Cobalt Programming Manual Software Version: 32.58.00
User Manual:
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- Cobalt by Econolite
- Table of Contents
- Econolite New Controller Setup
- Traffic Applications
- Status Bar Icons
- Home > Cabinet Config
- Home > Phase Order
- Home > Overlaps
- Home > Detection
- Home > Flash
- Home > Timing Plans
- Home > Phase Options
- Home > Preemption
- Home > Transit Signal Priority
- Home > Coordination
- Home > Split Demand
- Home > Event Plans
- Home > Scheduler
- Home > Settings
- Home > Logic Processor
- Cobalt QuickStart
Cobalt Programming Manual
P/N 140-0903-001 Rev. 00
November 2013
Software Version: Cobalt - 32.58.00
© Copyright 2013 by Econolite Group, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Econolite Group, Inc. 3360 E. La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92806
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Cobalt by Econolite .................................... 1
Econolite New Controller Setup ................. 3
Traffic Applications .................................... 5
Status Bar Icons
Signal Status .............................................. 7
Event Logs ................................................. 9
Cabinet Hardware .................................... 11
Network .................................................... 16
Database ................................................. 23
USB Status .............................................. 26
Home > Cabinet Config
Load Switch Assignment ......................... 29
Home > Phase Order
Phase Order ............................................ 33
Backup Prevent ....................................... 37
Simultaneous Gap ................................... 39
Home > Overlaps
PPLT/FYA Type Overlaps ....................... 46
Normal Type Overlaps ............................. 50
Minus Green Yellow Type Overlaps ........ 53
Econolite Type Overlaps .......................... 56
Ped Overlaps ........................................... 60
Home > Detection
Vehicle Diagnostics ................................. 69
Vehicle Detection ..................................... 62
Ped Diagnostics ....................................... 71
Ped Detection .......................................... 64
Detector Logging ..................................... 66
Home > Flash
Startup Flash ........................................... 73
Automatic Flash ....................................... 77
Home > Timing Plans
Min Green ................................................ 81
Passage ................................................... 84
Max Green ............................................... 87
Pedestrian ................................................ 90
Clearance ................................................ 93
Recall ....................................................... 96
Guaranteed .............................................. 99
Home > Phase Options
Phase Options ....................................... 101
Home > Preemption
Overview ................................................ 105
Entry ....................................................... 110
Track Clear ............................................ 115
Dwell ...................................................... 121
Cycle ...................................................... 125
Exit ......................................................... 129
Home > Transit Signal Priority
Plans ...................................................... 134
Pattern Adjustment ................................ 135
Home > Coordination
Coordination Options ............................. 137
Auto-Permissive ..................................... 144
Home > Split Demand
Split Demand ......................................... 145
Special Split ........................................... 148
Home > Event Plans
Overview ................................................ 151
Timing Options ....................................... 155
Recall ..................................................... 158
Advanced ............................................... 160
Pattern ................................................... 163
Splits ...................................................... 171
Home > Scheduler
Day Plan ................................................ 176
Calendar Events .................................... 180
Exception Days ...................................... 183
Home > Settings
General .................................................. 187
Date and Time ....................................... 190
Applications ............................................ 192
Home > Logic Processor
Logic Processor ..................................... 194
Cobalt by Econolite
Table of Contents
Cobalt QuickStart
Using the Home Screen ......................... 198
Initial Startup .......................................... 199
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Econolite New Controller Setup
Guided Setup
If you want a step-by-step guide to program basic Cobalt controller parameters, select Guided Setup:
• This takes you to the first of a series of basic screens to do essential programming.
• You can navigate to the next or previous screen with the right and left arrows at the top of each
• For help in each screen, select Options > Help (Options is the icon in the upper right corner
with three horizontal bars).
Manual Setup
If you want to manually program the Cobalt controller, select Manual Setup.
• This takes you to the Home (Traffic Applications) screen.
• From the Home screen, select the related icon for the function you want to program.
• At any time, from the Home screen, you can go to the Guided Setup from the Options drop-
down menu
(Options > Guided Setup) (Options is the icon in the upper right corner with three horizontal
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Additional online help scheduled for next release
Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Trafc Applications
Default Home Screen
This is the main Home screen from which you access the screens to program Cobalt for your
In future software versions, this screen may have more application programming screens.
Select the applicable icon to program:
• Cabinet Config
• Phase Order
• Overlap
• Ped Overlap (default is hidden)
• Detection
• Flash
• Timing Plans
• Phase Options
• Preemptions
• Transit Signal Priority
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• Coordination
• Split Demand
• Event Plans
• Scheduler
• Settings
• Video Viewer (default is hidden)
• Logic Processor
To program whether you want to show (Yes) or hide (No) these icons, go to:
Settings > Applications or select +/- in the upper right corner of this screen
When you are in the Applications screen, select an icon to see a description of the purpose of its
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Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Home > Signal Status
This Signal Status screen shows the real-time status of the displayed functions.
Active Phase
The example screen below shows the status for the current Event Plan, a Coordination Pattern that is
commanded by Time-Based Control with active Pattern 2 (CRD TBC P 2) as shown in the upper left
corner of the screen. The current plan is Plan 2 and the Next Plan is Plan that is scheduled to start at
22:00 hours (10 pm).
Timing Status
The rectangular fields on the far left of the screen give the active phase timing status.
Offset Value and Timing
This field is in the upper right corner.
This field is at the bottom. The example shows vehicle overlaps A and B and pedestrian overlap, P1.
Activity with Each Phase
You can see the phases that are timing and their colors in real-time. The circles with letters are as
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I = Internal application
O = Phase Omitted
R = Recall programmed for that phase
Manual (Internal) Calls
To make a Vehicle or Ped call on a phase:
1. Select the phase
2. Select either [Vehicle Call] or [Ped Call]
To make a Preempt call on a phase:
1.Select the drop-down Options menu.
2.Select [Preemption Call]
3.Select the Preemption Plan number
4.Select [OK]
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Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
If the circle is red, the phase has passed its coordination permissive period.
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Event Logs
What is an Event Log?
Event Logs give historic activity and events of the intersection. There are four logs. Each log records
events with a time stamp and has a maximum number of events in its buffer. Below, the maximum
number of events for which each event log is capable are shown in parentheses. When the controller
reaches the maximum limit, it starts to discard the oldest events.
Controller Events (500)
Detector Events (300)
Detector Activity (228)
MMU Events (50)
To show a display, select the related soft key. The controller events event log is shown below:
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Operations with Event Logs
To Print, Clear and Enable Logging, select the drop-down Options menu, as shown below:
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Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Cabinet Hardware
There are six screens for Cabinet Hardware:
• These screens show the real-time status of the displayed functions.
• From the MMU screen, you access screens for MMU Channel Concurrency and MMU Color
Controller Outputs
Controller Inputs
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Detector Inputs
You can place an internal call to test the input of a detector:
1. Select the Detector number (1-64).
2. Select [Test].
Maintenance Management Unit (MMU)
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To set the MMU Channel Concurrency:
1. From the MMU screen, select [Program Card].
2. The screen below opens.
For an MMU Color Check:
1. From the MMU screen, select [Color Check].
2. The screen below opens.
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Terminal and Facility Screens
Detector Racks
BIU 1 is shown.
BIU 1 is shown.
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* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
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Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Configure and see status for the ENET1 IP address of the unit and adjust protocols and serial in the
scrollable list. Contact your Internet Protocol (IP) specialist to determine the correct setting for each
of the parameters.
Example Configuration
IP Address:
Net Mask:
FTP Server:
Ethernet UDP Port: 55502
Procedure for Example
Enter the different ENET1 addresses:
• Select the number you want to change.
• Swipe the number up/down to the correct value.
• Select Apply to enter the value, or press Enter on the keyboard.
Note: You can enter numbers directly with the keyboard. Also, you can navigate to the next
address with the keyboard right cursor (works like the Tab on a computer).
Enter the NTCIP Ethernet UDP Port value:
• Select NTCIP and then the Ethernet UDP Port field.
• Slide the scrubber and/or select the +/- buttons, to set the value 55502 (or enter the value with
the keyboard).
• Touch an open area of the screen to enter the value (or press Enter on the keyboard).
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Completed Screens for Example (Guided Setup screens)
This Ethernet Port can connect 100 Mbs between the controller and external devices.
Ethernet communication supports NTCIP and ECPIP protocols. Settings for these two protocols are
under System Protocol in the center of this screen. You configure Ethernet UDP Port for NTCIP in
System Protocol, NTCIP. The UDP port for ECPIP is fixed at 2101.
Note: Contact your Internet Protocol (IP) specialist to determine the correct setting for each of
the programmable parameters defined below.
Parameter Description
Address (0-255)
A unique address used by the Ethernet interface. The format follows the
Transmission Control Protocol/internet Protocol (TCP/IP) standard dot notation.
When used, the address must be assigned from the same subnet as the other
network devices with which it may communicate, such as a system controller or
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server. If the controller is connected to an IP router,
the address must be valid for that router.
Net Mask (0-255)
The Net Mask must be the same as the other devices on the IP subnet to which
the controller is attached (when an Ethernet interface is being used).
This configures the ethernet port ENET2.
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Parameter Description
Address (0-255)
A unique address used by the Ethernet interface. The format follows the
Transmission Control Protocol/internet Protocol (TCP/IP) standard dot notation.
When used, the address must be assigned from the same subnet as the other
network devices with which it may communicate, such as a system controller or
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server. If the controller is connected to an IP router,
the address must be valid for that router.
Gateway (0-255)
The default IP address must be that of the Ethernet interface which is on
the same subnet as this controller. This gateway address will be used for
transmitting IP messages to end systems, which are not on the same subnet as
this controller.
This configures the ethernet port ENET2..
FTP Server
This address is optional, and is only required when the IP-based file download
options are to be used. The address must be that of the system where the FTP
server resides. This field is only used for local downloads from an FTP server
host on the local area network.
The parameters listed below are read-only:
Parameter Description
Mac Address The factory-set controller MAC address.
Link Speed This is the selected link speed and duplex setting for your Ethernet LAN. This
setting is auto-negotiated or auto-sensed.
Server Reachable Yes = Successful Ping
No = Unsuccessful Ping
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System Protocols
Port parameters define the NTCIP backup time, UDP Port and priority of the port communications.
This programming is only required when the controller is communicating through one of its ports.
From this screen, you specify the NTCIP Backup Time parameters and Ethernet Priority values for
Port 2:
Parameter Description Range
Backup Time
Use the scrubber to enter the appropriate
NTCIP Backup Time value in seconds. Value
entered (1-65535) establishes the time that
the parameters are under control of the
SET command and will remain if no SET
command is received by the controller.
Value 0 disables clearing of the parameters
that were set regardless of the time
between SET commands.
0 disables
1-65535 sets time
Ethernet UDP Port
STMP or IP over PMPP using SNMP or STMP
Frame should use this port setting.
You can set port 161 to support applications
that have a fixed SNMP port setting.
Ethernet Priority
Use the scrubber to enter appropriate priority
level value (1-9, with 1 highest) for the port.
Value selects the priority of commands from
that port. While a higher priority port is in
control, the lower priority port can continue to
retrieve status information. The order of priority
when ports have the same priority number is
(from highest to lowest) Ethernet, Port 2.
1-9, with 1 highest
Serial Communication Protocols
TERM (Terminal)
Provides VT100-compatible communication.
Provides NTCIP-compatible communication.
Provides ECPIP-compatible communication. This protocol is tailored to function in an Econolite Aries
or Zone Master system.
Provides AB3418-compatible communication. This protocol is tailored to comply with the California
AB3418 specification.
Note: Metro Rapid and IEEE 1570 protocols are for future development.
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Provides a connection to process a GPS NMEA message to set the time and date (or longitude/
latitude). The controller supports an Eltec GPS unit and all other standard GPS devices that support
a GPS NMEA Protocol message $GPRMC on serial COMM PORT2. This feature is compatible with
Centracs Version 1.5.3 or later. Information to order a GPS unit (antenna, antenna cable and serial
interface cable) from Econolite is given below:
Part No. Connector Name
TSD25-GPS 25 Pins for Serial Port 2 Eltec GPS DB25 Serial Time Sync Unit
1. In the Protocol drop-down menu, select the protocol for your application (TERM, NTCIP, ECPIP,
AB3418, or GPS NMEA). The screen populates automatically with the applicable fields to set the
parameters that are related to the protocol you select.
2. Program the parameters per the table that follows.
3. After you program the parameters, in the Enabled field, select Yes
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Parameter Description Range
After you program the parameters, select Yes.
Note: The port should not be enabled during setup or
Yes, enables
No, disables
Protocol Select from the drop-down menu TERM, NTCIP, ECPIP, AB3418,
Speed Select from the drop-down menu port1200, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200
Data Bits
Select from the drop-down menu.
This is of the form D/P/S
Where D = Data bits of 7 or 8
P = Parity of E (Even), Z (odd), N (None)
S = Stop bits of 1
7/E/1, 8/N/1, 8/O/1, 8/E/1,;7/N/1,
Important: Please consult with the factory before
changing this setting.
As required by modem specifications, the port may be
configured as Half or Full Duplex. From the drop-down
menu, select HALF or FULL.
HALF duplex can receive data only after transmission of
a response is complete.
FULL duplex can receive and transmit data at the same
Flow Control
Modem control signals sent over serial ports:
Carrier Detect (CD)
Data Set Ready (DSR)
Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
Set this to NO when using devices that do not support
modem control signals, such as fiber modems.
Yes, enables
No, disables
Telemetry Address
Select the value with the scrubber to specify a unique
address number (1-8191) to which this port will respond.
Zero (0) disables responding to any address.
NTCIP/AB3418 protocol:
1-8191: Address to respond to.
0: Disables responses
ECPIP protocol:
1-24: Address to respond to.
0 & 25-8191: Disables responses
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Parameter Description Range
Group Address
Select the value with the scrubber to specify an address number that
allows a master station to access this slave station via group command
of NTCIP protocol.
1-62 and 64-65535 for AB3418.
1-62 for NTCIP.
Address 63 is reserved as an all stations group address.
Address zero (0) excludes the station from any group.
except 63
Drop Out Timer
Select the value with the scrubber to enter the time in seconds (1-
65535) from when the last valid command occurs before the controller
is returned to local control. Zero (0) disables the dropout feature.
1-65535 seconds
0 disables
Single Flag
For AB3418 or NTCIP.
Select YES (enable) or NO (disable).
Yes: The frame flag is used as both the closing flag for one frame and
the opening flag for the next frame.
No: Each response frame contains an opening and a closing flag.
Yes, No
Toggle to select one of the internal modem setup string options (NONE,
56K, or USER). Use this typically for the optional Intersection Monitor
Specifies the unique modem setup string required for the modem being
used. This string is only used if the MODEM SETUP STRING is set to
The on-screen keyboard is in view when you are in this field. Consult
the manual for your modem to determine the setup string required. Use
this typically for the optional Intersection Monitor module.
0-9, A-Z
Response Delay
Telemetry Response Delay (TRD) compensates response timing for
overall communication delays. Decrease (start communication earlier)
to compensate for longer delays and increase (start communication
later) to compensate for shorter delays.
0.0-30.0 msec
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Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
Cobalt by Econolite
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This screen gives access to Consistency and Warning Checks and has a Database Copy Utility.
What is a Warning Check?
In the Cobalt controller, following a database download or object data alteration via key board,
the controller runs Consistency Checks to look for critical errors. If it detects errors, they must be
corrected or all database changes are discarded.
After you program the controller, it may appear that a certain feature does not operate correctly, but it
may be because of incorrect programming. To call attention to a possible incorrect programmed entry,
the controller generates a Warning. The controller generates a Warning if, in the opinion of Econolite,
you override the programmed parameter setting from a database with an unusual selection, or select
a combination of programmed values that may not give you the operation you probably expect.
Warning Checks are intelligent diagnostics designed to tell you of data entries that, by themselves or
in combination with other entries, may result in unexpected operation.
Important: One thing to keep in mind: a warning is not an error.
Occasionally, it could be that programming results in incorrect operation, but is acceptable to you
because it provides a benefit to you that compensates for an occasional operational anomaly. For
example, some users routinely program Walk and Pedestrian Clearance times that exceed phase
split times in coordinated operation because there are very few pedestrian calls and the user does
not mind the occasional coordinator resynchronization that follows the service of a pedestrian call.
Because we cannot possibly anticipate what you have in mind, it is left to you to decide what action, if
any, to take to correct the situation that caused a Warning message.
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Initially, the software framework and a limited set of diagnostics will be available. Warning Checks are
viewed as a long-term work-in-progress. These checks will be expanded as users and developers
find situations that cause an unexpected controller operation.
Select the condition for your application:
Database Hardware CRC Lock (Yes, No)
Request Database Download (Yes, No)
Automatic Backup to Datakey (Yes, No)
Enable VIOT Capture (Yes, No, Y + C)
Database Copy Utility
Note: When you program Cobalt, you select Commit as necessary to enable the change to the
database. For an explanation of Transaction Mode (that runs when you make a critical change to
programming), refer to the Help for Home > Phase Order > Phase Order.
To access the Database Copy Utility, select the Options drop-down menu and then select [Copy
The screen shown below opens. Use this screen to:
• Create a Default Database
• Restore your Default Database
• Restore the Factory Default Database
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Additional online help scheduled for next release
Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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USB Status
Using Database Update to Transfer an Application Database
If you have a controller with Econolite ASC/3 software, you can transfer its application database to a
Cobalt controller. To transfer your database, use the procedure below that applies to your controller.
You will need a USB flash drive (memory stick).
When you insert a USB flash drive into a Cobalt controller, this External Drives icon is added to the
Status Bar:
When you select the External Drives icon, this screen opens and the External Drives icon turns green:
For the screen after a database transfer, refer to the end of this document.
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Current Econolite Database Procedure to Load Database into a Cobalt
ASC/3 or ASC/3-2070 controller
connected to Centracs
1. Upload the database into the Centracs ASC/3 editor.
2. Export the database files.
3. Copy the database files to a USB flash drive.
4. Insert the USB flash drive into a Cobalt controller.
5. In the Status Bar at the top of the screen, select the External Drives icon.
6. In the center of the screen, select Database Update.
ASC/3 controller not connected to
1. Run the ASC/3 Utility to upload the database from the ASC/3.
2. Copy the database files to a USB flash drive.
3. Insert the USB flash drive into a Cobalt controller.
4. In the Status Bar at the top of the screen, select the External Drives icon.
5. In the center of the screen, select Database Update.
ASC/3-2070 software on a
2070 controller not connected to
1. Run the ASC/3-2070 Utility to upload the database from the 2070.
2. Copy the database files to a USB flash drive.
3. Insert the USB flash drive into a Cobalt controller.
4. In the Status Bar at the top of the screen, select the External Drives icon.
5. In the center of the screen, select Database Update.
ASC/3-LX software on a 2070E
controller with a 2070-1C CPU
1. Insert a USB flash drive into the 2070-1C CPU module.
2. The screen shown below opens.
5. After the copy to USB, a SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION” screen opens.
6. Insert the USB flash drive into a Cobalt controller.
7. In the Status Bar at the top of the screen, select the External Drives icon.
8. In the center of the screen, select Database Update.
*Screen that opens when you plug a USB flash drive into a 2070-1C CPU module:
After a successful database transfer, and you see this screen, remove the USB flash drive.
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Additional online help scheduled for next release
Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Cabinet Config
Load Switch Assignment
The Load Switch pages configure the channels of the unique geometry of an intersection.
In this Load Switch screen, you configure the 16 Channel Outputs by assigning phase, overlap or
pedestrian drivers.
For each Channel Output you program:
• The Channel Type: None, Vehicle, Pedestrian or Overlap
• Phase pedestrian or overlap Assignment
•Approach: the eight directions (for example, North, South, East, West, Northeast, Northwest,
Southeast or Southwest)
•Movement: select from all possible combinations of straight, left and right arrows
•Dimming: Select Red, Yellow, Green and which half cycle to use
Example Configuration
Channel Driver
1 Phase 2
3 Phase 8
5 Phase 6
9 Ped 2
12 Ped 8
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Procedure for Example
Per the table above, select the Vehicle or Pedestrian button at the bottom. To go to the Channel 9 thru
16 screen, select > in the top right corner.
Assignment (Phase/Overlap)
1. Slide the scrubber and/or select the +/- buttons, to set the values per the table.
For unused phases, enter 0.
2. For each value, select Commit or select Commit once done channel programming.
Select one of eight directions (for example, North, South, East or West) for each channel per
the intersection diagram.
Select the straight, right, left, or combination of arrows for each channel that is used.
Note: The completed screens for this example configuration are shown below.
General Notes for the Channel Outputs (Load Switch Assign) screen
Numbers at the Top - 1 thru 8 (first screen) and 9 thru 16 (next screen) are the load switch and MMU
channel numbers, 1 thru 16.
Type - Vehicle, Pedestrian, Overlap or None (“other” not defined)
• Select Vehicle, Pedestrian or Overlap indication (Walk, Pedestrian Clear, and Don’t Walk) as the
source of each load switch and MMU channel.
• This selection applies only to TS2 operation with a TS2 MMU. It provides the selection of and
correlation between the indication and MMU channel to make sure that the load switch output
sensed by the MMU corresponds to the BIU command.
• This selection also allows the controller to redundantly check and verify the load switch outputs
indications as sensed by the MMU are as it commanded.
Assignment - 0 thru 16 for Vehicle and Pedestrian phases; A thru P for Overlaps (Green/Walk,
Yellow/Ped Clear and Red/Don’t Walk)
1. Select a number (with the scrubber) or letter (from the selection boxes) for the assignment
2. Select Commit at the top of the screen (or Rollback if you want to undo your selection)
Assignments are for each load switch and MMU channel.
0 (zero): deselects any control for that load switch.
This assignment applies only to TS2 operation with a TS2 MMU. It provides the assignment of
and correlation between the indication and MMU channel for verifying that the load switch output
sensed by the MMU corresponds to the BIU command.
Note: For TS2 operation, unused load switch/MMU Channels should be cleared of all Type and
Assignment programming.
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Completed Screens for the Example Configuration above
(Guided Setup Screens)
General Notes for the Channel Outputs (Load Switch Assign) screen, continued
Approach - select one of eight directions (for example, North, South, East or West) for each channel
Movement - select from all possible combinations of straight, left and right for each channel
Dimming - select Red, Yellow, Green and which Half Cycle to use for each channel
Note: After you select the drop-down menu, you need to scroll down to see the selections.
For Dim Red, Yellow, Green:
√ To allow a load switch indication(s) to be dimmed when dimming is enabled
No √ To inhibit a load switch indication(s) to be dimmed when dimming is enabled
For Half Cycle:
√ To select the positive (+) half cycle for dimming
No √ To select the negative (-) half cycle for dimming
Note: When dimming, the indication load current should be balanced for the positive and
negative half cycles of the AC line.
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Home > Phase Order
Phase Order
The Phase Order pages configure the priority, concurrency, and order in which phases will be
Program the order and concurrency of phases by selecting the ring barrier phases. Options for
adding/removing/swapping are dynamic tabs.
Example Configuration
Ring Barrier 1 Phases Barrier 2 Phase
1 Phase 2 Phase 8
2 Phase 6
Procedure for Example
1. As necessary to configure as specified:
• Select two phases (4 and 8) and then select Swap Selected
• Select a single phase and then select Remove Selected for phases 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7.
2. After each operation, select Commit or select Commit after programming is complete.
Note: If you incorrectly delete a phase, select Rollback to start over.
3. You may get a Please Wait message after you select Commit
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Completed Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup Screen)
Transaction Mode
IMPORTANT: To program an ASC/3 or an ATC 2070 Controller with ASC/3-2070 or ASC/3-
ATC software, it is necessary for you to understand Transaction Mode. Before you
proceed, read and understand this section about Transaction Mode.
A Cobalt Controller contains a wide variety of Traffic features designed to give you maximum flexibility
in configuring an intersection. This broad base of applications requires database functions which, in
many cases, depend on other data entries to work properly. To ensure that critical data is entered
properly, the controller must run consistency checks on the database. These tests make sure
interrelated database functions are compatible with each other.
The consistency checks are done in what is called Transaction Mode.
Some data is relatively independent, such as timing entries. Other data, like the selection of controller
startup phases, depends on the phases and compatibilities of programmed sequence. These data
must be done within the Transaction Mode. Another type of data that triggers Transaction Mode is
one that has 2 or more functions — examples include HH:MM or
Controller data may be modified manually via the keypad or remotely using SNMP/STMP messages.
In either case, critical data must be protected from incorrect or inconsistent changes.
Changing Data with the Keypad
If you attempt to modify a critical piece of data with the keypad (for example, controller start-up
phases), the controller automatically goes to Transaction Mode. A warning message will appear
on the display and the top line of the screen will flash. At this point, all changed data is stored in a
temporary buffer until you exit Transaction Mode.
When the Cobalt is in Transaction Mode, the controller gives you audio-visual indications as
explained below:
• Over the Database icon in the Status Bar, there is a rotating circular symbol and the selection of
Rollback (do not make a database change) or Commit (add the change to the database)
• As a reminder, if there is no key activity for 30 seconds, the controller will produce a continuous
beep sound and a pop-up reminder message will be displayed. This reminder is the same as the
message seen when you first triggered transaction mode and serves as a reminder to users who
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might not remember how to exit transaction mode. Any key activity will stop the buzzer but se-
lecting Rollback clears the transaction mode message.
• The front-panel LED will blink Fast Yellow
To exit Transaction Mode without saving the data, select Rollback.
