Product Data Sheet BRK_4375 BRK 4375
User Manual: BRK_4375
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Product Data DeltaShear Piezoelectric DeltaShear® Accelerometers Uni-Gain®, DeltaTron® and Special Types “V” Types: 4321V, 4370V, 4371V, 4375V, 4381V, 4382V, 4383V, 4384V, 4391V and 4393V Uni-Gain® Types: 4321, 4370, 4371, 4375, 4378, 4379, 4381, 4382, 4383, 4384, 4391, 4393, Uni-Gain® DeltaTron® Types: 4394, 4395, 4396, 4397, 4398 and 4399 Special Types: 4326, 4374, 8305, 8309, 8318 and 8319 USES: ❍ DeltaTron® and Line-drive types with integral preamplifer ❍ Shock and vibration measurement and analysis ❍ Vibration monitoring ❍ Acceleration ranges cover 20 µ ms–2 to 1000 kms–2 ❍ Modal and structural analysis ❍ ❍ Vibration test control Frequency ranges cover from a fraction of a Hz to 60 kHz (+10% limit) ❍ Production and quality control ❍ ❍ Low sensitivity to extraneous environmental influences including temperature fluctuations ❍ Low sensitivity to base bending effects ❍ Individual calibration supplied ❍ Artificially aged for long term stability FEATURES: ❍ ❍ Competitively priced DeltaShear® “V” Types, especially suitable for permanent set-ups Uni-Gain ® types for easy interchangeability 4384 4384V Temperature ranges cover – 74°C to +250°C (–101 to +482°F) 4371 4371V 4383 4383V 4382 4382V 4370 4379V 4379 4381 4381V 4378 8309 8305 4394 4395 4374 4375 4375V 4396 4391 4391V 8318 4393 4393V 4397 Brüel & Kjær 4398 B 4399 K 8319 4326 4321 4321V celerometer Type 4374, Standard Reference Accelerometer Type 8305 and Shock Accelerometer Type 8309, all the piezoelectric accelerometers in this data sheet use the DeltaShear® design (see Fig. 1). Type 4374 uses the planar shear design, Type 8305 uses the inverted centre mounted compression design and Type 8309 uses the centre mounted compression design as shown in Fig. 3. The Brüel & Kjær transducer range incorporates accelerometers suitable for nearly all application requirements. In addition to the comprehensive range of piezoelectric accelerometers described in this Data Sheet, Brüel & Kjær supply accelerometers for heavy-duty industrial use and transducers specifically designed for special purpose applications. A summary of other Brüel & Kjær accelerometers is given on the back cover and further details of these transducers are given in their respective Product Data sheets. The active element of Brüel & Kjær accelerometers consists of piezoelectric discs or slices loaded by seismic masses and held in position by a clamping arrangement. When the accelerometer is subjected to vibration, the combined seismic mass exerts a variable force on the piezoelectric element. Due to the piezoelectric effect, this force produces a corresponding electrical charge. For frequencies from DC up to approximately one third of the resonance frequency of the accelerometer assembly, the acceleration of the seismic mass is equal to the acceleration of the whole transducer. Consequently, the charge produced by the piezoelectric element is proportional to the acceleration to which the transducer is subjected. The electrical signal output from Brüel & Kjær Accelerometers is selfgenerated, though the types with built-in preamplifiers require an external power supply for this signal to be measured. All the piezoelectric accelerometer types described in this Product Data sheet are supplied with an individual calibration chart and in most cases an individually measured frequency response curve. Data from these charts are summarized in the Specifications. Fig.1 The unique Brüel & Kjær DeltaShear design. M=Seismic Mass, P=Piezoelectric Element, B=base and R=Clamping Ring tivity, are typical. In contrast the sensitivity and other parameters for the Uni-Gain® accelerometers are guaranteed within tight tolerances for easy interchangeability without recalibration (see specifications on page 16 and 17). Except for the sensitivity, everything in this Product Data applies to both types. The piezoelectric elements of most of the accelerometers are PZ 23 lead zirconate titanate elements. The Shock Accelerometer Type 8309 has a specially formulated ferroelectric ceramic PZ 45. The Miniature Accelerometer Type 4374 and the High Sensitivity Accelerometers Types 4378 and 4379 have a lead zirconate titanate element PZ 27. The housing material of all the accelerometers is the same as the base material (given in the Specifications) except Type 4374, which has an nickel-chromium alloy housing. Uni-Gain® Sensitivity This designation indicates that the measured accelerometer sensitivity has been adjusted during manufacture to within 2% of a convenient value, for example (in 10 dB steps) 1, 3.16 or 10 pC/ms–2. Design and Construction All the accelerometers except Types 4321, 4321V and 4326 measure uniaxial acceleration. These types measure accelerations in three mutually perpendicular directions. With the exception of Triaxial Accelerometer Type 4326, Miniature Ac- Fig.2 All DeltaShear® “V” types are supplied in a robust plastic box “V” and Uni-Gain® Types Some of the piezoelectric accelerometers described in this Product Data sheet are available both as “V” types as well as Uni-Gain® types. The DeltaShear® without Uni-Gain® types are recognized by the “V” suffix in the type name. The only difference between these two types is that all the specifications on the calibration chart for “V” types, except the sensi2 Fig.3 Comparison and PlanarShear designs. M =Seismic Mass, P=Piezoelectric Element, B=Base, R=Clamping Ring and S=Spring Characteristics Charge and Voltage Sensitivity A piezoelectric accelerometer may be treated as a charge or voltage source. Its sensitivity is defined as the ratio of its output to the acceleration it is subjected to, and may be expressed in terms of charge per unit acceleration (e.g. pC/ms–2) or in terms of voltage per unit acceleration (e.g. mV/ ms–2). The sensitivities given in the individual Calibration Charts have been measured at 160 Hz with an acceleration of 100 ms–2. For a 99.9% confidence level the accuracy of the factory calibration is ± 2% and includes the influence of the connecting cable supplied with each accelerometer. With the exception of Triaxial Accelerometers Types 4321, 4321V and Lower Frequency Limit Type no. 4326, the direction of main axis sensitivity for these accelerometers is perpendicular to the base plane of the accelerometers. Types 4321, 4321V and 4326 have three mutually perpendicular axes of sensitivity. DeltaShear® Accelerometers The Delta design involves three piezoelectric elements and three masses arranged in a triangular configuration around a triangular centre post, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The