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User documentation for DROIDS 3.0+maxDemon – a machine
intelligent GUI-based pipeline for comparative exploration of protein
Gregory A. Babbitt

T.H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester

author email address: gabsbi@rit.edu

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------System Requirements – Linux OS with 1 or more GPUs. Linux Mint 18/19 is recommended with Nvidia
GTX 1080 or larger. Be sure to also check the Linux Mint ‘Driver Manager’ after initial build and install all
recommended Nvidia drivers.
NOTE – software can be most easily installed by running ‘perl DROIDS+AMBERinstaller.pl’ a perl
installer script included with our GitHub repo. After installation, the software runs as ‘perl
DROIDS.pl on the Linux terminal opened from within the DROIDS folder’
Software – Amber16/18, AmberTools 16/18, UCSF Chimera 1.11 or 1.13 (additionally ChimeraX
optional), CUDA 8.0/9.0, CUDA toolkit, perl-tk, python-tk, and R. (Note: Amber18 install on Linux Mint 19
will likely require setting up older versions of the gcc, g++, and gfortran compilers. Version 5.0 works well.
Our installer will lead the user through this process if needed. Do not use CUDA 7.0 or earlier nor version
10.0 or later.
Debian and python packages – gedit, gdebi, gparted, evince, perl-tk, python-tk, python-gi, gstreamer
(and dependencies), and these Amber dependencies (csh flex patch gfortran g++ make xorg-dev bison
libbz2-dev). If you plan to use VR, install Steam, SteamVR and vulkan library.
Perl packages – Statistics::Descriptive
R packages – ggplot2, gridExtra, dplyr, caret, FNN, e1071, kernlab, class, MASS, ada, randomForest,
CCA, CCP, parallel, foreach and doParallel.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------


DROIDS 3.0 (Detecting Relative Outlier Impacts in molecular Dynamic Simulation) is an open source
software project enabling statistical comparison of large ensembles of molecular dynamic (MD) simulation
that represent changes in functional states such as before/after genetic or epigenetic mutation and/or
before/after binding of DNA/small molecule/ligand. The software returns both traditional plots of MD
comparison along amino acid sequence, as well as color mapped images and movies of functional
impacts on protein structure. DROIDS 3.0 is bundled with a new backend application ‘maxDemon’,
allowing users to train combinations of different machine learning algorithms on the functional changes
extracted from the original comparative MD ensembles and subsequently map what is learned on new
MD runs. The selected learners are spatially applied individually to each amino acid in the structure and
temporally applied to every 50 frame time slice of MD simulation. Sequence-dependent canonical selfcorrelation is used to identify regions of functionally conserved dynamics. The impacts of genetic and/or
binding variants are also able to be statistically determined and compared. Thus maxDemon greatly
assists the user interpretation of MD simulation by returning analyses, images and movies summarizing
‘when and where’ functionally important dynamics have occurred. DROIDS 3.0 with maxDemon is
designed to allow for statistical and visual exploration of different genetic and drug binding variants with
reference to natural dynamic function (see Table 1).
Table 1. Common learner assisted comparative protein dynamic investigations enabled by DROIDS 3.0 +

DROIDS 3.0 training

Deployment of learners

Important notes


in maxDemon

Measure dynamic

Two sets (ensembles)

MD run on one or more

Isolates MD impacts of

tolerances of single

of MD on the same

genetic mutant

mutation(s) from

protein to various

protein at the same


natural variability in

genetic mutations


Measure dynamic

MD ensembles

MD run on one or more

Isolates MD impacts of

tolerances of DNA

comparing both the

unbound genetic

mutation from natural

binding interaction to

unbound and DNA

mutant structures

binding function of the

genetic mutation(s)

bound protein

Measure dynamic

MD ensembles

MD run on one or more

Isolates MD impacts of

tolerances of individual

comparing both the

drug-bound genetic

mutation from novel

self-similar dynamics


mutant structures


genetic differences to a

unbound and drug

drug binding function of

given drug

bound protein

the system

Measure dynamic

MD ensembles

MD run on one or more

Isolates MD impacts of

similarities of different

comparing both the

drug variant bound

drug candidates from

drug candidates to

unbound and ligand


the natural binding

natural ligand binding

bound protein

function of the ligand

Measure evolution of

MD ensembles

MD runs on one or

Isolates potential MD

novel dynamics in

comparing two ortholog

more paralogs (i.e.

