Authentication Authorization And Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

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Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide
Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

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Configuring Authentication 1
Finding Feature Information 1
Prerequisites for Configuring Authentication 1
Restrictions for Configuring Authentication 2
Information About Configuring Authentication 2
Named Method Lists for Authentication 2
Method Lists and Server Groups 2
Method List Examples 3
About RADIUS Change of Authorization 4
CoA Requests 5
RFC 5176 Compliance 5
CoA Request Response Code 6
Session Identification 7
CoA ACK Response Code 7
CoA NAK Response Code 7
CoA Request Commands 7
Session Reauthentication 8
Session Termination 8
CoA Request Disable Host Port 8
CoA Request Bounce Port 9
Domain Stripping 9
How to Configure AAA Authentication Methods 9
Configuring Login Authentication Using AAA 10
Login Authentication Using Enable Password 12
Login Authentication Using Kerberos 12
Login Authentication Using Line Password 12
Login Authentication Using Local Password 13
Login Authentication Using Group RADIUS 13

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Configuring RADIUS Attribute 8 in Access Requests 13
Login Authentication Using Group TACACS 13
Login Authentication Using group group-name 13
Configuring PPP Authentication Using AAA 14
PPP Authentication Using Kerberos 16
PPP Authentication Using Local Password 16
PPP Authentication Using Group RADIUS 16
Configuring RADIUS Attribute 44 in Access Requests 17
PPP Authentication Using Group TACACS 17
PPP Authentication Using group group-name 17
Configuring AAA Scalability for PPP Requests 17
Configuring ARAP Authentication Using AAA 18
ARAP Authentication Allowing Authorized Guest Logins 20
ARAP Authentication Allowing Guest Logins 20
ARAP Authentication Using Line Password 21
ARAP Authentication Using Local Password 21
ARAP Authentication Using Group RADIUS 21
ARAP Authentication Using Group TACACS 21
ARAP Authentication Using Group group-name 21
Configuring NASI Authentication Using AAA 22
NASI Authentication Using Enable Password 24
NASI Authentication Using Line Password 24
NASI Authentication Using Local Password 24
NASI Authentication Using Group RADIUS 24
NASI Authentication Using Group TACACS 25
NASI Authentication Using group group-name 25
Specifying the Amount of Time for Login Input 25
Enabling Password Protection at the Privileged Level 26
Changing the Text Displayed at the Password Prompt 27
Preventing an Access Request with a Blank Username from Being Sent to the RADIUS
Server 27
Configuring Message Banners for AAA Authentication 28
Configuring a Login Banner 28
Configuring a Failed-Login Banner 29
Configuring AAA Packet of Disconnect 30

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Enabling Double Authentication 31
How Double Authentication Works 31
Configuring Double Authentication 32
Accessing the User Profile After Double Authentication 33
Enabling Automated Double Authentication 34
Configuring Automated Double Authentication 35
Troubleshooting Automated Double Authentication 36
Configuring the Dynamic Authorization Service for RADIUS CoA 36
Configuring a Device to Ignore Bounce and Disable RADIUS CoA Requests 38
Configuring Domain Stripping at the Server Group Level 39
Non-AAA Authentication Methods 40
Configuring Line Password Protection 40
Establishing Username Authentication 42
Enabling CHAP or PAP Authentication 43
Enabling PPP Encapsulation 44
Enabling PAP or CHAP 44
Inbound and Outbound Authentication 45
Enabling Outbound PAP Authentication 45
Refusing PAP Authentication Requests 46
Creating a Common CHAP Password 46
Refusing CHAP Authentication Requests 46
Delaying CHAP Authentication Until Peer Authenticates 47
Using MS-CHAP 47
Defining PPP Authentication using MS-CHAP 48
Authentication Examples 49
RADIUS Authentication Examples 49
TACACS Authentication Examples 50
Kerberos Authentication Examples 51
AAA Scalability Example 51
Example: Configuring Login and Failed-Login Banners for AAA Authentication 53
AAA Packet of Disconnect Server Key Example 53
Double Authentication Examples 53
Configuration of the Local Host for AAA with Double Authentication Examples 54
Configuration of the AAA Server for First-Stage PPP Authentication and Authorization
Example 54

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Configuration of the AAA Server for Second-Stage Per-User Authentication and
Authorization Examples 55
Complete Configuration with TACACS Example 55
Automated Double Authentication Example 58
Additional References 60
Feature Information for Configuring Authentication 62


RADIUS Change of Authorization 67
Finding Feature Information 67
Information About RADIUS Change of Authorization 67
About RADIUS Change of Authorization 67
CoA Requests 68
RFC 5176 Compliance 68
CoA Request Response Code 69
Session Identification 70
CoA ACK Response Code 70
CoA NAK Response Code 70
CoA Request Commands 70
Session Reauthentication 71
Session Termination 71
CoA Request Disable Host Port 71
CoA Request Bounce Port 72
How to Configure RADIUS Change of Authorization 72
Configuring RADIUS Change of Authorization 72
Configuring a Device to Ignore Bounce and Disable RADIUS CoA Requests 74
Configuring the Dynamic Authorization Service for RADIUS CoA 75
Monitoring and Troubleshooting RADIUS Change of Authorization 76
Configuration Examples for RADIUS Change of Authorization 77
Example: Configuring RADIUS Change of Authorization 77
Example: Configuring a Device to Ignore Bounce and Disable a RADIUS Requests 77
Example: Configuring the Dynamic Authorization Service for RADIUS CoA 78
Additional References for RADIUS Change of Authorization 78
Feature Information for RADIUS Change of Authorization 79


Message Banners for AAA Authentication 81

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Finding Feature Information 81
Information About Message Banners for AAA Authentication 81
Login and Failed-Login Banners for AAA Authentication 81
How to Configure Message Banners for AAA Authentication 82
Configuring a Login Banner for AAA Authentication 82
Configuring a Failed-Login Banner for AAA Authentication 83
Configuration Examples for Message Banners for AAA Authentication 84
Example: Configuring Login and Failed-Login Banners for AAA Authentication 84
Additional References for Message Banners for AAA Authentication 85
Feature Information for Message Banners for AAA Authentication 86


AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level 87
Finding Feature Information 87
Information About AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level 87
How to Configure AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Level Group 88
Configuring Domain Stripping at the Server Group Level 88
Configuration Example for AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level 89
Example: AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level 89
Additional References 89
Feature Information for AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level 91


AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout 93
Finding Feature Information 93
Prerequisites for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout 94
Restrictions for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout 94
Information About AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout 94
AAA Double Authentication 94
How to Apply AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout 95
Applying AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout 95
Verifying AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout 95
Configuration Examples for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout 98
Example: RADIUS User Profile 98
Example: TACACS User Profile 98
Additional References 100
Feature Information for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout 101

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records 103
Finding Feature Information 103
Information About Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records 103
Benefits of the Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records Feature 103
Throttling Access Requests and Accounting Records 104
How to Configure Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records 104
Throttling Accounting and Access Request Packets Globally 105
Throttling Accounting and Access Request Packets Per Server Group 106
Configuration Examples for Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records 107
Throttling Accounting and Access Request Packets Globally Example 107
Throttling Accounting and Access Request Packets Per Server Group Example 107
Additional References 108
Feature Information for Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records 109


RADIUS Packet of Disconnect 111
Finding Feature Information 111
Prerequisites for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect 111
Restrictions for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect 111
Information About RADIUS Packet of Disconnect 112
When the POD is Needed 112
POD Parameters 112
How to Configure the RADIUS Packet of Disconnect 113
Configuring the RADIUS POD 113
Troubleshooting Tips 115
Verifying the RADIUS POD Configuration 115
Additional References 115
Feature Information for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect 117
Glossary 117


AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache 119
Finding Feature Information 119
Prerequisites for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching 120
Information About Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching 120

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Network Performance Optimization Using Authorization and Authentication Profile
Caching 120
Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching as a Failover Mechanism 120
Method Lists in Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching 121
Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching Guidelines 121
General Configuration Procedure for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile
Caching 121
How to Implement Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching 122
Creating Cache Profile Groups and Defining Caching Rules 122
Defining RADIUS and TACACS Server Groups That Use Cache Profile Group
Information 124
Updating Authorization and Authentication Method Lists to Specify How Cache Information
is Used 126
Configuration Examples for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching 128
Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching for Network Optimization
Example 128
Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching as a Failover Mechanism
Example 129
Additional References for RADIUS Change of Authorization 131
Feature Information for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching 132


Configuring Authorization 135
Finding Feature Information 135
AAA Authorization Prerequisites 135
Information About Configuring Authorization 136
Named Method Lists for Authorization 136
AAA Authorization Methods 137
Authorization Methods 137
Method Lists and Server Groups 138
AAA Authorization Types 138
Authorization Types 139
Authorization Attribute-Value Pairs 139
How to Configure Authorization 139
Configuring AAA Authorization Using Named Method Lists 139
Disabling Authorization for Global Configuration Commands 141

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Configuring Authorization for Reverse Telnet 141
Authorization Configuration Examples 142
TACACS Authorization Examples 142
RADIUS Authorization Example 143
Reverse Telnet Authorization Examples 143
Additional References 145
Feature Information for Configuring Authorization 146


Configuring Accounting 147
Finding Feature Information 147
Prerequisites for Configuring Accounting 147
Restrictions for Configuring Accounting 148
Information About Configuring Accounting 148
Named Method Lists for Accounting 148
Method Lists and Server Groups 149
AAA Accounting Methods 150
Accounting Record Types 150
Accounting Methods 150
AAA Accounting Types 151
Network Accounting 152
EXEC Accounting 154
Command Accounting 155
Connection Accounting 156
System Accounting 158
Resource Accounting 158
AAA Resource Failure Stop Accounting 158
AAA Resource Accounting for Start-Stop Records 160
AAA Accounting Enhancements 160
AAA Broadcast Accounting 160
AAA Session MIB 161
Accounting Attribute-Value Pairs 162
How to Configure AAA Accounting 162
Configuring AAA Accounting Using Named Method Lists 162
Suppressing Generation of Accounting Records for Null Username Sessions 163
Generating Interim Accounting Records 164

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Configuring an Alternate Method to Enable Periodic Accounting Records 164
Generating Interim Service Accounting Records 165
Generating Accounting Records for a Failed Login or Session 166
Specifying Accounting NETWORK-Stop Records Before EXEC-Stop Records 167
Suppressing System Accounting Records over Switchover 167
Configuring AAA Resource Failure Stop Accounting 168
Configuring AAA Resource Accounting for Start-Stop Records 168
Configuring AAA Broadcast Accounting 169
Configuring per-DNIS AAA Broadcast Accounting 169
Configuring the AAA Session MIB 169
Establishing a Session with a Router if the AAA Server Is Unreachable 170
Monitoring Accounting 170
Troubleshooting Accounting 170
Configuration Examples for AAA Accounting 171
Configuring a Named Method List Example 171
Configuring AAA Resource Accounting Example 173
Configuring AAA Broadcast Accounting Example 173
Configuring per-DNIS AAA Broadcast Accounting Example 174
AAA Session MIB Example 174
Additional References 174
Feature Information for Configuring Accounting 176


AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation 179
Finding Feature Information 179
Prerequisites for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation 180
Restrictions for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation 180
Information About AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation 180
CISCO-AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation 180
How to Configure AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation 180
Verifying RADIUS Server Configuration and Server Statistics 181
Configuration Examples for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation 181
RADIUS Server Configuration and Server Statistics Example 181
Additional References 183
Feature Information for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation 184

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



Per VRF AAA 187
Prerequisites for Per VRF AAA 187
Restrictions for Per VRF AAA 187
Information About Per VRF AAA 188
How Per VRF AAA Works 188
AAA Accounting Records 188
New Vendor-Specific Attributes 189
VRF Aware Framed-Routes 194
How to Configure Per VRF AAA 194
Configuring Per VRF AAA 194
Configuring AAA 194
Configuring Server Groups 195
Configuring Authentication Authorization and Accounting for Per VRF AAA 196
Configuring RADIUS-Specific Commands for Per VRF AAA 198
Configuring Interface-Specific Commands for Per VRF AAA 199
Configuring Per VRF AAA Using Local Customer Templates 200
Configuring AAA 200
Configuring Server Groups 200
Configuring Authentication Authorization and Accounting for Per VRF AAA 200
Configuring Authorization for Per VRF AAA with Local Customer Templates 201
Configuring Local Customer Templates 201
Configuring Per VRF AAA Using Remote Customer Templates 203
Configuring AAA 203
Configuring Server Groups 203
Configuring Authentication for Per VRF AAA with Remote Customer Profiles 203
Configuring Authorization for Per VRF AAA with Remote Customer Profiles 204
Configuring the RADIUS Profile on the SP RADIUS Server 205
Verifying VRF Routing Configurations 205
Troubleshooting Per VRF AAA Configurations 207
Configuration Examples for Per VRF AAA 207
Per VRF Configuration Examples 207
Per VRF AAA Example 207
Per VRF AAA Using a Locally Defined Customer Template Example 208
Per VRF AAA Using a Remote RADIUS Customer Template Example 208

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Customer Template Examples 209
Locally Configured Customer Template with RADIUS Attribute Screening and Broadcast
Accounting Example 209
Remotely Configured Customer Template with RADIUS Attribute Screening and Broadcast
Accounting Example 210
AAA Accounting Stop Record Examples 210
AAA Accounting Stop Record and Rejected Call Example 211
AAA Accounting Stop Record and Successful Call Example 213
Additional References 215
Feature Information for Per VRF AAA 216
Glossary 218


AAA Support for IPv6 221
Finding Feature Information 221
Information About AAA Support for IPv6 221
AAA over IPv6 221
RADIUS over IPv6 222
Prerequisites for Using AAA Attributes for IPv6 222
RADIUS Per-User Attributes for Virtual Access in IPv6 Environments 222
How to Configure AAA Support for IPv6 226
Configuring DHCPv6 AAA Options 226
Configuration Examples for AAA Support for IPv6 227
Example: DHCPv6 AAA Options Configuration 227
Example: RADIUS Configuration 227
Additional References 227
Feature Information for RADIUS over IPv6 229


TACACS+ over IPv6 231
Finding Feature Information 231
Information About TACACS+ over IPv6 231
AAA over IPv6 232
TACACS+ Over an IPv6 Transport 232
How to Configure TACACS+ over IPv6 232
Configuring the TACACS+ Server over IPv6 232
Specifying the Source Address in TACACS+ Packets 234

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Configuring TACACS+ Server Group Options 234
Configuration Examples for TACACS+ over IPv6 235
Example: Configuring TACACS+ Server over IPv6 235
Additional References 236
Feature Information for TACACS+ over IPv6 237


AAA Dead-Server Detection 239
Finding Feature Information 239
Prerequisites for AAA Dead-Server Detection 239
Restrictions for AAA Dead-Server Detection 240
Information About AAA Dead-Server Detection 240
Criteria for Marking a RADIUS Server As Dead 240
How to Configure AAA Dead-Server Detection 240
Configuring AAA Dead-Server Detection 240
Troubleshooting Tips 241
Verifying AAA Dead-Server Detection 242
Configuration Examples for AAA Dead-Server Detection 243
Configuring AAA Dead-Server Detection Example 243
debug aaa dead-criteria transactions Command Example 243
show aaa dead-criteria Command Example 243
Additional References 243
Feature Information for AAA Dead-Server Detection 245


Login Password Retry Lockout 247
Finding Feature Information 247
Prerequisites for Login Password Retry Lockout 247
Restrictions for Login Password Retry Lockout 248
Information About Login Password Retry Lockout 248
Lock Out of a Local AAA User Account 248
How to Configure Login Password Retry Lockout 248
Configuring Login Password Retry Lockout 248
Unlocking a Login Locked-Out User 250
Clearing the Unsuccessful Login Attempts of a User 250
Monitoring and Maintaining Login Password Retry Lockout Status 251
Configuration Examples for Login Password Retry Lockout 252

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Displaying the Login Password Retry Lockout Configuration Example 252
Additional References 253
Feature Information for Login Password Retry Lockout 254
Glossary 254


MSCHAP Version 2 257
Finding Feature Information 257
Prerequisites for MSCHAP Version 2 258
Restrictions for MSCHAP Version 2 258
Information About MSCHAP Version 2 258
How to Configure MSCHAP Version 2 259
Configuring MSCHAP V2 Authentication 259
Verifying MSCHAP V2 Configuration 260
Configuring Password Aging for Crypto-Based Clients 261
Configuration Examples 263
Configuring Local Authentication Example 263
Configuring RADIUS Authentication Example 263
Configuring Password Aging with Crypto Authentication Example 263
Additional References 264
Feature Information for MSCHAP Version 2 265


AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support 267
Finding Feature Information 267
Prerequisites for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support 268
Restrictions for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support 268
Information About AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support 268
AAA Broadcast Accounting 268
Simultaneous Broadcast and Wait Accounting 268
How AAA Broadcast Accounting is Supported for GGSN 269
Configuring Broadcast and Wait Accounting on the GGSN 269
Configuration Examples for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support 272
AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support Example 272
Additional References 273
Feature Information for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support 274

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



Configuring Authentication
Authentication provides a method to identify users, which includes the login and password dialog, challenge
and response, messaging support, and encryption, depending on the selected security protocol. Authentication
is the way a user is identified prior to being allowed access to the network and network services.
• Finding Feature Information, page 1
• Prerequisites for Configuring Authentication, page 1
• Restrictions for Configuring Authentication, page 2
• Information About Configuring Authentication, page 2
• How to Configure AAA Authentication Methods, page 9
• Non-AAA Authentication Methods, page 40
• Authentication Examples, page 49
• Additional References, page 60
• Feature Information for Configuring Authentication, page 62

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Configuring Authentication
The Cisco IOS XE implementation of authentication is divided into AAA Authentication and non-authentication
methods. Cisco recommends that, whenever possible, AAA security services be used to implement

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Restrictions for Configuring Authentication

Restrictions for Configuring Authentication
The number of AAA method lists that can be configured is 250.

Information About Configuring Authentication
The following sections describe how AAA authentication is configured by defining a named list of
authentication methods and then applying that list to various interfaces. This section also describes how AAA
authentication is handled by using RADIUS Change in Authorization (CoA):

Named Method Lists for Authentication
To configure AAA authentication, you must first define a named list of authentication methods, and then
apply that list to various interfaces. The method list defines the types of authentication to be performed and
the sequence in which they will be performed; it must be applied to a specific interface before any of the
defined authentication methods will be performed. The only exception is the default method list (which is
named “default”). The default method list is automatically applied to all interfaces except those that have a
named method list explicitly defined. A defined method list overrides the default method list.
A method list is a sequential list describing the authentication methods to be queried in order to authenticate
a user. Method lists enable you to designate one or more security protocols to be used for authentication, thus
ensuring a backup system for authentication in case the initial method fails. Cisco IOS XE software uses the
first listed method to authenticate users. If that method fails to respond, the Cisco IOS XE software selects
the next authentication method listed in the method list. This process continues until there is successful
communication with a listed authentication method, or all methods defined in the method list are exhausted.
It is important to note that the Cisco IOS XE software attempts authentication with the next listed authentication
method only when there is no response from the previous method. If authentication fails at any point in this
cycle--meaning that the security server or local username database responds by denying the user access--the
authentication process stops and no other authentication methods are attempted.


The number of AAA method lists that can be configured is 250.

Method Lists and Server Groups
A server group is a way to group existing RADIUS or TACACS+ server hosts for use in method lists. The
figure below shows a typical AAA network configuration that includes four security servers: R1 and R2 are

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Named Method Lists for Authentication

RADIUS servers and T1 and T2 are TACACS+ servers. R1 and R2 make up the group of RADIUS servers.
T1 and T2 make up the group of TACACS+ servers.
Figure 1: Typical AAA Network Configuration

Using server groups, you can specify a subset of the configured server hosts and use them for a particular
service. For example, server groups allow you to define R1 and R2 as a server group, and define T1 and T2
as a separate server group. For example, you can specify R1 and T1 in the method list for authentication login,
while specifying R2 and T2 in the method list for PPP authentication.
Server groups also can include multiple host entries for the same server, as long as each entry has a unique
identifier. The combination of an IP address and a UDP port number creates a unique identifier, allowing
different ports to be individually defined as RADIUS hosts providing a specific AAA service. In other words,
this unique identifier enables RADIUS requests to be sent to different UDP ports on a server at the same IP
address. If two different host entries on the same RADIUS server are configured for the same service--for
example, authentication--the second host entry configured acts as failover backup to the first one. Using this
example, if the first host entry fails to provide accounting services, the network access server will try the
second host entry configured on the same device for accounting services. (The RADIUS host entries will be
tried in the order in which they are configured.)
For more information about configuring server groups and about configuring server groups based on Dialed
Number Identification Service (DNIS) numbers, refer to the “Configuring RADIUS” or “Configuring
TACACS+” chapter.

Method List Examples
Suppose the system administrator has decided on a security solution where all interfaces will use the same
authentication methods to authenticate PPP connections. In the RADIUS group, R1 is contacted first for
authentication information, then if there is no response, R2 is contacted. If R2 does not respond, T1 in the
TACACS+ group is contacted; if T1 does not respond, T2 is contacted. If all designated servers fail to respond,
authentication falls to the local username database on the access server itself. To implement this solution, the
system administrator would create a default method list by entering the following command:
aaa authentication ppp default group radius group tacacs+ local

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
About RADIUS Change of Authorization

In this example, “default” is the name of the method list. The protocols included in this method list are listed
after the name, in the order they are to be queried. The default list is automatically applied to all interfaces.
When a remote user attempts to dial in to the network, the network access server first queries R1 for
authentication information. If R1 authenticates the user, it issues a PASS response to the network access server
and the user is allowed to access the network. If R1 returns a FAIL response, the user is denied access and
the session is terminated. If R1 does not respond, then the network access server processes that as an ERROR
and queries R2 for authentication information. This pattern would continue through the remaining designated
methods until the user is either authenticated or rejected, or until the session is terminated.
It is important to remember that a FAIL response is significantly different from an ERROR. A FAIL means
that the user has not met the criteria contained in the applicable authentication database to be successfully
authenticated. Authentication ends with a FAIL response. An ERROR means that the security server has not
responded to an authentication query. Because of this, no authentication has been attempted. Only when an
ERROR is detected will AAA select the next authentication method defined in the authentication method list.
Suppose the system administrator wants to apply a method list only to a particular interface or set of interfaces.
In this case, the system administrator creates a named method list and then applies this named list to the
applicable interfaces. The following example shows how the system administrator can implement an
authentication method that will be applied only to interface 3:
aaa authentication ppp default group radius group tacacs+ local
aaa authentication ppp apple group radius group tacacs+ local none
interface async 3
ppp authentication chap apple

In this example, “apple” is the name of the method list, and the protocols included in this method list are listed
after the name in the order in which they are to be performed. After the method list has been created, it is
applied to the appropriate interface. Note that the method list name (apple) in both the AAAand PPP
authentication commands must match.
In the following example, the system administrator uses server groups to specify that only R2 and T2 are valid
servers for PPP authentication. To do this, the administrator must define specific server groups whose members
are R2 ( and T2 (, respectively. In this example, the RADIUS server group “rad2only”
is defined as follows using the aaa group server command:
aaa group server radius rad2only

The TACACS+ server group “tac2only” is defined as follows using the aaa group server command:
aaa group server tacacs+ tac2only

The administrator then applies PPP authentication using the server groups. In this example, the default methods
list for PPP authentication follows this order: group rad2only, group tac2only, and local:
aaa authentication ppp default group rad2only group tac2only local

About RADIUS Change of Authorization
A standard RADIUS interface is typically used in a pulled model, in which the request originates from a
device attached to a network and the response is sent from the queried servers. The Cisco software supports
the RADIUS CoA request defined in RFC 5176 that is used in a pushed model, in which the request originates
from the external server to the device attached to the network, and enables the dynamic reconfiguring of
sessions from external authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) or policy servers.
Use the following per-session CoA requests:

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
About RADIUS Change of Authorization

• Session reauthentication
• Session termination
• Session termination with port shutdown
• Session termination with port bounce
• Security and Password
• Accounting

CoA Requests
CoA requests, as described in RFC 5176, are used in a pushed model to allow for session identification, host
reauthentication, and session termination. The model comprises one request (CoA-Request) and two possible
response codes:
• CoA acknowledgment (ACK) [CoA-ACK]
• CoA non-acknowledgment (NAK) [CoA-NAK]
The request is initiated from a CoA client (typically a RADIUS or policy server) and directed to the device
that acts as a listener.

RFC 5176 Compliance
The Disconnect Request message, which is also referred to as Packet of Disconnect (POD), is supported by
the device for a session termination.
The following table shows the IETF attributes that are supported for the RADIUS Change of Authorization
(CoA) feature.
Table 1: Supported IETF Attributes

Attribute Number

Attribute Name











The following table shows the possible values for the Error-Cause attribute.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
About RADIUS Change of Authorization

Table 2: Error-Cause Values




Residual Session Context Removed


Invalid EAP Packet (Ignored)


Unsupported Attribute


Missing Attribute


NAS Identification Mismatch


Invalid Request


Unsupported Service


Unsupported Extension


Invalid Attribute Value


Administratively Prohibited


Request Not Routable (Proxy)


Session Context Not Found


Session Context Not Removable


Other Proxy Processing Error


Resources Unavailable


Request Initiated


Multiple Session Selection Unsupported

CoA Request Response Code
The CoA Request Response code can be used to issue a command to the device. The supported commands
are listed in the “CoA Request Commands” section.
The packet format for a CoA Request Response code as defined in RFC 5176 consists of the following fields:
Code, Identifier, Length, Authenticator, and Attributes in the Type:Length:Value (TLV) format.
The Attributes field is used to carry Cisco VSAs.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
About RADIUS Change of Authorization

Session Identification
For disconnect and CoA requests targeted at a particular session, the device locates the session based on one
or more of the following attributes:
• Acct-Session-Id (IETF attribute #44)
• Audit-Session-Id (Cisco vendor-specific attribute (VSA))
• Calling-Station-Id (IETF attribute #31, which contains the host MAC address)
Unless all session identification attributes included in the CoA message match the session, the device returns
a Disconnect-NAK or CoA-NAK with the “Invalid Attribute Value” error-code attribute.


A CoA NAK message is not sent for all CoA requests with a key mismatch. The message is sent only for
the first three requests for a client. After that, all the packets from that client are dropped. When there is
a key mismatch, the response authenticator sent with the CoA NAK message is calculated from a dummy
key value.

CoA ACK Response Code
If an authorization state is changed successfully, a positive acknowledgment (ACK) is sent. The attributes
returned within a CoA ACK can vary based on the CoA Request.

CoA NAK Response Code
A negative acknowledgment (NAK) indicates a failure to change the authorization state and can include
attributes that indicate the reason for the failure.

CoA Request Commands
The commands supported on the device are shown in the table below. All CoA commands must include the
session identifier between the device and the CoA client.
Table 3: CoA Request Commands Supported on the Device


Cisco VSA

Bounce host port


Disable host port


Reauthenticate host


Terminate session

This is a standard disconnect request that does not require a VSA

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
About RADIUS Change of Authorization

Session Reauthentication
To initiate session reauthentication, the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server sends a
standard CoA-Request message that contains a Cisco VSA and one or more session identification attributes.
The Cisco VSA is in the form of Cisco:Avpair=“subscriber:command=reauthenticate”.
The current session state determines the device’s response to the message in the following scenarios:
• If the session is currently authenticated by IEEE 802.1x, the device responds by sending an Extensible
Authentication Protocol over LAN (EAPoL)-RequestId message to the server.
• If the session is currently authenticated by MAC authentication bypass (MAB), the device sends an
access request to the server, passing the same identity attributes used for the initial successful
• If session authentication is in progress when the device receives the command, the device terminates
the process and restarts the authentication sequence, starting with the method configured to be attempted

Session Termination
A CoA Disconnect-Request terminates the session without disabling the host port. CoA Disconnect-Request
termination causes reinitialization of the authenticator state machine for the specified host, but does not restrict
the host’s access to the network. If the session cannot be located, the device returns a Disconnect-NAK message
with the “Session Context Not Found” error-code attribute. If the session is located, the device terminates the
session. After the session has been completely removed, the device returns a Disconnect-ACK message.
To restrict a host’s access to the network, use a CoA Request with the
Cisco:Avpair=“subscriber:command=disable-host-port” VSA. This command is useful when a host is known
to cause problems on the network and network access needs to be immediately blocked for the host. If you
want to restore network access on the port, reenable it using a non-RADIUS mechanism.

CoA Request Disable Host Port
The RADIUS server CoA disable port command administratively shuts down the authentication port that is
hosting a session, resulting in session termination. This command is useful when a host is known to cause
problems on the network and network access needs to be immediately blocked for the host. If you want to
restore network access on the port, reenable it using a non-RADIUS mechanism. This command is carried in
a standard CoA-Request message that has the following VSA:
Because this command is session-oriented, it must be accompanied by one or more of the session identification
attributes described in the “Session Identification” section. If the device cannot locate the session, it returns a
CoA-NAK message with the “Session Context Not Found” error-code attribute. If the device locates the
session, it disables the hosting port and returns a CoA-ACK message.
If the device fails before returning a CoA-ACK to the client, the process is repeated on the new active device
when the request is re-sent from the client. If the device fails after returning a CoA-ACK message to the client
but before the operation is complete, the operation is restarted on the new active device.
To ignore the RADIUS server CoA disable port command, see the “Configuring the Device to Ignore Bounce
and Disable RADIUS CoA Requests” section.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Domain Stripping

CoA Request Bounce Port
A RADIUS server CoA bounce port sent from a RADIUS server can cause a link flap on an authentication
port, which triggers DHCP renegotiation from one or more hosts connected to this port. This incident can
occur when there is a VLAN change and the endpoint is a device (such as a printer) that does not have a
mechanism to detect a change on this authentication port. The CoA bounce port is carried in a standard
CoA-Request message that contains the following VSA:
Because this command is session-oriented, it must be accompanied by one or more of the session identification
attributes described in the Session Identification. If the session cannot be located, the device returns a CoA-NAK
message with the “Session Context Not Found” error-code attribute. If the session is located, the device disables
the hosting port for a period of 10 seconds, reenables it (port-bounce), and returns a CoA-ACK.
To ignore the RADIUS server CoA bounce port, see the “Configuring the Device to Ignore Bounce and Disable
RADIUS CoA Requests” section.

Domain Stripping
You can remove the domain name from the username received at the global level by using the radius-server
domain-stripping command. When the radius-server domain-stripping command is configured, all the
AAA requests with “” go to the remote RADIUS server with the reformatted username
“user.” The domain name is removed from the request.


Domain stripping will not be done in a TACACS configuration.
The AAA Broadcast Accounting feature allows accounting information to be sent to multiple AAA servers
at the same time, that is, accounting information can be broadcast to one or more AAA servers simultaneously.
This functionality allows you to send accounting information to private and public AAA servers. It also
provides redundant billing information for voice applications.
The Domain Stripping feature allows domain stripping to be configured at the server group level.
Per-server group configuration overrides the global configuration. If domain stripping is not enabled globally,
but it is enabled in a server group, then it is enabled only for that server group. Also, if virtual routing and
forwarding (VRF)-specific domain stripping is configured globally and in a server group for a different VRF,
domain stripping is enabled in both the VRFs. VRF configurations are taken from server-group configuration
mode. If server-group configurations are disabled in global configuration mode but are available in server-group
configuration mode, all configurations in server-group configuration mode are applicable.
After the domain stripping and broadcast accounting are configured, you can create separate accounting
records as per the configurations.

How to Configure AAA Authentication Methods

AAA features are not available until you enable AAA globally using the aaa new-model command.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring Login Authentication Using AAA

For authentication configuration examples using the commands in this chapter, refer to the Authentication

Configuring Login Authentication Using AAA
The AAA security services facilitate a variety of login authentication methods. Use the aaa authentication
logincommand to enable AAA authentication no matter which of the supported login authentication methods
you decide to use. With the aaa authentication logincommand, you create one or more lists of authentication
methods that are tried at login. These lists are applied using the login authentication line configuration
To configure login authentication by using AAA, use the following commands beginning in global configuration

1. Router(config)# aaa new-model
2. Router(config)# aaa authentication login{default | list-name} method1[method2...]
3. Router(config)# line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number [ending-line-number]
4. Router(config-line)# login authentication

Command or Action


Step 1

Router(config)# aaa new-model

Enables AAA globally.

Step 2

Router(config)# aaa authentication login{default |
list-name} method1[method2...]

Creates a local authentication list.

Step 3

Router(config)# line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number Enters line configuration mode for the lines to which
you want to apply the authentication list.

Step 4

Router(config-line)# login authentication

Applies the authentication list to a line or set of lines.

{default |


What to Do Next
The list-name is a character string used to name the list you are creating. The method argument refers to the
actual method the authentication algorithm tries. The additional methods of authentication are used only if
the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. To specify that the authentication should succeed even if
all methods return an error, specify none as the final method in the command line.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring Login Authentication Using AAA

For example, to specify that authentication should succeed even if (in this example) the TACACS+ server
returns an error, enter the following command:
aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ none


Because the none keyword enables any user logging in to successfully authenticate, it should be used only
as a backup method of authentication.
To create a default list that is used when a named list is not specified in the login authentication command,
use the default keyword followed by the methods that are to be used in default situations. The default method
list is automatically applied to all interfaces.
For example, to specify RADIUS as the default method for user authentication during login, enter the following
aaa authentication login default group radius

The table below lists the supported login authentication methods.
Table 4: AAA Authentication Login Methods




Uses the enable password for authentication.


Uses Kerberos 5 for authentication.


Uses Kerberos 5 Telnet authentication protocol when
using Telnet to connect to the router. If selected, this
keyword must be listed as the first method in the
method list.


Uses the line password for authentication.


Uses the local username database for authentication.


Uses case-sensitive local username authentication.


Uses no authentication.

group radius

Uses the list of all RADIUS servers for authentication.

group tacacs+

Uses the list of all TACACS+ servers for

group group-name

Uses a subset of RADIUS or TACACS+ servers for
authentication as defined by the aaa group server
radius or aaa group server tacacs+ command.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring Login Authentication Using AAA


The login command only changes username and privilege level but does not execute a shell; therefore
autocommands will not be executed. To execute autocommands under this circumstance, you need to
establish a Telnet session back into the router (loop-back). Make sure that the router has been configured
for secure Telnet sessions if you choose to implement autocommands this way.

Login Authentication Using Enable Password
Use the aaa authentication logincommand with the enable method keyword to specify the enable password
as the login authentication method. For example, to specify the enable password as the method of user
authentication at login when no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication login default enable

Before you can use the enable password as the login authentication method, you need to define the enable
password. For more information about defining enable passwords, refer to the chapter “Configuring Passwords
and Privileges.”

Login Authentication Using Kerberos
Authentication via Kerberos is different from most other authentication methods: the user’s password is never
sent to the remote access server. Remote users logging in to the network are prompted for a username. If the
key distribution center (KDC) has an entry for that user, it creates an encrypted ticket granting ticket (TGT)
with the password for that user and sends it back to the router. The user is then prompted for a password, and
the router attempts to decrypt the TGT with that password. If it succeeds, the user is authenticated and the
TGT is stored in the user’s credential cache on the router.
While krb5 does use the KINIT program, a user does not need to run the KINIT program to get a TGT to
authenticate to the router. This is because KINIT has been integrated into the login procedure in the Cisco
IOS XE implementation of Kerberos.
Use the aaa authentication logincommand with the krb5method keyword to specify Kerberos as the login
authentication method. For example, to specify Kerberos as the method of user authentication at login when
no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication login default krb5

Before you can use Kerberos as the login authentication method, you need to enable communication with the
Kerberos security server. For more information about establishing communication with a Kerberos server,
refer to the chapter “Configuring Kerberos.”

Login Authentication Using Line Password
Use the aaa authentication logincommand with the line method keyword to specify the line password as the
login authentication method. For example, to specify the line password as the method of user authentication
at login when no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication login default line

Before you can use a line password as the login authentication method, you need to define a line password.
For more information about defining line passwords, refer to the Configuring Line Password Protection.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring Login Authentication Using AAA

Login Authentication Using Local Password
Use the aaa authentication logincommand with the local method keyword to specify that the Cisco router
or access server will use the local username database for authentication. For example, to specify the local
username database as the method of user authentication at login when no other method list has been defined,
enter the following command:
aaa authentication login default local

For information about adding users into the local username database, refer to the Establishing Username

Login Authentication Using Group RADIUS
Use the aaa authentication logincommand with the group radius method to specify RADIUS as the login
authentication method. For example, to specify RADIUS as the method of user authentication at login when
no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication login default group radius

Before you can use RADIUS as the login authentication method, you need to enable communication with the
RADIUS security server. For more information about establishing communication with a RADIUS server,
refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS.”

Configuring RADIUS Attribute 8 in Access Requests
After you have used the aaa authentication login command to specify RADIUS and your login host has been
configured to request its IP address from the NAS, you can send attribute 8 (Framed-IP-Address) in
access-request packets by using the radius-server attribute 8 include-in-access-req command in global
configuration mode. This command makes it possible for NAS to provide the RADIUS server a hint of the
user IP address in advance for user authentication. For more information about attribute 8, refer to the appendix
“RADIUS Attributes” at the end of the book.

Login Authentication Using Group TACACS
Use the aaa authentication logincommand with the group tacacs+ method to specify TACACS+ as the login
authentication method. For example, to specify TACACS+ as the method of user authentication at login when
no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication login default group tacacs+

Before you can use TACACS+ as the login authentication method, you need to enable communication with
the TACACS+ security server. For more information about establishing communication with a TACACS+
server, refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”

Login Authentication Using group group-name
Use the aaa authentication logincommand with the group group-name method to specify a subset of RADIUS
or TACACS+ servers to use as the login authentication method. To specify and define the group name and

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring PPP Authentication Using AAA

the members of the group, use the aaa group server command. For example, use the aaa group server
command to first define the members of group loginrad:
aaa group server radius loginrad
server 172.16.2 17

This command specifies RADIUS servers,, and as members of the group
To specify group loginrad as the method of user authentication at login when no other method list has been
defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication login default group loginrad

Before you can use a group name as the login authentication method, you need to enable communication with
the RADIUS or TACACS+ security server. For more information about establishing communication with a
RADIUS server, refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS.” For more information about establishing
communication with a TACACS+ server, refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”

Configuring PPP Authentication Using AAA
Many users access network access servers through dialup via async or ISDN. Dialup via async or ISDN
bypasses the CLI completely; instead, a network protocol (such as PPP or ARA) starts as soon as the connection
is established.
The AAA security services facilitate a variety of authentication methods for use on serial interfaces running
PPP. Use the aaa authentication pppcommand to enable AAA authentication no matter which of the supported
PPP authentication methods you decide to use.
To configure AAA authentication methods for serial lines using PPP, use the following commands in global
configuration mode:

1. Router(config)# aaa new-model
2. Router(config)# aaa authentication ppp{default | list-name} method1[method2...]
3. Router(config)# interface interface-type interface-number
4. Router(config-if)# ppp authentication {protocol1 [protocol2...]} [if-needed] {default | list-name} [callin]

Command or Action


Step 1

Router(config)# aaa new-model

Enables AAA globally.

Step 2

Router(config)# aaa authentication ppp{default Creates a local authentication list.
| list-name} method1[method2...]

Step 3

Router(config)# interface interface-type

Enters interface configuration mode for the interface to which you
want to apply the authentication list.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring PPP Authentication Using AAA

Command or Action
Step 4


Router(config-if)# ppp authentication {protocol1 Applies the authentication list to a line or set of lines. In this
[protocol2...]} [if-needed] {default | list-name} command, protocol1 and protocol2 represent the following
protocols: CHAP, MS-CHAP, and PAP. PPP authentication is
[callin] [one-time][optional]
attempted first using the first authentication method, specified by
protocol1. If protocol1 is unable to establish authentication, the
next configured protocol is used to negotiate authentication.

What to Do Next
With the aaa authentication pppcommand, you create one or more lists of authentication methods that are
tried when a user tries to authenticate via PPP. These lists are applied using the ppp authentication line
configuration command.
To create a default list that is used when a named list is not specified in the ppp authentication command,
use the default keyword followed by the methods you want used in default situations.
For example, to specify the local username database as the default method for user authentication, enter the
following command:
aaa authentication ppp default local

The list-name is any character string used to name the list you are creating. The method argument refers to
the actual method the authentication algorithm tries. The additional methods of authentication are used only
if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. To specify that the authentication should succeed even
if all methods return an error, specify none as the final method in the command line.
For example, to specify that authentication should succeed even if (in this example) the TACACS+ server
returns an error, enter the following command:
aaa authentication ppp default group tacacs+ none


Because none allows all users logging in to authenticate successfully, it should be used as a backup method
of authentication.
The table below lists the supported login authentication methods.
Table 5: AAA Authentication PPP Methods




Does not authenticate if user has already been
authenticated on a TTY line.


Uses Kerberos 5 for authentication (can only be used
for PAP authentication).


Uses the local username database for authentication.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring PPP Authentication Using AAA




Uses case-sensitive local username authentication.


Uses no authentication.

group radius

Uses the list of all RADIUS servers for authentication.

group tacacs+

Uses the list of all TACACS+ servers for

group group-name

Uses a subset of RADIUS or TACACS+ servers for
authentication as defined by the aaa group server
radius or aaa group server tacacs+ command.

PPP Authentication Using Kerberos
Use the aaa authentication pppcommand with the krb5method keyword to specify Kerberos as the
authentication method for use on interfaces running PPP. For example, to specify Kerberos as the method of
user authentication when no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication ppp default krb5

Before you can use Kerberos as the PPP authentication method, you need to enable communication with the
Kerberos security server. For more information about establishing communication with a Kerberos server,
refer to the chapter “Configuring Kerberos”.