Delta Shear® design gives a high sensitivity-to-mass ratio compared to other designs, a relatively high resonance frequency and high isolation from base strains and temperature transients. The excellent overall characteristics of this design make it ideal for both general purpose accelerometers and more specialized types. Sensitivity pC/ms–2 4321 1 ± 2% 4326 0.3 4370, 4381 10 ± 2% 4371, 4384 1 ± 2% 4374 DeltaTron® Accelerometers DeltaTron® accelerometers operate on a constant-current power supply and give output signals in the form of voltage modulation on the power supply line. Types 4394, 4395 and 4396 have insulated base. All DeltaTron® accelerometers are individually calibrated Uni-Gain® types. Line-drive Accelerometers High Sensitivity Line Drive Accelerometer Type 8318 and Underwater Accelerometer Type 8319 have builtin preamplifiers and operate according to the principle of current modulation (constant voltage supply). The Line-drive principle allows cable lengths of up to 1 km. Upper Frequency Limit Y X Z ≅ 0.11 4375, 4393 0.316 ± 2% 4378, 4379 31.6 ± 2% 4382, 4383 3.16 ± 2% 4391 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 Hz 1 ± 2% 4394, 4397 1 ± 2%† 4395, 4398 1 ± 2%† 4396, 4399 10 ± 2%† 8309 ≅ 0.004 8318 316 ± 2% 1 kHz 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 851205/2e Fig.4 Upper and lower frequency limits (10%) and sensitivities of accelerometers. ▲ denotes a line-drive type where the sensitivity is given in µA/ms– 2. Frequency limits also apply to “V” types Fig.5 Example of the calibration chart supplied with the Brüel & Kjær accelerometers, together with a frequency response curve 3 Lower Dynamic Measurement Limit for signal to noise ratio > 6 dB A L A L A Weight grams 4321 55 4326 10 4370 4381 L A L A L A L A L A L A L A A A L A S 43 C 4371, 4384 11 4374 0.65† C 4375 4393 2.4† C 4378, 4379 175 4382, 4383 17 4391 16 8309 8318 5 2 C C S S S S C S C S C S C S C S 2.4 C S 4396* 4399* 18.2 17.1 L 1 S 4395* 4398* 12.9 11.8 L A 0.5 Upper Dynamic Measurement Limit C 54 4394* 4397* 2.9 L L 0.05 0.2 0.02 0.1 Type no. 20 10 100 50 200 500 1000 mms–2 C 3† C 470 S 0.005 0.02 0.1 0.01 kms–2 0.05 0.2 0.5 2.0 1.0 10 5.0 50 20 S 200 100 1000 500 851206/2e Fig.6 Upper and lower dynamic measurement limits and weights of the accelerometers. Maximum limits (C = continuous sinusoidal vibration and S = shock) are peak values. Minimum limits (A = 1/3 -octave bandwidth up to individual accelerometer +10% upper frequency limit and L = Lin 2 Hz to 22 kHz) are RMS values. The dynamic limits are typical measurable vibration levels using the accelerometers plus Brüel & Kjær Charge Amplifier Type 2635. † denotes cable weight excluded. * Upper limit for shock is measured in the axial direction. Limits also apply to “V” types Transverse Sensitivity Accelerometers are slightly sensitive to acceleration normal to their main sensitivity axis. This transverse sensitivity is measured during the factory calibration process using a 30 Hz and 100 ms–2 excitation, and is given as a percentage of the corresponding main axis sensitivity. Most Uni-Gain®-Delta Shear® types have an indication of the angle of minimum transverse sensitivity. Frequency response The upper frequency limits given in the specifications are calculated as 30% and 22% of the mounted resonance frequency to give errors of less than 10% and 5% respectively. These calculations assume that the accelerometer is properly fixed to the test specimen, as poor mounting can have a marked effect on the mounted resonance frequency. The low-frequency response of an accelerometer depends primarily on the type of preamplifier used in the measurement set-up. A detailed discussion of the effects of the measuring system on the low-frequency response of an accelerometer is given in the Brüel & Kjær “Piezoelectric Accelerometers and Vibration Preamplifiers Handbook”. Line-drive Accelerometer Type 8318 and Underwater Accelerometer Type 8319 have a built-in preampli4 fier with a specified lower limiting frequency (LLF 10% limit) of 0.1 Hz and 0.3 Hz respectively. cube using a Calibration Exciter Type 4290. Most of the standard piezoelectric accelerometers types are supplied with an individual frequency response curve attached to their calibration chart. Types 4374, 4375, 4393 and all Delta Shear® (without UniGain®) types are not supplied with individual curves. DeltaTron® types are supplied with individual frequency curves from 10 to 10000 Hz as well as typical curves above and below this range. Phase Response and Damping The low damping of Brüel & Kjær Accelerometers leads to the single, well defined resonance peak plotted on the individual frequency response curves. Brüel & Kjær accelerometers can be used at frequencies up to 30% of their mounted resonance frequency without noticeable phase distortion being introduced. The phase response up to this frequency is 0° ± 1°. Transverse Resonance Frequency Typical values for the transverse resonance frequency are obtained by vibrating the accelerometers mounted on the side of a steel or beryllium Dynamic Range The dynamic range defines the range over which its electrical output is directly proportional to the acceleration applied to its base. Ca Ra Qa Ca Ra Charge Equivalent Cc Cc Va = Qa Ca + Cc Voltage Equivalent 760321e Fig.7 Equivalent circuit diagrams for accelerometers Upper Limit In general, the smaller the accelerometer the higher the vibration level at which it can be used. The upper limit depends on the type of vibration, and is determined by the prestressing of the piezoelectric element as well as by the mechanical strength of the element. For accelerometers with built-in preamplifiers, the maximum shock and continuous vibration limits given in the Specifications are measuring limits. For transportation and handling the maximum shock (± Peak Transport) and maximum continuous sinusoidal acceleration (± Peak Transport) limits for the Type 8318 are 1 kms–2 and 0.3 kms –2 respectively. The maximum shock and continuous vibration limits are specified for vibration in any direction and for frequencies of up to one third of the mounted resonance frequency. When measuring short duration transient signals, care must be taken to avoid ringing effects due to the high-frequency resonance of the accelerometer. A general rule of thumb for a half sine shock pulse to obtain amplitude errors of less than 5%, is to ensure that the duration of the pulse exceeds 10/fR , where fR is the mounted resonance frequency of the accelerometer. Lower Limit Theoretically, the output of a piezoelectric accelerometer is linear down to the acceleration of the seismic mass due to the thermal noise, but