Decuscope_Vol07_1968 Decuscope Vol07 1968
Decuscope_Vol07_1968 Decuscope_Vol07_1968
User Manual: Decuscope_Vol07_1968
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HAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR ABSTRACT FOR THE DECUS SPRING SYMPOSIUM IN PHILADELPHIA? IF NOT, THERE MAY STILL BE TIME, LOOK THRU THE PILE OF PAPERS ON YOUR DESK FOR THE GREEN FLYER TITLED - uCALL FOR PAPERS u; COMPLETE THE SECTION CALLING FOR AN ABSTRACT AND MAIL IT TODAY TO THE DECUS OFFICE, IF YOU HAVE SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING TO TALK ABOUT, COMPLETE THE SHEET REFERRING TO WORKSHOP PARTICIPATION, IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T HEARD, THE SPRING SYMPOSIUM WILL BE HELD AT THE BELLEVUE STRATFORD HOTEL IN PHILADELPHIA ON APRIL 26TH AND 27TH, SESSIONS HILL BE HELD ON THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION AREAS: BIOMEDICINE, TYPESETTING, EDUCATION, AND HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, THE FOLLOWING WILL SERVE AS CHAIRMEN FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE SESSIONS: GENERAL MEETINGS CHAIRMAN WORKSHOP CHAIRMEN PROFESSOR PHILIP R, BEVINGTON ROGER PYLE PDP-8 LINE: DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP, PHYSICS DEPARTMENT MAYNARD, MASSACHUSETTS STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA BIOMEDICAL SESSION PDP-9: JAMES MURPHY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP, PROFESSOR BELMONT FARLEY MAYNARD, MASSACHUSETTS JOHNSON FOUNDATION UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA PDP-IO: DAVID FRIESEN MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION SESSION TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS DR, SYLVIA CHARP DIRECTOR OF INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS BOARD OF EDUCATION MODULES: SYPKO ANDREAE PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA LAWRENCE RADIATION LABORATORY BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA TYPESETTING SESSION RICHARD MCQUILLIN INFORONICS INC, CA~BRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS CDt.CUS PRESIDENT) HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SESSION PROFESSOR THOMAS DAY PHYSICS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND PRESIDENT'S LETTER CONTENTS As new President of DECUS, I wou:d like to report tothe membership about some new developments in the Society. PAGE 2 President's Letter. Editorial The newly installed Executive Board has vacant positions. My election to the presidency created a vacancy in the office of Programming Chairman. To this office I have appointed a present board member, Mike Wolfberg, the previous Publ ications Chairman. In addition to this, newly elected Nancy Lambert has been unable to take office as Recording Secretary due to a new job unrelated to DEC hardware; so anyone interested and able to contribute actively to DECUS administrative affairs by serving on the Board may contact me for further details. 3 ..... DECUS Annual Report - 1967 . . 3,4 DECUS Canadian Symposium 4-6 7-10 Programming Notes . . . . • • Text Facility for Use with PDP-8 7,8 Multiplexing of Data Address Bits for PDP-8 3-Cycle Data Break Facility . . . . . 8,9 Punching Binary Tapes on the LI NC-8 . With the rapid growth of the Society, it is becoming apparent that some changes may be in order in Executive Board structure. We need more help in keeping the high momentum that we have had for the past few years. I feel that these are two mainareas of immediate need: Programming and Meetings. I have asked Mike Wolfberg to structure the Programming Committee along product I ines. This has been started with Mike reviewing PDP-8 software as it comes into the DECUS Library. Dave Friesen of M.I.T. is doing the same forPDP-6/10 software, and Mike is look i ng for someone to rev iew PD P-7/9 softwa re . 10 Wanted 10 Letters 10, 11 Modu Ie News. . 11-13 New DECUS Members 14-16 Digital Software News 17-24 PDP-5, 8, 8/S . . 17-20 PDP-7/9 . . . . • 20-24 The last couple of technical meetings have been tremendous undertakings for our previous Meetings Chairman, Don Molony. The meetings have had about two hundred attendees, and this number cou Id easi Iy double in the next few meetings. Therefore, I have asked Phil Bevington to look for people to work on the Meetings Committee, especially to help with the East Coast meetings. Anyone interested in working on this Committee should contact Phil at Stanford. Also on the subject of meetings, we have received good reports about our last meeting in Anaheim, in particu lar the hand Iing of the workshops. Next time we intend to expand on this plan and schedule workshops for each product line and modu les. Anyone who wishes to present a paper pertinent to anyone product line (e.g., a new assembler) will be given a chance to do so at an appropriate workshop. The remainder of the meeting will be for application-oriented papers in Education, High Energy Nuclear Physics, Biomedicine, and Typesetting. We are organizing these sessions well in advance this time, along with session chairmen to set up and run these sessions. Hopefully, we will have a very useful meeting in Philadelphia. NOTE The volume number of the last issue of DEC USC OPE was erroneouslyomitted. The issue (Season's Greetings on the cover) should be numbered Vol. 6, No.6. DECUS PROGRAM LIBRARY NOTE As a final note, I wish to report on the new format of the Board Meetings initiated in January. We are now having meetings with everyone present by using a WATS line between DECUS headquarters in Maynard and Stanford University. The first meeting was very successfu I, and we hope to continue with the system. DUE TO THE LARGE BACKLOG OF REQUESTS FOR PROGRAMS ANNOUNCED IN THE LAST ISSUE OF DECUSCOPE, WE ARE NOT INCLUDING ANY ADDITIONS IN THIS ISSUE, WE ARE, HOWEVER, PLANNING ON SENDING OUT AN ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEW PROGRAMS AROUND THE MIDDLE OF MARCH, THIS WILL ENABLE US TO "CATCH UP" ON REQUESTS BEFORE MORE COME "POURING IN", PLEASE BEAR WITH US UNTILTHEN, THE DECUS We, on the Executive Board, are most happy to receive suggestions from the membership. Our purpose is to have a better and more useful Society. We are growing rapidlyand wart to keep our momentum through enlightened administration. PROGRAM LIBRARY Richard J. McQuillin DECUS Preside'lt 2 EDITORIAL DEC US ANNUAL REPORT - 1967 John B. Goodenough President - 1966-1967 On the cover of this issue we have tried to illustrate the extraordinary growth of DECUS since its inception in 1961. During the past year, we have more than doubled in growth as well as service to the users. The attached report of the DECUS Executive Secretary presents a statistical summary of DECUS activities during 1967. The purpose of the present report is to interpret these statistics and assess the events that affected DECUSls operations during the past year. Below are listed the statistics showing DECUS activity for 1967 along with a comparison to i 966. Foi iowing these statistics is a report by 1967 1 s DEC US President, John Goodenough, which outlines what has been happening in DECUS during the past year. The single most important development in DECUS is the tremendous growth in membership--DECUS now has more than twice as many members as it had at the end of 1966. This growth has had important effects on our three primary activities: (1) the holding of technical symposia; (2) the distribution of computer programs; and (3) the distribution of information by means of DECUSCOPE, the DECUS newsletter. DECUS Statistics for Year 1967 MEMBERSHIP 1967 1966 New Applications 1189 424 Total Membership (Removed 31 in 1967) 2008 850 Delegates 925 385 Individuals 1049 465 Module Users (64) Meetings Our larger membership is reflected by the increasingly professionalqualityof thesemi-annual DECUSmeetings. TheSpring and Fall DECUS Symposia were attended by 200 persons--the largest attendance yet for a DECUS meeting; and at the Fall meeting, over thirty technical papers were presented, more than ever before. The increasing technical depth in DECUS means that meetings can be organized with parallel sessions devoted to relatively narrow technical areas. The Spring Meeting in 1968 wi /I be the first to fu lIy take advantage of DECUSls greater technical depth. 34 (not a Iready members) Non-Members 480 160 Tolal on mailing list 2488 1010 2775 1975 Number of programs subm i tted (104 accepted, 23 in process) 127 58 Total number of programs in library 294 198 8 none DECUSCOPE Circulation A larger membership is also evidenced by the interest in regional and special purpose meetings. During 1967, a special one-day Biomedical Symposium wa s held in New York, a meeting of Canadian members was held in Canada, a meeting of European users was held in England, and a Module Users Group was organized within DECUS. PROGRAM LIBRARY Number obsoleted Number of request!; completed 950 Number of programs issued to requestors 4655 1692 Number of tapes involved in requests 8815 3460 Paper Tapes DECtapes Number of tapes reproduced (verified) To meet the potential needs and problems posed by these and future special interest groups, the DECUS Constitution was amended in 1967 to provide for a special form of organization within DECUS--the Special User Group (SUG). Each SUG wi /I have its own Chairman and may organize its own meetings or technical sessions with the aid and support of DEC US. The DECUS European Committee is the first DECUS Special User Group. 8690 Prol iferation of meetings imposes a severe burden on the DECUS staff and detracts from the importance and qua Iity of the sem iannual general DECUS meetings. The DECUS Board has informally adapted the pol icy of discouraging meetings that are separate from the Spring and Fall DEC US Symposia. Instead, groups with special interests will be requested to organize special sessions at one of our semi-annual meetings. We feel that this pol icy wi /I increase the qua Iity and interest of the DECUS meetings, decrease the burden on the DECUS staff, and better serve the needs of all DECUS members. 124 9300 (approx.) PERCENTAGE OF INCREASES 135% Increase in membership growth 146% Increase in number on mailing list 125% Increase in size of DECUSCOPE (minus insert section) 40% Increase in DECUSCOPE circulation (affected by revising mailing procedure) Financial DECUS derives income from the holding of its technical symposia. Our meetings are budgeted to cover expenses without making a profit, but surplus from any meeting is added to the treasury to cover any deficit that might occur in future meetings. It was decided this year that the primary purpose of the DECUS 102% Increase in number of programs issued 175% Increase in number of programs issued 170% Increase in tape reproduction 3 DECUS CANADIAN SYMPOSIUM treasury is to provide a hedge against unexpected costs at future meetings. In particular, it was decided that funds from the treasury cou Id not be used to defray trave I expenses of any electedmember of the DECUS Boardwhoistravelingon DECUS business. The second DECUS Canadian Symposium was he Id at the Skyl ine Hotel in Ottawa on February 23. Below are abstracts of the. papers presented. Proceedings of themeetingshould be avail-. able in Apri I. i Since most of the DECUS operating expenses are covered by the DECUS-DEC Support Agreement f DECUS has no need and no intention of bui Iding up a large treasury. SMALL COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN A POWER SYSTEM Program Li brary J.D.A. Griffin Ontario Hydro, Research Division Toronto, Ontario, Canada The increase in membership and the addition of new computers to the DEC product line resu Ited in an explosive growth in the number of programs distributed by DEC US. Approximate Iy 9,300 program tapes were duplicated (and verified), filling approx imate Iy 950 requests for programs. The DEC US program Iibrary is clearly in active use by the membership. This paper concerns the use of a PDP-S to investigate possible computer appl ications in certain areas of power system operation. Study thus far has centered primari lyon computer-based re lay protection and on computer-controlled displays for control rooms. For the initial investigations, a method of generating CRT displays has been developed which, being both effective and low-cost, may find application elsewhere. The tremendous number of tapes distributed placed extreme demands onthefacilities and procedures for duplicating tapes. Present procedures allow for a two to three week delay in filling a request, but problems can be anticipated in 1965 when present duplicating facilities become saturated. AUTOMATIC PROCESSING OF ABSORPTION SPECTRA DECUSCOPE Roch Lafrance Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment Quebec, P. Q., Canada The monthly DECUS newsletter has grown in size, primarily because of the distribution of DEC Program Maintenance notices within DECUSCOPEand because of the inclusion of letters from members. Both kinds of information are felt to be a significant addition, increasing the usefu Iness of DEC USC OPE to members. Offsetting the increase in size, the DECUSCOPE mailing list and mailing procedure was revised to insure that copies were not distributed unnecessari Iy. In the experiment to study the high-altitude atmospheric composition, a large number of absorption spectra are recorded with a FM-FM telemetry system. Automation of the data processing replaces the use of a planimeter by electronic integrations controlled in width and position by a program. From these integrals, the absorption of a given spectrum band is computed, as well as other experimental parameters such as altitude and temperature. DEC US-DEC Support Agreement The activity in the program library and the large attendance at technical symposia show that DECUS is meeting important needs of itsmembers. Ourabilityto meet these needs ispredicated on the sU,)port DEC gives DECUS as described in the DECUS-DEC Support Agreement. 1967 marked the first full year of operation under this agreement, and the agreement has proven usefu I and workable. A computer, the PDP-S/S, and an interface consisting mainly of five counters sum the signal frequencies given by the FMFM telemetry system with an accuracy of 0.1 cycle and allow more than 500 integrations per second. The counter time base is a reference frequency recorded on the magnetic tape. This automatica Ily compensates for the wow and flutter of the playback recorder. Commendation Finally, the system controls a pen recorder to reproduce at high speed the most interesting parts of the spectrum. The DECUS Executive Secretary is provided under the Support Agreement, and the DECUS Board is particu larly apprec iative of the initiative and good judgment exercised by Mrs. Angela Cossette in carrying out her responsibi Iities. USE OF THE PDP-S/S FOR DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL OF THE AERODIST AIRBORNE SURVEY SYSTEM FALL 1967 SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS Gordon R. Symonds Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Ottawa, Ontario, Canada The proceedings of the Fall Symposium he I din Anaheim, Cal ifornia on November 10 and 11 are now avai lable. Copies are being mailed to all meeting attendees. ,h,nyone else interested in obtaining a copy should contact the DECUS office. The Surveys and Mapping Branch of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources employs an integrated airborne survey system which permits distance measurement, photo positioning and extension of ground surveys over re lative Iy lorge distances 4 to Geodetic prec ISlon. The interface between the system-wh i ch inc ludes "Aerodist", a 3-channe I microwave distance measuring un it, camera, radar profi Ie recorder and various temperature and pressure measuring devices, and the PDP-8/s-is described. The processor is also used in the field office for final data reduction by the computing section, giving the un it high utility. Special operational problems encountered in aircraft and field office use and their solutions are illustrated. A PROGRAM TO SIMULATE NAND LOGIC SYSTEMS I. A. Davidson Northern Electric Company Research and Development Ottawa, Ontario, Canada A NAND logic system simu lator has been written for a PDP-8/S. The network arrangement is described through the Teletype keyboard, the input signals via the switch register while the output levels are typed out. The simulator considers the time taken for disturbances to be propagated through the system unti I a stable configuration is found. PDP-9T: COMPATIBLE TIME SHARING FOR THE REAL-TIME LABORATORY Various systems have been simulated, including the interface logic for a card reader. M. M. Taylor1, D. M. Forsyth 2 , and L. Seligman 3 Modifications have been made to the PDP-9 to permit realtime control of laboratory apparatus in a time-shared environment. The system is designed to accommodate about six independent real-time users, providing each with device service latenc ies of under 100 microseconds and response latenc ies of a few mi lIiseconds. At the same time, a simi lar number of interaction or background jobs maybe sustained by this system (e.g., editing assembling FORTRAN jobs). The PDP-9T system provides each user with a virtual memory space of 32K words. Physical core of the PDP-9T may be expanded to 256K words. The virtual user machine looks like an ordinary PDP-9 except that (1) a few instructions trap to the monitor (e.g., HLT, OAS); (2) an lOT instruction is decoded by hardware into 1 of 256 possible calis to the system monitor; and (3) programs written to capitalize on the nature of the environment will run more effic iently than those which pretend to be in an ordinary PDP-9. (This paper was given at the Fall 1967 DECUS Symposium, Anaheim, California.) SOME EXPERIENCES IN INTERFACE DESIGN AND FABRICATION E. J. Gabe and R. H. Goodman Department of Mines, Energy and Resources Ottawa, Ontario, Canada An interfacehasbeenbuilt which will allow a 4-Circle X-Ray diffractometer with optical encoders to be run on-line with a PDP-8. Some considerations, which now seem obvious, came to light only gradually during the course of the work. These include: devoting considerable time to the planning stage of the work to try to anticipate all likely needs, weighing the advantages of hardware and software as a means of implementing each part of the interface, and in the case of a complex interface, balancing the cost of hardware against purchasing additional computing power. Examples to illustrate these points wi II be given and our present views on a reasonable hardwarel software ba lance. 1. Defence Research Establishment Toronto, Downsview, Ontario, Canada USE OF ITERATIVE PROCESSES IN EVALUATION OF STRESSES IN STATICALLY INDETERMINATE SYSTEMS OF ELASTIC BARS 2. Harvard University, Department of Psychology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 3. Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts Dr. Adolph Feingold and Herbert R. Alcorn University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario, Canada The problem is statically indeterminate and results in a nonlinear system of equations which does not admit of a closedform solution. The ob ject of this paper is to present an iterative process suitable for computer application which may also be conveniently used in solving other simi lar problems. A SIX-CHANNEL MULTIPLEXER FOR THE PDP-8 DATA BREAK FACILITY R. Krishna University of ;askatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada A REMOTE I NTERFACE FOR A PDP-8 A six-channel multiplexer for use on the data break facility of the PDP-8 computer is described. It is designated MPX-1 and functions provided are very similar to those available in Mu Itiplexer type DM-01 manufactured by DEC. However, the internal organization of MPX-1 differs significantly. Unlike DM-Ol which uses one modu Ie per bit for data and data address multiplexing, MPX-1 uses one gate per bit. As a result, modules onthe required channels alone need to be plugged in. This results in a more economical and flexible design. Important timing considerations for successfu I multiplexer operation and how conservative timing margins are achieved in the MPX-1 are described. Pierre Goyette University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario, Canada This paper discusses the design and construction of an interface that allows the computer to be used at a remote location joined to the computer by a two-way commun ications Iink. The remote interface allows for 16 I/o channels and accommodates an interrupt-like action. The communications hardware was built using integrated circuits wit h a floating common to achieve a match between the two sets of logic levels. Trans- 5 mission rates cah be varied. Since one of the prime requirements was programming ease, the design chosen was far from the simplest in terms of hardware. PDP-S (DISC) OPERATING SYSTEM WORKSHOP Roger Pyle, Chairman Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massac husetts ON-LINE PSYCHOACOUSTIC EXPERIMENTATION WITH A MI NIMAL PDP-sis This lecture and discussion session is devoted to a presentation of the design philosophy of the PDP-S Disc software. The primary features exhibited are ease of use, increased thru-put and user liberation from operator pane I switch dependency. C. Douglas Creelman Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada The following topics wi II be discussed: An interpreter and operating system has been designed to run observers in auditory signal detection and recognition experiments with a wide range of experimental designs possible. Control of durations of events is critical, and sets of II simu Itaneous" events must be capable of being chosen. Duration control is through a hardware c lock which drives a counter set under program control. The c lock is connected to the program interrupt. The program uses the time the c lock is counting to piace a subsequent set of lOT instructions immediately below location f1 so the occurrence of an interrupt is followed as closely in time as possible by a new set of events. Inc luded in the system is facility to use PEST (Parameter Estimation by Sequential Testing) to set stimulus parameters as a function of recent observer responses; a procedure which reduces experimental time considerably. 1. The philosophy behind the monitor development and the benefits to the user. 2. The user mon itor commands and interna I structure of the monitor, including the core requirements, limitations, extensions, and I/o device handling. 3. The standard system programs attached to the disc system, both for 4K memory and extended memory. A complete discussion wi II be given describing the way programs are saved on the disc, the general usage of the disc as a program storage and data fi Ie storage device. THE WESTERN MULTI-COMPUTER SYSTEM George Lake University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada The paper describes a combined remote access batch processing system involving two computers directly coupled. The system exploits the advantages of both machines. PDP-9 OPERATI NG SYSTEM WORKSHOP DECUSCOPE HAS BEEN PUBLISHED SINCE APRIL 1962 AND IS THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER FOR DIGITAL EQUIPMENT COMPUTER USERS SOCIETY, James Murphy, Chairman Digita I Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts IT IS PUBLISHED PERIODICALLY AT THE DECUS OFFICE, DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MASSACHUSETTS, TELEPHONE: This lecture and informal discussion period is directed towards the design philosophy of the PDP-9 ADVANCED SOFTWARE Operating System which centers on use r convenience and optimum core util ization. EDITOR: 1. The comprehensive, device independent, input/output programm ing system wh ich inc ludes hand lers for all the standard peripheral devices. 2. The expansion and special ization capabi Iities ofthe system to utilize all central processor and standard or non-standard periphera I options. 3. The keyboard control for automatic storage, retrieval, loading and execution of a II system and user programs. 4. Complete error analysis at monitor, system program levels. MRS, ANGELA J, COSSETTE, DECUS CIRCULATION: The subtopics wi II be: input/output and 6 AC 617, 897-8821, EXT, 414 2,800 COPIES PER ISSUE PROGRAMMING NOTES 2. The exact format must be followed; the pseudo-instruction TEXT must be followed by a space, a delimiting character (! in the example given), the text itself, and a repetition of the delimiting character. -- --- TEXT FACILITY FOR USE WITH THE PDP-8 3. There is no provision for storing CR or LF in th is system. If either of these is required, they may be generated in the final text print-out by using % to give a CR and # to give a LF. No CR or LF wi II be executed in the ASC II Iisting by these characters; the punch shou Id be turned off, CR and LF operated as required I and the punch turned o~gain to produce CR and LF in the ASC II text. For example, to produce in the fi na I text: David J. Dewhurst Department of Physiology University of Melbourne Parkville: Victoria: Australia Frequently it is required to generate printed text in the course of executing a program. By far, the most convenient way of doing this is to use the MACRO-8 text facility to introduce messages into an ASCII program and to use a somewhat modified version of the Alphanumeric Message Typeout program (Digital-8-18-U) to cause the message to be printed out when the program is executed. THE CAT SAT ON THE MAT the program given above wi II be modified as An ASCII listing of this modified program can be found at the end of this article. It uses addresses 4400 to 4457 inclusive, se lected so that it can be used in con junction with anyone of the four parts of the Floating Point Arithmetic Package (Digital8-5-5). It also uses the auto-index register 0017, which must be avai lable whenever the program is called. In addition, one other Page 0 address must be used to enter the program indirectly (exactly the same way as the Floating Point Packages are entered). It is often convenient to use address 0004 for this purpose, although this precludes the use of DDT-8 for debugging. This program must be compi led by the use of MACRO-8, and the resulting BI N tape is stored for subsequent use. *0004 MESAGE, 4400 START, s Following %#, the punch is turned off, CR and LF pressed, and the punch turned on again. Examples The characters represented by the ASC II codes Iisted be low cannot be hand led by th is program. The use of the text fac i Iity can best be shown by examples. The program to type out THE CAT SAT ON THE MAT would read as follows in ASCII: Character ASCII Code *0004 MESAG E, 4400 s *0200 KCC TLS JMS I MESAGE ! THE CAT SAT%# ON THE MAT! HLT @ 3,0,0 377 2,07 243 245 *0200 START, KCC TLS JMS I MESAGE TEXT !THE CAT SAT ON THE MAT! HLT RUB OUT BELL # % /TEXT FACILITY (S-lS-U MODIFIED) *44.0.0 MESS, MACRO-8 wi II compi Ie this program by storing the text in stripped ASC II characters, packed two characters per address, and ending with 00 as a terminating signal. (This will put HLT at address 0217 in the example given.) The resu Iting BI N program is loaded, followed by the BI N tape of the modified Digital-8-18-U program. The program is started at 0200 when the desired message wi II be typed out. The following points should be noted: 1. The print routine used by Digital-8-18-U must be initialized by TLS (NOr" by TCF), just as the Floating Point Package routine must be initialized. Accordingly, neither routine can be readi Iy used in con junction with the Interrupt facility. MSRGHT, .0 CLA TAD DCA TAD DCA TAD RTR RTR RTR JMS TAD JMS JMP .0 CMA MESS .0.017 I .0.017 MSRGHT MSRGHT TYPECH MSRGHT TYPECH MESS+4 (continued) 7 TYPECH., ~ AND SNA JMP TAD SMA JMP TAD JMP TAD SZA JMP TAD JMP TAD SZA JMP TAD JMP TAD TSF JMP TLS CLA JMP MTP, I ~~17 M4~ .