DEC 9 L HMAA D Maintenance Manual PDP Volume 1
DEC-9-L-HMAA-D Maintenance Manual PDP-9-L Volume 1 DEC-9-L-HMAA-D Maintenance Manual PDP-9-L Volume 1
User Manual: DEC-9-L-HMAA-D Maintenance Manual PDP-9-L Volume 1
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l · ,v\cs;)~ Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ~DmDD~D Maintenance Manual PDP-giL Volume I DEC-9/L-HMAA-D ~ ( 1 PDP-gIL Maintenance Manual Volume I DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION d MAYNARD. MASSACHUSETTS First Printing February 1969 Copyright © 1969 by Digital Equipment Corporation Instruction times, operating speeds and the like ~re included in this manual for reference only; they are not to be taken as specifications. The following are registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts: DEC FLIP CHIP DIGITAL PDP FOCAL COMPUTER LAB ii ) CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Physical Description 1-1 1.2 Functional Description 1-1 1.3 Reference Documents and Programs 1-1 1.4 Reference Conventions 1-2 1.5 Terminology 1-4 1.6 Engineering Drawings and Circuit Schematics 1-5 1.7 System Specifications 1-5 CHAPTER 2 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ') 2.1 Operator Console 2-1 2.2 Marginal Check Panel 2-6 2.3 Core Memory Banks 2-6 2.4 Teletype Unit 2-6 2.5 Operating Procedures 2-6 2.5.1 Manual Data Storage and Modification 2-7 2.5.2 Storing Binary Data Using READ IN Key 2-10 2.5.3 Storing Data Under Program Control 2-10 2.5.4 Assembl ing Programs 2-10 2.5.5 Teletype Code 2-11 2.5.6 Maintenance Programs 2-11 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3.1 Computer Organization 3-1 3.2 Central Processor 3-1 3.2.1 Control Memory (CM) 3-1 3.2.2 Adder (ADR) 3-2 3.2.3 Accumulator (AC) 3-2 3.2.4 AC Link (Link) 3-2 3.2.5 Arithmetic Register (AR) 3-2 3.2.6 Optional Multiplier-Quotient Register (MQ) 3-2 3.2.7 Program Counter (PC) 3-2 3.2.8 Instruction Register (IR) 3-2 iii CONTENTS (Cont) Page 3.2.9 3.3 3-2 Memory Buffer Register (MB) 3-3 Core Memory System 3.3.1 Direct Addressing 3-3 3.3.2 Indirect Addressing 3-3 3.3.3 Autoindexing 3-3 3.3.4 Extend Mode Addressing 3-3 3.4 I/o Control 3-3 3.5 Instruction Word Formats 3-5 3.5.1 Memory Reference Instructions 3-5 3.5.2 Augmented Instructions 3-5 CHAPTER 4 CONTROL MEMORY SYSTEM 4.1 Organization 4-1 4.2 Timing and Control 4-2 4.3 Control Memory G920 4-3 4.4 Address Selectors G210 4-3 4.5 Current Sources 4-4 CHAPTER 5 CENTRAL PROCESSOR 5.1 5-1 Central Processor Logic 5.1.1 Fetch Cycle 5-1 5.1.2 Defer Cycle 5-2 5.1.3 Autoindexing 5-3 5.1.4 lAO Cycle 5-3 5.1.5 Execute Cycle 5-4 5.1.6 Memory Reference Instructions 5-4 5.1.7 Operate (OPR) Instructions 5-17 5.1.8 Input/Output Transfer (lOT) Instructions 5-25 CHAPTER 6 CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 6.1 Organization 6-1 6.2 Detailed Circuit Analysis 6-4 6.2.1 Memory Control and Timing 6-4 6.2.2 Memory Addressi ng 6-7 iv CONTENTS (Cont) Page 6.2.3 Address Selection 6-7 6.2.4 Bit Sensing During Read 6-8 6.2.5 Voltage Regulation and Selection Drive 6-9 6.2.6 Inhibiting During Write 6-10 CHAPTER 7 CONSOLE POWER CONTROLS 7.1 7-1 Manual Controls 7.1. 1 Power Turn-On 7-1 7.1.2 START Key 7-1 7.1.3 PROGRAM STOP Key 7-2 7.1.4 CONTINUE Key 7-3 7.1.5 DEPOSIT THIS 7-3 7.1.6 DEPOSIT NEXT 7-5 7.1.7 EXAMINE THIS 7-5 7.1.8 EXAMINE NEXT 7-5 7.1.9 READ IN Key 7-6 7.1.10 I/o 7-8 7.1.11 REPT and REPEAT SPEED Switches 7-9 7.1.12 SING INST and SING STEP Switches 7-9 7.2 RESET Key 7-9 Display Indicators 7.2.1 REGISTER Indicator 7-9 7.2.2 Link Indicator 7-10 7.2.3 MEMORY BUFFER Indicator 7-10 7.2.4 INSTRUCTION Indicator 7-10 7.2.5 PIE Indicator 7-11 7.2.6 ClK Indicator 7-11 7.2.7 SING STEP Indicator 7-11 7.2.8 SING INST Indicator 7-11 7.2.9 REPT Indicator 7-11 7.2.10 PRGM STOP Ihdic-ator 7-11 7.2.11 DAT A Ind icatbr 7"-11 7.3 7-11 Power ContrGlI 7.3.1 Primary Power Distribution 7-11 7.3.2 Power Supp Iy 7-13 v l. CONTENTS (Cont) Page CHAPTER 8 INPUT/OUTPUT CONTROL 8.1 Program-Controlled Data Transfers 8-1 8,1.1 I/O Bus Connections 8-2 8.1.2 Block Diagram Discussion 8-2 8.1.3 Device Selector WI03 8-4 8.1.4 Input Transfers 8-4 8.1.5 Output Transfers 8-6 8.1.6 I/O Skip Facility 8-6 8.1.7 Program Interrupt Facility 8-6 8.1.8 I/O Status Check Fac i I ity 8-9 8.2 Data Channel Transfers 8-10 8.2.1 I/O Bus Connections 8-12 8.2.2 Multiplexer WI04 8-12 8.2:3 Break Synchronization 8-12 8.2.4 WC Cycle 8-13 8.2.5 CA Cycle 8-14 8.2.6 Data Input Cycle 8-15 8.2.7 Data Output Cycles 8-15 8.2.8 Add-to-Memory Facil ity 8-16 8.3 API Channel Transfers 8-16 8.4 Transfer Priorities 8-17 CHAPTER 9 ASR-33 TELETYPEWRITER 9.1 Keyboard/Reader 9-1 9.1.1 Functional Description 9-1 9.1.2 Keyboard Control 9-1 9.1.3 Reader Control 9-3 9.1.4 Data Transfer Instructions 9-3 9.2 Tel epr inter/Punch 9-4 9.2.1 Functional Description 9-4 9.2.2 Teletype Load Sequence (TLS) 9-5 9.2.3 Skip on Teleprinter Flag 9-5 Hardware Read-In (HRI) Operation 9-6 9.3 vi .' CONTENTS (Cont) Page 9.3.1 Functional Description 9-6 9.3.2 Reader Control 9-6 9.3.3 High Speed Read/Punch Circuitry 9-7 CHAPTER 10 MAINTENANCE 10.1 Equipment Required 10-1 10.2 Preventive Maintenance 10-1 10.2.1 Mechanical Checks 10-1 10.2.2 Electrical Checks 10-1 10.2.3 Marginal Checks 10-3 10.3 ) 10-15 Corrective Maintenance 10.3.1 Module Handling 10-15 10.3.2 Built-in Checks 10-15 10.3.3 System Troubleshooting 10-16 10.3.4 Section Troubleshooting 10-16 10.3.5 Logic Troubleshooting 10-16 10.3.6 Module Troubleshooting 10-16 APPENDIX A BASIC INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE ILLUSTRA nONS 1-1 Programmed Data Processor PD P-9/L x 1-2 Basic PDP-9/L Layout, Front and Rear 1-2 1-3 PDP-9/L System Configuration and Optional Accessories Block Diagram 1-3 2-1 PDP-9/L Operator Console 2-1 2-2 Marginal Check Panel 2-7 2-3 Teletype Model ASR33 Console 2-7 3-1 PDP-9/L Functional Diagram 3-1 3-2 Memory Reference Instructions 3-4 3-3 Operation Instruction Word Format 3-6 3-4 lOT Instruction Word Format 3-7 4-1 Control Memory System, Block Diagram 4-1 4-2 CM Line Selection, Line 21 4-3 5-1 ADD Instruction Logic 5-6 5-2 AND Logic 5-7 vii ILLUSTRATIONS (Cont) Page 5-3 lAO Instruction Logic For: DAC, CAL, JMS, and DZM 5-10 5-4 ISZ Instruction Logic 5-11 5-5 JMP Instruction Logic 5-12 5-6 LAC Instruction Logic 5-14 5-7 SAD Instruction Logic 5-15 5-8 TAD Instruction Logic 5-16 5-9 XOR Instruction Logic 5-18 5-10 OPR Timing 5-18 5-11 lOT Timing 5-26 6-1 Typical Core Memory 6-1 6...2 Core Memory Stacking Arrangement (Theoretical) 6-2 6-3 MC71A Core Memory System Block Diagram 6-3 6-4 Core Rowand Core Column Selection 6-4 6-5 X and V-Axis Selection Scheme for 18 Planes 6...4 6-6 Core Memory Winding Scheme 6-5 6-7 MC71-A Timing Diagram 6-6 6-8 Address Selection, Simplified Schematic 6-8 6-9 X-Axis 7-1 Initial Set-Up DEPOSIT or EXAMINE Timing 7-4 7-2 READ IN Mode Timing 7-7 7-3 REGISTER DISPLAY Signal Paths 7-10 7-4 Power Supply 712, Block Diagram 7-13 7-5 Marginal Check Switch Positions, Simplified Schematic 7-14 8-1 Program-Controlled I/O Interface 8-2 8-2 I/O Device Control Logic 8-3 8-3 Device Selector Wl03, Schematic Diagram 8-5 8-4 Program Interrupt Timing 8-8 8-5 Multiplexer Wl04, Logic Diagram 8-13 9-1 Perforated Tape Format 9-2 9-2 Basic Data Transfer, Functional Diagram 9-3 10-1 Display MC Form 10-4 10-2 Tel etype Tests MC Form 10-5 10-3 ISZ MC Form 10-6 10-4 Special Options MC Form 10-7 10-5 High-Speed Reader MC Form 10-8 R/W Drive Selection Simplified Schematic viii 6-9 ILLUSTRATIONS (Cont) Page 10-6 EAE MC Form 10-9 10-7 Basic Exerciser Test MC Form 10-10 10-8 MC71 Memory MC Form 10-11 10-9 Marginal Check Panel 10-13 10-10 Marginal Switch Panel 10-14 TABLES 1-1 Reference Documents 1-3 1-2 Maintenqnce Program Documents 1-5 2-1 Operator Console Controls and Indicators 2-1 2-2 Marginal Chec;:k Panel Controls and Indicators 2-7 2-3 Teletype Controls and Indicators 2-9 3-1 Reserved Core Memory Locations 3-3 6-1 W712/B09 Combi ndti ons 6-5 7-1 Input Power Adjustments 7-12 8-1 I/O Status Bit Assignments 8-10 10-1 Equipment Required 10-2 10-2 Power Supply Output Checks 10-3 ix .' Figure 1-1 Programmed Data Processor PDP-9/L x CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION interrupt, and the power fa i lure detecti on opti ons . Control logic for memory extension, memory parity, and memory protection options is also wired in the two wings. This manual is one of several documents related to the PDP-9/L. It provides the user with a basic understanding of the system capabilities and assumes that the user is familiar with the technology of similar computer systems. For. complete and comprehensive coverage in his area of interest, the user should refer to the documents listed in Table 1-1 at the end of this chapter. 1.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The PDP-9/Lis a general purpose, solid-state digital c;:omputer designed for data handling in a scientific laboratory, q computation center I or in a real-time process control system. Figure 1-3 is a functi onal block diagram of the PDP-9/L GPC. The system is a single-address 18-bit computer using lIs complement arithmetic which is program-convertible to 2 1s complement notation to facilitate multiple precision operati ons. Indirect addressing to one level and autoindexing features afford programming flexibi lity . The 4096-word core memory provides random access to any word within 1 .5 fJS. Operation and maintenance information for the Programmed Data Processor PDP-9/L, manufactured by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts are provided in this manual. It consists of two volumes. Volume I describes the basic computer system and discusses the logic circuits in terms of the computer's instruction repertoire. Manual operations and maintenance considerations are also included in this volume. Volume II contains a complete set of engineering drawings for the basic computer system. The I/o bus system accommodates up to 64 low-speed peripheral devices under program control, up to 8 high-speed devices optionally multiplexed in 8 devicecontrolled data channels (DCH), and up to 28 devices in an optional 32-channel automatic priority interrupt (API) system. The program-controlled transfer system includes the Teletype printer with a reader/punch. Program-controlled transfer operati ons inc lude program interrupt (PI), I/o skip, and I/o status checking faci Iiti es. 1 . 1 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION With the exception of the ASR33 Teletype Unit, the basic PDP-9/L (Figure 1-1) is self-contained in a single DEC Type CAB-31 metal cabinet. Four casters permit cabinet mobility. No special power sources, air conditioning or floor bracing are required. The teletype unit is supplied with its own mounting stand. Figure 1-2 shows the front and rear dimensi onal views of the PDP-9/L layout. The memory bus provides for memory expansion up to 32,768 words of memory. Logic modules are mounted in three wings at the rear of the cabinet. These wings, each measuring approximately 22 in. by 30 in., swing out as a single door for module access. The wings also include self-contained cooling fans and marginal check switches. The top wing holds the 4096-word core memory system; the middle wing, the central processor; and the bottom wing, the I/o control secti on. Each wing has its own switched power-distribution system at the margina I check switches on the fan housings. A DEC Type 712 Power Supply provides the DC voltages required for the PDP-9/L system and the optional paper tape reader/punch. Voltages of+l0V and -15V are supplied to the basic PDP-9/L system, -30V to core memory, and +10V and -15V to the tape reader/ punch. A variable 0 to 20Voutput is available to check the operdtion of the system under marginal power supply limits. By substituting this output for the normal + 10V and -15V outpufs, an existing fault or potential system failure can be isolated. Several commonly purchased options are prewired into the wings. The central processor wing is prewired for the extended arithmetic element option. The I/o control wing is prewired for the DEC Type 34HL Osci "oscope Display Control, the automatic priority 1.3 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS AND PROGRAMS Tables 1-1 and 1-2 list the standard maintenance documents and program tapes supplied with the basic PDP- 1-1 9/L. Others may be furnished as appropriate to customer requirements. are numbered 01 through 40 from top to bottom. Modules are mounted horizontally in the slots. 1.4 REFERENCE CONVENTIONS Dual-width modules carry dual location designations; e.g., G219-AB 16AF, where AF designates pin F in the A slot of dual slot location AB. a. Numerical Notation - Unless otherwise indicated, a II number representati ons are in octa I notati on. b. Circuit References - All references to logic signals include the module type designation, module location code, and output pin designation; e.g., Pulse Amplifier B602-E26D means that module B602 is located in rack E, slot 26, and the output signal is taken from pin D. All racks are designated alphabetically from left to right as viewed from the module mounting side. All module mounting slots c. Signal Mnemonics - Uncommon mnemonics are explained parenthetically the first time that they are menti oned in the discussi on; e.g., KDN (key deposit next). A glossary of all signal mnemonics and their logic drawing origins is provided in Volume II. d. Illustrations - References to in-text illustrations include the chapter prefix number - Figure 3-10 is the tenth ill ustrati on in Chapter 3. FRONT REAR MEMORY II FANS,FUSES AND MARGI NAL CHECK SWITCHES / \ MARGINAL CHECK PANEL CENTRAL PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S CONSOLE 71 7/16" 1\ POWE R SUPP LY I/O LOGIC 1-oIr-~--- 32 11 / 16,.----~.1 9L-0073 Figure 1-2 Basic PDP-9/L Layout, Front and Rear 1-2 TE"xTENoED - r-MEMORYrAUTO-MAncl I, EXTENSION IARITHMETIC ~ PRIORITY : CONTROL * ' ELEMENT * I INTER RUPT* 4,096-WORD MEMORY , ASR-33 TELEPRINTER PAPER TAPE,AND PAPER PUNCH I/O CONTROL LOGIC CENtRAL PROCESSOR MIOMORY BUS ---*' I I r-- - I 300-CPS I PAPER TAPE I READER IL _ _ _ _ _ _ ....JI OPERATOR'S CONSOLE REAL TIME ...._________ L_~':.O_C~_d I : UP TO EIGHT 4,096-WORD I I !MEMORY~BANKS I I r-------;1 50-CPS I PAPER TAPE I IL _ _PUNCH _ _ _ _ - lI I I I r---L ---, , 4,096-WORD I r-------.., , _______ MEMORY *JI L I DECTAPE *1 I ~ __- ' I IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .JI r-------lEl IBM I COMPATIBLE I ,-----,/IMAGNETIC TAPEI L _______ ...J '------'\ I r-------_;I '-----'\ I KSR-33 I TELEP.RINTER I .-----,/1'- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .JI , - - - - ---*1 '----....J\ lAID CONVERTER I . - - - - - . / 'I AND I MULTIPLEXER _ _ _ _ _ _ --1I r---- - --- *' I OTHER OPTIONS I OR CUSTOMER I ' - - - - - , 1 LIDESIGNED OPTIONS:J ________ L.-_-,\ NO,.E: OUTLINED BLOCKS REPRESENT BASIC COMPUTER. *OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES. 9L-0072 Figure 1-3 PDP-9/L System Configuration and Optional Accessories Block Diagram Table 1-1 Reference Documents Document Number ) Title Publisher C-105 Logi c Handbook DEC DEC-9L-GRVA-D PDP-9/L User Handbook DEC Bulletin 310B ASR33 Technical Manual Teletype Corp. Bulletin 1184B KSR33 Teletype, 33 Page Printer Set, Parts Teletype Corp. 1-3 e. Drawings - Logic drawings are identified in the text by a literal prefix code and a single numeric; e-.g., drawing KC20(2), where KC denotes a central processor drawing and the parenthetic portion denotes sheet 2 of a· multiple-sheet drawing. Other literals are: MC, core memory drawings, and KD, I/o control drawings. Complete drawing codes appear on the drawi ngs themsel ves. h. Computer Fetch Cycle - The 1.5 fJs period during which a core memort;J cycle extracts and restores an instruction word. Instruction words are addressed sequentia Ily by an incrementing program counter (PC) in the central processor, unless otherwise stipulated by program developments. i. Computer Defer Cycle - The 1.5 fJs period during which a core memory cycle extracts and restores an effective address word. A defer cycle follows a fetch cycle whenever the fetched instruction word contains an indirect address. If the indirect address refers to auto-index locations 10-17 in core memory, the effective address is incremented by 1 during defer; the operand is taken from the location designated by the incremented effective address during the computer execute cycle. 1.5 TERMINOLOGY Terms used frequently throughout the text are defined below. Others are defined within the discussions themse Ives . a. Core Memory - The major storage device containing the computer program and the results of program execution. Sometimes referred to as the main memory, as opposed to control memory. j. Computer Execute Cycle - The 1.5 fJS period during which a core memory cycle extracts and restores an operand addressed by a memory reference instruction word or by an effective address word. The operand is manipulated in the computer in accordance with the op code of the instruction word. The restored word may be the original operand, or may be an operand modified by the manipulation process. In the latter case, the original operand is lost. b. Core Memory Cycle - The 1.5 fJs read/restore or read/modify/write cycle during which a word is extracted, then restored or modified, and written into core memory. The word may be an instruction word, an effective address word, or a data word (operand). c. Memory Reference Instruction - An instruction word containing a direct address or an indirect address of an operand in core memory ,as opposed to augmented instruction. k. Computer lAO Cycle - The 1.5 fJs execute period for certain instructions which ignore and replace completely the operands that they address, as opposed to the modifying operations of the norma I computer execute cycle. d. Direct Address - The effective address in a memory reference instruction word of a location in core memory which contains an operand. I. Op Code - Operation code. A portion of a memory reference instruction word or an augmented instruction word that defines the operation to be executed. e. Effective Address - The actual address of an operand in core memory. The effective address may be a direct address in a memory reference instruction word, or an address in core memory which is addressed by an indirect address in a memory reference instruction word. m. Control Memory - The magnetic storage device in the central processor which issues timed, sequential gating levels to process or execute the instruction. The levels are strobed out of the read-only contro I memory in the form of 36-b it process words, each bit representing a gate-on or gate-off condition. Process word storage locations are addressed on the basis of the decoded instruction word op codes and previous processing results. f. Ind irect Address - The address ina memory reference instruction word of a location in core memory which contains an effective address. g. Augmented Instruction - An instruction word (OPR,IOT) that does not contain an address of an operand in core memory. The portion of the instruction usually reserved for an address contains microcoded computer commands. These commands are executed during either normal (OPR) or extended (lOT) computer fetch cycles, as opposed to memory reference instruction. n. Program Break - A data channel transfer request that "break" program control at completion of the current instruction and suspends execution of the program in progress until the current word transfer is completed. 1-4 Table 1-2 Maintenance Program Documents Name Number Instruct ion Test Part 1 9L-DOA1-PH Instruction Test Part 1A 9L-DOA2-PH Instruction Test Part 2 9L-D02A-PH ISZ Test 9L-DOBA-PH, Memory Address Test 9L-DOCA-PH JMP Self Test 9L-DODA-PH JMP-Y Interrupt Test 9L-DOEA-PH JMS-Y Interrupt Test 9L-DOFA-PH Basic Memory Checkerboard (Low) 9L-DIB1-PH Basic Memory Checkerboard (High) 9L..;DIB2-PH Extended Memory Checkerboard 9L-DIBB-PH 9L ASR 33/35 Teletype Test Part 1 09-D2AB-PB 9L ASR 33/35 Teletype Test Part 2 09-D2BB-PB o. Program Interrupt - An interruption in the program which is caused by a device service flag. Interrupt is granted at the completion of current instruction. The status of the program interrupted is stored in memory location 00000 at the grant of the interruption. 1.7 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Functional Characteristics Word Length 18 bits Cycle Time 1.5 tJs 1.6 ENGINEERING DRAWINGS AND CIRCUIT SCHEMATICS Core Memory Operation Read/restore or read/modify/ write cycle A complete set of engineering drawings and module circuit schematics is delivered with the PDP-9/L. Volume II contains a set of engineering drawings indexed by their drawing number codes; these drawings apply to the basic system only. Logic symbols used on the drawings are defined in the Logic Handbook, Document C-105. Core Memory Capacity 4096 words, expandable to 32,768 words Core Memory Access Single direct-address in any 4096-word memory' bank; single indirect-addressing from one bank to another 1-5 Computation Rate 333,333 additions per second ASR33 Teletype 10 char per second Progra m-Contro II ed I/O Capacity Up to 64 devices, 4 mode selections each device Heat Dissipation 6830 Btu/hr Dimensions Cabinet Height 71-3/16 in. Cabinet Width 32- 11/16 in. Operating Characteristics Cabinet Depth 30 in. Power Requirements Shelf Width 32-11/16 in. Shelf Depth 22 in. Data Channel Capacity Up to 8 devices 120V±15%, 60 cps±2%, single-phase, 17-30A or 230V±15%, 50 cps±2%, single-phase, 17-30A 2KW Door Clearance {Rear} 31 in. Power Consumption Power Supply Outputs +10, -15, -30, ±20 Vdc Cabinet Weight 750 lb. Logic Levels OV= logic 0, -3V= logic 1 Teletype Height 8-3/8 in. Test Temperature Range 55-122°F Teletype Width 22 in. Teletype Depth 18-1/2 in. Relative Humidity Range 10-95% Teletype Weight 44 lb. 1-6 CHAPTER 2 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS 2.1 OPERATOR CONSOLE c. Visual examination of register contents and/or of system status. The PDP-9/L operator console (Figure 2-1), an integral part of the main computer frame, includes a work shelf and a control console equipped with rocker switches, rotary switches, and indicators for operator control and monitoring of system operation . Typical console uses are: a. Manual entry of instruction and/or data; start/ stop/continue control of program execution. Table 2-1 details the functional use of items on the control console. Indicators on the panel show the existing binary states of specific register bits and control flip-flops by being lighted for binary 1s and being extinguished for binary Os. The operator console can be electrically locked by a control on the marginal check panel to prevent undesired alteration of the program in progress. With exception of data switches, switch settings will not affect the system when the console is locked. b. Stepping through a program sequence by instruction or by machine cycle for debugging or ma i ntenance purposes. I & :t \ /1 (- - -_._- -_. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Figure 2-1 PDP-9/L Operator Console Table 2-1 Operator Console Controls and Indicators Controls and Indicators Function ST ART and START HOLD switches Depressing START starts program execution at the location specified by the ADDRESS switches. The START HOLD switch is used for maintenance purposes. 2-1 Table 2-1 (Cont) Operator Console Controls and Indicators Function Controls and Indicators 10 RESET switch Two positions: off (center) and operate (down, springloaded return). Depressing switch clears all I/o device flags, clears the AR, MA, AC, MQ, and the Link, turns off the real-time clock r program interrupt facility, and API system and disables the memory protection and extended memory modes. STOP switch Two positions: off (center) and operate (down r springloaded return). Operate halts program execution at completion of the current instruction. CONT and CONT HOLD switches Depressing CONT resumes program execution from the point at which it stopped. The CONT HOLD switch facilitates use of the REPT (repeat) function for the single instruction and single step provisions. EXAMINE THIS and EXAMINE NEXT switches Depressing the EXAMINE THIS switch transfers the contents of the memory location specified by the ADDRESS switches from memory to the MB. After the transfer, the contents of the ADDRESS switches appear in the AR as the address of the memory location examined. Depressing the EXAMINE NEXT switch increments the contents of the AR by one and transfers the contents of the newly addressed memory location from memory to the MB. EXAMINE NEXT facilitates monitoring of sequential memory locations as the ADDRESS switches need only be set to the lowest memory location. The use of EXAMINE THIS transfers the contents of this location to the MB and enters the lowest order address in the AR. Thereafter, use of EXAMINE NEXT step-advances the addresses through the sequential memory locations. DEPOSIT THIS and DEPOSIT NEXT switches Depressing DEPOSIT THIS switch deposits the contents of the DATA switches in the memory location specified by the ADDRESS switches. After the transfer, the contents of the ADDRESS switches appear in the AR as the address of the memory location in which the data was entered. Depressing the DEPOSIT NEXT switch increments by one the AR contents, and deposits the contents of the DATA switches in the memory location specified by the new address., DEPOSIT NEXT facilitates the entering of data and/or instruction words in sequential memory locations as the ADDRESS switches need only be set to the lowe~ order address. 2-2 Table 2-1 (Cont) Operator Console Controls and Indicators Function Controls and Indicators The DEPOSIT THIS function deposits the DATA switch word in this location and transfers the address to the AR. Thereafter, the DEPOSIT NEXT function step-advances the addresses through the sequential memory locations. READ IN switch Two positions: off (center) and operate (down, spring-loaded return). Depress switch to initiate read-in of paper tape punched in hardware readin format. The selected repeat speed switch should be set to ON position on the REPT switch (each set of three 6-bit lines read from tape forms one 18-bit computer word). Storage of words read in begins at the memory location specified by the ADDRESS switches. At the completion of tape read-in, the computer reads the Iast word from core memory and executes it. Read-in occurs at the selected repeat speed. REPT (repeat) control and system ON-OFF switch With REPT switch and CONT HOLD up, the control establishes one of five speeds at which single-step or single-instruction operations repeat without operator intervention. The repeating speeds range from approximately 2 f..IS (ON position) to ls (position 1). REGISTER DISPLAY control and display control and REGISTER DISPLAY indicators Eleven-position switch: Each position interrogates a specific register and displays its contents in the REGISTER DISPLAY indicators. REGISTER DISPLAY indicators display the contents of selected register only when machine is stopped. Moving the selection switch while the program is running has no effect. The functions of the positions are as follows: RDR Display contents of the paper-tape reader information buffer. TTl Display contents of the teleprinterkeyboard information buffer. STA Display status of flags for I/o devices connected to status reading facility of I/o system. API Display activity of automatic priority interrupt system1s four device-oriented priority levels. 2-3 Table 2-1 (Cont) Operator Console Controls and Indicators Controls and Indi cators Function DPY Display optiona I 34Hl x-, y-buffers. The x-buffer is displayed in the nine mostsignificant REGISTER indicators; the ybuffer is displayed in the nine leastsignificant indicators. The least significant bit of each buffer is not displayed. lOA Display lS-bit address word present on address lines of I/o bus for data channel and API operation. lOB Display l8-bit data word present on data lines of I/o bus for program controlled and data channel data transfers. AC Display contents of the AC. AR Display contents of the AR. PC Display contents of the PC and status bits as stored during this instruction. MQ Display contents of the MQ. PRTC switch and indicator The up position causes the memory protection mode to be entered by operation of the START switch. In either position, the mode may be enabled or disabled by program control. While the console is locked, the switch is electrically in the down position, regardless of its actual position. The indicator is lit whi Ie the mode is in effect. (Memory protection is a system option.) EXD switch and indicator The up position causes the extend mode of addressing to be entered by operation of the START switch. In either position, the mode may be enabled or disabled by program control. While the console is locked, the switch is electrically in the down position, regardless of its actual position. The indicator remains lit while the mode is in effect. (Extend mode is a system option.) ClK switch and indicator The up position disables the optional real-time clock facility. The down position allows program control to enable or disable the clock. The indicator remains lit while the clock is enabled. While the console is locked, the switch is electrically in the down position, regardless of its actual position. 2-4 Table 2-1 (Cont) Operator Console Controls and Indicators Function Controls and Indicators SING STEP indicator and switch The indicator lights when the associated switch is up. This enables the single-step mode which halts program execution at each machine cycle. Repetitive depressing of the CONT HOLD switch, while the mode is enabled, steps the program through the sequence one cycle at a time. When the console is locked, this switch is disabled. SING INST indicator and switch The indicator lights when the associated switch is up. This enables the single instruction mode which halts program execution at completion of each instruction. Repetitive depressing of the CONT HOLD switch, while the mode is enabled, steps the program through its sequence one instruction at a time. When the console is locked, this switch is disabled. TTYH/TTYF switch Determines whether Teletype operation is half or full duplex. REPT indicator and switch The indicator lights when the associated switch is up. This enables the repeat function. This function causes operations initiated by actuation of CONT HOLD, EXAMINE NEXT, or DEPOSIT NEXT switches to repeat while the key remains in an operator position. The repeat speed control establ ishes the rate of repetition. ADDRESS switches (3-17) Establish a 15-bit core memory address to be entered in the PC by operation of the START switch, or in the AR by operation of the EXAMINE THIS or DEPOSIT THIS switch. Switch is placed up for a 1 bit and down for a 0 bit. The 15 switches to the right (3-17) set up the address of a location within an 8192-word memory block. The two switches to the left (0 and 0) are for extended memory addressing of locations, in up to three other 8192-word memory blocks of the system. DATA switches Establish an 18-bit data or instruction word to be read into memory by DEPOSIT THIS or DEPOSIT NEXT operation, or to be entered in the AC by a programmed LAS (load DATA switches) instruction. Up position of the switch is a binary 1; down position is a binary O. PRGM STOP indicator Lights when the RUN flip-flop has been cleared to stop program execution. INST REG The five indicators reveal the contents of the IR, being lit for 1 bits and extinguished for 0 bits, to 2-5 Table 2-1 (Cont) Operator Console Controls and Indicators Controls and Indicators Function show the operation code of the instruction just executed or in progress, and indirect address occurrence. DCH BK Lights to indicate that data channel activity is in progress; i.e., data is being transferred between core memory and a data channel I/o device via the I/o bus. PS ACTIVE indicators Each indicator, relating to one of the API system's eight priority levels, individually lights to show the priority program interrupt request currently being serviced. Indicators 0, 1, 2, and 3 show activity resulting from device-initiated requests; indicators 4,5,6, and 7 show activity resulting from programinitiated requests. The priority levels for each set decrease in rank from left to right with any device request having higher priority than any program request. PI E indicator Lights when the PI system has been enabled by program control. API indicator Lights when the API system has been enabled by program control. LINK indicator Shows the content of the Link register. MEMORY BUFFER indicators Shows the contents of the MB register. 