a practical lower limit is imposed by the noise level of the measurement system and by the environment in which measurements are made. Details concerning the selection of a suitable preamplifier, together with a discussion of environmental influences, can be found in the Brüel & Kjær “Piezoelectric Accelerometers and Vibration Preamplifiers” handbook. Fig.8 Aluminium screen used as a heat shield allowing the accelerometer to be operated at high temperatures (for example, Type 4370 up to 350 °C Electrical Impedance Fig. 7 shows the equivalent circuit diagram for accelerometers without built-in preamplifiers. Since the leakage resistance is very high, the accelerometers can be regarded as purely capacitive and the capacitances given in the Specifications are measured at 160 Hz. Line-drive accelerometers can be regarded as current sources, the ideal output impedance for a current source being infinite. The output impedance of these accelerometers is specified as a minimum resistance in Ohms (Ω). DeltaTron® accelerometers can be regarded as voltage sources, the ideal output impedance for an output source being zero. The output impedance of these accelerometers is specified as a maximum resistance in Ohms (Ω). Environmental Characteristics Temperature All Brüel & Kjær accelerometers are rated for a maximum operating temperature limit. At lower temperatures, the accelerometer piezoelectric element will exhibit temperature dependent variations in charge and voltage sensitivity, as well as impedance. Details of these variations are given on the individual calibration chart supplied with each accelerometer (see Fig. 5). The lower temperature limit for most accelerometers is specified as –74°C (–101°F), though this does not preclude the use of the accelerometers at lower temperatures. To make measurements on surfaces with very high temperatures some form of cooling is needed. Fig. 8 illustrates a method using a thin conductive plate and mica washer. For a 250°C (482°F) accelerometer this Fig.9 Sealing the accelerometer output connector for operation in humid environments methods allows measurements to be made on surfaces with temperatures of up to 350°C (662°F). With extra cooling, achieved by directing a stream of cooling air at the plate, surface temperatures of up to 450°C (842°F) may be tolerated. When the insulating stud YP 0150 is used to mount an accelerometer at operating temperatures greater than 80°C, creeping may occur causing a reduction in the mounted resonant frequency, and a lowering of the maximum shock capability. Temperature Transients Piezoelectric accelerometers exhibit a small sensitivity to temperature fluctuations. This effect is significant when low frequency, low level accelerations are being measured. The temperature transient sensitivity is determined by attaching the accelerometer to an aluminium block, with a weight approximately ten times that of the accelerometer, and immersing these in a liquid bath where the temperature difference from room temperature is approximately 30°C. The maximum resulting output from the accelerometer is recorded, and the sensitivity given in ms–2/°C for a specified LLF. This output will be approximately inversely proportional to the LLF. Humidity Brüel& Kjær accelerometers are sealed with either a welded, or epoxy sealed housing giving a high resistance to the majority of corrosive agents found in industry. Use of moisture impervious Teflon cables and sealing, as shown in Fig. 9, will permit use in environments where heavy condensation is likely. Suitable sealants are Dow Corning’s RTV 738 or similar compounds. Acoustic Pressure The acoustic sensitivity of Brüel & Kjær accelerometers is low and for most vibration measurement applications can be neglected. Normally the acoustically induced vibration signal from the structure being measured is much greater than the signal due to the acoustic sensitivity. The acoustic sensitivity is specified as the equivalent acceleration given by a 154 dB sound pressure level and measured in the frequency range 2 to 100 Hz. Nuclear Radiation Except Types with built-in preamplifier all Brüel & Kjær accelerometers 5 Fig.11 Recommended tolerances for the mounting surfaces. Dimensions and symbols in accordance with ISO 1101 Fig.10 Recommended mounting nique using a steel stud tech- may be used under gamma radiation (100 Gy/h, 6 MeV) up to accumulated doses of 20 kGy (1 Gy = 100 Rad). Tests indicate that these accelerometers show less than 10% sensitivity change after such exposure. Normal types of accelerometer cable may be used, but special cables are recommended for accumulated doses exceeding 1 k Gy. For greater exposure levels or for use under heavy neutron radiation, Industrial Accelerometer Type 8324 is recommended, and special cables are available (see separate Product Data sheet). Base Strains These may be introduced into the accelerometer by distortion of the structure being measured. To minimise base strain outputs the DeltaShear® design is used. The base strain sensitivity of Brüel & Kjær accelerometers is measured by mounting the accelerometer on a cantilever beam, and producing a strain of 250 µε at the point of attachment. The sensitivity is calculated from the resulting output, and is given in ms–2/µε. Mounting Brüel & Kjær accelerometers can be mounted with their main sensitivity axis aligned in any direction. Recommended Mounting Technique Fig. 10 shows the recommended mounting method for most of the accelerometer types. The accelerome6 Fig.12 Alternative mounting techniques ters are screwed using a threaded steel stud onto a clean metal surface meeting the requirements specified in Fig. 11. Under normal circumstances the absolute minimum depth of 4 mm will not be sufficient to accommodate the mounting stud, but is the minimum depth required to hold a stud securely. The optimum torque for tightening 10–32 UNF steel studs is 1.8 Nm (15 lb in), for M3 steel studs it is 0.6 Nm (5 lb in) and for M8 steel studs it is 4.6 Nm (38 lb in). This mounting method is used in obtaining the specifications of all the accelerometers with the following exceptions: Type 4374 which, due to its small size, cannot be mounted using a stud. The recommended mounting technique, used to obtain the specifications, utilises a quick setting methyl cyanoacrylate cement (Brüel & Kjær no. QS 0007). The tolerances on the clean metal mounting surface shown in Fig. 11 are required. Type 8309 has an M5 metric screw stud as an integral part of its base. The tolerances shown in Fig. 11 apply, and the optimum torque is 1.8 Nm (15 lb in). When using the recommended technique, it should also be noted that if the