2852 Community Resource Contacts

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Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program
CHURCHES (cont’d.)

American Family Insurance

(605) 685-6736

Extension Community Chapel

(308) 862-4233

Bair Ford – Mercury Sales Inc

(605) 685-6646

Hands of Faith Ministry

(308) 862-4267
(308) 862-4299

Bourne Automotive
PO Box 887 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-2399
Holy Rosary Mission

(605) 867-5391

Chet’s Place

(605) 685-6911

Latter Day Saint Missionaries

(605) 867-6286

Eagle Express

(605) 685-6437

Lakota Baptist Church

(605) 867-5395

Gary Nelson Insurance & Real Estate

(605) 685-6736

Lakota Gospel Fellowship

(605) 867-6323

Pine Ridge Auto Parts

(605) 867-2046

Lakota Memorial Church of the Nazarene

(605) 867-5587

Lutheran/Presbyterian Retreat Center

(605) 867-5262

Makasa Presbyterian Church

(605) 867-5545

Master’s Hands (Oglala – Free Children’s Clothing)

(605) 867-1341

Mediator Episcopal Mission

(605) 867-5545

Oglala Re-Creation and Worship Center

(605) 867-2510

Our Lady of Lourdes (Porcupine)

(605) 455-5568

Our Lady of the Sioux (Oglala)

(605) 867-2510

Our Lady of Sorrows (Kyle)

(605) 455-2888
(605) 455-2188

Pine Ridge Episcopal Mission

(605) 867-1502

Sacred Heart (Pine Ridge)

(605) 867-5551

Pass Creek Church of God (Allen)

(605) 455-2660

Sisters of Saint Francis

(605) 455-2781

White Clay Mission (555 White Clay)

(308) 862-4555

Allen Child Care Center

(605) 455-2136

Kyle Child Care Center

(605) 455-2318

Manderson Child Care Center

(605) 867-6299

Oglala Sioux Tribe Child Care Administration
P.O. Box 2070 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-5172

Pine Ridge Child Care Center

(605) 867-1229

Porcupine Child Care Center

(605) 867-2524

South Dakota Dept. of Social Services

(800) 227-3020

Wanblee Child Care Center

(605) 462-6086

(605) 867-1774

Catholic Church
PO Box 398 Kyle 57752
Jesuit Residence 100 Mission Dr Kyle 57752

(605) 455-2888

Christ the King (Porcupine)

(605) 867-1614

Church Of Jesus Christ-Latter Day Saints
Pine Ridge Branch Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-1135
(605) 455-1137

Eagle Nest CC

(605) 462-6274

Congregation of Norte Dame Sisters

(605) 867-6085

East Wakpamni CC

(605) 288-1834
(308) 862-2032

Emmanual Mission

(605) 462-6064
He Sapa CC

(605) 342-1513

(605) 455-1521


P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program
CC/OLC (cont’d.)

CAP/OST Offices (cont’d.)

Lacreek CC

(605) 685-6407

Nursing (Pine Ridge)

(605) 867-5856

Pahin Sinte CC

(605) 867-5404

Pass Creek CC

(605) 455-2757

Pejuta Haka CC

(605) 455-2450

Pine Ridge CC

(605) 867-5893

White Clay CC

(605) 867-5780

Wounded Knee CC

(605) 867-5352

Wounded Knee District (Manderson)
PO Box 133 Manderson 57756
Fax Line

(605) 867-5428
(605) 867-2131


(605) 455-2801


(605) 455-2538


(605) 867-1826


(605) 685-1246


(605) 867-1827

Pine Ridge

(605) 867-5801

Eagle Nest District (Wanblee)
PO Box 269 Wanblee 57577
Fax Line

(605) 462-6302


(605) 867-1825

(605) 462-6518


(605) 867-1834

Medicine Root District (Kyle)
PO Box 496 Kyle 57752
Fax Line

(605) 455-2448


(605) 462-6504

(605) 455-2370


(605) 685-6645

Allen Store
P.O. Box 450 Allen 57714

(605) 455-2847

Lacreek District (Martin)
PO Box 681 Martin 57551
Fax Line

(605) 433-5445

Pass Creek District (Allen)
PO Box 560 Allen 57714
Fax Line

(605) 455-2540

Badlands Grocery
P.O. Box 87 Interior 57770
Fax Line
Batesland Handi Stop, LLC
P.O. Box 75 Batesland 57716