+3 C34~ MTP M3 Figure 2 shows another possible method. This is simpler and cheaper than the two previously mentioned. In this method the address bit buses are connected to the unit address lines through isolating diodes. If a bit is 0 to establish the correct address code, the diode in that position is disconnected. For example, if the address code for Unit 1 is (7754)S, then diodes from bit 10 and 11 buses to the Unit 1 address Iine wi II be missing. .+3 C212 MTP M2 MASK77, ~~77 M4~, C34~, ~34~ M3, C212, M2, C215, C245, (type R123 or similar). The first method requires one module per address bit, whereas the second method requires one gate per bit. Ifcost of the modules were the only deciding factor, the re lative merits of these two methods can be worked out assuming the required number of channels is known. For example, if on Iy three channe Is are needed, the second method is obviously preferred because it costs only S 114 for 12 bits against $156 for the first. MASK77 .+3 C215 MTP C245 When Unit 1 is selected, Unit 1 address line is driventoground and all other unit address lines will be at -3volts. The diodes associated with Unit 1 can now conduct and drive the corresponding buses to ground. Diodes associated with the other units, however, remain cut off and, hence, have no effect on the buses. The effect of this arrangement is that the contribution to the address buses will be only from the selected address line, and the bus on which there is no diode will remain floating. .-1 I TYPECH 774~ 7775 ~212 7776 ~215 ~245 The address buses are connected to the level inputs of the DC D gates on the set side of the MA register in the PDP-S. When these DC D gates are strobed during the CA cyc Ie, any bit whose bus was left floating wi II be transferred as a "0" into the MA. From the arrangement shown in Figure 2, it is easy to verify the validity of the following table. $ MULTIPLEXING OF DATA ADDRESS BITS FOR PDP-S 3-CYCLE DATA BREAK FACILITY R. Krishna University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada UNIT SELECTED ADDRESS SET UP ----------------------------------------------------High-speed transfers can conveniently be handled by using the data break facility of the PDP-S. Most of the high-speed peripherals use the 3-cyc Ie data break. However, as the PDP-S has onlyone channel avai lable for data break transfers, it becomes necessary to use a multiplexer if more than one device has to be connected to the break channel. (7754)S ----------------------------------------------------2 (0032)S ----------------------------------------------------- The multiplexer can be thought of as a collection of highspeed switches connecting the information lines from the peripheral devices to the computer in a predetermined order. The multiplexer is also capable of distributing the signals from the computer to the peripherals. All necessary signals for a successfu I data break operation are Iisted in the Sma II Computer Handbook. Because (during a data break) peripherals can communicate directly with the core, the address for the location of current interest must be specified by the device. For a 3-cyc Ie data break, this address is fixed on one address per device basis and, hence, can be specified by proper wiring. If a device is requesting access for a transfer, multiplexer presents the corresponding address only to the computer lines. 3 (0034)S ----------------------------------------------------4 (0036)S ----------------------------------------------------5 (0070)S -----~------~-~-------------------------------------- Two possiblemethodsofmultiplexingtheaddressbits are shown in Figure 1. The first method uses And/Nor gate (type R141 or similar) modules and the second method uses diode gates S ADD0 ADDl ADD2 ADDll L UNl SELECT UNlADD 0 UN2SELECT UN2ADD0 UN3 SELECT UN3 ADD0 UN 4 SELECT UN4ADD0 _1'!.N~QPll UN5 SELECT UN5ADD0 _l!...N~A.Q..oll • • I I I ! ",lAOO"~ 1",2""'''~ :,"5ADD"~ , t--cP !~ ~_ ~i 1 1 UNlSELECT UN2SELECT METHOD 1 METHOD 2 Figure 1. o--4--"'--_4-_-J'L...._--A_ _"'-_ _---<"'> ADD 0 o-~~'---~-~~-~--~---<"'> ADD I o-~~'---~-~~-~--~---<>ADD2 o-~-4'---~-~~-~---~---<"'>ADD3 ()-........--1~-+--J'1'---"'---1'-----<> ADD 4 ()-~~L---~--J'~-~---~---<>ADD5 ()-_~~~~--J'~~~--~---<> ADD 10 ()-_~'----~--J'~-~--~-----<"'> ADD UN I SELECT • UN2 SELECT UN3 SELECT UN4 SELECT Figure 2. 9 UN5 SELECT II ••• ' ~~ ' UN5SELECT OADDll integration routine (Runge- Kutta) or someth ing sim i lar. PUNCHING BINARY TAPES ON THE L1NC-8 Information on routines of this type which are avai lable wou Id be appreciated. L. N. Law Department of Psychology Institute of Psychiatry London, England H. Kyle Collins, Jr. Department 72-15, Zone 12 Lockheed-Georgia Company Marietta, Georgia 30060 A problem occurs when attempting to punch a binary tape on the LI NC-8 since all zero characters are om itted. This is due to the PROGOFOP subroutine, TYPEIT, which uses the value of the output character as a flag to indicate that I: ~ Teletype is busy, and zero flag to indicate that the Teletype is free. Thus, the next character in a string is loaded immediately on top of any zero. LETTERS II A solution is to use 7777 as a II busy" flag, independent of the character value. A modified TYPE IT, which uses three fewer locations, is as follows: Dear Mrs. Cossette: liThe letter from Omega-t Systems Incorporated requesting information about a digital analog simulator for the PDP-8 was of considerable interest to us. PRINT=21 "Dr. T. G. Coleman and I recentlydevelopedsuch a simulator for another small computer, the IBM 1401, and plan to use the same techniques to fit the simulator into the PDP-8 and PDP-9. The system is known as PAS(150) for the Physiologica I Analog Simulator and currently will handle up to 150 analog blocks. *1501 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 0000 2021 5306 6041 5304 6046 7240 3021 5701 0000 0000 0000 0 ISZ PRINT JMP OKPRINT TSF WAIT, JMP .-1 OKPRI NT, TLS STA DCA PRI NT JMP I TYPEIT 0 /THREE 0 /SPARE 0 /LOCATIONS TYPEIT, Enclosed are copiesof two reprints describing the system. We expect a more detailed article to appear in a future issue of Computers and Biomedical Research. II "Wewould liketoknow of any other persons interested in such an analog simulator as well as any group who might like to prov ide some research support to further deve lop the system for conversational mode operation. Cordially, HANTED Fred R. Sias, Jr. Research Instructor The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216" I am interested in programs for man-machine "conversation" via the teletypewriter, in English-like sentences, for experiments in computer-aided behavioral therapy (like Colb/s, Weizenbaum's, etc.), for information retrieval and library searching (like M. M. Kessler's, Bobrow's, etc.), and for simulation 0 f models of inductive inference and cognition (like the work of Feigenbaum, Mursky, etc.). We have a PDP-8 connected as a satellite to the University's 360/67 via a 220 cps line. We also have a SOROBAN high-speed card reader, high-speed paper-tape reader, high-speed tape punch, and an I/o analog converter attached. I would also like to know about programs now under development or in planning in this connection. II Dear Mrs. Cossette: liThe Gorman-Wolfberg technique for clearing all of memory in the PDP-8 (DECUS 5/8-27a), inc luding the eight- instruction program itself, can be slightly improved in efficiency by the following minor alterations: Absolute Clear I am also inferested in any programs which store psychological or educational tests, accept on-line responses from subjects, and score these. Location Octal f1f1f1f1 3f1f1f1 741f1 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 Manfred Kochen Assoc iate Professor The University of Michigan Mental Hea Ith Research Institute Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 3f1f1~ 3376 2f1f1f1 34f1f1 5372 3374 34~,0 Symbolic 3f1f1f1 SKP DCA .+3 ISZ f1 DCA I f1 JMP .-4 DCA .-3 DCA 151 /START, AC=,0 "This reduces the execution time by about 10%, at ro additional cost in progral"1 space. Even t~i$ record can be beaten, As part of our work on the PDP-8, we want to solve a set of differential equations. In order to solve these we need an 10 Absolute Halt however, bya basicail y different technique for absolute clear. which also requires only eight if'lstructions, all conveniently contiguous, and which is more than twice as fast: Location Absolute Clear Location Octal Symbolic 7771 3776 DCA I .+5 7772 2011 IC7 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 2376 5371 3374 %%%1 4411 3411 ISZ .+3 JMP .-3 DCA .-1 %%%1 JMS III DCA III %%%% 1...Ji:- %%1% %%11 7375 7376 7377 /START, AC=% 11 II 74y5% 74y51 74y52 %%%% (Assumes locations %%13 through 73t:4 clear.) Octal Symbolic 767yj 341% 767% %%11 DCA I 1,0,0,0 TAD ,0 3411 DCA I 11 TAD y5 JMS I 11 DCA III HLT y5%1l ly5y5y5 4411 3411 74%2 ly5 /ST AR T, AC=y5 Frederick R. Kling, Research Psychologist Educational Testing Service Pri nceton, New Jersey 08540 JlSince it is puzzling just why anyone would want to clear all of memory, it might serve a usefu I purpose for readers to share their reasons for deliberately wiping out RIM, etc. Our part i cu Iar reasons a II stem from a prob Iem we were hav i ng a few weeks back with the night watchman. It seems that he had discovered howto enlivenhis nightly rounds by turning on the PDP-8, pressing random control keys, and communing in some private, esoteric manner with the blinking lights. Inevitably, he managed to bomb RIM and everything else. When both pol ite and nasty notes had fai led to deter him, we resorted to an absolute memory clear in hopes that the resulting dull, unchanging panel countenance wou Id strike him as non-communicative, thus terminating the nightly dialogues. MODULE NEWS At this writing approximately 65 users have appl ied for membership in the Module Users Group of DECUS. Below is a listof the areas of application alongwith types ofmodules and computers used by these members. II For severa I nights a II went we II. Each morn i ng we found memory entirely blank, just as we had left it. One memorable morning, however, we discovered the following: Switch register set II at 2000, hash all through memory, and IICOGITO ERG typed neatly on the teletype which was still switched on line. Our best efforts at reconstruction suggest that our watchman started the computer with memory all c lear, raised bit one in the switch register as the computer cyc led through core, and then pressed stop, deposit, and continue in thatorder--probably only once, though we cannot be certain. We suspect he had a joyful reunion with the blinking panel lights but turned the computer off in panic when it commenced typing out its precious message. TYPES OF FLIP CHIP MODULES USED Module Type R series A series B series K series M series % of Appl icants 97% 45% 34% 6% 3% TYPES OF DEC COMPUTERS USED Word Length II What was the random address where he deposited ISZ %? Did he deposit it more than once? And, if so, after how long an interval? Was the computer about to concur with Descartes' famous dictum? Or was it about to reach some more astounding conc lusion? 12 bits 18 bits 36 bits % of Applicants 63% 44% 6% COMPUTER INTERFACES AND PERIPHERALS II We may never know--our watchman has vanished, leaving no trace. Since then, we have spentmany longhours clearing memory and randomly inputing a single bit one (ISZ f5), producingmagnificentpanel displays for uptotwenty minutes and more but nary a peep from the te letype. (Input locations 2%% and 2%1 are excellent examples.) Recently we have begun randomlyinputtinga second bitone afterthe panel lights have stabilized. One Bit One and Two Bit One Artificial Intelli.gence Tests we call these experiments, and we earnestly sol icit help in conducting them from anyand all PDP-8 users interested in recovering the conditions that precipitated that fleeting moment of cosmic sign ificance which our watchman, poor man, was unable to comprehend. Type of Application A-D and/or D-A Magnetic Tape •Scope Display Real Time Clock Joining two digital computers Data Acquisition Systems Plotter High Speed Data Channel Multiple Teletypes Pu Ise Height Ana Iyzer X Ray Instrument Punched Card Equ ipment •• Oh, yes. One other reason we have found for calling Absolute Clear. It enables us next to call Absolute Halt: 11 Shaft Encode' Drum Memory Paper Tape Microdensitometer Data Transmission Joining digital to analog computer QRS Flag CRAM F lame Cutter Milling Machine Hewlett Packard Counter SMP (Scanning-Measuring Projector) Brain Scanner Stepping Motor WANG LOCI - 2 Measuring Machine NOTE ON NEGATIVE INPUT LEVEL CONVERSION R. Krishna Department of Electrica I Engineering University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada It is not uncommon for DEC Computer users to interface equipmentwith logic voltage levelsotherthan -3and Ovolts. When it is a matter of converting higher negative voltages to DEC Leve Is, it is logical and customary to use Negative Input Converter W511 modu les . Recently, we looked into methods of gating thirty-eight -6V level signals into the PDP-8 accumulator. This, of course, could have been done with 19 W511 modu les for level conversion followed by 38 inverters before gating with R123 modu les into accumu lator. The cost of 19 W511 modu les alone wou Id have been about S325 not ignoring the fact that they occupy 19 slots on the mounting pane I. This seemed out of proportion to the 7 R123 modu les which actually perform the gating, at a cost of S140. In addition, use of W511 modu les for level conversion makes it necessary to include 6 R107 modules at $150 to restore the correct polarity. All this amounts to about $475 extra as a pena Ity. This convincedusto seek some other method of level conversion which would be more compact and economical. The possibility occured to us to use W002 and R001 modules to achieve the level conversion without inversion. The working principle of the proposed method is very simple, as explained with the aid of the diagram given below. Ultrasonic Flaw Detector AMP Credit Card Reader Teaching Machine Electrochemical Control VIDICON Input Communications Terminal Auto Call Unit Tacti Ie Perception Unit Data Set Process Control Production Machinery Disc Memory Core Memory STAND ALONE SYSTEMS Forward conduction of silicon diodes D3 throu!!;Jh D6 provide the -3V logic supply. If the input is at -6V, diode Dl is reverse biased and the output wi II be at -3V because D2 can conduct through R1 . When the input is at ground potential i the output also tends to assume ground potential because Dl can now conduct through R1 . Under these conditions, diode D2 is reverse biased. Type of Applications Computer, Special Design Signal Generator Analog Mu Itiplexer Sample and Hold Clock Noise Generator Animal Behavior Tester Integrated Circuit Tester Television Encoder Time Code Generator for 16 mm fi 1m FM Receiver to Mag Tape Interface Binary-Decimal Converter PCM Simu lator & Decoder Radar Range Error Detector Controls for Automatic Machinery Analog Data to Punched Tape Converter This method of leve I conversion seems attractive, as long as one is aware that load current flows through Dl when the input is at ground and wi II resu It in a voltage drop a:ross it. -15V Input D3 D4 D5 D6 MODULE USERS - SEND IN YOUR MODULE APPLICATION NOTES FOR PUBLICATION. MATERIAL DSHEOCUUSLD BE SENT TO: ANGELA COSSETTE, EDITOR, , MAYNARD, MASS. 01754. L 12 - -- !!0~2 ~ MODULE APPLICATION NOTE The same complement of DEC Flip-Chip modules can be used to perform each of the above types of experiments. The basic function being performed is the measurement and control of a time interval. Figure 1 is a block diagram of a variable ratio scheduler. Two separate binary counters are used! one to count responses and the other to count reinforcements. The response counter is reset by the output of a digital comparator which compares the two counters. In this way! the number of responses required to produce a reinforcement can be made proportional to the number of reinforcements that have occured. BIOMEDICAL RESPONSE SCHEDULING Experiments involving the response behavior of animals may be classified broadly as follows: Fixed Ratio Schedu les In these experiments, the animal is rewarded or "reinforced" only after it has responded a fixed number of times. That is, the ratio between responses and reinforcements is fixed. When the fixed ratio (FR) is 1, the subject isbeing given "Continuous Reinforcement", but more often the FR is much greater. Module List W051. .1 W501 • ••• 1 R603 •••• 1 R202 . . . • • • .. 5 R131 • 1 Variable Ratio Schedu les In these experiments, the number of responses required for each reinforcement varies in a fixed, sequential order. That is to say, the ratio changes after each response. Typically! the ratio may vary from one to ten during ten sets of responses. Spectra Accumu lation The experimenter is sometimes interested in obtaining a histogram of response intervals. This is usually part of still another type of experiment in which reinforcement occurs only when the subject responds at a rate below a specific value! usually expressed in seconds. This is known as Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates (DRL). Typically! up to 20 time intervals are investigated! and up to 100 events are recorded in each time interval. This involves the use of twenty 7-bit counters and twenty delays! plus the associated control circuits. The following is a list of modules required to construct such a 20 channel analyzer: Fixed Interval Schedules In these experiments! reinforcement does not occur unti I some time after the last reinforcement regardless of the response activity. In addition, a I imit may be imposed o~ the p~r~od during which the subject may be reinforced. ThiS condition is referred to as a Fixed Interval with Limited Hold. The hardware required to perform such experiments usually consists of a variable-length counter which is initialized by a reinforcement and a delay to control the hold time. R202 R302 W051 • R602 Variable Interval Schedules .70 . 12 1 1 In these experiments! the interval during which responses are not reinforced is varied after each reinforcement. R202(2) BINARY COUNTER (4 BITS) SUBJECT NO. OF REINFORCEMENTS \ I SWITCH CLOSURES WSOl R603 NO. OF RESPONSES FIG. 1 - VARIABLE RATIO SCHEDULER 13 NEW DECUS MEMBERS PDP-l DELEGATES PDP-8 DELEGATES (Continued) PDP-8 DELEGATES (Continued) Raymond P. Holler ITE K Corporation Eldon L. Bolduan Ca II-A-Computer Herbert J. Mainwaring Cadi lIac Motor Car PDP-4 DELEGATES C. W. Bright Defense Research Estab Iishment Canada Manager Esso Petroleum Company, Ltd. England Dr. J. G. Burns Edinburgh University, Scotland Richard Marlowe March Photo Setting Inc. Michael D. Busch Cognitronics Corporation Maurice J. Moroney, Jr. NASA/Electronics Research Center D. E. Clark Un iversity of Manchester, England D. E. Nunn Road Research Laboratory England Timothy C. Rand University of Michigan PDP-5 DELEGATES Jerry D. Ford Electronic Associates, Inc. PDP-6 DELEGATES John J. Ki Iduff, Jr. Brookhaven National Laboratory John B. Locke Rutgers University K. Muller Universitat Bonn Germany PDP-7 DELEGATES A. Bishop Royal Radar Establ ishment England Carl D. Cole Western Electric Company Leif Ohlsen Autonemi AB, Sweden H. E. Dawson Imperial Oi I Enterprises Ltd. Canada Richard E. Palmer State-Times & Advocate Alick Elithorn Medical Research Council, England Jack W. Ponton University of Edinburgh, Scotland Ivan Pfennig Fairchild Semiconductor Richard L. Quillin Call-A-Computer Lex Fulton Morton Newspapers, Ltd. Northern Ire land J. C. Ribes Observatoire de Meudon, France Joan Hamill Transitron Electric Corporation Allan H. Robbins Manitoba Institute of Technology Canada Robert A. Hoffman The Up john Company T. F. Rogers National Research Council, Canada P. Howard Atom ic Energy of Canada, Ltd. Steve Seccombe Benson- Lehner Corporati on R. E. Hummer University of Maryland M. Seneret La Radiotechnique RTC, France Gerard L. Kearns Picker X-Ray Corporation Dr. Hideo Seo University of Illinois T. Axford University of Birmingham England Henry P. Ki Iroy Potter Instrument Company, Inc. Sidney Si Iversher California State College Norman R. Be II North Carol ina State University Bruce M. Kolodny Compat Corporation Dr. Howard H. Sky- Peck Presbyterian-St. Luke1s Hospital Aleksander Bi linski Perkin-Elmer Corporation David Lange University of California Bland Smith Tucson Newspapers Inc. Jennifer Bostock Com-Share, Incorporated W. T. Lyon Aluminum Company of America D. N. Spinelli Stanford University Medical Center PDP-8 DELEGATES John C. Alderman, Jr. Georgia Institute of Technology R. J. Alfandre Standard Programs Corporation Thomas Allen Whirlpool Corporation 14 PDP-S DELEGATES (Continued) PDP-SIS DELEGATES (Continued) PDP-SIS DELEGATES (Continued) Steven J. Stadler Grason-Stadler Company, Inc. Gino Carli Sandia Corporation R. W. Prowse Brunei University, England Ross Tooley Plessey Company, Austral ia Dr. Glen D. Christofferson Chevron Research Company A. Reimer Wh iteshe II Nuc lear Research Est. Canada Mssr, Trof! moff 1;>" ... ,.,I,.j r,,~ Societe Rhone Pou lenc, France Beckman Instruments, Inc. W. E. Tubbs Stanford University Medical Center Charles R. Conkling, Jr. Infotec, Inc. Thomas M. Valentine Atomic Energy Authority, England John W. Davidson Durham College, Canada Thomas C. Valuo Benson- Lehner Corporation Steven M. Davidson N.S.M.S.E.S. F. A. Van Hall Institute for Nuc lear Physics Research Netherlands Justus Dunlap Northwestern University P. Vladimiroff Texas Instruments, Ltd., England D. G. J. Vogel University of Manchester, England Mrs. J. Wadsworth Usher Institute of Socia I Medicine Scotland I\'VII",.. 1'-'1 . . . l-~ ... ' - " VI II t-'I VI I Matthew L. Fichtenbaum General Radio Company Eugene Heal Victor Comptometer Corporation Floyd L. Hughes National Naval Medical Center Lawrence A. Rempert RCA Laboratories Hermann Riedl Siemens-Ag, Germany Dr. R. E. Robinson, III Bowman Gray School of Medicine J. Schuiling N. V. Philips Co., Netherlands Dr. Lothar Seifert Siemens America Incorporated Per Skaarup Atomic Energy Commission, Denmark Allen H. Smith Hoover High School, California Charles W. Smith General Dynamics Corporation Dr. J. P. Hurley U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory F. E. Stafford Northwestern University Ernest A. Kruger Data Control Systems Les lie Thomas Telecontrol Corporation Birger Kvaavik Axel Johnson Institute, Sweden David H. Tyrell Middlesex County College R. F. LaFontaine C.S.I.R.O., Aust:-alia Richard Desper U. S. Army Natick Laboratories Ann Maybrey University of Liverpool, England Dr. R. G. Westberg Philips Electronics Instruments Dr. Robert H. Mc Kay University of Hawaii Andrew B. White Geodyne Corporation Christopher W. Parfitt College of Technology, Ireland PDP-9 DELEGATES R. Willis Parlin University of Minnesota James J. Anderson Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary District Wendell Peacock Harvard Medical School J. E. Braun California Computer Products, Inc. N. C. Baust The Plessey Company, Ltd. Austral ia Terry H. Pocock Data Management Systems, Canada R. E. Brown British European Airways, England Mrs. K. A. Porter Cumberland Hotel, England Craig A. Denison Lawrence Radiation Laboratory University of California Dr. Bernard Weiss University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry Dr. W. E. Wilson Batte Ile- Northwest PDP-SiS DELEGATES James G. Adams Western Electric Company Albert L. Adell Western Electric Company A. P. Baerg National Research Counci I, Canada R. A. Bailey Defense Reg istry, Austra Iia Tom Barrett Infotronics Corporation 15 PDP-9 DELEGATES (Continued) PDP-9 DELEGATES (Continued) MODULE USERS GROUP MEMBERS Richard M. Dunn New England Power Service Company Prof. C. W. Warren Ohio State University James J. Balliet Western Electric Company, Inc. Dr. Robert E. Dustman Veteran's Administration Hospital, Utah PDP-10 DELEGAT ES Frederic R. Boswell Case Institute of Technology James A. Field University of Waterloo, Canada Roderick A. MacLennan Sikorsky Aircraft Wa Iter R. Burrus Tennecomp, Inc. Michael J. C. Hu Stanford Linear Accelerator Center L1NC-8 DELEGATES Joseph G. Donnelly National Security Agency Ir. E. R. Koo i Leiden State University, Netherlands Dr. Stan ley A. Bri Iler University of Pennsylvania Hospital Tor Ling jaerde European Organization for Nuc lear Research, Switzerland Gerald Cedarquist Cooley Electron ics Laboratory University of Michigan Tony Ferrera Stanford Research Institute Bruce D. Link Oregon Research Institute Mrs. Mary Allen Clark Washington University T. T. Fong Canadair, Ltd, Canada C. B. Lou California Computer Products, Inc. Dr. D. L. Filmer Purdue University V. W. Gerth, Jr. Washington University Joseph T. Massimo Brown University R. L. Hershman Naval Electronics Laboratory Center Larry Green University of California Dr. Suresh C. Mathur Lowe II Technological Institute Miss Carole Kennedy Lederle Laboratories Vahe Guiragossian Columbia Un iversity Dr. Douglas Miller Haverford College Dr. Lewis E. Lipkin National Institutes of Health David E. Hartsig Information Control Systems, Inc. K. R. Morin St. Pau I's Hospital, Canada Joh n W. Moore Duke University Medical Center Howard E. Klausmeier S. Sterling Company John Pluth California Computer Products, Inc. Dr. Marvin A. Sackner Mount Sinai Hospital Gary B. Morgan Idaho Nuc lear Corporation Hamish F. Ross University of Birmingham, England Jan Spruit Fe Is Research Institute Donald W. Roland Beckman Instruments E. L. S igu rdson Dr. M. G. Strobel Dalhousie University, Canada Stephen Russe II Stanford University Lawrence J. Van Cura University of Wisconsin Medical Center Bruce Arne Sherwood California Institute of Technology University of British Columbia, Canada Richard A. Simmermacker California Computer Products, Inc. Prof. B. M. Spicer University of Melbourne, Australia David E. Wood Un iversity of Michigan Donald R. Fanshier Lawrence Radiation Laboratory University of California Paul A. Tharman General Electric Corporation Gordon E. Stokes Idaho Nuclear Corporation B. Michael Wilber Stanford Research Institute Dr. M. M. Taylor Defense Research Estab Iishment Canada Frank Zimmer Siemens America, Inc. Rudolph F. Trost University of Pennsylvania Moore School of Electrical Engineering 16 DIGITAL SOFTWARE NEWS sent on Software Trouble Report Forms, which are avai lable from the Program library (address below). For more efficient service, the following information should be included. This newsletter is intended for PDP-5/8, 8/S, 7, 9, and UNC-8 users. It is compi led and published by the Software Maintenance Group and contains information about the following. 1. Software Problems and Corrections: Various problems with Digital's standard library pragrams and manuals are discussed and solutions given. In cases where no corrections are avai lab Ie at the time of publication, they wi II be inc luded in a later newsletter. 1. Type and configuration of machine. 2. Brief but concise description of the problem. Include the name and date of the Digital library program in use at the time of problem. 2. Programming Notes: Various programming aids are discussed, generally in response to customer questions • An attempt is made to supplement the manuals where necessary. Suggestions for subject material of these notes should be directed to the Software Maintenance Group (address be low). 3. A list and brief description of new and/or revised software which is avai lable from the Program Library. 3. Listing of user program in use at time of problem. 4. listing of erroneous results and/or error messages. 