The Essential Guide To SAS Dates And Times Derek Morgan
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SAS Press The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times ® Derek P. Morgan The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: Morgan, Derek P. 2006. The Essential Guide ® to SAS Dates and Times. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. ® The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Copyright © 2006, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA ISBN-13: 978-1-59047-884-4 ISBN-10: 1-59047-884-3 All rights reserved. Produced in the United States of America. For a hard-copy book: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, SAS Institute Inc. For a Web download or e-book: Your use of this publication shall be governed by the terms established by the vendor at the time you acquire this publication. U.S. Government Restricted Rights Notice: Use, duplication, or disclosure of this software and related documentation by the U.S. government is subject to the Agreement with SAS Institute and the restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27513. 1st printing, June 2006 SAS Publishing provides a complete selection of books and electronic products to help customers use SAS software to its fullest potential. For more information about our e-books, e-learning products, CDs, and hardcopy books, visit the SAS Publishing Web site at or call 1-800-727-3228. SAS® and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. Table of Contents Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................vii 1 Introduction to Dates and Times in SAS ................................................ 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 How Does It Work? (January 1, 1960 and Midnight as Zero) .......................... 2 Internal Representation (Storage as Integers or Real Numbers).......................... 2 External Representation (Basic Format Concepts)............................................. 3 Date and Time as Numeric Constants in SAS.................................................. 3 System Options Related to Dates ................................................................... 5 Length and Numeric Requirements for Date, Time, and Datetime .................... 12 Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times as We Know Them............................................................................. 15 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 How Do I Use a Format? ............................................................................ 16 So Just How Many Built-in Formats Are There for Dates and Times?................. 18 A Quick Note About Date Formats, Justification, and ODS............................. 19 Detailed Discussion of Each Format ............................................................. 19 2.4.1 Date Formats .................................................................................. 19 2.4.2 Time Formats .................................................................................. 43 2.4.3 Datetime Formats ............................................................................ 47 2.5 Creating Custom Date Formats Using the VALUE Statement of PROC FORMAT ........................................................................................ 54 2.6 Creating Custom Date Formats Using the PICTURE Statement of PROC FORMAT ........................................................................................ 56 2.7 The PUT( ) Function and Formats.................................................................. 60 iv Table of Contents 3 Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values.......................................................................... 63 3.1 Avoiding the Two-Digit Year Trap................................................................ 64 3.2 Using Informats ......................................................................................... 65 3.3 The INFORMAT Statement.......................................................................... 66 3.3.1 Using Informats with the INPUT Statement .......................................... 66 3.3.2 Informats with the INPUT( ) Function................................................... 67 3.3.3 When the Informat Does Not Match the Data Being Read.................... 68 3.4 Listing and Discussion of Informats .............................................................. 70 3.4.1 Date Informats ................................................................................ 70 3.4.2 Time Informats ................................................................................ 75 3.4.3 Datetime Informats .......................................................................... 77 3.4.4 ANYDT and Its Variants ................................................................... 77 4 Date and Time Functions .................................................................... 85 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 Current Date and Time Functions................................................................. 86 Extracting Pieces from SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values ......................... 86 Creating Dates, Times, and Datetimes from Numbers .................................... 89 Calculating Intervals .................................................................................. 93 4.4.1 Calculating Elapsed Time with DATDIF( ) and YRDIF() .......................... 93 4.4.2 The Basics of SAS Intervals............................................................... 96 4.4.3 The Interval Calculation Functions: INTCK and INTNX ......................... 98 Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS ............................................. 107 5.1 Macro Variables and Dates...................................................................... 108 5.1.1 Automatic Macro Variables ............................................................ 108 5.1.2 Putting Dates into Titles .................................................................. 109 5.1.4 Using %SYSFUNC() to Create Dates, Times, and Datetimes in Macro Variables ........................................................................... 110 5.1.4 Using CALL SYMPUT( ) and SYMGET() with Dates, Times, and Datetimes ..................................................................................... 111 5.2 Shifting SAS Date and Time Intervals ......................................................... 113 5.3 Graphing Dates ...................................................................................... 122 Table of Contents v 5.4 The Basics of PROC EXPAND ................................................................... 127 5.4.1 Capabilities of PROC EXPAND ....................................................... 127 5.4.2 Using PROC EXPAND to Convert to a Higher Frequency ................... 129 5.4.3 Using PROC EXPAND to Convert to a Lower Frequency..................... 130 5.4.4 Using PROC EXPAND to Interpolate Missing Values .......................... 132 5.4.5 The OBSERVED= Option for the CONVERT Statement in PROC EXPAND............................................................................. 133 5.5 International Date, Time, and Datetime Formats and Informats...................... 136 5.5.1 “EUR” Formats and Informats.......................................................... 137 5.5.2 “NL” Formats................................................................................ 140 5.5.3 Specific Language Date Formats and Informats................................. 143 5.6 Other Software and Their Dates (Excel, Oracle, DB2).................................. 144 Appendix A Quick Reference Guide to SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Formats ................................................................................ 149 Index ..................................................................................................... 151 vi Acknowledgments Many people helped to make this book happen. I shouldn’t get all of the credit. Firstly, I’d like to give special thanks to Patsy Poole and Julie Platt from SAS Press. Their encouragement and enthusiasm kept me going. I owe a lot to Art Carpenter, SAS guru. This book would not exist without his interest, patience, and gentle direction. Another big thank you goes to Caroline Brickley, Joan Stout Knight, Candy Farrell, and Patrice Cherry, all from SAS Press, who turned my manuscript into a real book. Thanks to Andrew Karp for introducing me to the world of PROC EXPAND, and to Mike Forno at SAS Institute’s Technical Support for answering my questions on it. I greatly appreciate the American Public Transportation Association (,) who allowed me to use data that they compiled from their member transit agencies for the PROC EXPAND examples, and Erik Tilanus for sharing some of his knowledge to help improve the content of this book. I’d also like to thank the technical reviewers from SAS Institute, Richard Bell, Chris DeHart, Rick Langston, and Kim Wilson for their thoughtful comments and corrections, as well as Michelle Schlude from SAS Institute’s Technical Support for helping to iron out the more sticky points of intervals. Closer to home, I want to acknowledge the Divisions of Biostatistics and Statistical Genomics at Washington University, especially Drs. D.C. Rao and Michael Province for their moral support, Jeanne Cashman for proofing the final draft, and Avril Adelman for giving me a SAS user’s perspective. Last, but most certainly not least, my wife Billie, and son Terec deserve a great deal of thanks for letting me spend a good number of my evenings and weekends with Microsoft Word and SAS instead of them. viii CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Dates and Times in SAS 1.1 How Does It Work? (January 1, 1960 and Midnight as Zero) ................................ 2 1.2 Internal Representation (Storage as Integers or Real Numbers)................................ 2 1.3 External Representation (Basic Format Concepts)................................................... 3 1.4 Date and Time as Numeric Constants in SAS........................................................ 3 1.5 System Options Related to Dates ......................................................................... 5 1.6 Length and Numeric Requirements for Date, Time, and Datetime...........................12 2 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times In the years that I’ve been working with SAS, and teaching students how to use it, I’ve noticed two things about it that consistently confuse programmers who are new to SAS. First, there is the “implied” DO-UNTIL (end-of-file) of the DATA step, and then there is the concept of dates (and times) within SAS. I’ve seen many misuses of character strings masquerading as dates and/or times over the past years. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the power and flexibility of dates and times in SAS. There is much more than just having numbers representing date and time values in SAS. We’ll start with the basics in the first three chapters, and then progress to some more advanced uses of those date and time values. 1.1 How Does It Work? (January 1, 1960 and Midnight as Zero) SAS has three separate counters that keep track of dates and times. The date counter started at zero on January 1, 1960. Any day before 1/1/1960 is a negative number, and any day after that is a positive number. Every day at midnight, the date counter is increased by one. The time counter runs from zero (at midnight) to 86,399.9999, when it resets to zero. The last counter is the datetime counter. This is the number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1960. Why January 1, 1960? One story has it that the founders of SAS wanted to use the approximate birth date of the IBM 370 system, and they chose January 1, 1960 as an easyto-remember approximation. Many database programs maintain their dates as a value relative to some fixed point in time. This makes calculating durations easy, and working with dates stored in this fashion becomes a matter of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 1.2 Internal Representation (Storage as Integers or Real Numbers) SAS stores dates as integers, while the datetime and time counters are stored as real numbers to account for fractional seconds. The origin of the algorithm used for SAS date processing comes from a Computerworld article dated January 14, 1980 by Dr. Bhairav Joshi of SUNYGeneseo. The earliest date that SAS can handle with this algorithm is January 1, 1582. The latest date is far enough into the future that four digits can’t display the year. Chapter 1: Introduction to Dates and Times in SAS 3 1.3 External Representation (Basic Format Concepts) The dates as stored by SAS don’t do us much good in the real world. The statement “I was born on –242” won’t mean much to anyone else. On the other hand, “May 4, 1959” can easily be translated into something that most people can understand. SAS has a built-in facility to perform automatic translation between SAS numbers and dates and times as understood by the rest of the world. This automatic translation is performed with what are called formats. Formats display the date, time, and datetime values in a fashion that is much more easily understood. Formats do not change the values themselves; they are just a way to display the values in any output. What happens if you have a date or time and want to translate it into SAS date and time values? SAS has another built-in facility which performs the reverse translation, from the dates and times we understand and use to the values that SAS stores. This translation is done using informats. Informats translate what they are given into the values that are stored in SAS variables. We will discuss formats and informats in detail in Chapters 2 and 3, because there are dozens of them. 1.4 Date and Time as Numeric Constants in SAS We’ve talked about internal and external representation of dates and times. How do you put a specific date into a program as a constant? Formats change the way the values are displayed in output, so you can’t use them. Informats translate what they are given, so you could use them, but then you’d need to use the INPUT( ) function (see Section 3.3.2), which takes a value you give it and translates it with an INFORMAT. That’s very inefficient. Look at the following program (Example 1.4.1) to see how date, time, and datetime constants are written into a SAS program. Take note of the quotation marks around the values for date, time, and datetime, and the letters that follow each closing quote. The quotes are used to create a literal value. You may use a pair of single or double quotes to specify the literal value. The only difference between using single and double quotes around the date would be macro expansion. The most important part of a date constant is the letter that immediately follows the last quote. The letter “D” stands for date, “T” for time, and “DT” for datetime, and you can use either upper or lowercase. If you put a date in quotes without the letter at the end, you will create a character variable, not a numeric variable with a date, time, or datetime value. The difference