Procedure Codes D9000 Dental
User Manual: D9000
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NEW YORK STATE MEDICAID PROGRAM DENTAL PROCEDURE CODES Dental Procedure Codes Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................ 2 I. DIAGNOSTIC D0100 - D0999 ..................................................................................... 5 II. PREVENTIVE D1000 - D1999 .................................................................................... 7 III. RESTORATIVE D2000 - D2999................................................................................. 9 IV. ENDODONTICS D3000 - D3999 ............................................................................. 12 V. PERIODONTICS D4000 - D4999 ............................................................................. 14 VI. PROSTHODONTICS (REMOVABLE) D5000 - D5899............................................ 16 VII. MAXILLOFACIAL PROSTHETICS D5900 - D5999 ............................................... 18 VIII. IMPLANT SERVICES D6000 - D6199................................................................... 19 IX. PROSTHODONTICS, FIXED D6200 – D6999 ........................................................ 19 X. ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY D7000 - D7999 ..................................... 21 XI. ORTHODONTICS D8000 - D8999........................................................................... 27 XII. ADJUNCTIVE GENERAL SERVICES D9000 - D9999 .......................................... 28 Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 1 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS 1. A. Reimbursement for services listed in the New York State Fee Schedule for Dental Services is limited to the lower of the fee indicated for the specific service or the provider's usual and customary charge to the general public when there is a significant difference between the two fees. The Fee Schedule is available at: The dental procedure codes are grouped into sections as follows: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. Section Code Series Diagnostic Preventive Restorative Endodontics Periodontics Prosthodontics, removable Maxillofacial Prosthetics Implant Services Prosthodontics, fixed Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Orthodontics Adjunctive General Services D0100-D0999 D1000-D1999 D2000-D2999 D3000-D3999 D4000-D4999 D5000-D5899 D5900-D5999 D6000-D6199 D6200-D6999 D7000-D7999 D8000-D8999 D9000-D9999 B. “MANAGED CARE”: If a recipient is enrolled in a managed care or other capitated program which covers the specific care or services being provided, it is inappropriate to bill such services to the Medicaid Program on a fee-forservice basis whether or not prior approval has been obtained. It is the provider’s responsibility to verify each recipient’s eligibility. 2. Article 28 facility reimbursement is based upon a rate rather than on fees for specific services rendered. Article 28 facilities use rate codes when billing. Article 28 facilities must adhere to the Program policies as outlined. 3. "BR": When the value of a procedure is to be determined "By Report" (BR), as indicated in the Fee Schedule, information concerning the nature, extent and need for the procedure or service, the time, the skill and the equipment necessary, must be furnished. Appropriate documentation (e.g., operative report, procedure description, and/or itemized invoices and name/dosage of therapeutic agents) must accompany all claims submitted. Do not submit radiographs with claims for payment. To ensure appropriate payment in the context of current Medicaid fees, bill your usual and customary amount on all “BR” procedure codes. 4. "OPERATIVE REPORT": To be acceptable as "By Report" documentation, the operative report must include the following information: a. b. Diagnosis (post operative) Size, location and number of lesion(s) or procedure(s) where appropriate. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 2 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes c. d. e. f. Major surgical procedure and supplementary procedure(s). Whenever possible, list the nearest similar procedure by code number. Estimated follow-up period. Operative time. 5. "CHILDREN'S DENTAL SERVICES": Effective June 1, 2000, a child is defined as anyone under age 21 years, except where otherwise noted. For services provided on or after April 1, 2001, the fee published is applicable to both children and adults. 6. "PRIOR APPROVAL": Payment for those listed procedures where the procedure code number is underlined is dependent upon obtaining the approval of the Department of Health prior to performance of the procedure. If such prior approval is not obtained, no reimbursement will be made. See the billing section of this Manual for information on completion and submission of prior approval requests. 7. “DISPENSING VALIDATION”: When the description is preceded by ”#", Medicaid Eligibility Verification System (MEVS) dispensing validation is required. If a DVS request is rejected prior approval can be sought. 8 “SURFACE/TOOTH/QUADRANT/ARCH”: Certain procedure codes require specification of surface, tooth, quadrant or arch when billing (fields 46 and/or 47). These specifications are indicated after the procedure code description by the following abbreviations: Specify surface: (SURF) Specify tooth: (TOOTH) Specify quadrant: (QUAD) Specify arch: (ARCH) When more than one specification is required, both specifications are included, for example, (SURF/TOOTH). See Billing Section of this Manual for surface, tooth, quadrant and arch designations. 9. “INTERRUPTED TREATMENT”: The following is a list of procedures that may be billed in a case of interrupted treatment after the date of the decisive appointment. For example, a recipient loses Medicaid coverage after a decisive appointment and failure to complete the service would result in undue hardship to the recipient. Another example could be a case where treatment was interrupted for other reasons after a decisive appointment that did not result in a completed service. In a case of interrupted treatment due to loss of eligibility before a decisive appointment, partial reimbursement may be considered. When billing for interrupted treatment, use the billing code most relevant to the interrupted treatment, as indicated below. In the “Procedure Description” field, describe location and complete details of the procedure for which payment is being requested. To receive reimbursement, the provider must use as the date of service on the claim form the date the decisive appointment was completed. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 3 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes Type of Service Approved/ Multiple Visit Procedures Billing Code Decisive Appointment Space Maintainers Crowns D1510, D1515 D2710-D2792 D2952 D3310-D3348 D3351-D3353 D5110-D5120 D5211-D5214 D5510-D5660 D0999 D2999 Tooth Preparation Tooth Preparation D3999 D3999 D5899 D5899 D5899 Denture Rebase Denture Relining Other Prosthetic Services Maxillofacial Prosthetics Bridge Pontics Bridge Retainers Other Fixed Prosthetic Services Orthodontic Treatment D5710-D5721 D5750-D5761 D5820-D5899 D5899 D5899 D5899 Initial Root Canal Visit Apexification/ recalcification Final Impression Final Impression Acceptance of denture for repair Final Impression Final Impression Final Impression D5911-D5999 D5999 Final Impression D6210-D6252 D6545-D6792 D6970, D6972 D6999 D6999 D6999 Preparation of abutment teeth Preparation of abutment teeth Tooth preparation D8670, D8070, D8080, D8090 D8999 Orthodontic Retention D8680 D8999 D8999 Occlusal Guards D9940 D8999 Placement of appliances and beginning of active treatment Date of initial appliance placement Completion of active treatment Final Impression Root Canal Therapy Complete Dentures Partial Dentures Denture Repairs Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 4 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION Fee I. DIAGNOSTIC D0100 - D0999 CLINICAL ORAL EVALUATIONS D0120 Periodic oral evaluation established patient Includes charting, history, treatment plan, and completion of forms. The initial dental examination of a new patient shall consist of a comprehensive clinical examination of the oral cavity and teeth. It shall include charting, history recording, pulp testing when indicated, and may be supplemented by appropriate radiographic studies. Recall dental examinations shall be limited to one per six-month period and shall include charting and history necessary to update and supplement initial oral examination data. D0140 Limited oral evaluation - problem focused (emergency oral examination) Refers to exams to evaluate emergency conditions. Typically patients are seen for a specific problem and/or present with dental emergencies, trauma, acute infections, etc. Not used in conjunction with a regular appointment. Cannot be billed with D0120; D0160; D9110; D9310; D9430. Not