DLV User Manual



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08/11/16 14:56DLV - User ManualPagina 1 di 28http://www.dlvsystem.com/html/DLV_User_Manual.htmlDLV - User ManualRobert BihlmeyerWolfgang FaberGiuseppe IelpaVincenzino LioGerald PfeiferTable of ContentsOverview1. Getting Started2. The Core Language of DLV: Disjunctive DatalogCommentsEDB - Extensional DatabaseIDB - Intensional DatabaseDefinite RulesDisjunctive RulesNegative RulesTrue NegationIntegrity ConstraintsWeak ConstraintsBuilt-in predicatesComparative PredicatesArithmetic PredicatesList PredicatesFacts over a fixed Integer RangeBuilt-in constantsNamed constantsAggregate PredicatesSymbolic SetsAggregate FunctionsKnowledge Representation Using Aggregate Predicates3. SafetyStandard, Arithmetic and Comparative PredicatesAggregatesFinite Domain CheckArithmetic PredicatesComplex Terms4. QueriesBrave ReasoningGround Brave ReasoningCautious ReasoningGround Cautious ReasoningPlain Disjunctive DatalogDynamic Magic Sets5. Front-endsDiagnosis Front-endRestrictions6. Synopsis7. Random tips / How to write DLV programs8. ODBC interface (#import/#export Built-ins)Introduction and OverviewExample ODBC SetupCreating user and table in MySQL
08/11/16 14:56DLV - User ManualPagina 2 di 28http://www.dlvsystem.com/html/DLV_User_Manual.htmlSet up unixODBCDLV and ODBCThe #import commandThe #export commandFurther examples with the ODBC Interface9. TechnicalitiesHow does the system work?Dynamic Body Reordering during GroundingList of Tables5-1. Front-ends to DLV5-2. Theory restrictions in abductive diagnostic reasoning5-3. Theory restrictions in Reiter's diagnostic reasoning6-1. Front-end Options6-2. General OptionsList of Examples2-1. Simple terms:2-2. Complex terms:2-3. Predicates:2-4. Atoms:2-5. Literals:2-6. Facts:2-7. A program with comments2-8. Rules:2-9. Disjunctive facts:2-10. Constraints:2-11. Using Anonymous Variables2-12. True negation vs. negation as failure2-13. Consistency criterion2-14. Constraints and negation2-15.2-16. Weak Constraints with weights only2-17. Team Building with weights and priorities2-18. Comparative predicates:2-19. Arithmetic predicates:2-20. List predicates:2-21. Numeric named constant2-22. Symbolic named constant2-23. Assigning a named constant to a named constant2-24. A weird example program2-25. Aggregate Predicates2-26. Symbolic Set Syntax2-27. Informal meaning of Symbolic Set2-28. Informal Meaning of Aggregate Functions2-29. The Cartoons Co. Employees2-30. #count2-31. #sum2-32. #times2-33. #min2-34. #max2-35. Minimum Spanning Tree with Aggregates and Weak Constraints2-36. The Seating Problem3-1. Safe Rules and Constraints3-2. Unsafe Rules and Constraints3-3. Safe Rules and Constraints3-4. Unsafe Rules and Constraints3-5. Not finite domain program3-6. Not finite domain program3-7. Finite domain program3-8. Program generating ever longer lists3-9. Lists growing both in length and in nesting4-1. Queries:4-2. An example for non-ground brave reasoning4-3. A query with multiple variable occurrences4-4. A query with negation4-5. An example for succeeding ground brave reasoning4-6. Failing ground brave reasoning4-7. An example for non-ground cautious reasoning4-8. Succeeding ground cautious reasoning4-9. Failing ground cautious reasoning4-10. Succeeding cautious reasoning, if the program does not have any model4-11. Plain Disjunctive Datalog query8-1. Simple table import8-2. Transitive closure on imported table8-3. Exporting a transitive closure8-4. Simple import

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