Zkemkeeper Programmer's Guider_en Biometric Device SDK Programmers Guide
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Print Electronics Embeded Device Programmer’s Guide BioLife Embeded Device Programmer’s Guide..................................................................1 1.Introduction ............................................................................................................................3 2. Method...................................................................................................................................4 2.1 GetEnrollData ...............................................................................................................4 2.2 SetEnrollData.................................................................................................................5 2.3 GetUserTmp ..................................................................................................................5 2.4 SetUserTmp....................................................................................................................6 2.5 DeleteEnrollData ..........................................................................................................6 2.6 DelUserTmp ...................................................................................................................6 2.7 ReadGeneralLogData .................................................................................................6 2.8 GetGeneralLogData....................................................................................................7 2.9 ReadAllGLogData........................................................................................................8 2.10 GetAllGLogData.........................................................................................................8 2.11 GetDeviceStatus.........................................................................................................8 2.12 GetDeviceInfo ............................................................................................................9 2.13 SetDeviceInfo............................................................................................................ 10 2.14 EnableDevice ........................................................................................................... 12 2.15 EnableUser ................................................................................................................ 12 2.16 SetDeviceTime .......................................................................................................... 13 2.17 GetDeviceTime......................................................................................................... 13 2.19 PowerOffDevice ....................................................................................................... 14 2.20 ModifyPrivilege ......................................................................................................... 14 2.21 ReadAllUserID............................................................................................................ 15 2.22 GetAllUserID .............................................................................................................. 15 2.23 GetSerialNumber ...................................................................................................... 16 2.24 ClearKeeperData..................................................................................................... 16 2.25 ClearAdministrators .................................................................................................. 16 2.26 GetFirmwareVersion................................................................................................. 17 2.27 GetSDKVersion.......................................................................................................... 17 2.28 ClearGLog................................................................................................................. 17 2.29 GetFPTempLength.................................................................................................... 17 2.30 Connect_Com ............................................................................................................. 17 2.31 Connect_Net ............................................................................................................ 17 2.32 Disconnect................................................................................................................ 18 2.33 SetUserInfo................................................................................................................. 18 2.34 GetUserInfo ............................................................................................................... 18 2.35 SetDeviceIP ............................................................................................................... 19 2.36 GetDeviceIP.............................................................................................................. 19 2.37 FPTempConvert ........................................................................................................ 