Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10 CP Nex Gen

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16 May 2017


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16 May 2017

First release of this document

Important Information

SmartConsole Toolbars
For a guided tour of SmartConsole, click What's New in the left bottom corner of SmartConsole.

Global Toolbar (top left of SmartConsole)
Description and Keyboard Shortcut
The main SmartConsole Menu
The Objects menu.
Also leads to the Object Explorer Ctrl+E
Install policy on managed gateways

Navigation Toolbar (left side of SmartConsole)
Description and Keyboard Shortcut
Gateways & Servers configuration view
Security Policies Access Control view
Security Policies Threat Prevention view
Logs & Monitor view
Manage & Settings view - review and configure the Security Management
Server settings

Command Line Interface Button (left bottom corner of SmartConsole)
Description and Keyboard Shortcut
Open a command line interface for management scripting and API

What's New Button (left bottom corner of SmartConsole)
Description and Keyboard Shortcut
Open a tour of the SmartConsole

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Important Information

Objects and Validations Tabs (right side of SmartConsole)

Manage security and network objects


Validation warnings and errors

System Information Area (bottom of SmartConsole)
Task List

Management activities, such as policy installation tasks

Server Details

The IP address of the Security Management Server


The administrators that are connected to the Security Management Server

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Important Information................................................................................................... 3
SmartConsole Toolbars ............................................................................................ 4
Terms .......................................................................................................................... 11
Check Point Next Generation Security Gateway Solution............................................ 13
Overview of Firewall Features ................................................................................ 13
How to Use this Guide ............................................................................................. 14
Components of the Check Point Firewall Solution .................................................. 16
Creating an Access Control Policy .............................................................................. 17
Introducing the Unified Access Control Policy ........................................................ 17
Creating a Basic Access Control Policy ................................................................... 18
Basic Rules ....................................................................................................................18
Use Case - Basic Access Control ...................................................................................19
Use Case - Inline Layer for Each Department ................................................................20

Creating Application Control and URL Filtering Rules ............................................ 22
Monitoring Applications .................................................................................................22
Blocking Applications and Informing Users ...................................................................23
Limiting Application Traffic ...........................................................................................23
Using Identity Awareness Features in Rules .................................................................24
Blocking Sites ................................................................................................................25
Blocking URL Categories ...............................................................................................26

Ordered Layers and Inline Layers ........................................................................... 27
The Need for Ordered Layers and Inline Layers ............................................................27
Order of Rule Enforcement in Inline Layers ..................................................................28
Order of Rule Enforcement in Ordered Layers ..............................................................29
Creating an Inline Layer ................................................................................................29
Creating a Ordered Layer ..............................................................................................30
Enabling Access Control Features .................................................................................31
Types of Rules in the Rule Base.....................................................................................32
Administrators for Access Control Layers .....................................................................34
Sharing Layers ..............................................................................................................35
Visual Division of the Rule Base with Sections ...............................................................35
Exporting Layer Rules to a .CSV File..............................................................................35
Managing Policies and Layers .......................................................................................35

The Columns of the Access Control Rule Base ....................................................... 37
Source and Destination Column ....................................................................................37
VPN Column ..................................................................................................................38
Services & Applications Column ....................................................................................39
Content Column.............................................................................................................42
Actions Column .............................................................................................................43
Tracking Column ...........................................................................................................45

Unified Rule Base Use Cases .................................................................................. 45
Use Case - Application Control and Content Awareness Ordered Layer ........................46
Use Case - Inline Layer for Web Traffic .........................................................................47
Use Case - Content Awareness Ordered Layer ..............................................................49
Use Case - Application Control and URL Filtering Ordered Layer..................................51

Rule Matching in the Access Control Policy ............................................................ 52
Examples of Rule Matching ...........................................................................................52

Best Practices for Access Control Rules................................................................. 55
Installing the Access Control Policy ........................................................................ 56
Analyzing the Rule Base Hit Count .......................................................................... 57
Enabling or Disabling Hit Count .....................................................................................57
Configuring the Hit Count Display ..................................................................................58

Preventing IP Spoofing ............................................................................................ 59
Configuring Anti-Spoofing .............................................................................................59
Anti-Spoofing Options ....................................................................................................61

Translating IP Addresses (NAT) .............................................................................. 61
To Learn More About NAT .............................................................................................62

UserCheck Interactions in the Access Control Policy ............................................. 62
Configuring the Security Gateway for UserCheck ..........................................................62
Blocking Applications and Informing Users ...................................................................64
UserCheck for Access Control Default Messages ..........................................................65
Creating a UserCheck Interaction Object .......................................................................65
Example UserCheck Message Using Field Variables .....................................................66
Localizing and Customizing the UserCheck Portal ........................................................66
UserCheck Frequency and Scope ..................................................................................67
UserCheck Settings .......................................................................................................67
UserCheck CLI ...............................................................................................................69
Revoking Incidents ........................................................................................................70
UserCheck Client ...........................................................................................................71

Blade Settings ......................................................................................................... 79
Inspection Settings ........................................................................................................79
Configuring Inspection Settings.....................................................................................79

Creating a Threat Prevention Policy ........................................................................... 82
Threat Prevention Components .............................................................................. 82
IPS .................................................................................................................................83
Anti-Bot .........................................................................................................................84
Anti-Virus ......................................................................................................................86
SandBlast ......................................................................................................................86

Assigning Administrators for Threat Prevention .................................................... 88
Analyzing Threats ................................................................................................... 88
Out-of-the-Box Protection from Threats ................................................................ 89
Getting Quickly Up and Running with the Threat Prevention Policy ...............................89
Enabling the Threat Prevention Software Blades ..........................................................89
Installing the Threat Prevention Policy..........................................................................92
Introducing Profiles .......................................................................................................92
Optimized Protection Profile Settings............................................................................94
Predefined Rule.............................................................................................................94

The Threat Prevention Policy .................................................................................. 95
Workflow for Creating a Threat Prevention Policy.........................................................95
Threat Prevention Policy Layers ....................................................................................95
Threat Prevention Rule Base .........................................................................................97

Creating Threat Prevention Rules........................................................................... 98
Configuring IPS Profile Settings ....................................................................................98
Blocking Viruses ............................................................................................................99
Configuring Anti-Bot Settings ......................................................................................100
Configuring Threat Emulation Settings .......................................................................102
Configuring Threat Extraction Settings .......................................................................106
Configuring a Malware DNS Trap ................................................................................109
Exception Rules ...........................................................................................................109

The Check Point ThreatCloud................................................................................ 111
Updating IPS Protections .............................................................................................112
Scheduling Updates .....................................................................................................112
Updating Threat Emulation..........................................................................................113

To Learn More About Threat Prevention ............................................................... 114
Creating Shared Policies ........................................................................................... 115
Shared Policies ..................................................................................................... 115
Configuring HTTPS Inspection .............................................................................. 116
Inspecting HTTPS Packets ...........................................................................................117
Configuring Gateways to inspect outbound and inbound HTTPS .................................. 118

Configuring the Geo Policy .................................................................................... 126
Adding Users to the Policy ........................................................................................ 129
Using Identity Awareness...................................................................................... 129
Identity Sources...........................................................................................................129
Enabling Identity Awareness .......................................................................................130
Working with Access Roles..........................................................................................132
Using Identity Awareness in the Access Control Policy ...............................................133
Redirecting to a Captive Portal ....................................................................................133
Sample Identity Awareness Rules ...............................................................................134

Using User Directory ............................................................................................. 134
User Directory Features ..............................................................................................135
Deploying User Directory.............................................................................................135
Account Units ..............................................................................................................135
Working with LDAP Account Units ...............................................................................136
Enabling User Directory ..............................................................................................139
Managing LDAP Information ........................................................................................139

To Learn More About Adding Users to the Policy .................................................. 140
Logging and Monitoring ............................................................................................ 141
Log Analysis .......................................................................................................... 141
Configuring Logging ....................................................................................................141
Enabling Log Indexing .................................................................................................142
Sample Log Analysis ...................................................................................................142
Tracking Options .........................................................................................................143
Log Sessions ...............................................................................................................144

Views and Reports................................................................................................. 145
Catalog of Views and Reports ......................................................................................146
Views ...........................................................................................................................148
Reports ........................................................................................................................151

To Learn More About Logging and Monitoring ...................................................... 153
Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy ................................................ 154
Solutions for Enhancing Network Performance and Redundancy ........................ 154
CoreXL .................................................................................................................. 155
Configuring CoreXL .....................................................................................................155
To Learn More About CoreXL.......................................................................................155

SecureXL ............................................................................................................... 156
Configuring SecureXL..................................................................................................156
To Learn More About SecureXL ...................................................................................157

Multi-Queue .......................................................................................................... 157
ClusterXL .............................................................................................................. 158
The Need for Clusters .................................................................................................158
ClusterXL Solution.......................................................................................................158
IPv6 Support for ClusterXL ..........................................................................................158

How ClusterXL Works..................................................................................................159
Installation and Platform Support ...............................................................................159
High Availability and Load Sharing in ClusterXL ..........................................................159
Configuring ClusterXL .................................................................................................164

VRRP Cluster......................................................................................................... 168
How VRRP Failover Works ...........................................................................................168
Internal Network High Availability ...............................................................................169
Preparing a VRRP Cluster ...........................................................................................169
Configuring Monitored Circuit/Simplified VRRP - WebUI ............................................. 171
Configuring the VRRP Security Gateway Cluster in SmartDashboard .......................... 173
Configuring VRRP Rules for the Security Gateway.......................................................173

To Learn More About Maximizing Network Performance ..................................... 174
Simplifying Security for Private Clouds .................................................................... 175
Introduction to Virtual Systems (VSX) ................................................................... 175
VSX Overview ...............................................................................................................175
How VSX Works ...........................................................................................................175

VSX Architecture and Concepts............................................................................. 178
Virtual Devices.............................................................................................................178
Interfaces ....................................................................................................................179
VSX Clusters ................................................................................................................181

Configuring a VSX Cluster ..................................................................................... 184
An Example VSX cluster ..............................................................................................184
Step 1 - Creating a VSX Cluster ...................................................................................185
Step 2 - Creating a Virtual Switch ................................................................................188
Step 3 - Creating Virtual System 1 ...............................................................................188
Step 4 - Creating Virtual System 2 ...............................................................................190
Step 5 - Define the Policy on the Virtual Systems ........................................................190

To Learn More About VSX...................................................................................... 190
Securing Data ............................................................................................................ 191
Overview................................................................................................................ 191
Data Loss Prevention Features ...................................................................................191
Using a Mail Relay and Mail Server..............................................................................192

Enabling DLP ......................................................................................................... 192
Adding Data Owners ....................................................................................................193
Notifying Data Owners .................................................................................................193
Using DLP with Microsoft Exchange ............................................................................194

DLP Rule Base ...................................................................................................... 194
Managing the DLP Rule Base.......................................................................................194
DLP Rule Exceptions ...................................................................................................195
DLP Rule Actions .........................................................................................................196
Sample Rule Base .......................................................................................................197

Analyzing and Tracking DLP ................................................................................. 197
Analyzing DLP Incidents in the Logs ............................................................................198
Event Analysis Views Available in SmartConsole.........................................................198

To Learn More About Data Loss Prevention.......................................................... 198


1. An application that prevents computers
from being controlled by hackers. 2. Check
Point Software Blade that inspects network
traffic for malicious bot software.
A solution to protect a computer or network
against self-propagating programs or
processes that can cause damage.
1. To stop traffic before it reaches its
destination. 2. To stop a command from
execution. 3. To deny access by rule (though
allowed by permission).
Malicious software that neutralizes
Anti-Virus defenses, connects to a Command
and Control center for instructions from
cyber criminals, and carries out the
A performance-enhancing technology for
Security Gateways on multi-core processing
Data Type
A classification of data. The Firewall
classifies incoming and outgoing traffic
according to Data Types, and enforce the
Policy accordingly.
Data Loss Prevention. Detects and prevents
the unauthorized transmission of confidential
To not allow packets through the gateway,
blocking the connection.

1. A record of a security incident that is
based on one or more logs, and on a
customizable set of rules that are defined in
the Event Policy. 2. In Media Encryption, a
device connects to an endpoint computer. 3.
In SmartLSM, an object with schedule
settings for the Security Gateway to fetch its
security policy. 4. In Endpoint Security, an
object with schedule settings for Active and
Standby server synchronization.
The software and hardware that protects a
computer network by analyzing the incoming
and outgoing network traffic (packets).
Internet Key Exchange. An Encryption key
management protocol for IPSec that creates
a shared key to encrypt and decrypt IP
packets and establishes a VPN tunnel and
Security Association.
Intrusion Prevention System. Check Point
Software Blade that inspects and analyzes
packets and data for numerous types of
Performance Pack
Check Point product that accelerates IPv6
and IPv4 traffic. Installed on Security
Gateways for significant performance
Remote Access Community
A group of computers, appliances, and
devices that access, with authentication and
encryption, the internal protected network
from physically remote sites.
Remote Access VPN
An encryption tunnel between a Security
Gateway and remote access clients, such as
Endpoint Security VPN, and communities.
A set of traffic parameters and other
conditions that cause specified actions to be
taken for a communication session.

Rule Base
The database that contains the rules in a
security policy and defines the sequence in
which they are enforced.
Security Gateway
A computer or an appliance that inspects
traffic and enforces Security Policies for
connected network resources.
Security Management Server
The server that manages, creates, stores,
and distributes the security policy to Security
Security Policy
A collection of rules that control network
traffic and enforce organization guidelines
for data protection and access to resources
with packet inspection.
SmartEvent Server
Physical server that hosts the events
Software Blade
A software blade is a security solution based
on specific business needs.
Each blade is independent, modular and
centrally managed. To extend security,
additional blades can be quickly added.
ThreatCloud Repository
A cloud database with more than 250 million
Command and Control (C&C) IP, URL, and
DNS addresses and over 2,000 different
botnet communication patterns, used by the
ThreatSpect engine to classify bots and
ThreatSpect Engine
A unique multi-tiered engine that analyzes
network traffic and correlates data across
multiple layers (reputation, signatures,
suspicious mail outbreaks, behavior
patterns) to detect bots and viruses.
Gives users a warning when there is a
potential risk of data loss or security

violation. This helps users to prevent security
incidents and to learn about the
organizational security policy.


Check Point Next Generation Security
Gateway Solution
In This Section:
Overview of Firewall Features .....................................................................................13
How to Use this Guide ..................................................................................................14
Components of the Check Point Firewall Solution .....................................................16

Overview of Firewall Features
The Check Point Next Generation Security Gateway includes:

Access Control

Firewall (network-level filtering)


Application Control


Internet access and filtering


Content Awareness


Site to Site VPN


Mobile Access and VPN Remote Access


Intrusion and Threat Prevention


Identity Awareness (network, user, and machine awareness, for Access Control and Threat


Data Loss Prevention

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Check Point Next Generation Security Gateway Solution

How to Use this Guide
To configure an effective security solution, you must understand how to configure the Next
Generation Security Gateway features, and how to add rules to your security policy. This guide
helps you understand the general principles of the Check Point Next Generation Security Gateway,
and how to configure it.
To learn more about each feature, look at the administration guide for the feature. There is a link
to the appropriate administration guide at the end of each section of this guide. To find the link,
search for "To Learn More".



Basic Access Control ("Creating a Basic
Access Control Policy" on page 18)

Application Control
Creating an Access
Control Policy (on page 17)

URL Filtering
Content Awareness

Creating a Unified Access Control Policy

Mobile Access
Creating a Threat
Prevention Policy (on page

Threat Emulation
Threat Extraction

Creating Shared Policies
(on page 115)

Adding Users to the Policy
(on page 129)
Monitoring and Logging
("Logging and Monitoring"
on page 141)

HTTPS Inspection

Configuring HTTPS Inspection (on page

Geo Control

Configuring the Geo Policy (on page 126)

Identity Awareness
Logging & Status

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Check Point Next Generation Security Gateway Solution



CoreXL (on page 155), SecureXL (on page
156) and Multi-Queue (on page 157)

Maximizing Network
Performance ("Maximizing
Network Performance and
Redundancy" on page 154)

Networking &

Simplifying Security for
Private Clouds (on page

Virtual Systems

Appendix: Securing Data
("Securing Data" on page

Data Loss

Performance Tuning Administration
ClusterXL (on page 158) and VRRP
("VRRP Cluster" on page 168)

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Check Point Next Generation Security Gateway Solution

Components of the Check Point Firewall Solution






Security Management Server


Internet and external networks


Security Gateway


Internal network

These are the primary components of a Check Point firewall solution:

Security Gateway - The engine that enforces the organization’s security policy, is an entry point
to the LAN, and is managed by the Security Management Server.


Security Management Server - The application that manages, stores, and distributes the
security policy to Security Gateways.


SmartConsole - A Check Point GUI application used to manage security policies, monitor
products and events, install updates, provision new devices and appliances, and manage a
multi-domain environment.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Creating an Access Control Policy
In This Section:
Introducing the Unified Access Control Policy ............................................................17
Creating a Basic Access Control Policy.......................................................................18
Creating Application Control and URL Filtering Rules...............................................22
Ordered Layers and Inline Layers ...............................................................................27
The Columns of the Access Control Rule Base ..........................................................37
Unified Rule Base Use Cases .......................................................................................45
Rule Matching in the Access Control Policy ...............................................................52
Best Practices for Access Control Rules ....................................................................55
Installing the Access Control Policy ............................................................................56
Analyzing the Rule Base Hit Count ..............................................................................57
Preventing IP Spoofing .................................................................................................59
Translating IP Addresses (NAT)...................................................................................61
UserCheck Interactions in the Access Control Policy ................................................62
Blade Settings ...............................................................................................................79

Introducing the Unified Access Control Policy
Define one, unified Access Control Policy. The Access Control Policy lets you create a simple and
granular Rule Base that combines all these Access Control features:

Firewall - Control access to and from the internal network.


Application Control and URL Filtering - Block applications and sites.


Content Awareness - Restrict the Data Types that users can upload or download.


IPsec VPN and Mobile Access - Configure secure communication with Site-to-Site and Remote
Access VPNs.


Identity Awareness - Identify users, computers, and networks.

There is no need to manage separate Rule Bases. For example, you can define one, intuitive rule
that: Allows users in specified networks, to use a specified application, but prevents downloading
files larger than a specified size. You can use all these objects in one rule:

Security Zones




Applications and URLs


Data Types


Access Roles

Information about these features is collected in one log:



Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy






Accessed resources


Data Types

Creating a Basic Access Control Policy
A firewall controls access to computers, clients, servers, and applications using a set of rules that
make up an Access Control Rule Base. You need to configure a Rule Base with secure Access
Control and optimized network performance.
A strong Access Control Rule Base:

Allows only authorized connections and prevents vulnerabilities in a network.


Gives authorized users access to the correct internal resources.


Efficiently inspects connections.

Basic Rules
Best Practice - These are basic Access Control rules we recommend for all Rule Bases:

Stealth rule that prevents direct access to the Security Gateway


Cleanup rule that drops all traffic that is not allowed by the earlier rules in the policy
Note - There is also the implicit drop rule that drops all traffic that did not match all
other rules. This rule does not create log entries. If you want to log the traffic, create an
explicit Cleanup rule.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Use Case - Basic Access Control
This use case shows a Rule Base for a simple Access Control security policy. (The Hits, VPN and
Content columns are not shown.)
No Name



Services &


Track Install On


Admin Access to

Admins (Access





Policy Targets








Policy Targets


Critical subnet








Tech support








DNS server



Domain UDP



Policy Targets


Mail and Web servers Any





Policy Targets




NOT Internal
net group




Policy Targets


DMZ & Internet






Policy Targets


Cleanup rule






Policy Targets

Rule Explanation

Admin Access to Gateways - SmartConsole administrators are allowed to connect to the
Security Gateways.


Stealth - All internal traffic that is NOT from the SmartConsole administrators to one of
the Security Gateways is dropped. When a connection matches the Stealth rule, an alert
window opens in SmartView Monitor.


Critical subnet - Traffic from the internal network to the specified resources is logged.
This rule defines three subnets as critical resources: Finance, HR, and R&D.


Tech support - Allows the Technical Support server to access the Remote-1 web server
which is behind the Remote-1 Security Gateway. Only HTTP traffic is allowed. When a
packet matches the Tech support rule, the Alert action is done.


DNS server - Allows UDP traffic to the external DNS server. This traffic is not logged.


Mail and Web servers - Allows incoming traffic to the mail and web servers that are
located in the DMZ. HTTP, HTTPS, and SMTP traffic is allowed.


SMTP - Allows outgoing SMTP connections to the mail server. Does not allow SMTP
connections to the internal network, to protect against a compromised mail server.


DMZ and Internet - Allows traffic from the internal network to the DMZ and Internet.


Cleanup rule - Drops all traffic that does not match one of the earlier rules.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Use Case - Inline Layer for Each Department
This use case shows a basic Access Control Policy with a sub-policy for each department. The
rules for each department are in an Inline Layer. An Inline Layer is independent of the rest of the
Rule Base. You can delegate ownership of different Layers to different administrators.
No Name



Services &












Critical subnet




NOT internal
network (Group)





R&D department

R&D Roles




TechSupport Layer N/A

R&D servers


R&D servers






QA network

R&D source control InternalZone

Source control
servers (Group)

ssh, http, https













Cleanup rule







QA department

QA network




QA Layer


Allow access to
R&D servers


R&D Servers

Web Services













Cleanup rule








Allow all users to
access employee


Employee portal

Web Services













Cleanup rule








Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Rules Explanation

General rules for the whole organization.


An Inline Layer for the R&D department.
Rule 3 is the parent rules of the Inline Layer. The Action is the name of the Inline Layer.
If a packet does not match on parent rule 3:
Matching continues to the next rule outside the Inline Layer (rule 4).
If a packet matches on parent rule 3:
Matching continues to 3.1, first rule inside the Inline Layer. If a packet matches on this
rule, the rule action is done on the packet.
If a packet does not match on rule 3.1, continue to the next rule inside the Inline Layer,
rule 3.2. If there is no match, continue to the remaining rules in the Inline Layer. --means one or more rules.
The packet is matched only inside the inline layer. It never leaves the inline layer,
because the inline layer has an implicit cleanup rule. It is not matched on rules 4, 5 and
the other rules in the Ordered Layer.
Rule 3.X is a cleanup rule. It drop all traffic that does not match one of the earlier rules in
the Inline Layer. This is a default explicit rule. You can change or delete it.
Best Practice - Have an explicit cleanup rule as the last rule in each Inline Layer and
Ordered Layer.


Another Inline Layer, for the QA department.


More general rules for the whole organization.


One or more rules.


Cleanup rule - Drop all traffic that does not match one of the earlier rules in the Ordered
Layer. This is a default explicit rule. You can change or delete it.
Best Practice - Have an explicit cleanup rule as the last rule in each Inline Layer and
Ordered Layer.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Creating Application Control and URL Filtering Rules
Create and manage the Policy for Application Control and URL Filtering in the Access Control
Policy, in the Access Control view of SmartConsole. Application Control and URL Filtering rules
define which users can use specified applications and sites from within your organization and
what application and site usage is recorded in the logs.
To learn which applications and categories have a high risk, look through the Application Wiki in
the Access Tools part of the Security Policies view. Find ideas for applications and categories to
include in your Policy.
To see an overview of your Access Control Policy and traffic, see the Access Control view in Logs
& Monitor > New Tab > Views.

Monitoring Applications
Scenario: I want to monitor all Facebook traffic in my organization. How can I do this?

To monitor all Facebook application traffic:
1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Choose a Layer with Applications and URL Filtering enabled.
3. Click one of the Add rule toolbar buttons to add the rule in the position that you choose in the
Rule Base. The first rule matched is applied.
4. Create a rule that includes these components:

Name - Give the rule a name, such as Monitor Facebook.


Source - Keep it as Any so that it applies to all traffic from the organization.


Destination - Keep it as Internet so that it applies to all traffic going to the internet or DMZ.


Services & Applications - Click the plus sign to open the Application viewer. Add the
Facebook application to the rule:

Start to type "face" in the Search field. In the Available list, see the Facebook


Click each item to see more details in the description pane.


Select the items to add to the rule.

Note - Applications are matched by default on their Recommended services. You can
change this. ("Configuring Matching for an Allowed Application" on page 40) Each service
runs on a specific port. The recommended Web Browsing Services are http, https,
HTTP_proxy, and HTTPS_proxy.

Action - Select Accept


Track - Select Log


Install On - Keep it as Policy Targets for or all gateways, or choose specific Security
Gateways on which to install the rule

The rule allows all Facebook traffic but logs it. You can see the logs in the Logs & Monitor view, in
the Logs tab. To monitor how people use Facebook in your organization, see the Access Control
view (SmartEvent Server required).

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Blocking Applications and Informing Users
Scenario: I want to block pornographic sites in my organization, and tell the user about the
violation. How can I do this?

To block an application or category of applications and tell the user about the policy
1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Choose a Layer with Applications and URL Filtering enabled.
3. Create a rule that includes these components:

Services & Applications - Select the Pornography category.


Action - Drop, and a UserCheck Blocked Message - Access Control
The message informs users that their actions are against company policy and can include a
link to report if the website is included in an incorrect category.


Track - Log

Note - This Rule Base example contains only those columns that are applicable to this subject.



Services &



Install On

Block Porn






Policy Targets

The rule blocks traffic to pornographic sites and logs attempts to access those sites. Users who
violate the rule receive a UserCheck message that informs them that the application is blocked
according to company security policy. The message can include a link to report if the website is
included in an incorrect category.
Important - A rule that blocks traffic, with the Source and Destination parameters
defined as Any, also blocks traffic to and from the Captive Portal.

Limiting Application Traffic
Scenario: I want to limit my employees' access to streaming media so that it does not impede
business tasks.
If you do not want to block an application or category, there are different ways to set limits for
employee access:

Add a Limit object to a rule to limit the bandwidth that is permitted for the rule.


Add one or more Time objects to a rule to make it active only during specified times.

The example rule below:

Allows access to streaming media during non-peak business hours only.


Limits the upload throughput for streaming media in the company to 1 Gbps.

To create a rule that allows streaming media with time and bandwidth limits:
1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Choose a Layer with Applications and URL Filtering enabled.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

3. Click one of the Add Rule toolbar buttons to add the rule in the position that you choose in the
Rule Base.
4. Create a rule that includes these components:

Services & Applications - Media Streams category.
Note - Applications are matched on their Recommended services, where each service runs
on a specific port, such as the default Application Control Web browsing Services: http,
https, HTTP_proxy, and HTTPS_proxy. To change this see Services & Applications
Column (on page 39).


Action - Click More and select Action:Accept, and a Limit object.


Time - Add a Time object that specifies the hours or time period in which the rule is active.
Note - The Time column is not shown by default in the Rule Base table. To see it,
right-click on the table header and select Time.



g Media


Services and




Media Streams






Note - In a cluster environment, the specified bandwidth limit is divided between all
defined cluster members, whether active or not. For example, if a rule sets 1Gbps limit in
a three member cluster, each member has a fixed limit of 333 Mbps.

Using Identity Awareness Features in Rules
Scenario: I want to allow a Remote Access application for a specified group of users and block the
same application for other users. I also want to block other Remote Access applications for
everyone. How can I do this?
If you enable Identity Awareness on a Security Gateway, you can use it together with Application
Control to make rules that apply to an access role. Use access role objects to define users,
machines, and network locations as one object.
In this example:

You have already created an Access Role Identified_Users that represents all identified users
in the organization. You can use this to allow access to applications only for users who are
identified on the Security Gateway.


You want to allow access to the Radmin Remote Access tool for all identified users.


You want to block all other Remote Access tools for everyone within your organization. You
also want to block any other application that can establish remote connections or remote

To do this, add two new rules to the Rule Base:
1. Create a rule and include these components:

Source - The Identified_Users access role


Destination - Internet


Services & Applications - Radmin


Action - Accept
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

2. Create another rule below and include these components:

Source - Any


Destination - Internet


Services & Applications - The category: Remote Administration


Action - Block



Services &

Action Track

Install On

Allow Radmin to Identified_U Internet
Identified Users sers





Block other
Remote Admins








Notes on these rules:

Because the rule that allows Radmin is above the rule that blocks other Remote
Administration tools, it is matched first.


The Source of the first rule is the Identified_Users access role. If you use an access role that
represents the Technical Support department, then only users from the technical support
department are allowed to use Radmin.


Applications are matched on their Recommended services, where each service runs on a
specific port, such as the default Application Control Web browsing services: http, https,
HTTP_proxy, and HTTPS_proxy. To change this see Changing Services for Applications and

Blocking Sites
Scenario: I want to block sites that are associated with categories that can cause liability issues.
Most of these categories exist in the Application Database but there is also a custom defined site
that must be included. How can I do this?
You can do this by creating a custom group and adding all applicable categories and the site to it.
If you enable Identity Awareness on a Security Gateway, you can use it together with URL Filtering
to make rules that apply to an access role. Use access role objects to define users, machines, and
network locations as one object.
In this example:

You have already created

An Access Role that represents all identified users in the organization (Identified_Users).


A custom application for a site named FreeMovies.


You want to block sites that can cause liability issues for everyone within your organization.


You will create a custom group that includes Application Database categories as well as the
previously defined custom site named FreeMovies.

To create a custom group:
1. In the Object Explorer, click New > More > Custom Application/Site > Application/Site Group.
2. Give the group a name. For example, Liability_Sites.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

3. Click + to add the group members:

Search for and add the custom application FreeMovies.


Select Categories, and add the ones you want to block (for example Anonymizer, Critical
Risk, and Gambling)


Click Close

4. Click OK.
You can now use the Liability_Sites group in the Access Control Rule Base.

In the Rule Base, add a rule similar to this:
In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.

Source - The Identified_Users access role


Destination - Internet


Services & Applications - Liability_Sites


Action - Drop
Note - Applications are matched on their Recommended services, where each service runs
on a specific port, such as the default Application Control Web Browsing Services: http,
https, HTTP_proxy, and HTTPS_proxy. To change this see Changing Services for
Applications and Categories.




Services &



Block sites that may
cause a liability






Blocking URL Categories
Scenario: I want to block pornographic sites. How can I do this?
You can do this by creating a rule that blocks all sites with pornographic material with the
Pornography category. If you enable Identity Awareness on a Security Gateway, you can use it
together with URL Filtering to make rules that apply to an access role. Use access role objects to
define users, machines, and network locations as one object.
In this example:

You have already created an Access Role (Identified_Users) that represents all identified users
in the organization.


You want to block sites related to pornography.

The procedure is similar to Blocking Applications and Informing Users.

In the Rule Base, add a rule similar to this:

Source - The Identified_Users access role


Destination - Internet


Services & Applications - Pornography category


Action - Drop

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Note - Categories are matched on their Recommended services, where each service runs on a
specific port, such as the default Application Control Web Browsing Services: http, https,
HTTP_proxy, and HTTPS_proxy. To change this see Changing Services for Applications and

Ordered Layers and Inline Layers
A policy is a set of rules that the gateway enforces on incoming and outgoing traffic. There are
different policies for Access Control and for Threat Prevention.
You can organize the Access Control rules in more manageable subsets of rules using Ordered
Layers and Inline Layers.

In This Section
The Need for Ordered Layers and Inline Layers .........................................................27
Order of Rule Enforcement in Inline Layers ...............................................................28
Order of Rule Enforcement in Ordered Layers ...........................................................29
Creating an Inline Layer ...............................................................................................29
Creating a Ordered Layer .............................................................................................30
Enabling Access Control Features ..............................................................................31
Types of Rules in the Rule Base ..................................................................................32
Administrators for Access Control Layers ..................................................................34
Sharing Layers ..............................................................................................................35
Visual Division of the Rule Base with Sections ...........................................................35
Exporting Layer Rules to a .CSV File ...........................................................................35
Managing Policies and Layers .....................................................................................35

The Need for Ordered Layers and Inline Layers
Ordered Layers and Inline Layers helps you manage your cyber security more efficiently. You can:

Simplify the Rule Base, or organize parts of it for specific purposes.


Organize the Policy into a hierarchy, using Inline Layers, rather than having a flat Rule Base.
An Inline Layer is a sub-policy which is independent of the rest of the Rule Base.


Reuse Ordered Layers in multiple Policy packages, and reuse Inline Layers in multiple Layers.


Simplify the management of the Policy by delegating ownership of different Layers to different


Improve performance by reducing the number of rules in a Layer.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Order of Rule Enforcement in Inline Layers
The Ordered Layer can contain Inline Layers.
This is an example of an Inline Layer:
























The Inline Layer has a parent rule (Rule 2 in the example), and sub rules (Rules 2.1 and 2.2). The
Action of the parent rule is the name of the Inline Layer.
If the packet does not match the parent rule of the Inline Layer, the matching continues to the next
rule of the Ordered Layer (Rule 3).
If a packet matches the parent rule of the Inline Layer (Rule 2), the Firewall checks it against the
sub rules:

If the packet matches a sub rule in the Inline Layer (Rule 2.1), no more rule matching is done.


If none of the higher rules in the Ordered Layer match the packet, the explicit Cleanup Rule is
applied (Rule 2.2). If this rule is missing, the Implicit Cleanup Rule ("Types of Rules in the Rule
Base" on page 32) is applied. No more rule matching is done.

Important - Always add an explicit Cleanup Rule at the end of each Inline Layer, and make sure
that its Action is the same as the Action of the Implicit Cleanup Rule.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Order of Rule Enforcement in Ordered Layers
When a packet arrives at the gateway, the gateway checks it against the rules in the first Ordered
Layer, sequentially from top to bottom, and enforces the first rule that matches a packet.
If the Action of the matching rule is Drop, the gateway stops matching against later rules in the
Policy Rule Base and drops the packet. If the Action is Accept, the gateway continues to check
rules in the next Ordered Layer.




Ordered Layer 1


Ordered Layer 2


Ordered Layer 3

If none of the rules in the Ordered Layer match the packet, the explicit Default Cleanup Rule is
applied. If this rule is missing, the Implicit Cleanup Rule ("Types of Rules in the Rule Base" on
page 32) is applied.
Every Ordered Layer has its own implicit cleanup rule. You can configure the rule to Accept or
Drop in the Layer settings ("Configuring the Implicit Cleanup Rule" on page 34).
Important - Always add an explicit Cleanup Rule at the end of each Ordered Layer, and make sure
that its Action is the same as the Action of the Implicit Cleanup Rule.