mounting surface is not perfectly smooth, the application of a thin layer of grease to the base of the accelerometer before screwing it down on the mounting surface will improve the mounting stiffness. Alternative Mounting Techniques When mounting techniques other than the recommended technique are used, the accelerometer mounted resonance frequency will probably be lowered. Fig. 12 shows some alternative mounting techniques. The section en- titled Standard Accessories lists the mounting accessories that are supplied with the individual accelerometer types. These mounting techniques are described in more detail in the Brüel & Kjær “Piezoelectric Accelerometers and Vibration Preamplifiers” handbook, where the effects of the different methods on the frequency response curve of an accelerometer are illustrated. Fig.13 Clamping the accelerometer cable to minimize cable noise Connecting Cables A number of cables are available for connection of Brüel & Kjær accelerometers. Refer to page 19 and 20 for an overview of the various cables and connector types. Types 4391, 4391V and 4391E require TNC connectors. Type 8318, which also requires a TNC connector, is supplied with a spiral, TNC to TNC connector, cable AO 0268. Type 8319 is supplied with a 10 m integral cable with a TNC connector. Miniature Accelerometers Types 4374, 4375 and 4375V have integral cables, with a minimum length of 0.32 m, and miniature coaxial plugs. Furthermore, extension connectors and cable AO 0038 are supplied. Types 4393 and 4393V require subminiature connectors. Type 4393 is supplied with a subminiature to miniature plug coaxial cable AO 0283. All cables include a special noise reduction treatment and are individually tested with regard to mechanical and electrical performance. The max. temperature rating is 260°C (500°F) except for cable AO 0268 which is rated at 85°C (185°F). DeltaTron® accelerometers are supplied with a double-screened cable to reduce the electromagnetic interference to the absolute minimum. The section entitled Standard Accessories lists the cables and connectors supplied with each accelerometer. Additional cable lengths and connectors can be ordered (see Additional Accessories Available and the Cables With and Without Connectors table). Details of the accelerometer connections and recommended plug clearances can be found in the section entitled Accelerometer Dimensions. It is good practice to clamp down loose cables, as shown in Fig. 13, and this will also help to reduce any possibility of dynamically induced noise being generated by the cables. Fig.14 Brüel & Kjær vibration preamplifiers with charge input 932238/1e Fig.15 Calibration instrumentation Preamplifiers and Power Supplies Supply WB 1372 or 8 Channel DeltaTron® Supply Type 5963. DeltaTron® Amplifier Type 2646 is a miniature charge to DeltaTron® amplifier. With the exception of DeltaTron® accelerometers that have built-in preamplifiers, the outputs from Brüel & Kjær charge accelerometers need to be fed through a preamplifier. Charge amplifiers are recommended, and Brüel & Kjær produce a wide selection of high performance preamplifiers for this purpose (see Fig. 14). Details of these can be found in their respective Product Data sheets. DeltaTron® accelerometers require Single Channel DeltaTron® Power Line Drive Accelerometer Type 8318 and Underwater Accelerometer Type 8319 have a built-in preamplifier, but require Preamplifier EQ 2126 and Power Supply EQ 2127 due to the line drive principle. Type 8318 can also be supplied as 8318/ WH 2146 with charge output. Using charge preamplifiers, very long connection cables can be used without altering the specified sensitivity of the accelerometer and preamplifier combination. 7 Since ease of calibration and measurement are usually just as important as overall gain and frequency range, most Brüel & Kjær Preamplifiers have one or more of the following signal conditioning aids: own frequency response, sensitivity and system calibration, Brüel & Kjær manufacture the apparatus shown in Fig. 15, for which separate Product Data sheets are available. Sensitivity Conditioning Networks Allow direct dial-in of transducer sensitivity on the preamplifier, giving unified system sensitivities. Individual Brüel & Kjær Accelerometer Types Integration Networks Automatically convert measured acceleration to a velocity and/or displacement proportional signal. High- and Low-pass Filters Permit selection of different lower and upper frequency limits on the preamplifier to exclude unwanted signals and the influence of the accelerometer resonance from measurements. Calibration Factory Calibration Brüel & Kjær accelerometers are thoroughly checked and examined at all stages of manufacture and assembly. Each accelerometer undergoes an extensive calibration procedure and artificial ageing process so as to ensure completely predictable performance and stable operation. Accurate numerical details of the calibration are reported on the calibration chart supplied with each transducer (see Fig. 5). Calibration of Brüel & Kjær Piezoelectric Accelerometers is by back-toback comparison with a primary reference standard accelerometer calibrated at the Danish Primary Laboratory of Acoustics (DPLA), regularly checked by the American National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), the German Physikalisch–Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) for traceability. The overall accuracy of the back-to-back comparison is 2% with a 99.9% confidence level (1.6% for a 99% confidence level), while for the interferometry method the accuracy is better than ± 0.6% with a 99% confidence level. Subsequent Calibration Regular calibration of accelerometers helps maintain confidence in the measurements taken and indicates whether accelerometers have been damaged. To help users perform their 8 Dimensions and specifications for the accelerometers can be found in the schemes given towards the end of this Product Data sheet. In addition to the general features so far described, some of these accelerometers have been designed for more specialized applications, and the special features of these accelerometers are discussed below. Accelerometers with an Insulated Base Types 4391, 4391V and 4391E See Fig. 16. Industrial Accelerometer Type 4391V is also available as UniGain® Accelerometer Type 4391. The Uni-Gain® version has a tolerance of ±2%. Both types are suitable for most vibration measurement applications and are certified intrinsically safe to EEx ia IIA T4, T5 and T6. Intrinsically Safe Accelerometer Type 4391E is a special version that is certified intrinsically safe to EEx ia I/IIC T4, T5 and T6. The base of Types 4391/V/E is electrically insulated to prevent ground loops which might otherwise distort the vibration signal being measured. The accelerometers are tested at 500 V and typically show that the resistance to ground loop effects is 50 M Ω. Connection to other instruments is made using a sturdy top mounted TNC connector. A strong spiralwound mini-noise cable A0 0268 is available for use with these accelerometers. 