might not become apparent until you try to do something with the variable you created that involves a calculation. Don’t forget your “D”, “T”, 4 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times or “DT”! Example 1.4.1 demonstrates how date constants are defined and then automatically converted to SAS date values. Example 1.4.1 Date Constants DATA date_constants; date = ‘04aug2004’d; /* This is a date constant */ time = ‘07:15:00’t; /* This is a time constant */ datetime = ‘07aug1904:21:31:00’dt; /* This is a datetime constant */ run; TITLE “Unformatted Constants”; PROC PRINT DATA=date_constants; VAR date time datetime; run; TITLE “Formatted Constants”; PROC PRINT DATA=date_constants; VAR date time datetime; FORMAT date worddate32. time timeampm9. datetime datetime32.; the constants */ run; /* Format Here is the resulting output: Unformatted Constants date time datetime 16287 26100 -1748226540 Formatted Constants date time datetime August 4, 2004 7:15 AM 07AUG1904:21:31:00 Without formats, you can see that the date constants we created are stored as their actual SAS date, time, and datetime values. They don’t make much sense until you format them. Chapter 1: Introduction to Dates and Times in SAS 5 1.5 System Options Related to Dates SAS has several system options; these affect the way that the SAS job or session works. There are four important options that affect dates: YEARCUTOFF, DATESTYLE, DATE/NODATE, and DTRESET. YEARCUTOFF On December 31, 1999, people were holding their breath. The majority of dates stored on computers allowed only two digits for the year, and assumed that the first two digits were (and would always be) “19”. This didn’t account for storage of dates where the first two digits of the year were not “19”, and thus, the “Y2K problem” was born. How does SAS handle twodigit years? When is a two-digit year in the 1900’s, and when is it in the 2000’s? What if you have old data and all those dates need to be in the 1800’s? What does SAS do? The answer is: YOU tell SAS how to handle two-digit years. There is a system option called YEARCUTOFF that lets you specify a 100-year span for two-digit years. It applies to all dates with two-digit years that you give SAS. This means that it applies to: date constants, date values read from raw data with the INPUT statement, and date values that are created from character strings with the INPUT( ) function. The YEARCUTOFF system option does not affect values that are stored as SAS date values, regardless of their display, so once you create a date or datetime value, YEARCUTOFF no longer has any effect on it. The system default is 1920. This means that any two-digit year from 20 to 99 will be translated as 1920 to 1999, while years from 00 to 19 will be translated as 2000 to 2019. The syntax is: OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF= (y)yyyy; /* (y)yyyy can be from 1582 to 19900 */ Let’s use a series of OPTIONS statements and date constants to illustrate. In the following program, three datasets are created with four identical date constants that use two-digit years. The only thing that changes is the value of YEARCUTOFF. Example 1.5.1 shows how YEARCUTOFF translates two-digit year values using date constants. 6 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Example 1.5.1 How the YEARCUTOFF System Option Works OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=1920; /* SAS System default */ DATA yearcutoff1; date1 = “15JUL06”d; date2 = “27FEB48”d; date3 = “04may69”d; date4 = “10dec95”d; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=yearcutoff1; FORMAT date1-date4 mmddyy10.; RUN; Here is the resulting output: date1 date2 date3 date4 07/15/2006 02/27/1948 05/04/1969 12/10/1995 With the default of 1920 in effect, you can see that the first date is placed in the 21st century, while the others remain in the 20th. Let’s move the 100-year period back by 80 years and see what happens. OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=1840; DATA yearcutoff2; date1 = “15JUL06”d; date2 = “27FEB48”d; date3 = “04may69”d; date4 = “10dec95”d; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=yearcutoff2; FORMAT date1-date4 mmddyy10.; RUN; Chapter 1: Introduction to Dates and Times in SAS 7 Here is the resulting output: date1 date2 date3 date4 07/15/1906 02/27/1848 05/04/1869 12/10/1895 Now the first date is in the 20th century, and the others are in the 19th. Note that the only change to the code is in the OPTIONS statement. The value of YEARCUTOFF is 1840 instead of 1920. For the last part of this example, we’ll set YEARCUTOFF to 1970, and use the same date constants with two-digit years again. OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=1970; DATA yearcutoff3; date1 = “15JUL06”d; date2 = “27FEB48”d; date3 = “04may69”d; date4 = “10dec95”d; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=yearcutoff3; FORMAT date1-date4 mmddyy10.; RUN; Here is the resulting output: date1 date2 date3 date4 07/15/2006 02/27/2048 05/04/2069 12/10/1995 Once again, the only difference in the code is in the OPTIONS statement. Now the 100-year range starts in 1970, which places every date except the last one in the 21st century. As with many SAS system options, YEARCUTOFF is effective when it is encountered within the program. If you have multiple OPTIONS statements that include YEARCUTOFF= in your program, each one will affect all date constants, raw data, and date values created from character strings with the INPUT( ) function until the next OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF= statement changes the 100-year range. As an example, if you were to put the three programs in the above example together in one file, the result would be the same, as long as you did not move the OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF= statements. 8 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times DATESTYLE This system option is important if you are using any of the following informats: ANYDTDTE., ANYDTDTM., or ANYDTTME. DATESTYLE controls how SAS will translate dates that can be interpreted in more than one way. This happens most often when you are using two-digit years. Assuming that the OPTIONS statement specifies YEARCUTOFF=1920, does 11-01-06 mean November 1, 2006, January 6, 2011, or January 11, 2006? DATESTYLE allows you to tell SAS how to interpret cases like this. You may specify any one of the following: Table 1.5.1 Values for DATESTYLE= MDY Sets the default order as month, day, year. “11-01-06” would be translated as November 1, 2006 YDM Sets the default order as year, day, month. “11-01-06” would be translated as June 1, 2011 MYD Sets the default order as month, year, day. “11-01-06” would be translated as November 6, 2001 DMY Sets the default order as day, month, year. “11-01-06” would be translated as January 11, 2006 YMD Sets the default order as year, month, day. “11-01-06” would be translated as January 6, 2011 DYM Sets the default order as day, year, month. “11-01-06” would be translated as June 11, 2001 LOCALE (default) Sets the default value according to the LOCALE= system option. When the default value for the LOCALE= system option is “English_US”, this sets DATESTYLE to MDY. Therefore, by default, “1101-06” would be translated as November 1, 2006. DATESTYLE can be set at SAS invocation, through an OPTIONS statement, in the configuration file, or in the SAS Options window. The syntax is: OPTIONS DATESTYLE=order; /* order is one of the values from table 1.1 */ Example 1.5.2 demonstrates the effect of the different DATESTYLE values on a given character string. Chapter 1: Introduction to Dates and Times in SAS 9 Example 1.5.2 How DATESTYLE Affects the ANYDTDTE. Informat The following program goes through each of the possible values for DATESTYLE using the same character string 11-01-06 as input. The log shown below the program will demonstrate the differences. OPTIONS DATESTYLE=mdy; DATA _NULL_; INPUT date anydtdte8.; PUT “OPTIONS DATESTYLE=mdy, so date=“ date mmddyy10.; DATALINES; 11-01-06 ; RUN; OPTIONS DATESTYLE=myd; DATA _NULL_; INPUT date anydtdte8.; PUT “OPTIONS DATESTYLE=myd, so date=“ date mmddyy10.; DATALINES; 11-01-06 ; RUN; OPTIONS DATESTYLE=ymd; DATA _NULL_; INPUT date anydtdte8.; PUT “OPTIONS DATESTYLE=ymd, so date=“ date mmddyy10.; DATALINES; 11-01-06 ; RUN; OPTIONS DATESTYLE=ydm; DATA _NULL_; INPUT date anydtdte8.; PUT “OPTIONS DATESTYLE=ydm, so date=“ date mmddyy10.; DATALINES; 11-01-06 ; RUN; 10 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times OPTIONS DATESTYLE=dmy; DATA _NULL_; INPUT date anydtdte8.; PUT “OPTIONS DATESTYLE=dmy, so date=“ date mmddyy10.; DATALINES; 11-01-06 ; RUN; OPTIONS DATESTYLE=dym; DATA _NULL_; INPUT date anydtdte8.; PUT “OPTIONS DATESTYLE=dym, so date=“ date mmddyy10.; DATALINES; 11-01-06 ; RUN; OPTIONS DATESTYLE=locale; /* LOCALE=EN_US */ DATA _NULL_; INPUT date anydtdte8.; PUT “OPTIONS DATESTYLE=locale, so date=“ date mmddyy10.; DATALINES; 11-01-06 ; RUN; The Log OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS DATESTYLE=mdy, so DATESTYLE=myd, so DATESTYLE=ymd, so DATESTYLE=ydm, so DATESTYLE=dmy, so DATESTYLE=dym, so DATESTYLE=locale, date=11/01/2006 date=11/06/2001 date=01/06/2011 date=06/01/2011 date=01/11/2006 date=06/11/2001 so date=11/01/2006 As you can see, DATESTYLE can have an enormous effect when the ANYDTDTE. (or ANYDTDTM. or ANYDTTM.) informats are used. Chapter 1: Introduction to Dates and Times in SAS 11 DATE/NODATE By default, the DATE system option is in effect when you start SAS, which causes the date and time that the SAS job (or session) started to appear on each page of the SAS log and SAS output. These values are obtained from the operating system clock. If you are running SAS interactively, then the date and time are printed only on the output, not the log. If you don’t want the date and time to appear, use the NODATE system option. The syntax is: OPTIONS NODATE; If you’ve turned off DATE, then you can turn it back on with: OPTIONS DATE; Example 1.5.3 shows what happens to the title line printed by SAS when you use DATE and NODATE. Remember that, by default, DATE is in effect when you start SAS. Example 1.5.3 DATE/NODATE This is a sample of a title line with the DATE system option: The SAS System 17:20 Thursday, August 5, 2004 1 This is what NODATE does to that title line: The SAS System 1 DTRESET If the DATE option is enabled, SAS prints the date and time that the current SAS session started. If you want a more accurate date and time on those pages, you can use the DTRESET system option. This will cause SAS to get the date and time from the operating system clock each time a page is written. That date and time will then be put on the page instead of the time that the SAS job started. Since the time is displayed in hours and minutes, you will see it change each minute only. The syntax is: OPTIONS DTRESET; 12 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times 1.6 Length and Numeric Requirements for Date, Time, and Datetime Since dates are stored as integers, you can take advantage of that to save space when you create variables to store them. Instead of using the default length of 8 for numeric variables, set the LENGTH of the numeric variables where you are storing the dates to 4. This will safely store dates from January 1, 1582 (the earliest date SAS can handle), to October 23, 7701. A length of 5 is overkill, although that would extend the ending date another 534,773,760 days! A length of 3 will not accurately store dates outside the range of January 1, 1960 and September 13, 1960. If you declare your date variables to be a length of 4, you will be able to store two dates in the space it would take to store one if you were using the SAS default length for numeric variables. Times may present a little bit of a problem, since times have the possibility of having decimal parts. You can get away with storing times in the same magic length of 4 that you can use for dates, and the rule is simple enough: if you want fractional seconds in your time values, use a length of 8 for maximum precision. Otherwise, the same length of 4 will store every possible whole second from midnight to midnight. Datetime values need to be a little longer; a length of 4 will not store a datetime value with accuracy, regardless of whether you want decimal places. The number is just too big. Use a length of 6 to store datetime values; this will accurately represent datetime values (without fractions of seconds) from midnight, January 1, 1582 to 3:04:31 PM on April 9, 6315. Note that a length of 6 might not translate into other databases. In all the above cases, the minimum lengths for accuracy have been given to you; do not attempt to save more space by shrinking the variables further. You will lose precision, and this could lead to unexpected results. Example 1.6.1 shows what can happen if you do not use enough bytes to store your date values. Example 1.6.1 The Effect of LENGTH Statements on Dates DATA date_length; LENGTH len3 3 len4 4 len5 5; len3 = ‘05AUG2004’d+1; len4 = ‘05AUG2004’d+1; len5 = ‘05AUG2004’d+1; FORMAT len3 len4 len5 mmddyy10.; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=date_length; RUN; Chapter 1: Introduction to Dates and Times in SAS 13 Here is the resulting output. Notice that the date in len3 is different from the one in the other two variables. This is what can happen when you shrink the size of the variable too much. Instead of August 6, 2004, the value is wrong. len3 len4 len5 08/05/2004 08/06/2004 08/06/2004 14 CHAPTER 2 Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times as We Know Them 2.1 How Do I Use a Format? ................................................................................... 16 2.2 So Just How Many Built-in Formats Are There for Dates and Times?........................ 18 2.3 A Quick Note About Date Formats, Justification, and ODS.................................... 19 2.4 Detailed Discussion of Each Format .................................................................... 19 2.4.1 Date Formats ......................................................................................... 19 2.4.2 Time Formats ......................................................................................... 43 2.4.3 Datetime Formats ................................................................................... 47 2.5 Creating Custom Date Formats Using the VALUE Statement of PROC FORMAT........ 54 2.6 Creating Custom Date Formats Using the PICTURE Statement of PROC FORMAT ..... 56 2.7 The PUT( ) Function and Formats......................................................................... 