C26 5793 0_1620_SPS_III_Programming_System_Reference_1964 0 1620 SPS III Programming System Reference 1964
C26-5793-0_1620_SPS_III_Programming_System_Reference_1964 C26-5793-0_1620_SPS_III_Programming_System_Reference_1964
User Manual: C26-5793-0_1620_SPS_III_Programming_System_Reference_1964
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File No. 1620-21 Form C26-5793-0 Systems Reference Library IBM 1620 SPS III Programming System Reference Manual This publication describes the specifications and operating procedures for both 1620 SPS III and 1620-1443 SPS III Programming Systems. This publication supersedes the following two publications: IBM 1620 SPS III (Form C26-5749-1) IBM 1620 SPS III for IBM 1443 Printer (Form C26-5736-0) Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Comments concerning the contents of this publication may be addressed to: IBM, Product Publications Department, San Jose, Calif. 95114 © 1963,1964 by International Business Machines Corporation ii Contents Page IBM 1620 SPS III ................................. Introduction ..................................... Symbolic Programming .............................. Coding Sheet .................................... Statement Writing ................................ 1 1 1 4 Programming the 1620 Using SPS ............... Declarative Statements ............................ Imperative Statements ............................ Processor Control Statements ....................... 1620 Subroutines ................................... Subroutine Macro-Instructions ...................... Floating Point Arithmetic ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Description of 1620 Subroutines .................... Subroutine Error Messages ......................... Adding Subroutines ................................. Adding a Subroutine to a Card Deck '" . . . . . . . . . . . .. Adding a Subroutine to Tape .................... .'.. Writing a Subroutine ............................. 10 10 14 22 29 30 32 34 43 44 44 46 48 Page 1 1620 SPS III Processor Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Storage Layout ................................... Paper Tape Processor Program ...................... Card Processor ................................... Condensed Object Deck Alterations .................. 52 52 54 54 59 Operating Procedures............................ Switches ........................................ Loading the Processor ............................. Processing the Source Program ...................... Editing the Source Program ........................ Error Messages ................................... 60 60 60 61 62 62 1620-1443 SPS III Operating Procedures ............................. 64 Index ............................................ 66 iii Preface The Symbolic Programming System permits the programmer to code in a symbolic language that is more meaningful and easy to handle than numerical machine language. SPS automatically assigns and keeps a record of storage locations and checks for coding errors. By relieving the programmer of these burdensome tasks, SPS significantly reduces the amount of programming time and effort required. This manual is intended to serve as a reference text for 1620 SPS III and 1620-1443 SPS III. It assumes the reader is familiar with the methods of data handling and the functions of instructions in the IBM 1620 Data Processing System. For those without such knowledge, information may be found in the following publications: IBM 1620 Central Processing Unit, Modell (Form A26-5706) IBM 1620 Central Processing Unit, Model 2 (Form . A26-5781) IBM 1620 Input/Output Units (Form A26-5707) IBM 1620 Data Processing System, Model 2 Binary Capabilities and Index Registers (Form A26-5764) Machine Requirements The minimum machine and special feature requirements for assembling with 1620 SPS III are as follows: 1. 1620 Data Processing System with 20,000 positions of core storage. 2. 1621 Paper Tape Unit or 1622 Card Read-Punch. 3. Indirect Addressing (standard feature of 1620-2). In addition to the above requirements, the 1443 Printer is required when assembling with 1620-1443 SPS III. iv IBM 1620 SPS III Introduction Symbolic Programming The SPS III Programming System may be divided into the symbolic language used in writing a program, the library containing the subroutines and linkage instructions (macro-instructions) that may be incorporated into the pr9gram, and the processor that is used to assemble the user's programs. Symbolic programming may be defined as a method wherein names, characteristics of instructions, or closely related symbols are used in writing a program. The core of the symbolic language is the operation code. SPS permits the programmer to write (code) in a more simple, familiar language and does not require as detailed machine knowledge because, in coding the program, the programmer uses operation codes that are in easily remembered mnemonic form rather than in the numerical language of the machine. Operation codes are of three types: Declarative, Imperative, and Control. Symbolic Language Symbolic language is the notation used by the programmer to write (code) the program. The program written in sps language is called a "source program." This language provides the programmer with mnemonic operation codes, special characters, and other necessary symbols. The use of symbolic names (labels) makes a program independent of actual machine locations. Programs and routines written in SPS language can be relocated and combined as desired. Routines within a program can be written independently with no loss of efficiency in the final program. Symbolic instructions may be added or deleted without reassigning storage addresses. Declarative Operation Codes Declarative operation codes are used for assignment of core storage for input areas, output areas, and working areas. The assigned areas are utilized by the object program and may contain the data to be processed and/or the constants (numerical or alphameric characters) required in the object program when the data is processed. Declarative statements never generate instructions in the object program, but may generate constants that are assembled as part of the object program. Macro-instructions The macro-instructions that are written in a source program are commands to the processor to generate the necessary linkage instructions. Linkage instructions provide the path to a subroutine and a return path to the user's program. These subroutines may be any of seventeen IBM Library subroutines like floating divide, square root, and arctangent; or special subroutines prepared by the user. The ability to proc~ss macro-instructions simplifies programming and further reduces the time required to write a program. Processor Program After a source program is written, it is punched into cards or into paper tape. The source program is then assembled into a finished machine language program known as the object program. Assembly is accomplished by the SPS III Processor program. The function of the processor is to translate the symbolic language of the programming system into the machine language of the 1620. The translation is one for one - the processor produces one machine language instruction for each source statement (except macroinstructions) . Imperative Operation Codes Imperative operation codes specify the operations or instructions that the object program is to perform. In this group are included all arithmetic, branching, and input/ output statements. Most statements on the coding sheet prepared by the programmer are of this type. These statements are translated one for one and are assembled as the machine language instructions of the object program. Control Operation Codes Control operation codes are commands to the processor that prOvide the programmer with control over portions of the assembly process. Instructions of this type do not normally generate instructions in the object program. The actual and mnemonic operation codes within these categories are presented under PROGRAMMING THE 1620 USING sPS. Coding Sheet The programmer enters all information relevant to the coding of the source program and subsequent assembly 1 of the object program on coding sheet, Form X26-5627 (Figure 1). Figure 2 shows a sample input card, Form J59692. The format of the input card or paper tape record follows the headings on the coding sheet. In paper tape, the first punching position of a record is said to be column l. The card columns assigned to a single heading are referred to as a field. Following is an explanation of the headings in the order of their appearance on the sheet. Heading Line Space is provided at the top of each page for the name of the Program, Routine, and Programmer, and for the date. This information does not constitute part of the source program language and is not punched. Page Number (Columns 1-2) A 2-digit page number is entered to maintain the order of the program sheets. This entry (normally numerical) IBr., becomes the first two digits of each statement that is punched from the sheet. Line Number (Columns 3-5) A 3-digit line number is entered on the sheet to maintain the sequence of the statements coded. The first 20 lines on each sheet are prenumbered 010, 020, 030, etc., through 200. At the bottom of the sheet, six nonnumbered lines are provided for inserts or for continuing the line numbering. The inserted statement should be numbered so that it falls sequentially between the statements immed!ately preceding and following it. The arrangement of the prenumbered lines, 010, 020, etc., permits up to nine statements to be inserted between any two statements. After the cards for each of the lines are punched, they should be placed in correct numerical order. 1620/1710 Symbolic Programming System Coding Sheet Program: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Routine: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Programmer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Line 3 o Lobel 5 6 Operands & Remarks bperation 11 12 15 16 25 20 0,2,0 · I I o 4 0 o 5 0 I o o o 6.0 I o 9 0 45 40 7 0 · 1 2 0 I 3 0 1 4 0 I 5 0 I 6 0 · · · · I I · I . ·· · · · t I I I I 1 1 I · · · Figure 1. 1620/1710 SPS Coding Sheet I I I · I . I ; I '- · I I I _J I · I I . I I I 1 I I · 1 · I I · -~ · I I I ·· I I I 8 0 I I · 1 9 0 , · I I 2 0 0 75 I I ~. 70 · I 1 I 0 65 · · · 8 0 60 · · · · I 0 0 2 55 50 · · · · 0,3 0 35 30 · 1 0 I 7 0 Page No. ~ of _ __ · · I I I I [ 1 I I I I --' --L . OPER. OPERANDS AND REMARKS OPER. OPERANDS ANO REIIlARKS 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 12345'7"~"UUM~~U~"~~nn~~~nHH~~UU~~.n.H~~UU~U.UUUM~n~~ "~~M"~~~~~U"~Uh~nnnu~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 33333333333 44444444444 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555~5555 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 .. 19 ~ ~ 222324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 37 3J ~ 353& 37 38 39 40 41 4243 ~ 45 4& 47 4& 49 50 51 52 ~ ~ 55 ~ 57 58 5HO 61 62 &3 646566 67 68 69 10 1\ 72 lJ 74 75 .... J59fi92 Figure 2. SPS Source Program Card Label (Columns 6-11) The label ReId represents the machine location of either data or instructions. The ReId may be left blank or may be RIled with a symbolic address. Only the data or instructions that are referred to elsewhere in the program need have a label. A label may consist of up to six alphameric characters beginning at the left-most position in the label ReId. At least one of the characters must be alphabetic or one of four permissible special characters, namely, the equal sign (=), slash symbol (/), at sign (@), and period ( .). The best labels to select are those that are mnemonically descriptive of the area or instruction to which they are assigned. Labels that have an obvious mean iilg not only provide easily remembered references for the original programmer but also assist others who may assume responsibility for the program. p Operation (Columns 12-15) The four-position operation ReId contains the actual two-digit numerical operation code or the mnemonic representation of the operation code to be performed. If the Rrst character is numerical, no check of the operation code occurs and the numerical parts of the twodigit internal representation of the Rrst two characters is taken as the operation code, that is, if the programmer writes 4BNF, the resulting operation code is 42. In either case, the Rrst character of the operation code must start in the lefbnost position, column 12, of the operation ReId. Listings of permissible mnemonic codes and actual operation codes are shown under PROGRAMMING THE 1620 USING SPS. Operands and Remarks (Columns 16-75) The operands and remarks ReId is used to specify the information that is to be operated upon and may contain, if desired, any· additional remarks concerning the statement. For declarative operation statements, the Rrst operand usually deRnes the length. The remaining operands, if present, specify constants, an address, and remarks. For imperative operation statements, the operands and remarks ReId contains, at most, four items: three of these are operands and the fourth, remarks. The Rrst two operands may be the symbolic or actual address of data or instructions, the P and Q portions of the instruction. The third operand, which should be numerical, is called the Hag indicator operand and is used to set Hags in the assembled instruction. The Rnal item consists of the remarks associated with each statement. Imperative statements need not contain all four items. Anyone or more than one may be omitted. A control operation statement normally consists of only one operand. 3 Statement Writing Certain rules must be observed in writing or coding the statements that make up the source program. This section contains rules that apply to the statements and their elements, rules governing the length and types of statements, use of special characters, the Hag indicator operand and immediate (Q) operand, types of addresses used as operands, and address adjustment by arithmetic, a method that relieves the programmer of considerable eHort and reduces the number of symbols required for a source program. All imperative statements that contain remarks must include three commas in the operands field, even when the operands are omitted. During assembly, the omitted P or Q operands will be replaced by zeros in the P or Q portion of the assembled instruction. Commas indicating omission need not be present in statements in which the last item ( s) is omitted. For example, in the statement in which both the Hag indicator operand and remarks are omitted, no commas need be used follOWing the second operand. Statements Symbolic statements are classed according to the operation code they contain, and thus are designated Declarative, Imperative, or Control statements. In addition to the page and line number, a statement may contain a label, operation code, operands, and remarks. No statement in the source program may exceed 75 characters in length. Since page number, line number, label, and operation require 15 positions, the operands, and remarks field may not exceed 60 characters. In the case of the paper tape sps, the end-of-line character is considered to be part of the operands and remarks field. Ope,ands & aomarks 2S JO .. 50 Examples Use of Special Characters in Statement Writing The comma, asterisk, end-of-line character, blank, at ( @) sign, and dollar sign are special characters which possess distinct meanings in the writing of source programs. Their use as well as that of the special characters used as operators for address adjustment are explained in detail in this section. COMMA The comma is normally used to separate items in a statement. The term item refers here to parts of the operands and remarks field, such as the P and Q operands, the Hag indicator operand, remarks, length, constants, etc. An imperative statement may consist of four items: the P and Q operands, the Hag indicator operand, and remarks, but need not contain all four items. Anyone or more than one may be omitted. If one item is omitted and more items follow, the comma that normally follows the omitted item must be present. For example, if the Hag indicator operand is omitted but remarks are present in the instruction, the format of the field will be: Operands & Remarks 1$" 4 20 2S JO lS 40 Statement 010 which is a halt operation requires three commas (, , ,) in front of the remarks, to take the place of the P, Q, and Hag indicator operands. In statement 020, the first two commas set oH the P and Q operands, whereas the third comma takes the place of the omitted Hag indicator operand. The number of commas required for declarative statements may be one or two as explained under DECLARATIVE OPERATIONS. ASTERISK The asterisk has three uses: in writing comments (only), as an operand or term of an operand, and in address adjustment. Lines of descriptive information may be inserted in the program by placing an asterisk (~) in column 6 of the label field. Comments then may be written in columns 7 through 75. Comments inserted in this way will appear in the symbolic output, but will not aHect in any way the operation of the program. A comment statement does not produce an entry in the object program. so Statements 010 and 020 are remarks that do not generate instructions. The asterisk is used as the first character or term of an operand in an imperative statement and is interpreted by the program as the address of the high-order (leftmost) position of the address of the instruction. It may be used as any term of the operand to indicate the high-order (leftmost) position of the address of the instruction. When the asterisk is used in address adjustment as an operator, it indicates to the processor that a multiplication must be performed in order to adjust the address. tape immediately adjacent to each other, with no intervening blank characters. The statements are in "free" form; that is, they are not assigned a fixed number of positions. Source statements that are to be processed in punched card form do not require an end-of-line character; the remainder of the line is left blank and this is recognized by the processor as the end of the statement. When the end-of-line character is punched in a card for off-line conversion to paper tape, it is represented by a 12, 5, 8 punch combination. PARENTHESES BLANK CHARACTER Parentheses are used to enclose the integer that specifies which index register is to be used in modification of the operand. A blank character in operands of the source statements is ignored by the processor except in DAC statements ( alphameric constants), in which blanks are considered valid characters. In effect, the statement is condensed before it is processed. Because blanks are ignored by the processor, the programmer, to achieve clarity on his coding sheets and output listing, may write his statements in modified "fixed" fonn as shown in the example at the bottom of the page. In this example, columns 16, 36, and 57 are arbitrary choices for the locations of the operands. The comma following or replacing the P operand may be in any column from 16 through 35; the comma following or replacing the Q operand must be in column 56, the position preceding the flag indicator operand. Operand, & lema"', NET END-OF-LINE CHARACTER ® An end-of-line character is required on source statements that are to be processed on paper tape. Use of this character allows statements to be located on the Line -.l Lobel 5 6 0,1.0 5)(2 0.2.0 Operands & Remarles Operotiof1 11 12 8, A, 3S 30 25 ~ 15 16 ",1'EJIJ',J - .4, A RE.A. ~, 1.No/,7 1 AI.l Z,A,T I OJ'/. FOil F.S1l8.0,J>..~ I I I I I I & I ,.'p,E! rA_ _x TF. :X,s'UIN. o • 0 1 r.FH. f.f,V,L T+ II TJ),I( Sw'2+J, 5 0 10,6.0 Atc,H, TE,ItI,P3 '.0 A. T£H.P3 I 0 0 8. ill,S I,N,£ - 3" L 7 e 10 • 0 10 A, A 'A,c CIl", , 2 • , 3 • C, ~ , 1 0 ODD,VN. 1 • 0 1 S 0 1 6 0 'ftI.II.LT ,tiP E l I I' I I I I , . I • I I I I I I I I .L I I 6S 75 70 FOt F.H.E t, I I I "I1"aE.~P'J. I · "LO · · I t I I I I I I I . I I · · ·· I' --' I T A,X r.lJrl.p.J. , NIH,IS 8.N.H, lA,S Il'I.l- "'••,L. • 'Ml'l ~,c~.tI.1f $F, I. ·· t, S fl8.N. I .-1 _ TI.H.P.3. .L XS lJBJI. '.11 " I ,liZ . I I ".4,9 TF r.F I II .., 55 SO o DDV.N. 1.,3,0 o .s .c) 1 · I I I I I I I I I. I · I I I I I · I I I I. · · L -' I I I · ·· · -'- -' 5 Blanks are not permitted within a Bag indicator operand. For paper tape input, this operand must begin immediately following the second column and must be immediately followed by a comma or end-of-line character. For card input, the Bag indicator operand can be followed by a comma, record mark, or blanks in the remainder of the card. A blank or blanks in the address operand of a declarative statement, when set off by commas, is interpreted by the processor as a zero address. instruction. It may be absolute or symbolic as previously defined. High-order zeros of absolute data may be eliminated. During assembly, the processor automatically places a flag over position Q. of an immediate instruction unless a Bag indicator operand indicates otherwise. For example, the statement Operand. & Remark. 20 :IS )0 TOTI! L, 1002,3 When the "at" sign (@) is used as part of a constant being defined by a DC, DSC, or DAC statement, a record mark ( =F) is created by the processor and inserted into the constant in place of the @. Specific rules for use of the @ are covered under DECLARATIVE OPERATIONS causes the numbers 10023 to be subtracted from the field called TOTAL because the Bag that terminates the field to be subtracted is automatically placed over position Q •. However, the statement DOLLAR SIGN The dollar sign ($) is used in an operand to instruct the processor that the symbolic address in an operand has a specific heading character. The $ is written between the heading character and the symbol. For example, in an operand the' heading character "5" and the symbol "SUM" appear as 5$SUM. For additional information on the use of the $, refer to HEAD-HEADING in the Control Operations section. Operands FLAG INDICATOR OPERAND The flag indicator operand specifies the positions that are to be Bagged in the assembled instruction. These positions are numbered from left to right, 0 through 11, and must be listed sequentially. For example, if positions 2, 7, and 10 are to be Bagged, the Bag indicator operand should be coded 2710, not 2107. All positions may be Bagged, if desired. The operand then will be coded 01234567891011 and must be written in that order. Normally? no Bags are set when the Bag indicator operand is omitted. However, if the flag indicator operand is omitted from all immediate instructions, except TDM, a flag is automatically set in position Q •. If the operand is present, only the positions indicated are flagged. The flag indicator operand can be used to insert a Bag over the units position of the P and Q addresses, if the source program is written for a 1620 or 1710 that has Indirect Addressing. Operand. & Remark. will cause only the number 23 to be subtracted from the field called TOTAL because the flag indicator operand directs that the field terminating Bag be placed over position QIO rather than Q •. There is one exception to this rule: a Transmit Digit Immediate instruction (TDM, code 15) does not require a Bag; therefore, none is automatically set by the processor. MASK DIGIT OPERAND A mask digit operand is required to specify the mask digit for the Branch on Mask and Branch on Bit instructions. The D in the following examples shows the position of the mask operand in the source statement. Operand. & Romark. 40 which assembles to: ., 91 PPPPP DQQQQ Operand. & ......."" IMMEDIATE ( Q OPERAND) With immediate-type instructions such as Add Immediate (AM), Subtract Immediate (SM), and with actual operation codes that begin with the digit 1, the Q operand represents the actual data to be used by the 6 which assembles to: 90 PPPPP DQQQQ The mask operand may be symbolic or absolute. The P, Q, and Bag operands are processed in the same man- ner as for other instructions. If the mask operand is an absolute value, the units character replaces the Q7 character of the Q operand. For example: Given: label line '1 S, I.IA. lB. 0.2.. Ps>-at.... Operand. & __ rIl. Iffs '",12344 1112 11>.$ 20 H JO » 00 .S SO , .214-$'.' will assemble to: 91 12344 13456 If the mask operand is a symbol, the units position of the symbolic address will be inserted in the Q. position of the assembled instruction. For example: Given: causes the data in storage location 12251 to be added to the data in storage location 03684. SYMBOLIC ADDRESS A symbolic address is the name assigned by the programmer to the location of an instruction or a piece of data. A symbolic address is valid only if it is defined (given an actual numerical value) by a declarative statement somewhere in the source program or if it is used as the label of an instruction. Symbolic addresses may contain from one to six characters (letters, digits, or special characters) with the follOWing restrictions: a. At least one character must be nonnumerical. b. The only permissible special characters are: equal sign (=), slash symbol (/), at sign (@), and period (.). It should be noted that blanks have no meaning within a symbol because they are eliminated during assembly. The example shown below contains both an actual address and a symbolic address. Operand. & Remark, Operands & Remark! lS .1225J In this example, the data in the field whose actual address is 12251 is added to a field whose address is the symboliC name TOTAL. ASTERISK ADDRESS will assemble to: \Vhen the asterisk is used as the first character of an operand in an imperative operation, it is interpreted by the processor as meaning the address of the highorder (leftmost) position of the instruction itself. For example, the statement 91 12344 53456 Types of Addresses Used as Operands Operands assembled by the processor may be of three types: actual, symbolic, and asterisk. The individual applications for a particular type of address are described in the section PROGRAMMING THE 1620 USING Operands & Remarlts SPS. ACTUAL ADDRESS An actual address consists of five digits 00000-19999 for a standard capacity machine and is, as the name implies, the actual core storage address of a piece of data or an instruction. High-order zeros of an actual address may be eliminated. For example, the statement Operand. & Remark. 368*".12251 indicates to the processor that the Q portion ~f the instruction should contain the address of the instruction itself. This instruction is assembled as 44 01234 01876 where START equals 01234 and the address assigned to the instruction is 01876. Thus, when executed in the ohject program, this instruction examines its own leftmost position (01876) for a flag and either branches to the instruction at location 01234 or continues, on the hasis of the examination, to the next instruction located at . 01888. 7 When an asterisk (~) address is used with either declarative or control operations, it refers to the rightmost position of storage last assigned by the location assignment counter of the processor - not to the leftmost character of the instruction. For example, the statements label line 3 In 5. ~otion IS 16 "'2 20 2S TFJt( 12o.4~, 1 0 \D,c 0,2,0 1,1>, • 30 lS , .. .. O!>orands & Remarlc. SO suIt (adjusted address) that is over 5 digits, cannot be calculated by the processor. In using address adjustment, the programmer should be careful that insertions or deletions do not affect the adjusted address. For example, if a P operand in a branch (B) instruction refers to an address as + 48 (i.e., branch to the instruction that follows the next three sequentially higher instructions), the programmer must ensure that no new instructions are introduced within the three instructions to make the ~ + 48 incorrect. In this example the asterisk (~) is the leftmost position of the instruction itself. Examples (I, produce the instruction _ 16 12045 7000* Since record marks can be defined only in declarative operations, an imperative statement should be followed by a DC statement when a record mark is re(luired in the instruction. The rightmost position of the instruction is the rightmost position of storage last assigned; therefore it is also the position where the =4= ( constant) is stored. Address Adiustment of Operands Address adjustment is used to tell the processor to arithmetically adjust the addresses in operands. It is permitted with all types of addresses: actual, symbolic, and asterisk, and is used to refer to a location that is a given number of positions away from a specific address. Use of this feature of the l~nguage reduces the number of symbols necessary for a source program. By writing a + (plus sign) for addition, - (minus sign) for subtraction, and 0 (asterisk) for multiplication, immediately after the first or subsequent tenn of an operand (an asterisk as a term of an operand does not represent multiplication but means the address of the instruction, as previously explained), the programmer indicates to the processor that the address is to be adjusted. Arithmetically adjusted operands may take the form # of A -+- B -+- C -+- D, where the tenns A, B, C, and D may be numerical quantities. The number of terms in the operand is limited only by the size of the operand and remarks field. Thus the operand A + B 0 C - D may be further adjusted by writing after the last term another term, E, e.g., A + B • C - D + E. In arithmetically adjusted operands, the operation or operations of multiplication are -always performed first, followed by the addition and subtraction required to calculate the adjusted address. Intennediate results that are greater than 10 digits, or a fin~l re(I, 8 The operands shown will produce the adjusted addresses, as indicated, provided the location 1000 has been aSSigned to the symbolic address ALPHA, the location 4 has been assigned the symbolic address L, and the instruction location «I,) is equivalent to 2000. In some instructions such as the branch instruction, the Q address is not used, although a zero (00000) address is generated. Thus the instruction uses 12 storage positions. By using an address in the following statements (I, Operands & Remarks IS •• III (I, the instructions are condensed, to eliminate four positions of the unused (zero) Q address, and are stored as 49136680161204570000 whereas the statements line I) loIN! S. Ii. 0.' 0.' N.EXT Operands & Remarks b,.erafioo 1111 .,. 10 13668 " TFM 1t.O.r,70000 J5 JO '- '0 .5 50 ~ , -----'--"--' are stored as Operand Modification with Index Registers 491366800000161204570000 because the unused Q address is not eliminated. In the first example, only four positions of storage are saved; however, a considerable amount of storage can be saved in a program that contains many instructions where the Q or both the Q and P portions of instructions are unused. Because the # in the DORG statement (see CONTROL OPERATIONS) refers to the rightmost position of storage last assigned (Ql 1 of the B instruction), # -3 is the address where the next instruction starts. By placing a minus sign in front of the first term of an operand, a Hag (minus sign) can be inserted over the units position of the adjusted address. This feature of address adjustment can be used for inserting Hags required for Indirect Addressing. However, an operand written as -0 (minus zero) does not insert the Hag in the units position over the zero. When the minus sign is written in front of the first term in order to set a Hag over the units position, other signs following the first term should be reversed so that the correct address is obtained. Any operand that can be indirectly addressed may be modified with an index register. The index register is specified by placing the number of the index register in parentheses, as shown in the following examples, label line 3 5 , I .• Oel.D f:>perat;"" 1111 A A ,. " ADDR-5(3),5U8R(') ADDR-S(A3),SUBR.(4') lS16 JO 3' .. Operands & Remarks ., '" either of which will be assembled as 21 XXXXx XXXXX The number in parentheses must be an integer from o to 7. The processor decodes the number and places the proper Hags over the operands. In the second example, the A in the index register portion of the P operand is ignored by the processor; however, it may be included by the programmer as an aid in keeping track of the index register band currently selected. The processor decodes the rightmost numerical character within the parentheses as the index register number. 9 Programming the 1620 Using SPS This section describes the various steps to be followed in writing a program for the 1620 using sps. The material is divided into three categories: Declarative Statements, Imperative Statements, and Control Statements. DSC DAC DSA DSB DNB Define Define Define Define Define Special Constant (Numerical) Alphameric Constant Symbolic Address Symbolic Block Numerical Blank Declarative Statements In programming the 1620, all records and any other data that is to be processed by the program must be assigned storage areas. Normally, all records and data to be processed consist of fields of known length and arrangement. Unless otherwise specified, areas are automatically assigned core storage locations in the order in which they appear in the source statements. To assign addresses for instructions, constants, etc., the processor uses an address assignment counter. This counter is adjusted for .each assignment made by the processor. If an address is assigned by the programmer, the counter is not adjusted. The declarative statements provide the object program with the input/output areas, work areas, and constants it requires to accomplish its assigned task. These statements do not produce instructions that are executed in the object program. The entries, DS, DSS, DAS, and DSB assign storage for work areas in the object program. The entries, DC, DSC, DAC, DSA, and DNB usually assign storage, and also produce, in the object program, both the machine address of the area assigned and the constants that are to be stored in this area. Constants are then loaded with the object program. Declarative statements may be entered at any point in the source program. However, these statements are normally placed by themselves, preferably at the beginning or end of the program - not within the instruction area. If not placed at the beginning or end, the programmer is required to branch around an area assigned to data so the program will not attempt to execute what is in a data area as an instruction. The declarative mnemonic operation codes and their description are as follows: Code DS DSS DAS DC 10 Description Define Symbol (Numerical) Define Special Symbol (Numerical) Define Alphameric Symbol Define Constant (Numerical) DS - Define Symbol (Numerical) A DS statement may be used to define symbols used in the source program (i.e., to assign storage addresses or values to symbolic addresses or labels) and to assign storage for input, output, or working areas. A DS statement does not cause any data to be loaded with the object program. The length of the field is defined by the first operand. This operand may be an absolute value or a symbolic name. If a symbolic name is used, the symbol must previously have been defined as an absolute value, that is, it must have appeared in the label field in a statement of the source program preceding the one in which it is used. Address adjustment may be used with this operand. The address in core storage of the field being defined may be assigned by the programmer or the programmer may let the processor assign the address. If the processor assigns the address, the statement is terminated after the first operand. If the programmer assigns the address, a second operand, which may be symbolic, asterisk, or actual, is used to establish the address of the field. Since data fields are addressed at their rightmost (low-order) digit the processor assigns this position as the address of the field. Address adjustment may be used with the second operand. If the second operand is symbolic, it also must previously have been defined. Addresses assigned by the programmer do not disrupt the sequence of addresses assigned by the processor. A DS statement may also be used to define a symbol, without assigning any storage, i.e., to define it as an absolute value. In this case, the first operand is omitted (or written as 0) and the second operand represents the value (may not exceed five digits in length). The second operand may be an actual value or a previously defined symbol. To define storage which will not be referred to symbolically, the label of the DS statement may be omitted. The following statements define the field length only. When remarks are added to the statement, the field length must be followed by two commas. line , ., label 5. ~i"" 1112 Operand .......... rtu lSI' 1O 2$ JO l5 00 D.EL rA}' lD.s 7 DEL TA.>l OS 7.•.• i.frl.O COilA-AS IlE(}.l/.! RoE/), ,F,oB- 50 45 ,R,{tM.!..,K,S, I In the next example, the programmer assigns the address of the field and excludes the field length (the first operand) from the statement and replaces it with a comma. The following statements cause the processor to associate the address 12930 with the label SUM: the processor assigns the leftmost position as the address of the field. If a second operand is aSSigned by the programmer, this address is assumed to be equivalent to the leftmost position of the field. A DSS statement is normally used to define a storage area for input/ output. The data in such an area may be moved during execution of the object program by a Transmit Record instruction which requires that an address assigned to an area be that of the leftmost position. DAS - The DAS statement is similar to the two exceptions: DSS - Define Special Symbol (Numerical) The DSS statement is similar to the DS statement with one exception: when the second operand is omitted, statement with 2. The address of the field, if generated by the processor, is the leftmost position of the field plus one. The position is always odd-numbered, as it must be with any alphameric field. The following example illustrates a DAS statement. --- label Line Il la 5. Operands & Remarks Pr-ati<>'1 1\1' 151, '.0 T I T.L..{ j),AS iB.o 10.10 This statement defines the symbol FL as being equivalent to the value 17. Subsequent uses of this symbol are permitted because the symbol has been defined. It should be noted that an area defined by the processor for a DS statement is always addressed at the rightmost position. However, to use this area for input/ output, the leftmost digit must be addressed. This is done by using a DSS statement in place of a DS statement or by address adjustment with a DS statement, which subtracts a number that is one less than the length of the area from the address of the area. In a previous example, where DELTAX was defined as having a field length of 7, the operand of another instruction to read numerical data into the DELTAX field should be written as DELTAX-6. DS 1. The length specified by the first operand is automatically doubled by the processor to allow for alphameric data. Each alphameric character requires two storage positions. D Again, in this example, two commas are required when remarks form part of the statement. The following statement, which is similar to the one previously given, is assigned a value that is other than an address. Define Alphameric Symbol >0 " " 1O 00 ., ~ 10 , TI TL£ DA.S ~.O,J, ,R E/'tAR K S R EQ,U litE TW.O b,OHI1AS This statement defines an area for input/output that can contain 30 alphameric characters. The processor assigns 60 positions in core storage to accommodate alphameric coding. The omission of the second operand causes the processor to assign an address. During internal transmission of a field which utilizes an input/ output area that is defined with a DAS, the area must be addressed at its rightmost position. In the example, the address may be achieved through address adjustment, i.e:, TITLE+2°30-2. DC - Define Constant (Numerical) The DC statement may be used to enter numerical constants into the object program, and, for ease of reference, to assign names to the constants. The lahel field contains the name by which the constant is known. DC statements consist of three operands. The first operand indicates the length of the constant field; the second, the actual constant; the third, the storage address of the constant. The third operand is not used when the 11 These constants appear in the object program as: programmer prefers to let the processor assign the storage address. The assigned address is the rightmost storage position of the constant. The leftmost storage position is the position over which the processor places a Hag. Whenever remarks form part of a DC statement, three commas must be included in the statement. The first and third operands may be symbolic or actual. They are subject to address adjustment. A symbolic address must previously have been defined to be valid. If the first operand (length of constant) is smaller than the constant, an invalid condition results. If it is larger than the constant, zeros are inserted to the left of the constant so that the number of zeros plus the number of positions in the constant equals the length of the field (first operand) . A constant that is a positive number will be stored in the form of an unsigned integer; a negative number, in the form of a signed integer. A negative number has the minus sign written in front of the constant as part of the second operand. During assembly, a negative number produces a Bag (minus sign) over the units position of the constant. If the constants 0100000 and -0004337769 are required, they may be defined as follows: Line 13 p.-i Lobel S, III' be 151' 20 7S 20 lS .s 40 line 1 ic,o.N.S.T DC 7iJ 1 00000.,,1 3 COI'(lf.AS roON ,R,fI1.A,fK~. DC J,O, ,,-,4.:3 37769 I I , I I I ~o"on Operands 10 C O,I{S T~zID.C 'S JO & Remorks 40 1, - 7, , S TQY_A.. ?_:~/J IfI..~~~ f J.AG~ ~ L~ , • • CO,N,S,T.2lP.C. Il.J,7,J".STO·iii A 7 :WI,TI!."A7j,A{t:~_:-:-::::: A Bag is always placed over a one-digit constant (except a record mark), regardless of the sign. Therefore the programmer must use two positions to define a positive one-digit constant. Constants may not exceed 50 characters. The following statement generates a constant containing 50 zeros. , - - - - y - - - - r - - - - . - - - - . - - , - - - - - - - - . - -- - - Operands & Remorh To store a zero with a Bag at location 00401, the following statement can be used: SO ~JA Lobel S, I •. ' • .7..100.000 It! ON.ST.J. CONST.2 A constant 7 with a Bag ('7) is generated by either of the following statements: Operonel. , Remark. Ol1 1•. 1 •• 030 =t= 6=t= 0773 =t= , r-~--~~------------------------ Operonds & Remarks I •• Ie.G'N-,s T.2 PC ILO,-.4.33..L7.6,9, ,,3, ,c,otfl1~..£.1,O& NlH,A,RKS In both cases, constant 1 and constant 2, the length of field is greater than the constant, and the addresses of the constants are assigned by the processor. These constants will appear in the object program as 0100000 0004337769 A record mark may be used in a constant but must be in the units position and must be written as the character @. The follOWing example contains statements that: 1. Store a record mark by itself as a constant. 2. Store a constant 6 and record mark. 3. Store a minus 0773 and record mark. 12 Because a label is not included in this statement, the actual address (00401) must be uSed by any other instruction when referring to this constant. DSC - Define Special Constant (Numerical) The DSC statement is similar to the DC statement with two exceptions: 1. When the third operand is omitted, the address assigned by the processor to the field is that of the lefbnost position of the field. If the third operand is present, the address of the constant is assumed to be the leftmost position of the field, and the constant will be stored with its leftmost digit at this address when the object program is loaded. 2. A Hag is not placed in the leftmost position of the field. DAC - Define Alphameric Constant To define a constant consisting of alphameric data, the mnemonic DAC is used. The DAC statement is similar to the DC statement with three exceptions: 1. The first operand (length) is automatically doubled by the processor to allow two storage positions for each alphameric character. 2. The storage address of the constant is the address of the leftmost position plus one. This address must be an odd-numbered address to comply with the requirements for alphameric data storage. An odd-numbered address will automatically be assigned, if it is assigned by the processor. If it is specified by the programmer (as in line 020 of the following example), the processor assigns the specified address and provides that the constant is stored beginning one position to the left of the specified address. In the latter case, the processor makes no test of whether or not the address is odd-numbered or whether the address (or the position to the left) has been previously assigned. 3. High-order zeros are not automatically inserted in the constant by the processor, as in the case with a DC statement when the field length exceeds the number of characters. The number of characters including blank characters should not be greater or less than the specified length (first operand). When the rightmost position or positions of the constant are blank characters, they should be followed by a comma or end-of-line character. For card input, the rightmost position must be followed by a comma or a record mark. Only DAC and DNB instructions may be used to insert blank characters into storage. NOTE: line 1 label 5' 10.I.oNOT£1 ~oti"" 1112 VA' Operands & Remarks 151' 20 J.7"DECH 2S )0 3lf78 )S 'RMARI< ID,AC 1 " " , AL PH A, A 50-character alphameric constant (maximum allowable) occupies 100 positions of storage. A flag is set over the leftmost position of the field. Addressing this constant for internal field transmission requires the address OUTPUT +50 2-2, where OUTPUT is the symbol (label) which represents the leftmost address plus one. (t DSA - Define Symbolic Address The DSA statement may be used to store a series of up to ten addresses as constants, as part of the object program. These addresses can be used for instruction modification or for setting up a table of addresses through which the programmer may index to modify a routine. Each entry (symbolic or actual) in the operands field, with the exception of the last entry, is followed by a comma. The equivalent machine address of each entry is stored as a 5-digit constant. The constants are stored adjacent to each other with a flag over the highorder position of each. The label field of this statement must contain the symbolic name by which the table of constants may be referred to. An address at which this table is stored in core storage may not be assigned by the programmer nor may any remarks be included in the DSA statement. The address assigned by the processor is the address at which the rightmost digit of the first constant will be located. NOTE: If the last operand is followed by a comma, an additional zero address (00000) is assembled in the table. In the example that follows, symbols ALPHA, ORIGIN, and OUTPUT are equivalent to addresses 01000, 00600, and 15000, respectively. .$ PUNCHED, ,ENp' !r1.£S!i.AG£ ,901,STORE , 010 40 3. Statement 030 records an alphameric record mark in storage. 4. Statement 040 places a 13-position constant, including a record mark, in storag~. ALPHA 1f~ F,OR OU,1~P,UT, BlKS :A:R:E:C2 Operand. & Remarks .. CDNST In,AC 13,D£LTAX=O.OOo~,,'s'iA~~ ~C.N'S'T,'R:M--,~_ In the example shown: 1. Statement 010 uses 34 storage positions to store the 17-position constant (deck 3478 punched). 2. Statement 020 places 6 alphameric blanks into storage locations 00900 through 00911. Also, a Hag is set in location 00900. ORIGIN 1234 OUTPUT-50 The constants are stored as 01000006000123414950 (0120t) 1 (01204) 13 If the lefbnost digit of these four constants is located at 01200, then the address equivalent to TABLE will be 01204, the location of the rightmost digit of ALPHA. DSB - Operands & Remarles 3S Define Symbolic Block A DSB statement is used to define an area of storage for storing a numerical array. A DSB statement does not cause any data to be loaded with the object program. The label of this statement is converted to the address at which the first element of the array is stored (i.e., the righbnost position of the first element). The first operand indicates the size of each element, the second, the number of elements. Either or both operands may be symbolic or actual. If symbolic, the symbol must have been previously defined. A third operand is required if the programmer wishes to assign the address. For example, to store an array of 75 elements, each element containing 15 digits, the statements llsed would be: The processor assigns the storage address of the six blank positions to the label BLANKS. In the example that follows, the programmer assigns the storage address as 01625. Operands & R.ma .... s 20 2S 625. STa1U JO s,)( LANHS In a DNB statement, two commas are required whenever remarks are included in the statement; the first after the length operand and the second after, or in place of, the address operand. Summary of Declarative Statements Operands & R.marles In this example, the array begins at location 01500 (lefbnost position of the first IS-digit element). ARRAY is equivalent to 01514 (address of the first element). DNB - Define Numerical Blank A DNB statement is used to define a field of numerical blanks. (The 8-4 card code denotes a numerical blank.) Up to fifty blanks may be specified in each DNB statement. In addition to a label, two operands can be aSSigned by the programmer. The first of these specifies the number of blank characters desired (field length) and. the second, the rightmost address of the field where the blanks are stored in the object program. If the second operand is omitted and the statement is labeled, the address assigned to the label by the processor is the rightmost storage position of the blank field. The blank field does not contain a Hag in its leftmost position. If the programmer wishes to move a blank field in core storage, he must either define a single-digit constant with a Hag bit in the position in front of the leftmost position of the blank field or a record mark in the position follOWing the rightmost position of the blank field. If six numerical blanks are required, they may be defined as follows: 14 As stated earlier, areas being defined by the processor are assigned core storage locations in the order in which they are processed. To do this, the processor program uses a location assignment counter to keep track of the address of the last assigned storage location. Table 1 shows the amount added to the location assignment counter for each instruction and summarizes the coding and operation of each declarative operation. "Alpha Record Address" in the table refers to the leftmost position plus one of an alphameric field, whereas "Field Address" refers to the rightmost position of a field. The term "Numerical Record Address" refers to the leftmost position of a field. Imperative Statements This section describes the five classes of Imperative statements and· gives examples of statements in symbolic form. For a detailed description of the function of each instruction, refer to the appropriate machine reference manual. Imperative statements are divided into five classes: 1. Arithmetic 2. Internal Data Transmission 3. Logic 4. Input/Output 5. Miscellaneous Arithmetic Statements Table 2 lists the Arithmetic statements, some of which pertain to special features. Since some features are "speciar for the 1620 Model 1 and "standard" for the Table 1. Summary of Declarative Operations DECLARATIVE STATEMENT FORMA OPERANDS OP lABEL CODE AMOUNT ADDED TO LOCAnON ASSIGNMENT COUNTER IF ADDRESS (A) IS BLANK VALUE STORED IN SYMBOL TABLE AS EQUIVALENT TO "SYMBOL" DATA FIELDS WHICH ARE lOADED AS A PART OF THE OBJECT PROGRAM SYM OS l,A l(length). If L is blank, Ois added. A address. If A is blank, the field address from the location assignment counter is stored. None. SYM DSS l,A l (length). If l is blank, 0 is added. A address. If A is blank, the numerical record address from the location assignment counter is stored • None. SYM DAS l,A 2 x l is added. If L is blank, A address must be add. If A is blank, the alpha record address from the location assignment counter is stored. None. SYM DC L,C,A l is added. A address. If A is blank, the field address from the location assignment counter is stored. C, the (numerical) constant. SYM DSC l,C,A l is added. A address. If A is blank the numerical record address from the location assignment counter is stored . C, the (numerical) constant. SYM DAC L,C,A 2 x l is added • A address must be odd. If A is blank, the alpha record address from the location assignment counter is stored. C, the (alphameric) constant. SYM DSA D,E,F,G, H, I, J, K, L,M 5 x (number of addresses) is added. Field address of the first address on list. A I ist of the actual addresses that correspond to D,E,F, etc. SYM DS8 L,N,A A address. If A is blank, field length of each element times the number of elements is added • address of the first element is stored. None. SYM DN8 l,A l is added. Number of blank choracters that equa I L. o is added. A address. If A is blank, the field address from the location assignment counter is stored. 1620 Model 2, no indication is made in the table to differentiate between the two types. 050 - Move DDND (dividend) to the product area (storage location 00097). Examples These statements cause the following operations to be performed: Line 010 - Add labor amount to cost amount. 020 - Same as line 010 except three commas are required for remarks. 030 - Subtract a constant 02 from the field located at STORE plus 4. 040 - Add a constant 05 to the field at storage . location 00088. line Operands & bmorks 1.5 Table 2. Arithmetic Instructions NOTE: Indire'ct Addressing and indexing are allowable with all P address operands listed below. An * to the left of the Q operand indicates these features may be used with it. OPERANDS OPERATION CODES OPERATION MNEMONIC ACTUAL P ADDRESS Q ADDRESS Add A 21 Storage address of units position of augend *Storage address of units position of addend Add Immediate AM 11 Same as code 21 Q Subtract S 22 Storage address of units position of minuend *Storage address of units position of subtrahend Subtract Immediate SM 12 Same as code 22 Q 11 of instruction is units position of suBfrahend Multiply M 23 Storage address of units position of multiplicand *Storage address of units position of multiplier Multiply Immediate MM 13 Same as code 23 Q Load Dividend LD 28 Storage address in product area to which units position of field (dividend) is to be transmitted *Storage address of units position of dividend Load Dividend LDM 18 Same as code 28 Q 1J of instruction is units position of 11 of instruction is units position of addend of instruction is units position of mul1l iplier diVidend Divide D 29 Storage address at which first subtraction of the divisor occurs *Storage address of units position of divisor Divide Immediate DM 19 Same as code 29 Q Floating Add (Special Feature) FADD 01 Storage address of units position of exponent of augend *Storage address of units position of exponent of addend Floating Subtract (Special Feature) FSUB 02 Storage address of units position of exponent of minuend *Storage address of units position of exponent of subtrahend Floating Multiplr (Special Feature FMUL 03 Storage address of units position of exponent of multiplicand *Storage address of units position of exponent of multiplier Floating Divide (Special Feature) FDIV 09 Storage address of units position of exponent of dividend *Storage address of units position of exponent of divisor 060 - Divide the dividend by successive subtractions of the DVR (divisor), starting in storage location 00086. line lobel ~oti"" 1117 _~, I ,0 11 of instruction is units position of divisor T.D, Operands & Remarks 1516 20 75 40 .. s 50 FIELD DIGIT 20 Internal Data Transmission Statements Table 3 lists the mnemonics for Internal Data Transmission statements. Some statements pertain to instructions that require special features; however, some special instructions for the 1620 Model 1 are standard on the 1620 Model 2. No indication is made in the table to differentiate between the two types. These statements cause the following instructions to be executed: Line 010 - A numerical digit at the location called DIGIT is moved to the location called FIELD. 16 030 TFI'I. srOR.£ 13$,25" ,,11.0V£ so rFM,'.tt-l1",4,i,JO"CflG£ TNoS IhB"CON,VE,Rr ~>~ ,TO. ,S,TO,lU PIUV O,P, C,O,I>.£"r,O ,NOP. fL.~~-;/~C:~ rNF C,D"CONVERT FLI> DT.O ALPHA COI!J.~ 020 - A digit 3 is moved to the location called FIELD. 030 - RATE 1 is moved to the field called STORE. 040 - A constant 3525 is moved to the location called STORE. 050 - A constant 41 is moved to 0 0 and 0 1 positions of the preceding instruction in the object program. 060 - Field A is moved to field B and converted from alphameric coding (2 digits per character) to numerical coding (1 digit per character). 070 - Field D is moved to field C and converted from numerical coding to alphameric coding. Logic Statements Table 4 lists the mnemonics for Logic statements. Note that the Branch Indicator (BI) and Branch No Indica- Table 3. Internal Data Transmission Instructions NOTE: Indirect Addressing and indexing are allowable with all P address operands listed below. An * to the left of the Q address operand indicates these features may be used with it. OPERATION OPERAliON CODES MNEMONIC OPERANDS P ADDRESS ACTUAL Q ADDRESS Transmit Digit TD 25 Storage address to which single digit is transmitted *Storage address of single digit to be transmitted Transmit Digit Immediate TDM 15 Same as code 25 Q Transmit Field TF 26 Storage address to which units position of fi eld is transmitted *Storage address of units position of field to be transmitted Transmit Field Immediate TFM 16 Same as code 26 Q of instruction is the units position of the 11 fielCl to be transmitted Transmit Record TR 31 Storage address to which high-order position of the record is transmitted *Storage address of high-order position of the record to be transmitted Transmit Record No Record Mark TRNM 30 Same as code 31 *Same as code 31 Transfer Numerical Strip TNS 72 Storage address of rightmost position of alphameric field to be transmitted *Storage address of the units position of the numerical field Transfer Numerical Fill TNF 73 Storage address of rightmost position of alphameric field *Storage address of the units position of the numerical field to be transmitted Floating Shift Right (Special Feature) FSR 08 Storage address to which units (rightmost) digit of mantissa is transmitted *Storage address (rightmost) digit of mantissa to be transmitted Floating Shift Left (Special Feature) FSL 05 Storage address to which high-order digit of the mantissa is transmitted *Storage address of low-order digit of mantissa to be transmitted Transmit Floating TFL 06 Storage address to which units position of exponent is transmitted *Storage address of units position of exponent of field to be transmitted Move Address (Special Feature) MA 70 Storage address of units position of 5-digit field to which data is transmitted *Storage address of units position of 5-digit field to be transmitted OR to Field (Special Feature) ORF 92 Storage address of leftmost position of first field for OR logic input *Storage address of leftmost position of second field for OR logic input AND to Field (Special Feature) ANDF 93 Storage address of leftmost position of first field for AND logic *Storage address of leftmost position of second field for AND logic Exclusive OR to Field (Special Feature) EORF 95 Storage address of leftmost position of first field for Exclusive OR logic *Storage address of leftmost position of second field for Exclusive OR logic Complement Octal Field (Special Feature) CPLF 94 Storage address of leftmost position of field to which data is transmitted *Storage address of leftmost position of field to be complemented Octal to Decimal Conversion (Special Feature) OTD 96 Storage address of the units position of the power-of-eight table *Storage address of leftmost position of field to be converted Decimal to Octal Cpnversion (Specigl Feature) DTO 97 Storage address of the units position of the highest power-of-eight required *Storage address of leftmost position of field to be converted of .instruction is the single digit to be 11 transm i tted 17 Table 4. Logic (Branch and Compare) Instructions NOTE: Both the BI (Branch Indicator) and BNI (Branch No Indicator) instructions require one of the switch or indicator codes listed in Table 21 as a Q address. The code indicates the switch or indicator to be interrogated for status. To relieve the programmer of having to code a Q address, unique mnemonics are included in SPS language for both BI- and BNI-type instructions. For a unique mnemonic, the processor generates the actual mochine language code 46 (Branch Indicator) or 47 (Branch No Indicator) and the Q address that represents the switch or indicator. Indirect Addressing and indexing are allowable with all P address operands listed below except Branch Back. An * to the left of the Q address operand indicates these features may be used with it. OPERATION OPERATION CODE MNEMONIC OPERANDS ACTUAL P ADDRESS Q ADDRESS Compare C 24 Storage address of units position of the field to which another field is compared *Storage address of units position of the field to be compared with the field at the P address Compare Immediate CM 14 Same as code 24 Q 11 of instruction is units position of the fiele to be compared with the field at the P address Branch B 49 Storage address of the leftmost digit of the next instruction to be executed Not used Branch No Flag BNf 44 Storage address of the leftmost digit of next instruction to be executed if branch occurs *Storage address to be interrogated 'for presence of a flag bit Branch No Record Mark BNR 45 Same as code 44 *Storage address to be interrogated for presence of a record mark character Branch No Group Mark BNG 55 Same as code 44 *Storage address to be interrogated for presence of a group mork character Branch On Digit BD 43 Same as code 44 *Storage address to be interrogated for a digit other than zero Branch Indicator BI 46 Storage address of leftmost position of next instruction to be executed if indicator tested is on Q and Q of instruction specify the program S 9 SWitch or indicator to be interrogated (see Table 5) Branch High BH 46 Same as BI None required Branch Positive BP 46 Same as BI None required Branch Equal BE 46 Same as BI None required Branch Zero BZ 46 Same as BI None required Branch Overflow BV 46 Same as BI None required Branch Any Data Check BA 46 Same as BI None required Branch Not low BNL 46 Same as BI None required Branch Not Negative BNN 46 Same as BI None required Branch Band A Selected BBAS 46 Same as BI None required Branch Band B Selected BBBS 46 Same as BI None required Branch Neither Band Selected BNBS 46 Same as 81 None required Branch Console Switch 1 On BCl 46 Same as BI None required Branch Console Switch 2 On BC2 46 Same as BI None required Unique Branch Indicator Mnemonics: 18 Table 4. Logic (Branch and Compare) Instructions (cont' d) OPERATION OPERATION CODE MNEMONIC OPERANDS ACTUAL Q ADDRESS P ADDRESS Branch Console Switch 3 On BC3 46 Same as BI None required Branch Console Switch 4 On BC4 46 Same as BI None required Branch last Card alC 46 Same as BI None required Branch Exponent Check (Special Feature) BXV 46 Same as BI None required Branch on Channel 9 BCH9 46 Same as BI None required Branch on Channel Overflow BCOV 46 Same as BI None required BNI 47 Storage address of leftmost position of next instruction to be executed if indicator tested is off Q and Q of instruction specify program 8 9 sWitch or indicator to be interrogated (see Table 5) Branch Band A Not Selected BANS 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Band B Not Selected BBNS 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Either Band Selected BEBS 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Not High BNH 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Not Positive BNP 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Not Equal BNE 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Not Zero BNZ 47 Same as BNI None required Branch No Overflow BNV 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Not Any Data Check BNA 47 Same as BNI None required Branch low Bl 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Negative BN 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Console Switch I Off BNCI 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Console Switch 2 Off BNC2 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Console Switch 3 Off BNC3 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Console Switch 4 Off BNC4 47 Same as BNI None required Branch Not last Card BNlC 47 Same as BNI None required Branch No Indicator Unique Branch No Indicator Mnemonics: 19 Table 4. Logic (Branch and Compare) Instructions (cont' d) OPERATION OPERANDS OPERATION CODE MNEMONIC ACTUAL P ADDRESS Q ADDRESS Branch Not Exponent Check (Special Feature) BNXV 47 Same as BNI None required Branch and Transmit BT 27 P address minus one is the storage address to which the units position of the Q field is transmitted. P address iii leftmost digit of the next instruction to be executed *Storage address of units position of the field to be transmitted Branch and Transmit Immediate BTM 17 Same as code 27 Q 11 of instruction is units position of field to Branch and Transmit Address BTA 20 Same as code 27 Branch and Transmit Address I.,mediate BTAM 10 Same as code 17 be transmitted *Storage address of units position of the field to be transmitted Q 11 of instruction is units position of field to be transmitted Branch Back BB 42 Not used Not used Branch and Transmit Floating BTFL 07 P address minus one is the storage address to which the units position of the exponent portion of the Q field is transmitted. P is the storage address of the leftmost digit of the next instruction to be executed *Storage address of units position of exponent of field to be transmitted Branch and Select BS 60 Storage address of the leftmost position of the next instruction Q 11 specifies condition to be selected Branch and Select Indirect Addressing BSIA 60 Same as BS None required Branch and Select No I/A BSNI 60 Same as BS None required Branch and Select Band A (Special Feature) BSBA 60 Same as BS None required Branch and Select Band B (Special Feature BSBB 60 Same as BS None required Branch and Select No Index Register (Special Feature) BSNX 60 Same as BS None required Branch and Modify Index Register (Special Feature) BX 61 Same as BS **Storage address of units position of field to be added to selected index register Branch and Modify Index Register Immediate (Special Feature) BXM 62 Same as BS **Five digits of Q field are added to selected index register Branch Conditionally, Modify Index Register (Special Feature) BCX 63 Same as BS if (after modification) IX sign has not changed or result is not zero Same as BX Unique Branch and Select Mnemonics: 20 Table 4. Logic (Branch and Compare) Instructions (cont'd) OPERANDS OPERATION CODE OPERATION MNEMONIC P ADDRESS ACTUAL Q ADDRESS Branch Conditionally I Modify Index Register Immediate (Special Feature) BCXM 64 Same as BCX Same as BXM Branch and Load Index Register (Special Feature) BLX 65 Same as BS **Storage address of units position of 5-digit field to be loaded to selected index register Branch and Load Index Register Immediate (Special Feature) BLXM 66 Same as BS **Fivedigits of Q field are loaded to selected index register Branch and Store Index Register (Special Feature) BSX 67 Same as BS **Storage address of units position of field where selected index register data is to be stored Branch on Bit (Special Feature) BBT 90 Storage address of the leftmost position of next instruction if comporison is successful *Q -11 specifies storage address of units pos~ion of field to be compared with bits of the Q digit 7 Branch on Mask (Special Feature) BMK 91 Same as code 90 *Q~-ll specifies storage address of units pas I ion of field to be compared with Q 7 digit ** Specific index register is selected by flogs over the Q 8-10positions of the instruction. tor (BNI) instructions require one of the switch or indicator codes listed in Table 5 to be a Q address. The code indicates the switch or indicator to be interrogated for status. To relieve the programmer of having to code the Q address, unique mnemonics are provided for most of the possible combinations of operation codes and indicators. line ) label ~atiOl' Operands & Remarks C B" A 7' COH.P1RLL.IJ.JJLA~.I.!i. F/lL,lJ .B. liti.o 8, S,l,A.Rr., , ,B~A.NCH :7;0 ,LA:BE,L, ,S:T.A,RT.-~ B,l S,TA:~T..,'100,',J; 'S'W/ ot,BR:~O: 0) 0 /T;A'RT ~ ~,o ,.--"0, Table 5. Switch and Indicator Codes used as Actual Q Addresses in BI and BNI Instructions Q ADDRESS s, 0 ie,' labeled START. 060 - Branch unconditionally to an instruction whose address is saved in IR-2 or PR-l. 0 These statements cause the following operations to be performed in the object program, as follows: Line 010 - Compare field A with field B. 020 - Branch to an instruction labeled START. 030 - If Program switch 1 is on, branch to the instruction labeled START. 040 - Same as line 030 with the exception that the unique mnemonic operation code used does not require a Q address. 050 - If Program switch 1 is not on, branch to the third instruction following the one SWITCH OR INDICATOR °7 Qa Q 9 °10 °11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Y • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 5 3 4 5 Y Y ~ r.' r.' r.' Y Y Y Y Y -y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 'y Y Y Y Y Program Switch 1 Program Switch 2 Program Switch 3 Program Switch 4 Read Check Indicator* Write Check Indicator· Last Card Indicator (special feature) High/Positive Indicator EqIJal/Zero Indicator High/Positive or Equal/Zero Indicator Overflow Check Indicator Exponent Check Indicator MBR-Even Check Indicator* MBR-Odd Check Indicator· Any Data Check Printer Check· Channel 9 Channel 12 Printer Busy indicates any digit value or blank is permissible indicates any digit value is permissible indicates the Any Data Check indicator (19) also is on when this indicator is on. 21 Input and Output Statements Table 6 lists the mnemonics for Input/Output statements. If a two-character mnemonic (for example, RA) is used, the unit ~ode must be included as part of the Q operand. The unit codes are shown in Table 7. Processor Control Statements Control statements are orders to the processor (SPS III assembly program) that give the programmer control over portions of the assembly process. The sps language includes the following control statements. Define Origin Define End Special End Heading Transfer Control and Load Transfer to Return Address DORe DEND Examples SEND HEAD label line 5 , 1 Operands & Remarks p,..rot;.,.. 1112 lSI' WA. '0.' • 20 H 30 <0 lS SO " OUT.PIJ.T,JOO TeD TRA ~ ~ WilT} OUTPUT, "SAI'I.E AS L I.N.E 010 ~"~. f-' I •• ,1()1:': ,'s.l,,[AS W. 0.1..0 I I I I L'lIfE' 0,/f.0 , I I , I I "--'--'--'~ I spn 0 I I ~..L....L.....J~ I I I ______ .--'--.l I ~ I I These statements cause the following operations to be performed in the object program. Line 010 - Type out alphameric data from a storage location called OUTPUT. 020 - Same as line 010, however, a unique mnemonic is used. 030 - Single space on the typewriter. 040 - Same as line 030; however, a unique mnemonic is used. \Vith the exception of the TRA and above statements may be labeled. DORe, none of the DORG - Define ORiGin The DORe statement instructs the processor to override its automatic assignment of storage and to begin the assignment of succeeding entries at the particular location specified by the programmer. In this way the programmer is able to control assignment of storage to instructions, constants, and data. If a Define Origin statement is not the first entry in a source program, the processor begins the assignment of storage at location 00402. A Define Origin statement is coded as follows: Operands & Remarks Miscellaneous Statements The statements that are listed in Table 8 are those that do not fit in any group already described. Examples line label Operands & Remarks ()peroti"" 151' 0.3.0 '0 20 CF OUTPUT-5" H , , J"'fttLTt' 2S I NOP These statements cause four different operations to be performed in the object program, as follows: Line 010 - Clear a Hag at the storage location, OUTPUT minus 5. 020 - Move a Hag from storage location 01694 to storage location 03352. 030 - Cause the program to halt. 040 - Perform no operation but proceed to the next sequential instruction. 22 20 o This statement directs the processor to reset its location assignment counter to the particular address specified in the operand (actual or symbolic), and this causes the assignment of succeeding entries to begin at this address. When an actual address is entered by the programmer, care must be taken to avoid inadvertent overlapping with areas assigned by the processor. If the operand is left blank, assignment of storage starts with address 00000. Since the arithmetic tables are stored in locations 00100 through 00401, (constants and instructions cannot occupy these storage locations. If a symbolic address is entered, it must appear as a label earlier in the program sequence. An ~ address refers to the current contents of the location assignment counter. A Define Origin statement can take any of the following individual forms: label Line 5 , I .• o Operot;"" 1112 IS" 20 O.OA.G Xyz :IS 30 15 . Operand. & Remarks '5 2 •• OA.IG/Ii DOR/; X.Y.z. +.5.0 l ORI.(i,/1i DO.R.G -+S.O,.LOCA,TI()N A.SSIGH. C.Ou.N.T.£R.+S.O SO Table 6. Input and Output Instructions NOTE: Indirect Addressing and indexing are allowable v.i th all P address operands, where a P operand is required. shown may be used with Indirect Addressing or Index Registers. OPERATION OPERANDS OPERATION CODE MNEMONIC ACTUAL Q ADDRESS P ADDRESS RN 36 Storafe address at which leftmost (first) numerica character is stored Q Read Numerically Typewriter RNTY 36 Same as RN None required Read Numerically Paper Tape RNPT 36 Same as RN None required Read Numerically Card RNCD 36 Same as RN None required Write Numerically WN 38 Storage address from which leftmost (first) numerical character is written Q Write Numerically Typewriter WNTY 38 Write Numerically Paper Tape WNPT 38 Same as WN None required Write Numerically Card WNCD 38 Same as WN None requ ired Print Numerically PRN 38 Same as WN None required Print Numerically and Suppress Spacing PRNS 38 Same as WN None required Dump Numerically ON 35 Same as WN Same as WN Dump Numerically Typewriter DNTY 35 Same as WN None required Dump Numerically Paper Tape DNPT 35 Same as WN None required Dump Numerically Card DNCD 35 Same as WN None required Printer Dump PRO 35 Same as WN None required Printer Dump and Suppress Spacing PROS 35 Same as WN None required Read Alphamerically RA 37 Storage address at which numerical digit of Ieft most (first) character is stored. (Zone digit of first character is at P minus one.) Q Read Numerically None of the Q operands 8 and Q 9 of instruction specify input unit Unique Read Numerically Mnemonics: 8 and Q 9 of instruction specify output unit Unique Write Numerically Mnemonics: Same as WN None required Unique Dump Numerically Mnemonics: 8 and Q 9 of instruction specify input unit 23 Table 6. Input and Output Instructions (cont'd) OPERATION OPERATION CODE MNEMONIC OPERANDS ACTUAL Q ADDRESS P ADDRESS Unique Read Alphamerically Mnemonics: Read Alphamerically Typewriter RATY 37 Same as RA None required Read Alphamerically Paper Tape RAPT 37 Same as RA None required Read Alphamerically Card RACD 37 Same as RA None required Read Binary Paper Tape (Special Feature) RBPT 37 Same as RA None required Write Alphamerically WA 39 Stora~e address of numerical digit of leftmost first} character to be written. (Zone digit of first character is at P minus one.) Q and Q of instruction specify output unit a 9 Write Alphamerically Typewriter WATY 39 Same as WA None required Write Alphamerically Paper Tape WAPT 39 Same as WA None requ ired Write Alphamerically Card WACO 39 Same as WA None required Write Binary Paper Tape (Special Feature) WBPT 39 Same as WA None required Print Alphamerically PRA 39 Same as WA None required Print Alphamerically and Suppress Spacing PRAS 39 Same as WA None required Control K 34 Not used Q§ and Q specify input/output unit. Q 9 ll sp cifies control functions Backspace Typewriter BKTY 34 Not used None required Tabulate Typewriter TBTY 34 Not used None required Index Typewriter IXTY 34 Not used None required Return Carriage Typewriter RCTY 34 Not used None required Space Typewriter SPTY 34 Not used None required Skip Immediate SKIP 34 Not used See Table 14 Skip After Printing SKAP 34 Not used See Table 14 Unique Write Alphamerically Mnemonics: Unique Control Mnemonics 24 Table 6. Input and Output Instructions (cont'd) OPERANDS OPERATION CODE OPERATION MNEMONIC SPIM ACTUAL Q ADDRESS P ADDRESS 34 Not used See Table 15 34 Not used See Table 15 Seek 34 Storage address of disk control field X07Xl Read Disk;WLRC 36 Same as Seek X07XO Write Disk/WLRC 38 Same as Seek X07XO Check Disk/WLRC 36 Same as Seek X07X1 Read Disk Track/WLRC 36 Same as Seek X07X4 Write Disk Track/WLRC 38 Same as Seek X07X4 Check Disk Track/WLRC 36 Same as Seek X07X5 Read Disk 36 Same as Seek X07X2 Write Disk 38 Same as Seek X07X2 Check Disk 36 Same as Seek X07X3 Read Disk Track 36 Same as Seek X07X6 Write Disk Track 38 Same as Seek X07X6 Check Disk Track 36 Same as Seek X07X7 Space Immediate SPAP Space After Printing If xyz (label) is preViously defined as 01002, the first entry directs the processor to begin the assignment of succeeding entries at location 01002. The second entry directs the processor to begin the assignment of succeeding entries at the location that has been assigned Table 7. Input and Output Unit Codes Used as Actual Q Addresses in RN, WN; DN, RA, and WA Instructions Q ADDRESS X Y DEVICE Q7 QS Q9 QlO Qll X 0 1 Y Y Typewriter X 0 2 Y Y Paper Tape Punch X 0 3 y y Paper Tape Reader X 0 4 Y Y Card Punch X 0 5 Y Y Card Reader X 0 9 Y Y Printer indicates any digit value or blank is permissible indicates any digit value is permissible to the symbol xyz plus 56. The symbol ORIGIN can be used at any point in the program to refer to that address. The third entry directs the processor to begin the assignment of succeeding entries at the address specified by the current contents of the location assignment counter plus 50. A comma must follow the operand when remarks are included in a DORG statement. DEND - Define END The DEND statement is the last statement entered in the source program, it instructs the processor that all statements of the source program have been processed. A DEN:Q statement may also be used to cause execution of the object program to begin immediately after it has been loaded. To do this, the DEND statement requires the presence of an operand representing the starting address of the program. The operand may be actual or symbolic. The 1620 will halt at the completion of loading of the object program, and execution then will begin at the address corresponding to the starting address, upon depreSSion of the Start key. If the operand specifying the starting address is omitted, the program will halt and the operator will have to start the program manually. 25 Table 8. Miscellaneous Instructions OPERATION CODE ACTUAL MNEMONIC OPERATION OPERANDS P ADDRESS Q ADDRESS Set Flag SF 32 Storage address at which flag X bit is placed Clear Flag CF 33 Storage address from which X flag bit is cleared Not used Move Flag MF 71 Storage address to which flag X bit is moved Storage address of flag bit to be moved X Halt H 48 Not used Not used No Operation NOP 41 Not'used Not used The following statements illustrate both types of entries. label line S. J 10 0' O.lO Operands & Remarks Operoti"" Ill, 1516 20 25 30 lS <0 ., so D.EN~ lJfNlJ STA.RT. The program is halted after loading by either statement. In the second case, execution begins at the address corresponding to START, upon depression of the Start key. When a DEND statement includes comments but -no operand, the operand must be replaced by a comma. SEND - Special END A SEND statement is provided to halt the tape processor on both passes of the source program. If a SEND statement is encountered by the card processor, the card processor will not be halted. This statement does not produce any output in the object program. The SEND statement is used: 1. To halt the processor after one tape of a source program is processed and to allow the remainder of the source program from another tape to be threaded and then processed. 2. To halt the processor so that program switch settings may be changed and processing resumed. The SEND statement takes the following form and requires no operands. message "LOAD NEXT TAPE" is typed. The operator threads the next tape or changes switch settings or both, and then depresses the Start key. If the first part of the source program is entered from the typewriter, Program Switch 1 will be off and the statements will be entered one at a time. When the SEND statement is entered, the processor halts. The operator may then tum on Program Switch 1, thread the source program tape, and continue processing the source program. SEND is especially useful where a long source program is punched in tape and certain addresses associated with labels being defined by that tape must be changed. For example, the following statements, part of source program A, may require that addresses 01000 and 02000 be changed to 01250 and 02500, respectively. line When this statement in the source program is encountered by the processor, the program halts and the 26 labol S. l ~ati"" 1112 I CONTR.L ID.S O.? NJ).1 G1.1 DS Operands & Remarks 1516 20 2S 30 l5 40 ,.01.0.0 0 ,02000 ., SCI To change these addresses, the operator will enter the following statements at the typewriter line , l . p,..atiQr1 labol 1112 DS ' •• 1 CONTRL ~. ND1 G1.1 DS 1 •• Operands & Remarks Not used 3 Operands & Remarks 1516 20 2S 30 l5 <0 ., SO ,01250 ,0.2500 IS.EN,ll and follow them by source program A. The first time labels CONTRL and NDIGIT are encountered by the processor, they are assigned addresses; the second time they are encountered, no addresses are assigned but an error message is typed. In this case, the operator can ignore the error message. In some cases, the programmer may choose to end a source program with a SEND statement rather than a DEND statement. This situation allows the programmer to enter additional statements, either additional declarative statements or corrections to imperative statements. However the last additional statement entered must be a DEND statement. HEAD - HEADing It is frequently convenient, and sometimes necessary, to write a source program piecemeal, and to assemble these pieces into the total program. Parts of the program may be written by different programmers, or by the same programmer at different times with considerable time lapses between. Suppose, in such a situation, that a program block, say Bl has been written; that another program block, B 2, is in the course of being written; and that Bl and B2 eventually are to be joined to compose a single program. Certain symbols may already have been used in writing block B 1 , and certain symbols, varying from the symbols used in Bl, may be used in writing block B 2. To avoid duplication of symbols in each block, the programmer writing block B2 must be concerned with the symbols used in B 1 • Symbols used in block B2 can duplicate those in Bh provided they are less than six characters in length and have been prefaced by a HEAD statement. The programmer can completely ignore the symbols in Bl by prefacing B2 with the following control statements: A symbol is said to be "unheaded" if, and only if, its representation uses exactly six characters. The symbol COMMON, for example, is unheaded. The symbol ALPHA whose length is less than six characters is considered to be headed, whether under a HEAD control instruction or not. If ALPHA is under control of HEAD x, then ALPHA is said "to be "headed by X." If ALPHA is not under control of any HEAD instruction, then ALPHA is said to be "headed by blank." A symbol, ALPHA, headed by the character X, is not identical with the symbol XALPHA. The leading character is essentially on a different level from the characters which make up the symbol. However, ALPHA headed by a blank should be regarded as identical to the symbol ALPHA used without a heading statement. If a HEAD statement with a nonblank character does not occur in the entire source program, all considerations of heading can be ignored. A HEAD statement with a blank character must be used if the programmer desires to modify the heading process in the example. Note that the statement HEAD and the statement HEAD 0 are quite different. For example, if block Bl and B2 are to be jOined in one program, and B2 must be nested somewhere in the middle of Bh as follows: Operation Operands : } first part of block B, HEAD X Operands & Remarks ~ :} block B, HEAD where the single character X may be anyone of the characters A to Z, 0 to 9, or blank. The control instruction, HEAD x generates no instructions or data in the object program. When the processor encounters a HEAD statement, it treats the symbols in the label or operands fields of the following statements, provided the symbols are less than six characters in length, as though they were headed by the character X. The processor continues to do this until it encounters another HEAD statement. Thus the symbols used in block Bl which contain less than six characters cannot possibly conHict with the symbols used in block B 2. Six-character symbols are not affected, that is, a six-character label, COMMON, following the control instruction HEAD 9 is not treated as 9COMMON, for it would be a seven-character symbol, and only a maximum of six characters can be handled by the symbol table. : } second part of block B, the entire program might have been prefaced by a HEAD statement with a blank character operand. As implied previously, however, such a HEAD instruction is superfluous, since the symbols in the first part of block Blare automatically headed by blank, being under the control of no HEAD instruction at all. Often it is inconvenient to refer to a symbol that is defined in another headed region because of the requirement that the symbol be six characters in length. To facilitate cross referencing between headed blocks, the following convention can be used: Suppose that a symbol, say SUM, under HEAD 1, has been defined by some instruction. Suppose further that this symbol is to be referred to in an instruction under 27 the control of the instruction HEAD 2. Then the desired reference can be made by writing l$SUM as it appears in the following instructions. Operand, & Remark, 50 However, it will be restored (again loaded into storage) when a TRA statement is encountered in the object program. That statement will be at the end of the portion of the object program that has been executed. During assembly, the TCD instruction does not affect the location assignment counter or alter the symbol table. TRA - In general, if the two-characte~s "C$", where C is any allowable heading character, is placed in front of the headed reference symbol SUM, then the result is SUM headed by C. To specify SUM headed by blank, one simply ~ writes $SUM, with no character preceding the $ character. If the processor finds an operand containing a sixcharacter symbol plus a head character, such as 9COMMaN, the processor will produce an error message indicating that the symbolic address contains more than six characters (see ERROR MESSAGES, ER 5) . If a label is used in a HEAD statement, it is ignored. TCD - Transfer Control and loaD Transfer to Retu,rn Address The TRA statement causes the normal loading sequence of an object program to be resumed once it has been broken by a TCD statement. When a TRA statement is encountered by the processor, a read-a-record (card or tape) instruction and an unconditional branch instruction to the loader program are produced in the object program. This processor control operation increments the location assignment counter by 24. The last statement of that part of a source program that is executed, when loading is interrupted by a TCD statement, must be a TRA statement. When the TRA instruction equivalences are encountered in the object program, the program loader is reloaded and the normal loading process cO.ntinues. The TRA statement, which takes the following form, uses no operands. The TCD statement may be used to cause the processor to produce an unconditional branch instruction. When this instruction is encountered during the loading of the object (machine language) program, it causes the loader to stop the normal loading process and to branch to the location (ADDR) specified in the operand. Operand. & Remark, The following example illustrates the use of the and TRA mnemonics. TCD Operand, & Rlmark. Lint Label p,..raljo" 1112 1.0 S TAR T 1$1' Operand, & Remark, 20 '5 50 (fi,..t jlLStrucf,o,,) 0.2.0 may be actual or symbolic. This statement allows programs which are too large to fit into core storage to be loaded and executed piecemeal, by terminating each piece with a TRA statement. In effect, a TCD instruction can be used in conjunction with a DORG statement to execute portions of the program that have already been loaded into storage and to overlap these with other instructions. Whenever the processor encounters a TCD statement, it causes the arithmetic tables, an unconditional branch instruction, and the loader program, to be punched into the object program tape or cards in that order. Therefore, when the object program is being loaded, the arithmetic tables will be loaded into storage before the branch occurs. Because the arithmetic tables are loaded into a portion of storage previously occupied by the loader program, the loader program will be destroyed. ADDR 28 • .. 0 o• o 0 .... 5.0 10,10 TRA rep START. DOH,' ST A 'RT. 10, ' •• 1.0. 110 12, The TCD statement causes a branch to the location assigned to the symbol START, followed by the execution of instructions from START through the TRA statement. The TRA statement causes a branch to the load program, which resumes loading of the remainder of the object program beginning with the location labeled START. The use of a macro-instruction preceding a TCD statement is not allowed. 1620 Subroutines A program or routine is a set of coded instructions that are arranged in a logical sequence; it is used to direct the 1620, or any IBM data processing system, to perform a desired operation or series of operations. Generally, programs contain one or more short sequences of instructions that are parts or subsets of the entire program and that are used to solve a particular part of a problem. These parts of the program or routine are called subroutines. Usually, a subroutine performs a specific function, is common to a number of programs, and may be executed several times during the course of the program of which it is a part (main program). For example: a subroutine that extracts the square root of a number may be reqUired several times during the execution of a pipe stress analysis program. The same subroutine may be used to extract a square root in a bridge and truss design program. An efficient programming procedure is obviously one in which all necessary subroutines are coded only once, are retained on file, and are incorporated into a program whenever the operation performed by the subroutine is required. IBM Programming Systems has developed a group of subroutines that are more frequently required because of their general applicability. Seventeen subroutines are available; they fall into three general categories: arithmetic, data transmission, and functional. Arithmetic subroutines Floating Point Add Floating Point Subtract Floating Point Multiply Floating Point Divide Fixed Point Divide Data transmission subroutines Floating Shift Right Floating Shift Left Transmit Floating Branch and Transmit Floating Functional subroutines Floating Point Square Root Floating Point Sine Floating Point Cosine Floating Point Arctangent Floating Point Exponential (natural) Floating Point Exponential (base 10, common) Floating Point Logarithm (natural) Floating Point Logarithm (base 10, common) The methods used hy the functional floating point subroutines to evaluate the functions of arguments are shown in Table 9. Table 9. Subroutine Method for Evaluating Arguments METHOD SUBROUTINE FIXED LENGTH VARIABLE LENGTH Square Root Odd integer Odd integer Sine and Cosine Based on Hastings' approx imation* Ser ies approx imation Arctangent Truncated series Series opprox imation fOj' arctangent Exponential (natural and base 10) Hastings' approximation Series approximations of JOB. 108 is converted J08 and convert to e B 8 to e Logarithm (natural and base 10) Truncated series for In 8. In 8 is converted to log lOB Series approx imation of In 8 and convert to log B * Hastings, Cecil Jr., Approximations for Digital Computers, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. The Rand Corporation, 1955. The combined subroutines are written in machine language and are provided in card or paper tape form for floating point numbers with either a fixed-length or variable-length mantissa. The term "variable length" or "fixed-length," as applied to subroutines in this manual, refers to the number of digits (L) in the mantissa, not to the length of the subroutine itself. The five types of subroutine card decks or paper tapes are: 1. Fixed length subroutines for machines not equipped with the automatic divide feature. 2. Fixed length subroutines for machines eqUipped with the automatic divide feature. 3. Variable length subroutines for machines not equipped with the automatic divide feature. 4. Variable length subroutines for machines eqUipped with the automatic divide feature. 5. Variable length subroutines for machines equipped with automatic floating point feature (automatic divide feature, prerequisite). Although type 2 and type 4 subroutines are designed to work with the· automatic· divide feature, the "fixed point divide" subroutine is included as part of the subroutine package. Type 5 variable length subroutines that are designed to work with .the automatic floating point feature include a complete set of subroutines as part of the package. 29 A PICK subroutine is included in the object program with any of the 17 subroutines previously mentioned. This subroutine performs the function of getting the data specified for a subroutine and storing the result produced by that subroutine. The processor selects the subroutines used by the source program that are to be included in the object deck or tape. When the object deck or tape is loaded, the subroutines are loaded to the first even-numbered address following the object program. Although this address is assigned by the processor, care must be exercised by the programmer to provide a storage area, between the position assigned by the processor and position 19999 (standard capacity machine), that is large enough to accommodate the subroutines called for. To find the amount of storage required for the subroutines, the programmer may total the storage requirements of the subroutines used. The fixed point divide subroutine (DIV) is used by some floating point functional subroutines. For this reason it will automatically be incorporated into a program which uses these subroutines when the machine used to run the program is not equipped with automatic divide. In addition to the subroutines provided, the user may include up to twelve subroutines of his own. The method used to incorporate these routines into a program is explained under ADDING SUBROUTINES Subroutine Macro-Instructions All linkages for the 1620 subroutines are generated automatically through the use of certain macro-instructions. The programmer places the macro-instruction that is :related to a particular subroutine in the source program at the point at which the subroutine is desired. This causes the SPS processor, during assembly, to generate linkage to the desired subroutine. In addition, the processor arranges for the subroutine to be added to the object program. The data and addresses required by the subroutine and supplied in the macro-instruction are incorporated into the linkage instructions where they are made available for use. In this way the subroutine obtains the information it requires to perform its given task and also to compute a return address to the main program. Control is returned to the main program at the completion of the subroutine by transferring to the return address. The macro-instruction statement related to each subroutine is as' follows: 30 Arithmetic Subroutines Macro-instructions line label 5, ~otion 1112 Operand. & lomarles 1516 A,1J 1•• 1.1 FA FS 2 F,M. A,B A,a 10,' 1 •• A .)1, FD Lt". H 20 D.IV IA,B,A1,}J,J .5 50 '5 (Flo.fins AJJ) (F/oafins SIIP1,.,d) (F/o.tl/l~ Mufti,I.,) (Flo.t inS Divide) (DiviJe) . I I , I I L....1--L.., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a I; ~_...L...i.._I' Data Transmission Subroutines Macro-instructions label Line 5, ~ Operand. & lomarll. p,..otioo 1112 IS" FSRS A .:B. FSLS A .• '. -.l. '.1, .2 .• TFLS 0.100 A I 1J. IBTF.5 A, B 0" Functional Subroutines Macro-instructions label line 5, .l. La p,..otion 1111 lSI' FSQR. A. B .2.0 FS If'4 .2.0 FeDS A,B A,B It,A/t'l A",B , 0" .50 .0 ... 7.0 F£X FEXT A"A A,~ FLN A."B FLO.G f4.~ 13 20 ... Operand. & lomarll. . 50 '5 (Ffoaflll9 Sal/Gr. Root) (Floa("'5 Sine) I • (Flocrt"'~ Cosine) L, I (f/OCl.t"'~ Aret.IISent) u I (Float/lIS E.ponent/cr/, N.fll,../) • L..L I (f"fo«tt'ns fI,on.ntiClf, BOIse 10) I I CFloffti"8 Lo".,.iflt",. N.tllrfll) L CFltIwhere the constant (N digit) is zero. label line 3 5. ..10 0···· bp.,ation 1112 1514 ~.AC 1,0 ~.E,NP Operands & Remarks 20 25 30 35 '" '5 50 In nonnalizing, certain low-order digits in a mantissa may lose significance. To recognize these digits, the floating point arithmetic can be perfonned twice, using a different N digit for each run, e.g., zero for the first run and nine for the second run. The significance of these digits can be readily distinguished by comparing the 33 two results. For example, if the programmer compares the following: Mantissa Exponent Result, 1st run .12345000 04 Result, 2nd run .12345099 04 he will see that the two low-order positions of the mantissa have lost significance because they are significantly different. When intermediate floating point results enter into additional floating point calculations, inserted digits may become a part of the result of the additional calculation. In the case of lengthy computations using floating point results, precision gradually decreases because of truncation. The magnitude of the truncation error depends on the individual computation process and cannot be predicted without a knowledge of the process in question. However, the truncation error in such cases is usually no greater than the degree of error present in a rounded amount. Results in floating point subroutine are not rounded. The maximum truncation error for a fixed length mantissa will not exceed 10- 8 or for a variable length mantissa, 10-L , except under certain conditions described in the explanation of floating point functional subroutines. Exponent Overflow and Underflow In the 1620 floating point subroutines, numbers with a magnitude equal to or greater than 10!W create a condition called exponent overflow; those with a magnitude of less than 10- H!J create a condition called exponent underflow. If either of these conditions is generated as a result of an arithmetic operation, the programmer has two options. Overflow 1. To halt the program or 2. To cause 9...... 999 to be placed in the result field and to continue executing the subroutine. Underflow 1. To halt the program or 2. To cause 0' ...... 099 to be placed in the result field and to continue executing the subroutine. The options function independently of each other. Therefore, it is possible to halt on an overflow and place zeros in the result field on an underflow, or to halt on an underflow, and place nines in the result field on an overflow. The detection of an overflow or underflow condition causes the subroutine being executed to examine core storage position 00401 to determine the course of action. Options available to the programmer must be represented in position 00401 by one of the following characters. 34 UNDERFLOW Halt 0 V E R F L 0 W Store Zeros in Result Field Halt 0 0 Store All Nines in Result Field 1 1 To store the code determining the option in 00401, an unlabeled Define Constant (DC) statement may be used, as shown in the following example: Operands & Remarks ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D1 NAL T ON OFLO It OR ilNDERFLOW Positive codes ,0 or 1) need not be preceded by a plus sign. Overflow and/or underflow conditions can only arise in six of the floating point subroutines presented in this manual; namely, the four arithmetic subroutines and the two exponential functional subroutines. If the subroutine halts on an overflow or underflow condition, the operator can continue processing by depressing the Start key on the console. In the case of an overflow, execution of the subroutine begins after 9 ...... 999 is placed in the result field; in the case of an underflow, after 099 is placed in the result field. o...... Description of J620 Subroutines In this section, the various subroutines are described and examples are given to show how the associated macro-instructions are written. Table 10 shows the storage requirements for each subroutine. During execution of the arithm.etic subroutines, the overflow, high/pOSitive, and equal/zero indicators are used. The overflow indicator is always reset at the beginning of each arithmetic subroutine. If it is desired to determine its status prior to the execution of an arithmetic subroutine, the indicator must be tested and its condition stored before the linkage instructions are executed. The high/positive and equal/zero indicators are set according to the mantissa of the result. Whenever a zero mantissa results (0 ...... 099), the equal/ zero indicator is turned on. Table 10. Subroutine Storage Requirements and Identification Data SUBROUTINE PICK DIV FA FS FM FD NUMBER OF STORAGE POSITIONS REQUIRED VARIABLE LENGTH FIXED LENGTH WITH WITHOUT WITH WITHOUT AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE 872 872 1047 187 . . . . . . a]a ........................ . ...... .~ .......... J543 WITH AUTOMATIC FLOATING POINT 1136 1136 896 199 1035 ............... .............. . 1207 199 1163 639 239 239 523 . ................................................. ... ........... ... 579 335 ~ FSQR FCOS FSIN FATN FEXT FEX FLOG FLN ·... ........ 659 579 "}~; ... T~;·····'····}:······ 659 r:~······· ...} 659 1054 ·. . T. ··. . .. "} ·........ · .... ·"r: .................................................................... 1077 989 1487 :~ ~~ T~·· 1379 1379 :· •••• •• • •• } 1118 1 a.- .....-· · · · · .....•.....•... a.._a.- ........... a._ .........•......... . . . . .·r~;·.·.~. ~ . . . .·.1~:......~ . . 1·~~·.·...·. ·. ·.·.J:~~~. . . . . . . . . .) 1-•••••••••••• ~ I 1145 FSRS 279 279 279 279 96 FSLS 372 372 372 372 96 TFLS 31 31 31 31 31 BTFS 79 79 79 79 43 2 3 4 5 6 Identification Number (Col. 77 of card deck At the conclusion of a functional subroutine, the status of the high/positive, equal/zero, and overflow indicators does not necessarily reflect the result of the operation, because the indicators are disturbed during the execution of a functional subroutine. Therefore, their status at the conclusion of a functional subroutine should not be assumed to be the same as it was prior to the execution of the subroutine. Pick This subroutine is common to all fixed length and variable length mantissa subroutines. The pick subroutine, during execution of the object program: 1. Sets up A and B operands (more, if designated) to be operated upon, calculates the return address to the mainline program, and branches to the subroutine. 2. Stores the calculated result in the proper storage area and branches back to the mainline program. 3. Initiates typing of error messages and branches to the subroutine if the error condition allows processing of the subroutine to be resumed. 4. Provides constants and working storage for the other subroutines. 