C27 6940 2_14xx_Emulator_Feb69 2 14xx Emulator Feb69
C27-6940-2_14xx_Emulator_Feb69 C27-6940-2_14xx_Emulator_Feb69
User Manual: C27-6940-2_14xx_Emulator_Feb69
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File No. S360-35 Form C27-6940-2 Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Disk Operating System 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Programs Compatibility Support/30 Compatibility Support/40 Program Number for CS/30: 360N-EU-484 I Program Number for CS/40: 360N-EU-485 This pUblication contains information on the emulation of 1401, 1440, and 1460 object programs under the control of the Disk Operating System. Compatibility Support/30 and Compatibility Support/40 allow emulation of these programs on the IBM System/360 Models 30 and 40, respectively. Compatibility Support/30 comprises the IBM 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program, Number 360NEU-484, and applicable Compatibility Features for the Model 30. Compatibility Support/40 comprises the 1401/ 1440/1460 Emulator Program, Number 360-EU-485, and the applicable Compatibility Features for the Model 40. In addition, the 1401, 1440, and 1460 object programs can be run on the IBM System/360 Model 25 using the 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program for Compatibility Support/30 in conjunction with applicable Compatibility Features for the Model 25. General information concerning machine requirements, program generation, simulation techniques, data formats, control cards, and programming considerations is included, as are detailed explanations of Operator Service Functions, operating procedures, console messages, and special instructions added by the Compatibility Features for the Models 30 and 40. The 1400 Emulator Programs under DOS allow the user to run 1401/1440/1460 programs, with little or no reprogramming, under the Disk Operating System in conjunction with the Compatibility Features. This allows 1400 programs to be run in a stacked job environment, mixed with System/360 jobs. DOS PREFAC-E This publication provides information concerning the 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Programs under the Disk Operating System. The information is presented in eight sections. The "Introduction" section contains a general description of the capabilities of the Emulator Programs and the levels of programming support; a description of the running of the Emulator Programs as background programs in a mUltiprogramming environment; and the minimum configuration required to operate the Emulator Programs under DOS, the devices from which problem programmers can request I/O operations for the Emulator Programs, additional features supported by the Emulator Programs, and the DOS units and features that cannot be utilized while the Emulator Programs are operating. grams; program restrictions and limitations that the user must consider; information on uni t-record, magnetic-tape, and diskstorage operations; I/O error recovery, buffering, and device independence, and simulation of I/O devices for which there is no hardware compatibility; and EmulatorProgram support of I/O operations for card read punch, printer, magnetic tape, disk, and console inquiry, as well as an explanation of the differences in printer graphics. The "Control Cards" section explains the use and format of all control cards used with the Emulator Programs. The "program Generation" section contains information on the use of keyword macros to generate and assemble the Emulator Programs" the macro parameter values used to generate the Emulator Programs, and messages issued during Emulator-program generation. The ·Programming Considerations· section describes the calling of System/360 inquiry programs from the Core-Image Library and their execution while under control of the Emulator Programs. the ability to catalog and fetch programs from the Core-Image Library, the purpose and cataloging of overlay sections, use of the // FETCH card, and the procedure for fetching a program. The "Simulation of IBM 1401/1440/1460 Facilities" section describes the layout of the Emulator Programs in main storage; the use of the registers by the Emulator Pro- The "Operator Service Functions" section describes the available functions and how they are used, as well as discussing operator responses to system messages. Third Edition (February 1969) This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, C27-6940-1 and Technical Newsletter N21-1311. Changes to the text, and small changes to illustrations,are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol • to the left of the caption. This edition applies to Release 20 of IBM System/360 Disk Operating System and to all subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. changes are continually made to the specifications herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest System/360 SRL Newsletter, Form N20-0360, for the editions that are applicable and current. This publication was prepared for production using an IBM comp?ter to update the text and to control the page and line format. Page ~mpres sions for photo-offset printing were obtained from an IBM 1403 Printer using a special print train. copies of this and other IBM publications can be branch offices. obtained through IBM A form for reader's comments appears at the back of this publication. Address any additional comments concerning the contents of this publication to IBM corporation, Programming Publications, Department 637, Neighborhood Road, Kingston, New York 12401 © Copyright International Business Machines corporation 1968, 1969 The wConsole Messages W section presents detailed descriptions of the comprehensive set of console messages issued by the Emulator Programs and the Tape Error Recovery routine provided as an option. The wAppendix· section is follows: organized Appendix I presents a sample program for use with Models 30 and 40. The sample program is designed to be executed either with a user-assembled Emulator Program, or with an Emulator Program described in the appendix. as Appendix A presents a list of the Emulator-Program macro keyword parameters and a summary of their usage in tabular form. Appendix J presents special programming considerations for the Model 25 users of the 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program (360NEU-484) under DOS. PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS Appendix B describes the six special system/360 instructions and the System/360 Diagnose instruction provided for use with the 1401/1440/1460 Basic Compatibility Feature. Appendix C describes the use of the programmed Mode Switch subfeature and the four special System/360 instructions provided with the subfeature. Appendix D describes the two methods used by the Model 40 Emulator Program for fetching 1400 instructions, I-Fetch and I-Fetch at A-Address, and the special Diagnose instructions provided by the 1401/ 1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature for use by the Model 40 Emulator Program. Appendix E presents character-conversion tables to illustrate the representation of BCD graphics in simulated storage and the buffer areas. Appendix F provides a Model 40 address conversion table designed to aid the user in reading 1400 data and instructions as they appear in a System/360 storage dump. Appendixes G and H present the algorithm for estimating the total storage requirement for the Emulator Programs on the Models 30 and 40, respectively, including a sample worksheet for computing the storage requirements. Readers of this publication should be familiar with the information contained in the following IBM System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS) publications: IBM System/360 Disk and Tape Operating Systems: Concepts and Facilities, Form C24-5030 IBM System/360 Disk operating System: Data Management Concepts, Form C24-3427 IBM System/360 Disk Operating System: system control and System Service Programs, Form C24-5036 IBM System/360 Disk Operating System: System Generation and Maintenance, Form C24-5033 IBM System/360 Disk Operating System: Operating Guide, Form C24-5022 Model 30 users should be familiar with the following publications: IBM System/360 Model 30 Operator's Guide, Form A24-3373 IBM-system/360 Model 30; 1401/1440/1460 compatibility Feature, Form A24-3255 Model 40 users should be the following publications: familiar with IBM System/360 Model 40 Operating Procedures, Form A22-6911 IBM System/360 Model 40 Functional Characteristics" Form A22-6881 3 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • • • General Description • • • • • • Multiprogramming Considerations Minimum Requirements Input/Output Devices Additional Features • Emulator/DOS Exclusions 9 9 • 10 10 • 11 • 11 • 13 PROGRAM GENERATION • • • • • • • • Preparatory Procedures • • • • • • General Description • • • Emulator Program Generation • Program Generation Considerations • • • • • • Description of General Parameters • • • • • • •••.• Description of Card Reader and Punch Parameters • • Description of Tape Parameters • • • • Description of Disk parameters • • • • Description of Printer Parameters • • • • • Macro Note Messages • • • • • • • • • • • SIMULATION OF IBM 1401/1440/1460 FACILITIES Storage Layout • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Register Usage • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Programming Restrictions and Considerations Restrictions Considerations • • • • • • • Timing Information • • • • • • • General Comments on I/O Simulation User-Written Simulation Routines • • • • Simulation of I/O Devices • • • Card Read Punch Simulation Printer Simulation • • • • Magnetic-Tape Simulation • • • • Direct-Access Simulation • • • • Console Inquiry Simulation Differences in Printer Graphics • .' . . • 23 • 25 • 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 • 33 • • • • • • 33 33 • • • • 35 • 35 • 36 • 38 • • 39 • • 41 • • • • • 43 • 44 • 44 • 44 47 • 48 • 49 • 49 PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATIONS INQUIRY • • • • • • • Cataloging • • • • • Cataloging 1400 Programs Into the core-Ima~e Library Overlay Program Considerations • • • • • • • • Procedures for Cataloging 1400 Programs • • • • • • Fetching • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fetching 1400 Programs From the Core-Image Library Procedures for Fetching 1400 Programs • • • • '. CONSOLE MESSAGES Operator Messages Tape Error Recovery • 14 14 14 14 16 17 • 20 • 22 • • • • • • • CONTROL CARDS • • • • • • • Emulator Job Control Cards The // 1400 Control Card The / / TAPE Control Card • • • • The // DVOL Control Card The // CCTL Control Cards • • Read Operation Control Cards OPERATOR SERVICE FUNCTIONS Available Functions • General Comments • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • 52 52 52 52 53 • 54 • • • • • 55 • 55 56 • • • • • • 58 • • • • • 58 • • • • • • 63 • • • • • 64 • • 64 • • 75 5 APPENDIX A: EMULATOR-PROGRAM PARAMETERS • • • • • • • • • • 77 APPENDIX B: MODEL 30 BASIC FEATURE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS • • • 82 APPENDIX C: MODEL 30 PROGRAMMED MODE SWITCH SUBFEATURE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • APPENDIX D: MODEL 40 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS • I-Fetch • • • • • • • • • • I-Fetch at A-Address Diagnose Instructions • • 86 • • • • • • • •• • • • • • 89 89 89 89 APPENDIX E: CHARACTER CONVERSION TABLES • • 96 APPENDIX F: MODEL 40 ADDRESS CONVERSION TABLE • • • 98 APPENDIX G: CALCULATION OF MODEL 30 STORAGE REQUIREMENTS .115 APPENDIX H: CALCULATION OF MODEL 40 STORAGE REQUIREMENTS .117 APPENDIX I: SAMPLE PROGRAMS • • • • • • • • Generating the Sample Emulator Program Generating a User-Written Emulator Program Cataloging the Emulator Program • • • • • • Execution of the Sample Program • • • • • • APPENDIX J: EMULATOR PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS FOR MODEL 25 Minimum System Configuration Input/Output Devices • • • • Add1tional FeatUres Supported • Restrictions • • • • • • • • Considerations Performance • INDEX • • • • 6 .119 • .119 .120 • .120 .120 .126 • • • • 126 • .126 • .127 .128 • .128 .128 .129 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURES Figure Figure 1. 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Assembly of User-Tailored Emulator Program Under DOS · 16 Cataloging of an Emulator Program Into the Relocatable and Core-Image Libraries . • . . .. .. 17 Typical Storage Map of Model 30 Emulator Program With 4K of 1400 Storage . . .... . .... · 27 Typical Storage Map of Model 40 Emulator Program with 4K of 1400 Storage .. . . . • 27 Carriage-Control Tape and // CCTL Control Card for 11-Inch Form. .. . ... · . 50 Carriage-Control Tape and // CCTL Control Cards for 14-Inch Form . • •• ..• . • . . . · . 51 1400 Catalog Run for a 1400 Program With One Overlay · 55 Output of the 1400 Catalog Run in Figure 7 . . .. · 56 Executing a 1400 Program From the Core-Image Library · • 57 Emulator Program Generation for 1401/1460 Sample Program ....• . • . . . . 119 Emulator Program Generation for 1440 Sample Program . . 120 Control Cards, 1400 Object Deck, and Data for 1401/1460 Sample Program ...•.. · .122 Control Cards, 1400 Object Deck, and Data for 1440 Sample Program . . . . · 123 SYSLOG Output for Sample Program · • 124 SYSLST Output for Sample Program . . • • • 125 TABLES Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table Table Table Table Table 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Table 16. Table 17. Table 18. Table 19. I Table 20. Table 21. Input/Output Device Correspondence. ..•. Input/Output Feature Correspondence • • Model 30 and Model 40 Emulator-Program Macros Use of Registers by Model 30 Emulator Program Use of Registers by Model 40 Emulator Program Example of Field Lengths Affecting MICR Devices Performance Ratios . .•. • . . • • Unit-Record Operation Correspondence. . • • .. Unassigned and Invalid Operation Codes . . • . • . • . . Correspondence of 1407/1447 Functions With 1052 Functions.. .. •..•• • · Dissimilar Graphics: 1407/1447 vs. 1052 . Translated Codes and Graphic Symbol Differences Emulator-Program Parameters. ... • 1400 Auxiliary Storage Bytes Defined by W2 • · Eight-Bit Representation of BCD Graphics in Simulated 1400 Storage for the Model 40 . • • •. • • Eight-Bit Representation of BCD Graphics in Simulated 1400 Storage for the Model 30, and Buffer Areas for Models 30 and 40 •.• . .. Model 30 SYSIO Storage Estimates •• •• • Model 40 SYSIO Storage Estimates •.• • • . • Differences in Input/Output Device Correspondence for Model 25 . . . . .. . . .•.•• Input/Output Feature Correspondence for Model 25 • Example of Field Lengths Affecting MICR Devices on Model 25 • • • .••••••• · 12 • 12 15 28 • • . . 28 30 30 32 34 • 42 42 42 77 84 96 97 . 116 • 11 8 .126 • 127 .128 7 INTRODUCTION GENERAL, DESCRIPTION This section contains general information concerning the 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Programs under the Disk Operating System. Compatibility Support/30 and Compatibility support/40 allow emulation of 1401, 1440, and 1460 object programs on the IBM System/ 360 Models 30 and 40, respectively. Compatibility Support/30 comprises the following: • IBM 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program for the Model 30 • IBM 1401/1440/1460 Basic Feature (#4456) • IBM Programmed (#5856) Compatibility fOllowing: Compatibility Mode Switch Subfeature Support/40 comprises the • IBM 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program for the Model 40 • IBM 1401/1440/1460 Feature (#4460) DOS Compatibility Note: When the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature (#4460) is installed, operation of Model 40 Emulator Program 360C-EU-074 with the 1401/1460 Compatibility Feature (#4457) is excluded. In addition, the 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program for Compatibility Support/30 can be used to run 1401, 1440, and 1460 object programs on the IBM System/360 Model 25 in conjunction with the following Model 25 Compatibility features: • 1400 Series (#4440) clearing) of disk packs, which is performed by an option in the DOS Initialize Disk Utility program. All of the 1400 CPU instructions are executed by the Compatibility Features, except the Move Characters and Edit (MCE) and Move Characters and Suppress Zeros (MCS) instructions on the Model 40. The Emulator Programs use the physical input/output control system (PIOCS) capabilities of DOS to simulate the 1400 I/O instructions. In addition, when the 1400 end-of-job halt is recognized, the Emulator Programs call DOS Job Control to provide transition to the next job. 1400 error conditions optionally cause a halt to allow operator intervention or an abnormal end of job with a 1400-style main storage dump, followed by a release to end of job. Compatibility • 1401/1440/1460 DOS ture (#A004) Feature Compatibility Fea- Discussions within this publication of the 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program for the Model 30 are generally applicable to the Model 25. However, Model 25 users must be familiar with the programming considerations described in Appendix J. The Emulator Programs allow 1400 object programs to be run in a DOS stacked-job environment, mixed with System/360 jobs. All initialization required by the Compatibility Features is handled by the Emulator Programs except for the initialization (and There are three main levels of support for the Emulator Programs. They are as follows: • 1400 UNIT RECORD: Support for 1400 card programs and for reading and punching Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) and binary data is provided. • 1400 TAPE: Support is provided for 1400 tape operations under the Emulator Programs. This support enhances the performance of 1400 original equipment, and requires no reprogramming of 1400 programs written consistent with 1400 System Reference Library (SRL) manuals published by IBM. • 1400 DISK: Support is provided for 1311 Disk Storage Drives and 1301 and 1405 Disk Storages. Some 1316 Disk Packs previously used on 1400 devices can be used on System/360 devices. Since the 1311 disk drives write at a density different from that used on 2311 disk drives, data written on a 1311 cannot be read by a 2311, and vice versa, without reformatting. Disk programming support offers full upward and downward compatibility between the Model 30 and Model 40 Emulator Programs. Information on disk compatibility is given in the Section on -Direct Access Simulation.Note: Input data is represented in a form known as the 8-bit representation of BCD as shown in Table 15. This representation is referred to throughout this publication as BCDIC-8, and is compatible with previous emulation representations. Introduction 9 MULT·IPROGRAMMING CONSI DERATIONS In a multiprogramming environment the Emulator Programs under DOS must be run as background programs. In order to efficiently utilize this feature, it may be desirable to assign SYSRDR and SYSIPT (the combination known as SYSIN) to a magnetictape unit or disk extent. If SYSIN is assigned to a magnetic tape or disk, that device must input all of the control cards that normally are included in the job stream. A standard file-to-file utility program that recognizes a /* card as the end of data can be used to place the job stream on a magnetic tape or disk, where the /* card of the job stream contains a nonblank in card column 4. If SYSIPT is assigned to a magnetic tape or disk, that device must contain 80-byte unblocked records (key length equals zero, if on disk). Records of greater length cause a channel program check, and the program is aborted due to an I/O error. The assignment of SYSIN to a magnetic tape or disk for the background program also makes the card reader available to read the control cards and data cards for a foreground program. This has the effect of reducing the number of statements entered by the operator from the console typewriter. Most 1400 unit-record output (card and printer) can be produced through concurrent peripheral operations by assigning the card punch SYSPCH and/or the printer SYSLST to either a magnetic tape or disk. The manner in which this feature is implemented is described in detail under "General Comments on I/O Simulation" in the "Simulation of IBM 1401/1440/1460 Facilities" section. SYSPCH and SYSLST may be assigned to the same tape unit by assigning SYSOUT to that unit; they must be assigned, however, to different extents when assigned to a disk unit. beginning of the foreground partition indicated (or end of main storage, if none). The sum of the areas allocated to the foreground partitions cannot exceed the value specified in the -MPGMBLK=nn" parameter. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS The minimum requirements for the Emulator Programs under DOS are the same as for a 24K ModLl 30, or a 32K Model 40 Disk Operating System and the 1400 Compatibility Features, except that 1400 disks need not be on the multiplexor channel and 1400 tapes need not be on a single selector channel. The Model 30 1400 I/O Compatibility Features for unit-record equipment are not required by the Model 30 Emulator Program. The following are the features required for a minimum Model 30 configuration for the Emulator Program under DOS: IBM System/360 Model 30 with a 2030 processing Unit containing 24,576 (24K) bytes of main storage (the amount is variable and depends on the features of the Model 30 Emulator Program and DOS that are included) • An • 1401/1440/1460 Basic Compatibility Feature (#4456) • Programmed Mode Switch (#5856) c A storage protection check occurs during emulator initialization if the DOS supervisor is assembled with a standard allocation to a foreground partition(s) or the operator allocates storage to a foreground partition through the ALLeC command, unless the Emulator program ,is assembled with a value given to the "MPGMBLK=nn- parameter. This is because" for the Model 30, 1400 main storage is simUlated in the highest main storage address (less 256 on 65K machines) unless it is indicated that there will be a foreground partition(s) there. For the MOdel 40, 1400 main storage always starts at decimal 16,384 (hexadecimal 4000) and pennot be relocated. The Emulator Programs extend (with regard to addresses) from the end of the OOS supervisor to the 10 • Decimal Arithmetic Feature (#3237) • Storage Protection Special (#7520) (for multiprogramming) Feature • File Scan Feature (#4385) (supported in Move-mode only, but not required) • I/O Compatibility Features for customer-engineer diagnostics of supported devices (recommende9, but not required) : Column Binary (#1990) 1402/1403 (#4463) or 144211443 (#4464) Attachment Console Inquiry Station (#4465) Disk Storage Drives (#4466) Magnetic Tapes (#4467 for multiplexor and 14468 for selector channels) The following are the features required for a minimum Model 40 configuration for the Emulator Program under DOS: IBM System/360 Model 40 with a 2040 Processing Unit containing 32,768 (32K) bytes of main storage • An • 1401/1460 Compatibility Feature (#4457) • 1401/1440/1460 DOS compatibility ture (#4460) (see Note 4) Fea- • Decimal Arithmetic Feature (#3237) Note 3: One 2400-Series Magnetic Tape Unit (7- or 9-track) may be substituted for this device. (If SYSIPT, SYSPCH., and/or SYSLST are assigned to 7-track tape units, the Data Conversion Feature is required). Note 4: When the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature (#4460) is installed, the operation of the Model 40 Emulator Program 360C-EU-074 is excluded on the system. • 1311 Disk Compatability Feature (#9710) • File Scan Feature (#4385) (supported in Move-mode only, but not required) INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES • Storage Protection Special (#7520) (for multiprogramming) 1400 programs operating with emulation under DOS can request I/O operations on the following System/360 devices: Feature The configuration may range from a cardoriented System/360 Model 30 to a maximum configuration of disk" tape, and teleprocessing. One of the purposes of emulation under DOS is to provide complete flexibility of external devices for the user who needs to grow and needs system availability to do so. In addition to the features previously listed the following are specific requirements for a minimum Model 30 or Model 40 machine configuration for the Emulator Programs: • 1442 Card Read Punch • 2501 card Reader • 2520 card Read Punch • 2540 Card Read Punch • 1403 Printer • 1404 Printer (for continuous-forms and cut-card operations) • Standard instruction set (see Note 1) • 1443 Printer • One I/O channel (either multiplexor selector) (see Note 2) or • One card reader (1442, 2501, 2520, or 2540) (see Note 3) • One card punch (1442, (see Note 3) 2520, or 2540) • 1052 Printer-Keyboard communications) (for operator • 2311 Disk Storage Drive • 2314 Direct Access storage Facility • 2400-Series Magnetic Tape Units • One printer (1403, 1404, or 1443) (see Note 3) • One 1052 Printer-Keyboard Input/output device correspondence between a 1401, 1440, or 1460 system and System/360 Model 30 or Model 40 is listed in Table 1. • 1051 Attachment (#7915) and 1051 Control Unit with CPU Attachment (#3130) for the Model 30 ADDITIONAL FEATURES • 1052 Adapter (#7920) for the Model 40 • One 2311 Disk Storage Drive or 2314 Direct Access Storage Facility for DOS system residence • Whatever systems configuration is required for operation of the user's Disk Operating System Note 1: System/360 language translators may require extended instruction sets. Note 2: System/360 telecommunications require a multiplexor channel and at least one selector channel. Additional features supported Emulator Programs under DOS are: by the • Timer Feature • Simultaneous Read-While-Write Tape Control (2404 or 2804) • Any channel configuration up to one multiplexor channel and two selector channels • Tape Switching Unit (2816) • Universal Character Set Introduction 11 Table 1. Input/Output Device correspondence r------------------------------------------T--------------------------------------------, I 1401/1440/1460 I/O I System/360 I/O Device I Device~ l------,-:----------------------------------+------------------------------------------~ I IBM 1402 or 1442 Card Read Punch or 1444 I IBM 2501 Card Reader or 1442, 2520, or I Card Punch I 2540 Card Read Punch I I ~----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I IBM 1403, 1404, or 1443 Printer I IBM 1403, 1404, or 1443 Printer I ~------------------------------------------+----------~--------------------------------~~ I IBM 729, 7330, or 7335 Magnetic Tape I IBM 2401 or 2402 Magnetic Tape Unit, or I Unit I 2403, 2404, or 2415 Magnetic Tape Unit I I I I and Control I l------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------~ I IBM 1407 Console Inquiry Station or 1447 I IBM 1052 printer-Keyboard I I Console \ I l-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------------~ I IBM 1301 or 1405 Disk storage or 1311 I IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drive or 2314 Direct \ I Disk storage Drive I Access Storage Facility I ~------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------~ I ~1400 program reading on more than one reader, punChing on more than one punch, or I printing on more than one -printer is not supported. IL___________________________ __________________________________________________________ JI Table 2. Input/Output Feature Correspondence r------~-----------------------------------T--------------------------------------------, I 1401/1440/1460 I/O Feature I System/360 I/O Feature I ~------~-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------i I IBM 1402 Punch Feed Read and Control I IBM 2540 Punch Feed Read (#5890): Punch I Unit (#5890 and #5895) I Feed Read Control (#5895) on the 2821 I I I I Control Unit~ I ~------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------~ I IBM Column Binary Feature I I (#1990), qn the 2821 Control Unit if \ I 2540 card Read PUnch, or I I IBM Card Image Feature (#1531) if 2501 I I Card Reader or 2520 Card Read PUnch, I I or I \ IBM Card Image Feature (#1532) if 1442 I I Card Read Punch I ~------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------~ \ IBM 1402 51-Column Interchangeable Read I IBM 2540 51-Column Interchangeable Read I I Feed (#4150) and Feed Adapter (#1013)\ Feed (#4151)2 I ~------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------~ I IBM 1403 Preferred Character Set (#5523) I IBM 1403 Universal Character Set 3 for \ I and Adapter (#5524) I Model 2 (#8641) or Model N1 (#8640) I I IBM 1416 Interchangeable Train Cartridge , with prerequisite Interchangeable I I equipped with Preferred Character I Train Cartridge Adapter or InterI I Set print chain I changeable Train cartridge, and I I I appropriate Universal Character Set I Adapter for the 2821 Control Unit I I I l-----~-:---------------------------------+------------------------------------------~ I IBM Scan Disk (#6396) I IBM File Scan (#4385) installed on the I I I 2841 Storage Control Unit I ~------------------------------------------~--------------------~-----------------------~ I ~If stacker selection of punch-feed-read cards is to be simulated, the 2540 \ I Compatibility Attachment (#8065) must be installed on the 2821 Control Unit. \ \ \ \ 2When this feature is installed, reading speed is permanently reduced from 1000 cpm I I to 800 cpm. I I IBM column Binary Feature (#1990), or I I IBM Binary Transfer (#1468) and Bit Test (#1470) Features, or I I IBM card Image Features (#1531 and 9035) I I I I I I 3With this feature, printing speed is dependent upon the number of characters in the I I character set and unprintable characters in the print-line (see IBM 2821 Control \ JI IL______ Unit" :-____________________________________________________________________________ Form A24-3312). 12 Input/output feature correspondence between a 1401, 1440, or 1460 system and System/360 Model 30 or Model 40 is listed in Table 2. 1401/1440/1460 Basic Compatibility Features (Model 30 and Model 40) The Emulator Program under DOS in conjunction with the 1401/1440/1460 Basic Compatibility Feature for the Model 30, and the 1401/1440/1460 DOS compatibility Feature for the Model 40, provides support for all 1401, 1440, and 1460 standard operations and instructions, plus the following special features (for those items followed by an asterisk, refer to Table 2). ture provides support for Processing Overlap on the Model 40. processing Overlap is not available as such on the Model 30, but overlap is provided by the Emulator Program for tape, disk, and 1400 unit record devices. EMULATOR/DOS EXCLUSIONS The following IBM units and features, supported by DOS, are not supported by the Model 30 or Model 40 Emulator Programs under DOS: • 1445 Printer SPECIAL FEATURES Advanced programming for the 1401 Bit Test Column Binary* Expanded Print Edit 51-Column Interchangeable Read Feed* High-Low-Equal Compare Multiply-Divide Print storage Additional Print Control PUnch-Feed Read* Space Suppression Sense Switches Scan Disk* Direct Seek for the 1311 Track~Record for the 1311 Binary Transfer for the 1460* Indexing and Store Address Register for the 1460 the In addition to the preceding features, 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Fea- • Paper Tape Devices • 2321 Data Cell Drive • 1285 and 1287 Optical Readers • 1259, 1412, and 1419 Magnetic Character Readers • 7770 and 7772 Audio Response Units • Selective Tape Listing Features for continuous paper tapes (1403) • Teleprocessing Devices Note: The 1259., 1412, and 1419 1-1agnetic Character Readers require special consideration if utilized while the Emulator Programs under DOS are operating. See the section on "Programming Restrictions and Considerations· for additional details. Introduction 13 PROGRAM GENERATION PREPARATORY PROCEDURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Emulator Program under DOS for the Model 30 or Model 40 is distributed as a set of macros to enable the user to specify, through the utilization of macro parameters, the exact characteristics desired in the Emulator Program. In general, these parameters fall into two categories: • Characteristics of the System/360 and the 1400 being simulated • Options desired by the user, operator Service Functions such as The Emulator Program under DOS may be tailored to ful~ill all of the requirements of an installation or may be tailored to the requirements of a particular job. Although only one Emulator Program need be generated for any installation, under certain circumstances more than one generation is desi~able. If the storage requirements exceed the available storage, separate generations are required, each specifying only those parameters actually needed for that particular job or application. The storage requirements can be calculated using the information in Appendixes G and H. Each Emulator Program is assembled by the user under a different name and may be executed as required. If the System/360 has 64K of available storage, any option may be selected without regard to storage requirements except for unusually large tape I/O buffers or when storage is to be reserved for multiprogramming. On a 32K system, a disk-only or tape-only Emulator Program may be generated along with most options. The amount of tape I/O buffer area depends on block size and the number of tape drives to be simulated. For large tape blocks, the maximum number of tape drives that can be simulated may be less than six. The simulation of tape/disk systems in 32K requires careful analysis of storage requirements. Under this condition, it is advisable to list the individual requirements of various programs and perform a "trial" generation or calculate the storage requirements. The two major limiting factors are based on the size of the 1400 system to be simulated and the size of the tape buffer area. The Model 30 Emulator Program under DOS is composed of 12 macros, one of which is considered to be the mainline that selec14 tively calls the other 11 macros as needed. The Model 40 Emulator Program under DOS is composed of 14 macros, one of which is considered to be the mainline that selectively calls the other 13 macros as needed. These mainline macros are cataloged in the user's Source Statement Library under the names EU30 and EU40. The Model 30 and Model 40 Emulator-Program macros are described in Table 3, which contains a list of the Source Statement Library name, card identification, and the function of each macro. Before the Emulator Program can be executed, the following must be considered during DOS Supervisor generation: • The EU parameter in the SUPVR macro instruction must be specified as YES. • The CPU model designation (MODEL=30 or MODEL=40) must be specified in the CONFG macro instruction. • If the Emulator Program operator service functions are to be requested by the external INTERRUPT key, the OC parameter in the FOPT macro instruction must be specified as YES. • If SYSLST, SYSIPT, or SYSPCH may be assigned to a disk extent, the SYSFIL parameter in the FOPT macro instruction must be specified as a 2311 or 2314. In addition it should be noted that in a multiprogramming environment (MPS parameter in the SUPVR macro instruction specified as YES), if an assembled Emulator Program is loaded into the background partition of smaller size than required, the Emulator Program will be canceled due to a protection exception. EMULATOR PROGRAM GENERATION The Disk Operating System (DOS) contains all the macros necessary for generating a 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program under DOS. These macros are cataloged in the DOS Source Statement Library. The assembly of the Emulator Program under DOS tailored to meet the user's specifications is indicated in Figure 1. The sequence of cards is important. The Emulator Program under DOS is a standard assembly language program and requires the standard control cards in addition to those Table 3. Model 30 and Model 40 Emulator-Program Macros r-----------------T-------------------T------------------------------------------------~, I I Name I I Card ID (cols. 73-76) I I I I Function ~-----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------~ EU30/EU40 I A484/A485 I Mainline; calls all other macros internally. I I I All user parameters are analyzed in this I I I macro. I ~----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------~ I EU3ER/EU4ER I E484/E485 I Processes 1400 error conditions. Contains I I I I the exit for user modifications for nons up- I I I I ported devices. I ~--~------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------i I EU3RD/EU4RD I R484/R485 I Processes 1400 Card-Read instructions. I ~----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------i I EU3PH/EU4PB I P484/P485 I Processes 1400 Card Punch and Stacker Select I I I I instructions. I ~------~----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------~ I EU3PT/EU4PT I L484/L485 I Processes 1400 printer instructions. I ~----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------~ I EU3MS/EU4MS I M484/M485 I Processes miscellaneous 1400 I/O instructions I I I I (Forms control, Branch on I/O, etc.). I ~-----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------i I EU3TP/EU4TP I T484/T485 I Processes all 1400 magnetic-tape instruc- I I I I I tions. ~-------~---------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------~ I EU3DK/EU4DK I D484/D485 I Processes 1301, 1311, and 1405 disk instruc- I I I I tions. I ~----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------i I EU3EJ/EU4EJ I J484/J485 I Emulator Program End-of-Job routine. I ~----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------i I EU30S/EU40S I S484/S485 I Emulator Program Operator Service routines. I ~-----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------i I EU3CG/EU4CG I G484/G485 I Emulator Program catalog-Option routine. I ~----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------i I EU3FT/EU4FT I F484/F485 I Emulator Program Fetch-Option routine. I ~-----~----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------~ I EU4IN I 1485 I Contains the branch table entries and per- I I I I forms the scan for completion of the 1400 I I I I Move Characters and Edit (MCE) and Move I I I I Characters and Suppress Zeros (MeS) instruc- I I I I I tions. (Model 40 EmUlator Program only.) ~----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------~ I DIAG I X485 I Provides a mnemonic for coding and assembly I I I I ease in programming the 1401/1440/1460 DOS I (Model 40 Emulator I I I I Compatibility Feature. I I I I Program only.) I I I L-____ ~---_-------~------------------~------------------------- ________________________ J indicated. An object-module deck, howe~er, must be punched. Therefore, the // OPTION CATAL statement must not be used. Following the last parameter statement for each Emulator Program assembly, an end statement must be included in the group of cards as follows: eUname EU30[EU401 parama,... paramy, paramz END ACOMP01 x x These cards should be followed by standard /* and / , cards. The output from the assembly run contains all of the cards needed to catalog the Emulator Program on the Core-Image Libraries (except ASSGN, DLBL. and EXTENT cards as required to define SYSLNK, SYS001, SYS002, and SYS003) for a DOS assembly, linkage-editing, and cataloging. The deck contains the assembler object module, which must be cataloged into the Core-Image Library, and the proper DOS control cards. The order in which the cards are punched is illustrated in Figure 1. The first 12 cards should be used to catalog the Emulator Program into the core-Image Library (see Figure 2). It should be noted that // ASSGN cards are not included; they must be provided if required b¥ the user. Program Generation 15 /& II JOB EUJOBI II OPTION LIST,DECK,XREF II EXEC ASSEMBLY euname EU3{lJ{EU4!2l) euparaml, ... X euparamn END ACOMP!2l1 End Statements 1* 18. EU Macro DOS Job Control Cards DOS SYSRES Assemble Tailored EU Program Assembly Listing Consists of the output of EUJOB 1: II JOB CATALOG euname TO CORE IMAGE LIBRARY II OPTION CATAL PHASE euname,* INCLUDE ,(ACOMP!2l!2l) PHASE eunamex,ACOMP!2l!2l+nnn](for Model 30) [ PHASE eunameX,nnn (for Model 40) INCLUDE ,(ACOMP{lJl) INCLUDE *** REPLACE WITH OBJECT DECK EU Output Module 1* ENTRY EUENTRY II EXEC LNKEDT 18. (emulator object module) Note: Figure 1. Assembly of User-Tailored Emulator Program Under DOS PROGSAM. GENERATION CONSIDERATIONS The Model 30 or Model 40 Emulator Program under DOS is assembled and tailored to the user's particular needs by means of macro generation. The macro parameter values used to generate the program must be composed by the user in a manner similar to the way in which a define-the-file (DTF) macro instruction is composed. continuation cards are allowed in the preparation of these parameters, with each parameter separated by a comma. 