60 16 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times SAS date, time, and datetime values are stored as integers (unless you are storing fractional parts of seconds). They are all counted from a fixed reference point. SAS date values increment by 1 at midnight of each day, while SAS datetime values increment by 1 every second. SAS time values start at zero at midnight of each day, and increment by 1 each second. This scheme makes it easy to calculate durations in days and seconds, but it does not do much for figuring out what a given SAS date, time, or datetime value means in terms of how we talk about them. Therefore, SAS provides a facility that makes it easy to perform the translation from SAS into the common terminology of months, days, years, hours, and seconds. The translation is done through formats. Formats are what SAS uses to control the way data values are displayed. They can also be used to group data values together for analysis. They are essential to dates and times in SAS because SAS does not store dates and times in an easily recognizable form, as we discussed in Chapter 1. SAS has many built-in formats to display dates, times, and datetime values. Here’s your handy guide to all of the date, time, and datetime formats readily available in SAS. In addition, if any of these built-in formats don’t fit your needs, you have the ability to create (and store for future use) your own formats, which is covered in Sections 2.5 and 2.6. If you are looking for a quick reference, you can go to Appendix A, which lists all of the date, time, and datetime formats, and gives a sample display using their default lengths. If the default does not give you what you want, Section 2.4 discusses each date, time, and datetime format in detail, including how to specify the length of the format, and how that length affects the display. 2.1 How Do I Use a Format? Formats are easy to use. You can permanently associate a format with a variable by using a FORMAT statement in a DATA step as shown in Example 2.1.1. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 17 Example 2.1.1 Permanently Associating a Format with a Variable DATA test; LENGTH date1 time1 4; date2 = 16048; time2 = 733000; FORMAT date1 MMDDYY10. time1. TIMEAMPM11.; RUN; This example will create a dataset called TEST, which has two variables, date1, and time1. By using the FORMAT statement here, you have specified that whenever the values from this dataset are displayed, the values stored in the variable date1 will always be displayed with the format MMDDYY10., and those stored in time1 will always be displayed using the TIMEAMPM11. format. If you don’t want to have your data values permanently associated with a format, then you can just apply the format when you are actually writing the values to your output. The same FORMAT statement is used, but the location has changed, from the DATA step to the PROC step. Example 2.1.2 illustrates this. Example 2.1.2 Associating a Format with a Variable for the Duration of a Procedure DATA test2; LENGTH date2 time2 4; date2 = 16048; time2 = 733000; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=test2; FORMAT date2 DATE9. time2 TIMEAMPM11.; RUN; Now, although there is no format assigned to either date2 or time2 in the DATA step, you have told the PRINT procedure to write these values using the two formats listed. There’s another handy thing about using the FORMAT statement with a SAS procedure: if you use the FORMAT statement in a SAS procedure, it will override any format that has been permanently associated with the variables for the duration of that procedure. To illustrate, we’ll take the dataset “test” from Example 2.1.2 above. The variables date1 and time1 have been associated with the formats MMDDYY10. and TIMEAMPM11., respectively. What if your 18 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times report needs the date printed out with the day of the week, month name, day, and year, while the time needs to be seconds after midnight? The PROC PRINT step will look like this: PROC PRINT DATA=test; FORMAT date1 WEEKDATE37. time1; RUN; All SAS procedures will use the formats specified in the FORMAT statement that is part of the PROC step instead of the formats associated with the variable in the dataset. Therefore, in the above example, date1 will be printed with the WEEKDATE. format. What about time1? There’s no format name given after the variable name in the FORMAT statement. This is how to tell SAS not to use any formats that may be associated with the variable. To remove a FORMAT from a variable, make sure that no format names of any kind follow it anywhere in the FORMAT statement. In the following code segment, both time1 and date1 will be formatted with WEEKDATE37. PROC PRINT DATA=test; FORMAT time1 date1 WEEKDATE37.; RUN; 2.2 So Just How Many Built-in Formats Are There for Dates and Times? The answer is lots. We will discuss each of them in detail here, but if you’re looking for a quick reference, see Appendix A. SAS formats have their own syntax structure. There is a format name, followed by a width specification, and they all end with a period. The period is critical – it is what allows SAS to recognize the word as a format, and not some other SAS keyword, or text. The width specification varies with each format. This is very important to dates, because SAS will make abbreviations to the displayed value if you do not specify enough characters for the width specification. The abbreviation that SAS will use may not give you the output that you want. Each format has its own default width, which is what SAS will use if you do not specify a width. The default width is noted in the description for each format below, and it is usually the width that will accommodate the longest value to be displayed. For example, the default width for the DOWNAME. format is 9. That will accommodate the string Wednesday, which is the longest English day-of-week name. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 19 2.3 A Quick Note About Date Formats, Justification, and ODS Each date format has a default justification with respect to the width specification that you give it. Since numeric values are right-justified in SAS, most formats that are applied to date, time or datetime formats are right-justified, with a few exceptions. This is only applicable to traditional column-based output. In ODS destinations other than LISTING, values are justified within a table column by the SAS procedure default or by a user-defined ODS template. By default, SAS makes its columns wide enough to fit the widest item in a given column. Therefore, any leading spaces caused by specifying a width that is too wide to fit the formatted value won’t show up in ODS output. If you do not specify column alignment in an ODS template, certain ODS destinations (such as RTF and PDF) will justify values within a column according to the justification of the format used in the column, without leading spaces. 2.4 Detailed Discussion of Each Format This section will give a detailed explanation of all the current standard formats available for SAS date, time, and datetime values. In addition to the display that results from using a given format, the explanation includes information on the default width specification and its possible values, annotated examples of the display with varying width specifications, and usage notes. Date formats will be covered first, then time and datetime formats. Each subsection is arranged alphabetically. 2.4.1 Date Formats A date format translates SAS date values into one of several easily recognized equivalents. You may specify the width (number of characters) that the translated text will occupy, but each format has its own default width specification, shown as w in this text. The default width specification is given in the description of each format. Some, but not all, of the date formats allow you to specify the character that separates each element of the date. You must not use a date format to translate datetime values. If you try to translate a datetime value with a date format, you will get incorrect output. (For an example, see Section 2.4.3.) 20 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times DATEw. Writes dates as the numerical day of the month followed by the three-letter month abbreviation and the year, without any separating characters. It is right-justified within the field. w can be from 5–9, and the default width is 7. If you want to display four-digit years, use DATE9. The following table shows the result when the date value is 8449, which corresponds to February 18, 1983. Note the alignment of the date printed. Format Name Result DATE. 18FEB83 DATE5. 18FEB Comment No room for year to be displayed. DATE6. 18FEB DATE7. 18FEB83 DATE8. 18FEB83 DATE9. 18FEB1983 Output is moved to the right by 1 space. Two-digit year, leading space. This format is analogous to the DTDATE. format, which displays datetime values in the same manner. DAYw. Writes the numerical day of the month, and it is right-justified within the field. w can be from 2–32, and the default width is 2. Specifying anything longer than 2 will only place more spaces in the field to the left of the number, so it’s not necessary to specify more than 2. The following table shows the result when the date value is 16739, which corresponds to October 30, 2005: Format Name Result DATE2. 30 DATE5. 30 Comment See how the day is moved three spaces to the right. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 21 DDMMYYw. Writes dates as day/numerical month/year, where the slash (/) is the separator, and it is right justified within the field. w can be from 2–10, and the default width is 8. If you specify a width from 2–5, the date will be truncated on the right, with SAS trying to fit as much of the day and month as possible in the space allowed. If you use 6, no slashes will be printed. A width of 7 will cause SAS to print a two-digit year without a slash, and widths of 8 or 9 will put a two-digit year after the slashes. Use 10 to get a four-digit year with slashes. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15486, which corresponds to May 26, 2002: Format Name Result DDMMYY5. 26/05 DDMMYY6. 260502 DDMMYY7. 260502 DDMMYY8. 26/05/02 DDMMYY9. DDMMYY10. 26/05/02 Comment Moved right 1 space. Still a two-digit year, moved right 1 space. 26/05/2002 DDMMYYxw. Is similar to DDMMYYw., above. It is also right-justified. However, with this format, you can specify what character separates the day, numerical month, and year. The x in the format name represents the separator between the day, month, and year. x can be: x Character Displayed in Output B blank C colon (:) D dash (—) N no separator P period (.) S slash (/) Comment w is a maximum of 8, not 10. Effectively the same as using the DDMMYYw. format. 22 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times w can be from 2–10, with the default being 8. This works the same way as the DDMMYY. format with respect to what SAS fits in the space specified. Again, if you specify a width from 2–5, the date will be truncated on the right, with SAS trying to fit as much of the day and month as possible in the space allowed. If you use 6, no separator will be used. At 7, SAS will print a two-digit year without separator, and 8 or 9 will put a two-digit year after the separator. Use 10 to get a four-digit year with your separator. The following table shows the result when the date value is 16110, which corresponds to February 9, 2004: Format Name Result Comment DDMMYYP5. 09.02 Only space for day and month DDMMYYB6. 090204 Not enough space for the blank separator. DDMMYYN7. 090204 DDMMYYD8. 09-02-04 DDMMYYS9. DDMMYYC10. 09/02/04 No separator. Enough space for two-digit year. Enough space for two-digit year, same as using DDMMYY9. format. 09:02:2004 DOWNAMEw. Writes the date as the name of the day of the week. It is right-justified, so if you give it too much space, there will be leading blanks. w can be from 1 to 32, and the default is 9. If you don’t specify w, SAS will print the entire name of the day. On the other hand, if you don’t have enough space, SAS will truncate the name of the day to fit. The following table shows the result when the date value is 17361, which corresponds to Saturday, July 14, 2007: Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times Format Name Result DOWNAME5. Satur DOWNAME6. Saturd DOWNAME7. Saturda DOWNAME8. Saturday DOWNAME9. DOWNAME10. DOWNAME11. 23 Comment “Saturday” is only 8 characters long, so 1 leading blank is added, making it appear as if it has been moved to the right. Saturday Saturday 2 leading blanks added. Saturday 3 leading blanks added. JULDAYw. Writes the date as the Julian day of the year, which is a value from 1 to 366. It is right-justified. w can be from 3 to 32, and the default is 3. Format Name Result Comment JULDAY3. 91 There is a leading space here because there are fewer than 3 digits in the value displayed. The date value used here is 17988, which corresponds to April 1, 2009. JULDAY3. 107 There is no leading space here because there are 3 digits in the value displayed. The date value used here is 18004, which corresponds to April 17, 2009. JULDAY4. JULDAY. 91 91 2 leading spaces. You will also have 2 leading spaces there are fewer than 2 digits and you specify w as 3. The date value used here is 17988, which corresponds to April 1, 2009. Leading space. Default is 3. The date value used here is 17988, which corresponds to April 1, 2009. 24 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times JULIANw. Writes your date value as a Julian date, with the year preceding the Julian day. It is rightjustified. w can be from 5 to 7, and the default is 5. If you specify a width of 5, the year portion of the Julian date is two digits long, while specifying 6 will give you one leading blank and a two-digit year. If you specify a width of 7, the year portion is four digits long. The following table shows the result when the date value is 18004, which corresponds to April 17, 2009: Format Name Result Comment JULIAN5. 09107 JULIAN6. 09107 JULIAN7. 2009107 One leading blank added. MMDDYYw. Writes the date as numerical month/day/year, where a slash (/) is the separator. It is right-justified within the field. w can be from 2 to 10, and the default is 8. It is similar to the DDMMYY. format in that if you specify 2–5 for the width, the date will be truncated on the right, with SAS trying to fit as much of the day and month as possible in the space allowed. If you use 6, no slashes will be printed, but it will print a two-digit year. At 7, SAS will print a two-digit year without a slash, and 8 or 9 will put a two-digit year after the slashes. Use a width of 10 to get a four-digit year with slashes. The following table shows the result when the date value is 16773, which corresponds to December 3, 2005: Format Name Result MMDDYY2. 12 Comment Month only. MMDDYY3. 12 Month, with 1 leading space. MMDDYY4. 1203 Month and day, no separator. MMDDYY5. 12/03 Month and day with separating slash. MMDDYY6. 120305 Month, day, and year, no separator. MMDDYY7. 120305 MMDDYY8. 12/03/05 MMDDYY9. MMDDYY10. 12/03/05 12/03/2005 Month, day, and year, no separator, leading blank. Still a two-digit year, leading blank added. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 25 MMDDYYxw. Displays the date in the same way that the MMDDYY. format does, except that you can specify the separator. The x in the format name specifies the separator that you want to use according to the following table: x Character Displayed in Output B blank C colon (:) D dash (—) N no separator P period (.) S slash (/) Comment w is a maximum of 8, not 10. Effectively the same as using the MMDDYYw. format. The date will be right-justified within the width you specify. w can be from 2 to 10, and the default is 8. If you specify 2–5, the date will be truncated on the right, with SAS trying to fit as much of the day and month as possible in the space allowed. If you use a width of 6, no separator will be used. At 7, SAS will print a two-digit year without a separator, and widths of 8 or 9 will put a two-digit year after the separator. Use 10 to get a four-digit year with separators. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15997, which corresponds to October 19, 2003: Format Name Result Comment MMDDYYD5. 10-19 No room for year. MMDDYYS6. 101903 No room for separators. MMDDYYN7. 101903 MMDDYYC8. 10:19:03 MMDDYYP9. MMDDYYB10. 10.19.03 10 19 2003 Leading space, no separator specified, not enough room for four-digit year. Colon as separator, still two-digit year. Not enough room for four-digit year, leading space added. 26 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times MMYYw. Displays the zero-filled month number and year for the given date value, separated by the letter M. It is right-justified, and w can be from 5 to 32, with a default width of 7. When w is specified as 5 or 6, a two-digit year is used. If w is 7 or more, a full fourdigit year is displayed. Since this format can only display a maximum of 7 characters, a width greater than 7 will just add leading spaces. The following table shows the result when the date value is 16834, which corresponds to February 2, 2006: Format Name Result MMYY5. 02M06 MMYY6. 02M06 MMYY7. 02M2006 MMYY8. MMYY9. Comment 02M2006 02M2006 Two-digit year, leading space. Four-digit year. Four-digit year, 1 leading space. Four-digit year, 2 leading spaces. MMYYxw. Displays the month number and year for a given date value in the same fashion as the MMYY format, except that you may specify the separator with x, according to the table below. Note that the blank is not valid with this format, while it is valid with the DDMMYYxw. and MMDDYYxw. formats. x Character Displayed in Output C colon (:) D dash (—) N no separator P period (.) S slash (/) Comment w can be from 4–32, with a default of 6. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 27 It is right-justified, and w can be from 5 to 32, with a default width of 7. When w is specified as 5 or 6, a two-digit year is used. If w is 7 or more, a full four-digit year is displayed. Specifying no separator with N will change the range of w from 4 to 32, and the default is changed to 6. Since this format can only display a maximum of 7 characters, anything more than 7 will just add leading spaces. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15975, which corresponds to September 27, 2003: Format Name Result Comment MMYYN5. 0903 1 leading space, no separator, two-digit year. MMYYS6. 09/03 1 leading space, two-digit year. MMYYD7. 09-2003 MMYYC8. MMYYP9. 09:2003 09.2003 Four-digit year. Four-digit year, 1 leading space. Four-digit year, 2 leading spaces. MONNAMEw. Displays the name of the month. It is right-justified, and w can be from 1 to 32, with a default of 9. Using a value greater than 9 will only add leading spaces. SAS will truncate the month name as necessary to fit in the width. The following table shows the result when the date value is 16338, which corresponds to September 24, 2004: Format Name Result Comment MONNAME3. Sep Specifying a w of 3 will display the 3-letter month abbreviation. MONNAME4. Sept MONNAME5. Septe MONNAME6. Septem MONNAME7. Septemb MONNAME8. Septembe MONNAME9. September MONNAME10. September Leading space. 28 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times MONTHw. Displays the number of the month of the year. It is right-justified, and w can be from 1 to 21, with a default of 2. Using a w of 1 will display the month number as a hexadecimal value (1 through C). The following table shows the result when the date value is 16773, which corresponds to December 3, 2005: Format Name Result MONTH1. C MONTH2. 12 MONTH3. MONTH4. Comment w of 1 always prints a single hexadecimal digit. 12 12 1 leading space. 2 leading spaces. MONYYw. Displays the three-letter month abbreviation, followed by the year without any separating characters. It is right-justified, and w can be from 5 to 7, with a default of 5. Specifying a width of 5 will give you a two-digit year. A width of 6 will give you a two-digit year and one leading space in the displayed date, while 7 will give you a four-digit year. It is analogous to the DTMONYY format, which is used with datetime values. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15323, which corresponds to December 14, 2001: Format Name Result MONYY5. Comment DEC01 MONYY6. DEC01 MONYY7. DEC2001 Two-digit year, 1 leading space. PDJULGw. Writes a packed Julian date in hexadecimal format for IBM computers. Justification is not an issue, and w can range from 3 to 16. The default width is 4. The Julian date is written as follows: the four-digit Gregorian year is written in the first two bytes, and the three-digit integer that represents the day of the year is in the next one-and-a-half bytes. The last half-byte contains all binary 1’s, which indicates the value is positive. If the SAS date value being translated by this format is a date constant with a two-digit year, it will be affected by the YEARCUTOFF option. Look at the following SAS log. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 29 The Log OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=1880; data _null_; date1 = “15JUN2004”d; date2 = “15JUN04”d; /* Affected by YEARCUTOFF option */ juldate1 = PUT(date1,pdjulg4.); juldate2 = PUT(date2,pdjulg4.); PUT juldate1= $hex8.; PUT juldate2= $hex8.; run; juldate1=2004167F juldate2=1904167F PDJULIw. Writes a packed Julian date in hexadecimal format for IBM computers. It only differs from the PDJULG. format in that it writes the century in the first byte as a two-digit integer, followed by two digits of the year in the second byte. The next one-and-a-half-bytes store the three-digit integer that corresponds to the day of the year, while the last half byte is filled with hexadecimal 1’s that indicate a positive number. As with the PDJULG. format, justification is not an issue, and the default width is 4, with a width range of 3 to 16. The century and year are calculated by subtracting 1900 from the four-digit Gregorian year. A year value of 1980 gives a century/year value of 0080 (1980-1900=80), while 2015 gives 0115 (2015-1900=115). Be aware that this format will not produce correct results for years preceding 1900. The example below demonstrates. OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=2000; DATA _NULL_; date1 = “15JUN1804”d; date2 = “15JUN1996”d; date3 = “15JUN96”d; juldate1 = PUT(date1,pdjuli4.); juldate2 = PUT(date2,pdjuli4.); juldate3 = PUT(date3,pdjuli4.); PUT juldate1= $hex8.; PUT juldate2= $hex8.; PUT juldate3= $hex8.; should_be_date1 = INPUT(juldate1,pdjuli4.); 30 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times PUT should_be_date1= mmddyy10.; PUT should_be_date1= ; RUN; Here is the resulting output: juldate1=009609DF juldate2=0096167F juldate3=0196167F should_be_date1=04/12/1996 should_be_date1=13251 Date1 is in 1804, causing the PDJULI. representation of date1 (juldate1) to be incorrect. While it should be the same day of the year (167) as date2 and date3, you can see that the day is incorrectly written as 09D, while the century value is also incorrect, marked as 00 when, by the algorithm, it should be expressed as a negative number. This is verified by using the PDJULI. informat to read juldate1, which gives a result of April 12, 1996, when it should be June 15, 1804. (This is because there is no sign bit for julday1 to indicate that the value should be negative.) The difference between date2 and date3 is caused by the YEARCUTOFF option. The two-digit year 96 is translated as 2096, not 1996 because of the option. QTRw. Writes a date value as the quarter of the year. It is right-justified, and w can range from 1 to 32, with a default of 1. Since this format will only write 1 character, specifying a width greater than 1 will just add leading spaces. The following table shows the result when the date value is 12785, which corresponds to January 2, 1995: Format Name Result QTR1. QTR3. QTR6. Comment 1 1 Two leading spaces. 1 Five leading spaces. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 31 QTRRw. Also writes a date value as the quarter of the year, except that it displays the quarter as a Roman numeral. It is right-justified, and w can range from 3 to 32, with a default of 3. This format will write a maximum of 3 characters. A width specification greater than 3 will add leading spaces, as shown here: Format Name Result QTRR3. III QTRR3. IV Comment The date value used is 14139 (September 16, 1998.) With a date value of 14229 (December 16, 1998), there is 1 leading space. WEEKDATEw. Writes date values as day-of-week name, month name, day, and year. It is right-justified, and w can range from 3 to 37. The default is 29, which is the maximum width of a date in this format. Specifying anything longer than 29 will cause leading spaces to be added. If the width specified is too small to display the complete day of the year and month, SAS will abbreviate. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15972, which corresponds to September 24, 2003: Format Name Result WEEKDATE3. Wed WEEKDATE5. Wed Comment Three letter day-of-week abbreviation. Two leading spaces. WEEKDATE9. Wednesday Will fit all day of week names. Leading spaces will be added for days other than “Wednesday”. WEEKDATE17. Wed, Sep 24, 2003 Full date information, abbreviated. WEEKDATE20. Wed, Sep 24, 2003 WEEKDATE23. Wednesday, Sep 24, 2003 Three leading spaces, date abbreviated. Full day-of-week name, month name abbreviated. WEEKDATE29. Wednesday, September 24, 2003 WEEKDATE30. Wednesday, September 24, 2003 Leading space. 32 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times WEEKDATXw. Writes date values as day-of-week name, day, month name, and year. It differs from the WEEKDATE. format in that the day of the month precedes the month name. It is right-justified, and w can range from 3 to 37. The default is 29, which is the maximum width of a date in this format. Specifying anything longer than 29 will cause leading spaces to be added. If the width specified is too small to display the complete day of the year and month, SAS will abbreviate. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15972, which corresponds to September 24, 2003: Format Name Result Comment WEEKDATX3. Wed Three letter day-of-week abbreviation. WEEKDATX5. Wed Two leading spaces. WEEKDATX9. Wednesday Will fit all day of week names. Leading spaces will be added for days other than “Wednesday”. WEEKDATX17. Wed, 24 Sep, 2003 Full date information, abbreviated. WEEKDATX20. Wed, 24 Sep, 2003 WEEKDATX23. Wednesday, 24 Sep, 2003 WEEKDATX29. Wednesday, 24 September, 2003 WEEKDATX30. Wednesday, 24 September, 2003 Three leading spaces, date abbreviated. Full day-of-week name, month name abbreviated. Leading space. WEEKDAYw. Writes the date value as the number of the day of the week, where 1=Sunday; 2=Monday, etc.). It is right-justified, and w can be from 1 to 32. The default is 1. Since the maximum width of the display is always one character, specifying anything more will just cause leading spaces to be added. The following table shows the result when the date value is 12533, which corresponds to Monday, April 25, 1994: Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 33 Format Name Result Comment 2 WEEKDAY1. 2 WEEKDAY2. 2 WEEKDAY3. One leading space. Two leading spaces. WEEKUw. Writes the date value as a week number in decimal format using the U algorithm. Unlike many other date, time, and datetime formats, it is left-justified. w can be from 1 to 200, and the default is 11. Specifying any value greater than 11 will display the same results as if w were 11. The U algorithm calculates weeks based on Sunday being the first day of the week, and the week number is displayed as a two-digit number from 0 to 53, with a leading zero if necessary. The display that this format presents varies, based on the width specification. The following table shows the result when the date value is 17232, which corresponds to March 7, 2007, which was a Wednesday in the ninth week of the year: Format Name Result Comment WEEKU3. W09 “W” indicates week, week number follows, leading zero if necessary. WEEKU4. W09 Same as WEEKU3. No leading spaces. WEEKU5. 07W09 Two-digit year precedes week. WEEKU6. 07W09 Same as WEEKU5. WEEKU7. 07W0904 Two-digit year precedes week, week followed by the number of the day of the week. WEEKU8. 07W0904 Same as WEEKU7. WEEKU9. 2007W0904 Four-digit year precedes week, week number is followed by number of the day of the week. WEEKU10. 2007W0904 Same as WEEKU9. WEEKU11. 2007-W09-04 Separator added between year, week number, and number of the day of the week. WEEKU12. 2007-W09-04 Same as WEEKU11. 34 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times WEEKVw. Writes the date value as a week number in decimal format using the V algorithm, which is International Standards Organization (ISO) compliant. It is left-justified in the same fashion as the WEEKU. format. w can be from 1 to 200, and the default is 11. Specifying any value greater than 11 will display the same results as if w were 11. The V algorithm calculates weeks based on Monday being the first day of the week, and the week number is displayed as a two-digit number from 0 to 53, with a leading zero if necessary. In addition, the first week of the year contains both January 4 and the first Thursday of the year. Therefore, if the first Monday of the year falls on January 2, 3, or 4, the preceding days of the calendar year are considered a part of week 53 of the previous calendar year. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15340, which corresponds to December 31, 2001. Note that although the date is in 2001, the algorithm used by this format places the date in the year 2002. Monday, December 31, 2001, is considered to be the first day of the first week of the year 2002. Format Name Result Comment WEEKV3. W01 “W” indicates week, week number follows, leading zero if necessary. WEEKV4. W01 Same as WEEKV3. No leading spaces. WEEKV5. 02W01 Two-digit year precedes week. WEEKV6. 02W01 Same as WEEKV5. WEEKV7. 02W0101 Two-digit year precedes week, week followed by the number of the day of the week. WEEKV8. 02W0101 Same as WEEKV7. WEEKV9. 2002W0101 Four-digit year precedes week, week number is followed by number of the day of the week. WEEKV10. 2002W0101 Same as WEEKV9. WEEKV11. 2002-W01-01 Separator added between year, week number, and number of the day of the week. WEEKV12. 2002-W01-01 Same as WEEKV11. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 35 WEEKWw. Writes the date value as a week number in decimal format using the W algorithm. As with the WEEKU. and WEEKV. formats, it is left-justified. w can be from 1 to 200, and the default is 11. Specifying any value greater than 11 will display the same results as if w were 11. The W algorithm calculates weeks based on Monday being the first day of the week without any other restriction. The week number is displayed as a two-digit number from 0 to 53, with a leading zero if necessary. The display that this format presents varies, based on the width specification. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15340, which corresponds to December 31, 2001, (the same date used in the V algorithm example above). Note that the W algorithm assigns the date as the first day of the last week of the calendar year 2001. Format Name Result Comment WEEKW3. W53 “W” indicates week, week number follows, leading zero if necessary. WEEKW4. W53 Same as WEEKW3. No leading spaces. WEEKW5. 01W53 Two-digit year precedes week. WEEKW6. 01W53 Same as WEEKW5. WEEKW7. 01W5301 Two-digit year precedes week, week followed by number of day of week. WEEKW8. 01W5301 Same as WEEKW7. WEEKW9. 2001W5301 Four-digit year precedes week, week number is followed by number of the day of the week. WEEKW10. 2001W5301 Same as WEEKW9. WEEKW11. 2001-W53-01 Separator added between year, week number, and number of the day of the week. WEEKW12. 2001-W53-01 Same as WEEKW11. WORDDATEw. Displays the date value as name-of-month, day, and year. It is right-justified, and w can range from 3 to 32. The default is 18. If the width specified is less than 18, SAS will abbreviate and add leading spaces as necessary, regardless of whether the specific date to be displayed will fit in the allocated space because of its value. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15945, which corresponds to August 28, 2003: 36 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Format Name Result Comment WORDDATE3. Aug WORDDATE12. Aug 28, 2003 WORDDATE15. Aug 28, 2003 Three leading spaces. WORDDATE18. August 28, 2003 Full month-name, but only 15 characters, therefore, 3 leading spaces. August 28, 2003 WORDDATE20. Five leading spaces. WORDDATXw. Displays the date value as day, name-of-month, and year. It differs from the WORDDATE. format in that the day precedes the name-of-month. It is right-justified, and w can range from 3 to 32. The default is 18. If the width specified is less than 18, SAS will abbreviate and add leading spaces as necessary, even if the date to be displayed will fit in the width specified. In the following table, you see that March is abbreviated for width specifications less than 18, even though there is room to print the entire date string. The table shows the result when the date value is 16144, which corresponds to March 14, 2004: Format Name WORDDATX3. WORDDATX12. WORDDATX14. Result Comment Mar 14 Mar 2004 14 Mar 2004 Leading space. w is less than 18, so the format uses the abbreviated month name, and adds leading spaces even though the text displayed would fit in 13 characters. WORDDATX16. 14 Mar 2004 w is still less than 18, so “March” is still abbreviated, and more leading spaces are added. WORDDATX18. 14 March 2004 Printed with leading spaces because date string is only 13 characters long. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 37 YEARw. Displays the year for the given date value. It is right-justified, and w can be from 2 to 4, with a default width of 4. When w is specified as 2 or 3, a two-digit year is used. The following table shows the result when the date value is 18599, which corresponds to December 3, 2010: Format Name Result Comment YEAR2. 10 YEAR3. 10 YEAR4. 2010 Two-digit year. Two-digit year with a leading space. Four-digit year. YYMMw. Displays the year and month number for the given date value, separated by the letter M. It is right-justified, and w can be from 5 to 32, with a default width of 7. When w is specified as 5 or 6, a two-digit year is used. If w is 7 or more, a full four-digit year is displayed. Since this format can only display a maximum of 7 characters, anything more than 7 will just add leading spaces. The following table shows the result when the date value is 14476, which corresponds to August 20, 1999: Format Name Result YYMM5. 99M08 Comment Two-digit year. YYMM6. 99M08 Leading space. YYMM7. 1999M08 Four-digit year. YYMM8. 1999M08 Leading space. YYMMxw. Displays the year and month number for a given date value in the same manner as the YYMM. format above, except that you may specify the separator with x according to the table shown here. Unlike the DDMMYYxw., MMDDYYxw., and the YYMMDDxw. formats, a blank is not a valid separator with this format. 38 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times x Character Displayed in Output C colon (:) D dash (—) N no separator P period (.) S slash (/) Comment w can be from 4-–32, with a default of 6. It is right-justified, and w can be from 5 to 32, with a default width of 7. When w is specified as 5 or 6, a two-digit year is used. If w is 7 or more, a full four-digit year is displayed. Specifying no separator with “N” will change the range of w from 4 to 32, and the default width becomes 6. Since this format can only display a maximum of 7 characters, anything more than 7 will just add leading spaces. The following table shows the result when the date value is 16315, which corresponds to September 1, 2004: Format Name Result YYMMN4. 0409 YYMMC5. 04:09 YYMMD6. 04-09 YYMMP7. 2004.09 YYMMS8. 2004/09 Comment No separator, minimum width is 4, two-digit year. One leading space, two-digit year. Four-digit year. Four-digit year, 1 leading space. YYMMDDw. This format is a variation on the DDMMYY. and MMDDYY. formats. It writes the date as year-numerical month, where a dash (–) is the separator. It is right-justified within the field. w can be from 2 to 10, and the default is 8. It is similar to the MMDDYY. format in that if you specify the width from 2–5, the date will be truncated on the right, with SAS trying to fit as much of the year and month as possible in the space allowed. If you use 6, no dashes will be printed. At 7, SAS will print a two-digit year without a dash, and 8 or 9 will put a twodigit year before the first dash. Use a width of 10 to get a four-digit year with dashes. The following table shows the result when the date value is 14927, which corresponds to November 13, 2000: Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times Format Name Result Comment YYMMDD4. 0011 Two-digit year, month, not enough space for day. YYMMDD5. 00-11 Two-digit year, month, dash separator, not enough space for day. YYMMDD6. 001113 Two-digit year, month, day, no separators. YYMMDD7. 001113 YYMMDD8. 00-11-13 YYMMDD9. 00-11-13 YYMMDD10. 2000-11-13 39 One leading space, no separators. Two-digit year Two-digit year, leading space. Four-digit year. YYMMDDxw. Displays the date in the same way that the YYMMDD. format does, except that you can specify the separator. The x in the format name specifies the separator that you want to use according to the table shown here: x Character Displayed in Output Comment B blank C colon (:) D dash (—) Effectively the same as using the YYMMDDw. format. N no separator w is a maximum of 8, not 10. P period (-) S slash (/) The date will be right-justified within the width you specify. w can be from 2 to 10, and the default is 8. If you specify 2–5, the date will be truncated on the right, with SAS trying to fit as much of the day and month as possible in the space allowed. If you use 6, no separator will be used. At 7, SAS will print a two-digit year without a separator, and 8 or 9 will put a two- 40 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times digit year before the first separator. The following table shows the result when the date value is 17136, which corresponds to December 1, 2006: Format Name Result Comment YYMMDDN4. 0612 Two-digit year, month, not enough space for day. YYMMDDC5. 06:12 Two-digit year, month, colon separator, not enough space for day. YYMMDDD6. 061201 Two-digit year, month, day, no separators. YYMMDDP7. 061201 YYMMDDB8. 06 12 01 One leading space, no separators. Two-digit year. YYMMDDN8. 20061201 YYMMDDS9. Because there is no separator, a four-digit year is displayed. 06/12/01 Two-digit year, leading space, slash separators. YYMMDDD10. 2006-12-01 Four-digit year, dash separators, same as YYMMDD. YYMONw. Writes dates as a two- or four-digit year followed by the three-letter month abbreviation. It is right-justified. w can be from 5 to 32, and the default is 7. Use a width of 7 to get a four-digit year. If w is less than 7, a two-digit year will be displayed. If w is larger than 7, leading spaces will be added. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15323, which corresponds to December 14, 2001: Format Name Result YYMON5. 01DEC YYMON6. 01DEC YYMON7. 2001DEC YYMON10. 2001DEC Comment Two-digit year. Two-digit year, 1 leading space. Four-digit year. Four-digit year, 3 leading spaces. YYQw. Writes date values as a two-digit or four-digit year, followed by the letter Q, and a single-digit representing the quarter of the year. It is right-justified, and w can be from 4 to Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 41 32. The default width is 6. Use 6 to get a four-digit year, while a width of 4 or 5 will give you a two-digit year. Specifying a width larger than 6 will only add leading spaces. The following table shows the result when the date value is 16271, which corresponds to July 19, 2004: Format Name Result 04Q3 YYQ4. YYQ5. 04Q3 YYQ6. 2004Q3 2004Q3 YYQ8. Comment Two-digit year. Two-digit year, 1 leading space. Four-digit year. Four-digit year, 2 leading spaces. YYQxw. Writes date values as a two-digit or four-digit year, followed by a separator that you specify, and a single-digit representing the quarter of the year. x is the letter you use to indicate the separator according to the table shown here. Unlike the DDMMYYxw., MMDDYYxw., and the YYMMDDxw. formats, a blank is not a valid separator with this format. x Character Displayed in Output C colon (:) D dash (—) N no separator P period (.) S slash (/) Comment w can be from 3–32, with a default of 4. When w is 3 or 4, the year will be displayed as a two-digit year. This format is right-justified, and w can be from 4 to 32. The default width is 6. Use a width 6 to get a four-digit year, while 4 or 5 will give you a two-digit year. Specifying a width larger than 6 will add leading spaces. The following table shows the result when the date value is 15253, which corresponds to October 5, 2001: 42 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Format Name Result Comment YYQN3. 014 Two-digit year, no separator. YYQC4. 01:4 Two-digit year. YYQS5. 01/4 YYQP6. 2001.4 YYQD7. 2001–4 Two-digit year, 1 leading space. Four-digit year. Four-digit year, 1 leading space. YYQRw. Writes date values as a two-digit or four-digit year, followed by the letter Q, and the quarter of the year is represented in Roman numerals. It is right-justified, and w can be from 6 to 32. The default width is 8. Use 8 to get a four-digit year, while 6 or 7 will give you a two-digit year. Specifying a width larger than 8 will add leading spaces. The following table shows the result when the date value is 14099, which corresponds to August 8, 1998: Format Name Result YYQR6. 98QIII YYQR7. 98QIII YYQR8. 1998QIII YYQR12. 1998QIII Comment Two-digit year. Two-digit year, 1 leading space. Four-digit year. Four-digit year, 4 leading spaces. YYQRxw. Writes date values as a two-digit or four-digit year, followed by a separator that you specify, and the quarter of the year is displayed as a Roman numeral. x is the letter you use to indicate the separator according to the following table. This is another format that cannot use a blank as the separator. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times x Character Displayed in Output C colon (:) D dash (–) N no separator P period (.) S slash (/) 43 Comment w can be from 5–32, with a default of 7. When w is 5 or 6, the year will be displayed as a two-digit year. This format is right-justified, and w can be from 6 to 32. The default width is 8. Use 8 to get a four-digit year, while 6 or 7 will display a two-digit year. Specifying a width larger than 8 will add leading spaces. The following table shows the result when the date value is 17030, which corresponds to August 17, 2006: Format Name Result YYQRP6. 06.III Comment Two-digit year. YYQRS7. 06/III Two-digit year, 1 leading space. YYQRN8. 2006III Four-digit year, 1 leading space, no separator. YYQRC9. 2006:III Four-digit year, 1 leading space. YYQRD10. 2006-III Four-digit year, 2 leading spaces. 2.4.2 Time Formats Time formats translate seconds into one of several different ways of displaying time. Only the TIMEAMPMw.d and TODw.d formats are specific to clock values, displaying clock values from 12:00:00 AM to 11:59:59 PM. All other formats will display hours greater than 23 when translating a value greater than or equal to 86400, which would be midnight of the following day. The display of minutes always ranges from 0 to 59, except when you are using the MMSS. format. The built-in SAS formats always display seconds from 0 to 59. 44 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times The width specification for time (and datetime) values is different from the one for date formats because it has to allow for decimal parts of seconds. Instead of w, time and datetime formats are specified as w.d, where w is the overall width of the entire format, and the d accounts for the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. w must be greater than (d+1) to account for the decimal point. As with date formats, each of these formats has its own default width specification, which is detailed in the description of the format. HHMMw.d Displays SAS time values as hours:minutes. It is right-justified, and does not display a leading zero in front of the hours. w can be from 2 to 20, with a default of 5, while d indicates the number of decimal places to the right of the minutes. As noted above, w must be greater than d+1, to account for the decimal point. It is different from the TIMEw.d format in that it does not display seconds. If d is 0 or not present, SAS will round to the nearest minute. Otherwise, SAS will display the seconds in decimal minutes (seconds/60). The following table shows the result when the date value is 19886, which corresponds to 5 hours, 31 minutes, and 26 seconds: Format Name Result Comment HHMM2. 5 One leading space because no leading zero. HHMM4. 5:31 No leading zero, so single-digit hours will fit. HHMM5. HHMM8. HHMM8.2 5:31 5:31 5:31.43 One leading space because there is no leading zero. Four leading spaces, no leading zero. 26 seconds = .43 minutes, one leading space, no leading zero. HOURw.d Displays SAS time values as hours and decimal fractions of hours. It is rightjustified. w can be from 2 to 20, with a default of 2. d is the number of decimal places to the right of the hours, and w must be greater than d+1 to account for the decimal point. If you do not specify any decimal places, SAS rounds to the nearest hour. The following table shows the result when the date value is 53706, which corresponds to 14 hours, 55 minutes and 6 seconds: Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times Format Name Result Comment HOUR2.0 15 Rounded to the nearest hour. HOUR4.2 14.9 55 minutes, 6 seconds is .92 hours, does not leave enough space for second decimal place. HOUR6.2 HOUR8.2 14.92 14.92 45 One leading space. Three leading spaces. MMSSw.d Displays SAS time values as minutes and seconds (mm:ss). It is right-justified. w can be from 2 to 20, with a default of 5. If you do not specify w large enough to fit minutes and seconds, SAS will round and display the minutes only. d will print decimal fractions (e.g., tenths or hundredths) of seconds. w must be greater than d+1 to account for the decimal point. The following table shows the result when the date value is 37269, which corresponds to the time 10:21:09 AM (10:21:09): Format Name Result MMSS4. MMSS5. 