novelty in duplicated

paralog genes

proteins (i.e. same

duplicated genes in

gene product from

gene different species)

same species)

nonfunctional or neutral
changes in different

maxDemon, is a multi-method machine learning application that trains on the comparative protein
dynamics, identifies functionally conserved dynamics, and deploys classifications of functional dynamic
states to newly generated protein simulations. Nine different types of machine learners can be deployed
on the dynamics of each amino acid, then the resulting classifications are rendered upon movie images of
the novel MD runs. This results in movies of protein dynamics where the conserved functional states are
identified in real time by color mapping, allowing users to see both when and where a novel MD
simulation displays a specific functional state defined by the comparative training. Examples of the
functional dynamic effects of solvent temperature change, genetic mutation, and drug binding interaction
on protein dynamics will be demonstrated in a future software note. Thus, much like James Maxwell’s
mythical demon of thermodynamics from 150 years ago, maxDemon software derives potentially
important spatiotemporal information from the observation of dynamic motion at all-atom resolution.
More broadly, the DROIDS+maxDemon software project aims to visualize and quantify the impact of one
of the longest time scale processes in the universe (i.e. molecular evolution) on one of the shortest time
scale processes in the universe (i.e. molecular motion). Specifically, we want to know how molecular
evolution over 100s of millions of years impacts the functional molecular motions that play out over a few
femtoseconds in real time. A primary motivation of this project is to combine GPU accelerated
biophysical simulations and GPU graphics to design a gaming PC into a ‘computational microscope’ that
is capable seeing how mutations and other molecular events like binding, bending and bonding affect the
functioning of proteins and nucleic acids. DROIDS-1.20 is a GUI-based pipeline that works with
AMBER16/18 (Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement), Chimera 1.11, R and CPPTRAJ to


analyze and visualize comparative protein dynamics on GPU accelerated Linux graphics workstations.
DROIDS employs a robust and nonparametric statistical method (multiple test corrected KS tests on root
mean square fluctuation or RMSF of all backbone atoms of each amino acid) to detect significant
changes in molecular dynamics simulated on two homologous PDB structures. Quantitative KL
divergence in atom fluctuation (i.e. calculated from vector trajectories) are displayed graphically and
mapped onto movie images of the protein dynamics at the level of individual residues. P values
indicating significant changes are also able to be similarly mapped. DROIDS is useful for examining how
mutations, epigenetic changes, or binding interactions affect protein dynamics. DROIDS was produced by
student effort at the Rochester Institute of Technology under the direction of Dr. Gregory A. Babbitt as a
collaborative project between the Gosnell School of Life Sciences and the Biomedical Engineering Dept.
Visit our lab website (https://people.rit.edu/gabsbi/) and download DROIDS from Github at
We will be posting video results periodically on our YouTube channel
A single page Quick Start Guide (pdf) and full manual Installation Guide and v3.0 User Manual are
available with the download. We also include an installer script that can build Amber, R, Chimera and
DROIDS all at one time (while skipping steps if already completed). It is strongly advised that users be
comfortable with how to prepare PDB files for molecular dynamic (MD) simulation using GPU accelerated
AMBER 16/18 (pmemd.cuda). DROIDS assists with modifying .pdb files named in the GUI for AMBER
simulation, however the user should become very familiar with the programs running at these steps (i.e.
antechamber, pdb4amber, and teLeap) and read through all output at the DROIDS terminal to ensure that
the structures are properly prepared for MD simulation. You must consult the AMBER documentation for
this knowledge. The DROIDS GUI provides automation of teLeap, a program for pdb file setup, but care
must be taken to read output on the Linux terminal for any errors. The programs ‘antechamber’ and
‘pbd4amber’ are used by DROIDS in modifying files for MD and are generally prior to starting teLeap in
DROIDS. Please consult the Amber16 user manual for more details. Typically preparation includes (A)
removing mirrored images and other chemical artifacts (done manually in Chimera prior to DROIDS), (B)
performing a structural alignment (using Chimera MatchMaker and Match->Align when prompted by
DROIDS) followed by subsequent saving of a Clustal format file (.aln), (C) adding H atoms and removing
crystallographic waters (use pdb4amber button in DROIDS to dry and reduce), (D) estimating and loading
force field parameterization regarding important ligands if a protein-ligand interaction is modeled (use
antechamber button). Then finally (E) run teLeap button in DROIDS to setup topology and coordinate files
for simulation. For v2.0 we have added script to check the file sizes of teLeap output files and recommend
whether the process likely failed of succeeded at this step. teLeap is nicely verbose, so warnings on
terminal when running teLeap button is very helpful for any indications of problems specific to your
structural models. For many at this stage of model prep, it is not unusual to go back to modify the original