Creating an Inline Layer
An Inline Layer is a sub-policy which is independent of the rest of the Rule Base.
The workflow for making an Inline Layer is:
1. Create a parent rule for the Inline Layer. Make a rule that has one or more properties that are
the same for all the rules in the Inline Layer. For example, rules that have the same source, or
service, or group of users.
2. Create sub-rules for the Inline Layer. These are rules that define in more detail what to do if
the Firewall matches a connection to the parent rule. For example, each sub-rule can apply to
specified hosts, or users, or services, or Data Types.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

To create an Inline Layer:
1. Add a rule to the Ordered Layer. This is the parent rule.
2. In the Source, Destination, VPN, and Services & Applications cells, define the match
conditions for the Inline Layer.
3. Click the Action cell of the rule. Instead of selecting a standard action, select Inline Layer >
New Layer.
4. The Layer Editor window opens.
5. Configure the properties of the Inline Layer:
a) Enable one or more of these Blades for the rules of Inline Layer:



Application Control and URL Filtering


Content Awareness


Mobile Access

b) Optional: It is a best practice to share Layers with other Policy packages when possible. To
enable this select Multiple policies can use this layer.
c) Click Advanced.
d) Configure the Implicit Cleanup Rule to Drop or Accept ("Types of Rules in the Rule Base"
on page 32).
e) Click OK.
The name of the Inline Layer shows in the Action cell of the rule.
6. Under the parent rule of the Inline Layer, add sub-rules.
7. Make sure there is an explicit cleanup rule as the last rule of the Inline Layer ("Types of Rules
in the Rule Base" on page 32).

Creating a Ordered Layer
To create a Ordered Layer:
1. In SmartConsole, click Menu > Manage Policies and Layers.
2. In the left pane, click Layers.
You will see a list of the Layers. You can select Show only shared Layers.
3. Click the New icon in the upper toolbar.
4. Configure the settings in the Layer Editor window.
5. Optional: It is a best practice to share Layers with other Policy packages when possible. To
enable this select Multiple policies can use this layer.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Close.
8. Publish the session.
This Ordered Layer is not yet assigned to a Policy Package.

To add a Ordered Layer to the Access Control Policy:
1. In SmartConsole, click Security Policies.
2. Right-click a Layer in the Access Control Policy section and select Edit Policy.
The Policy window opens.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

3. In the Access Control section, click the plus sign.
You will see a list of the Layers that you can add. These are Layers that have Multiple policies
can use this layer enabled.
4. Select the Layer.
5. Click OK.
6. Publish the session.

Pre-R80.10 Gateways: To create a Layer for URL Filtering and Application Control:
1. In SmartConsole, click Security Policies.
2. Right-click a Layer in the Access Control Policy section and select Edit Policy.
The Policy window opens.
3. In the Access Control section, click the plus sign.
4. Click New Layer.
The Layer Editor window opens and shows the General view.
5. Enable Application Control and URL Filtering on the Layer.
a) Enter a name for the Layer.
We recommend the name Application.
b) In the Blades section, select Applications & URL Filtering.
c) Click OK and the Layer Editor window closes.
d) Click OK and the Policy window closes.
6. Publish the session.

Enabling Access Control Features
Before creating the Access Control Policy, you must enable the Access Control features that you
will use in the Policy.
Enable the features on the:

Security Gateways on which you will install the Policy.


Ordered Layers and Inline Layers of the Policy. Here you can enable:

Firewall. This includes VPN ("VPN Column" on page 38).


Applications & URL Filtering ("Services & Applications Column" on page 39)


Content Awareness ("Content Column" on page 42)


Mobile Access ("Mobile Access to the Network" on page 38)

Enabling Access Control Features on a Gateway
1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the gateway object.
The General Properties window of the gateway opens.
2. From the navigation tree, click General Properties.
3. In the Network Security tab, select one or more of these Access Control features:



Mobile Access


Application Control
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy


URL Filtering


Content Awareness


Identity Awareness

4. Click OK.

Enabling Access Control Features on a Layer
To enable the Access Control features on an Ordered Layer:
1. In SmartConsole, click Security Policies.
2. Under Access Control, right-click Policy and select Edit Policy.
3. Click options

for the Layer.

4. Click Edit Layer.
The Layer Editor window opens and shows the General view.
5. Enable the Blades that you will use in the Ordered Layer:



Applications & URL Filtering


Content Awareness


Mobile Access

6. Click OK.

To enable the Access Control features on an Inline Layer:
1. In SmartConsole, click Security Policies.
2. Select the Ordered Layer.
3. In the parent rule of the Inline Layer, right-click the Action column, and select Inline Layer >
Edit Layer.
4. Enable the Blades that you will use in the Inline Layer:



Applications & URL Filtering


Content Awareness


Mobile Access

Note - Do not enable a Blade that is not enabled in the Ordered Layer.
5. Click OK.

Types of Rules in the Rule Base
There are three types of rules in the Rule Base - explicit, implied and implicit.

Explicit rules
The rules that the administrator configures explicitly, to allow or to block traffic based on
specified criteria.
Important - The default Cleanup rule is an explicit rule that is added by default to every
new layer. You can change or delete the default Cleanup rule. We recommend that you
have an explicit Cleanup rule as the last rule in each layer.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Implied rules
The default rules that are available as part of the Global properties configuration and cannot be
edited. You can only select the implied rules and configure their position in the Rule Base:

First - Applied first, before all other rules in the Rule Base - explicit or implied


Last - Applied last, after all other rules in the Rule Base - explicit or implied, but before the
Implicit Cleanup Rule


Before Last - Applied before the last explicit rule in the Rule Base

Implied rules are configured to allow connections for different services that the Security Gateway
uses. For example, the Accept Control Connections rules allow packets that control these

Installation of the security policy on a Security Gateway


Sending logs from a Security Gateway to the Security Management Server


Connecting to third party application servers, such as RADIUS and TACACS authentication

Implicit cleanup rule
The default "catch-all" rule for the Layer that deals with traffic that does not match any explicit or
implied rules in the Layer. It is made automatically when you create a Layer.
Implicit cleanup rules do not show in the Rule Base.
For R80.10 later version Security Gateways, the default implicit cleanup rule action is Drop. This is
because most Policies have Whitelist rules (the Accept action). If the Layer has Blacklist rules (the
Drop action), you can change the action of the implicit cleanup rule to Accept in the Layer Editor.
For R77.30 or earlier versions Security Gateways, the action of the implicit rule depends on the
Ordered Layer:

Drop - for the Network Layer


Accept - for a Layer with Applications and URL Filtering enabled

Note - If you change the default values, the policy installation will fail on R77.30 or earlier
versions Security Gateways.

Order in which the Firewall Applies the Rules
1. First Implied Rule - No explicit rules can be placed before it.
2. Explicit Rules - These are the rules that you create.
3. Before Last Implied Rules - Applied before the last explicit rule.
4. Last Explicit Rule - We recommend that you use a Cleanup rule as the last explicit rule.
Note - If you use the Cleanup rule as the last explicit rule, the Last Implied Rule and the
Implicit Cleanup Rule are not enforced.
5. Last Implied Rule - Remember that although this rule is applied after all other explicit and
implied rules, the Implicit Cleanup Rule is still applied last.
6. Implicit Cleanup Rule - The default rule that is applied if none of the rules in the Layer match.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Configuring the Implied Rules
Some of the implied rules are enabled by default. You can change the default configuration as

To configure the implied rules:
1. In SmartConsole, select the Access Control Policy.
2. From the toolbar above the policy, select Actions > Implied Rules.
The Implied Policy window opens.
3. In the left pane, click Configuration.
4. Select a rule to enable it, or clear a rule to disable it.
5. For the enabled rules, select the position of the rules in the Rule Base: First, Last, or Before
Last ("Types of Rules in the Rule Base" on page 32).
6. Click OK and install the policy.

Showing the Implied Rules
To see the implied rules:
In SmartConsole, from the Security Policies View, select Actions > Implied Rules.
The Implied Policy window opens.
It shows only the implied rules, not the explicit rules.

Configuring the Implicit Cleanup Rule
To configure the Implicit Cleanup Rule:
1. In SmartConsole, click Menu > Manage Policies and Layers.
2. In the left pane, click Layers.
3. Select a Layer and click Edit.
The Layer Editor opens.
4. Click Advanced
5. Configure the Implicit Cleanup Rule to Drop or Accept.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Close.
8. Publish the session.

Administrators for Access Control Layers
You can create administrator accounts dedicated to the role of Access Control, with their own
installation and SmartConsole Read/Write permissions.
You can also delegate ownership of different Layers to different administrators.
To learn how to configure administrator permissions for Layers, see the R80.10 Security
Management Administration Guide

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Sharing Layers
You may need to use the same rules in different parts of a Policy, or have the same rules in
multiple Policy packages.
There is no need to create the rules multiple times. Define an Ordered Layer or an Inline Layer
one time, and mark it as shared. You can then reuse it in multiple Policy packages. You can reuse
an Inline Layer in multiple places in an Ordered Layers, or in multiple Layers.
Best Practice - Share Ordered Layers and Inline Layers with other Policy packages when possible.

To share a Layer:
1. In SmartConsole, click Menu > Manage policies and layers.
2. In the left pane, click Layers.
3. Optional: Select Show only Shared Layers.
4. Select a Layer.
5. Right-click and select Edit Layer.
6. Configure the settings in the Layer Editor window.
7. Select Multiple policies and rules can use this layer.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Close.
10. Publish the session.

Visual Division of the Rule Base with Sections
To better manage a policy with a large number of rules, you can use Sections to divide the Rule
Base into smaller, logical components. The division is only visual and does not make it possible to
delegate administration of different Sections to different administrators.

Exporting Layer Rules to a .CSV File
You can export Layer rules to a .csv file. You can open and change the .csv file in a spreadsheet
application such as Microsoft Excel.

To export Layer rules to a .csv file:
1. In SmartConsole, click Menu > Manage Policies and


The Manage Layers window opens.
2. Click Layers.
3. Select a Layer, and then click Actions > Export selected Layer.
4. Enter a path and file name.

Managing Policies and Layers
To work with Ordered Layers and Inline Layers in the Access Control Policy, select Menu >
Manage policies and layers in SmartConsole.
The Manage policies and layers window shows.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

To see the Layer in the policy package and their attributes:
In the Layers pane of the window, you can see:

Name - Layer name


Number of Rules - Number of rules in the Layer


Modifier- The administrator who last changed the Layer configuration.


Last Modified - Date the Layer was changed.


Show only Shared Layers - A shared Layer has the Multiple policies and rules can use this
Layer option selected ("Sharing Layers" on page 35).


Layer Details

Used in policies - Policy packages that use the Layer



Ordered - An Ordered Layer. In a Multi-Domain Security Management environment, it
includes global rules and a placeholder for local, Domain rules.


Inline - An Inline Layer, also known as a Sub-Policy.


Not in use - A Layer that is not used in a Policy package.

To see the rules in the Layer:
1. Select a Layer.
2. Right-click and select Open layer in policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

The Columns of the Access Control Rule Base
These are the columns of the rules in the Access Control policy. Not all of these are shown by
default. To select a column that does not show, right-click on the header of the Rule Base, and
select it.



Rule number in the Rule Base Layer.


Number of times that connections match a rule ("Analyzing the Rule Base Hit
Count" on page 57).


Name that the system administrator gives this rule.


Network objects ("Source and Destination Column" on page 37) that define



Where the traffic starts


The destination of the traffic.


The VPN Community to which the rule applies ("VPN Column" on page 38).

Services &

Services, Applications, Categories, and Sites ("Services & Applications Column"
on page 39).
If Application Control and URL Filtering is not enabled, only Services show.


The data asset to protect, for example, credit card numbers or medical records
("Content Column" on page 42).
You can set the direction of the data to Download Traffic (into the organization),
Upload Traffic (out of the organization), or Any Direction.


Action that is done when traffic matches the rule ("Actions Column" on page 43).
Options include: Accept, Drop, Ask, Inform (UserCheck message), Inline Layer,
and Reject.


Tracking and logging action that is done when traffic matches the rule ("Tracking
Column" on page 45).

Install On

Network objects that will get the rule(s) of the policy ("Installing the Access
Control Policy" on page 56).


Time period that this rule is enforced.


An optional field that lets you summarize the rule.

Source and Destination Column
In the Source and Destination columns of the Access Control Policy Rule Base, you can add
Network objects including groups of all types. Here are some of the network objects you can



Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy




Dynamic Objects


Domain Objects


Access Roles

To Learn More About Network Objects
To learn more about Network objects that you can add to the Source and Destination columns of
the Access Control Policy, see the R80.10 Security Management Administration Guide

VPN Column
You can configure rules for Site-to-Site VPN, Remote Access VPN, and the Mobile Access portal
and clients.
To make a rule for a VPN Community, add a Site to Site Community or a Remote Access VPN
Community object to this column, or select Any to make the rule apply to all VPN Communities.
When Mobile Access is enabled on a gateway, the gateway is automatically added to the
RemoteAccess VPN Community. To make rules for the Mobile Access portal or client, include that
Community, or a different one that includes the Mobile Access gateway, in the VPN column.

The IPsec VPN solution lets the Security Gateway encrypt and decrypt traffic to and from other
gateways and clients. Use SmartConsole to easily configure VPN connections between Security
Gateways and remote devices.
For Site to Site Communities, you can configure Star and Mesh topologies for VPN networks, and
include third-party gateways.
The VPN tunnel guarantees:

Authenticity - Uses standard authentication methods


Privacy - All VPN data is encrypted


Integrity - Uses industry-standard integrity assurance methods

IKE and IPsec
The Check Point VPN solution uses these secure VPN protocols to manage encryption keys, and
send encrypted packets. IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is a standard key management protocol that
is used to create the VPN tunnels. IPsec is protocol that supports secure IP communications that
are authenticated and encrypted on private or public networks.

Mobile Access to the Network
Check Point Mobile Access lets remote users easily and securely use the Internet to connect to
internal networks. Remote users start a standard HTTPS request to the Mobile Access Security
Gateway, and authenticate with one or more secure authentication methods.
The Mobile Access Portal lets mobile and remote workers connect easily and securely to critical
resources over the internet. Check Point Mobile Apps enable secure encrypted communication
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

from unmanaged smartphones and tablets to your corporate resources. Access can include
internal apps, email, calendar, and contacts.
To include access to Mobile Access applications in the Rule Base, include the Mobile Application
in the Services & Applications column.
To give access to resources through specified remote access clients, create Access Roles for the
clients and include them in the Source column of a rule.

To Learn More About VPN
To learn more about VPN and Remote Access, see these guides:

R80.10 VPN Site to Site Administration Guide


R80.10 VPN Remote Access Administration Guide


R80.10 Mobile Access Administration Guide

Services & Applications Column
In the Services & Applications column of the Access Control Rule Base, define the applications,
sites, and services that are included in the rule. A rule can contain one or more:





Mobile Applications for Mobile Access


Web sites


Default categories of Internet traffic


Custom groups or categories that you create, that are not included in the Check Point
Application Database.

Service Matching
The Firewall identifies (matches) a service according to IP protocol, TCP and UDP port number,
and protocol signature.
To make it possible for the Firewall to match services by protocol signature, you must enable
Applications and URL Filtering on the Gateway and on the Ordered Layer ("Enabling Access
Control Features" on page 31).
You can configure TCP and UDP services to be matched by source port.

Application Matching
If an application is allowed in the policy, the rule is matched only on the Recommended services of
the application. This default setting is more secure than allowing the application on all services.
For example: a rule that allows Facebook, allows it only on the Application Control Web Browsing
Services: http, https, HTTP_proxy, and HTTPS_proxy.
If an application is blocked in the policy, it is blocked on all services. It is therefore blocked on all
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

You can change the default match settings for applications.

Configuring Matching for an Allowed Application
You can configure how a rule matches an application or category that is allowed in the policy. You
can configure the rule to match the application in one of these ways:

On any service


On a specified service

To do this, change the Match Settings of the application or category. The application or category is
changed everywhere that it is used in the policy.

To change the matched services for an allowed application or category:
1. In a rule which has applications or categories in the Services & Applications column,
double-click an application or category.
2. Select Match Settings.
3. Select an option:

The default is Recommended services. The defaults for Web services are the Application
Control Web Browsing Services.


To match the application with all services, click Any.


To match the application on specified services, click Customize, and add or remove


To match the application with all services and exclude specified services, click Customize,
add the services to exclude, and select Negate.

4. Click OK.

Configuring Matching for Blocked Applications
By default, if an application is blocked in the policy, it is blocked on all services. It is therefore
blocked on all ports.
You can configure the matching for blocked applications so that they are matched on the
recommended services. For Web applications, the recommended services are the Application
Control Web browsing services.
If the match settings of the application are configured to Customize, the blocked application is
matched on the customized services service. It is not matched on all ports.

To configure matching for blocked applications:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Blades > Application Control and URL Filtering >
Advanced Settings > Application Port Match
2. Configure Match application on ‘Any’ port when used in ‘Block’ rule:

Selected - This is the default. If an application is blocked in the Rule Base, the application is
matched to Any port.


Not selected - If an application is blocked in the Rule Base, the application is matched to
the services that are configured in the application object of the application. However, some
applications are still matched on Any. These are applications (Skype, for example) that do
not limit themselves to a standard set of services.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Summary of Application Matching in a "Block" Rule
Application - Match Setting

Checkbox: Match web
application on 'Any' port when
used in 'Block' rule

Blocked Application is Matched
on Service

Recommended services

Selected (default)


Recommended services

Not selected

Recommended services


Not relevant



Not relevant


Adding Services, Applications, and Sites to a rule
You can add services, applications and sites to a rule.
Note - Rules with applications or categories do not apply to connections from or to the Security

To add services, applications or sites to a rule:
1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. To add applications to a rule, select a Layer with Applications and URL Filtering enabled.
3. Right-click the Services & Applications cell for the rule and select Add New Items.
4. Search for the services, sites, applications, or categories.
5. Click the + next to the ones you want to add.

Creating Custom Applications, Categories, and Groups
You can create custom applications, categories or groups, that are not included in the Check Point
Application Database.

To create a new application or site:
1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Select a Layer with Applications and URL Filtering enabled.
3. Right-click the Services & Applications cell for the rule and select Add New Items.
The Application viewer window opens.
4. Click New > Custom Applications/Site > Application/Site.
5. Enter a name for the object.
6. Enter one or more URLs.
If you used a regular expression in the URL, click URLs are defined as Regular Expressions.
Note - If the application or site URL is defined as a regular expression you must use the
correct syntax.
7. Click OK.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

To create a custom category:
1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Select a Layer with Applications and URL Filtering enabled.
3. Right-click the Services & Applications cell for the rule and select Add New Items.
The Application viewer window opens.
4. Click New > Custom Applications/Site > User Category.
5. Enter a name for the object.
6. Enter a description for the object.
7. Click OK.

Services and Applications on R80 and Lower Gateways, and after Upgrade
For R77.xx and lower Gateways:

The Firewall matches TCP and UDP services by port number. The Firewall cannot match
services by protocol signature.


The Firewall matches applications by the application signature.

When you upgrade the Security Management Server and the Gateway to R80 and higher, this
change of behavior occurs:

Applications that were defined in the Application Control and URL Filtering Rule Base are
accepted on their recommended ports

Content Column
You can add Data Types to the Content column of rules in the Access Control Policy.
To use the Content column, you must enable Content Awareness, in the General Properties page
of the Security Gateway, and on the Layer.
A Data Type is a classification of data. The Firewall classifies incoming and outgoing traffic
according to Data Types, and enforces the Policy accordingly.
You can set the direction of the data in the Policy to Download Traffic (into the organization),
Upload Traffic (out of the organization), or Any Direction.
There are two kinds of Data Types: Content Types (classified by analyzing the file content) and File
Types (classified by analyzing the file ID).
Content Type examples:

PCI - credit card numbers


HIPAA - Medical Records Number - MRN


International Bank Account Numbers - IBAN


Source Code - JAVA


U.S. Social Security Numbers - According to SSA


Salary Survey Terms

File type examples:

Viewer File - PDF


Executable file
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy


Database file


Document file


Presentation file


Spreadsheet file

Note these limitations:

Websocket content is not inspected.


HTTP connections that are not RFC-compliant are not inspected.

To learn more about the Data Types, open the Data Type object in SmartConsole and press the ?
button (or F1) to see the Help.
Note - Content Awareness and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) both use Data Types. However, they
have different features and capabilities. They work independently, and the Security Gateway
enforces them separately.
To learn more about DLP, see the R80.10 Data Loss Prevention Administration Guide

Actions Column



Accepts the traffic


Drops the traffic. The Firewall does not send a response to the originating end of
the connection and the connection eventually does a time-out. If no UserCheck
object is defined for this action, no page is displayed.


Asks the user a question and adds a confirmatory check box, or a reason box.
Uses a UserCheck object.


Sends a message to the user attempting to access the application or the
content. Uses a UserCheck object.

To see these actions, right-click and select More:

Rejects the traffic. The Firewall sends an RST packet to the originating end of
the connection and the connection is closed.


Configure how often the user sees the configured message when the action is
ask, inform, or block.


Select the action that triggers a UserCheck message:

Per rule - UserCheck message shows only once when traffic matches a rule.


Per category - UserCheck message shows for each matching category in a rule.


Per application/Site - UserCheck message shows for each matching application/site in a


Per Data type - UserCheck message shows for each matching data type.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy




Limits the bandwidth that is permitted for a rule. Add a Limit object to
configure a maximum throughput for uploads and downloads.

Redirects HTTP traffic to an authentication (captive) portal. After the user is
authenticated, new connections from this source are inspected without requiring
Captive Portal authentication.
Important - A rule that drops traffic, with the Source and Destination parameters
defined as Any, also drops traffic to and from the Captive Portal.

UserCheck Actions
UserCheck ("UserCheck Interactions in the Access Control Policy" on page 62) lets the Security
Gateways send messages to users about possible non-compliant or dangerous Internet browsing.
In the Access Control Policy, it works with URL Filtering, Application Control, and Content
Awareness. (You can also use UserCheck in the Data Loss Prevention Policy, in SmartDashboard).
Create UserCheck objects and use them in the Rule Base, to communicate with the users. These
actions use UserCheck objects:






UserCheck on a Security Gateway
When UserCheck is enabled, the user's Internet browser shows the UserCheck messages in a
new window.
You can enable UserCheck on Security Gateways that use:



Access Control features:

Application Control


URL Filtering


Content Awareness

Threat Prevention features:





Threat Emulation


Threat Extraction

Data Loss Prevention

UserCheck on a computer
The UserCheck client is installed on endpoint computers. This client:

Sends messages for applications that are not based on Internet browsers, such as Skype and
iTunes, and Internet browser add-ons and plug-ins.


Shows a message on the computer when it cannot be shown in the Internet browser.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Tracking Column
These are some of the Tracking options (on page 143):

None - Do not generate a log.


Log - This is the default Track option. It shows all the information that the Security Gateway
used to match the connection.


Accounting - Select this to update the log at 10 minute intervals, to show how much data has
passed in the connection: Upload bytes, Download bytes, and browse time.

Unified Rule Base Use Cases
Here are some use cases that show examples of rules that you can define for the Access Control

Use Cases In this section:
Use Case - Application Control and Content Awareness Ordered Layer ..................46
Use Case - Inline Layer for Web Traffic ......................................................................47
Use Case - Content Awareness Ordered Layer ..........................................................49
Use Case - Application Control and URL Filtering Ordered Layer ............................51

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Use Case - Application Control and Content Awareness Ordered
This use case shows an example unified Access Control Policy. It controls applications and
content in one Ordered Layer.
No. Name
General compliance





Services & Content










Critical Risk


Block risky executables (2)

Block download
of executables
files from
and high risk




High Risk













Credit card data (3-4)


Allow uploading Finance
of credit cards
(Access Role)
numbers, by
finance, and
only over HTTPS

Web Servers

Block other
credit cards
from company
Web servers

Web Servers




Credit Card



Credit Card

Inform about sensitive data over VPN (5)

Inform the user
about sensitive
data from VPN






cleanup (6)

Cleanup rule






Rule Explanation

General Compliance section - Block access to unacceptable Web sites and applications.


Block risky executables section - Block downloading of high risk executable files.


Credit card data section - Allow uploading of credit cards numbers only by the finance
department, and only over HTTPS. Block other credit cards.


Block sensitive data over VPN section - A remote user that connects over the
organization's VPN sees an informational message.


cleanup rule - Accept all traffic that does not match one of the earlier rules.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Use Case - Inline Layer for Web Traffic
This use case shows an example Access Control Policy that controls Web traffic. The Web server
rules are in an Inline Layer.
No Name



Services &





WEB traffic - via



Web Proxy





Allow Proxy to
the Internet








Allow local
branch to access
the internet

Local Branch Internet





Web Servers


Web Servers




4.1 Block browsing
with unapproved



Web Access
Access Noti...
once a day
per applic...

Web Access
Access Noti...
once a day
per applic...


Web Servers





Upload Traffic



Google Chrome
Internet Explorer 11

4.2 Inform user when Any
uploading Credit
Cards only over


4.3 Block Credit



4.4 Block
downloading of
sensitive content


4.5 Cleanup rule




Ask user when
sending credit
cards to PayPal




Cleanup rule



PCI - Credit
Card Numbers

Any Direction

Access Noti...
once a day
per applic...


PCI - Credit
Card Numbers Message








Any Direction



HIPAA Medical

PCI - Credit
Card Numbers Policy
Access Noti...
once a day
per applic...





Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Rule Explanation

This is the parent rule of the Inline Layer. The Action is the name of the Inline Layer. If a
packet matches on the parent rule, the matching continues to rule 4.1 of the Inline Layer. If
a packet does not match on the parent rule, the matching continues to rule 5.


If a packet matches on rule 4.1, the rule action is done on the packet, and no more rule
matching is done. If a packet does not match on rule 4.1, continue to rule 4.2. The same
logic applies to the remaining rules in the Inline Layer.


If none of the higher rules in the Ordered Layer match the packet, the explicit Cleanup
Rule is applied. The Cleanup rule is a default explicit rule. You can change or delete it. We
recommend that you have an explicit cleanup rule as the last rule in each Inline Layer and
Ordered Layer.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Use Case - Content Awareness Ordered Layer
This use case shows a Policy that controls the upload and download of data from and to the
There is an explanation of some of the rules below the Rule Base.




Services & Content



Block the
download of
executable files






Allow uploading
of credit cards
numbers by
finance users,
only over HTTPS

(Access Role)

Web Servers



Block other credit InternalZone
cards from
company Web

Web Servers



Regulatory compliance



Download Traffic
Executable file


Upload Traffic
PCI – Credit Card


Any Direction
PCI – Credit Card

Block Message

Personally Identifiable Information


Matches U.S.
Social Security
Numbers (SSN)
allocated by the
U.S. Social


downloading of
sensitive medical




Upload Traffic
U.S. Social Security
Numbers - According
to SSA



Download Traffic
HIPAA – Medical
Records Headers



Access Notifi...
once a day
per applicati...



Block Message

Human Resources

Ask user when
containing salary
survey reports.




Upload Traffic
Salary Survey Report



Company Policy
once a day
per applicati...

Intellectual Property

Matches data
containing source




Any Direction
Source Code



Download Traffic

Restrict source






Source Code




Upload Traffic
Source Code


Cleanup Inline





Company Policy
once a day
per applicati...


Block Message

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Rule Explanation

Regulatory Compliance section - Control the upload and download of executable files and
credit cards.
You can set the direction of the Content. In rule 1 it is Download Traffic, in rule 2 it is
Upload Traffic, and in rule 3 it is Any Direction.
Rule 1 controls executable files, which are File Types. The File Type rule is higher in the
Rule Base than rules with Content Types (Rules 2 to 7). This improves the efficiency of the
Rule Base, because File Types are matched sooner than Content Types.


Personally Identifiable Information section - Controls the upload and download of social
security number and medical records.
The rule Action for rule 4 is Inform. When an internal user uploads a file with a social
security number, the user sees a message.


Human resources section - controls the sending of salary survey information outside of
the organization.
The rule action is Ask. If sensitive content is detected, the user must confirm that the
upload complies with the organization's policy.


Intellectual Property section - A group of rules that control how source code leaves the
Rule 7 is the parent rule of an Inline Layer ("Ordered Layers and Inline Layers" on page
27). The Action is the name of the Inline Layer.
If a packet matches on rule 7.1, matching stops.
If a packet does not match on rule 7.1, continue to rule 7.2. In a similar way, if there is no
match, continue to 7.3. The matching stops on the last rule of the Inline Layer. We
recommend that you have an explicit cleanup rule as the last rule in each Inline Layer

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Use Case - Application Control and URL Filtering Ordered Layer
This use case shows some examples of URL Filtering and Application Control rules for a typical
policy that monitors and controls Internet browsing. (The Hits, VPN and Install On columns are
not shown.)




Services &





Liability sites



liability (group)




High Risk





High risk




Blocked Message

Blocked Message


Allow IT
IT (Access
department Remote Role)







Allow Facebook for







Block these








Streaming Media

Blocked Message

Social Networking
P2P File Sharing

Log all applications





Rule Explanation

Liability sites- Blocks traffic to sites and applications in the custom Potential_liability
group. The UserCheck Blocked Message is shown to users and explains why their traffic is


High risk applications - Blocks traffic to sites and applications in the High Risk category
and blocks the iTunes application. The UserCheck Block Message is shown to users and
explains why their traffic is blocked.


Allow IT department Remote Admin - Allows the computers in the IT department
network to use the Radmin application. Traffic that uses Radmin is allowed only during the
Work-Hours (set to 8:00 through 18:30, for example).


Allow Facebook for HR - Allows computers in the HR network to use Facebook. The total
traffic downloaded from Facebook is limited to 1 Gbps, there is no upload limit.


Block these categories - Blocks traffic to these categories: Streaming Media, Social
Networking, P2P File Sharing, and Remote Administration. The UserCheck Blocked
Message is shown to users and explains why their traffic is blocked.
Note - The Remote Administration category blocks traffic that uses the Radmin
application. If this rule is placed before rule 3, then this rule can also block Radmin for the
IT department.


Log all applications- Logs all traffic that matches any of the URL Filtering and Application
Control categories.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Rule Matching in the Access Control Policy
The Firewall determines the rule to apply to a connection. This is called matching a connection.
Understanding how the firewall matches connections will help you:

Get better performance from the Rule Base.


Understand the logs that show a matched connection.

Examples of Rule Matching
These example Rule Bases show how the Firewall matches connections.
Note that these Rule Bases intentionally do not follow Best Practices for Access Control Rules (on
page 55) . This is to make the explanations of rule matching clearer.

Rule Base Matching - Example 1
For this Rule Base:



Services &







Executable File






Executable file





Gambling (Category)









This is the matching procedure for an FTP connection:
Part of

Firewall action

Inspection result


Run the Rule Base:

Final match (drop on rule 1).

Look for the first rule that matches:

Shows in the log.


The Firewall does not
turn on the inspection
engines for the other rules.

Rule 1 – Match.

Rule Base Matching - Example 2
For this Rule Base:



Services &







Executable File





Gambling (category)















Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

This is the matching procedure when browsing an a file sharing Web site. Follow the rows from
top to bottom. Follow each row from left to right:
Part of

Firewall action

Inspection result


Run the Rule Base.

Possible match (Continue to
inspect the connection).

Look for the first rule that matches:



Rule 1 - Possible match.


Rule 2 - Possible match.


Rule 3 - No match.


Rule 4 - Match.

The Firewall turns on inspection engines to examine Application: File sharing
the data in the connection.
In this example turn on the:

Content: Don’t know yet.


URL Filtering engine – Is it a gambling site?


Content Awareness engine - Is it an executable

Optimize the Rule Base matching.
Look for the first rule that matches:



Rule 1 - Possible match.


Rule 2 - No match.


Rule 3 - No match.


Rule 4 - Match.

Possible match (Continue to
inspect the connection).

Examine the file.

Data: PDF file.

Optimize the Rule Base matching.

Final match (accept on rule

Look for the first rule that matches:

Rule 1 - No match.


Rule 2 - No match.


Rule 3 - No match.


Rule 4 - Match.

Shows in the log.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Rule Base Matching - Example 3
For this Rule Base:



Services &







Executable File





Gambling (Category)









This is the matching procedure when downloading an executable file from a business Web site.
Follow the rows from top to bottom. Follow each row from left to right:
Part of

Firewall action

Inspection result


Run the Rule Base.

Possible match (Continue to
inspect the connection).

Look for the first rule that matches:



Rule 1 – Possible match.


Rule 2 – Possible match.


Rule 3 – Match.

The Firewall turns on inspection engines to examine Application: Business
the content in the connection.
In this example turn on the:

Content: Don’t know yet.


URL Filtering engine – Is it a gambling site?


Content Awareness engine - Is it an executable

Optimize the Rule Base matching.
Look for the first rule that matches:



Rule 1 – Possible match.


Rule 2 – No match.


Rule 3 – Match.

Possible match (Continue to
inspect the connection).

Examine the file.

Content: Executable file.

Optimize the Rule Base matching.

Final match (accept on rule

Look for the first rule that matches:

Rule 1 – Match.


Rule 2 – No match.


Rule 3 – Match.

Shows in the log.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

The matching examples show that:

The Firewall sometimes runs the Rule Base more than one time. Each time it runs, the
Firewall optimizes the matching, to find the first rule that applies to the connection.


If the rule includes an application, or a site, or a service with a protocol signature (in the
Application and Services column), or a Data Type (in the Content column), the Firewall:



Turns on one or more inspection engines.


Postpones making the final match decision until it has inspected the body of the

The Firewall searches for the first rule that applies to (matches) a connection. If the Firewall
does not have all the information it needs to identify the matching rule, it continues to inspect
the traffic.

Best Practices for Access Control Rules
1. Make sure you have these rules:

Stealth rule that prevents direct access to the Security Gateway


Cleanup rule that drops all traffic that is not allowed by the earlier rules in the policy.

2. Use Layers to add structure and hierarchy of rules in the Rule Base.
3. Add all rules that are based only on source and destination IP addresses and ports, in a
Firewall/Network Ordered Layer at the top of the Rule Base.
4. Create Firewall/Network rules to explicitly accept safe traffic, and add an explicit cleanup rule
at the bottom of the Ordered Layer to drop everything else.
5. Create an Application Control Ordered Layer after the Firewall/Network Ordered Layer. Add
rules to explicitly drop unwanted or unsafe traffic. Add an explicit cleanup rule at the bottom of
the Ordered Layer to accept everything else.
Alternatively, put Application Control rules in an Inline Layer as part of the Firewall/Network
rules. In the parent rule of the Inline Layer, define the Source and Destination.
6. For R80.10 Gateways and higher: If you have one Ordered Layer for Firewall/Network rules,
and another Ordered Layer for Application Control - Add all rules that examine applications,
Data Type, or Mobile Access elements, to the Application Control Ordered Layer, or to an
Ordered Layer after it.
7. Turn off XFF inspection, unless the gateway is behind a proxy server. For more, see: sk92839
8. Disable a rule when working on it. Enable the rule when you want to use it. Disabled rules do
not affect the performance of the Gateway. To disable a rule, right click in the No. column of
the rule and select Disable.