To initiate the VERIFY state, once you have completed all of the changes, select
During the verify state, the controller runs its consistency checks on the newly entered data. If
the data passes, then the changes are copied to the active database and Transaction Mode is
terminated. If the Consistency Checks find an error (for example, incompatible Startup Phases), then
the controller displays a description of the problem and gives you the option to disregard/throw away
all changes or to go back into Transaction Mode to correct the data.
Although the controller’s display will show your changes, it is important to note that those changes
will NOT take effect in the controller’s operation until Transaction Mode has exited. Also, if you cycle
power during Transaction Mode, then upon start-up all modified data will be lost. This is because the
modified data was only stored in the temporary buffer and never officially copied to the database.
Please note that not all data changes force the controller to Transaction Mode. Timing parameters
such as Minimum Green and Yellow Clearance may be modified as soon as you enter the data.
These changes take effect immediately.
Changing Data with SNMP/STMP
You may also change the Cobalt database with an SNMP or STMP SET message from Central. In
this case, it is Central’s responsibility to force the controller into Transaction Mode if critical data is to
be modified. Before SETs will be accepted on any P2 (or critical) objects, Central must send a SET to
dbCreateTransaction.0, changing it to a value of 2- transaction. At this point, Central may send any
number of SETs to database objects. These values are stored in a temporary buffer, the same as with
the manual keypad entry.
Once Central has completed its SNMP/STMP SETS and is ready to commit the new data to
the database, Central must send a 3-Verify to dbCreateTransaction.0. Cobalt will run the same
Consistency Checks as for the Keypad entry. Once completed, the controller internally sets the
transaction state to 6-DONE. If no errors were found, the new data is automatically copied to the
active database. Otherwise, the data is held in the temporary buffer until the discrepancies have been
corrected. (Central can see the error messages by doing a GET on the object, dbVerifyError.0.)
The Cobalt contains many database elements which are dependent on other entries. To ensure
proper controller operations, these dependencies must be checked before data is committed to the
active database.
Two methods exist to modify the controller’s database- keypad and NTCIP communications. Both
require Cobalt to enter a Transaction Mode state to allow Consistency Checks to run on the modified
data. If you cycle power BEFORE these checks can be run, then the modified data will be lost.
Also note that while the changes may appear on the controller’s screens, those values will NOT be
implemented in the controller’s operation until Transaction Mode is complete. That is, the Consistency
Check must be done before the new data is officially copied to the database.
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(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
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Home > Phase Order
Backup Prevent
The Phase Order pages configure the priority, concurrency, and order in which phases are serviced.
Backup Prevent
A backup condition occurs when a phase is at rest and there is a call on a specified phase in the
same ring. This Backup Prevent Phases screen programs the action that is to take place when a
backup condition occurs.
The screen prompts you in the selection process:
1. Select Timing Phase.
2. Select Backup Phase.
In the drop-down menu for each Phase Pair, select Unconditional or All Red.
The phase pairs are listed to the left. The format is Timing Phase number > Backup Phase number.
To delete a phase pair:
1. In the list to the left, select the phase pair.
2. Select [Remove Phase Pair].
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trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Phase Order
Simultaneous Gap
Example Procedure
To show how to select a pair of phases that will Gap-Out or Max-Out together, we make Phase 2 and
Phase 6 into a Gap-Out Pair.
Note: This screen prompts you through this process.
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1. Select Phase 2:
2. Select the Phase 6:
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3. Select [Add Gap Phase Pair].
4. You have now created a Gap-Out Pair that terminate together:
• Each Gap-Out Pair that you create is listed in the Gap-Out Pairs column on the left.
• To delete a Gap-Out Pair:
1. Select the Gap-Out Pair in the column on the left.
2. Select [Remove Phase Pair]
The two phases selected must simultaneously gap when terminating together to service a conflicting
demand. If one phase is terminating to service a phase that is permissive with the other phase, then it
will not wait to gap simultaneously with the other phase. If a phase is not selected, it is allowed to gap
independently with the phase in the other ring.
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(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
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Home > Overlap
The Overlaps page configures unique signal drivers outside of common phase control such as right
turns or permissive left turns.
Type: Econolite
After you select Econolite as the type of overlap, select the Details tab to program the selected use of
these parameters whose functions are described below:
Ped Protected
Not Overlap
Lag X Phase (Lag, Trailing, Overlap Phases)
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Lag 2 Phase (Lead Overlap Phases)
Lag Green (Lag, Trailing, Green)
Adv Grn
Flash Green
The Protected Overlap is a movement having a protected green arrow (no conflicting phases timing).
Note: When a phase has protected overlap phase assignments, Modifier, Lead, and Trailing
assignments are ignored (inhibited).
Select the phases for this type of overlap.
Ped Protected
The Pedestrian Protect option provides for the specification of phase pedestrian movements that
cannot be serviced while the overlap is active. If a pedestrian call is present on a pedestrian protected
phase when that phase becomes the phase next selection, the overlap is terminated while the ring
transitions from the timing phase to the phase with the protected pedestrian service. If a pedestrian
call is not present when the pedestrian protected phase becomes the phase next selection, the
overlap remains active if an included phase is timing or a phase next selection. Should a pedestrian
call be input while the ring is in yellow change or red clear on the way to the pedestrian protected
phase, the overlap is not terminated until the pedestrian protected phase starts and then only if there
is enough time to terminate the overlap and time the pedestrian movement before the phase will max
Select the phases for this type of overlap.
Not Overlap
The Not Overlap option is provided to inhibit the activation of an overlap when selected phases are
timing. If an overlap is active when a call is placed on a not overlap phase, the phase is not allowed to
time until the overlap is terminated. If the order of rotation would normally allow the not overlap phase
to time, overlap termination will be initiated even if an overlap included phase is timing or a phase
next selection.
Select the phases for this type of overlap.
Lag X Phase
The Lag (Trailing) Overlap Phases option identifies which phases are to time programmed trailing
green, yellow, and red. If Trailing phases are defined, only those phases will time trailing green,
yellow, and red when they advance to yellow change and no other included phase is timing or a
phase next selection. If no Trailing phases are defined, then trailing green, yellow, and red are
Select the phases for this type of overlap.
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Lag 2 Phase
For Lead Overlap Phases, when the overlap is active, the last timing overlap included phase is
advancing to yellow, no included phase is a phase next selection, and a Lead phase (that is not an
included phase) is next, trailing green, yellow, and red will be timed. This operation may be thought of
as timing a lagging overlap when proceeding to a particular phase.
When the overlap is not active and a Lead phase that is an included phase is a phase next selection,
overlap advance green will be displayed. Overlap advance green output starts, defined by the ADV
GRN time, when the phase of the ring that is transitioning to the included Lead phase begins its
yellow service.
Note: The Adv Grn time takes effect only if the lagging Yellow time is non-zero.
Select the phases for this type of overlap.
Lag Green, Yellow, Red
For Lag (Trailing) Green, Yellow and Red times, normally, if an included phase is terminating and no
other included phase is timing or a phase next selection, the terminating included phase’s yellow and
red are also output to the overlap. Trailing Green, Yellow, and Red provide a means of extending the
overlap’s green and then timing a specified yellow and red. When the last timing overlap included
phase begins its yellow change, the overlap’s green interval is extended by the specified Trailing
Green time. After Trailing Green has timed, Trailing Yellow and Trailing Red times are used to time the
overlap’s yellow change and red clearance intervals.
Note: Lagging times take effect only if the if the Green and Yellow entries are both non-zero.
Range is 0 to 25.5 seconds.
Adv Grn
Advance Green specifies the minimum amount of overlap advance green to be displayed before a
phase next selected included lead phase is started. If the amount of advance green is less than the
yellow change time and red clear timed by a ring before its phase next included lead phase can be
started, the overlap advance green is extended. If the amount of advance green is greater than the
yellow change and red clear timed by the ring before the overlap lead phase next selection would
normally start, the terminating ring phase’s red clearance is extended until the advance green time is
Overlap advance green output starts when the phase of the ring that is transitioning to the included
Lead phase begins its yellow service.
Range is 0 to 25.5 seconds.
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Flash Green
Flash Overlap Green is specified for each included phase of an overlap and defines the rate at which
the overlap green interval is to flash when the included phase is timing.
For each phase, select a flash rate:
NF = no flash or phase is not an included phase for the overlap
F1 = flash at 1 pps.
F2 = flash at 2.5 pps.
F5 = flash at 5 pps.
The flash is extended across the transition from one included phase to another included phase if their
flash rates are the same.
Overlap green will be solid when transitioning between included phases that have different flash
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(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
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Home > Overlap
PPLT/FYA Type Overlaps
The overlaps page configures unique signal drivers outside of common phase control such as right
turns or permissive left turns.
Types of Overlaps
You can program four types of overlaps:
• Normal
•-Green Yellow
• Econolite
Normal and Minus Green Yellow operate per the requirement specified in NTCIP 1202 paragraph PPLT/FYA uses overlap so you can program Protected Permissive left hand turns. Type
Econolite identifies overlaps that supplement the Normal overlap with the Econolite-specific options.
Overlap Outputs for the PPLT/FYA Type of Overlap
PPLT/FYA = Protected/Permissive Left Turn Flashing Yellow Arrow
This is a special Econolite overlap type for Protected/Permissive Left Turns using the Flashing Yellow
Arrow. It changes programmed controller outputs to meet NEMA specification.
To program a PPLT/FYA type of overlap, in the Type drop-down menu, select PPLT/FYA.
Note: Throughout these procedures, select Commit as necessary to enable the change to the
database. For an explanation of Transaction Mode (that runs when you make a critical change to
programming), refer to the Help for Home > Phase Order > Phase Order.
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Top of the Screen (for both the Overlaps and Details tab)
The settings listed at the top of the screen show:
• The Type of Overlap you are programming: PPLT/FYA
• The overlap you are programming (A thru P)
• The Guaranteed Overlap Green time, in seconds. You set this value in Home > Timing Plans
> Guaranteed.
Procedure to program a PPLT/FYA Overlap
1. Select [Create Overlap].
2. A new overlap field (A, B, C, etc.) is shown in the overlap bar at the top. You can create up to 16
overlaps (A thru P).
3. Notice, at the bottom of the screen, there is a prompt, Select Protected Phase.
4. Select a Protected Phase (left turn) to Include in the overlap. This phase represents the protect-
ed turning movement.
5. Notice, at the bottom of the screen, the Protected Phase you selected in Step 4 is listed and
there is a prompt, Select Permissive Phase.
6. Select a Permissive Phase to Include in the overlap. This phase is the opposing through move-
ment in which the left turn phase is permitted for PPLT/FYA. When the assigned phase is timing
Green or timing with the protected left turn as a next phase decision, then the Flashing Yellow
Arrow output is active.
7. Notice:
• At the bottom of the screen, the Protected Phase you selected in Step 4 and the Permissive
Phase you selected in Step 6 are listed.
• In the Included list on the left of the screen, each PPLT/FYA overlap is listed with the phases
included in that overlap.
Note: To delete an overlap, select the overlap and then select [Remove Selected].
8. Select the Details tab and program the parameters as described in the table below.
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Description Range
Arrow Output
Flashing Arrow Output Channel Mode
Note: In the example screen above, Channel 13 was selected for Overlap A in
Home > Cabinet Config > Load Switch Assign
In the Mode drop-down menu, select as necessary:
Green Overlap: Connect the wire of the Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) signal to
the Green output on the assigned overlap load switch channel (Home > Cabinet
Config > Load Switch Assign) that is indicated by the (Channel xx) read-only
field. Note that the protected and permissive left turn clearance intervals will be
the same on the overlap and phase load switch channels.
Ped Yellow: Connect the wire of the Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) signal to the
Yellow output on the assigned permissive through load switch channel (Home
> Cabinet Config > Load Switch Assign) that is indicated by the (Channel xx)
read-only field.
Isolate (Isolate Protected Green): Connect the wire of the Flashing Yellow
Arrow (FYA) signal to the Green output on the assigned overlap load switch
channel. The protected and permissive left turn clearance outputs will also be
located on the overlap load switch channel. Isolate refers to the isolated green
indication remaining on the original protected left turn channel. This is based
on the EDI Basic FYA Mode.”
Green Overlap,
Ped Yellow,
Arrow Output
Action Plan
SF Bit Disable
Flashing Arrow Output Channel Event Plan Special Function Bit Disable
1-8: Assign the bit number that can be used in an Event Plan to disable the
permissive left turn by time-of-day. Refer to Home > Event Plans > Overview >
Special Output Flags.
0 (zero): PPLT/FYA will not be disabled by a Special Function Bit.
Note: A disable of PPLT/FYA while the permissive phase is either timing or
assigned as a next phase will not take effect until the permissive phase has
completed the timing interval.
0 - 8
Delay Start of:
Yellow Arrow
Delay Start of Flashing Yellow Arrow
Assign the period of time in tenths of a second to delay flashing the yellow arrow
output when the permissive through movement starts timing green. This is a
safety feature that will limit the exposure of left turning vehicles because it is
assumed that opposing queued vehicles will not provide adequate headway. This
delay timer will not apply during preemption. The channel output will be red.
Note: To make sure that the flashing interval duration is at least two seconds,
a phase Hold is applied to make sure the parent opposing through movement
does not terminate too soon. If the opposing through phase has reached yellow
clearance before the delay start timer expires, then the FYA channel output
remains in red.
0 -25.5 seconds
Delay Start of:
Delay Start of Clearance
Assign the period of time in tenths of a second to continue flashing the yellow
arrow output after the permissive through movement reaches yellow clearance.
This is a safety feature that will limit the exposure of providing two conflicting
solid yellow clearance arrows in PPLT/FYA operation.
0-25.5 seconds
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(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Overlap
Normal Type Overlaps
The overlaps page configures unique signal drivers outside of common phase control such as right
turns or permissive left turns.
Types of Overlaps
You can program four types of overlaps:
• Normal
•-Green Yellow
• Econolite
Normal and Minus Green Yellow operate per the requirement specified in NTCIP 1202 paragraph PPLT/FYA uses overlap so you can program Protected Permissive left hand turns. Type
Econolite identifies overlaps that supplement the Normal overlap with the Econolite-specific options.
Overlap Outputs for the Normal Type of Overlap
The state of the Included Phases of the overlap determines the output, as given below:
Included Phase Overlap Output
Yellow or Red Clearance
one of these phases is Next
(For example, Overlap A = 1+2. 1 Terminates and 2 is Next)
Yellow and no included phase is Next Yellow
Green and Yellow OFF Red
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To program a Normal type of overlap, in the Type drop-down menu, select Normal:
Top of the Screen (for both the Overlaps and Details tab)
The settings listed at the top of the screen show:
1. The Type of Overlap you are programming: Normal
2. The overlap you are programming (A thru P)
3. The Guaranteed Overlap Green time, in seconds. You set this value in Home > Timing Plans >
Procedure to program a Normal Overlap
Note: Throughout this procedure, select Commit as necessary to enable the change to the
database. For an explanation of Transaction Mode (that runs when you make a critical change to
programming), refer to the Help for Home > Phase Order > Phase Order.
1. Select [Create Overlap].
2. A new overlap field (A, B, C, etc.) is shown in the overlap bar at the top. You can create up to 16
overlaps (A thru P).
3. Select a phase to Include in the overlap. The Included Phases specify the phases whose timing
state is used to derive the state of the overlap. In general terms, when any included phase is tim-
ing its green interval or the controller is advancing from one included phase to another included
phase, the overlap will be green. If no included phase is green, then the overlap will be yellow
when any included phase is yellow. If no included phase is green or yellow, the overlap will be
red. The usual derivation of the overlap state can be altered by more programming in the Details
4. Repeat Step 3 as necessary.
5. In the Included list on the left of the screen, each Normal overlap is listed with the phases in-
cluded in that overlap.
Note: To delete an overlap, select the overlap and then select [Remove Selected].
6. Select the Details tab and program the parameters as described in the table below.
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Description Range
Lag Green
Lag (Trailing) Green, Yellow and Red times
Normally, if an included phase is terminating and no other included phase is
timing or a phase next selection, the terminating included yellow and red of the
phase are also output to the overlap. Trailing Green, Yellow, and Red provide a
means of extending the green of the overlap and then timing a specified yellow
and red. When the last timing overlap included phase begins its yellow change,
the green interval of the overlap is extended by the specified Trailing Green time.
After Trailing Green has timed, Trailing Yellow and Trailing Red times are used to
time the yellow change and red clearance intervals of the overlap.
Note: Lagging times take effect only if the if the Green and Yellow entries are
both non-zero.
0-25.5 sec.
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Home > Overlap
Minus Green Yellow Type Overlaps
The overlaps page configures unique signal drivers outside of common phase control such as right
turns or permissive left turns.
Types of Overlaps
You can program four types of overlaps:
• Normal
•-Green Yellow
• Econolite
Normal and Minus Green Yellow operate per the requirement specified in NTCIP 1202 paragraph PPLT/FYA uses overlap so you can program Protected Permissive left hand turns. Type
Econolite identifies overlaps that supplement the Normal overlap with the Econolite-specific options.
Overlap Outputs for the Minus Green Yellow Type of Overlap
The state of the Included Phases and the Modifier Phase Assignments of the overlap determine the
This is used to avoid conflicting movements between modifier phase and overlap.
For example, Overlap A=1. Modifier phase is 6. Phase 6 is in conflict with Overlap A. When 6 is ON or
Next, Overlap A is NOT ON.
Included Phase Modifier Phase Overlap Output
NOT Green Green
Yellow or Red Clearance and one is Next
Yellow and NOT Next NOT Yellow Yellow
Green and Yellow OFF --------------- Red
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To program a Minus Green Yellow type of overlap, in the Type drop-down menu, select –Green/
Top of the Screen (for both the Overlaps and Details tab)
The settings listed at the top of the screen show:
1. The Type of Overlap you are programming: -Green/Yellow
2. The overlap you are programming (A thru P)
3. The Guaranteed Overlap Green time, in seconds. You set this value in Home > Timing Plans
> Guaranteed.
Procedure to program a Minus Green Yellow Overlap
Note: Throughout this procedure, select Commit as necessary to enable the change to the
database. For an explanation of Transaction Mode (that runs when you make a critical change to
programming), refer to the Help for Home > Phase Order > Phase Order.
1. Select [Create Overlap].
2. A new overlap field (A, B, C, etc.) is shown in the overlap bar at the top. You can create up to 16
overlaps (A thru P).
3. Select a phase to Include in the overlap. The Included Phases specify the phases whose timing
state is used to derive the state of the overlap. In general terms, when any included phase is tim-
ing its green interval or the controller is advancing from one included phase to another included
phase, the overlap will be green. If no included phase is green, then the overlap will be yellow
when any included phase is yellow. If no included phase is green or yellow, the overlap will be
red. The usual derivation of the overlap state can be altered by more programming in the Details
4. Repeat Step 3 as necessary.
5. In the Included list on the left of the screen, each Minus Yellow Green overlap is listed with the
phases included in that overlap.
Note: To delete an overlap, select the overlap and then select [Remove Selected].
6. Select the Details tab and program the parameters as described in the table below.
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Minus Green
Yellow Overlap
Description Range
Modifier Phases
Modifier Phases
Select the Modifier Phase(s).
These Modifier Phases are used when the overlap type is Minus Green Yellow to
provide an overlap that will terminate to red during a modifier phase green and
Note: When Modifier phases are assigned, only it and the Included Phases
option are used to decide the state of the overlap. All other overlap programming
options are ignored.
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(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Overlap
Econolite Type Overlaps
The Overlaps page configures unique signal drivers outside of common phase control such as right
turns or permissive left turns.
Type: Econolite
After you select Econolite as the type of overlap, select the Details tab to program the selected use of
these parameters whose functions are described below:
Ped Protected
Not Overlap
Lag X Phase (Lag, Trailing, Overlap Phases)
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Lag 2 Phase (Lead Overlap Phases)
Lag Green (Lag, Trailing, Green)
Adv Grn
Flash Green
The Protected Overlap is a movement having a protected green arrow (no conflicting phases timing).
Note: When a phase has protected overlap phase assignments, Modifier, Lead, and Trailing
assignments are ignored (inhibited).
Select the phases for this type of overlap.
Ped Protected
The Pedestrian Protect option provides for the specification of phase pedestrian movements that
cannot be serviced while the overlap is active. If a pedestrian call is present on a pedestrian protected
phase when that phase becomes the phase next selection, the overlap is terminated while the ring
transitions from the timing phase to the phase with the protected pedestrian service. If a pedestrian
call is not present when the pedestrian protected phase becomes the phase next selection, the
overlap remains active if an included phase is timing or a phase next selection. Should a pedestrian
call be input while the ring is in yellow change or red clear on the way to the pedestrian protected
phase, the overlap is not terminated until the pedestrian protected phase starts and then only if there
is enough time to terminate the overlap and time the pedestrian movement before the phase will max
Select the phases for this type of overlap.
Not Overlap
The Not Overlap option is provided to inhibit the activation of an overlap when selected phases are
timing. If an overlap is active when a call is placed on a not overlap phase, the phase is not allowed to
time until the overlap is terminated. If the order of rotation would normally allow the not overlap phase
to time, overlap termination will be initiated even if an overlap included phase is timing or a phase
next selection.
Select the phases for this type of overlap.
Lag X Phase
The Lag (Trailing) Overlap Phases option identifies which phases are to time programmed trailing
green, yellow, and red. If Trailing phases are defined, only those phases will time trailing green,
yellow, and red when they advance to yellow change and no other included phase is timing or a
phase next selection. If no Trailing phases are defined, then trailing green, yellow, and red are
Select the phases for this type of overlap.
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Lag 2 Phase
For Lead Overlap Phases, when the overlap is active, the last timing overlap included phase is
advancing to yellow, no included phase is a phase next selection, and a Lead phase (that is not an
included phase) is next, trailing green, yellow, and red will be timed. This operation may be thought of
as timing a lagging overlap when proceeding to a particular phase.
When the overlap is not active and a Lead phase that is an included phase is a phase next selection,
overlap advance green will be displayed. Overlap advance green output starts, defined by the ADV
GRN time, when the phase of the ring that is transitioning to the included Lead phase begins its
yellow service.
Note: The Adv Grn time takes effect only if the lagging Yellow time is non-zero.
Select the phases for this type of overlap.
Lag Green, Yellow, Red
For Lag (Trailing) Green, Yellow and Red times, normally, if an included phase is terminating and no
other included phase is timing or a phase next selection, the terminating included phase’s yellow and
red are also output to the overlap. Trailing Green, Yellow, and Red provide a means of extending the
overlap’s green and then timing a specified yellow and red. When the last timing overlap included
phase begins its yellow change, the overlap’s green interval is extended by the specified Trailing
Green time. After Trailing Green has timed, Trailing Yellow and Trailing Red times are used to time the
overlap’s yellow change and red clearance intervals.
Note: Lagging times take effect only if the if the Green and Yellow entries are both non-zero.
Range is 0 to 25.5 seconds.
Adv Grn
Advance Green specifies the minimum amount of overlap advance green to be displayed before a
phase next selected included lead phase is started. If the amount of advance green is less than the
yellow change time and red clear timed by a ring before its phase next included lead phase can be
started, the overlap advance green is extended. If the amount of advance green is greater than the
yellow change and red clear timed by the ring before the overlap lead phase next selection would
normally start, the terminating ring phase’s red clearance is extended until the advance green time is
Overlap advance green output starts when the phase of the ring that is transitioning to the included
Lead phase begins its yellow service.
Range is 0 to 25.5 seconds.
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Flash Green
Flash Overlap Green is specified for each included phase of an overlap and defines the rate at which
the overlap green interval is to flash when the included phase is timing.
For each phase, select a flash rate:
NF = no flash or phase is not an included phase for the overlap
F1 = flash at 1 pps.
F2 = flash at 2.5 pps.
F5 = flash at 5 pps.
The flash is extended across the transition from one included phase to another included phase if their
flash rates are the same.
Overlap green will be solid when transitioning between included phases that have different flash
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Home > Ped Overlap
Ped Overlaps
Pedestrian Overlaps
Note: For the default Home (Traffic Applications) screen, the Ped Overlap icon is not shown. To show
this icon:
1. Select +/- in the upper right of the screen or select Settings > Application.
2. Set the Ped Overlap icon to Yes.
Use this screen to program Pedestrian Overlaps:
1. Select [Create Overlap]. You can program up to 16 Pedestrian Overlaps, P1 thru P16.
Note: In the example screen above, to program the non-consecutive Pedestrian Overlaps, P1
and P4:
Select [Create Overlap] four times until Pedestrian Overlaps P1, P2, P3 and P4 are shown.
Delete the unnecessary overlaps (P2 and P3):
Select each unnecessary overlap.
Select [Remove Selected].
2. Select the phases to include in the overlap.
• The included phases are highlighted in green and listed under Included on the left
• In the example above, Phase 2 and Phase 5 are highlighted and their Pedestrian Overlap is
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shown to the left as P1 2 5
Information about Pedestrian Overlaps
Each pedestrian overlap output replaces the selected phase pedestrian output. This gives a total of
16 possible pedestrian overlaps. When a pedestrian overlap programming consists of two or more
phases, the overlap operates as follows:
Phase next decision is made at the end of walk. If other rings have pedestrian overlaps, with different
walk times and a barrier is being crossed, the phase next decision is made at the end of the longest
walk with the other rings being held at the end of walk.
At the end of walk, if the phase next has a pedestrian movement with a demand, which is part of the
pedestrian overlap, the pedestrian clearance will not start or time. The phase terminates normally
with walk displayed. In a pedestrian overlap, the walk will time in the first phase and every additional
phase until a non-included phase next terminates the walk and initiates pedestrian clearance.
