Home Health, Services, Nursing Agency Renewal/change Of Ownership Licensure Application 445104 COOS HHA Services & Placement Renewal
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State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application The completed application and appropriate attachments, accompanied by the required license fee made payable to the Illinois Department of Public Health (check or money order), should be sent to: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH HEALTH CARE FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS SECTION 525 W. JEFFERSON ST., FOURTH FLOOR SPRINGFIELD, IL 62761-0001 Please enclose the completed application and appropriate attachments, accompanied by the required licensing fee: $ 25 license fee for single home health license $1,500 license fee for home nursing agency $1,500 license fee for home services agency $ 500 license fee for home nursing placement agency $ 500 license fee for home services placement agency DUE DATE IS 60 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THE CURRENT LICENSE NOTE: Please retain a copy of the application for future reference. IF YOU DO NOT TYPE THE APPLICATION USING ADOBE AND CHOOSE TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION IN WRITING, BE SURE TO MAKE NOTE OF DROP-DOWN BOXES TO PROPERLY COMPLETE THE APPLICATION. Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 1 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE APPLICATION AND MUST BE FILLED OUT WHERE NECESSARY. PLEASE CHECK ALL APPLICABLE AGENCY TYPES FOR WHICH YOU ARE SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Pursuant to the Home Health Agency Licensing Act (210 ILCS 55/1 et seq.) and the rules and regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health, titled "Home Health, Home Services and Home Nursing Agency Code" (77 Ill. Adm. Code 245), this state agency is requesting disclosure of information that is necessary to accomplish the statutory purpose as outlined under the act and the attendant rules. Disclosure of this information is mandatory. This form has been approved by the Forms Management Center. CHECK THE TYPE OF AGENCY THIS APPLICATION IS BEING COMPLETED FOR. COMPLETE ONLY THE PAGES LISTED NEXT TO THE AGENCY TYPE. FAILURE TO COMPLETE ONLY THE REQUIRED PAGES COULD RESULT IN A DELAY IN PROCESSING THE APPLICATION AND ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. Home Health Agency (complete pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) Home Services Agency (complete pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 26, 27, 28) Home Nursing Agency (complete pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 26, 27, 28) Home Nursing Placement Agency (complete pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 26, 27, 28) Home Services Placement Agency (complete pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,11, 14, 15, 26, 27, 28) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY License Number License Number License Number Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 2 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application Renewal License Expiration Date License Number Change of Ownership Medicare Number License Number License Number IMPORTANT NOTICE - Pursuant to the Home Health Agency Licensing Act (210 ILCS 55/1 et seq.) and the rules and regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health, titled "Home Health, Home Service and Home Nursing Agency Code" (77 Ill. Adm. Code 245), this state agency is requesting disclosure of information that is necessary to accomplish the statutory purpose as outlined under the act and the attendant rules. Disclosure of this information is mandatory. This form has been approved by the Forms Management Center. GENERAL INFORMATION Agency Name and Address Agency Name Agency Phone Agency Fax Address Business Hours City Days of the Week State ZIP Code a.m. to p.m. E-mail Address Facility Address (If agency's physical location is different from the mailing address above.) Address City State ZIP Code Illinois County of Agency Fiscal Period (i.e. Month/Day) to Month/Day AFFIDAVIT OF AGREEMENT The data contained in this application has been reviewed by me and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I will comply with all rules and regulations governing the licensing of this agency. Signature Agency Administrator/Agency Manager (ORIGINAL ONLY) Date Signed Name of Agency Administrator/Agency Manager Administrator's Title Contact Person Name of Contact Person Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Phone Number Page 3 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application BRANCH OFFICE INFORMATION No Yes Does your agency maintain branch offices? If yes, list the location of each branch office. Address/City County ZIP Code *Is this a change in information from the previous year's application? Phone Number Yes No Yes No Date Branch Location Approved* OWNERSHIP Did the type of organization change from previous year's application? Select one TYPE OF ORGANIZATION from the drop down list that corresponds to the type of agency you have. (CHOOSE ONE TYPE) GOVERNMENTAL NON-PROFIT PROPRIETARY *RA - Registered agency required, see below. **Note: If organization is a sole proprietorship, the declaration on Page 13 must be completed. AGENCY INFORMATION Name of Legal Owner Street Address City State ZIP Code Phone Number Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 4 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application The Illinois registered agent's address must be in Illinois. If you are unable to