Best Practices for Efficient rule Matching
1. Place rules that check the source, destination, and port (network rules) higher in the Rule
Reason: Network rules are matched sooner, and turn on fewer inspection engines.
2. Place rules that check applications and content (Data Types) below network rules.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

3. Do not define a rule with Any in the Source and in the Destination, and with an Application or a
Data Type. For example these rules are not recommended:


Services &







Credit Card numbers

Instead, define one of these recommended rules:


Services &







Credit Card numbers

Reason for 2 and 3: Application Control and Content Awareness rules require content
inspection. Therefore, they:

Allow the connection until the Firewall has inspected connection header and body.


May affect performance.

4. For rules with Data Types ("Content Column" on page 42): Place rules that check File Types
higher in the Rule Base than rules that check for Content Types.
Reason: File Types are matched sooner than Content Types.
To see examples of some of these best practices, see the Unified Rule Base Use Cases (on page

Installing the Access Control Policy
1. On the Global Toolbar, click Menu > Install Policy.
The Install Policy window opens showing the Security Gateways.
2. If there is more than one Policy package: From the Policy drop-down list, select a policy
3. Select Access Control. You can also select other Policies.
4. If there is more than one gateway: Select the gateways on which to install the Policy.
5. Select the Install Mode:

Install on each selected gateway independently - Install the policy on each target gateway
independently of others, so that if the installation fails on one of them, it doesn't affect the
installation on the rest of the target gateways.
Note - If you select For Gateway Clusters, if installation on a cluster member fails, do not
install on that cluster, the Security Management Server makes sure that it can install the
policy on all cluster members before it begins the installation. If the policy cannot be
installed on one of the members, policy installation fails for all of them.


Install on all selected gateways, if it fails do not install on gateways of the same version Install the policy on all the target gateways. If the policy fails to install on one of the
gateways, the policy is not installed on other target gateways.

6. Click Install.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Analyzing the Rule Base Hit Count
Use the Hit Count feature to show the number of connections that each rule matches. Use the Hit
Count data to:

Analyze a Rule Base - You can delete rules that have no matching connections
Note - If you see a rule with a zero hit count it only means that in the Security Gateways
enabled with Hit Count there were no matching connections. There can be matching
connections on other Security Gateways.


Better understand the behavior of the Access Control Policy

You can show Hit Count for the rules in these options:

The percentage of the rule hits from total hits


The indicator level (very high, high, medium, low, or zero)

These options are configured in the Access Control Policy Rule Base and also changes how Hit
Count is shown in other supported Software Blades.
When you enable Hit Count, the Security Management Server collects the data from supported
Security Gateways (from version R75.40 and up). Hit Count works independently from logging and
tracks the hits even if the Track option is None.

Enabling or Disabling Hit Count
By default, Hit Count is globally enabled for all supported Security Gateways (from R75.40). The
timeframe setting that defines the data collection time range is configured globally. If necessary,
you can disable Hit Count for one or more Security Gateways.
After you enable or disable Hit Count you must install the Policy for the Security Gateway to start
or stop collecting data.

To enable or disable Hit Count globally:
1. In SmartConsole, click Menu > Global properties.
2. Select Hit Count from the tree.
3. Select the options:

Enable Hit Count - Select to enable or clear to disable all Security Gateways to monitor the
number of connections each rule matches.


Keep Hit Count data up to - Select one of the time range options. The default is 3 months.
Data is kept in the Security Management Server database for this period and is shown in
the Hits column.

4. Click OK.
5. Install the Policy.

To enable or disable Hit Count on each Security Gateway:
1. From the Gateway Properties for the Security Gateway, select Hit Count from the navigation
2. Select Enable Hit Count to enable the feature or clear it to disable Hit Count.
3. Click OK.
4. Install the Policy.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Configuring the Hit Count Display
These are the options you can configure for how matched connection data is shown in the Hits

Value - Shows the number of matched hits for the rule from supported Security Gateways.
Connection hits are not accumulated in the total hit count for:

Security Gateways that are not supported


Security Gateways that have disabled the hit count feature

The values are shown with these letter abbreviations:

K = 1,000


M = 1,000,000


G = 1,000,000,000


T = 1,000,000,000,000

For example, 259K represents 259 thousand connections and 2M represents 2 million

Percentage - Shows the percentage of the number of matched hits for the rule from the total
number of matched connections. The percentage is rounded to a tenth of a percent.


Level - The hit count level is a label for the range of hits according to the table.
The hit count range = Maximum hit value - Minimum hit value (does not include zero hits)

Hit Count Level




0 hits


Less than 10 percent of the hit count range


Between 10 - 70 percent of the hit count range


Between 70 - 90 percent of the hit count range

Very High

Above 90 percent of the hit count range

To show the Hit Count in the Rule Base:
Right-click the heading row of the Rule Base and select Hits.

To configure the Hit Count in a rule:
1. Right-click the rule number of the rule.
2. Select Hit Count and one of these options (you can repeat this action to configure more

Timeframe - Select All, 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, or 3 months


Display. - Select Percentage, Value, or Level

To update the Hit Count in a rule:
1. Right-click the rule number of the rule.
2. Select Hit Count > Refresh.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Preventing IP Spoofing
IP spoofing replaces the untrusted source IP address with a fake, trusted one, to hijack
connections to your network. Attackers use IP spoofing to send malware and bots to your
protected network, to execute DoS attacks, or to gain unauthorized access.
Anti-Spoofing detects if a packet with an IP address that is behind a certain interface, arrives from
a different interface. For example, if a packet from an external network has an internal IP
address, Anti-Spoofing blocks that packet.

The diagram shows a Gateway with interfaces 2 and 3, and 4, and some example networks behind
the interfaces.

For the Gateway, anti-spoofing makes sure that

All incoming packets to 2 come from the Internet (1)


All incoming packets to 3 come from


All incoming packets to 4 come from or

If an incoming packet to B has a source IP address in network, the packet is blocked,
because the source address is spoofed.
When you configure Anti-Spoofing protection on a Check Point Security Gateway interface, the
Anti-Spoofing is done based on the interface topology. The interface topology defines where the
interface Leads To (for example, External (Internet) or Internal), and the Security Zone of

Configuring Anti-Spoofing
Make sure to configure Anti-Spoofing protection on all the interfaces of the Security Gateway,
including internal interfaces.

To configure Anti-Spoofing for an interface:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the Gateway object.
The General Properties window of the Gateway opens.
2. From the navigation tree, select Network Management.
3. Click Get Interfaces.
4. Click Accept.
The gateway network topology shows. If SmartConsole fails to automatically retrieve the
topology, make sure that the details in the General Properties section are correct and the
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Security Gateway, the Security Management Server, and the SmartConsole can communicate
with each other.
5. Select an interface and click Edit.
The Interface properties window opens.
6. From the navigation tree, select General.
7. In the Topology section of the page, click Modify.
The Topology Settings window opens.
8. Select the type of network that the interface Leads To:

Internet (External) or This Network (Internal) - This is the default setting. It is
automatically calculated from the topology of the gateway. To update the topology of an
internal network after changes to static routes, click Network Management > Get
Interfaces in the General Properties window of the gateway.


Override - Override the default setting.

If you Override the default setting:

Internet (External) - All external/Internet addresses


This Network (Internal) 

Not Defined - All IP addresses behind this interface are considered a part of the
internal network that connects to this interface


Network defined by the interface IP and Net Mask - Only the network that directly
connects to this internal interface


Specific - A specific network object (a network, a host, an address range, or a network
group) behind this internal interface


Interface leads to DMZ - The DMZ that directly connects to this internal interface

9. Optional: In the Security Zone section, choose the zone of the interface.
10. Configure Anti-Spoofing options (on page 61). Make sure that Perform Anti-Spoofing based
on interface topology is selected.
11. Select an Anti-Spoofing action:

Prevent - Drops spoofed packets


Detect - Allows spoofed packets. To monitor traffic and to learn about the network topology
without dropping packets, select this option together with the Spoof Tracking Log option.

12. Configure Anti-Spoofing exceptions (optional). For example, configure addresses, from which
packets are not inspected by Anti-Spoofing:
a) Select Don't check packets from.
b) Select an object from the drop-down list, or click New to create a new object.
13. Configure Spoof Tracking - select the tracking action that is done when spoofed packets are

Log - Create a log entry (default)


Alert - Show an alert


None - Do not log or alert

14. Click OK twice to save Anti-Spoofing settings for the interface.
For each interface, repeat the configuration steps. When finished, install the policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Anti-Spoofing Options

Perform Anti-Spoofing based on interface topology - Select this option to enable spoofing
protection on this external interface.


Anti-Spoofing action is set to - Select this option to define if packets will be rejected (the
Prevent option) or whether the packets will be monitored (the Detect option). The Detect option
is used for monitoring purposes and should be used in conjunction with one of the tracking
options. It serves as a tool for learning the topology of a network without actually preventing
packets from passing.


Don't check packets from - Select this option to make sure anti-spoofing does not take place
for traffic from internal networks that reaches the external interface. Define a network object
that represents those internal networks with valid addresses, and from the drop-down list,
select that network object. The anti-spoofing enforcement mechanism disregards objects
selected in the Don't check packets from drop-down menu .


Spoof Tracking - Select a tracking option.

Translating IP Addresses (NAT)
NAT (Network Address Translation) is a feature of the Firewall Software Blade and replaces IPv4
and IPv6 addresses to add more security. You can enable NAT for all SmartConsole objects to help
manage network traffic. NAT protects the identity of a network and does not show internal IP
addresses to the Internet. You can also use NAT to supply more IPv4 addresses for the network.
The Firewall can change both the source and destination IP addresses in a packet. For example,
when an internal computer sends a packet to an external computer, the Firewall translates the
source IP address to a new one. The packet comes back from the external computer, the Firewall
translates the new IP address back to the original IP address. The packet from the external
computer goes to the correct internal computer.
SmartConsole gives you the flexibility to make necessary configurations for your network:

Easily enable the Firewall to translate all traffic that goes to the internal network.


SmartConsole can automatically create Static and Hide NAT rules that translate the applicable


You can manually create NAT rules for different configurations and deployments.

How Security Gateways Translate Traffic
A Security Gateway can use these procedures to translate IP addresses in your network:

Static NAT - Each internal IP address is translated to a different public IP address. The
Firewall can allow external traffic to access internal resources.


Hide NAT - The Firewall uses port numbers to translate all specified internal IP addresses to a
single public IP address and hides the internal IP structure. Connections can only start from
internal computers, external computers CANNOT access internal servers. The Firewall can
translate up to 50,000 connections at the same time from external computers and servers.


Hide NAT with Port Translation - Use one IP address and let external users access multiple
application servers in a hidden network. The Firewall uses the requested service (or
destination port) to send the traffic to the correct server. A typical configuration can use these
ports: FTP server (port 21), SMTP server (port 25) and an HTTP server (port 80). It is necessary
to create manual NAT rules to use Port Translation.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

To Learn More About NAT
To learn more about NAT, see the R80.10 Security Management Guide Search for Configuring the NAT

UserCheck Interactions in the Access Control Policy
UserCheck objects lets the Security Gateway communicate with users. Use them in the Rule Base

Help users with decisions that can be dangerous to the organization's security.


Share the organization's changing internet policy for Web applications and sites with users, in

If a UserCheck object is set as the action on in a policy rule, the user's browser redirects to the
UserCheck web portal on port 443 or 80. The portal shows the notifications to the user.
UserCheck client adds the option to send notifications for applications that are not in a web
browser. The UserCheck client can also work together with the UserCheck portal to show
notifications on the computer itself when the notification cannot be displayed in a browser.

Configuring the Security Gateway for UserCheck
Enable or disable UserCheck directly on the Security Gateway. Make sure that the UserCheck is
enabled on each Security Gateway in the network.
The Security Gateway has an internal persistence mechanism that preserves UserCheck
notification data if the Security Gateway or cluster reboots. Records of a user answering or
receiving notifications are never lost.

To configure UserCheck on a Security Gateway:
1. In SmartConsole, click Gateways & Servers and double-click the Security Gateway.
The Gateway Properties window opens.
2. From the navigation tree, click UserCheck.
The UserCheck page opens.
3. Make sure Enable UserCheck for active blades is selected
4. In the UserCheck Web Portal section:
In the Main URL field, enter the primary URL for the web portal that shows the UserCheck
If users connect to the Security Gateway remotely, make sure that the Security Gateway
internal interface (in the Network Management page) is the same as the Main URL.
Note - The Main URL field must be manually updated if:

The Main URL field contains an IP address and not a DNS name.


You change a gateway IPv4 address to IPv6 or vice versa.

5. Optional: Click Aliases to add URL aliases that redirect different hostnames to the Main URL.
The aliases must be resolved to the portal IP address on the corporate DNS server
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

6. In the Certificate section, click Import to import a certificate that the portal uses to
authenticate to the Security Management Server.
By default, the portal uses a certificate from the Check Point Internal Certificate Authority
(ICA). This might generate warnings if the user browser does not recognize Check Point as a
trusted Certificate Authority. To prevent these warnings, import your own certificate from a
recognized external authority.
7. In the Accessibility section, click Edit to configure interfaces on the Security Gateway through
which the portal can be accessed. These options are based on the topology configured for the
Security Gateway. The topology must be configured.
Users are sent to the UserCheck portal if they connect:

Through all interfaces


Through internal interfaces (default)

Including undefined internal interfaces


Including DMZ internal interfaces


Including VPN encrypted interfaces (default)
Note: Make sure to add a rule to the Firewall Rule Base that allows the encrypted


According to the Firewall Policy. Select this option if there is a rule that states who can
access the portal.

If the Main URL is set to an external interface, you must set the Accessibility option to one of

Through all interfaces - necessary in VSX environment


According to the Firewall Policy

8. In the Mail Server section, configure a mail server for UserCheck. This server sends
notifications to users that the Gateway cannot notify using other means, if the server knows
the email address of the user. For example, if a user sends an email which matched on a rule,
the Gateway cannot redirect the user to the UserCheck portal because the traffic is not http. If
the user does not have a UserCheck client, UserCheck sends an email notification to the user.

Use the default settings - Click the link to see which mail server is configured.


Use specific settings for this gateway - Select this option to override the default mail
server settings.


Send emails using this mail server - Select a mail server from the list, or click New and
define a new mail server.

9. Click OK.
10. If there is encrypted traffic through an internal interface, add a new rule to the Firewall Layer
of the Access Control Policy. This is a sample rule:

Security Gateway on which
UserCheck client is enabled


Services &


11. Install the Access Control Policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Blocking Applications and Informing Users
Scenario: I want to block pornographic sites in my organization, and tell the user about the
violation. How can I do this?

To block an application or category of applications and tell the user about the policy
1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Choose a Layer with Applications and URL Filtering enabled.
3. Create a rule that includes these components:

Services & Applications - Select the Pornography category.


Action - Drop, and a UserCheck Blocked Message - Access Control
The message informs users that their actions are against company policy and can include a
link to report if the website is included in an incorrect category.


Track - Log

Note - This Rule Base example contains only those columns that are applicable to this subject.



Services &



Install On

Block Porn






Policy Targets

The rule blocks traffic to pornographic sites and logs attempts to access those sites. Users who
violate the rule receive a UserCheck message that informs them that the application is blocked
according to company security policy. The message can include a link to report if the website is
included in an incorrect category.
Important - A rule that blocks traffic, with the Source and Destination parameters
defined as Any, also blocks traffic to and from the Captive Portal.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

UserCheck for Access Control Default Messages
These are the default UserCheck messages in the Access Tools > UserCheck page of the Access
Control Policy:

Action Type


Access Approval


Access Notification


Shows when the action for the rule is inform. It informs
users what the company policy is for that site.

Blocked Message Access Control


Shows when the action for the rule is Block, when a
request is blocked.

Cancel Page - Access


Shows after a user gets an Inform or Ask message and
clicks Cancel.

Company Policy


Shows when the action for the rule is ask. It informs users
what the company policy is for that site and they must
click OK to continue to the site.

If the default UserCheck messages do not fit your needs, you can create a UserCheck Interaction
object ("Creating a UserCheck Interaction Object" on page 65).
For example, you can create a message with Content Awareness fields (see "Example UserCheck
Message Using Field Variables" on page 66).
You can show these UserCheck message previews:

Regular view - Shows a preview of the UserCheck message on a computer.


Mobile - Shows a preview of the UserCheck message on a mobile device.


Agent - Shows a preview of the UserCheck message in the agent window.


Email - Shows a preview of the UserCheck message in an email.

Creating a UserCheck Interaction Object
If the default UserCheck messages do not fit your needs, you can create a UserCheck Interaction

To create a UserCheck object that includes a message:
1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Click Access Tools > UserCheck.
3. Click New, and select one of these interaction modes:

Ask UserCheck- Show a message to users that asks them if they want to continue with the
request or not.


Block UserCheck- Show a message to users and block the application request.


Inform UserCheck - Show an informative message to users. Users can continue to the
application or cancel the request.

The UserCheck Interaction window opens on the Message page.
4. Enter a name for the UserCheck object and, optionally, a comment.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

5. Select a language (English is the default) from the Languages tabs.
6. Enter the message content. You can:

Use the formatting toolbar to change text color, alignment, add or remove bullets.


Use the Insert field variables. These include fields for Content Awareness (see "Example
UserCheck Message Using Field Variables" on page 66).

7. In the Settings tab, configure optional settings. For example:

Fallback Action - For a Block action type, when UserCheck notification cannot be
displayed, this action is taken.


External Portal - When selected, redirects the user to the specified External Portal (enter
the URL), and the UserCheck message is not shown to the end-user
Select Add UserCheck Incident ID to the URL query, to log the incident

8. Click OK.
This creates the UserCheck object and web page notification for the portal.

Example UserCheck Message Using Field Variables
If you define a custom UserCheck message ("Creating a UserCheck Interaction Object" on page
65), you can use predefined Field variables in the message.
Here is an example of a UserCheck message that you can define. This example uses some of the
Insert Field variables for Application Control and Content Awareness rules:
According to the company policy, this action is intended for work-related use only.
- File Name is classified as Data Types
- Access to Application name
- Category Category
[ ] I will use this site/application and data in accordance with company policy.
Reference: Incident ID

Localizing and Customizing the UserCheck Portal
After you set the UserCheck interaction object language, you can translate the Portal OK and
Cancel buttons to the applicable language. For more information, see sk83700
Some of the UserCheck predefined notifications are translated to more than one language. For
example, Access Notification is translated to English, French, Spanish, and Japanese.
To support more languages:
1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Click Access Tools > UserCheck.
3. Double-click the UserCheck object to edit it.
4. In the Message page, click Languages.
5. Select the Languages from the list.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

UserCheck Frequency and Scope
You can set the number of times that users get UserCheck messages for accessing applications
that are not permitted by the policy. You can also set if the notifications are based on accessing
the rule, application category, or application itself.

To set how often UserCheck notifications show:
1. Select the Action cell of a rule in the Access Control Policy, and click More.
2. In the Action Settings window, select the UserCheck Frequency.
The options are:

Once a day


Once a week


Once a month


Custom frequency

3. Select Confirm UserCheck. This sets if the notifications are:

Per rule


Per category


Per application


Per data type

In a rule that contains:
Services & Applications


Social Networking category


If you select a UserCheck Frequency of Once a day, and Confirm UserCheck of Per rule:
A user who accesses Facebook and then LinkedIn on the same day gets one Inform message.
If you select a UserCheck Frequency of Once a day, and Confirm UserCheck of Per application:
A user who accesses Facebook and then LinkedIn on the same day gets one Inform message
for Facebook and one for LinkedIn.
In new installations, the Confirm UserCheck Scope default is Per category.
In upgrades from a version before R75.40, the Confirm UserCheck default is Per Rule.

UserCheck Settings
For each UserCheck interaction object you can configure these options from the Settings page
UserCheck object:

Languages - Set a language for the UserCheck message if the language setting in the user
browser cannot be determined or is not implemented. For example:

If the browser native language is Spanish


The UserCheck message is in Japanese and French


You select Japanese as the default language

Then the notification displays in Japanese.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy




Fallback Action (For Action Types Ask and Inform) - Select an alternative action (allow or
block) for when the UserCheck notification cannot be shown in the browser or application that
caused the notification. If UserCheck determines that the notification cannot be shown in the
browser or application, the behavior is:

If the Fallback Action is Allow (the default for Inform messages), the user is allowed to
access the website or application, and the UserCheck client (if installed) shows the


If the Fallback Action is Block, the gateway tries to show the notification in the application
that caused the notification. If it cannot and the UserCheck client is installed, it shows the
notification through the client. The website or application is blocked, even if the user does
not see the notification.

External Portal - Redirect the user to External Portal - Select this to redirect users to an
external portal, not on the gateway.

URL - Enter the URL for the external portal. The specified URL can be an external system
that obtains authentication credentials from the user, such as a user name or password. It
sends this information to the gateway.


Add UserCheck Incident ID to the URL query - An incident ID is added to the end of the URL

Conditions (For the Action Type Ask) - Select actions that must occur before users can access
the application. Select one or more of these options:

User accepted and selected the confirm checkbox - This applies if the UserCheck
message contains a checkbox (Insert User Input > Confirm Checkbox). Users must accept
the text shown and select the checkbox before they can access the application.


User filled some textual input - This applies if the UserCheck message contains a text field
(Insert User Input > Textual Input). Users must enter text in the text field before they can
access the application. For example, you might require that users enter an explanation for
use of the application.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

UserCheck CLI
You can use the usrchk command in the gateway command line to show or clear the history of
UserCheck objects.
To use the usrchk commands, you must enable UserCheck on the gateway, and create a rule
with a UserCheck interaction object.



usrchk [debug] [hits]




Controls debug messages


Shows user incident options:
list - Options to list user incidents

all - List all existing incidents.


user  - List incidents of a specified user.


uci  - List incidents of a specified
UserCheck interaction object

clear - Options to clear user incidents

all - Clear all existing incidents


user  - Clear incidents for a specified user


uci  - Clear incidents of a
specified UserCheck interaction object

db - user hits database options

To show all UserCheck interaction objects, run: usrchk hits list all


To clear the incidents for a specified user, run: usrchk hits clear user 



You can only run a command that contains user  if:

Identity Awareness is enabled on the gateway.


Identity Awareness is used in the same policy rules as UserCheck objects.

To run a command that contains a specified UserCheck interaction object, first run usrchk
hits list all to see the names of the interaction objects. Use the name of the interaction
object as it is shown in the list.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Revoking Incidents
The Revoke Incidents URL can revoke a user's responses to UserCheck notifications. The URL is:
If users regret their responses to a notification and contact their administrator, the administrator
can send users the URL.
After a user goes to the URL, all of the user's responses to notifications are revoked. The logs in
the SmartConsole Logs & Monitor view Logs tab will show the user's activity, and that the actions
were revoked afterwards.
Administrators can use the usrchk command of the CLI to revoke incidents for one user, all
users, or a specified interaction object ("UserCheck CLI" on page 69).

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




UserCheck Client
The UserCheck client is installed on endpoint computers to communicate with the gateway and
show UserCheck interaction notifications to users.
It works with these Software Blades:
DLP - Notifications of DLP incidents can be sent by email (for SMTP traffic) or shown in a popup
from the UserCheck client in the system tray (for SMTP, HTTP and FTP).

UserCheck client adds the option to send notifications for applications that are not in a web
browser, such as Skype, iTunes, or browser add-ons (such as radio toolbars). The UserCheck
client can also work together with the UserCheck portal to show notifications on the computer
itself when:


The notification cannot be displayed in a browser, or


The UserCheck engine determines that the notification will not be shown correctly in the

Users select an option in the notification message to respond in real-time.
For DLP, administrators with full permissions or the View/Release/Discard DLP messages
permission can also send or discard incidents from the SmartConsole Logs & Monitor Logs view.

Workflow for installing and configuring UserCheck clients:
1. Configure how the clients communicate with the gateway and create trust with it.
2. Enable UserCheck and the UserCheck client on the gateway.
3. Download the UserCheck client MSI file.
4. Install the UserCheck client on the endpoint computers.
5. Make sure that the UserCheck clients can connect to the gateway and receive notifications.

UserCheck Requirements
See UserCheck Client Requirements in the R80.10 Release Notes

Enabling UserCheck Client
Enable UserCheck and the UserCheck client on the gateway in the Properties window of the
gateway object in SmartConsole. This is necessary to let clients communicate with the gateway.

To enable UserCheck and the UserCheck client on the gateway:
1. In SmartConsole, click Gateways & Servers and double-click the Security Gateway.
The gateway window opens and shows the General Properties page.
2. From the navigation tree, click UserCheck.
3. Select Enable UserCheck for active blades.
This enables UserCheck notifications from the gateway.
4. In the UserCheck Client section, select Activate UserCheck Client support.
This enables UserCheck notifications from the client.
5. Click OK and Install Policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Client and Gateway Communication
In an environment with UserCheck clients, the gateway acts as a server for the clients. Each client
must be able to discover the server and create trust with it.
To create trust, the client makes sure that the server is the correct one. It compares the server
fingerprint calculated during the SSL handshake with the expected fingerprint. If the server does
not have the expected fingerprint, the client asks the user to manually confirm that the server is
Here is a summary of the methods that you can use for clients to discover and trust the server.
More details are described later in this section.

File name based server configuration – If no other method is configured (default,
out-of-the-box situation), all UserCheck clients downloaded from the portal are renamed to
have the portal machine IP address in the filename. During installation, the client uses this IP
address to connect to the gateway. Note that the user has to click Trust to manually trust the


AD based configuration – If client computers are members of an Active Directory domain, you
can deploy the server addresses and trust data using a dedicated tool.


DNS SRV record based server discovery – Configure the server addresses in the DNS server.
Note that the user has to click Trust to manually trust the server.


Remote registry – All of the client configuration, including the server addresses and trust data
reside in the registry. You can deploy the values before installing the client (by GPO, or any
other system that lets you control the registry remotely). This lets you use the configuration
when the client is first installed.

Option Comparison
Requires Manual
User Trust Site
(one time)


Still works Level









Single Security








Deployments with
AD that you can




Partially Yes



without AD



Remote No



With an AD you
cannot change,
and a DNS that you
can change
Moderate Where remote
registry is used for
other purposes

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

File Name Based Server Discovery
This option is the easiest to deploy, and works out-of-the-box. It requires that users manually
click Trust to trust the server the first time they connect. You can use this option if your
deployment has only one Security Gateway with the relevant Software Blades.

How does it work?
When a user downloads the UserCheck client, the address of the Security Gateway is inserted in
the filename. During installation, the client finds if there is a different discovery method
configured (AD based, DNS based, or local registry). If no method is configured, and the gateway
can be reached, it is used as the server. In the UserCheck Settings window, you can see that the
server you connect to is the same as the Security Gateway in the UserCheck client filename.
Users must manually make sure that the trust data is valid, because the filename can be easily
Renaming the MSI
You can manually change the name of the MSI file before it is installed on a computer. This
connects the UserCheck client to a different gateway.

To rename the MSI file:
1. Make sure the gateway has a DNS name.
2. Rename the MSI using this syntax: UserCheck_~GWname.msi
Where GWname - is the DNS name of the gateway.
Optional: Use UserCheck_~GWname-port.msi
Where port is the port number of notifications. For example,
Notes - The prefix does not have to be "UserCheck". The important part of the
syntax is underscore tilde (_~), which indicates that the next string is the DNS of the
If you want to add the port number for the notifications to the client from the
gateway, the hyphen (-) indicates that the next string is the port number.
Active Directory Based Configuration
If your client computers are members of an Active Directory domain and you have administrative
access to this domain, you can use the Distributed Configuration tool to configure connectivity and
trust rules.
The Distributed Configuration tool has three windows:

Welcome - Describes the tool and lets you enter different credentials that are used to access
the AD.


Server configuration – Configure which Security Gateway the client connects to, based on its


Trusted gateways – View and change the list of fingerprints that the Security Gateways
consider secure.

To enable Active Directory based configuration for clients:
1. Download and install the UserCheck client MSI on a computer.
From the command line on that computer, run the client configuration tool with the AD utility.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

For example, on a Windows 7 computer:
"C:\Users\\Local Settings\Application
Data\Checkpoint\UserCheck\UserCheck.exe" -adtool
The Check Point UserCheck - Distributed Configuration tool opens.
2. In the Welcome page, enter the credentials of an AD administrator.
By default, your AD username is shown. If you do not have administrator permissions, click
Change user and enter administrator credentials.
3. In the Server Configuration page, click Add.
The Identity Server Configuration window opens.
4. Select Default and then click Add.
5. Enter the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and the port of the Security
6. Click OK.
The identity of the AD Server for the UserCheck client is written in the Active Directory and
given to all clients.
Note - The entire configuration is written under a hive named Check Point under the
Program Data branch in the AD database that is added in the first run of the tool. Adding
this hive does not affect other AD based applications or features.
Server Configuration Rules
If you use the Distributed Configuration tool and you configure the client to Automatically discover
the server, the client fetches the rule lists. Each time it must connect to a server, it tries to match
itself against a rule, from top to bottom.
When the tool matches a rule, it uses the servers shown in the rule, according to the priority

The configuration in this example means:
1. If the user is coming from ‘ –’, then try to connect to
US-GW1. If it is not available, try BAK-GS2 (it is only used if US-GW1 is not available, as its
priority is higher).

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

2. If the user is connected from the Active Directory site ‘UK-SITE’, connect either to UK-GW1
or UK-GW2 (choose between them randomly, as they both have the same priority). If both of
them are not available, connect to BAK-GS2.
3. If rules 1 and 2 do not apply, connect to BAK-GS2 (the default rule is always matched when it
is encountered).
Use the Add, Edit and Remove buttons to change the server connectivity rules.
Trusted Gateways
The Trusted Gateways window shows the list of servers that are trusted - no messages open
when users connect to them.
You can add, edit or delete a server. If you have connectivity to the server, you can get the name
and fingerprint. Enter its IP address and click Fetch Fingerprint in the Server Trust Configuration
window. If you do not have connectivity to the server, enter the same name and fingerprint that is
shown when you connect to that server.
DNS Based Configuration
If you configure the client to Automatic Discovery (the default), it looks for a server by issuing a
DNS SRV query for the address of the gateway (the DNS suffix is added automatically). You can
configure the address in your DNS server.

To configure DNS based configuration on the DNS server:
1. Go to Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > DNS.
2. Go to Forward lookup zones and select the applicable domain.
3. Go to the _tcp subdomain.
4. Right click and select Other new record.
5. Select Service Location, Create Record.
6. In the Service field, enter CHECKPOINT_DLP.
7. Set the Port number to 443.
8. In Host offering this server, enter the IP address of the Security Gateway.
9. Click OK.
To configure Load Sharing for the Security Gateway, create multiple SRV records with the same
To configure High Availability, create multiple SRV records with different priorities.
Note - If you configure AD based and DNS based configuration, the results are
combined according to the specified priority (from the lowest to highest).
Troubleshooting DNS Based Configuration
To troubleshoot issues in DNS based configuration, you can see the SRV records that are stored
on the DNS server.

To see SRV records on the DNS server:
C:\> nslookup
> set type=srv
> checkpoint_dlp._tcp
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

The result is:
C:\> nslookup
> set type=srv
> checkpoint_dlp._tcp
SRV service location:
= 0
= 0
= 443
svr hostname
= internet address =

Remote Registry
If you have a way to deploy registry entries to your client computers, for example, Active Directory
or GPO updates, you can deploy the Security Gateway addresses and trust parameters before you
install the clients. Clients can then use the deployed settings immediately after installation.

To configure the remote registry option:
1. Install the client on one of your computers. The agent installs itself in the user directory, and
saves its configuration to HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
2. Connect manually to all of the servers that are configured, verify their fingerprints, and click
Trust on the fingerprint verification dialog box.
3. Configure the client to manually connect to the requested servers (use the Settings window).
4. Export these registry keys (from HKEY_CURRENT_USER):
a) SOFTWARE\CheckPoint\UserCheck\TrustedGateways (the entire tree)
b) SOFTWARE\CheckPoint\UserCheck\
(i) DefaultGateway
(ii) DefaultGatewayEnabled
5. Import the exported keys to the endpoint computers before you install the UserCheck client.

Getting the MSI File
To get the MSI file:
1. In SmartConsole, in the Gateways & Servers view, open the General Properties window of the
gateway object.
2. From the navigation tree, select UserCheck.
3. In the UserCheck Client section, click Download Client.
Important - Before you can download the client msi file, the UserCheck portal must be
up. The portal is up only after a Policy installation.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Distributing and Connecting Clients
After configuring the clients to connect to the gateway, install the clients on the user machines.
You can use any method of MSI or EXE mass deployment and installation that you choose. For
example, you can send users an email with a link to install the client. When a user clicks the link,
the MSI file automatically installs the client on the computer.
Alternatively, users can download the installation package from the regular DLP UserCheck
To install the client for all user accounts on a Windows computer, see sk96107
The installation is silent and generally, no reboot is required.
When the client is first installed, the tray icon indicates that it is not connected. When the client
connects to the gateway, the tray icon shows that the client is active.
The first time that the client connects to the gateway, it asks for verification from the user and
approval of the fingerprint.

Best Practices:

Let the users know this will happen.


Use a server certificate that is trusted by the certificate authority installed on users'
computers. Then users do not see a message that says: Issued by unknown certificate

If UserCheck for DLP is enabled on the gateway, users are required to enter their username and
password after the client installs.

Example of message to users about the UserCheck client installation (for DLP):
Dear Users,
Our company has implemented a Data Loss Prevention automation to protect
our confidential data from unintentional leakage. Soon you will be asked
to verify the connection between a small client that we will install on
your computer and the computer that will send you notifications.
This client will pop up notifications if you try to send a message that
contains protected data. It might let you to send the data anyway, if you
are sure that it does not violate our data-security guidelines.
When the client is installed, you will see a window that asks if you trust
the DLP server. Check that the server is SERVER NAME and then click Trust.
In the next window, enter your username and password, and then click OK.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Note - If the UserCheck client is not connected to the gateway, the behavior is as if the
client was never installed. Email notifications are sent for SMTP incidents and the
Portal is used for HTTP incidents.
UserCheck and Check Point Password Authentication
You can see and edit Check Point users from Users and Administrators in the navigation tree.