35 The average execution time for the pick subroutine can be determined by the formula: Average time (in p.s) l00L + 8320 where L equals the length of the mantissa and the numbers are expressed in microseconds. Therefore, an 8digit mantissa (same as fixed length mantissa) requires 9120 p.s. 100 X 8 = 800 8320 9120 (p.s) or approximately 9 milliseconds (ms). If indirect addressing is used, the average time is increased according to the number of levels of indirect addreSSing used. = For the variable length subroutines used with the automatic Boating point feature, Average time (in p.s) = 100L + 4500 The above timings apply to object programs being executed on the 1620 Model!. The 1620 Model 2 timings for the Pick subroutine are: Fi~ed length and variable length Average time (in p.s) = 318L + 2470 NOTE: Floating Subtract Macro-instruction 2S The A and B addresse$ refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields: Operation Field B is subtracted from field A. The floating point difference replaces field A; field B remains unchanged. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length Average time 10.5 ms Variable length Average time (in p.s) = 5L2 + 482L = + 7474 Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time 4,200 p's Variable length Average time (in p.s) 70L + 3500 Floating Add = Macro-instruction = Operand. & I ...... ",. Floating Multiply Macro-instruction The A and B addresses refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields: MMMMMMMMEE Operand. & Romark. 50 t address of field where Ms represent digits of the mantissa and Es represent digits of the exponent. Operation Field B is added to field A. The floating point sum replaces field A; field B remains unchanged. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length Average time = 9 ms Variable length Average time (in p.s) = 5V~ + 482L where L ;:: length of mantissa Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time = 4,100 p's Variable length Average time (in p.s) = 70L + 3420 36 + 6854 The A and B addresses refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields: Operation Field A is multiplied by field B. The floating point product replaces field A; field B remains unchanged. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length Aver~ge time 18 ms Variable length Average time (in p.s) 168L2 + 240L = = + 7400 Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time = 5,300 p.S. Variable length Average time (in p.s) 36.6L2 + 48L = + 3420 Floating Divide The quotient address after the division is executed will be equal to 00099 minus the length of the divisor. Prior to the divide operation, the divide subroutine always resets to zeros (clears). the positions 00080 through 00099, the product area where the 20-digit quotient and remainder are developed. For the variable length mantissa subroutines, where L (length of mantissa) is greater than 10, the number of positions which are reset to zeros is equal to 99 -2L. When the quotient plus the remainder exceeds the number of positions cleared to zeros, positions lower than the last position cleared must be reset to zeros by p1·ogramming. One additional position should also be cleared to allow for a possible overdraw. For example, if 25 positions are required for the quotient and remainder in a fixed length mantissa subroutine, 00074-00079 will have to be reset to zeros before the divide macro-instruction is given. The fixed point divide macro-instruction may be used with any of the subroutine packages. Whenever it is used, the fixed point divide subroutine will be incorporated into the user's program. For the subroutine packages that are designed to work with automatic divide, the fixed point divide subroutine uses automatic divide in performing its operation. For the subroutine packages that are designed to work without the automatic divide feature, the fixed point divide subroutine performs its operation as instructed by the routine without the aid of the automatic divide feature. Coding of the macro-instructions is the same for all of the subroutine packages. NOTE: Macro-instruction Operand. & I.mort. Operation Field A is divided by field B. The Boating point quotient replaces field A; field B remains unchanged. Average Execution Time (1620 Model 1) Fixed length With automatic divide Average time 55 ms Without automatic divide 70 ms Average time Variable length With automatic divide Average time (in fLS) = 520L2 + 1500L + 7890 Without automatic divide Average time (in fLS) 1.9 ( 520L2 + 1500L + 7890) = = = Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time 10,900 fLS Variable length Average time (in ftS) 98.5L:! + 200L = = + 3490 Fixed Point Divide Macro-instruction Operand. & lemarlo. lO H B,A1,B1 In addition to the A and B operands, representing the addresses of the dividend and divisor, the divide macroinstruction requires two additional operands; one specifies the number of zeros to be inserted to the right of the dividend (AI operand) and the other, the shift factor needed by the subroutine (B1 operand). Specifically, the A operand is the core storage address of the dividend. B operand is the core storage address of the divisor. Al operand is 00099 minus the number of zeros desired to the right of the units position of the dividend. B1 operand is 00100 minus the length of the quotient. The quotient must be at least two digits in length. Operation The product area (00080-00099) is automatically reset to zeros. The dividend (A address) is transmitted to the product area (AI address), beginning at the low-order dividend digit and terminating at the Bag bit marking the high-order position of the dividend field. The Al address is 00099 minus the number of zero positions desired to the right of the dividend. The algebraic sign of the dividend is automatically placed in location 00099, regardless of where the rightmost dividend digit is placed by the Al address. A Bag bit automatically marks the high-order digit of the dividend. The divisor (B address) is successively subtracted from the dividend. The B 1 address of the divide macroinstruction positions the divisor for the first subtraction from the high-order position ( s) of the dividend, as in manual division. The B1 address is determined by subtracting the number of digits in the quotient from 100. For the subroutines using program divide, the value of B1 must be between 0 and 99. For subroutines using automatic divide, the value of B1 is not restricted. 37 The quotient and remainder replace the dividend in the product area. The address of the quotient is 00099 minus the length of the divisor. The algebraic sign of the quotient (determined by the signs of the dividend and divisor) is automatically placed in the low-order position of the quotient. The address of the remainder is 00099 and a flag bit is automatically placed in that position. The remainder has the sign of the dividend and the same number of digits as the divisor. The high/positive indicator is on if the quotient is positive and not zero; the equal/zero indicator is on if the quotient is zero. Neither indicator is on if the quotient is negative. The quotient must be at least two digits in length. One position is required for the sign and one for the field mark (flag bit). Examples 1. The macro-instruction DIV A, B, 99, 96 will perform the division for 0273 ) 3972 and store the result 0014 in storage locations 00092,through 00095. 2. The macro-instruction DIV A, B, 96, 93 will perform the division for 0273 ) 3972.000 and store the result 0014.549 in storage locations 00089 through 00095. NOTE: In both examples (1 and 2), A represents the address of the dividend 3972 and B represents the address of the divisor 0273. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length and variable length with automatic divide Average time (in ms) 980 + .040 LDVD + (.520 LDVR + .740) (100 - B1) where LDVD is length of the dividend field, LDVR is length of the divisor field, and B1 is value specified in the macro-instruction. = NOTE: Multiply 3.2 times the result to find the average execution time for the fixed length and variable length subroutines without automatic divide. Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length and variable length without automatic divide ' Average time (in ms) where = 8.265 + .015 LDVD + (.465 + .027 LDVR) (100 - B1) LDVD is length of the dividend field, LDVR is length of the divisor field, and B1 is the value specified in the macroinstruction. Floating Shift Right , Macro-instruction Operands & Remarks Incorrect Positioning of Divisor The following error conditions are caused by an incorrect B1 address. An incorrectly positioned divisor can cause more than nine successful subtractions and an incorrect quotient. The divide operation is terminated, the Overflow indicator and Overflow Arithmetic Check light are turned on, but processing wi,ll not stop unless the Overflow Check switch is set to STOP. The high-'order digit of the dividend is assumed by the 1620 to be one position to the left of the high-order digit of the divisor. The high-order digits of the dividend are lost if the divisor is positioned too far to the right. Processing continues with no indication of an incorrect quotient. If the B address is less than 10000, i.e., between 00100 and 09999, the divide operation will terminate when a subtraction occurs at OXX99. This, in effect, restricts the size of the dividend to 10,020 digits if only 20,000 positions of core storage are installed. 38 The effect of this macro-instruction is to shrink the mantissa by shifting it to the right and truncating the low-order digits. The A address is normally the units position of the mantissa. MMMMMMMMEE t. .. umts pOSItion of mantissa The B address specifies the· digit of the mantissa which will become the low-order digit of the mantissa. Operation The field at the B address (the portion of the mantissa to be retained) is shifted right to the location specified by the A address. The exponent is not moved or altered. For example, the macro-instruction FSRS 00097,00093 The exponent is not moved or altered. For example, the macro-instruction: FSLS 00090, 00097 causes the mantissa causes the mantissa 30590011325701 0011325701 t t t Storage Address 00093 Storage Address 00097 Storage Address 00090 to be shifted, producing the following result to be shifted, producing the following result 00003059001101 t Storage Address 00093 t Storage Address 00097 1132570001 t t Storage Address 00097 Storage Address 00090 Vacated high-order positions are set to zeros. An existing flag at the A address is retained for algebraic sign; the field flag bit" is transmitted with th.e high-order digit of the B field. t Storage Address 00097 An existing flag bit at the B address is retained for algebraic sign; the field flag bit is transmitted with the high-order digit of the B field. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length and variable length Average time (in fLS) 4960 + 960L - 880 (A - B) = Fixed length and variable length Average time (in fLS) = 6460 + 1520 (B - A) - 360L Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length and variable length Average time (in fLS) 2270 + 45 (A - B) Fixed length and variable length Average time (in fLS) 3830 + 350( B - A) 7.5(B - A)2 = = Floating Shift Left Transmit Floating Macro-instruction Macro-instruction ,---,------,-----,--------- -- ----- -- - - ---- -- - Operands & ----Remor~s The effect of this macro-instruction is to expand the mantissa by shifting it to the left and filling the vacated positions with zeros. It is important to note that the B address is the low-order position of the field moved, and the A address is the high-order position of the resulting field. Operation The field at the B address, which is the low order digit of the mantissa, is shifted left so that the high order digit is moved to the location specified by the A address. ------ - - - - -----Operonds & Remo ,Its The B address refers to the low-order digit of the floating point field exponent, whereas the A address refers to the low-order position to which the field is transmitted. Operation The field at the B address is transmitted to the location speCified by the A address. The B field remains unchanged in storage. Flag bits in the three low-order positions of the B field are also transmitted; starting with the fourth low-order position, only one additional flag bit is transmitted, and it stops transmission. For the 39 variable length subroutine, L must be :::; 49, where L equals the number of mantissa digits in the field to be transmitted. For the fixed length subroutine, L must be :::; 19. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length and variable length 400 + 40L Average time (in p.s) = Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length and variable length Average time (in p.s) = 530 + 15L Branch and Transmit Floating M aero-instruction The A and B addresses refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields. Operation The square root of argument B is extracted and the result, in floating point fonn, is stored at A. The argument, which must be in floating point fonn, is unchanged by the operation. The floating point square root subroutine accepts all numbers within the floating point range that are greater than or equal to zero. If the argument is less than zero, the subroutine executes a programmed halt. The operator has two options: 1. Using the infonnation found in the halt instruction, he may branch back to the main routine, or 2. Continue the execution of the subroutine and compute the square root of B. Operands & Remarks Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) The B address is normally the low-order position of the floating point field exponent, whereas the A address is the leftmost position of the next instruction to be executed. Operation The address of the next instruction is saved at a storage location equivalent to BTFS + 78 and the field at the B address is transmitted to the A address minus one. The nonnal exit of a routine which is entered by a BTFS is a Branch Back (BB) instruction. The instruction at the A address is the next one executed. The B field remains unchanged in core storage. Any flag bits in the three low-order positions of the B field are transmitted; starting with the fourth low-order position, only one additional flag bit is transmitted, and it stops transmission. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length and variable length 2280 + 40L Average time (in p.s) = Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length and variable length Average time (in p.s) = 645 + 15L Floating Square Root Macro-instruction 40 Fixed length Average time = 120 ms Variable length Average time (in p.s) = 620L2 + 9776L + 5328 Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time = 29 ms Variable length Average time (in p.s) = 100L2 + 2000L + 5500 Floating Sine M aero-instruction Operand. & ••morlrs The A and B addresses refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields. Operation The sine of argument B is computed and the result, in floating point form, is stored at A. The argument must be in radians and in floating point form. The computation does not disturb the original value of the argument. The floating point sine subroutine accepts all numbers of floating range up to and including exponent 08 (fixed length mantissa) or L (variable length mantissa). The operator may branch back to the mainline program as explained under SUBROUTINE ERROR MESSAGES. For arguments with exponents less than 03, the magnitude of the maximum truncation error in the mantissa of the result does not exceed 10-L • Accuracy in the man- tis sa of the result decreases as the size of the argument ( exponent of 03 or greater) increases. The operator has the option of branching back to the main program or proceeding with the computation. Any result so computed will contain an error that varies directly with the magnitude of the exponent. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length Average time = 150 ms Variable length With automatic divide Average time (in fLS) 13420L + 5228 Without automatic divide Average time (in fLS) 1.9 (168L3 + 3792L2 13420L + 5228) = + Fixed length Average time 33.3 ms Variable length Average time (in fLS) = 5L3 + 296L2 + 2950L + 5400 = = 168U{ + 3792L2 + Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time 33.3 ms Variable length Average time (in fLS) 5Ul + 320L:! + = = 3100L + 4900 Floating Cosine Macro-instruction Operond. & Remort. The A and B addresses refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields. Operation The cosine of argument B is computed and the result, in floating point fonn, is stored at A. The argument must be in radians and in floating point fonn. The computation does not disturb the original value of the argument. The allowable range of the argument, maximum accuracy, etc., for the cosine subroutine are the same as those previously described for the sine subroutine. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) = 155 ms = 168L3 + 3792L2+ Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) 13340L + 4708 Without automatic divide Average time (in fLS) = 1.9 (168L3 + 3792L2 + 13340L + 4708) NOTE: For all Floating Sine and Floating Cosine subroutines, arguments greater than 271" are reduced by subtractions of 271" until within range. Therefore, the time required to perform these subtractions" should be added to the average time required for an argument less than 2". Fixed length Average time Variable length With automatic divide Average time (in fLS) Floating Arctangent Macro-instruction Operond. & ••morb 3S B ." The A and B addresses refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields. Operation The floating point value of the arctangent of B is computed and the result stored at A. The argument must be in floating point fonn; the result in radians will be in floating point fonn. The arctangent subroutine accepts any number within the floating point range. During the evaluation of the arctangent of B, use will be made of the divide subroutine. The maximum truncation error in the mantissa of the result is -+-10-L, except for results having an exponent less than or equal to 02 (E ~ (2). The maximum error for these results is -+- 1 in the (L + 1) th decimal place. L = 08 for the fixed length mantissa. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length Average time = 260 ms Variable length With automatic divide Average time (in fLS) = 168L3 + 2996L2 + 7792L + 7260 Without automatic divide Average time (in fLS) 1.9 (168L3 + 2996L2 + 7792L + 7260) = Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time 31.7 ms = 41 Variable length Average time (in p..s) Variable length Average time (in p..s) = 35L3 + 570L2 + = 21L3 + 240L2 + 6000L - 1300 400L + 7500 NOTE: Floating Exponential (Natural) Macro-instruction Add time for VL Divide if B is negative. Floating Exponential (Base 10) Ope,and. & ••rnarb • Macro-instruction Ope,and. & .ernarb 20 Operation The A and B addresses refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields. The value of e B , where B is in floating point form, is computed and the result, also in floating point form, is stored at A. An input value that exceeds 227.955924206n ...... n (227955924206n ...... n03 ) causes an exponent overflow and one which is less than -227.955924206n ...... n (227955924206n ...... n03) causes an exponent underflow. An exponent overflow or underflow causes the subroutine to examine core storage position 401 to determine the course of action. For negative arguments, the subroutine uses the absolute value of the argument to evaluate the function, and then finds the reciprocal value. For positive and negative arguments, the maximum truncation error in the mantissa of the result is -+-10- L • Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length 160 ms Average time = NOTE: Add 70 to the average time if B is negative. Variable length With automatic divide Average time (in p..s) = 168L3 + 35824L2 + 15890L + 26418 = For a negative argument, add the result of 520L2 + 1880L + 1480 to the average time. Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time 38 ms = NOTE: 42 50 The A and B addresses refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields. Operation The value of lOB, where B is in floating point form, is computed and the result, also in floating point form, is stored at A. An input value which exceeds 98.9n ...... n (989n ...... n02 ) causes an exponent overflow and one which is less than -98.9n ...... n (989n ...... n(2) causes an exponent underflow. An exponent overflow or underflow causes the subroutine to examine core storage position 401 to determine the next course of action. This subroutine handles negative arguments in the manner they are handled by the natural exponential subroutine. Maximum accuracy is the same. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length 145 ms Average time NOTE: Add 70 ms to the average time if B is negative Variable length With automatic divide Average time (in p..s) 168L3 + 3656L2 + 15414L + 24538 Without automatic divide Average time (in p..s) 1.9 (168L3 3656L2 + 15414L + 24538) NOTE: For a negative argument, add the result of 520L2 + 1889L + 1480 to the average time. = = Without automatic divide Average time (in p..s) 1.9 ( 168L3 + 35824L2 + 15890L + 26418) NOTE: 2S Add 1104 ms if B is negative. = + Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time 39.8 ms NOTE: Add 11.4 ms if B is negative. Variable length Average time (inp..s) 23L8 +240L2 + 6050L -1300 NOTE: Add time for VL Divide if B is negative. = Operation The floating point value of the loglOB is computed and stored at A. Input arguments must be in floating point form. This subroutine accepts all arguments greater than zero within the floating point range. An input argument equal to or less than zero results in a programmed halt. A branch back to the main program can be effected as described under SUBROUTINE ERROR MESSAGES. Floating Logarithm (Natural) Macro-instruction » The A and B addresses refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields. Operation The floating point value of the In B is computed and . stored at A. Input arguments must be in floating point form. This subroutine accepts all arguments greater than zero within the floating point range. An input argument equal to or less than zero results in a programmed halt. A branch back to the main program can be effected as described under SUBROUTINE ERROR MESSAGES. Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length 290 ms Average time Variable length With automatic divide 168L3 + 3440L2 + Average time (in /Ls) 10530L + 12180 Without automatic divide 1.9 (168L3 + 3440L2 Average time (in p.s) 10530L + 12180) = Average Execution Time (1620 Modell) Fixed length Average time 305 ms Variable length With automatic divide Average time (in /Ls) 168L3 + 3608L2 + 11610L + 15108 Without automatic divide Average time (in /Ls) 1.9 (168L3 + 3608L2 11610L + 15108) = = = + Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time = 56.6 ms Variable length Average time 33.5L3 + 680L2 + 2100L + 5900 = = = Average Execution Time (1620 Model 2) Fixed length Average time 51.7 ms Variable length Average time (in /Ls) = 36.5L3 + 590L2 1500L + 8600 Subroutine Error Messages + In 1620 subroutines the presence of special conditions causes an error message. This message is typed out in the following form: XXXXXOOXX = R + Floating Logarithm (Base 10) Macro-instruction Operand. & a.marks The A and B addresses refer to the units position of the exponents of the fields. S where R is a return address to the main program and S is a code that identifies the special condition. With the exception of exponent overflow or underflow, where the course of action depends upon the digit at location 00401, a subroutine always halts immediately after typing the error message. The error message code indicates the reason for the halt. The operator may insert a branch instruction at storage location 00000. The branch instruction will contain the return address to the main program. In cases such as floating square root, execution of the subroutine may be made to continue, after a halt, by depressing the start key. Table 11 lists the error codes for special conditions and the appropriate action to be taken. 43 Table 11. Subroutine Error Codes ERROR CODE OPERATOR'S ACTION WHEN SUBROUTINE HALTS DESCRIPTION OF ERROR 01 FA or FS, Exponent Overflow May continue execution of subroutine by depressing start key 02 FA or FS, Exponent Underflow Same as code 01 03 FM, Exponent Overflow Same as code 01 04 FM, Exponent Underflow Same as code 01 05 FD, Exponent Overflow Same as code 01 06 FD, Exponent Underflow Same as code 01 07 FD, Attempt to divide using a number with a zero mantissa divisor May not continue execution of subroutine but may branch back to main program using return address 08 FSQR, Attempt to find the square root of a negative number Pressing the start key causes the subroutine to extract the square root of the absolute value of the argument 09 FSIN or FCOS, Input argument has an exponent value greater than 08 (fixed length mantissa) or L (variable-length mantissa) Same as code 07 10 FSIN or FCOS, For a fixed-Iengt~ mantissa, ~he input argument has an exponent (X) such that 03 X 08. For a variablelength mantissa, the input argument has an exponent (X) such that 03 ~ X ~ L where L = length of a mantissa. Same as code 01 11 FEX or FEXT, Exponent Overflow Same as code 01 12 FEX or FEXT, Exponent Underflow Same as code 01 13 FLN or FLOG, Input argument has a zero mantissa Same as code 07 14 FLN or FLOG, Input argument is negative Pressing the start key causes the subroutine to continue execution, using the absolute value of the argument < < . Adding Subroutines up to 12 subroutines may be added to any of the card or paper tape subroutine packages. In brief, the steps required to add a subroutine are: 1. Write the subroutine and assemble it in condensed form. 2. Add the new subroutine to the card or tape package. 