identify the registered agent by name, or have misplaced a copy of the agency's ownership papers as registered, contact the Secretary of State's Office to identify the agency's registered agent of record. www.ilsos.gov/corporatellc/ ILLINOIS REGISTERED AGENT Name of Illinois Registered Agent Street Address City State ZIP Code Phone Number STOCKHOLDER INFORMATION If the organization is a corporation, list the number of shares held and the percentage of total shares held by shareholders with more than 5 percent of common stock. For any change in stock holder from the previous renewal submit a copy of the document to support this change. Name of Shareholder Shares Held Percentages of Shares If a corporation or LLC, name of corporation or company State of incorporation of company Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 5 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application GOVERNING BODY Identify the officers of the governing body of your agency. The governing body has legal authority and responsibility for the conduct of the agency (Section 245.30 of the Illinois Administrative Code 245). Office Name of Individual President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Does the administrator/agency manager have responsibility for more than one Illinois agency? Yes No Yes No If "Yes," list additional license numbers and agency names. License Number Agency Name License Number Agency Name Does the Home Health agency supervisor have responsibility for more than one Illinois agency? License Number Agency Name License Number Agency Name Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 6 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application HOME HEALTH AGENCY ONLY AGENCY CONTRACTS (add additional copies of this form if necessary) Please note that SKILLED NURSING may not be contracted unless it is to cover vacations of regular staff or for specialized skills not routinely offered. SKILLED NURSING must be directly provided by the agency plus ONE OTHER RECOGNIZED SERVICE in order to qualify as a home health agency pursuant to ILLINOIS law. If you use contracted SKILLED NURSING, please provide rationale. Legal Name and Address of Organization Type of Service H-Skilled Nursing I-Physical Therapy J-Speech Therapy K-Occupational Therapy L-Med. Social Worker M-Home Health Aide Type of Service H-Skilled Nursing I-Physical Therapy J-Speech Therapy K-Occupational Therapy L-Med. Social Worker M-Home Health Aide Type of Service H-Skilled Nursing I-Physical Therapy J-Speech Therapy K-Occupational Therapy L-Med. Social Worker M-Home Health Aide Type of Service H-Skilled Nursing I-Physical Therapy J-Speech Therapy K-Occupational Therapy L-Med. Social Worker M-Home Health Aide Type of Service Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) H-Skilled Nursing I-Physical Therapy J-Speech Therapy K-Occupational Therapy L-Med. Social Worker M-Home Health Aide Page 7 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREA Identify the counties or portions of counties where the home health, home service, home nursing agency, home services placement agency, home nurse placement agency intends to serve patients and distinguish if the counties are different for each license. If the agency is approved to serve only a portion of a county, please place an asterisk (*) in front of the county. Include all approved counties even if no patients were served in a particular county in the last fiscal year if you wish to retain the county in your service area. Please do not include radius miles as a description of the service area. All service areas must be contiguous. County County TOTAL NUMBER OF DUPLICATED PATIENTS SERVED OUTSIDE OF ILLINOIS: See page 11 for definition of duplicated patients. Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 8 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application Please check the types of revenue sources of income of this agency. Sources of Revenue Local Funds Local Health Department Government Funds Medicare Parts A & B (Home Health only) Medicaid Other Government Funds Other Funds Self-pay HMO/PPO Commercial Insurance Other Revenue Home Services/Home Nursing/Home Services Placement/Home Nursing Placement Provide a copy of the current contract per 245.220 for Home Services/Home Nursing Provide a copy of the current contract per 245.225 for Home Services Placement/Home Nursing Placement Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 9 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application HOME HEALTH AGENCY ONLY Services Provided Patients by Service Record the total number of patients, including duplicated* patients, receiving care in Illinois, in each category of service during the last fiscal period. A duplicated patient could simultaneously be receiving multiple services. COLUMN ONE - Record the total number of patients who received each service in Illinois. COLUMN TWO - Record the total number of visits for each service provided in Illinois. *A duplicated patient is an individual receiving service from a home health agency who is subsequently discharged and later readmitted during the same reporting fiscal period. Such a patient is to be considered a new admit. A patient should be counted each time he/she is readmitted during the same reporting period. Type of Service Total Number of Patients and Duplicated Patients by Service Total Number of Visits Skilled Nursing Physical Therapy Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy Medical Social Work Home Health Aide Other TOTAL Only patients receiving home health services Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 