CARLA Setup Guide Windows X64


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Coursera CARLA Setup for Windows

Graphics Card Drivers
Preparing the CARLA Simulator
Download and Extract the CARLA Simulator
Install Python Dependencies for Client
Testing the CARLA Simulator
Loading the Simulator with the Default Map
Loading the Simulator with the Race Track Map
Loading the Simulator with a Fixed Time-Step
Some Other Useful CARLA Simulator Information
Testing CARLA in Server-Client Mode
Testing Other CARLA Python Client Examples
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I run the simulator in a virtual machine (VM)?
The simulator freezes or crashes as soon as I start it! What do I do?
Make sure you have all of the prerequisites prepared!
Try to run CARLA without server mode enabled
It freezes when I am trying the run CARLA in server mode!
Running a Python client produces issues.
How do I use another port for the server-client mode.
How do I check if CARLA was allowed access through the Firewall? (Windows 10)
The python command did not give the correct version, what should I do?

Recommended hardware specifications (from the ​Unreal Engine 4 Wiki​)
● Quad-core Intel or AMD processor, 2.5 GHz or faster
● NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or AMD Radeon 6870 HD series card or higher
● 8 GB RAM
● ~10GB of hard drive space for the simulator setup
Note that the above are the ​recommended​ hardware requirements.
A computer with lower hardware specifications, including systems with integrated graphics,
may also be able to run the CARLA simulator with slower performance.

The CARLA loader requires ​Windows 7​ ​64-bit​ ​or later​ to run.

CARLA requires networking enabled with the firewall allowing access to the CARLA
loader, and by default ​port 2000, 2001 and 2002​ (TCP and UDP) available on the
network. When you first run CARLA in server mode, Windows will prompt you to
allow the application to access these ports if they are not ​already accessible​ on your
If your network does not provide access to port 2000, you may change which ports
are used at a later stage of the setup, just make note of the option ​here​ in the FAQ
section when trying to run CARLA in server-client mode.

Graphics Card Drivers
Update to the latest video card drivers for your system to avoid graphics issues.
Open GL 3.3 or above​ and ​DirectX 10 or above​ is also required for the CARLA binary
to work. Don’t worry about checking these requirements - they are validated during
the loading of the CARLA binary.

The CARLA python client runs on ​Python 3.5.x or Python 3.6.x​ (x is any number).
Python 3.7 is not currently compatible with CARLA​. Note that it is assumed that
pip​ is installed along with the installation of Python. In Windows, it is possible to
install multiple versions of Python beside each other, so go ahead a nd install Python
3.6x, even if you already have Python 3.7x.
Make sure that the commands ​py​, ​python​ and ​pip​ are ​properly added to the
environment variables​, so they are readily accessible via terminal (command
prompt). To check for this run each of those commands individually in the command

prompt and see if they work. Note that adding Python to the environment variables is
selected as an option during the custom installation of the Python setup process by
proceeding through Advanced Options (see below).

The setup guide uses the command ​python​ to load all of its Python clients.
If you have a more recent version of Python and the ​python​ ​command does not
give the correct version (3.5.x or 3.6.x), you can replace all ​python​ ​commands
with ​py -3.5​ or ​py -3.6​ ​for the remainder of the setup, which loads either
Python 3.5 or Python 3.6, respectively.
To check that ​python​ points to the correct version, run the following bash command
in terminal:
\> python --version
It should return ​Python 3.5.x​ or ​Python 3.6.x​, as these are the versions
supported by this version of CARLA.
Check whether pip is installed for Python 3.5 or Python 3.6:
\> python -m pip --version
It should return with the pip version, as well as the Python version that it points to (in
the brackets). For example: ​pip 18.1 from ... (python 3.6)​, or something
When both ​python​ and ​pip​ are available, try to install a conventional package for
your current user (you will need to be connected to the internet for this to work):
\> python -m pip install numpy --user
If this command is unable to install numpy, please refer to the Discussion forums for

Preparing the CARLA Simulator
Download and Extract the CARLA Simulator 1
1. Download the CARLA simulator (​​) found in the reading page.
Note that this may take a while as the simulator file is several gigabytes in size.
2. Extract the contents of ​​ to any working directory. The
extraction will create a folder named ​CarlaSimulator​ in the working directory, which
hosts the CARLA server and client files required for the projects.
The guide assumes the simulator is extracted to ​C:\Coursera\CarlaSimulator​.​ If
C:​ is unavailable, you may replace ​C:​ with any other drive (for example ​D:​)
Continue with this step for extraction instructions, otherwise skip to the next step.
Windows GUI method:
Copy the ​​ file to the ​C:\Coursera​ directory found under the
home folder. Create the ​C:\Coursera​ directory if it does not exist.
Right click and extract the file contents into the current (​C:\Coursera​) directory by
clicking ​Extract All...​, and setting the destination to extract to be ​C:\Coursera​,
in order to have the simulator extracted to ​C:\Coursera\CarlaSimulator​. You may
also use any other supported unzip application to decompress the​ file.


​The CARLA simulator used here is a ​modified binary of the version 0.8.4 CARLA​. There

are additional maps included as well as the default vehicle model is modified for the purpose
of better demonstrating concepts taught in the courses. While it is encouraged to perform
your own compilation and installation of CARLA to learn more about the simulator, the
course itself must use the provided binaries to evaluate the course assignments.

Install Python Dependencies for Client
The CARLA Simulator client files requires additional dependencies to be installed, which are
detailed inside the ​C:\Coursera\CarlaSimulator\requirements.txt​ file.
To install these dependencies for your current user, run the following commands in terminal
(you will need to be connected to the internet for this to work). ​Make sure that the version
that ​python​ points to is the correct version​.
\> python -m pip install -r C:\Coursera\CarlaSimulator\requirements.txt
There should be a ​Successfully installed ...​ or ​Requirement already satisfied
message at the end of the installation process when all of the requirements are successfully
installed. If there are issues with installing these requirements, please refer to the Discussion
forums for help.

Testing the CARLA Simulator
Loading the Simulator with the Default Map
Note: This step must work to continue with the testing process. Please ensure that the
Prerequisites​ section is met and the ​Preparing the CARLA Simulator​ steps were
followed. If there are still issues, please ​refer to this section​ in the FAQ.
CARLA can be launched using the ​CarlaUE4.exe​ script. A simple test would be running the
following command in terminal, and be sure to ​install any UE4 prerequisites (x64) and
DirectX runtime libraries if prompted to do so​. The mouse cursor will disappear when the
simulator window is focused on, so press ​Alt-Tab​ and switch to another application to
defocus from the window and reveal the mouse cursor.
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator
\> CarlaUE4.exe -windowed -carla-no-networking
The ​-windowed​ argument is used to make sure the simulator is loaded to a window. If the
-windowed​ argument is not included, CARLA will run in full-screen mode by default.
The ​-carla-no-networking​ argument is to ensure that the server-mode is not enabled.
If the window is too large, you may also add the arguments
-ResX=​ and ​-ResY=​ to adjust the
window width and height, respectively. For example, add ​-ResX=640 -ResY=480​ to the
above ​CarlaUE4.exe​ command to resize the window to be 640x480 pixels.
The CARLA window might not be moveable using the mouse cursor, but it can be moved
using ​keyboard arrow keys​. To summarize, focus on the CARLA window, then press
Alt-Spacebar​ and then press ​M​ to select the move option. Use the arrow keys to move the
window around and press ​Enter​ to confirm the new window position or ​Escape​ to jump back
to the original window position.

The default map loaded is ​Town01​ (see below):

To close the CARLA simulation session, press ​Alt-F4​ in the simulator or ​Ctrl-Alt-Delete
and end the ​CARLA UE4​ app from the Task Manager.
Use the ​A​, ​S​, ​D​, and ​W​ keys to manually drive the vehicle around the map.
Use the ​Q​ key to toggle reverse and forward drive mode.
Use the ​P​ key to toggle auto-pilot mode (this only works in maps with pre-defined roads,
such as the ​Town01​ and ​Town02​ maps provided by CARLA)
Refer to the ​CARLA keyboard input​ documentation for other commands.
If there are issues with loading the Simulator, please ​refer to this section​ in the FAQ.

Loading the Simulator with the Race Track Map
The final project for Course 1 uses a race track map that is pre-packaged with the simulator.
Run the following command in terminal to load the race track map in windowed mode:
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator
\> CarlaUE4.exe /Game/Maps/RaceTrack -windowed -carla-no-networking
Which should load the race track map (see below).

When loading a map, make sure that it is the ​first argument​ to follow ​CarlaUE4.exe​, i.e.,
\> CarlaUE4.exe [ /Game/Maps/ ] [  ]
Use the ​A​, ​S​, ​D​, and ​W​ keys to manually drive the vehicle around the map.
Use the ​Q​ key to toggle reverse and forward drive mode.
Refer to the ​CARLA keyboard input​ documentation for other commands.
If there are issues with loading the Simulator, please ​refer to this section​ in the FAQ.

Loading the Simulator with a Fixed Time-Step
To run the simulator with a fixed time-step of 20 frames-per-second (fps), or 50 milliseconds
per simulation frame, use the following command in a terminal:
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator
\> CarlaUE4.exe /Game/Maps/RaceTrack -windowed -carla-no-networking
-benchmark -fps=20
Which loads the race track map at 20 fps (see below):

Take note that the Simulation Step is now fixed to ​50ms (50 millisecond)​ as intended.

The ​-benchmark -fps=​ argument is used to fix the simulator to a
given frame-per-second rate. Make sure that ​-benchmark​ always precedes ​-fps​ and with a
space in between the two.
Also note that the simulation flows much slower at this rate, this is because ​there is a
shorter in-game time interval in between each frame​. By increasing the
frames-per-second value (e.x. from ​-fps=20​ to ​-fps=40​) the frames per second is doubled
and the simulation should slow down about twice as much. Please refer to ​this
documentation​ for more information between variable (default) and fixed time-steps.
If there are issues with loading the Simulator, please ​refer to this section​ in the FAQ.

Some Other Useful CARLA Simulator Information
The ​​ script supports ​several other command-line options​. The following table
shows some useful arguments (in addition to the ones already shown in the previous

Must be the first argument.​ Loads a prepackaged map
inside the simulator. The useful maps to replace
​ are:

Town01​ - CARLA's first town map (default)
Town02​ - CARLA's second town map
FlatEarth​ - A large flat area bounded by walls
RaceTrack​ - A race track course

The ​Town01​ and ​Town02​ maps are very detailed
environments with other vehicles and pedestrians, and are
good for seeing the full environment that CARLA has to
The ​FlatEarth​ and ​RaceTrack​ maps are useful for testing
and evaluating algorithms.

Loads the CARLA simulator in a window (without this
argument, the CARLA simulator will load to full-screen).


Sets the rendered image width to be ​​ (in
pixels). Decreasing this will increase rendering speed.


Sets the rendered image height to be ​​ (in
pixels). Decreasing this will increase rendering speed.

-benchmark -fps=

Sets a ​fixed time-step​ for the simulator, by changing the
value of ​​ to a desired frame-per-second in game-time
for the simulator (min = 10). Ensure that ​-benchmark
always precedes ​-fps​.


Disables networking (server-mode) for the CARLA


Enable server mode for the CARLA simulator, which will
wait until a client connects to it. ​Carla will need access to
the network and bypass any firewall.


Do not display the HUD by default in the simulator.


(only active during server mode)
Sets the world-port to be ​N​ (default: 2
​ 000​). This allows the
client to connect to the server from a different port.


Sets the rendering quality of the simulator, which is ​Low​ or
Only use ​Epic​ for higher end computers​.

Testing CARLA in Server-Client Mode
If you have made it this far - great work! Now we will use a client to pass commands and
receive data from the CARLA simulator. This server-client interaction is used to develop and
test algorithms used in the Coursera projects.
Note: Enabling the server mode forces the simulator to wait for a Python client to
connect before the simulator starts. This means that nothing will appear on the
window or the simulator will appear frozen, which is expected until the Python client
connects. Make sure to press ​Alt-Tab​ ​to defocus from the simulator (as it is still
idling until a client connects), so you can run the Python client in a separate terminal.
First, lets enable server mode for the CARLA simulator by running the following command in
a terminal (​Make sure to allow CARLA UE4 to access the network through the
Windows Firewall)​:
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator
\> CarlaUE4.exe /Game/Maps/RaceTrack -windowed -carla-server -benchmark
Allow CarlaUE4 to access through the Windows firewall if prompted to do so. You can
select Private or Public networks based on your network preference. (see below).

Figure: Windows Defender Firewall access prompt for Windows 10
Use any other arguments if desired (for example, ​-ResX​ and ​-ResY​ to resize the window).
Since there is no client that is running yet, the CARLA UE4 app will continue idling until a
client connects.

Then, in another terminal (or the same terminal), run the example Python client
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator\PythonClient
\> python
If the Python client successfully connects, a new ​pygame window​ should appear (see
below). If there is an issue with running the client, refer to ​this section​ for troubleshooting.

Note that in the server-client mode, the CARLA simulator window ​will not receive​ keyboard
inputs (like in the previous examples without ​-carla-server​ enabled). Try clicking on the
pygame window​ and manually drive the vehicle around, then try to do the same for the
In this particular example, since the Python Client (​​, which loads the
pygame window​) is actively listening for the keyboard commands and passing control
commands to the CARLA simulator server. It is also receiving the CARLA server information
and relaying information (such as the depth map on the bottom left corner and the semantic
segmentation on the bottom right).
To close the Python Client, press ​Ctrl-C​ on the terminal which the Python Client was ran
from. You can keep the CARLA server up and load other Python Clients as well as long as it
is one client at a time - the server will run whenever a new client connects to it.
Try to run the same exercise using the ​Town01​ and ​Town02​ maps. What did you notice that
was different?
Side note: If your computer has a lower performance specification, try starting the client
script first and then the server may make the execution faster.
If there are issues with loading the Simulator, please ​refer to this section​ in the FAQ.
If there are issues with running any Python client, please follow ​this section​ in the
FAQs for troubleshooting.

Testing Other CARLA Python Client Examples
CARLA Python clients can be found in ​C:\Coursera\CarlaSimulator\PythonClient​.
CARLA by default provides ​several example clients​ that are detailed in the link. These
example client scripts are useful for demonstrating various features that CARLA has to offer.
More on these features can be found under the ​Measurements​ and ​Cameras and Sensors
sections. Feel free to examine the client script code to learn more about how to program
client scripts to communicate with the CARLA server (simulator).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I run the simulator in a virtual machine (VM)?
The simulator will not run on a VM using VirtualBox as VirtualBox only supports OpenGL 2,
whereas CARLA requires ​Open GL 3.3 or above​. Other issues for VMs might be due to the
lack of the necessary hardware virtualizations required to run the Unreal Engine. We have
not tested the simulator with a different virtual machine platform.

The simulator freezes or crashes as soon as I start it! What do I
Make sure you have all of the prerequisites prepared!
First, make sure that you have the ​proper hardware and software requirements​ for the
simulator to work, and also followed the ​simulator setup instructions​. In particular, make sure
you are using a ​most recent driver for your video card and have OpenGL 3.3 or above

Try to run CARLA without server mode enabled
Once the above prerequisites are completed, and run the simulator with this command:
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator
\> CarlaUE4.exe -carla-no-networking
If you are able to run the CARLA without server mode enabled, then proceed to the ​next
If you are ​unable​ to run CARLA without server mode enabled, please navigate to:
C:\Coursera\CarlaSimulator\CarlaUE4\Saved\Logs​ and examine the most recent
CarlaUE4.log​ file (should be time-stamped at the time of the latest crash or stall).
If you are experienced with the Unreal Engine, you may be able to debug the simulator
yourself; however, most people should refer or post to the Discussion Forums at this stage
so that the course team can help you.
Make sure you include the following in the forum post:
● CarlaUE4.log​ file (​C:\Coursera\CarlaSimulator\CarlaUE4\Saved\Logs​)
● Hardware Specifications
● Operating System

It freezes when I am trying the run CARLA in server mode!
Be sure you are able to run CARLA ​without server mode first​.
As mentioned in the ​Testing CARLA in server-client mode​ section, running the simulator with
the argument ​-carla-server​ will keep the CARLA simulator idle (frozen) until a client
connects to it. If you run CARLA in server mode and things seem to be stuck on screen,
make sure to press ​Alt-Tab​ and defocus from the idling CARLA simulator window to gain
access to the mouse cursor. Load the Python Client from another window to connect to the
CARLA server and the simulation should commence.
Basic server-client mode test:
Server terminal command:
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator
\> CarlaUE4.exe /Game/Maps/RaceTrack -windowed -carla-server
Client terminal command:
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator\PythonClient
\> python
If the Carla simulator remains frozen as soon as you enable server mode and try to connect
a client to it, then maybe your issue can be resolved by ​using another port in your network​ or
ensuring that CARLA is ​allowed access through the firewall​.
If the Python Client doesn't load properly, ​refer here​ for help.
If there is still an issue with connecting the client to the server, please refer or post to the
Discussion Forums so that the course team can help you.
Make sure you include the following in the forum post:
● CarlaUE4.log​ file (​C:\Coursera\CarlaSimulator\CarlaUE4\Saved\Logs​)
● Python Client output
● Hardware Specifications
● Operating System

Running a Python client produces issues.
Please double check the ​Python version check​ as well as the ​dependencies install guide​ and
ensure that these are properly followed.
You may have accidentally installed the dependencies for a ​different version of Python​. The
simulator uses ​Python 3.5 or Python 3.6​; if you installed the dependencies for a later
version, it will be unable to find them. Please make sure that the dependencies are installed
with the required version of Python.
If the dependencies are installed with the proper version of Python, the dependency may be
corrupted and might need a reinstall. Try the following commands:

python -m pip uninstall 
cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt --user

, and see if the issue is fixed.
If both Python client and CARLA Simulator both seems to run successfully, try to ​use
another port from the network for your server-client connection​.
If the issue still remains, please search the Discussion Forums for a possible solution, or
post there if the solution is not found.
Make sure you include the following in the forum post:
● Hardware Specifications
● Operating System
● Output from ​python --version
● Output from the Python client crash (from terminal)

How do I use another port for the server-client mode.
To use another port (besides the default port of 2000), use the argument
-carla-world-port=N​ for the CARLA Simulator script and ​--port=N​ for the Python client.
Make sure to set the port number ​N​ to be the same for both the server and client.
Server side:
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator
\> CarlaUE4.exe -carla-server -carla-world-port=2003
Client side:
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator\PythonClient
\> python --port=2003

How do I check if CARLA was allowed access through the
Firewall? (Windows 10)
Note: while these instructions are for Windows 10 users, the procedures should be
similar for Windows 7 users as well.

Search "firewall" on the Cortana search bar (located on the Windows taskbar)
Select "Windows Defender Firewall" (see below)


Once the Windows Defender Firewall options window pops up, select "Allow an app
or feature through Windows Defender Firewall" on the left tab (see below)


Double check that ​CARLA UE4​ is in the allowed apps and that either P
​ rivate ​or
Public​ boxes has a check mark. This means that CARLA UE4 is allowed access
through the Windows 10 Firewall.


Lastly, click on "Change settings" and double click on ​CARLA UE4​ from the list to get
more details on the firewall access. In particular, make sure that the Path is set to
your CARLA Simulator path with ​carlaue4\binaries\win64\carlaue4.exe
appended to it.

Note that if ​CARLA UE4​ is not found on the list or if the carla simulator path does not match
the path for your CARLA Simulator (i.e.
c:\coursera\carlasimulator\carlaue4\binaries\win64\carlaue4.exe​), then try to
relaunch the CARLA Simulator and click "Allow access" if the Windows Defender Firewall
prompt appears. If it does not, please refer to the Discussion forums for help.
\> C:
\> cd \Coursera\CarlaSimulator
\> CarlaUE4.exe /Game/Maps/RaceTrack -windowed -carla-server

The ​python​ command did not give the correct version, what
should I do?
This issue is likely due to the Python version installed in your computer is a more recent one
(3.7+). First ensure that one of ​Python 3.5.x or Python 3.6.x​ ​is installed to your Windows
computer. Make sure to check the option "Add Python to environment variables" during the
custom installation process.
If you installed Python 3.5, replace all of the ​python​ commands to ​py -3.5​ for the setup.
Check this by using the commands
\> py ​-3.5​ --version
\> py ​ 3.5​ -m pip --version
, and making sure that both commands points to Python 3.5.
If you installed Python 3.6, replace all of the ​python​ commands to ​py -3.6​ for the setup.
Check this by using the commands
\> py ​-3.6​ --version
\> py ​ 3.6​ -m pip --version
, and making sure that both commands points to Python 3.6.
Similarly, the ​py​ command can be used to point to other Python versions by typing:
\> py -


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