(605) 288-1990

Pine Ridge District (Pine Ridge)
PO Box 261Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-5635
Big Bat's Texaco
PO Box 1747 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5750

Porcupine District (Porcupine)
PO Box 217Porcupine 57772
Fax Line

(605) 867-5728

Coast to Coast Store
P.O. Box 400 Martin 57551

(605) 685-6266

Wakpamni District (Pine Ridge – Batesland)
PO Box 1993 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-5287

Common Cents Grocery
P.O. Box 2860 Rapid City 57709
Fax Line

(605) 455-1105

White Clay District (Oglala)
PO Box 80 Oglala 57764
Fax Line

(605) 867-5617

Country Market
P.O. Box 336 Martin 57551

(605) 685-6448

(605) 685-2047

(605) 455-1099

(605) 867-5666

(605) 867-5462

(605) 867-2317

(605) 433-5416

(605) 455-1037

(605) 867-2213

P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program
CAP/OST Offices (cont’d.)

DOM. VIOLENCE (cont’d.)

Cubby's Convenience Store
P.O. Box 260 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-2048

Probation Records Office
Visitation Center
Visitation Center

(605) 455-1635
(605) 455-1526
(605) 455-1692

Gambles Store
P.O. Box 276 Main Street Martin 57551

(605) 685-6440

Fuch’s Locker

(605) 685-6541

K & M Jack & Jill
P.O. Box 130 Martin 57551

(605) 685-6505

Kyle Grocery
P.O. Box 249 Kyle 57752
Fax Line

(605) 455-2824

Lil' Angel's Convenience Store
P.O. Box 609 Kyle 57752

(605) 455-2701

OST Substance Abuse Healing Program (Hope Lodge)
(605) 342-8925
Fax Line
(605) 342-6681

Pinky's Convenience Store
P.O. Box 260 Manderson 57750
Fax Line

(605) 867-5184

OST Vocational Rehabilitation

(605) 867-5989

Pine Ridge

(605) 455-1017
(605) 455-1022
(605) 867-5911

Porcupine Trading Post
P.O. Box 188 Porcupine 57772

(605) 867-1326

Winner Alcohol and Drug (Martin)

(605) 685-1353

Reddy Mart
Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-6191

Anpetu Luta Otipi
PO Box 275 Kyle 57752
Pine Ridge
Treatment Center

(605) 455-2331

Flowering Tree
P.O. Box 1992 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-5904

(605) 867-5595
(605) 455-2745

(605) 867-1216

(605) 455-2884

Sioux Nation Shopping Center
P.O. Box B Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5183

Slim Buttes Trading Post
HC 66 Box 10A Chadron, NE 69337

(605) 867-2276

Wanblee Mart
P.O. Box 140 Wanblee 57577
Fax Line

(605) 462-6622

Yellow Birds Store
P.O. Box 1580 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5379

(605) 462-6651

Cangleska Inc
PO Box 638 Kyle 57752
Fax Line
Domestic Violence Service (Kyle)
Domestic Violence Service (Pine Ridge)
Offenders Program & Probation Office

(605) 455-2290
(605) 455-1245
(605) 455-2244
(605) 867-1035
(605) 455-1544

SD DOL Career Center (Job Service – Pine Ridge)

(605) 867-5843

SD/DOL Unemployment Insurance

(800) 309-4232

OST TERO (Tribal Employment Rights Office)

(605) 867-5167

JTPA Program
Fax line

(605) 867-1575
(605) 867-5387
(605) 867-1579

OST Employment Assistance Program
Fax line

(605) 867-1839
(605) 867-1908

OST Employment Office

(605) 867-1321

OST Job Placement and Training
Fax line

(605) 867-1007
(605) 867-2170

OST Support Services
P.O. Box 2070 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-1310

OST Work Experience
Fax Line

(605) 867-5189
(605) 867-2007

P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program


Oglala Lakota Nation Clinic Lab

(605) 867-2204

Dialysis Unit (Pine Ridge)
PO Box H Pine Ridge 57770
Porcupine Unit
Waiting Room (Pine Ridge)