Kerberos login authentication works only with PPP PAP authentication.

PPP Authentication Using Local Password
Use the aaa authentication pppcommand with the method keyword local to specify that the Cisco router or
access server will use the local username database for authentication. For example, to specify the local username
database as the method of authentication for use on lines running PPP when no other method list has been
defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication ppp default local

For information about adding users into the local username database, refer to the Establishing Username

PPP Authentication Using Group RADIUS
Use the aaa authentication pppcommand with the group radius method to specify RADIUS as the login
authentication method. For example, to specify RADIUS as the method of user authentication at login when
no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication ppp default group radius

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring AAA Scalability for PPP Requests

Before you can use RADIUS as the PPP authentication method, you need to enable communication with the
RADIUS security server. For more information about establishing communication with a RADIUS server,
refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS.”

Configuring RADIUS Attribute 44 in Access Requests
After you have used the aaa authentication ppp command with the group radius method to specify RADIUS
as the login authentication method, you can configure your device to send attribute 44 (Acct-Session-ID) in
access-request packets by using the radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req command in global
configuration mode. This command allows the RADIUS daemon to track a call from the beginning to the end.

PPP Authentication Using Group TACACS
Use the aaa authentication pppcommand with the group tacacs+ method to specify TACACS+ as the login
authentication method. For example, to specify TACACS+ as the method of user authentication at login when
no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication ppp default group tacacs+

Before you can use TACACS+ as the PPP authentication method, you need to enable communication with
the TACACS+ security server. For more information about establishing communication with a TACACS+
server, refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”

PPP Authentication Using group group-name
Use the aaa authentication pppcommand with the group group-name method to specify a subset of RADIUS
or TACACS+ servers to use as the login authentication method. To specify and define the group name and
the members of the group, use the aaa group server command. For example, use the aaa group server
command to first define the members of group ppprad:
aaa group server radius ppprad
server 172.16.2 17

This command specifies RADIUS servers,, and as members of the group
To specify group ppprad as the method of user authentication at login when no other method list has been
defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication ppp default group ppprad

Before you can use a group name as the PPP authentication method, you need to enable communication with
the RADIUS or TACACS+ security server. For more information about establishing communication with a
RADIUS server, refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS”. For more information about establishing
communication with a TACACS+ server, refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”

Configuring AAA Scalability for PPP Requests
You can configure and monitor the number of background processes allocated by the PPP manager in the
network access server (NAS) to deal with AAA authentication and authorization requests. The AAA Scalability

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring ARAP Authentication Using AAA

feature enables you to configure the number of processes used to handle AAA requests for PPP, thus increasing
the number of users that can be simultaneously authenticated or authorized.
To allocate a specific number of background processes to handle AAA requests for PPP, use the following
command in global configuration mode:

aaa processes

Allocates a specific number of background processes
to handle AAA authentication and authorization
requests for PPP.


The argument number defines the number of background processes earmarked to process AAA authentication
and authorization requests for PPP and can be configured for any value from 1 to 2147483647. Because of
the way the PPP manager handles requests for PPP, this argument also defines the number of new users that
can be simultaneously authenticated. This argument can be increased or decreased at any time.


Allocating additional background processes can be expensive. You should configure the minimum number
of background processes capable of handling the AAA requests for PPP.

Configuring ARAP Authentication Using AAA
Using the aaa authentication arap command, you can create one or more lists of authentication methods
that are tried when AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol (ARAP) users attempt to log in to the device. These
lists are used with the arap authentication line configuration command.
Use the following commands starting in global configuration mode:

1. Device(config)# aaa new-model
2. Device(config)# aaa authentication arap
3. Device(config)# line number
4. Device(config-line)# autoselect arap
5. Device(config-line)# autoselect during-login
6. Device(config-line)# arap authentication list-name
7. Device(config-line)# end

Command or Action


Step 1

Device(config)# aaa new-model

Enables AAA globally.

Step 2

Device(config)# aaa authentication arap

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring ARAP Authentication Using AAA

Command or Action



Enables authentication for ARAP users.
Step 3

Device(config)# line number

(Optional) Changes to line configuration mode.

Step 4

Device(config-line)# autoselect arap

(Optional) Enables autoselection of ARAP.

Step 5

Device(config-line)# autoselect during-login

(Optional) Starts the ARAP session automatically at user

Step 6

Device(config-line)# arap authentication list-name (Optional—not needed if default is used in the aaa
authentication arap command) Enables TACACS+
authentication for ARAP on a line.

Step 7

Device(config-line)# end

Returns to the privileged EXEC mode.

What to Do Next
The list-name is any character string used to name the list you are creating. The method argument refers to
the actual list of methods the authentication algorithm tries, in the sequence entered.
To create a default list that is used when a named list is not specified in the arap authentication command,
use the default keyword followed by the methods you want to use in default situations.
The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails.
To specify that the authentication should succeed even if all methods return an error, specify none as the final
method in the command line.


Because none allows all users logging in to be authenticated, it should be used as a backup method of
The following table lists the supported login authentication methods.
Table 6: AAA Authentication ARAP Methods




Allows guest logins only if the user has already
logged in to EXEC mode.


Allows guest logins.


Uses the line password for authentication.


Uses the local username database for authentication.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring ARAP Authentication Using AAA




Uses case-sensitive local username authentication.

group radius

Uses the list of all RADIUS servers for authentication.

group tacacs+

Uses the list of all TACACS+ servers for

group group-name

Uses a subset of RADIUS or TACACS+ servers for
authentication as defined by the aaa group server
radius or aaa group server tacacs+ command.

For example, to create a default AAA authentication method list used with ARAP, use the following command:
aaa authentication arap default if-needed none

To create the same authentication method list for ARAP and name the list MIS-access, use the following
aaa authentication arap MIS-access if-needed none

This section includes the following sections:

ARAP Authentication Allowing Authorized Guest Logins
Use the aaa authentication arapcommand with the auth-guest keyword to allow guest logins only if the
user has already successfully logged in to the EXEC. This method must be the first listed in the ARAP
authentication method list but it can be followed by other methods if it does not succeed. For example, to
allow all authorized guest logins--meaning logins by users who have already successfully logged in to the
EXEC--as the default method of authentication, using RADIUS only if that method fails, enter the following
aaa authentication arap default auth-guest group radius


By default, guest logins through ARAP are disabled when you initialize AAA. To allow guest logins, you
must use the aaa authentication arap command with either the guest or the auth-guest keyword.

ARAP Authentication Allowing Guest Logins
Use the aaa authentication arapcommand with the guest keyword to allow guest logins. This method must
be the first listed in the ARAP authentication method list but it can be followed by other methods if it does
not succeed. For example, to allow all guest logins as the default method of authentication, using RADIUS
only if that method fails, enter the following command:
aaa authentication arap default guest group radius

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring ARAP Authentication Using AAA

ARAP Authentication Using Line Password
Use the aaa authentication arapcommand with the method keyword line to specify the line password as the
authentication method. For example, to specify the line password as the method of ARAP user authentication
when no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication arap default line

Before you can use a line password as the ARAP authentication method, you need to define a line password.
For more information about defining line passwords, refer to the section Configuring Line Password Protection
in this chapter.

ARAP Authentication Using Local Password
Use the aaa authentication arapcommand with the methodkeyword local to specify that the Cisco router or
access server will use the local username database for authentication. For example, to specify the local username
database as the method of ARAP user authentication when no other method list has been defined, enter the
following command:
aaa authentication arap default local

For information about adding users to the local username database, refer to the Establishing Username

ARAP Authentication Using Group RADIUS
Use the aaa authentication arapcommand with the group radius method to specify RADIUS as the ARAP
authentication method. For example, to specify RADIUS as the method of user authentication at login when
no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication arap default group radius

Before you can use RADIUS as the ARAP authentication method, you need to enable communication with
the RADIUS security server. For more information about establishing communication with a RADIUS server,
refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS.”

ARAP Authentication Using Group TACACS
Use the aaa authentication arapcommand with the group tacacs+ method to specify TACACS+ as the
ARAP authentication method. For example, to specify TACACS+ as the method of user authentication at
login when no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication arap default group tacacs+

Before you can use TACACS+ as the ARAP authentication method, you need to enable communication with
the TACACS+ security server. For more information about establishing communication with a TACACS+
server, refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”

ARAP Authentication Using Group group-name
Use the aaa authentication arapcommand with the group group-name method to specify a subset of RADIUS
or TACACS+ servers to use as the ARAP authentication method. To specify and define the group name and

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring NASI Authentication Using AAA

the members of the group, use the aaa group server command. For example, use the aaa group
servercommand to first define the members of group araprad:
aaa group server radius araprad
server 172.16.2 17

This command specifies RADIUS servers,, and as members of the group
To specify group araprad as the method of user authentication at login when no other method list has been
defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication arap default group araprad

Before you can use a group name as the ARAP authentication method, you need to enable communication
with the RADIUS or TACACS+ security server. For more information about establishing communication
with a RADIUS server, refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS.” For more information about establishing
communication with a TACACS+ server, refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”

Configuring NASI Authentication Using AAA
Using the aaa authentication nasi command, you can create one or more lists of authentication methods that
are tried when NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface (NASI) users attempt to log in to the device. These
lists are used with the nasi authentication line configuration command.
To configure NASI authentication using AAA, use the following commands starting in global configuration

1. Device(config)# aaa new-model
2. Device(config)# aaa authentication nasi
3. Device(config)# line number
4. Device(config-line)# nasi authentication list-name
5. Device(config-line)# end

Command or Action


Step 1

Device(config)# aaa new-model

Enables AAA globally.

Step 2

Device(config)# aaa authentication nasi

Enables authentication for NASI users.


Step 3

Device(config)# line number

(Optional--not needed if default is used in the aaa
authentication nasi command) Enters line configuration mode.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring NASI Authentication Using AAA

Command or Action


Step 4

Device(config-line)# nasi authentication

(Optional--not needed if default is used in the aaa
authentication nasi command) Enables authentication for NASI
on a line.

Step 5

Device(config-line)# end

Returns to the privileged EXEC mode.

What to Do Next
The list-name is any character string used to name the list you are creating. The method argument refers to
the actual list of methods that the authentication algorithm tries, in the sequence entered.
To create a default list that is used when a named list is not specified in the aaa authentication nasi command,
use the default keyword followed by the methods you want to use in default situations.
The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails.
To specify that the authentication should succeed even if all methods return an error, specify none as the final
method in the command line.


Because none allows all users logging in to be authenticated, it should be used as a backup method of
The table below lists the supported NASI authentication methods.
Table 7: AAA Authentication NASI Methods




Uses the enable password for authentication.


Uses the line password for authentication.


Uses the local username database for authentication.


Uses case-sensitive local username authentication.


Uses no authentication.

group radius

Uses the list of all RADIUS servers for authentication.

group tacacs+

Uses the list of all TACACS+ servers for

group group-name

Uses a subset of RADIUS or TACACS+ servers for
authentication as defined by the aaa group server
radius or aaa group server tacacs+ command.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring NASI Authentication Using AAA

NASI Authentication Using Enable Password
Use the aaa authentication nasi command with the keyword enable to specify the enable password as the
authentication method. For example, to specify the enable password as the method of NASI user authentication
when no other method list has been defined, use the following command:
aaa authentication nasi default enable

Before you can use the enable password as the authentication method, you need to define the enable password.
For more information about defining enable passwords, refer to the chapter “Configuring Passwords and

NASI Authentication Using Line Password
Use the aaa authentication nasicommand with the method keyword line to specify the line password as the
authentication method. For example, to specify the line password as the method of NASI user authentication
when no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication nasi default line

Before you can use a line password as the NASI authentication method, you need to define a line password.
For more information about defining line passwords, refer to the Configuring Line Password Protection.

NASI Authentication Using Local Password
Use the aaa authentication nasicommand with the method keyword local to specify that the Cisco router or
access server will use the local username database for authentication information. For example, to specify the
local username database as the method of NASI user authentication when no other method list has been
defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication nasi default local

For information about adding users to the local username database, refer to the Establishing Username

NASI Authentication Using Group RADIUS
Use the aaa authentication nasicommand with the group radius method to specify RADIUS as the NASI
authentication method. For example, to specify RADIUS as the method of NASI user authentication when
no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication nasi default group radius

Before you can use RADIUS as the NASI authentication method, you need to enable communication with
the RADIUS security server. For more information about establishing communication with a RADIUS server,
refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS.”

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Specifying the Amount of Time for Login Input

NASI Authentication Using Group TACACS
Use the aaa authentication nasicommand with the group tacacs+ method keyword to specify TACACS+
as the NASI authentication method. For example, to specify TACACS+ as the method of NASI user
authentication when no other method list has been defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication nasi default group tacacs+

Before you can use TACACS+ as the authentication method, you need to enable communication with the
TACACS+ security server. For more information about establishing communication with a TACACS+ server,
refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”

NASI Authentication Using group group-name
Use the aaa authentication nasicommand with the group group-name method to specify a subset of RADIUS
or TACACS+ servers to use as the NASI authentication method. To specify and define the group name and
the members of the group, use the aaa group server command. For example, use the aaa group
servercommand to first define the members of group nasirad:
aaa group server radius nasirad
server 172.16.2 17

This command specifies RADIUS servers,, and as members of the group
To specify group nasirad as the method of user authentication at login when no other method list has been
defined, enter the following command:
aaa authentication nasi default group nasirad

Before you can use a group name as the NASI authentication method, you need to enable communication
with the RADIUS or TACACS+ security server. For more information about establishing communication
with a RADIUS server, refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS”. For more information about establishing
communication with a TACACS+ server, refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”

Specifying the Amount of Time for Login Input
The timeout login responsecommand allows you to specify how long the system will wait for login input
(such as username and password) before timing out. The default login value is 30 seconds; with the timeout
login response command, you can specify a timeout value from 1 to 300 seconds. To change the login timeout
value from the default of 30 seconds, use the following command in line configuration mode:




timeout login response

Specifies how long the system will wait for login
information before timing out.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Enabling Password Protection at the Privileged Level

Enabling Password Protection at the Privileged Level
Use the aaa authentication enable default command to create a series of authentication methods that are
used to determine whether a user can access the privileged EXEC command level. You can specify up to four
authentication methods. The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method returns
an error, not if it fails. To specify that the authentication should succeed even if all methods return an error,
specify none as the final method in the command line.
Use the following command in global configuration mode:
aaa authentication enable
default method1 [method2...]

Enables user ID and password checking for users
requesting privileged EXEC level.

All aaa authentication enable default
requests sent by the router to a RADIUS
server include the username “$enab15$.”
Requests sent to a TACACS+ server will
include the username that is entered for login

The method argument refers to the actual list of methods the authentication algorithm tries, in the sequence
entered. the table below lists the supported enable authentication methods.
Table 8: AAA Authentication Enable Default Methods




Uses the enable password for authentication.


Uses the line password for authentication.


Uses no authentication.

group radius

Uses the list of all RADIUS hosts for authentication.

group tacacs+

Uses the list of all TACACS+ hosts for authentication.

group group-name

Uses a subset of RADIUS or TACACS+ servers for
authentication as defined by the aaa group server
radius or aaa group server tacacs+ command.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

The RADIUS method does not work on a
per-username basis.

Configuring Authentication
Changing the Text Displayed at the Password Prompt

Changing the Text Displayed at the Password Prompt
Use the aaa authentication password-prompt command to change the default text that the Cisco IOS XE
software displays when prompting a user to enter a password. This command changes the password prompt
for the enable password as well as for login passwords that are not supplied by remote security servers. The
no form of this command returns the password prompt to the following default value:

The aaa authentication password-prompt command does not change any dialog that is supplied by a remote
TACACS+ or RADIUS server.
The aaa authentication password-prompt command works when RADIUS is used as the login method. You
will be able to see the password prompt defined in the command shown even when the RADIUS server is
unreachable. The aaa authentication password-prompt command does not work with TACACS+. TACACS+
supplies the NAS with the password prompt to display to the users. If the TACACS+ server is reachable, the
NAS gets the password prompt from the server and uses that prompt instead of the one defined in the aaa
authentication password-prompt command. If the TACACS+ server is not reachable, the password prompt
defined in the aaa authentication password-prompt command may be used.
Use the following command in global configuration mode:


aaa authentication
password-prompt text-string

Changes the default text displayed when a user is
prompted to enter a password.

Preventing an Access Request with a Blank Username from Being Sent to the
The following configuration steps provide the ability to prevent an Access Request with a blank username
from being sent to the RADIUS server. This functionality ensures that unnecessary RADIUS server interaction
is avoided, and RADIUS logs are kept short.


The aaa authentication suppress null-username command is available beginning in Cisco IOS XE
Release 2.4.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa authentication suppress null-username

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring Message Banners for AAA Authentication


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa new-model

Enables AAA globally.

Router(config)# configure terminal

Step 4

aaa authentication suppress null-username

Prevents an Access Request with a blank username
from being sent to the RADIUS server.

Router(config)# aaa authentication suppress

Configuring Message Banners for AAA Authentication
AAA supports the use of configurable, personalized login and failed-login banners. You can configure message
banners that will be displayed when a user logs in to the system to be authenticated using AAA and when,
for whatever reason, authentication fails.

Configuring a Login Banner
To configure a banner that is displayed when a user logs in (replacing the default message for login), perform
the following task:

Before You Begin
To create a login banner, you must configure a delimiting character that notifies the system that the following
text string must be displayed as the banner, and then the text string itself. The delimiting character is repeated
at the end of the text string to signify the end of the banner. The delimiting character can be any single character
in the extended ASCII character set, but once defined as the delimiter, that character cannot be used in the
text string for the banner.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring Message Banners for AAA Authentication

1. aaa new-model Device(config)# aaa new-model
2. Device(config)# aaa authentication banner delimiter string delimiter
3. Device(config)# end

Command or Action


Step 1

aaa new-model Device(config)# aaa new-model

Enables AAA.

Step 2

Device(config)# aaa authentication banner delimiter string Creates a personalized login banner.

Step 3

Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

What to Do Next
After you have configured a login banner, you must complete basic authentication configuration using AAA
if you have not already done so. For information about the different types of AAA authentication available,
please refer to “Configuring Authentication” in the Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Configuration

Configuring a Failed-Login Banner
To configure a message that is displayed when a user login fails (replacing the default message for failed
login), perform the following task:

Before You Begin
To create a failed-login banner, you must configure a delimiting character, which notifies the system that the
following text string must be displayed as the banner, and then configure the text string itself. The delimiting
character is repeated at the end of the text string to signify the end of the failed-login banner. The delimiting
character can be any single character in the extended ASCII character set, but once defined as the delimiter,
that character cannot be used in the text string making up the banner.

1. Device(config)# aaa new-model
2. Device(config)# aaa authentication fail-message delimiter string delimiter
3. Device(config)# end

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring AAA Packet of Disconnect

Command or Action


Step 1

Device(config)# aaa new-model

Enables AAA.

Step 2

Device(config)# aaa authentication fail-message
delimiter string delimiter

Creates a message to be displayed when a user login

Step 3

Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

What to Do Next
After you have configured a failed-login banner, you must complete basic authentication configuration using
AAA if you have not already done so. For information about the different types of AAA authentication
available, please refer to “Configuring Authentication” in the Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
Configuration Guide.

Configuring AAA Packet of Disconnect
Packet of disconnect (POD) terminates connections on the network access server (NAS) when particular
session attributes are identified. By using session information obtained from AAA, the POD client residing
on a UNIX workstation sends disconnect packets to the POD server running on the network access server.
The NAS terminates any inbound user session with one or more matching key attributes. It rejects requests
when required fields are missing or when an exact match is not found.
To configure POD, perform the following tasks in global configuration mode:

1. Router(config)# aaa accounting network default
2. Router(config)# aaa accounting delay-start
3. Router(config)# aaa pod server server-keystring
4. Router(config)# radius-server host IP addressnon-standard


Step 1

Command or Action


Router(config)# aaa accounting network default

Enables AAA accounting records.


start-stop radius

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Enabling Double Authentication

Command or Action


Step 2

Router(config)# aaa accounting delay-start

(Optional) Delays generation of the start accounting record
until the Framed-IP-Address is assigned, allowing its use
in the POD packet.

Step 3

Router(config)# aaa pod server server-keystring

Enables POD reception.

Step 4

Router(config)# radius-server host IP

Declares a RADIUS host that uses a vendor-proprietary
version of RADIUS.

Enabling Double Authentication
Depending on the Cisco release, PPP sessions could be authenticated only by using a single authentication
method: either PAP or CHAP. Double authentication requires remote users to pass a second stage of
authentication (after CHAP or PAP authentication) before gaining network access.
This second (“double”) authentication requires a password that is known to the user but not stored on the user’s
remote host. Therefore, the second authentication is specific to a user, not to a host. This provides an additional
level of security that will be effective even if information from the remote host is stolen. In addition, this also
provides greater flexibility by allowing customized network privileges for each user.
The second stage authentication can use one-time passwords such as token card passwords, which are not
supported by CHAP. If one-time passwords are used, a stolen user password is of no use to the perpetrator.

How Double Authentication Works
With double authentication, there are two authentication/authorization stages. These two stages occur after a
remote user dials in and a PPP session is initiated.
In the first stage, the user logs in using the remote host name; CHAP (or PAP) authenticates the remote host,
and then PPP negotiates with AAA to authorize the remote host. In this process, the network access privileges
associated with the remote host are assigned to the user.


We suggest that the network administrator restrict authorization at this first stage to allow only Telnet
connections to the local host.
In the second stage, the remote user must Telnet to the network access server to be authenticated. When the
remote user logs in, the user must be authenticated with AAA login authentication. The user then must enter
the access-profile command to be reauthorized using AAA. When this authorization is complete, the user has
been double authenticated, and can access the network according to per-user network privileges.
The system administrator determines what network privileges remote users will have after each stage of
authentication by configuring appropriate parameters on a security server. To use double authentication, the
user must activate it by issuing the access-profilecommand.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Enabling Double Authentication


Double authentication can cause certain undesirable events if multiple hosts share a PPP connection to a
network access server, as shown in the figure below. First, if a user, Bob, initiates a PPP session and
activates double authentication at the network access server (per the figure below), any other user will
automatically have the same network privileges as Bob until Bob’s PPP session expires. This happens
because Bob’s authorization profile is applied to the network access server’s interface during the PPP
session and any PPP traffic from other users will use the PPP session Bob established. Second, if Bob
initiates a PPP session and activates double authentication, and then--before Bob’s PPP session has
expired--another user, Jane, executes the access-profile command (or, if Jane Telnets to the network
access server and autocommand access-profileis executed), a reauthorization will occur and Jane’s
authorization profile will be applied to the interface--replacing Bob’s profile. This can disrupt or halt Bob’s
PPP traffic, or grant Bob additional authorization privileges Bob should not have.

Figure 2: Possibly Risky Topology: Multiple Hosts Share a PPP Connection to a Network Access Server

Configuring Double Authentication
To configure double authentication, you must complete the following steps:
1 Enable AAA by using the aaa-new modelglobal configuration command. For more information about
enabling AAA, refer to the chapter “AAA Overview.”
2 Use the aaa authentication command to configure your network access server to use login and PPP
authentication method lists, then apply those method lists to the appropriate lines or interfaces.
3 Use the aaa authorization command to configure AAA network authorization at login. For more
information about configuring network authorization, refer to the “Configuring Authorization” chapter.
4 Configure security protocol parameters (for example, RADIUS or TACACS+). For more information
about RADIUS, refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS”. For more information about TACACS+,
refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”
5 Use access control list AV pairs on the security server that the user can connect to the local host only by
establishing a Telnet connection.
6 (Optional) Configure the access-profilecommand as an autocommand. If you configure the autocommand,
remote users will not have to manually enter the access-profile command to access authorized rights
associated with their personal user profile.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Enabling Double Authentication


If the access-profile command is configured as an autocommand, users will still have to Telnet to the
local host and log in to complete double authentication.
Follow these rules when creating the user-specific authorization statements (These rules relate to the default
behavior of the access-profile command):
• Use valid AV pairs when configuring access control list AV pairs on the security server.
• If you want remote users to use the interface’s existing authorization (that which existed prior to the
second stage authentication/authorization), but you want them to have different access control lists
(ACLs), you should specify only ACL AV pairs in the user-specific authorization definition. This might
be desirable if you set up a default authorization profile to apply to the remote host, but want to apply
specific ACLs to specific users.
• When these user-specific authorization statements are later applied to the interface, they can either be
added to the existing interface configuration or they can replace the existing interface
configuration--depending on which form of the access-profile command is used to authorize the user.
You should understand how the access-profile command works before configuring the authorization
• If you will be using ISDN or Multilink PPP, you must also configure virtual templates at the local host.
To troubleshoot double authentication, use the debug aaa per-user debug command. For more information
about this command, refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference .

Accessing the User Profile After Double Authentication
In double authentication, when a remote user establishes a PPP link to the local host using the local host name,
the remote host is CHAP (or PAP) authenticated. After CHAP (or PAP) authentication, PPP negotiates with
AAA to assign network access privileges associated with the remote host to the user. (We suggest that privileges
at this stage be restricted to allow the user to connect to the local host only by establishing a Telnet connection.)
When the user needs to initiate the second phase of double authentication, establishing a Telnet connection
to the local host, the user enters a personal username and password (different from the CHAP or PAP username
and password). This action causes AAA reauthentication to occur according to the personal username/password.
The initial rights associated with the local host, though, are still in place. By using the access-profile command,
the rights associated with the local host are replaced by or merged with those defined for the user in the user’s
To access the user profile after double authentication, use the following command in EXEC configuration


Router> access-profile [merge |


Accesses the rights associated for the user after double

If you configured the access-profile command to be executed as an autocommand, it will be executed
automatically after the remote user logs in.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Enabling Automated Double Authentication

Enabling Automated Double Authentication
You can make the double authentication process easier for users by implementing automated double
authentication. Automated double authentication provides all of the security benefits of double authentication,
but offers a simpler, more user-friendly interface for remote users. With double authentication, a second level
of user authentication is achieved when the user Telnets to the network access server or router and enters a
username and password. With automated double authentication, the user does not have to Telnet to the network
access server; instead the user responds to a dialog box that requests a username and password or personal
identification number (PIN). To use the automated double authentication feature, the remote user hosts must
be running a companion client application.


Automated double authentication, like the existing double authentication feature, is for Multilink PPP
ISDN connections only. Automated double authentication cannot be used with other protocols such as
X.25 or SLIP.
Automated double authentication is an enhancement to the existing double authentication feature. To configure
automated double authentication, you must first configure double authentication by completing the following
1 Enable AAA by using the aaa-new modelglobal configuration command.
2 Use the aaa authentication command to configure your network access server to use login and PPP
authentication method lists, then apply those method lists to the appropriate lines or interfaces.
3 Use the aaa authorization command to configure AAA network authorization at login. For more
information about configuring network authorization, refer to the chapter “Configuring Authorization.”
4 Configure security protocol parameters (for example, RADIUS or TACACS+). For more information
about RADIUS, refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS”. For more information about TACACS+,
refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”
5 Use access control list AV pairs on the security server that the user can connect to the local host only by
establishing a Telnet connection.
6 Configure the access-profilecommand as an autocommand. If you configure the autocommand, remote
users will not have to manually enter the access-profile command to access authorized rights associated
with their personal user profile. To learn about configuring autocommands, refer to the autocommand
command in the CiscoIOS Dial Technologies Command Reference , Release 12.2.


If the access-profile command is configured as an autocommand, users will still have to Telnet to the
local host and log in to complete double authentication.
Follow these rules when creating the user-specific authorization statements (These rules relate to the default
behavior of the access-profile command):
• Use valid AV pairs when configuring access control list AV pairs on the security server.
• If you want remote users to use the interface’s existing authorization (that which existed prior to the
second stage authentication/authorization), but you want them to have different access control lists
(ACLs), you should specify only ACL AV pairs in the user-specific authorization definition. This might

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Enabling Automated Double Authentication

be desirable if you set up a default authorization profile to apply to the remote host, but want to apply
specific ACLs to specific users.
• When these user-specific authorization statements are later applied to the interface, they can either be
added to the existing interface configuration, or replace the existing interface configuration--depending
on which form of the access-profile command is used to authorize the user. You should understand how
the access-profile command works before configuring the authorization statements.
• If you will be using ISDN or Multilink PPP, you must also configure virtual templates at the local host.
To troubleshoot double authentication, use the debug aaa per-user debug command. For more information
about this command, refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference .
After you have configured double authentication, you are ready to configure the automation enhancement.

Configuring Automated Double Authentication
To configure automated double authentication, use the following commands, starting in global configuration

1. Router(config)# ip trigger-authentication
2. Do one of the following:
• Router(config)# interface bri number
• Router(config)# interface serial number :23
3. Router(config-if)# ip trigger-authentication


Step 1

Command or Action


Router(config)# ip trigger-authentication

Enables automation of double authentication.


Step 2

seconds] [port number]

Do one of the following:
• Router(config)# interface bri number

Selects an ISDN BRI or ISDN PRI interface and enter
the interface configuration mode.

• Router(config)# interface serial number :23

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring the Dynamic Authorization Service for RADIUS CoA

Step 3

Command or Action


Router(config-if)# ip trigger-authentication

Applies automated double authentication to the

Troubleshooting Automated Double Authentication
To troubleshoot automated double authentication, use the following commands in privileged EXEC mode:

1. Router# show ip trigger-authentication
2. Router# clear ip trigger-authentication
3. Router# debug ip trigger-authentication

Command or Action


Step 1

Router# show ip trigger-authentication

Displays the list of remote hosts for which automated double
authentication has been attempted (successfully or unsuccessfully).

Step 2

Router# clear ip trigger-authentication

Clears the list of remote hosts for which automated double authentication
has been attempted. (This clears the table displayed by the show ip
trigger-authentication command.)

Step 3

Router# debug ip trigger-authentication Displays debug output related to automated double authentication.

Configuring the Dynamic Authorization Service for RADIUS CoA
Use the following procedure to enable the router as an authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
server for dynamic authorization service to support the CoA functionality that pushes the policy map in an
input and output direction.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring the Dynamic Authorization Service for RADIUS CoA

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa server radius dynamic-author
5. client {ip_addr | hostname} [server-key [0 | 7] string]
6. domain {delimiter character| stripping [right-to-left]}
7. port {port-num}


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

Enables AAA.

aaa new-model
Router(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa server radius dynamic-author
Router(config)# aaa server radius

Step 5

client {ip_addr | hostname} [server-key [0 | 7] Configures the IP address or hostname of the AAA server client. Use
the optional server-key keyword and string argument to configure
the server key at the “client” level.


Router(config-locsvr-da-radius)#client server-key cisco1

Step 6

Sets up the local AAA server for dynamic authorization service, which
must be enabled to support the CoA functionality to push the policy
map in an input and output direction and enter dynamic authorization
local server configuration mode. In this mode, the RADIUS
application commands are configured.

domain {delimiter character| stripping

Configuring the server key at the client level overrides the
server key configured at the global level.

(Optional) Configures username domain options for the RADIUS

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring a Device to Ignore Bounce and Disable RADIUS CoA Requests

Command or Action

• The delimiter keyword specifies the domain delimiter. One of
the following options can be specified for the character
argument: @, /, $, %, \, # or -

Router(config-locsvr-da-radius)# domain
stripping right-to-left

Router(config-locsvr-da-radius)# domain
delimiter @

Step 7


port {port-num}

• The stripping keyword compares the incoming username with
the names oriented to the left of the @ domain delimiter.
• The right-to-left keyword terminates the string at the first
delimiter going from right to left.

Configures UDP port 3799 for CoA requests.

Router(config-locsvr-da-radius)# port

Configuring a Device to Ignore Bounce and Disable RADIUS CoA Requests
When an authentication port is authenticated with multiple hosts and there is a Change of Authorization (CoA)
request for one host to flap on this port or one host session to be terminated on this port, the other hosts on
this port are also affected. Thus, an authenticated port with multiple hosts can trigger a DHCP renegotiation
from one or more hosts in the case of a flap, or it can administratively shut down the authentication port that
is hosting the session for one or more hosts.
Perform the following steps to configure the device to ignore RADIUS server Change of Authorization (CoA)
requests in the form of a bounce port command or disable port command.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. authentication command bounce-port ignore
5. authentication command disable-port ignore
6. end


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring Domain Stripping at the Server Group Level

Command or Action

• Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Device# configure terminal

Step 3

Enables authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)

aaa new-model
Device(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

authentication command bounce-port ignore

(Optional) Configures the device to ignore a RADIUS server
bounce port command that causes a host to link flap on an
authentication port, which causes DHCP renegotiation from one
or more hosts connected to this port.

Device(config)# authentication command
bounce-port ignore

Step 5

authentication command disable-port ignore
Device(config)# authentication command
disable-port ignore

Step 6

(Optional) Configures the device to ignore a RADIUS server CoA
disable port command that administratively shuts down the
authentication port that hosts one or more host sessions.
• The shutting down of the port causes session termination.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Device(config)# end

Configuring Domain Stripping at the Server Group Level
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa group server radius server-name
4. domain-stripping [strip-suffix word] [right-to-left ] [prefix-delimiter word] [delimiter word]
5. end

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Non-AAA Authentication Methods


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa group server radius server-name
Device(config)# aaa group server radius rad1

Step 4

domain-stripping [strip-suffix word] [right-to-left ]
[prefix-delimiter word] [delimiter word]

Adds the RADIUS server and enters server group RADIUS
configuration mode.
• The server-name argument specifies the RADIUS
server group name.
Configures domain stripping at the server group level.

Device(config-sg-radius)# domain-stripping

Step 5

Exits server group RADIUS configuration mode and
returns to the privileged EXEC mode.

Device(config-sg-radius)# end

Non-AAA Authentication Methods
Configuring Line Password Protection
You can This task is used to provide access control on a terminal line by entering the password and establishing
password checking.


If you configure line password protection and then configure TACACS or extended TACACS, the TACACS
username and password take precedence over line passwords. If you have not yet implemented a security
policy, we recommend that you use AAA.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Configuring Line Password Protection

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number [ending-line-number]
4. password password
5. login


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number Enters line configuration mode.
Router(config)# line console 0

Step 4

password password

Assigns a password to a terminal or other device on a line. The password
checker is case sensitive and can include spaces; for example, the password
“Secret” is different from the password “secret,” and “two words” is an
acceptable password.

Router(config-line)# secret word

Step 5


Enables password checking at login.


You can disable line password verification by disabling password checking
by using the no version of this command.

Router(config-line)# login


The login command only changes username and privilege level
but it does not execute a shell; therefore autocommands will not
be executed. To execute autocommands under this circumstance,
you need to establish a Telnet session back into the router
(loop-back). Make sure that the router has been configured for
secure Telnet sessions if you choose to implement autocommands
this way.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Establishing Username Authentication

Establishing Username Authentication
You can create a username-based authentication system, which is useful in the following situations:
• To provide a TACACS-like username and encrypted password-authentication system for networks that
cannot support TACACS
• To provide special-case logins: for example, access list verification, no password verification,
autocommand execution at login, and “no escape” situations
To establish username authentication, use the following commands in global configuration mode as needed
for your system configuration:

1. Do one of the following:
• Router(config)# username name [nopassword | password password | password encryption-type
encrypted password]
• Router(config)# username name [access-class number]
2. Router(config)# username name [privilege level]
3. Router(config)# username name [autocommand command]
4. Router(config)# username name [noescape] [nohangup]


Step 1

Command or Action


Do one of the following:

Establishes username authentication with encrypted

• Router(config)# username name [nopassword |
password password | password encryption-type
encrypted password]
• Router(config)# username name [access-class number]

(Optional) Establishes username authentication by
access list.

Step 2

Router(config)# username name [privilege level]

Step 3

Router(config)# username name [autocommand command] (Optional) Specifies a command to be executed

Step 4

Router(config)# username name [noescape] [nohangup]

(Optional) Sets the privilege level for the user.

(Optional) Sets a “no escape” login environment.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Enabling CHAP or PAP Authentication

What to Do Next
The keyword noescape prevents users from using escape characters on the hosts to which they are connected.
The nohangup feature does not disconnect after using the autocommand.


Passwords will be displayed in clear text in your configuration unless you enable the service
password-encryption command. For more information about the service password-encryption command,
refer to the Cisco IOS Security Command Reference.

Enabling CHAP or PAP Authentication
One of the most common transport protocols used in Internet service providers’ (ISPs’) dial solutions is the
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). Traditionally, remote users dial in to an access server to initiate a PPP session.
After PPP has been negotiated, remote users are connected to the ISP network and to the Internet.
Because ISPs want only customers to connect to their access servers, remote users are required to authenticate
to the access server before they can start up a PPP session. Normally, a remote user authenticates by typing
in a username and password when prompted by the access server. Although this is a workable solution, it is
difficult to administer and awkward for the remote user.
A better solution is to use the authentication protocols built into PPP. In this case, the remote user dials in to
the access server and starts up a minimal subset of PPP with the access server. This does not give the remote
user access to the ISP’s network--it merely allows the access server to talk to the remote device.
PPP currently supports two authentication protocols: Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). Both are specified in RFC 1334 and are supported on synchronous
and asynchronous interfaces. Authentication via PAP or CHAP is equivalent to typing in a username and
password when prompted by the server. CHAP is considered to be more secure because the remote user’s
password is never sent across the connection.
PPP (with or without PAP or CHAP authentication) is also supported in dialout solutions. An access server
utilizes a dialout feature when it initiates a call to a remote device and attempts to start up a transport protocol
such as PPP.
See the Cisco IOS XE Dial Technologies Configuration Guide , Release 2 for more information about CHAP
and PAP.


To use CHAP or PAP, you must be running PPP encapsulation.
When CHAP is enabled on an interface and a remote device attempts to connect to it, the access server sends
a CHAP packet to the remote device. The CHAP packet requests or “challenges” the remote device to respond.
The challenge packet consists of an ID, a random number, and the host name of the local router.
When the remote device receives the challenge packet, it concatenates the ID, the remote device’s password,
and the random number, and then encrypts all of it using the remote device’s password. The remote device
sends the results back to the access server, along with the name associated with the password used in the
encryption process.
When the access server receives the response, it uses the name it received to retrieve a password stored in its
user database. The retrieved password should be the same password the remote device used in its encryption

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Enabling CHAP or PAP Authentication

process. The access server then encrypts the concatenated information with the newly retrieved password--if
the result matches the result sent in the response packet, authentication succeeds.
The benefit of using CHAP authentication is that the remote device’s password is never transmitted in clear
text. This prevents other devices from stealing it and gaining illegal access to the ISP’s network.
CHAP transactions occur only at the time a link is established. The access server does not request a password
during the rest of the call. (The local device can, however, respond to such requests from other devices during
a call.)
When PAP is enabled, the remote router attempting to connect to the access server is required to send an
authentication request. If the username and password specified in the authentication request are accepted, the
Cisco IOS XE software sends an authentication acknowledgment.
After you have enabled CHAP or PAP, the access server will require authentication from remote devices
dialing in to the access server. If the remote device does not support the enabled protocol, the call will be
To use CHAP or PAP, you must perform the following tasks:
1 Enable PPP encapsulation.
2 Enable CHAP or PAP on the interface.
3 For CHAP, configure host name authentication and the secret or password for each remote system with
which authentication is required.

Enabling PPP Encapsulation
To enable PPP encapsulation, use the following command in interface configuration mode:

encapsulation ppp

Enables PPP on an interface.

Enabling PAP or CHAP
To enable CHAP or PAP authentication on an interface configured for PPP encapsulation, use the following
command in interface configuration mode:
Router(config-if)# ppp authentication
{protocol1 [protocol2...]} [if-needed] {default
| list-name} [callin] [one-time]

Defines the authentication protocols supported and
the order in which they are used. In this command,
protocol1, protocol2 represent the following
protocols: CHAP, MS-CHAP, and PAP. PPP
authentication is attempted first using the first
authentication method, which is protocol1. If
protocol1 is unable to establish authentication, the
next configured protocol is used to negotiate

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Enabling CHAP or PAP Authentication

If you configure ppp authentication chap on an interface, all incoming calls on that interface that initiate a
PPP connection will have to be authenticated using CHAP; likewise, if you configure ppp authentication
pap, all incoming calls that start a PPP connection will have to be authenticated via PAP. If you configure
ppp authentication chap pap, the access server will attempt to authenticate all incoming calls that start a
PPP session with CHAP. If the remote device does not support CHAP, the access server will try to authenticate
the call using PAP. If the remote device does not support either CHAP or PAP, authentication will fail and
the call will be dropped. If you configure ppp authentication pap chap, the access server will attempt to
authenticate all incoming calls that start a PPP session with PAP. If the remote device does not support PAP,
the access server will try to authenticate the call using CHAP. If the remote device does not support either
protocol, authentication will fail and the call will be dropped. If you configure the ppp authentication
command with the callin keyword, the access server will only authenticate the remote device if the remote
device initiated the call.
Authentication method lists and the one-time keyword are only available if you have enabled AAA--they
will not be available if you are using TACACS or extended TACACS. If you specify the name of an
authentication method list with the ppp authentication command, PPP will attempt to authenticate the
connection using the methods defined in the specified method list. If AAA is enabled and no method list is
defined by name, PPP will attempt to authenticate the connection using the methods defined as the default.
The ppp authentication command with the one-time keyword enables support for one-time passwords during
The if-needed keyword is only available if you are using TACACS or extended TACACS. The ppp
authenticationcommand with the if-needed keyword means that PPP will only authenticate the remote device
via PAP or CHAP if they have not yet authenticated during the life of the current call. If the remote device
authenticated via a standard login procedure and initiated PPP from the EXEC prompt, PPP will not authenticate
via CHAP if ppp authentication chap if-needed is configured on the interface.


