DLRO10_DLRO10X_DS_en_V10.qxp DLRO10HDX User Manual Brochure

User Manual: DLRO10HDX-User-Manual-Brochure

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Megger has been manufacturing low resistance ohm meters
for many years. In fact the first Low resistance ohmmeter
was launched in 1908. The first low resistance ohm meter,
launched under the DUCTER trade mark was developed by
Evershed and Vignoles (one of the companies that evolved
into Megger) and used a cross-coils meter movement.
Today, Megger has a comprehensive range of Digital Low
Resistance Ohmmeters, under the DLRO trade mark,
providing accurate and reliable measurements with test
currents ranging from a few µA to 600 A suitable for many
The DLRO10HD is the latest addition to the Megger range
fulfilling the requirement for a heavy duty instrument in
both test specification and physical toughness.
What Power can the DLRO10HD provide?
When discussing “power” with regard to a DLRO we could
be talking about one of two things. The DLRO10HD has spe-
cial features in both of these departments, each proving real
benefits to the user.
PPoowweerr ssuuppppllyy– the DLRO10HD like many low resis-
tance ohmmeters is powered by rechargeable batteries.
However, what happens when the battery is flat? The
result is a few hours waiting for the battery to charge!
The DLRO10HD can be operated from a mains or line
supply and charge its battery at the same time. No more
waiting for a battery to charge. This is particularly useful
in manufacturing environments.
PPoowweerr oouuttppuutt– applying too much current during a
test will result in power dissipation in the test piece, in
turn resulting in heating. The heating alters the resis-
tance of the test piece. This is the very reason why the
established DLRO10 limits power output to 0.2 W.
However there are some applications where having
higher power output is useful. The new DLRO10HD is
unique in that it gives you the best of both worlds. The
user can select measurement ranges of either low or high
The DLRO10HD features two ranges with extended compli-
ance. Effectively there are two 2.5 Ωand two 250 mΩranges
one low power, and one high power. The chart below shows
the power output curves for the two 250 mΩranges. Each
range provided 10 µΩresolution allowing the user to make
comparative measurements at either 0.25 Ωor 25 Ωmaxi-
mum outputs.
10 A Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter
What Power can the DLRO10HD provide?
Why does the DLRO10HD let you choose
the power output?
DLRO10HD Test range selection?
What are the applications for the
What other advantages does the
DLRO10HD offer?
What other <10 A instruments are in the
DLRO10HD 250m Ra nges
High Power and Low Power Output Comparison
0.0025W Max
25.0W Max
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Resista nce
Power (W)
Low Power
250m Ra nge
High Pow er
250m Ra nge
10 A Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter
Why does the DLRO10HD let you choose the
power output?
Here are three examples that will help to explain:
CCoonnttaammiinnaattiioonn– The application of high power will
result in test piece heating. However there is another
aspect to this. Many tests are performed on bonds,
connections, contacts etc. used in low current appli-
cations. If you have contamination between surfaces,
higher test current and power will just “blast” through
the contamination. This results in a good test result,
even though in use the connection will prove to be un-
reliable. Testing at a low current and power will show up
the problem much more readily.
RRoouugghh ssuurrffaacceess– An example where high power is an
advantage is testing connections, or bonds with rough
surfaces. In some cases a good test result will be
obtained with a low test current and power, the contact
points between contact surfaces being of low enough
resistance. However applying a higher test current and
power will heat these small points of contact. The result
is a test result changing as the heating takes place, high
lighting the problem.
FFrraayyeedd wwiirreess– On lower current carrying systems
(typically less than 10 A) testing with higher power will
cause heating on weaknesses such as frayed wired. The
remaining wires presenting a higher resistance.
DLRO10HD Range selection
The selection of the ranges on the DLRO10HD couldn’t be
simpler. The colour coded rotary range switch gives simple
indication of resistance measurement range and test current
selected. The yellow band contains the test current. The
green ranges indicate ranges where the output power is
limited to 0.25 W, and the red ranges indicate the high
power ranges that will dissipate up to 25 W into the test
The 25 W power output can be supplied continuously for at
least 60 seconds. This means resistance with inductance can
be measured. However it must be stressed that the
DLRO10HD is not suitable for testing large inductive cir-
cuits, such as power transformers.
In addition in normal (non inductive) applications this
affords the instrument an excellent duty cycle so the user
will not spend excessive amounts of time waiting for the
instrument to cool between tests.
What are the applications for the DLRO10HD?
