Craving Crusher Action Guide

User Manual:

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Copyright © 2013 Natural Health Sherpa LLC
is publication contains the opinions and ideas of the author. It is intended to provide helpful and
informative materials on the subjects in the publications. It is sold with the understanding that the
author and publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, health, psychological, or any other kind of
personal professional services in the program. If the reader requires personal medical, health, or other
assistance or advice, a competent professional should be consulted.
e author and publisher specically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal
or otherwise that is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly of the use and application of any
of the contents of this program.
How to Use this Action Guide ............................................................................................................................5
Phase 1: Step 1 Plant the Seeds for Success ......................................................................................................7
Phase 1: Step 2 Detect Landmines and Pinpoint the Buried Treasure .......................................................14
Phase 1: Step 3 Engineering Your Own Plan for Success .............................................................................23
Phase 1: Step 4 Create Your Baseline Measurements ....................................................................................49
Phase 2 Flip on Your Fat Burning Switch .......................................................................................................65
Phase 3 e Food Reintroduction Test ...........................................................................................................66
Phase 4 Fine Tune Your Plan for Life ..............................................................................................................71
Weekly Checklists .............................................................................................................................................74
Handy Resources ................................................................................................................................................76
The Craving Crusher Action Guide
is designed to provide you all of the
practical tools you need to eectively
complete the Unleash Your in program. Once
youve watched the video and read the manual,
the action guide is all you need to execute the
program on a weekly and daily basis.
In this guide you will nd:
  All of the
exercises you were asked to complete in Phase
1 and utilize over the course of the program
are here. Complete these exercises to ip
your behavior control switch to the “support
 
Learn how to clean out your kitchen and
prepare it for a new healthy eating lifestyle.
  Over the
course of the program you will take a series of
health measurements including your weight,
waist size, hip size, body fat percentage, and a
set of tests that will provide you a quantitative
assessment of your progress. ose quizzes
and tools for recording your measurements are
in this guide.
 
I have repeated the overview of each phase
here in the action guide so you don’t have to
keep ipping back to the manual. e simple
bulleted lists will guide you through all of the
steps you need to take.
  We put these in so you
know exactly what to do each week on the
  is will give
you an easy place to record any symptoms you
experience as you experiment with adding
dairy and grains back into your diet.
  I have also included handy
resources you can use to deepen you
knowledge in the subjects of health, and
weight loss, an FAQ about the program, and a
load of useful tidbits throughout.
I hope you use this action guide to make
your experience on the program easier, more
enjoyable, and more powerful. e exercises you
are going to work through here are unlike any
other diet program out there. ey will help you
ip that behavior control switch so that keeping
your fat-burning switch rmly in the “on
position is simple.
Use the guide well, and enjoy the journey.
Plant the Seeds for Success
In this section, we are going to prepare your
psychological terrain to tilt the odds towards
success and away from failure by leveraging
various psychological triggers that have been
scientically proven to be the most powerful
inuencers on peoples behavior.
ese are little seeds of success that well plant in
your brain. Each and every week you are on the
program you will fertilize these seeds by using
the techniques you develop in this step and
those that follow. is will unconsciously and
automatically help you turn your bad habits into
good habits; help you break through barriers
where previously you had just given up; help you
stare down obstacles that have sabotaged you in
the past.
is is far more powerful than generalized
positive thinking—this goes several levels deeper
and is a true ground-level nuts and bolts re-
programming of your mind that is the single
most important key to your success.
Let’s start with the statement of commitment.
Your Contract to Complete the
Making a promise to yourself that you will stay
on the program is a powerful technique that
will help you stick with it even when times are
rough. Showing your statement of commitment
to friends and family takes it a step further
adding an element of accountability into the mix
that has been shown to help people maintain
long-term behavioral change. is is a type of
good “pressure” you place on yourself because it
comes from inside you, leveraging your built in
evolutionary need to live up to the commitments
that you make, which is what helped us survive
and work as teams throughout the ages.
Completing this process is simple. Here is what
to do:
1. Read and sign the following statement.
To download a copy of the statement that
you can print out and sign go to
2. Show it to at least three people; ideally
people whose judgment you trust and
respect and who you would not want to
3. Make a photocopy of it and tape it on
your bathroom mirror or somewhere
else you will see it regularly.
4. Once a week over the course of the
program, read the commitment aloud to
5. If you are ever tempted to break the
contract or go o the program, stop and
read the contract to yourself before you
do so.
I, _________________, do solemnly swear I will:
1. Complete the Unleash Your in program exactly as outlined, even though it may sometimes
be dicult. is includes:
a. Completing all of the phase 1 preparation exercises including the “Bulletproong Your
Mind” and “Bulletproong Your Environment” components.
b. Follow the Phase 2 and Phase 3 diets as described in the manual.
c. Listen to the Bulletproong Your Mind CD three times a week.
2. Remember the reasons I am doing this program, especially when I am tempted to stop doing it.
3. Recognize the negative thinking and doubts that will inevitably arise as I complete this
program, honor these feelings, but not allow them to control my actions. I will remember that
“feelings are not facts.”
4. Look honestly at my behavior and feelings, no matter what comes up.
5. Refusetolettoxicinuences—includingwell-meaningfriends—interferewithmyresolveto
complete this program.
6. Make my word law in the universe by doing what I say will do.
7. Not drop out without discussing this with at least one other person.
8. Re-read this contract before I break any of the promises or ignore any of the assignments.
Signed___________________________________ Date_______________
Using Psychological Triggers to Your Advantage
will set the stage for success on the program. Please review and answer each of them carefully.
1. Elaborate on why you feel this program will be successful where others have failed. Based on
what you know about the program now, what are the major things you’ll be doing dierently
that will ensure success?
2. Describe how you are going to handle the inevitable “bad day” that you will come across where
nothing seems to go your way, a day when you are stressed out and short on time. How are you
going to ensure that one hiccup doesnt derail you completely?
3. Createadeadlineforyourselftostartthisprogramandelaborateonwhynowisnallythe
this process?
4. Whatarethe3mostimportantnewpiecesofinformationyou’velearnedfromthisprogramso
far that you are most thankful for?
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
5. Make a list of three things you are giving up by not being tter and having a body you can be
happy in. What is it costing you? What are the worst things being overweight has done to you?
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
6. Whatarethetop3thingsyouhopetodothatyoucan’tdonowonceyouhaveachievedyour
ideal weight and health?
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
7. Now that you understand how your vulnerable biology reacts with the toxic food world we
negative consequences that you suffer physically, emotionally and behaviorally?
8. From the description above, choose the single most powerful word that makes it clear to you
why bad food is bad. is word should cue your mind to think of all the negative consequences
eating bad food has. It could be any word as long as it is powerful to you. Write that word in the
space below. Every time you are tempted to go o the program or eat one of the toxic foods in
your environment you can use this simple word as a shortcut to remind you of how deadly that
food really is.
9. Now describe in as much detail as you can why good food is good for you. How does it
positively affect your health physically, emotionally and behaviorally?
10. From the description above, choose the single most powerful word that makes it clear to you
why GOOD food is good. is word should cue your mind to think of all the POSITIVE
consequences eating good food has. It could be any word as long as it is powerful to you. Write
that word in the space below. Every time you come across a good food that nourishes you,
think of this trigger word so you can reinforce your behavior to continually seek out foods that
nourish you.
11. Who can you turn to while on this program to provide the motivational support you may need
from time to time, especially when the going gets rough, to help make you accountable. is is
ideally someone who will actually do the program with you.
Create Your Weekly To Do Lists
Every day you are on the program I want you to create and keep a To Do List for that day. I strongly
recommend that you do it rst thing in the morning.
e purpose of this exercise is to help rehabilitate your word, especially to yourself. You need to teach
yourself that your word is law in the universe and that what you say you’ll get done, you will in fact get
Each day youre going to take an action or complete a task that youve been putting o that would
make a dierence to you if you completed them. ese can be small, easy actions, like returning a
phone call, or straightening up a closet, or they can be signicant, like cleaning up a misunderstanding
with a friend or parent that’s been festering between the two of you for a long time.
Don’t get “stuck” on the meaning of the phrase “make a dierence. To get a place on the list, an action
doesnt have to be something gigantic like getting engaged or divorced, or going back to school, but it
could be. Sometimes just getting a phone bill paid, or clearing out that old pile of Sunday newspapers
near the bed creates a little whisper of mental fresh air that comes from nally doing something youve
been putting o. eres no “right” way to make your list. Just do it.
If you need to, start small. You could start simply by putting, “have a glass of water” on the list. en go
drink the glass of water and check it o! e point is to get you doing what you said youd do.
e following form is a sample you can use for your To Do List. Feel free to photocopy it if you like.
You can also simply keep your To Do List on a piece of paper or Post-it if you prefer. Or you can
download the To Do List at and print it out on your computer.
My To Do LisT
Detect Landmines and Pinpoint the Buried Treasure
Now that you’ve planted the seeds for
success and tilted the weight loss odds
in your favor, this next step is essentially
going to map out your existing psychological
terrain to detect the landmines you want to
avoid at all costs as well as pinpoint where the
buried treasure is so you can leverage that for
One of the most powerful steps you can take is
to be aware—aware of the potential pitfalls that
you should avoid as well as the beacons of hope
that you can us as springboards to help you leap
towards your goals.
is is a critical step because much of what you
uncover in this step will be used in the next
step when you create your own personalized
playbook to bulletproof your mind and
environment to virtually guarantee that nothing
will get you o track and that you can unleash
your thin.
Detecting Landmines
e rst step in this process is to identify potential pitfalls so you can avoid them. Let’s do that now.
My Toxic Foods
Below, please list the top ve foods that you are most addicted to—the ones you are nearly helpless
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
Examples include ice cream, bread, cheese, pizza, bagels, donuts, cookies, or cola … any food around
which you simply cant control yourself goes on this list.
My Toxic Relationships
Please list your toxic relationships here. ese are the relationships that that may sabotage your weight
loss eorts. is may include people who are not supportive of your eorts, people who actively work
against your eorts, people who cause you stress, or those whose presence make it more likely that you
will engage in bad habits.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Toxic Situations
Next I want you to take an inventory of toxic situations you nd yourself in that cause you to be more
susceptible to eating poorly or overeating or trigger intense cravings that you know you shouldnt give
in to.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Stressful Situations
Now lets talk about stress. Its a part of all of our lives and when it runs out of control, it overwhelms
our better nature and reduces our inhibition around temptation. Below list the top ve stressful
situations in your life:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Toxic Routines
Next list your toxic routines—those forces of habit that are so automatic you dont even really notice
when you are engaging in them until they are done. Here I want you to focus specically on those
routines that result in your doing something bad for your health, weight or happiness.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Toxic Beliefs
Do you have toxic beliefs that hold you back from success? ese may include the belief that you “don’t
deserve to be thin;” that being overweight, exhausted, and depressed is simply “a part of life;” or that
you “dont have what it takes to succeed.” You may also have misguided beliefs you use to rationalize
and convince yourself that your bad habits aren’t so bad aer all, or that allow you to succumb to
temptations when you know down deep that you shouldnt. I want you to list any and all of your toxic
beliefs here. Note: Please make sure you are brutally honest with yourself … we all have toxic beliefs,
its just a matter of whether we admit to them or not:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Toxic Feelings
Finally, I want you to list all of the toxic feelings you experience that cause you to want to eat to assuage
the pain. Examples include anger, anxiety, sadness, and frustration, but there are many others, so
please list them all here:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Points of Pain
Make a list of the top 3 activities that you engage in or do in any aspect of your life that bring you the
most pain, make you depressed, sad, angry, anxious, worried or stressed.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
Finding Buried Treasure
Next we need to identify the positive foods, relationships, situations, and more that support you. Dig
up the buried treasure hidden inside you by completing the following exercises.
My Treasured Foods
Below, please list the top ve foods that are your favorite healthy treats. ese are the guilt-free foods
that make you feel nourished and energetic. Examples could include nuts (macadamia, cashews, or
almonds), seeds (pumpkin or sunower), apples and peanut butter, whey protein shakes, or anything
else that you currently eat which supports your health goals. If you dont have any, dont worry, thats
what this program is for!
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Treasured Relationships
I hope you have at least one person in your life that supports you and your weight loss and health
goals. e rst person on this list should be the person (or people) you have decided to do the
program with. Aer him or her (or them), list any people you could turn to for support when you face
temptation or any diculty while on the program.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Treasured Situations
Next I want you to list your favorite activities or situations. ese should be things you do or encounter
in your day that you look forward to that make you wake up and feel happy and excited to be alive.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Relaxing Situations
e antidote to stress is relaxation. Even if you dont do a lot of relaxing right now I want you to write
down ve ways you would enjoy relaxing. We will be utilizing this information later, so please take
time now to complete this list.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Treasured Routines
Just as there are routines that tear down your attempts at weight loss, I’m sure you have a few daily
habits that support them. For example, if you regularly eat dinner before 7pm, always get a breakfast,
or keep a bagful of almonds in your desk drawer those routines would go in this list.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Treasured Beliefs
What beliefs do you have about yourself that support your health and weight loss goals? ese could
include, “I can do anything I set my mind to;” “I deserve to be that thin, healthy, vibrant person I’ve
always wanted to be;” “eres a t attractive person in me just waiting to come out.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Treasured Feelings
List all of the feelings that make you want to get and stay thin and healthy. Does the thought of losing
weight excite you? Do you feel joy bubble up inside when you know you are doing what you should to
support your health? Do you feel a sense of peace? Whatever the feelings are, they should go on this
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
My Points of Pleasure
Make a list of the top 3 activities you like to DO the most that bring you the most happiness, pleasure,
fulllment or excitement.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
My Mental Candy
Make a list of the top 3 things that are your mental candy, things you love to THINK about, daydream
about and fantasize about…things that get your blood pumping, your heart racing or bring a smile to
your face.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
Develop Your Power Images
Please take your time to go through each of the following exercises
and develop the arsenal of built-in positive and negative associations
you will use to fend o the psychological demons that keep you fat,
unhealthy and depressed. ese are going to be your “power images” and they will help you ip your
behavior control switch. In the next step I will teach you how to apply this information.
Negative Power Images
To the right of each word below, please write down the very rst picture that comes to mind when you
think about that word. Dont worry about how weird, strange, silly, plain or complex those images are,
just write down the rst thing that comes to mind and describe it in as much detail as possible—how
does it look, how does it feel, how does it smell, how does it make you feel, etc. For example, you might
choose the image of “rat poison” for the word “poisonous.
 