HEAD START/OLC Administration
Bus Garage
Nutrition Manager
Site Supervisor (Pine Ridge)

(605) 455-6114
(605) 867-2985
(605) 455-6095
(605) 867-1155

Allen HS

(605) 455-2852

Kyle EHS/ HS I & II

(605) 455-2466

Manderson EHS/ HS I & II

(605) 867-5983
(605) 867-2312
(605) 867-5903

Gordon Hospital/Clinic

(308) 282-0401

Health Education

(605) 867-2067
(605) 867-5730

Healthy Smiles
PO Box 3055 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5210

(605) 867-1805

Martin HS I & II

(605) 685-6651

Healthy Start (Manderson – baby program)

(605) 867-6228
(605) 867-1600

Oglala EHS

(605) 867-5716
Human Resources

(605) 867-6014

Oglala HS I & II

(605) 867-1760
Kyle Clinic

(605) 455-2450

Pine Ridge EHS/HS I – IX

(605) 867-5649
(605) 867-5460
(605) 867-5228

Manderson Dental Clinic

(605) 867-1081

Manderson Clinic

(605) 867-5431

(605) 867-5783
(605) 867-1768

NARCH Asthma Screening

(605) 867-6243

Red Shirt HS

(605) 255-4594

Nebraska Dept. of Health & Human Services

Wakpamni HS

(605) 288-0032


(308) 432-6151
(308) 327-2455

Wanblee HS I & II

(605) 462-6215

OST Abstinence Program

(605) 867-6180

Wounded Knee HS I & II

(605) 867-5464

OST Health Administration

(605) 867-5074

Otitis Media Program

(605) 867-3330

Oral Health Program

(605) 867-1485

Oyate Blihelya
PO Box 5046 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-1706

Pine Ridge Dental Clinic

(605) 867-3079

Pine Ridge Emergency Department

(605) 867-3120

Pine Ridge Hospital/Clinic
PO Box 1201Pine Ridge, SD 57770

(605) 867-5131

Porcupine EHS/HS I & II

Allen Clinic

(605) 455-2440

Baby Face Program (Parent teen and teen parent)

(605) 867-1916

Bennett County Health Care Center – Hospital/Clinic (605) 685-6868
Chadron Clinic

(308) 432-4441

Chadron Hospital

(308) 432-5586

Early Intervention

(605) 867-2965

Diabetes Prevention Program

(605) 867-2700
(605) 867-6200

(605) 867-2344

P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program


Pine Ridge Vision Center

(605) 867-2772

Porcupine Clinic

(605) 867-5655

WIC/Health Nurse (Kyle)

(605) 455-8239

WIC/Health Nurse (Pine Ridge)

(605) 867-5911

WIC/Health Nurse (Wanblee)

(605) 462-6077

Wanblee Clinic

(605) 462-6155

Ambulance Services

(605) 455-2601

Pine Ridge

(605) 867-5999
(605) 867-1070
(605) 867-5285

Fax Line

Golden West (Telephone)
Fax Line

(605) 279-2161
(605) 279-2727

Lacreek Electric
P.O. Box 220 Martin 57551
Fax Line

(605) 685-6581

Lakota Plains Propane
P.O. Box 1994 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-5199

Lightning Electric
P.O. Box 402 Porcupine 57772

(605) 867-1871

Muddy Creek Oil & Gas
PO Box 1541 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-1673

Murdock Electric Inc.
PO Box 1541 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5759

Native American Environmental, LLC
P.O. Box 8176 Rapid City 57701
Fax Line

(605) 716-4888

Nebraska Public Power
P.O. Box 2068 Scottsbluff, NE 69363
Fax Line

(877) 275-6773

Mental Health
Behavior Management

(605) 745-6222

IHS Social Services (Kyle)
Pine Ridge

(605) 455-8236
(605) 867-3100

Wakanyeja Pawicayapi, Inc.
101 Children's Way BIA Highway 27
Box 100 Porcupine, SD 57772
Fax Line