5. Contents of AC and PC where applicable. New and revised software, manuals, and Software Trouble Report forms are avai lab Ie from the Program Library. When ordering, inc lude the document number and a brief description of the program ormanual desired. At this time there is no automatic updating of revised programs and manuals. They wi II be shipped only on request. Revisions and notifications of updates wi II be published in this newsletter, which will continue tobe part of DECUSCOPE. Direct all inquiries and requests to: The Software Maintenance Group is responsible for the maintenance of Digital's standard library programs. There is a software support person at most of the regional and district sales offices and initial reports shou Id be made to them. In cases where they are unavailable, reports should be directed to: Software Maintenance Group Digital Equipment Corporation 146 Main Street Sui Iding 12 Second Floor Maynard, Massachusetts It is strongly suggested that all problems referred to this group be Program Library Digital Equipment Corporation 146 Main Street Bui Iding 12 First Floor Maynard, Massachusetts 01754 I. PDP-5, 8, 8/S SOLUTION: This error can be corrected by changing five locations in core before building the Monitor on the DISC. A, PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS The locations to change are underlined be low. The other instructions are given only as reference points and should remain as they are. PROGRAM: PDP-8 DISC SYSTEM BUI LDER (DEC-08-SBAB) On page 1, section 3, of the System Bui Iderwriteup (DEC-08-SBAB) there are instructions for bui Iding a monitor. After completing step c (Load BUI LD using Binary Loader), make the changes indicated below. When the five locations have been changed and checked continue with step d in the writeup. PROB LEM: An error has been found in the DI SC Monitor Bui Icler. This affects only those systems equipped with more than one disc (i .e., one DF32 and one, two, or three DS32s) and will cause fai lure in sue h systems. CURRENT CONTENTS: 0306 0307 0310 1022 2731 4450 DBLK1 ISZ I SMFIX JMS I DIOX 0333 0334 0335 0336 0337 0514 BLOCF, BLOC /SET INDICATOR TO ADJUST FINAL BLOCK OF SAM STRING TO /GIVE "SCRATCH AREA" /WRITE THE "SAM" BLOCKS ONTO THE DISC. {PREVIOUSLY UNUSED BY MONITOR 17 CHANGE TO: 0306 0307 0310 1022 5334 4450 DBLK1 JMP 0334 JMS I DIOX 0333 0334 0335 0336 0337 0514 2731 7124 3555 5310 BLOCF, BLOCK /WRITE THE "SAM" BLOCKS ONTO THE DISC. ISZ I SMFIX STL RTL DCA I ONEU3 JMP 310 B, PROGRAMMING NOTES 1. The following is a modified RIM Loader which will use the high speed reader to load the Binary Loader and other RIM format ABS. ADDR. 2. OCTAL CONTENTS 7756 7757 7760 7761 6014 6011 5357 6016 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7106 7006 7510 5374 7006 6001 5367 6016 7420 3776 3376 5357 0000 5301 tapes. The starting address is 7756, as in the low speed version. SYMBOLIC BEG, TEMP, RFC RSF JMP .-1 RRB RFC /c lear flag and fetch char. into buffer /skip when flag=l CLL RTL RTL SPA JMP TEMP-2 RTL RSF JMP .-1 RRB RFC SNL DCA I TEMP DCA TEMP JMP BEG+1 0 0 The following is a collection of execution timings of Math /read buffer into AC, get next char. into buffer /rotate channe I S into /ACbitO lis it leader /yes clear AC /NO rotate c hanne I 7 to LI NK /Iink set=origin /store data /store address /next word /temporary storage /JMP to start of BIN loader plicand is 0, the multiplication is bypassed. In this case, execution time will be 22.5 jJsec if the multiplier is positive, and 24.0 jJsec if the multiplier is negative. Routines for the PDP-S and PDP-S/S. Si~gle Precision Square Root Subroutine - DEC-OS-FMAA Maximum - Maximum execution time occurs when the sign of the product is negative. This time is approximately 71 .0 jJsec. Execution Time - Timing Equation - If the answer is N, the time for the subroutine is (30 N(25.5)} jJsec. Average - 66 jJsec Single Precision Signed Multiply Subroutine - DEC-OS-FMBA Execution Time - Without EAE Double Precision Signed Multiply Subroutine - DEC-OS-FM DA Minimum - When the subroutine discovers that the multiplicand is 0, it bypasses the multiplication loop. In this case, execution time is 25.5 jJsec if the multiplier is positive, and 27.0 jJsec if the multiplier is negative. Execution Time - Without EAE. As is true for Single Precision SignedMultiply, the execution time for Double Precision is a function of the number of binary l's in the operands. Maximum - The maximum execution time is 1 .605 msec. Maximum - Maximum execution time occurs when the sign of the product is negative and the multiplier consists (in binary) of all l's. This time is approximately 350 jJsec. Average - Average time wi II be around 1 .4 msec. Execution Time - With EAE Execution Time - With EAE Minimum - When both the multiplicand and multiplier ore positive; 24S.3 jJsec. Minimum - When the subroutine discovers that the mu Itipl ier is 0, the multiplication is bypassed and execution time is 9 iJsec. Also, when the subroutine discovers that the mu Iti- Average - 270.0 iJsec 18 Average - With EAE. The EAE floating-point multiply is at least 1100 fJsec faster than the non-EAE version. The EAE floatingpoint divide is at least 1165 fJsec faster than the non-EAE version. The Normalize routine, used by all arithmetic routines, may be summari zed ~ Single Precision Signed Divide Subroutine - DEC-08-FMCA Execution Time - Without EAE Minimum - 58.5 fJsec (Divide check). Number of Shifts Maximum - 478.5 fJsec. Average - 460 fJsec. (approximate Iy). o Execution Time - With EAE 1 2 12 24 34 Minimum - When the dividend and the divisor are both positive and divide overflow occurs because the high order dividend is greater than or equa I to the divisor; 46.5 fJsec . Non-EAE (fJsec) EAE (fJsec) 45.0 78.0 111.0 445.5 844.5 1174.5 51.0 83.5 84.5 75.0 121.5 131.5 Maximum - When the dividend is negative, the divisor a positive non-zero numberJ and no overflow occurs; 106.5 fJsec. The alignment subroutine (add and subtract) may be summarized: Average - 98.0 fJsec Number of Shifts Double Precision Signed Divide Subroutine - DEC-08-FMEA Execution Time 1 2 3 12 24 Minimum - 1 .424 msec. Maximum - 1.705 msec. Non-EAE (fJsec) EAE (fJsec) 38.2 78.0 17.2 475.2 952.5 82.0 83.0 84.0 93.0 91.5 Average - 1 .650 msec . Logical Subroutines (Inclusive & Exclusive OR) - DEC-08-FMIA Double Precision Sine Subroutine - DEC-08-FMFB Execution Times - Inc lusive OR requ;res precise Iy 32.0 fJsec. clusive OR requires exactly 46.0 fJsec. Ex- Execution Time Minimum - When the argument is a multiple of; 70 fJsec. Arithmetic Shift Subroutines (Single & Double Precision) - DEC08-FMJA Maximum - Without EAE; 10.6 msec. With EAE; 2.78 msec. Execution Times - Time needed fora given shift may be calculated from the following equations. Average - Without EAE; 10.4 msec. With EAE; 2.6 msec. Single Precision Shift Left Single Precision Shift Right Double Precision Cosine Subroutine - DEC-08-FMGB Sing Ie Precision Shift Right Execution Time -Calls Double Precision Sine, therefore, in general Double Precision Cosine averages from 75 fJsec to 93 fJsec longer than Double Precision Sine. Double Precision Shift Left Double Precision Shift Right Double Precision Shift Right Minimum - Occurs when the argument is O. tion time is 55.5 fJsec. In this case, execu- Logical Shift Subroutines (Single & Double Precision) - DEC-08FMKA Four Word Floating Point Package - DEC-08-FMHA Execution Times - Without EAE. Execution times are very difficulttoestimateasthey greatly depend upon the data on which the Floating Point package is operating . Generally, average times are as fo Ilows : FADD - 382 fJsec +42(N}where N is the numberof shifts needed to align the binary points. FSUB - FADD time -+42 fJsec. Execution Times - Time needed fora given shift may be calculated from the following equations. Single Precision Logical Shift Right Double Precision Logical Shift Right FDIV - Approximately3.4msec. FGET - 156 fJsec . FPUT - 172 fJsec. FNOR - 168+N(42) fJsec where N is the number of shifts; +84 f-lsec if the argument is less than zero. FEXT - 140.5fJsec. 22.4 + 6.4 N fJsec. 36.8 + 24.0 N fJsec. C. NEW &REVISED PROGRAMS &MANUALS I. NEW Approximate Iy 3.3 msec. FMPY 22.4 + 6.4 N fJsec. For Positive data 22.4 + 9.6 N fJsec. For Negative data 22.4 + 11.2 N fJsec. 40.0 + 20.8 N fJsec. For Positive data 40.0 + 24.0 N fJsec. ForNegativedata40.0+ 25.6 N fJsec. PROGRAM: PDP-8 DISC SYSTEM EDITOR (DEC-08-ESAA) The PDP-8 Editor (DEC-08-ESAB) has been modified to operate in a disc environment. The functions are essentially the same as in thepapertapeversionwithsome changes to the command set. The disc version of the Editor is avai lable from the Program Library under the following code numbers: Document - DEC-08-ESAA-D Binary tape - DEC-08-ESAA-PB 19 II. PDP-7/8 PROGRAM: PDP.-8 DISC SYSTEM DDT (DEC-08-CDDO) DDT -8 has been considerably modified to operate in a disc environment. The disc version consists of a resident section containing core swapping and break point logic, plus an essentially invisible portion containing the search, modify, examine and control logic. Disc DDT operates as described in the DDT manual for the paper tape version (Digital-8-4-S}with IJ few exceptions. It is avai lable fror'll the Program Library under the following code numbers: Document - DEC-08-CDDO-D Binary tape - DEC-08-CDDO-PB A, PDP-7/9 BASIC PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS PROGRAtv'I: DDT PROB LEM: After the user types an I (apostrophe) and before control is transferred to the user1s program, DDT issues a line feed to the teleprinter. If the user clears the flag and turns on the interrupt before the te leprinter flag appears, an unwanted interrupt results. PROGRAtv'I: PDP-8 DISC SYSTEM PIP (DEC-08-PDAA) PIP (Peripheral Interchange Program) is a general utility program designed, as the name implies, to transfer fi les between devices, list directories, and de lete unwanted fi les from either disc or DECtape (with the last two features listed above). The preliminary version of PIP is available from the Program Library under the following code numbers: Document - DEC-08-PDAA-D Binary Tape - DEC-08-PDAA-PB SOLUTION: A modification has been made to DDT which wi II avoid the problem by waiting for the flag before transferring control to the user program. A new version wi II be avai lable from the Program Library late in January. B I PDP-9 ADVANCED SOFTHARE PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS PROGRAM: SYSTEM GENERATOR (SGEN) The above three programs are the descriptive documents and wi II be supplied free of charge and without request to users who currently have disc systems. 2, PROB LEM: lOPS 07 is output about 10 minutes into the generation due to incorrect. DAT slot assignments. SOLUTION: The following .DAT slot assignment must be made correctly: -10,-14 to OLD system -J!)to NEW system REVISED Example: ($) A DTAO -10, -14/DTAl -15 wi II create a new system on the DECtape on Unit 1 from the existing system on Unit O. PROGRAtv'I: ODT -8 DEC-08-COCO The article describing the rewritten ODT which appeared in the last newsletter (Christmas issue of DECUSCOPE) stated that if the user places a breakpoint on an instruction which references an autoindexregister, the autoindex register will not be incremented when the user requests a "continue". The article suggested that the user should increment the appropriate register himse If before requesting the continuation of his program. PROGRAM: FORTRAN IV PROBLEM: Error messages are not always output with the lines to which they apply. This latest version, ODT-8, DEC-08-COCO, has rearranged the breakpoint processor to enable it to test for page zero references and execute them as such. In this version it is no longer necessary for the user to incrementautoindices, ODT -8 wi II handle them properly. SOLUTION: The line in error can be either the line printed out with the error message, or the line immediately preceding it. This version, as did the previous one, uses essentially the same command set as DDT -8 but without the All mode. PROBLEM: The call statement processor does not work correctly in 16K, 24K and 32K machines. ODT -8 is avai lable from the Program Library under the following code numbers: SOLUTION: Using SYSTEM, make the following patches. ODT ODT ODT ODT PROGRAM: FORTRAN IV (DECtape version dated 11/14/67) (Low core version, origin 1000) DEC-08-COC1-PBi (High core version, origin 7000) DEC-08-COC2-PB (source) DEC-08-COCO-PA (Writeup) DEC-08-COCO-D(L) 1. Mount the system DECtape on Unit 0, WRITE LOCK. 2. Load SYSTEM at 17720 3. When the computer halts, set AC switch 0=0, type F and depress CONTINUE. 4. When the computer halts, make the following patch, being careful to note core size involved. Core Size 3 I NEW 16K 24K 32K MA Il~DECS Address Switches 11141 11141 11141 AC Switches 025420 045420 065420 5. Set AC switch 0=1, type F and depress CONTI NUE. ER wi II be output to the teleprinter, indicating that SYSTEM is unable to writeon Unit O. Put Unit 0 on WRITE ENABLE. Type F, and depress CONTINUE. When the computer halts, FORTRAN IV has been rewritten on the DE Ctape . MAINDEC-08-D2NA New CR01C Card Reader Test replaces MAINDEC-08-D201 MAINDEC-08-D6GA NeVi A/D "Calibration Check" replaces MAl N DEC-845 20 MACRO Assembler goes back once again to obtain the definition. This process wi II never cease and for this reason, the usage of the macro MAC, as given below, will not be properly processed. PROGRMA.: FORTRAN IV PROBLEM: There are several major bugs in the current version of the compi ler. They are: 1. .DEFIN MAC, TAG1, TAG2,TAG3 LAC TAGl SAD TAG2 DAC TAG3 MAC TAG1, TAG2, TAG3 .ENDM Hollerith constants do not work. 2. Unary minus is placed before exponentiation in the hierarchy of events. The use of parenthesis does not always eliminate the error. 3. PROGRAM: MACRO-9 MANUAL DEC-9A-AM9A-D and DEC9A-AM9B-D. Statement functions do not work correctly in all cases. 4. Long involved iterations will occasionally give completely erroneous results or loss of accuracy. 5. PROB LEM: An incorrect macro generation is given in Section 3.6.3, page 3-9. BACKSPACE, REWIND and ENDFI LE do not work. SOLUTION: SOLUTION: A new version of the compiler will be issued in the near future which wi II eliminate these problems. MACl TAG1, TAG2, (400,(777, TAG3 should cause the generation of: LAC TAGl TAD TAG2 MAC2 (400, (777 XOR (400 AND (m DAC TAG3 PROGRAM: FORTRAN IV and MACRO-9 PROBLEM: The versions of FORTRAN IV and MACRO-9 currently being shippedwith PDP-9systemswill not allow DEOape input and output for assemblies or com pi lations in less than 16K systems. SO LUTI ON: Sma lIer versions of both the Assembler and the Compiler are being prepared and, for your convenience, will be shipped directly to your installation as soon as they become available. This should occur no later than March 15, 1968. The line MAC2 (400, (777 is missing in the manual. PROGRAM: CONV (DEOape version dated 11/14/67) PROGRAM: MACRO-9 (DEOape version dated 11/14/67) PROBLEM: The 7-to-9 Converter lists only to the teleprinter. PROBLEM: The pseudo-op .END is occasionally not recognized in programs that contain macro calls which contain no real arguments. SOLUTION: Using SYSTEM, make the following patches to enable listing on any device. 1. Mount the system DECtape on Unit 0, WRITE LOCK. 2. Load SYSTEM at 17720. SOLUTION: Using SYSTEM, make the following core patch. 1. Mount the system DEOape on Unit 0, WRITE LOCK. 2. Load SYSTEM at 17720. 3. When the computer halts, set AC switch 0=0, type C and depress CONTINUE. 4. 3. When the computer holds, set AC switch 0=0, type M and depress CONTINUE. When the computer halts, make the following core patches: Address Swi tc hes 4. When the computer halts, make the following core patches: Address Swi tc hes 12325 12345 12347 12364 12366 12562 AC Switches 13414 13415 13416 157177 557355 613520 AC Switches 002766 000766 002766 000766 002766 002766 ,~~ __ (~ ~ 5. SetACswitchO=l, type M and depres~QNTINUE. ER will ) be output to the te leprinter, indicating thaf\~ unable---ro-- 5. Set AC switch 0=1, type M and depress CONTI NUE. ER wi II be output to the te leprinter, indicating that SYSTEM is unable to writeon Unit O. Put Unit 0 on WRITE ENABLE, type M, and depress CONTINUE. When the computer halts, MACRO-9 has been rewritten on the DEOape. write on Unit O. Put Unit 0 on WRITE ENA~pe M, and depress CONTINUE. When the computer halts, the Monitor has been rewritten on the DECtape. PROGRAM: MACRO-9 PROGRAM: KEYBOARD MONITOR (version dated 11/14/67) PROBLEM: Recursive calls within macro definitions initiate an unending processing of that macro. PROB LEM: In configuration with API, occasiona IIy a double PIC/ API interrupt wi II occur. SOLUTION: Recursivecallsshouldnotbeused. (Please reference the macro definition given be low as an example.) SOLUTION: Using MONITO, make the following patch to inhibit these double interrupts. When a call for the macro MAC is encountered by the Assembler, it searc hes memory for the defi ni ti on to expand the mac ro . Si nce there isanothercall for MAC contained within the definition, the 1. Mount the system DEOape on Unit 0, WRITE LOCK. 2. Load MONITO at 17720. 21 in the fie Id. 3. When the cor:nputerhalts, set AC switch 0=0, type M and depress CONTINUE. 4. 1. BLOCK mode will not work correctly if only the BLOCK ON command is issued. It is necessary to issue a TOP command immediate Iy after the BLOCK ON command. When the compi ler ha Its, make the fo IIowing patc h. Address Switches AC Switches 2. CLOSE NAME wi II not work if the OPEN command contained a NAME. Issue a CLOSE only and the file will be closed with the name given in the OPEN command. 000401 740040 220255 600376 200006 705504 400356 620003 140000 120000 760111 200242 620367 060203 440255 620255 040152 750200 705512 740010 500547 040203 240344 060152 240343 741400 060242 600257 151 256 257 260 337 340 341 342 343 344 373 374 375 376 377 400 401 402 403 404 424 425 426 427 430 431 432 433 3. Filesarenotmanipulatedcorrectlyif .DATslot -14is assigned to DTA1(2-7)and. DATsiot -15 isassigned to DTAO. After closing thefilewillbeon the scratch device (-15), rather than the input/ output device (-14). This can be avoided by (1) assigning both -14 and -15 to the same device or (2) using PIP to transfer the file back to the original tape after the editing process is complete. 4. SOLUTION: Anewversionofthe Editor will be distributed in the near future which wi II eliminate these problems. PROGRAM: LINKING LOADER PROB LEM: The error message . LOAD 3 is not listed in the manua I. SOLUTION: . LOAD 3 indicates a subroutine not found, which means that the Loader was unable to resolve a global. The name of the global, with an address field of all zeros, will be output to indicate what is missing. C. PROGRAMMING NOTES PI AND DEVICE HANDLERS 5. SetACswitch 0=1, type M and depress CONTINUE. ER will beoutputtotheteleprinter, indicating that MONITO is unable to write on Unit O. Put Unit Oon WRITE ENABLE, type M and depress CONTINUE. When the computer halts, the Monitor has been rewritten on the DECtape. Disabling the PI by System Device Handlers At the present time one device handler on Iy (DECtape) keeps the Ploffwhile servicing interrupts and three reasons for this are: (1) the timing between a change from search to read/write is critical (200 fJsec), (2) as a system device DECtape is so relatively slow that optimum response time seems desirable. Since interrupts from other devices can cause timing errors requiring reinitiation of DECtape I/o, response time could be adverse Iy affected, (3) the maximum time during which the PI is normally off (97 fJsec) seems insignificant for all but very special systems. Now, either such systems should be equipped with API where the critical devices are placedon API levels higher than DECtape, or the user may easily a Iter the DECtape service routines if he has on Iy a PI. Be low is a time summary on the basis of function during which the PI is disabled. (DTDF is assumed to be first in the PI skip chain. 5 fJsec should be added to PI times for each position be low the first.) Please note thatthischange will change the typeout of ".IOPS" to "I". PROGRAM: MONITOR PROB LEM: When using the system macro . TIMER, care must be taken not to do any Monitor calls (CAL), inc luding . TIMER..,in the subroutine handling the interval interrupt. Since the interval interrupt can occurat al1Y point in the program, it is possible that it wilioccurwhileanotherMonitorcall (CAL) is being processed. If a second were then issued, the program would blow up. SOLUTION: A version of the Monitor wi II be distributed in the near future which will eliminate the problem. PROGRAM: It is not always possible to delete the last line of a file. PI 67 67 97 *127 KEYBOARD MONITOR PROB LEM: If a DECtape is used in the system immediate Iy after having bee" formatted, an . lOPS 14 (directory full) error wi II occur. fJsec fJsec fJsec fJsec API 58 fJsec 581Jsec 88 fJsec 118 fJsec Function READ/WRITE complete Search to Search in same direction Search to Search, tum around Parity Error 67 fJsec is taken as both minimum and average given the re lative frequency of the above functions. SOLUTION: Before an attempt is made to use the tape, the directory mUft be cleared. This is most easi Iy done by using the N command in the Monitor or the Z switch in PIP. PROGRAM; EDIT Another note should also be made: select, mark track and EOT during READ/WRITE are considered irrecoverable and an exit to the Monitor is made, disabling all other I/O. A change would have to be made ;'1 en V ;ronn'1ents sensitive to such en arrangement. PROBLEM: The following problems exist in the version currently *Provided DTEF is placed high in the skip chain at SGEN time. 22 LINKING LOADER AND BINARY MODES PDP-9 NEW PROGRAMS At assembly time, output modes (abso lute/re locatable) shou Id not be mixed in the same program. The assembler assumes re locatable mode unti I it encounters a . LOC with an absolute specification. Then itdeclares the entire program absolute. This can be disasterous at load time. DEC-9U-EUMS-PH MONITO enables patching of the Monitor and skip chail10n the DECtape version 0 f the advanced software. This program wi II automatically be shipped to customers with DECtape machines. DEC-9U-EUSA-PH Example: If . LOC withan absolute specification is used within the body (not at the beginning) of a program, the entire program wi' I be loaded, as though it were absolute binary, with a starting address of O. DEC-9T -QFBA-PA The initial mode of the Editor is line-by-line, which is most useful for a fairly long program which has only a few edits. It is much faster than operating in BLOCK mode. FORTST FOInST is a source program written in FORTRAN IV which is part ofthe checkout package for the advanced software, both DECtape and paper tape versions. NO Unlike the Basic Editor, there is ~need to issue a READ before editingcanbegin. It is necessary only to issue one of the locative requests; FIND, LOCATE or NEXT. NEXTwillaccess the first line of the file, whileFINDand LOCATEwillaccess the line requested. PDP-9 NEW MAINDECS (Tapes and write-ups) MAl NDEC-9A-D1 EA-PH MAl NDEC-9A-D6GA-PH MAl NDEC-9A-D6HA-PH MAl NDEC-9A-D6JA-PH MAl N DEC-9A-D6KA-PH MAINDEC-9A-D6LA-PH MAl N DEC-9A-D6tv\A-PH MAl NDEC-9A-D6NA-PH MAl N DEC-9A-D60A-PH MAINDEC-9A-D6PA-PH MAl NDEC-9A-D6QA-PH MAINDEC-9A-D6RA-PH Theexample following assumes paper tape input. Forpurposesofillustration, the following short program will be the input file. Necessary chonges are indicated in parenthesis. C TEST (Change date) C 1-28-68 (Incorrect FORMAT statement number) READ(4, l)X Y=X (Should be Y, not X) WRITE(3, 10)X 10 FORMAT (F6.3) (No STOP statement) END Extended Memory Address Test A-D Calibration Test AF040 Diagnostic and Demo 339 PJMP Test 339 POP Test 339 Push Button Test 339 Instruction Test 339 Visual Display Little Pictures for a 339 VF38 Search Logic Test 339 Character Generator Test 342 Character Generator Type in Progr<;~m The underlined characters are those typed by the user; the others are responses made by the Editor. PDP-9 REVISED MAINDECS (Tapes and write-ups) EDITOR MAINDEC-9A-DOHB-PH MAIN DEC-9A-D1 CC-PH MAl N DEC-9A-D1 DB-PH MAINDEC-9A-D2FB-PH MAINDEC-9A-D6AB-PH MAl N DEC-9A-D7 AB-PH >LLi. 1-28-68 >C /1-28/2-2 J. 2-2-68 :;,Nd .,.IT- READ (4, l)X >C /1/10 ~ READ (4, 10)X >L WJ. WRITE (3, 10)X ,)C /X/Y ~ WRITE (3,10)Y 10 J..10 C;YSTEM System enables patching of all DEC supplied system piogioms, eX~ c luding DDT and the Linking Loader, on the DECtape version of theadvancedsoftware. This program wi II automatically be shipped to customers with DECtape machines. USING THE EDITOR IN L1NE-BY-UNE MODE >F MONITO EAE Part 2 Test Extend Memory Control Test Parity Option Test CR01E Card Reader Display 34H, 30D, 370 Basic Exerciser PDP-9 DOCUMENTATION DEC-9A-AM9B-D MAC RO-9 Manua I This manual is a revision of the MACRO-9 Manual and includes corrections and some additions. It is not a major rewrite of the manual. J.. DEC-9A-C7 AA-D FORMAT (F6. 3) >- P DP-9 Advanced Software Checkout Package This write-up is a concise checkout test of the PDP-9 advanced software for both the paper tape and DECtape versions. It makes use of three tapes in addition to the advanced software: FORTST (DEC-9T -QFBA-PA), CANRUN7 (DEC-9T -QCAA-PA) and CANRUN9 (DEC-9T-QMAA-PA). INPUT >~STOPJ.. ~ EDIT )CLOSE ~ EDITOR DEC-9A-AF40-DN > Supplement #1 to FORTRAN IV: Advanced 8K DECtape Systems Software Announcement of the small version of FORTRAN IV. D. NEW AND REVISED SOFTWARE DEC-9A-AM9A-DN PDP-7 REVISIONS DEC-07-CDDA-PM DEC-07-CDDA-LA DDT DDT Listing Supplement #1 to MACRO-9: Advanced 8K DECtape Systems Software Announcement of the sma II version of MACRO-9. 23 IMPORTANT PLEASE DIRECT ALL REQUESTS FOR LIBRARY MATERIAL MENTIONED IN THE DIGITAL SOFTWARE NEWS SECTION TO THE DEC PROGRAM LIBRARY, iN THE PAST, MANY OF THESE REQUESTS HAVE BEEN SENT TO THE DECUS OFFICE, THIS WILL ONLY RESULT IN A DEbAY, BELOW IS A SAMPLE OF THE FORM WHICH SHOULD BE USED FOR REQUESTING DtC PROGRAMS, IHESE FORMS ARE SUPPLIED WITH E8CH SHIPMENT OF DEC SOFTWARE, AND ADDITIONAL COPIES MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE DEC PROGRAM LIBRARY (ADDRESS GIVEN ON PAGE 17), _ _ DEC PROGRAM LIBRARY REQUEST FOR LIBRARY MATERIAL DEC NUMBER TITLE TAPE WRITEUP •• LISTING • EQUIPMENT . . . . ._.D................,.... CORPORATION To be completed by DEC Library Please Type or Print I I Date Name I Address 1 I I Signature To be completed by the DEC Library: Date Request Received Completed by Remarks I I IfThi te-Library :Secord, BIlJ.e-Ackl'1.:Jwledgmen: J 24 Pin',(-Or~gin.a tor r S Copy CONTENTS MEASUREMENT OF SPONTANEOUS MORPHOLOGIC VARIATIONS IN THE ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC P-WAVE* Melvin D. Woolsey, Daniel A. Brody, and Robert C. Arzbaecher Division of Cardiovascu lar Diseases College of Medicine University of Tennessee Memphis, Tennessee PAGE Appl ication Note: Measurement of Spontaneous Morphologic Variation in the Eiectrocardiographic r-'yVave 2 Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Programming Notes Single Instruction Operation of PDP-8 FORTRAN (4K) . . . . . . . . . . Note from C. S. I. R. 0., Austral ia 6 6,7 Note from DEC Re: PDP-9 Skip on Flag. 7 Note from Defence Research Telecommunications 8 FOCAL Points and FOCAL Abstracts 9 Software for Sa Ie 10 Letters . . . . . 11, 12 Module Users News. 12 LAP6-1 C . . . . . . 