ese associations
will be your “Power
Images” and we are
going to use them in
the exercises in Step 3.
Positive Power Images
To the right of each word below, please write down the very rst picture that comes to mind when you
think about that word. Dont worry about how weird, strange, silly, plain or complex those images are,
just right down the rst thing that comes to mind and describe it in as much detail as possible – how
does it look, how does it feel, how does it smell, how does it make you feel, etc. For example, you might
choose the image “clean, refreshing waterfall” for the word “healthy.
 
Fat Burning
Engineering Your Own Plan for Success
This is the single most important part of
the entire program. In this step you’ll
create your own personalized action plan
to ght re with re, to help you create new
healthy scripts that you can follow instead of
being sabotaged by the old unhealthy ones that
were making you gain weight. By the end of this
step, youll have created your own blueprint to
help bulletproof your mind and the environment
around you. is will help you on your journey
to becoming t, trim, happy and healthy for
previous exercises, you are going to both erect
mental barriers to protect yourself against
things that have previously done you harm and
give yourself a new set of tools to help you
automatically gravitate towards thoughts and
actions that support weight loss and healthy
Bulletproong Your Mind
Since the most important organ in the body for
weight loss is the mind, we will start with a set
of exercises designed to help you bulletproof it.
In the pages that follow you will complete a set
of worksheets that will help you develop new
mental scripts surrounding food and lifestyle
issues that are most often responsible for
derailing weight loss attempts.
each of the worksheets below. As I mentioned
in the manuscript, some of the work you will
be doing is slightly repetitive with the previous
to increase your awareness of the problems
and opportunities while simultaneously help
you habituate positive responses to those.
Please take your time to complete each step
in the exercises below. Remember, this is the
most important part of the program and I am
giving you an entire week to focus on the Phase
change yourself by taking short cuts.
You will be using these new mental scripts to
support you throughout the program. So take
your time to make them as good as they can be.
Eliminating Toxic Foods
You will use the table below to create a set of
strategies to avoid being exposed to the toxic
foods you identied in Step 2, eliminate your
urge for these foods, and reprogram your
psychological responses to them. Here is what to
1. In the “Toxic Food” column on the le
write down the top ve toxic foods you
identied in Step 2.
2. In the second column, “How I Will
Avoid is Toxic Food,” I want you to
come up with a strategy for avoiding
this food as much as you can. is may
include not keeping it in the house,
avoiding it in the grocery store, eating
before you go shopping, or any of the
other suggestions I made in the program.
Refer to Part 4 of the manual for more
suggestions that may help.
3. Obviously, there is no way to avoid
any food 100%. ats why I want you
to create a backup plan. In the third
column, “How Ill Eliminate the Urge
If I Cant Avoid It,” I want you to think
of the food you are tempted by for what
it is. Go back to your list of “Negative
Associations” above and choose a word
from the le-hand column that applies
to this food. It may be fattening, allergic,
addictive, or any of the others. Use the
example oered below as a model.
4. Finally, in the “Negative Power Image I
Will Use to Help Eliminate My Craving
for this Food” column on the right I
want you to write down the image you
came up with for the negative word you
have now associated with this food. In
the example below, I said chocolate was
poisonous.” e image I came up with
for that in the negative associations
exercises was “rat poison,” so I put that
image in the column in the right.
Once you have done this for all of the toxic foods
in your inventory, you will have a comprehensive
strategy for coping with the foods that tempt
you most. When you can avoid them using the
strategy you outlined in the worksheet, do that.
When you cant avoid them, when they are in the
environment calling you with their Sirens Song,
use the strategies and visual cues you came up
with for eliminating your urges.
Do this regularly, and you will slowly reprogram
your relationship to the foods that once
controlled you. You will be rmly in the driver’s
seat when it comes to controlling your own
health and youll liberate that healthy, thinner
person inside you. And thats exactly how it
should be.
Toxic Foods Worksheet
 