(605) 455-1226


(605) 867-1677

(605) 721-5816

(308) 630-5426

Alltel Wireless (Tribal Telephone)
P.O. Box 196 Kyle 57752
Fax Line
Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 455-2190

OSL Housing (Pine Ridge)
Basement Repair

(605) 455-2229
(605) 867-2880


(605) 867-5161
(605) 455-2950
(605) 867-5850
(605) 867-6237
(605) 867-2035
(605) 455-2597
(605) 867-5986

Bob’s Gas Service (Propane)
PO Box S Martin 57551
Fax Line

(605) 685-6538

OST Comp Grant

(605) 867-5665

(605) 685-2070

(605) 867-5169

Butch's Heating/Cooling Repair
P.O. Box 728 Martin 57551
Fax Line

(605) 685-1132

OST Energy Assistance
(Low Income Assistance Program – LIEAP)
Fax Line
OST Environmental Protection Program
Fax Line

(605) 867-5236
(605) 867-1485

Gigi's Plumbing Repair Service
P.O. Box 255 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-6265
OST Home Improvement

(605) 867-5787

OST Partnership for Housing (Self Help)

(605) 867-1555

(605) 455-1312


(605) 685-1134

(605) 867-1550

P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program


OST Pesticide Enforcement Program
Fax Line

(605) 867-5624 ext. 18
(605) 867-2818

Juvenile Court House
P.O. Box 308 Kyle 57752

(605) 455-2008

OST Renovation

(605) 455-1462

Juvenile Detention Center
P.O. Box 250 Kyle 57752

(605) 455-2000

OST Rural Water Supply System
P.O. Box 610 Kyle 57752
Fax Line
Pine Ridge

(605) 455-2767
Martin Police

(605) 685-6515

OST Court (Kyle)
Pine Ridge

(605) 455-2316
(605) 867-5151

OST Solid Waste

(605) 867-1464

OST Water and Sewer

(605) 867-5804

OST Jail (Kyle)
Pine Ridge

(605) 455-2315
(605) 867-5076

OST Water Pollution Control Program

(605) 867-5236
(605) 867-1845

Pennington County Housing (Rapid City)

(605) 394-5350

Pine Ridge Cable TV
PO Box 420 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-1166

OST Public Safety (Allen)
Fax Line
Pine Ridge

(605) 455-2485
(605) 455-2311
(605) 455-2436
(605) 867-5729
(605) 867-5757
(605) 867-5111
(605) 867-5927
(605) 462-6493

Pine Ridge Garage Service

(605) 867-5672
Shannon County Sheriff

(605) 685-4498

Pine Ridge Petroleum
113 N Big Horn Ave Moorcroft

(307) 756-9317

Pine Ridge Oil (Fuel Oil)

(605) 867-5743

Salomon Sanitation
PO Box 5006 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 455-2430

Sod's Mechanical Contracting, Inc.
P.O. Box 587 Martin 57551
Fax Line

(605) 685-1001

Westco (Propane)

(308) 638-4423

Woihanble Yuwita Habitat For Humanity
PO Box3017 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-4000

(605) 455-2731
(605) 867-1252


(605) 685-1218

BIA Criminal Investigation Division (Pine Ridge)

(605) 867-1323

Bennett County Court House

(605) 685-6939

Bennett County Sheriff

(605) 685-6515

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) – Rapid City

(605) 343-9632

Badlands Ranch Resort
Interior 57750
Fax Line

(605) 433-5599

Blacktail Deer Creek B&B
HC 49 Box 511 Oglala 57764

(605) 535-2162

Candle Light Inn
PO Box 400 Martin 57551

(605) 685-6156

Circle View Guest Ranch
20055 E Hwy 44 Scenic 57780
Fax Line

(605) 433-5582

Crossroads Inn
PO Box 970 Martin 57551

(605) 685-1070

Fireside Inn
PO Box 241 White Clay, NE 69365

(605) 862-4250

(605) 433-5598

(605) 433-5581

P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program
LODGING (cont’d.)
Lakota Travel Lodge
PO Box C Martin, SD 57551
Fax Line