621 621 Comment Leading space. Two leading spaces. MMSS8.2 621:09.0 One decimal place for tenths of seconds, because not enough space to fit. A w of 8 only leaves enough space for a d of 1 because of the decimal point. MMSS9.2 621:09.00 Two decimal places for hundredths of seconds. TIMEw.d Displays SAS time values as hours:minutes:seconds. It is right-justified, and does not print a leading zero in front of the hours. w can be from 2 to 20, with a default of 8, while d indicates the number of decimal places to the right of the seconds. w must be greater than d+1 to account for the decimal point. d will print decimal fractions (e.g., tenths or hundredths) of seconds. This format is not restricted to a 24-hour day; if hours is greater than 24, then it will display the value of hours. It is different from the HHMMw.d format in that it does display seconds. If 46 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times d is 0 or not present, SAS will round to the nearest second. The following table shows the result when the date value is 29794, which corresponds to the time 8:16:34 AM (8:16:34): Format Name Result Comment 8:16 TIME5. TIME6. 8:16 TIME7. 8:16:34 TIME8. Leading space because of the single-digit hour. No leading spaces; single-digit hour allows the full time to fit in 7 spaces. 8:16:34 TIME9. 8:16:34 TIMEAMPMw.d Displays time in hours:minutes:seconds followed by a space and then AM or PM. It is right-justified. w can be from 2 to 20, and the default is 11. w must be greater than d+1, to account for the decimal point. Any time value greater than or equal to 86400 (midnight) will be displayed as the 12-hour clock time of the next day. This format does not print a leading zero. If you want the seconds to be printed, use at least 11 for the width. The following table shows the result when the date value is 11923, which corresponds to the time 3:18:43 AM: Format Name Result TIMEAMPM7. TIMEAMPM9. TIMEAMPM11. TIMEAMPM14. 3:18 AM Comment Single-digit hour, 1 leading space, no seconds. 3:18 AM 3:18:43 AM 3:18:43 AM Single-digit hour leaves 1 leading space. Four leading spaces. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 47 TODw.d Displays time in hours:minutes:seconds. It is right-justified. w can be from 2 to 20, and the default is 11. d is the decimal fraction of seconds, and must be less than w–1, to account for the decimal point. Any time value greater than or equal to 86400 (midnight of the next day) will be marked as the 24-hour clock time of the next day. This format does not print a leading zero. If you want the seconds to be displayed, use 8 for the width. Use at least 10 if you want decimal fractions of seconds shown. The following table shows the result when the date value is 75122, which corresponds to the time 8:52:02 PM (20:52:02): Format Name Result TOD5. 20:52 TOD8. 20:52:02 TOD11. TOD14. 20:52:02 20:52:02 Comment Three leading spaces. Six leading spaces. 2.4.3 Datetime Formats Datetime formats translate SAS datetime values into one of several different formats. SAS datetime values are the number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1960. You can use a format to display both the date and time. Again, you need to pay attention to the width specification in datetime formats because it allows for decimal fractions of seconds. Instead of w, time and datetime formats are specified as w.d, where w is the overall width of the entire format, and the d accounts for the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. w must be greater than (d+1) to account for the decimal point. As with date formats, each of these formats has its own default width specification, which is detailed in the description of the format. Starting with Version 9, there are also formats that will allow you to display just the date or just the time from a datetime value, eliminating the need to use the DATEPART( ) or TIMEPART() functions for display purposes. Although these DT formats give the same result as their corresponding date formats, the results you get will be very different should you use a datetime format on a date value and vice versa. Datetime formats translate seconds since midnight, January 1, 1960, while date formats translate days since January 1, 1960. The following example shows what happens when you use date formats to interpret datetime values and vice versa. If you translate the SAS date value 16838 using a date format, you 48 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times will get the correct value of February 6, 2006 (n and o.) However, if you use a datetime format to translate the same value, you will get 4:40:38 AM on January 1, 1960, which corresponds to 16,838 seconds after midnight, January 1, 1960 (pand q). In similar fashion, if you translate the value 1422287527 using a datetime format, you will get 3:52:07 on January 25, 2005 (r and s.) This time, if you try to use a date format to translate this value, you will get a series of asterisks because the value is too large for the SAS date algorithm to handle (t and u.) Even if you try to get the month, day and year of this value using the appropriate functions, it will not work. Example 2.4.1 The Difference Between Date and Datetime Values in Formats That Display Dates DATA _NULL_; date = 16838; datetime = 1422287527; PUT "MMDDYY10. representation of date=" date mmddyy10. / "MONYY7. representation of date=" date monyy7. / "DTMONYY7. representation of date=" date dtmonyy. / "When value of date is used as a SAS *datetime* value, the date represented is:" date datetime20. / "DATETIME20. representation of datetime=" datetime datetime20. / "DTMONYY7. representation of datetime=" datetime dtmonyy7. / "MONYY7. representation of datetime=" datetime monyy7. / "When value of datetime is used as a SAS *date* value, the date represented is:" datetime mmddyy10.; RUN; The Log DATA _NULL_; date = 16838; datetime = 1422287527; PUT "MMDDYY10. representation of date=" date mmddyy10. / "MONYY7. representation of date=" date monyy7. / "DTMONYY7. representation of date=" date dtmonyy. / "When value of date is used as a SAS *datetime* value, represented is:" date datetime20. // "DATETIME20. representation of datetime=" datetime datetime20. / "DTMONYY7. representation of datetime=" datetime dtmonyy7. / "MONYY7. representation of datetime=" datetime monyy7. / the date (continued on next page) Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 49 "When value of datetime is used as a SAS *date* value, the date represented is:" datetime mmddyy10.; RUN; MMDDYY10. representation of date=02/06/2006 n MONYY7. representation of date=FEB2006 o DTMONYY7. representation of date=JAN60 p When value of date is used as a SAS *datetime* value, the date represented is: 01JAN1960:04:40:38 q DATETIME20. representation of datetime= 25JAN2005:15:52:07r DTMONYY7. representation of datetime=JAN2005 s t MONYY7. representation of datetime=******* When value of datetime is used as a SAS *date* value, the date represented is: ********** u With that in mind, here are the formats that are applicable to datetime values. DATEAMPMw.d Displays datetime values as “ddmonyy(yy) xx”, where dd is the day of the month, mon is the three-letter abbreviation for the month, and yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year. A colon follows the date, and the time is represented by, followed by a space and then AM or PM. It is right-justified. w can be from 7 to 40, and the default is 19. d is the decimal fraction of seconds, and must be less than w–1, to account for the decimal point. w must be at least 13 to print AM or PM. If w is 10, 11, or 12, the time is displayed as a 24-hour clock. Also, if w–d is less than 17, the decimal values will be truncated to fit the specified field width. This format produces two-digit years for widths of 19 or less. The following table shows the result when the date value is 1297063816.5, which corresponds to the time 7:30:17 AM on February 6, 2001: 50 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Format Name Result Comment DATEAMPM7. 06FEB01 No room for time. DATEAMPM12. 06FEB01:07 Two leading spaces, hours is given in 24-hour clock. DATEAMPM18. 06FEB01:07:30 AM Two leading spaces, not enough room for seconds. DATEAMPM18.1 06FEB01:07:30 AM Two leading spaces, not enough room for seconds. DATEAMPM19. 06FEB01:07:30:17 AM DATEAMPM19.1 06FEB01:07:30:17 AM DATEAMPM25. DATEAMPM25.1 DATEAMPM29. 06FEB2001:07:30:17 AM 06FEB2001:07:30:16.5 AM 06FEB2001:07:30:17 AM Not enough room for decimal portion of seconds. Four leading spaces, four-digit year, and rounded seconds. Two leading spaces, four-digit year, fractional seconds to 1 decimal place. Eight leading spaces. DATETIMEw.d Displays datetime values as ddmonyy(yy), where dd is the day of the month, mon is the three-letter month abbreviation, and yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year. A colon follows the date, and the time is represented by It is similar to the DATEAMPM. format, except that it uses the twenty-four-hour clock and therefore does not display AM or PM. It is right-justified. w can be from 7 to 40, and the default is 19. d is the decimal fraction of seconds, and must be less than w–1 to account for the decimal point. If w–d is less than 17, the decimal values will be truncated to fit the specified field width. If w– d is less than 19, this format produces two-digit years. The following table shows the result when the date value is 1336982668, which corresponds to the time 8:04:28 AM on May 14, 2002: Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times Format Name Result DATETIME16. 14MAY02:08:04:28 DATETIME18. DATETIME18.1 DATETIME19. DATETIME19.1 DATETIME20. DATETIME20.1 DATETIME21. DATETIME21.2 14MAY02:08:04:28 14MAY02:08:04:28.0 Comment Two leading spaces. One decimal place. 14MAY2002:08:04:28 Four-digit year, not enough space for decimal point and decimal place. 14MAY02:08:04:28.0 w–d =18, so the year is shown as a two-digit year with 1 leading space. 14MAY2002:08:04:28 14MAY2002:08:04:28.0 14MAY2002:08:04:28 14MAY2002:08:04:28.00 51 Two leading spaces. w–d = 19, so the year is shown as a four-digit year. Three leading spaces. Four-digit year, decimal seconds to 2 places. DTDATEw. Displays datetime values as the numerical day of the month, followed by the three-letter month abbreviation, and the year without any separating characters. It is rightjustified within the field. w can be from 5–9, the default width is 7. If you want to display fourdigit years, use DTDATE9. The output is identical to the output using the DATE. format. The difference is that this format will only work correctly with datetime values, while the DATE. format only works correctly with date values. The following table shows the result when the date value is 1560379389.4, which corresponds to the time 10:43:09.4 PM on June 11, 2009: 52 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Format Name Result DTDATE5. Comment 11JUN DTDATE6. 11JUN DTDATE7. 11JUN09 Leading space, no year. DTDATE8. 11JUN09 Leading space. DTDATE9. 11JUN2009 Four-digit year. DTMONYYw. Displays the date from a datetime value as the three-letter month abbreviation followed immediately by the year. There are no separating characters. It is right-justified, and w can be from 5 to 7, with a default of 5. Specifying 5 or 6 will give you a two-digit year, while 7 will give you a four-digit year. Although this format appears to produce the same MMMyy(yy) result as the MONYY. format, the DTMONYY. format can be used only with datetime values, while the MONYY. format works only with date values. The following table shows the result 1490086128, which corresponds to the time 8:48:48 AM on March 21, 2007. Format Name Result Comment DTMONYY5. MAR07 DTMONYY6. MAR07 Leading space. DTMONYY7. MAR2007 Four-digit year. DTWKDATXw. Writes datetime values as day of week name, day, month-name, and year. It differs from the WEEKDATX. format in that it works on datetime values, not date values. It is right-justified, and w can range from 3 to 37. The default is 29, which is the maximum width of a date in this format. Specifying anything longer than 29 will cause leading spaces to be added. If the width specified is too small to display the complete day of the year and month, SAS will abbreviate. It will first abbreviate the month and then the day of the week as necessary. The following table shows the result when the date value is 1393525751.9, which corresponds to the time 6:29:11.9 PM on February 27, 2004: Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times Format Name Result DTWKDATX3. Fri Comment DTWKDATX11. Friday DTWKDATX15. Fri, 27 Feb 04 Full name of day with leading spaces. DTWKDATX16. Fri, 27 Feb 2004 DTWKDATX20. DTWKDATX29. Friday, 27 Feb 2004 Friday, 27 February 2004 Friday, 27 February 2004 DTWKDATX33. 53 Leading space. Four-digit year, no leading space. Full name of day, month abbreviation. Leading spaces in example, but will fit any date. More leading spaces. DTYEARw. Displays the year for the given datetime value. DTYEARw. is identical in result to the YEAR. format, but it is used with datetime values instead of date values. It is right-justified, and w can be from 2 to 4, with a default width of 4. When w is specified as 2 or 3, a twodigit year is used. The following table shows the result when the date value is 1464518782.8, which corresponds to the time 10:46:22.8 AM on May 29, 2006: Format Name Result Comment DTYEAR2. 06 DTYEAR3. 06 DTYEAR4. 2006 Two-digit year. Two-digit year with a leading space. Four-digit year. DTYYQCw. Writes date values as a two-digit or four-digit year, followed by a colon, and a single-digit representing the quarter of the year. It is right-justified, and w can be from 4 to 6. The default width is 4. Use a width of 6 to get a four-digit year. Use 4 or 5 to get a two-digit year. This gives you the same result with datetime values as using the YYQC. format would yield with a date value. The following table shows the result when the date value is 1313917486.6, which corresponds to the time 9:04:46.6 AM on August 20, 2001: 54 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Format Name Result Comment DTYYQC4. 01:3 DTYYQC5. 01:3 DTYYQC6. 