.pdb file and run through the prep stages again. Be sure to view your models in Chimera using the ‘all
atom’ preset so that you do not miss small molecules that might trip up the MD setup. Amber is designed
not to run unless all atoms in your system can be properly parametrized by the force field you have
chosen. Many force fields are available to try in the amber16/dat/leap/cmd folder. Many are appropriate
only for certain macromolecules, and analysis of binding interaction will require several are loaded. ALSO
NOTE: AMBER 16/18 software must be licensed from the University of California. More details about
purchasing and installation can be found at http://ambermd.org/. DROIDS is tested on Linux Mint 18.1
and Ubuntu 16.04 and is offered freely under the GPL 3.0 license and is available on GitHub
DROIDS is activated by entering ‘perl DROIDS.pl’ at the Linux terminal opened from within the DROIDS
folder. DROIDS v3.0 initially starts with a small GUI requesting user to add paths to Chimera and
Amber’s force field data files (e.g. amber16/dat/leap/cmd). As Amber16/18 is typically installed to the
Desktop, this path will be different on different machines. Make sure you edit the path appropriately
before attempting to run DROIDS. The GUI will create a paths.ctl file. Once this file is created for your
individual machine, it can be saved and dropped into DROIDS folders prior to each run. The typical
bashrc file can be used similarly, but this GUI was added to make this initial setup simpler for less
experience Linux users. Once the paths GUI is closed, the main DROIDS v3.0 GUI will appear. Here
the user is directed to choose one of the various types of comparative analysis that can be done, choose
MD sim software, and indicate whether the machine is running a single or dual GPU. Upon clicking ‘run
DROIDS’ the user is taken to the first main GUI for setup, running MD, and parsing of MD simulation
output. The second main GUI controls the DROIDS statistical analyses and the last main GUI controls the
image color-mapping and movie rendering and viewing options. These three steps are described in more
detail in the sections below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When running DROIDS on many protein comparisons, we find that explicitly
solvated systems (i.e. PME method) tend to yield better and more conservative results regarding the
significance of the KS test when compared to implicitly solvated comparisons (i.e. GB method). This is
likely expected due to the many more degrees of freedom under the PME option as well as its better
approximation to reality. A three point solvent model (tip3p) is default method in DROIDS. This is for sake
of efficiency. If a more accurate solvent is needed we recommend the users edit the .bat files that pop
open when running teLeap from the DROIDS GUI. The user can manually change the references to tip3p
to the tip4p, tip5p or tip6p models. Another default state of our software is to charge neutralize the
protein. The .bat files can also be edited by experienced users to alter the ion concentrations in the
simulation. For more complicated setups, the numbers of ions needed for given box size and salt
concentration can be determined using the method and tool cited below.


SLTCAP: A simple method for calculating the number of ions needed for MD
Jeremy D. Schmit*,†, Nilusha L. Kariyawasam‡, Vince Needham†, and Paul E. Smith‡
†Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA
‡Department of Chemistry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506,