13, 14 New DECUS Members 15-19 ABSTRACT A real-time computer-oriented data acquisition and analysis system is described for measuring the spontaneous morphologi c variations in the electrocardiographic P-wave. A wavefol1T1 index is obtained by comparing each P-wave on a beat-by-beat basiswithareference P-wave. Agraphic history of the P-wave morphology is produced by plotting th is waveform ,index versus time. When structural changes in the P-wave are present the waveform index is further used to separate the P-waves into families and these families are averaged. INTRODUCTION During a recent investigation of the high-fidelity atrial electrocardiogram we observed and reported 11 The number in the 9,th array. is the number associated with the kth node Rules for computing these numbers wi II be given shortly. One noti ces that every node has a sol id and a dashed line I. General drawn to it from two nodes in the previous array. will now be used in computing the numbers The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of a set of N equally- N-1 where W=e -~TIi and i= from node A and that the dashed I ine comes from node B in the X Wik k n. previous array. The collection SO' Sl' . . . , associated with B; that is, xt The sol id I ine denotes a multiplication process, whereas the dashed line indicates It would seem that computation of the complete spectrum 2 {SJ would require N complex multiplications. But if N I is an integer power of 2, then an algorithm developed by addition. Thus, in Figure 1 the number associated with the second node (k = 2) in the first array (9,= 1), (k is written in binary) is given by: Cooley and Tukeyl called the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 1 enables computation of the spectrum with only N log 2 N 0 2 (11-1) 0 X(l 0) = X(l 0) W + X(OO) Th is important development can reduce because this node contains a 2 inside, indicating that the computation time by as much as 99 percent. The purpose of solid line comes from node 10 in array 0 and that the dashed this paper is to present and verify that algorithm as well as line eminates from the node 00. to explain its implementation. II. xt is formed as follows: Take the number c associated with A and mu Itiply by W . Add this to the number SN_1 is called the frequency spectrum of the data set {Xi}. complex mu Itiples. associated with the various nodes. Call the number in the kth node of th the 9, array C. Suppose the solid line is drawn to that node spaced time samples X ' Xl . . . , X - is defined as: O N l S·=L I k=O xt These lines The number within the kth node of the 9,th array is formed by The FFT Algorithm the following process: Write k as a binary number of '0 bits. No reasons will be given for the validity of the algorithm; however, a set of ru les wi II be presented in this section. Sca Ie that number ('0 - 9,) places to the right, fi II ing the new Iy It vacated bit positions with zeroes. is hoped that the reader will blindly accept them until they the bits (or invert the bits). are verified in the next section. and 9,=3. Suppose there are N time samples to be transformed and that N is an integer power of 2; that is, N=2'O. In binary form k=0110. bits makes the number in the 6 array of N nodes and associate sample Xo with the first node th Scaling this'O -9,=1 Reversing the order of the rd node of the 3 array 1100 = 12. (which will be labeled 0), Xl with the second node (which Let the binary representation of k be: (11-2) will be labeled 1), and so on (see Figure 1). Call this verO ti cal array X , so that the sample X is associated with the k kth node of XO. Remember that k runs from 0 to N-l; k will be expressed as a binary number. For example, let '0=4, k=6, places to the right gives 0011. Draw a vertical Then reverse the order of where each k. is a bit of value 0 or 1. Then the procedure Now draw in '0 other such for locating vertical arrays of N nodes to the right of XO. Label the l O verti cal array immediate Iy to the right of X by X and the 1 one to the right of X as X2 and so on to x'O t~e solid and dashed arrows of the kth node in the 9,th array is as follows: The solid line to the kth node . th . st In the 9, array comes from the node In the 9,- 1 array whose address is the same as k's except bit k '0-9, is set to 1. The dashed Iine stems from the node in the 9, - 1st array whose Just as in Figure 1, each node or circle in the drawing has a number within it. address is the same but bit k 9, must be O. For example, '0 nd take the second node (k = 10) in the 2 (9,= 2) array. Here * After September, 1968, 813 Yale Station, New Haven, Conn ect i cut. '0-9,=2-2=0. 3 Now k=k1kO=10. Setting kO=l gives 11 so the sol id I ine comes from node 11 in array 1. Putting kO = 0 (111-1 ) results in 10. Thus, the dashed line comes from node 10, as shown in Figure 1 . The Fourier Transforms are given by the numbers associated with the rightmost array X a, in bit inverted order. For example: (11-3) x O is the column vector consisting of the N data samples. 1 To express x P in terms of XP- , take (111-2) By using the above ru les, a tree-graph for any N = 2'0 inputs can be drawn. The numbers associated with the nodes in the cP for and solve for first array are caleu lated from the inputs by using the arrows. each p, giving a recursion formula which wi II enable computation of x'O (the transforms) from The numbers of the second array are ca leu lated from those of o X (the samples). the first, and so on, until the numbers associated with the last array are known. These are then unscrambled by bit Define R.Q,(j) to be j shifte~ .Q, places right with %IS filling in inversion and are the Fourier Transforms. The tree-graph the vacated positions and ~ i to be bit inverted j. Denote .,J for N=8 is shown in Figure 2. [R.Q,(j)J by R.Q,(j). Notice in Figures 1 and 2 that there is always one pair of Consider nodes in each array which has solid and dashed arrows coming ., .. p th array. IW rltmg I In terms X~, the number associated with the jth node in the 0 f'Its b'It structure: (111-3) from the same nodes in the previous array. Also observe that the difference of t~e numbers held within each pair of nodes is always N/2. 00 and 01 of array 2. X~OO) Th€ algorithm gives For example, in Figure 1 look at nodes Both have dashed arrows com ing from and sol id arrows from X~01)' (111-4) R p p- 1 X. =X. I 1'0-1'" . 0(.. ,,' + W 'O-p I ~p-1 ?I'O-p-1 10 And the difference be- tween the numbers in the nodes is 2-0=2=4/2=N/2. where the 1 and % replace the bit j'l! Because operators Z . N Wi +y = . N wlwY u-p . . = Wi [COS1T - j SIN1TJ =-W l X~OO) and X, ' , . '1 . ~f "'10 Ic'-l . "I'O-p+ 1 I ~ij . Define the two and I so that n (111-5) and only half the number of multiplications are actually needed. To illustrate this, consider the node pair n (j) p- 1 (111-6) X~01)' From the graph in Figure 1, 2 1 1 0 X(OO) = X(OO) + X(Ol) w 2 1 1 X(Ol) = X(OO) + X(Ol) w 2 (11-4) 1 1 = X(OO) - X(Ol) In this notation (111-7) 0 w From (111-2) and the definition of matrix multiplication N-l 1 (111-8) X~=L C~ XPI k=O Ik k Because where C~k are the components of matrix CP , From (111-7) and III. Proof of Val idity (111-8) these components are given by: Matrix algebra provides a convenient way to verify the FFT algorithm. if k=1 p (j). If x P represents the pth vertical array of nodes (p runs from % to a ), then x P can be represented as a column p vector by: 4 C =1 jk if k=Z (j) p Cfk=% in all other cases (111-9) o. for each p= 1, 2, ... , Specifically for j=O and j=o-l, By the recursion formu la (II 1-2) (111-15) gives (111-16) and (111-10) By the definition of matrix multiplication extended to 0 matrices, th o-k. Denote by Zl Z2 Z 3 14 (j) the composition of operators IT element of K C the pq IIIlk~O C'-kJ (111-11) IS Zl (Z2(Z3(14(j)))) and let this definition include any number and permutation of the operators Z. and I.. 2 and (111-16) the set of N = I From (111-15) I recursion formu las becomes: pq or 1 1 ... I 2Z 1Z (p) etc. through all permutations 1 2 0- 00 of operators I and Z. p and q (= 9, o and.Q,O) are fixed. where 9,1' 9,2' ... , 9,0-1 are dummy indices running from 0 L IT.C 0- j I .Q,'Y .9,'Y . 1 u -I u -1That means their bit patterns But for each term to N-1. Make the following identifications,: (111-12) 9, 0 ~ p, 9, =q 0- are also fixed. Note that each element of the operator string Z. or I. sets the 0- jth bit of p to 0 or 1, but that each operaI I tor in the string has a different value of j, and hence affects (111-13) a different bit of p. The j=ooperator affects bit 0 and the j=l operator affects bit 0-1 of p. From (111-10) and the definition of matrix multiplication affects all bits of p independently. (111-14) N-1 XO=L 9, 0 9, =0 o N-1 '6-1 0-1 j=O U - ° This means that the value ... Oo(p) is independent of p itself: p is a dummy 2 here. (I use 0. to represent the jth operator. 0. could be I I Z. or I. .) Because q is fixed, then, so is the operator string. I I In fact, defining (111-17) "f' >II C 9,1'···9, of q=Ol So the operator string I .Q,0-j.Q,0-j-1 °q. (111-14) is of the form of a discrete Fourier Transformation so =Z'Y . if q.=O U -I I I it is reasonable to proceed by calculating the coefficients and °q. =1 . if q.=l 0-1 I I IT .CI the operator string 0_' I is not to vanish (and all .Q,0-j.Q,0-j-1 vanishing terms contribute nothing to the summation) then '6-' each term C I in the multiplication must not vanish. .Q, . .Q, . 1 0-1 01According to (111-9) this means that either Now, if a term °° 1 2 , .. 00 is just Therefore q=O ~-1 (111-15) ° ... ° 0 qo-2 q1 (111-18) (p) qo and there is only 1 permutation of operators 0. for which the l o j term C does not vanish. From (III-18) the I 9a j-l II or -fo - recursion formu la (111-15) becomes 5 (111-19) Now _ L. I (% } (111-23) ).q. I In accordance with the defin it ion in (111-17), (111-19) says: j Co =1 £o-j£o-i- 1 co- j £'0- j£'O- j-1 o Because W =1 C when (111-20) q.=O I It is easi Iy seen that (111-24) =wRj(£'O-j) when q.=l I (111-24) can be verified by carrying out the product (111-20) can be written as ,., -WR.(-\, .).q. I u -I I ",-i U (q'O-l·· ·qO)(PO·· ·Po-1) according to the rules of binary (111-21) multiplication and then excluding all bits whose positions £'0- j £'0- j- 1 are higher than '0-1. It wi II be shown that the expression R.(Q,,,, .) is the same as I u-I R.(£ ). Now I '0 (III-23) into (111-14) N-l x'O =Lw{pq) mod NXO p Because Denote by B the jth bit of £'0 (=4) after the operator 0 qj qj has been appl ied. q=O W= e (-21Ti/ N) , ·t· I IS N-l X p 1 2 j £ '0 - £'0 - ... 9a B B ... B '0 '0 q. 1 q. 2 qo 11- Substituting are unaffected by 0 b· th a t VIOUS M =~ q;o- (111-26) - XOW pq q p for p in (III-26) and using the fact that p=p N-l (111-27) x't=LxOwpq p q=O q ... 0 qj-1 Hence qo The algorithm says that the pth transform is the number associated with the T.I C '0 i Since the terms I p ~-i~ -j-1 term, p node of the p N-1 S =LXOw p q=O q algorithm, is the same as (1-1), the definition of the DFT. j=O Hence the verification is complete. L. denote the operation of shifting left by I places, with zeroes fi II ing in the vacated positions. IV. It is Implementation of the Algorithm This section presents and describes in detail a flow chart apparent that > (111-29) pq One observes that (III-29), the result of application of the W R.{~).q. I I Let the operator (1I1-28) Combining (111-28) and (111-27) gives (111-22) 11 last array, or S =X~ do not vanish only for a particular £1' £2' ... , £'0 -1 the summation is reduced to one Hence 0 Therefore (III- 25) becomes _ '0-1 '0-2 j £ .- £ . £ .... £ .B B ... B '0-1 '0-1 '0-1 '0-1 qj-1 qj-2 qo i (111-25) q w{pq) mod N=W So since bits '0-1 to j of Thus putting (111-24) into (111-23) and (the basis for much of this flow chart is a Lincoln Lab Technical 4 Memorandum by Charles Rader ) for computation of the FFT of a set of N time samples. '0-1 An actual program, written in PDP-8 FOCAL *, as we II as several sample outputs, are 1 isted. =TI j=O Use of the flow chart (Figure 3) enables transformation of any * Trademark 6 of Digital Equipment Corporation exactly the spacing between mirror nodes. N = 2 v points in place. This means that the only major storage requirement consists of the initial data vector. H is made to be H+ 1, so its value is -(v- L) when the Lth array is being bui It. The great reduction in dynamic storage area is accomplished by Finally, P is N-1, pointing to the last item of the current operating on two nodes at a time-two nodes whose arrows array. stem from the same pair of nodes in the previous array. In box 7, C is initialized to 1. Referring to Figures 1 and 2, it is seen that the spacing be- L tween two such nodes in array L is always N/(2 ). how many mirror node pairs have currentiy been handled. Also, The basic arithmetic is dealt with in box 8. the difference between the numbers in any two such nodes to the Kth power and multiplied by the number associated with K the pth node, X . Note that W can either be calculated p on the spot or stored ir a look-up table for speed. Because each node and its mirror image in pairs eliminates the need for additional storage space. There are several symbols pecu Iiar to the flow chart that 5 gives the spacing between mirror nodes, it follows that piS need explanation. A function R V appears in boxes 8 and 15. mirror Q is located at P-5. This denotes the operation of bit reversing the v bit binary Hence, Q is set to P-5. Addition and subtraction operations are then carried out as specified A "squiggly" bracket, } , enclosing severa I by the algorithm and the mirror nodes in the old array are operations means that those operations are to be carr ied out simu Itaneously. Lines 1 and 2 scale P V-L places right and bit invert the result, getting K, N the number within the pth node. W(=e -2rr i/ ) is then raised is always N/2. 50 every node has a "mirror" node which is L which is found by spacing up N/2 in the array. Taking number Q. C is a counter which indicates replaced by thier counterparts in the array being produced. Finally, the square brackets in the first line of box 8 denote taking the integer part. Referring to Figures 1 and 2, one observes that we can Now to a de- proceed linearly up the array in the manner of box 8 up to a tai led explanation of the chart. certain point. Box 1 consists of initial ization. N is the number of samples and v the power of 2 to which N corresponds. the images of previously encountered nodes. L gives the number of the array currently be ing constructed. From this point on we wou Id be working with region must be skipped over. 5 is an Hence, this 5ince the spacing of mirror nodes is 5, it follows that such special points will occur index which gives the spacing between mirror nodes in each 1 array. It is initial ized to N/2 = N/2. H is the number every 5 nodes. In order to stop Ii near increase in P (box 9) at such points, C is incremented (box 11) on each cycle -(v-L) and is initialized to -(v-1)=1-v. through box 8. When C=5 (box 10) a special point has been Boxes 2, 3, and 4 generate the first array from the data encountered. 50 it is imperative to space past the" dangerous" vector. area by setting P to P-5 (box 13). The reason for computing the first array apart from However, before this is the other arrays is that it requires no multiplications (examine done we must check to see if we are at the top of the array, Figures 1 and 2 and observe that the nodes in the first array less we pioneer into regions which do net exist (box 12). contain only 0 and N/2) , hence saving computation time. P+1 =5 then we are within one "dangerous" region of the top Q, the index of the array, was initialized to one below the of the current array and are done. middle node so that we move from the middle of the array to before by spacing up 5 in the array. The loop, of course, is the top, adding or subtracting mirrors as specified by the N 2 algorithm (W / =_l). term inated by box 5. When this is done, box 5 checks to see if the calculation is are performed on complex numbers. complete. parts must undergo the indicated operations. If not, we continue as One must keep in mind that all operations in the flow chart If it is, the resu Its are reshuffled into proper order by bit inversion. This is done by boxes 15 through 19. If If 50 both real and complex A program using the algorithm in Figure 3 has been written the computation is not over, we move on to the next array. in PDP-8 FOCAL. A listing and some examples are given in Here the crux of the algorithm comes-L becomes L+ 1, sig- Figures 4 and 5. nalling the construction of the next array. language which, as the length of the program demonstrates, 5/2. lends itself quite well to the FFT algorithm. Also, 5 becomes L Note that on the Lth time through 5 is just N/2 , 7 FOCAL itself is an on-line conversational The bit inversion operation is accompl ished by a PDP-8 machine language subroutine, shown in Figure 6. function FNEW ( References FOCAL has a special user 1. Brigham, E. 0., and Morrow, R. E., "The Fast Fourier Transform," IEEE Spectrum, pp. 63-70, December, 1967. ) which enables the user to define a function simply by writing the machine language code to perform the desired operation. 2. Cooley, J. W., and Tukey, J. W., "An Algorithm for the Machine Calculation of Complex Fourier Series," Math of Computers, Vol. 19, pp. 297-301, Apri I, 1965. Here FNEW (NU, U) treats U as a binary number of NU bits and then inverts it. When the program text is abbreviated according to the ru les of the 3. Gentlemen, W. M., and Sande, G., "Fast Fourier Transform for Fun and Profit/' Proceedings of AFIPS 1966 Fall Joint Computer Conference, Vol. 29, pp. 563-578. FOCAL language, the program will transform up to 32 points in 4K of memory. Since the FOCAL program is of value 4. Rader, Charles M., Lincoln Lab. (M.I.T.) Technical Memorandum No. 62L-0075, October, 1965. mostly for demonstration and verification purposes, a machine language version is currently being developed by the author. c., 5. Singleton, Richard "On Computing the Fast Fourier Transform," Commun-ications of the ACM, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 647-654, October, 1967~--- This will transform up to 2048 real points in 4K of memory in under 5 seconds. 6. "What is the Fast Fourier Transform?" IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, Vol. AU15, No.2, pp .4555, June,1967. Figure 1 . Tree-graph for FFT for N = 4 Xl Figure 2. x2 x3 x 3 (000' , Sc 3 X (001) , S4 X 3(010) '52 x3(Ol1) , S6 3 X (lCO) '5, Tree-graph for FFT for N=8 3 x (,Qi) , 55 x2(1i 1\ 8 X 3 ":' 53 x 3 ;{,q. 57 ENTER LO\l2 N + U 1+L 1/2 N .... S 1/2N-1 ..... Q .. 1-l)+H 6 2 xQ+~+xQ-xQ I ~I } XO-X~+!!2 .... XO+.'i2J L+11i2 S H +1N- 1 _ L S H p 8 [PX2H] .... U Rv {U) ..... K l 19 wK xp .... G p-s .... Q G+xQ .... XP} XQ-G ..... xQ 11 13 DONE Figure 3. Flowchart for calculation of the Fast Fourier Transform *C- TRANSFORM OF SINE vJAVE OF At'1PLITUDE 1.0 **C- * TRANSFORM OF COSINE WAVE OF Af'.1PLITUDE *GO WHAT POHER OF 2 PO INTS ARS TO BE TRANSFORMED?:3 INPIJT THOSE POINTS. *GO t.-!HAT POt'JER OF 2 PO I NTS ARS TO BE TRANSFORMED?: 3 INPUT THOSE PO I NTS :0 :1 :.707 :1 :.707 :.707 :0 :0 : -.707 : - • 707 :-1 : -.707 : -1 : - • 707 :0 :.707 FOURIER TRANSFORMS RE~L PART IMAGINARY PART 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 .00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (il.00 Figure 4A: FOURIER TRANSFORMS REAL PART- IMAGINARY PART FREQUENCY (CPS) D",C. 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 0.00 0.00 ·0.00 0.00 0.00 Figure 48 Ecamples of FFT Using FOCAL 9 TRANSFORM OF INTEFERE~CE PATTE~N FORMSD BY MIXING A SINE WAVE OF AMPLITUDE 1.~ AND A COSINE WAVE OF AMPLITUDE 1.5 ~- ~- !:.fHc\'T POt"ER OF :? POINTS ARE TO BE TRANSFORMED?:3 INPUT THOSE POINTS. FOU~IER TRANSFORMS REAL PART IMAGINARY PART :1•5 :t .76R :t 0.0(7) 1 .5(7) : - .353 0.~0 0.00 -1 .0-0 0.0'1 ~.00 0.(7)(7) 0.QlVl 0.00 : -1 .5 :-1.768 : -1 :. J Figure 4C 53 01.06 01.08 01.10 01.18 01.20 01.22 01.24 01.26 01.28 01.32 01.34 01.36 01.38 01.40 01.42 01.46 01.48 01.50 01.52 01.54 ERASE ASK "WHAT 'POWER OF 2 POINTS ARE TO BE TRANSFORMED?""NU,,! SET N=2tNU; SET TPN=2*3.14159/N; FOR I=0"N-l; SET XICI)=0 SET S=N/2; SET L=I; SET Q=S-I; SET H=I-NU TYPE "INPUT THOSE POINTS.",,!; FOR I=0"N-l; ASK XRCI),,! SET SR=XRCQ+S)+XRCQ); SET XRCQ+S)=XRCQ)-XRCQ+S);SET XRCQ)=SR IF CQ) 1.26,,1.26; SET Q=Q-l; GOTO 1.22 If CL-NU) 1.28,1.54,1.28 S~T L=L+l; SET S=S/2; SET H=H+l; SET P=N-l; SET Z=I/C2tC-H» SET C=1 SET U=fITRCP*Z); SET K=fNEWCNU"U) SET COS=fCOSCTPN*K); SET SN=FSINCTPN*K) SET GR=COS*XRCP)+SN*XICP); SET GI=COS*XICP)-SN*XRCP) SET Q=P-S; SET SR=GR+XRCQ); SET SI=GI+XICQ);SET XRCQ)=XRCQ)-GR SET XICQ)=XICQ)-GI; SET XRCP)=SR; SET XICP)=SI SET P=P-l; If CC-S) 1.48,,1.50,1.48 SET C=C+l; GOTO 1.34 If CP-S+l) 1.52,1.26,,1.52 SET P=P-S; GOTO 1.32 DO 3; QUIT 03010 TYPE !,"fOURIER TRANSFORMS"" !,"REAL PART IMAGINARY PART",!! 0)3.20 fOR I=0"N-l;SET K=fNEWCNU,I>JTYPE %3.2,XRCK)/N," ",XICK)/N.! Figure 5:. Listing of FOCAL Program ITHIS ROUTINE INVERTS THE BIT ORDER Of THE "NU" IBIT WORD "U""WHERE NU AND U ARE THE ARGUMENTS Of IK=FNEW CNU, U). *27 fLIP-l *fNTABf+15 fLIP IBOTTOM IPUT NEW FUNCTION ON TABLE *4550 JMS I INTEGER TAD fLAC+l CIA DCA CNTR SPNOR GETC PUSHJ EVAL INTEGER JMS DCA K fLLOOP, TAD U CLL RAR DCA U TAD K RAL DCA K ISZ CNTR JMP fLLOOP TAD K DCA fLAC+l JMS I fLOAT JMP I EfUN3I fLIP, FLOAT, CNTR, 5355 If IX fLOATING AC CfAC) IflRST ARGUMENT CNU) IDEf I NIT I.Ot-JS INUMBER Of BITS IMOVE PAST SPACES IGET PAST COMMA IEVALUATE SECOND ARGUMENT CU) If IX FAC IBUILD UP RESULT IN K ITRANSPOSE U ABOUT ITS CENTER IBY ROTATING U RIGHT AND K LEfT. IBIT TO BE TRANSPOSED IN LINK. IINSERT INTO LOW ORDER BIT Of K. If OR ALL NU BITS. IPUT RESULT IN FLAC+l AND fLOAT IDONE. Figure 6: Bit Inversion Subroutine for FOCAL (i'I 10 GETC=4514 PUSHJ=4507 EVAL=1602 INTEGER=52 fLAC=44 FNTABf=374 K=fLAC+2 U=fLAC+l EfUN3I=106 SPNOR=4527 $ TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM DECUS FALL 1968 SYMPOSIUM "APPLICATIONS OF SEA-GOING COMPUTERS" January 13- 14, 1969 La Jolla, Californ ia A "Ca II for Papers II has recently been sent out on the Fa II 1968 DECUS Symposium. The symposium, schedu led for December 12 and 13 at the Jack Tar Hotel in San Francisco, will follow directly behind the FJCC (December 9-11). Arrangements have been made to allow DECUS members planning on attending both meetings to register at the Jack Tar for the whole period. Special hotel registration cards for this purpose wiii be sent to DECUS members shortly. Sponsored by San Diego Section of the Marine Technology Society and MTS Data Engineering Committee, Western Group If Yot! are planning on presenting a paper, participating in a A technical symposium on "Applications of Sea-Going Computers II wi II be co-sponsored by Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Marine Technology Society at Scripps I campus in January, 1969. workshup'~r panel discussion, please return your participation questionnaire attached to the "Call for Papers II as soon as possible. Session themes - Data Acquisition and Control, Interactive Systems, Education, Biomedicine, PDP-8, PDP-9, PDP-lO, and Modu les/Hardware worksJqops have already attracted several interesting papers. Dr. William A. Nierenberg, Director of Scripps, is General Chairman. In his words, 'The conference will concern itself with the use of sea-Hoing computers, which enable scientists to record data more easi Iy and to understand the data at sea rather than to wait for the larer, delayed processing of data on shore. II The program wi II review experiences to date with sea-going data processing system .. and wi II exam ine the potent~al for computing machinery in mil itary and scientific marine appl i cations. For more deta ils contact the Executi~e Secretary, DECUS Office, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754, Khone: 617,897-5111, Ext. 414 or 447 CECUS ELECTIONS Executive Co-chairmen are Dr. John Mudie of SCrippS and Charles Jackson, Chairman of MTS Data Engineering Committee, Western Group. This is not only the year of the "elephant" and t'he' "donkey", but alsoit's time again for reelection of DECUSofficers. Thi's year it's t he offices of Equipment Chairman, Publications Chairman, and Programming Chairman. The program will consist of four daytime sessions andone evening panel. The subject area is a sequel to the ONR-NSIA "Symposium on Automatic Collection, Processing and Analysis of Oceanographic Data II held at Scripps in December, 1964. Attendance is open to all interested scientists and engineers. Invitations are also being extended to selected foreign scientists. Nom i nat ions to date for these oHi ces are: Equipment Chairman - Sypko Andreae, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berke ley, Cal iforn ia Publ ications Chairman - George Cooper, Logic, Inc., Detroit, Michigan Programming Chairman - Michael S. Wolfberg, Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Authors interested in presenting papers at the conference should submit the title and an abstract of not more than 500 words by September 30, 1968, to: Additional nominations will be accepted up to October 1. All nominations must be supported by three DECUS members. (DECUS Bylaws, Article IV, Section E, 2 d.) Dr. John Mudie Applications of Sea-Going Computers Scripps Institution of Oceanography P. O. Box 109 La Jolla, Cal iforn ia 920Z7 The official list of candidates will appear in the next issue of DECUSCOPE, and ballots wi II be sent out in early October. DECUS PROGRAM LIBRARY NOTES NEW PROGRAMS Contributors whose topics are selected for presentation at the symposium wi II be notified by November 15. All manuscripts are due by December 31, 1968. All papers accepted will be published in a special issue of theMTS Journal Q£ Ocean Tech~. General information concerning the symposium can be obta ined from: All new programs accepted since the publ i cation of the June 1968 Library Catalog wi II be announced in the next issue of DECUSCOPE. Mr. Charles B. Jackson MTS Data Engineering Committee P.O. Box 2158 La JolJa, California 92037 RE: DECUS Programs Nos. 5-13,8-123,8-124, and 8-125 Due to reproduction costs invo Ived in completing the numerous requests for card decks for the above listed programs, there 11 It is interesting to note that this program actually includes two subroutines. First, in Part 1, the maximum of the set of integers must be found. In Part 2, the actual LCM computation takes place. will be a service charge of £10 for each card deck requested. Anyone requesting one of these programs shou Id send a purchase order ora check made payable to Digital Equipment Corporation to the DECUS Office. All checks shou Id be accompanied by a library material request form. This program wou Id probably find its greatest use in classrooms of the lower grades. It cou Id be a tremendous aid to the teaching of fractions. PROGRAMMING NOTES - - - - FOCAL POINTS - - - - Base to Base Integer Conversion - The FOCAL Base to Base Conversion routine will convert any positive integer less than 2048 from one base system to another. Such a program would find use in the teaching of high school mathematics where such problems in numbertheory are encountered. The program does not handle fractions, and it does not check the input number to be sure that all of the digits are allowed in the specified base. Readers are invited to write a more universal conversion routine. FOCAL POINTS was inaugurated in DECUSCOPE, Vol. 7, No.2. The purpose of this column is to serve as a forum of comments and/or programs written in DEC's new fami ly-of-8 conversational language, FOCAL. These programs and examples will be kept in printed form only and will usually be distributed in groups. Ex isting categories are Engineering, Plotting, Mathematics, Education, and Accounting. Other group headings wi II no doubt be added rapidly. Anyone desiring a setor sets of these write-ups should write the DECUS Office, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754, indicating the category desired. Abstracts of additional routines follow. Each program submitted either to an existing category or as a new category should be submitted with a listing, an example of execution, and a brief abstract which wi II be printed in this column. We may also reproduce some results of their operation. Prime Number Generator - The Prime Number Generator is a program which will accpet a number, N, and type out all primes less than that value. As soon as the program is fin ished, it loops back and starts over again by asking for N. One use for this program would be found in computer-aided instruction in the lower grades where primes are first encountered. This column will serve to disseminate information about modifications to the FOCAL system for special applications. However, the FOCAL program itselfand its documentation will be distributed from the DEC program library. Mathemat i cs Submitted by: Repeating Decimal Program - This routine computes the decimal equivalent to any rational number whose absolute value is less than 1. Such a program wou Id be very usefu I in the teaching of fractions in school. Readers are invited to investigate computations with fractions greater than 1 . DEC Applications Group Square Matrix Mu Itiply - The arduous task of mu Itiplying two square matrices is quickly done by this FOCAL Matrix Multiplication routine. The user inputs" N" indicating the number of rows and columns each matrix wi II have. The computer then requests input of the elements of the two matrices. The result of the multipl ication is typed out in an understandable matrixlike format. Subm itted by: R. E. McCu IIough, University of Colorado Notable characteristics of this program are: a. It is expressed in on Iy five Iines of FOCAL script so that it loads qu i ck Iy. N-th Degree Polynomial Data Point Fitting Routine - This program accepts the x- and y- coordinates for an unlimited number of data points and calcu lates for the equation b. It will process matrices of varying dimensions. Size of each matrix is lim ited on Iy by memory capacity. (In 4K FOCAL the Iimit is about 6 rows and columns.) the coefficients AN which best fit the equation to the data points. The fitting criterion is " least squares. II The program allows the user to select the degree, N, of the fitting equation. N may be as large as 7 . c. Because it inputs and outputs the matrix va lues in a matrixlike format, input transcription errors are less likely to occur. . The readers are invited to investigate the general ization of this algorithm to extend it to the processing of rectangular matrices. N-th Degree Polynomial Data Point Fitting Routine, with RMS Error - This program is the same as N-th Degree Polynomial Fitting Routine except that it calculates the RMS error between the y-coordinates of the data points and the evaluated fitting equation. It will accept only a limited number of data points and the maximum equation degree allowed is inversely related to th is number. Least Common Mu·ltiple (LCM) - The LCM routine is a neat, short program which will compute the LCM of any number of positive integers. Input is in two stages. First, the number "N" of integers is requested. This is followed by the input of the i ntege rs . 