Fly Sheets 3655BL D Appendix B Air Quality Data
User Manual: 3655BL
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Appendix B
Air Quality Data

Appendix B
Air Quality Data
List of Attachments
Attachment A Windrose Figures
Attachment B Supporting Information on Estimation of Project Construction Emissions
Attachment C Supporting Information on Estimation of Project Operation Emissions
Attachment D Modeling Protocol
Attachment E BACT Assessment
Attachment F Certificates for Banked Emission Reduction Credit to Offset Project
Attachment G Letter from Imperial County Air Pollution Control District Regarding
Approval of Emission Reduction Package
Attachment A
Windrose Figures

1-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-21 +21
NOTE: Frequencies
indicate direction
from which the
wind is blowing.
Figure A-1
Windrose for All Months 1991 – 1995
Imperial County Airport

NOTE: Frequencies
indicate direction
from which the
wind is blowing.
2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%
1-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-21 +21
Figure A-2
Windrose for Winter Months (December – February) 1991 – 1995
Imperial County Airport

NOTE: Frequencies
indicate direction
from which the
wind is blowing.
1-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-21 +21
Figure A-3
Windrose for Spring Months (March – May) 1991 – 1995
Imperial County Airport

NOTE: Frequencies
indicate direction
from which the
wind is blowing.
2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%
1-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-21 +21
Figure A-4
Windrose for Summer Months (June – August) 1991 - 1995
Imperial County Airport

NOTE: Frequencies
indicate direction
from which the
wind is blowing.
2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%
1-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-21 +21
Figure A-5
Windrose for Autumn Months (September – November) 1991 - 1995
Imperial County Airport
Attachment B
Supporting Information on Estimation
of Project Construction Emissions

Range Average HC CO NOx PM
Air Compressor 185 CFM D 1 25-50 40 0.408 0.2789 1.5323 4.7279 0.3389 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3263 1.6097 4.7492 0.0578 0.3613 0.0054 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002
Air Compressor 750 CFM D 1 25-50 40 0.408 0.2789 1.5323 4.7279 0.3389 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3263 1.6097 4.7492 0.0578 0.3613 0.0054 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002
Articulating Boom Platform D 2 300-600 398 0.367 0.1669 0.8425 4.3351 0.1316 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.1953 0.8850 4.3546 0.0520 0.1107 0.0049 0.0083 0.0377 0.1857 0.0047 0.0002
Bulldozer D10R D 1 500 500 0.367 0.1669 0.8425 4.3351 0.1316 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.2050 1.3541 4.1369 0.0525 0.1477 0.0049 0.0087 0.0572 0.1747 0.0062 0.0002
Bulldozer D4C D 1 75-100 88 0.408 0.3672 2.3655 4.7 0.24 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.04 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.4511 3.8020 4.4851 0.0584 0.2503 0.0055 0.0171 0.1444 0.1704 0.0095 0.0002
Concrete Pumper Truck D 1 300-600 398 0.408 0.1669 0.8425 4.3351 0.1316 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.1953 0.8850 4.3546 0.0578 0.1049 0.0054 0.0075 0.0340 0.1671 0.0040 0.0002
Concrete Trowel Machine D 1 25-50 40 0.408 0.2789 1.5323 4.7279 0.3389 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3426 2.4628 4.5117 0.0584 0.4571 0.0055 0.0130 0.0935 0.1714 0.0174 0.0002
Concrete Vibrators D 1 25-50 40 0.408 0.2789 1.5323 4.7279 0.3389 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3426 2.4628 4.5117 0.0584 0.4571 0.0055 0.0130 0.0935 0.1714 0.0174 0.0002
Crane - Mobile 65 ton D 1 175-300 240 0.367 0.3085 0.7475 4 0.1316 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3609 0.7852 4.0180 0.0520 0.1107 0.0049 0.0154 0.0335 0.1714 0.0047 0.0002
Cranes - Mobile 35 ton D 1 100-175 140 0.367 0.3384 0.8667 4.1 0.18 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3959 0.9105 4.1185 0.0520 0.1706 0.0049 0.0169 0.0388 0.1757 0.0073 0.0002
Cranes - Mobile 45 ton D 1 100-175 140 0.367 0.3384 0.8667 4.1 0.18 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3959 0.9105 4.1185 0.0520 0.1706 0.0049 0.0169 0.0388 0.1757 0.0073 0.0002
Diesel Powered Welder D 4 25-50 40 0.408 0.2789 1.5323 4.7279 0.3389 2.29 2.57 1.1 1.97 1.18 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.7473 4.1369 5.2241 0.0682 0.7573 0.0064 0.0243 0.1345 0.1698 0.0246 0.0002
Dump Truck D 1 175-300 244 0.367 0.3085 0.7475 4 0.1316 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.04 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3790 1.2014 3.8171 0.0525 0.1167 0.0049 0.0160 0.0507 0.1612 0.0049 0.0002
Excavator - Backhoe/loader D 2 50-100 75 0.408 0.3672 2.3655 4.7 0.24 2.29 2.57 1.1 1.97 1.18 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.9838 6.3863 5.1933 0.0682 0.5164 0.0064 0.0320 0.2076 0.1688 0.0168 0.0002
Excavator - Earth Scraper 623 D 2 175-300 240 0.367 0.3085 0.7475 4 0.1316 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3790 1.2014 3.8171 0.0525 0.1477 0.0049 0.0160 0.0507 0.1612 0.0062 0.0002
Excavator - loader D 1 50-100 75 0.408 0.3672 2.3655 4.7 0.24 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.4511 3.8020 4.4851 0.0584 0.3067 0.0055 0.0171 0.1444 0.1704 0.0116 0.0002
Excavator - Motor Grader (CAT140H) D 1 100-175 140 0.367 0.3384 0.8667 4.1 0.18 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.4157 1.3930 3.9125 0.0525 0.2213 0.0049 0.0176 0.0588 0.1652 0.0093 0.0002
Excavator - Trencher (CAT320) D 1 50-100 75 0.408 0.3672 2.3655 4.7 0.24 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.4511 3.8020 4.4851 0.0584 0.3067 0.0055 0.0171 0.1444 0.1704 0.0116 0.0002
Forklift D 2 50-100 75 0.408 0.3672 2.3655 4.7 0.24 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.4511 3.8020 4.4851 0.0584 0.3067 0.0055 0.0171 0.1444 0.1704 0.0116 0.0002
Pile Driver Truck D 1 375 375 0.367 0.1669 0.8425 4.3351 0.1316 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.2050 1.3541 4.1369 0.0525 0.1477 0.0049 0.0087 0.0572 0.1747 0.0062 0.0002
Portable Compaction - Vibratory Plate G 1 11-16 13 0.74 4.16 352.57 2.77 0.06 1 1 1 1 1 0.266 0.231 0 0.266 1.13 1.12 1.00 1.13 4.7133 393.2918 2.7700 0.1048 0.0368 0.0097 0.0997 8.3189 0.0586 0.0008 0.0002
Portable Compaction - Vibratory Ram D 1 25-50 40 0.408 0.2789 1.5323 4.7279 0.3389 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3263 1.6097 4.7492 0.0578 0.3613 0.0054 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002
Portable Compaction Roller D 1 175-300 240 0.367 0.3085 0.7475 4 0.1316 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3790 1.2014 3.8171 0.0525 0.1477 0.0049 0.0160 0.0507 0.1612 0.0062 0.0002
Portable Power Generators D 2 25-50 40 0.408 0.2789 1.5323 4.7279 0.3389 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3263 1.6097 4.7492 0.0578 0.3613 0.0054 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002
Pumps G 2 3-6 5 0.781 6.13 351.16 1.83 0.06 1 1 1 1 1 0.266 0.231 0 0.266 1.13 1.12 1.00 1.13 6.9453 391.7190 1.8300 0.1106 0.0426 0.0102 0.1392 7.8507 0.0367 0.0009 0.0002
Truck Crane - Greater than 200 ton D 1 175-300 240 0.367 0.3085 0.7475 4 0.1316 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3609 0.7852 4.0180 0.0520 0.1107 0.0049 0.0154 0.0335 0.1714 0.0047 0.0002
Truck Crane - Greater than 300 ton D 1 175-300 240 0.367 0.3085 0.7475 4 0.1316 1 1 1 1 1 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.3609 0.7852 4.0180 0.0520 0.1107 0.0049 0.0154 0.0335 0.1714 0.0047 0.0002
Vibratory Roller Ingersol-Rand 20 ton D 1 100-175 140 0.367 0.3384 0.8667 4.1 0.18 1.05 1.53 0.95 1.23 1.01 0.34 0.101 0.009 0.473 1.17 1.05 1.00 1.24 0.4157 1.3930 3.9125 0.0525 0.2213 0.0049 0.0176 0.0588 0.1652 0.0093 0.0002
D - diesel
1. Emission factors are estimated following the methodology described in the U.S. EPA NONROAD model technical document NR-009c, "Exhaust and Crankcase
Emission Factors for Nonroad Engine Modeling -- Compression - Ignition", EPA420-P-04-009, April 2004.
The following assumptions are used in the calculation:
Fraction of useful life expended 0.5
Default Diesel Sulfur Content (wt%) 0.2 Tier 2 default (NR-009c)
Actual Diesel Sulfur Content (wt%) 0.0015 15 ppm
Diesel Density (lbs/gal) 7.1
2. Adjusted emission factor was calculated using the following equation: EF (HC, CO, NOx) = EFss x TAF x DF (NR-009c, Equation 1)
3. SPM (PM sulfur adjusting factor) = BSCF x 453.6 x 7.0 x soxcov x 0.01 x (soxbas - soxdsl); (NR-009c, Equation 5)
Where: soncov = grams PM sulfur/grams fuel sulfur consumed, 0.02247 for Tier 2.
soxbas = default certification fuel sulfur weight percent, 0.2% for Tier 2 fuel.
soxdsl = episodic fuel sulfur weight percent, 0.01% for this project.
4. Adjusted PM emission factor = EFss x TAF x DF - SPM (NR-009c, Equation 2)
5. Adjusted SO2 emission factor = BSFC x 453.6 x (1 - soxcov) - HC) x 0.01 x soxdsl x 2 (NR-009c, Equation 7)
Where: soncov = grams PM sulfur/grams fuel sulfur consumed, 0.02247 for Tier 2..
HC = the in-use adjusted emission factor for hydrocarbons
soxdsl = episodic fuel sulfur weight percent, 0.01 % for this project.
6. Adjusted EF (lbs/gal) = Adjusted EF (g/hp-hr) / Adjusted BSFC (lbs-fuel/hp-hr) x 7.1 (lbs/gal-fuel) / 453.6 (g/lb)
TAF (Table A-3)
(Table A-2)
EFss (Zero Hour Steady State Emission
Factor) - Tier 2
(g/hp-hr) (Table A-2) Adjusted
(g/hp-hr) 5
Adjusted EF (lbs/gal) 6
PM Adj.
Factor 3Equipment Type
Horsepower Adjusted
(g/hp-hr) 4
"A" Factor (For Deterioration
- Tier 2 (Table A-4)
DF (= 1 + A x Fraction
of Useful Life) Adjusted EF (g/hp-hr) 2

of Units
Per Unit
Per Unit
Fuel Use
Air Compressor 185 CFM D 1 8 1.27 10.16 5 51 10.16 5 51 10.16 5 51 10.16 5 51 10.16 5 51 10.16 5 51 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16
Articulating Boom Platform D 2 8 0.25 4.00 000000010404.00 10 40 4.00 20 80 4.00
Bulldozer D4C D 1 8 3.00 24.00 0 0 5 120 24.00 10 240 24.00 10 240 24.00 5 120 24.00 0000
Concrete Pumper Truck D 1 4 3.13 12.52 00000056312.52 10 125 12.52 10 125 12.52 5 63 12.52
Concrete Trowel Machine D 1 8 1.27 10.16 00000055110.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 5 51 10.16
Concrete Vibrators D 1 8 0.25 2.00 0000005102.00 10 20 2.00 10 20 2.00 5 10 2.00
Cranes - Mobile 45 ton D 1 4 4.00 16.00 0 5 80 16.00 5 80 16.00 5 80 16.00 5 80 16.00 5 80 16.00 5 80 16.00 10 160 16.00 20 320 16.00 20 320 16.00
Diesel Powered Welder D 4 4 1.27 20.32 5 102 20.32 5 102 20.32 5 102 20.32 5 102 20.32 5 102 20.32 5 102 20.32 0000
Dump Truck D 1 8 3.13 25.04 5 125 25.04 10 250 25.04 20 501 25.04 20 501 25.04 20 501 25.04 20 501 25.04 10 250 25.04 5 125 25.04 0 0
Excavator - Backhoe/loader D 2 8 2.50 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 10 400 40.00 10 400 40.00 10 400 40.00 10 400 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00
Excavator - loader D 1 8 5.00 40.00 0 0 10 400 40.00 20 800 40.00 20 800 40.00 10 400 40.00 0000
Excavator - Motor Grader (CAT140H) D 1 8 6.00 48.00 0 0 5 240 48.00 10 480 48.00 10 480 48.00 5 240 48.00 0000
Excavator - Trencher (CAT320) D 1 6 6.60 39.60 5 198 39.60 5 198 39.60 10 396 39.60 10 396 39.60 10 396 39.60 10 396 39.60 5 198 39.60 5 198 39.60 0 0
Forklift D 2 8 2.50 40.00 0 0 0 5 200 40.00 10 400 40.00 20 800 40.00 20 800 40.00 20 800 40.00 20 800 40.00 20 800 40.00
Pile Driver Truck D 1 8 7.50 60.00 0 0 0 10 600 60.00 15 900 60.00 00000
Portable Compaction - Vibratory Plate G 1 8 0.25 2.00 000010202.00 10 20 2.00 10 20 2.00 10 20 2.00 0 0
Portable Compaction - Vibratory Ram D 1 8 0.25 2.00 000010202.00 10 20 2.00 10 20 2.00 10 20 2.00 0 0
Portable Compaction Roller D 1 8 10.00 80.00 0 0 5 400 80.00 10 800 80.00 10 800 80.00 5 400 80.00 5 400 80.00 0 0 0
Portable Power Generators D 2 8 1.27 20.32 5 102 20.32 5 102 20.32 5 102 20.32 5 102 20.32 5 102 20.32 5 102 20.32 0000
Pumps G 2 8 0.13 2.08 0 0 0 10 21 2.08 10 21 2.08 10 21 2.08 10 21 2.08 0 0 0
Tractor Truck 5th Wheel D 1 4 3.13 12.52 0 0 5 63 12.52 0 0 5 63 12.52 0000
Truck - Fuel/Lube D 1 4 3.13 12.52 0 0 5 63 12.52 5 63 12.52 5 63 12.52 5 63 12.52 2 25 12.52 2 25 12.52 2 25 12.52 2 25 12.52
Truck - Water D 1 8 3.13 25.04 0 0 10 250 25.04 20 501 25.04 20 501 25.04 10 250 25.04 10 250 25.04 10 250 25.04 10 250 25.04 10 250 25.04
Truck Crane - Greater than 200 ton D 1 4 5.00 20.00 0000000510020.00 5 100 20.00 10 200 20.00
Truck Crane - Greater than 300 ton D 1 4 7.50 30.00 0000000515030.00 5 150 30.00 10 300 30.00
Trucks - 3 ton D 2 2 1.56 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24
Trucks - Pickup 3/4 ton G 4 2 0.78 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24
Total = 902 167.92 1107 183.92 3291 426.00 5460 515.56 6062 519.56 4214 472.08 2677 331.60 2624 303.52 2421 234.88 2588 234.88
of Units
Per Unit
Per Unit
Fuel Use
h month 16th month 17th month 18th month 19th month 20th month
Air Compressor 185 CFM D 1 8 1.27 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 10 102 10.16 609.6 480
Air Compressor 750 CFM D 1 8 1.27 10.16 000000000000
Articulating Boom Platform D 2 8 0.25 4.00 20 80 4.00 20 80 4.00 20 80 4.00 20 80 4.00 20 80 4.00 20 80 4.00 20 80 4.00 20 80 4.00 10 40 4.00 10 40 4.00 80 320
Bulldozer D10R D 1 8 22.25 178.00 000000000000
Bulldozer D4C D 1 8 3.00 24.00 0000000000720240
Concrete Pumper Truck D 1 4 3.13 12.52 0000000000313100
Concrete Trowel Machine D 1 8 1.27 10.16 0000000000254200
Concrete Vibrators D 1 8 0.25 2.00 000000000050200
Crane - Mobile 65 ton D 1 4 4.00 16.00 000000000000
Cranes - Mobile 35 ton D 1 4 4.00 16.00 000000000000
Cranes - Mobile 45 ton D 1 4 4.00 16.00 20 320 16.00 20 320 16.00 10 160 16.00 5 80 16.00 5 80 16.00 5 80 16.00 0000960240
Diesel Powered Welder D 4 4 1.27 20.32 0000000000609.6 480
Dump Truck D 1 8 3.13 25.04 00000000002754.4 880
Excavator - Backhoe/loader D 2 8 2.50 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 2600 1040
Excavator - Earth Scraper 623 D 2 8 9.00 144.00 000000000000
Excavator - loader D 1 8 5.00 40.00 00000000002400 480
Excavator - Motor Grader (CAT140H) D 1 8 6.00 48.00 00000000001440 240
Excavator - Trencher (CAT320) D 1 6 6.60 39.60 00000000002376 360
Forklift D 2 8 2.50 40.00 20 800 40.00 20 800 40.00 10 400 40.00 10 400 40.00 10 400 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 5 200 40.00 3800 1520
Fusion Welder D 1 8 1.27 10.16 000000000000
Light Plants D 1 8 1.27 10.16 000000000000
Pile Driver Truck D 1 8 7.50 60.00 00000000001500 200
Portable Compaction - Vibratory Plate G 1 8 0.25 2.00 000000000080320
Portable Compaction - Vibratory Ram D 1 8 0.25 2.00 000000000080320
Portable Compaction Roller D 1 8 10.00 80.00 00000000002800 280
Portable Power Generators D 2 8 1.27 20.32 0000000000609.6 480
Pumps G 2 8 0.13 2.08 000000000083.2 640
Service Truck - 1 ton D 1 4 1.56 6.24 000000000000
Tractor Truck 5th Wheel D 1 4 3.13 12.52 0000000000125.2 40
Truck - Fuel/Lube D 1 4 3.13 12.52 2 25 12.52 2 25 12.52 2 25 12.52 2 25 12.52 2 25 12.52 1 13 12.52 1 13 12.52 1 13 12.52 1 13 12.52 1 13 12.52 325.52 104
Truck - Water D 1 8 3.13 25.04 10 250 25.04 10 250 25.04 10 250 25.04 10 250 25.04 10 250 25.04 5 125 25.04 5 125 25.04 5 125 25.04 5 125 25.04 5 125 25.04 2253.6 720
Truck Crane - Greater than 200 ton D 1 4 5.00 20.00 10 200 20.00 5 100 20.00 0000000020040
Truck Crane - Greater than 300 ton D 1 4 7.50 30.00 10 300 30.00 5 150 30.00 0000000030040
Trucks - 3 ton D 2 2 1.56 6.24 0000000000561.6 360
Trucks - Pickup 3/4 ton G 4 2 0.78 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 20 125 6.24 10 62 6.24 10 62 6.24 873.6 1120
Vibratory Roller Ingersol-Rand 20 ton D 1 8 10.00 80.00 000000000000
Total = 2402 203.96 2152 203.96 1342 153.96 1262 153.96 1262 153.96 924 153.96 844 137.96 844 137.96 742 137.96 742 137.96 28759 11444
9th month8th month7th month6th month 10th month
11th month 12th month 14th month
1st month 5th month4th month3rd month2nd month
13th month