intended for follow-up care or therapeutic procedures. D0160 Detailed and extensive oral evaluation - problem focused Includes medical and dental history, evaluation of chief complaint, intra and extraoral examination, vital signs and completion of forms. This procedure will include most or all of these items and will be reimbursable no more than once per provider-patient relationship in a period of 90 days. This is the only type of examination that will be reimbursable in conjunction with the provision of services. It may be utilized only in preparation for definitive and impending treatment to be rendered by the practitioner. The procedure will not be reimbursed if performed within ninety days of a consultation or observation (code D0120, D0140, D9110, D9310 or D9430) by the same provider. RADIOGRAPHS/DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING (Including Interpretation) All radiographs, whether digitalized or conventional, must be of good diagnostic quality, properly mounted, dated, positionally orientated and identified with the recipient's name and provider name and address. Proper technique in taking and processing of x-ray films will reduce the need to expose patients to unnecessary, additional radiation. The cost of all materials and equipment used shall be included in the fee for the radiograph. Medicaid claims payment decisions for types, numbers and frequency of radiographs will be related to individual patient needs, dental age, past dental history and radiographic findings, and, most importantly, clinical findings. Radiographs must be made available for review upon request of the Department of Health. They will be returned after each review and must be retained by the provider for six years from the date of payment. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 5 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION Minimum requirements apply to submission of radiographs with prior approval requests. The minimum number of pre-treatment radiographs needed for proper diagnosis and the evaluation of the overall dental condition must accompany all requests for prior approval. For edentulous patients, occlusal or panoramic radiographs may be used. If all extractions were performed under Medicaid or if Medicaid approved a previous full denture, it may not be necessary to submit current radiographs. D0210 Intraoral; complete series (including bitewings) Minimum of 14 films. A provider will be reimbursed only once in three years for each recipient. A provider will not be reimbursed for an intraoral complete series prior to the complete eruption of a patient's permanent second molars. Exceptions may be situations including orthodontic consultation, juvenile periodontitis, and other suspected, extensive pathological conditions, which require documentation that should accompany a claim as an attachment. An attachment should contain the clinical findings including the nature and complexity of the patient's condition indicating that additional radiographs would have high probability of affecting the diagnosis and treatment of a clinical problem. D0220 periapical first film To be billed only for the first periapical film when only periapical films are taken. D0230 periapical each additional film When periapical films are taken in conjunction with bitewing(s), occlusal films or a panoramic radiograph, use procedure code 00230 for all periapical films. The total fee for additional intraoral films may not exceed the total fee allowed for a complete intraoral series. D0240 occlusal film (ARCH) Reimbursable only once in three years. Only two are allowed per patient (maxillary and mandibular), but they may be supplemented by necessary intraoral periapical or bitewing films. D0250 Extraoral; first film Not reimbursable for temporomandibular joint radiographs. D0260 each additional film Maximum of two films, not reimbursable for temporomandibular joint radiographs. D0270 D0272 D0274 Bitewing; single film two films four films Bitewings are allowed no more than once in six months for each recipient. The procedure code is an indication of the number of films performed. Do not fill in “Times Performed” on the claim form. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 6 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION D0290 Posterior-anterior or lateral skull and facial bone survey film (3 films minimum) D0310 Sialography D0320 Temporomandibular joint arthrogram, including injection D0321 Other temporomandibular joint films (per joint) D0330 Panoramic film Reimbursable every three years if clinically indicated. For use in routine caries determination, diagnosis of periapical or periodontal pathology only when supplemented by other necessary diagnostic intraoral radiographs (bitewings or periapicals), completely edentulous cases, diagnosis of impacted teeth, oral surgery treatment planning, or diagnosis of children with mixed dentition. Postoperative panoramic radiographs are reimbursable for post-surgical evaluation of fractures, dislocations, orthognathic surgery, osteomyelitis, or removal of unusually large and/or complex cysts or neoplasms. To expedite claim processing, enter the status of the condition within the "Procedure Description" field of the claim form. Panoramic radiographs are not reimbursable when an intraoral complete series or another panoramic radiograph has been taken within three years, except for diagnosis of a new condition (e.g. traumatic injury). D0340 Cephalometric film Reimbursement is limited to once per year and only to enrolled orthodontists or oral and maxillofacial surgeons for the purpose of treatment of a physically handicapping malocclusion. D0350 Oral/facial photographic images (includes intra and extraoral images) This includes both traditional photographs and images obtained by intraoral cameras. These images should be a part of the patient’s clinical record. Excludes conventional radiographs. Reimbursement is limited to enrolled orthodontists or oral and maxillofacial surgeons. D0470 Diagnostic casts (includes both arches when necessary) Reimbursement is limited to enrolled orthodontists or oral and maxillofacial surgeons. D0999 Unspecified diagnostic procedure II. PREVENTIVE D1000 - D1999 DENTAL PROPHYLAXIS Dental prophylaxis is reimbursable in addition to an initial dental examination and recall examinations, once per six-month period. For periodontal maintenance, see code D4910. D1110 D1120 Prophylaxis; adult (13 years of age and older) child (under 13 years of age) Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 7 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION TOPICAL FLUORIDE TREATMENT (OFFICE PROCEDURE) A semi-annual topical fluoride treatment is reimbursable when professionally administered in accordance with appropriate standards. Fluoride treatments that are not reimbursable under the program include treatments that incorporate fluoride with prophylaxis paste, topical application of fluoride to the prepared portion of a tooth prior to restoration, and applications of aqueous sodium fluoride. D1203 Topical application of fluoride (prophylaxis not included); child (under 21 years of age) D1204 adult (21 years of age and older) 21 years of age and older: submit documentation of medical necessity with claim. D1206 Topical fluoride varnish; therapeutic application for moderate to high caries risk patients OTHER PREVENTIVE SERVICES D1351 #Sealant – per tooth (TOOTH) (Between 5 and 15 years of age) See Rule 7 in the General Information and Instructions section Application of sealant shall be restricted to previously unrestored permanent first and second molars that exhibit no clinical or radiographic signs of occlusal or proximal caries for patients between 5 and 15 years of age. Buccal and lingual grooves are included in the fee. The use of opaque or tinted sealant is recommended for ease of checking bond efficacy. Reapplication if necessary is permitted once every three years. SPACE MAINTENANCE (PASSIVE APPLIANCES) Only fixed appliances are Medicaid reimbursable. Documentation including pre-treatment radiographs to justify all space maintenance appliances must be available upon request. Space maintenance should not be provided as an isolated service. All carious teeth must be restored before placement of any space maintainer. The patient should be practicing a sufficient level of oral hygiene to assure that the space maintainer will not become a source of further carious breakdown of the dentition. All permanent teeth in the area of space maintenance should be present and developing normally. Space maintenance in the deciduous dentition (defined as prior to the interdigitation of the first permanent molars) will generally be reimbursable. Space maintenance in the mixed dentition initiated within one month of the necessary extraction will be reimbursable on an individual basis. Space maintenance in the mixed dentition initiated more than one month after