B 4 N65317 From 337 Major Repair 2015 12 10
User Manual: B-4 N65317 From 337 Major Repair 2015-12-10
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rorm Apgovet & US OMB No. 2l?ff-0fl:ff ililAJOR REPAIR A}IB ALTERATION neP.knent {Ai rframe, 0l Trenspsrlation For FAA Use Gnly Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliaxce} Oflice ldentificaii0n Fede.+: Avialion AdsHinisaratiffi INSTRUCTIONS: Print or type all entries. See FAR 43.9, FAR 43 Appendix *, ard,AC 43-9-! {s. subsequent revision thsreof) fo. i.st.rctions and disposilion oithis form. This report is required by law {49 U.S.C. 1421}- -ailure to reFort can result in civil pena*y nat tr exceed 51,0$0 for esch such virlation i$e**cn SOt Federal Aviali*r': Act cf 1958). Male I'r {. Aircraft 1a Model lri :l F4 r'.1 65,11 ;:ea:€r B._,;:rl:crr;aa It::g Club I Address {.qs sf}srAfl &ri resisara*on ceftifreate) :3: Ei:l ST. Nam6 i.As sftown ofl rcgr$fratron cedrficat4 ffwiler PC.t &l*tianelity and Regisiration Mark $erial Ns. 19,J 3. - Itrr: ."isedham, Ma.021!l 3. F(}r FEA ljse Onlv 4. lrn:1 ldentification Unii 5= Model Make Serial No. Type Repair (As descnbecJ rn ltem 1 above) \}RFRAME }GW=RPLANI lROFELLER Type A?PLIANCE Manufactu.er 6. Cs]}:orin;ry Statemext A. Aqency's Name 6ftd Addr€ss B= .Ifrar=:r TruC--ru 2:2 E=-ch=:in,*n I-13 . it1i,,.:2 ll S CediflEle.l l*l.l . F,l{r. :.:)9444,-.)9 tule.har Forei. * Ce*ili€1ed A,,lechanlc _ioir:€. D. C. C€rtific*te Kind afAEency Certificaied Reoair Staiian I cer':i:y ths: tale repai. andlor alteration made lo the rnil(s) ider:tiied in itern 4 abcve and described on ilie reverse or attachments herel* have bee* made in accordance with the requi.ements *f Parl 43 of tire U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations and ihat lhe infermaticr: fumisled hereil !s lrue and correct io the hesl of my knowledge. uate Cdi 1J 7. Approrg{for Retyfn TfSeMdE-- Fursuant lc the auihority given persons spe*lfied b*law, the unit rdgfiiified in ftem 4 was inspected in the mann*r prescribed by the Administratorof :-eFederal AvialionAdmin;strationanda$ /7 l< APPROVED tf REJFCTED : FAA alt. S:*ndards I inspeclor r Manufucturer :, : lnspection Authorhation BY t AA I les!ilne-a Drte ofApproval er Rejecton iir'74 ii.: : Repair Stali0n Ce.tificate Gr Desigration No. 429+4e-?:;l : Person Approled by Transpori I Canads Ai,tnrorthiness Group '*"ff;:-':w FAA Form 337 i12€s) - ulnsr r$pec/ryl Alteraiian I.ISTISE Weight and balsrce or opcralhg lir:dafian c$anges s&alJ &e entered in the apprap{iate ar-rcraff record An att€ration rnusf 0e campatibl* with alt previous alferaiibns fo assuxe coafinaed conformity with the appliable ai"nvortirress r*quircments. 8. Description of Work Accomplished flirro# space is req*ir*d. aiach addtlionat sheels, ldentify with aircraft natianality and registration rnarl< and date wark completed.) Rem*ved prev;*L$ repair doubler to canopy hinge. Rivets were pulling through the skin a*d radiating cracks were obserYed in the rivet holes. Repaired torn out section { 1"x2" areai by inserting a i.8S0"xS", .050 u clannei} made up of 2024 T3 , ar:d riveting in place with 19 CR3213-4-3 rivets acrcss the tap of the channel ar:d 6 CR3212-4-2 along the sides oi the channel using the factory rivet hole locaiis.rs. The Pilatus 84 Mair:teaa*ce ar:d Relair Manua! Do*ument No. 23-1 1-00-01482 was used as the repair guide. As simiiar amounts ol material were .emoved from the previous repai: a *egligible weight change resulted. :.: Additianal Sheets Are Attached - u.s.G.=.c. 1990-7s1-753 .l I I ' l'lliTi:'{ 'i5 t,r.J.gtmer{ MAJOII REPAIR AND ALTERATION. '' "' pl ia n ce) (Ai rf ram e;' P i,iierpl an t, Pro pel I tirj' or np . :x ,}lf r(n /
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