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T h e P h a n t o m L a b o r a t o r y
C a t p h a n ® 500 and 600 M a n u a l
Copyright © 2015
THE PHANTOM LABORATORY INCORPORATED (“Seller”) warrants that this product
shall remain in good working order and free of all material defects for a period of one
(1) year following the date of purchase. If, prior to the expiration of the one (1) year
warranty period, the product becomes defective, Buyer shall return the product to the
Seller at:
By Truck By Mail
The Phantom Laboratory, Incorporated The Phantom Laboratory, Incorporated
2727 State Route 29 PO Box 511
Greenwich, NY12834 Salem, NY 12865-0511
Seller shall, at Seller’s sole option, repair or replace the defective product. The Warranty
does not cover damage to the product resulting from accident or misuse.
This product has an FH3-4 mm/min ame rating and is considered to be ammable. It is
advised not to expose this product to open ame or high temperature (over 125° Celsius
or 250° Fahrenheit) heating elements.
T h e P h a n t o m L a b o r a t o r y
Catphan® Manual
Warranty 1
Introduction 5
Multi-Slice CT by David Goodenough, Ph.D. 6
Initial phantom positioning 8
Illustration of Catphan® models 9
Incremental phantom modules positioning 10
Phantom position verication 11
CTP401 and CTP404 modules 12
Patient alignment system check 13
Scan slice geometry (slice width) 14
Scan incrementation 15
Circular symmetry 16
Spatial linearity of pixel size verication 16
Spherical acrylic contrast targets 16
CT or Hounseld Numbers by David Goodenough, Ph.D. 17
Sensitometry (CT number linearity) 18
CTP591 Bead Geometry Module 20
Measuring slice thickness with a prole made from bead image 22
Additional methods for estimating and measuring slice thickness with bead ramps 23
CTP528 High resolution module with 21 line pair per cm gauge and point source 24
Bead point source for point spread function and MTF 24
Use of automated scanner MTF programs 25
Bead point source (slice sensitivity prole) 26
21 Line pair per centimeter high resolution gauge 27
CTP515 Low contrast module with supra-slice and subslice contrast targets 28
CTP486 Image uniformity module 30
Installation and removal of test modules 32
Optional phantom annuli 33
Optional phantom housings 34
Dose Phantoms 35
Sample quality assurance program 36
Automated computer analysis program 36
Bibliography 37
The Phantom Laboratory and physicist, David J. Goodenough, Ph.D., are continually
developing and researching new tests and modications for the Catphan® phantoms.
The test objects that make up the current Catphan® models embody more than a
quarter century of scientic evaluation and eld experience. This manual outlines the
applications of each module contained in the Catphan® 500 and 600 phantoms.
We do not make specic recommendations on the content of your quality assurance
program, because each medical imaging facility has its own unique set of requirements.
A sample program is provided to give you ideas for possible program content. We
suggest a review of local governing regulations, manufacturers’ specications and the
needs of your radiologists and physicists before developing your CT quality assurance
The Catphan® instructional video, which illustrates the phantom setup and scanning of
the different Catphan® sections, is also available.
If you have any additional questions please contact The Phantom Laboratory at:
Phone: 800-525-1190 or 518-692-1190
Fax: 518-692-3329
Additional product information is available at:
Multi-Slice CT
by David J. Goodenough, Ph.D.
At the request of The Phantom Laboratory I have put together this summary for
physicists who are familiar with CT image performance measurements and have not had
experience with multi-slice CT scanners.
Multi-slice uses the same basic approach to image reconstruction as axial single slice CT.
Both modalities use the data from the detectors (positioned 360° around the patient) to
reconstruct the axial patient images. The key difference between axial single slice CT
and multi-slice is the axial image produced by single slice CT is developed from a single
row of detectors, and the axial image made from a multi-slice scanner uses segments
from several rows of detectors. With a multi-slice scan, as the patient moves through the
gantry and the tube rotates around the patient, the detector rows utilized change as the
patient and gantry move (see sketch on the next page).
Additional variables in reconstruction result as the patient slice moves from one row
of detectors to the next and the scanner reconstructs the images based on weighted
averages between the relevant rows. In this way, multi-slice CT is analogous to spiral
or helical single slice CT, but where the reconstruction is obtained from the combined
slices rather than the interpolation between the readings of a single moving slice. Now
add in focal spot variables and a little scatter to dene in more detail the challenges and
variables included in the reconstruction of a multi-slice image.