16 nnn= size of emulator communications region (variable) The symbolic parameters follow the // EXEC ASSEMBLY card, as shown in Figure 1. The first of these cards must have a program name punched in the label field (starting in column 1) and EU30 or EU40 punched in the operation field: euname EU30 or euname EU40 DESCRIPTION OF GENERAL PARM4ETERS (1& (1* --- CATALOG={~~S} - " ~- "~ c= ~-- r-- -= -"- - Output Module EUJOB3 only ( , DOS SYSRES I "" ~ \ ""'1 ""rr ~- Catalog EU in Core-Image Library II JOB CATALOG euname TO CORE IMAGE LIBRARY I I OPTION CATAL PHASE euname,* INCLUDE ,(ACOMP00) PHASE eunameX,ACOMP00+nnn INCLUDE, (ACOMP01) INCLUDE (emulator object module) 1* ENTRY EUENTRY LNKEDT II EXEC 18 Note: Figure nnn=size of emulator communications region (variable) 2. If this parameter is included, the generated version of the Emulator Program under DOS is capable of producing a System/ 360 object module from a 1400 object deck. This module can be executed only under the Emulator Program. FETCH=YES need not be included in the same assembly. -rt the CATALOG parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the System/360 object module cannot be produced from a 1400 object deck. Cataloging of an Emulator Program Into the Relocatable and Core-Image Libraries EOJAADR=nnnnn This parameter is used to specify the contents of the 1400 A-Storage Address Register (A-STAR) at normal end-of-job (EOJ) halts. If this or the following parameter ("EOJBADR=nnnnn") can be coded with a standard value (for example, 00999), the Emulator Program automatically calls in DOS Job Control upon encountering a 1400 end-of-job halt. It is desirable for the Emulator Program to have some method of determining 1400 EOJ. Valid entries are in the range of 00000 through 15999. The entry is compared to the contents of the 1400 A-STAR each time a 1400 halt is trapped by the Compatibility Feature and before the printing of the 1400 registers. If a match occurs, the Emulator Program automatically goes to its EOJ and issues a DOS EOJ macro that calls DOS Job Control for the next System/360 job that is to be batched in the background partition. (See "EOJBADR=nnnnn".) If this parameter is omitted, the routine to test for A address is not generated. EOJBADR=nnnnn The "euname" parameter provides the name under which the object module of the user's Emulator Program is cataloged in the CoreImage Library. Therefore, it is the name that appears in the // EXEC card whenever the Emulator Program is executed. The name may consist of one to seven characters. No embedded blanks or special characters may appear in the name, and the first character must be an alphabetic character. An X is appended by the Emulator Program to the name to form the name of a second phase of the Emulator Program, which is then called by the first phase. The parameters may be inserted in any sequence, following the rules for the writing of macro statements of the keyword variety. This is the same as the preceding parameter ("EOJAADR=nnnnn"), except the value of the B-Storage Address Register (B-STAR) is checked. If this parameter is omitted, the routine to test for B address is not generated. If only one of these two parameters is included, only that compare is made to satisfy EOJ. If both parameters are included, both compares must be equal to satisfy EOJ. If neither parameter is included, no test for EOJ is made and message EC81I or EC82I is displayed unless the I-STAR option (parameter "hhhhh"' in the // 1400 control card is provided. (See "The // 1400 control Card" in the "Control Cards" section for a description of this parameter. ) Program Generation 17 ERROPNG={~~S} If this parameter is included, the Emulator Program interprets a 1400 operation code of G with a wordmark as a request for a • snapshot" dump of 1400 storage. This invalid op code can be patched by the user into 1400 programs run under test mode. Control is returned to the next sequential instruction in the 1400 program. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, an operation code of G with a wordmark is treated as invalid.. If PTR1400=1404 1 this parameter must be omitted or spec1fied as NO. If this param~ter is specified, the generated verS10n of the Emulator Program is capable of executing 1400 programs that have been cataloged in the Core-Image Library. 1400 programs so cataloged may be called from the Core-Image Library and executed only by the Emulator Program. (1400 programs cannot be called by Job Control.) CATALOG=YES need not be included in the same version of the Emulator Program that fetches. (See ·Cataloging 1400 Programs Into the Core-Image Library· in the "Programming Considerations" section.) The inclusion of this parameter does not preclude the use of a generated Emulator Program from loading a 1400 object program from cards, or tape. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the 1400 programs are not fetched from the Core-Image Library. If this parameter is included with the operand YES, the operator may call for the Sense Switch Operator Service routine in response to a halt message or through the external INTERRUPT key while in Compatibility mode (Dial F must be set at CI for the Model 30). If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the routine is not generated. IOCDATE=182 195 I BOTH NO The 1400 input/output control system (IOCS) requires a date in the form "yyddd" to be available in main storage during label checking. By specifying this parameter, the Emulator Program moves the date from the DOS communication region to the respective 1400 storage location 82-86, 195-199, or both. The move occurs before programs are loaded from cards or from the Core18 Image Library. Clear Storage cards must be removed from card decks since they clear the IOCDATE that was placed there by the Emulator Program. The bootstrap card, however, should be retained. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the date is not moved. MPGMB LK= {.Qn} This parameter is used to specify the number of 2K (2,048 bytes) blocks of storage to be reserved for multiprogramming (foreground partitions). If MPGMBLK does not equal zero, the Model 30 Emulator Program allocates 1400 program storage "n" 2K blocks below the highest System/360 main storage location specified. The Model 30 Emulator Program allocates storage from the top of memory down, and from the end of the supervisor up, in the following manner: (a) Highest storage location available from the ·SIZ360=nn- parameter, specified by 1024*SIZ360 (minus 256 if SIZ360=64). (b) Highest 1400 storage location specified py the value of (a) minus 20 48*MPGMBLK. (c) 1400 storage location 0 specified by the value of (b) minus 1000*SIZ1400. Therefore, values (a), (b), and (c) allocate storage from the top of storage down at Model 30 EmulatorProgram generation time. (d) The size of the Model 30 EmulatorProgram depends on the parameters specified and is linkage-edited immediately above the System/360 supervisor. (e) Tape I/O buffer areas are allocated above the Model 30 Emulator Program (value (d}), and the size of the area is indicated by the "BUFSIZE=nnnnn" parameter. The Model 40 Emulator Program storage in the following manner: allocates (a) 1400 storage location 0 is 16,384. (b) The amount of 1400 storage allocated is the value of 1024*SIZ1400. (c) The total disk and tape buffer size then is calculated from the BUFSIZE, DISKDR, and SECTORS parameters. These buffers are allocated immediately above the Model 40 Emulator Program. (d) The size of the Model 40 Emulator Program depends on the parameters specified and is linkage-edited mediately above 1400 storage. (e) im- The foreground 2 starting location is found by determining the number of 2048-byte blocks of storage required for the Model 40 Emulator Program. The Emulator Program will calculate this for the user and will automatically add any space between the end of the Model 40 Emulator Program and the beginning of the foreground partition to the user's tape buffer pool. The address of the start of the f~rst foreground partition is indicated by a macro note. If this parameter is omitted, assumed value for "nnW is zero. the Note: If the Model 40 Emulator Program is to be assembled with MPGMBLK not equal to zero, the DOS supervisor must be assembled with MPS=YES and S~YES. The DOS supervisor size must be less than 16,384 bytes. OSADDR={i~S} If this parameter is specified, the facility for converting 1400 decimal addresses to their System/360 hexadecimal equivalents is included in the Emulator Programs. This is done to facilitate address-stopping in 1400 programs. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the facility for 1400address conversion is not generated. Note: Address conversion for the Model 40 is also provided in tabular form in Appendix F. OSALTER=-{~~S} If this parameter is specified, the facility for altering the current 1400 instruction address through the console typewriter is included in the Emulator programs. This is done to allow the operator to perform a 1400-program branch. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the facility for altering the 1400 instruction address is not included. OSDUMP={ ~~S} If this parameter is specified, the facility for dumping 1400 storage on the simulated printer device in standard 1400 format, whenever desired by the operator, is included in the Emulator Programs. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the dumping facility is not included. If this parameter is specified, the facility for dumping 1400 simulated storage on SYSLST is provided through the operator Service Functions. (See "Available Functions" in the section on "Operator Service FUnctions r . ) When specified, 1400 storage is dumped in standard 1400 format. Additionally, a System/360 main storage dump is provided if the test-mode option in the // 1400 control card is specified as WSW. If the OSDUMP parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the dumping facility is not included. If PTR1400=1404, this parameter must be omitted or specified as NO. If this parameter is specified, the facility for altering 1400 storage through the console typewriter is included in the Emulator Programs. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the alteration facility is not included. OSINQRY={1400} YES NO If this parameter is specified with 1400, the facility for simulating the setting of the 1400 Q latch is included in the Emulator Programs. Also, support for 1400 Read and Write Console Printer instructions is included. If this parameter is specified with YES, the above facilities and the ability to execute a System/360 nativelanguage inquiry program are included in the Emulator Programs. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, none of the above facilities are included. However, if the 1400 program includes Read Console Printer instructions, message EC97I is issued, and the operator serVice functions may be used to obtain read-to-console messages. (See message EC97I in the section on "Console Messages.") SEND={Q } nnnnn If this parameter is specified, the facility for displaying 1400 storage on SYSLOG in blocks of 100 bytes (YES) or less ("nn") is included in the Emulator Programs. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the display facility is not included. If specified, this parameter will force the assembler to assign Emulator Program storage addresses identical to those at object time. Thus, any System/360 storage dump of the Emulator Program can be directly related to the Emulator-Program listing. The value to be used is the decimal value Program Generation 19 specified in the SEND macro instruction when the DOS supervisor was generated. The default value is zero. SIZ140 0= {~} This parameter is used to specify the storage size of the 1400 system to be simulated. Allowable values for "nnW are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16. If this parameter is omitted, the assumed value for "nnW is 16. Note: 1400 programs that require more storage than has been specified for the SIZ1400 parameter may not execute properly. This parameter is used to specify the storage S1ze of the user's System/360. Allowable values for "nnn" on the Model 30 are 24, 32" and 64. Allowable values for "nnn" on the Model 40 are 32, 64, 128, and 256. If this parameter is omitted, the assumed value for "nnn" is 64. SYSI0={iPl} ~ This parameter must be specified if the user wishes to support device independence for 1400 unit-record devices. "i", "p", and "I", represent SYSIPT, SYSPCH, and SYSLST, respectively, and each may have a value of 0 through 3. The meanings of the values are: o- Associated device may to unit record. be assigned ~ 1 - Associated device may alternately be aSSigned to a unit-record device or a magnetic-tape drive (9-track or 7track with the Data Conversion Feature for SYSLST). 2 - Associated device may alternately be assigned to a unit-record device, a magnetic-tape drive, a 2311, or 2314 disk drive. 3 - Associated device may alternately be aSSigned to a unit-record device, a 2311, or 2314 disk drive. If this parameter is omitted, the assumed value for "ip1" is 000. SYSROPT={~~S} This parameter is used to specify whether or not the user wants the Emulator Program to change from card input on SYSRDR to tape or disk input from SYSIPT during the execution of a 1400 program. If specified as YES, the Emulator job control cards are read on SYSRDR, and then, the 1400 program, data, and read operation control cards are read on SYSRDR until a // IP card is encountered. The // IP control card transfers card read simUlation to SYSIPT. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, all Emulator job control cards, the 1400 program, data, and read operation control cards are read on SYSIPT Which may be specified as either card reader, disk or tape. TIMER={~S} This parameter specifies the availability of the interval timer to log the time of day on beginning and ending messages. Emulator-program use of the timer in this manner does not prevent a foreground program from using the timer for interval interrupts. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the timer is not used. USRPROG={!~S} This parameter is used to specify that the user wishes to insert a user-written routine to handle operation codes not supported by the Emulator Program. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified., the entry to the user-written routine is not generated. DESCRIPTION OF CARD READER AND PUNCH PARAMETERS COLBINP={~~S} This parameter is used to specify whether or not the user wants column-binary support for the card punch. If COLBINP=YES is specified, support for Punch-Column-Binary or Card Image instructions is generated. If COLBINP=NO is specified or if this parameter is omitted, any such instructions are treated as invalid op codes. COLBINR={i~S} Note: If "in, "P", or "I" is specified as a 2 or 3, a 2311 or 2314 disk drive must be specified in the SYSFIL parameter of the FOPI' macro during OOS Supervisor generation. 20 This parameter is used to specify whether or not the user wants column-binary support for the card reader. If COLBINR=YES is specified, support for Read-Column-Binary or Card Image instructions is generated. If COLBINR=NO is specified or if this parameter is omitted, any such instructions are treated as invalid op codes. This parameter is used to specify whether or not the user wants 51-Column Interchangeable-Read-Feed feature support for the 1402/2540 card reader. If COL51=YES is specified. support for reading 51-column cards is generated. If COL51=NO is specified or if this parameter is omitted, the 51-Column Interchangeable-Read-Feed feature is not supported. This parameter pertains to the 1402/2540 card reader only. PCH1400={ 1442 } 1444 1402 to simulate 1402 or 1444 punch stacker selection. (1442 punch stacker selection is supported by READRSS.) If coded as NO or if omitted, all Punch Stacker Select commands are treated as No-Ops., or as unconditional branches if stacker selection and branch. If coded YES. the Emulator Programs have the ability to simulate punch stacker selection automatically for the 1444 but not automatically for the 1402. A parameter C"d") must be inserted in the // 1400 control card (see "The // 1400 Control Card" in the "Control Cards" section) for each 1401/1460 program in which 1402 punch stacker selection is to be simulated. Punch stacker selection is handled in this manner for 1402 simulation because, if it is to be simulated but the 1401/1460 program does not, in fact, issue Stacker Select instructions. all punch overlap is lost. Overlap is not affected for the 1444 because the Stacker Select instruction precedes the Punch instruction. This parameter is used to specify the 1400 punch to be simulated. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the 1400 punch to be simulated is a 1402. PCH360={ 1442} 2520 2540 This parameter is used to specify the System/360 punch. If this parameter is omitted.~ it is assumed that the System/360 punch is a 2540. PFR={YES} COM ~ This parameter is used to specify whether or not the user wants his Emulator Program to use the Punch-Feed-Read (PFR) feature. If PFR=YES is specified, the Emulator Program provides support for 1402 Punch and Punch-Peed-Read (PFR) instructions. or 1442 read, stacker select, and punch operations utilizing the Punch-Feed-Read feature of the 2540. When PFR=COM is specified, 1402 simulation of punch-feed-read and stacker select operations are supported also. If the 2540 compatibility Attachment (#8065) is not installed on the 2821 Control Unit, PFR=YES should be specified. If PFR=NO is specified or if this parameter is omitted. any PFR instructions are treated as invalid operation codes. If PFR is used. separate routines for PFR and normal punChing are generated so that the normal punch overlap is not lost if the 1400 program does not require any PFR instruction emulation. This parameter specifies whether or not the user wants his Emulator Program to be able This parameter indicates whether or not the user wishes to support reader stacker selection or all 1442 stacker selection. If coded NO or omitted, all Reader-Stacker, or all 1442-Stacker instructions are treated as No-Ops or unconditional branches. If coded YES, the generated version of the Emulator Program has the ability to simulate 1402 reader, or 1442 reader punch stacker selection, but cannot automatically do so. A parameter ("c") must be included in the 1400 control card (see "The // 1400 Control Card" in the "Control Cards" section) for each 1400 control card for each 1400 program in which reader stacker selection is to be simulated. Also, a // LC control card should be included. (See item 7 in the section on "considerations.") This parameter is not recommended if the System/360 reader is a 2540 or 2520, since simulated stacker selection reduces card read speed, and hence reduces throughput. RDR1400={ 1442} 1402 This parameter is used to specify the 1400 reader to be simulated. If this parameter is omitted!, it is assumed that the 1400 reader is a 1402. 1442 RDR360=1 2501 2520 2540 I This parameter is used to specify the System/360 reader. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the System/360 reader is a 2540. Program Generation 21 SSQUANT={ONE } MANY BUFSIZE={nnnnn} 00000 This parameter applies only when RDR360= 2540 is specified and the user wishes to support reader stacker selection (READRSS= YES). 'Normally, the Emulator Programs handle several Stacker Sel'ect commands following a Read command. Only the last Stacker Select command, however, is effective. No card movement occurs until the next card is encounteted. This method is inefficient for users who have only one Stacker Select command following the Card Read. This parameter is used to specify the total main storage to be set aside by the Model 30 or Model 40 Emulator Program for use as ~ape buffers for Move-mode operations. This amount should not be less than the sum of the "BLKSIZu=nnnn" values, and may not be increased at object time. If this parameter is omitted, the assumed value is zero. The area defined by this parameter may be considered to be a pool of buffers that is divided among the 1400 tapes on line in a given job according to (1) the values given in the "BLKSIZu=nnnn" parameters or (2) the revised values given by a // TAPE control card(s) at object time. Because Load-mode operations must be assumed to include the reading and writing of very large (checkpoint) blocks, each Load-mode operation has access to the entire area defined by nBUFSIZE=nnnnn". The user should be aware that 16K 1400 checkpoints require a buffer size in excess of 16,000 bytes since each wordmark in storage generates a word separator character in addition to the character associated with the wordmark when written out on tape. If the value ONE is specified, the Emulator-Program routine initiptes a card feed when it encounters the first Stacker Select command. Subsequent Stacker Select commands are ignored. If the value MANY is specified, or if the parameter is omitted, normal handling of Stacker Select commands is generated. This parameter is ignored if READRSS=YES is not specified. If READRSS=YES is not specified, or if it is specified and the SSQUANT parameter is omitted, the absence of a 'Stacker Select command causes the Emulator Program to wait until the next 1400 Read is encountered. Note: If reader stacker selection is required, maximum throughput can only occur when a Stacker Select command follows most or all Read Card commands and SSQUANT=ONE is specified. DESCRIPTION OF TAPE PARAMETERS BLKSIzu={nnnn} 0000 This parameter is used to specify the maximum block length plus one that is normally read or written in Move mode on 1400 tap~ drive nu" ("u" is 1 through 6). "nnnn" ~s the size of an area (maximum block length plus one) of System/360 main storage set aside for use as a tape buffer associated with a given drive. If this parameter is omitted for a given drive number. the assumed value is zero. The value given by this parameter may be changed at execution time through the use of a // TAPE control card. Normally, the user should include as many "BLKSIZu=nnnn" parameters as he has 1400 drives to be simulated, although the user with abundant main storage may wish to include a "BLKSIZu=nnnn" for each drive that is accessed by 1400 programs. Load-mode operations do not depend on "BLKSIZu=nnnn" parameters. (See "BUFSIZE=nnnnn".) 22 OSTAPE={~~S} If this parameter is specified, the facility for dynamically changing and/or displaying 1400 magnetic-tape drive assignments through the console typewriter is included in the Emulator Programs. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the facility for changing tape-drive assignments is not included. TAPEDR={Q} This parameter is used to specify the number of physical tape units that the user has on his 1400, where "n" is a value from 1 to 6. If this parameter is omitted, the assumed value for "n" is O. TAPEMOD=MXEDPAR This parameter must be included if the user's 1400 program requires the capability to read and/or write both BCD and binary records (mixed-parity records) on either a 7- or 9-track tape~ This parameter may also be specified to read or write either even-or odd-parity records if it is desired to process tape errors in the 1400 program. (See parameter ny" in the // TAPE control card.> However, when this parameter is specified, tape reading on an applicable drive is not overlapped. If this parameter is omitted, the assumed mode for 7-track tapes is translator on and converter off, and the density is as specified on the DOS // ASSGN control card; for tapes even parity is assumed. 9-track TAPERRS= LST LOG LSTCHAR LOGCHAR NO 1400 hardware permits the reading of tape error blocks by means of an operatorinitiated diagnostic read. The block of tape may then be scanned for out-of-parity characters, and the operator has the choice of correcting the characters and allowing the 1400 to process the block or cf bypassing the error block. No. direct equivalent to the diagnostic read exists in System/360 hardware, but the Emulator Program is able to approximately simulate the feature when a data-check condition is logged by DOS. The meanings of the values are: LST The error block is printed on the device simulating the 1400 printer in EBCDIC after the block has been translated for unprintable characters and may then be printed in hexadecimal~ LOG - Same as LST, except all printing occurs on SYSLOG. This is advisable if SYSLST is to be assigned to a magnetic device. LSTCHAR - An EBCDIC-only printout of the error block on SYSLST, with asterisks replacing unprintable characters. LOGCHAR - An EBCDIC-only printout of the error block on SYSLOG, with asterisks replacing unprintable chara cters. Note: If PTR360=1404 is specified, LST and LSTCHAR facilities are not included. After printing the error block, the operator is given the choice of allowing the 1400 to process the block or bypass the block. If the parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the only option available to the operator in the event of a tape data check is to ignore the data and bypass the block, or to cancel the job. No printout of the block in error occurs. several tape units can be assigned to the same programmer logical unit, but only during Emulator Program generation. The assignments may be changed during program execution if OSTAPE=YES is specified. The default values for unassigned values of "un are: "u" 1 2 3 4 5 6 Programmer Logical Unit SYS011 SYS012 SYS013 SYS014 SYS015 SYS016 TAPLDMD={~~S} This parameter must be included if tape Load-mode operations are to be simulated. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, tape Load-mode operations are not simulated. It should be noted that 1400 IOCS opens tape operations in the Load mode even though 1400 IOCS Move mode is specified. DESCRIPTION OF DISK PARAMETERS n DISKDR=l 130n 1405 Q I This parameter is used to specify the number and type of 1400 direct-access storage devices (DASDs) to be simulated on 2311 or 2314. To simulate 1311 drives only, the acceptable values for "n" are 1 through 5, and indicate the number of 1311 drives to be simulated. To simulate one module of a 1301 and also "n" 1311 drives, the correct value is "130n". To simulate one module of a 1301, the correct value for "130nft is 1300. To simulate a 1405, the value should be 1405. The following are given as examples: DISKDR=5 All five simulated DISKDR=1303 One 1301 module and three 1311 drives to be simulated (Drives 0, 2, and 4) TAPEu=SYSnnn This parameter is used to assign a DOS programmer logical unit (SYSOOO SYS221) to a 1400 tape unit, where "u" is the 1400 tape unit assignment (a number from 1 to 6). Assignments can be made for each of the six 1400 tape unit assignments. The same tape unit cannot be assigned to more than One programmer logical unit; however, 1311 drives to be Note: When less than five 1311 drives are specified, the lOW-numbered 1400 drives are assumed. DISKDR=1300 One 1301 module to be simulated (no 1311) DISKDR=1405 1405 only to be simulated Program Generation 23 Note: 1405 and 1301/1311 disk mutually exclusive. drives are D130lu=SYSnnn This parameter is used to assign DOS programmer logical units (SYSOOO - SYS221) to a 1301 Disk Storage. The proper values for ·u" are 1 to 5 for emulation on a 2311, and 1 to 3 for emulation on a 2314. These assignments are required only when DISKDR= 130n is specified. When simulating a 1301 on 2311s, the default values for ·u" are: If this parameter 1S omitted, the default value for the parameter is 0 and indicates that no disks are to be simulated. DISKTYP={2314} 2311 This parameter is used to specify the type of System/360 device that is to simulate the 1400 disk unit. It also applies to SYSIPT, SYSPCH, and SYSLST when they are assigned to disk. If this parameter is omitted, the assumed value is 2311. ·u" 1 2 3 4 5 1301 Sector Address 000000-039999 040000-079999 080000-119999 120000-159999 160000-199999 Programmer Logical Unit SYS001 SYS002 SYS003 SYS004 SYS005 DISKu=SYSnnn This parameter is used to assign a DOS programmer logical units (SYSOOO - SYS221) to 1311 Disk storage Drives, or to a 1405 Disk Storage. The proper values for "u" are 1 to 5 for 1311 Disk Storage Drives, 1 and 2 for Model 1 1405 Disk Storages, and 1 to 4 for Model 2 1405 Disk Storages. The meaning of each value of nun is as follows: "un 1 1j311 Drive 0 2 Drive 2 3 Drive 4 4 Drive 6 5 Drive 8 1405 Drive 0 (first 25,000 ords for Models 1 & 2) Drive 2 (second 25,000 ords for Models 1 & 2) Drive 4 (third 25,000 ords for Model 2 only) Drive 6 (fourth 25,000 ords for Model 2 only) "un 2 3 4 5 ·u· 1 2 3 1301 Sector Address 000000-079999 080000-159999 160000-199999 a 2314, the Programmer Logical Unit SYS001 SYS002 SYS003 recrecrecrec- -------- Programmer Logical Unit SYS001 SYS002 SYS003 SYS004 SYS005 This parameter, when specified as YES, provides the facility for verifying the volume serial number of disk packs accessed by the Emulator Program. Verification is performed for each disk pack specified on a // DVOL control card or initiated by the operator using the operator service functions. Volume serial number verfication is recommended to avoid the possibility of the 1400 program accessing the wrong disk pack in the DOS mUltiprogramming environment. If this parameter is omitted, or NO is specified" verification is not performed. 24 When sirr.ulating a 1301 on default values for ·u· are: OSDISK={~~S} The assignments may be changed during program execution time if OSDISK=YES is specified. The default values for unassigned values of ·u· are as follows: 1 I If this parameter is specified, the facility for changing 1400 disk-drive assignments in mid-program through the console typewriter is included in the Emulator Programs. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the facility for changing disk-drivp. assignments is not included. SCAN={~~S} This parameter is used to specify that 1311 Scan Disk instructions are issued in the 1400 programs. If this parameter is omitted or NO 'is specified, 1311 Scan Disk instructions are not supported. SCAN360={~~S} If the user has the File Scan Feature, this parameter is used in conjunction with the SCAN=YES parameter to implement the 1400 Scan Disk Feature on System/360 directaccess storage devices. If SCAN360=NO is specified, or if this parameter is omitted, the Emulator Program performs the Scan Disk function. SECTORS={ nnn} 020 This parameter is used to determine the disk I/O buffer size and dictates the simulation technique to be employed. Valid entries of ·nnn· range in value from 001 through 020 for the Model 30 Emulator Program and 001 through 100 for the Model 40 Emulator Program. This value indicates the maximum number of sectors that can be read or written in one physical I/O operation. Program requests for disk I/O exceeding the number of sectors specified in this parameter cause two or more physical I/O operations to be executed. If this parameter is omitted, the assumed value for WnnnR is 020, which should be used, storage permitting. The only reason for specifying less than 020 is to conserve main storage. If TRACKOP=YES or OSINQRY=YES is specified, the assumed value 020 should be specified. This parameter is. used only with Model 40 Emulator Program~ and provides support for Inverted Print Edit. If required, the user specifies this parameter as EDITINV=YES. Inverted Print Edit is primarily used in countries outside the U.S.A., such as in France where 1000 francs, 5 centimes is represented as 1.000,05. The default for this parameter is NO. PTRASGN={SYSnnn} SYSLST TRACKOP={~~S} This parameter must be specified if track operations on 1311, 1301, or 1405 are to be simulated. If this parameter is included, the wSECTORS=nnn R parameter, if included, should be given a value of 020. If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, track operations are not simulated. VERIFY={~~S} If this parameter is included, disk records written by the Emulator Programs are verified. verification is accomplished in the standard System/360 manner (cyclic redundancy check). If this parameter is omitted or NO is specified, the 1400 Write Disk Check command is treated as a No-Op, except the simulated Write Disk Check Interlock switch LS released. This parameter is used to assign the System/360 printer to a specific programmer logical unit (SYSOOO - SYS221). This parameter must be used if PTR360=1404 is specified.. It also may be used when job contro~ statements directed to SYSLST are not desired on the printer, such as on preprinted forms. PTRASGN=SYSnnn must identify a printer and not a magnetic device. The default for this parameter is SYSLST. PTRLNG={nnn} 132 This parameter is used to specify the length of the print line on the 1400, where wnnnw is 100, 120, or 132 for the 1403, 120 or 144 for the 1443, or 132 for the 1404. PTRLNG must not be greater than the number of print positions on the System/360 printer. Also, when PTRLNG=100 is specified, the actual line-length 'assignment on the System/360 device is 120 characters (padded by blanks). If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the print line is 132 characters long. DESCRIPTION OF PRINTER PARAMETERS PTR1400={ 1443} 1404 1403 This parameter is used to specify whether or not the user wants to support the carriage-control tape pointer option. If CARRCTL=YES is specified, an image of the printer carriage-control tape is retained in main storage and a pointer is used to indicate the position of the carriage. Use of this parameter: (1) eliminates the need for moving the channel-9 or channel-12 punch up one line, and (2) allows complete simulation of variable-line and preprintedform printing when SYSLST is assigned to tape or disk. If CARRCTL=NO is specified or if this parameter is omitted, the program uses the DOS wLINECT=nn w method to control the printer spacing when SYSLST is assigned to tape or disk. This parameter is used to specify the 1400 printer to be simulated. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the 1400 printer is a 1403. 1404 should be specified only if cut-card operations are to be simulated; if continuous forms only are printed on the System/360" 1403 should be specified. If 1404 is specified, a 1404 must be installed on the System/360" and the OSDUMP and ERROPNG parameters must be omitted or specified as NO. Note: If a 1440 is being emUlated, this parameter must be coded PTR1400=1443. This is so that printing can occur from any location in 1400 storage and be terminated by a groupmark with wordmark. Program Generation 25 OSDUMP PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED OSENTER PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED OSINQRY PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED OSTAPE PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED This parameter is used to specify the PCH1400 AND PTR1400 PARAMETERS INCORRECTLY System/360 printer. If this parameter is SPECIFIED omitted. i t is assumed that the System/360 PCH1400 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED printer is a 1403. PCH360 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED PFR PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED I PROGRAM NAME INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED MACRO NOTE MESSAGES PTRASGN PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED PTRLNG PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED PTR1400 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED The following messages could be issued during Model 30 or Model 40 Emulator- I PTR360 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED PUNCHSS PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED Program system generation and are selfRDR1400 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED explanatory: RDR360 MUST BE 2540 IF COL51=YES BLKSIZu PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED RDR360 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED BUFSIZE PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED READRSS PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED BUFSIZE TOO SMALL FOR STANDARD BLOCKSIZES, I SCAN PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED BUFSIZE ASSUMED AS SUM OF BLOCKSIZES SCAN360 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED CARRCTL NOT SUPPORTED IF PTR1400 IS A 1404 SECTORS PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED CARRCTL PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED SEND PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED CATALOG PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED SIZ1400 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED COLBINP PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED SIZ360 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED COLBINR PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED SSQUANT PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED COLSl PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED SYSIO PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED DISKDR PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED SYSROPT PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED DISKTYP PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED I TAPE PARAMETERS INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED DISKu PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPEDR PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED DVOL PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPEMOD PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPERRS DISPLAY NOT SUPPORTED IF PTR1400 EQ D1301u PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED EOJAADR PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED 1404 EOJBADR PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPERRS PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED ERROPNG PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPEl PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED FETCH PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPE2 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED HALTS PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPE3 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED IOCDATE PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPE4 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED MPGMBLK PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPES PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED OSADDR PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPE6 PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED OSALTER PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TAPLDMD PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED OSDISK PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TRACKOP PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED OSDSPLY PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED TIMER PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED OSDSPLY SPECIFIED GREATER THAN 100, 100 USRPROG PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED VERIFY PARAMETER INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED ASSUMED PTR360={ 1443} 1404 1403 I I I I I 26 SIMULATION OF IBM 1401/1440/1460 FACILITIES STORAGE LAYOUT The Emulator Program under DOS for the Model 30 is designed to reside in main storage immediately above the Disk operating System (DOS) supervisor. The Emulator Program consists of an initialization phase and a main phase. The initialization phase initializes the interphase communication region, and remains in main storage only until the first Programmed Mode Switch (PMS) supervisor call (SVC). It then fetches the ma1n phase, which overlays,all but the interphase communication region. The main phase is made up of individual modules that simulate the various 1400 processes. The System/360 tape and disk buffer area begins immediately after the main phase and may extend to the beginning of the 1400 simulated storage area. Initial ization DOS Supervisor / X'4000' r-------------1400 Simulated Storage Phase -}-4,096 Bytes X'4FFF' Branch Table MCE and MCS Interphase Communication Region -------------- Model 40 Emulator Program Main Phase ---- - - -- - - ---EU40 Buffer Area Storage allocation for a Model 30 Emulator Program with 4K of 1400 storage is illustrated in Figure 3. (The algorithm for estimating the total storage requirement. Figure for a Model 30 Emulator Program, as a function of the parameters specified at generation time, is presented in Appendix G.) The Emulator Program under DOS for the Model 40 is designed to reside in main storage immediately above 1400 simulated storage. 