19 2.38 GetSerialNumber ...................................................................................................... 19 2.39 SetCommPassword .................................................................................................. 19 2.40 GetSMS ...................................................................................................................... 19 2.41 SetSMS ....................................................................................................................... 20 2.42 CaptureImage.......................................................................................................... 20 2.43 UpdateFirmware....................................................................................................... 20 1PR 2.44 BackupData.............................................................................................................. 21 2.45 RestoreData.............................................................................................................. 21 2.46 WriteLCD.................................................................................................................... 21 2.47ClearLCD.................................................................................................................... 22 2.48 Beep .......................................................................................................................... 22 2.49 PlayVoiceByIndex..................................................................................................... 22 2.50 ACUnlock .................................................................................................................. 23 2.51 GetUserGroup........................................................................................................... 23 2.52 SetUserGroup ............................................................................................................ 24 2.53 GetTZInfo ................................................................................................................... 24 2.54 SetTZInfo .................................................................................................................... 24 2.55 GetUnlockGroups..................................................................................................... 25 2.56 SetUnlockGroups ...................................................................................................... 25 2.57 GetGroupTZStr........................................................................................................... 26 2.58 SetGroupTZStr............................................................................................................ 26 2.59 GetUserTZStr .............................................................................................................. 26 2.60 SetUserTZStr................................................................................................................ 27 2.61 GetLastError............................................................................................................... 27 2 1.Introduction Printsdk is the software development kit for Print embedded fingerprint machine.it can develop communication program with embedded machine.for example,you can get enrolled user information from device,or set user information to device,the information may be contain user name,user password,user privilege or user fingerprint template,and you can manage device on computer.end you can get In/Out logs from device. Installation: copy all dll files to system folder or current folder that program run. Then run regsvr32.exe to register the controls:Regsvr32 zkemkeeper.dll. Note: Functions of zkemkeeper that not in this doc are not support. Parameter dwEMachineNumber equals dwMachineNumber,dwEMachineNumber only for compatible with old version. 3 2. Method 2.1 GetEnrollData [Function] Download the enrolled user’s Fingerprint template from device [Protocol] BOOL GetEnrollData( long long long long long FAR* long FAR* long FAR* dwMachineNumber , dwEnrollNumber , dwEMachineNumber , dwBackupNumber , dwMachinePrivilege , dwEnrollData , dwPassWord); [Parameters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device dwEMachineNumber equal to dwMachineNumber dwEnrollNumber The User ID dwBackupNumber The Backup Number of the User, Backup Number means Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Description Fingerprint Template 0 Fingerprint Template 1 Fingerprint Template 2 Fingerprint Template 3 Fingerprint Template 4 Fingerprint Template 5 Fingerprint Template 6 Fingerprint Template 7 Fingerprint Template 8 Fingerprint Template 9 Password dwMachinePrivilege The user’s privilege at the device, as following: Value 0 1 2 3 Description General user Administrator (user enrollment, set options of the device) Administrator (user enrollment,) [Level 2] Administrator (set options of the device) [Level 3] [Level 1] dwEnrollData The pointer of buffer for save fingerprint template, buffer size must great or equat than 1836 BYTES. 4 dwPassWord The password. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Note] If dwBackupNumber is between 0 and 9, the specified fingerprint template saved to a buffer, which dwEnrollData parameter pointed to. And parameter dwPassWord is ignored. On the other hand, if dwBackupNumberValue is10, the password be saved to dwPassWord, and dwEnrollData parameter is ignored. 2.2 SetEnrollData [Function] Upload a specified user Fingerprint template to a device, Overwrite the exists user’s data. [Protocol] BOOL SetEnrollData( long long long long long long FAR* long dwMachineNumber , dwEnrollNumber , dwEMachineNumber , dwBackupNumber , dwMachinePrivilege , dwEnrollData , dwPassWord); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device dwEnrollNumber The User ID dwEMachineNumber equal to dwMachineNumber dwBackupNumber see Method GetEnrollData dwMachinePrivilege The user’s privilege for this device dwEnrollData The fingerprint template. If dwBackupNumber is 10 it be ignored dwPassWord The user’s password. If dwBackupNumber less than 10 it be ignored. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.3 GetUserTmp 5 Download the enrolled user’s Fingerprint template from device.It’s speed faster than GetEnrollData function 2.4 SetUserTmp Upload a specified user Fingerprint template to a device, Overwrite the exists user’s data.it upload the fingerprint to the device directly,so the device may have the same fingerprints,it is different from SetEnrollData.the speed faster than SetEnrollData 2.5 DeleteEnrollData [Function] Delete Fingerprint template of enrolled user. [Protocol] BOOL DeleteEnrollData( long dwMachineNumber , long dwEnrollNumber , long dwEMachineNumber , long dwBackupNumber); [Paramters] See GetEnrollData [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] If there is no specified user in the device, return TRUE. If dwBackupNumberValue is 11, all of fingerprint template of the user, who specified by dwEnrollNumber, will be deleted. If dwBackupNumberValue is 12, all of fingerprint template and password of the user, who specified by dwEnrollNumber, will be deleted. 2.6 DelUserTmp Only Delete a Fingerprint template of enrolled user. 2.7 ReadGeneralLogData [Function] Read general transication LOGs(attendance data) into internal buffer from device. [Protocol] BOOL ReadGeneralLogData( long dwMachineNumber ); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 6 [Notes] After call ReadGeneralLogData to read data to buffer, you can call GetGeneralLogData to get every record of log. 2.8 GetGeneralLogData [Function] Get a record of log from internal buffer, which filled by ReadGeneralLogData. [Protocol] BOOL GetGeneralLogData( long dwMachineNumber , long FAR* dwTMachineNumber , long FAR* dwEnrollNumber , long FAR* dwEMachineNumber , long FAR* dwVerifyMode , long FAR* dwInOutMode , long FAR* dwYear, long FAR* dwMonth, long FAR* dwDay, long FAR* dwHour, long FAR* dwMinute); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device dwTMachineNumber The Machine Number of device, where verified the user. dwEnrollNumber The User ID. dwEMachineNumber equal to dwMachineNumber dwVerifyMode The method of a successful verification. It’s as following: Value 1 2 Description Fingeprint Password dwInOutMode The attendance status. It’s as following: Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 dwYear, dwMonth, dwDay, Description Duty On Duty Off Overtime Begin Overtime End Lock Out Lock In 7 dwHour, dwMinute The different parts of the date and time. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] Call ReadGeneralLogData to read data into internal buffer before this method. You can call it repeatedly until it return FALSE for getting all of records. See also Method ReadGeneralLogData 2.9 ReadAllGLogData Same ReadGeneralLogData 2.10 GetAllGLogData Same GetGeneralLogData 2.11 GetDeviceStatus [Function] Get device status. [Protocol] BOOL GetDeviceStatus( long long long FAR* dwMachineNumber , dwStatus , dwValue ); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device dwStatus Indicate which status. It’s as following: Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Count of administrators Count od users Count of fingerprint template Count of password. Count of new administration transication LOGs. Count of new general LOGs dwValue The returned value. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 8 2.12 GetDeviceInfo [Function] Get the options of a device. [Protocol] BOOL GetDeviceInfo( long long long FAR* dwMachineNumber , dwInfo , dwValue ); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device dwInfo Indicate which option. It’s as following: 1. Maximum number of administrator. The value is from 0-10. 2. Machine Number of the device. The value is from 1 to 255. 3. Language Value Decription 0 English 1 Chinese 2 Korean 4. Auto shutdown device time(minutes). This value is from 0 to 255. 5. Lock Open output control Value Description 0 Output Open Lock signal 1 Not output Open Lock signal 6. Alarm number of general log. It’s from 0 to 1500. 7. Alarm number of administration log. It’s from 0 to 255. 