2.2 MARGINAL CHECK PANEL 2.4 TELETYPE UNIT The marginal check panel (Figure 2-2) is concealed behind the red hinged panel on the front of the central processor. Table 2-2 details the functions of the panel-mounted controls and indicators. The ASR33 Teletype Unit appears in Figure 2-3. Table 2-3 lists the teletype controls and their functions. 2.5 OPERATING PROCEDURES 2.3 CORE MEMORY BANKS Several methods are available for loading or unloading PDP-9/L information, as described in the PDP9/L User Handbook. The method used depends upon the form of the information, time limitati.ons, and the peripheral equipment connected to the computer. The following procedures are basic to any PDP-9/L configuration. Two selector switches, SW3 and SW4, are located in module slot B09 of each core memory bank. These must be preset to the particular memory bank assignment. The down positions designate 0, while up positions designate 1. Selections are as follows: 00, bank 0; 01, bank 1; 10, bank 2; 11, bank 3. 2-6 (II MC tit MAINT MAINTENANCE SWITCH (52) NORMAL VOL (M2) LOCK MC CONTROL KNOB -15MC I @ OFF '* +10MC (T 3) MARGINAL HECK ELECTOR SWITCH (51) ~ fit [lAPSED TIME METER(M1) @ Figure 2-2 Marginal Check Panel 2.5.1 Manual Data Storage and Modification Figure 2-3 The manual controls on the console permit storage or modification of programs and data. These facilities are used primarily in the manual storage of the ReadIn Mode Loader (RIM) program and other programs in the read-in mode format. Teletype Model ASR33 Console in RIM format when the ADDRESS switches are set to the RIM Loader starting address and the START key is pressed. The RIM tape format is further described in the PDP-9/L User Handbook and in Digital Program Library descriptions. To store the RIM Loader manually in PDP-9/L core memory: The stored RIM Loader program automatically reads data into PDP-9/L memory from perforated paper tape Table 2-2 Marginal Check Panel Controls and Indicators Controls and Indicators Marginal check voltmeter (1, Figure 2-2) Function Indicates the selected voltage output of the marginal check power supply. The center of the scale relates to the reference voltage selected, either +10 or -15V dc. Movement of the pointer to the right indicates an increase in magnitude for the marginal check voltage. 2-7 Table 2-2 (Cont) Marginal Check Panel Controls and Indicators Controls and Indicators Function Marginal-check voltage control (2, Figure 2-2) Establishes the marginal check voltage level of the selected output. Voltage is increased with clockwise rotation. Maintenance switch (3, Figure 2-2) Five positions: LOCK - electrically locks the control console. With the console in the locked condition, operation of any console control cannot affect the program in progress. Data switches can be program sensed. NORMAL - Control console is not locked; all controls may be used. MAINT - With the switch in this position and the REPT switch (control console) in the up position, the builtin maintenance test program circulates a self-incrementing count through all active CPU registers to verify both their operation and the internal transfer paths. The program proceeds at the rate selected by the repeat speed control (control console). The START HOLD switch should be selected during MAl NT • EXAMINE - simulates the "examine" function. With the switch in this position, the CPU responds as if the EXAMINE THIS switch (control console) was being actuated at the rate selected by the repeat speed control (control console). With the REPT switch in the down (inoperative) position, each movement of the selector switch to position EXAMINE simulates an actuation of the EXAMINE THIS switch. DEPOSIT - Simulates the "deposit" function. With the switch in this position and the REPT switch (control console) in the up position (activated), the CPU responds as if the DEPOSIT key were being actuated at the rate selected by the repeat speed control (contrQI console). With the REPT switch in the down (inoperative) position, each movement of the selector switch to position DEPOSIT THIS simulates an actuation of the DEPOSIT THIS switch. Marginal-check selector switch (4, Figure 2-2) Three positions: OFF - marginal check disabled. +10 MC - selects the +10V output of the marginal check power supply. 2-8 L Table 2-2 (Cont) Marginal Check Panel Controls and Indicators Function Controls and Indicators Marginal-check selector switch (4, Figure 2-2) (Cont) Elapsed time meter (5, Figure 2-2) -15 MC - selects the -15V output of the marginal check power supply. Indicates, to the nearest tenth of an hour, the cumulative number of hours in which the system has been in the "power on" state. Meter counts from 00000.0 to 99999.9. Table 2-3 Teletype Controls And Indicators Control or Indi cator Function REL. pushbutton Disengages the tape in the punch to allow tape removal or tape loading. B. SP. pushbutton Backspaces the tape in the punch by one space, allowing manual correction or rubout of the character just punched. OFF and ON pushbuttons Control use of the tape punch with operation of the teletype keyboard/printer. START/STOP/FREE switch Controls use of the tape reader with operation of the Teletype. In the lower FREE position, the reader is disengaged and can be loaded or unloaded. In the center STOP position, the reader mechanism is engaged but de-energized. In the upper START position, the reader is engaged and operated under program control. Keyboard Provides a means of printing on paper in use as a typewriter and punching tape when the operator presses the punch ON pushbutton. The keyboard also supplies input data to the computer when the LINE/OFF/LOCAL switch is in the LINE position. LINE/OFF/LOCAL switch Controls application of primary power in the Teletype and controls data connection to the processor. In the LINE position, the Teletype is energized and connected as an I/O device of the computer. In the OFF position, the Teletype is de-energized. In the LOCAL position, the Teletype is energized for off-line operation, and signal connections to the processor are broken. Only line use of the Teletype requires that the computer be energized through the POWER switch if primary power for the Teletype is supplied from a source other than the outlet at the back of the computer. 2-9 a. Turn the maintenance panel switch to NORMAL and the console POWER switch ON. the left of"the sprocket wheel to be sensed. Set Teletype reader to start position. b. Set the console ADDRESS switches to correspond with the address of the first word to be stored. (In the case of the RIM Loader program, this is 07762 for 4K, 17762 for 8K.) c. Set the ADDRESS switches to the starting address to be used for the program as it is stored in core memory. d. Press the READ I N key. The tape wi II be read automatically. c. Set the DATA switches to correspond with the binary equivalent of the first word. (In the case of the RIM Loader program, this is 0.) e. Channel 8 on binary format tapes is always punched; channel 7 is punched only in the last line of the last word to stop tape motion and to conclude the read-in operation. The program just read can be made self-starting by making this last word a JMP instruction to the starting address of the program. When the JMP instruction is read, it is interpreted as the current instruction to be executed and thus starts the program. If the tape is not selfstarting, the last instruction is a HLT. To initiate the program, set the starting address into the ADDRESS switches and press the START key. d. Depress the DEPOSIT THIS switch to deposit the word in memory. e. Display the contents of the AR in the REGISTER indicator by turning the REGISTER DISPLAY selector to the AR position. The contents of the MB are automatically displayed in the MEMORY BUFFER indicator. Observe that the MB contains the data word just deposited, and that the AR contains the address of the core memory cell in which the word was deposited. f. Store all additional data words by pressing the DEPOSIT NEXT switch after each successive data word has been set into the DATA switches. The contents of the AR wi II increment by 1 duri ng each DEPOSIT NEXT operation, thus setting up the address of the core memory cell to be used for the next operation. 2.5.3 Storing Data Under Program Control Information can be automatically stored or modified in the computer by executing programs previously stored in memory. For example, having the RIM Loader stored in core memory a lIows the loading of RIM format tapes, as follows. g. To recheck the loaded program, set the ADDRESS switches to the starting address and press the EXAMI NE switch. After the first core memory cell has been checked at the MEMORY BUFFER indicator, the remaining cells may be examined in sequence by repeatedly pressing the EXAMINE NEXT switch without regard to the ADDRESS switch settings. By repeating steps b through d using the address of the cell in question, it is possible to alter the contents of any cell . a. Turn the maintenance panel switch to NORMAL and the console POWER switch ON. b. Insert the tape in the tape reader. c. Using the ADDRESS switches, set the starting address of the RIM Loader program. d. Press and re Iease the conso Ie START key. The tape is read and stored automati ca lIy . 2.5.2 Storing Binary Data Using READ IN Key 2.5.4 Assembling Programs Hardware Read-in (HRI) tapes (including the RIM Loader tape) can be loaded directly into core memory without the need of a presto red program, by using the following procedure. Programs prepared in binary format and written in symbolic language can be assembled into binary I machine-language program tapes as described in appropriate Digital Program Library documents, as follows: a. Turn the maintenance panel switch to NORMAL and the console POWER switch ON. a. Turn the maintenance panel switch to NORMAL and the console POWER switch ON. b. Load the tape in the Teletype reader. Proper positioning of the tape enables three channels to 2-10 g. When assembly is complete, the assembler wi II stop with all 1s in the AC. b. Store the RIM Loader program, either manually or by use of the READ IN key, as previously described. 2.5.5 Teletype Code c. Load the assembler program into core memory by means of the assembler tape. (The assembler tape is in RIM format.) When the tape has been read, the AC should contain all Os. If it does not, a checksum error has been detected, showing improper storage of the program. When this occurs, the tape must be rerun until the AC finally contains aliOs at the conclusion of the loading process. Repeated errors indicate defects in either the assembler tape or the PDP-9/L system. d. Insert the symbol i c language tape to be converted into machine-language, binary-format, into the tape reader. e. Put the starting address of the assembly program into the ADDRESS switches on the console. (Set DATA switch 10 up to indicate ASCII, or down to indicate FIODEC code.) f. Press and release the CONTINUE key. 2-11 The 8-bit code used by the ASR33 Teletype is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), modified. 2.5.6 Maintenance Programs Diagnostic programs are designed to test specific functions within the computer system. These routines are available as perforated paper tapes in hardware read-in mode (HRI) format. Each diagnostic routine is accompanied by a description of the program, procedures for using the program, and information on analyzing the results to locate specific failures. Applications of these routines are indicated in Chapter 10, as they apply to preventive or corrective maintenance of the PDP-9/L system. To exercise these routines the user should be familiar with the machine programming described in the PDP-9/L User Handbook. CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3.1 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION Fig(;te 3-1 illustrates the organization of the PDP-9/L General Purpose Computer. The PDP-9/L Programmed Data Processor System is a general purpose computer, incorporating FLIP CHIP hybrid circuits. The computer is a single address, fixed word length (18 bits), parallel binary computer. Minimum system configuration is 4096 words of memory, paper-tape input and output, and keyboard· input and pri nter output. 3.2 CENTRAL PROCESSOR 3.2.1 Control Memory (CM) The CM issues all sequences of internal processes required to fetch and execute a program1s instructions, to effect operation of I/O channels, and to respond to operator commands from the console. It is a readonly, prewired magnetic core storage unit. The CM supplies new address information to the CP (Central Processor) based on the instruction to be executed and on the conditions sensed by the previous process levels. Major functions of the PDP-9/L System are the central processor, core memory, main memory, and input/output faci I ities. The system has a bus transfer network and jam-transfers data between registers at dc levels to minimize timing problems. r------l I I I I COR E MEMORY I I I Il ____ _ I I I I I I I 1-------, CENTRAL PROCESSOR IIO ,-----~ TELEPRINTER PUN (OPTION) 10 BUS ON 10 BUS DCH 10 ADDR BUS KBD I RDR (OPTION) B BUS A BUS ADDRESS SWITCHES DATA SWITCHES L SUB COMMAND SEQUENCES _____ ..J FROM MB 10 BUS (B) 'LIO Figure 3-1 PDP-9/L Functional Diagram 3-1 9L-0048 3.2.2 Adder (ADR) 3.2.6 Optional Multiplier-Quotient Register (MQ) The 18-bit ADR functions as a nonstoring adder for arithmetic operations and as a common bus transfer for all inter-register transfers and shift operations. A 19th-bit adder link (ADRL) transfers the content of the arithmeti c register Iink (LAR) to the accumulator register link (Link) and vice-versa when those registers are used for arithmeti c operations. The ADR operates at a 5 Mc rate for a transfer time for 200 ns and a carry time of less than 5 ns per stage. The 18-bit MQ register is part of the optional extended arithmetic element (EAE). TheMQ holds the multiplier during multiply operations and receives the .Iow-order 18-bits of the resulting product. During divide operations, it hold~ the low-order 18-bits of the dividend, and at the completion of the divide operation, it contains the quotient. It can also be used as an extension of the AC for 36-bit shift operations. 3.2.3 Accumulator (AC) 3.2.7 Program Counter (PC) The 18-bit AC retains the result of arithmetic/logical operations. The AC can be cleared, complemented, rotated right, or rotated left. The contents of the memory buffer (MB) register can be added to the contents of the AC. The contents can also be combined, in the ADR, by logical AND or Exclusive-OR instructions and the result left in the AC. An Inclusive-OR can be formed in the ADR between the AC and the DATA switches on the console, and the result left in the AC. For program-controlled input data transfers, information is transferred from an external device to the AC via the I/O bus. The PC determines the program sequence in which instructions are executed. This 13-bit register contains the address of the core memory cell from which the next instruction is to be taken. Addition of the extended memory options adds two extended program counter (EPC) bits to the system addressing scheme. 3.2.8 Instruction Register 0R) The IR accepts the five most-significant bits of each i nstructi on fetched from core memory. Of these, the four most-significant bits constitute the instruction operation code (op code). For a memory reference instruction, the fifth bit indicates whether the instruction contains a direct (effective) address of an instruction or an indirect address of a location in core memory which contains the effective address. These bits are decoded during the fetch cycle to determine the CM sequence necessary to execute the instruction. 3.2.4 AC Link (Link) This l-bit register is used to extend the arithmeti c capability of the AC. In l's complement arithmetic, it is an overflow indicator; in 2's complement arithmetic, it extends the AC to 19 bits and functions as a carry register •. The program checks overflow into the Link to greatly simplify and speed up single and multiple precision arithmetic routines. The Link can be deared and complemented and its state sensed independent of the AC. It is included in the AC in rotate operati ons . 3.2.9 Memory Buffer Register (MB) All information transferred into or out of core memory passes through the MB. During a fetch cycle, instructions are read from a memory location into the MB and are rewritten into the location as the instruction is retained in the MB for decoding and later execution. During an execute cycle, the operand addressed by the instruction is fetched from a memory location and is placed in the MB •. The operand is then rewritten into the memory location, in accordance with the operation called for by the instruction. The MB also serves as a buffer for both information transfers between core memory and an external device, and address transfers between the PC and the MA. 3.2.5 Arithmetic Register (AR) The AR functions with the AC to perform arithmetic and logical operations. It accepts and stores the contents of the AC for manipulation through the ADR; the results are then deposited in the AC. The AR is not accessible to the programmer. For program-controlled output data transfers, information is transferred from the AR to an external device via the I/O bus. 3-2 3.3 CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 3.3.1 Direct Addressing The PDP-9/L core memory used a 3D design concept for speed, compactness, and reliability; it operates with a complete cycle time of 1.5 JJS. Each 4096word core memory package contains a core stack, sense amplifiers, drivers, and a 13-bit memory address (MA) register. The MA addresses the memory location to be used for data retrieval or storage. System core memory can be expanded from the basi c 4096 words up to 32,768 words in 4,096-word increments. Such expansion requires the implementation of the memory extension option to extend the PDP-9/L addressing capability. Directly addressed memory reference instructions (bit 04 = 0, Figure 3-2) take the 12-bit address (06 to 17) specified in their instruction words as the effective address of the memory register which contains the required operand. The 12-b't address allows direct addressing of up to 4096 locations in a currently addressed memory bank. Locations in memory banks other than that currently addressed must be accessed by indirect addressing. Indirectly addressed memory reference instructions (bit 04 = 1, Figure 3-2) take the 12-bit address (06 to 17) specified in their instruction words, not as the effective address of the memory register containing the operand, but as the address of the memory register which contains the effective address. For example, the instruction LAC 100 directs the computer to load the contents of memory register 100 into the AC. But the instruction LAC * 100 (see footnote 1) directs the computer to load the contents of the memory register addressed by the contents of memory register 100 into the AC. Indirect addressing adds one computer cycle (defer) to the instruction execution time, during which the effective address of the operand is fetched. Table 3-1 -Reserved Core Memory Locati ons Address Purpose 00000 Stores the contents of the PC, Link, opti ona I EPC, extend mode opti on status, and memory protecti on option status during a program interrupt. 00001 Stores the first instruction to be executed following a program interrupt, normally a JMP. 00002-00006 Currently unused 00007 Stores optional real-time clock-time 00010-00017 Autoindex registers 00020 Stores the contents of the PC, Li nk, opti ona I EPC, extend mode opti on status, and memory protecti on option status upon execution of a CAL instruction. 00021 First instruction to be executed following a CAL instruction. 3.3.2 Indirect Addressing 3.3.3 Autoindexing When anyone of core memory locations 00010 through 00017 is indirectly addressed, the contents of that location are automatically incremented by 1, and the result is taken as the effective address of the instruction. Incrementing is accomplished with no additional instruction execution time. Such autoindexing operations are effective only when the locations are indirectly addressed. When directly addressed, the locations contain operands just as any other memory locations. 3.3.4 Extend Mode Addressi ng 00022-00027 Currently unused Installation of additional memory banks requires the memory extension control option for addressing a memory location outside the currently addressed memory bank. 00030-00037 Four pairs of word counter/current address registers for use with data channels 0, 1,2, and 3. 3.4 I/O CONTROL 00040-00077 The I/O control section includes logic for programcontrolled transfers between the central processor and Store entry i nstructi ons for each of 32 optional automatic priority interrupt channels. lIndirect addressing in'earlier softwore programs was represented with an I symbol. The symbol * represents indirect addressing in current programs. 3-3 CLEAR AC PRIOR TO EVENT TIME 1 OPERATION CODE 70 DEVICE SELECTION r~------~A~----~\ r~----------~A~----------~\ GENERATE AN lOP 2 PULSE AT EVENT TIME 2 I 0 I I 2 I 3 I 41 5 16 I 7 I 8 I 9 110 1'1 1'21'31'41'51'61'71 "------y----J UNUSED "------y----J '--y-J '--y-J SUB-DEVICE SELECTION GENERATE AN lOP 4 PULSE AT EVENT TIME 3 GENERATE AN lOP 1 PULSE AT EVENT TIME 1 9L-0049 a. Word Format Mnemonic Code Cycles Ca" subroutine CAL 00 2 Deposit AC DAC 04 2 Jump to subrouti ne JMS 10 2 Deposit zero in memory DZM 14 2 Load AC LAC 20 2 Exclusive OR XOR 24 2 Add, l's complement ADD 30 2 Add, 2's complement TAD 34 2 Execute XCT 40 1+ Increment and skip if zero ISZ 44 2 AND AND 50 2 Skip if AC different from memory SAD 54 2 Unconditional jump JMP 60 1 Operation Add 1 cycle time for indirect addressing or auto indexing b. Instruction Description Figure 3-2 Memory Reference Instructions 3-4 as many as 64 devices. Program-controlled transfers make use of program interrupt, I/O skip, and I/O status checking faci I iti es. The I/O control section also allows operation of up to 8 devices connected to 8 dota channels (DCH), and up to 28 devices in 32 optional API channels multiplexed at 8 priority levels. instruction. Descriptions of the memory reference instructions are given in Appendix A. All of the above operate off the bidirectional I/O bus, which serially links the central processor to the peripheral devices, Devices with high transfer rates, such as DECtape and magneti c tape normally use DCH access to core memory to allow operation at maximum transfer rates. Slower asynchronous devices such as I ine printers, teletype keyboards and punched card equipment may operate at maximum speeds through the use of the API option under program control. Operate - OPR instructions (op code 74) are used to sense and/or alter the contents of the AC and Link. Typical functions (Figure 3-3) are: conditional or unconditional skips; complementing, setting, clearing, or rotating the contents of the AC and Link •. A HLT instruction is included. OPR instructions are fetched and executed in one computer cycle, the actions being specified by the microprogramming of bits 04 to 17 in the instruction word. Each of the 14 bits can effect a unique response; hence, they are "microinstructions" to the computer. The important feature of the OPR class is its microprogramming capability where two or three microinstructions can be combined in one instruction word, and therefore be executed sequentially during one computer cycle. 3.5.2 Augmented Instructi ons Some timed-transfer devices can operate independently of the central processor after they have been set in operation, These devi ces are normally connected to th e DC H to transfer a block of data words at a time, Once the program has suppl ied information about the location and size of the data block, the DCH takes over the responsibility of effecting the actual transfer. Separate parallel buffers are provided in the device controls interfaced to the I/O bus. Input/Output Transfer - lOT instructions (op code 70) initiate transmission of signals via the I/O bus to control peripheral equipment, sense their status, and effect information transfers between them and the central processor, Each instruction contains an 8-bit device selection code, bits 06 through 13, and a command code, bits 14 through 17 (Figure 3-4). Bits 06 through 11 of the device selection code perform the primary device selection among up to 64 devices while bits 12 and 13 select an operational mode or subdevice. Selection logic in a peripheral's interface responds only to its preassigned code. The command code, bits 14 through 17, is capable of being microprogrammed to clear the AC and to is~ue up to three sequential command pulses to the peripheral equipment via the I/O bus. 3.5 INSTRUCTION WORD FORMATS The PDP-9/L has two general instruction groups: memory reference (single-address) instructions, and augmented (no-address) instructions. The latter group has three subclasses: operate (OPR) instructions, input/ output transfer OOT) instructions, and optional extended arithmetic element (EAE) instructions. 3.5.1 Memory Reference Instructions Memory reference instructions (Figure 3-2) consist of and op code, an indirect address bit, and an address. The op code, bits 00-03, specifies one of 13 memory reference instructions, The indirect address bit, 04, indicates whether the 12-bit address (06 to 17) is a direct address (bit 04 = 0), or an indirect address (bit 04 = 1). If di rect addressing is i ndi cated, the addressed memory location contains the required operand. If indirect addressing is indicated, the addressed memory location contains the address of the required operand. In either case, the address of the memory location containing the operand is the "effective address" for the 3-5 Execution of an lOT instruction requires an instruction .fetch cycle and three execute cycles of 1.51ls duration each, designated event times 1, 2, and 3, Only the fetch cycle contains a core memory read/write cycle. Thereafter, core memory is idle until completion of the lOT execute cycles. Bit 17 generates an IOP1 pulse during event time 1 while bits 16 and 15 generate IOP2 and IOP4 pulses during event times 2 and 3, respectively. lOT skip instructions are microprogrammed to produce an 10Pl pulse for testing a Bit 7 = 0 ClA Cll Additional Rotate 0= OR of 1 = AND of SNl SZl 5 6 7 8 9 SZA SMA SNA SPZ 10 11 HlT 12 RARIRAl OAS RTR IRTl Bit 7 = 1 15 13 I 14 Event Time OPR } NOP 7 4 0 0 0 0 CMA 7 4 0 0 0 1 3 CMl 7 4 0 0 0 2 3 OAS 7 4 0 0 0 4 3 RAl 7 4 0 0 1 0 3 RAR 7 4 0 0 2 0 3 XX HlT} 7 4 0 0 4 0 SMA 7 4 0 1 0 0 SZA 7 4 0 2 0 0 SNl} SMl 7 4 0 4 0 0 SKP 7 4 1 0 0 0 SPA 7 4 1 1 0 0 SNA 7 4 1 2 0 0 SZl} SPl 7 4 1 4 0 0 RTL 7 4 2 0 1 0 2,3 RTR 7 4 2 0 2 0 2,3 Cll 7 4 4 0 0 0 2 7 4 4 0 0 2 2,3 J (Cll-CMl) STL CCl (Cll-RAl) RCl 7 4 4 0 1 0 2,3 (Cll-RAR) RCR 7 4 4 0 2 0 2,3 ClA 7 5 0 0 0 0 2 (CLA-CMA) ClC 7 5 0 0 0 1 2,3 (ClA-OAS) lAS lAT 7 5 0 0 0 4 2,3 (ClA-RAl) GlK 7 5 0 0 1 0 2,3 J Figure 3-3 Operation Instruction Word Format 3-6 CMl CMA 16 17 device status flag. IOP2 pulses are normally used to effect programmed transfers of information from a devi ce to the centra I processor. Because the AC serves as the data register for input transfers, the "clear AC" microinstruction (bit 14) is usually microprogrammed with the IOP2 microinstruction; this combination clears USED WITH SI92 WORD MEMORY OPERATION CODE=OOS-60S J. 0 the AC prior to the start of event time 1, then strobes in the new information with IOP2 during event time 2. The lOP pulses trigger lOP flip-flops which remain set for the event time duration. The 10 P4 is . usually used to transfer data from the computer to the device. ,..--"---. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 ADDRESS INDIRECT ADDRESS FLAG (*-INDIRECT) 9L-007S FiglJre 3-4 lOT Instruction Word Format 3-7 CHAPTER 4 CONTROL MEMORY SYSTEM 4.1 ORGANIZATION The control memory (CM) system in the central processor is a read-only I Iinear-select magnetic core system which issues 36-bit "process words" to a control register (CR) composed of core-sensing flip-flops. A 6-bit control memory address (CMA) included in each process word addresses the next process word location in control memory. The remaining 30 bits comprise the data-path gating levels which implement the fetching and execution of instructions and also specify the timing of control memory readout. The CMA may be modified by conditions sensed during the processes, or by gating levels issued by the previous process word. The CM issues up to four such process words per computer cycle in a sequence which is largely determined by the previous processing results. A continue bit in the previous process word determines if another process word shaH follow; an SM (start memory) bit determines if a main core memory cycle shall follow, concurrent with another process word. Figure 4-1 is a functional block diagram of the control memory system. The system consists of CM timing logic (drawing KC16), two G210 Address Selectors (drawing KC17), Control Memory core array (drawing KC18) and 36 core-sensing control register flip-flops (drawing KC19). The importance of maintaining synchronism of the control memory processes, and the main core memory cycles may readi Iy be appreciated. Both the main memory cycle and the control memory timing are started by ClK POS pulses every 1.5 !-IS and a start memory (SM) level from the CM sense flip-flop that is always set during the last CM process word of a comp- PROCESS BITS (30) ADDRESS BITS (6) CONTROL REGISTER CM STROBE CONTROL MEMORY MEM STROBE CM CLK SM(ll CMPOO-07 CM TIMING KEY INIT POS CMGOO-07 ADDRESS SELECTORS 10 RESTART CM CURRENT PULSE ADDRESS GATING CMAOO-05 IROO-04 KIOA3-A5 9L-0050 Figure 4-1 Control Memory System, Block Diagram 4-1 Drawings KC3 through KC6 are the flow diagrams for the processes. Numbers within the process word blocks indicate the CM addresses from which the words are taken. Note that some bits of the process word can be operated on by hardware external to the control memory system as a result of conditional events. puter cyc Ie (fetch, defer, execute, lAO). The last CM process word in an execute cyc Ie, lAO execute, and end of DCH break, always contains the SM level and address 21 in the CM sense flip-flops. The next computer cycle is a fetch cycle and the next CM process word will be extracted from address 21. The CM reads out the process word from address 21, which contains gating levels to load the PC with the address of the next sequential instruction ,and also contains continue, a level which retriggers the CM timing chain. The address contained in process word 21 will have been sent to the G210 Address Selectors, and will always be address 12. The CM will now extract the process word at address 12. 