To enable Check Point password authentication:
SmartConsole Configuration
1. Open SmartConsole and open the Manage & Settings view.
2. Click Permissions & Administrators > Administrators, and select an existing user or create a
new user.
3. In the General Properties page of the user, make sure that an email address is defined.
4. In the Authentication Properties page of the user, set Authentication Scheme to Check Point
Password and enter the password and password confirmation.
5. Click OK.

UserCheck Client Configuration
Ask your users to configure their UserCheck client:
1. On the UserCheck client computer, right click the UserCheck icon in the Notification Area
(next to the system clock).
2. Select Settings.
3. Click Advanced.
4. Select Authentication with Check Point user accounts defined internally in SmartDashboard.

Helping Users
If users require assistance to troubleshoot issues with the UserCheck client, you can ask them to
send you the logs.

To configure the client to generate logs:
1. Right-click the UserCheck tray icon and select Settings.
The Settings window opens.
2. Click Log to and browse to a pathname where the logs are saved.
3. Click OK.

To send UserCheck logs from the client:
1. Right-click the UserCheck tray icon and select Status.
The Status window opens.
2. Click Advanced and then click the Collect information for technical support link.
The default email client opens, with an archive of the collected logs attached.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy

Blade Settings
To configure Global Properties, Inspection Settings and Advanced Settings for Blades:
1. In SmartConsole, go the Manage & Settings view.
2. Click Blades.

Inspection Settings
You can configure inspection settings for the Firewall:

Deep packet inspection settings


Protocol parsing inspection settings


VoIP packet inspection settings

The Security Management Server comes with two preconfigured inspection profiles for the

Default Inspection


Recommended Inspection

When you configure a Security Gateway, the Default Inspection profile is enabled for it. You can
also assign the Recommended Inspection profile to the Security Gateway, or to create a custom
profile and assign it to the Security Gateway.
To activate the Inspection Settings, install the Access Control Policy.
Note - In a pre-R80 SmartDashboard, Inspection Settings are configured as IPS Protections.

Configuring Inspection Settings
To configure Inspection Settings:
1. In SmartConsole, go to the Manage & Settings > Blades view.
2. In the General section, click Inspection Settings.
The Inspection Settings window opens.
You can:

Edit inspection settings.


Edit user-defined Inspection Settings profiles. You cannot change the Default Inspection
profile and the Recommended Inspection profile.


Assign Inspection Settings profiles to Security Gateways.


Configure exceptions to settings.

To edit a setting:
1. In the Inspection Settings > General view, select a setting.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the window that opens, select a profile, and click Edit.
The settings window opens.
4. Select the Main Action:

Default Action - preconfigured action
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy


Override with Action - from the drop-down menu, select an action with which to override
the default - Accept, Drop, Inactive (the setting is not activated)

5. Configure the Logging Settings
Select Capture Packets, if you want to be able to examine packets that were blocked in Drop
6. Click OK.
7. Click Close.

To view settings for a certain profile:
1. In the Inspection Settings > General view, click View > Show Profiles.
2. In the window that opens, select Specific Inspection settings profiles.
3. Select profiles.
4. Click OK.
Only settings for the selected profiles are shown.
You can add, edit, clone, or delete custom Inspection Settings profiles.

To edit a custom Inspection Settings profile:
1. In the Inspection Settings > Profiles view, select a profile.
2. Click Delete, to remove it, or click Edit to change the profile name, associated color, or tag.
3. If you edited the profile attributes, click OK to save the changes.

To clone an Inspection Settings profile:
1. In the Inspection Settings > Profiles view, select the profile, and click Clone.
2. In the New Profile window that opens, edit the profile attributes:
3. Click OK.

To add a new Inspection Settings profile:
1. In the Profiles view, click New.
2. In the New Profile window that opens, edit the profile attributes:
3. Click OK.

To assign an Inspection Settings profile to a Security Gateway:
1. In the Inspection Settings > Gateways view, select a gateway, and click Edit.
2. In the window that opens, select an Inspection Settings profile.
3. Click OK.

To configure exceptions to inspection settings:
1. In the Inspection Settings > Exceptions view, click New to add a new exception, or select an
exception and click Edit to modify an existing one.
The Exception Rule window opens.
2. Configure the exception settings:

Apply To - select the Profile to which to apply the exception


Protection - select the setting


Source - select the source Network Object, or select IP Address and enter a source IP
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating an Access Control Policy


Destination - select the destination Service Object


Service - select Port/Range, TCP or UDP, and enter a destination port number or a range
of port numbers


Install On - select a gateway on which to install the exception

3. Click OK.
To enforce the changes, install the Access Control Policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Creating a Threat Prevention Policy
In This Section:
Threat Prevention Components ...................................................................................82
Assigning Administrators for Threat Prevention ........................................................88
Analyzing Threats .........................................................................................................88
Out-of-the-Box Protection from Threats ....................................................................89
The Threat Prevention Policy .......................................................................................95
Creating Threat Prevention Rules ...............................................................................98
The Check Point ThreatCloud ....................................................................................111
To Learn More About Threat Prevention ...................................................................114

Threat Prevention Components
To challenge today's malware landscape, Check Point's comprehensive Threat Prevention
solution offers a multi-layered, pre- and post-infection defense approach and a consolidated
platform that enables enterprise security to detect and block modern malware. These Threat
Prevention Software Blades are available:

IPS - A complete IPS cyber security solution, for comprehensive protection against malicious
and unwanted network traffic, which focuses on application and server vulnerabilities, as well
as in-the-wild attacks by exploit kits and malicious attackers.


Anti-Bot - Post-infection detection of bots on hosts. Prevents bot damages by blocking bot
C&C (Command and Control) communications. The Anti-Bot Software Blade is continuously
updated from ThreatCloud, a collaborative network to fight cybercrime. Anti-Bot discovers
infections by correlating multiple detection methods.


Anti-Virus - Pre-infection detection and blocking of malware at the gateway. The Anti-Virus
Software Blade is continuously updated from ThreatCloud. It detects and blocks malware by
correlating multiple detection engines before users are affected.



Threat Emulation - Protection against infections from undiscovered exploits, zero-day and
targeted attacks. This innovative solution quickly inspects files and runs them in a virtual
sandbox to discover malicious behavior. Discovered malware is prevented from entering
the network. The ThreatCloud Emulation service reports to the ThreatCloud and
automatically shares the newly identified threat information with other Check Point


Threat Extraction - Protection against incoming malicious content. To remove possible
threats, the Threat Extraction blade creates a safe copy of the file, while the Threat
Emulation Software Blade inspects the original file for potential threats.

Each Software Blade gives unique network protections. When combined, they supply a strong
Threat Prevention solution. Data from malicious attacks are shared between the Threat
Prevention Software Blades and help to keep your network safe. For example, the signatures from
threats that Threat Emulation identifies are added to the ThreatCloud for use by the other Threat
Prevention blades.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

The IPS Software Blade delivers complete and proactive intrusion prevention. It delivers 1,000s of
signatures, behavioral and preemptive protections. It gives another layer of security on top of
Check Point firewall technology. IPS protects both clients and servers, and lets you control the
network usage of certain applications. The hybrid IPS detection engine provides multiple defense
layers which allows it excellent detection and prevention capabilities of known threats, and in
many cases future attacks as well. It also allows unparalleled deployment and configuration
flexibility and excellent performance.
Elements of Protection
IPS protection include:

Detection and prevention of specific known exploits.


Detection and prevention of vulnerabilities, including both known and unknown exploit tools,
for example protection from specific CVEs.


Detection and prevention of protocol misuse which in many cases indicates malicious activity
or potential threat. Examples of commonly manipulated protocols are HTTP, SMTP, POP, and


Detection and prevention of outbound malware communications.


Detection and prevention of tunneling attempts. These attempts may indicate data leakage or
attempts to circumvent other security measures such as web filtering.


Detection, prevention or restriction of certain applications which, in many cases, are
bandwidth consuming or may cause security threats to the network, such as Peer to Peer and
Instant Messaging applications.


Detection and prevention of generic attack types without any pre-defined signatures, such as
Malicious Code Protector.

Check Point constantly updates the library of protections to stay ahead of emerging threats.
Capabilities of IPS
The unique capabilities of the Check Point IPS engine include:

Clear, simple management interface.


Reduced management overhead by using one management console for all Check Point


Integrated management with SmartConsole.


Easy navigation from business-level overview to a packet capture for a single attack.


Up to 15 Gbps throughput with optimized security, and up to 2.5 Gbps throughput with all IPS
protections activated


#1 security coverage for Microsoft and Adobe vulnerabilities.


Resource throttling so that high IPS activity will not impact other blade functionality


Complete integration with Check Point configuration and monitoring tools in SmartConsole, to
let you take immediate action based on IPS information.

For example, some malware can be downloaded by a user unknowingly when he browses to a
legitimate web site, also known as a drive-by-download. This malware can exploit a browser
vulnerability to create a special HTTP response and sending it to the client. IPS can identify and
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

block this type of attack even though the firewall may be configured to allow the HTTP traffic to

A bot is malicious software that can infect your computer. It is possible to infect a computer when
you open attachments that exploit a vulnerability, or go to a web site that results in a malicious
When a bot infects a computer, it:

Takes control of the computer and neutralizes its Anti-Virus defenses. It is not easy to find bots
on your computer, they hide and change how they look to Anti-Virus software.


Connects to a C&C (Command and Control center) for instructions from cyber criminals. The
cyber criminals, or bot herders, can remotely control it and instruct it to do illegal activities
without your knowledge. Your computer can do one or more of these activities:

Steal data (personal, financial, intellectual property, organizational)


Send spam


Attack resources (Denial of Service Attacks)


Consume network bandwidth and reduce productivity

One bot can often create multiple threats. Bots are frequently used as part of Advanced
Persistent Threats (APTs) where cyber criminals try to damage individuals or organizations.
The Anti-Bot Software Blade detects and prevents these bot and botnet threats. A botnet is a
collection of compromised and infected computers.
The Anti-Bot Software Blade uses these procedures to identify bot infected computers:

Identify the C&C addresses used by criminals to control bots
These web sites are constantly changing and new sites are added on an hourly basis. Bots can
attempt to connect to thousands of potentially dangerous sites. It is a challenge to know which
sites are legitimate and which are not.


Identify the communication patterns used by each botnet family
These communication fingerprints are different for each family and can be used to identify a
botnet family. Research is done for each botnet family to identify the unique language that it
uses. There are thousands of existing different botnet families and new ones are constantly


Identify bot behavior
Identify specified actions for a bot such as, when the computer sends spam or participates in
DoS attacks.

After the discovery of bot infected machines, the Anti-Bot Software Blade blocks outbound
communication to C&C sites based on the Rule Base. This neutralizes the threat and makes sure
that no sensitive information is sent out.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Identifying Bot Infected Computers
The Anti-Bot Software Blade uses these procedures to identify bot infected computers:

Identify the C&C addresses used by criminals to control bots
These web sites are constantly changing and new sites are added on an hourly basis. Bots can
attempt to connect to thousands of potentially dangerous sites. It is a challenge to know which
sites are legitimate and which are not.


Identify the communication patterns used by each botnet family
These communication fingerprints are different for each family and can be used to identify a
botnet family. Research is done for each botnet family to identify the unique language that it
uses. There are thousands of existing different botnet families and new ones are constantly


Identify bot behavior
Identify specified actions for a bot such as, when the computer sends spam or participates in
DoS attacks.

Preventing Bot Damage
After the discovery of bot infected machines, the Anti-Bot Software Blade blocks outbound
communication to C&C sites based on the Rule Base. This neutralizes the threat and makes sure
that no sensitive information is sent out.

ThreatSpect Engine and ThreatCloud Repository
The ThreatSpect engine is a unique multi-tiered engine that analyzes network traffic and
correlates information across multiple layers to find bots and other malware. It combines
information on remote operators, unique botnet traffic patterns and behavior to identify thousands
of different botnet families and outbreak types.
The ThreatCloud repository contains more than 250 million addresses that were analyzed for bot
discovery and more than 2,000 different botnet communication patterns. The ThreatSpect engine
uses this information to classify bots and viruses.
The Security Gateway gets automatic binary signature and reputation updates from the
ThreatCloud repository. It can query the cloud for new, unclassified IP/URL/DNS resources that it
The layers of the ThreatSpect engine:

Reputation - Analyzes the reputation of URLs, IP addresses and external domains that
computers in the organization access. The engine searches for known or suspicious activity,
such as a C&C.


Signatures - Detects threats by identifying unique patterns in files or in the network.


Suspicious Mail Outbreaks - Detects infected machines in the organization based on analysis
of outgoing mail traffic.


Behavioral Patterns - Detects unique patterns that indicate the presence of a bot. For
example, how a C&C communicates with a bot-infected machine.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Malware is a major threat to network operations that has become increasingly dangerous and
sophisticated. Examples include worms, blended threats (combinations of malicious code and
vulnerabilities for infection and dissemination) and trojans.
The Anti-Virus Software Blade scans incoming and outgoing files to detect and prevent these
threats. It also gives pre-infection protection from malware contained in these files.
The Anti-Virus Software Blade:


Identifies malware in the organization using the ThreatSpect engine and ThreatCloud

Prevents malware infections from incoming malicious files types (Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
PDF, etc.) in real-time. Incoming files are classified on the gateway and the result is then
sent to the ThreatCloud repository for comparison against known malicious files, with
almost no impact on performance.


Prevents malware download from the internet by preventing access to sites that are known
to be connected to malware. Accessed URLs are checked by the gateway caching
mechanisms or sent to the ThreatCloud repository to determine if they are permissible or
not. If not, the attempt is stopped before any damage can take place.

Uses the ThreatCloud repository to receive binary signature updates and query the repository
for URL reputation and Anti-Virus classification.

Cyber-threats continue to multiply and now it is easier than ever for criminals to create new
malware that can easily bypass existing protections. On a daily basis, these criminals can change
the malware signature and make it virtually impossible for signature-based products to protect
networks against infection. To get ahead, enterprises need a multi-faceted prevention strategy
that combines proactive protection that eliminates threats before they reach users. With Check
Point's Threat Emulation and Threat Extraction technologies, SandBlast provides zero-day
protection against unknown threats that cannot be identified by signature-based technologies.

Threat Emulation
Threat Emulation gives networks the necessary protection against unknown threats in files that
are attached to emails. The Threat Emulation engine picks up malware at the exploit phase,
before it enters the network. It quickly quarantines and runs the files in a virtual sandbox, which
imitates a standard operating system, to discover malicious behavior before hackers can apply
evasion techniques to bypass the sandbox.
When emulation is done on a file:

The file is opened on more than one virtual computer with different operating system


The virtual computers are closely monitored for unusual and malicious behavior, such as an
attempt to change registry keys or run an unauthorized process.


Any malicious behavior is immediately logged and you can use Prevent mode to block the file
from the internal network.


The cryptographic hash of a new malicious file is saved to a database and the internal network
is protected from that malware.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy


After the threat is caught, a signature is created for the new (previously unknown) malware
which turns it into a known and documented malware. The new attack information is
automatically shared with Check Point ThreatCloud to block future occurrences of similar
threats at the gateway.

If the file is found not to be malicious, you can download the file after the emulation is complete.
Learn more about Threat Emulation.

Threat Extraction
Threat Extraction is supported on R77.30 and higher.
The Threat Extraction blade extracts potentially malicious content from e-mail attachments
before they enter the corporate network. To remove possible threats, the Threat Extraction does
one of these two actions:

Creates a safe copy of the file, or


Extracts exploitable content out of the file.

Threat Extraction delivers the reconstructed file to users and blocks access to the original
suspicious version, while Threat Emulation analyzes the file in the background. This way, users
have immediate access to content, and can be confident they are protected from the most
advanced malware and zero-day threats.
Threat Emulation runs in parallel to Threat Extraction for version R80.10 and higher.
Here are examples for exploitable content in Microsoft Office Suite Applications and PDF files:

Queries to databases where the query contains a password in the clear


Embedded objects


Macros and JavaScript code that can be exploited to propagate viruses


Hyperlinks to sensitive information


Custom properties with sensitive information


Automatic saves that keep archives of deleted data


Sensitive document statistics such as owner, creation and modification dates


Summary properties


PDF documents with:

Actions such as launch, sound, or movie URIs


JavaScript actions that run code in the reader's Java interpreter


Submit actions that transmit the values of selected fields in a form to a specified URL


Incremental updates that keep earlier versions of the document


Document statistics that show creation and modification dates and changes to hyperlinks


Summarized lists of properties

Before you enable the Threat Extraction blade, you must deploy the gateway as a Mail Transfer

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Assigning Administrators for Threat Prevention
You can control the administrator Threat Prevention permissions with a customized Permission
Profile. The customized profile can have different Read/Write permissions for Threat Prevention
policy, settings, profiles and protections.
For more about how to configure administrator permissions, see the R80.10 Security Management
Administration Guide

Analyzing Threats
Networks today are more exposed to cyber-threats than ever. This creates a challenge for
organizations in understanding the security threats and assessing damage.
SmartConsole helps the security administrator find the cause of cyber-threats, and remediate the
The Logs & Monitor > Logs view presents the threats as logs.
The other views in the Logs & Monitor view combine logs into meaningful security events. For
example, malicious activity that occurred on a host in the network, in a selected time interval (the
last hour, day, week or month). They also show pre- and post-infections statistics.
You can create rich and customizable views and reports for log and event monitoring, that inform
key stakeholders about security activities. For each log or event, you can see a lot of useful
information from the Threat Wiki and IPS Advisories about the malware, the virus or the attack.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Out-of-the-Box Protection from Threats
In This Section:
Getting Quickly Up and Running with the Threat Prevention Policy ..........................89
Enabling the Threat Prevention Software Blades ......................................................89
Installing the Threat Prevention Policy .......................................................................92
Introducing Profiles ......................................................................................................92
Optimized Protection Profile Settings .........................................................................94
Predefined Rule ............................................................................................................94

Getting Quickly Up and Running with the Threat Prevention Policy
You can configure Threat Prevention to give the exact level of protection that you need, but you can
also configure it to provide protection right out of the box.

To get quickly up and running with Threat Prevention:
1. Enable the Threat Prevention blades on the gateway.
2. Install Policy.
After you enable the blades and install the policy, this rule is generated:

Protected Scope

Out-of-the-box Any



Install On



Policy Targets



The Optimized ("Optimized Protection Profile Settings" on page 94) profile is installed by


The Protection/Site column is used only for protection exceptions.

Enabling the Threat Prevention Software Blades
Enabling the IPS Software Blade
Enable the IPS Software Blade on the Security Gateway.

To enable the IPS Software Blade:
1. In the Gateways & Servers view, double-click the gateway object.
The General Properties window opens.
2. In the General Properties > Network Security tab, click IPS.
3. Follow the steps in the wizard that opens.
4. Click OK.
5. Click OK in the General Properties window.
6. Install Policy ("Installing the Threat Prevention Policy" on page 92).
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Enabling the Anti-Bot Software Blade
To enable the Anti-Bot Software Blade on a Security Gateway:
1. In the Gateways & Servers view, double-click the gateway object.
The General Properties window of the gateway opens.
2. From the Network Security tab, select Anti-Bot.
The Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus First Time Activation window opens.
3. Select an activation mode option:

According to the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus policy - Enable the Anti-Bot Software Blade and
use the Anti-Bot settings of the Threat Prevention profile in the Threat Prevention policy.


Detect only - Packets are allowed, but the traffic is logged according to the settings in the
Threat Prevention Rule Base.

4. Click OK.
5. Install Policy ("Installing the Threat Prevention Policy" on page 92).

Enabling the Anti-Virus Software Blade
Enable the Anti-Virus Software Blade on a Security Gateway.

To enable the Anti-Virus Software Blade:
1. In the Gateways & Servers view, double-click the gateway object.
The General Properties window of the gateway opens.
2. From the Network Security tab, click Anti-Bot.
The Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus First Time Activation window opens.
3. Select one of the activation mode options:

According to the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus policy - Enable the Anti-Virus Software Blade and
use the Anti-Virus settings of the Threat Prevention profile in the Threat Prevention policy.


Detect only - Packets are allowed, but the traffic is logged according to the settings in the
Threat Prevention Rule Base.

4. Click OK
5. Install Policy ("Installing the Threat Prevention Policy" on page 92).

Enabling SandBlast Threat Emulation Software Blade
Use the First Time Configuration Wizard in SmartConsole to enable Threat Emulation in the
network. Configure the Security Gateway or Emulation appliance for your deployment.
Using Cloud Emulation
Files are sent to the Check Point ThreatCloud over a secure SSL connection for emulation. The
emulation in the ThreatCloud is identical to emulation in the internal network, but it uses only a
small amount of CPU, RAM, and disk space of the Security Gateway. The ThreatCloud is always
up-to-date with all available operating system environments.
Best Practice - For ThreatCloud emulation, it is necessary that the Security Gateway connects to
the Internet. Make sure that the DNS and proxy settings are configured correctly in Global

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

To enable ThreatCloud emulation:
1. In the Gateways & Servers view, double-click the Security Gateway object.
The Gateway Properties window opens.
2. From the Network Security tab, select Threat Emulation.
The Threat Emulation First Time Configuration Wizard opens and shows the Emulation
Location page.
3. Select ThreatCloud Emulation Service.
4. Click Next.
The Summary page opens.
5. Click Finish to enable Threat Emulation and close the First Time Configuration Wizard.
6. Click OK.
The Gateway Properties window closes.
7. Install Policy ("Installing the Threat Prevention Policy" on page 92).
Sample Workflow - Creating a Threat Emulation Profile
This is a sample workflow to create a Threat Prevention profile that includes Threat Emulation.

To create a Threat Prevention profile for Threat Emulation:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. From the Threat Tools section, click Profiles.
The Profiles page opens.
3. Click New.
4. Enter the Name for the Threat Prevention profile.
5. In Blades Activation, select the Threat Prevention Software Blades.
6. Configure the Activation Mode settings for the traffic.
7. From the Threat Emulation Settings page, set the Prevent and Ask UserCheck settings.
8. From the navigation tree, click Threat Emulation > General.
9. Configure the Threat Emulation Protected Scope for this profile, and define how traffic from
external and internal networks are sent for emulation.
10. Select one or more Protocols for this profile.
The Software Blade runs emulation only for files and traffic that match the selected protocols.
11. Configure the File Types for this profile.
The Software Blade runs emulation only for files that match the selected file types.
12. Click OK and install Policy.

Enabling the SandBlast Threat Extraction Blade
To enable the Threat Extraction Blade:
1. In the Gateways & Servers view, right-click the gateway object and select Edit.
The Gateway Properties window opens.
2. On the General Properties > Network Security tab, select Threat Extraction.
The Threat Extraction First Time Activation Wizard opens.
3. Enable the gateway as a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA).
From the drop-down box, select a mail server for forwarded emails.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

4. Click Next.
5. Click Finish.
Note: In a ClusterXL HA environment, do this once for the cluster object.

Configuring LDAP
If you use LDAP for user authentication, you must activate User Directory for Security Gateways.

To activate User Directory:
1. Open SmartConsole > Global Properties.
2. On the User Directory page, select Use User Directory for Security Gateways.
3. Click OK.

Installing the Threat Prevention Policy
The IPS, Anti-Bot, Anti-Virus, Threat Emulation and Threat Extraction Software Blades have a
dedicated Threat Prevention policy. You can install this policy separately from the policy
installation of the Access Control Software Blades. Install only the Threat Prevention policy to
minimize the performance impact on the Security Gateways.

To install the Threat Prevention policy:
1. From the Global toolbar, click Install Policy.
The Install Policy window opens showing the installation targets (Security Gateways).
2. Select Threat Prevention.
3. Select Install Mode:

Install on each selected gateway independently - Install the policy on the selected
Security Gateways without reference to the other targets. A failure to install on one
Security Gateway does not affect policy installation on other gateways.
If the gateway is a member of a cluster, install the policy on all the members. The Security
Management Server makes sure that it can install the policy on all the members before it
installs the policy on one of them. If the policy cannot be installed on one of the members,
policy installation fails for all of them.


Install on all selected gateways, if it fails do not install on gateways of the same version Install the policy on all installation targets. If the policy fails to install on one of the Security
Gateways, the policy is not installed on other targets of the same version.

4. Click OK.

Introducing Profiles
Check Point Threat Prevention provides instant protection based on pre-defined Threat Prevention
Profiles. You can also configure a custom Threat Prevention profile to give the exact level of
protection that the organization needs.
When you install a Threat Prevention policy on the Security Gateways, they immediately begin to
enforce IPS protection on network traffic.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

A Threat Prevention profile determines which protections are activated, and which Software
Blades are enabled for the specified rule or policy. The protections that the profile activates
depend on the:

Performance impact of the protection.


Severity of the threat.


Confidence that a protection can correctly identify an attack.


Settings that are specific to the Software Blade.

A Threat Prevention profile applies to one or more of the Threat Prevention Software Blades: IPS,
Anti-Bot, Anti-Virus, Threat Emulation and Threat Extraction.
A profile is a set of configurations based on:

Activation settings (prevent, detect, or inactive) for each confidence level of protections that the
ThreatSpect engine analyzes


IPS Settings


Anti-Bot Settings


Anti-Virus Settings


Threat Emulation Settings


Threat Extraction Settings


Indicator configuration


Malware DNS Trap configuration


Links inside mail configuration

Without profiles, it would be necessary to configure separate rules for different activation settings
and confidence levels. With profiles, you get customization and efficiency.
SmartConsole includes these default Threat Prevention profiles:

Optimized - Provides excellent protection for common network products and protocols against
recent or popular attacks


Strict - Provides a wide coverage for all products and protocols, with impact on network


Basic - Provides reliable protection on a range of non-HTTP protocols for servers, with
minimal impact on network performance

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Optimized Protection Profile Settings
The Optimized profile is activated by default, because it gives excellent security with good gateway
These are the goals of the Optimized profile, and the settings that achieve those goals:



Apply settings to all the
Threat Prevention Software

Blades Activation

Activate the profile for IPS, Anti-Bot,
Anti-Virus, Threat Emulation and Threat

Do not have a critical effect on Performance impact
Protect against important


Reduce false-positives


Activate protections that have a Medium

or lower effect on performance.

Protect against threats with a severity of

Medium or above.
Set to Prevent the protections with an
attack confidence of Medium or High.
Set to Detect the protections with a
confidence of Low.

Predefined Rule
When you enable one of the Threat Prevention Software Blades, a predefined rule is added to the
Rule Base. The rule defines that all traffic for all network objects, regardless of who opened the
connection, (the protected scope value equals any) is inspected for all protections according to the
optimized profile. By default, logs are generated and the rule is installed on all Security Gateways
that use a Threat Prevention Software Blade.
The result of this rule (according to the Optimized profile) is that:

All protections that can identify an attack with a high or medium confidence level, have a
medium or lower performance impact, and a medium or above severity are set to Prevent


All protections that can identify an attack with a low confidence level, have a medium or lower
performance impact, and a medium or above severity, are set to Detect mode.

Use the Logs & Monitor page to show logs related to Threat Prevention traffic. Use the data there
to better understand the use of these Software Blades in your environment and create an effective
Rule Base. You can also directly update the Rule Base from this page.
You can add more exceptions that prevent or detect specified protections or have different
tracking settings.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




The Threat Prevention Policy
In This Section:
Workflow for Creating a Threat Prevention Policy .....................................................95
Threat Prevention Policy Layers ..................................................................................95
Threat Prevention Rule Base .......................................................................................97

Workflow for Creating a Threat Prevention Policy
Threat Prevention lets you customize profiles that meet the needs of your organization.
Ideally, you might want to set all protections to Prevent in order to protect against all potential
threats. However, to let your gateway processes focus on handling the most important traffic and
report only the most concerning threats, you need to determine the most effective way to apply the
Threat Prevention settings.
When you define a new Threat Prevention profile, you can create a Threat Prevention Policy which
activates only the protections that you need and prevents only the attacks that most threaten your
This is the high-level workflow to create and deploy a Threat Prevention policy:
1. Enable the Threat Prevention Software Blades on the Security Gateways,
2. Update the IPS database and Malware database with the latest protections.
3. Optional: Create Threat Prevention Policy Layers.
Note - For each Policy Layers, configure a Threat Prevention Rule Base with the Threat
Prevention profile as the Action of the rule.
4. Install the Threat Prevention policy.

Threat Prevention Policy Layers
With R80.10 Gateways, you can create a Threat Prevention Rule Base with multiple Ordered
Layers. Each Ordered Layer calculates its action separately from the other Layers. When a
connection matches rules in more than one Layer, the gateway enforces the strictest action and
For your convenience, you can divide the Ordered Layers by Software Blades, services or
Important - When Threat Emulation and Threat Extraction run in MTA mode, the gateway enforces
the action of the first rule matched. It does not necessarily enforce the strictest rule.

Action Enforcement in Multiple-Layered Security Policies
These examples show how the Threat Prevention Software Blade resolves conflicting actions in
different Layer.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Example 1
Data Center Layer

Corporate LAN Layer

Rule matched

Rule 3

Rule 1

Profile action



Enforced action: Prevent

Example 2
Data Center Layer

Corporate LAN Layer

Rule matched

Rule 3

Rule 1

Profile action



Exception for protection X



Enforced action for protection X: Detect

Example 3
Data Center Layer

Corporate LAN Layer

Rule matched

Rule 3

Rule 1

Profile action



Override for protection X



Exception for protection X



Exception is prior to override and profile action. Therefore, the action for the Data Center Layer is
The action for the Corporate LAN Layer is Detect.
Enforced action for protection X: Detect.

Example 4
Data Center Layer

Corporate LAN Layer

Rule matched

Rule 3

Rule 1

Profile action

Deep Scan all files

Process specific file type families: Inspect doc
files and Drop rtf files.

Enforced action: Deep Scan doc files and Drop rtf files.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Example 5
MIME nesting level and Maximum archive scanning time
The strictest action is:
Block combined with the minimum nesting level/scanning time, or
Allow combined with the maximum nesting level/scanning time, or
If both Block and Allow are matched, the enforced action is Block.

Example 6
HR Layer

Finance Layer

Data Center Layer 3

Rule matched

Rule 3

Rule 1

Rule 4

Profile action




Configured page

Page A

Page B

Page C

The first Layer with the strictest action is enforced.
Enforced Action: Prevent with UserCheck Page B.

Threat Prevention Layers in Pre-R80 Gateways
When you upgrade to R80 or higher from earlier versions:
Gateways that have the IPS and Threat Prevention Software Blades enabled will have their Threat
Prevention policies split into two parallel layers: IPS and Threat Prevention. The IPS Layer
includes the ThreatCloud IPS protections. Core IPS protections stay in the Access Control Policy.
Best Practice - For better performance, we recommend to use the Optimized profile when you
upgrade to R80 or higher from earlier versions.
You can add more Layer to the two Layer created during upgrade ("Managing Policies and Layers"
on page 35).
All layers are evaluated in parallel.

Threat Prevention Rule Base
Each Threat Prevention Layer contains a Rule Base. The Rule Base determines how the system
inspects connections for malware.
The Threat Prevention rules use the Malware database and network objects. Security Gateways
that have Identity Awareness ("Using Identity Awareness" on page 129) enabled can also use
Access Role objects as the Protected Scope in a rule. The Access Role objects let you easily make
rules for individuals or different groups of users.
There are no implied rules in this Rule Base, traffic is allowed or not allowed based on how you
configure the Rule Base. For example, A rule that is set to the Prevent action, blocks activity and
communication for that malware.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Creating Threat Prevention Rules
In This Section:
Configuring IPS Profile Settings ..................................................................................98
Blocking Viruses ...........................................................................................................99
Configuring Anti-Bot Settings ....................................................................................100
Configuring Threat Emulation Settings .....................................................................102
Configuring Threat Extraction Settings ...................................................................106
Configuring a Malware DNS Trap ..............................................................................109
Exception Rules ..........................................................................................................109

Create and manage the policy for the Threat Prevention Software Blade as part of the Threat
Prevention Policy.

The Threat Prevention page shows the rules and exceptions for the Threat Prevention policy.
The rules set the Threat profiles for the network objects or locations defined as a protected

Click the Add Rule button to get started.

You can configure the Threat Prevention settings in the Threat Prevention profile for the
specified rule.


To learn about bots and protections, look through the Threat Wiki.

Best Practice - Disable a rule when you work on it. Enable the rule when you want to use it.
Disabled rules do not affect the performance of the Gateway. To disable a rule, right click in the
No. column of the rule and select Disable.

Configuring IPS Profile Settings
To configure IPS settings for a Threat Prevention profile:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. From the Threat Tools section, click Profiles.
The Profiles page opens.
3. Right-click the profile, and click Edit.
4. From the navigation tree, click IPS > Additional Activation.
5. Configure the customized protections for the profile.
6. From the navigation tree, click IPS > Updates.
7. Configure the settings for newly downloaded IPS protections.
8. If you are importing IPS profiles from a pre-R80 deployment:
a) From the navigation tree, click IPS > Pre-R80 Settings.
b) Activate the applicable Client and Server protections.
c) Configure the IPS protection categories to exclude from this profile.
Note - These categories are different from the protections in the Additional Activation page.
9. Click OK.
10. Install Policy.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

There are numerous protections available in IPS. It takes time to become familiar with those that
are relevant to you environment. Some are easily configured for basic security and can be safely
activated automatically.
Best Practice - Allow IPS to activate protections based on the IPS policy in the beginning. During
this time, you can analyze the alerts that IPS generates and how it handles network traffic, while
you minimize the impact on the flow of traffic. Then you can manually change the protection
settings to suit your needs.
In the Threat Prevention profile, you can configure an updates policy for IPS protections that were
newly updated. You can do this with the IPS > Updates page in the Profiles navigation tree. Select
one of these settings for Newly Updated Protections:

Active - According to profile settings - Protections are activated according to the settings in
the General page of the Profile. This option is selected by default
Set activation as staging mode - Selected by default. Newly updated protections are in staging
mode until their configuration is changed. The default action for the protections is Detect. You
can change the action manually in the IPS Protections page.
Click Configure to exclude protections from the staging mode.


Inactive - Newly updated protections will not be activated

Blocking Viruses
To block viruses and malware in your organization:
1. In SmartConsole, click Gateways & Servers and double-click the Security Gateway.
2. In the General Properties page, select the Anti-Virus Software Blade.
The First Time Activation window opens.
3. Select According to the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus policy and click OK.
4. Close the gateway Properties window and publish the changes.
5. Click Security Policies > Threat Prevention > Policy > Threat Prevention.
6. Click Add Rule.
A new rule is added to the Threat Prevention policy. The Software Blade applies the first rule
that matches the traffic.
7. Make a rule that includes these components:

Name - Give the rule a name such as Block Virus Activity.


Protected Scope - The list of network objects you want to protect. In this example, the Any
network object is used.


Action - The Profile that contains the protection settings you want. The default profile is


Track - The type of log you want to get when detecting malware on this scope. In this
example, keep Log and also select Packet Capture to capture the packets of malicious
activity. You will then be able to view the actual packets in SmartConsole > Logs & Monitor
> Logs.


Install On - Keep it as All or choose specified gateways to install the rule on.

8. Install the Threat Prevention policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Configuring Anti-Bot Settings
To configure the Anti-Bot settings for a Threat Prevention profile:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. From the Threat Tools section, click Profiles.
The Profiles page opens.
3. Right-click the profile, and click Edit.
4. From the navigation tree, click Anti-Bot.
5. Configure the Anti-Bot UserCheck Settings:

Prevent - Select the UserCheck message that opens for a Prevent action


Ask - Select the UserCheck message that opens for an Ask action

6. Click OK and Install Policy.

Blocking Bots
To block bots in your organization, install this default Threat Policy rule that uses the Optimized
profile, or create a new rule.
Protected Scope



Install On



Packet Capture

Policy Targets

To block bots in your organization:
1. In SmartConsole, click Gateways & Servers.
2. Enable the Anti-Bot Software Blade on the Gateways that protect your organization. For each
a) Double-click the Gateway object.
b) In the Gateway Properties page, select the Anti-Bot Software Blade.
The First Time Activation window opens.
c) Select According to the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus policy
d) Click OK.
3. Click Security Policies > Threat Prevention > Policy > Threat Prevention.
You can block bots with the out-of-the-box Threat Prevention policy rule with the default
Optimized Profile.
Alternatively, add a new Threat Prevention rule:
a) Click Add Rule.
A new rule is added to the Threat Prevention policy. The Software Blade applies the first
rule that matches the traffic.
b) Make a rule that includes these components:

Name - Give the rule a name such as Block Bot Activity.


Protected Scope - The list of network objects you want to protect. By default, the Any
network object is used.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy


Action - The Profile that contains the protection settings you want. The default profile is


Track - The type of log you want to get when the gateway detects malware on this


Install On - Keep it as Policy Targets or select Gateways to install the rule on.

4. Install the Threat Prevention policy (see "Installing the Threat Prevention Policy" on page 92).

Monitoring Bot Activity
Scenario: I want to monitor bot activity in my organization without blocking traffic at all. How can I
do this?
In this example, you will create this Threat Prevention rule, and install the Threat Prevention


bot activity



Install On

A profile that has these changes
relative to the Optimized profile:



Confidence (High\Medium\Low):

To monitor all bot activity:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. Create a new profile:
a) From the Threat Tools section, click Profiles.
The Profiles page opens.
b) Right-click a profile and select Clone.
c) Give the profile a name such as Monitoring_Profile.
d) Edit the profile, and under Activation Mode, configure all confidence level settings to
e) Select the Performance Impact - for example, Medium or lower.
This profile detects protections that are identified as an attack with low, medium or high
confidence and have a medium or lower performance impact.
3. Create a new rule:
a) Click Threat Prevention > Policy > Threat Prevention.
b) Add a rule to the Rule Base.
The first rule that matches is applied.
c) Make a rule that includes these components:

Name - Give the rule a name such as Monitor Bot Activity.


Protected Scope - Keep Any so the rule applies to all traffic in the organization.


Action - Right-click in this cell and select Monitoring_Profile.


Track - Keep Log.


Install On - Keep it as Policy Targets or choose Gateways to install the rule on.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

4. Install the Threat Prevention policy (see "Installing the Threat Prevention Policy" on page 92).

Disabling a Protection on a Specified Server
Scenario: The protection Backdoor.Win32.Agent.AH blocks malware on windows servers. How can
I change this protection to detect for one server only?
In this example, create this Threat Prevention rule, and install the Threat Prevention policy:


Bot Activity




- N/A

A profile based on
the Optimized profile,
with these changes:

Install On



Backdoor.Win32.Agent.AH Detect



To add an exception to a rule:
1. In SmartConsole, click Threat Prevention > Policy > Layer.
2. Click the rule that contains the scope of Server_1.
3. Click the Add Exception toolbar button to add the exception to the rule. The gateway applies
the first exception matched.
4. Right-click the rule and select New Exception.
5. Configure these settings:

Name - Give the exception a name such as Exclude.


Protected Scope - Change it to Server_1 so that it applies to all detections on the server.


Protection/Site - Click + in the cell. From the drop-down menu, click the category and
select one or more of the items to exclude.
Note - To add EICAR files as exceptions, you must add them as Whitelist Files. When you
add EICAR files through Exceptions in Policy rules, the gateway still blocks them.


Action - Keep it as Detect.


Track - Keep it as Log.


Install On - Keep it as Policy Targets or select specified gateways to install the rule on.

6. Install Policy.

Configuring Threat Emulation Settings
Before you define the scope for Threat Prevention, you must make sure that your DMZ interfaces
are configured correctly. To do this:
1. In SmartConsole, click Gateways & Servers and double-click the Security Gateway.
The gateway window opens and shows the General Properties page.
2. From the navigation tree, click Network Management and then double-click a DMZ interface.
3. In the General page of the Interface window, click Modify.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

4. In the Topology Settings window, click Override and Interface leads to DMZ.
5. Click OK and close the gateway window.
Do this procedure for each interface that goes to the DMZ.
If there is a conflict between the Threat Emulation settings in the profile and for the Security
Gateway, the profile settings are used.
Note - The MIME Nesting settings are the same for Anti-Virus, Threat Emulation and Threat

To configure Threat Emulation settings for a Threat Prevention profile:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. From the Threat Tools section, click Profiles.
The Profiles page opens.
3. Right-click the profile, and click Edit.
4. From the navigation tree, click Threat Emulation > General.
5. Select the Threat Emulation UserCheck Settings options:

Prevent - Select the UserCheck message that opens for a Prevent action


Ask - Select the UserCheck message that opens for an Ask action

6. In the Protected Scope section, select an interface type and traffic direction option:
7. Select the applicable Protocols to be emulated.
8. In the Protected Scope section, select an interface type and traffic direction option:

Inspect incoming files from:
Sends only incoming files from the specified interface type for inspection. Outgoing files
are not inspected. Select an interface type from the list:



External - Inspect incoming files from external interfaces. Files from the DMZ and
internal interfaces are not inspected.


External and DMZ - Inspect incoming files from external and DMZ interfaces. Files
from internal interfaces are not inspected.


All - Inspect all incoming files from all interface types.

Inspect incoming and outgoing files - Sends all incoming and outgoing files for inspection.

9. Optional: Configure how Threat Emulation does emulation for SMTP traffic.
a) Click Configure.
The Threat Prevention Mail Configuration window opens.
b) Configure the MIME Nesting settings.

Maximum MIME nesting is X levels - For emails that contain nested MIME content, Set
the maximum number of levels that the ThreatSpect engine scans in the email.


When nesting level is exceeded block/allow file - If there are more nested levels of
MIME content than the configured amount, select to Block or Allow the email file.

10. Select the File Types to be emulated.
11. Click OK and close the Threat Prevention profile window.
12. Install the Threat Prevention policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Selecting the Threat Emulation Action
What are the available emulation actions that I can use with a Threat Emulation profile?

Prevent - Files do not go to the destination computer until emulation is completed. If Threat
Emulation discovers that a file contains malware, the malicious file does not enter the internal
network. Users can notice a delay when downloading a file, because they cannot download and
open the file until the emulation is complete.


Detect - The file is sent to the destination and to Threat Emulation. If Threat Emulation
discovers that a file contains malware, the appropriate log action is done. Users receive all
files without delay.
Note - To estimate the system requirements and amount of file emulations for a network,
go to sk93598

Configuring the Virtual Environment (Profile)
You can use the Emulation Environment window to configure the emulation location and images
that are used for this profile.

To configure the virtual environment settings for the profile:
1. From the Threat Prevention profile navigation tree, select Threat Emulation > Emulation
The Emulation Environment page opens.
2. Set the Analysis Location setting:

To use the Security Gateway settings for the location of the virtual environment, click
According to the gateway


To configure the profile to use a different location of the virtual environment, click Specify
and select the applicable option

3. Set the Environments setting:

To use the emulation environments recommended by Check Point security analysts, click
Use Check Point recommended emulation environments


To select one or more images that are used for emulation, click Use the following
emulation environments

4. Click OK and close the Threat Prevention profile window.
5. Install the Threat Prevention policy.

Excluding Emails
Note - If you want to do emulation on outgoing emails, make sure that you set the
Protected Scope to Inspect incoming and outgoing files.

To exclude emails from Threat Emulation:
1. From the Threat Prevention profile navigation tree, select Threat Emulation > Excluded Mail
2. In the Recipients section, you can click the Add button and enter one or more emails.
Emails and attachments that are sent to these addresses are not sent for emulation.
3. In the Senders section, you can click the Add button and enter one or more emails.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Emails and attachments that are received from these addresses are not sent for emulation.
4. Click OK and close the Threat Prevention profile window.
5. Install the Threat Prevention policy.

Preparing for Local or Remote Emulation
Prepare the network and Emulation appliance for a Local or Remote deployment in the internal
1. Open SmartConsole.
2. Create the network object for the Emulation appliance.
3. If you are running emulation on HTTPS traffic, configure the settings for HTTPS Inspection.
4. Make sure that the traffic is sent to the appliance according to the deployment:

Local Emulation - The Emulation appliance receives the traffic. The appliance can be
configured for traffic the same as a Security Gateway.


Remote Emulation - The traffic is routed to the Emulation appliance.

Using Local or Remote Emulation
This section is for deployments that use an Emulation appliance and run emulation in the internal
Note - Prepare the network for the Emulation appliance before you run the First Time
Configuration Wizard ("Preparing for Local or Remote Emulation" on page 105).

To enable an Emulation appliance for Local and Remote emulation:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the Emulation appliance.
The Gateway Properties window opens.
2. From the Network Security tab, select Threat Emulation.
The Threat Emulation First Time Configuration Wizard opens and shows the Emulation
Location page.
3. Select Locally on a Threat Prevention device.
4. Click Next.
The Summary page opens.
5. Click Finish to enable Threat Emulation on the Emulation appliance and close the First Time
Configuration Wizard.
6. Click OK.
The Gateway Properties window closes.
7. For Local emulation, install the Threat Prevention policy on the Emulation appliance.

To enable Threat Emulation on the Security Gateway for Remote emulation:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the Security Gateway.
The Gateway Properties window opens.
2. From the Network Security tab, select Threat Emulation.
The Threat Emulation First Time Configuration Wizard opens and shows the Emulation
Location page.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

3. Configure the Security Gateway for Remote Emulation:
a) Select Other Emulation appliance.
b) From the drop-down menu, select the Emulation appliance.
4. Click Next.
The Summary page opens.
5. Click Finish to enable Threat Emulation on the Security Gateway close the First Time
Configuration Wizard.
6. Click OK.
The Gateway Properties window closes.
7. Install the Threat Prevention policy on the Security Gateway and the Emulation appliance.

Configuring Threat Extraction Settings
To configure Threat Extraction settings for a Threat Prevention profile:
1. In the Security Policies view > Threat Tools section, click Profiles.
2. Right-click a profile and select Edit.
The Profiles properties window opens.
3. On the General Policy page in the Blade Activation area, select Threat Extraction.
4. On the Threat Extraction > General

page, configure:

UserCheck Settings

Allow the user to access the original file


Allow access to original files that are not malicious according to Threat Emulation
Note - This option is only configurable when the Threat Emulation blade is activated in the
General Properties pane of the profile.


UserCheck Message
Select a message to show the user when the user receives the clean file. In this message,
the user selects if they want to download the original file or not. To select the success or
cancelation messages of the file download, go to Manage & Settings > Blades > Threat
Prevention > Advanced Settings > UserCheck. You can create or edit UserCheck
messages on the UserCheck page.


Optional: To give the user access to the original email, click Insert Field, and select Send
Original Mail.
Send Original Mail is added to the message body.


Mail (SMTP)
Click Configure to set the maximum MIME nesting level for emails that contained nested
MIME content.

Extraction Method

Extract files from potential malicious parts - Selected by default
Click Configure to select which malicious parts the blade extracts. For example, macros,
JavaScript, images and so on.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy


Convert to PDF Converts the file to PDF, and keeps text and formatting.

Best Practice - If you use PDFs in right-to-left languages or Asian fonts, preferably select
Extract files from potential malicious parts to make sure that these files are processed
Extraction Settings

Process all files - selected by default


Process malicious files when the confidence level is:
Set a low, medium or high confidence level. This option is only configurable when the
Threat Emulation blade is activated in the General Properties pane of the profile.

File Types

Process all supported file types - selected by default


Process specific file type families Click Configure to select if you want Threat Extraction support for only some file types
from the list. This list includes only specified file types that the administrator selected. To
change the selection, go to the Manage & Settings view > Blades > Threat Prevention >
Advanced Settings > Threat Extraction > Configure File Type Support.


For jpg, bmp, png, gif, and tiff files - Threat Extraction supports only extraction of
potentially malicious content.


For hwp, jtd, eps, files - Threat Extraction supports only conversion to pdf.


For Microsoft Office and PDF files and all other file types on the list - Threat Extraction
supports both extraction of potentially malicious content and conversion to pdf.


You can also configure supported file types in the configuration file. For explanation, see

5. On the Exclude/Include Users page, configure these settings:

Scan all emails - selected by default
Click Exceptions to not include specified users, groups, recipients or senders.


Scan mail only for specific users or groups
Click Configure to select specified User Groups, Recipients or Senders.
A user is an object that can contain an email address with other details.
A group is an AD group or LDAP group of users
A recipient is an email address only.

Important: In the Application menu > Global Properties > User Directory, make sure that you
have selected the Use User Directory for Security Gateways option.
6. In Threat Tools > Profiles > Threat Extraction > Advanced, configure these settings:

Log only those files from which threats were extracted - selected by default


Log every file

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Threat Extraction Exceptions

Corrupted attachments
Block or Allow corrupted files attached to the email. Corrupted files are files the blade fails
to process, possibly because the format is incorrect. Despite the incorrect format, the
related application (Word, Adobe Reader) can sometimes show the content.

Block removes the corrupt attachment and sends the recipient a text describing how the
attachment contained potentially malicious content. You can block corrupt files if they are
malicious according to Threat Emulation. If the action is block, you can deny access to the
original corrupted file.

Allow lets the recipient receive the corrupt file attachment.

Encrypted attachments
Block or Allow encrypted files attached to the email.

Block removes the encrypted attachment and sends the recipient a text file describing how
the attachment contained potentially malicious content.
If the action is block, you can also deny access to the original encrypted file.

Allow lets the recipient receive the encrypted attachment.

Signed emails
Allow or Clean signed emails.
Signed emails are not encrypted, but the mail contents are signed to authenticate the
sender. If the received email differs from the email that was sent, the recipient gets a
warning. The digital signature is no longer valid.

Clean replaces the original attachment with an attachment cleaned of threats, or converts
the attachment to PDF form. Both actions invalidate the digital signature. If the attachment
does not include active content, the mail remains unmodified and the digital signature

Allow does not change the email. The digital signature remains valid. Select this option to
prevent altering digital signatures.
7. Click OK.
Note - You can configure some of the Threat Extraction features in a configuration file, in addition
to the CLI and GUI. See sk114613

Configuring Threat Extraction on the Security Gateway
1. In the Gateways & Servers view, open the gateway properties > Threat Extraction page.
2. Set the Activation Mode to Active.
3. In the Resource Allocation section, configure the resource settings.
4. Click OK.
5. Install Policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Configuring a Malware DNS Trap
The Malware DNS trap works by configuring the Security Gateway to return a false (bogus) IP
address for known malicious hosts and domains. You can use the Security Gateways external IP
address as the DNS trap address but:

To set the Malware DNS Trap parameters for the profile:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. From the Threat Tools section, click Profiles.
The Profiles page opens.
3. Right-click the profile, and click Edit.
4. From the navigation tree, click Malware DNS Trap.
5. Click Activate DNS Trap 6. Enter the IP address for the DNS trap.
7. Optional: Add Internal DNS Servers to identify the origin of malicious DNS requests.
8. Click OK and close the Threat Prevention profile window.
9. Install the Threat Prevention policy.

To set the Malware DNS Trap parameters for a gateway:
1. In SmartConsole, click Gateways & Servers and double-click the Security Gateway.
The gateway window opens and shows the General Properties page.
2. From the navigation tree, select Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus.
3. In the Malicious DNS Trap section, choose one of the options:

According to profile settings - Use the Malware DNS Trap IP address configured for each


IPv4 - Enter the IP address for all the profiles assigned to this Security Gateway.

4. Click OK.
5. Install the policy.

Exception Rules
If necessary, you can add an exception directly to a rule. The object in the Protected Scope
column can have a different Action from the specified Threat Prevention rule. Here are some
examples of exception rules:.

A profile that only detects protections. You can set one or more of the protections for a user to


The Research and Development (R&D) network protections are included in a profile with the
Prevent action. You can set that network to Detect.

You can add one or more exceptions to a rule. The exception is added as a shaded row below the
rule in the Rule Base. It is identified in the No. column with the rule's number plus the letter E and
a digit that represents the exception number. For example, if you add two exceptions to rule
number 1, two lines will be added and show in the Rule Base as E-1.1 and E-1.2.
You can use exception groups to group exceptions that you want to use in more than one rule. See
the Exceptions Groups Pane.
You can expand or collapse the rule exceptions by clicking on the minus or plus sign next to the
rule number in the No. column.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

To add an exception to a rule:
1. In the Policy pane, select the rule to which you want to add an exception.
2. Click Add Exception.
3. Select the Above, Below, or Bottom option according to where you want to place the
4. Enter values for the columns. Including these:

Protected Scope - Change it to reflect the relevant objects.


Protection - Click the plus sign in the cell to open the Protections viewer. Select the
protection(s) and click OK.

5. Install Policy.

Blade Exceptions
You can also configure an exception for an entire blade.

To configure a blade exception:
1. In the Policy, select the Layer rule to which you want to add an exception.
2. Click Add Exception.
3. Select the Above, Below, or Bottom option according to where you want to place the
4. In the Protection/Site column, select Blades from the drop-down menu.
5. Select the blade you want to exclude.
6. Install Policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




The Check Point ThreatCloud
In This Section:
Updating IPS Protections ...........................................................................................112
Scheduling Updates ..................................................................................................112
Updating Threat Emulation ........................................................................................113

Check Point ThreatCloud is a dynamically updated service that is based on an innovative global
network of threat sensors and organizations that share threat data and collaborate to fight against
modern malware. Customers can send their own threat data to the ThreatCloud and benefit from
increased security and protection and enriched threat intelligence. The ThreatCloud distributes
attack information, and turns zero-day attacks into known signatures that the Anti-Virus Software
Blade can block. The Security Gateway does not collect or send any personal data.
Participation in Check Point information collection is a unique opportunity for Check Point
customers to be a part of a strategic community of advanced security research. This research
aims to improve coverage, quality, and accuracy of security services and obtain valuable
information for organizations.
The ThreatCloud repository contains more than 250 million addresses that were analyzed for bot
discovery and more than 2,000 different botnet communication patterns. The ThreatSpect engine
uses this information to classify bots and viruses.
For the reputation and signature layers of the ThreatSpect engine, each Security Gateway also

A local database, the Malware database that contains commonly used signatures, URLs, and
their related reputations. You can configure automatic or scheduled updates for this database.


A local cache that gives answers to 99% of URL reputation requests. When the cache does not
have an answer, it queries the ThreatCloud repository.

For Anti-Virus - the signature is sent for file classification.


For Anti-Bot - the host name is sent for reputation classification.

Access the ThreatCloud repository from:

SmartConsole - You can add specific malwares to rule exceptions when necessary. From the
Threat Prevention Rule Base in SmartConsole, click the plus sign in the Protection column in
the rule exceptions, and the Protection viewer opens.


Threat Wiki - A tool to see the entire Malware database. Open Threat Wiki in SmartConsole or
access it from the Check Point website.

Data Check Point Collects
When you enable information collection, the Check Point Security Gateway collects and securely
submits event IDs, URLs, and external IPs to the Check Point Lab regarding potential security
For example:

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

This is an example of an event that was detected by a Check Point Security Gateway. It includes
the event ID, URL, and external IP addresses. Note that the data does not contain confidential data
or internal resource information. The source IP address is obscured. Information sent to the
Check Point Lab is stored in an aggregated form.

Updating IPS Protections
Check Point constantly develops and improves its protections against the latest threats. You can
immediately update IPS with real-time information on attacks and all the latest protections. You
can manually update the IPS protections and also set a schedule when updates are automatically
downloaded and installed. IPS protections include many protections that can help manage the
threats against your network. Make sure that you understand the complexity of the IPS
protections before you manually modify the settings.
Note - To enforce the IPS updates, you must install policy.

To update IPS Protections:
1. In SmartConsole, click Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. In the Threat Tools section, click Updates.
3. In the IPS section > Update Now, from the drop-down menu, select:

Download using SmartConsole (if your Security Management Server has no internet
access), or


Download using Security Management Server.

4. Install Policy.

To manually update IPS Protections:
1. In SmartConsole, click Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. In the Threat Tools section, click Updates.
3. In the IPS section > Update Now, click the drop-down menu.
4. Select Offline Update.
The file directory opens.
5. Select the required file for the update and click Open.
6. Install Policy.

Scheduling Updates
You can change the default automatic schedule for when updates are automatically downloaded
and installed. If you have Security Gateways in different time zones, they are not synchronized
when one updates and the other did not yet update.

To configure Threat Prevention scheduled updates:
1. In SmartConsole, go to the Security Policies page and select Threat Prevention.
2. In the Threat Tools section of the Threat Prevention Policy, click Updates.
3. In the section for the applicable Software Blade, click Schedule Update.
The Scheduled Update window opens.
4. Make sure Enable  scheduled update is selected.
5. Click Configure.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

6. In the window that opens, set the Update at time and the frequency:

Daily - Every day


Days in week - Select days of the week


Days in month - Select dates of the month

7. Optional, for IPS only:

Select Perform retries on update failure - lets you configure how many tries the
Scheduled Update makes if it does not complete successfully the first time.


Select On successful update perform Install Policy - automatically installs the policy on
the devices you select after the IPS update is completed. Click Configure to select these

8. Click OK.
9. Click Close.
10. Install Policy.

Updating Threat Emulation
Threat Emulation connects to the ThreatCloud to update the engine and the operating system
images. The default setting for the Threat Emulation appliance is to automatically update the
engine and images.
The default setting is to download the package once a day.
Best Practice - Configure Threat Emulation to download the package when there is low network
Update packages for the Threat Emulation operating system images are usually more than 2GB.
The actual size of the update package is related to your configuration.

To enable or disable Automatic Updates for Threat Emulation:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. From the Threat Tools section, click Updates.
The Updates page opens.
3. Under Threat Emulation, click Schedule Update.
4. Select or clear these settings:

Enable Threat Emulation engine scheduled update


Enable Threat Emulation images scheduled update

5. Click Configure to configure the schedule for Threat Emulation engine or image updates.
6. Configure the automatic update settings to update the database:

To update once a day, select At and enter the time of day


To update multiple times a day, select Every and set the time interval


To update once or more for each week or month:

a) Select At and enter the time of day.
b) Click Days.
c) Click Days of week or Days of month.
d) Select the applicable days.
7. Click OK and then install the Threat Prevention policy.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

To Learn More About Threat Prevention
To learn more about configuring a Threat Prevention Policy, see the R80.10 Threat Prevention
Administration Guide

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Creating Shared Policies
In This Section:
Shared Policies ...........................................................................................................115
Configuring HTTPS Inspection ...................................................................................116
Configuring the Geo Policy .........................................................................................126

Shared Policies
The Shared Policies section in the Security Policies shows the policies that are not in a Policy
package. They are shared between all Policy packages.
Shared policies are installed with the Access Control Policy.
Software Blade


Mobile Access

Launch Mobile Access policy in a SmartConsole. Configure how your
remote users access internal resources, such as their email accounts,
when they are mobile.


Launch Data Loss Prevention policy in a SmartConsole. Configure
advanced tools to automatically identify data that must not go outside
the network, to block the leak, and to educate users.

Geo Policy

Create a policy for traffic to or from specific geographical or political

HTTPS Inspection

The HTTPS Policy allows the Security Gateway to inspect HTTPS traffic
to prevent security risks related to the SSL protocol. The HTTPS Policy
shows if HTTPS inspection is enabled on one or more Gateways.
To learn more about HTTPS Inspection, see the R80.10 Next Generation

Security Gateway Guide
Inspection Settings

You can configure Inspection Settings (on page 79) for the Firewall:

Deep packet inspection settings


Protocol parsing inspection settings


VoIP packet inspection settings

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

Configuring HTTPS Inspection
HTTPS Internet traffic uses the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol and is encrypted to give data
privacy and integrity. However, HTTPS traffic has a possible security risk and can hide illegal user
activity and malicious traffic. Security Gateways cannot inspect HTTPS traffic because it is
encrypted. You can enable the HTTPS Inspection feature to let the Security Gateways create new
SSL connections with the external site or server. The Security Gateways are then able to decrypt
and inspect HTTPS traffic that uses the new SSL connections.
There are two types of HTTPS Inspection:

Outbound HTTPS Inspection - To protect against malicious traffic that is sent from an internal
client to an external site or server.


Inbound HTTPS Inspection - To protect internal servers from malicious requests that arrive
from the Internet or an external network.

A Security Gateway uses certificates and becomes an intermediary between the client computer
and the secure web site. All data is kept private in HTTPS Inspection logs. Only administrators with
HTTPS Inspection permissions can see all the fields in such a log.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

Inspecting HTTPS Packets
Outbound Connections
Outbound connections are HTTPS connections that arrive from an internal client and connect to
the Internet. The Security Gateway compares the HTTPS request to the rules in the HTTPS
Inspection Rule Base. If the request does not match any rule, the packet is not inspected and the
connection is allowed.
If the request matches an HTTPS Inspection rule, the Security Gateway validates the certificate
from the server (on the Internet). The Security Gateway validates the certificate using the Online
Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) standard. OCSP is faster and uses much less memory than CRL
Validation, which is used for certificate validation in releases lower than R80.10. For a new HTTPS
connection to the server, the Security Gateway creates and uses a new certificate. There are two
HTTPS connections, one to the internal client and one to the external server. It can then decrypt
and inspect the packets according to the security policy. The packets are encrypted again and sent
to the destination.
Connection is not


Matches a rule?

connection and
then encrypts it

Decrypts the


Firewall validates

Creates new
certificate for
client and server

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

Inbound Connections
Inbound connections are HTTPS connections that arrive from an external client and connect to a
server in the DMZ or the internal network. The Security Gateway compares the HTTPS request to
the rules in the HTTPS Inspection Rule Base. If the request does not match any rule, the packet is
not inspected and the connection is allowed.
If the request matches an HTTPS Inspection rule, the Security Gateway uses the certificate for the
internal server to create an HTTPS connection with the external client. The Security Gateway
creates a new HTTPS connection with the internal server. Since the Security Gateway has a secure
connection with the external client, it can decrypt the HTTPS traffic. The decrypted traffic is
inspected according to the security policy.
Connection is
not inspected



Matches a rule?


Decrypts the


Uses server
certificate and
connects to the

Creates a new
connection to

Configuring Gateways to inspect outbound and inbound HTTPS
This section gives an example of how to configure a Gateways to inspect outbound and inbound
HTTPS traffic.

Workflow overview
1. Enable HTTPS Inspection on the Security Gateway.
2. Configure the Security Gateway to use the certificate.

Outbound Inspection - Generate a new certificate for the Security Gateway.


Inbound Inspection - Import the certificate for the internal server.

3. Configure the HTTPS Inspection Rule Base.
4. Install the Access Control Policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

Enabling HTTPS Inspection
You must enable HTTPS inspection on each Security Gateway.

To enable HTTPS Inspection on a Security Gateway:
1. From the SmartConsole Gateways & Servers view, edit the

Security Gateway object.

2. Click HTTPS Inspection > Step 3.
3. Select Enable HTTPS Inspection.
The first time you enable HTTPS inspection on one of the Security Gateways, you must create an
outbound CA certificate for HTTPS inspection or import a CA certificate already deployed in your
organization. This outbound certificate is used by all Security Gateways managed on the Security
Management Server.

Creating an Outbound CA Certificate
The outbound CA certificate is saved with a P12 file extension and uses a password to encrypt the
private key of the file. The Security Gateways use this password to sign certificates for the sites
accessed. You must keep the password because it is also used by other Security Management
Servers that import the CA certificate to decrypt the file.
After you create an outbound CA certificate, you must export it so it can be distributed to clients. If
you do not deploy the generated outbound CA certificate on clients, users will receive SSL error
messages in their browsers when connecting to HTTPS sites. You can configure a troubleshooting
option that logs such connections.
After you create the outbound CA certificate, a certificate object named Outbound Certificate is
created. Use this object in rules that inspect outbound HTTPS traffic in the HTTPS inspection Rule

To create an outbound CA certificate:
1. In SmartConsole Gateways & Servers view, right-click the Security Gateway object and select
The Gateway Properties window opens.
2. In the navigation tree, select HTTPS Inspection.
3. In Step 1 of the HTTPS Inspection page, click Create.
The Create window opens.
4. Enter the necessary information:

Issued by (DN) - Enter the domain name of your organization.


Private key password - Enter the password that is used to encrypt the private key of the CA


Retype private key password - Retype the password.


Valid from - Select the date range for which the CA certificate is valid.

5. Click OK.
6. Export and deploy the CA certificate ("Exporting and Deploying the Generated CA" on page

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

Importing an Outbound CA Certificate
You can import a CA certificate that is already deployed in your organization or import a CA
certificate created on one Security Management Server to use on another Security Management
Best Practice - Use private CA Certificates.
For each Security Management Server that has Security Gateways enabled with HTTPS inspection,
you must:

Import the CA certificate.


Enter the password the Security Management Server uses to decrypt the CA certificate file and
sign the certificates for users. Use this password only when you import the certificate to a new
Security Management Server.

To import a CA certificate:
1. If the CA certificate was created on another Security Management Server, export the
certificate from the Security Management Server on which it was created ("Exporting a
Certificate from the Security Management Server" on page 120).
2. In the SmartConsole Gateways & Servers view, right-click the Security Gateway object and
select Edit.
The Gateway Properties window opens.
3. In the navigation tree, select HTTPS Inspection.
4. In Step 1 of the HTTPS Inspection page, click Import.
The Import Outbound Certificate window opens.
5. Browse to the certificate file.
6. Enter the private key password.
7. Click OK.
8. If the CA certificate was created on another Security Management Server, deploy it to clients
("Exporting and Deploying the Generated CA" on page 121).
Exporting a Certificate from the Security Management Server
If you use more than one Security Management Server in your organization, you must first export
the CA certificate with the export_https_cert CLI command from the Security Management
Server on which it was created before you can import it to other Security Management Servers.
Command syntax:
export_https_cert [-local] | [-s server] [-f certificate file name under

To export the CA certificate:
On the Security Management Server, run this command:
$FWDIR/bin/export_https_cert -local -f [certificate file name under

$FWDIR/bin/export_https_cert -local -f mycompany.p12

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

Exporting and Deploying the Generated CA
To prevent users from getting warnings about the generated CA certificates that HTTPS inspection
uses, install the generated CA certificate used by HTTPS inspection as a trusted CA. You can
distribute the CA with different distribution mechanisms such as Windows GPO. This adds the
generated CA to the trusted root certificates repository on client computers.
When users run standard updates, the generated CA will be in the CA list and they will not receive
browser certificate warnings.

To distribute a certificate with a GPO:
1. From the HTTPS Inspection window of the Security Gateway, click Export certificate.
2. Save the CA certificate file.
3. Use the Group Policy Management Console ("Deploying Certificates by Using Group Policy" on
page 121) to add the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store.
4. Push the Policy to the client computers in the organization.
Note - Make sure that the CA certificate is pushed to the client computer organizational unit.
5. Test the distribution by browsing to an HTTPS site from one of the clients and verifying that the
CA certificate shows the name you entered for the CA certificate that you created in the Issued
by field.
Deploying Certificates by Using Group Policy
You can use this procedure to deploy a certificate to multiple client machines with Active Directory
Domain Services and a Group Policy Object (GPO). A GPO can contain multiple configuration
options, and is applied to all computers in the scope of the GPO.
Membership in the local Administrators group, or equivalent, is necessary to complete this

To deploy a certificate using Group Policy:
1. On the Microsoft Windows Server, open the Group Policy Management Console.
2. Find an existing GPO or create a new GPO to contain the certificate settings. Make sure the
GPO is associated with the domain, site, or organization unit whose users you want affected by
the policy.
3. Right-click the GPO and select Edit.
The Group Policy Management Editor opens and shows the contents of the policy object.
4. Open Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Public Key
Policies > Trusted Publishers.
5. Click Action > Import.
6. Do the instructions in the Certificate Import Wizard to find and import the certificate you
exported from SmartConsole.
7. In the navigation pane, click Trusted Root Certification Authorities and repeat steps 5-6 to
install a copy of the certificate to that store.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

Configuring Inbound HTTPS Inspection
Configure the Security Gateway for inbound HTTPS Inspection.

To enable inbound HTTPS traffic inspection:
1. From the SmartConsole Gateways & Servers view, edit the Security Gateway object.
2. Click HTTPS Inspection > Step 3.
3. Select Enable HTTPS Inspection.
4. Import server certificates for servers behind the organization Security Gateways ("Assigning a
Server Certificate for Inbound HTTPS Inspection" on page 122).
5. Define an HTTPS inspection policy:

Create rules


Add a server certificate to the Certificate column of each rule.

Assigning a Server Certificate for Inbound HTTPS Inspection
Add the server certificates to the Security Gateway. This creates a server certificate object
When a client from outside the organization initiates an HTTPS connection to an internal server,
the Security Gateway intercepts the traffic. The Security Gateway inspects the inbound traffic and
creates a new HTTPS connection from the gateway to the internal server. To allow HTTPS
inspection, the Security Gateway must use the original server certificate and private key. The
Security Gateway uses this certificate and the private key for SSL connections to the internal
After you import a server certificate (with a P12 file extension) to the Security Gateway, add the
object to the HTTPS Inspection Policy.
Do this procedure for all servers that receive connection requests from clients outside of the

To add a server certificate for inbound HTTPS inspection:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Security Policies > Shared Policies > HTTPS Inspection.
2. Click Open HTTPS Inspection Policy In SmartDashboard.
SmartDashboard opens.
3. Click Server Certificates.
4. Click Add.
The Import Inbound Certificate window opens.
5. Enter a Certificate name and a Description (optional).
6. Browse to the certificate file.
7. Enter the Private key password. Enter the same password that was used to protect the private
key of the certificate on the server.
8. Click OK.
The Successful Import window opens the first time you import a server certificate. It shows you
where to add the object in the HTTPS Inspection Rule Base. Click Don't show this again if you do
not want to see the window each time you import a server certificate and Close.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

HTTPS Inspection Policy
The HTTPS Inspection rules define how the Security Gateways inspect HTTPS traffic. The HTTPS
Inspection rules can use the URL Filtering categories to identify traffic for different websites and
applications. For example, to protect the privacy of your users, you can use a rule to ignore HTTPS
traffic to banks and financial institutions.
The HTTPS Inspection rules are applied to all the Software Blades that have HTTPS Inspection
enabled. These are the Software Blades that support HTTPS Inspection:



Access Control

Application Control


URL Filtering


Content Awareness

Threat Prevention







Threat Emulation

Data Loss Prevention

To open the HTTP Inspection Policy
1. In SmartConsole, go to Security Policies > Shared Policies > HTTPS Inspection.
2. Click Open HTTPS Inspection Policy In SmartDashboard.