12 Engineering FAST LOGARITHMIC CONVERSION FOR DISPLAY OF NUCLEAR DATA Second Order Differential Eguation - This is a routine to solve 2 D X _ K1 2 . g~ + K2 . X = ~ given K1, K2, and initial values C. A. Burke and H. W. Lefevre Physics Department University of Oregon Eugene I Oregon DT DX D2X for X, DT' and -2-' The user also selects the time interval DT DT. The resu It is plotted on the TTY from time zero unti I interrupted. The following subroutine for generating a logarithm and seal ing it for a ten-bit display results from a comment by Professor Robert Brochers of the University of Wisconsin-liThe obvious way to make a fast logarithmic display is to make it linear between binades." A check is made for off-scale values. Accounting LOGCAL is written for a PDP-7 with extended arithmetic. It 'generates a characteristic by finding the most significant bit and tacking on the six next most significant bits for use in lieu of a true mantissa. As listed below the routine plots numbers, 22 or less on the base line and plots 2 18 _1 at full scale on a ten bit display. The maximum deviation from the true logarithm is less than 1% of fu II scale with sixteen binades on scale. There is, of course, no error for any number with a zero mantissa. Subm itted by: G. L. Helgeson, Helgeson Nuclear Servi ces, Inc. Payroll Calcu lations - This routine is used to calculate payrolls. It is based on the Ca Iiforn ia State Un~mployment Insurance rate of one percent of the gross salary, FICA rate of 4.4 percent of the gross salary, and withholding tax as given in Table 7 on page 21 of Circular E, Publication No. 15 (Rev. May, 1968) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. The subroutine is entered with the number to be converted in the accumu lator and returns with the logarithm properly sea led for an immediate DYL. To use it one identifies the individual by typing his name and social security number with the Teletype on II LOCAL. II Then, switching to " LI NEil and starting the program, one types a II 111 if the individual is single or 11211 if he is married. Next, one enters the number of exemptions, then the number of pay periods per year. This is followed by en'tering the base pay and any prem ium pay. After th is the computer does the rest. LOGCAL, ~ SPA!CLL JMP .+11 CLQ! NORM-25 RTL LMQ LACS SNAtCMA SKP!CLA LLS 6 JMP I LOGCAL LRS 13 TAD (l6~~ JMP I LOGCAL This program cou Id be modified easi Iy to fit the ru les of any particular state. If some of the pay ranges would not be used, they cou Id be om itted from the two tables, making more room for other routines, such as providing running totals on gross pay, deductions, and net pay. L1NC AND L1NC-8 DELEGATES (Continued from Page 24) Dr. Alvin M. Revzin Federal Aviation Administration PDP-B FORTRAN TRICKS Dr. John M. Rhodes University of New Mexico J. Harvey Communications and Systems, Inc. Paramus, New Jersey Dr. Robert H. Schiffman University of Missouri Dr. Robert J. Shofer Albert Einstein College of Medicine Type A Format Data Garth Thomas Ohio State Un iversity Hospital The basic PDP-8 FORTRAN (DEC-08-AFAC) does not allow alphabetic input data. It is possible to read alphabetic text into a format statement with text between quotes, but this has two shortcomings: the input text must be the exact number of characters provided between the format statement quotes, and the FORTRAN program cannot access the characters fortesting, sorting, etc. James H. Utzerath Marquette University School of Medicine C. C. Wilton-Davies Royal Naval Physiological Laboratory England Avery simple machine language patch has been found that lets the program load characters into integer variables as 8-bit numbers. It uses the numbered PAUSE to call short subroutines, Dr. James Winkelman Bio-Science Laboratories 13 which in turn call input/output routines in the FORTRAN Operating System itse If. The subroutines in the operating system perform the basic functions usually needed: 6; CONTINUE C; Now generate all characters and print Ci Start with a Be II NCHAR = 135 D07J=l,113 PAUSE 3958 NCHAR = NCHAR + 1 7; CONTINUE STOP END 1. Input/Output device determined by switch register setup as for the usual FORTRAN operations. 2. 3. Ignoring of blank tape and I ine feeds on input. Echoing characters to the Teletype for low-speed input. 4. Automatically appending line feeds to carriage returns on input or output. 5. On input, return ing carriage returns not I ine feeds to the ca II i ng programs. In PAL, the machine patches needed for the operating system of August 15, 1965 (08-AFC3), are: INPUT, ~ JMS I 134 DCA NCHAR JMP I INPUT OUTPUT, ~ TAD NCHAR JMS I 153 JMP I OUTPUT /READ A CHARACTER / A FORTRAN VARIABLE Direct Access to the DECtape Buffer /OUTPUT A CHARACTER The FORTRAN DECtape faci Iity of the OS-AFAC version uses a physi cal READ or WRITE statement to move 128 word blocks of data between tape and core. A pseudo READ or WRITE moves it in or out of the FORTRAN variables. In some cases, such as reading data from the block, altering it and writing it backonthe tape, a physical reread of theblock is necessary in order to reset the pointer and allow writing at the buffer beginning. Several lines of coding are required this way. Also, the space lost to the DECtape buffer is sometimes needed. If the buffer could be treated as a FORTRAN array and accessed directly with assignment statements, a considerable space saving and increase in flexibility results. This can be done by using negative subscripts in an array variable. Of course, using K. I. Gordon's technique (Letters, Vol. 6, No.3, of DECUSC OPE) these simple PAL routines can be coded entirely in FORTRAN. The following must be the first part of your FORTRAN: NCHAR = NCHAR DIMENSION 10(8) 10(6) = -17~~ 10(7) = 179~ 10(8) = -1,03~ 10(2) = 766 10(3) = -1685 10(4) = -1~34 The DECtape buffer starts at 5600. Using symbol print to locate an array in the program, an offset can be calculated that will result in the subscript actually pointing to the DECtape buffer. Since the operating system does not check the lega I ity of subscript va lues, this subterfuge works. Any array of the proper type can be used, of course, including one containing active data, since the array name is simply a foundation for the negative subscript. However, for an example a special one word array is declared: On execution of a PAUSE 3962, a single character will be read from the keyboard (or high-speed reader if SR selected) and left in the FORTRAN variable NCHAR. On execution of a PAUSE 3958, the right hand 8 bits of the number in NCHAR are sent to the Teletype or punch. A trivia I example follows: DIMENSION KBUF (1) NOFF = -1~22 READ 8, 9, l~ KBUF (3 + NOFF) = 1 + KBUF (3 + NOFF) WRITE 8, 9, 1~ STOP l~i FORMAT (I) END DIMENSION LETR (2~~) DO 3 K = 1, 2,0~ PAUSE 3962 Cj A character is in NCHAR. Test it for Ci Control - form feed which is 140 decimal LETR (K) = NCHAR IF (NCHAR - 14~) 3,5,3 3; CONTINUE Ci Found a form feed or end of buffer Ci Now print buffer 5i K = K-1 Element 1 of array KBUF is at 7576 octal and the variable NOFF is set to the negative offset required to point to the tape buffer. Then block 9 of unit 8 is read, the third word in the block incremented by 1 and the block rewritten on un it 8. DO 6 J = 1, K NCHAR = LETR(J) C; A character moved from array to NCHAR C; will be printed by PAUSE 3958 PAUSE 3958 The value of NOFF wi II used. For a one-word probably -340 (warning: operations so the offset 14 be different if floating point words are floating array at 7574, the offset is this writer has not tested floating point val ue is suspect). BINARY PUNCH [Digital-B-S-U Syml MODIFIED FOR LlNC-B *4111 LlNC JMP 170 5370 *4170 Glen W. Johnson Institute of Oceanography Dal housie Un iversity Halifax, Nova Scotia CANADA TAD C15 ISSP TAD M3 ION ICON NOP The usefulness of this program can be greatly increased by including it on tape to be read in automatically by the LOAD switch. Furthermore, there is no need for two halts to get the starting and last addresses. By changing the two locations noted below, both switch registers will be used and only one halt made. M3, -3 C15, 15 1377 6165 1376 6001 6141 7000 7775 0015 /SH LlNC "P" REGISTER /12 IN ACCUMULATOR /ST ART LI NC AT 1115" To make these modifications, perform the following steps from the LI NC console. Change Location 7476 7477 7500 from to 7604 (LAS) 6145 (lLES) 7402 (HLT) 7000 (NOP) 1. 2. LOAD DO: 0700 0002 Check that locations 21, 22, 24, 26, and 175 are zero. The last one is in a PROGOFOP patch to define OPR Oand OPR 1. Check other patches for program flags which must be zero. If there are no changes to be made, skip step 3. 3. 4. The program usage shou Id now be changed by replacing sections 4.4.3 and 4-.4.4 in the write-up with the following: DO: 0704 DO: 0700 0002 0000 Insert the above commands, dropping the leading 4 from the addresses (i.e., insert 5370 in L1NC address 111, etc.). 4.4.3 The computer will halt. Set the initial address of the block to be punched in the left switches and the final address in the right switches Press CONTINUE. 5. DO: 0704 0000 Note that now there will be only one halt before each consecutive block is punched. To put the modified BI N PUNCH on tape, follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. L1NC-8 EVENT COUNTER Raise LOAD. Using the BI N LOADER, read in the BI N PUNCH. Make the above changes from the LI NC console; i. e., Up to 256 events can be counted and indicated for the operaforls peace of mind while a long program is running. OPR 2 is defined to increment bits 0 to 6 of the PDP-8 accumulator and the Iink each time the command is given. OPR i 2 resets these bits to zero. in location 3476 put 6145, and in location 3500 put 7000. 4. DO: WRC (0704) 7/006. This program assumes that my previous patch to define OPR 0 and OPR 1 is in PROGOFOP. The origin has been set at 2020 to allow the use of bank 1 as a lower memory bank with least interference. Locations requ ired are 25 10J but this cou Id be reduced to 1510 by doing without the link bit (count 128 events) . L1NC-8 LOAD PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS The following changes to the LOAD program (DEC-L8- L2AA-D) cause LAP6-3L (DEC configuration) to be read in and started by lifting the LOAD switch. As in the original LOAD, the user may insert his own read commands. If one desires to use the PDP-8 RIM or BIN loaders, there is ample time to press STOP before block 200 is reached. *15 RCG 7/200 0701 7200 It is suggested that the program be placed on block 7 of tape and the following patch be placed in the LOAD program on blockO. /L1 NC COMMANDS TO START LAP6-3L /DEPENDS ON CONFIGURATION USED /PDP-8 COMMANDS TO START *4071 /Iocation 71 in block 0 JMS 7 2000 15 I READ IT 4713 0007 2000 /BN /initial address for block T ILINc-B EVENT COUNTER LINSTR=31 *125 *2020 INCRMT, RESET, ACCIM, LIM, C12, G40, C20, IDISPATCH LOCATION TN PATCH V.JHICH DEFINES OPR 0 AND 1 INCRMT 2020 TAD LINSTR AND C20 SZA CLA JMP RESET TAD LIM RAR CLA TAD I ACCIM TAD C40 DCA I ACCIM RAL DCA Ln~ TAD LIJ.1 RAR JMP I 176 TAD C12 DCA I ACCIM CLL DCA LIM JMP I 176 1031 0250 7640 5237 1245 7010 7200 1644 1247 3644 7004 3245 1245 7010 5576 1246 3644 7100 3245 5576 0362 0000 0012 0040 0020 362 o 12 40 20 II = 1 ? lYES, RESET COUNT = INO, COUNT MORE IRECALL L BIT /RECALL REST OF COTJNT IINCREMENT /SAVE L BIT IRESET L BIT ILOCATION WHICH CONTAINS GOBACK=1460 lIN PROGOFOP PATCH changes listed below will allow eif"her version of FOCAL to reference theTypeAFOlA Multiplexer and Analog-to-Digital Converter withthe FADCfunction. The argument isthemultiplexer channel number in decimal. The value converted has only 11 bits accuracy because of the manner in which the number is handled in the floating accumulator by FOCAL. CHANGES TO FOCAL WHICH ALLOW REFERENCING THE AF01 A MULTIPLEXER AND A-D CONVERTER WITH FADC FUNCTION Robert E. McCu Iiough University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado The latest version of DEC's FOCAL program (DEC-08-AJAB) and the original version are both written to reference the Type 189 Ana log-to- Digita I Converter with the function FADC. The 3203 3204 5753 5754 5755 5756 5757 5760 5761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5770 5604 5753 4452 7300 1045 6002 6542 7300 6531 5361 6534 7004 7032 6001 5770 3214 JMP I 3204 5753 JMS I 0052 CLL CLA TAD 0045 IOF ADSC CLL CLA ADSF JMP. -1 ADRB RAL CML RTR ION JMP I 5770 3214 ° The values generated are from 0.0 to 0.999512 for input voltages of 0 to -10 volts. IFLOATING TO FIXED CONVERTER IFIX WHICH GIVES 0000 FOR IZERO VOLTS, 37778 FO~ -10 VOLTS 16 in the main data program in the order in which he anticipates their occurrence. The answers are stored in a buffer in the subroutine which is then stored on tape. A PRE-ANSWERING OPTION FOR LlNC-B QUESTION AND ANSWERING SUBROUTINES Wa Iter H. Jesteadt Bioacoustics Laboratory Eye and Ear Hospital Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania The main data program uses a sense switch option at every point where the Q&A subroutine would normally be read in from LI NCtape to decide whether the Automatic Control subroutine shouid be read into quarter two instead. instead of displaying the text specified in the main program, Automatic Control searches for the question mark codes surrounded by 76 1 s and fills these locations sequentially with answers from the list supplied by the user. It returns to the main program after the text. Extensive use of the standard Question and Answer subroutine in LI NC or LlNC-8 data processing programs maximizes flexibility and minimizes the possibility for errors on the part of inexperienced users. The major disadvantage of such a conversational mode is that it requires the continued presence of the userto carryon the conversation, whichmaybe interrupted by long periods of printing resu Its or reading paper tape data. The exact sequence of instructions required in the main program and for initialization will depend on the nature of the main program itself. Only the listing for the sequential filling of question marks is presented here. It should be noted that the index register cannot be used anywhere in the main program and that the Automatic Control subroutine must be stored again on tape before anything else can be read into quarter two. Use of an alternate Q&A subroutine, called Automatic Control, makes it possible for an experienced user of the program to answer all the questions in advance. In an initial ization procedure, the Automatic Control subroutine is read in from LI NCtape and the user is asked to type answers to the Q&Ns 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0040 0041 0042 [AUTOMATIC [CONTROL [SUBROUTINE 81000 LDA 0 BCL i 6000 STC 2 #71 LDH i 2 SHD i 7600 JMP 4E 5HD i 7700 JMP 5E JMP 71 #4E .LDH i 10 5TH i 2 LDH i 2 SHD i 7600 JMP 71 LDH i 10 5TH 2 J~IP P-6 #5E LDA 2 BCL i 6000 ADA .i 6001 STC 6E #6E 0000 1000 0000 1560 6000 4002 1322 1420 7600 7015 1420 7700 7026 7005 1330 1362 1322 1420 7600 7005 1330 1342 7017 1000 0002 1560 6000 1120 6001 5035 0000 17 /SET 2 AS POINTER TO /TEXT IN MAIN PROGRAM /FILL NEXT LOC. FROM LIST /10 POINTS TO LIST /CLEAR HALF WORD BIT /ADD JMP CODE AND /INCREMENT /RETURN TO MAIN PROGRAM SOROBAN CARD READER PDP-9 INTERFACE BINARY PUNCH William Simon University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, New York Norman Benowitz Data Systems Division Hughes Aircraft Company Culver City, California Programs for SNAP, the real-time interactive language announced in Medical & Biological Engineering, January, 1968, are now available for the solution of up to 14 simultaneous linear equations and for multicompartmental analysis of up to 4 decaying compartments. An interface between the Soroban Model ERD Card Reader and the PDP-9 has been designed and is operational at Hughes Aircraft Company. Data from the 1100 card-per-minute reader may be transferred through the data channe lor to the AC under program control. Use of the data channel allows 80 columns of card data to be placed in consecutive memory locations with a single lOT instruction and eliminates the need for II ready" testing of each column of data. Fewer than 80 columns may be transferred from a card by an appropriate setting of the PDP-9word count. Data maybe read in binary form or translated to BCD (Hollerith) code by interface hardware. Illegal BCD punches are detected by the interface, and a bit is set in the word transferred to indicate this. SNAP, developed at Harvard Medical School for PDP-8, allows up to 90 real-time, interpretive instructions and up to 200 tabu lor entries. The usual arithmetic, trigonometri c, and lograithmi c functions ore avai lable. S NAP is compact and easy to learn. For example, a real-time pulse interval histogram can be written in 11 instructions. Typically, beginners with less than 20 minutes of instruction are able to plot functional relationships such as circles, parabolas, and sinusoids. SNAP has been used primarily in a wide variety of biological problems, but is equallysuited to manyof the problems of engineering and physics which can be done on PDP-8 computers. Card reader status may be tested by reading an 18-bit status word. An 10RS bit and several skip lOT instructions may also be used to determ ine card reader status. The interface connects the card reader to API and PI. Interrupts include: Two slightly modified versions of SNAP-ANASNAP and SNAPT-are available from the University of RochesterMedica I Center, New York. Both of these use most of the same instructions as SNAP, with the addition, in the case of ANASNAP, of a set of instructions which allow the PDP-8 to simu late an analog computer. The equ iva lent of an analog integration is performed by a single instruction incorporating automatic time scal ing, and up to 12 curves may be displayed by a single instruction. S NAPT (page turn ing S NAP) allows 180 instructions at the cost of deleting some arithmetic functions. a. b. c. the cord reader is ready to read the next card, the word count has reached 0 (indicating the desired number of columns have been transferred), and t roub Ie ex ists in card reader hardware. The card reader interrupts may be individually enabled or disabled in any combination with a single lOT instruction. An lOT instruction allows cards to be offset in the stacker for visual identification. Use of all Soroban features and signals and several additional features is obtained through a versati Ie interface with 14 principle lOT instructions, plus many microcoded combinations. SNAP, ANASNAP, and SNAPT programs are completely editable in core via the Teletype. No paper tape handl ing is involved, but programs may be stored on paper tape if desired. S NAP is avai lable from DECUS for PDP-8 I s with and without EAE (DECUS No. 8-122), and in a sl ightly abridged version for LI NC-8 I s (DECUS No. L-31). The interface is constructed with DEC R & W Series modu les. Fifty-five modules are required. Software in use and available with the interface includes a PDP-9 Advanced Software System monitor-compatible card reader handler. A version of MACRO-9 allows assembly directly from punched cards. RESTART METHOD/PDP-9 NEW DECUS PUBLICATIONS DECUS Program library Catalog - June 1968 William Broadley Learning Research and Development Center University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Second Canadian Symposium Proceedings - he Id at the Skyl ine Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, February, 1968 1968 Spring Symposium Proceedings - symposium held at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, April, 1968 We have been using a method of restarting our 8K paper tape system on our 16K PDP-9 that is simpler than using a system restart program. If the computer has halted, we type a control P, then we start at location 1. An lOPS error will usually occur, but a second contro I P and a second start at location 1 will usually restart the curr;nt system program. We find this sequence especia lIy usefu I after power up occurs. 1968 DECUS Brochure - description of DECUS, objectives, activities, etc. 18 employed to write and read tape. Being fu II duplex allows writing and reading on the same unit (read after write) or on different un its (source, output). Data can be transferred asynchron.:>usly up to 600 characters/sec., and many of the existing Teletype routines can be used directly. LOW-COST MAG TAPE SYSTEM-DATAVOICE 8 J. B. Brown Betatech, Inc. Bedford, Massachusetts Betatech has developed and is offering a low-cost magnetic tape system for the PDP-8 series of computers. The system consists of interface eiectronics constructed from DEC FiipChips and up to four tape decks of the high quality audio type using standard 1/4" tapes. Software with the system includes a relocatable selective dump routine and a load-and-go loader. Presently under development is a set of routines to provide an operating system compatable with Symbolic Tape Editor, PAL III, etc. In addition to recording digital data, the system I)rovi des a voice channe I in para Ilel with the data. Operating . instructions, program and data identification are conveniently recorded on t his channel and often eliminate the need of bringi ng and referring to bu Iky documentation. Software The software included with the system at the present is a relocatable selective dump and a load-and-go loader compatible with the BIN LOADER. An operating system employing the tape system is under development but is a sub ject of a later DECUS arti cle. For further information contact: J. B. Brown, Betatech, Inc.,. Box 345, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730, AC617, 275-0750. The DV-8 system has been specifically designed to assist in operations where the main I/o device isthe standard Teletype. When storage or input-output requirements are high or the computer is bei ng shared among many users, the high transfer rate of the DV-8 is a wei comed addition to the installation. The enti re DEC software for the PDP-8 can be stored on a single tape reel and left mounted ready for immediate recall. Snapshots of crashes and system reloades are quickly performed. Each user can easi Iy keep his enti re set of programs (two mill ion characters) on his private tape reel and save partially debugged programs for the next session. OIGITAL WRITE "ENABLE PUSH BUTTON AUDIO RECORD J;'USH BUTTON FOOTAGE. COUNTER POWER O!\l;OFF AUDIO PLAY LEVEL CONTROL MODE SElECTOR AUDIO RECORD LEVEL CONTROL a. FAST WIND SLIDE O-NTlN-~ b. OFF-LINE REVERSE ENABLE c. OFF·L1NE FORWARD ENABLE d. LOAD ENABLE Hardware The hardware supplied consists of interface electronics and one of several types of audio tape transports. Below is shown a reel-to-reel unit with the manual controls called out. This unit contains three heads on each of two tracks (erase, record, read). The audio track operates in the conventional manner, while a phase modulation type of recording is employed on the data track. At the operating speed of 7 1/2 cps, both channels have a bandwi dth of 15 kHz. The record and recovery scheme used on the data track, however, requires only a 4 kHz bandwidth to insure proper performance in a less-than-perfect environment. Both under program control and manually, the tape can be moved in either direction at the operating speed of 7 1/2 cps. Manua I contro Is a lIow fast forward and fast reverse. MODULE USERS GROUP MEMBERS Ralph Bish Space Radiation Effects Laboratory Philip Owen Dufty University of Western Australia Western Austra Iia Dr. Terry E. Ewart University of Washington The interface electronics provide a single lOT to control the operation of a tape unit. Each unit, independently, can be commanded to go forward or reverse, read and/or write. In addition, a program-selectable 60 cps interrupt can be enabled to provide accurate motion control timing. Ian George Nicholls Un iversity of Western Austral ia Western Austra Iia Gunther Reith, Ph.D. Lehigh Va Iley Electroni CSt Inc. To control dataflow, the electronics associated with theTeletype unit is shared with the tape interface. During tape operation, the Teletype printer/punch is held marking, and the keyboard/reader is logically disconnected. After a tape operation, the program returns the Teletype unit to its normal function. Dr. Herman H. Samson Arizona State Un iversity Ron Southworth U. S. Plywood While transferring data to the tape system, the tape unit appears identical to the operation of the Teletype with the exception of transfer speed. Thus the lOT's and interrupts associated with the printer/punch and keyboard/reader are D. R. Thorne Arizona State Un iversity 19 LEITERS II Dear Mrs. Cossette: II Dear Mrs. Cossette: Please refer to my letter of Apri I 1, 1968. (Ed. note: Published in DECUSCOPE, Vol. 7, No.2.) I really didn't intend to send you an April fools joke, however, that's the way the program turned out to be. If the last four instructions are deleted and left as they originally were, the modified Phoenix assembler will compile all the teletype keyboard reader mnemon i cs. I am sorry for the error. The correct changes are: II We at Lamont Geological Observatory are very interested in obtaining Calcomp Plotter software for our PDP-8. We wou Id appreciate it if you could send us any information on available DEC or DECUS software. II ADDRESS OLD CONTENT We wou Id a Iso I ike to correspond with anyone else interested in the development of plotter subroutines along lines similar to those of the IBM 1130/1800 plotter subroutines. II NEW CONTENT Sincerely, 0200 1465 1467 6032 6031 6036 6016 6011 6016 Herbert Poppell Lamont Geological Observatory of Columbia University Palisades, New York 10964 Very truly yours, HELGESON NUCLEAR SERVICES, INC. II Dea r Mrs. Cossette: Geo. Lewis He Igeson President ll 872 Abb i e Street Pleasanton, California II This is to draw attention to a small" bug" in the LI NC-8 LIBRARY system. This is in the binary papertape loader segment, which is called into core memory following the command ESCAPEor when anyuser program is called. Thebugis that, if the binary loader encounters an origin setting which is not followed by any data before the next origin setting, then the location corresponding to the first origin setting is cleared to zero. This is of practical importance because PAL III punches an assumed origin at location 200 at the head of every tape it outputs, whether or not thesymbolictape specifies anything at location 200. Thus, if the loader is used to read in, e.g., binary subroutines for a FORTRAN program, the main program will be corrupted due to the loss of the contents of register 200. II 94566 DECUS, III am planning to work on a SNOBOL4-lnterpreter for the PDP-8. III would like to know whether someone: . has worked on it; or . is working on it; or . is plann ing to work on it. Andre M. Gagnoud C IDS Pro ject 3625 Wa Inut Street University of Pennsylvania ll Philadelphia, Pennsylvania "I have not attempted to cure the bug by altering the loader program (which is obviously tight for space); it would also, I think, be difficult to suppress the initial origin 200 punch by PAL Illi probably the easiest" fix," once one is aware of the trouble, is to make a habit of always assigning location 200 appropriately on every binary tape to be used in conjunction with Library. In the case of FORTRAN subroutines, this requires 19104 *200 SKP CLA II Dear Mrs. Cossette: Yours sincerely, III would like to thank Messrs Griffin of Ontario Hydro and Gordon of DEC for their comments on my note on negative input level conversion published in DECUSCOPE, Vol. 7, No.1. G. R. Herveyll The School of Medicine Un iversity of Leeds Leeds, England II I agree with their comments entirely. In my note I, in fact, tried to point out a general method for level conversion. Perhaps I should not have used DEC modules as an example. WANTED Yours faithfully, Information regarding the existence of a PDP-9 Assembler whi ch will produce object code for the PDP-8. R. Krishna Department of Electrical Engineering" University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Please send detai Is to the DECUS Office. 