Soda I’ll make sure that I eat before
I go shopping and I won’t even
consider buying any sugary
sodas as I know I am helpless
around it.
When I see any type of soda,
I’ll think of it for what it is—a
poisonous food that triggers my
hormones to build fat and add
inches to my waist.
Rat poison
Choosing Treasured Foods
Another thing you can do when the temptation
to eat toxic foods comes up is to choose one
of your treasured foods instead. For many of
us, this is dicult at rst, because we have
associated bad foods with comfort and goods
foods with deprivation.
In the last exercise you began reprogramming
your relationship to bad foods. In this step, I
want you to reprogram your relationship to
healthy foods that support you. Associating
these “treasured foods” with health, pleasure,
and enjoyment will make it easier for you to
make responsible food decisions in real time.
Heres what to do:
1. In the column on the right, “Treasured
Food,” list all of the healthy foods you
identied in Step 2.
2. In the second column, “How I Will
Make is Food Available,” take notes
on how you would make sure you have
access to this food at times when you are
tempted. is may include keeping it on
hand in your home and oce, choosing
it instead of chocolate from the oce
snack machine, or going out for a walk to
your local convenience store when you
get hungry and picking up this food for a
3. In the third column, “How I Will
Support the Desire to Eat is Food,
take notes on why you enjoy this food,
why its good for you, how it makes you
feel, and why it makes you feel better
than the toxic foods you outlined in the
previous exercise. Use at least one of the
words from the “Positive Associations
exercise we did earlier as part of this
4. Finally, in the column on the right,
“Positive Power Image I Will Use to
Strengthen the Appeal of is Food,
insert the image you wish to associate
with this food that will support the
positive responses you have to it. is
image should correlate with the positive
word you chose in the last step. For
example, I have chosen an apple as my
treasured food. I have associated the
word “healthy” with that food, and the
visual cue I chose to go with that was a
clean refreshing waterfall.
Now whenever you are tempted by those toxic
foods, you have another tool in your pocket.
First, think of the visual cue you have for your
toxic foods (A Cinnabon now equates to rat
poison for me), then choose a healthy food
you could eat instead and bring the visual cue
you have for that food to mind (for me thats a
healthy, refreshing waterfall). When you do this
regularly, you will soon nd you are naturally
pulled toward the foods that support your
Treasured Foods Worksheet
Apple I’ll make sure I have this food
on hand as a snack at all times.
I will keep it at home and at
When I see an apple, I’ll think of
how healthy it is, how the sugar
in it is balanced by fiber and how
it helps keep my blood sugar
stable as a result.
Changing Toxic Relationships
e table below is designed to help you
address and insulate yourself against the toxic
relationships in your life. By developing an
eective plan for coping with the people in your
life that may sabotage your weight loss attempts,
you protect yourself and further insure your
success on the program. Here is how to complete
this worksheet:
1. In the column on the le, “Toxic Person,
write down the toxic relationships you
identied in Step 2.
2. In the middle column, “Why the
Relationship is Toxic,” I want you to
explain why this relationship is toxic,
specically as it relates to how it may be
hurting your chances to lose weight and
gain health.
3. In the column on the right, “How I
Will Insulate Myself Against is Toxic
Relationship,” explain how you will
handle the toxic person in your life.
Note this may take dierent strategies
depending on the person and your
relationship. In the example below you
will see that my best friend Anne is toxic
to my weight loss attempts. Now, Anne is
someone I care about deeply and I don’t
want to lose my friendship with her, but
I know she has an interest in keeping me
fat and Im tired of it. So I have come up
with a way of dealing with Anne. I want
you to do the same for all of the people in
your life that may sabotage your weight
loss attempts. Please be as specic and as
realistic as you can.
Now that you have a strategy in place for coping
with your toxic relationships, I want you to
use that information to your advantage on the
program. Any time you are tempted to engage
with this person in a way that strays from your
plan, review the worksheet below, remember
why you are doing this, and stick with the plan.
Toxic Relationships Worksheet
  
My best friend,
I think she secretly wants to keep me fat so
she can have someone else fat to hang out
I still plan on talking to her, but I will minimize
my contact and always try to avoid putting
myself in a situation with her that involves
Engaging in Treasured Relationships
Many of us spend far too much time around
the people who are toxic to us and far too little
time around the people that support us. is is a
shame, as we are deeply inuenced by those we
spend the most time with.
at’s why during this program I want you to
make time to spend with the people that support
your health and weight loss eorts. Ideally,
one or more of these people will be doing the
program with you.
To help you encourage yourself to spend time
with these healthy, supportive people complete
the worksheet below by following these steps:
1. In the column on the le, “Treasured
Relationship,” write down all of the
treasured relationships you identied in
Step 2.
2. In the middle column, “Why the
Relationship is Treasured,” take some
notes on what makes this a healthy
relationship for you. ough you dont
have to focus on it exclusively, I want you
to take into account how this particular
relationship supports your health and
weight loss goals.
3. Finally, in the column on the right,
“How I Will Support is Treasured
Relationship,” I want you to identify
exactly how you are going to spend time
with this person. Determining this now
will make it less likely you will make
excuses about why you cant spend time
together later on.
Treasured Relationships Worksheet
  
My colleague, Jack He and I have agreed to do the program
together as we both need to lose some weight.
Jack is funny and easy to be around and is
very encouraging.
I will spend more time with Jack both at work
and away from work. We plan to get together
a couple times a week to compare notes on
what’s working best for each of us as part of
this program.
Avoiding Toxic Situations
In Step 2 you identied toxic situations that
cause you to be more susceptible to eating
poorly, overeating, or situations that trigger
intense cravings. In the following worksheet you
will determine how you can avoid these toxic
situations so they don’t aect you. Here is what
to do:
1. In the column on the le, “Toxic
Situation,” write down all of the toxic
situations you identied in Step 2.
2. In the column on the right, “How I Will
Avoid is Toxic Situation,” describe
some actions you could take that
would both allow you to avoid the toxic
situation and provide you an alternative
behavior. Use my example for guidance
as well as all of the tips and tricks you
learned in the program.
Toxic Situations Worksheet
 
At work they are constantly bringing
in bagels that are extremely
I will do my best to avoid coming into eye contact with the bagels and I will
bring in a snack of nuts and fruit so I have something to eat instead. I will also
use my negative power images to reprogram my brain to respond differently
to this toxic food just in case I can’t avoid them.
Putting Yourself in Treasured Situations
As with treasured relationships, we spend too
little time in treasured situations. We just dont
give ourselves enough of the good stu in life!
No wonder we use food to ll the void and
suppress our emotions.
Another step to undermining this process is
making sure you put yourself in situations that
support your health. For some of you this may
mean a radical reconsideration of your entire
lifestyle. But big changes mean risk and taking
risk is necessary if you are going to become the
thin, t, healthy, happy person youve always
wanted to be.
I’m suggesting you start taking some of those
risks now. I’m suggesting you work to put
yourself in situations—at your job, in your
home, and in your social life—that will provide
a solid foundation for your heath. You dont
have to do everything at once, but try doing at
least 1–2 of these ideas per month, building up
To help you do this, complete the following
exercise using these steps:
1. In the column on the le, “Treasured
Situation” outline all of the situations
that you identied in Step 2 that support
your health.
2. In the column on the right, “How I Will
Engage in is Treasured Situation More
Frequently,” create a realistic plan for
yourself that will allow you to do the
things that support you in life. ink big
and be a little risky here. If you know
that sitting at your desk ten hours a day
makes you want to snack on junk food
more, think about what you might do
instead even if it feels a little dangerous
at rst.
Treasured Situations Worksheet
 