4397 4395 4398 4396 4399 Fig.17 DeltaTron® Accelerometers Types 4394, 4395, 4396, 4397, 4398 and 4399 The DeltaTron® accelerometers (Fig. 17) are constructed to the proven Brüel & Kjær DeltaShear design with the addition of an integral preamplifier. They require an external constant-current power supply and operate as voltage sources. DeltaTron® accelerometers operate over a frequency range from below 1 Hz to approximately half the resonance frequency of the accelerometer assembly. They are available in two forms, with or without an insulated base. For further details see the separate Product Data sheet. Triaxial Accelerometers Types 4321 and 4321V Consist of three separate Delta Shear® Accelerometers in a single housing which are accurately aligned so that vibration in three mutually perpendicular directions can be measured (Fig. 18). Triaxial Accelerometer Type 4326 Type 4326 (Fig. 19) has three separate ThetaShear® accelerometers in a miniature housing. Its size and weight make it ideal for use in confined spaces or with delicate structures. Type 4326 has M3 4391, 4391V & 4391E Fig.16 4394 4321 & 4321V Fig.18 4374 8309 4326 Fig.19 Fig.21 Fig.23 subminiature connectors made of titanium. Miniature Accelerometer Type 4374 This accelerometer (Fig. 21) has been designed to measure the vibration of very lightweight structures where high level, high frequency vibration signals are commonly encountered, and where the use of heavier transducers would alter the mode of vibration, invalidating measurements. Typical application areas are measurements on thin vibrating panels, model testing, work in confined spaces and measurement of moderately high level shock. Type 4374 features a planar shear construction, weighs 0.65 grams (excluding cable) and is suitable for measurement at frequencies up to 26 kHz (10% limit). The accelerometer has an integral 32 to 40 cm long connection cable with miniature coaxial plug attached, and has a plane base for wax or cement mounting. very light structures in preference to Types 4393 and 4393 V. High Sensitivity Line-drive Accelerometer Type 8318 Type 8318 (Fig. 20) is a very high sensitivity DeltaShear® accelerometer with a built-in line-drive preamplifier. The Uni-Gain® sensitivity is 316 µA/ms–2. The high sensitivity of this accelerometer makes it suitable for measuring very low level vibrations over a frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 1 kHz (10% limit). With a third octave or narrow band filter included in the measuring arrangement, measurement of vibration levels down to 0.00002 ms–2 is possible. Principal applications are in vibration investigations on large structures such as buildings, bridges and ships. It is also useful for seismic work. Due to the line drive principle a Preamplifier Type EQ 2126 and a Power Supply EQ 2127 are required. 8318/WH 2146 is a special version of 8318 with charge output. Connection to measuring instruments is made via a TNC connector, and a 1.1 m long spiral TNC to TNC cable is supplied with the accelerometer. The spiral cable can stretch to approx. 4 m without being damaged. For mounting the 8318, 16 mm long M8 threaded steel studs are supplied with the accelerometer as standard accessories. Four self-adhesive mounting discs DU 0079 are also supplied. 8318 Fig.20 Miniature Accelerometers Types 4375, 4375V, 4393 and 4393V These accelerometers (Fig. 22) are suitable for measurements on lightweight structures where relatively high level, high frequency vibrations are found. The principal application areas are similar to those of the Type 4374. Types 4375, 4375 V, 4393 and 4393 V have a DeltaShear® construction. Types 4375 and 4393 are UniGain® types. All types weigh 2.4 grams (excluding cable), and can be used for measurement of frequencies up to 16.5 kHz (10% limit). Types 4375 and 4375 V have an integral 32 to 40 cm long connection cable with miniature coaxial plug attached. Types 4393 and 4393 V have a sub-miniature coaxial socket for cable connection. All accelerometer types have M3 screw threads for stud mounting. Types 4375 and 4375 V are used for more permanent vibration monitoring applications on 4393 & 4393V Fig.22 Shock Accelerometer Type 8309 Accelerometer Type 8309 (Fig. 23) is especially intended for measurement of very high level continuous vibration and mechanical shock up to 150 kms–2 and 1000 kms–2 peak, respectively. The 8309 is of a particularly sturdy construction necessary for withstanding very high level continuous vibration and shock. Its PZ 45 piezoelectric element is prepared and treated to withstand very high dynamic stress with negligible problems of “zero shift”. Type 8309 has an integral 32 to 40 cm long output cable, which gives the advantage of a reliable output connection at very high shock levels. For rigid mounting, the base of the 8309 has an integral M5 threaded fixing stud which is adequately dimensioned to transmit the full motion of the test object to the piezoelectric element without distortion. What to Order Uni-Gain® accelerometers available from Brüel & Kjær can be supplied in the form of a Set. An Accelerometer Set (suffix S after type number) consists of a single accelerometer complete with cable and a range of accessories in a mahogany case such as shown in Fig.16. Accelerometer Type 8318 is supplied only as an Accelerometer Set. 4375 & 4375V Fig.24 Accelerometer set 9 Standard Accessories Brüel & Kjær Part No. Standard Accessories S model includes accessory set (UA xxxx) in addition to standard accessories (–): 4370/1 4381/2/3/4 4370V/1V 4381V/2V/ 3V/4V 4321 4321V UA 0078 UA0146 – – 1* 3* 4326 AO 0038 AO 0231 260°C (500°F) Teflon® super-low-noise cable, AC 0005 fitted with one 10 –32 UNF connector and one TNC connector. Length 3 m (10 ft) AO 0268 85°C (185°F) spiralized low-noise cable, AC 0205 with polyurethane jacket, fitted with TNC connectors. Length 1.1 to 4m. Spiral ∅ 12.5 mm. AO 0283 260°C (500°F) Teflon® super-low-noise cable, AC 0205 (∅ 1.5 mm) fitted with 10– 32 UNF and M 3 connectors. Length 1.2 m (4 ft) 3* UA 1243 3 × 30 pcs. of red/green/yellow cable markers 1* JJ 0032 Extension connector for Brüel & Kjær cables fitted with 10–32 UNF connectors JP 0012 JP 0162 10–32 UNF to TNC connector adaptor YQ 2960 10–32 UNF threaded