J Chem Theory Comput. 2018 April 10; 14(4): 1823–1827. doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.7b01254.
We recommend that users explore many methods of solvation when using DROIDS. Implicitly solvated
protein comparisons run relatively fast and may be useful for an initial investigation of a large system,
however comparison of explicitly solvated systems may yield more realistic local variation in mutational
IMPORTANT: Given that MD simulations are well known to exhibit complex and often chaotic
behavior, we also strongly recommend that users of DROIDS repeat analyses of given systems in
order to determine best parameter settings for ensemble size, lengths of production runs and
overall reproducibility of the final results.
Specific analyses now offered in DROIDS v3.0
DROIDS v2.0 now offers 10 different pipelines intended for specific types of comparative analysis.
Examples with .pdb files are provided. First time users should run the examples provided in the
exampleFiles folder first, to get a sense of what setup required and what output is delivered. The 8 main
types of comparative analysis are listed here.
1. Analysis of self-stability of dynamics on a single protein – this compares MD of a protein to
itself and is useful for finding regions of protein that are less stable. Try it on 1ubq.pdb and notice
the lack of stable dynamics near the c-terminal tail, where ubiquitin is ligated to ‘tag’ proteins for
degradation. In this
2. Analysis of mutational impacts on a protein – here the user can create mutant versions of a
given protein by replacing one or several AAs using automatically optimized selections from the
Dunbrack rotamer library and comparatively quantify the local mutational impacts on MD using KL
divergence in atom fluctuation. This option is great for simulating studies of site-directed
3. Analysis of evolutionary or functional divergence in MD on a protein – here the user can
analyze divergence in MD using PDB files for an ortholog pair. This option is interesting when
applied to questions of thermostability. For example, compare thermostable Taq DNA polymerase
(4n56.pdb) to its less stable cousin in E. coli (1kfd.pdb). Epigenetic changes (i.e. posttranslational modifications) can also be compared as well as genetic-based divergences.


4. Analysis of impact of DNA protein interaction upon binding – This option allows users to
identify and visualize where DNA binding in the system occurs by comparing the dynamics of
protein in the bound and unbound states. Binding is identified via dampened atom fluctuation in
the bound model. Try the TATA binding protein example using 1ytb_bound and 1ytb_unbound
(where the DNA chains were removed).
5. Analysis of the impact of mutation(s) on DNA-protein interaction – Here site-directed
mutagenesis in both cis and/or trans can be simulated on the DNA bound protein system and
mutational impacts on binding observed. This is particularly useful for questions around gene
regulatory evolution on a given transcription factor. Try mutating 1ytb_bound in regions where
strong binding is indicated in analysis #5.
6. Analysis of the comparison of two DNA-protein interactions - Like analysis #3, this option
allows comparison of DNA-binding homologs directly from two PDB files. This is useful for
analyzing more distant evolutionary divergences in transcription factors.
7. Analysis of the impact of protein-ligand interaction with a drug, toxin or activator – Like
analysis #5, this option allows user to examine how a given protein binds a particular ligand by
comparing bound and unbound protein dynamic states. Binding mechanisms are identified by
reduced atom fluctuation in the results. Try examples provided to demonstrate binding of HIV
drug sustiva (efavirenz) to the drug target of viral reverse transcriptase (1fk9.pdb). Note: requires
three files (1fk9_bound, 1fk9_unbound and 1fk9_ligand).
8. Analysis of the impact of mutation(s) on protein-ligand interaction – Like #6 this option
allows user to put mutations onto the protein-ligand system and analyze the effects on MD. This
is potentially useful for examining how genetic backgrounds can influence the working of a drug
or toxin.
NOTE: If you use DROIDS for published work please use the following citation
Babbitt et al., DROIDS 1.20: A GUI-Based Pipeline for GPU-Accelerated Comparative Protein Dynamics, Biophysical Journal
(2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2018.01.020

The DROIDS pipeline
The DROIDS+maxDemon pipeline is run as a series of linked Perl-Tk scripts that are controlled at the
Linux terminal command line. The analysis steps are shown schematically in Figure 1 and 2. The user
starts the pipeline by placing the two PDB files to be compared in the DROIDS main folder, opening a
terminal, and typing ‘perl DROIDS.pl. After the paths.ctl file is created, the main GUI opens allowing
choice of analysis, and specification of hardware and software. After this, the user is guided through four
main GUI’s each for (1) Amber MD simulation, vector trajectory analysis and file preparation and parsing
for DROIDS, (2) DROIDS comparative statistical analysis of protein dynamics and graphical plotting in R,
(3) PDB structure color-mapping and movie rendering in Chimera and subsequent movie viewing in the
DROIDS movie viewer, and (4) functional machine learning interpretation with maxDemon. We now offer