1400 simulated storage always starts at hexadecimal 4000. The Emulator Program consists of an initialization phase and a main phase. The initialization phase is loaded immediately above the DOS super- I DOS Supervisor Initialization Phase (overlaid) Main Phase Model 30 Emulator Program 1400 Simulated Storage (4K) 3. visor area, possibly extending into the 1400 simulated storage area. The initialization phase fetches the main phase which copies the branch table and the interphase communication region from the initialization phase into the storage locations above 1400 simulated storage. The main phase, which is made up of individual modules that simulate the various 1400 processes, then clears 1400 simulated storage. The System/ 360 disk and -tape buffer areas begin immediately after the main phase. Storage allocation for a Model 40 Emulator Program with 4K of 1400 storage is illustrated in Figure 4. (The algorithm for estimating the total storage requirement for a Model 40 Emulator Program, as a function of the parameters specified at generation time, is presented in Appendix H.) REGISTER USAGE EU30 Buffer Area Figure Typical Storage Map of Model 40 Emulator Program With 4K of 1400 Storage I Interphase Communication Region ----------------------------- 4. Typical Storage Map of Model 30 Emulator Program With 4K of 1400 Storage The utilization of the general purpose registers by the Model 30 Emulator Program is illustrated in Table 4. Usage for the Model 40 is shown in Table 5. All general purpose registers may be used by user routines if registers 0 through 14 are saved and restored. Simulation of IBM 1401/1440/1460 Facilities 27 Table 4. Use of Registers Emulator Program by Model 30 r------~-------T--------------------------, I I Regi ster I I Use by Model 30 I Emula tor Program I ~------~-------+--------------------------~ I 0 and 1 I Temporary computations. I ~------~-------+--------------------------~ I 2, 3, 4, I Base registers~ I I I I 11, & 12 PROGRAMMING RESTRICTIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS RESTRICTIONS Before an installation utilizes the Model 30 or Model 40 Emulator Program under DOS, the user must consider the following programming restrictions: 1. Time-dependent programs may not yield results identical to those obtained on a 1400 system. 2. The Model 30 and Model 40 Emulator Programs do not check for an effective address greater than the main storage capacity of the 1400 system. The Model 40 hardware always assumes a 16K 1400 main storage, except for 1400 Clear Storage, Set Wordmark, and Clear Wordmark instructions. Therefore, for the Model 40 Emulator and for a 16K 1400 memory simulated on a Model 30 Emulator, addresses between 0 and 15,999 are valid; addresses greater than 15, 999 cause a wraparound. 3. Simulated 1400 locations 0000 and 0100 are not used by the Model 30 and Model 40 Emulator Programs for timing control of read and punch operations as they are on a 1400 system. The contents of these locations are undisturbed by the Model 30 and Model 40 Emulator Programs. 4. Programs cataloged under the Model 30 Emulator Program may not be executed on the Model 40 Emulator Program, and vice versa. 5. 1050 6. The Selective Tape Listing Feature not emulated for printers. 7. Reassignment of SYSIO to magnetic devices restricts I/O operations.11. A /* card must appear in the job stream for every 1400 program, whether or not the program has any card input. This is because the Emulator Programs read ahead on the card reader, or the device assigned to SYSIPT, before they know if the 1400 program contains a Read instruction. 12. 1400 disk files written on either stacked or unstacked packs under the Model 30 Emulator Program are compatible with files written under the Model 40 Emulator Program, and vice versa. In addition, files written under the stand-alone compatibility on the Model 30 are compatible with unstacked packs produced under the Model 30 Emulator Program. However, only Move-mode files written under the stand-alone emulation on the Model 40 are compatible with unstacked packs produced under the Model 40 Emulator Program. If the user desires to take advantage of the stacked pack capabilities of the Emulator Programs under DOS, the user can perform a 1400 disk-to-tape operation under stand-alone emulation. Then, perform a tape-to-disk operation with the Emulator Programs under DOS to recreate the files on stacked packs. This technique can also be used to convert Load-mode files written under the stand-alone emulation on the Model 40 to either stacked or unstacked packs. 13. A Scan Disk operation is not stopped by cylinder overflow, but only by a match or the sector count going to zero. 14. The Write Disk Check operation, a disk-file-to-main-storage compare, is a System/360 cyclic check of the data on the 2311/2314. 15. A check is not made to determine if all records written on a specific track are written in the same mode. 16. 17. 1400 programs that depend on wronglength-record checks or cylinder overflow may not run correctly. These conditions, as well as other disk error conditions, are not passed to the 1400 program. If SYSLST is assigned to disk, maximum actual data length is the 120 characters (121 including the control character>. If SYSLST is assigned to tape, the maximum actual data length is 144 characters (145 including the control character>. The first character of each record corresponds to the Carriage-Control command that is the System/360 Channel Command Word (CCW> command byte (known as type A in the Multiprogramming Support (MPS) utility macro instruct·ions>. For this reason, the magnetic-tape unit must be either a 9-track unit, or a 7-track unit with the Data Conversion Feature. DOS job control writes 121-character records with an ASA control character (known as type D in the MPS utility macro instructions). See the publication IBM System/360 Disk and Tape Operating Systems: Utility Programs Specifications, Form C24-3465. 18. The higher-order position of the address portion of the disk control field is assumed to be O. Fileprotection technique~ using the highorder position of this address may not be effective. (Example: Normal address and normal address plus xOO, 000 are treated as the same address.> 19. 1400 programs that depend on the absence of a feature may not be emulated properly (see "Additional Features" in the "Introduction" section). For example, because the Emulator Program under DOS appears as a 16,000position system to the 1400 program, programs written for use on 1400 systems with lesser storage capacity may reqUire modification. 20. The Emulator Program operator service functions may be requested through the INTERRUPT key only when OC=YES is specified in the FOPT macro parameter during DOS Supervisor generation. Note: When OC=YES is specified for use with the Emulator Program, other programs that require the use of the INTERRUPT key, should not be run during Emulator Program operation. 21. On nine-track tapes, a SUbstitute blank character (1401/1440/1460 A-bit only> is never converted to a blank. 22. The DOS copy and restore disk utility programs cannot be used for stacked disk packs. When these operations are required, 1400 disk-to-tape and 1400 tape-to-disk operations must be performed for each half of the stacked pack using the Emulator Programs under DOS. Simulation of IBM 1401/1440/1460 Facilities 31 Table 8. Unit-Record Operation Correspondence -----------------------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------T---------, I System/360 I 2540 I 1442 I 1442 I 2501 I 2520 1 2520 1 Magnetic I I 11400 Unit land operation Unit I 1 1 ~--------------------- 11402 I Model I N1 I 1 Model 1 N2 I I Model I Model 1 Model I Devices I 1 1 I B1,B2 I B1 I B2,B3 I SYSIO I 1 I 1 --------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~---------~ 1 ~-----------------------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------T---------~ IReading only I YES I YES 1 N/A I YES I YES I N/A I YES 1 ~-----~-----------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------~ Ipunching only I YES 1 YES1 I YES1 I N/A I YES1 I YES1 I YES 1 ~-----------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------~ I Readinq & punching I YES I N02 I N/A I N/A 1 N02 I N/A. I YES 1 ~-----~-----------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------~ I Puncr Feed Read I YES3 1 NO I N/A 1 N/A 1 NO 1 N/A 1 NO I ~-----------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------~ IReade r Stacker Select 1 YES I YES4 I N/A 1 N/A I YES4 1 N/A I N/A 1 ~-----------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------~ Ipunch stacker Select 1 YES 1 YES4 1 N/A I N/A I YES4 1 YES4 1 YES I ~-----------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------~ IPFR STncker Select I YES5 I NO I N/A 1 N/A 1 NO 1 N/A I NO 1 ~-----------------------+--------+--------+---~----+--------+--------+--------+---------~ IRead 51-Col Cards I YESti I N/A 1 N/A I N/A I N/A 1 N/A 1 NO 1 ~-----------------------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~-------~---------~ 11442 I ~-----------------------T--------T--------T----~---T--------T--------T--------T---------~ IReading only 1 YES 1 YES 1 N/A 1 YES 1 YES 1 N/A 1 YES 1 ~----------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--~------~ Ipunching only 1 YES7 1 YESs I YES I N/A 1 YESs 1 YES 1 YES 1 ~-----------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------~ IRead data cards, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I then I YES7 I YESs I N/A 1 N/A 1 YESS I N/A I NO I Ipunch blank cards 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~-----------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------~ I N/A IRead & Punch same card 9 1 YES10 1 YESs I N/A 1 YESs 1 N/A I NO 1 ~-----------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------~ IRead Stacker Select I YES 1 YES I N/A I N/A 1 YES 1 YES 1 N/A 1 ~-----------------------+--------+--------+--------+~------+--------+--------+---------~ Ipunch Stacker Select I YES I YES I N/A I N/A I YES 1 YES 1 YES 1 ~-----------------------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~---------~ 11444 I ~-----------------------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------T---------~ 1Punching 1 YES 1 YES I YES11 1 N/A I YES I YES11 1 YES 1 ~----.---~---------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------~ IStacker Select 1 YES I YES 1 N/A I N/A 1 YES 1 YES 1 YES 1 ~-----------------------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~---------~ 1 Note: 1 1 I N/A=not applicable because of hardware limitations. 1 1The Emulator Program executes one additional feed before the first Punch is executed. 1 I I command 2Permissible if punching follows all reading; i.e., data to be read followed by blank cards. The Emulator Program executes one additional feed before the first Punch command is executed. 3If the PFR features are installed on the 2540 (#5890) and the 2821 Control Unit (#5895). 4Cards selected to the 1 or 4 pocket go into stacker 2; cards selected to the 2 or 8, and NR and NP cards go into stacker 1. 5If the 2540 Compatibility Attachment (#8065) is installed Unit. on the 2821 Control tilf the 51-Column Interchangeable Read Feed (#4151) is installed on the 2540. ?This applies only when punching into blank cards. 1440 Read instructions require a blank data card in the read unit to simulate initial movement to the punch station of a 1442. Punch and Stop and Punch and Skip instructions are not simulated on the 2540 without the PFR feature. SIf punching is required in the program, the I I 1400 card must indicate this by the omission of operand "d". 9Reading and punching the same card on a 1442 (1400) allows the simulation Punch and stop, Punch and Skip, Punch and Feed, and Read Card instructions. of 10Permissible only if the PFR feature is installed. PFR=YES and PCH14PO=1442 must be specified and a I I PR card must be used as the last card in the· reader to switch reading from the reader to the punch side. card-image reading or punching cannot be simulated in this way. 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 11The Emulator Program executes one additional feed before punching begins to 1 accommodate the devices with reading capability. Therefore, the first card will I be a_________________________________________________________________________________ blank card. JI IL_____ ~ 32 23. 24. When executing a 1440 program that issues a read command to eject the last card during 1442 file closing, one blank card must be placed after the last data card if not reading ahead, or two blank cards after the /* card if reading ahead. The Model 30 and Model 40 Emulator programs do not provide System/360 disk or tape file label creation, verification, or--protection. If a user's 1400 program does not perform these functions, a 1400 or System/360 tape or disk file could be destroyed without operator notification. Disk file protection can be attained only through 1400 programming. However, if user label checking is not used in the 1400 program, then the following techniques should be used to afford volume protection. • • Use the DOS Clear Disk Utility Program to format all 1400 files and specify an unexpired date in the DLBL or DLAB statement. This creates a VTOC entry for the file, and thus, protects the file from other System/360 programs. Use the // DVOL control card and specify DVOL=YES when generating the user's Emulator Program. By initializing all user disk volumes with different and unique volume serial numbers, the DVOL facility insures that the correct volume is being used. GENERAL COMMENTS ON I/O SIMULATION In general, all I/O error recovery is attempted in System/360 mode. The 1400 program is not notified of I/O errors and need not include error tests. The exception to this situation is when mixed-parity 7-track tapes have been specified. Either standard DOS operator intervention messages from the physical input/output control system (PIOCS) or Emulator Program initiated error-recovery messages are displayed when necessary. In effect, all I/O is double-buffered since the Emulator Program reads and writes from its own I/O areas in System/360 main storage. Hence, the Emulator Program usually is a card read ahead, a punch or print behind, a tape read ahead, and a tape write behind. Disk read operations are not overlapped nor read ahead, but disk write and verify operations are written behind. Data is always passed between the I/O areas of the Emulator and the I/O areas of the 1400. I/O device independence is provided for all 1400 unit-record devices. The Emulator Program simulates requests for unit-record I/O (card reader, card punch, and printer) from a comparable unit-record device or magnetic-tape or disk unit. This enables the user to efficiently utilize the System/ 360 in a multiprogramming environment for both 1400 and System/360 programs, while reducing the total processing time required for most commercial 1400 applications. USER-WRITTEN SIMULATION ROUTINES TIMING INFORMATION Throughput under emulation is not dictated so much by the Emulator as it is by the 1400 program being executed. It is the mix of CPU operations (executed by Read Only storage), I/O operations (executed by program support), and the amount of interference from higher-priority partitions that determines total throughput. Assuming a normal distribution of the above considerations, a minimum throughput of one to one with the original equipment can be expected. However, this will vary by application. A comparison of processing times using a representative sample of 1400 instructions under the Model 30 and Model 40 Emulator Programs with the 1401/1460 is presented in Table 7. The estimated processing times are based on the assumptions that the timer is off and that there is no mUltiprogramming. It is possible for the user to include his own System/360 routine to support I/O devices which are not supported by the Emulator Programs. The user-written simulation'routine can be used to process 1400 instructions that use any of the unassigned operation codes given in Table 9. These codes are normally considered to be invalid by the Emulator Programs and are treated as 1400 program errors.. However, if US RPROG= YES is specified at Emulator Program generation time, control is passed to the user-written simulation routine when the Emulator Program encounters any of these codes. The user's routine should test for those codes which are supported in his simulation routine. Desired codes can be processed in any manner. Upon completion of the processing, control can be returned to the Emulator Program for the Model 30 to continue normal processing with the instruction: BR 14 (normal return) Simulation of IBM 1401/1440/1460 Facilities 33 or to the Emulator Program for the Model 40 • Table to either the 1400 NSI or to I-Fetch at A-address with the instructions: BR B 14 4 (14) 4 (14) (Back to 1400 NSI) (Back to I-Fetch at A-address' 8 (14) (Error--Abort job) In the Model 30 Emulator Program the address of the 1400 instruction to be executed is contained in register 6. The instruction is in 1400 simulated storage. All 1400 instructions and data are represented in 1400 simulated storage as shown in Table 16. Also, the user must use the special compatibility feature instructions given in Appendix B when moving data between 1400 simulated storage and the user" s System/360 routine. In the Model 40 Emulator Program, 1400 instructions are not directly accessible. Instead, the compatibility feature, when encountering one of the operation codes shown in Table 9, performs the following functions: • Inserts a hexadecimal "operation code number" into byte 3 of register O. Table 9 lists the operation codes and the corresponding operation code number fOl: one- , tWO-" or seven-posi tion instructions~ The operation code number for four- or five-position instructions is the ones complement of the number listed in Table 9. • Places the A address, if bytes 0 and 1 of register 1. • Pla~es any, into the B address, if any, bytes 2 and. 3 of register 1. • Places the d-modifier, byte 2 of register o. if into No word mark Plus ( Left parenthesis < Less than Group mark Minus $ Dollar sign * Asterisk ) Right parenthesis Semicolon ~ Delta ¢ A bit only Word separator , Backward slash ~ Segment mark bl Blank Colon > Greater than v Tape mark * Record mark + I J T X o Letter o With the except~on of the operation code number which 1S in hexadecimal notation, the information placed into registers 0 and 1 by the compatibility feature has the same character representation as data in simulated 1400 storage and as shown in Table 15. When moving data between 1400 simu- 0 Zero 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 20 30 40 44 50 60 80 90 -------------------------~--------------- lated storage and the user's simulation routine" the user must use the special compatibility feature instructions given in Appendix D. All user-written routines must save and restore registers 0 through 15, and the routines must be cataloged in the Assembler Source Statement Library. To catalog a program in the Assembler Source Statement Library, the following sequence of cards must be used: // JOB CATALOG // EXEC MAINT" CATALS A.progname BKEND ··.l any, into • Places the address of the next sequential 1400 instruction into bytes 0 and 1 of register o. 34 Operation Code I Operation I I Code Number I I (Hexadecimal) I ~-------------------------+---------------~ * (Error--Abort job) or to the Emulator Program for the Model 40 with the instruction: B Unassigned and Invalid Operation Codes r-------------------------T---------------, I Model 40 I I I I I For all undesired codes, control should be returned to the Emulator Program for the Model 30 with ~he instruction: B 9. User-written routine BKEND /* /& To include the user-written routine in the Emulator Program, the following sequence of cards must be used when generating the Emulator Program: // JOB // OPTION LIST // EXEC ASSEMBLY euname :} END A 1402 and/or a 1442 can be simulated on a card-read-punch or magnetic-tape or disk unit extent attached to the System/360 subject to the limitations of Table a. Eighty columns will be read and punched into or from 1400 locations 1 to 80 and 101 to 180, respectively, if a 1402 is being simulated. Either 80 columns or the number of columns preceding a groupmark with a wordmark are read into or punched from the B-Address of a 1442 instruction if that device is being simulated. MACRO USRPROG COpy progname MEND EU30[EU40J Emulator Program parameters ACOMPOl /* /& The name WprognameW is the name used to catalog the user-written routine in the Assembler Source Statement Library. SIMULATION OF I/O DEVICES CARD READ PUNCH SIMULATION Reader stacker selection is optionally supported. Because card read speed is reduced when such simulation is specified, the user is advised to employ it only when essential. Cards are read ahead except when simulating reader stacker selection, or 1442 read-punch updating. TwO methods are used to read cards. The method used depends on whether overlapped operations are possible. When it is, cards are preread into buffer areas and the standard /* DOS data delimiter card is used to provide a last card indication for the preceding data card. However, cards are not preread by the Emulator Program during 1442 read-punch-update simulation or during read-stacker-select simulation. In the case of no prereading, the 1400 program initiates the physical reading of the card. To inform the Emulator Program of a pending end-of-file condition, the // LC Emulator control card must be placed before the last data card in the deck. Although the // LC card is required only when preread operations will not occur, it is suggested that both the // LC and /* cards be used since the // LC card is ignored during preread operations. When reading ahead and not stacker selecting, a Reader Stacker Sel~ction instruction will be treated as a No-Operation (No-Op), and a Reader Stacker Selection and Branch as an unconditional branch. It should be noted that it is possible to name a stacker for all input cards in the // 1400 control card. Punch stacker selection is optionally supported. Unless a 1401/1460 program is known to include stacker selection for all or most punch instructions, punch stacker selection should not be simulated. This is because punch overlapping is lost if the Emulator Program expects a stacker select following a punch and does not get one. If RDR1400=1442, PCH360=2540, and PFR= YES are specified, the instructions to read and punch the same card can be emulated if the PFR feature is installed on the 2540 Card Read Punch. A // PR card conditions the program to read all following cards from the punch side. Consequently, all data cards should be on the punch side of the 2540, and a blank card should be placed in front of the first data card. Since the data cards are not read ahead, the // LC card should precede the last data card. After the user end-of-job routine, DOS controls card reading and thus reinitializes the read functions to normal. Programs with overlays cannot be cataloged if using this option. 1402 punch-feed-read operations may be simulated on a 2540 with both the PunchFeed-Read feature and the 2540 Compatibility Feature (the Compatibility Feature is required only when simulating stacker selection of punch-feed-read cards). Because standard DOS or Emulator Program initiated operator-intervention messages are given in the case of card errors, 1400 Branch on Punch-Error or Read-Error instructions are treated as No-Ops. 1400 card-Read instructions may be simulated on any card reader or magnetic-tape or disk unit assigned to SYSIPT. The Emulator Program checks for the type of device assigned to SYSIPT at execution time and constructs proper I/O commands for that particular device. If the unit assigned to SYSIPT is a magnetic-tape or disk unit, all records must contain aO-byte unblocked records, and disk records must be organized either as a standard sequential file (EXTENT Type 1) or as a split-cylinder sequential file (EXTENT Type 128) with a key length of zero and a data length of 80. All disk records must be contained within one extent., specified in the standard manner; however, multireel magnetic-tape files are supported. The Emulator Program rewinds and unloads a tape unit upon encountering a tapemark. The 51-Column Interchangeable Read Feed feature is supported by the utilization of a // 51 control card, which is the last Simulation of IBM 1401/1440/1460 Facilities 35 80-column card before the first 51-column card. This card causes the Emulator Program to issue console message EC03D. After the operator has mounted the device on the 2540 Card Read Punch and readied the reader, he enters START in response to message EC03D to continue processing. The // 51 control card conditions the program to move columns 15-65 of the card buffer area into 1400 storage. When the 51-column feature is being utilized, column-binary and punchfeed-read operations are excluded. Stacker selection is limited by the device to the Rl and R2 pockets; therefore, parameter "c" of the // 1400 control card must not be a 2. (See "The // 1400 Control Card" in the "Control Cards" section.) SYSIPT must be the 2540 card Read Punch. The Column-Binary or Card-Image feature utilizes a // CB control card to cause all following cards to be read in data mode 2. If the 1400 program has normal BCD Read instructions, the data is translated to data mode 1 when loaded into 1400 storage. Unrecognized characters are replaced with blanks. This facility could be used for bypassing data checks. The // CB control card must immediately precede the first column-binary data card. When the ColumnBinary feature is being utilized, 51-column and PFR operations are excluded for that run. SYSIPT must be on the card reader. Column-Binary or Card-Image-Punch instructions do not require control cards, and are executed in the correct mode when encountered. These cards are punched in 1400 column binary representations and can only be read by 1400, or simulated 1400 devices or emulators. ~: 1400 Card-Punch instructions may be simulated on any card punch or magnetictape or disk unit assigned to SYSPCH within the physical limitations of the device (see Table 8). The Emulator Program checks for the type of device assigned to SYSPCH at exe.cution time and constructs proper I/O commands for that particular device. If SYSPCH is assigned to a magnetic-tape or disk unit, either 80- or 81-character records are written unblocked. If the symbolic parameter PUNCHSS=NO is specified at assembly time or no punch stacker selection is indicated in the // 1400 control card, 80-character records are written unblocked on the magnetic unit. If the symbolic parameter PUNCHSS=YES for 1444 or 1402 simulation, or if READRSS=YES for 1442 simulation and the // 1400 control card indicates that punch stacker selection is to be simulated!, 81-character records are written unblocked on the magnetic unit. The first character of each 81-character 36 record corresponds to the Stacker Select command that is the standard extended American Standard Association (ASA) code (V is pocket 1., W is pocket 2) • Since ASA codes provide for only two possible pockets for stacker selection, 1402 Card-Punch instructions directing the output to pocket 8 (read-punch pocket) contain the code v. When SYSPCH is assigned to a magnetictape unit, multireel output files are supported as the Emulator Program writes a single tapemark at the end of the reel, rewinds, and unloads the unit upon detection of an end-of-reel condition. A tapemark is written at the beginning of the next reel. Upon termination of the 1400 program (either normally or abnormally), the Emulator Program writes a single tapemark to indicate end of file, then backspaces one record (past the tapemark) so that the next job in the job stream may continue to use the unit for SYSPCH, or the unit may be rewound and unloaded to preserve the integrity of the file. No tape labels are written by, nor are any tape labels required by the Emulator Program. The tape unit is presumed to be properly positioned to write the first record prior to the execution of the 1400 program. If SYSPCH is assigned to a disk unit, 80- or 81-character records are written unblocked within one extent. All disk records have a key length of zero. Proper DLBL and EXTENT cards must be submitted to DOS prior to the assignment of SYSPCH to a disk unit; therefore, no label checking is required by the Emulator Program. File organizations supported include standard sequential (EXTENT Type 1) and split-cylinder sequential (EXTENT Type 128). If end of extent is reached prior to the termination of the 1400 program, console message EC74I is displayed followed by message EC83I, and the 1400 program is abnormally terminated. The Emulator Program does not close a disk file assigned to SYSPCH upon termination of a 1400 program; therefore, the operator must issue a standard CLOSE command to SYSPCH upon completion of the job stream. The number of records written on each disk track is 25 for the 2311 and 38 for the 2314. The user should calculate his file requirements to ensure that the assigned extent contains sufficient space to hold the file prior to the execution of the program. PRINTER SIMULATION All printer operations are supported except selective tape listing. This operation may be added by the user if desired. 1401 and 1460 combination I/O instructions are supported. As in the case of reader punches, a 1403 and/or a 1443 may be supported on either device (or a magnetic-tape or disk unit) attached to a System/360. If a 1403 is to be simulated, 132 positions are printed from 1400 locations 201 to 332, unless otherwise indicated by the PTRLNG parameter. If a 1443 is being simulated, 120 or 144 positions or the characters preceding a groupmark are printed from the B-Address of a 1443 instruction, whichever is specified in the PTRLNG parameter. To achieve maximum overlap, Branch-OnCarriage-Overflow instructions do not cause the Emulator Program to wait for printer device end. Therefore, the 1400 program does not know of a channel-overflow condition until it has executed the Print command (or space command) after the command that caused the overflow. This requires that the channel-12 hole be moved up one line in the carriage tape from its 1400 position. The channel-overflow latch remains set until the 1400 program executes a Skip command or a Branch-On-Overflow instruction. When the CARRCTL=YES parameter option is specified, the Emulator Program maintains a carriage-control-tape image area in main storage. As printer operations are performed, a pointer in this area indicates the position of the print line on the page. This area is checked for overflow and channel indications rather than interrogating the printer indicators. When the user wishes to utilize the carriage-control-tape image option, he uses the // CCTL control cards at 1400-program execution time (see "The // CCTL Control Cards n in the ncontrol Cards" section). The proper carriagecontrol tape still must be placed in the printer to provide the skip to channel punches'. Since all I/O error recovery is done in System/360 mode, a 1400 branch on printer error or branch on print~r busy is treated as a No-Op. 1404 cut-card operations are simulated only on a 1404. Thus, both PTR1400 and PTR360 must specify a 1404 and PTRASGN must specify a programmer logical unit other than the default value SYSLST. A billfeed-read operation, as well as any valid combination instruction, causes 30 bytes to be transferred to 1400 storage. During bill-feed-read operations, the carriagecontrol-tape-image option provided by the // CCTL card is discontinued and the billfeed-read operations are not overlapped. If continuous forms operations are to be simulated, parameter PTR1400 must specify a 1403, therefore, a different generation of the Emulator Program must be used. 1400 printer instructions (excluding 1404 bill-feed operations) may be simulated on any printer or magnetic-tape or disk unit assigned to SYSLST. The Emulator Program checks for the type of device assigned to SYSLST at execution time and constructs proper I/O commands for that particular device. If SYSLST is assigned to a magnetic-tape unit, records are written unblocked, and have a length dependent on the line length specified in the PTRLNG parameter. Except when PTRLNG=100, the record length is equal to PTRLNG + 1. When PTRLNG=100, the record length is 121 characters. The first character of each record corresponds to the Carriage-Control command that is the System/360 Channel Command Word (CCW) command byte (known as type A in the multiprogramming support (MPS) utility macro instructions). For this reason, the magnetic-tape unit must be either a 9-track unit or a 7-track unit with the Data Conversion Feature. DOS Job control writes 121-character records with an ASA control character (known as type D in the MPS utility macro instructions). The Emulator Program uses the type-A forms control character for throughput efficiency. Since most 1400 forms-control commands are of the form "write a line and space" or "skip after printing," the use of ASA codes causes two records to be written for each 1400 command (one for the line of print" the other for the forms movement after printing). Type -A control characters provide 'the print-and-space-after facility in one record. Multireel output files are supported since the Emulator Program writes a single tapemark at the end of the reel, rewinds, and unloads the unit upon detection of an end-of-reel condition. A tapemark is written on the beginning of the next reel. Upon termination of the 1400 program (either normally or abnormally), the Emulator Program writes a single tapemark to indicate end of file, then backspaces one record (past the tapemark) so that the next job in the job stream may continue to use the unit for SYSLST, or the unit may be rewound and unloaded to preserve the integrity of the file. No tape labels are written by, nor are any tape labels required by the Emulator Program. The tape unit is presumed to be properly positioned to write the first record prior to the execution of the 1400 program. If SYSLST is assigned to a disk unit, 121-character records are written unblocked within one extent (key length zero, data length 121). The first character of each record corresponds to the Carriage-control command, followed by the first 120 print positions. The remaining 12 print posi- Simulation of IBM 1401/1440/1460 Facilities 37 tions are truncated. DOS Job Control messages may be bypassed, except that all records are 121 bytes in length; therefore, the user must separate the records in some other manner, such as testing the first character of each record (forms-control character>. Proper DLBL and EXTENT cards must be submitted to DOS prior to the assignment of SYSLST to a disk unit; therefore, no label checking is required by the Emulator Program. File organization supported includes standard sequential (EXTENT Type 1) and split-cylinder sequential (EXTENT Type 12S). If end of extent is reached prior to the termination of the 1400 program, console message EC731 is displayed, and the 1400 program is abnormally terminated. The Emulator Program does npt close a disk file assigned to SYSLST upon termination of the 1400 program; therefore, the operator must issue a standard CLOSE command to SYSLST upon completion of the job stream. The number of records written on each disk track is 19 for the 2311 and 32 for the 2314. The user should calculate his file requirement to ensure that the assigned extent contains sufficient space to hold the file prior to the execution of the 1400 program. It should be noted that the 1400 Printer commands, which cause immediate spacing or skipping without writing a line, cause a record,to be written. If SYSLST is assigned to either tape or disk, and the CARRCTL=YES parameter option is not specified, the standard DOS linecount facility (initialized for each job to the value of the "LINECT=nn" parameter of the SET card, or to the standard value) is used to simulate end-of-form conditions (channel 9 or channel 12 in the carriagecontrol tape, but not both>~ As each line is written" the count is decremented by the number of lines spaced (e.g., a write and space two lines after print decrements the count by two). Since the number of lines skipped when simulating a skip to channels 2 through 11 cannot be predicted, the count is decremented by one. It is not desirable to assign SYSLST to a magnetic unit when the 1400 program prints a variable number of lines between form skips and a preprinted form is being used. To calculate the value to be used in the DOS "LINECT=nn" parameter, the number of lines written from the channel-l punch in the carriage-control tape to the channel-12 punch are counted, and to this are added the number of lines spaced betweep the two punches plus one for each immediate skip to channels 2 through 11. MAGNETIC-TAPE SIMULATION All magnetic-tape operation codes for the 1400 programs are supported. Process 3S overlap is treated in the same manner as described in the publication IBM System/360 Model 30 1401/1440/1460 Compatibility Feature, Form A24-3255. 