Definitive Guide Docker 10202016

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The Definitive Guide
to Container Platforms


Table of Contents
Disruption and Change Drive Digital Innovation.............................. 3
Containerization ≠ Innovation.............................................................. 4
What is a Container?............................................................................... 4
What is a Container Platform?.............................................................. 5
The End Goal: Accelerate Innovation by Turning Disruption
into Opportunity...................................................................................... 5
Requirements for a Container Platform.............................................. 6
Benefits of a Container Platform...........................................................7
Driving Successful Innovation with a Container Platform...............7
Stages of Container Maturity................................................................ 8
The Docker Enterprise Container Platform....................................... 10
Taking the Next Steps.............................................................................11

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Disruption and Change Drive Digital Innovation
Today’s economy is one of constant change. New opportunities, competitors and
risks emerge regularly. Everywhere we look, there are examples like this one:

Banks and credit card companies have traditionally
dominated payments. From PayPal to Venmo and Square,
the payment industry is changing rapidly -- so much so that
major banks launched Zelle, their own P2P payment service
in the fall of 2017.

To stay competitive and capitalize on new opportunities in the digital economy, every
organization needs to shift to an agile and innovative mindset. That means rethinking
how companies operate, changing processes and systems that may have been in
place for decades.

“In a world where we can’t predict the future and new competitors can
come from many directions, we will win by being able to embrace change
and reconfigure our priorities in real time.”
- James McGlennon, EVP and CIO at Liberty Mutual Insurance

However, this is where most organizations get stuck. Monolithic systems,
siloed infrastructure and fragmented processes that have developed over the
years make innovation and change difficult. How can companies overcome the
barriers to innovation?

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Containerization ≠ Innovation
Docker containers exploded onto the scene in 2013 as a better way to develop
software and has quickly become part of the enterprise infrastructure. Organizations
often start by containerizing applications -- either components of a monolithic
application or new distributed applications. But containerization itself isn’t enough
to become more innovative. It requires changing processes, culture and the overall
organizational mindset. That makes a container platform essential to success.

In this paper, we will discuss what a container platform
is and why it’s a critical part of any effort to drive
change and innovation in the digital economy.
What is a Container?

Just like a hypervisor
needs a layer of
management around
to be useful in the
enterprise, containers
need a platform
to be truly effective
at scale.

A Docker container is a lightweight, standalone executable package that contains
everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything
you can install on a server. By encapsulating and isolating everything in a container,
this guarantees that the container will always run the same, regardless of the
environment it is running in.
Containers can uniquely turn very diverse set of application services into
standardized software units. Docker containers remove the dependencies
between applications and their underlying infrastructure, providing new possibilities
in portability and efficiency.
Containers are promising because they eliminate the dependencies between
applications and infrastructure -- but they’re just a technology. Just like a hypervisor
needs a layer of management around to be useful in the enterprise, containers need
a platform to be truly effective at scale.

Docker Enterprise




Image Format
& Runtime

Open and Extensible

Container Placement
& Scheduling

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What is a Container Platform?
It’s a platform to build, secure and manage containerized applications in an enterprise
environment. It’s more than just containers with orchestration and provisioning
capability. A container platform can support secure software distribution, application
lifecycle management, automation, and governance. It opens up opportunities to
transform organizations.

The End Goal: Accelerate Innovation by Turning
Disruption into Opportunity
Agile organizations can innovate successfully, but it doesn’t happen overnight. It often
means cultural change, and a team whose job it is to break the rules. This can work
even in traditional industries.
For example, when you think of mortgage companies, you think of paperwork.

You probably don’t think agile and responsive to customers. But Franklin American

With investments in
innovation, microservices
and Docker Enterprise,
they’ve been able to
quickly build a technology
platform that is core to
their success.

them develop and iterate on new ideas quickly, then take them into production.

Mortgage wanted to disrupt that model. They created an innovation team to explore
what was possible. The team quickly realized they needed a platform that would let

With their investments in innovation, microservices and Docker Enterprise, they’ve
been able to quickly build a technology platform that is core to their success.
Lockheed Martin has a similar i2 Labs group that takes new technologies into
production using the Docker Enterprise container platform. The flexibility and security
of the platform allowed them to quickly deploy an augmented reality application to
field maintenance teams.
Baker Hughes, a GE Company, services the oil and gas industry. The data science and
analytics team deployed a Docker Enterprise container platform to give them choice
and flexibility in infrastructure. They eliminated IT dependencies and accelerated
delivery of new services to customers.
By investing in a container platform, organizations will be in a much better position to:
• Create new solutions that can in turn generate new revenue
• Grow and expand into new markets
• Reduce the cost and risks associated with existing infrastructure
• Streamline and speed up the entire software supply chain
• Adopt a DevOps culture with an agile methodology