Air Compressor 185 CFM none 0.43 D 1 8 1.27 10.16 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002 0.02 0.08 0.23 0.02 0.00
Air Compressor 750 CFM none 0.43 D 8 1.27 0.00 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Articulating Boom Platform 0.46 D 8 0.25 0.00 0.0083 0.0377 0.1857 0.0047 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bulldozer D10R High 0.59 D 8 22.25 0.00 0.0051 0.0572 0.1747 0.0062 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bulldozer D4C 0.59 D 1 8 3.00 24.00 0.0101 0.1444 0.1704 0.0095 0.0002 0.03 0.43 0.51 0.03 0.00
Concrete Pumper Truck D 4 3.13 0.00 0.0000 0.0340 0.1671 0.0040 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Concrete Trowel Machine High 0.59 D 8 1.27 0.00 0.0130 0.0935 0.1714 0.0174 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Concrete Vibrators High D 8 0.25 0.00 0.0130 0.0935 0.1714 0.0174 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Crane - Mobile 65 ton none 0.43 D 4 4.00 0.00 0.0154 0.0335 0.1714 0.0047 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cranes - Mobile 35 ton none 0.43 D 4 4.00 0.00 0.0169 0.0388 0.1757 0.0073 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cranes - Mobile 45 ton none 0.43 D 1 4 4.00 16.00 0.0169 0.0388 0.1757 0.0073 0.0002 0.07 0.16 0.70 0.03 0.00
Diesel Powered Welder Low 0.21 D 4 4 1.27 20.32 0.0243 0.1345 0.1698 0.0246 0.0002 0.12 0.68 0.86 0.13 0.00
Dump Truck D 1 8 3.13 25.04 0.0160 0.0507 0.1612 0.0049 0.0002 0.05 0.16 0.50 0.02 0.00
Excavator - Backhoe/loader Low 0.21 D 2 8 2.50 40.00 0.0320 0.2076 0.1688 0.0168 0.0002 0.16 1.04 0.84 0.08 0.00
Excavator - Earth Scraper 623 High 0.59 D 8 9.00 0.00 0.0094 0.0299 0.0951 0.0037 0.0001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Excavator - loader High 0.59 D 1 8 5.00 40.00 0.0101 0.0852 0.1005 0.0069 0.0001 0.05 0.43 0.50 0.03 0.00
Excavator - Motor Grader (CAT140H) High 0.59 D 1 8 6.00 48.00 0.0104 0.0347 0.0975 0.0055 0.0001 0.06 0.21 0.58 0.03 0.00
Excavator - Trencher (CAT320) High 0.59 D 1 6 6.60 39.60 0.0101 0.0852 0.1005 0.0069 0.0001 0.07 0.56 0.66 0.05 0.00
Forklift High 0.59 D 2 8 2.50 40.00 0.0171 0.1444 0.1704 0.0116 0.0002 0.09 0.72 0.85 0.06 0.00
Pile Driver Truck High 0.59 D 1 8 7.50 60.00 0.0087 0.0572 0.1747 0.0062 0.0002 0.06 0.43 1.31 0.05 0.00
Portable Compaction - Vibratory Ram none D 1 8 0.25 2.00 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.00
Portable Compaction Roller none D 1 8 10.00 80.00 0.0160 0.0507 0.1612 0.0062 0.0002 0.16 0.51 1.61 0.06 0.00
Portable Power Generators none D 2 8 1.27 20.32 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002 0.03 0.16 0.46 0.04 0.00
Truck Crane - Greater than 200 ton none D 4 5.00 0.00 0.0154 0.0335 0.1714 0.0047 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Truck Crane - Greater than 300 ton none D 4 7.50 0.00 0.0154 0.0335 0.1714 0.0047 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vibratory Roller Ingersol-Rand 20 ton none D 8 10.00 0.00 0.0176 0.0588 0.1652 0.0093 0.0002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Factor 2
CEQA Typical
Load Factor 3
Per Unit
Per Unit
of UnitsFuel Type
LF Adjusted EF (lbs/gal fuel) 4Emission Rate for 1-HR Standards (lbs/hr) 5

Air Compressor 185 CFM
Air Compressor 750 CFM
Articulating Boom Platform
Bulldozer D10R
Bulldozer D4C
Concrete Pumper Truck
Concrete Trowel Machine
Concrete Vibrators
Crane - Mobile 65 ton
Cranes - Mobile 35 ton
Cranes - Mobile 45 ton
Diesel Powered Welder
Dump Truck
Excavator - Backhoe/loader
Excavator - Earth Scraper 623
Excavator - loader
Excavator - Motor Grader (CAT140H)
Excavator - Trencher (CAT320)
Pile Driver Truck
Portable Compaction - Vibratory Ram
Portable Compaction Roller
Portable Power Generators
Truck Crane - Greater than 200 ton
Truck Crane - Greater than 300 ton
Vibratory Roller Ingersol-Rand 20 ton
0.13 0.63 1.85 0.14 0.00 0.005 0.026 0.077 0.006 0.000 0.0020 0.0099 0.0292 0.0022 0.0000 0.0007 0.0033 0.0097 0.0007 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.24 3.47 4.09 0.23 0.00 0.010 0.144 0.170 0.010 0.000 0.0038 0.0546 0.0644 0.0036 0.0001 0.0013 0.0182 0.0215 0.0012 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.27 0.62 2.81 0.12 0.00 0.011 0.026 0.117 0.005 0.000 0.0085 0.0196 0.0885 0.0037 0.0001 0.0014 0.0033 0.0148 0.0006 0.0000
0.49 2.73 3.45 0.50 0.00 0.021 0.114 0.144 0.021 0.000 0.0156 0.0861 0.1087 0.0158 0.0001 0.0026 0.0143 0.0181 0.0026 0.0000
0.40 1.27 4.04 0.12 0.01 0.017 0.053 0.168 0.005 0.000 0.0063 0.0200 0.0636 0.0019 0.0001 0.0021 0.0067 0.0212 0.0006 0.0000
1.28 8.31 6.75 0.67 0.01 0.053 0.346 0.281 0.028 0.000 0.0202 0.1308 0.1064 0.0106 0.0001 0.0067 0.0436 0.0355 0.0035 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.40 3.41 4.02 0.27 0.00 0.017 0.142 0.168 0.011 0.000 0.0064 0.0537 0.0633 0.0043 0.0001 0.0021 0.0179 0.0211 0.0014 0.0000
0.50 1.67 4.68 0.26 0.01 0.021 0.069 0.195 0.011 0.000 0.0078 0.0262 0.0737 0.0042 0.0001 0.0026 0.0087 0.0246 0.0014 0.0000
0.40 3.37 3.98 0.27 0.00 0.017 0.141 0.166 0.011 0.000 0.0084 0.0709 0.0836 0.0057 0.0001 0.0021 0.0177 0.0209 0.0014 0.0000
0.69 5.78 6.81 0.47 0.01 0.029 0.241 0.284 0.019 0.000 0.0108 0.0910 0.1073 0.0073 0.0001 0.0036 0.0303 0.0358 0.0024 0.0000
0.52 3.43 10.48 0.37 0.01 0.022 0.143 0.437 0.016 0.001 0.0082 0.0540 0.1651 0.0059 0.0002 0.0027 0.0180 0.0550 0.0020 0.0001
0.03 0.12 0.36 0.03 0.00 0.001 0.005 0.015 0.001 0.000 0.0004 0.0019 0.0057 0.0004 0.0000 0.0001 0.0006 0.0019 0.0001 0.0000
1.28 4.06 12.90 0.50 0.02 0.053 0.169 0.537 0.021 0.001 0.0202 0.0639 0.2031 0.0079 0.0003 0.0067 0.0213 0.0677 0.0026 0.0001
0.25 1.25 3.70 0.28 0.00 0.011 0.052 0.154 0.012 0.000 0.0040 0.0198 0.0583 0.0044 0.0001 0.0013 0.0066 0.0194 0.0015 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
6.88 40.12 69.93 4.24 0.09 0.1225 0.7024 1.2209 0.0779 0.0015 0.0361 0.2106 0.3671 0.0223 0.0005
D - Diesel
1. Hourly emission rate used for short-term impact analysis were developed based on the projected highest activity level during the
fifth month grading period.
2. Table A-3 of NR-009c document ""Exhaust and Crankcase Emission Factors for Nonroad Engine Modeling -- Compression - Ignition",
EPA420-P-04-009, April 2004. A "high" load factor is taken to be 100%.
3 Appendix A, Median Life, Annual Activity, and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling,
EPA420-P-04-005, April 2004. These load factors are assumed to be representative for the El Centro site.
4. The emission rate for diesel nonroad equipment as determined using methods in NR-009c were for certain load factor
conditions. Emission rate is adjusted based on representative load condition at the El Centro site .
5. Hourly emission rate (lb/hr) = hourly fuel usage (gals) x EF (lbs/gal).
6. Daily emission (lbs) = daily fuel usage (gals) x EF (lbs/gal)
7. 24-HR Emission Rate = Daily Emissions / 24
Modeled Emission Rates for 24-HR Standards (g/s)Daily Emissions (lbs) 6Emission Rate for 24-HR Standards (lbs/hr) 7Modeled Emission Rates for 1-HR Standards (g/s)

Air Compressor 185 CFM 610 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002 7.6314 37.6452 111.0678 8.4489 0.1267 0.0009 0.0043 0.0127 0.0010 0.0000 0.0001 0.0005 0.0016 0.0001 0.0000
Air Compressor 750 CFM 0 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Articulating Boom Platform 80 0.0083 0.0377 0.1857 0.0047 0.0002 0.6663 3.0198 14.8579 0.3779 0.0166 0.0001 0.0003 0.0017 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000
Bulldozer D10R 0 0.0051 0.0572 0.1747 0.0062 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Bulldozer D4C 720 0.0101 0.1444 0.1704 0.0095 0.0002 7.2789 103.9793 122.6613 6.8446 0.1495 0.0008 0.0119 0.0140 0.0008 0.0000 0.0001 0.0015 0.0018 0.0001 0.0000
Concrete Pumper Truck 313 0.0000 0.0340 0.1671 0.0040 0.0002 0.0000 10.6276 52.2900 1.2601 0.0651 0.0000 0.0012 0.0060 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0008 0.0000 0.0000
Concrete Trowel Machine 254 0.0130 0.0935 0.1714 0.0174 0.0002 3.3057 23.7612 43.5291 4.4098 0.0528 0.0004 0.0027 0.0050 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0006 0.0001 0.0000
Concrete Vibrators 50 0.0130 0.0935 0.1714 0.0174 0.0002 0.6507 4.6774 8.5687 0.8681 0.0104 0.0001 0.0005 0.0010 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000
Crane - Mobile 65 ton 0 0.0154 0.0335 0.1714 0.0047 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Cranes - Mobile 35 ton 0 0.0169 0.0388 0.1757 0.0073 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Cranes - Mobile 45 ton 960 0.0169 0.0388 0.1757 0.0073 0.0002 16.2109 37.2782 168.6259 6.9848 0.1994 0.0019 0.0043 0.0192 0.0008 0.0000 0.0002 0.0005 0.0024 0.0001 0.0000
Diesel Powered Welder 610 0.0243 0.1345 0.1698 0.0246 0.0002 14.8101 81.9900 103.5378 15.0100 0.1265 0.0017 0.0094 0.0118 0.0017 0.0000 0.0002 0.0012 0.0015 0.0002 0.0000
Dump Truck 2,754 0.0160 0.0507 0.1612 0.0049 0.0002 44.0814 139.7409 443.9749 13.5779 0.5722 0.0050 0.0160 0.0507 0.0015 0.0001 0.0006 0.0020 0.0064 0.0002 0.0000
Excavator - Backhoe/loader 2,600 0.0320 0.2076 0.1688 0.0168 0.0002 83.1650 539.8444 438.9924 43.6547 0.5389 0.0095 0.0616 0.0501 0.0050 0.0001 0.0012 0.0078 0.0063 0.0006 0.0000
Excavator - Earth Scraper 623 0 0.0094 0.0299 0.0951 0.0037 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Excavator - loader 2,400 0.0101 0.0852 0.1005 0.0069 0.0001 24.2630 204.4925 241.2339 16.4936 0.2941 0.0028 0.0233 0.0275 0.0019 0.0000 0.0003 0.0029 0.0035 0.0002 0.0000
Excavator - Motor Grader (CAT140H) 1,440 0.0104 0.0347 0.0975 0.0055 0.0001 14.9148 49.9768 140.3685 7.9383 0.1765 0.0017 0.0057 0.0160 0.0009 0.0000 0.0002 0.0007 0.0020 0.0001 0.0000
Excavator - Trencher (CAT320) 2,376 0.0101 0.0852 0.1005 0.0069 0.0001 24.0204 202.4476 238.8216 16.3287 0.2912 0.0027 0.0231 0.0273 0.0019 0.0000 0.0003 0.0029 0.0034 0.0002 0.0000
Forklift 3,800 0.0171 0.1444 0.1704 0.0116 0.0002 65.1126 548.7794 647.3792 44.2626 0.7893 0.0074 0.0626 0.0739 0.0051 0.0001 0.0009 0.0079 0.0093 0.0006 0.0000
Fusion Welder 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Light Plants 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Pile Driver Truck 1,500 0.0087 0.0572 0.1747 0.0062 0.0002 12.9874 85.7722 262.0365 9.3527 0.3119 0.0015 0.0098 0.0299 0.0011 0.0000 0.0002 0.0012 0.0038 0.0001 0.0000
Portable Compaction - Vibratory Ram 80 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002 1.0015 4.9403 14.5758 1.1088 0.0166 0.0001 0.0006 0.0017 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000
Portable Compaction Roller 2,800 0.0160 0.0507 0.1612 0.0062 0.0002 44.8112 142.0544 451.3250 17.4583 0.5817 0.0051 0.0162 0.0515 0.0020 0.0001 0.0006 0.0020 0.0065 0.0003 0.0000
Portable Power Generators 610 0.0125 0.0618 0.1822 0.0139 0.0002 7.6314 37.6452 111.0678 8.4489 0.1267 0.0009 0.0043 0.0127 0.0010 0.0000 0.0001 0.0005 0.0016 0.0001 0.0000
Truck Crane - Greater than 200 ton 200 0.0154 0.0335 0.1714 0.0047 0.0002 3.0789 6.6982 34.2736 0.9447 0.0416 0.0004 0.0008 0.0039 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000
Truck Crane - Greater than 300 ton 300 0.0154 0.0335 0.1714 0.0047 0.0002 4.6183 10.0473 51.4103 1.4170 0.0623 0.0005 0.0011 0.0059 0.0002 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0007 0.0000 0.0000
Vibratory Roller Ingersol-Rand 20 ton 0 0.0176 0.0588 0.1652 0.0093 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Total 380.2 2275.4 3700.6 225.2 4.5 0.0055 0.0327 0.0532 0.0032 0.0001
1. The emission rate for diesel nonroad equipment as determined using methods in NR-009c were for certain load factor conditions.
Emission rate is adjusted based on representative load condition at the El Centro site .
2. Project Total Emissions (lbs) = Project Total Fuel Usage (gals) x EF (lbs/gal).
3. Emission Rate for annual impact (lbs/hr) = Project Total Emissions (lbs) / 8760 (hrs/yr)
Emission Rate - Annual (lbs/hr) 3Modeled Annual Emission Rate (g/s)Project Emissions (lbs) 2
Total Fuel
Usage (gal)
LF Adjusted EF (lbs/gal fuel) 1

gal/hr/ Unit
lbs/hr/ Unit
MMBtu /hr/
Portable Compaction -
Vibratory Plate G 1 8 0.25 1.78 0.0360 3.03 62.7 1.63 0.1 0.084 0.109 2.259 0.059 0.004 0.003 0.036 0.753 0.020 0.001 0.001
Pumps2G 2 8 0.13 0.92 0.0187 0.162 7.222 0.048 0.001 0.059 0.054 2.407 0.016 0.000 0.020
Equipment ER For 24-HR Standards (g/s)
Portable Compaction -
Vibratory Plate 0.0138 0.2847 0.0074 0.0005 0.0004 0.0046 0.0949 0.0025 0.0002 0.0001 0.0005 0.0104 0.0003 0.00002 0.00001
Pumps 0.0204 0.9100 0.0061 0.0002 0.0074 0.0068 0.3033 0.0020 0.0001 0.0025 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Total 0.0138 0.2847 0.0074 0.0005 0.0004 0.0046 0.0949 0.0025 0.0002 0.0001 0.0005 0.0104 0.0003 0.00002 0.00001
1. Hourly emission rate is determined using AP-42 emission factors in Table 3.3-1 and the heat input of the vibratory plate.
2. Hourly emission rate is determined by using Table 4, Exhaust Emission Factors for Nonroad Engine Modeling --Spark Ignition, EPA420-P-04-010, April 2004.
3. Based on the gasoline density of 7.1 lbs/gal.
4. Back calculated from fuel usage and gasoline heat value of 20,300 Btu/lb, AP-42, Table 3.3-1, footnote "c".
5. 24-HR emission rate = Daily emissions (lbs) / 24 (hrs/day)
6. Hourly emission rate for annual impact = project total emissions (lbs) / 8760 (hrs/yr).
Portable Compaction -
Vibratory Plate 8 320 0.9 18.1 0.5 0.03 0.02 34.9 723.0 18.8 1.2 1.0
Pumps 8 640 1.3 57.8 0.4 0.01 0.5 103.6 4622.0 31.0 0.8 37.5
Total 2.2 75.8 0.9 0.04 0.5 138.6 5345.0 49.8 1.9 38.5
1. Daily emissions = ER (lbs/hr) x No. of Units x Daily Op. Hours/unit
2. Project emission = ER (lbs/hr) x Total Op. Hours of all units
Daily Emissions (lbs) 1Project Emissions (lbs) 2
ER For Annual Standards (g/s) 6
ER For 24-HR Standards (lbs/hr) 5
Daily Op.
Actual Fuel Input EF (lb/MMBtu) ER For 1-HR Standards (lbs/hr)
Equipment Daily Op.
Total Op.
Hours /
Equipment Fuel Number of

Material silt content (s) (%) 8.5 AP-42, Table 13.2.2-1 for construction site, used for emission calculation of material handling.
Material moisture content (M) (%) 8 This value is between the moisture content for moist and dry condition listed in SCAQMD CEQA Table A9-9-F2. The moisture
content during the fall-winter season is expected to be higher than during the dry seasons due to higher precipitation.
Mean Vehicle Speed (S) (mph) 5
PM10 Scaling Factor 0.75 For bulldozing and grading only. AP-42, Table 11.9-1.
Mean Wind Speed (mph) 7.4 2005 Annual average wind speed measured at the Imperial County Airport, California Climate Data Archive,, accessed 1/18/2006.
Water Suppression Control Efficiency 90% Daily multiple watering
24-HR (lbs/hr) 24-HR (g/s)
nnual (g/s)
Excavator - Trencher 0.0455 1 6 360 0.27 16.38 0.0114 0.0014 0.0002
Excavator - Backhoe/Loader 0.0455 2 8 1040 0.73 47.33 0.0303 0.0038 0.0007
Excavator - Loader 0.0455 1 8 480 0.36 21.84 0.0152 0.0019 0.0003
Bulldozer (D4c) 0.0455 1 8 240 0.36 10.92 0.0152 0.0019 0.0002
Dump Truck 0.0455 1 8 880 0.36 40.05 0.0152 0.0019 0.0006
Excavator - Motor Grader 0.0455 1 8 240 0.36 10.92 0.0152 0.0019 0.0002
Total 2.46 147.44 0.0129 0.0021
1. Using bulldozer equation in AP-42, Table 11.9-1 for all equipment with the 90% control efficiency of water suppression .
Daily Dirt Handled (tons)
Uncontrolled EF
(lbs/ton) 1
Controlled EF
(lbs/ton) 2Daily PM10 EM
Project (lbs)
ER for 24-HR
No. Of Days
ER for Annual
ER for
24-Hr Standard
ER for Annual
Standard (g/s)
508.2 0.0003 2.67716E-05 0.013605325 0.544 5.67E-04 40 6.21248E-05 7.14E-05 7.828E-06
1. Calculated using AP-42 Section 13.2.4, Equation. 1
2. Based on the control efficiency of 90% for daily water suppression.
Vehicle Type
Mean Vehicle
Weight (tons)
Uncontr. PM10
EF (lbs/VMT) 1
Adj. PM10 EF
(lbs/VMT) -For
Annual Impact
2No. Of Unit
Round Trips
/Day/ Unit3
Round Trip
(mile)4Daily VMT (all
Controlled ER for
24-HR Standard
Total No. of
Operated VMT/ Project
Project ER
Controlled ER
for Annual
Controlled ER
for 24-HR
Standard (g/s)
Controlled ER
for Annual
Standard (g/s)
Dump trucks 22.7 2.73 2.64 1 8 0.53 4.24 0.9 0.048 1.159 110 466.4 123.33 0.0141 0.0061 0.0018
Service trucks 4 1.25 1.21 1 2 0.53 1.06 0.9 0.006 0.133 43 45.58 5.52 0.0006 0.0007 0.0001
Trucks - Pickup 3/4 ton 1 0.67 0.65 4 2 0.53 4.24 0.9 0.012 0.284 340 1441.6 93.52 0.0107 0.0015 0.0013
Water Truck 29 3.05 2.95 1 16 0.53 8.48 0.9 0.108 2.589 175 1484.00 438.12 0.050 0.014 0.006
Light Delivery Trucks55 1.38 1.34 1 1 0.30 0.30 0.9 0.002 0.042 65 19.35 2.59 0.000 0.000 0.0000
Heavy Delivery Trucks510 1.89 1.83 1 1 0.30 0.30 0.9 0.002 0.057 35 10.50 1.92 0.0002 0.0003 0.00003
Total Unpaved Road 0.0224 0.0096
Worker's Vehicles in Parking lot
1 0.67 0.65 60 1 0.50 30.00 0.9 0.084 2.012 430 12900 836.90 0.0955 0.0106 0.0120
1. AP-42, Section 13.2.2, Equation 1a. 6.276 1501.90
2. AP-42, Section 13.2.2, Equation 2. Estimated 12 days with precipitation > 0.01 inch, according to historical precipitation data
collected at Niland, CA, Western Regional Climate Center,, accessed 1/17/06.
3. Round trips/day uses 1 trip per hour for dump trucks and pickups. Water trucks operate 2 times per hour. Delivery trucks use 1 trips per day. Service trucks use 2 trips per day.
4. Distances measured from plot plan from highway along access road to center of construction area and parking lot.
5. Number of delivery trucks estimated.
6. Average number of workers (75)/1.25 persons per vehicle.
Controlled PM10
EF (lbs/hr) 1No. Of Unit Hrs/Day/ Unit
Total Op.
PM10 Emission Rate