Hiking in the woods north of my
home. It makes me feel calm and at
peace and it’s great exercise.
I will make it a point to hike at least twice a week. I will put that in my calendar
and on those days I will cut out of work a little early to make it happen. I will
think of this as my “job” for the afternoon.
Coping with Stressful Situations
eres an old Lenny Bruce routine in which he
talks about a list he once saw of the top ten tips
for swimmers in shark-infested waters. “Are
you ready for the rst tip?” he asks the audience
sarcastically. “Get out of the water as soon as
Well, when it comes to stress the advice is the
same. “Get out of the water as soon as possible.
In other words, the best thing to do about stress
is to not have it in the rst place. Unfortunately,
thats next to impossible.
Stress is a fact of life. None of us can avoid it
entirely … we can only learn how to cope with
it in healthier ways. ree or four glasses of
wine in the evening is not such a healthy way to
handle stress. Going for a run on the other hand
is great! e rst stresses your body out further,
the later relaxes you mentally and physically.
You need to create an alternative plan to cope
with stressful situations so you won’t turn to
eating bad foods or overeating to cope with
stress. Heres how to do that:
1. In the column on the le, “Stressful
Situation,” write down all of the stressful
situations you identied in Step 2.
2. In the middle column, “How to
Minimize My Exposure to is
Situation,” brainstorm some ways you
could avoid this stressor altogether. In
many cases, we can reduce our exposure
to stress, and its important to look at the
best ways to do that.
3. In the column on the right, “How I Can
Relax Once I have Been Exposed to is
Situation,” come up with a method for
relaxing yourself when you have been
eected by stress. A great way to do
this is to use the relaxing situations you
outlined earlier in this action guide.
Choose one of these situations or actions
and put yourself in that space whenever
your stressors arise. Or you can come up
with an alternative plan if you choose.
Coping with Stressful Situations Worksheet
 
Fighting with my husband
over money gets me very
stressed out.
My husband and I could have a
conversation about money instead of waiting
for it to escalate to a fight.
I’ll go for a run for a quick, natural high
instead of turning to food.
Engaging in Deep Relaxation
In addition to avoiding stressors and learning to
cool o when you are exposed, its essential that
you regularly engage in deep relaxation to drain
your body of accumulated stress hormones.
Chronic stress is one of the primary causes of
weight gain and ill health. Deep relaxation is
the antidote. is exercise will help you identify
ways to regularly relax. Here is what to do:
1. In the column on the le, “A Relaxing
Activity I Enjoy,” write down all of the
relaxing activities you can think of. You
can use the relaxing situations you came
up with in Step 2 or others.
2. In the column on the right, “How I Will
Do More of is Relaxing Activity,
identify ways you can make sure you
include these activities in your daily life.
If you think you dont have time to relax,
think again. Your health and your weight
depend on it.
Engaging in Deep Relaxation Worksheet
 
Stretching I will do 20 minutes of full body stretching when I wake up and again
before I go to bed.
Abolishing Toxic Routines
Toxic routines are those daily automatic
habits that inhibit your health, weight goals or
happiness. While its important to acknowledge
that these toxic habits are embedded into your
daily routine, its even more important to create
a plan for altering each and every one of them.
Heres how to do that:
1. In the column on the le, “Toxic
Routine,” write down all of the toxic daily
habits you came up with in Step 2.
2. In the column on the right, “How I Will
Change is Toxic Routine,” I want you
to think of an alternate behavior you
could engage in that would support your
health instead of derail it. is may be
as simple as avoiding the deadly routine
or it may be as complex as reordering
some part of your day or life so that this
routine no longer has such a strong hold
over you. Every situation is dierent, so
this will require a little brainstorming on
your part.
Toxic Routines Worksheet
 
I am always rushed in the morning and
never have time to make myself a healthy
breakfast, so I just eat some sugary cereal
or a bagel.
I plan to set my alarm 30 minutes earlier each morning to give myself
more than enough time to eat breakfast. I also will prepare my food the
night before to ensure that I am not rushed.
Maintaining Healthy Routines
I want you to take a moment to formally
recognize the healthy routines you DO have.
is is important for at least three reasons. First,
it will help you realize that not everything you
currently do is bad. Second, it will ingrain these
routines even further into your daily life. And
nally it may give you another alternative to the
unhealthy routines we worked through in the
previous step.
To maintain your healthy routines do the
1. In the column on the le, “Healthy
Routine,” write down all of the healthy
routines you identied in Step 2.
2. In the column on the right, “Why is
Routine is Important to Me and Why I
Want to Keep It” take notes on why this
routine is important to you and makes
you feel good. You may have learned
some additional reasons its an important
routine from the program. Make sure
you take notes on that information as
Healthy Routines Worksheet
 
I eat before 7 pm every night. I’ve always hated going to bed feeling full. After reading the program I
understand that there are real biological reasons to keep up this healthy
Transforming Toxic Beliefs into Treasured
Toxic, misguided beliefs allow us to rationalize
bad habits or succumb to temptations when,
deep down, we know we shouldnt. Luckily, we
can change these beliefs and focus our energy on
thoughts that support our health instead. Heres
how to do that:
1. In the column on the le, “Toxic Belief,
write down all of the beliefs that hold
you back that you identied in Step 2.
2. In the column on the right, “A Treasured
Belief I Will Focus on Instead,” I want
you to choose one of the treasured beliefs
you wrote down in Step 2. Every time
the original toxic thought comes into
your head, I want you to consciously
shi your attention toward this treasured
belief instead.
Transforming Toxic Beliefs Worksheet
 
When I’ve had a bad day, it’s ok to just have
that bowl of ice cream. Life sucks and I’ve
put in my dues.
While I acknowledge life can suck sometimes, I know that bowl of ice
cream will only give me temporary relief, tomorrow will be a better day
and I choose to just read my favorite book or watch my favorite TV
show instead.
Transforming Toxic Feelings into
Treasured Feelings
In the chart below I have listed most of the
toxic feelings that people typically use food to
cope with. While some of these feelings are very
powerful and full of intense emotions, you can
create an alternative plan to cope with these
feelings that will disempower them, bulletproof
your mind against the temptations they trigger,
and set o a cascade of treasured feelings that
support you instead. Heres what to do:
1. Review the list of emotions below and
add any you experience that havent
been outlined in the “Optional Feelings
section at the end of the table.
2. Develop an action plan you can take to
change this feeling and put that in the
middle column, “My Alternate Plan for
Coping with ese Toxic Feelings.” is
plan could be anything that you know
works for you when you are facing these
powerful emotions. For example, for the
emotion “anger” you may chose say, “Go
for a run, play tennis, or do yoga.
3. Finally, in the column on the le,
Treasured Feeling I Experience,” note
the positive emotions that come up
when you take this action to change your
negative emotional experiences. is
will remind you, in real time, why its
important to take this action when you
feel overwhelmed by powerful negative
feelings. For example you might write,
“Relieved and relaxed” as a result of
going for a run when you are angry.
Transforming Toxic Feelings Worksheet
(Note: You dont need to ll in all of these, just complete the ones that apply to your specic situation)
 