2001:3 Two-digit year. Leading space, two-digit year. Four-digit year. 2.5 Creating Custom Date Formats Using the VALUE Statement of PROC FORMAT In addition to the date and time formats supplied with SAS, you can create your own custom formats with the FORMAT procedure. With dates and times, you can modify the default display of an existing SAS format, or create your own using the VALUE or the PICTURE statement. Here are two examples of modifying the default display of an existing SAS format using the VALUE statement. Example 2.5.1 Creating Your Own Format with the VALUE Statement in PROC FORMAT An access control company wants a report of the people whose security cards have expired as of January 1, 2005, and they have the expiration date for each card. Instead of having to read the report and determine which dates are prior to the cutoff, they want to display any date prior to January 1, 2005 as Expired. Make sure that you put the format name after the range, enclosed in brackets. PROC FORMAT LIBRARY=LIBRARY; VALUE EXP LOW-’31DEC2004’D= “Expired” ‘01JAN2005’D - HIGH=[mmddyy10.]; /* Instructs SAS to use the */ /* MMDDYY10. format for these */ /* values */ RUN; PROC PRINT DATA= ACCESS; ID CARD_NUM; VAR EXP_DATE EXP_DATE_RAW; FORMAT EXP_DATE EXP. EXP_DATE_RAW DATE9.; RUN; Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times CARD_NUM 84485598 16205371 63656754 10270040 94822015 27800904 97189418 70815194 50465401 43034970 EXP_DATE 11/14/2006 11/27/2005 01/14/2005 Expired Expired Expired 08/14/2005 03/14/2007 Expired 09/28/2005 55 EXP_DATE_RAW 14NOV2006 27NOV2005 14JAN2005 01APR2004 04JUN2004 23OCT2004 14AUG2005 14MAR2007 26MAY2004 28SEP2005 Example 2.5.2 Creating Your Own Format with the VALUE Statement in PROC FORMAT In order to be able to drive the next stage in a road race, drivers must finish this stage in ten minutes or less, and the results are posted. This example shows that you can customize time formats as well as date formats. To customize datetime formats, you would specify a datetime format instead of a date or time format. PROC FORMAT; VALUE QUALIFY LOW-’00:10:00’T=[MMSS5.]; /* Instructs the SAS System to use the */ /* MMSS5. format for these values ‘00:10:00’T <- HIGH = “Did Not Qualify”; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=RACERS; ID NAME; VAR TIME; FORMAT TIME QUALIFY.; RUN; */ 56 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times NAME BORK BOVA BRANTLEY BRICKOWSKI BURKHART BURROUGHS BUTLER TIME Did Not Qualify Did Not Qualify 08:31 08:59 07:10 08:05 Did Not Qualify 2.6 Creating Custom Date Formats Using the PICTURE Statement of PROC FORMAT To create your own date and time formats with the PICTURE statement of the FORMAT procedure, you need to use the DATATYPE= option. DATATYPE can take the DATE, TIME, or DATETIME arguments to indicate the type of value you are formatting. You then need to define your display by using one of the following date directives. These directives are case-sensitive. Table 2.6.1 shows the directives. Table 2.6.1 Picture Format Date Directives %a Locale’s abbreviated weekday name. Locale is defined by the LOCALE= system option. %A Locale’s full weekday name. Locale is defined by the LOCALE= system option. %b Locale’s abbreviated month name. Locale is defined by the LOCALE= system option. %B Locale’s full month name. Locale is defined by the LOCALE= system option. %d Day of the month as a decimal number (1–31), with no leading zero. Put a zero between the percent sign and the “d” to have a leading zero in the display. %H Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (0–23), with no leading zero. Put a zero between the percent sign and the “H” to have a leading zero in the display. %I Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (1–12), with no leading zero. Put a zero between the percent sign and the “I” to have a leading zero in the display. (continued on next page) Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 57 Table 2.6.1 (continued) %j Day of the year as a decimal number (1–366), with no leading zero. Put a zero between the percent sign and the “j” to have a leading zero in the display. %m Month as a decimal number (1–12), with no leading zero. Put a zero between the percent sign and the “m” to have a leading zero in the display. %M Minute as a decimal number (0–59), with no leading zero. Put a zero between the percent sign and the “M” to have a leading zero in the display. %p Locale’s equivalent of either AM or PM. Locale is defined by the LOCALE= system option. %S Second as a decimal number (0-–59), with no leading zero. Put a zero between the percent sign and the “S” to have a leading zero in the display. %U Week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (0–53), with no leading zero. Put a zero between the percent sign and the “U” to have a leading zero in the display. %w Weekday as a decimal number, where 1 is Sunday, and Saturday is 7. %y Year without century as a decimal number (0–99), with no leading zero. Put a zero between the percent sign and the “y” to have a leading zero in the display. %Y Year with century as a decimal number (four-digit year). %% The percent character (%). NOTE: If you are going to use these directives in a picture format, you will need to add some code to handle the display of missing values. The following example creates a format similar to the WORDDATE. format, except that leading zeros are a part of the date display. Pay special attention to how the picture is created in line 4. When you are using any of the date directives from the table above, you must enclose your picture string in single quotes. If you use double quotes, SAS will try to interpret the directives as macro calls. It will write the format to the catalog, and you will see warnings in the SAS log when the format is used. It will not work if you have a macro that has the same name as the format you created. 58 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Example 2.6.1 Creating a Picture Format for Dates Using Date Directives 1 2 3 PROC FORMAT; PICTURE ZWDATE . - .Z = “NO DATE GIVEN” 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=PICTEST LABEL; VAR DATE DATE2; FORMAT DATE WORDDATE. DATE2 ZWDATE21.; LABEL DATE = “DATE USING WORDDATE.” DATE2 = “DATE USING ZWDATE.”; RUN; 4 LOW - HIGH = ‘%B %0d, %Y’ (DATATYPE=DATE); Line 3 defines the display for missing values. Without it, you will see the SAS missing value symbol: either a period (.) or a special missing value. Line 4 gives the picture of how the date is to be displayed. The zero preceding the day directive (%d) causes the leading zero to be printed as a part of the date. The length of the string with the date directives determines the default width of the format. In this example, the default width is 10, but in order to make sure that all the dates print correctly, the FORMAT statement in line 8 sets the format width to 21. Following is the resulting output: date using worddate. date using zwdate. June 8, 2002 June 08, 2002 October 17, 2004 October 17, 2004 May 30, 2005 May 30, 2005 . No Date Given November 14, 2001 November 14, 2001 March 2, 2003 March 02, 2003 . No Date Given April 26, 2005 April 26, 2005 Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 59 Example 2.6.2 Using Date Directives and a Picture Format to Bypass a Function This example defines a format that will display the date part of datetime values as mm/dd/yyyy. It is an alternative to using the DATEPART() function and then formatting the result. In line 3, any missing values are made to display the word Missing. The picture for all remaining values is defined in line 4. The %0m says that the first characters will be the numerical value of the month, with a leading zero if necessary, followed by a slash (/). Similarly, the %0d is interpreted as the numerical day of the month, again with a leading zero if necessary, followed by a slash. The picture ends with the four-digit year %Y. The DATATYPE= option tells the format that it will be receiving datetime values to translate. This format has a default width of ten (2 for the month, 2 for the day, 2 for the slashes, and 4 for the year.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PROC FORMAT; PICTURE avoid . - .Z = “Missing” LOW-HIGH = ‘%0m/%0d/%Y’ (DATATYPE=DATETIME); RUN; DATA _NULL_; sample_date = “15dec2004:3:15:00”dt; PUT ‘SAS datetime value = ‘ sample_date; PUT ‘SAS formatted with datetime. format =‘ sample_date datetime.; PUT ‘Using custom format avoid. =‘ sample_date avoid.; RUN; The Log 31 32 33 34 35 36 DATA _NULL_; sample_date = “15dec2004:3:15:00”dt; PUT ‘SAS datetime value = ‘ sample_date; PUT ‘SAS formatted with datetime. format =‘ sample_date datetime.; PUT ‘Using custom format avoid. ‘ sample_date avoid.; RUN; SAS datetime value = 1418699700 SAS formatted with datetime. format =15DEC04:03:15:00 Using custom format avoid. =12/15/2004 60 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times As you can see, the only piece of the datetime value displayed with our custom format is the date. By specifying the desired pieces of the datetime value as a picture, we have eliminated the need to use the DATEPART() function. However, remember that the format AVOID. only changes the display. The value is still a datetime value, not a date value. If you wanted to use the actual date value (e.g., in a calculation,) you would still have to use the DATEPART( ) function to obtain it from the datetime value. 2.7 The PUT() Function and Formats What happens if you need to use the formatted value of a date in a character string you’re assembling? If you use the variable that contains the date value, you’ll get the actual SAS date value, regardless of any permanent formats assigned to the variable. The PUT() function is used to store the formatted value of a numeric value in a character variable. The syntax is: PUT(value,format); value is a constant or a variable (either numeric or character), and format is the name of a SAS format. If you are formatting a character variable or constant, then the format you use must be a character format. Similarly, if you are formatting a numeric value, the format must be a numeric format. The example below demonstrates: Example 2.7.1 Using the PUT() Function to Create a Character Date String DATA _NULL_; NUMERIC_VALUE = 17422; B = PUT(NUMERIC_VALUE,MMDDYY10.); PUT B=; RUN; B=09/13/2007 /* b is a character variable of length 10 (defined by the format width) */ There are a couple of cautions here: first, if you’ve already defined the length of the character value where you store the result, it has to be at least as long as the format width. Chapter 2: Displaying SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values as Dates and Times 61 Secondly, if you want to define the format name at run-time, you must use the PUTN(value,format-value) function, where value is either a numerical or character value (it can be a constant, variable, or a valid SAS expression), and format-value is either a character variable that contains the name of a SAS format, or a character constant that represents a format name. 62 CHAPTER 3 Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 3.1 Avoiding the Two-Digit Year Trap ....................................................................... 64 3.2 Using Informats ................................................................................................ 65 3.3 The INFORMAT Statement ................................................................................. 66 3.3.1 Using Informats with the INPUT Statement.................................................. 66 3.3.2 Informats with the INPUT( ) Function .......................................................... 67 3.3.3 When the Informat Does Not Match the Data Being Read ........................... 68 3.4 Listing 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 and Discussion of Informats...................................................................... 70 Date Informats........................................................................................ 70 Time Informats........................................................................................ 75 Datetime Informats.................................................................................. 77 ANYDT and Its Variants .......................................................................... 77 64 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times In Chapter 2, I talked about performing the translation from the way SAS understands dates to the way we express them. How can we do the reverse? After all, if you have a date, time, or date and time that you need to store or manipulate, it won’t be represented as a SAS date, time, or datetime value (unless it is coming from another SAS data set). The translation from common date and/or time terminology to SAS is almost as easy as going the other way, and it is done in one of two ways: the first was discussed in Section 1.4 with date, time, and datetime literals. While this works for a small number of these values that are known at compile time, how do you deal with many dates, or those that are only known at run time? By using informats to process them. 3.1 Avoiding the Two-Digit Year Trap Before we get started with any details about informats, let’s talk about using the YEARCUTOFF= system option as discussed in Section 1.5. Any time that you translate a date or date and time from common terminology to its SAS value, the YEARCUTOFF= system option will affect the value that is created if the term that is being translated only has two digits for the year portion. Those will be interpreted starting with the 100-year period defined in the YEARCUTOFF= system option. This rule applies to anything that is being translated into a SAS date, time, or datetime value, including date, time, or datetime literals. The example below shows how date and datetime literals are affected by the YEARCUTOFF= system option. It displays the actual SAS date or datetime value represented by the literal along with its formatted value. Example 3.1.1 Effects of the YEARCUTOFF= System Option on Date and Datetime Literals OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=1920; DATA _NULL_; ARRAY a[6] a1-a6; a1 = "23MAR2005"d; a2 = "23MAR1905"d; a3 = "23MAR05"d; a4 = "19AUG1959:14:45:00"dt; a5 = "19AUG2059:14:45:00"dt; a6 = "19AUG59:14:45:00"dt; DO i = 1 TO 3; PUT a{i}= +3 a{i}= mmddyy10.; END; DO i = 4 TO 6; PUT a{i}= +3 a{i}= datetime20.; END; RUN; Chapter 3: Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 65 a1=16518 a2=-20007 a1=03/23/2005 a2=03/23/1905 a3=16518 a3=03/23/2005 a4=-11610900 a5=3144149100 a4=19AUG1959:14:45:00 a5=19AUG2059:14:45:00 a6=-11610900 a6=19AUG1959:14:45:00 /* The variable a3 has a two-digit year. The year is translated as 2005 because it falls in the span 1920-2019, and therefore, a3=a1. */ /* The variable a6 has a two-digit year. The year is translated as 1959 because it falls in the span 1920-2019, and therefore, a6=a4. */ The same thing will happen when you use an informat with a date or datetime that has only two digits representing the year. 3.2 Using Informats Informats are the opposite of formats. Where formats take values and display them in a specific fashion, informats take a series of alphanumeric characters and translate them into a single value. Dates and times are the best example of applying informats, since SAS date values are not normally how the majority of the planet expresses dates. A date such as 11/24/05, or 2405-2002 contains non-numeric characters, so they would have to be read as character values, which is quite a distance from numeric SAS date values. As with formats, you can create (and store for future use) your own informats if one is not available within SAS to fit your needs. To apply an informat to a variable, you use the INFORMAT statement. This will cause SAS to translate a group of characters into a value which is then stored in the variable. Informats are most commonly used with the INPUT statement as data are being read in or with the INPUT( ) function to translate data that are already in datasets. They are also a property in some SAS/AF objects. You specify an informat with the informat name, followed by an optional width specification, and a period (.) Informats are like formats in that each informat has a default width that SAS will use if none is specified. 