20 NEW DECUS MEMBERS PDP-5 DELEGATES Edward O. Adams Harvey A!umina V.!., !nc. Virgin Islands Kenneth M. Batinovi ch Sea-Space Systems, Inc. Trevor .A.. Beard Texas Instruments, Ltd. England (Miss) Vivienne I. Bu rton The Broken Hi II Proprietary Company, Ltd. Austral ia R. G. T. Bennett University of Canterbury New Zealand Terence Meehan Brookhaven Nationa I Laboratory William H. Blaisdell Eastman Kodak Company J. F. Petersack Esso Research and Engineering Company Dr. John F. Blount Hoffman- La Roche, Inc. PDP-7 DELEGATES A. A. Brodie Buckmaster and Moore England (Miss) Pauline M. Erskine N.G.T.E. England Prof. Eugene D. Homer New York Un iversity William C. Maguire Princeton University Ewald Teichert A.S.T. T. South Afri ca PDP-8 DELEGATES William D. Allen Federal Electric Corporation Dr. John J. Anta I Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center E. T. Astley Crosfield Electron ics, Ltd. England M. K. Bruce Ti Ilotson and Son, Ltd. England Douglas E. Burgess University College England Daniel H. Cornwall Foxboro Company John F. Dille III The Elkhart Truth Stanley C. Hanna Northern and Central Gas Corporation, Ltd. Canada H. J. Hansen Falconbridge Nikkelverk AjS Norway Dr. W. H. Highleyman Sombers Associates, Inc. J. A. Hopkins British Columbia Institute of Technology Canada Dr. Bernard Foster Hoskins University of Melbourne Austral ia G. K. Hryciw Rile/s Data Share International, Ltd. Canada Wi II iam L. Jackson Army Map Service Dick Jason Composition Systems, Inc. Edward S. Johnson University of North Carolina Ken Johnson The Daily Sentinel J. Elliot British Aircraft Corporation, Ltd. England J. A. Jones Mobil Oil Company Adrian B. Ettl inger CBS Television Network N. S. Kendrick, Jr. Georgia Institute of Technology Don M. Evans Lawrence Radiation Laboratory University of California, Berkeley Wi Ifrid L. Lord Argonne Nationa I Laboratory David S. Flower University of Michigan Walter J. Bankes Nuclear Effects Directorate White Sands Missi Ie Range Len Fons General Electric Company Dale Barbour Naval Underwater Weapons Station Ronald W. Gibson Boeing Company Cesar Baray Computer Industries Louis W. Gilman Computer Industries W. Barker Yorkshire Post Newspapers, Ltd. England Richard Granato Ai rborne Instruments Laboratory 21 Paul Mackie Georgia Institute of Technology Bernard E. Martin University of Pittsburgh Gerald Masek Presbyterian-St. Lukes Hospital T. J. McAvoy University of Massachusetts Manley L. McCorkle Pan American.,petroleum Corporation PDP-8 DELEGATES (Continued) O. D. Mcilroy Springfie Id Newspapers, Inc. George Moore, Ph. D. University of Southern California Dr. Karl Munkelt Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut Germany Rona Id V. Munro Computer Industries, Inc. Dr. David A. Neal Indiana University Medical Center (Mrs.) V. D. Needleman Strand Hote I, Ltd. England R. J. Novak Un iversity of Massachusetts P. S. Pontin Assoc iated Sem i condu ctors, Ltd. England John J. Reisig Instrumentation Computer Division HQ, ISG, USACDCEC P. E. Sawyer Bath Un iversity of Technology England Prof. Dr. Heinz Schmidtke Institut fur Ergonom ie Germany Dr. H.M.M. Shearer University of Durham England M.H.L. Simens British Eagle International Air! ines, Ltd. England Festus W. Snodgrass, Jr. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Shiyohei Taketomi Matsushita Commun i cation Indust.rial Company, Ltd. Japan Dr. John J. Uhran, Jr. University of Notre Dame Michael G. Vaughan Comsat Earth Station R. D. Werner Atom i c Energy of Canada, Ltd. Canada Alton P. Jensen Georgia Institute of Technology A. W. Klibbe Bell Telephone Laboratories PDP-S/I DELEGATES Robert G. Ba! la Pennsylvania State University PD Dr. med. Helmut Kunkel Un ivers itats- Nervenk Iin ik Germany David L. Brown Beta Instrument Corporation Harold Levy Science and Engineering, Inc. George L. Brown Sunderland Technical College England Bertrand Lisee Un iversite de Sherbrooke Canada James R. Crane, Jr. Pilot Metal Fabricators, Inc. D. G. Lougheed Leigh Instruments, Ltd. Canada Allen L. Cudworth Liberty Mutua I Research Center C. C. Cunningham Western Electric Company, Inc. Orval L. Davis Dow Chemical Company Phillip N. Dean Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Ri chard L. Diddams Motorola Semiconductor Products Division Dr. Joseph M. Edelman Baton Rouge, Louisiana Dr. Sam H. Eletr Institut de Magneto-Chim ie France Dr. Jay A. Glasel Columbia University Geoffrey D. Green Western Electric Company John R. Griffin Tektronix, Inc. E. W. Mazerall University of Manitoba Canada Dr. Harris Ripps New York University Medical Center Howard A. Rubin Illinois Institute of Technology William F. Russell, Jr. Teradyne, Inc. Frank H. Sharp University of Louisville Dr. James G. Smith Pennsalt Chemicals Corporation David A. Starr Intek Corporation Lambertus J. Streppe I Sheen Laboratories Western Australia K. M. Wa Iiuzzaman University of Toronto Canada John C. Gwinn Computer Curriculum Corporatio~ K. B. Webster Australian Paper Manufacturers, Ltd. Australia Randall A. Hale Transitron Richard A. Ze itl in Bellevue Hospital David R. Hill University of Calgary Canada PDP-sis DELEGATES Dr. Joseph Jaffe New York State Psychiatric Institute H. J. Ward III Noller Control Systems, Inc. Peter D. Ager University of Alberta Canada Jean Bohrod Berkeley Scientific Laboratories 22 PDP-8/s DELEGATES (Continued) Ludw ig J. Besse Schwe iz. Institut fur Nuklearforschung Switzerland J. D. Bourland Baylor University College of Medicine Frank H. Inderwiesen Martin-Marietta Corporation Dr. Arnold H. Kadish Cedars Sinai Medical Center James J. Ryan College of Fisheries, Navigation, Marine Engineering and Electronics Canada Alan J. Rylance Ti Ilotsons Newspapers, Ltd. England S. Karnial IAEC, NRCN Israel J. B. Brad Iey Algonqu in College Technica I Centre Canada Allan R. Bush Latter-day Saints Hospital C. R. Conkling, Jr. Infotec, Inc. Ear! Ke! Iner Un iversity of Ca Iiforn ia at Riverside Tosiya Saito NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Japan E. C. Jennings Ministry of Defence England F. R. Sanger International Data Highways, Ltd. England Knut Larsen Drammens Glassverk Norway L. W. Shinn Tracor, Inc. Als Charles A. Contarino Raytheon Company Dr. P. J. Claringbold C.S.!'R.O. Austral ia Lu igino Conti S.G.S. Fairchild Italy (Mrs.) Yuma Deackoff Science and Engineering, Inc. Adrian Demayo Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada Cha Ires H. Drummond Owens-Illinois, Inc. Joseph D. Feskanin Lehigh Valley Electroni cs, Inc. A. Snowden Yorkshire Post Newspapers, Ltd. England Gerard Lhote Cogeco France James J. Morel Mandrel Industries, Inc. Douglas Moyer The Carpenter Stee I Company Joseph Padar Agrico Chemical Company David John Pargeter Thorn Automation England Ian Hamish Patterson M. O. D. (Navy) R. N. Medical School (ARRC) England Gabriel E. Galos White Sands Missi Ie Range K. R. Peal Canada Centre for Inland Waters Canada A. Gershberg The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority Canada Phi Iip G. Powell Kodak, Ltd. England Dipl. - Phys. Bela Gurath Institut fur Medizinische Physik und Biophysik Germany E. B. Pray Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. Raymond Hedley University of London England Ralph E. Hord McDonnell Douglas Corporation Prof. Dr. Peter Ihm Institut fur Medizinisch-Biologische Statistik, Germany Joseph E. Stoyack Chrysler Corporation Fredri c M. Strange Lawrence Radiation Laboratory University of Cal iforn ia, Livermore Guy J. LeStrat LMT France Mituo Suzawa Kikusai Electric Company, Ltd. Japan Edwin Tomasi Molybderum Corporation of America K. E. Wagner Electricity Council Research Centre England JamesA. Walther Ramsay Engineering Company Donald Whitney Fellows Gear Shaper Company, Inc. Gunther Reith, Ph.D. Lehigh Valley Electronics, Inc. Civi I ingen jor Per Ake Wiberg Arenco Electronics AB Sweden Edward A. Vrablik Data Technology, Inc. B. G. Richards C.S.!'R.O. Austral ia L. R. Whigham Shell Development Company Lou Ri cketts The Magnavcx Company Edouard Roudaut Centre Nucleaire r.Ie Grenoble, France 23 Tsunetosi Yamaura Sumitomc. Electri c Industries, Ltd. Japan PDP-9 DELEGATES Edmund C. Berkeley Berke ley Enterprises, Inc. Daniel Brayton Sanders Associates, Inc. Wi II iam Broad ley Learning Research and Development Or. University of Pittsburgh Lester R. Bu rre II Datacap Systems Ma rk D. Lieberman Stanford University Robert B. Weinberg State University of New York Robert K. Lindsay Un iversity of Michigan F. G. Willetts University of Aston in Birmingham England G. Luetjens Max- Plank-Institut fur Phys ik & Astrophysik West Germany Dr. M. A. Maclean Defence Research Telecommunications Establ ishment Canada Prof. J. W. Willhide Boston Un ive rs i ty T. S. Yang Austral ian Iron and Steel Pty., Ltd. Austral ia L. M. Caspers Reacbor Instituut The Netherlands Richard E. Maly Lockheed Missiles and Space Company Elbert Cook, Jr. Vanderbi It Hospital John Margolf Columbia Un iversity John Edwards La Trobe University Austral ia A. Meyer Technological University Holland Heinrich Eichner Institut fu r Kernphysik der Universitat Koln Deutschland J. Morrison British Aircraft Corporation, Ltd. England Herman W. Vreenegoor National Institutes of Health L. J. Peek, Jr. Western Electric Company, Inc. L1NC AND L1NC-8 DELEGATES George C. Pegram Ameri can Science and Engineering Co. Daniel C. Bergen Florida State University Elizabeth Quigg Lawrence Radiation Laboratory University of California, Berkeley Dr. R. Binks University of Bristol England Craig A. Reinhardt Bell Telephone Laboratories Prof. G. D. Dawson University College London England Robert M. Freestone, Jr. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Eugene A. Fucci Dartmouth College Osamu Fu jimura University of Tokyo Japan Mr. Haller University of Oregon Dipl. -Ing. Wolfram Haug Institut fur Statik und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktionen West Germany E. R. Hill C.S.i.R.O. Australia R. J. Hipkin Riley's Data Share International, Ltd. Canada J. J. Jager Technological University The Netherlands Daniel Richard Killoran, Ph. D. M. I. T. Instrumentation Laboratory Alan I. Levine American Science and Engineering PDP-lO DELEGATES Walter Colby Interactive Computing Corporation Hans- Jurgen Grimm Universitaet Heidelberg Germany Walter A. Miller Chase Brass and Copper Company, Inc. Dr. Elhanan E. Ronat Weizmann Institute of Science Israel J. E. Francis Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Miss) Sandra A. Sommers M.i.T. Research Lab. of Electronics Frederick W. Hegge, Ph.D. Arizona State University Fred R. Sias, Jr. Dr. Masaaki Kashima University of Mississippi Medical Center Tokyo Teishin Hospital Dr. James.o. Simpson Argonne National Laboratory Dr. Earl J. Kletsky Laboratory of Sensory Communication K. D. Smith General Instrument Corporation Carl G. Klotz Western Electric Company Tom Thacker Royal College of Art England DennisJ. Nichols University of Wisconsin L. Richard Turner NASA - Lewis Research Center 24 Mr. Vladimir Novak Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Czechos lovak ia CONTENTS CECUS FALL SYMPOSIUM Abstracts of Papers General Session JACK TAR HDTEL iill1 Iill1iiiill DEC. 12,13,14, 19B8 . 2 Data Acquisition and Control Session 2-6 Education Session 7-8 Biomedical Session 9-10 Interactive Systems Session 11-12 PDP-9 Workshop 13-14 PDP-8 Workshop 14-15 PD P-6/1 0 Workshop. 15-16 Modu Ie/Hardware Workshop 16 Focal Workshop 16 Local Users Group Meeting 16. This issue of DECUSCOPE is a special meeting issue devoted exclusively to abstracts of papers which wi II be presented at the forthcoming Fall 1968 DECUS Symposium to be held on December 12-14 at the Jack Tar Hotel, San Francisco, California. All articles originally scheduled for this issue will be published in Volume 7, Number 5. Registration information and programs have been sent to DECUS members and non-members. Additional copies are avai lable from the DECUS Office in Maynard, or you may register at the Jack Tar during the meeting. Abstracts are listed by sessions and alphabetically by author within the sessions. Asterisk in author line indi cates speaker. ABSTRACTS GENERAL SESSION order of events within an experiment. The computer runs experiments under control of an external clock, operating through the program interrupt. An important feature of the operating system is rapid response to a clock interrupt, so that timing of events can be quite precise even with the relatively slow instruction speed of the PDP-sis. The system was designed so a number of experimenters can each run his own study with qu ick transition from one setup to another. Current appl ication is in a psycholacoustic laboratory in which human observers are run in different experiments on a wide range of detection and discrimination tasks. The currently operating experimental compiler and operating system (PSYCLE) will be outlined, and possible extensions to other fields will be considered. A COMPUTER WITH HAND, FEET, AND SOUL Lester Ernest, Stanford Un iversity, Stanford, Cal ifornia Activities of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project wi II be sampled, including hand-eye system, a computer controlled cart, and a music synthesizer. COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION Patri ck Suppes, Stanford Un iversity, Stanford, California This paper wi II review the development of programs in computer-assisted instruction at Stanford since early 1963. Detailed examples of curriculum material will be presented as well as an overview of the computer system used, beginning with the PDP-1 and moving to the present PDP-10 configuration. Some forecasts of future deve lopments will be attempted, with special reference to some of the unsolved problems that need solution. THE USE OF A COMPUTER FOR AUTOMATIC GAGING AND CONTROL Nanalal K. Desai, Bendix A & M Division, Dayton, Ohio A digital computer can be used on I ine as a stored program controller for automatic gaging for transfer type of machine. The application described here consists of a transfer type of gaging machine handling about 3,000 parts per hour. LVDT analog signals for length, diameter f and squareness from gaging stations are furnished to analog-to-digital converter. The computer samples these informations and stores them in the core. A bad or good part is identified by the computer by comparing with preset nominal values. Bad parts are rejected by the computer and good parts are stacked according to preset information. The computer also keeps record of the material util ized for making parts and material sti II in process, and it records the information pertaining to the parts on a strip chart recorder for trend analysis. DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL SESSION COMPUTER CONTROLLED TIRE FORCE ANALYSIS SYSTEM Richard A. Cabot, S. Sterling Company, Southfield, Michigan A machine control system has been developed for a 4K PDP-S computer, model ASR-33 Teletype, and DF32 Disc file to control, analyze, and alter the force characteristics of passenger car tires. The system provides many of the characteristics of large scale timesharing systems while avoiding much of the programming complexity required in such systems. The control features of the system include the ability to execute operator initiated "macro" commands in an on-line mode or in a batch mode. The ana lysis features of the system range from storage of digitized data records on the DF32 Disc file to the computation of Fourier coefficients using the recently developed Fast Fourier Transform techniques. 7 A COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEM FOR DATA ACQUISITION AND ANALYSIS FROM MULTIPLE GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS Brad Dewey* and Gary Cole, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts DEC's new GasChrom-S System will be discussed. This system automatically detects peaks and shoulders, calcu lates peak areas and peak retention times, adjusts for baseline shift, allocates overlapping peak areas, identifies components, applies response factors, calculates component concentrations by either internal standard external or area normalization, and types a complete analysis report. The system is capable of performing these functions for up to 20 gas chromatographs simultaneously. A SYSTEM FOR ON-LINE COLLECTION OF . REPETITIVE DATA USING THE PDP-sis C. Douglas Creelman, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada This paper describes a simple interface and associated software which enable easy control over the timing and 2 Wynn Fowler, Psychology Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts A DATA ACQUISITION AND REDUCTION SYSTEM FOR NMR SPECTROSCOPY Brad Dewey* and Charles Spector, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts LEXIGRAPH is an interpretive language which places a display system and various peripherals in the hands of researchers unfamiliar with low-level languages. The interpreter accepts as input a "script II from paper tape or DECtape. The user may specify the display of text or arbitrary figures defined in the script. A wide range of script commands have been implemented. Presentation and inter-presentation times are controlled (with mill isecond accuracy), and chains of displays may be generated which run off without intervening instructions. When display segments (texts or figures) are grouped in lists or strings, attributes of the individual segments (intensity, origin, etc.) may be varied selectively. DECs new NMR-8 System for automatic data acqu isition analysis and control from an MNR spectrometer will be discussed. The system has such features as sweep control, time averaging, scope display, integration, plotter control, and the abi lity to assist in the analysis through the calculation of realtive peak intensities, peak position in units of chemical shift, resolution enhancement, spectral comparison, fourier transformation and analysis, etc. In addition, the NMR-8 can set up and control the magnetic field homogeneity of the instrument. SOFTWARE FOR A PDP-8 PULSE HEIGHT ANALYZER SYSTEM Subject responses may be recorded via a response box tied to the information collector, from a Teletype, or by way of a Iight pen. Acceptable responses or response patterns are defined in the input script. Logical testing of responses is provided for, and fu II branching capabi Iities are included. Data (e. g., name of response key and reaction time) are recorded automatica Ily and stored on DECtape and may be punched onto paper tape for off-line I isting at the conclusion of an experiment. The script can also direct the opening and closing of selected bits in the relay buffer. This may be used, for example, to control a remotely located audio tape recorder, recording subject responses at arbitrary inrervals. W. J. Edwards, General Chemistry Branch, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada A set of two programs is described which enable a 4K PDP-8 to serve as a versatile data collection and presentation devi ce for 1" -Spectrometry. The programs are paper tape oriented and controlled by keyboard commands through a simple executive. The first program carries out data collection from external, 1024 channel, analog-to-digital converters, and provides various enquiry features for the experimenter to check the progress of the measurements. The output data tapes from the first program are accepted by the second program for automatic and unattended production of hard copy (graphical and/or typed). The interpreter has been used by behavioral scientists in a number of areas such as: short-term memory, psycholinguistics, concept formation, visual perception, etc. Operational for two years, it has undergone continuous evaluation and improvement and appears ready for general use. THE USE OF THE PDP-8 IN AUTOMATED TEST SYSTEMS AT SANDIA LABORATORIES Glenn Elliott, Sandia Corporation, Albuquerque, New Mexico "SCHLEP" A REAL TIME DATA ACQUISITION PROGRAM FOR MAGNETO-STRICTIVE SPARK CHAMBERS The PDP-8 series of computers is being used frequently in automated test systems at Sandia Laboratory. Several system configurations are presented briefly. Emphasis is placed upon the solution of general problems arising from their use in a large organization of design engineers and in application where delivery schedule time scales are very short. General interfacing methods are discussed and a semi-modu lar approach is shown. Sandia's method of obtaining programs from an engineering organization where no programming talent previously existed is presented. Michael D. Greenblatt, David Rittenhouse Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Schlep is a program which receives data from magnetostrictive spark chambers, condenses, writes on tape, makes decisions, analyzes, and displays this data. The experiment in which this program will participate is the study of the KO long lived meson. Its principle service is to aid in the debugging and maintenance of the spark chamber system, but it also serves as a quick way to throughput large amounts of data. It also wi II make quick and valuable decisions as to the validity of the event and, in a low-priority background, will do some analyzing. LEXIGRAPH, AN INTERPRETIVE LANGUAGE FOR GRAPHICS Dr. Daniel M. Forsyth; Psychology Department, University of Vermont, Burl ington, Vermont I and 3 was modified to provide several notable features: 1. aids in controller adjustment, 2. transducer signal conditioning, and 3. compensation for process nonIinearities. Other features of the control system reduce operator errors during start-up and operation of the nitrogen and heat systems. A VOLTAGE INTEGRATOR INTERFACE WITH COMPUTER RESET Stan Hubler, RCA, EASD, Van Nuys, Cal ifornia An integrator is described which acts as an analog memory to accumulate and store activity on an analog input of a LlNC-8 during the relatively long intervals between the short sampling periods. The integrator is reset to zero immediately after it is sampled by the computer. This is accompl ished with a simple hardware addition to the computer, which is also described. Four of these integrators are used in conjunction with an averaging program, AVG 2, similar to AVG 1, previously described by Richard Harshman and Peter Ladefoged in the November, 1967, DECUS Proceedings. The complete programmed system is composed of a highly integrated set of executive control, input/output and functional routines which perform the above mentioned control and assist the operator during nuclear operations. ON-LINE NAVIGATION AND DATA LOGGING FOR THE MPL DEEP TOW Dr. Carl D. Lowenstein, Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Digeo, California ON-LINE DATA REDUCTION FROM CARY 14, 15, AND 60 SPECTROMETERS Martin S. Itzkowitz* and Barrett L. Tomlinson, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California The growth of a PDP-8 system used in conjunction with a towed oceanographic instrument package is described. The Deep Tow instrument carries sonar systems which measure its distance from the surface and from the bottom of the ocean, as well as its distance from several acoustic transponders fixed on the bottom. In addition, the Earth's magnetic field and the water temperature are measured at intervals. This data is telemetered to the towing sh ip and recorded there. The computer, as directed from the keyboard, performs ca leu lations on the transponder data to provide a position fix and plots this fix on an X-Y plotter when commanded. Simultaneously, in a background mode controlled by interrupts, the computer is gathering other sonar data, reading the magnetometer and temperature systems, processing this data, and logging it on punched paper tape. A 4K PDP-8/S computer with ASR-33 Teletype has been installed in this laboratory as the heart of an on-line data reduction system for the Cary 14, 15, and 60 spectrometers. Data flow is from the spectrometer through a set of Datex mechanical encoders through an interface designed to our specifications by Berkeley Scientific Laboratories through the computer and onto the Teletype both as printout and binary punchout. The software system includes a rapid averaging algorithm to eliminate high-frequency noise, a sl iding thirteen point least-squares curve fitting, a fully buffered I/o system and a versatile monitor which virtually el iminates the possibi Iity of unrecoverab Ie operator error. Several interfaces have been built to make the automatic data gathering possible, they will be described briefly. Software problems which have arisen during the operation of these two independent but simultaneous systems will be discussed, together with possible hardware additions to make the programmer IS task easier. A PROGRAMMED CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM FOR A NUCLEAR REACTOR J. R. Kosorok, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Washington A DEC PDP-7 has been interfaced with a nuclear reactor instrumentation and control system. The test reactor's electric heating system, rated at 384 kW, can heat it to 10000 C. Its graphite moderator is blanketed with pressurized nitrogen to inhibit oxidation. The digital computer directly controls the nitrogen and heating systems and provides operational aids for the reactor personnel. The central processor has 8K words of core storage and uti Iizes three DECtapes for bu Ik storage. In addition to the digital control hardware for over 100 analog and 190 digital inputs, two unique features are a three-color, alpha-numeric display and two six-decade analog-to-digital converter channels. A PDP-8/S AS A PROCESS-TESTING CONTROLLER FOR MANUFACTURE OF TANTALUM THIN-FILM T-PAD ATTENUATORS H. D. Marshall* and R. L. Siegel, Western Electric Company, Inc., Allentown, Pennsylvania A PDP-8/S forms the