4.2 TIMING AND CONTROL CM timing logic is shown on drawing KC16. Any of the following five conditions can start the timing chain to produce CM CURRENT and CM STROBE. a. KEY INIT POS The process word in CMA12 does not contain a CONT (1) bit, so another CM extraction does not follow immediately. In this instance, the CM timing must wait for the main core memory IS MEM STROBE for triggering. b.IORESTART c. CM CLK A SM (1) A AM SYNC BUS(O) d. CM STROBE DACONT (1) The address selectors contqin positive and negative transistor switches operation in complementary pairs to send drive current through 1 of 64 lines in the control memory array. Each line is threaded through all 36 cores in series; the side of the core the wire passes through determines the state a core will assume when the Iine is driven. Core windings on one side induce positive voltages in their respective sense lines, setting the sense flip-flops in the control register. Core windings on the other side Induce negative voltages, resetti ng the fl ip-flops. The sense fl i p-flops set and reset on the CM STROBE from the CM timing chain. e. MEM STROBE A lAO (0) The following is a general description of the functions that these conditions control. Detailed descriptions and timing diagrams are found in the referenced sections. KEY INIT POS occurs during manual entry of address and/or data words from 'the console switches or after depressing 10 RESET on console. This pulse starts the chain to extract a series of manual entry process words from locations 00 through 07 using the KIOA3 through 5 levels for CM addressing. The processes of the fetch cycle determine whether the next cycle shall be a defer, lAO, or execute. Certain instructions also demand that the next cycle be another fetch. Whatever the case I the address in the third process word commands the extraction of the appropriate cycle entry word. CM CLK A SM (1) starts the timing chain to extract the entry word of any computer cycle concurrently with a core memory cycle. CM STROBE A CONT (1) starts the chain to extracnhe second word I and MEM STROBE A lAO (0) extracts the third, in any computer cycle. For execute cycles, CM STROBE A CONT (1) is allowed to extract a fourth. The determining factor for the number of words extracted is the status of the CONT flip-flop in the current process word. As shown in Figure 4-1, the address in the control register may be preempted by manual operations from the console, where the levels KIOA3-AS perform the CM addressing function. Drawing KCI8(1) is the Control Memory Program Chart in which one process word (LOC column) address the next (JMP column) in the main flow of execution, with conditional branching from the main flow as a result of sampling certain events. The BITS column lists those bits that are 1s in each word and the JMP column lists the location in control memory of the next sequential word. The SYNC column contains the bits that control the initiation of the next process (CONT) or cycle (SM). For lOT instructions, 10 RESTART extracts a process word after an extended 4.5 fJS execute period. This word prepares the computer for the next fetch cyc Ie. For the manual read-in operations, 10 RESTART extracts a process word when the tape reader reads a hole in channel 7. This word also prepares the computer for the next fetch cycle. 4-2 EB -15V FB -15V EJ GND CMGl FM CMSLOO 016 CMSL35 EV CM CURRENT EU CMAO (0) CMAI (1) = ET 07 ED B169-F21E FV CM CURRENT = FU B169-F21D FS FL -15V B169-F22E FE 9L-0051 Bl05-H21R Figure 4-2 CM Line Selection, Line 21 4.3 CONTROL MEMORY G920 Control Memory G920 is a quadruple-height module containing the linear core array. The Control Memory Wiring Matrix, drawing KC18(2L is a practical representation of the 64 drive lines threading the cores that induce 1s into the sense lines. In reality, all drive lines thread all 36 cores serially in specific 1 and 0 winding patterns to produce 64 separate and distinct 36-bit words. At CM CURRENT time, the address selectors supply drive current through one selected line. At CM STROBE time, the core states are transferred to the sense flip-flops from the sense lines, CMSLOO-35. 4.4 ADDRESS SELECTORS G210 Two double-height Address Selector Modules G210, drawing KC 17, perform control memory I ine selection by decoding the CM address and turning on line drivecurrent in response to the CM CURRENT pulse from the CM timing logic, drawing KC16. Each module contains four positive-select and four negative-select switches, connected together to form an 8 by 8 coordinate matrix. Input address decoding gates turn on a pair of complementary switches to connect a ground to one end of the selected line and a negative source to the other. The module is similar to the G219 Address Selector Modules in core memory. 4-3 Figure 4-2 is a simplified schematic of the drive selection circuits for line 21, containing the fetch-entry process word. In this case, the active switch pair is located entirely within one module, EF20. Although selection of some lines makes use of a switch in each module, the logic is identical. For the fetch entry word extraction, the address in control register bits CMA 0-5 is 21. In Figure 4-2 CMA 0 (0), CMA 1 (1), and the level from B169-F21E are all negative. On drawing KC 17 I the output at B169-F21 E comes from the paralleled NAND gates controlling address bit 2. The output is negative because each of the four paralleled gates is disabled: the IR sampling is disabled by a grounded input from NOR gate Rl11-F24N I the DCH and API gate is disabled by the absence of EXT (1), etc. The negative levels are applied to the input decoding gates at transistor Q14. Likewise, the 03, 04, and 05 parallel gates are disabled and the consequent negative levels are applied to the input decoding gates at transistor Q5. . CM CURRENT enables the Q14 and Q5 gates to turn on these transistors. The resu Iti ng current-surges through transformers T8 and T3 turn on Q 16 and Q7. The emitter of Q16 goes to ground and the collector of Q7 rises to the -15V supply voltage. The Q 16 emitter output at EK is the CMP 2 connection to one end of core drive line 21; the Q7 collector output at FM is the CMG 1 connection to the other end. Current flows through the line from CMG 1 to CMP 2. drive current via the address selector switches. Maximum current is limited by the inductance of the drive lines to 200 mA, inducing positive or negative signals of 2V (with SV flyback) in the sense lines (reference, -2.2V bias). 4.S CURRENT SOURCES The control memory system is powered by the +10, -lSV computer supply. The -lSV output supplies the 4-4 CHAPTER 5 CENTRAL PROCESSOR 5.1 CENTRAL PROCESSOR lOGIC The central processor performs the arithmetic logic, and system control operations of the PDP-9/l System. This chapter correlates the central processor logic with the execution of the program instructions. Functions common to most instructions, i.e., fetch cycle, defer cycle, autoindexing, are treated as an introduction to the individual execute descriptions. The flow charts of drawing KC3 through KC6 and associated diagrams supplement the text. The system functional diagram in Chapter 3 will also be an aid to following the data transference described in this chapter. 5.1.1 Fetch Cycle The fetch cycle description is based on the fetch flow drawing KC3 and the memory timing diagram MC7113. The computer enters the fetch cycle from the BGN process word (10) in control memory. This is always the last word extracted from control memory during the current execute cycle of a running program. The BGN word contains PCO, SM, and the "next CM address,'l CMA21. The ground level PCO(1) is NORed at Rll1-E22HJ to produce a negative AMB level, drawing KC19(2). AMB is NANDed with SM(1) of the BGN word and ClR from drawing KC10. The NAND gate output at R111-E22N produces 1 .... MBI at pulse amplifier B602-E23D when ClK at the end of the execute cycle occurs. The 1 .... MBI pulse sets the MBI flip-flop. Under these conditions PCO(1) and MBI(1) transfer the address in the PC to the MB via the A bus, ADR, and 0 bus. At MA JAM time the MB is transferred to the MA in core memory. The BGN word remains in the CM sense flip-flops unti I SM(l) and the next ClK pulse (CM ClK) generate CM STROBE to extract the fetch entry process word at CM location 21 . At ClK time in the BGN process, CM ClK and SM(l) produce CM CURRENT ~ 80 ns) and CM STROBE (:::::40 ns) in the CM timing chain, drawing KC16, to extract the fetch entry word. This is the first of three process words to be extracted during the 1 .5 tJS fetch cycle period or interval between ClK pulses. ClK and SM(1) also start the core memory cycle. The fetch entry word 21 contains MBO, +1, PCI, CONT, and CMA12. The address placed in the MB by the BGN process is still there; MBO(l) gates it onto the B bus, and the B bus contents go directly into the ADR on drawing KC21. Process +1 (1) produces CIl7, drawing KC14, which initiates a carry into ADR17 on KC21(3), in effect incrementing the address in the ADR by 1. NOSH (no shift) gates the incremented address onto the 0 bus, drawing KC20. NOSH from KC13 is present at all times except during rotating operations. PCI(l) places the incremented address in the PC and resets the SKIP and AUT INX flip-flops, drawing KC14. Unless otherwise modified by the execution of certain instructions, this is the address (PC+1) to be entered into the MB by the next BGN word of the impending execute cycle. The CM STROBE that extracted the fetch entry word also restarts the CM timing chain with CM STROBE D on drawing KC16. This pulse triggers a 65-ns delay in B310-EF33. When the delay recovers at B310EF33EU, its trai ling edge grounds the emitter of inverter B104-F31R. The inverter turns on because CONT(l) of the fetch entry word is applied to the base. The collector goes to ground, thus triggering pulse amplifier B602-E32D. The PA output triggers delay EF33EL. When this delay recovers, it grounds the emitter of B104-F31F. TESTER is always negative, turning this inverter on. The collector passes NOR gate Rl11-F26U for CM CURRENT. The output of B104-F31 also pulses B602-F30D for CM STROBE after a 65-ns delay. The delay in EF29Fl extends the CM CURRENT duration. CM CU.RRENT is turned off 80 ns later by CM STROBE D, via R111-E24U. The second word extracted (from location 12) contains ACO, ARI, IRI, and CMA24. ACO(1) and ARI(1) gate the contents of the AC (placed there by a previous instruction) into the AR via the A bus, ADR, and 0 bus. These processes prepare for the execution of certain logical (AND,XOR), arithmetic (ADD ,TAD) , lOT, and OPR instructions. IRI(1) of the second word turns on inverter B104-F31 l (KC16) in conjunction with MBI(O) and CM STROBE DlYD. The inverter output goes to ground, triggering the 50-ns delay B310-EF29FU. Upon recovery, the delay produces an IN ClR pulse and a ClR pulse. 5-1 IN C lR produces 1 -P MBI to set the MBI gate, and generate ClR I, drawing KC19(2). ClR I resets ACI , ARI I PCI, MQI, and MBO. ClR resets +1 and ACO, and sets SAO. MEM STROBE, STROBE 0-8 and STROBE 9-17 occur in core memory, drawing MC1. Strobes 0-8 and 9-17 strobe the sense amp Ii fi er contents SAOO-17 out to the CP/memory interface. The sense amplifiers contain the instruction word read from core memory at the address specified by the contents of the MA. TI(l) /\ IR4(1) examines the main core memory address bits MB05-14 for autoindexing, drawing KC14. Bits MB05-14 are wired directly from the MB to the input gating structure at the AUT INX flip-flop. SAO(l) gates the sense amplifier outputs onto the B bus and IRI(1) gates the op code portion SAOO-04 into the IR. The B bus contents I SAOO-17, go directly into the ADR, and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. MBI(1) then gates the contents into the MB. Thus, the entire instruction word reaches the MB for execution in accordance with the op code in the IR. The third word remains in the CM sense flip-flops unti I the next ClK pulse occurs. SM(l) waits for CM ClK to start the next computer cycle. During this waiting period, the core memory write-half-cycle restores the instruction word in the MB to the location specified by the MA. Neither the MB nor the MA has changed its contents up to this point, therefore I the instruction word is restored to the same location from which it was fetched. When the write-half-cycle ends, the next computer cycle begins and MA JAM enters the address portion of the instruction word from the MB into the MA. This sets up the core memory address of the operand which is referenced by the next computer cyc Ie. If IR4 = 0, then TI(l) /\ IR4(0) examines the IR bits at Rlll-F234 for CAl-;, JMS -;;, DAC -;;, or DZM-;;, drawing KC17. If any of these are detected, the address gates boost the address from 30 to 32 (lAO entry) . At th is ti me, a request execution phase (REP) is determined (KC12). REP results if IRI(l) detects an lOT (R 111..:E 14HL OPR (R lll-E 14H) , XCT (R 111-E14U) I JMP * R111-E14U), oran optional EAE instruction (R111-E14N). IRI(l) also sets the lOT flip-flop if a LAW I OPR, or lOT instruction is detected f or the CAL flip-flop if a CAL instruction is detected. The op code bits are also sampled for the ISZ instruction, independently of IRI(l). *" Depending on the conditions sensed by the IR samplings during fetch, the next computer cycle will be another fetch in the case of REP I a defer cycle in case of indirect addressing, an lAO cycle for JMS *, CAL *, DAC -;;, or DZM -;; I or an execute cyc Ie. MEM STROBE and IAO(O) start the CM timing, drawing KC16, for the third CM STROBE. MEM STROBE /\ IAO(O) triggers pulse amplifier B602-F32D via Rll1-E31U. The PA pulse triggers the 50-ns delay B310-EF33Fl, and the timing chain restarts. 5.1.2 Defer Cycle REP allows the op code bits in the IR to change the address presented to the CM address selectors from 24 to the address appropriate to the detected instruction (CMA70, 74,75,76,77). Note that, following the REP detection for OPR, lAW or JMP instructions, the instruction is executed within the fetch cycle period and the next computer cycle ensues on the fetch entry process word 21. For XCT I a quasi -fetch cycle tagged XCT entry ensues. For lOT instructions, the fetch cycle is extended by a 4.5-1-'5 execute period during which the main core memory is idle, and the next fetch cyc Ie ensues. Assuming that there is no REP for the sake of convenience, the third word is extracted from CM location 24. Th is word conta i ns TI ISM, and CMA30. TI (1) (test for indirect address) samp les IR4 at R111-F23H on drawing KC17 for indirect addressing. If IR4 = 1, then TI (1) /\ I R4(1) at R111-F23H boosts the CM address from 30 to 31 (defer entry). At the same time, During the third process of the fetch cyc Ie I refer to flow drawing KC3, the address in the CMA for the next process word is 30 (execute entry). The TI(l) level samples the IR4 bit on drawing KC17. If IR4= 1, the instruction word read out to the MB during fetch does not contain a direct address of an operand, but rather an indirect address; i.e., the address of the effective address. In this case, TI(1)/\IR4(1) on drawing KC17 enables the CMA5 gating at the address selectors in control memory. SM(1) is present in the process word to start the core memory cycle and the control memory timing on the next ClK pulse. The CMA5 gate boosts the existing address (30) to 31, from which the defer entry process word is taken at CM STROBE time. Process word 31 contains the DEI (defer/execute initiate) process bit and CMA24. DEI(1) resets IR4 and CAL, on drawing KC12. CM STROBE DlYD, MBI(O) EXT(O), and DEI(l) produce an IN ClR and a ClR 5-2 pulse qfter a recovered delay, drawing KC16. IN C lR produces 1 ... MBI to set the MBI sense fli p-flop, drawing KC19(2), and ClR sets SAO on drawing KC19(3), as for the fetch cycle. SM STROBE is prevented from restarting the CM timing chain for the next CM STROBE by the absence of a CONT(1) bi tin the defer entry word. Therefore, the defer entry word remains in the sense flip-flops until MEM STROBE restarts the chain. MEM STROBE, STROBE 0-8, and STROBE 9-17 occur in core memory, as for the fetch cycle, to read the effective address word into the MB. Note that the op code placed in the IR during fetch remains unchanged throughout the defer cycle. This leaves bits MBOO-04'of the effective address word available for addressing extended memory systems and for use as pointer bits. Because of this scheme, DEI(1) resets IR4 to limit indirect addressing to one level. autoindex location, its contents comprise an effective address (Y) which is incremented by 1 during a defer cycle before the instruction is executed. During defer, the core memory write-half-cycle replaces Y with Y+1 in the autoindex location. During execute, therefore, the operand is fetched from location Y+1 . Jumping repeatedly to an rnstruction which thus indirectly addresses the same autoindex location wi II repeatedly increment Y. This simplifies a program which performs the same arithmetic operation on sequentially located operands. The instruction word is read out to the MB and the IR during fetch (Section 5.1.1) where IR4 is examined by n(1) for indirect addressing. For indirect addressing, IR4 = 1; so, the n(l) and IR4(1) levels sample address bits MB05-14 of the instruction word at the AUT INX flip-flop, drawing KC14. If bits MB05-14 designate address 0001X, they set the AUT INX flipflop B213-D36. Examination of the least-significant bits MB 15-17 is unnecessary. ~efore MEM STROBE produces CM STROBE as for fetch, DEI(1) samples the IR bits for REP, drawing KC12. Since DEI(l) has reset IR4, it can now sample the IR for JMP :;; and XCT ;;. During defer, the core memory read-half-cycle reads out the effective address from the autoindex location. IN ClR and ClR set SAO and MBI so that the effective address gets to the MB via the B bus, ADR, and 0 bus. Now, SAO(1) is gated with AUT INX(1) on drawing KC14, to produce the ground CIl7 level. CIl7 increments the effective address by 1 as the address passes through the ADR. NOSH takes the ADRcontents to the 0 bus and MBI(1) places them in the MB. The core memory write-half-cycle writes the incremented address into the autoindex location. The incremented address also remains in the MB in preparation for the execute or lAO cycle. The defer processes branch to process word 24 for most memory reference instructions to process word 70 for XCT or to 74 for JMP. n(1) A IR4(0) resets AUT INX during process word 24 or 70, and PCI(l) resets AUT INX during process word 74. MEM STROBE A IAO(O) produces the CM STROBE which extracts the next process word (CMA 24) if not changed by REP as for fetch. Since DEI(1) has reset IR04 and CAL, n(1) can neither enable CMA5 for another defer cycle nor process a true GAL instruction in a subsequent lAO cycle. If a CAL * instruction is programmed, it will be treated in the defer cycle as a JMS * fetching an effective address from core memory location 00020. A subsequent lAO cyc Ie will store the conditions of the program exit point at the location reached by the effective address, and the following fetch cycle will take its instruction from that location +1 (see Sections and Similarly, an lAO cycle follows defer if n (1) A IR4(0) detects a JMS *, DAC *, or DZM * op code on drawing KC17. Consequently, the CM address for the next process word can change from 30 (execute entry) to 32 (lAO entry) or can remain at 30. SM(1) and the next ClK pulse will initiate the next computer cyc Ie to fetch the operand (or instruction) located in core memory at the effective address. 5.1.4 lAO Cycle 5.1.3 Autoindexing The us~ of the eight autoindex core memory locations 10-17 must be predetermined by program requirements. If an instruction word directly addresses an autoindex location, its contents comprise an operand which is treated like any other operand in executing the instruction. If the instruction word indirectly addresses an 5-3 The lAO cycle replaces the normal execute cycle for CAL, JMS, DAC, and DZM instructions. These instructions neither see nor care about the contents of the core memory locations which they address. During their execution, SAO(l) is absent in the operand processing, so that the cote memory read-half-cycle is ignored and the contents of the addressed location are, therefore, lost. The write-half-cycle stores new information in the addressed location in accordance with the particular instruction. instruction fetch cycle. CONT(l) in the execute word a 1I0ws the generation of another CM STROBE to extract the BG N word. 5.1.5 Execute Cycle The computer enters the execute cyc Ie from either the fetch cycle or the defer cycle (refer to flow diagrams KC3 and KC4). Process word 24 occurs in both cases and remains until the next ClK pulse arrives. SM(l) of process word 24 and the next ClK pulse start the control memory process and the core memory cycle. MA JAM occurs after ClK to gate the direct address (during fetch) or the effective address (during defer) into the MA from the MB. Now the core memory read-half-cycle wi" fetch the operand for execution of the instruction. The core memory write-half-cycle starts independently during the execute process word period. For some memory reference instructions (lAC, XOR, ADD, TAD, AND, SAD), the memory write-half-cycle restores the original operand to memory while it is being manipulated elsewhere in the CP. For ISZ the operand is incremented by 1 before being written back into memory. The remaining instructions (DAC, DZM, JMS, CAL) replace the operand entirely in the special JAO cycle. In ,the last two cases, the original operand is lost. The CM address held in the control register during process word 24 is 30 (execute entry). SM(l) and CM ClK pulse generate the first CM STROBE in control memory. CM STROBE extracts the execute-entry process word at location 30, which contains CJIT I DEI, and CMA60. The CM STROBE DlYD produces an IN ClR and a ClR pulse in conjunction with DEI(l) I EXT (0) , and MBI(OL drawing KC16. IN ClR produces 1 .... MBI to set the MBI flip-flop, drawing KC19(2), and ClR sets SAO on drawing KC19(3). CM STROBE is prevented from restarting the CM timing chain for the second time because of the absence of the CONT(l) bit in the execute entry word 30. Therefore, the execute entry word remains in the sense flip-flops unti I MEM STROBE /\ IAO(O) restarts the chain. STROBE 0-8 and STROBE 9-17 occur in core memory to place the operand in the MB. While the operand is on its way through the ADR to the MB, CJIT(1) wi II produce CI17 on drawing KC14, if the ISZ instruction op code was detected during fetch. CI17 then increments the operand by 1 in the ADR. If no ISZ, the operand remains unchanged. MEM STROBE /\ IAO(O) generates the next CM STROBE to extract the next process word from control memory. During the execute-entry process word 30, the address in the control register for the next word is 60 (CMAO and CMA1 = 1). This is the starting point for the extraction of the execute word determined by the op code in the IR register. CMAO(l) and CMA 1(1) on drawing KC17 allow the IR bits to address the control memory, so that address 60 is boosted to the address specified by the op code. lOT I OPR, and optional non-EAE multiply and divide instructions do not require operand access. Consequently, they do not use the computer execute cycle herein described. During the computer execute periods for these instructions, no core memory cycle occurs. Execution of these instructions takes place during normal (OPR) or extended (lOT I EAE) fetch cycles. 5.1.6 Memory Reference Instructions The following paragraphs describe the logi c functions for execution of memory reference instructions. Whereas the preceding paragraphs cover the functions that are common to all instructions, the following discussions cover those functions that are unique to the individual instructions. The instructions are arranged ina Iphabeti ca I order. 1's Complement Add (ADD} - The ADD instruction (30) adds the contents of the addressed memory location (addend) to the contents of the AC (augend) in 1's complement arithmetic. The sum is deposited in the AC and the previous contents of the AC are lost. The contents of the addressed memory location remain unchanged. The Link must have been previously reset and remains reset unless an arithmetic overflow occurs. Under the rules of 1's complement arithmetic, the sign bits 00 in both the addend and the augend are added as an integra I part of the magnitude bits 01-17 during ADD. An end carry out of the sum-sign bit 00 is endaround carried into the sum-magnitude bit 17 to establish the final magnitude. Overflow occurs if the magnitude of the sum exceeds ±2 17 -1, or ±377777. If so, the Link sets as an indication of an error in magnitude. The OPR-SNl or OPR-SZl instruction can be used to check the state of the Link following an ADD of questionable outcome. A" memory reference instructions (except XCT) require a sing Ie 212-ns process word for execution. For these i nstructi ons, the execute process word contains CMA 10 as the location of the next word. This is the BGN word which sets up the MB for the next 5-4 Close examination reveals two basic rules of lIs complement addition: Using a hypothetical 3-bit register and a Link bit, the examples below demonstrate all ADD possibilities. Since this ~ a modul0-8 register, the sum magnitude limit is ±2 -1, = 011 2 or 1002 , a. In like-sign addition, overflow is possible and the sum sign differs if overflow occurs; b. In unlike-sign addition, no overflow is possible and the sum sign may be plus or minus. Positive Sign ADD (2) (1) 0 001 001 010 or The fetch cycle places the ADD instruction in the MB, the op-code portion in the IR, and the contents of the AC (augend) in the AR. The op-code is sampled but does not a Iter the execute entry address(30} . +1 +1 +2 (valid) 001 011 100 or +1 +3 -3 (error) During execute, the core memory read-half-cycle places the contents of the addressed memory location (add~nd) in the MB in conjunction with the execute entry word 30. The CMA in the execute entry word is 60. CMAO(l} and CMA 1 (1) allow the IR bits to address control memory, drawing KC17, so that the next process word is extracted from address 66. Process word 66 contai ns MBO, ARO, ACI, AXS, LI, DONE, CONT, and CMAI0(BGN}. USIGN LINK (3) 011 011 110 or +3 +3 =T(error} MBO(l} places the contents of the MB on the B bus, while ARO (1) places the contents of the AR on the A bus (refer to Figure 5-l}. The contents of the buses~_ -are added in the ADR, with carries resulting if an adder stage has two or more inputs representing A 1. A carry (COOO) out of ADROO causes ADRL on drawing KC15 to go negative. ADRL gates on CIl7 in conjunction with AXS(l}, drawing KC14. CIl7 initiates an end-around-carry into ADR17, which propagates as necessary. Negative Sign ADD (4) 110 110 or -1 110 -1 100 -3 +1 -2(valid} 1 011 or C~ C~~ 0 (5) 101 -1 -3 +2 +1 +3 {error} The ADRL module B132-A03, drawing KC15, contains the overflow detection circuits, producing the negative ADOF level if overflow occurs. Overflow is detected by XOR of the carries COOO and COOl out of ADROO and ADR01. The following functions apply to overflow detection (see ADD examples) . Unlike Sign ADD (7) (6) 011 110 0 or TIT +1 -1 O(valid} 0 011 110 or (O;~ 010 +3 -1 +1 +1 +2 (va lid) COOO(O} COOO(O} COOO-(1} COOO(1} CO~~ 0 011 or = ADOF =ADOF =ArmF = ADOF (ex. (ex. (ex. (ex. 1,6) 2,3) 4,7,8) 5) ADOF A AXS(1} A LI(1} produces the OFLO level at Rll1-D02HJ, drawing KC15. LI(1}and OFLO set the LAR. (8) 011 111 A COOl (O) A C001(1} A C001(1} A COOl (O) +3 0 +2 +1 +3 (va lid} DONE(l} goes to the clock and run logic, drawing KCI0(1}, for manual key control and to KC17 for break and PI while CONT(l} allows the generation of another CM STROBE. CM STROBE extracts the 5-5 BGN word (10) from control memory to set up the MB for the next fetch cycle. At this time, LI(l) goes to 0 and sets the Link in conjunction with LAR(l) as an indi cation of overflow. The fetch cycle places the AND instruction in the MB, the op-code portion in the IR, and the contents of the AC in the AR. The op-code is sampled but does not alter the execute entry address (30) . LINK SAVE, gate R111-C03N (drawing KC15) sets the Link, if the Link was not reset previous to the ADD instruction, by gating LINK(l) and AXS(l). LI(l) sets the LAR under this condition, then LI(O) sets the Link with LAR(l). During execute entry, the core memory read-half-cycle places the contents of the addressed memory location in the MB, in conjunction with the execute entry process word (30). The CMA in the execute entry word is 60. CMAO(l) and CMA 1 (1) a II ow the IR bits to address control memory, drawing KC17, so that the next word is extracted from location 72. Process word 72 contains MBO, ARO I AND, ACI, DONE, CONT and CMA10 (BGN). MBO(l) gates the contents of the MB onto the B bus, while ARO(l) gates the contents of the AR onto the A bus. The contents of both buses go into the ADR. Additionally, the complement of the A bus is gated onto the B bus by the AND(l) level (A BUS, drawing KC21). AND(l) on drawing KC13 produces CMPL, which is applied to each bit of the Logical AND (AND) - The AND instruction (50) logically ANDs the contents of the addressed memory location with the contents of the AC on a bitfor-bit basis. If corresponding bits are 1s, the result is 1. If corresponding bits differ or are Os, the result is O. The results are stored in the AC and the previous AC contents are lost. The contents of the Link and the addressed memory location remain the same. CI 17 (END AROUND CARRY) B BUS AXS (1) CML66MBO,ARO, LI, ACI, AXS, DONE,CONT.CMA 10 9L-OO~2 Figure 5-1 ADD Instruction Logi c 5-6 I ADR ~ ? B BUS A BUS MBO ---. AND ---. 'VA ARO ---. 