the necessary extraction, with minimum space loss apparent, may be reimbursable. D1510 D1515 D1550 Space maintainer - fixed; unilateral (QUAD) bilateral (ARCH) Recementation of space maintainer Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 8 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION III. RESTORATIVE D2000 - D2999 Effective April 1, 2003, there is no longer a code or fee distinction between primary and permanent teeth for restorative purposes. The maximum fee for restoring a tooth with either amalgam or composite resin material will be the fee allowed for placement of a four-surface restoration. With the exception of the placement of reinforcement pins (use code D2951), fees for amalgam and composite restorations include tooth preparation, all adhesives (including amalgam and composite bonding agents), acid etching, cavity liners, bases, curing and pulp capping. For codes D2140, D2330 and D2391, only a single restoration will be reimbursable per surface. Occlusal surface restorations including all occlusal pits and fissures, will be reimbursed as one-surface restorations whether or not the transverse ridge of an upper molar is left intact. Codes D2150, D2160, D2161, D2331, D2332, D2335, D2781, D2392, D2393, and D2394 are compound restorations encompassing 2, 3, 4 or more contiguous surfaces. Restoration of deciduous teeth when exfoliation is reasonably imminent will not be routinely reimbursable. Claims submitted for the restoration of deciduous cuspids and molars for children 10 years of age or older, or for deciduous incisors in children 5 years of age or older will be pended for professional review. As a condition for payment, it may be necessary to submit, upon request, radiographs and other information to support the appropriateness and necessity of these restorations. A one-surface posterior restoration is one in which the restoration involves only one of the five surface classifications (mesial, distal, occlusal, lingual, or facial, including buccal and lingual.) A two-surface posterior restoration is one in which the restoration extends to two of the five surface classifications. A three-surface posterior restoration is one in which the restoration extends to three of five surface classifications. A four-or-more surface posterior restoration is one in which the restoration extends to four or more of the five surface classifications. A one-surface anterior proximal restoration is one in which neither the lingual nor facial margins of the restoration extend beyond the line angle. A two-surface anterior proximal restoration is one in which either the lingual of facial margin of the restoration extends beyond the line angle. A three-surface anterior proximal restoration is one in which both the lingual and facial margins extend beyond the line angle. A four-or-more surface anterior restoration is one in which both the lingual and facial margins extend beyond the line angle and the incisal angle is involved. The restoration might also involve all four surfaces of an anterior tooth and not involve the incisal angle. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 9 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION AMALGAM RESTORATIONS (INCLUDING POLISHING) D2140 D2150 D2160 D2161 Amalgam; one surface, primary or permanent (SURF/TOOTH) two surfaces, primary or permanent (SURF/TOOTH) three surfaces, primary or permanent (SURF/TOOTH) four or more surfaces, primary or permanent (SURF/TOOTH) RESIN-BASED COMPOSITE-RESTORATIONS DIRECT D2330 D2331 D2332 D2335 Resin-based composite; one surface, anterior (SURF/TOOTH) two surfaces, anterior (SURF/TOOTH) three surfaces, anterior (SURF/TOOTH) four or more surfaces or involving incisal angle (anterior) SURF/TOOTH) D2390 Resin-based composite crown, anterior (TOOTH) D2391 Resin-based composite; one surface, posterior (SURF/TOOTH) Used to restore a carious lesion into the dentin or a deeply eroded area into the dentin. Not a preventive procedure. D2392 D2393 D2394 two surfaces, posterior (SURF/TOOTH) three or more surfaces, posterior (SURF/TOOTH) four or more surfaces, posterior (SURF/TOOTH) CROWNS - SINGLE RESTORATIONS ONLY Codes D2710, D2720, D2721, D2722, D2740, D2750, D2751, and D2752 will only be reimbursed for anterior teeth and maxillary first bicuspids when indicated. Crowns will not be routinely approved when functional replacement of tooth contour with other restorative materials is possible, or for a molar tooth in those patients age 21 and over which has been endodontically treated without prior approval from the Department of Health. Also, crowns will not be routinely approved when there are eight natural or prosthetic bicuspids and/or molars (four maxillary and four mandibular teeth) in functional contact with each other. D2710 Crown – resin-based composite; (indirect) (laboratory) (TOOTH) Acrylic (processed) jacket crowns may be approved as restorations for severely fractured anterior teeth. D2720 D2721 D2722 D2740 D2750 D2751 D2752 D2780 D2781 with high noble metal (TOOTH) with predominantly base metal (TOOTH) with noble metal (TOOTH) Crown; porcelain/ceramic substrate (TOOTH) porcelain fused to high noble metal (TOOTH) porcelain fused to predominately base metal (TOOTH) porcelain fused to noble metal (TOOTH) 3/4 cast high noble metal (TOOTH) 3/4 cast predominantly base metal(TOOTH) Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 10 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE D2782 D2790 D2791 D2792 DESCRIPTION 3/4 cast noble metal (TOOTH) full cast high noble metal (TOOTH) full cast predominately base metal (TOOTH) full cast noble metal (TOOTH) OTHER RESTORATIVE SERVICES D2920 Recement crown (TOOTH) Claims for recementation of a crown by the original provider within one year of placement, or claims for subsequent recementations of the same crown, will be pended for professional review. Documentation to justify the need and appropriateness of such recementations may be required as a condition for payment. This information can be abbreviated and should be placed in the "Procedure Description" field of the claim form. D2930 Prefabricated stainless steel crown; primary tooth (TOOTH) The provider must have available adequate radiographic evidence as justification for the use of stainless steel crowns, or other documentation if radiographs do not demonstrate the need for stainless steel crowns in a particular case. D2931 permanent tooth (TOOTH) D2932 Prefabricated resin crown (TOOTH) Must encompass the complete clinical crown and should be utilized with the same criteria as for full crown construction. This procedure is limited to one occurrence per tooth within two years. If replacement becomes necessary during that time, claims submitted will be pended for professional review. To justify the appropriateness of replacements, documentation must be included within the "Procedure Description" field of the claim form or as a claim attachment. Placement on deciduous anterioris is generally not reimbursable past the age of five years. D2933 Prefabricated stainless steel crown with resin window (TOOTH) Restricted to anterior teeth, bicuspids and maxillary first molars. D2951 Pin retention - per tooth, in addition to restoration (TOOTH) Reimbursement is allowed once per tooth regardless of the number of pins placed. D2952 Post and core in addition to crown (TOOTH), indirectly fabricated D2954 Prefabricated post and core in addition to crown (TOOTH) Core is built around a prefabricated post. The procedure includes core material. D2955 Post removal (not in conjunction with endodontic therapy) (TOOTH) For removal of posts (e.g. fractured posts) D2980 Crown repair (TOOTH) Includes removal of crown, if necessary. D2999 Unspecified restorative procedure Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 11 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION IV. ENDODONTICS D3000 - D3999 All radiographs taken during the course of root canal therapy and all post-treatment radiographs are included in the fee for the root canal procedure. At least one pre-treatment radiograph demonstrating the need for the procedure, and one post-treatment radiograph that demonstrates the result of the treatment, must be maintained in the patient's record. Surgical root canal treatment or apicoectomy may be considered appropriate and covered when the root canal system cannot be acceptably treated non-surgically, there is active root resorption, or access to the canal is obstructed. Treatment may also be covered where there is gross over or under extension of the root canal filling, periapical or lateral pathosis persists, or there is a fracture of the root. Eight posterior natural or prosthetic teeth in occlusion (four maxillary and four mandibular teeth in functional contact with each other) will be considered adequate for functional purposes. Requests for endodontic therapy will be reviewed for necessity based upon the presence/absence of eight points of natural or