Whenever a pedestrian overlap included phase is timing a walk or the controller is transitioning
from a walk end condition on a timing phase to a walk service on another overlap included phase,
the overlap will display walk. When no ped included phase is timing a walk and is not a phase next
selection with a ped call, the overlap will display pedestrian clearance as long as any included ped
phase is timing a ped clearance. When all included ped phases are in don’t walk, the ped overlap will
show don’t walk.
A preemptor can terminate a pedestrian overlap at any time. The preemption can override a
preempted phase ped walk and clearance time and those override times will be used to terminate the
overlap. The walk and Pedestrian Clearance times are those programmed for the preemptor (Home >
Preemption > Entry > Minimum Phase Service Timings > Pedestrian and Walk). The pedestrian
overlap will terminate even if the phase is halted in red transfer.
If a coordinated phase is part of a ped overlap, the phase must be non-actuated and Walk Rest
Modifier must be applied.
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Home > Detection
Vehicle Detection
For Vehicle Detection, select the type of detector and program up to 64 vehicle detectors and 4 plans.
There are 8 Types of Vehicle Detection:
• Standard Delay
• Green Extension/Delay
• Passage Queue/Stopbar
• Red Extension
• Disconnect Queue/Stopbar
• Calling
• Bike
Note: The Vehicle Detection screens are dynamic such that the only parameters shown are
those that apply to the Type of vehicle detection you select. Set the parameters per your
Example Configuration
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Parameter Value
Detector Type Standard Delay
Detector #1 and Detector #2 Phase 6
Detector #3 and Detector #4 Phase 2
Detector #5 and Detector #6 Phase 8
Procedure for Example
1. Select the Type drop-down box.
2. Select Standard Delay.
3. Per the specified configuration, select the Detector and Phase fields and program them accord-
4. Check your entries: step through the Detectors and make sure that the phases are correct.
Completed Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup Screen)
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Home > Detection
Ped Detection
The Detection pages configure the detection of the unique geometry of an intersection.
In this screen, you configure the pedestrian detection operation.
There are two Pedestrian Detector Phase Assignment Modes, Basic and Advanced.
In the Advanced Mode, for each phase you select from four possible types of pedestrian call types:
• No detector
• Pedestrian Push Button (PPB), the default
• Walk 2
• Bike (B)
Example Configuration
Phase Detector
Pedestrian 2 Detector #9
Pedestrian 8 Detector #12
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Procedure for Example
1. Per the specified configuration, select the respective Detector fields and program them accord-
2. There is no need to set the other Detector fields because they are not used.
Completed Basic Mode Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup
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trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Detection
Detector Logging
Use this display to view or edit the NTCIP and ECPI Log Period settings and, with horizontal scrolling,
view or edit the settings for five different parameters on 16 Speed Detectors.
Parameter Description Range
Period for Logging of NTCIP Detectors
Use the scrubber to select the number of seconds in each period of volume and
occupancy data collection.
Note: Observe the programming notes below:
• Changing this entry resets the data collection period and deletes any accumu-
lated data.
• Only NTCIP Volume or Occupancy enabled detectors will be logged (NTCIP
Log Volume and/or NTCIP Log Occupancy set to Yes in Home > Detection >
Vehicle Detection.
• Only the last complete sample is maintained in memory.
Period for Logging of ECPI Log Detectors
In the drop-down menu, select the number of minutes (5, 15, 30, or 60) for local
logging of detector data or select TBAP to allow the Time Base Action Plan
(TBAP) to select the log interval.
Note: Observe the programming notes below:
• Changing of this entry will take place when the present log interval is complete.
• Only ECPI Log enabled detectors will have volume and occupancy logged.
•Only enabled speed detectors will have their speed logged (ECPI Log set to
Yes in Home > Detection > Vehicle Detection).
• The logs are maintained until the log buffer is full. When full, the log buffer
deletes the oldest entry to make space for the newest.
Base Action
Plan or
5, 15, 30, 60
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Selects units of inches or centimeters for all parameters related to distance. This
affects the calculations display and logging of speed.
Toggle to select inch or cm (centimeter), as appropriate.
Note: Inches calculates speed in miles per hour. Centimeters, calculates
speed in kilometers per hour.
inch, cm
Speed Detector Local Detector Number
Position the cursor beneath the number (0-16) of the Local Detectors to be edited,
then use the scrubber to enter the number (1-64) of the Vehicle Detector to be
assigned or enter 0 to disable that Speed Detector.
Note: Observe the programming notes listed below:
• Detectors assigned to a phase may be used as a speed detector.
• One-detector speed calculation can use even or odd-numbered detectors.
• Two-detector speed calculation requires an odd-numbered detector to be as-
signed. The next even-numbered detector is the second detector for the speed
0 = not active
Select 1 or 2 speed calculations for Local Detectors 1-16.
1. One-detector Speed. The detector encountering a passing vehicle starts a
counter by an actuation and stops the counter when it is deactivated. Speed is
calculated using the vehicle travel time over the detection zone and the vehicle
2. Two-detector speed calculation. The first detector encountered by a passing
vehicle is the Start Detector and the second is the End Detector. A travel time
counter is started by an actuation of the Start Detector and stopped by an
actuation of the End Detector. Speed is calculated using the vehicle travel time
and distance between detectors.
Note: Observe the programming notes below:
• The Length entry inch calculates speed in miles per hour. cm (centimeters)
calculates speed in kilometers per hour.
• Speed that reads back to the arterial master is used to generate a log of speed
readings in low, nominal, and high speed bands.
1 or 2
Vehicle Length
Average Vehicle Length
0-999: Use the scrubber to enter the average vehicle length in centimeters or
inches encountered in the traffic lane for one-detector speed calculations.
Note: This length is used in conjunction with the effective length of the
detection zone (Trap Length) and the time that the detector is occupied to
determine the one-detector speed.
0-999 inches
0-999 cm.
Trap Length
0-999: The effective Trap Length distance.
For one-detector speed trap calculation, it is the effective detection distance from
start edge to stop edge of detection.
For two-detector speed trap calculation it is the effective detection distance
between two detectors from start edge to start edge of detection.
Note: The effective detection zone will differ from physical length due to a
variety of electrical and magnetic factors. Enter the length that produces the
most representative speeds.
0-999 inches
0-999 cm.
Enable Log
Enable Speed Trap Log
X: Enables local logging of speed data (select On).
. : Disables logging (select Off).
X enables
. disables
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Home > Detection
Vehicle Diagnostics
Screen above is repeated for Plan Numbers 2 thru 4.
For this screen:
1. Enter vehicle diagnostic Plan Number to be viewed or edited.
2. As explained in the descriptions in the table below, for each of 64 detectors (Detector field), enter
desired diagnostic parameters in the Erratic Counts, No Activity, Max Presence, Fault Time Multi-
plier, Fail Time, and Call Delay fields.
Note: The Detector Diagnostic Plans are enabled by the Time Base Event Plan.
Parameter Description Range
Plan Number In the drop-down menu, select the number (1-4) of the Vehicle
Diagnostics Plan that you wish to view or edit. 1-4
Detector Vehicle Detector Number
Use the scrubber to select the desired detector number (1-64). 1-64
Erratic Counts
Vehicle Erratic Counts
1-255: Specifies the vehicle detector Counts Per Minute (CPM) that, when
exceeded, logs a failed vehicle detector if logging is enabled.
0 (zero): Disables this diagnostic calculation for that vehicle detector.
1-255 CPM
0 disables
No Activity
Vehicle No-Activity
1-255 minutes: Time interval between vehicle detections that, when exceeded,
logs a failed vehicle detector if logging is enabled.
0 (zero): Disables the No Activity diagnostic.
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Max Presence
Vehicle Maximum Presence
1-255 minutes: Time for continuous vehicle detection that when exceeded,
logs a failed vehicle detector if logging is enabled.
0 (zero): Disables Maximum Presence diagnostic.
Fault Time
Multiplier (Scaling Factor)
Determines length of the No-Activity and Maximum Presence periods.
1, 2, 15, 60: No-Activity and Maximum Presence periods that have values
between 1 and 255 minutes will be multiplied by these values resulting in
desired period length.
No Activity period = 60 min, Multiplier = 2. Result: No Activity is reported if
detector is inactive for (60 x 2) or 120 minutes.
Maximum Presence period = 50 sec, Multiplier = 15. Result: Max presence
failure is reported if detector is active for (50 x 15) or 750 minutes.
1, 2, 10, 15, 60
Fail Time
Failed Detector Extend Time
Use the scrubber to specify the time (0-255 seconds) the failed detector can
extend the assigned phase.
1-254: Allows the failed detector to call and extend the assigned phase for the
programmed time.
255: Places a max recall on the phase.
0 (zero): Disables the failed detector from calling or extending the assigned
Note: NTCIP 1202 Bits 0-3 defines an NTCIP failed detector. Bit 7
defines a detector that failed the internal detector diagnostics (MM-6-6).
Call Delay
Failed Detector Delay Time
Use the scrubber to specify the time (0-255 seconds) that a failed detector will
be delayed.
1-255: Defines the time that a failed detector will not put a call on the assigned
phase after it terminated green.
0 (zero): Disables the delay.
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Home > Detection
Ped Diagnostics
Screen above is repeated for plan numbers 2 thru 4.
For this screen:
1. Enter the pedestrian diagnostic Plan Number (1-4) to view or edit.
2. As explained in the descriptions in the table below, for each of 16 detectors (Ped Detector Field),
enter the desired diagnostic parameters in the Erratic Counts, No Activity, Max Presence, and
Fault Time Multiplier fields.
Note: The Detector Diagnostic Plans are enabled by the Time Base Event Plan.
Parameter Description Range
Plan Number In the drop-down menu, select the number (1-4) of the Pedestrian Diagnostic Plan
that you wish to view or edit. 1-4
Ped Detector Pedestrian Detector Number
Use the scrubber to select the desired detector number 91-16). 1-16
Erratic Counts
Pedestrian Erratic Counts
1-255: Specifies the pedestrian detector Counts Per Minute (CPM) that, when
exceeded, logs a failed pedestrian detector if log is enabled.
0 (zero): Disables this diagnostic calculation for the pedestrian detector.
No Activity
Pedestrian No-Activity
1-255 minutes: Time interval between pedestrian detections that, when
exceeded, logs a failed pedestrian detector if logging is enabled.
0 (zero): Disables the No Activity diagnostic.
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Max Presence
Pedestrian Maximum Presence
1-255 minutes: Time for continuous pedestrian detection, that when exceeded,
logs a failed pedestrian detector if logging is enabled.
0 (zero): Disables Maximum Presence diagnostic.
Fault Time
Multiplier (Scaling Factor)
Determines the length of the No-Activity and Maximum Presence periods.
1, 2, 10, 15, 60: No-Activity and Maximum Presence periods that have values
between 1 and 255 minutes are multiplied by these values resulting in period
• No Activity period = 60 min, Multiplier = 2. Result: No Activity is reported if de-
tector is inactive for (60 x 2) or 120 minutes.
• Maximum Presence period = 50 min, Multiplier = 15. Result: Max presence
failure is reported if detector is active for (50 x 15) or 750 minutes.
1, 2, 10, 15,
and 60
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Home > Flash
Startup Flash
The Startup Flash pages describe how to exit flashing signal operations, how they flash, and the
startup phase(s) and color.
Configure the Startup Flash and External Start behavior.
Example Configuration
Parameter Value
Start Sequence 1
Flash Time 6 Seconds
All Red Time 6 Seconds
Flash Relay No
Startup Phase 8 Green
Flash Color Channels 1, 5 Yellow (Phases 2 and 6)
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Procedure for Example
Start Sequence
1 is the default
Flash Time
Enter 6
All Red Time
6 is the default
Flash Relay
No is the default (No = flash through the Load Switches—a Soft Flash; Yes = flash through the
Startup Phases
1. For default Yellow Phases 2 and 6, select them in turn and select None
2. For each phase you set, select Commit or select Commit once done programming.
3. Select Phase 8
4. Select None
Flash Color
1. In turn, select Channel 1 then 5 and select Yellow soft key tab for each
2. For each channel you set, select Commit
3. Except for Channel 9 thru 12 (Dark) set the other channels to Red. To access channels 13 thru
16, swipe the screen to the left.
Completed Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup screen)
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Notes for Startup Flash Programming
Parameter Description Range
Start Sequence 1 - 16 or 17 - 20
Flash Time 0 - 255 seconds
All Red Time 0 - 255 seconds
Flash Relay No =
Yes =
Power Start Phase
Interval Green, Walk, Yellow, Red, None
Start Up Overlap 0 - 255 actuations
General Notes for the Startup Flash and Automatic Flash Screens
The layout of the phases in the screen:
• They are in barrier groups, separated by a vertical bar.
• The top row is Ring 1 and the bottom row is Ring 2
When programming the phases, remember:
• You can have one phase per ring.
• For two phases:
One must be in Ring 1 and the other in Ring 2
They must be in the same barrier group
You cannot put two phases in different barrier groups.
Flash Color (for load switch power up only) -The flash color buttons represent Channels 1 thru 16.
Since channels 9 thru 12 are pedestrians and overlaps so they are programmed as Dark.
Red: Indicates that the channel will flash red. These load switches must represent compatible
MMU channels.
Dark: Indicates that the channel will be dark.
Yellow: Indicates that the channel will flash yellow. These load switches must represent
compatible MMU channels.
Automatic: Indicates that the channel color will follow Automatic Flash. If any PWR is
programmed R or Y, then the controller cannot have A programmed for any other PWR channels.
Important: It is your responsibility to match this Flash Color load switch setting with the actual
cabinet flash output.
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Home > Flash
Automatic Flash
The Flash pages describe how to exit and enter automatic flashing signal operations along with how
they flash.
In this screen, you configure the Automatic Flash entrance and exit behavior.
Example Configuration
Parameter Value
Direct to Entry Phase flash Phase 8
Exit to Walk Phase 8
Flash Color Channel 1 and Channel 5 both Yellow
Flash Together Channel 1 and Channel 5
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Procedure for Example
1. In the drop-down menus, select Direct to Entry Phase and Exit to Walk
2. For default Entry and Exit Phases 2 and 6, select them in turn and select None
3. For each phase you set, select Commit
4. Select Phase 8
5. Select Both (Entry and Exit). Notice the blue arrows show entry and exit directions.
6. Select Commit
7. In turn, select Channel 1 and 5 and select Yellow soft key tab
8. For each channel you set, select Commit or select Commit when done programming.
Completed Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup Screen)
For the Automatic Flash Screen
Entry Behavior Selection drop-down list:
Direct to Entry Phase (default)
Active Calls to Entry
Recalls Until Entry
All Phases Once Entry
Exit Behavior Selection drop-down list:
Ignore Exit Phases
Exit to Walk (default)
Exit to Green
Exit to Yellow
Exit to Red
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Notes for Automatic Flash Programming
Automatic Flash
Parameter Description Range
Entry Behavior
(drop-down menu)
Direct to Entry Phase
Active Calls to Entry
Recalls Until Entry
All Phases Once Entry
Exit Behavior
(drop-down menu)
Exit to Walk (default)
Exit to Green
Exit to Yellow
Exit to Red
Minimum Flash
Flash Relay Select the path of the Power
Start Flash
No = Through Load Switches
Yes = Through Controller Voltage
Monitor (CVM)
In the phase
Entry/Exit phase
Select for each phase if it is
an Entry and/or Exit phase None, Entry, Exit, Both
Flash Color
Flash Together
General Notes for the Startup Flash and Automatic Flash Screens
The layout of the phases in the screen:
• They are in barrier groups, separated by a vertical bar.
• The top row is Ring 1 and the bottom row is Ring 2
When programming the phases, remember:
• You can have one per ring phase.
• For two phases:
One must be in Ring 1 and the other in Ring 2
They must be in the same barrier group
You cannot put two phases in different barrier groups.
Flash Color (for load switch power up only) -The flash color buttons represent Channels 1 thru 16.
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Channels 9 thru 12 are pedestrians and overlaps so they are programmed as Dark.
Red: Indicates that the channel will flash red. These load switches must represent compatible
MMU channels.
Dark: Indicates that the channel will be dark.
Yellow: Indicates that the channel will flash yellow. These load switches must represent
compatible MMU channels.
Automatic: Indicates that the channel color will follow Automatic Flash. If any PWR is
programmed R or Y, then the controller cannot have A programmed for any other PWR channels.
Important: It is your responsibility to match this Flash Color load switch setting with the actual
cabinet flash output.
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Home > Timing Plans
Min Green
The Phase interval timers are programmed in this page.
The parameters in this screen:
Timing Plan (1 - 4)
Minimum Green (0 - 255 seconds)
Bike Minimum Green (0 - 255 seconds)
Conditional Service Minimum Green (0 - 255 seconds)
Delayed Green (0 - 255 seconds)
Variable Initial Phase:
Actuations before incrementing actu... (0 - 255 actuations)
Seconds per Actuation (0 - 25.5 seconds)
Maximum Added Initial (0 - 255 seconds)
Define initial phase timing (green or delayed) intervals in the rows below.
Example Configuration
Parameter Phase 2 Phase 6 Phase 8
Min Green 7 seconds 7 seconds 4 seconds
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Completed Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup Screen)
Notes for Minimum Green (initial green) Timing Plans
Min Green
Parameter Description Range
Timing Plan Use the drop-down menu to select a timing plan. To name the timing plan, go
to Options > Rename Plan.1 - 4
Minimum Green
The shortest possible vehicle green time, before any added initial or vehicle
Note: Actual minimum green indication is the longest of the minimum green
plus any added initial, vehicle extension, bike minimum green, ped walk plus
ped clearance, or guaranteed minimum green*.
0 - 255
Bike Minimum Green The minimum green due to a bike detector call. Bike minimum green has no
effect if the phase has no bike detector input.
0 - 255
Conditional Service
Minimum Green The minimum green time for a phase being conditionally serviced. 0 - 255
Delayed Green
The time that the vehicle green indication is delayed from the start of the walk
interval. The delay is ignored if there is no pedestrian service call when the
phase is started. If the delay time is greater than the Walk time, the walk is
extended to the end of delay green.
0 - 255
Variable Initial Phase>
Actuations before
incrementing actu...
Number of actuations that must be received during the phase yellow and
red intervals before seconds per actuation time is added to initial green.
0 - 255
Variable Initial Phase >
Seconds per Actuation
Time by which the phase added initial time period is increased from zero for
each vehicle actuation received during the phase yellow and red intervals
that exceed the Actuations Before limit.
0 - 25.5
Variable Initial Phase >
Maximum Added Initial
Maximum time that added initial green can attain. The number of vehicle
actuations received during a phase yellow and red intervals multiplied by
the seconds per actuation time cannot exceed this time.
0 - 255
* Guaranteed minimum values are programmed in Home > Timing Plans > Guaranteed
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Home > Timing Plans
The Phase interval timers are programmed in this page.
Define the time it takes a vehicle to pass over the detector and through the intersection.
The parameters in this screen:
Timing Plan (1 - 4)
Vehicle Extension (0.0 - 25.5 seconds)
Volume Density
Time Before Reduction (1 - 255 seconds, 0 disables)
Cars Waiting (1 - 255 seconds, 0 disables)
Steps to Reduce (0.1 - 25.5 seconds/step, 0 = linear)
Time to Reduce (1 - 255 seconds, 0 disables)
Minimum Gap Time (0.0 - 25.5 seconds)
Example Configuration
Parameter Phase 2 Phase 6 Phase 8
Vehicle Extension 3 seconds 3 seconds 4 seconds
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Completed Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup Screen)
Notes for Passage Timing Plans
Parameter Description Range
Timing Plan Use the drop-down menu to select a timing plan. To name the timing
plan, go to Options > Rename Plan.1 - 4
Phase Vehicle Extension (Preset Gap, Passage Time). When
minimum green finishes timing, the green interval is allowed to
extend for a length of time equal to maximum time in effect. Actual
length of extension period depends on this phase vehicle extension
time, frequency of vehicle actuations and minimum gap setting.
Detector-by-Detector extension time can be set in the vehicle
detector setup screen (Home > Detection > Vehicle Detection)..
0.0 - 25.5 seconds
Time Before
Length of time before start of gap reduction. Begins timing when
phase is green and there is a conflicting serviceable call.
Note: Start of gap reduction (time to reduce or step to reduce) is
initiated by Time Before Reduction or Cars Waiting, whichever
reaches its programmed value first.
1 - 255 seconds,
0 disables
Cars Waiting
Cars Waiting Before Reduction. Number of vehicle detections that
have been recorded on all conflicting phases during their yellow and
red intervals.
Note: Start of gap reduction (time to reduce or step to reduce) is
initiated by Time Before Reduction or Cars Waiting, whichever
reaches its programmed value first.
1 - 255 seconds
0 disables
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Steps to
Step reduction: When gap reduction starts and Steps to
Reduce is not zero, Time to Reduce multiplied by 10 is divided
by Steps to Reduce to calculate the number of 1/10 second
cycles timed between each reduction step. By the time the Time
to Reduce interval has completed its timing, vehicle extension in
effect will have been reduced the Minimum Gap Time.
Linear reduction: When gap reduction starts and Steps to Reduce
is zero, Minimum Gap Time is subtracted from the vehicle
extension in effect and that value is divided by the product of Time
to Reduce multiplied by 10. The result is subtracted from vehicle
extension in effect every 1/10 second until vehicle extension in effect
is reduced to the Minimum Gap Time.
0.1 - 25.5 seconds/step
0 = linear
Time to
Length of time between the start and end of gap reduction. During
the Time to Reduce interval, the vehicle extension in effect is
reduced from its initial time down to the specified Minimum Gap
1 - 255 seconds
0 disables
Minumum Gap
Minimum vehicle extension to be timed for each vehicle actuation. If
the minimum vehicle extension times out before a vehicle actuation
is received and the timer is restarted, gap out occurs.
0.0 - 25.5 seconds
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Home > Timing Plans
Max Green
The Phase interval timers are programmed in this page.
Define the maximum green times that can be timed when selected:
Event Plans (Max 2,3) or
Consecutive Max-Outs (Dynamic).
The parameters in this screen:
Timing Plan (1 - 4)
Maximum Green 1 (0 - 255 seconds)
Maximum Green 2 (0 - 255 seconds)
Maximum Green 3 (0 - 255 seconds)
Dynamic Maximum (0 - 255 seconds, 0 disables)
Dynamic Step (0.0 - 25.5 seconds)
Example Configuration
Parameter Phase 2 Phase 6 Phase 8
Max Green 1 40 seconds 40 seconds 25 seconds
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Completed Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup Screen)
Notes for Max Green Timing Plans
Max Green
Parameter Description Range
Timing Plan Use the drop-down menu to select a timing plan. To name the timing plan, go
to Options > Rename Plan.1 - 4
Green 1
Maximum green time allowed in the presence of an opposing call.
Note: The higher numbered maximum green selected is in effect. 0 - 255 seconds
Green 2
Maximum green time allowed in the presence of an opposing call.
Note: The higher numbered maximum green selected is in effect. 0 - 255 seconds
Green 3
Maximum green time allowed in the presence of an opposing call.
Note: The higher numbered maximum green selected is in effect. 0 - 255 seconds
Determines the upper limit of the running max time. The max in effect
(Maximum 1, 2, or 3) determines the other limit.
When a phase maxes out twice in a row, and on each successive max out
thereafter, the running max is incremented one dynamic max step until it
reaches the dynamic maximum upper limit.
When a phase gaps out twice in a row, and on each successive gap out
thereafter, the running max is decremented one dynamic max step until it
reaches the dynamic maximum lower limit.
If a phase gaps out in one cycle and maxes out in the next cycle, or vice
versa, the running max is not changed.
Refer to Phase Dynamic Max Limit described in NTCIP 1202 paragraph for a more complete explanation.
Note: When Dynamic Maximum is not used (Dynamic Maximum = 0), the
maximum green time is equal to the selected max timer (Maximum 1, 2 or 3).
0 - 255 seconds
0 disables
Dynamic Step
The amount of time that the running max time is increased or decreased by
max or gap out.
Refer to Phase Dynamic Max Step described in NTCIP 1202 paragraph for a more complete explanation.
0.0 - 25.5 seconds
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Home > Timing Plans
The Phase interval timers are programmed in this page.
Define the Pedestrian times and use Walk 2 for special Event Plan or Detector actuation. Extension
times are for Ped Extend input limits.
The parameters in this screen:
Timing Plan (1 - 4)
Walk (0 - 255 seconds, 0 disables)
Ped Clearance Time (0 - 255 seconds)
Walk 2 (0 - 255 seconds)
Ped Clearance 2 (0 - 255 seconds)
Ped Clearance Extension Max (0 - 255 seconds)
Walk Extension Max (0 - 255 seconds)
Carry Over to Phase Number (0 - 16)
Example Configuration
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Parameter Phase 2 Phase 6 Phase 8
Walk 7 seconds 0 5 seconds
Clearance Time 10 seconds 0 9 seconds
Completed Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup Screen)
Notes for Pedestrian Timing Plans
Parameter Description Range
Timing Plan Use the drop-down menu to select a timing plan. To name the timing plan,
go to Options > Rename Plan.1 - 4
Time during which WALK or walking person symbol is displayed when
servicing a ped call.
Walk or Clearance Time timing cannot be programmed to zero if the phase
is the ped carryover start phase or part of a ped overlap.
Note: Actual walk time is the longer of the walk time in effect or
guaranteed* walk.
0 - 255 seconds
0 disables
Ped Clearance
Time during which DONT WALK or hand symbol is flashing following
pedestrian WALK time.
Walk or Clearance Time timing cannot be programmed to zero if the phase
is the ped carryover start phase or part of a ped carryover.