(605) 685-6543

Lakota Prairie Ranch Resort
PO Box 640 Kyle 57752

(605) 455-2555

Masonic Lodge

(605) 685-6603

Prairie Wind Casino
HC49, Box 10 Pine Ridge 57770

(800) 705-WIND
(605) 867-2683

Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn
505 N. 5th Street Rapid City 57701
Fax Line

(605) 399-3669

UPO Resort/Bed & Breakfast
PO Box 219 Kyle 57752

(605) 455-2130

Bennett County Booster

(605) 685-6820

(605) 399-7037


(605) 455-6000

PO Box 490 Kyle 57752
Agricultural/National Resources
Applied Science
Business Office
Conditional Education
Financial Aid
Historical Center
President’s Office
Service Learning
Student Accounts
Social Work
Technical Support
Vocational Education

(605) 455-6085
(605) 455-6080
(605) 455-6063
(605) 455-6075
(605) 455-6015
(605) 455-6142
(605) 455-6037
(605) 455-6139
(605) 455-6089
(605) 455-6069
(605) 455-6029
(605) 455-6022
(605) 455-6086
(605) 455-6003
(605) 455-6018
(605) 455-6055
(605) 455-1713
(605) 455-6080

(605) 685-6866

Bill’s Sales & Service

(605) 685-6513

Black Hills People News

(605) 867-2220

PO Box 3008 Pine Ridge 57770
Double M Studio
PO Box 266 Hay Springs, NE 69347

(605) 638-4550

KILI Radio Station
PO Box 150 Porcupine 57772-0150
Fax Line

(605) 867-5002

KSDZ - The Twister
PO Box 390 Gordon, NE 69343
Fax Line

(308) 282-2500

Lakota Country Times
PO Box 386 Martin 57551
Fax Line

(605) 685-1869

Lakota Express Inc.
PO Box 287 Kyle 57752
Fax Line

(605) 455-2187 ext. 104

(605) 867-5634

(308) 282-0061

(605) 685-1870

(605) 455-2019

Adult Offenders Facility
Appellate Judge
Benefits Office
Burial Assistance Program
CETA Program
Community Grant Program
Conservation District
Commodity Warehouse (Pine Ridge)
Credit & Finance
District Coordinator
Election Office
Emergency Youth Shelter
Employee Assistance
Enrollment Office
Environmental Protection Program
Executive Director’s Office
Field Technician
Fifth Member’s Office
Financial Services
Gaming Commission
Grant Program
HHS Coordinator
Health & Human Services
Home Improvement Program
Johnson O’Malley Program
Land Coordinator

(605) 867-5821
(605) 867-1234
(605) 867-5266
(605) 867-1375
(605) 867-5488
(605) 867-5931
(605) 867-5620
(605) 867-1106
(605) 867-1852
(605) 867-5511
(605) 462-6279
(605) 867-2221
(605) 867-5381
(605) 867-2769
(605) 867-2515
(605) 867-1841
(605) 867-1321
(605) 867-5236
(605) 867-1804
(605) 867-5476
(605) 867-1754
(605) 867-1265
(605) 867-1237
(605) 867-5620
(605) 867-2695
(605) 867-1704
(605) 867-5787
(605) 867-5977
(605) 867-6331

P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program
OST Programs (cont’d.)
Land Office
Fax Line
Native American Caregiver Support
NEW Program
Office of Economic & Resource Development
Parks and Recreation
PO Box 570 Kyle 57752
Fax Line
President’s Office
Property & Supply
Security Services
Special Education Services
Transportation Motor Fuels
Treasurer’s Office
Vice President’s Office
Water Resource Department

(605) 867-5305
(605) 867-6422
(605) 867-2060
(605) 867-1175
(605) 867-5771
(605) 455-2584


(605) 685-6059

Cuny Table Café
P.O. Box 16 Buffalo Gap, SD 57722

(605) 455-2957

High Horse Drive Inn

(605) 462-6195

(605) 455-2265
(605) 867-6074
(605) 867-2501
(605) 867-5171
(605) 867-1747
(605) 867-5712
(605) 867-5167
(605) 867-5376
(605) 867-5202
(605) 867-1274
(605) 867-6120
(605) 867-5918

Higher Ground Coffee Shop
P.O. Box 1981 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-5685