8. Minimum interval(seconds) of two general log. 9. Baund rate of communication Value Description 0 1200 bps 1 2400 bps 2 4800 bps 3 9600 bps 4 19200 bps 5 38400 bps 10. Odd/Even Check Value Description 0 None 1 Even 2 Odd 11. Stop Bits Value Description 0 One Bit 1 Two Bits 12. Date Delimiter Not support now,but you can implement it use device info item 34 named Date formate 13.Network 14.RS232 15.RS485 16.Voice 17.Identification speed 9 18.idle 19.Shutdown time 20.PowerOn time 21.Sleep time 22.Auto Bell 23.Match threhold 24.Register threhold 25.1:1 threhold 26.Show score 27.Unlock person count 28.Only verify number card 29.Net Speed 30.Must registe card 31.Time out of temp state keep 32.Time out of input number 33.Time out of menu keep 34.Date formate 35.Only 1:1 dwValue The returned value. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.13 SetDeviceInfo [Function] Set the options of a device. [Protocol] BOOL SetDeviceInfo( long long long dwMachineNumber , dwInfo , dwValue ); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID dwInfo Device info index 1.Registrable administrators number 2.Device ID 3.Languages 4.Auto power off time 5.Lock control delay(20ms) 6.In and out record warning 7.manage record warning 8.Confirm interval time 9.Baud Rate 10.Even and Odd 11.Stop bit 12.Date list separator Not support now,but you can implement it use device info item 34 named Date formate,pls refer to dwValue 34. 13.Network 10 14.RS232 15.RS485 16.Voice 17.Identification speed 18.idle 19.Shutdown time 20.PowerOn time 21.Sleep time 22.Auto Bell 23.Match threhold 24.Register threhold 25.1:1 threhold 26.Show score 27.Unlock person count 28.Only verify number card 29.Net Speed 30.Must registe card 31.Time out of temp state keep 32.Time out of input number 33.Time out of menu keep 34.Date formate 35.Only 1:1 dwValue 1.Registrable administrators number 2.Device ID 3.Languages Value Description 0 English, 1 Simplified Chinese 2 Traditional Chinese 4.Auto power off time 5.Lock control delay(20ms) 6.In and out record warning 7.manage record warning 8.Confirm interval time 9.Baud Rate 10.Even and Odd 11.Stop bit 12.Date list separator 13.Network 14.RS232 15.RS485 16.Voice 17.Identification speed 18.idle 19.Shutdown time 20.PowerOn time 21.Sleep time 22.Auto Bell 23.Match threshold 24.Register threshold 25.1:1 threshold 26.Show score Whether show verify score, Value Description 0 False 1 True. 27.Unlock person count 28.Only verify number card 29.Net Speed 11 30.Must registe card Verify card that card must registed. 31.Time out of temp state keep Keep time for temp state,for example OT-IN,OT-OUT….But CheckIn/CheckOut is normal state. 32.Time out of input number Keep time for wait input number 33.Time out of menu keep Menu keep time when no option on it. 34.Date formate Value Description 0 YY-MM-DD 1 YY/MM/DD 3 YY.MM.DD 4 MM-DD-YY 5 MM/DD/YY 6 MM.DD.YY 7 DD-MM-YY 8 DD/MM/YY 9 DD.MM.YY 10 YYYYMMDD 35.Only 1:1 Only 1:1 verify mode.0:False,1:true. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.14 EnableDevice [Function] Allow/not allow the front user operating the device. [Protocol] BOOL EnableDevice( long BOOL dwMachineNumber , bFlag ); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device bFlag TRUE means allow user input keys and fingerprint, FALSE means not allow [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] Please call EnableDevice with bFlag=FALSE to disable front user’s operation before calling other functions to exchange data between host and device, such as ReadGenealLogData, GetEnrollData etc. And call EnableDevice with bFlag=TRUE after your transactions finish. 2.15 EnableUser [Function] 12 Enable or disable a user. [Protocol] BOOL EnableUser( long long long long BOOL dwMachineNumber , dwEnrollNumber , dwEMachineNumber , dwBackupNumber , bFlag ); [Paramters] bFlag TRUE means enable the user, FALSE means disable him/her. Other parameters see Method GetEnrollData. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.16 SetDeviceTime [Function] Set the device date and time. [Protocol] BOOL SetDeviceTime( long dwMachineNumber ); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] This method set the device date and time same as host. 2.17 GetDeviceTime [Function] Get the device date and time. [Protocol] BOOL GetDeviceTime( long long long long long FAR* FAR* FAR* FAR* dwMachineNumber , dwYear, dwMonth, dwDay, dwHour, 13 long FAR* long FAR* dwMinute, dwDayOfWeek); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device dwYear, dwMonth, dwDay, dwHour, dwMinute The different parts of the device date. dwDayOfWeek The Day of Week of the device date [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.19 PowerOffDevice [Function] Shut down the device. [Protocol] BOOL PowerOffDevice( long dwMachineNumber ); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.20 ModifyPrivilege [Function] Modify a user privilege in a device. [Protocol] BOOL ModifyPrivilege( long long long long long dwMachineNumber , dwEnrollNumber , dwEMachineNumber , dwBackupNumber , dwMachinePrivilege); 14 [Paramters] See Method GetEnrollData. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.21 ReadAllUserID [Function] Read all User IDs from device into internal buffer. [Protocol] BOOL ReadAllUserID ( long dwMachineNumber); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] Call Method GetAllUserID to get every record of User ID. 2.22 GetAllUserID [Function] Read a record of user ID from buffer that ReadAllUserID filled. [Protocol] BOOL GetAllUserID ( long dwMachineNumber, long FAR* dwEnrollNumber, long FAR* dwEMachineNumber, long FAR* dwBackupNumber, long FAR* dwMachinePrivilege, long FAR* dwEnable); [Paramters] dwEnable Indicate if the user is enabled. Value 1 means a normal(enabled) user, and value 2 means disabled user. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] Call GetAllUserID repeatedly until it return FALSE for get all of them. 15 2.23 GetSerialNumber [Function] Get the product information or serial number [Protocol] BOOL GetSerialNumber ( long dwMachineNumber, BSTR FAR* lpszSerialNumber); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device lpszSerialNumber The returned string [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.24 ClearKeeperData [Function] Delete all enrolled user/administrator fingerprint templates name and In/out logs. [Protocol] BOOL ClearKeeperData( long dwMachineNumber); [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.25 ClearAdministrators [Function] Clear all administrator’s privilege in the device. [Protocol] ClearAdministrators(dwMachineNumber As Long) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 16 2.26 GetFirmwareVersion [Function] Get firmware version of device. [Protocol] GetFirmwareVersion(dwMachineNumber As Long, strVersion As String) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device strVersion Firmware version. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.27 GetSDKVersion Get zkemkeeper version. 2.28 ClearGLog Clear all logs from device. 2.29 GetFPTempLength Get fingerprint template length. 2.30 Connect_Com [Function] Connect to the device by com port. [Protocol] Connect_Com(ComPort As Long, MachineNumber As Long, BaudRate As Long) As Boolean [Paramters] ComPort Com port number MachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device BaudRate Communication BaudRate [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.31 Connect_Net [Function] Connect to the device by Ethernet [Protocol] Connect_Net(IPAdd As String, Port As Long) As Boolean [Paramters] IPAdd 17 IP address Port Port number,Default 4370 [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.32 Disconnect Disconnect with device. 2.33 SetUserInfo [Function] Set user’s information to device.user’s information contain user’s name and password. [Protocol] SetUserInfo(dwMachineNumber As Long, dwEnrollNumber As Long, Name As String, Password As String, Privilege As Long, Enabled As Boolean) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device dwEnrollNumber Enroll number you want to set Name User name Password User Password Privilege User privilege Enabled whether Enabled user [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.34 GetUserInfo [Function] Get user’s information from device. user’s information contain user’s name and password. [Protocol] SetUserInfo(dwMachineNumber As Long, dwEnrollNumber As Long, Name As String, Password As String, Privilege As Long, Enabled As Boolean) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber The Machine Number of operating device dwEnrollNumber Enroll number t Name User name Password User Password Privilege User privilege Enabled 18 whether Enabled user [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 2.35 SetDeviceIP Set device IP address. 2.36 GetDeviceIP Get device IP address. 2.37 FPTempConvert Convert the fingerprint template of device to Biokey fingerprint template,then you can verify the fingerprint on computer by Biokey.Biokey SDK is BioLife pc online fingerprint development kit. 2.38 GetSerialNumber Get serial number of device. 2.39 SetCommPassword [Function] Set communication Password to connection.the password can reject Unauthorized connection. [Protocol] BOOL SetCommPassword (long Commkey) [Paramters] Commkey The communication password.for example:if the password is “123456” then CommKey=123456 [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.40 GetSMS [Function] Get SMS [Protocol] GetSMS(dwIndex As Long, dwEnrollNumber As Long, SMS As String) As Boolean [Paramters] dwIndex Index of SMS dwEnrollNumber the User ID of the SMS SMS Value of the SMS [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. 19 [Notes] 2.41 SetSMS [Function] Set SMS [Protocol] SetSMS(dwIndex As Long, dwEnrollNumber As Long, SMS As String) As Boolean [Paramters] dwIndex Index of SMS dwEnrollNumber specify the User ID of the SMS SMS Value of the SMS [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.42 CaptureImage [Function] Capture current image of fingerprint scanner [Protocol] CaptureImage(FullImage As Boolean, Width As Long, Height As Long, Image As Byte, ImageFile As String) As Boolean [Paramters] FullImage If true,the function will return Full image,else,it will return valid image,the valid image is the image for verify. Width specify width of the image Height specify the height of the image Image Byte array of image ImageFile Image File [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.43 UpdateFirmware 20 [Function] Update firmware [Protocol] UpdateFirmware(FirmwareFile As String) As Boolean [Paramters] Firmware file firmware File [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.44 