7-track tapes should be specified to run the appropriate parity with the translator on and the converter off. Mixed even- and odd-parity tapes can be simulated only with a loss of read ahead capability. The following specifications, which are made in the DOS ASSGN card for assigning a logical I/O unit to a physical device, are used to specify mode settings for 7-track and 9-track tapes. The first six entries are valid only for 7-track tape. The last four entries are valid only for 9-track tape. If the mode setting is not specified in the ASSGN card, the system assumes odd parity at SOO bpi with the translator off and the converter on for 7-track tapes which can cause invalid recording of data for emUlation. X'CO' is the normal reset mode for a 9-track tape unit and specifies the maximum byte density for that device. x'CS' is an Alternate-mode setting for 9-track dual-density tapes only. The specifications are: Setting BPI X'2S' 200 X'3S' 200 X, 6 S' 556 X'7S' 556 X'AS, SOO X'BS' SOO X'CO' SOO X'CO' 1600 X'CO' 1600 X"CS' SOO parity even odd even odd even odd single-density 9-track single-density 9-track (phase-encoded) dual-density 9-track (phase-encoded) dual-density 9-track (phase-encoded) The operations performed by the Emulator Program are read, write, and control operations. Therefore" all logical IOCS fUnctions (i.e., label checking, blocking/ deblocking, etc.) remain the responsibil~ ty of the 1400 program with one exception. This exception is that the Emulator Program provides error recovery if mixed parity has not been specified for the given drive. A Tape Error Recovery routine is provided to simulate an operator-initiated diagnostic read and storage scan. Load-mode operations are supported, but they are not overlapped with processing or other tape operations. This is because Load-mode operations must support checkpoint records" which require the combining of all tape I/O buffers. A 16K 1400 checkpoint, as written by SORT 7, requires a System/360 I/O area in excess of 16,000 bytes. Checkpoint is, therefore, not feasible on a System/360 with less than 64K. The Emulator Program does not support read-ahead operations if the tape being read contains mixed even- and odd-parity records,. When the Emula tor Program recognizes a Read in the wrong mode, it sets the 1400 error indicator and returns to the 1400 program; thus, read-ahead operations on tape are impractical with mixed-parity tapes. Tape error recovery is performed by the 1400 program and not by the Disk Operating System. If the user wants the 1400 program to handle tape error recovery on a particular tape drive, he should specify mixed parity even though mixedparity records are not on the tape. 1400 tapes written or read by the Emulator Program are completely compatible with those written under machine compatibility or on,a 1400 system (provided 7-track tapes are used). System/360 volume and header labels are not supported by the Emulator Program. Alternate mode provides for the recording of either 6-bit binary or BCD data in standard EBCDIC format on 9-track tape operating in Compatibility mode. Use of Alternate mode is desirable when processing 6-bit binary information with System/360 programs. If specified at Emulator system generation, the Alternate tape mode of operation sets bit 1 to 1 (see Table 16, note 1). The input/output (external storage) EBCDIC should not be confused with the internal code used with the Compatibility Features. SeVen-Track Tape Data: Seven-track tape data is represented exactly as it is on 1400-series systems. Seven-track tape requires that the appropriate 7-Track Compatibility Feature be installed on the tape control unit to convert BCD data to EBCDIC, and that the 7-Track Read/Write Head be installed on the magnetic-tape unit. Magnetic-Tape Data Representation DIRECT-ACCESS SIMULATION Nine-Track Tape Data: The 9-track magnetic-tape output of 1400 compatibility applications is similar to the 9-track tape format used with normal System/360 operations, except that parity is represented by bit 1 of the byte. This allows for the processing of mixed-parity data on 9-track tape. With ~ parity, each 6-bit Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) character is represented by its corresponding BCDIC-8 bit configuration. (See Table 16.) Bit 1 of the BCDIC-8 character is always on (1). With ~ parity, each 6-bit BCD character is represented by its corresponding BCDIC-8 character representation as shown in Table 15. Bit 1 of the 8-bit BCDIC-8 byte is off (0). Exampl.e: Even parity: xlxxxxxx Odd parity: xOxxxxxx where wxw may be either 1 or o. A tape error is recognized during evenparity operations when bit 1 is a 0 and during odd-parity operations when bit 1 is a 1. The 9-track, Normal-mode, odd-parity tape format is not compatible with conventional EBCDIC System/360 tape. Its sole purpose is to preserve character compatibility between Emulators; for example, when card-to+tape operations are being performed on a 1401 Emulator and the output is to be input to a 1410 Emulator. The Emulator Programs support up to five 1311 Disk Storage Drives or one module of 1301 Disk Storage on 2311 Disk Storage Drives or, alternately, five 1311 drives and/or one module of a 1301 drive on 2314 Direct Access Storage Facilities. Alternately, a Model 1 or Model 2 1405 Disk Storage may be simulated. Simulation of the 1405, however, excludes simulation of 1301/1311. The five 1311 drives may be simulated on as few as two-and-a-half or as many as five disk packs on 2311s. // ASSGN cards may be used at object time to assign each 1311 to a 2311 or a 2314, and a parameter in the // 1400 control card specifies which half of the 2311 or which quadrant of a 2314 is to be used for the 1311 file(s). Hence, any 1311 can be simulated on, either half of any installed 2311 or on any quadrant of a 2314, with the necessary assignments made at object time. One module of 1301 Disk Storage requires five complete 2311 Disk Storage Drives or two-and-a-half disk packs on 2314 modules. These 2311 drives and 2314 modules must be separate and distinct from any 2311 drives and 2314 modules used to simulate 1311 Disk Storage Drives. The programmer logical units to be used for 1311 and 1301 simulation are assigned according to assembly parameter cards. Unless changed by the user, the following assignments for 1301 simulation on a 1111 are assumed: Simulation of IBM 1401/1440/1460 Facilities 39 1301 Sector Address 000000-039999 040000-079999 080000-119999 120000-159999 160000-199999 Programmer Logical Unit SYSOOl SYS002 SYS003 SYS004 SYS005 Unless changed by the user, the following assignments are assumed for 1301 simulation on a 2314: 1301 Sector Address 000000-079999 080000-159999 160000-199999 Programmer Logical Unit SYSOOl (Module 1) SYS002 (Module 2) SYS003 (Module 3) The assignment of these logical units to physical units is accomplished with the // ASSGN card used by DOS Job control. Both 1311 and 1301 are simulated by writing 100-character records without keys, 20 to the track. (Track record uses one 2980-character record without a key.) (See "Disk-Pack Initialization" in this section. ) A 1405 may be simulated in lieu of 1311 or 1301. In this instance, two 2311 drives or one module of a 2314 facility are required for a Mode1 1 and four 2311 drives or two modules of a 2314 facility for a Model 2. As with 1311 simulation, the programmer logical units are assigned in the macro generation. Each 2311 contains twenty-five thousand and each 2314 module contains fifty thousand 200-character records. All disk operations are supported, including Load mode, track record, sector count overlay, and scan disk. Disk errors are handled in System/360 mode, so the 1400 is never informed of disk error conditions. Therefore, those programs that depend on error conditions from disk in order to run may not run correctly (e.g., cylinder overflow). Seek operations are overlapped with subsequent processing or other I/O operations, as are write operations. Read operations are not overlapped, since the assumption is made that processing is random in most cases. Write-check operations may be optionally accomplished by specifying VERIFY=YES at assembly time. In order to provide maximum overlap, this write check is not performed when requested by the 1400 program, but is done on a delayed basis. If VERIFY=YES is not specified at assembly time, the 1400 program Write-Check instruction is treated as a No-Operation. However, when specified, the time for performing disk write operations may be increased by as much as 50 percent. The 1311/1301 disk control field is updated by a write-check operation. I 40 Disk-Pack Initialization Emulator/DOS 1311 and/or 1301 disk routines are designed to operate with formatted 1316 (on the 2311) and 2316 (on the 2314) disk packs. That is, each track must be written with either 100-character or 2980-character records without keys prior to accessing it under the Emulator Programs. This may be done using the DOS Initialize Disk and Clear Disk utility programs, with or without the option for assigning cylinder 200 as a prime data cylinder, and specifying the appropriate parameters for clearing or initializing tracks or sectors. The only times that the option for assigning cylinder 200 as a prime data cylinder is selected is when the user wishes to simulate: (1) two 1311 drives on one 2311, (2) four 1311 drives on one 2314 module, or (3) one module of the 1301 on either a 2311 or 2314. The Emulator Program reads and writes 100-character records when the 1400 program requests sector operations (either Move or Load mode) and 2980-character records when the 1400 program requests track-record operations (either Move or Load mode). When Load-mode operations are performed, the 1400 program either gets or puts the first 90 characters of the 100-character records or the first 2682 characters of the 2980-character records. The reason the Emulator Programs do not read and write 90- or 2682- character records is that such an approach makes it impossible for the Emulator Programs to alternately use a track for both Move- and Load-mode operations, such as is done in 1400 disk sort programs. The Model 30 stand-alone Compatibility Feature and the Model 40 stand-alone Emulator Program write compatible move-mode records on the first half of a 1316 (i.e." cylinders 1 through 100). However, Model 40 stand-alone emulator load-mode records on the first half of a 1316 are not compatible with the Emulator Programs under DOS because these load-mode records are 90 or 2682 characters in length. 1311 Disk Initialization: the Emulator Programs under DOS use cylinders 1 through 100 to simulate a 1311 on the first half of a 2311, just as straight compatibility does. (Tracks 0 and 1 of cylinder 0 are reserved for the volume label and VTOC and are not used by the Emulator Programs.) In addition, the Emulator Programs under DOS use cylinders 101 through 200 to simulate a 1311 on the second half of a 2311. On a 2314, the Emulator Programs use cylinders 1 through 50 and heads 0 through 19 to simulate a 1311 on the first quadrant, cylinders 51 through 100 and heads 0 through 19 to simulate a 1311 on the second quadrant, cylinders 101 through 150 and heads 0 through 19 to simulate a 1311 on the third quadrant, and cylinders 151 through 200 and heads 0 through ,19 to simulate a 1311 on the fourth quadrant. Users who run their programs under 1400 emulation under DOS first must initialize their disk packs using the DOS Initialize Disk utility program. If the user desires to simulate two 1311 drives on a 2311 or four 1311 drives on a 2314, he must use the stacked-disk option in the DOS Initialize Disk program. Normally, the user then runs the DOS Clear Disk utility program for clearing and formatting unstacked packs. For stacked packs, he uses the stacked-disk option in the DOS Clear Disk utility program.~ In using the stacked-disk option in the DOS Clear Disk utility program, the user should specify a high expiration date of 99365 to reserve an extent in the VTOC, thus preventing Emulator-allocated space from being allocated to another file. Since cylinder 200 normally is used for alternate tracks, users desiring to simulate two 1311 drives on a 2311 (four on a 2314) or a 1301 on a 2311 or 2314 must use the stacked-disk option in the DOS Initialize Disk utility program to initialize the 1316 or 2316 packs for use by the Emulator Programs. Normally, the DOS Initialize Disk program assigns defective tracks to alternate tracks beginning on cylinder 200 and indicates the correct number of unassigned alternate tracks in the Format 4 label. Optionally, tracks 2 to 9 of cylinder 0 and cylinders 201 and 202 are assigned as alternate tracks, with cylinder 200 assigned as a prime data track. If the entire disk pack is dedicated to emUlation under DOS (stacked), cylinder 200 is used as a data track. If the entire disk pack is not dedicated (unstacked), cylinder 200 is used as an alternate track. If a pack that formerly used cylinder 200 as a data track is released for open-shop use, the pack should be reformatted with the normal option of the DOS Initialize Disk utility program prior to release. ize Disk utility program, using the option for cylinder 200. The 2311/2314 drives should be cleared with the DOS Clear Disk utility program, using the option for cylinder 200 and specifying a key length of o and a data length of 100 for sector operations and a key length of 0 and a data length of 2980 for full-track operations. 1405 Disk Initialization: 1405 disk routines are designed to operate with formatted 1316 or 2316 disk packs: however, all operations (sector and track) require 200-character records. Load-mode operations are accomplished in the same manner as described for the 1311. The disk packs should be initialized normally with the DOS Initialize Disk utility program. The user must clear the 1316 and 2316 disk packs to 200-character records (key length of zero) with the DOS Clear Disk utility program from cylinder 1, head 0 to cylinder 193., head 9 for the 2311, and cylinder 1, head 0 to cylinder 110, head 19 for the 2314. Cylinders 111 to 199 of the 2314 module are available to the user, as are cylinders 194 to 199 of the 2311. CONSOLE INQUIRY SIMULATION AUTOCODER/COBOL assemblies can be accomplished under the Emulator programs with generally improved timings. The AUTOCODER system pack can be simulated on either half of a 2311 or either quadrant of a 2314 and should be preformatted to all 100-character records. It can be built under the Emulator Programs from standard card input, using normal 1400 system generation procedures. Read and Write Console Printer instructions in Move or Load mode are supported when OSINQRY=1400 or YES. A single console Read instruction transfers up to 50 characters including wordmarks entered from the console and places a groupmark with a wordmark after the last character entered. A single console Write instruction types 200 characters or those characters preceding a groupmark with a wordmark. Wordmarks in Load mode count as a character. Write Console Printer instructions in Move mode only, having a data length exceeding 200 characters, can be executed by inserting a carrier-return line feed functional control character (]) in the 1400 program data field at intervals of 200 characters maximum. Read Console Printer instructions in Load mode can be executed. However, a groupmark/wordmark in 1400 storage does not lock the Printer-Keyboard, and the operator may continue to type data. When the Emulator Program encounters a groupmark/wordmark in 1400 storage while transferring data, data transfer is stopped. In order to determine if a groupmark/wordmark has stopped data transfer, the DISPLAY operator service function can be used. The Emulator Program does not support the functional control character tabulate ([). The console inquiry Q latch function is also supported when OSINQRY=1400 or YES. 1301 Dksk Initialization: Users of a 1301 drive on the 2311/2314 should initialize the 2311/2314 drives with the DOS Initial- The 1052 Printer-Keyboard emUlates the 1407 or 1447 Console Inquiry Station. The correlation of the functions of the 1407/ Simulation of IBM 1401/1440/1460 Facilities 41 Table 10. Correspondence of 1407/1447 Functions With 10S2 Functions r-------------------T--------------------T----------------------------------------------, I 1407 Function I 1447 Function I 10S2 Function I ~-------------------t--------------------t----------------------------------------------1 I REQUEST key I TYPE key I Console INTERRUPT key I I I I wEC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION n I I I I nINQUIRY 1400 W reply I I I I ALTN CODING KEY AND wsn key (EOB) I ~-------------------t--------------------t----------------------------------------------i I ENTER light I PROCEED light I PROCEED light I ~-------------------t--------------------t----------------------------------------------1 I RESPOND key I RELEASE key I ALTN CODING key and WS" key (EOB) I ~-------------------t--------------------t----------------------------------------------1 I CLEAR key-light I CANCEL key-light , For Read Operation: I ,L___________________ , ____________________ , ______________________________________________ ALTN CODING key and "0" key (CANCEL) JI ~ Table 11. ~ Dissimilar Graphics: vs. 10S2 1407/1447 Table 12. ,r------'--------------T--------------------, , , 1407/1447 ,corresponding I Character '10S2 Character , I ~--------------------t--------------------i , I : I • I ~--------------------t--------------------1 , v , n , ~--------------------t--------------------i I > I = I I D I : I I ill- I ? I , fj. I , ~--------------------t--------------------1 ~--------------------t--------------------~ ~--------------------t--------------------i , n I < I ~--------------------t--------------------i , ,~--------------------t--------------------i [ I ( , ~--------------------t--------------------i , $ , , I Translated Codes and Graphic Symbol Differences r--------T------~----------------T-------, I I BCD ,System/360 8-BitIEBCDIC I Card 'GraphiclCode Sent to the 'Graphic , Printer I Symbol I I Code 'Symbol I ~--------t-------t----------------t-------i , 12-8-S I [ , 0100 0000 ,blank I I t--------t-------t----------------t-------i , 12-8-6 I < I 0100 0000 Iblank , ~--------t-------t----------------t-------1 , 12-8-7 * I 0100 0000 I blank I r--------t---,----t----------------t-------i I 12 , & + I 0101 0000 I & I ~ ~--------t-------t----------------t-------i , 11-8-5 I ] I 0100 0000 I blank I t--------t-------t----------------t-------1 I 11-8-6 I : I 0100 0000 I blank I ~--------t-------t----------------t-------i , 11-8-7, fj. , 0100 0000 ,blank I ~--------t-------t----------------t-------i , 0-8-5 I I 0100 0000 ,blank I ~--------t-------t----------------t-------i , 0-8-6 I , I 0100 0000 ,blank , ,~--------------------t--------------------i , , > , t--------t-------t----------------t-------i , 0-8-7, 0100 0000 ,blank , t--------t-------t----------------t-------i , 8-2 , D I 0100 0000 ,blank I t--------------------t--------~-----------i ~--------f-------t----------------t-------i r--------------------t--------------------i I ? , g , t--------t-------+----------------+-------i I 8-6 I > I 0100 0000 ,blank , r--------f-------t----------------t-------i , 8-7 I v I 0100 0000 I blank , t--------f-------f----------------t-------i I 12-0 , ? , 0101 0000 I i I ,~--------------------t--------------------i < , + , I ] , ) I ~--------------------t--------------------i I ! , P , r--------------------t--------------------i , b , space , r--------------------t--------------------i , , w , r--------------------t--------------------i , ____________________ ... , ____________________ x , L ~ ~ 42 J ill- , 8-5 I : , I 0100 0000 I blank I ~------t-------t----------------f-------i 11-0 , ! I 0110 0000 ,, I t--------f-------t----------------f-------i ,+ , , ________ 0-8-2, _______ ... , ________________ 0100 1110 L _______ J ~ ~ ~ 1447 with Table 10. those of the 1052 are shown in There are certain differences between the 1407/1447 graphics and those of the 1052. The 1407/1447 record mark (*), exclamation mark (!), and question mark (?) are not produced by the 1052. Substituted for these special characters are the lowercase alphabetics ·x·, ft p ., and ft g ., respectively. A wordmark is represented on the 1052 by an underscore (_) preceding the character associated with the wordmark. A word separator character is represented as a lower-case w. The graphics of the 1052 that are dissimilar to those produced by the 1407/1447 are listed in Table 11. DIFFERENCES IN PRINTER GRAPHICS System/360 EBCDIC graphic symbols for certain card codes differ from 1400-series system BCD graphic symbols. Some of these character codes are translated by the Emulator Programs into codes for which the graphic symbols correspond to 1400-series system symbols. Table 12 shows those codes transmitted to the printer which require translation or have graphic symbol differences. The Print Word Mark instruction is emulated as in the 1460 system. A groupmark character is printed in the wordmark line as ft2ft: a groupmark with wordmark as ·3". Simulation of IBM 1401/1440/1460 Facilities 43 CONT·ROL CARDS EMULAT.OR JOB CONTROL CARDS • // CCTL The job control cards for 1400 programs appearing in a job stream should be as follows: If the carriage-control-tape image option is desired. See "The // CCTL Control Cards" in this section. • .// JOB jobname • 1400 object deck or • // ASSGN • // FETCH card and/or • 1400 data cards If 1400 devices are reassigned. • // UPSI The User Program Switch Indicator (UPSI) card is used to set 1400 sense switches. UPSI bits 0-6 coincide with sense switches A-G. A 1 in the appropriate bit position indicates that the sense switch should be initially set on for this run; a 0 indicates off. All sense switches are initialized off when a // JOB card is encountered. Sense switch A should not normally be set on for a run unless the user wants the first 1400 test for last card to be successful. The Emulator Program sets sense switch A on when it encounters a /* card. • // EXEC euname "euname" is the name given by the user to his Emulator Program. It is the same name as that punched into the name field of the EU30/EU40 macro when it was generated. • // 1400 Always required. See "The // 1400 Control Card" in this section. • // TAPE If nonstandard block sizes, mixed parity on 7-track, or 9-track compatibility is desired. See "The // TAPE Control Card" in this section. • // DVOL Verification of a given volume serial number(s) for a disk pack(s) accessed by the Emulator Program is desired. See "The // DVOL Control Card" in this section. 44 • /* Always required. • /& If end of job stream. If DOS is logging job control statements (// OPTION LOG card before the // EXEC card), the Emulator control cards are printed on SYSLOG in card-image format. It . is possible to correct Emulator Control card errors (on // 1400, // TAPE, // DVOL, and // CCTL cards) by typing a correct response on the console typewriter. If LOG is specified, the control card in error will be the last card printed on the console output. Information on an invalid control card is not accepted by the Emulator program. (See Operator Message EC29D.) THE // 1400 CONTROL CARD Each 1400 program to be executed under the Emulator Program requires, immediately following the // EXEC card, an Emulator control card of the following format: / / 1400 name, a,b, c, dr, e, f,o f2f£tfef!8' g, hhhhh There can be only one // 1400 control card per job. Until a valid // 1400 control card is read or the job is cancelled, any other card read is considered a control card error. The card is free form in the same manner as all other job control cards. At least one blank must separate the "//" from the operation code (1400) and at least one blank must separate the operation code from the operands. The operands are positional and conform to the standard rules for writing positional parameters; that is" any or all operands may be omitted" but if one operand is omitted and a following operand is included, the comma following the operand must be included. first drive 1, just as if the operator had pressed the TAPE LOAD key on a 1400~ In this case, data cards or, if no card input, a /* card immediately follows the // 1400 control card. For ex.:ample: // 1400 All operands have default values. • C Specifies that the 1400 program is to be loaded from cards, but is not to be executed. Instead, the Emulator Program punches a System/ 360 object module from the 1400 program that can be cataloged by the user into his Core-Image Library. The 1400 object deck (or overlay) must immediately follow the // 1400 control card. Overlay programs may not be cataloged on the Model 40 .• // 1400 PAYROL"b",e Operands "a", "c", "dR, "fof2f4f6fe", "g", and "hhhhh" have default values. // 1400 ,a,b The name is blank and all operands after "b" have default values. The meaning of the default values are: operands and their • D Specifies that the 1400 program is to be loaded from the Core-Image Library and executed. In this case, the // FETCH card, punched by the Emulator Program as a part of the catalog function, must immediately follow the // 1400 control card, or // TAPE, // DVOL, and // CCTL control cards if included. Otherwise, the job is cancelled. name Specifies the name of the 1400 program to be executed. This name is used in logging the start and end of job messages, and is the name under which the 1400 program is cataloged in the Core-Image Library if cataloging is requested. This operand may consist of from 1 to 6 characters or may be omitted. If used in the catalog function, it should be 6 characters. Names less than 6 characters in length are left-justified and filled with blanks when they appear in the start and end messages. If "name R is greater than 6 characters, only the first 6 bytes are used. b When cataloging is not being done, this parameter is used to specify a 1400 storage dump on an abnormal job termination. If this parameter is omitted or if it is other than a 1, a 1400-style main storage dump accompanies abnormal job termination. In addition a System/360 main storage dump is provided if the test-mode option in the // 1400 control card is specified as "SR. If "b" is a 1, no dump occurs. Parameter may be coded a 1 if preprinted forms are in SYSLST or SYSLST is assigned to a magnetic unit. This parameter takes on special meaning when the catalog option is being executed. By coding this parameter with a 1, the catalog routine will interpret this to mean that either a non-overlaying 1400 program, or the first (root) section of an overlaying 1400 program is being cataloged. This will conserve library space and improve retrieval time. Subsequent sections of overlaying 1400 programs must not specify a 1 in this parameter when cataloging. This parameter has its normal meaning when the 1400 program is actually executed. a Specifies the 1400 load device. This parameter may be a 1, 2, C, D, or it may be omitted. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to making it a 1. The meanings for the values of "a" are: • 1 Specifies that the 1400 program is to be loaded from cards or the unit assigned to SYSIPT, and immediately follows the // 1400 control card" and / / TAPE, / / DVOL, and // CCTL control cards if included. If the user wishes to have the Emulator Program move the input/output control system (IoeS) date ("yyddd") into those positions in which 1400 logical IOCS expects it (82-86 and 195-199), he should remove the two clearstorage cards from his 1400 object program. The Emulator Program clears 1400 storage to blanks. • 2 specifies that the 1400 program is to be loaded from the logical tape drive corresponding to 1400 tape c Specifies an input card stacker option for 1402 simulation or both the input and output stacker options for 1442 simulation. This parameter can be Control Cards 45 used to specify simulation of Read Stacker Select instructions or to specify a stacker for all input cards following the // 1400 control card up to and including the /* card. On the Model 40, the parameter is also used to specify a 1400 branch-on-readererror option. The proper values for the Model 30 are 1, 2, 3, or omitted. The proper values for the Model 40 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or omitted. If this parameter is omitted, all cards go into stacker 1. stacker. Using this parameter for a program in which Punch Stacker Select commands are not issued results in a loss of punch overlap. If SYSPCH is assigned to a tape or disk device, ao- (no stacker selection) or al-character (with stacker selection) records are written based on this parameter. In the latter case, the first character is the DOS code for stacker selection. • When simulating a 1442 card read punch, nd" specifies whether or not punching into the same card is required when a 1442 Card Read Punch is being simulated by a 1442 or 2520 Card Read Punch. If nd n is a 1, read punch update is desired and input cards are not read ahead. If "d" is omitted or specified as other than a 1, input cards are read ahead. If nc n is coded as a 1 or 2, all input cards are read ahead and directed to the R2 or RP3 stackers, respectively. This is the recommended coding, since card-read speed is maximized and full overlap occurs. If ncR is coded as a 3, input cards are not read ahead, but are stackerselected according to the 1400 program. (READRSS=YES must be specified when the Emulator Program is generated.) A // LC card must be placed just ahead of the last data card the 1400 program is to read. The card, which is not passed to the 1400, is directed to the Rl stacker. A /* card should be included following the last data card. It should be noted that a reduction in card throughput fesults if stacker selection is simulated. This parameter, if specified ap 3, is ignored for a catalog 0pEEration. I t "c n is coded as a 4, 5, 6, or 7 (applicable to the Model 40 only), the same stacker select options are provided as when the parameter is omitted, or coded as a 1, 2, or 3, respectively. In addition, the 1400 branch-on-reader-error option is activated. When an invalid BCD character is encountered by the reader, control is returned to the 1400 program to process the reader error, and message EC49 is suppressed. e Specifies a 1400 halt option. If "eft is a 1, operator restart is possible after 1400 halts other than end of job. (See "Operator Messages" in the nConsole Messages" section.) If "en is other than a 1, or if it is omitted, 1400 halts other than end of job are considered abnormal termination and result in the termination of the 1400 job. If OSDUMP=YES is specified at Emulator Program generation, a 1400-style main storage dump is provided.' fof2f4 f 6 f 8 SpEcifies either a punch stacker select option or a punch option depending on the 1400 device to be simulated. The meanings for the value of nd" are: Specifies a disk part option. The five characters in the parameter correspond to 1311 disk drives 0, 2, 4, 6, and a, respectively. A disk part option may be specified for each of the five drives starting with drive o. If less than five are specified, the high-numbered drives are defaulted to O. Each character of the parameter may be coded as either a 0 or a 1 for simulation on a 2311, and a 0, 1, 2, or 3 for simulation on a 2314. • When simulating a 1402, "d" specifies a punch stacker select option for 1402 simUlation. If ad" is a 1 and PUNCHSS=YES is specified when the Emulator Program is generated, punch stacker selection is simulated. If "d n is other than a 1, or if it is omitted, all punched cards are directed to the normal punch For simUlation on a 2311, a 0 indicates that the respective 1311 drive is to be simulated on the first 100 cylinders of the 2311 to which this file is assigned; that is, cylinders 1 through 100. A 1 indicates that the respective 1311 drive is to be simulated on cylinders 101 through 200 of its assigned 2311 unit. For simula- d 46 • When simulating a 1444 card punch, stacker selection is automatic if PUNCHSS=YES, and parameter nd n is ignored. tion on a 2314, a 0 indicates that the respective 1311 drive is to be simulated on cylinders 1-50, using heads 0-19, of the first quadrant of the 2314 to which this file is assigned. A 1 indicates that the respective 1311 drive is to be simulated on cylinders 51-100, using heads 0-19, of the second quadrant of the 2314 to which this file is assigned. A 2 indicates that the respective 1311 drive is to be simulated on cylinders 101-150, using heads 0-19, of the third quadrant of the 2314 to which this file is assigned. A 3 indicates that the respective 1311 drive is to be simulated on cylinders 151-200, using heads 0-19, of the fourth quadrant of the 2314 to which this file is assigned. • T Specifies that the 1400 program is to be executed in the "Test Mode" which causes 1400 program errors to be trapped automatically to the Operator Services routine in the Emulator Program. This permits the operator to attempt to restart the 1400 program using the operator service functions. A 1400 style storage dump is provided automatically if OSDUMP=YES is specified at Emulator Program generation. • S Provides all of the "Test Mode" functions provided by "T". Additionally, provides a System/360 main storage dump following 1400style storage dumps. I Examples: 01010 - 1311 disk drives 0, 4, and 8 are to be simulated on the first 100 cylinders of their assigned 2311 units, which must be different 2311 units. 1311 disk drives 2 and 6 are to be simulated on the second 100 cylinders of their assigned 2311 units, which must be different units. 01230 - 1311 disk drive 0 is to be simulated on cylinders 1-50, using heads 0-19, of the first quadrant of the assigned 2314. 1311 disk drive 2 is to be simulated on cylinders 51-100, using heads 0-19, of the second quadrant of the assigned 2314. 1311 disk drive 4 is to be simulated on cylinders 101-150, using heads 0-19, of the third quadrant of the assigned 2314. 1311 disk drive 6 is to be simulated on cylinders 151-200, using heads 0-19, of the fourth quadrant of the assigned 2314. 1311 disk drive 8 is to be simulated on cylinders 1-50, using heads 0-19, of the first quadrant of the assigned 2314, which must be a different 2314 than the unit to which drives 0, 2, 4, and 6 are assigned. Stacking of disk packs can reduce disk throughput to the 1400 program if sequential access organization is being used. ~: g Specifies a test-mode option. This parameter is coded either S or T (or TEST). The meanings for the values are: If "g" is coded other than an S or T, or if is omitted, 1400 program errors result 1n an abnormal job termination. ~t hhhhh End-of-job instruction address (1STAR) option. When the Emulator Program is generated, standard end-of-job halt indications can be specified through the EOJAADR and EOJBADR parameters. If the user has standard endof-job halts, the Emulator Program will automatically transfer control to DOS Job Control upon encountering a halt instruction whose A and/or B address equaled the values specified by the EOJAADR and EOJBADR parameters. The "hhhhh" parameter, issued at execution time, enables the user to supply the instruction address of the end-of-job halt unique to the particular 1400 program. The EOJ halt instruction address is always compared first to the contents of the A- and/or B-address registers (if the parameters were specified) and then is compared with the value supplied in this parameter. This parameter is specified as a five-digit decimal number with leading zeros and having a maximum value of 15999. THE // TAPE CONTROL CARD Standard tape I/O buffer assignments are made when the Emulator Program is generated through the "BLKSIZu=nnnn" parameters, where "un refers to the 1400 tape unit number. These standard buffer assignments may be changed at execution time through the use of the // TAPE control card. The general format of the // TAPE control card is as follows: // TAPE u 1 =nnnnn,y,u2=nnnnn,y., ••• Control Cards 47 The card is free form in the same manner as all other job control cards. At least one blank must separate the "//" from the operation code (TAPE) and at least one blank must separate the operation code from the operand(s). The operands are positional and must be separated from each other by a comma; the first blank encountered terminates the operands. The remainder of the card may be used for comments. As many // TAPE control cards as desired may be used: continuation cards, however, are not allowed. The tape buffers are reset to the stand~rd values upon termination of each 1400 program.. The meaning of the operands are as follows: specified, tape errors are passed to the 1400 program for processing. If parameter "y" is omitted, "B" is assumed. Even though the "y" parameter is positional" if the "yft parameter is omitted, the comma must be omitted .. Examples: // TAPE 3=1000,A 1400 tape drive 3 is allotted 1000 bytes of the tape buffer area., which allow a maximum of 999 characters to be read or written as one physical block on 1400 tape unit 3 in the Move mode. In addition, 1400 tape unit 3 is assigned to a tape to be written in mixed, odd or even parity. u Specifies the number (from 1 to 6) of the 1400 tape unit to be assigned to the I/O buffer area. nnnnn // TAPE 1=0,2=580 Specifies the amount of storage to be allocated for the tape I/O buffer. This value must exceed by at least one byte the physical block size of all records read or written from this unit in the Move mode. 1400 tape drive 1 is not used in this program, freeing the standard block size for unit 1 for use by any other unit. 1400 tape drive 2 is allotted 579 bytes of the tape buffer area. y Specifies the mode of 7- or 9-track tape that is being used. .yft may be either an A or B. The meanings for these values are: • A For 7-track tape; either even, odd, or mixed parity as determined by the mode specified in the 1400 program instruction. For 9-track tape; either even, odd, or mixed parity as determined by the mode specified in the 1400 program instruction. Parity is indicated by the setting of bit 1. For example: THE // OVaL CONTROL CARD The optional // DVOL control card identifies the volume serial numbers of disk packs for which volume serial number verification is to be performed by the Emulator Program at initialization time. To·use this option, the DVOL=YES parameter must be specified at Emulator Program generation time. Verification is performed between the data specified in the control card and the unique volume serial number in the Standard Volume Label. The general format of the // DVOL control card is as follows: // DVOLyyyy DISKn=xxxxxx •••• even parity: odd parity: X1XXXXXX XOXXXXXX where X may be either a 0 or 1. • B For 7-track tape; the mode specified in the DOS // ASSGN card. ~F~o~r~_9~-_t~r~a~c~k~_t~a~p~e; (Bit 1 = 1). alternate mode For example: even parity: odd parity: X1XXXXXX X1XXXXXX where X may be either a 0 or 1. "Aft may be specified only when TAPEMOD= MXEDPAR is specified at Emulator Program generation. When ftA" and "MXEDPAR" are 48 Where "yyyy" is the 1400 DASD device type for which verification of volume serial number is to be performed. ftyyyy" must be specified as either a type 1301, 1311, or 1405. The card is free form in the same manner as all other job control cards. At least one blank must separate the "//" from the operation code (DVOL) and at least one blank must separate the operation code from the operand(s)., As many // DVOL control cards as desired may be used; continuation cards" however" are not allowed. The meaning of the operand is as follows: DISKn Specifies the 1400 disk drive on which the disk pack is mounted. "n" is the 1400 disk drive number (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8). See the "DISKu=SYSnnn and D1301u= SYSnnn" parameters under "Description of Disk Parameters" in the "Program Generation" section. xxxxxx specifies the volume serial (six alphameric characters). number Although the use of the // DVOL control card is optional, it is recommended that the volume serial number verification capability be used to avoid the possibility of the 1400 program accessing the wrong disk pack in the DOS multiprogramming environment. Additional verification may be performed at the operator's option for 1311 direct-access storage devices assigned through the DVOL OISKn and OVOL DISKn= xxxxxx operator service functions. (See "Available Functions" in the Operator Service Functions section.) The operator initiated option is not available for 1301 and 1405 direct-access storage devices because they are considered fixed devices that are not changeable during execution of a 1400 program. THE .// CCTL CONTROL CARDS The // CCTL control cards provide the Emulator Program with the carriage-controltape image. The CARRCTL=YES parameter option must be specified at EmulatorProgram generation time to use this option. If only one card is needed to define the carriage-control-tape image, the // CCTL control card should be used. If two cards are needed, the // CCTLl and // CCTL2 control cards should be used. A CCTLl card must be read before a CCTL2 card is considered valid. If a CCTLl card is read, there must be a CCTL2 card or the job will be cancelled. The formats of the // CCTL control cards are as follows: r----------T------------------------------, 11 3 4 9110 801 ~----------+------------------------------i 1// CCTL I'Lines 1-69 of the I carriage tape image' I (up to 69 lines) _____________________________ JI I I IL__________ I ~ r---.------T------------------------------, 11 3 4 9110 801 ~----------+-----------------------------i 1// I CCTLl I'Lines 1-69 of the I I . carriage tape image'l I I (up to 69 lines) L-_________ ______________________ JI ~------ r----------T--------------------------T---' 9110 141 8 0 1 11 3 4 ~----------+------------.