If you use a list-name that has not been configured with the aaa authentication pppcommand, you disable
PPP on the line.
For information about adding a username entry for each remote system from which the local router or access
server requires authentication, see the Establishing Username Authentication, on page 42.

Inbound and Outbound Authentication
PPP supports two-way authentication. Normally, when a remote device dials in to an access server, the access
server requests that the remote device prove that it is allowed access. This is known as inbound authentication.
At the same time, the remote device can also request that the access server prove that it is who it says it is.
This is known as outbound authentication. An access server also does outbound authentication when it initiates
a call to a remote device.

Enabling Outbound PAP Authentication
To enable outbound PAP authentication, use the following command in interface configuration mode:


ppp pap sent-username
username password password

Enables outbound PAP authentication.


Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Enabling CHAP or PAP Authentication

The access server uses the username and password specified by the ppp pap sent-username command to
authenticate itself whenever it initiates a call to a remote device or when it has to respond to a remote device’s
request for outbound authentication.

Refusing PAP Authentication Requests
To refuse PAP authentication from peers requesting it, meaning that PAP authentication is disabled for all
calls, use the following command in interface configuration mode:

Refuses PAP authentication from peers requesting
PAP authentication.

ppp pap refuse

If the refuse keyword is not used, the router will not refuse any PAP authentication challenges received from
the peer.

Creating a Common CHAP Password
For remote CHAP authentication only, you can configure your router to create a common CHAP secret
password to use in response to challenges from an unknown peer; for example, if your router calls a rotary
of routers (either from another vendor, or running an older version of the Cisco IOS software) to which a new
(that is, unknown) router has been added. The ppp chap password command allows you to replace several
username and password configuration commands with a single copy of this command on any dialer interface
or asynchronous group interface.
To enable a router calling a collection of routers to configure a common CHAP secret password, use the
following command in interface configuration mode:

ppp chap password


Enables a router calling a collection of routers to
configure a common CHAP secret password.

Refusing CHAP Authentication Requests
To refuse CHAP authentication from peers requesting it, meaning that CHAP authentication is disabled for
all calls, use the following command in interface configuration mode:

ppp chap refuse [callin]

Refuses CHAP authentication from peers requesting
CHAP authentication.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication

If the callin keyword is used, the router will refuse to answer CHAP authentication challenges received from
the peer, but will still require the peer to answer any CHAP challenges the router sends.
If outbound PAP has been enabled (using the ppp pap sent-username command), PAP will be suggested as
the authentication method in the refusal packet.

Delaying CHAP Authentication Until Peer Authenticates
To specify that the router will not authenticate to a peer requesting CHAP authentication until after the peer
has authenticated itself to the router, use the following command in interface configuration mode:



ppp chap wait


Configures the router to delay CHAP authentication
until after the peer has authenticated itself to the

This command (which is the default) specifies that the router will not authenticate to a peer requesting CHAP
authentication until the peer has authenticated itself to the router. The no ppp chap waitcommandspecifies
that the router will respond immediately to an authentication challenge.

Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP) is the Microsoft version of CHAP and
is an extension of RFC 1994. Like the standard version of CHAP, MS-CHAP is used for PPP authentication;
in this case, authentication occurs between a PC using Microsoft Windows NT or Microsoft Windows 95 and
a Cisco device or access server acting as a network access server.
MS-CHAP differs from the standard CHAP as follows:
• MS-CHAP is enabled by negotiating CHAP Algorithm 0x80 in LCP option 3, Authentication Protocol.
• The MS-CHAP Response packet is in a format designed to be compatible with Microsoft Windows NT
3.5 and 3.51, Microsoft Windows 95, and Microsoft LAN Manager 2.x. This format does not require
the authenticator to store a clear or reversibly encrypted password.
• MS-CHAP provides an authenticator-controlled authentication retry mechanism.
• MS-CHAP provides an authenticator-controlled change password mechanism.
• MS-CHAP defines a set of “reason-for failure” codes returned in the Failure packet message field.
Depending on the security protocols you have implemented, PPP authentication using MS-CHAP can be used
with or without AAA security services. If you have enabled AAA, PPP authentication using MS-CHAP can
be used in conjunction with both TACACS+ and RADIUS. The table below lists the vendor-specific RADIUS
attributes (IETF Attribute 26) that enable RADIUS to support MS-CHAP.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication

Table 9: Vendor-Specific RADIUS Attributes for MS-CHAP








Contains the challenge
sent by a network access
server to an MS-CHAP
user. It can be used in
both Access-Request and




Contains the response
value provided by a PPP
MS-CHAP user in
response to the challenge.
It is only used in
Access-Request packets.
This attribute is identical
to the PPP CHAP

Defining PPP Authentication using MS-CHAP
To define PPP authentication using MS-CHAP, use the following commands in interface configuration mode:

1. Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
2. Router(config-if)# ppp authentication ms-chap [if-needed] [list-name | default] [callin] [one-time]

Command or Action


Step 1

Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp

Enables PPP encapsulation.

Step 2

Router(config-if)# ppp authentication ms-chap [if-needed]
[list-name | default] [callin] [one-time]

Defines PPP authentication using MS-CHAP.

What to Do Next
If you configure ppp authentication ms-chap on an interface, all incoming calls on that interface that initiate
a PPP connection will have to be authenticated using MS-CHAP. If you configure the ppp authentication
command with the callin keyword, the access server will only authenticate the remote device if the remote
device initiated the call.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Authentication Examples

Authentication method lists and the one-time keyword are only available if you have enabled AAA--they
will not be available if you are using TACACS or extended TACACS. If you specify the name of an
authentication method list with the ppp authentication command, PPP will attempt to authenticate the
connection using the methods defined in the specified method list. If AAA is enabled and no method list is
defined by name, PPP will attempt to authenticate the connection using the methods defined as the default.
The ppp authentication command with the one-time keyword enables support for one-time passwords during
The if-needed keyword is only available if you are using TACACS or extended TACACS. The ppp
authenticationcommand with the if-needed keyword means that PPP will only authenticate the remote device
via MS-CHAP if that device has not yet authenticated during the life of the current call. If the remote device
authenticated through a standard login procedure and initiated PPP from the EXEC prompt, PPP will not
authenticate through MS-CHAP if ppp authentication chap if-needed is configured.


If PPP authentication using MS-CHAP is used with username authentication, you must include the
MS-CHAP secret in the local username/password database. For more information about username
authentication, refer to the “Establish Username Authentication” section.

Authentication Examples
RADIUS Authentication Examples
This section provides two sample configurations using RADIUS.
The following example shows how to configure the router to authenticate and authorize using RADIUS:
aaa authentication login radius-login group radius local
aaa authentication ppp radius-ppp if-needed group radius
aaa authorization exec default group radius if-authenticated
aaa authorization network default group radius
line 3
login authentication radius-login
interface serial 0
ppp authentication radius-ppp

The lines in this sample RADIUS authentication and authorization configuration are defined as follows:
• The aaa authentication login radius-login group radius local command configures the router to use
RADIUS for authentication at the login prompt. If RADIUS returns an error, the user is authenticated
using the local database.
• The aaa authentication ppp radius-ppp if-needed group radius command configures the Cisco IOS XE
software to use PPP authentication using CHAP or PAP if the user has not already logged in. If the
EXEC facility has authenticated the user, PPP authentication is not performed.
• The aaa authorization exec default group radius if-authenticated command queries the RADIUS database
for information that is used during EXEC authorization, such as autocommands and privilege levels,
but only provides authorization if the user has successfully authenticated.
• The aaa authorization network default group radius command queries RADIUS for network authorization,
address assignment, and other access lists.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
TACACS Authentication Examples

• The login authentication radius-login command enables the radius-login method list for line 3.
• The ppp authentication radius-ppp command enables the radius-ppp method list for serial interface
The following example shows how to configure the router to prompt for and verify a username and password,
authorize the user’s EXEC level, and specify it as the method of authorization for privilege level 2. In this
example, if a local username is entered at the username prompt, that username is used for authentication.
If the user is authenticated using the local database, EXEC authorization using RADIUS will fail because no
data is saved from the RADIUS authentication. The method list also uses the local database to find an
autocommand. If there is no autocommand, the user becomes the EXEC user. If the user then attempts to
issue commands that are set at privilege level 2, TACACS+ is used to attempt to authorize the command.
aaa authentication login default group radius local
aaa authorization exec default group radius local
aaa authorization command 2 default group tacacs+ if-authenticated
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req
radius-server attribute 8 include-in-access-req

The lines in this sample RADIUS authentication and authorization configuration are defined as follows:
• The aaa authentication login default group radius local command specifies that the username and password
are verified by RADIUS or, if RADIUS is not responding, by the router’s local user database.
• The aaa authorization exec default group radius local command specifies that RADIUS authentication
information be used to set the user’s EXEC level if the user authenticates with RADIUS. If no RADIUS
information is used, this command specifies that the local user database be used for EXEC authorization.
• The aaa authorization command 2 default group tacacs+ if-authenticated command specifies TACACS+
authorization for commands set at privilege level 2, if the user has already successfully authenticated.
• The radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 command specifies the IP address
of the RADIUS server host, the UDP destination port for authentication requests, and the UDP destination
port for accounting requests.
• The radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req command sends RADIUS attribute 44
(Acct-Session-ID) in access-request packets.
• The radius-server attribute 8 include-in-access-req command sends RADIUS attribute 8
(Framed-IP-Address) in access-request packets.

TACACS Authentication Examples
The following example shows how to configure TACACS+ as the security protocol to be used for PPP
aaa new-model
aaa authentication ppp test group tacacs+ local
interface serial 0
ppp authentication chap pap test
tacacs-server host
tacacs-server key goaway

The lines in this sample TACACS+ authentication configuration are defined as follows:
• The aaa new-model command enables the AAA security services.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Kerberos Authentication Examples

• The aaa authentication command defines a method list, “test,” to be used on serial interfaces running
PPP. The keywords group tacacs+ means that authentication will be done through TACACS+. If
TACACS+ returns an ERROR of some sort during authentication, the keyword local indicates that
authentication will be attempted using the local database on the network access server.
• The interface command selects the line.
• The ppp authentication command applies the test method list to this line.
• The tacacs-server host command identifies the TACACS+ daemon as having an IP address of
• The tacacs-server key command defines the shared encryption key to be “goaway.”
The following example shows how to configure AAA authentication for PPP:
aaa authentication ppp default if-needed group tacacs+ local

In this example, the keyword default means that PPP authentication is applied by default to all interfaces.
The if-needed keyword means that if the user has already authenticated by going through the ASCII login
procedure, then PPP is not necessary and can be skipped. If authentication is needed, the keywords group
tacacs+ means that authentication will be done through TACACS+. If TACACS+ returns an ERROR of some
sort during authentication, the keyword local indicates that authentication will be attempted using the local
database on the network access server.
The following example shows how to create the same authentication algorithm for PAP, but it calls the method
list “MIS-access” instead of “default”:
aaa authentication ppp MIS-access if-needed group tacacs+ local
interface serial 0
ppp authentication pap MIS-access

In this example, because the list does not apply to any interfaces (unlike the default list, which applies
automatically to all interfaces), the administrator must select interfaces to which this authentication scheme
should apply by using the interface command. The administrator must then apply this method list to those
interfaces by using the ppp authentication command.

Kerberos Authentication Examples
To specify Kerberos as the login authentication method, use the following command:
aaa authentication login default krb5

To specify Kerberos authentication for PPP, use the following command:
aaa authentication ppp default krb5

AAA Scalability Example
The following example shows a general security configuration using AAA with RADIUS as the security
protocol. In this example, the network access server is configured to allocate 16 background processes to
handle AAA requests for PPP.
aaa new-model
username root

host alcatraz
key myRaDiUSpassWoRd
password ALongPassword

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
AAA Scalability Example

aaa authentication ppp dialins group radius local
aaa authentication login admins local
aaa authorization network default group radius local
aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
aaa processes 16
line 1 16
autoselect ppp
autoselect during-login
login authentication admins
modem dialin
interface group-async 1
group-range 1 16
encapsulation ppp
ppp authentication pap dialins

The lines in this sample RADIUS AAA configuration are defined as follows:
• The aaa new-model command enables AAA network security services.
• The radius-server host command defines the name of the RADIUS server host.
• The radius-server key command defines the shared secret text string between the network access server
and the RADIUS server host.
• The radius-server configure-nas command defines that the Cisco router or access server will query
the RADIUS server for static routes and IP pool definitions when the device first starts up.
• The username command defines the username and password to be used for the PPP Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) caller identification.
• The aaa authentication ppp dialins group radius local command defines the authentication method
list “dialins,” which specifies that RADIUS authentication, then (if the RADIUS server does not respond)
local authentication will be used on serial lines using PPP.
• The aaa authentication login admins local command defines another method list, “admins,” for login
• The aaa authorization network default group radius local command is used to assign an address and
other network parameters to the RADIUS user.
• The aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius command tracks PPP usage.
• The aaa processes command allocates 16 background processes to handle AAA requests for PPP.
• The line command switches the configuration mode from global configuration to line configuration and
identifies the specific lines being configured.
• The autoselect ppp command allows a PPP session to start up automatically on these selected lines.
• The autoselect during-login command is used to display the username and password prompt without
pressing the Return key. After the user logs in, the autoselect function (in this case, PPP) begins.
• The login authentication admins command applies the “admins” method list for login authentication.
• The modem dialin command configures modems attached to the selected lines to only accept incoming
• The interface group-async command selects and defines an asynchronous interface group.
• The group-range command defines the member asynchronous interfaces in the interface group.
• The encapsulation ppp command sets PPP as the encapsulation method used on the specified interfaces.
• The ppp authentication pap dialinscommand applies the “dialins” method list to the specified interfaces.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Example: Configuring Login and Failed-Login Banners for AAA Authentication

Example: Configuring Login and Failed-Login Banners for AAA Authentication
The following example shows how to configure a login banner that is displayed when a user logs in to the
system, (in this case, the phrase “Unauthorized Access Prohibited”). The asterisk (*) is used as the delimiting
character. RADIUS is specified as the default login authentication method.
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# aaa new-model
Device(config)# aaa authentication banner *Unauthorized Access Prohibited*
Device(config)# aaa authentication login default group radius

This configuration displays the following login banner:
Unauthorized Access Prohibited

The following example shows how to configure a failed-login banner that is displayed when a user tries to
log in to the system and fails, (in this case, the phrase “Failed login. Try again”). The asterisk (*) is used as
the delimiting character. RADIUS is specified as the default login authentication method.
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# aaa new-model
Device(config)# aaa authentication banner *Unauthorized Access Prohibited*
Device(config)# aaa authentication fail-message *Failed login. Try again.*
Device(config)# aaa authentication login default group radius

This configuration displays the following login and failed-login banner:
Unauthorized Access Prohibited
Failed login. Try again.

AAA Packet of Disconnect Server Key Example
The following example shows how to configure POD (packet of disconnect), which terminates connections
on the network access server (NAS) when particular session attributes are identified.
aaa new-model
aaa authentication ppp default radius
aaa accounting network default start-stop radius
aaa accounting delay-start
aaa pod server server-key xyz123
radius-server host non-standard
radius-server key rad123

Double Authentication Examples
The examples in this section illustrate possible configurations to be used with double authentication. Your
configurations could differ significantly, depending on your network and security requirements.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Double Authentication Examples


These configuration examples include specific IP addresses and other specific information. This information
is for illustration purposes only: your configuration will use different IP addresses, different usernames
and passwords, and different authorization statements.

Configuration of the Local Host for AAA with Double Authentication Examples
These two examples show how to configure a local host to use AAA for PPP and login authentication, and
for network and EXEC authorization. An example each is shown for RADIUS and for TACACS+.
In both the examples, the first three lines configure AAA with a specific server as the AAA server. The next
two lines configure AAA for PPP and login authentication, and the last two lines configure network and EXEC
authorization. The last line is necessary only if the access-profile command will be executed as an
The following example shows device configuration with a RADIUS AAA server:
aaa new-model
radius-server host secureserver
radius-server key myradiuskey
aaa authentication ppp default group radius
aaa authentication login default group radius
aaa authorization network default group radius
aaa authorization exec default group radius

The following example shows device configuration with a TACACS+ server:
aaa new-model
tacacs-server host security
tacacs-server key mytacacskey
aaa authentication ppp default group tacacs+
aaa authentication login default group tacacs+
aaa authorization network default group tacacs+
aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+

Configuration of the AAA Server for First-Stage PPP Authentication and Authorization Example
This example shows a configuration on the AAA server. A partial sample AAA configuration is shown for
TACACS+ servers can be configured similarly. (See the Complete Configuration with TACACS Example.)
This example defines authentication/authorization for a remote host named “hostx” that will be authenticated
by CHAP in the first stage of double authentication. Note that the ACL AV pair limits the remote host to
Telnet connections to the local host. The local host has the IP address
The following example shows a partial AAA server configuration for RADIUS:

Password = “welcome”
User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
cisco-avpair = “lcp:interface-config=ip unnumbered fastethernet 0”,
cisco-avpair = “ip:inacl#3=permit tcp any eq telnet”,
cisco-avpair = “ip:inacl#4=deny icmp any any”,
cisco-avpair = “ip:route#5=”,
cisco-avpair = “ip:route#6=”,
cisco-avpair = “ipx:inacl#3=deny any”

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Double Authentication Examples

Configuration of the AAA Server for Second-Stage Per-User Authentication and Authorization
This section contains partial sample AAA configurations on a RADIUS server. These configurations define
authentication and authorization for a user (Pat) with the username “patuser,” who will be user-authenticated
in the second stage of double authentication.
TACACS+ servers can be configured similarly. (See the Complete Configuration with TACACS Example.)
Three examples show sample RADIUS AAA configurations that could be used with each of the three forms
of the access-profile command.
The first example shows a partial sample AAA configuration that works with the default form (no keywords)
of the access-profile command. Note that only ACL AV pairs are defined. This example also sets up the
access-profile command as an autocommand.

Password = “welcome”
User-Service-Type = Shell-User,
cisco-avpair = “shell:autocmd=access-profile”
User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
cisco-avpair = “ip:inacl#3=permit tcp any host eq telnet”,
cisco-avpair = “ip:inacl#4=deny icmp any any”

The second example shows a partial sample AAA configuration that works with the access-profile merge
form of the access-profile command. This example also sets up the access-profile mergecommand as an

Password = “welcome”
User-Service-Type = Shell-User,
cisco-avpair = “shell:autocmd=access-profile merge”
User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
cisco-avpair = “ip:inacl#3=permit tcp any any”
cisco-avpair = “ip:route=",
cisco-avpair = “ip:route=",
cisco-avpair = “ip:route="

The third example shows a partial sample AAA configuration that works with the access-profile replace
form of the access-profile command. This example also sets up the access-profile replacecommand as an

Password = “welcome”
User-Service-Type = Shell-User,
cisco-avpair = “shell:autocmd=access-profile replace”
User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
cisco-avpair = “ip:inacl#3=permit tcp any any”,
cisco-avpair = “ip:inacl#4=permit icmp any any”,
cisco-avpair = “ip:route=",
cisco-avpair = “ip:route=",
cisco-avpair = “ip:route="

Complete Configuration with TACACS Example
This example shows TACACS+ authorization profile configurations both for the remote host (used in the first
stage of double authentication) and for specific users (used in the second stage of double authentication). This
TACACS+ example contains approximately the same configuration information as shown in the previous
RADIUS examples.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Double Authentication Examples

This sample configuration shows authentication/authorization profiles on the TACACS+ server for the remote
host “hostx” and for three users, with the usernames “pat_default,” “pat_merge,” and “pat_replace.” The
configurations for these three usernames illustrate different configurations that correspond to the three different
forms of the access-profile command. The three user configurations also illustrate setting up the autocommand
for each form of the access-profile command.
The figure below shows the topology. The example that follows the figure shows a TACACS+ configuration
Figure 3: Example Topology for Double Authentication

This sample configuration shows authentication/authorization profiles on the TACACS+ server for the remote
host “hostx” and for three users, with the usernames “pat_default,” “pat_merge,” and “pat_replace.”
key = “mytacacskey”
default authorization = permit
#-----------------------------Remote Host (BRI)------------------------#
# This allows the remote host to be authenticated by the local host
# during fist-stage authentication, and provides the remote host
# authorization profile.
#----------------------------------------------------------------------user = hostx
login = cleartext “welcome”
chap = cleartext “welcome”
service = ppp protocol = lcp {
interface-config=”ip unnumbered fastethernet 0"
service = ppp protocol = ip {
# It is important to have the hash sign and some string after
# it. This indicates to the NAS that you have a per-user
# config.
inacl#3=”permit tcp any eq telnet”
inacl#4=”deny icmp any any”
service = ppp protocol = ipx {
# see previous comment about the hash sign and string, in protocol = ip
inacl#3=”deny any”
#------------------- “access-profile” default user “only acls” -----------------#
# Without arguments, access-profile removes any access-lists it can find
# in the old configuration (both per-user and per-interface), and makes sure
# that the new profile contains ONLY access-list definitions.
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------user = pat_default

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Double Authentication Examples

login = cleartext “welcome”
chap = cleartext “welcome”
service = exec
# This is the autocommand that executes when pat_default logs in.
autocmd = “access-profile”
service = ppp protocol = ip {
# Put whatever access-lists, static routes, whatever
# here.
# If you leave this blank, the user will have NO IP
# access-lists (not even the ones installed prior to
# this)!
inacl#3=”permit tcp any host eq telnet”
inacl#4=”deny icmp any any”
service = ppp protocol = ipx {
# Put whatever access-lists, static routes, whatever
# here.
# If you leave this blank, the user will have NO IPX
# access-lists (not even the ones installed prior to
# this)!
#--------------------- “access-profile merge” user --------------------------#
# With the 'merge' option, first all old access-lists are removed (as before),
# but then (almost) all AV pairs are uploaded and installed. This will allow
# for uploading any custom static routes, sap-filters, and so on, that the user
# may need in his or her profile. This needs to be used with care, as it leaves
# open the possibility of conflicting configurations.
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------user = pat_merge
login = cleartext “welcome”
chap = cleartext “welcome”
service = exec
# This is the autocommand that executes when pat_merge logs in.
autocmd = “access-profile merge”
service = ppp protocol = ip
# Put whatever access-lists, static routes, whatever
# here.
# If you leave this blank, the user will have NO IP
# access-lists (not even the ones installed prior to
# this)!
inacl#3=”permit tcp any any”
service = ppp protocol = ipx
# Put whatever access-lists, static routes, whatever
# here.
# If you leave this blank, the user will have NO IPX
# access-lists (not even the ones installed prior to
# this)!
#--------------------- “access-profile replace” user ---------------------------#
# With the 'replace' option, ALL old configuration is removed and ALL new
# configuration is installed.
# One caveat: access-profile checks the new configuration for address-pool and
# address AV pairs. As addresses cannot be renegotiated at this point, the

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Automated Double Authentication Example

# command will fail (and complain) when it encounters such an AV pair.
# Such AV pairs are considered to be “invalid” for this context.
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------user = pat_replace
login = cleartex
chap = cleartext “welcome”
service = exec
# This is the autocommand that executes when pat_replace logs in.
autocmd = “access-profile replace”
service = ppp protocol = ip
# Put whatever access-lists, static routes, whatever
# here.
# If you leave this blank, the user will have NO IP
# access-lists (not even the ones installed prior to
# this)!
inacl#3=”permit tcp any any”
inacl#4=”permit icmp any any”
service = ppp protocol = ipx
# put whatever access-lists, static routes, whatever
# here.
# If you leave this blank, the user will have NO IPX
# access-lists (not even the ones installed prior to
# this)!

Automated Double Authentication Example
This example shows a complete configuration file with automated double authentication configured. The
configuration commands that apply to automated double authentication are preceded by descriptions with a
double asterisk (**).
Current configuration:
version 11.3
no service password-encryption
hostname myrouter
! **The following AAA commands are used to configure double authentication:
! **The following command enables AAA:
aaa new-model
! **The following command enables user authentication via the RADIUS AAA server:
aaa authentication login default none
aaa authentication ppp default group radius
! **The following command causes the remote user’s authorization profile to be
! downloaded from the AAA server to the router when required:
aaa authorization network default group radius
enable password mypassword

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Automated Double Authentication Example

ip host blue
ip host green
ip host red
ip domain-name
ip name-server
interface FastEthernet0/0/0
ip address
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
no keepalive
ntp disable
no cdp enable
interface Virtual-Template1
ip unnumbered loopback0
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
! **The following command specifies that device authentication occurs via PPP CHAP:
ppp authentication chap
router eigrp 109
no auto-summary
ip default-gateway
no ip classless
ip route
! **Virtual profiles are required for double authentication to work:
virtual-profile virtual-template 1
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
no cdp run
! **The following command defines where the TACACS+ AAA server is:
tacacs-server host port 1049
tacacs-server timeout 90
! **The following command defines the key to use with TACACS+ traffic (required):
tacacs-server key mytacacskey
snmp-server community public RO
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
login authentication console
line aux 0
transport input all
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password lab

The lines in this sample RADIUS AAA configuration are defined as follows:
• The aaa new-model command enables AAA network security services.
• The aaa authentication login admins local command defines another method list, “admins”, for login
• The aaa authentication ppp dialins group radius local command defines the authentication method
list “dialins,” which specifies that RADIUS authentication then (if the RADIUS server does not respond)
local authentication will be used on serial lines using PPP.
• The aaa authorization network default group radius local command is used to assign an address and
other network parameters to the RADIUS user.
• The aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius command tracks PPP usage.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Additional References

• The username command defines the username and password to be used for the PPP Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) caller identification.
• The radius-server host command defines the name of the RADIUS server host.
• The radius-server key command defines the shared secret text string between the network access server
and the RADIUS server host.
• The interface group-async command selects and defines an asynchronous interface group.
• The group-range command defines the member asynchronous interfaces in the interface group.
• The encapsulation ppp command sets PPP as the encapsulation method used on the specified interfaces.
• The ppp authentication ms-chap dialinscommand selects MS-CHAP as the method of PPP
authentication and applies the “dialins” method list to the specified interfaces.
• The line command switches the configuration mode from global configuration to line configuration and
identifies the specific lines being configured.
• The autoselect ppp command allows a PPP session to start up automatically on these selected lines.
• The autoselect during-login command is used to display the username and password prompt without
pressing the Return key. After the user logs in, the autoselect function (in this case, PPP) begins.
• The login authentication admins command applies the “admins” method list for login authentication.
• The modem dialin command configures modems attached to the selected lines to only accept incoming

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the Configuring Authentication feature.
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title


Configuring Authorization in the Cisco IOS XE
Security Configuration Guide: Securing User
Services, Release 2.


Configuring Accounting in the Cisco IOS XE Security
Configuration Guide: Securing User Service , Release

Security commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Additional References



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature, and support for existing standards has not
been modified by this feature.


MIBs Link

No new or modified MIBs are supported by this
feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been
modified by this feature.

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS XE software releases, and feature sets, use
Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:



RFC 1334

PPP Authentication Protocols

RFC 2433

Microsoft PPP CHAP Extensions

RFC 2903

Generic AAA Architecture

RFC 2904

AAA Authorization Framework

RFC 2906

AAA Authorization Requirements

RFC 2989

Criteria for Evaluating AAA Protocols for Network

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Feature Information for Configuring Authentication

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Configuring Authentication
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 10: Feature Information for Configuring Authentication

Feature Name


AAA Method Lists Enhancement Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

Feature Information
This feature allows you to enable
fallback methods for
authentication, authorization or
accounting. The fallback methods
could include trying groups of
RADIUS or TACACS+ servers or
a local database in some cases.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following command was
introduced or modified: aaa
authentication ppp.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Feature Information for Configuring Authentication

Feature Name


Feature Information

AAA Per-User Scalability

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3

The AAA Per-User Scalability
feature supports two RADIUS
VSAs for ip vrf and ip
unnumbered commands and
creates subvirtual access interfaces
if specified instead of full VA
interface to achieve higher
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.

Challege Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP)

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

PPP currently supports two
authentication protocols: Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) and
Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
Both are specified in RFC 1334
and are supported on synchronous
and asynchronous interfaces.
Authentication via PAP or CHAP
is equivalent to typing in a
username and password when
prompted by the server. CHAP is
considered to be more secure
because the remote user’s password
is never sent across the connection.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: ppp
authentication, ppp chap
password, ppp chap refuse.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Feature Information for Configuring Authentication

Feature Name


Feature Information

Domain Stripping at the Server
Group Level

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

The Domain Stripping feature
allows domain stripping to be
configured at the server group
level. Per-server group
configuration overrides the global
The following sections provide
information about this feature:
• Domain Stripping
• Configuring Domain
Stripping at the Server Group
The following command was
introduced: domain-stripping.

Double Authentication

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa
authentication, aaa
authorization, access-profile.

Message Banners for AAA

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following command was
introduced: aaa authentication

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Feature Information for Configuring Authentication

Feature Name


Feature Information

MS-CHAP Version 1

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

Microsoft Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol
(MS-CHAP) is the Microsoft
version of CHAP and is an
extension of RFC 1994. Like the
standard version of CHAP,
MS-CHAP is used for PPP
authentication; in this case,
authentication occurs between a PC
using Microsoft Windows NT or
Microsoft Windows 95 and a Cisco
router or access server acting as a
network access server.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: ppp

Password Authentication Protocol Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

PPP currently supports two
authentication protocols: Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) and
Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
Both are specified in RFC 1334
and are supported on synchronous
and asynchronous interfaces.
Authentication via PAP or CHAP
is equivalent to typing in a
username and password when
prompted by the server. CHAP is
considered to be more secure
because the remote user’s password
is never sent across the connection.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: ppp
authentication, ppp pap
sent-username, ppp pap refuse.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authentication
Feature Information for Configuring Authentication

Feature Name


RADIUS—CLI to Prevent Sending Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4
of Access Request with a Blank

Feature Information
This authentication feature prevents
an Access Request with a blank
username from being sent to the
RADIUS server. This functionality
ensures that unnecessary RADIUS
server interaction is avoided, and
RADIUS logs are kept short.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following command was
introduced: aaa authentication
suppress null-username.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



RADIUS Change of Authorization
The RADIUS Change of Authorization (CoA) feature provides a mechanism to change the attributes of an
authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) session after it is authenticated. When a policy changes
for a user or user group in AAA, administrators can send the RADIUS CoA packets from the AAA server
such as a Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) to reinitialize authentication and apply the new policy.
• Finding Feature Information, page 67
• Information About RADIUS Change of Authorization, page 67
• How to Configure RADIUS Change of Authorization, page 72
• Configuration Examples for RADIUS Change of Authorization, page 77
• Additional References for RADIUS Change of Authorization, page 78
• Feature Information for RADIUS Change of Authorization, page 79

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Information About RADIUS Change of Authorization
About RADIUS Change of Authorization
A standard RADIUS interface is typically used in a pulled model, in which the request originates from a
device attached to a network and the response is sent from the queried servers. The Cisco software supports
the RADIUS CoA request defined in RFC 5176 that is used in a pushed model, in which the request originates

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
About RADIUS Change of Authorization

from the external server to the device attached to the network, and enables the dynamic reconfiguring of
sessions from external authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) or policy servers.
Use the following per-session CoA requests:
• Session reauthentication
• Session termination
• Session termination with port shutdown
• Session termination with port bounce
• Security and Password
• Accounting

CoA Requests
CoA requests, as described in RFC 5176, are used in a pushed model to allow for session identification, host
reauthentication, and session termination. The model comprises one request (CoA-Request) and two possible
response codes:
• CoA acknowledgment (ACK) [CoA-ACK]
• CoA non-acknowledgment (NAK) [CoA-NAK]
The request is initiated from a CoA client (typically a RADIUS or policy server) and directed to the device
that acts as a listener.

RFC 5176 Compliance
The Disconnect Request message, which is also referred to as Packet of Disconnect (POD), is supported by
the device for a session termination.
The following table shows the IETF attributes that are supported for the RADIUS Change of Authorization
(CoA) feature.
Table 11: Supported IETF Attributes

Attribute Number

Attribute Name











The following table shows the possible values for the Error-Cause attribute.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
About RADIUS Change of Authorization

Table 12: Error-Cause Values




Residual Session Context Removed


Invalid EAP Packet (Ignored)


Unsupported Attribute


Missing Attribute


NAS Identification Mismatch


Invalid Request


Unsupported Service


Unsupported Extension


Invalid Attribute Value


Administratively Prohibited


Request Not Routable (Proxy)


Session Context Not Found


Session Context Not Removable


Other Proxy Processing Error


Resources Unavailable


Request Initiated


Multiple Session Selection Unsupported

CoA Request Response Code
The CoA Request Response code can be used to issue a command to the device. The supported commands
are listed in the “CoA Request Commands” section.
The packet format for a CoA Request Response code as defined in RFC 5176 consists of the following fields:
Code, Identifier, Length, Authenticator, and Attributes in the Type:Length:Value (TLV) format.
The Attributes field is used to carry Cisco VSAs.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
About RADIUS Change of Authorization

Session Identification
For disconnect and CoA requests targeted at a particular session, the device locates the session based on one
or more of the following attributes:
• Acct-Session-Id (IETF attribute #44)
• Audit-Session-Id (Cisco vendor-specific attribute (VSA))
• Calling-Station-Id (IETF attribute #31, which contains the host MAC address)
Unless all session identification attributes included in the CoA message match the session, the device returns
a Disconnect-NAK or CoA-NAK with the “Invalid Attribute Value” error-code attribute.


A CoA NAK message is not sent for all CoA requests with a key mismatch. The message is sent only for
the first three requests for a client. After that, all the packets from that client are dropped. When there is
a key mismatch, the response authenticator sent with the CoA NAK message is calculated from a dummy
key value.

CoA ACK Response Code
If an authorization state is changed successfully, a positive acknowledgment (ACK) is sent. The attributes
returned within a CoA ACK can vary based on the CoA Request.

CoA NAK Response Code
A negative acknowledgment (NAK) indicates a failure to change the authorization state and can include
attributes that indicate the reason for the failure.

CoA Request Commands
The commands supported on the device are shown in the table below. All CoA commands must include the
session identifier between the device and the CoA client.
Table 13: CoA Request Commands Supported on the Device


Cisco VSA

Bounce host port


Disable host port


Reauthenticate host


Terminate session

This is a standard disconnect request that does not require a VSA

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
About RADIUS Change of Authorization

Session Reauthentication
To initiate session reauthentication, the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server sends a
standard CoA-Request message that contains a Cisco VSA and one or more session identification attributes.
The Cisco VSA is in the form of Cisco:Avpair=“subscriber:command=reauthenticate”.
The current session state determines the device’s response to the message in the following scenarios:
• If the session is currently authenticated by IEEE 802.1x, the device responds by sending an Extensible
Authentication Protocol over LAN (EAPoL)-RequestId message to the server.
• If the session is currently authenticated by MAC authentication bypass (MAB), the device sends an
access request to the server, passing the same identity attributes used for the initial successful
• If session authentication is in progress when the device receives the command, the device terminates
the process and restarts the authentication sequence, starting with the method configured to be attempted

Session Termination
A CoA Disconnect-Request terminates the session without disabling the host port. CoA Disconnect-Request
termination causes reinitialization of the authenticator state machine for the specified host, but does not restrict
the host’s access to the network. If the session cannot be located, the device returns a Disconnect-NAK message
with the “Session Context Not Found” error-code attribute. If the session is located, the device terminates the
session. After the session has been completely removed, the device returns a Disconnect-ACK message.
To restrict a host’s access to the network, use a CoA Request with the
Cisco:Avpair=“subscriber:command=disable-host-port” VSA. This command is useful when a host is known
to cause problems on the network and network access needs to be immediately blocked for the host. If you
want to restore network access on the port, reenable it using a non-RADIUS mechanism.

CoA Request Disable Host Port
The RADIUS server CoA disable port command administratively shuts down the authentication port that is
hosting a session, resulting in session termination. This command is useful when a host is known to cause
problems on the network and network access needs to be immediately blocked for the host. If you want to
restore network access on the port, reenable it using a non-RADIUS mechanism. This command is carried in
a standard CoA-Request message that has the following VSA:
Because this command is session-oriented, it must be accompanied by one or more of the session identification
attributes described in the “Session Identification” section. If the device cannot locate the session, it returns a
CoA-NAK message with the “Session Context Not Found” error-code attribute. If the device locates the
session, it disables the hosting port and returns a CoA-ACK message.
If the device fails before returning a CoA-ACK to the client, the process is repeated on the new active device
when the request is re-sent from the client. If the device fails after returning a CoA-ACK message to the client
but before the operation is complete, the operation is restarted on the new active device.
To ignore the RADIUS server CoA disable port command, see the “Configuring the Device to Ignore Bounce
and Disable RADIUS CoA Requests” section.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
How to Configure RADIUS Change of Authorization

CoA Request Bounce Port
A RADIUS server CoA bounce port sent from a RADIUS server can cause a link flap on an authentication
port, which triggers DHCP renegotiation from one or more hosts connected to this port. This incident can
occur when there is a VLAN change and the endpoint is a device (such as a printer) that does not have a
mechanism to detect a change on this authentication port. The CoA bounce port is carried in a standard
CoA-Request message that contains the following VSA:
Because this command is session-oriented, it must be accompanied by one or more of the session identification
attributes described in the Session Identification. If the session cannot be located, the device returns a CoA-NAK
message with the “Session Context Not Found” error-code attribute. If the session is located, the device disables
the hosting port for a period of 10 seconds, reenables it (port-bounce), and returns a CoA-ACK.
To ignore the RADIUS server CoA bounce port, see the “Configuring the Device to Ignore Bounce and Disable
RADIUS CoA Requests” section.

How to Configure RADIUS Change of Authorization
Configuring RADIUS Change of Authorization
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa server radius dynamic-author
5. client {ip-address | name [vrf vrf-name]} server-key [0 | 7] string
6. port port-number
7. auth-type {any | all | session-key}
8. ignore session-key
9. ignore server-key
10. exit


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
Configuring RADIUS Change of Authorization

Step 2

Command or Action


configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3

Enables authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)

aaa new-model
Device(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa server radius dynamic-author
Device(config)# aaa server radius

Step 5

client {ip-address | name [vrf vrf-name]}
server-key [0 | 7] string

Enters dynamic authorization local server configuration mode
and specifies a RADIUS client from which a device accepts
Change of Authorization (CoA) and disconnect requests.
Configures the device as a AAA server to facilitate interaction
with an external policy server.
Configures the RADIUS key to be shared between a device and
RADIUS clients.

Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# client

Step 6

port port-number

Specifies the port on which a device listens for RADIUS requests
from configured RADIUS clients.



Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# port 3799

Step 7

auth-type {any | all | session-key}

The default port for packet of disconnect is 1700. Port
3799 is required to interoperate with ACS 5.1.

Specifies the type of authorization that the device must use for
RADIUS clients. The client must match the configured attributes
for authorization.

Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# auth-type

Step 8

(Optional) Configures the device to ignore the session key.

ignore session-key
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# ignore

Step 9

(Optional) Configures the device to ignore the server key.

ignore server-key
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# ignore

Step 10

Returns to global configuration mode.

Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# exit

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
Configuring a Device to Ignore Bounce and Disable RADIUS CoA Requests

Configuring a Device to Ignore Bounce and Disable RADIUS CoA Requests
When an authentication port is authenticated with multiple hosts and there is a Change of Authorization (CoA)
request for one host to flap on this port or one host session to be terminated on this port, the other hosts on
this port are also affected. Thus, an authenticated port with multiple hosts can trigger a DHCP renegotiation
from one or more hosts in the case of a flap, or it can administratively shut down the authentication port that
is hosting the session for one or more hosts.
Perform the following steps to configure the device to ignore RADIUS server Change of Authorization (CoA)
requests in the form of a bounce port command or disable port command.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. authentication command bounce-port ignore
5. authentication command disable-port ignore
6. end


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa new-model

Enables authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)

Device(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

authentication command bounce-port ignore

(Optional) Configures the device to ignore a RADIUS server
bounce port command that causes a host to link flap on an
authentication port, which causes DHCP renegotiation from one
or more hosts connected to this port.

Device(config)# authentication command
bounce-port ignore

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
Configuring the Dynamic Authorization Service for RADIUS CoA

Step 5

Command or Action


authentication command disable-port ignore

(Optional) Configures the device to ignore a RADIUS server CoA
disable port command that administratively shuts down the
authentication port that hosts one or more host sessions.


• The shutting down of the port causes session termination.

Device(config)# authentication command
disable-port ignore

Step 6

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Device(config)# end

Configuring the Dynamic Authorization Service for RADIUS CoA
Perform the following steps to enable the device as an authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
server for the dynamic authorization service. This service supports the Change of Authorization (CoA)
functionality that pushes the policy map in an input and output direction.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa server radius dynamic-author
5. client {ip-addr | hostname} [server-key [0 | 7] string]
6. domain {delimiter character | stripping | [right-to-left]}
7. port port-num
8. end


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Device# configure terminal

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
Monitoring and Troubleshooting RADIUS Change of Authorization

Step 3

Command or Action


aaa new-model

Enables AAA globally.

Device(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa server radius dynamic-author
Device(config)# aaa server radius

Sets up the local AAA server for the dynamic authorization service,
which must be enabled to support the CoA functionality to push the
policy map in an input and output direction, and enters dynamic
authorization local server configuration mode.
• In this mode, the RADIUS application commands are configured.