Organizations can proclaim they have an innovative,
agile culture. But without a platform that supports
agility, those are empty words.
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Requirements for a Container Platform
A container platform should be designed to support innovation. Just as importantly,
it needs to support existing traditional applications. Beyond that, it has to provide for
corporate policies for security, change control, lifecycle management and more. This
is what to look for in a container platform:
• Integrated image management that allows users to manage images and the content
in them securely.
• Governance with role-based access controls to support multi-tenancy and a
process for moving applications from development to test to production.
• Automation that allows administrators to set policies once that can then operate
without active intervention or management.
• Lifecycle management that is integrated into the software development and
CI/CD tools and processes from application development through retirement.
• Layered security around the application with image signing to assure security
throughout the application lifecycle.
• Extensibility that connects the container platform easily into other enterprise tools
including preferred storage and networking solutions, logging and monitoring tools.
• Enterprise support and services with advisory capability to help resolve potentially
complex process, orchestration, integration and workflow challenges.
• Certification to assure interoperability with the ecosystem and other data
center platforms.

Prepare Your
for Disruption



Build New Solutions

Quickly Respond
to New Threats

Expand to New Markets

Drive Higher Efficiencies

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Benefits of a Container Platform
Beyond buzzwords such as innovation and transformation, a container platform has
tangible benefits:
• Unified operations. When everything is standardized and follows the same
operational patterns, it’s easier for IT teams to explore new technology areas -- and
for the company to adapt and embrace new services. Franklin American runs a single
cluster that supports the development, test and production environments.
• Leverage existing teams and processes. This goes back to standardization. With a
common platform, processes become repeatable. It’s easier and faster to experiment
or just make iterative changes.
• Respond to risks and threats. The agility and standardization offered by a
container platform makes it easier to apply consistent security to protect the
organization from threats.
• Increase data center utilization by 3x. Even with virtualization, most data
centers operate at 20 percent utilization -- at best. Containerization increases
utilization 50 or 60 percent by eliminating redundant operating systems and further
consolidating services.
• Decrease IT operating costs. Lifecycle management and infrastructure standardization
make system patching, application updates and even rollbacks much faster. Cornell
University accelerated application deployment times by 14x; Kadaster, the Dutch land
registry, went from one new deployment a month to as many as 500.
• Fund innovation. As a Fortune 100 insurance company put it in their DockerCon
presentation, companies can “self-fund innovation” since the savings from a container
platform can get reinvested in innovation.

Driving Successful Innovation with a Container Platform
Very few technologies have had the potential to unlock innovation in the same way
as container platforms. Successful innovation requires:
• Full pipeline integration in the platform. Containers shouldn’t be a side project. To
drive innovation, they need to be an integral part of the software pipeline. In fact,
containerization and a container platform should reshape how organizations think
about software development.
• Security and governance throughout the platform. A container engine by itself
doesn’t provide this, and it makes little sense for IT to try and cobble together what
they need from various tools. It should be part of the platform to begin with.
• A commitment to people and process. People are a critical part of successful
innovation. That’s why Franklin American, PayPal, Lockheed Martin and others created
innovation teams that could operate outside of the regular constraints -- and spread an
innovation mindset throughout the company.

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Stages of Container Maturity
Since Docker was founded in 2013, companies have been adopting containers in
a few different ways. Initially, it was developers who leveraged containers for local
development. Then these applications made it to production. Now organizations
are leveraging containers to modernize their traditional applications and using them
across multiple applications. What’s the right way to deploy containers successfully?
When is the right time to adopt a container platform? The answer depends on the
level of impact you wish to have on an organization.



Organizations that are just beginning to experiment with
container technology. It might just be deployed by one or two
users, or perhaps used for a single application in a development
and test environment. About 50 percent of organizations we
surveyed recently are in this early phase.

Organizations that have standardized on containerization and
integrated containers with existing workflows and systems. They
often redesign processes to better support containerization. About
15 percent of organizations we surveyed are using container
technology are at this stage.

Build up knowledge about containerization within a core team.
This is useful, but provides no immediate broader value to the
organization and doesn’t support a business case for expansion.

Companies at this stage see significant cost savings and are able to
ship software more frequently, which begins to change the culture
and behavior within an organization.