--------------+--..;~ 1// CCTL2 1'Lines 10-132 of the 1 1 I I carriage tape image' 1 1 (up to 63 lines) I __..;JI I__________ 1__________________________ L ~ ~ Note: 132 lines is the maximum form size for the 1403 or 1443 printer. The card is free form in the manner of other job control cards. At least one blank must separate the "//" from the operation CCTL (or CCTLn) and at least one blank must separate the operation from the carriage tape image. An apostrophe is used to delimit the image in each card. Although the card is free form, it is suggested that the apostrophe be in column 10 of the first card to simplify the positioning of the control punches. If this is done, adding 10 to the line number of the control tape will determine the line location on the card. Thus, tape line 4 would be positioned in column 14 (see Figure 5). Frequently, carriage-control tapes are made with the form image repeated several times. One image in the // CCTL card(s) is all that the Emulator Program requires, however, the form image may be repeated exactly as on the carriage-control tape. Each column in the card represents a line on the carriage-control tape, and the rows of the card correspond to the channels of the tape. The punches are as follows: Card Punch 12 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 Channel Punch 12 11 10 1 2 3-4 5 6 1 8 9 A maximum of two punches is allowed in each card column; if there are two punches, one must be a 12 or 9 punch. At 1400-program execution time, the Emulator Program automatically initializes the carriage-control tape on the printer to channell. A carriage-control tape and a // CCTL control card for an l1-inch form to be printed at 6 lines per inch is illustrated in Figure 5. A carriage control tape and // CCTL control cards for a 14-inch form to be printed at 6 lines per inch is illustrated in Figure 6. READ OPERATION CONTROL CARDS Six read operation control cards are used by the Emulator Programs to control 1400 program read operations. These cards, when required, must be placed at appropriate positions in the 1400 program data cards. Control Cards 49 The read operation control cards (with the exception of the // FETCH card) are prepared by the user in a standard format. All cards are punched with a // in columns 1 and 2. a blank in column 3, and the operation code in columns 4 and 5. The // FETCH card is punched in the proper format by the Emulator Program during cataloging operations. The functions of the control cards are as follows: • // CB - This card is required only when performing column-binary operations. The control card must be placed following the // 1400, // TAPE, // CCTL, and // DVOL emulator job control cards, and prior :to the first column-binary data card. (For more details, see "Card Read Punch Simulation" in the section on "Simulation of I/O -Devices.") • // FETCH - This card is automatically produced by the Emulator Programs during a catalog run of a 1400 program. The card is required only when executing a cataloged 1400 program. (For more details, see "Fetching" in the section on "programming Considerations.") • // LC - This card is used as a data delimiter card, and is required by the Emulator Program when performing either 1442 read-punch-update simulation, or read-stacker-select simulation. This card is placed just prior to the last data card in the deck. Although this card is not required for other operations, it is suggested that both the // LC and the conventional /* cards be used. (For more details, see "Card Read Punch Simulation" in the section on ·Simulation of I/O Devices.") • // IP - This card is required when the user desires to read Emulator job control cards from SYSRDR and 1400 programs or data from tape or disk (SYSROPT=YES). Upon encountering the // IP control card, reading operations are transferred from SYSRDR to SYSIPT. Thus, when this card is used, SYSRDR and SYSIPT must be specified on separate programmer logical units and the SYSIO parameter must specify SYSIPT on either tape or disk (SYSIO 100). The // IP control card is placed in the card reader following the // 1400, // TAPE, // CCTL, and // DVOL emulator 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 12131415161118192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869101172131415 1111111111 l' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3331111333333333333313333333333333333333333333333333 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33333333333313333333 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 5 5- 5 5 5 5 5 5 51 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 5 5 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 81 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 18 8 8 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 1011 1213 14 15 16 1118 19 20 11 '! 23141526112829303132 33 3435 36 31 38 39 40 41 42434445464148495051 515354555651585960616163646' 66 6168 691011 127314151611 181q 80 Figure 50 5.. Carriage-Control Tape and // CCTL Control Card for ii-Inch Form 2 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 ,9 1 121314 IS 16 17 18191011 122324 2S 26 17 1e 19 30 31 323334353637383940414243 444S 46 47 48 49 SO SI S1 S3 S4 SS SSSI 5iS9 60 61616364 6S 66 6168 69 10 II 121374751617 78 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,2 2 2 2 2.2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3331111333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3 3 3 3333333333333333333333333 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 51 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5' 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 I 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666£66666666666666666666666666666666 7 7 7 7 7 77 77 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8888888881888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 8 8 8 8 8 88888888888888888888881 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011 1113141516111819201112131415 Z[, 111819 30 3131333435363138394041424344454641484950515253 S4 5\ 56 51 58 5960 61616364 65 6667 56 69 70 7171 n I~ 157617 781980 IBM L~.ID Figure 6. carriage-control Tape and // CCTL Control Cards for 14-Inch Form job coptrol cards. The only read operation control card that may be included in the same program as this control card is the // FETCH card. The // FETCH card may either precede or follow the // IP card. Reading operations are returned to SYSRDR by the DOS supervisor following 1400 end of job. - This card is required only when simulating 1442 punch-feed-read operations on a system/360 2540 Card Read Punch. Since cards are not preread during punch-feed-read operations, a // LC card must also be included. The // PR card conditions the Emulator Program, to read all of the following cards from the punch side of the 2540. Thus', all data cards, including the // LC control card and the conventional /* card must be on the 2540. For proper operation a blank card must be • / / P.R placed in front of the first data card. (For more details, see "Card R~ad Punch Simulation" in the section on "S~mulation of I/O Devices.") , • // 51 - This card is required only when performing 51-column cut card operations. The control card must be placed just prior to the first 51column data card. The control card causes an operator message to be issued requesting the operator to mount the 51-Column Interchangeable Read Feed Feature. (For more details, see "Card Read Punch Simulation" in the section on "Simulation of I/O Devices.") The control cards // CB, // IP, // PR., and // 51 are mutually exclusive and combinations of these cards in the same 1400 program are not supported. Control Cards 51 PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATIONS INQUIRY Standard System/360 inquiry programs can be called from the Core-Image Library and executed while under control of the Emulator Program if OSINQRY is specified at Emulator system generation. This should not be confused with the multiprogramming facilities of DOS, since the inquiry program is called as a background program phase. All 1400 program processing is stopped while an inquiry program is being executed. Inquiry programs that have already been written in Assembly Language require minor modifications to be linkageedited and called under the Emulator Program because certain programming considerations must be met: • The inquiry program must be linkageedited with the generated Emulator Program. The PHASE card required for the inquiry program is as follows: PHASE progname,INQPROG where INQPROG is a label defined in the Emulator Program as an ENTRY. The "progname" must adhere to standard phase name restrictions and is the name used by the operator when requesting an INQUIRY. • The program must not exceed 2,980 bytes of storage; it may, however, contain multiple overlay phases. • Upon completion of the inquiry program, when the user would normally code the EOJ macro, control is passed tack to the Emulator Program, and in turn back to the 1400 program, by executing the following instructions: L l,=V(INQEXIT) BR 1 • Any I/O device may be used except the card reader and the magnetic-tape units used by the 1400 program. Disk-storage drives may be referenced by the inquiry program without' interfering with the 1400 program. The user is cautioned against altering data on disk that is being referenced by the 1400 program because the result of the 1400 program may not agree with expected control totals. 52 CATALOGING CATALOGING 1400 PROGRAMS INTO THE CORE-IMAGE LIBRARY One of the major benefits of System/360 operating systems is the ability to catalog and fetch programs from the Core-Image Library rather than having to load each program from the card reader. Emulation under DOS provides this function for the compatibility user. Through the use of the Emulator Program, 1400 programs may be converted into System/360 object modules. These object modules are then cataloged in the Core-Image Library in the normal DOS manner. Thereafter, the Emulator Program is able to fetch 1400 programs as they are needed in the job stream. The 1400 programs may be in any form of object deck that is loadable from the card reader. However, only 1400 programs for the Model 30 may consist of overlays. Briefly, the method for converting a 1400 object deck into a system/360 object module is as follows. The 1400 program (or overlay section) is allowed to load itself into System/360 main storage in the normal manner under control of the Emulator Program. Immediately following the 1400 END or XFR card is a /* card. This /* card signals to the Emulator Program that the 1400 program or overlay has been loaded. Because the Emulator Program is a card read ahead of the 1400, the situation at that point is that the END or XFR card has been passed to 1400 storage, but control has not yet been returned to the 1400 Compatibility Feature. Hence, the 1400 program has been effectively cut off just at the point at which it was to execute the program. The Emulator Program can therefore save the current 1400 address registers and, providing the 1400 storage area can be restored to the way it now looks and the address registers returned, 1400 processing may be restarted at any time in the future. 1400 storage may be saved easily if it is punched out in the form of an object module. The Emulator Program translates what it finds in the 1400 storage area into ESD, TXT, END, and ENTRY cards. There are two methods of representing 1400 storage as an object module. The method chosen by the user is indicated to the Emulator Program at execution time by use of the // 1400 control card parameters "a" and "b R • (Refer to the section on // 1400 Control Card for a these parameters.) description of Method 1 Scan for 1728 Blanks: This method should be used for 1400 programs which do not contain overlays. This method punches an object module from 1400 storage as a series of non-contiguous phases. Any area of 1728 or more consecutive blanks is not cataloged in the DOS Core-Image Library. Since the Emulator Program initializes all of 1400 storage to blanks prior to loading the 1400 program, this should present no problems to the user. This method offers: • Conservation of space in the DOS CoreImage Library • Fast retrieval due to the low number of phases to be loaded Method 2 Scan for 100 Blanks: This method should be used when 1400 overlay programs are to be cataloged on the Model 30. (1400 overlay programs on the Model 40 are restricted due to the non-contiguous layout of simulated 1400 storage.) This method also punches an object module from 1400 storage as a series of non-contiguous phases. Any area of 100 or more consecutive blanks is not cataloged in the DOS Core-Image Library. This approach yields a greater number of phases than Method 1, and the Emulator Program will abort cataloging if the number of internal phases exceeds 27. However, this method offers the ability to catalog most 1400 overlay programs on the Model 30. For both methods, scanning of 1400 storage is contiguous from the start of 1400 storage to the end. As soon as a character other than a blank with no wordmark is discovered, a phase is assumed to begin, and the scan of main storage continues. Eventually, another blank with no wordmark is found. At that point, the address of the last nonblank is saved as being the tentative phase end, and the scan continues. If 100 (or 1728) consecutive blanks are found, the phase is considered to have ended at the last nonblank. If less than 100 (or 1728) consecutive blanks are found, the tentative phase end address is updated, and the phase is assumed to include embedded blanks. This causes no problems for the Model 30 Emulator Program since 1400 storage addresses run contiguously. For the Model 40 Emulator Program, however, all of the storage area is cleared to 1400 blanks and, even though 1400 addresses are noncontiguous, memory is scanned sequentially on the assumption that some blank areas can be eliminated. In short, a 1400 storage load is punched by the Emulator Program as one or more internal phases. Each phase is considered to be terminated by either 100 (or 1728) consecutive blanks or the highest 1400 storage address. The user should keep two important facts in mind. First, that a 1400 storage load may be either an entire program or merely an overlay. An Emulator-Program catalog run is required for each overlay in a program and is done using Method 2. Second, that a nonblank (such as a record mark or blank with a wordmark) that is preceded and followed by at least 100 blanks is cataloged as a separate phase. This could lead to inefficient use of the Core-Image Library and should be avoided where possible. The Emulator Program used to catalog a 1400 program need not be the same that fetches it. Nor is it necessary for 1400 storage to occupy the same absolute System/ 360 addresses in the Model 30 Emulator Program since Model 30 1400 storage is relocatable. Programs cataloged by the Model 30 Emulator Program, however, cannot be fetched and executed by the Model 40 Emulator Program, and vice versa. OVERLAY PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS Normally, each 1400 program overlay section must be cataloged in a separate run of the Model 30 Emulator Program. This requires that the user know his 1400 object decks well enough to determine where overlay transfer cards are located. The user should have little difficulty, however, since the overlays were planned in the writing of the 1400 program. In at least two instances, overlay programs occur when the user does not plan for them. The 1400 input/output control system (IOCS) on disk, when assembling disk IOCS (DIOCS) entries for a program using magnetic tape, causes an overlay in order to create a character in the program that is not readable from a card (substitute blank). Similarly, all 1400 COBOL programs in which constants are defined in the Working storage or Constants sections, include an overlay. In this instance, the overlay is used to move the values of the constants to the main storage positions that they occupy during execution of the program. Neither of these cases reguire separate cataloging, even though an overlay is involved, nor does the overlay restriction apply for the Model 40. In effect, the overlay may be ignored. The reason for this is evident from a consideration of the purpose of the overlay. The sole purpose of the overlay is to arrange 1400 storage prior to beginning execution of the program. Therefore, if it is feasible or Programming Considerations 53 possible to load main ~torage directly as desired, no overlay 1S necessary. Hence, COBOL programs in which the user has not entered AUTOCODER in order to cause a deliberate overlay may be considered to be non-overlaying. Similarly, tape or disk AUTOCODER problems in which the user has not specifically programmed an overlay may also be considered non-overlaying. The method described for cataloging overlay programs will work for all overlays on the Model 30 except when: of the Emulator Program. Therefore, clear storage, bootstrap and loader (if AUTOCODER on disk) cards must be supplied for overlay sections. Overlay programs on the Model 40 should not be cataloged due to the noncontiguous layout of simulated 1400 storage. The // 1400 card must minimum, a program name and load device, as follows: include, at a a C for the // 1400 myname,C 1. An overlay segment attempts to selectively alter (through the use of ORG statements) coding that existed in a previous segment unless at least 100 bytes of blanks exist between segments. 2. The programming practice of initializing counters set up in a previous overlay through the technique of "loading" zeroes is employed. 3. The index register area is overlaid by subsequent phases. (The Model 30 Emulator Program solves this problem during actual execution by saving and restoring the 1400 index registers before and after loading subsequent segments of overlaying programs.) The saving and restoring of 1400 index registers by the Emulator Program causes the user problems if reinitialization of the 1400 index registers is actually desired. Therefore, programs in the above categories will not execute correctly, and thus, should not be cataloged. In summary, programs cataloged with the Model 30 Emulator Program cannot be executed with the Model 40 Emulator Program, and vice versa. In addition, since 1400 storage is cleared between catalog runs, those multiphase 1400 programs that require 14?0 data or instructions to be resident 1n 1400 storage as a result of a previous phase cause difficulty to the user and are, therefore, restricted. Also, overlay programs on the Model 40 are restricted from cataloging due to the noncontiguous nature of simulated 1400 storage,. The remaining parameters may be included if desired. The program name may be from 1 to 6 characters in length. It is used as the first six characters of the phase name under which the phases that go to make it up are cataloged in the Core~Image Library. If the program name is less than six characters in length, it is padded with the letter X. This name must be unique for each catalog run, even though separate runs are required for overlay programs. Immediately following the last card of the object deck (or an XFR card in the case of an overlay) must be a /* card. The makeup of a deck for a 1400 catalog run is illustrated in Figure 7. SYSPCH must be assigned to a punch unit for the 1400 catalog fUnction. As illustrated in Figure 8, the output of a catalog run consists of one or more Linkage Editor job steps. If the program or overlay is contiguous, there is only one Linkage Editor job step. If there are at least 100 (or 1728) consecutive blanks embedded in the COding" there is more than one step. Each step consists of a PHASE card, an INCLUDE card, an ESD card, one or more TXT cards, an END card, an ENTRY card., a /* card, and a // EXEC LNKEDT card. Following the cards making up the last step are a /& card and // FETCH card. The // FETCH card is used by the Emulator Program when the program is to be fetched from the Core-Image. Library and executed after the cataloging run is completed. The.// FETCH card should be removed and held aside. The remaining cards may then be preceded by standard DOS Job Control cards and processed as normal input by the DOS Linkage Editor. This results in the 1400 program being cataloged in the CoreImage Library. PROCEDURES FOR CATALOGING 1400 PROGRAMS If the 1400 program to be emulated on the Model 30 has one or more deliberately programmed overlays, the program must be separated into its overlay sections. Each section must be cataloged as a separate run 54 An error message may occur during a 1400 catalog run (see the "Console Messages" section for the explanations and actions required for these messages): EC84I TOO MANY PHASES TO CATALOG /& The 1400 catalog run produces punched output of System/360 main storage (in DOS Object format) and is used as input to a normal DOS catalog run. Object Deck of Overlay Section Clear Storage, Bootstrap, etc. / / 1400 prgnm2, C EXECeuname --~§lll 1400 Object Deck of Overlaid Section 1400 Clear Strg., Bootstrap, (& Loader if Disk Autocoder) / / 1400 prgnml, C / / EXEC euname JOB jobname Figure 7. 1400 catalog Run for a 1400 Program with One Overlay FETCHING FETCHING 1400 PROGRAMS FROM THE CORE-IMAGE LIBRARY The // FETCH card produced by catalog run and used in the provides the Emulator Program the 1400 fetch run with the phase names that make up the phases in the 1400 program or overlay section. It also carries the 1400 I-, B-, and A-Storage Address Registers for restarting the 1400 program, and the origin address of each phase in the program or overlay. with this information, the Emulator Program can do a se~ies of loads (using the LOAD macro Programming Considerations 55 instruction) until all phases are in main storage... The address registers can then be loaded and a switch made to Compatibility mode .. other parameters may be included as required. (Note: The name in the // 1400 card is used only to log the starting and ending messages on the console or in a 1400 storage dump if one occurs. It is not used in fetching the program.) PROCEDURES FOR FETCHING 1400 PROGRAMS A standard method of coding in an overlay program in which the section of code to be overlayed reads a variable number of data cards is to test for a comma in column 1 of each card. When the test is successful, all data cards have been read, and the card in the read area is the first card of the overlay. The first card of the overlay If the 1400 program to be fetched consists of one or more overlays, two or more // FETCH cards are required. Otherwise, only one // FETCH card is needed. The sequence of cards for a fetch run is illustrated in Figure 9. The // 1400 card must include a D for the load device. The NOTE 1 Notes: ~_~, / / FETCH prgnm2 1. 1/ FETCH cards should be removed by the user and saved in order to execute his 1400 job. 2. The blank separator card should be discarded. 3. The user must supply a 1/ JOB and a / / OPTION CATAL card in order to catalog. TXT NOTE 1 FETCH prgnml ENTRY TXT ESD 1 INCLUDE PHASE prgnmlOl Figure 56 8. Output of the 1400 Catalog Run in Figure 7 There will be more than one set of cards if the 1400 coding contains an embedded series of more than 100 consecutive blanks (optionally 1728 blanks). The maximum number of phases per overlay section is 27. If the user is uncertain of the number of phases punched, he should list or interpret the output. is always some form of bootstrap card. This method may be simulated when 1400 programs are being fetched by including the bootstrap card between the end of the data cards and the next // FETCH card, as follows: // // // // // // JOB jobname EXEC euname 1400 prgnam.D •••• CCTL (optional) DVOL (optional) FETCH ••••• (Fetch card for first section) data cards last data card bootstrap card // FETCH ••••• (Fetch card for second section) It should be emphasized again that the bootstrap card indicated in the example is only required when an overlay recogn1zes its "end-of-data" condition by having read the first card of the next overlay. A /* card should not normally be included following a group of data cards read by other then the last overlay section of a program. This is because it has the effect of setting the 1400 last-card latch on. a situation that is impossible if an overlay section of the object deck follows the data cards. If the 1400 reads cards while executing its first overlay section, it must be able to recognize an "end-of-data" condition. (See example in text for one method of accomplishing this.) Data Cards (if required) Data Cards (if required) / / FETCH prgnml / / 1400 anynam,D EXECeuname / / JOB name Figure 9. Executing a 1400 Program From the core-Image Library Programming Considerations 57 OPERA~OR SERVICE FUNCTIONS AVAILABLE FUNCTIONS Many of the Operator Service Functions are optional features of the 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Programs under the Disk Operating System (DOS) and are included in the generated program if specified in the symbolic parameters. During the execution of a 1400 program under the Model 30 Emulator, dial F on the operator's panel of the 2030 central Processing Unit (CPU) should be positioned to CI. This allows external interrupts (INTERRUPT key) to be handled while the system is in Compatibility mode (COMP MODE light on). For the Model 40, no special dial F considerations are necessary. The Operator Service routine if entered by pressing the external INTERRUPT key only if OC=YES is specified in the FOPT macro at DOS Supervisor generation. In addition, the Operator Service routine is entered through recognition of a 1400 halt when HALTS=YES has been specified, and the halt is not specified as either an EOJAADR, EOJBADR, or the EOJ I-address in the // 1400 card. When operator services following a halt message are not specified, the 1400 program is canceled on recognition of any halt other than a specified end-ofjob halt. Additionally, when the 1400 program is being executed in "Test mode" (descr.ibed in the "Control Cards· section under "The // 1400 Control Card") and the Emulator Program recognizes any error condition, the Operator Service Function routine is entered automatically. Alphabetic characters may be entered in either upper or lower case except characters g, p, x and w. These characters, when entered in lower case, represent a question mark (1), exclamation mark (!), the 1407/1447 recQrd mark (+~, and a word separator (~), respectively. When the operator Service Functions have been entered, the following message is displayed: EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION The operator then types in the function he wants. Five functions are always included with the Operator Service routine macro (EU30S/EU40S); these are: CANCEL, END, RESET, START, and STATUS. An end-ofblock (EOB) entry (alternate coding key and numeric 5 key) will perform the same function as the response START. RESET is available only when the Operator Service routine is entered as a result of a 1400 halt. CANCEL and END are valid responses 58 to any Emulator Program message a reply. requesting The following Operator Service Functions are available with the typed responses below: ADDRES~ This is included only if OSADDR=YES is specified. The ADDRESS function converts a decimal 1400 address into its corresponding System/360 hexadecimal address (including offset), and can be used to determine where to alter main storage via the console or where to set the dials when the SAR STOP switch is used to address-stop 1400 programs. The operator types in ADDRESS followed by at least one blank and a valid 1400 address in the range 1 to 15999. The Operator Service Function responds with the converted hexadecimal address. For example: (System) EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION (Operator) ADDRESS 1579 (System) EC41I HEX ADDRESS = 47AA ALTER This function is included if the parameter OSALTER=YES is specified. The ALTER fUnction causes the 1400 1-, A-, and B-Storage Address Registers to be altered to the address that follows the word ALTER. This may be used to alter the instruction address of a 1400 program, to effect a branch, or to place. a valid address in a register destroyed by a 1400 process error. At least one blank must precede the address. For example: (System) EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION (Operator) ALTER 632 (system) EC80I 1400 STATUS: 1=00632: A=00632:B=00632. INSTN BLOCK=xxxxxxxx (System) EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION Since all storage address registers are set to the same value, the alter address should not be the address of a 1400 Store B-Register (SBR) instruction or to an address where 1400 chaining is being used. (System) CANCEL This response to any Emulator Program message causes the 1400 program to be terminated with an end of job. If OSDUMP=YES was specified at Emulator Program generation, a 1400-style storage dump is provided on SYSLST unless a no-dump option (a "1") is specified in' parameter "b" of the // 1400 control card. When a 1400-style storage dump is provided, a System/360 main storage dump also is provided if the testmode option in the // 1400 control card is specified as "Sa. DELETE The operator wishes to discontinue volume serial number checking on a specific 1400 drive identified as DISKn in messages EC75I and EC76I, and allow the 1400 program to process any 1311 disk pack mounted on that 1400 drive. In order to use the DELETE function, the operator must first reply DSPLYV to message EC75I. For example: (System) EC75I WRONG PACK, MOUNT DISK 0 ON DR 192 (Operator) DSPLYV (System) EC76I DISK NO.=111222 (System) EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION (Operator) DELETE o Volume serial number checking will be discontinued on 1400 drive DISK 0 until reinitiated using the DVOL DISKn=xxxxxx operator serv~ce function. The DELETE function should· be used with caution when performing write operations. DISK This function is included if the parameter OSDISK=YES is specified. Two separate functions of DISK may be requested depending on the operator responses: (System) EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION (Operator) DISK or DISK n (where n=0,2,4,6, or 8) n n n n n The response DISK n, where n is the drive number, displays one specific disk assignment (DISK n) and allows the operator to retain or change the assignment. When the assignment is changed" disk verification is automatically performed. It then displays the new assignment, if it was changed. For example: (System) EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION (Operator) DISK 0 (System) EC44D DISK 0 ON SYS003~ PART 0 DR 191 134A21 ON DR 192 SERIAL EC44I DISK o ON SYSxxx, PART DR 190 EC44I DISK 2 ON SYSxxx, PART DR 191 EC44I DISK 4 ON SYSxxx, PART DR 191 EC44I DISK 6 ON SYSxxx, PART DR 192 EC44I DISK 8 ON SYSxxx, PART DR 192 The operator may then change the assignment or leave it as it is. If he wishes to change the assignment, he types in the programmer logical unit ("SYSnnn") to which he wants the 1400 disk drive assigned, followed by a 0 or 1 (2311) or 0, 1, 2, or 3 (2314) to indicate which half (2311) or quadrant (2314) of the new device is to be used for the file. For example: (Operator) SYS021,1 (System) EC44I DISK 0 ON SYS021, PART 1 This operator response causes 1400 disk drive 0 to be assigned to the second half or quadrant of SYS021. However, if the operator was satisfied with the current assignment, he could respond with START (or EOB). This causes the drive assignment to remain as listed. The assignment is again displayed if the disk drive assignment was changed, and the system reissues message EC40D. The response DISK causes a display only of message DISK n ON SYSxxx, PART n for each drive on the system, and then message EC40D is reissued. For example: If verification of the volume serial number for a disk pack accessed by the Emulator Program is specified through utilization of a // DVOL control card (see "The // DVOL Control Card" in the ·Control Cards· section) or initiated through operator entry of DVOL DISKn=xxxxxx, the disk verification (see message EC75I in the "Console Messages" section) is included in the DISK function. For example: (System) EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION (System) EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION (Operator) DISK (Operator) DISK 0 Operator Service Functions 59 (System) EC44D DISK 0 ON SYS003, PART 0 DR 191 (Operator) SYS022,1 (System) EC44I DISK 0 ON SYS022, PART DR 191 (System) EC15I WRONG PACK, MOUNT ABCDEF DISK 0 ON DR 191 (Operator) DVOL DISKO=123456 taken from the // 1400 control card, is printed along with the date on the top of the dump. The entire 1400 storage is printed in bands of 100 except when the band consists of all blanks without wordmarks. Additionally, a System/360 main storage dump is provided if the test-mode option in the // 1400 control card is specified as wSw. For example: 1 This function is included only if the parameter OSDSPLY=YES or "OS DSPLY=nn" is specified when' the Emulator program is generated. The display function prints 100 or "nn" positions of 1400 storage on the console typewriter. The address is entered by the operator at least one space beyond the word DISPLAY. The 1400 zoned zeros are typed as follows: (Operator) DISPLAY 2347 (Operator) DUMP DVOL DISKn ":f" is typed as "x", "1" is typed as "g", and "I" is typed as apR. (See Table 11 for additional graphic differences.) For example: EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION A wordmark is shown as a 1 below the character with which it is associated. A groupmark in 1400 storage appears as a blank character in the upper portion of the band, with a 2 below. A wordmark with groupmark appears as a blank character in the upper portion of the band, with a 3 below. DISPLAY (System) (System) The operator wishes to initiate verification of the volume serial number of the disk pack mounted on 1400 disk drive "n" (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8) with the volume serial number specified by the // DVOL control card (see "The // DVOL Control Card" in the "Control Cards" section) or as modified by operator entry. (System) DVOL DISKn=xxxxxx DSPLYV The operator wishes to display the volume serial number of the disk pack referenced in message EC75I (see "operator Messages" in the "Console Messages" section). This response is valid only if preceded by message EC75I. For example: (System) EC75I WRONG PACK, MOUNT DISK 0 ON DR 191 (System) EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION (Operator) DSPLYV (System) EC76I DISK NO.=111222 134A21 I The operator wishes to initiate verification of the volume serial number of the disk pack just mounted, where "n" is the 1400 disk drive (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8) on which the pack is mounted and "xxxxxx" is the volume serial number (six alphameric characters). "xxxxxx" supersedes the volume serial number specified in the // DVOL control card (see "The // DVOL Control Card" in the "Control Cards" section) or in the previous operator entry for that disk drive. . END 0 ON DR 191 SERIAL This response to any Emulator Program message causes the 1400 program to be terminated with an end of job. No storage dump occurs. DUMP ENTER This function is included only if the parameter OSDUMP=YES is specified when the Emulator. Program is generated. The dump function provides a formatted storage printout of the 1400 program on the printer assigned to SYSLST. The 1400 program name, 60 This function is included only if the parameter OSENTER=YES is included when the Emulator Program is generated. The ENTER function allows the operator to change the contents of 1400 storage beginning at the 1400 address specified in the response. Entered data or instructions replace any groupmarks/wordrnarks which may be present in affected 1400 storage. The first position typed is entered by the operator at least one space beyond the word ENTER. For example: (System) EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION (Operator) ENTER 653 (System) EC42D DATA name of the System/360 executed. For example: phase System Action: User Response: The job is canceled. Not required. EC71D DISK ERROR DETECTED. SECTOR ADDRESS = dxxxxx. VALID DATA FOLLOWS: E~planation: This message indicates that an error has been detected during disk verification (optionally specified>. The beginning sector address is indicated. This is followed by one or more lines of 100 characters that represent the data that should have been recorded on disk. This data may be used in a subsequent operation to rebuild the record affected. The 1400 program is ~ informed of the disk error. System Action: None. U§er Response: The operator may type the response START to indicate that the record in error is to be accepted as is and that processing is to continue. The operator may also type the response END or CANCEL to cause the job to be terminated. EC721 SYSIPT EXTENT EXHAUSTED EJplanation: The extent limit assigned to SYSIPT (di'sk extent) has been exhausted. System Action: The job is User Response: Not required. The job is canceled. User Response: Not required. EC751 WRONG PACK, MOUNT xxxxxx DISK n ON DR cuu Explanation: This message is displayed if the Emulator Program is accessing the wrong disk pack, where "xxxxxx" is the volume serial number (EBCDIC characters) of the correct disk pack, "n" is the 1400 disk drive number (0; 2, 4, 6, or 8), and ·cuu" is the hexadecimal channel and device address of the disk drive on which the disk pack is mounted. The volume serial number displayed is initially established by a // DVOL control card or by the operator using the DVOL DISKn=xxxxxx operator service function. System issued. Action: Message EC40D is User Response: This message indicates that the operator must either take corrective action or terminate the 1400 program. The operator can use the DSPLYV operator service function to display the volume serial number of the pack currently mounted on this device to assist in the evaluation of the corrective action. However" before further processing can be continued, the operator must perform one of the following corrective actions: • Mount the correct disk pack on the specified drive and reply with the NEWPAC function. • Change the disk drive configuration using the DISK n function. canceled. EC731 SYSLST EXTENT EXHAUSTED E!planation: The extent limit assigned to SYSLST (disk extent) has been exhausted. 72 System Action: • Change the volume serial number against which the pack is to be verified, with the DVOL DISKn= xxxxxx function, where ·xxxxxx· is the volume serial number of the proper pack. • Discontinue volume serial number checking for this 1400 drive using the DELETE fUnction. This function must be used with caution when performing write operations. User Response: The operator must perform one of the following corrective actions: • Mount the correct disk pack on the specified drive and reply with the NEWPAC function. EC76I DISK n ON cuu SERIAL NO.=xxxxxx E¥planation: This message is displayed in response to the operator's selection of the DSPLYV operator service function following the display of message EC75I. wnw is the 1400 disk drive number (0, 2, 4, 6, or a), "cuu" is the hexadecimal channel and device address of disk drive wnw, and "xxxxxx" is the volume serial number (EBCDIC characters) of the disk pack. System Action: issued. Message EC40D is User Response: The operator must respond with one of the valid corrective actions described under message EC75I. • Abnormally terminate the job using the END or CANCEL operator service functions. The job can be resubmitted after correcting the volume serial number entries for the simulated 1301 or 1405 disk pack on the // DVOL control c,ard. Note: The job may be immediately resubmitted if a non-process runout of the card reader transport is performed before performing the END or CANCEL fUnction. After correcting the // DVOL control card, resubmit the job to the card reader beginning with the DOS // JOB control card. The following group of messages, prefixed by the message code EC8nx, pertains to program messages: EC77D SCAN ERROR DETECTED Explanation: A 1400 disk scan was not successfully completed. An end of cylinder condition has not yet been detected. System Action: None. USer Response: If the user wishes to retry the scan operation, he types in the word START. If the user does not wish to retry the operation, he may END or CANCEL the job. EC7aD WRONG PACK. MOUNT xxxxxx DISK n ON DR cuu EC78I 1301/1405 DRIVE xxx SERIAL NO.=xxxxxx Explanation: These messages are displayed if the Emulator Program is accessing the wrong 1301 or 1405 disk pack, where message EC78I displays the volume serial number of the physical pack which is being accessed. Message 'EC78D always follows and identifies the volume serial number (MOUNT xxxxxx) which was requested on the // DVOL control card for this drive. DISK n indicates which part of the 1301 or 1405 drive is being simulated, while DR cuu indicates the hexadecimal channel and device address of the System/360 device being accessed. System Action: None EcaOI 1400 STATUS: I=nnnnniA=nnnnniB=nnnnn. INSTN BLOCK=xxxxxxxx Explanation: A 1400 halt or error has been encountered or the operator has requested the STATUS operator service function. This is a display of the 1400 storage address registers and eight characters from 1400 storage without wordmarks, beginning with the instruction that caused the halt or error condition. The eight characters normally include more than just the instruction that caused the halt or error, and certain 1400 special characters (such as the record mark) are not printed. When message EC80I is displayed after a 1400 program error, the AAR and BAR values may be invalid because of storage wraparound. System Action: Variable, depending on program status as indicated in associated message. User Response: Not required. EC81I HALT Explanation: A 1400 halt other than end of job (as specified in "EOJAADR= nnnnn" and/or "EOJBADR=nnnnn" at Emulator Program generation or as specified for an EOJ I-address in the .// 1400 control card) has occurred Messages EC70 -- EC81 73 and the user has not specified operator restart (a "1") in parameter "en in the // 1400 control card. This message is preceded by the typing out of message EC80I (status of 1400 registers and current instruction). A 1400-style storage dump is provided on SYSLST unless a no-dump option (a "1") was specified in parameter "b" in the // 1400 control card. If the user has specified an "S" for the test-mode option in the // 1400 control card, a System/360 main storage dump is also provided. System Action: Storage dump is provided and job is terminated unless operating in test mode. In test mode, message EC40D is issued. User Response: EC84I TOO MANY PHASES TO CATALOG Explanation: The 1400 program or overlay section being cataloged consists of more than 27 internal phases. System Action: The job is terminated. User Response: Not required. EC90I INVALID OPERATION ON READER Explanation: (1) a 1400 read instruction has been incorrectly specified; or (2) a 1400 read instruction which is not supported by the Emulator Program (e.g., column binary) has been specified. Not required. System Action: The job is terminated. User Response: Not required. EC82I HALT Explanation: A 1400 halt other than end of job (see message EC81I) has occurred, and the user has specified operator restart (a "1") in parameter We" of the // 1400 control card. This message is preceded by the typing out of message EC80I. System Action: displayed. Message EC40D is U2er Response: One of the operator responses listed under "Available FUnctions" in the "Operator Service FUnctions" section must be given. EC91I INVALID OPERATION ON PUNCH Explanation: (1) a punch instruction for an unsupported operation has been specified in the 1400 program (e.g., punch-feed-read, Column-binary); or (2) a Punch-Feed-Read or ColumnBinary instruction has been specified in the 1400 program when a magnetic device is being used to simulate the unit-record device. System Action: The job is terminated. User Response: Not required. EC83I 1400 PROGRAM ERROR EC92I INVALID OPERATION ON PRINTER Explanation: A 1400 program error has been detected. This message 1S always followed by the typing out of message EC80I (status of 1400 registers and current instruction). The Model 40 Emulator Program additionally issues a "NO.xxx" following the message indicating the branch table entry number. A 1400-style storage dump is provided on SYSLST if OSDUMP= YES was specified at Emulator Program generation, and unless a no-dump option (a "1") was specified in parameter ab A in the // 1400 control card. If the user has specified an ·S" for the test-mode option in the // 1400 control card, a System/360 main storage dump is also provided. 74 Explanation: A 1404 print instruction has been specified but is not supported by this particular Emulator Program generation. System Action: The job is terminated. User Response: Not required. EC93I CONTROL CARD NOT SUPPORTED // yyyy Explanation: The Emulator Program has encountered a control card that is not supported. The first four characters of the unsupported control card are identified by "yyyy". System Action: The job is terminated. System Action: The job is terminated. User Response: User Response: Not required. Not required. EC94I NO // LC DATA DELIMITER CARD TAPE ERROR RECOVERY system Action: Last card indicator (Sense Switch A) is turned on, and message EC40D is issued. A Tape Error Recovery routine is provided as an option and is used in conjunction with an IGNORE response to a standard DOS data-check message. This routine is available only if "TAPERRS=xxx" is specified when the Emulator Program is generated ("xxx" may be LST, LOG" LSTCHAR, or LOGCHAR in order to define where and in what format the display is to take place). User Response: The operator must the either enter the address of user's end-of-job routine using the ALTER operator service function, or terminate the job. The Tape Error Recovery routine provides a simulation of the diagnostic read and storage scan oper~tions used on 1400 systems. These operations are Simulated using the System/360 I/O area, so changes are not made by the operator to 1400 storage. E~planation: A // LC data delimiter card is required before the last data card. EC95I STACKER 8/2 IGNORED Explanation: A 1402 stacker command has been specified for stacker 8/2 on either a magnetic device when punching, or a unit-record device other than a 2540. This message is displayed only for the first 8/2 stacker command issued. System Action: 8/2 cards are stacked to normal stacker. U;?er Response: Not required. EC96I CARRIAGE CONTROL CARD ERROR E~planation: The 1400 program specified a carriage-control channel punch which is not included in the carriage control card. When a data-check condition is detected (after the DOS supervisor has tried to reread the tape block), a standard DOS error message is displayed by the operating system on the console. The only valid responses to this DOS message are CANCEL or IGNORE. The IGNORE response returns control to the Emulator Program, since it is the System/360 problem program that issued the I/O request. When the operator enters IGNORE, the tape block is displayed on SYSLST or SYSLOG by the Emulator Program. The first four characters of each line indicate the System/360 storage address of the first byte displayed (in hexadecimal). This address is followed by ten 8-byte fields of data. Nonprintable characters are translated to an asterisk (*), except the 1400 groupmark, which is translated as a dollar sign($) • After printing the entire error block, the following messages are typed on SYSLOG: System Action: The job is terminated. either User Response: Not required. EC60I MESSAGE RESPONSES ARE B=BYPASS, P=PROCESS EC97I 1400 CONSOLE PRINTER NOT SUPPORTED or Explanation: This message is issued if the OSINQRY parameter is not specified as "1400" or "YES", and a 1400 Read Console Printer instruction has been encountered. system Action: Message EC80I is issued, followed by message EC40D. User Response: The parame~er HB= nnnnn" in message EC80I 1S the address of the first storage position of the 1400 message area. The operator can use the DISPLAY operator service function to display the message. To continue processing, enter START or EOB. EC61I MESSAGE RESPONSES ARE B=BYPASS, P=PROCESS, H=HEX-DISPLAY followed by EC62D TAPE BLOCK IN ERROR The output of message EC60I or EC61I is determined by the options specified at Emulator system generation. A response of B causes the tape block in error to be bypassed and not given to the 1400. Processing continues with the next block. The 1400 is not informed that a block has been bypassed.--Messages EC82 -- EC97 75 A response of P causes the tape block to be passed to the 1400 as is. Control then is returned to the 1400 program. A response of H causes the error block to be displayed in hexadecimal format exactly as it was read into System/360 main storage. Parity is, of course, corrected by the channel. After the hexadecimal display, the operator again has the option of responding with a B or P. 76 APPENDIX A: Table 13. EMULATOR-PROGRAM PARAMETERS Emulator-Program Parameters r----------------------T----------------------T-----------------------------------------, I Parameter I Required By I Remarks I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ BLKSIzu={nnnn} I I indicates standard block size (plus I 0000 I lone byte) for 1400 tape units. "un is I I I I 1400 unit number (1-6). "nnnn" is one I I I I larger than the normal block length I I I I associated with the unit. Default is I I I I 0000. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I BUFSIZE={nnnnn} I 1400 magnetic tape I Indicates total storage area to be re- I I 00000 I I served by the Emulator Program for I I I I tape buffers. Default is 0000. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I CARRCTL={YES} I Carriage-control I Indicates carriage-control tape point- I I NO I pointer option I er option. Default is NO. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------i I CATALOG={YES} I I Indicates 1400 programs to be cata- I I NO I I loged in the Core-Image Library. I I I I Default is cataloging not available. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I COLBINP={YES} I 1400 Column-Binary I Indicates that 1400 Column-Binary/ I I NO I or Card-Image Punch I Card-Image Punch instructions are to I I I instructions I be emulated. Default is NO. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------i I COLBINR={YES} I 1400 Column-Binary I Indicates the 1400 Column-Binary/Card- I I NO I or Card-Image Read I Image Read instructions are to be emu- I instructions I lated. Default is NO. I I I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I COL51={YES} I 51-column cards I Indicates 51-Column Interchangeable I I NO I I Read Feed feature support. Default is I I I I NO. I ~------~---------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I DVOL={YES} I 1400 DASD I Indicates verification of volume se- I NO I I rial number of disk pack accessed by I I I I I the Emulator Program. Default is NO. I ~----------------------+----------------------f-----------------------------------------~ I DISKDR=jn I 1400 DASD I "n" is number of 1311 drives to be I I 130n I I simulated. "130n" indicates one module I I 1405 I I of 1301 storage in addition to an" I I Q I I 1311 drives to be simulated. 1405 I I I I indicates Model 1 or 2 (mutually I I I I exclusive of 1301 and 1311). Default I I I I is "n"=O (no disk). I ~----------------------+----------------------f-----------------------------------------i I DISKTYP={2314} I 1400 DASD I Indicates type of System/360 disk I I 2311 I I unit. Default is 2311. I ~-----p---------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I DISKu=SYSnnn I 1400 DASD I "un is 1-5 for 1311 and 1-4 for 1405. I "nnn" is the programmer logical unit I I I I I I I for device "un. Default is SYS001- I I I I SYS005 for the respective values of I I I I "un from 1-5. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I D1301u=SYSnnn I 1400 DASD I "un is 1-5 for 1301 on a 2311 and 1-3 I I I I for 1301 on a 2314. "nnn" is the I programmer logical unit for device I I I I I I I "un. Default is SYS001-SYS005 for I JI IL______________________ I ______________________ I _________________________________________ 2311 and SYS001-SYS003 for 2314. I I j ~ ~ Appendix A: Emulator-Program Parameters 77 Table 13. Emulator-Program Parameters (continued) r----------------------T----------------------T-----------------------------------------, I Parameter I Required By I Remarks I ~----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------------.---------~ I I EDITINV={YES} NO I I I I Indicates support of Edit. Default is NO. Inverted Print I I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I I EOJAADR=nnnnn I I I I I I I I Indicates A-address (5 digits) of I standard 1400 end-of-job halt. No I default, not generated if not I specified. I ~---------------------_+----------------------+-----------------------------------------1 I EOJBADR=nnnnn I I I I I I I I I I I Indicates B-address (5 digits) of I standard 1400 end-of-job halt. No I default, not generated if not I specified. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I I I I ERROPNG={YES} NO I I I Indicates 1400 storage dump when 1400 I op code Q is detected. Default G is I treated as invalid op code. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I FETCH={YES} NO I I I I I I Allows 1400 programs to be called from I Core-Image Library. Default is no I fetch routine is ~enerated. I r----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I HALTS={YES} NO I I I I I I I Changes sense switches on 1400 halts I or operator service. Default is I change of switches not performed. I ~------.----------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I IOCDATE=1 82 195 BOTH NO I MPGMBLK={nn} I I I I I I I Moves required date to 1400 storage I from DOS communication region. Default I is movement of date not performed. I I I I I I I I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I I I I Q I I I I I I I I I I Indicates number of 2K (2048) blocks of storage reserved for foreground programs. wnnw must be less than or equal to 20 for the Model 30 Emulator Program and variable by storage size for the Model 40 Emulator Program. Default is o. I I I I I I I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I converts 1400 addresses to hexadec- I imal. Default is conversion not I performed. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I OSALTER={YES} I I Changes 1400 address registers. De- I I NO I I fault is register change not I I I I performed. I r----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I OSDISK={YES} I I Changes 1400 disk-drive assignments. I NO I I Default is assignment changes not I I I I I performed. I r----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I OSDSPLY={YES} I I Displays 1400 storage. wnnw is number I nn I I of bytes per display. Default is dis- I I I NO I I play not performed. I r----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I OSDUMP={YES} I I Dumps 1400 storage onto SYSLST. De- I NO I ______________________ I_________________________________________ fault is dump not performed. IL ______________________ JI 78 OSADDR={YES} NO I I I I I I ~ ~ Table 13. Emulator-Program Parameters (continued) r----------------------T----------------------T-----------------------------------------, I Parameter I Required By I Remarks I ~------~---------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I OSENTER={YES} I I Alters 1400 storage from console. De- I INO I I fault is alteration of storage not I I I I performed. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I OSINQRY={1400} I 1407/1447 Console I Performs 1400 Read and Write Console I I YES I Inquiry Station I Printer instructions, and simulates I I NO I I the Q latch when "1400" is specified. I I I I Performs the preceding and executes I I I I System/360 inquiry programs when "YES" I I I I is specified. Default is none of the I I I I I above functions performed. ~-----~T---------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I Changes 1400 tape-drive assignments. I Default is tape assignment changes not I performed. I ~---------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I PCH1400={1444} I Other than 1402 I Indicates type of 1400 card punch. I I 1442 I I Default is 1402. I I 1402 I I I OSTAPE={YES} NO I I I I I I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I PCH360={1442} 2520 2540 I I I Other than 2540 I I I Indicates type punch. Default of is System/360 2540. card I I I ~---------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------1 I I I PFR={YES} I I Indicates if the punch-feed-read fea- I COM I I ture is to be implemented. Default is I NO I I NO. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I PTRASGN=SYSnnn I 1404 I 1404 cut-card operations and indicates I I I I reassignment of printer from SYSLST. I I I I I Default is SYSLST. ~---------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I Indicates length of 1400 print line. I "nnn" is 100, 120, or 132 for the I I 1403, 120 or 144 for the 1443, or 132 I for the 1404. Default is 132. I I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I PTR1400={1443} I Other than 1403 I Indicates type of 1400 printer. De- I I 14n4 I I fault is 1403. I I 1403 I I I PTRLNG={nnn} 132 I I I I I I I I ~---------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I PTR360={1443} 1404 1403 I I I I I PUNCHSS={YES} NO I I Other than 1403 I I I Indicates type of System/360 Default is 1403. printer. I I I Indicates 1402 punch stacker selection I support. Default is NO. I I I ~----------------------+-----------------.-----+-----------------------------------------~ ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I READRSS={YES} NO I I I I I I Indicates reader stacker selection or I 1442 reader-punch-stacker selection. I Default is NO. I ~----------------------+-----------------·-----t-----------------------------------------~ I I RDR1400={1442} 1402 I 1442 I I I Indicates type of Default is 1402. 1400 card reader. I I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I I I I RDR360=1 1442 1 2501 2520 2540 I Other than 2540 I I I I I I I Indicates type of System/360 reader. Default is 2540. card I I I I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I SCAN={YES} I 1400 Scan Disk I Indicates 1311 Scan Disk instructions I I NO I I in 1400 program. Default is Scan Disk I L JI I ______________________ I ______________________ I _________________________________________ not performed. ~ ~ Appendix A: Emulator-Program Parameters 79 Table 13. Emulator-Program Parameters (continued) r----------------------T----------------------T-----------------------------------------, I Parameter I Required By I Remarks I r----------------------+----------------------t-----------------------------------------~ I SCAN360={YES} I 1400 Scan Disk I If File Scan feature is installed, I I NO I I used in conjunction with SCAN=YES to I feature. I I I I implement 1400 Scan Disk I I I Default is a software simulation of I I I I I Scan Disk fUnction. r----------------------t----------------------t-----------------------------------------~ I SECTORs={nnn} I Less than 20 I Indicates number of sectors the Emula- I I 020 I I tor Program may read per revolution, I I I I where "nnn" is 001-020 for the Model I I I I 30 Emulator Program and 001-100 for I I I I the Model 40 Emulator Program. I I I I Default is 020. I ~----------------------t----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I SEND={Q} I I Indicates to the assembler the decimal I nnnnn I I value of the DOS "SEND" parameter. I I I I I Used to generate assembly listing I I I I addresses identical to those at object I I I I program execution time. I t----------------------t----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I SIZ1400={nn} I Other than 16K I Indicates 1400 main storage size, I I 16 I I where "nnW is any even number between I I I I 2 and 16. Default is 16. I ~----------------------t----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I SIZ360={nnn} I Other than 64K I Indicates System/360 main storage I I 64 I I size, where "nnW is 24, 32, or 64 for I I I I the Model 30 Emulator Program and 32, I I I I 64, 128, Or 256 for the Model 40 I I I I I Emulator Program. Default is 64. ~----------------------+-------------~--------t-----------------------------------------i I SSQUANT={ONE} I I Applies only when reader stacker se- I MANY I I lection is desired. The default is I I I I I I MANY. I ~----------------------t----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I SYSIO={iPl} I Other than 000 I Indicates assignment of 1400 unit-rec- I I 000 I lord devices to tape or disk, where I I I I "i", is SYSIPT, "p" is SYSPCH, and "1" I 0 indicates Unit-record I I I I is SYSLST. I I I device only. 1 indicates unit-record I I I I or tape device, 2 indicates unit- I I I I record, tape, or disk device, and 3 I I I I indicates unit-record or disk device. I I I I I Default is 000. ~----------------------t----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I SYSROPT={YES} I I Indicates that job stream can be I I NO I I transferred from card input on SYSRDR I I I I to tape or disk on SYSIPT during 1400 I Default is all I I I I program execution. I I I I input from SYSIPT. ~----------------------t----------------------+-----------------------------------------i I TAPEDR={n} I 1400 magnetic tape I Indicates number (1-6) of 1400 tape I I Q I I units. Default is o. I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I TAPEMOD=MXEDPAR I I Indicates mode of 9- or 7- track tape. I I I I I Default is even parity, Normal mode. I I I ~ ~ I ~----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I TAPERRS= LST I I Indicates simulation of 1400 diagnos- I I LOG I I tic tape read and storage scan. (CHAR I LSTCHAR I I indicates display in character mode I I LOGCHAR I I only.) Default is simulation not per- I I IL______________________ NO I ______________________ I _________________________________________ formed. JI 80 Table 13. Emulator-program Parameters (continued) r-------~--------------T----------------------T-----------------------------------------, I Parameter I Required By I Remarks I ~--~-~~~~--------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I TAPEu=SYSnnn I 1400 magnetic tape I "u" is 1-6. A programmer logical unit I I I I must be assigned to all six 1400 tape I The same logical unit may be I I I I units. I I I assigned to more than one tape unit. I 1 1 I "nnn" is the programmer logical unit I I I I for device "u". Default is SYS011- I 1 1 I SYS016 for the respective values of I I I I "u" from 1-6. I ~------~---------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------i I TAPLDMD={YES} I 1400 magnetic tape I Indicates tape Load-mode operations. I I NO I in Load mode I Default is Load-mode operations not I I I I performed. I ~----~~---------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ I TIMER={YES} 1 1 Indicates availability of timer on I 1 NO 1 1 System/360 and time of day to log for I 1 1400 jobs. Default is timer not 1 I I 1 1 1 available. I ~------.-----------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------·i I TRACKOP={YES} I 1311, 1301, or 14051 Indicates track operations on 1311, 1 I NO I track operations I 1301, or 1405. Default is track I 1 I I operations not performed. I ~----~-r---------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------~ 1 US~ROG={YES} I User-written rou- I Indicates block of user code to be in- I NO 1 tine 1 serted for non-standard Emulator Pro- I I Default is entry to I I I I gram functions. I I I I user program not generated. ~----~-~---------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------i 1 VERIFY={YES} I I Verifies disk records written. Default I I NO I I is disk verification not performed. I L ______ ~---------------~---------------------~---------- _______________________________ J Appendix A: Emulator-Program Parameters 81 APPENDIX B: MODEL 30 BASIC FEATURE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Six specialized System/360 instructions are provided for use with the 1401/1440/ 1460 Basic Compatibility Feature. These are: Program Interruptions: Privileged operation Specification Addressing Timing: 19 microseconds • Compatibility Feature Initialize Mode (CFIM) The six special System/360 instructions provided with the Basic Compatibility Feature have the SI format and are similar to the Diagnose instruction. The operation code for all instructions is the same (99). The six special compatibility instructions have the following format: • Compatibility Feature Mode Set (CFMS) • Compatibility Feature Store Variables (CFSV) • Compatibility Feature Load Variables (CFLV) 81 • Compatibility Feature Store Constants (CFSC) r----r-----------------T-----T------------, I I 12 I I I • Compatibility Feature Load Constants (CFLC) L-___ I 99 ~--------T--------~ B~ I D~ I I I ________ W~ I ________ W2 I _____ I ____________ JI An attempt to use these instructions should not be made unless the Basic Compatibility Feature is installed on the system. The System/360 Diagnose instructions (see the publication IBM System/360 Princip~es of Operations, Form A22-6821) provide a means to enable and disable these specialized instructions. Thus, operationexception protection is assured when compatibility is not being used on the system. The Diagnose instruction as used for the compatibility Feature has the following format: SI r----T-· . . .---------------T-----T----------,.--, I I B~ I D~ I I I 83 I I I 12 ~-----+------------1 I 0 I 3 C C I L ____ ~-r---------------~-----~------------J o 7 8 15 16 19 20 31 When the Diagnose instruction is used to enable or disable the special compatibility instructions, the displacement contains the hexadecimal address 3CC. Bits 16-19 (B~) must be zero. When the 12 byte of the Diagnose instruction is 80, special 1400 compatibility instructions are allowed to function. When the 12 byte is 00, these special instructions are disabled and cause a program interruption if used. It should be noted that the Diagnose instruction is a privileged operation. Condition Code: Unpredictable 82 o ~ 7 8 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~ 15 16 19 20 31 Bits 8-11 (W~) are used to define the six special instructions. Mnemonics are not provided for these instructions in the assembler language. When the assembler language is used, these instructions must be coded as hexadecimal constants, using the DC assembler statement. Condition Code: Remains unchanged Program Interruptions: Addressing Compatibility Feature Initialize Mode (CFIM) This compatibility instruction is defined by W~ being equal to zero. Bits 12-15 (W 2 ) are interpreted as follows: ~ Interpreted As o No initialization required 1 Initialize for 1402 card load 2 Initialize for 1401 tape load 9 Initialize for 1442 card load This instruction loads auxiliary storage with 512 bytes, starting at the main (storage address specified by the effective address (B~ + D~). If W2 = 1 or 9, positions 0001 through 0080 of compatibility storage are cleared to blanks and a wordmark is inserted in location 0001. In consecutiv~ly addition, if W2 = 9, a groupmark with wordmark (GMWM) is inserted in position OOSl of compatibility storage. If W2 = 2, the fir$t tape instruction performed ignores GMWMs in storage.. This instruction also performs the following functions after auxiliary storage loading is completed: • Tests the allow-I/o-traps bit (Programmed Mode switch control) in auxiliary storage. If the bit is off, the multiplexor channel is inhibited from byte interleaving, all I/O interruptions are prohibited, and external interruptions are enabled. 1402 card load (51 column), or + microseconds for 1442 card load. 240 compatibility Feature Mode Set (CFMS) This compatibility instruction is defined by the contents of W1. being equal to 1. W2 is interpreted as follows: ~ InterEreted As 0 No initialization required 1 Initialize for 1402 card load 2 Initialize for 1401 tape load 9 Initialize for 1442 card load ~: The allow-I/O-traps bit should always be off unless the Programmed Mode Switch (PMS) subfeature is installed. • Generates a unique character (SF) in the main storage location that is one less . than that corresponding to compatibility-storage location 0000. This character serves to detect a lowmain-storage wraparound condition when operating in Co~patibility mode. • Switches to 1400 Read Only Storage (ROS) control and initiates a 1400 instruction read-out at the address specified in the auxiliary-storage A backup locations for the I and J registers (1400 instruction counter). This initial address need not be in the 1400 portion of main storage, but it may not be in main-storage hexadecimal address 0000. If W2 = 1 or 9, positions 0001 through OOSO of compatibility storage are clear~d to blanks and a wordmark is inserted in location 0001. In addition, if W2 = 9, a groupmark with wordmark (GMWM) is inserted in position OOSl of compatibility storage. If W2 = 2, the first tape instruction performed ignores GMWMs in storage. This instruction performs the same functions as the CFIM instructioIl;, except that auxiliary storage is not initialized and no storage scan is performed. In brief, the CFMS instruction does the following (see the CFIM instruction for details): • Tests the allow-I/o-traps bit. • Allows detection of any low-order 1400mode storage wraparound conditions. • Switches control to 1400-mode. • Scans 1400 storage and sets all invalid 1400 characters to blank (hexadecimal 40) .The Compatibility Feature Initialize Mode instruction has the following Format: 51 r----T-------~--------T-----T------------, 1 I W1. I W2 I I 99 ~-------~--------~ I I 0 I 0 , 1, 2 , 9 I B1. I I I D1. I I I L__ ~_~~~------~--~-----~-----~------------J o 1 8 11 12 15 16 19 20 Therefore,j the CFMS instruction is used when auxiliary storage has been previously initialized and no changes are required to begin another Emulator Program. The CFMS instruction also may be used to return system control to the 1400 ROS after a system interruption when the PMS subfeature is used. In this latter case, W2 would be equal to o. The Compatibility Feature Mode instruction has the following format: Set 31 SI Condition Code: Unchanged r---~--------T--------T-----T-----------~' I I I I I D1. I 1L____ I ________ 0 I ____ 0.,1,2,91 ___ _____ I ____________ JI Program Interruption: Addressing I o Timing: 65 + (4 x 512) + (6 times number 1400 characters) microseconds microseconds for tape load, or + microseconds for 1402 card load column) , or + 240 microseconds of + 3 23S (SO for W1. I W2 I 99~--------+-----:---~ ~ ~ 1 S 11 12 ~ ~ B1. ~ 15 16 19 20 31 Condition Code: Unchanged Program Interruption: Addressing Appendix B: Model 30 Basic Feature Special Instructions 83 Timing: 63 microseconds Although no specification checking is performed, a 256-byte boundary in main storage must not be crossed during instruction execution. Compat·i-bili ty Feature Store Variables (CFSV) Compatibility Feature Load Variables (CFLV) This instruction can be used to alter any of the 64 bytes of 1400 auxiliary storage. It transfers four bytes from main storage, beginning with the effective address specified by B~ and D~, to four contiguous 1400 auxiliary-storage locations specified by W2 (see Table 14). For this instruction, W1 contains a hexadecimal value of 3. This Compatibility-mode instruction is defined by w~ being equal to a hexadecimal value of 2. The CFLV instruction loads main storage, beginning with the effective address specified by B1 and D1 , from the four contiguous bytes of 1400 auxiliary storage specified by W2 • The specifications of W2 for this instruction are shown in Table 14. Most variables contained in 1400 auxiliary storage, such as 1400 instruction address, tape densities, and unit address assignments, can be changed with this instruction. The Compatibility Feature Load Variables instruction has the following format: The Compatibility Feature store Variables instruction has the following format: 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 99 ~~~------+--------~ B~ 1 D1 1 1L ____ 1________ 3 1_______ 1_____ 1____________ J1 o 7 8 1 1 W1 1 W2 1 1 1 1 99 ~--------+--------~ B~ 1 D1 1 1L____ 1________ 2 1________ 1_____.J.1____________ J1 ~ o SI r--~~-~------T--------T-----T------------' W~ W2 ~ SI r----T--------T--------T-----y------------, ~ ~ 11 12 7 8 ~ 11 12 ~ 15 16 19 20 31 Condition Code: Unchanged ~ 15 16 19 20 31 Program Interruption: Addressing Condition Code: Unchanged Timing: 44 microseconds Program Interruption: Addressing A main-storage 256-byte boundary must not be crossed during execution of this instruction. Timing: 44 microseconds Table 14. 1400 Auxiliary Defined by W2 Compatibility Feature Store Constants (CFSC) Storage Bytes r----~---------T------------T-------------, 1 1 W2 for 14001 W2 for 1400 1 I 1 Auxiliary 1 Auxiliary 1 1 Bytes Defined 1 Storage A I Storage B 1 ~--~-~~--------+------------+-------------~ I 80 through 831 0000 (0) 1000 (8) 1 84 through 871 0001 (1) 1001 (9) 1 88 through 8BI 0010 (2) 1010 (A) 1 8C through 8FI 0011 (3) 1011 (B) 1 90 through 931 0100 (4) 1100 (C) 1 94 through 971 0101 (5) 1101 (D) 1 98 through 9BI 0110 (6) 1110 1 9C through 9FI.J.____________ 0111 (7) L _____ ._...... _______ 84 ~ This instruction transfers the contents of main storage locations beginning with the effective address specified by B1 and D1 to the 16 contiguous 1400 auxiliarystorage locations specified by W1 and W2 W~ is used to define the instruction function and must contain the hexadecimal value 9 or D. If W1 contains a 9, W2 refers to a starting address in 1400 auxiliary storage A. If W1 contains a D, W2 refers to a starting address in 1400 auxiliary storage B. W2 provides the high-order hexadecimal digit of the starting address in 1400 auxiliary storage.. The low-order hexadecimal digit of the starting address is always zero. If W2 contains the value 7, the starting. address in 1400 auxiliary storage is 70, and the locations 70 through 7F are loaded with the information starting at the main storage location defined by B1 and D1 • (E) 1111 (F) _____________ J The Compatibility Feature Store Conhas the following stants instruction format: SI r----T-.".-----~--------T-----T------------, I I W1 I W2 I I I I 99 ~-~------+--------~ B1 I 01 I IL____ I 9 ______ or D I ________ I _____ I ____________ JI ~_~ o 7 8 ~ 11 12 ~ ~ 15 16 19 20 31 Condition Code: Unchanged B. W2 provides the high-order hexadecimal digit of the starting address in 1400 auxiliary storage. The low-order hexadecimal digit of the starting address is always zero. If W2 contains the value 7, the starting address in 1400 auxiliary storage is 70, and the locations 70 through 7F are loaded with the information starting at the main storage location defined by Bj. and 0 1 • The Compatibility Feature Load Constants instruction has the following format: Program Interruption: Addressing SI r----T--------T--------T-----T------------, Timing: 106 microseconds Compatibility Feature Load Constants This instruction loads the main storage locations beginning with the effective address specified by B1 and D1 from the 16 contiguous bytes of 1400 auxiliary storage specified by W1 and W2 • w2 is used to define the instruction function and must contain the hexadecimal value 8 or c. If Wj. contains an 8, data is fetched from 1400 auxiliary storage A. If W1 contains a C, data is fetched from 1400 auxiliary storage I I W1 I W2 I I I I 99 ~--------+--------i B1 I 01 I IL____ I ________ 8 or C I ________ I _____ I ____________ JI ~ o 7 8 ~ 11 12 ~ ~ 15 16 19 20 31 Condition Code: Unchanged Program Interruption: Addressing Timing: 106 microseconds Appendix B: Model 30 Basic Feature Special Instructions 85 APPENDIX C: MODEL 30 PROGRAMMED MODE SWITCH SUBFEATURE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS The Programmed Mode Switch (PMS) subfeature allows 2030 programs and Model 30 Emulator Programs to reside in storage coincidentally and to be executed 1n an interleaved manner by providing the capability to switch the processor between compatibility mode and 2030 mode under control of the 2030 program. Special System/360 instructions are provided to control and facilitate commun1cation between the 2030 program and the 1400 programs. These special System/360 instructions are enabled and disabled as in the Basic Compatibility Feature by way of the System/360 Diagnose instruction. Mnenomics are not included in the assembler language. If the system is not equipped with the PMS subfeature, the Model 30 1400 Emulator Program under DOS cannot be used. The PMS subfeature includes the following instructions, which facilitate the transfer of data between 2030-program data areas: • Compatibility Feature Move To bility (CFMT) Compati- • Compatibility Feature Move From Compatibility (CFMF) • Compatibility bility (CFLT) Feature Load To Compati- • Compatibility Feature Load From Compatibility (CFLF) The four special System/360 instructions have the RR format, which is illustrated as follows: not moved; wordmarks in field remain undisturbed. the destination The move to compatibility is similar to a tape-move operation in the ,1400, except that information is moved from the 2030 storage area to the area reserved for the 1400 portion of the program. The binary address specified by general register R2 is the source address in the 2030 storage area. The binary address specified by general register R1 is the destination address in the 1400 main-storage area. The low-order 16 bits of the general register specified by R1 + 1 is the count and is decremented for each byte transferred from the 2030 main-storage area. The two addresses are incremented by 1 and the count is decremented by 1 in the specified general purpose register after each byte is moved. The count is checked for zero before each byte transfer. If it is zero, the operation is terminated and a groupmark (GM) is inserted in the destination field. The operation is also terminated on detection of a groupmark with wordmark (GMWM) in the destination field, in which case no character is moved. The destination address is always updated to 1 beyond the GMWM or GM address at the end of the move. The effective 1400 B-Storage Address Register is set to this address. The Compatibility Feature Move to Compatibility instruction has the following format: RR RR .---·----T--------T------, Op Code I I L _____ o I I I I 7 8 11 12 I I R1 R2 --i--------i------J 15 The general register specified by contains the destination address. source address is specified by R2 • r-------T--------T------, I OE I R1 I R2 I L _______ i ________ L ______ J o 7 8 11 12 15 Condition Code: count 00 - Operation terminated by zero 01 - Operation terminated by a GMWM in 1400 storage Compatibility Feature Move to Compatibility (CFMT) Program Interruptions: Addressing Program This instruction moves data from the source address (2030 storage) to the destination address (compatibility storage). wordmarks in the source field are Timing: 65 + (5 times number of characters transferred) microseconds. Add 3 86 microseconds for each wordmark in the destination field. Compatibility Feature Move From Compat-ibility (CFMF) This instruction CFMT instruction, exceptions: is identical to the with the following • The movement of data is reversed. • GMWM detection is done field. on the source • When a GMWM terminates the instruction, the source address is incremented to 1 beyond the GMWM address, and the destination address remains unchanged. The effective 1400 B-Storage Address Register is set to this (source) address. • No groupmark is destination field count. inserted in the on termination by + 1 is a count of the number of bytes to be handled in the source field. R~ Wordmarks in the source field are not moved. Wordmarks in the destination field are cleared. When a word separator character is detected in the source field, however, the count is decremented by 1, the source address is incremented by 1, no character transfer takes place, and a wordmark is inserted with the first character following in the source field that is not also a word separator. Termination on GMWM detection or count and setting of the condition register is identical to that of the CFMT instruction. The effective 1400 B-Storage Address Register is set to the final destination address. The compatibility Feature Load to Compatibility instruction has the following :ormat: RR The Compatibility Feature Move From Compatibility instruction has the following format: r-------T--------T------, IL _______ OC I ______ R~ I ______ Ra JI ~~ o 7 8 ~ 11 12 15 RR r-----·--T--------T------, I OF I R~ I R2 I Condition Code: 00 - Operation terminated by count zero 01 - Operation terminated by a GMWM in 1400 storage L___~~-~-------~------J o 7 8 11 12 15 Condition Code: 00 - Operation terminated by count zero 01 - Operation terminated by a GMWM in 1400 storage Program Interruptions: Addressing Program Timing: 65 Program Interruptions: Addressing Program + (4 times number of characters microseconds. Add 2 microseconds for each wordmark in the source field. ~ransferred) Timing: 62 + (5 times number of characters transferred) microseconds. Add 3 microseconds for each wordmark in the destination field. Compatibility Feature Load to Compatibility (CFLT)· This instruction moves data from the source address (2030 storage) to the destination address (co~patibility storage). This function is similar ~o a tape-load operation from 2030' storage to 1400 storage~ The binary address specified by general register R2 is the source address, and the binary address specified by general register R~ is the destination address. The low-order 16 bits in general register Appendix C: Compatibility Feature Load From Compatibility (CFLF) This instruction CFLT instruction, exceptions: is identical to the with the following • The movement of data is storage to 2030 storage,. 