steel stud. Length 0.5 in. 10–32 UNF insulated stud. Length 0.5 in. YQ 2007 M3 threaded steel stud. Length 8 mm YQ 2003 M3 threaded steel stud. Length 5 mm YQ 9335 M8 steel stud. Length 16 mm DB 0756 Cement stud 10–32 UNF. ∅ 14 mm DB 2790 Cement stud 10–32 UNF. ∅ 25 mm DB 0757 Cement stud M3. ∅ 8 mm 8318 – – 1 1† – – 8309 UA0415 – 1 – 1 1 1‡ 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 3 1† 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 5 1 3* 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 Mounting magnet & 2 insulating discs DS 0553 UA 1077 Small mounting magnet & 2 insulating discs DS 0786 DU 0079 1 × adhesive mounting disc. ∅ 40 mm YO 0073 25 × adhesive mounting disc. ∅ 5.5 mm QS 0007 Tube of cyanoacrylate adhesive YJ 0216 Beeswax for mounting 1 1 YO 0534 Insulating mica washer ∅ 15, ∅ 5 mm 1 1 YO 0746 Insulating mica washer ∅ 25, ∅ 5 mm QA 0029 Tap for 10–32 UNF thread 1 1 QA 0041 Tap for M3 thread QA 0068 Tap for M5 thread QA 0141 Tap for M8 thread QA 0013 Hexagonal key for 10 –32 UNF studs QA 0042 Hexagonal key for M3 studs QA 0038 Hexagonal key for M4 studs QA 0121 Hexagonal key for M8 studs QA 0220 Cable connecting/removal tool YM 0334 M3 nut YM 0414 10–32 UNF nut YQ 0093 M4 threaded steel screw. Length 16 mm YQ 8941 M2 × 10 steel screw YP 0080 DB 0544 Probe with sharp tip. 10–32 UNF Round tip 10 4378 4379 1 UA 0642 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1* 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1* 1 1 1 1 1* 1 1 1 1 1 1 3* 1 Individual calibration chart 1 1 Individual frequency response curve 1* 1* * Only for types with no suffix (“V”, “A” and “E” types) † Only Type 4375 ‡ Only Type 4393 4375 4391 4375V 4391V 4393 4391E 4393V UA1079 UA0629 UA0844 UA0856 – 260°C (500°F) Teflon® super-low-noise cable, AC 0005 (∅ 2 mm) fitted with 10 –32 UNF connectors JP 0012. Length 1.2 m (4 ft) YP 0150 4374 1 1 1 1 1 1 1* 1 1 1 DeltaTron® Accessories Brüel & Kjær Part No. Standard Accessories S model includes accessory set (UA xxxx) in addition to standard accessories (–): 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 UA1218 UA1219 UA1219 UA1218 UA1219 UA1219 – AO 1381 Teflon low-noise cable, double screened AC 0104 (∅ 1.6 mm). Fitted with 10–32 UNF and M3 connectors. Length 1.2 m (4 ft) AO 1382 Teflon low-noise cable, double screened AC 0104 (∅ 1.6 mm). Fitted with 10–32 UNF connectors. Length 1.2 m (4 ft) – – – 1 1 – – 1 1 1 1 1 JJ 0032 Extension connector for cables fitted with 10– 32 UNF connectors 3 3 3 3 3 3 JP 0145 10–32 UNF to BNC connector adaptor 1 1 1 1 1 1 YS 8321 Steel stud M3/M3 (UA 1221 is a set of 25 of these studs) 3 YQ 2003 Steel Stud M3, 5 mm long YQ 2960 10–32 UNF threaded steel stud. Length 0.5 in. 2 2 2 2 YQ 2962 10–32 UNF threaded steel stud. Length 0.3 in. 3 3 3 3 DB 0757 Cement stud M3. ∅ 8 mm 3 1 1 DB 0756 Cement stud 10–32 UNF. ∅ 14 mm YG 0150 Steel stud 10 – 32 UNF/10 – 32 UNF with flange UA 0642 Mounting magnet & 2 insulating discs DS 0553 YJ 0216 Beeswax for mounting 1 YO 0073 25 × adhesive mounting disc. ∅ 5.5 mm 1 QS 0007 Tube of cyanoacrylate adhesive 1 1 QA 0041 Tap for M3 thread 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 QA 0029 Tap for 10–32 UNF thread QA 0042 Hexagonal key for M3 studs 1 1 QA 0013 Hexagonal key for 10 –32 UNF studs 1 1 1 YM 0414 10–32 UNF nut 1 1 1 BC 0200 Individual calibration chart 1 1 1 1 1 1 Individual frequency response curve 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cable Assembly Overview Standard Cable 6) Accelerometer Connector Extension Connector Plug Customer Assembled Cable Free-length Cable Plug Adaptor Front-end Connector AO 0283 M3 (Female) AO 0339 10 – 32 UNF AO 0066 AO 1381 AO 0104 10 – 32 UNF (Male) JJ 0207 2-pin TNC JP 0145 BNC AO 0205 AO 0038 JP 0032 3) JP 0012 1) JP 0012 1) AO 0005 JJ 0032 3) AO 0122 AO 0208 AO 0463 AO 0406 5) JP 0056 2) AO 0200 JP 0056 2) AO 1419 10 – 32 UNF (Female) AO 1382 JP 0162 AO 0231 AO 0231 UA 0641 4) TNC (Female) TNC AO 0193 AO 0268 JJ 0175 960335e 1) Available in set with 25 pcs. as UA 0130 2) Available in set with 25 pcs. as UA 0730 3) Available in set with 25 pcs. as UA 0186 4) For accelerometers with top connector 5) AO 0406 includes JP 0145 6) See also table on last page 11 Additional Accessories Available JJ 0175: Extension connector for TNC to TNC cable. JJ 0207: 2-pin TNC to 10–32 UNF plug adaptor. JP 0145: 10–32 UNF to BNC plug adaptor. JP 0162: 10–32 UNF to TNC plug adaptor. UA 0641: 10–32 UNF to BNC extension connector for accelerometers with top connector. UA 0643: Set of 5 10–32 UNF mounting magnets UA 0642, ∅ 24.45 mm. Includes PTFE self adhesive discs DS 0553 for electrical insulation. UA 1075: Set of 5 UA 1077, M3 ∅ 10.2 mm. Includes PTFE self adhesive discs DS 0786 for electrical insulation. UA 0130: Set of 25 plugs JP 0012 for cable AC 0104 and AC 0005. UA 0730: Set of 25 plugs JP 0056 for cable AC 0200. For mounting the plugs, the assembly tool QA 0035 is required. QA 0035: Assembly tool for mounting miniature plugs on accelerometer cables. UA 0186: Set of 25 extension connectors JJ 0032 for miniature cables with plugs JP 0012 and JP 0056. UA 1221: Set of 25 M3/M3 steel studs YS 8321. UA 1192: Set of 10 10–32 UNF/ 10–32 UNF insulating studs UA 1215 UA 1193: Set of 10 M3/M3 insulating studs UA 1216. UA 0866: Set of 25 10–32 UNF cement studs DB 0756 UA 0867: Set of 25 M3 cement studs DB 0757. UA 0125: Set of 10 insulating studs YP 0150, 10 steel studs YQ 2960, 10 nuts YM 0414, 10 mica washers YO 0534 plus 10–32 UNF tap and hexagonal key for 10–32 UNF studs. UA 0553: Set of 5 electrically insulated Mechanical Filters UA 0559, plus a tommy bar for mounting. Also available with M3 thread as WA 0224 (only 1 pc.). UA 1243: 3 × 30 red/green/yellow cable markers for AC 0205/AC 0104 UA 1244: 3 × 30 red/green/yellow cable markers for AC 0005/AC 0208. BB 0694: Piezoelectric Accelerometers and Vibration Preamplifiers, Theory and Application Handbook. 12 Accelerometer Dimensions All dimensions in mm Types 4321 & 4321V Types 4391 & 4391V Type 4326 Type 4326 Type 4326 has M3 sub-miniature connectors Types 4375 & 4375V Types 4393 & 4393V Centre of gravity: “o” seismic mass — “x” whole assembly 13 Accelerometer Dimensions Types 4371 & 4371V All dimensions in mm Types 4378 & 4378V Types 4384 & 4384V 841391/1e Types 4382 & 4382V Types 4383 & 4383V 841531/2e Types 4381 & 4381V Centre of gravity: “o” seismic mass — “x” whole assembly 14 Types 4370 & 4370V DeltaTron® Accelerometer Dimensions All dimensions in mm Centre of gravity: “o” seismic mass — “x” whole assembly 15 Specifications1 4375 4375V Weight grams Charge Sensitivity for Uni-Gain®DeltaShear® types2, 5 Voltage Sensitivity for Uni-Gain®DeltaShear® types5 Charge Sensitivity for DeltaShear® “V” types −2 pC/ms pC/g mV/ms mV/g pC/ms−2 pC/g mV/ms Voltage Sensitivity for DeltaShear® “V” types mV/g Mounted Resonance5, kHz Frequency Range5, 6, 6 −2 −2 5% Hz 9 Max. Transverse Sensitivity1, 5, 8 Transverse Resonance Magnetic Sensitivity (50 Hz – 0.03 T) 4382 4382V 4391 4391V 4383 4383V 4370 4370V 4381 4381V 2.410 11 16 17 0.316 ± 2% 1 ± 2% 1 ± 2% 3.16 ± 2% 10 ± 2% 3.1 ± 2% 9.8 ± 2% 9.8 ± 2% 31 ± 2% 98 ± 2% 0.48 0.8 0.8 2.6 8 4.8 8 8 26 80 0.3 ± 15% 1 ± 15% 1 ± 15% 3 ± 15% 10 ± 15% 3 ± 15% 10 ±15% 10 ± 15% 31 ± 15% 98 ± 15% 0.5 0.8 0.8 2.6 8 5 8 8 26 80 55 42 40 28 16 0.2 – 12 000 0.2 – 9100 0.2 – 8700 0.2 – 6100 0.2 – 3500 4 54 43 0.1 – 12 600 0.1 – 12 000 0.1 – 8400 0.1 – 4800 650 1200 1200 1200 1200 % <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 kHz 18 15 12 10 4 PZ 23 PZ 23 PZ 23 PZ 23 PZ 23 DeltaShear DeltaShear DeltaShear DeltaShear DeltaShear ms−2/µε 0.005 0.02 0.005 0.01 0.003 g/µε 0.0005 0.002 0.0005 0.001 0.0003 Construction Temperature Transient Sensitivity (3Hz LLF, 20dB/decade) 4371 4371V 0.1 – 16 500 Piezoelectric Material Base Strain Sensitivity (in base plane at 250 µε) 4384 4384V pF 10% Hz Capacitance5, 7 4393 4393V −2 ms /°C 5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.02 0.04 0.28 0.022 0.011 0.0056 0.0011 0.0022 ms−2/T 30 4 4 1 1 g/kGauss 0.3 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.0002 0.0001 g/°F −2 Acoustic Sensitivity Equiv. Acc. at 154 dB SPL (2 – 100 Hz) ms Min. Leakage Resistance at 20°C GΩ 20 20 20 20 20 °C –74 to 250 –74 to 250 –60 to 180 –74 to 250 –74 to 250 250 200 20 50 20 25000 20000 2000 5000 2000 50 60 20 20 20 Ambient Temperature Range Max. Operational Shock (± Peak) g kms−2 g Max. Operational Continuous Sinusoidal Acceleration (Peak) Max. Acceleration (Peak) with mounting magnet Base Material 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 kms −2 g 5000 6000 2000 2000 2000 kms−2 – 1.5 1.2 1.2 0.6 g – 150 120 120 60 Titanium ASTM Gr. 2 Titanium ASTM Gr. 2 Titanium ASTM Gr. 2 Titanium ASTM Gr. 2 Data obtained in accordance with ANSI S2. 11-69 and ISO/DIS 5347 Uni-Gain measured sensitivity adjusted to ±2% Built-in Line-drive preamplifier. Sensitivity in µA/ms-2 Local resonances of up to ±1.5 dB permitted Individual specifications given on the calibration chart for Uni-Gain types Individual curves not supplied with 4375, 4393, 4374, 4321 and 8309 or DeltaShear“V” types 7 8 9 Steel AISI 316 Titanium ASTM Gr. 2 With cable supplied as standard accessory, or integral cable Axis of minimum transverse sensitivity indicated for Uni-Gain types (except 4321, 4374, 8309) The low frequency cut-off is determined by the preamplifier and environmental conditions Note: All values are typical at 25°C (77°F), unless measurement uncertainty or tolerance field is specified. All uncertainty values are specified at 2σ (i.e. expanded uncertainty using a coverage factor of 2) Specifications1 4378 437415 4321 4321V 4326 8318 8309 175 470 0.6510) 55 10 310 pC/ms−2 31.6 ± 2% – – 1 ± 2% – – pC/g 310 ± 2% – – 9.8 ± 2% – – 26 316 ± 2%3 – 0.8 – – – 8 – – 4379 Weight grams Charge Sensitivity for Uni-Gain®DeltaShear® types2, 5 Voltage Sensitivity for Uni-Gain®DeltaShear® types5 Charge Sensitivity for DeltaShear® “V” types mV/ms−2 mV/g pC/ms 260 −2 pC/g −2 3100 3 – – 0.11 1 ± 15% 0.3 0.004 – – 1.1 9.8 ± 15% 3 0.04 Voltage Sensitivity for DeltaShear® “V” types mV/ms – – 0.18 0.8 – 0.04 mV/g – – 1.8 8 – 0.4 Mounted Resonance5, kHz 13 6.5 85 40 X: 40, Y: 30, Z: 50 kHz 180 5% Hz 0.2 – 2800 10% 0.1 – 100014) 1 – 18 500 0.2 – 870011) - 1– 39 000 10% Hz 0.1 – 3900 3dB 0.06 – 125014) 1 – 26 000 0.1– 12 00011 3 Hz to X: 13.3, Y: 10, Z: 16.6 kHz 1 – 54 000 Frequency 6 Range5, 6, 9 Capacitance5, 7 Max. Transverse Sensitivity1, 5, 8 Transverse Resonance pF 1200 – 600 1200 1000 100 % <4 <5 <5 <4 <5 <5 kHz 3.8 1.6 21 14 X: 18, Y: 18, Z: 20 kHz 28 PZ 27 PZ 23 PZ 27 PZ 23 PZ 23 PZ 45 DeltaShear DeltaShear Planar Shear DeltaShear ThetaShear CentreMount. Compression 0.002 0.0003 0.005 0.02 0.055 2 0.0002 0.000 03 0.0005 0.002 0.0055 0.2 0.001 0.0001 10 0.4 1 400 0.000 056 0.000 005 6 0.56 0.022 0.056 22 0.5 1 30 4 12 20 g/ kGauss 0.005 0.01 0.3 0.04 0.12 0.2 ms−2 0.001 0.001 0.1 0.01 0.035 4 0.0001 0.0001 0.01 0.001 – 0.4 Piezoelectric Material Construction Base Strain Sensitivity (in base plane at 250 µε) Temperature Transient Sensitivity (3Hz LLF, 20dB/decade) ms−2/µε g/µε ms−2/°C g/°F −2/T ms Magnetic Sensitivity (50 Hz – 0.03 T) Acoustic Sensitivity Equiv. Acc. at 154 dB SPL (2 – 100 Hz) g Min. Leakage Resistance at 20 °C GΩ 20 – 20 20 10 20 Ambient Temperature Range °C – 40 to 250 – 50 to 85 –74 to 250 –74 to 250 –55 to 175 –74 to 180 5 0.01512 250 10 30 1000 25 000 1000 3000 100 000 kms−2 Max. Operational Shock (±Peak) g Max. Operational Continuous Sinusoidal Acceleration (Peak) Max. Acceleration (Peak) with mounting magnet Base Material 10 11 12 12 500 −2 1.5 12 50 5 – 150 g 500 1.512 5000 500 – 15 000 kms−2 0.2 – – 0.6 – – g 20 – – 60 – – Stainless Steel AISI316 Stainless Steel AISI 303 Beryllium13 Titanium ASTM Gr. 2 Aluminium case, titanium sockets Stainless Steel AISI316 kms 5 Excluding cable The transverse resonance frequency may limit the useful frequency range further Measurement limits. Handling limits given in the Dynamic Range section (pages 4 and 5) 0.015 13 14 15 Toxic hazard in finely divided form Including Preamplifier EQ 2126 and Power Supply EQ 2727 4374 Pat. USA 4211951, DK 138768 and GB 1522785. DeltaShear Pat. DK 131401 17 Specifications Common to Both Types of DeltaTron® Accelerometer Type 4394 Type 4397 1.00 (9.807) ±2 % 10.0 (98.07) ±2 % temperature <100°C (212°F) ms−2 (g) ±7 500 (765) ±750 (76) temperature < 125°C (257°F) ms−2 ±5 000 (510) ±500 (51) (g) Frequency Range (±10%) Hz Maximum Transverse Response % <4 temperature <100°C (212°F) mA + 2 to +20 temperature <125°C (257°F) mA for full specification V DC +24 to +30 minimum (reduced specification) V DC +18 W <100 at 25°C (77°F), 4 mA V 12 ±0.5 full temperature and current range V 8 to 15 from 1 to 22000 Hz µV Constant Current Supply 1 to 25000 Output Impedance equivalent acceleration ms −2 (g) <25 <15 <40 <0.025 (0.0026) <0.015 (0.0015) <0.004 (0.0004) Polarity (acceleration directed from base into body) Recovery time from Overload (2 × maximum level) Positive µs −2 Axial ms Transverse ms−2 Temperature Range <20 <15 <25 (g) 100000 (10200) 50000 (5100) 20000 (2040) (g) 50000 (5100) 20000 (2040) 10000 (1020) °C (°F) −50 to +125 (−58 to +257) Humidity Welded, sealed ms−2/°C Temperature Transient Sensitivity g/°F −2 Magnetic Sensitivity (50 Hz, 0.038 T) ms (g)/ T Acoustic Sensitivity (154 dB SPL) ms−2 (g) 2 0.2 0.1 0.11 