[ Type] BDMSL Quick Start Guide V1.7

User Manual:

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Page Count: 8

Date: 20/07/2017
Connecting Europe Facility
Quick Start Guide
for the
Business Document Metadata
Service Location (BDMSL)
Document Approver(s):
Approver Name
CEF eDelivery
Document Reviewers:
Reviewer Name
Product Owner
Summary of Changes:
Created by
Short Description of Changes
Align to new template
Add configuration parameters
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. Purpose of the Quick Start Guide .............................................................................................. 4
1.2. Pre-requisites ............................................................................................................................ 4
2. PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................... 5
3. CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Initial parameters ...................................................................................................................... 7
4. CONTACT INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 8
BDMSL stands for Business Document Metadata Service Location. BDMSL is the sample
implementation of the SML maintained by DG DIGIT. The version of the BDMSL refered in this
document is 3.1. This version implements the e-SENS BDXL profile (put the reference in the table of
references: http://wiki.ds.unipi.gr/display/ESENS/PR+-+BDXL)
1.1. Purpose of the Quick Start Guide
This document provides a brief description of the installation of the BDMSL component. This
application uses Liquibase as a database management tool. Every war includes the SQL updates
written as XML Liquibase files. For the installation of the component, to avoid a failed deployment, it
is necessary to extract the XML Liquibase files, configure them and then execute the database
updates. Then the application can be launched.
This guide illustrates the different steps for an installation on a Tomcat server with a MySQL
database. If you use a different application server and/or a different database provider, please adapt
the command lines.
1.2. Pre-requisites
JDK 7+
Tomcat 8
o Unzip Tomcat in the directory tomcatDir
MySQL driver
o Put this driver into the folder tomcatDir/lib
Liquibase 3.4
The user configured for the data source in Tomcat must have administrative rights on the
For the example below we will assume the version is 3.1.
Unzip Liquibase in a directory. We will refer to this directory as liquibaseDir in the rest of
this document.
Download bdmsl-webapp-3.1-tomcat-mysql.war on CEF Digital Repository and put it at the
root of liquibaseDir
Open a command prompt in liquibaseDir
Run the following command lines:
unzip -p bdmsl-webapp-3.1-tomcat-mysql.war WEB-INF/classes/liquibase/db.changelog-master.xml
unzip -p bdmsl-webapp-3.1-tomcat-mysql.war WEB-INF/classes/liquibase/db.changelog-default-
data-inserts.xml >db.changelog-default-data-inserts.xml
unzip -p bdmsl-webapp-3.1-tomcat-mysql.war WEB-INF/classes/liquibase/db.changelog-create.xml
unzip -p bdmsl-webapp-3.1-tomcat-mysql.war WEB-INF/classes/liquibase/db.changelog-update-
3.0.1.xml >db.changelog-update-3.0.1.xml
unzip -p bdmsl-webapp-3.1-tomcat-mysql.war WEB-INF/classes/liquibase/db.changelog-update-
3.1.RC1.xml >db.changelog-update-3.1.RC1.xml
unzip -p bdmsl-webapp-3.1-tomcat-mysql.war WEB-INF/classes/liquibase/db.changelog-update-
3.1.RC2.xml >db.changelog-update-3.1.RC2.xml
unzip -p bdmsl-webapp-3.1-tomcat-mysql.war WEB-INF/classes/liquibase/db.changelog-version.xml
Open the file "db.changelog-default-data-inserts.xml": it contains the configuration settings
for the first launch. Change the values accordingly with your environment by uncommenting
the last change set (under Environment Specific comment: id = "999999") and adding
updates to the existing Data. For instance, you can change the default configuration path by
modifying the configurationDir property like this:
Create a new file liquibase.properties at the root of liquibaseDir and put the following
content in this file. You need to adapt the values for your environment:
driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
classpath: <tomcatDir>/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.34.jar
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bdmsl
username: root
password: root
changeLogFile: db.changelog-master.xml
Run the following command line in liquibaseDir:
liquibase update
Copy bdmsl-webapp-3.1-tomcat-mysql.war in the tomcatDir/webapp folder
Create a new data source in Tomcat named java:comp/env/jdbc/edelivery.
For that go to TOMCAT_HOME/conf/context.xml and add the block:
Start tomcat
In the configuration directory that you specified in the configurationDir property, you need to put
the following files:
keystore.jks (the name can be changed in the property keystoreFileName). This keystore
must contain your private key with the alias and password defined in properties
keystoreAlias and keystorePassword.
sig0.private (the name can be changed in the property dnsClient.SIG0KeyFileName). This file
is only required if you use DNSSEC (i.e. property dnsClient.SIG0Enabled set to true)
3.1. Initial parameters
After the execution of the liquibase script for the database apply the followings:
Switch the new property authentication.bluecoat.enabled in the table
BDMSL_CONFIGURATION to true if the SML must manage BlueCoat authentication.
Create the following property for each existing subdomain from the table
subdomain.validation.smpLogicalAddressProtocolRestriction.sampleSubDomain in the
table BDMSL_CONFIGURATION where sampleSubDomain is the subdomain name. The value
of the property can be all, http or https.
Create the following property for each existing subdomain from the table
BDMSL_SUBDOMAIN like subdomain.validation.participantIdRegex.sampleSubDomain in
table BDMSL_CONFIGURATION where sampleSubDomain is the subdomain name. The value
of this property must be populated with a regular expression to define the syntax of
accepted subdomain names in addition to ISO 15459 constraints governing these identifiers.
By default, the regular expression ^.*$ may be used. It accepts any sequence of characters
and therefore adds no restriction.
Configure properties dataInconsistencyAnalyzer.senderEmail and
dataInconsistencyAnalyzer.recipientEmail for sending and receiving Data Inconsistency
reports with appropriate email addresses.
Create the following property for each existing subdomain from the table
BDMSL_SUBDOMAIN like dnsClient.domain.sampleSubDomain in table
BDMSL_CONFIGURATION where sampleSubDomain is the domain name. The value of the
property must be the domain.
Restart the server(s).
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