1400 from • Wordmarks in the source field cause a word separator character to be inserted in the destination field. The destination address is incremented by 1" the count is decremented by 1, and the source address remains unchanged. • GMWM detection is done field. on the source Model 30 PMS Subfeature Special Instructions 87 • When a GMWM terminates the operation, the source address is incremented to 1 beyond the GMWM, and the destination address remains unchanged. The effective 1400 B-Storage Address Register is set to this source address. Condition Code: 00 - Operation terminated zero 01 - Operation terminated 1400 storage • No groupmark is inserted on termination by count. Program Interruptions: Addressing Program The Compatibility Feature Load From Compatibility instruction has the following format: RR r----~--T--------r------l IL__ on I ________ R~ I ______ R2 JI ~_~_~ o 88 7 8 ~ 11 12 15 by count by GMWM in Timing: 61 + (5 times number of characters transferred) microseconds. Add 4 microseconds for each wordmark in the and add 10 microdestination field, the seconds for each wordmark in source field. APPENDIX D: This appendix contains a brief description of the functions performed by a group of machine instructions that are intended for use by the Model 40 Emulator Program and are available for modifying the Model 40 Emulator Program for specific applications. To use these instructions properly, it is necessary that the user be thoroughly familiar with the internal operation and logic of the Model 40 Emulator Program. The 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature executes 1400 instructions and performs other functions, such as updating the simulated 1400 registers. If the 1400 instruction to be emulated is not a Move Character and Edit (MCE), a Move Character and Suppress Zeros (MCS), an instruction related to input/output, a Halt, or any of the Branch an I/O Indicator instructions, the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature executes the instruction without using the Emulator Program. After execution of an instruction, the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature obtains (fetches) the next 1400 instruction. There are two methods of fetching the 1400 instructions: fetch the next sequential instruction (1Fetch) and fetch the instruction located at the address of the A operand (I-Fetch at A-Address). MODEL 40 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS executed by the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature alone or requires a branch to 'the Emulator Program I-FETCH AT A-ADDRESS I-Fetch at the A-address performs the same operations as I-Fetch, except that the address in the A-Address Register (AAR) is used, instead of the address in the IAR, to obtain the address of the next instruction. After the instruction is fetched, the address of the next instruction is stored in the simulated IAR. This is the process used for executing 1400 Branch instructions. DIAGNOSE INSTRUCTIONS The 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature provides special Diagnose instructions for use by the Emulator Program in executing 1400 instructions, converting addresses, providing character translation, inserting groupmarks and tapemarks, and returning control to the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature. These instructions include the following: I-FETCH I-Fetch ations: performs the following oper- • Multiway Branch • Scatter/Gather • Clear Entire 1400 Storage to Blanks • Gets the contents of the simulated Instruction Address Register (IAR) • Converts the address in the IAR to the effective address in simulated storage that contains the instruction to be interpreted • Clear 1400 Locations 0-80 to Blanks • Address Modify • Scatter/Gather Binary Data • Return to 1401: I-Fetch • Return to 1401: I-Fetch at A-Address • Fetches the instruction • Updates and restores the simulated IAR • Performs any indexing required for the instruction • Converts the effective 1400 of the operands obtained System/360 addresses in storage addresses to their simUlated • Examines the operation code to determine whether the instruction can be • Scan for Groupmark 1400 Storage with Wordmark in • Edit Analyze • Edit Get, Put The Diagnose instructions communicate with the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature through the general purpose registers (GPRS). Appendix D: Model 40 special Instructions 89 The Diagnose instructions have the lowing format: code • Byte 1 - operation 83) fol- (hexadecimal • Byte 2 - control byte (variable) • Bytes 3 and 4 - absolute Read-OnlyStor,age address of the link to the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature (hexadecimal 0741) A description of each Diagnose instruction follows. Multiway Branch Bytes 0 and 1 GPR 9 Bytes 2 and 3 ,r-------------T------------------, I Search Table I Address I Search Argument I Address I I ~---~-----------+------------------~ IL_______ _______ I __________________ Base Address JI ~ ~ Search [Table Address: This is the binary address of the beginning of a table (high order) consisting of a series of 2-byte entries, each situated on a halfword boundary. Byte 1 of each entry is the tableargument to be compared to the search argument. Byte 2 is a binary relative address that is added to the base address when an equal compare occurs. The sum of the relative address and the base address is loaded into the current program status word (PSW) as a new instruction counter (IC). Sear.ch Argument Address: This is the binary address of the search argument in Emulator-Program storage. Base Address: This address forms the address of the next Emulator-Program instruction when combined with the relative address found in the table. 90 The hexadecimal representation of this instruction is 83100741. Since simulated 1400 storage is not contiguous, and 1400 internal BCD is not represented the same as in the System/360 buffers, this instruction is necessary to move data between EmulatorProgram storage and the simulated 1400 storage. This instruction also translates between BCDIC-8 and the simulated 1400 internal code in which instructions and data are represented in simulated 1400 storage (see Table 15). scatter performs the following: The hexadecimal representation of this instruction is 83000741. This instruction causes a branch to a subroutine after determining the branch address by a tablelookup operation. A specified character is compared to the entries in a table in Emulator-Program storage; the program branches to the address formed by combining the table function with a specified base address when an equal compare is recognized. After each unequal compare of search and table arguments, the table argument is tested for zero. A zero table argument signals the end of the table; the current search argument is ignored and program execution continues at the next sequential instruction after the Diagnose. To execute this Diagnose instruction, GPRs 8 and 9 must be initialized as follows: GPR 8 Scatter/Gather • Moves characters from contiguous Emulator-Program storage to noncontiguous 1400 storage • Translates these characters from BCDlC8 to simulated 1400 internal code • Sets a condition code at termination of Scatter operation to indicate results of the operation • Returns to the instruction if are found next Emulator-Program no invalid characters • If an invalid character is detected" a "+" character (XOOOOOOO) is inserted in 1400 storage for that character, operation continues to termination and exits to branch table entry 31. Gather performs the following functions: • Moves characters from noncontiguous 1400 storage locations to contiguous locations in Emulator-Program storage • Translates these characters from simulated 1400 internal code to BCDIC-8 • Sets a condition code at termination of Gather operation to indicate results of the operation • Returns to the next instruction of Emulator-Program the Data is represented in buffer areas in BCDIC-8, as shown in Table 16. When th~s data is scattered to 1400 storage, it remaps into the representation as shown in Table 15. When i t is gathered, into the buffer from 1400 storage, it remaps into BCDlC-8 again. To execute this Diagnose instruction., GPRs 8 and 9 must be initiali2ed as follows: Bytes 1, 2, and 3 Byte 0 r--------------T--------------------, I 00 I System/360 Address I GPR 8 IL______________ I ____________________ JI ~ Byte 0 Byte 1 Bytes 2 and 3 r---------~-------T----------------, GPR 9 I control I count I Byte I I 1400 Address I I I L~--------~--------~----------------J Svstem/360 Address: This is the System/360 buffer address from where data is to be taken (scattered) or to where data is to be placed (gathered). Control ,Byte: This byte determines the manner of the scatter or gather and the status of the 1400 B-Address Register (BAR), in GPR1 or GPR9. Bits 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 are always zero. If bit 4 contains a 1, the BAR contains the updated 1400 address used in the scatter or gather operation. GPR 8 (System/360 address) is updated as used. If bit 4 is 0, the BAR remains unchanged, and GPR 9 contains the updated 1400 address used in the scatter or gather operation. Bits 0 and 7 have the following meanings: Bits o 7 o o Gather characters in Load mode. The characters from simulated 1400 internal code with word- marks are translated to BCDIC-8 with wordmarks. 1 scatter characters in Move mode. The characters are translated from BCDIC-8 to simulated 1400 internal code. Bit 0 of the 1400 storage locations remains unchanged. This has the effect of leaving wordmark bits unchanged in 1400 storage while moving new characters into these locations. o Operation 1 o Gather characters in Move mode. simulated 1400 internal code characters with wordmarks are translated to BCDIC-8 without wordmarks. 1 1 Scatter characters in Load mode. BCDIC-8 characters with wordmarks are translated to simulated 1400 internal code. cOunt: This field specifies the number of characters to be moved minus 1. For example., a count field containing hexadecimal OA causes 11 characters to be moved. The scatter/gather operation is restricted to 256 characters per operation. The count field is unchanged by this operation. 1400 Address: This is the address, in "hddd" form, of the lowest 1400 address of the data field, where "h" is a hexadecimal digit and ad" is a decimal digit. Condition Codes: codes are set at Scatter operation: The following condition the termination of a 00 - The operation has been terminated because an internal count, derived from the count byte in GPR9, has been decremented to zero. The 1400 address points to the last character scattered plus 1. 01 - The operation has been terminated because a groupmark wordmark (GMWM) has been found in 1400 storage before the internal count has been decremented to zero. The 1400 address points to the GMWM plus 1. GPR8 points to the last System/360 character that was scattered plus 1. The following condition codes are set for a Gather operation: 00 - The operation has been terminated because an internal count" derived from the count byte in, GPR9, has been decremented to zero. The 1400 address points to the last character gathered plus 1. 01 - The operation has been terminated because a GMWM has been found in 1400 storage before the internal count was decremented to zero. The GMWM has not been gathered to the Emulator Program storage. The 1400 address pointer to the GMWM plus 1. GPR8 points to the last character gathered to the System/.360 storage plus 1, i.e •• where the GMWM would be if it had been moved. Scatter/Gather ~oad Mode Tape The hexadecimal representation of this instruction is 83100741. Since simulated 1400 storage is not contiguous" this instruction is necessary to move data between Emulator-program storage and simulated 1400 storage, translating the data between BCDIC-8 and the simulated 1400 internal code in which instructions and data are represented in simulated 1400 storage (see Table 15). The instruction also performs a conversion between word separators and wordmarks. scatter following: Load Mode Tape performs the • Moves characters from contiguous Emulator-Program storage to noncontiguous 1400 storage Appendix D: Model 40 Special Instructions 91 • Translates these characters from BCDIC8 to simulated 1400 internal code • converts word separators to wordmarks (only the first of a series of word separators is utilized) • Tests for invalid characters, setting a condition code of 10 upon detection and inserting a "+" character (XOOOOOOO) in 1400 storage for that character • Returns to the next instruction of the Emulator Program Gather Load following: Mode Tape performs the • Moves characters from noncontiguous 1400 storage to contiguous EmulatorProgram storage • Translates these characters from simulated 1400 internal code to BCDIC-8 and GPR 9 (1400 address). Bits 0, 1, 2, 5, and 6 are always zero. If bit 3 contains a 1, Scatter/Gather Load Mode Tape is indicated. If bit 4 contains a 1, the BAR contains the updated 1400 address used in the scatter or gather operation. GPR 8 (System/360 address) is updated as used. If bit 4 contains a 0, the BAR remains unchanged, and GPR 9 contains the updated 1400 address used in the scatter or gather 9peration. If bit 7 contains a 0, the operation is a gather; if bit 7 contains a 1, the operation is a scatter. Count: This field specifies the number of characters to be moved minus 1. For example, a count field containing hexadecimal OA causes 11 characters to be moved. The scatter/gather operation is restricted to 256 characters per operation. The count field is unchanged by this operation. 1400 Address: This is the address, in "hddd" form, of the lowest 1400 address of the data field. • converts wordmarks to word separators • Returns to the next instruction of Emulator Program the To execute this Diagnose instruction, GPRs 8 and 9 must be initialized as follows: Byte 0 Bytes 1, 2" and 3 r-~--------T-------------------------1 GPR 81 Split ISystem/360 Address I I Operation ________ I _________________________ JI L_~ ~ Byte 0 Byte 1 Bytes 2 and 3 r-~------T--------T------------------' GPR 91 ControllCount 11400 Address I 1 Byte ___ __ I ________ I __________________ JI L~ ~ ~ ~ Split - Operation: This byte (byte 0 of GPR 8) is used to indicate a split operation, where the last character read from Emulato~Program storage was a word separator. If bit 4 of byte 0 of GPR 8 is not a zero when Scatter Load Mode Tape is entered, a wordmark is placed at the first character in simulated 1400 storage. This byte of GPR 8 must be initialized at 0, and hardware will automatically set this byte for split operation. Svsteml360 Address: This is the System/360 buffer. address from where data is to be taken (scattered) or to where data is to be placed (gathered). control Byte: This byte determines whether the operation is a scatter or a gather, the scatter/gather is a load-mode tape operation, and the status of the B-Address Register (BAR), GPR 8 (System/360 address), 92 Condition Codes: The following condition codes are set at the termination of a Scatter operation: 00 - The operation has been terminated because an internal count, derived from the count byte in GPR9, has been decremented to zero. The 1400 address points to the last character scattered plus 1. 01 - The operation has been terminated because a groupmark wordmark (GMWM) has been found in 1400 storage before the internal count was decremented to ~ero. The 1400 address points to the GMWM plus 1. GPR8 points to the last System/360 character that was scattered plus 1. 10 - An invalid 1400 character has been detected during the scatter and the internal count has been decremented to zero. The 1400 address in GPR1 or GPR9 points to the last character scattered plus 1. 11 - An invalid 1400 character has been detected during the scatter and the scatter has been terminated by a GMWM in 1400 storage before the internal count was decremented to zero. The 1400 address in GPR1 or GPR9 points to the GMWM plus 1. GPR8 points to the last System/360 character scattered plus 1. Clear Entire 1400 Storage to Blanks The hexadecimal representation of this instruction is 83300741~ This Diagnose instruction uses the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature to clear the entire simulated 1400 storage to blanks. No register initialization is necessary. Clear 1#00 Locations 0-80 to Blanks The ,hexadecimal representation of this instruction is 83400141. This Diagnose instruction uses the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature to clear the simulated 1400 card read area to blanks. No register initialization is necessary. data between Emulator-program storage and 1400 storage locations 401, SOl, 402, S02, etc. Translation between BCDIC-8 and simulated 1400 internal code representation is accomplished during the transfer. After the operation, control is returned to the 1401/1440/1460 DOS compatibility Feature through branch table entry 16 for Scatter or entry S for Gather. In order for this instruction to be executed, GPR 8 must be initialized as follows: Byte 0 Bytes 1, 2~ and 3 r-------T---------------------------, Address.Modify IL_______i I __________________________ System/360 Address I ~J The hexadecimal representation of this instruction is 839x0741, where "x" (bits 12-1S) is set to one of eight possible configu~ations for specific address modification. This Diagnose instruction uses the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Features to increment or decrement by one or under count a 1401-type address in the form "hddd" or a six-digit decimal address in the form "dddddd" in GPR 9 where "h" is a hexadecimal digit and "d" is a decimal digit. In order for this instruction to be executed, GPR 9 must be initialized as follows: Bytes 2 and 3 Bytes 0 and 1 GPR 9 .r-----------------T---------------, I I I hddd L-________________ ________________ J ~ Svstem/360 Address: This is the binary address of the lowest location of the binary data in Emulator-Program storage,. After completion of the operation, this address will have been incremented by 160. Return to 1400: I-Fetch The hexadecimal representation of this instruction is 83D00741. This Diagnose instruction returns control from the Emulator Program to the 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature. The Compatibility Feature then performs an I-Fetch for the next 1400 instruction. No register initialization is necessary. Return to 1400: I-Fetch at A-Address or The hexadecimal representation Bytes 0 and 1. GPR 9 Bytes 2 and 3 r-----------------T----------------, I dd I dddd I L _________________ i ________________ J The count, if required, is in binary form in bytes 2 and 3 of GPR 8 and should be on~ less than the number desired to be incremented or decremented. The possible configurations for 12-15, with the resulting format address modification, are: bits and Bits 1.£:12 0000 0001 0010 0011 1000 1001 1010 1011 Format hddd hddd dddddd dddddd hddd hddd dddddd dddddd Modification Increment by one Increment under count Increment by one Increment under count Decrement by one Decrement under count Decrement by one Decrement under count instruction is 83E00741.. This of this Diagnose instruction executes a 1400 branch by returning control from the Emulator Program to the 1401/1440/1460 DOS compatibility Feature. The compatibility Feature then performs an I-Fetch at the address in the AAR for the next 1400 instruction. No register initialization is necessary. Scan for Groupmark with WOldmark in 1400 Storage The hexadecimal representation of this instruction is 83600141. This Diagnose instruction uses 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature to scan for a groupmark with wordmark under count. The scan is from left to right. In order for this instruction to be executed, GPRs 8 and 9 must be initialized as follows: Bytes 0 and 1 Bytes 2 and 3 r---------------T-------------------, I Count I GPR 8 I ~------~.---:;...----+------------------.;~ Scatter/Gather Binary Data GPR 9 IL_______________ i I __________________ 1400 Address I The hexadecimal representation of this instruction is 83A00741 for Scatter and 83B00741 for Gather. This Diagnose instruction transfers 160 bytes of binary Count: This field specifi~s., in binary form, the number of positions. to be scanned minus 1. This binary value should not ~J Appendix D: Model 40 Special Instructions 93 exceed the decimal value of 16,000. A starting count of hexadecimal FFFF results in an error. After the operation is completed, the residual count in GPR 8 is the original count minus the number of positions scanned. The scan is stopped when the count is reduced from hexadecimal 0000 to hexadecimal FFFF, unless the groupmark with wordmark is found earlier. The condition code is set as follows: 00 Specifies the groupmark with wordmark was found at the count. 01 Specifies the groupmark with wordmark was found before the count. 10 Specifies the size (16K) was exceeded. 11 Specifies the groupmark with wordmark was not found. of 1400 storage 1400 Address: This is the address, in "hddd" format, of the first 1400 location to be scanned. After the operation is completed, GPR 9 contains an address one greater than the last position scanned, whether or not the scan was stopped by an end-'of -count or groupmark-wi th-wordmarkfound condition. Examples: Assuming a starting 1400 address of 0401 in bytes 2 and 3 of GPR 9, and a starting count of hexadecimal 0009 in bytes 2 and 3 of GPR 8, the following results are produced after the operation is completed: GMWM Addr. 0410 0409 Not in field Residual count FFFF 0000 FFFF Residual Addr. in GPR 9 0411 0410 0411 cc 00 01 11 If the control byte has no wordmark, then its bit 0 is set to a 1; and the resulting character is used as the loworder byte of a table address. The second byte of this address is taken from byte 0 of GPR 7. The remaining high-order positions of the table address are taken from the high-order positions of the current instruction counter (IC). The table address is used to fetch a character from System/360 storage. This character is used as the low-order byte of a branch address. The second byte of the branch address is taken from byte 0 of the current IC. The high-order positions of the branch address are set to a O. This address is then inserted into the IC of the current PSW, which effects a branch. If the control character has a wordmark, then bit 0 remains a 1, and a branch address is formed in the same manner as described in the previous paragraph. However, instead of a branch to this address being executed, the branch address is placed in bytes 0 and 1 of GPR 7. The current IC is then used to fetch the next instruction. Edit Get, Put The hexadecima1 representation of this instruction is 832x0741, where Ox" (bits 12-15) is set to one of four possible configurations for four specific operations. In all four operations, a character is fetched from 1400 storage and put in byte 3 of a GPR. If the character has a wordmark, the condition code is set to 1; otherwise, the condition code is set to O. The possible configurations for bits 12-15 are: 1011 Specifies GET A, MOD AAR -1. In this operation, the 1400-character address is in the current 1400 AAR. After the character is fetched, the AAR is decremented by one. The character is placed in byte 3 of GPR 4. 0111 Specifies GET B, NO MODIFY. In this operation, the 1400-character address is in the current 1400 BAR. The BAR is unchanged after the operation. The character is placed in byte 3 of GPR 7. 1110 specifies PUT B, MOD BAR -1, GET NEXT B. In this operation, the character in byte 3 of GPR 7 is transferred to 1400 storage (to the address specified by the BAR). The BAR is then decremented by one (and replaces the current BAR); the character at the resulting address is fetched to byte 3 to GPR 7. The condition code is set to 0 if the Assuming a starting 1400 address of 15,996 in bytes 2 and 3 of GPR 9, and the same starting count of hexadecimal 0009 in bytes 2 and 3 of GPR 8, the following results are produced: GMWI1 Addr. Not in field Residual count 000 Residual Addr. in GPR 9 0000 CC 10 Edit Analyze The hexadecimal representation of this instruction is 83700741. This Diagnose instruction uses the 1401 character in byte 3 of GPR 7 as an action control. This byte of data is called the -control byte- in the following text. The Edit Analyze instruction has two courses of action, depending on whether or not the control byte has a wordmark. 94 fetched character has no wordmark; otherwise, it is set to 1. 1100 Specifies PUT B, MOD BAR +1, GET NEXT B. This operation is identical to PUT B, MOD BAR -1, GET NEXT B, except that the BAR is incremented (instead of decremented) by one. Appendix D: Model 40 Special Instructions 95 APPENDIX E: Table 15. CHARACTER CONVERSION TABLES Eight-Bit Representation of BCD Graphics in Simulated 1400 Storage for the Model 40 r---------------------------------------T---------------------------------------, WITHOUT WORDMARK I WITH WORD MARK I I ~---------------------------------------+---------------------------------------~ 4567 10123 t I I r-~-l~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~I~~O~I~~~~I~~~~~~~!~~~~I~~~I~~~I~~~~I~~~~I~~~~~~~~I~~~~l I 0000 I + I - I is I bl I ? I ! I:j: I 0 I + I - 1 is 1 bl I ? I ! I:j: I 0 I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 10001 I 1 I I I A I J I / 1 1 I I I I I A I J 1 / I 1 I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 10 0 10 I 1 I I I K I B I S I 2 I I 1 I I B I K I S I 2 I 96 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ I 0011 I I I I 1 C I LIT I 3 I I I I I C I LIT I 3 I ~-----f----+---_+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 10 100 I I I I I DIM I U I 4 I I I I I DIM I U I 4 I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 10101 I I I I I E I N I V I 5 I I I I I E I N I V I 5 I ~----~+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 10110 I I I I 1 FlO I w 1 6 I I I I I FlO 1 W I 6 I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ I 0111 I I I I I G I P I X I 7 I I I I I G I P I X I 7 I ~----~+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11000 I I 1 I 1 H I Q I Y I 8 I 1 I I I H 1 Q I Y I 8 I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11001 I I I I I I I R 1 z I 9 I I 1 1 I I I R 1 z I 9 I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11010 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~----.-+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---~ 11011 I · I $ I, I # I I I I I· I $ I, I # I I I I I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11100 I n I * I % I @ I I I I I n I * I % I @ I I I I I ~-----f----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11101 I [ I ] I.... I : I I I I I [ I] I.... I : I I I I I ~----~f---_+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11110 I < I i I·" I > I I I I I < I; I" I > I I I I I ~----~f----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+_---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11111 II I ____ illI ____ v I ____ I ____ I ____ I____ I ____ I ____ II I ____ illI ____ v I ____ I ____ I ___ I ____ JI L ____ I ____ I ____ Table 16. Eight-Bit Representation of BCD Graphics in Simulated 1400 Storage for the Model 30, and Buffer Areas for Models 30 and 40 r-------------------T-------------------T-------------------T-------------------, I WITH WORDMARK1.. I WITHOUT WORDMARK 2 1 WITH WORDMARK1.. I WI'l'HOUT WORDMARK 2 1 ~-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------~ 4567 1 012 3 • I I I I ! tooooTooo~Too~oToo~~to~ooTo~o~To~~oTo~~~t~oooT~oo~T~o~oT~o~~t~~ooT~~o~T~~~oT~1111 r-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 10000 I bi I + I - I I bi I + 1 - I I? I ! I I 0 I? I ! 1 I 0 I ~-----+----+----+----t----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----~ 10001 1 I I / I I I 1 / I I A 1 J I I 1 I A 1 J I 1 1 I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 10010 I I I I I I I I I B 1 K I S I 2 I B 1 K I S I 2 I I------+----+----+----t----+----+----+----+·----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---·-t----~ 10011 I 1 I I I I I I I C I L I T I 3 I C I L ,T I 3 I ~-----+----+----+----+----t----+----t----t----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----~ 10100 I I I 1 1 I I I I DIM I U I 4 I DIM 1 U I 4 I ~-----+----+----+----t----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----~ 10101 I I I I I I I I I E I N I V I 5 I E I N I V I 5 I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----~ 10110 I I I I 1 I I I I FlO I W I 6 I FlO I W I 6 I ~-----+----+----+----t----t----t----+----t----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----~ I 0111 I I I I 1 I 1 I I G I P I X I 7 I G I P I X I 7 I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11000 I I I I I I I I I H I Q 1 y I 8 I H I Q I Y I 8 I ~-----+----t----+----+----+----t----t----t----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11001 I I I I I I I I I I I R I Z I 9 I I I R I Z I 9 I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----~ 11010 I 1 I I D I I I I D I I I I I I I I I 1------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----~ 11011 I · I $ I, I # I· I $ I, I # I 1 I 1 I I I I I ~----+----t----+----+----+---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----~ 11100 I n I * I % I @ I n I * I % I @ I I I 1 I I I I I 1------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11101 I [ I ] I,.. I : I [ I ] I,.. I : I I 1 I I I I I I 1------+----+----+----+---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----~ 11110 I < I ; 1"\ I > I < I ; 1"\ I > I I I 1 I 1 I I I ~-----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----t----~ 11111 1* 1 t;.. 1 -tfI- 1 v I * I t;.. I -tfI1 v I I I I I I I I I * ~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~----i----~----~ I I 1.. 2 * ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R€presentation for odd-parity, 9-track tapes. Representation for even-parity, 9-track tapes. ~ I I L____ ~---- __ --------------------------------------------______________________________ J Appendix E: Character Conversion Tables 97 APPENDIX F: MODEL 40 ADDRESS CONVERSION TABLE An ar.ea of Model 40 Emulator-program main storage from hexadecimal 4000 to 7FFFF is reserved for simulated 1400 storage. This area of 16,384 bytes provides 16 thousand 1400 character positions. Because of addressing differences between the 1400 and System/360, consecutive 1400 addresses do not necessarily to consecutive Systern/360 correspond addresses. For example, data in 1400 locations 096, 097, and 098 are actually stored 98 in System/360 bytes 0421E, 0421F, and 04618, respectively. The following address conversion table will aid the user in reading 1400 data and instructions as they appear in a System/360 storage dump. The 1400 addresses in decimal and their equivalent System/360 addresses in hexadecimal are shown in the table. Only even addresses are shown: the equivalent System/ 360 address of odd 1400 addresses is always one greater than the previous even address. I 1401 5/360 :J:o 'tj 'tj I'D ::s a. I-J. ~ "Ij 00 3: 0 a. 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 00 20 40 60 80 04000 04020 04040 04060 04208 02 22 42 62 82 04002 04022 04042 04062 0420A 04 24 44 64 84 04004 04024 04044 04064 0420C 06 26 46 66' 86 04006 04026 04046 04066 042ElE 08 28 48 68 88 04008 04028 04048 04068 04608 10 30 50 70 90 04010 04030 04050 04070 04218 12 32 52 72 92 04012 04032 04052 04072 042lA 14 34 54 74 94 04014 04034 04054 04074 0421C 16 36 56 76 96 04016 04036 04056 04076 0421E 18 38 58 78 98 04018 04038 04058 04078 04618 100 120 140 160 180 04100 04120 04140 04160 04308 102 122 142 162 182 04102 04122 04142 04162 0430A 104 124 144 164 184 04104 04124 04144 04164 0430C 106 126 146 166 186 04108 04126 04146 04166 0430E 108 128 148 168 188 04108 04128 04148 04168 04708 110 130 150 170 190 04110 04130 04150 04170 04318 112 132 152 172 192 04112 04132 04152 04172 0431A 114 134 154 174 194 04114 04134 04154 04174 0431C 116 136 156 176 196 04116 04136 04156 04176 0431E 118 138 158 178 198 04118 04138 04158 04178 04718 200 220 240 260 280 04200 04220 04240 04260 04228 202 04202 222 04222 ;~42 04242 262 04262 282 0422A 204 224 244 264 284 04204 04224 04244 04264 0422C 206 226 246 266 286 04206 04226 04246 04266 0422E 208 228 248 268 288 0400A 0402A 0404A 0406A 04628 210 230 250 270 290 04210 04230 04250 04270 04238 212 232 252 272 292 04212 04232 04252 04272 0423A 214 234 254 274 294 04214 04234 04254 04274 0423C 216 236 256 276 296 04216 04236 04256 04276 0423E 218 238 258 278 298 040lA 0403A 0405A 0407A 04638 300 320 340 360 380 04300 04320 04340 04360 04328 302 322 342 362 382 04302 04322 04342 04362 0432A 304 324 344 364 384 04304 04324 04344 04364 0432C 306 326 346 366 386 04306 04326 04346 04366 0432E 308 328 348 368 388 0410A 0412A 0414A 0416A 04728 310 330 350 370 390 04310 04330 04350 04370 04338 312 332 352 372 392 04312 04332 04352 04372 0433A 314 334 354 374 394 043-14 04334 04354 04374 0433C 316 336 356 376 396 04316 04336 04356 04376 0433E 318 338 358 378 398 0411A 0413A 0415A 0417A 04738 400 420 440 460 480 04400 04420 04440 04460 04248 402 422 442 462 482 04402 04422 04442 04462 0424A 404 424 444 464 484 04404 04424 04444 04464 0424C 406 426 446 466 486 04406 04426 04446 04466 0424E 408 428 448 468 488 0400C 0402C 0404C 0406C 04648 410 430 450 470 490 04410 04430 04450 04470 04258 412 432 452 472 492 04412 04432 04452 04472 0425A 414 434 454 474 494 04414 04434 04454 04474 0425C 416 436 456 476 496 04416 04436 04456 04476 0425E 418 438 458 478 49.8 0401C 0403C 0405C 0407C 04658 500 520 540 560 580 04500 04520 04540 04560 04348 502 522 542 562 582 04502 04522 04542 04562 0434A 504 524 544 564 584 04504 04524 04544 04564 0434C 306 526 546 566 586 04506 04526 04546 04566 0434E 508 528 548 568 588 0410C 0412C 0414C 0416C 04748 510 530 550 570 59(} 04510 04530 04550 04570 04358 512 532 552 572 592 04512 04532 04552 04572 0435A 514 534 554 574 594 04514 04534 04554 04574 0435C 516 536 556 576 596 04516 04536 04556 04576 0435E 518 538 558 578 598 0411C 0413C 0415C 0417C 04758 600 620 640 660 680 04600 04620 04640 04660 04268 602 622 642 662 682 04602 04622 04642 04662 0426A 604 624 644 664 684 04604 04624 04644 04664 0426C 606 626 646 666 686 04606 04626 04646 04666 0426E 608 628 648 668 688 0400E 0402E 0404E 0406E 04668 610 630 650 670 690 04610 04630 04650 04670 04278 612 632 652 672 692 04612 04632 04652 04672 0427A 614 634 654 674 694 04614 04634 04654 04674 0427C 616 636 656 676 696 04616 04636 04656 04676 0427E 618 638 658 678 698 0401E 0403E 0405E 0407E 04678 700 720 740 760 780 04700 04720 04740 04760 04368 702 722 742 762 782 04702 04722 04742 04762 0436A 704 724 744 764 784 04704 04724 04744 04764 0436C 706 726 746 766 786 04706 04726 04746 04766 0436E 708 728 748 768 788 0410E 0412E 0414E 0416E 04768 710 730 750 770 790 04710 04730 '04750 04770 04378 712 732 752 772 792 04712 04732 04752 04772 0437A 714 734 754 774 794 04714 04734 04754 04774 0437C 716 736 756 776 796 04716 04736 04756 04776 0437E 718 738 758 778 798 0411E 0413E 0415E 0417E 04778 800 820 840 860 880 04408 04428 04448 04468 0460C 802 822 842 862 882 0440A 0442A 0444A 0446A 0462C 804 824 844 864 884 0440C 0442C 0444C 0446C 0464C 806 826 846 866 886 0440E 0442E 0444E 0446E 0466C 808 828 848 868 888 0460A 0462A 0464A 0466A 0460E 810 830 850 870 890 04418 04438 04458 04478 0461C 812 832 852 872 892 0441A 0443A 0445A 0447A 0463C 814 834 854 874 894 0441C 0443C 0445C 0447C 0465C 816 836 856 876 896 0441E 0443E 0445E 0447E 0467C 818 838 858 878 898 046lA 0463A 0465A 0467A 0461E 900 920 940 960 980 04508 04528 04548 04568 0470C 902 922 942 962 982 0450A 0452A 0454A 0456A 0472C 904 924 944 964 984 0450C 0452C 0454C 0456C 0474C 906 926 946 966 986 0450E 0452E 0454E 0456E 0476C 908 928 948 968 988 0470A 0472A 0474A 0476A 0470E 910 930 950 970 990 04518 04538 04558 04578 0471C 912 932 952 972 992 0451A 0453A 0455A 0457A 0473C 914 934 954 974 994 0451C 0453C 0455C 0457C 0475C 916 936 956 976 996 0451E 0453E 0455E 0457E 0477C 918 938 958 978 998 0471A 0473A 0475A 0477A 0471E I'D 1-1 -'=' 0 ~ a. 0t; I'D en en (') 0 ::s <: I'D t; en I-J. 0 ::s 8 SlJ t:r 1-1 I'D \0 \0 .