Because in spiral mode each multi-slice image is reconstructed from an ensemble of data
taken in different positions across the beam and from different detector rows, the overall
image quality differences between images are minimal. In the spiral mode each slice
represents data as seen from all detector rows in a sense a kind of averaging of detector
row positions. However, if you use a multi-slice “step and shoot” mode, where each of
the slices may be created from a single detector row (or rows depending on the selected
slice thickness) with a consistent collimation, the differences between the slices will be
evident. Step and shoot mode in a multi-slice CT scanner is operated like a conventional
axial scanner by imaging with a xed table position and then moving the table to the
next position before imaging the next section of the phantom with a xed table position.
For example, with a step and shoot 8 slice scan it is expected that the middle slice
numbers 4 and 5 will have better uniformity than outer slice numbers 1 and 8 because
of the scanner x-ray beam geometry. However, if 1 and 8 or 4 and 5 are not similar, this
may indicate a problem with the scanner.
When assessing a scanner with a step and shoot mode, it is important to cover the full
detector width with the selected test objects. If the test object is narrower than the slice,
the table will need to be incremented between scanning sequences so the object can be
scanned by all active rows of the detector.
I recommend scanning through the entire phantom using different multi-slice spiral
protocols for performance evaluations, as well as using the step and shoot approach for
the bead ramps where slice geometry and the MTF can be measured for each slice and
uniformity section where the signal to noise and uniformity of each slice (detector row)
can be evaluated.
Gantry rotation
Detector rows
This simplied illustration of a multi-slice sequence shows how the slices are
reconstructed with information for different detector rows. The imaging sequence of
the rst selected slice (slice 1) of the patient begins when slice 1 moves over detector
row A. As the tube continues to rotate and the patient continues to move through the
gantry, slice 1 is picked up by the detectors in row B. At the same time slice 2, which
was outside the detector view, is picked up by the detectors in row A. This sequence
continues until the last selected region of the patient has passed through all the active
detector rows.
The Catphan® phantom is positioned in the CT scanner by mounting it on the case.
Place the phantom case on the gantry end of the table with the box hinges away from the
gantry. It is best to place the box directly on the table and not on the table pads.
Open the box, rotating the lid back 180°. If you are using an annulus, additional weight
will need to be placed in the box to counterweigh the phantom. The patient straps can be
used for additional stability.
Remove the phantom from the box and hang the Catphan® from the gantry end of the
box. Make sure the box is stable with the weight of the phantom and is adequately
counterweighed to prevent tipping.
Use the level and adjusting thumb screws to level the Catphan®. Once the phantom is
level, slide the phantom along the end of the box to align the section center dots on the
top of the phantom with the x axis alignment light.
Use the table height and indexing drives to center the rst section’s (CTP401 or CTP404,
Slice Geometry) alignment dots on the side and top of the phantom with the scanner
alignment lights.
if needed
Adjusting thumb screws
Center dots
Section one
height dot
The z axis scan alignment position can be selected from the localizer scan, by centering
the slice at the intersection of the crossed wire image created by the slice width ramps.
Scan the rst section (CTP401 or CTP404) and check the image for proper alignment as
illustrated in the Phantom position verication section.
Illustration of Catphan® 500 and 600 models
Catphan® 500
Catphan® 600
Incremental phantom module positioning
The Catphan® phantoms are designed so all test sections can be located by precisely
indexing the table from the center of section 1 (CTP401 or CTP404) to the center of each
subsequent test module. This design eliminates the need to remount the phantom once
the position of section 1 (CTP401 or CTP404) has been veried. The indexing distances
from section 1 are listed below. Additional illustrations on the preceeding page show the
test modules and their index spacing. Phantom position and alignment verication is
described on the next page.
Catphan® 500 test module locations:
Module Distance from section 1 center
CTP528, 21 line pair high resolution 30mm
CTP528. Point source 40mm
CTP515, Subslice and supra-slice low contrast 70mm
CTP486, Solid image uniformity module 110mm
Catphan® 600 test module locations:
Module Distance from section 1 center
CTP591 Bead geometry 32.5mm
CTP528, 21 line pair high resolution 70mm
CTP528. Point source 80mm
CTP515, Subslice and supra-slice low contrast 110mm
CTP486, Solid image uniformity module 150mm
Phantom position verication
By evaluating the scan image of section 1 (CTP401 or CTP404) the phantom’s position
and alignment can be veried. The section contains 4 wire ramps which rise at 23°
angles from the base to the top of the module. The schematic sketches below indicate
how the ramp images change if the scan center is above or below the z axis center of the
test module. The use of the scanner’s grid image function may assist in evaluation of
phantom position.
