: ma mero wife lai USA bata nai sangi aplly garau milcha with
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: Tara taapaaiko wife aaunuparcha Nepalmaa antarbatako
94. deepak: if win dv when i am out of nepal,should i try for forther
process or i have to come nepal for that?
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: You will still need to come to Nepal to do you
95. Manoj: k k submit garnu parchha???
* CONSULAR OFFICER 5: sabai jaankari www.dvlottery.state.gov ko sitemaa
chha. tyahaa aaunus na
96. ashish: this chat is only for dv or othere too/
* CONSULAR OFFICER 4: Hi Ashish, this chat is only for DV visas. But we
will have other types of visa chats in the future. Last month we had a
chat for student visas. Keep checking our website for updates!
97. WEB CHAT MODERATOR: Thank you for joining us today. The transcript of
this chat will be available tomorrow at


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Tagged PDF                      : Yes
Author                          : Matthew Hughes
Creator                         : Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Create Date                     : 2011:09:02 14:02:28
Modify Date                     : 2011:09:02 14:02:28
Producer                        : Microsoft® Office Word 2007
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