-0 1401 8/360 1401 8/360 1401 8/360 1401 8/360 1401 8/360 1401 8/360 1401 8/360 1401 8/360 1401 8/360 1401 8/360 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 04080 040AO 040CO 040EO 04288 1002 1022 1042 1062 1082 04082 040A2 040C2 040E2 0428A 1004 1024 1044 1064 1084 04084 040A4 040C4 040E4 0428C 1006 1026 1046 1066 1086 04086 040A6 040C6 040E6 0428E 1008 1028 1048 1068 1088 04088 040A8 040C8 040E8 04688 1010 1030 1050 1070 1090 04090 040BO 04000 040FO 04298 1012 1032 1052 1072 1092 04092 040B2 04002 040F2 0429A 1014 1034 1054 1074 1094 04094 040B4 04004 040F4 0429C 1016 1036 1056 1076 1096 04096 040B6 04006 040F6 0429E 1018 1038 1058 1078 1098 04098 040B8 04008 040F8 04698 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 04180 04lAO 041CO 041EO 04388 1102 1122 1142 1162 1182 04182 041A2 041C2 041E2 0438A 1104 1124 1144 1164 1184 04184 04lA4 041C4 041E4 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14648 14668 14688 0780E 0782E 0784E 0786E 07E68 14610 14630 14650 14670 14690 07E10 07E30 07E50 07E70 OiA78 14612 14632 14652 14672 14692 07E12 07E32 07E52 07E72 07A7A 14614 14634 14654 14674 14694 07E14 07E34 07E54 07E74 07A7C 14616 14636 14656 14676 14696 07E16 07E36 07E56 07E76 07A7E 14618 14638 14658 14678 14698 0781E 0783E 0785E 0787E 07E78 14700 14720 14740 14760 14780 07FOO 07F20 07F40 07F60 07B68 14702 14722 14742 14762 14782 07F02 07F22 07F42 07F62 07B6A 14704 14724 14744 14764 14784 07F04 07F24 07F44 07F64 07B6C 14706 14726 14746 14766 14786 07F06 07F26 07F46 07F66 07B6E 14708 14728 14748 14768 14788 0790E 0792E 0794E 0796E 07F68 14710 14730 14750 14770 14790 07FI0 07F30 07F50 07F70 07B78 14712 14732 14752 14772 14792 07F12 07F32 07F52 07F72 07B7A 14714 14734 14754 14774 14794 07F14 07F34 07F54 07F74 07B7C 14716 14736 14756 14776 14796 07F16 07F36 07F56 07F76 07B7E 14718 14738 14758 14778 14798 0791E 0793E 0795E 0797E 07F78 14800 14820 14840 14860 14880 07C08 07C28 07C48 07C68 07EOC 14802 14822 14841 14862 14882 07COA 07C2A 07C4A 07C6A 07E2C 14804 14824 14844 14864 14884 07COC 07C2C 07C4C 07C6C 07E4C 14806 14826 14846 14866 14886 07COE 07C2E 07C4E 07C6E 07E6C 14808 14828 14848 14868 14888 07EOA 07E2A 07E4A 07E6A 07EOE 14810 14830 14850 1487.0 14890 07C18 14812 07ClA 07C38 ,14832 07C3A 07C58 14852 07C5A 07C78 14872 07C7A 07E1C 14892 07E3C 14814 14834 14854 14874 14894 07C1C 07C3C 07C5C 07C7C 07E5C 14816 14836 14856 14876 14896 07CIE 07C3E 07C5E 07C7E 07E7C 14818 14838 14858 14878 14898 07E1A 07E3A 07E5A 07E7A 07E1E 14900 14920 14940 14960 14980 07008 07028 07048 07068 07FOC 14902 14922 14942 14962 14982 0700A 0702A 0704A 0706A 07F2C 14904 14924 14944 14964 14984 0700C 0702C 0704C 0706C 07F4C 14906 14926 14946 14966 14986 0700E 0702E 0704E 0706E 07F6C 14908 14928 14948 14968 14988 07FOA 07F2A 07F4A 07F6A 07FOE 14910 14930 14950 14970 14990 07018 07038 07058 07078 07F1C 14914 14934 14954 14974 14994 0701C 0703C 0705C 0707C 07F5C 14916 14936 14956 14976 14996 0701E 0703E 0705E 0707E 07F7C 14918 14938 14958 14978 14998 07F1A 07F3A 07F5A 07F7A 07F1E 07~30 07A5~ (1) Ii ....en 0 =' t-3 gJ tr I-' (1) ~ ~ w 14912 14932 14952 14972 14992 070lA 0703A 0705A 0707A 07F3C ~ ~ ~ 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 1401 5/360 15000 15020 15040 15060 15080 07880 078AO 078CO 078EO 07A88 15002 15022 15042 15062 15082 07882 078A2 078C2 078E2 07A8A 15004 15024 15044 15064 15084 07884 078A4 078C4 078E4 07A8C 15006 15026 15046 15066 15086 07886 078A6 078C6 078E6 07A8E 15008 15028 15048 15068 15088 07888 078A8 078C8 078E8 07E88 15010 15030 15050 15070 15090 07890 078BO 07800 078FO 07A98 15012 15032 15052 15072 15092 07892 078B2 07802 078F2 07A9A 15014 15034 15054 15074 15094 07894 078B4 07804 078F4 07A9C 15016 15036 15056 15076 150'96 07896 078B6 07806 078F6 07A9E 15018 15038 15058 15078 15098 07898 078B8 07808 078F8 07E98 15100 15120 15140 15160 15180 07980 079AO 079CO 079EO 07B88 15102 15122 15142 15162 15182 07982 079A2 079C2 079E2 07B8A 15104 15124 15144 15164 15184 07984 079A4 079C4 079E4 07B8C 15106 15126 15146 15166 15186 07986 079A6 079C6 079E6 07B8E 15108 15128 15148 15168 15188 07988 079A8 079C8 079E8 07F88 15110 15130 15150 15170 15190 07990 079BO 07900 079FO 07B98 15112 15132 15152 15172 15192 07992 079B2 07902 079F2 07B9A 15114 15134 15154 15174 15194 07994 079B4 07904 079F4 07B9C 15116 15136 15156 15176 15196 07996 079B6 07906 079F6 07B9E 15118 15138 15156 15178 15198 07998 079B8 07908 079F8 07F98 15200 15220 15240 15260 15280 07A80 07AAO 07ACO 07AEO 07AA8 15202 15222 15242 15262 15282 07A82 07AA2 07AC2 07AE2 07AAA 15204 15224 15244 15264 15284 07A84 07AA4 07AC4 07AE4 07AAC 15206 15226 15246 15266 15286 07A86 07AA6 07AC6 07AE6 07AAE 15208 15228 15248 15268 15288 0788A 078AA 078CA 078EA 07EA8 15210 15230 15250 15270 15290 07A90 07ABO 07ADO 07AFO 07AB8 15212 15232 15252 15272 15292 07A92 07AB2 07A02 07AF2 07ABA 15214 15234 15254 15274 15294 07A94 07AB4 07A04 07AF4 07ABC 15216 15236 15256 15276 15296 07A96 07AB6 07A06 07AF6 07ABE 15218 15238 15258 15278 15298 0789A 078BA 0780A 078FA 07EB8 15300 15320 15340 15360 15380 07B80 07BAO 07BCO 07BEO 07BA8 15302 15322 15342 15362 15382 07B82 07BA2 07BC2 07BE2 o7 BAA 15304 15324 15344 15364 15384 07B84 07BA4 07BC4 07BE4 07BAC 15306 15326 15346 15366 15386 07B85 07BA6 07BC6 07BE6 07BAE 15308 15328 15348 15368 15388 0798A 079AA 079CA 079EA 07FA8 15310 15330 15350 15370 15390 07B90 07BBO 07BOO 07BFO 07BB8 15312 15332 15352 15372 15392 07B92 07BB2 07B02 07BF2 07BBA 15314 15334 15354 15374 15394 07B94 07BB4 07B04 07BF4 07BBC 15316 15336 15356 15376 15396 07B96 07BB6 07B06 07BF6 07BBE 15318 15338 15358 15378 15398 0799A 079BA 0790A 079FA 07FB8 15400 15420 15440 15460 15480 07C80 07CAO 07CCO 07CEO 07AC8 15402 15422 15442 15462 15482 07C82 07CA2 07CC2 07CE2 07ACA 15404 15424 15444 15464 15484 07C84 07CA4 07CC4 07CE4 07ACC 15406 15426 15446 15466 15486 07C86 07CA6 07CC6 07CE6 07ACE 15408 15428 15448 15468 15488 0788C 078AC 078CC 078EC 07EC8 15410 15430 15450 15470 15490 07C90 07CBO 07COO 07CFO 07A08 15412 15432 15452 15472 15492 07C92 07CB2 07C02 07CF2 07AOA 15414 15434 15454 15474 15494 07C94 07CB4 07C04 07CF4 07AOC 15416 15436 15456 15476 15496 07C96 07CB6 07C06 07CF6 07ADE 15418 15438 15458 15478 15498 0789C 078BC 0780C 078FC 07E08 15500 15520 15540 15560 15580 07080 070AO 070CO 07DEO 07BC8 15502 15522 15542 15562 15582 07082 070A2 070C2 070E2 07BCA 15504 15524 15544 15564 15584 07084 070A4 070C4 070E4 07BCC 15506 15526 15546 15566 15586 07086 070A6 070C6 07DE6 07BCE 15508 15528 15548 15568 15588 0798C 079AC 079CC 079EC 07FC8 15510 15530 15550 15570 15590 07090 070BO 07000 070FO 07B08 15512 15532 15552 15572 15592 07092 070B2 07002 070F2 07BOA 15514 15534 15554 15574 15594 07094 070B4 07004 070F4 07BOC 15516 15536 15556 15576 15596 07096 070B6 07DD6 070F6 07BOE 15518 15538 15558 15578 15598 0799C 079BC 0790C 079FC 07FD8 15600 15620 15640 15660 15680 07E80 07EAO 07ECO 07EEO 07AE8 15602 15622 15642 15662 15682 07E82 07EA2 07EC2 07EE2 07AEA 15604 15624 15644 15664 15684 07E84 07EA4 07EC4 07EE4 07AEC 15606 15626 15646 15666 15686 07E86 07EA6 07EC6 07EE6 07AEE 15608 15628 15648 15668 15688 0788E 078AE 078CE 078EE 07EE8 15610 15630 15650 15670 15690 07E90 07EBO 07EOO 07EFO 07AF8 15612 15632 15652 15672 15692 07E92 07EB2 07E02 07EF2 07AFA 15614 15634 15654 15674 15694 07E94 07EB4 07E04 07EF4 07AFC 15616 15636 15656 15676 15696 07E96 07EB6 07E06 07EF6 07AFE 15618 15638 15658 15678 15698 0789E 078BE 078DE 078FE 07EF8 15700 15720 15740 15760 15780 07F80 07FAO 07FCO 07FEO 07BE8 15702 15722 15742 15762 15782 07F82 07FA2 07FC2 07FE2 07BEA 15704 15724 15744 15764 15784 07F84 07FA4 07FC4 07FE4 07BEC 15706 15726 15746 15766 15786 07F86 07FA6 07FC6 07FE6 07BEE 15708 15728 15748 15768 15788 0798E 079AE 079CE 079EE 07FE8 15710 15730 15750 15770 15790 07F90 07FBO 07FOO 07FFO 07BF8 15712 15732 15752 15772 15792 07F92 07FB2 07F02 07FF2 07BFA 15714 15734 15754 15774 15794 07F94 07FB4 07FD4 07FF4 07BFC 15716 15736 15756 15776 15796 07F96 07FB6 07FD6 07FF6 07BFE 15718 15738 15758 15778 15798 0799E 079BE 0790E 079FE 07FF8 15800 15820 15840 15860 15880 07C88 07CA8 07CC8 07CE8 07E8C 15802 15822 15842 15862 15882 07C8A 07CAA 07CCA 07CEA 07EAC 15804 15824 15844 15864 15884 07C8C 07CAC 07CCC 07CEC 07ECC 15806 15826 15846 15866 15886 07C8E 07CAE 07CCE 07CEE 07EEC 15808 15828 15848 15868 15888 07E8A 07EAA 07ECA 07EEA 07E8E 15810 15830 15850 15870 15890 07C98 07CB8 07C08 07CF8 07E9C 15812 15832 15852 15872 15892 07C9A 07CBA 07COA 07CFA 07EBC 15814 15834 15854 15874 15894 07C9C 07CBC 07COC 07CFC 07EOC 15816 15836 15856 15876 15896 07C9E 07CBE 07COE 07CFE 07EFC 15818 15838 15858 15878 15898 07E9A 07EBA 07EOA 07EFA 07E9E 15900 15920 15940 15960 15980 07088 070A8 070C8 070E8 07F8C 15902 15922 15942 15962 15982 0708A 07DAA 070CA 070EA 07FAC 15904 15924 15944 15964 15984 0708C 070AC 070CC 070EC 07FCC 15906 15926 15946 15966 15986 0708E 070AE 07DCE 070EE 07FEC 15908 15928 15948 15968 15988 07F8A 07FAA 07FCA 07FEA 07F8E 15910 15930 15950 15970 15990 07098 070B8 07008 07DF8 07F9C 15912 15932 15952 15972 15992 0709A 070BA 070DA 070FA 07FBC 15914 15934 15954 15974 15994 0709C 070BC 0700C 07DFC 07FOC 15916 15936 15956 15976 15996 0709E 07DBE 070DE 07DFE 07FFC 15918 15938 15958 15978 15998 07F9A 07FBA 07FOA 07FFA 07F9E APPENDIX G: The total storage requirement of the Model 30 is the sum of the following: 1. Size of the user's DOS/360 supervisor 2. size of the simulated 3. Amount of storage reserved for multiprogramming (value assigned to the symbolic parameter MPGMBLK times 2048) 4. storage reserved for Amount of I/O buffers (value magnetic-tape assigned to the symbolic parameter BUFSIZE) 5. Size of the generated Emulator Program 1400 system to be Requirements (1) through (4) can be easily determined. The size of the generated Emulator Program, requirement (5), can be estimated by using the list of storage estimates in this appendix. The storage estimates for parameters listed more than once should be included for each statement that is true. Parameters that do not appear in the list do not generate additional coding or have been included in the fixed overhead figure. Due to the vast number of possible ways to generate the Emulator Program, and since certain parameters share routines or constants with other parameters, the values obtained from the list should be used only as a guide. A -trial- generation is the only method of determining the exact amount of storage required. The following list contains the estimates of bytes required for the Emulator-Program generation: Parameter Fixed Overhead CATALOG=YES FETCH=YES EOJAADR EOJBADR HALTS=.YES TIMER=YES SYSIO=ipl (use Table 17) 3550 770 305 20 20 310 150 Example: If 1402 is to be simulated on a 2540 directly for card read and punch and the 1403 output to disk is to be simulated by assigning SYSLST to a 2311 extent, then SYSIO=003. or a storage requirement of 330 bytes as shown in Table 17. DISKDR=n (n:t'O) DISKDR=130n 1650 1650 CALCULATION OF MODEL 30 STORAGE REQUIREMENTS DISKDR=1405 DVOL=YES (for 1311 support) DVOL=YES (for 1405 or 1301 support) SCAN=YES and SCAN360=NO SCAN=YES and SCAN360=YES TRACKOP=YES (not 1405) TRACKOP=YES (1405) VERIFY=YES (not 1405) VERIFY=YES (1405) SECTORS=n 620 1045 805 610 860 280 390 325 280 124n TAPEDR=n (n*O) TAPEMOD=MXEDPAR TAPLDMD=YES TAPERRS=LOG TAPERRS=LST TAPERRS=LOGCHAR TAP ERRS=LSTCHAR TAPEDR*O and/or DISKDR*O 1155 1185 240 920 910 695 685 350 RDR1400=1402 READRSS=YES COLBINR=YES RDR1400=1442 READRSS=YES COLBINR=YES 550 200 1230 450 100 1530 PCH1400=1402 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH140G=1402 and PUNcHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH1400=1442 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH1400=1442 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH1400=1444 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH1400=1444 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH360=2540 PCH360=2520 or 1442 PCH360=2540 PCH360=2520 or 1442 PCH360=2540 PCH360=2520 or 1442 PTR1400=1403 PTR1400=1404 PTR1400=1443 CARRCTL=YES PFR=YES or COM COL51=YES OSDUMP=YES and ERROPNG=NO OSDUMP=YES and ERROPNG=YES ERROPNG=YES and OSDUMP=NO OSDISK=YES OSTAPE=YES OSDISK=YES and/or OSTAPE=YES OSADDR=YES OSALTER=YES OSDSPLY=YES or nn Appendix G: Calculation of Model 30 Storage Requirements 640 100 840 500 100 740 660 100 480 490 50 400 490 50 480 350 50 380 580 1100 450 550 270 100 810 840 860 780 660 100 80 50 75 115 Table 17. 70 480 360 2980 2980-100n (where n=no. of sectors and is less. than 30) OSINQRY#NO and/or OSENTER=YES 280 OSINQRY#NO and/or OSDSPLY#NO 250 OSDSPLY#NO and/or OSENTER=YES 70 OSENTER=YES and/or OSALTER=YES and/or OSADDR=YES and/or OSDSPLY=YES 165 OSDUMP=YES and/or OSDSPLY=YES and/or OSALTER=YES and/or OSENTER=YES and/or OSADDR=YES and/or OSTAPE=YES and/or OSINQRY=YES and/or OSISK=YES 295 Model 30 SYSIO Storage Estimates OSENTER=YES OSINQRY=YES OSINQRY=1400 OSINQRY=YES and DISKDR=O OSINQRY=YES and DISKDR#O r-------T-------T-------T-------T---------, lip I 1 = 0 I 1 = 1 I 1 = 2 I 1 = 3 I b-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 00 I 0 I 260 I 490 I 330 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 01 I 260 I 520 I 750 I 600 I b-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 02 I 550 I 800 I 1030 I 880 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 03 I 400 I 660 I 890 I 730 I b-------+-------+-------+-------+---------i I 10 I 140 I 400 I 630 I 470 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------i I 11 I 400 I 660 I 890 I 740 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------i I 12 I 690 I 940 I 1170 I 1020 I ~-------+-------+_------+-------+---------i I 13 I 550 I 800 I 1030 I 880 I ~-------+-------+_------+-------+---------i I 20 I 21 I 300 I 530 I 520 I 780 I 720 I 600 I 890 I Sample Worksheet for Storage Requirements computing ~-------+-------+_------+-------+---------i 1. DOS supervisor size t-------+-------+_------+-------+---------~ 2. size of 1400 system being simulated (1000 bytes per I 22 I 840 t 1090 I 1010 I 1330 I 1170 I I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 23 I 700 I 950 I 1180 I 1030 K) I b-------+-------+_------+-----+---------i 30 I 180 I 440 I 670 I 520 I 3. Size of foreground area (MPGBLK*2048) 4. Tape I/O area BUFSIZE value) 5. Emulator-Program size I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------i I 31 I 450 I 700 I 930 I 780 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------i I 32 I 730 I 580 _____ I 990 I 840 __ I 1210 I 1060 I ~-------+-------+_------+-------+---------i I 33 L-______ 116 ~ ~ I _______ 1090 I _________ 920 JI ----~ ~ (same Total main storage required as Model 30 APPENDIX H: CALCULATION OF MODEL 40 STORAGE REQUIREMENTS The total storage requirement of the Model 40 is the sum of the following: 2360 DISKDR=n (n*O) 2360 DISKDR=130n 1045 OISKDR=1405 1100 DVOL=YES (for 1311 support) 860 DVOL=YES (for 1405 or 1301 support) 685 SCAN=YES and SCAN360=NO 1200 SCAN=YES and SCAN360=YES 350+(2980-100n) TRACKOP=YES (not 1405) (where n=sectors) 1360 TRACKOP=YES (1405) (not 1405) 455 VERI FY=YES (1405) 455 VERIFY=YES 148n SECTORS=n 1. The constant 16,384 (beginning of 1400 memory) 2. Size of the simulated 3. Amount of storage reserved for magnetic tape and disk I/O buffers (value of symbolic parameter BUFSIZE) 4. Amount of storage reserved for multiprogramming (value assigned to the symbolic parameter ~PGMBLK times 2048) 5. 1400 system to be Size of the generated Emulator Program Requirements (1) through (4) can easily be determined. The size of the generated Emulator Program, requirement (5), can be estimat!d by uS1ng the list of storage estimates in this appendix. The storage estimates for parameters listed more than once in the list should be included for each statement that is true. Parameters that do not appear in the list do not generate additional coding or have been included in the fixed overhead figure. Due to the vast number of possible ways to generate the Emulator Program, and since certain parameters may share routines or constants with other parameters, the values obtained from the tables should be used only as a guide. A "trial" generation is the only method of determining the exact amount of storage required. The following list contains the estimates of bytes required for the Emulator-Program generation: Parameter I Fixed OVerhead CATALOG=YES FETCH=YES EOJAADR=nnnnn EOJBADR=nnnnn HALTS=YES TlMER=YES SYSIO=ipl (use Table 18) 6850 790 200 20 20 600 150 Example: If 1402 is to be Simulated on a 2540 directly for card read and punch and the 1403 output to disk is to be simulated by assigning SYSLST to a 2311 extent, then SYSIO=003, or a storage requirement of 330 bytes as shown in Table 18. TAP EDR= n (n*O) TAPEMOD=MXEDPAR TAPLDMD=YES TAPERRS=LOG TAPERRS=LST TAPERRS=LOGCHAR TAPERRS=LSTCHAR TAPEDR*O and/or DISKDR*O 1830 920 250 940 990 700 725 350 RDR1400=1402 READRSS=YES COLBINR=YES RDR1400=1442 READRSS=YES COLBINR=YES 680 200 1160 630 100 1440 PCH1400=1402 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH1400=1402 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH1400=1442 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH1400=1442 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH1400=1444 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH1400=1444 and PUNCHSS=YES COLBINP=YES PCH360=2540 PCH360=2520 or 1442 PCH360=2540 PCH360=2520 or 1442 PCH360=2540 PCH360=2520 or 1442 700 100 730 630 130 630 780 130 550 600 50 450 630 70 550 480 50 420 PTR1400=1403 PTR1400=1443 PTR1400=1404 CARRCTL=YES PFR=YES or COM COL 51=YES 580 480 1200 550 270 100 OSDUMP=YES and ERROPNG=NO OSOUMP=YES and ERROPNG=YES ERROPNG=YES and OSDUMP=NO OSDISK=YES OSTAPE=YES OSDISK=YES and/or OSTAPE=YES 1120 1150 1170 770 665 100 Appendix H: Calculation Of Model 40 storage Requirements 117 Table 18. Model 40 SYSIO Storage Estimates lip I 1 = 0 I 1 = 1 I 1 = 2 I 1 = 3 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 00 I 0 I 260 I 490 I 330 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------i I 01 I 260 I 520 I 750 I 600 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 02 I 550 I 800 I 1030 I 880 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------i I 03 I 400 I 660 I 890 I 730 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 10 I 140 I 400 I 630 I 470 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------i I 11 I 400 I 660 I 890 I 740 I ~------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 12 I 690 I 940 I 1170 I 1020 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 13 I 550 I 800 I 1030 I 880 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------i I 20 I 300 I 520 I 720 I 600 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 21 I 530 I 780 I 1010 I 890 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 22 I 840 11090 11330 I 1170 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 23 I 700 I 950 I 1180 I 1030 I ~------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 30 I 180 I 440 I 670 I 520 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I 31 I 450 I 700 I 930 I 780 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------i I 32 I 730 I 990 I 1210 I 1060 I ~-------+-------+-------+-------+---------~ I _______ 33 I _______ 580 iI-______ 840 I _______ 1090 I _________ 920 L JI ~ 118 ~ ~ 645 OSADDR=YES OSALTER=YES OSDSPLY=YES or nn OSENTER=YES OSINQRY=YES OSINQRY=1400 OSINQRY=YES and DISKDR=O OSINQRY=YES and DISKDR~O r-------T-------T-------T-------T---------, ~~ 125 935 815 2980 2980-100n (where n = no. of sectors and is less than 30) OSENTER=YES and/or OSINQRY~NO 505 OSENTER=YES and/or OSALTER=YES and/or 515 OSADDR=YES and/or OSDSPLY=YES sample Worksheet for Storage Requirements computing 1. Use the constant 16,384 for the beginning of 1400 memory 2. Size of 1400 system being simulated (1024 bytes per K) 3. Tape I/O area BUFSIZE) value (same as 4. Size of foreground (MPGMBLK*2048) 5. Emulator-program size area Total main storage required Model 40 APPENDIX I: Two sample programs are provided with the 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program for the Models 30 and 40. One sample program is used with an Emulator Program generated for either a 1401 or a 1460 program. The other sample program is used with an Emulator Program generated for a 1440 program. The name used to catalog the sample programs in the Source Statement Library is EU3SPRGM for the Model 30, and EU4SPRGM for the Model 40. The sample programs are designed to: • Read data from the card reader. • Print the data on the printer. • Punch the punch. • Read the reader. data into cards on the card punched cards on the card • Print the data from the punched cards on the printer. If the System/360 configuration includes a tape unit, the sample program also reads and writes on tape. The sample programs consist of 1400 object programs and the source statements as w~ll as the necessary DOS and Emulator Program control cards for execution. Execution may be accomplished either with a user-generated Emulator Program that has been cataloged in the Core-Image Library, or with the Emulator Program generated and cataloged as described in this appendix. The sample programs require a minimum system configuration of at least one 2311 disk drive (the system residence volume), a card reader/punch, a printer, and a 1052 Printer-Keyboard. Optionally, the configuration may include a tape unit. The minimum storage capacity required for the sample program, using the Emulator Program generated as described in this section, is 24K for the Model 30, and 32K for the Model 40. GENERATING THE SAMPLE EMULATOR PROGRAM The input required to generate the sample Emulator Program for use with either the 1401 or 1460 sample program is shown in Figure 10. In card 004, the user must specify EU30 for the Model 30, or EU40 for the Model 40. All underscored parameters in control cards 004 through 008 must be tailored to the user's System/360 configuration. Table 8 can be used to select model numbers for the punch, printer and reader in control cards 004 and 005. Control cards 006, 007, and 008 should be omitted if the system configuration does not include a tape drive. If the configuration includes a tape drive, "SYSnnn" in control cards 007 and 008 must specify valid DOS assigned programmer logical units. If other than standard assignments are desired, a // ASSGN control card must be provided for TAPE1. See paragraph on "Execution of Sample Program." The input required to generate the sample Emulator Program for use with the 1440 sample program is shown in Figure 11. In card 004, the user must specify EU30 for the Model 30, or EU40 for the Model 40. All underscored parameters in control cards 004 through 008 must be tailored to the user's System/360 configuration. Table 8 can be used to select model numbers for the punch, printer, and reader in control cards 004 and 005. Control cards 006, 007, and 008 should be omitted if the system configuration does not include a tape drive. If the configuration includes a tape drive, "SYSnnn" in control cards 007, and 008 must specify valid DOS assigned programmer logical units. If other than standard assign- // JOB EUJOBl // OPTION LIST,DECK,XREF // EXEC ASSEMBLY EUSAMPL [EU301 PCH1400=1402,PCH360=nnnn,PTR1400=1403,PTR360=nnnn, EU40J RDR1400=1402,RDR360=nnnn,SIZ1400=4,OSINQRY=1400, BLKSIZ1=0081,BUFSIZE=0081,HALTS=YES, TAPEDR=1,TAPE1=SYSnnn,TAPE2=SYSnnn,TAPE3=SYSnnn, TAPE4=SYSnnn" TAPE5=SYSnnn, TAPE6=SYSnnn END ACOMPOl /* /& • Figure 10. SAMPLE PROGRAMS X 001 002 003 004 X OOS X 006 007 008 009 010 011 X Emulator Program Generation for 1401/1460 Sample Program Appendix I: Sample Programs 119 // JOB EUJOB2 // OPTION LIST,DECK,XREF // EXEC ASSEMBLY EUSAMP [EU3~ PCH1400=1442,PCH360=nnnn,PTR1400=1443,PTR360=nnnn, EU4~ RDR1400=1442,RDR360=nnnn,SIZ1400=4,OSINQRY=1400, BLKSIZ1=0081,BUFSIZE=0081,HALTS=YES, TAPEDR=1,TAPE1=SYSnnn,TAPE2=SYSnnn,TAPE3=SYSnnn, TAPE4=SYSnnn,TAPE5=SYSnnn,TAPE6=SYSnnn END ACOMPOl X X X X /* /& • Figure 11. 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 Emulator Program Generation for 1440 Sample Program ments are desired, a // ASSGN control card must be provided for TAPE1. See paragraph on "Execution of the Sample Program." where "euname" is the name of the generated Emulator Program (i.e., EUSAMPL or EUSAMP), and "nnn" is the size of the emulator communications region (variable). GENERATING A USER-WRITTEN EMULATOR PROGRAM EXECUTION OF THE SAMPLE PROGRAM If the sample programs are to be executed with user-written Emulator Programs, several parameters must be included in the users' Emulator program generation. Far the 1401/1460 sample program, the parameters SIZ1400=4 (or larger) and OSINQRY= 1400 or YES must be included. For the 1440 sample program, the parameters SIZ1400=4 (or larger), PCH1400=1442, RDR1400=1442, PTR1400=1443, and OSINQRY=1400 or YES must be included. Optionally, if tape support is desired, the necessary tape simulation parameters must be included. CATALOGING THE EMULATOR PROGRAM The output of the Emulator-Program generation 1S a punched card deck which includes the necessary DOS control cards and System/360 emulator object module to catalog the Emulator Program in the CoreImage Library. The emulator object module~ which is punched out following the /& ~ control card, must be repositioned within the card deck. The proper position for the object module is marked by a punched card "***REPLACE WITH OBJECT MODULE***". Be sure to remove this card when repositioning the object deck. The arrangement of the cards for the catalog run is as follows: // JOB CATALOG euname TO CORE IMAGE LIBRARY // OPTION CATAL PHASE euname,* INCLUDE , (ACOMPOO) PHASE eunameX,ACOMPOO+nnn (for Model 30) or PHASE eunameX,nnn (for Model 40) INCLUDE , (ACOMP01) INCLUDE (Place emulator object module here) /* ENTRY EUENTRY // EXEC LNKEDT /& 120 Because the Emulator Program is executed using a 1400 object deck, it is necessary to retrieve the sample 1400 object programs and the DOS and Emulator Program control cards contained in the source statement library. Both an object deck and a source statement deck are punched out for both sample programs. Only that object deck for which the Emulator Program was generated should be retained (either the 1401/1460 object program or the 1440 object program). The following control cards are required to punch out and display the sample programs. // JOB PUNCH AND DISPLAY SAMPLE PROGRAMS // EXEC SSERV DSPCH Z.EU3SPRGM (for Model 30) or DSPCH Z.EU4SPRGM (for Model 40) /* /& After obtaining the punch card output of the sample programs, select the object deck and control cards to be used with the generated EmUlator Program.. The correct card deck for the 1401/1460 sample program is shown in Figure 12, while the correct card deck for the 1440 sample program is shown in Figure 13. The DOS control cards provided with the sample program are for use with either the sample Emulator Program or with a userprepared Emulator Program. If the sample program is for use with the sample Emulator Program, perform the following operations. • Discard the // ASSGN configuration does not if standard tape drive made during DOS system standard tape drive not made, complete the follows: card if system include tape, or assignments were generation. If assignments were // ASSGN card as // ASSGN SYSnnn,X'cuu' where "nnn" is the programmer logical unit assigned to the TAPE1=SYSnnn parameter during Emulator Program generation, and "cuu" is the device address of the tape drive. • Discard the // UPSI card. • Key punch the name of the sample Emulator Program, (EUSAMPL for the 1401/1460 program and EUSAMP for the 1440 program) in the operand field of the // EXEC card. If the sample program is for use with a user-prepared Emulator rrogram, perform the following operations: • Discard the // ASSGN card if the system configuration does not include tape, or if standard tape drive assignments were made during DOS generation. If standard tape drive assignments were not made, complete the // ASSGN card as follows: // ASSGN SYSnnn,X'cuu' where "nnn" is the programmer logical unit assigned to the TAPE1=SYSnnn parameter during Emulator Program generation, and "cuu" is the device address of the tape drive. • Discard the // UPSI card if the system configuration does not include tape, or if the user's Emulator Program includes the parameter HALTS=YES • • Key punch the user's Emulator Program name in the operand field of the / / EXEC card. Complete the preparations for executing the sample program by placing a /* card at the end of the sample program data cards. Do not include a /& card since the /* card only indicates the end of a data file and not the end of job. The sample program provides a /& card for end of job. During execution, the operator must perform several operator service functions. A copy of SYSLOG, which includes operator responses to the operator service functions, is shown in Figure 14. A copy' of the output data printed on SYSLST is shown in Figure 15. Appendix I: Sample Programs 121 * * 0001 0002 // JOB SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR THE EMULATOR PROGRAM 1401/1460 0003 // ASSGN SYSNNN,X'CUU' SPECIFY 1400 TAPE 1 IF SYSTEM HAS TAPE 0004 // UPSI 01 0005 // EXEC INSERT NAME OF EMULATOR PROGRAM 0006 // 1400 S1401.1,1",1~,T,00730 0007 ,008015,022026,030034,041,045,053L0721001026 /0991,001/00111610 1 0008 L096116,105106,110110B101/199,027A099029<027B001100 B026 0009 ,008015,022029,036040L071131,1041081001/080,001V00600611M217159,004174M BOOT0010 L070162,116117,124131,136140,1471481001M218M003S224005AV108005KM007220 LOAD0011 L069192,156170,174181,189001,0010011001M219000<000A223159B193219 B124 LOAD0012 L071224,197205,212216, 218219, 221224B100S219B174220 M124170B15607< 0011 LOAD0013 33353 /332 / / ,001101 B680 M%T0913W M%T0996W .001001 B483B B437A 1 MO 000410014 3865580280-2~C/08/04 B378U M080W80 ,408 A/114IO <408 A/13/04 B378-MW80 001510015 44154180 4-,438 A/11440 <438 A/13/06 C/04/06 B437/ B598 U%U1R B540A 1 M002610016 49555080280 2 M080813 M%U1734W B526L-B488 U%U1B U%U1E B502 U%U1M U%U1R 003910017 55054 M%U1734R B572L B593K B58I U%U18 B550 M813180 4 8550 U%U1U M/1418 004910018 604550 M180179-M/16102 4 M/18102 4 M/14180-M180179-4-M%TO-22W .002002 B006010019 65951680 1 M080280 2 B709A B662 H708 F1 /280 M912307-FT 2 /307 / BOOO-F007110020 71024K /280 M/02224 2 .999999 B723 - - - - - 008610021 81401_1 ~ - 009210022 81564 SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR THE 1401/1440/1460 EMULATOR PROGRAM UNDER DO 009310023 879648 IF SYSTEM HAS A TAPE MOUNT SCR 009410024 94363ATCH ON TAPE UNIT 1, TURN ON SSW B-AND RESPOND START I IF NO TAPE 009610025 0663~ RESPOND START_I_PLACE CARDS THAT WERE PUNCHED IN READER AND RES 009810026 6950POND START_I_SAMPLE PROGRAM COMPLETE_00_00_20_080_01 __/*_/& 010010027 00608 /333080 011110028 001 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0029 002 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0030 003 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0031 004 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0032 005 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0033 006 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0034 007 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0035 008 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0036 009 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0037 010 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0038 011 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0039 012 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0040 013 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0041 014 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0042 015 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0043 016 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0044 017 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0045 018 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0046 019 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0047 020 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0048 * 0049 * 0050 * USER MUST SUPPLY /* CARD 0051 Figure 12. 122 Control Cards, 1~00 Object Deck, and Data for 1401/1460 Sample Program * 0052 * 0053 // JOB 1440 SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR THE EMULATOR PROGRAM 0054 // ASSGN SYSNNN.X·CUU· SPECIFY 1400 TAPE 1 IF SYSTEM HAS TAPE 0055 // UPSI 01 0056 // EXEC INSERT NAME OF EMULATOR PROGRAM 0057 // 1400 S1440.1,l,,1.1.,T,01222 0058 ,008015.022029,036058L070086.043087,050075,083054S058B0751M%Gl001RBOOl BOOT0061 <054050<058043L071231.231040B075 B131S226B181227 M131177B16307< 0011 LOAD0062 L072195,188181,177170.200204,212219B075M007227M226000<000A230166B200226 LOAD0063 L071162,155154,147143,139138"223225B075, 004181MM225MOO 3S231005AV100005K-LOAD0064 L070130,124120,112108.226226,228228Bl08V0060061/073M%G1001R,001M224166 LOAD0065 41301_1 000410066 00609 ,333 Bl08 000610067 49401:1 000610068 00609 ~414 Bl08 000810069 57501:1 000810070 00609 ,495 Bl08 000810071 72101:1 001110072 72256 B/41 M%TOT24W M%TOU08W .001001 B892B B827A M%G1333R M412680 M%Yl 001210073 77855601W Cv12V08 B754U M412W80 ,798-AV15800 <798 AV17V08-B754 B/72 M% 002010074 83356G1414G MW80493 M%G1414G ,840 AV15842 <840 AvI7Vl0 CV08Vl0-B839/ B 003110075 88957 40 U%U1R B963A M%G1333R M412680 M%yI601W-M412574-M%U1495W B949L B004110076 94655897-U%U1B-U%U1E-B925 U%UIM U%U1R-B/72 M%G1414G M%U1495R B 07L B 3 005010077 01555K B 16 UiU1B B985 M574493-M%G1414G B985 U%U1R-B/72 MV19415 M%G14 006010078 565614G B/72 MV21415 M%G1414G B/72 M%G1414G M%TOU56W .002002 B/41 M%G 007010079 /12551333R M412680 M%Y1601W B/94A B/09 H/71 Pl MT23691 FT M%Y1601W-/69 007910080 /67551 BOOOH/93 MV22493 M493492 BOOO PK /680 MU55624 M%yI601W .999999 008910081 S2263 eS15 ~ SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR THE 1401/1440/1460 EMULATOR PROGRAM UN 009910082 S8564DER DOS IF SYSTEM HAS A TAPE, MOU 010210083 T4962NT SCRATCH ON TAPE_ UNIT 1., TURN ON SSW-B AND RESPOND START_I_IF 010410084 Ul162NO TAPE RESPOND START 1 SAMPLE PROGRAM COMPLETE PLACE CARDS JUST 010610085 U7350PCHED IN READER AND RESPOND START_I_00_00_20_080_01_/*_/&_ 010810086 00605 B722 011910087 001 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0088 002 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0089 003 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0090 004 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0091 005 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0092 006 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0093 007 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0094 008 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0095 009 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0096 010 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0097 011 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0098 012 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0099 013 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0100 014 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0101 015 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0102 016 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0103 017 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/14~0/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0104 018 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0105 019 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0106 020 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE PROGRAM 0107 * 0108 * USER MUST SUPPLY /* CARD 0109 Figure 13. Control Cards, 1400 Object Deck, and Data for 1440 Sample Program Appendix I: Sample Programs 123 BG II JOB EUJOBI BG II OPTION LIST,DECK,XREF BG II EXEC ASSEMBLY BG EOJ EUJOBI (a) Generating the Emulator Program BG II JOB CATALOG EUSAMPL TO CORE IMAGE LIBRARY BF II OPTION CATAL BG PHASE EUSAMPL,~ BG INCLUDE ,(ACOMPOO) BG PHASE EUSAMPLX,ACOMPOO+456 BG INCLUDE ,(ACOMPOl) BG INCLUDE BG ENTRY EUENTRY BG II EXEC LNKEDT BG EOJ CATALOG (b) Cataloging the Emulator Program BG II JOB PUNCH AND DISPLAY SAMPLE PROGRAMS BG II EXEC SSERV BG EOJ PUNCH (c) Retrieving the Sample Program BG II JOB SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR THE EMULATOR PROGRAM 1401/1460 BG II EXEC EUSAMPL BG II 1400 Sl40l,I,1",1"T,00730 BG EC30I BEGIN S1401 BG IF SYSTEM HAS A TAPE MOUNT SCRATCH ON TAPE UNIT 1, TURN ON SSW B AND RESPOND START BG IF NO TAPE, RESPOND START BG EC80I 1400 STATUS: 1=00373; A=OOOOI; B=OOOOI INSTN BLOCK=.00100IB BG EC821 HALT BG EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION BG switch BG EC461 S-SW ON = BG EC45D TYPE S-SW BG b BG EC461 S-SW ON = B BG EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION BG start BG PLACE CARDS THAT WERE PUNCHED IN READER AND RESPOND START BG EC80I 1400 STATUS: 1=00658; A=00002; B=00002 INSTN BLOCK=.002002B BG EC82I HALT BG EC40D TYPE IN FUNCTION BG start BG EC31I EOJ S1401 BG EOJ SAMPLE (d) Figure 14. 124 Executing the Sample Program SYSLOG Output for Sample Program SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR THE 1401/1440/1460 EMULATOR PROGRAM UNDER DOs 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 0.09 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVwXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVwXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 140.1/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAl-'lPLE SAMPLE SAlVlPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAlViPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAIvl PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAtvl PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAtvl PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR THE 1401/1440/1460 EIvlULATOR PROGRAM UNDER DOS ooi 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 1401/1440/1460 $ Af-'lPLE PROGRAM SAMPLE SAlwlPLE SAMPLE SAt'lPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAIvlPLE SAt-'lPLE SAt'lPLE SAt'iPLE SAIvlPL£ SAMPLE SAl'lPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAt-'lPLL SAMPLE SAMPLE PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAiYl PROGRAM PROGRAM PRUGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM SAMPLE PROGRAM COMPLETE Figure 15. SYSLST Output for Sample Program Appendix I: Sample Programs 125 APPENDI4 J: EMULATOR PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS FOR MODEL 25 This appendix describes the programming restrictions and considerations applicable to Model 25 users utilizing the 1401/1440/ 1460 Emulator Program for Compatibility Support/30 to execute 1401, 1440, or 1460 object programs under control of the Disk Operating System (DOS). Unless otherwise noted in this appendix, discussions throughout this publication of the 1401/ 1440/1460 Emulator Program for the Model 30 apply to the Model 25. MIN~MpM system configuration is • Whatever required for operation of the user's Disk Operating System. Note: One 2400-Series Magnetic Tape Unit (7- or 9-track) may be substituted for this device. (If SYSIPT, SYSPCH, and/or SYSLST are assigned to 7-track tape units, the Data Conversion Feature is required.) SYSTEM CONFIGURATION INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES The following features are required for a minimum Model 25 configuration for the 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program under DOS: • System/360 Model 25 with a 2025 Processing Unit containing at least 24,576 (24K) bytes of program storage. The Emulator Program under DOS can request I/O operations on the following System/360 devices: • 1442 Card Read Punch • 1400 Series Compatibility Feature (#4440) and 1401/1440/1460 DOS Compatibility Feature (#A004). • 2501 Card Reader • Storage Protection Feature (#7520) Multiprogramming. • 2540 Card Read Punch for • 2520 Card Read Punch • 1403 Printer • One card reader (1442, 2520, or 2540) (see Note) • One card punch (1443, (see Note) 2520, or • 1404 Printer (for continuous-forms cut-card operations) 2540) • 1443 Printer • One printer (1403, 1404, or 1443) (see Note) • 1052 Printer Keyboard communications) • One 1052 Printer-Keyboard • 2311 Model 1 Disk Storage Drive • Integrated 2311 Attachment (#4598) for attaching up to four 2311 Model 1 Disk Storage Drives,... includes File Scan capability. • 2401 or 2415 Magnetic Tape Units • One 2311 Model 1 Disk Storage Drive for DOS System Residence • • Table 19. or (for operator The input/output device correspondence between a 1401, 1440, or 1460, and a System/360 Model 25 is as shown in Table 1 with the differences shown in Table 19. Differences in Input/Output Device Correspondence for Model 25 r------------------------------------------T--------------------------------------------, I 1401/1440/1460 I/O Device I System/360 I/O Device I ~--------------------------~--------------+--------------------------------------------~ I IBM 729, 7330, or 7335 Magnetic Tape I Unit I IBM 2401 Magnetic Tape Unit, or 2415 I Magnetic Tape Unit and Control I I ~------------------------------------------+------------------~-----------------------~1 I IBM 1311 Disk storage Drive or 1405 I IBM 2311 Model 1 Disk Storage Drive I I Model 1 Disk storage* I I ~------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------~ I *IBM 1301 Disk storages, and 1405 Model 2 Disk storages are not supported I L____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_____________________________ J 126 • Table 20. Input/Output Feature Correspondence for Model 25 r------------------------------------------T--------------------------------------------, I 1401/1440/1460 I/O Feature I Model 25 I/O Feature I ~------------------------------------------f--------------------------------------------~ I IBM Punch Feed Read (#5890): and Punch I I Feed Read Control (#5895) on Integrated I I 2540 Attachment (#4595) on the 2025, or I I I on the 2821 Control Unit ~-------------------------------------------f--------------------------------------------~ I IBM Column Binary FeatUre (#1990), or I Standard for 2540 on Integrated 2540 I I I Attachment (#4595) I I IBM Binary Transfer Feature (#1468), or I On Multiplexor Channel (#5248) or Selector I I IBM card Image Features (#1531 and I Channel (#6960): I I #9035) I IBM Column Binary Feature (#1990 on the I 2821 Control Unit if 2540, or I I I IBM Card Image Feature (#1531) if 2501 I I I or 2520, or I I I IBM Card Image Feature (#1532) if 1442 I I I ~--------.----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------~ I IBM 1402 51-Column Interchangeable Read I IBM 2540 51-Column Interchangeable Read I I Feed (#4150) and Feed Adapter (#1013) I Feed (#4151)* I ~------~-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------~ IBM 1403 Preferred Character Set (#5523) I IBM 1403 Multiple Character Set Feature** and Adapter (#5524) . (#5110) on Model 2, Model 25 Adapter IBM 1416 Interchangeable Train Cartridge (#9725), and Interchangeable Chain equipped with Preferred Character Set cartridge Adapter (#4740) when attached Print Chain via Integrated 1403 Attachment (#4590) with Multiple Character Set Adapter (#5100) on the 2025: or IBM 1403 Universal Character Set** for Model 2 (#8641) or Model N1 (#8640) with prerequisite Interchangeable Train Cartridge Adapter or Interchangeable Train Cartridge, and appropriate Universal Character Set Adapter for the 2821 Control Unit ~------~-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------.~ I IBM Scan Disk (#6396) I Standard for 2311 on Integrated 2311 I I I Attachment (#4595) I I IBM 1402 Punch Feed Read and Control I Unit (#5890 and #5895) I I ~------..,..-----------------------------------.l.------------ ________________________________ .~ I *When this feature is installed, reading speed is permanently reduced from 1000 cpm I I to 800 cpm. I I I I **With this feature, printing speed is dependent upon the number of characters in the I I ____character set and whether unprintable characters are included in the print line. L ________________________________________________________________________________ JI ~_~ ADDITIQNAL FEATURES SUPPORTED Additional System/360 features supported Prog~am under DOS are: by the Emulator • Timer Feature • Either Multiple~or Channel (#5248), or Selector Channel (#6960). The two are mutually exclusive. • Tape Switching Unit (2816) • Universal Character Set • Multiple Character Set The input/output feature correspondence between a 1401, 1440, or 1460 system and a System/360 Model 25 is given in Table 20. Appendix J: The Model 30 Emulator Program under DOS when run on the Model 25 provides support for all 1401, 1440, and 1460 standard operations and instructions, plus the following special features (for those items followed by an asterisk, refer to the Input/Output Feature Correspondence List): Advanced Programming for the 1401 Bit Test Column Binary* Expanded Print Edit 51-Column Interchangeable Read Feed* High-Low-Equal Compare Multiply-Divide Print Storage Additional Print Control Punch Feed Read Space Suppression Sense Switches Emulator Program Considerations for Model 25 127 Scan Disk* • Table 21. Example of Field Lengths AffectDirect Seek for the 1311 ing MICR Devices OR Model 25 Track Record for the 1311 r-----------------------T-----------------, Binary Transfer for the 1460* I I Delay I Indexing and Store Address Register for ~-----------------------+--------T--------~ the 1460 I 1400 Instructions I
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