Database Training Manual
User Manual:
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Page Count: 9
Database Cheat Sheet
This work sheet contains instructions for using Microsoft Access to update the Assets Database for
Monitoring and Evaluation
Table of Contents
Opening the Database 1
Navigating Access 2
Assets List 2
New Asset 3
Asset Table 5
Adding New Information 5
Adding Text 5
Adding pictures 5
Using the dropdowns 8
Saving a Record 8
Editing a Old Record 9
Opening the Database
The default program for this file time is already pre-set on your computer to be Microsoft
1. Locate the file on your computer
2. Double click the file to Open
Figure 1: This is what your screen should look like when the program first opens.
Navigating Access
Assets List
The first thing you want to click on and open is the ‘Assets List’. This is located on the far right
hand side of the window. See the image below.
Figure 2:This is the Assets List, and were to click to open it up.
Notes: Every thing you need to do with the Database will be navigable from this list.
To create a new entry click the ‘New Asset’ Button
To filter the list of Assets to find one particular asset, click on the Filter button, then type in
the phrase you are looking for. For example you might type in the name of an asset.
New Asset
After you have clicked the ‘New Asset” button in the ‘Assets List’ This screen should appear.
All of the fields in this form directly reflect the fields in the ‘Field Profile Worksheet’. At the
top you will find tabs that reflect the different sections of the Profile Worksheet.
To find a category not listed at the top use the arrows to scroll through different pages
There are four different types of fields for entering information into the database: Text Boxes,
Picture Boxes, Check Boxes, and Drop-downs.
Asset Table
The final way to view information is through the ‘Asset Table’
Adding New Information
Notes: In addition to editing the database in the Microsoft Access, the tables can also be
transferred to Microsoft Excel to be edited or filtered there, then transferred back into
Microsoft Access.
Adding Text
The first type of information that can be added to the database is text. All text should be
entered into the text boxes in the ‘New Assets’ table.
1. Single Left click on a box that u want to have text in
2. Wait until you see the flashing black line in the correct box
3. Start typing
Adding pictures
The final two tabs on the ‘New Assets’ table are for holding pictures related to the asset.
Steps for inserting a picture in the database:
1. Double click on an empty picture location.
2. Click the Add Button
3. Find the picture on the computer. Example: Documents >Assets > Monawabisi Park
> 2010 > Institutional > Crèches > Photos. Then double left click the file.
4. Finally select the ‘Add’ Button
Using the dropdowns
The third way to enter information is from a drop-down box.
1. Click on the drop-down box
2. Select your choice
Saving a Record
Click the ‘Save’ button any time you wish to save your work.
When all of the information is placed into the form, click the button “Save and New” to save
the record. A new, blank form will then appear. You can either add another asset or close the
Editing a Old Record
1. First go to the ‘New Asset” Page
2. Using Search box at the bottom of the page, type in the Name of the Asset
3. Edit the information
4. Save the new information