Correct alignment
In this image the x, y symmetry of the
centered ramp images indicates proper
phantom alignment.
Clockwise ramp skew
When the ramps are evenly rotated
clockwise from center, the phantom is
too far into the gantry.
Counter-clockwise ramp skew
When the ramps are evenly rotated
counter-clockwise from center, the
phantom needs to be moved toward
the gantry.
Non symmetrical ramp images
Poor alignment with the z axis is
indicated when the ramps are not
symmetrical in lenghts and rotation.
If misalignment is indicated by the scan image, the phantom should be repositioned to
obtain proper alignment and then rescanned. If the images of the repositioned phantom
duplicate the original misalignment indications, the scanner’s alignment lights may
require adjustment (contact your local service engineer).
Once correct alignment has been established, you can proceed with the tests.
CTP401 Module with slice width, sensitometry and pixel size
23° ramps
10, 8, 6, 4, 2mm
acrylic spheres
50mm spaced
air and Teflon
CTP404 Module with slice width, sensitometry and pixel size
Patient alignment system check
The laser, optical, and mechanical patient alignment system can be checked for accuracy.
Align the white dots on the phantom housing with the alignment lights as discussed
in Initial phantom positioning. The scanned image should show good alignment as
discussed in Phantom position verication.
For measuring the z axis alignment accuracy, measure from the center of the ramp
image to the part of the ramp which aligns with the center of the phantom and
sensitometry samples. Multiply the distance A by 0.42 to determine the z axis alignment
light accuracy. To evaluate x and y accuracy, measure from the center of the phantom to
the center of the scan eld by use of the grid function or knowledge of the central pixel
The accuracy of the localizer, pilot or scout view can be checked. To check this function
perform a localization scan of the phantom. Align an axial scan at the crossing point of
the wire ramps. Scan this axial cut and check the misalignment as discussed above.
Scan slice geometry (slice width)
Section 1 has two pairs of 23° wire ramps: one pair is oriented parallel to the x axis;
the other pair to the y axis. These wire ramps are used to estimate slice width
measurements and misalignment errors as previously discussed.
The 23° wire ramp angle is chosen to improve measurement precision through the
trigonometric enlargement of 2.38 in the x-y image plane.
To evaluate the slice width (Zmm), measure the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM)
length of any of the four wire ramps and multiply the length by 0.42:
(Zmm) = FWHM * 0.42
To nd the FWHM of the wire from the scan image, you need to determine the CT
number values for the peak of the wire and for the background.
To calculate the CT number value for the maximum of the wire, close down the CT
“window” opening to 1 or the minimum setting. Move the CT scanner “level” to the
point where the ramp image just totally disappears. The CT number of the level at this
position is your peak or maximum value.
To calculate the value for the background, use the region of interest function to identify
the “mean” CT number value of the area adjacent to the ramp.
Using the above CTvalues, determine the half maximum:
First calculate the net peak... (CT # peak - background = net peak CT #)
Calculate the 50% net peak... (net peak CT # ÷ 2 = 50% net peak CT #)
Calculate the half maximum CT number...
(50% net peak CT # + background CT # = half maximum CT #)
Now that you have determined the half maximum CTnumber, you can measure the
full width at half maximum of the ramp. Set the CT scanner level at the half maximum
CT value and set your window width at 1. Measure the length of the wire image to
determine the FWHM. Multiply the FWHM by 0.42 to determine the slice width.
Scan incrementation
L1 L2
Schematic illustration of two sequential 5mm scans superimposed. L1 is
the center point on the 23° ramp in the rst scan image and L2 is the
center point on the 23° ramp on the second image.
Scan incrementation
Use the wire ramps to test for proper scanner incrementation between slices, and for
table movement.
Scan section 1 using a given slice width, (e.g. 5mm). Increment the table one slice width
(e.g. 5mm) and make a second scan. Establish the x and y coordinates for the center of
each ramp image. Calculate the distance between these points and multiply by the 23°
ramp angle correction factor of 0.42.
0.42(L1 - L2) = scan incrementation
This test can also be used to test table increment accuracy. Scan the section and
increment the table 30mm in and out of the gantry and scan again. The ramp centers
should be the same on both images.
0.42(L1 - L2) = 0
Circular symmetry of display system
The circular phantom sections are used to test for circular symmetry of the CT image,
including calibration of the CT display system. If an elliptical image is produced, the x-y
balance of the image display system should be adjusted.
Measuring spatial linearity in x and y axes.