 
Other Feeling #1:
Other Feeling #2:
Other Feeling #3:
Bulletproong Your
e rst thing you want to do when you
bulletproof your kitchen is get rid of anything
thats likely to call to you around 3:00 in the
at’s my “Ben and Jerry’s” approach—removing
anything I’m not going to be able to resist if
its sitting in the fridge. But dont stop with the
worst oenders. Look at your list of trigger
foods. Look around the kitchen and think of
what youd grab if you were lazy and just wanted
a quick snack. en get rid of it. (Unless you’re
the type to snack on apples and string cheese, of
e point here is to get rid of the foods that are
likely to derail your weight loss eorts. By now
you know this certainly includes the “forbidden
nine, (listed below in case you forgot), but you
will also want to get rid of chips, pastries, snack
cakes, crackers and any other foods that will
raise your blood sugar, create their own cravings
or which are personal trigger foods for you.
Remember, you want to set your kitchen up
so that eating foods that fuel your body and
keep your fat burning switch on are easy and
accessible and foods that put your fat burning
switch in the o position are missing in action.
Make sure to get rid of the forbidden nine:
1. Potatoes
2. Rice
3. Pasta
4. Cereal
5. Bread
6. Sugar
7. Alcohol
8. Dairy
9. Fruit (if you have more than 15 pounds
to lose)
Exception: Everyone should eat 1 apple per day!
If you need some variety or dont like apples,
you can have ½ cup of berries or a ½ grapefruit
Now that youve cleaned out the garbage, it’s
time to stock up with the good stu. Turn to the
10 Minute Meals Guide where Chef Jeannette
Bessinger prepared shopping list for each
week you are on the program. Use the week 2
shopping list as a starting point and then add
in anything from similar categories that are
“Unleash Your in” friendly. (is includes
protein foods—meat, sh, chicken, etc.—any
vegetables at all, nuts, avocados, and a few low
sugar fruits like apples, berries or grapefruit.)
Create Your Baseline Measurements
Your nal step in the preparation week is
simple, but extraordinarily eective.
You’ll take a variety of measurements –
physical, emotional, behavioral and biological
– that will help you establish a baseline of where
you are today, so you can monitor the progress
you’ll be making while on this program.
is is incredibly powerful because by using
these quantitative measurements, you’ll be able
to quickly and easily spot when you’ve gone o
track and when you need to course correct and
make changes.
ese measurements will also serve as a baseline
for the progress you make on the program.
Each week you will come back to this section
and take your measurements again. When you
do this, it’ll be next to impossible for you to get
o track because youll see the powerful results
you are experiencing in hard data and this will
give you that extra jolt of motivation you need
to complete the program. is is what is called
a positive feedback loop and its critical that you
create one for yourself
So, your rst step is to go to go through each of
the exercises below and complete record your
measurements in the Program Start column.
I will then provide specic instructions on
when you should come back and take these
measurements again and give you a place to
Physical Measurements
is is very easy. ere are four physical
measurements I want you to record once a week
while you are on the program. is will give
you a “just-the-facts-maam” view of how your
body is changing over the next six weeks—the
weight you’ll be losing, the fat that will be
dissolving, the inches that will be disappearing
from your hips and waist and more. e four
measurements I want you to take and record are:
1. —You have a scale. Use it!
2. —Just wrap a tape measure
around your back and over your belly
3. —Simply measure them at their
widest point around your pelvic bones
with a tape measure.
4. —You have two
options. You can either go here:
fat-calculator and enter a few simple
measurements to get your numbers, or
you can go to your gym and have it taken
there if you prefer. Its important that you
take it the same way each time as wildly
dierent results can occur if you dont.
Whatever you choose, make sure you
come back and enter your scores on this
table as this is the number thats going to
give you one of the best assessments of
your change on the program.
e rst time you take these measurements
should be the morning of the rst day you start
the program. So, for example, if you start the
program on a Sunday, you would take your
measurements Sunday morning. at data will
go in the “Program Start” column. Each week
take your measurements again and come back to this section of the action guide to record them in the
appropriate week (I will give you reminders to do this in the weekly checklists in the coming chapters).
Assuming you started on a Sunday, you will take your measurements again every Sunday morning for
5 weeks. When you are nished with the program you can record your total change in each of these
metrics in the column on the right.
Physical Measurements Chart
Start Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Total
Body Fat %
Biological Measurements
Turning on your fat burning and behavior control switches not only guarantees that you will
automatically lose weight and burn fat, but provides a host of other benets as well. You may see
chronic symptoms resolve. You’ll sleep better. You’ll have more energy. Your moods will improve.
You’ll notice that your skin looks better. And you’ll probably be having better sex!
Once you become aware of the incredibly profound changes that your body and brain will both go
through, youll have an even stronger positive feedback loop to motivate you to stay on course and to
do even better. And this will dramatically decrease the odds that youll fall o the wagon.
ere are two dierent biological measurements you can take. Lets review each.
Health and Wellness Quiz
e following quiz should be completed before you start the program, at the beginning of week 4,
and once again aer the six weeks is over. is will give a good overall assessment of how your health
changes in this time.
Please review each of the symptoms below and rate your experience with them over the last three
weeks as follows:
• 0=Didnotexperiencethissymptom
• 1=Minorproblem
• 2=Moderateproblem
• 3=Severeproblem
Since you will be taking this quiz three times over the course of the program, here are some options
that will make this process simple:
1. You can download and print out the quiz below at
2. You can photocopy the quiz from this action guide.
3. You can track your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Whatever you choose, make sure you total the number and record it in the chart below when you have
completed the quiz.
 
Acne 0 1 2 3
Itching 0 1 2 3
Hives 0 1 2 3
Rash 0 1 2 3
Bruising 0 1 2 3
Head (includes eyes, ears, nose and throat)
Headaches 0 1 2 3
Blurred or poor vision 0 1 2 3
Bags or circles under eyes 0 1 2 3
Swollen red eyes 0 1 2 3
Ringing in ears (tinnitus) 0 1 2 3
Itching in ears 0 1 2 3
Nasal congestion 0 1 2 3
Runny nose 0 1 2 3
Hay fever or sneezing attacks 0 1 2 3
Swollen tongue 0 1 2 3
Gagging 0 1 2 3
Need to clear throat 0 1 2 3
Nausea 0 1 2 3
Constipation 0 1 2 3
Diarrhoea 0 1 2 3
Cramps 0 1 2 3
Stomach pain 0 1 2 3
Heart and lungs
Palpitations 0 1 2 3
 
Rapid heart beat 0 1 2 3
Diculty breathing 0 1 2 3
Wheezing 0 1 2 3
Chest congestion 0 1 2 3
Joints and muscles
Joint pain 0 1 2 3
Joint stiness 0 1 2 3
Arthritis 0 1 2 3
Joint swelling 0 1 2 3
Muscle pain 0 1 2 3
Muscle weakness 0 1 2 3
Easily fatigued 0 1 2 3
Wake up feeling tired 0 1 2 3
Diculty concentrating 0 1 2 3
Sleep in the aernoon 0 1 2 3
Hyperactive 0 1 2 3
Restless 0 1 2 3
Your Results
 
  
Blood Tests (Optional)
is is an optional step, but it can be profoundly informative and inspirational for those of you who are
interested in completing it.
In the table below you will see a baseline set of blood tests I recommend every one take before they
start the program and once again aer the six weeks is over. ese numbers provide a foundation for
a lot of health information. Seeing how they change over time is a great way to keep you motivated to
make the plan work for you for life and its just plain interesting to watch these changes happen.
   
Fasting insulin
Fasting blood sugar
C-reactive protein
1 We recommend that you pay little or no attention to total cholesterol and ask for a particle test. is is the latest technology in cholesterol assessment and
will tell you whether you LDL cholesterol is mostly made up of harmless uy molecules (LDLa) or small dense particles (LDLb). is is what you need to
know—not the total amount of LDL.
2 When you get your triglycerides and your cholesterol numbers, you can compute a ratio which is far more predictive of heart disease than cholesterol
alone. Its the ratio of triglycerides to HDL (so-called “good”) cholesterol. If this ratio is 2 or under you are in terric shape as far as risk goes. So for
example, if your triglycerides are 100 and your HDL cholesterol is 40, your ratio (100: 40) is a very good 2.5. If your HDL cholesterol were 50, your ratio
would be 100:50 or 2.
Behavioral Measurements
As you navigate your way through this program, bit by bit you’ll nd that your old habits will be giving
way to new, profoundly healthy habits. is is both a function of managing your blood sugar and
insulin and other hormones as a natural consequence of a healthy eating plan, but also as a direct result
of the specic mind re-conditioning exercises that you did earlier in this action guide.
While its important for you to see for yourself just how much weight you are losing and how much
your health is improving, its even more important for you to see how much your behaviors and actions
are improving. Remember, at this point, all of you now KNOW exactly how to burn fat, but success
will come only by taking the rights steps to make that happen. And that’s where behavior change
comes into play.
You may be shocked to see just how much your behavior changes in a positive way over the course
of this program. To get an assessment of your change, take the following quizzes, before you start the
program, at the beginning of week 4, and once again aer the six weeks is over.
Bad Habits
Place a checkmark in the box on the right for every bad habit youve practiced over the last two weeks.
Do this before you start the program, at the beginning of week 4, and once again aer the six weeks is
over. is will give a good overall assessment of how your health changes in this time. Since you will be
taking this quiz three times over the course of the program, here are some options that will make this
process simple:
1. You can download and print out the quiz below at
2. You can photocopy the quiz from this action guide.
3. You can track your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Whatever you choose, make sure you total the number and record it in the chart below when you have
completed the quiz.
Eating what’s randomly available instead of planning your meals.
Going grocery shopping while you are hungry.
Eating when you are stressed, angry or bored.
Eating while you are distracted, whether watching TV, driving or something else.
Not chewing your food thoroughly.
Eating processed/packaged foods instead of whole, real, fresh food.
Eating whenever you are hungry instead of at standard times (i.e. breakfast, lunch and
Eating aer 7 p.m.
Skipping breakfast.
Isolating yourself and not engaging with others.
Getting less than 8 hours of sleep.
Drinking soda.
Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.
Eating even though youre not hungry due to intense cravings.
Drinking fruit juice even if “no sugar added.
Not drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day.
Majority of your meals are fast food instead of prepared food.
Drinking coee.
Eating an ultra-low-fat diet.
Not coordinating your diet with your family.
Hanging around primarily people who are sick or overweight.
Not eating together as a family.
Eating quickly.
Mindlessly standing in front of the fridge and randomly sampling stu even if you don’t enjoy
it or arent even hungry.
When given a choice, ordering the “supersized” version.
Filling your plate with more food than you know you can or should eat.
Eating until you are too stued you cant eat any more.
Snacking on junk food.
Eating socially when you’re not even hungry.
Eating potentially toxic conventional foods instead or natural, organic, pastured or wild.
Your Results
 