'VA 'VA ---. ABUSr I 'VA L -_ _ _ _ _--l MB CML 72MBO, ARO, ACI, AND DONE,CONT, CMA 10 AC AR 'VA L---J~ NOSH 9L-0053 Figure 5-2 AND Logic ADR to complement the half-add results. Figure 5-2 illustrates the AND logic for one bit position. If the respective MB and AR bits are ls, they appear as ground levels on the A and B bus inputs to the ADR. Th is results in a ground level output whi ch is then forced to -3V by the CMPL level. NOSH gates the negative level onto the 0 bus and ACI(l) jams a 1 into the AC. If the respective bits differ, one of the inputs to the ADR is at ground and the ADR output goes negative. CMPL then forces it to ground. NOSH places a negative level on the 0 bus rand ACI(l) jams a 0 into the AC. DONE(l) goes to the clock and run logic (drawing KC10(1) for manual key control and KC17 for break and PI) while CONT(l) allows the generation of another CM STROBE. CM STROBE extracts the BGN word (l0) from contro I memory I wh i ch sets up the MB for the next fetch cyc Ie. Call Subroutine (CAL) - The CAL instruction (00) is equivalent to instruction JMS 20, Section The contents of the PC, the Link, and the status of the extended memory mode and memory protect mode (on or off) are deposited in memory location 00020. The previous contents of location 00020 are lost. The next instruction is read from memory location 00021 f breaking the previous program sequence. The contents of the AC and Link remain unchanged. If the respective I;>its are Os, both buses go negative, but A BUS makes the B bus go to ground to present the ADR with the "differ" conditions above. The result is a 0 in the AC. 5-7 The fetch cycle places the CAL instruction in the MB, the op-code porti on in the IR, and the contents of the AC in the AR. The op-code is detected to set the CAL flip-flop, drawing KC12, and to extract the next process word from location 24 on the next CM STROBE. Process word 24 contains TI, SM, and CMA30. TI(l) on drawing KC17 samples bits IRO, IR1, and IR4 at the CM address gating. For a CAL '* instruction (and DAC '*, DMZ *, and JMS *, these bits are all Os, changing the presented CM address from 30 (execute entry) to 32 (lAO entry). TI(l) and CAl(1) from the set CAL flip-flop place a 1 level (ground) on 0 BUS 13, drawing KC22. SM(l) waits for ClK on drawing KC19(2) at the 1 .... MBI gate. ClK occurs in core memory just before the next CM ClK pulse starts the lAO cycle. At the 1 .... MBI gating, CLA(l) A SM(l) A ClK produces the 1 .... MBI level, setting the MBI flip-flop. MBI (l) gates address 00020 from the 0 bus to the MB. SM(l) and CM ClK generate CM STROBE in the CM timing, drawing KC16, to extract the lAO entry word from location 32. Process word 32 contains PCO, ARI, CONT, and CMA23. PCO (1) gates the current contents of the PC, EPC, the Link, memory EXD mode, and memory protect mode status onto the A bus. The contents on the A bus go directly through the ADR and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. ARI(1) transfers the contents of the 0 bus to the AR. For any memory capacity up to fully-extended 32K systems, the PC register uses only 13 bits of the 18 available in the normal computer word, PC05-17. Of the five vacant bits in the address, bits 00-02 are used for gating the Link, EXD mode and memory protect mode status onto A BUS 00, A BUS 01, and A BUS 02, respectively, drawing KC20(1). The remaining bits EPC03, EPC04 come from the extended memory control option. Then ARI (l) of process word 32 gates these status bits into the AR, along with the contents of the PC above. Note that during this second process word (23) of the lAO cycle, MEM STROBE, STROBE 0-8, and STROBE 9-17 occur in core memory to read out the contents of memory location 00020. However, the SAO and MBI gates are disabled in the absence of ClR on drawi ng KC 16, so that the contents cannot reach the MB and are therefore lost. CONT(l) in process word 23 allows CM STROBE to restart the CM timing to extract the third process word from Iocati on 60. Process word 60 contai ns ARO, MBI I DONE, CONT and CMA10 (BGN). ARO(l) gates the contents of the AR onto the A bus. (The AR contains the disrupted address from the PC, EPC, and the status bits discussed earlier.) The contents on the A bus go directly into the ADR and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. MBI (1) gates the contents from the 0 bus to the MB. At this time the core memory writehalf-cycle stores this PC and status information in location 00020. DONE(l) goes to the clock and run logic, drawing KC10(l) for manual key control and KC17 for break and PI while CONT(l) allows the generation of the fourth CM STROBE to extract the BGN word from location 10. The BGN word gates the new address held in the PC (00021) into the MB for the next fetch cycle. Thus, a new sequence of instructions starts from address 00021. A JMP * instruction can be used to return to the sequence stored at 00020. JMP * should be preceded by an lOT DBR instruction in order to restore the status bits to the system. Deposit Accumulator (DAC) - The DAC instruction (04) deposits the contents of the AC in the addressed memory location. The previous contents of the addressed memory location are lost and the contents of the AC and Link remain unchanged. The fetch cycle places the DAC instruction in the MB, the op-code portion in the IR, and the contents of the AC in the AR. CONT(l) allows CM STROBE to restart the CM timing for the extraction of the next process word from location 23. Process word 23 contains MBO, +1, CJIT, CO NT, and CMA60. MBO (1) gates the contents of the MB (00020) to the B bus, and then directly to the ADR. Process +1 produces Cll7 on drawing KC14, which increments the address as it passes through the ADR. NOSH places the incremented address (00021) on the 0 bus. CJIT(l) generates 1 .... PCI on drawing KC12 in conjunction with the IROO, IR01, and IR03 bits (all Os). The 1 .... PCI level sets the PCI flip-flop, drawing KC19(2). PCI(l) then gates address 00021 from the 0 bus into the PC. The op code is detected to extract the next process word from location 24 on the next CM STROBE. Process word 24 contains TI, SM, and CMA30. TI(l) on drawing KC17 samples bits IRO, IR1, and IR4 at the CM address gating. For a DAC 7; instruction (and CAL *, JMS *, DZM *) these bits are all Os, changing the presented CM address from 30 (execute entry) to 32 (lAO entry) . SM(1) and the next CM ClK pulse generate CM STROBE in the CM timing, drawing KC16, to extract the lAO entry word from location 32. Process word 5-8 32 contains PCO, ARI, CONT, and CMA23. PCO(1) gates the current contents of the PC, EPC, Link I memory EXD mode, and memory protect mode status onto the A bus. The contents on the A bus go directly through the ADR, and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. ARI (1) transfers the contents of the 0 bus to the AR. This process is common and useful only to the CAL and JMS instructions (and to program interrupt operations) where the current contents of the PC, EPC, and the status bits are to be stored in core memory. For DAC (and DZM) instructions, the contents do not get past the AR. program count and status storage. For DAC, I R3 so that the PCI gate does not set. = 1, Note that MEM STROBE, STROBE 0-8 I and STROBE 9,...17 occur in core memory to read out the contents of the addressed memory location. However I the SAO and MBI gates are disabled in the absence of CLR on drawing KC16 r so that the contents cannot reach the MB and are therefore lost. Process word 61 wi II replace these contents with the contents of the AC. CONT(l) allows CM STROBE to restart the CM timing chain to extract the next process word from location 23. Process word 23 contains MBO, +1, CJIT, CONT, and CMA60. MBO(l) gates the contents of the MB (DAC instruction) onto the B bus, and the B bus contents go directly into the ADR. NOSH places the ADR contents on the 0 bus. For DAC, the contents do not get beyond the 0 bus. CONT(1) allows CM STROBE to extract the third process word. The CMA in process word 23 is 60. CMAO(1) and CMA 1 (1) allow the IR bits to address the control memory, in which case IR3(l) changes the presented address from 60 to 61. Process word 61 contains ACO, MBI, DONE, CONT, and CMA10 (BGN). ACO (1) gates the contents of the AC onto the A bus (refer to Figure 5-3) I the contents go from the A bus to the ADR, and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. MBI (1) gates them from the 0 bus to the MB. This process is useful only to the CAL and JMS instructi ons (and to proqram interrupt operati ons) where CJIT(l) /\ IR3(0)~produce 1 ..;. PCI on drawing KC12 for DONE(1) goes to the clock and run logic, drawing KC10(1) for manual key control and KC17 for break and PI, while CONT(1) allows the generation of a DAC CAL JMS DZM CML 61 CML60 CML62 CML63 ACO, MBI,DONE,CONT,CMA 10 ARO,MBI,DONE,CONT,CMA 10 ARO,MBI,DONE,CONT,CMA 10 MBI,DONE,CONT,CMA 10 ADR A BUS MB AC AR 9L-0054 Figure 5-3 lAO Instruction Logic For: DAC, CAL, JMS, and DZM 5-9 fourth CM STROBE to extract the BGN word(10}. The BGN word sets up the MB for the next fetch cycle. 5.1 .6.5 Deposit Zero in Memory {DZM} - the DZM instruction (14) deposits all Os in the addressed memory location. The previous contents of the addressed location are lost and the contents of the AC and Link remain unchanged. The fetch cycle places the DZM instruction in the MB, the op-code portion in the IR, and the contents of the AC in the AR. The op code is detected to extract the next process word from location 24 on the next CM STROBE. Process word 24 contains TI, SM, and CMA30. TI(l} on drawing KC 17 samples bits IRO, IR1, and IR4 at the CM address gating. For a DZM; instruction (and CAL ;, DAC;, JMS;) these bits are all Os, changi ng the next CM address from 30 {execute entry} to 32 (lAO entry) . SM(l} and the next CM ClK pulse generate CM STROBE in the CM timing, drawing KC16, to extract the lAO entry word from location 32. Process word 32 contains pca, ARI, CONT, and CMA23. PCO(l} gates the current contents of the PC, EPC, Link, memory extend mode, and memory protect mode status onto the A bus. The contents on the A bus go directly through the ADR and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. ARI(l} transfers the contents of the 0 bus to the AR. This process is common and useful only to the CAL and JMS instructions {and program interrupt operations} where the current contents of the PC are stored in core memory along with the status bits. For DZM and DAC instructions the contents do not get past the AR. CONT(1} allows CM STROBE to restart the CM timing chain to extract the next process word from location 23. Process word 23 contains MBO, +1, CJIT, CONT, and CMA60. MBO(1} gates the contents of the MB {DZM instruction} onto the B bus, and the B bus contents go directly into the ADR. NOSH places the ADR contents on the 0 bus. For DZM, the contents do not get beyond the 0 bus. This process is useful only to the CAL and JMS instructions {and to program interrupt operations} where CJIT A IR3{0} on drawing KC12 produces 1 .. PCI for program count and status storage. For DZM, IR3 = 1, so that the PCI gate does not set. Note that MEM STROBE, STROBE 0-8, and STROBE 9-17 occur in core' memory to read out the contents of the addressed memory location. However, the SAO and MBI gates are disabled in the absence of ClR on drawing KC16, so that the contents cannot reach the MB, and are therefore lost. Process word 63 wi II replace these contents with Os. CONT{l} allows CM STROBE to extract the third process word. The CMA in process word 23 is 60. CMAO(l} and CMA1(l} allow the IR bits to address the control memory, in which case the presented address is changed from 60 to 63. Process word 63 contains MBI, DONE, CONT, and CMA10 {BGN}. MBI(1} gates the contents of the 0 bus into the MB. Since there is nothing on the 0 bus at this time, the MB is loaded with Os. DONE(l} goes to the clock and run logic, drawing KC10(l} for manual key control and KC17 for break and PI, while CONT(1} allows the generation of a fourth CM STROBE to extract the BGN word (10). The BG N word sets up the MB for the next fetch cyc Ie. Increment and Skip if Zero (ISZ) - The ISZ instruction {44} increments the contents of the addressed memory location by 1 and tests the result. If the result is 0, the contents of the PC are incremented by 1, so that the computer skips the next instruction. If the result is other than 0, the computer executes the next instructibn. The contents of the AC and Link remain unchanged. The fetch cycle places the ISZ instruction in the MB, the op-code portion in the IR and the contents of the AC in the AR. The op code is detected to produce the ISZ level, drawing KC12, and to extract the next process word from locati on 24 on the next CM STROBE. TI (1) of process word 24 tests for indirect addressing and SM{l} waits for the next CM ClK pulse to restart the CM timing and the core memory cycle. The CM address in process word 24 is 30 {execute entry}. SM(l} and CM ClK generate CM STROBE to extract the execute entry word. This word contains CJIT, DEI, and CMA60. During the execute entry process, the core memory read-half-cycle places the contents of the addressed memory location in the MB via the B bus, ADR, and 0 bus. The absence of the CONT(l} bit in process word 30 means that the process remains active throughout the period normally allotted to a second process word. Therefore, as the contents of the addressed memory location pass through the ADR, CJIT(l} is present, 5-10 on drawing KC14, to produce CIl7 in conjunction with the ISZ level. CIl7 is applied to ADR17 to increment the contents. to the jam input gate of the ADR = 0 SAVE flip-flop, drawing KC14. ARI(l) of the process word sets the flip-flop and gates the contents of the 0 bus into the AR. MEM STROBE in core memory and IAO(O) restart the CM timing on drawing KC16. Since the CM address in process word 30 is 60, CMAO(l) and CMA1(1) allow the IR bits to address the control memory, drawing KC 17. The IR bits boost the address to 71 so that CM STROBE, initiated by MEM STROBE, extracts the next process word from that location. Process word 71 contains MBO, ARI, SKPI, DONE, CONT ,and CMA10 (BGN). MBO(l) gates the incremented contents from the MB to the B bus, the B bus contents go through the ADR directly, and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. (Refer to Figure 5-4.) As the contents pass through the ADR, an output bus (ADRA = 0, ADRB = 0) goes negative if the ADR goes to all Os. The negative ADRA = 0, ADRB = 0 levels are applied The core memory write-half-cycle writes the incremented contents of the MB into the addressed memory location. ADR = 0 SAVE(l) and ISZ are gated on drawing KC14 to place a ground level at the jam input gate of the SKIP flip-flop. SKPI (1) of process word 71 sets the flip-flop. (The flip-flop was reset by PCI(l) during the fetch entry process word 21 .) CONT(l) of process word 71 allows the generation of a third CM STROBE to extract the BGN word from location 10. With the SKIP flip-flop set, PCO(l) of the BGN word produces C1l7, drawing KC 14, so that the current contents of the PC are incremented by 1 as they pass through the ADR to the 0 bus and MB. CI 17 ISZ IRO IR 1 IR2 IR3 (1) __ ~.r--.., (0) (0) (I) ~""\...._....J CML71MBO,ARI,SKP I, DONE, CONT, CMA 10 9L-Q055 Figure 5-4 ISZ Instruction Logic 5-11 Jump (JMP) - The JMP instruction (60) transfers the program sequence to the address specified in the instruction. If the JMP instruction contains a direct address, this address is transferred during fetch to the PC (refer to fetch flow diagram KC3). If the JMP instruction contains an indirect address, the computer enters a defer cycle to fetch the effective address. REP then transfers the effective address to the PC duri ng defer. In both cases, the previ ous contents of the PC are lost. The computer enters another fetch cycle from the new address in the PC. The contents of the AC and Link remain unchanged. During fetch, IRI(l) detects the JMP -; op code in the IR bits to provide the REP ground level, drawing KC12. During defer, DEI(1) resets IR4, and thus also detects a JMP op code for REP. REP goes to the CM addressing logic, drawing KC17, to gate the IR bits into the address selectors. The CM STROBE derived from MEM STROBE causes the. third process word to be extracted from location 74 (JMP). The word in 74 contains MBa, PCI, LI, DONE, CaNT, and CMA10 (BGN). MBO(1) gates the address in the JMP instruction from the MB to the B bus, where it is fed directly into the ADR (refer to Figure 5-5). NOSH gates the address onto the a bus and PCI(1) puts it in the PC. LI (1) gates the Link content into the lAR via the ADRl. DONE(1) goes to the clock and run logic, drawing KC10(1), for manual key control and KC17 for break and PI, while CONT(1) allows the generation of a fourth CM STROBE. The fourth process word to be extracted is the BGN word (10) which sets up the MB for the coming fetch cycle. LI(l) of process word 74 goes to 0 at BGN time, strobing the content of the tAR into the Link. This recirculation of the Link is done mainly to restore the Link status when JMP is preceded by DBR, Section 8.1.7. * B BUS LI(O) ADRL CML 74 MBO,PCI,LI, DONE, CMA 10 9L-0056 Figure 5-5 JMP Instruction logic 5-12 5.1 .6.8 Jump to Subroutine (JMS) - The JMS instruction (10) permits exit from the main program into a subroutine. The contents of the PC, the Link, and the status of the EPC, extended memory mode, and mem0ry protect mode are deposited in the addressed memory locotion Y. The next instruction is taken from location Y+l, breaking the main program sequence and starting a new sequence from Y+l. The previous contents of Yare lost, and the contents of the AC and Link remain unchanged. The fetch cycle places the JMS instruction in the MB, the op-code portion in the lR, and the contents of the AC in the AR. The op code is detected to extract the next process word from location 24 on the next CM STROBE. Process word 24 contgins TI, SM, and CMA30. TI(l) on drawing KC17 samples bits IRO, lRl, and lR4 at the CM address gating. For a JMS instruction (and DAC *, DZM *, CAL *) these bits are aliOs, changing the CM address from 30 (execute entry) to 32 (lAO entry) . * SM(l) and the next CM ClK pulse generate CM STROBE in the CM timing, drawing KC16 1 to extract the lAO entry word from location 32. Process word 32 contains peo, AR1, CONTI and CMA23. PCO(1) gates the current contents of the PC onto the A ,bus. The contents on the A bus go directly through the ADR, and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. AR1(1) transfers the contents of the 0 bus to the AR. For any memory capacity up to fully extended 32K system, the PC register uses only 13 bits of the 18 available in the normal computer word, PC05-I7. Of the five vacant bits in the address, bits 00-02 are used to gate the Link, EXD mode and memory protect mode status onto A BUS 00, A BUS 01, and A BUS 02, respectively I drawing KC20(l). The remaining bits EPC03, EPC04, come from the extended memory control option. ARI(1) of process word 32 then gates these status bits into the AR along with the contents of the PC above. CONTO) allows CM STROBE to restart the CM timing for the extraction of the next process word from location 23. Process word 23 contains MBO I +1, CJIT I CONT, and CMA60. MBO(1) gates the contents of the MB (address Y) to the B busl and the contents go from the B bus directly to the ADR. Process +1 (1) produces CIl7, on drawing KC14, thus incrementing the address as it passes through the ADR. IR3 bits (a II Os). The 1 .... PCI level sets the PCI fli pflop, drawing KC19(2). PCI(1) then gates address Y+l from the 0 bus into the Pc. Note that during this second process word (23) of the lAO cycle, MEM STROBEl STROBE 0-8, STROBE9-17 occur in core memory to read out the contents of memory location Y. However, the SAO and MBI gates are disabled in the absence of ClR on drawing KC16, so that the contents cannot reach the MB and are therefore lost. CONT(l) allows CM STROBE to restart the CM timing for the extraction of the third process word. The CM address in process word 23 is 60 (CMAO, CMA 1 = 1) . CMAO(l) and CMAlO) allow the IR bits to address the control memory, in which case IR2(1) changes the address from 60 to 62. The process word at location 62 is extracted at the third CM STROBE . Process word 62 contains ARO, MB1, DONE, CONT, and CMAIO (BGN). ARO (1) gates the contents of the AR onto the A bus. (The AR contains the disrupted contents of the PC, EPC, and the Li nk I EXD mode I and memory protect mode status discussed earlier.) The contents on the-A bus go directly into the ADRI and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. MBl (1) gates the contents from the 0 bus to the MB. At this time, the core memory write-half-cycle stores this PC and status information in location Y. DONE(1) goes to the clock and run logic, drawing KC10(l), for manual key control and KC17 for break and PI, while CONT(l) allows the generation of the fourth CM STROBE to extract the BGN word (10). The BGN word gates the new address held in the PC (Y+l) into the MB for the next fetch cycle. Thus a new sequence of instructions starts from address Y+l. A JMP * instruction can be used to return to the stored sequence at Y. JMP * should be preceded by an lOT DBR to restore the stored status bits to the system (Section 8.1.7). load the Accumulator (LAC) - The LAC instruction (20) loads the contents of the addressed memory location into the AC. The previous contents of the AC are lost and the Link remains unchanged. The fetch cycle places the LAC instruction in the MB, the op-code portion in the IRI and the contents of the AC in the AR. The op code is sampled but does not alter the execute entry address (30). During execute, NOSH places the incremented address (Y+l) on the 0 bus. CJIT(1) of process word 23 generates 1 .... PCI on drawing KC12 in conjunction with the IRO, IR1, and 5-13 the core memory read-half-cycle places the contents of the addressed memory location in the MB in conjunction with the execute entry word 30. The CMA in the execute entry process word is 60. CMAO(1) and CMA1(1) allow the IR bits to address the control memory, drawing KC17. The CM STROBE initiated by MEM STROBE then extracts the next process word from location 64. Process word 64 contains MBO, ACI, DONE, CONT, and (MAlO. MBO(1) gates the contents of the MB onto the B bus, the B bus contents go directly through the ADR, and NOSH places them on the 0 bus (refer to Figure 5-6). ACI(1) gates the contents on the 0 bus into the AC. DONE(1) goes to the clock and run logic, drawing KC10(1) for manual key control and KC17 for break and PI, while CONT(1) allows the generation of a third CM STROBE to extract the BGN process word from location 10. The BGN word sets up the MB for the next fetch cyc Ie. 5. 1 .6.10 Skip if AC Differs (SAD) - The SAD instruction (54) compares the contents of the addressed memory location with the contents of the AC. If the contents differ, the PC is incremented by 1 and the computer skips the next instruction. If the contents are the same, the computer executes the next instruction. The contents of the addressed memory location and the contents of the At and Link remain unchanged. The fetch cycle places the SAD instruction in the MB, the op-code portion in th.e IR, and the contents of the AC in the AR. The op code is sampled but does not a Iter the execute entry address 30. During execute the core memory read-half-cycle places the contents of the addressed memory location in the MB in conjunction with the execute entry word. The CMA in the execute entry word is 60. CMAO(1) and CMA1(1) allow the IR bits to address the control memory drawing KC17. The CM STROBE initiated by.MEM STROBE then extracts the next process word from location 73·. Process word 73 contains SUB, ACO, AXS, SKPI, ARI, DONE, CONT, and CMA10 (BGN). SUB(1) takes the complement of the MB to the B bus and ACO(l) takes the direct outputs of the AC to the A bus (see Figure 5-7). Both A bus and B bus contents go directly to the ADR. If the output bus levels are both at ground or are both negative for any bit position, their corresponding MB and AC inputs differ and the half-add result out of the ADR bit is at ground. In the ADR, CMPL complements the half-add result, forcing the ADR bit output to go negdtive. CMPL is derived from AXS(l) of the process word and IR3(l) on drawing KC13. All ADR bit outputs are inverted ADR B BUS MBO(ll CML 64 MBO, ACr, DONE,CONT, CMA 10 'VA NOSH 9L-0057 Figure 5-6 LAC Instruction Logic 5-14 ond ore placed on one of two common buses (ADRA =0, AORB =0). Thus, a difference in any bit position forces a bus to ground. On drawing KC14, AXS(1) is NAND-gated with the NORed ADRA = 0 or ADRB = 0 level at ground. This gate (R111-E35U) places a ground level at the jam input gate of the SKIP flip ...flop. SKPI(l) of the process word sets the SKIP flip-flop. (The SKIP flip-flop was reset by PCI(l) of the fetch entry process word 21.) DONE(1) goes to the ciock and run logic, drawing KC10(1) for manual key control and KC17 for break and PI, while CONT(1) allows the generation of a third CM STROBE to extract the BGN process word from location 19. With the SKIP flip-flop set, PCO(l) of the BGN word produces CIl7, drawing KC14, so that the contents of the PC are incremented by 1 as they pass through the ADR to the 0 bus and MB. 2 1s Complement Add (TAD) ... The TAD instruction (34) adds the contents of the addressed memory location to the contents of the AC in 2 1s complement arithmetic. The sum is deposited in the AC and the previous contents of the AC are lost. The contents of the addressed memory location remain unchanged. A carry out of the sum sign bit 00 complements the Link. The fetch cycle places the TAD instruction in the MB, the op-code portion in the IR, and the contents of the AC in the AR. The op code is sampled but does not alter the execute entry address 30. Duri ng execute entry, the core memory read-half-cycle places the contents of the addressed memory location in the MB in conjunction with the execute entry word. The CM address in the execute entry word is 60 (CMAO, CMA 1 = 1). CMAO(1) and CMA1(1) allow the IR bits to address the control CI17 CMPL A BUS AXS IR3 B BUS SUB ACO CML73SUB, AXS, ARI ,ACO, SKP I, DONE,CONT,CMA 10 ~L-0058 Figure 5-7 SAD Instruction Logic 5-15 memory, drawing KC17, so that the next word is extracted from location 67. Process word 67 contains MBO, ARO, ACI, LI, DONE, CONT, and CMA10 (BGN) . for the next fetch cycle. The LI process upon going to 0 strobes the status of theLAR into the Link. 5. 1 .6.12 Execute (XCT) - The XCT i nstructi on (40) causes the computer to execute the instruction contained inthe addressed memory location. If the XCT il)struction contains a direct address, REP is detected during fetch. The computer waits for the next ClK pulse, then enters a quasi -fetch cycle which fetches the instruction to be executed. If the XCT instruction contains an indirect address, the computer goes into a defer cycle to fetch the effective address , then enters the quasi -fetch cycle. MBO(l) places the contents of the MB on the B bus, while ARO (1) places the contents of the AR on the A bus (refer to Figure 5-8). The contents of the buses are added in the ADR, with carries resulting where two or more input bits are 1s. NOSH gates the contents of the ADR to the 0 bus , and ACI(1) gates them into the AC. LI(1) on KC15 samples the state of ADRl at the LAR. ADRl represents the state of the Link. If the Link was set and no carry resulted from ADROO, ADRl is negative. If the Link was set and a carry resulted from ADROO, COOO forces the ADRl to ground. U(l) gates the status of ADRl into the LAR via the "normal" gating on drawing KC15, in conjunction with the negation levels AXS (0), SHIFT, etc. '* During fetch IRI(l) in process word 12 detects XCT in the IR bits to provide a ground REP level, drawing KC12 (IR4 = 0 at R002-E13M). During defer DEI(1) resets IR4 and thus also detects an XCT op code for REP. In either case, REP and CMA 1 (1) at the CM addressing logic, drawing KC17, gate the IR bits into the address selectors. CMA 1(1) is present because the CMA is 24. The IR gating changes the address from 24 to 70 (XCT). DONE(l) goes to the clock and run logic drawing KC10(1) for manual key control and KC17 for break and PI, while CONT(1) allows the generation of a . third CM STROBE to extract the BGN word (10) from control memory. The BGN processes set up the MB The CM STROBE derived from MEM STROBE and IAO(O) causes the next (third) fetch cyc Ie process word ADRL A BUS LICO) CML 67MBO,ARO,ACI,LI, DONE,CONT, CMA 10 9L- 0059 Figure 5-8 TAD Instruction logic 5-16 to be extracted from location 70. The word in 70 contains SM, TI, and CMA33 (XCT entry). SM(l) waits for the next CLK pulse to start the quasi-fetch cycle from XCT entry. TI(1) allows XCT * to be used in the optional extend mode addressing scheme. For XCT entry, the CM STROBE initiated by SM(1) and CM CLK extracts the XCT entry word in 33 which contains IRI and CMA24. The CM STROBE that extracted the XCT entry word restarts the CM timing, drawing KC16, but the absence of CONT(1) prevents the extraction of the normally timed second process word. CM STROBE, however, produces the IN CLR and CLR pulses in conjunction with MBI(O), EXT (0) , and IRI(l). IN CLR produces 1 -+ MBI to set the MBI flip-flop, drawing KC19(2), and CLR sets SAO on drawing KC19(3). STROBE 0-7 and 8-17 occur in core memory to strobe the sense amplifier contents out to the CP/memory interface. The sense amplifiers contain the instruction word addressed by the XCT instruction. SAO(1) and MBI(1) gate the instruction word to the MB via the B bus, ADR, and 0 bus. IRI (1) gates the op-code portion into the IR. From here the instruction is sampled and treated like any other instructi on in a normal fetch or clefer cyc Ie. MEM STROBE and IAO(O) on drawing KC16 allow the generation of the next normally timed CM STROBE, which extracts the next process word (from location 24) if not changed by REP. Exclusive OR (XOR) - The XOR instruction (24) performs the exclusive OR function between the contents of the addressed memory location and the contents of the AC on a bit-for-bit basis. If corresponding bits are the same, the AC bit is set to O. If corresponding bits differ, the AC bit is set to 1. The previous contents of the AC are lost and the contents of the addressed memory location and the Link remain unchanged. SUB, ARO, AXS, ACI, DONE, CONT, and CMA10 (BGN) . Figure 5-9 illustrates the XOR logic for one bit position. SUB(l) takes the complement of the MB to the B bus and ARO(l) takes the direct contents of the AC to the A bus. Both A bus and B bus contents go to the ADR. If the output bus levels are both at ground or are both negative for any bit position, their corresponding MB and AC inputs differ, and the half-add result out of the ADR is at ground. In the ADR, CMPL complements the result, forcing the ADR bit output to go negative. CMPL is derived from AXS(l) of the process word and IR3(1) on drawing KC13. NOSH gates the ADR bits to the 0 bus, and ACI(l) gates them into the AC. DONE(1) goes to the clock and run logic .drawing KC10(1) for manual key control and KC17 for break and PI, while CONT(l) allows the generation of a third CM STROBE .to extract the BGN process word from location 10. The BGN word sets up the MB for the next fetch cyc Ie. 5.1.7 Operate (OPR) Instructions OPR instructions (op codes 74, 75, 76) need no reference to an operand in core memory and are executed during the computer fetch cyc Ie. These instructions are used to perform certain operations on the current contents of the AC and/or Link. The operations to be performed are encoded in bits 05-17 in the instruction word as described in Section 3.5.1 .1 . At strobe SA time (see Figure 5-10), the op code is sampled by IRI(1) of the process word to produce REP, drawing KC12. REP allows the IR bits to address the control memory, drawing KC17, for the extraction of the third process word from location 77 on the third. CM STROBE. The fetch cycle places the XOR instruction in the MB, the op-code portion in the IR, and the contents of the AC in the AR. The op code is sampled but does not alter the execute entry address 30. During execute entry the core memory read-half-cycle places the contents of the addressed memory location in the MB in conjunction with the execute entry word. The CMA in the execute entry word is 60 (CMAO, CMAl = 1). CMAO(1) and CMA 1(1) allow the IR bits to address the control memory, drawing KC17, so that the next process word is extracted from location 65. Process word 65 contains 5-17 Simultaneously with op code sampling, IRI(l) samples bits SAOO-02 of the instruction at the LOT (LAW, OPR, IOn flip-flop, drawing KC12. Since the bits contain octal code 7, the LOT flip-flop sets. LOT(l) further samples other bits at the OR MBO, OR ACI, etc., gates. If IR3-4 are ls, LOT(l) and these bits indicate a LAW instruction (code 76), producing OR MBO. Th'is level sets the MBO gate, drawing KC19(3), on the third CM STROBE (which extracts process word 77). MBO(l) gates the LAW instruction from the MB to the B bus, and the instruction goes AXS __-r~, 1R3 CML 65 SUB, AXS,ARO,ACI,DONE, CONT CMA 10 Figure 5-9 o ClK 100 200 300 400 500 600 XOR Instruction Logic 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 c:::::J D STR08E SA MEM STROBE MEM WR ITE CMS CMS DlYD !ill Wl 0 o 0 o ARI lRI AC SIGN ADR=O SAVE lOT OR MBO ARO RESTORE OP MBO ARO ACI LI SKPI NOTE: TI M I NG CHART NOT FOR ADJUSTMENT PURPOSES. i-.AC SIGN IF ACOlil 1 - . ADR=O SAVE iF AC=O OR MBO LAW ONLY ARO RESTORE IF MBOSIO) 9L-0046 Figure 5-10 OPR Timing 5-18 ~--------~-~~~~~---~- into the ADR. NOSH places the ADR contents on the bus. ACI(l) of process word 77 gates the instruction into the AC. With the LAW instruction, negative numbers can be loaded into the AC. The foregoing OPR instruction descriptions serve as a foundation for the unique instruction particulars that follow. In most instances, the instruction execution starts with process word 77. If IR3 is 1 and IR4-MB05 are Os, LOT(l) and these bits indicate OPR instructions (code 74) other than LAW, producing ARO RESTORE. For OPR instructions, ARO RESTORE sets the ARO gate, drawing KC19(3), on the third CM STROBE (which extracts process word 77). ARO(l) gates the data in the AR onto the A bus and ADR. ACI (1) of process word 77 gates the data from the 0 bus into the AC, and LI(l) gates the content of the ADRL into the LAR. During these processes, other command bits in the OPR instruction operate on the data word as it passes through the ADR onto the o bus. The operation on the data word may also affect the Link content. No Operation (NOP) - The NOP instruction (740000) is a "do nothing" instruction which delays the computer program for the duration of one cyc Ie. At strobe time the NOP instruction is placed in the MB and the op-code portion in the IR. The op code is detected to extract process word 77 on the next CM STROBE. CM STROBE extracts the process word and sets the OP flip-flop, drawing KC12. Process word 77 merely recirculates the contents of the AR and ADRL into the AC and LAR, since OP(l) does not detect any operations to be performed on the contents in transit (MB05-17 are aliOs at the operate logic, drawing KC13). o If MB05 is 1 at the ARO RESTORE gate, drawing KC 12, it denotes a C LA i nstructi on (code 75), inhibiting the gate. ACI(l) of process word 77 wi II transfer Os to the AC from the 0 bus, since nothing appears on the bus in this case. At the third CM STROBE, LOT(l), IR3(1), and IR4(0) also set the OP flip-flop, drawing KC12. OP(l) is the sampling gate which detects the command bits (MB06-17) in the OPR instructions, drawing KC13. Some of these command bits cause one-or two-place rotation of the contents of the AR and LAR, others are used for conditional skips in conjunction with SKPI(l) of process word 77, and sti II others for c leari ng, complementing, or setting the Link in conjunction with LI(1). Details are given in the instruction descriptions that follow. The CM STROBE that extracts process word 77 returns to the CM timing chain to generate CM STROBE DLYD, after 80 ns CM STROBE DLYD resets LOT. The CONT(1) bit in the process word allows the timing chain to extract a fourth process word. The CMA in process word 77 is 10, from wh i ch the BG N word is extracted to enter the new core memory address (PC" MB) for the next fetch cyc Ie. LI (1) of process word 77, going to 0 at BGN time, strobes the LAR status into the Link. Some OPR instructions may be combined (microcoded) with others to perform two types of operations within one instruction period. Care must be taken in programming to avoid microcoding two conflicting operations. The more commonly used combinations of microcoded instructions are described below. 