GUI for computer builds with either single or dual GPU cards (note: multiple cards connected via SLI are
treated as single GPU). Dual GPU systems will run MD on both homologous protein structures at the
same time. This GUI interface is designed to control and run all stages of the MD simulations of both the
query and reference PDB structures that will be needed for later DROIDS analysis. This includes typical
teLeap setup of the PDB file, structural alignment of the query and reference proteins, and an energy
minimization, heating and equilibration run on each PDB. These runs are followed by N number of
sampling runs with N specified by the user. Random spacer runs precede each sampling run so as to
minimize the impact of initial conditions on the MD sampling (i.e. minimize differences merely due to
chaos in the MD runs). Afterwards, MD is run, users will collect atom info and flux data using buttons that
run typical cpptraj commands that loop through each sampling run. The last step includes the parsing of
the vector trajectory output to the structurally-based sequence alignment in performed earlier in Chimera.
Some analyses in DROIDS call for choice of ‘strict’ vs ‘loose’ homology (which determines upon which
amino acids the DROIDS statistics will be applied). Loose homology should be chosen when
evolutionary distances between the PDB files are large. Strict homology should be chosen when
sequences are nearly identical (e.g. examination of one or several specific mutations). After parsing, a
second GUI will pop up and lead users through DROIDS statistical analysis and graphical output. Here
users run the statistical comparisons and choose method of multiple test correction. At this point a third
GUI will pop up and allow color-mapping and graphics options to be applied to the static and moving
images of the reference PDB. The statistical test employed by DROIDS is a KS test applied specifically to
the collective backbone MD of each amino acid residue (i.e. atoms N, CA, C and O masked during
cpptraj). A fourth GUI runs the maxDemon application described in Figure 2.

Figure 1. A schematic representation of DROIDS comparative molecular dynamic analysis software. DROIDS is a software
tool for multiple test corrected amino acid-level pairwise comparison of molecular dynamics of two comparable PDB
structures. The three main phases of analysis include (A) MD sampling runs and vector trajectory analysis, (B) statistical
comparison via multiple test corrected KS tests, and (C) visualization results on static and moving images.


Figure 2. A schematic representation of DROIDS+maxDemon comparative molecular dynamic analysis software. The
addition of maxDemon allows for machine learning classification of comparisons trained in DROIDS, to be deployed on new
MD runs that represent genetic or drug binding variants. maxDemon reports regions where protein dynamics is functionally
conserved and where significant impacts on conserved dynamics is created by each variant(s).

Running MD with Amber via DROIDS
This MD GUI interfaces (Figure 3 and 4) allow the user to set the most important parameters for the MD
(e.g. name the force field, set run times of each phase, choose a solvation method, add salt conc) as well
as determine how many sampling MD runs on each protein will be analyzed in later analysis. For most
proteins, I often take 50-100 sampling runs at 0.5ns each, after a single equilibration phase of 1050ns…depending upon how stable the structure behaves. Users are guided through creation of a
structurally-based sequence alignment using Chimera MatchMaker and Match->Align, followed by setup
of topology and coordinate files using teLeap. Then the script automates the energy minimization,
heating, equilibration and MD production sampling runs on the two homologous structures and reports the
progress to the Linux terminal. This part of the analysis takes the longest (e.g. the two comparative runs
on two typical implicitly solvated systems may take 24-48 hours to run on the GTX 1080 card). Explicit
solvated systems may run 2-3X longer. Details about the MD are hard coded into the portion of the script
that writes the control file (i.e. the control subroutine). These settings can be easily changed by users
with some experience with Amber commands and perl scripting. The default assumes constant
temperature (300K) and pressure during production. Note that MD output is produced in the form of
binary files (.nc file type extension) rather than text (i.e. .mdcrd file type). This is to allow the saving of
hard drive space and proper file type for cpptraj analysis that follows. These files are not ‘readable’ in any