Jan's Markota

(605) 685-6045

Jenny’s Steak House & Lounge

(605) 685-1088

Pizza Hut
PO Box 381 Pine Ridge, SD 57770

(605) 867-1760


(605) 867-5685

Taco John’s of Pine Ridge

(605) 867-5333



(605) 455-2592

Bennett County Nursing Home

(605) 685-6586


(605) 455-2357

(605) 867-5032


(605) 867-5116

Cohen Home (Assisted Living)
PO Box 603 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line


(605) 685-6530


(605) 867-5351

Pine Ridge

(605) 867-5430


(605) 867-5539

Elderly Meals (Allen)
Pine Ridge

(605) 455-1337
(605) 455-2886
(605) 867-5837
(605) 685-6980
(605) 867-5617
(605) 867-5635
(605) 867-2062
(605) 867-1577


(605) 288-1823
Elderly Phone Program

(605) 867-2160


(605) 462-6150
Experience Works

(605) 394-1745

Wounded Knee

(605) 867-5278
OST Foster Grandparent Program

(605) 867-5412

SD DSS Adult Services (Elderly Abuse/Neglect)

(605) 867-5861

Angie's Burritos
PO Box 502 Kyle 57752

(605) 455-2489

Bette’s Kitchen
PO Box 267 Manderson, SD 57756

(605) 867-1739

(605) 867-5033

American Horse School (Allen)

(605) 455-6750

Badlands Headstart – TREC
Lakota Fund Ste 106 Kyle 57752

(605) 455-2799

P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program
SCHOOLS (cont’d.)

SCHOOLS (cont’d.)

Pine Ridge

(605) 867-1766


(605) 288-1948

Bennett County Grade School

(605) 685-6717

Bennett County High School

(605) 685-6330

Bennett County Central School

(605) 685-6512

Crazy Horse School (Wanblee)
P.O. Box 260 Wanblee 57577

(605) 455-6808

Crow Creek (Ft. Thompson)

(605) 852-2745

Flandreau Indian School

(605) 997-2724

Interior School

(605) 433-5468

Kadoka High School/Elementary

(605) 837-2171

Little Wound Alternative School

(605) 455-6218
(605) 455-6203

Porcupine Year Round School
Fax Line

(605) 867-5588
(605) 867-5480

Red Cloud Elementary

(605) 867-5889

Red Cloud High School

(605) 867-1289

Riverside Elementary

(605) 685-6028

Saint Joseph’s School (Chamberlain)

(605) 734-3300

Shannon County Schools

Little Wound School (Kyle)
P.O. Box 500 Kyle 57752

(605) 455-6150

Little Wound School Adult Education

(605) 455-1344

Loneman (Oglala)

(605) 455-8675

Long Valley

(605) 462-6259

Martin Alternative School (Academy)

(605) 685-6112


(605) 462-6455

Our Lady of Lourdes

(605) 867-2801

Pierre Indian Learning Center

(605) 244-8661

Pine Ridge Elementary School

(605) 867-5194

Pine Ridge Middle School

(605) 867-5193

Pine Ridge High School
P.O. Box 1202 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-5191
(605) 867-5482

Batesland School
PO Box 49 Batesland 57716
Fax Line

(605) 288-1948

Red Shirt School
HCR 83 Box 313 Hermosa 57744
Fax Line

(605) 255-4224

Rockyford School
HCR 49 Box 175 Porcupine 57772
Fax Line

(605) 455-1554

Wolf Creek School
PO Box 469 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-1293

Special Ed Pre-School

(605) 867-2544

Special Ed Services

(605) 867-5712

Wolakota Waldorf School

(605) 455-2487

Wounded Knee District (Manderson)

(605) 455-6350

(605) 288-1986

(605) 255-5394

(605) 455-2091

(605) 867-5067

BIA General Assistance/Social Services

(605) 867-1013

Casey Family Program
PO Box 604 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5752

Commodities/Supplement Program

(605) 867-5511
(605) 462-6279

Emergency Youth Shelter

(605) 867-2515

P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program


ONTRAC Indian Child Welfare
PO Box 2080 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-5805

Allen Sioux Monument

(605) 455-2875

(605) 867-1893


(605) 867-1010

SD DSS Adult Services & Aging
PO Box 279 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5861