HTTPS Inspection rules in SmartDashboard
These are the fields that manage the rules for the HTTPS Inspection security policy.



Rule number in the HTTPS Inspection Rule Base.


Name that the system administrator gives this rule.


Network object that defines where the traffic starts.


Network object that defines the destination of the traffic.


The network services that are inspected or bypassed.
By default, the services HTTPS on port 443 and HTTP_and_HTTPS proxy on port
8080 are inspected. You can add or delete services from the list.

Site Category Categories for applications or web sites that are inspected or bypassed.

Action that is done when HTTPS traffic matches the rule. The traffic is inspected
or ignored (Bypass).


Tracking and logging action that is done when traffic matches the rule.

Install On

Network objects that will get the HTTPS Inspection rule. You can only select
Security Gateways that have HTTPS Inspection enabled.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies




The certificate that is used for this rule.



Inbound HTTPS inspection - Select the certificate that the internal server


Outbound HTTPS inspection - Select the Outbound Certificate object that you
are using for the computers in the network. When there is a match to a rule,
the Security Gateway uses the selected server certificate to communicate
with the source client. You can create server certificates from HTTPS
Inspection > Server Certificates > Add.

An optional field that lets you summarize the rule.

Configuring HTTPS Inspection Rules
Create different HTTPS Inspection rules for outbound and inbound traffic.
The outbound rules use the certificate that was generated for the Security Gateway.
The inbound rules use a different certificate for each internal server.
You can also create bypass rules for traffic that is sensitive and is not inspected. Make sure that
the bypass rules are at the top of the HTTPS Inspection Rule Base.
After creating the rules, install the Access Control Policy.

Sample HTTPS Inspection Rule Base
This table shows a sample HTTPS Inspection Rule Base for a typical policy. (The Track and Install
On columns are not shown. Track is set to None and Install On is set to Any.)
No Name

Source Destination












rver CA







Outbound CA








Outbound CA






1. Inbound traffic - Inspects HTTPS traffic to the network object WebCalendarServer. This rule
uses the WebCalendarServer certificate.
2. Financial sites - This is a bypass rule that does not inspect HTTPS traffic to websites that are
defined in the Financial Services category. This rule uses the Outbound CA certificate.
3. Outbound traffic - Inspects HTTPS traffic to the Internet. This rule uses the Outbound CA
Bypassing HTTPS Inspection for Software Update Services
Check Point dynamically updates a list of approved domain names of services from which content
is always allowed. This option makes sure that Check Point updates or other 3rd party software
updates are not blocked. For example, updates from Microsoft, Java, and Adobe.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

To bypass HTTPS inspection for software updates:
1. In SmartConsole, go Manage & Settings > Blades > HTTPS Inspection > Configure In
2. In SmartDashboard, click the HTTPS Inspection tab.
3. Click Policy.
4. In the Policy pane, select Bypass HTTPS Inspection of traffic to well known software update
services (list is dynamically updated). This option is selected by default.
5. Click list to see the list of approved domain names.

Managing Certificates by Gateway
The Gateways pane lists the gateways with HTTPS Inspection enabled. Select a gateway and click
Edit to edit the gateway properties.
In the CA Certificate section, you can renew the certificate validity date range if necessary and
export it for distribution to the organization client machines.
If the Security Management Server which manages the selected Security Gateway does not have a
generated CA certificate installed on it, you can add it with Import certificate from file.

You can import a CA certificate already deployed in your organization.


You can import a CA certificate from another Security Management Server. Before you can
import it, you must first export ("Exporting a Certificate from the Security Management Server"
on page 120) it from the Security Management Server on which it was created.

Adding Trusted CAs for Outbound HTTPS Inspection
When a client initiates an HTTPS connection to a web site server, the Security Gateway intercepts
the connection. The Security Gateway inspects the traffic and creates a new HTTPS connection
from the Security Gateway to the designated server.
When the Security Gateway establishes a secure connection (an SSL tunnel) to the designated web
site, it must validate the site server certificate.
HTTPS Inspection comes with a preconfigured list of trusted CAs. This list is updated by Check
Point when necessary and is automatically downloaded to the Security Gateway. The system is
configured by default to notify you when a Trusted CA update file is ready for installation. The
notification in SmartDashboard shows as a pop-up notification or in the Trusted CAs window in the
Automatic Updates section. After you install the update, make sure to install the policy. You can
select to disable the automatic update option and manually update the Trusted CA list.
If the Security Gateway receives a non-trusted server certificate from a site, by default the user
gets a self-signed certificate and not the generated certificate. A page notifies the user that there
is a problem with the website security certificate, but lets the user continue to the website.
You can change the default setting to block untrusted server certificates.
Saving a CA Certificate
You can save a selected certificate in the trusted CAs list to the local file system.

To export a CA certificate:
1. In SmartDashboard, open HTTPS Inspection > Trusted CAs.
2. Click Actions > Export to file.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

3. Browse to a location, enter a file name and click Save.
A CER file is created.

HTTPS Validation
In the HTTPS Validation page of SmartDashboard you can set options for

Fail mode


HTTPS site categorization mode


Server validation.


Certificate blacklisting



To learn more about these options, see the Help. Click ? in the HTTPS Validation page.

Showing HTTPS Inspection Logs
The predefined log query for HTTPS Inspection shows all HTTPS traffic that matched the HTTPS
Inspection policy, and was configured to be logged.

To see HTTPS Inspection Logs:
1. In the SmartConsole Logs & Monitor > Logs tab, click Favorites.
2. Select the HTTPS Inspection query.
The logs includes an HTTP Inspection Action field. The field value can be inspect or bypass. If
HTTPS Inspection was not done on the traffic, this field does not show in the log.

Configuring the Geo Policy
The Geo Policy lets you control network traffic for specified countries. An IP-to-country database
maps IP addresses to countries. You can configure different Geo policies that block or allow traffic
for different countries. Private IP addresses are allowed unless the connection is explicitly
blocked. Check Point control connections (such as between Security Gateways and the Security
Management Server) are always allowed, regardless of the Geo policy.
Follow this workflow to configure a Geo Policy:
1. Create a Geo Policy.
2. Configure exceptions to the policy (optional).
3. Apply the new Geo Policy to target Security Gateways.
4. Publish the configuration changes and install the Access Control Policy.

To create a new Geo Policy:
1. In SmartConsole, go to the Security Policies page.
2. In the Shared Policies section, click Geo Policy.
3. From the drop-down Edited Policy menu, select New.
4. In the Object Name window that opens, enter a name for the new Geo Policy.
5. Click OK.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

6. Select an Activation Mode:

Active - Policy is enabled


Monitory Only - Traffic that matches the policy is allowed and logged


Inactive - Policy is disabled

7. In Policy for specific countries section, click the plus sign.
The Geo Policy - Add new rule window opens.
8. Configure the Rule Settings:

Country - Select or search for a country on the list


Action - Select Accept to allow the traffic or Drop to reject it


Direction - From and To Country for bidirectional traffic, or To Country or From Country
for traffic only in a specific direction


Track - Select to Log, send Alerts, send Mail, send SNMP Traps, or to send one of possible
three custom User Alerts (you can also choose to not do any tracking)


Comment - optional comment

9. Set the default Action and Track option for the Policy for other countries.
10. Optional - Select Aggregate logs by country.
11. Publish the Session to save the configuration changes.

To configure exceptions to a Geo Policy:
1. In the Shared Policies section of the Security Policies page, click Exceptions.
2. Click New.
The New Exception Rule window opens.
3. In the Apply to section, select the Profile to which you want to apply the exception.
4. In the Source and Destination sections, select the exception criteria:

Network Object - A specific internal host or a network (or Any)


IP Address - A specific IP address

5. Select a Service or specify a TCP or UDP Port/Range.
6. Select the target gateways for the exception to Install On.
7. Add an optional Comment and click OK.

To apply a Geo Policy:
1. In the Shared Policies section of the Security Policies page, click Gateways.
2. Select a gateway or a cluster of gateways and click Edit.
The gateway Geo Policy window opens.
3. From the Assign Policy drop-down list, select a Geo Policy.
4. Click OK.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Creating Shared Policies

You can also edit Geo Policies, or delete them (if they are not applied to any target gateways).

To delete a Geo Policy:
1. In the Shared Policies section of the Security Policies page, click Gateways.
2. From the Edited Policy drop-down list, select a policy.
The rules of the selected Geo Policy show.
3. Click to open the Edited Policy list again, and select Delete.
4. Click Yes to confirm.
Note - If the policy is applied to a gateway or a cluster of gateways, the warning will show and
the policy will not be deleted.

To edit a Geo Policy:
1. In the Shared Policies section of the Security Policies page, click Gateways.
2. From the Edited Policy drop-down list, select a policy.
The rules of the selected Geo Policy show.
3. Make changes to the policy.
4. Publish the changes and install the Access Control Policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Adding Users to the Policy
In This Section:
Using Identity Awareness ...........................................................................................129
Using User Directory ..................................................................................................134
To Learn More About Adding Users to the Policy .....................................................140

Using Identity Awareness
The Identity Awareness Software Blade lets you configure the Security Gateways to enforce access
control for individual users and groups. You can use Identity Sources to get information about
users and groups to add flexibility and security for the Rule Base. Identity Awareness lets you
create rules in the Access Control and Threat Prevention Rule Bases.

Identity Sources
After the Security Gateway acquires the identity of a user, user-based rules can be enforced on
the network traffic. Identity Awareness can use these sources to identify users:

Browser-Based Authentication - Uses a Captive Portal to authenticate users. If Transparent
Kerberos Authentication is configured, the browser attempts to transparently acquire users'
identities using Kerberos tickets for users logged in to the domain, before redirecting users to
the Captive Portal.


AD Query - Get identity data from Microsoft Active Directory (AD) servers.


Identity Agent - Client that is installed on endpoint computers connects to a Security Gateway
and authenticates users.


Terminal Servers - A Terminal Server Identity Agent is used to identify individual user traffic
coming from terminal servers. This is used in environments with application servers that host
Microsoft Terminal Servers, Citrix XenApp, and Citrix XenDesktop.


RADIUS Accounting - You can configure a Security Gateway with Identity Awareness to use
RADIUS Accounting to get user and computer identities directly from a RADIUS accounting
client. Identity Awareness uses this information to apply access permissions to the connection.


Identity Collector - Identity Collector is a Windows-based application which collects
information about identities and their associated IP addresses and sends it to Check Point
firewalls for identity enforcement. Identity Collector supports these sources:

Microsoft Active Directory Domain Controllers


Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) Servers, versions 1.3 and 2.0

The Identity Collector can connect with more than one Identity Source at a time. The Identity
Sources are organized in Query Pools. The Identity Collector sends the Identity Server
information from the Identity Sources selected in the Query Pool assigned to the gateway.

Identity Web API - The Identity Web API gives you a flexible method for creating identities. With
the Identity Awareness Web API, you can:

Create and revoke identities


Query the Identity Awareness Software Blade regarding users, IPs, and computers.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy


Remote Access - Identities are acquired for Mobile Access clients and IPSec VPN clients
configured to work in Office Mode when they connect to the Security Gateway. This option is
enabled by default.
If there is more than one Security Gateway enabled with Identity Awareness that share
identities with each other and have Office Mode configured, each gateway must be configured
with different office mode ranges.

Browser-Based Authentication
Browser-Based Authentication uses the Internet browser to identify users. You can use these
Browser-Based Authentication solutions:

Captive Portal


Transparent Kerberos Authentication

Captive Portal uses a web interface to authenticate users before they can access network
resources. When users try to access a protected resource, they must log in to a web page to
When Transparent Kerberos Authentication is enabled, the Transparent Authentication page tries
to authenticate users before the Captive Portal web page opens. The Transparent Authentication
page communicates with the AD to use the Kerberos protocol to authenticate the users. If the
users are successfully authenticated, then they can access the network resources. If they are not
authenticated, then they are redirected to the Captive Portal.

AD Query
The Security Gateway registers to receive security event logs from the AD domain controllers
when the security policy is installed. When a user authenticates with AD credentials, these event
logs are generated and are sent to the Security Gateway. The gateway identifies the user based on
the AD security event log, and enforces the appropriate Identity Awareness rule to the traffic that
this user sends.

Enabling Identity Awareness
There is an Identity Awareness configuration wizard in SmartConsole that helps you enable and
configure the Identity Awareness Software Blade. You can use the configuration wizard on these
identity sources:

AD Query


Browser-Based Authentication


Terminal Servers

Using the Identity Awareness Configuration Wizard
Use the Identity Awareness Configuration wizard to configure how the Security Gateway gets
information about users and computers. The wizard automatically creates an Account Unit
("Account Units" on page 135).
This is an example of how to configure the AD query and browser-based methods for Identity

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy

To use the Identity Awareness configuration wizard:
1. In SmartConsole, go to the Gateways & Servers page and double-click the Security Gateway
The gateway properties window opens.
2. From the navigation tree, click General Properties.
3. From the Network Security tab, select Identity Awareness.
The Identity Awareness Configuration wizard opens.
4. Select AD Query and Browser-Based Authentication and then click Next.
The Integration With Active Directory window opens.
5. Select the AD domain and enter the Username and the Password.
Make sure that the AD account has domain administrator privileges. Alternatively, you can let
non-administrators make AD connections
Note - you can also select Create new domain and configure a new AD (Active Directory)
Account Unit object.
6. Click Connect.
The message about user credentials shows.
7. Click Next.
The Browser-Based Authentication Settings window opens.
8. Enter the URL for the Captive Portal and then click Next.
The Identity Awareness is Now Active window opens.
9. Click Finish.
10. Install the policy.

Identity Awareness and Remote Access
Identity Awareness for Mobile Access and IPsec VPN clients works in Office Mode for Security
Gateways. The Remote Access option is included as an identity source when you enable Identity

To enable or disable Remote Access for Identity Awareness:
1. In SmartConsole, go to the Gateways & Servers page and double-click the Security Gateway
The gateway properties window opens.
2. From the navigation tree, click Identity Awareness.
3. Select or clear Remote Access.
4. Click OK.
5. Install the policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy

Working with Access Roles
After you enable Identity Awareness, you create Access Role objects.
You can use Access Role objects as source and/or destination parameter in a rule. Access Role
objects can include one or more of these objects:



Users and user groups


Computers and computer groups


Remote Access Clients

To create an Access Role object:
1. In SmartConsole, open the Object Explorer (Ctrl+E).
2. Click New > Users > Access Role.
The New Access Role window opens.
3. Enter a Name and Comment (optional).
4. On the Networks page, select one of these:

Any network


Specific networks - Click the plus sign and select a network - click the plus sign next to the
network name or search for a known network

5. On the Users page, select one of these:

Any user


All identified users - Includes users identified by a supported authentication method.


Specific users - Click the plus sign and select a user - click the plus sign next to the
username or search for a known user or user group.

6. On the Machines page, select one of these:

Any machine


All identified machines - Includes computers identified by a supported authentication


Specific machines - Click the plus sign and select a device - click the plus sign next to the
device name or search for a known device or group of devices

For computers that use Full Identity Agents, you can select (optional) Enforce IP Spoofing
7. On the Remote Access Clients page, select the Allowed Clients or add new ones. For R77.xx
Gateways or lower, you must choose Any.
8. Click OK.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy

Using Identity Awareness in the Access Control Policy
The Identity Awareness Software Blade lets you configure your Access Control Policy to allow
connections for users regardless of what computer they are using. Use Access Role objects in the
Source column of a rule, and Identity Awareness Software Blade will identify users based on those
objects. You can also configure the Accept action to redirect traffic from an unidentified user to a
Captive Portal.

Sample gateway workflow with Identity Awareness
The gateway inspects traffic that starts from a source that matches the Access Role object and
tries to identify the user.

If the user is identified, the traffic is allowed.


If the user is not identified, the traffic is only allowed when the user authenticates to the
Captive Portal. If Captive Portal is not enabled, or the user does not authenticate, then the
traffic is dropped.

Adding an Access Role to a Rule
You can add rules with Access Role objects as the Source or Destination to the Access Control
policy for Security Gateways that have the Identity Awareness Software Blade enabled.
Note - Rules that use Access Role objects cannot be enforced on Security Gateways that
do not have Identity Awareness enabled.

To add an Access Role object to a rule:
1. Select a policy from the Access Control > Policy tree.
2. Click the plus sign in the Source or the Destination cell of a rule.
3. In the window that opens, click the Filter button and select Categories > Users > Access
4. Click the plus sign for every Access Role object you want to add.
5. Install the policy.

Redirecting to a Captive Portal
You can configure rules that use Access Role objects and the Accept action with the Action
Settings option, to redirect HTTP traffic to a Captive Portal. The rule allows traffic when the users
that match the source Access Role object are identified. If the Enable Identity Captive Portal
option is enabled, the gateway identifies users this way:
1. The Identity Awareness source identifies the user
2. The user authenticates at the Captive Portal
Rules can redirect HTTP traffic according to these parameters:

Source - Includes an Access Role object


Action - Uses Accept

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy

To enable Captive Portal for a rule:
1. Right-click the Action cell and select More.
The Action Settings window opens.
2. Select Enable Identity Captive Portal.
3. Click OK.
The Action column shows accept (display captive portal).
4. Install the policy.

Sample Identity Awareness Rules
This table shows sample Identity Awareness rules for a Firewall Rule Base. (The VPN, Track and
Time columns are not shown. Track is set to Log, and VPN and Time are set to Any.)







CEO allow




Display Captive Portal


HR server allow




Display Captive Portal


Drop non-identified HR






Internet access




Display Captive Portal

1. CEO allow - Allows the CEO, John Smith, to access all the network resources. The CEO is
identified by Identity Awareness AD Query or he authenticates to the Captive Portal.
2. HR server allow - Allows users that are defined in the HR_Partners Access Role object to
access the HR_Server subnet. The HR users are identified by Identity Awareness AD Query or
they authenticate to the Captive Portal.
3. Drop non-identified HR traffic - Drops all traffic to the HR_Server subnet. All authenticated
users were allowed by the earlier rules.
4. Internet access - Allows HTTP and HTTPS traffic from the Guests and All_Domain_Users
Access Role objects to the Internet. Domain users are identified by Identity Awareness or they
authenticate to the Captive Portal. Guests authenticate to the Captive Portal.

Using User Directory
User Directory lets you integrate LDAP and other external user management servers with Check
Point products and security solutions. These are some of the Software Blades that work with User

Mobile Access


Identity Awareness


Data Loss Prevention

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy

User Directory Features

Use LDAP servers to manage user information for the network


Security Gateways can retrieve CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists)


Security Management Server can use LDAP information to authenticate users


High Availability can duplicate and backup user information across multiple LDAP servers


Create multiple Account Units to work with distributed databases


Use profiles to support multiple LDAP vendors


Encrypt User Directory connections

Deploying User Directory
User Directory integrates the Security Management Server and an LDAP server and lets the
Security Gateways use the LDAP information.




Security Gateway - Retrieves LDAP user information and CRLs




Security Gateway - Queries LDAP user information, retrieves CRLs, and does bind
operations for authentication


Security Management Server - Uses User Directory to manage user information


LDAP server - Server that holds one or more Account Units

Account Units
An Account Unit represents branches of user information on one or more LDAP servers. The
Account Unit is the interface between the LDAP servers and the Security Management Server and
Security Gateways.
You can have a number of Account Units representing one or more LDAP servers. Users are
divided among the branches of one Account Unit, or between different Account Units.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy

Note: When you enable the Identity Awareness and Mobile Access Software Blades, SmartConsole
opens a First Time Configuration Wizard. The Active Directory Integration window of this wizard
lets you create a new AD Account Unit. After you complete the wizard, SmartConsole creates the
AD object and Account Unit.

Working with LDAP Account Units
Use the LDAP Account Unit Properties window in SmartConsole to edit an existing Account Unit
or to create a new one manually.

To edit an existing LDAP Account Unit:
1. In SmartConsole, open the Object Explorer (Ctrl+E).
2. Select Servers > LDAP Account Units.
3. Right-click the LDAP Account Unit and select Edit.
The LDAP Account Unit Properties window opens.
4. Edit the settings in these tabs:

General ("General Tab" on page 137) - Configure how the Security Management Server
uses the Account Unit


Servers ("Configuring an LDAP Server" on page 137) - Manage LDAP servers that are used
by this Account Unit


Objects Management ("Objects Management Tab" on page 138) - Configure the LDAP
server for the Security Management Server to query and the branches to use


Authentication ("Authentication Tab" on page 138) - Configure the authentication scheme
for the Account Unit

5. Click OK.
6. Install the policy.

To create a new LDAP Account Unit:
1. In the Objects tab, click New > More > Server > LDAP Account unit.
The LDAP Account Unit Properties window opens.
2. Configure the settings on these tabs:

General ("General Tab" on page 137) - Configure how the Security Management Server
uses the Account Unit


Servers ("Configuring an LDAP Server" on page 137) - Manage LDAP servers that are used
by this Account Unit


Objects Management ("Objects Management Tab" on page 138) - Configure the LDAP
server for the Security Management Server to query and the branches to use


Authentication ("Authentication Tab" on page 138) - Configure the authentication scheme
for the Account Unit

3. Click OK.
4. Install the policy.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy

General Tab
These are the configuration fields in the General tab:

Name - Name for the Account Unit


Comment - Optional comment


Color - Optional color associated with the Account Unit


Profile - LDAP vendor


Domain - Domain of the Active Directory servers, when the same user name is used in
multiple Account Units (this value is also necessary for AD Query and SSO)


Prefix - Prefix for non-Active Directory servers, when the same user name is used in multiple
Account Units


Account Unit usage - Select applicable options:

CRL retrieval - The Security Management Server manages how the CA sends information
about revoked licenses to the Security Gateways


User Management - The Security Management Server uses the user information from this
LDAP server (User Directory must be enabled on the Security Management Server)
Note - LDAP SSO (Single Sign On) is only supported for Account Unit objects that use User


Active Directory Query - This Active Directory server is used as an Identity Awareness
Note - This option is only available if the Profile is set to Microsoft_AD.


Enable Unicode support - Encoding for LDAP user information in non-English languages


Active Directory SSO configuration - Click to configure Kerberos SSO for Active Directory Domain Name, Account Name, Password, and Ticket encryption method

Configuring an LDAP Server
You can add, edit, or delete LDAP server objects.

To configure an LDAP server for the Account Unit:
1. To add a new server, click Add. To edit an existing one, select it from the table and click Edit.
The LDAP Server Properties window opens.
2. From the Host drop-down menu, select the server object.
If necessary, create a new SmartConsole server object:
a) Click New.
b) In the New Host window opens, enter the settings for the LDAP server.
c) Click OK.
3. Enter the login credentials and the Default priority.
4. Select access permissions for the Check Point Gateways:

Read data from this server


Write data to this server

5. In the Encryption tab, configure the optional SSL encryption settings. To learn about these
settings, see the Help. Click ? or press F1 in the Encryption tab.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy

6. Click OK.

To remove an LDAP server from the Account Unit:
1. Select a server from the table.
2. Click Remove.
If all the configured servers use the same login credentials, you can modify those simultaneously.

To configure the login credentials for all the servers simultaneously:
1. Click Update Account Credentials.
The Update Account to All Servers window opens.
2. Enter the login credentials.
3. Click OK.

Objects Management Tab
Configure the LDAP server for the Security Management Server to query and the branches to
Note - Make sure there is LDAP connectivity between the Security Management Server
and the LDAP Server that holds the management directory.

To configure LDAP query parameters:
1. From the Manage objects on drop-down menu, select the LDAP server object.
2. Click Fetch branches.
The Security Management Server queries and shows the LDAP branches.
3. Configure Branches in use:

To add a branch, click Add and in the LDAP Branch Definition window that opens, enter a
new Branch Path


To edit a branch, click Edit and in the LDAP Branch Definition window that opens, modify
the Branch Path


To delete a branch, select it and click Delete

4. Select Prompt for password when opening this Account Unit, if necessary (optional).
5. Configure the number of Return entries that are stored in the LDAP database (the default is

Authentication Tab
These are the configuration fields in the Authentication tab:

Use common group path for queries - Select to use one path for all the LDAP group objects
(only one query is necessary for the group objects)


Allowed authentication schemes - Select one or more authentication schemes allowed to
authenticate users in this Account Unit - Check Point Password, SecurID, RADIUS, OS
Password, or TACACS


Users' default values - The default settings for new LDAP users:

User template - Template that you created
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy



Default authentication scheme - one of the authentication schemes selected in the
Allowed authentication schemes section

Limit login failures (optional):

Lock user's account after - Number of login failures, after which the account gets locked


Unlock user's account after - Number of seconds, after which the locked account becomes

IKE pre-shared secret encryption key - Pre-shared secret key for IKE users in this Account

Enabling User Directory
Configure SmartConsole to enable the Security Management Server to manage users in the
Account Unit. You cannot use the SmartConsole User Database when the User Directory LDAP
server is enabled.

To enable User Directory on the Security Management Server:
1. From the Menu, select Global Properties.
The Global Properties window opens.
2. In the User Directory view, select Use User Directory for Security Gateways.
3. Configure other login and password settings.
4. Click OK.
5. Make sure that the User Directory Software Blade is enabled:
a) In SmartConsole, open the Object Explorer (Ctrl+E).
b) Go to Network Objects > Gateways and Servers.
c) Double-click the Security Management Server object.
The object properties window opens.
d) Make sure that in the Management tab of the General Properties view, Network Policy
Management and User Directory are selected.
e) Click OK.
f) Click Close.
6. Install the policy.

Managing LDAP Information
User Directory lets you use SmartDashboard to manage information about users and OUs
(Organizational Units) that are stored on the LDAP server.

To manage LDAP information from SmartDashboard:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Blades.
2. Click Configure in SmartDashboard.
SmartDashboard opens.
3. From the object tree, select Servers and OPSEC.
4. Double-click the Account Unit.
The LDAP domain is shown.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Adding Users to the Policy

5. Double-click the LDAP branch.
The Security Management Server queries the LDAP server and SmartDashboard shows the
LDAP objects.
6. Expand the Objects List pane.
7. Double-click the LDAP object.
The Objects List pane shows the user information.
8. Right-click a user and select Edit.
The LDAP User Properties window opens.
9. Edit the user information and settings and then click OK.

To Learn More About Adding Users to the Policy
To learn more about adding users to the Policy, see these guides:

R80.10 Identity Awareness Administration Guide


R80.10 Security Management Guide Search for Managing User

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Logging and Monitoring
In This Section:
Log Analysis ................................................................................................................141
Views and Reports ......................................................................................................145
To Learn More About Logging and Monitoring .........................................................153

Log Analysis
SmartConsole lets you transform log data into security intelligence. Search results are fast and
immediately show the log records you need. The Security Gateways send logs to the Log Servers
on the Security Management Server or on a dedicated server. Logs show on the SmartConsole
Logs & Monitor Logs tab. You can:

Quickly search through logs with simple Google-like searches.


Select from many predefined search queries to find the applicable logs.


Create your own queries using a powerful query language.


Monitor logs from administrator activity and connections in real-time.

Configuring Logging
To configure logging from a Security Gateway to a Security Management Server or a
Log Server:
1. Define one or more Log Servers (if necessary).
2. Enable logging on the Security Management Server and the Log Servers.
3. Configure the Security Gateways to send logs to the Log Servers.
4. Install the Policy.

To enable logging on a server:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the server object.
The properties window opens.
2. Establish Secure Internal Communication between the Security Management Server and the
Log Server. Make the certificate state: Trust Established.
3. In the Management tab, select Logging & Status.
4. From the navigation tree, click Logs.
This shows the Security Gateways that forward logs to this machine.
5. Make sure that Enable Log Indexing is selected. It is enabled by default optimizes the log
search time.
6. Click OK.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring

To configure a Security Gateway to send logs to log servers:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the gateway object.
The gateway properties window opens.
2. From the navigation tree, click Logs.
3. In the Send gateway logs and alerts to server section, click the plus sign and select a server.
Make sure that in the Type column, Send Logs and Alerts is selected.
4. Optional - In the In case one of the above log servers is unreachable, send logs to, add
backup servers.

To complete the configuration:
1. Click Publish.
2. Click Install Policy.

Enabling Log Indexing
Log indexing on the Security Management Server or Log Server reduces the time it takes to run a
query on the logs. Log indexing is enabled by default.
In a standalone deployment, log indexing is disabled by default. Enable log indexing only if the
standalone computer CPU has 4 or more cores.

To manually enable Log Indexing:
1. Open SmartConsole.
2. From the Gateways & Servers view, double-click the Security Management Server or Domain
Log Server object.
The General Properties window opens.
3. In the Management tab, select Logging & Status.
4. From the navigation tree, click Logs.
5. Select Enable Log Indexing.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Publish.
8. From Menu, select Install Database.

Sample Log Analysis
This is a sample procedure that shows how to do an analysis of a log of a dropped connection.

To show a log of a dropped connection:
1. Log into SmartConsole.
2. Connect to the IP address of the Security Management Server, not to a Log Server.
3. In the Security Policies > Access Control > Policy view, select a rule with the Drop action.
4. In the bottom pane, click Logs.
This shows the logs for connections that were dropped by the Rule Base.
5. Double-click a log.
The Log Details window opens.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring

Tracking Options
Select these options in the Track column of a rule:

None - Do not generate a log.


Log - This is the default Track option. It shows all the information that the Security Gateway
used to match the connection. At a minimum, this is the Source, Destination, Source Port, and
Destination Port. If there is a match on a rule that specifies an application, a session log shows
the application name (for example, Dropbox). If there is a match on a rule that specifies a Data
Type, the session log shows information about the files, and the contents of the files.


Accounting - Select this to update the log at 10 minute intervals, to show how much data has
passed in the connection: Upload bytes, Download bytes, and browse time.

Note - When upgrading from R77.xx or from R80 to R80.10, there are changes to the names of the
options in the Track column. To learn more see sk116580

Advanced Track options
Detailed Log and Extended Log are only available if one or more of these Blades are enabled on
the Layer: Applications & URL Filtering, Content Awareness, or Mobile Access.

Detailed Log - Equivalent to the Log option, but also shows the application that matched the
connections, even if the rule does not specify an application. Best Practice - Use for a cleanup
rule (Any/Internet/Accept) of an Applications and URL Filtering Ordered Layer that was
upgraded from an R77 Application Control Rule Base.


Extended Log - Equivalent to the Detailed option, but also shows a full list of URLs and files in
the connection or the session. The URLs and files show in the lower pane of the Logs view.

Log Generation

per Connection - Select this to show a different log for each connection in the session. This is
the default for rules in a Layer with only Firewall enabled. These are basic firewall logs.


per Session - Select this to generate one log for all the connections in the same session ("Log
Sessions" on page 144). This is the default for rules in a Layer with Applications and URL
Filtering or Content Awareness enabled. These are basic Application Control logs.

For each alert option, you can define a script in Menu > Global Properties > Log and Alert >

None - Do not generate an alert.


Alert - Generate a log and run a command, such as: Show a popup window, send an email
alert or an SNMP trap alert, or run a user-defined script as defined in the Global Properties.


SNMP - Send an SNMP alert to the SNMP GUI, or run the script defined in the Global


Mail - Send an email to the administrator, or run the mail alert script defined in the Global


User Defined Alert - Send one of three possible customized alerts. The alerts are defined by
the scripts specified in the Global Properties.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring

Log Sessions
A session is a user's activity at a specified site or with a specified application. The session starts
when a user connects to an application or to a site. The Security Gateway includes all the activity
that the user does in the session in one session log.

To search for log sessions:
In the Logs tab of the Logs & Monitor view, search for type:Session

To see details of the log session:
In the Logs tab of the Logs & Monitor view, select a session log.
In the bottom pane of the Logs tab, click the tabs to see details of the session log:

Connections - Shows all the connections in the session. These show if Per connection is
selected in the Track option of the rule.


URLs - Shows all the URLs in the session. These show if Extended Log is selected in the Track
option of the rule.


Files - Shows all the files uploaded or downloaded in the session. These show if Extended Log
is selected in the Track option of the rule, or if a Data Type was matched on the connection.

To see the session log for a connection that is part of a session:
1. In the Logs tab of the Logs & Monitor view, double-click on the log record of a connection that
is part of a session.
2. In the Log Details, click the session icon

(in the top-right corner) to see the session log.

To configure the session timeout:
By default, after a session continues for three hours, the Security Gateway starts a new session
log. You can change this in SmartConsole from the Manage & Settings view, in Blades >
Application Control and URL Filtering > Advanced Settings > General > Connection unification.
For sessions that are blocked by the Access Control Policy, the Security Gateway starts a new
session log after 30 seconds. A blocked session log include all the connections that are blocked in
this period.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Views and Reports
In This Section:
Catalog of Views and Reports ....................................................................................146
Reports ........................................................................................................................151

You can create rich and customizable views and reports for log and event monitoring, that inform
key stakeholders about security activities.
The views are available from two locations:

SmartConsole > Logs & Monitor. Here you can also generate reports.


SmartView Web Application. By browsing to: https:///smartview/
Where Server IP is IP address of the Security Management Server or SmartEvent server.

For a quick overview of Views and Reports in R80.10, see the online tutorial

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring

Catalog of Views and Reports
In the Logs & Monitor view, click the (+) tab to open a catalog of all views and reports, predefined
and customized. Click a view or report to open it.




Open Log View - See and search through the logs from all Log Servers. You can also
search the logs from a Log Server that you choose.
Open Audit Logs View - See and search records of actions done by SmartConsole
These views come from the Log Servers. Other views come from the SmartEvent Server.


Compliance View - Optimize your security settings and ensure compliance with
regulatory requirements.


