My COINS BI Full User Guide


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COINS OA Enhancement:
COINS BI Toolset User Guide

COINS BI Toolset User Guide

Prepared by:

Documentation Team

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Learning Resources


Business Intelligence



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Construction Industry Solutions Ltd.
11 St. Laurence Way

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COINS OA Enhancement:
COINS BI Toolset User Guide

Copyright 2016 Construction Industry Solutions Ltd.. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software
described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure
agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of
those agreements. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
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11 St. Laurence Way

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COINS OA Enhancement:
COINS BI Toolset User Guide


1 Contents
2 Database Overview


2.1 Relational Database Model


2.2 Tables and Modules


2.2.1 Database Structure


2.2.2 Company Specific Modules


2.2.3 Process Specific Modules :


2.3 Summary and Detail Tables


2.4 Open Items


2.5 Indexes


2.6 Record Service Procedures


2.7 Read Only Fields


2.7.1 Exposing RO Fields
2.8 Create and Maintain Lookups


3 OA Query Language






3.3 Joining Tables


3.3.1 EACH


3.3.2 FIRST


3.3.3 LAST


3.3.4 OF


3.4 Curly Braces


3.5 Outer-Join


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3.6 Buffers


3.7 Calculation Programs


3.7.1 Creating Calculation Programs


3.7.2 Calling Calculation Programs


4 OA Calculation Syntax


4.1 Finding the Period Number from a Date


4.2 syuquery aggregate


4.3 Performing Calculations on Numerical Values


4.3.1 A Simple Count


4.3.2 String$


4.3.3 IF


4.3.4 RANGE


4.3.5 Limit


4.3.6 Max


4.3.7 Min


4.3.8 Sum


4.3.9 non-zero








4.4 String Calculations






4.4.3 INLIST


4.4.4 CAN-DO


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4.4.5 MASK


4.4.6 ENTRY$


4.4.7 RIGHT$


4.4.8 LEFT$






















4.5 Time & Date Calculations


4.5.1 date


4.5.2 datestring


4.5.3 weekday


4.5.4 day


4.5.5 month


4.5.6 year


4.5.7 time


4.5.8 Weekdays


5 OA and BI Utilities
5.1 Database Enquiry

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5.2 Access to the Database Enquiry and Tables


5.3 Query Editor


5.3.1 Search and Replace


5.3.2 Exporting from the Query Editor


5.3.3 Saving Queries in Query Editor (10.27)


5.3.4 Creating Datasets from the Query Editor


5.4 Calculation Editor


5.5 Object Enquiry


6 End User Reporting


6.1 OA Report Writer


6.1.1 Key features


6.1.2 Key Functionality:


6.1.3 Granting Access to Report Writer and Report Runner

116 Function Security
Report Runner


6.1.4 Report Data Sources


6.1.5 Report Data Source Definitions


6.1.6 Report Writer - Creating a New Report


6.1.7 Selecting the fields to print on the report

127 New Reports


6.1.8 Sorting, Sub-totalling, Page Breaks and Summary Levels


6.1.9 Previewing or exporting the data


6.1.10Running a Report


6.1.11Publishing Report Writer Reports

130 a report to Report Runner

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Amending Reports that have been converted to Functions

132 to Report Designer


Amending Reports that have been converted to OA Designer


6.1.12Read Only (Calculated) Fields

136 Parameter driven RO_ fields in Report Writer

137 RO Fields

138 RO Fields directly in a calculation


6.2 Semantic Layer Exercises - Overview
6.2.1 Exercise - A Simple Listing Report

141 Build the Data Set

141 Test the Dataset

144 Make the Dataset available to the Reporting Tools


6.2.2 Using the Dataset in a Report Writer Report


6.2.3 Using the Dataset in an OA Designer Report


6.2.4 Exercise – Adding Calculated Fields to a Collection

155 Add the fields

155 Add the fields to the Dataset

159 Test the Dataset


6.2.5 Exercise - Adding Fields to a Collection Table Add a new Token
6.2.6 Exercise – Adding fields to a Collection

168 Add the fields

168 Add the fields to the Dataset

172 Test the Dataset


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6.2.7 Exercise - Summaries Using the summary data in a report
6.3 Report Builder
6.3.1 Initial Setup

181 Browser Version

181 Report Builder System Parameters

182 Report Data Sources – Pre-Built Datasets

183 Security

184 Query Results Licence


6.3.2 Report Builder

186 Canvas

187 Button and Options Bar


Report Actions


Field Formatting


Canvas View





189 Opening an Existing Report

191 Creating a New Report



192 Data Source


Existing Data Source


Custom Data Source


Data Frame

196 Adding Fields

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202 Filters

204 Run Report

207 the Report - Fields

209 Positioning


213 Field Update

215 Fields to Datasets

216 Builder List


Export Report Builder Definition


Import Report Builder Definition


6.4 Dynamic Queries


6.4.1 Dynamic Query Definition


6.4.2 Dynamic Enquiry


6.4.3 Report


6.4.4 Dynamic Grouping


6.4.5 Report Builder


7 OA Designer - Overview


7.1 Designer key features


7.2 Functions and Sections


7.3 Function Naming


7.4 Function Parameters


7.4.1 stn_code


7.4.2 rtn_code


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7.4.3 Exptype


7.4.4 noInfo


7.4.5 ExportType


7.4.6 Sidemenuhelp


7.4.7 Passing Variables


7.5 URL Parameters
7.5.1 Helpmode
7.6 Forms Service Procedures and Report Selection Generates


7.6.1 Bill of Quantities - BQFREP


7.6.2 Cash Book - CBFREP


7.6.3 Central Repository - CIFREP


7.6.4 Company - COFREP


7.6.5 Credit Control - CNNFREP


7.6.6 Contract Sales - CSFREP


7.6.7 Fixed Assets - FAFREP


7.6.8 Facilities Management - FMFREP


7.6.9 General Ledger - GLFREP


7.7 Page Designer


7.7.1 Page Header


7.7.2 Page Header Tab


7.7.3 Page Body Tab


7.7.4 Page Script Tab


7.7.5 Page Forms Tab

270 Adding a Page Form

271 Page Forms - Add


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275 Page Forms - Body Detail

276 Page Forms - Body Selector


Body Selector Example


Populating body selectors from generic lookup tables



279 Page Forms - Body Span

281 Page Forms - Body Update

282 Page Forms - Context

283 Page Forms - Detail

284 Forms - Footer

285 Forms - Header

286 Forms - Multiple Update

287 Forms - Record Header

288 Forms - Totals

289 Forms - Update


7.7.6 Page Fields Tab Page Fields - View As Options




Blank When Zero




Code with tooltip




Disabled Field


Disabled with Lookup


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Grid Element


Inline Frame




List Frame


Multiple Selection


No Break


Ordered List








Radio Set




Sorting Combos, Selection List, Multi Selects and Ordered Lists


7.7.7 Named Filters

306 Replacing body query

306 Linked Named Filters

306 Multiple Named Filters

306 Named Filter Query Conditions

307 Using Named Filters to define what fields are built on a form 307
7.7.8 Browse Filters Parameters:

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7.8 Report Designer


7.8.1 Key Features


7.8.2 Page Summary


7.8.3 Report Designer_Using RS Fields


7.8.4 Report Designer_Report Forms


7.8.5 Headers and Footers


7.8.6 Default Report Labels


7.9 Data Display Colour Ranges


7.10Alternate Line Shading on Forms and Reports




7.10.2Task Summary


7.10.3Create report field styles


7.10.4Applying to forms


7.10.5Applying to reports


7.11Queries on Purchase Orders
7.11.1po_line v po_item
7.12Calculations Overview


7.12.1Mathmatical Functions


7.12.2Calculation Field Rules






7.12.5Curly Braces


7.13Datasets - Overview


7.13.1Creating a Data Set Set Fields

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7.13.2Best Practice


7.13.3Granting Access to Data Sets for Other Users.


7.13.4Rules for Keys


7.13.5Cross Modular Reporting


7.13.6Using Data Sets in the Query Editor


7.13.7Using the Data Set in Queries

350 Reports
7.13.8Report Pre-Processing (Syuds)
syuds.calc example








Report Design


Sample Output









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8 Workflow Overview


8.1 Business Benefits


8.2 The COINS Workflow toolkit


8.3 Example Workflow




8.4 Workflow Groups


8.5 Workflow Roles


8.5.1 Example Roles
8.6 Workflow Responsibilities
8.6.1 Example Responsibilities


8.7 User Workflow Responsibilities


8.8 Workflow Delegation


8.8.1 Self-Service Workflow Delegation
8.9 Workflow Templates


8.9.1 WF Template - Details Tab


8.9.2 WF Template - Stages Tab

399 WF Stages - Appointment

402 WF Stages - Delay

405 WF Stages - Email

407 WF Stages - Fork

409 WF Stages - Merge

411 WF Stages - Process

413 WF Stages - SMS

415 WF Stages - Stage

417 WF Stages - Task


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8.9.3 WF Template - Diagram Tab


8.9.4 WF Template - Check Tab


8.9.5 WF Template - Paths Tab


8.9.6 WF Template - Active Tab


8.9.7 WF Template - Complete Tab


8.9.8 WF Template - Outstanding Tab


8.10Workflow Deployment to Companies


8.11Workflow Monitor


8.11.1Workflow Monitor Workbench Monitor - Monitor Tab
Workflow Monitor diagram

446 Monitor - Active Tab

448 Monitor - Completed Tab


Completed Tab
8.12Workflow Summary


8.12.1WF Summary - Tasks Tab


8.12.2WF Summary - Stages Tab


8.12.3WF Summary - History Tab


8.12.4WF Summary - Variables Tab


8.13Workflow User Variables


8.14Workflow Parameters (System Parameters)


8.15Database Triggers


8.1614 Import/Export Workflow Template


8.1715 Launching Workflow


8.18Using a Choose Action


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8.1917 Method to force the closure of Workflow:

9 Introduction or Executive Summary



9.1 soapUI


9.2 Licencing


9.2.1 Additional Licencing


9.2.2 Roles


9.2.3 User Maintenance


9.3 Viewing Installed Services


9.4 Testing a Service Connection (Using soapUI)


9.5 ESB COINS User


9.6 User Defined Services


9.6.1 Datasets

490 Function

490 Dataset

490 Page

492 Adding the Function to the Web services Menu

493 Testing the Service


9.6.2 Pages

503 Function

503 Page


Body Form


Update Form


Detail Form

507 Adding the Function to the Web services Menu

508 Testing the Service


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Using the ID field when adding multiple records
9.6.3 Calculation Programs

518 Defining the Calculation

518 Testing Calculation Programs (run, run$)

520 Using Calculation Programs with Web Services


Create the Function


Create the Page


Adding the Function to the Web services Menu

526 Testing the Service
9.6.4 Get/Set

10Building COINS Desktops - Overview
10.1Desktop Structure
10.1.1Creating the Functions (Manually)


543 Functions

543 Tab Functions


10.1.2Add the Desktop to a user profile


10.1.3Desktop Section Functions


10.1.4Uploading Desktop Images


10.1.5Tile Rows and Columns

552 – Tile Rows

553 – Tile Columns


10.1.6Add the Desktop to a user profile


10.1.7Alternative Desktops

558 Maintenance
10.1.8Desktop Import/Export

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10.1.9Smart Tiles


10.1.10Info Tiles


10.1.11Using Calculation Programs to prepare data for the Desktop


10.1.12Desktop Tile Values

575 of Desktop Tile Values


10.1.13Tile Options

579 Example


Desktop Tile Options



582 Example


Desktop Tile Options




10.1.14Tables on Tiles

587 : Example 1 – Direct Query against the database


Create the Function


Create the Page



589 2 – Using a Data Set


Create the Function


Create the Dataset




10.1.15Charts on Tiles

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COINS OA Enhancement:
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Create the Function


Create the Dataset


Create the Page


Create the Page




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COINS OA Enhancement:
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Database Overview

A database is a collection of records stored in a computer in a systematic way, such that a
computer program can consult it to answer questions. For better retrieval and sorting, each
record is usually organized as a set of data elements (facts). The items retrieved in answer to
queries become information that can be used to make decisions. The computer program used
to manage and query a database is known as a database management system (DBMS). The
properties and design of database systems are included in the study of information science.
The central concept of a database is that of a collection of records, or pieces of knowledge.
Typically, for a given database, there is a structural description of the type of facts held in
that database: this description is known as a schema. (You can view the coins schema using
the database enquiry screen in coins OA – see accompaying documentation).
The schema describes the objects that are represented in the database, and the relationships
among them. There are a number of different ways of organizing a schema, that is, of
modelling the database structure: these are known as database models (or data models).

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2.1 Relational Database Model
The model in most common use today is the relational model, which represents all
information in the form of multiple related tables each consisting of rows and columns.
A relational database is a database based on the relational model. Strictly speaking the term
refers to a specific collection of data but it is invariably employed together with the software
used to manage that collection of data. That software is more correctly called a relational
database management system, or RDBMS.
An important feature of relational systems is that a single database can be spread across
several tables. This differs from flat-file databases, in which each database is self-contained in
a single table.
On Relational Database Model represents relationships by the use of values common to
more than one table
In the relational model some bit of information was used as a "key", uniquely defining a
particular record. When information was being collected about a user, information stored in
the optional (or related) tables would be found by searching for this key. For instance, if the
login name of a user is unique, addresses and phone numbers for that user would be
recorded with the login name as its key.

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2.2 Tables and Modules
The table structure of the coins database has been designed to be organized with a direct
relation to the business processes and modules of the system. One of the main attributes of
this design is the naming convention used on the schema.
Coins have aimed to use a naming convention that would make it easy to identify which
tables are used by which module. On most cases the first two letters of the table will point to
the module code of the system.
ap_ Purchase Ledger
ar_ Sales Ledger
cb_ Cash Book
ci_ Central Repository
The above is the standard convention but there are tables in the database which do not
conform to this convention of which users should be aware – main examples are payroll and
all system information which either do not use underscrores but use hyphens or do not break
the table names. The Database Enquiry contains all the information as required
The table name will also contain a descriptive element, for example ap_invoice is the
Purchase Ledger invoice table and ap_invdist the table which contains its associated
distribution records.
Each table has a three letter ID, this is used as reference throughout coins – and is often
used as the prefix of a field name. In the example of ap_invoice this ID is ain, therefore the
field name for the Purchase Ledger Invoice balance is ain_balance.
To reference a field the syntax is:

For example :

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2.2.1 Database Structure
The coins database is based on various levels, the top level being the Central Repository.
Information held in the Central Repository is not COINS Company specific and is available
across the system.
The main pieces of information held in the Central Repository are :
CI Company Information
PI Project Information
TI Technical Information
PP People Information
In addition to the Central Repository, system information such as Users, Functions, Printers
are also held at this top level.
SY System
MS Menus and Functions
PM Print Manager
XL Translations and Language
IB Insurances and Bonds
MK Marketing
Most data in the Coins database is actually held at COINS Company level. Even though only
one company may be used the company details will need to be used to access the data. In
each instance the company number is held on each table in the kco (current logged in
company) field.
There are a set of tables which relate directy to company information – configuration table
etc, in addition to generic tables such as Batches – these are held in the co module.
CO Company

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2.2.2 Company Specific Modules
GL General Ledger
JC Contract Status Ledger (Job Costing)
CB Cash Book
AP Purchase Ledger (Accounts Payable)
AR Sales Ledger (Accounts Receivable)
SC SubContract Ledger

2.2.3 Process Specific Modules :
CS Contract Sales
FM Facilities Management
SM Valuations (Site Manager)
SW Small Works
House Builders Modules
BQ Bill of Quanties
HS House Sales
LA Land Appraisal
VP Valuations and Payments
WF Workflow
Payroll and HR
CR Credit Control
HR Human Resources
EX Expenses
PR Payroll
Plant, Assets and Stock
CM Components
FA Fixed Assets
FL Fleet
PC Plant Control
SO Sales Orders
ST Stock

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PO Procurement
Other Modules :
BP Professional Billing
CR Credit Control
DC/DM Document Control / Management
IB Insurance and Bonds

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2.3 Summary and Detail Tables
Coins has designed its database to match the processes of the industry and therefore the
tables mirror the process components. Each of the modules will cover different process and
within each module we can find different sub-processes. The organizational structure of the
company is also related to the structure of the tables.
Each of these sub-processes are also divided in tables that will hold information down to the
lowest level of detail and there will also be tables that will summarize that information at
different levels (depending to the process these could be dates, codes etc).
Company Organizational Structure & Contract Structure Example (House Builders):

Cost Transactions Structure Example (House Builders):

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2.4 Open Items
In addition to the Summary and detail information, COINS also has specific tables for open
transactions in the database. This is to enhance performance when maintain and reporting on
current data.
For example every PL Invoice that has not been paid, or has been part paid will have an
associate record in the PL Invoice Open Item table. Once an invoice has been fully paid the
open item record is deleted.
It is therefore recommended that when enquiring or reporting on open items that it is the
open item record which is used as the basis of the query.
For example :
FOR EACH ap_invopen WHERE ap_invopen.kco = {kco},
EACH ap_invoice OF ap_invopen
Each of the tables which contain transactional data will have an associate open item table.

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2.5 Indexes
Databases can take advantage of indexing to increase their speed (Dataset retrieval using
queries). The most common kind of index is a sorted list of the contents of some particular
table column, with pointers to the row associated with the value. An index allows a set of
table rows matching some criterion to be located quickly.
The order that columns are listed in the index definition is important. It is possible to
retrieve a set of row identifiers using only the first indexed columns. However, it is not
possible or efficient (on most databases) to retrieve the set of row identifiers using only the
second or greater indexed column.
For example, imagine a phone book that is organized by city first, then by last name, and then
by first name. If given the city, you can easily extract the list of all phone numbers for that
city. However, in this phone book it would be very tedious to find all the phone numbers for
a given last name. You would have to look within each city's section for the entries with that
last name.
Each coins table has one or more Indices. An Index is built up of several fields in a record
which in combination will assist the query in narrowing down the number of records which
will be read to determine which meet the query requirements.
Each Table has a Primary (the index used by default unless you determine otherwise in your
query) and a Unique key (the combination of these fields in a single record is always unique).
However coins OA will use the most appropriate index for your query.
An example of how an index would work is to use the Current Logged in Company (kco) in
addition to Contract Number (job_num) to search for a particular Contract. Another would be
to use Current Logged in Company (kco) plus Order Type (tip_type) where you would query
only where tip_type = "TRADE", the query would immediately know only to search through
Subcontract Orders to find orders which matched the other criteria rather than search every
single order.

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2.6 Record Service Procedures
Every table in the coins database has a RSP (Record Service Procedure). Each of these RSP's
provides the OA Reporting tool with the business logic required to extract the appropriate
data from the database.
In the Database Enquiry you can see the RSP under the Table Code and its Label. The RSP's
have a naming convention –
Where the Table ID is as shown in the Database Enquiry (you may also hear this referred to
as the Table Acronym or TLA).

RSP’s control, amongst other things, the basic table update functions for that table. Each RSP
has a common set of methods that define standard behaviour for the object. They control
record scope and locking, security, default values on creation, data integrity rules etc.

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The RSP can also extend the database table to produce a logical view of data for the business
logic to work with. A by-product of this is that we are to provide an XML field on every
record in the database in which the user can configure their own extended fields for use in
the presentation layer. This enables client-specific fields to be added to screens and included
on reports. The RSP handles the translation of the data from the logical record buffer to the
physical fields in the physical database.
The RSP is also able to de-normalise the database for the purposes of logical data access. For
example, the contract record (jc_job) in the database is linked to many other tables including
the contract group table (jc_cgroup). To show the group description on a screen or report it
might be expected that the interface designer would have to build a query to link the
contract record with the appropriate group record and then display the group description
from that record. The RSP extends (for read-only purposes) the table and de-normalises the
data and makes the contract group description available as just another field on the contract
table. The data remains physically in the jc_cgroup table in the database, but to the business
logic and presentation layers it is shown in a more logical place which is on the contract
The same principle is applied to more complex calculation fields. For example, the value of
accruals on a contract is a highly complex calculation involving many tables (purchase orders,
order lines, goods received notes, etc). Again, this data is made available in the logic buffer in
the RSP so that to the interface designer it is just another field on the contract record. They
are simply able to paste, say, the contract number, contract name, group description, and
accrual value on to a page without any need to know where each of the bits of data is coming
The RSP is also able to simplify the database for updates.

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There are instances where common database tables are reused in many areas of the
application. An example is the address table sy_address. This holds the address details for an
employee record in the HR system. In this instance the RSP is able to link the two records
together, presenting a single logical table to the business logic and presentation layers. The
updates are performed on this logical buffer in the RSP and it is only the RSP that knows that
the data is split into two separate records when written back to the database.
The RSP also has an audit layer so that as the logical record is committed back to the
database, changes on the logical table can be recorded in the audit records. Auditing can be
performed as part of the managed data source through the use of triggers, but in this instance
the audit records created are an audit of the physical data and it is much more difficult to
reconstruct the separate physical table and field audit records in to a logical view of the
record at a later stage.
The RSP controls all data access through to the database. COINS can insert bespoke trigger
code in that RSPs that can act on data as it is committed back to the database. For example,
this can be used to push changes in business data in COINS out to a data warehouse
application by creating XML messages from COINS that are then consumed by a data
warehouse load interface. In this way it is possible to keep a data warehouse up to date with
live business data.

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2.7 Read Only Fields
In addition to the standard tables and fields in the coins database, Open Architecture also
uses the RSP's to provide access to certain calculated and non standard fields. These are
known as "RO" or Read Only fields and are also fully documented in the Database Enquiry.

Although these fields have certain restrictions, they are incredibly powerful when used in
enquiries and reports.
In most instances RO_ fields will provide information from related tables to the main queried
table – for example summary cost information at Contract Level, or descriptions from an
associated Lookup Table without the Page or Report designer having to query and access
many tables from the coins database.
Many of the calculated fields reflect similar fields to the coins + Configurable Reporter, such
as Accruals, Costs and Revenue fields. These fields can then be passed parameters to
enhance the information returned to a report. Typically these fields can be limited by dates,
values and financial periods as well simply parameters such as “TD" for a To Date value.

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In the Database Enquiry RO_ fields are shown in a format as the example below. Any
parameters immediately after the caret are mandatory; each parameter is then separated by
a pipe. Any parameters which are encapsulated in square brackets are optional.


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2.7.1 Exposing RO Fields
The benefit of using this method is the fields will be selectable by the user as report columns
when building the report, however as RO Fields they will NOT be available for sorting and
grouping. The disadvantage is that the fields will be hard-coded to the state they are
exposed as and any change to their functionality must be made by the administrator and
cannot be changed by the report writer users. For this reason, it is recommended that RO
fields are used in calculations within the Report rather than by Exposing.
Go to the OA Reporting and BI Setup and Table Documentation and select the table in which
the field you wish to pass parameters to.

The Parametrised Fields section then needs to be populated with the appropriate RO_ field
and any parameters that are required. (The parameter information can be found in the
Database Enquiry.

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A single field can be documented more than once with different parameters, for each a
balance field can be documented with several dates, such as a year of period end dates.
Examples of an RO_ field and associated parameters are :
jc_job.RO_ContractCosts^TP|-3 (This Period with period offset -3)
cs_certificate.RO_cst_ctd_cum^10 (Contract Sales Certificate Item – Cumulative to Date
Certificate Line 10)

Once a RO_ field has been entered in the Table Documentation with appropriate parameters
it will then become available in Report Writer for selection as per standard database fields.
It will also appear in the Database Enquiry with a field type of EX

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2.8 Create and Maintain Lookups
Lookups apply to normal (fill in) fields, and to 'disabled with lookup' fields. Fields for which a
lookup has been set up have a lookup button

next to them; disabled with lookup fields

have lookup and clear buttons next to them:
The lookup button launches a separate browser, from which the user can select a record. The
lookup then returns values to populate one or more fields on the form. If a user adds a new
record whilst in a lookup (assuming this is allowed) then when they save the new record it
will automatically be selected and returned from the lookup.
In Lookup Maintenance, enter a record for the field to provide a lookup for.
In the Lookup Function field enter the function to call for lookup. This function is a normal
browse/list type page (and could even be say the maintenance function - the maintenance
buttons will be retained if access security permits). Links are removed.
To provide different lookups for the same field on different functions, enter separate
records with the function code in the Function field. If the Function field is blank, COINS
uses this as the default lookup for the field.
The inline lookups are built using the existing page for the lookup button but there are two
new options you can specify in the parameters of the lookup. quickFields and quickShow.
By default the inline lookup uses the same field (keycode/lookupcode) that is used by the
lookup page and does a begins on that field. If you need to modify the field to another one or
multiple then you can do this with quickFields. This is a comma separated list of field names
to be matched when typing in the characters in the fill in. Example is poh_attention where
quickFields is set to ppc_name,ppc_surname so the matching is on either of those fields.
In the parameter field for the lookup, it is possible to specify the following:


keyfield=field. By default (if you do not specify a keyfield), the lookup will return the
value of the field from the lookup record that has the same name as the field you are
looking up (that is, the one specified in the Field field in Lookup Maintenance). By
specifying a keyfield, you can get the value of a different field. For example, the Field
may be avm_factnum, but the keyfield is specified as avm_num.
lookupCode=field-list. A list of other fields on the form that you want to populate (with
the corresponding values from the keyCode list).

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keyCode=field-list. A list of other fields in the same table that you want to get values
from. If keyCode is blank, the values are taken from the field specified in lookupCode.
contextFields=field-list. A list of fields on the current page that are required for the
context of the lookup (for example, the supplier code if you are looking up invoices).
These will be passed to the lookup program and used in the query. See RO_hrs_desc
lookup, which requires the current value of hrg_code from the form to be able to show
the appropriate sub groups.
quickFields=field-list. A list of fields which the inline lookups will query (For example:
quickFields=job_num,job_name - will return the following lookup when entering
characters in the lookup field. It currently uses a begins to provide the search. Example
will give you any job_num beginning with 10 or any job_name beginning with 10 as a drop
down list. A max of 10 entries will be shown and if further information is available on the
11th line of the inline you will see ... If there is an exact match to the entry then the field
will be filled in on leaving the field via tab or enter. By partial input the lookup button will
reflect this search filter, by not entering any input the lookup filter will be remembered
from previous entry.
quickShow=field-list. This will provide the fields to be displayed in the inline
lookup.These fields can be either database fields or RO fields. It is advisable to keep this
list to a minimal number.
quickSort=field+. This will predetermine the order the inline information is displayed.

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OA Query Language

COINS OA uses a simplified version of the Progress 4GL query language in combination with
RSP's (Record Service Procedures) to extract the data for reports and enquiries (for further
information on RSP's– see later in this guide).
COINS OA uses the query to decide which records are accessed from the coins database
from the database. In response to a query, the database returns a result set, which is just a
list of rows containing the answers. The Page/Report Design will determine which fields from
these records are displayed (either on screen or in a report).
The simplest query is just to return all the rows from a table, but more often, the rows are
filtered in some way to return just the answer wanted.
The flexibility of relational databases allows programmers to write queries that were not
anticipated by the database designers. As a result, relational databases can be used by
multiple applications in ways the original designers did not foresee, which is especially
important for databases that might be used for decades. This has made the idea and
implementation of relational databases very popular with businesses.

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To begin a query in OA, the first statement must begin FOR EACH followed by a table name.
Example Query on the coins database to retrieve all contracts (jc_job)

FOR EACH jc_job

1. jc_job is the name of the table in the COINS database
2. The FOR EACH statement starts a block of code that iterates once for each
contract record (hence the syntax FOR EACH)

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Simply specifying the table with a FOR EACH statement in a query is okay, assuming we
want every record from the selected table, but in practice we would normally want to
restrict the number of records returned in some way. In COINS, transactional data is held at
company level.
Even though you may only have one company in your organisation, the data is still recorded
with a company identifier. COINS uses the field kco to identify the company number.
Most queries will need to specify the kco values to ensure that the records returned relate
specifically to the company you are reporting on.
The WHERE statement is used to add a constraint to the query and may refer to a constant,
filed name, variable name or expression whose value you want to use to select records
Example Query on the coins database to retrieve all contracts (jc_job) that belong to
company 1:

FOR EACH jc_job WHERE kco = 1
In the example above we have used ‘=’ as the comparison operator. There are a number of
others than may be used with the WHERE statement. These are listed in the table below:





Equal to



Not equal to



Greater than



Less than



Greater than or equal to



Less than or equal to


Not applicable

A character value that begins with this substring.

MATCHES Not applicable

A character value that matches this substring, which
can include wild card characters
The expression you use to the right of the MATCHES
keyword can contain the wild card characters:

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An asterisk (*) represents one or more missing
A period (.) represents exactly one missing character.

CONTAINS Not applicable

A database text field that has a special kind of index
called a WORD-INDEX
The WORD-INDEX indexes all the words in a field’s
text strings, for all the records of the table, allowing
you to locate individual words or associated words
in the database records, much as you do when you
use an Internet search engine to locate text in
documents on the web..

The WHERE statement can be followed by any expression that identifies a subset of the data
using AND/OR to join multiple tests.
Example Query on the coins database to retrieve a specific contract (field job_num) for
Company 1 from table jc_job

FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = 1
AND jc_job.job_num = '123456'

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3.3 Joining Tables
Often, data from multiple tables gets combined into one, by doing a join. Conceptually, this is
done by taking all possible combinations of rows (the "cross-product"), and then filtering out
everything except the answer.
To begin each join a comma should end the previous statement before beginning the next
one. DO NOT add a comma to the end of the last statement as this will result in an error.

3.3.1 EACH
FOR is only used for the first table in the query, all subsequent tables must be accessed with
EACH to start an iterating query that will find a single record on each pass
To establish a join, the table(s) you are adding to the query must have some relation to one
or more tables already in the query.
Example Query on the coins database to retrieve all costheads (jc_costcode) that belong to
contracts (jc_job) that belong to the logged in Company

FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = {kco},
EACH jc_costcode WHERE jc_costcode.kco = jc_job.kco
AND jc_costcode.job_num = jc_job.job_num
If you do not use the EACH keyword for a subsequent table then you must use one of the
following to obtain a single record:

3.3.2 FIRST
Uses the criteria in the record-phrase to find the first record in the table that meets that
Progress finds the first record before any sorting.

3.3.3 LAST
Uses the criteria in the record-phrase to find the last record in the table that meets that
Progress finds the last record before sorting.

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The FIRST and LAST keywords are especially useful when you are sorting records in a table
in which you want to display information. Often, several related records exist in a related
table, but you only want to display the first or last related record from that table in the sort.
You can use FIRST or LAST in these cases.

3.3.4 OF
Some of the tables in the COINS database share a relationship based on common field names
between record and table that also participate in a UNIQUE index for either record or table.
All OF relationships within the coins database are detailed in the database enquiry and
appear for each table in the form similar to:

Where such a relationship exits, the OF statement may be used to relate one table to
another. So in our earlier example we used the query:
FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = {kco},
EACH jc_costcode WHERE jc_costcode.kco = jc_job.kco
AND jc_costcode.job_num = jc_job.job_num
An OF relationship exists between jc_job and jc_costcode as can be seen in the database
enquiry for jc_job:

So we can re-write this query as:
FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = {kco},
EACH jc_costcode OF jc_job

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3.4 Curly Braces
The functionality of {}'s is to specify a place holder in fields and calculations into which a
value can be passed.. When using {}'s around a field the use of quotes is required if the field
is a character field. The use of double or single quotes is acceptable.
The only thing to be aware of is that when using '{field}' replacement on a character field is
that if the information within the field could contain an apostrophe (for example- J O'Connor)
then the apostrophe would cause close to the single quote and you will get a symbol not
found(Connor) Error. To overcome this error the use of double quotes "{field}" is the answer.
The use of {}'s in calculations is possible on all field values except within the DataSets and
the calculate conditions on a report. In these instances it is necessary to always qualify out
the field with the table name.

would be written as:
The use of the table name is allowed in all calculations but whereas in most instances the
formatting of the result is suppressed, within the calculate condition it is not and therefore
the comma in a result of a figure in excess of 1,000 may result in an error in syntax in a
calculation. (NB. Please note that the replacement on parameters of an RO field is still
Within the OA reporter/screens we use curly braces {} as a method to pass values to a query
or a report or a page. Enclosed within the curly braces you specify the commands, RS_fields,
or other data you need to communicate across or within objects. {kco} is a common usage,
and is used to place the current logged in company number into the query.
The next example gets information from jc_job and inherits the Company Number from the
system, retrieving the company number the user is logged into.

FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = {kco}

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3.5 Outer-Join
Specifies a left outer join between record and the table (or join) specified by the previous
Record phrase(s) of an OPEN QUERY statement. A left outer join combines and returns data
from the specified tables in two ways. First, the records selected for the table (or join) on the
left side combine with each record selected using the OF or WHERE options from the table
on the right (record). Second, the records selected for the table (or join) on the left side
combine with unknown values (?) for the fields from the table on the right (record) for which
no records are selected using the OF or WHERE options. The join is ordered according to
the given sort criteria starting with the left-most table in the query.

If you specify the OUTER-JOIN option, you must also specify the OUTER-JOIN option in all
succeeding Record phrases of the query to obtain a left outer join. That is, for multiple
Record phrases, all joins in the query following your first left outer join must also be left
outer joins. Otherwise, the result is an inner join for all records up to the last inner join in
the query.
The OUTER-JOIN option is supported only in Record phrases specified after the first Record
phrase in the query. If you specify OUTER-JOIN, you must also specify the OF option,
WHERE option, or any combination of the OF and WHERE options. These options are
required to select record (the right-most table) for the specified left outer join.

This query specifies a left outer join between customer and order, and also between that join
and order-line. Thus, for each customer record that has no orders or has no orders with an
order-num less than 50, the query returns the customer fields and ? for all fields of the order
and order-line tables. In addition, if there are no order-line records with item-num less than
15 for any selected customer and order, the query returns ? for all fields of order-line.
Otherwise, it returns each customer record along with its first selected order record and
order-line record.

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In all statements where multiple Record phrases are allowed, the default join (without the
OUTER-JOIN option) is an inner join between record and the table (or join) specified by the
previous Record phrase(s). An inner join returns the records selected for the table (or join)
on the left side combined with each selected record from the table on the right (record). For
an inner join, no records are returned for the table (or join) on the left for which no record is
selected from the table on the right (record).
If you specify a Record phrase as an inner join, the current Record phrase and all preceding
Record phrases in the query participate in contiguous inner joins, even if prior Record
phrases specify the OUTER-JOIN option. Thus, for multiple Record phrases, all joins in the
query up to the right-most inner join result in contiguous inner joins.

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3.6 Buffers
There are circumstances when you may wish to access a single table multiple times in a
query. The method for doing this is to use buffers in your query.
Using buffers in a Body Query.
The buffers MUST be named xxn where n is a letter.
Example Syntax:

The buffers are automatically created (and deleted) and you can refer to fields using
.field 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 48 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 3.7 Calculation Programs This section describes the new capability for the user to store programs (effectively user defined functions) for use in calculations throughout COINS. The standard COINS syntax is used in the stored program and it can take input parameters from the calculation from which it is called. User defined functions can call other user defined functions recursively. The variables used and set in the original calculation and all the user defined functions are globally shared. So a variable set in a user defined program is then available in the calculations that follow it. 3.7.1 Creating Calculation Programs You can define user defined programs using the Calculation Programs maintenance function in System > Misc Maintenance (also available via OA Reporting and BI > OA and BI Setups). To create a new program, click l l l The program name is unique and is the code by which the function will be run when used in a calculation. The description and notes are for information only, they do not affect the use and are there for you to document what the function does and how it should be used. The calculation code field is the calculation that will run when the program is called. This can contain {n} where n is a number. These will be replaced with the values of the parameters passed to the function at run time. The calculation code can run other user defined calculation programs in the same way that any other calculation. If the program is run without passing the required {} parameters then they will be replaced in the calculation with blanks. Variables defined before the calculation is run can be accessed. Variables defined or updated in the calculation program will be available following the call to the calculation program. 3.7.2 Calling Calculation Programs The calculation programs can be called by any calculation in COINS e.g. report field calculations or workflow initialisation calculations etc. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 49 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The calculations defined can be run by using the new calculation keyword RUN or RUN$. RUN runs a calculation program returning the last decimal value from that calculation whereas RUN$ expects a string to be returned. If a calculation program called CALCTEST is defined with the following calculation code: theSum={1} + {2} then it can be run in a calculation as follows: run(‘CALCTEST’,’5’,’7’) this would return the answer 12 and could take part in a further calculation e.g. grandTotal = 10 + run(‘CALCTEST’,’5’,’7’) + 8 this would return 30 The calls to the programs can also use variables A=5 B=7 $PROG=”CALCTEST” Run(PROG,A,B) theSum This would also return 12. By constructing appropriate functions and/or programs in this way it will make using complex features much easier to maintain by placing the complexity in a reusable function. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 50 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4 OA Calculation Syntax This section explains the syntax of the various types of calculations that may be used within the COINS OA Framework 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 51 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.1 Finding the Period Number from a Date For Character results: $a=method$(glp-rsp.FdatetoPeriod,Offset,Date) $a=method$(glp-rsp.FdatetoMonth,Offset,Date) $a=method$(glp-rsp.FdatetoYear,Offset,Date) For numeric results: b=method(glp-rsp.FdatetoPeriod,Offset,Date) b=method(glp-rsp.FdatetoMonth,Offset,Date) b=method(glp-rsp.FdatetoYear,Offset,Date) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 52 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.2 syuquery aggregate syuquery.aggregate and syuquery.aggregateRSP (via rsp) takes two parameters, query and field list. Fields in the field list are aggregated. First total is returned (typically might be only one field) You can then get the other totals with syuquery.getDAgg,n and count with getIAgg Multiple fields with comma delimited allowed on last part of method then you can call with method('syuquery.getDAgg',1); method('syuquery.getDAgg’,2); etc Figure 1: Example using syuquery.aggregate method('syuquery.aggregateRSP',"for EACH pp_planenroll WHERE pp_planenroll.ppo_seq = '" + pp_organisation.ppo_seq + "' AND hbp_plan = 'Office Vacation'",'RO_Accrual_Balance'); dvacav=method('syuquery.getDAgg',1); $string$(dvacav,"->>>,>>>,>>9”); Figure 2: Example using syuquery.aggregateRSP method('syuquery.aggregate',"for EACH se_orderlive WHERE se_orderlive.kco = " + co_ config.kco + ",first se_order WHERE se_order.sso_intref = se_orderlive.sso_intref and se_ order.sso_complete = yes,first ar_custaddr OUTER-JOIN WHERE ar_custaddr.kco = se_ order.kco AND ar_custaddr.rcm_num = se_order.rcm_num AND ar_custaddr.rca_code = se_ order.rca_code",'kco'); method('syuquery.getDAgg',1); method('syuquery.getIAgg'); 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 53 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3 Performing Calculations on Numerical Values 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 54 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.1 A Simple Count Creating a Simple Count and Accumulating the Calculation Manually To simply count the number of records being returned, assign the value in each to be 1 – this value can then be totalled and manipulated in the same way as other values. For example – the calculation below would count each line and complete a running total : a = 1; counta = counta + a; Counts can also be used in conjunction with all other functions to allow counts of certain types of information, e.g. the example below where dStockItemCount is checking the PO Line type and assign 1 if it is a Stock Item, this value is then being totalled. dStockItemCount = INLIST("{po_line.pol_type}","I"); dTotStockItemCount = dTotStockItemCount + dStockItemCount; 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 55 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.2 String$ Purpose: To display a numerical value as a character Syntax: $string$(number value,”Format”) Number The numeric value to be converted value Format: The output format required (uses standard format notation and must be surrounded by double quotes) Figure 3: Example 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 56 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.3 IF An IF statement is split into two separate areas and all parameters of the 'If statement' are separated with commas The Test The Result The TEST The first section of an 'if statement' can be referred to as the 'Test' it has to compare two numerical values. If the field that is being tested is a character value then that field has to be converted into a numerical value to do the 'Test'. (see calculations on character values) The RESULT The result will either be a true or false answer. Without the specification of any true and false results an if statement will automatically return a 1 if true and a 0 if false. Therefore it may be a simple test between two numbers and can be defined as follows: Figure 4: Simple examples of an 'IF statement'. IF(a,EQ,b); returns 1 if true / 0 if false IF(a,EQ,b,truevalue,falsevalue); returns truevalue if true /falsevalue if false. The operands available for use within the IF function are : 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 57 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide EQ NE LT GT LE GE Equal To Not Equal To Less Than Greater Than Less Than or Equal To Greater Than or Equal To If the'Result' of an IF statement needs to be a character value then the IF statement must be encapsulated within $ signs. $IF$(a,eq,b,"Yes","No") If a variable is to be assigned then the variable will be situated between the first $ sign and the IF statement. $var=IF$(a,eq,b,"Yes","No") NB : Using an IF statement to create a simple Flag, in the example below the calculation is setting a variable, dFlag, to either 1 or 0 depending on the comparison of the Valuation Due Date against the Report Selection Date passed through to the report - this flag can be used to multiply values in other fields. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 58 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide dFlag = IF(datestring(cs_valcert.cvc_duedate),LT,datestring('{RS_date__2}'),1,0); Note : Date format fields require special consideration – please see below. Example of above: Field1={RO_ContractCosts^TD} * dFlag Field2={RO_ContractRevenue^TD} * dFlag Field3=({RO_ContractRevenue^TD} - {RO_ContractCosts^TD}) * dFlag This means that only when the dFlag is true will these figures for Field1,Field2 & Field 3 will appear as a multiplication by Zero will return value of Zero. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 59 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.4 RANGE These two functions will allow the comparison of data against series of other values: The RANGE function will return 1 or 0 for a true or false result when comparing a value against an upper and lower limit and should be used in the format: RANGE(value,lowerlimit,upperlimit) Therefore: RANGE(5,1,10)would return 5 (true returns value) RANGE(5,10,20)would return 0 (false) In the example below, the RANGE function has been used within an IF function to calculate values in Ageing columns for Purchase Ledger invoices, where the variable Days has been calculated as an integer value of the days between TODAY and the Due Date on the Invoice: AgeDays = (TODAY - datestring(ap_invoice.ain_duedt)) IF(AgeDays,LE,30,ap_invoice.ain_balance,0); IF(RANGE(AgeDays,31,60),GT,1,ap_invoice.ain_balance,0); IF(RANGE(AgeDays,61,90),GT,1,ap_invoice.ain_balance,0); IF(AgeDays,GT,90,ap_invoice.ain_balance,0); 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 60 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 61 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.5 Limit The LIMIT function will return values dependant on where the value falls in relation to the lower and upper limit values. The limit function is useful is reports scores where you cannot allow scores to fall outside the limit of valid scores eg 1 to 10. The format for using LIMIT is: LIMIT(value,lowerlimit,uperlimit) If the value is below the lower limit, the function returns the lower limit value, if it is within the range it returns the value itself, if above the upper limit it will return the upper limit value. Example LIMIT(X,A,B) LIMIT(1,5,10) would return x if x is in the range a-b, otherwise return a if xb. would return 5 (FALSE returns lowerlimit) LIMIT(11,5,10)would return 10 (FALSE returns upperlimit) LIMIT(6,5,10) would return 6 (TRUE returns value) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 62 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.6 Max max(a,b,c…) returns the value of the largest entry. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 63 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.7 Min min(a,b,c…) returns the value of the smallest entry. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 64 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.8 Sum sum(a,b,c…) adds all the entries. 4.3.9 non-zero nonzero(a,b,c) returns 0 if all entries equal zero. Returns 1 if any entry is non-zero. Nonzero() is a very useful calculation to use in the Calculate Condition which will executes as soon as a record has been read. Only when the value is Non zero will the record display on the report. This will eliminate records where all values are zero. Example of use: If a report is showing three records for each Contract - Revenue,Costs & Profit. QUERY:- FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = {kco} If we want to suppress records where for a contracts all three of these fields are zero. Include a Calculate condition with the following syntax: nonzero(jc_job.ContractCosts^TD,jc_job.RO_ContractRevenue^TD,jc_job.RO_ ContractRevenue^TD – jc_job.RO_ContractCosts^TD); NB. You must qualify out fields with table names in the Calculation Field 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 65 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.10entry entry(n,a,b,c) returns the value of the nth entry in the list a,b,c. Returns 0 if n is outside the number of entries in the list. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 66 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.11truncate truncate(a,n)truncates a to n decimal places . 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 67 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.3.12round round(a,n) : rounds a to n decimal places. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 68 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4 String Calculations This section details the syntax for string (character) value calculations. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 69 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.1 INTEGER Purpose: Converts a character string of numbers into an integer Syntax INTEGER(‘string’) string A quoted string of numeric characters Figure 5: Example of Integer Calculation 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 70 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.2 DECIMAL Purpose: Converts a character string of numbers into an decimal Syntax DECIMAL(‘string’) string A quoted string of numeric characters Figure 6: Example 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 71 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.3 INLIST An IF statements can perform comparisons on numerical values only, therefore when the Testing field is a character it is necessary to turn the value into a number so that a comparison can be made. The INLIST function can be used to perform as such on character values. INLIST must be used is making an exact match and should be used in the format : INLIST("field1","Test1,Test2") It will return 1 for a true result and 0 for a false result. Therefore INLIST("a","a,b,c")would return 1 INLIST("a","b,c")would return 0 Using INLIST to assign text values to a column The following example checks the database field on a Purchase Order Header which is a logical field and instead of returning a TRUE or FALSE value will return either E-Commerce or Standard $IF$(INLIST(po_hdr.poh_xmtd,"yes"),EQ,1,"E-Commerce","Standard"); In the next example (Where po_hdr.poh_mpo is the type of the Purchase Order -for example, M - Material, P - Plant, O - Overhead, I - Stock, W - Workshop, A - Asset, S – Subcontract), the type of PO is checked against a list of possibilities and the test Material or Trade is output $IF$(INLIST(po_hdr.poh_mpo,"M,P,O,I,W,A"),EQ,1,"Material","Trade"); The inlist statement becomes equivalent to the 'a' variable in the Test sections of the 'if statement' (See Reference earlier in documentation)as this will result in value of either 1 or zero it can now be tested within the numeric test. The $ signs are around the $IF$ purely because the results of the 'if statement' are characters. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 72 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.4 CAN-DO Purpose: The CAN-DO function tests a value against a comma seperated list of criteria in a similar way to INLIST but will allow the use of wildcards and exclusions. It should be used in the format Syntax: CAN-DO(test,comparison) Returns 1 iof True, 0 if False test: A single value, comma separated list, or wildcards such as ‘*’ for multicharacter tests or ‘!’ for exclusions. comparison: A string, string variable or character field against which the test will be compared Figure 7: Example 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 73 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.5 MASK The MASK function will return a 1 or 0 for a true or false result when comparing a value against a combination of a RANGE of values and a CAN-DO list and should be used in the format : MASK(a,b,c,d) Where a is the range from, b the range to, c is a can-do list and d the value to be masked. In effect this function behaves as a From, To, List selection in COINS. For example to check a GL Account – element 2 within a range from 2000 to 2180 but excluding 2170 : MASK("From","To","Matches","Field"); MASK("2000","2180","!2170,*",gl_acct.gla_el2); 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 74 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.6 ENTRY$ Purpose: Returns a character string entry from a list based on an integer position. Syntax: ENTRY$(element,’list’,’delimiter’) element: An integer value that corresponds to the position of a character string in a list of values. If the value of the element does not correspond to an entry in the list, an error condition will occur. list: A list of character strings. Separate entries with a delimiter – usually a comma and surround the list with single quotes. delimiter: A delimiter you define for the list. This allows ENTRY$ to operate on non-comma separated lists. The delimiter must be a single character. Surround the delimiter with single quotes. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 75 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.7 RIGHT$ Purpose: Returns a specified number of characters from a character string starting from the last character position. Syntax: RIGHT$(string,integer) string: A character expression. The string may be a constant, field name, variable, or expression that results in a character value. integer: The number of characters to be returned Example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 76 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.8 LEFT$ Purpose: Returns a specified number of characters from a character string starting from the first character position. Syntax: LEFT$(string,integer) string: A character expression. The string may be a constant, field name, variable, or expression that results in a character value. integer: The number of characters to be returned Example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 77 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.9 SUBSTRING$ Purpose: Extracts a portion of a character string from a field or variable Syntax: SUBSTRING$(source,position,length) source: A character expression. The string may be a constant, field name, variable, or expression that results in a character value. position: An integer expression that indicates the position of the first character you want to extract from the source length: An integer that indicates the number of character you want to extract from the source. If you specify -1 as the length, SUBSTRING$ uses the remainder of the string from the specified position Example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 78 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.10LENGTH$ Purpose: Returns the number of characters in a string Syntax: LENGTH$(string) string: A character expression. The string may be a constant, field name, variable, or expression that results in a character value. Example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 79 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.11REPLACE$ Purpose: Replaces characters in a string Syntax: REPLACE$(string,original,replacement) string: A character expression. The string may be a constant, field name, variable, or expression that results in a character value. original The characters in the string to be replaced replacement The replacement characters Example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 80 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.12CAPS$ Purpose: Converts any characters in a character string to uppercase or lowercase characters, and returns the resulting string. Syntax: CAPS$(string,flag) string: A character expression. The string may be a constant, field name, variable, or expression that results in a character value. flag: 1 – String will be converted to uppercase 2 – String will be converted to lowercase Figure 8: Example 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 81 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.13TRIM$ Purpose: Removes leading and trailing specified characters from a character string Syntax: TRIM$(string,trim-chars) string: A character expression. The string may be a constant, field name, variable, or expression that results in a character value. trim- A character expression that specifies the characters to trim from the string. chars: A single character expression will be removed from both beginning and end of string, a comma separated trim-chars will specify different beginning and end characters. Example: Note: There is a Right-Trim$ command to remove trailing characters from a character string, but no Left-Trim$ command. Therefore for a calculation to convert say ‘020’ to ‘20’ the following solution is suggested TRIM$('020' + ' ','0') which would give you '20 ' Or TRIM$(TRIM$('020' + ' ','0'),' ') to get rid of the trailing space if required 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 82 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 83 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.14RIGHT-TRIM$ Purpose: Removes trailing specified characters from a character string Syntax: RIGHT-TRIM$(string,trim-chars) string: A character expression. The string may be a constant, field name, variable, or expression that results in a character value. trim- A character expression that specifies the characters to trim from the string. chars: Example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 84 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.15INDEX Purpose: Returns an integer that indicates the position of the target string within a source string Syntax: INDEX(source,target) source: A character expression. The string may be a constant, field name, variable, or expression that results in a character value. target: A character expression that specifies the characters to trim from the string. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 85 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.16R-INDEX Purpose: Returns an integer that indicates the position of the target string within a source string. In contrast to the INDEX function, R-INDEX performs the search from right to left Syntax: INDEX(source,target) source: A character expression. The string may be a constant, field name, variable, or expression that results in a character value. target: A character expression that specifies the characters to trim from the string. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 86 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.17NUM-ENTRIES Purpose: Returns the number of items in a list Syntax: NUM-ENTRIES(list,delimiter) list: A list of strings delimiter: A delimiter you define for the list. The default is a comma. This allows the function to operate on a non-comma separated list. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 87 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.4.18LOOKUP Purpose: Returns an integer giving the position of an expression in a list. Syntax: LOOKUP(expression,list,delimiter) expression: A constant, field name, variable name, or expression that results in a character value that you want to look up with a list of character expressions. list: A list of character expressions. Separate each entry in list with a delimiter – the default is a comma. delimiter: A delimiter you define for the list. The default is a comma. This allows the function to operate on a non-comma separated list. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 88 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.5 Time & Date Calculations It is recommended that in all instances where calculations are required on a date, that the date is converted to an integer – then for display purposes converted back to a standard date format. Once a date is in integer form it can then be used in further calculations (i.e. add 7 to calculate a week later or within an IF statement. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 89 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.5.1 date date(DD,MM,YYYY)Returns the integer value of the date. This is useful if combined with get () or set() for report stores, or for comparison with other dates. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 90 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.5.2 datestring datestring("dd/mm/yyyy") Returns the integer value of the date string. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 91 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.5.3 weekday weekday(a)Returns the number of the day in the week (where Sunday=1), if 'a' is the integer value of a date. For example, 11-Feb-04 is a Wednesday, so weekday(date(11,02,2004)) returns 3. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 92 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.5.4 day day(a)Returns the date in the month if 'a' is the integer value of a date. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 93 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.5.5 month month(a) Returns the number of the month if 'a' is the integer value of a date. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 94 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.5.6 year year(a) Returns the year (as a four-digit integer) if 'a' is the integer value of a date. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 95 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.5.7 time time$("12345")Would return 03:45:23 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 96 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 4.5.8 Weekdays Weekday(decimal-date1,decimal-date2)returns an integer for the number of weekdays (i.e. excluding weekends) between two dates 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 97 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 5 OA and BI Utilities To assist developers in creating and testing OA Queries and calculations, a number of utilities are available with the OA & BI Reporting Module. The commonly used utilities are: l Database Enquiry l Query Editor l Calculation Editor l Object Enquiry 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 98 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 5.1 Database Enquiry To assist users in Open Architecture to understand and exploit the coins database schema when creating enquiries and reports a powerful tool has been developed which provides information on all coins tables, fields and formats. The Database Enquiry provides detailed information on the structure of every table in the coins database. Filters at the top of the page allow you to search for specific tables, fields and table types. It also provides field information, descriptions, formats as well as documentation supplied by the coins Development Team to support users in creating their queries. This includes all calculated fields available via the RSP's (Record Service Procedures). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 99 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide In addition the Database Enquiry will provide the links available to associated tables and also provide the syntax required to build a query to create these links within Page and Report Designer. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 100 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 5.2 Access to the Database Enquiry and Tables It is possible to control access to the database enquiry and certain tables in COINS OA. This is controlled via standard coins OA functions which can be assigned to certain Users. This will control which users will have access to which database tables in the enquiry. 1 Each table in the COINS database has an associate %D function. For example, the function controlling access to table jc_job is %Djc_job To amend Function Access in Coins OA – simply go to Users/Groups (under the Function Security Tab on Function Maintenance) and select the User or Group to be amended and open the the User ID or Group Id and change the access as appropriate. 1By default all tables are only initially available to the "ROOT" User Group. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 101 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Access can then be assigned to Yes, No or Group 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 102 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 5.3 Query Editor The Query Editor allows you to try out 4GL queries against the COINS database and sample the data returned. This function can be useful to test queries before being used in reports or enquiries. To use the query editor simply enter the query, and (optionally) any fields required - space separated - and click RUN. The system will return an error if any part of the query is incorrect – and a sample of data if the query compiles OK. If the fields section was left blank, all fields will be displayed. If field names were specified, only those fields will be shown. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 103 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Data Set Descrription A Data Set definition can be entered here to display the information created in the data set (No query or fields are required for this). Condition A function that determines whether a record should be included or not. The function Field returns a logical value: yes to include the record, no to exclude it. Maximum Allows the query to fun faster by only displaying a maximum number of rows per query. Rows 10.23 onwards, this defaults to 10 Extra Where a dataset has been specified, this field allows entry of of parameters (URL) that Parameters are needed by the dataset query. (10.23 onwards) e.g. The parameterised fields are so that you don't have to 'hard code' queries in the dataset to get it to run in the query editor – particularly if there are date replacements etc with fields like {RS_glp_fdate__2}. Or another useful reason for using these parameters is so that you can test results in a efficient way for instance: if you have a query on the dataset which reads: FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = {kco} {jobSelect} You could call the dataset from within the query editor and in the parameters say jobSelect=and jc_job.job_num = 'XXXX' (where XXXX is a vailid contract number). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 104 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Descrription That way the dataset would run but for only contract XXXX - This is good to save time in checking the validation of fields in the dataset as you don't have to wait till the whole dataset evaluates prior to getting a response back. If you have more than one {} replacement in your dataset then you would separate the parameters with a & symbol Eg: Dataset query might read : FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = {kco} {jobSelect}, EACH jc_costcode of jc_job WHERE TRUE {jccSelect} You could call the dataset from within the query editor and in the parameters say jobSelect=and jc_job.job_num = 'XXXX' &jccSelect= and jc_costcode.jcc_cc = 'YYYY' (where XXXX is a vailid contract number and YYYY is a valid Costcode). DB Fields defined as array in the Database Enquiry such as avm_add[4] can be entered without the index of elements to display all elements (previously the element would need to be specified such as avm_add__1, avm_add__2 etc.) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 105 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Wildcards can be used in “Fields” on Query Editor screen to mask fields 5.3.1 Search and Replace Clicking Search allows you to search for a character string within the Query. This is particularly useful for large queries. If found, the string will be highlighted within the query. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 106 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Clicking Replace All will prompt for the search string to be replaced Enter the required string and click Enter. The system will then prompt for the replacement string. Enter the replace ment string and press Enter. The system will then replace all instances of original text with the replacement string. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 107 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 5.3.2 Exporting from the Query Editor To export the query and associated results to excel simply click Export . The query editor will then open the data set in a new screen. This information can then be exported to Excel by right-clicking anywhere in the data table. The spread sheet created will contain the appropriate query and links to coins so that the data can be refreshed at any point. 5.3.3 Saving Queries in Query Editor (10.27) To prevent the need to keep re-typing regularly used queries, save and load options are available as of v10.27 and are located at the top of the Query Editor page. Once you have set up your query and selected the required fields, in the Stored fields, specify a name for the query and a description to further identify it. Click Save The Query will now be stored and can be retrieved at any time by running Query Editor, specifying the Query name and clicking Load button. To delete a saved query, specify the name and select the Delete button. The full list of stored queries may be viewed from the new Queries option from the OA Reporting and BI Utilities Menu 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 108 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This screen will allow the creation, deletion and maintenance of the stored queries. To see the results of the queries, you will need to return to Query Editor and Load the appropriate query. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 109 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 5.3.4 Creating Datasets from the Query Editor When building datasets, designers often use the Query Editor to test the query and select their fields before moving onto Dataset Maintenance and transferring the design to there. In 10.27 onwards, it is now possible to send the basic Dataset design directly into Dataset Maintenance without the need for manual re-keying. A new button Create Dataset is now available at the bottom of the Query Editor fields, located next to the Export button: Once you have a working query and field selection, enter a name for the new dataset and Select the Create Dataset button. You need to specify the fields to be created in the dataset by adding them to the Fields section. Leaving this blank will result in the dataset fields section being empty. The dataset will be created and will be available in Dataset Definitions in the OA Designer Menu. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 110 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 5.4 Calculation Editor The Calculation Editor allows you to try out calculations using the coins business logic calculation methods (see accompanying documentation). This function can be useful to test calculations before being used in reports and enquiries. Simply enter in the calculations using the appropriate syntax and click run to test the results. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 111 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 5.5 Object Enquiry The object enquiry allows you to view the internal methods and reporting temporary tables (where present) for an object. For example where coins may have written a standard report based upon a Generate Program such as the Purchase Ledger Open Item Report %WPL3991R – which queries a temporary table (ttItem) generated by program plr399. To enquire on the object, Select Object Enquiry in the OA Reporting and BI Utilities Menu. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 112 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide In the Object field, enter the name of the object, for example: plr399 and select run (it is not necessary to include standard methods). At the bottom of the results, the object enquiry will return information on all of the reporting tables available within the generate program: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 113 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6 End User Reporting End User Reporting covers those elements of COINS BI that are intended to be used by general COINS users rather than the IT or Reporting Teams within a company. These tools consist of: l Report Writer l Report Builder 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 114 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.1 OA Report Writer The Report Writer is a tool which can be used by a broad cross-section of COINS users to produce powerful column based reports across the COINS system. 6.1.1 Key features l l l l Can be used 'out of the box', with over 1200 default queries, through the COINS Business Logic, providing access to every table in the system. Fully controllable using COINS function access so Users will only ever have access to the appropriate data. Suited to both managerial and operational end users of COINS. Users have ownership of their own reports, which can be published to COINS User Groups using the Report Runner functionality. l Allows for quick and easy ad-hoc reporting across the COINS system. l Supported by a documented view of the database (Database Enquiry). l Can be a partner for, or a first step towards using the BI Designer toolset. 6.1.2 Key Functionality: Whilst being an entry level reporting tool aimed at any COINS user, the Report Writer also provides extensive functionality to allow the production of powerful reports : l Totalling methods. l Dynamic sorting and summarising of the data. l Using calculations to manipulate the data l Displaying the information graphically using charts. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 115 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.1.3 Granting Access to Report Writer and Report Runner Report Writer licences are based on a Named Used licence. To assign a licence to a User, (once the appropriate module has been licensed via the branding screen) access the User record and click the appropriate licence. Report Runner licences are based on a Named Used licence and can be assigned in the same manner as the Report Writer licence 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 116 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Function Security As well as having Report Writer licence ticked against their user profile, function security to the Report Writer will also need to be assigned to a user profile/groups: The top level menu (for OA Reporting and BI) is %WOAREPBI Below that they will need the OA Utilities/Database Enquiry: %WOAREPU %WSY5000WXXX %WSY5001WXXX Report writer consists of: %WOAREP1 %WSY2400BRTN %WSY2410BSTE %WSY2400BRFD %WSY2400BRFDA %WSY2400BRFDB %WSY2400BRFDD %WSY2400BRFDU %WSY2400BRFDX %WSY2400BRTNA %WSY2400BRTNB 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 117 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide %WSY2400BRTND %WSY2400BRTNU %WSY2400BRTNX %WSY2400BXXX %WSY2400BXXXX %WSY2400FRTN %WSY2400SRTN %WSY2400SRTNO %WSY2400SRTNT1 %WSY2400SRTNT2 %WSY2400SRTNT3 %WSY2400SRTNT4 %WSY2400SRTNT5 %WSY2400SRTNT6 %WSY2400SRTNT7 %WSY2400SRTNU %WSY2401FRTN %WSY2403FRTN %WSY2405FRTN Report Runner For clients using Report Runner, in addition to the above, it will be necessary to grant the appropriate access to the Report Runner tab functions in the Report Status Workbench 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 118 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide (%WSY2430BRTN) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 119 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.1.4 Report Data Sources Report Data Source allows you to set up data sources for reports created using Report Writer or Report Builder. A large number of pre-defined queries exist to allow Report Writer to access the majority of the tables in COINS without the user having to know or use the database query language. In addition to the standard set of Report Writer queries provided by COINS it is possible to for System Administrators, with a reasonable knowledge of the query language, to build user specific queries to meet business requirements not provided by the standard set. The list of available Report Data Sources can be accessed by navigating to: OA Reporting and BI > Report Writer > Report Data Source Field Description Data Source The code of the data source. Description The description of the data source. Tables Tables in the query Report Builder Whether this data source can be used in Report Builder 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 120 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.1.5 Report Data Source Definitions Information from RDBMS systems is retrieved using query languages. Progress RDBMS (The database used by coins) uses Progress 4GL query language. In response to a query, the database returns a result set, which is just a list of rows containing the answers. The simplest query is just to return all the rows from a table, but more often, the rows are filtered in some way to return just the answer wanted. Example Query on the coins database to retrieve all contracts (jc_job) that belong to company 1: FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job .kco = 1 Often, data from multiple tables gets combined into one, by doing a join. Conceptually, this is done by taking all possible combinations of rows (the "cross-product"), and then filtering out everything except the answer. Example Query on the coins database to retrieve all costheads (jc_costcode) that belong to contracts (jc_job) that belong to company 1: FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job .kco = 1, EACH jc_costcode OF jc_job The flexibility of relational databases allows programmers to write queries that were not anticipated by the database designers. As a result, relational databases can be used by multiple applications in ways the original designers did not foresee, which is especially important for databases that might be used for decades. This has made the idea and implementation of relational databases very popular with businesses. COINS OA uses a simplified version of the 4GL query language in combination with the RSP’s to extract the data for reports and enquiries (for further information on RSP’s – Record Service Procedures – see the relevant COINS BI documentation). COINS OA uses the query to decide which records are accessed from the coins database from the database. The Page Design (Report Design) will determine which fields from these records are displayed (either on screen or in a report). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 121 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Notes Notes or technical information about the query. Query 4GL code that will select the appropriate records in a query. Condition Query condition method for the query. The method specified is called and if the returned logical value is false then the record is excluded from the query. Conditions provide a means of giving additional functionality to the Query, but these must be pre-defined by COINS in order to be used and are stored in certain Record Service Procedures. If you have a requirement to access information in the data tables that does not appear to be straight-forward to put into standard Progress 4GL, please contact COINS for advice on possible Conditions that may be available. Calculate A calculate condition is used to limit the range of data returned to a report. The Condition calculation is performed on each line of the report to determine whether the record should be included or not. The calculation should return either a 1 for true (i.e. display the line) or a 0 for false (do not display the line). The calculation should be a valid calculation on fields available to the report. Input The input form used to prompt for run-time selection criteria for this report Form query. This is optional. It is possible to associate a Report Writer query with selections criteria, either standard or user defined. User Defined forms are created using the Page Designer Tool.The query must include the appropriate {tttSelect} token. Data Set The data set definition(s) to be used for this query. Definition A comma separated list of data set definition codes. Field List The list of fields that will be visible to the user of this query from the available fields in the query. You can enter a CAN-DO list of fields to be shown. Post Processing 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 122 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.1.6 Report Writer - Creating a New Report Report Writer is accessed from the OA Reporting and BI Menu. To create a new report, select the New icon . In this panel, assign a code and description to the report. The code will be used to identify the report later on and the description should contain a brief overview of the purpose of this report so that others Users will know what it does. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 123 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide You will then need to select a Query from the pre-defined cache of queries. Click on the Lookup button to view all the available queries. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 124 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide A Query is a pre-defined section of PROGRESS 4GL code that selects the records that the report will include. COINS comes with a large number of pre-installed queries and your system administrator may also have added some additional queries for your use. NOTE : Queries are filtered by table security; you will only see queries for which you have access to all the tables. To help you find the query you need, a filter is provided in the lower right-hand side of the screen You may search by Query Code, Query description, or the data tables used by the query. Remember to press the filter button when you change the filter selection. You can modify the basic queries later on by setting up filters, groups and sort orders. The queries will extract the basic information for the report from the database and in some instances provide default Report Selection criteria. Select the query required and assign to the report using the Choose button . If you want to report on a selected number of records then you can enter a number in the Maximum Rows field to limit the number of rows on the report. (Eg:- useful if you want to report on the Top 5). Leave this blank to run a full report. If a graph is required on the report then select the graph type to be included on report. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 125 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Using the Report Totals tick box, confirm whether you want the report to have run totals at the end of the report. It is also necessary to confirm the Page Layout (this can be selected from a predefined list of standard options) and Class (again this can be selected from a predefined list of standard options). The Page Layout determines the paper size and orientation and the report class will determine font, size and formatting of the body text of the report. Once you have assigned all of the above information Click 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions to save the report. Page 126 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.1.7 Selecting the fields to print on the report New Reports The fields Tab allows you to specify which fields from the data table will appear on the printed report. When you are creating a new report you will be able to select the fields required from a list of all fields available list using the green arrows to select. Once a field has been moved to the selected column, it can be highlighted and removed again using the red arrows. You can use the filter to find the fields you require. Simply type in a few letters of the field, or label required, in the box below the field names and the list will be dynamically filtered. To change the order of the field in the selected column, highlight a field and use the up and down selectors to reposition the field in the list. 6.1.8 Sorting, Sub-totalling, Page Breaks and Summary Levels The options under the Group Tab define how the data will be sorted on your report. In the Group By column, select the field you want to group the report by. Records on which the value of this field are the same will be grouped together and sorted in the order you specify, and you can show totals for each group. In the Label column, enter a label to show on the headers and footers (before and after each group). NOTE : Your system administrator may set up more detailed group headers (using Default Report Labels), which show, for example, a code and a description for each group. Choose whether to sort the group in ascending or descending order. Choose whether or not to display group headers (a label and the value of the group by field) before each group, and group footers (a label and the value of the group field, plus the totals of any totalled columns). If you want the report to start on a new page when the value of one of the fields changes (for example, to print information about different contracts on separate pages), use Page Level to select the field. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 127 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If you want to produce a summarised report based on details that you do not want to show, use Summary Level to select the field to summarise by. For example, if you want to produce a report on contract costs by section, you could produce a cost code report, but summarised by section. This would show the cost code totals for each section, but would not show the individual costs for each cost code. Experiment with the options to see the diverse effects. 6.1.9 Previewing or exporting the data When you are writing the report, the Data tab shows the data that the report will contain. If the report requires selection criteria, the Input tab allows you to select which data to include, in the same way as when you run the report. When you click the [Apply Filter] button, COINS refreshes the Data tab with the data you specified. On the Data tab, you can also: Show totals (for the fields marked to show totals): click the Export the data: click the button. [Export] button. 6.1.10Running a Report 1. Go to Report Writer. 2. Find the report you want to produce and click the link in the Report column. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 128 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 3. From the Options menu, select the name of the report 4. Choose how you want COINS to produce the report: l l If the report requires selection criteria, you can select which data to include on the report. For example, if there is a contract selection tab, you can choose which contracts to report on, according to the different fields that are available on the tab. Choose the type of output you want. For example, you can choose to display the report on your screen as soon as it is ready (foreground). You can choose to email the report to someone, or to have it generated at a later date or time. 5. Click the forward button The report can then be accessed via the Report Status Workbench in the normal manner. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 129 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.1.11Publishing Report Writer Reports Once a report has been created in Report Writer the author may wish to make this available to other COINS users who do not have access to Report Writer. Three options are available: l l l Publish to Report Runner – Requires a Report Runner Licence per user. This allows the Report Writer user to publish this report to the appropriate COINS User Groups. Those Users who have access both to the Report Runner and the defined User Group will have access to the run the Report via the Report Status Workbench. Export to Function – Creates a standard COINS function that may be added to any COINS menu by an Administrator. This requires no additional licencing. Export to Designer – Requires an OA Designer Licence. This is the same as Export to Function, but will open the report in OA Designer for additional Report Designer functionality to be added to the report. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 130 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide a report to Report Runner To use this feature, you must have a Report Runner licence for each user who will need to access the report – they will only be able to run the reports, not make any changes to it. Open the report in Report Writer and select the Publish Tab. Select the User Groups as required from the available list using the green and red arrows to select and deselect respectively. You can use the filter to find the fields you require. Simply type in a few letters of the field or label required and the list will be dynamically filtered. Those Users with access can then simply run the report from the Report Status Workbench by clicking on the link to the Report Code. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 131 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide to Function Open the desired report in Report Writer and click the Options button in the top right of the screen From the drop-down menu, click Convert to Function Field Description Report Enter here the name of the function that is to be created. This may be the same Code name as the report in Report Writer (which may assist you in locating the report in the future if you need to make changes), or any other function name that meets your own internal standards. If in doubt, consult with your system administrator on a suitable naming convention. Do not include spaces or special characters in the function name. Name This is the description of the report that will appear on the COINS menus once your administrator has added it. For example: Outstanding Invoices Report Once you have completed the fields above, click The function will be created and you will be returned to the Report Writer screen. You can now advise your system administrator of the details so that they can add this to a COINS menu and add the function to the required security groups (users will not be able to see the report unless they are granted security access to it). If the function name has already been used, you will get a Function already exists error and you will either need to ask your Administrator to delete the old version (if appropriate), or choose a different Report Code). Amending Reports that have been converted to Functions Converted reports are separate to the Report Writer tool. If you need to make changes to a converted report, open the report in Report Writer and make any changes as required. You 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 132 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide will then need to ask your administrator to remove the existing function and Report Design before you can follow the steps above again. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 133 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide to Report Designer If you have an OA Designer licence on your system, you can take a Report Writer Report and convert it to an OA Report Designer report. This will perform the same outcome as Convert to Function, but will then open the Report in OA Designer so that more complex report functionality can be added based on the original report design . Please note: Once you start to make changes in OA Designer, the report cannot then be maintained in Report Writer as OA Designer reports are not backwards compatible with Report Writer. Open the desired report in Report Writer and click the Options button in the top right of the screen From the drop-down menu, click Convert to Report Designer. Field Description Report Enter here the name of the function that is to be created. This may be the same Code name as the report in Report Writer (which may assist you in locating the report in the future if you need to make changes), or any other function name that meets your own internal standards. If in doubt, consult with your system administrator on a suitable naming convention. Do not include spaces or special characters in the function name. Name This is the description of the report that will appear on the COINS menus once your administrator has added it. For example: Outstanding Invoices Report Once you have completed the fields above, click If the function name has already been used, you will get a Function already exists error and you will either need to ask your Administrator to delete the old version (if appropriate), or choose a different Report Code). The function will be created and the report design will open in the OA Report Designer. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 134 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Once you have completed your design in OA Report Designer, you can advise your system administrator of the details so that they can add this to a COINS menu and add the function to the required security groups (users will not be able to see the report unless they are granted security access to it). Amending Reports that have been converted to OA Designer Converted reports are separate to the Report Writer tool. If you need to make changes to a converted report once you have made changes in OA Report Designer, you must continue to make any additional changes in Report Designer. Reports in OA Designer are not backwards compatible with OA Report Writer. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 135 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.1.12Read Only (Calculated) Fields In addition to the standard tables and fields in the COINS database, Open Architecture also provides access to certain calculated and non standard fields. These are known as “RO” or Read Only fields and are also fully documented in the Database Enquiry.1 Although these fields have certain restrictions, they are incredibly powerful when used in enquiries and reports. For example many of the calculated fields reflect similar fields to the COINS + Configurable Reporter, such as Accruals, Costs and Revenue fields. There are three main types of calculated fields : Simplethat return descriptions from associated tables Calculatedthat return calculated values from associated tables Complex(also known as parameter drive) that return calculated values from associated tables based on parameter passed to the fields 1 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 136 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Parameter driven RO_ fields in Report Writer Certain RO_ fields can be passed parameters to enhance the information returned to a report. Typically these fields can be limited by dates, values and financial periods as well simply parameters such as “TD” for a To date value. The parameters available for each RO_ field are documented in the Database Enquiry, below is an example : In the Database Enquiry RO_ fields are shown in a format as the example below. Any parameters immediately after the caret are mandatory, each parameter is then separated by a pipe. Any parameters which are encapsulated in square brackets are optional. RO_ContractCosts^[|[|[|PhaseMasks[|CostcodeMasks [|CategoryMasks[|AnalysisMask]]]]] In order to use the Read Only (RO_) fields in the Report Writer, they can either be exposed, i.e. document the parameters which are to be passed to a field, or they may be used directly in a calculation within a column on the report. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 137 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide RO Fields The benefit of using this method is the fields will be selectable by the user as report columns when building the report, however as RO Fields they will NOT be available for sorting and grouping. The disadvantage is that the fields will be hard-coded to the state they are exposed as and any change to their functionality must be made by the administrator and cannot be changed by the report writer users. For this reason, it is recommended that RO fields are used in calculations within the Report rather than by Exposing. Go to the OA Reporting and BI Setup and Table Documentation and select the table in which the field you wish to pass parameters to. The Parametrised Fields section then needs to be populated with the appropriate RO_ field and any parameters that are required. (The parameter information can be found in the Database Enquiry. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 138 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide A single field can be documented more than once with different parameters, for each a balance field can be documented with several dates, such as a year of period end dates. Examples of an RO_ field and associated parameters are : jc_job.RO_ContractCosts^TP|-3 (This Period with period offset -3) cs_certificate.RO_cst_ctd_cum^10 (Contract Sales Certificate Item – Cumulative to Date Certificate Line 10) Once a RO_ field has been entered in the Table Documentation with appropriate parameters it will then become available in Report Writer for selection as per standard database fields. It will also appear in the Database Enquiry with a field type of EX 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 139 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide RO Fields directly in a calculation RO fields, unless exposed, cannot be selected as a column by the user. However, they may be used within a calculation in a report column which allows the report writer user to directly control how the RO field is used and can change this at any time without needing to refer to a system administrator. To create a calculated field, select ADD on the fields tab and leave the Field name blank. Enter a label for the field and within the calculation field enter the RO field and the required parameters. The field must be fully qualified as table.fieldname such as jc_job.RO_ ContractCosts^TD|0| If the table name is not specified, the field will not work as Report Writer will assume it is a variable rather than a database field. A variable name will need to be assigned in the Variable column if this column is to be included in Totals, as calculations require a variable to accumulate totals. RO fields in calculations may also be passed values from sources such as input forms – if available in the query (for example period selections) using OA standard substitution {}. So if our input screen has a period field of RS_glp_fdate__2, our RO field might become: jc_job.RO_ContractCosts|0|{RS-glp_fdate__2}. This RO field will then generate different figures depending on the period date selected by the user when they run the report, making the report much more dynamic. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 140 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.2 Semantic Layer Exercises - Overview This section provides several exercises designed to help COINS administrator to setup the semantic layer for their end-users. 6.2.1 Exercise - A Simple Listing Report In this exercise we are going to use the Semantic Layer to setup a Data Set for basic Contract Details and incorporate this into a report. Build the Data Set Navigate to the OA Reporting and BI module and select the Semantic Layer Sub-folder. Select the Collections menu option. Select the Hyperlink on the %JOB Collection and select the Datasets Tab 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 141 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Click Enter a Dataset name of xxEX1 (Where xx are your initials). Enter a description of Contract Details Leave ODBC and Query Name details blank at this stage – we will return to these later Click 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 142 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The Main Tab will display any mandatory fields that are required for the operation of the dataset. Click 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 143 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide From the Available field locate the following fields and move then to the Selected field. Company Number (%KCO) Contract (%JOB_NUM) Contract Name (%JOB_NAME) Contract Address (%JOB_SHIPADDR) Contract Post Code (%JOB_PCODE) Contact Manager Name (%JOB_MANDESC) Contract Costs This Period (%JOB_COSTSTP) Click Test the Dataset Select the Data tab 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 144 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The yellow field indicates where a mandatory value is required – in this case it is the Financial Period on which we want to report. Enter a valid Financial Date and click 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 145 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Make the Dataset available to the Reporting Tools Return to the Collection %JOB and select the Dataset Tab Open the Dataset by clicking against the Dataset Name. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 146 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide In the Query Name field, enter COLL_xxEX1 (Where xx are your initials). We recommend prefixing Semantic Layer Query Names with COLL_ as it makes locating them easier later on. Click 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 147 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.2.2 Using the Dataset in a Report Writer Report This exercise assumes familiarity with the Report Writer Tool and therefore does not go into detail on its operation. A separate detailed guide on Report Writer is available from the COINS Learning Resources section in the Client Area on the COINS Website. In the OA Reporting and BI Module, select the Report Writer Sub folder and select the Report Writer option Click Give your report a name and description and click the Query lookup . Set the Search filter to Query Code and COLL 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 148 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Select the Query COLL_xxEX1 (Where xx is your initials) using the Select button. This Query was created when you specified the Query Name against your Dataset within the Semantic Layer. The fields available for selection are those as defined within the Dataset 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 149 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Select your fields arrange the order as required. Click . To run the report, click Options in the upper right of the screen Select the Report name from the drop down menu The selection screen from the Data tab on the Dataset definition is offered to the user for the record selection criteria. If any additional filtering is required, this can be built into the Report design using the Filter Tab. Enter the record selection criteria. Yellow fields are mandatory. Note that the Company Number is not mandatory and will default to the Companies you have access to. This is a key difference to Standard OA Reports, which mostly run for a single COINS Company. Click . The report will be available on the Report Status Workbench 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 150 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The report can now be modified to correct any issues with column width etc. 6.2.3 Using the Dataset in an OA Designer Report This exercise assumes familiarity with the OA Designer Tool and therefore does not go into detail on its operation. If your company does not use the OA Designer Toolset, this exercise may be ignored. In the OA Reporting and BI Module, select the Functions folder and select the Function Maintenance option Create a new function with the following parameters (where COLL_NLEX1 is query name of our dataset) stn_code=%WSY2896FXXX&colldsq=COLL_NLEX1 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 151 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide For example: In the OA Reporting and BI Module, select the Designer folder and select the Report Designer option Add a new Report with the same name as the Function created above. The body table will be ttNLEX1 (i.e. the name of the dataset prefixed with tt). The body query will be: FOR EACH ttNLEX1 The Data Set Definition will be COLL_NLEX1 (i.e. the Query Name of the Dataset) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 152 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Click Add a Body Form and add the required fields to it. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 153 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide When the report is run, the Dataset selection screen is presented. Mandatory fields are in Yellow. Note that the Company Number is not mandatory and will default to the Companies you have access to. This is a key difference to Standard OA Reports, which mostly run for a single COINS Company. When run, the output will be available from the Report Status Workbench 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 154 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.2.4 Exercise – Adding Calculated Fields to a Collection In the last exercise, we created new fields based on a Token and modified parameters. In this exercise, we are going to create a number of fields using calculations to control their functionality. If performing this exercise, familiarity with either OA Designer, or with Excel formulas is very desirable because this exercise requires the entry of formulas. Please note that the calculations used are Progress Code and NOT the calculation syntax used elsewhere in the OA BI Toolset. Refer to Appendix of common formulas Add the fields Our dataset currently reports on Costs for each contract, but we now want to break the costs down to each costs category for the current period. The costs Token did not offer a parameter to do this so we need to make used of the Calculated Fields Tokens. Navigate to the OA Reporting and BI module and select the Semantic Layer folder. Select the Collections menu option. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 155 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Select the hyperlink on the %JOB Collection and select the All Tokens Tab. Set the Search filter to Token and search for *calc* 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 156 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide There are calculated field Tokens for each of the data types (Integer, Decimal, Character etc.). The Fields column on the far right indicates the number of fields that have been created against a token and provides a hyperlink to the field definitions. We are going to create fields containing cost figures so select the hyperlink for the fields against %CALCDEC. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 157 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The %JOB Collection contains links to Contract data and Cost Code data and we can reference this is our calculations. Click Our first field is going to breakdown Labour Costs, so give the field a name (for example xxLAB_CST_TP where xx = your initials) and a description that will be meaningful to your users. Our calculation needs to look at the Category code against each cost code and add up the costs to date if it matches ‘L’, (which is the category code for Labour in the COINS training database – your COINS system may use a different code). There is already a field in the Collection for accumulating Cost Code Costs for this period (%JCC_COSTSTP) so we can use this as the basis to accumulate our broken down costs Our calculation (in Progress syntax) is as follows. (IF jc_costcode.jcc_defcat = 'L' THEN {&table}.JCC_COSTSTP ELSE 0) The calculation requires %JCC_COSTSTP in order to function, so we need to ensure that it is automatically added to any datasets. We can do this by adding an entry for %JCC_COSTSTP to the Dependencies field. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 158 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Click Copy the field and change its name to xxMAT_CST_TP with a description appropriate for Material Costs. Change the Calculation to look for a Category code of M (Materials) Click Repeat from step 11 for category codes A (Prelims), O (Other), P (Plant) and S(Subcon) Add the fields to the Dataset Once the fields are created in the collection, they are immediately available to selection in new or existing Datasets. In this exercise we will add them to our existing dataset xxEX1. In Collection %JOB, navigate to the Datasets Tab 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 159 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Open the Dataset xxEX1 and add your two new fields to the dataset Click 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 160 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Check the Program and Compiled date and Time have updated At this point, your dataset will have the new fields and any new reports based on this dataset will have them available for selection. Any existing reports based on this dataset will have the columns available for adding next time you edit the design but will not automatically have the columns added. Test the Dataset Select the Data tab The coloured field indicates where a mandatory value is required – in this case it is the Financial Period on which we want to report. Enter a valid Financial Date and click Your new fields should now appear on the output with the figures changing as appropriate. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 161 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.2.5 Exercise - Adding Fields to a Collection Table In exercise 3 we added a field to a collection. It should be emphasised that only if the field is relative to another field, the value of which is not known until the collection; for instance a field which relies on the Financial Date (as in the previous examples), should it be created on the collection. If the field is relative to the table only then it should be created on the table as a field. In this way it will be available to any collection that uses that table in the query. By creating a field on the collection it is only available to that collection. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 162 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Add a new Token Similar to RO fields, Tokens are Progress code subroutines that collect data. For this exercise we are going to create a token to check the hold code on supplier records and if a supplier is on-hold, we are going to generate a field that will contain the text “ON-HOLD” that we can use in a report. Navigate to the OA Reporting and BI module and select the Semantic Layer folder. Select the Collection Tables menu option 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 163 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Select the hyperlink on the table %ap_vendor and select the Tokens tab. If we look through the available Tokens, we can find %AVM_HOLD which has a single field that returns the value of the Hold field on the supplier record. This will be a Logical Y or N value. We want to create a Token that will take this Y or N value and create a field that will contain either blank or “ON-HOLD” Click Add 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 164 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Give the Token a name of HOLD_TEXT, do not prefix with % as this is not a standard Token and we do not want it overwritten in future updates from COINS. Token names should be named similarly to the fields they represent in the database. The token name and description should mak it obvious to a designer what the token will do. Add description of On Hold Report Text. Add a field name of hold_text Set Input to Optional Set Type to Analysis, and Data Type to Character. We now need to add some progress code that tells the Token how to generate field values. In the Code section add the code: (IF avm_hold = TRUE THEN 'ON HOLD' ELSE '') 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 165 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Click Save. Select the new field and on the Action Dropdown select Generate Fields & Tokens and click Apply. If there are any errors in the Progress code, these will be indicated in a dialog box. These errors will need to be corrected before the Token/field can be created. If there are no errors, the Token will be created and the Fields column will change from 0 to 1. Navigate back to Collections and open the %AVM collection. Create a new dataset called Exercise5xx where xx = your initials. E.g. Exercise5NL Open the Main Tab and add the fields for Company number (KCO), Supplier Number (%AVM_NUM), Supplier Name (%AVM_NAME) and Supplier On Hold Report Text (HOLD_ TEXT) Click Save Create a Summary called KCONUM, with Keys of Company Number (%KCO) and Supplier Number (%AVM_NUM) Add the fields for Company Number(%KCO), Supplier Name (%AVM_NAME) and Supplier On Hold Report Text (HOLD_TEXT) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 166 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide On the Data Tab, enter the Company Group TCQA (this is the company group in the COINS training environment – you system will have different Company Group names) Set the Sum Type to Company-Supplier and click Run 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 167 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.2.6 Exercise – Adding fields to a Collection In this exercise we are going to add create some additional fields within the %JOB collection and add them to the dataset we created in Exercise 1 Add the fields l Navigate to OA Reporting and BI >Semantic Layer > Collections l Select the Hyperlink on the %JOB Collection and select the All Fields Tab 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 168 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide In our Dataset, we used the field Contract Costs This Period (%JOB_COSTSTP). However, we have been asked to also report on Costs last period, and the period before that. These were not available within the collection, so we need to add this functionality into the collection before we can add it to our dataset. Since we already have a field looking at period costs, we can base our new fields on the existing one l Set the Search Filter to Field and %JOB_COSTSTP 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 169 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Against the field, you will see a column called Token. Tokens define the way data in a field is generated. Multiple fields may use the same token, but by altering some parameters, each can change the way in which they use it. l Select the hyper link against the Token (%JOB_COSTS). This screen lists the fields currently defined by this Token. As we can see, there are no fields defined that look one or two periods back from This Period. Click 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 170 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Specify a field name of xxCostsTPL1 (Where xx are your initials) and a description of Costs Last Period. Set Currency to Report Currency Set From Date to Report Run Date – This Period Less 1 Set To Date to Report Run Date – This Period Less 1 Previous and Future Periods should be set as 0 (Zero) Click Save Copy the field you have just created. Change its name to xxCostsTPL2 and its description to Costs This Period Less 2. Amend the From and To dates to Report Run Date - This Period Less 2 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 171 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Click Save Add the fields to the Dataset Once the fields are created in the collection, they are immediately available to selection in new or existing Datasets. In this exercise we will add them to our existing dataset xxEX1. In Collection %JOB, navigate to the Datasets Tab Open the Dataset xxEX1 and add your two new fields to the dataset 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 172 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Click Check the Program and Compiled date and Time have updated If these do not update, your changes will not be effective and you may need to seek assistance to identify why the compile did not take place. As checks are made at all stages of your changes, this should be a rare occurrence. At this point, your dataset will have the new fields and any new reports based on this dataset will have them available for selection. Any existing reports based on this dataset will have the columns available for adding next time you edit the design but will not automatically have the columns added. Test the Dataset Select the Data tab 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 173 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The coloured field indicates where a mandatory value is required – in this case it is the Financial Period on which we want to report. Enter a valid Financial Date and click Your new fields should now appear on the output with the figures changing as appropriate. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 174 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.2.7 Exercise - Summaries Within the Semantic Layer Dataset, you can have summary information created at the same time as the detailed data. These summaries can then be accessed within queries without the need to build separate datasets. This may be useful for running a series of inline reports based on detail and summary data – the dataset needs only be built once to feed each of the reports. In the dataset we created in Exercise 1, open the dataset and click the Summaries Tab. Here we can define different levels of summary, depending on your requirements. Click 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 175 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The summary name can be any name you like, but COINS best practice is to use a three letter short code for the separate keys. KCO, JOB, MAN etc. for keys such as Company, Contract and Manager. Thus a summary on Company would be called KCO, a summary based on Company and Manager would be KCOMAN l Enter KCO as the summary name for our first summary level. The Keys define which fields the summary will be based upon and the order you define them will set the order of the summary breakdown. l Select the Key Company Number (%KCO) The fields’ selector determines the fields that you want brought across into the summary. All numeric fields will be included by default and do not need to be selected, but text fields such as Company Name, Account Number etc. will not come across unless you s[specify them. The fields you bring across should be relevant to the summary keys you set, so in this example we are summarising by company, so contract names and contract numbers will be irrelevant. l Select the Company Number field 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 176 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Click Save and then click on the Data Tab Run the data for a suitable period and scroll down the results to the last set of records. Where the column Sumtype is blank, these are the detail records. At the end of the list will be records with the sumtype KCO for the summary records you have just created. The entry KCO is the name of your summary level. You can restrict which summaries are displayed by setting the Sum Type drop-down to the appropriate setting Return to the Summaries Tab and click Add to create another summary level 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 177 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Use the Summary name KCOMAN and Description Company-Manager Set the Keys to Company Number (%KCO) and Contract Manager (%JOBMAN) Set the fields to Company Number (%kCO) and Contract Manager Name (%JOB_MANDESC) Click Save and then return to the Data Tab Re-run the data and scroll to the last set of records 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 178 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide You should now see additional summary records with sumtype KCOMAN. Using the summary data in a report Within a report query, you can use the field sumtype to limit records to only those at your selected summary level. For example: Our dataset is NLEX1 so our query to report only on summarise manager records might be: FOR EACH ttNLEX1 WHERE ttNLEX1.sumtype = ‘KCOMAN’ To report on detail records only, and ignore the summaries, simply use a test for records where sumtype is blank: FOR EACH ttNLEX1 WHERE ttNLEX1.sumtype = ‘’ 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 179 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.3 Report Builder Report Builder is intended for use by end users who are comfortable with using Excel. It is a drag and drop report writing tool which allows the user to lay out banded reports, with groupings, subtotals and totals. It also provides a powerful way to extract data into Excel. Users can use two types of data source: prebuilt datasets, or custom-built datasets using the semantic layer. Calculated fields and report calculations can do many of the calculations Excel users are familiar with, both on character fields and on values. A video demonstrating the use of Report Builder is available: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 180 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.3.1 Initial Setup Browser Version Please note that Report Builder has been tested on IE 11 and Chrome. It is NOT available for use with IE 9. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 181 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Report Builder System Parameters There are two new SY parameters Parameter ID RBFUNCS Description A comma-separated list of the calculation functions that are available in Report Builder. If this is blank, the default list is: absolute, can-do, date$, datestring, day, decimal, entry, entry$, if, if$, ifexec, ifexec$, index, inlist, integer, left$, length, max, min, month, nonzero, numentries, range, right$, round, string$, substring$, sum, today, truncatetrim$, weekday, year. * means all functions are available. RBPAGES A comma-separated list of the report page layouts that are available on a report builder report. For example: %A4RLAND,%A4RPORT,%A3RLAND,%A3RPORT. Blank will show all page layouts. RBSTYLES A comma-separated list of the report styles that are available on a report builder report. For example: %8PT,%6PT,%10PT. This allows just a few select styles to be shown rather than all that are defined for other reasons in COINS. Blank will show all styles. These parameters are not essential to the running of report builder and can be left blank. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 182 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Report Data Sources – Pre-Built Datasets The function previously called Report Writer Query has been renamed Report Data Sources and now allows suitable data sources to be flagged as enabled for Report Builder. Report Builder queries MUST use only datasets to extract data; they cannot perform direct queries on the database (which was allowed with Report Writer queries). Only those data sources selected as Report Builder enabled will be shown in the data sources combo in Report Builder. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 183 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Security The access that users have in Report Builder to data sources (existing report data sources and collections for custom data sources) relies on function security. This requires new functions to be set up. l l To provide access to a report data source, you must create a function with a function code in the form DSRC_. For example, to provide access to data source %JOB, create a function DSRC_%JOB. To provide access to a semantic layer collection, you must create a function with a function code in the form DCOL_. For example, to provide access to collection %JCT, create a function DCOL_%JCT. Then use standard function security to grant access to users. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 184 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Query Results Licence To use custom data sources, you must have a Progress Query Results licence, and each named user needs to have the Complier option on their user record ticked. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 185 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.3.2 Report Builder When you first run Report Builder (%WSY1150WRTN), it shows an empty report screen, which consists of: l Canvas l Button/options bar l Data Frame l Filter/Group Frame The page is disabled apart from the “New Report” and “Open Existing Report” buttons. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 186 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Canvas The canvas shows the current report (work in progress – WIP). When you open a report or start a new one it is the WIP report that you are looking at and changing. Each change is saved immediately; you can leave the WIP report, quit the system and log back in and it will still be there. The WIP report can be discarded or overwritten with the report action buttons as described below; it is only when you Save or Save As that the report is saved permanently. The canvas is disabled if the Report Type is Spreadsheet Only (see Creating a New Report). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 187 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Button and Options Bar Report Actions These buttons run actions that affect the report as a whole. New Report – discard the current report and create a new one Open Existing Report – discard the current report and open an existing one Properties of Current Report – change the properties of the current report Save Current Report – save the current report with the existing name Save Current Report As – save the current report with a new name. The previous save of the current report will still exist Delete Current Report – discard the current report and delete the saved version Clear Current Report – discard the current report but retain the last saved version Field Formatting These buttons apply formatting to fields selected on the canvas. Select a field by clicking on it, or select multiple fields using CTRL+click (Windows) or ALT+click (Mac). Then use the buttons to format the field or fields. Bold No border Full border Top border 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 188 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Bottom border Top and Bottom border Canvas View The View combo allows you to show the field names, the field labels or the field format on the canvas. The Size combo allows you to set the scale of the canvas. Actions These buttons apply actions to the report canvas. The Sum button allows you to automatically build total forms for the fields in the body. You can select which forms are built. The forms selected will be deleted and rebuilt using the configuration of fields in the body. Any changes that you made to the total forms will be lost. The Refresh button rebuilds the canvas from the saved report data in COINS. Run These buttons relate to running the report. The Designer button takes you to the report designer page for the current report. This is useful for users who have report designer skills and want to see the underlying data that is being created by the report writer. The Preview button generates a sample report based on up to 100 records from the data source and immediately shows the result in a PDF in a frame. This preview 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 189 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide may not be available until mandatory parameters have been set. TECHNICAL NOTE Each time a preview is run, the report output log file is written (overwritten) in $BASE/var/diag/preview.log. This log is shared between all users but may be useful for debugging. The Report button shows a report selection form (in a dialog) for you to complete and to run the report as any other normal COINS OA report. The resulting PDF and Excel/CSV output will be available on the Report Status Workbench. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 190 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Opening an Existing Report You can open an existing report created by you (or by another user if you have the appropriate permissions). Press the Open Existing Report button This loads the Open Existing Report dialog. Select the user who created the report and the report you want to open. To create a new report it may be easiest to open an existing report (which could be another user’s report) as above, then use the Save As button to save it as a new report. This also allows easier report testing – one user can create the report, then another user can copy using this method and test it. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 191 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Creating a New Report Press the New Report button to load the new report dialog Fields Field Report Description The name of the report for you to refer to it. It should be treated like a file name of a document on a disk. Do not use special characters (such as | , ” ’ ~ \ or ^) in the name. Description A fuller description of what the report does. Page Layout The page sizes and layout for the report. The list of possible sizes and layouts is controlled by SY parameter RBPAGES. Class The font class to use. The list controlled by SY parameter RBSTYLES. Report Type The type of report. This can be one of: l l l Report List (normal column listing report) Report Form (the body of the report is a form rather than a column layout) Spreadsheet Only (if only a spreadsheet file is required and no PDF is produced). The canvas is disabled with this option; all fields, including calculated fields, will be exported. Clicking Cancel would discard the new report definition. Any current report on the canvas would be retained. When you press the OK button, the busy icon will be shown in the top left hand corner. This is used whenever anything is being sent to the server. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 192 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If necessary, you can change the properties of the report using the button. After creating the new report, a blank canvas will be shown. The buttons are now enabled. The data source button is highlighted because you have yet to define a data source. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 193 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Data Source Press the data source button to display the Data Source dialog. You can select an existing data source or (if you have permission) create a custom data source. Existing Data Source An existing data source is a data source that has been set up to be available in Report Builder (see 2.3, Report Data Sources). If you select a pre-defined data source then you simply select from the list of available report data sources. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 194 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Custom Data Source A custom data source is a data set you create ‘on the fly’ from the semantic layer. You need a compiler licence which allows you to compile data sets from the semantic layer (see, Query Results Licence). Select a product to filter the list of collections. When you select a collection, the default alias for the resulting table will be copied from the semantic layer and the available fields will be shown. Select the fields that are required for the report. Press OK to compile the dataset. You can then define the output. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 195 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Data Frame The data frame shows: l l The tables of the data source (Contract in the example above); there may be multiple tables when using pre-defined data sources. The tables used in the query are shown highlighted in green. The fields of the data source, split in to dimensions (values – strings, dates, integers) and measures (decimals – things that can be aggregated). Dimensions also includes text, count and calculations (for character strings) which you can define when you drag them onto the report canvas (see, Text, Count, Calculations). There is a calculation for decimal values in Measures. l If the data source requires parameters then they are shown at the bottom. Highlighted parameters (Financial Period in the example) are mandatory and yet to be completed. The canvas has empty body and total forms added to it. The query associated with the data source is automatically applied. You can view it (and change it if required) by pressing the Query 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions button. Page 196 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 197 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Adding Fields To add fields to the report, either: l l Drag a field from the dimensions or measures frame to the canvas and drop it. This allows you to position the fields in the order you want. Double-click a field; it will be added to the end of the body form. You can change the show combo in the header shows labels or names. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 198 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide You can change the scale of the canvas using the Scale selector 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions : Page 199 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide You may notice the Save button pulsing. This indicates that you have made changes to the current WIP report but they have not yet been saved. If you press the Save (or Save As) button, the report will be saved and the pulsing will stop. Pressing the Preview button shows the report so far. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 200 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 201 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Groups To sort data, and (optionally) create header and footer forms, drag fields from the data frame to the groups frame. You can drag the group fields within the groups frame to change the sort/group order. Double-click a group to show the group dialog. Fields Page If you tick this, the report will have a new page for each different value of this field. Ascending If you tick this, the sort order for this field will be ascending. Otherwise it will be descending. Header/Footer Whether a header and/or footer form for this field should be shown on the canvas. If you are only using the group to control sorting, you may prefer not to show the forms. If a header or footer form is shown on the canvas but is empty then it will not appear on the report. You can now drag fields to the new forms. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 202 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 203 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Filters To create a filter, drag fields to the filters frame. The order shown is the order they will appear on the input form for the user when running the report. You can re-order the filters by dragging them within the filters frame. Double-click a filter to show the filter dialog. The From, To and Matches columns are for the filters and act the same as normal from, to and matches filters in COINS. Fixed If you tick this, the filter will be fixed (users cannot override it at run time). For example, you might use this to omit a specific joint venture company by putting !9,* in the matches column. This would mean not company 9, but all other companies. The user then might still override which of the other companies they want to see at run time but they would never see company 9. The Show option allows this fixed filter to be shown on the report selection screen (if desired). Preview 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 204 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The values that will be used at preview time only. They are not used at run time. This allows you to pick some useful data to be shown on the preview report. Run Time Default values for the report selection screen. If you do not want to allow the user to change the filter, tick the Hide option (in this case you will need to set a fixed filter). Pressing Preview again will show the report so far. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 205 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The sort/group and (preview) filtering have been applied. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 206 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Run Report Press the Run Report button to run the report. The report selection form is shown in a frame like any other COINS report. Fixed parameters or filters are shown (as defined) and you can change the run time selection fields. Press the Next button to submit the report to the background queue to be generated. The result will appear on the Report Status Workbench. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 207 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 208 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide the Report - Fields Double-click a field to launch the field dialog. This allows you to set the label, width, format, alignment, bold and border and specify a calculation. (The bold and border options are also available by selecting one or more fields and pressing the corresponding buttons in the button bar.) After changing the values in the field dialog, press the OK button to have them reflected on the canvas. You can also press the Delete button to delete the field. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 209 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide To change more than one field, select one field by clicking on it then use CTRL (or ALT for Mac) to select other fields. They are highlighted with a blue outline. Continue to hold CTRL (or ALT) and double-click one of the fields to bring up the multi field update dialog. This allows you to set the label, width, format and alignment for all the fields you have selected (similar to multi-update in COINS OA). Similarly the Delete button will delete all the selected fields. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 210 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide You can also select one or more fields on the canvas and press the Delete key to delete fields. You will be asked to confirm the fields should be deleted. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 211 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Positioning You can drag fields on the canvas to change the order in a form, and you can resize them by dragging the right hand end of the field. When you select a field (or fields), all fields that match the left side of the selected field (or fields) will be shown with a green left border and all fields that match the right side will be shown with a red right border. This allows you to see when fields are aligned. When resizing a field, matching fields will show amber right border when close and red when an exact match. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 212 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide,Count,Calculations If you drag a text, count or calculation field on to the canvas then you will be able to set its properties by double-clicking like any other field. For Text fields, the Label is the text that is shown on the report. You can use text fields with no label as padding to position other fields. Counts can be added to header and footer forms and are evaluated automatically. Calculations you can specify the calculation to be performed. The selectors above the calculation area show the fields and functions that are available; you can add these to the calculation by pressing the + button. The calculation helper allows you to show labels or field names (the image above shows labels). Calculations on a body form use the values from the data set. Calculations defined on a header or footer use the automatically-aggregated values for the group. If you add a 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 213 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide calculation to the body form then generate automatic totals for the report, the calculation is adjusted for the group forms. For example, if you add a calculation like body.profit / body.costs to the body line, and automatically add it to the group form using the button, the calculation on the group form will be / For more information about calculations, see Calculations in the BI Toolset. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 214 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Update You can change the default settings on a data source field (for this report) by pressing CTRL (Alt for Mac) and double-clicking the field in the data frame. This brings up the Dataset Field Update dialog. You can override the label, width and format. These will then be used as defaults if you drag the field on to the canvas. The original data source is not affected by these amendments but if the report is copied then they will be retained. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 215 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Fields to Datasets You can add fields to the dataset as part of the report. Pressing the Calculated Field button allows you to add calculated fields to the dataset. Enter a field name (this must be unique within the dataset), a label, data type and format and the calculation to evaluate to populate the field with data. When you close the calculated fields dialog, the dimensions and measures will be updated with any calculated fields shown in yellow. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 216 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide They can now be added to the report like any other field (the example above duplicates the calculation shown in 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 217 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 218 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Builder List Report Builder List is a new function that allows you to look at all your reports (and if you have the appropriate group permissions, those of other users in your group). You can run reports directly from this workbench or delete reports that are no longer required. (Deleting is possible in the Report Builder but only one at a time.) Here multiple reports can be deleted at the same time. You can also update the report record and give the report a function code. This will create a normal COINS function (you will need to give is a suitable function code that is unique) that can be put on a menu for other users to run the report. Once you have given it a function code you will need to grant access permissions to the function and add it to a suitable menu for users to access. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 219 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Export Report Builder Definition There is a browse action on the report builder list to export the report definitions and the corresponding data sources and data sets. Select the reports that you want to export and select the Export Report Builder action from the drop down list. The next screen will show the list of reports to be exported and the list of data sources that will be exported with it. In the example below, the first of the reports uses a AVMTEST data source so it is listed. The second report uses a custom data source specific to the report so it is not listed in the data sources. The report data fields is the exported data that you can copy ready to paste in to the import function. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 220 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 221 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Import Report Builder Definition A option is available on the report build list to allow you to import report builder configurations (and their data sources and data sets). Paste in the report data that was previously exported If any of the import parts already exist in the database then you will receive a warning to confirm that you want to overwrite them 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 222 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If you confirm this then report section, form, fields, calculations, data source, dataset and fields, and collection dataset will be imported as required. You can check that the data source, dataset and collection dataset have been created by looking in the corresponding maintenance pages for these items. You will be able to load and run the newly imported report(s). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 223 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.4 Dynamic Queries System administrators can now define dynamic queries that can then be made available to users to design their own extracts and grouping of data. There is a new dataset builder and corresponding enquiries, reports and extracts that can use it. The queries can also be used in the Report Builder. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 224 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.4.1 Dynamic Query Definition Dynamic Queries is a new function that allows an administrator to define the dynamic queries (datasets) so that they contain the records and fields that the users require. Figure 9: Dynamic Queries Browse Screen Fie lds Query The code used to identify the query. Description A description of the query. Result Table The temp table name of the resulting dataset. Table(s) One or more tables that are used in the query. RSP(s) The corresponding RSPs for each of the tables in the Table(s) list. This allows specific RSPs to be used for specific tables. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 225 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Query This is either: l l A partial query condition that will be appended to each table in the query. One line for each table specified in the Tables(s) field, in the same order. The condition should NOT contain the WHERE clause. A full query for all the tables specified. Parameters Section If the query requires one or more parameters (for example, a financial date, a currency code or a contract), create a page section update form that will be used to prompt the user for this, and enter the page section code here. Parameter Fields A list of the fields on the update form specified in Parameters Section. These will be prompted for in the Parameters section of the selection form. Dynamic Filters The number of dynamic filters that will be built on the Filters section of the selection form for the enquiry or report. When you have defined the table and query, follow the link on the Query code to specify the fields that will be available. Figure 10: Dynamic Query Fields 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 226 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Fie lds Source The source table.field for this field in the query. The table.field combination must exist in the corresponding RSP defined for this table on the query. Leave this blank to specify a calculation (see below). Field The field name in the resulting temp table. It must be unique for this query. Although you can use any name for the field, it is sensible to use standard names (for example: job_num), as the name dictates which lookup is used. Description The description (label) for the field. Data Type The data type of the field. Format The default format for the field. Filter Whether the field should be presented to the user in the Date Flters section or the Filters section. Leave this blank if you do not want the field to appear as a filter. Column Whether the field should be presented to the user as group field (dimension) or a value field (measure). Blank will mean the field can be selected for a report/extract but cannot be used in the grouping report. Calculation A calculation to populate the field in the temp table. This is run if the Source is blank Calculations must use the original source fields from the query tables, not the calculated fields. Do not use variables that attempt to span across fields as the user may not select all the fields you use. Variables can be used within the calculation of a single value. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 227 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.4.2 Dynamic Enquiry Dynamic enquiries can be run from the Dynamic Query browse by clicking the button. Figure 11: Dynamic Query Enquiry The selection for the enquiry is split into four sections (though some sections may not be used). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 228 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Figure 12: Dynamic Query Enquiry Selection Screen Parameters are single values that are required to run the query or fields, for example: Financial Period. Date Filters are fields that are specified as date filters in the dynamic query configuration and are shown in full, with a label, From and To fields, and a date lookup. The CLEAR button to the right will clear all the fields in this section. The fields in the Filters section are dynamic: you can select the field and the filter value. The number of dynamic filters shown is defined in the dynamic query configuration. The lookup button is active if the field selected in the dynamic filter has a lookup associated with it. The CLEAR button to the right will clear all the fields in this section. The filters can include filters on ANY of the fields in the dynamic query even if they are RO fields or are calculations. The Fields section allows you to select which fields from the dynamic query will be shown in the enquiry page. Click the Next button to run the enquiry and show the resulting records and fields. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 229 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Figure 13: Dynamic Query Enquiry Results 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 230 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.4.3 Report Dynamic reports can be run from the Dynamic Query browse by clicking the button. The selection screen is the same as for the Dynamic Enquiry. Figure 14: Dynamic Report Selection Screen The report runs and (if requested) produces a PDF and spreadsheet export, and the pivot data for the resulting records and fields. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 231 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Figure 15: Dynamic Report Output 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 232 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Figure 16: Dynamic Report Spreadsheet 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 233 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Figure 17: Dynamic Report Pivot Table 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 234 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.4.4 Dynamic Grouping Dynamic grouping is similar to the dynamic report, except that you are able to select fields from the Dimension fields and values from the Measure fields as defined in the configuration. The resulting output is aggregated by the dimensions, and shows the count of the records for that grouping and the sum of the value fields selected. Dynamic grouping can be run from the Dynamic Query browse by clicking the button. Figure 18: Dynamic Grouping Selection 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 235 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 6.4.5 Report Builder Dynamic queries have been added as a data source to Report Builder. The option appears in the list of data sources underneath custom data source (if a compile licence is present) and before all the standard data sources that have been defined using datasets and data source maintenance. Figure 19: Report Builder Dynamic Query After you select Dynamic Query, you are presented with a list of dynamic queries to which you are allowed access (see 1, Dynamic Queries - Query Security). Figure 20: Report Builder Dynamic Query Selection The resulting dataset from the dynamic query is shown in the selection panel of the report builder. Dimension fields and Measure fields are shown separately. Any parameters configured on the dynamic report need to be set in the Parameters section at the bottom. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 236 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Figure 21: Report Buider Dynamic Query Fields You can then drag fields to the canvas, filters and groups. Figure 22: Report Builder Dynamic Report Layout The normal report enquiry and output is available. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 237 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Figure 23: Report Builder Dynamic Report Output 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 238 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7 OA Designer - Overview The Designer is a highly flexible reporting and screen design tool. It is aimed at more technically adept users who wish to develop more sophisticated reports, screen queries and customised user interfaces against the COINS database. Free format queries can be created and a comprehensive data dictionary and catalogue is provided to enable you to create these queries and identify appropriate data fields. You can also write personal data exports. 7.1 Designer key features l Copy and amend standard reports l Build simple and complex reports l Use simple and complex calculations l Use conditional formatting l Use graphs, graphical displays, KPI reporting and trending l Display/update user defined data including report stores l Create automated report packs and distribution l Create Data Marts l Integrate with all generic reporting features l Integrate with Workflow 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 239 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.2 Functions and Sections To generate a Page or Report in coins OA there are three development components : A function in OA simply runs a procedure (unless defined as a menu). This procedure is nearly always wou005.p and it simply builds a webpage for display in coins OA. To determine what is displayed and how it is displayed, coins OA (wou005.p) uses Pages. A Page Design contains Form definitions for the webpage. These Forms definitions may include headers, bodies, footers, totals etc. Each of these Form Types will also have Fields defined for display. In addition, Pages also allow for the definition of Filters which will be available on the webpage when the function is run. When you are running a Report in coins OA, the Function will still reference a Page, however this webpage will contain only the information (layout and fields required) for the report selection criteria.The actually definition of fields, layout, headers and totals are then maintained in the Report Design. When you create a new function in coins OA – until you have completed the Page Design nothing will be returned to screen. If this function is to be a report, it is also necessary to define the Report Design. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 240 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.3 Function Naming Below is the current COINS standard naming conventions for OA functions example: %WPL5100BAVMT1 %WXXnnnmCTTT[Y|Tn % XX nnn m C TTT Y T N % Denotes a coins standard function (which will be updated and maintained by coins and will be overwritten as standard data during processes such as environment upgrades). If you wish to amend a standard Coins function, it is strongly suggested, as with Coins+ you copy the function and rename as with the original but replacing the % with a +. Module code (i.e. GL, JC or PO) functions sequence number (Enquiries generally begin 5nn and Reports 3nn) sub-sequence number (often 0 but used for imbedded/inline reports) Class of page (Browse, Form, List, Report, Summary, Utility, Web Page) Table ID (From the main table used – see Database Enquiry) (optional) Sub-function type (for buttons etc.) (Add, Update, Delete, More, eXport, Generate, Bulk, Options Menu, Link/Actions Menu),Concurrent Update Tab Sequence 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 241 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.4 Function Parameters Function menu parameters are used extensively in COINS OA, the function menu parameter can pass information as part of the request to COINS, for example a financial date to a subquery in a dig deeper, or to define where the request should look for information, for example a specific report section. When adding parameters to a function you add field ={value}. There must be NO spaces in the statement and any additional functions must be prefixed with an '&' symbol. The statement should NOT contain any special characters including quotes, semicolon etc. Example: stn_code=ABCXXX&EndPeriod={selectEndPeriod} The function menu parameters will be appended to the URL passed through the COINS Web Agent. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 242 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.4.1 stn_code You can point a function to a different Page by entering stn_code=page-code in the Parameters field of the function. Example stn_code=%WSYBSUR1 This allows you to set up standard page layouts and share them between some different but similar functions. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 243 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.4.2 rtn_code You can point a function to a different report section by entering rtn_code=report-section-code in the Parameters field of the function. This allows you to set up standard report layouts and share them between some different but similar reports. It is possible to create a function and a page containing report selection criteria that can run multiple reports from one menu option. This may be useful when scheduling multiple reports with standard selection – To do this simply enter a Function parameter as rtn_code={comma separated list of reports} 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 244 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.4.3 Exptype ExpType= XML – XML Output CSV Output if space or any other text Examples: ExpType=XML ExpType=CSV This parameter overrides the system parameter ‘EXPTYPE’ and forces either XML or CSV output for the Excel file. This may be useful if, for example, the system is configured for CSV but you require XML output to preserve leading zeros and to preserve number strings as character output. Whilst the parameter will allow a space to be used to denote CSV output, it is good practice to specify the text CSV – even though this is not actually validated. This will clearly indicate the format being used and, if this is the last parameter in a list, will prevent another user adding a new parameter to the end of the ExpType= and invalidating the test. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 245 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.4.4 noInfo noInfo=Y Suppresses the 1st 6 Rows and 1st Columns and Sort Columns from the Excel output Figure 24: Result with Parameter Figure 25: Result without Parameter 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 246 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.4.5 ExportType ExportType= l X – XML Output l S – Spreadsheet l P – PDF This parameter may be used to restrict the output types for reports. By default COINS OA will generate all three report types. Note this does not change the output format of the file, only which of the output types are created. Examples: ExportType=S (only the Excel file is generated, no PDF or XML) ExportType=P,S (Both PDF and Excel are generated, no XML) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 247 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.4.6 Sidemenuhelp This suppresses the Menu Frame and the Help Frame from the Screen to allow the best use of the data section of the OA Screen sidemenuhelp=0,*,0 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 248 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.4.7 Passing Variables You can default variables values into fields by adding them to the Parameter of a Function. Example: RS_Date={co_config.RO_dateOffset^0} will default today’s date into a field. Please note that this will only work once the function has been added to a menu, it will not work if the function is run from the URL via the mainarea functionality 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 249 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.5 URL Parameters Delete this text and replace it with your own content. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 250 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.5.1 Helpmode HelpMode= l l l l l l l layout - To show the cell borders, add &helpmode=layout to the url of the page, and refresh it. stdpage - Adding &helpmode=stdpage to the url will force framework to use the % page. It is a useful feature when client uses a + page. stack - If &helpmode in the url contains "stack" then the procedure stack will be included with error messages. prompt - Will display field names, function codes etc in the Side Frame Help. clearDefault - Adding &helpmode=clearDefault to the url will clear any held filters held for a page. Particularly useful if the stored data is inconsistent with the current page definition and it has resulted in either a blank page , errors, or missing bits of HTML. This helpmode option will remove all filters and sort orders and will reset the page as thought it were the first time in the system. This will remain in the URL in each page until you remove it. (Avail from patch 0901) edit - This will enable you to change the side-bar help to enable you to add comments against fields COINSInfo - To see debug information on web page, add &COINSInfo=true to the url of the page. This has the same effect as ++C 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 251 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.6 Forms Service Procedures and Report Selection Generates Form Service Procedures are additional procedures used in generating coins OA Reports in each module They also provide standard report selection criteria which can then be used in Report Queries. This section lists the commonly used FSP's and the Selection Generates available. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 252 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.6.1 Bill of Quantities - BQFREP Program : bqfrep.p Description Plot CostHead Tables vp_wbsdef jc_stndcc, vp_wbsbud Page Generate Query Replace iwPlotSelectionGenerate {iwPlotSelect} jscSelectionGenerate {jscSelect} 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 253 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.6.2 Cash Book - CBFREP Program : cbfrep.p Description Tables Page Generate Query Replace Sector Source co_vattrans, ganSelectionGenerate {ganSelect} co_vat,cb_tdet,co_batch, gl_trans, jc_inctrans, cojSelectionGenerate {cojSelect} jc_costtran Sales ar_cust rcmSelectionGenerate {rcmSelect} co_vat vatSelectionGenerate {vatSelect} Account VAT 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 254 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.6.3 Central Repository - CIFREP Program : cifrep.p Description Company Office Tables ci_company ci_office Page Generate cimSelectionGenerate cioSelectionGenerate 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Query Replace {cimSelect} {cioSelect} Page 255 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.6.4 Company - COFREP Program : cofrep.p Description Source Tables co_vattrans, cb_tdet, co_batch, gl_trans, jc_ inctrans, jc_costtran 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page Generate Query Replace cojSelectionGenerate {cojSelect} Page 256 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.6.5 Credit Control - CNNFREP Program : cnnfrep.p Description Sector Tables ap_invoice Page Generate ganSelectionGenerate Query Replace {ganSelect} ap_invopen {ganSelectInvOpen} ap_chqopen {ganSelectChqOpen} sc_chqopen {ganSelectChq} sc_certopen {ganSelectCertOpen} Contract jc_job jobSelectionGenerate {jobSelect} Phase jc_costcode, jc_phase jphSelectionGenerate {jphSelect} jphSelectionGenerate {jccSelect} CostCode 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 257 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.6.6 Contract Sales - CSFREP Program : csfrep.p Description Tables Query Page Generate Replace Sales Account ar_cust rcmSelectionGenerate {rcmSelect} Contract jc_job jobSelectionGenerate {jobSelect} Phase jc_costcode, jc_ jphSelectionGenerate {jphSelect} Sector ganSelectionGenerate {ganSelect} Used with generate programs for jobSortSelectionGenerate phase Sort Order CostCode jc_costcode 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions jccSelectionGenerate {jccSelect} Page 258 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.6.7 Fixed Assets - FAFREP Program : fafrep.p Description Fixed Asset Tables fa_asset Page Generate faaSelectionGenerate 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Query Replace {faaSelect} Page 259 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.6.8 Facilities Management - FMFREP Program : fmfrep.p Description Tables Page Generate Query Replace Small Works Job sw_job swjSelectionGenerate {swjSelect} Contract jc_job jobSelectionGenerate {jobSelect} Phase jc_costcode, jc_phase jphSelectionGenerate {jphSelect} Small Works Invoice sw_invhead sihSelectionGenerate {sihSelect} Schedule of Rates sw_sor sowSelectionGenerate {sowSelect} CostCode jc_costcode jccSelectionGenerate {jccSelect} 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 260 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.6.9 General Ledger - GLFREP Program : glfrep.p Description Tables Page Generate Query Replace GL Account gl_acct glaSelectionGenerate {glaSelect} Source cojSelectionGenerate {cojSelect} co_vat, cb_tdet, co_batch, gl_ trans, jc_inctrans, jc_costtran Currency Batch curSelectionGenerate co_batch Destination co_batch cobSelectionGenerate {cobSelect} cobLinkedSelectionGenerate {cobLinkedSelect} Batch Batch Status co_batch cobStatusSelectionGenerate {cobStatusSelect} 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 261 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.7 Page Designer To create a new Page Design click on the Add button . The following page will be dispalyed. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 262 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.7.1 Page Header Field Page Header Tables Body Tables Notes Description The name for this page. To associate a Page with a Function name the Page with the same code as the Function. Header tables make fields and parameters available to the page; for example, co_config will make the currency fields available, gl_config will make periods available. Body Table is a database table that the body of this page displays. Only the Body Table can be updated. These notes are for documenting advice/guidance regarding the purpose of the page. They play no part in the building of the page. The Header and Body Tables assigned to a page will dictate which RSP's are accessed by the query, and as such will provide certain business logic to the Page. It is recommended that co_ config (COINS Company configuration) and the configuration table of the Module being queried, for example jc_config are used as Header Tables. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 263 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.7.2 Page Header Tab This tab shows configuration for the header part of the page. Field Header Program Description The name of a Progress program to produce HTML to replace the header – used for special situations when the screen cannot be built using the standard toolkit. Popup An optional menu function that defines the entries on a combo in the page header. It is used to navigate to other screens. Form Service Procedure If this form passes data on to another procedure (such as a report), this is the name of a Form Service Procedure program that processes the data Post Update The code for the function to go to after the add or update is complete. For example, after adding a new user, you may want to go to the user summary to update the user's access. This can contain a number of questions each with a function and a final default function. If the default function is missing then the browse is redisplayed. For example, %WVPBVSC/SC701,%WVPBXXX/SC702,%WSCSSBS would ask two questions SC701 and SC702; if the answer is Yes then it would run the appropriate function. If the answer to both is No then it would run %WSCSSBS. You can also run the functions without display (in the post frame). For example, you change a company status on a company record and want to ask the user if they wish to copy to all the offices. To do this pass back a third parameter (separated by "/"). For example %WCIU999/CI170/POST would run function %WCIU999 if CI170 was answered with Yes, but the output (there should be none) would be placed in the post frame and would not be visible. The next action in the POSTUPD series would then be run (if there was one) otherwise the list would be refreshed. Undo Action A function to be run if the undo button is pressed 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 264 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description This overrides the standard undo behaviour Back Action If specified a "back" button is shown in the button bar. This is the function that will be run if that button is pressed. Back Icon The icon to use for the back function Back Text The text to be used for the back function Back Class The class of the back button Next Action The function code of the next function to display after this one. COINS displays the button to move on to this function. This can contain a number of questions each with a function and a final default function. If the default function is missing then the user will stay on the current page. For example, %WVPBVSC/SC701,%WVPBXXX/SC702,%WSCSSBS would ask two questions SC701 and SC702; if the answer is Yes then it would run the appropriate function. If the answer to both is No then it would run %WSCSSBS. You can also run the functions without display (in the post frame). For example, you might want to process a set of records after entering them and delete all which have zero value. To do this pass back a third parameter "/POST". You must not rely on this function being run as the user might choose to close the browser rather than pressing the next page button. Next Icon The icon to use for the back function Next Text The text to be used for the back function Next Class The class of the back button Header Query The function code used to point to the page section that contains the query that controls the navigation of the header tables on this page. If you enter a page section code, this enables navigation buttons on the summary page that allow the user to select further records in the query without having to go back to the browse screen. Go To Field Whether on a page with header navigation a Go To field should be presented. This is the field to use to work out which record to Go To. Summary Whether the page is a summary page. Summary pages display the information and have an optional update 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 265 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description button. If this is not ticked, the page will open as an update page. Tabs as Sections Show tabs on fields as expandable sections If selected and tabs are specified on the fields in a form then they will be rendered as vertically expandable sections on the page. Include Script A comma-separated list of JavaScript files that you want to make available to the page Send Data A list of program and function (for example, vat-rsp.sendVATData) that populates a data table in JavaScript. This is for client-side scripting. Pre Get A method to call just before the web page is created. Specify the RSP name and the method to call (for example: gjh-rsp.buildTokens). This is called after all the header tables have been found in their respective RSPs and before the page HTML is created. It allows you to pre-process records before the page starts. For example, it is used to work out which tokens have been used in a GL standing journal - gjhrsp.p / buildTokens Link Named Filter The code for a page that specifies a standard named filter to use on this page. Link Advanced Filter The code for a page that specifies a standard advanced filter to use on this page. REST Entity Path Path for REST mapping for an entity (single record) REST Collection Path Path for REST mapping for a collection (multiple records/query) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 266 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.7.3 Page Body Tab This tab shows configuration for the body part of the page. Field Body Program Body Rows Body Query Query Condition Ignore Security Description The name of a Progress program to build the body section of the page The number of rows of data to display on the page The query that retrieves the records to display on the page A function that determines whether a record should be included or not. The function returns a logical value: yes to include the record, no to exclude it. This allows you to override the row security settings (for example, contract security, personnel security). Only root users can change this field. For example, you could use this to provide a lookup on all employees, to update an "Employee's Manager" field, even if user security prevents users Sort Limit Body Title Body Sum from accessing managers' records. The limit of the number of records that will be allowed before the sort options on the page will be suppressed. If you leave this as zero then sort options will always be available. The text for an optional subtitle that appears above a browse and below a header detail frame A list of fields and variables to accumulate for the current body query. This list is alternating pairs of a field (from the query tables) and a variable in which to store the total. Integer and Decimal values are totalled. Date, Logical and Character fields are shown if they are the same on each line. If Frozen Columns you specify COUNT then a count is produced. The function that will be used to build the options in Action selector for the browse list The number of frozen columns in the browse Ajax Update Whether data updates (via AJAX) should be used in preference to screen Matrix Columns Fixed Columns refreshes The number of “Grid Element” columns to display (if this is a matrix page) The number of fixed columns to the left of a browse. Actions If non zero then horizontal and vertical scrolling of the table contents and Auto Add Condition Single Add labels is enabled. All records from the browse are shown. If ticked, go into add mode if the browse is empty. Option condition that must return true for the auto add to be active If ticked, go into add mode if the browse is empty, but stop after a single entry. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 267 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Sequenced Update Description Graph Formatting Mandatory Columns Whether updates are done sequentially; automatically opening the following record on a save Extra formatting applied to the graph, if the browse is viewed as a graph. Columns that are mandatory in column sets Essential Fields If you allow column sets on the page then this is the list of fields that will be made available if not included in the column set for an update. This allows you to specify fields that must be present during update so that e.g. lookups and validation continue work even if the field is not visible to user. Once this is complete Click Save . Once the Page Summary has been saved COINS presents additional Tabs. Move to the Forms Tab once it becomes available. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 268 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.7.4 Page Script Tab Script shows the scripts for this page. Field Page Script Update Script Initial Calculation Description The name of a script that will be run when the page is updated. This script is issued after a successful add, update or delete and is used to refresh a dependent browse on a separate tab. Initial calculation that should be performed before the page is built. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 269 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.7.5 Page Forms Tab This Tab allows you to define which forms appear on the page. Each page in coins OA has various elements, such as Titles, Footers and Body. In coins OA these are referred to as Forms. To display a simple listing enquiry, a Page must have at least a Body Form. Different page forms display different types of information. For example, a context form displays fields from the parent record; an update form provides a form that allows you to update the record. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 270 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The following page forms are available:, Page Forms - Add, Page Forms - Body, Page Forms - Body Detail, Page Forms - Body Selector Adding a Page Form Click Add to enter a new Form on the Page. For the basic information on the Page the Form and Field Type should be selected as "Body". Once this is complete Click Save . Now a Form exists Fields can be added to it, select the Fields Tab. Click Add to add new fields as required. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 271 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The Page Field Tab screen will only display those fields which are configured to appear in the Form type applied in the filter. Ensure the correct Form Type filter is selected for the fields being maintained. When creating a Browse/Enquiry function the fields should NOT be ticked as either Add or Update. When working in Page Designer the Width field will be interpreted as a percentage of the screen area available. A lookup is available as to which Fields are available to add onto the Form, or refer to the Database Enquiry 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 272 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Once the Function and Page are complete (and the function has been added to an appropriate menu) the Function can then be run. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 273 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page Forms - Add This is similar to a preadd form in that it is required before an add. The difference is that the Add Type form appears in the button bar before the Add Button. There is no structure to the form, the fields are simply placed side by side before the add button. The example where this will be first used is the adding of a PO line. There are a small number of different types of line that can be added. The contents of the body change depending on the type of line being added. By having the add type field available in the URL that is passed to the add page, the page can be changed dynamically by looking at the value of the add type field. Add type fields are prefixed addtype. So, if pol_type was specified in the addtype form then the URL would contain addtypepol_ type=XXX and this could be used to create the appropriate type of order line. You must use view-as combo for add type fields. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 274 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page Forms - Body The Body defines the fields to appear on a browse line. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 275 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page Forms - Body Detail A Body Detail form defines the fields to display in an extra frame below a browse line (using the More button). From the main body line of a Page, it is then possible to dig down to further details on the item. Create a Form Type of Body Detail and then create some Body Detail fields. When the Function is run, it now will have an option to dig deeper into the Body Detail of each of the Body fields. It is not possible to dig down into transactions using Body Detail – this is achieved by using a separate enquiry. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 276 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page Forms - Body Selector A Body Selector contains the select elements (combo fields) which refresh the page when changed, passing their value to the new page. This allows you to change the record set or contents of the records shown. The Body Selectors are pre-defined and will require certain tables to be assigned as Header Tables to ensure that the appropriate RSP's are available. You can put a "view as" option on a body selector for the different combo types (Value, Value/Description,Description/Value or Description). The default is the value only. Body Selector Example Contract Periods – available in jc_job (job-rsp) EndPeriod and StartPeriod Populate = glp-rsp.glp_period An example of this is to restrict values to a certain Financial Period by adding a Period Selection box in a Body Selector Field. Create a Body Selector form on the page. Add Page Field for Body Selector : 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 277 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Define the Body Selector, for example, EndPeriod and give it a label. EndPeriod can be populated via glp-rsp.glp_fdate and view-as set to Combo. To the main Body of the Page add a RO_ Field which requires parameters. For example: RO_CSSLValue^|[|[| [|PhaseMasks]]] l ^ Parameters Start l <> Mandatory Parameter l [] Optional Parameters An example of the Field Configuration is … RO_CSSLValue^2|TP|0|{EndPeriod} Where {EndPeriod} will be populated from the Body Selector. Populating body selectors from generic lookup tables There are some generic 'Body Selector' fields which will enable you to be able to populate a body selector via the use of one of the generic lookup tables (ie co_table,sy_table or cr_ 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 278 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide table). Syntax There is a field for looking at records held in : l sy_table coc-rsp.UDSYCombo^{Name of sta_rtype}|[{Name given to Blank record}] l co_table coc-rsp.UDCOCombo^{Name of cta_rtype}|[{Name given to Blank record}] l cr_table coc-rsp.UDCRCombo^{Name of ctr_rtype}|[{Name given to Blank record}] For situations where a company 0 is in use, additional optins are available: l co_table coc-rsp.UDCOCombo0^{Name of cta_rtype}|[{Name given to Blank record}] l cr_table coc-rsp.UDCRCombo0^{Name of ctr_rtype}|[{Name given to Blank record}] Examples: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 279 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 280 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page Forms - Body Span A Body Span will provide additional title and column labels to the screen. Add in a Body Span Form Type and then add Page Fields against the Body Span Type. Against the Body Span field enter a Label and in Column Span add how many columns this Label should extend over. A summary style header will now appear on the Enquiry Screen. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 281 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page Forms - Body Update A Body Detail defines the fields to update in an extra frame below a browse line. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 282 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page Forms - Context The context appears immediately below the title bar. It provides the context of the record you are viewing, with links to the parent record(s). It is non-updateable and is generated automatically (although you can override it). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 283 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page Forms - Detail A Detail form defines the fields to display on a separate page. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 284 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Forms - Footer A summary form (containing header table information) after the body. It is the same as a header, only at the bottom. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 285 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Forms - Header A Header appears at the top of the page immediately underneath the page context area. It is intended to further or better describe the header record(s) of this page. It can also be used to show a summary page. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 286 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Forms - Multiple Update A Multiple Update form provides a separate form that allows you to update several fields on multiple (selected) records at the same time (using the Multi-update button). Do this by creating a multi-update form and adding the fields you want to update. If the values on all records are the same then the default is set for the update and the update check box is ticked. If any record values are different then the value is not set and neither is the check box to do the update. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 287 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Forms - Record Header A Record Header appears above tabs in Update or Detail. It allows you to put record context (as opposed to parent context) above the record you are updating. It can also include fields that are updateable. The record header appears above any tab folders that are specified and is therefore visible on each tab. This would be useful say on a maintenance screen where the code and description are put in the record header and the other fields in the tab section. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 288 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Forms - Totals Provides a totals form for a browse. If you total a non-integer/decimal field you will get a field count, otherwise you will get the sum of the value displayed. Totals can also be placed at the bottom of the columns. On each field of a page section there is a field Total: . If ticked and you create a Total form, the total for the column will be placed in a total line at the end of the body section when the total button is pressed. Any fields added to the total form are then presented under this body total line. A record count is placed in the first column (selection/filter section). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 289 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Forms - Update An Update form defines the fields to update on a separate page. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 290 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.7.6 Page Fields Tab This tab allows you to specify which fields appear on each of the forms on the page. Page Selectors: Field Form Description Select the page form that you want to enter or update fields for. Make sure that you have defined the appropriate page form using Page Form Maintenance. View When you click Open or view detail, the additional fields can be shown in a Linear form (Standard), or arranged in groups of like fields (Grouped) Fields: Field Field Description The name of the field in the field set. Leave this blank to display text only (for example, a table heading). Label The label for the field. This will be either a column heading or a side label, depending on how the 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 291 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Width field is used. The column width as a percentage of the width of the page (for browsers). Height The height of the field. Function The code for a function to link to from this field (optional). Add Whether the field is available for update when adding a new record. Upd Whether the field is available for update when updating an existing record. View As How the information in the field is presented to the user. Layout View As options The function code for the tab this field is displayed on (if the page is divided into tabs). The layout that this field is to be used in. Append Whether this field is appended to the previous field. Tab l On Detail or Update pages, an appended field is displayed after the previous field, on the same line. On Body pages, an appended field is stacked below the previous field Whether the field is hidden from the user when the screen is first displayed. l Hidden You can use this: l l To update a field, such as an internal reference, that the user does not need to see. Whatever is in the field gets saved and sent. To hide a field that is only required in certain circumstances. For example, an "amount liable to VAT" field which only applies to VAT lines. You could use a JavaScript function in the OnOK of another field to make this field visible. Additional Fields (Grouped View) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 292 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Additional Fields (Standard View) Additional Fields: Field Span Label Label Column Spans Description Span label level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 The number of columns the label for this field takes up. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 293 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description If you put a label on an appended column-spanned field then the label is not shown. If you enter a number in the Label Column Spans field then the label is shown and will span that number of columns. Column Spans The number of columns this field takes up. On a web screen, fields are cells in a table, and each cell can span more than one column. The total number of columns depends on the line with the largest number of 'column spans' (including appended fields). Row Spans Number of rows to span. Mandatory Whether this is a required field (that is, it cannot be left blank during input). No Break Label Select to prevent a label from being split on to multiple lines Show in Help Whether the help frame includes help for this field. Clear this box, for example, if the field is never visible to the user. Alignment How the field is aligned. The default alignment depends on the data type of the field. Format A PROGRESS display format that overrides the standard formatting for the field. Class The standard style sheet class for this field. By default, the text is appended to the underlying class name of the cell. For example, "bold" could be appended to the standard classes "odd" and "even" to produce
and . You will need to specify the formatting for these new styles in one of the cascading style sheets. To specify a class as an addition to the underlying class, add a dot before the class name. For example, .coins_yellow will be added to the standard classes to produce and (the yellow background will be added to the standard "odd" or "even" class). This can contain {} to change the class programmatically. Label Class Text that is appended to the standard label class for this field. Build An RSP and name of a method to call to determine whether this field is shown on the form. If the return value is FALSE then the field is ignored and will not be present in the form. This is intended for use with parameters. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 294 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Generate Description This allows you to include fields from other sources at this point in the page. It can be either: l A form from another page, in which case all the fields from that form will be included. Specify page.form; for example, %WPLIAIN001.UPDATE. A program and method to programmatically generate the fields. For example, glfgjh01.generateTokens. JavaScript functions to call when the user leaves this field (whether or not l OnBlur the value changes). The functions need to be available to the page; for example, you can specify .js files in the Script field of the page header. onChange JavaScript functions to call when the user changes the value of this field. These functions are also run when the page first loads. The functions need to be available to the page; for example, you can specify .js files in the Script field of the page header. This option is mutually exclusive with the validate field option and will be ignored in this case. onOK The name of a JavaScript function to run when the field is validated. For example, when you enter a contract number the contract name is displayed alongside. Multiple scripts can be executed by separating with ";". Two useful JavaScript functions to call are: l setReturnInput(,); input fields l setReturnField(,); display only fields The source of the data is the return variable in the validation procedure. If source is not specified then the target name is used for the source. Calculation Calculation to display Sort The field that is used as the sort index when records are sorted by this column. Normally, this will be the name of the field itself, followed by +. If this is blank, the field is not sortable. Ignore Sort Limit Select if the browse sort limit should be ignored for this column sort. You should only select this if there is an index to support this sort order for very large record sets. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 295 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Filter Description Whether to include this field on the browse filter automatically if the field is shown on the browse. This is particularly useful where column sets are in use - if the field is shown on the browse, it is added to the simple filter drop-down list; if the field is not shown, it is not included in the list. Validate How to validate this field. This can be either: l An RSP name; this will run the ValidateField method from this RSP. Errors An RVP name and the checks to apply. For example, jcvjob.!2,* will run the standard checks in jcvjob.p, except check 2. Which error messages are associated with this field Populate Enter the RSP, or RSP and procedure, to be used to populate this field. Add Blank When ticked, (if this field is a combo) Add a blank option to the list. l Populate methods (or syu008.i)return valid records, and you select whether a blank is also required. Blank Label If Add Blank is ticked, this is the label to use for the blank option (for example, "All"; the default is "None"). Combo Limit The maximum number of values to be shown in a combo. If this number is exceeded then the combo will be replaced by a fill in. Populate Script Script to run instead of the populate method to populate the data (for example, to copy options from a similar object on the page). Total If you want this field to be totalled (on a browse), tick the box. You also need to create a Total form for the page. Spell Check Whether spell check should be applied to this field. Applicable to character fill in fields only. Simple editor fields have spell check enabled by default. Special Program used to produce HTML for the field (if using View As = Special) Column A column number. Fields with the same number will be put in the same column. This allows you to format simple pages. However, using Append and Column Spans is a better way to lay out columns. Link Icon Specify what link icon is to be shown alongside the link (if used). ID An ID for the field. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 296 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description This is used in two ways: l l Token For blank fields (that is, labels only), to specify the name of the field that is used to display help for the label. This is useful for column labels. For input fields where a program (such as a CUI report) requires a specific fieldname to be passed back, but it is better to use a different actual field name to allow for lookups and help. For example, the report expects rs_ dates__1, but you are using the field RS_glp_fdate__1; put rs_dates__1 in the ID. This can also take a second entry (comma-separated) which is the name of a field that is used to display help. This is used to override the help for some fields on standard pages. The token ID of the field so that it can be selected in a column set. If blank then the field name is used. If ! then the field will be excluded from a column set. Token Build A condition method which if returns true will build the token ID to allow column sets to use this field. Max Length The maximum length allowed for input to this field. Maximum Length: 3 characters Allow Link on Lookups Links are normally disabled during lookups. If you select this option then the link will remain active if this page is used in a lookup. Chart X Whether this field is used as the X axis on charts. If you select multiple X axes, then the values will be concatenated. Chart Y Whether this field used as a Y series on charts. You can select multiple Y series and show on a multi-series chart. Dual Y Axis Whether this value should be plotted on the second Y axis on the chart. Gauge Formatting Extra formatting which will be applied if this field is viewed as a gauge. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 297 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page Fields - View As Options blank Allows you to display the field as an input field. Blank When Zero Allows you to display the value of a numeric field, and display a blank when the value is zero. Checkbox Allows you to display a logical field as a checkbox. Code with tooltip Allows you to display the code value as normal but will provide a tooltip when you hover over the code showing the description. This uses the combo populate technology, so you must have a getValue available in the appropriate RSP. This may not work very well with updates or with linked fields but might be useful at other times. Combo Provides a drop-down from which you can select the value of the field. To specify how the combo is populated, in the Populate field is an RSP name and optionally the name of the populate procedure to call. e.g. job-rsp or job-rsp.job_complete. You can populate a combo with a user defined list of options. The syntax for the populate is as follows:sys002.combo^A,Desc A,B,Desc B,C, Desc C As a default the combo will display in alphabetical order. To override this behaviour you can specify the order by inserting Pipe symbol prior to the Description. For example:sys002.combo^C,|Desc C,A,|Desc A,B,|DescB If the field is a user-defined code, show the value and description. If the field is a systemgenerated code, show the description only. Variants: l Combo l Combo Description/Value 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 298 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide l Combo Value Only l Combo Value/Description You can populate Combo-boxes using client-side code. For example, on the Facilities Management - Add Job screen (page %WFM1010BSWJ), changing the Major Category will change the possible selections of Minor Category and Response. There is a JavaScript file populateCombo.js which contains functions for populating description/value and value only combo boxes. Various data is sent to the page using a couple of Send Data procedures. This data is then manipulated by the function majcat_onchange in FMstuff.js which calls populateCombo. If you have too many records in a combo then the combo as an input device becomes unusable. Also if you have lots of records then eventually you will break the string limit in PROGRESS and the input field will fail. One workaround to this is to put two fields, one as an input without combo and a display field with combo. There is now a count limit to all combos such that if the count of options in a combo exceeds 400 then the combo is now shown and instead a fill in will be shown instead. There is now an added option on the section field to allow you to specify the limit to be shown in the combo. The Combo Limit field in under the Populate field. If this is not specified it will default of 400 will be used. Disabled Field Allows you to display a field that is always disabled, but that you can put values into using JavaScript. For example, a total field on a form that is the sum of some other fields. Disabled with Lookup Allows you to display a field as a disabled field and provide a lookup button alongside to populate it. This is equivalent to a server-side combo. For example, people fields on a HS visitor record. It could also be used to select a company for a PO although this is currently done with an enabled field and field validation. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 299 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide You will need to set up a lookup for the field in the normal way and return an appropriate description. Also using the lookup you can return an additional code in to other fields on the page (hidden or otherwise); for example, the internal reference of the field. Editor Allows you to display the field as an editor box. The box has vertical scroll-bars if required. Avoid displaying Editor contents in a browse (Body form). Use a Body Update or Update form. Email This is similar to View As Link except that it automatically adds on the mailto: to the link so that it links to your default email client. File Allows you to update a field as a filename. In Update, the field has a Browse button next to it, which opens a Windows “Choose file” dialogue box. The file you select is uploaded to the server and placed in the upload directory for further processing. Grid Element A grid element is a cell in a matrix. Inline Frame An inline frame is a separate window and can contain a browse page which can using paging techniques to navigate a large number of records. In the Function field, specify the function that is to be included at that point in the header page. Functions/Pages of this type should be named like a normal browse type e.g. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 300 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide %WmmBttt. If you specify a label then the frame will be labelled. If you don't then the frame will take up the complete width of the header. Link Allows you to display a field as a Link. This assumes the field contains a valid URL or Filename that can be linked to. In Update the field is presented as a fill in for entry. In display the field becomes a link to the document specified. You can specify the link text to be different to the link itself. For example, if you have a link to a document F:\documents\file.doc, that would by default appear as the text for the link. If you enter something in the Populate: field for this field, then that is used instead. You can also use {} to replace with data in the Populate: field. List Frame (Used on a Header form) A list is a non-paged set of records. You can control the size of the containing frame by specifying a height on the field –this can result in a scrollbar being added (if you leave the height blank, the list grows to display all records). However, all the records are downloaded in to the header page (beware the volume of data). In the Function field, specify the function that is to be included at that point in the header page. Pages of this type should be named %WmmLttt where mm is the module, L (for List) and ttt is the table TLA. If you specify a label then the list will be labelled. If you don't then the list will take up the complete width of the header. Multiple Selection You can view comma-separated lists as multiple check boxes. e.g. cim_typelist on ci_company is a list of company types. You setup populate/getvalue functions in the RSP exactly the same as a combo. The result is a set of checkboxes, one for each of the options in your populate function, ticked if the field you are updating contains the code in its list. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 301 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The display version shows only the ticked options. Variants: l Multi-Select l Multi-Select Value/Description l Multi-Select (2 Columns) - displays as two columns of checkboxes. l Multi-Select Value/Description (2 Columns) No Break No Break will ensure that the field is not broken up when the available space is too small. This is done automatically for integers and decimals but you can use this view as option for other fields if required. Particularly useful for codes that might contain hyphens. Ordered List Allows you to update ordered list fields with two separate lists with add, delete, move up and move down buttons. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 302 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Set view-as on the field to Ordered List (or one of the value and description options). You will need a populate method (same as for combos, selections, etc.) and you will be presented with a list of unused codes in a left selection list, and the selected codes show in a right selection list. The display version shows a comma-separated list of the selected codes. Look at %WSYBSUR (User Maintenance - Groups Tab) for an example. Variants: l Ordered List l Ordered List Description/Value l Ordered List Value Only l Ordered List Value/Description Password Allows you to update and view a field as "password". This will display *** in the place of the actual field. Picture View-as picture will present an image on screen when in display/read only mode and a fill in field (for the file/URL reference) when in update mode. See the picture on the HR Person record for an example. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 303 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Preformatted Allows you to display a field as preformatted. This will add