Note: Actual pedestrian clearance time is the longer of the pedestrian
clearance in effect or guaranteed* pedestrian clearance
0 - 255 seconds
Walk 2
Walk 2 defines the duration of the interval in which WALK or the walking
person symbol is displayed following a ped call from the Walk 2 input. If
it is not a larger value, it is replaced by guaranteed WALK Time (Home >
Timing Plans > Guaranteed). If WALK 2 is zero and enabled, the Walk
time is substituted.
Note: Actual walk time is the longer of the walk time in effect or
guaranteed* walk.
0 - 255 seconds
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Clearance 2
Pedestrian clearance time that is to be in effect when WALK 2 is enabled
by a time base Action Plan (Home > Scheduler > Calendar Events).
This is the time during which DONT WALK or the hand symbol is flashing
following ped WALK time.
Note: Actual pedestrian clearance time is the longer of the pedestrian
clearance in effect or guaranteed* pedestrian clearance.
0 - 255 seconds
Ped Clearance
Extension Max
This is an ECPI feature.
(Applies to TS1 and TS2 operation)
The Pedestrian Clearance indication can be extended to the smaller of the
two values by the phase ped extend input.
• Clearance Extension Max time
• Phase Max time remaining
0 - 255 seconds
Walk Extension
When the walk in effect has been timed: if the phase Ped Extend Detector
is TRUE, the walk is extended until 1) its total length reaches Walk
Maximum, or 2) the elapsed length of the walk extension plus the ped clear
equals the max in effect, or 3) the Ped Extend Detector input goes false.
Walk maximum time has no effect when there is not a pedestrian extend
detector for the phase.
0 - 255 seconds
Carry Over to
Phase Number
If phase pedestrian service can be carried over into another phase in the
same ring when that phase times next, enter the phase that is allowed to
time next while the pedestrian service (pedestrian carryover) is completed.
If the phase identified as the pedestrian carryover phase does not have
a vehicle call or will not be serviced next, the pedestrian service will be
completed before the initiating phase is allowed to terminate. This option
allows two vehicle movements while pedestrians are crossing wide streets.
Note: A pedestrian carryover service is not permitted to be part of a
Pedestrian Overlap.
0 - 16
* Guaranteed minimum values are programmed in Home > Timing Plans > Guaranteed
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Home > Timing Plans
The Phase interval timers are programmed in this page.
Define the Yellow and Red Clearance intervals. Revert time applies to timing phase going red back to
The parameters in this screen:
Timing Plan (1 - 4)
Yellow Change (0.0 - 25.5 seconds)
Red Clearance (0.0 - 25.5 seconds)
Red Revert (0.0 - 25.5 seconds)
Red Max (0.0 - 25.5 seconds)
Example Configuration
Parameter Phase 2 Phase 6 Phase 8
Yellow Change 3.5 seconds 3.5 seconds 3.3 seconds
Red Clearance 1.2 seconds 1.2 seconds 1.1 seconds
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Completed Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup Screen)
Notes for Clearance Timing Plans
Parameter Description Range
Timing Plan Use the drop-down menu to select a timing plan. To name the timing plan, go
to Options > Rename Plan.1 - 4
Yellow Change
The time that the phase yellow indication is displayed following a green
Note: Actual yellow change in effect is the longest of yellow change or
guaranteed* yellow.
0.0 - 25.5 seconds
Red Clearance
The time that the phase red indication is displayed following a yellow change
interval when terminating the phase.
Note: Actual red clearance time in effect is the longest of the red clearance
or guaranteed* red clearance.
0.0 - 25.5 seconds
Red Revert
Minimum red time before a phase can be re-serviced. Red revert begins
timing at the start of red clearance. The actual red revert time for any phase
is the larger of this and the Unit Red Revert time.
Important: NEMA mandates minimum limit time setting at 2 seconds. NTCIP
allows for this value to be set lower.
0.0 - 25.5 seconds
Red Max
When the red clearance in effect has been timed, if the phase Red Extend
Detector is TRUE, red clearance is extended until its total length reaches
Red Maximum or the Red Extend Detector input goes FALSE. Red
Maximum has no effect when there is not a red extend detector for the
0.0 - 25.5 seconds
* Guaranteed minimum values are programmed in Home > Timing Plans > Guaranteed
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Home > Timing Plans
The Phase interval timers are programmed in this page.
Define the phase demand through recalls and latched detector calls. Soft Recall and No Rest apply
when no opposing demand is present.
The parameters in this screen:
Timing Plan (1 - 4)
Locking Memory (Enable/Disable)
Min Veh Recall (Enable/Disable)
Max Recall (Enable/Disable)
Ped Recall (Enable/Disable)
Soft Recall (Enable/Disable)
No Rest (Enable/Disable)
Example Configuration
Parameter Phase 2 Phase 6 Phase 8
Min Veh Recall √ (Enable) √ (Enable) No check (Disable)
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Completed Screen for the Example Configuration (Guided Setup Screen)
Notes for Recall Timing Plans
Parameter Description Range
Timing Plan Use the drop-down menu to select a timing plan. To name the timing plan,
go to Options > Rename Plan.1 - 4
Locking Memory
This locks the detector inputs. When locking memory is enabled, an
actuation on any detector input assigned to the associated phase
during yellow or red is remembered as a vehicle call and is not reset
when the vehicle call is no longer present. Reset occurs during green.
Note: Locking memory function can be assigned per detector for each
detector associated with a phase. To do this, go to Home > Detection >
Vehicle Detection > Lock In
Check (Enable)
No check (Disable)
Min Veh Recall Vehicle recall places a demand for vehicle service on a phase by
registering a call while the phase is not in the green interval. No check (Disable)
Max Recall
Places a continuous vehicle call on the phase.
The phase times to the maximum green time.
Maximum green timer begins timing as though an opposing call was
present, but the phase does not terminate unless there is an actual
opposing call.
No check (Disable)
Ped Recall Pedestrian recall places a demand for pedestrian service on a phase by
registering a call while the phase is not in the walk interval. No check (Disable)
Soft Recall
Soft recall places a call on these enabled phase(s) when the controller
goes to rest in other phases.
Note: Typical Soft Recall phases are through-phases such as 2 and 6. No check (Disable)
No Rest
Absence of detector calls, the controller automatically goes to the next
phase that is allowed to rest.
Note: Soft Recall overrides the No Rest entry. No check (Disable)
Check (Enable)
Check (Enable)
Check (Enable)
Check (Enable)
Check (Enable)
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Home > Timing Plans
Guaranteed minimum time for phase or overlap intervals. These entries establish the lower limit that
the phase or overlap intervals must time.
Note: The circumstances that can cause guaranteed minimum times to be ignored
include: Manual advance input, Preemptor timing, and External Start input.
Parameter Description Range
Min Green
Guaranteed Minimum Green: The shortest possible vehicle green time, before
any added initial or vehicle extensions.
Note: Actual minimum green time will be the longest of the following:
minimum green plus any added initial, vehicle extension, bike minimum
green, ped walk plus ped clearance and guaranteed minimum green.
0-255 sec.
Guaranteed Pedestrian Walk: The shortest possible pedestrian walk time.
Note: Actual minimum walk time will be the longer of the Walk time in effect
or guaranteed* walk.
0-255 sec.
Ped Clear
Guaranteed Pedestrian Clearance: The shortest possible pedestrian clearance
Note: Actual minimum pedestrian clearance time will be the longer of the
Pedestrian Clearance in effect or guaranteed* pedestrian clearance.
0-255 sec.
Guaranteed Yellow Change: The shortest possible phase yellow indication
following a green interval.
Note: Actual minimum yellow change time will be the longer of the Yellow
time or guaranteed* yellow.
0-25.5 sec.
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Red Clear
Guaranteed Red Clearance: The shortest possible red indication following a
yellow change interval when terminating the phase.
Note: Actual minimum red clearance time will be the longer of the Red
Clearance time in effect or guaranteed* red clearance.
0-25.5 sec.
Guaranteed Overlap Green: Minimum overlap green that must be timed before
the overlap is allowed to terminate.
Note: If an overlap guaranteed green has not been satisfied by the time the
overlap initiating included phase is ready to terminate its green interval, the
phase green interval is extended until the overlap guaranteed green has
been timed.
0-255 sec.
* Circumstances that can alter this minimum time include: Manual Advance input, Preemptor timing,
and External Start input.
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Home > Phase Options
The Phase Options screen gives options for flashing and special service; for example, pre-timed
Program the parameters for your application:
Non-actuated Phases
Pre-timed Phases
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Non-actuated Phases
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Home > Preemption
You can program up to 10 Preemption Plans. A programmed Preemption Plan is used when it is
enabled (its icon is highlighted in blue) and not used when it is disabled (its icon has a gray back-
ground). Service is prioritized so that the lowest number preemptor with Priority Override set to Yes
(in the Entry screen) has the highest priority or service can be programmed as first come, first served.
Initial Overview Screen
In the screen above, notice:
• Preemption Plan 1 is a Rail type and Preemption Plans 3, 4 and 7 are Emergency type.
• If a Preemption Plan is enabled, it is highlighted in blue. Preemption Plans 3 and 4 are enabled
and Preemption Plans 1 and 7 are disabled (gray background).
To start to program preemptions in this screen, select a Preemption Plan (1 thru 10) in the Preemption
Plan fields.
• For a Rail preemption, this is the first of six screens (Overview, Entry, Track Clear, Dwell, Cycle
and Exit).
• For an Emergency preemption, this is the first of five screens (Overview, Entry, Dwell, Cycle and
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Example Overview Screen for a Rail Preemption Plan
For the screen above:
•Preemption Plan: Preemption Plan 1 is selected.
•Feature Type Filter: Rail preemption is selected.
• There is a Track Clear tab after the Entry tab (because it is a Rail preemption).
Note: For a Rail preemption, make sure you program the parameters in the Track Clear tab. If
you do not program the Track Clear screen, the type changes to Emergency (as written in red in
this screen).
• The preempt input is not filtered (filtering is bypassed):
– No Call Method is selected.
Note: If you want to bypass the filter of the input and Solid or Pulsing is selected, tap the
selected field to de-select it. But, if you want to filter the input, select a Call Method, Solid or
– The hard-wired preempt Input 1 routes directly to Preemptor 1 (when the input is bypassed,
the number of the hard-wired input and the number of the preemptor is the same).
– The Filtered Input is automatically set to 0 because the filtering for this Preemption Plan is
•Active Status (the output during a preemption) is F1 pps (a 1-pulse-per-second signal).
•Min Duration (the required minimum time that the preempt run must be active) is 10 seconds.
•Only During Dwell is No (a restriction of the Output Status to only during the Dwell/Cycle inter-
val is disabled).
• There are no Special Functions enabled.
• This Preemption Plan disabled (gray background); to enable this plan, select [Enable Plan], then
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Example Overview Screen for an Emergency Preemption Plan
For the screen above:
•Preemption Plan: Preemption Plan 3 is selected.
•Feature Type Filter: Emergency preemption is selected.
• There is not a Track Clear tab after the Entry tab.
• The preempt input is filtered:
– The Call Method is Pulsing for the controller to filter the input for a pulsing preempt signal
from an emergency vehicle.
– For this example, the Filtered Input is set to 3 (with the preemptor number the same as the
number of the hard-wired input). But it is possible to select another number (1 thru 10) to
connect this preemptor to a hard-wired input with a different number.
•Active Status (the output during a preemption) is Solid (a solid signal).
•Min Duration (the required minimum time that the preempt run must be active) is 10 seconds.
•Only During Dwell is No (a restriction of the Output Status to only during the Dwell/Cycle inter-
val is disabled).
• There are no Special Functions enabled.
• This Preemption Plan is enabled (highlighted in blue); to disable this plan, select [Disable Plan].
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Programming for the Preemption Overview Screen
Parameter Description Range
Plan In the Preemption Plan fields, 1 thru 10, select a Preemption Plan to edit or view. 1 thru 10
[Enable Plan]
[Disable Plan]
[Disable Plan]: When this soft key is shown, the selected Preemption Plan
is highlighted in blue that shows it is enabled. To disable the Preemption Plan
1. Select [Disable Plan].
2. Select Commit.
[Enable Plan]: When this soft key is shown, the selected Preemption Plan has
a gray background that shows it is disabled. To enable the Preemption Plan
1. Select [Enable Plan].
2. Select Commit.
[Enable Plan],
[Disable Plan]
Feature Type
Type of Preemption
Rail: Select this for a Preemption Plan for a train.
Emergency: Select this for a Preemption Plan for an emergency vehicle.
Call Method
Solid: Select this if you want to filter the call for this preemptor for a solid signal.
Pulsing: Select this if you want to filter the call for this preemptor for a pulsing
Note: Filtering is typically used for a low priority preemption such as an
emergency vehicle.
No selection: The call for this preemptor is not filtered (filtering bypassed). If you
want this condition and Solid or Pulsing is selected, tap the selected field to de-
select it. When you do this, the Filtered Input field automatically sets to 0.
Note: When no call method is selected, filtering is bypassed and the input
connects directly to the preemptor of the same number—usually for highest
priority preempts such as a train.
No selection
Filtered Input
1 thru 10: Select (1 thru 10) for the number of the hard-wired input to connect to
this preemptor.
0: This is set automatically when Solid and Pulsing are both not selected for the
Call Method. This indicates that the input filtering is bypassed and the hard-wired
input connects to the preempt with the same number.
1 thru 10,
Active Status
Preemption Active Output
From the drop-down menu, select the status output for an active preemption:
Off: Disable
Solid: Enable solid
F1 pps: Enable flash at 1pps
F2 pps: Enable flash at 2.5pps
F5 pps: Enable flash at 5pps
The setting in Only During Dwell in this screen determines if this is active only
during the Dwell/Cycle interval.
F1 pps,
F2 pps,
F5 pps
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Min Duration
Minimum Duration Time
This is the required minimum time that the preempt run must be active. It starts
timing at the end of the Delay Interval. A preempt run May Not Exit until this timer
has expired.
With no Dwell phases programmed, a Zero entry allows preempt to exit
immediately after the Track Clearance interval if the preempt input is no longer
present. But, if Dwell phases are programmed, then the Dwell phases will be
serviced for their Minimum Dwell time before the preemptor exits. Select the
Dwell tab to see the programming for the Minimum Dwell time.
0-65535 sec.
Only During
Preemption Active Output Only In Dwell.
Select Yes (enable) or No (disable) for the Preemptor Status to give an output
only during the Dwell/Cycle interval.
Note: When this is enabled, it is only enabled during the green dwell interval; it is
not enabled during the dwell clearance interval.
When this is set to No (disabled), the Preemptor Status is output continuously
when the preemptor is active.
Yes, enable
No, disable
Preemptor Special Function Outputs
Select up to eight Special Function outputs when this Preemption Plan is in
These outputs are typically mapped to a controller output, input, or used by a
Logic Processor Statement (refer to Home > Logic Processor).
1 thru 8
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Home > Preemption
Use this screen to program how to make the transition from the Day Plan in effect to a Preemption
Plan after the Entry of a preempt signal.
Top of the Screen
The settings at the top of this screen are read-only; you set these parameters in the Overview
screen: Preemption Plan (1 thru 10), Feature Type Filter (Rail, Emergency) and Active Status (Off,
Solid, F1 pps, F2 pps, F5 pps).
Programming for the Preemption Entry Screen
Parameter Description Range
Allow Yellow
to Green
Yellow Clearance Reverts to Green
Yes: Lets a phase go immediately to green if it has been timing a Yellow
Clearance interval when the preemption call is received and the interval to time
next during preemption is that same phase green.
No: Forces the phase and will proceed through red revert in the normal
Note: In this screen, you cannot set this parameter to Yes (enable) and also set
Terminate All Phases to Yes (enable) because they would be in direct conflict
with one another. This feature is automatically disabled if a Lagging Ovlp Green
starts timing on the way to Preempt.
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Preemptor Interlock Enable
Yes: Enables Preemptor Interlock. The Preemptor Interlock input must remain at
logic ground or TRUE state until that preemptor has an active input and at logic
high or FALSE state when that preemptor input is active. If this condition is not
met for at least 1 second and the preemptor is programmed, the controller reverts
to flash.
Note: Each of the 10 preempt inputs have a corresponding Interlock Input
EXCEPT for Preempts 1 & 2 which SHARE Interlock Input #1. As a result,
Interlock Input #2 is NEVER used.
No: Disables Preemptor Interlock. The preemptor interlock input has no effect on
controller operation.
Preemptor Interlock Enable
Example: Preemptor 1-2 Interlock enabled.
Preemptor 1 or 2 are not active or timing Initial/Track Clearance:
1. Activate preemptors 1 and 2.
2. Clear to all red after Track Clearance.
3. Go to a latched flash condition by forcing Voltage Monitor/ Fault Monitor
Preemptor 1 is active after termination of Track Clearance:
1. Clear to all red.
2. Go to a latched flash condition by forcing Voltage Monitor/ Fault Monitor
Preemptor 2 is active and after termination of Track Clearance and Preemptor 1
is not programmed:
1. Clear to all red.
2. To go to a latched flash condition, force Voltage/Fault Monitor false.
Preemptor 2 is active and after termination of Track Clearance and Preemptor 1
is programmed:
1. Activate preemptor 1 and 2 inputs.
2. Clear to all red after Track Clearance.
3. Go to a latched flash condition by forcing Voltage Monitor/ Fault Monitor
Any preemptor is terminating (going to Exit phase(s) or exiting Preemptor Flash):
1. Restart the Preemptor 1 or 2 if either is timing
2. Activate preemptor 1 and 2 inputs
3. Clear to all red after Track Clearance.
4. Go to a latched flash condition by forcing Voltage Monitor/ Fault Monitor
Note: The preempt logic gives the preempt and interlock inputs 3 seconds to
stabilize before it checks if they are logically opposite.
Delay Time
Delay Time
This is the time between receipt of a preemptor call and the start of preemption
movements. If preemption is not active when the call is not locked, then
preemption is removed before the delay timing period expires. Zero entry causes
no delay before the preempt input is acknowledged and the Optimized Delay
parameter in this screen is grayed out.
0-65535 sec.
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Ped Ends with
Pedestrian Clearance Through Yellow
Yes: Allows the Yellow Change indication to time with the completion of
Pedestrian Clearance interval when entering preemption.
No: Provides normal pedestrian termination when entering preemption. The
Yellow Change interval is after the completion of Pedestrian Clearance.
Lock Call
Locked Preemptor Call During Delay
A preemptor may have either Locked (Yes) or non-locked (No) detector inputs.
The non-locked parameter is in effect only during delay time.
No (Detector not Locked): If a preemptor call is dropped during delay time, the
preemptor is not serviced.
Yes (Detector is Locked): If a preemptor call is dropped during delay time, the
preemptor is serviced. The call is Locked until the preemptor is serviced.
Optimized Delay Entrance Option
Note: To enable this function, you must enter a non-zero value for the Delay Time
in this screen. If the Delay Time is set to 0, this parameter is grayed out.
Select from the drop-down menu to enable/disable the optimized delay to decide
whether or not to apply omits to movements, as explained below:
Off: Disabled
On: Always Enabled
Time of Day: Enabled only by Time of Day. This function is then controlled by
Home > Event Plans > Advanced > Allow Optimized Delay (set to Yes or No).
When this is enabled, and a preempt is activated, the preemptor compares
its delay time to the minimum time required to service phase and pedestrian
movements. If the amount of time left in the delay timer is less than the amount
required to service a phase or ped, then the preemptor applies omits to those
When all phases have been omitted because of lack of time, the preemptor will
direct the controller to the preempt Entry Phases so it can start the preempt as
soon as the Delay Timer reaches 0 (zero).
Time of Day
Terminate Overlaps As Soon As Possible.
Yes: Forces overlaps to terminate immediately with their included phase and
ignore any Lagging Overlap programming.
No: Allows overlaps to terminate nominally when the last overlap included phase
reaches the preemptor minimum yellow interval.
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Preemptor Overrides Higher Numbered Preemptor Disable
Note: A Higher Priority preempt cannot interrupt a preempt currently entering or
timing Track Clear. The interrupted preempt will complete timing its Track Clear
and only then will it terminate so that the Higher Level Preempt can run.
Yes: Allows this preemptor to override all higher numbered preemptors.
(Example: 2 = Yes overrides 3 through 10)
No: Disables this preemptor from overriding the next active higher-numbered
• Preemptor 1 is the highest priority preemptor.
• Preemptor 2 has priority over all other active preemptions except Preemptor 1.
• Preemptors 3-6 are equal and are serviced on a first-come, first-served basis.
They all override Preemptors 7-10.
• Preemptors 7- 10 are equal and are serviced on a first-come, first-served
To program the above example, set Priority Override in the preemption plans as
1 = No
2 = Yes
3 = No
4 = No
5 = No
6 = Yes
7 = No
8 = No
9 = No
10 = Yes or No (this has no effect)
Max Call
Inhibit Time
Maximum Call Inhibit Time
Note: This parameter is only shown for an Emergency vehicle type of
preemption. For a Rail type of preemption, this parameter is not shown.
This is the last part of delay time, during which phases that are not scheduled for
service at the start of the preemption sequence, and all pedestrian movements
are inhibited. This inhibit time must be less than or equal to Delay Time. Zero
entry causes no inhibit time at the start of the preemption sequence.
0-255 sec.
Terminate All
Preemptor Terminate All Phases
Select Yes or No for the controller to always terminate all timing phases before it
enters a preempt run. This forces an All Red condition before the preempt starts.
Yes: Terminate all timing phases and force an All Red condition before the start of
the activated preempt. Phases will not be terminated if the current Green phases
exactly match the entry phase(s) of the Preempt and the entry phase(s) will not
cause a Yellow Trap for settings that conflict with this as programmed in Home >
Overlap > Details for a PPLT/FYA type overlap.
No: Controller only terminates phases not required by the activated Preempt run.
Note: In this screen, you cannot enter Yes in Terminate All Phases and Yes in
Allow Yellow to Green at the same time because they would be in direct conflict
with one another.
To make a PPLT compatible during preemption, program the designated phase/
overlap type that is associated with the PPLT to F1 pps (1 pps flash).
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Preemption Has Priority Over Automatic Flash
No: Lets automatic flash continue. Automatic flash terminates after the
preemption input is removed.
Yes: Lets the preemptor override automatic flash and time the preemptor
sequence. The preemptor forces the exit from automatic flash, times the
complete preemption sequence and then lets the controller return to automatic
This complies with the NEMA TS2 3.4.6 priority list.
Phase Service
Preemption Entrance Minimum Phase Service Times
Enter the minimum times to serve the phases that are active when the preemptor
becomes active.
Green: 0-255 sec.
Yellow (yellow change): 0.0-25.5 sec.
Red (red clearance): 0.0-25.5 sec.
Pedestrian (pedestrian clearance): 0-255 sec.
Walk: 0-255 sec.
Note: Programming these values to 255 and 25.5 respectively, lets the phase
minimum times be used. There is no way for the phase indication times to be
larger than their programming when the phases enter preemption.
Important: If these values are set to zero and the Guaranteed Minimum
Times (Home > Timing Plans > Guaranteed) are also zero, the indication will
terminate immediately when it enters preemption, regardless of the time on the
phase. This can result in a clearance indication being omitted or shorter than the
MMU minimum clearance time resulting in a Latched MMU Minimum Clearance
0-25.5 sec.
0-255 sec
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Home > Preemption
Track Clear
Top of the Screen
The settings at the top of this screen are read-only; you set these parameters in the Overview
screen: Preemption Plan (1 thru 10), Feature Type Filter (Rail, Emergency) and Active Status (Off,
Solid, F1 pps, F2 pps, F5 pps).
Note: This Track Clear tab and screen is only shown for Type: Rail. It is hidden for Type:
Use this screen to program Track Clear Phases.
In the example shown below, the path of a train blocks Phase 3 and Phase 8; these are the Track
Clear Phases. When you program Phase 3 and Phase 8 as Track Clear Phases, the controller first
clears the traffic on these phases after it receives a preemption input for the approach of a train.
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For this example, program as follows:
1. Select Phase 3.
2. Select the [Vehicle] soft key.
3. From the Flash drop-down menu, select the phase output (Solid, F1 pps, F2 pps, F3 pps). In this
example, Solid is selected (also shown by the S in the top corner of the field for Phase 3).
4. Select Commit.
5. Repeat Step 1 thru Step 4 for Phase 8.
6. This is the final screen:
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To program the other parameters in this screen, refer to the table that follows.
• Track Clear phases are highlighted in green.
• To remove a Track Clear phase, select the phase and then select [None].
• The row below the phases shows overlaps A and B. You can also program overlaps as Track
Clear phases. To program overlaps in Track Clearance, refer to the last row in the table that fol-
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Programming for the Preemption Track Clear Screen
Track Clear
Parameter Description Range
Track Clearance Reservice
Yes: Allows the preemptor to re-service the track clearance phases when the
preemption call goes away and returns before the preemption sequences
terminate. With this option enabled, the Post Call Extended option is disabled
(programmed in the Cycle screen).
No: Disables re-servicing the preemption track clearance phases while in the
preemption sequence.
Minimum Service Times
Green Time
Track Clearance Time, Minimum Green
0-255 sec: For Track Clear Green, the preemptor times this setting regardless of
the phase timing. The indications at least time the Guaranteed Minimum Times
(Home > Timing Plans > Guaranteed).
0 (zero): Track clearance green time omits the track clearance interval regardless
of programming.
Programming this value to 255 allows the phase minimum times to be used.
Important: If the setting of these clearance values is zero and the Guaranteed
Minimum Times are also zero, the indication will terminate immediately when
exiting track clearance regardless of the time on the phase. This can result in a
clearance indication being omitted or shorter than the MMU minimum clearance
time resulting in a Latched MMU Minimum Clearance failure.
0-255 sec.
Yellow Time
Red Time
Track Clearance Time, Yellow or Red
0.0 - 25.5 sec: Track Clear Yellow or Red also times the programmed value
unless a value of 25.5 is set. With a value of 25.5, the controller uses the phase
programmed time (Home > Timing Plans). Regardless, the indications at least
time the Guaranteed Minimum Times (Home > Timing Plans > Guaranteed).
Note: Programming these values to 25.5 allows the phase minimum times to be
Important: If the setting of these clearance values is zero and the Guaranteed
Minimum Times are also zero, the indication will terminate immediately when
exiting track clearance regardless of the time on the phase. This can result in a
clearance indication being omitted or shorter than the MMU minimum clearance
time resulting in a Latched MMU Minimum Clearance failure.
0.0 - 25.5
Gate Down
Preemptor Gate Down Extended Green
Note: For this feature to operate, you must set a non-zero value for both Gate
Down Extended Green and Gate Down Max Green.
0.0 (zero) disables the Gate Down option.
0.1 to 25.5 sec.: This timing will extend the Track Clear green time after the Gate
Down input is received.
This enables any cars that have just crossed the tracks to get through the
intersection on a Green light.
Important: If the gate down maximum green timer times out, the preemptor will
force the intersection into flash!
Note: This timing only takes effect after the Track Clear Minimum Green time is
complete and the Gate Down input has been received. If the Gate Down signal
never happens, then the Extend Green Time will never time and eventually the
controller will go into Gate Down Fault Flash.
0 – 25.5 sec.
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Max Green
Track Clearance Time, Maximum Track Clear Green
Note: For this feature to operate, you must set a non-zero value for both Gate
Down Extended Green and Gate Down Max Green.
0 (zero) disables the Gate Down option.
1 - 255 sec.: The maximum time that Track Clear Green may be serviced when
being extended by the Gate Down feature.
Important: If the gate down maximum green timer times out, the preemptor will
force the intersection into flash!
0 - 255 sec.
Track Clearance Phase(s)
To program phases for Track Clearance, refer to the example before this table.
These are the phases serviced first following Initial Clearance. Each ring will time
according to the Track Clearance Green, Yellow Change and Red Clearance
intervals. Each ring then holds in Red transfer until all have finished their Track
Clearance timing. All rings then advance to the preemptor Dwell interval together.
The Yellow and Red indication will be solid but the green will be as follows:
•Solid: Solid Green when the phase is green.
•F1 pps: Flashing Green at 1 pps when the phase is green
•F2 pps: Flashing Green at 2.5 pps when the phase is green.
•F5 pps: Flashing Green at 5 pps when the phase is green.
Note: Changes in flashing rate will take place when the phase green starts to
time. All Track Clearance vehicle movements must be permissive and compatible
with each other. Track Clearance vehicle movements cannot be Dwell or Cycle
vehicle movements.
F1 pps,
F2 pps,
F5 pps
[None] disables
Track Clearance Overlap(s)
Refer to the illustrations before this table.
To enable an overlap during Track Clearance:
1. Select the overlap phase (A, B, C, etc.).
2. In the Flash drop-down menu, select Solid, F1 pps, F2 pps, or F5 pps
(described below).
The Yellow and Red indication are solid, but the Green is as follows:
•Solid: Solid Green when the overlap is green or timing between two included
•F1 pps: Flashing Green at 1 pps when the phase is green or timing between
two included phases
•F2 pps: Flashing Green at 2.5 pps when the phase is green or timing between
two included phases
•F5 pps: Flashing Green at 5 pps when the phase is green or timing between
two included phases
To disable an overlap during Track Clearance:
1. Select the overlap phase (A, B, C, etc.).
2. In the Flash drop-down menu, select Off.
Observe the information below:
• Changes in flashing rate will take place when the phase green starts to time.
• All Track Clearance vehicle movements must be permissive and compatible
with each other.
• Track Clearance vehicle movements cannot be dwell or cycling movements.
• Track Clearance overlap indications will only be active if they have an Included
phase programmed (in Home > Overlap > Overlaps) as a Track Clearance
vehicle movement.
All overlap operations (including lead/lag timing, protect, modified and not-
overlap) will be active coming to, during, and exiting Track Clearance.
F1 pps,
F2 pps,
F5 pps
Off disables
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Home > Preemption
Top of the Screen
The settings at the top of this screen are read-only; you set these parameters in the Overview screen:
Preemption Plan (1 thru 10), Feature Type Filter (Rail, Emergency) and Active Status (Off, Solid, F1
pps, F2 pps, F5 pps).
Example of Dwell Phases
In the example shown below, there is an ambulance whose path is on Phase 2. The ambulance
sends a preemption signal after which the controller times Phase 2 and Phase 5 in Dwell Green and
the other phases in Dwell Red. The ambulance can then proceed safely through the intersection.
Note: Throughout this procedure, select Commit as necessary to enable a change to the
database. For an explanation of Transaction Mode (that runs when you make a critical change to
programming), refer to the Help for Home > Phase Order > Phase Order.
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For the above example, you could program as follows, as shown in the screen below:
1. Select Phase 2.
2. Select the [Vehicle] soft key.
3. In the Flash drop-down menu, select Solid.
4. Repeat Step 1 thru Step 3 for Phase 5.
To program the other parameters in this screen, refer to the table that follows.
• Dwell phases are highlighted in green.
• To remove a Dwell phase, select the phase and then select [None].
• The row below the phases shows overlaps A and B. You can also program overlaps as Dwell
phases. To program overlaps as Dwell, refer to second to the last row in the table that follows.
Programming for the Dwell Screen
Parameter Description Range
Preemptor Minimum Dwell Time
0 – 255: The minimum time (in seconds) for the Dwell Phases. After this time, the
preemptor waits for the duration time to be complete and the preemption input to
go FALSE before it exits.
0 - 255 sec
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Dwell Phases Flash During the Dwell Interval
When the preemptor advances to the dwell interval (dwell phases may or may
not be programmed), the load switch outputs behave as follows:
Off: Load switch outputs do not flash.
LDSW (Load Switch): Causes the preemption Dwell phases to flash Yellow while
all other phases flash Red. Dwell Flash operation is limited to one phase per ring
that is also a permissive phase.
Note: This Flash exits to either the Exit Phases or (if no exit phases) to the Dwell
Monitor: On NEMA cabinet, controller forces the controller to drop CVM and
puts the intersection into Cabinet Flash. On 300 Series cabinet, for this to
work, Conflict Monitor needs to have watchdog latching disabled. In this mode,
Watchdog can be stopped to produce cabinet flash.
Upon exiting Preemption, the controller will time the Power-Up Red before going
to the Start-up phases as programmed in Home > Flash > Startup Flash.
Exit Color
Dwell Flash Exit Color
In the Exit Color drop-down menu, select Red, Yellow or Green. The controller
will exit from Dwell phase flash to the selected color indication.
Note: For this option to operate, you must also select either Dwell Phases and/
or Exit Phases. Track Clearance vehicle movements cannot be an Exclusive Ped
Ped Dark
Pedestrian Indications Dark
Yes: Turns OFF all pedestrian output indications while the preemptor is Active.
No: Lets pedestrian indications follow other preemptor programming.
Dwell Phase(s)
These are the phases that will be first served following the Track Clearance
interval. The Yellow and Red indication will be solid but the Green indication will
be as described below.
For each Dwell Phase:
1. In the phase diagram, select the phase (highlighted in green).
2. In the Flash drop-down menu select the Green indication as described below:
Solid: Solid Green when the phase is green.
F1 pps: Flashing Green at 1 PPS when the phase is Green
F2 pps: Flashing Green at 2.5 PPS when the phase is Green.
F5 pps: Flashing Green at 5 PPS when the phase is Green.
Observe the notes below:
• Changes in flashing rate will take place when the phase green starts to time.
• All Dwell vehicle movements must be permissive.
• Dwell vehicle movements cannot be Track Clearance vehicle movements.
• Dwell phases may not be Identical to the Cycle phases. For example, Dwell
2/5, Cycle 2/5 is not permitted.
• An Exclusive Ped phase may be used as a Dwell phase but its corresponding
Dwell Ped phase must also be selected.
F1 pps,
F2 pps,
F5 pps
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Overlap Field
(bottom of
Dwell Overlap(s)
These are the Overlaps to be first served following Track Clearance. Dwell
overlap Yellow and Red indication will be solid, but the green will be as described
For each Overlap:
1. In the Overlap field, select the overlap (highlighted in green).
2. In the Flash drop-down menu select the Green indication as described below:
Solid: Solid Green when the Overlap phase is green.
F1 pps: Flashing Green at 1 PPS when the phase is green.
F2 pps: Flashing Green at 2.5 PPS when the phase is green.
F5 pps: Flashing Green at 5 PPS when the phase is green.
Observe the notes below:
• All Dwell vehicle movements must be permissive.
• Dwell vehicle movements cannot be Track Clearance vehicle movements.
• Dwell overlap indications will only be active if they have an included phase
(Home > Overlap > Overlaps) programmed as a Dwell vehicle movement.
• All overlap operations (including lead/lag timing, protect, modified, and not-
overlap) will be active coming to, during, and exiting Dwell interval.
F1 pps,
F2 pps,
F5 pps
[Ped and
Dwell Pedestrian(s)
After you select a phase, if you want to serve Dwell phase Pedestrian
movements as well as Vehicle movements, select [Ped and Vehicle].
Note: If Dwell Flash option is enabled, no pedestrian indications can be serviced.
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Home > Preemption
Top of the Screen
The settings at the top of this screen are read-only; you set these parameters in the Overview
screen: Preemption Plan (1 thru 10), Feature Type Filter (Rail, Emergency) and Active Status (Off,
Solid, F1 pps, F2 pps, F5 pps).
Example of Cycle Phases
In the example shown below, there is a Rail preemption timing. It is safe for Phases 2, 5, 6 and 7 to
continue timing their normal cycle while Phases 1, 4, 8 and 3 are Red. Phases 2, 5, 6 and 7 are the
Cycle Phases.
Note: Throughout this procedure, select Commit as necessary to enable a change to the
database. For an explanation of Transaction Mode (that runs when you make a critical change to
programming), refer to the Help for Home > Phase Order > Phase Order.
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For the above example, you could program as follows, as shown in the screen below:
1. Select Phase 2.
2. Select the [Vehicle] soft key.
3. In the Flash drop-down menu, select Solid.
4. Repeat Step 1 thru Step 3 for Phases 5, 6 and 7.
To program the other parameters in this screen, refer to the table that follows.
• Cycle phases are highlighted in green.
• To remove a Cycle phase, select the phase and then select [None].
• The row below the phases shows overlaps A and B. You can also program overlaps as Cycle
phases. To program overlaps as Cycle, refer to second to the last row in the table that follows.
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Programming for the Cycle Screen
Parameter Description Range
Preemptor Minimum Cycle Time
0 – 255: The minimum time (in seconds) for the Dwell Phases. After this time, the
preemptor waits for the duration time to be complete and the preemption input to
go FALSE before it exits.
0 - 255 sec
Post Call
Preemption Input Extension Time
Preemptor remains in Dwell interval for Extend Input time when preempt call
is removed. If preempt call is reapplied during this time, the preemptor reverts
to start of dwell interval. Zero entry causes no input extension time and Dwell
interval ends when the preempt call is removed.
0.0 - 25.5
Cycle Phase(s)
These are the phases that will be served after the Dwell Phases. The Yellow and
Red indication will be solid but the Green indication will be as described below.
For each Cycle Phase:
1. In the phase diagram, select the phase (highlighted in green).
2. In the Flash drop-down menu select the Green indication as described below:
Solid: Solid Green when the phase is green.
F1 pps: Flashing Green at 1 PPS when the phase is Green
F2 pps: Flashing Green at 2.5 PPS when the phase is Green.
F5 pps: Flashing Green at 5 PPS when the phase is Green.
Observe the notes below:
• Changes in flashing rate will take place when the phase green starts to time.
• Cycle vehicle movements cannot be Track Clearance vehicle movements.
• It is not valid to use exactly the same phase for both a Cycle movement and
Dwell movement, for example Dwell 2,5 and Cycle 2,5. However, for example,
Dwell 2,5 and Cycle 2,6,7,8 would be acceptable; in this example, the Dwell
programming tells the preemptor to service 2, 5 first and then continue to the
cycle phases as they have demand.
• If no calls exist on any of the Cycle phases, then the preemptor will auto-
matically apply Vehicle calls to all Cycle phases so the Cycle Phases will be
serviced at least once.
• An Exclusive Ped phase may be used as a Cycle phase but its corresponding
Cycle Ped phase must also be selected.
F1 pps,
F2 pps,
F5 pps
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Overlap Field
(bottom of
Cycle Overlap(s)
These are the Overlaps to be first served after Dwell vehicle movements. Dwell
overlap Yellow and Red indication will be solid, but the green will be as described
For each Overlap:
1. In the Overlap field, select the overlap (highlighted in green).
2. In the Flash drop-down menu select the Green indication as described below:
Solid: Solid Green when the Overlap phase is green.
F1 pps: Flashing Green at 1 PPS when the phase is green.
F2 pps: Flashing Green at 2.5 PPS when the phase is green.
F5 pps: Flashing Green at 5 PPS when the phase is green.
Observe the notes below:
• Cycle vehicle movements cannot be Track Clearance vehicle movements.
• Cycle overlap indications will only be active if they have an included phase
(Home > Overlap > Overlaps) programmed as a Cycle vehicle movement.
• All overlap operations (including lead/lag timing, protect, modified, and not-
overlap) will be active coming to, during, and exiting Dwell and Cycling phas-
F1 pps,
F2 pps,
F5 pps
[Ped and
Cycle Pedestrian(s)
After you select a phase, if you want to serve Cycle phase Pedestrian
movements as well as Vehicle movements, select [Ped and Vehicle].
Note: If Dwell Flash option is enabled, no pedestrian indications can be serviced.
These pedestrian movements time during the Cycle interval following the Dwell
Note: Although the preemptor applies Cycle Vehicle calls for Cycle phases, it
does not apply Cycle Ped calls.
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(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Preemption
Use this screen to program how to make the transition from a Preemption Plan to the programmed
Day Plan when the controller Exits preemption.
Top and Bottom of the Screen
Top: The settings at the top of the screen are read-only; you set these parameters in the Overview
screen: Preemption Plan (1 thru 10), Feature Type Filter (Rail, Emergency) and Active Status (Off,
Solid, F1 pps, F2 pps, F5 pps)
Bottom: The % Green Accepted parameter is shown if Veh Priority Return is set to On or Time of
Day. If Veh Priority Return is set to Off, the % Green Accepted parameter is hidden.
Note: Whether the Inhibit Reservice parameter (last parameter in the far-right column of this screen)
is hidden or shown in this screen depends on the setting of the Feature Type Filter parameter in the
Overview screen (to go there, select the Overview tab):
• If Rail is selected, the Inhibit Reservice parameter is hidden in this Exit screen.
• If Emergency is selected, the Inhibit Reservice parameter is shown in this Exit screen.
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Exit Strategy Priorities
With respect to the preemptor Exit phase parameters that follow, if you enable multiple exit strategies,
they are processed in the order listed below. If a higher priority strategy is not satisfied, then the next
highest will be evaluated.
For example, if both Ped Priority Return (3rd in the list) and Veh Priority Return (4th in the list) are
enabled but no Ped Priority Exit Phase is found (Preempt did not interrupt a ped movement), then the
preempt exit logic will check if any phases met the criteria for a Veh Priority Return Exit Phase.
1. Exit from CVM preempt flash state (preempt exits to programmed start-up phases)
2. Exit to pending preempt
3. Ped Priority Return
4. Veh Priority Return
5. Queue Delay Recovery
6. The selection for Exit Options in this Preempt Plan: Exit to Coord, Exit to Phase Once or Exit
to One Cycle (exit to one free cycle)
7. Programmed exit phases
8. Currently Green phases
9. The next phase in the sequence rotation with a demand
Programming for the Preemption Exit Screen
Parameter Description Range
Ped Priority
Pedestrian Priority Return Exit Option
Select from the drop-down menu to enable/disable the preemptor to check if the
Walk or Ped Clear timing has been interrupted by a preempt:
Off: Disabled
On: Always Enabled
Time of Day: Enabled only by Time of Day. This function is then controlled by
Home > Event Plans > Advanced > Allow Ped Priority Return (set to Yes or
When this is enabled, the preempter will determine if Walk or Ped Clear timing
has been shortened by the preempter as it attempts to start. If so, then those
interrupted Peds will be selected as Ped Priority Return Exit phases.
Time of Day
Timing Plan
Preemption Exit Timing Plan
In the drop-down menu, select the controller timing plan (you can program up to
four timing plans in Home > Timing Plans) that will be in effect when preemption
If you select a timing plan (of 4 possible timing plans): Forces the controller
to use the selected timing plan for the first controller cycle after preemption. That
controller cycle will be complete when all phases have been served that had
demand at preemption exit.
0 – None (Auto): Lets you select the timing plan by normal controller operation.
Note: If the preemptor exits directly to coordination (Preemption to Coordination),
the timing plan selected by the preemptor will be in effect as coordination is
running until all phases with demand at preempt exit have been serviced.
4 different
possible timing
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Veh Priority
Vehicle Priority Return Exit Option
Note: The % Green Accepted parameter (at the bottom of this screen) is shown
if this Veh Priority Return parameter is set to On or Time of Day. If Veh Priority
Return is set to Off, the % Green Accepted parameter is hidden.
Note: Interrupted Phases = phases timing when the preemptor tries to start.
Select from the drop-down menu to enable/disable the preemptor to decide if an
Interrupted Phase will be selected as an exit phase:
Off: Disabled
On: Always Enabled
Time of Day: Enabled only by Time of Day. This function is then controlled by
Home > Event Plans > Advanced > Allow Vehicle Priority Return (set to Yes
or No).
When this is enabled, the preemptor:
1. Calculates the % Green timed of the Interrupted Phases
2. Compares the % Green timed with the % value you entered in % Green
Accepted (bottom of this screen) for the Interrupted Phases
3. If the % Green is less than the % value you entered in % Green Accepted for
a phase, then the preemptor selects that Interrupted Phase as a Veh Priority
Return Exit phase.
For details about the % Green Accepted parameter, refer to the last row of this
Time of Day
Link Preempt
Preemptor to be Linked to this Preemptor
Select a higher priority (lower numbered) preemptor to link to this preemptor. The
linked preemptor will be called when this preemptor completes the programmed
minimum dwell time. The call to the linked preemptor will be maintained as long
as demand for this preemptor is present. Calls to any lower priority or not valid
preemption sequence will be ignored.
The linking preemptor feature allows multiple track clearances or complex
preemption sequences with one preemptor calling another.
Example: Preemptor 3 is linked to 2, it will go through its Track Clearance
interval and start the Dwell interval.
When the Minimum Dwell/Cycle Green time is elapsed, a call is then placed on
Preemptor 2. This transfers control to Preemptor 2. Preemptor 2, in turn, can then
be linked to Preemptor 1.
This example creates a possibility of five phase clearance prior to getting to the
Preemptor 1 Dwell interval and timing its phases.
Important: The Max Presence time for each preemptor must be taken into
account when this feature is used to make sure the correct operation occurs.
Filtered Input
1 thru 10: Select (1 thru 10) for the number of the hard-wired input to connect to
this preemptor.
0: This is set automatically when Solid and Pulsing are both not selected for the
Call Method. This indicates that the input filtering is bypassed and the hard-wired
input connects to the preempt with the same number.
1 thru 10,
Exit Yellow Change and Red Clearance times when Preemption Exits
This parameter depends on exit phase and automatic flash priority programming.
0.0 – 25.5: The preemptor times (in seconds) the smaller of these settings or the
phase programmed times (Home > Timing Plans). Regardless, the indications
will not time less than the Guaranteed Minimum Times (Home > Timing Plans >
Important: If these values are set to zero and the Guaranteed Minimum
Times (Home > Timing Plans > Guaranteed) are also zero, the indication will
terminate immediately when it enters preemption, regardless of the time on the
phase. This can result in a clearance indication being omitted or shorter than the
MMU minimum clearance time resulting in a Latched MMU Minimum Clearance
0.0 - 25.5
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Queue Delay
Queue Delay Recovery Option
Select from the drop-down menu to enable/disable as described below:
Off: Disabled
On: Always Enabled
Time of Day: Enabled only by Time of Day
When this is enabled, the preemptor:
1. Checks phase wait time (WT) since last demand.
2. Checks the number of cars waiting for service (CW).
3. Selects the phases with the greatest WT x CW values as possible Exit Phases,
one phase per ring. If the weighted delays for two phases are equal, the next
in the sequence is served first.
Example: Phase A wait = 50 secs with 10 cars in line; phase B wait = 80 secs
with 7 cars in line. 80 x 7 (560) > 50 x 10 (500) so Phase B is selected.
One phase per ring and concurrent group are selected as exit phases.
Note: Also, to include a phase in the selection process, you must set
Preempt Queue Delay Calculate to Yes in Home > Detection > Vehicle
Time of Day
Exit Phases
Preemption Exit Phase(s)
Select exit phases (1 thru 16) to enable the operation described below.
For the phases you select as exit phases, the preemption sequence terminates
when all exit phases are timing.
If you do not select an exit phase, there are two possibilities:
• If the Preemption-to-Coordination option is not active, the preemptor termi-
nates immediately and exits from the Cycling interval directly to normal control-
ler operation.
• If the Preemption-to-Coordination option is active, the preemptor will terminate
and exit from the Cycling interval directly to the lowest priority phase(s) that
have an open coordination permissive window. This allows the preemptor to
exit directly into coordination without requiring a pickup cycle or transition.
Note: Exit phases must be permissive and compatible with each other.
Exit Options
Preemption Exit Options for Timing Plan
Note: In the descriptions below, Timing Plan refers to the timing plan set in the
Timing Plan parameter in this screen. For Exit to Phase Once and Exit to One
Cycle to operate, you must set a Timing Plan. Exit to Coord, however, operates
with or without a Timing Plan.
From the drop-down menu, select the next phase after exit from a preemption:
Off: Disable
Exit to Coord: The preemptor exits directly into the coordination sequence and
does not require a pickup cycle when the coordinator is active.
Exit to Phase Once: The preemptor exits directly to the exit phase with a Timing
Plan. This preempt exit Timing Plan is used only for the timing of the exit phases.
Exit to One Cycle: The preemptor exits to Free for one cycle by a Timing Plan.
Then the controller returns to Coordination mode. One cycle = all phases that
had external calls when the preemption exited; recalls or internal calls are not
Exit to Coord,
Exit to Phase
Exit to One Cycle
Phase Calls
Preemption Exit Phase Vehicle Calls
The phase(s) for which the preemptor enters a vehicle call when it exits
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Low Priority Preemption Re‑service Time
Selects the time duration that a low priority preemptor is inhibited after
Note: Whether this parameter (last parameter in the far-right column of this
screen) is hidden or shown in this screen depends on the setting of the Feature
Type Filter parameter in the Overview screen (to go there, select the Overview
If Rail is selected, this Inhibit Reservice parameter is hidden in this Exit screen.
If Emergency is selected, this Inhibit Reservice parameter is shown in this Exit
0: Disables re-service Operation
1 ‑ 254: Specifies the minimum time allowed between low-priority preempt calls.
255: Requires all active phases with calls, when the preemptor exits, to be
serviced before preemption can be serviced.
0-255 sec.
% Green
Vehicle Priority Return Green Percent Values
Note: This % Green Accepted parameter (at the bottom of the screen) is shown
if Veh Priority Return in this screen is set to On or Time of Day. If Veh Priority
Return is set to Off, this % Green Accepted parameter is hidden.
Note: Interrupted Phases = phases timing when the preemptor tries to start.
Enter the minimum percent of green that is necessary to time in an Interrupted
0: Disables
1 ‑ 100: For an Interrupted Phase, minimum % of green to time
When you enter a % value (1-100), the preemptor:
1. Calculates the % Green timed of the Interrupted Phase.
2. Compares the % Green timed with the % value you entered for this parameter
for that phase.
3. If the % Green is less than the % value you entered for this phase, then the
preemptor selects that Interrupted Phase as a Veh Priority Return Exit phase.
0 - 100
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Home > Transit Signal Priority
Use this screen to program Transit Signal Priority configuration events for mass transit vehicles.
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Home > Transit Signal Priority
Pattern Adjustment
Use this screen to program Transit Signal Priority configuration events for mass transit vehicles.
•Max Reduction - This is a per-phase and per-split pattern parameter that specifies the maxi-
mum number of seconds that the split of a phase can be reduced during TSP. This effective
value may be reduced based on the operating phase minimum service requirements.
•Minimum Green (Read only) - This is a per-phase and per-split pattern parameter. This entry is
for display only. The calculation is the coord split minus the Max Reduction = TSP Min. Green +
clearance time.
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Home > Coordination
Coordination Options
Programming Summary
Use this screen to specify 18 different coordinator option values as follows:
Coordination Parameter Programming Summary
Default Force Off Selects the method of determining the position of the phase force off
Offset Reference Selects the local zero reference point for the programmed offset
Priority System Source Move the indicated source option to the highest priority source for selection of the
coordination pattern.
Split Unit Selects the split units as seconds or percent
Offset Unit Selects the offset units as seconds or percent
System Coord Select Format Determines the format in which the source is presenting the coordination pattern
Default Split Max Select Allow the maximum split time in coordination to be either the phase split (inhibit
maximum) or selected Max 1, 2, or 3.
Transition Method Selects the method that the coordinator uses to get into coordination synchronization
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Min Cycle Calc Ped Time Allows the smooth transition algorithm to use or not to use the pedestrian times in
determining the smooth transition direction
Correction Max Time Enters the maximum time that the coordinator can dwell or add when transitioning.
Self Sync Count Selects the number of missed syncs allowed from an external source before reverting
to time-base.
Force-Off Add Initial Green
Allows the coordinator to terminate the phase green when added initial is timing. This
only has an effect when added initial is programmed during volume-density operation
(Home > Timing Plans > Passage > Volume Density).
Allow Ped Recall
Allows the programmed pedestrian recall (Home > Detection > Ped Detection) to
recycle the pedestrian movement when the Coordinator Pattern has Actuated Walk
Allow Ped Reservice Allows pedestrian movement when walk plus ped clearance can time before force-off
Walk Delayed to Local Zero
Enable the coordinated phase walk to be prevented from starting until the local zero.
Normally, the coordinated phase walk starts as soon as it is able to after the last
permissive is closed.
ECPI Coordination Allows ECPI coordination operation and parameters
Local Zero Override
Allows the non-coordinated phase/s to use a portion of the coordinated phase split
before the coordinated phase becomes green. The movement continues to run and
remain in sync with the Local Master Dial until the coordinated phase would violate the
Yield point. At that time, the Local Dial stops until the coordinated phase is green and
reports a local zero error.
Note: Typically used on short cycles that have seldom used non-coordinated
Multi-Sync Allows the coordinator to receive multiple sync pulses. The coordinator will synchronize
to the pulse that represents cycle in effect.
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Programming Details
Parameter Description Range
Default Force
Determines position of the phase force off
Fixed: The phase will force off at the fixed position in the cycle regardless of
when it started.
Floating: The phase will force off after it has serviced its split regardless of when
it started.
Offset Reference
In the drop-down box, select Lead, Lag, Yield, Yellow or Ring 1 as the offset
Lead: References the start of the Local Dial to the start of the first coordinated
phase green.
Lag: References the start of the Local Dial to the start of the last coordinated
phase green.
Yield: References the start of the Local Dial to the start of the yield of the first
coordinated phase.
Yellow: References the start of the Local Dial to the start of the first coordinated
phase yellow.
Ring 1: References the start of Ring 1 coordinated phase.
Note: Criteria for Ring 1 are listed below.
If there is no coordinated phase on Ring 1 or the coordinated phase is in a ring
that runs independently of Ring 1 (not in the same concurrent group with Ring 1
coordinated phase), the offset reference is the start of the first coordinated phase
(same as Lead).
In 3 or 4-ring configurations, TSP is not supported if the coordinated phase of
Ring 1 is not the first or last coordinated phase.
Ring 1
Priority System
System (Coordination) Source
In the drop-down box, select Hardware, Time-Based or System as the source of
coordination commands.
Default source priority (Manual-Highest): Manual, Remote Command, Time-
Based, Hardwire. Selecting the below option to place it at the top priority source
of coordination. All other sources will stay with default priority order.
Hardware: The source of coordination data is the NEMA TS2 inputs.
Time-Based: The source of coordination data is Time Base.
System: The source of coordination data is Port 2 or Ethernet per the settings
in the Network screen in the Status Bar.
Split Unit
Split Units
Seconds NTCIP 1202
Percent (ECPI feature)
In the drop-down box, select Seconds or Percent.
Seconds: Defines the units programmed in the Split Pattern (Home > Event
Plans > Splits and Home > Spit Demand > Special Split) as seconds.
Percent: Defines the units programmed in the Split Pattern (Home > Event
Plans > Splits and Home > Spit Demand > Special Split) as percentage of the
cycle time.
Note: When this parameter is changed between Seconds and Percent on
any coordination pattern, every pattern is changed.
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Offset Unit
Offset Units
Seconds NTCIP 1202
Percent (ECPI feature)
In the drop-down box, select Seconds or Percent.
Seconds: Defines the units programmed in the Offset Value (Home > Event
Plans > Pattern) as seconds.
Percent: Defines the units programmed in the Offset Value (Home > Event
Plans > Pattern) as percentage of the cycle time.
Note: When this parameter is changed between Seconds and Percent on
any coordination pattern, every pattern is changed.
System Coord
Select Format
System (Coordination) Format
In the drop-down box, select Standard, TS2 or Pattern interconnect format.
Standard: The coordination patterns are selected by Econolite-Standard cycle/
offset/split commands. The pattern with the matched Cycle Offset Split (COS)
value is selected.
The coordinator is free if the cycle or split is zero.
TS2: The coordination patterns are selected by TS2 timing plans and offset. The
pattern selected is determined by the following:
(((Timing plan) * 3) + offset) = pattern number. (Reference NEMA
TS2 Table 3-14 TIMING PLAN).
The coordinator is free if the offset is zero. Flash is by a separate command.
Pattern: The coordination pattern (coordination, free or automatic flash mode) is
selected directly by the Event Plan (Home > Event Plans > Overview with the
[Add New Plan] soft key).
Default Split
Max Select
In the drop-down box, select Max Inhibit, Max 1, Max 2 orMax 3.
Max Inhibit: Allows the coordinator phase split to control the time a phase is
allowed to be green in any Coordination Pattern.
Max 1, Max 2 or Max 3: Allows the shorter of the Max Green timing (Home >
Timing Plans > Max Green) or the coordinator phase split to control the time a
phase is allowed to be green in any Coordination Pattern.
Max Inhibit
Max 1
Max 2
Max 3
In the drop-down box, select Dwell, Smooth or Add Only to select the method of
offset change.
Dwell: Change is by holding in the coordinated phases for a specified dwell
period (refer to NTCIP 1202 2.5.2 Integer 1).
Snap offset correction is active at all times. The general operation
performs as follows: If a local cycle can be in sync, make it in sync.
Smooth: Is accomplished by adding or subtracting a maximum of 17% of cycle
length per cycle (Ref NTCIP 1202 2.5.2 Integer 3). Econolite lets you change
this factor by changing the Dwell / Add Time when it is non-zero.
Add Only: Is accomplished by adding a maximum of 17% of cycle length per
cycle (ref NTCIP 1202 2.5.2 Integer 4). Econolite lets you change this factor
by changing the Dwell / Add Time when it is non-zero.
Add Only
Min Cycle Calc
Ped Time
For Offset Correction, Use Pedestrian Times When Calculating Minimum Cycle
Select Yes (to enable) or No (to disable) using pedestrian times for minimum
cycle calculations.
Note: The minimum cycle value has effect only on subtraction during
Smooth Transition.
Yes: Includes pedestrian times in minimum cycle calculation for offset correction.
No: Omits pedestrian times from the minimum cycle calculation for offset
Note: No is typically used at intersections that have little or no pedestrian
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Correction Max
Use the scrubber to enter the maximum time that Dwell or Add/Subtract time
during transition.
When the Offset Correction is Dwell:
0 (zero): NTCIP maximum dwell period (ref NTCIP 1202 2.5.2 Integer 2) is 20%
of the cycle (if the offset is in percent) or 20 seconds (if the offset is in seconds).
1-99: Percentage if the offset is in percent
100-255: Seconds if the offset is in seconds
When the Offset Correction is Add Only or Smooth Transition:
0 (zero): During add only or Smooth Transition, maximum 17% of the cycle to be
adjusted (ref NTCIP 1202 2.5.2 Integers 3 and 4)
1-99: Maximum percentage of the cycle to be adjusted during Add Only or
Smooth Transition
Note: During Smooth Transition, the coordinator subtracts a maximum of
17% of the cycle.
0-255 seconds
1-99 percent
Self Sync Count
Allows the coordinator to self sync when a sync pulse does not occur at Local
Master Zero.
0: Defaults to 1” self-sync cycle.
1-254: Self-sync cycles that will be completed if a sync pulse does not occur;
after which, Coordination reverts to Time Base operation.
255: Allows the coordinator to continue to re-sync until a sync pulse is detected.
Note: This option is used when the interconnect sync pulses are an even
multiple of the local cycle.
Example: Set the re-sync count to 3 when:
• The interconnect sync pulse every 180 seconds.
• The local cycle is 60 seconds.
Force-Off Add
Initial Green
Force Off Added Initial Green
Select Yes (to enable) or No (to disable) the Force Off of Added Initial Green by
the Coordinator.
Note: This option allows the use of the Added Initial calculations while
maintaining coordination.
Yes: Allows the coordinator to force off the Added portion of Initial Green that
was generated by volume density.
No: Prevents the coordinator from Forcing off the Added portion of Initial Green
that was generated by volume density.
Allow Ped
Coordinated Phase Pedestrian Re-service
Select Yes (to enable) or No (to disable) pedestrian recall
(Home > Timing Plans > Recall and
Home > Event Plans > Recall) during coordination.
Yes: Allows the programmed pedestrian recall to recycle the pedestrian
movement when the Coordinator Pattern has Actuated Walk programmed. The
pedestrian actuations will have no effect.
No: Allows only pedestrian actuations to recycle the pedestrian movement
during coordination. The programmed pedestrian recall will not recycle the
pedestrian movement when the Coordinator Pattern has actuated Walk
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Allow Ped
Pedestrian Re-service
Select Yes (to enable) or No (to disable) to re-service the Walk during
Yes: Allows the pedestrian movements to be re-serviced during coordination.
No: Prevents the pedestrian movements from being re-serviced during
Note: When pedestrian phases are re-serviced, they will return to the start
of the Walk interval. Any pedestrian phase can be re-serviced when there is
a pedestrian call and Walk plus Pedestrian Clear can be timed in full before
the force-off point (Split Time).
Walk Delayed to
Local Zero
Delay the Coordinated Walk to Local Zero
Select Yes (to enable) or No (to disable) delaying the start of the coordinated
phase walks.
Yes: Delays the start of walk of the coordinated phases until the start of local
No: Allows the coordinated phase walk to start after the end of the last
permissive period is closed.
Select Yes (to enable) or No (to disable).
Yes: The coordinator will:
Not be set free if the critical phase (Minimum time to service the phase) time is
greater than the split.
• Not be set free if the critical path (Minimum time to service all phases with
minimum recall applied) through the phase diagram is greater than the cycle
• Will time 20 seconds of dwell with zero entered in Correction Max Time in
this screen.
• Will time the Smooth transitions add time if the Correction Max Time entry in
this screen is greater than zero. If equal to zero, it will time 17%.
No (default): The coordinator will:
• Be set free if the critical phase (Minimum time to service the phase) time is
greater than the split (Reference NTCIP 1202-
• Be set free if the critical path (Minimum time to service all phases with mini-
mum recall applied) through the phase diagram is greater than the cycle
length (Reference NTCIP 1202-
• Will time max dwell regardless of what is programmed in the Correction Max
Time parameter in this screen (Reference NTCIP 1202-2.5.2).
• Will time the Smooth transitions add time if the Correction Max Time param-
eter in this screen is greater than zero. If equal to zero, it will time 17% (Refer-
ence NTCIP 1202-2.5.2).
• Force the coordinator to Max Inhibit when Default Split Max Select in this
screen is set to Max 3.
• Force the coordinator free when the Cycle is greater than 255.
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Local Zero
Local Zero Override
Yes: Allows the coordinator local dial to continue running and remain in
synchronization with the Local Master Dial until the coordinated phase would
violate the Yield point. At that time, the Local Dial stops until the coordinated
phase is green and reports a local zero error.
No: Normal coordinator operation. The Local Dial stops at Local Zero until the
coordinated phase is green and reports a local zero error.
Note: Typically used on short cycles that have seldom used non-
coordinated movements. Allows the non-coordinated phase(s) to use
a portion of the coordinated phase split before the coordinated phase
becomes green. The seldom used movement has a phase split that violated
the coordinated cycle or phase split because of a pedestrian movement,
density, full phase demand, or guaranteed minimum times. There will be
not reported or logged error” if the coordinated phase is can yield by the
yield point.
Select Yes (to enable) or No (to disable) the Multi-Sync Operation.
Yes: Allows the coordinator to receive sync pulses that represent multiple cycle
lengths and synchronize to the sync pulse that represents cycle in effect.
No: Resets the local master dial on every sync pulse.
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Home > Coordination
Use this display to specify all Auto-Permissive Minimum Green periods:
• Enter desired automatic permissive minimum green times for each phase 1-8. This time is only
used in the auto-permissive calculations and has no effect on the actual phase minimum green.
• Zero entry disables the function for that phase.
To enable automatic permissive operation:
Go to Home > Event Plans > Patterns > Manual Vehicle Permissive Period and set all
three vehicle permissive periods to zero.
Parameter Description Range
Min Green
Select the phase minimum green time (in seconds) to be used by the coordinator.
This Min Green or the phase Min Green time (Home > Timing Plans > Min Green
> Min Green), whichever is larger, is used by the auto permissive algorithm to
determine the permissive for each phase.
Note: This entry is only in effect when all three vehicle Permissive fields are
set to zero in Home > Event Plans > Patterns > Manual Vehicle Permissive
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Home > Split Demand
Split Demand
You use the Split Demand screens to program split patterns to use in special situations. For
example, if there were a long line of cars waiting at a red light as part of the traffic after an event in a
stadium, you could enable a split pattern with an extra-long green on that phase to clear the traffic.
Use this screen to specify all Split Demand data values.
Enter desired phase(s) timing, detectors and continuous detector activity to enable split Demand 1 or
Demand 2. Select the number of coordinator cycles that split demand will be in operation.
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Description Range
Split Demand 1 & Split Demand 2 Phase(s)
For each Split Demand, select the phases for Split Demand operation.
The coordinator uses the split values in Split Demand Pat 1 or
Split Demand Pat 2, as specified in the Coordinator Pattern (Home > Event
Plans > Pattern) when the:
• Demand phase(s) are timing and
• Demand Detector is continuously actuated and
• Demand Call Time has been exceeded.
• When Split Demand Pattern has been selected, it remains in effect for the
number of cycles set in Cycle Count after the above conditions are no longer
Note: Split demand operation allows the intersection to call a different Split
Pattern (Home > Event Plans > Splits) to service local traffic demand.
Split Demand Detector Assignment
Use the scrubber to select the detector to enable the coordinator Split Demand 1
or 2.
1-64: Selects the Raw detector input to be used. This detector need not be
assigned or programmed (Home > Detection > Vehicle Detection).
0 (zero): Disables Split Demand operation.
Note: If a detector fails, it disables the Split Demand 1 or 2 selections.
Call Time
Split Demand Call Time
Use the scrubber to enter a number (1-255) to specify a call time or enter 0 (zero)
to disable the split demand operation.
1-255: Specifies the number of seconds of continuous detector activity while the
demand phase(s) are timing. Enables Split Demand operation.
0 (zero) disables the split demand operation.
0 disables
1-255 selects
Cycle Count
Split Demand Cycle Count
Use the scrubber to specify 1-255 cycles that Split Demand operation remains in
effect after Demand Call Time conditions are no longer met.
The coordinator uses the split values in Split Demand Pattern 1 or 2, as specified
in Coordinator Pattern (Home > Event Plans > Pattern) when the:
• Demand phase/s are timing and
• Demand Detector is continuously actuated and
• Demand Call Time has been exceeded.
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Home > Split Demand
Special Split
You use the Split Demand screens to program split patterns to use in special situations. For
example, if there were a long line of cars waiting at a red light as part of the traffic after an event in a
stadium, you could enable a split pattern with an extra-long green on that phase to clear the traffic.
Below is a summary of the programming for this Special Split screen, followed by detailed
descriptions to program this screen.
Programming Summary for Special Splits
Special Split
Parameter Programming Summary
Split Number
In the drop-down menu, select a Split Number to edit or view or select [New Split]
and create a new Split Number.
If you have the Transit Signal Priority (TSP) option, refer to Home > Transit
Signal Priority > Pattern Adjustment > Pattern.
Split Time Enter the split value for each active phase.
Coord Phases Select the phase(s) that will be coordinated when the Split Pattern is operational.
Max Recall Select the phase(s) where max recalls are placed when the split pattern is
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Veh Recall Select the phase(s) where vehicle recalls are placed when the split pattern is
Omit Select the phase(s) that is omitted when the split pattern is operational.
Ped Recall Select the phase(s) where ped recalls are placed when the split pattern is
Programming Details for Special Splits
Special Split
Parameter Description Range
Split Number In the drop-down menu, select a Split Number to edit or view or select [New Split]
and create a new Split Number. 1-120
Split Time
Split Intervals of the Cycle Time
Here you divide the cycle time into sections (split intervals) to assign the
maximum amount of time to each timing phase during coordination.
Important: Observe the Cautions listed below.
If ECPI Coordination is set to No (in Home > Coordination > Coordination
Options), the coordinator will go free when:
• Entering zero for any active phase-split.
• Entering phase-splits that are smaller than the minimum phase time
• Entering splits that exceed the cycle length.
If ECPI Coordination is set to Yes (in Home > Coordination > Coordination
Options), then:
• Entering zero for any active phase-split will omit that phase.
• Entering phase-split(s) that are smaller than the minimum phase time(s) or that
exceed the cycle length may cause loss of coordination.
Note: A Phase Split is the maximum amount of time available to a phase during
coordination if Floating Force-Offs is in effect. If using Fixed Force Offs are in
effect and the split timer starts early due to time left over from preceding phases,
the phase can be extended by demand up to the force-off point. The maximum
time available can only be lowered if you have a Max Select (Max 1, 2 or 3) (set
in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options > Default Split Max Select
or in Home > Event Plans > Pattern > Max Select) and if the max time in effect
is shorter than the split.
0-255 sec. or
Coord Phases
Coordinated Phases
Select the phases for Coordination.
Note: Observe the notes below.
• All coordinated phases must be compatible (in the same concurrent group).
• There must be a Coordinated phase entered for each ring in that concurrent
• It is permissible to have only one ring in the concurrent group.
Max Recall Maximum Recalls
Select the phases where max recall is placed in coordination. 1-16
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Veh Recall Vehicle Recalls
Select the phases where vehicle recall is placed in coordination. 1-16
Omit Phase Omits
Select the phases that are omitted in coordination. 1-16
Ped Recall Pedestrian Recalls
Select the phases where ped recall is placed in coordination.
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Home > Event Plans
This is the first of several screens to create, view or edit an Event plan.
In this Overview screen:
• You create Event Plans for which you select the type of pattern (flash, free, coordinated, auto)
and assign and enable/disable various functions by time-of-day.
• You can program up to 100 Event Plans. Use these Event Plans to program up to 16 Day Plans,
each of which can have up to 50 Event Plan time periods (to program Day Plans, go to Home >
Scheduler > Day Plan).
Top Bar
• At the top of all six Event Plan screens (Overview, Pattern*, Splits*, Timing Options, Recall,
Advanced) are listed the Event Plan and the Type of Event Plan (Flash, Free, Coordinated or
Auto). You select the Event Plan and its Type in this Overview screen and these parameters are
read-only in the other Event Plan screens.
•Manual Override checkbox:
Checked: You manually enable the Event Plan selected in this screen. The Event Plan remains
in effect until you select another Event Plan or until you uncheck this checkbox. This manual
selection overrides any other source.
Unchecked: Cobalt automatically selects Time Base Event Plans by time-of-day.
* The Patterns and Split tabs are only shown if you select a Coordinated pattern for the
Event Plan.
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Details for Splits Screen Programming
Parameter Description Range
Event Plan
Event Plan with Number and Name
In the drop-down menu, select the Event Plan to view or edit.
With the [Add New Plan] soft key (described below), you can create up to 100
Event Plans.
Up to 100
different plans
[Add New Plan]
Create a New Event Plan
1. Select [Add New Plan].
2. In this sub-menu, scroll to assign a Plan Number for this Event Plan.
3. Select the Plan Name field and use the keyboard to enter a name for the plan
(for example: AM Peak, Off Peak, PM Peak, etc.).
4. Select the Type of pattern: Flash, Free, Coordinated, Auto
5. Select [OK].
Flash: Selects Automatic Flash operation. Automatic Flash pattern is treated in
the same priority as any other pattern.
Free: Selects free operation. Sequence defaults to 1 if not specified.
Coordinated: Selects a coordination pattern for this Event Plan.
Auto: Indicates that no pattern is selected. The Time Base releases control and
allows lower priority control (i.e., hardware interconnect if available).
Note: If you select a pattern that does not exist or does not meet the timing
parameters, the controller sets to Free.
1-100 plans
[Copy From
Use this soft key to copy another existing Event Plan to the Event Plan selected
in this screen.
1. Select [Copy From Plan].
2. Scroll to the Event Plan you want to copy.
3. Select OK.
All existing
Event Plans
[Remove Plan] Select this soft key to remove the existing plan that you selected in the Event
Plan field.
All existing
Event Plans
Controller Sequence
Selects the controller sequence to operate.
Selects the controller sequence, for this Event Plan, when a higher priority
routine has not made a selection. Selection priorities from highest to lowest are:
1. Manual
2. System
3. Coordinator
4. Hardware
5. Time Base
Auto: Sequence selection is by other means (hardware inputs or Time Base).
Defaults to 1 if no sequence number is specified anywhere else.
1-16: Selects one of 16 possible configurations of sequence data
(refer to NTCIP 1202, To program these phase sequences, go to Home
> Phase Order > Phase Order.
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Internal Detector Log Enable
In the drop-down menu, select Disable, 5, 15, 30, or 60 minutes for detector
logging. To view Detector Events and Detector Activity, select Event Logs in the
Status Bar (second icon from the left in the Status Bar).
Note: This selection is only in effect when the ECPI Log Period in Home >
Detector > Detector Logging is set to TBAP (Time Base Event Plan*).
*In Cobalt Classic View, an Event Plan” is called an Action Plan.”
5, 15, 30, 60
Diagnostic Plan
Timing Plan
In the drop-down menu, select the Timing Plan (1-4) when a higher priority
routine has not selected one.
Auto: Uses the Timing Plan in effect
1-4 (with the name you entered): Selects the Timing Plan*
The priorities (from highest to lowest) are:
1. Manual
2. Preemptor
3. System
4. Coordinator
5. Hardware
6. Time Base
*Timing Plans are programmed in Home > Timing Plans.
1-4 selects by
Detector Plan
Vehicle Detector Recall Plan
In the drop-down menu, select the Vehicle Detector Recall Plan for this Event
Auto: The Day Plan Event uses the Vehicle Detector Plan already in effect.
1-4: Selects the Vehicle Detector Plan when a higher priority routine has not
selected one.
The priorities (from highest to lowest) are:
1. Manual
2. Preemptor
3. System
4. Coordinator
5. Hardware
6. Time Base
1-4 selects by
Diagnostic Plan
Pedestrian Detector Diagnostic Plan
In the drop-down menu, select the Pedestrian Detector Diagnostic Plan if one
has not been selected.
Default: No pedestrian detector diagnostic is selected.
1-4: Selects the pedestrian detector diagnostic plan when a higher priority
routine has not been selected.
The priorities (from highest to lowest) are:
1. Manual
2. Hardware
3. Time Base
Dimming Enable
Select enable (Yes) or disable (No) dimming by this Event Plan.
Dimming of the signals also requires:
• Dimming input is TRUE.
• Dimming polarity is programmed in Home > Cabinet Config > Load Switch
Assign > Dimming.
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Special Output
Special Function Output Flags
Select any Time Base Special Function outputs (1-8) by this Event Plan. 1-8
Aux Function
Auxiliary Function Flags
Select any Time Base Auxiliary Function outputs (1-3) by this Event Plan. 1-3
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trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Event Plans
Timing Options
This is one of several screens to create, view or edit Event Plans that are used for time-based plans
for Flash, Free and Coordination.
In this Timing Options screen, you select the phases for Inhibit Conditional Service, Walk 2 Time,
Vehicle Extension 2 Time, Maximum 2, and Maximum 3 Time. You also select phases to Omit and
enable or disable Red Rest.
Top Bar
• At the top of this screen are listed the Event Plan and the Type of Event Plan (Flash, Free,
Coordinated or Auto). To program the Event Plan and its Type, select the Overview tab; these
parameters are read-only in this screen.
•Manual Override checkbox:
Checked: You manually enable the Event Plan listed at the top of this screen. The Event Plan
remains in effect until you select another Event Plan or until you uncheck this checkbox. This
manual selection overrides any other source.
Unchecked: Cobalt automatically selects Time Base Event Plans by time-of-day.
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Timing Options
Parameter Description Range
Omit Phases
Omit Phases
Select the phases to apply Phase Omit in this Event Plan. The selected phases
are OR functions with other Phase Omit selections and inputs.
Phases you do not select are disabled for Phase Omit by this Event Plan.
1-16 phases
Use Walk 2
Use Walk 2 Time
Select the phases to apply Walk 2 time in this Event Plan. The selected phases
are OR functions with other Walk 2 selections and inputs.
Phases you do not select are disabled for Walk 2 time by this Event Plan.
1-16 phases
Conditional Srv
Inhibit Conditional Service
Select the phases to apply Conditional Service Inhibit in this Event Plan.
The selected phases are OR functions with other Conditional Service Inhibit
selections and inputs.
Phases you do not select are disabled for Conditional Service Inhibit by this
Event Plan.
1-16 phases
Use Veh Ext 2
Use Vehicle Extension 2 Time
Select the phases to apply Vehicle Extension 2 time in this Event Plan. The
selected phases are OR functions with other Vehicle Extension 2 selections and
Phases you do not select are disabled for Vehicle Extension 2 by this Event
1-16 phases
Red Rest
Red Rest (Call Away)
Select Yes (to enable) or No (to disable) the request for Red Rest (Call Away)
operation by this Event Plan.
This request is an OR function with all other requests for Red Rest.
Yes, enable
No, disable
Use Max 2 Time
Use Maximum 2 Time
Select the phases to apply Max 2 time in this Event Plan. The selected phases
are OR functions with other Max selections and inputs.