prosthetic occlusal contact in the mouth (bicuspid/molar contact). In cases of emergency, use procedure code “D9110 Palliative (emergency) treatment of dental pain – minor procedure”. Only symptomatic relief is to be provided until such time as cases have been submitted for review and a prior approval determination has been made. Procedures completed without prior approval will not be reimbursable. Back dated prior approvals will not be issued. Provision of root canal therapy is not considered appropriate when the prognosis of the tooth is questionable or when a reasonable alternative course of treatment would be extraction of the tooth and replacement. Root canal therapy will not be approved in association with an existing or proposed prosthesis in the same arch, unless the tooth is a critical abutment, or unless its replacement by addition to an existing prosthesis is not feasible. If the total number of teeth which require, or are likely to require, root canal therapy or apical surgery would be considered excessive or when maintenance of the tooth is not considered essential or appropriate in view of the overall dental status of the patient, treatment will not be covered. Pulp capping is not reimbursable. PULPOTOMY D3220 Therapeutic pulpotomy (excluding final restoration)- removal of pulp coronal to the dentinocemental junction and application of medicament (TOOTH) Pulpotomy is the surgical removal of a portion of the pulp with the aim of maintaining the vitality of the remaining portion by means of an adequate dressing. To be performed on primary or permanent teeth up until the age of 21 years. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 12 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION This is not to be considered as the first stage of root canal therapy. Pulp capping (placement of protective dressing or cement over exposed or nearly exposed pulp for protection from injury or as an aid in healing and repair) is not reimbursable. This procedure code may not be used when billing for an "emergency pulpotomy", which should be billed as palliative treatment. ENDODONTIC THERAPY ON PRIMARY TEETH Endodontic therapy on primary teeth with succedaneous teeth and placement of resorbable filling. This includes pulpectomy, cleaning, and filling of canals with resorbable material. D3230 Pulpal therapy (resorbable filling) – anterior, primary tooth (excluding final restoration) (TOOTH) Primary incisors and cuspids. D3240 Pulpal therapy (resorbable filling) – posterior, primary tooth (excluding final restoration) (TOOTH) Primary first and second molars. ENDODONTIC THERAPY (INCLUDING TREATMENT PLAN, CLINICAL PROCEDURES AND FOLLOW-UP CARE) Includes primary teeth without succedaneous teeth and permanent teeth. Complete root canal therapy. Pulpectomy is part of root canal therapy. Includes all appointments necessary to complete treatment; also includes intra-operative radiographs. Does not include diagnostic evaluation and necessary radiographs/diagnostic images. D3310 Anterior (excluding final restoration) (TOOTH) Multiple anterior pulpectomies will generally not be approved. D3320 Bicuspid (excluding final restoration) (TOOTH) Also for treatment on primary first and second molars with no permanent successor tooth. D3330 Molar (excluding final restoration) (TOOTH) Molar endodontics is not approvable as a routine procedure. Prior approval requests will be considered for patients under age 21 who display good oral hygiene, have healthy mouths with a full complement of natural teeth with a low caries index and/or who may be undergoing orthodontic treatment. In those patients age 21 and over, molar endodontic therapy will be considered only in those instances where the tooth in question is a critical abutment for an existing functional prosthesis. ENDODONTIC RETREATMENT D3346 D3347 D3348 Retreatment of previous root canal therapy; anterior (TOOTH) bicuspid (TOOTH) molar (TOOTH) Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 13 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION APEXIFICATION/RECALCIFICATION PROCEDURES D3351 Apexification/recalcification; initial visit (apical closure/calcific repair of perforations, root resorption, etc.) (TOOTH) Includes opening tooth, pulpectomy, preparation of canal spaces, first placement of medication and necessary radiographs. Includes the first phase of complete root canal therapy. D3352 interim medication replacement (apical closure/calcific repair of perforations, root resorption, etc.) (TOOTH) For visits in which the intracanal medication is replaced with new medication and necessary radiographs. There may be several of these visits. Published fee is the maximum reimbursable amount regardless of the number of visits. D3353 final visit (apical closure/calcific repair of perforations, root resorption, etc.) (TOOTH) Includes the removal of intracanal medication and procedures necessary to place final root canal filling material including necessary radiographs. Includes last phase of complete root canal therapy. APICOECTOMY/PERIRADICULAR SERVICES D3410 Apicoectomy/periradicular surgery; anterior (TOOTH) (per tooth) Performed as a separate surgical procedure for a single rooted tooth and includes periapical curettage. D3421 bicuspid (first root) (TOOTH) D3425 molar (first root) (TOOTH) D3426 each additional root (TOOTH) Performed as a separate surgical procedure for multirooted teeth and includes periapical curettage. D3430 Retrograde filling - per root (TOOTH) OTHER ENDODONTIC PROCEDURES D3999 Unspecified endodontic procedure V. PERIODONTICS D4000 - D4999 SURGICAL SERVICES (INCLUDING USUAL POST-OPERATIVE CARE) D4210 Gingivectomy or gingivoplasty – four or more contiguous teeth or bounded teeth spaces per quadrant (QUAD) Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 14 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION This surgical procedure is reimbursable solely for the correction of severe hyperplasia or hypertrophy associated with drug therapy, hormonal disturbances or congenital defects. Documentation to verify these conditions must accompany these claims as attachments. For fewer than four teeth, prorate the fee at 25 percent of the total for each tooth treated. NON-SURGICAL PERIODONTAL SERVICES D4341 Periodontal scaling and root planing - four or more teeth per quadrant (QUAD)(at least four teeth) This procedure may be billed for those patients who have periodontal pockets and sub-gingival accretions on cemental surfaces in the quadrant(s) being treated. Periodontal scaling and root planing involves instrumentation of the crown and root surfaces of the teeth to remove plaque and calculus. It is indicated for patients with periodontal disease and is therapeutic, not prophylactic, in nature. Root planing is the definitive procedure designed for the removal of cementum and dentin that is rough, and/or permeated by calculus or contaminated with toxins or microorganisms. Some soft tissue removal occurs. Reimbursement is limited to no more than two quadrants on a single date of service with no more than four different quadrant reimbursements within a two-year period. Dental prophylaxis is reimbursable prior to periodontal scaling and root planing and will not be reimbursed on the same date as procedure code D4341. Prior approval may be requested for more frequent treatment. For fewer than four teeth, prorate the fee at 25 percent of the total for each tooth treated. The provider must supply documentation of the need for periodontal scaling and root planing as a claim attachment. Include a copy of the pre-treatment evaluation of the periodontium, a general description of the tissues (e.g., color, shape, and consistency), the location and measurement of periodontal pockets, the description of the type and amount of bone loss, the periodontal diagnosis, the amount and location of subgingival calculus deposits, and tooth mobility. OTHER PERIODONTIC SERVICES D4910 Periodontal Maintenance This procedure is for patients who have previously been treated for periodontal disease. Typically, maintenance starts 90 days after completion of active (surgical or nonsurgical) periodontal therapy. D4910 is not billable on the same date of service as codes D1110 or D4341. Reimbursement for D4910 is limited to twice per year. D4999 Unspecified periodontal procedure Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 15 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION VI. PROSTHODONTICS (Removable) D5000 - D5899 All prosthetic appliances such as complete dentures, partial dentures, denture duplication and relining procedures include six months of post-delivery care. Placement of immediate dentures and the use of dental implants and related services are beyond the scope of the program. Complete and/or partial dentures will be approved only when existing prostheses are not serviceable or cannot be relined or rebased. Reline or rebase of an existing prostheses will not be reimbursed when