5-19 Complement the Accumulator (CMA) - The CMA instruction (740001) complements each bit of the AC. The previous contents of the AC are lost and the Link remains the same. The op code is detected to extract process word 77 on the next CM STROBE. CM STROBE extracts the process word and sets the OP flip-flop, drawing KC12. OP(1) 1\ MB17(1) generates CMPL, drawing KC13. ARO(1), derived at CM STROBE time from ARO RESTORE, on drawing KC12, gates the contents of the AR onto the A bus. The contents of the A bus go directly into the ADR, and NOSH places them on the o bus. As the contents pass through the ADR, CMPL complements all bits individually. Complement The Link (CML) - The CML instruction (740002) complements tbe Link. The previous state of the Link is lost. The contents of the AC remain the same. The CM STROBE extracts the OPR process word 77 and sets the OP flip-flop, drawing KC12. OP(l) and MB16(1) then enable CML to be generated (drawing KC13). CML, in conjunction with A BUS LINK, wi II either set or reset the LINK flip-flop. If LINK is originally in a set condition, then A BUS LINK is at ground. Two grounds to an exclusive OR gate cause a grounded ADRL to be applied to the "normal" gate. The LAR is thus set. LAR(l) and LI(O) at CMA10 time resets the LINK. LINK(l) is thus complemented to LINK(O) during this process. By this same process a LINK(O) can be complemented to LINK(l) . ed to TEMP 3(1) B133-B03N.) The state of the ADRL represents the state of the Link. SH L1 gates the ADROO bit to the jam input gate of the LAR. LI(l) of the OPR process word jam transfers the state of ADROO into the LAR and ACI(l) transfers the shifted contents of the 0 bus into the AC. On drawing KC13, the positive IN.SHLl level inhibits the NOSH gate, so that only SHLl controls the set enable input gating to the 0 bus. At BG N ti me LI (0) strobes the state of the LAR into the Link. Inclusive OR the AC/DATA Switches (OAS)The OAS instruction (740004) inclusively ORs the contents of the AC with the manual settings of the DATA switches (switch levels DATA SWOO-17) on a bit-for-bit basis. The results are left in the AC. The previous contents of the AC are lost and the Link remains the same. If corresponding bits are both Os, the AC bit is set to O. If corresponding bits differ or are both ls, the AC bit is set to 1. 5.1 .7.6 Rotate One Position Right (RAR) - The RAR instruction (740020) rotates the contents of the AC and the Link one position to the right. The Link enters ACOO, and AC17 enters the Link. At strobe time the op code is detected to generate ARO RESTORE, drawing KC12, and to extract the OPR process word 77 on the next CM STROBE. The CM STROBE extracts the process word, sets the OP flip-flop, drawing KC12, and the ARO flip-flop in conjunction with ARO RESTORE, drawing KC19(3). OP(l) 1\ MB 15(1) produces DASO and LIO on drawing KC13. DASO gates the DATA switch contents onto the I/o bus (B) via the CP/console interface and the input mixer, drawing KD7. The data on the I/o bus (B) is then gated onto the 0 bus by LIO, drawing KC20. Meanwhile, ARO(l) gates the contents of the AR onto the A bus, the contents on the A bus go into the ADR, and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. At each bit position, the 0 bus will go to ground where either or both I/o bus (B) and ADR bits are at 1 levels , or wi II go negative if both I/o bus (B) and ADR bits are at 0 levels. ACI (1) of the OPR process word gates the 0 bus results into the corresponding AC bit positions. Rotate One Position Left (RAl) - The RAL instruction (740010) rotates the contents of the AC and the Link one bit position to the left. The Link enters AC17 and ACOO enters the Link. At strobe time, the op code is detected to generate ARO RESTORE, drawing KC12, and to extract the OPR process word 77 on the next CM STROBE. The CM STROBE extracts the process word, sets the OP flip-flop, drawing KC12, and the ARO flip-flop in conjunction with ARO RESTORE, drawing KC19(3). OP(l)" MB07(O) " MB14(l) produces SHLl,· drawing KC13. ARO(1) gates the contents of the AR onto the A bus. As the contents of the A bus pass into the ADR directly, SHU gates ADR bits XX onto O-bus bit positions XX+l, drawing KC20. This includes END BIT17 onto 0 bus 17 and ADROO into the Link. END BIT17 is derived from ADRl(B) on drawing KC15. (When EAE is not used in the system, ADRl is connect- At strobe time the·op code is detected to generate ARO RESTORE, drawing KC12, and to extract the OPR process word 77 on the next CM STROBE. .CM STROBE extracts the process word, sets the OP flip~nop, drawing KC12, and the ARO flip-flop in conjunction with ARO RESTORE, drawing KC19(3). OP(l) " MB07(0) " MB13(1) produces SHR1, drawing KC13. ARO(l) gates the contents of the AR onto the A bus. As the contents of the A bus pass into the ADR directly, SHRl gates ADR bits XX onto 0 bus bit positions XX-l, drawing KC20. This includes END BITOO onto 0 BUS 00. END BITOO is derived from ADRL (B), drawing KC15. SHRl also gates ADR17 into the LAR jam input gate. LI(l) of the OPR process word jam transfers the state of ADR17 into the LAR. ADR17 represents the state of AC 17. ACI (1) of the OP R process word transfers the shifted contents of the 0 bus into the AC. On drawing KC13, the positive IN SHLl level inhibits NOSH gate, so that only SHRl controls the set enable input gating to the 0 bus. At BGN time LI(O) strobes the state of the LAR into the Link. Halt Program (HLT) - The HlT instruction (740040) stops program execution. The op code is detected to generate ARO RESTORE, drawing KC12, and to extract the OPR process word 77 on the next CM STROBE. CM STROBE extracts the process word, sets the OP flip-flop, drawing KC12, and the ARO flip-flop in conjunction with ARO RESTORE, drawing KC19(3). OP(l) " MB12(l) results in RUN(O) on drawing KC10. RUN(O) is applied to the collector at the set side of the RUN flip-flop, pulling it to ground (reset). Reset RUN inhibits ClK POS pulses, stopping the program. 5-20 5.1 .7.8 Skip on Minus Accumulator (SMA) - The SMA instruction (740100) tests the sign (ACOO)of a data word previously entered in the AC. If the sign is minus (ACOO == 1) the computer skips the next instruction. If the sign is plus (ACOO == 0) the computer executes the next instruction. The contents of the AC and Link remain unchanged. During process word 12 the contents of the AC pass through the ADR, ARI(1) of the process word samples the ADROO bit at the AC SIGN flip-flop, drawing KC14. ADROO represents the sign bit, ACOO. If ADROO == 1J ARI(1) sets the AC SIGN flip-flop. The op code 74 qualifies REP and allows IR to set up address 77. MB05(0) gives ARO RESTORE (see Section 5.1.8). CM STROBE extracts the process word, sets the OP flip-flop, drawing KC12, and the ARO flipflop in conjunction with ARO RESTORE, drawing KC19(3). AC SIGN(l) AMBll(1), on drawing KC14, applies a ground level to one of three Bl05 Inverters connected as a positive NAND gate. The other inverters receive ground OP(l) and MB08(0) levels. STROBE extracts the process word, sets the OP flipflop, drawing KC12, and the ARO flip-flop in conjunction with ARO RESTORE, drawing KC19(3). ADR == 0 SAVE(1) A MB10(1), on drawing KC14, applies a ground Ieve I to one of three B105 inverters connected as a positive NAND gate. The other inverters receive ground OP(l) and MB08(0) levels. This places a ground set level at the input to the SKIP flip-flop. (The flipflop was previously reset by PCI(T) of the fetch entry process word 21.) SKPI(l) of the OPR process word sets the flip-flop. ACI(1) of the OPR process word and ARO(1) recirculate the contents of the AR to the AC. CONT(1) allows the next process word to be extracted from control memory (BGN, address 10). With the SKIP flip-flop set, PCO(1) of the BGN word produces CIl7, drawing KC14 so that the current address in the PC is incremented by 1 as it passes through the ADR to the 0 bus and MB. LI (0) rec irculates the content of the LAR into the Li nk . This places a ground set level at the jam input gate to the SKIP flip-flop. SKPI(l) of the OPR process word sets the flip-flop in conjunction with the ground level. (The flip-flop was previously reset by PCI(l) during the fetch-entry process word 21.) ACI (1) of the OPR process word and ARO (1) recirculate the contents of the AR into the AC. CONT(l) a I lows the next process word to be extracted from control memory (BGN, address 10). With the SKIP flip-flop set, PCO(l) of the BGN word produces CIl7, drawing KC14, so that the current address in the PC is incremented by 1 as it goes through the ADR to the 0 bus and MB. LI(O) recirculates the content of the LAR into the Link. Skip on Zero Accumulator (SZA) - The SZA instruction (740200) tests the value of a data word previously entered in the AC. If the value in the AC is 0, the computer skips the next instruction. If the value is other than 0, the computer executes the next instruction. The contents of the AC and Link remain unchanged. As the contents of the AC pass through the ADR during process word 12, an output bus on the ADR (ADRA == 0, ADRB == 0) goes negative if the ADR goes to a II Os. The negative ADR == 0 levels are applied toOv I I I I a -v INHIBIT , I LIMITING RESISTORS (G630'S) A37,A381 838,839 ------Figure 6-3 MATRIX SELECTION G61'-G610) CD20,CD23 SWITCHES (G211) CDI8 H f MAI6(1} L -_ _ _ _ _ _ -301/ -15V GND MAO,.",:J MA151\} f MA17ltJ--------" Mcn-C'-IO VOLTAGE REGULATOR X V DRIVE OEC~~~NG ~ MAO"O' MA06(1} MA01(0) MA07 (1) MA0810} MA0810 MAO!lB(1I T RlW oIOo:~~~~SCTION MA058{\) t-- R/W SOURCE X-AXIS FLO' r--'----'-, Y-AXIS OIOOESELECTION MATRIX MA05A{0} y --- CORE COLUMN 77, DO, l> ~~~~RY BUFFER 101917(01 18111(1) 0- INHIBI MC71A Core Memory System Block Diagram .'W ." T T I I L.Ao,,," MAII(1) 1\1.,0(1), '----MA09C1l .'W SOURCE mation can be that which was placed there as 1s during read, or information placed there from outside the ven i ence of manufacture, does not, however, affect the operation of the memory as described above. Y R/W SOURCE Y77 e COLUMNS OF // CORE§. / s6~~~E /// Y00 e. . . . /' /~ '* X R/W RETURN X00e I X R/W SOURCE X00 e X R/W RETURN X 77e ROWS OF CORES Figure 6-5 X and Y-Axis Selection Scheme for 18 Planes X R/W SOURCE X77e 6.2 DETAILED CIRCUIT ANALYSIS YR/W RETURN Y00e 9L-0065 6.2.1 Memory Control and Timing Figure 6-4 Core Rowand Core Column Selection memory. As shown in Figure 6-6, the inhibit windings are systematically strung through each core in the plane. Polarity of current in this winding is never reversed and is oriented toward binary O. The value of this current is sufficient to offset the current in the Y line. In this way, the writing of a 1 into core is inhibited. The inhibit drivers operate during the writehalf-cycle and are controlled by the states of bits in the memory buffer. A 0 MB bit will permit the drivers to inhibit the writing of a 1. A 1 MB bit will disable the drivers allowing the normal write selection current to restore a 1 to that core. Although this discussion has been based upon the premise that all core planes are stacked one above another, in reality they are placed side-by-side upon several boards. A set of boards then constitutes a "stack." This arrangement of planes, for the con- The memory control circuits are shown in drawing MC71-0-1. The interrelation of control waveforms are given in drawing MC71-0-13. In this discussion, all intermediate delays are approximations, since they are adjustable to achieve the overall input/output timing precision. All memory operations are initialized by the generation of a MEM START signal within the memory control (see Figure 6-7). This signal is initiated upon receipt from the CP of a ClK pulse at the K input of B05, provided the SM(l) level is present at pin E. The SM(1) level is also generated in the CP. As shown in drawing MC71-0-13, this begins at time 0 and ends at +110 ns. MEM START, a 120 ns pulse, applied to delay line W301 at AB01, results in MA JAM (A06N), a 50 ns pulse occurring at +150 ns, which is applied simultaneously to all jam inputs of the MA flip-flops (draw- 6-4 EMA04. SEL wi II be present only if the states of EMA03 and EMA04 correspond to the states of SW3 and SW4. Table 6-1 shows the switch positions for extended memory capability. Table 6-1 W712/ B09 Combinations MEM BANK SW3 SW4 0 0 o 0 1 8K-16K 1 0 16K-24K 1 1 24K-32K -8K When using 8K memory I these switches (located at the rear of each memory bank) are both down (00). Extended memory bits EMA03 and EMA04 are also 00 applying the -3V level (SEL) to the jam input A08K. Other banks are inhibited by these same bits since they do not match the setting of SW3 and SW4 on those banks. READ(l), a 440-ns wide pulse seen at A08E, is used to initialize the memory read cycle by gating the read transistor switches, on drawing MC71-0-10, thereby completing both the source and return paths for the X- and Y-read current. 9L- 0070 Figure 6-6 Core Memory Winding Scheme ing MC71-0-2). The output at A06N is also applied to pin AD of delay B310 at AB04. At a nominal delay of 37.5 ns (adjustable by jumpers) the signal is inverted at A05D to produce READ ON used for jamming at A08. If the SEL level is also present I A08 sets to produce READ{l) at between +211.5 and +220 ns (assuming a nominal delay of 12 ns per transfer). The SEL level is a function of memory bank selection (Field 0 + Field 1). Inverters B104 at B07 and B08 comprise bank selection decoding by sensing coincident combinations of bank selector switches SW3/ SW4 and extended memory addressing bits EMA03 and READ{l), seen at A08D, is used to condition the second delay on MEM STARlat A05J to +400 ns. From here it is further delayed and amplified to produce a basis for the SA STROBE signals (B06D)/ (B06N) which occur at +560 ns; and for the MEM STROBE (A07V), which occurs at +600 ns. The SA STRO BEs (O - 8 and 9 - 17) are both fed to the sense amplifier (drawing MC71 ....0-3) where they gate the bit amplifier chains. The MEMSTROBE is sent back to the CP where it is used to grant access to the memory by the CP. The third delay on MEM START at +635 ns indicates the end of the read cycle as READ OFF at B03H which resets the read flip-flop A08 at pin H, and brings up READ (O). READ{O) from A08E, which begins at +660 ns, is fed to pulse amplifier A07F for application to delay line 6-5 AB02. This delay chain establishes the inhibit/write timing. (A09N) is used by Field 1 (drawing MC71-0-5) for the same purpose. The first tap at +825 ns is inverted to produce INH ON (A05L) which jams A08 to produce INHIBIT 1 (1) from pin Nand A09 to produce INHIBIT 2 (1) from pin N simultaneously at +890 ns. INHIBIT 1 (1) (A08N), a 465 ns-wide pulse, is sent to pins U of the inhibit drivers for Fi eld 0 (drawing MC71-0-4) as one of the conditioning levels in its operation. INHIBIT 2 (1) The second delay tap, at approximately +900 ns, produces WRITE ON (A05N) which jams A08 yielding WRITE(l) at +920 ns. WRITE(l) (A09D), a 410 nswide pulse, is used to initialize the memory write cycle by gating the write transistor switches on drawing MC71-0-10, thereby completing both the source and return paths for the X- and V-write current. NANOSECONDS '~ A ( BASE PU~SES ,--+ CLK (IN) 0 0 0 -1 MEM START I 0 0 + N 0 0 rt> 0 0 + + + 0 0 v- 0 0 10 + 0 0 'I U) I"- + + 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0) + + 0 0 0 0 + + ~ 8N 0 0 ~ + + - I I MA JAM (OUT) READ ON READ (1) (OUT) I I I I SA STROBE 0-8 (OUT) SA STROBE 9-17 (OUT) MEM STROBE (OUT) I READ OFF I INH1 (1) (OUT) I INH2(1) (OUT) I WRITE (1) (OUT) I 9L-0071 .) Figure 6-7 MC71-A Timing Diagram 6-6 The third delay tap, at approximately + 1330 ns, is the WRITE OFF signal which at B03N resets both the inhibit and write flip-flops. flops and outputs are electromagnetic effects on a string of cores. Each axis selector contains two G211 decoders and a diode selection matrix. Selection current (R/W SOURCE), originating in the X-V drive circuits (drawing MC71-0-1 0); flows from one decoder, through its sele<::ted transistor switch to the matrix. Here it finds its diode path to a selection line (depicted as a coil in the drawings), on which all cores, in anyone row or column, for all planes in sequence are strung; and exits through its diode path and selected switch to the R/W RETURN line, The effect is to apply half magnetizing current to a string of 1152 cores in the X-axes and half magnetizing current to a string of 1152 cores in the V-axes, resulting in one intersected core per plane being magnetized in one of two states. For the time that this sequence is begun by the generation of MEM START to the cpnclusion of the WRITE(l) pulse, I/O equipment should not send information to memory. This condition is prevented by a power clear-key initialize clear (PK ClR) from the CPo If during this cycle, a printer key is erroneously pressed, or if the computer is turned on or off; a pulse is sent to inverter A05S where it will immediately reset the read, inhibit and write flip-flops (if set) protecting against loss of stored memory information. The cycle will reinitiate upon the next ClK pulse (+1500 ns), if SM(l) is present, 6.2.2 Memory Addressing The memory address flip-flops are shown in drawing MC71-0-2. This register functions to convert the last 13 bits in the MB word (address field) into equivalent binary form for use in memory address selection. Its inputs are taken from the memory buffer (MB05-17). Its outputs are sent to the X- and V-address decoding and selection switches (G211) on drawing MC71-0-6 and MC71-0-7, respectively. The B213 configuration used in this application functions as a jam transfer flip-flop inwhich MA JAM (a -3 Vdc, 50 ns pulse) is applied. simultaneously to pins T and Jof all flip-flops against either a ground (1) or -3 Vdc (0) level at pins U and K, representing the state of each bit. When these conditions are coincident, the flipflops are either set or reset and -3 Vdc ls and/or Os are seen at pins Pand E. The two flip-flops MA05A and MA05B at C12 are configured as buffered drivers in which MB05(0) applied simultaneously to pins K and U will yield a -3 Vdc MA05A(0) at pin E~ and MB05(l) will produce a -3 Vdc MA05B(1) at pin P. These pulses are used in NAN Ding operations on the X- and V-selection switches for each field. MA05A (0) selects Field 0 and MA05B(l) selects Field 1. The MA JAM bus operates against 150 Otermination at pin V of the MA 17 flip-flop at D12. 6,2.3 Address Se lecti on ) As described previously, the address at which a set of bits is stored is determined by the interaction of the X- and V-axis address decoding and selection matrices. The X-axis (Field 0) diagram is shown in drawing MC71-0-6, and the V-axis (Field 0) in drawing MC71-0-7. Inputs are MAs from the MA flip- 6-7 NOTE The fact that matrix lines intersect on any single drawing has no coordinate significance. layout of components was dictated by drafting convenience. Each G211 decoder contains eight 4-input logic NAND gate inverters which control the base bias on eight transistor switches. Each switch in turn completes a diode path between selection current source or return and one end of a specific select line (see Figure 6-8). Current in a read direction will flow from R/W SOURCE through Dl, Ql, and D2; and from there through the select line, and return through D3, Q2, and D4. Current in a write direction will flow from R/W RETURN through D5, Q2, D6, the select line, D7, Ql, and D8. As can be seen from the schematic, current cannot flow unless both Ql and Q2 are turned on; a condition enabled by coincidence of two sets of MAs at the inputs of both gates. Negative clamp for operation of all gates is taken from -V DRIVE originating at drive resistors G630(B38) for the X-axis, and at G630(B39) for the V-axis (drawing MC71-0-10). Distribution of MA binary states across the gates is such to produce selection of anyone of 64 lines in both axes. An additional condition is made coincident with all gates in the same field. This is the two MA forms of MB05, used to switch to Field 1 in extended memory operation. Field 0 utilizes the negative level form of MA05A(0), while Field 1 is enabled by the negative level form of MA05B(1). This latter condition is the lifier chain operates into a termination of 150 n at pin T. Pins K, Nand S receive closely adjusted reference voltages from the master slice control G008 at A 11 for use by the sense amp clamping and comparator stages. only difference in operation between Field 0, just discussed, and Field 1 as shown in drawing MC71-08 for X-axis selection, and MC71-0-9 for Y-axis selection. For purposes of address decoding, the X-axis gates use both binary conditions of MA06 through MAll, while the Y-axis gates use both conditions of MA12 through MA 17. Because all gates are NAND inverters, the -3 Vdc form of both ls and Os is used for coincidence. The slice voltage (-4.1 Vdc reference +10 Vdc) from All H, the second-stage clamp voltage (+6 Vdc reference -15 Vdc) at All N, and the fixed first-stage clamp voltage at AllM are used for pulse forming, 1 01 07 05 03 _s~~w- R/W SOURCE 02 06 L -_ _ _ _~------~--~ 04 08 9L-0067 Figure 6-8 Address Selection, .Simplified Schematic 6.2.4 Bit Sensing During Read level referencing, and noise suppression in the sense amplifiers. The sense and pulse amplifiers are shown in drawing MC71-0-3. These circuits function during the readhalf-cycle to repeat into the memory buffer all ls sensed during the core read transition. Inputs are by cables W990 (A31 and B31) from Field 0, and W990 (A2l and B2l) from Field 1. Sensed pulses enter their respective dual-input sense amplifiers G014 at pins J and H from Field 0, and F and E from Field 1. Input switching is supplied by positive levels applied to either pins M (for JH input) or L (for FE input), one of which is always present from sense amplifier selectors G010{A12) ,and (B12). The voltage from All M is used as a preset reference level against which the amplified signal, sensed by core transition, is compared. This level is set to reject all amplified noise generated in those bit planes in which transitions did not occur, and transmit to the PAs only valid ls. The voltage from All N is used as a reference level for the second differential amplifier stage within each G014, the output of which is compared with the master slice voltage from AllH at an internal rectifying slicer. If the signal voltage fed to the slicer exceeds the master slice voltage, the output gate is enabled producing a "slice window." This window then is sampled at the output gate by the SA STROBE at a time when the ratio of read 1 to read 0 is maximum. When sensing the basic 4K stack (field 0), positive level MA05A{O) is fed to GOl O{A 12) at pins F and R. The G010s function as bus drivers to apply a positive select level from pins D and N to pins M of all bit sense amplifiers allowing only Field 0 inputs to be available for amplification. When in extended memory mode MA05B(1) is fed to the G010 at B12, selecting Field 1 inputs at F and E. The SA STROBEs 0-8 and 9-17, occurring simultaneously at +560 ns, turn on all amplifiers for 60 ns allowing any bit ls to be fed from pins Vas positive pulses to their respective W612 pulse amplifers at pin F. Each sense amp- The output positive pulse from G014{V) is applied to pin F of its associated W612 pulse amplifier. Here it is inverted, standardized (312 ns), and fed out via pin L to the memory buffer through the CP/Memory Interface (drawing MC71-0-11). 6-8 6.2.S Voltage Regulation and Selection Drive The voltage regulator and X-V drive circuit is shown in drawing MC71-0-10. A simplified schematic is shown in Figure 6-9. All power required for operation of the core memory system comes from the + 10, - lS Vdc and the -30 Vdc supply (Section 7.3. 2). The +10 and -lS Vdc outputs are used for transistor logic power and the -30 Vdc supply is used for stack drive current, In the core memory system, a G804 control module regulates the -30 Vdc supply and prevents operation of the CP if any supply exceeds the limits defined in the overall system specification. The G80S modules deliver positive drive (-7 Vdc) and negative drive (-30 Vdc) to the selector switches G211. The selected switch pair connects the voltage across the appropriate core drive line, and the voltage differential creates the current through the line. + V DRIVE through the +X DRIVE RES, and Ql to the R/W SOURCE bus. Arrows indicate the direction of read current through the X-selection line (load) to the X R/W RETURN. Drive then flows through enabled Q2, the -X DRIVE RES to the - V DRIVE terminal of regulator G804. During WRITE(l}, Q1 and'Q2 are cut off and drive flows through Q3, the load (in reverse direction) and Q4. The +X and -Y drive resistors limit drive current to 340 mA during both read and write. The Control Module G804 at DC04 accepts the common + V (-7 Vdc) and - V (-30 Vdc) outputs from negative regulator modules G80S-CD01 and CD03. Zener diode D21 establishes the reference level for differential amplifiers Q6 - Q8 and the voltage adjustment rheostat R12. The differential amplifier output at the collector of Q8 controls the current through transistors Q7 and Q9, whose emitter circuit delivers the control current to the series regulator in G80S via terminals CK,CL. Figure 6-9 is a simplified schematic diagram of the voltage regulator and X-V drive, drawing MC71-0-10. Although only the X-axis components are show, the Y-axis selection process is identical. During READ(l}, Q3 and Q4 are cut off while transistor switches Q 1 and Q2 are turned on, allowing drive to flow from The thermistor input at the differential amplifiers provides output voltage compensation as a function of core stack temperature. The thermistor is located within the core stack. As the core stack temperature rises, the thermistor resistance increases, and the dif- READ(1)----------------------~------------------------------_, +x DRIVE RES. tV DR IVE -7V R/W SOU RCE-+o------, +10V GND -15V REGULATOR GB04 -30V -30V -V DRIVE -x WRITE (1) DRIVE RES. ---------------------+----------------------------------' NOTE: REFERENCE DESIGNATIONS ARE NOT ACTUAL, 9L-0076 Figure 6-9 X-Axis R/W Drive Selection Simplified Schematic 6-9 ferential amplifiers cause the output voltage of the negative regulator modules to decrease. side of the + Y and - Y drive resistors are decoupled to ground, while the + X and - X drive resistors are returned to the opposite regulator terminal. Other sensing circuits in the control module supply a POWER OK signal to the CP whenever the transistor logic voltage and the negative regulator voltages are correct, The POWER OK remains negative as long as the voltages remain within 3Y of their designated values. If not, the level goes to ground preventing the occurrence of spurious memory cycles and consequent disruption of stored information, particularly during initial power turn-on. 6.2.6 Inhibiting During Write On the module schematic, transistor Q10 goes into conduction if +Y becomes less negative than -3 Ydc, as governed by the 3Y reference levels set up in diode packages E3/E4. Q 10 turns on Q 11, whi ch places CY at ground, Likewise, transistor Q1 conducts if the -15 and +10 Ydc supply voltages are outside the specified limits. This causes the DR level to go to ground. CYand DR are tied together as POWER OK which goes to the clock and run logic via the CPj memory interface. NOTE The tab terminal is ground return for the memory voltage relay K2 on drawing 712-0-1. In the negative regulator G805, series regulator Q1 accepts the control current from the differential amplifiers in the control module G804, Conduction in Q1 places a proportionate voltage drop across resistor R2. The nominal drop across R2 is 23 Ydc, so that the lower end is at -7 Ydc and the higher end sees the full -30 Ydc supply voltage~ The five 20 flF capacitors filter the output ripple to less than 50 mY. The discharge time of filter capacitors in the computer supplies allows 10 ms of memory operation following power interruption. Maximum output current of the G805 is 4A. The outputs go to the drive resistor boards G630 and the address selectors, Four resistor boards G630 are connected between the negative regulator outputs and the source selection switches G219. Each resistor has a parallel peaking capacitor which offsets the inductance of the line and thus presents a better current rise time. The common 6-10 The negative regulator module G805 also supplies -7 and -30 Ydc voltages to the inhibit drivers shown in drawing MC71-0-4 for Field 0 and MC71-0-5 for Field 1. These circuits are identical except for the source of certain control signals. For the purposes of this discussion only Field 0 will be considered. Specific differences will be described at the end of the discussion 0 The function of the inhibit drivers is to prevent the writing of a 1 in a selected core by generating a field in opposition to the field in any Y-select line. In this way, the coincidence of current is prevented and the selected core is left in the 0 state. To accomplish this, the MB is conditioned to disable any bit-plane driver in which a 1 has been sensed during read, thereby allowing the X-V drive current coincidence to rewrite the 1 in core. Conversely, if a 0 had been sensed, the MB would not disable the inhibit driver, coincidence would be inhibited, and the core would remain in the 0 state. Inputs are taken from the memory buffer (MBOO-17), the memory address register (MA05A or MA05B), and from the X-V driver circuit (+ and - Y INH, INH 1 and INH 2). Outputs are by cable to the core stack. The circuit comprises nine G218 modules at locations A33 - A36 and B33 - B36. Current limiting resistors for each half module are contained on G630 resistor boards connected between either pins E and J or M and R of each module. These 56 Q resistors limit the inhibit current to 310 mA, sufficient to offset the Yaxis drive current during write. When the particular MB bit is a 0 coincidentally with the correct MA05 bit, an inhibit current will flow from pin F or R through the bit-plane inhibit winding to pin H or P for the duration of the IN H 1 (1) signal. Should any MB bit be a 1, no output will be seen. The operation of the inhibit drivers for Field 1 (drawing MC71-0-4) is identical except the memory address bit required is MA05B(1) from B213jC12(N), and the timing pulse is INH 2(1) from B213jA09(N). CHAPTER 7 CONSOLE POWER CONTROLS 7.1 MANUAL CONTROLS amplifier, conditioned by B(l). IND ClK produces CM STROBE B as before, but now the CM STROBE B. wi II set the PCO, ACO, ARO, or MQO flip-flop if any of these has been selected by the REGISTER DISPLAY switch. The IND EN level is sti II present by virtue of A(O) A B(l); IND EN applies PCO, ACO, ARO, or MQO to the appropriate jam-input gate if the respective register is selected at the REGISTER DISPLAY switch, drawing CS-5408018. The logic sequence to implement functions selected on the PDP-9/l console is described in this chapter. Timing diagrams for the console key functions, the clock/run diagram (KC10), and key flow diagram (KC6) supplement the text and should be referred to while using this chapter. The marginal check (MC) panel and maintenance check panel controls are described in the maintenance section of the manual, Chapter 10. 