Phases you do not select are disabled for Max 2 by this Event Plan.
Overrides are as listed below:
Max 2 selection overrides Max 1.
Max 3 selection overrides Max 1 & 2.
1-16 phases
Use Max 3 Time
Use Maximum 3 Time
Select the phases to apply Max 3 time in this Event Plan. The selected phases
are OR functions with other Max selections and inputs.
Phases you do not select are disabled for Max 3 by this Event Plan.
Max 3 selection overrides Max 1 or Max 2.
1-16 phases
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(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Event Plans
This is one of several screens to create, view or edit Event Plans that are used for time-based plans
for Flash, Free and Coordination.
In this Recall screen, you select the phases where you want to program a Recall to continue the
phase timing for pedestrian, vehicle and/or maximum recalls.
Note: In Home > Split Demand > Special Split, you also program Ped Recall, Veh Recall and
Max Recall, but they are used in special coordination split patterns. For details, refer to the Help
in Home > Event Plans > Patterns for Split Demand Pat 1 and Split Demand Pat 2.
Top Bar
• At the top of this screen are listed the Event Plan and the Type of Event Plan (Flash, Free,
Coordinated or Auto). To program the Event Plan and its Type, select the Overview tab; these
parameters are read-only in this screen.
•Manual Override checkbox:
Checked: You manually enable the Event Plan listed at the top of this screen. The Event Plan
remains in effect until you select another Event Plan or until you uncheck this checkbox. This
manual selection overrides any other source.
Unchecked: Cobalt automatically selects Time Base Event Plans by time-of-day.
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Parameter Description Range
Ped Recall
Pedestrian Recall
Select this field and use the scrubber to select phases to which this Event Plan
applies Pedestrian Recall. This is an OR function with other Pedestrian Recall
programming and inputs.
Phases you do not select are disabled for Pedestrian Recall by this Event Plan.
1-16 phases
Vehicle Recall
Vehicle Recall
Select this field and use the scrubber to select phases to which this Event
Plan applies Vehicle Recall. This is an OR function with other Vehicle Recall
programming and inputs.
Phases you do not select are disabled for Vehicle Recall by this Event Plan.
1-16 phases
Max Recall
Maximum Recall
Select this field and use the scrubber to select phases to which this Event Plan
applies Maximum Recall. This is an OR function with other Maximum Recall
programming and inputs.
Phases you do not select are disabled for Maximum Recall by this Event Plan.
1-16 phases
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trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Event Plans
Top Bar
• At the top of this screen are listed the Event Plan and the Type of Event Plan (Flash, Free,
Coordinated or Auto). To program the Event Plan and its Type, select the Overview tab; these
parameters are read-only in this screen.
•Manual Override checkbox:
Checked: You manually enable the Event Plan listed at the top of this screen. The Event Plan
remains in effect until you select another Event Plan or until you uncheck this checkbox. This
manual selection overrides any other source.
Unchecked: Cobalt automatically selects Time Base Event Plans by time-of-day.
This Advanced screen is one of several screens to create, view or edit Event Plans that are used for
time-based plans for Coordination. Here, you program:
• Exit and Entry functions for Preempts and
• Enable Logic Processor statements
• For this screen to control a Preempt function by time-of-day, its related function must be pro-
grammed for Time of Day in its Preemption screen: for Exit functions, in Home > Preemptions >
Exit and for the Entry function (Optimized Delay), in Home > Preemptions > Exit.
• You program Logic Processor statements in Home > Logic Processor.
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Advanced Screen Programming
Parameter Description Range
Preempt Exit Functions for Time-of-Day
Allow Vehicle
Priority Return
Preempt Vehicle Priority Return Time-of-Day Select
This is an Econolite feature
Select Yes (enable) or No (disable) for Preempt Vehicle Priority Return exit
operation by this Event Plan. This allows vehicle phases which have been
interrupted by a preempt call to be dynamically selected as the exit phases for
that Preemptor.
Note: Veh Priority Return in Home > Preemptions > Exit must be set to Time of
Day for this setting to take effect.
Yes, to enable
No, to disable
Allow Ped
Priority Return
Preempt Pedestrian Priority Return Time-of-Day Select
This is an Econolite feature
Select Yes (enable) or No (disable) for Preempt Pedestrian Priority Return exit
operation by this Event Plan. This allows pedestrian movements which have
been interrupted by a preempt call to be dynamically selected as the exit
phases for that Preemptor.
Note: Ped Priority Return in Home > Preemptions > Exit must be set to Time of
Day for this setting to take effect.
Yes, to enable
No, to disable
Allow Queue
Delay Recovery
Preempt Queue Delay Recovery Time-of-Day Select
This is an Econolite feature
Select Yes (enable) or No (disable) for Preempt Queue Delay Recovery exit
operation by this Event Plan. Allow phases, which have been waiting the longest
to be serviced or which have the most cars waiting to be dynamically selected as
the exit phases for that Preemptor.
Note: Queue Delay Recovery in Home > Preemptions > Exit must be set to
Time of Day for this setting to take effect.
Yes, to enable
No, to disable
Preempt Entry Functions for Time-of-Day
Preempt Queue Delay Recovery Time-of-Day Select
This is an Econolite feature
Select Yes (enable) or No (disable) for Preempt Optimized Delay operation
by this Event Plan. This gives the ability to delay the preempt input based on
vehicle and pedestrian service request in relation to the coordinated cycle (Is
there enough time to service the phase before going to the dwell phase?).
Note: Optimized Delay in Home > Preemptions > Entry must be set to Time
of Day for this setting to take effect. Delay Time must have a non-zero entry to
activate the Optimized Delay field.
Yes, to enable
No, to disable
Logic Processor Statement Control
Enabled Logic
This field lists the Logic Processor statements that have been enabled for this
Event Plan. To enable Logic Processor statements for this Event Plan:
1. Select the [Logic Processor] soft key.
2. A window opens with a list of the Logic Processor statements that have been
programmed in the Home > Logic Processor screen.
3. To enable a Logic Processor statement, select (highlight) the circular button to
the right of the name of the statement.
4. To also enable other Logic Processor statements listed, repeat Step 3.
5. Select [OK].
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(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Event Plans
Top Bar
• At the top of this screen are listed the Event Plan and the Type of Event Plan (Flash, Free,
Coordinated or Auto). To program the Event Plan and its Type, select the Overview tab; these
parameters are read-only in this screen.
•Manual Override checkbox:
Checked: You manually enable the Event Plan listed at the top of this screen. The Event Plan
remains in effect until you select another Event Plan or until you uncheck this checkbox. This
manual selection overrides any other source.
Unchecked: Cobalt automatically selects Time Base Event Plans by time-of-day.
For a brief description of the parameters you program in this Pattern screen, refer to the Summary
for Pattern Screen Programming section. For detailed information about the programming, refer to
the Details for Pattern Screen Programming section.
This Pattern screen is one of several screens to create, view or edit Event Plans that are used for
time-based plans for Coordination.
Note: The Pattern screen and the Splits screen tabs are only necessary for Event Plans with
Coordination patterns; Pattern and Splits tabs are not shown for Event Plans with Flash or Free
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Coordination Patterns
Event Plans with Coordination are controlled with patterns. Each pattern is defined by the associated
coordination parameters programmed by the user. To program parameters specific to Coordination,
select the Pattern and Splits tabs.
Summary for Pattern Screen Programming
Pattern Parameter Programming Summary
(the coordination cycle
Enters the cycle length in seconds that the coordinator will
use when this pattern is active. To coordinate, the cycle
length must be greater than 30 seconds.
Actuated Coordinated Phase
Makes the coordinated phases non-actuated until the
Yield Point, then actuated after the Yield Point. Required
when ring split extensions, actuated walk rest or phase re-
service is programmed.
Offset Value
Enters the value in seconds or percent that the local
cycle zero will lag the system sync. This value must be
consistent with the offset in selection.
Actuated Walk Rest Makes the coordinated phase(s) rest in walk when
actuated coordination is programmed.
Dwell/Add Time
A non-zero value will override the Correction Max Time
setting in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options
when this pattern is in effect.
Phase Reservice
Allows the coordinator to respond to demands on any
phase that has an open permissive. For phase Reservice
to function, the controller must be fully actuated, including
coordinated phases, actuated coordination programmed
and automatic permissives enabled.
Force Off
When this pattern is in effect, it overrides the Default Force
Off setting in Home > Coordination > Coordination
Max Select
Use this field to override the Default Split Max Select
setting in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options
when this pattern is in effect.
Manual Vehicle Permissive
Automatic: Enter 0 (zero) for Manual Vehicle Permissive
Period 1 (VPP1), Manual Vehicle Permissive Period 2
(VPP2) and Vehicle Permissive Period 2 Displacement
Single: Enter desired single permissive period for VPP1
and zero for VPP2 and VPP2D.
Dual: Enter desired values for VPP1, VPP2 and VPP2D.
Split Demand Patterns 1
and 2
Enter the pattern to be in effect that is used in the split
demand screen. You program Split Demand 1 and Split
Demand 2 in Home > Split Demand > Split Demand.
Crossing Artery Pattern Select the coordination pattern to use when you select
dual coordination.
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Details for Pattern Screen Programming
Parameter Description Range
Coordination Cycle Length (time)
Use the scrubber to enter the length of the coordination cycle in
0 (zero): Forces Free and replaces the phase Max in effect with
the split time as the Max for the phase.
1-29: Forces Free. This is because the coordinator cannot operate
with a cycle length less than 30 seconds.
30-255: Programs the cycle length.
Note: If the cycle length is between 30 and 255 seconds, you can
program Offset Unit and Split Unit values (Home > Coordination
> Coordination Options) in seconds or percent.
256-999: Programs the cycle length.
Note: If the cycle length is between 256 and 999 seconds, the
Split and Offset values will be in percent, regardless of what you
select for Split Unit and Offset Unit in Home > Coordination >
Coordination Options.
0-999 seconds
Actuated Coord
Actuated Coordinated Phase
Enables the coordinated phase(s) to respond to vehicle demand(s)
and extend the coordinated phase between the ring split extension
time before the Yield Point. When enabled, allows actuated walk
rest to be enabled.
Yes: Enables the coordinated phases to respond to vehicle
detector inputs and to extend the coordinated phase split after the
Yield Point to a maximum of the Split Extension entry in Home >
Event Plans > Splits.
Note: When Actuated Coordinated phase is enabled, Actuated
Walk Rest and Phase Reservice are permitted, if enabled.
No: Disables the coordinated phase from responding to any
vehicle or pedestrian detector inputs and forces Vehicle and
Pedestrian Recall. It also disables the Phase Reservice.
Yes enables
No disables
Offset Value
Offset from the System Sync
Use the scrubber to enter the Offset Value in seconds or percent
(the units are set in Offset Unit in Home > Coordination >
Coordination Options).
0 to (Cycle time minus 1): Time or percent that the Local Dial
lags the Local Master Dial (synchronization pulse).
Cycle time to 255: The coordinator goes to Free mode.
Note: When the cycle length is greater than 255, the acceptable
offset value is 0-255 seconds or 0-99%.
The setting of Offset Reference (Home > Coordination >
Coordination Options) determines if this offset is referenced to
the start of the first coordinated phase green, the start of the last
coordinated phase green, start of the first coordinated phase yield,
or the start of the first coordinated phase yellow.
Actuated Walk
Actuated Rest in Walk
Yes: Lets actuated coordinated phase walk rest in Walk and begin
pedestrian clearance at the Yield Point.
No: Lets the actuated coordinated phase time Walk and
Pedestrian Clearance in response to a demand.
Yes enables
No disables
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Dwell/Add Time
A non-zero value will override the Correction Max Time setting in
Home > Coordination > Coordination Options when this pattern
is in effect.
When the Offset Correction is Dwell:
• 0 (zero): There is no override and the maximum dwell period
in the Correction Max Time setting in Home > Coordination >
Coordination Options is in effect.
• 1-99: If the offset is in percent, this is the Dwell/Add Percent-
age that is used in place of the Correction Max Time setting in
Home > Coordination > Coordination Options.
• 1-255: If the offset is in seconds, this is the Dwell/Add Time in
Seconds that is used in place of the Correction Max Time set-
ting in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options.
When the Transition Method (Home > Coordination >
Coordination Options) is set to Add Only or Smooth:
• 0 (zero): Maximum percentage of the cycle to be adjusted is
determined by the Correction Max Time setting in Home > Co-
ordination > Coordination Options.
• 1-99: Maximum percentage of the cycle to be adjusted during
Add Only or Smooth transition.
Note: During Smooth transition, the coordinator subtracts a
maximum of 17% of the cycle.
Phase Reservice
Lets all phases (including the coordinated phases) cycle between
those that have open permissives and to rest in any phase.
Automatic calls are only placed on the coordinated phases when it
is time to return.
Select Yes or No to enable/disable the re-servicing of phases
during a single coordination cycle.
Yes: Enables the coordinator to allow the controller to respond to
demands on any phase that has an open.
No: Disallows re-servicing of phases during a single coordination
cycle. After the controller has exited and returned to the
coordinated phases, it will not service any demand until the next
Note: For phase re-service to function, the controller must be fully-
actuated, including coordinated phases, actuated coordination
programmed and automatic permissive enabled.
Yes enables
No disables
Force Off
Determines position of the phase force off
When this pattern is in effect, it overrides the FORCE OFF setting
in MM-3-1.
Select from the drop-down menu:
Default: The Force Off mode is determined by the Default Force
Off setting in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options.
Fixed: When this pattern is in effect, it overrides the Default Force
Off setting in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options.
This option will force off the phase at the fixed position in the cycle
regardless of when it started.
Float: When this pattern is in effect, it overrides the Default Force
Off setting in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options.
This option will force off after it has serviced its split regardless of
when it started.
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Max Select
When this pattern is in effect, use this field to override the Default
Split Max Select setting in Home > Coordination > Coordination
Select from the drop-down menu:
Default: Max Select is the setting in Default Split Max Select in
Home > Coordination > Coordination Options.
Max Inhibit: When this pattern is in effect, it overrides the Default
Split Max Select setting in Home > Coordination > Coordination
Options. This option allows the coordinator phase split to
control the time a phase is allowed to be green in the selected
coordination pattern only.
Max 1, Max 2 or Max 3: When this pattern is in effect, it overrides
the Default Split Max Select setting in Home > Coordination >
Coordination Options. This option allows the shorter of the MAX
timing (Home > Timing Plans > Max Green) or the coordinator
phase split to control the time a phase is allowed to be green in
the selected coordination pattern only.
Max Inhibit,
Max 1,
Max 2,
Max 3
Manual Vehicle
Period 1
Manual Vehicle Permissive Period 1 (VPP1)
This is the portion of the cycle length during which phases other
than the coordinated phases may be serviced. This period begins
timing at the coordinated phase Yield Point. If Vehicle Permissive
Period 2 (VPP2) or Vehicle Permissive Period 2 Displacement
(VPP2D) is equal to zero, all non-coordinated phases may be
serviced during this period. If VPP2 or VPP2D are not equal to
zero (dual permissive operation), then only the first phase(s)
that follows the coordinated phase(s) (first permissive phases) is
serviced during this period.
Use the scrubber to enter 0 to (Cycle time minus 1). The units of
measure are the same as set in Split Unit (seconds or percentage)
in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options.
1 to (Cycle time minus 1) enables the Vehicle Permissive Period
1 (VPP1) that is the portion of the cycle following Yield in which
phase(s) following a coordinated phase may be serviced.
Note: If VPP2 or VPP2D is zero, all phases will be serviced during
0 (zero) enables the coordinator to calculate an Auto Permissive
for each phase when VPP2 is also zero.
For more details, refer to the Added Parameters section after this
0-255 sec.
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Manual Vehicle
Period 2
Manual Vehicle Permissive Period 2 (VPP2)
This is the portion of the cycle length during which phases other
than the coordinated phases and those directly following may be
serviced. This period begins timing immediately after the Vehicle
Permissive 2 displacement period. Only phases other than
those serviced during the first permissive period can be serviced
because phase omits are applied to the first permissive phase(s).
Use the scrubber to enter 0 to (Cycle time minus 1). The units of
measure are the same as set in Split Unit (seconds or percentage)
in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options.
1 to (Cycle time minus 1) enables VPP2 that starts after VPP2D
has timed out after the Coordinator Yield. It is the portion of the
subsequent cycle that phase(s) other than those that directly
follow coordinated phase(s) may be serviced.
Note: If VPP2 or VPP2D is zero, all phases will be serviced during
0 (zero) enables the coordinator to calculate an Auto Permissive
for each phase when VPP1 is also zero.
For more details, refer to the Added Parameters section after this
0-255 sec.
Manual Vehicle
Period Displace
Manual Vehicle Permissive Period 2 Displacement (VPP2D)
This starts timing at the coordinated phase Yield Point. At the end
of this displacement period, the second permissive period starts
Use the scrubber to enter 0 to (Cycle time minus 1). The units of
measure are the same as set in Split Unit (seconds or percentage)
in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options.
1 to (Cycle time minus 1) is the portion of cycle between the
Yield Point and the beginning of VPP2.
0 (zero) enables all phases to be serviced during the first
permissive period when VPP 1 is non-zero.
For more details, refer to the Added Parameters section after this
0-255 sec.
Split Demand
Pat 1
Split Demand
Pat 2
Split Demand Patterns 1 and 2
In this screen, you select a special Split Demand Pattern to be in
effect. You program these split patterns in Home > Split Demand
> Special Split.
The coordinator uses these phase splits in place of those in the
Split Pattern when the Split Demand Pattern is in effect. But the
coordinated phase(s) and modes are still taken from the Split
Use the scrubber to enter the Split Number.
1-120 selects the Split Number of the Split Pattern that will be in
effect when Split Demand 1 or Split Demand 2 is in effect. If both
are in effect, Split Demand Pattern 2 is selected. You program
Split Demand 1 and Split Demand 2 in Home > Split Demand >
Split Demand.
0 (zero) disables the split demand operation.
Note: Crossing artery coordination has priority over Split demand.
0 disables
1-120 selects
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Crossing Artery
Crossing Artery Pattern
Use the scrubber to select and enable the crossing artery
operation when the Dual Coordination input is TRUE.
0 (zero): Disables the crossing artery coordination.
1-120: Selects the Split Pattern to use when you request crossing
artery operation.
Note: Crossing artery coordination has priority over Split demand.
The crossing artery coordinated phases are programmed as CNA2
Added Parameters
The parameters that follow are not shown on any of the data entry screens. They are included here
because they are necessary to understand the data entry parameters for this section.
Parameter Description
Permissive Operation The coordinator is programmed to calculate permissive periods by one of three
operations: Automatic, Dual and Single; these are described below.
Auto Permissive
Automatically computed permissive period. Each sequential phase is
automatically assigned a vehicle and pedestrian permissive period. The length
of the vehicle permissive period is determined by the phase split interval
and phase minimum time. Phase minimum time is equal to auto permissive
minimum green, bike minimum green, or phase minimum green, whichever
is larger, plus the yellow and red clearance time. Auto permissive green time
allows you to set the phase minimum green to a low value, yet still ensures that
the auto permissive period provides sufficient green time if the controller yields
to the phase at the end of the permissive.
Dual Permissive
A permissive operation that requires operator data entry of three parameter
values: Manual Vehicle Permissive Period 1, Manual Vehicle Permissive Period
2 and Manual Vehicle Permissive Period Displace. During this permissive
operation, the Vehicle Permissive Period 1 times first. This period begins at
the yield point. Vehicle Permissive Period 2 begins timing immediately after
an adjustable time period (Vehicle Permissive Period 2 Displacement). During
the Vehicle Permissive Period 1, only those phases immediately following
the coordinated phases are serviced. If the controller yields during the first
permissive, all remaining calls are serviced in normal sequence and the second
permissive period is not used.
Single Permissive
Single permissive operation is selected by setting the Vehicle Permissive 2
displacement to zero. Only the Vehicle Permissive Period 1 and its associated
pedestrian permissive period are timed and begin timing at the yield point.
During the Single Permissive period, the controller yields to any phase.
Permissive Period End
End Point = (Split Sum) - (K Phase Clear) - (Perm Phase Min Green and Clear)
• Split Sum = Sum of splits from coordinated through permissive phases,
• K Phase Clear = Coordinated phase Yellow + All Red (If Walk Rest Modifier
input = TRUE).
• K Phase Clear = Coordinated phase Ped Clear + Yellow + All Red (If Walk
Rest Modifier input = FALSE).
• Perm Phase Min Green and Clear = Permissive phases minimum green +
Yellow + All Red.
• Perm Phase Min Green = Permissive Phase minimum green or (Walk + Ped
Clear), whichever is greater.
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Yield Point Yield Point = Coordinated phase split interval - Coordinated phase clearance
time (Pedestrian and vehicle clearance times).
Actuated Yield Point Actuated Yield Point = Coordinated phase split interval - Coordinated phase
clearance time(s) – Ring split extension time.
Offset Point
The offset entry establishes the offset point to the:
• Lead: Referenced the start of the Local Dial to the start of the first coordi-
nated phase green.
• Lag: Referenced the start of the Local Dial to the start of the last coordinated
phase green.
• Yield: Referenced the start of the Local Dial to the start of the first coordi-
nated phase yield.
• Yellow: Referenced the start of the Local Dial to the start of the first coordi-
nated phase yellow.
Yield Points
The coordinator uses multiple yield points; one yield point is computed per
ring. There may be four distinct yield points. Hold and Yield are independent
calculations based on offset, coordinated phase splits and coordinated phase
Minimum Controller
Cycle Time
The shortest possible cycle length allowing all phases to time their minimum
vehicle and pedestrian interval times.
Dual Coordination
Dual coordination is established when the dual coordination input is TRUE.
This forces the crossing artery (Crossing Artery Pat) phase splits to be used
and places a continuous vehicle demand on the call-to-non-actuated 2 (CNA II)
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Home > Event Plans
Top Bar
• At the top of this screen are listed the Event Plan and the Type of Event Plan (Flash, Free,
Coordinated or Auto). To program the Event Plan and its Type, select the Overview tab; these
parameters are read-only in this screen.
•Manual Override checkbox:
Checked: You manually enable the Event Plan listed at the top of this screen. The Event Plan
remains in effect until you select another Event Plan or until you uncheck this checkbox. This
manual selection overrides any other source.
Unchecked: Cobalt automatically selects Time Base Event Plans by time-of-day.
For a brief description of the parameters you program in this Splits screen, refer to the
Summary for Splits Screen Programming section. For detailed information about the
programming, refer to the Details for Splits Screen Programming section.
This Splits screen is one of several screens to create, view or edit Event Plans that are used for time-
based plans for Coordination.
Note: The Pattern screen and the Splits screen tabs are only necessary for Event Plans with
Coordination patterns; Pattern and Splits tabs are not shown for Event Plans with Flash or Free
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Coordination Patterns
Event Plans with Coordination are controlled with patterns. Each pattern is defined by the associated
coordination parameters programmed by the user. To program parameters specific to Coordination,
select the Pattern and Splits tabs.
Summary for Splits Screen Programming
Splits Parameter Programming Summary
Split Enter the split value for each active phase.
Split Sum Because this is an automatic calculation of the split sum
based on data entry, this is read only.
Preference Phase 1st
Preference Phase 2nd
Select the phases to receive any non-coordinated phase
unused split time. Preference 1 phases have precedence
over Preference 2 phases when unused split time is being
Ring Coordinated Phase(s) Select the phase(s) that will be coordinated when the Split
Pattern operates.
Split Extension
Allows the coordinated phase in each ring to extend by
actuations from the split extension time before coordinated
phase split termination. After it has gapped, the ring can
service any open permissive phase.
Ring Displacement
Select the displacement or offset from ring one that an
independent ring coordinated phase will start. When
two or more rings have a barrier in common, the higher
numbered ring is forced to use the value of the lower
numbered ring.
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Details for Splits Screen Programming
Parameter Description Range
Split Intervals of the Cycle Time
Here you divide the cycle time into sections (split intervals) to assign the
maximum amount of time to each timing phase during coordination.
Important: Observe the Cautions listed below.
If ECPI Coordination is set to No (in Home > Coordination > Coordination
Options), the coordinator will go free when:
• Entering zero for any active phase-split.
• Entering phase-splits that are smaller than the minimum phase time
• Entering splits that exceed the cycle length.
If ECPI Coordination is set to Yes (in Home > Coordination > Coordination
Options), then:
• Entering zero for any active phase-split will omit that phase.
• Entering phase-split(s) that are smaller than the minimum phase time(s) or
that exceed the cycle length may cause loss of coordination.
Note: A Phase Split is the maximum amount of time available to a phase during
coordination if Floating Force-Offs is in effect. If using Fixed Force Offs are in
effect and the split timer starts early due to time left over from preceding phases,
the phase can be extended by demand up to the force-off point. The maximum
time available can only be lowered if you have a Max Select (Max 1, 2 or 3) (set
in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options > Default Split Max Select
or in Home > Event Plans > Pattern > Max Select) and if the max time in effect
is shorter than the split.
0-255 sec. or
Split Sum
This is an automatic calculation of the split sum based on data entry.
Note: The split sum in Free mode is composed of Minimum Green, Yellow, and
Red clearance.
This is read
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Details for Splits Screen Programming
Parameter Description Range
Phase 1st
(Initial Phase)
Phase 2nd
Preference 1 and 2 Phase Unused Split Allocation
0: Deselect or
1-16: Select a phase to allocate unused split time.
Important: For this feature to operate, make sure that the Force Off parameter
is set to Float (in Home > Coordination > Coordination Options > Default
Force Off or in Home > Event Plans > Pattern > Force Off). If Force Off is set
to Fixed, these Preference Phase 1st and Preference Phase 2nd parameters are
not shown in this screen.
You can program any unused split time from an Initial phase to time in a
Subsequent/Preference phase, as needed. The Subsequent/Preference phase
must be in the same ring as the Initial phase.
1. In Preference Phase 1st, select the field under the number of the phase you
want for the Initial Phase (1-16).
2. Use the scrubber to select the number of the Subsequent/Preference Phase
(1-16) to time any unused split time from the Initial Phase.
3. To program another Subsequent/Preference phase, repeat Steps 1 and 2 with
Preference Phase 2nd.
Note: A value of 0 in Preference Phase 1st / Preference Phase 2nd means that
the related phase is not programmed to use its unused split time.
If you program Preference Phase 1st (Pref 1) and Preference Phase 2nd (Pref
2), the unused split time will first be available to the Pref 1 subsequent phase to
use if it maxed out in the last cycle. If Pref 1 Subsequent phase does not qualify,
the unused split time will be available to the Pref 2 subsequence phase. If Pref 1/
Pref 2 subsequent phases do not need the Initial unused split time, the unused
split time is added to the coordinated phase. The allocation of the unused split
time does not affect the sum of the split time used for each ring.
Example: Phase sequence is
2 1 | 3 4
6 5 | 7 8
Phase 2, 6 are coordinated phases. Initial Phase 1 has Preference Phase 1st as
Phase 4. If there is any unused split time from Initial Phase 1, and Subsequent
Phase 4 is available and maxed out during last cycle, then the unused time could
be used by Subsequent Phase 4 if it has the demand.
0 deselects
1-16 selects
Ring Coord
Coordinated Phases
Select the phases for coordination.
Note: Observe the information below:
• All coordinated phases must be compatible (in the same concurrent group).
• There must be a coordinated phase entered for each ring in that concurrent
• It is permissible to have only one ring in the concurrent group.
1-16 phases
Split Extension
Coordinated Phase Split Extension
This is the vehicle extension time for an actuated coordinated phase.
0 to (Cycle time minus 1) seconds or 0-99% allows the coordinated phase
in each ring to extend by actuations from the Split Extension time before
coordinated phase split termination. After it has gapped, the ring can service any
open permissive phase.
Note: Actuated Coord in Home > Event Plans > Pattern must be set to Yes.
Units of measure are the same as the Split option.
0-255 sec.
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Ring Displacement From Ring 1
Use the scrubber to select the displacement (Offset) from Ring Offset One that
independent ring coordinated phase(s) will start.
0 to (Cycle time minus 1) seconds or 0-99% is the displacement Ring 1 for
Rings 2, 3 and 4.
Cycle time of 255 seconds or 100-255% results in no displacement.
The Offset for the rings are as follows:
• Ring 1 offset is the programmed offset.
• Ring 2 offset is the programmed offset plus the Ring 1-2 Offset.
• Ring 3 offset is the programmed offset plus the Ring 1-3 Offset.
• Ring 4 offset is the programmed offset plus the Ring 1-4 Offset.
Note: When two or more rings (1-4) have a barrier in common, the higher
numbered ring is forced to use the value of the lower numbered ring.
Example: Rings 1 and 3 have a barrier in common. The Ring Displacement 1-3
will be ignored and Ring 3 will use the offset of Ring 1.
0-255 seconds
(0 to Cycle
time minus 1)
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Home > Scheduler
Day Plan
This Day Plan screen is one of three screens that you use to schedule the times during a day to
enable Event Plans. Use this screen to:
Create names for up to 16 different Day Plans
Select an Event Plan to use for each time period in a Day Plan
Enter start times for each Event Plan in the Day Plan
Add/remove Day Plans and Day Plan Events as necessary
Caution: Before you select [Remove Day Plan], make sure you want to delete the Day Plan in
view. When you select [Remove Day Plan], you immediately delete the Day Plan in view. But,
if you incorrectly delete a Day Plan and want to recover it, select [Add Day Plan] and enter the
same name as the Day Plan you deleted.
Example Day Plan
This is to program a Day Plan named Week Day. Below is the completed screen for this example (the
time format is for a 24-hour clock).
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In this example, you have programmed the Event Plans listed below (you can program up to 100
Event Plans in Home > Event Plans).
1-AM Peak
2-Off Peak
3-PM Peak
And you want to program these Event Plans as follows:
Time to Start Time to Stop Event Plan
Midnight (00:00) 7 AM (07:00) 4-Free
7 AM (07:00) 9 AM (09:00) 1-AM Peak
9 AM (09:00) 4 PM (16:00) 2-Off Peak
4 PM (16:00) 6 PM (18:00) 3-PM Peak
6 PM (18:00) 10 PM (22:00) 2-Off Peak
10 PM (22:00) Midnight (24:00) 4-Free
This Day Plan has 6 time periods. You can program up to 50 time periods in a Day Plan.
Procedure to Program the Example Day Plan
Note: The vertical time scale on the left side of the screen is a 24-hour clock, from 00:00 to
24:00 hours. But you can select the time format for the Start and Stop times shown in this
screen. To select the time format, go to Home > Settings > Date & Time > 24 Hour Time; if you
select Yes, the Start and Stop times in this screen are shown as 24-hour clock times or, if you
select No, the times are shown as AM/PM times.
1. Select [Add Day Plan].
2. In the New Day Plan screen, select the Plan Name field and use the keyboard to enter the
name, Week Day (you can enter a maximum of 12 characters for a name).
3. Select [OK].
4. Select [Add Day Plan Event].
5. In the New Event Plan screen, in the drop-down box, select the first Event Plan for the day,
6. Scroll and/or increment the time fields to enter the time to start this Event Plan, 00:00.
7. Select [OK].
8. The screen now shows the information you programmed. Notice:
– The 4-Free Event Plan and its number/name is shown in a green rectangle that shows as
block of time from 00:00 to 24:00 hours.
– The name of the Event Plan is also shown in a drop-down box. Select this drop-box to see a
list of all the available Event Plans.
– The Start and Stop times are shown for the Event Plan in view.
– To change the Start time, select and move the up/down arrows and/or scroll/increment the
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Start field. After you set the new time, select Commit at the top of the screen. To return to
the previous start setting, select Rollback.
– There are now more soft keys: [Add Day Plan Event], [Remove Day Plan Event] and [Re-
move Events]. Refer to the table below for details on the use of these soft keys.
9. To program the subsequent Event Plan for this Day Plan (Week Day), select [Add Day Plan
10. In the New Event Plan screen, in the drop-down box, select the subsequent Event Plan for
the day, 1-AM Peak.
11. Scroll and/or increment the time fields to enter the time to start this Event Plan, 07:00 (07:00
12. Select [OK].
13. At the top of the screen, select Commit.
14. The screen now shows this Event Plan with its Start time.
15. Again select [Add Day Plan Event] and repeat Step 9 thru Step 13 for the other Event Plans
for this Day Plan.
Day Plan Functions
Day Plan
Functions Description
Day Plan
Use this drop-down box to select a Day Plan to create or edit.
When you select this, you see a list of all the Day Plans.
You can program up to 16 day plans (to create a Day Plan, refer to the example
Event Plan
This drop-down box shows the name of the Event Plan selected for the time
period selected.
Select this box to:
• Show a list of all the Event Plans available.
• Select an Event Plan for the time period in the block of time selected (in the
green rectangle) in the time line on the left.
Scroll and/or increment the time fields to enter the time to start the Event Plan
If you briefly select a blue block, the number will increment one number.
If you continuously select one of the blue blocks, the numbers will scroll quickly.
You can program up to 50 time periods in a Day Plan, each with an Event Plan.
Stop This is the stop time for the Event Plan selected. This field is read-only.
[Add Day Plan]
Name a New Day Plan
Select this to open the New Day Plan screen where you enter the name (up to
12 characters) for a new Day Plan. You can create up to 16 Day Plans.
[Remove Day
Delete the Day Plan in View
Select this to immediately delete the Day Plan in view.
If you incorrectly delete a Day Plan and want to recover it, select
[Add Day Plan] and enter the same name as the Day Plan you deleted.
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[Add Day Plan
Add an Event Plan to this Day Plan
Select this to open the New Event Plan screen, then:
1. In the drop-down box, select an Event Plan.
2. Scroll and/or increment the time fields to enter the time to start this Event
3. Select [OK].
[Remove Day
Plan Event]
Select this to remove the selected Event Plan during this time period for this Day
Plan. Select Commit to implement this.
After you remove an Event Plan from the Day Plan, the previous Event Plan
(above in the diagram) adds this time block to its time period.
Select this to remove all the events from the Day Plan in view.
Use this to give you a blank screen so you can start over again to program this
Day Plan.
Change the Start Time of an Event Plan
Use these arrows to change the Start time for an Event Plan. If the Event Plan
before it stops at this same time, this also changes the Stop time for the previous
Event Plan to this same time.
1. On the left side, select the time block for the Event Plan.
2. Select these arrows and move them up/down to change the Start time for the
Event Plan.
3. To increment the Start time more precisely, scroll/increment the Start field on
the right of the screen.
4. After you set the new time, select Commit at the top of the screen or, to return
to the previous start setting, select Rollback.
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trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Scheduler
Calendar Events
This Calendar Events screen is one of three screens that you use to schedule the times during a day
to enable Event Plans.
Use this Calendar Events screen to create up to 200 Schedules (200 Schedule Numbers, each
with a Day Plan) that assign the days and months that a specified Day Plan can be in effect. Use this
screen to:
• Create Day Plan schedule entries
• Enable a Day Plan (you can program up to 16 Day Plans with the Day Plan tab of this screen)
• Enter the month(s) of the year for the Day Plan to be in effect
• Enter the day(s) of the week for the Day Plan to be in effect
• Enter the day(s) of the month for the Day Plan to be in effect
Note: A Day Plan is only in effect for the days in a month that the day(s) of the week agrees with
the day of the month. But, programming in Exception Days (in the Exception Days tab of this
screen) overrides this selection.
Example: The Day Plan named Week Day is to be in effect during the summer break from June 15 to
September 3 on Monday through Friday. Program as follows:
Schedule Number 1: Day Plan is Week Day with the month of June (Jun), days of the week
Monday thru Friday (M thru F) and days of the month 15 thru 30 selected:
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Schedule Number 2: Day Plan is Week Day with the months of July and August (Jul and Aug),
days of the week Monday thru Friday (M thru F) and days of the month 1 thru 31 enabled:
Schedule Number 3: Day Plan is Week Day with the month of September (Sep), days of the week
Monday thru Friday (M thru F) and days of the month 1 thru 3 enabled:
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Advanced Screen Programming
Calendar Event
Parameter Description Range
Time-Based Schedule Program Number
Select this field and use the scrubber to enter the number of the Schedule of a
Day Plan to program and/or view.
1-200: Specifies the Schedule of a Day Plan to program and/or view
Day Plan
Use the drop-down menu to select the Day Plan (to program a Day Plan, select
the Day Plan tab in this screen).
None: Disables all programming of this Schedule Number
Up to
16 Day Plans
Select All
(check boxes)
Select/Clear All Fields
Select the related check box to select/clear all the fields in its section (all the
months, all the days of the week, or all the days of the month).
All selected
All cleared
Months section
Select the month(s) to be in effect for this Schedule Number
Note: A Schedule program will be in effect when it is permitted in the
programming of the Month, Day-of-the-Week and Day-of-the-Month. But,
programming in Exception Days (in the Exception Days tab of this screen)
overrides this selection.
Jan thru Dec
Week section Select the day(s) of the week to be in effect for this Schedule Number S thru S
Month section Select the day(s) of the month to be in effect for this Schedule Number 1 thru 31
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(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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Home > Scheduler
Exception Days
This Exception Days screen is one of three screens that you use to schedule the times during a day
to enable Event Plans.
Use this screen to view or edit the control parameters for up to 36 Exception Days—that is, any day
that has special traffic demands.
• This screen has two different formats, one for a Floating type of Exception Day and another for
a Fixed type of Exception Day.
• If a day is programmed in as both a Calendar Event and an Exception Day, the Exception Day
programming overrides the Calendar Event programming.
• The Exception Day program is effective only if time base (Time of Day)is the command source.
Example for a Floating Exception Day
In the USA, Thanksgiving is a floating Exception Day. It always occurs on the 4th Thursday in
To program Thanksgiving as an Exception Day, select the fields as shown:
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Detailed Procedure to Program Thanksgiving as an Exception Day
1. Exception Day: Use the scrubber to select 1. In general, select a number (1 thru 36) that has
not been used.
2. Day Plan: In the drop-down menu, select Weekend (to name and program up to 16 Day Plans,
select the Day Plan tab at the top of this screen).
3. Type: In the drop-down menu, select Float.
4. On the left side of the screen, select Nov (November).
5. Day of Week: Select the second T (Thursday).
6. Week of Month: Select 4 (4th week).
Example for a Fixed Exception Day
In the USA, Independence Day is a fixed Exception Day. It always occurs on July 4th regardless of
the day of the week.
To program July 4th as an Exception Day, select the fields as shown:
Detailed Procedure to Program Independence Day as an Exception Day
1. Exception Day: Use the scrubber to select 1. In general, select a number (1 thru 36) that has
not been used.
2. Day Plan: In the drop-down menu, select Weekend (to name and program up to 16 Day Plans,
select the Day Plan tab at the top of this screen).
3. Type: In the drop-down menu, select Fixed.
4. On the left side of the screen, select Jul (July).
5. Day of Month: Select 4.
6. Year: Use the scrubber to select 2013.
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Description Range
Exception Day
Use the scrubber to select the number of an Exception Day (1-36) to view or edit.
• You can create up to 36 different Exception Day programs as Floating excep-
tion days and up to 36 different Exception Day programs as Fixed exception
• The Exception Day program is in effect only if the command source is time-
based (Time of Day).
• An Exception Day program overrides the Day Plan program normally used on
that specific day.
Day Plan
Exception Day Plan
In the drop-down menu, select a Day Plan (to name and program up to 16 Day
Plans, select the Day Plan tab at the top of this screen).
None: Disables the Exception Day.
Up to
16 Day Plans
Floating or Fixed Exception Day
In the drop-down menu, select Float or Fixed.
Float: Occurs on an ordinal numbered (1st, 2nd, etc.) Day-of-the-Week of a
Note: The Week of the Month is counted from the first week of the month that
contains the Day of the Month. For example, in the USA, Labor Day for 2006 was
September 4. For 2006, September 4 (1st Monday in September) is considered
in the 1st Week of the Month (even though there were 2 days of September in the
previous week).
Fixed: Occurs on a specific date of the year.
For procedures to program Floating and Fixed Exception Days, refer to the
examples before this table.
Note: When the current date matches the Floating holiday (Month, Day of the
Week and Week of the Month) or Fixed holiday (Month, Day of the Month and
Year), the Day Plan assigned to the Exception Day plan replaces the Day Plan
selected by the time base schedule (Time of Day).
Floating Exception Day Parameters
Month section Month in which the Exception Day occurs
Select the month for this Exception Day to be in effect. Jan thru Dec
Day of Week Day of the Week in which the Exception Day occurs
Select the day of the week for this Exception Day to be in effect. S thru S
Week of
Week of the Month in which the Exception Day occurs
Select the week of the month for this Exception Day to be in effect. 1 thru 5
Fixed Exception Day Parameters
Month section Month in which the Exception Day occurs
Select the month for this Exception Day to be in effect. Jan thru Dec
Day of Month Day of the Month in which the Exception Day occurs
Select the day of the month for this Exception Day to be in effect. 1 thru 31
Year The Year in which the Exception Day occurs
Use the scrubber to select the year for this Exception Day to be in effect. 1970 thru 2106
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* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Additional online help scheduled for next release
Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
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* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Home > Settings
Note: The screen shot below is expanded to show all the parameters. On your Cobalt, scroll
down to view all the parameters.
Select About to see the name, version and part number for all the software modules actually installed
in your system:
Traffic Application
Engine Board
Front Panel
Graphics Card
Special Features
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* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Info (Location Information): A typical screen for this is shown above.
• Select Label 1 and Label 2 and enter your information with the keyboard.
• Use the scrubber to set values for the City Code (0-255) and the Intersection Code
(0- 65535).
Switch to Classic View: To go to character-based screens (without graphics):
1. Select Switch to Classic View.
2. Select [OK].
Use the Cobalt keyboard (refer to the white labels of the keys) to navigate and make entries in the
classic view. Press the [Main] key (Home) in the upper right to start at the Main Menu. There are
context-sensitive soft keys, [A] thru [F], for which you can press the letter key or tap the touch screen
to navigate; for example [Next Data], [Next Screen] and [Next Page].
Note: For early versions of Cobalt, there are some features for which it is necessary to use the
Classic View. As necessary, instructions are given in the Cobalt Help.
When you are in the Classic View, to return to the touch-screen graphics mode:
1. Go to Main Menu-1-7-2, Display Options (press [Main], then [1], [7], and [2]).
3. Toggle to YES.
4. Press [Enter].
Display Brightness and Backlight Timeout. Use the scrubber to enter values:
Brightness: 0 – 100%
Backlight Timeout: 0 – 30 minutes of inactivity with Cobalt for the backlight to go OFF.
Sound Volume and Key-click. Select values:
Sound Volume: 0 – 10 (minimum to maximum)
Key-click (this is a sound made when you press a key on the keyboard): Yes or No
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Additional online help scheduled for next release
Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Home > Settings
Date and Time
Example Configuration
• The date and time now
• Pacific Time Zone
• Daylight Savings Time
Procedure for Example
To set the date: Scroll to the correct date. You can also enter the date with the Cobalt keyboard.
To set the time:
1. At the bottom of this screen, select Yes or No for the 24 Hour Time format.
2. Scroll to enter the current Time-Of-Day (TOD).
This time is used for all time-based functions and logging.
To set the Time Zone:
Standard Local Time from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
1. Slide the scrubber to specify the number of hours (–12 to +12) that the local standard (non-day-
savings-time) is ahead (+) or behind (-) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For USA Pacific Time
Zone, set to -8 as given below.
2. Select OK.
In general, the Eastern hemisphere is ahead (+) and the Western hemisphere is behind (-).
For Non-Day-Time-Saving, observe the differences in time zones listed below:
USA Eastern Time Zone is GMT -5 hours.
USA Central Time Zone is GMT -6 hours.
USA Mountain Time Zone is GMT -7 hours.
USA Pacific Time Zone is GMT -8 hours.
To set for Daylight Savings, select Yes.
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Completed Screen for Example (Guided Setup screen)
Additional online help scheduled for next release
Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Home > Settings
Select the icons you want to show in the Home (Traffic Applications) screen.
The default is all icons selected (Yes) except for Ped Overlap (No) and Video Viewer (No).
Select Yes for each icon you want to show in the Home screen and No for each icon you want to hide
in the Home screen.
Note: If you select No for an icon, and you no longer see it on the Home screen, you may
need it in the future and forget that it is available (out of sight, out of mind).
To see (in the field to the right) a brief description of the purpose of the screen(s) for an icon,
select the applicable icon.
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Additional online help scheduled for next release
Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Home > Logic Processor
The Logic Processor can hold up to 100 logic gates.
The Logic Processor Statements screen allows the inputs and outputs to be under logical control of
conditions developed by the user.
Name Description
Logic Processor # 1 - 100 Logic Processor Statement Name
IF (testable element)
(Logical Operator)
(testable element)
This group is called an IF Condition. Up to 10 elements can be
Logical Operator lines are optional. After the first Testable
element, additional Testable elements must have a Logical
Operator (e.g. AND, OR, NAND, NOR XOR)
THEN (executable element) This group is called THEN elements. Up to 5 elements can be
ELSE (executable element) This group is called ELSE elements. Up to 5 elements can be
Several LP statements can be
linked together to perform a unique
This should be referred to as Linked Logic Processor
• The first Logic Processor change triggers Transaction mode, for safety reasons. Please use
Logic Processor Logic Statement with absolute care.
• The order of the testable elements is important
– Testable elements are evaluated from top to bottom
• Delay timers can be set as an executable element to temporarily suspend execution of elements
that follow.
• There are 64 user settable logic flags
– Usually set or cleared in an executable element and then tested in another LP element
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* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Additional online help scheduled for next release
Updates will be available on a regular basis. Scan the QR Code below to access the latest Cobalt
documentation and reference material. ( )
(C) 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc. and associated companies.
Cobalt by Econolite
* Cobalt Programming Manual - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION *
Introduction to Cobalt
Fuse Holder
Home Screen
Application Icons
Status Bar
4 I/O Ports
MSA (power in), MSB, MSC
for NEMA TS-2 Type 2, MSD
for Econolite TS1 or TS2.
Optional navigation and data
entry. Includes 6 (A thru F) soft
keys. Cobalt is shipped with
a keyboard cover that you can
leave in place or slide/pop out.
Carry Handle
Groove in back to
comfortably carry the
controller with one hand
Status LED
Shows controller
status (slow green
ash is normal)
Optional Module Slot
For an optional ATC
communication module
High delity
diagnostic sounds
To program Trafc Applications, press the Home icon at any
time to access the Application Icons, described below.
You always know what screen is open because its icon is
next to the Home icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
Cabinet Config Load switch assign for channel
mapping, SDLC device cabinet
Phase Order Set up the phase sequence
Overlap Set vehicle overlaps
Ped Overlap Configure unique signal drivers
to replace the selected phase
pedestrian outputs
Detection Vehicle and pedestrian
detector assignments, logging
and diagnostics
Flash Start up flash and automatic
Timing Plans Phase timing
Phase Options Phase functions
Preemptions 10 preemption sequences
Transit Signal
Optional feature—decreases
bus delays and maintains
normal coordination
Coordination Coordination patterns
Split Demand Detector occupancy events to
trigger special coordination
split times
Event Plans Set time-of-day events
Scheduler Define Event Plans that occur
in Day Plans, Calendar Plans
and Exception Days.
Settings General system information,
date & time, user accounts,
and applications
Video Viewer View digital video streams,
such as those viewable from
Autoscope® sensors
Program up to 100 logic gates
with conditions to control the
inputs and outputs
Using the Home Screen
Status Bar Icons and Options Icon
Signal Status Ring Diagram that shows the intersection status in
real time
Event Logs Historic activity and events of the intersection
Status of all the components connected to Cobalt.
The arrows signify the I/O connections between
Cobalt and other cabinet hardware.
Network Cobalt communications connection information,
including Ethernet and serial.
Database Gives database information and access to Consistency
and Warning Check messages. Operations with the
database, e.g. create/restore configuration defaults.
USB Device
plugged in
Status of the USB Port—and access to USB device
(icon only shown if USB Port is in use)
Options Additional application functions for the active screen
and context-sensitive Help
2 USB Ports
For uploads/downloads
and/or Wi-Fi
2 Ethernet Cabinet Ports
Connect to a local detector
such as Autoscope®
3 Comm Ports
Serial Port 2, SDLC Port 1,
2 Ethernet City Ports
Connect to the central
master such as Centracs®
GUI, 7-inch color touch
screen to navigate, view
status, and enter data
Optional Datakey Slot
For database
Signal Status Screen
After connecting power to Cobalt, you see the Signal Status
screen (below), a Ring Diagram that shows the intersection
status in real time. See reverse page for other Status Bar icons.
Changing Basic Settings
Press the Home icon, then +/- (top right corner) to show or hide
the Application icons (Using the Home Screen on reverse page).
Press the Settings icon to set the Backlight Timeout duration and
unit Date & Time, to check the system information, and more.
Options Icon
Press the Options icon (shown above) to select Guided Setup or
Quick Start Help from the Home screen or, from any screen, to
go to context-sensitive Help and options.
Thank you for purchasing the Econolite Cobalt™ ATC controller.
With Cobalt’s intuitive touch screen and easy-to-use operating
system, you will quickly be able to nd and start using its many
features. This QuickStart Guide is designed to help you become
familiar with the basic operation of the Cobalt controller.
More Information
For further assistance, please contact your Cobalt
Representative or Econolite Technical Support at +1.800.225.
6480 x8982, +1.714.630.3700 x8982, or Note: To search inside a help screen: select Options >
Search, enter the topic, then select the down arrow.
1. For basic operation, irst connect power to the circular male
55-pin “A” plug (MSA) on the Cobalt front panel (see above). If
the power connector in your cabinet is a circular 10-pin MSA
female plug, use a 33274G4 MSA adaptor cable to connect to
the circular 55-pin MSA plug on Cobalt.
2. Connect the other I/O connectors per your application.
3. Apply power. QuickStart
© 2013 Econolite Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Econolite, Cobalt, and the
Cobalt logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Econolite Group, Inc.
and associated companies. All other product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Econolite Control Products, Inc. provides this manual for its licensees and
customers. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied or distributed in
any form without the prior written approval of Econolite Control Products,
Inc. The content of this quick start guide is subject to change without notice.
Part Number: 140-0903-003 REV 01
Printed in the U.S.A.
Solutions that Move the World®
Anaheim, CA 92806 USA ATC Controller
Initial Start-up
Power Connection
Navigation Tips
• Navigate the menus using either the touch screen or
keyboard to view status and enter conguration data.
• The Cobalt Graphical User Interface (GUI) is designed to
allow you to navigate as you would with a smartphone or
a tablet. For example, you can enter numerical values
with a scrubber instead of keying the number manually, or
swipe right/left to go from one screen to another.
• The Cobalt screen is easy to read, even in bright sunlight.
To reactivate the screen, press the screen itself or any key.
Power Connection on Cobalt
Note: The Cobalt touch screen requires actual tactile
pressure to operate. As a result, users can navigate the
system even while wearing gloves.
The icon for
this screen is
highlighted in
green to show
it is active.