Spatial linearity of pixel size verication
This section has four holes (one with a Teon pin). These 3mm diameter holes are
positioned 50mm on center apart. By measuring from center to center the spatial
linearity of the CT scanner can be veried. Another use is to count the number of pixels
between the hole centers, and by knowing the distance (50mm) and number of pixels, the
pixel size can be veried.
The Teon pin is used for identication and orientation only. The ability to change the
Teon pin position enables organizations with more than one Catphan® phantom to
identify their phantoms by images of the rst section.
Spherical acrylic contrast targets
The section has ve acrylic spheres located in a 30mm diameter circular pattern. These
spheres are used to evaluate the scanner’s ability to image volume averaged spheres.
The sphere diameters are 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10mm.
CT or Hounseld Numbers
by David Goodenough, Ph.D.
Users of CT systems are often surprised when the CT number of a given tissue or
substance is different from what they expect from previous experience. These differences
do not usually indicate problems of a given CT scanner, but more likely arise from the
fact that CT numbers are not universal. They vary depending on the particular energy,
ltration, object size and calibration schemes used in a given scanner. One of the
problems is that we are all taught that the CT number is given by the equation:
CT# = k(µ - µw)/µw,
where k is the weighting constant (1000 is for Hounseld Scale), µ is the linear
attenuation coefcient of the substance of interest, and µw is the linear attenuation
coefcient of water. Close review of the physics reveals that although the above
equation is true to rst order, it is not totally correct for a practical CT scanner. In
practice, µ and µw are functions of energy, typical x-ray spectra are not monoenergetic
but polychromatic, and a given spectrum emitted by the tube is “hardened” as it is
transmitted (passes) through lter(s) and the object, nally reaching the detector. More
accurately, µ=µ(E), a function of energy. Therefore:
CT#(E) = k(µ(E) - µw(E))/µw(E)
Because the spectrum is polychromatic we can at best assign some “effective energy” Ê
to the beam (typically some 50% to 60% of the peak kV or kVp). Additionally, the CT
detector will have some energy dependence, and the scatter contribution (dependent on
beam width and scanned object size, shape, and composition) may further complicate
matters. Although the CT scanner has a built in calibration scheme that tries to correct
for beam hardening and other factors, this is based on models and calibration phantoms
that are usually round and uniformly lled with water, and will not generally match the
body “habitus” (size, shape, etc.).
The situation is really so complicated that it is remarkable that tissue CT numbers are
in some rst order ways “portable”!
In light of the above we can examine a parameter of CT performance, the “linearity
scale”, as required by the FDA for CT manufacturer’s performance specications.
The linearity scale is the best t relationship between the CT numbers and the
corresponding µ values at the effective energy Ê of the x-ray beam.
The effective energy Ê is determined by minimizing the residuals in a best-t straight
line relationship between CT numbers and the corresponding µ values.
In review, we will encounter considerable inter and intra scanner CT number variability.
CT numbers can easily vary by 10 or more based on kVp, slice thickness, and object size,
shape, and composition. There is some possibility of the use of iterative techniques and/
or dual energy approaches that might lessen these effects, but certainly CT numbers are
not strictly portable and vary according to the factors listed above.
More complete scientic references are contained in the bibliography. In particular,
references 2, 13, 14, and 20 are recommended for those with greater interest in the
Sensitometry (CT number linearity)
The CTP404 module has sensitometry targets made from Teon®, Delrin®, acrylic,
Polystyrene and low density polyethylene (LDPE), polymethylpentene (PMP) and air.
The Catphan® 600 is also equipped with a small vial which can be lled with water
and inserted into the top hole of the CTP404 module. The CTP401 module has Teon,
acrylic and low density polyethylene (LDPE) and air targets. These targets range from
approximately +1000 H to -1000 H.
The monitoring of sensitometry target values over time can provide valuable
information, indicating changes in scanner performance.
Nominal material formulation and specic gravity
Material Formula Zeff1 Specic Gravity2 HU range3
Air .78N, .21O, .01Ar 8.00 0.00 -1046 : -986
PMP [C6H12(CH2)] 5.44 0.83 -220 : -172
LDPE [C2H4] 5.44 0.92 -121 : -87
Water [H2O] 7.42 1.00 -7 : 7
Polystyrene [C8H8] 5.70 1.03 -65 : -29
Acrylic [C5H8O2] 6.47 1.18 92 : 137
Delrin® Proprietary 6.95 1.42 344 : 387
Teon® [CF2] 8.43 2.16 941 : 1060
Electron density and relative electron density
Material Electron Density Electron Density Relative Electron
(1023e/g) (1023e/cm3) Density4
Air 3.002 0.004 0.001
PMP 5 3.435 2.851 0.853
3.435 3.160 0.945
Water 3.343 3.343 1.000
Polystyrene 3.238 3.335 0.998
Acrylic 3.248 3.833 1.147
Delrin® 3.209 4.557 1.363
Teon® 2.890 6.243 1.868
1 Zeff, the efective atomic number, is calculated using a power law approximation.
2 For standard material sensitometry inserts The Phantom Laboratory purchases a multiple year supply of
material from a single batch. Samples of the purchased material are then measured to determine the
actual specic gravity. The specic gravity of air is taken to be .0013 at standard temperature and
pressure. For custom cast materials the specic gravity of each cast batch is noted and supplied
with the phantom.