On-Site Vehicles
Truck - Water D 1 58000 HHD 2.10E-03 8.40E-03 3.58E-02 9.00E-04 4.76E-05
Dump Truck D 1 45400 HHD 2.10E-03 8.40E-03 3.58E-02 9.00E-04 4.76E-05
Service Truck - 1 ton D 1 8000 LHD 2.10E-03 8.40E-03 3.58E-02 9.00E-04 4.76E-05
Trucks - Pickup 3/4 ton G 4 2000 LHD 2.10E-03 8.40E-03 3.58E-02 9.00E-04 4.76E-05
Highway Vehicles (Off-site)
Worker's Vehicles 2G/D 60 2000 LDA/LDT 2.30E-03 1.96E-02 2.20E-03 8.16E-05 3.93E-06
Light Delivery Trucks D 1 10000 LDH 2.10E-03 8.40E-03 3.58E-02 9.00E-04 4.76E-05
Heavy Duty Delivery Trucks D 1 20000 MDH 2.10E-03 8.40E-03 3.58E-02 9.00E-04 4.76E-05
1. To obtain the emission factors, EMFAC2002 was run in the "planning inventory" mode for the modeling year of 2008. The Imperial County average fleet information
was chosen, and the inventory was run for winter. The emission factor for a given vehicle category was back calculated using the daily emissions and daily VMT for that
vehicle category.
2. The emission factors for worker's vehicles are a weighted average, assuming 50% passenger cars and 50% light duty trucks.
On-Site Vehicles
Truck - Water 720 16 0.53 8.48 1.78E-02 7.12E-02 3.04E-01 7.63E-03 4.04E-04 1.01E-01 4.04E-01 1.72E+00 4.33E-02 2.29E-03
Dump Truck 880 8 0.53 4.24 8.90E-03 3.56E-02 1.52E-01 3.82E-03 2.02E-04 1.23E-01 4.94E-01 2.10E+00 5.29E-02 2.80E-03
Service Truck 104 2 0.53 1.06 2.23E-03 8.90E-03 3.79E-02 9.54E-04 5.05E-05 1.46E-02 5.83E-02 2.49E-01 6.25E-03 3.31E-04
Trucks - Pickup 3/4 ton 1,120 2 0.53 4.24 8.90E-03 3.56E-02 1.52E-01 3.82E-03 2.02E-04 6.28E-01 2.51E+00 1.07E+01 2.69E-01 1.42E-02
Total Total 0.04 lbs 0.15 lbs 0.65 lbs 0.02 lbs 0.00 lbs 0.87 3.47 14.78 0.37 0.02
Highway Vehicles (Off-site) Total Days
Worker's Vehicles 2430 1 20 1200 2.8 23.5 2.6 0.1 4.72E-03 1,187 10,114 1,135 42 2
Light Delivery Trucks 65 1 15 15 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.014 7.14E-04 2 8 35 1 0
Heavy Duty Delivery Trucks 35 1 15 15 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.014 7.14E-04 1 4 19 0 0
Total Total 0.03 lbs 0.13 lbs 0.54 lbs 0.01 lbs 0.00 lbs 1,190 lbs 10,126 lbs 1,189 lbs 43 lbs 2 lbs
0.6 tons 5.1 tons 0.6 tons 0.0 tons 0.001 tons
On-Site Vehicles
Truck - Water 720 16 0.53 8.48 1.40E-04 5.61E-04 2.39E-03 6.01E-05 3.18E-06 9.35E-05 3.74E-04 1.59E-03 4.01E-05 2.12E-06 1.45E-06 5.81E-06 2.48E-05 6.22E-07 3.29E-08
Dump Truck 880 8 0.53 4.24 1.40E-04 5.61E-04 2.39E-03 6.01E-05 3.18E-06 4.67E-05 1.87E-04 7.97E-04 2.00E-05 1.06E-06 1.78E-06 7.10E-06 3.03E-05 7.61E-07 4.02E-08
Service Truck - 1 ton 104 2 0.53 1.06 1.40E-04 5.61E-04 2.39E-03 6.01E-05 3.18E-06 1.17E-05 4.67E-05 1.99E-04 5.01E-06 2.65E-07 2.10E-07 8.39E-07 3.58E-06 8.99E-08 4.76E-09
Trucks - Pickup 3/4 ton 1,120 2 0.53 4.24 5.61E-04 2.24E-03 9.56E-03 2.40E-04 1.27E-05 4.67E-05 1.87E-04 7.97E-04 2.00E-05 1.06E-06 9.04E-06 3.61E-05 1.54E-04 3.87E-06 2.05E-07
Total Total 9.82E-04 3.93E-03 1.67E-02 4.21E-04 2.23E-05 1.99E-04 7.95E-04 3.39E-03 8.51E-05 4.50E-06 1.25E-05 4.99E-05 2.13E-04 5.35E-06 2.83E-07
1. Based on equipment usage for grading phase on the fifth construction month, which is the peak activity month.
2. The emission factors for worker's vehicles are a weighted average, assuming 50% passenger cars and 50% light duty trucks.
Vehicle Type
Mean Vehicles
Speed (mph)
Weight (tons)]
Total No. Of
Trips / Day
(lbs/VMT) 1
Round Trip
Daily VMT
(all units)
Total No.
of Days
ER for 24-
ER for Annual
ER for 24-HR
ER for
Worker's Vehicles 145 60 0.0138 20 1200 430 516000 16.5041 7096.74 0.6877 0.8101 0.0866 0.1021
Light Delivery Trucks 30 1 0.0893 15 15 65 967.5 1.3391 86.37
Heavy Duty Delivery Trucks
[18] 1 0.0709 15 15 35 525 1.0641 37.24 0.0443 0.0043 0.0056 0.0005
Total 19 7,220 Total 0.0922 0.1026
1. EF are calculated using equations in AP-42, Section 13.2.2. Equation 1b is used for passenger cars; equation 1a is used for heavy duty delivery trucks.
EF calculations are based on the following assumptions:
Paved road silt content (%) 0.1348 SCAQMD CEQA Table A-9-C-1, 5% local, 5% collector, 90% freeway
Silt Loading 0.04 oz/y
1.356 g/m
SCAQMD CEQA Table A9-9-C-1.
Daily Total
VMT Onroad Vehicles (Access Road)
Total Op.
Hours /
Trips or
Hours / Day
/ Unit
Round Trip
24-HR Emission Rate (g/s)
Project Emissions (lbs)
Annual Emission Rate (g/s)1-HR Emission Rate (g/s)
EF (lbs/VMT)
Daily Emissions (lbs) 1
Daily Total
Onroad Vehicle Fuel Type
Count Weight (lbs)
Onroad Vehicles (Access Road)
Total Op.
Hours /
Trips or
Hours / Day
/ Unit
Round Trip

Diesel Equip. Gasoline Equip.
Service Road
Area Total Diesel Equip. Gasoline Equip.
Service Road
Area Total
PM10 0.0779 0.0005 2.104E-05 0.0784 0.0223 0.0002 4.257E-06 0.0224
NOx 1.2209 0.0074 8.368E-04 1.2283 0.3671 0.0025 1.693E-04 0.3696
CO 0.7024 0.2847 1.963E-04 0.9870 0.2106 0.0949 3.973E-05 0.3055
SO2 0.0015 0.0004 1.113E-06 0.0019 0.0005 1.271E-04 2.252E-07 5.78E-04
Construction Area Long-
Term ER
Diesel Equip. Gasoline Equip.
Service Road
Area Total Annual 1-HR/3-HR/8-HR 24-HR
PM10 0.0032 1.66E-05 5.35E-06 0.00326 8.14E-04 1.96E-02 5.60E-03
NOx 0.0532 0.0003 2.126E-04 0.0535 1.34E-02 3.07E-01 9.24E-02
CO 0.0327 0.0104 4.990E-05 0.0431 1.08E-02 2.47E-01 7.64E-02
SO2 6.544E-05 1.393E-05 2.827E-07 7.937E-05 1.98E-05 4.69E-04 1.44E-04
Bulldozing/ Dirt
Parking Lots
Total ER w/o
Parking Lots
Service Road ER1
Construction Area
Long-Term ER -
Construction Area Short
Term ER - (MAIND1 -
Parking Lot ER
24-HR 0.0129 7.14E-05 0.0106 0.01297 1.12E-03 0.0032 0.0053
Annual 0.0021 7.82772E-06 0.0120 2.129E-03 4.78E-04 5.321E-04 0.0060
1. total divided by number of volume sources for all construction roads.
20 number of volume sources for road (6 east, 6 west, 6 north, 2 south)
4 number of volume sources for main construction area
2 number of area sources for parking lots
Construction Area Short-Term ER (MAINC1
MAINC4) (g/s)

TABLE B-15 On-Site Daily Criteria Pollutant Construction Emissions (lbs/day)
Activities VOC CO NOx PM10 SO2
Combustion Emissions
Construction - Diesel 6.88 40.12 69.93 4.24 0.09
Construction - Gasoline 2.17 75.85 0.86 0.04 0.49
Construction - Trucks 0.04 0.15 0.65 0.02 0.00
Construction Combustion Subtotal 9.09 116.12 71.43 4.30 0.58
Unpaved Road Travel/Parking Area Fugitive
PM Emissions 6.28
Grading /Bulldozing Fugitive PM Emissions 2.46
Earth Loading/Storage Fugitive PM Emissions 0.014
Total Max. Daily Emissions (lbs) 9.09 116.12 71.43 13.04 0.58
TABLE B-16 On-Site Project Criteria Pollutant Construction Emissions
Activities VOC CO NOx PM10 SO2
Combustion Emissions
Construction - Diesel 380.2 2,275.4 3,700.6 225.2 4.5
Construction - Gasoline 138.6 5,345.0 49.8 1.9 38.5
Construction - Trucks 0.9 3.5 14.8 0.4 0.0
Construction Combustion Subtotal 519.7 7,623.9 3,765.1 227.5 43.1
Unpaved Road Travel / Parking Area Fugitive
PM Emissions 1,501.9
Grading /Bulldozing Fugitive PM Emissions 147.4
Earth Loading/Storage Fugitive PM Emissions 0.5
Total Project Emissions (lbs) 519.7 7,623.9 3,765.1 1,877.4 43.1
Total Project Emissions (tons) 0.260 3.812 1.883 0.939 0.022
TABLE B-17 Daily Regional On-Highway Criteria Pollutant Emissions
Activities VOC CO NOx PM10 SO2
Passenger Vehicle - Combustion Emissions 2.76 23.52 2.64 0.10 0.00
Delivery Truck - Combustion Emissions 0.03 0.13 0.54 0.03 0.00
Passenger Vehicle - Paved Road Dust 16.50
Delivery Truck - Paved Road Dust 2.40
Total (lbs) 2.79 23.65 3.18 19.03 0.01
TABLE B-18 Project Regional On-Highway Criteria Pollutant Emissions
Activities VOC CO NOx PM10 SO2
Passenger Vehicle - Combustion Emissions 1,186.8 10,113.6 1,135.2 42.1 2.0
Delivery Truck - Combustion Emissions 1.1 4.4 18.8 1.3 0.0
Passenger Vehicle - Paved Road Dust 7,096.7
Delivery Truck - Paved Road Dust 123.6
Total (lbs) 1,187.9 10,118.0 1,154.0 7,263.8 2.1
Total (tons) 0.6 5.1 0.6 3.6 0.001

Title : Imperial County Avg 2008 Winter El Centro version 2 Scen Year: 2008 -- Model Years: 1965 to 2008 I/M Stat : No I and M program in effect
Version : Emfac2002 V2.2 Apr 23 2003 Season : Winter Emissions: Tons Per Day
Run Date : 03/11/06 11:06:52 Area : Imperial County Average
Passenger Car (50%
Vehicle Info
VMT/1000 2543 1005 28 11 59 322
TOG Emissions
Run Exhaust 0.98 0.44 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.37
Idle Exhaust 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03
Start Exhaust 0.65 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Diurnal 0.17 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hot Soak 0.26 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Running 0.63 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Resting 0.06 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Exhaust (tons/day) 2.75 1.25 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.4
EF (lbs/VMT) 0.0022 0.0025
Weighted EF (lbs/VMT)
CO Emissions
Run Exhaust 16.25 8.58 0.04 0.02 0.16 1.39
Idle Exhaust 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16
Start Exhaust 6.16 2.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Exhaust (tons/day) 22.41 10.66 0.04 0.02 0.16 1.55
EF (lbs/VMT) 0.0176 0.0216
Weighted EF (lbs/VMT)
NOx Emissions
Run Exhaust 2.16 0.96 0.16 0.07 0.70 6.08
Idle Exhaust 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.50
Start Exhaust 0.34 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Exhaust (tons/day) 2.50 1.07 0.16 0.07 0.71 6.58
EF (lbs/VMT) 0.0020 0.0024
Weighted EF (lbs/VMT)
CO2 Emissions (1000)
Run Exhaust 0.97 0.46 0.02 0.01 0.10 0.77
Idle Exhaust 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03
Start Exhaust 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Exhaust (tons/day) 1.00 0.48 0.02 0.01 0.10 0.79
EF (lbs/VMT) 0.0008 0.0010
Weighted EF (lbs/VMT)
PM10 Emissions
Run Exhaust 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.13
Idle Exhaust 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01
Start Exhaust 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Subtotal Exhaust 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.14
TireWear 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01
BrakeWear 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Exhaust (tons/day) 0.09 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.16
EF (lbs/VMT) 0.0001 0.0001
Weighted EF (lbs/VMT)
Lead Emissions
Lead Exhaust (tons/day) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Weighted EF (lbs/VMT) 0.00 0.00
SOx Emissions
SOx (tons/day) 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01
EF (lbs/VMT) 0.00001 0.00
Weighted EF (lbs/VMT)
Fuel Consumption (x1000 gal)
Gasoline 106.37 50.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Diesel 0.16 0.75 1.47 0.57 8.89 71.43
Vehicle Class Worker Commuter Delivery Truck
Light-Duty Trucks (50%) Heavy Duty Trucks - Diesel
0.0023 0.0021
0.020 0.0084
0.0022 0.036
3.93E-06 4.76E-05
0.0009 0.0044
8.16E-05 0.0009
Title : Imperial County Avg 2008 Winter El Centro version 2 Season : Winter
Version : Emfac2002 V2.2 Apr 23 2003 Area : Imperial County Average
Run Date : 03/11/06 11:06:52 I/M Stat : No I and M program in effect
Scen Year: 2008 -- Model Years: 1965 to 2008 Emissions: Tons Per Day
- - - - H e a v y D u t y T r u c k s - - -
- - - Light Duty Passenger Cars - - - - - - - - Light Duty Trucks - - - - - - - - - - Medium Duty Trucks - - - - ----- Gasoline Trucks ------ Diesel Total HD Urban Motor- All
Non-cat Cat Diesel Total Non-cat Cat Diesel Total Non-cat Cat Diesel Total Non-cat Cat Total Trucks Trucks Buses cycles Vehicles
********* *********** ********** ********* ********** *********** ********** ********* ********* ************ ********* ********** ********** *********** ********** ********** ********** ********* ********* *********** *********
Vehicles 885 65236 185 66305 1228 44477 845 46550 262 8453 820 9535 647 2743 3389 4768 8157 248 2470 133265
VMT/1000 13 2525 4 2543 35 1669 29 1734 7 357 45 408 7 58 65 387 452 29 18 5184
Trips 3697 408635 1014 413346 5186 277823 5078 288087 2483 120209 9317 132009 12400 34225 46626 50800 97426 991 4940 936799
--------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- --------- --------- ------------ --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------- ---------
Total Organic Gas Emissions
Run Exh 0.09 0.9 0 0.98 0.24 0.55 0.01 0.79 0.06 0.13 0.02 0.21 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.4 0.61 0.19 0.06 2.85
Idle Exh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.03 0 0 0.04
Start Ex 0.02 0.62 0 0.65 0.03 0.31 0 0.35 0.02 0.11 0 0.13 0.18 0.12 0.29 0 0.29 0.01 0.01 1.43
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Total Ex 0.11 1.52 0 1.63 0.27 0.86 0.01 1.14 0.08 0.24 0.02 0.34 0.25 0.26 0.51 0.43 0.94 0.2 0.08 4.33
Diurnal 0.01 0.16 0 0.17 0.02 0.11 0 0.12 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.33
Hot Soak 0.02 0.24 0 0.26 0.03 0.17 0 0.2 0 0.03 0 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.01 0.53
Running 0.09 0.54 0 0.63 0.07 0.62 0 0.69 0.02 0.15 0 0.17 0.06 0.13 0.2 0 0.2 0.01 0.02 1.71
Resting 0 0.05 0 0.06 0.01 0.04 0 0.04 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.11
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Total 0.24 2.51 0 2.75 0.39 1.8 0.01 2.19 0.1 0.45 0.02 0.58 0.33 0.4 0.73 0.43 1.16 0.21 0.12 7
--------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- --------- --------- ------------ --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------- ---------
Carbon Monoxide Emissions
Run Exh 1.01 15.24 0 16.25 2.74 12.27 0.02 15.03 0.88 2.04 0.06 2.98 1.62 2.21 3.83 1.57 5.4 1.51 0.73 41.9
Idle Exh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.17 0.18 0 0 0.21
Start Ex 0.13 6.02 0 6.16 0.19 3.52 0 3.71 0.14 1.01 0 1.15 1.58 1.58 3.16 0 3.16 0.07 0.05 14.29
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Total Ex 1.14 21.27 0 22.41 2.93 15.79 0.02 18.74 1.02 3.08 0.06 4.15 3.2 3.8 7 1.74 8.74 1.57 0.78 56.4
--------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- --------- --------- ------------ --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------- ---------
Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions
Run Exh 0.07 2.08 0.01 2.16 0.19 1.64 0.04 1.88 0.06 0.41 0.23 0.69 0.05 0.47 0.52 6.85 7.38 0.32 0.03 12.46
Idle Exh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.51 0.51 0 0 0.52
Start Ex 0.01 0.33 0 0.34 0.01 0.24 0 0.25 0 0.2 0 0.2 0.03 0.22 0.24 0 0.24 0 0 1.04
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Total Ex 0.08 2.41 0.01 2.5 0.2 1.88 0.04 2.12 0.06 0.61 0.23 0.9 0.08 0.69 0.77 7.37 8.13 0.33 0.03 14.01
--------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- --------- --------- ------------ --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------- ---------
Carbon Dioxide Emissions (000)
Run Exh 0.01 0.96 0 0.97 0.02 0.77 0.01 0.8 0 0.29 0.02 0.32 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.88 0.93 0.04 0 3.06
Idle Exh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.03 0 0 0.03
Start Ex 0 0.03 0 0.03 0 0.03 0 0.03 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Total Ex 0.01 0.99 0 1 0.02 0.8 0.01 0.83 0 0.3 0.02 0.33 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.9 0.96 0.04 0 3.16
--------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- --------- --------- ------------ --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------- ---------
PM10 Emissions
Run Exh 0 0.03 0 0.03 0 0.03 0 0.03 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0.15 0.15 0 0 0.23
Idle Exh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.02 0 0 0.02
Start Ex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Total Ex 0 0.03 0 0.03 0 0.03 0 0.04 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0.17 0.17 0 0 0.25
TireWear 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.01 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.06
BrakeWr 0 0.03 0 0.04 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.07
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Total 0 0.09 0 0.09 0 0.07 0 0.08 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0 0 0.19 0.19 0 0 0.38
--------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- --------- --------- ------------ --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------- ---------
Lead 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SOx 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.03
--------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- --------- --------- ------------ --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------- ---------
Fuel Consumption (000 gallons)
Gasoline 0.97 105.39 0 106.37 2.5 84.92 0 87.42 0.67 31.04 0 31.71 1.46 5.22 6.69 0 6.69 1.96 0.41 234.55
Diesel 0 0 0.16 0.16 0 0 1.01 1.01 0 0 2.23 2.23 0 0 0 81.27 81.27 2.59 0 87.26
Title : Imperial County Avg 2008 Winter El Centro versi
Season : Winter
Version : Emfac2002 V2.2 Apr 23 2003 Area : Imperial County Average
Run Date : 03/11/06 11:06:52 I/M Stat : No I and M program in effect
Scen Year: 2008 -- Model Years: 1965 to 2008 Emissions: Tons Per Day
- - Light Duty Trucks 1 (T1) - - - - - Light Duty Trucks 2 (T2) - - - Medium Duty Trucks (T3) -- Light-Heavy Duty Trucks 1 (T4) Light-Heavy Duty Trucks 2 (T5) Medium-Heavy Duty Trucks (T6) - HH Duty School Buses Urban Buses Total
Non-cat Cat Diesel Total Non-cat Cat Diesel Total Non-cat Cat Diesel Total Non-cat Cat Diesel Total Non-cat Cat Diesel Total Non-cat Cat Diesel Total Diesel Trks Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Buses
********** ********** ******** *********** ********* *********** *********** ********** ********* *********** ********* ********** ********** *********** ********* *********** ********* ********** *********** ********* ********** *********** ********* *********** ********* ************ ********* ************ ********* ********** *******
Vehicles 684 25688 635 27008 544 18789 210 19542 215 5938 157 6309 46 2229 453 2728 0 287 211 498 562 2487 1306 4355 3308 63 153 166 82 463
VMT/1000 20 964 22 1005 16 705 7 728 6 222 6 234 0 121 28 150 0 14 11 24 6 43 59 108 322 3 6 20 10 38
Trips 2879 160300 3828 167007 2307 117523 1249 121080 945 37034 972 38951 1534 73692 5695 80922 4 9482 2650 12136 9540 24158 33448 67145 16742 252 611 662 328 1854
---------- ---------- -------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- ---------- -------
Total Organic Gas Emissions
Run Exh 0.13 0.3 0 0.44 0.11 0.25 0 0.35 0.06 0.11 0 0.16 0 0.02 0.01 0.03 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.14 0.37 0.01 0 0.18 0.01 0.21
Idle Exh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 0
Start Ex 0.02 0.17 0 0.19 0.02 0.14 0 0.16 0.01 0.06 0 0.07 0.01 0.04 0 0.05 0 0.01 0 0.01 0.12 0.06 0 0.17 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.01
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ------ ------- -------
Total Ex 0.15 0.47 0 0.63 0.12 0.39 0 0.51 0.06 0.17 0 0.23 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.09 0 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.17 0.12 0.03 0.32 0.4 0.02 0 0.19 0.01 0.22
Diurnal 0.01 0.06 0 0.07 0.01 0.04 0 0.05 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hot Soak 0.02 0.1 0 0.12 0.01 0.07 0 0.08 0 0.03 0 0.03 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0
Running 0.04 0.37 0 0.41 0.03 0.25 0 0.28 0.01 0.1 0 0.11 0.01 0.04 0 0.05 0 0.02 0 0.02 0.05 0.09 0 0.13 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.01
Resting 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Total 0.22 1.03 0 1.25 0.17 0.77 0 0.94 0.07 0.32 0 0.39 0.03 0.1 0.01 0.14 0 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.22 0.22 0.03 0.47 0.4 0.02 0 0.19 0.01 0.23
---------- ---------- -------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- ---------- -------
Carbon Monoxide Emissions
Run Exh 1.52 7.04 0.01 8.58 1.22 5.23 0 6.46 0.82 1.81 0 2.63 0.06 0.16 0.04 0.25 0 0.08 0.02 0.09 1.02 1.31 0.16 2.49 1.39 0.25 0.02 1.47 0.04 1.78
Idle Exh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 0.16 0.01 0 0 0 0.01
Start Ex 0.1 1.98 0 2.08 0.08 1.54 0 1.62 0.06 0.58 0 0.64 0.08 0.34 0 0.41 0 0.09 0 0.09 0.73 0.83 0 1.56 0 0.02 0 0.07 0 0.09
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ------ ------- -------
Total Ex 1.63 9.01 0.01 10.66 1.3 6.78 0 8.08 0.88 2.39 0 3.28 0.14 0.51 0.04 0.69 0 0.17 0.02 0.19 1.75 2.15 0.16 4.06 1.55 0.28 0.02 1.53 0.04 1.87
---------- ---------- -------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- ---------- -------
Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions
Run Exh 0.11 0.82 0.03 0.96 0.09 0.82 0.01 0.92 0.05 0.35 0.01 0.41 0 0.05 0.16 0.21 0 0.01 0.07 0.08 0.03 0.19 0.7 0.92 6.08 0.01 0.07 0.13 0.19 0.41
Idle Exh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.5 0 0.01 0 0 0.01
Start Ex 0 0.11 0 0.11 0 0.13 0 0.14 0 0.05 0 0.05 0 0.13 0 0.13 0 0.02 0 0.02 0.01 0.1 0 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 0
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ------ ------- -------
Total Ex 0.11 0.93 0.03 1.07 0.09 0.95 0.01 1.05 0.06 0.39 0.01 0.46 0 0.18 0.16 0.34 0 0.04 0.07 0.1 0.04 0.29 0.71 1.04 6.58 0.01 0.08 0.13 0.19 0.42
---------- ---------- -------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- ---------- -------
(00 Carbon Dioxide Emissions (000)
Run Exh 0.01 0.45 0.01 0.46 0.01 0.33 0 0.34 0 0.14 0 0.15 0 0.13 0.02 0.15 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 0.03 0.1 0.14 0.77 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.06
Idle Exh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 0
Start Ex 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ------ ------- -------
Total Ex 0.01 0.46 0.01 0.48 0.01 0.34 0 0.35 0 0.15 0 0.15 0 0.13 0.02 0.15 0 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.14 0.79 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.06
---------- ---------- -------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- ---------- -------
PM10 Emissions
Run Exh 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.02 0.13 0 0 0 0 0.01
Idle Exh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0
Start Ex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ------ ------- -------
Total Ex 0 0.01 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.02 0.14 0 0 0 0 0.01
TireWear 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0
BrakeWr 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ------ ------- -------
Total 0 0.04 0 0.04 0 0.04 0 0.04 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.02 0.16 0 0 0 0 0.01
---------- ---------- -------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- ---------- -------
Lead 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SOx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0
---------- ---------- -------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- ---------- -------
Fuel Consumption (000 gallons)
Gasoline 1.39 48.96 0 50.35 1.11 35.96 0 37.07 0.57 15.58 0 16.14 0.1 13.88 0 13.99 0 1.58 0 1.58 1.01 3.84 0 4.85 0 0.28 0 1.96 0 2.24
Diesel 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0 0.26 0.26 0 0 0.2 0.2 0 0 1.47 1.47 0 0 0.57 0.57 0 0 8.89 8.89 71.43 0 0.94 0 2.59 3.53
Project Emissions Data Files
Submitted on Separate DVDs
Attachment C
Supporting Information on Estimation
of Project Operation Emissions