10 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application THIS PAGE IS TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL AGENCIES Record the total number of clients, including duplicated clients, for the admissions and discharges during the fiscal (reporting) period. Do not include client services exclusively under the Community Care Program (CCP), Department of Human Services or Veteran Affairs. If there are no clients in any section, please indicate with a zero. Home Health Home Services Home Nursing Agency # of admissions of most recent fiscal period # of discharges of most recent fiscal period # of admissions for patients 65 or older at time of admission of most recent fiscal period patient/client census on last day of most recent fiscal period *A duplicated patient or client is an individual receiving services from an agency who is subsequently discharged and later readmitted during the same reporting fiscal period. Such an individual is to be considered a new admission. An individual should be counted each time he/she is readmitted during the same reporting period. Home Services Placement Agency Home Nursing Placement Agency # of clients placed in past fiscal period *A duplicated placement is an individual receiving placement services during the reporting fiscal year. Such an individual is to be counted as many times as he/she receives a placement service during the same reporting period. SOLE PROPRIETOR DECLARATION Pursuant to Section 16 of the Illinois Administrative Procedures Act, the licensee is required to complete the Sole Proprietor Declaration page if the organization is set up as a sole proprietorship. Check NA if not applicable. PLEASE CHECK ONLY ONE BOX I certify under penalty of perjury that I am not more than 30 days delinquent in complying with a child support order. Failure to do so may result in a denial of the renewal license. Making a false statement may subject the licensee to contempt of court. I am more than 30 days delinquent in complying with a child support order. I certify under penalty of perjury that I am not subject to any child support order. N/A Licensee Signature Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Date Page 11 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application HOME HEALTH AGENCY ONLY LICENSED OR REGISTERED EMPLOYEES. List ALL licensed, certified and contractual employees. List at least ONE contracted employee for each applicable specialty (PT, OT, SP, or MSW). FOR HOME HEALTH AIDE, PROVIDE INITIALS OF EMPLOYEE , DO NOT INCLUDE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. If home health aide services are provided by Registered Nurses or Licensed Practical Nurses, please indicate by placing a pound sign (#) in front of the initials of the person providing the services. F/T=Full Time, P/T=Part Time and Contract=Contractual Employees. Job Title/Name License Number Expiration Date F/T P/T Administrator Name Agency Supervisor Name License Number Job/Title Expiration Date Contract Please copy and attach additional pages as needed. Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 12 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application HOME SERVICES/HOME NURSING ONLY LICENSED OR REGISTERED EMPLOYEES. List ALL licensed, certified and contractual employees. F/T=Full Time, P/T=Part Time and Contract=Contractual Employees. FOR CERTIFIED NURSE AID OR HOMEMAKER, PROVIDE INITIALS OF EMPLOYEE, DO NOT INCLUDE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Job Title License Number Expiration Date F/T P/T Agency Manager Name Nursing Supervisor (For Home Nursing Only) Contract Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 13 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application HOME NURSING/HOME SERVICES PLACEMENT ONLY List ALL licensed, certified registry persons. FOR HOMEMAKER OR CERTIFIED NURSE AIDE, PROVIDE INITIALS OF REGISTRY PERSON. Job Title License Number Expiration Date Agency Manager Name Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 14 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application HOME HEALTH/HOME SERVICES/HOME NURSING AGENCY ONLY Please remember to include a copy of the employee's current Illinois license. If you have submitted a change during the reporting year and received an approval letter from the Illinois Department of Public Health, it is not considered a change with this application. AFFIDAVIT Please include a copy of each of the following employee's current Illinois license, if applicable. This is to attest that the following named staff members serve in the position indicated. Please be sure to check the change/no change box for each position. It is NOT necessary to complete a qualification review form if there has been no change. Home Health Administrator Change No Change Change No Change Change No Change Change No Change Change No Change Name of Administrator Home Health Agency Supervisor Name of Agency Supervisor Social Worker Name of Social Worker Social Worker's Assistant Name of Social Worker's Assistant Home Services/Home Nursing Agency Manager Name of Agency Manager Authorized Agent Signature Attached are the completed qualification review forms and current Illinois license(s) for the above change(s). Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 15 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application HOME HEALTH AGENCY ONLY Attachment A - Administrator Qualification Review Form Home Health Agency Name Address City State ZIP Code Administrator Information Last Name First Name Middle Initial Address City State Daytime Phone Number ZIP Code Extension Check one of the following categories. Section 245.20 "Home Health Agency Administrator" requires that the administrator must be one of the following: Physician Registered Nurse Individual who meets the requirements for a public health administrator as defined in 77 IL Adm. Code 660.310 Individual with at least one year supervisory or administrative experience in home health care or in a related health program Indicate the highest educational level obtained: High School ADN Diploma R.N. B.S.N. B.A. B.S. Master's Doctorate Please list the college(s) attended, the address, date of graduation, specialty and degree obtained. M.D. Name of College Address of College City Date of Graduation State ZIP Code State ZIP Code Specialty/Degree Name of College Address of College City Date of Graduation Specialty/Degree Please list the high school attended, the address, and date of graduation. Name of High School Date of Graduation Address of High School City Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) State ZIP Code Page 16 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application List applicable professional licenses, registrations and/or certifications currently held with the license number, date of expiration and state that issued the license, registration or certification. ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR CURRENT ILLINOIS LICENSE IF APPLICABLE. YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER MUST BE THE AGENCY IDENTIFIED IN THIS APPLICATION. Please also include a letter of intentions with this application (the applicant must write a letter stating that if he/she will be working part time elsewhere, as well as for this agency, both agencies are aware of the situation, and it presents no conflict of interest). Describe your relevant work experience for the last five years. (1) List your most recent position with THIS AGENCY FIRST and work backward. (2) Give the starting and ending dates (month and year) for each employment and the weekly hours worked. (3) Describe the administrative and financial functions performed for each position, with each agency, that qualify you to function as the administrator of a home health agency. (4) Include the names, addresses and telephone numbers of organizations. You may use an additional sheet of paper to complete this section. this portion of the form. Resumes are not accepted in lieu of completion of Current Employer Name Address of Current Employer City State Starting (month and year) Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Previous Employer Name Address of Previous Employer City State Starting (month and year) Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Attachment A - Administrator Qualification Review Form Page 2 Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 17 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application Previous Employer Name Address of Previous Employer City State Starting (month and year) ZIP Code Ending (month and year) Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense? Yes No Are there any pending or administratively resolved issues concerning your professional license in Illinois or in another state? Yes No If you answered “yes” to either or both of the above statements, please describe the criminal offense and/or the pending or administratively resolved licensure issues in detail, including the state of administrative action [Section 245.130 b) 2]. You may attach an additional sheet of paper if necessary for the explanation. I signify that the information contained in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I realize that misrepresentation of this information at any time may be cause for denial of this application, or future revocation of a license. Signature of Applicant (Original Only) Date Signed Attachment A -Administrator Qualification Review Form Page 3 Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 18 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application HOME HEALTH AGENCY ONLY Attachment B - Agency Supervisor Qualification Review Form Section 245.30 of the 77 Illinois Administrative Code requires this position to be filled by an individual who is a registered nurse who has completed a baccalaureate degree program and has at least one year of nursing experience as a Bachelors of Science of Nursing; or a registered nurse without a baccalaureate degree, who has at least three years of nursing experience as an Registered Nurse within the last five years (two of those years in a home health agency, a community health program caring for the sick, or a family centered nursing program in a community health agency). Section 245.20 defines a registered nurse as a person currently licensed as an Registered Nurse under the Illinois Nursing Act. Home Health Agency Name Address City State ZIP Code Agency Supervisor Information Last Name First Name Middle Initial Address City State ZIP Code Daytime Phone Number (include area code and extension) Section 245.30 requires that the agency supervisor must be a registered nurse. Indicate the highest educational level obtained ADN Diploma R.N. B.S.N. B.A. B.S. Master's Please list the college(s) attended, the address, date of graduation, specialty and degree obtained. Doctorate Name of College Address of College City Date of Graduation State ZIP Code State ZIP Code Specialty/Degree Name of College Address of College City Date of Graduation Specialty/Degree Please list the high school attended, the address, and date of graduation. Name of High School Date of Graduation Address of High School City Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) State ZIP Code Page 19 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application List applicable professional licenses, registrations and/or certifications currently held with the license number, date of expiration and state that issued the license, registration or certification. ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR CURRENT ILLINOIS LICENSE IF APPLICABLE. YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER MUST BE THE AGENCY IDENTIFIED IN THIS APPLICATION. Please include a letter of intentions with this application (the agency supervisor position is required to be full time. Provide documentation that the applicant is resigning present employment, or if working part time elsewhere, provide documentation that the applicant's other employment is outside the agency's hours of operation). Describe your relevant work experience for the last five years. (1) List your most recent position with THIS AGENCY FIRST and work backward. (2) Give the starting and ending dates (month and year) for each employment and the weekly hours worked. (3) Describe the administrative functions performed for each position, with each agency, that qualify you to function as the agency supervisor of a home health agency. (4) Include the names, addresses and telephone numbers of organizations You may use an additional sheet of paper to complete this section. Resumes are not accepted in lieu of completion of this portion of the form. Current Employer Name Address of Current Employer City State Starting (month and year) Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Previous Employer Name Address of Previous Employer City State Starting (month and year) Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Atttachment B-Agency Supervisor Qualification Review Form Page 2 Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 20 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application Previous Employer Name Address of Previous Employer City Starting (month and year) State ZIP Code Ending (month and year) Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense? Yes No Are there any pending or administratively resolved issues concerning your professional license in Illinois or in another state? Yes No If you answered “yes” to either or both of the above statements, please describe the criminal offense and/or the pending or administratively resolved licensure issues in detail, including the state of administrative action [Section 245.130 b) 2]. You may attach an additional sheet of paper if necessary for the explanation. I signify that the information contained in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I realize that misrepresentation of this information at any time may be cause for denial of this application, or future revocation of a license. Signature of Applicant (Original Only) Date Attachment B - Agency Supervisor Qualification Review Form Page 3 Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 21 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application HOME HEALTH ONLY - If Applicable Attachment D - Medical Social Worker/Social Work Assistant Qualification Review Form Attachment D must be completed for each social worker and social work assistant used by your home health agency, whether directly employed or employed by contract. Section 245.20 of the 77 Illinois Administrative Code 245 requires that the medical social worker be a licensed social worker/clinical social worker under the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act. Before forwarding Attachment D to the social worker for completion, please fill in the name, address and city of your home health agency at the top of the form. The person(s) completing Attachment D also should appear on the (Licensed or Registered Employees) page for Home Health and check F/T, P/T or contract. Home Health Agency Name Address City State ZIP Code Medical Social Worker Information Last Name First Name Middle Initial Address City Daytime Phone Number Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) State ZIP Code Extension Page 22 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application THE FOLLOWING TO BE COMPLETED BY MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER Section 245.20 requires that the medical social worker be a licensed social worker/clinical social worker under the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act. List applicable professional licenses, registrations and/or certifications currently held. Attach a copy of your current Illinois license. Date MSW Degree Awarded (if applicable) Date of Initial License Expiration Date of Current License State of Issuance Name of College Date of Graduation Address of College City State ZIP Code Specialty Degree Describe your relevant work experience to meet the requirements of Section 245.20 Employer Name Address of Employer City Starting (month and year) State Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Employer Name Address of Employer City Starting (month and year) State Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties IF YOU ARE A MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER, PROCEED TO THE SIGNATURE BLOCK AND SIGN AT THE BOTTOM OF PAGE FOUR. Attachment D - Medical Social Worker/Social Work Assistant Work Qualification Review Form Page 2 Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 23 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application HOME HEALTH AGENCY ONLY THE FOLLOWING SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE SOCIAL WORK ASSISTANT Section 245.20 requires that the social work assistant have a baccalaureate