nucleus of a complex anodizertester for the manufacture of T- Pad Attenuators. Th is paper describes the basic problems of anodizing and testing tantalum resistors and the design consideration of hardware and software to meet this task. The hardware coverage in this discussion is limited to basic descriptions of the peripheral equ ipment to allow a more thorough treatment of the Software Logic. Eleven closed loops were controlled with a digital simulation of a proportional-plus- integral controller I wh ich 4 WEATHER AND A PDP-8/S the c:(-spectra, and recording each spectrum on DECtape and IBM cards when it is found to be statistically valid. T. McGovern* and R. E. Archinuk, Assessment, Computing and Instrumentation Branch, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Pinawa, Manitoba, Canada *This work was performed under the auspices of the U . S. Atom i c Energy Comm iss ion • THE PRINTING DENSITY ANAL VZER: A SYSTEM FOR PROCESS CONTROL The meterological system at Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment includes several instruments for measuring wind speed, wind direction, temperature and solar radiation. The instruments were interfaced with a PDP-8/s computer to obtain the data in real time. The data was processed to give mean values over a la-minute interval once per hour. The results were printed and punched in a code su itable for further analysis in the computer center. The problems encountered before and after installation are discussed. William A. Minnick* and Charles M. StaseYi !tek Corporation, Lexington, Massachusetts The printing density analyzer is a system designed to rapidly scan photographic film to determine emulsion density characteristics needed for the dupl ication printing process. The system data acqu isition and function control problems lend themselves to an elegant solution through the implementation of a small generalpurpose digital computer (PDP-8/1). DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL OF A SPECTROPHOTOFLUORIMETER The authors discuss a general software approach to the development of this real time, interrupt-driven system. Solutions to specific hardware and software problems will be discussed and resu Its wi II be demonstrated. The paper will conclude with a discussion of the management approach employed to minimize the final cost of programming and implementing the computer into the system. Robert H. Mc Kay*, Frank Neu, and Myron Myers, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii An interface between a spectrophotofluorimeter built in this laboratory and a standard PDP-8/s computer will be described. The interface utilizes DEC modules, stepper motors for wavelength and polarizer positioning, and a Hewlett-Packard #2401-C Integrating Digital Voltmeter for data acquisition. Light source fluctuations are controlled using a mon itor on the incident light, a v-f converter, and feeding this in as an external time base for the DVM. A MULTI-STATION DATA ACQUISiTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM Thomas H. Rau* and Howard Borer, The Dikewood Corporation, Albuquerque, New Mexico The presentation is broken into three major sections: A. System Design and Control - Covering the basic system design, creation of the system in a IIfresh-start II situation, and the overall system control operation. Software developed for this application will also be described briefly. The instrument is capable of plotting either corrected fluorescence excitation or polarization spectra, with a data collection interval as low as O. 5mjJ. B. Multi-station Data Acquisition - Covering the data acquisition process, optional interrupt processes, reformatted data-storage, and restart capability. C. Data Reduction (Qual ity Control) - Covering report generation, data history file creation, data control information changes, and system shut down. AUTOMATED ALPHA PULSE ANALYSIS - PART 11* G. G. McMillan* and J. E. Evans, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, Cal ifornia A MODULAR ANALOG DIGITAL INPUT SYSTEM (ADIOS) FOR ON-LINE COMPUTERS A computer program has been written to control the accumulation of alpha particle spectra by several pulse height analyzers. This program was written specifically for a 4K PDP-8. The computer is equipped with DECtape, an ASR-33 Teletype, an IBM 526 Card Punch, and one to four Nuclear Data ND-130 Pulse Height Analyzers. Each pulse height analyzer contains 512 channels that are spl it into four quadrants of 128 channe Is each. Each quadrant is equipped with a six-position automatic sample changer, thus as many as 96 samples can be programmed for spectral analysis. Significant features of the program include the acceptance of identification and control information from the Teletype, rotation of the sample changer to the correct position, periodic integration of D.A.H. Robinson*, R. W. Kerr, H. P. Lie, and G. L. Miller, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murray Hi II, New Jersey A system is described which is designed to permit the user of an on-I ine computer to achieve a desired hardware configuration with a high degree of flexibility. The system uses modular plug-in units inserted in bins which are interconnected by a common two-way analog and digital data bus. The system is designed for a PDP-8 computer and can be expanded, as needed, to hand:e up to 60 modules. The modules, which were designed to provide a simple, 5 flexibility of subroutine usage, a linking loader, and an easily modified executive routine. low cost means of analog and digital measurement and control, are of four types. These are a digital inputoutput register, a scaler, a relay bank, and a power supply. The design of the modules takes advantage of the versati I ity of the computer in a number of ways, including previsions to allow the computer to check each modu Ie for proper operation. A presentation of the hardware and software parameters considered in establishing a computer-controlled data acquisition system for general purpose use will be given. A description of how VIDAC meets these requirements, followed by three specific examples of V IDAC's use encompassing widely varying data acquisition requirements, will be presented. Several system configurations are described. Included are examples of the use of the system to automate such things as the testing of spacecraft experimental hardware, and the measurement of Hall effect coefficients over an extended temperature range. A FLEXIBLE DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL SYSTEM UTILIZING A PDP-sis (This paper will also be presented at a session of the FJCC on Laboratory Automation.) G. E. Stokes* and D. R. Staples, Idaho Nuclear Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho EXPO, A FLEXIBLE PDP-S DATA-ACQUISITION PROGRAM A multi-scaler data acquisition system with sensing and feedback controls to the experimental devices has been designed around a PDP-sis computer. This system has been used on a number of experiments with a variety of control requ irements. In each case the configuration was integrated into the experimental setup with a minimum of hardware changes. The computer interface includes four 12 bit scalers, a real time clock, a 10 bit ADC, a 6 bit relay divider, pulse generators for driving pulsed motors, and a 10 bit DAC. The interface will be described and techniques for programming the device for different experimental requirements will be discussed. Bruce Arne Sherwood, Synchrotron Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California EXPO is a program for a 4K PDP-S with EAE wh ich reads various kinds of data from experimental apparatus, optionally logs data on magnetic tape, and accumulates one- or two-dimensional histograms of selected variables. From the Teletype keyboard the user defines which variables are to be histogrammed and under what conditions; variable names are four-letter mnemonics and numerical parameters are decimal. Also, from the keyboard the user may call for Teletype or scope output of histograms with some control of format; output may occur simultaneously with data acqu isition. EXPO proved very useful in a high-energy physics experiment and may have wider applicability. COMPUTER CONTROL OF HYDRAULIC TESTS L. A. Thomas, New Brunswick Research and Productivity Council, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada This paper describes the use of a PDP-siS computer in obtaining the characteristics of hydraulic pumps, motors, and transmission systems. The aim of this work is to provide a rapid and accurate method for carrying out such tests. REAL TIME ACQUISITION AND DISPLAY OF MASS SPECTRA P. D. Siemens, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California Some of the interface problems, methods of handling the data, and programming techniques which are peculiar to th is type of system are discussed. A program package has been deve loped to perform real time data acquisition and display from a mass spectrometer. In this particular case the data acquisition routine performs multisumm ing-scal ing; but, with minor changes, the package could do signal averaging or pulse height analysis. A programm ing language has been written, making use of macros and an operating system, which provides the user with a powerful test, control, and data acquisition system. QUEUE STRUCTURES IN A PDP-9 DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM Through a keyboard mon itor, the operator has complete control of the experiment with a variety of commands avai lable to him. Among these are commands which provide for: control of the data acquisition, real time log or linear displays, data output on paper tape, Teletype, DECtape, or Calcomp, and data reduction (peak stripping and the calculation of isotope ratios). Barry L. Wolfe* and Sol B. Metz, Information Control Systems, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan The paper describes methods of implementation of a data acquisition system in a manufacturing environment on an SK PDP-9 with DECtapes. The system maintains piece counts and updates production schedu les, logs production equipment, states changes, reports exception conditions, and processes real-time inquiries. The system uti lizes queue structure for in-process data in order to conserve and dynamically allocate core storage. VIDAC - A DATA ACQUISITION PROGRAM Robert W. Skyles* and Noel P. Lyons, VIDAR Corporation, Mountain View, California VIDAC is a data acquisition system program for the non-sophisticated computer user. Its features include 6 EDUCATION SESSION laboratory experiments and research into many aspects of digital computer engineering. A GENERALIZATION OF COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION Equipment available includes small-scale digital computers, analog computers, logic labs, and data sets. The laboratory also contains two unique devices interfaced to a PDP-8. They are the IIMicro-8 11 (a device for external control of PDP-8 internal micro-operations) and a powerful patchboard-oriented logic breadboard device. Dr. Ludwig Braun, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Biooklyn, New York Also described is the method by which this equipment is integrated with a sequence of computer engineering courses offered in the Department to provide extensive laboratory experience in such areas as small computer programming (PDP-8 and L1NC-8), computer organization and operation (Micro-8), logical design (logic labs and special patchboard device), and hybrid computer systems (L1NC-8/AD-24). A description is given of the Huntington Computer Project, its objectives, and its methods of operation. Its ob jectives are: 1. To explore the potential impact of the computer on learning in high school courses in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and social studies. In this project, the computer is used as a high-flexible laboratory rather than as a IIprogrammed-instrumentalll device. THE IIMICRO-8 11 2. To explore the relative merits of time-shared and stand-alone computing. Fred F. Coury, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 3. To attempt to determine the differential effect, if any, of socio-economic condition on the learning experience of participating students. The IIMicro-8 11 is a device designed to demonstrate and provide insight into the detai led internal operation of a digital computer, specifically a PDP-8. It consists of a pushbutton control panel, minimal internal circuitry, connecting cables, and wiring additions to a standard PDP-8. Some of the programs already written and under development are described. A compiler and operating system which implements the full capability of BASIC on a PDP-8/1 is described. The pushbuttons are so arranged on an illustrated front panel, outl in ing the major functional blocks of the PDP-8, that they show the micro-operations which can be performed on and befween the various blocks. Pushing the appropriate button causes the desired operation to be performed actually within the PDP-8. CAl APPLICAT ION AT STANFORD Dow Brian, Institute of Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California Toggle switch registers simulate data input buses, and the resu Its of an operation are visible in the PDP-8 console indicators. External logk can be used in place of the pushbuttons, allowing student-designed control units to manipulate the PDP-8 registers. This paper describes the system configuration designed to run several hundred Teletype terminals in computer-assisted instruction. Particu!ar emphasis is given to the method of generating audio output. Many CAl appl ications, such as elementary reading and foreign language, require computercontrolled speech to be maximally effective. When the IIMicro-8 11 is disabled, it has no effect on the standard operation of the PDP-8 to which it is connected. A vocabulary is constructed by digitizing individual words and storing them on a disk file. Messages are then constructed in real-time by outputting sequences of words through a specially constructed digital-to-analog multiplexer channel. The system resources and software necessary to operate 72 audio stations simultaneously with other CAl and time sharing activities are described in detail. A PATCHBOARD-ORIENTED DIGITAL LOGIC BREADBOARD Fred F . Coury, Department of Electrica I Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Fred F. Coury, Department of Elec,trical Engineering, Un iversity of Mi chigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan This paper describes a prototype patchboard breadboarding device currently in use at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan. The purpose of the device is to allow students to carryon advanced digital design projects in parallel and with minimal equipment expenditure. This paper describes a laboratory faci Iity currently in use at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan. This facility provides for a wide range of The patchboard-oriented device can be compared, in principle, to a standard DEC Logic Lab but is much more powerful in many respects. It provides many more THE COMPLETE COMPUTER ENGINEERING LABORATORY 7 avai lable module positions, a much greater range of support functions, a greatly expanded control panel, access to all standard PDP-SI/O lines and IIMicro-S II control lines. is investigated. The algorithm of the solutions and the manipulations of the matrix equations are programmed utilizing direct access devices. Results of this investigation indicate that the rate of convergence of the method decreases rather rapidly with increase in the number of variable parameters both in the linear and nonlinear theory of plates. Results showing the effect of each of the plate parameters on the rate and pattern of convergence are plotted graphically. The principal difference, however, is that all of these signals are mapped into a 34 by 66 pin patchboard receptacle. This allows for off-line wiring of several devices on removable patchboards and time sharing of the main facility for on-line debugging and demonstration. CONVERSATIONAL BASIC ON THE PDP-S LINE Devices built using this facility are described, and an extension of the patchboard concept is discussed. Bud R. Pembroke and Dave Gillette, Computer Instruction NETWORK, Salem, Oregon This paper will concern itself with the use of CINET -BASIC in the classroom. It will include sample problems and a discussion of the variations between this BAS IC and other existing BAS IC languages. CINET -BAS IC (Computer Instruction NETwork's BAS IC) was written using FOCAL's subroutines for the standard PDP-S series with 4K memory and ASR-33 Teletype. A LIMITED MULTI-TERMINAL SYSTEM FOR CAl Daivd A. Ensor, Department of Computer Applications, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario, Canada The paper describes a suite of PDP-9 programs to provide a multi-terminal "CAIII faci I ity for both laboratory experimental use and also to give interested school boards the opportun ity for some on-I ine experience. The OISE configuration is briefly outl ined, and both the author language and its processors are discussed in addition to the mu Iti-access software and the batch-time system. It is hoped eventually to run up to 64 terminals through a I ine concentrator with the system as a foreground program under the Advanced Software System. Panel Discussion TRAUMA INVOLVED IN STARTING A NEW COMPUTER SCIENCE PROGRAM AT A UNIVERSITY Dr. Wayne A. Muth, Moderator Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois LOGO - A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FOR CHILDREN, TEACHERS, AND MATHEMATICIANS Discussion would include curriculum and program requirements; options and/or electives within a program; Ph.D. vs. M.S. vs. V.S. vs. two-year technical programs (trade-offs and considerations); staffing requ irements; interaction with other departments; startup of a new program us i ng ava i Iab Ie person ne I, courses, and other resources. Wallace Feurzeig, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Massachusetts Logo was expressly designed as the starting point for a new kind of curriculum in which programming languages are used to provide a conceptual framework for the teaching of mathematics. The structure of Logo embodies mathematically important ideas with minimal interference from programming conventions. It permits the expression of mathematically rich non-numerical algorithms as well as numerical ones. It can be introduced to third-graders, for simple tasks, with relative ease. Carried forward, it may contribute markedly toward increasing Iiteracy in the skills of logical thinking and expression. PATTERN AND RATE OF CONVERGENCE OF THE PERTURBATION TECHNIQUE IN THE TREATMENT OF LINEAR AND NONLINEAR PLATE PROBLEMS Dr. S. F. Ng, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada An approximate method based on the Perturbation technique is used to solve the small and large deflection problems of the bending of circular, elliptical and skewed plates resting on an elastic support. The influence of the variable parameters such as the plate aspect ratio, skew angle, poisson's ratio and foundation modulus on the pattern of convergence S USE OF A PDP-8/s COMPUTER FOR ON-LINE MONITORING AND CONTROL OF BLOOD GLUCOSE I N HUMAN SUBJECTS BIOMEDICAL SESSION Arnold Henry Kadish, M.D.*, and Robert L. Litle, Ph.D., Cedars Sinai Medical Center Research Institute, Los Angeles, California ARBUS - AUTOMATED RESERVATION AND BED UTILIZATION SYSTEM During the past several years, a continuous mon itor for blood glucose has been used to study the response of human subjects to various inputs thus providing data for model ing the human homeostatic system. Recently, a PDP-8/s computer has been incorporated into the system making possible on-line reduction of the data. In addition, a control system has been developed whereby computer derived control signals regu late glucose infusion rates to the subject. This has made possible more detailed studies of human natural control mechanisms. Robert P. Abbott* and Judith Ford, Research Data Faci Iity of the Pacific Medical Center and the Institute of Medical Sciences, San Francisco, California ARBUS was originally designed to meet the two specific hospital needs as implied in the name . Subsequently, the goals were modified to include other scheduling, inventory, and communication needs within the hospital environment. The system employs the concept of a small computer at the hospital site with a communication I ink to a larger computer located elsewhere. Terminals located throughout the hospital are connected to a small computer-the PDP-8. SIMULTANEOUS FILE PROCESSING AND PATIENT MONITORING WITH A PDP-8/1 DIAGNOSTIC USES OF AVERAGED EVOKED POTENTIAL IN CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHIATRY M. J. McKeown* and R. Bush, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Chicago Lying-In Hospital, Chicago, Illinois There is increasing recognition that one of the more effective ways to fully utilize the capabilities of the large versatile third-generation computers is with local small processors for data concentration and transm iss ion. Dr. Enoch Callaway, Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, San Francisco, California Over the past four or five years, small high-speed digital computers have been used to process human brain waves in a variety of ways that have potential clinical value. The usual procedure has been to digitize a set of potentials from the head and treat these by a variety of techniquesthe most popular of which is averaging sequences of potentials with each sequence having the same time relation to some recurrent event. These averages, frequently referred to as Averaged Evoked Potentials or AEP's, have been put to a variety of uses. The purpose of this paper is to review some of these uses. The Chicago Lying-In Hospital is investigating the effectiveness of automated data processing in improving prenatal care. Main file processing is done on a 360150. An on-line subset resides on DECtape on the PDP-8/1. This subset is accessed through a Teletype on the labor floor. Initial development in on-line monitoring of high-risk obstetric patients has been accomplished with a L1NC-8. l 1 McKeown, M. J.; Bush, R.; and Domizi, D.; A computer system for the monitoring of intensive care obstetric patients. J. Reprod. Med. 3: 275-277 (1968). LIFE WITH A LABORATORY COMPUTER SYSTEM Communication to the 360150 by the PDP-8/1 is over Dataphone into a dedicated 4K partition. Irwin R. Etter, The Mason CI inic, Seattle, Washington The Laboratory of the Mason Clinic and Virginia Mason Hospital has used a totally dedicated computer system for the past two and a half years. During that time the laboratory staff has become highly dependent on the functioning of the computer. Despite great increases in work load in the laboratory, the size of the staff has been held constant, with a decrease in direct I ine personnel. The use of the computer allows the staff to pay greater attention to the technical aspects of the laboratory while the computer handles an ever growing portion of the clerical chores. The role of the computer is continually being modified as our experience increases. These changes are· due to both the techn ica I changes in the laboratory and to revision of our concepts of the role of the computer. The success of our program is due to the high reliability of the computer system as well as the widespread interest in data processing among the staff. FLIRT - FILE LANGUAGE IN REAL TIME K. R. Morin, St. Paul IS Hospital Laboratory, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada FLIRT, an intermediate-level language which directs file transactions between Teletype, core, and DECtape is being developed for the PDP-9. A FLIRT fi Ie may contain any number of records; each record contains alphanumeric elements of variable length (6-bit characters)i an element can be a simple item or another record (nesting limited to 4-deep). Each file is stored in as many 64-word blocks on DECtape as necessary. 9 FLIRT contains abour 20 verbs, e. g., ASK (ask question on Teletype and store response in core), MOVE (move item{s) from one record to another in core), WRNFL (write a new file on DECtape), and LOCREC (locate a record on DECtape which meets the specified conditions). Four verbs direct movements to/from a queue-buffer area. Record formats and most mnemonics are user-defined. The FLIRT subroutines will occupy about 5 K of PD P-9 core. v isua I d isp Iay and photom i crogra ph i c images, and (3) photomicrograph pro jector . Significant contributions in this system are in the use of a Iight pen with visual display as a data inputting device instead of mere functional control of the computer via interrupt mode and in the optical image superposition technique. The boundary of a cell or nucleolus is traced with a light pen, and the area is computed immediately within three percent. Real microscopic image is also successfully processed with CCTV. A COMPUTER CONTROLLED SARCOMERE LENGTH CLAMP Paul J. Paolini, Jr., Division of Biological Sciences, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia An experimental method has been devised to allow computercontrolled determination of the stress-strain curve which characterizes the series elastic component (SEC) of an excised vertebrate striated muscle. This information is used to derive a shortening vs. time waveform of the muscle1s SEC during an isometric twitch: the calcu lated curve is then mechanically appl ied to the muscle during a twitch so that, on the average, no SEC shortening occurs and contractile component elements (the sarcomeres) remain at constant length. The muscle1s tension and volume change vs. time waveforms are recorded with this condition imposed. The system employed to control and monitor contraction parameters (with length, tension, and volume transducers) consists of a 4K PDP-8 computer, a multiplexed AFOl A A-to-D Converter, a set of programcontrolled relays, and a Type 34D Display to provide the analog input for a servo motor which sets muscle length, as well as to interface a display oscilloscope and X-Y recorder. Program output consists of many keyboard selectable types of waveform displays, each with alphanumeric display of cal ibrated sensitivities and time scales. A DESIGN CRITERIA FOR DDC SYSTEM FOR ULTRASONIC IRRADIATION OF BRAIN Dr. Hideo Seo, Biophysical Research Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, III inois Ultrasonic irradiation for quantitative neuroanatomy at BRL requires 0.001 inch accuracy positioning of the transducer so that carefu Ily controlled lesion can be introduced without destroying the interven ing brain tissue except at its focal point. The above operation is done manually until the forthcoming use of automatic DDC System to prevent human errors and reduce operation time. This paper presents the basic procedures and steps desired for optimum system design for automatic irradiation. The associated hardware for the PDP-8 interface and software programs both for the system diagnostics and for the routine operating procedures are discussed. OBTAINING A CASE HISTORY BY COMPUTER Theodore R. Sarbin, Human Factors Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California In the course of an initial visit, an optometrist obtains a case history from the patient. This paper describes a program and allied hardware devices which are used to obtain this information directly from the patient. This Computer Generated Audio System using a PDP-8 may be used for any type of interrogation, including general patient history. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY OF AN INTEGRATED LABORATORY-HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM Garth Thomas, Systems Research Department, The Ohio State University Hospitals, Columbus, Ohio The integration of a Laboratory Information System being developed within the larger framework of a Hospital Information System will be presented. Using a small L1NC-8 computer to perform the required functions within the clinical laboratories and divorcing its operation from any required hospital functions, provides the maximum flexibil ity in its uti I ization within the laboratory operation. Whereas, those functions which can be performed more conveniently and economically by a central computer facility can be used to maximum advantage without any major effect upon efficient operation of the laboratory. The significant consequences, advantages, and disadvantages wi II be discussed within the framework of the genera I system design phi losophy employed. System demonstrations in Berkeley can be arranged upon request. AN APPROACH TO MICRO-IMAGE ENCODING AND AREA SCANNING OF THE CELLS OR NUCLEOLI OF BRAIN Dr. Hideo Seo, Biophysical Research Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois A new system consists of the three subsystems, namely, (1) PDP338 - PDP-8, (2) optical system which overlays 10 INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS SESSION therefore, designed using: 1 ~ hybrid computation multiplying digital-analog converters and summing ampl ifiers, 2. data-compression by storing 6-bit X and 6-bit Y deflections in a single word, and 3. adoption of databreak data-transfer under control of an automatic-sequence-plotting interface. GRAPHICS - TERMINAL COMMUNICATIONS PACKAGE This interface permits highly-detailed, realistic contactanalog displays to be generated on line whi Ie sti II Barry R. Borgerson, Project Genie, University of California, Berkeley, California a! lowing central-processor time for performance evalu- ation. The SDS-940 user program communicates with the display hardware through a commun i cat ions package operating between the SDS-940 and a PDP-5 whidi shares memory with the display controller. By transferring and buffering all data and control words, the communications package handles the timing problems for the user. Hardware and software problems will be discussed. FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM TECHNIQUES USING A DRUM FOR MEMORY EXTENSION Ric C. Davies, Phillips Petroleum Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho With the aid of an unpluggable hardware addition, the PDP-5 runs under an interrupt monitor which handles all of the I/o for its end of the communications package. A fast Fourier transform subroutine package which is FORTRAN compatible has been developed for a basic PDP-9 computer to transform any type of discrete data. A 128K RM09 serial drum is used to readi Iy access and store the data during computation of the fast Fourier transform. A 339 Display unit is used to display the original data and the transformed data separately or simultaneously for comparison. A paper tape punch option suppl ies the user with permanent copies of portions or of all the data. The actual transmission between the two computers is done over a high-speed, half-duplex Iink and a lowspeed, full-duplex path. All of the transfers over the half-duplex line are set up on the low-speed path. AN EXECUTIVE FOR A REMOTE INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS TERMINAL A SEISMIC DATA ANALYSIS CONSOLE Claudia G. Conn* and Pamela T. Hughes, Computer Sciences Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama Philip L. Fleck, M.1. T. Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts This paper describes the development of an executive system for a PDP-9/339 used as a graphics terminal remoted to a tr i pie processor UN IV AC 11 08. It includes the design of a higher-level interactive programming language which is processed interpretively by the executive system. This language allows the programmer to monitor, direct, and respond to operator actions at the scope and to communicate with the central site computer without requiring any knowledge of the terminal hardware or software. This executive system handles all I/o, interrupts, allocation of free storage, tracking, and display file management. DESIGN AND USE OF A DATABREAK DISPLAY FACILITY FOR PDP-8 A software system for a PDP-7 digital computer with a cathode ray tube display has been designed to process seismic data. The system perm its quick visual inspection of digitized data and allows easy appl ication of powerfu I programs wh ich operate on the digitized data or on the resu Its of previously used programs. Some operations which can be performed are: epicenter location, beamforming, magnitude, complexity and spectral ratio computation, filtering, autocorrelation, Fourier transformation, sonogram generation, and automatic event detection. A human operator is in the processing loop, inspecting the output at each step before applying the next. This system has greatly increased the speed and efficiency of much of our seismic data processing. E. R. F. W. Crossman, Ph. D., Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of Ca Iifornia, Berke ley, Cal iforn ia REAL-TIME COMPUTING WITHIN A TIMESHARING SYSTEM Peter Hurley, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts Our current research requires the use of contact-analog displays simulating the motion of a landscape as seen in perspective from a moving automobile or other vehicle. By employing geometrical approximations and table-look-up methods, it proved possible to generate . only marginally adequate displays using the Type 34D display-controller. An improved display controller was, Th is paper describes the capab iii ty of the PD P-l 0 to perform on-line, real-time tasks concurrently with time-sharing activity. The PDP-10 is not limited to a single real-time job, nor is it Iimited to running 11 solely in a background batch mode during real-time operation. While hand ling several real-time jobs, such as on-line process control or data acquisition, the PDP-10 system can support a complete time-sharing service including simultaneous data processing jobs, batch jobs, and program development. Of prime importance is the consideration of the general real-time problems including high priority scheduling and real-time queues. The paper discussed the implementation of some of these real-time features and is supplemented by examples of the techniques employed at existing PDP-10 installations. The paper concludes with a description of the design goals for a multi-user, real-time system which allows the running and testing of undebugged real-time jobs without degrading the performance of other jobs. A SIMPLE NEW DISK MONITOR SYSTEM FOR THE PDP-8 Theodore R. Sarbin* and Richard A. Roth, Human Factors Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California A simple disk based Real Time Monitor System is described. Some of the criteria used in designing the system are discussed as well as the command language developed. The system is based on a one half million word Datadisc and a 4K PDP-8. INTERACTIVE DEBUGGING UNDER SIMULATION GRAPHIC SOFTWARE SYSTEM USING A PDP-9/339 SUPPORTED BY AN RM09 DRUM David J. Waks, Applied Data Research, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey Glen C. Johnson, Atomic Energy Division, Phillips Petroleum Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho Debugging programs for small computers is hindered by the lack of adequate memory, proper hardware, and peripheral equipment on the machine on which these programs are ultimately to be run. This paper proposes that comprehensive simulators for small computers be developed expl icitly for interactive debugging and be run on larger computers with adequate memory, peripherals and hardware to completely check out the program written for the small computer. This technique has been used at ADR for over two years, debugging large, real-time PDP-8 programs on a PD P-7 . A package of PDP-9 subroutines have been developed to facilitate the use of the 339 Display and conserve storage by creating display files on the RM09 drum. This package requires 270010 PDP-9 core locations, an RM09 drum, and a 339 Display unit. These subroutines are both MACRO-9 and FORTRAN IV compatible and create display fi les in vector, text, and graphplot modes with parameters. Routines to initial ize the 339 and service the Iight pen and function box are provided. A file swapping technique, from drum to core, permits execution of large fi les of display commands in a small core buffer. THE USE OF COORDINATE MEASURING MACHINES FOR THE DIRECT PRODUCTION OF N/C MACHINE TOOL TAPES INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS APPLIED TO THE REDUCTION AND INTERPRETATION OF SENSOR DATA Neale F. Koenig, Information Control Systems, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan Charlton M. Walter, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, L. G. Hanscom Fie Id, Bedford, Massa c huse tts Digitizer appl ications of Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM 's) are directed toward the production of N/C tape for machining complex two- and three-dimensional part configurations. This task is best performed in a man-computer coal ition, i. e '/ the man directs the CMM over the part and the computer performs the mathematical computations and translation of data to the desired tape format. The potential and limitation of various modes of man-machine interaction, involving keyboards, light pencils and color displays will be discussed and illustrated in the context of the signal data reduction, model ing, and interpretation problem area, The requirement for manipulating large bases of sensor data imposes serious constraints on the abi! ity of any interactive system to satisfy such incompatible requirements as flexibility of modes of interaction, speed of interaction, and abili-ty to admit multiple users. Slides and short movie sequences will be shown to demonstrate both the a advantages and drawbacks of a number of "problemoriented II modes of interaction. The uti Iity of various types of data display, such as classical isometric signal representation, will be contrasted with more abstract projection in N-space techniques. In order to achieve the most cost effective (i. e., low cost, high effectivity) hardware system, a great deal of concern must be paid to the development of associated computer software. Thus, such techniques as foreground/ background and priority interrupt processing must occur to effect total utilization of a small, inexpensive on-line computer interfaced to the CMM. Such a system has been developed for the production of N/C machine tapes to digitize turbine blades and is fully described in the text. 12 PDP-9 WORKSHOP 2. Multi-user FOCAL system which may operate as the Foreground or Background job under control of the B/F Monitor System. 3. PDP-9T TIME-SHARING: PROGRESS REPORT #3 The 339 Software Package. On Saturday, December 14, 1968, the PDP-9 equipped with 32K of core memory, API, EAE, Memory Protect, LT19 with four KSR-33 Teletypes and five DECtapes along with knowledgeable DEC personnel will be available the entire day for the purposes of problem solving and specific demonstrations. D. M. Forsyth* I Un iversity of Vermont, Burl ington, Vermont! and M. M. Taylor, Defence Research Estab Iishment Toronto, Downsv iew, Ontar io, Canada The paper assumes acquaintance with "PDP-9T: TimeS har i ng for the Rea 1-Time Laboratory II (T ay Ior, Forsyth, and Sel igman, Proceedings of the DECUS 1967 Fall Symposium). We report a significant set of alterations to the hardware specifications and progress on two separate monitor systems. The hardware changes dramatically reduce core usage and disc-swapping overhead for shared pure procedures by providing 64-word "supplementary memory blocks II within the monitor space. A supplementary memory block may be accessed only by a task which "owns" or "Ieases" it, but such a task accesses it as readi Iy as the task accesses its own main working memory. Supplementary memory may be read-only or read-write, but no program material may be executed in it. It is intended for the impure parts of pure procedures executed in read-only pages of the working memory. The same hardware modification expands the possible independent entry points to Vector Service Routines from 256 to 16,384. OPERATING THE KEYBOARD MONITOR SYSTEM FROM A DISK C. W. Richardson, Atomic Energy Division, Phillips Petroleum Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho The Disk Monitor Program is designed to allow efficient use of a disk or drum by the Keyboard Mon itor System. A basic PDP-9 with DECtape and any size drum or disk is sufficient to operate the monitor. DECtape is used for permanent storage. There is no need for protected or reserved areas for system programs since only those programs being used need be on the disk. System and user programs and user data sets are transferred from the DECtape to the disk for fast access by the computer. The time required for such tasks as program editing and compil ing can be reduced by a fa ctor of 10 • The time-sharing software is being done in two stages. A "minimonitor," currently being debugged, will be used to permit simple multiprogramming for real-time users and as a test bed for modu Ies of a lima i n mon itor II which will supersede it next year. The minimonitor supports multiprogramming only among user machines which reside totally in core and does not permit "pageturning. II With the later addition of disc-swapping for entire user machines, the minimonitor system should support one or two fast-response experiments simultaneously with 3-4 conversational mode Teletype-controlled programs plus a batch-processing background operation. The Guaranteed Maximum Latency structure (Taylor, Forsyth, and Seligman, op.cit.) will not be implemented in the minimonitor but forms the basis of scheduling for the main monitor. REVISED SUBROUTINE LIBRARY FOR EAE PDP-9 Turner~ E. C. Itean, and Paul Manos, NASALewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio L. R. A new Iibrary of subroutines for floating-point arithmetic and mathemati ca I fun ct ions has been spec i fied and is nearly complete. As of September 5 it is undergoing tests for compatabil ity with the existing FORTRAN compi ler. It is expected that the function library, except perhaps for exponentiation, will have been tuned up and well tested by December. The complete specifications will be briefly reviewed, and modifications for the user who wishes to use only single or only double precision operations will be discussed as will proposed (hopefully minor) modifications to the compiler and executive system. PDP-9 MONITOR SYSTEM WORKSHOP David Leney and James Murphy, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts This lecture, discussion session, and demonstration is directed towards the presentation of major new developments in the PDP-9 ADVANCED Software System and towards the solution of existing trouble areas of genera I concern. FASBAC PDP-9 TIME SHARING OPERATING SYSTEM V. J. Zapotocky, University Computing Company, Dallas, Texas The U. C.C. FASBAC System provides for remote access to a general-purpose file editing capability and a string handling programming language. Input files may be UNIVAC 1108 program files or data files which are to be subm itted throu~h direct access to run on the 1108. The new developments include: 1. Background/Foreground (two user time sharing) Mon itor System. 13 The time-sharing operating system has been implemented on a 32K PDP-9 with a 524K drum and a specially built controller to allow sharing of a FASTRAND mass storage device with the 1108 and direct core-to-core transfers betw~en the PDP-9 and 1108. This paper consists of a functional description of the PDP-9 operating system and some implementation problems which should be of common interest to PD P-9 users. OS/8: OPERATING SYSTEM FOR PDP-8 Russell B. Ham, U.S. Public Health Service, Winchester, Massachusetts OS/8 is a DECtape-based operating system for the PDP-8 which includes a set of file management programs, loaders for absolute binary (PAL output and core-image saves) and relocatable binary (8K FORTRAN and SABR output), an editor (Symbolic Editor for 4K or TECO-8 for 8K), and an assembler (PAL-IV for 8K). PDP-8 WORKSHOP This discussion will deal with the file management programs which have the following properties: 1. System tape may be write-locked; all unit numbers may be utilized for reading or writing files. TS-8 MAG NETIC TAPE SYSTEM Charles R. Conkling, Jr., Infotec, Inc., Plainview, New York 2. Files need not occupy consecutive blocks on tape, and deleting a file does not disturb other files. This paper describes the Infotec. Inc., TS-8 Magnetic Tape System. This system allows the user to write and read IBM 7 Track Magnetic Tapes on the DEC PDP-8 family of computers. 3. program interrupt. 5. File directories may be listed selectively; system fi les are not listed. Program Subroutines (IBM BCD 7 track) 1. 2. 3. Read a b lock and store in Buffer area. Write a block from Buffer area. Tape Service (load Point, Rewind, Space). TECO-8: TEXT EDITOR AND CORRECTOR PROGRAM FOR THE PDP-8 B. Program Routines to Load Programs from Magnetic Tape. C. I/o uses 4. Six character fi Ie names plus one character fi Ie type identifiers may be reused without losing the earl ier fi les. It also describes the programs that will be submitted to the DECUS Program Library. These programs are as follows: A. System Russell B. Ham, U.S. Public Health Service, Winchester, Massachusetts Fundamentals of a Magnetic Tape Operating System. TECO is a sophisticated editor program which operates on character strings rather than I ines of test. This version is derived from the specifications for PDP-10 TECO with the following additions: ACCESSING DATA ARRAYS AND TELETYPE TEXT INPUT/OUTPUT 1. Separate Iine-oriented and character-oriented commands. David G • Frutchey, Beckman Instruments, Inc., Fullerton, California 2. Two subroutine packages were developed during a project regarding the measurement of the Acid-Base Balance of Human Blood in a real-time system environment. When used with any of the standard Floating Point Packages, these subroutines provide the user with a powerful, yet concise, programming methodology. The first subroutine package entitled "Array Accessing Subroutine Package" permits the user to access both fixed and floating point data located anywhere in the first 2K (K= 1024) words of core storage regard less of page overlap. Both data storage and retrieval can be performed on terms analogous to singly-subscripted FORTRAN array terms such as "ARRAY(a* J±b)." The second subroutine package, entitled "TTY TEXT I/o," provides a concise facility for text output (63 characters), character input', line spacing and page tabs. Application programming examples are included. A Replace command. 3. Commands to load a Q-register or produce output directly. 4. Extensive formatting of console Teleprinter output. 5. Abi Iity to specify sets of strings in a Search command. --6. Provision for lower-case USASC II characters. TECO-8 requires 8K or core and EAE; high speed reader and punch are very desirable. DECtape I/o under OS/8 (q.v.) is available from the author. All I/o is buffered and uses program interrupt. Ten Q-registers (aux i II iary text buffers or command macros) are provided. 14 Neurophysiological and statistical examples of appl ication will be shown that are more compact and faster than analogous programs written in PDP-8 FORTRAN. A DISC ORIENTED REAL-TIME EXECUTIVE FOR THE PDP-8/S COMPUTER W. T. Lyon, ·Aluminum Company of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania TSS/8: GENERAL PURPOSE TIME-SHARED PDP-8 This Executive was written to operate in a real-time environment for process control. Don Witcraft, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts The original version of the program provides 12 levels of priority. It allows for up to 115 separate programs allocated to various priority levels. It decodes 24 process interrupts and provides 24 software timers. This will be a presentation of the TSS/8 including: In addition, the system has a keyboard mon itor to perform such utility functions as binary punch and octal dumps of core or disc. Restructuring of the system can be accompl ished by reassembly. 1. phi losophy of design, 2. philosophy of implementation, 3. operational characteristics, and 4. I ibrary programs included under TSS/8. A question period and demonstration will follow. AUTOMATIC SUBROUTINE LINKAGE ACROSS CORE BANKS IN A PDP-8 Joseph Rodnite, Information Control Systems, San Francisco, California PDP-6/10 WORKSHOP The problems associated with automatic subroutine linkage between core banks are manyfold. The basic problem is that the machine word has 12 bits available for an address and the addresses are greater than 1 2 bits. The algorithm presented is used in the implementation of the 8K FORTRAN compi ler. The problem is approached from an assembly language level and extends through the loader and resident operating system. An understanding of the memory extension hardware is necessary to fu Ily understand the a Igorithm presented. SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION INTERFACE FOR THE PDP-10 Norman Housley, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada Most remote card reader/printer terminals (whether computer or wired logic controlled) commercially available utilize the synchronous communication method of data transm iss ion . The PDP-10 hardware/software presently does not support such devices. The University computing center is committed to providing remote job entry facil ities using card reader/printer terminals. Data rates of up to 2400 bits per second (using the 201 B data set) are contemplated. TMF - A PROCEDURAL SOFTWARE PACKAGE FOR BIOMEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS ON THE PDP-8 Fred R. Sias, Jr.*, and Allan B. Wilson, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi A solution to this requirement is the use of additional Teletype receiver/transmitter modules (DEC W-706/707) as a front end to the PDP-10 data line scanner. The present scheme uses two receivers and two transmitters in addition to one scanner channel. This system gives almost a full character time for the software to service the synchronous line as opposed to the existing system which allows approximately 1 1/2 bit times for servicing. Programmers using high-level compilers such as FORTRAN find the procedural capabilities of the language at least as useful as the arithmetical features. While floating point arithmetic software packages are usually provided by computer manufacturers to ease the programming effort when using assembly languages, analogous procedural packages are usually not available. TMF is a procedural software package including an Input-Output Control System (IOCS-8) for use with the PAL III or MACRO-8 assembly systems on the PDP-8 series of machines. A number of definitions are added to the permanent symbol table of each assembler to permit execution of procedural subroutines analogous to FORTRAN statements such as IF, GOTO, DO, READ, WRITE, CALL, and RETURN. A keyboard monitor and relocating loader is included in the basic system. RAPID PROGRAM GENERATION USING THE DEC PDP-6/10 TIME-SHARING MONITOR William F. Weiher, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and Richard P. Gruen, Digital Equipment Corporation, Palo Alto, Cal iforn ia Rapid Program Generation on the PDP-6/10 has been made possible by the addition of five commands to the 15 DEC Time-Sharing Mon itor. These commands (EXECUTE, DEBUG, COMPILE, LOAD, and CREF) allow the time-sharing user to specify the names of the programs which he wishes to use and then delegate to the Rapid Program Generation System the task of compiling, assembl ing, and loading these programs, as needed, without requiring the user to type CUSP commands. The implementation makes use of an RPG cusp and some small files on the disk; only nine additional instructions have been added to the Time-Sharing Monitor. new considerations. This paper will deal with three major areas of concern: the economics of using M-series vs. standard R-series, system design of I/o using T2L logic for interfacing on-line control and data acquisition experiments, and specific problems and solutions when using the M-series line for an interface. (Including special cards which have been designed.) A specific data acquisition and control interface for a PDP-9 will be used as an examp Ie of the three genera I areas above. A DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE PDP-S IN ARBUS MODULES/HARDWARE WORKSHOP Thomas G. Taussig, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California A data communication interface developed for ARBUS (Advanced Reservation and Bed Utilization Systempaper to be presented by R. Abbott, Biomedical Session) wi II be described. The low cost, high speed data break interface allows the connection of multiple duplex Teletype stations and data phones to the PDP-S. The design of this system results in low program overhead requiring less than 5 percent of computation time to assemble characters from 32 lines, sampl ing at S times the 110 baud rate. The system requ ires 2 words of memory per line. PROGRAMMED MIXED MODE DATA COMMUNICATION Hans J. Breme, Western Electric Company, Princeton, New Jersey An arrangement for data acqu isition by a PDP-S from remote terminals such as IBM 2701, 7702, 1013, 7711 including the IIsync hronous Transmit Receive" mode is shown. The problem of maintaining bit phase with the starting record is overcome by modifying the DEC DPOI A interface. The synchronization with varying characters is programmed and uses the OR-buffer. Error detection and correction is accompl ished via software either in the ARQ or FEC mode. The PDP-S may communicate with several remote terminals simultaneously, they need not be the same type. FOCAL WORKSHOP Rick Merrill, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts The data structure of FOCAL, the use of certain subroutines, and the creation of new functions will be examined. Discussion will elaborate upon the LIBRARY command, its uses, forms, and implementation with the intention of final izing the design of Disk FOCAL. PDP-sis IBM 360/65 DATA LINK Larry Green, Department of Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, California A PDP-sis is dedicated to collection of psychophysical and behavioral data from several laboratories for transmission to an IBM 360/65. When massive computation is required', paper tape data or converted analog data is loaded into the S/S where a preprocessing routine determines if the data merits analysis. If the data is valid, it is blocktransferred into the 360/65 for manipulation and display of terminal data through the Culler-Fried Teleputer System. LOCAL USERS GROUP ~lEETING At Stanford University, a Stanford Local DECUS Users Group (SLUG) has been orga':;-ized for the purpose Of pooling DECUS software information in a local area and bringing about a closer working relationship between the users of 35 or so various PDP-l's through PDP-I0's on campus. Some of their initial objectives are: to present to DEC, in a uniform manner, opinions (good, bad, or indifferent) regarding DEC software; and to create a central local source for information exchange on software and hardware problems, as well as latest changes in software and manuals. System organization, interfacing hardware, and difficulties encountered during development wi II be described. RECENT EXPERIENCES IN DESIGNING MODULAR INTERFACES USING M-SERIES LOGIC Gary B. Morgan, Idaho Nuclear Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho The University of California, Berkeley Campus and Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley and Livermore have also formed such a group for the same purposes. During this meeting, they will present what has been done and discuss the va lue of LUG IS. The use of M-series (T2L integrated circuit logic) modules for interfacing to computers which are constructed using Band R series modu les involves some 16
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