DECUS_Catalog_PDP 11_Aug78 DECUS Catalog PDP 11 Aug78
DECUS_Catalog_PDP-11_Aug78 DECUS_Catalog_PDP-11_Aug78
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~ PROGRAM LIBRARY PDP-ll CATALOG CATALOG OICiITAl EQUIPMENT COMPUTER USERS SOCIETY AUGUST 1978 DECUS PROGRAM LIBRARY PDP-11 CATALOG Cl DICiITAL EQUIPMENT COMPUTER USERS SOCIETY AUGUST 1978 This is a complete PDP-ll DECUS Library CATALOG. It includes a complete listing of PDP-II and RSTSjE DECUS programs. First Edition Updated Updated Updated Updated Updated Combined and Reprinted Combined, ltpdated, and revised Updated and revised February 1974 August 1974 February 1975 July 1975 October 1975 July 1976 September 1976 September 1977 August 1978 Copyright @ 1978, Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts The DECUS Program Library is a clearing house only; it does not sell, generate or test programs. All programs and information are provided "AS IS" . DIGITAL EQUIPMENT COMPUTER USERS SOCIETY, DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION AND THE CONTRIBUTOR DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES ON THE PROGRAMS AND ANY MEDIA ON WHICH THE PROGRAMS ARE PROVIDED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILI1Y AND FITNESS. The descriptions, service charges, exchange rates, and availability of software available from the DECUS Library are subject to change without notice. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: COMPUTER LABS COMTEX DDT DEC DECCOMM DECsystem-10 DECSYSTEM-20 DECtape DECUS DIBOl DIGITAL EDUSYSTEM FLIP CHIP FOCAL INDAC LAB-8 MASSBUS OMNIBUS 0S-8 PDP PHA RSTS RSX TYPESET-8 TYPESET-11 UNIBUS Contents Section 1 General Information 1.1 How to Use this Catalog ................................................................. v 1.1.1 General Catalog Information ................................................. v 1.2 DECUS Contacts .......................................................................... v 1.2.1 United States and Canada .................................................... v 1.2.2 Outside the United States and Canada ..................................... vi 1.3 Payment ..................................................................................... vi 1.4 DECUS Coupons ........................................................................ vii 1.5 Return Policy ............................................................................. vii 1.6 Documentation ........................................................................... vii 1.7 Media ...................................................................................... viii 1.7.1 Media/Price Codes ........................................................... viii 1.8 Program Distribution Methods ....................................................... viii 1.9 Cross System Index ................................ , .................................... viii Section 2 Abstracts 2.1 PDP-II Abstracts ......................................................................... 1 2.2 RSTS-II Abstracts ....................................................................... 53 Section 3 Standards 3.1 DEC Standards Available Through DECUS ........................................ 71 Section 4 Indexes 4.1 Alphabetical Index ....................................................................... 73 4.1 Category Index ........................................................................... 78 4.3 Operating System Index ................................................................. 87 Section 1 General Information Section 1 General Information 1.1 How to Use this Catalog This catalog is divided into four sections: Section I, General Information, provides details about ordering, payment, who to contact within DECUS, policy on returns, and other policy and procedural information. Section 2, Abstracts, is sub-divided into two parts, PDP-II and RSTS-II. Each include program descriptions and respective Media/Price Codes in sequential order by DECUS Order Number. Note: It is essential to designate the applicable Section when ordering from the Catalog, e.g. order "RSTS-II-123" or "PDP-I 1-23." Section 3, Standards, lists and describes all the Digital Equipment Corporation Software Standards and other documentation related to standards such as programming conventions and guidelines available through DECUS. Section 4, Indexes, contains three indexes; the Alphabetical Index lists all programs alphabetically by title, the Category Index lists all programs by program type (see first page of index for list of categories), and the Operating System Index lists programs by operating system (see first page of index for list of systems.) 1.1.1 General Catalog Information The DECUS Library requests that all inquiries concerning DECUS programs be communicated in writing and forwarded to the DECUS Marlboro office, not to the authors/submitters. DECUS will request assistance from the responsible author/submitter, assuming they are available. Requests for multiple catalogs will be honored, but a nominal service charge will apply. Contact your Chapter office if you require additional catalogs. Editor's Note: The following DECUS programs have been added since the. last version of the PDP-II Catalog: DECUS 11-330 thru 11-362 RSTS 11-108 thru RSTS 11-115 DECUS is pleased to bring to the attention of our RSTS/E users that most RSTS-II programs are now available on RK05 disk. Also, documentation for RSTS-II programs for abstracts I thru 93 are now available on Microfiche (see last page of section 2.2 for ordering information). In addition, the following programs have been updated since the last version: 11-221 11-226 11-229 11-282 11-283 11-284 11-287 11-288 RT-11 ODT with TRACE Feature Added. RO.MAC-MT ROLLIN File Device Driver INDEX-FORTRAN Cross Referencing M.I.T. Garbage Collection # I M.I.T. Garbage Collection #2 RSX-Il FOCAL M.I.T. Magtape Cornucopia for RSX-IID TECO V28 for RT-II 1.2 DEeUS Contacts 1.2.1 United States and Canada To obtain information and to place Library orders, users residing in an area outside the definition of the European or Australian Chapters (see Section 1.2.2), should deal directly with the DEeus Library at the following address: v General Information DECUS Library MR2/E55 One Iron Way Marlboro, MA, 01752 Telephone (6 f7) 481-9511 To obtain information on: PDP-II DECUS Library, contact the PDP-II Library Administrator, (X4178) Standards, Col1tact the Standards Librarian, (X4178) Service charges, order status, shipping information, contact the DECUS Order Desk, (X4135) Payments and billing, contact the DECUS Accounting Coordinator, (X4136) DECUSCOPE, (X4161) U.S. Symposia Information, (X4142) Membership, (x4167) Proceedings, (X4161) In Canada, for DECUS information, contact: DECUS Canada P.O. Box 11500 Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8K8, Canada Telephone (613) 592-5 II I 1.2.2 Outside the U.S. and Canada To place DECUS Library orders, for clarification of policies or procedures on currency exchange information, order status, shipping information, handling charge information and for questions concerning payment and billing outside the U.S. or Canada, contact your local Chapter Office: Australia: DECUS Australia P.O. Box 491 Crows Nest, N. S. W., 2065 Australia Telephone (61 )-(2)-4392566 Europe and Middle East: DECUS Europe 12, avenue des Morgines C.P. 510, 1213 Petit-Lancy 1 Geneva, Switzerland Telephone (022) - 93-33-11 1.3 Payment All DECUS service charges are to defray the cost of media, reproduction, handling, and postage. All orders must be accompanied by check, DECUS coupons, or a purchase order. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH THROUGH THE MAIL. Please make purchase orders and checks payable to DECUS. DECUS order processing and accounting functions are completely separate from Digital Equipment Corporation. Do not combine DEeUS orders with Digital Equipment Corporation orders. Please do not request that DIGITAL field personnel place a DECUS order for you. This may delay direct response from DECUS. vi General Information All service charges quoted in this catalog are in U.S. Dollars. A $2.00 invoice charge is added to all orders that are not prepaid. (This is subject to change without notice.) Users outside the United States and Canada should make payment in local currency and forward to the local Chapter office. Overseas users should allow a minimum of eight weeks for delivery. Users in the United States and Canada should make payment in U.S. dollars to DECUS and forward to Marlboro. In the U.S., please allow three to six weeks for delivery. In Canada, allow approximately six weeks for delivery. 1.4 DECUS Coupons Because of the difficulties encountered by many installations in obtaining purchase orders for small amounts, DECUS coupons may be ordered for any amount and used as subsequent payment for DECUS orders. Coupons are available from your DECUS Chapter office. They are supplied in $1, $5, and $10 denominations as DECUS No. 0051. Payment for DECUS coupons must be made in ADVANCE. Purchase orders for coupons must be paid before coupons may be redeemed for DECUS material. DECUS coupons may not be used as payment for DECUS symposia fees. 1.5 Return Policy Tapes may not be returned for credit. It is therefore important that the correct media be specified at the time the order is placed. For further information, see the Program Distribution Methods section of this catalog (Section 1.8). The DECUS Library reproduces user programs and documentation and distributes them essentially at cost. Occasionally, the medium or copying procedure may be faulty and flawed copies may be inadvertantly distributed. DECUS is working to minimize these problems and encourages users to return faulty copies so that the source of the error may be traced. Accordingly, the following policies have been established to serve as guidelines: Any copy of a DEeUS Library program that is unreadable on the distributed medium will be replaced by DECUS at no charge if returned, with a written explanation, within 60 days of receipt. This includes orders which are filled incorrectly by DECUS staff (e.g., wrong program), copied incorrectly, or copied to flawed medium. Users who specify the wrong program, media, or format on their order form must bear the cost of reordering. Neither refunds nor exchanges will be granted for programs which were copied correctly but which do not fulfill the user's needs. Conversion of sources or media format for use on different computers or different operating systems is the responsibility of the person ordering or receiving the item. Please note that most media formats are not compatible with all operating systems. DECUS would appreciate being informed if users consider a program abstract (in the catalog) to be misleading. Refunds (in cash or DEeus coupons) will not be issued under any circumstances. 1.6 Documentation "A" and "D" coded documents (see Section 1.7.1 for code definitions) are distributed automatically with no additional charge for individual programs when the program tape is ordered. However, if the cost of the "A" or "D" coded document exceeds 15% of the media service charge, the service charge for the corresponding tape or disk will be increased to reflect the cost of the documentation. Manuals, designated by an "E" code with an abstract, are not distributed automatically. A service charge will apply whether or not the program tape or disk is ordered. Documentation may be requested without media. A service charge as indicated by the documentation price code that accompanies the abstract will apply. vii General Information 1.7 Media Media on which specific programs are available is indicated by the first letter of the media/price code in the Abstract Section of this Catalog. Note: Due to recurring problems with user supplied media, the DECUS Program Library no longer accepts orders to copy programs onto user tapes and disks. 1.7.1 Media/Price Codes The media/price codes are alpha-numeric. The letter indicates the medium on which the product can be supplied (see following table). The number(s) specify the actual service charge for the item in U.S. dollar currency. For example: H32 indicates a program available on DECtape at a service charge of $32.00. Prices quoted in this catalog will be valid until 1 July 1979, unless, due to extreme circumstances, DECUS must adjust them prior to this date. Changes in pricing or availability may occur at any time. Please consult DECUSCOPE and the various newsletters for changes in Library information, pricing, and policy. Documentation on Media, if listed with an abstract, indicates that the documentation is included with the program on the media. MEDIA CODES A Write-up B Listing C Microfiche D Write-up and Listing E Manuals F Binary Paper Tape G ASCII Paper Tape H DECtape J K L M LINCtape Floppy Diskette Cassette Magtape 600' N P Magtape 1200' Magtape 2400' Q RK05 Disk R Card Deck 1.8 Program Distribution Methods Programs in the DECUS PDP-II Library may be obtained: As individual programs on DECtape, paper tape, or floppy diskette. Only those programs specified as available on DECtape may be obtained on DECtape. If you would like to see specific DECUS programs made available on other media we need your assistance. If a program is not specified as available on the media you require, please contact the DECUS Library before ordering to confirm whether DECUS can or cannot copy the program onto the media you require. As library tapes which are complete segments of the Library packed onto magnetic media. For availability of Library packages, see Section 2.2, pages 69 and 70. Note: DECUS does not have the facilities at this time to custom pack mUltiple programs onto all magnetic media. DECUS will not accept returned tapes for credit or exchange; therefore, it is important that the correct media requirements be specified at the time the order is placed. For further information, please refer to the Return Policy Section of this catalog (Section 1.5). 1.9 Cross-System Index An index of most DECUS Library programs that are written in higher level languages (includes the 12-bit, PDP-II, RSTS-1I, and DEC-IO/20 libraries) is available from the DECUS Library for $5.00 U.S. The program languages included are APL, ALGOL, BASIC, COBOL, DIBOL, FOCAL, FORTRAN, LISP, PL/I, SNOBOL, and TECO. The programs are listed alphabetically by language, program title, and subject keywords. This index provides an easy reference guide for users who are looking for programs for particular applications. Note: The Cross-System Index does not include program abstracts or media/price information. To order the Cross System Index, order DECUS number 11-999. viii Section 2 Abstracts Section 2.1 PDP-II ABSTRACTS 11-1-11-10 Recursive Unsigned Radix Print 11-1 Author: Stephen D. Piner Submitted by: Gene E. Sengstock Canberra Industries, Inc., Meriden, CT Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 4K Other Software Required: Single Precision Integer Divide (DIVI) and lOX Abstract: This subroutine converts unsigned single precision binary numbers to ASCII strings (blank suppressed) in a specified radix. The output routine (PUT) outputs the characters into an lOX compatible buffer. RDXPUT is recursive and requires two (2) words of POL per character. Note: Radix must be 2 ~ R ~ It could be adapted to 96 words of ROM to serve as bin loader for all devices. Such an arrangement would require no bootstrap, free additional core space, obtain continual use of the ROM (not just an occasional boot) and when used as an automatic boot, it would get the system back on the air faster. Media Price Code: AI, G7 Blackjack for FOCAL-11 Author: Richard Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: FOCAL-II Memory Required: 4K 11-5 Abstract: 10 This program deals random Blackjack hands to itself (the dealer) and the user (the player). Utility functions are provided to deal and print card values. Media Price Code: D 1, G5 Media Price Code: DI, G5 Single Precision Unsigned Multiply/Divide Author: Stephen D. Piner Submitted by: Gene E. Sengstock Canberra Industries, Inc., Meriden, CT Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 4K 11-2 Dump in Bootstrap Format Binary Author: L. N. Daley University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC Source Language: PAL-II 11-8 Abstract: Abstract: This package provides routines to perform the following unsigned operations: 1. ACI X AC2 --+ ACO, ACI 2. (ACI X AC2) + ACO --+ ACO, ACI 3. ACI + AC2 --+ ACI, R --+ ACO 4. (ACO, ACI) + AC2 --+ ACI, R --+ ACO This program may be used to have any area of core storage punched in bootstrap format. The program is loaded with the bootstrap loader and is located in the area normally occupied by the absolute loader. It is a short routine which may be entered through the console. Restrictions: Works only with RSTS Version 4 Media Price Code: DI Media Price Code: DI, G5 Dice Game for the PDP-11 Author: Paul J. Bezeredi, Jr. Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 4K 11-3 Slow Matrix Inversion For Real Numbers Author: Richard Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: FOCAL-ll Memory Required: 4K 11-9 Abstract: Abstract: This program will invert a matrix up to size 17 X 17, of real numbers using modified Gauss-Jordan methods. It uses double subscripts and can only be run on FOCAL-ll and FOCAL-I5. It is quite reliable. This program enables the user to shoot dice using the PDP-II computer. The program keeps track of all bets and gives a tally of winnings whenever you win or lose. Note: This program uses essentially all core not used by the FOCAL operating system Restrictions: DEC standard device registers and interrupt vectors are used Media Price Code: DI, G5 Media Price Code: D2, F5 PDP-11 Binary Loader Author: Richard Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: PAL-IIX Memory Required: 2K Other Software Required: Bootstrap loader Abstract: 11-4 This is a modified absolute binary loader which uses the same locations as the old one, starts at the same starting address, has a bug fixed (I) and has a feature added so that it can be used in a device independent way. PDP-11 BASIC Demonstration Package Submitted by: Richard Finn Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: BASIC-II 11-10 Abstract: This package contains a group of demonstration tapes, using the PDP-II BASIC Assembler. A prior knowledge of the games involved is assumed. The demos are: FOOTBALL, ROCKET, WEEKDAY, CRAPS, CIVIL WAR and SNOOPY. Package contains no documentation, tapes only. No Write-up Available. Media frice Code: G10, K27 Format: RT-II 1 11-11-11-19 PDP-ll DECtape Copy Routine PDP-lJ Abstracts 11-11 Author: William F. Godwin PDP-ll Datapoint Editor, JPEDIT 11·15 Author: Dr. James E. Parker Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C. Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: pal-II Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: 2 DEC tapes Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: Datapoint 3300 Terminal or substi- Abstract: Abstract: tute, Reader/Punch, Line Printer This is a DECtape copy routine which operates under the PDP-II Disk Monitor System. It is useful for generating exact duplicates of DECtapes for backup or distribution. An initial dialogue establishes the drive numbers for the original and the copy, and allows the user the option of verifying the copy. Information is then transferred, a buffer-load at a time, from the original to the copy. To verify the copy, the routine will reread both the original and the copy after each transfer, and compare the two word-for-word. If an error is found, up to five attempts will be made to recopy and reverify the information before typing an error message. I/O errors will also force five retries before an error message is given. 8K and 12K versions are included on the tape. This PDP-II Datapoint Editor is equally adapted for creating programs or plain text. It has the usual features of append, insert, delete, change, punch, read tape, and make a hard copy. The program operates on the whole text, which resides in core, and two pointers are used to control the operations. Commands are available to move the pointers by lines or by characters. A search command is available which will locate an arbitrary string, after which one or both of the pointers may be positioned at either end of the string. The program is readily adaptable to other hardware configurations including communications lines to other computers. The interface to the datapoint terminal is a DC-II-AC. Media Price Code: AI, B4, F5, GI4 Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II AC Circuit Analysis Program Author: Steve Hort Submitted by: Charles H. Conley 11-12 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: BASIC Memory Required: 8K Abstract: This BASIC program analyzes the AC frequency response of a linear network given specific data concerning circuit elements, which may include: resistors, inductors, capacitors and independent and dependent voltage and current sources. Media Price Code: A2, G6 ADUMP 11-13 FFfllC-A Fast Fourier Transform Subroutine For Complex Data Revised: 7 December 1972 Author: Robert Day Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory used: 2986 words Special Hardware Required: KEll-A EAE unit 11-16 Abstract: FFfllC is a subroutine written for the PDP-ll/20 with EAE for performing a forward or inverse Fast Fourier Transform of N complex data points where N is a power of 2 in the range (8 , N , 1024). A sample size of 1024 points is transformed in 1.6 seconds. About 3K of core storage is required. It is designed to run within the user's main program. Media Price Code: A2, B2, F5, G 10 A uthor: Karl H. Lederer Digital Equipment Corporation, Anaheim, CA Source Language: PAL-IIA Special Hardware Required: PCII, HS Reader/Punch Abstract: This is a utility core dump program. It is coded to be position independent and is designed to function in the Paper Tape System environment. It expects the user to give, on the switch register, the starting address for dumping and the number of words to dump. It provides ASCII as well as octal representation of core. Note: Load with PTS absolute loader Media Price Code: AI, G5 (includes F) TIY Code to Octal Author: John E. Bowdle 11-17 Goodyear Atomic Corporation, Piketon, OH Source Language: PAL-IIA Other Software Required: Absolute Binary Loader Abstract: This is a convenient program for use in verification of the teletype keyboard operation. The operator may type any key and ~e program will return the three digit ASCII code in octal as presented m the appendix of most DEC handbooks. Media Price Code: DI, G5 (includes F) Paper Tape Duplicator (High Speed Reader to 11-14 TIY) Author: John E. Bowdle Goodyear Atomic Corporation, Piketon, OH Source Language: PAL-IIA Special Hardware Required: High Speed Tape Reader (Digitronics Model 2540 without end-of-tape detector) This utility program is convenient for duplicating paper tape of any format. A block of 200s characters is read into memory and duplicated at Teletype rates. Since the Digitronics tape reader does not have an out-of-tape detector, the program sets a time out counter to detect the end of a tape. Abstract: Media Price Code: D2, G5 (includes F) 2 Core Load to MAINDEC Tape/MAINDEC Tape Author: Gary D. Schaal Digital Equipment Corporation, Phoenix, AZ Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 4K Special Hardware Required: TU56/TCII Abstract: 11-19 This is a Core to DECtape dump so that at later dates the second halt can be used for faster loading of MAINDECs, systems programs, games, etc. Media Price Code: D2, F5 PDP-ll Abstracts Trace for PDP-11 Floating Point Package 11-20 11-20-11-31 DSKSAV/DOS Disk SAVE/RESTORE 11-26 Author: Paul Boltwood A uthor: William R. Lamb Computing Devices of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Transaction Technology, Cambridge, MA Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 446 additional locations for the trap handler Abstract: The trace routine permits the user of floating point operations the option of displaying the results of calls to any subroutines in the floating point package. As each call is made via the modified trap handler, the trace will print (I) the program counter at the point of the call, (2) the destination address (in octal) for the result of the operation and (3) the result itself. The proper conversion routine is automatically selected: E-format for all floating point results, Integer format if fixed point. The trap handler replaces module 9 of the Floating Point Package. (Version VOO5A) Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II R Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: RFll disk, HS Reader/Punch Abstract: This program runs under DOS to dump all used sectors of the system RFII disk' onto paper tape. It is capable of restoring DOS to disk in about 10 minutes which is much faster than the DEC SYSGEN method for people without DECtape. Restrictions: Only works for RFII disk, I surface Media Price Code: B2, F6, G I0 Media Price Code: AI, F5, G8 BIOF: BASIC Input/Output Function CIOFB/DOS Based Overlay File Builder/Editor 11-21 (Version 3) Author: J. Eric Pollack Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 121008 bytes Special Hardware Required: RF II disk Abstract: CIOFB builds and edits files of overlays on DECtape or system disk. It can be used to selectively replace system overlays or create a SYSLOD-like boot tape. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH Source Language: PAL-IIA Special Hardware Required: HS Reader/Punch Abstract: This program allows users of BASIC the option of execution time data I/O on the high speed reader and punch. It utilizes BASIC's EXF option, is readily loaded and requires minimal change to present programs. Features include: 1. No limit on number of input tapes 2. Ability to punch leader 3. Variety of allowable delimeters on input 4. Punched output formatted for immediate input. Media Price Code: AI, G5 (includes F) Media Price Code: AI, H32 Format: DOS-II Extended ODT-llX DFPEEK/DOS Based Disk Inspect/Patch 11-22 Routine Author: J. Eric Pollack Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 21208 words Abstract: DFPEEK is used to read, display and patch the contents of any block on the DF: device. The contents of the block are displayed in octal, unpacked RAD50 and ASCII. Multiple blocks may be listed on KB:. No provision is made for dumping to LP:. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II BINFED/DOS Based Binary Module list/Patch 11-23 Program Author: J. Eric Pollack Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 30748 words Abstract: BINFED is used to edit object or load modules created under the PDP-II PTS or DOS. Binary records are read, displayed and written to an output file. The operator has options of correcting the contents of or inserting records in the output file. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II 11-27 Author: Mary D. Cermak 11-28 Author: Willis E. Herr System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, CA Source Language: PAL-IIA Abstract: This program allows, in addition to existing ODT capabilities, the initiation of binary and octal dump via TrY input and also allows any area of core to be initialized to any value, also via TIY input. Media Price Code: AI, F5, G22 COPYTAPE 11-29 Author: William H. Talbot Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD Source Language: PAL-llA Memory Required: 4K Other Software Required: lOX Special Hardware Required: HS Reader/Punch Abstract: COPYTAPE efficiently duplicates formatted binary tapes. It recognizes the Absolute Loader's transfer blocks and gives the user the option of deleting them. Thus it can be used to link absolute binary subroutines to a main program on a single tape. Media Price Code: AI, F5, G5 Binary Tape Interpreter/Address Scanaer 11-31 Author: John E. Bowdle Goodyear Atomic Corporation, Piketon, OH Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 4-36, 600-3230 Special Hardware Required: TTY and optical tape reader with standard addresses 3 11-34-11-41 PDP-ll Abstracts 11-31 (Coot.) PAL-I1A (12K) Card Reader Assembler 11-38 Abstract: This program reads PDP-II binary tapes in the optical tape Author: Willis E. Herr reader and prints an octal image of the tape on the teletype. The block checksum is verified. An alternate version determines only the addresses used. The user may use ODT to insert the few patches needed for the address only version. System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, CA Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 12K Special Hardware Required: Card Reader Media Price Code: Al, B2, F5, G8 Abstract: The standard PAL-IIA (8K) VOO6A assembler was modified to accept card input (029 punch). A separate tape supplied allows the conversion table to be modified for 026 punched cards. All original features of PAL-IIA remain available. PALEDIT Author: Thierry Monnerot IMAG Institut Polytech, Grenoble, France Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 8K 11-34 Media Price Code: AI, BI4, FlO Abstract: This program allows direct assembly of text stored in the Editor buffer and allows easy transfer between Editor and Assembler, facilitating re-editing and re-assembly. Restrictions: 4K EditorjAssembler features only No Source Available. Media Price Code: Al, FlO COMBINE Author: Thierry Monnerot IMAG Institut Polytech, Grenoble, France Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 2000-3470 plus lOX Special Hardware Required: ASR33 (PCII optional) 11-35 "SUPER DUPER" (Fast PDP-II DECtape 11-39 Duplication Routine) Author: Michael Craven Digital Equipment Corporation, Mountain View, CA Source Language: PAL-II R Memory Required: 12000-35742 Special Hardware Required: 8K PDP-II, TCIljTU56 Dual DECtape ControljTransport Abstract: This routine will copy or verify blocks 0 through 1077 from DECtape unit 0 to DECtape unit I in approximately two minutes by just following the simple interactive command sequence as directed from the console teletype. Any DECtape errors encountered are fully diagnosed and printed in plain English on the TIY. The routine will then restart with a new command dialogue. Media Price Code: B3, F5, G 10 Abstract: The program combines multiple binary tapes into a single tape, deleting all END Blocks except the last. No Source Available. Media Price Code: F5 Parity Subroutine 11-36 Author: Ray Jones Digital Equipment Co., Ltd., Reading, England Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 10 locations Memory used: 10 Locations Special Hardware Required: ASR33 Abstract: This is a 10 instruction parity checking subroutine with a simple driving program. Media Price Code: D 1, G5 Conway's Game 'LIFE' Author: Werner Ferch McGill University, Montreal, Canada Source Language: FOCAL-II Memory Required: 4K DSKDMP and MTDUMP 11-40 Author: Barry A. Kaplan and Stan Shell EPSCO, Inc., Westwood, MA Source Language: PAL-IIR Memory Required: Minimum 8K Special Hardware Required: KEllA, DATUM 9 track magtape, LOGOS 132 column line printer, RSjRFII disk Abstract: DSKDMP allows the user to transfer any portion of the disk (track addresses only) to the magtape or line printer. It provides an ideal way to create a backup copy of the disk on magtape by transferring all 128 tracks of the disk. MTDUMP allows the user to transfer a file created by DSKDMP onto the line printer or onto the disk beginning at any track address. It is used to recreate the disk. Restrictions: Applicable for only one (1) disk platter Media Price Code: A2, FI8, G30 11-37 DECtape Handler Author: Dr. Rudolf Albrecht and Dr. Peter B. Boyce Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 4008 words 11-41 Abstract: This program will transform successively an initial pattern and plot the new pattern on the teletype. It uses John Conway's algorithm for the transformation. It uses double subscripts and can only be run on FOCAL-ll and FOCAL-15. To get maximum benefit, the user should read 'Scientific American, , October 1970, Mathematical Games. Abstract: This program performs block search, WDATA and RDATA functions of the DECtape on interrupt. Reading and writing is done in a forward direction only. Block search is bidirectional. The program has not been checked for relocatability. Media Price Code: DI, G5 Media Price Code: D2, G8 4 11-42-11-50 PDP-ll Abstracts P ALRX (Stand Alone Version 00) Author: Paul J. Bezeredi, Jr. c/o AMBRIEX, S.A., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 0-12260 11-42 ASCTEB performs the inverse function of EBTASC. This routine must also be reassembled with its calling program. As written these routines are written, reassembled and loaded together. They require 1617 Octal Bytes of storage. Their execution time depends on length of the data buffers. Media Price Code: AI, F5, G6 Abstract: PAL8X assembles PDP-8 code on the PDP-II computer. It is compatible with PS/8, PAL8 and 8K PALD with some extra features added. Provisions for high speed reader/punch and line printer are also included. The program uses all available memory. Media Price Code: A2, F5 External Functions for PDP-II BASIC Author: Dr. Rudolf Albrecht and Dr. Peter B. Boyce Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 8K Other Software Required: BASIC-II 11-47 Abstract: Electron Spin Resonance and General Integration 11-44 Program Author: Paul E. McMahill University of Oregon Medical School, Portland, OR Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 3328 words including FPP and 1536 words for data Special Hardware Required: Hewlett-Packard Model 7200A graphic plotter is optional Abstract: This program integrates electron spin resonance spectra, chromatographic peaks and other data. The corrected original data and the first and second integrals are plotted. The first and second integrals are quantitated. The data can be typed out if a plotter isn't used. Restrictions: The baselines must be adjustable from the end points Media Price Code: AI, B2, F5, G8 DLINES 11-45 Author: G. Bernstein McGill University, Montreal, Canada Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 1275 words (program) 2067 words (buffer) Special Hardware Required: 8K PDP-II, RCII Disk, VRI4CRT; KWII-P (program clock) optional Abstract: Allows user to display any stationary or moving figure on CRT by entering that figure's geometry from the teletype. Figures may be ordinary straight lined objects (squares, triangles, pentagons, etc.) or vector approximations to curvilinear figures. A system of 10 external functions for PDP-ll BASIC for driving paper tape reader(s) (reading data in ASCII format), a VTOI storage scope, and the TC-ll DECtape. Deletion of not needed functions is possible. Media Price Code: A2, B2, G 10, K27 Format: RT-II TRACE Debugging Program 11-48 Author: Victor Adomaitis Computing Devices of Canada, Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II R Memory Required: 76010 words Special Hardware Required: LP-ll (optional) Abstract: This program allows linked object programs to be debugged. Using the ASR33, the user may: (a) examine or alter any core location (b) run all or any portion of the object program (c) dump the contents of all 8 general registers (d) dump any specified area of core. TRACE is compatible with the PDP-II Disk Operating System (DOS) and may be used under it. The manual for this program assumes familiarity with the Disk Operating System Monitor. Media Price Code: A2, GI2 HELP Bootstrap Author: Rick Wardrop Digital Equipment Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 0-420 11-49 Abstract: This program provides a quicker and more convenient method of loading the bootstrap and absolute loaders. Media Price Code: D2, F5 Media Price Code: A4, H32 Format: DOS-II Two Conversion Routines EBTASC and ASCfEB Author: Kenneth Schroeder E. R. Squibb and Sons, Inc., New Brunswick, NJ Source Language: PAL-IIA Abstract: 11-46 EBTASC is a routine to convert data from IBM EBCDIC UNPAL-11 Author: Patrick H. Stakem Fairchild Industries, Germantown, Maryland Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 56008 bytes < Abstract: This program disassembles core-image code produced by PAL-II and loaded by LINK-II into Symbolic. Symbolic, with absolute addresses, is listed on the teletype. format into PDP-II ASCII format. It is written in relocatable code and must be reassembled with its calling program. 11-50 Media Price Code: A2, B3, F6 5 11-51-11-60 PDP-ll Abstracts PPMT and DUMPMT 11-51 ModfficatiODS to ED-II VOO4A Author: Barry Kaplan and Stan Shell Author: Kenneth LaBaw EPSCO, Inc., Westwood, MA Source Language: PAL-Ilr Memory Required: 4K Minimum Special Hardware Required: DATUM 9 track magtape, LOGOS 132 column line printer, ASR33, PC-II high speed paper tape reader Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Source Language: PAL-II Other Software Required: ED-II Text Editor Abstract: PPMT stores ASCII source paper tapes onto the DATUM 9 track magtape. It is ideal for users without the features of a Disk Operating System. These files can then be dumped onto the teletype, high speed punch or line printer using DUMPMT. DUMPMT dumps files from the magtape generated by PPMT onto the teletype, high speed paper tape punch, or 132 column line printer. Media Price Code: AI, B3, FlO, GI4 ODT-11XR A uthor: Barry Kaplan and Stan Shell EPSCO, Inc., Westwood, MA Source Language: PAL-ll Memory Required: 4K 11-52 Abstract: ODT-IIXR is a relocatable version of ODR-IIX for the PDP-ll/20 paper tape system. Using the Absolute Loader, ODT-llXR can be loaded into memory at any location by specifying the desired bottom address in the switch register. . 11-55 Abstract: This modification, which can be loaded after ED-II VOO4A, provides the following features: Line Printer Output "W" (prefixes allowed as with "L"), Automatic retention of "N" if there is no line printer, Power Fail Routine, Memory Size Correction, ED-II Restart at O. Media Price Code: DI, G5 (includes F) 11-57 A General-Purpose External Function for PDP-11 BASIC Author: E. C. Oakley (formerly of) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 48 words Other Software Required: PDP-II BASIC, V007A Special Hardware Required: Abstract: This function can move data to and from any peripheral device located along the PDP-ll Unibus. It greatly simplifies inputoutput programming tasks, within BASIC's language environment. EXF can add much flexibility to ordinary computational BASIC programs not requiring peripheral control capabilities. Media Price Code: D2 Media Price Code: F5, GI8 PDP-11/10 Loader 11-53 Author: H. L. Farnsworth and R. B. Fleisher Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY Source Language: TECO Memory Required: PDP-I0-2K core; PDP-II-4K core Special Hardware Required: PDP-IO, Disk; PDP-I 1/20, DCIIAB-full duplex Abstract: A program called (LODll) written for the PDP-ll computer, and a program called (LODllX), written for the PDP-IO computer, allows full duplex conversation between the PDP-IO monitor and the PDP-II teletype. Furthermore, PDP-II programs assembled on the PDP-IO may be loaded directly into PDP-II core. Note: This program also available as DECUS No. 10-148 Media Price Code: D3, H32 Format: RT-II ODT-11T 11-58 Author: Barry Kaplan and Stan Shell EPSCO, Inc., Westwood, MA Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: ODT-llT requires 1200 words without the stack Abstract: ODT-IIT is a relocatable version of ODT-IIX (ref. DECUS No. 11-52, ODT-llXR) with a program execution timer. A time command T has been added to allow execution timing of any selected portion of a program. Time is accurate to ± 10 p. sec. Media Price Code: B3, F5, G22 11-59 UNPAL-11A Mnemonic Dump Author: Peter J. Moylan University of Newcastle, Australia Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 2000 to 22236 plus small stack at 37500 Abstract: MAGTAPE WADER 11-54 A uthor: Barry Kaplan and Stan Shell EPSCO, Inc., Westwood, MA Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 4K Minimum Special Hardware Required: DATUM 9 track magtape, ASR33, PCll HS Reader Abstract: Transfers binary load modules from magtape to memory. Presently up to 15 standard binary modules may be loaded onto magtape and selectively loaded into memory using this program. This is much faster than loading directly from paper tape and, in addition, eliminates the handling of bulky paper tape modules. This program dumps a selected section of PDP-II core memory to the teletype. The dump is in mnemonic format, using PAL-IIA instruction mnemonics. Media Price Code: D2, F5, G8 DSKBOT 11-60 Author: Edward A. Gardner Automated Health Systems, Wakefield, MA Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 4K Special Hardware Required: paper tape (low or high speed) Abstract: Media Price Code: D2, F5, G8 6 Performs the function of the BM792-YB bulk storage bootstrap loader, with the addition of certain options for ease of use. PDP-ll Abstracts 11-60 (Cont.) DSKBOT is supplied as a paper tape in bootstrap format. Source and binary tapes are also available, but these are not for DSKBOT itself, but rather a program which punches out the DSKBOT bootstrap tape. It determines which type of paper tape would be used by the loaders (from address XX7776) and punches on that device. Media Price Code: D2, G5 (includes F) 11-61-11-67 DOS VERSION OF BASIC 11-64 Revised: 13 August 1974 Author: Peter J. Moylan & F.C.P. Huang University of Newcastle, Australia Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II R Special Hardware Required: at least 12K of core, EAE or EIS and DECtape Abstract: BXMIT . A uthor: Barry Kaplan and Stan Shell 11-61 EPSCO, Inc., Westwood, MA Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 4K Special Hardware Required: PCII HS Reader/Punch Implements a superset of PDP-II BASIC to run under DOS. Extensions to the language include plotting commands for visual display and incremental plotter. Restrictions: One user only Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II Abstract: BXMIT is a binary transmitter routine for the ASR33 teletype, PCII high speed punch, LOGOS 132 column line printer, and DCll interface unit (unit 1). The routine is used to transmit selected binary patterns to the various peripherals. It is primarily used for checking out the DCll line interface. Media Price Code: D2, G5 (includes F) EDUALO-MultI-user BASIC 11-65 Author: N. C. S. Long Hawker Siddeley Aviation, Ltd., Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, England Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 8K Paper Tape or 12K DOS System Other Software Required: EDU70 VOO2A Abstract: Procedure for Interfacing to FOCAL-ll 11-62 Author: Joseph F. Iaquinto General Motors Engineering Staff, Warren, MI Other Software Required: FOCAL-11 (DEC-11-LFOCA-A-D) Abstract: This version of EDU70 Multi-user BASIC can be loaded under DOS and allows free core to be allocated to users in the ratio specified by the initial dialogue. Note: Only the overlay source is available. Media Price Code: AI, F12, G5 This is a manual to aid the user in adding functions to PALDMP. K042 FOCAL-II. 11-66 Author: N.C.S. Long Hawker Siddeley Aviation, Ltd., Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, England Source Language: PAL 11 Memory Required: 4K Media Price Code: Al SRL Magtape Operating System Author: James W. Brown 11-63 Space Radiation Lab., California Inst. of Technology, Pasadena, CA Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 8K minimum (See note) Special Hardware Required: TMII with one to eight TUIO tape drives, PC 11 optional Abstract: SRL is a magnetic tape operating system consisting of SRLSYS, a permanently resident monitor for the PDP-ll which is heavily magnetic tape oriented; 10XMTA, and extension of the DEC program lOX which is an interrupt-controlled input/output processor that lends itself to device-independent I/O programming; and a SYSGEN procedure for expanding the system to fit a larger configuration. Other programs supplied with SRL include: SRLPIP - File Manipulation Utility ED-11M - Magnetic Tape Text Editor PAL-II M - Magnetic Tape Absolute Assembler PAL-II MR - Relocatable Assembler LINK-11M - Magnetic Tape Linker LOAD-II M - Absolute Loader Note: SYSGEN, PAL-II M, PAL-IIMR, and LINK-11M require 12K core memory. SRL is not compatible with DOS/BATCH. Media Price Code: A8, F42, P85 Format: SRL Abstract: This program dumps the core memory in PALl I mnemonic assembly language form. The program is relocatable and used as DEC's Teletype Octal Dump. The resulting output can be reassembled by the PALll assembler. Restrictions: No non-existant memory protection Media Price Code: AI, F5, G8 EBCDIC To ASCII Magtape Conversion Author: Chuck Forsberg 11-67 Tektronix (IDP) Inc., Beaverton, OR Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL 11 R Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: 9-track TM-II Abstract: Translates EBCDIC tapes (card image format) to ASCII. Provides for card deck label selection and suppression of deck labels and trailing spaces. Restrictions: Editing function not valid if line length is not 80 characters Associated Documentation: IBM 360 Reference Data Dard; Memorandum to Recipients of System/360 Scientific Subroutine Package. (Not supplied by DECUS) Media Price Code: AI, B3, GIO 7 11-68-11-75 PDP-II Abstracts ALGEBRA-A Program for Manipulating 11-68 Logical Expressions Author: P. J. Brown and R. C. Saunders University of Kent at Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent, England Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 2.5K words + data storage Abstract: ALGEBRA allows the user to declare a set of objects and then to define a number of operators that can be applied to these objects. The objects are called values. Once the operators and values have been defined the user can investigate their properties by evaluating expressions involving variables, operators and values. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II ML/I Macro Processor 11-69 Author: P. J. Brown; DOS II Implementation by R. C. Saunders University of Kent at Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent, England Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 7.6K words plus data storage Abstract: ML/I is a general purpose macro processor. It can process any kind of text. It provides the user with a simple means of adding extra statements to an existing programming language to make the language more suitable for his own field of application. Other uses of ML/I are program parameterization, text editing or correction, and data format conversion. Media Price Code: AlO Format: (ORDER DECtape DEC US No. 11-68) DOS BASIC, Version 2A 11-70 A uthor: George Shering CERN Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-IIR Memory Required: 8K or more Abstract: Single user BASIC has been implemented to run under DOS. Programs may be OLDed, SAVEd, or RUN from any DOS dataset. Provision for binary or ASCII I/O has been incorporated, logical operations on integers are supported, and extensive support for user written functions (in MACRO) callable from BASIC has been added. The full range of DOS CfRL-C commands is supported. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: AI, H32 Format: DOS-ll 11-71 University of Washington, Department of Oceanography, Seattle, WA Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: Sufficient to support FORTRAN ACCEPT is a FORTRAN callable free format input routine which provides a service similar to the FORTRAN ACCEPT statement. Free format input is scanned per call specifications to extract integer, real, or character string arguments separated by blanks or commas. Null arguments are treated as zeroes or skipped as specified. This program was designed with FORLIB version 17 in mind. No guarantee is made that it will work with other versions of the FORTRAN object time system. Media Price Code: AI, H32 Format: DOS-II 8 Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Source Language: PAL-II Abstract: A demonstration program to compare pattern recognition of a computer with that of a human. The program is a TIC-TAC-TOE game played on a 4 X 4 X 4 board. The game rules are contained in the program. Restrictions: TrY Interrupt disabled Media Price Code: AI, F6, G16, K27 Format: RT-II LP or CR PDP-ll DOS Drivers for Use With A. B. Dick Videojet Printer Author: R. M. Cunningham University of Missouri, Columbia, MO Operating System: DOS/BATCH VOO4A Source Language: PAL-II R Special Hardware Required: A.B. Dick Videojet Printer 11-73 Abstract: An A. B. Dick Videojet Line Printer (LP) driver has been written for the PDP- I I Disk Operating System (DOS). The DEC DOS Card Reader (CR) driver has been modified to make it compatible with the Videojet printer. The source tape for the LP driver can be conditionally assembled to provide a driver for a Videojet printer either with or without the form feed option. In addition, conditional assemblage is available for systems either with or without a card reader. The CR driver source tape can also be conditionally assembled following DEC supplied instructions. After assembly and linking the load modules can then be easily incorporated into the monitor library. ODT-11, ODT-11X, Revised Submitted by: Ward P. Whitlock Watkins-Johnson Company, Rockville, MD Source Language: PAL-II 11-74 Abstract: These are DEC programs DEC-Il-OIPA and DEC-II-02PB which the submitter feels were bothersome under certain conditions, particularly in debugging new programs. Areas treated in this revision include: the stack, coding, breakpoint table handling, breakpoint handling and manual entry processing. Media Price Code: A2, B4, F5, G26 Author: J. Eric Pollock Abstra~t: 11-72 Media Price Code: D2, G24 Revised by: G. Shering and G. Everhart, ACCEPT-FORTRAN Subroutine "3D-TIC-TAC' Author: Wayne H. Tanaka LOADER 11-75 Author: John R. Brassard University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II R Abstract: LOADER is a modified version of the DEC Absolute Loader Program for use with the PDP- I I Disk Operating System (DOS). It can be used to load into core paper tape programs punched in absolute binary format. This program can be run from the disk using the Monitor RUN command. Restrictions: Bottom addresses (when linked) must be in core limits Media Price Code: D2, F5, G6 PDP-ll Abstracts PDPA8-PDP-ll Assembler 11-76 A uthor: Aloysius Chu Submitted by: Thomas Lanzatella University Computing Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Source Language: FORTRAN IV Special Hardware Required: card reader, mass storage Abstract: PDPAS converts a PDP-ll assembly into PDP-ll absolute binary code and produces an octal symbolic listing with error messages after two passes. An optional cross reference table of user defined symbols can be obtained. PDPAS is written in FORTRAN IV with the exceptions of 3 non-standard functions and 2 non-standard data statements. The length of a computer word is assumed to be at least 16 bits long. The object codes generated are left in memory and can be written on a file in a form acceptable to the PDP-II absolute loader (see page 5-9 of the DEC-ll GGPA-D manual). 11-7~11-83 PARITY-Paper Tape Compatibility with I.C.L. II-SO Author: Barry L. Seward-Thompson Unit of Coastal Sedimentation, N.E.R.C., Taunton, Somerset, England Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Abstract: This program provides ASCII paper tape compatibility with ICL machines. It can either input ICL formatted paper tapes adding a CR to the LF at the end of each record, or output even parity ASCII deleting the CRs. It runs under DOS VOO4A, is device independent, and uses the CSI. The operator is asked whether CRs are required in the output file. Media Price Code: D2, F5, G6 Media Price Code: Al, B4 MfFDEL-TUI0 Magtape File Deleting PERMUT-Permutes a Given Sequence of 11-77 Numbers A uthor: Robert Maulsdale University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom Source Language: PAL-II R Abstract: PERMUT reorders the N elements of a user supplied array, giving the next permutation in the sequence. It is designed to be called from an assembler program or a PDP-ll FORTRAN program. Media Price Code: D2, G5 DFWFf-Discrete Fast Walsh-Fourier Transform Subroutine 11-78 Author: Urs R. Wyss and Reto Bardola Institut fuer Himforschung, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Operating System: DOS/BATCH VOO4A Source Language: PAL-IIR Abstract: DFWFT is a subroutine written for the PDP-ll/20 for performing a forward or inverse Discrete Fast Walsh-Fourier Transform of N real data elements, where N is a power of 2 in the range 8 ~ N ~ 16384. A sample size of 1024 elements is transformed in 357 msec (0.357 sec). 560 words of core storage is required for the control section (subroutine), and N words for the data section. The source module is written for the DOS-II environment, minor changes are required for a paper tape system. DFWFT may be invoked as a FORTRAN subroutine. Media Price Code: D3, H32, K27 Format: DECtape-DOS-II, Floppy-RT-II PDP-II Reverse Assembler 11-79 Author: J. E. Bowdle Goodyear Atomic Corporation, Piketon, OH Source Language: PAL-IIA Abstract: This program converts PDP-ll binary paper tapes (absolute or relocatable) to a form similar to the listing pass of the program written in PAL-IIA which would have produced the binary tape. It does not use lOX. The user may potentially insert patches for other I/O devices. Restrictions: Output limited; does not have all op-codes for 11/45 Media Price Code: A2, B3, F8, G14 11-81 Program Author: Barry L. Seward-Thompson Unit of Coastal Sedimentation, N.E.R.C., Taunton, Somerset, England Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Special Hardware Required: TMII/TUIO Magtape Drive Abstract: This program was written to facilitate file deletion on TM Il/ TUIO magtape under DOS VOO4A. Under PIP, tapes can only be zeroed. In MTFDEL, a tape drive and filename is specified in CSI format and the file is overwritten by a Logical E-O-T which thus deletes the named file and all subsequent files on the tape. Media Price Code: D2, G5 (includes F) RKll Disk to Disk Duplicator 11-82 Author: Larry D. Rice NCCS-WORD, Inc., Beechwood, OH Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: two RK 11 disks Abstract: Duplicates the entire contents of one RKII disk pack onto another RKll pack: reads from drive 0 and writes onto drive 1. Media Price Code: D2, F5 FILDMP (K082) with /PA(Lll) Switch Option 11-83 Author: N. C. S. Long Hawker-Siddeley Aviation Ltd., Kingston-Upon-Thames, Thames, Surrey, England Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Abstract: This is a modified version of DEC's dumping utility FILDMP. An additional output switch has been provided which allows the translation of a binary file into an equivalent PAL-II mnemonic listing. Note: Currently, version VOO5A of FILDMP is used Media Price Code: D2, F12, G30 9 11-84-11-90 PDP-ll Abstracts IOXCRT-Input Output Executive with CRT 11-84 and Hard Copier Author: Stephen Gill Ball Brothers Research Corporation, Boulder, CO Source Language: PAL-IIA Special Hardware Required: Tektronix 4010 CRT and 4610 Hard Copier Abstract: IOXCRT is an extension of DEC program lOX. It adds code to support the Tektronix 4010 CRT and 4610 Hard Copy unit as a teletype. With this package the user can control certain CRT and Hard Copier functions from the keyboard. He also can command lOX to initiate a hard copy of the CRT automatically each time the screen fills. There are no special provisions for graph mode. However, the graph may be utilized through the unformatted binary mode. Several other small changes have been made which are discussed under the section on non-related changes. The reader should be familiar with the write-up covering lOX in the Papertape Handbook available from DEC. Restrictions: No .END directive in last tape Media Price Code: AI, G22 IOXEXT-Input Output Executive Extended 11-85 Author: Stephen Gill Ball Brothers Research Corporation, Boulder, CO Source Language: PAL-IIA Special Hardware Required: Tektronix 4010 CRT and 4610 Hard Copier, or TMll Magnetic Tape Abstract: IOXEXT is an extension of DEC program lOX. It adds two devices to the present version of lOX supplied by DEC. These devices are the Tektronix 4010 CRT with the 4610 CRT Hard Copier, and the TM II magnetic tape controller with up to 8 tape units. There are no special provisions for the CRT graph mode. However, the graph may be utilized through the unformatted binary mode. Several other small changes have been made which are discussed under the section on non-related changes. The reader should be familiar with the write-up covering lOX in the Papertape Handbook available from DEC. Restrictions: No .END directive in last tape Media Price Code: A2, G30 EDDY-A Scope Oriented Editor for the PDP-II 11-86 Author: G. Bernstein McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-IIR Special Hardware Required: VRI4 Point Display, Scope Controller Abstract: EDDY is a modification to the EDITII (Editor) program which will display portions of the Editor's ASCII buffer on a CRT. Only minor modifications were incorporated into EDIT 11 so that all EDITII commands have been preserved, and all modifications are invisible to the user. EDDY may be used without the CRT with no obvious differences to the user. With the CRT connected, 70 characters are displayed on the screen, 10 preceding 'dot' and 60 following it. In addition, facilities are provided for a quick scan of the entire ASCII buffer. Note: EDITIl.OBJ (modified) and DISTXT.PAL also provided on DT should user wish to make modifications. Modification procedures can be obtained through personal communication with the author Note: DECtape includes 11-87. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: D2, H32 Format: DOS-II 10 CRTEXT 11-87 Author: G. Bernstein McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II R Special Hardware Required: VRI4 CRT, CRT Controller Abstract: This is a stand-alone module which allows the user to display alphanumeric messages on a point-plot CRT. Up to 9 lines of message can be displayed. The user communicates with CRTEXT via a suitable executive program, which simply involves pushing the address of his ASCII buffer onto the stock and making repeated jumps to CRTEXT to maintain the display. Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-86) COMPU/CORDER PDP-11 DOS Driver 11-88 Author: Jon Shapiro Submitted by: Edward L. Pavia Sykes Datatronics, Inc., Rochester, NY Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Special Hardware Required: Sykes COMPU/CORDER 120 or 220 Abstract: This is a driver that causes a Sykes COMPU/CORDER 120 or 220 to behave exactly like DECtape. Each cassette will contain 578 blocks of 256 I6-bit words exactly like DECtape. Each block of data is directly accessible at 120 inches per second. All DECtape requests from DOS, PIP, etc. are intercepted by the driver and executed on the cassette. By emulating DECtape, files may be generated, assembled, edited, etc. on a cassette in exactly the same manner as they would be on DECtape. Bench mark tests show similar speeds between DECtape and the cassette. A ZERO program (DECUS No. 11-89) is used to initialize the cassette (write bit maps and change interleave factor from 4 to I). Media Price Code: D2, H32 ZERO 11-89 Author: Staff Sykes Datatronics, Inc. Submitted by: Edward L. Pavia Sykes Datatronics, Inc., Rochester, NY Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II Other Software Required: COMPU/CORDER Handler (DECUS No. 11-88) Special Hardware Required: Sykes COMPU/CORDER 120 or 220 Abstract: This is a short routine used to initialize cassettes similar to the way DECtape is initialized when using the /Z switch in PIP. Bit maps are written and the interleave factor is changed from 4 to 1. Cassettes that are initialized can then be used with the COMPU/CORDER DOS Driver (DECUS No. 11-88) to emulate DECtape. Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-88) listing Program for a PDP-ll Computer 11-90 Author: R. P. Loretan University of Essex, Colchester, Essex, England Source Language: PAL-II Other Software Required: lOX Special Hardware Required: HS Reader/Punch Abstract: This program paginates PAL-II Source tapes in A4 format. A page header is introduced which is accepted by the assembler as a comment. "Formfeed" in the source effects the start of a new page. This PDP-ll Abstracts 11-90 (Cont.) is not corrupted by subsequent editing, as the pages are regenerated by the program in every run (blank lines after a "Formfeed" are ignored). Media Price Code: D2, F5, 05 BLDPll Block Display Program 11-91 Author: Rudolf E. Kubli Institut fur Biomedizinische Technik, Der Universitat und der ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: PAL-II R Special Hardware Required: VR20 or VRl4 point plot display Abstract: BLDPII allows the user to display randomly selectable 256 word data blocks (I word integers) of contiguous files by keyboard commands. Features: 1 input file (automatic linear X-scale) or 2 input files, maximum 4 blocks (next to each other or superposed) + 50 ASCII characters comment, automatic and manual scalings. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II SAPWD-Stand-A1one Program Loader for DOS Author: William Little IV Digital Equipment Corporation, Houston, TX Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II 11-91-11-97 length from a contiguous file without regard to any logical or physical boundaries. File parameters describing the logical organization of the data are: number of groups (number of blocks (number of records (length of record))). Data is extracted starting at a work number (record number (group)) though the number of words requested for the same record number. This is compatible with the architecture of files created by subroutine ADC. Restrictions: Full blocks of 256 words each Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-93A) NPACK 11-93C Author: Morris Frimer University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: NPACK is a FORTRAN callable subroutine to RAD50 code an ASCII string that adheres to standard DOS file naming conventions. Compatible for both 11/20 and 11/45. Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-93A) 11-92 Transfonned Z Scores Author: William Wilmot and Wesley Shellen University of Montana, Missoula, MT Source Language: FOCAL-II 11-94 Abstract: Abstract: SAPLOD allows DOS-II users to load stand-alone programs such as Paper Tape Software Programs, MAIN DEC diagnostics and user written routines which have been stored as normal DOS files on disks, DECtape and magtape. This program can be used to calculate transformed Z scores on student grades and other data. The Z scores have a mean of 50, standard deviation of 2103 and range of 1-99. In addition an output option allows for frequency counts and cumulative percentages of raw scores. Media Price Code: DI, 05 Media Price Code: D2, R30 Author: Morris Frimer University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-l1 Special Hardware Required: KWII-P Programmable Clock, ADOI Converter, KEII-A Extended Arithmetic Unit Real-Time Overlay for 1-8 User BASIC-11 11-95 (VOO2A) Author: James E. Davis and L. B. Rogers Chemistry Dept., Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Source Language: PAL-II Other Software Required: 1-8 User BASIC-II (VOO2A) Special Hardware Required: Real-Time and line clocks, DECtape, EAE, D/A converter, DR-llA scope (TEK-611) Abstract: ADC is a multiple entry subroutine designed to interface a user's high level language program with the A/D converter for high data rates. This subroutine returns immediate control to the user while it drives the converter and stores the data on a mass storage device and keeps the user informed on status of process. The user may specify order of channels to be digitized simultaneously, gain to be used on each channel, and name for output contiguous file if desired. Abstract: Note: Tape includes versions for 11/45 and 11/20. DECtape includes 11-93B and 11-93C. Restrictions: Overlay should be tailored to user's peripherals. Multi-user priority on peripherals not resolved. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II Media Price Code: A2, B5, H32 Format: DOS-II ADC SCORE 11-93A 11-93B The source program and additional descriptive material show how to add real-time I/O patches to BASIC without recompiling in a paper tape based environment. Although BASIC, together with the I/O patch, fits into 8K of core a more realistic minimum is 12K. One-user operation is approximately five times faster than BASIC written for a single user having 4K of core. With 16K, two-user BASIC has been employed successfully for rather lengthy periods. PROCON-ll Author: Morris Frimer University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Author: Paul R. Condit Automatic Production Systems, Pennsauken, NJ Source Language: PAL-l1R Memory Required: 4k Abstract: SCORE is a multiple entry subroutine to provide the higher level language user with means to directly extract any segment of any Abstract: 11-97 PROCON-ll is a set of debugging aids designed to assist the programmer in the maintenance and alteration of existing programs and 11 11-98-11-105 PDP-lJ Abstracts In addition to commonly used debugging routines such as core dumps, PROCON-ll also includes a selected group of self-contained device handlers, which are often useful in the debugging of more complex handlers. least 4,000 words of core memory and a teletype is required. A VR-14 display unit, a high speed paper tape reader and a DECtape recorder can be used. Simple commands are input via the teletype to control the operation of the program. Program will start automatically if loaded with Absolute Loader. No Source Available. Media Price Code: D5, F12, G20 11-97 (Cont.) to facilitate the preparation of new ones. Media Price LOde: A2, F6 MASK Author: Bernt Hogkvist Submitted by: Tomas Lofgren Digital Equipment Corporation, Stockholm, Sweden Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II 11-98 FBTRAN-Formatted Binary Transfer Author: James H. Stein Security General, Santa Clara, CA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II 11-102 Abstract: Abstract: FBTRAN supports formatted binary transfers from the low speed paper tape reader (teletype). This is a function not provided by PIP. Absolute tapes can be read into a disk or DECtape file, which can then be used as input to SAPLOD (DECUS NO. 11-92). For convenience SAPLOD files are included on the FBTRAN tape. Media Price Code: DI, G5 Media Price Code: D2, H32 Format: DOS-II This subroutine package for use in FORTRAN programs provides the user with a simple means of working on bit level which is generally available only in MACRO programs: The functions included are: AND, OR, XOR, Rotate, Bit set, Bit clear and Bit test. KIDVR-Keyboard Terminal Driver for DOS Author: Thomas R. Reed University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Australia Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II 11-99 Abstract: KTDVR.MAC is a MACRO source module for keyboard drivers which can be conditionally assembled to provide drivers for either the command device "KB" or additional keyboard terminals. The driver can provide standard DOS character handling or can be conditionally assembled to allow VT05 cursor and display control including direct cursor addressing. When assembled for VT05B the driver will insert the proper padding for high Baud rate operation. Drivers can be generated for either V4 or V8 of DOS. HDC1, a Finite Element Computer Program for 11-103 Two-Dimensional Stress of Elastic Solids Author: Howard D. Curtis Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL Operating System: DOS/BATCH V8.02 Source Language: FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 12K minimum Abstract: The finite element displacement method of two-dimensional stress analysis of elastic solids using the constant-strain triangular element. Restrictions: Attempts to run in less than 12K, without modifications, will not be successful Restrictions: Not suitable for Serial LA-30 at 300 Baud Media Price Code: A2, G22 Media Price Code: D5, H32 Format: DOS-II 11-100 LP.PAL, SP.PAL; TIY Drivers for Printer, Punch and Reader of V4 Monitor A uthor: Thomas R. Vanderpool University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Operating System: DOS/BATCH VOO4A Operating System: VOO4A DOS Source Language: PAL-II R Special Hardware Required: PDP-II, Additional ITY other than console HDC2, a Finite Element Computer Program for 11-104 Two-Dimensional Steady-State Conduction Heat Transfer Analysis Author: Howard D. Curtis Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL Operating System: DOS/BATCH V8.02 Source Languag.~: FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 12K minimum Abstract: Two programs written for use with the PDP-II VOO4A DOS Monitor. SP.PAL replaces the MT Magtape driver on disk with a driver for the slow punch and reader of an additional TrY. LP.PAL replaces the CR Card Reader driver on disk with a driver for the TrY Line Printer. Media Price Code: AI, G8 Conway's "Life", PAL-11S Version 11-101 Author: H. J. Morrison Naval Underwater Systems Center, New London, CT Source Language: PAL-lIS Abstract: An assembly level digital computer program for Conway's "Life." A Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-II minicomputer, with at 12 Abstract: The finite element method of two-dimensional steady-state conduction heat transfer analysis using the linear-temperature triangular element. Restrictions: Attempts to run in less than 12K, without modification, will not be successful Media Price Code: D5, H32 Format: DOS-II POLFIT, A FOCAL Program to Fit Data to Polynomials up to 6th Degree Author: Larry V. East Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM Source Language: FOCAL-II 11-105 PDP-ll Abstracts 11-105 (Cont.) Abstract: A FOCAL program that makes a least-squares polynomial fit to data supplied by the user. The program uses doubly subscripted variables, and is intended for use with the PDP-II version of FOCAL. Media Price Code: A2, G5 11-106 Assorted Routines for use with OOS-l1 Author: Glenn Everhart and Craig Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA and Wesleyan University, cr Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: Documentation and Source files for the routines listed below are available on one DECtape. The write-up available from DECUS describes the groupings on the tape and explains them more fully than the brief abstracts listed here. 1. Subroutines for plotting lines, graphing, and writing alphanumeric text on the VTOI storage display, from the NAL Bison package, with modifications for PDP-ll/45 use, are provided, with FORTRAN-Callable interfaces. 2. Two games, DOTS and SPACEWAR, both written in FORTRAN IV, are provided. In SPACEWAR, two humans play, using the VTOI in non-store mode as a display of the positions of their rockets with respect to the sun, each other, and all torpedoes on the board. In DOTS, a human plays against the computer. The VTOI is used in store mode, and plotting and text routines in package 1 are illustrated. Advantages and limitations of the machine's heuristic strategy, and of prediction of results in certain situations, are shown. 3. A set of functions and subroutines is provided which can be inserted in a system FORTRAN library, giving FORTRAN the capability of performing all Boolean logic operations of one or two variables directly on integers, of finding addresses of arguments, of word shifts and rotations, and of finding the contents of any part of memory. In addition, a pair of routine packages, one DOS-oriented, the other stand-alone, but both FORTRAN-callable is provided to allow direct access to magnetic tape, outside the usual DOS-II file label and record length conventions. (This is handy for talking to other kinds of computers.) 4. A VTOI-using editor is supplied. It is a modified EDIT-ll VOO6A in which all commands are preserved, but which displays 10 characters before dot to 60 after dot on the VTOI storage display, when the switclles on the console are not all zero. When they are all zero, slow stepping of the display through the entire text buffer, 60 characters at a time starting at dot, is provided. Normal operation resumes when I or more switches are raised. 5. A set of FORTRAN-callable functions to provide scatter plots, line graphs, or generalized graphs on the Versatec (II " wide) printer-plotter is provided. These drive the plotter in stand-alone, non-interrupt mode to activate any nib in the write head under control of the calling routines. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II "TIle Hockey Game" A uthor: Rick Siraco and Glenn Martinsen Digital Equipment Corporation, Westminster, MA Source Language: BASIC Memory Required: 8K Abstract: 11-107 A player versus computer game of hockey which closely simulates the real thing. Includes faceoffs, deflected pucks, kick saves, pucks tied up against boards, etc. Games are close and exciting. Note: Requires modification for use with RT-II BASIC. Media Price Code: 08, K27 Format: RT-II 11-106-11-110 TIYALL, Multi-Teletype Dispatdler 11-108 Author: James Stanfill Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: RSX-IID Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 1424 words Special Hardware Required: PDP-Il/45 (or 40), I to 15 remote TTY-like terminals, sufficient core to support the multi-user capability of RSX-IID Abstract: This is a multi-teletype dispatcher designed to utilize the Control-X function of the RSX-llD Operating System for the PDP-1l-40/45 Computer. It is not designed to be another MCR Its intent, rather, is to allow a user (e.g., a nurse or technician) who is not familiar with RSX-IID to run previously developed programs at a remote terminal. The dispatcher task executes at a priority just under the MCR, and will· service any remote terminal for which a specific task (also described) is installed in the task list. Media Price Code: A5, H32 Format: FILES-ll IOS-PDP-11/45 Formatted Input/Output Task 11-109 Stacker and Processor Revised: 8 July 1974 Author: John Koschik Randall Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 3K (with Floating Point Processor) Other Software Required: (Modified) SYSMAC.SML file Special Hardware Required: PDP-ll/45, Keyboard Device, Disk (DK, DF or DC), Line Frequency Clock Abstract: lOS allows the programmer to perform formatted input/ output at assembly language level to/from any peripheral device. It runs under DOS version V08-08 or V9-19, reading and writing DOS compatible files. Additionally lOS will run, with total transparency, in an environment with memory management enabled. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II Utility Routines for a PDP-ll/45 With a 11-110 Floating Point Processor Author: Kenneth B. Wiberg Department of Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/45 with FPU Abstract: This is a set of routines for input/output, square root, trigonometric and exponential functions which are designed for convenient interfacing with assembly language main programs. The floating point routines use ACO to transmit the argument and operate in the precision of the calling program (i.e. single or double). The input/output routines are designed for flexibility. Thus, the floating point input routine accepts both F and E format input and takes any non-numerical character other than +, -, . or E as a terminator. The F format output routine gives an E format output if the number is too large for the field specification. The I/O routines are monitor independent in order to provide maximum flexibility and eliminate the need to set up link-blocks, file-blocks, etc. If desired, they could easily be interfaced into the DOS monitor. 13 11·111-11·115 PDP-ll Abstracts 11·110 (Cont.) Unlike most math routines, the ones given here use straightforward application of power series so that the user may control the precision. Timing and precision data are given as a function of the number of terms used. Media Price Code: A2, B5, H32 Format: DOS-II GT40.MAC-A FORTRAN Subroutine Set for 11·114 the GT40 Series Display (VT11) Author: Everett A. Bruce Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 900 words Special Hardware Required: GT40 Series Display (VTI 1) Abstract: "LEM" (Simulation of a Lunar Landing) A uthor: Leigh Clayton Acadia University, Hantsport, Nova Scotia, Canada Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II 11·111 Abstract: The LEM program is a simulation of the landing of the Lunar Excursion Module on the moon. The program gives constantly updated numerical displays of all relevant data on the VT05 screen, while allowing the user to change main thrust and attitude, as well as certain control functions, by striking keys on the VT05 keyboard. The program requires VT05, KLI I-L (Line Frequency Oock) with 60 Hertz supply, and a basic PDP-II/45 with the floating-point option. It is assembled, linked and loaded under the DOS-II svdem, version 6A or later, and requires the MACRO-II assembler.-- Media Price COde: AI, B3. H32_ Format: DOS- f1. Fast, Accurate Matrix Equation Solver and 11·112 Matrix Inverter Author: G. Everhard Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/45 with F.P.P. Solves the matrix equation AX = B where A is an N by N matrix and B and X are N by M matrices. Matrix inversion is a special case of this equation. Abstract: Restrictions: Uses floating-point and extended instruction set operations, though the simple version DOS BASIC contains code that probably can enable any PDP-II to carry out the same operation, albeit more slowly Media Price Code: D2, G6 READ-FORTRAN Compatible Free Format 11·113 Input Routines Author: Kenneth B. Wiberg Yale University, New Haven, CT Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Other Software Required: DOS-II FORTRAN Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/45, Floating Point Processor Abstract: PDP-II FORTRAN currently does not have provision for free format integer and floating point data input. These routines (IREAD and FREAD) provide such a facility. With both routines leading spaces are ignored, and any illegal character in the context of the number is taken as a terminator. The usual terminators are a space or a carriage return. Media Price Code: D2, G8 14 A set of subroutines has been written to allow the FORTRAN programmer to create, interact with, and modify pictures on the GT40 series displays. The calling s~u~ces are designed to correspond as closely as possible to the PDP-15/VT15 FORTRAN routines. Facilities are included to build pictures in FORTRAN arrays from lines, points, text and other pictures, to modify the coordinates and parameters of those pictures in real time and to interact with an operator via the light pen, tracking symbol and keyboard. The routines are compatible with either DOS-II or RT-II and occupy less than 1000 decimal words of memory. Media Price Code: A4, H32 Format: DOS-II One Programmer's Utility Package for the 11-115 PDP· 11 Author: William H. Talbot, Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD Operating System: DOS/BATCH Y08.02 or Y08.08 Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: Incremental Plotter optional This package contains macros, subroutines, and free-standing programs selected from the results of nearly two years' intensive assembly-language programming for the PDP-II. Most have been in error-free use for many months. Most will run in any PDP-II DOS hardware configuration. In all, the package comprises two macro library files, two object module library files, 44 MACRO-II source files, and seven relocatable object files (for generation of free-standing programs). The two pair of library files provide for systems with and without a KE-IIA extended arithmetic element. Each of the two macro libraries contain approximately 40 macro definitions among which are macros that do the following: (I) push to or pop from the system stack any number of words or bytes that can be specified in the call, (2) simulate the integer multiply and divide instructions of the 11/40 and 11/45, (3) generate FORTRAN IV compatible subroutine calls in which argument lists may include a variety of addressing modes, (4) generate Link Blocks, File Name Blocks, and Line Buffer Headers, and (5) provide convenient linkages to subroutines contained in the object module libraries. The object module libraries contain more than 30 modules each. These include modules for controlling an incremental plotter which are described separately below. Other modules include the following: (I) one that provides the assembly-language programmer with an output formatting capacity similar to FORTRANs, (2) two that provide alternate means of obtaining free-format input to FORTRAN programs, (3) a module that supports simple input/output macros to control the console terminal, (4) a module that performs the variety of input, output, and internal operations required to accept integer input values, check that each is in the range of acceptable values, and store checked values in structured arrays, (5) efficient FORTRAN subroutines to find the minimum, maximum, or both in an array of integers, and (6) a number of simple arithmetic subroutines that extend the assembly-language programmer's arithmetic power. Ten of the modules in each object module library have to do with the control of an incremental plotter such as the Calcomp Model 565. Although these modules have been written for and tested with a particular plotter and a particular interface design, they may be of greater interest. All physical output is from a single module which can be adapted to a different plotter or interface to make the remaining modules immediately available for use. Plotter modules may be called from Abstract: 11-116-11-122 PDP-II Abstracts 11-115 (Cont.) assembly-language or FORTRAN programs to draw vectors or character strings and to pedorm a variety of higher order function. Free-standing programs in the package include three programs for manipulating DECtape directories to produce alphabetized and chronologically ordered indices to the contents of one or more DECtapes and programs for producing paged listings from ASCII files. Two of the listing programs produce reformatted listings of LINK I I load maps and macro library files. Documentation includes separate descriptions of each major module and a brief general introduction. Note: Listing service charge is per file. Media Price Code: EIO, H32 Format: DOS-II BACADI, ASCII-EBCDIC Magtape File Dump 11-116 Author: Robert Saunders and William Campbell Searle Medidata, Inc., Lexington, MA and G. D. Searle & Co., Ltd., High Wycombe, Bucks HP124HL, England Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 2400 bytes Special Hardware Required: Magtape Abstract: BACADI creates a card image copy of an ASCII DOS file on an industry compatible magnetic tape, with each line expanded to 80 characters to simulate punched cards. This tape may now be processed by another computer system for easier card duplication, etc. The output may be either ASCII or EBCDIC, defined by a switch option. File concatenation is done on multiple input files. BACADI will run under either DOS or BATCH. Media Price Code: D2, M55 Format: DOS-II TV.MAC, Typewriter Driver for Extra Teletypes for DOS Revised: 2 April 1975 Author: G. Everhart 11-117 Abstract: This is a driver for a teletype compatible terminal without paper tape. It will work on DOS V08 or later, and allow programs to do input and/or output to extra teletypes. TY will correctly interpret CR and LF, ignore vertical tab, and echo form feed as line feed. Horizontal tabs are echoed as single spaces. Other control characters echo as up-arrow followed by the correct non-control character. The monitor buffer is used for I/o, so type-abeads are not possible. However, the driver is made small by this. Media Price Code: D2, GIO Abstract: Media Price Code: A2, G8 Volume/Dosage Calculation Program for Tc or In 11-119 Author: Trevor Cradduck Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System Abstract: Creates a table of volumes of Tc or In to be used for a given dosage at a given hour of the day. Media Price Code: DI, G5 Determination of Blood Volume & Red Blood Cell Survival Author: T. J. Buchanan and R. W. Carlson 11-120 San Diego Naval Hospital, San Diego, California Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System Abstract: A. Results of blood volumes are printed out in both total volume in millimeters and volume per weight in kilograms. B. Least squares analysis for To (Extrapolated Intercept) and T 1/2 (Half Time) survival time of red blood cells. Media Price Code: D2, G6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH (V08 or later) Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: Teletype-compatible extra terminal GULP, Gamma-ll Utility Program Author: Dr. Robert Farmer University of California, San Francisco, CA Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System save registers, working buffer, keyboard device, and paper reader/punch. It allows pre-processing of curves, smoothing, masking, editing, subtracting background, removing previous studies, and correcting for dead-time. It is intended for use as data I/O for ROI analysis programs. 11-118 This program was written to facilitate analysis of ROI dynamic curves. It can be used to move ROI-formatted data between W ABC Core Dumper 11-121 Author: Thomas Powers Hendrix Electronics, Manchester, NH Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 16008 bytes Special Hardware Required: High speed punch or line printer optional Abstract: The WABC (Word, Absolute, Byte and Character) core dumper is a position independent program used to examine blocks of PDP-ll core too large to be easily examined by console action or ODT. All commands are entered through the teletype keyboard, and output can be directed to the teletype, line printer, or high speed punch (for later listing). Output is in the form of words, bytes, or ASCII characters, or in absolute loader compatible format. When accessed as a subroutine or trap routine, all user status and registers are saved and restored. Media Price Code: D2, F5, GIO DVRTST DOS Driver Testing Package Author: J. K. F. Lee and Christopher Pottle Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Operating System: DOS/BATCH V08 Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: 11-122 A pair of routines is provided to aid in the process of developing and debugging new DOS driver programs. The first replaces 15 11-113-11-119 PDP-]J Abstracts 11-122 (Cont.) the PP: (high-speed paper tape punch) driver in DOS and contains hooks which will be hooked by the second program when called by a testing program to which it is linked. Thereafter any references to PP: will invoke the driver under test which has also been included in the user's load module. The basic electrical element is the branch which must include, at most, one passive element, which may be either a resistor, capacitor, or inductor. This branch may also include a current source, a voltage source, or a transconductor (a voltage-controlled current source). As all the operator inputs are position free, the program is still very useful to the electrical engineer who is a novice at computer programming. Media Price Code: AI, G8 Restrictions: OTS Complex divider SDVC error AN5800; A Group of Routines for Handling the 11-123 Analogic AN5800 Data Conversion System Author: Christopher Pottle Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: Analogic AN5800 Data Conversion System with AN374-DRII Interface Abstract: A group of FORTRAN-callable assembly programs which will handle analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog conversion through the Analogic AN5800 Data Conversion System. These programs are rather flexible, allowing conversion to be initiated under program control, externally, or using the KWII-P programmable clock. Media Price Code: A2, GIO BLKUSE, Block Usage Summary for File 11-124 Structured Devices Author: Thomas R. Reed University of Western Australia, Nedlands, W. Australia Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 106310 words Abstract: BLKUSE is a utility program which reports summary information about block utilization on DOS file structured devices. Each UIC in the master file directory is reported along with the following information: the number of contiguous files, the number of blocks occupied by contiguous files, the total number of files, and the total number of blocks occupied by all files. The program will not report on industry compatible magnetic tape units since they do not have a standard DOS file structure. Restrictions: Has only been tested with multiple RKII drives Media Price Code: AI, F5, G 12 MINIPIP-ll 11-125 Author: Tom Adametz Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, Sudbury, MA Source Language: PAL-IIA Special Hardware Required: High speed reader and punch and line printer optional Abstract: Minipip-II (MINIature Peripheral Interchange Program for the PDP-H) can be used to set up a transfer between any paper device (TIY, HSR, HSP, LPT). The user has an option of 3 formats for the transfer, formatted or unformatted ASCII, or binary. Minipip can accommodate an 80-column or 132-column line printer. Media Price Code: D4, F5, G30 ECAP Author: Robert Michael Owens Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA Source Language: FORTRAN Memory Required: 16K minimum 11-126 Abstract: NWL ECAP is a useful tool for the analysis and design of linear study state L (inductor), C (capacitor), and R (resistor) networks of twenty-five or fewer branches and ten or fewer nodes. 16 Media Price Code: D2, GIO, K27, M55 Format: Floppy-RT-II, Magtape-DOS-II Interval Histogram Program V.OO3 11-127 Author: Fred E. Koch and Keith E. Davison for Marcel Verzeano,M.D. Department of Psychobiology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: KW-ll Real Time Clock, A-D Converter Abstract: The Interval Histogram Program can acquire pulse train data from one or more analog channels simultaneously. The program can generate, in real time, interval histograms. The generated histograms may then be displayed on a scope or listed on the TIY. The channels are sampled at rates of 97 to 250 usecs. per channel, depending on the number of channels sampled. A special high speed pulse counting option is included to determine if pulses are being missed. Media Price Code: A2, B6, FlO QUANDA Author: G. Bernstein McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Operating System: DOS/BATCH V08.08 Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 260 words Special Hardware Required: GT40 Display System 11-128 Abstract: QUANDA is a subroutine written for a DOS-based GT40 system which allows the user to simply program question and answer dialogs on the GT40 CRT. When called, it will display a user-specified question on the CRT, and if desired, will accept alpha or numeric information input from the console. Console input is echoed on the CRT, followed by a blinking cursor which moves to the right as each character is entered. In alpha mode, the entered character string is deposited in the user's buffer. In numeric mode, the binary equivalent of the decimal numeric input is retransmitted. Refresh of the current display is maintained until the next call to QUANDA. Media Price Code: D2, G8 Single User BASIC, Version GE08B Author: Staff Digital Equipment Corporation Revised by: Larry W. Finger, Geophysical Laboratory, Washington, D.C. 11-129 Abstract: This version of Single User BASIC for the PDP-II revised VOO8A to correct an error in the LIST command and to fix the faulty program flow that occurs when a GOSUB command is used on the same line as a FOR statement. The new Version also detects the improper nesting of FOR-loops, generating an ERROR 24 for this condition. Additional modifications include a new command, MERGE, for loading multi-tape source programs and a change in the user list processing to reduce the execution time by 7C1'!o or more for complicated programs. The PD.P-}} Abstracts 11-129 (Cont.) extra speed is achieved by adding one extra word to each list item. The standard requirements are outlined in Appendix A of the BASIC programming manual, DEC-II-XBPMA-B-D. Media Price Code: AI, F8 VT, PDP-11 DOS Compatible Driver for 11-130 Tektronix 4010 Graphics Display Terminal Author: Carl Akerlof and Mark Taylor Randall Laboratory of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: Tektronix 4010 Graphics Display Terminal Abstract: VT is a DOS compatible driver which allows the use of a Tektronix 4010 Graphics Display Terminal as an alphanumeric input device and as both an alphanumeric and graphics output device. This driver may be edited into the DOS CIL (Core Image Library) so that the Tektronix terminal may be accessed via the standard DOS I/O macros. Media Price Code: AI, B4, H32 Format: DOS-II Note: DECtape includes DECUS 11-134 GONIF 11-134 Author: James H. Stein Security General, Sunnyvale, CA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 8K Abstract: The DOS program GONIF (Hebrew for "thief') provides a convenient collection of routines to read, examine, and modify data on a block-structured device (disk, DECtape). With GONIF, one can easily modify creation dates or protection codes of (any) files, perform word searches through linked or contiguous files, sort file directories by file name, access cylinders 200 & 201 on RK05 drives, delete one of a pair of files which DOS has gotten tangled, copy/ verify DECpacks, and/or totally clobber the system disk. Note: DECUS 11-133 and 11-134 are on same DECtape. Media Price Code: A2, B3 Format: DOS-II 11-131 Author: Thomas Powers Hendrix Electronics, Manchester, NH Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 850 words Abstract: CALEND is a simple program which accepts a decimal year value from the teletype and prints out a 12 month calendar for that year on the teletype or line printer. The digits of the year are blocked out in a 8 X 8 matrix to display the year as a header. Note: Listing on paper tape Media Price Code: A2, F5, G32 TED-11A, Text Editor The column width, number of columns per page, number of lines per page, and inter-column spacing are all specified by the user. Media Price Code: D2, H32 Format: DOS-II No Source Available. CALEND-Calendar Generator 11-130-11-136 11-132 Author: Joseph Kocanowski Stephens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ Source Language: PAL-II Special Hardware Required: High speed reader and punch Abstract: A modified version of ED-ll (DEC-ll-UEDPA-A-LA), DEC's PDP-ll Paper Tape Software Text Editor. It accepts a series of commands typed on a single line. In addition several commands have been altered slightly to extend their usefulness. Restrictions: Cannot be used on system having only LSR and LSP TGH GAMMA-II Package-HEAD, STOM, 11-135 RENO Author: T. D. Cradduck Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System Abstract: HEAD compares curves obtained for each side of the head during a cerebral circulation study. Input is ROI curves and output is ratio of amplitudes, slopes, times to peak and plateaus. Their parameters give a value to be associated with a visual inspection of the curves. STOM corrects ROI curve from stomach emptying procedure for decay In-113m, then plots resulting curve on LA30 to allow for calculation of T 1/2. RENO-ROI curves are adjusted for area and blood background curve subtracted. Resulting curves are stored back into Save area plus 1. Media Price Code: D I THYR 11-136 Author: Dr. T. D. Cradduck Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Canada Media Price Code: A2, B7 F5, G42 Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA COLIST 11-133 Author: James H. Stein Security General, Sunnyvale, CA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: "COLlST" is six-characterese for "Column Lister." Given an ASCII input file consisting of a large number of (presumably rather short) lines, "COLIST" creates an ASCII output file representing the same text as a series of "pages," with several "columns" on each page. Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System, Automatic sample changer with paper tape O/P Abstract: This program is used to calculate values of effective thyroxene index (ETI's) and T4 assay from prepared punched paper tapes from an automatic sample changer (gamma counter). Media Price Code: D2, GIO 17 11-117-11-144 PDP-II Abstracts BOOT 11-137 FXSUBS 11-141 Author: Robert Farmer University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-ll System Author: David L. George Abstract: When using FOCAL G-ll, the absolute loader and bootstrap loader are usually destroyed. This program will restore the bootstrap and thereby facilitate the loading of overlay and other programs. Abstract: Several FOCAL subroutines that may be of use in conjunction with user generated programs. Each set uses the FX (Unibus) function to obtain values from or change values at particular locations on the Unibus. Media Price Code: D 1, G 10 Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-ll System Media Price Code: DI, G6 FODT 11-138 Author: Robert Farmer University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System Abstract: Allows the user to search and/or dump the contents of a specified area of core. It is useful for locating data or program routines without disturbing either. FODT uses octal input and output via the keyboard device. Media Price Code: D 1, G5 11-139 QANDA Author: J. Anthony Parker, M.D. Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, MA Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: PAL-II Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System or Standard Tektronix 611 Interface Abstract: A general purpose, reentrant, FORTRAN compatible, assembly language question, and answer subroutine, offers FORTRAN and assembly language programmers the easy use of the Tektronix 611 scope and teletype for textual input/output. Answers are typed in by the user at the teletype. Questions and answers are displayed on the 611 scope. Question fields are set up by the programmer as simple text strings. Answer buffers are likewise returned as text strings. Several options are available. Media Price Code: D4 SQRS Author: David L. George Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System 11-140 Abstract: SQRS calculates a least-squares straight line from user selected points on a ROJ curve. Parameters of the line, including confidence limits, are output to the KB. Media Price Code: D2, G5 18 UPTK Author: David L. George Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Submitted by: Charles Merrill Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System 11-142 Abstract: UPTK calculates percent uptake. It is valid for such studies as thyroid uptakes and T3's. The program is designed for KB: data input. It is particularly useful for studies where most of the input parameters are the same from study to study. This is true, for example, in T3 calculations where only the patient source count changes. Other parameters of the study are moved from run to run by striking the altmode terminator upon request for data input. Media Price Code: DI, G5 STIRS, Self-Training Interpretive and Retrieval 11-143 System Programs For Mass Spectral Data Author: G. M. Pesyna, R Venkataraghaven and F. W. McLafferty Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: FORTRAN IV and MACRO-II Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: High-speed Paper Tape Reader and Punch, 2 RK05 Disk Drives Abstract: The STIRS software has two major programs. The first condenses the unknown spectrum using specific procedures to correspond to the unpacked format of the reference spectra. The second program does the actual matching of the unknown spectral data with that in the data base. A match factor is computed for each class of data, indicating the degree of similarity of the unknown to that in the reference file. Media Price Code: A2, B4, G60 DELFIL, Delete A File From FORTRAN 11-144 Author: Herbert J. Bernstein Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, NY Operating System: DOS/BATCH V9.19 Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: 1628 bytes Other Software Required: FORTRAN OTS V20, PRMR5.MAC, PRMPC.MAC, PRM.MAC, MAP.MAC needed to assemble source PDP-ll Abstracts 11-144 (Cont.) Abstract: DELFIL is a subroutine to be called from a FORTRAN program to delete a file by: 11-145-11-150 AMD-CDC 200 UT Simulator 11-147 Author: G. H. Campbell, H. B. Chiang, T. V. Willoughby and H. 1. Bernstein Brookhaven National Laboratory; Upton, Long Island, NY CALL DELFIL (I UN, IERR) where IUN is the unit number, and IERR will be 0 if the file was deleted. ASSIGN or SETFIL should be used if files other than the defaults are to be deleted. Note: Can also be used under DOS V08.08 by putting $SRV and $CAL from OTS V20 into library. Media Price Code: D2, F5, G5 Operating System: DOS/BATCH V08.08 or V09.19 Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: DOS + 9K + 2K EMTs + drivers + buffers Abstract: AMD simulates a Control Data Corporation ANSI or BCD series user terminal for remote batch and interactive work via synchronous 2000 baud half duplex telephone lines. The CDC mode 4C protocol is used. DOS data sets may play the roll of card reader and line printer. Restrictions: Requires change in keyboard driver (supplied). Does not handle DIAGNOSTIC WRITE message. Media Price Code: A2, BI2, F26, G48, H32 Format: DOS-II X-RAY: An On-Line Program for Automatic 11-145 Electron Microanalysis of Oxides and SiHcates Using a Si (Li) Spectrometer Author: R. J. Gehrke and R. C. Davies Aerojet Nuclear Company, Idaho Falls, ID Source Language: FORTRAN IV Special Hardware Required: 16K PDP-II with Disk and DECtape Abstract: X-RAY is an on-line, FORTRAN program for the automatic electron microanalysis of silicates and oxides. It is written for a PDP-II computer having 12K of core in addition to disk, drum or magnetic tape storage. Energy dispersive x-ray data is acquired with a Si(Li) spectrometer mounted on a scanning electron microscope (SEM) or an electron microprobe. The data is transferred from the acquisition instrument through an interface to the PDP-II computer for on-line processing or is stored on paper tape or magnetic tape for later batch processing. X-RAY automatically locates the x-ray peaks in a spectrum, determines the elements associated with the x-ray peaks and calculates their relative abundances through a least-squares fit of the spectrum with spectra of element oxide standards (i.e., components). In this application of leastsquares fitting, the component spectra are obtained from the electron excitation of simple oxide standards whenever possible or from multielement oxide or silicate standards. The contributions of each component spectrum are expressed as ratios of composite to component spectrum. Finally, the ratios are corrected for matrix effects to yield the percent concentration of each element oxide in the sample. The appendices include a descriptive program handbook for the user, a list of the program commands with their functions, the link modules, the format requirements for data to be input to the computer, a detailed flow chart of the program and a complete program listing. Media Price Code: D8 RSX-11D Core Dump 11-148 A uthor: Jim Serwer Moore Systems, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA Operating System: RSX-llD Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: 22008 bytes Special Hardware Required: Printing Device Abstract: CDP is a rudimentary core dump program for use with RSX-llD. It may be called with an MCR command; or, of fixed in memory, it may be started from the toggle switches following a system crash. It accepts only physical addresses, dumps at most 4K words at a time, prints only in octal word format and does not spool output. Media Price Code: D2, GI4 SNPDMP 11-149 Author: Jim Serwer Moore Systems, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA Operating System: RSX-IID Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 1600 Octal bytes Special Hardware Required: Printing Device Abstract: SNPDMP, Snapshot Core Dump, is a routine to dump a portion of memory during execution of a RSX-llD task. Its object module is included in the task build of the task to be dumped. It may be called in either of two ways: I) A JSR instruction or 2) if properly initialized, by a synchronous trap (e.g., segment fault, odd address, etc.). Media Price Code: D2, G8 PDM70 Support Routines 11-146 Author: S. R. Alpert and Ph.D. and R. Hully HIAS, Inc., Worcester, MA Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 12K minimum Other Software Required: BASIC/RT-II or BASIC/PTS Abstract: These routines allow the user to fully utilize the PDM70 (Programmable Data Mover) using BASIC. Commands to the PDM70 are easy to construct and interpret. Numerous error diagnostics aid the programmer when attempting to illegally program the PDM70. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, Bj, F8, 026, H32, L33 Format: DOS-II RFSAV and RFRST 11-150 Author: Jim Serwer Moore Systems, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: 756, 726 octal bytes Special Hardware Required: RF and RK disks Abstract: RFSAV saves an RF disk image in a continuous DOS-II file on an RK disk. RFRST is a companion program which restores the RF disk from the RK file. These programs will become obsolete when ROLLIN is modified to perform this function. Media Price Code: D2, GIO 19 11-151-11-157 PDP-ll Abstracts FIT-A Conversational Fast Fourier Transform II-lSI Author: H. J. Morrison Naval Underwater Systems Center, New London, cr Operating System: DOS/BATCH VOO4A Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: EAE-KEllA, RCll-64 disk, DECtape, VR-14 Abstract: Access to a Fast Fourier Transform is provided for users of a PDP-II. Input can be from a teletype or a high-speed paper tape reader. Output is to a teletype or a VR-14 point plot display. RADIX-Base Conversion Routine Abstract: This program will convert a number expressed in one base system to a number having the same value expressed in another base system. Any input and output bases may be used from 2 to 36. The input and output character strings may be up to 25 characters long, and may include a point. The characters A through Z are used to represent the values 10 through 35. Media Price Code: D2, F8, G5 Media Price Code: D4, H32 Format: DOS-II DOS FOCAL, DOS DRIVERS and UST-11 GAMMA-II Package: VQ, MTf, QPQS, XEBH 11-152 Author: D. S. Ahnberg, S. Treves, M.D. and D. L. Maltz, M.D. Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston, MA Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System Abstract: VQ calculates and displays ventilation/equilibration, perfusion/equilibration and ventilation/perfusion ratios from dynamic lung studies. MIT calculates the mean transit time of hemodynamic flow, based on a least-squares fit to the gamma variate function. QPQS calculates the QPQS using the pulmonary transit curve from radionuclide angiocardiography. XEBH calculates percent distribution of regional lung ventilation, equilibration (volume) and perfusion from xenon-l33 lung studies conducted according to the method of Ball. Media Price Code: A I, G 18 SMOT Author: Dr. Ulrich B. Noelpp Inselspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System 11-153 Abstract: The program SMOT is an adaptation of 3 routines which are collected in the IBM-SSP (360A-CM-03X) under the names SEl3, SEI5 and SE35. It does smoothing of ROI-Curves, using a localleast-squarefit to a polynomial. Input is a set of ROI-curves in a Save-Register and Control-Information from the keyboard. Output are curves which can again be saved in a register. Media Price Code: D2, G5 DEXP 11-154 Author: Dr. Ulrich B. Noelpp Inselspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: FOCAL Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-ll System Abstract: Program DEXP performs a double-exponential fit to a set of data points. It is a FOCAL adaption of a FORTRAN Program. Doubleexponential-curves-analysis can be important for renal clearance investigations, cerebral blood flow measurements and other functional studies in nuclear medicine. The present Version I is a pure off-line program with keyboard data entry, curve presentation on the VTO I and LA80 output. Raw data curve and filled output curve can be saved in a Save-Register. Numerical output are the parameters of the filled exponentials and their half-lives. Media Price Code: D2, G5 20 11·155 Author: Daniel H. Anderson Johnson Space Center, NASA, Houston, TX Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: FORTRAN IV 11-156 Author: Glenn C. Everhart and MIT CIPG Group Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Abstract: DOS FOCAL is a version of DEC paper-tape FOCAL with a few extensions (extended math, library routines) that runs under PDP-II DOS. All features are preserved, and I/O to any DOS datasets may be performed. TA.MAC is a driver for an extra DOS console. Paper tape is not supported, but type-ahead is, and nonzero fill counts may be handled. DVGB.MAC is a driver for a "garbage device" for DOS. When incorporated into DOS, device GB: will throwaway all output written onto it, and give endfiles on input after a finite amount of random data. LIST-II is a multi-column ASCII file reformatter. Files may be formatted into up to 6 columns on any page size. Switch options allow tabs to be treated as single or multiple spaces, headers to be printed/ omitted, long lines to be truncated/wrap-around, and cases to be translated to upper case or not. If zero columns are specified, LIST-II formats text into as many columns as fit into the page size given without wraparound. Form feeds on input may be ignored or used to go to the next column. Up to 61 lines 132 columns across may be treated (easily increased by reassembly.) tv., H3~ Media Price Code: Format: DOS-II . RSX-11D Task Package Author: Robert H. Douglas General Electric Company, Louisville, KY Operating System: RSX-IID Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: 11-157 A. ODT Initiate Task-The ODT Initiate Task is used to initiate the On-Line Debug and Test routine in a task that has suspended unexpectedly, is running out of control, or does not have any breakpoints. The task is useful for regaining control over programs in tests that have run wild. The ODT initiate function is identical to the "SET" function described in the Version I release of RSX-llD but never implemented. B. Print Task Status Program-STATUS is a task that outputs information as to the current status or any task in the system. The program lists the task's running status (OFF, RUN, CHECKPOINTED, etc.), the pool usage, and AST and Send Data message status. For active tasks the priority, partition name, I/O usage, and event flags are also output. STATUS differs from the DEC-supplied ACT function in that only one task status is listed and the output format is more readable. C. File Change Program-This program allows alterations to the contents of a file one word at a time. Data may be input in octal, decimal, ASCII, or as Radix-50 characters. The program has a special mode for patching task-image files, that allows the user to address task virtual addresses and not be concerned with file headers or block boundaries. (However, the program does not properly address overlays.) Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: D7, M55 Format: DOS-II 11-158-11-168 PDP-ll Abstracts STAGE 2 For 1be PDP-11 Author: W. M. Waite 11-158 DOS-II Implementation by Peter H. Heinricht University of Karlsruhe t Inst. f. Biokybemetict D-75 Karlsruhe t Germany University of Colorado Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: Uses all core available Special Hardware Required: PDP-Il/20 + EAEt PDP-II/40 + EIS or PDP-ll/45 MRIIDX Author: David T. Boylan ELS Systems Engineeringt East Clevelandt OH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: l/2K 11-165 Abstract: MRIIDX is an extended version (cassette boot included) of the MRIIDB hardware ROM boot loader. It is intended for use in systems which have occasion to boot from many devices but do not have the hardware version; it can also be used in conjunction with the paper tape ROM boot loader to save cost and card space. Abstract: STAGE2 is a general purpose macro processor similar to ML/I (DECUS No. 11-69). The features are described in William M. Waite's book "Implementing Software for Non-numeric Applications," Prentice-Hallt N.J., 1973. Documentation on Media. CILINK-A Swapping Overlay Loader Media Price Code: Al t H32 Format: DOS-II READID.MAC WITHDRAWN 11-166 Author: R. N. Stillwell Baylor College of Medicinet Houstont TX 11-159 Note: Order DECUS No. RSTSll-36. 1401 Simulator Media Price Code: Dl t F5, G5 Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: 1362 bytes (total) Other Software Required: LINK V.llt CILUS Abstract: 11-161 A uthor: Edward Geigler Carleton Colleget Northfieldt Minnesota ClUNK is a FORTRAN-compatible swapping overlay loader which will run on a PDP-I 1/40 or PDP-I 1/45 under PDP-II DOS V.OS or V.09. It allows an overlay to call another overlay into its own memory space, without losing the values of its local variables. It also allows recursive calls. The RK II is a required peripheral. Submitted by: Alice Peters Restrictions: Not compatible with new LINK Digital Equipment Corporationt Maynardt MA Source Language: MACRO-II Documentation on Media. Abstract: Media Price Code: Al t H32 Format: DOS-II The 1401 Simulator runs 1401 programs on the PDP-II. The maximum 1401 machine configuration which can be simulated is: 16K 1401 with Sense Switches B-G, high-low equal compare, indexing, modify address, start A and B-address registers, move characters to record-mark or group-mark-wordmarkt scan disk and direct seek, 1402 card reader/ punch, 1403 line printer, 1407 console inquiry station, and up to five 1311 disk drives. RealTIme EXF for Single User BASIC 11-167 Author: Stephen E. Edgell University of Louisvillet Louisville t KY Media Price Code: A8, H32 Format: DOS-II Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 8K Other Software Required: Paper tape software loader and assem- CHSSLV: A CHESS-PROBLEM SOLVER 11-162 Author: Ir. R. C. Van Der Eijk Hogere Technische School, Heerlen, The Netherlands Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: This program solves chess problems. White checkmates black in 2 or 3 moves. Castling and "En Passant" are forbidden moves. Media Price Code: D2, G24, K27 Format: RT-II bler-DEC-II-L2PC-PO; DEC-II-UPLAA-A-PB Single User BASIC-DEC No. LIBKIT-II Special Hardware Required: DR-llC, clocks as stated in abstract Abstract: External event control and data recording are facilitated for the PDP-II Single User BASIC paper tape software. The control of one DRIIC interface is supported. Timing control including delaying of execution and recording of external latencies are supported by version I using the line frequency clock and by version 2 using the programmable real time clock. User programming is in BASIC with function references to this EXF for real time actions. Media Price Code: D2 GI8 t Clock Generator 11-164 Author: Mike Rudnick Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, OR Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: Line Frequency Clock Abstract: The Clock Generator is a group of routines which allow for convenient and flexible use of the PDP-II line frequency clock. Clocks generated by the Clock Generator may be thought of as self-resetting alarm clocks. Media Price Code: D2, G5 PDP-11 Program to Load Card Output Produced by the Wang IBM 370/PDP-ll Cross Assembler and Linker Author: E. H. Spencer Exxon CompanYt Baton Rouge t LA 11-168 Abstract: The Wang 370/PDP-ll Cross Assembler and Linkage Editor, when assembling and linking PDP-II programs on an IBM 370 computer, punches a PDP-II object module to cards in the Absolute Binary Loader (VOO6A) format. This DECUS Library entry provides a 21 11-169-11-175 PDP-ll Abstracts 11-168 (Cont.) bootstrap and a modification of the DEC Absolute Binary Loader (VOO6A) to allow the Documation 300 card reader to read and store these load modules to PDP-II memory. Restrictions: Not relocatable, but can be changed for different core sizes Media Price Code: D2, R30 Tri-Data Paper-Tape PAL-IIA Assembler 11-169 Abstract: This program is a revised paper-tape PAL-IIA assembler for PDP-II computers. Additional features include true double-buffering of source, binary, and listing data for maximum throughput; 11/40 and 11/45 extended instruction handling; line-printer listing output; and a wide-line listing format that allows multiple-word instructions to be printed on one line. This assembler operates in 4K to 28K of memory and handles up to 7000 symbols. DOS/RT-11 9-Track Magtape Generate/Read 11-170 Programs for UMVAC Author: Michael N. LeVine Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: DOS/BATCH or RT-II Source Language: FORTRAN with FLD functions Other Software Required: NTRAN and ERTRAN in UNIVAC FORTRAN library Special Hardware Required: 9 track magtape drive on both UNIVAC and PDP-ll Abstract: A library of four (4) programs that when run on a UNIVAC 1108 or 1110 allows a user to generate or read a 9-track magtape in either DOS or RT-ll format. The generating programs will take any mix of UNIVAC DATA files and FILE ELEMENTS and put them on 9-track magtape in the format wanted on a one for one basi~ne UNIVAC DATA file or FILE ELEMENT will produce one tape file. The magtape reading programs will transfer the selected tape files to UNIVAC DATA FILES. These programs will handle ASCII files only-binary files cannot be handled. The source for the four (4) programs comes as a card deck ready to be run on a UNIVAC with only the addition of a @RUN card. This deck, when run, creates a new file USER *FILE. into which is put the source listings for the four (4) main programs and six (6) subroutines, their respective relocatable binaries and the four (4) executable absolute binaries. Media Price Code: D2, H32, R70 Format: DECsystem-IO 11-171 Author: G. Everhart P. O. Box 402, Upton, Long Island, NY Operating System: DOS/BATCH V08 or V09 Source Language: MACRO-II DEAS is useful for the program which does PAUSEs a lot and requires users to assign datasets to do its I/O. It will remove any part of the Device Assignment Table built since a program began running and free the associated memory. Thus it enlarges the size of the largest 22 11-172 Author: Glenn C. Everhart P. O. Box 402, Upton, Long Island, NY Operating System: DOS/BATCH V08 or V09 Source umguage: MACRO-II Abstract: RTDOS-PAL provides DOS-ll with the ability to call a user subroutine upon completion of a read or write, thus enabling it to do "real-time" I/O. Because DOS allows multiple output files to be open at a time on a device, this makes it the system of choice for real-time applications in many situations. Restrictions: Not tested for DOS V4. Patch does not survive KILL; method for allowing it to is given in document. tC Media Price Code: D2, G5 MOONLANDER (LEM) Media Price Code: AI, BI2, F8, G72 Abstract: Media Price Code: DI, G5 RTDOS Author: Jack R. Ellis Tri-Data Corporation, Mountain View, CA Source Language: PAL-IIA Special Hardware Required: Supports high-speed reader/punch, line-printer DEAS possible program by enabling it to get by with less memory for assignments. It will also help reduce fragmentation of DOS buffers caused by such assignments while drivers are still in core. FORTRAN and assembly language calls are provided. 11-173 Author: Jack Burness Submitted by: John Mucci Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: GT40 or equivalent; KWII-L Line Clock Abstract: Moonlander is an interactive graphical simulation of a Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) landing on the lunar surface. The program requires a GT40 or equivalent. The program runs in real time, solving differential equations of motion by integration. The result is a highly interactive and instructional experience. Media Price Code: AI, FlO, H32 Format: DOS-II STAR-TREK (SPACWR) 11-174 Author: Mike Mayfield FORTRAN IV version by Kay R. Fisher, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Centerline Engineering Operating System: RT -II Source Language: FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 12K Abstract: This program simulates the TV program "STAR-TREK." Media Price Code: D2, G22, K27 Format: RT-II DC.MAC-R C Disk Driver for RT-ll Author: Michael N. LeVine Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: R T -II V02 Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: PDP-ll RC disk Abstract: 11-175 This program, when assembled, linked and entered into the monitor device tables, allows the RT-ll user to access an RC disk as a non-system device-file structured unit. Media Price Code: D2, G5 11-176-11-183 PDP-ll Abstracts RUN.MAC/SSWTCH.MAC 11-176 A uthor: Michael N . LeVine Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: MACRO-II Other Software Required: RT-II V02-0IA FORTRAN Abstract: Implementing CALL RUN and CALL SSWTCH to RT-ll FORTRAN. When used in a FORTRAN program, the CALL SSWTCH is identical to the DOS version. The CALL RUN differs from the DOS version in that the file you wish to call up must be specified in RADIX50 format. (16 '" N '" 2048). A sample size of 2048 points if transformed in 1.21 seconds on a PDP-l 1/20 with EAE. Accuracy is preserved by scaling only when overflow occurs. FFTR requires about 1400 words of memory, exclusive of the user supplied N + 2 word buffer. It can be called from FORTRAN under DOS or RSX-llD/M or linked with an assembly language program. Versions are available for all PDP-II's and no hardware arithmetic unit is required. However, use of a hardware arithmetic unit greatly improves the speed of FFTR and special versions of the routine are available for machines which are equipped with EAE or EIS. Media Price Code: A2, H32, K27 Format: DECtape-DOS-II, Floppy-RT-II Media Price Code: D2, G5 PARI1Y.MAC-High Speed Even (Odd) Parity 11-177 Paper Punch Driver A uthor: Michael N. LeVine Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: RT-ll V02-OIA Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: High speed paper tape punch CAREERS 11-180 Author: H. R. Taylor and P. D. Shaw University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, England Source Language: BASIC Memory Required: 8K Abstract: This program, when assembled, linked, and entered into the monitor driver tables, allows the user to punch paper tapes in either even or odd parity (depending on how the program was edited), the parity punch being used in the same way as any other I/O device. The final driver for the even parity punch being called EP.SYS and the driver for the odd parity punch OP.SYS. Abstract: This program asks the user a number of questions about his/ her interests and educational attainments and from the results computes his overall ability and best subject group. (All available subjects are divided into nine groups.) It then asks about the type of work the user would like, e.g., "do you want to work with people?" and for each affirmative answer suggests a career. Too simple to offer serious careers guidance, but a popular game. Media Price Code: D2, G5 Media Price Code: D2, G8 CDA-Crash Dump Analyzer 11-178 Author: Robert'H. Douglas General Electric Company, Louisville, KY Operating System: RSX-IID Version 4A (only) Source Language: MACRO-II Other Software Required: 20KlO Special Hardware Required: Magtape, DECtape or RK05 Abstract: CDA is a crash dump analyzer for RSX-llD Version 4A. The program produces a number of separate reports on various aspects of the system contained in the crash dump. The crash image may be obtained from a dump taken by the resident crash module. .., CRSH, a user-written on-line dump routine, or from. the file written by the MCR SAVE command. The crash image may be stored on a DK, DT, or MT. Reports are available on the contents of registers and the kernel stack at the instant of crash, a listing of the System Task Directory, the status of all active tasks, a map of the machine's memory, the status of all I/O devices, a list of all entries in the Clock Queue, and a list of all free nodes. The user may select one or more reports for output. Modification of the RT-ll General Terminal 11-181 Handler to Simulate Hard Copy Form Control Author: J. E. Bourne The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: 256 Octal Words Special Hardware Required: LA30 DECwriter or equivalent Abstract: The RT-ll general terminal handler has been modified to provide form-controlled output to an LA30 DECwriter. The altered handler is still compatible with the RT-ll system monitor. Implementation requires replacement of the original handler on the mass storage device and patching the system monitor table $ HSIZE to indicate the increased handler size, followed by a reboot of the system. Media Price Code: D2, G6 Restrictions: This program will be made obsolete by RSX-llD Version 6 LPS-ll lOX Package Media Price Code: A2, F26, G90, H32, M55 Format: DOS-II Fast Fourier Transform Routine 11-183 Author: C. Petrovic 11-179 Author: Robert Day Submitted by: Charles A. Rossier Digital EqUIpment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH or RSX-II Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: 1400 words Abstract: FFTR is a PDP-ll assembly language subroutine which performs a 16-bit precision forward or inverse Fast Fourier Transform of N real-valued data points, where N is a power of 2 in the range Rutgers University, College of Engineering, New Brunswick, NJ Operating System: PTS-ll Paper Tape Operating System Source Language: PAL-lIS Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: IPS-ll System with LPSAD-I2 A-D Converter, LPSKW RT Clock Abstract: This program allows Analog-to-Digital conversions to be performed under control of standard lOX calls. It allows for selection of channels, clock rates and sequential channel sampling. Media Price Code: D2, FlO, G26 23 11-185-11-191 PDP-II Abstracts Gradient-Scintigraphy 11-185 Author: Dr. Ulrich B. Noelpp the top of the next page. Therefore, the program FORM was written to simulate forms control while copying a listing from a mass storage device University Hospital Bern, Bern, Switzerland Operating System: GAMMA-II Source Language: GAMMA-II Command Language Special Hardware Required: GAMMA-II System (EVTL. plus 4601 hardcopy unit) to a DECwriter or teletype. FORM counts printed lines and introduces the correct number of line-feeds in place of a form-feed. The line count ~s determined by line-feed characters in the text and by extra lines mtroduced by the DECwriter due to line overflow. Media Price Code: D2, G5 Abstract: The operating procedure GRADSCI allows the nuclear medicine physician to visualize the in and outflow of a tracer from an organ-group. The procedure consists in a series of commands, which have to be given one after the other. The resulting images show gradients, fitted to straight lines. Media Price Code: A2 Absolute Loader for DOS, RT-11 and RSTS 11-186 Author: Martin Minow Digital Equipment AB, Solna, Sweden Operating System: DOS/BATCH, RT-ll or RSTS Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: high-speed paper tape reader or console with reader Abstract: This version of the PDP-ll absolute loader can be linked and run by the DOS-ll or RT-ll monitors. In addition, it can be incorporated into the RSTS/E 'CIL ' and loaded during initialization. When started, it resets the unibus, relocates itself to the top of memory, and starts reading from the paper tape reader (if there is one), or from the console keyboard reader. Media Price Code: D2, G5 TAXRTN-Canadian Individual Income Tax 11-187 Return Author: Simon H. Whitlow Inland Waters Directorate, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: FORTRAN (RT-II) Memory Required: 16K Abstract: This is a program to aid an individual in completing his personal Tl income tax form. The program prompts the user by asking questions and supplying references to the income tax filing guide. Multiple parameter entries are permitted with ease of use being a primary consideration. The output includes t.he formatted 4 pages of the income tax return together with schedule 1, the detailed tax calculation, and the Ontario tax credit form, if appropriate. The program is designed for the 1974 taxation year, but should be relatively simple to update. Restrictions: Uses overlays under RT-II; can be run as (.LDA) core only Media Price Code: D3, H32, L33 Format: DOS-II Forms-Control Simulation for DECwriters and 11-188 Teletypes Author: Stephen N. Cole Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: PDP-II/40, Mass Storage Device, DECwriter or teletype FFTSC-I6-Bit Complex FFT 11-189 Author: Don Nelson National Magnet Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: 398 words Other Software Required: IQSIN (IQSIN2 or IQSIN4) DECUS No. 11-190 or DECUS No. 11-191 Special Hardware Required: PDP-II/20 or PDP-I 1/40; KEIIA EAE or KEII-E EIS Abstract: FFTSC is a radix-2 complex 16-bit Fast Fourier Transform for the PDP-ll/20 with EAE or the PDP-ll/4O with EIS. A 1024-point FFT takes 1.4 seconds on the 11/20, 1.0 seconds on the 11/40. Trigonometric factors are calculated as needed, rather than stored in a fixed quarter-wave table. The addresses of real and imaginary arrays are passed to FFTSC as arguments. Media Price Code: D2, GIO ISNCS2 and IQSIN2-16-Bit Trigonometric 11-190 Functions Author: Don Nelson National Magnet Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: ISNCS2: 41 words; IQSIN2: 75 words Special Hardware Required: PDP-ll/20; KEll-A EAE Abstract: ISNCS2 has entries ISIN(I,J) and lCOS{I,J) for the computation of 16-bit sine and cosine of (PI/2)*(IjJ), where I and J are 16-bit integers and the returned values are the appropriate trigonometric values scaled up by a factor of 2**15. IQSIN2 has a lower-level entry, IQSIN(I,J), for calculation of the 16bit sine in the first or fourth quadrants only. A seventh-order Chebyshev approximation is used to calculate that sine in 222 microseconds with a maximum error of 1.60 least significant bit. Media Price Code: D2, G8 ISNCS4 and IQSIN4-16-Bit Trigonometric 11-191 Functions Author: Don Nelson National Magnet Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: ISNCS4: 41 words; IQSIN4: 65 words Special Hardware Required: PDP-ll/40; KEll-E EIS Abstract: Several RT-ll system software programs (e.g., MACRO and DUMP) generate listings punctuated by form-feed characters. DECwriters and teletypes do not respond to form-feeds by spacing the paper to 24 Abstract: ISNCS4 has entries ISIN(I,J) and ICOS(I,J) for the computation of 16-bit sine and cosine of (PIj2)*(I/J), where I and J are 16-bit PDP-ll Abstracts 11-191 (Cont.) integers and the returned values are the appropriate trigonometric values scaled up by a factor of 2**15. IQSIN4 has a lower-level entry, IQSIN(I,J), for calculation of the 16bit sine in the first or fourth quadrants only. A seventh-order Chebyshev approximation is used to calculate that sine in 185 microseconds with a maximum error of 1.60 least significant bit. Media Price Code: D2, GS SPACEWAR 11-192 A uthor: William Seiler and Lawrence Bryant SYCOM, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL Source Language: PAL-lIS Memory Required: At least 4K Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/10, 4 channels of ADOl-D, the first 4 channels of AAll-D, a teletype and a large screen oscilloscope Abstract: A program, used in conjunction with a large screen oscilloscope, to create a game where two contestants maneuver spacecraft and battle for points on the screen. Variables include the number of torpedoes each spacecraft has, the number of hits to destroy a spacecraft, and whether there exists a sun and gravity. Restrictions: Users must construct simple controllers for each of the two spacecraft Media Price Code: A2, F30, G76, K27 Format: RT-II 11-193 TERM.MAC-Terminet Device Driver for PDP-11/20, DOS V8.02 Author: A. B. Dargis Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/20; Terminet 1200 with horizontal and vertical tab option. Abstract: A device driver subprogram for the Digital Equipment Corporation's PDP-ll/20 Disk Operating System (DOS), originally written for the ASR33 teletype, has been modified to accommodate the G. E. Terminet 1200 KSR data terminal. The Terminet's higher transmission rate (120 characters/sec) requires different timing considerations than the ASR33 teletype. Special characters are assigned to set the optional horizontal tabs and the form feed control has been modified to use the Terminet's optional form feed mechanism. 11-192-Jl-196 Typing control-Z causes the driver to indicate end-of-file on input. It may be used by programs instead of the KB driver to conserve space, as for large assemblies or links. Restrictions: No fill count option; suitable for TTY and like consoles, but probably not good for all consoles Media Price Code: D2, GIO PCP-11/MFT-11, DOS TImesharing and 11-195 Catalogued Procedures Author: G. Everhart and S. Haflich Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH VOS or V09 Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: PCP/MFr will allow any data sets to be used for console input or output for running programs or issuing DOS keyboard commands. True catalogued procedures are available, with the ability to pass arguments and do things conditionally based on the arguments, to detect compiler/assembler/linker errors, and to use crash control files without any changes to DOS. The MFr program permits full timesharing under DOS for two users, each of whom has a fixed area of the machine, and each of whom may use catalogued procedures. Initial dialogue specifies the boundary of the areas, and it may be fully automated by placing replies in a file. SY:LIMPRT.MFr in the 1,1 area. Timesharing is initiated by running MFr, and a simple exit command may restore normal DOS. System security may be achieved for novice users through assignments which limit system access unless users know the correct passwords to log in under PCP or MFT. Or installations may define whatever procedures they like to speed their work. Error protection is fairly comprehensive, and support for real-time tasks in one partition operating simultaneously with normal DOS operation in the other is provided. There are no differences in the privileges of the two partitions, however, so MFr can support timesharing for any purpose; it is in that sense more general than either RT-ll or RSTS. Note that 16K is a realistic minimum core size for timeshared operation; PCP can run profitably in 12K. Both procedures and normal DOS keyboard-style operation are available, with a few extra console commands. Conditional assemblies support EAE or the 11/45 FPU options if present. Since MFT and PCP only use the EMT vector, all other interrupt vectors are available as under DOS, and DOS programs run without change under MFr, including system programs like EDIT, PIP, and FORTRAN and LINK. Restrictions: Will NOT run under DOS V4; Requires .RUN EMT Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II REDISK-DOS File-Structure Rebuilder 11-196 Author: G. Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Media Price Code: D2, GI4 Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 12K (SK if modified to verify only RK or RF disks). KA-The Small Console Driver 11-194 Author: G. Everhart and Keith Rich Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II (PAL-II OK) Abstract: KA.MAC is the source of a DOS V8 or later driver that takes over the console interrupt vectors and allows console I/O with a much smaller driver than the DEC KB driver. Paper tape is not supported, and no fill characters are added, but the driver works for teletype-compatible terminals. It uses a 64-character line, is smaller than the DEC driver, and follows the KB conventions for control-U and rubout, ignores null or vertical tab, and echoes tabs as single spaces. Abstract: REDISK is a program to rebuild DOS file-structures on a disk which already has MFD, UFD and Bitmaps on it. It relies on the previous existence of the MFD and Bitmaps for its operation. It will list file-structure problems and optionally fix Bitmaps and zero unused regions of the disk. Restrictions: Works on any disk, up to 65K blocks-does not work on DECtape Note: Output of disk information to any data/set Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: D2, GlO, H32 Format: DOS-II 25 11-197-11-103 PDP-ll Abstracts FFf Demonstration Patkage 11.197 A uthor: Rex Tracy and Gene Pope Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO Source Language: PAL-IIA and FOCAL/GT Other Software Required: FOCAL/GT; FFT 11 C Special Hardware Required: KEIIA Extended Arithmetic Ele- ment; GT40 with 8K of core; Programmable clock; Datel Systems #256 D/A-A/D Converter (or other D/A-A/D system) Abstract: This set of programs provides a means of demonstrating forward and inverse Fast Fourier Transforms. The effects of finite precision arithmetic and overflows in 2's complement arithmetic can also be demonstrated. Restrictions: Needs to be modified for other than serial interface Media Price Code: D4, F5, G22 MEMSEG-A 4K-I23K Bank-At-A-Time 11-198 PDP-ll Memory Diagnostic Author: Philip D. Brooke Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN Source Language: MACRO-II Other Software Required: SYSMAC.THM macro file (included on tape) Special Hardware Required: PDP-Il/40, 45; Console TTY and medium from which loaded Abstract: MEMSEG is a memory diagnostic for the PDP-I 1/40 and PDP-ll/45 computers. The tests utilize the memory management unit (which must be installed) of the computer to check any 4K bank of memory from 4K to 120K corresponding to bank numbers I to 36. After loading and starting, the operator types in the number of the bank to be tested. Notification is given of a bank which does not exist, and the entire diagnostic may be run without detailed knowledge of the program. There are currently four tests in MEMSEG. Restrictions: Tests only 4K-I23K (Banks 1-36); Cannot test bank o (0-3K). Requires memory management Note: DECtape includes 11-199 grams. The translator functions as an intermediate step; a means of locating and altering the areas within a DIBOL-8 users program which are not compatible with the requirements of the DIBOL-II compiler. Error-free DIBOL-8 programs are translated into programs that, with minor modifications, are capable of running under COS 350. The DIBOL TRANSLATOR cannot, however, perform as an automatic converter, nor can it correct program errors. Rather, the translator serves as a means of discovering the inconsistencies between the two languages, eliminating them (where possible), and notifying the user that certain areas may require further work on his part. Media Price Code: A3, H32, K27, M55, QI45 Format: RT-II PAL-8, ll-A PDP-8 Assembler Implemented on a PDP-II Author: Bruce Rodolphe Bergeron University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA Source Language: PAL-II Special Hardware Required: High speed reader 11-201 Abstract: PAL-8, II is a two-pass assembler with optional third pass, for assembling PDP-8 code on the PDP-ll. All features of PAL-III, the assembly language of the PDP-8, are included with several additions. Source input is via the high speed reader. Output is via the ASR33, high speed punch, or line printer. Media Price Code: AI, F6, GI8 EDITX-Ao Improved DOS EDIT 11-202 Author: D. Nelson Submitted by: G. Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: EDITX is a version of EDIT-ll which has a substitute command allowing one to replace a string without counting characters. It looks like Media Price Code: AI, B3, H32, K27 Format: DECtape-DOS-II, Floppy-RT-II z/hello/goodbye/ SYSMAC.TIIM 11-199 Author: Philip D. Brooke Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: SYSMAC.THM is a group of assembler-language macros which have been found to be useful in various ways. Some of these macros are simple utility functions, while others, in particular the CALL macro, contribute greatly to the tidiness, understandability, and overall consistency of the programs in which they are used. Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-198) and will in that case find "hello" and replace it with "goodbye". It has the ability to accept lower-case commands, and has a few other utility commands in addition to all EDIT-ll commands. (It is about the same as V7 of EDIT otherwise.) Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II FORM-A Formatter for MACRO Source Code 11-203 Author: G. Everhart DmOL Translator 11-200 Author: Gene Naddeo Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: DIBOL-II Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: COS 350 System with 132 column printer and running with a single user monitor Abstract: The DIBOL TRANSLATOR is a programming tool designed specifically to translate DIBOL-8 progrPoIDS to DIBOL-II pro26 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: FORM is a program which takes MACRO source code and puts tabs at the start of each line and between opcode and arguments. It uses a PIP-like command string-2 files. It will make MACRO code punched on cards look good and even. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II PDP-ll Abstracts MIT Utility Package 11-204 Author: G. Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Source Language: MACRO-II Other Software Required: MFT-ll (DECUS No. 11-195) Abstract: A system status report program is provided which, running under MFf-ll, will report who is using the system and what their terminals are, and how much core is allocated to the user. This is for people timesharing with two widely separated terminals. A pair of programs and examples of matching catalogued procedures for inter-partition communications of commands is provided. These enable one partition to submit jobs to the other to be done while the submitting partition does its own jobs. (This is designed for singleterminal systems.) 11-204-11-210 Abstract: MRMLIB is a personal collection of subprograms which can be called by FORTRAN programs and which can also be written in FORTRAN. The principal aim in setting up this library has been to establish a reasonably portable set of subprograms which carry out operations that would otherwise be continually rewritten. Thus, many of the routines in this library perform simple (even trivial) tasks. Two strong secondary aims are to establish a standard set of interfaces which are inherently more portable than the routines, and to establish proven subprograms for non-trivial operations particularly in the numerical area. No guarantee as to the correctness or efficiency of any routine can be given but generally the routines will have been used to a degree that should allow some confidence in them. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II Restrictions: Will not work under DOS. Intertask message sender is restricted to sending from low to high partition Media Price Code: AI, GIO Core-Only RSX-11M, Version 1 11-205 Author: John Sutherland Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSX-llM BL08 VI Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 24K Special Hardware Required: 2 RK05s, LA36, TAll Abstract: This set of 22 files allows a present user of RSX-11M BL08 to generate a core-only executive. Transfer media is three TAll cassettes. The cassette files are used to replace standard RSX-IIM SYSGEN files on the host disk-based system on which the sysgen must be done. The sysgen is done in a manual mode (rather than via the indirect files) according to cook-book operator procedures supplied and requires a minimum 24K system. CAUTION!! The user should know PDP-lIs and RSX-IIM well before he tries this technique. Even with the cook-hook-instructions there are subtle aspects of this system that require in-depth user knowledge. Restrictions: Persons requesting these files must enclose proof of 11-208 Abstract: BIOMAC is a set of PDP-II macro skeletons which may confer a block structure on MACRO programs, enabling structured programming. They include provisions for selective (IF ... ELSE ... END, for example) or repetitive (WHILE, REPEAT, etc.) block execution, execution of blocks as subroutines, and verification and debugging. Media Price Code: A2, B5, H32, K27 Format: DECtape-DOS-II, Floppy-RT-II RX11 Floppy Utility 11-209 Author: Kay Fisher Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA an RSX-llM license, or be DEC personnel. Source Language: PALXll Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: RXll floppy disk system Media Price Code: A2, L33 DSKPAT BIOMAC-Macros for Structured Programming in MACRO Author: Scott Herman-Giddens Duke University, Durham, NC Operating System: DOS/BATCH V8.02 or later Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 16K 11-206 Author: J. E. Pollack and G. C. Everhart Abstract: This program will copy or scan RXOI floppy disks assigned to Unibus address 177170 to 177172 only. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Media Price Code: D2, F5, GI4 Abstract: DSKPAT is a revision of DPEEK with one simple addition. It is a simple disk patcher for use under DOS-II allowing inspection and patching in octal, RAD50, or ASCII and able to be used in a batch environment. It follows the same conventions as DPEEK, but will type out one word's contents if the word number followed by a colon is typed. All other DPEEK commands are preserved. Everhart Collection on Magtape Author: Glenn C. Everhart Restrictions: Must assign any disk to be patched to logical name "DSK" unless device is SYO: Media Price Code: AI, H32 Format: DOS-II MRMLIB 11-207 Author: Dr. M. R. Manning 11-210 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Special Hardware Required: DOS-II Operating System Abstract: This package contains a collection of programs submitted to DECUS in the past on DECtape or paper tape. The author has resubmitted them on a 9-track, 2400 ft. magtape for the convenience of those who do not have DECtape. Some programs are given as source code here, which were given as object code previously, and some programs are new versions not available on other media. It is suggested that individual write-ups be ordered for the specific programs desired. Among the programs in the package are: 11-70; 11-106; 11-156; 11-171; 11-172; 11-195; 11-196; 11-202; 11-203; 11-206. Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, New Zealand Operating System: RT -II Source Language: FORTRAN IV Media Price Code: A2, P85 Format: DOS-II 27 11-111-11-117 PDP-ll Abstracts PWT-Digital Incremental Plotter Software 11-211 Package Author: Jeffrey Kodosky Applied Research Labs., University of Texas, Austin, TX Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: 760 words minimum, 2900 words maximum Other Software Required: FPMP or FORTRAN Library Routines Special Hardware Required: DIGITAL Incremental Plotter file is created with the renumbered source code and the original source file is changed to .OLD. The line numbers used for cross-referencing the variable names agree with those on a compiler-generated listing. RENUM runs only under RT-Il version 2B and requires SYSLIB. Media Price Code: AI, 048, K27 Format: RT-ll Abstract: This plot package consists of five MACRO-II source modules containing FORTRAN callable routines which implement plotting operations on a Digital Incremental Plotter. A FORTRAN source tape for a demonstration program is also included. The subroutines in the foundation module handle interrupt driven vector plotting, origin resetting, vector scaling, dotted line plotting, and Y-motion limiting to prevent loss of origin. In addition, a subroutine is provided which will implement a circular buffer to buffer the plot vectors. The other modules contain utility subroutines which call the subroutines in the first module. A small lettering routine containing 64 characters is provided for use where core space is restricted. A more sophisticated symbol plotting subroutine exists which has a 157 character repertoire and is expandable to many times that number. It presently contains upper and lower case Roman and Greek alphabets and standard math symbols. An axis plotting subroutine is included which will plot a linear or logarithmic coordinate axis at an arbitrary angle. Media Price Code: A2, B8, G68 LIB.FOR-Ubrary Routines Author: David Sykes Mead Technology Laboratories, Dayton, OH Operating System: RT-ll V2B Source Language: FORTRAN Other Software Required: SYSLIB 11-213 TRACE.MAC/TR.MAC 11-215 Author: Michael N. LeVme Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: RT-II V2 Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: TRACE/TR are meant as debugging tools for writing assembly language programs. When implemented and directed to do so, either program will, upon completion of execution of an instruction in a section of code being traced, print out the location in memory of that instruction, its mnemonic and arguments as well as the contents of all registers and memory locations referred to. They then return to the traced program for the next instruction. The resulting output is a listing of exactly what instructions were executed and what happened because of it. TRACE. MAC is a subroutine that must be linked in with the program to be traced and be initialized by it. TR.MAC is a pseudo device driver that is assembled and linked to TR.SYS, entered into the monitor device driver tables. The user does not have to link it into the main program each time. Both versions can be modified to direct their output to the LP: rather than the console device. Media Price Code: AI, H32, K27 Format: RT-II Abstract: LIB.FOR is a concatenated series of FORTRAN source modules for a variety of useful utility routines. They are intended to be built into the user library, although they can be separated out into separate subroutines. SORTR, SORTI, SORTB, and SORTW are a series of similar routines which provide very rapid sorts of arrays of real numbers, intergers, byte ASCII characters, and word ASCII characters (AI), respectively. They all use the monkey puzzle tree sort technique. SHELL and SHELLR are a pair of relatively fast in-place sort routines for integers and real numbers, respectively. All sort routines can also be used under DOS. CAD is a subroutine which implements the CAD function of the VT05 terminal, allowing the program to place the cursor anywhere on the screen. JDATE, KDA TE, and LDATE provide manipulation for a Julian date in the same format that DOS uses; this is more useful for many purposes than the standard R T -11 system date word. Media Price Code: AI, GlO, K27 Format: RT-II RENUM-FORTRAN Renumbering Program Author: David Sykes Mead Technology Laboratories, Dayton, OH Operating System: RT-ll V2B Source Language: FORTRAN Abstract: 11-214 RENUM is intended to provide two useful services for the FORTRAN programmer: (1) Replace the existing statement numbers (labels) with a new (and equivalent) series of sequential numbers, and (2) produce a cross-reference table of all the variable names used in the source file showing all line numbers where each occurs. Either or both of these services along with a listing of the source code can be produced. The two functions are completely independent. Control is by means of terminal-entered command strings following the standard RT-ll rules. Input files (up to 6 per command line) can be on any disk device and output files can be directed to any device. When renumbering, a new disk 28 FORMAT-DECtape Formatter for RT-ll 11-216 Author: David Ofsevit U.S. Department of Transportation, Cambridge, MA Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: DECtape control and transports Abstract: This program is the standard PDP-II DECtape formatter TOG-II, modified to run under RT-Il. It makes formatted DECtapes on unit 7 with a standard format of 57810 blocks of 25~o words each. Media Price Code: D2, H32 Format: RT-ll LP.MAC-A Handler for Use With an A.B. Dick Videojet Une Printer Under RSX-IID Author: T. J. Kuriakose and W. F. Edgell Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Operating System: RSX-IID Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: 414 words Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/45 Abstract: 11-217 This LP handler for the A.B. Dick Videojet Line Printer for the RSX-llD system runs under interrupt and is useful for all general purposes. It can easily be incorporated into the system by installing after assembling and task building. The interface is available from A.B. Dick. Media Price Code: D2, H32 Format: FILES-II PDP-ll Abstracts A Device Handler and Plotting Package for 11-218 Houston Instrument DPI-Plotter Under RSX-IID Author: T. J. Kuriakose and W. F. Edgell Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Operating System: RSX-llD Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 1595 words Other Software Required: FORTRAN Modules: $POLSH, $MLR, $RI + FCO, $ECO, $GCO Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/45; Houston Complot (DPI) Plotter Abstract: These are routines for basic scientific plotting with a Houston Complot (DPi) plotter and the PDP-ll/45 under the RSX-llD system. They consist of a device handler and a plotting package. The routines are callable either from FORTRAN or assembly language programs. Although the programs are written for a specific interface they are readily adaptable to any other. The documentation describes the basic action of each of the ten modules. Media Price Code: A2, B3, H32 Format: FILES-ll PTHEAD-Paper Tape Heading Program Author: John Steiert 11-219 University College of Wales, Aberyswyth, Dyfed, Wales Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 4K Special Hardware Required: Teletype, Papertape punch 11-218-11-225 N;T Trace any section of code in which the user is interested, giving the instruction nemonic, registers and accumulators referenced. R;M Monitor the contents of memory location R after each instruction is executed and do a breakpoint if has been changed. N;V Simulate an interrupt to the vector N, for check out of interrupt service routines. Media Price Code: AI, H32, K27, M55 Format: RT-ll DOSLST-DOS Directory/File Uster Author: G. Everhart and T. Lagerlund 11-223 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 2 1/2 K Abstract: DOSLST is a program to list DOS files and directories from DOS-Format disks. It differs from PIP in that its directories are in a twocolumn format and contain information about the file locations on disk, and in that it supports the use of ? as a wild-card character in addition to the use of • in specifying wild-card files. It can list files on any DOS disk, outputting to any DOS dataset. But, defaulting to LP: it will not correctly transfer binary files. However, it writes entirely in formatted ASCII mode. Restrictions: Lists only on disks-not on magtape or DECtape Media Price Code: D2, G14, H32 Format: DOS-II Abstract: This program punches legible headings on paper tape in response to characters typed at the teletype. The full ASCII (1968) character set is defined. No Source Available. Media Price Code: AI, F5 PICf-Machine Code Tester Author: John Steiert 11-220 MPS Cross Assembly Programs for RT-11 Author: Robert Tedford Digital Equipment Corporation, Marlboro, MA Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: FORTRAN and MACRO-II Memory Required: 16K Other Software Required: RT-ll FORTRAN Special Hardware Required: DECtape or Disk pack 11-224 University College of Wales, Aberyswyth, Dyfed, Wales Abstract: This is a set of programs written in FORTRAN and MACRO which allows the user to assemble and execute programs written for the 8008 Microprocessor. The package includes an assembler, crossreference program, simulator and binary punch program. Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 12K Special Hardware Required: TTY Abstract: This program allows octal machine code instructions to be typed in at the keyboard. The user can then execute his program at a selected address. Illegal and reserved instructions are trapped. At the end of the text the stack is checked. It is particularly useful for testing small sections of position independent code. Restrictions: Maximum size program that is supported by the simulator is 8K Media Price Code: A2, G34 No Source Available. GT40 Graphics Utility Routines Author: Rex Tracy Media Price Code: AI, F5 11-225 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO ODT-lIT ReVised: 12 October 1977 Author: Michael N. LeVine Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: 11-221 ODT-lIT is an extension of RT-ll ODT (DEC-llORODA-D) adding three (3) commands: Operating System: BASIC VOO7 A Source Language: PAL-II and BASIC Other Software Required: 8K GT40 and 8K 11/20 Special Hardware Required: PDP-lI/GT40 or PDP-1I/20, DLIIE and an incremental plotter interfaced to the GT40 Abstract: This set of programs provides the GT40 user a method of obtaining a hard copy of the information (plots) currently on the screen. A subroutine interprets the GT40 display code and produces commands to an incremental plotter interfaced to the GT40. A driver routine is 29 11-116-11-111A PDP-ll Abstracts 11-225 (Cont.) provided to use the GT40 as an X-V plotter. An external function for use contours are to be plotted is assumed to be a discrete tabulation of a single value function. with BASIC in another PDP-II will provide graphical output from BASIC programs. Test programs are provided for all routines. Restrictions: Display stop instruction not interpreted, character mode not available on plotter, line types not implemented for plotter Z = F(X, Y) The program works on a Gould 5000 Printer/Plotter, but could be easily modified to work on any plotter. Media Price Code: D2, G 14 Media Price Code: A2, B5, F5, G60 RO.MAC MT ROLLIN File Device Driver Revised: October 1977 Author: Michael N. LeVine Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: RT-ll V3 Source Language: MACRO-II 11-226 Abstract: RO.MAC is a magtape device driver that allows the user to access one disk rollout on a magtape containing any number of rollouts and treat the file as if it were a file structured device. The specified rollout file is then the pseudo disk RO:; available to the user for any operation that does not involve writing on the magtape (RO:), available to the user for any operation that does not involve writing on the magtape. Media Price Code: D2, H32 Format: RT-II TAGFIL.YIN-Directory Annotation Program 11-227 for DOS and RT-ll Author: Robert Wells and Robert Feinstein Marine Biomedical Institute, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX Operating System: DOS/BATCH 9-2Oc and RT-ll Source Language: FORTRAN IV Special Hardware Required: RK05 Abstract: This program is used for maintaining file documentation in the form of annotated and updatable disk file directories. It requests from the user the names of three files: (1) Old tagged directory-This is a directory previously created by this program which one wishes to update (or if creating a new tagged file, this can be most anything). Previously assigned tags are transferred from here to the new tagged directory. (2) PIP Directory-This is a disk directory produced by PIP. This directory is used to update the old tagged directory by reflecting added or deleted files and newer versions of old ones. (3) New Tagged Directory-This is the updated tagged directory produced by TAGFIL. For every file in the PIP directory, the old tagged directory is searched. If a tag exists for the file, it is copied into the new tagged directory. If not, a tag for the file is requested from the terminal. Modifications to old tags and similar operations can best be performed using EDIT. Media Price Code: D2, G8 Contour Plotting Program 11-228 Author: Rajesh Motwani Marine Biomedical Institute, Galveston, TX Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 32K or more Other Software Required: Gould Plot Library Routines Special Hardware Required: PDP-Il/45, disk, high speed reader/ punch, Gould 5000 Printer/Plotter Abstract: This program plots contours in two dimensions X, Y for several values of the third independent variable Z. The data for which 30 INDEX: FORTRAN Cross Reference Program VOU Revised: October 1977 Author: Michael N. LeVine Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: RT-ll V3 Source Language: MACRO-II 11-229 Abstract: INDEX is a cross referencing program that does for FORTRAN what CREF does for MACRO. A source program run through INDEX will be checked for all of its variable name and label usage. The results will then be listed in alphabetical order, listing all the variable names and labels used in the program, the lines on which they were used, and how they were used; if needed, the variables from specified programs can be saved along with those of other programs and later printed out as a super index giving variable name and the names of all the programs it was used in. Also included is the capability to exclude from the index listing all variables that only appear once in a program in a common block. INDEX will handle all programs written in FORTRAN IV, FORTRAN IV PLUS in accordance with PDP-II FORTRAN Language Reference Manual (DEC-II-LFLRA-C-D). Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, H32, K27, M55 Format: RT-II RMDEMO 11-230 A uthor: Eric Baatz and Kim Kinnear Technological Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Operating System: RSX-IIM V02 or RSX-IIS VOl Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: Dependent on assembly options Special Hardware Required: Any PDP-II configuration supporting RSX-llM V02 or RSX-llS VOl Abstract: RMDEMO is an RSX-IIM, V02 task that displays pertinent information about its system. Restrictions: Must have RSX-llM license and the RSX-llM "MAPPED OBJECTS" distribution kit Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32, L33 Format: FILES-II ALGOL for RT-ll Author: Gregory D. Hosler Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: MACRO-II and ALGOL Memory Required: 16K 11-231A Abstract: ALGOL compiler and run-time system for ALGOL-60 language operates on 16K or larger RT-II, or RSX-IIM, RSX-IID Systems. PDP-ll Abstracts 11-231A (Cont.) This implementation of the ALGOL-60 language features dynamic allocation of program and data segments through a software virtual memory system. All ALGOL-60 statement components are supported, plus several extensions, such as the THRU statement, numbered and unnumbered CASE statements, and the string REPLACE and SCAN statements. Data types supported are 16-bit INTEGER, 16-bit BOOLEAN and one or two dimensional arrays (of INTEGER or BOOLEAN elements) with variable upper and lower bounds. Procedures may be typed INTEGER or BOOLEAN, or may be untyped. A Burroughcompatible implementation of string operations using pointer variables is provided. Other features include partial word operations, bit concatenation, IF and CASE expressions of all types, record-orientied random-access and stream sequential I/O. The I/O operations read and write standard RT-11 files. The virtual memory support, RT-ll input/output, and all other operations are handled through an interpreter which executes the code files output by the ALGOL compiler. Restrictions: Does not support floating point arithmetic. Media Price Colk: AlO, H64, K81, M55 Format: RT-ll ALGOL for RSX-ll 11-231B Author: Gregory D. Hosler Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSX-llM and RSX-llD Source Language: MACRO-II and ALGOL Memory Required: 16K Abstract: Abstract: This program is an extension of the PDP-II lOX package originally supplied by DEC. The extension adds the capability of usin~ a second terminal (either TIY or CRT) with all of the programmmg functions available for it as for the first terminal, including a separate RESTART address. Media Price Code: D3, F5, G22 MUD11 11-234 Revised: 4 June 1976 Author: M. L. Zimmerman Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH, V8, V9 or VIO Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 16K or more to be useful Special Hardware Required: Two terminal devices, real-time clock Abstract: This program allows users (currently only two) at different terminals to time-share a PDP-II in a DOS-II environment. Memory can be partitioned as desired and various PDP-II options specified at MUDII assembly. MUDII allows terminal type ahead at all times and the MUD II commands include the commonly used DOS-II commands. Revision a: The original MUDII was written in a piecemeal fashion, the new version is more integrated and has less code. The EMf processor was almost completely rewritten, making it faster and much less susceptable to crashes. Several new features have been added, notably the message command and the handling of AOO2 and AOO3 errors. Overall the system is now faster and much more reliable. Restrictions: Has been tested only on PDP-ll/20 and PDP-ll/45 Documentation on Media. Same as DECUS No. 11-231A. Media Pri.:e Code: A2, H32 Format: OOS-Il Media Price Code: AlO, M55 Format: DOS-II FORTH Programming System for the PDP-11 Author: H. Wayne Hammond and Martin S. Ewing ll-Z31B-11-236 11-232 Owens Valley Radio Observatory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA Operating System: RT-l1 or stand-alone Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 8K or more Special Hardware Required: Disk, DECtape, or industry compatible magnetic tape Abstract: FORTH is a self-contained programming system that has become popular in scientific applications requiring interactive control and data acquisition. The system supports a high-level structured language using reverse Polish notation; it contains an incremental compiler, an assembler, and a text editor. FORTH maintains a direct-access file on disk, DECtape, or pre-formatted industry magnetic tape. The programs submitted allow FORTH to be generated on an RT-ll system to run under RT -II or to run stand-alone using disk or magnetic tape. The user may select versions that use the EIS Of EAE options. A DECsystem-IO version (DECUS 10-241) is available. Media Price Code: E12, H32, K27, M55 Format: RT-ll CYCLES 11-235 Author: Vincent Perriello CAM Systems, IncOIporated, Waterbury, CT Operating System: RT-ll V02 Memory Required: 16K Memory used: 3K MU BASIC Portion and 8 blocks on device "DK:" for virtual file storage. Abstract: This program is an adaptation of RSTSll-76 by Susan Lewis. It has been rewritten for RT-ll and MU BASIC. CYCLES formats a biorhythm chart for printing on either a user terminal or a line printer. Output may be directed to any legal RT-II device. The output requires a wide carriage printer or terminal (such as LA36). The biorhythms are calculated by methods which assume birth and current dates to be between January I, 1901 and December 31, 1999. For brevity the program always prints a 31 day chart, regardless of the actual length of the month. Media Price Code: DI, G5, K27 Format: RT-Il SOTS - Small FORTRAN OTS for RSX 11-236 A Modified lOX for Hanclling More Than One 11-233 Terminal Author: Rudy Krall, Jr. and V. E. Sater Honeywell, Inc., Phoenix, AZ and Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ Author: W. H. Brown Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 8K Abstract: This is a series of modules which when linked with a Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSX-llM/RSX-llS Source Language: MACRO-II FORTRAN program, result in a significant reduction in program size. 31 11-237-11-243 PDP-J] Abstracts 11·236 (Cont.) The user is encouraged to obtain DEeUS 11-239 (SGCML - command This is particularly intended for RSX-IIS but can be used for other real-time tasks where size is critical and disk I/O is not required. I/O is limited to formatted I/O to UNIT RECORD DEVICES and QIO calls. Using SOTS: There is an RSX-IIM command rue to build and run a sample task, just copy the rues to your disk, and type: @TESTS.BLD input routines) and DECUS 11-241 (RUNOFF - document preparation) as they are associated with this program. Documentation on Media. Extended FOCAL, DOS Version 11-237 Author: G. Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: about 2 1/2 K (load module for 16K supplied) Abstract: DOS extended FOCAL is a version of FOCAL-II that runs under DOS and has extensions for device control. A full set of library functions, extended mathematical functions, boolean functions, interrupt handling ability, and the ability to do octal I/O make this version of FOCAL useful for instrument tests as well as calculations. The full range of DOS CTRL-C commands is supported, and documentation is furnished to simplify addition of user functions. Restrictions: Library Delete not yet implemented. Must link with/T switch to reserve program room. Documentation on Mt;d/t1:. Abstract: RUNOFF is a PDP-II version of the DECsystem-lO, RSTS/ E, and PDP-8 programs of the same name. Document preparation is greatly aided by RUNOFF. DEC internal documentation is prepared entirely in RUNOFF before publication. Right margin justification, hyphenation, pagination, index creation, upper/Iower case operation are among the facilities provided. This version is suitable for RSX-IID and RSX-IIM and with moderate effort in the operating system interface, RT-Il. Media Price Code: A3, H32, K27 Format: FILES-ll 11-239 Abstract: SGCML is an enhancement of the RSX-IID GCML subroutine. Added functions include the ability to include commands in an indirect rue, to prompt the operator for yes/no responses and conditionally select commands for return to the calling program. This is similar but enhances from the RSX-IIM task' ... AT. ' or indirect MCR. This function provides the capability for very complex startup rues, applications program indirect command structures, etc. This routine is used by the following DECUS programs: 11-240 (STARTUP), and 11-238 (DISASM). Note: Suited for RSX-IID, M, or lAS Documentation on Media. FILDMP: File Dump Utility and Object Module Cracker Author: J. E. Pollack University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: RSX-IID and lAS VOl Source Language: FORTRAN IV-Plus 11-242 Abstract: FILDMP is a FORTRAN program written to function in a similar fashion to the DOS/BATCH-II FILDMP program. In addition, a dump mode is included to read object module rues and crack the internal code and present the various object record types. (Note that no disassembly of object code is attempted). Minor conversion will be necessary from F4P form to F4 or FIN. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II 11-240 Abstract: STARTUP is a program to aid in post-boot setup in RSX-IID or lAS systems. When set to run just after boot, STARTUP will mount the system disk and then open an indirect rue of MCR and 'DOT' commands and process that rue in a fashion related to the RSX-IIM indirect MCR operation. The conditional command nature of SGCML permits operator selection of startup operations and configurations without the necessity of extensive typein at each boot operation. 32 RUNOFF: Documentation Preparation 11-241 Revised: I September 1977 Author: Larry Wade and J. E. Pollack Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA and University of Washington, Seattle, WA Submitted by: Mark Lewis Federal Aviation Administration, Oklahoma City, OK Operating System: RSX-llD V6.2, RSX-llM V3.0, lAS V2.0 Source Language: MACRO-II Documentation on Media. Media Price Codl/102 Format: DOS-II START: RSX-l1D Startup Command Stoffer Author: J. E. Pollack University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: RSX-IID and lAS VOl Source Language: MACRO-II Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II Media Price Code: H32, M55 Format: DOS-II SGCML: Get Command Line Enhancement Author: J. E. Pollack University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: RSX-II and lAS VOl Source Language: MACRO-II Restrictions: Designed for RSX-IID, lAS. Not suitable for RSX-llM. USTER: Ustiog Utility Program Author: Jeffrey Kodosky University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Operating System: RT-II V02B Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: I K 11-243 Abstract: LISTER is a utility program designed to format ASCII rues for proper paging when listing on a device which doesn't support hardware form feeds. Page size as well as the number of printed lines per page are two of the items which may be specified. Media Price Code: D2, F5, G8 PDP-ll Abstracts RENUMB.BAS: BASIC File Renumbering Program A uthor: Nick Hammond Friern Hospital, London, England Operating System: RT-II Source Language: BASIC (Single User) Memory Required: 8K 11-244 11-144-11-250 Abstract: This is a floppy disk handler for RSX-llD V6A or V6B and lAS VIA. With this handler there is full Files-II support, including the following functions: BAD, INIT VOL, MOU, DMO, and all other standard file functions. No modifications need be made to executive or any utility to support this device. It will look like any other disk on the system. It produces disks fully compatible with RSX-IIM. FILEX does support the RT-ll Floppy disk file structure. Restrictions: MACRO-II Abstract: RENUMB will re-number the lines of any RT-ll Single User BASIC program. Various error conditions are detected and flagged. The program can therefore be used for diagnosing simple program errors. Media Price Code: A2, H32, M55 Format: OOS-II Media Price Code: D2, G8, K27 Format: RT-11 T40IOC TEKTRONIX 4010/4610/4953 Control 11-245 Procedures Author: Dr. Urs R. Wyss BRI, University of Zurich, P.O. Box 108 CH-8029 Zurich, Switzerland Operating System: DOS/BATCH V9.2OC Source Language: MACRO-II Assembly Language Memory used: 561(10) 16-bit words Special Hardware Required: PDP-II/20, TEKTRONIX 4010 Terminal TEKTRONIX 4610 and 4953 optional TABS: Replaces Tabs with Blanks 11-248 Author: J. Mills University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia Operating System: RT-II V02 Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 1.7K Special Hardware Required: PDP-11 with RT-11 support Abstract: TABS will replace horizontal tab characters in ASCII files with the correct number of blanks for the normal 8 character tab spacing, thus making files with tab characters properly readable by FORTRAN and other programs requiring a strict format. Abstract: T4010C is a module of 14 subroutines for DOSjBATCH-ll compatible control of the TEKTRONIX peripherals 4010, 4610, and 4953, intended for use in a FORTRAN IV environment, and written in MACRO-II assembler code. Besides 7 subroutines for special functions, 7 graphic routines may be used for point and vector plot, frames and graticules, text strings, thumbwhee1 cursor graphic input, and graphics tablet coordinate input. The .READ and .TRAN data transmission facilities of the DOS/BATCH monitor are used for all I/O operations. Media Price Code: A2, B3, H32 Format: DOS-II PASCAL: PASCAL-II Programming System A uthor: Lucien F eiereisen Universitaet Karlsruhe, West Germany Operating System: DOS/BATCH V09 Memory Required: 48K or 64K 11-246 Abstract: PASCAL, a multipurpose language based on ALGOL, is designed for use as a tool for structured programming. The simple and concise language provides a rich set of data types and structuring methods allowing the programmer to define and use his own data types. All features of the used PASCAL language (class & alfa variables, value & file declarations, global exits, ... ) are implemented except for parametric procedures. The floating point processor is used for real arithmetic and for text & set handling. The I/C concept includes concurrency and explicit output control. Note: Complete sources are not available Media Price Code: A2, H32, K54 Format: DECtape-DOS-11, Floppy-RT-11 DxnRV: RXOI/RXII Handler for RSX-IID or 11-247 lAS Author: Greg Bassett Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSX-11D V6A or 6B and lAS Memory Required: Approx 756 words Special Hardware ReqUired: Minimum RSX-11D or lAS configuration, with RXO I/RX I I Media Price Code: D2, G5 WHO. OBJ 11-249 Author: Bruce Boswell Submitted by: Gerard Zarka Digital Equipment Corporation Int'I. Europe, 81 Route del'Aire, 1211 Geneva 26, Switzerland Operating System: RSX-IID/IAS Abstract: The program WHO has been modified with the intention of giving more information to the users via the terminals. Concerning the "Active Task" the names of three tasks are given. If more than three tasks are used with the same terminal an • will appear after the 3rd name. The programs can also be used under lAS. Media Price Code: AI, H32 Format: RT-11 SET. OBJ 11-250 Author: J. Masse Submitted by: Gerard Zarka Digital Equipment Corporation Int'I. Europe, 81, Route L'Aire, 1211 Geneva 26, Switzerland Operating System: RSX-llD/IAS Abstract: SET has been modified to enable terminal characteristics to be changed for DHlllines. Two new keywords have been added: 1) SET/SPEED=TT(n): TRANSM: This instruction allows user to change the receiver and transmission speed of the terminals connected to a DB line. This instruction must be used when the terminal involved is inactive. 2) SET/ LA36=TT(n): The modification allows the use of the 132 positions of a LA-36. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II 33 11-151-11-158 PDP-ll Abstracts STAGE2 For Small Paper Tape Systelm 11-251 Author: W. M. Waite Submitted by: M. A. Maclean Department of Computer Science, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand Source Language: PAL-IIA Memory Required: 8K or more Special Hardware Required: High-speed paper tape reader/punch or Teletype Abstract: STAGE2 is a language-independent macro processor described in W. M. Waite's book 'Implementing Software for Non-Numeric Applications " (Prentice Hall 1973). This version can be used with small PDP-II's having papertape software. The only feature of the original program not implemented is I/O channel 2 (the scratch file). 11-252 Abstract: A collection of 37 useful routines including macros, file builders, integer conversion, searches, MCR tasks, partition mapping and much, much more. Complete documentation is included in the sources. Abstracts of all routines and a directory of files constitute the hard copy write-up offered. TELEP.BAS: Address Manipulator Author: Klaus E. Liebold Salk Institute, San Diego, CA Operating System: RT-ll V2C Source LAnguage: BASIC 11-255 Media Price Code: DI, G5 EAS.BAS: Enhanced ~bler Structures 11-256 Author: R. Barry Price University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: approx. 14,000 characters Special Hardware Required: System supporting MACRO-II Assembler Abstract: A package of macros which provide control structures similar to those used in structured programming at the assembler level. Media Price Code: H32, M55 Format: FILES-II Media Price Code: D4, GI6 VOLUME 11-253 Author: Terry Montlick Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT Operating System: RSX-IID V6A or later Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: IK Other Software Required: RSX-IID Message Output Handler (MO) Abstract: The VOLUME MCR command allows a privileged RSX-IID user to change the characteristics of a previously initialized FILES-II volume. VOLUME supports all the keywords that INITVOL does, except for the index file initialization keywords INF and INDX, and the bad blocks keyword BAD. VOLUME uses the same command syntax as INITVOL. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: FILES-II MATRIX ROUTINES Author: Samuel Day Media Price Code: A3, B2, H32, K27 Format: Floppy-RT-II Abstract: A useful, enjoyable program which will order, save, edit, delete, search and print names, addresses, telephone numbers and birthdays. It lets your computer replace your "little black book". Media Price Code: D2, GI8 LASL Cornucopia # 1 Author: Richard Kittell and other LASL programmers Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM Operating System: RSX-IID, V6A Source Language: MACRO-II and F4P Other Software Required: Same programs require F4P chained programs which combine all of the above and some other features into a comprehensive package for matrix manipulation, and should be useful to anyone who deals with matrix algebra, but does not have MAT functions available. ABSPAT: Absolute Binary Patch on RK Disk 11-257 and DECtape Author: F. Kuster Hybridrechenzentrum der ETH, Zurich, Switzerland Operating System: DOS/BATCH (stand alone) Source LAnguage: MACRO-II Memory Required: 7K/9K depending on version Special Hardware Required: RK Disk or DECtape, papertape punch, line-printer. Abstract: ABSPAT is a stand-alone utility program that is used to read, display and patch the contents of any block on the RK.-Disk and DECtape. The data may be printed and entered in the following formats: ASCII, RAD50, octal/decimal, word/byte, signed/unsigned. The main functions of ABSPAT are: dump and patch words/blocks: chain linked files; boot disk or DECtape; 'Keyboard calculator '. DOS-specific functions are: list block as Master-/User-Directory; Hook/Boot CILFiles. The papertape version is direct bootable. Restrictions: Uses 11/40 EIS Instruction Set 11-254 Media Price Code: A2, GI8, H32 Format: DOS-II SUNY-Cortland,Cortland,~ Source Language: BASIC-II Memory Required: 16K Abstract: Programs written in BASIC for the PDP-ll. MATADD, MATSUB, MATMUL and MATIN perform the fundamental operations of matrix manipulation, and would probably be most useful as subroutines in larger programs. MATSOL uses a matrix inversion subroutine to solve sets of simultaneous linear equations. MATPAK. is a series of 34 OSCAR: Conversational Computer 11-258 Author: Dr. N. E. Whitehead Institute of Nuclear Science, LowerHutt, New Zealand Operating System: RT-llFB V02-01 Source Language: FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 11K Special Hardware Required: Teletype, disk PDP-ll Abstracts 11-258 (Cont.) Abstract: OSCAR is a program which converses reasonably intelligently with the user via teletype. It will answer questions or make a relevant comment in approximately 95% of cases. OSCAR will not tackle arithmetic but usually types an appropriate comment about the problem. The overall conversation level is quite coherent, but sometimes slightly illogical. This result is achieved by examining the input material and dividing it into categories on the basis of the first few words. It is thus a 'brute force' example of programming. OSCAR is good party entertainment, but people's reactions also make an interesting psychological study. 11-159-11-164 where the same user file directory is consulted more than once. This saves 2 disk accesses per open when the same device, unit, and VIC are used as the last lookup. A conditional assembly permits DOS to skip reading the MFD block on DECtape entirely, saving 1 block read per DECtape open. It directly replaces the DEC version with no special provisions. However, this version is suitable for DOS V09 and later only. Restrictions: If parity memory is present on system, user must find place for resident directory information (4 words) in vectors. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: RT-ll Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-ll MOSFLD: A Least Squares Fitting Routine for 11-259 Mossbauer and Effect Spectra A uthor: William R. Owens Pontifica Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 6668 Other Software Required: FORTRAN compiler and library, link with autoload Special Hardware Required: PDP-ll/40 with min. 16K and disk Abstract: Experimental data from Mossbauer effect spectrum are fitted with a constant background level and N( < 12) Lorentzian shaped dips of equal width but independent positions and depths. An adjustable symmetry point is included among the parameters to handle data accumulated in the triangular wave velocity mode. The constant background level can also be modulated slightly to correct for solid angle variations due to a moving source. Best fit values of the 2N + 4 parameters and a calculated best fit spectrum are output along with and statistical uncertainties of the parameters. x: Restrictions: Maximum of 12 peaks and 1024 data points for 16 TRA. MAC: "Real-Time" TRAN Processor for 11-262 DOS (V9 or later) Author: Glenn Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH, V9 or later Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: A TRAN processor for DOS which works correctly for multiple datasets and for devices which take the driver completion return immediately (i.e., are not interrupt driven). It fixes a DEC bug and permits automatic calling, if required, of a user-specified subroutine upon completion of the driver transfer. This permits asynchronous I/o at device-limited speed, complementing the asynchronous, monitor formatted I/o provided by RTDOS (DECUS 11-172). Restrictions: Illegal completion routine addresses are not called, and no error message is logged. Media Price Code: D2, G8 INSFCL: DOS Instrumentation FOCAL 11-263 Author: Glenn Everhart K systems Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Media Price Code: D2, G14 SRD: Sort Directory Utility Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 2.7K to 4.8K (depends on condo ass'y's) 11-260 Author: William H. Brown Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSX-II Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 8K Abstract: SRD is a RSX-IIM utility allowing a U.F.D. to be sorted into alphabetical order, then listed. The format of default listing is such that it can be easily edited to create an indirect file for PIP, for example, to copy the files. The default order on the files is to sort on the type field first, then by name. The name switch causes the Sort to be done. The name switch causes the Sort to be done by name first. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II LKP. MAC: Improved Lookup Processor for 11-261 DOS V9, 10 Author: Glenn Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH, V9 or later Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 255 words Abstract: This is a modification of the DOS (V09 and VlO) lookup processor which saves the device, unit, UIC and directory start block in resident core and uses it to avoid reading the master file directory blocks Abstract: Instrumentation FOCAL is a version of the FOCAL interpreter modified for ease of use in instrument testing and data collection. In addition to the normal ("real") data type, FOCAL supports a data type ("vector") consisting of a variable number of contiguous 16-bit integers, treated as a subscripted array. The address of any such array element may be found, and this data type may be used to interface easily to assembler routines. (Documentation for adding new functions is provided on the tape.) Several functions specially adapted to manipulating integer array data are provided. Restrictions: Integer vector elements may not be directly entered via ASK. Otherwise, they behave as normal FOCAL numbers. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II SPOOL--ll: Generalized I/O Spooler for 11-264 DOS/MUD/MFT/PCP Author: M. Zimmerman and G. Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 144 words of scratch buffers and data sets for each Special Hardware Required: DOS configuration with clock (KWIIL or KWIIP) 3S 11-265-11-269 PDP-ll Abstracts 11-164 (Cont.) Abstract: SPOOL is a program to do multiple device transfers in parallel. Under the PCP, MFr, or MUD systems, it functions as additional users of the PDPII, permitting one to initiate 1.0 transfers from any dataset to any dataset and do other things while the I/O finishes by itself. Magtape rewind may be suppressed, and the transfer may be in ASCII or binary. Any number of spoolers may be active at a time, up to the limits of available buffer space. I/O may go to any datasets, and is not limited to hard-copy output. Restrictions: System must have clock Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II TECO: DOS-11 TECO 11-265 Author: Glenn Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: TECO is a powerful and versatile text editing and correcting program useful for people who are at least slightly experienced in on-line editing. This is a superset of PDP-IO TECO implemented to run under DOS-II. A manual file is included. TECO is a character editor, suitable for editing any form of data. Restrictions: If used with KB=driver, must type ALTMODE twice for every ALTMODE sent to TECO. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II LISTRSX: RSX11D Multi-Column Usting Utility 11-266 A uthor: Glenn C. Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: RSX-llD V6, lAS Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: This is a program to reformat ASCII text into up to 10 columns from any ASCII file structured as lines of text. It may be installed in an RSX system and used to save paper and time in listings. Numerous options include the ability to specify how many columns per page are desired; page length and width, whether to truncate lines too long for the columns or have them wrap around within the column. Whether to ignore formfeeds on input or interpret them, whether to compress tabs into single spaces or not, and whether to pause between pages or not. The pause option is convenient for examining long files on CRT terminals a page at a time. Restrictions: Does not interpret FORTRAN carriage controlsthey must be removed by TECO. Note: Minor edit needed for RSX-IID V4. for a scope device (presently a VfOI, but easily changed for other scopes). Simple commands permit one to move in all 8 directions, draw points in all 8 directions, erase points, and move in any direction by large steps if desired. For the PCP/MFT system, catalogued procedures are provided which put a glider-gun on the board and allow users to add additional objects, or which put 2 different kinds of gliders on the board and permit user modification. The board is 128 by 128 dots. This program is modified from an RT-II program for RT-II written for an LPS system. Restrictions: Catalogued procedures for pcp/MFT to draw glide gun required PCP/MFf (DECUS No. 11-195) Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II CAMAC Support library for Industrial Systems 11-268 Author: Dale W. Zobrist 4528 165th Ave. NE, Redmond, WA 98052 Operating System: RSX-II, DOS-II, RT-II Source Language: ANSI Standard FORTRAN (X3.9-1966) Abstract: The CAMAC library is an implementation, rather than a specification. It provides a system of ready-made computer-independent software modules which can be referenced by a higher level of programming (i.e., by the application programs.) Much beyond IML or handlers for specific CAMAC systems, the CAMAC-Support Library for Industrial Systems includes test programs, adaptor programs, and general utility programs. It may be considered analogous to the various instrumentation modules, test equipment, and highway adaptors which support CAMAC systems from a hardware standpoint. The library provides similar support in a software structure. Written in standard FORTRAN (ANSI X3.9-1966 or ISO Full FORTRAN R/539-1972), the main library includes about 4000 source records in its current release. It is organized into various sub-libraries. A separate file name is suggested for each main program (e.g., a utility program) while related subprograms (i.e., functions and subroutines) are grouped with a file name suggested for each group. Only partial documentation is offered by DECUS. Users who request software from DECUS should contact the author for current information and documentation. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II RSX-11 BASIC Author: David Beckwith Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, IN Operating System: RSX-II D or M Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: Approx. 6K words 11-269 Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II UFE Game for DOS and Scope 11-267 Author: G. Everhart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: DOS/BATCH (or pcp/MFT) Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: This is an assembly language version of Conway's Game of Life with interactive console control. For DOS or PCP/MFr. Display is 36 Abstract: This RSX-II version is an adaptation of DEC's PDP-II 4K stand-alone basic (DEC-II-LBSUA-A). The "save" and "old" commands can use any RSX-II device for storage of programs. There are no provisions for programmed I/O to any device except the user's terminal. This system is useful as a desk calculator or for calculations requiring only small amounts of input data. The best documentation for this system is DEC's "PDP-II BASIC Programming Manual" (DEC-II-XBPMA-BD). Documentation and command files are provided with the source files. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II PDP-ll Abstracts FODT: FORTRAN IV On-line Debugging Tool 11-270A Author: David Beckwith Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianaplois, IN Operating System: RSX-IID, RSX-IIM Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 730 Decimal Words Other Software Required: RSX FORTRAN IV Abstract: This debugging aid allows the user of RSX-llD/M FORTRAN IV and RT-ll FORTRAN IV to monitor the operaton of his program using commands similar to ODT. FOOT provides a subset of the commands available with ODT such as single stepping, breakpoints, and inspection of several types of variables. FOOT can be built into a task without editing or recompiling the source and does not interfere with the normal operation of FORTRAN IV. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: D3, H32, M55 Format: DOS-II FODT: FORTRAN IV On-Une Debugging Tool for RT-11 Author: David Beckwith Revised by: Mitchell E. Kawasaki Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 730 Decimal Words Other Software Required: RT-II FORTRAN IV 11-2708 JLBITS allows FORTRAN programs to execute 8-bit and 32-bit logical operations: AND, OR, exclusive OR, and complement. It also provides 16-bit rotate. CSISR allows FORTRAN programs to decode MCR command lines, returning file specifications in ASCII strings, and switch codes in variables similar to those returned by RT l1's ICSI. Functions INCSI and IOUTSI extract filespecs and switches from the right and left sides of a command line's equal sign. Function IGTCML reads an MCR command line. Media Price Code: A2, GIO FfCHEM: Fast Fourier Transform for CAPS-ll 11-274 BASIC without EAE Author: T. J. Weslowski and E. F. Beadel, Jr. State University of New York, Oswego, NY Operating System: CAPS-II Source Language: PAL-lIS Memory Required: 0.55K words plus data Other Software Required: BASIC VOl Special Hardware Required: Standard Terminal and TU-60 for CAPS-II BASIC Abstract: FFT is a subroutine designed to be linked to BASIC/ CAPS-II (it could probably be linked with BASIC/PTS or BASIC/RT-11 also) that will enable the user to pedorm a Fast Fourier Transform on 2 data points, where 2 < n < machine storage capability. It is designed for those systems without EAE, and requires about 16 seconds for a IK transform. (The equivalent BASIC program requires about 4 minutes.) Abstract: DECUS 11-270, FOOT, has been modified by the addition of assembly conditionals to run under the RT-ll operating system as well as the RSX-llM/D operating systems. Everything supported in the original RSX-llM/D version is supported under RT-ll with the exception of changing LUN's for the console terminal. Media Price Code: A2, G6 MAP: Disk Block Usage Author: James Stanfill 11-275 University Of Washington, Seattle, WA Documentation on Media. Operating System: RSX-IID Ver 6B Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 37100 (8) Bytes Special Hardware Required: Terminal (Graphic or Teletype) Media Price Code: D3, H32, K27 Format: RT-II SYZER: RT-11 System Sizer 11-270A.-11-276 11-272 A uthor: Wendell Goodwin Digital Equipment Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: MACRO-II Other Software Required: RT-ll LP: and IT: Handler Abstract: This task will depict disk usage in terms of blocks allocated. The output (either TI listing or disk file) consists of a map of all logical blocks on the disk. If a block is used, the corresponding word contains the file id. Additional information is contained in the source listing. Restrictions: This program not suitable for large Disks. Note: DECtape and floppy includes 11-276, 11-277, 11-278 Abstract: This program prints out a description of the PDP-II system it is run on, including CPU type, CPU options, memory size and address map. It also lists the peripheral devices found on the system by the program. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32, K27 Format: FILES-II Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: RT-ll REC: File Recovery 11-276 Author: James Stanfill University Of Washington, Seattle, WA PDP-II Utility Routines: ASCIB, JLBITS, CSISR A uthor: Robert DiGrazia Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Operating System: RSX-II M for JLBITS and CSISR Source Language: MACRO-II 11-273 Abstract: ASCIB allows FORTRAN programs to execute high-speed conversions in either direction between 16 bit integers and decimal ASCII character strings of specifiable length. It makes no error checks. Operating System: RSX-IID Ver 6B Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 16000 (8) Bytes Special Hardware Required: Terminal (Teletype) Abstract: This task will recover variable length record files which have been corrupted. Documentation is contained in the SOURCE llSTING. A file SUBRMAC which contains general conversion routines that normally will reside in a library is included in the offering DECtape. Media Price Code: (Order DEeUS No. 11-275) 37 11-177-11-284 PDP-lJ Abstracts DTY: Alphabetical Directory Listing Author: James Stanfill University or Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: RSX-IID Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 30700 (8) Bytes Special Hardware Required: TIY-like Terminal 11-277 Restrictions: All logical records on magtape must contain an even number of BYTES. No check is made for this condition. Documentation on Media. Abstract: This task will provide an alphabetical directory listing of the directory specified by the user. The number of blocks allocated for each file is displayed. The total number of blocks allocated for the directory is also ,displayed. Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-275) ACC: Accounting Author: James Stanfill , University of Washington, Seattle, WA Operating System: RSX-llD Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 41500 (8) Bytes Special Hardware Required: TIY like terminal mode. Binary and ASCII-EBCDIC conversion routines allow handling of INTEGER. REAL ·4, and character data. 11-278 Media Price Code: M55 Format: DOS-II GETBIN: Change a Paper Tape Binary Program To RSX-llM Bootstrappable Task. Author: Kaarle Kaila Oy NOKIA AB Electronics, Helsinki, Finland Operating System: RSX-llM Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: IOKW Special Hardware Required: Paper tape reader, DISK Abstract: The program has been made to be able to get the hardware test programs booted quickly and easily from the disk to core. This means that any programs that the absolute loader can load can be put on disk and thereafter loaded by the RSX-IIM BOOT command. Abstract: This task will tabulate accounting information from the data file created by the system accounting task, ACCLOG. Operation and types of reports produced are documented in the source listing. Media Price Code: D2, G6 Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-275) MLT. Garbage CoUection # 1 and # 2 Revised: March 1978 Author: Glenn C. Everhart Maple Shade, NJ Operating System: RSX-IID Source Language: Miscellaneous KERNEL: Security KERNEL for the PDP11/4S 11-279 Author: William Lee Schiller Submitted by: Grace H. Nibaldi MITRE Corp, Bedford, MA Source Language: SUE, PALll Memory Required: 64K Other Software Required: SUE Compiler, PALll Cross Assembler Special Hardware Required: Magtape, RF 11 Disk 4 Terminals Abstract: The Security Kernel for the PDP-I 1/45 is designed to allow within a single computer system controlled access to data of various security levels. By taking advantage of certain hardware features of the PDP-I 1/45 memory management unit, it can be invoked on every attempt to obtain information, and at the same time protect itself from tampering and 'misuse. The Security Kernel regulates access through predefined "rightto-know" and "need-to-know" rules. Associated Documentation: Volume I, Volume 2 and Listing is available from MITRE Corp, Bedford, MA 01730 Media Price Code: M55 VBS: mM to PDP-ll VBS-Format Magtape If Package Author: Oliver Jones and Tom Powers o 11-280 Yale University, New Haven, CT Operating System: RSX-IIM V02 BLl2 Source Language: MACRO, FORTRAN Special Hardware Required: TM-ll or MM-ll and RSX-llM configuration Abstract: The VBS subroutine package permits the PDP-II to read and write magnetic tape which can be directly accessed by IBM System/370 FORTRAN and PLjI programs in binary (unformatted) 38 11-281 11-282 Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: AI, N65 Format: DOS-II RSX-11 FOCAL Revised: 1 April 1978 Author: Glenn C. Everhart Maple Shade, NJ Operating System: lAS, RSX-IID, RSX-IIM Source Language: MACRO-II 11-284 Associated Documentation: FOCAL-ll User's Manual (DEC-llLFOCA-F-D) Abstract: RSX FOCAL is an interpreter for the FOCAL language that runs as a multi-user task under the RSXII-D, RSX-IIM, or lAS systems. Numerous language extensions include octal radix support, full Library facilities - support of I/O up to 8 binary files (including random access files permitting virtual arrays), and vectors. Vectors are integer arrays allocated continuously. They may be addressed as integers or bytes, and full string support is provided by new FOCAL language statements and functions. Moving substrings, conversion of number to ASCII string or back, string comparisons, and substring location are included. Support for hardware control is extensive. FOCAL may handle up to 8 clock scheduling alarms, up to 15 interrupts (using supervisor space), execute any RSX EMT call, and control the system console (TI:) without the usual implied wait of ASK. 27 non-erasable variables are provided for communication with overlays, and provision is made for variables in global commons if desired. Diagnostics are in English for easy interpretation. Full trig. functions include arctangent, sine, and cosine. Log and exponential are also available (plus square root). Programs may be renumbered, data strings may be executed as FOCAL commands, and a modified IF that calls groups via DO rather than GOTO, are provided. Also, it is possible to break out of FOR loops. Very extensive conditional PDP~ll 11·284 (Cont.) assemblies allow one to select as many (or few) of these features as desired. The pure segment of FOCAL is about 4.5K; impure sections may be about 15K up depending on allocated program space. Documentation shows how to add user functions. Restrictions: Symbol table dump occasionally gets confused if vectors allocated start other than a 4-word boundary. Harm· less to program execution. (FIX available). Hardware floating point very crude and slow. (Use software floating point this revision.) Note: RSX-lI FOCAL is also included on DECUS 11-287 magtape Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, H64 Format: DOS-II TAGGET: Simple DATA Encripter for RSTS/E-RT.11 Author: Cal Page Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS/E RT-ll, or RT-ll Source Language: MACRO-II 11·285 11·285-11·289 Abstracts RSX-llM, or lAS, and enhanced TECO with the ability to automatically use command files, buffer output, and support various scope devices, a multicolumn lister, partition map routine, various device handlers, conversions, and miscellaneous utilities. Certain programs (notably SRD) for RSX-lID are also included for the user's convenience, along with an RSX DDT that may be used in a mode where it accesses a terminal directly rather that using the RSX console handful (useful for debugging system components) or in a normal mode using the RSX handlers. A tape positioning MCR task is included in area 4,200, plus a variety of games written in FOCAL, BASIC, FORTRAN, and TECO. (For convenience, sources to BASIC, TECO, RUNOFF, and LlSTjRSX are included, along with appropriate document files.) An indirect MXR routine (PCP) is also included, and other routines too numerous to mention. (Many are for RSX-llD or lAS. The others work for any RSX system.) The new FOCAL includes string handling, English diagnostics, schedulable alarms, and many bug-fixes and enhancements. If you have the old one, you should get this version. Documentation has also been greatly expanded. Some FORTRAN programs assume the F4P compiler will be used; most do not. Restrictions: RSX FOCAL submitted for DECtape does not include special hardware support. The magtape version sources are complete. FOCAL interrupt handling requires Supervisor Mode, access to External Page, and 18-bit addressing for DMA devices as written. Media Price Code: P85 Format: DOS-II Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: 11/34 or higher Abstract: TAGGET is a simple ASCII data encriptor designed for soft protection of priority information on RSTS/E-RT-ll systems. The technique uses a pseudo-random number generator to do substitutions of the data. Also a code string is requested from the user for use as a key to the file. Media Price Code: D2, M55 Format: DOS-II Utility Package for RSX11·D Author: Glenn C. Everhart 11·286 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Operating System: RSX-IID Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: A package of useful RSXllD functions is offered for users who need them. A partition mapper, indirect MCR supporting replacement for MCR (in most ways) with extensive MACRO capabilities, Disk patcher, and an RSXI1-D version of William Brown's "SRD" utility are included. Restrictions: Disk patcher patches whatever LUN2 is assigned to; no provision for multiple unit patching is there. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32, K27 Format: DECtape-DOS-II, Floppy-FILES-II RSX·11 Cornucopia (formerly MIT RSX 11.287 Cornucopia) Revised: 8 March 1978 Author: Glenn C. Everhart Maple Shade, NJ Operating System: lAS, RSX-llD, RSX-lIM Source Language: BASIC, FOCAL, FORTRAN IV PLUS, MACRO-lI, TECO Special Hardware Required: Special FOCAL functions support MBD-II versatec Matrix lIOOA. These are options, may be excluded by conditional assembly. Abstract: A collection of programs on 2400' magtape is offered including a greatly enhanced FOCAL interpreter for RSX-IID, lECO V28 for RT·11 Rellised: 22 December 1977 Author: Mario DeNobili, et al. Submitted by: Herb Jacobs Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II 11·288 Abstract: TECO is a powerful text editor that runs under most PDP-II operating systems. It is suitable for editing most any form of text file, including programs, manuscripts, correspondence, and the like. TEO) is a character oriented editor, and as such is free from many of the inconveniences associated with many line oriented editors. In addition, TECO has most of the facilities found in programming languages, such as arithmetic, loops, conditional execution, GOTO's, etc., allowing the user to write editing programs that alphabetize lists, reformat tables, renumber statement labels, and much more. This new version of TEO) includes many new features, such as upper/ lower case support, CRT style rubouts, wild card file lookups, bounded searches, and a keypad/scope editor option for the VT-S2. Note: The TECO-II User Manual (DECUS 11-350) must be ordered separately. Write-up included with this program contains loading instructions only. Complete TECO-II source files are not available from the DECUS Library. Media Price~: A2. H32, K27 Format: RT-ll DEBUG 11·289 Author: T. L. Pickett Environment Canada, Canadian Forestry Service, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: DECwriter II Abstract: This program is a very useful debugging tool for users of large files of numeric data. The program scans the data and detec~ 39 11-190-11-197 PDP-ll Abstracts 11-289 (Cont.) characters other than numbers, decimals or blank spaces. It also detects blank lines. Program DEBUG prints number of lines scanned at end of run. Data may be typed in any format to be run with this program. Media Price Code: D 1 MACRO Package for MACRO-ll to Assemble INTEL 8008 Code A uthor: Bruce Filgate Digital Equipment Corporation, Marlboro, MA Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II 11-290 Media Price Code: D2, GIO 11-291 A bstract: This is a set of MACRO routines to interpret Signetics 2650 mnemonics. The output consists of two files; one contains the binary image of the object, the other contains the assembly listing. Media Price Code: D2, GI4 SO RT: Generalized File Sort Utility 11-292 Author: M. J. Pullen E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Leominster, MA 01453 Operating System: RSX-IIM Source Language: FORTRAN IV and MACRO-ll Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: RK05 Abstract: The sort file utility (8K memory) sorts records from any input device on up to 20 keys, placing sorted, fixed-length data on any output device. The sorting subroutine package may be placed in the SYSLIB and called in any user written program. Media Price Code: D3 11-293 STAR-TREK (SPACWR) for RSX-llM Author: Mike Mayfield, Centerline Engineering; Revised for RSX-IIM by Mike Pullen, E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, DE Operating System: RSX-llM Source Language: FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 8K w/FCSRES Special Hardware Required: RK05, TrY device Abstract: This program simulates the TV program "STAR-TREK". Media Price Code: D2 40 11-294 Abstract: These routines are for extending the capabilities of RT-ll BASIC; they provide the means of reading and writing words, bytes or bits at any implemented bus address; in addition, arrays may be nulled and time of day may be obtained. Media Price Code: D2, L33 Abstract: This is a set of MACRO routines to interpret DEC MPS (Intel 8(08) mnemonics. The output consists of two files; one contains the binary image of the object, the other contains the assembly listing. MACRO Package for MACRO-ll to Assemble Signetics 2650 Code Author: Bruce Filgate Digital Equipment Corporation, Marlboro, MA Operating System: R T -11 Source Language: MACRO-II Set of Utility Routines for any PDP-ll Machine Running RT-ll BASIC Author: N. A. Bourgeois Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: MACRO-II Other Software Required: RT-ll BASIC Modified AbsIoader and Dump Program 11-295 Author: Jeffery Kodosky Applied Research Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Operating System: PTS Source Language: PAL Special Hardware Required: PDP-Il/04, 11/34 Abstract: Users of DECs PDP-I 1/04 and PDP-I 1/34 processors will experience some difficulties when attempting to run the paper tape software, specifically the PAL assemblers. The problem consists of two parts. The first is due to the lack of a switch register; PAL expects to use one in its initialization routine. The second is due to a vagary of the console emulator which leaves the processor status work at a high priority when transferring control to a program. A modified absolute loader is offered here which addresses both problems. Also included is a low speed punch memory dump program which doesn't require a switch register. Media Price Code: D2, F5, G5 Fast Digital Signal Processing Software Package 11-296 for the PDP-II Author: L. Robert Morris Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada; and Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RT-II Source Language: FORTRAN IV and MACRO-II Memory Required: Varies Abstract: This software package consists of a number of digital signal processing programs optimized for maximum speed on PDP-II computers. Initial components are radix 2 fixed-point FFT, radix 4 floating-point FFT, fixed-point autocorrelation, and floating-point autocorrelation matrix solution. The latter 2 programs are useful in linear predictive speech coding. All fixed-point programs require the EIS instruction set (LSI-II, 11/34, 40, 45, 55, 70) and all floating-point programs require the FPP instruction set (I 1/34, 45, 55, 70 with FFP). 