degree in social work, psychology, sociology or related field and at least one year of social work experience in a health care setting. For persons initially licensed by a state or seeking initial qualifications as a social work assistant prior to December 31, 1977, refer to 77 Illinois Administrative Code. Please list the college(s) attended, the address, date of graduation, specialty and degree obtained. Name of College Address of College City Date of Graduation State ZIP Code Specialty/Degree Describe your relevant work experience to meet the requirements of Section 245.20 Employer Name Address of Employer City Starting (month and year) State Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Employer Name Address of Employer City Starting (month and year) State Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Attachment D - Medical Social Worker/Social Work Assistant Qualification Review Form Page 3 Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 24 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application Section 245.40 requires a social work assistant to be under the supervision of a social worker (social worker as defined in Section 245.20). Both social work assistant and supervising licensed social worker should complete Page 1 of Attachment D. Name of licensed social worker providing supervision (if applicable) I signify that the information contained in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I realize that misrepresentation of this information at any time may be cause for denial of this application, or future revocation of a license. Signature of Medical Social Worker Applicant (Original Only) Date Signature of Social Worker Assistant (if applicable) (Original Only) Attachment D - Medical Social Worker/Social Work Assistant Qualification Review Form Page 4 Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 25 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application ALL AGENCIES EXCEPT HOME HEALTH Attachment E-Agency Manager Qualification Review Form If the agency is applying for more than one type of agency, complete an additional Attachment E form for each manager. Home Nursing Agency Name Home Service Agency Name Address City State ZIP Code Agency Manager Information Last Name First Name MI Address City State ZIP Code Daytime Phone Number (include area code and extension) See Section 245.30 for the requirements for the agency manager Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 26 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application List applicable professional licenses, registrations and/or certifications currently held with the license number, date of expiration and state that issued the license, registration or certification. ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR CURRENT ILLINOIS LICENSE IF APPLICABLE. YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER MUST BE THE AGENCY IDENTIFIED IN THIS APPLICATION. Describe your relevant work experience for the last five years. (1) List the agency this application applies to as CURRENT employer, and work backwards. For INITIAL application, start date can be "upon licensure." Provide intentions at any other positions you may hold (i.e., resigning upon licensure, working part-time, if so how many hours per week). (2) Give the starting and ending dates (month and year) for each employment and the weekly hours worked. (3) Describe the administrative and financial functions performed for each position with each agency that qualifies you to function as the agency manager of a home services/home nursing agency, home services placement agency, home nursing placement agency. (4) Include the names, addresses and telephone numbers of organizations. You may use an additional sheet of paper to complete this section. Resumes are NOT accepted in lieu of completion of this portion of the form. Current Employer Name Address of Current Employer City State Starting (month and year) Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Previous Employer Name Previous Employer Address City State Starting (month and year) Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Attachment E - Agency Manager Review Form Page 2 Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 27 of 28 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health Home Health, Home Services, Home Nursing Agency Renewal/Change of Ownership Licensure Application Previous Employer Name Previous Employer Address City State Starting (month and year) Ending (month and year) ZIP Code Total Hours Worked Weekly Duties Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense? Yes No Are there any pending or administratively resolved issues concerning your professional license in Illinois or in another state? Yes No If you answered "yes" to either or both of the above statements, please describe the criminal offense and/or the pending or administratively resolved licensure details in detail, including the state of administrative action (Section 245.130b)2). You may attach an additional sheet of paper if necessary for the explanation. I signify that the information contained in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I realize that misrepresentation of this information at any time may be cause for denial of this application, or future revocation of a license. Signature of Applicant (Original Only) Date ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR CURRENT ILLINOIS LICENSE, IF APPLICABLE Attachment E - Agency Manager Qualification Review Form Page 3 Form Number (445104) (revised 2-2014) Page 28 of 28
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