such procedures are performed in addition to a new prostheses for the same arch. If a recipient's health would be adversely affected by the absence of a prosthetic replacement, and the recipient could successfully wear a prosthetic replacement, such a replacement will be considered. In the event that the recipient has a record of not successfully wearing prosthetic replacements in the past, or has gone an extended period of time (three years or longer) without wearing a prosthetic replacement, the prognosis is poor. Mitigating factors surrounding these circumstances should be included with the prior approval request. Partial dentures will be approved only when they are required to alleviate a serious health condition including one that affects employability. Eight natural or prosthetic teeth in occlusion (four maxillary and four mandibular teeth in functional contact with each other) are generally considered adequate for functional purposes. One missing maxillary anterior tooth or two missing mandibular anterior teeth may be considered a problem that warrants a prosthetic replacement. Complete or partial dentures will not routinely be replaced when they have been provided by the Medicaid program and become unserviceable or are lost within four years, except when they become unserviceable through extensive physiological change. If the recipient can provide documentation that reasonable care has been exercised in the maintenance of the prosthetic appliance, and it did not become unserviceable or lost through negligence, a replacement may be considered. Prior approval requests for such replacements will not be reviewed without supporting documentation. A verbal statement by the recipient that is then included by the provider on the prior approval request would generally not be considered sufficient. COMPLETE DENTURES (INCLUDING ROUTINE POST DELIVERY CARE) D5110 #Complete denture; maxillary D5120 #mandibular For D5110, D5120 See Rule 7 in the General Information and Instructions section PARTIAL DENTURES (INCLUDING ROUTINE POST DELIVERY CARE) Reimbursement for all removable partial dentures includes a minimum of two clasps. The total number of clasps is dictated by the retentive requirements of each case, with no additional payment for necessary supplemental clasps. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 16 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION D5211 Maxillary partial denture - resin base (including any conventional clasps, rests and teeth) Includes acrylic resin base denture with resin or wrought wire clasps. D5212 Mandibular partial denture - resin base (including any conventional clasps, rests and teeth) Includes acrylic resin base denture with resin or wrought wire clasps. D5213 Maxillary partial denture - cast metal framework with resin denture bases (including any conventional clasps, rests and teeth) D5214 Mandibular partial - cast metal framework with resin denture bases (including any conventional clasps, rests and teeth) REPAIRS TO COMPLETE DENTURES D5510 D5520 Repair broken complete denture base (QUAD) Replace missing or broken teeth - complete denture (each tooth) (TOOTH) REPAIRS TO PARTIAL DENTURES D5610 D5620 D5630 D5640 D5650 D5660 Repair resin denture base (QUAD) Repair cast framework Repair or replace broken clasp (TOOTH) Replace broken teeth - per tooth (TOOTH) Add tooth to existing partial denture (TOOTH) Add clasp to existing partial denture (TOOTH) DENTURE REBASE PROCEDURES Rebase – process of refitting a denture by replacing the base material. D5710 D5711 D5720 D5721 Rebase; complete maxillary denture complete mandibular denture maxillary partial denture mandibular partial denture DENTURE RELINE PROCEDURES For cases in which it is impractical to complete a laboratory-processed reline, office (chairside or cold cure) reline of dentures may be requested with appropriate documentation. This procedure is not reimbursable during the six months of follow-up care included in the fee for the denture. D5730 D5731 D5740 D5741 D5750 Reline; complete maxillary denture (chairside) complete mandibular denture (chairside) maxillary partial denture (chairside) mandibular partial denture (chairside) complete maxillary denture (laboratory) Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 17 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE D5751 D5760 D5761 DESCRIPTION complete mandibular denture (laboratory) maxillary partial denture (laboratory) mandibular partial denture (laboratory) INTERIM PROSTHESIS Reimbursement is limited to once per year and only for children between 5 and 15 years of age. Codes 05820 and 05821 are not to be used in lieu of space maintainers. D5820 D5821 Interim partial denture (maxillary) Interim partial denture (mandibular) OTHER REMOVABLE PROSTHETIC SERVICES Insertion of tissue conditioning liners in existing dentures will be limited to once per denture unit as a preparation for taking impressions for the relining of existing dentures or the fabrication of new dentures. This procedure should be billed one time at the completion of treatment, regardless of the number of visits involved. An explanation inserted in the "Procedure Description" field should be included if billed separately from the relining or new denture codes. Codes 05850 and 05851 are for therapeutic reline using materials designed to heal unhealthy ridges prior to more definitive final restoration and are not reimbursable for children under age 16. D5850 D5851 D5899 Tissue conditioning, maxillary per denture unit Tissue conditioning, mandibular per denture unit Unspecified removable prosthodontic procedure VII. MAXILLOFACIAL PROSTHETICS D5900 - D5999 D5911 D5912 D5913 D5914 D5915 D5916 D5919 D5922 D5923 D5924 D5925 D5926 D5927 D5928 D5929 D5931 D5932 D5933 Facial moulage (sectional) Facial moulage (complete) Nasal prosthesis Auricular prosthesis Orbital prosthesis Ocular prosthesis Facial prosthesis Nasal septal prosthesis Ocular prosthesis, interim Cranial prosthesis Facial augmentation implant prosthesis Nasal prosthesis, replacement Auricular prosthesis, replacement Orbital prosthesis, replacement Facial prosthesis, replacement Obturator prosthesis, surgical Obturator prosthesis, definitive Obturator prosthesis, modification Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 18 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE D5934 D5935 D5936 D5937 D5951 D5952 D5953 D5954 D5955 D5958 D5959 D5960 D5982 D5983 D5984 D5985 D5986 D5987 D5988 D5999 DESCRIPTION Mandibular resection prosthesis with guide flange Mandibular resection prosthesis without guide flange Obturator prosthesis, interim Trismus appliance (not for TMD treatment) Feeding aid Speech aid prosthesis, pediatric Speech aid prosthesis, adult Palatal augmentation prothesis Palatal lift prosthesis, definitive Palatal lift prosthesis, interim Palatal lift prosthesis, modification Speech aid prosthesis, modification Surgical stent Radiation carrier Radiation shield Radiation cone locator Fluoride gel carrier (per arch)(ARCH) Commissure splint Surgical splint Unspecified maxillofacial prosthesis VIII. IMPLANT SERVICES D6000 - D6199 Implant Services are not covered IX. PROSTHODONTICS, FIXED (EACH RETAINER AND EACH PONTIC CONSTITUTES A UNIT IN A FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE) D6200 - D6999 Fixed bridgework is generally considered beyond the scope of the Medicaid program. The fabrication of any fixed bridge may be considered only for a patient with no recent caries activity (no initial restorations placed during the past year), no unrestored carious lesions, no significant periodontal bone loss in the same arch and no posterior tooth loss with replaceable space in the same arch. The replacement of a missing tooth or teeth with a fixed partial denture will not be approved under the Medicaid program when either no replacement or replacement with a removable partial denture could be considered appropriate based on Medicaid prosthetic guidelines. The fabrication of fixed and removable partial dentures in the same arch or the use of double abutments will not be approved. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 19 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION The placement of a fixed prosthetic appliance will only be considered for the anterior segment of the mouth in those exceptional cases where there is a documented physical or neurological disorder that would preclude placement of a removable prosthesis, or in those cases requiring cleft palate stabilization. In cases other than for cleft palate stabilization, treatment would generally be limited to replacement of a single maxillary anterior tooth or replacement of two adjacent mandibular teeth. For a patient whose pulpal anatomy allows crown preparation of abutment teeth without pulp exposure, the construction of a conventional fixed bridge will be approved only for the replacement of a single missing maxillary anterior tooth or two adjacent missing mandibular anterior teeth. Acid etched cast bonded bridges (Maryland Bridges) may be approved only for the replacement of a single missing maxillary anterior tooth, two adjacent missing maxillary anterior teeth, or two adjacent missing mandibular incisors. Approval will only be considered for a patient under the age of 21 or one whose pulpal anatomy precludes crown preparation of abutments without pulp exposure. Abutments for resin bonded fixed partial dentures (i.e. Maryland Bridges) should be billed using code D6545 and pontics using code D6251. FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE PONTICS D6210 D6211 D6212 D6240 D6241 D6242 D6250 D6251 D6252 Pontic; cast high noble metal (TOOTH) cast predominately base metal (TOOTH) cast noble metal (TOOTH) porcelain fused to high noble metal (TOOTH) porcelain fused to predominately base metal (TOOTH) porcelain fused to noble metal (TOOTH) resin with high noble metal (TOOTH) resin with predominately base metal (TOOTH) resin with noble metal (TOOTH) FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE RETAINERS-INLAYS/ONLAYS D6545 Retainer - cast metal for resin bonded fixed prosthesis (TOOTH) Limited to abutment for resin bonded fixed partial dentures (i.e. Maryland Bridges). FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE RETAINERS - CROWNS D6720 D6721 D6722 D6750 D6751 D6752 D6780 D6790 D6791 D6792 Crown; resin with high noble metal (TOOTH) resin with predominately base metal (TOOTH) resin with noble metal (TOOTH) porcelain fused to high noble metal (TOOTH) porcelain fused to predominantly base metal (TOOTH) porcelain fused to noble metal (TOOTH) 3/4 cast high noble metal (TOOTH) full cast high noble metal (TOOTH) full cast predominantly base metal full cast noble metal (TOOTH) Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 20 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION OTHER FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE SERVICES D6930 D6970 D6972 D6980 D6999 Recement fixed partial denture (QUAD) Post and core in addition to fixed partial denture retainer (TOOTH), indirectly fabricated Prefabricated post and core in addition to fixed partial denture retainer (TOOTH) Fixed partial denture repair (QUAD) (use for bridge repair and severing, per unit, per quadrant) Unspecified, fixed prosthodontic procedure X. ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY D7000 - D7999 All surgical procedures include the surgery and the follow-up care for the period indicated. Necessary follow-up care beyond this listed period should be billed using codes D7999 or D9110. When multiple surgical procedures are performed on the same quadrant or arch, the claim may be pended for professional review. When extensive multiple surgical procedures are performed at the same operative session, the total reimbursement will be based upon the value of the major procedure plus 50% of the value of the lesser procedure(s). Removal of bilateral tori or bilateral impactions and multiple extractions performed at the same operative session are examples of exceptions due to the independence of the individual procedures. When a provider performs surgical excision and removal of tumors, cysts and neoplasms, the extent of the procedure claimed must be supported by information in the patient's record. This includes radiographs, clinical findings, and operative and histopathologic reports. To expedite review and reimbursement, this material (except radiographs) should be submitted with claims for procedures that are priced "By Report." For removal of supernumerary tooth, use code D7999. EXTRACTIONS (INCLUDES LOCAL ANESTHESIA, SUTURING, IF NEEDED, AND ROUTINE POSTOPERATIVE CARE) D7140 Extraction, erupted tooth or exposed root (elevation and/or forceps removal)(TOOTH) SURGICAL EXTRACTIONS (INCLUDES LOCAL ANESTHESIA, SUTURING, IF NEEDED, AND ROUTINE POSTOPERATIVE CARE) D7210 Surgical removal of erupted tooth requiring elevation of mucoperiosteal flap and removal of bone and/or section of tooth (TOOTH) Requires prior approval if done more than four times within one year. Includes cutting of gingiva and bone, removal of tooth structure, and closure. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 21 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION D7220 Removal of impacted tooth; soft tissue (TOOTH) Occlusal surface of tooth covered by soft tissue; requires mucoperiosteal flap elevation. D7230 partially bony (TOOTH) Part of crown covered by bone; requires mucoperiosteal flap elevation, bone removal and may require segmentalization of tooth. D7240 completely bony (TOOTH) Most or all of crown covered by bone; requires mucoperiosteal flap elevation, bone removal and may require segmentalization of tooth. D7241 completely bony, with unusual surgical complications (TOOTH) Most or all of crown covered by bone; usually difficult or complicated due to factors such as nerve dissection required, separate closure of maxillary sinus required or aberrant tooth position. D7250 Surgical removal of residual tooth roots (cutting procedure) (TOOTH) Includes cutting of gingiva and bone, removal of tooth structure and closure. OTHER SURGICAL PROCEDURES D7260 D7261 D7270 Oroantral fistula closure (QUAD) Primary closure of sinus perforation Tooth re-implantation and/or stabilization of accidentally avulsed or displaced tooth and/or alveolus (includes splinting) (TOOTH) D7272 Tooth transplantation (includes reimplantation from one site to another and splinting and/or stabilization) (TOOTH) D7280 Surgical access of an unerupted tooth (TOOTH) An incision is made and the tissue is reflected and bone removed as necessary to expose the crown of an impacted tooth not intended to be extracted. (Also includes tooth exposure for orthodontic purposes, including the orthodontic attachments.) D7285 Biopsy of oral tissue; hard (bone, tooth) D7286 soft Not to be used in conjunction with apicoectomy and periradicular curettage. D7290 Surgical repositioning of teeth (TOOTH) ALVEOPLASTY - SURGICAL PREPARATION OF RIDGE FOR DENTURES D7310 Alveoloplasty in conjunction with extractions – four or more teeth or tooth spaces, per quadrant (QUAD) This procedure will be reimbursed when at least four adjacent teeth are removed, and when additional surgical procedures above and beyond the removal of the teeth are required to prepare the ridge for dentures. Not reimbursable in addition to surgical extractions in the same quadrant. Bill on same invoice as extraction to expedite review. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 22 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION D7320 Alveoloplasty not in conjunction with extractions – four or more teeth or tooth spaces, per quadrant (QUAD) The fee for each quadrant includes the recontouring of both osseous and soft tissues in that quadrant. Procedure code D7320 will not be reimbursed in conjunction with procedure code D7310 in the same quadrant. VESTIBULOPLASTY Vestibuloplasty may be approved when a denture could not otherwise be worn. D7340 D7350 Vestibuloplasty - ridge extension (secondary epithelialization) (ARCH) Vestibuloplasty - ridge extension (including soft tissue grafts, muscle reattachment, revision of soft tissue attachment and management of hypertrophied and hyperplastic tissue)(ARCH) SURGICAL EXCISION OF SOFT TISSUE LESIONS (INCLUDES NON-ODONTOGENIC CYSTS) D7410 Excision of benign lesion; up to 1.25 cm D7411 greater than 1.25cm D7412 complicated Requires extensive undermining with advancement or rotational flap closure. D7413 Excision of malignant lesion; up to 1.25cm D7414 greater than 1.25cm D7415 complicated Requires extensive undermining with advancement or rotational flap closure. SURGICAL EXCISION OF INTRA-OSSEOUS LESIONS Reimbursement for routine or surgical extractions includes removal of tooth, soft tissue associated with the root and curettage of the socket. Therefore, excision of tissue, particularly cyst removal under code D7450, requires supporting documentation when billed as an adjunct to tooth extraction. Periapical granulomas at the apex of decayed teeth will not be separately reimbursed in addition to the tooth extraction. D7440 D7441 D7450 D7451 D7460 D7461 D7465 Excision of malignant tumor; lesion diameter up to 1.25 cm lesion greater than 1.25 cm Removal of odontogenic cyst or lesion greater than 1.25 cm (QUAD) Removal of benign nonodontogenic cyst or tumor; lesion diameter up to 1.25 cm greater than 1.25 cm Destruction of lesion(s) by physical or chemical methods Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 23 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION EXCISION OF BONE TISSUE D7471 Removal of lateral exostosis (maxilla or mandible) Indicate site on a separate sheet of paper submitted with the claim form. D7472 D7473 D7485 D7490 Removal of torus palatinus Removal of torus mandibularis Surgical reduction of osseous tuberosity Radical resection of maxilla or mandible SURGICAL INCISION Reimbursement