3. Add the macro-instruction mnemonic to the SPS processor. The specific details of adding a subroutine or its macroinstruction are covered in ADDING A SUBROUTINE TO A CARD DECK or ADDING A SUBROUTINE TO TAPE. (Discard the last seven cards if assembly was made for a Modell; discard the last 6 cards if assembly was made for a Model 2.) These cards are replaced by a subroutine header card and a subroutine trailer card. The formats for the subroutine header and trailer cards' are described below. The new subroutine, together with its header and trailer cards, is inserted into the subroutine deck between the trailer card of the last subroutine presently in the deck and the "end of deck" card (identified by a record mark (=F) in column 76). Header Card Format Columns 1-4 5-13 Adding a Subroutine to a Card Deck After a subroutin~ is written, it must be assembled in condensed form. Then, discard the first two loader cards and the last seven table cards of the object deck. 44 Length of subroutine - 4 digits in the form xxxx. Subroutine numbers (each in two digits xx) followed by a record mark; a subroutine may have up to four entry points, with each entry represented by a unique mnemonic. Number of storage positions (three digits xxx), between the second ( third and fourth) entrance ( s ) and the regular entrance of the subroutine. These 3-digit fields must be terminated by a record mark (for example, 120186=1=). If the subroutine has only one entrance, a record mark should be punched in column 14. 24 0 (zero) for subroutine deck without automatic divide; 1 for subroutine deck with automatic divide; =1= for variable length subroutine decks with divide or with automatic floating point; '0 for variable length subroutines without automatic divide. 25-43 The secondary linkage in ma~hine language. The linkage contains two instructions, the second of which is always a branch (operation code 49). The operation code in the first instruction and the three addresses can be specified by the programmer. The breakdown of these columns is as follows: PICK + 23 will be 00023 and SUBR 1 + 59 will be 00059. 37 -38 Operation code 49; a flag or no flag on digit 4 indicates modification to the P address with respect to the subroutine or PICK. 39-43 P address expressed as an increment to PICK or the subroutine. 44-75 Blanks. 76 o (zero). 77-80 Sequence number. 14-23 25-26 Two-digit numerical operation code for the first instruction. Modification to the P and Q addresses is indicated by a flag or no flag on the first and second digit, respectively. A flag implies that the address is relative to the subroutine itself while no flag means it is relative to the Pick subroutine. 27-31 P address of the first instruction, expressed as an increment to IJICK or the subroutine. For example, IJICK + 23 will be 00023 and SUBR 1 + 59 will be 00059. 32-36 Q address of the first instruction, expressed as an increment to PICK or the subroutine. For example, Trailer Card Format Column 76 77-78 79-80 1 Subroutine number. Sequence ntlmber. Sample Problem Illustrating Header Card, Subroutine, and Trailer Card In this example the subroutine is to be inserted in the variable length subroutine deck without automatic divide. The Floating Branch and Transmit subroutine ( BTl'S) is used as the new subroutine; thus it is assumed that the subroutine deck contains no BTFS subroutine. This example shows the header card coding, the modifier constants, the 0" and 0 1 flag indicators associated with the new subroutine, and the trailer card coding. For each field of the header and trailer cards, the data contained in the field as well as a description of the data is given. HEADER CARD Columns 1-4 0079 5-13: 17=1= 14-23: 24: 25-43: =t= 0 16 00402 Program requires 79 storage positions. Subroutine identifying number. Subroutine has only one entry point. Variable length subroutine without automatic divide. 00000 49 00104 These instructions correspond to the secondary linkage: TFM PICK + 402, ADDR B PICK + 104 45 The P operands of the and B will be modified by adding the address of PICK when it is found. The Q operand of the TFM will be modified by adding the starting address of the BTFS subroutine to it. B No modification. TFM Blanks 44-75: 76: 77-80: The 4 is the identifying number of the subroutine set. The 000 is the card sequence number. SUBROUTINE DORC 5000 Standard DORG statement for all subroutines. BTFS1 DC 14, 05000005050500, 314 This statement provides the modifier digits for the seven instructions which follow. TF 0 + 66, STORE + 6, 0 A flag over 00 indicates to the subroutine processor that the P operand must be modified with respect to the relocated addresses of the BTFS subroutine. With respect to PICK, the Q operand is modified by the second digit of the pseudo constant. TF 0 + 30, 0 + 54,01 The P and Q operands need only be modified with respect to the BTFS subroutine. Therefore, the only modification required is flagging 00 and 01. SM 0 + 18,3,010 o + 18 is modified with respect to its own sub- routine. The Q operand needs no modification since 03 ~s wanted. The flag on QI0 is needed in the computation. TF ,BETA-2 With respect to PICK, the Q operand is modified by the eighth digit of the pseudo constant. TF 0 + 30, STORE +30, 0 0 0 flagged to modify 0 + 30 with respect to BTFS subroutine. Q operand was previously modified. With respect to PICK, the Q operand is modified by the tenth digit of the pseudo constant. BT 46 TRAILER CARD Column 76 1 Library Change Card o 4000 DEND No modification. ,BETA With respect to PICK, the Q operand is modified oy the twelfth digit of the pseudo constant. For each macro-instruction added, a library change card must be prepared for insertion in the processor deck. These cards must· be inserted immediately in front of the last nine cards of the processor deck. The programmer must assign a unique mnemonic operation code to each macro-instruction. New macroinstruction mnemonics must be four alphameric characters in length. The format of the library change card is as follows: Mnemonic operation code in 2digit form (column 1 must be flagged, columns 2 to 8 must not be flagged). 9-10 subroutine number. 7. 11 record mark (0, 2, 8 punches) . 12 13-62 blanks. 63-64 01 (column 63 must be flagged). 65-69 address of leftmost location where data from columns 1-11 is to be stored. Column 65 must be Bagged. 70-74 address plus 1 of rightmost location where data from columns 1-11 is to be stored. Column 70 must be flagged. 75 blank. 76 -( Bag only). The address in columns 65-69 for subroutine 18 can be found by referring to the program listing (symbol XDEND+ 12). This number must be increased by 11 for each subsequent subroutine. The address in columns 70-74 is 11 greater than the address placed in columns 65-69 for subroutine 18. This address must also be increased by 11 for each subsequent subroutine being added. Columns 1-8 Adding a Subroutine to Tape A tape modifier program is included in the SPS III Programming System. Its purpose is to allow the addition and/ or deletion of subroutines and subroutine macroinstructions to or from the subroutine tape. Procedure A brief summary of the procedures to be followed when using the tape modifier program is: 1. Write the subroutine in SPS language with origin at 05000 (DORG 5000). 2. Assemble the subroutine. 3. Prepare the subroutine header data so that it may be entered at the keyboard when called for by the tape modifier program. 4. Load the tape modifier program. 5. Produce a new SPS III processor as directed by the typed messages. 6. Produce a new subroutine tape as directed by the typed messages. Program Switches The following switch infonnation is typed out after the tape modifier program has been loaded. SSWl - ON TO ADD SUBROUTINES SSW2 - ON TO DELETE SUBROUTINES SSW3 - ON TO BYPASS SPS III PROCESSOR MODIFICATION SSW4 - ON TO CORRECT ENTRY ERROR SET SWITCHES THEN DEPRESS START Program Switches 1, 2, or 3, or all three can be turned on at this time. Adding and Deleting Subroutine Macro-Instruction Mnemonics After the switches are set and the Start key is depressed, either of the following messages or both are typed, depending on the switch settings: ENTER NEW MACROS, ONE AT A TIME FOLLOW LAST ENTRY WITH A RECORD MARK ENTER MACROS TO BE DELETED, ONE AT A TIME FOLLOW LAST ENTRY WITH A RECORD MARK NOTE: New macro-instruction mnemonics must be four alphameric characters in length followed by the new subroutine number. Deleted mnemonics are entered as they actually appear in the present op-code table, e.g., FA for Floating Add, etc. Deleted mnemonics must also be followed by the subroutine number they represent. After each entry of an added or deleted mnemonic, a Release and Start must be executed prior to entering the next mnemonic. The last entry must be followed by a record mark, e.g., FA03=j=. If Switches 1 and 2 are on, the second typeout occurs after all new macro-instruction mnemonics are entered. If Switch 3 is on, the processor modification is bypassed and the program calls for the subroutine processor tape as described below. However, if Switch 3 is off after entering the new or deleted macro-instruction mnemonics, the message LOAD SPS III TAPE AND DEPRESS START is typed. This loading results in the creation of a new SPS III tape which reflects the addition and/or deletion of the mnemonics that were typed in. If the op-code table cannot accommodate all the new mnemonics (a maximum of 12 have already been entered), the following message is typed, followed by a list of all mnemonics that could not be entered: OP-CODE TABLE FULL THE FOLLOWING MACROS HAVE NOT BEEN ENTERED If the op-code table can handle all new mnemonics, the program calls for the subroutine processor tape by the following typeout: LOAD SUBROUTINE TAPE AND DEPRESS START Adding and Deleting Subroutines \\Then the subroutine tape is loaded, a new tape is punched. If a subroutine ( s) is being added, punching stops when the beginning of the "end of tape" record is reached. The program then calls for the header data pertaining to the new user-written subroutine ( s ). If no subroutines are being added, the modification is complete when punching stops. The header infonnation is entered when the following message is typed. ENTER HEADER INFORMATION FOR NEW MACHO XXXX where XXXX is the name of the new macro. The header data called for consists of the following: = LENGTH Four digits in the fonn XXXX. SUBROUTINE NUMBER ( S) Two digits in the fonn XX=j=. If more than one number applies, the fonn XXXX=j= is used. Up to four numbers (two digits each) can be used. ENTRY POINT DIFFERENCES Three-digit field for each additional entry point. If there is only one entry point, only a record mark is entered. For each additional entry point, the number entered is the difference between the first entry and the second or third, etc.; the fonn is XXxXXX=j=. SECONDARY LINKAGE FORMAT Secondary linkage in machine language. = = = NOTE: If a subroutine is written that has multiple mnemonics and numbers, such as FSIN and FCOS, the header data should be entered when anyone of the relevant mnemonics appears in a call for header data. 47 After each bit of data is entered, a Release and Start allows entry of more data until all necessary information is entered. The program then calls for the object tape associated with the header data just entered. The typeout is LOAD OBJECT TAPE FOR MACRO XXXX AND DEPRESS START Here, XXXX is the mnemonic of the new subroutine being added. Run out the subroutine tape from the reader using the Nonprocess Runout key. Then load the object tape and depress the Start key. After the new subroutine has been punched into the subroutine tape along with the appropriate header and trailer data, the program calls for more header data if more subroutines are to be added. If no more are to be added, an "end of subroutines" record is punched, the message RELOAD LIBRARY SUBROUTINE TAPE is typed, and the machine halts. Reload the subroutine tape (from the beginning) and depress the Start key. After the remainder of the library subroutine tape is processed, the message MODIFICATION COMPLETE 2. Moves the B operand into BETA (exponent and mantissa). 3. Calculates the return address to the mainline program. 4. Resets location 00401 (subroutine error digit) . 5. Stores the computed result (which is in ALPHA) back into the address of the A operand. 6. Contains constants and storage areas that are common to other subroutines in the package. Subroutines Linkages The following linkage is generated in the mainline program for all subroutine macro-instructions. B PICK + 11, SUBR DORG DSA A,B TFM 0 + 23 0_4 The branch is to the secondary linkage for the specific subroutine used. The secondary linkage is generated by the subroutine processor at the time the subroutines are being relocated and punched into the object deck. For example, the secondary linkage for a variable length subroutine is: 1. SUBR TFM PICK PICK B TFM PICK PICK B + 402, ADDR } two operands + 402, ADDR t + 104 fone is typed, and the machine halts. 2. SUBR At any time during the operation, operator entry errors can be corrected by turning on Program switch 4, depressing the R-S key, turning off Switch 4, and reentering the data. ADDR is the address of the first instruction of the subroutine in question. Writing a Subroutine When writing a subroutine, the programmer should be aware of certain information concerning PICK, namely, the functions of PICK, PICK address equivalents, linkage, common work areas in PICK, and the means of signifying instnlCtions that are relative to PICK. Functions of PICK PICK is common to all subroutines in the subroutine package, except DIV, FSRS and FSLS. Therefore, it is to the advantage of the subroutine writer to make use of PICK. The listing of the appropriate Pick subroutine (furnished with the library package) should be studied. Briefly, PICK performs the following operations. It: 1. Moves the A operand into ALPHA (exponent and mantissa). 48 operand This linkage moves the starting address of the subroutine into PICK to allow a later branch to the subroutine (B ADDR). Next, the secondary linkage branches to PICK. PICK moves the data contained in the A operand into ALPHA and the data in the B operand into BETA. It also computes the return address to the mainline program and branches to the subroutine. After the subroutine is executed, the program branches back to the Pick subroutine. Figure 3 shows the sequence of events that occur when the macro-instruction equivalence is encountered during execution of the object program. NOTE: When the A operand in the diagram is used in the computation, the secondary linkage branches to PICK; when the A operand is not used in the computation (as in the functional subroutines), the secondary linkage branches to PICK + 104 (variable length) and the B operand alone is placed in BETA. Note that if the macro-instruction contains more than two operands, arrangements must be made in the programmer's subroutine to store the B, or Band C operands in some location other than BETA. This is to prevent the B, or Band C operan~ds from being destroyed, for PICK automatically stores any operand, after the first operand, in BETA. The return address to the mainline program, calculated by the Pick subroutine is correct only if all operands associated with the subroutine have been processed. The computed result is always assumed to be stored in ALPHA. In addition, the result at ALPHA is stored by the Pick subroutine at the address specified by the A operand, prior to the return to the mainline program. There are various working areas for constants in the Pick subroutine that may be used (shared) by the added subroutines. The programmer may refer to the subroutine program listing (provided with the library package) to make effective use of the Pick subroutine. sible for performing all necessary operations normally performed by PICK. PICK Address Equivalents Listed in Table 12 are certain PICK address equivalents for fixed length and variable length subroutine decks, as well as for the subroutine deck which uses automatic Boating point. Instructions Relative to PICK When writing a subroutine, the programmer must set a Bag over position 0 0 and/or 0 1 of instructions where the P and/or Q operands are relative to the origin (location 05000), e.g., an instruction located at 05300, such as TF + 23,0_1 in machine language should be 260532305299. Therefore it should be written as Bypassing PICK TF The subroutine writer may, if he desires, bypass PICK completely by setting up the secondary linkage in columns 25-43 of the subroutine header card (see 0 + 23, 0 0 - 1, 01 If the P operand alone is relative, then only 0 0 should be Bagged, as HEADER CARD FORMAT). Since the first linkage puts the address of the A operand in PICK + 11, the secondary linkage can move it from there to any place in the subroutine itself (and branch to the subroutine). This is what is done in the DIV, FSLS, and FSRS subroutines, where the secondary linkage is of the form TF B ADDR + 11, PICK ADDR,,0 When the programmer bypasses + 11,0 PICK, he is respon- AM 0 + 18, 5, 07 The Q. digit is Bagged because the instruction is of the "immediate" type. Operand Modification Whenever PICK is used, the programmer must use instructions in his subroutine which make reference to the Pick subroutine. The subroutine relocator program must adjust the operands of these instructions to make Table 12. Pick Address Equivalents ADDRESS EQUIVALENTS FIXED VARIABLE LENGTH LENGTH AUTOMATIC FLOATING POINT PICK PICK + 104 PICK PICK + 104 PICK PICK + 24 DESCRIPTION Entry for subroutines that ~A operand data in the computation. Entry for subroutines that do not use A operand data in the computation. PICK + 140 PICK + 140 PICK + PICK + 414 PICK + 416 PICK + 482 PICK + 402 PICK + 404 PICK + 434 PICK + 174 PICK + 176 PICK + 194 PICK + 711 PICK + 657 PICK + 417 Re-entry from subroutines to store result of computation. Return address of mainline program {P address of instruction that branches to mainline program}. Alpha (A operand data itself). PICK + 743 PICK + 802 PICK + 562 Beta (B operand data itself). (fJ Re-entry to pick up additional operand {other than the A and B operand. Address of subroutine {P address of instruction that branches to the subroutine} 49 Figure 3. Basic Flow Chart of User's Subroutine - PICK Relationship Mainline Program 0 Pick Subroutine • User's Subroutine Mainline Program Instructions 1! i:!i ! i!i ~i!i! ! i ! j!1 Secondary Linkage Macro, e.g. FS A, B FSIN A, B 1. f.Iove Address of A operand to PICK + 11. Move Address of Subroutine into PICK 2. Branch to secondary linkage. Instructions {contd} Branch to PICK, load one argument 50 Branch to PIC K, load two arguments them correspond to the actual addresses of PICK in the object program. This is done by using a pseudo constant (DC statement). The constant does not become a part of the object program; its only function is to indicate to the subroutine relocator program that the instructions that follow are to be modified. One DC statement can modify up to 25 instructions. Each instruction, whether or not it is to be modified, requires two digits in the pseudo constant, one for the P operand and one for the Q operand. The statement itself consists of three operands: the first specifies the length of the constant which may not be greater than 50 nor less than 2; the second, the actual constant; the third, the storage address of the constant. This address must be specified as an absolute value in the following form: 00320 for a 20-digit constant, 00342 for a 42-digit constant, etc. The P and Q operand modifier constants follow. P and Q Operand Modifiers o 1 2 3 4 5 6 Modification No Modification AddL Subtract L Add2L Subtract 2L Modify with respect to PICK, no L modification Modify with respect to PICK, add L 7 Modify with respect to PICK, subtract L Modify with respect to PICK, add 2L Modify with respect to PICK, subtract 2L 8 9 The following example shows how a variable length mantissa subroutine may be modified, by use of modifier constants, to use three operands in its computation. Secondary linkage 1 (two operands) is used in this example. The A operand data is stored in ALPHA (PICK + 657) and the B operand data is in BETA (PICK + 802). Therefore: DC SUBR TR 6,275050,306 GAMMA - 1, 801, 0 Transmit beta into TFM 402,0 B 140 + 20, 17 gamma Set up return address to added subroutine Go to Pick subroutine. to obtain next operand DORG 0 - 4 NOTE: Intervening DORG statements and constants between instructions are never modified in this manner. Data from the last operand processed will be in BETA (PICK + 802). The maximum number of operands allowed in secondary linkage 1 is two; however, the A and B operands may be the same. 51 1620 SPS III Processor Program The SPS III processor, which is available in card or paper tape form, is a two-pass program. The user's source program, written in symbolic language, is the input for both passes. The functions of Pass 1 and Pass 2 are listed below: Symbol Table A variable length label entry is used to store as many labels as possible in the area reserved for the symbol table. Each label when stored takes the following form: Pass 1 1. Checks for valid mnemonic operation codes. Invalid operations are considered Nap and are processed as such if Program Switch 2 is off. Head Char- Variable Length Label N Associated Address A 2. Processes symbolic labels and prepares a table of the symbolic labels and their assigned addresses for use in the second pass. 3. Assigns storage positions to instructions, work . areas, and constants. 4. Performs checking necessary to produce error messages. where N character (2-6) H Pass 2 1. Processes operation codes. Converts mnemonic program operation codes to their corresponding 1620 machine language codes. 2. Processes operands according to the type of operation code. Looks up assigned addresses and symbolic operands in the symbolic table prepared during Pass 1. Performs address adjustment, if necessary, to complete the operands. Sets Hags in the assembled instruction, as specified by the Hag in.,. dicator operand. 3. Types error messages for those statements that cannot be assembled properly. 4. Prepares the assembled output and lists the symbol table, if desired. Storage Layout The storage layout of the SPS processor is shown in Figure 4. The operation code table contains all valid mnemonic operation codes and their equivalent machine language codes. Any alterations to the processor will change the addresses shown in this figure. 52 = number of characters in label plus head = head character (two-position alphameric coding) = L .... Ln five characters of label (two-position alphameric coding) = AAAAA assigned address (five numerical positions) NOTE: The rightmost position of Ln contains a Hag for any true 6-character label. A label entry will always contain N, H, and A data and at least one L character. Therefore, the minimum size label (one character) requires 10 storage positions. Each additional L character will use two additional storage positions up to eight positions. The maximum size label (5 or .6 characters) requires 18 storage positions. A six-character label is stored without a head character and the leftmost character of that label occupies the head character (H) storage position. For the sixcharacter label, a Hag is placed in the rightmost position of Ln so that the processor may distinguish between a 5-character label with a head character and a true 6character label without the head character. When a label which is not preceded by a HEAD statement is placed in storage, the head character (H) is assigned as blank by the processor. 1620 - 1443 SPS III 1626 SPS III Cord Tope 00000 00000 00401 00401 00402 00402 1 1 ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 1: :~ ;t:~ilimt~ : ~m~ ~ : : I!I!I I!lil l!1 1I I I !I I!I!I I I I I I I I!I I I !I I !I I !I ! Cord Tape 00000 00000 00401 00401 0:>402 00402 Input/Output Areas, Work Storage, Constants 01943 01811 01937 01807 01944 01812 01938 01808 16161 15817 16162 15818 16394 15988 16395 15989 Processor Program 16115 15193 16116 15194 16384 15380 16385 15381 Input/Output Areas, Work Storage, Constants Operation Code Table {Mnemonics} 17999 16995 18196 17790 18000 16996 18197 17791 19980 19911 Symbol Table 19980 19911 Figure 4. Storage Layout 53 CAPACITY The maximum number of symbols or labels cannot be specified due to their variable length. However, the following formula may be applied to find the allowable number of symbols (within -t- 1) for any given source program. 2:: e-5 K = [ Le (8 + 2e) ] e=l = e number of characters in label Le = number of labels of length "e" L(j number of six-character labels K = the storage capacity of the symbol table. K can have a maximum value of: = 1620 Card Paper Tape SPS III 1980 2715 1620-1443 SPS III 1783 2120 for 1620 Systems with 20,000 positions of core storage. K should be increased by 20,000 or 40,000 when the assembling system is equipped with 40,000 or 60,000 positions of storage, respectively. Paper Tape Processor Program The paper tape processor program accepts input for the first pass in either paper tape form or directly from the typewriter, depending upon the setting of the program switch. If the typewriter is used to enter the source statements, the processor produces a source program tape to be used as input for the second pass. When subroutines are used in the source program, the subroutine program paper tape must follow the source program as input for the second pass. Output from the secbnd pass may include an object program tape andlor a typewriter listing. Error messages indicating errors in the source program are typed out during Pass 1 or Pass 2. The programmer has the option of correcting these errors either as indicated or after assembly is finished. Make-up of Output Tap~ The output .tape produced by Pass 2 contains the assembled machine language instructions, constants, and other data that are part of the object program. Loading instructions appear. at the beginning of the object tape followed by the object program, selected subroutines, and multiplication and addition tables (condensed 54 form) in that order. A complete self-contained program tape is produced, ready to be entered in the 1620. Card Processor Input may be from cards or the typewriter. If the typewriter is used, a source program card deck is punched as output for Pass 1. This card deck becomes the input for Pass 2. Error messages are typed out for both passes. AHected statements may be corrected when the message is noted or at the completion of Pass 2 after all messages have been recorded. The input for Pass 2 is the source program deck followed by the subroutines, provided they are used. The typewriter output from this pass may consist of the object program with error messages, or error messages only, as determined by the program switch setting. An object program card deck is produced in condensed form or uncondensed form, depending upon the setting of the program switches. The condensed card contains up to five machine language instructions, thus requiring fewer cards than the un condensed version, which has multiple cards for each statement. Immediately after an uncondensed object deck is obtained from Pass 2, the programmer can get a condensed deck by processing the source cards a third time as described under OPERATING PROCEDURES. Both the condensed and uncondensed card decks are complete with loader and arithmetic tables. The uncondensed deck contains both symbolic and absolute information, but only absolute data is loaded. Make-up of Output Deck The object program is preceded by two loader cards and followed by seven cards that perform the following: 1. Interrupt the loading sequence of the object program. 