PDF Field Manual FM 3 09.31 (FM 6 71) McRp 16c Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures For Fire Support The Combined Arms Comm Cp FLYPHZIL 09 31 71 Tacti 1

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Field Manual FM 3-09.31 (FM 6-71) McRp 3-16c Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures... # PDF « VOQGI2EFOZ
Field Manual FM 3-09.31 (FM 6-71) McRp 3-16cField Manual FM 3-09.31 (FM 6-71) McRp 3-16c
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for FireTactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire
Support for the Combined Arms CommanderSupport for the Combined Arms Commander
October 2002 (Paperback)October 2002 (Paperback)
By United States Government Us Army
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012. Paperback. Condition: New. Language: English
. Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****. Like its predecessors TC 6-71 (1988) and the first field
manual-version of FM 6-71 (1994), this publication is intended for you, the combined arms brigade
or battalion commander, and your staffs to help you synchronize fires with your scheme of
maneuver. You know from experience that combat forces must be employed as part of the
combined arms team. Maneuver and fires must be synchronized and orchestrated by the combined
arms commander to realize the full potential of each arm and maximize the combat power of the
combined arms team. The same applies in principle to firepower. Mortars, cannon and rocket
artillery, naval gunfire, and air support on the lethal side, and intelligence and electronic warfare
(IEW) and information operations (IO) systems on the non-lethal side, are various means of fire
support. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Each provides a measure of capability
the others lack: responsiveness, flexibility, and accuracy from mortars and artillery; precision and
destructiveness from close air support; disruption of command and control and capability to
exclude collateral damage from IEW and IO systems. Using all of...
[ 6.24 MB ][ 6.24 MB ]
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