BIA Fire Control

(605) 867-5396

BIA Fire Station

(605) 867-5768

SD DSS Assistance Payments – TANF

(605) 867-5861
Bennett County Auditor

(605) 685-6931

SD DSS Children and Family Medical

(605) 867-5861
Bennett County Register of Deeds

(605) 685-6054

SD DSS Children Protection
Fax Line

(605) 867-2236
(605) 867-2237

Bennett County Treasurer

(605) 685-6092

SD DSS Food Stamps

(605) 867-5861

(605) 867-1020

SD DSS Food Stamps EBT Hot Line

(800) 974-6600

Dakota Plains Legal Services
PO Box 1989 Pine Ridge 57770

SD DSS Long Term Care Medical

(605) 394-2525

Fall River/Shannon County Auditor

(605) 745-5130

SD DSS Welfare Fraud Hot Line

(800) 765-7867

Fall River/Shannon County Register of Deeds

(605) 745-5139

Social Security Administration

(800) 772-1213
(605) 342-1819

Fall River/Shannon County Treasurer

(605) 745-5145

Jackson County Auditor

(605) 837-2422

Jackson County Register of Deeds

(605) 837-2420

Jackson County Treasurer

(605) 837-2423

Kyle Emergency Service and Fire Protection
PO Box 338 Kyle 57752

(605) 455-2601
(605) 455-2500

South Dakota DSS (Martin)
Rapid City

(605) 685-6521
(605) 394-2525

South Dakota Office of Child Support Enforcement

(605) 394-2561

South Dakota Sales Tax on Food Refund Program

(866) 674-0534
(605) 773-7183

Hot Springs Veteran’s Service Officer

(605) 745-5146

Lakota Funds, The
P.O. Box 340 Kyle 57752
Fax Line

Pine Ridge Veteran’s Service Officer

(605) 867-5577

OST Court Appointed Special Advocate

(605) 867-5643

Shannon County Veteran’s Office
PO Box 5080 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-2555

OST Legal Office

(605) 867-5140

V.A. Benefits

(800) 827-1000

OST Victims of Crime Assistance (VOCA)

(605) 867-5556

V.A. Black Hills Health Care System

(800) 764-5370

Oglala Lakota CASA Program
Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5643

V.A. Hospital

(605) 745-2000

(605) 455-2685

V.A. Wellness Center

(605) 867-2393

Pine Ridge Area Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 375 Kyle 57752


(605) 455-2585

P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program


Sioux Funeral Home
PO Box 277 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-5454

Wounded Knee District Foundation

(605) 867-1176

Madeline’s Hair Salon
PO Box 1056 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5099

Oyate Teca Project

(605) 455-2544

Pine Ridge Extension Office

(605) 455-1362

Pine Ridge Village
PO Box 3006 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5666

PO Box 5054 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-2282

Red Cloud Heritage Center
Fax Line

(605) 867-8211
(605) 867-2039

Rex Used Furniture Store

(605) 867-2339

Security First Bank (Martin)
P.O. Box 550 Rushville, NE 69360

(605) 685-6776
(308) 327-2412

SuAnne Big Crow Inc
PO Box 5079 Pine Ridge 57770
Fax Line

(605) 867-1011

University of Colorado-Field Office
PO Box 711 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-1130

Wolf Creek Community Building
PO Box 3017 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-6380

Wounded Knee Community Center

(605) 867-2834

(605) 867-6254

Billy Mills Hall

(605) 867-2589

Bob's Videos
PO Box 639 Kyle 57752

(605) 455-2931

Carlow Enterprises
PO Box 276 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-1990

Country Road Carpet

(605) 685-6464

Crazy Horse Construction
PO Box 762 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-1284

Drobney Construction

(605) 685-6430

H & R Block (Martin)
North I.H.S Road Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 685-1383
(605) 867-5564

Hahn Construction

(605) 685-6886

L& S Video
PO Box 3055 Pine Ridge 57770

(605) 867-5392

(605) 867-1940

P.O. Box 490, Kyle, So. Dak. 57752 / 605-455-6114 (Phone) and 605-455-6116 (Fax)
Community Resource Directory


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