2. Load the arithmetic tables. 3. Branch to the start of the object program or branch to a halt. Uncondensed Obiect Deck Format The individual card format of each type of statement is given. The number of cards per statement may range from one to several, depending on the type of operation (imperative, declarative, control, macro-instruction, comments) or type of individual statement. For the SEND or HEAD statements, no output cards are produced. Imperative Operation Cards Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a:- 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. Columns 1-5 6-10 page and line number. high-order leftmost address where assembled instruction is to be stored. 11-22 assembled instruction. 23 =F 63-64 11. 65-69 leftmost address where assembled instruction is to be stored. 70-74 rightmost address plus one, where assembled instruction to be stored. 76 9. 77-80 card number. Control Operation Cards DORG,DEND Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 address specified. 76 9. 77-80 card number. TRA Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 leftmost address where instruction is to be stored. 11-22 assembled instruction (first instruction) . 23 =F 63-64 11. 65-69 leftmost address where instruction is to be stored. 70-74 rightmost address plus one, where instruction is to be stored. 76 9. 77-80 card number. Card 3. Same as card 2 (11-22 is second instruction). TeD Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 address specified. 76 9. 77-80 card number. Cards 3-9. Arithmetic tables. Cards 10-11. Loader program. Declarative Operation Cards DS, DSS Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 rightmost address of field. 13-17 field length. 76 9. 77-80 card number. NOTE: For the DSS operation, columns 6-10 of card 2 contain the leftmost address of the field. DAS Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 leftmost address plus one, of field. 13-17 field length (number of alphameric characters). 76 9. 77-80 card number. DSB Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77 -so. Card 2. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 rightmost address of first element of array. 13-17 element length. 76 9. 77-80 card number. DSA Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-S0. Card 2. NOTE: A card of this type is punched for each operand. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 rightmost address where field is to be stored. 13-17 field length (constant 00005). lS-22 the 5-digit field ( address itself) being stored. 23 63-64 =F Is. 55 65-69 leftmost address where field is to be stored. 70-74 rightmost address plus one, where field is to be stored. 76 9. 77-80 card number. DC,DSC Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 rightmost address where con'stant is to be stored. 13-17 field length of the constant. 76 9. 77-80 card number. Card 3. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-n the cortstant itself starts in column 6 and is terminated by a record mark (=F) in the first column following the constant. 63-64 00. 65-69 leftmost address where constant is to be stored. 70-74 rightmost address plus one, where constant is to be stored. 76 O. 77-80 card number. NOTE: For the DSC statement, columns 6-10 of card 2 contain the leftmost address where the constant is to be stored. 70-74 rightmost address plus one, where constant is to be stored. 76 77-80 0 card number. DAC Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 leftmost address plus one, where constant is to be stored. 13-17 field length (number of alphameric characters). 76 9. 77-80 card number. Card 3. NOTE: A constant that contains over 25 characters causes two cards to be punched in this format. Up to 25 characters may be punched on each card. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-n the constant itself starts in column 6 and is terminated by a record mark ( =F) in the first column following the constant. 63-64 06. 65-69 leftmost address where constant is to be stored. 70-74 rightmost address plus one where constant is to be stored. 76 O. 77-80 card number. DNB Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 rightmost address where constant (blank) is to be stored. 13-17 field length. 76 9. 77-80 card number. Card 3. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 7-n the numerical blanks (coded 4, 8) start in column 7 and are terminated by a record mark (=F) in the first column following the constant. 63-64 07. 65-69 leftmost address where constant (blanks) is to be stored. 56 Macro-instruction Cards Card 1. Same as source statement card with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 leftmost address where first linkage instruction is to be stored. 11-22 assembled instruction. 23 =F 63-64 II. 65-69 leftmost address where instruction is to be stored. 70-74 rightmost address plus one, where instruction is to be stored. 76 9. 77-80 card number. Card 3. Same as card 2 (second linkage instruction). Card 4. NOTE: A card of this type is punched for each operand. Columns 1-5 page and line number. 6-10 leftmost address where field is to be stored. 13-17 field length (constant 00005). 18-22 the address itself (5-position field) to be stored. 23 =F 63-64 18. 65-69 leftmost address where field is to be stored. 70-74 rightmost address plus one, where field is to be stored. 76 9. 77-80 card number. Comments Cards Card 1. Same as source statement with the exception of a 0 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Card 2. A digit 9 in column 76 and card number in columns 77-80. Listing the Uncondensed Object Deck Figures 5 and 6 show control panel wiring diagrams designed for listing an uncondensed object program on the IBM 407 and on the IBM 407-E8. Condensed Object Deck Format Condensed cards are punched as described under the particular card type. Figure 5. 407 Control Panel Wiring Diagram for Listing Uncondensed Output 57 Cards Containing Instructions Columns 1-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61 62 63-64 65-69 Cards Containing Constants Columns five instructions. =t= (record mark) . O. ill. lefbnost address where instructions are to be loaded. 70-74 righbnost address plus one, where instructions are to be loaded. 76 (Hag only). 77-80 card number. Figure 6. 407-E8 Control Panel Wiring Diagram for Listing Uncondensed Output 58 1-61 62 63-64 65-69 constants may be from 1 to 60 characters followed immediately by a record mark (=t=). 1. 01. lefbnost address where constants are to be loaded. 70-74 righbnost address plus one, where constants are to be loaded. 76 (Hag only). 77-80 card number. 75 blank 76 0 77 9 Condensed Object Deck Alterations While testing an object program, it is often necessary to change or patch some of the original instructions. To do this, the sps source deck and the condensed deck must be updated each time an instruction is changed. If the sps output is an uncondensed deck that is later condensed, it is necessary to update three card decks (the source, uncondensed, and condensed decks). The procedure described here provides an orderly, rapid, and accurate means of correcting the source program. Use of Patch Cards Patch cards are placed in front of the last seven cards of the condensed object deck but no cards are removed or changed. The condensed object deck is loaded in the same manner as it was before the patch cards were added. Patch Card and Coding Sheet Corrections to the Source Program When an instruction requires correction, the corrected machine language instruction as well as the sps coding' should be recorded on a patch coding sheet. The coding sheet shown in Figure 7 or a similar coding sheet can be used for this purpose. Each entry on the coding sheet is punched into a prepunched patch card. The prepunched data is arranged on the patch card as follows: After the object program is tested, the source program deck can be corrected by selecting patch cards with a code 9 in column 77 from the object deck. Card columns 14 through 61 in the selected cards should be reproduced into columns 1 through 48 of blank cards. The reproduced cards should then be inserted in page and line number sequence into the source program deck, and the cards that are being replaced should be discarded. Patch cards may then be returned to the condensed object deck or the source deck may be reassembled to produce a new object deck. Columns 13 =l= (0, 2, 8 punches) 62-65 Oi)I70 - ( flag only) SPS Instruction in Mlchine Language Page Column 1-12 OP Line Label Code 14-15 16-18 19-24 25-28 Operands 29-61 Actual Actual Machine Machine Location Location +12 65-69 70-74 Patch Number 78-80 One Instruction Per Card Patch Cards Are To Be Placed In Front Of The Last Seven Cards Of The Condensed Deck. Figure 7. Patch Card Coding Sheet 59 Operating Procedures This section describes the procedures to be followed when using the 1620 SPS III Processor. Table 13. 1620 SPS III Program Switch Settings SWITCH NO. LOADING PROCESSOR Switches Both the Parity switch and the I/O switch should be placed in the STOP position, and the Overflow switch in the PROGRAM position. Program switches for controlling the processor should be set as outlined in Table 13. Note. the different functions of the Program switches during the "Loading Processor - Pass 1 - Pass 2 -Post Assembly" phases. PASS 1 OFF 1 No add table wi II be punched in object program. Add table wi II be punched in object program. 2,3,4 Not used. 1 Input is from the card reader or paper tape reader. Input is from typewriter. 2 The machine stops after an error message has been typed so that corrected statement can be entered at the typewriter. Processing continue$ after error message is typed, but error is adjusted as described under ERROR CORRECTIONS. 3 Not used. 4 Turn on to correct r- ~then off, and retyping error made enter the entire while entering a statement at the statement, and detypewriter. Leave off when assemblpress R-S key,ing program. 1 The source statement and assembled instruction is typed out. No listing is typed 2 Same as Pass 1 Same as Pass 1 3 a. For card processor, when the object program is to be in condensed form. b. Must be on for editing. For the card procenssor, when the obtct program is to e in uncondensed form. 4 a. No object program will be punched. b. Must be on for editing. The object program is punched. 4 Symbol table is not listed. Symbol table is listed. Program Switch 1 The processor is set up to punch the add table (required for Model Is only) in the object program under control of Program Switch 1. Switch 1 is interrogated when the processor is being loaded, and, if the switch is off, the add table will be punched in the object program. If Program Switch 1 is on during loading of the processor, the add table will not be included in the object program. This option enables the 1620 Model 2 user to load programs (even with TRA-TCD operations) without loading over the area of the index registers. During loading, the message PASS 2 1620 SPS III, MODEL 1 or 1620 SPS III, MODEL 2 is typed depending upon the setting of Program switch 1. POST ASSEMBLY Loading the Processor ( a) Card system 1. Depress the console Reset key. 2. Set Program switch 1 to the desired setting. 3. Place the processor deck in the read hopper. 4. Depress the Load key. . (b) Paper Tape System 1. Thread the processor tape on the paper tape reader. 2. Depress the Reset and Insert keys. 3. Set Program switch 1 to the desired setting. 4. Enter 360000000300 from the typewriter. 5. Depress the R-S key. 60 POSITION ON NOTES: 1. If listing and/or uncondensed output has just been obtained, set switch 3 ON to obtain condensed deck (re-enter source input). 2. If edit just completed, set switch 4 OFF to obtain condensed deck (re-enter source input). 3. Ta re-enter Pass 1, turn switch 3 OFF (set switches 1, 2, and 4 also, and load source input). Upon completion of loading, 48 will appear in the Operation Register. While the processor is being loaded, the size of the assembling machine is determined by programming. The size of the object machine is set to the same size as that of the assembling machine. When the processor is used on a system with more than 20,000 positions of core storage, the additional storage allows a larger area for source program labels and their assigned addresses. Processing the Source Program The processor is ready to start the assembly process as soon as the processor has been loaded. 3. Set Program switches (see Table 13). 4. Depress console Start key. When Pass 2 is completed, the message LOAD SUBROUTINES will be typed out if subroutines are required by the source programs (see LOADING SUBROUTINES). If subroutines are not required, the message END OF PASS II Pass 1 (a) Card Input: 1. Place program source deck in card reader hopper. 2. Depress Reader Start key. 3. Set Program switches (see Table 13). 4. Depress the console Start key. (b) Paper Tape Input: 1. Thread the input tape (source program). 2. Set Program switches (see Table 13). 3. Depress the console Start key. ( c) Typewriter Input: 1. Thread blank tape on tape punch or place blank cards in card punch and depress the Punch Start key (see NOTE below). 2. Set Program switches (see Table 13). 3. Type the source statement and follow it with a record mark. 4. Depress the R-S key (repeat steps 3 and 4 until all statements have been processed). At the completion of Pass 1, the message "END OF PASS I" is typed out and the program halts. The processor is ready to begin Pass 2. NOTE: Source statements entered on the typewriter during Pass 1 are outputted on paper tape if the tape processor is being used or outputted to cards if the card processor is being used. This output then becomes the input for Pass 2. Pass 2 ( a) Card Input: 1. Place program source deck in the card reader hopper. 2. Place blank cards in the punch hopper. 3. Depress the Reader Start key and Punch Start key. 4. Set Program switches (see Table 13). 5. Depress console Start key. (b) Paper Tape input: 1. Thread the input tape (source program) on the paper tape reader. 2. Thread blank tape on the paper tape punch. is typed out. At the end of this message the symbol table is typed out if Program switch 4 is off. Typewriter Output With Program switch 1 ON during Pass 2, the typewriter types each statement starting at the left margin. After the last character of each statement is typed, the typewriter carriage returns and tabulates into position for typing the storage address and assembled instruction. Statements are typed in the format in which they are entered; however, a space is inserted before and after the operation field. To set up the typewriter, the operator must: 1. Set margins to the extreme right and left positions. 2. Set a single tab stop at least 21 spaces to the left of the right margin. Symbol Table Typeout Format When the symbol table is typed, the labels and their aSSigned addresses are typed five to a line. The fonnat of each address and label is as follows: Assigned Address Label ~~ xxx xx xxxxxx or xxxxx 0- xxxxxx where the leftmost position of the label contains the head character. Any true 6-character label is indicated by an asterisk in the leftmost position next to the 6-character label. The symbol table typeout may be suppressed by turning Program switch 4 to the ON position when the message END OF PASS II is being typed, or during the typeout of the symbol table. 61 Condensed Obiect Deck Editing the Source Program A condensed object deck can be obtained during Pass 2 of the card processor by having Program switch 3 in the ON position and switch 4 in the OFF position. If unconden sed output is obtained during Pass 2, condensed output can also be obtained (without reloading the processor) by: 1. Setting Program switch 3 to the ON position. 2. Placing the program source deck in the card reader· hopper. 3. Depressing the Reader Start and Punch Start keys. 4. Depressing the console Start key. When a large program is to be assembled, the operator ma y choose to perform an edit operation prior to actual assembly of the object program. During the edit operation, error messages are typed out for Passes 1 and 2, no listing is typed, and no object program is punched. For this reason, edit data may be obtained in less time than is required for normal assembly. The error listings from the operation enable the programmer to correct the program prior to assembling the object program. The operating procedures are the same as those for passes 1 and 2 described for a normal assembly except that Program switches 3 and 4 (see Table 13) must be on during Pass 2. ' Loading Subroutines Subroutines must be loaded after the message LOAD SUBROUTINES is typed out. Only those subroutines used by the object program are punched out as part of the object program. To load subroutines from Paper Tape input: 1. Thread the subroutine tape. 2. Depress the console Start key. Card Input: 1. Place the subroutine card deck in the card reader hopper. 2. Depress the Reader Start key. 3. Depress the console Start key. Errors that occur while the subroutine deck (or tape) is being processed cannot be corrected by manual intervention because any information inserted in locations 00000 through 00099 will result in erroneous address modification. If the subroutine being processed is a variable mantissa length subroutine, the message Error Messages The error message codes that might be typed out on the typewriter during Pass 1 and/or Pass 2 of an assembly are listed in numerical sequence. Error Message Code ER1 ER2 ER3 ER4 ER5 ENTER MANTISSA LENGTH is typed and the program halts. The operator enters the two-digit number from the typewriter. The range of the number to be entered is from 02 to 45. If no number is entered, the mantissa length is automatically set to 08. The R-S key must be depressed to continue processing. Table 10 shows the identification numbers and storage requirements for the subroutines provided with SPS III and SPS III for Printer. The identification number is punched in column 77 of the subroutine card decks and is punched in the leader of the subroutine tapes. Subroutine secondary linkages are typed out (printed with 1630-1443 SPS III) as the subroutines are added to the object deck. After the subroutines are processed, the message END OF PASS II is typed out. 62 ER6 ER7 ER8 Description of Error A record mark is in the label or operation code field. For address adjustment, a product greater than ten digits has resulted from a multiplication. An invalid operation code has been used. A dollar sign, which is being used as a HEAD indicator, is incorrectly positioned in an operand. 1. A symbolic address contains more than six characters. 2. An actual address contains more than five digits. 3. An undefined symbolic address is used in an operand. 4.' A HEAD ($) character is improperly specified. 5. More than six characters precede the number in the index register field. 6. Improper position of left or right index register parenthesis. 7. Index register > 7 specified. 8. Non-numeric index register specified. A DSA statement has more than ten operands. A DSB statement has the second operand missing. 1. A DC, DSC, DAC, or DNB has a specified length greater than 50. 2. A DC, DSC, or DAC statement has no constant specified. ERg ERIO ERII ERI2 ERI3 ERI4 3. A DC, or DSC has a constant which has a greater number of digits than its specified length. 4. A DAC statement has a specified length not equal to the number of characters in the constant itself. The symbol table is full. A duplicate label is defined (defined more than once). An assembled address is greater than five digits. An invalid special character is used as a head character in a HEAD statement. A HEAD statement operand contains more than one character. An invalid special character is used in a label. The eight invalid special characters are: "blank) +$0_, (". An all-numerical label is also invalid. Error messages are in the following form: LABEL adjustment count error code XXXXXX + ERn XXXX Where LABEL refers to the last defined label and the "adjustment count" refers to the number of statements between the label and the statement in error. If the first statement of a source program contains the label START, and the second statement has an error "ER1," the following message will be typed: START + 0001 ER1 If the second statement has the label XYZ, the message still would appear as START + 0001, not as XYZ + 0000. The messages will appear in the form just shown during Pass 1 or Pass 2, if Program switch 1 is off. If Program switch I is on during the second pass, only the error code "ERn" will be typed opposite the statement in error, at the right-hand side of the page. Error Correction Each erroneous statement can be corrected individually after the error message is typed and the machine is halted or all statements containing errors can be corrected after the object program is assembled. If there are few errors, the first procedure may be advisable; where there are many errors, it is advisable to correct the source deck at the end of the run and reassemble the program. Some errors in source statements entered from cards or tape on Pass I are detected again during Pass 2. Therefore, they must be corrected twice. If errors in source statements entered from the typewriter on Pass 1 are corrected, they do not have to be corrected during Pass 2, since the output of Pass I becomes the input to Pass 2 and contains the corrected statement. Program Switch 2 On With Program Switch 2 on, the processor stops after typing the error message and the carriage returns. The operator enters the corrected statement and depresses the R-S key. Program Switch 2 Off With Program Switch 2 off, the processor does not stop for an error; however, errors can be corrected after assembly. Errors affect the assembly process as indicated in the following list. Error Code EH1, ER3 Assembly Process A NOP instruction (410000000000) is assembled. The label is treated as a blank. ER2, ER4, The operand is assembled as 00000 EH11 ( zero) address. 1-6. The operand is assembled as an abERS solute 00000. 7, 8. Operand is assembled, but no index register flags are set. EB6 The first ten operands are assembled; those over ten are ignored. EB7 The statement is assembled in the same manner as a DS statement with a length of 50. ER8 H the operation code is; DC - it is assembled in the same manner as a DS statement with a length of 50. DSC - it is assembled in the same manner as a DSS statement with a length of 50. DAC - it is assembled in the same manner as a DAS statement with a length of 50. DNB - it is assembled as a DNB with a length of 50. ERg, ERIO, The label is treated as blank. ER14 ER12 The head character is replaced by a blank character. ER13 The first non-blank character specified in the operand is used as the head character. 63 1620-1443 SPS III 1620-1443 SPS III is a printer-oriented version of the 1620 SPS III previously described in this manual. IBM 1620-1443 SPS III contains mnemonics for printer operation codes; during assembly, the source statements and assembled instructions can be listed on the printer. The printer instructions and unique mnemonics are given in the following examples. The programmer need not be concerned with the actual Q-address modifiers when coding with the SPS language. Table 14. Carriage Skip Operations (Q Address) Control Codes ACTUAL 010 011 MODIFIERS CONTROL CODES IMMEDIATE AFTER PRINTING (DELAY) 1 71 41 2 72 42 3 73 43 4 74 44 5 75 45 6 76 46 7 77 47 IJfltf.EP.I.A,Ti T.O CA,R,RIAlU, C,JI,AHNlL 2, 8 78 48 AFT.E..R PRINTING T.O CA,R.lVA,G£ CHII.Nfl,EL 5. 9 79 49 10 70 40 11 33 03 12 34 04 Skip to Channel > Examples . label p.-..." 1112 Operands & R.mar•• ,. 1516 P.RN. p,ArA. H PR,N,s DA,TA •.• , PRI,H,T SKU 2~ ••SJ(.IP, S,KAP .5, lS )0 40 .s 50 P/lINT NUll.£R/CALL,Y, ,,,j.~/P, NIJIfIRIC.A.lLy~/a) " .. SUPPRESS SP}l,CI/'I,G 3P.JM ,,3, "Jr10 VE C"RIll A G,E. J .5.PA.C£s,.J /'(1(£ DI II T.£ S.PAP ,3, "H.O,V,£ C.ARR.I,A.GE J. jPACES AFTER P~I NTI/!.,G The operand DATA represents the storage address of data to be printed, the operand control codes (2,5, .3, 3 ) are taken from Tables 14 and 1.5 for carriage skipping and spacing, respectively. Operating Procedures Only the operating procedures and messages that are different from those descrihed for 1620 SPS III are given in this section. During loading of the 1620-1443 SPS III processor program, the message 1620 SPS III FOR PRINTER, MODEL 1 or 1620 SPS III FOR PRINTER, MODEL 2 is typed out at the console typewriter, depending on the setting of Program Switch 1. Switch 1 should be set to the ON position if the object program is to be executed on a 1620 Model 2; Switch 1 should be set to 64 the OFF position if the object of the program is to he executed on a 1620 Modell. \Vith Program Switch 1 on during Pass 2, the statements and assembled instructions are printed on the 144.3 Printer. The assembled instruction is printed starting at the left margin and the source statement is printed to the right of the assembled instruction. Statements are printed in the same format as they are entered except that spaces are inserted between the mnemonic and P operand, and between the P and Q operands to aid in the readability of the listings. Output Change Only a condensed object deck (or tape) can he obtained from 1620-1443 SPS III. The list deck or "oneinstruction-per-card" output is not produced since the listing can be obtained during the processing of the source program. Symbol Table Listing At the conclusion of Pass 2, the symbol table can be listed on the printer. The labels and their assigned ad- Table 15. Carriage Space Operations (Q Address) Control Codes Table 16. 