0.011 0.0056 10 (1) 20 (2) 5 (0.5) 0.01 (0.001) 0.005 (0.0005) 0.002 (0.0002) Construction DeltaShear Piezoelectric Material Case Material Connector Mounting Thread Mounting Torque 18 1 to 14000 +2 to +20 Bias Voltage Residual Noise 0.3 to 18000 +2 to +10 Supply Voltage, unloaded Maximum Non-destructive Shock (peak) Type 4396 Type 4399 mV/ms−2 (g) Sensitivity (axial) at 159.2 Hz, 100 ms−2 (10.2g), 25°C (77°F), 4 mA Measuring Range (peak) Type 4395 Type 4398 PZ 23 Titanium Coaxial Tapped center-hole Nm ( ASTM Gr. 2 M3 miniature 10–32 UNF M3 10–32 UNF 0.2 to 0.6 (1.8 to 5.3) 0.5 to 3.5 (4.4 to 31) Specifications DeltaTron® — Insulated Base 4394 4395 4396 Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 52 37 28 Transverse Resonance Frequency kHz 15 13 9 Case Insulation to Ground >10 MΩ −2 Base Strain Sensitivity ms (g) /µε 0.005 (0.0005) 0.01 (0.001) 0.005 (0.0005) Weight gram (oz.) 2.9 (0.10) 12.9 (0.46) 18.2 (0.64) Height mm (in) 14.0 (0.55) 21.7 (0.85) 23.7 (0.93) Spanner Size mm (in) 8.0 (0.31) 14.0 (0.55) 15.0 (0.59) 4397 4398 4399 Specifications DeltaTron® — Uninsulated Base Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 53 38 29 Transverse Resonance Frequency kHz 17 14 10 Base Strain Sensitivity ms−2(g) /µε 0.005 (0.0005) 0.02 (0.002) 0.01 (0.001) Weight gram (oz.) 2.4 (0.09) 11.8 (0.45) 17.1 (0.63) Height mm (in) 12.4 (0.49) 19.7 (0.77) 21.7 (0.85) Spanner Size mm (in) 7.5 (0.30) 14.0 (0.55) 15.0 (0.59) Specifications for Cables for Use With Standard Accelerometers AC 0005 AC 0066 AC 0104 AC 0200 AC 0205 AC 0208 –75 to + 250 –75 to + 250 –50 to + 100 –75 to + 250 –75 to + 250 Moveable: – 5 to +70 Fixed: –20 to +70 Noise Super low noise Low noise Low noise Super low noise Super low noise – Insulator material/Coating PTFE/PFA PTFE/PFA PTFE/PFA PTFE/PFA PTFE/PFA PE/PVC Single Single Double Double Single Single 106 95 105 95 100 100 Ø 2.0 Ø 1.0 Ø 1.6 Ø 3.2 Ø 1.5 Ø 2.0 JP 0012 JP 0012 JP 0012 JP 0056 JP 0012 JP 0012 Temperature (°C) Screen Capacitance (pF/m) Dimension (mm) 10 – 32 plug for self-mounting 19 Specifications for Reference and Underwater Accelerometers Weight grams Charge Sensitivity for DeltaShear® “V” types pC/ms−2 Cables with and without connectors Free-length Cable Length Type (m) 8305 83192 40 44 (with 0.15 m cable) 0.12 4 – 4 pC/g 1.2 AC 0005 – µA/ms−2 – µA/g – 9.8 ± 2%3, 4 kHz 30 (with 20 g load)4 > 35 Frequency Range7 Hz 0.2 – 3100 (1%)4 0.2 – 4400 (2%)4 0.3 – 11 000 (10%) Capacitance 5 pF 180 – Max. Transverse Sensitivity % <2 4, 6 <4 Transverse Resonance kHz – 14 Quartz PZ 23 Inverted Centre Mounted Comp. DeltaShear ms−2/ µε Top: 0.01 Base: 0.003 0.01 g/µε Top: 0.001 Base: 0.0003 0.001 2 ® Current Sensitivity Uni-Gain Line Drive types Mounted Resonance Piezoelectric Material Construction Sensitivity1 Base Strain (in base plane at 250 µε) −2 ms / °C 1 ± 2%3, 4 AC 0200 Connector Type 3 1.2 1.2 3 5 10 30 10–32 UNF/TNC TNC/TNC 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF x 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 30 50 100 200 3 5 10 30 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF x 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 30 100 200 1.2 1.2 3 5 5 10 30 M3/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF* 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 0.5 1 0.028 0.056 1 7 x 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF g/kGauss 0.01 0.07 Acoustic Sensitivity1 Equiv. Acc. at 154 dB SPL (2 – 100 Hz) ms−2 0.008 0.01 g 0.0008 0.001 Min. Leakage Resistance at 20°C GΩ 1000 (10 at 200°C) – Ambient Temperature Range °C –74 to +200 –50 to + 100 30 100 1.2 3 5 10 30 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 10 20 (axial) x 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF 1000 2000 (axial) 10 – 1000 – 1 – 100 – 200 1.2 3 5 10 30 M3/10–32 UNF M3/10–32 UNF M3/10–32 UNF M3/10–32 UNF M3/10–32 UNF Stainless Steel AISI316 Stainless UHB 904L Temperature Transient Sensitivity1 (3Hz LLF, 20dB/decade) Magnetic Sensitivity1 (50 Hz – 0.03 T) Max. Operational Shock (± Peak)1 Max. Operational Continuous Sinusoidal Acceleration (Peak) Max. Acceleration (Peak) with mounting magnet g/°F ms−2/T kms−2 g kms−2 g kms−2 g Base Material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AC 0104 AC 0208 Data obtained in accordance with ANSI S2. 11-69 and ISO/DIS 5347 Uni-Gain measured sensitivity adjusted to ±2% Built-in Line-drive preamplifier Individual specifications given on the calibration chart With integral cable supplied as standard Axis of minimum transverse sensitivity indicated The low frequency cut-off is determined by the preamplifier and environmental conditions AC 0205 AC 0066 Spiral Brüel&Kjær reserves the right to change specifications and accessories without notice Brüel & Kjær B x M3/10–32 UNF 30 100 1.2 1.2 10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF M3/10–32 UNF x M3/10–32 UNF 30 1.1 – 4 TNC –TNC Order No. AO 0231 AO 0193 AO 0038 AO 038F AO 0038G AO 0038H AO 0038K AO 0038VAC 0005-x AC 0005K AC 0005L AC 0005M AC 0005N AO 0122 AO 0122G AO 0122H AO 0122K AO 0122VAC 0200-x AC 0200K AC 0200M AC 0200N AO 1381 AO 1382 AO 1382F AO 1382G AO 0406 AO 1382H AO 1382K AO 1382VAC 0104-x AC 0104K AC 0104M AO 0463 AO 0463F AO 0463G AO 0463H AO 0463K AO 0463VAC 0208-x AC 0208N AO 0283 AO 0283F AO 0283G AO 0283H AO 0283K AO 0283VAC 0205-x AC 0205K AC 0205M AO 1419 AO 0339 AO 0339VAC 0066-x AO 0066K AO 0268 * Includes 10–32 UNF/BNC Adaptor JP 0415 K WORLD HEADQUARTERS: DK-2850 Naerum · Denmark · Telephone: +45 45 80 05 00 · Fax: +45 45 80 14 05 · Internet: · e-mail: Australia (02 ) 9450-2066 · Austria 00 43-1-865 74 00 · Belgium 016/44 92 25 · Brazil (011) 246-8166 · Canada: (514) 695-8225 · China 10 6841 9625 / 10 6843 7426 Czech Republic 02-67 021100 · Finland 90-229 3021 · France (01) 69 90 69 00 · Germany 0610 3/908-5 · Holland (0)30 6039994 · Hong Kong 254 8 7486 Hungary (1) 215 83 05 · Italy (02) 57 60 4141 · Japan 03-3779-8671 · Republic of Korea (02) 3473-0605 · Norway 66 90 4410 · Poland (0-22) 40 93 92 · Portugal (1) 47114 53 Singapore (65) 275-8816 · Slovak Republic 07-37 6181 · Spain (91) 36810 00 · Sweden (08) 71127 30 · Switzerland 01/94 0 09 09 · Taiwan (02) 713 9303 United Kingdom and Ireland (0181) 954-236 6 · USA 1 - 800 - 332 - 2040 Local representatives and service organisations worldwide BP 0196 – 20 97/01
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 1997:07:22 10:04:24 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 3.0 for Windows Creator : FrameMaker 5.1.1P2c Title : Product Data Sheet: Piezoelectric DeltaShear® Accelerometers, Uni-Gain® , DeltaTron® and Special Types Modify Date : 1997:07:22 10:28:03 Page Count : 20EXIF Metadata provided by