7.1.1 Power Turn-On When the console POWER switch is turned ON, PWR OK from the power supplies and/or the ground from low-Voltage Detector W505 reset the RUN and REPT flip-flops, and enables the application of PWR ClR POS pulses from the main clock to the computer system. RUN(O) enables the REPT ClK. In addition to initializing certain flip-flops throughout the computer system, the PWR ClR POS pulses (KC10) generate IND ClK and PK ClR pulses at pulse amplifiers S602J25K and W612-H32N. These in turn generate CM STROBE A, C, D on drawing KC16. CM STROBE clears all CM sense flip-flops, drawing KC19, because CM CURRENT is absent. When the 712 Power Supply is stablized, the PWRClR POS, IND ClK, and PK ClR pulses are removed. The next REPT ClK pulse sets flip-flop C in conjunction with RUN(O), drawing KC10. Thereafter, flip-flop C alternately resets and sets on the leading edge of each REPT ClK pulse. The REPT ClK pulses remain until the RUN flip-flop sets. These are 100-ns pulses which occur at manually selected intervals of 2 !-Is to 1s. The five-position REPT switch on the console selects this REPT ClK frequency. The selected switch position thus sets the appropriate sense flip-flop on CM STROBE B. The flip-flop in the set state gates the contents of the selected register onto the A bus. The contents on the A bus go directly to the ADR. 10 BUS ON(1) gates the contents from the ADR to the I/O bus, drawing KC21 to I/O bus (B) via the input mixer, drawing KD7, then via the CP/IO and 10/console interfaces, drawings KC25, KD4, and KD6 to the REGISTER indicators, drawing CS5408020. Flip-flops C and B recycle on the REPT ClK pulses, and the computer remains in this no operation state unti I a console key is operated to allow flip-flop A to set. Once flip-flop A becomes set with REPT(l), IND EN is removed, and the REGISTER DISPLAY circuits are thus disabled. REPT(1) is generated by KEY DlY from DELAY flip-flop. This is true for the operation of any console key; therefore, the register display is meaningful only during the interval between computer no operation state and the setting of A (and RUN) on a key operation. 7.1.2 START Key The START key and the ADDRESS switches (3-17) on the console operate together to start execution of a program that has been stored in core memory. Drawing KC11 is the START timing. The operator first loads the program's starting address in binary format into the ADDRESS switches (switches up for binary 1s). When he depresses the START key, the key supplies a ground KST level to the NOR gate at R111-J33UV, drawing KC10(1), via the CP/console interface. This level becomes the negative KEY BUS and !,ositive KEY BUS(B) levels. KEY BUS(B) removes KEY BUS(B) from inverter S 107-H34F, thereby removing the collector ground from the assertion output of the REPT flip-flop. Upon each reset of flip-flop C, flip-flop B sets and resets in a divide-by-two counter mode. When Bsets for the first time, the B(l) A A(O) condition generates IND EN at R111-J26PN. IND EN goes to the wiper arm of the console REGISTER DISPLAY switch, drawing CS-5408018 to enable the selection of computer registers for display at the REGISTER indicator. IND EN also sets the 10 BUS ON flip-flop, drawing KC 19(3). C sets on the next REPT C lK pu lse. C (1) strobes a DCD input gate to the IND ClK pulse 7-1 the address from the 0 bus into the PC. Likewise, MBI(l) gates the same address from the 0 bus into the MB. KEY BUS(B) also triggers the 50-ms delay at R320":' J32V. The negative output recovers after 50 ms to trigger another delay at R302-J32M, which produces a 50-fJS negative KEY DlY. The 50-ms delay period allows sufficient time for settling of switch contact bounce and the 50-fJS KEY DlY allows for execution of the longest instruction if the START KEY (or any other key) was operated during a running program. (In a running program the RUN flip-flop is in the set state; an instruction DONE(l) level issued in a control memory process word at some point during the 50-flS KEY D lY resets RUN via NAND gate Rl11-J28N. Resetting RU N disables the application of ClK POS and CM ClK pulses to the computer system, stopping all operations.) The KEY D lY recovery sets the REPT flip-flop conditioned by KRI (READ IN key inactive). REPT(1) conditions the DCD set gate of flip-flop A, which sets on the next reset of B. The l,1ext REPT ClK pulse sets C, which then strobes the IND ClK gate conditioned by A(l). IND ClK now strobes the KEY INIT POS gate which is conditioned by A(l) A KCT. The KCT level is derived from the active CONTINUE key. KEY INIT POS starts the CM timing chain, generates CM CURRENT and CM STROBE, drawing KC16, and generates PK ClR, drawing KC 1O. CM CURRENT enables the CM address selectors, drawing KC17, to decode the address in the CMA register. KEY INIT POS and PK ClR act together to clear the MCA flip-flops, drawing KC19(l), for an address of 00. However, the KST level derived from the START key produces levels KIOA3, KIOA4 on drawing KC10. On drawing KC17, the cleared CMA levels CMAO(O), CMA 1(0), and CMA2 (0) gate KIOA3, KIOA4 into the address selectors, changing the address from 00 to 06. At CM STROBE ti me, process word 06 is extracted from control memory. This word contains ADSO, MBI, PCI, SM, and CMA21. ADSO(1) goes to the input mixer on drawing KD7(l) where it is NANDed with AUTO RESTART. This level comes from the optional Power Failure Detection KP09A to denote that no automatic restart is in progress. If the option is not installed, the input to the NAND gate is disconnected, and is therefore of no consequence. ADSO(l) produces ADSO(G), which gates the ADDRESS switch levels ADDR SW03-17 into the R141 mixer modules. The outputs are buffered at I/o bus (B). At the same time ADSO(1) generates LIO in bus driver B213-D12, drawing KC13. LIO (load I/O) gates the address onto the 0 bus, drawing KC20. PCI(1)gates The next REPT ClK pulse resets C. As C resets, it sets the RUN flip-flop in conjunction with the A(1) condition at the input DCD gate. RUN(l) disables the REPT ClK, resets and holds A and B in the 0 state. The next ClK, ANDed with RUN(l) sets SEN. With SEN(1), the following ClK RUN generates ClK POS. ClK POS pulses are further inverted at pulse amplifiers B602-H33N and W612-E02 for negative CM ClK and ClK ClKD pulses, respectively. The ClK pulse starts the core memory cyc Ie and the CM ClK pulse starts the control memory timing in conjunction with SM(l) of the process word 06. The processor is now in the state in which it would be at the end of an instruction execute cycle during a. running program. The address in the CMA register is 21 (fetch entry), RUN is set, and the MB contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched from core memory. MA JAM in core memory places the address in the MA 120 ns from ClK. The CM timing starts to extract process word 21, and the machine thus starts execution of the program. ClK . RUN also set the SEN flip-flop on drawing KC10. SEN(1) monitors the states of PCO and ARO at the PCOS and AROS flip-flops throughout the running program. These flip-flops thus continuously reflect the PCO and ARO states. 7.1.3 PROGRAM STOP Key The spring-loaded down position of the PROGRAM STOP key halts computer operations upon completion of the current instruction. It performs the same functions as the SING INST switch. KSP (key stop) from the PROGRAM STOP key or SW SGl INST from the SING INST switch applies one enabling input to gate Rl11-J28U, drawing KC10. The other three inputs to the gate determine when the computer can be stopped. In order to stop, the console must be unlocked, the computer must not be operating in a program break segment (BKO, BKl states from F35N), and the instruction currently being executed must finish (DONE(1) from the last CM process word in the computer execute cycle). When all these conditions have been met, the RUN flip-flop is collector-pulled to the 0 state by Rll1-J28U . RUN(O) enables the REPT ClK, and the REPT ClK pulses start stepping flip-flops C and B. The. first REPT 7-2 CLK pulse sets Ci the next pulse resets SEN in conjunction with C(1), drawing KC10. Reset SEN removes the jam input level to the PCOS and AROS flip-flops. PCOS and AROS now reflect and retain the states of PCO and ARO at the time the computer stops. PCO and ARO are both cleared by CM STROBE Band CM CURRENT produced from IND CLK on the next REPT CLK pulse. 7.1.4 CONTINUE Key The spring-loaded down position of the CONTINUE key is used to resume the execution of a program after a programmed HLT or after a manual program stop condition. The KCT level produces KEY BUS, KEY BUS (B), and KEY D LY in the same manner as the START key. KEY DLY upon recovery sets the REPT flip-flop. 7.1.S DEPOSIT THIS The upper, spring-loaded DEPOSIT THIS position of the DEPOSIT THIS/DEPOSIT NEXT key is used to store a word in core memory. The operator first loads the address of the intended core memory location into the ADDRESS switches and the word itself into the DATA switches. When he raises the DEPOSIT THIS/DEPOSIT NEXT key, the address is gated into the MB and the AR by successive control memory process words. A core memory cyc Ie takes p lace as the address is jammed into the MA. However, at STROBE 0-8,9-17 time in the read-half-cyc Ie, the contents of the addressed memory location are kept out of the MB by the absence of the SAO bit. Instead, the word in the DATA switches is gated into the MB so that the write-half-cycle replaces the original contents of the addressed location with this DATA switch word. The original contents are lost. The DEPOSIT THIS function normally starts from a computer stop condition. Figure 7-1 shows the timing for setting up a DEPOSIT THIS, DEPOSIT NEXT, EXAMINE THIS, or EXAMINE NEXT operation; all require the same set-up conditions. KDP on drawing KC10 sets the REPT flip-flop after the SO-fls KEY DLY as for program START. The REPT ClK pulses step the A, B, and C flip-flops, and KEY INIT POS occurs on the A (1) 1\ IND CLK condition. KEY INIT POS generates PK ClR, drawing KC10, and starts the CM timing, drawing KC16. PK ClR and KEY INIT POS act together to c lear the CMA flip-flops, drawing KC19(1), for a CM address of 00. However, the KDP level derived from the DEPOSIT THIS key produces level KIOAS on drawing KC1 O. CMAO(O) , CMA 1 (0), and CMA2(O) on drawing KC17 allow the KIOAS level to change the address to 01. At CM STROBE time, then, the process word 01 is extracted from control memory. While the computer is stopped, REPT CLK pulses are stepping flip-flops C and B. REPT(l) now allows A to set, conditioning the set DCD gate of the RUN flipflop. On drawing KC10, if PCOS is set, A(1) A B(O) 1\ KCT(B) at Rll1-H30HJ produces PCO RESTORE which sets the PCO sense flip-flop, drawing KC19(3). A similar logical flow also applies to AROS and ARO RESTORE. This logic is necessary in order to restore the PCO and ARO flip-flops, since they are cleared by IND CLK pulses when the computer is stopped. (Clearing them enables the use of the REGISTER DISPLAY switch.) PC OS wi II be set whenever the machine has been stopped during execution of a program, and AROS wi II be set whenever the mach ine is stopped at the end of a hardware read-i n operation. Process 01 contains ADSO, MBI, SM, and CMA2S. ADSO(l) produces ADSO(G) to gate the ADDRESS switch levels ADDR SW03-17 into the input mixer, drawing KD7, via the CP/console interfac;e. The gates place the address on the buffered I/o bus. ADSO(l) also generates the LIO level, drawing KC13, in bus drivers B213-D12. LIO gates the address onto the 0 bus, drawing KC20. MBI(1) jams the address into the MB. The next REPT CLK pulse resets C and the transition sets RUN via the DCD gate conditioned by A(1) • RUN(l) clears A and B and inhibits the REPT CLK. The next CLK, ANDed with RUN(1) sets SEN. With SEN(l), the following CLK RUN generates CLK POS. The first CLK POS pulse resets REPT if the REPT switch on the console is off (down) and also starts the main memory and control memory, since SM(l) is present in the last eM process word. The CMA register at this time contains address 21, causing control memory to extract this fetch entry process word for a normal computer fetch cycle. Note that if the operator had activated 10 RESET key, SM and address 21 would not be present and improper action of CONT would result. The computer now waits for flip-flops A, B, and C to step through 0, setting the RUN flip-flop. RUN(l) disables the REPT CLKi the CLK POS (CLK and CM ClK) pulse after RUN(l) starts the core memory cycle and the CM timing chain in conjunction with SM(l), 7-3 IN CLR in the CM timing, drawing KC16, as the timing progresses toward CM STROBE. IN CLR produces 1 .. MBI, setting the MBI flip-flop, drawing KC19(2). Note that KEY 1\ (KDP+KDN) on drawing KC13 goes to the jam input of SAO, drawing KC19(3). This level keeps SAO in the reset state on the CLR pulse. resets RUN in conjunction with KIOA5, and resets the REPT flip-flop. The address in the MB gets jammed into the MA at the start of the core memory cyc Ie. The process word read out of control memory location 25 contains MBO, ARI, KEY, and CMA26. MBO(l) gates the contents of the MB (address) onto the B bus I the contents go directly through the ADR, and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. ARI(1) then. gates the contents into the AR. For DEPOSIT THIS, the address does not get past the AR (see DEPOSIT NEXT). DASO gates the DATA switch levels DATA SWaO-l7 into the input mixer gates, drawing KD7, via the CP/console interface. The input mixer gates place the data word on I/o bus (B). STROBE 0-8, 9-17 occurs in core memory to read out the word at the address specified by the MA. However, this word is inhibited by the absence of SAO(l) and is therefore lost. MEM STROBE starts another CM cyc Ie, drawing KC16. The KEY 1\ (KDP+KDN) level on drawing KC19(3), also generates KDP+KDN+RI. The KDP+KDN+RI level produces LIO on drawing KC13 in conjunctioh with MBI(l). LIO places the data word on the 0 bus from I/o bus (B). MBI (1) jams the word into the MB. KEY(1) is NANDed with a KDP+KDN level on drawing KC13 to produce DASO. KEY(1) also generates The core memory write-half-cycle stores the data word at the preselected address. The CM STROBE produced -1 REPT elK r-- REPEAT SPEED (2ps - heel I I I I I RUN A KDP V KEX KON V KEN OlY KEY OlY I REPT KEY INIT POS CM STROBE CM01V CM03 I I LJ ClK 25 26 0 ClK I I 25 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 ns l ~------------------------~~ L 26 9L-Q061 Figure 7-1 Initial Set-Up DEPOSIT or EXAMINE Timing 7-4 by MEM STROBE extracts process word 26 from control memory. Process word 26 contains PCO, SM, and CMA21. Since RUN was reset by KIOA5 and the ClK POS pulse, the computer stops and the control memory retains process word 26 in its sense flip-flops until the computer is made to proceed from CONTINUE,START, DEPOSIT NEXT, or EXAMINE THIS. From CONTINUE THIS, process word 26 accomplishes the operations performed by the BGN word at the end of an instruction. That is, it obtains the next address from the PC for the start of the next fetch cycle. For START, DEPOSIT NEXT, and EXAMINE THIS, the address from the PC does not reach the MB and the CM address (21, fetch entry) changes appropriately. 7.1.6 DEPOSIT NEXT ) Having deposited a single word in core memory with the DEPOSIT THIS position of the DEPOSIT THIS/ DEPOSIT NEXT key, the operator may use the DEPOSIT NEXT position to store a series of words in consecutive locations. For eac,h depression tq DEPOSIT NEXT, the current address in the AR is incremented by I, then placed in the MB for the start of the I')ext core memory cycle. ADDRESS switch entries after the initial DEPOSIT THIS function are unnecessary and are in fact inhibited. The DATA switches must be used to enter the new data word before each depression to DEPOSIT NEXT. the ADDRESS switches. When the key is raised, the address is gated into both the MB and the AR. The core memory cycle fetches the word and" places it in the MB in conjunction with the control memory processes. The address remains in the AR, so that it can be displayed in the REGISTER indicator by turning the REGISTER DISPLAY switch to the AR position. The EXAMINE THIS function is normally started from a computer stop condition, e.g., following a DEPOSIT THIS/DEPOSIT NEXT operation. On drawing KC10 and in Figure 7-1, KEX produces the same set-up conditions as KDP to take the initial process word from location 01. Process word 01 places the address in the MB, and the succeeding process word (25) places it in the AR for an EXAMINE NEXT operation. IN ClR and ClR from the CM timing, drawing KC16, set the MBI and SAO flip-flops during the core memory read-half-cycle to gate the word from the sense amplifiers to the MB. IN ClR and ClR are derived from the KEY(1) bit of process word 25 as for DEPOSIT THIS. The computer stops until made to proceed from CONTINUE THIS, START, or EXAMINE NEXT. It is in this stop condition that the MEMORY BUFFER indicator and the AR selection of the REGISTER indicator can be observed. 7.1.8 EXAMINE NEXT On drawing KCI0 and in Figure 7-1, KDN produces the same set-up conditions as KDP, but noW the levels KIOA4 and KIOA5 are gated on. Thus the first process word is taken from location 03. Process word 03 contains ARO, + I, MBI, SM, and CMA25. ARO(l) gates the current address in the AR onto the A bus, and the A bus contents enter the ADR. Process +1(1) produces CIl7, drawing KC14, to initiate a carry through the ADR. NOSH takes the incremented address of the ADR to the 0 bus, and MBIO) places it in the MB. Having examined a single word in core memory with the EXAMINE THIS position of the EXAMINE THIS/ EXAMINE NEXT key, the operator may use the EXAMINE NEXT position to examine a series of consecutively stored words. For each depression to EXAMINE NEXT, the current address in the AR is incremented by I, then placed in the MB for the start of the core memory cyc Ie. ADDRESS switch entries after the initial EXAMINE TI'$IS function are unnecessary and are in fact inhibited. The new address is thus ready in the MB for the core memory cycle that starts with the ClK POS pulse. Process word 25 stores the address in the AR as for DEPOSIT THIS. The entire process repeats for each depression to DEPOSIT NEXT. On drawing KC10 and in Figure 7-1, KEN performs the same set-up functions as KEX, but now the levels KIOA4 and KIOA5 are gated on. Thus the first process word is taken from location 03. Process word 03 contains ARO, +1, MBI, SM, and CMA25. ARO(1) places the current address in the AR on the A bus, and the A bus contents enter the ADR. Process +1 (1) producesCI17, drawing KC14, to initiate a carry through the ADR. NOSH takes the incremented address of the ADR to the 0 bus, and MBI(1) places it in the MB. 7.1.7 EXAMINE THIS The upper spring-loaded EXAMINE THIS position of the EXAMINE THIS/EXAMINE NEXT key transfers a single word from core memory to the MB for display at the MEMORY BUFFER indicator on the console. The address of the word to be examined is first loaded into 7-5 The new address is thus ready in the MB for the core memory cycle that starts with the ClK POS pulse. Process word 25 stores the address in the AR as for EXAMINE THIS. IN ClR and ClR derived from the KEY(1) bit of process word 25 set MBI and SAO during the core memory read-half-cycle to gate the word from core memory's sense amplifiers to the MB. The entire process repeats for each depression to EXAMINE NEXT. 7.1. 9 READ IN Key The READ IN key stores 18-bit binary words from punched paper tape in consecutive core memory locations. The operator first loads the address of the first word to be stored into the ADDRESS switches. When he depresses the READ IN key, the CP selects the paper tape reader for binary mode operation, then waits for the reader to read three lines of tape. The reader control logic in the I/o control section of the computer assembles these lines in a reader buffer (RB), drawing KD9(2). In the binary mode tape format for READ IN operations, tape channels 1 through 6 of each line contain one 6-bit character of an 18-bit word; channel 7 is punched only in the last line of the last word to be read, and channel 8 is punched in every line to control the gating of the 6-bit characters into the proper RB bit positions. When the RB is full, its contents are transferred to the MB and then are deposited in core memory. The current address of the core memory location is retained in the AR where it is incremented by 1 to store successive words in consecutive memory locations. The process continues unti I the reader encounters a line of tape in which channel 7 is punched indicating that this is the last line of the last word. The reader then stops and the CP executes the instruction encoded in the last word. This last word is usually a JMP instruction to the starting address of the program just loaded, or a HlT instruction to afford manual control of the start of the program. The READ IN function normally starts from a computer stop condition, where flip-flops C and B, on drawing KCI0(1), are cycling on the REPT ClK pulses (Figure 7-2). When the operator depresses the READ IN key, the KRI ground obtained from the key initiates KEY DlYas for all other key functions. For other keys, the trailing edge of KEY DlY sets the REPT flip-flop. REPT(1) would then permit the initial setting of flipflop A, ultimately resulting in KEY INIT POS and in the setting of the RUN flip-flop. For READ IN operations, however, KRI at ground prevents KEY DlY from setting REPT so that the reader can have time to read three lines of tape into the RB. For this reason, the reader control logic determines when three lines of tape have been read and when flip-flop A shall set, as follows. KRI and KEY DlY go to the read-in mode control, drawing KD8, via the CP-l/O interface. Both signals are applied to the DCD set gate of the READ IN 1 flip-flop. KRI conditions the gate and the positivegoing trailing edge of KEY DlY strobes the gate to set the flip-flop. READ IN 1(1) generates RSB (reader select binary) at pulse amplifier S602-F04K, and is also inverted at S107-H05D for a negative RIl (1)B level. RSB goes to the reader control, drawing KD9(1), where it resets the RDR ALPHA flip-flop and generates an IOTOI04 command at pulse amplifier S603-DI0T. The IOTOI04 command clears the RB, RDR 1, RDR 2, and RDR FlG flip-flops, and sets RDR RUN, thereby starting the tape reader mechanism. RDR COUNT pulses, timed with the appearance of the tape channel 8 holes, step the RDR 1 and RDR 2 flip-flops; the first RDR COUNT sets flip-flop RDR 1. RDR 1(1) strobes the first line of tape into the reader buffer, RBOO-05. The second RDR COUNT sets RDR 2. RDR 2(1) strobes the second line of tape into RB06-11. The third RDR COUNT sets the RDR FlG, conditioned by RDR 2(1). RDR FlG (1) strobes the third line into RB12-17, and resets RDR RUN, to stop the reader. RDR FlG (1) is buffered at S 107-E06N, drawing KD9, for a negative RDR FtG (1)B level. RDR FlG (l)B and RIl(l)B generate RD START RQ on drawing KCI0(1). RD START RQ generates KIOA5 and conditions a DCD set gate at flip-flop A. On the next reset of flip-flop B flip-flop A sets. A(l) conditions the KEY INIT POS gate and the RUN set gate. The next REPT ClK pulse sets C, and C(1) turns on IND ClK to produce the KEY INIT POS pulse. C resets on the next REPT ClK pulse, resetting A and setting RUN. KEY INIT POS generates PK ClR, both pulses reset the CMA 00,01,02 flip-flops, and KIOA5 changes the resulting CM address from 00 to 01, drawing KC17 KEY INIT POS starts the CM timing chain, drawing KC 16, to extract process word 01. Processes ADSO (1) and MBI(l) transfer the ADDRESS switch contents to the MB and SM(l) starts the core memory cycle on the ClK pulse after RUN(l) as for the DEPOSIT THIS operation. SM(1) and CM ClK also restart the CM timing to extract process word 25. ClK POS resets the RUN flip-flop in conjunction with KIOA5. KEY(1) of process word 25 sets the READ IN 2 flip-flop on drawing KD8. READ IN 1(1) A READ IN 2(1) set the IOTOI02 flip-flop, drawing KD9(1). IOTOI02(1) goes to the input mixer, drawing KD7(1), where it generates the RDR ON BUS level. RDR ON 7-6 BUS gates the RBOO-17 contents into the input mixer gates, whose outputs are NORed onto I/o bus (B). STROBE derived from core memory's MEM STROBE at the CM timing chain therefore extracts ptocess word 27. Other processes evolved from process word 25 gate the current address held in the MB into the AR, gate the I/o bus (B) contents onto the 0 bus, and the 0 bus into the MB, as for DEPOSIT THIS. The core memory write-half-cycle stores the MB contents at the current address previously transferred from the MB to the MA. Process word 27 is a do-nothing process which merely contains CMAOO. At this time, another RSB pulse occurs by virtue of READ IN 1(1) and KEY(1) of process word 25, delayed 1.2 fJs in R302-F05M, drawing KD8. RSB produces IOTOl04 to turn on the tape reader as before. The reader control assembles the next word in the RB. Process word 25 contains CMA26. But now Rl2(l)B derived from READ IN 2(1) boosts the address to 27 in conjunction with KEY(1), drawing KC17. The CM RIl(1)B A RDR FLG(1) generates RD START RQ and KIOA5 as before, and additionally RI2(1)B generates ClK POS -1 REPT ClK r- I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LJ LJ 2 pile - hee ~EPEAT SPEED KRI KEY DlY C B A RI1 RI2 RSB RDR FlG KEY INIT POS CM STROBE RUN RD START RQ RD HOLE 7 10 RESTART _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----L_ _ _ _ _ __ DONE 9l-0062 Figure 7-2 READ IN Mode Timing 7-7 ----------------~----"" --- A bus, the address on the A bus goes through the ADR, and NOSH places it on the 0 bus. II"! additi on, ARO(1) produces RQ MBI in conjunction with SM(l), RUN(1), and ClK on drawing KC19(2). RQ MBI gener ates 1 ... MBI, setting the MBI flip-flop. MBI(1) gates the current address from the 0 bus into the MB. Note that this is the address of the last word stored in core memory by the previous 03, 25, and 27 processes. KIOA4. Therefore, the CM STROBE initiated by the next KEY INIT POS pulse extracts process word 03. Process word 03 increments the current address in the AR by 1 and gates the incremented address into the MB. The computer proceeds to process word 25, storing the new word in the next consecutive core memory location. Process word 27 is extracted as for the first word. These processes (03,25,27) repeat to store all successive RB words in consecutive locations, unti I the last word is detected by the presence of a RD HOLE 7 level from the last line in the reader control logic. SM(l) waits for the next ClK pulse, at which time the core memory cycle starts and the CM timing chain cycles to extract the next process word from location 33. Process word 33 is the XCT entry word which causes the computer to execute the instruction encoded in the last stored word. DONE(1) in the succeeding instruction execute process word resets the READ IN 2 flip-flop. Figure 7-2 is a practical illustration of the timing using a two-word tape record. Since the second word is the last, the RD HOLE 7 level appears with the third line of information at W023-Al7L, drawing KD9(2). RD HOLE 7 becomes RD HOLE 7(B) and RD HOLE 7(C) at inverters S107-C06T, S107-E06T. On drawing KD8, RD HOLE 7(8) conditions the DCD reset gate at the READ IN 1 flip-flop and the DCD gate at the INPUT 10 RESTART pulse amplifier S602-F04U. 7.1.10 I/o RESET Key The I/o RESET key clears all flags in I/o devices, control flip-flops in the I/o control logic, and all CP registers except the PC. KEY INIT POS occurs to extract the first of the three process words 03, 25, 27, and RUN sets' to issue the ClK POS pulse. ClK POS cannot reset RUN because of RD HOLE 7(C) at the reset input gate. KEY(1) of process word 25 resets the READ IN 1" flipflop, and triggers the 1.2 J-Is delay in R302-F05M, drawing KD8. Reset READ IN 1 removes RI1 (1)B and consequently RD START RQ from flip-flop A, drawing KC10(1). The removal of RI1 (1)B also removes KIOA5 from the CM address gates. RI2(1)B remains to place KIOA4 at the address gates. Delayed KEY(1) recovers after 1.2 J-IS to produce INPUT 10 RESTART. Since READ IN 1 is reset, the delay upon recovery cannot produce another RSB pulse. With the RUN flip-flop remaining set I the REPT ClK is disabled, flip-flops A, B, and C cannot recyc Ie, and KEY INIT POS cannot occur. The next process word must be extraCted, therefore, by INPUT 10 RESTART. This pulse goes to the I/o control logic, drawing KD3(3), where it triggers pulse amplifier S602-H20K for 10 RESTART. The 10 RESTART pulse triggers the CM timing chain, drawing KC16. The next CM STROBE thus obtained wi II extract process word 02 from control memory. (The CM address in process word 27 is 00; this is boosted to 02 by KIOA4.) The I/o RESET function norma lIy starts from a computer stop condition. When the operator depresses the I/o RESET key, the ground KIO level obtained from the key conditions input DCD gates at pulse amplifiers S602-HllK and S603-J10F, drawing KD3(1). These gates are strobed constantly by positive ClK pulses from the main clock, drawing KC10. Unlike the gated negative ClK and ClK POS pulses, the positive ClK pulses are present independent of the RUN flip-flop status. These ungated ClK pulses, therefore, generate 10 PWR CLR POS and lOT PWR ClR pulses at the amplifiers as long as the KIO conditioning level is present. The 10 PWR ClR POS pulses reset the BKO, BK1 flipflops, drawing KD3. They a Iso go to the flags of optional I/o devices via the I/o bus, and to certain flip-flops within the I/o control section controlling the standard I/o equipment. The lOT PWR ClR pulses clear the DCH SYNC, PIE, and 100, 101 flipflops, drawing KD3. 