As with many low resistance ohm meters the applications
are far and wide. Here are a few applications suited to a
During electrical manufacturing processes
TTeessttiinngg sswwiittcchheess,, ccoonnnneeccttoorrss aanndd rreellaayyss– To
ensure contact resistance is within specified values.
CCaabbllee rreessiissttaannccee– too low means too much copper
in cable (higher costs), too high means not enough
copper (cables’ current carrying capacity com-
MMoottoorrss– To determine heat rise under load, measure
winding resistance, check for short circuits or open
GGeenneerraattoorrss- To determine heat rise under load,
measure winding resistance, check for short circuits or
open circuits.
FFuusseess- To ensure resistance is within specified values.
CCaabbllee lloooommss– Checking bonding and inter-
connections when installing in equipment, racks etc.
UUPPSS // CCaarr bbaatttteerriieess- Carrier to plate weld
resistance, high resistance indicates poor weld quality
that will restrict battery’s ability to carry current.
AAiirrccrraafftt aasssseemmbbllyy aanndd mmaaiinntteennaannccee
MMaaiinn ffrraammee eelleeccttrriiccaall aanndd mmeecchhaanniiccaall bboonnddss
to ensure a stable “ground plan” to protect aircraft
from static electricity and lightning strikes.
Static wick bonding
Antenna bonds
Control linkage bonding
Battery connection and interconnection
Integrity of structure and exhaust system
Metallic coating resistance
RRaaiillwwaayy // RRaaiillrrooaadd IInndduussttrryy
SSttrraapp aanndd wwiirree bboonndd bbeettwweeeenn rraaiill sseeggmmeennttss
maintaining performance of control and telephone
system. Minimising power loss on three rail systems.
However sometime higher test currents are specified.
CCaabbllee jjooiinnttss– power system efficiency.
Eaarrtthh // ggrroouunndd bboonnddss– e.g. lightning protection on
structures. Ground mats, ground conductor rings,
metal cladding, metal ceilings, metal floors, hand rails,
seats etc. to limit step and touch potential.
Pllaattffoorrmm eeddggee ddoooorrss– Earth / ground bonding
(mainly underground systems)
AAlluummiinniiuumm rreeffiinneerriieess
GGrraapphhiittee eelleeccttrrooddeess– to verify density
SShhiipp bbuuiillddiinngg oorr aannyy mmeettaall ssttrruuccttuurreess
WWeelldd qquuaalliittyy– measure at regular intervals along
weld length looking for uniformity.
IInnssttaalllleedd eeqquuiippmmeenntt bboonnddss– to steel structure /
RRaaww mmaatteerriiaall pprroocceessssiinngg, e.g. cement plants
PPoowweerr ccaarrrryyiinngg eelleemmeennttss– installation and
GGrroouunndd bboonnddss- cement is corrosive
10 A Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter
Automotive industry
CCaabbllee lleeaaddss iinn rroobboott ssppoott wweellddeerrsswork-harden
through flexing causing strands to break. Results in
poor weld quality.
PPoowweerr GGeenneerraattiioonn aanndd DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn
BBuuss bbaarrss– lap joint tests to maintain low resistance,
and hence maintaining efficiency and reducing likely
hood of fire.
CCaabbllee jjooiinnttss– including overhead lines. High imped
ance joint can explode.
FFuusseess– connections
UUnniinntteerrrruuppttiibbllee PPoowweerr SSuuppppllyy ((UUPPSS))
BBaatttteerryy ssttrraappss– quality of connections. Preventing
potential of fire and failure to operate
CCaarrrriieerr ttoo ppllaattee wweelldd rreessiissttaannccee– High resistance
indi cates poor weld quality that will restrict battery’s
ability to carry current.
Military vehicles – Trucks, tanks etc.
Innssttaalllleedd eeqquuiippmmeenntt ssuucchh aass rraaddiioo eeqquuiippmmeenntt-
ground bonding to vehicle chassis.
BBuuiillddiinnggss wwiirriinngg,, lliigghhttnniinngg pprrootteeccttiioonn bboonnddss
VVaarriioouuss bboonndd,, bbootthh ffoorr ppoowweerr ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn aanndd
eeaarrtthh ggrroouunnddiinngg– check for step and touch voltage
safety in fault condition.
CCoonndduuiitt ccoonnttiinnuuiittyy– metal conduit, detect
corroded or loose threads etc.
PPiippee lliinneess
CCaatthhooddiicc pprrootteeccttiioonn– check connection etc. Tough
environment ideal for the DLRO10HD
WWiinndd ttuurrbbiinneess
LLiigghhttnniinngg pprrootteeccttiioonn – wing tip to base, or
component parts in manufacture. Long test leads
available for this application.