sort of text editor. Jobs are scheduled to the GPU by means of a while loop that periodically pgreps the
process ID’s produced by pmemd.cuda. The GPU will not automatically control job scheduling the way a
CPU will. So we have added a GPU surveillance button that opens terminals that monitor the load on the
GPU as well as current running processes. If the user interrupts a script and starts another job, this will
not terminate the previous run. If the user sees that two pmemd.cuda processes are running at once,
then the data is likely corrupt as the GPU is attempting to run both jobs at the same time. We include a
‘kill’ button which will pkill all pmemd.cuda jobs. This is handy when restarting DROIDS after previous
interruption. It is recommended that user keep surveillance open at all times alongside the main terminal
when running then MD wrapping script (GUI_START_DROIDS.pl). See Figure 2 for how this should look
on your desktop. Before each sampling MD run, a random time length spacer is generated uniformly
distributed between 0 and 0.5 x length of the sampling run. The purpose of this step is to average out the
effect of chaotic dynamics that may be observed if the initial starting conditions were always exactly taken
after the equilibration step has finished. A typical DROIDS analysis might consist of 0.5ns heating, 1050ns of equilibration and 50 x 0.5ns of sampling runs on each protein. With this setting, most
comparisons of protein dynamics can be achieved in 12-48 hours of run time using a dual GPU machine
with GTX 1080.

Figure 3. The DROIDS GUI interfaces for controlling molecular dynamic simulations and sampling conditions in Amber16/18
and subsequent cpptraj analysis.


Figure 4. Linux terminal windows showing the progression of the MD simulations as well as general surveillance of GPU
loads and process IDs

Calculation and collection of atom fluctuations
After the end of the MD simulations the user is guided through vector trajectory analysis using cpptraj
(Ambertools16/17). The buttons are run from top to bottom and include making control files, collecting
atom information, calculating atom fluctuations, and lastly, preparing and parsing the cpptraj output for
subsequent DROIDS analysis. The setup we use under the hood is designed to return amino acid
averaged motions collected only over the backbone of the polypeptide chain (i.e. N, CA, C, O …Figure 5).
Fluctuation is very rapid (10-20 femtoseconds on most bonds) and largely harmonic and thus is relevant
to comparative studies of protein stability (i.e. evolution of thermostability, functional epigenetic
modifications, or disease-related genetic mutations that globally destabilize function. During initial setup
(start GUI), the user is also guided from the terminal through the creation of a structural alignment of both
protein structures using Chimera’s MatchMaker and Match -> Align tools. The user is directed to save the
resulting sequence alignment as a Clustal format file (.aln) using the name of the reference PDB ID in the
title as follows Nxxx_align.aln (e.g. ubiquitin would be 1ubq_align.aln). Not that it is very important that the
user trims the N terminal chains to the same length after alignment so that data is collected correctly from
homologous amino acids. In GUI 2, the user is now also asked to specify whether the DROIDS statistics
and mapping are to be conducted using ‘loose’ or ‘strict’ homology. Strict homology will only conduct MD
comparisons on the backbone atoms of the protein when the aligned amino acid residues are identical.
Loose homology will compare backbone MD even when residues are different as long as the structural
alignment file identifies then as homologous. Note: atoms in sidechains are always excluded from all
analyses via a mask used in cpptraj. When pipelines use strict homology on a protein comparison


Figure 5. A schematic representation hypothetical differences atom fluctuation (dFLUX). Functional analysis of
destabilization due to mutation and or evolution of functional thermostability can be addressed using dFLUX. In the DROIDS
color mapping, (A) dFLUX is averaged over the 4 backbone atoms of each amino acid. Global dFLUX for the whole chain is
simply the sum of absolute dFLUX over the length of the polypeptide chain. (B) Version 2.0 also allows dFLUX to be defined
using symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence between the distributions of atom fluctuation. This option provides a richer
view of differences when color-mapping dFLUX.