Views - The list of predefined and customized views. A view is an interactive dashboard
made up of widgets. The view tells administrators and other stakeholders about security
and network events. Each widget is the output of a query. Widgets can show the
information as a graph, table, or some other format. To find out more about the events,
double-click a widget to drill down to a more specific view or raw log files.


Reports - The list of predefined and customized reports. A report has multiple views, and
applies to the time that the report is generated. It gives more details than a view. There
are several predefined reports, and you can create new reports. Reports can be
customized, filtered, generated and scheduled. You cannot drill down into a report. A
report is divided onto pages.


Favorites - Use this view to collect the views and reports you use the most.


Switch to Table View or Thumbnails View - The Table view is the default for views and
reports. The Thumbnails view is the default for the Favorites and Recents.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring




Scheduled Tasks - See and edit scheduled tasks.
Archive - Completed and in-progress tasks for generating and exporting reports.


External Apps

SmartEvent Settings & Policy - The SmartEvent GUI client. Use it for initial setup and
to define the SmartEvent Correlation Unit policy. The views in SmartConsole are a
replacement for those in the SmartEvent GUI client.


Open Tunnel and User Monitoring - The SmartView Monitor GUI Client. The
monitoring views in SmartConsole are a replacement for those in the SmartView
Monitor GUI client, except for Tunnel and User Monitoring.


SmartView Web Application - A SmartEvent Web application that you can use to
analyze events that occur in your environment. Use it to see an overview of the
security information for your environment. It has the same real-time event monitoring
and analysis views as SmartConsole, with the convenience of not having to install a

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring

Views tells administrators and other stakeholders about security and network events. A view is an
interactive dashboard made up of widgets. Each widget is the output of a query. A Widget can
show information in different formats, for example, a graph or a table.
SmartConsole comes with several predefined views. You can create new views that match your
needs, or you can customize an existing view.
In the Logs & Monitor view, clicking the (+) tab opens a catalog of all views and reports, predefined
and customized. Click a view to open it.




Widget- The output of a query. A Widget can show information in different formats, for
example, a graph or a table.


Drill Down - To find out more about the events, double-click a widget to drill down to a
more specific view or raw log files.


Options - Customize the view, restore defaults, Hide Identities, export.


Queries - Predefined and favorite search queries


Time Period - Specify the time periods for the view.


Query search bar - Define custom queries using the GUI tools, or manually entering
query criteria. Shows the query definition for the most recent query.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring

Customize your views according to these options:

Click Edit to switch to view edit mode.
SmartConsole saves an administrator's customized views.

To share a customized view with another administrator, use the Export and Import option
("Export and Import" on page 150).


To customize a widget, see: Customizing Widgets

View Settings

1. Enter a title.
2. To show more results, this option allows a table to spread across multiple pages when saved
to PDF.
The No page limit

option shows more results by spreading them across a number of pages.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring

Export and Import
To export the view layout and widget definitions to a file, use the Export option
To import the file from another server, or from another administrator, use the Import option in the
Catalog (new tab).

Save As PDF
The Save as PDF option saves the current view as a PDF file, based on the defined filters and time

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring

A report has multiple views, and applies to the time that the report is generated. It gives more
details than a view. There are several predefined reports, and you can create new reports. Reports
can be customized, filtered, generated and scheduled. You cannot drill down into a report.
In the Logs & Monitor view, clicking the (+) tab opens a catalog of all views and reports, predefined
and customized. Click a report to open it.




Preview bar - A report is divided onto pages, usually, one view on one page. Editing a
report is done per page, in the same way as you edit a view.


Options - Customize, and generate a report.


Time Period - Specify the time periods for the report.


Query Search bar - Define custom queries using the GUI tools, or manually entering
query criteria. Shows the query definition for the most recent query.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring

Customize your reports according to these options:

Click Edit to switch to the report edit mode.
To customize widgets, see: Customizing Widgets
SmartConsole saves an administrator's customized reports. To share customized reports with
other administrators, use the Export and Import options.

Report Settings
Reports can be configured according to these options:

Customizing a Report
1. Select a report from the Catalog (new tab).
2. Click Options > Edit.
3. Select the page to edit.
You can also add or remove pages by clicking one of these:

4. Customize the widgets.
5. Add a widget, or arrange widgets in the view: Drag & Drop or expand.
6. Define filters.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Logging and Monitoring

Note •

Use the timeframe to see how the report will look.


The timeframe and search bar are not saved with the report definition. Define them as
needed when generating the report (Save as PDF).

See: Generating a Report (on page 153)

Generating a Report
1. Open the Catalog (new tab) and select a report.
2. Define the required timeframe and filter in the search bar.
3. Click Options > Save As PDF.

Generating a Predefined Report in the SmartEvent GUI Client
You can use predefined graphical report templates in the SmartEvent GUI for the most frequently
seen security issues. Try these before you create a customized report.
Generate a predefined report in the SmartEvent GUI if you want to schedule it.

To generate a predefined report:
1. Open SmartConsole > Logs & Monitor.
2. Click the + to open a Catalog (new tab).
3. Click the SmartEvent Settings & Policy link.
4. In the SmartEvent GUI, open the Reports tab.
5. Select a Default Report for a Software Blade.
6. Click Generate.
7. In the Generate a Report window, select a time period.
8. Click Generate.
Your reports are saved in the Report History.

To Learn More About Logging and Monitoring
To learn more about logging and monitoring, see the R80.10 Logging and Monitoring Guide

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Maximizing Network Performance and
In This Section:
Solutions for Enhancing Network Performance and Redundancy ..........................154
CoreXL .........................................................................................................................155
SecureXL .....................................................................................................................156
Multi-Queue ................................................................................................................157
VRRP Cluster ..............................................................................................................168
To Learn More About Maximizing Network Performance........................................174

Solutions for Enhancing Network Performance and
These are features that you can enable to increase the performance of the Firewall:



SecureXL (Performance Pack)



These Gateway clustering solutions enable you to enhance network redundancy:



VRRP Cluster

These are software based features that are included in the Check Point operating systems. It is
not necessary to purchase additional hardware to use them.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

In a Security Gateway with CoreXL enabled, the Firewall kernel is replicated multiple times. Each
replicated instance runs on one processing core. These instances handle traffic concurrently and
each instance is a complete Firewall kernel that inspects traffic. When CoreXL is enabled, all
Firewall instances in the Security Gateway process traffic through the same interfaces and apply
the same gateway security policy.
When you enable CoreXL, the number of kernel instances is based on the total number of CPU
Number of Cores

Number of Kernel Instances








Number of cores, minus 2

More than 20

Number of cores, minus 4. Up to a total of 40 instances. Cores can be
IPv4 or IPv6.

Configuring CoreXL
Use the cpconfig command to open the wizard to enable CoreXL and configure the number of
firewall instances.

To enable/disable CoreXL:
1. Log in to the Security Gateway.
2. Run cpconfig
3. Select Configure Check Point CoreXL.
4. Enable or disable CoreXL.
5. Reboot the Security Gateway.

To configure the number of instances:
1. Run cpconfig
2. Select Configure Check Point CoreXL.
3. If CoreXL is enabled, enter the number of firewall instances.
If CoreXL is disabled, enable CoreXL and then set the number of firewall instances.
4. Reboot the gateway.

To Learn More About CoreXL
To learn more about CoreXL, see the R80.10 Performance Tuning Administration Guide

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

SecureXL is an acceleration solution that maximizes performance of the Firewall and does not
compromise security. When SecureXL is enabled on a Security Gateway, some CPU intensive
operations are processed by virtualized software instead of the Firewall kernel. The Firewall can
inspect and process connections more efficiently and accelerate throughput and connection rates.
These are the SecureXL traffic flows:

Slow path - Packets and connections that are inspected by the Firewall and are not processed
by SecureXL.


Accelerated path - Packets and connections that are offloaded to SecureXL and are not
processed by the Firewall.


Medium path - Packets that require deeper inspection cannot use the accelerated path. It is
not necessary for the Firewall to inspect these packets, they can be offloaded and do not use
the slow path. For example, packets that are inspected by IPS cannot use the accelerated path
and can be offloaded to the IPS PSL (Passive Streaming Library). SecureXL processes these
packets more quickly than packets on the slow path.

The goal of a SecureXL configuration is to minimize the connections that are processed on the
slow path.
Throughput Acceleration
Connections are identified by the 5 tuple attributes: source address, destination address, source
port, destination port, protocol. When the packets in a connection match all the 5 tuple attributes,
the traffic flow can be processed on the accelerated path.
The first packets of a new TCP connection require more processing and they are processed on the
slow path. The other packets of the connection can be processed on the accelerated path and the
Firewall throughput is dramatically increased.
Connection-rate Acceleration
SecureXL also improves the rate of new connections (connections per second) and the connection
setup/teardown rate (sessions per second). To accelerate the rate of new connections,
connections that do not match a specified 5 tuple are still processed by SecureXL.
For example, if the source port is masked and only the other 4 tuple attributes require a match.
When a connection is processed on the accelerated path, SecureXL creates a template of that
connection that does not include the source port tuple. A new connection that matches the other 4
tuples is processed on the accelerated path because it matches the template. The Firewall does
not inspect the new connection and the Firewall connection rates are increased.

Configuring SecureXL
SecureXL is enabled by default. Configure it using the CLI.

To configure SecureXL:
1. Log in to the CLI on the Security Gateway.
2. Run cpconfig
3. Enter the option that enables or disables SecureXL.
For example, (9) Disable Check Point SecureXL
4. Enter y and then enter 11.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

Note •

Run fwaccel or fwaccel6 to dynamically enable or disable SecureXL acceleration
for IPv4 or IPv6 traffic


This setting does not survive reboot or the Security Gateway

To Learn More About SecureXL
To learn more about SecureXL, see the R80.10 Performance Tuning Administration Guide

By default, the traffic for each interface is processed on one CPU core. If there are more CPU
cores than interfaces, not all of the CPU cores are used to process traffic.
You can enable the Multi-Queue feature to assign more than one CPU core to one interface. Run
the cpmq command to configure the Multi-Queue settings.
The SND (Secure Network Distributer) is part of SecureXL and CoreXL. It processes and helps to
accelerate network traffic:

SecureXL - Distributes traffic to the accelerated or slow path


CoreXL - Processes traffic on a specified Firewall instance

Sample Multi-Queue Configuration
This sample configuration shows how CoreXL, SecureXL and Multi-Queue can help to use more
CPU cores for SNDs to accelerate network traffic. There is a Security Gateway with two six core
CPUs (total 12 CPU cores) and three interfaces:





CPU cores for SND

CPU cores for CoreXL

Multi-Queue disabled



Multi-Queue enabled



To learn more about Multi-Queue, see the R80.10 Performance Tuning Administration Guide

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

The Need for Clusters
Security Gateways and VPN connections are business critical devices. The failure of a Security
Gateway or VPN connection can result in the loss of active connections and access to critical data.
The Security Gateway between the organization and the world must remain open under all

ClusterXL Solution
ClusterXL is a Check Point software-based cluster solution for Security Gateway redundancy and
Load Sharing. A ClusterXL Security Cluster contains identical Check Point Security Gateways.

A High Availability Security Cluster ensures Security Gateway and VPN connection redundancy
by providing transparent failover to a backup Security Gateway in the event of failure.


A Load Sharing Security Cluster provides reliability and also increases performance, as all
members are active




Internal network


Switch for internal network


Security Gateways with ClusterXL Software Blade


Switch for external networks



IPv6 Support for ClusterXL
R80.10 ClusterXL supports High Availability clusters for IPv6. IPv6 status information is
synchronized and the IPv6 clustering mechanism is activated during failover. However, IPv6 is not
supported for Load Sharing clusters. Also, you cannot define IPv6 addresses for synchronization

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

How ClusterXL Works
ClusterXL uses State Synchronization to keep active connections alive and prevent data loss when
a member fails. With State Synchronization, each member "knows" about connections that go
through other members.
ClusterXL uses virtual IP addresses for the cluster itself and unique physical IP and MAC
addresses for the members. Virtual IP addresses do not belong to physical interfaces.
ClusterXL can work with OPSEC certified High Availability and Load Sharing products, which use
the same State Synchronization infrastructure as Check Point ClusterXL.
Note - The ClusterXL Administration Guide contains information only for Security Gateway
clusters. For information about the use of ClusterXL with VSX, see the R80.10 VSX
Administration Guide

The Cluster Control Protocol
The Cluster Control Protocol (CCP) is the glue that links together the members in the Security
Cluster. CCP traffic is distinct from ordinary network traffic and can be viewed using any network
CCP runs on UDP port 8116, and has the following roles:

It allows cluster members to report their own states and learn about the states of other
members by sending keep-alive packets (this only applies to ClusterXL clusters).


State Synchronization.

The Check Point CCP is used by all ClusterXL modes as well as by OPSEC clusters. However, the
tasks performed by this protocol and the manner in which they are implemented may differ
between cluster types.
Note - There is no need to add a rule to the Security Policy Rule Base that accepts

Installation and Platform Support
ClusterXL must be installed in a distributed configuration in which the Security Management
Server and the Security Cluster members are on different computers. ClusterXL is part of the
standard Security Gateway installation.
For installation instructions, see the R80.10 Installation and Upgrade Guide
To see the ClusterXL supported platforms, see the R80.10 Release Notes .

High Availability and Load Sharing in ClusterXL
ClusterXL is a software-based Load Sharing and High Availability solution that distributes network
traffic between clusters of redundant Security Gateways.
ClusterXL has these High Availability features:

Transparent failover in case of member failures


Zero downtime for mission-critical environments (when using State Synchronization)
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy


Enhanced throughput (in Load Sharing modes)


Transparent upgrades

All members in the cluster are aware of the connections passing through each of the other
members. The cluster members synchronize their connection and status information across a
secure synchronization network.
The glue that binds the members in a ClusterXL cluster is the Cluster Control Protocol (CCP),
which is used to pass synchronization and other information between the cluster members.

High Availability
In a High Availability cluster, only one member is active (Active/Standby operation). In the event
that the active cluster member becomes unavailable, all connections are re-directed to a
designated standby without interruption. In a synchronized cluster, the standby cluster members
are updated with the state of the connections of the active cluster member.
In a High Availability cluster, each member is assigned a priority. The highest priority member
serves as the Security Gateway in normal circumstances. If this member fails, control is passed to
the next highest priority member. If that member fails, control is passed to the next member, and
so on.
Upon Security Gateway recovery, you can maintain the current active Security Gateway (Active Up),
or to change to the highest priority Security Gateway (Primary Up).
ClusterXL High Availability supports IPv4 and IPv6.

Load Sharing
ClusterXL Load Sharing distributes traffic within a cluster so that the total throughput of multiple
members is increased. In Load Sharing configurations, all functioning members in the cluster are
active, and handle network traffic (Active/Active operation).
If any member in a cluster becomes unreachable, transparent failover occurs to the remaining
operational members in the cluster, thus providing High Availability. All connections are shared
between the remaining Security Gateways without interruption.
IPv6 is not supported for Load Sharing clusters.

Example of a ClusterXL Topology
ClusterXL uses unique physical IP and MAC addresses for each cluster member, and a virtual IP
addresses for the cluster itself. Cluster interface addresses do not belong to any real member
The following diagram illustrates a two-member ClusterXL cluster, showing the cluster virtual IP
addresses and member physical IP addresses. This sample deployment is used in many of the
examples presented in this chapter.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy




Internal network


Internal switch (internal cluster IP address


Security Gateway - Cluster member A


Virtual interface to the internal network (


Interface to the Cluster Sync network (


Virtual interface to the external network (


Security Gateway - Cluster member B


Virtual interface to the internal network (


Interface to the Cluster Sync network (


Virtual interface to the external network (


External switch (external routable cluster IP address



Each cluster member has three interfaces: one external interface, one internal interface, and one
for synchronization. Cluster member interfaces facing in each direction are connected via a
switch, router, or VLAN switch.
All cluster member interfaces facing the same direction must be in the same network. For
example, there must not be a router between cluster members.
The Security Management Server can be located anywhere, and should be routable to either the
internal or external cluster addresses.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

Defining the Cluster Member IP Addresses
The guidelines for configuring each cluster member are as follows:
All members within the cluster must have at least three interfaces:

An interface facing the external cluster interface, which in turn faces the internet.


An interface facing the internal cluster interface, which in turn faces the internal network.


An interface to use for synchronization.

All interfaces pointing in a certain direction must be on the same network.
For example, in the previous illustration, there are two cluster members, Member_A and
Member_B. Each has an interface with an IP address facing the Internet through a hub or a
switch. This is the external interface with IP address on Member_A and
on Member_B, and is the interface that the cluster external interface sees.
Note - This release presents an option to use only two interfaces per member, one
external and one internal and to run synchronization over the internal interface. This
configuration is not recommended and should be used for backup only.

Defining the Cluster Virtual IP Addresses
In the previous illustration, the IP address of the cluster is
The cluster has one external virtual IP address and one internal virtual IP address. The external IP
address is, and the internal IP address is

The Synchronization Network
State Synchronization between cluster members ensures that if there is a failover, connections
that were handled by the failed member will be maintained. The synchronization network is used
to pass connection synchronization and other state information between cluster members. This
network therefore carries all the most sensitive security policy information in the organization,
and so it is important to make sure the network is secure. It is possible to define more than one
synchronization network for backup purposes.
To secure the synchronization interfaces, they should be directly connected by a cross cable, or in
a cluster with three or more members, use a dedicated hub or switch.
Members in a Load Sharing cluster must be synchronized because synchronization is used in
normal traffic flow. Members in a High Availability cluster do not have to be synchronized, though
if they are not, connections may be lost upon failover.
The previous illustration shows a synchronization interface with a unique IP address on each
member. on Member_A and on Member_B.

ClusterXL Modes
ClusterXL has these working modes. This section briefly describes each mode and its relative
advantages and disadvantages.

High Availability Mode


Load Sharing Multicast Mode


Load Sharing Unicast Mode
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

High Availability Mode
The High Availability Mode provides basic High Availability capabilities in a cluster environment.
This means that the cluster can provide firewall services even when it encounters a problem,
which on a stand-alone Security Gateway would have resulted in a complete loss of connectivity.
When combined with Check Point State Synchronization, ClusterXL High Availability can maintain
connections through failover events, in a user-transparent manner, allowing a flawless
connectivity experience. Thus, High Availability provides a backup mechanism, which
organizations can use to reduce the risk of unexpected downtime, especially in a mission-critical
environment (such as one involving money transactions over the Internet.)
To achieve this purpose, ClusterXL High Availability mode designates one of the cluster members
as the active member, while the other members remain in stand-by mode. The cluster virtual IP
addresses are associated with the physical network interfaces of the active member (by matching
the virtual IP address with the unique MAC address of the appropriate interface). Thus, all traffic
directed at the cluster is actually routed (and filtered) by the active member. The role of each
cluster member is chosen according to its priority, with the active member being the one with the
highest ranking. Member priorities correspond to the order in which they appear in the Cluster
Members page of the Cluster Properties window. The top-most member has the highest priority.
You can modify this ranking at any time.
In addition to its role as a firewall, the active member is also responsible for informing the
stand-by members of any changes to its connection and state tables, keeping these members
up-to-date with the current traffic passing through the cluster.
Whenever the cluster detects a problem in the active member that is severe enough to cause a
failover event, it passes the role of the active member to one of the standby members (the
member with the currently highest priority). If State Synchronization is applied, any open
connections are recognized by the new active member, and are handled according to their last
known state. Upon the recovery of a member with a higher priority, the role of the active member
may or may not be switched back to that member, depending on the user configuration.
It is important to note that the cluster may encounter problems in standby members as well. In
this case, these members are not considered for the role of active members, in the event of a
Load Sharing Modes - Multicast and Unicast
Load Sharing Multicast Mode - This is an efficient way to handle a high load because the load is
distributed optimally between all cluster members. Load Sharing Multicast mode associates a
multicast MAC with each unicast cluster IP address. This ensures that traffic destined for the
cluster is received by all members. The ARP replies sent by a cluster member will therefore
indicate that the cluster IP address is reachable via a multicast MAC address.
Load Sharing Unicast Mode - Some routing devices will not accept ARP replies. For some routers,
adding a static ARP entry for the cluster IP address on the routing device will solve the issue.
Other routers will not accept this type of static ARP entry.
Another consideration is whether your deployment includes routing devices with interfaces
operating in promiscuous mode. If on the same network segment there exists two such routers
and a ClusterXL Security Gateway in Load Sharing Multicast mode, traffic destined for the cluster
that is generated by one of the routers could also be processed by the other router.
For these cases, use Load Sharing Unicast Mode, which does not require the use of multicast for
the cluster addresses.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

Failover is a redundancy operation that automatically occurs of a member is not functional. When
this happens, another member takes over for the failed member.
In a High Availability configuration, if one member in a synchronized cluster goes down, another
member becomes active and "takes over" the connections of the failed member. If you do not use
State Synchronization, existing connections are closed when failover occurs, although new
connections can be opened.
In a Load Sharing configuration, if one member in a cluster is unavailable, its connections are
distributed among the remaining members. All members in a Load Sharing configuration are
synchronized, so no connections are interrupted.
To tell each member that the other members are alive and functioning, the ClusterXL Cluster
Control Protocol maintains a heartbeat between cluster members. If after a predefined time, no
message is received from a member, it is assumed that the cluster member is down and failover
occurs. At this point, another member automatically assumes the functionality of the failed
It should be noted that a cluster member may still be operational, but if any of the above tests fail,
then the faulty member starts the failover because it has determined that it can no longer function
as a member.
Note that more than one cluster member may encounter a problem that will result in a failover
event. In cases where all cluster members encounter such problems, ClusterXL will try to choose
a single member to continue operating. The state of the chosen member will be reported as Active
Attention. This situation lasts until another member fully recovers. For example, if a cross cable
connecting the cluster members malfunctions, both members will detect an interface problem.
One of them will change to the Down state, and the other to Active Attention.
When Does a Failover Occur?
A failover takes place when one of the following occurs on the active cluster member:

Any critical device (such as fwd) fails. A critical device is a process running on a cluster
member that enables the member to notify other cluster members that it can no longer
function as a member. The device reports to the ClusterXL mechanism regarding its current
state or it may fail to report, in which case ClusterXL decides that a failover has occurred and
another cluster member takes over.


An interface or cable fails.


The member fails or becomes unstable.


The Security Policy is uninstalled. When the Security Policy is uninstalled the Security Gateway
can no longer function as a firewall. If it cannot function as a firewall, it can no longer function
as a cluster member and a failover occurs. Normally a policy is not uninstalled by itself but
would be initiated by a user. For more on failovers, see sk62570

Configuring ClusterXL
This procedure describes how to configure the Load Sharing Multicast, Load Sharing Unicast, and
High Availability New Modes from scratch. Their configuration is identical, apart from the mode
selection in SmartDashboard Cluster object or Cluster creation wizard.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

Creating Cluster Members
Important - The hardware for all cluster members must be exactly the same, including:







Number and type of interfaces

To create new cluster members for ClusterXL:
1. Install and configure Check Point Security Gateway for all cluster members. Each member
must use the identical version and build. For installation and initial configuration procedures,
refer to the R80.10 Installation and Upgrade Guide
During the installation process, enable ClusterXL and State Synchronization:

For Gaia members, run cpconfig from the command line and select Enable cluster
membership for this gateway.


For SecurePlatform and Solaris members, select Enable cluster membership for this


For Windows members, select This Gateway is part of a cluster.
If you did not perform this action during installation, you can always do so by using the
cpconfig utility at a later time. Run the cpconfig from the command line, and select the
appropriate options to enable cluster capabilities for that member. You may be asked to
reboot the member.

2. Define an IP address for each interface on all members. Do not define IPv6 addresses for
synchronization interfaces.
3. For VPN cluster members, synchronize member clocks accurately to within one second of
each other. If these members are constantly up and running it is usually enough to set the
time once. More reliable synchronization can be achieved using NTP or some other time
synchronization services supplied by the operating system. Cluster member clock
synchronization is not applicable for non VPN cluster functionality.
4. Connect the cluster members to each other and to the networks through switches. For the
synchronization interfaces, you can use a cross cable or a dedicated switch. Make sure that
each network (internal, external, Synchronization, DMZ, and so on) is configured on a separate
VLAN, switch or hub.
Note - You can also perform synchronization over a WAN

Configuring Routing for Client Computers
To configure routing for client computers:
1. Configure routing so that communication with internal networks uses the external cluster
virtual IP address. For example, configure a static route such that internal network is
accessible through
2. Configure routing so that communication with external networks uses the internal cluster IP
address. For example, define the internal network IP address as the default
Security Gateway for each computer on the internal side of the router.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

Choosing the CCP Transport Mode on the Cluster Members
The ClusterXL Control Protocol (CCP) uses multicast by default, because it is more efficient than
broadcast. If the connecting switch cannot forward multicast traffic, it is possible, though less
efficient, for the switch to use broadcast to forward traffic.
To change the CCP mode between broadcast and multicast, run:
cphaconf set_ccp broadcast|multicast

Configuring the Cluster Object and Members
The Check Point Appliance or Open Server Wizard is recommended for enterprise grade
appliances and open server platforms.

To create a new cluster with the Appliance or Open Server Wizard:
1. In SmartDashboard, right-click Check Point in the Network Objects tree.
2. Select Security Cluster > Check Point Appliance/Open Server.
3. In the Check Point Security Gateway Cluster Creation window, click Wizard Mode.
4. In the Cluster General Properties window, enter or select:

Cluster Name - Unique name for the cluster


Cluster IPv4 and IPv6 address - Virtual Management IP addresses for this cluster.
Important: You must define a corresponding IPv4 address for every IPv6 address. This
release does not support pure IPv6 addresses.


Choose the Cluster Solution - Select Check Point ClusterXL and then select High
Availability or Load Sharing.

5. In the Cluster Member Properties window, click Add > New Cluster Member to configure each
a) Enter the physical IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Note: Make sure that you do not define IPV6 address for sync interfaces. The wizard does
not let you define an interface with an IPv6 address as a sync interface.
b) Enter and confirm the SIC trust activation key.
6. In the Cluster Topology window, define a network objective (Role) for each network interface
and, if necessary, define the virtual cluster IP addresses.
The wizard automatically calculates the subnet for each network and assigns it to the
applicable interface on each member. The calculated subnet shows in the upper section of the
The available network objectives are:

Cluster Interface - A cluster interface that connects to an internal or external network.
Enter the cluster virtual IP addresses for each network (internal or external). These
addresses must be located in the calculated subnet.


Cluster Sync Interface - A cluster synchronization interface. You must define one or more
synchronization interfaces for redundancy. If you are using more than one synchronization
interface, define which interface is the primary, secondary, or tertiary interface.
Synchronization redundancy is not supported on Small Business appliances. On these
appliances, you can only select 1st sync and only for the LAN2/SYNC interface. You cannot
configure VLANs on the synchronization interface.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy


Monitored Private - An interface that is not part of the cluster, but ClusterXL monitors the
member state and failover occurs if a fault is detected.


Non Monitored Private - ClusterXL does not monitor the member state and there is no
This option is recommended for the management interface.

7. Click Next and then Finish to complete the wizard.
After you finish the wizard, we recommend that you open the cluster object and do these

Define Anti-Spoofing properties for each interface


Change the topology type (Internal or External) if necessary


Configure other Software Blades, features and properties as necessary.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

VRRP Cluster
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) provides dynamic failover of IP addresses from one
router to another in the event of failure. This increases the availability and reliability of routing
paths via gateway selections on an IP network. Each VRRP router has a unique identifier known as
the Virtual Router Identifier (VRID) which is associated with at least one Virtual IP Address (VIP).
Neighboring network nodes connect to the VIP as a next hop in a route or as a final destination.
Gaia supports VRRP as defined in RFC 3768.
On Gaia, VRRP can be used with or without ClusterXL enabled. The most common use case is with
ClusterXL enabled. This guide describes one way of configuring VRRP, known as Monitored
Circuit/Simplified VRRP, with ClusterXL enabled. To learn about all the ways of configuring VRRP,
and to use VRRP without ClusterXL enabled, see the Gaia Administration Guide
With ClusterXL enabled, VRRP supports a maximum of one VRID with one Virtual IP Address (VIP)
on every interface. Only active/backup environments are supported, and you must configure VRRP
so that the same node is the VRRP master for all VRIDs. This means that you must configure each
VRID to monitor every other VRRP-enabled interface. You must also configure priority deltas to
allow failover to the backup node when the VRID on any interface does a failover.
Monitored Circuit/Simplified VRRP makes possible a complete node failover by automatically
monitoring all VRRP-enabled interfaces. You configure one VRID, and this VRID is automatically
added to all the VRRP interfaces. If the VRID on any interface fails, the configured priority delta is
decremented on the other interfaces. This allows the backup node to take over as the VRRP

How VRRP Failover Works
Each Virtual Router (VRRP Group) is identified by a unique Virtual Router ID (VRID). A Virtual
Router contains one Master Security Gateway, and at least one Backup Security Gateway. The
master sends periodic VRRP advertisements (known as hello messages) to the backups.
VRRP advertisements broadcast the operational status of the master to the backups. Gaia uses
dynamic routing protocols to advertise the VIP (virtual IP address or backup address) of the Virtual
If the master or its interfaces fails, VRRP uses a priority algorithm to decide if failover to a backup
is necessary. Initially, the master is the Security Gateway that has the highest defined priority
value. You define a priority for each Security Gateway when you create a Virtual Router or change
its configuration. If two Security Gateways have same priority value, the platform that comes
online and broadcasts its VRRP advertisements first, becomes the master.
Gaia also uses priorities to select a backup Security Gateway upon failover (when there is more
than one backup available). In the event of failover, the Virtual Router priority value is decreased
by a predefined Priority Delta value to calculate an Effective Priority value. The Virtual Router with
the highest effective priority becomes the new master. The Priority Delta value is a Check Point
proprietary parameter that you define when configuring a Virtual Router. If you configure your
system correctly, the effective priority will be lower than the backup gateway priority in the other
Virtual Routers. This causes the problematic master to fail over for the other Virtual Routers as
Note- If the effective priority for the current master and backup are the same, the Gateway with
the highest IP address becomes the master.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

Internal Network High Availability
This is a simple VRRP high availability use case where Security Gateway 1 is the master and
Security Gateway 2 is the backup. Virtual Router redundancy is available only for connections to
and from the internal network. There is no redundancy for external traffic.




Master Security Gateway


Backup Security Gateway


Virtual Router VRID 5


Internal Network and hosts

- Virtual IP Address (Backup Address) is

Preparing a VRRP Cluster
Do these steps before you start to define a Virtual Router (VRRP Group).
1. Synchronize the system time on all Security Gateways to be included in this Virtual Router.
Best Practice - We recommend that you enable NTP (Network Time Protocol) on all Security
You can also manually change the time and time zone on each Security Gateway to match the
other members. In this case, you must synchronize member times to within a few seconds.
2. Optional: Add host names and IP address pairs to the host table on each Security Gateway.
This lets you use host names as an alternative to IP addresses or DNS servers.

Configuring Network Switches
Best Practice - If you use the Spanning Tree protocol on Cisco switches connected to Check Point
VRRP clusters, we recommend that you enable PortFast. PortFast sets interfaces to the Spanning
Tree forwarding state, which prevents them from waiting for the standard forward-time interval.
If you use switches from a different vendor, we recommend that you use the equivalent feature for
that vendor. If you use the Spanning Tree protocol without PortFast, or its equivalent, you may see
delays during VRRP failover.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

Enabling Virtual Routers
When you log into Gaia for the first time after installation, you must use the First Time Wizard to
the initial configuration steps. To use VRRP Virtual Routers (clusters), you must first enable VRRP
clustering in the First Time Wizard.

To enable VRRP clustering:
1. Install Gaia using the instructions in the R80.10 Installation and Upgrade Guide
2. On the First Time Wizard Products page, select Security Gateway.
Do not select Security Management. The standalone environment (Security Gateway and
Security Management Server) is not supported for VRRP.
3. Select Unit is part of a cluster.
4. Select VRRP Cluster from the list.
5. Continue with the next steps in the wizard.
6. When prompted to reboot the Security Gateway, click Cancel.
Do not reboot.
7. Do one of these steps:

Run cpconfig on the Security Gateway. Select Enable cluster membership for this
gateway to enable Firewall synchronization.
Note - This is the most common use and does not support active/active mode. You must
configure VRRP so that the same cluster member is the VRRP master on all interfaces.
Dynamic routing configuration must match on each cluster member.


Do not enable ClusterXL.
Note - This is useful when each cluster member is required to be the VRRP master at the
same time. You can configure two VRRP Virtual Routers on the same interface. Each
cluster member can be the VRRP master for a different VRID on the same interface while it
backs up the other. This configuration can also help run VRRP in a High-Availability pair
with a device from another vendor. Disable the VRRP monitoring of the Firewall when you
use this configuration. It is enabled by default but not supported with this configuration.
Also, only Static Routes are supported with this configuration

8. Enter y when prompted.
9. Reboot the Security Gateway.
Do this procedure for each Virtual Router


When you complete this procedure for each VRRP member, do these steps in the WebUI:
1. Select VRRP from the navigation tree.
2. Make sure that the Disable All Virtual Routers option is not selected.
When you complete these procedures, define your Virtual Routers using the WebUI or the CLI.

Configuring Global Settings for VRRP
This section includes shows you how to configure the global settings. Global settings apply to all
Virtual Routers.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

Configure these global settings:
Cold Start Delay - Delay period in seconds before a Security Gateway joins a Virtual Router.
Default = 0.
Interface Delay - Configure this when the Preempt Mode of VRRP has been turned off. This is
useful when the VRRP node with a higher priority is rebooted but must not preempt the existing
VRRP master that is handling the traffic but is configured with a lower priority. Sometimes
interfaces that come up take longer than the VRRP timeout to process incoming VRRP Hello
packets. The Interface Delay extends the time that VRRP waits to receive Hello packets from the
existing master.
Disable All Virtual Routers - Select this option to disable all Virtual Routers defined on this Gaia
system. Clear this option to enable all Virtual Routers. By default, all Virtual Routers are enabled.
Monitor Firewall State - Select this option to let VRRP monitor the Security Gateway and
automatically take appropriate action. This is enabled by default, which is the recommended
setting when using VRRP with ClusterXL enabled. This must be disabled when using VRRP with
ClusterXL disabled.
Important - If you disable Monitor Firewall State, VRRP can assign master status to a Security
Gateway before it completes the boot process. This can cause more than one Security Gateway in
a Virtual Router to have master status.

Configuration Notes
Gaia starts to monitor the firewall after the cold start delay completes. This can cause some

If all the Security Gateway (member) interfaces in a Virtual Router fail, all Security Gateways
become backups. None of the Security Gateways can become the master and no traffic is


If you change the time on any of the


In certain situations, installing a firewall policy causes a failover. This can happen if it takes a
long time to install the policy.

Security Gateways (member), a failover occurs

Configuring Monitored Circuit/Simplified VRRP - WebUI
This section includes the basic procedure for configuring a Virtual Router using the Gaia WebUI.

To add a new Virtual Router:
1. In the navigation tree, select VRRP.
2. In the Virtual Routers section, click Add.
3. In the Add Virtual Router window, configure these parameters:

Virtual Router ID - Enter a unique ID number for this virtual router. The range of valid
values is 1 to 255.


Priority - Enter the priority value, which selects the Security Gateway that takes over in
the event of a failure. The Security Gateway with the highest available priority becomes the
new master. The range of valid values 1 to 254. The default setting is 100.


Hello Interval - (optional) Select the number of seconds, after which the master sends its
VRRP advertisements. The valid range is between 1 (default) and 255 seconds.
All VRRP routers on a Security Gateways must be configured with the same hello interval.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

Otherwise, more than one Security Gateway can be in the master state.
The hello interval also defines the failover interval (the time a backup router waits to hear
from the existing master before it takes on the master role). The value of the failover
interval is three times the value of the hello interval (default - 3 seconds).

none - No authentication necessary
simple - A password is required for authentication
You must use the same authentication method for all Security Gateways in a Virtual Router.
If you select simple, enter a password in the applicable field.


Priority Delta - Enter the value to subtract from the Priority to create an effective priority
when an interface fails. The range is 1-254.
If an interface fails on the backup, the value of the priority delta is subtracted from its
priority. This gives a higher effective priority to another Security Gateway member.
If the effective priority of the current master is less than that of the backup, the backup
becomes the master for this Virtual Router. If the effective priority for the current master
and backup are the same, the gateway with the highest IP address becomes the master.

4. In the Backup Addresses section, click Add. Configure these parameters in the Add Backup
Address window:

IPv4 address - Enter the interface IPv4 address.


VMAC Mode - Select one of these Virtual MAC modes:

VRRP - Sets the VMAC to use the standard VRRP protocol. It is automatically set to the
same value on all Security Gateways in the Virtual Router. This is the default setting.


Interface - Sets the VMAC to the local interface MAC address. If you define this mode
for the master and the backup, the VMAC is different for each. VRRP IP addresses are
related to different VMACs. This is because they are dependent on the physical interface
MAC address of the currently defined master.
Note - If you configure different VMACs on the master and backup, you must make sure
that you select the correct proxy ARP setting for NAT.


Static - Manually set the VMAC address. Enter the VMAC address in the applicable field.


Extended - Gaia dynamically calculates and adds three bytes to the interface MAC
address to generate more random address. If you select this mode, Gaia constructs the
same MAC address for master and backups in the Virtual Router.
Note - If you set the VMAC mode to Interface or Static, syslog error messages show
when you restart the computer or during failover. This is caused by duplicate IP
addresses for the master and backup. This is expected behavior because the master
and backups temporarily use the same virtual IP address until they get master and
backup status.

Click Save. The new VMAC mode shows in the in the Backup Address table.
5. To remove a backup address, select an address and click Delete. The address is removed
from the Backup Address table.
6. Click Save.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

Configuring the VRRP Security Gateway Cluster in
1. From the Networks Objects tree, select Check Point > Security Cluster > Check Point
appliance/ Open Server.
The Security Gateway Cluster Creation window opens
2. Choose Wizard Mode.
3. Define the:

Cluster Name


Cluster IPv4 Address


For an IPv6 cluster: Cluster IPv6 Address

4. Choose the Cluster's Solution: Gaia VRRP.
5. Click Finish.

Configuring VRRP Rules for the Security Gateway
1. Define this rule above the Stealth Rule in the Rule Base:



Services &


Firewalls (Group)






Firewalls -Simple Group object containing the firewall objects.


fwcluster-object - the VRRP cluster object.


mcast- - Node Host object with the IP address

2. If your Security Gateways use dynamic routing protocols (such as OSPF or RIP), create new
rules for each multicast destination IP address.
Alternatively, you can create a Network object to show all multicast network IP destinations
with these values:





Net mask:


You can use one rule for all multicast protocols you agree to accept, as shown in this example:



Services &







Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Maximizing Network Performance and Redundancy

To Learn More About Maximizing Network Performance
To learn more about maximizing network performance and redundancy, see these R80.10 guides:

CoreXL, SecureXL and Multi-Queue - Performance Tuning Administration Guide


ClusterXL - Cluster XL Administration Guide


VRRP, including Advanced VRRP - Gaia Administration Guide

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Simplifying Security for Private Clouds
In This Section:
Introduction to Virtual Systems (VSX) ........................................................................175
VSX Architecture and Concepts .................................................................................178
Configuring a VSX Cluster ..........................................................................................184
To Learn More About VSX...........................................................................................190

Introduction to Virtual Systems (VSX)
VSX Overview
VSX (Virtual System Extension) is a security and VPN solution for large-scale environments. VSX
provides comprehensive protection for multiple networks or VLANs within complex
infrastructures. It securely connects them to shared resources such as the Internet and/or a DMZ,
and allows them to safely interact with each other.
VSX incorporates the same patented Stateful Inspection and Software Blades technology used in
the Check Point Security Gateway product line. Administrators manage VSX using a Security
Management Server or a Multi-Domain Server, delivering a unified management architecture for
enterprises and service providers. The management server can be installed on a different
machine than VSX, or on the same machine.
A VSX Gateway contains a complete set of virtual devices that function as physical network
components, such as Security Gateway, routers, switches, interfaces, and even network cables.
Centrally managed, and incorporating key network resources internally, VSX lets businesses
deploy comprehensive firewall and VPN functionality, while reducing hardware investment and
improving efficiency.

How VSX Works
Each Virtual System works as a Security Gateway, typically protecting a specified network. When
packets arrive at the VSX Gateway, it sends traffic to the Virtual System protecting the destination
network. The Virtual System inspects all traffic and allows or rejects it according to rules defined
in the security policy.
In order to better understand how virtual networks work, it is important to compare physical
network environments with their virtual (VSX) counterparts. While physical networks consist of
many hardware components, VSX virtual networks reside on a single configurable VSX Gateway or
cluster that defines and protects multiple independent networks, together with their virtual

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds

Physical Network Topology
In a typical deployment with multiple Security Gateways, each protects a separate network. Each
physical Security Gateway has interfaces to the perimeter router and to the network it protects.








Security Gateways



Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds

VSX Virtual Network Topology
Deploy one VSX Gateway with four Virtual Systems to protect multiple networks.








VSX Gateway. Each Virtual System in a VSX environment is a Security Gateway, with the
same security and networking functionality as a physical gateway. Each handles packet
traffic to and from the one network it protects.


Warp Links. Virtual interfaces and network cables connect the Virtual Systems and the
Virtual Switch.


Virtual Switch. Connects all the Virtual Systems to the Internet router.



Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




VSX Architecture and Concepts
In This Section:
Virtual Devices ............................................................................................................178
Interfaces ....................................................................................................................179
VSX Clusters................................................................................................................181

Virtual Devices
This section describes virtual network components and their characteristics.

Virtual System
A Virtual System is a virtual security and routing domain that provides the functionality of a
Security Gateway with full Firewall and VPN facilities. Multiple Virtual Systems can run
concurrently on a single VSX Gateway.
Virtual System Autonomy
Each Virtual System functions independently. Each Virtual System maintains its own Software
Blades, interfaces, IP addresses, routing table, ARP table, and dynamic routing configuration.
Each Virtual System also maintains its own:

State Tables: Each Virtual System has its own kernel tables with configuration and runtime
data, such as active connections and IPSec tunnel information.


Security and VPN policies: Each Virtual System enforces its own security and VPN Policies
(including INSPECT code). Policies are retrieved from the management server and stored
separately on the local disk and in the kernel. In a Multi-Domain Security Management
environment, each Domain database is maintained separately on the management server and
on the VSX Gateway.


Configuration Parameters: Each Virtual System maintains its own configuration, such as IPS
settings and TCP/UDP time-outs. Different Virtual Systems can run in layer-2 or layer-3 mode
and co-exist on the same VSX Gateway.


Logging Configuration: Each Virtual System maintains its own logs and runs logging according
to its own rules and configuration.

Virtual Routers
A Virtual Router is an independent routing domain within a VSX Gateway that performs the
functionality of physical routers. Virtual Routers are useful for connecting multiple Virtual
Systems to a shared interface, such as the interface leading to the Internet, and for routing traffic
from one Virtual System to another. Virtual Routers support dynamic routing.
Virtual Routers perform the following routing functions:

Packets arriving at the VSX Gateway through a shared interface to the designated Virtual
System based on the source or destination IP address.


Traffic arriving from Virtual Systems directed to a shared interface or to other Virtual Systems.


Traffic to and from shared network resources such as a DMZ.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds

Virtual Switches
By providing layer-2 connectivity, a Virtual Switch connects Virtual Systems and facilitates sharing
a common physical interface without segmenting the existing IP network. As with a physical
switch, each Virtual Switch maintains a forwarding table with a list of MAC addresses and their
associated ports.

Virtual System in Bridge Mode
Many Enterprise environments are based on core networks. Situated adjacent to core network
backbone switches, VSX protects the internal network by providing security at layer-2, layer-3 or
both. VSX communicates with the core network using the existing infrastructure. With Virtual
Systems in the Bridge Mode, VSX can protect departmental networks, while simultaneously
preventing network segmentation. In this case, switches are located at the entrance to each
department's network.
VSX ensures connectivity between the core network and the Internet or external networks, while
providing perimeter security. Security can be configured on a per VLAN basis.

The main interface types in VSX are:

Physical interface


VLAN interface


Warp Link

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds








Security Management Server




Virtual Switch


Physical interface


Warp Link


VLAN Switch


Virtual System 1


Network 1


Virtual System 2


Network 2


VLAN Interface


VSX Gateway


VLAN Trunk


Warp Links connect the Virtual Switch to each Virtual System.


A Physical Interface connects the Virtual Switch to an external router leading to the Internet.


VLAN Interfaces connect the Virtual Systems to the VLAN Switch, via A VLAN trunk.


The VLAN switch connects to the protected networks.

Physical Interfaces
Physical interfaces connect a VSX Gateway to internal and external networks, as well as to the
management server. There are different types of physical interfaces (four types for a VSX Cluster)
used in a VSX Gateway:

Dedicated Management Interface: Connects the VSX Gateway to the management server when
it is locally managed. If the VSX Gateway is remotely managed, then the management
connection arrives via the external or internal interface.


External interface: Connects the VSX Gateway to the Internet or other untrusted networks.


Internal Interface: Connects the VSX Gateway to a protected network.


Synchronization Interface: Connects one VSX Gateway member to other members for state
synchronization in a VSX clustering deployment.

VLAN Interfaces
Virtual Systems typically connect to protected VLAN networks using IEEE 802.1q compliant VLAN
Interfaces. The networks are connected to ports on an 802.1q-compliant switch that trunks all
traffic via a single physical interface to the VSX Gateway.

Warp Links
A Warp Link is a virtual point-to-point connection between a Virtual System and a Virtual Router or
Virtual Switch. Each side of a Warp Link represents a virtual interface with the appropriate virtual

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds

VSX Clusters
A VSX cluster has two or more identical, interconnected VSX Gateways for continuous data
synchronization and transparent failover. Virtual System Load Sharing (VSLS) enhances
throughput by distributing Virtual Systems, with their traffic load, among multiple, redundant








LAN Switches


Core Network Backbone switch




VSX Cluster





Sync Network



Physical Interface


Member 1

VLAN Trunk


Member 2

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds

Virtual System Load Sharing (VSLS) Advantages
Load Sharing offers significant performance advantages while providing failover for individual
Virtual Systems. Using multiple Gateways instead of a single gateway significantly increases
performance for CPU intensive applications such as VPNs, Security servers, Policy servers, and
Active Directory (LDAP).
By distributing Virtual System instances between different cluster members, the performance
load is efficiently spread amongst the members. For example, active Virtual System 1 runs on
member A, while active Virtual System 2 runs on member B. Standby and backup Virtual System
instances are likewise distributed amongst members to maximize throughput, even in a failover
VSLS provides an excellent scalability solution, allowing administrators to add additional physical
members to an existing VSLS cluster as traffic loads and performance requirements increase.

Virtual System Load Sharing (VSLS) Deployment Scenario
In a deployment scenario with three cluster members, each with three Virtual Systems: an
equalized Load Sharing deployment might have one active Virtual System on each cluster

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds






Member 1


VS 2 Backup


Member 2


VS 3 Active


Member 3


VS 1 Backup


VS 1 Active


VS 2 Active


VS 2 Standby


VS 3 Standby


VS 3 Backup


VS 1 Standby

Sync Network

A different member hosts the active peer for each Virtual System. This distribution spreads the
load equally amongst the members. When you create a Virtual System, VSX automatically assigns
standby and backup states to the appropriate peers and distributes them among the other cluster
In the event that a cluster member fails, VSLS directs traffic destined to affected Virtual Systems
to their fully synchronized standby peers, which then become active. At the same time, a backup
Virtual Systems switches to standby, and synchronizes with the newly active Virtual System.
In the event that an individual active Virtual System fails, it immediately fails over to its standby
peer and one of its backup peers becomes the standby, synchronizing with the newly active peer.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Configuring a VSX Cluster
In This Section:
An Example VSX cluster .............................................................................................184
Step 1 - Creating a VSX Cluster .................................................................................185
Step 2 - Creating a Virtual Switch ..............................................................................188
Step 3 - Creating Virtual System 1 ............................................................................188
Step 4 - Creating Virtual System 2 ............................................................................190
Step 5 - Define the Policy on the Virtual Systems ....................................................190

An Example VSX cluster
Here we show how to configure a VSX cluster.
Use SmartDashboard for these basic cluster configurations.
In this example, we will:
Step 1: Create a VSX cluster with Virtual System Load Sharing (item 7 in the diagram)
Step 2: Create virtual switch (item 9)
Step 3: Create Virtual System 1 (item 11)
Step 4: Create Virtual System 2 (item 12)
Step 5: Define the Policy and enable features on the Virtual Systems
You will need the command line interface to add more members, remove members, and upgrade
members. Many advanced cluster management procedures require the command line.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds








Security Management Server




Virtual Switch


Physical interface


Warp interface


VLAN Switch


Virtual System 1


Network 1


Virtual System 2


Network 2


VLAN Interface


VSX Gateway


VLAN Trunk

Step 1 - Creating a VSX Cluster
This section describes how to create a new VSX cluster using the VSX Cluster Wizard. The wizard
guides you through the steps to configure a VSX cluster.
After completing the VSX Cluster Wizard, you can modify most cluster and member properties
directly from SmartDashboard.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds

To create a new cluster:
1. Open SmartConsole.
If you are using Multi-Domain Security Management, open SmartDashboard from the Domain
Management Server in which you are creating the cluster.
2. From the click New and then select VSX > Cluster.
The VSX Cluster Wizard > General Properties opens.

Defining Cluster General Properties
The Cluster General Properties page contains basic identification properties for VSX clusters.

VSX Cluster Name: Unique, alphanumeric name for the cluster. The name cannot contain
spaces or special characters except the underscore.


VSX Cluster IP Address: IP address of the cluster. (In R80, use IPv4.)


VSX Cluster Version: VSX version to use for this cluster.


VSX Cluster Platform: Platform type hosting the cluster members.

To create a HA cluster, select Check Point SecurePlatform (ClusterXL) from the list


To create a Load Sharing (VSLS) cluster, Check Point ClusterXL Virtual System Load
Sharing select from the list.
Note - All cluster members must use the type of platform, with the same specifications
and configuration.

Selecting Creation Templates
Select Custom Configuration. You manually create a custom configuration without any template.

Adding Members
The VSX Cluster Members window defines the members of the new cluster. You must define at
least two cluster members, and up to as many as eight members. You can add new members

To add a new cluster member:
1. In the VSX Cluster Members window, click Add.
2. The Member Properties window opens.
3. Enter the name and IP addresses for the cluster member.
Note: If you define an IPv6 IP address you must also have an IPv4 address.
4. Enter and confirm the activation key to initialize SIC trust between the cluster member and the
management server.
5. Follow these steps for all cluster members.
6. Click Next to continue.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds

Defining Cluster Interfaces
The VSX Cluster Interfaces window lets you define physical interfaces as VLAN trunks. The list
shows all interfaces currently defined on the VSX Gateway or cluster object.

To configure a VLAN trunk:
Select one or more interfaces to define them as VLAN trunks. You can clear an interface to
remove the VLAN trunk assignment.
Important - You cannot define the management interface as a VLAN trunk. To use a
VLAN as the management interface, you must define the VLAN on the Security
Gateway before you use SmartDashboard to create the VSX Gateway.

Configuring Cluster Members
If you selected the custom configuration option, the VSX Cluster Members window appears. In this
window, you define the synchronization IP address for each member.

To configure the cluster members:
1. Select the synchronization interface from the list.
2. Enter the synchronization interface addresses and net mask for each member.

Cluster Management
The VSX Gateway Management page allows you to define several security policy rules that protect
the cluster itself. This policy is installed automatically on the new VSX cluster.
Note - This policy applies only to traffic destined for the cluster. Traffic destined for
Virtual Systems, other virtual devices, external networks, and internal networks is not
affected by this policy.
The security policy consists of predefined rules covering the following services:

UDP: SNMP requests


TCP: SSH traffic


ICMP: Echo-request (ping)


TCP: HTTPS (secure HTTP) traffic

Configuring the Cluster Security Policy
1. Allow: Enable a rule to allow traffic for those services for which you wish to allow traffic. Clear
a rule to block traffic. By default, all services are blocked.
For example, you may wish to allow UDP echo-request traffic in order to be able to ping
cluster members from the management server.
2. Source: Click the arrow and select a Source Object from the list. The default value is *Any.
Click New Source Object to define a new source.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds

Completing the Wizard
To complete the VSX Cluster Wizard:
1. Click Next to continue and then click Finish to complete the VSX Cluster wizard.
It can take several minutes to complete. A message appears indicating successful or
unsuccessful completion of the process.
If the process ends unsuccessfully, click View Report to view the error messages. Refer to the
troubleshooting steps for more information
2. In SmartConsole, double-click the new VSX Cluster object.

Step 2 - Creating a Virtual Switch
Use the Virtual Switch Wizard to create a new Virtual Switch. You can modify the initial definition
and configure advanced options after completing the wizard.

To create a new Virtual Switch:
1. Open SmartConsole.
2. From the Objects Bar (F11), click New > More > Network Object > Gateways and Servers >
VSX > Virtual Switch.
The General Properties page of the Virtual Switch Wizard opens.
3. Enter the name of the Virtual Switch.
4. Select the VSX Gateway or cluster to which the Virtual Switch connects.
5. Click Next.
6. Click Add.
The Add Interface window opens.
7. In the Add Interface window, configure the interface on the Virtual Switch.
8. Click OK and then click Next.
9. Click Finish.

Step 3 - Creating Virtual System 1
You use the Virtual Systems Wizard to create a new Virtual System.
In this example configuration ("Configuring a VSX Cluster" on page 184), create Virtual System 1.
You can modify the initial definition and configure advanced options after you complete the wizard.

To start the Virtual System wizard:
1. Open SmartDashboard.
2. Right-click the VSX Gateway and select VSX > Virtual System.
The Virtual System Wizard opens.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds

Defining General Properties
The General Properties wizard page defines the Virtual System object and the hosting VSX
These are the parameters in this page:

Name: Unique, alphanumeric for the Virtual System. The name cannot contain spaces or
special characters except the underscore.


VSX Cluster / Gateway: Select the VSX Gateway that is hosting the Virtual System.


Bridge Mode: Select this option to create a Virtual System in the Bridge Mode.


Override Creation Template: Select this option to override the creation template that was
used for the initial configuration of the VSX Gateway.

Defining Network Configuration
The Virtual System Network Configuration page allows you to define internal and external
interfaces as well as the IP address topology located behind the internal interface.

To configure the external and internal interfaces:
1. In the Interface table, define the external and internal interfaces, and links to devices.
You can add new interfaces and delete and change existing interfaces.
To add an interface, click Add. The Interface Properties window opens. Select an interface
from the list and define is properties. Click Help for details regarding the various properties
and options.
For this example, add two interfaces for each Virtual System:

One external interface that leads to the Virtual System.


One internal interface that leads to an available interface with a VLAN tag.

2. Select the Main IP Address from the list.
This IP address is usually assigned to the external interface and specifies the Virtual System
address used with NAT or VPN connections.
To make an external IP address routable, select the external interface IP address as the main
IP address.
3. Define network routing for your deployment.
Some routes are automatically defined by the interface definitions. For example, you define a
default gateway route leading to an external Virtual Router or to the Virtual System external
To manually add a default route to the Routes table, click Add Default Routes. Enter the
default route IP address, or select the default Virtual Router. The Route Configuration window
4. Complete the definition ("Completing the Definition" on page 190).

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Simplifying Security for Private Clouds

Completing the Definition
Click Next and then Finish to create the Virtual System. Please note that this may take several
minutes to complete. A message appears indicating successful or unsuccessful completion of the
If the process ends unsuccessfully, click View Report to view the error messages.
After you create a Virtual System using the Virtual System Wizard, you can modify the topology and
all other parameters (except the name of the Virtual System) using the Virtual System Properties

Step 4 - Creating Virtual System 2
Use the Virtual Systems Wizard to create a new Virtual System.
In this example configuration ("Configuring a VSX Cluster" on page 184), create Virtual System 2.
Follow the instructions in Step 3 - Creating Virtual Systems 1 ("Step 3 - Creating Virtual System 1"
on page 188).

Step 5 - Define the Policy on the Virtual Systems
Define the Policy and enable features on the Virtual Systems. The procedures for this are the
same as on a Security Gateway.
For more about Security Policies, see the R80.10 Security Management Administration Guide

To Learn More About VSX
To learn more about simplifying security for private clouds using VSX, see the R80.10 VSX
Administration Guide

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




Securing Data
In This Section:
Overview ......................................................................................................................191
Enabling DLP ..............................................................................................................192
DLP Rule Base ............................................................................................................194
Analyzing and Tracking DLP ......................................................................................197
To Learn More About Data Loss Prevention .............................................................198

Data is more accessible and transferable today than ever before, and the vast majority of data is
sensitive at different levels. Some is confidential simply because it is part of an internal
organization and is not meant to be available to the public. Some data is sensitive because of
corporate requirements and legal regulations.
The Check Point Data Loss Prevention Software Blade (DLP) lets you use the Firewall to prevent
users from sending sensitive data to external networks. DLP helps you implement an automated
corporate policy that catches sensitive and protected data before it leaves your organization.

Data Loss Prevention Features
These are the features that the Data Loss Prevention Software Blade uses:

UserCheck - Lets users handle data loss incidents with automated user notification and the
unique Ask User mode. Each person in your organization learns the best practices to prevent
future accidental leaks. These are the majority of DLP incidents and they can be handled
quickly with the DLP Self Incident Handling Portal or the UserCheck client ("UserCheck
Actions" on page 44).


MultiSpect - Unmatched accuracy to identify and prevent incidents. DLP uses
multi-parameter correlation with different customizable data types and with CPcode.


Out of the Box Security - A rich set of defined data types recognizes sensitive forms, templates
and data. DLP has a good out-of-the-box policy to make sure that the data stays in the internal


Data Owner Auditing - Data Owners are the users in the organization that control the
information and files for their own area or department. They get timely automated notifications
and reports that show how their data is being moved. Without Data Owner control, system
administrators can frequently be placed in an awkward position between managers and


CPcode - DLP supports fully customized data identification through the use of CPcode. You
can define how email data matches DLP policies and rules.
Note - See the R77 CPcode DLP Reference Guide

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Securing Data

Using a Mail Relay and Mail Server
You can configure the Security Gateway to send email notifications to users and Data Owners. If
you are using email notifications, it is necessary for the Security Gateway to access a mail server
and a mail relay.
We recommend that you use different computers for a mail server and a mail relay. For more
about other deployments, see the R80.10 DLP Administration Guide

Enabling DLP
You can configure a DLP rule that sends users to the DLP portal when they send questionable
data. This rule lets users decide if they will send data that can potentially violate the security
The DLP portal is a web page that informs users that the specified data is possibly against
company policy. If the users Send the data, then the action is logged.
Important - If you are using Data Owners, it is necessary to configure a mail server in the
DLP Portal and Mail Server window.

To enable DLP on an existing Security Gateway or cluster:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the gateway object.
The General Properties window of the gateway opens.
2. From the navigation tree, select the General Properties view.
3. In the Network Security tab, select Data Loss Prevention.
The Data Loss Prevention Wizard opens.
4. Click Next.
The Email Domain and Active Directory page opens.
5. Enter the email domain for your company to let DLP distinguish between internal and external
email addresses.
6. Optional: To enable the Security Gateway to access user information in an AD, enter the AD
user name and password.
The Security Gateway accesses information in the definition of My Organization.
7. Click Next.
The My Organization Name page opens.
8. Enter different names and phrases that are used to identify your organization.
DLP uses these names to accurately detect incidents of data loss.
9. Click Next.
The DLP Portal and Mail Server page opens.
10. Optional: Enable the DLP portal.
NOTE: It is not necessary to enable the DLP portal if UserCheck is enabled.
a) Select Activate DLP Portal for Self Incident Handling.
b) In Main URL, enter the URL for the DLP portal.
11. Optional: Enable a mail server to send DLP emails to users about possible DLP incidents.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Securing Data

a) Select Mail Server.
b) From Send emails using this mail server, select a mail server or click New.
c) To create a new mail server, in the Mail Server window enter the settings for the mail
server and click OK.
12. Click Next.
The Protocols page opens.
13. Select one or more of these protocols to which the DLP policy applies.





File Transfer

14. Click Next.
The Data Loss Prevention Blade Setup is Completed window opens.
15. Click Finish.

Adding Data Owners
When DLP incidents are logged, the DLP gateway can send automatic notifications to the Data

To add Data Owners to a Data Type:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Blades.
2. In the Data Loss Prevention section, click Configure in SmartDashboard.
SmartDashboard opens and shows the My Organization page in the Data Loss Prevention tab.
3. From the navigation tree, select Data Types.
4. Double-click a data type.
The data type properties window opens.
5. From the navigation tree, select Data Owners.
6. Click Add.
The Add Data Owners window opens.
7. Select the user or group who is responsible for this data and click Add.
If the data owner is not in the list, click New. In the Email Addresses window, enter the name
and email address of the data owner (or name a list of email addresses).
8. Add as many data owners as needed.
9. Click OK.

Notifying Data Owners
DLP can send automatic messages to Data Owners for incidents that involve the applicable data

To configure Data Owner notification:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Blades.
2. In the Data Loss Prevention section, click Configure in SmartDashboard.
SmartDashboard opens and shows the My Organization page in the Data Loss Prevention tab.
3. From the navigation tree, select Policy.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Securing Data

4. Right-click the Track cell of the rule and select Email.
The Email window opens.
5. Select When data is matched.
Data Owners are added to the Email Notification list.
6. Optional: Click Add and add more users to send notification emails to.
7. Use the default notification email message, or click Customize and enter the message.
The default message is: The Check Point Data Loss Prevention system has found
traffic which matches a rule
8. Click OK.

Using DLP with Microsoft Exchange
Internal emails between Microsoft Exchange clients use a proprietary protocol which is not
supported by the Security Gateways. To scan internal emails between Microsoft Exchange clients,
you must install an Exchange Security Agent on the Exchange Server. The agent sends emails to
the Security Gateway for inspection using the SMTP protocol encrypted with TLS. To supply Data
Loss Prevention for Microsoft exchange, it is necessary that the Exchange server can
communicate with the Security Gateway.
An Exchange Security Agent must be installed on each Exchange Server that sends traffic to the
Security Gateway with DLP. Each agent is centrally managed through SmartDashboard and can
only send emails to one Security Gateway. If your organization uses Exchange servers for all of its
emails, you can also use this setup for scanning all emails.
To use the Exchange Security Agent it is necessary to configure settings in SmartConsole and on
the Exchange server. For more about configuring an Exchange Security Agent, see sk103166

DLP Rule Base
The rules in the DLP Rule Base are not applied sequentially, all the rules are applied to each data
transmission. If the data matches multiple rules, the most restrictive rule is applied. The order
from most restrictive to least is:
1. Rule with an exception
2. Action - Prevent
3. Action - Ask User
4. Action - Inform User
5. Action - Detect

Managing the DLP Rule Base
Use SmartDashboard to create and configure DLP rules.

To open the DLP Rule Base:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Blades.
2. In the Data Loss Prevention section, click Configure in SmartDashboard.
SmartDashboard opens and shows the My Organization page in the Data Loss Prevention tab.
3. From the navigation tree, click Policy.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Securing Data

These are the fields that manage the rules for the DLP Rule Base.



Mark a rule to Follow Up or Improve Accuracy.


Name of the rule.


Data type for this rule.


Who or what starts the connection: Users and Administrators, network, or
email domains. If Identity Awareness is enabled, you can use Access Roles.


Who or what completes the connection: Users and Administrators, network,
or email domains. If Identity Awareness is enabled, you can use Access Roles.


Type of network protocol for this rule.


Number of exceptions that allow traffic for this rule.


DLP action that is done when traffic matches the rule.


Tracking and logging action that is done when traffic matches the rule.


Set the severity level for this rule. Use Severity to help filter Data Loss
Prevention incidents with SmartEvent.

Install On

Network objects that will get the rule of the security policy. The Policy Targets
option installs the rule on all firewall gateways.


Time period that DLP enforces this rule.


DLP category for this rule.

DLP Rule Exceptions
When a data transmission matches criteria of an exception to a DLP rule, the rule Action is not
applied. If the data matches two DLP rules, and only one of the rules has an exception, the rule
without exceptions is applied.

To create an exception for a DLP rule:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Blades.
2. In the Data Loss Prevention section, click Configure in SmartDashboard.
SmartDashboard opens and shows the My Organization page in the Data Loss Prevention tab.
3. From the navigation tree, select Policy.
The Policy window opens and shows the DLP Rule Base.
4. Right-click the Exceptions cell for a rule and select Edit.
The Exceptions for Rule window opens.
5. Click New Exception.
6. Configure these settings for the exception: Data Type, Source, Destination, Protocol.
7. Click OK.
8. Install the policy.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Securing Data

DLP Rule Actions
For each DLP rule that you create for a data type, you also define what action is to be taken if the
rule matches a transmission.



The Firewall sends the data. The event is logged in the Logs & Monitor > Logs
view and is available for your review and analysis in the Logs & Monitor Access
Control views and SmartEvent. The data and the email itself, or the properties
of the transmission if not email, are saved in storage for future reference.

Inform User

The Firewall sends the data, but the incident is logged and the user is notified.

Ask User

The Firewall blocks the data and DLP holds it until the user verifies that it
should be sent. A notification, usually with a remediation link to the Self
Incident Handling portal, is sent to the user. The user decides whether the
transmission should be completed or not. The decision itself is logged in the
Logs & Monitor Logs tab of SmartConsole. Look at the predefined query: DLP >
User Actions.


The Firewall blocks the data.
Note: Check Point does not recommend using the Prevent action as a first
choice. The action may prove disruptive. To improve the accuracy of rule
matches, set rules to Prevent only when you have tested them with the less
strict actions over a reasonable amount of time.


Tracks Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files from
Office 2007 and higher) and adds visible watermarks or invisible encrypted text.

By default, all rules are created without a watermark action.


Watermarks can be created and edited without having to apply them.


Once a watermark object is created, it can be reused in multiple rules.

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Securing Data

Sample Rule Base
This table shows a sample DLP Rule Base. These are the settings for the columns that are not

Source - My Organization


Destination - Outside My Organization


Install On - DLP Blades


Protocol - Any


Time - Any



Follow Up Salesforce Reports







Salesforce Reports


Ask User




No Flag

PCI - Credit Card

PCI - Cardholder












PCI - Credit Card
No Flag

No Flag

SEC Filings - Draft
or Recent

SEC Filings - Draft
or Recent


Source Code

Source Code




Salesforce Reports - When users send data that matches the Salesforce Reports Data Type
category, they are asked to confirm the data transmission. A watermark with the word Restricted
is added to Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. This incident is logged with High severity.
PCI - Credit Card Numbers - Users are blocked from sending data that matches the PCI Cardholder Data, and PCI - Credit Card Numbers Data Type categories. These incidents are
logged with Critical severity.
SEC Filings - Draft or Recent - Data transmissions that matches the SEC Filings - Draft or Recent
Data Type category are logged with High severity. An email is sent to the Data Owners for each
Source Code - Data transmissions that matches the Source Code Data Type category are logged
with High severity. A pop-up window opens in SmartView Monitor for each incident.

Analyzing and Tracking DLP
To keep a strong Data Loss Prevention policy, it is necessary to do an analysis of DLP incidents.
These clients can help with your DLP analysis:

The Logs & Monitor > Logs tab of SmartConsole



You can use the Follow Up flag in SmartDashboard for the DLP rules. If you find one or more
incidents that you want to change or fine-tune, set the Data Type or rule to Follow Up.
Note - To use a Windows 7 computer to view DLP incidents in the Logs & Monitor > Logs
tab of SmartConsole, or SmartEvent, you must install Microsoft Office 2010. These
SmartConsole clients do not show DLP incidents, if these EML files are associated with
another application.
Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10



Securing Data

Analyzing DLP Incidents in the Logs
You can open the log of an incident and see the actual data that caused the incident. It is not
necessary to review most of the incidents manually, but the data transmission (for example, the
email or attachment) is saved.
Important - The DLP logs can contain personal emails and web posts that were captured.
You must let the users know that this can happen. Failure to do so may cause your
organization to be in conflict with local privacy laws.

To analyze DLP logs:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Logs & Monitor.
2. In Logs tab, click Favorites (star icon), and select DLP > Incidents.
3. Select a time frame in the search field, to refine the list of incidents:

Last Hour




Last 24 Hours




This Week


Last 7 Days


This Month


Last 30 Days


All Time


Custom - specify the Start and End date and time in the window that opens, an click OK

The Data Loss Prevention logs for the category are shown.

Event Analysis Views Available in SmartConsole
As of R80, the Event Analysis views of the SmartEvent GUI have been incorporated into the
SmartConsole Logs & Monitor view. They provide advanced analysis tools with filtering, charts,
and statistics of all events that pass through enabled Security Gateways.

To Learn More About Data Loss Prevention
To learn more about securing data, see these guides:

R80.10 Data Loss Prevention Administration Guide


R77 CPCode Administration Guide

Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.10




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