10 PWR ClR POS generates 10 ClR on KD3(2). 10 ClR resets PROG SY, PROG SYNC, and BK fHp-flops. The ground KIO level also produces KEY DlY on drawing KC10 as for other manual key functions, and generates KIOA3, KIOA5. KEY DlY upon recovery sets the REPT flip-flop, allowing flip-flops C and B to set A, and generating KEY INIT POS and setting RUN. The ensuin~ ClK POS pulse resets RUN shortly there- Process word 02 contains ARO, SM, and CMA33. ARO(1) gates the current address in the AR onto the 7-8 after, in conjunction with KIOAS and the negation states of RDR HO lE 7(C), RIl (l)B. tion or one cycle at a time. If both switches are up, the SING STEP function overrides SING INST. The CM STROBE produced in control memory by KEY INIT POS extracts process word OS because of the KIOA3, KIOAS address levels at the CM address gates, drawing KC17. Process word OS contains ACI, ARI, MBI, MQI, LI, KEY, CONT, and CMA27. ACI(l), ARI(1), MBI(l), and MQI(1) open their respective registers to the contents of the 0 bus. Since the 0 bus contains nothing at this time, the AC, AR, MB, MQ registers are filled with Os. LI(l) strobes the jam input gate of the LAR, drawing KC1S. Since the "normal" input gates are disabled by a ground KEY (0) , LI(1) resets the LAR. If the SING STEP switch is operated during a running program, the computer wi II ha It at the end of the current cycle, drawing KCI0. The CONTINUE THIS key can then be used to step the instructions one cycle at a time, with each CONTINUE THIS depression. The CM STROBE produced by KEY INIT POS restarts -the CM timing in conjunction with CONT(l), to extract process word 27. Process word 27 is the donothing process which contains merely the CM address 00. LI (0) resets the Li nk . Reset RUN allows REPT ClK pulses to recycle flipflops C and B, and th!,! computer remai ns in the 00 KEY NOP state unti I another key is operated. The CONTINUE THIS key can also be used with the REPT switch for continuous SING STEP or SING INST operations. Ordinarily, turning on the SING INST switch alone will cause the RUN flip-flop to reset upon completion of the current execute cycle. The CONTINUE THIS key would then be depressed for the execution of the next instruction. If the REPT switch is turned on (up), the REPT flip-flop remains set as RUN resets, and the REPT ClK pulses step flip-flops A, B, C to eventually set RUN. Thus, the program continues one instruction at a time, at intervals determined by the REPEAT SPEED switch. This eliminates the necessity for depressing the CONTINUE THIS key for each advance. 7.2 DISPLAY INDICATORS 7.2.1 REGISTER Indicator 7.1.11 REPT and REPEAT SPEED Switches The latched up position of the REPT switch disables the DCD reset gate of the REPT flip-flop, drawing KCI0, so that the flip-flop cannot become reset by the ClK POS pulse after RUN(1). With the REPT flipflop always set, the REPT ClK pulses will recycle flip-flops A, B, and C to set RUN each time RUN resets. The recurrence rate of REPT ClK pulses determines the time interval from RUN reset to RUN set. The REPEAT SPEED switch determines the REPT ClK recurrence rate. The REPT and REPEAT SPEED switches are normally used in this manner with START, CONTINUE THIS, READ IN, and with built-in maintenance provisions. REPEAT SPEED is a five-position rotary switch, drawing CS-S40S01S, which selects various capacitors to tune the REPT ClK frequency for speeds ranging from 2 I-IS to Is. The capacitor selected by position 1 is mounted externally, whi Ie a II others are located within the REPT ClK module R401. Note that READ IN operations require that REPEAT SPEED be placed in position S (2 jJS). The Il-position REGISTER DISPLAY switch on the console selects the contents of the following registers for display in the lS-bit REGISTER indicator. AC contents AR contents MQ contents PC, Li nk, memory extend mode status, memory protect mode status ,EPC RDR - reader buffer contents TTl - keyboard buffer contents API - on/off, interrupt request, and priority level status of eight priority levels I/o A - IS-bit address word in DCH or API operations I/o ~ - lS-bit data word on I/Obus from/to any device DPY - 9-bits each of X, Y buffers of optional·· Type 34Hl Display The REGISTER DISPLAY switch and the REGISTER indicator are enabled by IND EN when the computer is in the stop condition. The IND EN level from drawing KCI0 goes to the REGISTER DISPLAY switch wiper, drawing CS-S40S01S via the CP/console interface, drawing KC23. 7.1.12 SING INST and SING STEP Switches The latched up positions of the SING INST and SING STEP switches are normally used in conjunction with CONTINUE THIS to advance a program one instruc- i-9 Note that the I/o BUS position of the switch is actually the off position. In this position, the indicator displayS-whatever happens to be on the data lines of the I/o bus. If any of the four CP registers (AC, AR, PC, MQ) were preselected, the appropriate enabling level (ACD, etc.) goes from the switch contact to the respective register gate sense flip-flop I setting the flip-flop on a CM STROBE B generated by IND ClK. IND EN also sets 10 BUS ON at CM STROBE B time. The IND ClK pulses are derived from the stepping of flip-flops Band C during the RUN reset condition (computer NOP). The sense flip-flop opens the A bus to the appropriate register contents. As shown in Figure 7-3, a direct signal path to the input mixer is afforded by the A bus, ADR, and I/o bus. At the input mixer, drawing KD7, the contents on the I/O bus are inverted (buffered) at NOR gates R123, then fed from the 10/CP interface (drawings KC25, KD6) to indicator driver transistors in the console, drawing CS-5408020. The transistors supply drive current of 30 rnA at -2V to the appropriate REGISTER indicator lamps (REG 00-17) for all binary 1 levels received from 10 BUSOO(B) - 10 BUS17(B). The indicator lamps remain illuminated as long as the operator holds the computer in the stop condition. 7.2.2 Link Indicator The set side of the Link is wired through the CP/IO and IO/console interface to its indicator drive transistor in the console, then to the Link indicator lamp. When the Link sets, the indicator illuminates. Although displayed continually I the Link indication is meaningful only when the AC contents are selected in the computer stop condition. The LINK flip-flop is shown on drawing KC15. 7.2.3 MEMORY BUFFER Indicator The MB register bits MBOO-17 are wired through the CP/IO and IO/console interface to their indicator driver transistors in the console, then to the MEMORY BUFFER indicator lamps. Although displayed continualIy, the indication is meaningful only in the computer stop condition. The select levels for all other display selections go from the REGISTER DISPLAY switch to the input mixer via the CP/console (drawing KC23) and CP/IO interface (CP/H40 to 10/H01, drawing KC25). At the input mixer the select level (RDRD I etc.) passes a NOR gate in Rlll-D17 to produce a RDR ON BUS etc. signal which gates the selected information into the input mixer modules. The information is then buffered at 10 BUSOO(B) - 10 BUS 17(B) as for the CP registers. 7.2.4 INSTRUCTION Indicator The five INSTRUCTION indicator lamps continually di splay the contents of the IR. The first four lamps KC 25 CP/F39-40 KC- 21 IO/F01-02 K D-7 K C-25 r-------l INPUT MIXER 10 BUS (BI 00-17 I I I EOI E02 E40 E39 RDR ON BUS ETC KD-6 r-----, I I I I I I I I All I--I--~ A I 2 I---l-c--=---o-=-l I I AI3 I I I I I/O CP I I I/O L ________ J L ____ J RDR TTl STATUS API 1/0 ADDR I/O BUS DPY KC 23 Figure 7-3 REGISTER DISPLAY Signal Paths 7-10 indicate the op code IROO-03 of the instruction being executed. The fifth lamp illuminates when the memory reference instruction contains an indirect address (IR04 = 1). The IR bits are wired to their indicator driver transistorS in the console via the CP/console interface, then to the indicator lamps. REPT flip-flop is normally controlled by the program, but may be kept in the set state by the REPT switch for maintenance purposes. 7.2.10 PRGM STOP Indicator 7.2.S PIE Indicator The PIE indicator illuminates when the program interrupt faci lity is enabled by an IOT0042 instruction (ION). In the I/O control logic, drawing KD3(2), the decoded instruction sets the PIE flip-flop. The set side of the flip-flop is wired to its indicator driver transistor in the console via the IO/console interface, then to the indicator lamp. The lamp remains illumin- . ated unti I a program interrupt occurs or until an IOT0002 instruction (IOF) is issued. Both events reset the PIE flip-flop, disabling the facility and extinquishing the lamp. The PRGM STOP indicator illuminates when the RUN flip-flop resets. The reset side of the RUN flip-flop is wired through the CP/console interface to its indicator driver transistor in the console, then to the indicator lamp. 7.2. 11 DATA Indicator The DATA indicator illuminates when a DCH break is in progress. From drawing KD3(1) a DCH BK DlY level goes through the I/o interface to the DATA indi cator driver transistor in the console, then to the indicator. 7.3 POWER CONTROL 7.2.6 ClK Indicator The ClK indicator illuminates when an IOT0044 instruction (ClON) enables the optional real-time clock. The ClK switch must be down before the lOT instruction can enable the clock. 7.2.7 SING STEP Indicator The SING STEP indicator illuminates when the SING STEP switch is turned on. The SW SG l STP level from the switch goes via the CP/console interface to its indicator driver transistor in the console, then to the indicator lamp .. 7.2.8 SING INST Indicator The SING INST indicator illuminates when the SING INST switch is turned on. The SW SGl INST level from the switch goes via the CP/console interface to its indicator driver transistor in the console, then to the indicator lamp. 7.2.9 REPT Indicator The REPT indicator illuminates when the REPT flip-flop is set. From drawing KCI0 the REPT(1) level goes through the CP/console interface to its indicator driver transistor in the console, then to the indicator. The 7-11 7.3.1 Primary Power Distribution The PDP-9/l will accept several primary power inputs. This flexibility permits it to be operated in many power envi ronments. Adj ustment to di fferent conditions is done by changing various input transformer taps in the power distribution system. Input power "equirements are 3 KVA. For 60 Hz power sources, adjustment can be made for either 120 or 240V. For SO Hz sources, adjustments may be made for 100V, IS0V, 200V, 21SV and 230V cc. Primary power distribution is shown on drawing 9-l-3. Primary power is applied to TBI of the main Type 712 Power Supply located at the bottom right of the front panel as viewed from the rear (drawing 712-0-1). Power is applied to the system by 40A circuit breaker CB 1, located on the 712 Power Supply between the two distribution boards and accessible from the rear (panel doors are not interlocked). Closing this breaker applies power to the console and the maintenance panel and energizes the main power contactor K1, from which power is taken for the uti lity outlets and power supply transformers T1 and T2. Adjusted ac voltage then is distributed by auto tap to the HighSpeed Punch PC09, the Memory Me71, the fans, . the Central Processor KC09-C, and the I/o Control KD09-C. The elapsed time meter is tied across the high-speed punch auto-tap and indicates to the nearest tenth of an hour, the cumulative hours of system power on . All jumper modifications are usually made by the manufacturer to suit a particular customer's needs. A quick check, however, is usually in order before applying power. There are four categories of adjustments: line frequency, when input voltage is 110V, jumpers must be connected between J -12 and J -13 and between J-14 and J-15. If the input voltage is 220V, these jumpers should be removed, allowing current limiting resistors R3 for 11 and R9 for K1 to function. The next check is the auto-taps, Number 1 for the high-speed punch and Number 2 for the fans. If operating conditions are 50 Hz, 115V, the line should be connected between terminals 10 and 13 on both T1 and T2. With 60 Hz, 120V conditions, connect the line from pins 11-13. a. Power contactor current limit adjustments, b. Auto-taps, c. Power transformer pri mari es, and d. Power transformer secondari es . The power transformer primary connections and jumpers should then be checked against Table 7-1 for the particular line voltage and frequency conditions at the operating site. These various conditions are given in Table 7-1. Check first the power contact jumpers; regardless of Table 7-1 Input Power Adjustments Category Power Contactor Auto Taps Transformer Primary Line Frequency Line Voltage Line Connections 110 J12-J13 J14-J15 220 None 50 115 Not Applicable 10-11 60 120. Not Applicable 11-13 50 100 11-14 12-13 10-12 11-15 13-14 10-14 10-15 11-14 12-13 13-14 11-12 50/60 115 60 200 215 230 120 240 Transformer Secondary Jumpers 50 60 Not Applicable Not Applicable 7-12 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 50 Hz Blk. 60 Hz Blk. Finally 1 the transformer secondary connectors should be plugged into the proper block for the power frequency used. These connections are changed by removing and replacing two modular quick-disconnect fittings. This information is repeated for quick reference in Table 7-1 . memory voltage relay K2. Operation of K2 is from a delayed ground from the memory contral module to -15V in this supply, The marginal check supplies operate in conjunction with the Me switch S 1 to vary the voltages to the logic, thereby determining the life expectancy of selected logic modules. This becomes part of the preventive maintenance schedule for the computer. In use, certain sets of logic modules are selected by marginal check switches located within the rack. The marginal check switch on the maintenance panel is then set to either + Me or - Me position and a selected diagnostic routine is run. During the routin~, the variable supply is adjusted until the computer fails. At this point the voltage, as indicated by the marginal check voltmeter M2, is recorded for future reference. The same procedure is followed for the opposite polarity. These periodically recorded failure points are then used to forecast impending problems in modules. 7,3.2 Power Supply The 712 Power SupplYI drawing 712-0-1 1 is a dual 50/60 Hz unit designed for ease in conversion to any of the input and frequency combinations listed in the drawing. The user simply matches the line frequency and then chooses the input voltage value which most nearly matches his nominal line voltage. He then arranges the transformer taps to the chosen va lues. Output voltages and current drains are as shown. Figure 7-4 is a functional block diagram of the 712 Power Supply. Its purpose is to provide the -30 Vdc required by the high-speed punch and the memory; and also to supply the logic dc voltages +15 and -10, The 712 Power Supply is made up of two groups of heavy-duty power supply modules. One group is fed by T1 the other by T2, The first group comprise a fixed -15 Vdc, a fixed +10 Vdc, and an ungrounded supply made variable between 0 and approximately 20 Vdc. The second group contains a +10, a -15, and a -30 Vdc supply. The -30 Vdc supply feeds the punch directly, and the memory through operation of The function of the marginal check switch Sl is illustrated in Figure 7-5. In OFF position (Figure 7-5aL the meter Ml is disconnected and fixed positive and negative voltages are sent to the logic modules. Note a Iso that a ground is placed on the output of the variable supply. In the + Me position (Figure 7-5b) the positive voltage to the logic is varied while the negative voltage is fixed. In - Me position (Figure 7-5c) the negative voltage is varied while the positive voltage is fixed. In either Me position the buckoff meter o rl II 3KVA IN Lei K1 UTIL1 TY OUTLETS + 20 VARIABLE SUPPLY +10V Me SUPPLY T1 "" o TO I J ~~ MC SWITCH SI ~ END OF LI NE SHORT Jl v MARGINAL r------ +10 CHECK TO LOGIC f-------- - 15 V MARGINAL CHECK TO LOGIC t -15V MC • SUPPLY AC TO PUNCH ~ ~ I T2 +lOV SUPPLY + 10V DC TO -15V SUPPLY -30V SUPPLY GNO FROM MEM CONTROL 15 V DC TO LOGIC 11 MEM VOLT RELAY 30 V DC TO MEMORY K2 30VOC TO PUNCH AC TO FANS Figure 7-4 Power Supply 712, Block Diagram 7-13 LOGIC A (OFF) <$> :: '1 :: METE." :·1 -DISCONNECTED I ,-.:+-;-.-:+.f.:..O---oO...- -...t-----4..:C=----I.~ + 10 V FIXED T'Er-I . POWER IN FROM KI =:J D. . CJ~+1------04-0" .. I _.,d ---+-t I .. -15 I Er--I'---1:IOIIII:t---.--+J=---- .,0 0 0 ,0° n 5 I u IJ ~L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 10 SYNC POS PROG. 3Y DONE BK SYNC I~--------------------------------~ BK PROG. SYNC PIE DLY IL--__ -l 10 CLR ____________________________________---ln L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BK ENTRY (11) lAO ENTRY(32) ------------------'L-.-J (23) (60) B GN (10) II+.------CURRENT EXECUTE CYGLE-------ooI.I....- - - - - - IA0 CYCLE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......~.-FETCH 00001 9L Figure 8-4 Program Interrupt Timing 8-8 ~0080 / CLK(B) pulse which appears at the 10 SYNC POS gate and which triggers the B301 Delay Multivibrator on drawing KD3(3). At the 10 SYNC POS gate 10 CLK(B) cannot generate another 10 SYNC POS pulse because of PROG SY(O) at ground (PROG SY is still set). The B301 Delay Multivibrator recovers 400 ns after 10 CLK (B) so that the DLY output goes to ground (DL Y). DLYand BK(l) trigger pulse amplifier S602H1lU for 10 CLR, drawing KD3(2). 10 CLR resets PROG SY, PROG SYNC, and BK. The PROG SYNC flip-flop, upon resetting, triggers pulse amplifier S602-J09K to generate a ground going pulse. This pulse pulls the collector of the PIE flip-flop to ground, resetting the fl ip-flop. PIE (0) from the reset fI ip-flop holds the PROG SY flip-flop in the reset state, so that future PROG INT RQs cannot cause a program interrupt unless an ION instruction has been issued. The next computer CLK pulse starts a fetch cycle to fetch the instruction word located at 00001. This is usually a JMP to the flag search subroutine which finds and services the device that requested the interrupt. The service routine includes an lOT instruction which resets the device flag as it performs the data transfer(s). This removes the PROG INT RQ from the common I/O bus line, to allow other devices to use the line. The service routine must also include an lOT ION instruction to re-enable the PI facility for the other devices, since PIE was reset. The ION instruction is normally programmed just before the service routine exit. The next computer cycle fetches the JMP * 00000 instruction from memory and places it in the MB. The op code detection circuits recognize the indirect address, and the computer therei:;,re goes into a defer cycle to fetch the contents (effective address) of location 00000. The interrupted PC count, the Link status, memory extend mode status, memory protect mode status, and extended program count comprise the contents of location 00000, now read into the MB by the defer entry process word (31). Process word 31 also detects the JMP op code to produce REP, in which case the JMP execute process 74 follows. DEI going to 0 at the start of process 74 sets the second flip-flop in S202-H10. This flip-flop then resets DB RESTORE and produces a DBR pulse at W612E16D, which goes through the CP-IjO interface to drawing KC15. Here DBR is NANDed with MBOO at Rl11-D05H. If MBOO is 1, indicating that the stored Link status was 1, a ground level A BUS LINK results. A BUS LINK causes the ADRL to go negative. Process word 74 takes the contents of the MB and gates the address portion into the PC via the B bus, ADR, and 0 bus. As this occurs, the ADRL is strobed into LAR by LI(l) of the process. Process word 10 (BGN) follows, during which the restored PC contents are gated back into the MB via the A bus, ADR, and 0 bus, and the LAR state is strobed into the Link by LI(O). The interrupted Link status is thus restored to the Link, the interrupted program address is restored to the PC and MB, and the computer will now resume the program on the coming fetch cycle. For EXD mode, PRTCT mode, and EPC status restoration, refer to the respective option manuals. To exit from the service routine and return to the main program, provisions must also be made to restore the status of the Link, memory EXD mode, memory PRTCT mode, and EPC. An lOT DBR instruction (703344) issued before the JMP * 00000 that returns to the main program wi II restore the status. The lOT 10F instruction may be programmed to disable the PI facility as necessary. In this case, IOT0002 produced as for lOT ION resets the PIE flip-flop via its DCD reset gate because of the detected SDO ground level. The typical exit sequence, therefore, is: ION DBR JMP * /RE-ENABLE PI /pRIME SYSTEM TO RESTORE /pC,L,EXD,PRTCT,EPC STATUS 00000 /RESTORE INTERRUPTED STATUS On drawing KD3(l) the DBR instruction (703344} is decoded to produce an IOP4 and, consequently, an IOT3344 pulse at R11l-F 1OUV. IOT3344 sets the DB RESTORE flip-flop S202-H10. DB RESTORE(l) then conditions the DCD set gate to the second flip-flop in S202-H10. 8-9 8.1.8 I/O Status Check Facility The lOT 10RS instruction (700314) loads the AC with a word comprising the status of various device flags and control flip-flops. IOT0314 is detected during fetch to select the facility and to start the lOP generation. In this case device 03 is the ASR33 Teletype keyboard, MB14(1) puts Os in the AC, and MB15(1) generates IOP4 to read the status bits from the I/O bus into the AC. This differs from the normal scheme where IOP2 is used for input transfers. Of the 18 possible status bits thus deposited in the AC for further examination, 11 have been preassigned as listed in Table 8-1. On drawing K03(l), OSO-2 are sampled by 10T(1) from the CP detection circuits to produce OXEN. The OXEN level is further gated with OS03P, OS04, OS05 on drawing KOll(l), turning on the KBO SEl level. The pulse counter flip-flops 100 and 101 on K03(3) produce IOP4P on the fourth 10 ClK POS pulse, and IOP4P sets the RO STATUS flip-flop on KOll(l). RO STATUS(l) generates STATUS ON BUS at the input mixer, drawing K07(1). STATUS ON BUS becomes RO STATUS at bus driver B213-F07, drawing KOll(1). The RO STATUS level goes through the I/O bus to the preassigned device flag and control flip-flop output gates, placing their status on the bus. STATUS ON BUS the status bits into the input mixer diode gates, whose outputs are NORed onto I/O bus (B). RO STATUS(l) also appears at diode mixer R141-F240, drawing K03(3), to produce the INT RO RQ BUS signal. INT RO RQ BUS is NORed ~t Rll1-F19UV for RO RQ(B). 400 ns after the 10 ClK POS pulse produces IOP4with 101(1), the RO RQ(B), 101(1), and ClK OlY10 signals generate AC RO at W612-F18N. AC RO(B) turns on LIO, drawing KC13, and 1 -ACI, drawing 19(2) to gate the contents from I/o bus (B) to the 0 bus and into the AC. Table 8-1 I/o Status Bit Assignments Bit Status 00 Program Interrupt On 01 Tape Reader Flag 02 Tape Punch Flag 03 Teletype Keyboard Flag 04 Teletype Printer Flag 05 Oscilloscope Display Option Flag 06 Real Time Clock Option Overflow Flag 07 Clock Enable 08 Tape Reader No Tape Table 8-1 I/O Status Bit Assignments Bit Status 09 Tape Punch No Tape 10 DECtape Option Flag(s) 11-14 Unassigned 15-17 Reserved for special customer devices -- 8.2 DATA CHANNEL TRANSFERS Four data channels (DCH) provide a high-speed data transfer path between core memory and four optional devices for the transfer of blocks of data. Address and control lines go through a secondary I/O bus, and the data lines go through the primary I/O bus which is used for program-controlled transfers. Each of the four devices are assigned a pair of sequential channel registers in core memory: Channel Registers Device o 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 2 00036 00037 3 These registers are initialized by the program before the device begins transferring data. The first register of a pair is a word count (We) register initialized to the 2 1s complement of the number of data words to be transferred, The second is a current address (CA) register which is initialized to the address, -1, of the location from/to which the first data word is transferred. Four additional devices can be attached to the existing configuration; however appropriate channel register addresses must be assigned. Once the registers have been initialized, the computer instructs the device, by means of lOT instructions, to prepare for transfer operations. The device itself contains essentially the same control logic as for program-controlled transfers, plus other DCH logic. Most of the additional logic is contained in a W104 Multiplexer. 8-10 / When the device is ready for the input/output transfer, it issues a DCH RQ to the computer on an 10 SYNC pulse. The CP honors the request at the completion of the current instruction by issuing a BK SYNC to the control memory logic and a DCH GR to all four devices. The DCH GR allows the requesting device to place the address of its WC register on the secondary I/O bus; the BK SYNC causes the computer to exit the program and as for program interrupt to go into the BK entry process. The next computer cycle(s) performs the actual datil transfer. For input transfer core memory reads out the contents of the addressed location, but they are flocked from the MB and are therefore lost. Other processes gate the data word from the AR to the MB, and core memory writes the word into the addressed location. This completes the input transfer, and a BGN word (or another BK entry word) follows. The BK entry process replaces the BGN process at the end of the normal computer execute cycle. The process transfers the WC address from the secondary I/O bus to the MB. The WC address a Iso goes from the MB into the MA for the coming computer cycle. The computer enters a WC cycle, incrementing the WC ADDR by 1 and storing it in the AR. The core memory read-half-cycle reads out the contents of the addressed WC register, +1, into the MB. If the contents (word count) have incremented to 0, an 10 OFLO signal goes to the device, telling it not to request further transfers since the last data word is about to be transferred. If the device is also connected to the PI facility and the facility is enabled, it may also use the 10 OFLO to issue a PROG INT RQ to the computer. For example, the PI can be honored to branch to a subroutine which re-initializes the WC and CA registers. In any case, the core memory writes the incremented word count back into the WC register, and other processes place the incremented WC ADDR from the AR into the MB and MA for the next computer cycle. The incremented address is the address of the device's CA register. For an output transfer the core memory read-half-cycle does place the contents of the addressed location in the MB, since the .contents represent the data word to be transferred to the devi ce. Other processes gate the data word from the MB onto the primary I/O bus, and the core memory restores the same data word to the addressed location. This completes one computer output cycle. An additional idle cycle ensues which gives the data word time to settle on the primary I/O bus and the device time to strobe it into its data register. During the idle cycle, the device's WR RQ generates an IOP4 in the I/O control logic. IOP4 generates an lOT XX04 pulse in the device's device selector, which is used to strobe the data in. A BGN process (or BK entry) word follows as for the single input transfer cycle. Successive DCH requests and DCH breaks can occur from the same devi ce or another devi ce provided the device flag has been raised at the start of the current CA cycle. Otherwise, the program resumes and executes at least one instruction before the DCH can cause another break entry. If the instruction is an lOT, XCT, or optional EAE instruction, a considerable delay between OCH breaks is possible, since these are multi -cycle instructions and their DONE(l) levels appear in the last cycle only. For maximum operating effi ciency, the program must be planned with the device transfer rates and the break entry point in mind. The next computer cy~le is a CA cycle, in which the address contained in the CA register is read from core memory into the MS. On its way through the ADR to the MB, the address is incremented by 1 (unless searching). The incremented address is the address of the core memory location from/to which the data word is to be transferred. For an input transfer, the device has issued a RD RQ by this time, which generates an IOP2 in the I/O control logic. IOP2 goes to the device's W103 Device Selector to generate an lOT XX02 pulse. The device uses this pulse to gate the data word out of its data register onto the primary I/O bus. Other processes gate the data word into the AR as the core memory writes the incremented address into the CA. Priority among I/O devices making simultaneous DCH requests is determined by their physical placement. Devices closer to the I/O bus have priority over those farther away. An enabling level from the computer's I/O control section is chain-connected through the W104 multiplexer in each device. The DCH grant to all four devices causes the removal of the enabling level from the lower priority devices. For an output transfer, the processes write Os into the AR because no RD RQ has been issuecl and, consequently, no data is placed on the primary I/O bus. DCH operations also include an add-to-memory feature (Section 8.2.8). 