ECGS Unit 3 100% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-2 Case Parameters
Case 1 2 3 4 5
Ambient Temperature (°F) 115 115 73 73 40
Stack Diameter (ft) 15 15 15 15 15
Exhaust Flow (lb/hr) 2240000 2077000 2358000 2302000 2481000
CTG Load Level 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Evap. Coole
Data from Vendor Area = 176.71 ft2
TABLE C-3 Expected Operation of New Unit 3 Gas Turbine - Normal Operation
(Reference: Emission Summary GE PG7121 Turbine/Site Specific Information
Heat Consumed (MMBTU/hr) 824.3 748.4 877.4 850.1 928.5
Turbine Outlet Temperature (°F) 1016 1043 1006 1014 990
HRSG Stack Outlet Temperature (°F) 320 320 322 322 326
Exhaust Flow @ T stack (acfm) 751916 694103 790219 770302 832859
Stack Exit Velocity, ft/m 4255.0 3927.8 4471.7 4359.0 4713.0
Stack Exit Velocity, m/s 21.62 19.95 22.72 22.14 23.94
Nitrogen, % Vol 73.58 74.46 74.44 74.76 75.15
Oxygen, % Vol 13.64 13.99 13.77 13.91 13.91
Carbon Dioxide, % Vol 3.13 3.08 3.18 3.16 3.21
Argon, % Vol 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.90
Water Vapor, % Vol 8.77 7.58 7.72 7.28 6.83
Molecular Weigh
28.28 28.41 28.40 28.44 28.50
Data from Vendor

ECGS Unit 3 100% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-4 Average Emission Rates from New Unit 3 Gas Turbine (lbs/hr) - Normal Operations with Duct Firing
NOX at pre-BACT level 34.62 31.62 36.20 35.20
ppmvd 10.39 10.39 10.18 10.18
NOX at 2.0 ppmvd BACT level 6.67 6.09 7.11 6.91
CO at pre BACT level 52.65 48.65 55.50 54.50
CO ppmvd 25.81 25.81 25.69 25.69
CO at 4.0 ppmvd BACT level 8.16 7.54 8.64 8.48
UHC at pre-BACT level 9.20 8.20 9.18 9.18
VOC at pre-BACT level 1.84 1.64 1.84 1.84
VOC ppmvd 7.16 7.16 7.14 7.14
VOC at 2.0 ppmvd BACT level 1.10 0.98 1.10 1.10
SO21.72 1.57 1.84 1.78
PM10 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
NH3 at 10 ppmvd tBACT level 12.39 11.44 13.11 12.88
NH3 at 5 ppmvd BACT leve
6.19 5.72 6.56 6.44
Sulfur content in fuel basis for above: 0.75 grain total S/100 scf
Data from Vendor
Full load cases assume evap cooling and duct firing
Part load cases assume no evap cooling and no duct firing
VOC emissions are based upon 20% of UHC and 40% SCR removal rate (less than BACT achieved).
TABLE C-5 Average Emission Rates from New Unit 3 Gas Turbine (lbs/hr) - Normal Operations with No Duct Firing
NOX at 9 ppmvd pre-BACT level 30.00 27.00 32.00 31.00 34.00
NOX at 2.0 ppmvd BACT level 5.78 5.20 6.29 6.09 6.73
CO at 25 ppmvd pre BACT level 51.00 47.00 54.00 53.00 57.00
CO at 4.0 ppmvd BACT level 7.90 7.28 8.41 8.25 8.89
UHC at 7 ppmvd pre-BACT level 9.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 10.00
VOC at 7 ppmvd BACT level 1.80 1.60 1.80 1.80 2.00
VOC at 2.0 ppmvd BACT level 1.08 0.96 1.08 1.08 1.20
SO21.72 1.57 1.84 1.78 1.94
PM10 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
NH3 at 10 ppmvd tBACT level 12.39 11.41 13.11 12.87 13.84
NH3 at 5 ppmvd BACT leve
6.19 5.71 6.56 6.44 6.92
Sulfur content in fuel basis for above: 0.75 grain total S/100 scf
Data from Vendor
Full load cases assume evap cooling and duct firing
Part load cases assume no evap cooling and no duct firing
VOC emissions are based upon 20% of UHC and 40% SCR removal rate (less than BACT achieved).

ECGS Unit 3 100% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-6 Startup / Shutdown Emissions from Turbine
duration in minutes 20 20 30 45 15 130 Average
CTG Purge Startup CTG Rampup HRSG Warmup SCR Warmup Total Startup Startup
Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions
lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/hour
0.00 21.00 39.33 24.00 4.79 89.12 41.13
CO 0.00 38.00 28.25 40.50 7.80 114.55 52.87
VOC 0.00 0.55 0.72 1.35 0.36 2.98 1.38
SO20.00 0.65 0.97 1.46 0.49 3.56 1.64
PM10 0.00 1.67 2.5 3.75 1.25 9.17 4.23
Startup Emissions for CO, NO2, PM10, and VOC integrated from data provided by GE and IID.
SO2 emissions assume complete conversion of all sulfur to SO
duration in minutes 30 30 60
G Load Ra
Total Shutdown
Emissions Emissions Emissions
lb/event lb/event lb/hour
25.00 39.33 64.33
CO 45.00 28.25 73.25
VOC 0.65 0.72 1.37
SO20.89 0.89 1.78
PM10 2.50 2.50 5.00
Shutdown Emissions for CO, NO2, PM10, and VOC integrated from data provided by GE and IID.
SO2 emissions assume complete conversion of all sulfur to SO
Commissioning Emission
Total Pounds Emitted
Hours NOxCO VOC PM10
CTG No Load Testing 40 1600.00 3600.00 50.00 200.00
CTG/HRSG Load Testing 200 20000.0 15000.00 400.00 1000.00
Uncontrolled Operations 120 3840.00 6480.00 216.00 600.00
Maximum Emission Rates lb/hr
CTG No Load Testing 40.00 90.00 1.25 5.00
CTG/HRSG Load Testing 100.00 75.00 2.00 5.00
Uncontrolled Operations 32.00 54.00 1.80 5.00

ECGS Unit 3 100% Load Scenarios
startup, rampu
ampup + par
TABLE C-7 Worst-Case 1-Hour Emissions DIFFERENT OPERATING SCENARIOS Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum No Load Load
lb/hr Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions
Emissions per turbin
40F lb/hour lb/hour lb/hour lb/hour lb/hour lb/hour lb/hour
NO234.62 31.62 36.20 35.20 34.00 41.13 65.66 55.33 28.79 40.00 100.00 32.00
CO 52.65 48.65 55.50 54.50 57.00 52.87 75.25 55.25 48.30 90.00 75.00 54.00
VOC 1.84 1.64 1.84 1.84 2.00 1.38 1.57 1.62 1.71 1.25 2.00 1.80
SO21.72 1.57 1.84 1.78 1.94 1.64 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94
PM10 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.23 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
TABLE C-8 Worst-Case 3 Hour Emission Rate
Only S
2 is considered for an average 3-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard.
case Total
Total Hours of Operation 3
SO2 1.94 5.83 0.59
TABLE C-9 Worst-Case 8-Hour Emission Rates
Only CO is considered for an average 8-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard.
Worst-case 8-Hour Scenario includes 1 hour at Maintenance rate, 1 Startups, 1 Shutdown, and remaing time at controlled duct firing rate. CTG CTG/HRSG
case Total
/Warmup Shutdown
Maintenance -
/Warmup Shutdown
Total No Load No Load Uncontrolled
g/s Emissions Emissions Emissions
Total Hours of Operation 8 2.17 1 1 3.83 2.17 1 1 3.83 4 8 8
CO Uncontrolled 34.55 52.87 73.25 55.50 8.64 276.42 114.55 73.25 55.50 33.12 4.35 360 600 432
CO Commissioning CTG No Load 45.00 CTG Commissioning No load testing could operate no more than 4 out of any 8 hours (off other 4) and no more than 8 out of 24, off the other 16 hours.
CO Commissioning CTG/HRSG Load 75.00 CTG/HRSG Commissioning Load testing could operate no more than 12 out of any 24 hours and be off the other 12 hours.
CO Commissioning Uncontrolled 54.00 Uncontrolled commissioning operations could last 24 hours.
Emissions per turbine lb/hr
115F 73F
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs

ECGS Unit 3 100% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-10 Worst-Case 24 Hour Emission Rate
Only SO2 and PM10 are considered for an average 24-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard. CTG CTG/HRSG Uncontrolle
Worst-case 24-Hour Scenario includes 2 Startups, 2 Shutdowns, 2 hour maintenance, and remaining time at controlled duct firing rate. No Load No Load
case Total
/Warmup Shutdown
Maintenance -
/Warmup Shutdown
Maintenance -
Total Emissions Emissions Emissions
g/s Total lbs
Total Hours of Operation 24 4.33 2 2 0.5 15.17 4.33 2 2 15.67 8 12 24
20.02 41.13 64.33 34.00 7.11 6.73 480.47 178.24 128.66 68.00 105.57 2.52 320 1200 768
CO 26.20 52.87 73.25 57.00 8.64 8.89 628.68 229.10 146.50 114.00 139.08 3.30 720 900 1296
VOC 1.31 1.38 1.37 2.00 1.10 1.20 31.45 5.96 2.74 4.00 18.75 0.17 10 24 43.2
SO21.87 1.64 1.78 1.94 1.84 1.94 44.96 7.12 3.56 3.89 30.39 0.24 15.54 23.32 46.63
PM10 4.86 4.23 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 116.67 18.34 10.00 10.00 78.33 0.61 40.00 60.00 120.00
SO2 Commissioning CTG No Loa
0.65 CTG Commissioning No load testing could operate no more than 4 out of any 8 hours (off other 4) and no more than 8 out of 24, off the other 16 hour
SO2 Commissioning CTG/HRSG Loa
0.97 CTG/HRSG Commissioning Load testing could operate no more than 12 out of any 24 hours and be off the other 12 hour
SO2 Commissioning Uncontrolle
1.94 Uncontrolled commissioning operations could last 24 hours
PM10 Commissioning CTG No Loa
1.67 CTG Commissioning No load testing could operate no more than 4 out of any 8 hours (off other 4) and no more than 8 out of 24, off the other 16 hour
PM10 Commissioning CTG/HRSG Loa
2.50 CTG/HRSG Commissioning Load testing could operate no more than 12 out of any 24 hours and be off the other 12 hour
5.00 Uncontrolled commissioning operations could last 24 hours
TABLE C-11 Average Annual Emissions
Average Operation lb/hr Emission Rates presented below for normal fired and unfired operations are based on the 73°F; 100% load; with Evap. Cooler On operation scenario for 8,000 hours,
plus 150 startup/warmup events and 150 shutdown events and 20 maintenance hours. Worst-case total emission rate incorporates estimated operating hours at different temperatures.
case Total
/Warmup Shutdown
Maintenance -
/Warmup Shutdown
Maintenance -
case Total
Total Hours of Operation 8475 325.00 150.00 20 3000 4980
Number per Scenario 150 150 20 3000 4980
Duration of Event (min) 130 60 60 60 60
8.49 41.13 64.33 30.80 6.74 6.12 74353.4 13368.0 9649.5 616.0 20222.2 30497.7 1.07
CO 10.85 52.87 73.25 52.40 8.24 8.25 95027.8 17182.5 10987.5 1048.0 24720.0 41089.8 1.37
VOC 1.09 1.38 1.37 9.00 1.10 1.09 9579.3 447.0 205.5 180.0 3310.8 5436.0 0.14
SO21.72 1.64 1.78 1.77 1.74 1.80 15039.8 534.3 266.8 35.4 5230.4 8972.8 0.22
PM10 4.81 4.23 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 42125.5 1375.5 750.0 100.0 15000.0 24900.0 0.61
Note: Worst-case lb/hr is the total emissions (lbs) over 8760 hours/year
Estimated annual normal operating hours
40F Duct Fired 0 Total Hours Total Hours
40F No Duct Fired 480.00 Duct Fired No Duct Fired
73F No Duct Fired 2500 3000 4980.00
73F Duct Fired 500
115F No Duct Fired 2000
115F Duct Fired 2500
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs

ECGS Unit 3 75% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-12 Case Parameters
Case 1 2 3
Ambient Temperature (°F) 115 73 40
Stack Diameter (ft) 15 15 15
Exhaust Flow (lb/hr) 1807500 1866000 1947000
CTG Load Level 75% 75% 75%
Evap. Coole
Data from Vendor Area = 176.71 ft2
TABLE C-13 Expected Operation of each Gas Turbine - Normal Operation
(Reference: Emission Summary GE PG7121 Turbine/Site Specific Information)
Heat Consumed (MMBTU/hr) 674.8 714.4 751.7
Turbine Outlet Temperature (°F) 1084 1063 1037
HRSG Stack Outlet Temperature (°F) 316 317 319
Exhaust Flow @ T stack (acfm) 601272 620641 647881
Stack Exit Velocity, ft/m 3402.5 3512.1 3666.3
Stack Exit Velocity, m/s 17.3 17.8 18.6
Nitrogen, % Vol 74.41 74.70 75.10
Oxygen, % Vol 13.82 13.73 13.77
Carbon Dioxide, % Vol 3.16 3.24 3.28
Argon, % Vol 0.89 0.89 0.90
Water Vapor, % Vol 7.70 7.44 6.96
Molecular Weigh
28.39 28.43 28.49
Data from Vendor
TABLE C-14 Average Emission Rates from each Gas Turbine (lbs/hr/turbine) - Normal Operations
NOX at 9 ppmvd pre-BACT level 24.00 26.00 27.00
NOX at 2.0 ppmvd BACT level 5.33 5.78 6.00
CO at 25 ppmvd pre BACT level 41.00 43.00 52.00
CO at 4.0 ppmvd BACT level 6.56 6.88 7.17
VOC at 7 ppmvd pre-BACT level 7.00 7.00 8.00
VOC at 2.0 ppmvd BACT level 0.84 0.84 0.96
SO21.41 1.49 1.57
PM10 5.00 5.00 5.00
NH3 at 10 ppmvd tBACT level 9.96 10.44 12.63
NH3 at 5 ppmvd BACT level 4.98 5.22 6.31
Sulfur content in fuel basis for above: 0.75 grain total S/100 scf
Data from Vendor
Full load cases assume evap cooling and duct firing
Part load cases assume no evap cooling and no duct firing

ECGS Unit 3 75% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-15 Startup / Shutdown Emissions from Turbine
duration in minutes 20 20 30 45 15 130 Average
CTG Purge Startup
TG Rampu
HRSG Warmup SCR Warmup Total Startup Startup
Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions
lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/hour
0.00 21.00 39.33 24.00 4.79 89.12 41.13
CO 0.00 38.00 28.25 40.50 7.80 114.55 52.87
VOC 0.00 0.55 0.72 1.35 0.36 2.98 1.38
SO20.00 0.52 0.79 1.18 0.39 2.88 1.33
PM10 0.00 1.67 2.5 3.75 1.25 9.17 4.23
Startup Emissions for CO, NO2, PM10, and VOC integrated from data provided by GE and IID.
SO2 emissions assume complete conversion of all sulfur to SO2.
duration in minutes 30 30 60
G Load R
tal Shutdown
Emissions Emissions Emissions
lb/event lb/event lb/hour
25.00 39.33 64.33
CO 45.00 28.25 73.25
VOC 0.65 0.72 1.37
SO20.79 0.79 1.57
PM10 2.50 2.50 5.00
Shutdown Emissions for CO, NO2, PM10, and VOC integrated from data provided by GE and IID.
SO2 emissions assume complete conversion of all sulfur to SO2.