EEaarrtthh ggrroouunndd bboonnddss– various
What other advantages does the DLRO10HD
The DLRO10HD is a heavy duty instrument designed to
operate in the toughest of conditions. Below is a complete
list of the key ffeeaattuurreess aanndd bbeenneeffiittss:
BBootthh hhiigghh aanndd llooww ppoowweerr oouuttppuuttss
DDiiaaggnnoossttiicc ttooooll. Low power to identify problems
such as bond contamination and corrosion. High
power to show up weaknesses due to heating.
HHiigghh ppoowweerr ((1100 AA iinnttoo 225500 mm
,, oorr 11 AA iinnttoo
mmeeaassuurreemmeennttss)) wwiitthh iinndduuccttiivvee mmooddee
Will pass 10 A continuously for at least 60 seconds
Less time waiting for unit to cool
OOppeerraatteess ffrroomm mmaaiinnss aass wweellll aass hhiigghh ccaappaacciittyy
lleeaadd aacciidd bbaatttteerryy
AAllwwaayyss rreeaaddyy ttoo tteesstt, even with a flat battery
HHiigghh lleevveell ooff iinnppuutt pprrootteeccttiioonn,, 660000 VV wwiitthhoouutt
ddaammaaggee ((CCAATT IIIIII 330000VV rraatteedd wwiitthh DDHH77 iinnssuullaatteedd
tteerrmmiinnaall ccoovveerriinngg lleeaaddss))
Inadvertent connection to mains / line supply will
not damage instrument or blow fuse. Instrument
will continue to operate as normal. Particularly useful
when testing UPS battery straps.
AAuuttoommaattiicc tteessttiinngg
Initiates test on contact, passes current in each
direction in 3 seconds to cancel out the effect of
thermal E.M.F. caused by contact between dissimilar
SSiimmppllee ooppeerraattiioonn aanndd ffaasstt tteessttiinngg
Time is money, no time wasted reading complicated
user guides and short test time saves time.
TToouugghh hhoouussiinngg IIPP6655 lliidd cclloosseedd,, IIPP5544 iinn
Ideal for very tough conditions both indoor and out
Archcliffe Road Dover
CT17 9EN England
T +44 (0) 1304 502101
F +44 (0) 1304 207342
4271 Bronze Way
Dallas TX 75237-1088 USA
T 800 723 2861 (USA only)
T +1 214 333 3201
F +1 214 331 7399
Norristown USA, Sydney AUSTRALIA,
Toronto CANADA, Trappes FRANCE,
Kingdom of BAHRAIN, Mumbai INDIA,
Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA and
Registered to ISO 9001:2000 Cert. no. Q 09290
Registered to ISO 14001-1996 Cert. no. EMS 61597
Megger is a registered trademark
What other <10A instruments are in the range?
Megger also manufacture two other DLRO instruments, the DLRO10 and DLRO10X. Both these instruments offer light
weight, hang around the neck operation with 0.2 W limited power output.
Full information on these and any other Megger products can be found on www.megger.com
More comprehensive information on understanding and measuring low resistance can be found in the Megger publication “A
Guide to Low Resistance Testing”.
10 A Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter
Feature DLRO10 DLRO10HD DLR010X Benefit/s
Power limied ouput Negligible heating, little need for contact
test ranges (<0.25 W) ■■ ■temperature compensation
Can help to highlight contamination
Extends battery life
High power output Can help to highlight weakness with heating, such
test ranges (25 W) as poor connection due to rough surfaces or
broken strands on cables
Improved inductive load performance
Auto current reversal ■■ ■Cancels out thermal EMFs
Auto start
(continuity detection) ■■ ■Fast operation without pressing test button
Inadvertent connection to live line supply or
High input protection <600 V ■■ ■UPS voltage will not even blow a fuse
Testing just continues as normal
Noise immunity specified at Make measurement in harsh environments
100 mV ■■ ■
Noise limit exceeded indicator Confidence that measurements are not effected
User interchangeable detachable Continuous testing with optional second battery.
battery pack ■■Use one battery while second charges
Hang from neck operation ■■Ideal for use up ladders and platforms improved
Operate from mains/line supply Continuous testing from mains ideal for
manufacturing applications
Always ready to test no waiting for battery to
IP65 lid closed Can be transported in any wet conditions
IP54 in use Can be operated in the rain
Ultra tough case Built to take the knocks in the most arduous of
Test result storage with memos Ideal for predictive maintenance systems
Less errors in writing down test results
Printer and PC output Save results to your PC or send to a printer
User selectable test limits Aids rapid testing to specified limits

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