Aon Letter Contract Works To July 2015
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Aon UK Limited
Registered Office | 8 Devonshire Square | London | EC2M 4PL
Registered in England & Wales No. 210725 | VAT Registration No. 480 8401 48
Aon UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Colmore Gate
2 Colmore Row
B3 2QD
Tel: 0121 253 3100
Fax: 0121 212 1200
Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd.
Bartley Wood
RG27 9XA
30th July 2014
Dear Sirs
Client Information Letter - Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd
We, Aon Limited, are insurance brokers acting on your behalf only in accordance with our terms of
business agreement. We have agreed to provide this letter to confirm that the contract(s) of
insurance described below (the ‘Insurances’) are in force at the date of this letter.
All of the Insurances are subject to their specific policy terms, conditions and exceptions, not all of
which may be summarised below. Please refer to the actual policies if full terms and conditions are
Contract Works
Insurer : Zurich Insurance Company
Policy No : FE630787
Policy Expires : 26th July 2015
Limit of Indemnity: £700,000 any one contract
We accept no obligation to inform any other person or entity should any of the Insurances be
cancelled, assigned or changed in such manner as to affect the accuracy of this document. Unless
we specifically agree otherwise in writing, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept
any liability to anyone other than you, our client (and any such liability to you will be subject to the
limitations contained in our terms of business agreement, and/or any other agreement, with you) for
the content of this letter and its attachments.
Yours faithfully,
Bryn Jones
Operations Manager
For and on behalf of Aon UK Limited