Customers are running one or more clusters with containerized
applications. These are usually managed by a single IT team
supporting a specific department or use case. About 30 percent
of organizations surveyed on a recent Docker webinar have
adopted container orchestration.
Orchestration makes for much easier patching and maintenance,
and faster deployment of containerized applications, but
this environment is only suitable for a single set of users or
applications. What orchestration doesn’t address is the needs
across an enterprise organization. As a result, the benefits of
containerization are only felt by those directly using it.

Organizations that have a fully mature container platform that is
integrated into the organization’s people, process and tools. They
have a “containers first” mentality and recognize the advantages of
standardizing around Docker containers.
Organizations at this stage can easily adapt to new technology,
leveraging existing operational teams and processes and lowering
the cost of entry. New technologies are automatically secured
based on corporate policies with automation and governance
built-in, reducing time-to-market and providing organizations a
competitive advantage.

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The Path Isn’t Necessarily Linear
Many organizations start by experimenting with a container engine and follow a
slow path to accelerated innovation. But in today’s world of constant change and
disruption, is that sufficient?
It’s entirely possible for organizations to jump quickly from proof-of-concept to a
container platform. PayPal, Lockheed Martin, Franklin American Mortgage and many
others have created independent innovation teams to spark change and bring new
platforms into production.

Many Paths to the Goal



Container Platform
Integrated Processes

Increased agility,
improved flexibility,
lower risk, lower costs





To progress towards accelerated innovation -- whether it’s a leap ahead from no
container strategy at all to a fully-integrated platform or gradual progress on the
path -- it takes three things:
• Strong support for innovation and change - usually a dedicated innovation team
of some kind.
• A complete container platform, integrated into the organization’s processes.
• Enterprise support and training to make sure the organization gets the most
out of the investment.

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The Docker Enterprise Container Platform
A container engine -- even when it’s paired with orchestration -- is just not enough
for enterprise-scale operations and major innovation initiatives. Organizations
need a complete solution starting with a complete platform. Docker Enterprise is
that platform.
Docker’s platform is built on the three principles of Choice, Agility and Security:

Docker Enterprise Unlocks the Potential for Innovation




• No lock-in

• Real-time innovation

• Applications and data

• Any stack, any OS

• Seamless collaboration

• Software supply chain

• Any infrastructure anywhere

• Productivity and operational efficiency

• Integrates with any tool

• Cost savings

• Pervasive across the platform from
core to edge

Freedom of choice: The Docker container platform eliminates risk for IT leaders by
providing the freedom to choose how, when and where to innovate their applications
without the fear of technology or infrastructure lock-in. Organizations can start big
or small, with legacy or new applications, using any operational model, on any OS,
across any infrastructure, whether it be on prem or across multiple clouds and still
have the same Docker experience throughout the application delivery process.
Because the platform is built with flexibility in mind, the choice today will provide
organizations the flexibility to support future innovation.
Agile Operations: Docker Enterprise enables organizations to reduce costs and
increase operational efficiency by standardizing the way to build, manage, and secure
applications across diverse infrastructures including multiple clouds. Our platform
unifies processes across any architecture, while aligning with existing IT operations so
organizations can get applications to market faster, reduce total costs and ease the
adoption of new technology as business needs evolve over time.
Integrated Security: Our platform incorporates additional security at every step of
the application delivery lifecycle without getting in your way or adding extra cost.
Applications receive greater protection while maintaining performance, improving
governance with enabling a seamless workflow for centrally-managed content and
policy-driven automation.
In addition, Docker provides Support & Certification that lets organizations avoid the
uncertainty and steep learning curve of standalone container engines. Customers
have access to enterprise support, on-boarding services, training, workshops, and
technical certification programs.
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These capabilities in a container platform are essential for enterprise scale operations.
The walkaway point for an executive should be:

“I would be fired if I didn’t ensure that our operations
included these benefits. Security is table stakes. Governance
ensures the team works on the right things, delivers with
the right processes, and protects the company at every
step. Automation is critical to avoid simply transferring all
your labor savings into manual processes. And of course,
responsive support to keep the team productive.”

Taking the Next Steps
What organizations should do next depends on where they are now, and what they
want to achieve.
• For organizations that have not started on the containerization journey:
Identify a first project. Show early success with an application and begin planning
an innovation team.
• For organizations that have not have just deployed a container engine for a
single application: Found an innovation team to explore what else is possible. Invite
other teams to provide input. Find out what they need. It’s possible to go from a very
limited pilot to a platform by identifying opportunities where containerization can have
a big impact.
• For organizations that are up and running with container orchestration: If there isn’t
an innovation initiative, now is the time to start one. Take the early success to other
parts of the organization. Invest in training and certification to make sure teams know
how to get the most out of a container platform.

To learn more, watch the Docker webinar on Delivering Innovation and Value.

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