8-11 8.2.1 I/O Bus Connections The DCH uses the data, 10 SYNC, RD RQ, and 10 PWR ClR lines of the primary I/O bus, AB25, 26 drawing KD2(l), and certain address and control lines of the secondary I/o bus, drawing KD2(2). The same cabling considerations for the primary bus apply to the secondary. Of the 1510 ADDR lines shown on KD2(2) the DCH uses the six least significant for the four assigned pairs of channel addresses. The basic PDP-9/L allots four pairs of WC and CA registers in core memory for use with four optional devices in the data channels. Because of the time delay encountered in propagating signals through the Wl04 modules, the number of additional devices is limited to four (total eight) provided the total I/O bus cable length does not exceed 50 ft. The additional pairs of core memory registers must be assigned and protected, and the devices must contain the W104 multiplexer or equivalent logic interfaced to the I/O bus. 8.2.2 Multiplexer W104 Figure 8-5 is the logic diagram for the W104 module. The device flag and 10 SYNC pulse set the REQ flipflop. The set REQ flip-flop sends a DCH RQ to the computer and places the EN OUT level to succeeding W104s at ground (EN IN), holding their REQ flipflops in the reset state until the currently requesting device relinquishes control by resetting its flag. 8.2.3 Break Synchronization The device flag raises asynchronously when the device is ready for a data transfer. Thereafter, the DCH break synchronizes on 10 SYNC and 10 SYNC POS pulses. 10 SYNC pulses occur on computer ClK POS pulses where no lOT instruction is currently in progress, drawing KD3(1). Under these conditions, 10 SYNC occurs to set the REQ flip-flop in the W104 in conjunction with the device flag, Figure 8-5 and drawing KC31. REQ(l) sends a ground DCH RQ to the DCH SYNC flip-flop, drawing KD3(2), and grounds the EN OUT signal to succeeding DCH devices. The EN IN level is supplied by the I/O control, drawing KD3(1) at W005-H19H, labeled DCH EN. DCH EN goes to the first W104 from the secondary I/o bus. Assuming that the first device has raised its flag, 10 SYNC has set its REQ flip-flop. The 0 side of REQ in going to ground blocks the EN IN level at the R111 input gate. Thus, EN OUT goes to ground, resetting and holding the lower priority REQ flip-flops. 8-12 The main ClK pulse, of course, starts a normal computer cycle. The DCH RQ sent to the I/O control waits for the next ClK pulse. 10 ClK(B) derived from the next ClK pulse (10 ClK POS) generates. 10 SYNC POS on drawing KD3(2) if the conditions lOT (0), ClK SYNC(O), etc. are present. This means that 10 SYNC POS occurs only on an 10 ClK(B) during which no lOT, optional API, RTC or PI, operation is in progress~ The DCH, therefore, cannot interrupt any of these current operati ons . 10 SYNC POS strobes a DCD gate conditioned by DCH RQ to set the DCH SYNC flip-flop. DCH SYNC(l) holds the optional ClK SYNC and PRE API SYNC flip-flops in the reset state, and sets and holds the DCH SYNC SAVE flip-flop. DCH SYNC SAVE (1) holds the PROG SY fl ip-flop in the reset state. Therefore, once the DCH SYNC flip-flop has set, these operations cannot begin; DCH has the higher priority. DCH SYNC(l) also triggers the 100-fJs DCH BK Dl Y, generates DCH GRANT on drawing KD3(l), and INC + DCH on KD3(2). DCH GRANT sets the ENA flipflop in the W104 in conjunction with REQ(l). ENA (1) puts the device's 10 ADDR on the secondary I/O bus. The 10 ADDR bits go to drawing KD5, where they are buffered to 10 ADDR(B). The DCH BK DlY illuminates the console DATA indicator. DCH GRANT also produces a ClR FLAG pulse in the W104. ClR FLAG resets the REQ flip-flop and the device's data flag. EN OUT goes negative, allowing lower priority devices to make futvre DCH requests. DCH SYNC(l) generates BK SYNC on drawing KD3(2). BK SYNC waits for DONE(l) in the instruction being executed. Since the device data flag was raised asynchronously, the DCH SYNC flip-flop can set on an 10 ClK(B) pulse which starts anyone of the four norma I computer cycl es (fetch, defer, lAO, execute). Assuming that the flag is raised before a normal twocycle computer instruction begins, the ClK pulse that initiates fetch results in DCH RQ and the ClK pulse that initiates execute results in DCH SYNC(l), as shown in drawing KC31. BK SYNC goes to the CP via the CP-I/O interface to generate ODD ADDR in conjunction with DON E(l), drawing KC17. The execute process word containing DONE(l) also contains CMA10. Process word 10 is the BGN word which normally places the next address from the PC in the MB for the next computer fetch cycle. Now ODD ADDR on drawing KC 17 boosts CMA 10 to 11. Therefore, the last process word in the execute cycle is taken from CM location 11. Process word 11 is the BK entry word which starts the DCH break operation. The word contains EXT, IRI, SM, and CMA30. EXT(l) produces 10 ADDR ON BUS, drawing KD7(l), and LIO, drawing KC13. 10 ADDR ON BUS gates the device's 10 ADDR 12(B)-17(B) through the input mixer modules onto I/O bus (B). LIO gates the address from I/O bus (B) onto the 0 bus. EXT(l) on drawing KC19(2) produces 1 -+ MBI in conjunction with SM(l) and ClK. 1 -+ MBI sets the MBI flip-flop, and MBI(l) then gates the address on the 0 bus into the MB. from 30 to 34. Process word 34 wi II be extracted from control memory on the CM STROBE that results from the next CM ClK pulse to start the WC cycle. Drawing KC5 shows the break flow from the BK entry' process through completion. 8.2.4 WC Cycle Process word 34 is extracted from control memory on the CM ClK pulse in conjunction with SM(l) of the BK entry word. ClK and SM(l) also start the core memory read/wri te cyc Ie. 10 SYNC, derived from 10 ClK POS, sets ENB inthe W104, Figure 8-5. ENB(l) sends a SELECT level to the W103 Device Selector in the DCH device. This level is applied to W103-BD, Figure 8-3, bypassing the device select code input gates to force selection of the device. IRI(l) puts Os in the IR, drawing KC12. On drawing KC17, EXT(l) and INC + DCH boost the CM address 10 AOOR 12 • CONNECT AS NEEDED • } AL 10 ADORI7 AN AS AU • ~ - 'V AP BI63 ENA (II o---~y~-~ 6 +--+--+--__________-+-__________ ~B::':M- EN OUT ,.--_-+___________""AV'--+ ENA(OI ,.--____+-__~----------~B~V~OCHRa W005 1- - - - - - - - - AD - - - ,-1 SELECT EN IN --"'-'----------.j I REO (01 REO (I I ..."L-_ _---.-~ I L-----'--,,/V'v I I ENB (Il , . - - - - + - - - - - "AF' - . ENB (01 I 10 ONLY USED WITH DATA CHANNEL, NOT NECESSARY WITH API 10 SYNC J RI07 ENA(OI ENA(l1 CLR FLAG I l___________ ...,- ____ I I -.J I-~t-----------B:..:.O--<> I FLAG -"B-,,-S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....J OCH .:;::BE=---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-"--J GRANT 'U Rl07 I II I I I I I I I I I I I PWR CLR I I ~-"'AE'--+ REO (I) 90-0003 Figure 8-5 Multiplexer W104, logic Diagram 8-1-3 AJ AK THROUGH Process word 34 contains MBO, + 1, ARI, DCH, and CMA10. MBO(l) gates the WC ADDR from the MB to . the B bus. The address on the B bus goes through the ADR, and NOSH places it on the 0 bus. As it goes through the ADR, process + 1 (1) generates Cll7 on drawing KC14, and CI17 increments the ADR contents by 1. ARI(l) gates the incremented address from the o bus into the AR. Process word 34 remains active for two normal processword periods because the CM STROBE cannot retrigger the CM timing chain, on drawing KC16, in the absence of a CONT(1) bit. CM STROBE does get as far as the ClR gating, however, at which time DCH(l) generates IN ClR and ClR. IN ClR sets MBI via 1 .. MBI and resets MBO, ARI. ClR sets SAO and resets + 1. DCH(1) sets BKO on drawing KD3(3) for a break count of 10. BKO(1)' BK 1(0) generates DCH INX on drawing KD3(3). DCH INX produces Cll7 on drawing KC14, in conjunction with SAO(l). The core memory read-half-cycle reads out the contents of the addressed WC regi ster. SAO (1) places them on the B bus, the B bus contents go through the ADR, and NOSH placed them on the 0 bus. As the contents pass through the ADR they are incremented by 1. MB(1) gates the contents into the MB. IAO(O) and the MEM STRO BE that caused core memory readout retrigger the CM timing chain. If the word count has incremented to 0, ADRA=O and ADRB=O result at the ADR output, drawing KC21. ADR=O, SAO(1L BKO(1), DK1(0), and the CM STROBE triggered by MEM STROBE produce OFlO on drawing KC14. OFlO goes through the CP-I/O interface to the 10 OFlO flip-flop on drawing KD3(2), setting the flipflop. 10 OFlO(l) goes through the I/O bus to a control flip-flop in the device. The control flip-flop acts to shut down the device, since the current data transfer is the last transfer of the block of data. The control flip-flop may also be used to send a program interrupt request to the computer. The core memory write-half"'cycle writes the incremented word count into the WC register. Process word 34 contains CMA10. On drawing KC17, DCH(l), INC MB, and BK1(0) boost this address to 14. The negative INC MB level is present because the add-to-memory capability (Section 8.2,8), and optional real-time clock are inactive during normal DCH operations. The CM STROBE triggered by MEM STROBE extracts process word 14. Process word 14 contains ARO, SM, 8-14 and CMA37. ARO (1) gates the contents of the AR onto the A bus. The contents go through the ADR and NOSH places them on the 0 bus. ARO(1) on drawing KC19(2) produces 1 ---MBI in conjunction with SM(1) and ClK. 1 ---MBI sets the MBI flip-flop, and MBI(l) gates the contents of the 0 bus into the MB. The contents represent the address +1 of the WC register, incremented and stored in the AR earlier. This incremented address is the address of the CA register; it is jammed into the MA, at MA JAM time, for the coming CA cycle. The CA cycle begins on the next ClK pulse with SM(1) of process word 14. 8.2.5 CA Cycle SM(l) and ClK start the control memory and the core memory for the CA cycle, CM STROBE produced by SM(1) • CM ClK extracts process word 37, whi ch contains DCH and CMA 13. DCH(1) steps the BK counter to 11 by setting BK 1, with DKO remaining set. If the device intended to make an input data transfer it has placed a RD RQ and WR RQ on the I/O bus at ENB(1) time. On drawing KD3(3), the RD RQ conditions a OCD gate so that an IOP2P pulse is generated by S602-H21K when BK1 sets. IOP2P sets the IOP2 flip-flop. rOP2(1) then gates on an IOTXX02 pulse in the device's W103 Device Selector in conjunction with the force SELECT level from the W104. The lOT XX02 pulse is used by the device to strobe the data word from its data register onto the I/O bus. Also, as BK1 sets, it resets the DCH SYNC flip-flop in conjunction with WR RQ(B) on drawing KD3(2). Reset DCHSYNC removes the BK SYNC, INC + DCH and OCH GRANT levels, releases the reset hold on the ClK SYNC, and optional PRE API SYNC flip-flops, and the set hold on the DCH SYNC SAVE flip-flop. BKO(l), BK1(1), andt1 "CAINH produce DCH INX on drawing KD3(3). The +1 ---CA INH level is the negation of a special signal generated in devices which automati cally search, e. g., tape systems. The assertion level would inhibit DCH INX, preventing the CA increment described here. The CM STROBE that extracted process word 37 cannot produce another CM STROBE; nevertheless, it triggers the chain to generate IN ClR and ClR in conjunction with DCH(l) on drawing KC16. IN ClR sets MBI and ClR sets SAO as for the WC cycle, The core memory read-half-cycle reads out the address in the CA register and MEM STROBE retriggers the CM chain. SAO (1) and MBI(l) gate the address in the CA register into the MB via the B bus, ADR, and 0 bus. As the address goes through the ADR, CIl7, resulting from DCH INX and SAO(l) on drawing KC14, increments the address by 1 as for the WC cycle. The incremented address in the MB represents the address of the core memory location from which the data word is transferred to the device (output transfer), or to which the data word is transferred from the device (input transfer). This address is written into the CA register during the core memory write-half~cycle. The CM STROBE triggered by MEM STROBE extracts process word 13. This word contains ARI, CONT, and CMA16. ARI(l), BKO(l), and BK1(1) produce LIO on drawing KC13. LIO places the data word from I/O bus(B) onto the 0 bus, and ARI(l) gates it into the AR (input transfer). CM STROBE and CONT(l) retrigger the CM chain to extract process word 16. This word contains SM and CMA36. SM(l) waits for the next ClK pulse to start the data cycle(s). 8.2.6 Data Input Cycle SM(l) and ClK extract process word 36 and start the core memory cycle. Process word 36 contains DCH and CMA 17. DCH (l) steps the BK counter to 01 by resetting BKO, with BK 1 remaining set. 10 SYNC resets ENA. The CM STROBE also sets CONT on drawing KC19(1) in conjunction with the BK count, DCH(l), and WR RQ to generate another CM STROBE. This next CM STRO BE then extracts process word 10 (or 11). If the data word just transferred into memory was the last, process word 10 transfers the current program address from the PC to the MB, resuming the interrupted program. If the DCH device flag was again set at the ClK pulse of the CA cycle, another DCH RQ went to the I/O control on the 10 SYNC pulse derived from ClK. Consequently, DCH SYNC(l) occurs at ClK of the current data cycle and the BK entry word 11 replaces BGN. The DCH break synchronization repeats for another word transfer. Ultimately, 10 SYNC following BGN on the last DCH transfer resets ENB, removing the force SELECT level from the device's W103. The 10 ClK POS pulse developed from ClK POS resets BK 1 for a count of 00, and the program resumes on this ClK pulse. DlY resets DCH SYNC SAVE 400 tJS later in conjunction with BK1(0). DCH SYNC SAVE(l) has held off any PI requests at the PROG SY flip-flop in order to give the optional API requests the priority over the next break. 8.2.7 Data Output Cycles For an output transfer, the RD RQ and IOP2 levels are absent during the CA cycle. Because of this, ARI(l) of process word 13 merely strobes Os into the AR, since the I/O bus (B) is disabled. During the data cycle, the ClR pulse generated by DCH(l) of process word 36 and CM STROBE sets SAO in addition to IN ClR setting MBI. Thus, the contents of the addressed memory location (data word) do get into the MB. The ARO flip-flop remains reset in the absence of RD RQ,· so that there is no interference from the Os in the AR. Also, process word 36 steps the BK count to 01 as for the input transfer, and BKO, upon resetting, resets DCH SYNC with the WR RQ condition, drawing KD 3(2). Reset DCH SYNC removes the BK SYNC, INC + DCH, and DCH GRANT levels, and releases the reset hold on the ClK SYNC and optional PRE API SYNC flip-flops. In the absence of CONT(l), the CM STROBE car-lnot produce another CM STROBE; nevertheless, it retriggers the CM chain to generate IN ClR and ClR in conjunction with DCH(l). IN ClR sets MBI as usual, but now BKO(O), BK1 (1), and WR RQ on drawing KC 19(3) prevent ClR from setting SAO. Thus, the STROBE 0-8, 9-17 in core memory reads out the contents of the addressed memory location, but they are lost because of reset SAO. The BK count and RD RQ(B) set the ARO flip-flop. ARO(1) gates the data word from the AR onto the A bus. The data word on the A bus goes through the ADR, and NOSH places it on the 0 bus. MBI(l) gates it into the MB. MEM STROBE and IAO(O) allow the generation of another CM STROBE. This CM STROBE extracts process word 17, which contains MBO, DONE, and next CMA10 (BGN). MBO(l) is used for an output transfer only. In the input transfer case, it gates the data word onto the B bus and through the ADR, but the data word stops there. During this period the core memory write-half-cycle writes the data word into the addressed memory location. 8-15 MBO (1) of process word 17 gates the data word onto the B bus, through the ADR , and onto the I/O bus (with 10 BUS ON). Process word 17 remains active throughout the next ClK period, because WR RQ now prevents CONT from setting. On the 10 ClK POS pulse, 10 SYNC resets ENA and 10 ClK POS resets BK 1 as for an input transfer, but the absence of an SM(l) bit prevents ClK from starting the core memory and control memory cycles. Thus an idle cycle follows, during whi ch the data word has time to settle on the I/O bus and the device has time to strobe the word into its data register. As BK 1 resets, it strobes a DCD gate conditioned by WR RQ on drawing KD3(3) to generate IOP4P. IOP4P sets the IOP4 flip-flop. IOP4(l) and the force SELECT level from the W104 (ENB is still set) produce an lOT XX04 pulse in the device's W103. The device uses this pulse to strobe the data word from the I/o bus into its data register. IOP4(1) also conditions a DCD gate to the 10 RESTART logic on drawing KD3(3). The 10 ClK POS pulse triggers the 400-ns delay multivibrator B301H22. The Dl Y recovers (Dl Y) to trigger 10 RESTART 400 ns later. 10 RESTART goes to the CM timing chain to produce a CM STROBE. This CM STROBE extracts the BGN word (or BK entry word if another DCH RQ was present) as for an input transfer. Note that Dl Y also resets 10P4, and DCH SYNC SAVE as for the input transfer, 10 SYNC derived from the next ClK pulse resets EN B. 8.2,8 Add-to-Memory Facility This facility permits incrementing the contents of a specified memory register (WC register) using one DCH cycle, or permits the contents of the specified memory register to be added to the contents of a de,.vice data buffer using all four DCH cycles. A DCH device can request these actions through the appropriate I/O bus lines. A device using the INC MB facility is connected to the DCH in the usual manner. A DCH RQ is initiated by the device flag, the flag is cleared when the request is granted, and the DCH RQ is removed from the I/O bus as usual. The device's WC register address is gated onto the 10 ADDR lines by ENA(l) generated in the W104. The ENA(l) level is used by the device to issue a ground INC MB level to the I/O bus. The WC cycle starts on the next ClK pulse after break entry by setting EN B. DCH INX of process word 34 in the WC cycle increments the contents of the addressed memory register as for normal DCH operations. 10 OFlO goes to the devi ce as usual, if the WC register increments to O. The ground INC MB level from the device causes the control memory to extract process word 10 (BGN) on the next CM STROBE, INC MB and BKO(l) of the break counter set DONE on this eM STROBE, The next ClK pulse resets BKO with DONE(l) as the computer reverts to 8-16 the main program, BKO(O) and INC MB reset DCH SYNC. Reset DCH SYNC removes DCH GRANT so that the two succeeding 10 SYNC pulses reset ENA and ENB in the W104. If the device requests another INC MB break by again raising its flag, one instruction of the main program is executed before the next break is honored, as the break entry word synchronizes on the DONE bit of the executed instruction. A device using the add-to-memory facility is connected to the DCH in the usual manner, A DCH RQ is initiated by the device flag, the flag is cleared when the request is granted, and the DCH RQ is removed from the I/O bus as usual, The device's WC register address is placed on the 10 ADDR lines by ENA(l) generated in the W104. The WC cycle starts on the next ClK pulse after break entry by setting ENB. EN B(l) causes the devi ce to issue both a RD RQ and a WR RQ to the I/O control logic. During the CA cycle, IOP2 gates the device data onto the I/o bus as usual, and process word 13 gates it into the AR, During the first data cycle, process word 36 reads the contents of the addressed memory register into the MB via the Bbus, ADR, and 0 bus. At the same time, the device data in the AR is gated into the MB via the A bus, ADR, and 0 bus. An ADD operation therefore takes place in the ADR and the sum is deposited in the MB. The sum in the MB is later placed on the I/O bus by process word 17 and may be gated into the device data buffer with the IOP4 pulse that occurs during the second data cycle, if desired. Successive add-to-memory DCH breaks can occur if the device flag is up at ClK time of the current CA cycle. During ADD, a DATA OFlO occurs when M B + I/O Bus > 217_ 1 or MB + I/O Bus < -2 17 DATA OFlO(l) is a 200 j-lS pulse, gated onto the I/O bus in the middle of the third add-to-memory DCH cycle, which signals that an incorrect sum has occurred. This happens when the MB and I/O bus are of I ike signs and their sum has the opposite sign. If the MB and I/O bus have opposite signs DATA OFlO(l) cannot occur. 8,3 API CHANNEL TRANSFERS The 32-channel Automatic Priority Interrupt option KF09A permits devi ce-initiated data transfers at four high priority levels and program-initiated data trans- , ) core memory address on the I/O bus. The API SYNC flip-flop in the option will cause a BK SYNC in the I/O control logic as for DCH transfers. The BK SYNC causes the control memory to enter the BK process (upon the completion of the current instruction) as for DC H transfers. The control memory recogn izes the BK as an API BK, and goes into the XCT instruction process on the next ClK pulse. The XCT process causes the computer to execute the instruction contained in the core location addressed by the device. This instruction is usually a JMS to the device service routine. Service routine exit and return to the main program is accomplished by a DBR/JMP * instruction. fers at four lower priority levels. The eight priority levels take precedence over program interrupt breaks and the main program. API transfers take place via the I/O bus as for DCH transfers, The API system interface contains essentially the same logic as the DCH, including W103 Device Selectors and Wl04 Multiplexers for each device, plus synchronization and priority determination logi c within the option. Up to eight I/O devices can be multiplexed by as many Wl 04 Multiplexers for operation at the same level of priority. Among devices on the same level of priority, the device closest to the I/O bus has precedence, as fGr DCH transfers. Since the I/O devices are assigned address locations independent of priority, the API logic affords three different methods to change active device priorities according to the needs of the program. Priority reallocation and determination are discussed in detail in the KF09A option manual. Each device is assigned an address in core memory as for the DCH. Assignments are made independent of priority levels; a device may be assigned more than one priority, The four software priority levels command subroutines entered at core memory addresses 00040 through 00043. The remaining locations 00044 through 00077 are assigned to the devi ces themselves. 8.4 TRANSFER PRIORITIES A device ready flag causes its W104 to issue an interrupt request as for DCH transfers. The interrupt request goes to the API option logic for determination of priority. If the issuing device has a higher API priority, the option logic interrupts a lower API interrupt in process, issues an API grant to the higher priority W104 Multiplexer, and sets a SYNC flip-flop in the option. The API grant defers requests from all lower priority devices by disabling their Wl04 multiplexers, and enables the priority device to place its 8-17 The following descending order of interrupt priorities is established where simultaneous interrupt requests occur. DCH RTC (Optional) API (Optional) PI Main Program ) .' CHAPTER 9 ASR-33 TELETYPEWRITER The Model 33 Automatic Send-Receiver (ASR) Teletypewriter Set, the standard input/output equipment supplied with the PDP-9/L, has two basic modes of operation-keyboard/reader and teleprinter/punch. During the keyboard/reader mode, data is serially transferred from the teletype keyboard or paper-tape reader to the PDP-9/l central processor. In the teleprinter/punch mode, the data stored in the PDP-9/L is serially transferred to the ASR33 for printout on the teleprinter or punching on paper tape. The data transfer rate is ten characters per second. gister. The code of a teletype character is loaded into the TTl so that spaces correspond with binary Os and holes (marks) correspond to binary 1s. Upon program command, the content of the TTl is transferred in parallel to the accumulator. The ASR33 has a full-duplex and half-duplex interface capability. Full-duplex operation permits the transfer of data to proceed independently, i. e., data can be transferred from the keyboard/reader to the PDP-9/L while different data is being transferred and recorded on the teleprinter/punch. Half-duplex interface does not permit independent input/output operati ons. A keyboard flag is set and causes a program interrupt request when the 8-bit teletype character has been assemb Ied in the TTl. The program senses the cond ition of this flag with a KSF instruction and issues a KRB. This instruction clears the AC and keyboard flag and transfers the content of the ITI into the AC. When the teletype tape reader data is to be entered into the TTl, the control de-energizes a relay in the teletype unit to release the tape feed latch. When released, the latch mechanism does not stop tape moti on until the compl ete character has been sensed. 9. 1.2 Keyboard Control The information transferred between the PDP-9/l and ASR33 is assembled for parallel transfer to the accumulator by circuitry within the PDP-9/l I/O. The control circuitry also provides program flags to enable program interrupts, program skips, and data transfer. When data is transferred from the ASR33 keyboard/ reader to the PDP-9/l accumulator, the Teletype-In (TTl) data path is used in the I/O circuitry. Conversely, the Teletype-Out (TTO) data path is used to transfer data from the PDP-9/L to the ASR33. The keyboard control logic is shown on drawing KDll (1). A simplified functional diagram is shown in Figure 9-2. When a key is pressed on the console, the start space derived from the keyboard generator results in a negative TT KBD IN level. (The switch shown at terminals 3-4 opens.) TT KBD IN and KBD FlG(O) . TT HD place the solenoid driver output W040-B33S at -15V, releasing the printer solenoid, and enabling the printing circuits for simultaneous printout. The paper tape and reader formats are shown in Figure 9-l. IT KBD IN becomes a ground level TT KBD IN(B) at the output of inverter S107-C33R. This ground level conditions the DCD reset gate at the TTl shift registerls most significant bit TTlO, Clnd conditions the DCD set gate at the IT IN ACT flip-flop. 9.1 KEYBOARD/READER 9.1.1 Functional Description (Refer to Figure 9-2) ) Data from the keyboard and paper reader is transferred to the PDP-9/L via the keyboard/reader control circuitry. Data transfer is initiated by pressing a key on the keyboard or with programmed instructions for the paper tape reader. The keyboard and tape reader control contains an 8bit TTl shift register which assembles and hol.ds the code of the last character struck on the keyboard or read from the tape. Teletype characters from the keyboard are received serially by the 8-bit TTl shift re9-1 The central processor IS 1 .5-l-Is ClK pulses continuously strobe the DCD gate of IT IN ACT. Once conditioned by the start space, the flip-flop sets on the next ClK pulse. IT IN ACT(1) generates a ITI INITlALIZE pulse at pulse amplifier S603-C39M, starts a TTl ClK, a.nd disables a ITO ClK on drawing KDll(2). TTl INITIAUZE resets IN LAST UNIT, and sets all TTl register flip-flops (as set TTl represents a "space"). IN LAST UNIT(O) conditions a DCD gate at the output of TTl ClK, enabling a TTl lOAD on the next positive transition of the TTl ClK. This pulse resets TT RDR RUN to assure that the paper tape does not advance. The TTl ClK, enabled by TT IN ACT(l), is adjusted internally to generate pulses at 110 pps after an initial delay of 4.54 ms. The initio I delay places the pulses o 3 2 4 5 7 6 at the center of the 9. 09-ms code units for read-in accuracy. The first TTl ClK pulse strobes the DCD gate conditioned by IN lAST UNIT(O) to produce TTl lOAD. TTl lOAD then strobes the input gates of the TTl register. IT RBD IN(B) produced by the start space resets TTIO. All other bits remain at 1. 8 9 CHANNEL B CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 2 ~ r-"----. ~ ~ \10 \11 \12 \13 \14\15\16\ 17 CHANNEL :3 CHANNEL CHANNEL 7 UNUSED 5 1 CHANNEL 1 TAPE CHANNEL B FIRST LINE READ CHANNEL 4 ~ 6 r-"-I I0 I 5 FEED:3 4 \t CHANNEL 4 ~ 6 ..-'----, 2 r-"-I THIRD LINE READ 1 " CHANNEL CHANNEL 2 READ BY ONE lOT INSTRUCTION SECOND LINE READ 1 CHANNEL 6 1 DIRECTION OF TAPE MOVEMENT I 7 CHANNEL CHANNEL 2 6 CHANNEL 4 r-"-I r-"-I ~ CHANNEL r-"-I 2 12 I 3 14 I 5 6 7 I 8 I 9 110 I 11 112 1'3 1 14 115 116 117 1 '--y--' '--y--' L...y---' '-v-' '---v--' '----v--' '-v----' '-v----' CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL :3 CHANNEL 1 1 5 CHANNEL :3 '--y--' CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL :3 CHANNEL 1 MUST BE PUNCHED -----, I B DIRECTION OF TAPE MOVEMENT 1 TAPE CHANNEL 7 6 5 •• • 4 FEED:3 000 000 .0000 000 2 0000 } "'" ""' "" 0000 0000 0000 } } SECOND LINE READ BY ONE roT INSTRUCTION } THIRD LINE READ 9L-0074 Figure 9-1 Perforated Tape Format 9-2 ) Figure 9-2 Basic I/O Data Transfer, Functional Diagram 9. 1 .3 Reader Control Successive TTl lOAD pulses appear synchronously with successive keyboard character units to serially shift each mark or space through the TTl register. On the eighth TTl lOAD, the start space becomes the least significant bit, TTl7, and the seventh code unit goes into TTIO. TTl7 (0) conditions the DCD set gates of the KDB FlG and IN lAST UNIT flip-flops. The ninth TTl LOAD puts the last code unit into TTlO, shifts the first into TTl7, and sets KBD FlG and IN lAST UNIT. The paper tape reader data is transferred to the PDP9/l in the same manner that keyboard data is transferred. The difference between the tV\{) transfers is the method of initiating the transfer sequence. For keyboard operation, depressing a key enables the transfer of teletype character codes to the TTl shift register, whi ch in turn, sets the K BD FlG. However, to initiate paper tape reader operation, the reader advance relay is activated to pass one line of paper tape through the reader. The data on the tape is then coupled to the TTl register as TT KBD IN pulses. As with keyboard operation, the K BD FlG is set when the data transfer is complete. IN LAST UNIT(l) conditions the DCD reset gate of TT IN ACT and disables the DCD gate at TTl lOAD. The next TTl ClK pulse cannot issue another TTl lOAD I but resets TT I N ACT to stop the TTl C lK and all shifting operations. To initiate the paper tape data transfer, the PDP-9/L issues a KRS instruction (700322) to the reader control f drawi ng KD11 (1). Th i s KRS i nstructi on is decoded by the Rlll-R002 gate to set the TT RDR RUN flipflop. A set TT RDR RUN grounds the solenoid driver and activates the ASR33 reader-advance relay. As the tape passes through the reader, TT KBD IN pulses are generated, and the sequence described for keyboard operation is repeated. When the transfer of one line of data is completed, the KBD FlG is set, and a PROG INT RQ causes a PDP-9/l program interrupt. Initially I the TTl register was set to ls, producing TTl FULL. The negative TTl FUll level operates with TT KBD IN(B) to reset TT IN ACT if a false start space is created by a noisy keyboard generator. If the noi se is sufficient, a false TT KBD IN(B) level could set the TT IN ACT flip-flop, as for a true space, on the next computer ClK pulse. By the time the first TTl ClK pulse occurs (4.54 ms) the noise level has disappeared to remove TT KBD IN(B). TT KBD IN(B) . TTl FUll causes TT IN ACT to reset on the first TTl ClK pulse. 9.1.4 Data Transfer Instructions KBD FlG(l) causes a ground PROG INT RQ, drawing KD 11 (1), at inverter Rlll-D39H. , During keyboard/ reader operation KBI DIS TT RDR is negative because of reset RDR RUN and RDR FLAG flip-flops. The PROG INT RQ goes to the I/O control logic, drawing KD3(2), to cause a program interrupt if the PIE flipflop is set. During the PDP-9/l program interrupt, a flag search subroutine is performed to determine what device caused the interrupt and, upon detection of the device code, jump to a service routine. The search and service instructions pertaining to the reader;1
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