3 These are maximum and minimum measured values from a sample of 94 scans using different
scanners and protocols. HU can vary dramatically between scanners and imaging protocols and
numbers outside of this range are not unusual.
4 Relative Electron Density is the electron density of the material in e/cm3
divided by the electron density of water (H2O) in e/cm3.
5 Polymethylpentene
6 Low Density Polyethylene
An excel le with the linear attenuation coefcient µ [units cm-1] for the sensitometry
materials can be downloaded from our web site.
Contrast Scale (CS) is formally dened as
CS = µm (E) - µw (E)
CTm (E) – CTw (E)
where m is reference medium, and w is water, and E is the effective energy of the CT
Alternatively, CS = µ1 (E) - µ2 (E)
CT1 (E) – CT2 (E)
where 1,2 are two materials with low z effective, similar to water (eg. acrylic & air).
Linear attenuation coefcient µ [units cm-1]
CTP591 Bead Geometry Module
Ø 0.18mm
Ø 0.28mm
Ø 0.18mm
2 ramps 6mm (high)
with 0.25mm
increments and
0.18mm beads
4 ramps 38mm (high)
with 1mm increments
and .028mm beads.
Ø 150.49mm
Ø 0.28mm
Ø 0.18mm
Ø 0.28mm
50µ Tungsten Wire
The Bead Geometry Module contains 3 pairs ( 2 coarse and 1 ne) of opposed ramps and
2 individual beads. Two of the ramp pairs have 0.28mm diameter beads, spaced 1mm
on center in the z direction. The other ramp pair has 0.18mm diameter beads, spaced
0.25mm on center in the z direction. The 2 individual beads are 0.28mm and 0.18mm in
diameter. A 50µ diameter tungsten wire is located 6cm from the center of the module.
The wire and beads create point spreads that can be used to calculate the MTF (see the
CTP528 section of this manual).
In the sketch below you can see both the ne and coarse bead ramps. The ne has .25mm
y axis steps and the coarse have 1mm steps. You will also see the ramps crossing due to
the fact that the ramps are placed in pairs and you see both ramps in the pair from this
side view.
To illustrate how the bead ramps are used, the following illustration shows
both a 1mm and 2mm slice going through a bead ramp. You may note that
as the slice thickness increases, the peak CT value for the beads decrease.
This is because as the slice thickness increases, the bead’s effect on the CT
number of the voxel decreases, due to volume averaging. Presuming the slice
thicknesses are accurate, the peak signal over background in a 1mm slice
should be double that of the peak signal over the background in the 2mm slice.
Measuring slice thickness with a prole made from an image of the beads
Please note in this example 0.25mm spaced slice ramps are used, rather than the 1mm
spaced slice ramps. The methodology for both would be basically the same, however for
thinner slices the use of the ne ramps improve measurement precision. Below we use
a 1mm slice scan to illustrate the use of a prole made from a line running through the
bead images on the scan.
Scan of CTP591 with 1mm slice width
Vertical Prole of a 1mm slice through the ne .025mm bead
ramps after zooming or magnication
When we use a prole line through the beads, there will be peaks at each of the bead
locations and these will be separated by 0.25mm from each other. Thus for example,
for the 1.0mm slice width we measure about four bead spacings at the Full Width at
Half Maximum (FWHM). Multiplying the four bead spacings times the y axis increment
0.25mm per bead yields a 1mm slice width.
Another method for counting beads would be to measure the maximum CT number of the
beads. This can be done by adjusting the window width to 1 and raising the level until
the beads disappear and noting the peak level. Next, do an ROI of the area adjacent to
the ramp to get a number for the background. Keeping the window width at 1, raise the
level to half between background and peak (half maximum) and count the beads.
We can make this somewhat more analytic by noting the following. If we hand-draw, or
use a mathematical “best t” bell shaped curve (Gaussian) to the data points, you will
notice that the peak CT number for the 1.0mm slice is about 650 H and the baseline is
about 50, leaving a net value of about 600H between the peak value and the baseline.