1620-1443 SPS III Program Switch Settings ACTUAL 010 Q 11 MODIFIERS CONTROL CODES IMMEDIATE Number of Spaces 1 51 21 2 52 62 3 53 63 LOADING PROCESSOR PASS 1 dresses are printed five to a line in the same format as that described for SPS III. ON OFF 1 No add table will be punched in object program. Add table will be punched in object program. 2,3,4 Not used. 1 Input is from the card reader or pape tape reader • Input is from typewriter. 2 The machine stops after an error message has been typed, so that corrected statement can be entered at the typewriter . Processing continues after error message is typed, but error is adjusted as described under ERROR CORRECT IONS. Error Messages All error messages are still typed out on the typewriter for the convenience of the operator. The only description for error messages that changes is that for ER2. The description is expanded to include «printer control operation code was improperly specified." With Program switch 2 off, the Q operand is assembled as 00900. Table 16 shows the Program Switch settings for 16201443 SPS III. PASS 2 3 Not used. 4 Turn on to correct ~hen off, and retyping error made enter the entire while entering a statement at the statement, and typewriter. Leave depress R-S key, .... off when assembling program. 1 The source statement and assembled instruction is print- 2 Same as Pass 1 3 Not used. 4 a. No object pro- The ob ject program gram will be punch- is punched. ed. b. Must be on for editing. 4 Symbol table is not listed. No listing is printed. ed. Printer Operation To set up the printer, the operator must: 1. Prepare a carriage control tape with punches in channell where printing is to start and channel 12 where printing is to stop on the page. Place the tape on the carriage tape drive. 2. Put forms in the printer and adjust forms so that the print bar is set where printing is to begin on the page. 3. Disengage the carriage clutch and depress the Carriage Restore key to position the carriage tape at channelL 4. Engage the carriage clutch and depress the Printer Start key. POSITION SWITCH NO. AfTER PRINTING (DELAY) POST ASSEMBLY Same as Pass 1 Symbol table is listed. NOTES: 1. After Pass 2 is completed, a 48 appears in the operation register. Depression of the Start key sends control to Pass 1 again. 65 Index Page Add (A) instruction ............................... " 16 Add Immediate (AI) instruction ..................... " 16 Adding macro-instructions to processor ............... 46,47 Adding subroutines ............................. " 44, 46 Address Adjustment ................................. 8 Addresses actual ......................................... " 7 asterisk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 symbolic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Alpha. '" .......... " ...... , ..... , ....... , '" ., '" 48 AND to Field (ANDF) instruction ................... " 17 Any Data Check code .............................. " 19 Arithmetic instructions ............................... 16 Arithmetic subroutines ............................. " 30 Asterisk (special character) ........................... 4 At(@)sign (special character) ......................... 6 Backspace Typewriter (BKTY) instruction .............. Beta .............................................. Blank special character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. defining (DNB) .................................. Branch and Load Index Register Immediate (BLXM) instruction .................... " Branch and Load Index Register (BLX) instruction ................................ Branch and Store Index Register (BSX) instruction ............................... " Branch and Transmit Address Immediate (BTAM) instruction ..................... Branch and Transmit Address ( BTA) instruction ................................ Branch and Transmit (BI) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Branch and Transmit Floating instruction (BTFL) ............................... subroutine (BTFS) .............................. " Branch and Transmit Immediate (BTM) instruction ................................ Branch and Select Band A (BSBA) instruction . . . . . . . . . .. Branch and Select Band B (BSBB) instruction ......... " Branch Conditionally, Modify Index Register (BCX) instruction ....................... " Branch and Modify Index Register (BX) instruction .... " Branch and Modify Index Register Immediate (BXM) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Branch and Select' (BS) instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Branch and Select Indirect Addressing (BSIA) instruction .. Branch and Select No IIA (BSNI) instruction .......... " Branch and Select No Index Register (BSNX) instruction .. Branch Any Data Check (BA) instruction ............. " Branch Back (BB) instruction ........................ Branch Band A Not Selected (BANS) instruction ....... Branch Band A Selected (BBAS) instruction ............ Branch Band B Not Selected (BBNS) instruction. . . . . . . .. Branch Band B Selected (BBBS) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . .. Branch Conditionally, Modify Index Register Immediate (BCXM) instruction .................... , 66 24 48 5 14 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 20 19 18 19 18 21 Page Branch Console Switch instructions (BCl, BC2) ..................................... 18 (BC3, BC4) ..................................... 19 Branch Either Band Selected (BEBS) instruction. . . . . . . .. 19 Branch Exponent Check (BXV) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Branch Equal (BE) instruction ....................... 18 Branch High (BH) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Branch Indicator (BI) instructions ..................... 18 indicator codes summary .......................... , 21 switch codes summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 Branch Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Branch Last Card (BLC) instruction .................... 19 Branch Low (BL) instruction ........................ 19 Branch Negative (BN) instruction .................... , 19 Branch Neither Band Selected (BNBS) instruction . . . . . .. 18 Branch No Flag (BNF) instruction ................... , 18 Branch No Group Mark (BNG) ....................... 18 Branch No Indicator (BNI) instruction ................. 19 indicator codes summary .......................... , 21 switch codes summary ............................. 21 Branch No Overflow (BNO) instruction ................ 19 Branch No Record Mark (BNR) instruction ............. 18 Branch Not Any Data Check (BNA) instruction. '" .. , ... 19 Branch Not Equal (BNE) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Branch Not Exponent Check (BNXV) instruction . . . . . . .. 20 Branch Not High (BNH) instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Branch Not Last Card (BNLC) instruction .............. 19 Branch Not Low (BNL) instruction ................... 18 Branch Not Negative (BNN) instruction ............... , 18 Branch Not Positive (BNP) instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Branch Not Zero (BNZ) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Branch on Bit (BBI) instruction ....................... 21 Branch on Channel 9 (BCH9) instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Branch on Channel Overflow (BCOV) instruction. . . . . . .. 19 Branch on Digit (BD) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Branch On Mask (BMK) instruction ................... , 21 Branch Overflow (BV) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Branch Positive (BP) instruction ...................... 18 Branch Zero (BZ) instruction ........................ , 18 Card Input ........................................ , 61 Carriage Control Codes, printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 Clear Flag (CF) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Coding Sheet ...................................... 1,2 Comma (special character) ........................... 4 Compare (C) instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Compare Immediate (CM) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Complement Octal Field (CPLF) instruction . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 Condensed object deck format ........................................... 57 alterations ....................................... 59 how to·obtain ..................................... 62 Control Codes input/output instructions ........................... 25 carriage, printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 Control (K) instruction ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 Control Statements DEND .......................................... 25 Page DORG .......................................... HEAD .......................................... SEND .......................................... TRA ............................................ TCD ............................................ Core storage layout .................................. 22 27 26 28 28 53 Data transmission subroutines ......................... Declarative operations card format ...................................... codes ........................................... functions ........................................ Decimal to Octal Conversion (DTO) instruction ....... " Define Alphameric Constant (DAC) statement . . . . . . . . . .. output card format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Define Alphameric Symbol (DAS) statement . . . . . . . . . . .. output card format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Define Constant (DC) statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. output card format ................................ Define END (DEND) statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Define ORIGIN (DORG) statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Define Numerical Blank (DNB) statement .............. output card format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Define Special Constant (DSC) statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. output card format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Define Special Symbol (DSS) statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. output card format .............................. " Define Symbol (DS) statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. output card format ................................ Define Symbolic Address (DSA) statement ............. output card format .............................. " Define Symbolic Block (DSB) statement ............... , output card format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Divide instruction (D) ............................... Divide Immediate (DM) instruction .................. , Divisor, positioning of ............................... Dollar sign (special character) ....................... Dump Numerically (DN) instruction ................... Dump Numerically Card (DNCD) instruction ...... , ..... Dump Numerically Paper Tape (DNPT) instruction . . . . .. Dump Numerically Typewriter (DNTY) instruction ...... Duplicate Symbols (labels) ........................... 30 55 10 10 17 13 56 11 55 11 56 25 22 14 56 12 56 11 55 10 55 13 55 14 55 16 16 38 6 23 23 23 23 27 Editing source programs ............................. 62 End-of-line character ................................ 5 Equal sign (special character) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Error Correction .................................... 63 Error Messages processor ........................................ 62 subroutine .................................... 43,44 Evaluation of arguments (subroutines) ................. 29 Exclusive OR to Field (EORF) instruction ............ " 17 Exponent, defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33 Field .............................. '. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. Flag indicator operand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Floating Add instruction (F ADD) ............................... subroutine ( FA) .................................. Floating Arctangent subroutine ........................ Floating Cosine subroutine ........................... Floating Divide instruction (FDIV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. subroutine (FD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Floating Exponential (Base 10) subroutine .............. 2 6 16 36 41 41 16 37 42 Page Floating Exponential (Natural) subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Floating Logarithm (Base 10) subroutine ............... Floating Logarithm (Natural) subroutine ............... Floating Multiply instruction (FMUL) .............................. subroutine (FM) ................................. Floating Point Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fixed Point Divide subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Floating Shift Left instruction (FSL) ................................. subroutine (FSLS) ................................ Floating Shift Right instruction (FSR) ................................. subroutine (FSRS) ................................ Floating Sine subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Floating Square Root subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Floating Subtract instruction (FSUB) ............................... subroutine (FS) .................................. Format, output condensed ....................................... patch card ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. uncondensed ..................................... Functional subroutines ............................. " 42 43 42 16 36 32 37 17 39 17 38 40 40 16 36 57 59 54 30 Halt (H) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Header card format, subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 44 Heading (HEAD) statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 Heading line, coding sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Immediate-type instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Imperative statements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 Index Registers ................ ,.................... 9 Index Typewriter (IXTY) instruction .................. 34 Indicator codes (branch instructions) .............................. 21 Indirect addressing .................................. 30 Input and Output Unit Codes Table 7 " .................. , .............. , ...... 25 Input and Output Statements ...................... 22-25 Internal Data Transmission statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16, 17 Label, coding sheet ................................. 3 Library change card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46 Line number, coding sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Linkages, subroutine ................................ 48 Load Dividend Immediate (LDM) instruction ........... 16 Load Dividend (LD) instruction ....................... 16 Loading the processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 Location assignment counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10, 15 Logic statements ................................. 17-21 Machine requirements ............................... iv Macro-instructions, subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 Mantissa defined .................................... " .... 33 entering length ................................... 62 MAR Check Indicator code '" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 Mask Digit operand ................................. 6 Miscellaneous statements .......................... 22, 26 Messages processor ........................................ 62 subroutine .................................... 43, 44 Move Address (MA ) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 Move Flag (MF) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 67 Page Multiply Immediate (MM) instruction ............. . . .. 16 Multiply (M) instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 N digit ................ " .......................... 33 No Operation (NOP) instruction ..................... " 26 Normalized, defined ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33 Object deck condensed ....................................... 57 uncondensed ..................................... 54' Object program .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Octal to Decimal Conversion (OTD) instruction ........ " 17 Operands and Remarks, coding sheet ................. " 3 Operands Flag .. , .......... , ... , ..... ' ..... , . .. . . . . . . . . ... 6 Immediate (Q operand) ........................... 6 Mask Digit ...................................... 6 Modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9, 49 Operating procedures 1620 SPS III .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 1620-1443 SPS III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 Operation code field, coding sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 OR to Field (ORF) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 Output Unit Codes .................................. 25 Overflow, exponent .................................. 34 Page number, coding sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Parenthesis (special character) ........................ 5 Paper tape input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 61 Patching source programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59 Period (special character) ............................ 3 Pick, subroutine ................................. 31,35 bypassing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 48 functions .................................... address equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 Print Alphamerically (PRA) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 Print Alphamerically and Suppress Spacing ( PRAS) instruction .............................. " 24 Print Numerically and Suppress Spacing ( PRNS) instruction ............................... 23 Print Numerically (PRN) instruction .................. 23 Printer Dump and Suppress Spacing (PRDS) instructions ... 23 Printer Dump (PRD) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 Printer Operation .............................. '. . . . .. 65 Processor Control statements DEND .......................................... 25 DORG ...................................... 22 HEAD .......................................... 27 SEND .......................................... 26 TRA ............................................ 28 TCD ............................................ 28 Processor program 1620 SPS III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 1620-1443 SPS III ............................... " 64 Product area ....................................... 37 Program switch settings 1620 SPS III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 1620-1443 SPS III ................................. 65 Q address, disk instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 Quotient address ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 Read Alphamerically Card (RACD) instruction ......... , 24 Read Alphamerically Paper Tape (RAPT) instruction . . . .. 24 Read Alphamerically (RA) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 68 Page Read Alphamerically Typewriter (RATY) instruction Read Binary Paper Tape (RBPT) instruction . . . . . . . . . . .. Read Numerically Card (RNCD) instruction ............. Read Numerically Paper Tape (RNPT) instruction. . . . . . .. Read Numerically (RN) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Read Numerically Typewriter (RNTY) instruction ....... , Record Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Return Carriage Typewriter (RCTY) instruction ........ 24 24 23 23 23 23 12 24 Secondary linkage format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 Set Flag (SF) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Skip After Printing (SKAP) instruction ................ , 24 Skip Immediate '( SKIP) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 Slash (special symbol) ............................... 3 Source program assembling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 61 card ............................................ 3 defined ....... '" ..... , ................. , ..... , .. 5 editing .......................................... 62 patching (altering) of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59 Space After Printing ( SPAP) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.5 Space Immediate (SPIM) instruction .................. , 2.1) Space Typewriter (SPTY) instruction .................. 34 Special characters Asterisk ......................................... 4 At @ sign ......................... " . .. .... . . . . .. 6 Blank ........................................... 5 ComIna ..................................,........ 4 Dollar sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Equal sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 End-of-line character ............................. , 5 parenthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 period ...... , ......... '" .. , .. ' . " .............. , 3 slash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Special END (SEND) statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Statement writing .................................. , 4 Statements, Control .......................................... 22 Declarative ................................... 10, 15 IInperative ...................................... , 14 Arithmetic .................................. 14, 16 Internal Data Transmission ........... . . . . . . . .. 16, 17 Input and Output .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22-25 Logic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17-21 Miscellaneous ............................... 22,26 Storage layout, processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52, 53 Subroutines Adding to card ........................................ 44 to paper tape .................................. , 46 Arithmetic ....................................... 30 Data Transmission ................................ 30 Error Messages ................................ 43, 44 Functional ....................................... 30 Header card format ............................... , 44 Library change card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. , 46 Linkages ........................................ 48 Macro-instructions ................................ 30 Sample ............... , .... , .............. '" .... 45 Storage requirements .............................. 35 Trailer card format ............................... 45 Writing ......................................... 48 Subtract Immediate (SM) instruction .................. , 16 Subtract (S) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 Page Symbol table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 capacity ......................................... 54 listing ........................................... 64 Tabulate Typewriter (TBTY) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tape Modifier program .............................. Trailer card format, subroutine .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Transfer Control and Load (TCD) instruction ....................................... card format ...................................... Transfer Numerical Fill (TNF) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Transfer Numerical Strip (TNS) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . .. Transfer to Return Address (TRA) instruction ....................................... card format ...................................... Transmit Digit (TD) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Transmit Digit Immediate (TDM) instruction .. . . . . . . . .. Transmit Field (TF) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Transmit Field Immediate (TFM) instruction ........... Transmit Floating instruction (TFL) ................................ subroutine (TFLS) ............................... 34 46 45 28 55 17 17 28 55 17 17 17 17 17 39 Page Transmit Record (TR) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 Transmit Record No Record Mark ( TRNM) instruction .............................. 17 Typewriter input ................................... 61 Uncondensed output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Underflow, exponent ................................. 34 Variable lenth, defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 Variable length mantissa subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 Wiring diagrams for 407 listing of object programs . . . .. 57, 58 Write Alphamerically Card (WACD) instruction . . . . . . . .. 24 Write Alphamerically Paper Tape (WAPT) instruction . . .. 24 Write Alphamerically Typewriter (W ATY) instruction . . .. 24 Write Alphamerically (WA) instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 Write Binary Paper Tape (WBPT) instruction . . . . . . . . . .. 24 Write Numerically Card (WNCD) instruction ...... , .... 23 Write Numerically Paper Tape (WNPT) instruction ..... 23 Write Numerically Typewriter (WNTY) instruction ...... 23 Write Numerically (WN) instruction .................. 23 Writing subroutines ................................. 48 69 C26·5793·0 Intarnational BU.inaaa Machinea Corporation Data Procaasing Diviaion 112 East Past Road, White PlaiDs, N. Y. 10601 84
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:56:37 Create Date : 2014:03:04 20:32:01-08:00 Modify Date : 2014:03:04 20:00:03-08:00 Metadata Date : 2014:03:04 20:00:03-08:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.55 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:bd864b22-a28c-1141-bbd2-3d976af31b07 Instance ID : uuid:fa77c3f1-11e7-624c-bbf3-6d8599d022df Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Page Count : 76EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools