Badge Guide

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Carolina Con 15 Badge Guide
Hack the Planet
By wm & mt
Repo with code and other instructions:
Each anti static bag should include:
1 Crown Shaped PCB
16 Clear Blue LEDs
1 Battery Pack for 4 AAA Batteries
1 Power Switch
1 5V Voltage Regulator (The thing with 3 metal prongs)
1 0.1uf Capacitor (Yellow thing)
1 10K Resistor (not pictured, our bad)
1 7 Pin Socket
1 12 Pin Socket
1 ATTINY84 (The brain)
1 MAX7219 (The bigger looking black chip)
*if your bag is missing parts tell a staff member and we
will scavenge for more parts
I recommend soldering the parts in this order. If you don’t
know how to solder shout “I don’t know how to solder!” and
someone will help you.
Insert the 16 LEDs into the front
of the PCB. Ensure the longer
lead goes into the hole with the
“+” label.
Once the LEDs are in place carefully flip the PCB upside
down so that the leads are sticking up.
Now that the PCB is
upside down you may
solder the LEDs to
the PCB. Try and
keep the leads as
straight in the air
as possible.
Clip off the LED leads
with clippers.
Solder the 2 IC
sockets next by
applying solder to
the pins on the
Place the 10K Resistor
and 0.1uf Capacitor in
their respective
locations. You may need
to pull the capacitor
through the hole with
pliers. Apply solder to
the backside of the PCB.
Place the 5V regulator
in the PCB holes as far
as it will go then bend
it flat onto the PCB.
It doesn’t need to be
super close. Apply
solder to the 5V
regulator on the top of
the PCB.
Press the Power Switch
onto the PCB. Ensure
the black plastic is
hanging off of the PCB.
Solder it in place by
applying solder to the back of the PCB.
Flip the PCB over and cut off
any remaining leads. Get a
strip of double sided tape
from the roll and apply it
like shown in the picture.
Honestly, it doesn’t stick
very well. Feel free to use
duck tape it if we have that
Once the battery pack
is in place ask one
of the staff members
for 4 AAA batteries
and place them in the
Solder the red wire
from the battery pack
to the pad labeled
“VCC” and the black
wire to the pad
labeled “GND”.
Take the ATTINY84 (the smaller black chip) to a staff member
to have it programmed for you. If you want to check out the
code on github for yourself you can to clone the repo here.
Place the ATTINY84 into its socket and the MAX7219 into its
socket. Ensure the round notch is facing upwards
Congratulations! The badge is finished!

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