without a large evolutionary distance a brighter color selection (i.e. red or yellow) is used for
nonhomologous regions as a way to label interesting mutations in the resulting images and movies of the
dynamics. Under structural comparisons of greater evolutionary distances, where the underlying protein
sequences are likely to be quite different, loose homology will be used along with a less conspicuous
color (i.e. usually gray) to mark regions in the protein comparison that lack true homology (i.e. are poorly
aligned) MatchMaker provides user ability to choose appropriate substitution matrices and gap penalties
to reduce the problem of poor alignment. DROIDS automatically excludes these regions from analysis.
NOTE: at the end of parsing, a folder named ‘atomflux’ should appear with individual files for each
comparison per residue. The number of files in this folder should correspond to the number of residues in
the reference protein that have homologous residues in the query protein. If there are far fewer files in the
atomflux folder than expected, this is most likely due to the fact the sequence at PDB does not exactly
match the structure. Occasionally, one will need to trim the alignment file to match the structure, and then
rerun the parsing again.
Comparative analysis and visualization of mutational impacts on protein dynamics
The statistical analysis is the heart of comparative protein dynamics using DROIDS (Figure 6-8). The
initial steps include making choices about the type of analysis you want, then producing the control files
you need. Then you run the KS tests in R on the next button. R graphics will show analyses as a popup
in the pdf viewer. After this step the user will generate Chimera ‘attribute’ files for color mapping. Color
mapping generally scales in saturation with the strength of the delta shift in atom motion (fluctuation or
correlation) between the two sets of MD runs. Regions lacking homology are darker gray. If you are only
changing the mapping options (i.e. data types – delta, p, or D values, color schemes or scaling of plots),
you do not need to rerun the statistical tests. If you change statistical test options (i.e. motion type, p
value cutoff, or multiple test correction), you will need to rerun the KS tests again. As the number of KS
tests equals the number of amino acids on the chain, correction for multiple testing is highly
recommended. Multiple test correction methods included as options in DROIDS are the Bonferroni
correction or Benjamini-Hochberg estimation of false discovery rate (see Figure 6). The dFLUX values of
the query runs can be scaled to the absolute dFLUX values of the reference runs if the user is more
interested in relative difference rather than absolute difference. Be sure to choose color schemes that
correspond to the data type as indicated on the screen. Color gradients can be auto-scaled (highest to
lowest value) or fixed at one of several options. When statistical options are changed (excepting p value
corrections) a new DROIDS results folder is generated for each set of tests. After the Chimera attributes
are stored for mapping, the user can generate color mapped static structures in Chimera and/or render
movies with the appropriate color mapping shown from 6 points of view X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, and Z2…or
alternatively with 2 points of view incorporating a smooth vertical and horizontal roll during playback.
These movies can be viewed simultaneously in concert in the DROIDS movie viewers (see Figure 7).


While the colors mapped correspond to the overall analysis, the movie dynamics correspond to only the
first MD sampling run taken on the reference PDB structure.

Figure 6. The stats DROIDS GUI controlling the KS statistics, multiple test correction method and graphics options. Negative
peaks in dFLUX plot (middle) indicate regions of protein where DNA binding is most pronounced.


Figure 7. GUI for graphics options. A movie viewer showing six points of view (front, back, left, right, top, bottom) is also
provided. Bivariate color option ‘stoplight’ for dFLUX is shown here. Red indicates dampening of rmsf values during DNA
binding. Peaks in Figure 4 have deep red color and indicate loops in the DNA minor groove. Univariate coloring options for p
or D values of the KS test are also provided.


Figure 8. GUI for maxDemon – machine learning assistance for comparative protein dynamics.

The maxDemon application (Figure 8) allows for further machine learning assisted functional
interpretation of the DROIDS comparison. The details of this analysis will be described in a future
upcoming software note. Essentially, maxDemon trains up to nine different machine learning methods on
the original comparative ensembles run earlier in DROIDS. It then allows the user to deploy a list of new
runs representing the original query PDB (i.e. copies) and different PDB (i.e. variants). The significance
of canonical correlation (i.e. Wilk’s lamda) of the positional learning efficiencies of each method deployed
on identical MD runs of the original PDB query on which the learners were trained (i.e. copies) is used to
define functional conserved dynamics (i.e. dynamic signatures that are repeatable and dependent upon
amino acid sequence). These areas are shown in very dark gray in the plots and images above. The
impacts of variants are defined where the relative entropy of the variant canonical correlation differs
significantly from that of the self comparison. The regions impacted significantly by mutations or drug
variants are plotted as peaks in the bottom graph and as orange regions on the PDB structure.


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XMP Toolkit                     : 3.1-701
Producer                        : Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Creator                         : gbabbitt
Creator Tool                    : Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Create Date                     : 2019:06:17 12:46:05-04:00
Modify Date                     : 2019:06:17 12:46:05-04:00
Document ID                     : uuid:E2044A9F-92C4-4AB4-9AE9-E26C37095CDA
Instance ID                     : uuid:E2044A9F-92C4-4AB4-9AE9-E26C37095CDA
Author                          : gbabbitt
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools

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