Blockchain Adapter For Salesforce User Guide Spring2019(V1.1)

User Manual:

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Blockchain Adapter for
User Guide for
Spring 2019 V 1.1
with an Example
Table of Contents
Installation ............................................................................................................................. 3
Preparation for Configuration ................................................................................................. 4
Preparation in Salesforce (Already done in Test Organization) ......................................................... 4
Voting app A simple custom object ................................................................................................................. 4
Platform Events .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Process Builder ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Enable the Remote Site ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Preparation in Blockchain (Reviewer may execute these steps to perform full functional tests) ....... 8
Deploy Smart contract to Blockchain ................................................................................................................. 8
Adapter Configuration ................................................................................................................... 12
Adapter Runtime – Salesforce to Ethreum Blockchain ........................................................... 17
Save a new Vote ............................................................................................................................................... 17
View Dashboard ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Test in Remix ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Adapter Runtime – Ethreum Blockchain to Salesforce ........................................................... 19
Adapter REST Endpoint ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Blockchain Event Schema ................................................................................................................................. 19
Congratulations .................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix: Technical Details on Event to Contract Field Mapping .......................................... 21
Prerequisites :
Will work in Salesforce Developer Edition and any Org that is Lighting enable and can support
Platform Events
Ensure you have enable My Domain under Company Settings in Setup.
Once the package has completed the installation, go to the App Launcher and pick the
Blockchain Adapter
Which will look like this if you have the package installed correctly and My Domain configured.
This user guide will walk you through the set-up process using an example. As you progress
though the document you will also learn about the features of the Adapter.
This example will create a Voting app in Salesforce. Let’s say that the app is expected to record
every vote and the voter details to blockchain as the vote is cast.
Following are the steps to execute in order to use the adapter to integrate your salesforce
application with Blockchain.
Preparation for Configuration
Preparation in Salesforce (Already done in Test Organization)
Voting appA simple custom object
In this example we create a simple Custom Object
Platform Events
This Adapter is entirely platform events driven. To execute our example, we will need a platform
event that the adapter should listen to. So, we create a platform event that will trigger when a
someone votes for Foo.
Note that the event has 2 custom fields Name and Address. At this point just keep in mind that
these are the fields that will be written to the blockchain.
Process Builder
Develop and deploy a process that will trigger the above said event when a vote is cast for Foo.
Enable the Remote Site
In Setup find Remote Site Settings and click New Remote Site
Enter the details as follows, most importantly use this URL if you are following this guide.
Preparation in Blockchain (Reviewer may execute these steps to perform full functional
You can use any Ethereum Blockchain that allows RPC calls. For the purpose of security review,
you use
This is an Ethereum blockchain hosted in Heroku for testing purpose.
Deploy Smart contract to Blockchain
Deploy the smart contract given below to the blockchain using Remix
1. Launch Remix -
2. Set up Web3 Provider
a. From the Environment drop down select “Web3 Provider” and accept any
Enter: .Then click OK .
3. Copy and paste the Smart Contract given below – Ballot.sol
4. Pick the compiler version to use
a. Click on Compile in the top right
b. Expand the Select new compiler version and pick the committed version number
in the solidity file (in the following image it is version 0.4.21)
c. The code will automatically compile and show the current version in the top
5. Successful Compilation
6. Copy ABI and save it in a file by clicking ABI which will automatically copy the structure
to your copy & paste buffer. Then create a file or save the contents somewhere as you
will need it in the next section.
7. Deploy Smart Contract
8. Make a note of Contract Id, you can copy it to the clipboard with the icon highlight here
in the Deployed Contracts section on the Run tab. You will need this value later.
DO NOT CLOSE THIS TAB, you will need it for testing at the end of the
document.At this point you are all set to go configure the Adapter.
Adapter Configuration
**Troubleshooting: if you don’t see the Adapter Configuration but only the
“CONFIGURATION” header then you likely have not setup up My Domain, enabled it for all
users and logged in using that domain.
The URL is:
You can use the Blockchain Test Account Address:
The REF ID will remain blank.
Click Save.
You will then pick the Smart Contract Function defined in the Solidity code you have placed in
ttps:// For this flow, we will use voteForFoo
Adapter Runtime Salesforce to Ethreum Blockchain
Save a new Vote
View Dashboard
Test in Remix
If this is the first call you will be able to go to Deployed Contracts section of the browser tab you have LEFT OPEN from earlier so it is still
pointing at the same contract. This will not work if you have closed the tab.
1) Click to expand the voteDetailsOfFoo section of the Deployed Contract section.
2) Enter the index value you want to retrieve, it is likely 1 if you have followed this exactly
but you can try 0, 2 or 3 if you have been playing around a bit. In the image, you can see
how many getVoteCounts have been gathered to confirm there is at least some
3) By clicking call you will retrieve the data that shows at the bottom of the screen.
Adapter Runtime Ethreum Blockchain to Salesforce
Adapter REST Endpoint
The adapter exposes the following REST endpoint
An external component/app listening to the Smart contract events can invoke this end point when the
Smart contract event happens. This Adapter wndpoint when called will trigger a prepackaged platform
event (Blockchain Event) that Salesforce components can listen to and take action.
Blockchain Event Schema
You have now completed a basic call from Salesforce to an Ethereum blockchain.
Next step is to capture changes in Ethereum and related that back to Salesforce.
You can now edit the Solidity code to create your own logic.
Appendix: Technical Details on Event to Contract Field Mapping
Validation error will be thrown when the number of fields in the event doesn't match the number
of params in the contract function during configuration
Runtime exception will be thrown when
The number of fields in the events change after
These runtime exceptions will be recorded and reported in the “Recent

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