for codes D7510 and D7520 includes insertion/removal of drains. D7510 D7520 D7530 Incision and drainage of abscess; intraoral soft tissue extraoral soft tissue Removal of foreign body from mucosa, skin, or subcutaneous alveolar tissue D7540 Removal of reaction-producing foreign bodies – musculoskeletal system May include, but is not limited to, removal of splinters, pieces of wire, bone plates, screws, etc., from muscle and/or bone. D7550 D7560 Sequestrectomy for osteomyelitis includes guttering or saucerization Maxillary sinusotomy for removal of tooth fragment or foreign body (QUAD) (Includes closure of oro-antral communication when performed concurrently.) TREATMENT OF FRACTURES – SIMPLE D7610 Maxilla; open reduction (teeth immobilized if present) D7620 closed reduction (teeth immobilized if present) D7630 Mandible; open reduction (teeth immobilized if present) D7640 closed reduction (teeth immobilized if present) D7650 Malar and/or zygomatic arch; open reduction D7660 closed reduction D7670 Alveolus: closed reduction, may include stabilization of teeth. Teeth may be wired, banded or splinted together to prevent movement (eg., Erich arch bars). D7671 open reduction, may include stabilization of teeth Teeth may be wired, banded or splinted together to prevent movement (eg., Erich arch bars). D7680 Facial bones – complicated reduction with fixation and multiple surgical approaches Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 24 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION TREATMENT OF FRACTURES-COMPOUND Reimbursement for codes D7710-D7740 includes splint fabrication when necessary. D7710 D7720 D7730 D7740 D7750 D7760 D7770 D7771 D7780 Maxilla; open reduction closed reduction Mandible; open reduction closed reduction Malar and/or zygomatic arch; Open reduction closed reduction Alveolus – open reduction stabilization of teeth Alveolus, closed reduction stabilization of teeth Facial bones – complicated reduction with fixation and multiple surgical approaches REDUCTION OF DISLOCATION AND MANAGEMENT OF OTHER TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DYSFUNCTIONS Routine services for treatment of T.M.J. and related disorders are generally considered beyond the scope of the program. Reimbursement for temporomandibular joint dysfunctions will be permitted only in the specific conditions wherein a definitive diagnosis corroborates necessary treatment. Appropriate documentation (eg., operative report, procedure description) should accompany all claims as attachments. D7810 Open reduction of dislocation D7820 Closed reduction of dislocation D7830 Manipulation under anesthesia Usually done under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. D7840 D7850 D7852 D7854 D7856 D7858 D7860 D7865 D7870 D7872 D7873 D7874 D7875 D7876 D7877 D7880 Condylectomy Surgical discectomy; with/without implant Disc repair Synovectomy Myotomy Joint reconstruction Arthrotomy Arthoplasty Arthrocentesis Arthroscopy; diagnosis, with/without biopsy surgical: lavage and lysis of adhesions surgical: disc repositioning and stabilization surgical: synovectomy surgical: discectomy surgical: debridement Occlusal orthotic appliance Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 25 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION REPAIR OF TRAUMATIC WOUNDS Excludes closure of surgical incisions. D7910 Suture of recent small wounds up to 5 cm COMPLICATED SUTURING (RECONSTRUCTION REQUIRING DELICATE HANDLING OF TISSUES AND WIDE UNDERMINING FOR METICULOUS CLOSURE) Procedure codes D7911, D7912, or D7920 are to be utilized in situations requiring unusual and time-consuming techniques of repair to obtain the maximum functional and cosmetic result. The extent of the procedure claimed must be supported by information in the patient's record, including clinical findings, and "Operative Reports. D7911 D7912 Complicated suture; up to 5 cm greater than 5 cm OTHER REPAIR PROCEDURES D7920 D7940 D7941 D7943 D7944 D7945 D7946 D7947 D7948 Skin graft (identify defect covered, location and type of graft) Osteoplasty - for orthognathic deformities Osteotomy; mandibular rami mandibular rami with bone graft, includes obtaining the graft segmented or subapical body of mandible Lefort I ; (maxilla-total) (maxilla-segmented) Lefort II or Lefort III (osteoplasty of facial bones for Midface hypoplasia or retrusion); Without bone graft (includes obtaining autographs) D7949 with bone graft D7950 Osseous, osteoperiosteal, or cartilage graft of the mandible or maxilla autogenous or non autogenous, by report (includes obtaining Autograph and/or allograph material) D7960 Frenulectomy (frenectomy or frenotomy)- separate procedure For pre-prosthetic purposes, correction of ankyloglossia, or in association with orthodontic treatment. Indication must be documented in patient record. D7970 Excision of hyperplastic tissue- per arch (ARCH) This procedure is reserved for the removal of tissue over a previous edentulous denture bearing area to improve the prognosis of a proposed prosthesis. D7971 D7972 D7980 D7981 D7982 D7983 Excision of pericoronal gingiva (TOOTH) Surgical reduction of fibrous tuberosity Sialolithotomy Excision of salivary gland Sialodochoplasty Closure of salivary fistula Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 26 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION D7990 D7991 D7997 Emergency tracheotomy Coronoidectomy Appliance removal (not by dentist who placed appliance), includes removal of arch bar Not for orthodontics. This procedure includes both arches, if necessary. D7999 Unspecified oral surgical procedure XI. ORTHODONTICS D8000 - D8999 The decisive appointment for active orthodontic treatment is the time at which the total appliance(s) is/are completely activated. The placement of the component parts (e.g. brackets, bands) does not constitute complete appliance insertion or active treatment. When eligibility is lost after active orthodontic treatment has been initiated, Medicaid will continue to reimburse for orthodontia care for a period of up to six months following loss of eligibility. The treating orthodontist may decide to complete active treatment (including retention care), initiate retention care to preserve current status, or remove the appliances in cases of minimal progress during active therapy. When billing for the sixmonth treatment extension, submit paper claim using D8999, use the last date of eligibility for the date of service and identify the current treatment year. INTERCEPTIVE ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT Only orthodontists are reimbursed for codes D8050 and D8060 for rapid palatal expansion via fixed appliance. Do not use D8050 and D8060 for removable appliance therapy (see D8210). The key to successful interception is intervention in the incipient stages of a developing problem to lessen the severity of the malformation and eliminate its cause. Complicating factors such as skeletal disharmonies, overall space deficiency, or other conditions may require future comprehensive therapy. D8050 D8060 Interceptive orthodontic treatment of the primary dentition (rapid palatal expansion via fixed appliance only) Interceptive orthodontic treatment of the transitional dentition (rapid palatal expansion via fixed appliance only) COMPREHENSIVE ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT Reimbursement for codes D8070, D8080 or D8090 is limited to once in a lifetime as initial payment for an approved course of orthodontic treatment. The child’s dentition will determine the single code to be used. May be billed when appliances have been placed and active treatment has been initiated on or after June 1, 2000 or on the date the first quarter of treatment has been completed and no reimbursement has been made for the case. For quarterly payment, see code D8670. D8070 D8080 Comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the transitional dentition Comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the adolescent dentition Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 27 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE D8090 DESCRIPTION Comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the adult dentition (up to age 21) MINOR TREATMENT TO CONTROL HARMFUL HABITS D8210 Removable appliance therapy Removable indicates patient can remove; includes appliances for thumb sucking and tongue thrusting. OTHER ORTHODONTIC SERVICES D8660 Pre-orthodontic treatment visit Orthodontist only. May not be reimbursed in conjunction with D0120. D8670 Periodic orthodontic treatment visit (as part of contract) This code can be billed quarterly for a maximum of 3 years and can only be billed four (4) times in a twelve-month period beginning 90 days after the date of service on which orthodontic appliances have been placed for active treatment. Claims billed more frequently than the allotted four times per year will result in an automatic systems denial. D8680 Orthodontic retention (removal of appliances, construction and placement of retainer(s) (for post-treatment stabilization) D8690 Orthodontic treatment (alternative billing to a contract fee Services provided by orthodontist other than original treating orthodontist. This is limited to transfer care and removal of appliances. D8692 Replacement of lost or broken retainer This procedure will be reimbursed once per lifetime and includes both arches, if necessary. D8999 Unspecified orthodontic procedure XII. ADJUNCTIVE GENERAL SERVICES D9000 - D9999 UNCLASSIFIED TREATMENT D9110 Palliative (emergency) treatment of dental pain - minor procedure (documentation required) This service is not reimbursable in addition to other therapeutic services performed at the same visit or in conjunction with initial or periodic oral examinations when the procedure does not add significantly to the length of time and effort of the treatment provided during that particular visit. Cannot be billed with D0140. When billing, the provider must document the nature of the emergency, the area and/or tooth involved and the specific treatment involved. This information should be placed on a separate sheet of paper and submitted with the claim form. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 28 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION ANESTHESIA The administration of general anesthesia or intravenous (parenteral) sedation will be reimbursed in conjunction with surgical and restorative procedures when performed by a qualified dentist who is certified in dental anesthesia by the New York State Education Department. The cost of analgesic and anesthetic agents (e.g., oral conscious sedatives) is included in the reimbursement for the dental service. The administration of nitrous oxide, with or without local anesthetic, but without other agents, is not reimbursable. Reimbursement for general anesthesia, intravenous (parenteral) sedation and anesthesia time is conditioned upon meeting the definitions listed below. General Anesthesia is defined as a controlled state of unconsciousness, accompanied by a partial or complete loss of protective reflexes, including loss of ability to independently maintain an airway and respond purposefully to physical stimulation or verbal command. Deep Sedation is an induced state of depressed consciousness accompanied by partial loss of protective reflexes, including the inability to continually maintain an airway independently and/or to respond purposefully to physical stimulation or verbal command. Intravenous (parenteral) sedation is defined as a controlled state of depressed consciousness that is produced by the administration of medication intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Intravenous (parenteral) conscious sedation is defined as a minimally depressed level of consciousness produced by the administration of medication intravenously, intramuscularly, or subcutaneously in which the patient remains conscious, retains the ability to breathe continually without assistance and retains the ability to respond meaningfully to verbal commands and physical stimuli. Anesthesia Time is defined as the period between the beginning of the administration of the anesthetic agent and the time that the anesthetist is no longer in personal attendance. Reimbursement for general anesthesia or intravenous (parenteral) sedation is dependent upon anesthesia time. Since anesthesia time is divided into units for billing purposes, the number of such units should be entered in the "Times Performed" field of the claim form for procedure codes D9220-D9242. The first 30 minutes of anesthesia time is billed as one unit using the appropriate code (either D9220 or D9241). If the procedure requires more than 30 minutes of anesthesia time, additional time is billed in 15-minute units (one unit = 15 minutes) using the appropriate code (either D9221 or D9242). D9220 D9221 D9241 D9242 Deep Sedation/general anesthesia – first 30 minutes Deep Sedation/general anesthesia – each additional 15 minutes Intravenous conscious sedation/analgesia – first 30 minutes (parenteral sedation) Intravenous conscious sedation/analgesia – each additional 15 minutes (parenteral sedation) Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 29 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL CONSULTATION D9310 Consultation - diagnostic service provided by dentist or physician other than requesting dentist or physician Consultation is defined as advice and counsel from an accredited specialist, which is provided at the request of the attending dentist in regard to the further management of the case by the attending dentist. A consultation also occurs when a health practitioner in another discipline (e.g. a physician) requests the advice and counsel of any dentist in regard to the referring practitioner’s further management of the case. If the consultant provider assumes the management of the patient after the consultation, subsequent services rendered by that provider will not be reimbursed as consultation. Referral for diagnostic aids (including radiographs) does not constitute consultation but is reimbursable at the listed fees for such services. Consultation will not be reimbursed if claimed by a provider within ninety days of an examination (D0120 or D0160) or an office visit for observation (D9430). To expedite review, indication of the referring provider must be included. PROFESSIONAL VISITS D9410 House/extended care facility call Per visit, regardless of number of patients seen (to be added to fee for service). Fee for service reimbursement will not be made for those individuals who reside in facilities where dental services are included in the facility rate. Reimbursement should be sought from the facility. The fee for a home visit represents the total extra charge permitted, and is not applicable to each patient seen at such a visit. Includes visits to long-term care facilities, hospice sites, or other institutions. D9420 Hospital call Per visit, per patient (to be added to fee for service). This service will be recognized only for professional visits for pre-operative or operative care. Post-operative visits are not reimbursable when related to procedures with assigned follow-up days. Hospital calls are not reimbursable for hospital-based providers. D9430 Office visit for observation (during regularly scheduled hours) – no other services performed Reimbursement includes the prescribing of medications and is subject to the limitations noted for consultation and is limited to two instances per clinical episode. First, an orthodontist may monitor the status of an orthodontic patient following an authorized phase or after the completion of active orthodontic treatment. Secondly, the evaluation of a non-referred recipient for whom treatment is not indicated is limited to the following providers: pedodontists, endodontists, prosthodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons and maxillofacial prosthodontists. D9440 Office visit - after regularly scheduled hours To be added to fee for service. This service is reimbursable only when requested and provided between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. for emergency treatment. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 30 of 31 Dental Procedure Codes CODE DESCRIPTION DRUGS D9610 Therapeutic drug injection, by report Submit itemized invoice indicating name and dosage of drug administered. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES D9920 Behavior management by report (OMRDD client identification form required) This is a per visit incentive to compensate for the greater knowledge, skill, sophisticated equipment, extra time and personnel required to treat this population. This fee will be paid in addition to the normal fees for specific dental procedures. For purposes of the Medicaid program, the developmentally disabled population (OMRDD Clients) for which procedure code D9920 may be billed is limited to those who receive ongoing services from community programs operated or certified by the New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD). These include, among others, family care programs, programs operated directly by the State and programs operated by agencies such as Association for Retarded Children (ARC's) and private schools. To identify patients who are eligible for services billed under procedure code D9920, OMRDD has provided these individuals with special identification forms. In order to ensure the proper use of this procedure code, a copy of the completed OMRDD client identification letter must be attached to each claim submitted under procedure code D9920. You should maintain a copy of this form with the patient's record. D9940 Occlusal guard Removable dental appliance, which are designed to minimize the effects of bruxism (grinding) and other occlusal factors. Version 2010-1 (04/01/2010) Page 31 of 31
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