Thus, ½ the (net) maximum value is 300H + the baseline of about 50H so we draw a line
across the 350H ordinate (Y) value and measure the length of the line that spans the two
FWHM points at, in this case, 350H.
When measuring the FWHM of the curve it is important to realize that due to scaling
and translation variables the scale of the FWHM length needs to be dened. This is
done using the distance between the individual bead peaks in the prole whose absolute
separation is known (.25mm for ne ramps and 1mm for coarse ramps). For example for
the ne ramps divide the FWHM by the distance between bead peaks and multiply by
Vertical Prole of a 0.5mm slice through the ne .025mm bead
ramps after zooming or magnication
Please note, the typical tolerance allowed is somewhere between 0.5mm and 10%
depending on the vendor.
Additional methods for estimating and measuring slice thicknesses with the
bead ramps
A ssp of the bead(s) can be used to measure slice thickness (see CTP528 section for
additional information).
Sagital and coronal slices through the beads can also be used to measure the axial slice
width. In this case measure the z axis length at the full width at half maximum of a bead
image to establish the slice thickness. However this tecnique is limited in precision z axis
of the voxels.
The volume averaging effect on the net peak CT number of the bead can be used to
approximate additional slice thickness measurements after measuring one slice’s
thickness by using the following equation:
w = slice width of additional slice thickness.
npvm = net peak value of the bead in the measured slice width
msw = slice width of the measured slice
npva = net peak value of the bead in the additional slice width
w = (npvm / npva)*msw
Note: Net peak value = (CT# of the bead) - (CT# of the background)
CTP528 High resolution module with 21 line pair per cm gauge and point
This section has a 1 through 21 line pair per centimeter high resolution test gauge
and two impulse sources (beads) which are cast into a uniform material. The beads
are positioned along the y axis 20mm above or below the phantom’s center and 2.5 and
10mm past the center of the gauge in the z direction. On older CTP528 modules the bead
is aligned in the z axis with the gauge.
Bead Point Source for point spread function and MTF
Use the impulse source to estimate the point source response function of the CT
system. Print out a digitized image of the area surrounding the impulse source. Use the
numerical data to determine the two-dimensional array of the CT values arising from the
impulse source.
The FWHM of the point spread function is determined from the best-t curve of the point
spread function numerical data.
The average of several different arrays of impulse response functions is calculated to
obtain the average point spread function of the system. These numerical values are
used in conjunction with the Fourier Transform Program to provide an estimate of the
two-dimensional spatial frequency response characteristics of the CT system (MTF).
Illustration is on the next page.
The tungsten carbide bead has a diameter of 0.011” or 0.28mm. Because the bead is
subpixel sized it is not usually necessary to compensate for it. However, some MTF
programs are designed to compensate for its size.
0.5 -2 -3 -2 0.5
0.5 -2 -3 -2 0.5
-4 3 17 -43
-4 3 17 -43
-2 44 100 -244
-2 44 100 -244
-11 90 228 -1190
CT numbers
Line spread function
Relative position, x axis
The above illustration shows how by summing the columns (y axis) of numbers in the
point spread function (PSF) the line spread function (LSF) for the x axis is obtained.
3.0 6.0 9.0 12.00.0
Average MTF Cycles/cm
50% 3.84
10% 6.65
2% 9.29
Spatial Frequency (1/cm)
The MTF curve results from the Fourier transform of the LSF data. Generally
it is easiest to use automated software for this operation. Some CT scanners are
supplied with software which can calculate the MTF from the Catphan® bead images.
Independent software is listed in the Current automated programs available
section of the manual.
Use of automated scanner MTF programs
Many manufacturers include automated MTF software in the standard scanner software
packages. Because the bead is cast into an epoxy background which has a different
density than water, the software must accept an input for the background. The point
size of .28mm must also be selected. While a sphere does produce a different density
prole than a cross section of a wire or cylinder, the actual difference is not usually
signicant in current CT scanners.
Bead point source for slice sensitivity prole
The bead in this module can be used to calculate the slice sensitivity prole (SSP).
3mm Spiral
10mm Spiral
The above image illustrates how the bead will produce an ovoid object in a 3 dimensional
reconstruction. The length of the object at the Full Width at Half Maximum signal
indicates the SSP. This measurement can be easily obtained on some systems, by
making a sagittal or coronal reconstruction through the bead. The bead image in these
reconstructions will appear as a small line. By setting the FWHM (use the same
technique described in the Scan slice geometry section) measuring the z axis length of
the bead image to obtain the SSP.