  
Good Habits
Place a checkmark in the box on the right for every good habit youve practiced over the last two
weeks. Do this before you start the program, at the beginning of week 4, and once again aer the six
weeks is over. is will give a good overall assessment of how your health changes in this time. Since
you will be taking this quiz three times over the course of the program, here are some options that will
make this process simple:
1. You can download and print out the quiz below at
2. You can photocopy the quiz from this action guide.
3. You can track your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Whatever you choose, make sure you total the number and record it in the chart below when you have
completed the quiz.
Eating only at scheduled meal times.
Eating whole, real, fresh food.
Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day.
Coordinating your healthy diet and lifestyle with your family.
Eating breakfast thats full of protein.
Majority of your meals are prepared food instead of fast food.
Eating until you are 80 percent full instead of until you are physically stued, even if there is
still food le on your plate.
Chewing your food thoroughly.
Engaging with others and becoming part of a community somewhere.
Planning your meals ahead of time.
Eating healthy protein, fat and veggies at every meal.
Getting at least 8 hours of sleep per day.
Engaging in activities that you nd fun, full of pleasure and fullling.
Finding time to actively relax and de-stress.
Not eating aer 7 p.m.
Engaging in fun exercise.
Having family dinner hour.
Eating slowly.
Snacking on health foods such as veggies, healthy protein and fats.
Eating natural, organic, pastured or wild foods that are clean and minimize toxins.
Your Results
 
  
Emotional Measurements
Underneath the changes to your body and the changes to your behavior will be the all-important
changes to your mind. By following this program, you should experience profoundly positive changes
to the emotions you experience is is both a result of better control of insulin, your primary fat
burning hormone, as well as the fulllment and joy you’ll get from taking back control of your life.
People all too oen dismiss emotions when dealing with weight loss, but its an all-too-important
component that simply cannot be ignored. By taking this emotional assessment before you start the
program, at the beginning of week 4, and once again aer the six weeks is over, you’ll be able to see for
yourself on paper some of the startling emotional improvements youll experience.
Emotional Assessment Quiz
Please read each statement and circle a number 0, 1, 2 or 3 that indicates how much the statement
applied to you over the past week.
e rating scale is as follows:
• 0=Didnotapplytomeatall
• 1=Appliedtometosomedegree,orsomeofthetime
• 2=Appliedtometoaconsiderabledegree,oragoodpartoftime
• 3=Appliedtomeverymuch,ormostofthetime
ere are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any statement. Since you will be
taking this quiz three times over the course of the program, here are some options that will make this
process simple:
1. You can download and print out the quiz below at
2. You can photocopy the quiz from this action guide.
3. You can track your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Whatever you choose, make sure you total the number and record it in the chart below when you have
completed the quiz.
 
I found myself getting upset by
quite trivial things.
0 1 2 3
I was aware of dryness of my
0 1 2 3
I couldn’t seem to experience any
positive feeling at all.
0 1 2 3
I experienced breathing diculty
(i.e., excessively rapid breathing,
breathlessness in the absence of
physical exertion).
0 1 2 3
I just couldnt seem to get going. 0 1 2 3
I tended to over-react to
0 1 2 3
I had a feeling of shakiness (i.e.,
legs going to give way).
0 1 2 3
I found it dicult to relax. 0 1 2 3
I found myself in situations that
made me so anxious I was most
relieved when they ended.
0 1 2 3
I felt that I had nothing to look
forward to.
0 1 2 3
I found myself getting upset
rather easily.
0 1 2 3
I felt that I was using a lot of
nervous energy.
0 1 2 3
I felt sad and depressed. 0 1 2 3
I found myself getting impatient
when I was delayed in any way
(i.e., elevators, trac lights, being
kept waiting).
0 1 2 3
I had a feeling of faintness. 0 1 2 3
I felt that I had lost interest in just
about everything.
0 1 2 3
 
I felt I wasnt worth much as a
0 1 2 3
I felt that I was rather touchy 0 1 2 3
I perspired noticeably (i.e.,
hands sweaty) in the absence of
high temperatures or physical
0 1 2 3
I felt scared without any good
0 1 2 3
I felt that life wasnt worthwhile. 0 1 2 3
I found myself getting upset by
quite trivial things.
0 1 2 3
I found it hard to wind down. 0 1 2 3
I had diculty in swallowing. 0 1 2 3
I couldn’t seem to get any
enjoyment out of the things I did.
0 1 2 3
I was aware of the action of my
heart in the absence of physical
exertion (i.e., sense of heart rate
increase, heart missing a beat).
0 1 2 3
I felt down-hearted and blue. 0 1 2 3
I found that I was very irritable. 0 1 2 3
I felt I was close to panic. 0 1 2 3
I found it hard to calm down
aer something upset me.
0 1 2 3
I feared that I would be “thrown
by some trivial but unfamiliar
0 1 2 3
I was unable to become
enthusiastic about anything.
0 1 2 3
I found it dicult to tolerate
interruptions to what I was
0 1 2 3
 
I was in a state of nervous
0 1 2 3
I felt I was pretty worthless. 0 1 2 3
I was intolerant of anything that
kept me from getting on with
what I was doing.
0 1 2 3
I felt terried. 0 1 2 3
I could see nothing in the future
to be hopeful about.
0 1 2 3
I felt that life was meaningless. 0 1 2 3
I found myself getting agitated. 0 1 2 3
I was worried about situations in
which I might panic and make a
fool of myself.
0 1 2 3
I experienced trembling (i.e., in
the hands).
0 1 2 3
I found it dicult to work up the
initiative to do things.
0 1 2 3
Your Results
 
  
Addiction Measurement
e last piece of measuring that I want you to
do, is a laser-like focus on how addicted you
may or may not be to foods. I know many of you
would never think in a million years that you
are addicted to anything, let alone something as
innocent as food, but trust me, from experience,
I know that everyone in the world is addicted to
some food to some extent.
But the great news is that this program has
been specically engineered to help you kill
your addictions to foods that do you in, foods
that raise your blood sugar and trigger your fat
storage hormone and other foods that cause you
to overeat.
I’ve taken a modied version of the Yale Food
Addiction Scale, developed by the wonderful
team over at the Rudd Center for Food Policy
and Obesity at Yale University that will show you
just how much progress youve made by the end
of this program. Take this quiz before you start
the program, at the beginning of week 4, and
once again aer the six weeks is over.
Food Addiction Assessment
is survey asks about your eating habits in
the past year. People sometimes have diculty
controlling their intake of certain foods such as:
• Sweetslikeicecream,chocolate,doughnuts,
cookies, cake, candy, ice cream
• Starcheslikewhitebread,rolls,pasta,andrice
• Saltysnackslikechips,pretzels,andcrackers
• Fattyfoodslikesteak,bacon,hamburgers,
cheeseburgers, pizza, and French fries
• Sugarydrinkslikesodapop
In the table below, please circle the answer that
applies to you for each statement. Since you will
be taking this quiz three times over the course
of the program, here are some options that will
make this process simple:
1. You can download and print out the quiz
below at
2. You can photocopy the quiz from this
action guide.
3. You can track your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.
Whatever you choose, make sure you total the
number and record it in the chart below when
you have completed the quiz.
Note that when the following questions ask
about “certain foods” please think of ANY food
similar to those listed in the food group or ANY
OTHER foods you have had a problem with in
the past year.
  
I nd that when I start eating certain foods, I
end up eating much more than planned
0 1 2 3 4
I nd myself continuing to consume certain
foods even though I am no longer hungry
0 1 2 3 4
I eat to the point where I feel physically ill. 0 1 2 3 4
Not eating certain types of food or cutting down
on certain types of food is something I worry
0 1 2 3 4
I nd that when certain foods are not available,
I will go out of my way to obtain them. For
example, I will drive to the store to purchase
certain foods even though I have other options
available to me at home.
0 1 2 3 4
I spend a lot of time feeling sluggish or fatigued
from overeating.
0 1 2 3 4
I nd myself constantly eating certain foods
throughout the day.
0 1 2 3 4
I nd that when certain foods are not available,
I will go out of my way to obtain them. For
example, I will drive to the store to purchase
certain foods even though I have other options
at home.
0 1 2 3 4
ere have been times when I consumed certain
foods so oen or in such large quantities that I
started to eat food instead of working, spending
time with my family or friends, or engaging
in other important activities or recreational
activities I enjoy.
0 1 2 3 4
ere have been times when I consumed certain
foods so oen or in such large quantities that I
spent time dealing with negative feelings from
overeating instead of working, spending time
with family or friends, or engaging in other
activities or recreational activities I enjoy.
0 1 2 3 4
  
ere have been times when I have avoided
professional or social situations because I was
not able to consume certain foods there.
0 1 2 3 4
I have had withdrawal symptoms such as
agitation, anxiety, or other physical symptoms
when I cut down or stopped eating certain
foods. (Please do NOT include withdrawal
symptoms caused by cutting down on
caeinated beverages such as soda pop, coee,
tea, energy drinks, etc.)
0 1 2 3 4
I have consumed certain foods to prevent
feelings of anxiety, agitation, or other physical
symptoms that were developing. (Please do
NOT include consumption of caeinated
beverages such as soda pop, coee, tea, energy
drinks, etc.)
0 1 2 3 4
I have found that I have an elevated desire for
or urges to consume certain foods when I cut
down or stop eating them.
0 1 2 3 4
My behavior to food and eating causes me
signicant distress.
0 1 2 3 4
I experience signicant problems in my ability
to function eectively (daily routine, job/
school, social activities, family activities, health
diculties) because of food and eating.
0 1 2 3 4
  
My food consumption has caused signicant
psychological problems such as depression,
anxiety, self-loathing, or guilt.
0 1
My food consumption has caused signicant
physical problems or made a physical problem
0 1
I kept consuming the same types of food or
the same amount even though I was having
emotional and/or physical problems.
0 1
  
Over time, I have found that I need to eat
more and more to get the feeling I want, such
as reduced negative emotions or increased
0 1
I have found that eating the same amount of
food does not reduce my negative emotions or
increase pleasurable feelings the way it used to.
0 1
I want to cut down or stop eating certain kinds
of food.
0 1
I have tried to cut down or stop eating certain
kinds of food.
0 1
I have been successful at cutting down or not
eating certain kinds of foods.
Your Results
 
  
Flip on Your Fat Burning Switch
is is the part of the program where the rubber
meets the road. During this two week phase you
will change your diet while integrating the mind
reprogramming tools we developed in Phase 1.
Below you will nd a quick reference guide that
will make staying on the program extremely easy.
In the 10 Minute Meals Guide Chef Jeanette and
I have provided meal plans, shopping lists, and
recipes for this phase. And you will nd weekly
checklists in the appendix at the back of this
workbook to keep all of this extremely simple.
How to Do Phase 2
(Weeks 2 and 3)
e following summary provides a quick
reference guide to what you need to know to
complete Phase 2. During weeks 2 and 3 of the
program you will:
1. 
ey are:
• Potatoes
• Riceandothergrains
• Pasta
• Cereal
• Bread
• Sugar
• Alcohol
• Dairy
• Fruit(exceptforoneappleaday)ifyou
have more than 15 pounds to lose.
2. 
 is means you will:
• Eatthreemealsadayplustwosnack,
each with discreet beginnings and
• Haveproteinateverysinglemeal.
• Consumelargeamountsoffat—
whatever you do, DO NOT try a low-
fat version of this program.
• Eatasmanyvegetablesasyoulike.
• Neverskipbreakfast.
• Drinklotsofwater.
• Avoideatingaer7p.m.
3.  You will do this
• Practicingthemindreprogramming
scripts you developed in the Phase 1
section of this action guide.
4. 
• Usethe“CopingwithStressful
Situations” and “Engaging in Deep
Relaxation” worksheets in Phase 1 to
help you.
5. 
• Makesureyougetbetween7–9hours
of sleep every day you are on the
6. 
• Remembereverydayontheprogram
I want you to create a To Do list and
complete those items. Use the form in
the Phase 1 section of this action guide
or write down your list on a piece of
paper or a post it note.
7. 
• AttheendofWeeks2and3,youwill
take your basic physical measurement
and record your results in the “Physical
Measurements Chart” in Phase 1.
e Food Reintroduction Test
By the time youre reading these sentences
you will have completed the rst three
weeks of the program and have gone
through the most restrictive eating regimen on
the program. Congratulations! It’s not easy to
make that kind of change, and I’d like to tip my
hat to those of you who have made it this far.
For some of you, the eating program youve been
following may suit you right down to the bones.
If you like it, theres no reason to change it. e
Phase 2 eating plan is one you can safely stay on
for life if you wish. You can continue to use the
meal plan and recipes from the last section as
long as you wish.
However, for those of your who want a little
more variety or for those of you who want
to test to see if grains/starches or dairy are a
problem for you, this phase will provide you the
opportunity to do a little science experiment on
yourself—youre going to test grains and dairy to
see if they are a problem for you.
Let me quickly review each of these
reintroduction weeks.
How to Do Week 4 Dairy
During this week you will continue the following
healthy habits:
1. 
2. 
 is means you will:
• Eatthreemealsadayplustwosnack,
each with discreet beginnings and
• Haveproteinateverysinglemeal.
• Consumelargeamountsoffat—
whatever you do, DO NOT try a low-
fat version of this program.
• Eatasmanyvegetablesasyoulike.
• Neverskipbreakfast.
• Drinklotsofwater.
• Avoideatingaer7p.m.
3.  You will do this
• Practicingthemindreprogramming
scripts you developed in the Phase 1
section of this action guide.
4. 
• Usethe“CopingwithStressful
Situations” and “Engaging in Deep
Relaxation” worksheets in Phase 1 to
help you.
5. 
• Makesureyougetbetween7–9hours
of sleep every day you are on the
6. 
• Remembereverydayontheprogram
I want you to create a To Do list and
complete those items. Use the form in
the Phase 1 section of this action guide
or write down your list on a piece of
paper or a post it note.
7. 
• AttheendofWeeks2and3,youwill
take your basic physical measurement
and record your results in the “Physical
Measurements Chart” in Phase 1.
However, there are two things you are going to
do dierently. ey are:
1. 
• Asyoustartweek4oftheprogram,
you should retake the following self-
assessments in Phase 1 to see how
much progress you have made so far:
• HealthandWellnessQuiz
• BadHabitsQuiz
• GoodHabitsQuiz
• EmotionalAssessment
• FoodAddictionMeasurement
2. 
If you choose to add dairy to your diet,
found later in this section of the action
guide or you can take the “roll your own
approach” that I reviewed in the manual
and will go over again below.
As you do this, I want you to use the
Food Log at the end of this section to
you reintroduce this food into your
diet, you may suffer from an array of
symptoms including:
1. Bloating
2. Weight gain
3. Congestion
4. Fatigue
5. Poor mood
6. And more
Use the food reintroduction journal at the end of
this section to note any ill eects dairy causes so
you have a written record of your experience.
Now if it turns out that when you introduce
dairy you immediately feel worse—or symptoms
that weren’t there during Phase 2 (like excess
mucous, or bloating) return quickly—theres
no need to continue eating dairy for the rest
of the week. It will be painfully obvious that
dairy is a problem food for you, and you should
probably just cut it out here and now and spend
the rest of the week eating according to the
paleo” principles of Phase 2. Of course if dairy
reactions are less clear (or minimal) nish out
the week as planned and then assess the place (if
any) that dairy has in your daily/weekly diet.
How to Do Week 5
Grains/Starches Reintroduction
During this week you will continue the following
healthy habits:
1. 
2. 
 is means you will:
• Eatthreemealsadayplustwosnack,
each with discreet beginnings and
• Haveproteinateverysinglemeal.
• Consumelargeamountsoffat—
fat version of this program.
• Eatasmanyvegetablesasyoulike.
• Neverskipbreakfast.
• Drinklotsofwater.
• Avoideatingafter7p.m.
3.  You will do this
• Practicingthemindreprogramming
scripts you developed in the Phase 1
section of this action guide.
4. 
• Usethe“CopingwithStressful
Situations” and “Engaging in Deep
Relaxation” worksheets in Phase 1 to
help you.
5. 
• Makesureyougetbetween7–9hours
of sleep every day you are on the
6. 
• Remembereverydayontheprogram
I want you to create a To Do list and
complete those items. Use the form in
the Phase 1 section of this action guide
or write down your list on a piece of
paper or a post it note.
7. 
• AttheendofWeeks2and3,youwill
take your basic physical measurement
and record your results in the “Physical
Measurements Chart” in Phase 1.
However to test your reaction to grains, you will:
1. 
2. 
Its important that you only test one potential
food allergen at a time. ats why I want you
to take the dairy back out as you test grains this
week. To do this, you can either follow the Week
5 meal plan or take the “roll your own” approach
that I will review later in this section.
I also want you to record any responses you have
to grains or starches in your food reintroduction
journal this week as well. You may experience
similar symptoms as those listed above or you
may have others. Everyone is dierent. Tune in
and listen to what  body wants and how it
responds as you do this test.
If it turns out that when you introduce grains
you immediately feel worse—or symptoms that
werent there during Phase 2 (like gas, joint
pain, headaches, brain fog or bloating) return
quickly—theres no need to continue eating
grains/starches for the rest of the week. It will be
painfully obvious that these foods are a problem
food for you, and you should probably just cut
them out here and now and spend the rest of the
week eating according to the “paleo” principles
of Phase 2. Of course if grain/starches reactions
are less clear (or minimal) nish out the week as
planned and then assess the place (if any) that
grains/starches have in your daily/weekly diet.
As I explained in your manual, you can
take a “roll your own” approach to food
reintroduction—which basically means you
wont be following the meal plan exactly, but
making your own choices about reintegrating
these foods. While theres no set formula for how
to do this, here are some guidelines you can use
if you choose to go this route:
Start with some
cheeses or yogurt. Nuchatel cheese is a good one,
as is feta and goat cheese. I suggest beginning
by introducing dairy on three or four out of the
seven days. A serving of yogurt or cottage cheese
is usually 8 ounces, but you could break that up
into two snacks or portions (for example, ½ cup
yogurt with sprinkling of nuts, ½ cup cottage
cheese with some berries).
Some excellent choices to experiment with
include string cheese (goes great with your
apple!), evaporated skim milk (terric for
sauces), or part skim mozzarella sticks. Be
judicious with milk, as it has its own set of
problems for many people. Id test milk on days
that are separate from the other dairy foods, just
to make sure that any “dairy” reaction isn’t really
just a reaction to the lactose in milk!
I’d suggest beginning by having grains or
starches on three or four of the seven days this
week. I like the idea of starting with very low-
glycemic, healthy starches like oatmeal, quinoa
or even brown, basmati or wild rice. If you need
a visual reference for portions, think of them
as about the size of an ice cream scoop. Other
choices include some multi-grain crackers, very
high ber “real” bread like Ezekiel (start with
1 slice!), or a sweet potato (1/2 large potato is a
Of course on any day at all you can go back
to the meal plans, or use recipes or individual
meals and snacks right out of 10 Minute Meals
Whatever path you choose, make sure you take
notes on any symptoms that arise in your food
reintroduction journal, which can also be found
in your action guide.
Doing this will provide you critical information
about how your body responds to these two
oending foods. is will allow you to make
choices based on a deep knowledge of how
your body works and how it reacts when you
consume foods that are not good for you.
Having this information is critically important
as you move into Phase 4.
Food Reintroduction Journal
Please use this food log to record your experience as you reintegrate dairy and grains into your diet.
Record the foods you ate, what meal you ate them at, and how you felt aer eating them. Be aware that
symptoms could arise for several days aer consuming these foods so stay aware of your body during
this time.
  
Fine Tune Your Plan for Life
As I have stated many times before, this
program is a lifelong eating plan and
should be seen as a way of life. ough
youve reached Phase 4, this does not mean the
program is over. In fact, its just begun. is
should mark the beginning of a whole new way
of life for you.
During Week 6 there are many tasks you need
to complete. ese tasks will help you see how
much progress you’ve made and set the stage for
lifelong health and optimum weight. Heres what
to do.
How to Do Phase 4
e rst thing you should during Week 6 is
 
To do this:
• ReviewyourexperiencesduringWeeks4
and 5. Look at your food reintroduction
journal. How did you react to grains and
dairy? What place do think these foods
will have in your diet long-term?
• Ifyoucaneatgrainsanddairy,usethe
Grains and Dairy Included” meal plans
and recipes in the 10 Minute Meals Guide
as a template for your long-term diet
• Ifyoucanteatgrainsbutyoucaneat
dairy, use the “Grain-Free” meal plans
and recipes in the 10 Minute Meals Guide
as a template for your long-term diet
• Ifyoucanteatdairybutyoucaneat
grains, use the “Dairy-Free” meal plans
and recipes in the 10 Minute Meals Guide
as a template for your long-term diet
• Ifyoucanteateithergrainsordairy,use
the “Grain-Free and “Dairy-Free” meal
plans and recipes in the 10 Minute Meals
Guide as a template for your long-term
diet plan.
 
 Remember, these include:
• Avoidingtheninemajorfoodoenders
• Eatinginawaythatlowersyourinsulin
• Eatthreemealsadayplustwosnack,
each with discreet beginnings and
• Haveproteinateverysinglemeal.
• Consumelargeamountsoffat—
whatever you do, DO NOT try a low-
fat version of this program.
• Eatasmanyvegetablesasyoulike.
• Neverskipbreakfast.
• Drinklotsofwater.
• Avoideatingaer7p.m.
• BulletproongYourMind
• UseboththeexercisesinPhase1as
you need to continue bulletproong
your mind.
• CompleteyourToDoLists
• isisahealthylifelonghabittokeep.
  Go back to Phase 1 and take each of the
following again. Make sure you reect on what changes youve seen or haven’t seen. Dont just record
the numbers and move on, take a closer look at them and see what conclusions you can draw. e
important point here is to make a real emotional connection to the story that the hard numbers are
telling you. To do that, reect on the following:
1. Did your weight and other physical measurements improve? How does that make you feel?
2. Did your score on your Health and Wellness Quiz change? How much did it change? How does
that make you feel?
3. Do you feel more energetic now that the program is over? What does that allow you to achieve
in your life?
4. Did your blood tests (if you took them) improve? What does this tell you about how your
health and weight are related? How does knowing this make you feel?
5. Did you see any change in your daily habits? Did you reduce your bad habits and increase your
good habits? What does this allow you to do in your life?
6. Overall, how do you feel emotionally right now? Did you see a change on your Emotional
Assessment Quiz? What revelations does this provide about the connections between what you
eat, what you do, and how you feel?
7. Did you experience a reduction in your food addictions or cravings? Did they evaporate
completely? What does being free of these addictions help you achieve and how does that make
you feel?
• 
• Part4oftheprogramispackedwithrealworldstrategiesthatwillhelpyoumakethisprogram
even more eective. Please use that material to ensure your continued success on the program.
In this section you will nd all of the checklists you need to complete the program. e checklists have
been divided by phase and week. Each checklist will outline the major “To Dos” you need to complete
each week so that you can make sure you stick with the program.
Phase 1 (Week 1) Checklist
Completed and signed my contract to stay on the program.
Completed my “Using Psychological Triggers” exercise.
Wrote out my rst To Do List.
Completed my inventory of potential landmines and pitfalls.
Completed my inventory of buried treasure.
Completed all of my mind reprogramming scripts in the bulletproong your mind section of
the action guide.
Bulletproofed my environment by cleaning out my kitchen of poor-quality ingredients, and
getting the kitchen supplies I needed.
Completed all of my measurements.
Went shopping for my rst week on the program.
Purchased my supplements
Phase 2 Weekly Checklists
Week 2
Ate the program-specied meal plan or created my own equivalent meal plan.
Practiced my mental and environmental bulletproong exercise at least three times this week.
Took and recorded my weekly measurements.
Week 3
Ate the program-specied meal plan or created my own equivalent meal plan.
Practiced my mental and environmental bulletproong exercise at least three times this week.
Took and recorded my weekly measurements.
Phase 3 Weekly Checklists
Week 4
Followed the dairy reintroduction menus
Recorded my symptoms in my Food Log
Practiced my mental and environmental bulletproong exercise at least three times this week.
Took and recorded my weekly measurements.
Week 5
Followed the grain reintroduction menus
Recorded my symptoms in my Food Log
Practiced my mental and environmental bulletproong exercise at least three times this week.
Took and recorded my weekly measurements.
Phase 4 (Week 6) Checklist
Identied my optimal lifelong eating template.
Practice my mental and environmental bulletproong exercise at least three times this week.
Completed my program closing physical measurements
Completed my program closing health quiz.
Completed my program closing blood tests.
Completed my program closing bad habits quiz.
Completed my program closing good habits quiz.
Completed my program closing emotional assessment.
Completed my program closing food addiction measurement.
Reviewed the strategies for dealing with the real world in Part 4 of the program.
Here is a list of resources you can use to
deepen your knowledge in areas that
have come up in this program, along
with some handy tools you can use to make the
program more fun and easy to complete.
e following are some of my favorite books on
nutrition, food politics, the psychology of weight
loss and addiction, and other relevant subjects.
• NutritionMadeSimpleby: Robert Crayhon
• InDefenseofFoodby: Michael Pollan
• FoodRulesby: Michael Pollan
• LivingLowCarbby: Jonny Bowden
• WheatBellyby William Davis, MD
• FatChance by Robert Lustig, MD
e Physiology of Weight Loss and
Weight Gain
• WhyWeGetFat by: Gary Taubes
Food Cravings and Addiction
• eEndofOvereating by: David Kessler, MD
• AnatomyofaFoodAddiction by: Anne
• SugarsandFlours:HoweyMakeUsCrazy,
SickandFatandWhattoDoaboutItby: Joan
• BeatSugarAddictionNow by: Jacob
Teitelbaum, MD
• SugarNation Je O’ Connell
• Waistland:e®EvolutionaryScienceBehind
ourWeightLossandFitnessCrisis by: Diedre
Food Politics
FoodPolitics by: Marion Nestle
The following are a few of my favorite movies
on food, weight loss, and food politics.
• MyBigFatDiet
• Food,Inc
• KingCorn
• FatHead
I follow these blogs almost daily:
• Jimmy Moore—
• Dr. Mike Eades—
• Jonny Bowden—
• ChrisKessler—
• Dr.StephanGuyenet—
• MarkSisson—
• Denise
• Dr.WilliamDavis—
I also look at these website all the time:
• Weston A. Price Foundation—
• Natural Health Sherpa—
• Jonny Bowden—
Organic Foods
Wild Fish
e wild salmon (and other
sh) from Vital Choice come from the pristine
waters of Alaska. Sustainably shed and
environmentally sound. Please go to for
Grassfed Meats
Excellent source of
grass-fed, responsibly farmed meats including
lamb, Also the best supplier of Pemmican,
the original Native American “energy bar”
made from dried meat and fat and sometimes
sweetened with dark cherries. Please go to for more.
is veterinarian-
owned ranch raises exclusively grass-fed beef
(no nishing on grain) and is one of the most
humane operations Ive ever seen. I can honestly
say Ive never tasted better meat. At present they
only deliver in California, but look for them to

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