Step 5

client {ip-addr | hostname} [server-key [0 | 7] Configures the IP address or hostname of the AAA server client.
• Use the optional server-key keyword and string argument to
configure the server key at the client level.

Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# client
Note server-key cisco1

Step 6

domain {delimiter character | stripping |
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# domain
stripping right-to-left

Configuring the server key at the client level overrides the
server key configured at the global level.

(Optional) Configures username domain options for the RADIUS
• The delimiter keyword specifies the domain delimiter. One of
the following options can be specified for the character
argument: @, /, $, %, \, #, or -.
• The stripping keyword compares the incoming username with
the names oriented to the left of the @ domain delimiter.
• The right-to-left keyword terminates the string at the first
delimiter going from right to left.

Step 7

port port-num

Configures the UDP port for CoA requests.

Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# port

Step 8

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# end

Monitoring and Troubleshooting RADIUS Change of Authorization
The following commands can be used to monitor and troubleshoot the RADIUS Change of Authorization

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
Configuration Examples for RADIUS Change of Authorization

Table 14: Monitoring and Troubleshooting RADIUS Change of Authorization



debug aaa coa

Displays debug information for
CoA processing.

debug aaa pod

Displays debug messages related
to packet of disconnect (POD)

debug radius

Displays information associated
with RADIUS.

show aaa attributes protocol radius

Displays the mapping between an
authentication, authorization, and
accounting (AAA) attribute number
and the corresponding AAA
attribute name.

Configuration Examples for RADIUS Change of Authorization
Example: Configuring RADIUS Change of Authorization
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# aaa new-model
Device(config)# aaa server radius dynamic-author
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# client
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# server-key cisco123
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# port 3799
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# auth-type all
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# ignore session-key
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# ignore server-key
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# end

Example: Configuring a Device to Ignore Bounce and Disable a RADIUS
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# aaa new-model
Device(config)# authentication command bounce-port ignore
Device(config)# authentication command disable-port ignore
Device(config)# end

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
Example: Configuring the Dynamic Authorization Service for RADIUS CoA

Example: Configuring the Dynamic Authorization Service for RADIUS CoA
The following example shows how to configure the device as a authentication, authorization, and accounting
(AAA) server to support Change of Authorization (CoA) functionality that pushes the policy map in an input
and output direction:
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# aaa new-model
Device(config)# aaa server radius dynamic-author
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# client server-key cisco1
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# domain delimiter @
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# port 3799
Device(config-locsvr-da-radius)# end

Additional References for RADIUS Change of Authorization
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Cisco IOS commands

Cisco IOS Master Command List,
All Releases

Security commands

• Security Command
Reference: Commands A to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands D to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands M to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands S to
Authentication, Authorization, and
Accounting Configuration Guide

Configuring AAA

Standards and RFCs


RFC 2903

Generic AAA Architecture

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
Feature Information for RADIUS Change of Authorization



RFC 5176

Dynamic Authorization Extensions to Remote
Authentication Dial In User Service(RADIUS)

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support and Documentation website
provides online resources to download documentation,
software, and tools. Use these resources to install and
configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve
technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and
Documentation website requires a user ID
and password.

Feature Information for RADIUS Change of Authorization
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Change of Authorization
Feature Information for RADIUS Change of Authorization

Table 15: Feature Information for RADIUS Change of Authorization

Feature Name


RADIUS Change of Authorization Cisco IOS XE 2.1

Feature Information
The RADIUS Change of
Authorization (CoA) feature
provides a mechanism to change
the attributes of an AAA session
after it is authenticated. When
policy changes for a user or user
group in AAA, administrators can
send the RADIUS CoA packets
from the AAA server, such as the
Cisco Secure Access Control
Server (ACS), to reinitialize
authentication and apply the new
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa server
radius dynamic-author,
authentication command
bounce-port ignore, and
authentication command
disable-port ignore.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



Message Banners for AAA Authentication
The Message Banners for AAA authentication feature is used to configure personalized login and failed-login
banners for user authentication. The message banners are displayed when a user logs in to the system to be
authenticated using authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) and when an authentication fails.
• Finding Feature Information, page 81
• Information About Message Banners for AAA Authentication, page 81
• How to Configure Message Banners for AAA Authentication, page 82
• Configuration Examples for Message Banners for AAA Authentication, page 84
• Additional References for Message Banners for AAA Authentication, page 85
• Feature Information for Message Banners for AAA Authentication, page 86

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Information About Message Banners for AAA Authentication
Login and Failed-Login Banners for AAA Authentication
Login and failed-login banners use a delimiting character that notifies the system of the exact text string that
must be displayed as the banner for authorization, authentication, and accounting (AAA) authentication. The
delimiting character is repeated at the end of the text string to signify the end of the login or failed-login

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Message Banners for AAA Authentication
How to Configure Message Banners for AAA Authentication

banner. The delimiting character can be any single character in the extended ASCII character set, but once
defined as the delimiter, that character cannot be used in the text string for the banner.
You can display a maximum of 2996 characters in a login or failed-login banner.

How to Configure Message Banners for AAA Authentication
Configuring a Login Banner for AAA Authentication
Perform this task to configure a banner that is displayed when a user logs in (replacing the default message
for login). Use the no aaa authentication banner command to disable a login banner.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa authentication banner delimiter-string delimiter
5. end


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa new-model

Enables AAA globally.

Device(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa authentication banner delimiter-string delimiter

Creates a personalized login banner.

Device(config)# aaa authentication banner
*Unauthorized Access Prohibited*

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Message Banners for AAA Authentication
Configuring a Failed-Login Banner for AAA Authentication

Step 5

Command or Action



Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Device(config)# end

Configuring a Failed-Login Banner for AAA Authentication
Perform this task to configure a failed-login banner that is displayed when a user login fails (replacing the
default message for failed login). Use the no aaa authentication fail-message command to disable a
failed-login banner.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa authentication banner delimiter-string delimiter
5. aaa authentication fail-message delimiter-string delimiter
6. end


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Device# configure terminal

Step 3

Enters AAA globally.

aaa new-model
Device(config)# aaa new-model

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Message Banners for AAA Authentication
Configuration Examples for Message Banners for AAA Authentication

Step 4

Command or Action


aaa authentication banner delimiter-string delimiter

Creates a personalized login banner.

Device(config)# aaa authentication banner *Unauthorized
Access Prohibited*

Step 5

aaa authentication fail-message delimiter-string delimiter

Creates a message to be displayed when a user
login fails.

Device(config)# aaa authentication fail-message *Failed
login. Try again*

Step 6

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Device(config)# end

Configuration Examples for Message Banners for AAA
Example: Configuring Login and Failed-Login Banners for AAA Authentication
The following example shows how to configure a login banner that is displayed when a user logs in to the
system, (in this case, the phrase “Unauthorized Access Prohibited”). The asterisk (*) is used as the delimiting
character. RADIUS is specified as the default login authentication method.
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# aaa new-model
Device(config)# aaa authentication banner *Unauthorized Access Prohibited*
Device(config)# aaa authentication login default group radius

This configuration displays the following login banner:
Unauthorized Access Prohibited

The following example shows how to configure a failed-login banner that is displayed when a user tries to
log in to the system and fails, (in this case, the phrase “Failed login. Try again”). The asterisk (*) is used as
the delimiting character. RADIUS is specified as the default login authentication method.
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# aaa new-model

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Message Banners for AAA Authentication
Additional References for Message Banners for AAA Authentication

Device(config)# aaa authentication banner *Unauthorized Access Prohibited*
Device(config)# aaa authentication fail-message *Failed login. Try again.*
Device(config)# aaa authentication login default group radius

This configuration displays the following login and failed-login banner:
Unauthorized Access Prohibited
Failed login. Try again.

Additional References for Message Banners for AAA
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Cisco IOS commands

Cisco IOS Master Command List,
All Releases

Security commands

• Security Command
Reference: Commands A to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands D to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands M to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands S to

Configuring AAA

Authentication, Authorization, and
Accounting Configuration Guide

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Message Banners for AAA Authentication
Feature Information for Message Banners for AAA Authentication

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support and Documentation website
provides online resources to download documentation,
software, and tools. Use these resources to install and
configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve
technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and
Documentation website requires a user ID
and password.

Feature Information for Message Banners for AAA
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 16: Feature Information for Message Banners for AAA Authentication

Feature Name


Feature Information

Message Banners for AAA

Cisco IOS XE 2.1

The Message Banners for AAA
Authentication feature enables you
to configure personalized login and
failed-login banners for user
authentication. The message
banners are displayed when a user
logs in to the system to be
authenticated using authentication,
authorization, and accounting
(AAA) and when an authentication
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa
authentication banner, aaa
authentication fail-message, and
aaa new-model.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level
The AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level feature allows domain stripping to be configured at the
server group level.
• Finding Feature Information, page 87
• Information About AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level, page 87
• How to Configure AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Level Group, page 88
• Configuration Example for AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level, page 89
• Additional References, page 89
• Feature Information for AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level, page 91

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Information About AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level
You can remove the domain name from the username received at the global level by using the radius-server
domain-stripping command. When the radius-server domain-stripping command is configured, all the
AAA requests with “” go to the remote RADIUS server with the reformatted username
“user”. The domain name is removed from the request.


Domain stripping will not be done in a TACACS configuration.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level
How to Configure AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Level Group

The AAA Broadcast Accounting feature allows accounting information to be sent to multiple AAA servers
at the same time, that is, accounting information can be broadcast to one or more AAA servers simultaneously.
This functionality allows you to send accounting information to private and public AAA servers. It also
provides redundant billing information for voice applications.
You can configure domain stripping at the server group level by using the domain-stripping command in
server group RADIUS configuration mode. Per-server group configuration overrides the global configuration.
If domain stripping is not enabled globally, but it is enabled in a server group, then it is enabled only for that
server group. Also, if virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)-specific domain stripping is configured globally
and in a server group for a different VRF, domain stripping is enabled in both the VRFs. VRF configurations
are taken from server-group configuration mode. If server-group configurations are disabled in global
configuration mode but are available in server-group configuration mode, all configurations in server-group
configuration mode are applicable.
After the domain stripping and broadcast accounting are configured, you can create separate accounting
records as per the configurations.

How to Configure AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Level Group
Configuring Domain Stripping at the Server Group Level
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa group server radius server-name
5. domain-stripping [strip-suffix word] [right-to-left ] [prefix-delimiter word] [delimiter word]
6. end


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level
Configuration Example for AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level

Step 3

Command or Action


aaa new-model

Enables AAA.

Device(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa group server radius server-name
Device(config)# aaa group server radius rad1

Step 5

domain-stripping [strip-suffix word] [right-to-left ]
[prefix-delimiter word] [delimiter word]

Adds the RADIUS server and enters server group
RADIUS configuration mode.
• The server-name argument specifies the RADIUS
server group name.
Configures domain stripping at the server group level.

Device(config-sg-radius)# domain-stripping

Step 6

Exits server group RADIUS configuration mode and
returns to the privileged EXEC mode.

Device(config-sg-radius)# end

Configuration Example for AAA-Domain Stripping at Server
Group Level
Example: AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level
The following example shows the domain stripping configuration at the server group level:
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# aaa new-model
Device(config)# aaa group server radius rad1
Device(config-sg-radius)# domain-stripping right-to-left delimiter @$/
Device(config-sg-radius)# end

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the Configuring Authentication feature.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level
Additional References

Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title


Configuring Authorization in the Cisco IOS XE
Security Configuration Guide: Securing User
Services, Release 2.


Configuring Accounting in the Cisco IOS XE Security
Configuration Guide: Securing User Service , Release

Security commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature, and support for existing standards has not
been modified by this feature.


MIBs Link

No new or modified MIBs are supported by this
feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been
modified by this feature.

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS XE software releases, and feature sets, use
Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:



RFC 1334

PPP Authentication Protocols

RFC 2433

Microsoft PPP CHAP Extensions

RFC 2903

Generic AAA Architecture

RFC 2904

AAA Authorization Framework

RFC 2906

AAA Authorization Requirements

RFC 2989

Criteria for Evaluating AAA Protocols for Network

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level
Feature Information for AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 17: Feature Information for AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level

Feature Name


AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Cisco IOS XE Release
Group Level

Feature Information
The AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group
Level feature allows domain stripping to be
configured at the server group level.
The following command was introduced:

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level
Feature Information for AAA-Domain Stripping at Server Group Level

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute
The AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout feature allows you to secure the double
authentication mechanism by protecting it with a per-user session timeout. This feature optimizes the
connections to the network that are authorized by service providers and increases the security of the overall
access to the network by ensuring that no unwanted sessions are connected.
• Finding Feature Information, page 93
• Prerequisites for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout, page 94
• Restrictions for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout, page 94
• Information About AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout, page 94
• How to Apply AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout, page 95
• Configuration Examples for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout, page 98
• Additional References, page 100
• Feature Information for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout, page 101

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
Prerequisites for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout

Prerequisites for AAA Double Authentication Secured by
Absolute Timeout
• You need access to a Cisco RADIUS or TACACS+ server and should be familiar with configuring
• You should be familiar with configuring authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) and
enabling AAA automated double authentication.

Restrictions for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute
• The AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout feature is for PPP connections only.
Automated double authentication cannot be used with other protocols, such as X.25 or Serial Line
Internet Protocol (SLIP).
• There may be a minimal impact on performance if a TACACS+ server is used. However, there is no
performance impact if a RADIUS server is used.

Information About AAA Double Authentication Secured by
Absolute Timeout
AAA Double Authentication
Use the AAA double authentication mechanism to pass the first authentication using a host username and
password. The second authentication, after the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) or the
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) authentication, uses a login username and password. In the first
authentication, a PPP session timeout is applied to the virtual access interface if it is configured locally or
The AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout feature allows you to secure the double
authentication mechanism by protecting it with a per-user session timeout. The per-user session timeout,
which can be customized, supersedes the generic absolute timeout value. This method works on the same
principle as per-user access control lists (ACLs) in double authentication.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
How to Apply AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout

How to Apply AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute
Applying AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
To apply the absolute timeout, you must configure session-timeout in the login user profile as a link control
protocol (LCP) per-user attribute. Use the access-profile command to enable AAA double authentication.
This command is used to apply your per-user authorization attributes to an interface during a PPP session.
Before you use the access-profile command, you must first reauthorize LCP per-user attributes (for example,
Session-Timeout) and then reauthorize Network Control Protocols (NCPs) to apply other necessary criteria,
such as ACLs and routes. See the section “Examples for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute


The Timeout configuration in a TACACS+ user profile is different from the configuration in a RADIUS
user profile. In a RADIUS profile, only one session-timeout is configured, along with the autocommand
access-profile. The timeout is applied to the EXEC session and to the PPP session respectively. In
TACACS+, however, the timeout must be configured under the service types “exec” and “ppp” (LCP) to
apply a timeout to the EXEC session and to the PPP session. If the timeout is configured only under the
service type “ppp,” the timeout value will not be available during an EXEC authorization, and the timeout
will not be applied to the EXEC session.

Verifying AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
To verify that AAA double authentication has been secured by absolute timeout and to see information about
various attributes associated with the authentication, perform the following steps. These show and debug
commands can be used in any order.


If idle timeout is configured on a full virtual access interface and a subvirtual access interface, the show
users command displays the idle time for both interfaces. However, if the idle timeout is not configured
on both interfaces, the show users command will display the idle time for the full virtual access interface

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
Verifying AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout

1. enable
2. show users
3. show interfaces virtual-access number [configuration]
4. debug aaa authentication
5. debug aaa authorization
6. debug aaa per-user
7. debug ppp authentication
8. Enter one of the following:
• debug radius
debug tacacs


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Step 2

show users

Displays information about active lines on the device.

Device# show users

Step 3

show interfaces virtual-access number

Displays status, traffic data, and configuration information
about a specified virtual access interface.

Device# show interfaces virtual-access 2

Step 4

debug aaa authentication

Displays information about AAA TACACS+ authentication.

Device# debug aaa authentication

Step 5

debug aaa authorization

Displays information about AAA TACACS+ authorization.

Device# debug aaa authorization

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
Verifying AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout

Step 6

Command or Action


debug aaa per-user

Displays the attributes that are applied to each user as the
user gets authenticated.

Device# debug aaa per-user

Step 7

debug ppp authentication

Displays whether a user is passing authentication.

Device# debug ppp authentication

Step 8

Enter one of the following:
• debug radius

Displays the debug information associated with the
RADIUS server.
Displays the debug information associated with the
TACACS+ server.

debug tacacs

Device# debug radius

Device# debug tacacs

The following sample output is from the show users command:
Device# show users

0 con 0
8 vty 0

aaacon2 10
broker_def idle
Peer Address
broker_default VDP
00:00:01 <=========
Sync PPP

The following sample output is from the show interfaces virtual-access command:
Device# show interfaces virtual-access 2 configuration
Virtual-Access2 is a Virtual Profile (sub)interface
Derived configuration: 150 bytes
interface Virtual-Access2
ip unnumbered Serial0:23
no ip route-cache
timeout absolute 3 0
! The above line shows that the per-user session timeout has been applied.
ppp authentication chap

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
Configuration Examples for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout

ppp timeout idle 180000
! The above line shows that the absolute timeout has been applied.

Configuration Examples for AAA Double Authentication Secured
by Absolute Timeout
Example: RADIUS User Profile
The following sample output shows that a RADIUS user profile has been applied and that AAA double
authentication has been secured by an absolute timeout:
aaapbx2 Password = "password1",
Service-Type = Framed,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Session-Timeout = 180,
Idle-Timeout = 180000,
cisco-avpair = "ip:inacl#1=permit tcp any any eq telnet"
cisco-avpair = "ip:inacl#2=permit icmp any any"
broker_default Password = "password1",
Service-Type = Administrative,
cisco-avpair = "shell:autocmd=access-profile",
Session-Timeout = 360,
cisco-avpair = "ip:inacl#1=permit tcp any any"
cisco-avpair = "ip:inacl#2=permit icmp any any"
broker_merge Password = "password1",
Service-Type = Administrative,
cisco-avpair = "shell:autocmd=access-profile merge",
Session-Timeout = 360,
cisco-avpair = "ip:inacl#1=permit tcp any any"
cisco-avpair = "ip:inacl#2=permit icmp any any"
cisco-avpair = "ip:route#3="
cisco-avpair = "ip:route#4="
cisco-avpair = "ip:route#5="
broker_replace Password = "password1",
Service-Type = Administrative,
cisco-avpair = "shell:autocmd=access-profile replace",
Session-Timeout = 360,
cisco-avpair = "ip:inacl#1=permit tcp any any"
cisco-avpair = "ip:inacl#2=permit icmp any any"
cisco-avpair = "ip:route#3="
cisco-avpair = "ip:route#4="
cisco-avpair = "ip:route#5="

Example: TACACS User Profile
The following sample output shows that a TACACS+ user profile has been applied and that AAA double
authentication has been secured by an absolute timeout.
Remote Host Authentication
The following example shows how to allow the remote host to be authenticated by the local host during the
first-stage authentication and provides the remote host authorization profile.
user = aaapbx2
chap = cleartext Cisco
pap = cleartext cisco
login = cleartext cisco

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
Example: TACACS User Profile

service = ppp protocol =
idletime = 3000
timeout = 3
service = ppp protocol =
inacl#1="permit tcp any
service = ppp protocol =

any eq telnet"

Using the access-profile Command Without Any Arguments
Using the access-profile command without any arguments causes the removal of any access lists that are
found in the old configuration (both per-user and per-interface) and ensures that the new profile contains only
access-list definitions.
user = broker_default
login = cleartext Cisco
chap = cleartext "cisco"
service = exec
autocmd = "access-profile"
! This is the autocommand that executes when broker_default logs in.
timeout = 6
service = ppp protocol = lcp
timeout = 6
service = ppp protocol = ip
! Put access lists, static routes, and other requirements that are
! needed here. Read the software specifications for details. If you leave
! this blank, the user will have no access lists (not even the ones that were
! installed prior to the creation of this user profile)!
inacl#1="permit tcp any any"
inacl#2="permit icmp host any"
service = ppp protocol = ipx
! Put access lists, static routes, and other requirements that are
! needed here. Read the software specifications for details. If you leave
! this blank, the user will have no access lists (not even the ones that were
! installed prior to the creation of this user profile)!

Using the access-profile Command with the merge Keyword
The merge keyword in the access-profile command is used to remove all old access lists, and any attribute-value
(AV) pair is allowed to be uploaded and installed. The use of the merge keyword will allow for the uploading
of any custom static routes, Service Advertisement Protocol (SAP) filters, and other requirements that users
may need in their profiles. Configure the merge keyword with care because it leaves everything open in terms
of conflicting configurations.
user = broker_merge
login = cleartext Cisco
chap = cleartext "cisco"
service = exec
autocmd = "access-profile merge"
! This is the autocommand that executes when broker_merge logs in.
timeout = 6
service = ppp protocol = lcp
timeout = 6
service = ppp protocol = ip
! Put access lists, static routes, and other requirements that are
! needed here. Read the software specifications for details. If you
! this blank, the user will have no access lists (not even the ones
! installed prior to the creation of this user profile)!
inacl#5="permit tcp any any"
inacl#6="permit icmp host any"
service = ppp protocol = ipx
! Put access lists, static routes, and other requirements that are
! needed here. Read the software specifications for details. If you
! this blank, the user will have no access lists (not even the ones
! installed prior to the creation of this user profile)!

that were

that were

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
Additional References

Using the access-profile Command with the replace Keyword
If you use the access-profile command with the replace keyword, any old configurations are removed and a
new configuration is installed.


When the access-profile command is configured, the new configuration is checked for address pools and
address-AV pairs. Because addresses cannot be renegotiated at this point, the command will fail to work
when it encounters such an address-AV pair.
user = broker_replace
login = cleartext Cisco
chap = cleartext "cisco"
service = exec
autocmd = "access-profile replace"
! This is the autocommand that executes when broker_replace logs in.
timeout = 6
service = ppp protocol = lcp
timeout = 6
service = ppp protocol = ip
! Put access lists, static routes, and other requirements that are
! needed here. Read the software specifications for details. If you leave
! this blank, the user will have no access lists (not even the ones that were
! installed prior to the creation of this user profile)!
inacl#4="permit tcp any any"
service = ppp protocol = ipx
! Put access lists, static routes, and other requirements that are
! needed here. Read the software specifications for details. If you leave
! this blank, the user will have no access lists (not even the ones that were
! installed prior to the creation of this user profile)!


The Timeout configuration in a TACACS+ user profile is different from the configuration in a RADIUS
user profile. In a RADIUS profile, only one session-timeout is configured, along with the autocommand
access-profile. The timeout will be applied to the EXEC session and to the PPP session. In the TACACS+
user profile, however, the timeout must be configured under the service types “exec” and “ppp” (LCP) to
apply a timeout to the EXEC session and to the PPP session respectively. If the timeout is configured only
under the service type “ppp,” the timeout value will not be available during an EXEC authorization, and
the timeout will not be applied to the EXEC session.

Additional References
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Cisco IOS commands

Master Command List, All

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
Feature Information for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout

Related Topic

Document Title

Security commands

• Security Command
Reference: Commands A to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands D to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands M to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands S to

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support and Documentation website
provides online resources to download documentation,
software, and tools. Use these resources to install and
configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve
technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and
Documentation website requires a user ID
and password.

Feature Information for AAA Double Authentication Secured by
Absolute Timeout
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout
Feature Information for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout

Table 18: Feature Information for AAA Double Authentication Secured by Absolute Timeout

Feature Name


Feature Information

AAA Double Authentication
Secured by Absolute Timeout

Cisco IOS XE 2.3

The AAA Double Authentication
Secured by Absolute Timeout
feature allows you to secure the
double authentication mechanism
by protecting it with a per-user
session timeout. This feature
optimizes the connection to the
network by service providers to
only connections that are
authorized, and it increases the
security of the overall access to the
network by ensuring that no
unwanted sessions are connected.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
The Throttling of AAA (RADIUS) Records feature supports throttling of access (authentication and
authorization) and accounting records that are sent to the RADIUS server. This feature allows a user to
configure the appropriate throttling rate to avoid network congestion and instability; such as when there is
insufficient bandwidth to accommodate a sudden burst of records generated from the router to the RADIUS
• Finding Feature Information, page 103
• Information About Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records, page 103
• How to Configure Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records, page 104
• Configuration Examples for Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records, page 107
• Additional References, page 108
• Feature Information for Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records, page 109

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Information About Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
Benefits of the Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records Feature
A Network Access Server (NAS), acting as RADIUS client, can generate a burst of accounting or access
requests, causing severe network congestion or causing the RADIUS server to become overloaded with a

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
Throttling Access Requests and Accounting Records

burst of RADIUS traffic. This problem could be compounded when multiple NASs interact with the RADIUS
The following conditions can trigger a sudden burst of RADIUS traffic:
• An interface flap, which in turn brings down all the subscriber sessions and generates accounting requests
for each subscriber.
• The High Availability (HA) program generating a START record for every session that survived a
switchover, such as the scenario described the preceding bullet.
A large number of generated requests can make the network unstable if there is insufficient bandwidth or if
the RADIUS server is slow to respond. Neither the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) transport layer nor the
RADIUS protocol has a flow control mechanism. The throttling mechanism provided by this feature provides
a solution for these issues.

Throttling Access Requests and Accounting Records
The Throttling of AAA (RADIUS) Records feature introduces a mechanism to control packets (flow control)
at the NAS level, which improves the RADIUS server performance.
Because of their specific uses, access requests and accounting records must be treated separately. Access
request packets are time sensitive, while accounting record packets are not.
• If a response to an access request is not returned to the client in a timely manner, the protocol or the user
will time out, impacting the device transmission rates.
• Accounting records packets are not real-time critical.
When configuring threshold values on the same server, it is important to prioritize threshold values for the
handling of the time-sensitive access request packets and to place a lesser threshold value on the accounting
records packets.
In some cases, when an Internet Service Provider (ISP) is using separate RADIUS servers for access requests
and accounting records, only accounting records throttling may be required.
• The Throttling of AAA (RADIUS) Records is disabled, by default.
• Throttling functionality can be configured globally or at server group level.

How to Configure Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
This section describes how to configure throttling of access (authentication and authorization) and accounting
records that are sent to the RADIUS server for both, global and server groups.
Server-group configurations are used to enable or disable throttling for a particular server group and to specify
the threshold value for that server group.


Server-group configurations override any configured global configurations.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
Throttling Accounting and Access Request Packets Globally

Throttling Accounting and Access Request Packets Globally
To globally configure the throttling of accounting and access request packets, perform the following task.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. radius-server throttle { accounting threshold ] [access threshold [access-timeout number-of-timeouts]]}
4. exit


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

radius-server throttle { accounting threshold ] Configures global throttling for accounting and access request
[access threshold [access-timeout
For this example:
• The accounting threshold value (the range is 0-65536) is
set to 100, and the access threshold value is set to 200.

Router(config)# radius-server throttle
accounting 100 access 200 access-timeout 2


The default threshold value is 0 (throttling disabled).

• The number of timeouts per transaction value (the range is
1-10) is set to 2.
Step 4


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
Throttling Accounting and Access Request Packets Per Server Group

Throttling Accounting and Access Request Packets Per Server Group
The following server-group configuration can be used to enable or disable throttling for a specified server
group and to specify the threshold value for that server group.
To configure throttling of server-group accounting and access request packets, perform the following task.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa group server radius server-group-name
4. throttle {[accounting threshold] [access threshold [access-timeout number-of-timeouts]]}
5. exit


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa group server radius server-group-name

Enters server-group configuration mode.

Router(config)# aaa group server radius

Step 4

throttle {[accounting threshold] [access threshold Configures the specified server-group throttling values for
accounting and access request packets.
[access-timeout number-of-timeouts]]}
For this example:
Router(config-sg-radius)# throttle accounting
100 access 200 access-timeout 2

• The accounting threshold value (the range is 0-65536) is
set to 100, and the access threshold value is set to 200.

The default threshold value is 0 (throttling disabled).

• The number of time-outs per transaction value (the range
is 1-10) is set to 2.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
Configuration Examples for Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records

Step 5

Command or Action



Exits server-group configuration mode.

Router(config-sg-radius)# exit

Configuration Examples for Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
Throttling Accounting and Access Request Packets Globally Example
The following example shows how to limit the number of accounting requests sent to a server to 100:
configure terminal
radius-server throttle accounting 100

The following example shows how to limit the number of access requests packets sent to a server to 200 and
sets the number of time-outs allowed per transactions to 2:
configure terminal
radius-server throttle access 200
radius-server throttle access 200 access-timeout 2

The following example shows how to throttle both accounting and access request packets:
configure terminal
radius-server throttle accounting 100 access 200

Throttling Accounting and Access Request Packets Per Server Group Example
The following example shows how to limit the number of accounting requests sent to server-group-A to 100:
configure terminal
aaa group server radius server-group-A
throttle accounting 100

The following example shows how to limit the number of access requests packets sent to server-group-A to
200 and sets the number of time-outs allowed per transactions to 2:
configure terminal
aaa group server radius server-group-A
throttle access 200 access-timeout 2

The following example shows how to throttle both accounting and access request packets for server-group-A:
configure terminal

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
Additional References

aaa group server radius server-group-A
throttle accounting 100 access 200

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the Throttling of AAA (RADIUS) Records feature.
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Security features

Cisco IOS XE Security Configuration Guide: Securing
User Services, Release 2

Security commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature, and support for existing standards has not
been modified by this feature.


MIBs Link

No new or modified MIBs are supported by this
feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been
modified by this feature.

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS XE software releases, and feature sets, use
Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:



No new or modified RFCs are supported by this
feature, and support for existing RFCs has not been
modified by this feature.


Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
Feature Information for Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records
Feature Information for Throttling of AAA RADIUS Records

Table 19: Feature Information for Throttling of AAA (RADIUS) Records

Feature Name


Feature Information

Throttling of AAA (RADIUS)

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

The Throttling of AAA (RADIUS)
Records feature supports throttling
of access (authentication and
authorization) and accounting
records that are sent to the
RADIUS server. This feature
allows a user to configure the
appropriate throttling rate to avoid
network congestion and instability;
such as when there is insufficient
bandwidth to accommodate a
sudden burst of records generated
from the Cisco IOS XE router to
the RADIUS server.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified by this
feature: radius-server throttle,

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
The RADIUS Packet of Disconnect feature is used to terminate a connected voice call.
• Finding Feature Information, page 111
• Prerequisites for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect, page 111
• Restrictions for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect, page 111
• Information About RADIUS Packet of Disconnect, page 112
• How to Configure the RADIUS Packet of Disconnect, page 113
• Additional References, page 115
• Feature Information for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect, page 117
• Glossary, page 117

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
Configure AAA as described in the Cisco IOS XE Security Configuration Guide: Securing User Services ,
Release 2.

Restrictions for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
Proper matching identification information must be communicated by the following:

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
Information About RADIUS Packet of Disconnect

• Billing server and gateway configuration
• Gateway’s original accounting start request
• Server’s POD request

Information About RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
The Packet of Disconnect (POD) is a RADIUS access_request packet and is intended to be used in situations
where the authenticating agent server wants to disconnect the user after the session has been accepted by the
RADIUS access_accept packet.

When the POD is Needed
The POD may be needed in at least two situations:
• Detection of fraudulent use, which cannot be performed before accepting the call. A price structure so
complex that the maximum session duration cannot be estimated before accepting the call. This may be
the case when certain types of discounts are applied or when multiple users use the same subscription
• To prevent unauthorized servers from disconnecting users, the authorizing agent that issues the POD
packet must include three parameters in its packet of disconnect request. For a call to be disconnected,
all parameters must match their expected values at the gateway. If the parameters do not match, the
gateway discards the packet of disconnect packet and sends a NACK (negative acknowledgement
message) to the agent.

POD Parameters
The POD has the following parameters:
• An h323-conf-id vendor-specific attribute (VSA) with the same content as received from the gateway
for this call.
• An h323-call-origin VSA with the same content as received from the gateway for the leg of interest.
• A 16-byte MD5 hash value that is carried in the authentication field of the POD request.
• Cisco IOS XE software allocates POD code 50 as the code value for the Voice POD Request based on
RFC 3576 Dynamic Authorization Extensions to RADIUS, which extends RADIUS standards to officially
support both a Disconnect Message (DM) and Change-of-Authorization (CoA) that are supported through
the POD.
RFC 3576 specifies the following POD codes:

• 40 - Disconnect-Request
• 41 - Disconnect-ACK
• 42 - Disconnect-NAK
• 43 - CoA-Request

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
How to Configure the RADIUS Packet of Disconnect

• 44 - CoA-ACK
• 45 - CoA-NAK

How to Configure the RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
Configuring the RADIUS POD
Use the following tasks to configure the RADIUS POD:

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. Router (config)# aaa pod server [port port-number] [auth-type {any| all| session-key}] server-key
[encryption-type] string
4. Router# end
5. Router# show running-configuration


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

Router (config)# aaa pod server [port
port-number] [auth-type {any| all|
session-key}] server-key [encryption-type]

aaa pod server
server-key xyz123

Enables inbound user sessions to be disconnected when specific session
attributes are presented, where:
• port port-number --(Optional) The network access server User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) port to use for POD requests. Default
value is 1700.
• auth-type --(Optional) The type of authorization required for
disconnecting sessions.
• any--Session that matches all of the attributes sent in the POD
packet is disconnected. The POD packet may contain one or

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
Configuring the RADIUS POD

Command or Action

more of four key attributes (user-name, framed-IP-address,
session-ID, and session-key).
• all--Only a session that matches all four key attributes is
disconnected. Allis the default.
• session-key--Session with a matching session-key attribute is
disconnected. All other attributes are ignored.
• server-key-- Configures the shared-secret text string.
• encryption-type --(Optional) Single-digit number that defines whether
the text immediately following is encrypted, and, if so, what type of
encryption is used. Defined encryption types are 0, which means that
the text immediately following is not encrypted, and 7, which means
that the text is encrypted using an encryption algorithm defined by
• string-- The shared-secret text string that is shared between the
network access server and the client workstation. This shared-secret
string must be the same on both systems.

Step 4

Router# end

Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 5

Router# show running-configuration

Verifies that the gateway is configured correctly in privileged EXEC mode.


show running-configuration


aaa authentication login h323 group

aaa authorization exec h323 group radius

aaa accounting update newinfo

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
Verifying the RADIUS POD Configuration

Command or Action


aaa accounting connection h323
start-stop group radius

aaa pod server server-key cisco

aaa session-id common


Troubleshooting Tips
After you have configured AAA Dead-Server Detection, you should verify your configuration using the show
running-config command. This verification is especially important if you have used the no form of the
radius-server dead-criteria command. The output of the show running-config command must show the
same values in the “Dead Criteria Details” field that you configured using the radius-server dead-criteria

Verifying the RADIUS POD Configuration
To verify the RADIUS POD configuration, use the show running configuration privileged EXEC command
as shown in the following example:
Router# show running-configuration
aaa authentication login h323 group radius
aaa authorization exec h323 group radius
aaa accounting update newinfo
aaa accounting connection h323 start-stop group radius
aaa pod server server-key cisco
aaa session-id common

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the RADIUS Packet of Disconnect feature.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
Additional References

Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title


Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
(AAA) section of the Cisco IOS XE Security
Configuration Guide, Securing User Services, Release

Security commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference

CLI Configuration

Cisco IOS XE Configuration Fundamentals
Configuration Guide, Release 2



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature, and support for existing standards has not
been modified by this feature.


MIBs Link

No new or modified MIBs are supported by this
feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been
modified by this feature.

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS XE software releases, and feature sets, use
Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:



RFC 2865

Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service

RFC 3576

Dynamic Authorization Extensions to RADIUS

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
Feature Information for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 20: Feature Information for RADIUS Packet of Disconnect

Feature Name


Feature Information

RADIUS Packet of Disconnect

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

The RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
feature is used to terminate a
connected voice call.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the on
Cisco ASR 1000 Series
Aggregation Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa pod
server, debug aaa pod

AAA --authentication, authorization, and accounting. A framework of security services that provide the method
for identifying users (authentication), for remote access control (authorization), and for collecting and sending
security server information used for billing, auditing, and reporting (accounting).

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

RADIUS Packet of Disconnect

L2TP --Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol. A Layer 2 tunneling protocol that enables an ISP or other access service to
create a virtual tunnel to link customer remote sites or remote users with corporate home networks. In particular,
a network access server (NAS) at the ISP point of presence (POP) exchanges PPP messages with the remote
users and communicates by L2F or L2TP requests and responses with the customer tunnel server to set up
PE --Provider Edge. Networking devices that are located on the edge of a service provider network.
RADIUS --Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service. RADIUS is a distributed client/server system that
secures networks against unauthorized access. In the Cisco implementation, RADIUS clients run on Cisco
routers and send authentication requests to a central RADIUS server that contains all user authentication and
network service access information.
VPN --Virtual Private Network. A system that permits dial-in networks to exist remotely to home networks,
while giving the appearance of being directly connected. VPNs use L2TP and L2F to terminate the Layer 2
and higher parts of the network connection at the LNS instead of the LAC.
VRF --Virtual Route Forwarding. Initially, a router has only one global default routing/forwarding table.
VRFs can be viewed as multiple disjoined routing/forwarding tables, where the routes of a user have no
correlation with the routes of another user.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
The AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache feature allows you to cache authorization and authentication
responses for a configured set of users or service profiles, providing performance improvements and an
additional level of network reliability because user and service profiles that are returned from authorization
and authentication responses can be queried from multiple sources and need not depend solely on an offload
server. This feature also provides a failover mechanism so that if a network RADIUS or TACACS+ server
is unable to provide authorization and authentication responses network users and administrators can still
access the network.
• Finding Feature Information, page 119
• Prerequisites for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching, page 120
• Information About Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching, page 120
• How to Implement Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching, page 122
• Configuration Examples for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching, page
• Additional References for RADIUS Change of Authorization, page 131
• Feature Information for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching, page 132

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Prerequisites for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching

Profile Caching
The following prerequisites apply to implementing authorization and authentication profile caching:
• Understand how you would want to implement profile caching, that is, are profiles being cached to
improve network performance or as a failover mechanism if your network authentication and authorization
(RADIUS and TACACS+) servers become unavailable.
• RADIUS and TACACS+ server groups must already be configured.

Information About Implementing Authorization and
Authentication Profile Caching
Network Performance Optimization Using Authorization and Authentication
Profile Caching
RADIUS and TACACS+ clients run on Cisco routers and send authentication requests to a central RADIUS
or TACACS+ server that contains all user authentication and network service access information. The router
is required to communicate with an offload RADIUS or TACACS+ server to authenticate a given call and
then apply a policy or service to that call. Unlike authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
accounting, AAA authentication and authorization is a blocking procedure, which means the call setup may
not proceed while the call is being authenticated and authorized. Thus, the time required to process the call
setup is directly impacted by the time required to process such an authentication or authorization request from
the router to the offload RADIUS or TACACS+ server, and back again. Any communication problems in the
transmission, offload server utilization, and numerous other factors cause significant degradation in a router’s
call setup performance due simply to the AAA authentication and authorization step. The problem is further
highlighted when multiple AAA authentications and authorizations are needed for a single call or session.
A solution to this problem is to minimize the impact of such authentication requests by caching the
authentication and authorization responses for given users on the router, thereby removing the need to send
the requests to an offload server again and again. This profile caching adds significant performance
improvements to call setup times. Profile caching also provides an additional level of network reliability
because user and service profiles that are returned from authentication and authorization responses can be
queried from multiple sources and need not depend solely on an offload server.
To take advantage of this performance optimization, you need to configure the authentication method list so
that the AAA cache profile is queried first when a user attempts to authenticate to the router. See the Method
Lists in Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching section for more information.

Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching as a Failover Mechanism
If, for whatever reason, RADIUS or TACACS+ servers are unable to provide authentication and authorization
responses, network users and administrators can be locked out of the network. The profile caching feature

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Method Lists in Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching

allows usernames to be authorized without having to complete the authentication phase. For example, a user
by the name of with a password secretpassword1 could be stored in a profile cache
using the regular expression “.*”. Another user by the name of with
a password of secretpassword2 could also be stored using the same regular expression, and so on. Because
the number of users in the “.*” profile could number in the thousands, it is not feasible to
authenticate each user with their personal password. Therefore authentication is disabled and each user simply
accesses authorization profiles from a common Access Response stored in cache.
The same reasoning applies in cases where higher end security mechanisms such as Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP), Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP), or
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), which all use an encrypted password between the client and AAA
offload server, are used. To allow these unique, secure username and password profiles to retrieve their
authorization profiles, authentication is bypassed.
To take advantage of this failover capability, you need to configure the authentication and authorization
method list so that the cache server group is queried last when a user attempts to authenticate to the router.
See the Method Lists in Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching section for more information.

Method Lists in Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching
A method list is a sequential list describing the authentication methods to be queried in order to authenticate
a user. We support methods such as local (use the local database), none (do nothing), RADIUS server group,
or TACACS+ server group. Typically, more than one method can be configured into a method list. software
uses the first listed method to authenticate users. If that method fails to respond, the software selects the next
authentication method listed in the method list. This process continues until there is successful communication
with a listed authentication method, or until all methods defined in the method list are exhausted.
To optimize network performance or provide failover capability using the profile caching feature you simply
change the order of the authentication and authorization methods in the method list. To optimize network
performance, make sure the cache server group appears first in the method list. For failover capability, the
cache server group should appear last in the method list.

Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching Guidelines
Because the number of usernames and profiles that can request to be authenticated or authorized at a given
router on a given point of presence (POP) can be quite extensive, it would not be feasible to cache all of them.
Therefore, only usernames and profiles that are commonly used or that share a common authentication and
authorization response should be configured to use caching. Commonly used usernames such as aolip and
aolnet, which are used for America Online (AOL) calls, or preauthentication dialed number identification
service (DNIS) numbers used to connect Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) calls to a network
attached storage device, along with domain-based service profiles, are all examples of usernames and profiles
that can benefit from authentication and authorization caching.

General Configuration Procedure for Implementing Authorization and
Authentication Profile Caching
To implement authorization and authentication profile caching, you would complete the following procedure:
1 Create cache profile groups and define the rules for what information is cached in each group.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
How to Implement Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching

Entries that match based on exact username, regular expressions, or specify that all authentication and
authorization requests can be cached.
1 Update existing server groups to reference newly defined cache groups.
2 Update authentication or authorization method lists to use the cached information to optimize network
performance or provide a failover mechanism.

How to Implement Authorization and Authentication Profile
Creating Cache Profile Groups and Defining Caching Rules
Perform this task to create a cache profile group, define the rules for what information is cached in that group,
and verify and manage cache profile entries.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa cache profile group-name
5. profile name [no-auth]
6. Repeat Step 5 for each username you want to add to the profile group in Step 4.
7. regexp matchexpression {any| only}[no-auth]
8. Repeat Step 7 for each regular expression you want to add to the cache profile group defined in Step 4.
9. all [no-auth]
10. end
11. show aaa cache group
12. clear aaa cache group
13. debug aaa cache group

name {profile name| all}


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Creating Cache Profile Groups and Defining Caching Rules

Step 2

Command or Action


configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

Enables the AAA access control model.

aaa new-model
Router(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa cache profile group-name

Defines an authentication and authorization cache profile server
group and enters profile map configuration mode.

Router(config)# aaa cache profile

Step 5

profile name

Creates an individual authentication and authorization cache
profile based on a username match.


Router(config-profile-map# profile
networkuser1 no-auth

• The name argument must be an exact match to a username
being queried by an authentication or authorization service
• Use the no-auth keyword to bypass authentication for this

Step 6

Repeat Step 5 for each username you want to add -to the profile group in Step 4.

Step 7

regexp matchexpression

{any| only}[no-auth] (Optional) Creates an entry in a cache profile group that matches
based on a regular expression.

Router(config-profile-map)# regexp
.* any no-auth

• If you use the any keyword, all unique usernames matching
the regular expression are saved.
• If you use the only keyword, only one profile entry is cached
for all usernames matching the regular expression.
• Use the no-auth keyword to bypass authentication for this
user or set of users.
• Because the number of entries in a regular expression cache
profile group could be in the thousands, and validating each
request against a regular expression can be time consuming,
we do not recommend using regular expression entries in
cache profile groups.

Step 8

Repeat Step 7 for each regular expression you want -to add to the cache profile group defined in Step 4.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Defining RADIUS and TACACS Server Groups That Use Cache Profile Group Information

Step 9

Command or Action


all [no-auth]

(Optional) Specifies that all authentication and authorization
requests are cached.

Router(config-profile-map)# all no-auth

Step 10

• Use the all command for specific service authorization
requests, but it should be avoided when dealing with
authentication requests.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config-profile-map)# end

Step 11

show aaa cache group


(Optional) Displays all cache entries for a specified group.

Router# show aaa cache group

Step 12

clear aaa cache group

name {profile name|

(Optional) Clears an individual entry or all entries in the cache.

Router# clear aaa cache group
networkusers@companyname profile

Step 13

debug aaa cache group

(Optional) Displays debug information about cached entries.

Router# debug aaa cache group

Defining RADIUS and TACACS Server Groups That Use Cache Profile Group
Perform this task to define how RADIUS and TACACS+ server groups use the information stored in each
cache profile group.

Before You Begin
RADIUS and TACACS+ server groups must be created.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Defining RADIUS and TACACS Server Groups That Use Cache Profile Group Information

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa group server radius group-name oraaa group server tacacs+ group-name
5. cache authorization profile
6. cache authentication profile


7. cache expiry hours {enforce failover}
8. end


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

Enables the AAA access control model.

aaa new-model
Router(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa group server radius group-name oraaa group Enters RADIUS server group configuration mode.
server tacacs+ group-name
• To enter TACACS+ server group configuration mode, use
the aaa group server tacacs+ group-name command.

Router(config)# aaa group server radius

Step 5

cache authorization profile


Router(config-sg-radius)# cache authorization
profile networkusers@companyname

Activates the authorization caching rules in the profile
networkusers for this RADIUS or TACACS+ server group.
• The name argument in this command is a AAA cache
profile group name.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Updating Authorization and Authentication Method Lists to Specify How Cache Information is Used

Command or Action
Step 6

cache authentication profile


Activates the authentication caching rules in the profile
networkusers for this RADIUS or TACACS+ server group.

Router(config-sq-radius)# cache
authentication profile

Step 7

cache expiry hours {enforce failover}
Router(config-sq-radius)# cache expiry 240

(Optional) Sets the amount of time before a cache profile entry
expires (becomes stale).
• Use the enforce keyword to specify that once a cache
profile entry expires it is not used again.
• Use the failover keyword to specify that an expired cache
profile entry can be used if all other methods to authenticate
and authorize the user fail.

Step 8

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config-sg-radius)# end

Updating Authorization and Authentication Method Lists to Specify How Cache
Information is Used
Perform this task to update authorization and authentication method lists to use the authorization and
authentication cache information.

Before You Begin
Method lists must already be defined.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level | reverse-access| configuration} {default |
list-name} [method1 [method2...]]
5. aaa authentication ppp {default | list-name} method1 [method2...]
6. aaa authentication login {default | list-name} method1 [method2...]
7. end

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Updating Authorization and Authentication Method Lists to Specify How Cache Information is Used


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

Enables the AAA access control model.

aaa new-model
Router(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

Enables AAA authorization and creates method
aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level |
reverse-access| configuration} {default | list-name} [method1 lists, which define the authorization methods used
when a user accesses a specified function.
Router(config)# aaa authorization network default cache
networkusers@companyname group

Step 5

aaa authentication ppp {default | list-name} method1

Specifies one or more authentication methods for
use on serial interfaces that are running PPP.

Router(config)# aaa authentication ppp default cache
networkusers@companyname group networkusers@companyname

Step 6

aaa authentication login {default | list-name} method1

Sets the authentication at login.

Router(config)# aaa authentication login default cache
adminusers group adminusers

Step 7


Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# end

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Configuration Examples for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching

Configuration Examples for Implementing Authorization and
Authentication Profile Caching
Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching for Network
Optimization Example
The following configuration example shows how to:
• Define a cache profile group adminusers that contains all administrator names on the network and sets
it as the default list that is used for all login and exec sessions.
• Activate the new caching rules for a RADIUS server group.
• Add the new cache profile group in the authentication and authorization method list and change the
method order so that the cache profile group is queried first.
configure terminal
aaa new-model
! Define aaa cache profile groups and the rules for what information is saved to cache.
aaa cache profile admin_users
profile adminuser1
profile adminuser2
profile adminuser3
profile adminuser4
profile adminuser5
! Define server groups that use the cache information in each profile group.
aaa group server radius
cache authorization profile admin_users
cache authentication profile admin_users
! Update authentication and authorization method lists to specify how profile groups and
server groups are used.
aaa authentication login default cache group
aaa authorization exec default cache group

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching as a Failover Mechanism Example

Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching as a Failover
Mechanism Example
The following configuration example shows how to:
• Create a cache profile group admin_users that contains all of the administrators on the network so that
if the RADIUS or TACACS+ server should become unavailable the administrators can still access the
• Create a cache profile group abc_users that contains all of the ABC company users on the network so
that if the RADIUS or TACACS+ server should become unavailable these users will be authorized to
use the network.
• Activate the new caching rules for each profile group on a RADIUS server.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching as a Failover Mechanism Example

• Add the new cache profile group in the authentication and authorization method list and change the
method order so that the cache profile group is queried last.
configure terminal
aaa new-model
! Define aaa cache profile groups and the rules for what information is saved to cache.
aaa cache profile admin_users
profile admin1
profile admin2
profile admin3
aaa cache profile abcusers
profile .* only no-auth
! Define server groups that use the cache information in each cache profile group.
aaa group server tacacs+
cache authentication profile admin_users
cache authorization profile admin_users
aaa group server radius
cache authentication profile abcusers
cache authorization profile abcusers
! Update authentication and authorization method lists to specify how cache is used.
aaa authentication login default cache group
aaa authorization exec default cache group
aaa authentication ppp default group cache
aaa authorization network default group cache

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Additional References for RADIUS Change of Authorization

Additional References for RADIUS Change of Authorization
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Cisco IOS commands

Cisco IOS Master Command List,
All Releases

Security commands

• Security Command
Reference: Commands A to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands D to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands M to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands S to
Authentication, Authorization, and
Accounting Configuration Guide

Configuring AAA

Standards and RFCs


RFC 2903

Generic AAA Architecture

RFC 5176

Dynamic Authorization Extensions to Remote
Authentication Dial In User Service(RADIUS)

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Feature Information for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support and Documentation website
provides online resources to download documentation,
software, and tools. Use these resources to install and
configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve
technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and
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Feature Information for Implementing Authorization and
Authentication Profile Caching
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Feature Information for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching

Table 21: Feature Information for Implementing Authentication and Authorization Profile Caching

Feature Name


Feature Information

AAA Authorization and
Authentication Cache

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3

This feature optimizes network
performance and provides a
failover mechanism in the event a
network RADIUS or TACACS+
server becomes unavailable for any
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa
authentication login, aaa
authentication ppp, aaa
authorization, aaa cache profile,
all (profile map configuration),
cache authentication profile
(server group configuration),
cache authorization profile
(server group configuration),
cache expiry (server group
configuration), clear aaa cache
group, debug aaa cache group,
profile (profile map
configuration), regexp (profile
map configuration), show aaa
cache group.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Authorization and Authentication Cache
Feature Information for Implementing Authorization and Authentication Profile Caching

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



Configuring Authorization
AAA authorization enables you to limit the services available to a user. When AAA authorization is enabled,
the network access server uses information retrieved from the user’s profile, which is located either in the
local user database or on the security server, to configure the user’s session. Once this is done, the user will
be granted access to a requested service only if the information in the user profile allows it.
• Finding Feature Information, page 135
• AAA Authorization Prerequisites, page 135
• Information About Configuring Authorization, page 136
• How to Configure Authorization, page 139
• Authorization Configuration Examples, page 142
• Additional References, page 145
• Feature Information for Configuring Authorization, page 146

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

AAA Authorization Prerequisites
Before configuring authorization using named method lists, you must first perform the following tasks:
• Enable AAA on your network access server.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
Information About Configuring Authorization

• Configure AAA authentication. Authorization generally takes place after authentication and relies on
authentication to work properly. For more information about AAA authentication, refer to the “Configuring
Authentication” module.
• Define the characteristics of your RADIUS or TACACS+ security server if you are issuing RADIUS
or TACACS+ authorization. For more information about configuring your Cisco network access server
to communicate with your RADIUS security server, refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS”. For
more information about configuring your Cisco network access server to communicate with your
TACACS+ security server, refer to the “Configuring TACACS+” module.
• Define the rights associated with specific users by using the username command if you are issuing local
authorization. For more information about the username command, refer to the Cisco IOS Security
Command Reference .

Information About Configuring Authorization
Named Method Lists for Authorization
Method lists for authorization define the ways that authorization will be performed and the sequence in which
these methods will be performed. A method list is simply a named list describing the authorization methods
to be queried (such as RADIUS or TACACS+), in sequence. Method lists enable you to designate one or
more security protocols to be used for authorization, thus ensuring a backup system in case the initial method
fails. Cisco IOS XE software uses the first method listed to authorize users for specific network services; if
that method fails to respond, the Cisco IOS XE software selects the next method listed in the list. This process
continues until there is successful communication with a listed authorization method, or all methods defined
are exhausted.


The Cisco IOS XE software attempts authorization with the next listed method only when there is no
response from the previous method. If authorization fails at any point in this cycle--meaning that the
security server or local username database responds by denying the user services--the authorization process
stops and no other authorization methods are attempted.
Method lists are specific to the authorization type requested:
• Commands--Applies to the EXEC mode commands a user issues. Command authorization attempts
authorization for all EXEC mode commands, including global configuration commands, associated with
a specific privilege level.
• EXEC--Applies to the attributes associated with a user EXEC terminal session.
• Network--Applies to network connections. This can include a PPP, SLIP, or ARAP connection.
• Reverse Access--Applies to reverse Telnet sessions.
When you create a named method list, you are defining a particular list of authorization methods for the
indicated authorization type.
Once defined, method lists must be applied to specific lines or interfaces before any of the defined methods
will be performed. The only exception is the default method list (which is named “default”). If the aaa
authorization command for a particular authorization type is issued without a named method list specified,

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
AAA Authorization Methods

the default method list is automatically applied to all interfaces or lines except those that have a named method
list explicitly defined. (A defined method list overrides the default method list.) If no default method list is
defined, local authorization takes place by default.

AAA Authorization Methods
AAA supports five different methods of authorization:
• TACACS+—The network access server exchanges authorization information with the TACACS+
security daemon. TACACS+ authorization defines specific rights for users by associating attribute-value
pairs, which are stored in a database on the TACACS+ security server, with the appropriate user.
• If-Authenticated—The user is allowed to access the requested function provided the user has been
authenticated successfully.
• None—The network access server does not request authorization information; authorization is not
performed over this line/interface.
• Local—The router or access server consults its local database, as defined by the username command,
for example, to authorize specific rights for users. Only a limited set of functions can be controlled via
the local database.
• RADIUS—The network access server requests authorization information from the RADIUS security
server. RADIUS authorization defines specific rights for users by associating attributes, which are stored
in a database on the RADIUS server, with the appropriate user.


With CSCuc32663, passwords and authorization logs are masked before being sent to the TACACS+,
LDAP, or RADIUS security servers. Use the aaa authorization commands visible-keys command to
send unmasked information to the TACACS+, LDAP, or RADIUS security servers.

Authorization Methods
To have the network access server request authorization information via a TACACS+ security server, use the
aaa authorization command with the group tacacs+ method keyword. For more specific information about
configuring authorization using a TACACS+ security server, refer to the chapter “Configuring TACACS+.”
For an example of how to enable a TACACS+ server to authorize the use of network services, including PPP
and ARA, see the TACACS Authorization Examples.
To allow users to have access to the functions they request as long as they have been authenticated, use the
aaa authorization command with the if-authenticated method keyword. If you select this method, all
requested functions are automatically granted to authenticated users.
There may be times when you do not want to run authorization from a particular interface or line. To stop
authorization activities on designated lines or interfaces, use the none method keyword. If you select this
method, authorization is disabled for all actions.
To select local authorization, which means that the router or access server consults its local user database to
determine the functions a user is permitted to use, use the aaa authorization command with the local method
keyword. The functions associated with local authorization are defined by using the username global
configuration command. For a list of permitted functions, refer to the chapter “Configuring Authentication.”

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
Method Lists and Server Groups

To have the network access server request authorization via a RADIUS security server, use the radius method
keyword. For more specific information about configuring authorization using a RADIUS security server,
refer to the Configuring RADIUS chapter.
To have the network access server request authorization via a RADIUS security server, use the aaa
authorization command with the group radius method keyword. For more specific information about
configuring authorization using a RADIUS security server, refer to the chapter Configuring RADIUS. For an
example of how to enable a RADIUS server to authorize services, see the RADIUS Authorization Example.


Authorization method lists for SLIP follow whatever is configured for PPP on the relevant interface. If
no lists are defined and applied to a particular interface (or no PPP settings are configured), the default
setting for authorization applies.

Method Lists and Server Groups
A server group is a way to group existing RADIUS or TACACS+ server hosts for use in method lists. The
figure below shows a typical AAA network configuration that includes four security servers: R1 and R2 are
RADIUS servers, and T1 and T2 are TACACS+ servers. R1 and R2 make up the group of RADIUS servers.
T1 and T2 make up the group of TACACS+ servers.
Using server groups, you can specify a subset of the configured server hosts and use them for a particular
service. For example, server groups allow you to define R1 and R2 as separate server groups, and T1 and T2
as separate server groups. This means you can specify either R1 and T1 in the method list or R2 and T2 in
the method list, which provides more flexibility in the way that you assign RADIUS and TACACS+ resources.
Server groups also can include multiple host entries for the same server, as long as each entry has a unique
identifier. The combination of an IP address and a UDP port number creates a unique identifier, allowing
different ports to be individually defined as RADIUS hosts providing a specific AAA service. In other words,
this unique identifier enables RADIUS requests to be sent to different UDP ports on a server at the same IP
address. If two different host entries on the same RADIUS server are configured for the same service--for
example, authorization--the second host entry configured acts as fail-over backup to the first one. Using this
example, if the first host entry fails to provide accounting services, the network access server will try the
second host entry configured on the same device for accounting services. (The RADIUS host entries will be
tried in the order they are configured.)
For more information about configuring server groups and about configuring server groups based on DNIS
numbers, refer to the chapter Configuring RADIUS or the chapter Configuring TACACS+.

AAA Authorization Types
Cisco IOS XE software supports five different types of authorization:
• Commands--Applies to the EXEC mode commands a user issues. Command authorization attempts
authorization for all EXEC mode commands, including global configuration commands, associated with
a specific privilege level.
• EXEC--Applies to the attributes associated with a user EXEC terminal session.
• Network--Applies to network connections. This can include a PPP, SLIP, or ARAP connection.
• Reverse Access--Applies to reverse Telnet sessions.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
Authorization Attribute-Value Pairs

• Configuration--Applies to downloading configurations from the AAA server.
• IP Mobile--Applies to authorization for IP mobile services.

Authorization Types
Named authorization method lists are specific to the indicated type of authorization.
To create a method list to enable authorization that applies specific security policies on a per-user basis, use
the auth-proxy keyword. For detailed information on the authentication proxy feature, refer to the chapter
“Configuring Authentication Proxy” in the “Traffic Filtering and Firewalls” part of this book.
To create a method list to enable authorization for all network-related service requests (including SLIP, PPP,
PPP NCPs, and ARAP), use the network keyword.
To create a method list to enable authorization to determine if a user is allowed to run an EXEC shell, use the
exec keyword.
To create a method list to enable authorization for specific, individual EXEC commands associated with a
specific privilege level, use the commandskeyword. (This allows you to authorize all commands associated
with a specified command level from 0 to 15.)
To create a method list to enable authorization for reverse Telnet functions, use the reverse-access keyword.
For information about the types of authorization supported by the Cisco IOS XE software, refer to the AAA
Authorization Types.

Authorization Attribute-Value Pairs
RADIUS and TACACS+ authorization both define specific rights for users by processing attributes, which
are stored in a database on the security server. For both RADIUS and TACACS+, attributes are defined on
the security server, associated with the user, and sent to the network access server where they are applied to
the user’s connection.
For a list of supported RADIUS attributes, refer to the “RADIUS Attributes Overview and RADIUS IETF
Attributes” chapter. For a list of supported TACACS+ AV pairs, refer to the “Configuring TACACS+” chapter.

How to Configure Authorization
For authorization configuration examples using the commands in this chapter, refer to the Authorization
Configuration Examples.

Configuring AAA Authorization Using Named Method Lists
To configure AAA authorization using named method lists, use the following commands beginning in global
configuration mode:

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
Configuring AAA Authorization Using Named Method Lists

1. Router(config)# aaa authorization {auth-proxy | network | exec | commands level | reverse-access |
configuration | ipmobile} {default | list-name} [method1 [method2...]]
2. Do one of the following:
• Router(config)# line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number [ending-line-number]
• Router(config)# interface interface-type interface-number
3. Do one of the following:
• Router(config-line)# authorization{arap | commands level | exec | reverse-access} {default |
• Router(config-line)# ppp authorization{default | list-name}

Command or Action


Step 1

Router(config)# aaa authorization {auth-proxy | network | Creates an authorization method list for a particular
authorization type and enable authorization.
exec | commands level | reverse-access | configuration |
ipmobile} {default | list-name} [method1 [method2...]]

Step 2

Do one of the following:
• Router(config)# line [aux | console | tty | vty]
line-number [ending-line-number]
• Router(config)# interface interface-type

Step 3

Do one of the following:

Enters the line configuration mode for the lines to which
you want to apply the authorization method list.
Alternately, enters the interface configuration mode for
the interfaces to which you want to apply the authorization
method list.

Applies the authorization list to a line or set of lines.

• Router(config-line)# authorization{arap | commands Alternately, applies the authorization list to an interface
or set of interfaces.
level | exec | reverse-access} {default | list-name}
• Router(config-line)# ppp authorization{default |

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
Disabling Authorization for Global Configuration Commands

Disabling Authorization for Global Configuration Commands
The aaa authorization command with the keyword commands attempts authorization for all EXEC mode
commands, including global configuration commands, associated with a specific privilege level. Because
there are configuration commands that are identical to some EXEC-level commands, there can be some
confusion in the authorization process. Using no aaa authorization config-commands stops the network
access server from attempting configuration command authorization.
To disable AAA authorization for all global configuration commands, use the following command in global
configuration mode:

no aaa authorization


Disables authorization for all global configuration

To disable AAA authorization on the console, use the following command in global configuration mode:


AAA authorization is disabled on the console by default. If AAA authorization is enabled on the console,
disable it by configuring the no aaa authorization console command during the AAA configuration stage.
AAA should be disabled on the console for user authentication.

no aaa authorization console

Disables authorization on the console.

Configuring Authorization for Reverse Telnet
Telnet is a standard terminal emulation protocol used for remote terminal connection. Normally, you log in
to a network access server (typically through a dialup connection) and then use Telnet to access other network
devices from that network access server. There are times, however, when it is necessary to establish a reverse
Telnet session. In reverse Telnet sessions, the Telnet connection is established in the opposite direction--from
inside a network to a network access server on the network periphery to gain access to modems or other
devices connected to that network access server. Reverse Telnet is used to provide users with dialout capability
by allowing them to Telnet to modem ports attached to a network access server.
It is important to control access to ports accessible through reverse Telnet. Failure to do so could, for example,
allow unauthorized users free access to modems where they can trap and divert incoming calls or make
outgoing calls to unauthorized destinations.
Authentication during reverse Telnet is performed through the standard AAA login procedure for Telnet.
Typically the user has to provide a username and password to establish either a Telnet or reverse Telnet
session. Reverse Telnet authorization provides an additional (optional) level of security by requiring
authorization in addition to authentication. When enabled, reverse Telnet authorization can use RADIUS or

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
Authorization Configuration Examples

TACACS+ to authorize whether or not this user is allowed reverse Telnet access to specific asynchronous
ports, after the user successfully authenticates through the standard Telnet login procedure.
Reverse Telnet authorization offers the following benefits:
• An additional level of protection by ensuring that users engaged in reverse Telnet activities are indeed
authorized to access a specific asynchronous port using reverse Telnet.
• An alternative method (other than access lists) to manage reverse Telnet authorization.
To configure a network access server to request authorization information from a TACACS+ or RADIUS
server before allowing a user to establish a reverse Telnet session, use the following command in global
configuration mode:


aaa authorization
reverse-access method1 [method2 ...]

Configures the network access server to request
authorization information before allowing a user to
establish a reverse Telnet session.


This feature enables the network access server to request reverse Telnet authorization information from the
security server, whether RADIUS or TACACS+. You must configure the specific reverse Telnet privileges
for the user on the security server itself.

Authorization Configuration Examples
TACACS Authorization Examples
The following examples show how to use a TACACS+ server to authorize the use of network services,
including PPP and ARA. If the TACACS+ server is not available or an error occurs during the authorization
process, the fallback method (none) is to grant all authorization requests:
aaa authorization network default group tacacs+ none

The following example shows how to allow network authorization using TACACS+:
aaa authorization network default group tacacs+

The following example shows how to provide the same authorization, but it also creates address pools called
“mci” and “att” :
aaa authorization network default group tacacs+
ip address-pool local
ip local-pool mci
ip local-pool att

These address pools can then be selected by the TACACS daemon. A sample configuration of the daemon
user = mci_customer1 {
login = cleartext “some password”
service = ppp protocol = ip {

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
RADIUS Authorization Example

user = att_customer1 {
login = cleartext “some other password”
service = ppp protocol = ip {

RADIUS Authorization Example
The following example shows how to configure the router to authorize using RADIUS:
aaa new-model
aaa authorization exec default group radius if-authenticated
aaa authorization network default group radius
radius-server host ip
radius-server key

The lines in this sample RADIUS authorization configuration are defined as follows:
• The aaa authorization exec default group radius if-authenticated command configures the network
access server to contact the RADIUS server to determine if users are permitted to start an EXEC shell
when they log in. If an error occurs when the network access server contacts the RADIUS server, the
fallback method is to permit the CLI to start, provided the user has been properly authenticated.
The RADIUS information returned may be used to specify an autocommand or a connection access list be
applied to this connection.
• The aaa authorization network default group radius command configures network authorization via
RADIUS. This can be used to govern address assignment, the application of access lists, and various
other per-user quantities.


Because no fallback method is specified in this example, authorization will fail if, for any reason, there
is no response from the RADIUS server.

Reverse Telnet Authorization Examples
The following examples show how to cause the network access server to request authorization information
from a TACACS+ security server before allowing a user to establish a reverse Telnet session:
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group tacacs+
aaa authorization reverse-access default group tacacs+
tacacs-server host
tacacs-server timeout 90
tacacs-server key goaway

The lines in this sample TACACS+ reverse Telnet authorization configuration are defined as follows:
• The aaa new-model command enables AAA.
• The aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ command specifies TACACS+ as the default
method for user authentication during login.
• The aaa authorization reverse-access default group tacacs+ command specifies TACACS+ as the
method for user authorization when trying to establish a reverse Telnet session.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
Reverse Telnet Authorization Examples

• The tacacs-server host command identifies the TACACS+ server.
• The tacacs-server timeoutcommand sets the interval of time that the network access server waits for
the TACACS+ server to reply.
• The tacacs-server key command defines the encryption key used for all TACACS+ communications
between the network access server and the TACACS+ daemon.
The following example shows how to configure a generic TACACS+ server to grant a user, pat, reverse Telnet
access to port tty2 on the network access server named “maple” and to port tty5 on the network access server
named “oak”:
user = pat
login = cleartext lab
service = raccess {
port#1 = maple/tty2
port#2 = oak/tty5


In this example, “maple” and “oak” are the configured host names of network access servers, not DNS
names or alias.
The following example shows how to configure the TACACS+ server (CiscoSecure) to grant a user named
pat reverse Telnet access:
user = pat
profile_id = 90
profile_cycle = 1
member = Tacacs_Users
service=shell {
default cmd=permit
service=raccess {
allow “c2511e0” “tty1” “.*”
refuse “.*” “.*” “.*”
password = clear “goaway”


CiscoSecure only supports reverse Telnet using the command line interface in versions 2.1(x) through
version 2.2(1).
An empty “service=raccess {}” clause permits a user to have unconditional access to network access server
ports for reverse Telnet. If no “service=raccess” clause exists, the user is denied access to any port for reverse
For more information about configuring TACACS+, refer to the “Configuring TACACS” chapter. For more
information about configuring CiscoSecure, refer to the CiscoSecure Access Control Server User Guide ,
version 2.1(2) or greater.
The following example shows how to cause the network access server to request authorization from a RADIUS
security server before allowing a user to establish a reverse Telnet session:
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group radius
aaa authorization reverse-access default group radius
radius-server host
radius-server key go away
auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
Additional References

The lines in this sample RADIUS reverse Telnet authorization configuration are defined as follows:
• The aaa new-model command enables AAA.
• The aaa authentication login default group radius command specifies RADIUS as the default method
for user authentication during login.
• The aaa authorization reverse-access default group radius command specifies RADIUS as the method
for user authorization when trying to establish a reverse Telnet session.
• The radius-server host command identifies the RADIUS server.
• The radius-server key command defines the encryption key used for all RADIUS communications
between the network access server and the RADIUS daemon.
The following example shows how to send a request to the RADIUS server to grant a user named “pat” reverse
Telnet access at port tty2 on the network access server named “maple”:
Username = “pat”
Password = “goaway”
User-Service-Type = Shell-User
cisco-avpair = “raccess:port#1=maple/tty2”

The syntax "raccess:port=any/any" permits a user to have unconditional access to network access server ports
for reverse Telnet. If no "raccess:port={nasname }/{tty number }" clause exists in the user profile, the user
is denied access to reverse Telnet on all ports.
For more information about configuring RADIUS, refer to the chapter “Configuring RADIUS.”

Additional References
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Cisco IOS commands

Master Command List, All

Security commands

• Security Command
Reference: Commands A to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands D to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands M to
• Security Command
Reference: Commands S to

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Authorization
Feature Information for Configuring Authorization

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support and Documentation website
provides online resources to download documentation,
software, and tools. Use these resources to install and
configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve
technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and
Documentation website requires a user ID
and password.

Feature Information for Configuring Authorization
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 22: Feature Information for Configuring Authorization

Feature Name


Feature Information

Named Method Lists for AAA
Authorization and Accounting

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

Method lists for authorization
define the ways that authorization
will be performed and the sequence
in which these methods will be
performed. A method list is simply
a named list describing the
authorization methods to be
queried (such as RADIUS or
TACACS+), in sequence.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



Configuring Accounting
The AAA accounting feature allows the services that users are accessing and the amount of network resources
that users are consuming to be tracked. When AAA accounting is enabled, the network access server reports
user activity to the TACACS+ or RADIUS security server (depending on which security method is
implemented) in the form of accounting records. Each accounting record contains accounting attribute-value
(AV) pairs and is stored on the security server. This data can then be analyzed for network management,
client billing, and auditing.
• Finding Feature Information, page 147
• Prerequisites for Configuring Accounting, page 147
• Restrictions for Configuring Accounting, page 148
• Information About Configuring Accounting, page 148
• How to Configure AAA Accounting, page 162
• Configuration Examples for AAA Accounting, page 171
• Additional References, page 174
• Feature Information for Configuring Accounting, page 176

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Configuring Accounting
The following tasks must be performed before configuring accounting using named method lists:

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Restrictions for Configuring Accounting

• Enable AAA on the network access server.
• Define the characteristics of the RADIUS or TACACS+ security server if RADIUS or TACACS+
authorization is issued. For more information about configuring the Cisco network access server to
communicate with the RADIUS security server, see the chapter Configuring RADIUS. For more
information about configuring the Cisco network access server to communicate with the TACACS+
security server, see the chapter Configuring TACACS+.

Restrictions for Configuring Accounting
The AAA Accounting feature has the following restrictions:
• Accounting information can be sent simultaneously to a maximum of four AAA servers.
• Service Selection Gateway (SSG) restriction--For SSG systems, the aaa accounting network broadcast
command broadcasts only start-stop accounting records. If interim accounting records are configured
using thessg accounting interval command, the interim accounting records are sent only to the configured
default RADIUS server.

Information About Configuring Accounting
Named Method Lists for Accounting
Like authentication and authorization method lists, method lists for accounting define the way accounting is
performed and the sequence in which these methods are performed.
Named accounting method lists allow a particular security protocol to be designated and used on specific lines
or interfaces for accounting services. The only exception is the default method list (which, by coincidence, is
named “default”). The default method list is automatically applied to all interfaces except those that have a
named method list explicitly defined. A defined method list overrides the default method list.
A method list is a named list describing the accounting methods to be queried (such as RADIUS or TACACS+),
in sequence. Method lists allow one or more security protocols to be designated and used for accounting, thus
ensuring a backup system for accounting if the initial method fails. Cisco IOS XE software uses the first
method listed to support accounting; if that method fails to respond, the Cisco IOS XE software selects the
next accounting method listed in the method list. This process continues until there is successful communication
with a listed accounting method, or all methods defined are exhausted.


The Cisco IOS XE software attempts accounting with the next listed accounting method only when there
is no response from the previous method. If accounting fails at any point in this cycle--meaning that the
security server responds by denying the user access--the accounting process stops and no other accounting
methods are attempted.
Accounting method lists are specific to the type of accounting being requested. AAA supports six different
types of accounting:
• Network--Provides information for all PPP, SLIP, or ARAP sessions, including packet and byte counts.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Named Method Lists for Accounting

• EXEC--Provides information about user EXEC terminal sessions of the network access server.
• Command--Provides information about the EXEC mode commands that a user issues. Command
accounting generates accounting records for all EXEC mode commands, including global configuration
commands, associated with a specific privilege level.
• Connection--Provides information about all outbound connections made from the network access server,
such as Telnet, local-area transport (LAT), TN3270, packet assembler/disassembler (PAD), and rlogin.
• System--Provides information about system-level events.
• Resource--Provides “start” and “stop” records for calls that have passed user authentication, and provides
“stop” records for calls that fail to authenticate.


System accounting does not use named accounting lists; only the default list for system accounting can
be defined.
When a named method list is created, a particular list of accounting methods for the indicated accounting type
are defined.
Accounting method lists must be applied to specific lines or interfaces before any of the defined methods are
performed. The only exception is the default method list (which is named “default”). If the aaa accounting
command for a particular accounting type is issued without a named method list specified, the default method
list is automatically applied to all interfaces or lines except those that have a named method list explicitly
defined. (A defined method list overrides the default method list.) If no default method list is defined, then
no accounting takes place.
This section includes the following subsections:

Method Lists and Server Groups
A server group is a way to group existing RADIUS or TACACS+ server hosts for use in method lists. The
figure below shows a typical AAA network configuration that includes four security servers: R1 and R2 are
RADIUS servers, and T1 and T2 are TACACS+ servers. R1 and R2 comprise the group of RADIUS servers.
T1 and T2 comprise the group of TACACS+ servers.
In Cisco IOS XE software, RADIUS and TACACS+ server configurations are global. A subset of the configured
server hosts can be specified using server groups. These server groups can be used for a particular service.
For example, server groups allow R1 and R2 to be defined as separate server groups (SG1 and SG2), and T1
and T2 as separate server groups (SG3 and SG4). This means either R1 and T1 (SG1 and SG3) can be specified
in the method list or R2 and T2 (SG2 and SG4) in the method list, which provides more flexibility in the way
that RADIUS and TACACS+ resources are assigned.
Server groups also can include multiple host entries for the same server, as long as each entry has a unique
identifier. The combination of an IP address and a UDP port number creates a unique identifier, allowing
different ports to be individually defined as RADIUS hosts providing a specific AAA service. In other words,
this unique identifier enables RADIUS requests to be sent to different UDP ports on a server at the same IP
address. If two different host entries on the same RADIUS server are configured for the same service--for
example, accounting--the second host entry configured acts as failover backup to the first one. Using this
example, if the first host entry fails to provide accounting services, the network access server tries the second
host entry configured on the same device for accounting services. (The RADIUS host entries are tried in the
order in which they are configured.)

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Named Method Lists for Accounting

For more information about configuring server groups and about configuring server groups based on DNIS
numbers, see Configuring RADIUS module or Configuring TACACS+ module in the Cisco IOS XE Security
Configuration Guide: Securing User Services Release 2.

AAA Accounting Methods
Cisco IOS XE supports the following two methods for accounting:
• TACACS+—The network access server reports user activity to the TACACS+ security server in the
form of accounting records. Each accounting record contains accounting attribute-value (AV) pairs and
is stored on the security server.
• RADIUS—The network access server reports user activity to the RADIUS security server in the form
of accounting records. Each accounting record contains accounting attribute-value (AV) pairs and is
stored on the security server.


With CSCuc32663, passwords and accounting logs are masked before being sent to the TACACS+ or
RADIUS security servers. Use the aaa accounting commands visible-keys command to send unmasked
information to the TACACS+ or RADIUS security servers.

Accounting Record Types
For minimal accounting, use the stop-only keyword, which instructs the specified method (RADIUS or
TACACS+) to send a stop record accounting notice at the end of the requested user process. For more
accounting information, use the start-stop keyword to send a start accounting notice at the beginning of the
requested event and a stop accounting notice at the end of the event. To stop all accounting activities on this
line or interface, use the none keyword.

Accounting Methods
The table below lists the supported accounting keywords.
Table 23: AAA Accounting Methods



group radius

Uses the list of all RADIUS servers for accounting.

group tacacs+

Uses the list of all TACACS+ servers for accounting.

group group-name

Uses a subset of RADIUS or TACACS+ servers for
accounting as defined by the server group

The method argument refers to the actual method the authentication algorithm tries. Additional methods of
authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. To specify that the
authentication should succeed even if all other methods return an error, specify additional methods in the

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Types

command. For example, to create a method list named acct_tac1 that specifies RADIUS as the backup method
of authentication in the event that TACACS+ authentication returns an error, enter the following command:
aaa accounting network acct_tac1 stop-only group tacacs+ group radius

To create a default list that is used when a named list is not specified in the aaa accountingcommand, use
the default keyword followed by the methods that are wanted to be used in default situations. The default
method list is automatically applied to all interfaces.
For example, to specify RADIUS as the default method for user authentication during login, enter the following
aaa accounting network default stop-only group radius

AAA accounting supports the following methods:
• group tacacs --To have the network access server send accounting information to a TACACS+ security
server, use the group tacacs+ method keyword.
• group radius --To have the network access server send accounting information to a RADIUS security
server, use the group radius method keyword.


Accounting method lists for SLIP follow whatever is configured for PPP on the relevant interface. If no
lists are defined and applied to a particular interface (or no PPP settings are configured), the default setting
for accounting applies.
• group group-name --To specify a subset of RADIUS or TACACS+ servers to use as the accounting
method, use the aaa accountingcommand with the group group-name method. To specify and define
the group name and the members of the group, use the aaa group server command. For example, use
the aaa group server command to first define the members of group loginrad:
aaa group server radius loginrad
server 172.16.2 17

This command specifies RADIUS servers,, and as members of the group
To specify group loginrad as the method of network accounting when no other method list has been defined,
enter the following command:
aaa accounting network default start-stop group loginrad

Before a group name can be used as the accounting method, communication with the RADIUS or TACACS+
security server must be enabled.

AAA Accounting Types
Named accounting method lists are specific to the indicated type of accounting.
• network --To create a method list to enable authorization for all network-related service requests
(including SLIP, PPP, PPP NCPs, and ARAP protocols), use the network keyword. For example, to
create a method list that provides accounting information for ARAP (network) sessions, use the arap

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Types

• exec --To create a method list that provides accounting records about user EXEC terminal sessions on
the network access server, including username, date, start and stop times, use the exec keyword.
• commands --To create a method list that provides accounting information about specific, individual
EXEC commands associated with a specific privilege level, use the commandskeyword.
• connection --To create a method list that provides accounting information about all outbound connections
made from the network access server, use the connection keyword.
• resource --To creates a method list to provide accounting records for calls that have passed user
authentication or calls that failed to be authenticated.


System accounting does not support named method lists.

Network Accounting
Network accounting provides information for all PPP, SLIP, or ARAP sessions, including packet and byte
The following example shows the information contained in a RADIUS network accounting record for a PPP
user who comes in through an EXEC session:
Wed Jun 27 04:44:45 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 5
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “562”
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Exec-User
Acct-Session-Id = “0000000D”
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”
Wed Jun 27 04:45:00 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 5
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “562”
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Framed
Acct-Session-Id = “0000000E”
Framed-IP-Address = “”
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”
Wed Jun 27 04:47:46 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 5
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “562”
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Types

Service-Type = Framed
Acct-Session-Id = “0000000E”
Framed-IP-Address = “”
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Acct-Input-Octets = 3075
Acct-Output-Octets = 167
Acct-Input-Packets = 39
Acct-Output-Packets = 9
Acct-Session-Time = 171
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”
Wed Jun 27 04:48:45 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 5
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “408”
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Exec-User
Acct-Session-Id = “0000000D”
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”

The following example shows the information contained in a TACACS+ network accounting record for a
PPP user who first started an EXEC session:
Wed Jun 27 04:00:35 2001
Wed Jun 27 04:00:46 2001
tty4 562/4327528
Wed Jun 27 04:00:49 2001
Wed Jun 27 04:01:31 2001
bytes_out=1682 paks_in=36
Wed Jun 27 04:01:32 2001


The precise format of accounting packets records may vary depending on the security server daemon.
The following example shows the information contained in a RADIUS network accounting record for a PPP
user who comes in through autoselect:
Wed Jun 27 04:30:52 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 3
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “562”
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Framed
Acct-Session-Id = “0000000B”
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”
Wed Jun 27 04:36:49 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 3
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Types

Caller-ID = “562”
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Framed
Acct-Session-Id = “0000000B”
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-IP-Address = “”
Acct-Input-Octets = 8630
Acct-Output-Octets = 5722
Acct-Input-Packets = 94
Acct-Output-Packets = 64
Acct-Session-Time = 357
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”

The following example shows the information contained in a TACACS+ network accounting record for a
PPP user who comes in through autoselect:
Wed Jun 27 04:02:19 2001
Async5 562/4327528
Wed Jun 27 04:02:25 2001
Async5 562/4327528
Wed Jun 27 04:05:03 2001
Async5 562/4327528

EXEC Accounting
EXEC accounting provides information about user EXEC terminal sessions (user shells) on the network access
server, including username, date, start and stop times, the access server IP address, and (for dial-in users) the
telephone number the call originated from.
The following example shows the information contained in a RADIUS EXEC accounting record for a dial-in
Wed Jun 27 04:26:23 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 1
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “5622329483”
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Exec-User
Acct-Session-Id = “00000006”
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”
Wed Jun 27 04:27:25 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 1
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “5622329483”
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Exec-User
Acct-Session-Id = “00000006”
Acct-Session-Time = 62
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Types

The following example shows the information contained in a TACACS+ EXEC accounting record for a dial-in
Wed Jun 27 03:46:21 2001
Wed Jun 27 04:08:55 2001





The following example shows the information contained in a RADIUS EXEC accounting record for a Telnet
Wed Jun 27 04:48:32 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 26
User-Name = “username1”
Caller-ID = “”
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Exec-User
Acct-Session-Id = “00000010”
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”
Wed Jun 27 04:48:46 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 26
User-Name = “username1”
Caller-ID = “”
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Exec-User
Acct-Session-Id = “00000010”
Acct-Session-Time = 14
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”

The following example shows the information contained in a TACACS+ EXEC accounting record for a Telnet
Wed Jun 27 04:06:53 2001
Wed Jun 27 04:07:02 2001



Command Accounting
Command accounting provides information about the EXEC shell commands for a specified privilege level
that are being executed on a network access server. Each command accounting record includes a list of the
commands executed for that privilege level, as well as the date and time each command was executed, and
the user who executed it.
The following example shows the information contained in a TACACS+ command accounting record for
privilege level 1:
Wed Jun 27 03:46:47 2001
cmd=show version 
Wed Jun 27 03:46:58 2001
cmd=show interfaces 
Wed Jun 27 03:47:03 2001
cmd=show ip route 

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Types

The following example shows the information contained in a TACACS+ command accounting record for
privilege level 15:
Wed Jun 27 03:47:17 2001
cmd=configure terminal 
Wed Jun 27 03:47:21 2001
cmd=interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0

Wed Jun 27 03:47:29 2001
56223294304327528 stop
cmd=ip address


The Cisco Systems implementation of RADIUS does not support command accounting.

Connection Accounting
Connection accounting provides information about all outbound connections made from the network access
server, such as Telnet, LAT, TN3270, PAD, and rlogin.
The following example shows the information contained in a RADIUS connection accounting record for an
outbound Telnet connection:
Wed Jun 27 04:28:00 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 2
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “5622329477”
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Login
Acct-Session-Id = “00000008”
Login-Service = Telnet
Login-IP-Host = “”
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”
Wed Jun 27 04:28:39 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 2
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “5622329477”
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Login
Acct-Session-Id = “00000008”
Login-Service = Telnet
Login-IP-Host = “”
Acct-Input-Octets = 10774
Acct-Output-Octets = 112
Acct-Input-Packets = 91
Acct-Output-Packets = 99
Acct-Session-Time = 39
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Types

The following example shows the information contained in a TACACS+ connection accounting record for
an outbound Telnet connection:
Wed Jun 27 03:47:43 2001
protocol=telnet addr= cmd=telnet
Wed Jun 27 03:48:38 2001
protocol=telnet addr= cmd=telnet
paks_out=72 elapsed_time=55

The following example shows the information contained in a RADIUS connection accounting record for an
outbound rlogin connection:
Wed Jun 27 04:29:48 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 2
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “5622329477”
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Login
Acct-Session-Id = “0000000A”
Login-Service = Rlogin
Login-IP-Host = “”
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”
Wed Jun 27 04:30:09 2001
NAS-IP-Address = “”
NAS-Port = 2
User-Name = “username1”
Client-Port-DNIS = “4327528”
Caller-ID = “5622329477”
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Login
Acct-Session-Id = “0000000A”
Login-Service = Rlogin
Login-IP-Host = “”
Acct-Input-Octets = 18686
Acct-Output-Octets = 86
Acct-Input-Packets = 90
Acct-Output-Packets = 68
Acct-Session-Time = 22
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Id = “username1”
NAS-Identifier = “”

The following example shows the information contained in a TACACS+ connection accounting record for
an outbound rlogin connection:
Wed Jun 27 03:48:46 2001
protocol=rlogin addr= cmd=rlogin
username1-sun /user username1
Wed Jun 27 03:51:37 2001
protocol=rlogin addr= cmd=rlogin
username1-sun /user username1 bytes_in=659926 bytes_out=138

The following example shows the information contained in a TACACS+ connection accounting record for
an outbound LAT connection:
Wed Jun 27 03:53:06 2001


Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Types

Wed Jun 27 03:54:15 2001
VAX bytes_in=0


System Accounting
System accounting provides information about all system-level events (for example, when the system reboots
or when accounting is turned on or off).
The following accounting record shows a typical TACACS+ system accounting record server indicating that
AAA accounting has been turned off:
Wed Jun 27 03:55:32 2001
unknown unknown unknown start
service=system event=sys_acct reason=reconfigure



The precise format of accounting packets records may vary depending on the TACACS+ daemon.
The following accounting record shows a TACACS+ system accounting record indicating that AAA accounting
has been turned on:
Wed Jun 27 03:55:22 2001
unknown unknown unknown stop
service=system event=sys_acct reason=reconfigure


Additional tasks for measuring system resources are covered in the Cisco IOS XE software configuration
guides. For example, IP accounting tasks are described in the Configuring IP Services chapter in the CiscoIOS
XE Application Services Configuration Guide, Release 2.

Resource Accounting
The Cisco implementation of AAA accounting provides “start” and “stop” record support for calls that have
passed user authentication. The additional feature of generating “stop” records for calls that fail to authenticate
as part of user authentication is also supported. Such records are necessary for users employing accounting
records to manage and monitor their networks.
This section includes the following subsections:

AAA Resource Failure Stop Accounting
Before AAA resource failure stop accounting, there was no method of providing accounting records for calls
that failed to reach the user authentication stage of a call setup sequence. Such records are necessary for users
employing accounting records to manage and monitor their networks and their wholesale customers.
This functionality generates a “stop” accounting record for any calls that do not reach user authentication;
“stop” records are generated from the moment of call setup. All calls that pass user authentication behave as
they did before; that is, no additional accounting records are seen.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Types

The figure below illustrates a call setup sequence with normal call flow (no disconnect) and without AAA
resource failure stop accounting enabled.
Figure 4: Modem Dial-In Call Setup Sequence with Normal Flow and Without Resource Failure Stop Accounting Enabled

The figure below illustrates a call setup sequence with normal call flow (no disconnect) and with AAA resource
failure stop accounting enabled.
Figure 5: Modem Dial-In Call Setup Sequence with Normal Flow and wIth Resource Failure Stop Accounting Enabled

The figure below illustrates a call setup sequence with call disconnect occurring before user authentication
and with AAA resource failure stop accounting enabled.
Figure 6: Modem Dial-In Call Setup Sequence with Call Disconnect Occurring Before User Authentication and with
Resource Failure Stop Accounting Enabled

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Enhancements

The figure below illustrates a call setup sequence with call disconnect occurring before user authentication
and without AAA resource failure stop accounting enabled.
Figure 7: Modem Dial-In Call Setup Sequence with Call Disconnect Occurring Before User Authentication and Without
Resource Failure Stop Accounting Enabled

AAA Resource Accounting for Start-Stop Records
AAA resource accounting for start-stop records supports the ability to send a “start” record at each call setup,
followed by a corresponding “stop” record at the call disconnect. This functionality can be used to manage
and monitor wholesale customers from one source of data reporting, such as accounting records.
With this feature, a call setup and call disconnect “start-stop” accounting record tracks the progress of the
resource connection to the device. A separate user authentication “start-stop” accounting record tracks the user
management progress. These two sets of accounting records are interlinked by using a unique session ID for
the call.
The figure below illustrates a call setup sequence with AAA resource start-stop accounting enabled.
Figure 8: Modem Dial-In Call Setup Sequence with Resource Start-Stop Accounting Enabled

AAA Accounting Enhancements
AAA Broadcast Accounting
AAA broadcast accounting allows accounting information to be sent to multiple AAA servers at the same
time; that is, accounting information can be broadcast to one or more AAA servers simultaneously. This
functionality allows service providers to send accounting information to their own private AAA servers and
to the AAA servers of their end customers. It also provides redundant billing information for voice applications.
Broadcasting is allowed among groups of RADIUS or TACACS+ servers, and each server group can define
its backup servers for failover independently of other groups.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
AAA Accounting Enhancements

Thus, service providers and their end customers can use different protocols (RADIUS or TACACS+) for the
accounting server. Service providers and their end customers can also specify their backup servers
independently. As for voice applications, redundant accounting information can be managed independently
through a separate group with its own failover sequence.

AAA Session MIB
The AAA session MIB feature allows customers to monitor and terminate their authenticated client connections
using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The data of the client is presented so that it correlates
directly to the AAA accounting information reported by either the RADIUS or the TACACS+ server. AAA
session MIB provides the following information:
• Statistics for each AAA function (when used in conjunction with the show radius statistics command)
• Status of servers providing AAA functions
• Identities of external AAA servers
• Real-time information (such as idle times), providing additional criteria for use by SNMP networks for
assessing whether to terminate an active call
The table below shows the SNMP user-end data objects that can be used to monitor and terminate authenticated
client connections with the AAA session MIB feature.
Table 24: SNMP End-User Data Objects




The session identification used by the AAA
accounting protocol (same value as reported by
RADIUS attribute 44 (Acct-Session-ID)).


The user login ID or zero-length string if a login is


The IP address of the session or if an IP
address is not applicable or unavailable.


The elapsed time in seconds that the session has been


The session termination object used to disconnect the
given client.


The entry index corresponding to this accounting
session that the Call Tracker record stored.

The table below describes the AAA summary information provided by the AAA session MIB feature using
SNMP on a per-system basis.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Accounting Attribute-Value Pairs

Table 25: SNMP AAA Session Summary




Number of sessions currently active.


Maximum number of sessions present since last
system reinstallation.


Total number of sessions since the last system


Total number of sessions that have been disconnected
since the last system reinstallation.

Accounting Attribute-Value Pairs
The network access server monitors the accounting functions defined in either TACACS+ attribute-value
(AV) pairs or RADIUS attributes, depending on which security method is implemented.

How to Configure AAA Accounting
Configuring AAA Accounting Using Named Method Lists
To configure AAA accounting using named method lists, use the following commands beginning in global
configuration mode:

1. Router(config)# aaa accounting {system | network | exec | connection | commands level} {default |
list-name} {start-stop | stop-only | none} [method1 [method2...]]
2. Do one of the following:
• Router(config)# line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number [ending-line-number]
3. Do one of the following:
• Router(config-line)# accounting {arap | commands level | connection | exec} {default | list-name}

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Suppressing Generation of Accounting Records for Null Username Sessions

Command or Action


Step 1

Router(config)# aaa accounting {system | network | exec | Creates an accounting method list and enables accounting.
The list-name argument is a character string used to name
connection | commands level} {default | list-name}
the created list.
{start-stop | stop-only | none} [method1 [method2...]]

Step 2

Do one of the following:
• Router(config)# line [aux | console | tty | vty]
line-number [ending-line-number]

Enters line configuration mode for the lines to which the
accounting method list is applied.
Enters interface configuration mode for the interfaces to
which the accounting method list is applied.


Step 3

interface interface-type interface-number

Do one of the following:

Applies the accounting method list to a line or set of lines.

• Router(config-line)# accounting {arap | commands
level | connection | exec} {default | list-name}

Applies the accounting method list to an interface or set
of interfaces.


ppp accounting {default



What to Do Next


System accounting does not use named method lists. For system accounting, define only the default method

Suppressing Generation of Accounting Records for Null Username Sessions
When AAA accounting is activated, the Cisco IOS XE software issues accounting records for all users on the
system, including users whose username string, because of protocol translation, is NULL. An example of this
is users who come in on lines where the aaa authentication login method-list none command is applied. To

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Generating Interim Accounting Records

prevent accounting records from being generated for sessions that do not have usernames associated with
them, use the following command in global configuration mode:
Command or Action


aaa accounting suppress


Prevents accounting records from being generated
for users whose username string is NULL.

Generating Interim Accounting Records
To enable periodic interim accounting records to be sent to the accounting server, use the following command
in global configuration mode:
Command or Action
Router(config)# aaa accounting
[newinfo] [periodic] number


Enables periodic interim accounting records to be
sent to the accounting server.

When the aaa accounting updatecommandis activated, the Cisco IOS XE software issues interim accounting
records for all users on the system. If the newinfo keyword is used, interim accounting records are sent to the
accounting server every time there is new accounting information to report. An example of this would be
when Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) completes IP address negotiation with the remote peer. The
interim accounting record includes the negotiated IP address used by the remote peer.
When aaa accounting updatecommand is used with the keyword periodic, interim accounting records are
sent periodically as defined by the argument number. The interim accounting record contains all of the
accounting information recorded for that user up to the time the interim accounting record is sent.


Using the aaa accounting update periodic command can cause heavy congestion when many users are
logged in to the network.

Configuring an Alternate Method to Enable Periodic Accounting Records
You can use the following alternative method to enable periodic interim accounting records to be sent to the
accounting server.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa accounting network default
4. action-type {none | start-stop [periodic {disable | interval minutes}] | stop-only}
5. exit

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Generating Interim Service Accounting Records


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa accounting network default

Configures the default accounting for all network-related service
requests and enters accounting method list configuration mode.

Router(config)# aaa accounting network

Step 4

action-type {none | start-stop [periodic {disable Specifies the type of action to be performed on accounting records.
| interval minutes}] | stop-only}
• (Optional) The periodic keyword specifies periodic
accounting action.

Step 5

Router(cfg-acct-mlist)# action-type

• The interval keyword specifies the periodic accounting


• The value argument specifies the intervals for accounting
update records (in minutes).

periodic interval 5

• The disable keyword disables periodic accounting.
Returns to global configuration mode.

Router(cfg-acct-mlist)# exit

Generating Interim Service Accounting Records
Perform this task to enable the generation of interim service accounting records at periodic intervals for

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Generating Accounting Records for a Failed Login or Session

Before You Begin
RADIUS Attribute 85 in the user service profile always takes precedence over the configured interim-interval
value. RADIUS Attribute 85 must be in the user service profile. See the RADIUS Attributes Overview and
RADIUS IETF Attributes feature document for more information.


If RADIUS Attribute 85 is not in the user service profile, then the interim-interval value configured in
Generating Interim Accounting Records is used for service interim accounting records.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. subscriber service accounting interim-interval minutes


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

subscriber service accounting interim-interval

Enables the generation of interim service accounting records at
periodic intervals for subscribers. The minutes argument
indicates the number of periodic intervals to send accounting
update records from 1 to 71582 minutes.

Router(config)# subscriber service
accounting interim-interval 10

Generating Accounting Records for a Failed Login or Session
When AAA accounting is activated, the Cisco IOS XE software does not generate accounting records for
system users who fail login authentication, or who succeed in login authentication but fail PPP negotiation
for some reason.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Specifying Accounting NETWORK-Stop Records Before EXEC-Stop Records

To specify that accounting stop records be generated for users who fail to authenticate at login or during
session negotiation, use the following command in global configuration mode:
Command or Action


aaa accounting send
stop-record authentication failure

Generates “stop” records for users who fail to
authenticate at login or during session negotiation
using PPP.


Specifying Accounting NETWORK-Stop Records Before EXEC-Stop Records
For PPP users who start EXEC terminal sessions, it can be specified that NETWORK records be generated
before EXEC-stop records. In some cases, such as billing customers for specific services, is can be desirable
to keep network start and stop records together, essentially “nesting” them within the framework of the EXEC
start and stop messages. For example, a user dialing in using PPP can create the following records: EXEC-start,
NETWORK-start, EXEC-stop, NETWORK-stop. By nesting the network accounting records, NETWORK-stop
records follow NETWORK-start messages: EXEC-start, NETWORK-start, NETWORK-stop, EXEC-stop.
To nest accounting records for user sessions, use the following command in global configuration mode:
Command or Action


aaa accounting nested

Nests network accounting records.

Suppressing System Accounting Records over Switchover
To suppress the system accounting-on and accounting-off messages during switchover, use the following
command in global configuration mode:
Command or Action


aaa accounting redundancy
suppress system-records

Suppresses the system accounting messages during

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Configuring AAA Resource Failure Stop Accounting

Configuring AAA Resource Failure Stop Accounting
To enable resource failure stop accounting, use the following command in global configuration:
Command or Action
aaa accounting resource
method-list stop-failure group server-group

Generates a “stop” record for any calls that do not
reach user authentication.

Before configuring the AAA Resource
Failure Stop Accounting feature, the tasks
described in thePrerequisites for Configuring
Accounting, on page 147 section must be
performed, and SNMP must be enabled on
the network access server. For more
information about enabling SNMP on a Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services
Router, see the Configuring SNMP Support
chapter in the Cisco IOS XE Network
Management Configuration Guide.

Configuring AAA Resource Accounting for Start-Stop Records
To enable full resource accounting for start-stop records, use the following command in global configuration
Command or Action


aaa accounting resource
method-list start-stop group server-group

Supports the ability to send a “start” record at each
call setup. followed with a corresponding “stop”
record at the call disconnect.



Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Before configuring this feature, the tasks
described in the section Prerequisites for
Configuring Accounting, on page 147 must
be performed, and SNMP must be enabled
on the network access server. For more
information about enabling SNMP on a
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Router, see the chapter Configuring
SNMP Support in the Cisco IOS XE
Network Management Configuration Guide,
Release 2.

Configuring Accounting
Configuring AAA Broadcast Accounting

Configuring AAA Broadcast Accounting
To configure AAA broadcast accounting, use the aaa accounting command in global configuration mode.
This command has been modified to allow the broadcast keyword.
Command or Action


Router(config)# aaa accounting {system |
network | exec | connection | commands level}
{default | list-name} {start-stop | stop-only |
none} [broadcast] method1 [method2...]

Enables sending accounting records to multiple AAA
servers. Simultaneously sends accounting records to
the first server in each group. If the first server is
unavailable, failover occurs using the backup servers
defined within that group.

Configuring per-DNIS AAA Broadcast Accounting
To configure AAA broadcast accounting per DNIS, use the aaa dnis map accounting networkcommand in
global configuration mode. This command has been modified to allow the broadcast keyword and multiple
server groups.
Command or Action


aaa dnis map dnis-number
accounting network [start-stop | stop-only |
none] [broadcast] method1 [method2...]

Allows per-DNIS accounting configuration. This
command has precedence over the global aaa
accounting command.
Enables sending accounting records to multiple AAA
servers. Simultaneously sends accounting records to
the first server in each group. If the first server is
unavailable, failover occurs using the backup servers
defined within that group.

Configuring the AAA Session MIB
The following tasks must be performed before configuring the AAA session MIB feature:
• Configure SNMP. For information on SNMP, see the Configuring SNMP Support chapter in the Cisco
IOS XE Network Management Configuration Guide.
• Configure AAA.
• Define the RADIUS or TACACS+ server characteristics.


Overusing SNMP can affect the overall system performance; therefore, normal network management
performance must be considered when this feature is used.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Establishing a Session with a Router if the AAA Server Is Unreachable

To configure the AAA session MIB, use the following command in global configuration mode:
Command or Action

aaa session-mib disconnect

Monitors and terminates authenticated client
connections using SNMP.
To terminate the call,use the disconnect keyword .

Establishing a Session with a Router if the AAA Server Is Unreachable
To establish a console session with a router if the AAA server is unreachable, use the following command in
global configuration mode:
Command or Action

no aaa accounting system


The aaa accounting system guarantee-first
command guarantees system accounting as the first
record, which is the default condition.
In some situations, users may be prevented from
starting a session on the console or terminal
connection until after the system reloads, which can
take more than three minutes. To resolve this problem,
use the no aaa accounting system guarantee-first

Monitoring Accounting
No specific show command exists for either RADIUS or TACACS+ accounting. To obtain accounting records
displaying information about users logged in, use the following command in privileged EXEC mode:
Command or Action

show accounting

Allows display of the active accountable events on
the network and helps collect information in the event
of a data loss on the accounting server.

Troubleshooting Accounting
To troubleshoot accounting information, use the following command in privileged EXEC mode:
Command or Action

debug aaa accounting

Displays information on accountable events as they

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Configuration Examples for AAA Accounting

Configuration Examples for AAA Accounting
Configuring a Named Method List Example
The following example shows how to configure a Cisco AS5200 (enabled for AAA and communication with
a RADIUS security server) in order for AAA services to be provided by the RADIUS server. If the RADIUS
server fails to respond, then the local database is queried for authentication and authorization information,
and accounting services are handled by a TACACS+ server.
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login admins local
aaa authentication ppp dialins group radius local
aaa authorization network network1 group radius local
aaa accounting network network2 start-stop group radius group tacacs+
username root password ALongPassword
tacacs-server host
tacacs-server key goaway
radius-server host
radius-server key myRaDiUSpassWoRd
interface group-async 1
group-range 1 16
encapsulation ppp
ppp authentication chap dialins
ppp authorization network1
ppp accounting network2
line 1 16
autoselect ppp
autoselect during-login
login authentication admins
modem dialin

The lines in this sample RADIUS AAA configuration are defined as follows:
• The aaa new-model command enables AAA network security services.
• The aaa authentication login admins local command defines a method list, “admins”, for login
• The aaa authentication ppp dialins group radius local command defines the authentication method
list “dialins”, which specifies that first RADIUS authentication and then (if the RADIUS server does not
respond) local authentication is used on serial lines using PPP.
• The aaa authorization network network1 group radius local command defines the network
authorization method list named “network1”, which specifies that RADIUS authorization is used on
serial lines using PPP. If the RADIUS server fails to respond, then local network authorization is
• The aaa accounting network network2 start-stop group radius group tacacs+command defines the
network accounting method list named “network2”, which specifies that RADIUS accounting services
(in this case, start and stop records for specific events) are used on serial lines using PPP. If the RADIUS
server fails to respond, accounting services are handled by a TACACS+ server.
• The username command defines the username and password to be used for the PPP Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) caller identification.
• The tacacs-server host command defines the name of the TACACS+ server host.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Configuring a Named Method List Example

• The tacacs-server key command defines the shared secret text string between the network access server
and the TACACS+ server host.
• The radius-server host command defines the name of the RADIUS server host.
• The radius-server key command defines the shared secret text string between the network access server
and the RADIUS server host.
• The interface group-async command selects and defines an asynchronous interface group.
• The group-range command defines the member asynchronous interfaces in the interface group.
• The encapsulation ppp command sets PPP as the encapsulation method used on the specified interfaces.
• The ppp authentication chap dialinscommand selects Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
(CHAP) as the method of PPP authentication and applies the “dialins” method list to the specified
• The ppp authorization network1command applies the blue1 network authorization method list to the
specified interfaces.
• The ppp accounting network2command applies the red1 network accounting method list to the specified
• The line command switches the configuration mode from global configuration to line configuration and
identifies the specific lines being configured.
• The autoselect ppp command configures the Cisco IOS XE software to allow a PPP session to start up
automatically on these selected lines.
• The autoselect during-login command is used to display the username and password prompt without
pressing the Return key. After the user logs in, the autoselect function (in this case, PPP) begins.
• The login authentication admins command applies the admins method list for login authentication.
• The modem dialin command configures modems attached to the selected lines to accept only incoming
The show accountingcommand yields the following output for the preceding configuration:
Active Accounted actions on tty1, User username2 Priv 1
Task ID 5, Network Accounting record, 00:00:52 Elapsed
task_id=5 service=ppp protocol=ip address=

The table below describes the fields contained in the preceding output.
Table 26: show accounting Field Descriptions



Active Accounted actions on

Terminal line or interface name user with which the
user logged in.


User’s ID.


User’s privilege level.

Task ID

Unique identifier for each accounting session.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Configuring AAA Resource Accounting Example



Accounting Record

Type of accounting session.


Length of time (hh:mm:ss) for this session type.


AV pairs associated with this accounting session.

Configuring AAA Resource Accounting Example
The following example shows how to configure the resource failure stop accounting and resource accounting
for start-stop records functions:
!Enable AAA on your network access server.
aaa new-model
!Enable authentication at login and list the AOL string name to use for login authentication.
aaa authentication login AOL group radius local
!Enable authentication for ppp and list the default method to use for PPP authentication.
aaa authentication ppp default group radius local
!Enable authorization for all exec sessions and list the AOL string name to use for
aaa authorization exec AOL group radius if-authenticated
!Enable authorization for all network-related service requests and list the default method
to use for all network-related authorizations.
aaa authorization network default group radius if-authenticated
!Enable accounting for all exec sessions and list the default method to use for all start-stop
accounting services.
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group radius
!Enable accounting for all network-related service requests and list the default method to
use for all start-stop accounting services.
aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
!Enable failure stop accounting.
aaa accounting resource default stop-failure group radius
!Enable resource accounting for start-stop records.
aaa accounting resource default start-stop group radius

Configuring AAA Broadcast Accounting Example
The following example shows how to turn on broadcast accounting using the global aaa accounting command:
aaa group server radius isp
aaa group server tacacs+ isp_customer
aaa accounting network default start-stop broadcast group isp group isp_customer
radius-server host
radius-server host
radius-server key key1
tacacs-server host key key2

The broadcast keyword causes “start” and “stop” accounting records for network connections to be sent
simultaneously to server in the group isp and to server in the group isp_customer. If server is unavailable, failover to server occurs. If server is unavailable, no failover occurs
because backup servers are not configured for the group isp_customer.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Configuring per-DNIS AAA Broadcast Accounting Example

Configuring per-DNIS AAA Broadcast Accounting Example
The following example shows how to turn on per-DNIS broadcast accounting using the global aaa dnis map
accounting networkcommand:
aaa group server radius isp
aaa group server tacacs+ isp_customer
aaa dnis map enable
aaa dnis map 7777 accounting network start-stop broadcast group isp group isp_customer
radius-server host
radius-server host
radius-server key key_1
tacacs-server host key key_2

The broadcast keyword causes “start” and “stop” accounting records for network connection calls having
DNIS number 7777 to be sent simultaneously to server in the group isp and to server in
the group isp_customer. If server is unavailable, failover to server occurs. If server
is unavailable, no failover occurs because backup servers are not configured for the group isp_customer.

AAA Session MIB Example
The following example shows how to set up the AAA session MIB feature to disconnect authenticated client
connections for PPP users:

authentication ppp default group radius
authorization network default group radius
accounting network default start-stop group radius
session-mib disconnect

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the Configuring Accounting feature.
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Configuring SNMP

Cisco IOS XE Network Management Configuration

SNMP commands

Cisco IOS Network Management Command Reference

Security commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference

Configuring Radius

Configuring RADIUS

Configuring TACACS+

Configuring TACACS+

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Additional References

Related Topic

Document Title

Configuring IP Services

Cisco IOS XE Application Services Configuration



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature, and support for existing standards has not
been modified by this feature.


MIBs Link


To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS XE software releases , and feature sets,
use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:



No new or modified RFCs are supported by this
feature, and support for existing RFCs has not been
modified by this feature.


Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Feature Information for Configuring Accounting

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Configuring Accounting
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 27: Feature Information for Configuring Accounting

Feature Name


Feature Information

AAA Broadcast Accounting

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

AAA broadcast accounting allows
accounting information to be sent
to multiple AAA servers at the
same time; that is, accounting
information can be broadcast to one
or more AAA servers
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Feature Information for Configuring Accounting

Feature Name


Feature Information

AAA Session MIB

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

The AAA session MIB feature
allows customers to monitor and
terminate their authenticated client
connections using Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa
session-mib disconnect.

Connection Accounting

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

Connection accounting provides
information about all outbound
connections made from the
network access server, such as
Telnet, local-area transport (LAT),
TN3270, packet
assembler/disassembler (PAD), and
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.

AAA Interim Accounting

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4

AAA interim accounting allows
accounting records to be sent to the
accounting server every time there
is new accounting information to
report, or on a periodic basis.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa
accounting update and subscriber
service accounting

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Accounting
Feature Information for Configuring Accounting

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
The AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation feature allows you to extend and expand your ability to configure
authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) servers using the CISCO-AAA-SERVER-MIB. Using
this feature, you can do the following:
• Create and add new AAA servers.
• Modify the “KEY” under the CISCO-AAA-SERVER-MIB.
• Delete the AAA server configuration.
• Finding Feature Information, page 179
• Prerequisites for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation, page 180
• Restrictions for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation, page 180
• Information About AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation, page 180
• How to Configure AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation, page 180
• Configuration Examples for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation, page 181
• Additional References, page 183
• Feature Information for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation, page 184

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
Prerequisites for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation

Prerequisites for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
AAA must have been enabled on the router, that is, the aaa new-model command must have been configured.
If this configuration has not been accomplished, the set operation fails.

Restrictions for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
Currently, the CISCO SNMP set operation is supported only for the RADIUS protocol. Therefore, only
RADIUS servers in global configuration mode can be added, modified, or deleted.

Information About AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
The CISCO-AAA-SERVER-MIB provides that statistics reflect both the state of the AAA server operation
with the server itself and of AAA communications with external servers. The CISCO-AAA-SERVER-MIB
provides the following information:
• Statistics for each AAA operation
• Status of servers that are providing AAA functions
• Identities of external AAA servers

In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, the CISCO-AAA-SERVER-MIB supports both the get and set operations. With
the set operation, you can do the following:
• Create or add a new AAA server.
• Modify the KEY under the CISCO-AAA-SERVER-MIB. This “secret key” is used for secure connectivity
to the AAA server, which is present with the network access server (NAS) and the AAA server.
• Delete the AAA server configuration.

How to Configure AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
No special configuration is required for this feature. The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
framework can be used to manage MIBs. See the section Additional References for a reference to configuring

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
Verifying RADIUS Server Configuration and Server Statistics

Verifying RADIUS Server Configuration and Server Statistics
RADIUS server configuration and server statistics can be verified by performing the following steps.

1. enable
2. show running-config | include radius-server host
3. show aaa servers


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show running-config | include radius-server host Displays all the RADIUS servers that are configured in the
global configuration mode.
Router# show running-config | include
radius-server host

Step 3

Displays information about the number of requests sent to and
received from authentication, authorization, and accounting
(AAA) servers.

show aaa servers
Router# show aaa servers

Configuration Examples for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
RADIUS Server Configuration and Server Statistics Example
The following output example shows the RADIUS server configuration and server statistics before and after
the set operation.
Before the Set Operation
Router# show running-config | include radius-server host
! The following line is for server 1.
radius-server host auth-port 2095 acct-port 2096 key cisco2

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
RADIUS Server Configuration and Server Statistics Example

! The following line is for server 2.
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646

Server Statistics
Router# show aaa servers
RADIUS: id 2, priority 1, host, auth-port 2095,
State: current UP, duration 25s, previous duration 0s
Dead: total time 0s, count 7
Authen: request 8, timeouts 8
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 2
Author: request 0, timeouts 0
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 0
Account: request 0, timeouts 0
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 0
Elapsed time since counters last cleared: 5m
RADIUS: id 3, priority 2, host, auth-port 1645,
State: current UP, duration 5s, previous duration 0s
Dead: total time 0s, count 2
Authen: request 8, timeouts 8
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 4
Author: request 0, timeouts 0
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 0
Account: request 0, timeouts 0
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 0
Elapsed time since counters last cleared: 3m

acct-port 2096

acct-port 1646


SNMP Get Operation to Check the Configuration and Statistics of the RADIUS Servers
aaa-server5:/users/smetri> getmany casConfigTable
casAddress.2.2 =
casAddress.2.3 =
casAuthenPort.2.2 = 2095
casAuthenPort.2.3 = 1645
casAcctPort.2.2 = 2096
casAcctPort.2.3 = 1646
casKey.2.2 =
casKey.2.3 =
! The following line shows priority for server 1.
casPriority.2.2 = 1
! The following line shows priority for server 2.
casPriority.2.3 = 2
casConfigRowStatus.2.2 = active(1)
casConfigRowStatus.2.3 = active(1)

SNMP Set Operation
The key of the existing RADIUS server is being changed. The index “1” is being used. That index acts as a
wildcard for addition, deletion, or modification of any entries.
Change the key for server 1:=>
aaa-server5:/users/smetri> setany -v2c public casAddress.2.1 -a
casAuthenPort.2.1 -i 2095 casAcctPort.2.1 -i 2096 casKey.2.1 -o king
casAddress.2.1 =
casAuthenPort.2.1 = 2095
casAcctPort.2.1 = 2096
casKey.2.1 = king

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
Additional References

After the Set Operation
After the above SNMP set operation, the configurations on the router change. The following output shows
the output after the set operation.
Router# show running-config | include radius-server host
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
! The following line shows a change in the key value to “king.”
radius-server host auth-port 2095 acct-port 2096 key king
Router# show aaa servers
RADIUS: id 3, priority 1, host, auth-port 1645,
State: current UP, duration 189s, previous duration 0s
Dead: total time 0s, count 2
Authen: request 8, timeouts 8
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 4
Author: request 0, timeouts 0
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 0
Account: request 0, timeouts 0
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 0
Elapsed time since counters last cleared: 6m
! The following line shows a new server with new statistics.
RADIUS: id 4, priority 2, host, auth-port 2095,
State: current UP, duration 209s, previous duration 0s
Dead: total time 0s, count 7
Authen: request 0, timeouts 0
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 0
Author: request 0, timeouts 0
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time
Transaction: success 0, failure 0
Account: request 0, timeouts 0
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time

acct-port 1646


acct-port 2096


Additional References
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Cisco IOS commands

Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

Authentication commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference

IEEE 802.1x—Flexible Authentication

Securing User Services Configuration Library

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
Feature Information for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation


MIBs Link


To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS software releases, and feature sets, use
Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:






RFC 3580

IEEE 802.1x Remote Authentication Dial In User
Service (RADIUS)

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support and Documentation website
provides online resources to download documentation,
software, and tools. Use these resources to install and
configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve
technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and
Documentation website requires a user ID
and password.

Feature Information for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
Feature Information for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation

Table 28: Feature Information for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation

Feature Name


AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

Feature Information
This feature was introduced on the
Cisco ASR 1000 Series
Aggregation Services Routers.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation
Feature Information for AAA-SERVER-MIB Set Operation

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



The Per VRF AAA feature allows ISPs to partition authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
services on the basis of Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing and forwarding (VRF) instances, allowing
their customers to control some of their own AAA services.
The list of servers in server groups is extended to include the definitions of private servers in addition to
references to the hosts in the global configuration, allowing access to both customer servers and global
service provider servers simultaneously.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4 and later releases, a customer template can be used, which may be stored either
locally or remotely, and AAA services can be performed on the information that is stored in the customer
template. This feature is referred to as the Dynamic Per VRF AAA feature.
• Prerequisites for Per VRF AAA, page 187
• Restrictions for Per VRF AAA, page 187
• Information About Per VRF AAA, page 188
• How to Configure Per VRF AAA, page 194
• Configuration Examples for Per VRF AAA, page 207
• Additional References, page 215
• Feature Information for Per VRF AAA, page 216
• Glossary, page 218

Prerequisites for Per VRF AAA
Before configuring the Per VRF AAA feature, AAA must be enabled. See “How to Configure Per VRF AAA”
section on page 6 for more information.

Restrictions for Per VRF AAA
• This feature is supported only for RADIUS servers.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Information About Per VRF AAA

• Operational parameters should be defined once per VRF rather than set per server group, because all
functionality must be consistent between the network access server (NAS) and the AAA servers.
• The ability to configure a customer template either locally or remotely is available only for Cisco IOS
XE Release 2.4 and later releases.

Information About Per VRF AAA
When you use the Per VRF AAA feature, AAA services can be based on VRF instances. This feature permits
the Provider Edge (PE) or Virtual Home Gateway (VHG) to communicate directly with the customer’s RADIUS
server, which is associated with the customer’s Virtual Private Network (VPN), without having to go through
a RADIUS proxy. Thus, ISPs can scale their VPN offerings more efficiently because they no longer have to
use RADIUS proxies and ISPs can also provide their customers with additional flexibility.

How Per VRF AAA Works
To support AAA on a per customer basis, some AAA features must be made VRF aware. That is, ISPs must
be able to define operational parameters--such as AAA server groups, method lists, system accounting, and
protocol-specific parameters--and bind those parameters to a particular VRF instance. Defining and binding
the operational parameters can be accomplished using one or more of the following methods:
• Virtual private dialup network (VPDN) virtual template or dialer interfaces that are configured for a
specific customer
• Locally defined customer templates--Per VPN with customer definitions. The customer template is
stored locally on the VHG. This method can be used to associate a remote user with a specific VPN
based on the domain name or dialed number identification service (DNIS) and provide the VPN-specific
configuration for virtual access interface and all operational parameters for the customer AAA server.
• Remotely defined customer templates--Per VPN with customer definitions that are stored on the service
provider AAA server in a RADIUS profile. This method is used to associate a remote user with a specific
VPN based on the domain name or DNIS and provide the VPN-specific configuration for the virtual
access interface and all operational parameters for the AAA server of the customer.


The ability to configure locally or remotely defined customer templates is available only with Cisco IOS
XE Release 2.4 and later releases.

AAA Accounting Records
The Cisco implementation of AAA accounting provides “start” and “stop” record support for calls that have
passed user authentication. Start and stop records are necessary for users employing accounting records to
manage and monitor their networks.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

New Vendor-Specific Attributes

New Vendor-Specific Attributes
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) draft standard specifies a method for communicating
vendor-specific information between the network access server and the RADIUS server by using the
vendor-specific attribute (VSA) attribute 26. Attribute 26 encapsulates VSAs, thereby, allowing vendors to
support their own extended attributes otherwise not suitable for general use.
The Cisco RADIUS implementation supports one vendor-specific option using the format recommended in
the specification. Cisco’s vendor-ID is 9, and the supported option has vendor-type 1, which is named
“cisco-avpair.” The value is a string of the following format:
protocol : attribute sep value *

“Protocol” is a value of the Cisco “protocol” attribute for a particular type of authorization. “Attribute” and
“value” are an appropriate attribute-value (AV) pair defined in the Cisco TACACS+ specification, and “sep”
is “=” for mandatory attributes and “*” for optional attributes. This format allows the full set of features available
for TACACS+ authorization to be used also for RADIUS.
The table below summarizes the VSAs that are now supported with Per VRF AAA.
Table 29: VSAs Supported with Per VRF AAA

VSA Name

Value Type




This VSA must be “on.” The
functionality of this VSA is equal
to the aaa accounting
delay-startcommand for the
customer template.



This VSA must be “on.” The
functionality of this VSA is equal
to the aaa accounting send
authenticationcommand with the
failure keyword.



This VSA must be “on.” The
functionality of this VSA is equal
to the aaa accounting send
authenticationcommand with the
success keyword.


Each VSA must have the
prefix “template:” before
the VSA name, unless a
different prefix is
explicitly stated.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

New Vendor-Specific Attributes

VSA Name

Value Type




This VSA must be “access-req.”
The functionality of this VSA is
equal to the radius-server
attribute 44 include-in-access-req



This VSA specifies the IP address,
followed by the mask that the
router uses to indicate its own IP
address and mask in negotiation
with the client; for example,



This VSA specifies the name of an
interface on the router. The
functionality of this VSA is equal
to the ip unnumbered command,
which specifies an interface name
such as “Loopback 0.”



This VSA specifies which VRF
will be used for the packets of the
end user. This VRF name should
match the name that is used on the
router via the ip vrf forwarding



This VSA specifies the name of an
IP address pool from which an
address will be allocated for the
peer. This pool should be
configured using the ip local
poolcommand or should be
automatically downloadable via

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

New Vendor-Specific Attributes

VSA Name

Value Type




This VSA defines the accounting
method list that is to be used for
PPP sessions.
The VSA syntax is as follows:
“ppp-acct-list=[start-stop |
stop-only | none] group X [group
Y] [broadcast].” It is equal to the
aaa accounting network mylist
command functionality.
The user must specify at least one
of the following options: start-stop,
stop-only, or none. If either
start-stop or stop-only is specified,
the user must specify at least one,
but not more than four, group
arguments. Each group name must
consist of integers. The servers in
the group should have already been
identified in the access-accept via
the VSA “rad-serv.” After each
group has been specified, the user
can specify the broadcast option



This VSA defines which
authentication method list is to be
used for PPP sessions and, if more
than one method is specified, in
what order the methods should be
The VSA syntax is as follows:
“ppp-authen-list=[groupX | local |
local-case | none | if-needed],”
which is equal to the aaa
authentication ppp mylist
command functionality.
The user must specify at least one,
but no more than four,
authentication methods. If a server
group is specified, the group name
must be an integer. The servers in
the group should have already been
identified in the access-accept via
the VSA “rad-serv.”

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

New Vendor-Specific Attributes

VSA Name

Value Type




This VSA allows the end user to
specify at least one of the following
authentication types: pap, chap,
eap, ms-chap, ms-chap-v2, any, or
a combination of the available
types that is separated by spaces.
The end user will be permitted to
log in using only the methods that
are specified in this VSA.
PPP will attempt these
authentication methods in the order
presented in the attribute.



This VSA defines the authorization
method list that is to be used for
PPP sessions. It indicates which
methods will be used and in what
The VSA syntax is as follows:
“ppp-author-list=[groupX] [local]
[if-authenticated] [none],” which is
equal to the aaa authorization
network mylistcommand
The user must specify at least one,
but no more than four,
authorization methods. If a server
group is specified, the group name
must be an integer. The servers in
the group should have already been
identified in the access-accept via
the VSA “rad-serv.”


rad-serv-source-if, and
rad-serv-vrf--must have
the prefix “aaa:” before the
VSA name.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

New Vendor-Specific Attributes

VSA Name

Value Type




This VSA indicates the IP address,
key, timeout, and retransmit
number of a server, as well as the
group of the server.
The VSA syntax is as follows:
“rad-serv=a.b.c.d [key SomeKey]
[auth-port X] [acct-port Y]
[retransmit V] [timeout W].” Other
than the IP address, all parameters
are optional and can be issued in
any order. If the optional
parameters are not specified, their
default values will be used.
The key cannot contain any spaces;
for “retransmit V,” “V” can range
from 1-100; for “timeout W,” the
“W” can range from 1-1000.



The VSA syntax is as follows:
“rad-serv-filter=authorization |
accounting-request | reply-accept |
reject-filtername.” The filtername
must be defined via the
radius-server attribute list
filtername command.