BackupData [Function] Backup user data of device,contain user ID,password,fingerprint,log,etc. [Protocol] BackupData(DataFile As String) As Boolean [Paramters] DataFile Backup data File [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.45 RestoreData [Function] Restore data that backup before. [Protocol] RestoreData(DataFile As String) As Boolean [Paramters] Data file Backup data file [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.46 WriteLCD 21 [Function] Write LCD of Devie [Protocol] WriteLCD(Row As Long, Col As Long, Text As String) As Boolean [Paramters] Row Col Text [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.47ClearLCD [Function] Clear LCD of Devie [Protocol] ClearLCD() As Boolean [Paramters] [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.48 Beep [Function] Beep of buzzer [Protocol] Beep(DelayMS As Long) As Boolean [Paramters] DelayMS Delay millisecond [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.49 PlayVoiceByIndex [Function] 22 Play voice [Protocol] PlayVoiceByIndex(Index As Long) As Boolean [Paramters] Index Index of voice. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.50 ACUnlock [Function] send a signal for unlock. [Protocol] ACUnlock(dwMachineNumber As Long, Delay As Long) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.51 GetUserGroup [Function] GetUserGroup [Protocol] GetUserGroup(dwMachineNumber As Long, dwEnrollNumber As Long, UserGrp As Long) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID dwEnrollNumber User ID UserGrp Group number of the user [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 23 2.52 SetUserGroup [Function] Set group for the user.. [Protocol] SetUserGroup(dwMachineNumber As Long, dwEnrollNumber As Long, UserGrp As Long) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID. dwEnrollNumber User ID UserGrp User group [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.53 GetTZInfo [Function] Get timezone information. [Protocol] GetTZInfo(dwMachineNumber As Long, TZIndex As Long, TZ As String) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID. TZIndex Timezone index TZ Timezone string. [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.54 SetTZInfo [Function] Set timezone inforamtion [Protocol] SetTZInfo(dwMachineNumber As Long, TZIndex As Long, TZ As String) As Boolean 24 [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID. TZIndex Index of TimeZone TZ Timezone string [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.55 GetUnlockGroups [Function] Get unlock groups [Protocol] GetUnlockGroups(dwMachineNumber As Long, Grps As String) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID. Grps Groups [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.56 SetUnlockGroups [Function] Set unlock groups [Protocol] SetUnlockGroups(dwMachineNumber As Long, Grps As String) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID. Grps Groups string [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 25 2.57 GetGroupTZStr [Function] Get Group timezones. [Protocol] GetGroupTZStr(dwMachineNumber As Long, GroupIndex As Long, TZs As String) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID. GroupIndex TZs Timezones [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.58 SetGroupTZStr [Function] Set group timezone. [Protocol] SetGroupTZStr(dwMachineNumber As Long, GroupIndex As Long, TZs As String) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID. GroupIndex TZs [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.59 GetUserTZStr [Function] Get timezone of the user. [Protocol] GetUserTZStr(dwMachineNumber As Long, dwEnrollNumber As Long, TZs As String) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID. dwEnrollNumber 26 User ID TZs Timezones [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.60 SetUserTZStr [Function] Set user timezones [Protocol] SetUserTZStr(dwMachineNumber As Long, dwEnrollNumber As Long, TZs As String) As Boolean [Paramters] dwMachineNumber Device ID. dwEnrollNumber User ID TZs Timezones [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] 2.61 GetLastError [Function] Get last error number. [Protocol] BOOL GetLastError( long FAR* dwErrorCode); [Paramters] dwErrorCode The returned error number Value 1 4 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -100 Description SUCCESSED ERR_INVALID_PARAM ERR_NO_DATA ERROR_NOT_INIT ERROR_IO ERROR_SIZE ERROR_NO_SPACE ERROR_UNSUPPORT 27 [Return] TRUE if success, FALSE else. [Notes] dwErrorCode = 6 caused by calling Method GetGeneralLogData, and GetAllGLogData. If them return FALSE, please call GetLastError to determine if there is error or read over data. 28
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Producer : pdfFactory Pro 2.24 (Windows 2000 Chinese) Create Date : 2004:12:09 22:08:25Z Modify Date : 2006:12:09 15:09:56-05:00 Metadata Date : 2006:12:09 15:09:56-05:00 Creator Tool : pdfFactory Pro www.fineprint.com.cn Format : application/pdf Title : Zkemkeeper Programmer's guider_en.doc Creator : Administrator Document ID : uuid:103bc264-b8d1-40c1-adbd-bf8b7627d110 Instance ID : uuid:91b71a4b-f7af-400b-8c01-ac8a5fdd3048 Page Count : 28 Author : AdministratorEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools