User Manual: CSMP_APARs
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International Business Machines Corporation Asi,l Proaral1l library IBM J,n:·,,,". ll·~ Sy~!t"'tnS Englrlt'.>, ... , Dt'! f 14 1 c-:,rf'I"T'.> ChIY{)l1,j "'U tJ,H~ .' 1 • t· , Canadian Program Library IEH.1 Cdna.ja Ltd European Program library IBM France 23 AlI~e-Miilllasson F.92 ·Bou:ogr,e·8, t!anc.ourt France 11·,t/ Eqllnlun Ave E [l ,n M,I':, 40:' On! (,1I1,1'1.t Tok)o J.lra.n Program Information Dept. IBM Corporation 40 Saw Mill River Road Ha ... lhorne. New York 10532 UnIted Slates S)Clete Anonyme Au Cap:tal de 3H.424 000 F·f'.C {Seine 55B.ll 8461 SOU~h America-n--Program Library IBM do Brasil, Ltda A'Ienida Presidente Vargas 642, 4 Andar Cai.a PoslaI1830·ZC-OO ,R,IO d~ .Janeiro, Brazil South Pacific Program Library IBM Au.tralia, Ltd. Box 3318 GP.O. Sydney, N.SW. Australia MEMORANDUM TO: Users of the 5/360 Continuous 5Y,stem Modeling Program Type II I. Program Au"ust 1969 -----------r~~~-----------------r~----------------------- APAR. /; l I APS-374 SUBJECT: ,Program Name : If 360A-CX-16X ---lv.-~:O\(l1l 5/360 Continuous System Modeling Program ___.___ i-____ I:\l"di~l.ation Level -.l ______ APRIL 1971 A FORTRAN compile error in the first model will prevent SljD~.:·:ue·t ' " ",:ih kr ney., models when stacking jobs. HEMORANDUM TO: SUBJECT: Users ofS/360 Continuous System Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X)-V1M2 . APAR Letters When the FORTRAN compiler was envoked by an A TTACH macr~, in the DEJCSMP 2 subroutine, the corresponding ECB Yves not reinitialized and hence the return code of the first compile was the only one ever received. 5hould the first FORTRAN compile be in error this y.,ould prevent ell subsequent linkt:dits since all subsequent compile return codes would appear the some. To correct this error, insert the following cord in the DEJC5MP2 source deck between cord numbers DEJ2 180 and DEJ2 190: The following is the list of APAR letters that are currently active: PA- 366 PA-l92 PA-189 PA-118 PA-ll 7 PA-114 PA-113 PA-1l2 PA-lll PA-093 'PA-066 XC ECBLOCK, ECBLOCK ZERO ECB DEJ2 185 Follow the procedure described under "Modifying DEJCSMP2" in th.: CSMP Opt:lotors Manual to incorporate this change in the system. This proglam modific(;ticl1 "ill be incorporated in a future modification level. PA-OS2 PA-046 PA-042 PA-01S PA-012 PA-Oll PA-01D PA-008 APS- 376 APS- 374 l)..-,}-71 CC:SE Hana~ers DP Application Program Standards APAR PROCESSING 112 East Post Road 201AP White Plains, N.Y, 10601 20059 II rn llir APAR Letter International Business Machines Corporation International Business Machin•• Corporation MEMORANDUM TO: Users of the S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Type II SUBJECT: I APAR. 1# Program APS-376 August 1969 * I Modification Level S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Users of S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program i Type II SUBJECT:' 360A-CX-16X Program Name I MEMORANDUM TO: APAR. # Program PA-OOB . ,Program Name 2 ' It 360A-CX~16X . '. : M,odification·Lcv('I~. 'S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program 2 ----------------~--------------------------------~------------~~~--------~~----~.~--------~--Errors may result with models involving implicit loops. An end of data set on unit 13 may occur if a PROCEDURE block is used in a NOSOR T section. E Q) :::0 o d:: .....o The User's Manual gives the following example of an implicit function: Z Cl FOFZ IMPL(ZO,ERROR, FOFZ A * EXP( - TIME ) Cl + B* S/N( Z ) Program errors may result if intermediate variables defined within an implicit loop (such as Cl above) are used outside the loop. E Q) :::0 o d: c: o c'" E 5 u Q) Unti I program fix is found, avoid such usage. If a term available within a loop is required elsewhere, it should be recomputed outside the loop. Alternatively, for some models it may be possible to place the entire implicit loop within a multiple output procedure thusly: PROCEDURE Cl, FOFZ Z Cl FOFZ § LOOP (ZO, ERROR, TIME) IMPL (ZO, ERROR, FOFZ ) A * EXP (- .TIME) Cl + B * SIN (Z) ~ The S/360 CSMP PROCEDURE is specificaIly de:'lign~!d [or use in . parallel, ,sorted sections. Use of a PROCEDURE within a NOSORT section is nonsensical modeling and will result in an abnormal ~xit. l:~ new diagnostic will be added in a future version ttl ddect this lffiproper use without aborting the run. Q) S S o C,) ENDPRO Note that this requires the user to properly sequence the statements within the loop. DP Application Program Standards CC: SE Managers cc: SE MANAGERS DP Application Program Standards APAR PROCESSING APAR PROCESSING 112 ERit POlt Road. 112 East Post Road White Plains, N.Y. i0601 White 20060 P~ains, N.Y. 10601 20020 APAR Letter IT rn ~ International Business Machines. COr~Dration MEMORANDUM TO;users of 5/360 Continuous 5yste'm Modeling Program REVISED FIGURE 12 11 P;)gc 3 of the S/3'i!i C:St>.lP 0p{'r;t\('r'~ J\bnual (H20-0368-2) should be used to correct the error. The following cards are to be run as input data to the' Figure 3 clIntrol cards: o , Program # APAR. if <3 Y5fJA( t..o.O 12-7-7 1 0 ~- Type II :APAR .• .;' IT ffi ~~ International Business Machines Corporation MMACST MMAC 130~ MMAC2390 MMAC2392 MMAC2393 MMAC2395 MMAC2396 The pTogram fails to recognize a non-\lnique name situation in a section to be sorted and as a result subrc)utine UPDATE m~ly have' misplaced statements. Subroutines STRUST and MMACST may be modified to cnrrl'ct this situati,m by using the procedure described Olf page 3 of the S/360 CSMP Operator1s Manual H20-0368-2. The following cards are to be run as input data to the Figul'l' 3 control cards: • / CHANGE LIST = ALL, SEQFLD 1050 NTOUTI = ISORT(NSORT)/lOOO CHANGE LIST ALL, SEQFLD 1 320 NT 0 UTI = IS 0 R T (N S 0 R T) / 1 000 • / ENDUP = N A M E = 1\1 r-.l A CST 11 MAC 320 774, NAME STRUST STRU H50 7 7 ..f, = The MMACST and STRUST subroutines must bl' recompill'd recreated. = ;.tlld the translation module FOR TRAN H Option I shultle! 1)(' llSl'd to compile the subroutine. The Translation module must be relink-edited tlbing the first step of Figure 6 with the data set marked as "OLD". DP Application Program Standards DP Application Program Standards APAR PROCESSING APAR PROCESSING 112 East Post Road 112 East Post Road Whits Plains, NY 1080t White Plains, NY 1080t ·~0182 APAR Letter ITrnllir International Businass Machine. Corporation MEMORANDUM TO: Users of s/360 Contii1Uous System Modeling Program Typa II * * ,APAR. Program PA-093 360A-CX-16X • ,Program Name , S/360 Cpntinuous System Modeling Program, SUBJECT" A program error in the IMPL function may cause convergence to an incorrect IMPL output value. MEMORANDUM TO: Users of S/360 Continuous Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) SUBJECT: APAR # PA - 192 Program # 36oA-CX-16X Program Name: S /360 Continuous System Modeling Program Version 1 Modification Level 2 2-0.0 Continuation cards for logical IF statements may be incorrectly translated. :5 Y5 RI)J" 2-0. 0 Procedures described in the s/360 CSMP Operator's Manual should be used to correct this error. The symbolic update shown in Figure 3 is used as follows: A) Control cards Fig3 10 through Fig3 70 followed by these change cards. 12-7 -7 J , ,If a logical expression (characters within IF parenthesis) is split across .1 CHANGE NAME-IMPL, SEQFLD=783 C C(K)=FUNCT 1060 A=(FUNCT-XNPl)/(C(K)-C(K+l)) C(K)=Q*C(K)+(1.0-Q)*FUNCT XNPl=FUNCT e QJ ~ e c.. s:: o C QJ E E o o IMPL IMPL IMPL IMPL IMPL 90 240 290 420 595 e CIJ :0o ',", P-i 1* 'I=: B) Compilation is performed using the procedure shown in Figure 4A, with the membername IMPL instead of STATUS on cards Fig4A 70 and Fig4A 90. C) The linkqge edit is performed using part of the procedure shown in Figure 6. The cards Fig6 11 0 through Fig6 180 are used, followed by /ISYSLIN DD * INCLUDE OBJUB(IMPL) NAME IMPL(R) o ~ CIJ e -E o o 1* DPApplicatiOil'Program'Standards , two cards the translator may not include the statement in the UPDATE subroutiI'!e. The translator may be corrected by using the Optional Distribution, Procedures with the following change statements. ' ./ CHANGE SEQFLD=774, NAME=STRUST GO TO 2190 STRU2398 22f1fJ IF(IWTYPE. NE. 2)GO TO 1176 STRU2478 JGO=3 STRU248,l) IF(LLPRO. EQ. 3)GO TO 13(j(j STRU2490 NTOU T:;NTOU T+ I STRU2492 TOUT(NTOUT)=WORDI( 1) STRU2494 GO TO 117~ , STRU2496 CHANGE SEQFLD=774, NAME=SCAN 1470 IF(LLALPH. EQ. 2)GO TO IsM SCAN1420 , 'ENDUP ./ Subroutines.CSAN and STRUST must be compiled before relink-editingthe translator. " " ,.- .-r .j APAR PROCESSING 112 E.. t POlt Road Whit. Plainl, N.Y. t~i 20552 ,20237 DECEMBER DECEMBER MEMORANDUM TO: SUBJECT: E ~ .c o p..'"' ..... o MEMORANDUM TO: Users of S/360 Continuous Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) SUBJECT: APAR # PA - 112 Program # 360A-CX-16X Program Name: S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Version 1 Modification Level 2 ' Users of S/36(J Continuous Modeling Program (36VA-CX-16X) APAR # PA - III Program # 360A-CX-16X Program Name: S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Version 1 Modification Level 2 ..... The statement number is removed on statements with the INTGR L block as part of an expression . o Internal output variables in macro definitions as signed only by logical IF s'tatements will not have unique names. S 15 Pf.) IL W. 0 I L-1-1 , E ./ p.. '"' C :0o INTG2526 '"' p.. t: o ./ ~ Subroutine INTGST must be compiled (Figure 4) and the TRANSLATOR relink edited (Figure 6) CJ E 8o ENDUP u t: o ~ CJ E E o u 20791 7- 7 I . / 8CJ CHANGE SEQFLD=774. NAME=INTGST (2. - The VI M2 system may be modified by the Optional Distribution procedures in the CSMP Operator's Manual to correct this error. The following input to the UPDTE utility (Figure 3 control cards) will modify subroutine RMACST to correct this situation. The V1M2 system may be modified by the Optional Distribution procedures in the CSMP Operator's Manual to correct this program error. The following input to the UPDTE utility (Figure 3 control cards) will modify sub-. routine INTGST so that statement numbers on procedural statements usmg the INTGR L block are retained. ~ .c o 1970 1970 CHANGE SEQFLD=774. NAME=RMACST IF(KLV) 1432. 1440. 1540 1432 IF(INO-12)1434. 1550. 1150 1434 IF(IWTYPE. NE. 2. OR. INO. NE. 9)GO TO 1430 GO TO 1490 1450 IF(INO. NE. 6. OR. CWORD. NE. CBCD(285) )GO TO 1455 KLV=-1 GO TO 1430 1455 IF(INO. LT. 12)GO TO 1470 •/ ENDUP RMAC1090 RMAC1,o92 RMAC1094 RMAC1096 RMACI12I/J RMACll22 RMAC1l24 RMAC1130 Subroutine RMACST must be compiled (Figure 4) and the translator relink edited (Figure 6). 20792 DECEMBER 1970 DECEMBER 1970 ....o ....u cd MEMORANDUM TO: Users of S/360 Continuous Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) SUBJECT: APAR # PA - 113 Program'# 360A-CX-16X Program Name: S/360 Continuous System Modeling Pr'ogram Version 1 Modification Level 2 Record 2 of a PREPARE data set file is format A8, 314. contains arbitrary information if no integration is used. The first word •/ ./ CHANGE SEQFLD=774, NAME=SIMOUT REAL*8 BEG1N,XMETH,DBLANK/I 1/ XMETH=DBLANK IF(INTYPE. LT. 10)XMETH=TYPINT(INTYPE) WR1TE(I5, 2050)XMETH, KTITLE, NOSYMB, KGRAPH ENDUP SIMO 50 SIM02322 S1M02324 S1M02330 ....coJ.4 \L - ) -,I Program will not diagnose too many PR TPLT variables if variables appear as print requests (in parenthesis). .0 E .....QJ Subroutine 1NTRAN does not include the print-only requests on PR TPLT statements when a test for too many variables is made. Abnormal, execution may occur from the resulting table overflow. The following input to the UPDTE utility (Figure 3 control cards) may be used to correct this error. .0 ./ ~ 1760 ,...o s:: CHANGE SEQFLD=774, NAME=INTRAN 1F(KPLOT.EQ.50)GO TO 2470 KP LOT=KP LOT+ 1 ENDUP INTR 1960 INTR 1962 o ./ ~ Subroutine 1NTRAN must be compiled (FOR TRAN H Opt 1) and the execution phase relink edited (Figure 6). o U 2-0.0 APAR # PA - 114 Program # 360A-CX-16X Program Name: S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Version 1 Modification'Level 2 < ....s:: S~broutine SIMOUT must be compiled (Figure 4) and the execution phase relink edited (Figure 6). SUBJECT: ....~o cd The Systems Manual incorrectly states that the format of Record 2 of a PREPARE file is A8.3A4. This record is actually created as A8, 314. Also if no integration is used the first word of this record will contain arbitrary information. To have the system place blanks in that word so that this condition may be tested for the following input to the UPDTE utility (Figure 3 control cards) may be used. Users of S/360 Continuous Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) ~ .0 ,...o ....u ....IIIJ.4 .0 < E MEMORANDUM TO: S Y5 PAI( YJ.() 20793 20794 DECEMBER 1970 MEMORANDUM TO: SUBJECT: ....o .... g ~ DECEMBER 1970 . Users of S/360 Continuous Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) APAR # PA-1l7 Program # 360A-CX-16X Program Name: S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program V er sion 1 Modification Level 2 Translator may incorrectly flag memory block inputs and not use multiple output memory elements to break loops. MEMORANDUM TO: Users of S/360 Continuous Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) SUBJECT: APAR # PA - 189 Program # 360A-CX-16X Program Name: S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Version 1 Modification Level 2 The CSMP procedure must contain the DD card specified for FOR TRAN execution diagnostics • .0 < The Translator incorrectly flags INPUT NAME SAME AS OUTPUT NAME for memory blocks and may not use multiple outputs from memory blocks to break algebraic loops. Incorrect storage assignment is given to memory blocks specified without storage. The following input to be UPDTE utility (Figure 3 control cards) may be used to correct these program errors. ·/ ·/ CHANGE SEQF LD=774, NAME=DATAST KNTMEM(NTMEM)=0 CHANGE NAME=MMACS T, SEQFLD=774 EQUIVALENCE (LL(11), LLMEMS) IF(LLMEMS.EQ.1)GO TO 157(j 1560 IERR=8 CfIANGE SEQFLD=774, NAME=STRUST • I 8Q) DO 1580 KJl=J1, NTOUT :c; TINT(NMEM)=TOUT(KJ 1) 0 J.. 1580 LINT(NMEM)=KJ1 (l. 1590 IF(KNTMEM(NTER). EQ. 0}GO TO 1630 s::0 CALL NTOBCD(NMEMRY,XYZ) 1:c:> 1810 IF(LLMEMS.EQ.1)GO TO 1820 IERR::08 8 IF(NINT. LT. NMEM) GO TO 2310 ·8 0 LL( 17)=4 U GO TO 2420 ENDUP / · The CSMP system supplies FT06F001 as the DD name for printer output during the execution phase. Normally this is also the FOR TRAN execution diagnostic unit specified at system generation time. If it is not, the appropriate DD card (for example IIFT03F001 DD SYSOUT=A) must be supplied as an addition to the CSMP procedure. DATA1275 MMAC 152 MMAC1570 MMAC1572 STRU139 2 STRU1380 STRU1390 STRU1410 STRU1415 STRU1860 STRU1862 STRU2720 STRU2722 STRU2724 Subroutines DATAST, MMACST, and S TRUST must be compiled and the TRANSLATOR relink edited • ~.O 20795 20874 JANU4RY 1971 MEMORANDUM TO: Users of S/360 Continuous Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) SUBJECT: APAR # PA...;042 Program 360A-CX-16X Program Name: S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Version 1 Modification Level 2 The VIM2 system may be modified by the Optional Distribution procedures in the CSMP Operator's Manual to correct this program error. The following input to the UPDTE utility (Figure 3 control cards) will modify subroutine DELAY. CHANGE SEQFLD=783, NAME=DELAY KX(K-4)=2 KX(K-2)=N+N+4 1160 CONTINUE C IF I EQUALS 0 THEN WRAP AROUND IS NEEDED C COPY LAST POINTS IN TABLE TO FmST LOCATIONS C IN EITHER CASE STORE CURRENT VALUES IN NEXT LOCATIONS C IF(I. GT. 0)GO' TO 1200 IF(KX(K-4)+2. LE. KX(K-2))GO TO 1200 KX(K-4~KX(K-4)+2 ./ Users of S/360 Continuous Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) SUBJECT: APAR # PA-046 Program # 36oA-CX-16X Program Name: S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Version 1 Modification Level 2 Integration method RKS may fail if the difference between TIME and TNEXT become s effectively zero. The DELAY function may create extrapolated rather than interpolated output values. . / MEMORANDUM TO: a DELA DELA DELA DELA DELA DELA DELA DELA DELA DELA 120· 140 470 474 475 477 478 520 522 582 ~ The VIM2 system may be modified by the Optional Distribution procedures in the CSMP Operator's Manual to correct this program error. The following input to the UPDTE' utility (Figure 3 control cards) will modify subroutine RKS so that the diagnostic message "VARIABLE STEP DELT LESS THAN DELMIN. SIMULATION HALT" will be generated if (TIME - TINEXT) is effectively zero. .0 0 '"' ~ ~ 0 ~QJ a a ./ ./ CHANGE SEQFLD=774, NAME=RKS IF(AA.EQ. 0. 0)GO TO 2140 ENDUP RKS 555 Subroutine RKS must be compiled and the execution phase relink edited. 0 to) ENDUP Subroutine DELAY must be compiled (Figure 4) and the execution phase relinl<-edited (Figure 6). 20902 20903 MEMORANDUM TO: SUBJECT: Users of S/360 Continuous Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) APAR # PA-066 Program # 360A-CX-16X Program Name: S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Ver sion 1 Modification Level 2 8 Q) :0o '"' p.. s:: o i=l Q; 8 8 o u 1850 1852 2010 2012 2032 ./ CHANGE SEQFLD=77'4, NAME=RMACST DATA GOTO/'GOTO' / IF{CWORD-CBCD(291» 1852,2030,1852 IF(CWORD-GOTO)2100, 2032,2100 IF(CWORD-CBCD(291» 2012,2030.2012 IF(CWORD-GOTO)2040.2032.2040 KIF=0 ENDUP RMAC 112 RMAC2290 RMAC2292 RMAC2640 RMAC2642 RMAC2730 SUBJECT: AFAR # PA-118 Program Name: The use of a memory function (for example, the CSMP DELAY block) as part of an expression or as a subroutine argument expression may incorrectly allow the statement output(s) to break algebraic loops involving other terms in the expression or other arguments. The following update restricts the loop-breaking to loops involving only the inputs to the memory function and its outputs. It also corrects an error in the sort operation that was not allowing the last memory output encountered to break a loop that did not involve integration. Subroutines STRUST and SEQUST must be updated and recompiled and the translator re-link-edited. .1 1550 E o .a o r-4 1552 1720 ~ 1=0. C o +l C 1726 1960 o .1 g 2270 o u 2292 2392 .1 20904 Program 360A-CX-16X (Correction) S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Modification Level 2 A memory function may improperly break an algebraic loop if it is used as part of an expression. Subroutine RMACST may be modified to add this FOR TRAN form to the macro generating code. Use the Optional Distribution procedures described in the- Operator's Manual to compile RMACST and relink-edit the translator. The following modifications are required as input. ./ Users of S/360 Continuous Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) Version 1 S/360 CSMP does not recognize the FOR TRAN 'GOTO' (without an intermediate blank) on macro statements. - MEMORANDUM TO: CHANGE SEQFLD=774,NAME=STRUST IF(IPO.EQ.9)LLMEMS=1 IF{K8.NE.4)GO TO 1590 CONTINUE IF{K8.NE.4)GO TO 1970 IF(LLMEMS.EQ.O)GO TO 1726 IF(IWTYPE.NE.2)GO TO 1726 IF(INO.EQ.6.AND.KNTPRN.EQ.l)LLMEMS=0 IF (INO.NE.7.AND.KNTPRN.EQ.0)LLMEMS=0 IF(INO-12)1730,1940,24l0 IF(LLPRO.EQ.2)GO TO 1990 IF(LLMEMS.EQ.l)GO TO 1552 CHANGE SEQFLD=774,NAME=SEQUST IF(LMEM(J).EO.O)GO TO 2350 IF(NSEQ.GT.J2)GO TO 2292 CONTINUE IF(J.GE.NMEH)GO TO 2270 IF(NSEQ.GT.J2)GO TO 2392 CONTINUE ENDUP 2.cD.o STRU1296 STRU1298 STRU1300 STRU1392 STRU1740 STRU1742 STRU1744 STRU1746 STRU1748 STRU2090 STRU2092 SEQU3l50 SEQU3l62 SEQU3202 SEQU3370 SEQU3432 SEQU3472 20955 April 26, 1971 MEMORANDUM TO: Users of S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program (360A-CX-16X) SUBJECT: APAR # PA-366 Program #360A-CX-16X Program Name: S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program Version 1 Modification Level 2 Abstract of Problem: An abnormal exit will occur if a "PROCEDURAL" label is used in a MACRO definition with more than 25 input and output names. For example: MACRO Y BLK (Xl, X2, ••• , •• X25) PROCEDURAL (blank) Comment on Problem: 22 of the translation module has a capacity of 180 input characters. The system code performing the automatic generation of a PROCEDURE statement using the MACRO label statement fails to test for table overflow and an abnormal exit will result. Subroutine RMACST may be modified to perform this test. Use the Optional Distribution procedures described in the Operator's Manual to compile RMACST and relink-edit the translator. The following modifications are required as input: Tab~e .1 CHANGE" SEQFLD= 774 ,NAME=RMACST IF(LETERS(KEND).NE.64)GO TO 1928 KEND=KEND-l GO TO 1926 1928 KEND=KEND+l 1936 IF(LETERS(KEND).NE.64)GO TO 1938 KEND=KEND-l GO TO 1938 1938 KENO=KEND+l IF(KEND~GT.180)GO TO 2211 .1 ENDUP 1926 5-Y5 >f A '<.. 2o~O RMAC2422 RMAC2424 RMAC2426 RMAC2430 RMAC2502 RMAC25 0 4 RMAC2506 RMAC2510 RMAC2542 \L-7- 7 1
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