This VSA is supported in
Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3
and later releases.



This VSA specifies the name of the
interface that is used for
transmitting RADIUS packets. The
specified interface must match the
interface configured on the router.



This VSA specifies the name of the
VRF that is used for transmitting
RADIUS packets. The VRF name
should match the name that was
specified via the ip vrf forwarding

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

VRF Aware Framed-Routes

VRF Aware Framed-Routes
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3 and later, the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers support
VRF aware framed-routes. No configuration is required to enable support for this feature. Framed-routes are
automatically detected and if the framed-route is part of a VRF associated with an interface, the rout is applied

How to Configure Per VRF AAA
Configuring Per VRF AAA
Configuring AAA
To enable AAA you need to complete the following steps.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa new-model

Enables AAA globally.

Router(config)# aaa new-model

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Per VRF AAA

Configuring Server Groups
To configure server groups you need to complete the following steps.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa group server radius groupname
5. server-private ip-address [auth-port port-number | acct-port port-number] [non-standard] [timeout
seconds] [retransmit retries] [key string]
6. exit


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

Enables AAA globally.

aaa new-model
Router(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa group server radius groupname

Groups different RADIUS server hosts into distinct lists and
distinct methods. Enters server-group configuration mode.

Router(config)# aaa group server radius

Step 5

server-private ip-address [auth-port port-number | Configures the IP address of the private RADIUS server for
the group server.
acct-port port-number] [non-standard] [timeout
seconds] [retransmit retries] [key string]
If private server parameters are not specified, global
configurations will be used. If global configurations
are not specified, default values will be used.
Router(config-sg-radius)# server-private auth-port 1600 key ww

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Per VRF AAA

Step 6

Command or Action



Exits from server-group configuration mode; returns to
global configuration mode.

Router(config-sg-radius)# exit

Configuring Authentication Authorization and Accounting for Per VRF AAA
To configure authentication, authorization, and accounting for Per VRF AAA, you need to complete the
following steps.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa authentication ppp {default | list-name} method1 [method2...]
5. aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level | reverse-access | configuration}{default |
list-name} method1 [method2...]
6. aaa accounting system default [vrf vrf-name] {start-stop | stop-only | none} [broadcast] group
7. aaa accounting delay-start [vrf vrf-name]
8. aaa accounting send stop-record authentication {failure | success remote-server} [vrf vrf-name]


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Per VRF AAA

Step 3

Command or Action


aaa new-model

Enables AAA globally.

Router(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa authentication ppp {default | list-name} method1 Specifies one or more AAA authentication methods for use
on serial interfaces that are running PPP.
Router(config)# aaa authentication ppp group

Step 5

aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level Sets parameters that restrict user access to a network.
| reverse-access | configuration}{default | list-name}
method1 [method2...]
Router(config)# aaa authorization network group

Step 6

aaa accounting system default [vrf vrf-name]
{start-stop | stop-only | none} [broadcast] group

Enables AAA accounting of requested services for billing or
security purposes when you use RADIUS.

Router(config)# aaa accounting system default
vrf start-stop group

Step 7

aaa accounting delay-start [vrf vrf-name]

Displays generation of the start accounting records until the
user IP address is established.

Router(config)# aaa acounting delay-start vrf

Step 8

aaa accounting send stop-record authentication
{failure | success remote-server} [vrf vrf-name]
Router(config)# aaa accounting send stop-record
authentication failure vrf

Generates accounting stop records.
When using the failure keyword a “stop” record will be sent
for calls that are rejected during authentication.
When using the success keyword a “stop” record will be sent
for calls that meet one of the following criteria:
• Calls that are authenticated by a remote AAA server
when the call is terminated.
• Calls that are not authenticated by a remote AAA server
and the start record has been sent.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Per VRF AAA

Command or Action

• Calls that are successfully established and then
terminated with the “stop-only” aaa accounting

The success and remote-server keywords are
available in Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4 and later

Configuring RADIUS-Specific Commands for Per VRF AAA
To configure RADIUS-specific commands for Per VRF AAA you need to complete the following steps.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip radius source-interface subinterface-name [vrf vrf-name]
4. radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req [vrf vrf-name]


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

ip radius source-interface subinterface-name [vrf

Forces RADIUS to use the IP address of a specified
interface for all outgoing RADIUS packets and enables the
specification on a per-VRF basis.

Router(config)# ip radius source-interface

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Per VRF AAA

Command or Action
Step 4


radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req [vrf Sends RADIUS attribute 44 in access request packets before
user authentication and enables the specification on a
per-VRF basis.
Router(config)# radius-server attribute 44
include-in-access-req vrf

Configuring Interface-Specific Commands for Per VRF AAA
To configure interface-specific commands for Per VRF AAA, you need to complete the following steps.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface type number [name-tag]
4. ip vrf forwarding vrf-name
5. ppp authentication {protocol1 [protocol2...]} listname
6. ppp authorization list-name
7. ppp accounting default
8. exit


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

interface type number [name-tag]

Configures an interface type and enters interface
configuration mode.

Router(config)# interface loopback11

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Per VRF AAA Using Local Customer Templates

Step 4

Command or Action


ip vrf forwarding vrf-name

Associates a VRF with an interface.

Router(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding

Step 5

ppp authentication {protocol1 [protocol2...]} listname Enables Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
(CHAP) or Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) or
both and specifies the order in which CHAP and PAP
authentication are selected on the interface.
Router(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
callin V2_44_com

Step 6

ppp authorization list-name

Enables AAA authorization on the selected interface.

Router(config-if)# ppp authorization V2_44_com

Step 7

ppp accounting default

Enables AAA accounting services on the selected

Router(config-if)# ppp accounting default

Step 8

Exits interface configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Configuring Per VRF AAA Using Local Customer Templates
Configuring AAA
Perform the tasks as outlined in the Configuring Per VRF AAA.

Configuring Server Groups
Perform the tasks as outlined in the Configuring Server Groups.

Configuring Authentication Authorization and Accounting for Per VRF AAA
Perform the tasks as outlined in the Configuring Authentication Authorization and Accounting for Per VRF

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Per VRF AAA Using Local Customer Templates

Configuring Authorization for Per VRF AAA with Local Customer Templates
To configure authorization for Per VRF AAA with local templates, you need to complete the following steps.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa authorization template
4. aaa authorization network default local


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa authorization template

Enables the use of local or remote templates.

Router(config)# aaa authorization template

Step 4

aaa authorization network default local

Specifies local as the default method for

Router(config)# aaa authorization network default

Configuring Local Customer Templates
To configure local customer templates, you need to complete the following steps.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Per VRF AAA Using Local Customer Templates

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. vpdn search-order domain
4. template name [default | exit | multilink | no | peer | ppp]
5. peer default ip address pool pool-name
6. ppp authentication {protocol1 [protocol2...]} [if-needed] [list-name | default] [callin] [one-time]
7. ppp authorization [default | list-name]
8. aaa accounting {auth-proxy | system | network | exec | connection | commands level} {default |
list-name} [vrf vrf-name] {start-stop | stop-only | none} [broadcast] group groupname
9. exit


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

vpdn search-order domain

Looks up the profiles based on domain.

Router (config)# vpdn search-order domain

Step 4

template name [default | exit | multilink | no | peer | ppp] Creates a customer profile template and assigns a unique
name that relates to the customer that will be receiving
Router (config)# template

Enters template configuration mode.

Step 5

peer default ip address pool pool-name

Steps 5, 6, and 7 are optional. Enter multilink,
peer, and ppp keywords appropriate to customer
application requirements.

(Optional) Specifies that the customer profile to which
this template is attached will use a local IP address pool
with the specified name.

Router(config-template)# peer default ip address
pool v2_44_com_pool

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Per VRF AAA Using Remote Customer Templates

Command or Action
Step 6


ppp authentication {protocol1 [protocol2...]} [if-needed] (Optional) Sets the PPP link authentication method.
[list-name | default] [callin] [one-time]
Router(config-template)# ppp authentication chap

Step 7

ppp authorization [default | list-name]

(Optional) Sets the PPP link authorization method.

Router(config-template)# ppp authorization

Step 8

aaa accounting {auth-proxy | system | network | exec (Optional) Enables AAA operational parameters for the
| connection | commands level} {default | list-name} [vrf specified customer profile.
vrf-name] {start-stop | stop-only | none} [broadcast]
group groupname
Router(config-template)# aaa accounting v2_44_com

Step 9

Exits from template configuration mode; returns to global
configuration mode.

Router(config-template)# exit

Configuring Per VRF AAA Using Remote Customer Templates
Configuring AAA
Perform the tasks as outlined in the Configuring Per VRF AAA.

Configuring Server Groups
Perform the tasks as outlined in the Configuring Server Groups.

Configuring Authentication for Per VRF AAA with Remote Customer Profiles
To configure authentication for Per VRF AAA with remote customer profiles, you need to perform the
following steps.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Configuring Per VRF AAA Using Remote Customer Templates

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa authentication ppp {default | list-name} method1 [method2...]
4. aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level | reverse-access | configuration} {default |
list-name} [[method1 [method2...]


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa authentication ppp {default | list-name} method1

Specifies one or more authentication, authorization,
and accounting (AAA) authentication methods for use
on serial interfaces that are running PPP.

Router(config)# ppp authentication ppp default group

Step 4

aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level |
reverse-access | configuration} {default | list-name}
[[method1 [method2...]

Sets parameters that restrict user access to a network.

Router(config)# aaa authorization network default
group sp

Configuring Authorization for Per VRF AAA with Remote Customer Profiles
To configuring authorization for Per VRF AAA with remote customer profiles, you need to perform the
following step.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Verifying VRF Routing Configurations

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa authorization template
4. aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level | reverse-access | configuration} {default |
list-name} [[method1 [method2...]


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa authorization template

Enables use of local or remote templates.

Router(config)# aaa authorization template

Step 4

Specifies the server group that is named as the
aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level |
reverse-access | configuration} {default | list-name} [[method1 default method for authorization.
Router(config)# aaa authorization network default sp

Configuring the RADIUS Profile on the SP RADIUS Server
Configure the RADIUS profile on the Service Provider (SP) RADIUS server. See the Per VRF AAA Using
a Remote RADIUS Customer Template Example for an example of how to update the RADIUS profile.

Verifying VRF Routing Configurations
To verify VRF routing configurations, you need to complete the following steps:

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Verifying VRF Routing Configurations

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. show ip route vrf vrf-name


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

show ip route vrf vrf-name

Displays the IP routing table associated with a VRF.

Router(config)# show ip route vrf northvrf

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Troubleshooting Per VRF AAA Configurations

Troubleshooting Per VRF AAA Configurations
To troubleshoot the Per VRF AAA feature, use at least one of the following commands in EXEC mode:



debug aaa accounting


debug aaa authentication


debug aaa authorization


debug ppp negotiation


debug radius


debug vpdn event


debug vpdn error

Displays information on accountable events as they
Displays information on AAA authentication.
Displays information on AAA authorization.
Displays information on traffic and exchanges in an
internetwork implementing PPP.
Displays information associated with RADIUS.
Displays Layer 2 Transport Protocol (L2TP) errors
and events that are a part of normal tunnel
establishment or shutdown for VPNs.
Displays debug traces for VPN.

Configuration Examples for Per VRF AAA
Per VRF Configuration Examples
Per VRF AAA Example
The following example shows how to configure the Per VRF AAA feature using a AAA server group with
associated private servers:

authentication ppp group
authorization network group
accounting network start-stop group
accounting system default vrf start-stop group
accounting delay-start vrf
accounting send stop-record authentication failure vrf
group server radius
server-private auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key ww
ip vrf forwarding
ip radius source-interface loopback55
radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req vrf

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Per VRF Configuration Examples

Per VRF AAA Using a Locally Defined Customer Template Example
The following example shows how to configure the Per VRF AAA feature using a locally defined customer
template with a AAA server group that has associated private servers:
aaa new-model
aaa authentication ppp group
aaa authorization network group
aaa authorization network default local
aaa authorization template
aaa accounting network start-stop group
aaa accounting system default vrf start-stop group
aaa group server radius V1_55_com
server-private auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key ww
ip vrf forwarding
peer default ip address pool V1_55_com_pool
ppp authentication chap callin V1_55_com
ppp authorization V1_55_com
ppp accounting V1_55_com
aaa accounting delay-start
aaa accounting send stop-record authentication failure
radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req
ip vrf forwarding
ip radius source-interface Loopback55

Per VRF AAA Using a Remote RADIUS Customer Template Example
The following examples shows how to configure the Per VRF AAA feature using a remotely defined customer
template on the SP RADIUS server with a AAA server group that has associated private servers:
aaa new-model
aaa authentication ppp default group radius
aaa authorization template
aaa authorization network default group sp
aaa group server radius sp
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key sp_key

The following RADIUS server profile is configured on the SP RADIUS server:
cisco-avpair = "aaa:rad-serv#1= key ww"
cisco-avpair = ""
cisco-avpair = "aaa:rad-serv-source-if#1=Loopback 55"
cisco-avpair = "template:ppp-authen-list=group 1"
cisco-avpair = "template:ppp-author-list=group 1"
cisco-avpair = "template:ppp-acct-list= start-stop group 1"
cisco-avpair = "template:account-delay=on"
cisco-avpair = "template:account-send-stop=on"
cisco-avpair = "template:rad-attr44=access-req"
cisco-avpair = "template:peer-ip-pool=V1.55-pool"
cisco-avpair = ""
cisco-avpair = "template:ip-unnumbered=Loopback 55"
framed-protocol = ppp
service-type = framed

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Customer Template Examples

Customer Template Examples
Locally Configured Customer Template with RADIUS Attribute Screening and Broadcast
Accounting Example
The following example shows how to create a locally configured template for a single customer, configuring
additional features including RADIUS attribute screening and broadcast accounting:
aaa authentication ppp default local group radius
aaa authentication ppp V1_55_com group V1_55_com
aaa authorization template
aaa authorization network default local group radius
aaa authorization network V1_55_com group V1_55_com
aaa accounting network V1_55_com start-stop broadcast group V1_55_com group SP_AAA_server
aaa group server radius SP_AAA_server
server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
aaa group server radius V1_55_com
server-private auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
authorization accept min-author
accounting accept usage-only
ip vrf forwarding
ip vrf
rd 1:55
route-target export 1:55
route-target import 1:55
peer default ip address pool V1.55-pool
ppp authentication chap callin V1_55_com
ppp authorization V1_55_com
ppp accounting V1_55_com
aaa accounting delay-start
aaa accounting send stop-record authentication failure
radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req
vpdn-group V1.55
protocol l2tp
virtual-template 13
terminate-from hostname lac-lb-V1.55
lcp renegotiation always
l2tp tunnel password 7 060506324F41
interface Virtual-Template13
ip vrf forwarding
ip unnumbered Loopback55
ppp authentication chap callin
ppp multilink
ip local pool V1.55-pool group V1.55-group
ip radius source-interface Loopback0
ip radius source-interface Loopback55 vrf
radius-server attribute list min-author
attribute 6-7,22,27-28,242
radius-server attribute list usage-only
attribute 1,40,42-43,46
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key ww
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key ww

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Accounting Stop Record Examples

Remotely Configured Customer Template with RADIUS Attribute Screening and Broadcast
Accounting Example
The following example shows how to create a remotely configured template for a single customer, configuring
additional features including RADIUS attribute screening and broadcast accounting:
aaa authentication ppp default local group radius
aaa authorization template
aaa authorization network default local group radius
ip vrf
rd 1:55
route-target export 1:55
route-target import 1:55
vpdn-group V1.55
protocol l2tp
virtual-template 13
terminate-from hostname lac-lb-V1.55
lcp renegotiation always
l2tp tunnel password 7 060506324F41
interface Virtual-Template13
no ip address
ppp authentication chap callin
ppp multilink
ip local pool V1.55-pool group V1.55-group
radius-server attribute list min-author
attribute 6-7,22,27-28,242
radius-server attribute list usage-only
attribute 1,40,42-43,46

The customer template is stored as a RADIUS server profile for
cisco-avpair = "aaa:rad-serv#1= key ww"
cisco-avpair = ""
cisco-avpair = "aaa:rad-serv-source-if#1=Loopback 55"
cisco-avpair = "aaa:rad-serv#2= key ww"
cisco-avpair = "aaa:rad-serv-source-if#2=Loopback 0"
cisco-avpair = "template:ppp-authen-list=group 1"
cisco-avpair = "template:ppp-author-list=group 1"
cisco-avpair = "template:ppp-acct-list= start-stop group 1 group 2 broadcast"
cisco-avpair = "template:account-delay=on"
cisco-avpair = "template:account-send-stop=on"
cisco-avpair = "template:rad-attr44=access-req"
cisco-avpair = "aaa:rad-serv-filter#1=authorization accept min-author"
cisco-avpair = "aaa:rad-serv-filter#1=accounting accept usage-only"
cisco-avpair = "template:peer-ip-pool=V1.55-pool"
cisco-avpair = ""
cisco-avpair = "template:ip-unnumbered=Loopback 55"
framed-protocol = ppp
service-type = framed

AAA Accounting Stop Record Examples
The following AAA accounting stop record examples show how to configure the aaa accounting send
stop-record authentication command to control the generation of “stop” records when the aaa accounting
command is issued with the start-stop or stop-only keyword.


The success and remote-server keywords are available in Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4 and later releases.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Accounting Stop Record Examples

AAA Accounting Stop Record and Rejected Call Example
The following example shows the “stop” record being sent for a rejected call during authentication when the
aaa accounting send stop-record authenticationcommand is issued with the success keyword.
Router# show running-config | include aaa
aaa new-model
aaa authentication ppp default group radius
aaa authorization network default local
aaa accounting send stop-record authentication success remote-server
aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
*Jul 7 03:39:40.199: AAA/BIND(00000026): Bind i/f Virtual-Template2
*Jul 7 03:39:40.199: ppp21 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Authorization succeeds trivially
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000026):Orig. component type = PPoE
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS: AAA Unsupported
[156] 7
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS:
30 2F 30 2F
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS(00000026): Config NAS IP:
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000026): acct_session_id: 55
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS(00000026): sending
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS(00000026): Send Access-Request to id 1645/14, len 94
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS: authenticator A6 D1 6B A4 76 9D 52 CF - 33 5D
16 BE AC 7E 5F A6
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS: Framed-Protocol
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS: User-Name
16 ""
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS: CHAP-Password
19 *
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type
[61] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS: NAS-Port
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Id
[87] 9
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS: Service-Type
*Jul 7 03:39:42.199: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address
*Jul 7 03:39:42.271: RADIUS: Received from id 1645/14,
Access-Accept, len 194
*Jul 7 03:39:42.271: RADIUS: authenticator 30 AD FF 8E 59 0C E4 6C - BA 11
23 63 81 DE 6F D7
*Jul 7 03:39:42.271: RADIUS: Framed-Protocol
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS: Service-Type
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco
[26] 26
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS:
Cisco AVpair
20 "vpdn:tunnelid=lac"
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco
[26] 29
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS:
Cisco AVpair
23 "vpdn:tunneltype=l2tp"
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco
[26] 30
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS:
Cisco AVpair
24 "vpdn:gwpassword=cisco"
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco
[26] 31
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS:
Cisco AVpair
25 "vpdn:naspassword=cisco"
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco
[26] 34
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS:
Cisco AVpair
28 "vpdn:ipaddresses="
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS: Service-Type
*Jul 7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS: Framed-Protocol

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Accounting Stop Record Examples

0, ns

7 03:39:42.275: RADIUS(00000026): Received from id 1645/14
7 03:39:42.275: ppp21 PPP/AAA: Check Attr: Framed-Protocol
7 03:39:42.275: ppp21 PPP/AAA: Check Attr: service-type
7 03:39:42.275: ppp21 PPP/AAA: Check Attr: tunnel-id
7 03:39:42.275: ppp21 PPP/AAA: Check Attr: tunnel-type
7 03:39:42.275: ppp21 PPP/AAA: Check Attr: gw-password
7 03:39:42.275: ppp21 PPP/AAA: Check Attr: nas-password
7 03:39:42.275: ppp21 PPP/AAA: Check Attr: ip-addresses
7 03:39:42.275: ppp21 PPP/AAA: Check Attr: service-type
7 03:39:42.275: ppp21 PPP/AAA: Check Attr: Framed-Protocol
7 03:39:42.279: AAA/BIND(00000027): Bind i/f
7 03:39:42.279: Tnl 21407 L2TP: O SCCRQ
7 03:39:42.279: Tnl 21407 L2TP: O SCCRQ, flg TLS, ver 2, len 134, tnl
0, nr 0
C8 02 00 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 08 00 00
00 00 00 01 80 08 00 00 00 02 01 00 00 08 00 00
00 06 11 30 80 09 00 00 00 07 6C 61 63 00 19 00
00 00 08 43 69 73 63 6F 20 53 79 73 74 65 6D 73
2C 20 49 6E 63 2E 80 ...
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: Tnl 21407 L2TP: O StopCCN
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: Tnl 21407 L2TP: O StopCCN, flg TLS, ver 2, len 66, tnl
0, ns 1, nr 0
C8 02 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 80 08 00 00
00 00 00 04 80 1E 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 06 54 6F
6F 20 6D 61 6E 79 20 72 65 74 72 61 6E 73 6D 69
74 73 00 08 00 09 00 69 00 01 80 08 00 00 00 09
53 9F
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000026):Orig. component type = PPoE
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS(00000026): Config NAS IP:
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS(00000026): sending
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS(00000026): Send Accounting-Request to id 1646/32, len 179
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS: authenticator 0A 85 2F F0 65 6F 25 E1 - 97 54
CC BF EA F7 62 89
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id
[44] 10 "00000037"
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS: Framed-Protocol
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS: Tunnel-Medium-Type [65] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS: Tunnel-Client-Endpoi[66] 10 ""
*Jul 7 03:39:49.279: RADIUS: Tunnel-Server-Endpoi[67] 10 ""
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Tunnel-Type
[64] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Acct-Tunnel-Connecti[68] 3
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Tunnel-Client-Auth-I[90] 5
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: User-Name
16 ""
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Acct-Authentic
[45] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Time
[46] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Octets
[42] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Octets [43] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Packets [47] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Packets [48] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Acct-Terminate-Cause[49] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type
[40] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type
[61] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: NAS-Port
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Id
[87] 9
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Service-Type
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Accounting Stop Record Examples
*Jul 7 03:39:49.283: RADIUS: Acct-Delay-Time
[41] 6
*Jul 7 03:39:49.335: RADIUS: Received from id 1646/32,
Accounting-response, len 20
*Jul 7 03:39:49.335: RADIUS: authenticator C8 C4 61 AF 4D 9F 78 07 - 94 2B
44 44 17 56 EC 03

AAA Accounting Stop Record and Successful Call Example
The following example shows “start” and “stop” records being sent for a successful call when the aaa accounting
send stop-record authentication command is issued with the failure keyword.
Router# show running-config | include aaa
aaa new-model
aaa authentication ppp default group radius
aaa authorization network default local
aaa accounting send stop-record authentication failure
aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
*Jul 7 03:28:31.543: AAA/BIND(00000018): Bind i/f Virtual-Template2
*Jul 7 03:28:31.547: ppp14 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Authorization succeeds trivially
*Jul 7 03:28:33.555: AAA/AUTHOR (0x18): Pick method list 'default'
*Jul 7 03:28:33.555: AAA/BIND(00000019): Bind i/f
*Jul 7 03:28:33.555: Tnl 5192 L2TP: O SCCRQ
*Jul 7 03:28:33.555: Tnl 5192 L2TP: O SCCRQ, flg TLS, ver 2, len 141, tnl 0,
ns 0, nr 0
C8 02 00 8D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 08 00 00
00 00 00 01 80 08 00 00 00 02 01 00 00 08 00 00
00 06 11 30 80 10 00 00 00 07 4C 41 43 2D 74 75
6E 6E 65 6C 00 19 00 00 00 08 43 69 73 63 6F 20
53 79 73 74 65 6D 73 ...
*Jul 7 03:28:33.563: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 0, len 8, flag 0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.563: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse SCCRP
*Jul 7 03:28:33.563: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 2, len 8, flag 0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.563: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Protocol Ver 256
*Jul 7 03:28:33.563: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 3, len 10, flag 0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.563: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Framing Cap 0x0
*Jul 7 03:28:33.563: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 4, len 10, flag 0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Bearer Cap 0x0
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 6, len 8, flag 0x0
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Firmware Ver 0x1120
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 7, len 16, flag 0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Hostname LNS-tunnel
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 8, len 25, flag 0x0
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Vendor Name Cisco Systems, Inc.
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 9, len 8, flag 0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Assigned Tunnel ID 6897
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 10, len 8, flag 0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Rx Window Size 20050
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 11, len 22, flag 0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Chlng
81 13 03 F6 A8 E4 1D DD 25 18 25 6E 67 8C 7C 39
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Parse AVP 13, len 22, flag 0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.567: Tnl 5192 L2TP: Chlng Resp
4D 52 91 DC 1A 43 B3 31 B4 F5 B8 E1 88 22 4F 41
*Jul 7 03:28:33.571: Tnl 5192 L2TP: No missing AVPs in SCCRP
*Jul 7 03:28:33.571: Tnl 5192 L2TP: I SCCRP, flg TLS, ver 2, len 157, tnl
5192, ns 0, nr 1
contiguous pak, size 157
C8 02 00 9D 14 48 00 00 00 00 00 01 80 08 00 00
00 00 00 02 80 08 00 00 00 02 01 00 80 0A 00 00
00 03 00 00 00 00 80 0A 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Accounting Stop Record Examples

00 08 00 00 00 06 11 20 80 10 00 00 00 07 4C 4E
53 2D 74 75 6E 6E 65 6C ...
*Jul 7 03:28:33.571: Tnl 5192 L2TP: I SCCRP from LNS-tunnel
*Jul 7 03:28:33.571: Tnl 5192 L2TP: O SCCCN to LNS-tunnel tnlid 6897
*Jul 7 03:28:33.571: Tnl 5192 L2TP: O SCCCN, flg TLS, ver 2, len 42, tnl
6897, ns 1, nr 1
C8 02 00 2A 1A F1 00 00 00 01 00 01 80 08 00 00
00 00 00 03 80 16 00 00 00 0D 32 24 17 BC 6A 19
B1 79 F3 F9 A9 D4 67 7D 9A DB
*Jul 7 03:28:33.571: uid:14 Tnl/Sn 5192/11 L2TP: O ICRQ to LNS-tunnel 6897/0
*Jul 7 03:28:33.571: uid:14 Tnl/Sn 5192/11 L2TP: O ICRQ, flg TLS, ver 2, len
63, tnl 6897, lsid 11, rsid 0, ns 2, nr 1
C8 02 00 3F 1A F1 00 00 00 02 00 01 80 08 00 00
00 00 00 0A 80 0A 00 00 00 0F C8 14 B4 03 80 08
00 00 00 0E 00 0B 80 0A 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00
00 0F 00 09 00 64 0F 10 09 02 02 00 1B 00 00
*Jul 7 03:28:33.575: uid:14 Tnl/Sn 5192/11 L2TP: Parse AVP 0, len 8, flag
0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.575: uid:14 Tnl/Sn 5192/11 L2TP: Parse ICRP
*Jul 7 03:28:33.575: uid:14 Tnl/Sn 5192/11 L2TP: Parse AVP 14, len 8, flag
0x8000 (M)
*Jul 7 03:28:33.575: uid:14 Tnl/Sn 5192/11 L2TP: Assigned Call ID 5
*Jul 7 03:28:33.575: uid:14 Tnl/Sn 5192/11 L2TP: No missing AVPs in ICRP
*Jul 7 03:28:33.575: uid:14 Tnl/Sn 5192/11 L2TP: I ICRP, flg TLS, ver 2, len
28, tnl 5192, lsid 11, rsid 0, ns 1, nr 3
contiguous pak, size 28
C8 02 00 1C 14 48 00 0B 00 01 00 03 80 08 00 00
00 00 00 0B 80 08 00 00 00 0E 00 05
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: uid:14 Tnl/Sn 5192/11 L2TP: O ICCN to LNS-tunnel 6897/5
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: uid:14 Tnl/Sn 5192/11 L2TP: O ICCN, flg TLS, ver 2, len
167, tnl 6897, lsid 11, rsid 5, ns 3, nr 2
C8 02 00 A7 1A F1 00 05 00 03 00 02 80 08 00 00
00 00 00 0C 80 0A 00 00 00 18 06 1A 80 00 00 0A
00 00 00 26 06 1A 80 00 80 0A 00 00 00 13 00 00
00 01 00 15 00 00 00 1B 01 04 05 D4 03 05 C2 23
05 05 06 0A 0B E2 7A ...
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000018):Orig. component type = PPoE
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: RADIUS(00000018): Config NAS IP:
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: RADIUS(00000018): sending
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: RADIUS(00000018): Send Accounting-Request to id 1646/23, len 176
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: RADIUS: authenticator 3C 81 D6 C5 2B 6D 21 8E - 19 FF
43 B5 41 86 A8 A5
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id
[44] 10 "00000023"
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: RADIUS: Framed-Protocol
*Jul 7 03:28:33.579: RADIUS: Tunnel-Medium-Type [65] 6
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Tunnel-Client-Endpoi[66] 10 ""
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Tunnel-Server-Endpoi[67] 10 ""
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Tunnel-Assignment-Id[82] 5
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Tunnel-Type
[64] 6
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Acct-Tunnel-Connecti[68] 12 "3356800003"
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Tunnel-Client-Auth-I[90] 12 "LAC-tunnel"
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Tunnel-Server-Auth-I[91] 12 "LNS-tunnel"
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: User-Name
16 ""
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Acct-Authentic
[45] 6
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type
[40] 6
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type
[61] 6
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: NAS-Port
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Id
[87] 9
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Service-Type
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address
*Jul 7 03:28:33.583: RADIUS: Acct-Delay-Time
[41] 6

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Additional References

*Jul 7 03:28:33.683: RADIUS: Received from id 1646/23,
Accounting-response, len 20
*Jul 7 03:28:33.683: RADIUS: authenticator 1C E9 53 42 A2 8A 58 9A - C3 CC
1D 79 9F A4 6F 3A

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to Per VRF AAA.
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Configuring server groups

Configuring RADIUS chapter in the Cisco IOS XE
Security Configuration Guide: Securing User
Services, Release 2.

RADIUS attribute screening

RADIUS Attribute Value Screening chapter in the
Cisco IOS XE Security Configuration Guide: Securing
User Services, Release 2.

Configuring broadcast accounting

Configuring Accounting chapter in the Cisco IOS XE
Security Configuration Guide: Securing User
Services, Release 2.

Cisco IOS Security Commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference

Cisco IOS Switching Services Commands

Cisco IOS IP Switching Command Reference

Configuring Multiprotocol Label Switching

Cisco IOS XE Multiprotocol Label Switching
Configuration Guide, Release 2

Configuring virtual templates

Virtual Templates and Profiles section of the Cisco
IOS XE Dial Technologies Configuration Guide,
Release 2



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature, and support for existing standards has not
been modified by this feature.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Feature Information for Per VRF AAA


MIBs Link

No new or modified MIBs are supported by this
feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been
modified by this feature.

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS XE software releases, and feature sets, use
Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:



No new or modified RFCs are supported by this


Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Per VRF AAA
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Feature Information for Per VRF AAA

Table 30: Feature Information for Per VRF AAA

Feature Name


Feature Information


Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

The Per VRF AAA feature allows
authentication, authorization, and
accounting (AAA) on the basis of
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
routing and forwarding (VRF)
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa
accounting, aaa accounting
delay-start, ip radius
source-interface, server-private
(RADIUS), ip vrf forwarding
(server-group), radius-server
domain-stripping, aaa
authorization template.

RADIUS Per-VRF Server Group

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

Using the Radius Per-VRF Server
Group feature, Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) can partition
RADIUS server groups based on
Virtual Route Forwarding (VRF).
This means that you can define
RADIUS server groups that belong
to a VRF. This feature is supported
by “aaa: rad-serv-vrf” VSA.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: ip vrf

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Feature Name


Attribute Filtering Per-Domain and Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3
VRF Aware Framed-Routes

Feature Information
The Attribute Filtering Per-Domain
and VRF Aware Framed-Routes
feature allows for attribute filtering
per-domain and VRF aware
Framed-Routes. It introduces
support for the “aaa:rad-serv-filter”
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.

AAA CLI Stop Record

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4

The AAA CLI Stop Record
Enhancement feature enables
sending an accounting stop record
only when an access accept is
received from the AAA server.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa
accounting send stop-record

Dynamic Per VRF AAA

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4

The Dynamic Per VRF AAA
feature allows you to use a
customer template, which may be
stored either locally or remotely,
and AAA services can be
performed on the information that
is stored in the customer template.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, this
feature was introduced on the Cisco
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation
Services Routers.

AAA--authentication, authorization, and accounting. A framework of security services that provide the method
for identifying users (authentication), for remote access control (authorization), and for collecting and sending
security server information used for billing, auditing, and reporting (accounting).

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


L2TP--Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol. A Layer 2 tunneling protocol that enables an ISP or other access service to
create a virtual tunnel to link customer remote sites or remote users with corporate home networks. In particular,
a network access server (NAS) at the ISP point of presence (POP) exchanges PPP messages with the remote
users and communicates by L2F or L2TP requests and responses with the customer tunnel server to set up
PE--Provider Edge. Networking devices that are located on the edge of a service provider network.
RADIUS --Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service. RADIUS is a distributed client/server system that
secures networks against unauthorized access. In the Cisco implementation, RADIUS clients run on Cisco
routers and send authentication requests to a central RADIUS server that contains all user authentication and
network service access information.
VPN --Virtual Private Network. A system that permits dial-in networks to exist remotely to home networks,
while giving the appearance of being directly connected. VPNs use L2TP and L2F to terminate the Layer 2
and higher parts of the network connection at the LNS instead of the LAC.
VRF --Virtual Route Forwarding. Initially, a router has only one global default routing/forwarding table.
VRFs can be viewed as multiple disjoined routing/forwarding tables, where the routes of a user have no
correlation with the routes of another user.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



AAA Support for IPv6
Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) support for IPv6 is in compliance with RFC 3162.
This module provides information about how to configure AAA options for IPv6.
• Finding Feature Information, page 221
• Information About AAA Support for IPv6, page 221
• How to Configure AAA Support for IPv6, page 226
• Configuration Examples for AAA Support for IPv6, page 227
• Additional References, page 227
• Feature Information for RADIUS over IPv6, page 229

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Information About AAA Support for IPv6
AAA over IPv6
Vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) are used to support Authentication, Authorization and Accounting(AAA)
over IPv6. Cisco VSAs are inacl, outacl, prefix, and route.
You can configure prefix pools and pool names by using the AAA protocol. Customers can deploy an IPv6
RADIUS server or a TACACS+ server to communicate with Cisco devices.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Support for IPv6
AAA over IPv6

RADIUS over IPv6
The following RADIUS attributes, as described in RFC 3162, are supported for IPv6:
• Framed-Interface-Id
• Framed-IPv6-Pool
• Framed-IPv6-Prefix
• Framed-IPv6-Route
• Login-IPv6-Host
The following RADIUS attributes are also supported for IPv6:
• Delegated-IPv6-Prefix (RFC 4818)
• Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool
• DNS-Server-IPv6-Address
• IPv6 ACL
• IPv6_DNS_Servers
• IPv6 Pool
• IPv6 Prefix#
• IPv6 Route
The attributes listed above can be configured on a RADIUS server and downloaded to access servers, where
they can be applied to access connections.

Prerequisites for Using AAA Attributes for IPv6
AAA attributes for IPv6 are compliant with RFC 3162 and require a RADIUS server capable of supporting
RFC 3162.

RADIUS Per-User Attributes for Virtual Access in IPv6 Environments
The following IPv6 RADIUS attributes are supported for virtual access and can be used as attribute-value
(AV) pairs:
• Delegated-IPv6-Prefix
• Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool
• DNS-Server-IPv6-Address
• Framed-Interface-Id
• Framed-IPv6-Pool
• Framed-IPv6-Prefix
• Framed-IPv6-Route

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Support for IPv6
AAA over IPv6

• IPv6 ACL
• IPv6_DNS_Servers
• IPv6 Pool
• IPv6 Prefix#
• IPv6 Route
• Login-IPv6-Host
The Delegated-IPv6-Prefix attribute indicates an IPv6 prefix to be delegated to a user for use in a network.
This attribute is used during DHCP prefix delegation between a RADIUS server and a delegating device. A
Network Access Server (NAS) that hosts a DHCP Version 6 (DHCPv6) server can act as a delegating device.
The following example shows how to use the Delegated-IPv6-Prefix attribute:


The Cisco VSA format is not supported for this attribute. If you try to add this attribute in the Cisco VSA
format into a user profile, the RADIUS server response fails. Use only the IETF attribute format for this

The Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool attribute indicates the name of a prefix pool from which a prefix is selected
and delegated to a device.
Prefix delegation is a DHCPv6 option for delegating IPv6 prefixes. Prefix delegation involves a delegating
device that selects a prefix and assigns it on a temporary basis to a requesting device. A delegating device
uses many strategies to choose a prefix. One method is to choose a prefix from a prefix pool with a name that
is defined locally on a device.
The Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool attribute indicates the name of an assigned prefix pool. A RADIUS server
uses this attribute to communicate the name of a prefix pool to a NAS hosting a DHCPv6 server and acting
as a delegating device.
You may use DHCPv6 prefix delegation along with ICMPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC)
on a network. In this case, both the Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool attribute and the Framed-IPv6-Pool attribute
may be included within the same packet. To avoid ambiguity, the Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool attribute should
be restricted to the authorization and accounting of prefix pools used in DHCPv6 delegation, and the
Framed-IPv6-Pool attribute should be used for the authorization and accounting of prefix pools used in SLAAC.
The following example shows how an address prefix is selected from a pool named pool1. The prefix pool
pool1 is downloaded to a delegating device from a RADIUS server by using the Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool
attribute. The device then selects the address prefix 2001:DB8::/64 from this prefix pool.
Cisco:Cisco-AVpair = “ipv6:delegated-ipv6-pool = pool1”
ipv6 dhcp pool pool1
address prefix 2001:DB8::/64

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Support for IPv6
AAA over IPv6

The DNS-Server-IPv6-Address attribute indicates the IPv6 address of a Domain Name System (DNS) server.
A DHCPv6 server can configure a host with the IPv6 address of a DNS server. The IPv6 address of the DNS
server can also be conveyed to the host using router advertisement messages from ICMPv6 devices.
A NAS may host a DHCPv6 server to handle DHCPv6 requests from hosts. The NAS may also act as a device
that provides router advertisement messages. Therefore, this attribute is used to provide the NAS with the
IPv6 address of the DNS server.
If a NAS has to announce more than one recursive DNS server to a host, this attribute can be included multiple
times in Access-Accept packets sent from the NAS to the host.
The following example shows how you can define the IPv6 address of a DNS server by using the
DNS-Server-IPv6-Address attribute:
Cisco:Cisco-AVpair = "ipv6:ipv6-dns-servers-addr=2001:DB8::"

The Framed-Interface-Id attribute indicates an IPv6 interface identifier to be configured for a user.
This attribute is used during IPv6 Control Protocol (IPv6CP) negotiations of the Interface-Identifier option.
If negotiations are successful, the NAS uses this attribute to communicate a preferred IPv6 interface identifier
to the RADIUS server by using Access-Request packets. This attribute may also be used in Access-Accept
The Framed-IPv6-Pool attribute indicates the name of a pool that is used to assign an IPv6 prefix to a user.
This pool should be either defined locally on a device or defined on a RADIUS server from where pools can
be downloaded.
The Framed-IPv6-Prefix attribute indicates an IPv6 prefix (and a corresponding route) to be configured for
a user. So this attribute performs the same function as a Cisco VSA and is used for virtual access only. A
NAS uses this attribute to communicate a preferred IPv6 prefix to a RADIUS server by using Access-Request
packets. This attribute may also be used in Access-Accept packets and can appear multiple times in these
packets. The NAS creates a corresponding route for the prefix.
This attribute is used by a user to specify which prefixes to advertise in router advertisement messages of the
Neighbor Discovery Protocol.
This attribute can also be used for DHCPv6 prefix delegation, and a separate profile must be created for a
user on the RADIUS server. The username associated with this separate profile has the suffix “-dhcpv6”.
The Framed-IPv6-Prefix attribute is treated differently in this separate profile and the regular profile of a user.
If a NAS needs to send a prefix through router advertisement messages, the prefix is placed in the
Framed-IPv6-Prefix attribute of the regular profile of the user. If a NAS needs to delegate a prefix to the
network of a remote user, the prefix is placed in the Framed-IPv6-Prefix attribute of the separate profile of
the user.


