Bluetooth Mesh Developer Study Guide 1. START HERE Orientation V1.0

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Bluetooth Mesh Developer Study Guide
Orientation Guide
Version: 1.0.0
Last updated: 15th June 2018
REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................................................................... 3
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Bluetooth Mesh 3
About the Bluetooth Mesh Developer Study Guide 3
Recommended Study Sequence 4
Revision History
15th June 2018
Martin Woolley
Bluetooth SIG
Initial version
Bluetooth Mesh
Bluetooth® Mesh is a Bluetooth networking technology whose specification was released in the summer
of 2017. Mesh networks allow a many to many communication topology to be created between
potentially very large numbers of devices. To communicate, devices send messages and the devices to
which those messages are addressed do not have to be within direct radio range. Bluetooth mesh
employs a strategy for propogating messages across the network which can involve messages being
relayed from one device to another, in a series of hops until they reach their final destination, a
technique known as multi-hop delivery. Furthermore, copies of messages get sent via different paths
through the network (known as multi-path delivery), which makes a Bluetooth mesh network very
You’ll learn more about the theory and practice of using certain aspects of Bluetooth mesh technology
in this self-study resource.
About the Bluetooth Mesh Developer Study Guide
There are probably three types of Bluetooth mesh developer:
1. Mesh Stack Developer - develops a full Bluetooth mesh stack, probably as part of an SDK.
2. Mesh Product Developer - an embedded software engineer who develops the firmware for
Bluetooth mesh products such as lights, switches and so on.
3. Mesh Application Developer - develops applications for smartphones, tablets and desktop
computers which allow the monitoring or control of mesh networks and their devices.
This resource is aimed at embedded software engineers who intend to become Mesh Product
Developers (2). Those developers wishing to develop mesh applications should download and work
through the Mesh Proxy Kit from
You should start by reading the basic theory document which will explain the key technical concepts of
Bluetooth mesh that you’ll need to know before proceeding to the hands-on coding labs.
In the hands-on coding labs, you’ll implement a series of different Bluetooth mesh devices and get a
chance to both verify your understanding of the concepts and experience one way in which these
concepts manifest themselves in a real SDK.
We provide full source code solutions for each of the coding labs so if you get stuck, you can refer to the
solution for help. We also provide binary versions of the solutions so you can simply install the binary
firmware on a device, perhaps to have something to test another device against.
Recommended Study Sequence
This study resource is modular in design and we recommend that you follow this sequence:
All documents including this one are in the docs folder of the kit. You’ll find initial skeleton code and
complete solutions in the code/ folder.
Good luck!

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