ECGS Unit 3 75% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-16 Worst-Case 1-Hour Emissions per Turbine
Worst-Case 1-Hour Emissions are equal to the Maintenance emission rates. (ie uncontrolled emissions)
Emissions per turbine lb/hr g/s
NO227.00 3.40
CO 52.00 6.55
VOC 8.00 1.01
SO21.57 0.20
PM10 5.00 0.63
TABLE C-17 Worst-Case 3 Hour Emission Rate per Turbine
Only SO2 is considered for an average 3-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard. Since the SO2 emission rate does not change during Startup, Maintenance or
Normal operations, the worst-case 3-hour emission rate is the maximum S
2rate for 100% load case (72°F; with Sprint and Evap. Cooler On).
case Total Normal
Operations Worst-case
Total Normal
Total Hours of Operation 3 3
SO2 1.57 1.57 4.72 4.72 0.20
TABLE C-18 Worst-Case 8-Hour Emission Rates
Only CO is considered for an average 8-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard.
Worst-case 8-Hour Scenario includes 1 hours at Maintenance rate, 1 Startups, 1 Shutdown, and remaining time at Normal rate.
case Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance -
Uncontrolled Normal
Operations Worst-case
Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance-
Uncontrolled Normal
Total Hours of Operation 8 2.17 1 1 3.83 2.17 1 1 3.83
CO 33.43 52.87 73.25 52.00 7.17 267.45 114.73 73.25 52.00 27.47 4.21
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs

ECGS Unit 3 75% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-19 Worst-Case 24 Hour Emission Rate
Only SO2 and PM10 are considered for an average 24-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard.
Worst-case 24-Hour Scenario includes 2 Startups, 2 Shutdowns, 2 hours maintenance, and remaining time at Normal rate.
case Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance -
Uncontrolled Normal
Operations Worst-case
Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance-
Uncontrolled Normal
Total Hours of Operation 24 4.33 2 2 15.67
18.95 41.13 64.33 27.00 6.00 454.90 178.24 128.66 54.00 94.00 2.39
CO 24.67 52.87 73.25 52.00 7.17 591.97 229.10 146.50 104.00 112.37 3.11
VOC 1.66 1.38 1.37 8.00 0.96 39.74 5.96 2.74 16.00 15.04 0.21
SO21.53 1.33 1.57 1.57 1.57 36.70 5.77 3.15 3.15 24.64 0.19
PM10 4.86 4.23 5.00 5.00 5.00 116.67 18.34 10.00 10.00 78.33 0.61
TABLE C-20 Average Annual Emissions
Average Operation Emission Rates are based on the average operation scenario (72°F; 100% load; with Sprint and Evap. Cooler On) for 2,980 hours
plus 250 startup/warmup events and 250 shutdown events and 20 maintenance hours. The two turbines will each have these operating conditions
case Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance -
Uncontrolled Normal
Operations Worst-case
Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance-
Uncontrolled Normal
Total Hours of Operation 5475 325.00 150.00 20 4980
Number per Scenario 150 150 20 4980
Duration of Event (min) 130 60 60 60
5.88 41.13 64.33 25.67 5.62 51521.9 13368.0 9649.5 513.3 27991.1 0.74
CO 7.17 52.87 73.25 45.33 6.78 62839.4 17182.5 10987.5 906.7 33762.8 0.90
VOC 0.58 1.38 1.37 7.33 0.85 5040.0 447.0 205.5 146.7 4240.8 0.07
SO20.91 1.33 1.57 1.49 1.47 8015.1 432.6 236.0 29.9 7316.7 0.12
PM10 3.10 4.23 5.00 5.00 5.00 27125.5 1375.5 750.0 100.0 24900.0 0.39
Note: Worst-case lb/hr is the total emissions (lbs) over 8760 hours/year
Estimated annual normal operating hours
40F Duct Fired 0 Total Hours Total Hours Total Hours
40F No Duct Fired 480.00 Duct Fired No Duct Fired
73F No Duct Fired 2500 3000 4980 7980
73F Duct Fired 500
115F No Duct Fired 2000
115F Duct Fired 2500
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs

ECGS Unit 3 50% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-21 Case Parameters
Case 1 2 3
Ambient Temperature (°F) 115 73 40
Stack Diameter (ft) 15 15 15
Exhaust Flow (lb/hr) 1517000 1543000 1577000
CTG Load Level 50% 50% 50%
Evap. Cooler OFF OFF OFF
Data from Vendor Area = 176.71 ft2
TABLE C-22 Expected Operation of each Gas Turbine - Normal Operation
(Reference: Emission Summary GE PG7121 Turbine/Site Specific Information)
Heat Consumed (MMBTU/hr) 544.1 577.4 609.5
Turbine Outlet Temperature (°F) 1100 1100 1100
HRSG Stack Outlet Temperature (°F) 316 316 316
Exhaust Flow @ T stack (acfm) 504217 512264 522692
Stack Exit Velocity, ft/m 2853.3 2898.8 2957.8
Stack Exit Velocity, m/s 14.5 14.7 15.0
Nitrogen, % Vol 74.52 74.77 75.12
Oxygen, % Vol 14.15 13.95 13.83
Carbon Dioxide, % Vol 3.01 3.14 3.25
Argon, % Vol 0.89 0.90 0.90
Water Vapor, % Vol 7.44 7.25 6.91
Molecular Weight 28.41 28.45 28.49
Data from Vendor
TABLE C-23 Average Emission Rates from each Gas Turbine (lbs/hr/turbine) - Normal Operations
NOX at 9 ppmvd pre-BACT level 19.00 21.00 22.00
NOX at 2.0 ppmvd BACT level 4.22 4.67 4.89
CO at 25 ppmvd pre BACT level 317.00 156.00 76.00
CO at 4.0 ppmvd BACT level 5.54 5.62 5.85
OC at 7 ppmvd pre-BACT level 51.00 25.00 12.00
OC at 2.0 ppmvd BACT level 1.73 1.72 1.71
SO21.14 1.21 1.28
PM10 5.00 5.00 5.00
NH3 at 10 ppmvd tBACT level 76.99 37.89 18.46
NH3 at 5 ppmvd BACT level 38.49 18.94 9.23
Sulfur content in fuel basis for above: 0.75 grain total S/100 scf
Data from Vendor
Full load cases assume evap cooling and duct firing
Part load cases assume no evap cooling and no duct firing

ECGS Unit 3 50% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-24 Startup / Shutdown Emissions from Turbine
duration in minutes 20 20 30 45 15 130 Average
CTG Purge Startup CTG Rampup HRSG Warmup SCR Warmup Total Startup Startup
Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions
lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/event lb/hour
NOX0.00 21.00 39.33 24.00 4.79 89.12 41.13
CO 0.00 38.00 28.25 40.50 7.80 114.55 52.87
OC 0.00 0.55 0.72 1.35 0.36 2.98 1.38
SO20.00 0.43 0.64 0.96 0.32 2.34 1.08
PM10 0.00 1.67 2.5 3.75 1.25 9.17 4.23
Startup Emissions for CO, NO2, PM10, and VOC integrated from data provided by GE and IID.
SO2 emissions assume complete conversion of all sulfur to SO2.
duration in minutes 30 30 60
TG Load Ram
otal Shutdown
Emissions Emissions Emissions
lb/event lb/event lb/hour
NOX25.00 39.33 64.33
CO 45.00 28.25 73.25
OC 0.65 0.72 1.37
SO20.86 0.86 1.71
PM10 2.50 2.50 5.00
Shutdown Emissions for CO, NO2, PM10, and VOC integrated from data provided by GE and IID.
SO2 emissions assume complete conversion of all sulfur to SO2.

ECGS Unit 3 50% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-25 Worst-Case 1-Hour Emissions per Turbine
Worst-Case 1-Hour Emissions are equal to the Maintenance emission rates. (ie uncontrolled emissions)
Emissions per turbine lb/hr g/s
NO222.00 2.77
CO 317.00 39.94
OC 51.00 6.43
SO21.28 0.16
PM10 5.00 0.63
TABLE C-26 Worst-Case 3 Hour Emission Rate per Turbine
Only SO2 is considered for an average 3-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard. Since the SO2 emission rate does not change during Startup, Maintenance or
Normal operations, the worst-case 3-hour emission rate is the maximum SO2 rate for 100% load case (72°F; with Sprint and Evap. Cooler On).
Total Normal
Operations Worst-case
Total Normal
Total Hours of Operation 3 3
SO2 1.28 1.28 3.83 3.83 0.16
TABLE C-27 Worst-Case 8-Hour Emission Rates
Only CO is considered for an average 8-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard.
Worst-case 8-Hour Scenario includes 1 hours at Maintenance rate, 1 Startups, 1 Shutdown, and remaining time at Normal rate.
Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance -
Uncontrolled Normal
Operations Worst-case
Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance-
Uncontrolled Normal
Total Hours of Operation 8 2.17 1 1 3.83
CO 65.90 52.87 73.25 317.00 5.85 527.21 114.55 73.25 317.00 22.41 8.30
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs

ECGS Unit 3 50% Load Scenarios
TABLE C-28 Worst-Case 24 Hour Emission Rate
Only SO2 and PM10 are considered for an average 24-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard.
Worst-case 24-Hour Scenario includes 2 Startups, 2 Shutdowns, 2 hours at Maintenance rate, and remaining time at Normal rate.
Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance -
Uncontrolled Normal
Operations Worst-case
Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance-
Uncontrolled Normal
Total Hours of Operation 24 4.33 2 2 15.67
NOX17.81 41.13 64.33 22.00 4.89 427.49 178.24 128.66 44.00 76.59 2.24
CO 45.88 52.87 73.25 317.00 5.85 1101.19 229.10 146.50 634.00 91.59 5.78
OC 5.74 1.38 1.37 51.00 1.73 137.78 5.96 2.74 102.00 27.08 0.72
SO21.28 1.08 1.71 1.28 1.28 30.64 4.68 3.43 2.55 19.98 0.16
PM10 4.86 4.23 5.00 5.00 5.00 116.67 18.34 10.00 10.00 78.33 0.61
TABLE C-29 Average Annual Emissions
Average Operation Emission Rates are based on the average operation scenario (72°F; 100% load; with Sprint and Evap. Cooler On) for 2,980 hours
plus 250 startup/warmup events and 250 shutdown events and 20 maintenance hours. The two turbines will each have these operating conditions.
Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance -
Uncontrolled Normal
Operations Worst-case
Total Startup
/Warmup Shutdown Maintenance-
Uncontrolled Normal
Total Hours of Operation 5475 325.00 150.00 20 4980
Number per Scenario 150 150 20 4980
Duration of Event (min) 130 60 60 60
NOX5.24 41.13 64.33 20.67 4.51 45888.6 13368.0 9649.5 413.3 22457.8 0.66
CO 6.82 52.87 73.25 183.00 5.61 59764.4 17182.5 10987.5 3660.0 27934.4 0.86
OC 1.12 1.38 1.37 29.33 1.73 9830.0 447.0 205.5 586.7 8590.8 0.14
SO20.75 1.08 1.71 1.21 1.19 6542.2 350.8 257.1 24.1 5910.1 0.09
PM10 3.10 4.23 5.00 5.00 5.00 27125.5 1375.5 750.0 100.0 24900.0 0.39
Note: Worst-case lb/hr is the total emissions (lbs) over 8760 hours/year
Estimated annual normal operating hours
40F Duct Fired 0 Total Hours Total Hours Total Hours
40F No Duct Fired 480.00 Duct Fired No Duct Fired
73F No Duct Fired 2500 3000 4980 7980
73F Duct Fired 500
115F No Duct Fired 2000
115F Duct Fired 2500
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs
Emissions per turbine lb/hr Total lbs

Past circulating water rate 36,000 gallons/min
Operations cycles of concentration 4
TDS 905 mg/liter
7.55 lb/1000 gallons
Drift Eliminator Control 0.000020
verage operating hours per year 3094
Drift PM emissions 1.30 lb/hr
2.02 tpy
Future Operations
circulating water rate 31,500 gallons/min
cycles of concentration 4
TDS 905 mg/liter
7.55 lb/1000 gallons
Drift Eliminator Control 0.000010
Operating hours per year 8200
Drift PM emissions 0.57 lb/hr
2.34 tpy
Net increase in emissions 0.32 tons per yea
TABLE C-30 ECGS Unit 3 Cooling Tower Drift Calculation

Plant Operating Emissions Used in ISCST3 Model
TABLE C-31 1-Hour Worst-Case Emission Scenario for ECGS
Only NO2, CO and SO2 are considered for the 1-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard.
Worst-case 1-Hour Scenario for NO2 and SO2 includes new Unit 3 turbine operating for 1 hour at Commissioning rate.
For CO, worst-case scenario is uncontrolled rate at 50% load for 115 F conditions.
Emissions from Unit 3 turbine lb/h
NO2100.00 12.60
CO 317.00 39.94
SO21.94 0.24
TABLE C-32 3 Hour Emissions Scenarios for ECGS
Only SO2 is considered for an average 3-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard.
The worst-case 3-hour emission rate is the maximum SO2 rate for 100% load case (40°F; with Evap. Cooler Off).
Emissions per turbine lb/h
SO21.94 0.24
TABLE C-33 8-Hour Emissions Scenarios for ECGS
Only CO is considered for an average 8-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard.
CTG/HRSG Commissioning Load testing could operate no more than 12 out of any 24 hours and be off the other 12 hours.
Emissions per turbine lb/h
CO 75.00 9.45
TABLE C-34 24-Hour Emissions Scenarios for ECGS
Only SO2 and PM10 are considered for an average 24-hour Ambient Air Quality Standard.
Uncontrolled commissioning operations could last 24 hours for SO2 and PM10.
Emissions per turbine lb/h
NO220.02 2.52
CO 45.88 5.78
OC 5.74 0.72
SO21.94 0.24
PM10 5.00 0.63
Emissions from Cooling Tower 3 with new Unit 3 rates lb/h
PM10 0.57 0.07
TABLE C-35 Average Annual Emissions for ECGS
Average Operation Emission Rates are based on the annual operation scenarios for 7,980 hours
plus 150 startup/warmup events and 150 shutdown events and 20 maintenance hours.
Emissions per turbine lb/h
8.49 1.07
CO 10.85 1.37
OC 1.09 0.14
SO21.72 0.22
PM10 4.81 0.61
Emissions from Cooling Tower 3 with new Unit 3 rates
PM10 0.57 0.07
Air_Attachment_C_TD_04-10-06.xls 4/11/2006

TABLE C-36 Cumulative SO2 and NOxfor ECGS
Annual heat input values from CEMS spreadsheet received from Mike Taylor on 3/16/2006
SO2 and NOx values calculated from annual operating hours and annual heat input from CEMS spreadsheet
Unit 3 emissions not calculated, unit being replaced
Annual SO2 emissions from CEMS spreadsheet
UNIT 2 Annual heat input Annual operating hrs Annual emissions Short term Long term
2002 2136314 MM BTU 2892 hours 0.6 tpy 0.41 lb/hr 0.14 lb/hr
2003 2890562 MM BTU 3605 hours 0.9 tpy 0.50 lb/hr 0.21 lb/hr
2004 3070555 MM BTU 4177 hours 0.9 tpy 0.43 lb/hr 0.21 lb/hr
Annual emissions Short term Long term
2002 0.035 lb/MM BTU 25.85 lb/hr 8.54 lb/hr
2003 0.032 lb/MM BTU 25.66 lb/hr 10.56 lb/hr
2004 0.035 lb/MM BTU 25.73 lb/hr 12.27 lb/hr
UNIT 4 Annual heat input
nnual operating hour
Annual emissions Short term Long term
2002 2013284 MM BTU 5864 hours 0.6 tpy 0.20 lb/hr 0.14 lb/hr
2003 2285909 MM BTU 6315 hours 1.4 tpy 0.44 lb/hr 0.32 lb/hr
2004 2041710 MM BTU 6041 hours 0.6 tpy 0.20 lb/hr 0.14 lb/hr
Annual emissions Short term Long term
2002 0.221 lb/MM BTU 75.88 lb/hr 50.79 lb/hr
2003 0.234 lb/MM BTU 84.70 lb/hr 61.06 lb/hr
2004 0.232 lb/MM BTU 78.41 lb/hr 54.07 lb/hr

TABLE C-37 Cumulative CO and PM10 for ECGS
Annual heat input values from CEMS spreadsheet received from Mike Taylor on 3/16/2006
CO and PM10 values calculated from data sent by JSL on 3/22/06 and data from CEMS spreadsheet
Unit 3 emissions not calculated, unit being replaced
CO PM10 PM10
UNIT 2 Annual heat input Annual operating Hrs Short term Short term Long term
2002 NG only 2136314 MM BTU 2892 hours 60.57 lb/hour 4.88 lb/hour 1.61 lb/hour
2003 2890562 MM BTU 3605 hours 65.60 lb/hour 5.30 lb/hour 2.18 lb/hour
2004 NG only 3070555 MM BTU 4177 hours 60.28 lb/hour 4.85 lb/hour 2.31 lb/hour
1175 bbl oil used in 2003 6909 MM BTU from oil (from JSL)
AP-42 EF Natural Gas
CO 8.20E-02 lb/MM BTU Table 3.1-1 uncontrolled natural gas-fired turbine
PM10 6.60E-03 lb/MM BTU Table 3.1-2a uncontrolled natural gas-fired turbine
AP-42 EF Distillate Fuel
CO 3.30E-03 lb/MM BTU Table 3.1-1 uncontrolled distillate oil-fired turbine
PM10 1.20E-02 lb/MM BTU Table 3.1-2a uncontrolled distillate oil-fired turbine
CO PM10 PM10
UNIT 4 Annual heat input Annual operating Hrs Short term Short term Long term
2002 NG only 2013284 MM BTU 5864 hours 28.27 lb/hour 2.56 lb/hour 1.71 lb/hour
2003 2285909 MM BTU 6315 hours 29.64 lb/hour 2.68 lb/hour 1.93 lb/hour
2004 NG only 2041710 MM BTU 6041 hours 27.83 lb/hour 2.52 lb/hour 1.74 lb/hour
1823 bbl oil used in 2003 1.33E+04 MM BTU from oil (from JSL)
42 gallons/bbl 76.566 M gal
AP-42 EF Natural Gas
CO 84 lb/MM scf Table 1.4-1 uncontrolled/controlled natural gas-fired large wall fired boilers (>100 MM BTU/hr)
PM10 7.6 lb/MM scf Table 1.4-2 EF from natural gas combustion (total PM)
AP-42 EF Distillate Fuel
CO 5.00 lb/M gal Table 1.3-1 EF for fuel oil combustion for boilers >100 MM BTU/hr
PM10 21.60 lb/M gal Table 1.3-1 EF for fuel oil combustion for boilers >100 MM BTU/hr
S content 2.00 percent (assumed)
1020 BTU/scf

TABLE C-38 Cumulative PM10 Cooling Towers for ECGS
Past circulating water rate 36,000 gallons/min
Operation cycles of concentration 4
TDS 905 mg/liter
7.55 lb/1000 gallons
Drift Eliminator Control 0.000020
Average operating hours per year (2004/5) 3094
Drift PM emissions 1.30 lb/hr
2.02 tpy
Future Operations
circulating water rate 31,500 gallons/min
cycles of concentration 4
TDS 905 mg/liter
7.55 lb/1000 gallons
Drift Eliminator Control 0.000010
Operating hours per year 8200
Drift PM emissions 0.57 lb/hr
2.34 tpy
Net increase in emissions 0.32 tons per yea
Unit 2 Cooling Tower
design circulating water rate 27,700 gallons/min
cycles of concentration 4
TDS 905 mg/liter
7.55 lb/1000 gallons
Drift Eliminator Control 0.000010
Operating hours per year 8200
Drift PM emissions 0.50 lb/hr 2.06 tpy
Number of cells Cumua 7
Emission rate per cell 0.0714
Unit 4 Cooling Tower
design circulating water rate 40,800 gallons/min
cycles of concentration 4
TDS 905 mg/liter
7.55 lb/1000 gallons
Drift Eliminator Control 0.000010
Operating hours per year 8200
Drift PM emissions 0.74 lb/hr 3.03 tpy
Number of cells 3
Emission rate per cell 0.2465
Unit 3 Cooling Tower Drift Calculation
Attachment D
Modeling Protocol

Prepared for
Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
California Energy Commission
URS Project No. 22238279
April 7, 2006
1615 Murray Canyon Road, Suite 1000
San Diego, CA 92108-4314
Fax: 619.293.7920

Section 1 ONE Introduction.....................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Background.............................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Purpose..................................................................................................... 1-2
Section 2 TWO Project Description.........................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Project Location....................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Description of the Proposed Sources....................................................... 2-1
Section 3 THREE Regulatory Setting..........................................................................................................3-1
3.1 California Energy Commission Requirements ........................................ 3-1
3.2 Imperial County Air Pollution Control District Requirements................ 3-1
3.3 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Requirements............................ 3-2
Section 4 FOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques...............................................................4-1
4.1 Screening Modeling................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Refined Modeling .................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.1 Psd Increment Analysis................................................................ 4-2
4.2.2 Ambient Air Quality Standard Analysis...................................... 4-5
4.2.3 Health Risk Assessment Analysis................................................ 4-6
4.2.4 Air Quality Related Values and Visibility Analysis.................... 4-7
4.3 Emissions Sources Represented In Modeling Analyses.......................... 4-7
4.3.1 Project Sources............................................................................. 4-7
4.3.2 Modeling of Contemporaneous Sources Within ECGS............... 4-9
4.3.3 Cumulative Impact Analysis Including Sources Outside
ECGS ......................................................................................... 4-10
4.4 Building Wake Effects........................................................................... 4-10
4.5 Receptor Grid......................................................................................... 4-10
4.6 Meteorological and Air Quality Data .................................................... 4-11
4.6.1 Meteorological Data................................................................... 4-11
4.6.2 Background Air Pollutant Monitoring Data .............................. 4-12
Section 5 FIVE Presentation of Modeling Results.................................................................................5-1
5.1 NAAQS and CAAQS Analysis ............................................................... 5-1
5.2 Health Risk Assessment Analysis............................................................ 5-1
5.3 Data Submittal ......................................................................................... 5-1
Section 6 SIX References......................................................................................................................6-1

Table 4-1 Relevant Ambient Air Quality Standards and Significance Levels
Table 4-2 Preliminary Estimated Emissions for ECGS Combustion Turbine
Figure 1-1 Location Map of El Centro Generating Station
Figure 1-2 Site Plan Showing ECGS Unit 3 Repower Project
Appendix A Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)
Figure A-1 Windrose for all Months 1991 - 1995 Imperial Count Airport
Figure A-2 Windrose for Winter Months (December – February) 1991 - 1995
Imperial County
Figure A-3 Windrose for Spring Months (March – May) 1991 - 1995 Imperial
Figure A-4 Windrose for Summer Months (June – August) 1991 - 1995
Imperial County Airport
Figure A-5 Windrose for Autumn Months (September – November) 1991 -
1995 Imperial County Airport

List of Acronyms
μg/m3 micrograms per cubic meter
AAQS Ambient Air Quality Standards
AERMOD American Meteorological Society/Environmental Protection
Agency Regulatory Model
AFC Application for Certification
AOI area of influence
AQRV Air Quality Related Values
ASOS automated surface observing systems
ATC Authority to Construct
BACT best available control technology
BPIP Building Parameter Input Program
CAA Clean Air Act
CAAQS California Ambient Air Quality Standards
CARB California Air Resources Board
CEC California Energy Commission
CO carbon monoxide
CTG combustion turbine generator
DOC determination of compliance
ECGS El Centro generating station
g/s gram per second
GE General Electric
GEP good engineering practice
HRSG heat recovery steam generator
H1H high first high
H2H high second high
H6H highest sixth high
HARP Hotspots Analysis and Reporting Program
HRA health risk assessment
ICAPCD Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
IID Imperial Irrigation District
ISCST3 Industrial Source Complex Short Term 3
km kilometers

List of Acronyms
LAER lowest achievable emission rate
LORS laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards
MEI maximally exposed individual
MW megawatt
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NCDC National Climatic Data Center
NNSR non-attainment new source review
NOx nitrogen oxides
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
NSR new source review
NWS National Weather Service
O3 ozone
OEHHA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
OLM ozone limiting method
Pb lead
PM2.5 particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter
PM10 particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter
ppm parts per million
PSD prevention of significant deterioration
ROC reactive organic compounds
SCR selective catalytic reduction
SCRAM Support Center for Regulatory Air Modeling
SIL significant impact level
SIP State Implementation Plan
SOx sulfur oxides
SO2 sulfur dioxide
SPPE Small Power Plant Exemption
STG steam turbine generator
TAC toxic air contaminants
T-BACT best available control technology for toxics
tpy tons per year
USEPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

List of Acronyms
USGS U.S. Geological Society
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
VOC volatile organic compound
ZOI Zone of Impact

List of Acronyms

SECTIONONE Introduction
1. Section 1 ONE Introduction
Imperial Irrigation District (IID) is proposing to repower the existing Unit 3 steam turbine
generator (STG) with a new General Electric (GE) Frame 7EA dry low NOx combustion turbine
generator (CTG) and heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) to supply steam to Unit 3. This
new CTG will be an approximately 128 megawatt (MW) (with duct firing) natural gas-fired
combined cycle unit at the existing El Centro Generating Station (ECGS) located in the City of
El Centro in Imperial County, California (Figure 1-1, Location Map of El Centro Generating
Station, and Figure 1-2, Site Plan Showing ECGS Unit 3 Repower Project). The new Unit 3 will
replace the existing 50 MW Unit 3; therefore, the new Unit 3 will only increase generating
capacity at ECGS by 78 MW. The project is subject to the site licensing requirements of the
California Energy Commission (CEC) and is applying for licensing under the CEC Small Power
Plant Exemption (SPPE) program. The CEC will coordinate its independent air quality
evaluations with the Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) through the
Determination of Compliance (DOC) process.
Annual emissions of all criteria pollutants will be below the allowable levels specified in
ICAPCD Rules and Regulations. Also, the annual emissions increases of all criteria pollutants
will be below the significant emission thresholds specified by the U. S. Environmental Protection
Agency’s (USEPA) Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations for Major
Modifications, except for particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter (PM10).
Specifically, the incremental increases in the ECGS emissions will be less than: 40 tons per year
(tpy) each of nitrogen oxides (NOx), reactive organic compounds (ROC) and sulfur oxides (SOx),
less than 100 tpy of carbon monoxide (CO), less than 0.6 tpy of lead (Pb), and less than 7 tpy of
sulfuric acid mist. PM10 emissions will increase by approximately 19 tpy, which exceeds the
Major Modification threshold of 15 tpy. However, Imperial County is designated a federal non-
attainment area for PM10, so the Project does not trigger the PSD program.
Even though federal PSD regulations will not apply to the Unit 3 Repower at ECGS, the air
dispersion modeling for this Project will be conducted in conformance with PSD requirements in
certain ways. For example, worst-case predicted impacts due to the new unit alone will be
compared with the applicable monitoring exemption limits to demonstrate that the Project will be
exempt from the requirements relating to pre-construction ambient air quality monitoring. The
PSD regulations apply only to those pollutants for which the Project study area is in attainment
of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). State and local new source review
(NSR) and non-attainment NSR regulations potentially apply to all criteria pollutants, depending
on the quantity of pollutants emitted. The area around ECGS is designated as attainment or
unclassified for the federal nitrogen dioxide (NO2), CO, particulate matter less than 2.5 microns
in diameter (PM2.5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) standards, and non-attainment for ozone (O3) and
PM10. With respect to the California Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS), the area around
the ECGS is classified as attainment for NO2, CO, sulfates, Pb, hydrogen sulfide, and SO2, and
non-attainment for O3 and PM10, and unclassified for PM2.5. NOx and SO2 and are regulated as
PM10 precursors, and NOx and ROC as O3 precursors. Project emissions of non-attainment
pollutants and their precursors will be offset to satisfy state and local NSR regulations.

SECTIONONE Introduction
The CEC and ICAPCD require the use of atmospheric dispersion modeling to demonstrate
compliance with applicable air quality standards, and both agencies require modeling to
determine the potential impacts on human health from emissions of toxic air contaminants.
Finally, CEC siting regulations also require that the cumulative impacts of the Project and other
new and reasonably foreseeable projects within 6 miles of the Project site be assessed via
This document summarizes the procedures that will be used for the air dispersion modeling in
support of project certification and permitting. Modeling of both construction and operations
emissions will be performed in accordance with CEC guidance (CEC 1997). This Protocol is
being submitted to the CEC and ICAPCD for their review and comment prior to completion of
the SPPE Application for the El Centro Unit 3 Repower Project The proposed model selection
and modeling approach is based on review of applicable regulations and agency guidance
documents, as well as discussions with agency staff.

SOURCES: ESRI (roads);
USGS (7.5 El Centro quad);
U.S. Census (TIGER Base Layers 2002).
PM: DD PROJ. NO: 22238279.20006
DATE: 12-20-05 FIG. NO:
SCALE: 1" = 2000' (1:24,000)
1000 0 1000 2000 Feet
El Centro
Project Area
Imperial County
Approximate Location of
Proposed El Centro
Generating Station


SECTIONTWO Project Description
2. Section 2 TWO Pr oject Description
The Unit 3 Repower Project will be implemented at the existing ECGS at 485 East Villa Avenue
in the City of El Centro, California (see Figure 1-1, Location Map of El Centro Generating
Station). The Project Site is within approximately 20 miles (33 kilometers [km]) of complex
terrain (i.e., elevations exceeding the proposed Unit 3 stack height), and is surrounded by
generally vacant or agricultural land to the east, northeast, and north. The City of El Centro is to
the northwest, west, southwest, south, and southeast.
The existing ECGS comprises three active generating units. Unit 2 is a 30 MW steam unit that
was repowered by a GE 7EA combined cycle gas turbine in 1993 to provide a total power output
of about 110 MW. Unit 2 will remain in operation following the Unit 3 Repower Project. Unit 4
is an 80 MW steam boiler that will also continue to operate. Unit 1 was a 20 MW steam unit that
has been retired and largely dismantled. For the Repower Project, the existing Unit 3 boiler will
be replaced by a GE Frame 7EA dry low NOx CTG and associated HRSG with duct firing,
transformers, and other ancillary facilities. Improvements to the existing STG for this unit will
also result in a generation increase of about 4 MW, bringing the total Unit 3 output to about 128
MW and the entire plant output from 233 MW to about 311 MW. The fact that the net increase
in generating capacity will be less than 100 MW justifies the decision of IID to pursue licensing
as an SPPE project. However, as described in subsequent sections of this Protocol, the proposed
modeling approach is identical to that which would be used in the Application for Certification
(AFC) for a larger project.
Note that the net change in emissions for this Project will consist of the decrease caused by the
retirement of the existing Unit 3 boiler, as well as the increase due to the addition of the new
combined cycle unit.
The new Unit 3 gas turbine will be fired exclusively on natural gas, and will be equipped with
dry low NOx combustors and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) for the control of NOx
emissions and a CO oxidation catalyst for control of CO emissions. The new CTG will operate
in combined cycle mode and will have an exhaust stack with a height of 100 feet. An existing
Unit 3 evaporative cooling tower will remain in service for the new Unit 3, but will be outfitted
with an improved drift elimination system as part of the Repower Project. Ammonia reagent for
the Unit 3 SCR will be provided by the existing anhydrous ammonia storage tank, which
currently serves an existing SCR at the ECGS.

SECTIONTWO Project Description

SECTIONTHREE Regulatory Setting
3. Section 3 THREE Regulatory Setting
For projects with electrical power generation capacity of greater than 50 MW, CEC requires that
Applicants prepare a comprehensive AFC or SPPE document addressing the project’s
environmental and engineering features. An AFC or SPPE Application must include the
following air quality information (CEC 1997):
• A description of the project, including project emissions, fuel type(s), control technologies
and stack characteristics
• The basis for all emission estimates and/or calculations
• An analysis of Best Available Control Technology (BACT) according to ICAPCD rules
• Existing baseline air quality data for all regulated pollutants
• Existing meteorological data, including temperature, wind speed, and direction and mixing
• A listing of applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and standards (LORS) and a
determination of compliance with all applicable LORS
• An emissions offsets strategy
• An air quality impact assessment (i.e., national and state ambient air quality standards
[AAQS] and PSD review) and protocol for the assessment of cumulative impacts of the
project along with permitted and under construction projects within a 10 km radius
• An analysis of human exposure to air toxics (i.e., health risk assessment [HRA])
In the case of the Unit 3 Repower Project, the submittal to CEC will actually be in the form of an
SPPE Application, but the proposed modeling approaches for evaluating the ECGS Unit 3
Repower Project’s incremental and cumulative air quality impacts, and the HRA for the Project’s
emissions of toxic air contaminants will be the same as for an AFC air quality assessment.
The ICAPCD has promulgated NSR requirements under Rule 207. In general, all equipment
with the potential to emit air pollutants is subject to NSR requirements. NSR has four major
requirements that potentially apply to new sources:
• Installation of BACT
• Ambient air quality impact modeling to demonstrate compliance with NAAQS and CAAQS
• Emission offsets
• Certification of statewide compliance with air quality requirements
Assembly Bill 2588, California Air Toxics Hot Spots Program (and ICAPCD Rule 216) allows a
predicted incremental cancer risk from toxic air contaminants (TAC) at any receptor up to 10 in
one million, prior to public notification, if best available control technology for toxics (T-BACT)
is implemented. A TAC analysis should include TAC emission estimates and a modeling
analysis to identify the Zone of Impact (ZOI) and the Maximally Exposed Individual (MEI). The

SECTIONTHREE Regulatory Setting
ZOI encompasses the area within which the incremental carcinogenic risk (due to the inhalation
pathway only) equals or exceeds one in one million.
USEPA has promulgated PSD regulations applicable to criteria pollutant emissions from major
sources in Imperial County. The ECGS Unit 3 Repower Project will not be a major modification
under the PSD rules, because PM10 is the only criteria pollutant for which a net emissions
increase may exceed a PSD significant modification threshold (PM10 greater than 15 tpy). But
the Project study area is designated non-attainment with respect to both the California and
federal ambient standards for PM10, so the PSD program does not apply to this pollutant.
However, the same significance criteria pertain to increases in non-attainment pollutant
emissions under the non-attainment New Source Review (NNSR) process. Many of the PSD
requirements are the same as the AFC/SPPE and NSR requirements described above (e.g.,
project description, BACT, AAQS analysis); however, PSD requires the following additional
• A PSD increment (consumption) analysis
• An analysis of air quality related values (AQRV) to ensure the protection of visibility of
federal Class I wilderness areas within 100 km of the project
• An evaluation of potential impacts on soils and vegetation of commercial and recreational
• An evaluation of potential growth-inducing impacts
The ECGS 3 Repower Project will not be a major modification for criteria pollutants other than
PM10. Since Imperial County is classified as non-attainment for PM10, the PSD requirements
will not apply. However, the federal NNSR program will be applicable for PM10. The NNSR
regulations differ from the PSD regulations. The following four specific issues must be
addressed in NNSR:
• A different emission control requirement, i.e., lowest achievable emission rates (LAER) must
be used instead of BACT for the pollutant(s) of concern.
• The new emission source is required to obtain offsets for its emissions of the non-attainment
pollutant(s) and their precursors from other sources that impact the same non-attainment
• The Applicant must certify that all other sources owned by the Applicant in the state are
complying with all applicable requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA) and the State
Implementation Plan (SIP).
• Any sources impacting visibility in nearby Class I areas must be reviewed by the appropriate
federal land manager.

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
4. Section 4 FOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
This section describes the dispersion models and modeling techniques that will be used in
performing the air quality analysis for the ECGS. The objectives of the modeling are to
demonstrate that air emissions from the ECGS will not cause or contribute to an exceedance of
an ambient air quality standard violation, and will not cause a significant health risk.
In November 2005, USEPA officially recognized the American Meteorological Society/
Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model (AERMOD) as the preferred dispersion
model for regulatory Applications, replacing the Industrial Source Complex Short Term 3
(ISCST3) model. USEPA allowed a one-year “grace period” commencing November 9, 2005
during which the use of either model is acceptable, depending on the preference of the local air
quality jurisdiction When contacted on this point, the ICAPCD suggested that one or the other
model be proposed with justification provided for the selection. Originally, the IID team
selected AERMOD, since this is consistent with the most recent USEPA policy and the data
needed to support its Application are available in Imperial County. However, we have recently
become aware of two problems with the model for this particular Application that have caused us
to question the wisdom of using it for ECGS permit modeling.
1. USEPA has posted a notice on the Support Center for Regulatory Air Modeling (SCRAM)
website to warn that AERMOD may underpredict maximum concentrations in receptor areas
with gently downward sloping terrain. This is precisely the situation on the south and
southwest side of the ECGS Site.
2. In the initial model runs for the Niland Gas Turbine Project, another IID facility, URS has
found what appears to be an error in AERMAP (the terrain data processing module of
AERMOD), in the terrain heights for areas that are below sea level. Most, if not all, of the
area that would be included in the ECGS modeling receptor grid is below sea level. URS has
notified Bowman Environmental Engineering (the company we buy our BEEST modeling
software from) about this problem, and they agree that the version they are marketing
provides inaccurate terrain elevations below sea level. They are checking their software to
determine whether the problem in AERMAP exists in the original USEPA model or has been
introduced in adapting the model to the BEEST commercial software package. They believe
it is inherent in the original model and, if that proves to be correct, they will contact USEPA
so that a fix can be initiated as required.
Given these problems, we have decided to do the ECGS permit modeling with the ISCST3
model until the problems with AERMOD can be resolved.
An initial screening analysis will be conducted to identify which operating mode for the turbine
results in worst-case ambient air impacts. The most recent version of the USEPA ISCST3 model
will be used to model worst-case conditions for each of three operating modes across the load
range (100, 75, and 50 percent loads) and each of three ambient temperature conditions (40, 73
and 115 degrees Fahrenheit). A unit emission rate of 1.0 gram per second (g/s) will be modeled
using stack parameters corresponding to the different combinations of turbine load and ambient
temperature. Building downwash effects will be addressed, as described in Section 4.4, Building
Wake Effects. Concentrations for each pollutant, expressed in units of micrograms per cubic
meter (μg/m3), will be obtained by multiplying the unit concentrations obtained from the ISCST3
screening results (expressed in μg/m3 per g/s) by the emission rate calculated for each pollutant

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
(expressed in g/s) for each operating mode. This is a streamlined process, because it allows
ISCST3 to be executed only once for all pollutants for each operating mode, instead of having to
execute the model iteratively for each pollutant. The operating mode that yields the highest
concentrations for each averaging time pertaining to the National and California AAQS will be
considered the worst-case Unit 3 gas turbine/HRSG operating mode for that averaging time. The
worst-case operating mode will be used as the basis for selecting Unit 3 stack parameters in all
subsequent ISCST3 modeling analyses. Refined modeling (discussed in the following section)
will be used to determine the worst-case annual and short-term impacts of the turbine/HRSG unit
in combination with other Project and plant sources. Screening modeling will not be used to
eliminate pollutants from the refined modeling analysis.
The purpose of the refined modeling analysis is to demonstrate that air pollutant emissions from
the ECGS will not cause or contribute to an AAQS violation; and will not cause a significant
health risk impact. Two refined modeling scenarios will be examined, first emissions from the
new Unit 3 alone, and second emissions from the new Unit 3 with the other sources at the ECGS
facility. The most recent version (04300) of the ISCST3 model will be used for the refined
modeling. The regulatory default option will be selected. ISCST3 will be used for modeling
concentrations of pollutants having short-term (e.g., 1- to 24-hour) ambient standards with the
appropriate averaging time selected. Modeling for pollutants having annual standards (i.e., PM10,
SO2, and NO2), will be conducted using ISCST3 with the PERIOD option to predict impacts for
comparison with the annual standards. Specific modeling techniques for conducting the AAQS
and HRA analyses are discussed below.
The SPPE Application for the ECGS Repower Project will include an analysis of the land use
adjacent to the Project. This analysis will be conducted in accordance with Section 7.2.3 of the
Guideline on Air Quality Models (USEPA 2005 and Auer [1978]).
Based on the Auer land use procedure, less than 40 percent of the area within a 3 km radius of
the ECGS could be classified as urban. The remaining area is rural, and since the Auer
classification scheme requires more than 50 percent of the area within the 3 km radius around a
source to be non-rural for an urban classification, the rural mode will be used in the ISCST3
modeling analyses.
The following ISCST3 regulatory default settings will also be used:
• Wind profile exponents of 0.7, 0.7, 0.10, 0.15, 0.35, and 0.35
• Final plume rise
• Stack tip downwash effects included
• Buoyancy-induced dispersion option
4.2.1 PSD Increment Analysis
As stated earlier in this Protocol, a PSD increment analysis will not be required because the
ECGS Unit 3 Repower Project will not qualify as a major modification (except for PM10, which
is a non-attainment pollutant). However, the monitoring exemption thresholds from the PSD

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
regulations will be included in the analysis as justification for using agency-collected local
ambient air quality monitoring data as background levels for the AAQS analysis discussed in the
following section. Also, criteria pollutant impacts from the ECGS Unit 3 Repower Project will
be compared to the PSD significant impact levels (SIL), since these often serve as significance
criteria for new source impacts from new sources in California (see Table 4-1, Relevant Ambient
Air Quality Standards and Significance Levels).

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
PSD Increments
Pollutant Averaging
(a,c) NAAQS
(tpy) Class I Class II
8-hour 9.0 ppm
(10,000 μg/m3)
9.0 ppm
μg/m3) 500
1-hour 20 ppm
(23,000 μg/m3)
35 ppm
μg/m3) 2,000
0.053 ppm
(100 μg/m3) 1 2.5 25
1-hour 0.25 ppm
(470 μg/m3)
0.03 ppm
(80 μg/m3) 1 2 20
24-hour 0.04 ppm(e)
(105 μg/m3)
0.14 ppm
(365 μg/m3) 5 5 91
0.5 ppm
(1,300 μg/m3) 25 25 512
1-hour 0.25 ppm
(655 μg/m3)
Annual 20 μg/m3 50 μg/m3 1 4 17
PM10 24-hour 50 μg/m3 150 μg/m3 5 15 8 30
Annual 12 μg/m3 15 μg/m3
PM2.5 24-hour
65 μg/m3
8-hour 0.07 ppm
(137 μg/m3)
0.08 ppm
(157 μg/m3) See footnote(f) 40
(of VOCs)
1-hour 0.09 ppm
(180 μg/m3) See footnote(g)
a. California standards for ozone (as volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide (1-hour), nitrogen dioxide, and PM10, are values
that are not to be exceeded. The visibility standard is not to be equaled or exceeded.
b. National standards, other than those for ozone and based on annual averages, are not to be exceeded more than once a year. The ozone standard
is attained when the expected number of days per calendar year with maximum hourly average concentrations above the standard is equal to or
less than one.
c. Concentrations are expressed first in units in which they were promulgated. Equivalent units are given in parentheses and based on a reference
temperature of 25° C and a reference pressure of 760 millimeters of mercury. All measurements of air quality area to be corrected to a reference
temperature of 25° C and a reference pressure of 760 millimeters of mercury (1,013.2 millibar).
d. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is the compound regulated as a criteria pollutant; however, emissions are usually based on the sum of all oxides of
nitrogen (NOx).
e. At locations where the state standards for ozone and/or PM10 are violated. National standards apply elsewhere.
f. Modeling is required for any net increase of 100 tpy or more of VOCs subject to PSD.
g. New federal 8-hour ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) standards were promulgated by USEPA on July 18, 1997. The federal 1-hour
ozone standard was revoked by USEPA on June 15, 2005.
μg/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter
Blanks = Not applicable
CAAQS = California Ambient Air Quality Standard
CO = carbon monoxide
NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standard
O3 = ozone
PM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter
PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter
ppm = parts per million by volume, or micromoles of pollutant per mole of gas
PSD = prevention of significant deterioration
SO2 = sulfur dioxide
tpy = ton per year
USEPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
VOC = volatile organic compounds

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
4.2.2 Ambient Air Quality Standard Analysis
The purpose of the AAQS analysis is to determine whether the ECGS Unit 3 Repower Project
will cause or contribute to an AAQS violation. The Project will not be considered to cause or
contribute to an AAQS violation unless impacts from the Project itself combined with the
background concentration exceed the AAQS, or the Project has a significant impact at the same
location and time as a predicted AAQS violation. The following approach is proposed for
performing the AAQS analysis:
1. The receptor grid deployment spacing described in Section 4.5, Receptor Grid, will be used
for the AAQS analysis.
2. Short-term and annual AAQS modeling will be performed using ISCST3. Annual AAQS
modeling will be performed using ISCST3 with the PERIOD option. Both short-term and
annual analyses will be run using sequential hourly meteorological data for 5 years. For
short-term standards, one exceedance is allowed per year; the second is a violation.
Therefore, the maximum impact (i.e., high first high [H1H]) can exceed a short-term
standard; however, a high second high (H2H) concentration must be below the standard or a
violation exists and further analysis is required. Maximum impact equals modeled impact
plus background. For ECGS modeling, the H1H will be used.
For CO modeling, the PLOTFILE output option in ISCST3 will be invoked to save any H1H
events that, when added to background, exceed the AAQS. If 1-hour and 8-hour
concentrations do not exceed the AAQS, then compliance is demonstrated and no further
modeling is necessary for CO.
For NO2 modeling, the PLOTFILE output option in ISCST3 will be invoked to save any
H1H events that exceed the AAQS (minus background). Initially, the modeling will assume
full conversion of NOx to NO2. Should it be required, NO2 estimates will be reduced using
the USEPA ozone limiting method (OLM) (for either hourly or annual impacts). If 1-hour
and annual concentrations do not exceed the applicable AAQS, then compliance is
demonstrated and no further modeling is necessary for NO2.
For SO2 modeling, the PLOTFILE output option in ISCST3 will be invoked to save any H1H
events that, when added to background exceed the AAQS. If 3-hour and 24-hour
concentrations do not exceed the AAQS, then compliance is demonstrated and no further
modeling is necessary for SO2.
For PM10 modeling, the MULTYEAR processing option will not be invoked in order to
determine the 24-hour, highest sixth high (H6H) concentration at each receptor over the
5 years modeled for comparison, when added to background, to the 24-hour AAQS. Instead
the maximum of the five 1-year average PM10 concentrations will be reported. If
concentrations do not exceed the AAQS (minus background), then compliance is
demonstrated and no further modeling is necessary for PM10.
3. The events exceeding the AAQS will be rerun to determine if the Project has a significant
event during a predicted CAAQS or NAAQS exceedance event. The ISCST3 model will be
used to analyze short-term events and annual events. If the Project does not have a
significant impact during these exceedance events, then AAQS compliance is demonstrated
and no further modeling is necessary.

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
4. If the Project has a significant event during an AAQS exceedance event, then the subject
receptor locations will be analyzed to determine if they reside within another facility’s
boundary. The corresponding facility's contribution to the maximum concentration at that
receptor will be determined and subtracted from the concentration modeled at that receptor.
If the revised total predicted impact at the receptor is below the AAQS, then compliance is
demonstrated and no further analysis is necessary.
5. For any remaining events, a culpability analysis using ISCST3 will be performed to
determine which sources contribute the greatest impact. These sources may then be updated
by contacting the facility owning the source or applicable regulatory agency and verifying
the source’s input parameters. For any culpable Project sources, the modeling inventory,
including source locations and stack parameters used to estimate emissions, will be reviewed
to ensure they are reasonable. Adjustments will be made as appropriate.
6. An ISCST3 run will be performed using the revised inventory in (5) above to determine if the
AAQS exceedance still exists. If no AAQS exceedance exists, then AAQS compliance is
demonstrated and no further modeling is necessary.
Comparison of model-predicted impacts with AAQS will require assumptions regarding
background pollutant concentrations, i.e., the contributions of sources other than those of the
sources being modeled. For purposes of the ECGS modeling analyses, background values for
each pollutant and averaging time will be represented using the highest measured levels at the
nearest air quality monitoring station in Imperial County over the last 5 years. Section 4.6.2,
Background Air Pollutant Monitoring Data, discusses the representativeness of the air quality
monitoring data that are available for this purpose.
4.2.3 Health Risk Assessment Analysis
The CEC and ICAPCD require an HRA of TAC emissions from the operation of the Project.
Contaminants potentially emitted by the ECGS Unit 3 Repower Project with potential
carcinogenic or chronic or acute non-carcinogenic health effects will be considered. This HRA
will be performed following the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA),
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines (OEHHA 2003). As recommended
by this guideline, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Hotspots Analysis and Reporting
Program (HARP) (CARB 2005) will be used to perform a refined HRA for the Project. HARP
includes two modules: a dispersion module and a risk module. The HARP dispersion module
incorporates the USEPA ISCST3 air dispersion model, and the HARP risk module implements
the latest Risk Assessment Guidelines developed by OEHHA.
First, ground-level impacts from the ECGS Unit 3 sources alone will be estimated using the
ISCST3 atmospheric dispersion modeling. The HARP modeling analysis will be consistent with,
and use similar appropriate parameters as the modeling approach discussed above for the AAQS
analyses using ISCST3. Based on the impacts modeled using ISCST3 (the dispersion model
incorporated by HARP), the HARP model will be used to estimate health risk. The year(s) of
meteorological data resulting in the highest 1-hour and annual impacts as determined above will
be used and receptors will be placed at 25 meter spacing around the ECGS facility fence line and
500 meter spacing outside of the fence out to 10 km. All receptors that HARP creates that are
inside the fence will be excluded. HARP will also include the census receptors out to 10 km.

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
Receptors will also be placed at all sensitive locations (e.g., schools, hospitals, etc.) out to 1 mile.
The HRA will be performed using HARP and will follow the following steps:
1. Define the location of the MEI (i.e., the location where the highest carcinogenic risk may
2. Define the locations of the maximum chronic non-carcinogenic adverse health effects and the
maximum acute adverse health effects
3. Calculate concentrations and adverse health effects at locations of maximum impact for each
The HARP model will be performed for the inhalation pathway for diesel particulate and for all
applicable uptake pathways for all other TACs. A discussion of the surrounding land use,
sensitive receptors, and local meteorology will be provided in the SPPE Application.
Per a discussion with CEC, the combined impacts of all ECGS TAC emission sources will also
be evaluated using HARP, excluding any emergency equipment.
4.2.4 Air Quality Related Values and Visibility Analysis
A PSD analysis of AQRV will not be required because the ECGS Unit 3 Repower Project will
not be a major source. However, per ICAPCD Rule 207D.6.f, an Authority to Construct (ATC)
permit must address the potential of the Project to impact air quality (including visibility) of any
federal Class 1 area. A screening level modeling analysis will be conducted to evaluate these
impacts at the only Class I area within 100 km from the Project Site, i.e., Joshua Tree National
Park, the closest part of which is about 97 km north from ECGS. This analysis will be conducted
using the screening version of the CALPUFF model and the same meteorological input data used
for the AAQS modeling analysis.
4.3.1 Project Sources
The ECGS Unit 3 Repower Project will entail replacement of the existing Unit 3 boiler by a new
GE 7EA gas turbine and HRSG with duct firing. Thus the net change in emissions resulting
from the Project will be a combination of increases from the new turbine/HRSG line and
decreases from the retirement of the existing boiler. Table 4-2, Preliminary Estimated Emissions
for ECGS Combustion Turbine Generator, presents preliminary annual emission estimates for
the new turbine with HRSG, as well as the emissions decrease that will result from eliminating
the existing Unit 3 boiler. Conceptual plant design includes SCR for NOx and CO oxidation
catalysts for CO that will match recent BACT determinations for similar projects. As shown in
Table 4-2, use of this control equipment will ensure a net emissions decrease for NOx and only
relatively small net increases for CO and volatile organic compounds (VOC). Unit 3 emissions
of SO2 and PM10 will also be low, owing to the exclusive use of interstate pipeline quality natural
gas as fuel for the gas turbine and HRSG duct burner.

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
Unit NOx CO SO2 VOC PM10
New turbine/HRSG1 38.15 48.52 8.173 4.65 21.06
Retiring Boiler2 51.82 26.61 0.50 1.74 2.41
Net Emission Change -13.67 +21.91 +7.67 +2.91 +18.65
1 Based on 8,000 hours per year, (5,000 hours without duct firing, 3,000 hours with duct firing) and 150 startups/shutdowns per year
2 Average historical Unit 3 emissions for 2001 – 2003 based on CEMS and fuel use data.
3 SO2 for new unit based on assumed fuel gas sulfur content of 0.75 grains per 100 dry standard cubic feet, the maximum value
allowed in the current tariff.
CO = carbon monoxide
ECGS = El Centro generating station
HRSG = heat recovery steam generator
NOx = nitrogen oxides
PM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter
SO2 = sulfur dioxide
tpy = ton per year
VOC = volatile organic compounds
Worst-case emissions scenarios will be determined and modeled for each pollutant and averaging
time using realistic combinations of normal operations, turbine/HRSG startups/shutdowns and
maintenance conditions. Initial commissioning activities, will also be evaluated. The modeling
to address all of these operating conditions is discussed below.
Normal operating CTG emissions will vary with ambient temperature and turbine load, as well
as use or non-use of duct burners. The screening modeling analysis described in Section 4.1,
Screening Model, will be used to determine the turbine/HRSG operating mode and ambient
conditions that will produce the highest incremental air quality impacts for each averaging time
addressed by the ambient standards, and the corresponding emission parameters will be used to
represent the turbine/HRSG contributions for all refined modeling of normal operations.
Startup and shutdown conditions will also be considered. The emissions from these events will
be quantified conservatively, using data provided by the turbine vendors and a reasonable
maximum number of startups/shutdowns will be assumed in developing the worst-case emissions
scenarios for each relevant averaging time.
IID is also proposing up to 20 hours of turbine operations for maintenance, which will be
represented as full load operation without SCR and CO oxidation catalyst controls. Emissions
for these periods will thus be equivalent to operation with only dry low-NOx burners, based on
turbine manufacturer emissions guarantees.
Emissions resulting from turbine/HRSG commissioning immediately following equipment
installation will also be represented, based on the sequence of commissioning activities
recommended by the equipment manufacturers and the expected durations and pollutant
emissions profiles for each step in the commissioning process. Care will be taken to ensure that
conservative assumptions are used for all parameters in order to avoid underestimating these
one-time emissions.
Equipment emissions and stack parameters for all of the operating modes described above will
be examined and modeled to determine which activity will produce the highest ground-level
concentrations for all pollutants and averaging times, and the maximum impacts will be reported

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
in the SPPE and Authority to Construct (ATC) Applications as evidence of the Project’s
compliance with applicable air quality standards. Where applicable, emissions estimates of all
pollutants and all modes of operation will be provided in both parts per million (ppm) and
pounds per hour values.
TACs will also be emitted from the operational ECGS due to turbine/HRSG combustion of
natural gas. These emissions have not been estimated at this time; however, because only natural
gas will be used as fuel for the CTG, only small quantities of TAC including benzene,
formaldehyde, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may potentially be emitted. In addition,
TACs potentially contained in the cooling tower circulating water will be quantified and
included in the HRA described in Section 4.2.4, Air Quality Related Values and Visibility
Analysis. Emissions estimates for TAC will be based on published emission factors (AP-42 or
the CARB’s CATEF database) and/or speciation profiles (for PM10 and ROC) available from
CARB and/or vendor data, if available.
The Repowered Unit 3 equipment will use the existing Unit 3 cooling tower. As part of the
Repower Project, more efficient drift eliminators will replace the existing system to reduce the
associated particulate emission rates below current levels, despite a projected increase in annual
water circulation through the tower. The PM10 emission data for the cooling tower will
incorporate this control measure.
No new fired emergency equipment (e.g., generators or firewater pumps) will be installed for the
ECGS Unit 3 Repower Project. Thus, the new turbine/HRSG train will be the only change in
fuel burning equipment within the power plant.
Temporary construction emissions will result from equipment exhaust (primarily NOx and diesel
particulate emissions) and fugitive dust (PM10) from earthmoving activities and vehicle and
equipment traffic on unpaved surfaces. A construction schedule and equipment list provided by
the Project engineering design firm will be consulted to determine the scenarios that will produce
the highest emissions for the different averaging times addressed in the AAQS. For the ECGS,
the fugitive PM10 emissions from construction will be initially estimated using data on the area to
be disturbed and the extent of equipment operations, and will take into account the effects of
implementing control measures for controlling fugitive dust during construction. The air quality
impacts of the heavy equipment exhaust and fugitive dust emissions will then be modeled using
ISCST3. The construction site, parking area, and laydown area will be modeled as volume
sources. Low sulfur diesel fuel (15 ppm by weight) will be utilized in any emission calculations
for construction equipment used at the ECGS Site.
4.3.2 Modeling of Contemporaneous Sources within ECGS
There are several existing sources at the ECGS. This Project will entail the repowering of the
existing Unit 3. The new Unit 3 will first be modeled using only the emissions from the new
Unit 3 equipment. Next, the other existing sources at the ECGS facility will be modeled together
with the new Unit 3, i.e., including Units 2 and 4. Emissions and operating scenarios from the
past 3 years for Units 2 and 4 will be reviewed and the highest annual average emission rates for
Units 2 and 4 during that time period will be used in the modeling analysis to represent these
sources. The worst-case operating scenario used for the new Unit 3 turbine/HRSG will be used
in this modeling analysis. PM10 emission from all operational cooling towers at the ECGS,
including the reconfigured Unit 3 cooling tower, will also be included. No other intermittent

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
sources (e.g., existing fire pump, black start engines, etc.) will be included in this modeling
analysis of combined sources. Predicted maximum off-site pollutant concentrations due to the
combined ECGS operations will be compared with the NAAQS and CAAQS for compliance.
4.3.3 Cumulative Impact Analysis Including Sources Outside ECGS
A cumulative impact analysis will evaluate the combined air quality impacts of all routinely
operating sources within the ECGS together with the emission from other projects within 6 miles
from the ECGS that are currently either under construction, currently in an air quality permitting
or CEQA review process, or reasonably expected to enter these processes in the near future. A
request will be made to ICAPCD asking for a list of all newly permitted sources or other sources
that are reasonably anticipated to be permitted within 6 miles of the ECGS. This list, when
compiled will be forwarded onto CEC for review. Based on this information, additional sources
may be included in the cumulative source modeling analysis
The effect of building wakes (i.e., downwash) upon the stack plumes of emission sources at the
El Centro plant will be evaluated in accordance with USEPA guidance (USEPA 1985).
Direction-specific building data will be generated for stacks below good engineering practice
(GEP) stack height, using the most recent version of USEPA Building Parameter Input Program
– Prime (BPIP-Prime). Appropriate information will be provided in the SPPE Application and
other permit Applications that describe the input assumptions and output results from the BPIP-
Prime model. The ISCST3 model considers direction-specific downwash using both the Huber
Snyder and Schulman-Scire algorithms as evaluated in the BPIP-Prime program.
This section presents the receptor grids that will be used in the AAQS modeling analyses. The
receptor grid to be used for determining the area of influence (AOI) is as follows:
• 25-meter spacing along the property line and extending from the property line out to 1,000
meters beyond the property line
• 100-meter spacing from 1 km to 5 km of project sources
• 250-meter spacing within 5 km to 10 km of project sources
If a maximum concentration value is located in the 100-meter or 250-meter grid, a dense receptor
grid will be placed around the maximum concentration point and the model will be rerun. The
dense grid will use 25-meter spacing and will extend at least 500 meters in all directions from the
original point of maximum concentration.
For the HRA modeling, receptors will be placed at 25-meter spacing around the fenceline and
500-meter spacing outside of the fence out to 10 km. All receptors that HARP creates that are
inside the ECGS fenceline will be excluded. HARP will also include all census receptors out to
10 km. These census receptors will include the population locations in and around the City of El
Centro. Receptors will also be placed at all sensitive locations (e.g., schools, hospitals, etc.) out
to 1 mile.

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
A detailed Project map and a 7½- minute U.S Geological Survey (USGS) map will be provided
in the SPPE Application showing the receptors used in the modeling. Actual Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates will be used. The CAAQS and NAAQS apply to all
locations off-site of the Applicant’s facility, i.e., where public access is not under the control of
the Applicant. The CAAQS and NAAQS are not evaluated for receptors on the property
controlled by the Applicant.
4.6.1 Meteorological Data
Meteorological data suitable for direct input to ISCST3 were obtained from the National
Climatic Data Center (NCDC) for the Imperial County Airport meteorological station, outside
the town of Imperial, located approximately 2.5 miles northwest of El Centro and ECGS. The 5
years of meteorological data to be used in this modeling analysis include data from 1991 through
1995. Data were missing from each year’s dataset. There was 3 percent missing data in the
records for 1991, 1992, and 1993, 5 percent missing for 1994, and 9 percent missing for 1995.
Years with 10 percent or more missing data are not recommended for use in permit modeling
Applications. NCDC replaced these missing data by following USEPA approved techniques for
filling in missing data.
The meteorological data recorded at Imperial County Airport are acceptable for use at ECGS for
two reasons: proximity and terrain similarity. As mentioned above, the Imperial County Airport
is located approximately 2.5 miles northwest of the ECGS Site. The airport is located in the
middle of the Imperial Valley with the closest elevated terrain approximately 20 miles to the
northwest. This is the closest meteorological recording station to the ECGS Site, and there are
no intervening terrain features between the two locations; thus meteorological conditions at the
ECGS Site will be very similar to those at the Imperial Valley Airport.
The terrain in the Salton Sea Imperial Valley area is relatively flat and below sea level. The
Chocolate Mountains and the Sand Hills provide the terrain boundaries of the valley to the north,
east, and southeast. The highest point in the Chocolate Mountains is just below 3,000 feet. The
highest point in the Sand Hills is just below 600 feet. The Santa Rosa Mountains, Fish Creek
Mountains, and Coyote Mountains form the western terrain boundary of the Imperial Valley.
The highest points in these mountains are more then 4,800 feet, more than 2,300 feet, and more
than 2,400 feet, respectively. The Imperial Valley is approximately 13 miles across at the
northern edge of the Salton Sea and expands to more than 54 miles wide along the southern
border with Mexico. The ECGS Site is located in the middle portion of the valley approximately
32 miles southwest of the Chocolate Mountains and 22 miles southeast of the Salton Sea.
The next closest weather recording stations are Palm Springs and Blythe. These two stations are
automated surface observing systems (ASOS) as is the Imperial County Airport site. The Palm
Springs station is approximately 92 miles to the northwest. The Palm Springs monitoring station
is at the airport. The terrain at this location is somewhat similar to the Imperial Valley in that the
Coachella Valley is orientated in a northwest to southeast direction. However, the Coachella
Valley is approximately 8-miles wide at the Palm Springs Airport which tends to increase the
wind speeds in this area. In fact, this area has hundreds of windmills to convert this wind energy
to electrical power due to the near constant winds. The meteorological conditions at the Palm

SECTIONFOUR Models Proposed and Modeling Techniques
Springs Airport are not similar to the conditions at ECGS, and thus are not appropriate for use in
the permit modeling for the ECGS Project.
The Blythe station is located approximately 84 miles to the northeast of the ECGS Site. The
Blythe station is at the airport located approximately 2 miles west of the Colorado River at the
southern edge of the Parker Valley. Parker Valley is oriented in a north-northeast to south-
southwest direction. Terrain features in the Blythe vicinity include the Dome Rock Mountains to
the east (across the Colorado River in Arizona), the Big Maria Mountains to the north, the
McCoy Mountains to the west-northwest, and the Mule Mountains to the southwest. The terrain
differences at the Blythe location would make the meteorological conditions quite dissimilar to
those at ECGS. Thus, the data recorded at Blythe would not be appropriate for use in the permit
modeling for the ECGS Project.
The closest National Weather Service (NWS) stations are at Daggett and San Diego. Both of
these NWS stations are over 100 miles away (165 miles for Daggett, 100 miles for San Diego)
and neither has climate or terrain similar to the conditions at the ECGS Site. Therefore, these
two sites do not have representative meteorological conditions acceptable for use in the permit
modeling for the ECGS Project.
Data from the Imperial County Airport were recently used to support modeling for the proposed
Salton Sea Unit 6 geothermal project Application to CEC, which would be located about 27
miles northwest of the ECGS Site. The data from the Imperial County Airport are representative
of conditions at ECGS and are appropriate for use in permit modeling. Wind roses for each
season are provided as Appendix A, Windrose Figures, of this Protocol.
4.6.2 Background Air Pollutant Monitoring Data
Available ICAPCD/CARB air quality data from 2000 through 2004 will be used to represent
background air pollutant concentrations. Data from El Centro and Calexico monitoring stations
will be evaluated as potentially representative of the Project Site conditions.
The El Centro 9th Street monitoring station records CO, NO2, PM10, PM2.5, and O3. The El
Centro monitoring station is located approximately 1.5 miles to the southwest of ECGS.
Monitoring data recorded at this location are by far the most representative information available
to characterize conditions at ECGS. Calexico Ethel Street station located approximately
10 miles to the south-southeast of ECGS is the only location in Imperial County where SO2 is
recorded. Data recorded at this location will be influenced by emissions from Calexico and the
Mexican city of Mexicali, which is significantly larger than the City of El Centro. Data recorded
at Calexico would thus represent a worst-case representation of ambient conditions at ECGS.
Data completeness percentages for each year for each pollutant at these monitoring stations will
be provided.
For both the construction and operational phase modeling, the highest reported concentration that
has occurred within the last 5 years will be used as the background values for each pollutant and
averaging time and will be added to the maximum modeled contributions of Project sources to
obtain totals suitable for comparison with the AAQS. This is a conservative approach because it
assumes that the highest recorded value and the modeled maximum impact both occur at the
same time and at the same location.

SECTIONFIVE Presentation of Modeling Results
5. Section 5 FIVE Presentation of Modeling Results
The AAQS analyses for the new Unit 3 source alone and the cumulative sources at ECGS will be
presented in a summary table. A figure indicating the location of the maximum pollutant
concentrations will be provided. For CO, NO2, and SO2, the H1H short-term and highest annual
concentrations will be reported. For PM10, the H1H 24-hour concentration (of the individual
5 years) over the 5 years modeled will be presented. Background concentrations will be added to
yield the total concentration, which will be compared with the NAAQS and CAAQS.
Maps at a scale of 1:24,000 will depict the following data:
• Elevated terrain within a 10-km radius of the project
• Distribution of population via census data with 10-km radius of the project and sensitive
receptors, including schools, pre-schools, etc., within a 1-mile radius of the project
• Current and future residential land uses
• Location of proposed new or modified transmission lines
• Isopleths of any areas where predicted exposures to air toxics result in estimated chronic non-
cancer impacts and acute impacts equal to or exceeding a hazard index of 1.0
• Isopleths of any areas where exposures to air toxics lead to an estimated carcinogenic risk
equal to or exceeding one in one million
HRA modeling results will be summarized to include maximum annual (chronic both
carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic) and hourly (acute) adverse health effects from TAC
emissions. Health risk values will be calculated and presented in the summary table for the
points of maximum impact and the sensitive receptors with the maximum risk values.
Electronic copies of the modeling input and output files will be provided to ICAPCD and CEC.

SECTIONFIVE Presentation of Modeling Results

6. Section 6 SIX References
Air Resources Board (ARB). 2003. HARP User Guide – Software for Emission Inventory
Database Management, Air Dispersion Modeling Analyses, and Health Risk Assessment
version 1.3, Air Resources, Board, California Environmental Protection Agency.
Auer, August H., Jr. 1978. American Meteorological Society. Journal of Applied Meteorology,
17(5): 636-643. “Correlation of Land Use and Cover with Meteorological Anomalies.”
California Air Resources Board (CARB). 2005. HARP (Hotspots Analysis and Reporting
Program), Version 1.1 (Build 23.02.21). April.
California Energy Commission (CEC). 1997. “Regulations Pertaining to the Rules of Practice
and Procedure and Plant Site Certification.” Title 20, California Code of Regulations.
Chapter 1, 2, 5.
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). 2003. Air Toxics Hot Spots
Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. August.
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1985.
_____. 1990. New Source Review Workshop Manual Prevention of Significant Deterioration
and Nonattainment Area Permitting (Draft), Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.
_____. 1995. User’s Guide for the Industrial Source Complex Dispersion Models. Volume I –
User’s Instructions. EPA-454/B-95-003a. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office
of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. September.
_____. 1997. Addendum to ISC3 User’s Guide. The Prime Plume Rise and Building Downwash
Model. November.
_____. 2002. Addendum to the User’s Guide for the Industrial Source Complex Dispersion
Models. Volume I – User’s Instructions.
_____. 2005. “Revision to the Guideline on Air Quality Models: Adoption of a Preferred
General Purpose (Flat and Complex Terrain) Dispersion Model and Other Revisions;
Final Rule”, 40 CFR Part 51, AH-FRL07990-9, November 9.
U.S. Forest Service et al. 2000. Federal Land Managers Air Quality Related Values Workgroup
(FLAG) Phase 1 Report. Prepared by U.S. Forest Service Air Quality Program, National
Park Service Air Resources Division, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Air Quality Branch.
Appendix A
Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)

Appendix A
Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)
1-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-21 +21
NOTE: Frequencies
indicate direction
from which the
wind is blowing.
Figure A-1
Windrose for All Months 1991 – 1995
Imperial County Airport

Appendix A
Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)

Appendix A
Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)
NOTE: Frequencies
indicate direction
from which the
wind is blowing.
2% 4%
8% 10%
14% 16%
1-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-21 +21
Figure A-2
Windrose for Winter Months (December – February) 1991 – 1995
Imperial County Airport

Appendix A
Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)

Appendix A
Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)
NOTE: Frequencies
indicate direction
from which the
wind is blowing.
1-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-21 +21
Figure A-3
Windrose for Spring Months (March – May) 1991 – 1995
Imperial County Airport

Appendix A
Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)

Appendix A
Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)
NOTE: Frequencies
indicate direction
from which the
wind is blowing.
2% 4%
8% 10%
14% 16%
1-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-21 +21
Figure A-4
Windrose for Summer Months (June – August) 1991 – 1995
Imperial County Airport

Appendix A
Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)

Appendix A
Seasonal Wind Roses – Imperial County Airport (1995-1999)
NOTE: Frequencies
indicate direction
from which the
wind is blowing.
4% 6%
10% 12%
14% 16%
1-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-21 +21
Figure A-5
Windrose for Autumn Months (September – November) 1991 – 95
Imperial County Airport
Attachment E
BACT Assessment

E.1 Assessment of NOx Control Technologies ..................................................................E-1
E.2 Other Technologies......................................................................................................E-5
E.3 Assessment of CO Control Technologies....................................................................E-5
E.4 Assessment of ROC Control Technologies .................................................................E-5
E.5 Assessment of SO2 and PM10 Control Technologies...................................................E-5
E.6 Assessment of Ammonia Slip Control Technologies..................................................E-6
E.7 Cooling Tower Drift PM10 Control Technologies .......................................................E-6
E.8 References....................................................................................................................E-6
List of Tables
Table 1 Summary of Recent NOx BACT Determinations for Combustion Turbine Generators
in Combined Cycle Configurations


List of Acronyms
AFC Application for Certification
BACT best available control technology
Btu British thermal unit
CARB California Air Resources Board
CEC California Energy Commission
CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
CTG combustion turbine generator
DLE dry low emissions
HRSG heat recovery steam generator
ICAPCD Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
N2 nitrogen
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
NOx nitrogen oxides
O2 oxygen
PM10 particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter
ppm parts per million
ppmvd parts per million by volume
SCR selective catalytic reduction
SOx sulfur oxides
USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Attachment E
BACT Assessment

Attachment E
BACT Assessment
The best available control technology (BACT) assessment conducted for the Project considered
all emission control technologies currently proposed or in use on natural-gas-fired combustion
turbines (>50 MM British thermal unit per hour [Btu/hour] heat input) in combined cycle
configurations. To identify feasible emission limits, several information sources were consulted,
including the following:
• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) BACT/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate
Clearinghouse (USEPA 1985) and updates
• California Air Resources Board (CARB) BACT Clearinghouse database and CARB BACT
Guidelines for Power Plants (Adopted 7/22/99)
• Recent California Energy Commission (CEC) Applications for Certification
• Research conducted by El Centro Unit 3 Repower design engineers
Table 1, Summary of Recent NOx BACT Determinations for Combustion Turbine Generators in
Combined Cycle Configurations, lists selected recent nitrogen oxides (NOx) BACT
determinations for natural-gas-fired combined cycle power projects in California using advanced
technology combustion turbines. BACT for the most recent projects that have come on-line in
the state has been determined to be either 2.0 or 2.5 parts per million (ppm) by volume (ppmvd)
(at 15 percent oxygen [O2]), to be achieved by means of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) with
ammonia injection. All of the five most recent projects to be approved by CEC committed to a
NOx BACT level of 2.0 ppmvd at 15 percent O2. The combustion turbine generator (CTG) in
this Project will achieve the BACT concentration of 2.0 ppmvd at 15 percent O2 using dry low-
NOx combustor technology (rather than steam or water injection, as a means of water
conservation), and SCR.
Similarly, the most recent combined cycle turbine projects have been approved with a carbon
monoxide (CO) emissions limit between 3 and 6 ppmvd and a reactive organic compounds
(ROC) emissions limit at or near 2 ppmvd (both at 15 percent O2), based on the use of a CO
oxidation catalyst. The CTG in this Project will employ the same control technology to achieve
comparable CO and ROC stack exhaust levels. Exclusive use of natural gas fuel has been
determined to be BACT for sulfur oxides (SOx) and particulate matter less than 10 microns in
diameter (PM10) in all other comparable projects for several years.
Based on a review of materials described above, the following NOx control technologies were
evaluated to determine whether they are able to achieve BACT NOx levels in practice:
• Dry low emissions and Goal Line SCONOx™
• DLE and SCR with ammonia injection
SCONOx™ is a new NOx reduction system produced by Goal Line Environmental Technologies
(now distributed by EmeraChem) for gas turbine applications. This system uses a coated catalyst
to oxidize both NOx and CO, thereby reducing plant emissions of these pollutants. CO emissions
are reduced in SCONOx™ by the oxidation of CO to carbon dioxide (CO2). A two-step process

Attachment E
BACT Assessment
reduces the NOx emissions. First, NOx emissions are oxidized to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and
then adsorbed onto the catalyst. In the second step, a proprietary regenerative gas is passed
through the catalyst periodically. This gas de-desorbs the NO2 from the catalyst and reduces it to
nitrogen (N2). The system does not use ammonia as a reagent; rather, it uses natural gas as the
basis for a proprietary catalyst regeneration process.
Emission Limit1
Name Location
NOx CO ROC Control(s) On-Line
Projects Recently Coming On-Line
PICO CA 2.0 ppm 4.0 ppm 2 ppm SCR with ammonia
CO oxidation catalyst March 05
Metcalf CA 2.5 ppm 6.0 ppm 2 ppm SCR with ammonia
CO oxidation catalyst May 05
Pastoria – Phase 1 CA 2.5 ppm 3.0 ppm 6 ppm SCR with ammonia
CO oxidation catalyst July 05
Magnolia CA 2.0 ppm 2.0 ppm 2 ppm SCR with ammonia
CO oxidation catalyst September 05
Malburg CA 2.0 ppm 2.0 ppm 2 ppm SCR with ammonia
CO oxidation catalyst 2 October 05
Projects Recently Permitted by CEC
East Altamont CA 2.0 ppm 6.0 ppm 2.0 ppm SCR with ammonia
CO oxidation catalyst
SMUD Consumnes CA 2.0 ppm 4.0 ppm 1.4 ppm SCR with ammonia
CO oxidation catalyst
Inland Empire CA 2.0 ppm 3.0 ppm 2.0 ppm SCR with ammonia
CO oxidation catalyst
San Joaquin CA 2.0 ppm 4.0 ppm 2.0 ppm SCR with ammonia
CO oxidation catalyst
Roseville CA 2.0 ppm 4.0 ppm 2.0 ppm SCR with ammonia
CO oxidation catalyst
1All emission limits are in ppm by volume referenced to 15% O2
SCR = selective catalytic reduction
NOx = nitrogen oxides
ROC = reactive organic compounds
CO = carbon monoxide
ppm = parts per million
CA = California

Attachment E
BACT Assessment
As demonstrated by an initial installation on several gas turbines where energy is recovered from
the exhaust gas to produce steam, SCONOx™ is capable of achieving NOx emission
concentrations of 2 ppm based on a maximum inlet concentration of 25 ppm, and 90 percent CO
reduction based on a maximum inlet concentration of 50 ppm. However, the effectiveness of the
SCONOx™ technology has not been demonstrated on turbines as large as the GE 7EA turbine
proposed for the El Centro Unit 3 Repower Project.
Vendors of the SCONOx™ technology have stated that it is commercially ready for any size
turbine. However, the largest turbine that SCONOx™ has actually been applied to thus far is a
GE LM2500, approximately 25 MW in capacity, or about 1/5th the size of the Project. The Otay
Mesa Power Project (which would have used frame 7F turbines in a combined cycle
configuration) was permitted with a commitment to use the SCONOx™ technology as the
primary NOx and CO control method if possible, but construction of that project has been
postponed for several years. The Application for Certification (AFC) filed in 2000 for the Nueva
Azalea Project also proposed to use the SCONOx™ technology, but ultimately, this project was
never built.
SCONOx™ would not require an oxidation catalyst or the use of ammonia reagent to control CO
and NOx emissions. The SCONOx™ technology employs a reactive catalyst that must be
regenerated on a regular basis. The catalyst reacts with CO and NOx to form CO2, which is
emitted, and NO2, which is absorbed on the surface of the catalyst until it is saturated. Prior to
saturation, the catalyst is regenerated. This is accomplished by sealing off the catalyst from the
exhaust stream by means of a pair of mechanical louver doors and subjecting it to a mixture of
natural gas and steam that forms hydrogen to produce elemental nitrogen and CO2, which are
emitted through the stack.
The manufacturer of SCONOx™ recommends that the catalyst in each module be removed and
put through a regenerative bathing process once a year. An on-line catalyst washing system
design has not yet been fully developed. There is some concern that the bathing process may
result in an additional hazardous waste stream. The time required for this process is not clearly
known, but it is likely to be approximately 1 to 2 weeks. Also, there may be a requirement that
liquefied natural gas be stored on-site for use during the regular regeneration process of the
catalyst throughout the year.
For large gas turbines, an assembly of multiple SCONOx™ modules would be required to
control NOx and CO to 2 ppm each. For example, proposals for installation of the technology on
frame 7F turbine have specified up to 15 such modules, with a capital cost of $26 million (Three
Mountain Power Plant, 99-AFC-2). Testing has not yet been conducted to demonstrate the
successful operation of the louver doors used by each module under realistic flow and emissions
conditions that would be found in large turbines. Also, control algorithms have not yet been
developed nor tested for controlling large numbers of SCONOx™ modules. Due to the lack of
appropriate testing and information, some heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) manufacturers
have expressed reluctance to issue guarantees for their equipment if SCONOx™ is installed
(Beck 2000).
Although the SCONOx™ technology has been demonstrated to be an effective NOx and CO
emission abatement system on a few small combined cycle turbine installations and does not
require the use of ammonia reagent, an SCR system has virtually the same NOx emissions

Attachment E
BACT Assessment
guarantee as the SCONOx™ at a much lower price, and has been successfully demonstrated
extensively on large frame-type turbines.
Potential advantages of the SCONOx™ process include:
• No ammonia. The SCONOx™ process does not use ammonia. This eliminates the
ammonia storage and transportation safety issues entirely and the potential for ammonia slip
or ammonia-based particulate formation.
• Carbon monoxide reduction. SCONOx™ will reduce CO emissions as well as NOx
Potential disadvantages of the SCONOx™ process include:
• Unproven for large gas turbines. While demonstrated to be effective on smaller turbines,
several aspects of the technology have not been demonstrated for a system configured for a
larger turbine.
• Catalyst “washing.” A proprietary catalyst washing system must be used and an on-line
catalyst washing system design has not yet been fully developed. If an on-line catalyst
washing system is not used, then the facility must be shut down for cleaning.
• High capital and operating cost. SCONOx™ is significantly more expensive than SCR
with ammonia injection, primarily due to the higher cost of initial and replacement catalyst.
The SCONOx™ catalyst is a precious metal catalyst, which is very expensive.
Because the performance of SCONOx™ has not been sufficiently demonstrated as “achieved in
practice” on large combined cycle turbines, as discussed above, SCONOx™ does not represent
BACT for the ECGS Unit 3 Project at this time.
SCR with Ammonia Injection
SCR with ammonia injection systems for reduction of NOx emissions have been widely used in
combined cycle gas turbine applications for many years and are considered a proven technology.
SCR systems are commercially available from several vendors, unlike SCONOx™, which is
available from a single vendor. The SCR process involves the injection of ammonia into the flue
gas stream via an ammonia injection grid upstream of a catalyst. The ammonia reacts with the
NOx gases in the presence of the catalyst. The catalyst is not regenerated and requires periodic
replacement. SCR vendors typically offer a 3-year guarantee on catalyst life. SCR with
ammonia injection systems have been used in numerous larger combined cycle applications
including 7EA Class units.
The Project will use DLE and SCR and ammonia injection designed to achieve a NOx emission
limit of 2.0 ppm (at 15 percent O2) on a 3-hour average. As noted in Table 1, Summary of
Recent NOx BACT Determinations for Combustion Turbine Generators in Combined Cycle
Configurations, this level of NOx control is consistent with other recent similar projects, and is
considered to be BACT for the El Centro Unit 3 Repower Project. It has also been approved by
the Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD).

Attachment E
BACT Assessment
Technologies that cannot achieve a NOx emissions limit of 2.0 ppmvd (at 15 percent O2) in
practice were not considered as potential BACT candidates. These technologies include SCR
without DLE and DLE without SCR.
The El Centro Unit 3 CTG is guaranteed to achieve 4 ppm (at 15 percent O2) over a 3-hour
average with natural gas fuel and use of a CO oxidation catalyst (except during unit startup and
shutdown). The ICAPCD has already confirmed that the use of a CO oxidation catalyst will
result in emissions of CO that will conform to current ICAPCD BACT requirements.
The following CO control technologies are evaluated:
• Combustion design/control
• CO oxidation catalyst
Combustion Design/Control
Gas turbine combustion technology has significantly improved over recent years with respect to
lowering CO emissions. This turbine design that will be used for the El Centro Unit 3 Repower
Project has been guaranteed by the manufacturer to achieve a CO rate of 25 ppm (at 15 percent
O2) without post-combustion control technologies under a wide range of operating conditions
(60 percent to 100 percent load) and ambient conditions (15°F to 115°F).
CO Oxidation Catalyst
CO oxidation catalysts have been used with natural-gas-fired turbines for over a decade when
uncontrolled CO emission levels are considered unacceptably high. CO oxidation catalysts
operate at elevated temperatures within the exhaust stream and are considered technically
feasible, having been successfully demonstrated in numerous combined cycle frame turbine
applications. Thus, installation of a CO oxidation catalyst on the Project turbines is considered
to be BACT for CO in the case of the El Centro Unit 3 Application.
The proposed BACT level of 2 ppmvd (at 15 percent O2) for ROC control achieved by a CO
oxidation catalyst is consistent with the most stringent level that has been demonstrated in
practice by the latest combined cycle units to come on-line in California and is therefore
considered to be BACT for the El Centro Unit 3 Repower Project.
Sulfur dioxide and PM10 emissions will be controlled through the exclusive use of clean-burning
pipeline quality natural gas. This control technology has been widely and uniformly
implemented for control of SO2 and PM10 emissions from combustion turbines in California and
throughout the United States, and is considered to be BACT for the El Centro Unit 3 Repower

Attachment E
BACT Assessment
The proposed BACT level of 5 ppmvd (at 15 percent O2) is the most rigorous control
requirement that has been imposed to date on any gas turbine power plant project in California,
and is thus considered to represent an appropriate BACT level for the El Centro Unit 3 Repower
The Project will include improvements to the Unit 3 cooling tower, including a retrofitting of the
existing drift elimination system to achieve an extremely low level of PM10 emissions from this
source. Based on data provided by the cooling tower manufacturer, the new drift eliminator will
control drift to a level of no more than 0.001 percent of the circulating water flow rate. The
ICAPCD has already agreed that this level of control constitutes BACT for the cooling tower.
Beck, R.W. 2000. Towantic Energy Project Revised BACT Analysis. February 18.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1985.

Attachment F
Certificates for Banked Emission
Reduction Credit to Offset Project Emissions

Attachment G
Letter from Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Regarding Approval of Emission Reduction Package