The RADIUS IETF attribute format and the Cisco VSA format are supported for this attribute.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Support for IPv6
AAA over IPv6

The Framed-IPv6-Route attribute indicates the routing information to be configured for a user on a NAS. This
attribute performs the same function as a Cisco VSA. The value of the attribute is a string and is specified by
using the ipv6 route command.
The IPv6 ACL attribute is used to specify a complete IPv6 access list. The unique name of an access list is
generated automatically. An access list is removed when the respective user logs out. The previous access list
on the interface is then reapplied.
The inacl and outacl attributes enable you to specify an existing access list configured on a device. The
following example shows how to define an access list identified with number 1:
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:inacl#1=permit 2001:DB8:cc00:1::/48",
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:outacl#1=deny 2001:DB8::/10",

The IPv6_DNS_Servers attribute is used to send up to two DNS server addresses to the DHCPv6 server. The
DNS server addresses are saved in the interface DHCPv6 subblock and override other configurations in the
DHCPv6 pool. This attribute is also included in attributes returned for AAA start and stop notifications.
IPv6 Pool
The IPv6 Pool attribute extends the IPv4 address pool attribute to support the IPv6 protocol for RADIUS
authentication. This attribute specifies the name of a local pool on a NAS from which a prefix is chosen and
used whenever PPP is configured and the protocol is specified as IPv6. The address pool works with local
pooling and specifies the name of a local pool that is preconfigured on the NAS.
IPv6 Prefix#
The IPv6 Prefix# attribute indicates which prefixes to advertise in router advertisement messages of the
Neighbor Discovery Protocol. When this attribute is used, a corresponding route (marked as a per-user static
route) is installed in the routing information base (RIB) tables for a given prefix.
The following example shows how to specify which prefixes to advertise:
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:prefix#1=2001:DB8::/64",
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:prefix#2=2001:DB8::/64",

IPv6 Route
The IPv6 Route attribute is used to specify a static route for a user. A static route is appropriate when Cisco
software cannot dynamically build a route to the destination. See the ipv6 route command for more information
about building static routes.
The following example shows how to use the IPv6 Route attribute to define a static route:
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:route#1=2001:DB8:cc00:1::/48",
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:route#2=2001:DB8:cc00:2::/48",

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Support for IPv6
How to Configure AAA Support for IPv6

The Login-IPv6-Host attribute indicates IPv6 addresses of hosts with which to connect a user when the
Login-Service attribute is included. A NAS uses the Login-IPv6-Host attribute in Access-Request packets to
communicate to a RADIUS server that it prefers to use certain hosts.

How to Configure AAA Support for IPv6
Configuring DHCPv6 AAA Options
Perform the following task to configure the option of acquiring prefixes from the AAA server:

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ipv6 dhcp pool pool-name
4. prefix-delegation aaa [method-list method-list] [lifetime]
5. end


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3

ipv6 dhcp pool pool-name

Configures a DHCPv6 configuration information pool and
enters IPv6 DHCP pool configuration mode.

Device(config)# ipv6 dhcp pool pool1

Step 4

prefix-delegation aaa [method-list method-list]

Specifies that prefixes are to be acquired from AAA

Device(config-dhcpv6)# prefix-delegation aaa
method-list list1

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Support for IPv6
Configuration Examples for AAA Support for IPv6

Step 5

Command or Action



Exits IPv6 DHCP pool configuration mode and returns to
privileged EXEC mode.

Device(config-dhcpv6)# end

Configuration Examples for AAA Support for IPv6
Example: DHCPv6 AAA Options Configuration
The following example shows how to configure the DHCPv6 option of acquiring prefixes from the AAA
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 dhcp pool pool1
Device(config-dhcpv6)# prefix-delegation aaa method-list list1
Device(config-dhcpv6)# end

Example: RADIUS Configuration
The following sample RADIUS configuration shows the definition of AV pairs to establish static routes:
campus1 Auth-Type = Local, Password = "mypassword"
User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:inacl#1=permit 2001:DB8:1::/64 any",
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:route=2001:DB8:2::/64",
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:route=2001:DB8:3::/64",
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:prefix=2001:DB8:2::/64 0 0 onlink autoconfig",
cisco-avpair = "ipv6:prefix=2001:DB8:3::/64 0 0 onlink autoconfig",
cisco-avpair = "ip:route=",

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the Authorization feature.
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Authorization Commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference


Configuring RADIUS feature module.


Configuring RADIUS feature Module.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Support for IPv6
Additional References

Related Topic

Document Title

RADIUS attributes

RADIUS Attributes Overview and RADIUS IETF
Attributes feature module.


Configuring TACACS+ feature module.

TACACS+ Attribute-Value Pairs

TACACS+ Attribute-Value Pairs feature module.


Configuring Authentication feature module.

Authentication Proxy

Configuring Authentication Proxy feature module.



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature, and support for existing standards has not
been modified by this feature.


MIBs Link


To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB
Locator found at the following URL:



No new or modified RFCs are supported by this


Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Support for IPv6
Feature Information for RADIUS over IPv6

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for RADIUS over IPv6
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 31: Feature Information for RADIUS over IPv6

Feature Name


Feature Information

RADIUS over IPv6


RADIUS attributes defined in RFC
3162 are supported.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Support for IPv6
Feature Information for RADIUS over IPv6

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



TACACS+ over IPv6
An IPv6 server can be configured to be used with TACACS+.
• Finding Feature Information, page 231
• Information About TACACS+ over IPv6, page 231
• How to Configure TACACS+ over IPv6, page 232
• Configuration Examples for TACACS+ over IPv6, page 235
• Additional References, page 236
• Feature Information for TACACS+ over IPv6, page 237

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Information About TACACS+ over IPv6
The Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System (TACACS+) security protocol provides centralized
validation of users. TACACS+ services are maintained in a database on a TACACS+ daemon typically running
on a UNIX or Windows NT workstation. You must have access to and must configure a TACACS+ server
before the configured TACACS+ features on your devices are available.
TACACS+ provides for separate authentication, authorization, and accounting facilities. TACACS+ allows
for a single access control server (the TACACS+ daemon) to provide each service (authentication, authorization,
and accounting) independently. Each service is associated with its own database to take advantage of other
services available on that server or on the network, depending on the capabilities of the daemon.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

TACACS+ over IPv6
AAA over IPv6

AAA over IPv6
Vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) are used to support Authentication, Authorization and Accounting(AAA)
over IPv6. Cisco VSAs are inacl, outacl, prefix, and route.
You can configure prefix pools and pool names by using the AAA protocol. Customers can deploy an IPv6
RADIUS server or a TACACS+ server to communicate with Cisco devices.

TACACS+ Over an IPv6 Transport
An IPv6 server can be configured to use TACACS+. Both IPv6 and IPv4 servers can be configured to use
TACACS+ using a name instead of an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

How to Configure TACACS+ over IPv6
Configuring the TACACS+ Server over IPv6
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. tacacs server name
4. address ipv6 ipv6-address
5. key [0 | 7] key-string
6. port [number
7. send-nat-address
8. single-connection
9. timeout seconds


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

TACACS+ over IPv6
Configuring the TACACS+ Server over IPv6

Step 3

Command or Action


tacacs server name

Configures the TACACS+ server for IPv6 and enters
TACACS+ server configuration mode.

Router(config)# tacacs server server1

Step 4

address ipv6 ipv6-address

Configures the IPv6 address of the TACACS+ server.

Router(config-server-tacacs)# address ipv6

Step 5

key [0 | 7] key-string

Configures the per-server encryption key on the
TACACS+ server.

Router(config-server-tacacs)# key 0 key1

Step 6

Specifies the TCP port to be used for TACACS+

port [number
Router(config-server-tacacs)# port 12

Step 7


Sends a client’s post-NAT address to the TACACS+

Router(config-server-tacacs)# send-nat-address

Step 8

Enables all TACACS packets to be sent to the same server
using a single TCP connection.

Router(config-server-tacacs)# single-connection

Step 9

timeout seconds

Configures the time to wait for a reply from the specified
TACACS server.

Router(config-server-tacacs)# timeout 10

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

TACACS+ over IPv6
Specifying the Source Address in TACACS+ Packets

Specifying the Source Address in TACACS+ Packets
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ipv6 tacacs source-interface type number


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

ipv6 tacacs source-interface type number

Specifies an interface to use for the source address in
TACACS+ packets.

Router(config)# ipv6 tacacs source-interface
GigabitEthernet 0/0/0

Configuring TACACS+ Server Group Options
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa group server tacacs+ group-name
4. server name server-name
5. server-private {ip-address | name | ipv6-address} [nat] [single-connection] [port port-number] [timeout
seconds] [key [0 | 7] string]

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

TACACS+ over IPv6
Configuration Examples for TACACS+ over IPv6


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa group server tacacs+ group-name

Groups different TACACS+ server hosts into
distinct lists and distinct methods.

Router(config)# aaa group server tacacs+ group1

Step 4

server name server-name

Specifies an IPv6 TACACS+ server.

Router(config-sg-tacacs+)# server name server1

Step 5

Configures the IPv6 address of the private
server-private {ip-address | name | ipv6-address} [nat]
[single-connection] [port port-number] [timeout seconds] [key TACACS+ server for the group server.
[0 | 7] string]
Router(config-sg-tacacs+)# server-private
2001:DB8:3333:4::5 port 19 key key1

Configuration Examples for TACACS+ over IPv6
Example: Configuring TACACS+ Server over IPv6
Device# show tacacs
Tacacs+ Server:
Server Address:
Socket opens:
Socket closes:
Socket aborts:
Socket errors:
Socket Timeouts:
Failed Connect Attempts:


Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

TACACS+ over IPv6
Additional References

Total Packets Sent:
Total Packets Recv:


Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the MSCHAP Version 2 feature.
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Configuring PPP interfaces

PPP Configuration in the Cisco IOS Dial
Technologies Configuration Guide , Release 12.4T.

Descriptions of the tasks and commands necessary Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Command Reference
to configure and maintain Cisco networking devices
Lists of IOS Security Commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference

Configuring PPP authentication using AAA

Configuring PPP Authentication Using AAA in the
Configuring Authentication module in the Cisco IOS
Security Configuration Guide: Securing User Services
, Release 12.4T.

Configuring RADIUS Authentication

Configuring RADIUS module in the Cisco IOS
Security Configuration Guide: Securing User
Services, Release 12.4T.



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature.


MIBs Link

No new or modified MIBs are supported by this

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB
Locator found at the following URL:

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

TACACS+ over IPv6
Feature Information for TACACS+ over IPv6



RFC 1661

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

RFC 2548

Microsoft Vendor-specific RADIUS Attributes

RFC 2759

Microsoft PPP CHAP Extensions, Version 2

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for TACACS+ over IPv6
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

TACACS+ over IPv6
Feature Information for TACACS+ over IPv6

Table 32: Feature Information for TACACS+ over IPv6

Feature Name


Feature Information

TACACS+ over IPv6

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2S

TACACS+ over IPv6 is supported.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa group
server tacacs+, address ipv6
(TACACS+), ipv6 tacacs
source-interface, key
(TACACS+), port (TACACS+),
send-nat-address, server name
(IPv6 TACACS+), server-private
(TACACS+), single-connection,
tacacs server, timeout

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



AAA Dead-Server Detection
The AAA Dead-Server Detection feature allows you to configure the criteria to be used to mark a RADIUS
server as dead. If no criteria are explicitly configured, the criteria are computed dynamically on the basis of
the number of outstanding transactions. Using this feature will result in less deadtime and quicker packet
• Finding Feature Information, page 239
• Prerequisites for AAA Dead-Server Detection, page 239
• Restrictions for AAA Dead-Server Detection, page 240
• Information About AAA Dead-Server Detection, page 240
• How to Configure AAA Dead-Server Detection, page 240
• Configuration Examples for AAA Dead-Server Detection, page 243
• Additional References, page 243
• Feature Information for AAA Dead-Server Detection, page 245

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for AAA Dead-Server Detection
• You must have access to a RADIUS server.
• You should be familiar with configuring a RADIUS server.
• You should be familiar with configuring authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA).

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Dead-Server Detection
Restrictions for AAA Dead-Server Detection

• Before a server can be marked as dead, you must first configure the radius-server deadtime command.
If this command is not configured, even if the criteria are met for the server to be marked as dead, the
server state will be the “up” state.

Restrictions for AAA Dead-Server Detection
• Original transmissions are not counted in the number of consecutive timeouts that must occur on the
router before the server is marked as dead--only the number of retransmissions are counted.

Information About AAA Dead-Server Detection
Criteria for Marking a RADIUS Server As Dead
The AAA Dead-Server Detection feature allows you to determine the criteria that are used to mark a RADIUS
server as dead. That is, you can configure the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that must elapse from
the time that the router last received a valid packet from the RADIUS server to the time the server is marked
as dead. If a packet has not been received since the router booted, and there is a timeout, the time criterion
will be treated as though it has been met.
In addition, you can configure the number of consecutive timeouts that must occur on the router before the
RADIUS server is marked as dead. If the server performs both authentication and accounting, both types of
packets are included in the number. Improperly constructed packets are counted as though they are timeouts.
Only retransmissions are counted, not the initial transmission. (Each timeout causes one retransmission to be


Both the time criterion and the tries criterion must be met for the server to be marked as dead.
The RADIUS dead-server detection configuration will result in the prompt detection of RADIUS servers that
have stopped responding. This configuration will also result in the avoidance of servers being improperly
marked as dead when they are “swamped” (responding slowly) and the avoidance of the state of servers being
rapidly changed from dead to live to dead again. This prompt detection of nonresponding RADIUS servers
and the avoidance of swamped and dead-to-live-to-dead-again servers will result in less deadtime and quicker
packet processing.

How to Configure AAA Dead-Server Detection
Configuring AAA Dead-Server Detection
To configure AAA Dead-Server Detection, perform the following steps.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Dead-Server Detection
Configuring AAA Dead-Server Detection

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. radius-server deadtime minutes
5. radius-server dead-criteria [time seconds] [tries number-of-tries]


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

Enables the AAA access control model.

aaa new-model
Router (config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

radius-server deadtime minutes

Improves RADIUS response times when some servers
might be unavailable and causes the unavailable servers to
be skipped immediately.

Router (config)# radius-server deadtime 5

Step 5

radius-server dead-criteria [time seconds] [tries

Forces one or both of the criteria--used to mark a RADIUS
server as dead--to be the indicated constant.

Router (config)# radius-server dead-criteria
time 5 tries 4

Troubleshooting Tips
After you have configured AAA Dead-Server Detection, you should verify your configuration using the show
running-config command. This verification is especially important if you have used the no form of the
radius-server dead-criteria command. The output of the show running-config command must show the

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Dead-Server Detection
Verifying AAA Dead-Server Detection

same values in the “Dead Criteria Details” field that you configured using the radius-server dead-criteria

Verifying AAA Dead-Server Detection
To verify your AAA Dead-Server Detection configuration, perform the following steps. The show and debug
commands may be used in any order.

1. enable
2. debug aaa dead-criteria transactions
3. show aaa dead-criteria
4. show aaa servers [private | public]


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

debug aaa dead-criteria transactions

Displays AAA dead-criteria transaction values.

Router# debug aaa dead-criteria

Step 3

show aaa dead-criteria

Displays dead-criteria information for a AAA server.

Router# show aaa dead-criteria

Step 4

show aaa servers [private | public]
Router# show aaa server private

Displays the status and number of packets that are sent to and
received from all public and private authentication, authorization,
and accounting (AAA) RADIUS servers.
• The private keyword optionally displays the AAA servers
• The public keyword optionally displays the AAA servers

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Dead-Server Detection
Configuration Examples for AAA Dead-Server Detection

Configuration Examples for AAA Dead-Server Detection
Configuring AAA Dead-Server Detection Example
The following example shows that the router will be considered dead after 5 seconds and four tries:
Router (config)# aaa new-model
Router (config)# radius-server deadtime 5
Router (config)# radius-server dead-criteria time 5 tries 4

debug aaa dead-criteria transactions Command Example
The following output example shows dead-criteria transaction information for a particular server group:
Router# debug aaa dead-criteria transactions
AAA Transaction debugs debugging is on
*Nov 14 23:44:17.403: AAA/SG/TRANSAC: Computed Retransmit Tries: 22, Current Max Tries: 22
*Nov 14 23:44:17.403: AAA/SG/TRANSAC: Computed Dead Detect Interval: 25s, Current Max
Interval: 25s
*Nov 14 23:44:17.403: AAA/SG/TRANSAC: Estimated Outstanding Transactions: 6, Current Max
Transactions: 6

show aaa dead-criteria Command Example
The following output example shows that dead-server-detection information has been requested for a RADIUS
server at the IP address
Router# show aaa dead-criteria radius radius
RADIUS Server Dead Criteria:
Server Details:
Address :
Auth Port : 1645
Acct Port : 1646
Server Group : radius
Dead Criteria Details:
Configured Retransmits : 62
Configured Timeout : 27
Estimated Outstanding Transactions: 5
Dead Detect Time : 25s
Computed Retransmit Tries: 22
Statistics Gathered Since Last Successful Transaction
Max Computed Outstanding Transactions: 5
Max Computed Dead Detect Time: 25s
Max Computed Retransmits : 22

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the AAA Dead-Server Detection feature.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Dead-Server Detection
Additional References

Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Configuring RADIUS

Configuring RADIUS feature module.

Configuring AAA

Configuring Authentication
Configuring Authorization
Configuring Accounting

Security commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature, and support for existing standards has not
been modified by this feature.


MIBs Link

No new or modified MIBs are supported by this
feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been
modified by this feature.

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB
Locator found at the following URL:



RFC 2865

Remote Authentication Dial In User Service

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Dead-Server Detection
Feature Information for AAA Dead-Server Detection

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for AAA Dead-Server Detection
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 33: Feature Information for AAA Dead-Server Detection

Feature Name


Feature Information

AAA Dead-Server Detection

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.9S

Allows you to configure the criteria
to be used to mark a RADIUS
server as dead.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: debug aaa
dead-criteria transactions,
radius-server dead-criteria, show
aaa dead-criteria, show aaa

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Dead-Server Detection
Feature Information for AAA Dead-Server Detection

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



Login Password Retry Lockout
The Login Password Retry Lockout feature allows system administrators to lock out a local authentication,
authorization, and accounting (AAA) user account after a configured number of unsuccessful attempts by
the user to log in.
• Finding Feature Information, page 247
• Prerequisites for Login Password Retry Lockout, page 247
• Restrictions for Login Password Retry Lockout, page 248
• Information About Login Password Retry Lockout, page 248
• How to Configure Login Password Retry Lockout, page 248
• Configuration Examples for Login Password Retry Lockout, page 252
• Additional References, page 253
• Feature Information for Login Password Retry Lockout, page 254
• Glossary, page 254

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Login Password Retry Lockout
• You must be running a Cisco IOS image that contains the AAA component.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Login Password Retry Lockout
Restrictions for Login Password Retry Lockout

Restrictions for Login Password Retry Lockout
• Authorized users can lock themselves out because there is no distinction between an attacker who is
guessing passwords and an authorized user who is entering the password incorrectly multiple times.
• A denial of service (DoS) attack is possible; that is, an authorized user could be locked out by an attacker
if the username of the authorized user is known to the attacker.

Information About Login Password Retry Lockout
Lock Out of a Local AAA User Account
The Login Password Retry Lockout feature allows system administrators to lock out a local AAA user account
after a configured number of unsuccessful attempts by the user to log in using the username that corresponds
to the AAA user account. A locked-out user cannot successfully log in again until the user account is unlocked
by the administrator.
A system message is generated when a user is either locked by the system or unlocked by the system
administrator. The following is an example of such a system message:
%AAA-5-USER_LOCKED: User user1 locked out on authentication failure.

The system administrator cannot be locked out.


The system administrator is a special user who has been configured using the maximum privilege level
(root privilege--level 15). A user who has been configured using a lesser privilege level can change the
privilege level using the enable command. A user that can change to the root privilege (level 15) is able
to act as a system administrator.
This feature is applicable to any login authentication method, such as ASCII, Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP), and Password Authentication Protocol (PAP).


No messages are displayed to users after authentication failures that are due to the locked status (that is,
there is no distinction between a normal authentication failure and an authentication failure due to the
locked status of the user).

How to Configure Login Password Retry Lockout
Configuring Login Password Retry Lockout
To configure the Login Password Retry Lockout feature, perform the following steps.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Login Password Retry Lockout
Configuring Login Password Retry Lockout

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. username name [privilege level] password encryption-type password
4. aaa new-model
5. aaa local authentication attempts max-fail
6. aaa authentication login default method



Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Step 3

username name [privilege level] password
encryption-type password

Establishes a username-based authentication system.

Router(config)# username user1 privilege 15
password 0 cisco

Step 4

Enables the AAA access control model.

aaa new-model
Router(config)# aaa new-model

Step 5

aaa local authentication attempts max-fail

Specifies the maximum number of unsuccessful attempts
before a user is locked out.

Router(config)# aaa local authentication attempts
max-fail 3

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Login Password Retry Lockout
Unlocking a Login Locked-Out User

Step 6

Command or Action


aaa authentication login default method

Sets the authentication, authorization, and accounting
(AAA) authentication method at login. For example, aaa
authentication login default local specifies the local
AAA user database.

Router(config)# aaa authentication login default

Unlocking a Login Locked-Out User
To unlock a login locked-out user, perform the following steps.


This task can be performed only by users having the root privilege (level 15).

1. enable
2. clear aaa local user lockout {username username | all}


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

clear aaa local user lockout {username username | all}

Unlocks a locked-out user.

Router# clear aaa local user lockout username user1

Clearing the Unsuccessful Login Attempts of a User
This task is useful for cases in which the user configuration was changed and the unsuccessful login attempts
of a user that are already logged must be cleared.
To clear the unsuccessful login attempts of a user that have already been logged, perform the following steps.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Login Password Retry Lockout
Monitoring and Maintaining Login Password Retry Lockout Status

1. enable
2. clear aaa local user fail-attempts {username username | all}


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

clear aaa local user fail-attempts {username
username | all}

Clears the unsuccessful attempts of the user.
• This command is useful for cases in which the user
configuration was changed and the unsuccessful attempts
that are already logged must be cleared.

Router# clear aaa local user fail-attempts
username user1

Monitoring and Maintaining Login Password Retry Lockout Status
To monitor and maintain the status of the Login Password Retry Lockout configuration, perform the following

1. enable
2. show aaa local user lockout


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Login Password Retry Lockout
Configuration Examples for Login Password Retry Lockout

Step 2

Command or Action


show aaa local user lockout

Displays a list of the locked-out users for the current login
password retry lockout configuration.

Router# show aaa local user lockout

The following output shows that user1 is locked out:
Router# show aaa local user lockout
Lock time
04:28:49 UTC Sat Jun 19 2004

Configuration Examples for Login Password Retry Lockout
Displaying the Login Password Retry Lockout Configuration Example
The following show running-config command output illustrates that the maximum number of failed user
attempts has been set for 2 as the login password retry lockout configuration:
Router # show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1214 bytes
version 12.3
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname LAC-2
username sysadmin
username sysad privilege 15 password 0 cisco
username user1 password 0 cisco
aaa new-model
aaa local authentication attempts max-fail 2
aaa authentication login default local
aaa dnis map enable
aaa session-id common

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Login Password Retry Lockout
Additional References

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to Login Password Retry Lockout.
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Cisco IOS security commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference






MIBs Link


To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB
Locator found at the following URL:





Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Login Password Retry Lockout
Feature Information for Login Password Retry Lockout

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Login Password Retry Lockout
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 34: Feature Information for Login Password Retry Lockout

Feature Name


Feature Information

Login Password Retry Lockout

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.9S

The Login Password Retry Lockout
feature allows system
administrators to lock out a local
AAA user account after a
configured number of unsuccessful
attempts by the user to log in.
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa local
authentication attempts max-fail,
clear aaa local user fail-attempts,
clear aaa local user lockout.

• local AAA method --Method by which it is possible to configure a local user database on a router and
to have AAA provision authentication or authorization of users from this database.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Login Password Retry Lockout

• local AAA user --User who is authenticated using the local AAA method.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

Login Password Retry Lockout

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



MSCHAP Version 2
The MSCHAP Version 2 feature (introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)XB5) allows Cisco routers to
utilize Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 2 (MSCHAP V2) authentication
for PPP connections between a computer using a Microsoft Windows operating system and a network access
server (NAS).
For Cisco IOS Release 12.4(6)T, MSCHAP V2 now supports a new feature: AAA Support for MSCHAPv2
Password Aging. Prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.4(6)T, when Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)-based
clients sent username and password values to the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
subsystem, AAA generated an authentication request to the RADIUS server. If the password expired, the
RADIUS server replied with an authentication failure message. The reason for the authentication failure was
not passed back to AAA subsystem; thus, users were denied access because of authentication failure but
were not informed why they were denied access.
The Password Aging feature, available in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(6)T, notifies crypto-based clients that the
password has expired and provides a generic way for the user to change the password. The Password Aging
feature supports only crypto-based clients.
• Finding Feature Information, page 257
• Prerequisites for MSCHAP Version 2, page 258
• Restrictions for MSCHAP Version 2, page 258
• Information About MSCHAP Version 2, page 258
• How to Configure MSCHAP Version 2, page 259
• Configuration Examples, page 263
• Additional References, page 264
• Feature Information for MSCHAP Version 2, page 265

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

MSCHAP Version 2
Prerequisites for MSCHAP Version 2

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for MSCHAP Version 2
• Configure an interface type and enter interface configuration mode by using the interface command.
• Configure the interface for PPP encapsulation by using the encapsulation command.
• Be sure that the client operating system supports all MSCHAP V2 capabilities.
• For Cisco IOS Release 12.4(6)T, the Password Aging feature only supports RADIUS authentication for
crypto-based clients.
• To ensure that the MSCHAP Version 2 features correctly interpret the authentication failure attributes
sent by the RADIUS server, you must configure the ppp max-bad-auth command and set the number
of authentication retries at two or more.
• In order for the MSCHAP Version 2 feature to support the ability to change a password, the authentication
failure attribute, which is sent by the RADIUS server, must be correctly interpreted as described in
Configuring MSCHAP V2 Authentication.
In addition, the radius server vsa send authentication command must be configured, allowing the RADIUS
client to send a vendor-specific attribute to the RADIUS server. The Change Password feature is supported
only for RADIUS authentication.
• The Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, and Microsoft Windows NT operating systems
have a known caveat that prevents the Change Password feature from working. You must download a
patch from Microsoft at the following URL:;en-us;Q326770
For more information on completing these tasks, see the section “PPP Configuration ” in the Cisco IOS Dial
Technologies Configuration Guide , Release 12.4T. The RADIUS server must be configured for authentication.
Refer to vendor-specific documentation for information on configuring RADIUS authentication on the RADIUS

Restrictions for MSCHAP Version 2
• MSCHAP V2 authentication is not compatible with MSCHAP V1 authentication.
• The change password option is supported only for RADIUS authentication and is not available for local

Information About MSCHAP Version 2
MSCHAP V2 authentication is the default authentication method used by the Microsoft Windows 2000
operating system. Cisco routers that support this authentication method enable Microsoft Windows 2000
operating system users to establish remote PPP sessions without configuring an authentication method on the

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

MSCHAP Version 2
How to Configure MSCHAP Version 2

MSCHAP V2 authentication introduced an additional feature not available with MSCHAP V1 or standard
CHAP authentication: the Change Password feature. This features allows the client to change the account
password if the RADIUS server reports that the password has expired.

MSCHAP V2 authentication is an updated version of MSCHAP that is similar to but incompatible with
MSCHAP Version 1 (V1). MSCHAP V2 introduces mutual authentication between peers and a Change
Password feature.


How to Configure MSCHAP Version 2
Configuring MSCHAP V2 Authentication
To configure the NAS to accept MSCHAP V2 authentication for local or RADIUS authentication and to allow
proper interpretation of authentication failure attributes and vendor-specific RADIUS attributes for RADIUS
authentication, use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. radius-server vsa send authentication
4. interface type number
5. ppp max-bad-auth number
6. ppp authentication ms-chap-v2
7. end


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Enters global configuration mode.

configure terminal
Router# configure terminal

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

MSCHAP Version 2
Verifying MSCHAP V2 Configuration

Step 3

Command or Action


radius-server vsa send authentication

Configures the NAS to recognize and use vendor-specific

Router(config)# radius-server vsa send

Step 4

interface type number

Configures an interface type and enters interface configuration

Router(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1

Step 5

ppp max-bad-auth number
Router(config-if)# ppp max-bad-auth 2

Configures a point-to-point interface to reset immediately after
an authentication failure or within a specified number of
authentication retries.
• The default value for the numberargument is 0 seconds
• The range is between 0 and 255.

Step 6

ppp authentication ms-chap-v2

The number argument must be set to a value of at least
2 for authentication failure attributes to be interpreted
by the NAS.

Enables MSCHAP V2 authentication on a NAS.

Router(config-if)# ppp authentication

Step 7

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.


Verifying MSCHAP V2 Configuration
To verify that the MSCHAP Version 2 feature is configured properly, perform the following steps.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

MSCHAP Version 2
Configuring Password Aging for Crypto-Based Clients

1. show running-config interface type number
2. debug ppp negotiation
3. debug ppp authentication


Step 1

Command or Action


show running-config interface type number

Verifies the configuration of MSCHAP V2 as the
authentication method for the specified interface.

Router# show running-config interface Asynch65

Step 2

Verifies successful MSCHAP V2 negotiation.

debug ppp negotiation
Router# debug ppp negotiation

Step 3

debug ppp authentication

Verifies successful MSCHAP V2 authentication.

Router# debug ppp authentication

Configuring Password Aging for Crypto-Based Clients
The AAA security services facilitate a variety of login authentication methods. Use the aaa authentication
logincommand to enable AAA authentication no matter which of the supported login authentication methods
you decide to use. With the aaa authentication logincommand, you create one or more lists of authentication
methods that are tried at login. These lists are applied using the login authentication line configuration
After the RADIUS server requests a new password, AAA queries the crypto client, which in turn prompts the
user to enter a new password.
To configure login authentication and password aging for crypto-based clients, use the following commands
beginning in global configuration mode.


The AAA Password Expiry infrastructure notifies the Easy VPN client that the password has expired and
provides a generic way for the user to change the password. Please use RADIUS-server domain-stripping
feature wisely in combination with AAA password expiry support.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

MSCHAP Version 2
Configuring Password Aging for Crypto-Based Clients

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa authentication login {default | list-name} passwd-expiry method1 [method2...]
5. crypto map map-name client authentication list list-name


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa new-model

Enables AAA globally.

Router(config)# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa authentication login {default | list-name} passwd-expiry Enables password aging for crypto-based clients on
a local authentication list.
method1 [method2...]
Router(config)# aaa authentication login userauthen
passwd-expiry group radius

Step 5

crypto map map-name client authentication list list-name Configures user authentication (a list of
authentication methods) on an existing crypto map.

Router(config)# crypto map clientmap client
authentication list userauthen

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

MSCHAP Version 2
Configuration Examples

Configuration Examples
Configuring Local Authentication Example
The following example configures PPP on an asynchronous interface and enables MSCHAP V2 authentication
interface Async65
ip address
encapsulation ppp
async mode dedicated
no peer default ip address
ppp max-bad-auth 3
ppp authentication ms-chap-v2
username client password secret

Configuring RADIUS Authentication Example
The following example configures PPP on an asynchronous interface and enables MSCHAP V2 authentication
interface Async65
ip address
encapsulation ppp
async mode dedicated
no peer default ip address
ppp max-bad-auth 3
ppp authentication ms-chap-v2
aaa authentication ppp default group radius
radius-server host
radius-server key secret
radius-server vsa send authentication

Configuring Password Aging with Crypto Authentication Example
The following example configures password aging by using AAA with a crypto-based client:
aaa authentication login userauthen passwd-expiry group radius
aaa session-id common
crypto isakmp policy 3
encr 3des
authentication pre-share
group 2
crypto isakmp client configuration group 3000client
key cisco123
pool ippool
acl 153
crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp-3des esp-sha-hmac

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

MSCHAP Version 2
Additional References

crypto dynamic-map dynmap 10
set transform-set myset
crypto map clientmap client authentication list userauthen
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
radius-server domain-stripping prefix-delimiter $
radius-server key cisco123
radius-server vsa send authentication
radius-server vsa send authentication 3gpp2

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the MSCHAP Version 2 feature.
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Configuring PPP interfaces

PPP Configuration in the Cisco IOS Dial
Technologies Configuration Guide , Release 12.4T.

Descriptions of the tasks and commands necessary Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Command Reference
to configure and maintain Cisco networking devices
Lists of IOS Security Commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference

Configuring PPP authentication using AAA

Configuring PPP Authentication Using AAA in the
Configuring Authentication module in the Cisco IOS
Security Configuration Guide: Securing User Services
, Release 12.4T.

Configuring RADIUS Authentication

Configuring RADIUS module in the Cisco IOS
Security Configuration Guide: Securing User
Services, Release 12.4T.



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

MSCHAP Version 2
Feature Information for MSCHAP Version 2


MIBs Link

No new or modified MIBs are supported by this

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB
Locator found at the following URL:



RFC 1661

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

RFC 2548

Microsoft Vendor-specific RADIUS Attributes

RFC 2759

Microsoft PPP CHAP Extensions, Version 2

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for MSCHAP Version 2
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

MSCHAP Version 2
Feature Information for MSCHAP Version 2

Table 35: Feature Information for MSCHAP Version 2

Feature Name


Feature Information

MSCHAP Version 2

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.9S

The MSCHAP Version 2 feature
allows Cisco routers to utilize
Microsoft Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol Version 2
(MSCHAP V2) authentication for
PPP connections between a
computer using a Microsoft
Windows operating system and a
network access server (NAS).
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa
authentication login, and ppp
authentication ms-chap-v2.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S



The AAA Broadcast Accounting--Mandatory Response Support feature provides a mechanism to support
broadcast accounting under each server group through a Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN), which acts
as a gateway between a General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) wireless data network and other networks
such as the Internet or private networks.
• Finding Feature Information, page 267
• Prerequisites for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support, page 268
• Restrictions for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support, page 268
• Information About AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support, page 268
• How AAA Broadcast Accounting is Supported for GGSN, page 269
• Configuration Examples for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support, page 272
• Additional References, page 273
• Feature Information for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support, page 274

Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support
Prerequisites for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support

Prerequisites for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory
Response Support
See the Cisco GGSN Release 8.0 Configuration Guide for more information on preparing for the GGSN

Restrictions for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory
Response Support
Accounting information can be sent simultaneously to a maximum of ten AAA servers.

Information About AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory
Response Support
The AAA Broadcast Accounting--Mandatory Response Support feature allows up to 10 server groups (methods)
to be configured in a method list. The following sections describe the types of AAA accounting used to support

AAA Broadcast Accounting
AAA broadcast accounting allows accounting information to be sent to multiple authentication, authorization,
and accounting (AAA) servers at the same time; that is, accounting information can be broadcast to one or
more AAA servers simultaneously. This functionality allows service providers to send accounting information
to their own private AAA servers and to the AAA servers of their end customers. It also provides redundant
billing information for voice applications.
Broadcasting is allowed among groups of servers, which can be either RADIUS or TACACS+, and each
server group can define its backup servers for failover independently of other groups. Failover is a process
that may occur when more than one server has been defined within a server group. Failover refers to the
process by which information is sent to the first server in a server group; if the first server is unavailable, the
information is sent to the next server in the server group. This process continues until the information is
successfully sent to one of the servers within the server group or until the list of available servers within the
server group is exhausted.

Simultaneous Broadcast and Wait Accounting
With Cisco GGSN Release 8.0 and later releases, broadcast and wait accounting can be configured to work
together. The wait accounting feature is configured at the Access Point Name (APN) level, while broadcast
accounting is specified at the AAA method level.
Broadcast accounting sends start, stop, and interim accounting records to all the server groups that are configured
in a method list. Within a server group, the accounting records are sent to the first active server. If the active
server cannot be reached, the accounting records are sent to the next server within a group.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support
How AAA Broadcast Accounting is Supported for GGSN

Additionally, one or more server groups within a method list can be configured as “mandatory,” meaning that
a server from that server group has to respond to the Accounting Start message. The APN-level wait accounting
ensures that an accounting response has been received from all mandatory server groups before the packet
data protocol (PDP) context is established.
The advantages of broadcast and wait accounting together include:
• Accounting records are sent to multiple servers, and once the entry is made, the user can start using
different services.
• Records are sent to multiple AAA servers for redundancy purposes.
• A PDP context is established only when a valid Accounting Start record has been received by all essential
servers, avoiding information loss.
• Broadcast records can be sent to as many as ten server groups within a method list.
When configuring broadcast and wait accounting together, note the following:
• Under the method list configuration, the mandatory keyword is available only if broadcast accounting
is configured.
• If wait accounting is not required, broadcast accounting to all server groups is available without any
mandatory groups defined.
• If you do not specify any mandatory server groups when configuring broadcast accounting, wait
accounting will function as it does in Cisco GGSN Release 7.0 and earlier releases.
• Wait accounting does not apply to PPP PDP contexts.
• A PDP is successfully created only when a Accounting response is received from all the mandatory
• The periodic timer starts when an Accounting Response (PDP creation) is received.


More than one server group can be defined as a mandatory server group in a method list.

How AAA Broadcast Accounting is Supported for GGSN
Configuring Broadcast and Wait Accounting on the GGSN
The tasks in this section describe how to configure broadcast and wait accounting on the GGSN.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support
Configuring Broadcast and Wait Accounting on the GGSN

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa accounting network {method-list-name | default}
5. action-type {start-stop | stop-only| none}
6. broadcast
7. group server-group [mandatory]
8. exit
9. gprs access-point-list list-name
10. access-point access-point-index
11. aaa-group accounting method-list name
12. gtp-response-message wait-accounting


Step 1

Command or Action



Enables privileged EXEC mode.


• Enter the password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa new-model

Enables new access control commands and functions (disables the old

Router# aaa new-model

Step 4

aaa accounting network {method-list-name Enables authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) accounting
of requested services for billing or security purposes when you use
| default}
RADIUS and enters accounting method list mode.
Router(config)# aaa accounting network

• The method-list-name argument is the named accounting list,
which has a maximum of 31 characters. Any characters longer
than the maximum are rejected.
• The default keywork specifies the default accounting list.

Step 5

action-type {start-stop | stop-only| none}

Performs a type of action on accounting records. Possible values are:

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support
Configuring Broadcast and Wait Accounting on the GGSN

Command or Action



• start-stop --Sends a “start” accounting notice at the beginning of
a process and a “stop” accounting notice at the end of a process.


• stop-only --Sends a “stop” accounting notice at the end of the
requested user process.
• none --Disables accounting services on this line or interface.

Step 6

(Optional) Enables sending accounting records to multiple AAA servers.
Simultaneously sends accounting records to the first server in each
group. If the first server is unavailable, failover occurs using the backup
servers defined within that group.


Step 7

group server-group [mandatory]

Specifies the server group. Optionally, specify the mandatory keyword
to define this server group as mandatory. If a server group is mandatory,
a server from the server group must respond to the Accounting Start

Router(cfg-acct-mlist)#group server1


Up to ten server groups can be defined within a method

Step 8


Exits accounting method list configuration mode.

Step 9

gprs access-point-list list-name

Configures an access point list that you use to define public data network
(PDN) access points on the GGSN and enters global configuration

Router(config)# gprs access-point-list

Step 10

access-point access-point-index

Specifies an access point number and enters access point configuration

Router(config-ap-list)# access-point

Step 11

aaa-group accounting method-list name

Specifies an accounting server group.

accounting net1

Step 12

gtp-response-message wait-accounting

Configures APN to wait for a RADIUS accounting response before
sending a Create PDP Context response to the Serving GPRS Support
Node (SGSN).

gtp-response-message wait-accounting

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support
Configuration Examples for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support

Configuration Examples for AAA Broadcast
Accounting-Mandatory Response Support
AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support Example
The following example globally configures the GGSN to wait for an accounting response from the RADIUS
server before sending a Create PDP Context response to the SGSN. The GGSN waits for a response for PDP
context requests received across all access points, except access-point 1. RADIUS response message waiting
has been overridden at access-point 1 by using the no gtp response-message wait-accounting command.
! Enables AAA globally
aaa new-model
! Defines AAA server group
aaa group server radius abc
server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
! Configures AAA authentication and authorization
aaa authentication ppp abc group abc
aaa authorization network abc group abc
aaa accounting network abc
action-type start-stop
group SG1 mandatory
group SG2
group SG3 mandatory
gprs access-point-list gprs
access-point 1
access-mode non-transparent
aaa-group authentication abc
! Disables waiting for RADIUS response
! message at APN 1
no gtp response-message wait-accounting
access-point 2
access-mode non-transparent
aaa-group authentication abc
! Enables waiting for RADIUS response
! messages across all APNs (except APN 1)
gprs gtp response-message wait-accounting
! Configures global RADIUS server hosts
! and specifies destination ports for
! authentication and accounting requests
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 non-standard
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 non-standard
radius-server key ggsntel

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support
Additional References

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the AAA Broadcast Accounting--Mandatory Response
Support feature.
Related Documents
Related Topic

Document Title

Preparation for the GGSN configuration

Cisco GGSN Release 8.0 Configuration Guide

AAA commands

Cisco IOS Security Command Reference Guide

AAA features

Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Securing
User Services



No new or modified standards are supported by this -feature, and support for existing standards has not
been modified by this feature.


MIBs Link

No new or modified MIBs are supported by this
feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been
modified by this feature.

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms,
Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB
Locator found at the following URL:



No new or modified RFCs are supported by this
feature, and support for existing RFCs has not been
modified by this feature.


Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support
Feature Information for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support

Technical Assistance


The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter,
and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory
Response Support
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support
Feature Information for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support

Table 36: Feature Information for AAA Broadcast Accounting--Mandatory Response Support

Feature Name


AAA Broadcast
Cisco IOS XE Release 3.9S
Accounting--Mandatory Response

Feature Information
The AAA Broadcast
Accounting--Mandatory Response
Support feature provides a
mechanism to support broadcast
accounting under each server group
through a Gateway GPRS Support
Node (GGSN), which acts as a
gateway between a General Packet
Radio Service (GPRS) wireless
data network and other networks
such as the Internet or private
The following commands were
introduced or modified: aaa
accounting network, aaa-group
accounting, access-point,
action-type, broadcast, gprs
access-point-list, group,

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S

AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support
Feature Information for AAA Broadcast Accounting-Mandatory Response Support

Authentication Authorization and Accounting Configuration Guide Cisco IOS XE Release 3S


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