around the HTML for this field. It assumes the data will be formatted in fixed width columns. Select Preformatted on the view as field on the page field maintenance. This view of data is provided to allow some existing code to be used in a web page. You should not use this type of View As except in this circumstance. Radio Set Allows you to display input fields as radio sets. Set it up like a combo (that is, with a populate option) and change the view as option to radio set. You will get a vertical radio set. Display will be the same as a combo i.e. the description of the selected option will be shown. Selection Allows you to display data in a multi-selection list. These are equivalent to the combo selections except that they accept multi selections and return a comma-separated list as a result. The use of these is not recommended for updating records as it is too easy to click on the list and delete the data that is already selected. For this you should use multi select checkboxes. These can be used for forms, for example report selection or processing selection where the initial value is probably blank. You need to specify a populate method in the same way as you do for combos. Variants: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 304 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide l Selection l Selection Description/Value l Selection Value Only l Selection Value/Description Sorting Combos, Selection List, Multi Selects and Ordered Lists These are sorted automatically in to the order that is selected in the view as. For example, if you select view as combo value/description then the sort will be on the value. If you select view as combo then the sort will be on the description. If you want to override this (for example, GL Periods are sorted in date order not description order), then specify | as the first character of the description field. This can be specified in the syu008.i entry as &fixOrder=|. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 305 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.7.7 Named Filters Named Filters provide a drop-down selector that allows the user to select records that match a pre-defined query (for example: all, posted or unposted batches). Usually Named filters extend the Body Query specified on the page decreasing the number of output records. Replacing body query Also you can specify a named filter that replaces the Body Query on the page rather than adding to it (it is possible to change body table as well). If the query you set on the Named Filter begins "FOR " then it will replace entirely the query specified in the query on the page section. This can allow you to use different tables in your query. Example where this came up was a list of suppliers where the normal query on the page section was: FOR EACH ap_vendor WHERE ap_vendor.kco = {kco} We can then add a named filter with a query avm_sclab = YES to give a filter on those that supply SC labour and another with a query FOR EACH ap_vendor WHERE ap_vendor.kco = {kco}, FIRST ap_invoice OF ap_vendor WHERE ap_invoice.ain_entry = 1 which will give all suppliers where they have an invoice that is costed to a contract. Linked Named Filters You can link named filters. If you have standard filters that need to be applied to a number of different but similar pages you can now link (as well as the forms which has been available for some time) the named filters. There are two fields on the page section maintenance to allow you to specify the page section to use to retrieve the named filters. If you leave them blank then it will use the filters defined on the current page section. Multiple Named Filters It is possible to have multiple named filters that are applied to the query together. If you select the New field on the named filter then this will start a new named filter combo from that named filter onwards. The query condition on the first (existing) set of filters can start with a replacement for the main body query FOR EACH. Subsequent named filters can only append addtional query conditions to this. In this way you can build a matrix of filters that can be applied separately or together rather than having a large list of all combinations in the single combo as we had to previously do. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 306 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Named Filter Query Conditions You can now override the query condition function on the body query on a named filter. There is a new field Query Condition on the named filter. If this is non blank then it will be used in preference to the one specified in stn_qcondition on the page section. If you are using multiple named filter combos then the query condition can only be applied to filters in the first combo which are the root query to be used (same as overriding the FOR EACH in the query) Using Named Filters to define what fields are built on a form You can now use Named Filters in conjunction with Build Conditions to determine what fields are built on a form. Parameters: Mandatory: Name The name of your filter how it'd appear in the combo-box ("All" to show all entries) Optional Table Build Query String The name(code) of the table for the query RSP-function to build field appended to your query , 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 307 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.7.8 Browse Filters Browse filters allow the user to determine additional conditions to query to show a smaller number of records. Browse filter is shown as the "Advanced filter" at the bottom of Browse. You can now specify a data type and format on advanced filter fields. If specified then standard input data type formatting will take place. For example :- dates will be expanded, decimal points, commas added etc. If you leave the data type blank then no formatting will take place as before. Parameters: Mandatory: Field The field code for your query Label The name of your filter how it'd appear in the page Type Specify the conditions to execute the query (e.g. LE, GE, MA, etc.) Optional View as Populate Type of the field (e.g. Combo, Checkbox , etc.) Build RSP-function to build field Query Lookup Field Data Type Format String, appended to your query lookupCode(?) Type of output Specify rsp, containing populate for Combo and MultiSelect fields Format of output 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 308 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.8 Report Designer 7.8.1 Key Features l Copy and amend standard reports l Build simple and complex reports l Use simple and complex calculations l Use conditional formatting l Use graphs, graphical displays, KPI reporting and trending l Display/update user defined data including report stores l Use of Alerts to send Tasks or Emails l Create automated report packs and distribution l Create Data Marts l Integrate with all generic reporting features l Integrate with Workflow l Log Files The Report Designer can be used to maintain complex reports, inline reports, report packs and container reports. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 309 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.8.2 Page Summary Create a Page to be associated with the function. This is not the layout of the report but the web page to be displayed when running the report - that is, the selection criteria (the page will include 'Output Options' by default in addition to any other selection criteria defined). As with browse, create the Page, using the same code as the calling Function. However, with reports there are additional fields which are populated to provide functionality (typically predefined Report Selection criteria). In the Header section of the Page, define a FSP (Form Service Procedure) for the Body Table to be reported on; this will provide certain tools and functionality to the report such as standard selection criteria. 7.6, Forms Service Procedures and Report Selection Generates There are no other Body details required on the webpage as this is just the selection page for the report (the actual detail; fields, columns etc. are maintained in the Report Section). Click Save to save the Page and move on to Forms and Filters. Although the Page is to be associated with a report it is necessary to create an Update Form in the Page to allow the user running the report to enter their appropriate selection criteria. Once the Update Form has been created, then add the fields. If standard selection pages are to be used (see FSP's above) add a blank field to the page and ensure that the GENERATE field points to the correct selectionGenerate in the Form Service Procedure. Fields defined for pages for report selection need to be flagged as Add and Update and must be associated with an 'Update' Form to allow entry of selection criteria. Each field can be assigned a Tab - the selection will appear on that Tab (The Tab must exist as a function, by standard convention the table is named funcT where func is the function/page/report code and T designates tab. See additional information on naming conventions). Although Named Filters and Browse Filters appear as available in Reports there are only used in COINS OA for Page Design . 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 310 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.8.3 Report Designer_Using RS Fields In addition to the standard Selection Generates available in the FSP?s it is also possible to pass other selection criteria to a report, either to the report query or to any parameter driven (RO_) fields used on the Report. The RS_ Fields are specified on the ?Update? Field portion of the Page Section for the report. To create a Report Selection field add the RS_ prefix and selection type suffixes (?FROM? = _ _1 , ?TO? = __2 and ?MATCHES? = __3) to the field required for selection. Example: To filter for ?Matches? on the ?job_group? use the following: RS_jgr_group__3 Filtering the same field on a ?FROM ? TO? basis use: RS_jgr_group__1 and RS_jgr_group__2 Reference these RS_fields on the selection criteria of the report query, when doing this the program will replace the {RS_ fields} portion of the query with the actual values the user entered at runtime. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 311 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.8.4 Report Designer_Report Forms Below are the Report sections available for use. The Form sections should be added as required, as a minimum a Body section should be created. Fields are then assigned to the Body as required. The fields can be extracted from the Database Enquiry depending on the query using the same principles as when setting up Pages for browsing and enquiries. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 312 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.8.5 Headers and Footers Multiple Headers and Footers are associated with the Sort options assigned to the Report Section. If Sort options have been set, simply click the Total box in Report Field Maintenance and COINS OA will define the appropriate subtotals and totals in relation to the sort options defined. As long as header and footer forms have been defined for the report, to correspond to the sort levels, COINS will populate these automatically with the fields the report is sorting by. However, it is necessary to specify labels and descriptions for these fields. To provide column totals, add a "Total Columns" form (for report run totals) or a "Footer Columns" form (for subtotals); again, no fields are required on the form; on the field records for the fields to be totalled, tick the Total box. The contents of the header and footer forms can be overridden by adding fields manually. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 313 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.8.6 Default Report Labels Default report labels are used to populate the automagic behaviour behind the Header X Forms and Footer X Columns. They provide the Label Name and the Field List which appear in the standard Headers and Footers which appear on Reports by Sort Levels. It is important to remember that changes to this table will affect ALL reports and not just a single report. If you would like to override this automagic behaviour on any report you can always add the fields as required to the relevant form on the bespoke report. (i.e. as soon as you add fields to a Header Form or Footer Columns you override the automagic behaviour). This is not always desireable as this means that you would have to keep your accumulated totals manually to display in the footer columns - It is probably more desireable to maintain the use of the Footer Columns and to also make use of the addtional forms available at all levels do any additional calculations or display further information. For example for every Footer X Column there is an equivalent Footer X Form which will appear directly beneath this form. Footer Forms will automatically display information details one underneath the other so it is often necessary to append records to appear across the page. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 314 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.9 Data Display Colour Ranges Configuring Colour Ranges for use within COINS OA Reporting simply enter the code for the Range and then enter a comma separated list containing the ranges and classes for this code. Data Display Colour Ranges are Company Specific and must be configured in every company in which a report may be used. To set up the colours and ranges that COINS uses to display gauges and to highlight 'score' fields such as performance ratings : Code The code for the data display type. For gauges, this code must be entered as the value of the Populate field for the field to be displayed. For 'score' fields, this code must be passed as the first parameter to the {co_ config.RO_rangeClass} method in the Class field (the score field/score value being compared should be the second parameter). Description The ranges and colours for this code. These are of the form number,colour,[number,colour,] ... number, where number represents the value at which the colour display changes, and colour represents the colour used for displaying values between the two numbers on either side of it. For gauges, colour is a hexadecimal RGB colour code. For example, 0,#00FF00,3,#FFFF00,7,#FF0000,10 gives the range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. For 'score' fields, colour is a cascading style sheet class defined in the user.css file. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 315 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.10 Alternate Line Shading on Forms and Reports This guide provides instructions for COINS Business Intelligence and Reporting designers on how to shade alternate lines of PDF reports and forms. It is expected that the user performing the tasks outline in this How-To guide has completed COINS Business Intelligence and Reporting training. Alternate line shading allows the report reader to associate right most totalling or display columns with the detail on the left of the page as shown below: Always perform all implementation and testing of report and/or form alterations in an up to date, non-live environment before attempting to migrate your changes into the LIVE environment. When migrating your changes to the LIVE environment it is recommended that you have a working, complete backup of the LIVE environment. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 316 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.10.1Prerequisites The user performing the tasks in this “How-To” must have: l COINS Business Intelligence and Reporting training l A COINS designer license allocated to their COINS user account 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 317 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.10.2Task Summary The tasks required to implement alternate line shading in COINS reports and forms are as follows: Create report field styles Applying to forms (optional) Applying to reports (optional) The tasks are to be performed in the order outlined above. Each task is broken down into a series of steps that will need to be completed. Some tasks are identified as optional. Whether or not a task is optional will depend on your specific COINS installation. Please contact COINS support if you require any clarification of tasks contained within this “How-To” guide. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 318 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.10.3Create report field styles The first task is to create a set of report field styles that allow reports and forms to invoke the field shading. The number of field styles that will be required will depend on the COINS installation and the number of existing field styles being used. Field styling is not cumulative and as such a unique field style will need to be created for each existing field style where an alternating background colour is required. The following steps will be performed via the COINS OA web interface. Log into the COINS OA web interface and navigate to OA Reporting & BI → OA Reporting & BI Setups → Report Field Styles as shown below: 1. Add a new report field style that references a variable, which will hold the required line shading colour: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 319 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The Style field must be a unique alphanumeric; The Formatting field must contain the name of a variable that will be created in the report or form later in the How-To guide. In the above example, the variable is named: lineBackgroundColour 2. Add all further new report field styles where the alternate line shading will be required. Multiple formatting options can be applied by separating each formatting option with a comma (,) character. For example, where the existing “Red Negative” report field style is used where line shading will be required, then create a new report field style for the combination of the “red Negative” style and the alternate shading style: Once all required report field styles has been created, then proceed to the next task. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 320 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.10.4Applying to forms Applying alternate line shading to forms is a little different to how it is applied to reports. Forms do not have defined sections as reports do. Instead “forms” can be defined on the fly and “forms” do not have any properties of their own. The following steps will be completed using the COINS OA web interface. 1. Log into your coins environment using the COINS OA web interface. Navigate to the OA Reporting & BI → Document Designer → Document Designer menu option and drill into the form that you want to modify. Go to the Document tab as shown below: Note the names of the Header Form and the Body Form 2. We need to initialise the variable that has been defined in the alternate line shading report field styles, created in Create report field styles. To do this go to the Fields tab and open the first field that is part of the named Header Form and add the calculation as shown below: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 321 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This will initiaise the lineBackgroundColour variable to white and the first line of detail will be shaded. If your preference is to have the first line unshaded, then set the lineBackgroundColour variable to an empty string: Save your changes. 3. Identify the first field that is associated with the named Body Form and insert a new field on the same Row number but with a lower Column number so that is is ordered before all other Body Form fields, but does not create an additional row in the Body Form. You may need to reorder the existing Body Form fields to be able to insert this new field. The new field should be defined as follows: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 322 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Note the zero width field and the calculation: Each line of the Body Form will alternate between #FFF (HTML colour code for white) and #F7F7F7 (HTML colour code for an off-white shade). These colour codes can be tailored to your specific requirements. Note that some COINS forms, for example Purchase Orders, contain additional forms that may appear in the place of the named Body Form. In these instances, step 3 will need to be repeated for each of these forms if they are to also be alternately shaded. 4. Now visit all other fields associated with the named Body Form and set the Style field to the appropriate report field style: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 323 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Once all fields of the named Body Form have been modified to use the created report field style, test the changes to ensure that the form lines are shading as expected. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 324 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.10.5Applying to reports To apply alternate line shading to COINS reports, we will use the calculation fields on the report forms rather than in “hidden” fields, as was necessary in forms. The following steps will be completed using the COINS OA web interface. 1. Log into your coins environment using the COINS OA web interface. Navigate to the OA Reporting & BI → Designer → Report Designer menu option and drill into the report that you want to modify. Go to the Forms tab as shown below: 2. Identify the inner most Header Form. We will use this form to initialise the line shading variable defined in Create report field styles. In this example we have defined the variable: lineBackgroundColour. Open the inner most header form and add the calculation as shown: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 325 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This will initiaise the lineBackgroundColour variable to white and the first line of detail will be shaded. If your preference is to have the first line unshaded, then set the lineBackgroundColour variable to an empty string: Save your changes. 3. Open the BODY form and add the calculation to alternate the line shading as shown below: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 326 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Each line of the Body Form will alternate between #FFF (HTML colour code for white) and #F7F7F7 (HTML colour code for an off-white shade). These colour codes can be tailored to your specific requirements. 4. Go to the Fields tab and visit all fields associated with the BODY Form and set the Style field to the appropriate report field style: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 327 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Once all fields of the BODY Form have been modified to use the created report field style, test the changes to ensure that the report lines are shading as expected. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 328 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.11 Queries on Purchase Orders It is recommended that you use tip_type in any query to ensure that it is indexed properly, the tip_type will either be MATERIAL (material, plant, asset, stock etc) or TRADE (subcontract). The key thing to remember when reporting or enquiring on orders or order lines is that each time a variation is raised against an order a new po_hdr record, with associated po_lines, is created. This means you could end up with more than one line per order in your report or browse. There are reporting fields (RO_) available to assist with this and below is a standard query to get the latest order information (i.e. the latest committed variation). FOR EACH po_hdr WHERE po_hdr.kco = {kco} AND po_hdr.tip_type = "MATERIAL" AND po_hdr.poh_mpo = "M" AND po_hdr.poh_chgno = "" {pohSelect}, 7.11.1po_line v po_item As noted, a po_line record will be created for every line entered onto an order; commodity, text, clauses and will be created for every variation. However the actual detail of the lines are stored once each (only when the order or variation is committed) in the po_item table. This table will not contain text lines or clauses - only items with a value. There are extensive fields (both database and RO) on this table for reporting ordered, delivered, invoiced values and quantities. To link to po_item from po_hdr (and then back to the latest po_line if required) append the following query to that above. EACH po_item WHERE po_item.kco = po_hdr.kco AND po_item.tip_type = po_hdr.tip_type AND po_item.poh_ordno = po_hdr.poh_ordno, LAST po_line of po_item OUTER-JOIN 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 329 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Another View of this query... As the selection page will only work on the Original Order it may be the case that the above query is not what you are after. (ie the Selection on Order Date only refers to the Original Order). If this in not what is required then the following query may help. It will look at all orders which are committed and then look at all order lines which have a commodity code assigned and the query condition will remove the duplicate information and will report on the latest information on the order line. Query FOR EACH po_hdr WHERE po_hdr.kco = {kco} AND po_hdr.tip_type = material AND po_hdr.poh_mpo = M AND po_hdr.poh_committed = TRUE {pohSelect}, EACH po_line of po_hdr WHERE po_line.pol_type = 'C' Query Condition: RemoveVariedOrders 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 330 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.12 Calculations Overview This section provides an overview of the calculation syntax used within the OA Toolset and provides some examples of its use. Calculations can take place on any Database field and/or include any conditions required to produce a desired result. This section basically splits calculations down into three major areas. l Calculations on Numerical Values l Calculations on Character Values l Calculations on Date Values There are various areas in the BI toolset where calculations are utilised and the syntax used is consistent across all of these. Some of the areas where calculations can be used are as follows:Report Writer l Field Definition Report Designer l Field Definition l Initial Calculation l Pre Report Calculation l Post report Calculation l Calculate Condition Page Designer l Field Definition l Initial Calculation DataSets 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 331 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide l Field Definition l Initial Calculation l Pre Report Calculation l Post report Calculation DataMarts l Column Definition Workflow l Initialisation l Stages 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 332 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.12.1Mathmatical Functions +-/ * ^ fact(n) pi Valid Operands are add, subtract, divide and multiply Exponent (a to the power of b) Returns factorial n (that is, n*(n-1)*(n-2)…) Returns the value of pi (π) jc_job.RO_ContractCosts^TD – jc_job.RO_ContractCosts^TP; It is necessary to ALWAYS surround any mathematical sign with spaces. An operand without spaces will cause an error. To remember this think of the minus sign which without spaces will be treated as a hyphenated word. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 333 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.12.2Calculation Field Rules It is possible to include multiple calculations within the one calculation box - Each calculation is separated by a ; symbol (semi-colon). It is always the last calculation in the box which will appear on the report if the field is a calculated field. If there is a 'Field' defined on the field record then it will be the 'Field' which is displayed although the calculations will execute. Calculations can only be performed on data of the correct type, i.e. The Test in an IF statement can only be performed on an integer or decimal value. Typical error messages which may be reported in the Log File are : "Primary expected but found string". "Invalid Character in Numeric Input …" The $ sign at the front of a variable within the calculation box will indicate that the result of the calculation is a character value. var- A simple variable will expect a numerical value. $var - defines the variable var as a string – it will therefore expect character format data and should be in quotes. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 334 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.12.3Variables Values can be assigned to variables so that they can be used in a later calculation. To assign a value to a variable use the format: Variablename= jToDat =‘01/01/11’; dProfit=dRevenue – dCosts; 'this' is a reserved word which will enable you to assign the current field value to a variable. dValue=this; DO use standard naming conventions, examples used by the BI Team and COINS Developers are : jDate - A prefix dates with j iCount - prefix integers with i dCosts - prefix decimal values with d cText - prefix text/character values with c lComp - prefix logical values with l Using a convention like this should also prevent you hitting on the major Don'ts (using dictionary words as variable names). DO always qualify fields when using them in the calculation fields within DataSets and Calculate Conditions. Eg. jc_job.RO_ContractCosts^TD DON'T prefix any variable name with a numeral - it will fail. DON'T use dictionary words as variable names, they may be commands in COINS or 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 335 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide PROGRESS, examples that will fail include Group, Type, Index, Count, Total - if you use prefixes as noted in the DOs above - you can use cGroup. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 336 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.12.4Debug By turning debug mode on, all calculations will be verbose in the log file. The log file is the last icon on the report status workbench The basic layout of the log file shows: > The variables currently being sent to the report from the Page (via Form Service Procedure > The Record Service Procedures being used within the report > If a DataSet is being used in the report the Temp Table will be defined and then the Query for the dataset. > The value of any replacements being made within the Report Query (Eg {kco} - You will see REPLACE: kco 1) > The Query used on the report and the value at the start of the query is the number of seconds the Query takes to run. > Report Selection - Indicates that the Report has completed. > FOP - Which is the PDF generate program does display some Warnings and Errors - Please follow the link for some common errors which cause the PDF to Fail To turn debug on include debug(1); This can be included in the initial calculation field and will be available to all calculations within a report unless debug(0) is entered to turn it off. Although putting a report LIVE with debug turned on will not cause an error there should be a process put in place to ensure that debug has been removed before a report is put 'LIVE' as debug can make log files unnecessarily large and can use disk space. Example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 337 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Results: If only a specific calculation needs to be debugged, rather than display all calcs in the log it is possible to selectively switch debug on and off. Simply add debug(1) in front of a calculation in the calculation box of a page or report field and debug(0) after it debug(1);$SectOrd_code=Substring$(co_extra.cex_cha__7,1,10);debug(0); 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 338 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.12.5Curly Braces The functionality of {}'s is to specify a place holder in fields and calculations into which a value can be passed.. When using {}'s around a field the use of quotes is required if the field is a character field. The use of double or single quotes is acceptable. The only thing to be aware of is that when using '{field}' replacement on a character field is that if the information within the field could contain an apostrophe (for example- J O'Connor) then the apostrophe would cause close to the single quote and you will get a symbol not found(Connor) Error. To overcome this error the use of double quotes "{field}" is the answer. The use of {}'s in calculations is possible on all field values except within the DataSets and the calculate conditions on a report. In these instances it is necessary to always qualify out the field with the table name. {RO_ContractCosts^TD|0|{RS_glp_fdate__2}} would be written as: jc_job.RO_ContractCosts^TD|0|{RS_glp_fdate__2}. The use of the table name is allowed in all calculations but whereas in most instances the formatting of the result is suppressed, within the calculate condition it is not and therefore the comma in a result of a figure in excess of 1,000 may result in an error in syntax in a calculation. (NB. Please note that the replacement on parameters of an RO field is still acceptable). Within the OA reporter/screens we use curly braces {} as a method to pass values to a query or a report or a page. Enclosed within the curly braces you specify the commands, RS_fields, or other data you need to communicate across or within objects. {kco} is a common usage, and is used to place the current logged in company number into the query. The next example gets information from jc_job and inherits the Company Number from the system, retrieving the company number the user is logged into. FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = {kco} 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 339 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.13 Datasets - Overview A Data Set is a pre-defined Table which is created at the time of the query. Once the table is created then it can be accessed via either Report Writer or Report Designer. The benefits of using Data Sets are: o Provide access to PROGRESS temporary table functionality o Build single table of data from various COINS tables o Build Data Sets for use in multiple reports o Allow sorting by virtual fields o Allow filtering by virtual fields o Allow union of several Data Sets ( Useful for Cross Modular Reporting) o Summarisation of data o Simplification of data views for users 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 340 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.13.1Creating a Data Set Once the fields which are required have been identified the query to obtain those fields must be created. In this example the fields required have been identified as • Contract Number –(job_num) • Contract Name – (job_name) • Contract Cost – (RO_ContractCosts^TD) • Contract Revenue – (RO_ContractRevenue^TD) • Contract Profit (RO_ContractRevenue^TD – RO_ContractCosts^TD) To create a new Data Set go to the Data Set Definition option under the Designer Menu. Click Select a Data Set Name and Description for the Data Set in this example is has been named 'NLWJC_PROF' with a description of ‘Standard JC Profit/Loss DataMart'. A Query must be assigned to the Data set, which in the following example is a simple query of each Contract which takes advantage of a 'Contract Selection' made at run time. FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = {kco}{jobSelect} Create an identifier for the Data Set Table Name. In this example it is 'contract'. Once created, the table name is always prefixed with a ‘tt’ when used, so in this case the table will be accessible in a report using a ‘FOR EACH ttcontract’ query. Field Description Generate Program: It is now possible to call COINS standard generate programs and include them into your Data Set. – Sample generates scr399,plr399,slr399,csr399. (Open item records). Raw DB Query This will bypass the Business Logic and get data directly from the Database so care should be taken on who is given access to Data Set 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 341 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Queries where this selection is selected. (ie: This will ignore all security). There are three calculation fields which can be applied to the data set. Field Initial calculation Description This will calculate prior to the query executing thus allowing the variable to be used within the Query, e.g. $sdate = date$(datestring(co_config.glp_fdate^-12|{RS_glp_fdate})); Would allow a query to be created such as: FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.job_condate >=’{eval.sdate}’ Pre calculation Post calculation: This will take place after the query but prior to the fields calculating :This will take place prior to the data set closing Variables used in a Dataset are NOT available in the report. To move onto the Data Set fields, click Set Fields When Adding fields to the table, you can give the field a Name that can either be same field name as the field in the source table or you can name the field something that will help Report Writer/Designer users identify the information in the field more easily. (Eg: location_ desc is assigned to the field jcl_desc) Each field should be given: Field Label Data Type Default Format Source Description This will become the name of the field when using the Data Set in queries/Reports etc. You may either using teh same name as the source field or assign a more user-friendly name. Spaces should not be used (eg Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, Logical) (NB. All formats are only defaults and can be overridden in reporting) The source can be any field (Database or RO) from the tables accessible via the query or it could be a calculation. As an example, the sample of the fields which have been added to the Data Set are seen in the diagrams below. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 342 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 343 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.13.2Best Practice l Only create fields in a DataSet that are going to be used in the equivalent report. l It is better to ‘Source’ a field rather than to ‘Calculate’ a field for efficiency. l l l It is recommended that any calculations that can be carried out on the report/page should be done at that stage. For performance reasons, {}’s are now replaced once at the start of the dataset (v10.22 onwards) so as to not replicate the process for every field in the dataset. This is not a problem in most instances as the {}'s used in RO fields are usually something along the lines of {RS_glp_fdate__2} which is consistent across all records. It will mean however that you cannot put {}'s around field names; for instance '{job_num}' is not possible because this replacement will differ on each record. It is imperative that fields like this are referenced with Tablename.Fieldname e.g. jc_job.job_num - It is always best practice to fully qualify fields in a calculation on a dataset as the field will not strip out formatting etc so the value 10,000 would cause a problem previously in an if statement as the comma would be read into the if statement causing the syntax to have too many parameters. To maximise efficiency, any field on a DataSet which is not at the lowest level of the DataSet query, should be taken out of the DataSet and initiated on the report. For example if you had a query on the DataSet which reads FOR EACH jc_job WHERE jc_job.kco = {kco}, EACH jc_costcode OF jc_job. l l Then fields from jc_costcode should be included in the DataSet but any RO fields etc from the jc_job table should be called on the report. To save unnecessary replication of calculations. It is good practice to Summarise at DataSet level, rather than at Report level if Summarisation is required. This is so that multiple records are not created and passed across to the report unnecessarily. This will reduce the load on the network traffic, especially where report servers are in use, and will reduce the amount of time the report takes to generate. Debug(1); - Can be turned on to debug a dataset but should be removed when setting a DataSet live. Debug(1) should be defined as a calculation in the Initial Calculation box. Once debug is turned on then all calculated fields will be verbose in the Report Log File. Data Sets can be exported from one environment to another by simply choosing the Export Data Set Definitions option from the Designer menu. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 344 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Enter the Data Set Name or use the lookup facility to find the relevant Data Sets and click Next Once the Data Set has been exported to the Definition Data Window use the standard windows select all(Ctrl-A) and copy(Ctrl-C) functions to copy the data from the Definition Data Window and then Paste(Ctrl-V) to the Import Data Sets Definitions window also found Menu below in the environment you are wanting to add the Data Set after which you should then click the save icon. A Data Set cannot pre-exist so if there is amendment required to a Data Set it must first be removed prior to importing 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 345 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.13.3Granting Access to Data Sets for Other Users. Once the Data Set setup has been completed you can allow access to the relevant users by creating a %DttContract Function via Function Maintenance. Access to this function is then granted via the standard Function Security procedure. The Data Set can be enabled to be accessed by Report Writer by the creation of a Report Writer query accessing the ttContract table. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 346 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.13.4Rules for Keys It is possible to summarise DataSets by adding a ‘KEY’. If the query is looking at all Contract (jc_job) records but the requirement in the report is to be by Contract Location then a ‘KEY’ can be set at kco/jcl_loc (ie: Tick the Key box on both of these fields). In this instance only one record will be created on a unique find of Company/Contract Location. Any numerical fields are accumulated whilst character fields are assigned where there is common data where records share the same ‘Key’ details. (If it finds character fields which differ then the value of the field will be blank). If there is a requirement to do a calculation once all of the records for the ‘Key’ are accumulated then you can tick the ‘Recalculate Summary’. (Eg: An example of where this might be required is when a percentage is required). Note: Any field which is used as a key CANNOT have a value of blank. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 347 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.13.5Cross Modular Reporting To achieve Cross Modular Reporting two independent Data Sets can be created using different Source information but containing the following commonalities l Same Table Name l Same Field Names (in same order) l Fields must have the same DataType (ie. Char,Int,Dec,Logical,Date) The datasets can then be both called on the report and the common table name will unionise the data. An example of such an application might be a Purchase Ledger and SubContract Ledger Open Invoice Dataset. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 348 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.13.6Using Data Sets in the Query Editor The Query Editor allows fast access to information in the COINS Database via the Business Logic. It also allows export to Microsoft Excel. It is possible to reference a Data Set from the query editor. Simply referencing the data set and running will return the complete contents of the Data Set - No query is required. If the Dataset query takes a parameter replacement field (i.e. {RS_year}) then you can set the parameters by adding them to the URL on the Query Editor Page. (i.e. &RS_year=2009) NOTE : the full Data Set will be generated before any results are returned so be warned - a large data set may be slow. This has allowed the extract to Excel to be more flexible as limits in the information being passed limited both the query length and number of fields that could be accessed through the editor. Referencing a dataset code greatly enhances the ability to extract data this way. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 349 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.13.7Using the Data Set in Queries The Data Set can now be used in Queries in Report Designer. Using our example dataset, the body table should be ttContract, the body query should be - FOR EACH ttContract and the Data Set Definition would be BIWJC_PROF. Note that you can use more than one dataset in a query. To do this enter each dataset name in the Data Set Definition field separated by a comma. You will need to reference each ttTablename as appropriate in the body query. It is possible to sort on any field from within the Data Set – In the example below we are using a field which has been populated with the virtual field jcl_desc with is the Location Description. This will put the contract in alphabetical order of the locations to which they belong. (NB. It is always necessary to qualify the field name with the Data Set table name in the sort) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 350 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Fields can then be added to the report in the standard way. It is always good practice to qualify the field names also with the Data Set table name although it is not mandatory. Reports For in-line reports, specify the dataset(s) to be used on the container report e.g.: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 351 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Then for each inline report, only use the ttTablename in the body query of each report but do not specify the dataset e.g. This will ensure that the datasets are only built once and then data then shared across each report that uses it. If you specify the dataset name in the in-line reports, the dataset has to be rebuilt for that report which will have an impact on performance. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 352 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 7.13.8Report Pre-Processing (Syuds) Reports in OA have mainly been banded or grouped row reports. There are a few hard coded exceptions where a grid or matrix of data is presented over a number of pages of the report. Pre-Processing provides a generic mechanism to pivot a set of data in to columns and if required to page over multiple pages to allow any dataset to be processed in to further datasets that are suitable for printing in OA as matrix of data. Further pre-processing methods are also provided to manipulate the data set (temp tables), however they are produced, and create further temp tables with the processed data. Methods are provided for Union, Merge, and Sum. There is also a debug option provided to dump the contents of a dataset to the log file and a Store option to store a dataset in a datamart extract. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 353 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide syuds.calc allows you to create a new table with calculated fields in it from other fields in the query. You use calcTable to set the input query (multiple table) and output table name (e.g. Calc to produce a table called ttCalc) You then run calc for each field you want to add to ttCalc and pass the following parameters: name, data type, extent, label, format, calc string Calcexec then builds the ttCalc table, adds the fields you defined and runs the query and calculates for each row. Can be very useful for adding extra stuff alongside existing records The ttCalc record is created with rowid fields for each of the tables in the query so you can then join to it in a report query syuds.calc example Dataset Query: FOR EACH jc_job WHERE kco = {kco} Dataset Post Calculation: method('syuds.calcTable','FOR EACH ttcontract','calc'); method('syuds.calc','lastYTD','decimal',0,'Last YTD','','ttcontract.job_costsTD - ttcontract.job_ costsTY'); method('syuds.calc','lastPTD','decimal',0,'Last PTD','','ttcontract.job_costsTD - ttcontract.job_ costsTP'); method('syuds.calcexec'); 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 354 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Dataset Fields: Figure 26: Output: ttContract Figure 27: Output: ttCalc 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 355 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This method causes the contents of a dataset to be exported to the log file. Useful for seeing the results at various stages of pre-processing. The parameters are table name, condition, fields (defaults to all fields in the dataset) and the number of records (if zero specified then 10 will be output). Figure 28: Dataset Post Calculation In this example, the first 10 contents of dataset table ttContract will be output Method('syuds.debug','Contract','','',0); Output of the data in the log file is in CSV format suitable for pasting in to EXCEL. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 356 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Figure 29: Example output: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 357 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This method deletes a dataset/temp tables from the report. It should be used if the dataset that has been generated is no longer required but might be rebuilt or reused later in the report (typically on inline reports). Method('syuds.delete','CostRev,Budget'); The parameter is table names. The example would delete ttCostRev and ttBudget. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 358 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This method causes the contents of a dataset to be copied to an identical dataset except that the records in the output dataset are filter based on a condition passed to the method. Method('syuds.filter','CostRev','tdate="31/01/13"','CostRevJan'); The parameters are table name, condition, output table name. The above example would take records from ttCostRev and filter on a condition clause where field tdate was equal to 31/01/13. The output records would be in ttCostRevJan which would have the same fields as ttCostRev. This method is useful on inline reports to filter out a set of records from the containing report for processing or display on the inline. See also delete() method to delete this dataset once it has been used. Also useful to filter a set of records in to a new temp table before storing using store(). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 359 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide GroupQuery came about because of report builder and is similar to sum except that they do multiple sums at different levels. For example: group by kco by jgr_group by job_num would create a summary record for: level 0 (grand total), level 1 (kco), Level 2 (group), Level 3 (job_num). It equates the footer forms in the report builder and the report footer (level 0). GroupQuery allows multi table query and takes the form: Method('syuds.GroupQuery','[query string]','[output table]','[keys]','[sum fields]' Group is just a simpler form of GroupQuery (for a single table). Group takes the form: Method('syuds.Group','[Source Table]','[Condition]','[output table]','[keys]','[sum fields]' It actually then runs groupQuery with “FOR EACH XXX WHERE condition” Example: Method('','Source','drev>1000','pcTable','pcKeys','SumFields'); Leaving fields to sum blank will do all decimals Example: Dataset Query: Dataset Post Calculation: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 360 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Dataset Fields: Output: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 361 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 362 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This method will combine selected columns from two or more dataset (with a common key) in to a new dataset. Suppose we have a dataset ttCost Kco Job_num dCosts 100 1001 100 100 1002 150 And a dataset ttRev Kco Job_num dRev 100 1001 200 100 1002 250 Then the resulting dataset (ttCostRev) might be Kco Job_num dCosts dRev 100 1001 100 200 100 1002 150 250 This is achieved in a report initialisation calculation as follows: Method('syuds.mergeKeys','kco,job_num'); Method('syuds.mergeTable','cost','','','',''); Method('syuds.mergeTable','rev','','','',''); Method('syuds.mergeExec','CostRev'); mergeKeys is used to specify the unique keys used to merge the data. mergeTable is called once for each table to be merged. The first parameter is the dataset name (without the tt prefix), the second parameter is the condition to be applied to this set of records, the third parameter is the key field names in this table (defaults to the mergeKeys), 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 363 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide the fourth parameter is the field names (in this table) to be combined, the fifth parameter is the name of the fields in the output dataset. e.g. Method('syuds.mergeTable','cost','WHERE dCosts > 0','kco,job_num','dCosts','dMyCosts'); would take only records with costs greater than zero and using kco and job_num from this record write dCosts in to a combined field called dMyCosts. A short version is also available with default options. Method('syuds.merge','cost,rev','kco,job_num','CostRev'); This is equivalent to the series of calls above. Datasets ttCost and ttRev are combined using kco and job_num (in all tables) and all fields from the two datasets are combined and returned in ttCostRev. Decimal values will be summed in the combined dataset. All other field types will be written from the last record to be combined. It is expected that the record to be merged would already be unique on the keys. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 364 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide A new program has been introduced that is designed to be called in the initialize calculation of an OA report. It is handed a dataset name and a series of criteria and transforms the named dataset in to three dynamic datasets which are designed to be easier to print in a matrix. Syuds.Pivot take the following form: method('syuds.pivot','[Source]','sumtype='[]'','[Row Fields]','[Column Fields]','[Sum Fields]', [Columns],[Total Column]); Source the name of the temp table source data that is required to be pivoted SumType sumtype="" is a condition to extract only selected records. SumType='' will extract alll records Row Fields the fields that will be used to create unique rows in the resulting pivoted dataset Column Fields The field(s) which will be used to create the columns of the array of data in the resulting pivoted dataset Sum Fields the fields to be be summed and added to the resulting pivot dataset Columns the number of columns per page Total Column 1 means add a total column (the sum of all the columns on the report), 0 means no total column and instead a total field will be added The following calculation might be used in the initiation calculation of a report which contains a dataset ttTest. The dataset ttTest can be any type of temp table generated and prepared for a report. method('syuds.pivot','Test','sumtype=""','acctcode,acctname','kco','acctturn,acctpay',2,1); 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 365 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Suppose we had the following data : 1 A Table ttTest Acctname Accturn Supplier A 100 2 A Supplier A 150 0 3 A Supplier A 200 100 A Supplier A 450 150 B Supplier B 300 300 B Supplier B 300 300 Kco 1 Acctcode Acctpay 50 Sumtype TOT TOT Running the pivot method above would result in three temp tables being created. Table ttTestPage ttTestRow ttTestCol Description containing page and column information containing row data containing column data 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 366 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Table ttTestPage iPageSequence iColumn cColumnLabel__1 cColumnLabel__2 bUsed__1 bUsed__2 bFirst bLast Kco_1 Kco2 1 1 1 2 Yes Yes Yes No 1 2 2 3 3 Total Yes Yes No Yes 3 ? Table ttTextCol iColumn 1 2 3 4 iPageSequence 1 1 2 2 iPageColumn 1 2 1 2 cColumnLabel bTotalColumn 1 2 3 4 No No No Yes Kco 1 2 3 ? Table: ttTestRow iCount_ iCount_ iCount_ iCount_ Acctturn_ Acctturn_ Acctturn_ Acctturn_ Acctpay_ Acctpay_ Acctpay_ Acctpay_ Acctnum Acctname _1 _2 _3 _4 _1 _2 _3 _4 _1 _2 _3 _4 A B Supplier 1 A Supplier 1 B 1 1 3 100 150 200 450 50 0 100 150 0 0 1 300 0 0 300 300 0 0 300 If the total options is set to zero (no) then the final array entry is suppressed and separate total fields are created iCountTotal, AcctTurnTotal and AcctPayTotal with the values as you would expect. The records with SumType=TOT would not be processed because they were excluded with the query condition. If a page size of 0 is specified then no paging will take place and a single ttPage record (iPageSequence=1) will be produced with the extent of the value fields being the same as the number of columns. Report Design The temp tables (ttTestRow and ttTestPage) produced are designed to be used in OA designer and there are supporting methods and techniques to allow a matrix report to be built. The query used on the report should be FOR EACH ttTestPage, EACH ttTestRow. This will repeat all the rows on each page sequence (assuming there are multiple sequences of pages for all the columns to be fitted on). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 367 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The sort order should include the page sequence at the top to allow the pages to come out in the correct sequence. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 368 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide You should apply a hard page to the iPageSequence level. The fields of the report should be set out as you require using fields from the ttTestRow temp table. The columns of the matrix can be specified using {ttTestPage.iColumn__n} where n is the page column number. The columns can be labeled using {ttPage.cColumnLabel__n} where n is the page column number. The total column will have a label of “TOTAL" in this field. The column fields are also replicated in ttPage.cKco__n except that the total column will have a ? value in it. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 369 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide A build condition should be used on the column fields so that they are not built when not used. The syuds.buildColumnUsed condition takes two parts to the parameter. The table name TEST (without the tt) and the page column number. Sample Output With a total field 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 370 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide With a total column 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 371 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This method removes repeated fields from a temp table. Typical usage is if the data set contains header and detail data and the repeating header details only want to be shown (and aggregated) once. This method will allow you to manipulate the dataset so that repeated values only appear once. Method('syuds.repeatsource','Source','kco,job_num'); Method('syuds.repeatfields','1','kco,coc_name'); Method('syuds.repeatfields','2','job_num,job_name,RO_job_costs^TD'); Method('syuds.repeatExec'); The ttSource table will be replaced with a copy where the repeating fields kco, coc_name and job_num,job_name are shown once per kco and job_num sort sequence. repeatSource specifies the source table and the sort fields to be used. repeatFields specifies for each of the sort sequence the fields that should be shown just once In this example RO_job_costs^TD (and job_num and job_name) are shown only once for each job_num within kco. This would allow this column to be aggregated on the report. repeatExec actually performs the repeat field blanking and saves the temp table overwriting the original source data. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 372 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This option is identical to the data mart writing on the tail end of a report except that you control the date/time of the extract. The datamart must be defined in the usual way and the mapping of the fields in the datamart to the fields in the dataset must be configured. For example Method('',100,'job,cost','JOBDM,COSTDM',TODAY,0); Would store the dataset ttJob in datamart JOBDM and similarly dataset ttCost in datamart COSTDM with an extract date of midnight on the day of running in company 100. The extract date would be expected to be a report input/selection value. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 373 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Sum This method will combine and sum rows from two or more dataset in to one or more new datasets. Suppose we have a dataset ttCostRev Kco Job_num dCosts dRev 100 1000 100 150 100 1001 200 250 100 1002 0 100 100 1003 100 0 Then the resulting dataset ttKcoSum Kco dCosts dRev 100 400 500 would be produced with the following commands Method('syuds.sumSource','CostRev',''); Method('syuds.sumTable','KcoSum','kco','','dCosts,dRev'); Method('syuds.sumExec'); SumSource specifies the input dataset and a condition to apply to that set of records. sumTable specifies the output summary required. The first parameter is the output dataset name (without the tt prefix), the second parameter is the key fields, the third parameter is other fields to be assigned (similar to key fields but not used to find uniqueness e.g. keys=kco, fields=coc_name), the fourth parameter is the fields to sum. sumExec executes the summing and creates the required output datasets. Multiple sumTable methods may be used to create multiple summaries on a single pass through the source data. A short version with defaults exists Method('syuds.sum','CostRev','','KcoSum','kco','','dCosts,dRev'); 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 374 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide With the following parameters input table, condition, output table, keys, fields, sum fields. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 375 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide TableAlias Method('syuds.tableAlias','source','output'); This takes a table and renames it for the purposes of using a table multiple times. 1 st parameter is the source dataset table and the 2 nd parameter is the new dataset table. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 376 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Syuds.TimeSlice() This is a new method in syuds.p to manipulate an input dataset or datasets in to a new summarized dataset which has a date/time element. The method can be called like any other post processing method on a dataset, for example method('syuds.timeslice','FOR EACH ttStats','TimeStats','{fromtime}','{totime}',{interval},' {timeunit}','moe_key1,moe_key2','moc_snapshot','') The parameters are as follows: 1 Query The query to be run against existing dataset(s) which will return a set of record containing the data that is to be time sliced 2 TableName The output table name 3 From A string containing a valid from date or date/time (depending on the units Date/Time being used). If omitted then the time range will not be completed and records will only exist for the data being processed 4 To Same as From date/time Date/Time 5 Interval An integer value to be used in conjunction with the time unit field to allow the creation of the complete set of time records 6 Time Unit “S”econds (for date/time), “D”ay, “W”eek,”M”onth,”Y”ear 7 Keys The key fields used to summarise the data. Can be left blank and just the time element will be used 8 Time Key The field in the source data that contains the date/time field to be used to slice the data 9 Fields The fields from the source data to be aggregated. If left blank then ALL decimal fields in the source tables will be aggregated. For each field that is aggregated the total, max, min and average values for the time slice will be evaluated. If the Time Unit field is “S” for seconds then the Interval is the number of seconds for each time slice and the start and end date/time values are date/time format strings. E.g. From=15/01/16 08:00&To=15/01/16 18:00&Interval=3600 would produce hourly slices from 8am until 6pm. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 377 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If the Time Unit field is “D” for days then the interval is not used and single day records are produced between the from and to dates. If the Time Unit field is “W” for weeks then the interval indicates the day of the week for the week ending i.e. 1 for Sunday to 6 for Saturday. Week end dates for that day are then produced between the start and end dates. If the Time Unit is “M” for months then the interval is ignored and calendar month end dates are used between the start and end dates. If the Time Unit is “Y” for years then the interval is ignored and calendar year end dates are used between the start and end dates. The results dataset will contain four fields for each of the aggregated fields (one of the same name for the total and then extensions min, max and avg for the other three values). A count is always added plus the unique grouping key and key date/time. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 378 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Top This method returns the Top n records within a dataset when a sort is defined. Method('','FullList','drev>100000','by drev descending',10,'Top10Rec'); The 1 st parameter is the source temp-table. The 2 nd parameter is the condition applied to the query, the 3 rd parameter is the sort order, the 4 th parameter is the number of records returned , the 5 th parameter is the output table name. In the example above it is taking all the records from the ttFullList table and for records which revenue exceeds 100000 then it sorts it by the revenue field (highest to lowest) and returns the top 10 records into a table called ttTop10Rec. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 379 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Union This method will combine rows from two or more dataset in to a new dataset. Suppose we have a dataset ttCost Kco Job_num dCosts 100 1001 100 100 1002 150 And a dataset ttRev Kco Job_num dRev 100 1001 200 100 1002 250 Then the resulting dataset (ttCostRev) might be Kco Job_num dCosts dRev 100 1001 100 0 100 1002 150 0 100 1001 0 200 100 1002 0 250 This would be achieved with the following method calls. Method('syuds.unionFields','kco,job_num,dCosts,dRev'); Method('syuds.unionTable','cost','','kco,job_num,dCosts,'); Method('syuds.unionTable','rev','','kco,job_num,,dRev'); Method('syuds.unionExec','CostRev'); unionFields specifies the fields in the returned dataset. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 380 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide unionTable specifies the source dataset to combine. The first parameter is the dataset name (without the tt prefix), the second parameter is a condition for the records to select from this source dataset, the third parameter is the fields to combine. unionExec specifies the output dataset and executes the union. If the fields specified are the same then the values are combined in to the same field e.g. Method('syuds.unionFields','kco,job_num,dValue'); Method('syuds.unionTable','cost','','kco,job_num,dCosts'); Method('syuds.unionTable','rev','','kco,job_num,dRev'); Method('syuds.unionExec','CostRev'); Would produce the output dataset Kco Job_num dValue 100 1001 100 100 1002 150 100 1001 200 100 1002 250 There is also a short version with default options. Method('syuds.union','cost,rev','kco,job_num,dCosts,dRev','CostRev'); ttCost and ttRev would be combined with fields kco,job_num,dCosts,dRev in to dataset CostRev. This is equivalent to the first example above. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 381 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8 Workflow Overview People are most productive when they are doing the things they are good at – thinking, communicating, creating. They are least productive and most prone to error when they are involved in boring, repetitive processes. Just the opposite is true of systems. Businesses are therefore most efficient when they have the three key resources of people, processes, and systems properly balanced, integrated, and focused on their strengths: People developing and implementing processes and new ways of working. Processes that optimise quality, consistency, timeliness, and governance/audit. Systems that facilitate the way people work by automating the core processes. COINS Workflow brings the benefits of this integration to construction businesses. By using workflows within COINS, customers can automate routine but essential processes such as invoice approval, employee expense processing, purchase orders, and site requisitions. This frees costly people resources to focus on improving and managing the business. 8.1 Business Benefits Because of its flexibility, the applications and benefits of COINS Workflow are limited only by your imagination. Key business benefits include: l l Process cost reduction. Improved productivity for professional staff, who can spend less time on repetitive processes and more on managing the business. l Improved process resilience and reduced dependence on individuals. l Enhanced environmental responsibility through reduced reliance on paper. l Enhanced audit trail. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 382 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.2 The COINS Workflow toolkit Whether COINS workflow is configured by consultants from the Business Intelligence Team or by customers’ own technical staff, the same toolkit is available. Its key features include: l l l l l l l l l l l l l Triggering workflow processes by incoming documents, events within the COINS database (such as a value being exceeded), or manually. Multiple workflow branches to allow parallel processes, optionally Merging back together once each branch has completed. Conditional branching enables the implementation of complex authorization levels and procedures. Workflow tasks and stages assigned to individuals or groups. User alerts communicated by email, SMS text message, or through a COINS workbench on a PC or a PDA. Full integration with all COINS modules, with access to every database table and function. User management of tasks and events through the COINS Activity Workbench, with links directly to the COINS item or transaction to be processed. Integration with Microsoft® Outlook®, including linking an email back to a COINS transaction. Full security provided through the COINS Business Logic Layer. Full audit trail of all workflow activities, with tracking of all current and completed workflows. Automatic escalations managed with defined task duration. Delegation of workflow actions during vacations or other absences, with expiration dates. Integrated Document Management with the ability to read data from scanned documents into workflow processes and COINS input screens, avoiding manual processing. Document Management items can be created automatically from COINS alerts, emails and SMS messages. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 383 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.3 Example Workflow 8.3.1 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 384 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.4 Workflow Groups Workflow groups are simply a means to organise Workflows into business areas, for example Procurement, HR, Purchase Ledger etc. At a later stage you can specify which roles belong to a group; and if you then assign a Workflow to a group, any member of the group can action it (see Workflow Roles and Users). Field Group Description The workflow group code. Use this code to group roles and workflow templates. Description The description of the workflow group. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 385 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.5 Workflow Roles As part of the design of a workflow, it is necessary to define who in an organisation is going to be responsible for all or part of the workflow processes. Typically a role will fall to a business role such as a Financial Manager or Purchase Ledger Supervisor, or indeed a team of people such as a Buying Team. Create a Workflow Role by assigning a code and description. The workflow roles will require a responsibility type and where appropriate a key or keys. Field Description Role The workflow role code. Description The description of the workflow role Group The workflow group code (see Workflow Groups). Use this code to group roles and workflow templates. May be left blank Responsibility This code allows you to specify, for this role, what is the Type workflow going to use for routing. DO NOT use either CONTRACT or COMPANY as a 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 386 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description responsibility type as these are reserved words with a specific use within Workflow setup. Key The key that corresponds to the responsibility table keys. The keys must be defined as variables in the workflow to allow the correct allocation of people to stages. Where the Responsibility Type relates to a group, then the key may be left blank 8.5.1 Example Roles In this example, the Responsibility Type has been defined as LOCATION and the key has defined as jcl_loc (Contract Location). This will allow the workflow to determine the responsibility from the Contract Location code on a transaction. In the second example, the role of Site Manager is defined as using Contract information to route the workflow by use of the job_num field on a transaction. Please remember DO NOT use either CONTRACT or COMPANY as a responsibility type as these are reserved words with a specific use within Workflow setup. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 387 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.6 Workflow Responsibilities Once Roles have been defined within the system, their responsibilities within the workflow may be configured. Workflow Responsibilities are used to convert roles set in a workflow to actual user IDs. In Role Maintenance a role is associated with a type and up to 3 variables (These variables are defined within a workflow). In Responsibility Maintenance a series of records are created that map possible values of these variables to one or more user IDs. When the role is used in a workflow stage and the values match then the user IDs are used. Field Description Type This code is referenced when setting up a workflow role. Use Workflow Responsibility to set up different responsibilities depending on the value of a variable defined in the workflow. Keys 1 The appropriate values of the Role key. –3 The value in these key fields corresponds to the variable set in the equivalent key of the role that is linked to this responsibility (see role maintenance). If the value of this variable set at the workflow stage where the associated role is used matches this responsibility value (along with the other two key fields) then the user ids configured on this responsibility are used in that workflow stage. Role The person who must action this stage Users The user or users who are responsible for this role in a workflow. These must be users’ setup already within the COINS system. 8.6.1 Example Responsibilities In this example, the role of JOBMAN has been defined in the Workflow Roles with job_num as a key. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 388 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide In the Responsibility setup JOBMAN is defined with the key set to 1000 and a user list entered. This indicates that a task referencing Contract 1000 will be routed to the users niglon and kerbro 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 389 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.7 User Workflow Responsibilities On occasions it is desirable to be able to find and amend all the role assignments for a user. This can be done by searching through the responsibilities maintenance screen but it is possible for COINS to do this for you. This might be useful if a user leaves the business and a new user is to be assigned to each of their role responsibilities. The User Workflow Responsibility maintenance screen shows a list of users. Select the link on the user for which you want to maintain responsibilities. All responsibility records which contain the selected user are shown for update. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 390 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide These records can now be amended. When amending the user name, please note that the new user must be licenced for workflow. The regenerate button can be pressed to regenerate the list. The button can be used to go back to the user selection screen. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 391 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.8 Workflow Delegation Once all roles and responsibilities have been configured it is possible to delegate actions and tasks for users temporarily, for example during periods of annual leave. When a workflow task is assigned to a user this table of delegations is consulted. If a record for the specific role exists for the user then that is used. If not then the record for all roles is used if it exists. If neither record is found then no delegation takes place and the original user is assigned the task. The date that the task is assigned is used to find the delegation record with the correct date range. Simply define the user and role to be delegated. If the user belongs to several roles, you can enter more than one delegation record and assign each role to another user individually, or you may specify ALL and simply allocate all roles to another user. Each delegation record may have each a unique start date. A blank start date is allowed indicating the delegation has no start date. A blank end date is also allowed indicating no end date. Workflow Delegation is intended to stop new actions and tasks being assigned to a user who is unavailable. Any current actions and tasks will need to be reassigned manually. A company specific delegation is also now available. If the company specific delegation is specified (in each company) then it is used. If it is blank then the global delegation is used. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 392 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The following business rules are applied: l You are not allowed to overlap from/to dates for a single combination of user and role. i.e. only one delegation can apply on a single date. l The user must be valid and licenced for workflow l The delegate must be valid and licenced for workflow l The user and the delegate cannot be the same user l The company delegate can be blank indicating the global delegate should be used. l The global delegate can be left blank indicating that no delegation is to be done. This can be useful to leave the role records in place and just assign and remove the delegation as required. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 393 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.8.1 Self-Service Workflow Delegation When a user who takes part in a workflow is going to be absent from work they will wish to delegate the roles they fulfil to one or more other users. This can be done in the delegation maintenance procedure described above however the delegation maintenance routine gives access to all users’ delegations so is not appropriate for many users. A function is provided that allows the user to set up and maintain delegations for themselves only. A new tab is shown on the user preferences for the user when they are logged in; if they are licenced for workflow. This screen shows the same information as the full delegation maintenance screen except that the user is fixed and shown in the header. The same rules apply for setting of the delegations as in the full version. There is a button provided in the footer that will scan all workflow assignments in all companies and build one delegation record per role. This is an aid to the user to ensure they do not miss a role. The records are created with a blank delegation (i.e. no delegation) but the record being present is a reminder to set it if required. They can be deleted or left blank if no delegation is required. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 394 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.9 Workflow Templates This option allows you to add and maintain the workflow definitions. Each workflow template is defined across a number of tabs 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 395 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.9.1 WF Template - Details Tab Field Description Workflow Workflow template code. Description The workflow template description. Group The workflow group code. Use this code to group roles and workflow templates. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 396 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Status The status of the template. Edit - The workflow is not live; you can still edit and test it. NB. Edit has a limit of 25 active records before requiring a purge of transactions or changing the status of the workflow to Live. Live - The workflow is live and you can no longer edit the logical fields involved in the workflow. There is a limited number of fields which are editable. Retired - The workflow is no longer live leaving the active stages to continue but not allowing new workflows to be launched.Your licence limits the number of live workflows you can have. If you want to change an existing workflow, you must retire the original, copy it in edit mode and edit the copied workflow. (See Appendix A for details on Workflow Licensing). Documents The COINS table(s) that are to be associated with the workflow. If this is filled in, the user must select a record from this table in order to run this workflow. The workflow can be independent of any particular table, in which case this can be blank. Prepare This is a calculation that takes place prior to the document load and can be used to assign specific RSP if not that of the standard table. This would be on recommendation and advice from COINS BI Team. This is not a field that would normally be used in workflow. Initialise The initial calculations that are performed at the initiation of the workflow. A variable of $TaskID must be initialised on each workflow. This will be the identifier for each instance of the workflow and is shown in the description of stage tasks, for example the internal reference of a transaction. The initialisation uses standard COINS calculation syntax (see associated documentation) and can also use standard COINS Methods. Monitor The user who COINS should alert with a duplicate task if a stage extends beyond the expected duration. The monitor specified on the template will be used unless there is a specific monitor specified on the stage itself. – see Workflow Monitors below for more detail. Monitor Status A check box which will indicate if the workflow is to appear on the Monitor Tab on the Workflow Monitor. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 397 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Test The URL/ROWID to be processed if the workflow is started for test purposes when in edit mode. Below is an example of a workflow template; including examples of initialisation calculations which may be required and a Test Invoice which will enable to launch a test workflow. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 398 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.9.2 WF Template - Stages Tab Workflow Template Stages allows you to define the stages that make up the workflow. Field Description Label Label of the stage. Used to link other stages to this one. Description Description of the stage. This is the text that will appear in the user's Activity Workbench, along with the general description of the workflow and the task ID. If another stage links to this stage, this description will appear on the Next Stage list for the stage that links to it. Role The role that must action this stage. (You can use a role calculation to manipulate this further.) Type The type of stage process that should be performed (see Workflow Stage Types). Link(s) A list of the labels of other stages that are linked to this stage. End Whether this stage is an end stage. The workflow stops if it reaches an end stage. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 399 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide There are currently 10 types of workflow stage available, each will require a Label and a Description. The description will appear as the description in the Activity Workbench for the stage (with the Workflow TaskID reference). The label is used to determine the links between stages. The Id which is shown on screen will be automatically assigned and is useful when debugging the workflow with the tools on the Check tab (see documentation further on in this document). The workflow role will determine who will be assigned a stage or task in the workflow. A role can be one of three options: Role When a stage is assigned to a role COINS will cross reference the Role and the associated Responsibilities and assign the stage to the appropriate User(s). It will then perform the Role Calculation. Group The person who is handing on the task may select an individual, or assign it to everyone in the list. When a workflow stage is assigned to a Group, the appropriate activity will be assigned to every member of the group and will appear on each member’s Activity Workbench. Individual Any stage can simply be assigned to an individual. If the role calculation result is a list, the user who is handing on the task must first select one individual from the list to be the person to action the task. An individual can also be calculated from the Workflow document or ‘hard-coded’ into the role calculation. If any stage is assigned to more than one user, the task will appear on each user's workbench. As soon as one user assigns their task to a status of anything other than ‘Not Started’ the corresponding tasks on all other users Workbenches will be completed. It will remain available for view and will be automatically updated with the progress and user of who has started the task. If they put the status back to “Not Started” then the task will be replaced on all the users in the group again. Once any of the tasks are completed all tasks on other user’s workbenches are then completed. An individual being assigned a task from any of the options above must be a valid COINS User and must be licensed for Workflow. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 400 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If an Email stage is being used, a valid email address needs to be assigned either against the User ID, or if appropriate, the associated COINS HR Personnel record. If an SMS stage is to be used it is necessary to have an associated HR record so that COINS can access the appropriate mobile telephone number. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 401 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide WF Stages - Appointment An appointment will be created on the Users’ Activity Workbench. The workflow will proceed to the next stage immediately. Field Description Role Calculation A calculation to determine the user (or users) who must action this stage; used as an alternative to the Role. This calculation must result in one or more user names. If the role above is specified, the calculation variable “this” is assigned as the result of the role assignment. This can then be further manipulated by this calculation as required. Check Calculation Result for Delegation If a workflow stage uses a role calculation, instead of an assigned Role, delegation will not automatically kick-in - so if they are away the calculated role will always apply. You can now set it to check for delegation by ticking this field 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 402 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Select User Description If the Role or Role Calculation results in a list of users, this determines how COINS treats the list. Role - Whatever the result of the Role or Role Calculation fields is, use that. If the result is two or more users, the task will appear on each user's workbench, but only one of them has to action the task. Individual - If the result is a list, the user who is handing on the task must first select one individual from the list to be the person to action the task. Group - The person who is handing on the task may select an individual, or assign it to everyone in the list. Pre Calculation Calculation to be performed before the stage. For example, you could use this to throw an error if a certain condition hasn't been met before the stage is run. Post Calculation Calculation to be performed after the stage. For example, you could use this to send an email when the stage has been completed. Next The label of another stage to which this stage is linked. Activity Type Select the type of appointment or task from the drop down list. The types are user-defined; use Action Types to set them up. Priority The priority of the action. You can set an action be either of high, normal or low importance. Function The code for the function that this stage links to (plus any function parameters). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 403 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Duration Whether this stage has a duration associated with it. If the stage has duration, the entry on the Activity Workbench will turn red if the stage is overdue. Ticking this will allow the following to be defined: The duration of the stage (in the units shown in the next field). The units for the duration of the stage. When the duration is calculated from: Absolute = From the start of the workflow. Relative = From the start of this stage. Monitor The person whom COINS should notify if the stage is overdue. If the stage is overdue, COINS creates a duplicate action on the monitor's workbench, as an escalation type activity. Associated Parameters - SY/WFESC The activity workbench activity type to create if a workflow is escalated to the workflow monitor. You can configure different activity types for the activity workbench so that these escalation tasks stand out. Reminder Whether to generate an Outlook reminder for the task. If you are using Outlook integration, this will generate an Outlook reminder for the user. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 404 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide WF Stages - Delay A time delay can be added to a workflow. Simply define a number, the unit of time and whether the delay should be relative to the stage or absolute to the workflow. F i e Description l d Che ck Calc ulati on Resu lt for Dele gatio n If a workflow stage uses a role calculation, instead of an assigned Role, delegation will not automatically kick-in - so if they are away the calculated role will always apply. You can now set it to check for delegation by ticking this field 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 405 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide F i e Description l d Pre Calculation to be performed before the stage. For example, you could use this Calc to throw an error if a certain condition hasn't been met before the stage is ulati run. on Post Calculation to be performed after the stage. For example, you could use this Calc to send an email when the stage has been completed. ulati on Next The label of another stage to which this stage is linked. Dura Whether this stage has a duration associated with it. If the stage has a tion duration, the entry on the Activity Workbench will turn red if the stage is overdue. Ticking this will allow the following to be defined: The duration of the stage (in the units shown in the next field). When the duration is calculated from: Absolute = From the start of the workflow. Relative = From the start of this stage. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 406 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide WF Stages - Email The workflow can send emails based on the role. Define the Subject and Text of the email. Curly braces {} can be used to allow replacement of pertinent details relating to the specific workflow. Field Role Calculation Description A calculation to determine the user (or users) who must action this stage; used as an alternative to the Role. This calculation must result in one or more user names. If the role above is specified, the calculation variable “this” is assigned as the result of the role assignment. This can then be further manipulated by this calculation as required. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 407 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Check Calculation Result for Delegation Description If a workflow stage uses a role calculation, instead of an assigned Role, delegation will not automatically kick-in - so if they are away the calculated role will always apply. You can now set it to check for delegation by ticking this field Select User If the Role or Role Calculation results in a list of users, this determines how COINS treats the list. Role - Whatever the result of the Role or Role Calculation fields is, use that. If the result is two or more users, the task will appear on each user's workbench, but only one of them has to action the task. Individual - If the result is a list, the user who is handing on the task must first select one individual from the list to be the person to action the task. Group - The person who is handing on the task may select an individual, or assign it to everyone in the list. Pre Calculation Calculation to be performed before the stage. For example, you could use this to throw an error if a certain condition hasn't been met before the stage is run. Post Calculation Calculation to be performed after the stage. For example, you could use this to send an email when the stage has been completed. Next The label of another stage to which this stage is linked. Subject Subject of the email that will be sent for this stage of the workflow. HTML Email Select if the email should be formatted with HTML Text The text of the email that will be sent for this stage of the workflow. Store in Document Manager Whether the message sent should be stored in document manager. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 408 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide WF Stages - Fork A fork is added to create multiple branches in a workflow. Field Description Check Calculation Result for Delegation If a workflow stage uses a role calculation, instead of an assigned Role, delegation will not automatically kick-in - so if they are away the calculated role will always apply. You can now set it to check for delegation by ticking this field Pre Calculation to be performed before the stage. For example, you could Calculation use this to throw an error if a certain condition hasn't been met before the stage is run. Post Calculation to be performed after the stage. For example, you could Calculation use this to send an email when the stage has been completed. Link The label of another stage to which this stage is linked. Condition A condition that must be true to enable the link. If this calculation evaluates to zero the link on this page is not enabled. If the calculation evaluates to a non-zero, or is blank, the link is enabled. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 409 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide In this example a fork is defined based on the results of a test against the values of a table field. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 410 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide WF Stages - Merge A merge stage is used to bring two or more forks of a workflow back together. The merge stage will not be completed until all stages linked to it are complete. Field Description Check Calculation Result for Delegation If a workflow stage uses a role calculation, instead of an assigned Role, delegation will not automatically kick-in - so if they are away the calculated role will always apply. You can now set it to check for delegation by ticking this field Pre Calculation to be performed before the stage. For example, you could Calculation use this to throw an error if a certain condition hasn't been met before the stage is run. Post Calculation to be performed after the stage. For example, you could Calculation use this to send an email when the stage has been completed. Link The label of another stage to which this stage is linked. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 411 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Condition A condition that must be true to enable the link. If this calculation evaluates to zero the link on this page is not enabled. If the calculation evaluates to a non-zero, or is blank, the link is enabled. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 412 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide WF Stages - Process A process stage can be used to perform a calculation, usually against the COINS database within the calculation. Processes do not require user interaction. Field Description Check Calculation Result for Delegation If a workflow stage uses a role calculation, instead of an assigned Role, delegation will not automatically kick-in - so if they are away the calculated role will always apply. You can now set it to check for delegation by ticking this field Calculation Calculation to be performed – update a hold code for example (see below) Next The label of another stage to which this stage is linked. Figure 30: Generating an error message if a condition is not met. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 413 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Figure 31: Approving an Invoice (releasing hold codes) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 414 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide WF Stages - SMS It is possible to send information from the workflow via SMS (assuming the necessary configuration to allow SMS from COINS has been completed). Field Description Role A calculation to determine the user (or users) who must action this Calculation stage; used as an alternative to the Role. This calculation must result in one or more user names. If the role above is specified, the calculation variable “this” is assigned as the result of the role assignment. This can then be further manipulated by this calculation as required. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 415 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Check Calculation Result for Delegation If a workflow stage uses a role calculation, instead of an assigned Role, delegation will not automatically kick-in - so if they are away the calculated role will always apply. You can now set it to check for delegation by ticking this field Select User If the Role or Role Calculation results in a list of users, this determines how COINS treats the list. Role - Whatever the result of the Role or Role Calculation fields is, use that. If the result is two or more users, the task will appear on each user's workbench, but only one of them has to action the task. Individual - If the result is a list, the user who is handing on the task must first select one individual from the list to be the person to action the task. Group - The person who is handing on the task may select an individual, or assign it to everyone in the list. Pre Calculation to be performed before the stage. For example, you could Calculation use this to throw an error if a certain condition hasn't been met before the stage is run. Post Calculation to be performed after the stage. For example, you could Calculation use this to send an email when the stage has been completed. Next The label of another stage to which this stage is linked. Text The text of the SMSl that will be sent for this stage of the workflow. Store in Document Manager Whether the message sent should be stored in document manager. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 416 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide WF Stages - Stage A stage is where the workflow will require user interaction to complete the required part of the process and move the workflow onto the next stage. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 417 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Role Calculation A calculation to determine the user (or users) who must action this stage; used as an alternative to the Role. This calculation must result in one or more user names. If the role above is specified, the calculation variable “this” is assigned as the result of the role assignment. This can then be further manipulated by this calculation as required. Check Calculation Result for Delegation If a workflow stage uses a role calculation, instead of an assigned Role, delegation will not automatically kick-in - so if they are away the calculated role will always apply. You can now set it to check for delegation by ticking this field Select User If the Role or Role Calculation results in a list of users, this determines how COINS treats the list. Role - Whatever the result of the Role or Role Calculation fields is, use that. If the result is two or more users, the task will appear on each user's workbench, but only one of them has to action the task. Individual - If the result is a list, the user who is handing on the task must first select one individual from the list to be the person to action the task. Group - The person who is handing on the task may select an individual, or assign it to everyone in the list. Pre Calculation Calculation to be performed before the stage. For example, you could use this to throw an error if a certain condition hasn't been met before the stage is run. Post Calculation Calculation to be performed after the stage. For example, you could use this to send an email when the stage has been completed. Link The label of another stage to which this stage is linked. Condition A condition that must be true to enable the link. If this calculation evaluates to zero the link on this page is not enabled. If the calculation evaluates to a non-zero, or is blank, the link is enabled. If no condition is specified, the user must manually decide which of the specified links is to be enabled. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 418 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Default Link A default link can be specified on a stage of type STAGE (it must be one of the links defined in the 10 links above). If specified then when the task arrives at the stage the default stage specified is preloaded on the activity workbench task. If then user updates the completed flag then the next stage is already selected. They can also use the complete task browse action and the default link will be selected. This allows the most common link to be defaulted and eases the effort required by the user. The default link is shown on the diagram in green and with an asterisk after the link label and can be changed by double clicking the link and selecting the default link checkbox Activity The activity type will be the type of action created on the Type Activity Workbench (determined by local configuration). Priority Priority will be high, normal or low. Function The function should be a valid COINS function which will be displayed as a link from the Activity Workbench. The function can be left blank if the action is to be performed outside of COINS or a suitable link is not available. The user will manually need to find and perform the task and then complete the stage in COINS. Workflow Whether an email should be sent to the user of this stage Email to complete the action. This will only occur if the user has also been configured to request emails for this workflow. Text The text of the email that will be sent for this stage of the workflow. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 419 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Duration Whether this stage has a duration associated with it. If the stage has a duration, the entry on the Activity Workbench will turn red if the stage is overdue. Ticking this will allow the following to be defined: The duration of the stage (in the units shown in the next field). The units for the duration of the stage. When the duration is calculated from: Absolute = From the start of the workflow. Relative = From the start of this stage. Monitor The person whom COINS should notify if the stage is overdue. If the stage is overdue, COINS creates a duplicate action on the monitor's workbench, as an escalation type activity. Associated Parameters - SY/WFESC The activity workbench activity type to create if a workflow is escalated to the workflow monitor. You can configure different activity types for the activity workbench so that these escalation tasks stand out. Reminder Whether to generate an Outlook reminder for the task. If you are using Outlook integration, this will generate an Outlook reminder for the user. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 420 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Timeout If ticked the following will be displayed: The default stage label to move to if the timeout is exceeded. If left blank then the next sequential stage will be used. Below is an example of a stage in PL Invoice Approval where, once the invoice has been reviewed by one role, the next stage available will be determined by the value of the invoice on the invoice. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 421 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 422 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide WF Stages - Task A task is similar to a Stage except that the workflow will not wait for a task to be completed before moving onto the next stage – it will simply assign the task to the appropriate role and move to the next linked stage. Field Description Role Calculation A calculation to determine the user (or users) who must action this stage; used as an alternative to the Role. This calculation must result in one or more user names. If the role above is specified, the calculation variable “this” is assigned as the result of the role assignment. This can then be further manipulated by this calculation as required. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 423 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Check Calculation Result for Delegation If a workflow stage uses a role calculation, instead of an assigned Role, delegation will not automatically kick-in - so if they are away the calculated role will always apply. You can now set it to check for delegation by ticking this field Select User If the Role or Role Calculation results in a list of users, this determines how COINS treats the list. Role - Whatever the result of the Role or Role Calculation fields is, use that. If the result is two or more users, the task will appear on each user's workbench, but only one of them has to action the task. Individual - If the result is a list, the user who is handing on the task must first select one individual from the list to be the person to action the task. Group - The person who is handing on the task may select an individual, or assign it to everyone in the list. Pre Calculation Calculation to be performed before the stage. For example, you could use this to throw an error if a certain condition hasn't been met before the stage is run. Post Calculation Calculation to be performed after the stage. For example, you could use this to send an email when the stage has been completed. Next The label of another stage to which this stage is linked. Activity Type The activity type will be the type of action created on the Activity Workbench (determined by local configuration). Priority Priority will be high, normal or low. Function The function should be a valid COINS function which will be displayed as a link from the Activity Workbench. The function can be left blank if the action is to be performed outside of COINS or a suitable link is not available. The user will manually need to find and perform the task and then complete the stage in COINS. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 424 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description Duration Whether this stage has a duration associated with it. If the stage has a duration, the entry on the Activity Workbench will turn red if the stage is overdue. Ticking this will allow the following to be defined: The duration of the stage (in the units shown in the next field). The units for the duration of the stage. When the duration is calculated from: Absolute = From the start of the workflow. Relative = From the start of this stage. Monitor The person whom COINS should notify if the stage is overdue. If the stage is overdue, COINS creates a duplicate action on the monitor's workbench, as an escalation type activity. Associated Parameters - SY/WFESC The activity workbench activity type to create if a workflow is escalated to the workflow monitor. You can configure different activity types for the activity workbench so that these escalation tasks stand out. Reminder Whether to generate an Outlook reminder for the task. If you are using Outlook integration, this will generate an Outlook reminder for the user. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 425 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.9.3 WF Template - Diagram Tab The diagram tab shows and allows maintenance of the workflow diagram. If stages already exist then the stages will be spaced out linearly on the page. The stages can then be dragged to a desired location on the page. The links between the stages are shown and will move with the stages. Each time the stage is “dropped” the location is saved back to the server. When you next visit the diagram tab the stages will be placed in the position that they were last left. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 426 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The toolbar controls the diagram. The % combo controls the zoom level and is retained for the page (similar to browse filters). If a new % is selected the diagram is redrawn at that scale. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 427 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The refresh button reloads the page. This refreshes all the data from the server and rebuilds and redraws the diagram. The save restore point button ( takes a snapshot of the workflow template and saves a copy that can be re-instated if required. This allows the user to save the state of the template. 50 back versions will be retained. The restore button ( allows the user to select one of the 50 restore points and to reinstate as the current version. Select the plus icon next to the restore point. Selecting a restore point to restore will cause a new restore to be taken (Type=System – just in case you need to get back to the previous position) and then the template and stages are restored. This restores the details on the workflow header e.g. initialization calculations, document, etc. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 428 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The full screen button will show the diagram in a new browser window which can be maximized to give the full amount of space for editing. The remaining buttons on the toolbar are for adding new stages of each of the types Appointment, Delay, Fork, Merge, Process, SMS, Stage, Sub Workflow, and Task. They will show an appropriate dialog to add the stage details. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 429 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If you OK the dialog (and there are no errors) then a stage will be created just under the toolbar for you drag on to the diagram canvas. You can double click a stage to update the details on that stage. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 430 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Deleting a stage will cause it to be deleted from the diagram and any links to and from it automatically removed. You can double click a stage link and a link dialog will be displayed The label is shown by the link on the diagram. Selecting the delete option will remove the link between the two stages. You can double click a next link and the next dialog will be shown. This allows you to remove the link by selecting the delete option. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 431 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide You can drag the cursor from the square in the stage to another stage to create a link between the stages. As you have over valid drop zones they will be highlighted Dropping the link on the stage causes the stage to be created All the changes described above are written back to the workflow template as each change is made. There is no need to save the template. The restore point feature allows you to restore to specific stable versions if required. A timeout link can be specified on stages on the Time tab by referring to the label of the target stage. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 432 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide They are then shown as a red arrow on the diagram and labelled Timeout. They cannot be deleted by double clicking but only by blanking out the timeout stage on the Time tab. The meaning and use of the fields for each of the stage types is the same as previously used on the Stages tab. The stage link labels are new and are simply a description of the link to be shown on the diagram. Any stage that is left without a stage link or next link is automatically set as an End stage. End stages are shown with a red flash in the bottom right hand corner. The first stage added on the diagram is automatically set as the start stage and shown with a red flash in the top left hand corner. If you wish to change the start stage then you can either re-sequence the stage on the Stages tab so that it is the first stage sequentially or select the Start checkbox on the Advanced tab. This will automatically switch the stage to the first in sequence. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 433 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If you switch tabs you may need to refresh the tab data from the server to take in to account changes made on other tabs. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 434 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.9.4 WF Template - Check Tab This tab will provide a quick review of some specific problems which will help to debug the workflow. In the example shown below it is informing us that a stage has no links to other stages but has not been defined as an end stage. These types of errors causes the workflow to fail. Once the errors have been addressed, regenerate the information on this tab by clicking The Id has been added to the stages tab to allow easy identification as to where the errors have been identified. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 435 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.9.5 WF Template - Paths Tab This tab depicts a pictorial view of the workflow. For example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 436 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.9.6 WF Template - Active Tab Field Description Task The internal task number of the workflow instance. This field links to the Workflow Summary Workflow Workflow template code Description The workflow template description Created The date the instance was created By Who created the workflow instance Status The status of the workflow instance Last update The date/time of the workflow instance By The COINS userID of the user. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 437 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.9.7 WF Template - Complete Tab Workflow Complete Tasks shows you the inactive (completed) tasks for the workflow template Field Description Task The internal task number of the workflow instance. This field links to the Workflow Summary Workflow Workflow template code Description The workflow template description Created The date the instance was created By Who created the workflow instance Status The status of the workflow instance Finished The date/time the workflow instance completed 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 438 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.9.8 WF Template - Outstanding Tab The “Outstanding” shows all outstanding actions on all stages for a workflow. A link is shown to take you to the task summary (in a new window). If you select an entry and navigate to the bottom of the screen there is an action that allows you to force the stage to complete and move to another in the workflow. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 439 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This typically will be used to complete a workflow when events have moved on and the task is no longer required. In order for this to work effectively, it is good design practice to ensure you have an END stage with no processing associated with it that can be selected when forcing a stage. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 440 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.10 Workflow Deployment to Companies It is possible to copy a workflow template from one company to one or more companies in a single process. The user can select the workflow or workflows to deploy on the workflow template screen. You can then select the company group (which defines a group of companies) that the template should be copied to. The system will check that the workflows can be copied to all companies in the company group. The current company (from which the template is being copied) is excluded. The copy will be prevented (to all companies) if: l The workflow exists in any company and is status of live l The workflow exists in any company and there are tasks for it If all companies in the group pass this criteria then the template from the current company will be copied to all the companies overwriting (delete and create) any versions in the target company that are in status edit. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 441 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 442 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.11 Workflow Monitor A Monitor is the user who COINS should alert with a duplicate task if a stage extends beyond the expected duration. If a stage is overdue, COINS creates a duplicate action on the monitor's workbench with an escalation type activity. The escalation type activity is defined in the System Parameter WFESC NOTE - This MUST be a different action type to that being used within the Workflow stages to allow for appropriate escalation and completion of tasks. It is possible to assign a Monitor to a workflow as a whole or to individual stages. The monitor specified on the template will be used unless there is a specific monitor specified on the stage itself. To use the monitor a duration will need to be specified against the stage: Duration Whether this stage has a duration associated with it. If the stage has a duration, the entry on the Activity Workbench will turn red if the stage is overdue. The duration of the stage (in the units shown in the next field). The units for the duration of the stage. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 443 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide When the duration is calculated from: Absolute = From the start of the workflow. Relative = From the start of this stage. The monitor can then be selected from the list of Roles. There is a background process (syu9999.p – Background Monitor) which will need to be run against the COINS database so that as Stages become overdue the appropriate monitor can be applied. These processes will also be required by any Delay stages to ensure that once the delay has elapsed the workflow moves onto the next linked stage(s). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 444 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.11.1Workflow Monitor Workbench The Workflow Monitor Workbench allows System Administrators and other key users to review and monitor workflow progression There are three tabs l l l Monitor - A Summary of Live and Overdue Stages on those Workflows where the Monitor Status has been checked. Active- A List of all workflows that are currently active and awaiting an action to complete. Completed – A List of all completed workflows. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 445 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Monitor - Monitor Tab Field Description Workflow Workflow Id Description Name of the Workflow Status Indicator as to whether the Workflow is LIVE or in EDIT mode Live Stages The Number of Stages which are awaiting action on the Activity Workbench Overdue The Number of Stages which have exceeded their monitored time Stages limit Workflow Monitor diagram The workflow monitor has a button shown on each row to allow the status of the workflow to be shown diagrammatically. If you select the button then a new window/tab is launched with the diagram shown for the chosen workflow. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 446 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The zoom and refresh options (from the maintenance screen) are available and the diagram shows live and overdue tasks for each of the stages. They are colour coded so that live tasks are shown green and overdue tasks shown red. No tasks are shown as zero and not coloured. You can drill down to the live and overdue stages by following the link on the numbers shown in the stage. This is shown in a new window/tab. You can drill further down in the task using the existing task enquiry. The numbers on the workflow monitor diagram are automatically refreshed every 10 seconds. A change to a task on the activity workbench by users is automatically presented on the monitor diagram. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 447 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Monitor - Active Tab Field Task Description The internal task number of the workflow instance. This field links to the Workflow Summary Workflow Workflow template code Description The workflow template description Created The date the instance was created By Who created the workflow instance Status The status of the workflow instance Last update The date/time of the workflow instance By The COINS userID of the user. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 448 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Monitor - Completed Tab Completed Tab Field Task Description The internal task number of the workflow instance. This field links to the Workflow Summary Workflow Workflow template code Description The workflow template description Created The date the instance was created By Who created the workflow instance Status The status of the workflow instance Finished The date/time the workflow instance completed 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 449 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.12 Workflow Summary From the Active or Completed tab, clicking on the Task number will link to the Workflow summary screen. Four tabs are available: l Task l Stages l History l Variables 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 450 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.12.1WF Summary - Tasks Tab Field Task Description The internal task number of the workflow instance. Description The workflow template description and the user defined task ID as configured on the workflow template. Created The date and time the instance was created By Who created the workflow instance Status The status of the workflow instance Last The date/time that the workflow instance was last updated. Update By The CONS user ID of the user Completed The date/time the workflow instance was completed End Stage The label of the stage that completed the workflow 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 451 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.12.2WF Summary - Stages Tab Field Description Description The description of the stage Due The date/time the stage is due to be completed Timeout The date/time this stage will timeout User The user that this appointment or task is for. Date The date for the appointment or task. Time Time that the action was created/due. Complete Whether the action has been completed 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 452 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.12.3WF Summary - History Tab Field Description Description The description of the stage Started The date/time the stage started Due The date/time that the stage was due to be completed (if the stage had a duration associated with it). Finished Date/Time the stage finished User The user who completed the stage. Notes Any notes entered by the user on the task. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 453 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.12.4WF Summary - Variables Tab Task Variables shows the variables that have been defined as part of the workflow. Once defined, the variables persist during the life of the workflow and are available to each stage. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 454 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.13 Workflow User Variables Workflow User Variables allow you to use different values for different users in conditions and calculations. For example, a condition may rely on an authorisation limit which is different for different users. It is possible to define either general or user based variables for use within Workflow. To do this define the User ID (or leave blank for all Users), the variable code and the variable value. Once a role has been calculated on any stage the User Variable can be called using the following field on the sysuser record: sysuser. RO_sur_wfvar^{VariableCode} 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 455 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.14 Workflow Parameters (System Parameters) The following system parameters relate to using workflow. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 456 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.15 Database Triggers Database triggers can be used to start workflows on particular records as they are created or updated. To use a Database Trigger define the database table name against which the trigger should fire. When using database triggers it is necessary for an App Server to be available on the system. A database Trigger will take effect whenever there is a Write to the database (ie an update or a creation). The database Trigger is set up against the table name and then it uses a before and after calculation to make the Trigger activate. The Before and After values should be calculated using standard COINS calculation syntax and the After calculation should call the standard method to start the appropriate workflow: Table The table to be checked for record changes Before The value of a field on the record to be checked prior to the record being amended/added After The value of a field on a record to be checked after the record is amended/added 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 457 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide In the example above, the table pi_project is tested for a value in pij_num for a blank. The implication of this test is that pij_num is only blank when a record is created. No test is made after the record is changed as the WF is intended to run for each New record. In the second example above, pp_organisation is checked for a value in ppo_leave_ date and the value stored in variable $old. After the record is changed, the current value of ppo_leave_date is stored in $new and old and new variables compared. If they are the same, nothing happens, but if the leaveing date has changed, the workflow is triggered. Two examples of Database Triggers: This is a nice simple one to test the triggers are firing and the App Server is runnng if you take the test User record and set the name to 'TEST' it will error when you save it. Table Before sysuser After ifExec(equal (,'Test'),EQ,1 error (1,'Name cannot be Test'); This is a simple Project Trigger to send an alert via email when the field pij_our_value is updated. Table Before After pi_ debug b=pi_project.pij_our_value;c=if(a,ne,b); ifMethod project (1);a=pi_ (c,'sysualert.sendEmail','','','My project.pij_ Project Value has Changed','Project Number - ' + our_value; pi_project.pij_dispno + ' ' + pi_project.pij_name_; It also has debug switched on so you will see the calculation in the App Server Log File (in a similar way to the Report log file). The Log file can be found in $BASE/var/diag and is usually name something like: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 458 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide oaliveas.server.log This can be a huge log file so I suggest testing and debugging on a non-live environment where there are fewer users - preferably just yourself. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 459 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.16 14 Import/Export Workflow Template All elements of the Workflow configuration can be updated using either standard Bulk maintenance options or the import and export options. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 460 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.17 15 Launching Workflow There is a standard method available for launching workflows from within the OA framework using the standard calculation syntax, this is as follows : ifexec(var,EQ,1) method('wfuwfp01.startWorkFlow','WORKFLOWCODE'); There is a standard method available for a bulk change of status to a group of records from within the OA framework using the standard calculation syntax, this is as follows: Method(‘wfuwfp01.completeWorkflowForRowid’,’{xx_xxxRowid}’,’ WORKFLOWCODE’, ’Status From’,’Status To’,’Notes for history’) Method(‘wfuwfp01.completeWorkflowForRowid’,’{ap_invoiceRowid}’,’TIM’, ’*’,’A’,’Notes for history’) In the above example this method will update - All invoices within query for workflow named ‘TIM’ will convert ‘all status’ to ‘status A’ and adding a Note to the History. The activity WB task will be completed if it belongs to the person doing the completion otherwise it will be removed. This can be used in reports, on pages or from a database trigger, indeed anywhere where a calculation is performed. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 461 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.18 Using a Choose Action A workflow can be triggered from a browse screen using a linked menu and providing a choose action option. The function called from the linked menu should be configured as follows: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 462 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 8.19 17 Method to force the closure of Workflow: There is a method which can be used within the context of a report or within the Calculation editor if it is applicable for one record. The syntax for the method is as follows: method('wfuwfp01.completeWorkFlowForRowid','Rowid','WFName','FromStage','To Stage','Comment'); Example of use: method('wfuwfp01.completeWorkFlowForRowid','0x0000000000443c85','EX_ 1','*','END','Forcing the Workflow to close via method calc'); 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 463 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9 Introduction or Executive Summary This document describes the capability for the user to define services using existing components of COINS. The user is able to define the following general capabilities using OA designer: l Datasets – to extract data records for use on reports l Page Maintenance – which can include add, update and delete capabilities l Calculation Programs – that can run low level methods in COINS RSPs to extract and/or manipulate data It is now possible for the user to also define an interface that matches up to these generic features so that they can be run as a service to be exposed on an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) or as a Webservice. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 464 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.1 soapUI The examples given in this document use the Open Source tool soapUI to demonstrate the interaction of the Web Services. It is assumed that clients working with Web Services will have their own tools and applications, but if you wish to follow the examples directly, soapUI can be downloaded from.: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 465 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.2 Licencing If you encounter any messages regarding licencing whilst using Web Services, check the following: 9.2.1 Additional Licencing User Defined Services require an additional element of licencing. In Module/Licence Maintenance, the Role %SYESB must be present Within this, the functions %WXSYESB003/004/005 and 007 should be assigned: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 466 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Once you have checked that these are in place. Under the module/Licence Maintenance Extras Tab, there are four entries that define which user-defined services can be used: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 467 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide X-ESBDA X-ESBPA X-ESBPR X-ESBTABLES controls how many datasets can be created within user defined services. controls the number of pages that can be built controls how many user defined programs controls how many GET-SET services may be defined. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 468 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.2.2 Roles Web Services are licenced using Roles. These may be found within System Setup/Module Licence Maintenance. The Users column will indicate the number of users who may call the service – typically these will be named users. Each role needs to be set up to give access to specific service functions 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 469 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 470 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.2.3 User Maintenance To grant access to the required service, open the User record within System/User Maintenance and select the Groups Tab. Tick the appropriate Roles – subject to the licensing granted to your company and click Save. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 471 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.3 Viewing Installed Services To view the services installed on your system, take your standard environment access URL, such as: and replace wologin.p (and anything after it) with wouesp.p For example: The following page should be displayed. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 472 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The contents of this page will vary, depending on the services installed on your particular system. Please note that this page will be displayed regardless of the licencing installed on your system – this means that although you will be able to view the services, you may not be able to run certain ones if you have not been licenced to do so. Selecting a Module Service, for example JC – Contract Status, will display the services for that module: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 473 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If you then drill down into a particular service, For example JCESB008 – Company Changes, you will be taken into a page detailing the schema, field definitions and sample messages for the service. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 474 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If this page does not show the fields and sample messages, Web Services has not been configured and you will need to contact COINS Support to arrange for Tech Services to investigate 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 475 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.4 Testing a Service Connection (Using soapUI) From your browser session, using the JC – Contract Service as our example, select the Company Changes option. In the first schema Panel, locate the WSDL entry. Right-click on this and select Copy Shortcut. Launch the soapUI application. Select File/New SOAP Project. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 476 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Paste the shortcut contents into the Initial WSDL: field. Change the Project Name to something more meaningful. Click OK. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 477 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The application will examine the contents of the XML file from the shortcut and will build the necessary interactions. If successful, the navigator panel should display a result similar to that shown here. Double click on Request 1 to process the XML and build the appropriate message format. The message details (shown below left) are the same as those generated as Sample Output in the Services Browse (shown below right). The only difference is the version in the soapUI is more verbose with details such as optional fields indicated. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 478 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 479 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide To submit the request message, click the green arrow to the left of the toolbar 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 480 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The message will be sent to the server and the server will issue an appropriate response – shown in the right hand panel. Since we sent an empty message in the first instance, the request will fail as shown below: The exception has been generated because the COINS server expects to be told which server and which environment the message is intended for. A request sent to the wrong server will fail. This is a protection measure to ensure that you do not issue requests to a LIVE environment during testing, or to a TEST environment when you go LIVE. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 481 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide In our message, therefore, we need to fill in the destination details: Once you have made the changes, send the message again. This time the request should go further, but will fail again due to invalid username/password. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 482 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Once again, this is a security measure and needs to be specified within the request. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 483 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Whilst we are making some more changes, we can remove the lines for Group, extUser and extAuth as these are not generally used. Send the request again, and this time you should get a RESPONSE message instead of an EXCEPTION. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 484 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide This indicates that we now have a correct message format. However, whilst we got a response, the response came back with no data. This is because the service we are using as an example requests details of changes made to COINS company records since a certain date. So we need to add one more change to our request and specify, in the Body entry, which company and from which date. For example: Sending the request again now returns another RESPONSE request and some data. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 485 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide We have now proved that: l the Services are working l we can configure the messages appropriately l we can call them and get a response Having established these points, we can confidently move onto other aspects of using the services knowing that we have a properly configured and working system. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 486 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.5 ESB COINS User In the previous section, we had to specify a User and Password in the message in order to obtain a correct response. Depending on your requirements, you may wish to have a single user account dedicated to running services. To configure this, Navigate to System/System Setup/System Parameters. Parameter ESBUID allows you to specify a user id (licenced to use Web Services) that will be used to run a service if no other userid and password are specified. Whilst we have used it in our example, it is recommended that you do NOT use sysadmin as the userid but instead set up an account dedicated for running web services. In our previous example, if we now remove the section, containing our original username and password, from our message…. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 487 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide ….and resubmit the request, the RESPONSE message is returned with the account from the system parameter returned as the authenticated user. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 488 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.6 User Defined Services Where a COINS Webservice does not exist that meets your requirements, User Defined Services, as their name implies, allow Web Services to be configured to access data to your specification. User defined services come in several forms: l Data Sets – These allow you full control of the information being retrieved from COINS l Pages – Simple maintenance of data within COINS, such as hold codes on invoices. l l Programs – Calculation programs, such as those used in Workflow, which can be run from Web Services GET/SET – A service which allows you to GET information from any table and SET information in any table (subject to system security and Business Logic rules). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 489 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.6.1 Datasets Three components are required for Datasets. A function, a page and the dataset itself. It is important that all three components are defined with the same name. In this example, we will use the name NLWSEX1 and we will create a dataset that will retrieve specified Supplier Records from the Supplier Master File. Function Create the function called NLWSEX1 with Category of SER – Service and Program of syesb003. The Context of the function will determine the description that will appear later on the Web Service menu. Dataset The dataset defines the output message of the webservice. Create a dataset called NLWSEX1 with the Query: FOR EACH ap_vendor WHERE ap_vendor.kco = {kco} AND CAN-DO('{RS_avm_num__3}',ap_vendor.avm_num) This query will allow us to specify the COINS Company and a list of required Suppliers Accounts. These selections will be passed to the dataset by the page which we will create later. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 490 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Click Add the fields kco avm_num avm_name The dataset is constructed in the same way as any OA Designer dataset, so fields can be calculated fields as well as taken directly from the COINS database. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 491 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page The page design controls the fields that the web service will expect in order for it to perform its function. In this example we need the web service to be passed the COINS Company (kco) and the list of required Supplier Accounts (RS_avm_num__3). For Web Services, the Page design consists only of a Page called the same name as the function and the Dataset, and the required fields defined on an UPDATE form. Field names can be followed by (XX) where XX is either IN,DE,DA,CH,LO meaning Integer, Decimal, Date, Character or Logical data type respectively. If omitted then character data type is assumed. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 492 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The page defines the INPUT schema for the BODY section of the message. Adding the Function to the Web services Menu To run the Dataset Web Service, first check that the menu function UWXSYESB003 exists. If it does not exist, then you need to create it. Open the Function and select the Menu Items Tab. If the function already exists, there may already be entries on this tab relating to Standard Used Defined Services issued by COINS (prefixed with %) or other User Defined Services created by your company. Click and enter the name of your new User Defined Services Function (in our example NLWSEX1). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 493 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Click . The full details of the function are displayed. Navigate back to the COINS Services Menu and select the SY – System Hyperlink. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 494 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Locate the SYESB003 entries. You new Function will be in this group. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 495 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Select the Hyperlink to view the service schema. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 496 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The Input Schema defined by the page will look something like this: Sample
2014-03-28T09:05:40.967+00:00 1 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 497 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide
1 99
And the Output Schema, defined by the Dataset will look like this: Sample
99 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 498 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Testing the Service Create a new soapUI project and from the Service Schema, copy the WSDL shortcut link into the Initial WSDL field Click OK. Once the Project has been created. Run Request 1 in the editor (Double-click the Request 1 entry) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 499 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide As before, we can use the input message as it is. However, this time we are going to replace the input message with the one generated in the Service Schema as it is a simpler form. Clear all the text in the left hand panel. From the Service schema, scroll to the sample input message: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 500 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Copy the text from to and paste into the soapUI right hand panel. Enter the hostname, Environment and username/password detail. Delete the lines for Group, extUser and extAuth In the section, specify how many results are to be returned, the Company number to retrieve the records from and a comma separated list of Supplier Account numbers to retrieve (or * for all). For example: Send the message. Correct any exceptions if they occur. If all is correct, a RESPONSE message should be returned along with the requested records: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 501 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Each record contains the fields as defined by the dataset. To add additional fields, simply add them to the dataset definition and re-run the request. The Page definition only needs to be amended if additional selection criteria are needed in the Input message. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 502 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.6.2 Pages Within COINS, pages allow the maintenance of data through Add, Update and Delete functionality. This functionality can be replicated by Web Services. The user-defined page maintenance webservice capability is intended to be used for straightforward maintenance of setup tables etc. where there are relatively few fields or no fields with dependencies. For areas such as supplier maintenance etc. there are hard-coded services for this type of functionality. Before embarking on designing your own page maintenance webservice it is recommended you seek advice from COINS to check there is not already a service available that will fulfil your needs. For a page webservice, two design components are required, the function(s) and a page. It is important that the function(s) and page have the same name. In this example, we will use the name NLWSEX2 and we will design a page that will allow the maintenance of COINS UserID’s. Function Create the function called NLWSEX2 with Category of SER – Service and program of syesb004. The Context of the function will determine the description that will appear later on the Web Services menu. Since the table sysuser holds both groups and users, and we only want to access users for this example, we need to set a parameter on the function to ensure we maintain the correct records. Add the parameter su-type=no 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 503 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Page The page controls the record access, the Input and the Output messages. These are specified using the following forms: Body Update Detail Defines the fields that uniquely identify the record Defines the Input Schema Defines the output Schema Create new page called NLWSEX2. The body table should be set to the COINS database table that is to be maintained – in this example the table is sysuser. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 504 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Add the forms Body, Detail and Update 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 505 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Body Form The Body Form is used to define which fields will be used to uniquely identify the record when Adding, Updating or Deleting. For sysuser the key field is the userid (su-userid). Other tables may have more than one field as part of the key – all should be added to ensure the correct record is accessed. Add field su-userid to the Body Form. Make sure that the Add and Update fields are ticked to indicate that this is a key field. Update Form The update Form is used to define the Input Schema and should contain all the fields that will be maintained by the web service. If records will be added by the Web service it is important to include all required fields (i.e. all fields that would be mandatory if added through a standard COINS page) as the business logic will not allow records to be Added without these fields. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 506 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide For user records, the required fields are the User ID, the User Name and the Prime Company and a comma separated list of Companies the user can access. Our example web service will also maintain the Name User field. So our list of fields will be: su-userid su-name sur-primeco su-cos su-gui Add these fields to the Update Form. Detail Form The Detail Form defines the Output Schema and you may include any fields that you wish to see as confirmation of the record maintenance. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 507 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Adding the Function to the Web services Menu To run the Page Web Service, first check that the menu function UWXSYESB004 exists. If it does not exist, then you need to create it. Open the Function and select the Menu Items Tab. If the function already exists, there may already be entries on this tab relating to Standard Used Defined Services issued by COINS (prefixed with %) or other User Defined Services created by your company. Click Add and enter the name of your new User Defined Services Function (in our example NLWSEX1). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 508 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Navigate back to the COINS Services Menu and select the SY – System Hyperlink. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 509 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Locate the SYESB00 entries. You new Function will be in this group. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 510 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Select the Hyperlink to view the service schema. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 511 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The Input Schema – defined by the Update form of the page will look something like this: The Output Schema – defined by the Detail Form of the page will look something like this: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 512 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Testing the Service Create a new soapUI project and from the Service Schema copy the WSDL shortcut link and paste this into the Initial WSDL field Click OK Once the project has been created, run Request 1 in the editor. Replace the Input message with the simplified one from the Input Schema from the Web service. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 513 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Enter the hostname, Environment and username/password details. Delete the lines for Group, extUser and extAuth In the Section you will notice a new line This “Row” record must contain a valid rsp_action of one of the following: A U D Add Update Delete The id field can contain an id record that will be useful for identifying issues when updating more than one record. We will use this later in the exercise. Specify an rsp_action of A and then fill in the appropriate user details into the remaining Body Fields. For example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 514 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Send the message and correct any exceptions if they occur. If all is correct, a RESPONSE message should be returned. However, if we check the User records in User Maintenance, no new User has been created. If we look at the Input Message again, at the top of the message is another new line: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 515 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If this is set to “true”, the details will be sent and validated but no record maintenance will take place. This allows us to test the message without affecting any data. Only when this is set to “false” will record maintenance take effect. Set this to false and send the message again. This time, when we check user maintenance, we should see a new user record: Experiment now with the rsp_actions of A, U and D to see the changes in the record and messages that appear in the output message. Try adding a record with the same userid for example or add a new user but leave the user name blank. Using the ID field when adding multiple records We can maintain more than one record at a time by duplicating the block of lines within the Body section of the Input Message. For example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 516 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide In the above example, in the id field of each block I have entered a unique reference for each record. In the message I have specified an Add of two new records, but one of the userid’s already exists in the User records. When I then send the message one of the updates will fail. In the output message I will get an exception: The exception will always give the row number that failed, but with an ID specified, the ID will also appear in the exception making it easier for me to identify the record that needs to be amended. Only when all records in the input message are correct will any changes be applied to the database. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 517 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.6.3 Calculation Programs COINS provides the functionality for user-defined programs to be created and called by Web services offering greater flexibility for data manipulation and retrieval. Defining the Calculation Calculation Programs may be defined using the Calculation Program option under OA Reporting & BI Setups in the OA Reporting & BI Module. To create a new program, click 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 518 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Program This is the name by which the calculation will be referenced. It is recommended that this name is meaningful enough for its purpose to be easily inferred when debugging in the future. Description Give a brief description of the purpose of the calculation here. The next box is for the calculation. The calculation syntax used follows COINS OA standard syntax, with numerical variables for the various parameters. Each numerical variable is encased in curly braces e.g. {1} For example, if we wanted a calculation to multiply two different numbers, we would write this as: {1} * {2} Once a variable is defined, it can be re-used in a calculation and therefore need only be passed into the calculation once. e.g. {1} *{1} * {1} Three examples of a calculation program definition are shown below: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 519 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The calculation code can run other user defined calculation programs in the same way as any other calculation. If the program is run without passing the required {} parameters then they will be replaced in the calculation with blanks. Variables defined before the calculation is run can be accessed. Variables defined or updated in the calculation program will be available following the call to the calculation program. The Notes section allows a more detailed description of the calculation to be entered. Testing Calculation Programs (run, run$) Once a calculation has been saved then it can be run by using: run('calc',var1,var2) for numerical values or $run$('calc',var1,var2) for character values Calculations may be tested in the Calculation editor prior to use to check they work as expected. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 520 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Calculation programs can be defined to both use and create variables. For example: This will store the value of {1} + {2} in a variable called result. This can then be used directly in subsequent calculations. The name of the Calculation program to be called may also be passed as a variable. Examples of these are shown below: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 521 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide It is also possible to use calculation programs directly within other calculations: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 522 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Using Calculation Programs with Web Services For this example, we are going to setup a calculation program to modify the hold code on an invoice. The program in this example is called NLWSEX3 and has been defined as follows: The program will accept 5 input variables {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} The COINS Company The Supplier Number of the Invoice The Invoice Number The Hold flag (yes or no) The hold code The calculation will look up the appropriate invoice, set the hold flag and code, and return two variables which will be used in the output message as confirmation of the changes. Create the Function Create the function called NLWSEX3 with Category of SER – Service and program of syesb005. The Context of the function will determine the description that will appear later on the Web Services menu. Add the parameter program=NLWSEX3 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 523 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The program parameter allows you to specify the name of the calculation program to be used. Whilst it is not necessary to call the Calculation Programs the same name as the functions etc. it is probably less confusing if you do keep all the names consistent. The page and the function MUST have the same name. Create the Page The Page will have two Forms. The Update Form will define the Input Message 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 524 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The fields will relate to the input parameters in the calculation program and should be defined in the sequence they are used {1}=kco, {2}=avm_num etc… The Detail Form defines the Output message and will return the variables set by the Calculation Program. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 525 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Adding the Function to the Web services Menu To run the Page Web Service, first check that the menu function UWXSYESB005 exists. If it does not exist, then you need to create it. Open the Function and select the Menu Items Tab. If the function already exists, there may already be entries on this tab relating to Standard Used Defined Services issued by COINS (prefixed with %) or other User Defined Services created by your company. Click and enter the name of your new User Defined Services Function (in our example NLWSEX3). 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 526 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Navigate back to the COINS Services Menu and select the SY – System Hyperlink. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 527 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Locate the SYESB00 entries. You new Function will be in this group. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 528 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Select the Hyperlink to view the service schema. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 529 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide The Input Schema – defined by the Update form of the page will look something like this: The Output Schema – defined by the Detail Form of the page will look something like this: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 530 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Testing the Service Create a new soapUI project and from the Service Schema copy the WSDL shortcut link and paste this into the Initial WSDL field Click OK Once the project has been created, run Request 1 in the editor. Replace the Input message with the simplified one from the Input Schema from the Web service. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 531 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Enter the hostname, Environment and username/password details. Delete the lines for Group, extUser and extAuth Fill in the appropriate Company, Supplier, Invoice and Hold code details for a suitable test invoice. For example: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 532 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Send the message and correct any exceptions if they occur. If all is correct, a RESPONSE message should be returned. Once you are happy with the response, you can set the testMsg to “false” to apply the change to the database. Check the invoice in COINS to verify the changes are taking place as expected. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 533 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 9.6.4 Get/Set Unlike the previous services, Get/Set services do not require functions or pages to be set up as their operation is pre-defined. As suggested by the name, the purpose of a Get/Set service is to retrieve a specific record and set values within it. Get/Set cannot be used to add records, only retrieve/amend existing ones. From the COINS Services Menu, select the SY – System hyperlink. Locate the SYESB007 – Field Get/Set entry Select the hyperlink to view the service schema. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 534 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Create a new soapUI project and, from the service schema, copy the WSDL shortcut link into the initial WSDL field. Click OK Once the project has been created, run Request1 in the editor. Replace the Input message in the editor with the simplified version from the Input Message Schema 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 535 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Enter the hostname, Environment and username/password detail. Delete the lines for Group, extUser and extAuth In the Body section of the Input Message, the first entries are: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 536 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide These allow you to specify the table the record will come from and the fields that will be returned in the Output Message. The get statement is a comma separated list of fields. The next lines relate to the criteria which will identify the record to be retrieved. The entries require the name of the key field and the value to be used to identify the record. If there is more than one key field which identifies a record, you will need to copy the Criteria block for each required field. For example, for a table with two key fields: Finally, the Set block of lines allow you to specify the field to be changed and the value to which is should be set. As with the Criteria block, if more than one field is to be changed, there should be a block of set lines for each field. In the following example, a supplier record in the ap_vendor table will be retrieved and the remarks field in the supplier record will be updated. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 537 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Sending this message should produce the following return with the Output message showing the three fields we requested in the get entry of the Input Message. Remember that leaving the Test Message entry set to “true” will process the messages but will not apply the changes to the database. The test message must be set to “false” for database changes to occur. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 538 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If the database change is successful our example will have the following effect on the supplier record: 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 539 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10 Building COINS Desktops - Overview This guide is intended for anyone with OA Designer skills to create and maintain COINS Desktops. This guide is not intended for end-users for which Desktop Wizards are available to build desktops from pre-defined components. End User documentation is available from the OA Navigation section of the COINS Learning Resources on the COINS Client Area: ( The guide will work through the creation of an example Desktop. It covers the creation of the Desktop structure and explorers the configuration of the various Tile types that are available. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 540 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10.1 Desktop Structure To configure a user’s desktop, set up a new three-level menu function. l l l l The first level is the desktop itself. This is the function specified on the user record( The second level must contain one or more menus which correspond to the tabs on the desktop. Each of these “tab” menus must contain one or more menu functions with a new type: Section. These correspond to the collapsible sections on the desktop. If a tab has only one section, the section is displayed without a title. The menu items on the section menu correspond to the tiles. Desktop Menu Item Maintenance allows you to configure which function the tile runs, how the function opens, and what the tile looks like. If the user configures their own desktop, COINS automatically creates functions with the following naming convention: Tabs – the function code of the desktop menu + T + n (where n is the number of the tab). Sections – the function code of the tab + S + n (where n is the number of the section on the tab) . Desktop Menu for User JSMITH 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 541 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Function Explanation JSMITH Desktop Menu JSMITHT1 First Tab JSMITHT2 Second Tab JSMTIHT2S1 First Section on Second Tab JSMITHT2S1 Second Section on Second Tab %WPOxxxxxxx %WPLxxxxxxx %WSCxxxxxxx Functions on Section %WJCxxxxxxx 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 542 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10.1.1Creating the Functions (Manually) A desktop wizard is available to automate much of this work, however to ensure a good understanding of how the desktop works, we will build it manually so that we can explore each of the components. For our example, we are going to create a Desktop called SYALPHA with two Tabs and two sections on each tab Functions First we need to create the Top Level Desktop Function. Ensure that the module is SY-System and the Category is MEN-Menu. Click Save Tab Functions l l Next we can create the two Tabs. We will have two Tabs, one called System and the other called Modules Copy the Top Level Function and add T1 to the function name for the first tab, and add T2 to the name of the second function for the second tab. l Change the Type to Desktop Tab l Change the Description and Context fields to System and Modules respectively. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 543 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Now we need to add our tabs to the top level. l Click on the hyper link for function SYALPHA and click on the menu items tab. l Add the functions SYALPHAT1 and SYALPHAT2 to the list. We can now test the initial design 10.1.2Add the Desktop to a user profile The desktop needs to be configured for each user that will use it. Different users can use the same desktop, or each user can have their own desktop. Configuring the desktop involves setting up a menu and specifying the menu on the user record. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 544 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide In System > User Maintenance> Users select a user (or create a new account for test purposes) and select the User Preferences tab. Field Desktop Description Allows the system administrator to specify the menu function that displays the desktop for this user If the menu function does not already exist, COINS creates a new function; this in effect creates an empty Desktop, which either the system administrator or the user can configure. For our example, enter SYALPHA as the desktop name. If this is left blank, the user has no Desktop set up, and the Set Homepage button is available to allow the user to select a single function as their homepage. Desktop Image Allows the system administrator to specify the background image for this user’s desktop. This is a drop-down list of the available image files. Standard images are available, and administrators can upload additional ones (see later). Choose an existing image for your desktop. Login as your test user. The desktop should be displayed on login 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 545 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Field Description . If a Desktop has been set up for a user, but they have a user home page set, when they log in they will see the home page (but will still be able to access the Desktop). If you clear the home page from their user record, they will see the Desktop when they log in. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 546 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10.1.3Desktop Section Functions Currently we only have the desktop and two tabs. Now we can look at creating the sections. In Function Maintenance, create two new functions SYAPLHAT1S1 and SYAPLHAT1S2 For both, set the Type to Desktop Section For SYALPHAT1S1 the description and Context should be Utilities For SYALPHAT1S2 the description and Context should be Maintenance Add these two functions to the Menu Items Tab of SYALPHAT1 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 547 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Test the design for your test user. Repeat the steps above to create sections for the Second Tab (SYALPHAT2S1 and SYALPHAS2T2) For SYALPHAT2S1 the description and Context should be Purchase Ledger For SYALPHAT2S2 the description and Context should be Procurement Test your design 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 548 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 549 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10.1.4Uploading Desktop Images Two new functions allow the system administrator to upload images used on the desktop. l System > System Setup > Background Images allows you to load images that can be used as the desktop background. Individual users can then select one of these to use on their desktop. Background Images – Put File Tab The file name you give to the file is used in the Background Image selection list in User Maintenance. The images are saved in the $BASE/custimage/bg/ directory. Some standard images are provided in the $BASE/images/bg/ directory; you can copy these or upload them using Background Images. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 550 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide l System > System Setup > User Images allows you to load the images that are used as the account picture on each user’s desktop. The image files must be JPG format files, and should be approximately 60px square. (You can use larger images but the browser will resize them, which does not always produce good results.) You must name the files .jpg (for example, for a user whose user ID is JSMITH, the file would be jsmith.jpg. The images are saved in the $BASE/custimage/sysuser/ directory. If there is no file for a user, the account image will be the image from the user’s COINS HR record if one exists, otherwise it will be a silhouette image. Account Image Silhouette 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 551 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10.1.5Tile Rows and Columns On tile maintenance it is now possible to group tiles into rows or columns, by assigning codes to tiles. The Row code allows row breaks to be inserted. If a row code changes from one item to the next then a new row is started. (This can already be achieved by inserting a blank function to cause a new row to start but this is introduced to provide equivalent of the column code; see below.) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 552 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide – Tile Rows In the example above a new row will start for User Maintenance (A), Group Maintenance (Blank) and Maintain User Views (B). It is also possible to group tiles in to columns. Where a set of tiles shares a common Column code then they are set out in a single column. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 553 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide – Tile Columns In the example above, Current Users and Module Licence Enquiry share the same column code, “A”, so are grouped in a single column on the desktop. Columns are only grouped for non-blank column codes. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 554 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10.1.6Add the Desktop to a user profile The desktop needs to be configured for each user that will use it. Different users can use the same desktop, or each user can have their own desktop. Configuring the desktop involves setting up a menu and specifying the menu on the user record. In System > User Maintenance> Users select a user (or create a new account for test purposes) and select the User Preferences tab. Fi el Description d D Allows the system administrator to specify the menu function that displays the desktop es for this user If the menu function does not already exist, COINS creates a new function; kt this in effect creates an empty Desktop, which either the system administrator or the o p user can configure. For our example, enter SYALPHA as the desktop name. If this is left blank, the user has no Desktop set up, and the Set Homepage button is available to allow the user to select a single function as their homepage. D Allows the system administrator to specify the background image for this user’s desktop. es This is a drop-down list of the available image files. Standard images are available, and kt administrators can upload additional ones (see later). o p Choose an existing image for your desktop. I m Login as your test user. The desktop should be displayed on login ag e 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 555 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide Fi el Description d 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 556 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide If a Desktop has been set up for a user, but they have a user home page set, when they log in they will see the home page (but will still be able to access the Desktop). If you clear the home page from their user record, they will see the Desktop when they log in. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 557 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10.1.7Alternative Desktops You can setup more than one desktop (which you can think of as roles of the user or personas of the user) the user then can select from the available desktops switching their role/persona. The tabs, sections and items on the desktop refresh based on the latest selected role/persona. Maintenance A new option is introduced on the user maintenance page The alternative desktops is a list of desktops that will already exist that the user can switch to. The currently selected desktop is shown in the existing desktop field. This is the one that the user will see if they login (or refresh) the COINS page. The alternative desktops are shown at the top left of the desktop above the tabs. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 558 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide As soon as you select an alternative (examples are similar but different tabs, sections and tiles) your user record is changed so that this becomes you default desktop and the page is refreshed showing you the new desktop. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 559 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10.1.8Desktop Import/Export Desktops can be maintained in COINS and are retained as functions, menus and menu items. It is possible to copy the functions, menus and menu items using standard function export and import features. From 11.04 new functionality makes the export and import of desktops between users and/or between environments easier. Maintenance Two new buttons have been added to user maintenance. A desktop export and a desktop import button alongside the Desktop field on the summary page. These can be used to export the user’s desktop data (menus and menu items) to a file and then to upload this data either to another user or to another environment. Pressing the export button causes a download of the menu and menu item data for the current user. This finds the desktop menu (in this case TIMARM) and exports it together with all the submenus (sections and tabs) and the items on those menus. Only menus (and contents) of user specific menus are exported i.e. beginning TIMARM. This is to prevent any standard menus being copied (and overwritten). It is expected that standard menus (tabs/sections) 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 560 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide would be copied using existing standard techniques. The menus containing the reference to the standard menus is exported. The export file contains the original desktop code (TIMARM) and an export of the functions, menus and items that make it up. 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 561 of 600 COINS OA Enhancement: COINS BI Toolset User Guide 31-May-2017 Construction Industry Solutions Page 562 of 600 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Pressing the import button brings up an upload dialog. Selecting the export file previous downloaded will cause the desktop that was exported to be imported as the desktop for the selected user. All the menus and functions that are extensions of the desktop menu will be renamed for the new desktop menu. e.g. TIMARMT1 would be renamed TIMARM2T1 TIMARMT1S1 would be renamed TIMARM2T1S1 This applies to the menus and the items (sub menus) on them. Having imported the TIMARM desktop the TIMARM2 desktop looks the same Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 563 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview This is copy of the original and TIMARM2* functions, tabs and sections now exist. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 564 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview 10.1.9Smart Tiles Now that the basic structure of the desktop is in place we can start to add tiles to the sections. First of all we will add a smart tile to a standard coins function. Smart Tiles show summary information about a function (such as financial values or the number of items requiring attention). The values on these tiles are kept up to date and refreshed automatically. On the Desktop Section Function SYALPHAST1, open the Menu Items Tab and add the function %WSYBCRR (Report Status Workbench). This additional fields allow you to configure the tile on the section. For each tile, you can specify the following: Field Description Function The COINS function that the tile runs. You can leave this blank (that is, enter a line without a function) to force the following tiles to display on a new line. Title The description to display on the tile. If blank, the tile shows the standard context description. Override Whether to override the subtitle of the tile. If this is not ticked, the module the function belongs to is used as the subtitle. Subtitle The subtitle to display on the tile. If blank (and if Override is ticked), the subtitle is blank. Size The size of the tile (small, wide or normal). ‘Wide’ is intended for charts. ‘Small’ shows a compact tile; if the tile is configured to show data, labels are omitted. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 565 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Field Description Open In How to run the function: in the main area (replacing the Desktop), in a new window (or tab, depending on the behaviour of your browser), or in a frame on top of the Desktop. Foreground The colour of the text on the tile. You can use the colour picker to choose a colour, or you can enter a hexadecimal colour code directly. If this is blank, the text is black. Background The colour of the tile background. As with the foreground, you can use the colour picker or enter a hexadecimal code. If this is blank, the tile background is white. Icon The icon to display on the tile. If this is blank, the default icon, which is based on the category of the function, is shown on the tile. Options Values If the function has been written to allow data to be displayed on the tile, this allows you to select which data to show. For our first tile, enter the title of Report Status Workbench, Open In Frame and select the values for Waiting, Generating and Unread. Save the entry and test the Desktop. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 566 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Where values are displayed, such as our tile above, the polling of the Tile Values (refresh) is controlled by the same parameter that controls the User Info Messages on Report Status etc and this param is SY/USERINFO Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 567 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview 10.1.10 Info Tiles In the previous example, we used Tiles to link to functions that allowed us to work with data in COINS. Another type of Tile, called an Info Tile, can be used to simply display information. This is essentially a detail page presented as a tile. It is important to note that Info Tiles do not automatically refresh – the data displayed will remain static until a manual refresh of the desktop is done. For this reason, they may not be suitable on a dashboard screen where dynamic data is required. Create a new function called SYAPLHAINF1. For this to work correctly, it is IMPORTANT that the Category used is INF – Information Tile and the program is set as wou005. The description for now can be simply Information. Save this new function, and then add it to the Menu Tab SYALPHAT1S1, setting the size to Normal. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 568 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Refresh the Desktop to see the result – you should now have an empty Info Tile displayed on the Utilities section. Now we need to define the Detail Page that will populate the tile. By default, when a user logs into COINS, tables such as co_config, sysuser and menuparm are already available, so for our first Info Tile we will build a simple tile that displays the details of the logged in user. In Page Designer, create a new Page Section also called SYALPHAINF1. Set the Header Table as sysuser. Click Save and add a Detail Form to the Page. On the Fields Tab, set the Form filter to Detail and apply the filter. Now on the Details Form add the fields su-userid and su-name Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 569 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Again, refresh the Desktop to see the changes. All of the functionality of a standard Detail Page are available to be used on Info Tiles. To demonstrate this we will add a layout to the data. Create a new field on the Detail Form call LAY1, with the Label of User Details and set View AS to Layout. In the Class, enter LAYA. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 570 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Save the new field and then for su-userid and su-name, set the Layout field to LAY1. Refresh the Desktop to see the changes. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 571 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview 10.1.11 Using Calculation Programs to prepare data for the Desktop Our Info Tile was able to access information from co_config, sysuser and menuparm without any additional work on our part. It is possible to set up access to other tables before the desktop loads using Calculation Programs, this will then allow the tiles access to that information.. Calculation programs are essentially pre-written standard OA Calculation syntax that can be called on reports and browse screens. They can be as complex as required. For example, for House Sales there is a standard Calculation program called %FINDVSI This uses the following method to access vsi-rsp with a given kco, Development and Phase code to return the RowID of that Development. $method$('vsi-rsp.findKey',co_config.ro_varvalue^kco,co_config.ro_varvalue^pvJob,co_ config.ro_varvalue^pvPhase); Note that the values are stored as kco (company number retrieved from the URL), pvJob and pvPhase. The pv prefix indicates that these are permanent variables and once stored are retained in the URL until removed or their value changes. Setting the pv values allows a specific development to be selected and any relevant Info Tiles on the next Desktop build will then show information for that development. Currently (Jan 2016) there are only four pv values currently available – JC job (pvJob) and phase (pvPhase) and CI (pvView) and SRM (pvSibling). To see how this can work, first we need to add this program to our user record. In User Maintenance, find your userid and open the record. Select the Preferences Tab. In the Initalise field, enter %FINDVSI Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 572 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Save the record. For demonstration purposes we are going to borrow some functionality from the Standard House Sales Dashboard On the Utilities section of your Desktop add the two following Coins Standard Function as separate entries. %WHS5600SVSI %WHS5600BVSI Now refresh the Desktop. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 573 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview On first run, the current development Tile will be blank as it does not know what information we want. This is not good practice as in a more complex desktop, tiles that cannot retrieve their information may cause the desktop to fail, so your desktop would normally be configured to populate with something on first load Click the Select Development Tile, this runs a function that allows a development to be selected, runs the calculation program and rebuilds the desktop. Choose a development (this guide assumes you are using a COINS training environment configured for House Sales) The Info Tile should now change to reflect the chosen development. In the URL note that the pv Values are shown. Any Info Tile can use those values to reflect information relating to the selected Development. These pv Values will be retained in the URL until another development is selected. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 574 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview 10.1.12 Desktop Tile Values Certain Tile Values are hard-coded against a function – such as the ones we selected for our first Tile. Typically these will be for values that are standard for any COINS user, such as the number of report generating, the number of Uncommitted Orders, the number of users on the system etc. COINS functions that have been set up to display tile values have an information code specified in the function parameters (for example: &info=cosval .reports on the Report Status Workbench function). For specific user requirements, it is possible to define other values which can be used on tiles. You can either set up additional calculations that are available to any function that uses the same information code, or set up calculations that will be available on any tile by leaving the information code blank. Before writing a new Desktop Tile Value to address a specific client’s needs, consideration should be given as to whether Development should hard code the calculation against the function or if a bespoke Tile value is needed. There may be performance implications – see notes (in red) below Examples of Desktop Tile Values Desktop Tile Values allows you to set up calculations to show information on tiles on the COINS Desktop. Accessing a Table Field Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 575 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Accessing a Data Mart Value Using a Method to Write a Query to Retrieve Information Field Description Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 576 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Info Code The information code to identify which function(s) to make this value available on. COINS functions that have been set up to display tile values already have an information code specified in the function parameters (for example: &info= cosval .batches). If a user-defined value has an information code that matches the code on the function (for example, cosval.batches), the user-defined value will be available for users to show on the tile, in addition to the standard values. The information code can also be FUNCTION. where FUNCTION indicates that this value is for a single function only and is the function code. If the information code is blank, the user-defined value will be available for users to show on any tile. Info ID The information value ID. The combination of info code and info ID must be unique. Description A description of the user variable value. This is used as the label for this value on the tile. Configuration The configuration tables that should be positioned before the Tables calculation is evaluated. co_config, sysparam and menuparm are available by default, pointing at the correct records. Calculation The calculation to evaluate for the value shown on the tile. The calculation can be any standard OA Designer Calculation syntax as in the examples above. Note that the values for all tiles will be updated with a frequency that is determined by the SY/USERINFO parameter. Therefore, although the calculations can be quite complex (using Method Queries for example), if they take too long to run this could have an adverse effect on performance. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 577 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 578 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview 10.1.13 Tile Options Desktop Tile Options allows you to set up alternative behaviour for the links on COINS Desktop tiles (for example, to open a specific tab or a named filter). These are then available as options that the user can select when configuring the tile. In effect, this allows you to have the same function, multiple times, on a Desktop with each tile displaying different information. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 579 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Field Description Function The function to which the tile option should be made available. Option The ID of the tile option. Description A description of the tile option. This is used as the label for this option in the Options drop-down list on the tile maintenance screen. Parameters The parameters that should be passed to the link when the tile is selected. The parameters are a string of values that are set in the URL when the tile is selected. This may typically be : initTab to set a tab, initContainer to set a container tab or NamedFilter to set the named filter on that function to be used (if available). This is a comma separated list of the values to be used. queryFilter to determine the filter type to use (simple or advanced) queryColumnFilter to set the column that you are filtering on The parameters may be used either alone or in combination with ‘&’ as the separator (no spaces). E.g. &queryFilterType=simple&NamedFilter=UnCommittedOrdersOnly,MyOrders Security An optional security function associated with the option. Function Typically this would be used for tabs where the user will only be able to access a tab if the function is available to them and the tile value should therefore also only be available based on this function. If access is not available to the user then the option will be suppressed. If blank then the option will be available to all users. Build An optional build condition that determines whether the option is available. Condition Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 580 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview NamedFilter Example The NamedFilter parameter allows a Tile Option to access any existing Named Filters on a function and to pre-populate (and apply) them with values before building the browse. NamedFilter affects the URL, so must always be preceded by “&” when used so that it correctly becomes a parameter in the URL. Desktop Tile Options %WPO101ATPHL is the Function for the Material Orders Workbench. This function has a two sets of pre-defined Named Filters for the Types of Order (Committed, Uncommitted etc.) and The Buyers (All or My Orders) On my desktop I want to have three tiles, one for All Orders, one for My Committed Orders and one for my uncommitted orders. Running the function alone should give me All orders by default (subject to my filter recall settings). So I only need to set up two Tile Value Options against %WPO101ATPHL. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 581 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview For the first, the parameter will be: &NamedFilter=CommittedOrdersOnly,MyOrders This sets the First Named Filter to Committed Orders Only and the second filter to My Orders. The second function entry has a similar parameter, but sets the first filter to UnCommitted Orders. Desktop On our Example Desktop %WPO101ATPHL has three separate Tiles defined. l l l For the first entry, the Title is set to All Orders and the Option is left as default. For the second Entry the Title is set to My Committed Orders and the Option is set to My Committed Orders. For the third Entry the Title is My Uncommitted Orders, the Option is set to My Uncommitted orders Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 582 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview The refreshed Desktop now looks like this: Clicking the first tile we get all orders and all buyers The second tile will automatically give us Committed orders, my orders Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 583 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview The final tile will automatically display Uncommitted Orders, My Orders Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 584 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview InitContainer Example On Container Functions with multiple tabs (For example the Report Status Workbench) the parameter InitContainer allows the tile to preselect the tab to display when the tile is clicked. Desktop Tile Options The Activity Workbench (%WHS1150SHSAI) is a Container Function It has the following tabs: To create a Tile that will take us directly to the My New Actions Tab we can set up a Desktop Tile Value as below: Desktop If we add the Activity Workbench function to our desktop, the Option field will now display the options of Default (use the standard recall setting on my user preferences) or My New Actions. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 585 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Select My New Actions, save and then refresh the desktop. Now when the Activity Workbench Tile is clicked, it will always open on the My New Actions Tab Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 586 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview 10.1.14 Tables on Tiles Tables are scrollable tables of information that can be used anywhere, but here we concentrate on adding them to a Tile. In order to put a table on a tile, you need to build a browse with fields on it. This can be directly against a database table, if you already have data or you can build a dataset to create the data required before the chart is produced. Tables offer the benefit of a pre-built search field, allowing any information in the tile to be located, and (since the data is sent client side) the ability to include RO_Fields on the table which will be sortable – something that previously required a dataset. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 587 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Tables : Example 1 – Direct Query against the database In this example, we will use the table ap_vendbal to display a table of supplier period balances Create the Function The function is a standard function with the exception that the Category must be TBL – Table. Be careful not to select Category TAB – DB Table by mistake Create the Page The Page should use the table ap_vendbal as its body table and with an appropriate body query to retrieve the records to be displayed. For Table Tiles DO NOT specify a number of rows. When creating a table tile, give consideration to the number of rows that will be returned. Since the data is all sent client side there will be a performance issue if a tile returns too much information across multiple desktops. A maximum of 1000 records should be considered best practice. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 588 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview On our body fields, we need to specify just the fields we are displaying. For each value, you must specify an ID (this can be any unique reference for each value) Desktop Adding the Function to a desktop will produce the following output (Tile has been set to Full as its size): Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 589 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Example 2 – Using a Data Set In this (and the next example – charts – we will use a dataset to build our data) Create the Function The function is a standard function with the exception that the Category must be TBL – Table. Be careful not to select Category TAB – DB Table by mistake In the parameters field the parameter DSgen= specifies the name of the dataset to be built before the chart is generated. Create the Dataset Our example dataset will go through all the open invoices for the currently selected company and will then create a summary of the data to be displayed. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 590 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview In this example, the query will return a large number of invoices, which we could display, but in this instance the Post Calculation is specified to use the Method syuds.sum to aggregate all the returned records by Transaction type so that we have one total value for Gross for each transaction type. Syuds.sum requires the current temp table (OpenInvoice), a WHERE condition (if required), the new temp table to be created (Stats), the field(s) to aggregate the data by (coj_type). The remaining to parameter are left blank in this example. Syuds. Calculation methods are covered in detail in the Guide LMDSY0036 – How to Create and Use Datasets available from the Learning Resources section of the COINS Client Area on our website ( under Business Intelligence and Analytics/OA Designer. The data set has the following fields defined against it. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 591 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Desktop Adding the Function to a desktop will produce the following output: Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 592 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview 10.1.15 Charts on Tiles In order to put a chart on a tile, you need to have a set of records with an X coordinate value and a Y coordinate value that you intend to plot. To achieve this, you need to build a browse with fields on it. This can be directly against a database table, if you already have data to plot or you can build a dataset to create the data required before the chart is produced. Dataset driven Charts In this example, we will create a dataset to generate Supplier Statistics add the chart to a new tile. Create the Function The function is a standard function with the exception that the Category must be Chart. In the parameters field the parameter DSgen= specifies the name of the dataset to be built before the chart is generated. Create the Dataset Our example dataset will go through all the open invoices for the currently selected company and will then create a summary of the data to be displayed. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 593 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview In this example, the query will return a large number of invoices, which we could plot, but the graph would be very confusing. So in this instance the Post Calculation is specified to use the Method syuds.sum to aggregate all the returned records by Transaction type so that we have one total value for Gross for each transaction type. Syuds.sum requires the current temp table (OpenInvoice), a WHERE condition (if required), the new temp table to be created (Stats), the field(s) to aggregate the data by (coj_type). The remaining to parameter are left blank in this example. Syuds. Calculation methods are covered in detail in the Guide LMDSY0036 – How to Create and Use Datasets available from the Learning Resources section of the COINS Client Area on our website ( under Business Intelligence and Analytics/OA Designer. The data set has the following fields defined against it. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 594 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Create the Page The Page should use the temp table ttStats as its query. On our body fields, we need to specify just the fields we are displaying. For each value, you must specify an ID (this can be any unique reference for each value) Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 595 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview Create the Page The Page should use the temp table ttStats as its query. The Gauge formatting is used in a chart page to set (via JavaScript) various graph axis and legend formatting. Full details of the available parameters may be found at: The commands used in this example are: legend: {position:value} Currently values bottom, right and inset are supported. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 596 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview axis: {x: {type:value}} Currently values timeseries, category and indexed are supported. axis: {y: {label:text,position}} Text values will display the text as the axis label. Null will supress any title on the specified axis Position values (not used in our example) are: If it's the horizontal axis: inner-right [default], inner-center,inner-left, outer-right, outer-center, outer-left If it’s the vertical axis: inner-top [default], inner-middle, inner-bottom, outer-top, outer-middle,outer-bottom axis: {y: {tick:{count:value}} A value entered here will set the number oy y axis ticks to show axis: {y: {tick:{format:d3.format.(specifier)}} Returns a new format function with the given string specifier. (Equivalent to locale.numberFormat for the default U.S. English locale.) A format function takes a number as the only argument, and returns a string representing the formatted number. The general form of a specifier is: [[fill]align][sign][symbol][0][width][,][.precision][type] The fill can be any character other than "{" or "}". The presence of a fill character is signaled by the character following it, which must be one of the align options. The align can be: ("<") Forces the field to be left-aligned within the available space. (">") Forces the field to be right-aligned within the available space. (This is the default). ("^") Forces the field to be centered within the available space. The sign can be: plus ("+") - a sign should be used for both positive and negative numbers. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 597 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview minus ("-") - a sign should be used only for negative numbers. (This is the default.) space (" ") - a leading space should be used on positive numbers, and a minus sign on negative numbers. The symbol can be: currency ("$") - a currency symbol should be prefixed (or suffixed) per the locale. base ("#") - for binary, octal, or hexadecimal output, prefix by "0b", "0o", or "0x", respectively. The "0" option enables zero-padding. The width defines the minimum field width. If not specified, then the width will be determined by the content. The comma (",") option enables the use of a comma for a thousands separator. The precision indicates how many digits should be displayed after the decimal point for a value formatted with types "f" and "%", or before and after the decimal point for a value formatted with types "g", "r" and "p". The available type values are: exponent ("e") - use Number.toExponential. general ("g") - use Number.toPrecision. fixed ("f") - use Number.toFixed. integer ("d") - use Number.toString, but ignore any non-integer values. rounded ("r") - round to precision significant digits, padding with zeroes where necessary in similar fashion to fixed ("f"). If no precision is specified, falls back to general notation. percentage ("%") - like fixed, but multiply by 100 and suffix with "%". rounded percentage ("p") - like rounded, but multiply by 100 and suffix with "%". binary ("b") - outputs the number in base 2. octal ("o") - outputs the number in base 8. Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 598 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview hexadecimal ("x") - outputs the number in base 16, using lower-case letters for the digits above 9. hexadecimal ("X") - outputs the number in base 16, using upper-case letters for the digits above 9. character ("c") - converts the integer to the corresponding unicode character before printing. SI-prefix ("s") - like rounded, but with a unit suffixed such as "9.5M" for mega, or "1.00µ" for micro. The type "n" is also supported as shorthand for ",g". On our body fields, we need to specify just the fields we are plotting, and indicate which is the X value and which is the Y value. For each value, also specify an ID (this can be any unique reference for each value) Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 599 COINS BI Toolset User Guide 10Building COINS Desktops - Overview In the Gauge Formatting field on the Y axis value, the value type:"bar",color:"#339933" sets the graph type as a Bar Chart and assigns a colour hex code to the chart. It may be good practice to assign a colour as there is a possibility of a white tile displaying a white graph – which would appear to the user as an empty chart. Desktop Adding the Function to a desktop will produce the following output: Construction Industry Solutions, 31 May 2017 Page 600
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