If the scanner does not have the ability to measure z axis lengths in the sagittal or
coronal planes, a SSP can be made by incrementing or spiraling the slice through the
bead and reconstructing images in positive and negative table directions from the bead
(using the smallest available increments) and plotting the peak CT number of the bead
image in each slice. The FWHM measurement can then be made from the plotted CT
values of the bead as a function of z axis table position.
-2-4-6-8-10 2 4 6 8 10
z axis position in millimeters
21 Line pair per centimeter high resolution gauge
The 21 line pair/cm gauge has resolution tests for visual evaluation of high resolution
ranging from 1 through 21 line pair/cm. The gauge accuracy is ± 0.5 line pair at the 21
line pair test and even better at lower line pair tests.
The gauge is cut from 2mm thick aluminum sheets and cast into epoxy. Depending on
the choice of slice thickness, the contrast levels will vary due to volume averaging.
Line Pair/cm Gap Size Line Pair/cm Gap Size
1 0.500 cm 11 0.045 cm
2 0.250 cm 12 0.042 cm
3 0.167 cm 13 0.038 cm
4 0.125 cm 14 0.036 cm
5 0.100 cm 15 0.033 cm
6 0.083 cm 16 0.031 cm
7 0.071 cm 17 0.029 cm
8 0.063 cm 18 0.028 cm
9 0.056 cm 19 0.026 cm
10 0.050 cm 20 0.025 cm
21 0.024 cm
CTP515 low contrast module with supra-slice and subslice contrast targets
The low contrast targets have the following diameters and contrasts:
Supra-slice target diameters Subslice target diameters
2.0mm 3.0mm
3.0mm 5.0mm
4.0mm 7.0mm
5.0mm 9.0mm
Nominal target contrast levels
Since the target contrasts are nominal, the actual target contrasts need to be determined
before testing specic contrast performance specications. The actual contrast levels are
measured by making region of interest measurements over the larger target, and in the
local background area. To determine actual contrast levels, average the measurements
made from several scans. It is important to measure the background area adjacent to the
measured target because “cupping” and “capping” effects cause variation of CT numbers
from one scan region to another. Position the region of interest to avoid the target
edges. The region of interest should be at least 4 x 4 pixels in diameter. Because low
contrast measurements are “noisy” it is advisable to calculate the average of the multiple
measurements made from several scans. Carefully monitor the mAs setting because
the photon ux will improve with increased x-ray exposure. Use the size of the targets
visualized under various noise levels to estimate information on contrast detail curves.
All of the targets in each contrast group are cast from a single mix to assure that the
contrast levels will be the same for all targets.
The equation below can be used to convert the measured contrasts and diameters to
other specied contrasts and diameters.
(Measured Contrast) * (smallest diameter discernible) ≅ Constant
example: 5mm diameter @ 0.3% ≅ 3mm diameter @ 0.5%
Along with the supra-slice (targets with z axis dimension longer than most maximum
slice width) the CTP515 low contrast module includes subslice targets (targets with
z axis length smaller than some of the usual slice width). The subslice targets are
arranged in the inner circle of tests in the module.
3mm 5mm 7mm
Subslice Supra-slice
The subslice targets are cast from the same mix as the 1.0% supra-slice targets. Because
they are from the same mix in the evaluation of the actual subslice target contrast the
supra-slice targets can be used to establish contrast values. The subslice targets have z
axis lengths of 3, 5, and 7mm and diameters of 3, 5, 7, and 9mm.
The evaluation of subslice target readability is helpful in understanding the scanner’s
different spiral imaging settings and how the settings will affect the ability to visualize
small objects with low contrasts from their background.
CTP486 Image uniformity module
The image uniformity module is cast from a uniform material. The material’s CT number
is designed to be within 2% (20H) of water’s density at standard scanning protocols.
The typically recorded CT numbers range from 5H to 18H. This module is used for
measurements of spatial uniformity, mean CT number and noise value.
The precision of a CT system is evaluated by the measurement of the mean value and
the corresponding standard deviations in CT numbers within a region of interest (ROI).
These measurements are taken from different locations within the scan eld.
The mean CT number and standard deviation of a large number of points, (say 1000 for
example) in a given ROI of the scan, is determined for central and peripheral locations
within the scan image for each type of scanning protocol. Inspect the data for changes
from previous scans and for correlation between neighboring slices.
0-7 7
0-7 7
Measure spatial uniformity by scanning the uniformity section. Observe the trends
above and below the central mean value of a CT number prole for one or several rows or
columns of pixels as shown above.