11/55 (bipolar) benchmarks are: 1024 point real FFT, 62 msec (fixed-point), 89 msec (floating-point); 128 X 12 fixed-point autocorrelation, 32 bit results, 5.3 msec; 12th order floating-point autocorrelation matrix solution, 1.82 msec. Media Price Code: A2, H32, K27 Format: RT-ll File Utility Programs For MU-BASIC/RT-ll Author: Robert J. Tapp University Of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada Operating System: RT-II Source Language: BASIC Memory Required: 1800 Words Other Software Required: MU-BASIC/RT-II 11-297 Abstract: A set of file utility programs written in BASIC which allow the MU-BASIC/RT-Il user to list and modify device directories, perform P D P-}} Abstracts 11-297 (Cont.) file transfers or edit line-formatted ASCII files. Conversion between virtual array and ASCII format files is supported and facilities are included for extensive character string search and manipulation, as well as user defined MACRO editing commands. Restrictions: Removes form-feed characters from text. This is a restriction caused by the INPUT statement of MU-BASIC Media Price Code: A2, G8 11-298-11-303 NULL Device Handler 11-300 Author: Evan L. Solley The Life Support Systems Group, Ltd., Portland, OR Operating System: RT-ll Version 2 or later Source Language: MACRO-II Memory used: 548 Words Abstract: NL or NUL can be used as a dummy BATCH LOG: device for debugging, and for maintenance. It is a source of endless zeros, and a sink for output. Listing includes installation notes for RT-ll V2C. Media Price Code: D2, G5 QSORTA: Fastest Core Sort-Quicksort 11-298 Author: A. S. Thompson and S. H. Yamamura Bell Aerospace Textron, Tucson, AZ Operating System: DOS/BATCH V10 Source Language: FORTRAN Memory Required: 6574(8) Bytes Other Software Required: FORTRAN Library, FTNLIB SEND.MAC: RXS-IID InterminaI Communications MCR Command Author: Philip D. Brooke Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSX-llD Source Language: MACRO-II Other Software Required: SYSLIB Abstract: Abstract: Media Price Code: D2, G5, R30 Media Price Code: D2, H32, K27 Format: DECtape-DOS-II, Floppy-FILES-II QSORTA is the FORTRAN version of the rapid core sort algorithm, Quicksort, by C. A. R. Hoare. Run time of the Quicksort algorithm is proportional to logn, where n = number of items sorted. QSORTA requires 6.2 seconds to sort 2000 floating point values, while a comparable algorithm, Shellsort, requires 10 seconds to sort the same number of items; both algorithms were timed on the PDP 11/45. The source listing of QSORTA provides information on modifying the sort to perform a descending, rather than ascending sort and how to sort an associated index array as well as the sort key array. BENDIX: Handlers and Interface Subroutines 11-299 for a Bendix Datagrid Coordinate Digitizer, Operating Under BASIC PTS or BASIC RT-ll Author: R. D. Beattie Submitted by: Dr. K. G. McCracken, Chief CSIRO, Div. of Mineral Physics, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia Operating System: RT-11 V02C-02-SJ Source Language: PAL11-S; MACRO-11 if using with BASIC RT-11 Memory Required: 2650, in addition to BASIC-PTS or RT-11 Other Software Required: Object modules for BASIC-PTS or BASIC RT-ll Special Hardware Required: Bendix Datagrid digitizer with Bidirectional computer interface 11-301 SEND is a multi-user MCR command that will transmit a message to another terminal or terminals that exist in a message to another terminal or terminals that exist in the system. Four transmission modes are available to privileged users, two to non-privileged users. The issuer may 1) Send a message to any TIY-like device in the system. 2) Send a message to the operators console. 3) Send a message to all loggedin terminals, or 4) Send a message to all terminals in the system. Modes (3) and (4) are unavailable to non-privileged users. ODT.BAS: Octal Debugging Technique for MUBAS/RT-11 Author: T. Miles University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada Operating System: RT-11 Source Language: BASIC Memory Required: 1800 words Other Software Required: MUBAS/RT-11 11-302 Abstract: ODT.BAS is a program employing octal debugging technique, which runs under MUBAS/RT-ll in a multi-user environment. It can be used to make patches to files and directories on file-structured devices. It also will give octal dumps to users specified devices or files. Not recommended for non-privileged users. Restrictions: Does not support split octal. Media Price Code: DI, G5 Abstract: BENDIX is a package of interrupt handlers and interface subroutines for a Bendix Datagrid GD coordinate digitizer interfaced to a PDP-II operating under BASIC-PTS with strings. The software can also be used with BASIC RT-ll Version OIB in a single-job environment, provided certain restrictions are observed. All data are acquired under interrupt and written into a circular buffer for later transfer to BASIC as ASCII strings. Comment and other manually entered data are entered through the computer teletype keyboard. The package should not require drastic alteration to handle other digitizers and is easily modifiable to run as a stand-alone system. RESEQ.BAS: Line Resequence Programme Author: T. Miles University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada Operating System: RT-11 Source Language: BASIC Memory Required: 2200 Words (2000 without 'REM's) Other Software Required: MUBAS/RT-11 11-303 Abstract: Restrictions: Date not to be INPUT from console when digitizer routines enabled; digitizer interrupts are not disabled on a normal exit from BASIC RT-ll (see write-up chap. 5) RESEQ.BAS is a program which will renumber up to 120 lines of any RT-ll MUBAS program. The user specifies the input and output files in command decoder format, and then specifies the starting line, number and incrument size. Various error conditions are detected and flagged. Media Price Code: D4, G 16 Media Price Code: DI, G5 41 11-304-11-311 PDP-ll Abstracts LISP11 11-304 Author: Jeffrey Kodosky Applied Research Labs, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 16K Abstract: LISP-II is an interpreter for the LISP language which runs in the background under RT-II. There are 125 LISP functions implemented with provision to conditionally assembly out as many as 60 in order to maximize free space. Media Price Code: A9, M55 Format: RT-ll CMMT: Commenting and lining up Assembler 11-305 Files Author: Jorg Grimm EDV Medizinsche Poliklinik, Kantonsspital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Operating System: DOS/BATCH V09 or higher Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: The tediousjob of documenting MACRO programs with the editor is easied with CMMT. As each line of source is printed on the TIY, new comment can be added or old comment retained and lined up to a standard format with too many tabs and spaces cleaned out. Lineup mode can be used alone. "Jump" and "Get Label:" commands facilitate commenting single blocks of code in larger programs. Restrictions: Double labels have to be changed back with the editor after processing. Restrictions: Does not process double labels to standard format Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: GI4 DATMAN: BASIC Data Manipulation Package 11-306 Author: Nick Hammond Friern Hospital, Neuropsychology Research Unit, London NIl 3BP England Operating System: RT-II Source Language: BASIC Memory Required: 8K Abstract: OATMAN is a suite of programs written in RT-Il/BASIC which allows simple manipulation of numerical data stored on file. Options include: stop data, print data, patch a file, merge files, copy files, selectively extract data, selectively average data, mathematical transformation of data, file arithmetic. All options are controlled via simple question and answer displays. Detailed documentation is included. portable being written for an abstract machine called "FLUB", This implementation of STAGE 2 is a modification of the OOS-ll version (DEeUS No. 11-158 by Peter H. Heinrich) so that it will run under RT-II. Restrictions: The Stage 2 command "Change I/O Channels and Copy Text" is modified. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: RT-ll GT40 Debugger 11-308 Author: Howard P. Katseff University of California, Division of Computer Science, Berkeley, CA Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 4006 octal bytes Special Hardware Required: GT40, Keyboard Abstract: DB is an online debugger for the GT40. All user interaction is via the keyboard and display. DB is supplied as a relocatable program in MACRO-II. Media Price Code: D2, GI8 Une Printer Plot 11-309 Author: William C. Nowlin, Jr. Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas At Austin, Austin, TX Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: FORTRAN Special Hardware Required: Terminal or line printer Abstract: This FORTRAN Subroutine accepts from one to nine real arrays and plots them on an 80 column wide line printer or terminal. Media Price Code: D2, G8 RT-ll FUe Conversion Program for Absolute Loader Paper Tapes with SA 1000 < 11-310 Author: Charles T. Apel Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM Operating System: RT-ll V02C-02D Source Language: RT-ll MACRO VM02-12 Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: Disk or DECtape, TrY (LSR) or console terminal + high speed Abstract: This program loads absolute binary formatted paper tapes of programs occupying and having starting addresses in low core « 1(00) and converts them to .SAV modules which may be loaded and started from the RT-ll monitor. Media Price Code: D2, G30 Restrictions: For loading tapes which do not require use of switch register in loading. Good for formatting or diagnostic tapes. Stage 2 for the PDP-ll Operating under RT-ll 11-307 Author: W. M. Waite and Peter H. Heinrich University of Colorado and University of Karlsruhe Submitted by: D. M. Nessett Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Operating System: RT-II V2B Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: STAGE 2/RT-Il will not run in less than 12K and is not really useful unless there is 16K (assuming the S/J monitor) Special Hardware Required: PDP-ll/20 + EAE, PDP-ll/40 + EIS or PDP-ll!45 Documentation on Media. Abstract: Abstract: Stage 2 is a general purpose macro processor designed to port software written for abstract machines. The macro processor is itself 42 Media Price Code: D2, GlO, H32 Format: RT-Il Real TIme Sound ModifICation Programs 11-311 Author: L. Bryant, W. Seiler, and R. Meyers Submitted by: L. Bryant SYCOM University of South Florida, Tampa, FL Source Language: PAL II S Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/10, ADOl-D, AAII-D A set of five programs which perform several different kinds of modifications to sound processed through the computer, in real time. PDP-II Abstracts 11-312-11..317 Abstract: Restrictions: Input must be DC level-shifted for unipolar A to D. RUNOFF is a PDP-ll program running under RT-ll to facilitate the preparation of typed or printed manuscripts, such as memos, letters, manuals, etc. The user prepares his material on any regular PDP-ll terminal, and writes it onto a file using EDITll. The user includes not only textual material, but also case and formatting information. RUNOFF then takes the file and reproduces it onto the line printer, teletype or other file to produce a final copy or final file image. It performs the formatting and case shifting as directed, and will also perform line justification, page numbering and titling, etc., as desired. Media Price Code: D2, F5, G8 Documentation on Media. 11-311 (Cont.) Functions include a program which produces a delay for reverberation and echo effects, two different programs to shift frequency up or down, a program which outputs the sampled sound in reverse order from entry, and a program which produces a phasing (or flanging) effect. In all cases the sound is samples in from an A to D (ADOI-D), processed, then output through a DAC (AAII-D). LALR (1) Parser Constructor to Translate 11-312 Computer Languages Author: David M. Stem Laboratory For Atmospheric & Space Physics, University Of Colorado, Boulder, CO Operating System: RSX-IIM or D Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 10 to 32K Words Abstract: Of interest to the compiler writer, the program "LALR" constructs a compacted LALR (1) parser from a description of a contextfree language which may then be used as the basis for a compiler for that language. LALR (1) grammars encompass a large subset of LR( 1) grammars and include most common, languages such as ALGOL, FORTRAN, and BASIC. It has been proven that LR(K) parsers are the most efficient parsers known for a large subset of grammars in terms of both space and time. Input to the "LALR" program is a Backus-Naur form representation of the target grammar while output is a state table in "MACRO" assembler or absolute form. Restrictions: 128 rules maximum in grammar Documentation on Media. 11-313 Abstract: A version of DDT, a powerful symbolic debugger, is provided that may be assembled conditionally to run under RSX-llD or RSX-:ll~, DOS-ll, or stand-alone (including with RT-ll). This IS reworked from the stand-alone original DDT-II of Steven Rubin of CMU and has several additional features plus conditionals for use with a variety of DEC operating systems. The RSX version may be assembled to do all its I/O through the normal console handler, or may be built with access to the console hardware registers to do its own I/O independent of the operating system. Both the DOS-ll and RSX-ll versions know the start address of the programs they are linked with, and may start them with a simple (ALTMODE) G. Console dialogue closely resembles PDP-IO DDT. Restrictions: User symbols are not automatically known to DDT; !flost enter from console. Conditional assembly selects operatmg system. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, M55 Format: DOS-II RT-11 RUNOFF Author: C. D. Lowenstein Marine Physical Labs, San Diego, CA Operating System: RT-ll V02 or later Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 4.7K DIRECfORY: List Disk Directories 11-315 Author: David P. Sykes CTEC, Inc., Falls Church, VA Operating System: RT-ll V2C Source Language: FORTRAN, MACRO-II Memory Required: 8K Other Software Required: FORTRAN, MACRO, SYSLIB Abstract: The Directory program provides the user with the ability to sort and display the directory of a RT-II Disk (or DECtape). It is much like the PIP/L switch, but is more flexible. Directory will display for the user a list of all files on the specified device which match the input file specifications. Furthermore, it will sort the directory alphabetically by file name, alphabetically by extension, chronologically by date, in order of increasing size, or the reverse of any of these. In addition, files whose date is either before or after a specified date can be excluded from the directory. Media Price Code: AI, Gl8 Media Price Code: A2, K27 Format: FILES-ll RSX-ll/DOS-ll DDT-Symbolic Debugger Author: G. Everhart, Maple Shade, NJ Operating System: RSX-IID/RSX-IIM/OOS-II Source Language: MACRO-II Other Software Required: Assembler, Linker or TKB Media Price Code: A2, H32, K27, M55 Format: RT-II 11-314 SPOOL: Foreground Line Printer Spooler Author: Martian W. Rothe Submitted by: David P. Sykes Mead Tech Labs, Dayton, OH Operating System: RT-ll V2 or V3 Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 3K Other Software Required: SYSLIB Special Hardware Required: Line printer 11-316 Abstract: SPOOL runs in the RT-II foreground and lists specified files on the line printer. It offers several improvements over the spooler in the back of the RT-ll manual: multiple copies of a file can be requested. Files can either be retained or deleted after printing. Media Price Code: AI, G12 mv-IIA FORTRAN Support Package 11-317 Author: Steve Alpert Submitted by: Daniel L. Aldrich Digital Equipment Corporation, Marlboro, MA Operating System: RT-11 V2C Source Language: MACRO-II Other Software Required: FORTRAN Special Hardware Required: LSI-ll, IBV-llA Abstract: This software provides FORTRAN support for the IBY-IIA Interface for the IEEE bus. RT-ll version 2C with FORTRAN is required. Media Price Code: K27 Format: RT-ll 43 11-118-11-121 PDP-ll Abstracts CONSOLE: Change System Console From One 11-318 Terminal to Another Author: David P. Sykes crEC, Inc., Falls Church, VA Operating System: RT-II V2C Source Language: FORTRAN Memory Required: 6K Other Software Required: SYSLIB Abstract: CONSOL allows anyone of several terminals connected to a RT-II system thru OLlIS to be made the system console by changing the pointers maintained internally by RT-ll. The user must edit the file to insert the addresses of his OLlIS (up to 6). Then, running CONSOL on the system console will allow the user to make any of the other terminals the effective system console. Changes are made only to the resident monitor, not the disk image. Restrictions: Only tested for DL-lls Media Price Code: G5 Nicolet 1090 Digital Oscilloscope Handler and 11-319 Interface to PDP-11 Author: William C. Nowlin, Jr. Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: Drill-C, Nicolet 1090 Abstract: lIDs program uses a DRll-C along with a small user interface (described in the write-up) to read data from a Nicolet 1090 sampling digital oscilloscope. The program was written to be called using RT-ll FORTRAN; however, pains were taken to include sufficient documentation to allow any modifications necessary to implement the program in other ways. Using this program will allow the PDP-II user to use the Nicolet 1090 as a high speed AID converter and data buffer in a measurement system. Media Price Code: D2, G5 FISH: Post and Inter Spike Interval Analysis 11-320 Author: Klaus Liebold Salk Institute, P.O. Box 1809, San Diego, CA Operating System: RT-II V02C Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 4K Other Software Required: Laboratory Applications V03 Special Hardware Required: Laboratory Peripheral System, VT-55 Abstract: FISH.MAC generates two programs which collect, display and store intervals between single neuronal action potentials in real time. ISH counts and orders absolute intervals between spikes, while PISH collects and sums spike intervals after synchronizing pulses. Histograms are constructed and displayed on a VT-55 graphics terminal. Data acquisition rate is I KHZ, using double precision arithmetic. Media Price Code: A2, K27 Format: RT-II Basic Image Processing System for CAT Scans 11-321 Author: M. W. Vannier and M. Oliff University of Kentucky Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Lexington, KY Operating System: RT-II Source Language: FORTRAN/RT-II Memory Required: 16K Special Hardware Required: Disk recommended, Magtape unit 44 Abstract: A complete Image Processing Software System written in processing CAT scan images is available. The system contains programs for decoding magtapes in any arbitrary format and transferring selected contents to disk. Subsequent line-by-line processing of the CAT scan images will produce averages, laplacians, gradients, median smoothing and hyperbolic gray level reassignments for CAT scan images. An application of the system to images from an Ohio Nuclear Delta Scan is described. FORTRAN/RT-ll for Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, B5, H64, M55 Format: RT-ll MARGOT: A MACRO-Based Generator of 11-322 Command Language Interpreters Author: Paul M. Cashman Massachusetts Computer Assoc., Inc., Wakefield, MA Operating System: RSX-llM Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 400 Words Other Software Required: MACRO-II, Task Builder Abstract: Command Interpretation, while seldom the most important part of an interactive program, is nonetheless an indispensable part. MARGOT is a system consisting of a set of metalanguage operators which can be used to describe the syntax and semantics of command languages. The operators are implemented as macros which expand to produce operation codes for a "MARGOT machine". The latter is implemented as an interpreter written in PDP-II assembler language. MARGOT is designed to be a powerful, problem-oriented, easy-to-learn language which corresponds naturally to BNF and allows a command's syntax and semantics to be associated easily. MARGOT includes facilities for definition of syntactic and semantic constructs, iteration, and specification of input and syntactic choice. The assembly-time and runtime actions of the MARGOT system are presented. MARGOT is an operatoring system independent. Restrictions: (1) MARGOT will not work for recursively defined languages. (2) MARGOT-generated interpreters can only be called from ~Ae~II programs. Media Price Code:A7,M~ Format: DOS-II Picture Book 11-3n Author: Bob Friedenthal Submitted by: Hank Maurer Digital Equipment Corporation, Marlboro, MA Operating System: RSX-llD or M Source Language: MACRO and FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 8K GT40, Code 1-I/4K, additional memory t028K Special Hardware Required: GT40 connected to RSX-ll D/M system (RSX-llD, V4A or later) Abstract: PICTURE BOOK is a set of programs which run interactively between a RSTS/E or RSX-llD System and a GT40 or GT42 Graphics Display Terminal. The package consists of three parts: a downline loader; a communication and display file handler; and a set of FORTRAN (RSX-IID) graphics subroutines or BASIC (RSTS/E) functions. The loader runs on the host system and loads PDP-II binary files into the graphics terminal over the communications line. The communications and display file handler is a compact routine residing in about 1.5K words of memory on the graphics terminal. The graphics subroutines run on the host PDP-II and are called by a user's application program. Each subroutine generates a string of ASCII characters to the terminal which the handler will interpret. Media Price Code: A4, H32 Format: DOS-II PDP-ll Abstracts MUMPS Utilities 11-324 Revised: 1 June 1977 Author: James E. Peebles University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Operating System: MUMPS-II Source Language: MUMPS 11-324-11-329 sideways on the keyboard to move your paddle up and down; your opponent does the same. Moving both fingers one adjacent key closer to keyboard center jumps the paddle four steps instead of one. There are beeps, too: one for bounce, two for serve, and three for miss. Block digit scoring, right or left "wall", and selectable paddle size and ball speed are also featured. Restrictions: Requires RSX-IIM System with "Unsolicited input This is a set of utility programs: Directory List (% DL), String of Part Number Search (% SR), Program Save (% SP), Program Restore (% PR), Program Kill (% PK), Program Compare (% CM), Program List (% LP), Assign Sequential Disk Processor (% AA. % A) and Global Utilization (% JJ). Abstract: CHAR.AST' and "Read with no echo" support. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: AI, K27 Format: FILES-II Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-362) VT, BD, Boo11, and lOS HIDE: Hidden Une Removal/plotting 11-325 Subprogram Author: M. Vannier and M. Oliff University of Kentucky Medical Center, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Lexington, KY Operating System: RT-11 V2C Source Language: FORTRAN/RT-II Memory Required: 16K or more Other Software Required: Plotter Subroutines Special Hardware Required: Plotter (Pen or Electrostatic) Abstract: A 2-dimensional plot of a 3-dimensional surface is generated using repeated calls to a FORTRAN subroutine, HIDE.FOR. Hidden portions of each subsequent curve are removed. The remainder of each curve is plotted. Axes with tick marks and labels may optionally be generated. This subroutine presently uses a Versatec DI200A electrostatic plotter or a HOUSTON CoMPLOT DP-I pen plotter. Virtually any pen or electrostatic plotter may be used. An example program which generates a surface plot is provided. The HIDE sub-routine is based on Williamson's algorithm. Media Price Code: D2, H32, M55 Format: RT-II Enlarged Character Printing Utility 11-326 A uthor: Charles Cormier Digital Equipment Corporation, Marlboro, MA Operating System: MUMPS-II Source Language: MUMPS-II Memory Required: Less than 3K partition Abstract: This program accepts an ASCII string from the user up to 132 characters in length and reproduces each character up to 12.5 inches in height on the user assigned device. Media Price Code: D2 (Order magtape DECUS 11-362) Format: DOS-II VTPONG: RSX-llM Task To Play Pong Using 11-327 VT52orVT55Tenmnal Author: J. L. Frost Chevron Research Company, Richmond, VA Operating System: RSX-llM Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 11100 Bytes Other Software Required: IO.ATA & TF.RNE Terminal Driver Special Hardware Required: VT52 or VT55 Terminal (9600 BAUD) Abstract: If you play Pong on your TV, you'll like VTPONG on a terminal screen. You put the index and middle fingers of one hand 11-328 Author: Carl W. Akerlof University of Michigan, Randal Lab, Physics Department, Ann Arbor, MI Operating System: RSX-IID Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: VT and BD: 1024 Decimal words, BooII: 1255 Decimal words, lOS: 1108 Decimal words Abstract: IT This is an RSX-llD device handler explicitly written for the Tektronix 4010 Graphic Display Terminal. It was coded to handle various features of the 4010 scope including cursor control for interactive use. The handler correctly interacts with MCR so that the 4010 can be used as a monitor control device. VT is a RSX-IID version of DEeUS 11-130. BD This is an RSX-llD device handler for an EG&G BO-Oll CAMAC branch driver. This driver was written to enable flexible and efficient use of the EGG CAMAC branch driver, particularly with regard to LAM initiated data transfers. For use where a single task must control the branch driver, a subroutine, BO-Oll, is provided which reduces the task switching overhead incurred by the RSX-llD system. lOS lOS is a formatting package for access by assembly language routines. It performs the conversion of single and double precision integers and floating point numbers to or from an ASCII data set. The lOS package communicates with the data set through the RSX file services routines; thus the formatting is completely device independent. The format control statement is identical to the standard FORTRAN conventions; A, 0, E, F, L, 0, R, X, and H format descriptors can be concatenated within the usual FORTRAN parenthetical constractions. (FP-ll floating point procession required for 0, E, F, L format conversions.) lOS is an RSX-IID version of DECUS 11-109. THE DOCUMENTATION is in comments on the program source files. Additional documentation available from the author. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Format: DOS-II ACCWG: Task Accounting Package For 11-329 RSX-IIMV3.0 Author: Greg Bassett Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSX-llM V3.0 Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: MAX-4.7K words Min I.3K TYP I.5K Abstract: The task accounting package is a set of privileged tasks and various indirect command files used to provide a system capable of compiling statistics on any number of tasks. Those statistics consist of the following: 1) Total elapsed time (From task request to task exit); 2) Total CPU time (Actual CPU time used including EXEC overhead for the task); 3) Total number of QIO's Issued. Optionally available is the capability, system-wide, to compile information on system usage. That is, percentage of time spent in: Kernel Mode, Null task, User tasks. 45 11-330-11-335 PDP-ll Abstracts 11-329 (Cont.) A system generation is not needed to provide support for this package. Output normally is printed on the terminal. However, optionally, the output can be written to any FCS supported device. The accounting package will run on any normal (and most modified) RSX-IIM V3 systems, mapped or unmapped. TECO V28 for RSX-IIM 11-333 Author: Andrew C. Goldstein/Mark Bramhall Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSX-IIM Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: Media Price Code: D3, H32, M55 Format: DOS-II RENUMBERER Author: Dr. M. Pilot Submitted by: Ron Ginger 11-330 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: MUMPS-II V4 Source Language: MUMPS Restrictions: Must be reassembled to run on RSX-11M VI, V2, or V3 if the terminal handler does not have "read pass all". Abstract: The RENUMBERER is a general purpose utility meant to be used in conjunction with the program editor for facilitating the writing of MUMPS programs. The Code resides in a global and is executed from the variable spaceusing the loaded program as data. It is called much like the Editor: 0 %R The RENUMBERER makes much use of the new features of version 4. It will not run on version 3. Note: The TECO-11 User Manual (DECUS 11-350) must be ordered separately. Write-up included with this program contains loading instructions only. Complete TECO-II source files are not available from the DECUS Library. Documentation on Media (Magtape only.) Media Price Code: A2, H32, K27, M55 Format: Floppy - RT-II, Other - DOS-II Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-362) VTaSS Plotting Utility Revised: 12 December 1977 Submitted by: Ron Ginger Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: MUMPS-II V4 Source Language: MUMPS TECO is a powerful text editor that runs under most PDP-II operating systems. It is suitable for editing most any form of text file, including programs, manuscripts, correspondence, and the like. TECO is a character oriented editor, and as such is free from many of the inconveniences associated with many line oriented editors. In addition, TECO has most of the facilities found in programming languages, such as arithmetic, loops, conditional execution, GOTO's, etc., allowing the user to write editing programs that alphabetize lists, reformat tables, renumber statement labels, and much more. This new version of TECO includes many new features, such as upper/ lower case support, CRT style rubouts, wild card file lookups, bounded searches, and a keypad/scope editor option for the VT-52. 11-331 Abstract: The VT55 Plotting Utility is a collection of MUMPS-ll routines to support the graphic capability of the VT55 terminal, including the ability to display two graphs of 512 points each as either curves or histograms. In addition, routines are provided to utilize the VT55's curson and grid line capability. Media Price Code: A2 (Order Magtape DECUS No. 11-362) TECO V28 for RSX-llD/IAS Revised: 15 November 1977 Author: Andrew C. Goldstein/Mark Bramhall Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: lAS or RSX-11D Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 10K Words minimum Abstract: 11-334 Same as DECUS 11-333. Restrictions: Must be reassembled to run on versions of RSX-IID prior to V6.2. Documentation on Media (Magtape only.) Media Price Code: A2, H32, K27, M55 Format: Floppy - RT-II, Other - DOS-II MUMPS-II Program Documentor Revised: 12 December 1977 A uthor: Ron Ginger Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: MUMPS-II V4 Source Language: MUMPS 11-332 Reverse Assembler for RT-11 11-33S Author: Dr. S. C. Chou and Mr. K. F. Vee University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Operating System: RT-ll Version 2 Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: This is a set of MUMPS-II routines to aid in the creation of program and GLOBAL documentation. The package includes an editor for input and correction of free text entries in a structured format appropriate to program documentation. There are also output routines to print an index of the documentation and properly formatted output. The package starts at routing DOD and is very interactive including self help capabilities (When in doubt enter '1' for help). The editor operation mimics the MUMPS function of WRITE, ERASE and MODIFY. Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-362) 46 Abstract: This program (RASM.MAC) converts RT-ll disk files to a form similar to the output of other reverse assemblers. The output listing of words can be given in ASCII and in instruction form. The user can specify several switch options in the standard RT-ll command string format to obtain reverse assembly listing of any block of a particular file. Note: Program disassembles runnable image files only. Media Price Code: A2, K27 Format: RT-ll PDP-ll Abstracts DATE Author: Alan MacInnes The Bedford Group, Chelmsford, MA Operating System: RT-II Source Language: FORTRAN IV 11-336 Abstract: DATE is a program that can change the date in the RT-ll directory entry for a given file. Dates must be in a form acceptable to the monitor DATE command. Example: .RDATE FILE: FILE.EXT DATE: 2-Mar-77 FILE: Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: K27, M55 Format: RT-II 11-336-11-341 MACSP: MACRO-11/SP Structured 11-339 Programming Macros Author: D. L. Heron SAENET Programming Services, Ingle Farms, South Australia, Australia Operating System: RT-II, RSX-IID/M, lAS, DOS/BATCH Source Language: MACRO-II Abstract: MACRO-ll/SP is a set of MACRO-ll macros which provides a concise, comprehensive set of control structures for assembler programs. The facilities provided are IF ... ELSE..FI, LOOP..REPEAT, CASE...CASEND, PROC...END and CALL. The facilities are specified so as to be efficiently implemented by in-line code; resulting programs are as good as would be coded by hand ~thin the same structural constraints. At the same time the structures are SImple to use. Use of MACRO-ll/SP provides a significant pay-off in increased programming efficiency, with negligible loss of run-time efficiency. Documentation on Media. RT-11 General Purpose Magnetic Tape Handler Revised: May 1978 Author: N. A. Bourgeois, Jr. Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM Operating System: RT-II V2 or later Source Language: FORTRAN IV and MACRO-ll Special Hardware Required: TM-II magnetic tape 11-337 Abstract: Two FORTRAN applications are included with this package which make it possible to read and write DOS-II format magtape under the RT-ll Operating System. They are RDOSMT.FOR and WDOSMT.FOR which read from and write to 9 track magnetic tape respectively. Complete instructions are included as comments within each of these programs. The actual magnetic tape handler, EXTMT.MAC, is much more general, and is a FORTRAN callable handler written in RT-ll MACRO. It is capable of reading or writing tapes in any arbitrary format. As herein implemented the tape density is 800 bpi (core dump mode for 9-track), lateral parity is even and the tape must be mounted on drive O. No interrupts are used. To change any of these fixed parameters it is necessary to change the command prototype labeled "COMMAND" in the assignments section as required prior to assembly of the subroutine. The conditional assembly switch "CHANGE" is provided for this purpose. Complete instructions on the FORTRAN calling sequence are presented in a description section. Also, both a sample FORTRAN program and user assembly instructions are given. 11-338 "GRADES" is a system of 16 programs whose overall functions are to score objective examinations; perform detailed item analyses; determine means, SD's and frequency distributions of tests; permit the instructor to modify test scores or to enter grades for essay exams, oral or written presentations and other endeavors; maintain a "gradebook" and provide a display of scores for each exam for posting; and allow the instructor to differentially weigh each student's entries plus establish unique upper and lower limits for each measure prior to calculating the overall course grade for all students. Media Price Code: 08, M55 Format: RT-II 11-340 Abstract: Adventure is a magical, unpredictable, and often addicting computer game that has caught on in the United States in near epidemic proportions. It is a treasure hunt with all the trimmings-mysteries and challenges that grow more and more complex as the game unravels. Adventure is more of a puzzle than a game. Once solved, it's mastered. The mastering, however, often takes months of drawing maps and planning strategy. Adventure's sweeping popularity lies in its power to enchant. Players are projected into a world of fantasy, one that blends the heart-pounding suspense of Treasure Island with the magic of Alice in Wonderland. This version of ADVENTURE is based on two previous versions: 1. A FORTRAN-IO version by Willie Crowther and Don Woods. 2. A FORTRAN IV-PLUS version done by Ken Blackett. Media Price Code: A2, H32, K27 Format: RT-II Media Price Code: K27, M55 Format: RT-II Abstract: ADVENTURE Author: W. Crowther, D. Sutton Submitted by: Bob Supnik Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Revised by: Kent Blackett, Bob Supnik Operating System: RT-ll and RSX-ll Source Language: FORTRAN IV and MACRO-ll Documentation on Media. Documentation on Media. GRADES: Grading, Recording, & Analyzing Diverse Evaluations of Students Author: C. Michael Levy, Ph.D, and Marc Durnin Submitted by: C. Michael Levy, Ph.D. Operating System: RT-II Source Language: BASIC Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II CALC: A Calculator Program A uthor: Peter Baum Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSX-IIM V3.0 Source Language: FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 26K Words 11-341 Abstract: CALC is a calculator program especially designed for the system programmer and features the ability to perform calculations in decimal, hexadecimal, and octal. Multiple precision numbers of up to 99 digits can be manipulated. Additional features make the program useful for a wide variety of calculations. Expressions are entered for evaluation using a syntax almost identical to that of FORTRAN IV. These expressions may include variables as well as functions such as SIN and DLOG. Variable names are restricted to a single alphabetic character and may be any of 9 different data types. These data types include INTEGER (INTEGER *4), REAL (DOUBLE PRECISION), HEXADEQMAL, OCTAL, MULTIPLE PRECISION BASE 10, MULTIPLE PRECISION BASE 8, MULTIPLE PRECISION BASE 16, and ASCII. The latter data type is useful when making ASCII 47 11-342-11-347 PDP-ll Abstracts 11-341 (Cont.) code conversions. Entering OCTAL or HEXADECIMAL constants is facilitated by a provision to alter the default base. Files of expressions or commands can be executed with up to 5 levels of nesting. Sources are included and it should be relatively easy to convert the program for compilation under a variety of operating systems and machines. Except for heavy use of LOGICAL * I, almost all codes comply with the ANSI Standard. The compiler should, however, be able to perform INTEGER*4 and REAL*8 calculations. Extensive documentation and a 26K overlayed and 31K nonoverlayed task image for use under RSX-IIM are provided. Note: Printed User's Guide includes flow charts for the major routines. There exists a machine readable file of the User's Guide on the distribution tape. The distribution tape does not contain any flow charts. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, E5, N65 Format: DOS-II DECODE VOIJ Author: Michael LeVine Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: RT-II Source Language: MACRO-II 11-342 Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, M55 Format: RT-11 11-343 Abstract: ED is an easy to learn, easy to use scrolling video text editor for use with a VT52 or VT55 terminal and the RT-ll operating system. The terminal's screen is treated as a "window" through which the user views a 24 line section 0 e e. Single keystroke commands, whose effects are immediatel visible, pr~de standard text editing functions. Square Root Routine For Integers Author: Thomas C. Lee Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: MACRO-II 11-345 Abstract: This PDP-ll assembly subroutine takes the square root of a 16-bit integer. The result in RO contains both integer and fraction portion of the root, that is, with an implicit demical point between RO(7) and RO(6). This subroutine uses only a total of 26 words memory. PASCAL CompHer for the PDP-ll (Swedish 11-346 Version V04) Author: Seved Torstendahl LM Ericson, Sweden Submitted by: John R. Barr Hughes Aricraft Co., Los Angeles, CA Operating System: RSX-11M, RSX-11D, lAS, RSTS/E Source Language: MACRO-II, PASCAL Memory Required: 31 K (RSX), 28K (RSTS) Abstract: The Swedish Pascal compiler is written in Pascal and runs on PDP-ll computers under the RSX-llM, RSX-llD, lAS, and RSTS operating systems. It compiles Pascal source files and generates a source file listing (optional) and relocatable binary object file (optional) acceptable to TKB. It has a complete Pascal run-time library encompassing the full standard Pascal (Jensen and Wirth) run-time library and some additional routines specific to the RSX operating system environments. It is possible to access MACRO and FORTRAN routines as external procedures. The compiler was originally implemented by Seved Torstendahl and modified by the PASCAL SIG. The compiler itself must be cross-compiled on a DEC-IO/20 system. However, user programs can be compiled on PDP-ll systems with a partition of at least 32K (28K on RSTS). This compiler represents the current offering of the PASCAL SIG until it can be replaced by a more efficient compiler currently under development. Media Price Code: A2, M55 Format: ooS-l1 11-344 Abstract: BB is a device handler task which is useful for running programs when some peripheral hardware is unavailable, or when 48 Media Price Code: AI, K27 Format: FILES-II Documentation on Media. Media Price Cod¢. D.t~ K27, M55 Format: RT-Il BB - Bit Bucket Device Handler For RSX-llD Author: David S. Kelly Teledyne Controls, EI Segundo, CA Operating System: RSX-IID, V6B or later Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: Less than IK words Other Software Required: FORTRAN IV-PLUS Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: D I Format: RT-II Abstract: DECODE is a program written to run under RT-ll operating system to decode .SAV and .LDA files into their equivalent MACRO code complete with self generated labels, symbol table, cross reference table, octal, ASCII and RADIX 50 equivalents. The output can be run through the MACRO assembler and linked to recreate the original file. By the use of switches the output code can be made to reflect the instruction set of one machine configuration only instead of all possible instructions. ED - Scrolling Video Text Editor Author: Wayne Rasband National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD Operating System: RT-II Source Language: PASCAL Memory Required: 20-28K Special Hardware Required: VT52 or VT55 terminal particular program output is not desired (the output may be re-directed or re-assigned to device BB). The handler accepts all QIO's directed to it and can process them in a variety of ways. The user determines how each QIO function code is handled by writing a dispatch table which is task-built into BB. The table may be entered directly using an editor, or a utility program written in FORTRAN IV PLUS (hence the "other software required" note above) may be used to build the dispatch table automatically. Simulation Of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Powder Spectra Author: David J. Lowe University of Sussex, E. Sussex, U.K. Operating System: CAPS-II Source Language: PAL-II 11-347 Abstract: This module provides a user defined function for use with BASIC-II for simulation of spin effective = 1/2 electron paramagnetic PDP-II Abstracts 11-347 (Cont.) resonance powder spectra. Input parameters are 3 principal g-values, details of 3 sets of anisotropic hyperfine interactions, anisotropic linewidths, microwave frequency and the magnetic field range. It runs 5-7 times faster than the equivalent BASIC program. Input to and output from the module are via arrays specified in the CALL statement. 11-348--11-353 GATREC, GATDPY 11-351 Author: Jau-Lin Ding College of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Operating System: RT-ll Source Language: BASIC LPS Special Hardware Required: Laboratory Peripheral System, For- ceplates, and Charge Amps. 2 RK05s recommended Media Price Code: AI, L33 Format: CAPS-II BNR Utilides 11-348 Author: M. Blake-Knox, A. Leung, D. Ross Submitted by: M. Blake-Knox Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Operating System: RSX-IIM V2, RSX-IID V6, or lAS Vl.I Source Language: MACRO-II/FORTRAN Abstract: This is a set of utilites used at Bell Northern Research on the various RSX-II operating systems. The Utilities will: produce a formatted dump of a file or device (including file header) produce a summary report of disk usage report the distribution of free blocks on a disk format error messages remove bad file headers from a FILES-II volume Abstract: GATREC is a package of programs which includes seven (7) subprograms to record the forces of humain gait, and individual data of new or old patients. Three (3) dimensional forces, torque along Z axis and center of force of the gait of right foot plus Z and Y directional forces of the left foot are recorded Forces are normalized by (weight of the subject) and the torque is by (weight of subject * 1ft.) Z force is set at 50 lbs/unit, Y and X forces are set at 5 lbs/unit. I.D., No. of the patient is automatically incremented, and the data of the visit are also recorded. GATDPY is a program package to allow user to display the data of human gait which were recorded by GATREC package. Eleven (11) subprograms can display curves on screen of VT-I4 by separated or combined forces of both feet, and the display can be jumped to any curve by your command. File can be found by patient's name or the I.D. number. It also is able to show you the history of visit. Those curves are displayed with scales and also can superimpose another curve for the purpose of comparison. Media Price Code: D3 Documentation on Media. DRll-A/C wadable Driver with Build Package Media Price Code: A3, M55 Format: DOS-II TCU-lOO Clock Daemon For Digital Pathways UNIBUS Oock/Timer Author: James M. Reardon Lunday Thagard Oil Company, Irvine, CA Operating System: IAS/RSX-llM Source Language: MACRO-II NASA Kennedy Space Center, FL 11-349 Abstract: TCU-lOO is a daemon task which is to be installed via VMR to run ten clock ticks after the system is booted. It copies the current date and time from the unibus registers of the Digital Pathways TCU-lOO clock module into the executive. If the powerfail and mark time directives are present in the system, both are executed to have the task awakened after powerfail or periodically to keep the system clock and the TCU-lOO in agreement. If both directiveness are not present, the task simply exists. Documentation on Media. 11-350 Abstract: This is a 92 page manual with complete instructions for using TECO-II version 28. It includes a detailed explanation of all the TECO commands and editing functions and the use of control characters; separate appendices for RT-11, RSTS/E, and RSX-11; explanation of error messages; and a four page summary/index of all TECO command characters and functions. This manual is recommended for use with DECUS 11-288, 11-333, 11-334, and RSTS11-105. Media Price Code: E8 Operating System: RSX-llM V3 Source Language: MACRO-II, FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 32508 Bytes Abstract: The DRII-A/C Loadable Driver will allow a user to access up to sixteen (16) DRII-A or DRII-C general device interfaces using standard QIO procedures under an RSX-IIM Version 3 mapped system. The driver supports read, write, attach, detach, and interrupt requests. Interrupts are realized by the setting of event flags in the task, thereby eliminating the need for the user to handle the interrupt himself. A build package, consisting of all sources for the driver, plus a command build file, and a set of sources for FORTRAN IV callable routines to control the driver, as well as full documentation, are included in this release version. Restrictions: Loadable Driver Support with associated Exec Rou- tines required. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32, M55 Format: DOS-II Media Price Code: A2, M55 Format: DOS-II TECO-ll Manual 11-352 Author: Roy J. Fehlandt OS/8 To FILES-II Source Program Converter Author: Stephen S. Bates Submitted by: Richard N. Stillwell 11-353 Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX Operating System: RSX-llD Source Language: FLECS/FORTRAN Special Hardware Required: DECtape Abstract: OS2RSX uses DX, the PDP-8-format DECtape handler for RSX-11D/IAS (DECUS No. 11-355) to locate and read an ASCII file from PDP-8 OS/8 DECtape and list, punch, or store it in FILES-II format. The user supplies the input file name and the output device and file name. The FLECS source (OS2RSX.FLX), a FLECS listing 49 11-354-11-360 PDP-ll Abstracts 11·353 (Cont.) (OS2RSX.FLL) and the FORTRAN source (OS2RSX.FTN) are provided. The FLECS listing serves as documentation for installations without a FLECS preprocessor. Note: DECUS No; 11-354 and 11-355 are included with this program. U.C.S., will allow users to use MTPS and MFPS instructions which are only available on PDP-II/03, 11/35, and 11/40. The program must be assembled and loaded through the use of microprogramming tools (KU116 - AE, - AT, or - AZ) under RSX-IIM operating system. 11-354 Abstract: PL8RSX is a PDP-8 cross-assembler based on PAL8,11 (DECUS No. 11-201), modified to'run under .RSX-11D. Input to the assembler is from a PAL8 source file on disk. Binary output is to the paper tape punch (device PP:) and the listing goes to the line printer (LP:). The assembler (PAL8,11) has been modified (a) to run as a subroutine called by a FORTRAN main program, (b) to call FORTRAN subroutines to do I/O, (c) to generate literals and off-page indirect references, and (d) to handle TEXT and TEXTZ pseudo-ops. Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-353) DX: PDP-8 Format DECtape Handler A uthor: Stephen S. Bates and Richard N. Stillwell Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX Operating System: RSX-llD Source LAnguage: MACRO-II 11-355 Media Price Code: A2, H32 Format: DOS-II LINK - FORTRAN Callable Task Unking Author: David R. Dickey Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY Operating System: RSX-11D V6.2 Source LAnguage: MACRO-II Memory Required: INSRUN = 608 words, LINK 11-358 = 139 words Abstract: "CALL LINK" allows a program (x) to start up another program (y). It is not necessary for program ''y'' to be installed. "INSRUN" performs a "INS Y/RUN=REM" on behalf of the calling program (x). LINK builds and sends a matrix to "INSRUN". "INSRUN" is an . installed task and must be privileged. Restrictions: "INSRUN" must be installed. Restrictions noted in Write-up. Media Price Code: A2, M55 Format: FILES-II Abstract: DX is a read-only RSX-IID device driver for PDP-8-format DECtapes to facilitate transfer of programs and data from a PDP-8 to a PDP-II. Up to 4 blocks (516 PDP-8 words; can be changed by conditional assembly) can be read by one request. Data are returned one 12-bit PDP-8 word in one 16-bit PDP-II word, right justified. The driver has been used on a PDP-I 1/45 under RSX-IID V6.B. Some modification would be required to use it on a PDP-l 1/70 or under lAS. Restrictions: Read only handler. Required modification for lAS or PDP-I 1/70. Media Price Code: (Order DECUS No. 11-353) FORODT: FORTRAN Debug Routine for RT-11 Author: Duncan N. Tanner Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM Operating System: RT-II Source LAnguage: MACRO-II 11-357 Abstract: This microprogram, after properly loaded to PDP-ll/60 Media Price Code: D2, H32, K27 Format: DOS-II PDP 8 Cross-Assembler for RSX-11D Author: Stephen S. Bates and Richard N. Stillwell Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX Source LAnguage: FORTRAN, MACRO-ll Special Hardware Required: Paper tape punch MfPS and MFPS Emulator Author: Thomas C. Lee Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSX-11M V3 or later Source LAnguage: Microprogramming Other Software Required: Microprogramming Tools Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/60 and U.C.S. 11-356 SORT - Utility ASCn Sort Author: Keith R. Craft, Jr. Teledyne Controls, E1 Segundo, CA Operating System: RSX-II Source Language: FORTRAN IV PLUS Memory Required: 14K 11-359 Abstract: The Utility ASCII Sort is a multi-user task running under RSX-II that is controlled from a terminal, a batch stream, an indirect command file, or an appropriate combination. I/O and command files must reside on the system disk. Flexible record length and sort field specification. Sample sort time: 4000 240 byte records (55 byte keys) in approximately 18 minutes (PDP-I 1/70, RP04). Restrictions: Input file limited to 40,000 records. Sort keys limited to 80 bytes. Maximum record length arbitrarily set at 320 bytes (can be modified). Media Price Code: D2, K27 Format: FILES-II Abstract: FORODT is an extension of ODT allowing runtime debugging of RT-II FORTRAN programs. Eight FORTRAN breakpoints may be set and cleared at runtime. Data can be displayed and modified in octal, decimal integer, single and double precision floating point. A "GOTO" command is provided to alter the order of execution. All features of ODT are included so assembly language subroutines can also be debugged. Media Price Code: A2, H32, K27 Format: RT-II 50 RSX-11 TECO with Buffered Typeout and Vf52 Window Support, plm TECO DOCTOR Game Submitted by: G. Everhart Maple Shade, NJ Operating System: RSX-llD or RSX-llM Source LAnguage: MACRO-II Abstract: 11-360 Fast Scope-Using TECO for VT52, RSX: A version of TECO is provided which will allow use of TECO with a VT52 terminal PDP-ll Abstracts 11-360 (Cont.) as a scope editor displaying a "window" around your position in the text. A macro to allow TECO to do this, and a document file describing resulting special features of scope operation. Note: Scope MACRO for TECO requires the version of TECO submitted. Must be changed slightly for non-VT52 terminals. DOCTOR (The Computerized Analyst): The program DOCTOR is a version of the old ELIZA program written to run in TECO. It is less powerful than the original LISP program, but requires only a version of TECO to run. It causes the computer to respond to your statements as would (1) a psychoanalyst, and attempts to carry out a conversation with the user. 11-361-11-362 Abstract: This software package samples audio bandwidth signals (0-4 kHz) and produces either a wide or narrow band spectrogram on a VT-ll/VS-60 graphics processor. Other hardware requirements are a 20K PDP-11 with EIS (11/34, 40, 45, 55, 60, 70) and any analog-to-Digital converter. Processing time for a 1.2 seconds for an 11/55. The spectrogram is then immediately viewable in subdued lighting or may be photographed in a darkened room using a time exposure. Superimposed short vectors are used to give a 16 level grey scale. This package is particularly useful in speech processing, especially for testing new analysis/synthesis algorithms. Media Price Code: A2, K27 Format: RT-II Note: DOCTOR Game runs with any version of TECO. Write-up on media. Media Price Code: A2, M55 Format: DOS-II Fast Spectrogram Generation/Display for PDP-11/VT-11 or VS-60 Author: L. Robert Morris/M. Pearlman Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Operating System: RT-II Source Language: FORTRAN IV/MACRO-II Memory Required: 20K 11-361 MUMPS-II Library Tape Revised: December 1977 Submitted by: Ron Ginger Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: MUMPS-II 11-362 Abstract: This tape includes the following MUMPS-II DECUS programs: 11-324, 11-326, 11-330, 11-331, and 11-332. Media Price Code: M55 Format: MUMPS-II Compatible 51 Section 2.2 RSTS-ll ABSTRACTS EDITOR.BAS (and EDITIN), Version 6A Revised: 31 July 1973 Author: Walter E. Brown and Mark Williamson Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 RSTS-ll-l-RSTS-ll-8 RSTS-ll-l Abstract: EDITOR can be used for resequencing, deleting, extracting, listing (in paged format) and performing other useful editing chores on BASIC-PLUS programs. It was written for use in conversational mode via 64-character ASCII terminals. Media Price Code: A2, G20 UTILITIES, EDITORS, AND HANGMAN RSTS-1l-2 GAME Author: Clark Baker Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 4K Abstract: EDIT8 will edit BASIC-PLUS programs. It is a character editor which will locate a character, delete characters, change characters, etc. It works only on files with line numbers. EDIT will edit text files (BASIC-PLUS programs) and do two things: 1) locate any given string, and 2) replace one string with another. PIP is like DEC's PIP but has different options. Some of these include /M-MACRO and /X-transfer. FANNY will punch nice fanfold paper tapes on a low speed tape punch. It will punch the name of the program in readable punch at the start of the tape. HANG will playa game of hangman on a VT06. Media Price Code: D2, H32 TEXT EDITOR FOR RSTS A uthor: William H. Blake Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 8K Other Software Required: RECORD 1-0 Option RSTS-11-3 Abstract: Provides text editing for RSTS. Commands are LIST, INSERT, DELETE, SEARCH, REPLACE, CHANGE, and END. Alternate files may be specified for LIST, SEARCH, INSERT and CHANGE. Variable length lines are allowed up to a maximum of 256 characters. The editor has a maximum capacity of 246,000 characters. Providing readable punched paper tapes, CREATI is capable of three possible formats; sentence structured, (capitalized first word and period) fully capitalized string, or all lowercase alphabet. CREATI will operate with any legal alpha-numeric and space. It will not output control characters, and requires CREATUNS for instructions, and PUNCH.MAT (created by CREATE) as the data base. Media Price Code: Dl, G6 RESEQ-Program Resequencing RSTS-ll-6 Revised: 1 January 1974 Author: Clark Baker Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS-E and RSTS-V4A Memory Required: 5K Abstract: RESEQ will resequence any BASIC + program. The user has the option of resequencing the whole program or only certain parts of the program. Media Price Code: Dl, G5 Accounting Package Author: Staff Bentley College, Waltham, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 RSTS-1l-7 Abstract: This package is a set of 12 accounting programs designed to illustrate college accounting texts and perform useful calculations. Output format is formal on major subjects. Texts used include: Intermediate Accounting by Simons, Cost Accounting by Matz/Curry and Accounting with the Computer by Wilkenson. Programs included are: BDAMRT bond amortization BYFIELD bond yield BDVAL mathematical valuation of bonds DEPRE six methods of depreciation OVHVR overhead standard variances PRIMEV material and labor variances PENFUN pension fund analysis LEASE lease purchase method of leaseholds CASE I dynamic accounting simulation with (includes student interaction 6 files) MXFIB finds max. of user-defined function over an interval MXTRI similar to MXFIV, trisection method ROOTS finds roots of user-supplied function over an interval Media Price Code: D2, G8 Media Price Code: D6, H32 RSTS-11-5 CREATE and CREATI A uthor: Clark Baker Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 4K System Status Display-Hazeltine 2000 RSTS-11-8 Author: R. N. Bialec and K. A. Sheridan Interactive Information Systems, Cincinnati, OH Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Abstract: CREATE makes a virtual matrix called $PUNCH.MAT ~hich contains enough information to produce the 96 printing characters m 5 x 7 block letters on punch tape, lineprinter, or teletype. CREATE Abstract: Provides continuous monitoring of a RSTS System similar to Cusp VT5DPY. The program is written for the Hazeltine 2000 CRT. only creates the file; the user must write the programs or use FANNY or CREATI (See RSTSII-2). Media Price Code: D2, G8 53 RSTS-11-9--RSTS-11-13 Project DELTA Educational Package, Section A, RSTS-ll Abstracts RSTS-11-9 Mathematics Programs A uthor: Staff Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 8K Abstract: Programs included are: CROUT 1 solves simultaneous linear equations by Crout algorithm SIMEQN solves simultaneous linear equations CDETER computes value of complex determinant extended precision calculator CALC2 FACTOR finds prime factors of positive integers EUCLID computes largest common factor of two integers DERIV derivative of a function at a point SQRS express an integer as the sum of four squares SPHERE solves spherical triangles LRGNUM large number of addition and multiplication FNCTS computes trig functions for complex arguments SQUARZ computes square root of a complex number CURFIT performs least squares fit INTGRT computes numeric integral of a function ROMINT integrates a function by Romberg method ROOTER find roots of polynomials BESSEL calculates Bessel functions GFFT fast Fourier transform PLOT plots a function on user terminal DEQFO solves first order differential equation DQEOF2 solves second order differential equation LINFIT best linear curve fit calculations Abstract: Programs included are: DECSN MANAGE DYNPRO DEPCOM ANNUIT EQUITY INSTMT LENDER TRUINT LESSEE SALES MKBUY MORGAG GNPSUM EXDRSK STKRTN STKSMO STKVAL STKINC BNDPRC BNDYLD BNKRSV CAPINY EXSMoo BALSHT INACNT INOUT BUDGET management decision simulation for 10 to 60 participants Management decision simulation for 3 teams dynamic programming model, business simulation four methods to calculate depreciation annuity analysis computes cost of equity capital produces income statement simple loan analysis true annual interest rate lease analysis compares lease with purchase prints sales commission report make vs. buy analysis mortgage analysis gross national product summary extended risk analysis stock return report exponential smoothing stock guide stock value report stock merger incentive bond price analysis bond yield analysis bank reserve calculations capital investment analysis exponential smoothing on price data balance sheet and income statement national income and product accounts analysis of inter-industry product flow department manager's budgeting program Note: DECtape includes RSTS-11-12. Note: DECtape includes RSTS-il-IO. Media Price Code: D6, H32 Project DELTA Educational Package, Section B, RSTS-II-IO Statistics Programs Author: Staff Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 8K Abstract: Programs included are: LNREG 1 Simple linear regression calculations LNREG2 simple linear regression calculations BINOPO probability distribution comparisons REGCOR regression and correlation analysis CHISQ computes probability of chi-square values CHISQS chi-square statistics for m X n contingency tables GEOMEN statistics of geometric distribution PHICOE phi-coefficient calculations CORMAT correlation matrix for n series of data ANYARl analysis of variance for a randomized one-way design ANYAR2 analysis of variance (Latin square design) HISTOO produces histogram on user terminal RANDEV generates random deviates STAT 1 produces statistics on two groups of unpaired data STAT2 Mann-Whitney two sample rank test STAT3 Spearman rank correlation coefficients Note: DECtape includes RSTS-11-9. Media Price Code: E14, H32 Project DELTA Educational Package, Section D, RSTS-11-12 Electronics and Production Oriented Programs Author: Staff Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 8K Abstract: Programs included are: ANALAD ladder network analysis ACNODE AC circuit analysis LPFLTR design of low pass filters MICRO microwave parameter conversion MIXSPR spurious response identification HTXFT heat transfer in a thin plate BEMDES steel beam selection DEBYE computes Debye or Einstein functions ASGNMT assignment problem LINPRO linear programming model LNTRND linear trend forecasting LQVALV computes liquid control valve coefficients TMFCEV time function evaluator Note: DECtape includes RSTS-ll-li. Media Price Code: D6, H32 Media Price Code: D3, H32 Games, Puzzles and Recreation-l Project DELTA Educational Package, Section C, RSTS-ll-ll Business Programs A uthor: Staff Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 8K 54 RSTS-11-13 Author: David H. Ahl Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 or RSTS/E V05-21 Abstract: GAMES, PUZZLES, and RECREATION-l is a DECtape containing 55 of the most popular RSTS-ll and RSTS/E recreational programs. Many of the programs have substantial educational value, RSTS-ll Abstracts RSTS-1l-13 (Cont.) especially for learning about principles of mathematics, probability and logic. Programs range from a comprehensive Space War simulation to a nursery stories quiz. Note: Documentation available from Digital Equipment Corporation (Order Number EB-04873-76.) Media Price Code: H32 Games, Puzzles and Recreation-2 RSTS-1l-14 Author: David H. Ahl Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 or RSTS/E V05-21 Abstract: GAMES, PUZZLES, and RECREATION-2 is a DECtape containing 49 popular RSTS-II and RSTS/E recreational programs. A number of the programs are unique in concept and have real educational value as well as being interesting and good fun. Some of the programs take advantage of the advanced features of BASIC-PLUS and are quite elegant in structure as well as being challenging and entertaining to run. Programs range from the games of Yahtzee and Monopoly to a smog simulation to a pizza delivery game. Note: Documentation available from Digital Equipment Corporation (Order Number EB-04873-76.) Media Price Code: H32 RSTS-ll-l4-RSTS-ll-ll Abstract: TEXTED is a general purpose on-line text editor capable of making any desired changes in an ASCII file saved on disk. Media Price Code: D2, Gl6 GERMAN - Adjective Ending Game and Data RSTS-11-18 FUe Editor Author: Mark Linton Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 4K Abstract: GERMAN is a test on German adjective endings in certain sentences. The user tells the number of sentences he wants. Then for each sentence, an adjective ending is left out of the sentence which the user must replace with correct ending. If he is correct he will proceed to the next question; if not he will be told the correct answer and why it is correct. There are sixty-eight possible sentences to be asked. These are in a data file and GERMAN gets random ones for the user. GEDIT is a special program for the game, GERMAN, which can change or create the data file used, GERMAN .DAT. The data file used is a virtual array, while the raw data file is not. GEDIT was written to convert the raw data (included in this package) into the virtual array. Also, in the case that there is a mistake of spelling or grammar or new sentences to be entered, this program can perform the necessary changes. Restrictions: Data file must exist (GERMAN.DAT). LSFORM-LSll Centronix Line-Printer Driver RSTS-ll-IS forRSTS V4A A uthor: Mark Bramhall and Tim Hart Submitted by: Paul Goyette Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Source Language: MACRO-II Special Hardware Required: Centronix Line Printer-Model 101 Abstract: This program, when incorporated as part of the resource sharing, time-sharing System (RSTS) monitor, makes available to the user the special features of the Centronix Line Printer (DEC designation: LSll) Media Price Code: D2, F5, G8, H32 TALK-Inter Terminal Communications Program RSTS-11-16 Author: Gregory Crim Wabash College Computer Center, Crawfordsville, IN Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 7K Special Hardware Required: TTYs Abstract: TALK is a program which allows rapid and direct communication between terminals. It is meant to be used by anyone on the system, although its functions are more powerful if the user is running under a privileged account. Its purpose is to extend the use of the broadcast option, in limited fashion, to all users; it contains special routines which check on the state of the terminal to receive, and will prevent a non-privileged user from sending to a "busy" terminal. Should be saved under the system library, and protected to 168. FAST; ECONMY, ECON2; ONIONS RSTS-1l-19 Author: Staff Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: FAST-4K; ECONMY-7K, ECON2--6K; ONIONS-5K Abstract: FAST teaches the skill of typing in a competitive manner. ECONMY, ECON2 use a model of the U.S. economy to allow the user to control the economy by his decision of government financing. ONIONS illustrates the cobweb model for supply and demand in the environment of the American onions market. Media Price Code: D2, G14 TREK-Star Trek Game RSTS-1l-20 Rellised: 24 October 1974 Author: Aron K. Insinga Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 8K Abstract: This is a game based on the "Star Trek" television show. The user is placed in command of the starship Enterprise and attempts to destroy the Klingon invasion force. A new game is generated with each run. Media Price Code: D2, G8 Media Price Code: D2, G8 TEXTEn Author: Andrew W. Riebs Submitted by: Michael A. Hall Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Media Price Code: D2, GIO RSTS-11-17 Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: Any USASCII 64-character device ROBOT and FIX RSTS-1l-21 Author: Mark Linton Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 4K Abstract: ROBOT is a game simulating finite state automata by enabling the user to control and change the robot's personality and mood 5S RSTS-11-22-RSTS-11-29 RSTS:-JJ Abstrocts by input of different treatments or input of an expected reaction and mood. FIX can change or create the data file used by ROBOT. BRAVO Author: Jeffrey Robbins Northfield Mt. Hermon, Northfield, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Media Price Code: D2, G5 Abstract: RSTS-1l-21 (Cont.) TUTR - BASIC Tutoring Programs RSTS-1l-22 Submitted by: Mary L. Cole Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTSjE Memory Required: About 6K self-documenting. TUTROI through Media Price Code: H32 NAMES and CEMGEN, Computerized Question Generation RSTS-ll-23 Author: M. L. Cole Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 8K This package consists of two programs: NAMES and CEMGEN. The programs are designed to serve as an example of the type of operation particularly well-suited to a computer. CEMGEN produces ten questions dealing with the weight and number of atoms in samples of elements and exercises in balancing equations. The questions themselves can easily be replaced with other questions from any subject area dealing with mostly numeric answers. CEMGEN takes a standard format question, generates random numbers for the given numeric values, thereby customizing each test, quiz, or homework assignment. CEMGEN then proceeds to output the test and an answer key. If the NAMES program is used to create a file of student names, CEMGEN will produce a different test for each student in the name file (with a form feed between tests). It will also produce a keyed answer sheet with answers to each question noted for each student. The answer sheet is produced student-by-student. If NAMES is not used, CEMGEN will produce one test and answer sheet, then ask if another is to be created. Media Price Code: D2, G8 RSTS-ll-24 A group of five BASIC-PLUS programs which can be used for demonstration or entertainment. Four of the programs allow the user direct participation in the run. Included are: BUNNY, YOUR PICTURE AS SEEN BY THE COMPUTER, BLACK JACK '73 " CHUCK-A-LUCK, CHINESE REMAINDER THEORM. Some knowledge of the games is helpful but not necessary. All programs have some explanations and directions built into them. Media Price Code: Gl6 56 RSTS-ll-26 Abstract: ROTATE-eliminates the 'xy' term from the general quadradic equation Ax2 + Bxy + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 by counterclockwise rotation of the coordinate axes by angle theta. POLY-deals with polynomials. It contains routines for defining a polynomial, inverting, integral, derivative, evaluation and fitting an equation to a set of points. PLOTIO-will plot up to 10 functions XYPLOT-will plot a function with the Y axis horizontally and the X axis vertically. GENES RSTS-1l-27 Author: Jeffrey Robbins Northfield Mt. Herman School, Northfield, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Abstract: GENES is a biology program designed to do simple genetic calculations using the Punnet square method. Given the total population and the number of homozygous recessives contained, GENES finds the dominants and the other parts for the Punnet squares. Media Price Code: DI Une Editor for RSTS-BASIC (MODIFY) Author: John R. Kelsoe V. A. Hospital, Birmingham, AL Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 RSTS-ll-28 Abstract: A uthor: Patrick M. Donini Goodyear Atomic Corporation, Piketon, OH Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 45 blocks of DECtape or RKII storage Special Hardware Required: LP-ll (optional), TTY, High Speed Punch (optional) Abstract: ROTATE, POLY, PLOTIO, XVPLOT Author: Students Northfield Mt. Hermon School, Northfield, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Media Price Code: D2, GIO Abstract: BPDEMO-Additional BASIC-PLUS Demos for the PDP-ll BRAYO is a language program which will quiz the user about vocabulary usage in a specified language, tell whether the selected answer is right or wrong and, if wrong, give the correct answer. This version is for the Spanish language but instructions are given for conversion to other languages. Media Price Code: D2 Abstract: This package of programs will tutor the user in the elements of the BASIC language and RSTS-ll commands. The programs are selfdocumenting. To use them load all programs from the DECtape onto the system disk and run TUTROI. From that point on, the programs will tell the user what to do and which programs to run next. Note: Programs are TUTR 17 are included. RSTS-U-25 MODIFY will change specific parts of .BAS files or string files given a search string and a string to replace that search string. String modifications can be done in all of a source program or only in specific line numbers. Media Price Code: D2, G5 EDIT RSTS-ll-29 Author: Ir A. Hemelaar Prins Mauritslaboratories TNO, Rijswijk, The Netherlands Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Memory Required: 6K Abstract: EDIT is a general purpose text editing program. It can be used to prepare and modify text or program files. The command structure of EDIT is compatible with that of the DOS-II Editor. Much attention is paid to the error recovery. Almost any error can be recovered without loosing the contents of the text buffer. llfedia Price Code: D2, G8 RSTS-ll Abstracts COSAP-Conversationally Oriented Statistical RSTS-ll-30 Analysis Package A uthor: Mark Williamson Submitted by: Michael A. Hall Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS V4A-I2 (2 word math package) Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: At least 1000 blocks of mass storage (One RK05) Abstract: COSAP is an integrated system of over two dozen programs, which used most of the features (virtual core, matrix, facilities, etc.) of BASIC-PLUS. COSAP will perform twelve different statistical analyses: elementary statistics, histogram construction, Student's tests, rank correlation, multiple Pearsonian product-moment correlation, simple regression, multiple regression, polynomial regression, step-wise regression, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, and probit analysis. COSAP also includes a uniform format for data input and storage for all analyses, the ability to save input data on disk for later analyses, storage for descriptive'DATABANK and variable labels, comprehensive data editing and transformation routines, and conversational "help" messages to assist the user who is uncertain of the input requirements for an analysis. RSTS-11-3~RSTS-11-35 PAYROLL, Idaho Falls PayroD System RSTS-1l-33 Author: John Christensen Idaho Falls School District, Idaho Falls, ID Operating System: RSTS-ll Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K Special Hardware Required: Card reader, line printer, DECtape, cartridge disks Abstract: The payroll package implemented by the Idaho Falls School System is part of a fully accrued and encumbered system of accounting. The package handles three types of employee payments: contract payments, time card payments, and payments for employees who earn a fixed amount per day. The entire package includes master personnel file maintenance, payroll and deduction calculation, check-writing, payroll journal, deduction registers, and automatic entry to the general ledger system. Restrictions: Users payroll requirements must resemble those of Idaho Falls implementation Note: Card layouts, disk file layouts, sample output and program descriptions are offered with listing Media Price Code: A8, B16, H64 Documentation on Media. Wabash CoDege Student Information System Media Price Code: E12, H32 INRAN, OUTRAN-Computerized Question RSTS-1l-31 Generation # 2 Author: M. L. Cole Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Abstract: This package allows an instructor to generate tests with any number of questions chosen of random from a data base containing a large number of questions. For example, a data base of 50 questions could be created and each test could be made to consist of 20 questions chosen at random from among the 50. Tests and answer keys are printed separately. The programs can be told to create a given number of tests or (using the NAMES program from RSTSII-23 or PIP) a student name file can be created and the tests and answer keys will be printed according to the student names in the file. EDITS RSTS-1l-32 A uthor: Clark Baker Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Operating System: RSTS/E and RSTS V4A Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 7K Abstract: EDIT8 is an editor written after the edit command on Edusystem 20. It will edit any BASIC-PLUS program on a line-by-line basis. This program is a revised version of the edit program available in RSTSII-2. Media Price Code: Dl, G8 Abstract: Wabash College has implemented all their non-financial data processing on their RSTS system in BASIC-PLUS. The main categories of data processing handled by the system include student registration, grade reporting, alumni and applicant record-keeping and reporting, and many types of mailings. Most file updating is done directly by the secretarial staff of the responsible office with a remote terminal. This affords each office served the opportunity to maintain protection for those files and reduces staff requirements at the Computer Center. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, E20, P85 COMSYS-RSTS-ll Communications System Media Price Code: D2, G8 RSTS-ll-34 Author: James Warden Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN Submitted by: Alice Peters Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K Special Hardware Required: Card Reader, line printer, DECtape, disk RSTS-11-35 Author: Jeffrey J. Killeen Assumption College, Worcester, MA Operating System: RSTS-ll V4A-12 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Other Software Required: RECORD I/O Option Special Hardware Required: DL-IIB, DC-II (EIA RS232C Serial Line Interface) Abstract: There are two programs in this system. One handles the input from the remote system and displays it on a terminal on site. The other is the control program which takes input from the on-site terminal and sends it to the remote system. The control program also controls the input program and selects the mode of operation. There are two modes of operation. One allows the terminal on site to act as a terminal to the remote system. The second mode allows the user to transfer files from the remote system to a file on-site. While the transfer of a file is taking place the data is displayed on the on-site terminal. Restrictions: Programs cannot be run under V05-2I RSTS/E Media Price Code: D2, G8 57 RSTS-11-36-RSTS-11-43 READID.MAC RSTS-JJ Abstracts RSTS-ll-36 Author: Paul Koning Abstract: This package is a set of 12 BASIC-PLUS programs for use on a PDP-II RSTS timesharing system. Together the programs illustrate Submitted by: Michael Hall Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 or DOS VOO4A Source Language: PAL-II Memory Required: 28K 16-bit words business management operations. The programs are based on examples from the book: Computer Augmented Cases In Operations and Logistics Management by William L Berry and D. Qay Wbyback, published by South-Western Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Programs included simulate the operations of seven different companies. Documentation on Media. Abstract: This program reads the ID of any RK05 disk pack. It is useful if the physical label on the outside of the pack becomes lost or unreadable and allows you to know the ID of a pack in order to mount it. Media Price Code: D2, G8 SPRING THING Media Price Code: D3, H32 lYPIST RSTS-1l-37 A uthor: Clark M. Baker Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS/E or RSTS-V4A Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 6K Abstract: This program simulates the action of waves on a coil spring. Copies of four runs and a description of program operation are included with the documentation. Media Price Code: D2, G5 RSTS-1l-41 Author: Bentley College Waltham, MA Submitted by: Mary L. Cole Digital Equipment Corporation, Ma~nard, MA Operating System: RSTS-II and RSTSjE Source lAlnguage: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K user area Abstract: This system is composed of a series of programs designed to emulate the "TYPIST' program from Dartmouth College. TYPIST takes an input file of ASCII text and realigns typed lines where necessary. Output from TYPIST can be edited and used as input to TYPIST. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Analog Computer Simulator RSTS-ll-38 Author: Clark Baker Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS/E or RSTS V4A Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K Abstract: Simulates an AMF 665/0 analog computer. It has a constant, three adders which also act as scales, two integrators and a meter. Media Price Code: D2, G5 MIS-MaDagement Information System RSTS-1l-42 Author: Oark Baker Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS/E or RSTS-V4A Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 11K (may be made smaller) Abstract: MIS will take a file of fixed length records and produce another file of fixed length records which is the first with subsets and/or sorts. Media Price Code: D2, G8 YACHT-Yachting Championship Results RSTS-11-39 Author: Graham Cock Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury, South Australia Submitted by: Max Burnet Digital Equipment Australia Operating System: RSTS V4-12 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K User area Abstract: Used for scoring the World O. K. Dinghy Yachting Championship held in Adelaide, Australia in 1974, this program could easily be adapted to any other yachting event involving a single class of boat. It is designed to be operated from a terminal connected by land line to a RSTS BASIC-PLUS configuration. Restrictions: Needs disk space for virtual arrays Media Price Code: D2 MaDagement Case Studies RSTS-ll-40 Author: Darryl Johnson Bentley College, Waltham, MA Submitted by: Mary L. Cole Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS-II and RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K user area 58 Elementary IDstructionai Prognum, Volume I RSTS-11-43 Revised: 9 January 1975 Author: Robert A. Huntsman Submitted by: John Christensen Idaho Falls School District, Idaho Falls, ID Operating System: RSTS-ll Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K minimum Abstract: This series of 18 instructional programs is designed as supplemental instructional materials for elementary school reading and math curricula, but additionally can be used for remedial or review work for older age groups. The programs provide drills on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the math department and spelling word games and phonics in the reading department. One outstanding advantage of these drills is that students find out immediately, before they go on to the next problem, how well they performed and are given appropriate congratulatory messages or helpful hints for solution. The difficulty of the problems is automatically updated to the present students' performance. Although the programs do not maintain records of student performance for later teacher analysis, the programs do type out the student's score, number of problems tried, number correct, and percentage correct at the end of each program session. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: D8, H32 RSTS-11-44-RSTS-11-47 RSTS-ll Abstracts FndioDS Drill and Pndice Revised: 9 January 1975 (tape only) Author: Robert Huntsman Submitted by: John Christensen Idaho Falls School District, Idaho Falls, ID Operating System: RSTS-ll Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K minimum RSTS-ll-44 Abstract: This series of 12 instructional programs is designed as supplemental instructional materials for junior high and high school mathematics curricula, but additionally can be used for remedial or review work for older age groups. The program provides drill and practice in fractions: adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions with common and different denominators, and concepts of greatest common factors, reducing fractions, least common multiples, improper fractions, inverses and reciprocals. The problem difficulty is automatically updated with respect to the student's performance. However, the student may not go on to the next program in the series unless he successfully completes some more difficult problem. After each student answers, the program provides a congratulatory message or a helpful hint. The programs do not maintain record files but do print out student scores at the end of each session. A complete documentation of the package and program listing can be printed on a printer by running from DECtape the program-PRINTusing the RSTS monitor. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: D8, H32 The programs are on two DECtapes, but may be ordered separately, if desired. If you want only the financial programs, request tape A. Request tape B to receive the student administrative programs separately. Writeup contains documentation for both tapes. Media Price Code: D 12, H64 Project DELTA Educational Package, Section E RSTS-1l-47 Additional Mathematics Progratm and Section F Teacher Assistance Programs Author: Staff Project DELTA, University of Delaware,Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A and RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: Mostly under 8K Abstract: Programs included are: Section E, Additional Mathematics Programs GLPSAI TMFCEV CALC CXEXP GSIMEQ CXARTH POLY POLFIT FREQ RANDOM ANVAR3 RSTS-11-45 Dartmouth Statistics Programs Author: AI Higgins Northfield-Mt. Hermon School, Northfield, MA Submitted by: Mary L. Cole Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A or RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: Less than 8K Abstract: This is a package of 39 programs developed and in use at Dartmouth College. The programs have been converted from the PDP-lO to RSTS-ll BASIC. The programs are quite self explanatory and are useful by themselves or as routines for inclusion in larger BASIC programs. Documentation for each program includes the program listing and then a run of the program. An explanation of the algorithm or theory behind the program can usually be found in comments at the very beginning of each program. Media Price Code: D7, H32 ANVAR4 GANOVA MULTX POLSUB GINTLP SIPRAC KR20 DE lOR DE20R SUNSET North Country Union High School Administrative RSTS-ll-46 Programs Author: John Miller and Steve Ketchum North Country Union High School, Newport, VT Submitted by: Alice Peters Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS V4A Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K Special Hardware Required: Card reader, line printer, DECtape, disk WAVES SPCTRA FACfRL SQRZ BISQAR Section F, Teacher Assistance Programs A VERG I GRADE Abstract: This package contains both financial and student accounting systems. The financial system includes accounts payable, expense ledger, and payroll; the student administrative system includes attendance accounting, grade reporting, and transcripts. The software runs on a PDP-11/20 with DECtape and RF/RS 11 disk, uses card input for all subsystems and an 8O-column printer for output. two phase simplex method of linear programming time function evaluation (engineering applications) calculator for numbers of up to 100 digits raise a complex number to a real or complex power solves simultaneous linear equations performs vector arithmetic operations finds polynomial to approximate a table of x-y data performs multiple regression/correlation analysis finds number of data points (frequency) within limits; data can be in a file or from terminal generates random numbers with user-specified sample and population sizes computes analysis of variance table for a 2-way classification of variables design in which a single observation is made for each combination of levels computes analysis of variance table for a 2-way classification of variables factorial design with replicated observations computes analysis of variance table for a 2-way classification of variables; data is entered down columns performs a least squares curve fit to one of seven functions; operation is interactive at the terminal exercises students in polynomial subtraction operations solves linear programming problems with variables of values I and 0 exercises students in mathematical operations on signed numbers item analysis and Kuder-Richardson formula 20 solves a first order differential equation (RungeKutta) solves second order differential equation (RungeKutta) computes Greenwich Mean Time (or other time) for sunrise and sunset given a particular week and a given latitude and longitude plots effects of changing wavelength, amplitude and phase on two waves and their sum plots optical absorption spectra of two species equilibrium mixtures produces any desired factorial and preceding factorials finds the square root of a complex number drill for students on squaring binomials STAT SCORES averages and curves grades given the number of questions on a test, prints list of percent score vs. number of questions right or wrong performs statistical analysis of student grades computes mean, standard deviation, and standard scores for student grades Media Price Code: EIO, H32 59 RSTS-11-48-RSTS-11-51 Project DELTA Educational Package, Section G Business Programs and Section H Data Processing Programs RSTS-ll Abstracts RSTS-ll-48 Author: Staff Project DELTA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Operating System: RSTS V4A or RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: Mostly under 8K Abstract: Programs included are: Section G, Business Programs GSSS small system simulator, allows an item to be created, moved through a defined system, then be destroyed CSHFLO performs up to four cash flow analyses for given cost of capital; computes rate of return and payback period GNMRVB/ GMRGB securities portfolio analysis (I and II) GSTKVL stock valuation GmOR securities EPS growth TRCKI calculates breakpoint weights for trucking freight LEASIN calculates lease income LOAN loan amortization GIRRPV investment return (cash floW) GRISKA analysis of risk in capital investment lATA 1 calculates breakpoint weights for air freight DROIPB discounted return on investment GKASSF computes normal price of a warrant GKCOST price/earnings ratio calculations GVOTE simulates committee votes CPATH critical path analysis critical path analysis GCPMl GCPATH critical path analysis SLSSMN sales management program INSTR.UCS instructions data file for SLSMN LABOR labor/management bargaining simulation LABSET creates data file for LABOR LABOR.DOC description of LABOR program MARKOW computes efficient securities portfolios GNPSUM produces figures for GNP, consumption, investment, and government spending from a model where consumption is a function of income in the previous period WHEELS program simulates finances of owning and operating a car over twelve months n, Data Processing Programs STOPB simulates a simple digital computer with a defined machine language BRAIN simulates a simple digital computer with a defined machine language more complex than STOPB ADORES prints addresses on labels SORT performs ascending or descending sort on simple ASCII file XREF BASIC program listing and cross reference generator Section Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: E14, H32 SADSM A uthor: Dennis Washa University of Wisconsin, Platteville, WI Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 6K Special Hardware Required: PDP-ll/40 Abstract: RSTS-11-49 This program emulates the language 'SADSM '. It is a good tool for instructing beginning students in Computer Science. The program itself is a minisystem which, in itself, would be a good tool for more advanced students in looking at a system. Media Price Code: D2, G14 60 MIGIT RSTS-l1·50 Author: Dennis Washa University of Wisconsin, Platteville, WI Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: PDP-ll/40 Abstract: MIGIT is a symbolic language developed to aid a beginning programmer in the understanding of an assembly language. MIGIT is the counterpart of the machine language called SADSM which was developed in an earlier program. The opcodes in both SADSM and MIGIT are compatible, that is, the coding of MIGIT is translated into SADSM, and all SADSM coding can be easily converted to MIGIT. An assumption is therefore made that the MIGIT programmer has programmed in SADSM. Media Price Code: D2, Gl6 ACCMAT-A(COODt Maintenance FUe Author: Lawrence A. Dziegielewski Project DELTA, Newark, DE Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 4K RSTS-1l-51 Abstract: This BASIC-PLUS program allows the user to perform transfer, deletion, listing, renames, and protection changing by using only one program 'ACCMAT' instead of using CAT and PIP. When the file is printed out, you need not look up block sizes and protections, because it prints them out with the file name. Any of the above mentioned options can be performed on the file, making it faster than either CAT or PIP. Media Price Code: D2, G5 Fiscal A(COODting RSTS-1l-52 Author: John Christensen Idaho Falls School District, Idaho Falls, ID Memory Required: 28K Special Hardware Required: Line Printer, Card Reader, at least 3 RK05 Disk Drives. Abstract: The Fiscal Accounting Package, a fully accrued and encumbered system of accounting, consists of two subsystems, accounts payable and general ledger reporting. The accounts payable package (A.P.) includes the normal accounts payable functions; the general ledger package (G.L.) includes the printing of the general ledger and various forms of budget and expenditure reports. The Fiscal Package is for the most part a conversion of a similar package developed for an IBM 1401. It is therefore card input oriented. However, that is the only use of cards; the input programs could easily be modified for terminal input. All sorting and data manipulation is done on the disks and output is either to the disks or the line printer. The equipment necessary for the cards is a keypunch and a punched card reader for the PDP-II. The entire package is written in the RSTS V4A-12 BASIC-PLUS language. A third package can be used in conjunction with the A.P. and G.L. packages. That package is a Payroll Package (also available from DECUS as number RSTSII-33) based on the same system of accounting. The entire system is based on double entry bookkeeping. The A.P. and G.L. package, however, stand alone without the payroll package. The accounting system is based on a 16 digit general ledger account number. The account number contains, in a more concise form, most of the information recommended by the Federal Handbook 11 for school fiscal accounting. Note: One DECtape is documentation Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A7, BIO, H64 RSTS-II Abstracts Computer Dating RSTS-ll-S3 RSTS-11-53-RSTS-11-60 PACK.BAS RSTS-ll-S7 Author: Paul Koning Submitted by: Michael A Hall Author: David Corbishley 106 Sorrel Drive, Surrey Park, Wilmington, DE Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Abstract: A computer game which, using and coding information from a questionnaire supplied with the program, compares compatibility of males and females participating. Selective printing of the results and the ability to use any RSTS device are features of the program. Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K 16-bit words on PDP-11/20 or 35 Special Hardware Required: Console terminal, two or more RK05 disk drives Media Price Code: D2, G5 Abstract: TAPFOR.MAC RSTS-ll-S4 A uthor: Paul Koning and Mark Williamson Submitted by: Michael A. Hall Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: DOS/BATCH VOO4A or RSTS V4A-12 Source Language: PAL-ll (MACRO) (Does not use monitor) Memory Required: 28K 16-bit words on a PDP-ll/20 or 1l/35 Special Hardware Required: Console terminal, DECtape drives Special Hardware Required: Line Printer, Card Reader, at least 3 RK05 disk drives Abstract: TAPFOR is a program for formatting DECtapes in the standard format for the PDP-II. It was adapted from the standard DEC formatting program, DEC-II-YPTA-PB (8/1/70), so that it can be stored on the RSTS CIL and loaded by the RSTS initializing routines, in the same way as ROLLIN or DSKINT. Media Price Code: D2, H32 This program reads the contents of an RK05 disk, file by file, and outputs a RK05 disk pack containing all files read. The output disk is "packed"; that is, it contains no waste space, it has a clean directory, etc. As a result, the output disk will operate more efficiently under RSTS-II. Media Price Code: D2, H32 MOVERX.BAS RSTS-ll-S8 Author: Mark Williamson Submitted by: Michael A Hall Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 (or RSTS/E) Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K 16-bit words on PDP-ll/20 Abstract: MOVERX is a general purpose file mover and peripheral interchange program for use by privileged (l,x) and non-privileged accounts. It performs DECtape-to-DECtape, DECtape-to-disk, disk-toDECtape, and disk-to-disk transfers of any kind of files (including virtual core files and, for privileged users only, .BAC files). Media Price Code: D2, H32 XREF.BAS RSTS-ll-SS Author: Paul Koning Submitted by: Michael A. Hall Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 (or RSTS/E) Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K 16-bit words on 11/20 Abstract: XREF prepares a cross-reference table for a BASIC-PLUS program; that is, it prints out a table that shows each line that occurs in the program and the line numbers of the lines that refer to that line with a GO TO, a RESUME, etc. Media Price Code: D2, H32 The Timer Package RSTS-ll-S6 Author: G. Paul Koning Submitted by: Michael A. Hall Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K 16-bit words on PDP-1l/20 or 35 LISTAL.BAS RSTS-ll-S9 Author: Paul Koning Submitted by: Michael A Hall Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 (or RSTS/E) Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K 16-bit words on PDP-ll/20 Abstract: LlSTAL.BAS is a program for listing one or more files in paged format. On request, it will list all files, or all except specified files, in a specified account on a specified device (up to 100 files maximum can be specified, although more than that can be listed). Media Price Code: D2, H32 PUNCRBAS RSTS-ll-60 Author: Steve Holmgren Submitted by: Michael A Hall Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS V4A (or RSTS/E) Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K 16-bit words on PDP-l 1/20 Special Hardware Required: ASR 33 or other paper tape terminal Abstract: TIMER records terminal usage, number of jobs (detached and non-detached), and benchmark disk I/O every 10 minutes; it also records current date and time every 30 seconds, and thus determines system downtime. TIMOUT, a program in the TIMER package, prints out this information. Abstract: Media Price Code: D2, H32 Media Price Code: D2, H32 PUNCH punches paper tapes on ASR 33 teletypes. Included on the tape are a leader of nulls, an arrow showing direction of tape motion, the name of the file in readable format, and a series of rubouts to indicate the beginning of machine readable information. PUNCH also edits out LFs after CRs. 61 RSTS-11-61-RSTS-11-66 HELPER-Editing and Renumbering BASICPLUS Programs Revised: June 1975 Author: Eliezer N addor and Rainer von Saleski RSTS-ll Abstracts RSTS-11-61 Johns Hopkins UniversitYt Baltimoret MD Operating System: RSTS/E V05B or V05C Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 10K User area Abstract: Program HELPER provides a means for editing BASICPLUS programs or formatted ASCII files. It can also be used to renumber any or all line numbers in a program or in a file with line numbers. Thirteen different commands are available for editing and renumberingt including commands for finding and changing of strings; adding, checking, listing or deleting lines; and several options for renumbering. HELPER also provides certain general services for which ten different commands are available. The services include punching, naming, and cataloging programs and files; accepting messages; and providing numerous illustrative examples of all commands. The design and documentation allow relatively easy modifications of the existing commands and addition of new ones. Media Price Code: D6t G30 Bentley Variety Package Author: Ross Kass t Darryl Johnsont et al Abstract: Especially designed for a timesharing environment, NMRSIM simulates nmr spectra using hypothesized values of coupling constants, chemical shiftst rf power, and relaxation times. Fifteen operational modules in three source program segments interact dynamically, requesting parameters in a natural order, computing and plotting spectra for up to six spin-l/2 nuclei or fewer with larger spins, permitting revisions of parameters with minimal repetition, and protecting against erroneous keyboard entries. Line spectrum files can be computed at any terminal and stored on disk for later plotting with the program. The plotting subroutines, which give full control over scaling of the plot with only four input numbers, support the Tektronix 4010 graphics terminal, the TSP-12 or TSP-212 plotting systems, and the Hewlett-Packard 7200A/7202A graphic plotters. Note: DECUS NO. 10-221 is a similar program in FORTRAN. Media Price Code: D3 t H32 SPPLT-Hybrid Orbital Contour Plotting Program Author: Stephen L. Holmgren Submitted by: James S. Evans RSTS-II-6S Lawrence UniversitYt Appletont WI RSTS-II-62 Bentley Colleget Walthamt MA Operating System: RSTS V05-21 t V05B-24 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K user area Abstract: Operating System: RSTS Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: Not more than 8K Abstract: This package contains a variety of routines. Among the subjects included are: Accountingt Gamest Government, Management (including two critical path routines), Mathematics, Physics, Sciencet Statisticst and Utilities. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A7 t H32 Especially designed for a timesharing environment, SPPLT prepares accurate contour plots of hybrid atomic orbitals with specified contour levelst effective nuclear charget amounts of 2s and 2 p character, and geometric operations (scaling, translationt rotation). After plottingt the user can replot the same orbital with different scaling parameterst or perform calculations for a different orbital shape. The program's operational modules are contained in two source program segments with automatic chaining. The plotting subroutines support the Tektronix 4010 graphics terminal, the TSP-12 or TSP-212 plotting systems, and the Hewlett-Packard 7200A/7202A graphic plotters. Note: DECUS NO. 10-212A&B is an equivalent program written in PDP-1O BASICt Version 17. Media Price Code: D2 t H32 NORTON-Astronomical Ephemeris Program Package Author: Warren A. Leach Submitted by: Hartwell "Rusty" Whitney RSTS-II-63 OMSI Community Research Centert Portlandt OR Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K NORTON is a RSTS BASIC-PLUS package which gives planet and asteroid positions for any date from January It 1900. It will run under RSTS Versions 4 or 5 (SK Job Max). Key phrases are astronomYt planetary position calculator, word processing and solar system simulation. Restrictions: No graphics Programs Provided Media Price Code: D2t G32 t H32 Lawrence UniversitYt Appleton t WI Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 t 05-21 t 05B-24 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K user area 62 n RSTS-ll-66 Idaho Falls School District No. 9l t Idaho FaUSt ID Abstract: NMRSIM-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Simulation and Plotting Program Author: James S. Evans Elementary Instructional Programs, Volume Author: Robert A. Huntsman Submitted by: John A. Christensen RSTS-II-64 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28K Abstract: This series of 10 programs is designed to supplement the elementary or junior high instruction program. They also can be used for remedial work in high school. The programs not only drill the student in number facts for all four operationst but some of the programs drill the student on problems such as: [ ] X 6 = 48. What is [ ]1 The unique thing about this package is that the programs are timed. The object is to do as many of a given type of problems as can be done in the given amount of time. The student who does the most sets the record. Each time the program is run the record holder's name is printed with his record and the student then tries to beat that record so he can be recorded as the record holder. This feature is optional. A complete documentation of the package and program listings can be printed on a printer by running from the DECtape the program 'PRINT' under the RSTS monitor. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 RSTS-ll Abstracts HPPWT.BAS-Hewlett-Packard 7202A Graphic Plotter Programs RSTS-II-67 Author: Richard T. Witek Aurora College, Aurora, IL Operating System: RSTS V4A-I2 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 7K Special Hardware Required: PDP-II, Disk Drive, Hewlett-Packard 7202A Graphic Plotter Abstract: HPPLOT and the set of programs that go with it are written to be used with a HP-7202A plotter. The set of programs will plot data or functions. The user sets the minimum and maximum for X and Y. The user also may label the X, and/or Y axis plus put a title on the graph. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, H32 RSTS-11-67-RSTS-11-75 One model has been added to the original six and a backup file has been incorporated for results so that the user may work on a CRT. There are two categories of programs: the models, which are used by students in simulated laboratory exercises, and the maintenance programs, which allow the instructor to construct and alter models. Restrictions: Requires two accounts Media Price Code: A8, H32 Matrix Software Company Game and Demo Package Author: Charles R. Gehman Matrix Software Company, Beverly Hills, CA Operating System: RSTS/E V05 or later Source Language: BASIC-PLUS RSTS-II-71 Abstract: Author: Robert A. Branton, Jr. Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, OK Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Three games and four demos used to demonstrate many of the features of RSTS-ll. ACEDU.BAS plays a rather strange version of Aceyducey; CLEAN.BAS types an informative and threatening message on terminals; DIAMND.BAS creates a diamond pattern on the 1TY; DlRECT.BAS demonstrates use of certain sysfunctions; FLY.BAS computerized fly-swatter; GUNNER. BAS destroys the enemy; VT05.BAS teaches 'DIRECT CURSOR • control. Abstract: Media Price Code: D2 SOLVE--Southeastem On-Line Version of EnroUment RSTS-II-68 SOLVE is an on-line enrollment and student accounting program for colleges. Some of its features include: on-line reservation type enrollment from multiple terminals, on-line access and modification capability for student records, and the printing of needed reports such as enrollment tallies, class rolls, student lists, report cards, grade labels and honor rolls. SOLVE can be tailored to any size college enrollment. Restrictions: Assumes PRINT using and RECORD I/O options of RSTS Media Price Code: A9, H32 1401 Simulator (RSTS Version) RSTS-11-72 Author: Edward R. Giegler Submitted by: Carl F. Henry Carleton College, Northfield, MN Operating System: RSTS/E V5B24 Source Language: PAL-II Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/40 or 11/45 Abstract: INVSIM-Inventory Simulations RSTS-l1-69 Author: Eliezer Naddor The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: PDP-I 1/45, RSTS Abstract: INVSIM simulates inventory systems in a time-sharing environment. Its options include heuristic rules for guiding the selection of decision variables, simulation of TZ, SQ and SZ inventory policies, and the ability to find the sensitivity of costs and availability to unit costs, leadtime, demands, randomness and various decisions. Media Price Code: D2, G6 WRIST-Wabash Research Investigation Simulation Teacher RSTS-II-70 Rer!ised: August 1975 Author: Philip F. Spelt and James A. Warden Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN Operating System: RSTS V4A or RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 9K per user or 2-word floating point and 8K user Other Software Required: PIP or BACKUP (RSTS Cusps) Special Hardware Required: DECtape The 1401 Simulator (SI401) runs 1401 programs on the PDP-ll RSTS system. It requires 18K of m mory in addition to the requirements of RSTS and BASIC-PLUS. Of this 18K, 6K is used by the S1401 "Run-Time System," and the other 12K is "user area." When multiple SI401 jobs are running "Run-Time-System" is shared by all jobs. The "user-areas" are swapped in and out by RSTS, but the "RunTime-System" remains in memory as long as any RSTS job is using it. Media Price Code: A5, H64 SYSELF-System Stan.-seU RSTS-11-74 Author: Charles R. Gehman Matrix Software Company, Beverly Hills, CA Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Special Hardware Required: RSTS-II System, TTY Abstract: SYSELF enables the user to find out statistics and other useful information about his current job. It requires NO privileges whatsoever, only that it should be stored execute-only in order that no mischievous users mis-use the program. Media Price Code: DI 8008.BAS and 808O.BAS RSTS-II-7S Abstract: Author: R. J. Tapp and G. D. Young University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K Louisville Experiment Simulation System (LESS) by Arthur O. Cromer, Abstract: These are cross-assemblers for the 8008 and 8080 micropro- This program package, which simulates an assortment of psychology experiments, has been translated into BASIC-PLUS from the et al. cessors which use a language similar to Intel's standard assembly 63 RSTS-11-76-RSTS-ll-B3 RSTS-JJ Abstracts RSTS-1l-75 (Cont.) language: instruction mnemonics are identical, but pseudo-instructions and expression formats are slightly different. Output is in the form of an assembly listing, alphabetical symbol table and object code in standard Intel hex format. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: G30, H32 CYCLES RSTS-1l-76 A uthor: Susan Lewis Signal Processing Systems, Inc., Waltham, MA Source Language: BASIC-PLUS RSTS-ll-80 Abstract: These programs allow the user to define and run interactive tests of the RSTS/E system SCRIPT allows him to specify inputs to one or more keyboards, along with timing information. He can then run these "scripts" and the system will operate as if the specified lines of text had been input to real keyboards. TDL allows the user to define more complex tests, using scripts as primitives. TDL is an extension of BASIC-PLUS, and allows the user to define the control structure of the test in terms of BASIC instructions. A preprocessor converts the TDL program into pure BASIC-PLUS. This program is then run to perform the test. Documentation on Media. Abstract: This program formats a biorhythm chart for printing on either a user terminal or a line printer. Output may be directed to a CRT or hard copy terminal, to the line printer, or to a disk file. Output files beginning with an "L" are formatted slightly longer and wider for the printer. The biorhythms are calculated by methods which assume birth and current dates to be between January 1, 1901 and December 31, 1999. Media Price Code: Dl XREF: Cross-Referencer for BASIC-PLUS IDL/SCRIPT Author: Rollins Turner Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: BASIC-PLUS RSTS-1l-78 Programs Author: Jeffrey Mogul 218 Franklin Street, Newton, MA Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 6K minimum Special Hardware Required: RSTS V4A or V04B Media Price Code: A8, H32 BATCH-Batch ~ing for the PDP-ll/20 with RSTS-ll RSTS-11-81 Author: Albert F. Gettier, Jr. Loyola College, Baltimore, MD Operating System: RSTS-ll V4 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K Abstract: BATCH is a program that simulates batch processing for RSTS 11 version 4. The user places all the commands that are to be executed by the computer in a data file using BATCH. When all the commands are in the file, BATCH then "forces" the commands to a terminal as the computer is ready to receive them. Through the use of BATCH, editing of the data file is quick and easy. BATCH also allows for procedures to be defined and has other runtime options and macros. Diagnostics and the date and time that the command is "forced" to the computer are printed on the terminal. Restrictions: RSTS V4 only; must run under a privileged account Abstract: XREF will generate a cross-referencing of any BASICPLUS source program. The output consists of a table of all of the lines in the program which are referenced by a GOTO, GOSUB, RESUME, etc. at some line in the program. The referencing lines are printed next to the lines that they reference. In addition, lines which are referenced but do not exist in the program can optionally be indicated on the printout. XREF will handle any proper BASIC-PLUS program, including multiple line statements and statements including ERL=, ERL>, etc. Media Price Code: Dl, G5 RSTS Performance Measurement Package RSTS-11-79 A uthor: Bud Dawson MacMillan Bleodel Ltd., Vancouver, B.C., Canada Submitted by: Rollins Turner Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Media Price Code: A2, G8 Laramie High ECMEP Math Programs Author: Mark Arnold Laramie High School, Laramie, WY Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS RSTS-ll-82 Abstract: The Laramie High ECMEP Math Programs demonstrate several concepts of elementary analysis through BASIC-PLUS programs. There are several programs which demonstrate that Taylor series of elementary functions hold true for complex numbers. Also included are Triangle solving programs, Taylor Series for real numbers, and other programs showing the use of the computer in Mathematics. No tapes are offered, but the listings are brief enough to be entered via the keyboard. A printed example is included for each routine. Restrictions: T AN-I evaluation incorrect Media Price Code: D3 Abstract: This package includes four programs used at MacMillan Bleodel. 1. LOGTIM.BAS stores the incremental values from the monitor statistics tables in a disk file approximately once per hour. 2. PRTIME.BAS prints data files created by "LOGTIM" in tabular form by hours. 3. GRAPH.BAS prints pertinent "CPU-TIME" data files created by "LOGTIM" in graph form by hours. 4. SUMGPH.BAS prints a summary graph of "CPU-TIME" by days within one or more months. Author: Mark Arnold Laramie Senior High School, Laramie,.WY Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Media Price Code: H32 Abstract: Additional CUSP's for RSTS-ll include: PAPTAP, a program to create ASCII paper tapes, block letter headings; MAGTAP, for 64 PAPTAP, MAGTAP, USTAC-Additional Cusps for RSTS-ll RSTS-ll-83 RSTS-ll Abstracts RSTS-II-U-RSTS-11-91 RSTS-l1-83 (Cont.) reading EBCDIC formatted 9-track magtapes; LISTAC, for listing all files in an account, by use of the /DR option of PIP, and other utilities. The source tapes offered are examples of PAPTAP. Listings for all routines are short enough to be entered via keyboard. Restoring files to the system disk from magtape is simplified by using special magtape labels preceeding each file on the tape. These labels store protection codes and clustersizes of the original files. The options available, when running the program, are similar to the system program BACKUP supplied by DIGITAL. Media Price Code: 02, GS Media Price Code: 02 OMSI PILOT-73 Author: Jim Hollcraft RSTS-l1-84 TUTOR Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Portland, OR Operating System: RSTS/E V5 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: SK Abstract: OMSI PILOT-73 enables RSTS/E V5 to understand "core PILOT" by translating it to BASIC-PLUS. Although the initial translation can take as much as five minutes, the outputted BASIC-PLUS program runs faster than interpretive versions. RSTS-II-BB Author: Robert Lehman Riverdale Country School, Bronx, NY Operating System: RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: SK Abstract: TUTOR was written to teach the use of the computer, but can be adapted for other teaching purposes as well. Provisions are made for review work and for progressively difficult tasks. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Media Price Code: 04 BRANCH-DECAL BranchiDg Scheme for "N" Right Out of "T" Tries Author: Jay Coniam Berea High School, Berea, OH Operating System: RSTS/E V05-C Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 4K RSTS-l1-85 Floppy Disk Utility (RT-ll Compadble) Author: Richard Szewczyk Abstract: This program designs the branching scheme for a given test in a lesson written in DECAL and determines if a student has achieved a standard of "N" correct answers out of '1'" tries. Western Australia Institute of Technology, South Bentley, Western Australia Operating System: RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 7K Special Hardware Required: RXOI floppy disk drive, Teletype Abstract: This program, similar in operation to PIP, allows multipie Media Price Code: 01, G5 OS/8 to RSTS Interface Author: R J. Tapp RST8-11-89 RSTS-ll-86 files to be saved on a floppy disk under RSTS/E. Files are stored in a format compatible with floppy storage under RT-ll, enabling easy transfer of files between these two systems. Options include initialization of floppy, file transfer to and from floppy, listing the directory, file deletion and compression of files into one area. University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada Source Language: P AL-S Memory Required: I page (12S words) Other Software Required: OS/S V3 Special Hardware Required: POP-S with KLS-J and OLll-C Serial Interfaces Abstract: Consists of an OS/8 device handler and a BASIC-PLUS program which make a K.L8 serial interlace emulate an OS/8 disk when connected to a RSTS terminal port. This allows serial lines from a RSTS system to provide inexpensive supplementary mass storage for satellite OS/8 systems. Media Price Code: 02, GS Media Price Code: 02, H32, K27 DICE Author: Marc Parker and Eric Mark Rintell RSTS-ll-90 Lawrence High School, Cedarhurst, NY Operating System: RSTS/E V06 A-2 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: SK Special Hardware Required: POP-Il/4 and up, Teletype Abstract: COPY03: Backup Program (To and From all RSTS-l1-87 Devices Except DECtape) Author: Bryan Steiner Saskatchewan Technical Institute, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada Operating System: RSTS/E V6 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: Approx. 10K Abstract: COPY03 is an online backup program which will backup and restore system files and programs. The program runs under RSTS/E V6 and uses 10K of user space. DICE is the Las Vegas game of "CRAPS". The computer will randomize how many dollars you start with, and keep track of your money. It will subtract your bet if you lose, and the pay-offis four-to-one. A bank limit of $500. is set at the beginning of the game and you can get another chance at DICE if you go bankrupt. Media Price Code: 01 RPGFNS: BASIC-PLUS Functions for Accessing RPG Files WITHDRAWN RSTS-1l-91 65 RSTS-11-92-RSTS-11-99 BASIC: Dartmouth BASIC to BASIC-PLUS RSTS-JJ Abstracts RSTS-ll-92 Text EdItor Author: Adam Schneider and Bruce White Abstract: Shelf/floor space productivity analysis allows a retailer or marketing student to analyze the profitability of product lines on a per square foot basis. Cedarhurst, NY Operating System: RSTS/E Source LAnguage: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 5K Restrictions: Must use 132 column width paper Media Price Code: D2, G8 Abstract: This program makes a program written in Dartmouth BASIC runnable on a system that uses BASIC-PLUS. Some programs are not totally interchangeable, and appropriate warnings are printed during a run of the program. The user can, in most cases, replace Dartmouth functions, which have no BASIC-PLUS equivalent, by a few lines of coding or a user defined function. Media Price Code: D2, G6 The CASANOVA Package RSTS-ll-98 Author: Francis Campos Submitted by: Francis Campos and Michael Hall Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS or RSTS/E V4A or later Source LAnguage: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K 16-bit words (overlayed) Abstract: CASANOVA is a package of programs and text files de- CHSBRD RSTS-ll-93 Author: William T. Kane Digital Equipment Corporation, Westminster, MA Operating System: RSTS/E Source LAnguage: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 12K Abstract: CHSBRD is a BASIC-PLUS program that was written on a PDP-II to run under the RSTS V06A-02 monitor. It was designed to be a "Learning" aid, and to keep local chess tournaments "Fair". The program allows capture "Enpassant" and "Castling", but it has other limitations. It will allow a player to move his king into check, it requires a VT05 or VT05B to play, and it cannot yet "Play" against an operator. Throughout, it uses standard chess notation, and even has a three minute timeout period which will be made variable in the next release. If selected, it maintains a complete record of play on the system disk which is automatically QUEUED to the Line Printer when the game is finished. Restrictions: The package requires about 500 blocks of disk space for its own source and text files, and additional (variable) space for users. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: H32 Media Price Code: A2, G 14 A Compendium of (DECAL) CAl Programs signed to provide Computer ASsisted instruction in ANalysis Of VAriance. It concentrates on teaching the computations involved in a variety of ANOVAs without confining the instructor to a particular orientation or text. Its usefulness rests on the assumption that performing ANOVA computations with the aid of the computer will contribute to understanding of the logic behind these computations. CASANOVA does the computations quickly, and provides feedback to partial solutions in order to monitor the student's performance. CASANOVA users should have had some introductory study of statistical inference, hypothesis testing and one-way ANOVA prior to using the package. The package consists of 21 BASIC-PLUS programs and 18 virtual core files containing text of instructions and help messages for users of the package. Documentation consists of a Student's Manual and an Instructor's Manual. RSTS-ll-94 Author: Berea City School District Berea, OH Submitted by: Anthony DiCenzo Education Products Group Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA MA Operating System: RSTS/E Source Language: DECAL Memory Required: 10K word user area Other Software Required: DECAL CAl System (QPEIO) Abstract: Each CAl lesson represents the efforts of two weeks of intensive study during the workshop on such topics as: the development of behavioral objectives, orientation related to programming instruction, and extensive work on coding lessons for computer presentation. The CAl lessons were prepared by Berea City School District teachers and administrators who participated in a Computer Staff Development Workshop in July of 1975. Media Price Code: A 7, M55 The CASANOVA Package Insttuctors Manual RSfS-ll-98B Media Price Code: E5 The CASANOVA Package Students Manual RSTS-ll-98C Media Price Code: E5 RUSROU: Muld-Termioal Russian Roulette RSTS-ll-99 Author: Eric Mark Rintell Optical Illusions, Cedarhurst, NY Operating System: RSTS/E V06A-2A Source LAnguage: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: 2 or more TIY's PDP-l 1/40 UP Abstract: This is the game of Multi-Terminal Russian Roulette; it will SHELF RSTS-ll-97 Author: Terence Murphy Submitted by: Glynn Rodean Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH Operating System: RSTS/E V6A Source LAnguage: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: DEC PDP-lI/50:RJP04 Disk Drive: LA36 (132 PVS) 66 take up to six players a run at six different terminals, and a minimum of two players at two different keyboards. The game requires only 8K to run. and is a short game which does not require much knowledge of BASIC-PLUS. Note: When running this game, only the starting person should be logged on while the players sit at keyboards on line, but not logged on. A CNTRL-Z of the other players keyboards may be required before playing. Media Price Code: D2, G5 RSTS-Jl Abstracts Computer-Oriented-AcoountiDg Package Author: Connect/II Educational Computer Ctr. RSTS-ll-l00 Newton Public Schools RSTS-II-IOtJ-RSTS-11-105 CADA MODitor Author: Isaacs, Dekeyrel and Novick Submitted by: Isaacs and Dekeyrel RSfS-ll-l03 The University Of Iowa, 348 LCM, Iowa City, IA Submitted by: Paul A. Shapiro Newton North High School, Newtonville, MA Operating System: RSTS V4B or RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K User Area Special Hardware Required: Any 132-column printing device supported by RSTS Abstract: This package of 17 accounting programs is designed to be used in conjunction with the course Computer Oriented Accounting by Wilbur F. Pillsbury, DBA. The student text and teacher's edition are published by South-Western Publishing Company. The programs can be utilized either in conjunction with a standard introductory accounting class or as the basis for a specialized course in automated accounting procedures. The entire package of program is oriented toward student users and is now being used extensively at both high schools in Newton. Functions performed include: journal entry, ledgers by accounts, balance sheets, trial balances, income statements, closing entries, adjusting entries, post-closing trial balances, worksheets, and more. Media Price Code: A2, H32 Operating System: RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS or DECsystem-lO BASIC Memory Required: 16K Other Software Required: Run from Program CADA Abstract: The Iowa Testing Programs of The University of Iowa has been awarded a grant in the amount of $91,355.00 by the Na~onal Science Foundation for development of a system of Computer-AssISted Data Analysis (CADA). Principal Investigator for the project is Dr. Melvin R. Novick. The system, now being used in developmental form at numerous universities throughout the world, is designed for instructional and operational use and consists of a collectio~ of conversational language programs written in the BASIC programmmg language. These programs are designed to lead an investigator step-by-step through elementary and complex methods of Bayesian statistical infe~ence. I~ cluded in the system will be conversational programs that WIll penmt substantive workers to monitor advancement decisionmaking in modularized instructional programs, to evaluate the effects of educational intervention programs such as compensatory education, to provide gui~ce information to students from academic prediction systems and to prOVide educational administrators with easily used yet sophisticated methods of combining probabilities with utilities or values in order to produce coherent and effective decisions. Media Price Code: E6, M55 DECUS-S.I.G. Seminar PrograJm and RSTS-ll-I0l Documentation A uthor: Martin Minow Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS/E V06B Source Language: BASIC-PLUS and MACRO-ll Abstract: The documentation is based on material that was prepared for the DECUS RSTS/E S.I.G. meeting in February 1977. It contains information on the coding standard used for RSTS/E V06B, commonly used PEEK sequences, the monitor statistics package, and several programs used to illustrate various features of RSTS/E-terminal I/O echocontrol mode, pseudo keyboard usage, and an adaptive priority scheduler. Media Price Code: A12, M55 RINNY2, Version B-2a, #1 Author: Eric Mark Rintell RSTS-ll-I02 Optical Illusions, 511 Central Ave., Cedarhurst, NY Operating System: RSTS/E V06A-2 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K,4K Special Hardware Required: PDPIl/40 up, SEND/RECEIVE VBFILE: Variable Record Random Access File RSfS-ll-l04 Handler Routines Author: Ralph Lewis and Mark Nichols California State University at Long Beach, Human Resources Management Dept., School of Business, Long Beach, CA Operating System: RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 3K (2K as system minimum) Abstract: The procedures and functions of VBFILE facilitate ~e random access of variable length record files. The procedures are fast m terms of computer access times, require little core storage, are economical in terms of file space (no full or null characters are used to pad physical records) and manage the file structure automatically. They are written using BASICPLUS record facilitates but do not require the programmer to concern himself with record 10 or the physical characteristics of the file. The procedures are modular. The user can select the modules he needs and these modules can be used in tum by other user written functions to achieve the type of record management system needed. The logical record to be managed is a variable length character string which has an associated physical record index. All details needed to map .the physical record index to the logical record and put and extract IOgtcal records are handled by three functions. Restrictions: File string cannot contain a tilde. (- or CHR 126). Media Price Code: D2, G5 Terminal Abstract: RINNY2 is a Star Trek Game played on a 1000 by 1000 by 1000 matrix. It uses INSTR.BAS for instructions only. This game plays you in command of a starship, and uses your name in a script using the characters from the television show. Every time you move, the computer (KLINGON) logically moves against you. Our objective is to obliterate the KLINGON with a 100 units or more of damage before he does it to you. It is an evenly played game with computer making one move at a time like you. RINNY2 requires a basic knowledge of mathematics. Media Price Code: D2,010 TECO-ll: Text Editor and COrrector for RSTS/E Author: Michael A. Hall and James S. Evans Lawrence University, Appleton, WI Operating System: RSTS/E, V6A-02 or V6B-02 Source Language: MACRO-II Memory Required: 4K shared by multiple users RSfS-ll-lOS Abstract: TECO-ll for RSTS/E is a fast, versatile, character-oriented text editor that can handle any text files, including BASIC-PLUS programs. Advanced features such as nested iteration loops, conditional 67 RSTS-II-I06-RSTS-II-IIO RSTS-ll Abstracts RSTS-11-105 (Cont.) execution blocks, and macro commands augment the many simpler editing commands for character-string searches, replacements, insertions, and deletions. TECO-Il honors all restrictions of protection codes and nonprivileged user status when it accesses files under RSTS/E. The TECO-II system is implemented under RSTS/E as an alternate run-time system, which consists of 4K words of read-only, reentrant code that can be shared by any number of users, who gain access via brief BASICPLUS utility program. The distribution medium contains: object code for the TECO-II run-time systems for RSTS/E V06A-02 and V6B-02, source code for the corresponding BASIC-PLUS utility programs for initiating TECO-ll, and formatted text files for a beginner's manual (25 pages), a reference manual (86 pages), and a manager's guide (II pages). Note: The TECO-11 User Manual (DECUS 11-350) must be ordered separately. Write-up included with this program contains loading instructions only. Complete TECO-II source files are not available from the DECUS Library. Restrictions: Systems with only 16K user area under RSTS/E, V2A-02 No Source Available. Abstract: The "Middlebury College Utilities and Plotting Package" is a collection of several programs. The parts of the package are: 1. PLOTIO/PLOTHP - BASIC-PLUS functions for complete support of Tektronix 4010 terminals; it includes functions for annotated axes, labeling at any angle, plotting lines with and without symbols for data points, and support of graphic input mode. Requires only 3K wds in addition to program. PLOTHP allows for the same program to produce identical plots on an HP7200 plotter without any program changes. Includes a user's guide in RUNOFF format. 2. MESMAN - Program to provide "mailbox" type of message facility when user's log onto RSTS. Special provisions for priveleged and project director user numbers. 3. SYSMAN - Monitors terminals to insure no unused terminals are left logged onto the system; also collects terminal usage statistics by KB number. 4. REACT/MONEY/CHANGE - Complete rewrites of DEC CUSPs with added functionality and ease of use features, including group entering and deleting of accounts, usage statistics selectable on groups and printed in ppn order with totals and subtotals, and convenient password changing for non-privleged users. Media Price Code: A2, MSS RlMAG: Utility to Read RT-11 Magtapes under RSTS-11-I06 RSTS/E Author: Len Slosek Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Abstract: RTMAG is a program designed to enable the copying of Magtape files in a format compatible with that used by the RT-ll PIP Program. It will read files from a tape which was created by PIP under RT-ll and transfer them in block mode to the RSTS system. Similarly, it will read files from RSTS in block mode and put them on tape. No attempt is made to read the data in the file. The format for the commands is similar to that used by the RSTS PIP although the options are different. Documentation on Media. 5. BAT/TBAT - A low overhead (5K word with insignificant CPU utilization) extremely simple to use alternative to DEC batch. The TBAT version uses the user terminal for a log file, hence providing for indirect command file capability for any RSTS program. User's guide in RUNOFF format included. 6. GAMES - Program which controls access to game and demonstration programs based upon selected parameters including time of day, day of week, and number of active terminals on the system. Restrictions: Requires PRINT USING and MAT support. Only tested with 4-word math package. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: MSS Format: DOS-II Media Price Code: AI, MSS STAT-II Statistical Package RSI'S-11-110 Author: Michael D. Knauer S08-11 RSTS-11-I08 Author: William T. Marshall Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Operating System: RSTS/E V6B Source Language: BLISS-II Memory Required: 11K Abstract: SOS-ll is an easy to use but powerful line oriented editing system, available on the RSTS/E V6B operating system. It supports all the features of the PDP-1O program by the same name, and is operated in an almost identical manner. SOS organizes the file into lines and pages, which can be referenced either by a line/page number or by textual contento. Most commands operate on lines as single units, and one command (ALTER) includes a very powerful character oriented editing subsystem. SOS operates on stream ASCII (BASIC+) files and RMS record formatted files, either type with or without sequence numbers. Media Price Code: A7, H32, MSS Format: DOS-II Middlebury CoUege Utilities and Plotting Package RSTS-11-I09 Author: James Condict, Peter Mullen, and James Krupp Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT Operating System: RSTS/E V6B Source Language: BASIC-PLUS (some EXTEND mode) Memory Required: SK to 12K 68 Digital Equipment Corporation Submitted by: Ardoth H. Wilson Central State University, Edmond, OK Operating System: RSTS/E V6A or later Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 16K User Space Abstract: STAT-II is a statistical package which can be easily used by anyone, regardless or their experience with computers and computer programming. All of the information needed to perform statistical analyses with STAT-II is contained in Chapter 2, including examples of actual STAT-II programs. The STAT-II program and manual use certain conventions with which the user may not be familiar: 1. In the sample programs in the manual, information typed in by the user at the keyboard has been underlined to differentiate it from computer output. 2. In arithmetic expressions, an asterisk (*) is used to denote multiplication, and an upward-pointing arrow (t) to denote exponentiation. 3. A percent sign (%) appearing before a number in STAT-ll output indicates only that the number has exceeded the normal output format in length. The value of the number is still correct. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: A2, PBS Format: RSTS RSTS-ll Abstracts RSTS with P AMILA RSTS-ll-lll Revised: 10 August 1977 Author: Dr. Richard A. Leavitt Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: Up to 8K (User area) Other Software Required: PAMILA Special Hardware Required: See abstract Abstract: This software package includes eight programs and files that are intended to operate on data received from PAMILA, Vl.O, a DEC system that quantitates analog signals from a variety of laboratory instruments (e.g., gas chromatograph), although any system which crunches analog data into peak area, height, retention time etc. could be easily adapted. The major emphasis of this package is quantitation of unknown samples by external standardization techniques using detectors that are quite often non-linear in response. Note: The DECUS Library staff was unable. to determine the availability of other software which may be required in order to use this package. Documentation on Media. Media Price Code: 06, H32 Format: RSTS 72PLOT-H-P 7lO2A Plotter Package RSTS-1l-1l2 Author: Allan David Beach Auckland Industrial Development Div., Auckland, New Zealand Submitted by: J.B. Meikle Operating System: RSTS V4A-12 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 8K Abstract: nPLOT is a software suite designed to drive the HewlettPackard n02A X-Y digital plotter to produce graphs with data points (any ASCII character, or special graphpoint shapes), or as lines between data points, or as a histogram plot. The user can select all axes parameters (scales, logarithmic or linear, linear increment etc.) on a variety of axed formats, and define a graph title and X and Y axes titles. A simple linear regression analysis permits plotting of the best straight line on a scatter diagram. For the histogram option, a Gaussian curve equal in area to the histogram can be drawn. Original data can be disk, tape, or keyboard sourced; output can be the plotter, disc or tape. An accessory program allows reorienting of the plot (from a prepared plot file) to give a vertical rectangular format. For accurate scient~fic graph plotting, a graph paper option is included which allows plotter settings to be aligned with printed grids. - All of the user registers plus the PC, SP, and status bits can be dumped or altered by the user. - A section of memory can be outputted in the Intel hex format. - A register trace can be enabled which will dump the contents of the user registers prior to the execution of each instruction. - A simulated switch register can be set by the user and read under program control. - A counter which indicates the number of machine cycles that have elapsed can be printed or altered by the user. Media Price Code: 03, M55 Format: RSTS GRAPH PACKAGE RSTS-1l-1l4 Author: A. E. Lawrence Luton College Of Higher Education, Luton, Bedfordshire, U.K. Operating System: RSTS/E versions 6A & 6B Source LAnguage: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: May require 14K Abstract: GRAPAK is a suite of programs designed for producing graphs on teletypes, line printers and similar devices. It has facilities for processing experimental data (in up to four parameters), carrying out intermediate calculations and least squares fitting if required. In addition, general functions can be plotted alone, combined with other functions (no limit on the number of functions), or combined with experimental data. This package has many applications and may be useful whenever data is to be displayed graphically. It is not designed to drive a graph plotter. Note: Contact DECUS Library regarding availability of tapes. Media Price Code: 014 HELP COMMAND RSTS-ll-llS Author: Steven M. Coghill Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY Operating System: RSTS/E V6B Source LAnguage: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 4 Kw Min Abstract: This program provides information about CCLs, programs and online manuals at the user's terminal. The text files can be created via PIP or EDIT. Some help files are provided with RSTS/E. HELP is invoked via the CCL HELP. Restrictions: Written in extended mode. Media Price Code: 02, M55 Format: RSTS Media Price Code: 04, G54 MICRO.BAS-8080 Based Microcomputer Simulator RSTS-II-III-RSTS-ll-llBl RSTS-ll-l13 A uthor: Charles Perry Locke Ogden College Computer Lab, Bowling Green, KY Operating System: RSTS/E Source Language: BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 16K user area Abstract: MICRO.BAS simulates a microcomputer based on the Intel 8080. It will load and run programs that are in the Intel hex format (such as those produced by 8080.BAS - RSTS-II-75). In addition to loading and running programs, the following features are provided: Any or all of user storage (32K) can be dumped or altered by the user. RSTS-ll Library Magtape Package # 1 RSTS-ll-llBl Abstract: Consists of 2400 ft. magtape of all programs and documentation in the RSTS-II Library from RSTS-II-I through RSTS-II-93 except items that have been withdrawn or are no longer available. Documentation also includes RSTS-II-33 and RSTS 52 listings, and RSTS-II-34 manual. Note: The 2400 ft. magtape can be purchased without documentation, Media Price Code P85. Media l'rice Code: A280, CIO, P350 Format: DOS-II 69 RSTS-II-LIB2-RSTS-II-DK4 RSTS-ll Library Package # 2 RSTS-ll Abstracts RSTS-II-LIB2 Abstract: Consists of 2400 ft. magtape with programs and documentation for RSTS-II-94, RSTS-II-115, and RSTS-II-97 through RSTS-II-I13. Note: The RK05 disk pack can be purchased without documen- tation, Media Price Code Q145. Media Price Code: AI02, Q230 Format: RSTS Note: The 2400 ft. magtape can be purchased without documen- tation, Media Price Code P85. RSTS-ll Library RKOS Package #3 Media Price Code: A70, PI40 Format: DOS-II RSTS-ll Library RKOS Package # 1 RSTS-ll-DK3 Abstract: Consists of I RK05 disk pack with currently available programs and documentation for RSTS-II-68 through RSTS-II-93. RSTS-ll-DKI Abstract: Consists of I RK05 disk pack with currently available programs and documentation for RSTS-ll-I through RSTS-1l-43. Documentation also includes RSTS-II-33 listing and RSTS-II-34 manual. Note: The RK05 disk pack can be purchased without documen- tation, Media Price Code QI45. Media Price Code: A48, Format: RSTS Q180 Note: The RK05 disk pack can be purchased without documen- tation, Media Price Code QI45. RSTS-ll Library RKOS Package #4 Media Price Code: AI30, Q260 Format: RSTS RSTS-ll Library RKOS Package # 2 Abstract: Consists of I RK05 disk pack with currently available programs and'documentation for RSTS-II-94, RSTS-II-97 through RSTS-II-I06. RSTS-ll-DK2 Abstract: Consists of I RK05 disk pack with currently available programs and documentation for RSTS-1l44 through RSTS-1l-67. Documentation also includes RSTS-II-52 listing. 70 RSTS-ll-DK4 Note: The RK05 disk pack can be purchased without documen- tation, Media Price Code QI45. Media Price Code: A42, Q170 Format: RSTS Section 3 Standards Section 3 STANDARDS 3.1 DEC Standards and other documentation related to standards such ~ programming conventions and guidelines, available through DECUS DIGITAL Software Standards are software-related technical documents developed byDIGITAL.They cover items such as the format and organization of data on a tape, or how the month, day, and year should be printed on a directory listing. DIGITAL Standards specify areas of compatibility across multiple products. In general, new products are required to conform to applicable standards, however, the applicability of any standard is subject to review in terms of the market needs of the particular product. The existence of a particular standard is NOT a commitment by DIGITAL to conform to specifications detailed in that standard. Many software development issues are not covered by existing DIGITAL Standards, and not all existing DIGITAL Software Standards are available from DECUS. Users must make their own evaluation of whether or not these documents might be of value to them. The following documents are available through DECUS: DEC Standard for Basic Key Keyboard Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: ll-Jan-74 DEC SID 107 Abstract: This specification describes a DEC standard basic 6O-key keyboard layout which conforms to the ANSI X4.14-1971 standard typewriter keyboard. Two additional keys are reserved for future standardization requirements. This keyboard is available as a keyswitch array only, without electronics or with electron,ics completely encoded. In addition, an II-key numeric pad is offered as an accessory attachment to the main keyboard, and a 19-key array pad without electronics is available for additional capability. These keyboard layouts are intended for use on all new equipment designs introduced into production after January 1, 1974. Media Price Code: A2 the manner described in the standard, DC2 and DC4, 22(8) and 24(8) formerly TAPE and NOT-TAPE respectively, are reserved for future use, likely for synchronization as well. Media Price Code: A2 Standard Date Format for Output Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: 10-Feb-77 DEC SID 112 Abstract: This standard ensures an unambiguous interpretation of dates by readers around the world. This format is one which is in common use throughout most of the world, is reasonably terse, is well human-engineered and is easy to produce in any computer system. Media Price Code: A2 DEC Standard for Escape Sequences Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: I-Jul-74 DEC SID 110 Abstract: Indiscriminate echoing of ESC as (33)8 is prohibited. Where it is desirable to print some displayable character to provide visible confirmation that ESC has been received by the program, then that character must be single dollar sign ($; (44)8). ESC is the character which initially delimits an ESC sequence and ESC may carry no other meaning, even though ESC currently has many other meanings. Applies to all new DEC terminals. Media Price Code: A2 Standard for Indexes, Appendixes, Running Heads and Section Numbering for Software Documentation Manuals Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: 22-Jan-76 DEC SID 118 Abstract: The requirements for an index are defined. Material suitable for appendixes is described. The use of running heads for chapteroriented manuals is specified. The acceptable levels and numbering schemes of headings' for both chapter-oriented and nonchapter-oriented software manuals are explained. Media Price Code: A2 DEC Standard for Terminal Synchronization Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: 6-Mar-77 DEC SID 111 DCl and DC3, 21(8) and 23(8) formerly XON and XOFF respectively, are to be used for synchronization of terminal keyboards in Abstract: Cassette Format Standard for Labelled and Unlabelled Files Retrieval number: 005-003-016-06 DEC SID 125 Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: 21-Feb-77 71 DEC STD 143-DEC STD 167 Standards DEC SID 125 (Cont.) Abstract: This standard should be read by hardware and software people. It describes the format and labelling conventions for files, physical blocks, logical records and data written on Digital Equipment Corporation Cassettes. It also describes the unlabelled standard. This standard must be followed when reading and writing cassettes intended for interchange between systems; it is recommended for other cassettes. DEC SID 143 Abstract: Document updates provide corrected, modified, or new information concerning a hardware/software product. This standard defines the format in which document updates are to be published. Media Price Code: A2 DEC Representation of Data Values in AScn DEC SID 145 Character Strings for Information Interchange Standard Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: 27-May-76 Abstract: This standard defines the representation of data in character strings for interchange among DEC systems. It is an extension of ANSI X3.42. American National Standard for the Representation of Numeric Values in Character Strings for Information Interchange. Media Price Code: A2 User Mode Diagnostic Standard DEC SID 151 Abstract: This standard defines two formats for encoding data on industry-compatible 80 column tabulating cards for the purpose of ensuring that such cards may be used as a compatible means of information interchange between DIGITAL computer systems. Media Price Code: A2 Volume Identification for Removable Disk Pack Disk Systems Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: 19-May-1977 DEC SID 167 Abstract: This standard defines the format and location of the volume identification block required to allow disk packs of removable disk-pack systems to be identified in all CPU familes. This block will enable operating systems to identify the origin and format of a volume and decide if the volume can be processed. This standard also defines a standard error message for volumes that can not be processed. Media Price Code: A2 BASIC-PLUS Software Conventions DEC SID AOOI Submitted by: Martin Minow, Digital Equipment Corp. Date: 28-Feb-77 DEC SID 148 Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: IO-Feb-77 Abstract: This docum~nt defines general guidelines for user mode diagnostics. User mode diagnostics are tasks which run under the control of an operating system and attempt to detect and report hardware malfunctions to enable maintenance personnel to quickly complete corrective or preventive maintenance while the operating system continues to perform meaningful applications work. This standard specifies 72 Media Price Code: A2 Punched Card Format Standard Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: 19-May-77 Media Price Code: A2 Standard for Updating Hardware/Software Manuals Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corp. Date: 19-Aug-76 both the functions performed by the diagnostic and the operating system services required to support each of these levels of user mode diagnostics. Applies to PDP-lO and PDP-II processor families and all future systems. Abstract: This specification defines the software conventions that BASIC-PLUS programs to be run under RSTS/E should follow. These conventions include coding and program documentation/commenting techniques. The conventions are intended to simplify software maintenance, to ease software release activities, to aid the software librarian, and to allow the use of standard function libraries. (This standard is part of DECUS NO. RSTSII-I01.) Media Price Code: A2 Section 4 Indexes Section 4.1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ·1 (STAR-ONE)(Withdrawn) "3D-TIC-TAC" 1401 Simulator 1401 Simulator (RSTS Version) 72PLOT-HP 7202A Plotter Package 8008.BAS and 8080.BAS Absolute Loader for DOS, RT-11 and RSTS ABSPAT: Absolute Binary Patch on RK Disk and DECtape AC Circuit Analysis Program ACC: Accounting ACCEPT ACCLOG: Task Accounting Package For RSX-11MV3.0 ACCMAT -Account Maintenance File Accounting Package ADC ADUMP ADVENTURE ALGEBRA-A Program for Manipulating Logical Expressions ALGOL for RT-11 ALGOL for RSX-11 AMD-CDC 200 UT Simulator AN5800; A Group of Routines for Handling the Analogic AN5800 Data Conversion System Analog Computer Simulator Assorted Routines for use with OOS-II BACADI, ASCII-EBCDIC Magtape File Dump Basic Image Processing System for CAT Scans BASIC: Dartmouth BASIC to BASIC-PLUS Text Editor BATCH-Batch Processing for the PDP-11/20 with RSTS-II BB-Bit Bucket Device Handler For RSX-11D BENDIX: Handlers and Interface Subroutines for a Bendix Datagrid Coordinate Digitizer, Operating Under BASIC PTS or BASIC RTII Bentley Variety Package Binary Tape Interpreter/Address Scanner BINFEDjDOS Based Binary Module List/patch Program BIOF: BASIC Input/Output Function BIOMAC-Macros for Structured Programming in MACRO Blackjack for FOCAL-II BLDPII Block Display Program BLISS-11 (Withdrawn) BLISS-II/RSX-IIM Interface Macros BLKUSE, Block Usage Summary for File Structured Devices BNR Utilities BOOT BRANCH-DECAL Branching Scheme for "N" Right Out of "T" Tries BRAVO BXMIT CADA Monitor CALC: A Calculator Program CALEND-Calendar Generator CAMAC Support Library for Industrial Systems CAREERS CASANOVA Package CDA-Crash Dump Analyzer CHSBRD 11-96 11-72 11-161 RSTS-l1-72 RSTS-11-112 RSTS-11-75 11-186 11-257 11-12 11-278 11-71 11-329 RSTS-11-51 RSTS-II-7 11-93A 11-13 11-340 11-68 11-23IA 11-23IB 11-147a 11-123 RSTS-11-38 11-106 11-116 11-321 RSTS-11-92 RSTS-11-81 11-334 11-299 RSTS-II-62 11-31 11-23 11-27 11-208 11-5 11-91 11-160 11-271 11-124 11-348 11-137 RSTS-11-85 RSTS-11-25 11-61 RSTS-11-I03 11-341 11-131 11-268 11-180 RSTS-II-98A 11-178 RSTS-11-93 CHSSLV: A CHESS-PROBLEM SOLVER CILINK-A Swapping Overlay Loader CIOFBjDOS Based Overlay File Builder/Editor (Version 3) Oock Generator CMMT: Commenting and Lining up Assembler Files COLIST Compendium of (DECAL) CAl Programs COMBINE COMPU/CORDER PDP-II OOS Driver or "How to Make a Cassette Behave Like DECtape" Computer Dating Computer Dating (Withdrawn) Computer-Oriented-Accounting Package COMSYS--RSTS-II Communications System CONSOLE: Change System Console From One Terminal to Another Contour Plotting Program Conway's Game 'LIFE' Conway's "Life", PAL-liS Version COPY03: Backup Program (To and From all Devices Except DECtape) COPYTAPE Core Load to MAIN DEC TapejMAINDEC Tape Core-Only RSX-IIM, Version I COSAP-Conversationally Oriented Statistical Analysis Package CREATE and CREATI CRTEXT CYCLES CYCLES DATE Dartmouth Statistics Programs DATMAN: BASIC Data Manipulation Package DC.MAC-R C Disk Driver for RT-ll DEAS DEBUG DECODE VOU DECtape Handler DECtape Operating System (WithdrClWll) DECUS-S.I.G. Seminar Programs and Documentation DELFIL, Delete A File From FORTRAN DEPRESS (Withdrawn) Determination of Blood Volume & Red Blood Cell Survival Device Handler and Plotting Package for Houston Instrument DPI-Plotter Under RSX-IID DEXP DFPEEKjDOS Based Disk Inspect/patch Routine DFWFT-Discrete Fast Walsh-Fourier Transform Subroutine DIBOL Translator DICE Dice Game for the PDP-II DIRECTORY: List Disk Directories DISASM: RSX-IID Disassembler (WitNlrClWll) DLINES DOS BASIC, Version 2A OOS FOCAL, OOS DRIVERS and LIST-II DOS VERSION OF BASIC 11-162 11-166 11-21 11-164 11-305 11-133 RSTS-11-94 11-35 11-88 RSTS-11-53 11-56 RSTS-ll-IOO RSTS-11-35 11-318 11-228 11-37 11-101 RSTS-11-87 11-29 11-19 11-205 RSTS-11-30 RSTS-11-5 11-87 RSTS-11-76 11-235 11-336 RSTS-11-45 11-306 11-175 11-171 H-289 11-342 11-41 11-43 RSTS-11-101 11-144 RSTS-II-4 11-120 11-218 11-154 11-22 11-78 11-200 RSTS-11-90 11-3 11-315 11-238 11-45 11-70 11-156 11-64 OOSjRTll 9-Track Magtape Generate/llead Programs for UNIVAC 11-170 73 Alphabetical Index DOSLST-DOS Directory/File Lister 11-223 DRII-A/e LoadAble Driver with Build Package 11-352 DSKBOT DSKDMP and MTDUMP DSKPAT DSKSAV/DOS Disk SAVEjRESTORE DTY: Alphabetical Directory Listing Dump in Bootstrap Format Binary DVRTST DOS Driver Testing Package DX: PDP-8 Format DECtape Handler DXDRV: RXOljRX11 Handler for RSX-11D or lAS EAS.BAS: Enhanced Assembler Structures EBCDIC To ASCII Magtape Conversion ECAP ED--Scrolling Video Text Editor EDDY-A Scope Oriented Editor for the PDP-II EDIT EDIT8 EDITOR.BAS (and EDITIN), Version 6A EDITX-An Improved DOS EDIT EDITX (Withdrawn) EDUALO-Multi-User BASIC Educational Administration System-Ver 1. (Withdrawn) Electron Spin Resonance and General Integration Program Elementary Instructional Programs, Volume II Elementary Instructional Programs, Volume I ENCODE/DECODE for PDP-II FORTRAN IV (Withdrawn) Enlarged Character Printing Utility EPDEMO-Additional BASIC-PLUS Demos for the PDP-11 Everhart Collection on Magtape Extended FOCAL, DOS Version Extended ODT-IIX External Functions for PDP-II BASIC Fast Digital Signal Processing Software Package for the PDP-II Fast Fourier Transform Routine Fast, Accurate Matrix Equation Solver and Matrix Inverter FAST; ECONMY, ECON2; ONIONS Fast Spectrogram Generation/Display for PDP-I 1/ VT-II or VS-60 FBTRAN-Formatted Binary Transfer FFT Demonstration Package FFT-A Conversational Fast Fourier Transform FFTIIC-A Fast Fourier Transform Subroutine For Complex Data FFTSC-I6-Bit Complex FFT FILDMP (K082.) with /PA(Lll) Switch Option FILDMP: File Dump Utility and Object Module Cracker File Compatibility Package PDP-9/15 DECtape to PDP-II DECtape File Utility Programs For MU-BASIC/RT-II Fiscal Accounting FISH: Post and Inter Spike Interval Analysis Floppy Disk Utility (RT-11 Compatible) FOCAL-II (Withdrawn) FODT FODT: FORTRAN IV On-Line Debugging Tool FODT: FORTRAN IV On-Line Debugging Tool for RT-11 FORM-A Formatter for MACRO Source Code FORMAT-DECtape. Formatter for RT-11 Forms-Control Simulation for DECwriters and Teletypes FORODT: FORTRAN Debug Routine for RT-II FORTH Programming System for the PDP-II Fractions Drill and Practice FTCHEM: Fast Fourier Transform for CAPS-11 BASIC without EAE 11-60 11-40 11-206 11-26 11-277 11-8 11-122 11-355 74 11-247 11-256 11-67 11-126 11-343 11-86 RSTS-II-29 RSTS-II-32 RSTS-ll-1 11-202 11-33 11-65 RSTS-II-95 11-44 RSTS-II-66 RSTS-II-43 11-30 11-326 RSTS-II-24 11-210 11-237 11-28 11-47 11-296 11-179 11-112 RSTS-II-19 11-261 11-102 11-197 11-151 11-16a 11-189 11-83 11-242 11-25 11-297 RSTS-II-52 11-320 RSTS-II-89 11-24 11-138 11-270A 11-270B 11-203 11-216 11..;188 11-356 11-232 RSTS-II-44 11-274 FXSUBS Games, Puzzles and Recreation-I Games, Puzzles and Recreation-2 GAMMA-II Package: VQ, MIT, QPQS, XEBH GATREC,GAIDPY General-Purpo~ External Function for PDP-II BASIC GENES GERMAN-Adjective Ending Game and Data File Editor GETBIN: Change a Paper Tape Binary Program To RSX-IIM Bootstrappable Task. GONIF Gradient-Scintigraphy GRADES: Grading, Recording, & Analyzing Diverse Evaluations of Students GRAPH PACKAGE GT40 Debugger GT40 Graphics Utility Routines GT40.MAC-A FORTRAN Subroutine Set for the GT40 Series Display (VTI 1) GULP, Gamma-II Utility Program HOCI, A Finite Element Computer Program for Two-Dimensional Stress Analysis of Elastic Solids HOC2, A Finite Element Computer Program for Two-Dimensional Steady-State Conduction Heat Transfer Analysis HELP Bootstrap HELP COMMAND HELPER-Editing and Renumbering BASICPLUS Programs HIDE: Hidden Line Removal/Plotting Subprogram Hockey Game HPPLOT.BAS--Hewlett-Packard 7202A Graphic Plotter Programs IBV-11A FORTRAN Support Package INDEX: FORTRAN Cross Reference Program V02J INRAN, OUTRAN~mputerized Question Generation #2 INSFCL: DOS Instrumentation FOCAL Interval Histogram Program V.OO3 INVSIM-Inventory Simulations IOS--PDP-II/45 Formatted Input/Output Task Stacker and Processor IOXCRT-Input Output Executive with CRT and Hard Copier IOXEXT-Input Output Executive Extended ISNCS2 and IQSIN2-16-Bit Trigonometric Functions ISNCS4 and IQSIN4-16-Bit Trigonometric Functions KA-The Small Console Driver KB.MAC-Non-Console Teletype Driver for RT-II (Withdrawn) KERNEL: Security KERNEL for the PDPII/45 KIDVR-Keyboard Terminal Driver for DOS LALR (I) Parser Constructor to Translate Computer Languages Laramie High ECMEP Math Programs LASL Cornucopia # I "LEM" (Simulation of a Lunar Landing) LIB. FOR-Library Routines LIFE Game for DOS and Scope Line Editor for RSTS-BASIC (MODIFY) Line Printer Plot "LlNK"-FORTRAN Callable Task Linking LINK-lIS (Withdrawn) LISP I I LlSTAL.BAS LISTER: Listing Utility Program Listing Program for a PDP-II Computer LlSTRSX: RSXIID Multi-Column Listing Utility 11-141 RSTS-II-13 RSTS-11-14 11-152 11-351 II-57 RSTS-11-27 RSTS-II-18 11-281 11-134 11-185 11-338 RSTS-II-114 11-308 11-225 11-114 11-118 11-103 11-104 11-49 RSTS-II-115 RSTS-11-61 11-325 11-107 RSTS-II-67 11-317 11-229 RSTS-11-31 11-263 11-127 RSTS-II-69 11-109 11-84 11-85 11-190 11-191 11-194 11-184 11-279 11-99 11-312 RSTS-II-82 11-252 11-111 11-213 11-267 RSTS-II-28 11-309 11-358 11-6 11-304 RSTS-II-59 11-243 11-90 11-266 Alphabetical Index LKP. MAC: Improved Lookup Processor for DOS V9,1O LOADER LP or CR PDP-II DOS Drivers for Use With A. B. Dick Videojet Printer LP.MAC-A Handler for Use With an A.B. Dick Videojet Line Printer Under RSX-11D LP.PAL, SP.PAL; TIY Drivers for Printer, Punch and Reader of V4 Monitor LPS-II lOX Package LSFORM-LSII Centronix Line-Printer Driver for RSTS V4A M.I.T. Garbage Collection # I and #2 RSX-llD Cornucopia (formerly MIT RSX Cornucopia) MACRO Package for MACRO-II to Assemble INTEL 8008 Code MACRO Package for MACRO-II to assemble Signetics 2650 Code MACSP: MACRO-Il/SP Structured Programming Macros MAGTAPE LOADER Management Case Studies MAP: Disk Block Usage MARGOT: A MACRO-Based Generator of Command Language Interpreters MASK MATRIX ROUTINES Matrix Software Company Game and Demo Package MEMSEG-A 4K-123K Bank-At-A-Time PDP-11 Memory Diagnostic MFT Utility Package MICRO.BAS--8080 Based Microcomputer Simulator Middlebury College Utilities and Plotting Package MIGIT MINIPIP-l1 MIS-Management Information System ML/I Macro Processor Modification of the RT-ll General Terminal Handler to Simulate Hard Copy Form Control Modifications to ED-II VOO4A Modified Absloader and Dump Program Modified lOX for Handling More Than One Terminal Modifying RT-ll V02-01 to Run on an RC Disk as System Device (Withdrawn) MONUP-DOS Monitor Update Program (Withdrawn) MOONLANDER (LEM) MOSFLD: A Least Squares Fitting Routine for Mossbauer and Effect Spectra MOVERX.BAS MPS Cross Assembly Programs for RT-l1 MRIIDX MRMLIB MTPS and MFPS Emulator MTFDEL-TUIO Magtape File Deleting Program MUD11 MUMPS-II Library Tape MUMPS-II Program Documentor MUMPS Utilities NAMES and CEMGEN, Computerized Question Generation Nicolet 1090 Digital Oscilloscope Handler and Interface to PDP-II NMRSIM-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Simulation and Plotting Program North Country Union High School Administrative Programs NORTON-Astronomical Ephemeris Program Package NPACK 11-261 11-75 11-73 11-217 11-100 11-183 RSTS-II-15 11-282 11-287 11-290 11-291 11-339 II-54 RSTS-II-40 11-275 11-322 11-98 11-254 RSTS-11-71 11-198 11-204 RSTS-11-113 RSTS-11-I09 RSTS-II-50 11-125 RSTS-II-42 11-69 11-181 11-55 11-295 11-233 11-182 11-32 11-173 11-259 RSTS-Il-58 11-224 11-165 11-207 11-357 11-81 11-234 11-362 11-332 11-324 RSTS-11-23 11-319 RSTS-11-64 RSTS-II-46 RSTS-11-63 11-93C NULL Device Handler ODT-II, ODT-IIX, Revised ODT-IIT ODT-IIXR ODT.BAS: Octal Debugging Technique for MUBAS/RT-II ODT-IIT OMSI PlLOT-73 One Programmer's Utility Package for the PDP-II OS/8 To FILES-II Source Program Converter OS/8 to RSTS Interface OSCAR: Conversational Computer PACK.BAS PAL-11A (I2K) Card Reader Assembler PAL-lIS (Withdrawn) PAL-8, I I-A PDP-8 Assembler Implemented on a PDP-II PAL8X (Stand Alone Version (0) PALDMP. K042 PALEDIT Paper Tape Duplicator (High Speed Reader to TIY) PAPTAP, MAGTAP, LISTAC-Additional Cusps for RSTS-II Parity Subroutine PARITY-Paper Tape Compatibility with I.C.L. PARITY. MAC-High Speed Even (Odd) Parity Paper Punch Driver PASCAL Compiler for the PDP-11 (Swedish Version V04) PASCAL: PASCAL-II Programming System PAYROLL, Idaho Falls Payroll System PCP-11/MFT-11, DOS Timesharing and Catalogued Procedures PDM70 Support Routines PDP-8 Cross Assembler for RSX-IID PDP-II BASIC Demonstration Package PDP-II Binary Loader PDP-II Datapoint Editor, JPEDIT PDP-II DECtape Copy Routine PDP-II Program to Load Card Output Produced by the Wang IBM 370/pDP-ll Cross Assembler and Linker PDP-II Reverse Assembler PDP-II Utility Routines: ASCIB, JLBITS, CSISR PDP-ll/1O Loader PDPAS-PDP-l1 Assembler PDUMP-DOS Based Register/Core Dump (Withdrawn) PERMUT-Permutes a Given Sequence of Numbers PICT-Machine Code Tester Picture Book (Withdrawn) Picture Book PLOT-Digital Incremental Plotter Software Package POLFIT, A FOCAL Program to Fit Data to Polynomials up to 6th Degree PPMT and DUMPMT Procedure for Interfacing to FOCAL-II PROCON-l1 Project DELTA Educational Package, Section A, Mathematics Programs Project DELTA Educational Package, Section B, Statistics Programs Project DELTA Educational Package, Section C, Business Programs Project DELTA Educational Package, Section D, Electronics and Production Oriented Programs Project DELTA Educational Package, Section E, Additional Programs and Section F Teacher Assistance Programs Project DELTA Educational Package, Section G, Business Programs and Section H Data Processing Programs 11-300 11-74 II-58 II-52 11-302 11-221 RSTS-II-84 11-115 11-353 RSTS-II-86 11-258 RSTS-II-57 11-38 11-7 11-201 11-42 11-66 11-34 11-14 RSTS-11-83 11-36 ll-SO 11-177 11-346 11-246 RSTS-1l-33 11-195 11-146 11-354 11-10 11-4 11-15 11-11 11-168 11-79 11-273 11-53 11-76 11-18 11-77 11-220 RSTS-II-107 11-323 11-211 11-105 11-51 11-62 11-97 RSTS-II-9 RSTS-11-10 RSTS-11-11 RSTS-II-12 RSTS-II-47 RSTS-II-48 7S Alphabetical Index PTHEAD-Paper Tape Heading Program PUNCH. BAS 11-219 RSTS-11-60 11-139 11-298 11-128 11-155 QANDA QSORTA: Fastest Core Sort-Quicksort QUANDA RADIX-Base Conversion Routine READ-FORTRAN Compatible Free Format Input Routines 11-113 READID.MAC RSTS-11-36 READID.MAC (Withdrawn) 11-159 Real Time EXF for Single User BASIC 11-167 Real Time Sound Modification Programs 11-311 Real-Time Overlay for 1-8 User BASIC-II (VOO2A) 11-95 REC: File Recovery 11-276 REDISK-DOS File-Structure Rebuilder 11-196 RENUM-FORTRAN ~enumbering Program 11-214 RENUMB.BAS: BASIC File Renumbering Program 11-244 RENUMBERER 11-330 RESEQ-Program Resequencing RSTS-1l-6 RESEQ.BAS: Line Resequence Programme 11-303 Reverse Assembler for RT-ll 11-335 RFSAV and RFRST ll-150 RINNY2, Version B-2a, # I RSTS-II-I02 RK II Disk to Disk Duplicator 11-82 RMDEMO 11-230 RO.MAC-MT ROLLIN File Device Driver 11-226 ROBOT and FIX RSTS-11-21 ROTATE, POLY. PLOTIO. XYPLOT RSTS-II-26 RPGFNS: BASIC-PLUS Functions for Accessing RPG Files (Withdrawn) RSTS-11-91 RSTS-11-79 RSTS Pedormance Measurement Package RSTS with PAMlLA RSTS-11-1I1 RSTS-II Library Magtape with no documentation. RSTS-II-MTLIB RSTS-II Library Magtape Package # I RSTS-II-LIBI RSTS-ll Library Magtape Package # 2 RSTS-II-LIB2 RSTS-II Library RK05 Package # I RSTS-II-DKI RSTS-II Library RK05 Package #2 RSTS-ll-DK2 RSTS-II Library RK05 Package #3 RSTS-II-DK3 RSTS-ll-DK4 RSTS-II Library RK05 Package #4 11-269 RSX-II BASIC 11-313 RSX-II/DOS-II DDT-Symbolic Debugger RSX-llD Core Dump 11-148 RSX-llD Cornucopia (formerly MIT RSX Cornucopia) 11-287 RSX-IID FOCAL 11-284 RSX-llD Task Package 11-157 11-163 RSX-llD TECO & RSX-llM TECO (Withdrawn) RSX-II TECO With Buffered Typeout and VT52 WINDOW SUPPORT, Plus TECO DOCTOR 11-360 Game RT-II File Conversion Program for Absolute 11-310 Loader Paper Tapes with SA < 1000 RT-II General Purpose Magnetic Tape Handler 11-337 11-314 RT-lI RUNOFF 11-288 RT-ll TECO 11-172 RTDOS RTMAG: Utility to Read RT-ll Magtapes under RSTS-ll-I06 RSTS/E 11-176 RUN.MAC/SSWTCH.MAC 11-222 RUNOFF, V6A (Withdrawn) 11-24 I RUNOFF: Documentation Preparation RUSROU: Multi-Terminal Russian Roulette RSTS-II-99 RXII Floppy Utility 11-209 SADSM RSTS-II-49 SAPLOD-stand-Alone Program Loader for DOS 11-92 11-93B SCORE SEND.MAC: RXS-IID Interminal Communications MCR Command 11-30l Set of Utility Routines for any PDP-II Machine Running RT-lI BASIC 11-294 SET.OBJ 11-250 11;.239 SGCML: Get Command Line Enhancement RSTS-11-97 SHELF 76 Simulation of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Powder Spectra Single Precision Unsigned Multiply/Divide Single User BASIC, Version GE08B Slow Matrix Inversion For Real Numbers SMOT SNPDMP SOLVE-Southeastern On-Line Version of Enrollment SORT: Generalized File Sort Utility SORT-Utility ASCII Sort SOS-l1 SOTS-Small FORTRAN OTS for RSX SPACEWAR Spence Math Strands, Version 2 (Withdrawn) SPOOL-II: Generalized I/O Spooler for DOS/ MUD/MFT/PCP SPOOL: Foreground Line Printer Spooler SPPLT-Hybrid Orbital Contour Plotting Program SPRING THING SQRS Square Root Routine for Integers SRD: Sort Directory Utility SRL Magtape Operating System Stage 2 for the PDP-ll operating under RT-ll STAGE2 For Small Paper Tape Systems STAGE2 For The PDP-II STAR-TREK (SPACWR) STAR-TREK (SPACWR) for RSX-IIM STAT-II Statistical Package STIRS, Self-Training Interpretive and Retrieval System Programs For Mass Spectral Data "SUPER DUPER" (Fast PDP-II DECtape Duplication Routine) SYSELF-System Status-self SYSMAC.THM System Status Display-Hazeltine 2000 SYZER: RT-ll System Sizer T4OIOC TEKTRONIX 4010/4610/4953 Control Procedures TABS: Replaces Tabs with Blanks TAGFIL.FIN-Directory Annotation Program for DOS and RTll TAGGET: Simple DATA Encripter for RSTS/ERT11 TALK-Inter Terminal Communications Program TAPFOR.MAC T AXRTN-Canadian Individual Income Tax Return TCU-lOO Oock Daemon for Digital Pathways UNIBUS Oock/fimer TDL/SCRIPT TECO-Text Editor and Correction for RSX-IID, Version 6A (Withdrawn) TECO-II Manual TECO-II: Text Editor and Corrector for RSTS/E TECO: DOS-II TECO TECO V28 for RSX-llD/IAS TECO V28 for RSX-IIM TECO V28 for RT-ll TED-IIA, Text Editor TELEP.BAS: Address Manipulator TERM.MAC-Terminet Device Driver for PDP-I 1/20, DOS V8.02 TEXT EDITOR FOR RSTS TEXTED TGH GAMMA-II Package-HEAD, STOM, RENO THYR The Timer Package TRA. MAC: "Real-Time" TRAN Processor for DOS (V9 or later) TRACE Debugging Program Trace for PDP-II Floating Point Package 11-347 11-2 ll-129 11-9 11-153 11-149 RSTS-11-68 11-292 11-359 RSTS-II-I08 11-236 11-192 RSTS-11-96 11-264 11-316 RSTS-II-65 RSTS-11-37 11-140 11-345 11-260 11-63 11-307 11-251 11-158 11-174 11-293 RSTS-lI-lI 0 11-143 11-39 RSTS-1l-74 11-199 RSTS-II-8 11-272 11-245 11-248 11-227 11-285 RSTS-ll-16 RSTS-1I-54 11-187 11-349 RSTS-II-80 11-212 11-350 RSTS-lI-l05 11-265 11-334 11-333 11-288 11-132 11-255 ll-193 RSTS-II-3 RSTS-ll-17 ll-135 ll-l36 RSTS-1l-56 11-262 11-48 11-20 Alphabetical Index TRACE.MAC/fR.MAC Transformed Z Scores TREK-Star Trek Game Tri-Data Paper-Tape PAL-llA Assembler TTY Code to Octal TTYALL, Multi-Teletype Dispatcher TUTOR TUTROI-TUTRI7, BASIC Tutoring Programs TUTR-BASIC Tutoring Programs Two Conversion Routines EBTASC and ASCTEB TY.MAC, Typewriter Driver for Extra Teletypes for DOS TYPIST ULTRAG-Advanced Function Graphing Program (Withdrawn) UNPAL-ll UNPAL-IIA Mnemonic Dump UPTK UTILITIES, EDITORS, AND HANGMAN GAME Utility Package for RSXII-D Utility Routines for a PDP-ll/45 With a Floating Point Processor 11-215 11-94 RSTS-II-20 11-169 11-17 11-108 RSTS-II-88 RSTS-11-22 RSTS-11-22 11-46 11-117 RSTS-II-41 RSTS-II-77 11-50 11-59 11-142 RSTS-I1-2 11-286 11-110 VBFILE: Variable Record Random Access File Handler Routines VBS: IBM to PDP-ll VBS-Format Magtape I/O Package VOLUME Volume/Dosage Calculation Program for Tc or In VT-55 VT, BD, Booll, and lOS VT, PDP-II DOS Compatible Driver for Tektronix 4010 Graphics Display Terminal VTPONG: RSX-llM Task To Play Pong Using VT52 or VT55 Terminal Wabash College Student Information System W ABC Core Dumper WHO.OB] WRIST-Wabash Research Investigation Simulation Teacher X-RAY: An On-Line Program for Automatic Electron Microanalysis of Oxides and Silicates Using a Si (Li) Spectrometer XREF.BAS XREF: Cross-Referencer for BASIC-PLUS Programs YACHT-Yachting Championship Results ZERO RSTS-II-I04 11-280 11-253 11-119 11-331 11-328 11-130 11-327 RSTS-I1-34 11-121 11-249 RSTS-I1-70 11-145 RSTS-I1-55 RSTS-ll-78 RSTS-11-39 11-89 77 SECflON 4.2 CATEGORY INDEX Categories IA. lB. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. IA. Monitors, Programming Systems Languages, Compilers, Interpreters Text Editors, Text Manipulation Debugging, Disassembly, Trace, Dump Binary Loading and Punching Duplication, Verification Math Routines, Numerical and Logical Functions Utility Display, Graphics Data Management, Data Manipulation, Sorting Probability, Statistics, Curve Fitting Scientific and Engineering Applications Hardware Control, Device Handlers Games, Demonstrations, Educational Programs Plotting Subroutines and Programs Business, Administrative Programs Maintenance, Hardware Diagnostics Miscellaneous MONITORS, PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS 11-34 11-84 I1-S5 11-108 11-167 11-172 11-176 11-IS2 11-195 11-205 11-232 11-234 11-236 11-304 11-307 RSTS-II-49 RSTS-II-SI RSTS-II-84 PALEDIT IOXCRT-Input Output Executive with CRT and Hard Copier IOXEXT-Input Output Executive Extended TIYALL, Multi-Teletype Dispatcher Real Time EXF for Single User BASIC RTDOS RUN.MAC/SSWTCH.MAC Modifying RT-II V02-01 to Run on an RC Disk as System Device PCP-llfMFT-ll, DOS Timesharing and Catalogued Procedures Core-Only RSX-II M, Version I FORTH Programming System for the PDP-II MUDII SOTS-Small FORTRAN OTS for RSX LISP I I Stage 2 for the PDP-ll operating under RT-11 SADSM BATCH-Batch Processing for the PDP-Il/20 with RSTS-II OMSI PILOT-73 lB. LANGUAGES, COMPILERS, INTERPRETERS 11-71 11-76 11-95 11-129 11-156 II-ISS 11-160 11-169 11-201 11-354 RSTS-11-50 RSTS-II-72 RSTS-II-84 ACCEYf PDPAS-PDP-II Assembler Real-Time Overlay for I-S User BASIC-II (VOO2A) Single User BASIC, Version GE08B DOS FOCAL, DOS DRIVERS and LIST-II STAGE2 For The PDP-II BLISS-II Tri-Data Paper-Tape PAL-IIA Assembler PAL-S, I I-A PDP-S Assembler Implemented on a PDP-ll BIOMAC-Macros for Structured Programming in MACRO MPS Cross Assembly Programs for RT-II ALGOL for RT-II ALGOL for RSX-II Extended FOCAL, DOS Version PASCAL: PASCAL-II Programming System STAGE2 For Small Paper Tape Systems BAS.BAS: Enhanced Assembler Structures INSFCL: DOS Instrumentation FOCAL CAMAC Support Library fer Industrial Systems RSX-II BASIC BLISS-IljRSX-IIM Interface Macros RSX-IID FOCAL LALR (I) Parser Constructor to Translate Computer Languages MARGOT: A MACRO-Based Generator of Command Language Interpreters PASCAL Compiler for the PDP-ll (Swedish Version V04) PDP-S Cross-Assembler for RSX-IID MIGIT 1401 Simulator (RSTS Version) OMSI PILOT-73 RSTS-ll-103 CADA Monitor 11-20S 11-224 11-23IA 23IB 11-237 11-246 11-251 11-256 11-263 11-26S 11-269 11-271 11-2S4 11-312 11-322 11-346 11-3S 11-42 11-64 11-65 11-69 11-70 PAL-IIA (I2K) Card Reader Assembler PAL8X (Stand Alone Version (0) DOS VERSION OF BASIC EDUALO-Multi-User BASIC ML/I Macro Processor DOS BASIC, Version 2A 79 Category Index II. TEXT EDITORS, TEXT MANIPULATION ll-15 11-23 11-34 11-46 II-55 11-86 11-90 ll-l06 ll-l32 ll-I33 11-141 11-158 ll-163 ll-188 11-200 11-202 11-208 11-212 11-241 11-248 11-255 11-264 11-265 11-266 11-288 11-297 11-305 11-314 11-332 11-333 11-334 11-343 11-350 11-360 RSTS-II-I RSTS-II-2 RSTS-II-3 RSTS-II-5 RSTS-II-17 RSTS-II-28 RSTS-II-29 RSTS-II-32 RSTS-II-59 RSTS-II-61 RSTS-II-92 RSTS-Il-105 RSTS-II-108 III. 11-8 11-13 11-20 11-22 11-23 11-26 80 PDP-II Datapoint Editor, JPEDIT BINFEDjDOS Based Binary Module List/patch Program PALEDIT Two Conversion Routines EBTASC and ASCTEB Modifications to ED-II VOO4A EDDY-A Scope Oriented Editor for the PDP-II Listing Program for a PDP-II Computer Assorted Routines for use with DOS-II TED-I lA, Text Editor COLIST FXSUBS STAGE2 For The PDP-II RSX-IID TECO & RSX-IIM TECO Forms-Control Simulation for DECwriters and Teletypes DIBOL Translator EDITX-An ImprOVed DOS EDIT BIOMAC-Macros for Structured Programming in MACRO TECO-Text Editor and Correction for RSX-IID, Version 6A RUNOFF: Documentation Preparation TABS: Replaces Tabs with Blanks TELEP.BAS: Address Manipulator SPOOL-II: Generalized I/O Spooler for DOS/ MUD/MFTjPCP TECO: DOS-II TECO LISTRSX: RSXIID Multi-Column Listing Utility TECO V28 for RT-II File Utility Programs For MU-BASIC/RT-II CMMT: Commenting and Lining up Assembler Files RT-II RUNOFF MUMPS-II Program Documentor TECO V28 for RSX-IIM TECO V28 for RSX-IID/IAS ED-Scrolling Video Text Editor TECO-II Manual RSX-II TECO With Buffered Typeout and VT52 WINDOW SUPPORT, Plus TECO oocrOR Game EDITOR.BAS (and EDITIN), Version 6A UTILITIES, EDITORS, 'AND HANGMAN GAME TEXT EDITOR FOR RSTS CREATE and CREATI TEXTED Line Editor for RSTS-BASIC (MODIFY) EDIT EDIT8 LISTAL.BAS HELPER-Editing and Renumbering BASICPLUS Programs BASIC: Dartmouth BASIC to BASIC-PLUS Text Editor TECO-II: Text Editor and COrrector for RSTS/E SOS-II DEBUGGING, DISASSEMBLY, TRACE, DUMP Dump in Bootstrap Format Binary ADUMP Trace for PDP-II Floating Point Package DFPEEK/DOS Based Disk Inspect/patch Routine BINFED/DOS Based Binary Module List/patch Program DSKSAV/DOS Disk SAVE/RESTORE 11-28 Extended ODT-IIX 11-48 TRACE Debugging Program II-SO II-52 11-58 II-59 11-66 11-74 11-79 11-83 11-97 11-101 11-121 11-122 ll-134 11-138 11-147 11-148 11-149 11-157 ll-161 ll-l64 11-208 UNPAL-II. ODT-IIXR ODT-I1T UNPAL-IIA Mnemonic Dump PALDMP. K042 ODT-II, ODT-IIX, Revised PDP-II Reverse Assembler FILDMP (K082.) with /PA(LII) Switch Option PROCON-II Conway's "Life", PAL-liS Version WABC Core Dumper DVRTST DOS Driver Testing Package GONIF FOOT AMD-CDC 200 UT Simulator RSX-IID Core Dump SNPDMP , RSX-IID Task Package 1401 Simulator aock Generator BIOMAC-Macros for Structured Programming in 11-215 11-220 11-221 11-224 11-229 11-242 TRACE.MAC/TR.MAC PICT-Machine Co4e Tester ODT-IIT MPS Cross Assembly Programs for RT-II INDEX-FORTRAN Cross Referencing Program FILDMP: File Dump Utility and Object Module Cracker FODT: FORTRAN IV On-Line Debugging Tool FODT: FORTRAN IV On-Line Debugging Tool for RT-11 DEBUG MACRO Package for MACRO-II to Assemble INTEL 8008 Code MACRO Package for MACRO-II to assemble Signetics 2650 Code Modified Absloader and Dump Program NULL Device Handler GT40 Debugger RSX-II/DOS-II DDT-Symbolic Debugger Reverse Assembler for RT-II DECODEVOlJ FORODT: FORTRAN Debug Routine for RT-11 SPRING THING Analog Computer Simulator INVSIM-Inventory Simulations 1401 Simulator (RSTS Version) MACRO 11-270A 11-270B 11-289 11-290 11-29 I 11-295 11-300 11-308 11-313 11-335 11-342 11-356 RSTS-II-37 RSTS-II-38 RSTS-II-69 RSTS-II-72 IV. BINARY LOADING AND PUNClHNG 11-4 11-19 11-21 11-23 11-26 11-29 11-31 11-49 II-53 11-54 11-57 11-75 11-92 11-97 11-102 11-109 PDP-ll Binary Loader Core Load to MAINDEC Tape/MAINDEC Tape CIOFB/OOS Based Overlay File BuiIder/Editor (Version 3) , BINFED/DOS Based Binary Module List/Patch Program DSKSAV/DOS Disk SAVE/RESTORE COPYTAPE Binary Tape Interpreter/Address Scanner HELP Bootstrap PDP-I 1/10 Loader MAGTAPE LOADER A General-Purpose External Function for PDP-11 BASIC LOADER SAPLOD-Stand-Alone Program Loader for DOS PROCON-II FBTRAN-Formatted Binary Transfer 10S-PDP-II/45 Formatted Input/Output Task Stacker and Processor Category Index 11-125 11-137 11-165 11-166 11-168 11-186 11-310 RSTS-II-60 MINIPIP-II BOOT MRllDX CILINK-A Swapping Overlay Loader PDP-II Program to Load Card Output Produced by the Wang IBM 370/PDP-ll Cross Assembler and Linker Absolute Loader for DOS, RT-ll and RSTS RT-II File Conversion Program for Absolute Load1000 er Paper Tapes with SA PUNCH. BAS < V. DUPLICATION, VERIFICATION 11-11 11-14 11-29 11-31 11-39 11-196 RSTS-II-57 RSTS-II-58 PDP-II DECtape Copy Routine Paper Tape Duplicator (High Speed Reader to TTY) COPYTAPE Binary Tape Interpreter/Address Scanner "SUPER DUPER" (Fast PDP-II DECtape Duplication Routine) REDISK-DOS File-Structure Rebuilder PACK.BAS MOVERX.BAS VI. MATH ROUTINES, NUMERICAL AND LOGICAL FUNCTIONS 11-2 11-9 ll-16a 11-27 11-57 11-68 11-71 11-78 11-93C 11-105 11-110 11-112 11-113 11-115 11-151 11-155 11-179 11-189 11-190 11-191 11-197 11-207 11-254 11-274 11-296 11-341 11-345 11-351 RSTS-II-9 Single Precision Unsigned Multiply/Divide Slow Matrix Inversion For Real Numbers FFTIIC-A Fast Fourier Transform Subroutine For Complex Data BIOF: BASIC Input/Output Function A General-Purpose External Function for PDP-ll BASIC ALGEBRA-A Program for Manipulating Logical Expressions ACCEPT DFWFT-Discrete Fast Walsh-Fourier Transform Subroutine NPACK POLFIT, A FOCAL Program to Fit Data to Polynomials up to 6th Degree Utility Routines for a PDP-ll/45 With a Floating Point Processor Fast, Accurate Matrix Equation Solver and Matrix Inverter READ-FORTRAN Compatible Free Format Input Routines One Programmer's Utility Package for the PDP-ll FFT-A Conversational Fast Fourier Transform RADIX-Base Conversion Routine Fast Fourier Transform Routine FFTSC-I6-Bit Complex FFT ISNCS2 and IQSIN2-16-Bit Trigonometric Functions ISNCS4 and IQSIN4--16-Bit Trigonometric Functions FFT Demonstration Package MRMLIB MATRIX ROUTINES FTCHEM: Fast Fourier Transform for CAPS-II BASIC without EAE Fast Digital Signal Processing Software Package for the PDP-II CALC: A Calculator Program Square Root Routine for Integers GATREC,GATDPY Project DELTA Educational Package, Section A, Mathematics Programs RSTS-II-43 RSTS-I1-44 RSTS-I1-47 RSTS-II-66 RSTS-II-82 Elementary Instructional Programs, Volume I Fractions Drill and Practice Project DELTA Educational Package, Section E Additional Mathematics Programs and Section F Teacher Assistance Programs Elementary Instructional Programs, Volume II Laramie High ECMEP Math Programs VII. UTILIlY 11-19 11-21 11-22 11-26 11-29 11-31 11-35 11-36 11-40 11-46 11-50 II-51 11-53 11-57 11-60 11-61 11-66 11-67 11-68 11-71 11-75 II-SO 11-81 11-82 11-83 11-86 11-87 11-90 11-91 11-92 11-102 11-106 11-115 11-116 11-123 11-124 11-125 11-128 11-139 11-144 11-150 11-157 11-159 11-165 11-166 11-170 11-171 11-175 11-177 11-178 11-182 11-183 11-188 Core Load to MAINDEC Tape/MAINDEC Tape CIOFB/OOS Based Overlay File Builder/Editor (Version 3) DFPEEK/DOS Based Disk Inspect/Patch Routine DSKSAV/DOS Disk SAVE/RESTORE COPYTAPE Binary Tape Interpreter/Address Scanner COMBINE Parity Subroutine DSKDMP and MTDUMP Two Conversion Routines EBTASC and ASCTEB UNPAL-l1 PPMT and DUMPMT PDP-II/I0 Loader A General-Purpose EXternal Function for PDP-ll BASIC DSKBOT BXMIT PALDMP. K042 EBCDIC To ASCII Magtape Conversion ALGEBRA-A Program for Manipulating Logical Expressions ACCEPT WADER PARITY-Paper Tape Compatibility with I.C.L. MTFDEL-TUIO Magtape File Deleting Program RKll Disk to Disk Duplicator FILDMP (K082.) with /PA(LIl) Switch Option EDDY-A Scope Oriented Editor for the PDP-II CRTEXT Listing Program for a PDP-II Computer BLDPll Block Display Program SAPLOD-Stand-Alone Program Loader for DOS FBTRAN~Formatted Binary Transfer Assorted Routines for use with DOS-II One Programmer's Utility Package for the PDP-II BACADI, ASCII-EBCDIC Magtape File Dump AN5800; A Group of Routines for Handling the Analogic AN5800 Data Conversion System BLKUSE, Block Usage Summary for File Structured Devices MINIPIP-II QUANDA QANDA DELFIL, Delete A File From FORTRAN RFSAV and RFRST RSX-IID Task Package READID.MAC MR 11 DX CILINK-A Swapping Overlay Loader DOS/RTII 9-Track Magtape Generate/Read Programs for UNIVAC DEAS DC.MAC-R C Disk Driver for RT-ll PARITY. MAC-High Speed Even (Odd) Parity Paper Punch Driver CDA-Crash Dump Analyzer Modifying RT-ll V02-01 to Run on an RC Disk as System Device LPS-ll lOX Package Forms-Control Simulation for DECwriters and Teletypes 81 Category Index 11-196 REDISK-DOS File-Structure Rebuilder RSTS-11-51 ACCMAT-Account Maintenance File 11-199 SYSMAC.THM RSTS-1l-54 TAPFOR.MAC 11-200 11-204 11-206 11-207 11-209 11-213 11-214 11-216 11-219 11-223 11-226 11-227 DlBOL Translator MFT Utility Package DSKPAT MRMLIB RXll Floppy Utility LIB.FOR-Library Routines RENUM-FORTRAN Renumbering Program FORMAT-DECtape. Formatter for RT-II PrHEAD-Paper Tape Heading Program DOSLST-DOS Directory/File Lister RO.MAC-MT ROLLIN File Device Driver TAGFIL.FIN-Directory Annotation Program for DOS and RTII INDEX: FORTRAN Cross Reference Program V02J RMDEMO A Modified lOX for Handling More Than One Terminal LISTER: Listing Utility Program WHO.OB] RSTS-11-5S RSTS-11-56 RSTS-II-S7 RSTS-11-79 RSTS-11-80 RSTS-II-81 XREF.BAS The Timer Package PACK.BAS RSTS Performance Measurement Package TDL/SCRIPT BATCH-Batch Processing for the PDP-I 1/20 with RSTS-1I PAPTAP, MAGTAP, LISTAC-Additional Cusps for RSTS-II 08/8 to RSTS Interface COPY03: Backup Program (To and From all Devices Except DECtaee) Floppy Disk Utility (RT-ll Compatible) VBFILE: Variable Record Random Access File Handler Routines RTMAG: Utility to Read RT-II Magtapes under RSTS/E Middlebury College Utilities and Plotting Package HELP COMMAND 11-229 11-230 11-233 11-243 11-249 11-250 11-253 11-257 11-260 11-261 11-262 11-264 11-266 11-272 11-273 11-275 11-276 11-277 11-278 11-280 11-281 11-286 11-292 11-294 11-295 11-302 11-303 11-315 11-316 11-317 11-318 11-319 11-321 11-324 11-326 11-329 11-330 11-336 11-337 11-348 11-353 11-358 RSTS-II-2 RSTS-II-5 RSTS-11-35 RSTS-11-36 82 RSTS-II-83 RSTS-11-86 RSTS-11-87 RSTS-11-89 RSTS-II-I04 RSTS-II-I06 RSTS-II-I09 RSTS-II-II5 SET. 081 VOLUME ABSPAT: Absolute Binary Patch on RK Disk and DECtape SRD: Sort Directory Utility LKP. MAC: ImprOVed Lookup Processor for DOS V9,1O TRA. MAC: "Real-Time" TRAN Processor for DOS (V9 or later) SPOOL-II: Generalized I/O Spooler for DOS/ MUD/MFT/pcP LISTRSX: RSXIID Multi-Column Listing Utility SYZER: RT-II System Sizer PDP-II Utility Routines: ASCIB, ]LBITS, CSISR MAP: Disk Block Usage REC: File Recovery DTY: Alphabetical Directory Listing ACC: Accounting VBS: IBM to PDP-II VBS-Format Magtape I/O Package GETBIN: Change a Paper Tape Binary Program To RSX-IIM Bootstrappable Task. Utility Package for RSX11-D SORT: Generalized File Sort Utility Set of Utility Routines for any PDP-II Machine Running RT-1I BASIC Modified Absloader and Dump Program ODT.BAS: Octal Debugging Technique for MUBAS/RT-1I RESEQ.BAS: Line Resequence Programme DIRECTORY: List Disk Directories SPOOL: Foreground Line Printer Spooler IBV-IIA FORTRAN Support Package CONSOLE: Change System Console From One Terminal to Another Nicolet 1090 Digital Oscilloscope Handler and Interface to PDP-II Basic Image Processing System for CAT Scans MUMPS Utilities Enlarged Character Printing Utility ACCLOG: Task Accounting Package Fer RSX-IIMV3.0 RENUMBERER DATE RT-II General Purpose Magnetic Tape Handler BNR Utilities OS/8 FILES-II Source Program Converter "LINK"-FORTRAN Callable Task Linking UTILITIES, EDITORS, AND HANGMAN GAME CREATE and CREATI COMSYS-RSTS-II Communications System READID.MAC VID. DISPLAY, GRAPHICS 11-45 11-87 11-91 11-114 11-115 11-116 11-128 11-130 11-139 11-245 11-266 11-323 11-327 11-328 RSTS-11-8 DLINES CRTEXT BLDPII Block Display Program GT4O.MAC-A FORTRAN Subroutine Set for the GT40 Series Display (VTII) One Programmer's Utility Package for the PDP-II BACADI, ASCII-EBCDIC Magtape File Dump QUANDA VT, PDP-II DOS Compatible Driver for Tektronix 4010 Graphics Display Terminal QANDA T40IOC TEKTRONIX 4010/4610/4953 Control Procedures LISTRSX: RSXIID Multi-Column Listing Utility Picture Book VTPONG: RSX-11M Task To Play Pong Using VT52 or VT55 Terminal VT, BD, BDOI1, and lOS System Status Display-Hazeltine 2000 IX. DATA MANAGEMENT, DATA MANIPULATION, SORTING 11-22 11-23 11-27 11-42 11-80 11-88 11-89 11-93B 11-98 11-116 11-118 11-123 11-175 11-177 11-183 11-213 11-244 11-260 DFPEEKjDOS Based Disk Inspect/patch Routine BINFED/DOS Based Binary Module List/patch Program BIOF: BASIC Input/Output Function PAL8X (Stand Alone Version 00) PARITY-Paper Tape Compatibility with I.C.L. COMPU/CORDER PDP-II DOS Driver or "How to Make a Cassette Behave Like DECtape" ZERO SCORE MASK BACADI, ASCII-EBCDIC Magtape File Dump GULP, Gamma-11 Utility Program AN5800; A Group of Routines for Handling the Analogic AN5800 Data Conversion System DC.MAC-R C Disk Driver for RT-II PARITY. MAC-High Speed Even (Odd) Parity Paper Punch Driver LPS-1I lOX Package LIB. FOR-Library Routines RENUMB.BAS: BASIC File Renumbering Pr0gram SRD: Sort Directory Utility Category Index 11-298 11-306 11-328 11-359 RSTS-II-6 RSTS-II-42 RSTS-11-68 RSTS-11-I04 x. QSORTA: Fastest Core Sort-Quicksort DATMAN: BASIC Data Manipulation Package VT, BD, BOO I I, and lOS SORT-Utility ASCII Sort RESEQ-Program Resequencing MIS-Management Information System SOLVE-Southeastem On-Line Version of Enrollment VBFILE: Variable Record Random Access File Handler Routines PROBABILITY, STATISTICS, CURVEFITTING 11-77 11-78 11-127 11-207 11-259 RSTS-11-IO RSTS-II-30 RSTS-II-45 RSTS-II-68 RSTS-II-98A RSTS-11-103 RSTS-11-11 0 PERMUT-Permutes a Given Sequence of Numbers DFWFT-Discrete Fast Walsh-Fourier Transform Subroutine Interval Histogram Program V.003 MRMLIB MOSFLD: A Least Squares Fitting Routine for Mossbauer and Effect Spectra Project DELTA Educational Package, Section B, Statistics Programs COSAP-Conversationally Oriented Statistical Aalysis Package Dartmouth Statistics Programs SOLVE-Southeastem On-Line Version of Enrollment The CASANOVA Package CADA Monitor STAT-II Statistical Package XI. SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING APPUCATIONS 11-12 11-44 11-296 AC Circuit Analysis Program Electron Spin Resonance and General Integration Program HDCI, A Finite Element Computer Program for Two-Dimensional Stress Analysis of Elastic S0lids HDC2, A Finite Element Computer Program for Two-Dimensional Steady-State Conduction Heat Transfer Analysis VolumejDosage Calculation Program for Tc or In Determination of Blood Volume & Red Blood Cell Survival ECAP Interval Histogram Program V.003 TGH GAMMA-II Package-HEAD, STOM, RENO THYR UPTK STIRS, Self-Training Interpretive and Retrieval System Programs For Mass Spectral Data X-RAY: An On-Line Program for Automatic Electron Microanalysis of Oxides and Silicates Using a Si (Li) Spectrometer GAMMA-II Package: VQ, MIT, QPQS, XEBH SMOT DEXP Gradient-Scintigraphy MRMLIB MOSFLD: A Least Squares Fitting Routine for Mossbauer and Effect Spectra Fast Digital Signal Processing Software Package for 11-320 FISH: Post and Inter Spike Interval Analysis 11-103 11-104 11-119 11-120 11-126 11-127 11-135 11-136 11-142 11-143 fl-145 11-152 11-153 11-154 11-185 11-207 11-259 the PDP-II 11-347 11-361 RSTS-11-12 RSTS-II-27 RSTS-11-63 RSTS-11-64 RSTS-11-65 RSTS-11-67 RSTS-11-70 RSTS-11-76 RSTS-11-98A RSTS-Il-lll Simulation of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Powder Spectra Fast Spectrogram GenerationfDisplay for PDP-l1/ VT-ll or VS-60 Project DELTA Educational Package, Section D, Electronics and Production Oriented Programs GENES NORTON-Astronomical Ephemeris Program Package NMRSIM-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Simulation and Plotting Program SPPLT-Hybrid Orbital Contour Plotting Program HPPLOT.BAS-Hewlett-Packard 7200A Graphic Plotter Programs WRIST-Wabash Research Investigation Simulation Teacher CYCLES The CASANOVA Package RSTS with PAMlLA XII. HARDWARE CONTROL, DEVICE HANDLERS 11-17 11-41 11-47 II-55 11-57 11-71 11-73 11-81 11-93A 11-97 11-99 11-100 11-114 11-117 ll-147a 11-175 11-177 11-181 11-193 11-194 11-217 11-218 11-226 11-233 11-245 11-247 11-299 11-300 11-328 11-337 11-344 11-349 TIY Code to Octal DECtape Handler External Functions for PDP-II BASIC Modifications to ED-II VOO4A A General-Purpose External Function for PDP-II BASIC ACCEPT LP or CR PDP-II OOS Drivers for Use With A. B. Dick Videojet Printer MTFDEL-TUIO Magtape File Deleting Program ADC PROCON-II KTDVR..:...K.eyboard Terminal Driver for OOS V 4 andY' LP.PAL, SP.PAL; TIY Drivers for Printer, Punch and Reader of V4 Monitor GT40.MAC-A FORTRAN Subroutine Set for the GT40 Series Display (VTll) TY.MAC, Typewriter Driver for Extra Teletypes for OOS AMD-CDC 200 UT Simulator DC.MAC-R C Disk Driver for RT-11 PARITY.MAC-High Speed Even (Odd) Parity Paper Punch Driver Modification of the RT-l1 General Terminal Handler to Simulate Hard Copy Form Control TERM.MAC-Terminet Device Driver for PDP-1I/20, OOS V8.02 KA-The Small Console Driver LP.MAC-A Handler for Use With an AB. Dick Videojet Line Printer Under RSX-llD A Device Handler and Plotting Package for Houston Instrument DPI-Plotter Under RSX-11D RO.MAC-MT ROLLIN File Device Driver A Modified lOX for Handling More Than One Terminal T40IOC TEKTRONIX 4010/4610/4953 Control Procedures DXORV: RXOl/RXlI Handler for RSX-IID or lAS BENDIX: Handlers and Interface Subroutines for a Bendix Datagrid Coordinate Digitizer, Operating Under BASIC PTS or BASIC RTII NULL Device Handler VT, BD, BOO I I, and lOS RT-II General Purpose Magnetic Tape Handler BB-Bit Bucket Device Handler for RSX-IID TeU-lOO Cock Daemon for Digital Pathways UNIBUS Oock/fimer 83 Category Index 11-352 DRII-A/C Loadable Driver with Build Package 11-355 11-115 DX: PDP-8 Format DECtape Handler One Programmer's Utility Package for the PDP-II RSTS-II-15 11·130 VT, PDP· I I DOS Compatible Driver for Tektronix LSFORM-LSII Centronix Line-Printer Driver for RSTS V4A DECUS-S.I.G. Seminar Programs and Documentation ll-l40 11-141 11-211 RSTS-ll-IO I 11-218 XIII. GAMES, DEMONSTRATIONS, EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS 11-3 11-5 11-10 11-37 11-72 11-101 11-106 ll-107 II-Ill 11-l31 11-162 ll-173 11-174 11-180 ll-192 ll-197 11-235 11-258 11-267 11-293 11-338 11-340 11-360 RSTS-II-2 RSTS-II-12 RSTS-Il-l3 RSTS-II-14 RSTS-II-18 RSTS-II-19 RSTS-II-20 RSTS-II-21 RSTS-II-22 RSTS-II-24 RSTS-II-25 RSTS-II-37 RSTS-II-39 RSTS-II-49 RSTS-II-53 RSTS-II-69 RSTS-Il-71 RSTS-1l-76 RSTS-II-90 RSTS-II-93 RSTS-II-99 RSTS-ll-102 Dice Game for the PDP-II Blackjack for FOCAL-II PDP-II BASIC Demonstration Package Conway's Game 'LIFE' Collating Sequence Problem "30-TIC-TAC" Conway's "Life", PAL-liS Version Assorted Routines for use with DOS-II "The Hockey Game" "LEM" (Simulation of a Lunar Landing) CALEND-Calendar Generator CHSSLV: A CHESS-PROBLEM &OLVER MOONLANDER (LEM) STAR-TREK (SPACWR) CAREERS SPACEWAR FFT Demonstration Package CYCLES OSCAR: Conversational Computer LIFE Game for DOS and Scope STAR-TREK (SPACWR) for RSX-IIM GRADES: Grading, Recording, & Analyzing Diverse Evaluations of Students ADVENTURE RSX-II TECO wth Buffered Typeout and VT52 WINDOW SUPPORT, Plus TECO DOCTOR GAME UTILITIES, EDITORS, AND HANGMAN GAME Project DELTA Educational Package, Section D, Electronics and Production Oriented Programs Games, Puzzles and Recreation-I Games, Puzzles and Recreation-2 GERMAN-Adjective Ending Game and Data File Editor FAST; ECONMY, ECON2; ONIONS TREK-Star Trek Game ROBOT and FIX TUTR-BASIC Tutoring Program EPDEMO-Additional BASIC-PLUS Demos for the PDP-II BRAVO SPRING THING YACHT-Yachting Championship Results SADSM Computer Dating INVSIM-Inventory Simulations Matrix Software Company Game and Demo Package CYCLES DICE CHSBRD RUSROU: Multi-Terminal Russian Roulette RINNY2, Version B-2a, # I XIV. PW1TING SUBROUTINES AND PROGRAMS 11M 11-47 84 Electron Spin Resonance and General Integration Program External Functions for PDP-II BASIC 11-225 11-228 11-299 11-309 11-325 11-328 11-33 I RSTS-II-26 RSTS-II-64 RSTS-II-65 RSTS-II-67 RSTS-II-I09 RSTS-I1-112 xv. 4010 Graphics Display Terminal SQRS FXSUBS PLOT-Digital Incremental Plotter Software Package A Device Handler and Plotting Package for Houston Instrument DPI-Plotter Under RSX-IID GT40 Graphics Utility Routines Contour Plotting Program BENDIX: Handlers and Interface Subroutines for a Bendix Datagrid Coordinate Digitizer, Operating Under BASIC PTS or BASIC RTII Line Printer Plot HIDE: Hidden Line Removal/Plotting Subprogram VT, BD, BDOII, and lOS VT-55 Plotting Utility ROTATE, POLY, PLOTIO, XYPLOT NMRSIM-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Simulation and Plotting Program SPPLT-Hybrid Orbital Contour Plotting Program HPPLOT.BAS--Hewlett-Packard n02A Graphic Plotter Programs Middlebury College Utilities and Plotting Package 72PLOT-H-P n02A Plotter Package BUSINESS, ADMINISTRATIVE APPLICATIONS ll-187 RSTS-1l-7 RSTS-ll-ll RSTS-II-33 RSTS-II-34 RSTS-II-40 RSTS-1l-41 RSTS-II-46 RSTS-II-48 RSTS-II-52 RSTS-II-97 RSTS-II-100 TAXRTN-Canadian Individual Income Tax Return Accounting Package Project DELTA Educational Package, Section C, Business Programs PAYROLL, Idaho Falls Payroll System Wabash College Student Information System Management Case Studies TYPIST North Country Union High School Administrative Programs Project DELTA Educational Package, Section G Business Programs and Section H Data Processing Programs Fiscal Accounting SHELF Computer-Oriented-Accounting Package XVI. MAINTENANCE, HARDWARE DIAGNOSTICS 11-17 ll-198 11-300 RSTS-II-80 TTY Code to Octal MEMSEG-A 4K-123K Bank-At-A-Time PDP-II Memory Diagnostic NULL Device Handler TDL/SCRIPT XVII. MISCELLANEOUS 11-62 11-63 11-94 1l·108 11-139 11-146 ll-147 11·176 Procedure for Interfacing to FOCAL-II SRL Magtape Operating System Transformed Z Scores TTYALL, Multi-Teletype Dispatcher QANDA PDM70 Support Routines AMD--COC 200 UT Simulator RUN.MAC/SSWTCH.MAC Category Index 11-181 11-187 11-203 11-208 11-210 11-252 11-255 11-256 11-258 11-279 11-282 11-285 11-287 11-301 11-311 11-339 11-357 11-362 RSTS-1l-16 Modification of the RT-11 General Terminal HandIer to Simulate Hard Copy Form Control T AXRTN~adian Individual Income Tax Return FORM-A Formatter for MACRO Source Code BIOMAC-Macros for Structured Programming in MACRO Everhart Collection on Magtape LASL Cornucopia # I TELEP.BAS: Address Manipulator EAS.BAS: Enhanced Assembler Structures OSCAR: Conversational Computer KERNEL: Security KERNEL for the PDP I 1/45 M.I.T. Garbage Collection # 1 and #2 TAGGET: Simple DATA Encripter for RSTS/ERTll RSX-ll Cornucopia (formerly MIT RSX Cornucopia) SEND.MAC: RXS-IID Interminal Communications MCR Command Real Time Sound Modification Programs MACSP: MACRO-II/SP Structured Programming Macros MTPS and MFPS Emulator MUMPS-II Library Tape TALK-Inter Terminal Communications Program RSTS-11-22 RSTS-11-23 RSTS-II-31 RSTS-11-39 RSTS-II-43 RSTS-II-44 RSTS-II-47 RSTS-II-62 RSTS-II-66 RSTS-II-68 RSTS-II-74 RSTS-II-75 RSTS-11-78 RSTS-II-85 RSTS-II-88 RSTS-II-94 RSTS-II-98A RSTS-1l-113 TUTROI-TUTRI7, BASIC Tutoring Programs NAMES and CEMGEN, Computerized Question Generation INRAN, OUTRAN-Computerized Question Generation #2 YACHT-Yachting Championship Results Elementary Instructional Programs, Volume I Fractions Drill and Practice Project DELTA Educational Package, Section E Additional Mathematics Programs and Section F Teacher Assistance Programs Bentley Variety Package Elementary Instructional Programs, Volume II SOLVE-Southeastern On-Line Version of Enrollment SYSELF-System Status-Self 8oo8.BAS and 8080.BAS XREF: Cross-Referencer for BASIC-PLUS Programs BRANCH-DECAL Branching Scheme for "N" Right Out of ''T' Tries TUTOR A Compendium of (DECAL) CAl Programs The CASANOVA Package MICRO.BAS--8080 Based Microcomputer SimuIator 85 Operating System Index 11-208 BIOMAC-Macros for Structured Programming in 11-287 MACRO 11-210 11-219 11-220 11-223 11-227 11-228 11-234 11-237 11-245 11-246 11-256 11-257 11-259 11-261 11-262 11-263 11-264 11-265 11-267 11-268 11-298 11-305 11-313 11-339 Everhart Collection on Magtape PTHEAD-Paper Tape Heading Program PICT-Machine Code Tester DOSLST-DOS Directory/File Lister TAGFIL.FTN-Directory Annotation Program for DOS and RT-11 Contour Plotting Program MUD I I Extended FOCAL, DOS Version T40IOC TEKTRONIX 4010/4610/4953 Control Procedures PASCAL: PASCAL-II Programming System EAS.BAS: Enhanced Assembler Structures ABSPAT: Absolute Binary Patch on RK Disk and DECtape MOSFLD: A Least Squares Fitting Routine for Mossbauer and Effect Spectra LKP. MAC: Improved Lookup Processor for DOS V9,1O TRA. MAC: "Real-Time" TRAN Processor for DOS (V9 or later) INSFCL: DOS Instrumentation FOCAL SPOOL-II: Generalized I/O Spooler for DOS/ MUD/MFT/PCP TECO: DOS-II TECO LIFE Game for DOS and Scope CAMAC Support Library for Industrial Systems QSORTA: Fastest Core Sort-Quicksort CMMT: Commenting and Lining up Assembler Files RSX-II/DOS-II DDT-Symbolic Debugger MACSP: MACRO-I I/SP Structured Programming Macros 11-334 11-339 11-346 11-348 11-349 MUMPS-II 11-324 11-326 11-330 11-331 11-332 11-362 11-118 11-119 11-120 11-135 11-136 11-137 11-138 11-139 11-140 11-141 11-142 11-152 11-153 11-154 11-185 GULP, Gamma-11 Utility Program Volume/Dosage Calculation Program for Tc or In Determination of Blood Volume & Red Blood Cell Survival TGH GAMMA-II Package-HEAD, STOM, RENO THYR BOOT FOOT QANDA SQRS FXSUBS UPTK GAMMA-II Package: VQ, MIT, QPQS, XEBH SMOT DEXP Gradient-Scintigraphy lAS 11-239 11-240 11-241 11-242 11-247 11-249 11-250 11-266 11-284 88 SGCML: Get Command Line Enhancement START: RSX-llD Startup Command Stuffer RUNOFF: Documentation Preparation FILDMP: File Dump Utility and Object Module Cracker DXDRV: RXOI/RX11 Handler for RSX-11D or lAS WHO.OB] SET.OB] LISTRSX: RSXIID Multi-Column Listing Utility RSX-II FOCAL MUMPS Utilities Enlarged Character Printing Utility RENUMBERER VT-55 Plotting Utility MUMPS-II Program Documentor MUMPS-II Library Tape RSX-II 11-108 11-148 11-149 11-157 11-178 11-179 11-205 11-217 11-218 GAMMA-II RSX-II Cornucopia (formerly MIT RSX Cornucopia) TECO V28 forRSX-llD/IAS MACSP: MACRO-I I/SP Structured Programming Macros PASCAL Compiler for the PDP-II (Swedish Version V04) BNR Utilities TCU-lOO Clock Daemon for Digital Pathways UNIBUS/Qock Timer 11-230 11-23IB 11-236 11-239 11-240 11-241 11-242 11-247 11-249 11-250 11-252 11-253 11-260 11-266 11-268 11-269 11-270A 11-271 11-273 11-275 11-276 11-277 11-278 11-280 11-281 11-282 11-283 11-284 11-286 11-287 11-292 11-293 TTYALL, Multi-Teletype Dispatcher RSX-IID Core Dump SNPDMP RSX-llD Task Package CDA--Crash Dump Analyzer Fast Fourier Transform Routine Core-Only RSX-11M, Version I LP.MAC-A Handler for Use With an AB. Dick Videojet Line Printer Under RSX-IID A Device Handler and Plotting Package for Houston Instrument DPI-Plotter Under RSX-11D RMDEMO ALGOL for RSX-II SOTS--Small FORTRAN OTS for RSX SGCML: Get Command Line Enhancement START: RSX-lID Startup Command Stuffer RUNOFF: Documentation Preparation FILDMP: File Dump Utility and Object Module Cracker DXDRV: RXOI/RXlI Handler for RSX-11D or lAS WHO.OBJ SET.OB] LASL Cornucopia # I VOLUME SRD: Sort Directory Utility LISTRSX: RSXIID Multi-Column Listing Utility CAMAC Support Library for Industrial Systems RSX-II BASIC FOOT: FORTRAN IV On-Line Debugging Tool BLISS-lIjRSX-llM Interface Macros PDP-II Utility Routines: ASCIB, JLBITS, CSISR MAP: Disk Block Usage REC: File Recovery DTY: Alphabetical Directory Listing ACC: Accounting VBS: IBM to PDP-II VBS-Format Magtape I/O Package GETBIN: Change a Paper Tape Binary Program To RSX-11M Bootstrappable Task. M.I.T. Garbage Collection # I and #2 M.I.T. Garbage Collection #2 RSX-IID FOCAL Utility Package for RSXll-D RSX-II Cornucopia (formerly M.I.T. RSX Cornucopia) SORT: Generalized File Sort Utility STAR-TREK (SPACWR) for RSX-IIM Operating System Index 11-301 11-312 11-313 11-322 11-323 11-327 11-328 11-329 11-333 11-334 11-339 11-340 11-341 11-344 11-346 11-348 11-349 11-352 11-353 11-354 11-355 11-357 11-358 11-359 11-360 SEND.MAC: RXS-11D Interminal Communications MCR Command LALR (I) Parser Constructor to Translate Computer Languages RSX-I I/DOS-II DDT-Symbolic Debugger MARGOT: A MACRO-Based Generator of Command Language Interpreters Picture Book VTPONG: RSX-llM Task To Play Pong Using VT52 or VT55 Terminal VT, BD, BOO I I, and lOS ACCLOG: Task Accounting Package For RSX-11MV3.0 TECO V28 for RSX-llM TECO V28 for RSX-IID/IAS MACSP: MACRO-I I/SP Structured Programming Macros ADVENTURE CALC: A Calculator Program BB-Bit Bucket Device Handler For RSX-llD PASCAL Compiler for the PDP-ll (Swedish Version V04) BNR Utilities TCU-lOO Clock Daemon for Digital Pathways UNIBUS Oock/Timer DRII-A/C Loadable Driver with Build Package OS/8 To FILES-II Source Program Converter PDP-8 Cross-Assembler for RSX-IID DX: PDP-8 Format DECtape Handler MTPS and MFPS Emulator "LINK"-FORTRAN Callable Task Linking SORT-Utility ASCII Sort RSX-II TECO With Buffered Typeout and VT52 WINDOW SUPPORT, Plus TECO DOCTOR GAME RT-ll 11-146 11-162 11-170 11-174 11-175 11-176 11-177 11-181 11-186 11-187 11-188 11-207 11-213 11-214 11-215 11-216 11-221 11-224 11-226 11-227 11-229 11-23IA 11-232 11-235 PDM70 Support Routines CHSSLV: A CHESS-PROBLEM SOLVER DOS/RT-II 9-Track Magtape Generate/Read Programs for UNIVAC STAR-TREK (SPACWR) DC.MAC-R C Disk Driver for RT -II RUN.MAC/SSWTCH.MAC PARITY.MAC-High Speed Even (Odd) Parity Paper Punch Driver Modification of the RT-ll General Terminal Handler to Simulate Hard Copy Form Control Absolute Loader for DOS, RT-11 and RSTS TAXRTN~adian Individual Income Tax Return Forms-Control Simulation for DECwriters and Teletypes MRMLIB LIB. FOR-Library Routines RENUM-FORTRAN Renumbering Program TRACE. MAC/TR. MAC FORMAT-DECtape Formatter for RT-ll ODTllT-RT-11 ODT with TRACE Feature Added MPS Cross Assembly Programs for RT-II RO.MAC-MT ROLLIN File Device Driver TAGFIL.FfN-Directory Annotation Program for DOS and RT-ll INDEX: FORTRAN Cross Reference Program V02J ALGOL for RT-ll FORTH Programming System for the PDP-II CYCLES 11-243 11-244 11-248 11-255 11-258 11-268 11-270B 11-272 11-285 11-288 11-289 11-290 11-291 11-294 11-296 11-297 11-299 11-300 11-302 11-303 11-304 11-306 11-307 11-309 11-310 11-314 11-315 11-316 11-317 11-318 11-319 11-320 11-321 11-325 11-335 11-336 11-337 11-338 11-339 11-340 11-342 11-343 11-351 11-356 11-361 LISTER: Listing Utility Program RENUMB.BAS: BASIC File Renumbering Program TABS: Replaces Tabs with Blanks TELEP.BAS: Address Manipulator OSCAR: Conversational Computer CAMAC Support Library for Industrial Systems FODT: FORTRAN IV On-Line Debugging Tool SYZER: RT-Il System Sizer TAGGET: Simple DATA Encripter for RSTS/ERT-11 TECO V28 for RT-II DEBUG MACRO Package for MACRO-II to Assemble INTEL 8008 Code MACRO Package for MACRO-II to Assemble Signetics 2650 Code Set of Utility Routines for any PDP-II Machine Running RT-11 BASIC Fast Digital Signal Processing Software Package for the PDP-II File Utility Programs For MU-BASIC/RT-II BENDIX: Handlers and Interface Subroutines for a Bendix Datagrid Coordinate Digitizer, Operating Under BASIC PTS or BASIC RT-II NULL Device Handler ODT.BAS: Octal Debugging Technique for MUBAS/RT-11 RESEQ.BAS: Line Resequence Programme LISP I I DATMAN: BASIC Data Manipulation Package Stage 2 for the PDP-ll Operating under RT-11 Line Printer Plot RT-ll File Conversion Program for Absolute Loader Paper Tapes with SA 1000 RT-ll RUNOFF DlRECIORY: List Disk Directories SPOOL: Foreground Line Printer Spooler IBV-IIA FORTRAN Support Package CONSOLE: Change System Console From One Terminal to Another Nicolet 1090 Digital Oscilloscope Handler and Interface to PDP-11 FISH: Post and Inter Spike Interval Analysis Basic Image Processing System for CAT Scans HIDE: Hidden Line Removal/Plotting Subprogram Reverse Assembler for RT-II DATE RT-ll General Purpose Magnetic Tape Handler GRADES: Grading, Recording, & Analyzing Diverse Evaluations of Students MACSP: MACRO-II/SP Structured Programming Macros ADVENTURE DECODEVOlJ ED-Scrolling Video Tape Editor GATREC, GATDPY FORODT: FORTRAN Debug Routine for RT-ll Fast Spectrogram Generation/Display for PDP-I 1/ VT-II or VS-60 < RSTS OPERATING SYSTEM 11-186 11-346 Absolute Loader for DOS, RT-II and RSTS PASCAL Compiler for the PDP-ll (Swedish Version V04) The above programs are applicable to RSTS as well as other operating systems. See RSTS-II Abstracts (Section 2.2) for complete list of programs for use with RSTS/E only. 89 CHAPTER OFFICES Australia/NZ: Canada: Europe/Middle East: DECUS Australia P.O. Box 491 Crows Nest, N.S.W. 2065 Australia DECUS Canada P.O. Box 11500 Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8K8 Canada DECUS Europe . C.P.510 12"avenue des Morgines CH-1213 Petit-Laney 1, Geneva Switzerland U.S. and All Others: DECUS U.S. One Iron Way Marlboro, MA 01752 U.S.A.
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