Buildbox Guide






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Buildbox Guide
Gandhi Games

Thank you for your purchase. If you have any questions that are not covered in this or the official
Buildbox guide, please email me at

Buildbox ............................................................................................................................ 3
How to Reskin ................................................................................................................... 3
Add In-App Purchases ....................................................................................................... 3
Change Game Icon............................................................................................................. 4
Add Google and Apple Credentials .................................................................................... 5
Implementing Ad Networks ............................................................................................... 6
Android Import and Build .................................................................................................. 7
iOS Export ......................................................................................................................... 9

Gandhi Games


It is recommended you use Buildbox to edit the game template. If you do not own a license,
you can obtain a 30 day free trial from: This should be more
than enough time to edit and publish your new game!

How to Reskin
Reskinning is simple. Just drag your new images over the existing images and adjust the
collision shapes accordingly.

to edit

Drag new
image here

Add In-App Purchases
For complete instructions please see the included Buildbox official documentation.
First you must add a purchase button (if not already included in project). Drag and drop the
image to be used for the button into the relevant menu scene.

Gandhi Games


Change the button type to “Remove Ads”.

Lastly, you need to add your identifier (setup in the corresponding google/apple store), see
official Buildbox guide for step-by-step instructions.

Change Game Icon
Click on the gear icon to open the project settings.
Click Here

Gandhi Games


Drag and drop your icon over the existing icon. Please note that your icon must have
dimensions of 512x512 or 1024x1024 and should be of type png.

Add Google and Apple Credentials
The store specific credentials can be input on the project settings window (opened by
clicking the gear icon in the top-right of the window). Select the application store and input
your details. For more information on how to obtain the relevant details please see the
official Buildbox documentation.

Gandhi Games


Implementing Ad Networks
Enter your ad network ids in the Advertisements tab under Project Settings. Enter the ids for
each store separately. Full details on how to obtain advertisements ids are found on the
corresponding ad network websites.

To enable advertisements, open the menu editor and you can either enable Interstitial (fullscreen) or ad banner (banner at bottom of screen) for each screen.

Select screen
to display ads

Gandhi Games

Select banner or
interstitial ads


Android Import and Build
Full instructions at:
1. Open Eclipse. On start, you will be asked to select a ‘workspace’. Accept the default
and continue.

2. Click File → Import
3. Select Android → Existing Android Code… then click Next

Gandhi Games


4. Browse to the android directory of your project, tick the projects, and click [Finish]

Note: If you need to reload an updated version of your project you will need to delete the
previous version from Eclipse then simply import the updated version.
Testing on Device

Import your project into Eclipse
Select imported project in Eclipse left sidebar
Right-click and select Run → Run
Select Android Application and click OK
Select your device and click OK
The game should start on your device
Build APK

1. Right click your imported project from the sidebar
2. Select Android Tools → Export Signed Application Package
3. Click [Next]
If you have a keystore already:
1. Select Use Existing Keystore
2. Enter Password for the keystore and click [Next]
3. Select Alias, Enter Password (or create new key) then click [Next]

Gandhi Games


If you don’t have a keystore already:
1. Select Create new keystore
2. Browse to Location and enter new Filename
3. Enter Password and click [Next]
4. Enter Alias name, Password and 30 for years
5. Enter the rest of your info (at least one field) then click [Next]
6. Click [Finish]
Note: You must use this keystore and alias for every version of your game. You must
remember the passwords. If you lose the keystore or forget the passwords, you will not be
able to update your game. You cannot recover a lost keystore. You can also have multiple
aliases in a single keystore.

iOS Export
Full instructions at:
1. Open Xcode. Open the project in Xcode. You may notice that the project name is
PTPlayer. This name has not real effect on the game you upload to the app
store. You will see something similar to the following:

2. In the middle of screen, you will see the field Team. Select the account you will be
using to upload the game, or Add New if this is your first time. You will get a popup
where you can enter in a username and password.
3. Directly under this you will probably see a yellow icon – as shown – and a message
telling you the signing identity is missing. Press the [Fix Issue] button, and –
provided you have created your app ID and distribution profile, this warning will go
Gandhi Games


4. These fields are worth noting in particular:
• Version: should match the version you specify in iTunes Connect (and comes
from a Buildbox setting).
• Build: you can treat this as a the same as the version, above.
• Deployment Target: This determines what iOS version is needed to download
your game. Leave it as set by Buildbox.
Test on Simulator
1. Click on the button at the top of the screen – just to the right of PZPlayer. From the
menu that appears, select the simulator of your choice (there will a list of phones
and iPads along with the version of the iOS SDK you can test against).
2. Press the play symbol and wait for the simulator to start. Press the screen by using
the mouse. You can take screenshots and do other things while the simulator is
running by having a quick look at the menu bar.
Test on Device
1. Plug in your device to test on, and wait for a few seconds.
2. Ensure you have a testing provisioning profile setup (a generic profile is
3. Click on the button at the top of the screen – just to the right of PZPlayer. From the
menu that appears, select the device you have plugged in. (If you don’t see your
device, and only see the generic-sounding “iOS Device” check your USB connection
as the device is not being seen by Xcode. This can also be caused by not having your
device attached to your development account.)
4. Press the play symbol and wait for the game to start. Play the game as you normally
would on a device (device network communication will happen via the mobile/cell
phone network or WIFI and not USB) and note that log messages from the device
will appear in Xcode.
Build for Apple Store
1. Click on the button at the top of the screen – just to the right of PZPlayer. From the
menu that appears, select iOS Device (or the name device you have plugged in).
2. Click the Product menu, select Archive. This will build your game, and put it in
Xcode’s Organiser, with the just-built game selected:

Gandhi Games


3. At this state you can press [Estimate Size] button to check how big Xcode thinks your
final game will be, however this is only an estimate.
4. Provided that the game has been setup in iTunes Connect, you can now upload and
validate the game. To Validate, press [Validate] and follow the prompts.
5. To submit the game, press [Submit] and follow the easy to follow prompts. Note
that submitting will also do a validate, so the previous step is not strictly required.

Gandhi Games



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