Select a prole which runs from one side of the uniformity module to the opposite side.
Due to scanner boundary effects, typical proles start 2cm from the edge of the test
Integral uniformity may be measured by determining the minimum and maximum CT
values along the prole and by using the following equation :
Integral Non-Uniformity = CTmax - CTmin
CTmax + CTmin
The phenomenon of “cupping” or “capping” of the CT number may indicate the need for
Installation and removal of test modules
For most applications there is no need to remove modules from the Catphan®. However,
modules can be removed by carefully following these steps.
Note the positon of the mounting plate in relationship to the housing before removing it.
Remove the four brass nuts that secure the mounting plate to the phantom housing.
Set the phantom with the studs facing down on 2 to 4 blocks to keep the studs off the
Use a blunt object, such as a wooden rod, to press the modules out of the housing.
Block Block
To insert modules hold the phantom housing on its side with the interior alignment key
at the top. Align the module notches with the housing key as the modules are inserted
one at a time into the housing. The illustrations on page 5 will indicate the correct
locations of the modules.
Optional phantom annuli
Before mounting a Catphan® phantom with an annulus onto the Catphan® case, the
case must be secured to the table by use of the patient restraint straps or additional
weight. If the case is not secured to the table when the phantom is mounted, the case,
phantom and annulus could fall off the edge of the table.
The following optional annuli are designed to be used with the standard 20cm Catphan®
CTP299 21.5cm diameter, Teon annulus simulates the high absorption of bone.
CTP539 30cm diameter annulus, cast from the image uniformity material.
CTP540 35cm diameter annulus, cast from the image uniformity material.
CTP579 25-35cm OD oval annulus, cast from the image uniformity material.
CTP599 45-55cm ODoval annulus, cast from the image uniformity material.
CTP326 32cm diameter annulus, machined from acrylic.
The annuli are designed to slide over the 20cm Catphan® housing as illustrated below.
Because the housing material and the uniformity annuli lack lubricity, the annuli may
not slide easily. However, by adding some lubricant the resistance can be reduced.
Optional phantom housings
CTP536 center off-center housing
The 35cm diameter CTP536 center off-center housing will each hold one Catphan®
module. Follow the instructions on the previous page for removing the test modules from
the 20cm housing. Insert the selected module into the CTP536 optional housing.
To change the module position from center to off-center on the CTP536 housing rotate
the inner unit as illustrated below.
CTP541 16cm housing
The CTP541 (16cm) housing will hold three Catphan® modules. Follow the instructions
for removing the test modules from the 20cm housing. Insert the selected modules into
the CTP541 housing.
CTP541 16cm housing shown with CTP401, CTP528 and CTP486 modules.
Dose Phantoms
The CTP553 and CTP554 dose phantoms are designed to the Food and Drug
Administration’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health specication, listed in
The dose phantoms may be mounted on the Catphan® case following the same
procedures and precautions used in Initial phantom positioning. The holes will accept a
1/2” or 13mm diameter dose probe.
16cm 14cm
32cm 14cm
Ø 1.31cm
Ø 1.31cm
Make sure the Catphan® case is secure and additional counterweight may be required
before mounting 32cm dose module onto case.
Sample quality assurance program
The following shows a sample QA program. Review the local governing requirements,
and the needs of your physicians and physicists when developing a QA program for your
institution. This program should only be utilized as a sample.
All tests should be conducted at initial acceptance and after major repair such as tube
replacement. Perform the weekly tests after each preventative maintenance.
Suggested frequency of tests:
Daily Weekly Monthly*
Positional verication • • •
Circular symmetry •
Scan slice geometry • •
Impulse response function •
Resolution • •
Low contrast • •
Contrast Sensitivity • •
Uniformity and noise characteristics • • •
*or following preventative maintenance
Automated computer analysis program
To assist our customers The Phantom Laboratory has worked with Image Owl, Inc. to
develop a web-based automated service. The Image Owl Catphan® QA service offers
detailed CT performance testing and reports with the versatility of Internet access. This
service can be used with Catphan® 500, 503, 504, 600, and 700 models.
Along with automated image processing and reporting Image Owl offers additional
avanced tools and services, including longitudinal history, with a subscription to the
Test reports include:
Spatial resolution (modulation transfer function)
Noise and image uniformity
Slice width and pixel size
Sensitometry (CT# linearity, input - output relationship)
Contrast detectability (C-D model)
Please contact Image Owl for information on the services avialable.
Commercial automated software
There are now several commercial companies which offer stand alone software, or
incorporate the ability to analyze Catphan® images as a part of their software package.
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