66 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times 3.3 The INFORMAT Statement The INFORMAT statement is analogous to the FORMAT statement. You use the INFORMAT statement to associate an informat with a variable in a SAS dataset. You can also remove an informat that has been permanently associated with the variable by leaving the informat name blank. You may also use the INFORMAT statement to associate an informat with a variable for the duration of the procedure (in certain procedures such as the FSEDIT procedure). INFORMAT date1 mmddyy10.; /* Any character string written into date1 will always be translated with the mmddyy10. informat throughout SAS */ INFORMAT time3; /* Any informat permanently associated with the variable time3 will no longer be used to translate character strings written into time3. */ 3.3.1 Using Informats with the INPUT Statement The basic syntax of an INPUT statement with an informat is: INPUT @1 date1 mmddyy10.; First, you will usually specify a starting column. The default starting column is 1, but you can specify the starting column with the @ sign, followed by the column number. If you do not, the starting column will be set to the current location of the input pointer. You should also specify a width for the informat to indicate how many characters are to be read. The above INPUT statement will read the first ten characters in a line, starting at the first character in a data line, and SAS will expect it to look like mmsdds(yy)yy, where mm is the month from 01–12, s represents a separator character, dd is a day from 01–31, and (yy)yy is a two- or four-digit year. The following example demonstrates that the separator character does not have to be the same on every line, and the field does not have to be exactly ten characters long. Example 3.3.1 INPUT Statement Example DATA informats_are_smart; INPUT @1 date MMDDYY10.; unformatted_date = date; DATALINES; 10/17/2002 05-04-59 Chapter 3: Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 67 3-1-1940 ; RUN; PROC PRINT; FORMAT DATE MMDDYY10.; RUN; Obs Date Unformatted_date 1 10/17/2002 15630 2 05/04/1959 -242 3 03/01/1940 -7245 As you can see in the above example, the characters in each line of the DATALINES statement were converted to a SAS date value. It doesn’t matter that lengths of the character strings representing date in the data are different. It is only an issue if you have more characters in the date string than the ten columns you’ve allocated for the date. The length of the informat must be long enough to read all of the characters in the date string. If the characters read do not match that layout (e.g., June 26, 1994), or if the informat would yield an impossible value (e.g., February 31) SAS will set the value of the variable date1 to missing, and set the system variable _ERROR_ to 1. In general, you should know the layout of the characters before selecting an informat. In SAS Version 9, if you do not know the layout of the dates, the ANYDT family of informats (Section 3.4.4) can help. 3.3.2 Informats with the INPUT() Function The INPUT( ) function is the parallel to the PUT( ) function, and it stores a numeric or character value as a numeric or character variable. The type of the result depends on the type of the informat that is used. A character informat (one that begins with a $) will return a character value. All of the informats used with dates, times, and datetimes are numeric; therefore, the variable returned is numeric. The syntax is: INPUT(character-value,informat-name); If you want to define the informat that is to be applied during a SAS job (at run-time), you will need to use the INPUTN(character-value,informat-value) function (or INPUTC(), if you 68 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times want to produce a character variable) instead. informat-value represents a character variable or character constant that contains an informat name, while the INPUT( ) function needs an actual informat name. Make sure that you have defined the width of the informat so that it is long enough to capture all the characters in the entire character variable. The following example illustrates the use of the INPUT() function: Example 3.3.2 INPUT() Function Example DATA _NULL_; a = “15-NOV-2003”; b = INPUT(a,DATE11.); PUT B=; RUN; B=16024 The INPUT( ) function translates the date in the character variable a into its equivalent SAS date value and stores it in the numeric variable b. The DATE11. informat accounts for the length of the character variable. 3.3.3 When the Informat Does Not Match the Data Being Read Informats, like formats, are separated into classes according to the type of data that are being read. In most cases, if you use the wrong informat for the data type, informats will return an error (set the SAS automatic variable _ERROR_ to 1), and the value of the variable being read will be set to missing. This behavior differs from formats in that if you use the wrong type of format to display a value (e.g., if you use a date format to display a time value), no error will occur, and at worst, you will get a warning in the SAS log. However, incorrectly specifying a format will most likely cause the display to be incorrect. Example 3.3.3 shows what happens when you try to use an informat that does not match the character string that you are trying to process. Chapter 3: Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 69 Example 3.3.3 Using the Wrong Informat DATA bad_informat; INPUT @1 date datetime18.; DATALINES; 11-06-1988 8-25-2004 4-24-2005 ;;;; RUN; The Log 1 2 3 DATA bad_informat; INPUT @1 date datetime18.; DATALINES; NOTE: Invalid data for date in line 4 1-18. RULE: ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+ 4 11-06-1988 date=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=1 NOTE: Invalid data for date in line 5 1-18. 5 8-25-2004 date=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=2 NOTE: Invalid data for date in line 6 1-18. 6 4-24-2005 date=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=3 NOTE: The data set WORK.BAD_INFORMAT has 3 observations and 1 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.53 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 7 ;;;; 8 RUN; 70 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times The Resulting SAS Dataset Obs date 1 . 2 . 3 . As you can see in the above example, using the DATETIME. informat to process a series of character strings that do not represent datetimes produces a note in the log. It also sets the automatic variable _ERROR_ to 1 for each record where it encountered a mismatch between the informat specified and the data it attempted to read. The end result is that the value of the date variable in your output dataset is missing because SAS was not able to process the characters using the specified informat. Remember to always check your log and your dataset after reading a text file. 3.4 Listing and Discussion of Informats Each discussion of an informat in this section will provide an explanation of the informat, its length specification and the text it is designed to process. Each section is accompanied by a table that gives examples of the text that is to be processed, along with the informat (and its length specification), and the resulting SAS date, time, or datetime value. 3.4.1 Date Informats DATEw. Reads dates in the form ddmonyy(yy), where dd represents the day of the month, mon is the three-letter month abbreviation, and yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year. The default value of w is 7, but you should specify 9 if you are reading four-digit years. dd, mon, and yy(yy) can be separated by blanks or special characters. If you separate them, you must account for the blanks (or special characters) in the width specification. If you have blanks after the month and the day, then you need to have a width of 9 for two-digit years, or 11 for fourdigit years. If the leading zero for dd is missing, it has no effect on the value. The following table gives examples of how to apply this informat to yield the SAS date value that corresponds to the text shown in each line. Chapter 3: Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 71 When the characters being read are: Use the Informat And the result is: 20oct95 date7. 13076 8 jan 2004 date11. 16078 07-may-1960 date11. 127 DDMMYYw. Reads dates of the form ddmmyy(yy), where dd represents the day of the month, mm represents the number of the month, and yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year. The default value of w is 6, but you should specify 8 if you are reading four-digit years. dd, mm, and yy(yy) can be separated by blanks or special characters. If you separate them, you must account for the separating characters in the width specification. If you have blanks after the month and the day, then you need to have a width of 8 for two-digit years, or 10 for four-digit years. SAS will do its best to decipher the string if no separators are used, but some dates cannot be processed, e.g., 2112008. Without place-holding zeros or separators, there is no way to know if the date is 21 January, 2008, or 2 November, 2008. The following table gives examples of how to apply this informat to yield the SAS date value that corresponds to the text shown in each line. When the characters being read are: Use the Informat And the result is: 140390 ddmmyy6. 11030 06/09/05 ddmmyy8. 16685 22-04-2003 ddmmyy10. 15817 JULIANw. Translates a Julian date in the form YY(yy)ddd, with the two- or four-digit year preceding the zero-filled Julian day of the year. It is right-justified. w can be from 5 to 32, and the default is 5. If you specify 5, the year portion of the Julian date is two digits long. If you specify 7 or more, the year portion is four digits long. Zeros must fill the space between the year and day values; for example, the fifth day of the year must be given as 005. Any date preceding the year 1582 on the Gregorian calendar cannot be read as a Julian value. The following table gives examples of how to apply this informat to yield the SAS date value that corresponds to the text shown in each line. 72 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times When the characters being read are: Use the Informat And the result is: 77284 (October 11, 1977) julian5. 6493 2004005 (January 5, 2004) julian7. 16075 2002111 (April 21,2002) julian10. 15451 MMDDYYw. Reads dates of the form mmddyy(yy), where mm represents the number of the month, dd represents the day of the month, and yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year. The default value of w is 6, but you should specify 8 if you are reading four-digit years. dd, mm, and yy(yy) can be separated by blanks or special characters. If you separate them, you must account for the blanks in the width specification. If you have blanks after the month and the day, then you need to have a width of 8 for two-digit years, or 10 for four-digit years. SAS will do its best to decipher the string if no separators are used, but some dates cannot be processed, e.g., 1272003. Without place holding zeros or separators, there is no way to know if the date is January 27, 2003, or December 7, 2003. The following table gives examples of how to apply this informat to yield the SAS date value that corresponds to the text shown in each line. When the characters being read are: Use the Informat And the result is: 041705 mmddyy6. 16543 1/15/2004 mmddyy10. 16085 08281996 mmddyy10. 13389 MONYYw. Reads dates of the form monyy(yy), where mon is the three-letter month abbreviation, and yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year. Using this informat will set the SAS date value that corresponds to the first day of the month. The default value of w is 5, but you should specify 7 if you are reading four-digit years. The following table gives examples of how to apply this informat to yield the SAS date value that corresponds to the text shown in each line. Chapter 3: Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 73 When the characters being read are: Use the Informat And the result is: JAN05 monyy5. 16437 (January 1, 2005) dec1920 monyy7. -14275 (December 1, 1920) aug2020 monyy7. 22128 (August 1, 2020) PDJULG4. Reads a packed Julian date in hexadecimal format for IBM computers. The width specification is always 4, because the Julian date is parsed as follows: the four-digit Gregorian year is written in the first two bytes, and the three-digit integer that represents the day of the year is in the next one-and-a-half bytes. The last half-byte contains all binary 1’s, which indicates the value is positive. There is no example given for this informat because packed decimal Julian dates yield non-printable characters. PDJULIw. Also reads a packed Julian date in hexadecimal format for IBM computers. It differs from the PDJULG. informat in that it expects the two digits of the century in the first byte, followed by two digits of the year in the second byte. The next one-and-a-half-bytes store the three-digit integer that corresponds to the day of the year, while the last half-byte is filled with hexadecimal 1’s, representing a positive number. The century and year are calculated by subtracting 1900 from the four-digit Gregorian year. Once again, there is no example, since packed decimal Julian dates yield non-printable characters. YYMMDDw. Reads dates of the form yy(yy)mmdd, where yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year, mm represents the number of the month, and dd represents the day of the month. The default value of w is 6, but you should specify 8 if you are reading four-digit years. yy(yy), mm, and dd can be separated by blanks or special characters. If you separate them, you must account for the separating characters in the width specification. If you have blanks after the month and the day, then you need to have a width of 8 for two-digit years, or 10 for four-digit years. The following table gives examples of how to apply this informat to yield the SAS date value that corresponds to the text shown in each line. 74 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times When the characters being read are: Use the Informat And the result is: 041205 yymmdd6. 16410 20030227 yymmdd8. 15763 20030227 yymmdd10. 15763 1978-07-11 yymmdd10. 6766 YYMMNw. Reads dates of the form yy(yy)mm, where yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year, and mm represents the number of the month. The day is automatically set to 1. The default value of w is 4, but you should specify 6 if you are reading four-digit years. The N in the informat name is necessary. You may not use any separating characters between the month and the year. This informat will produce a date value that is equal to the first day of the month given. The following table gives examples of how to apply this informat to yield the SAS date value that corresponds to the text shown in each line. When the characters being read are: Use the Informat And the result is: 7805 yymmn4. 6695 200504 yymmn6. 16527 (April 1, 2005) 199211 yymmn6. 11993 (November 1, 1992) (May 1, 1978) YYQw. Reads dates of the form yy(yy)Qq, where yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year followed by the letter Q and q is a number from 1 to 4, indicating the quarter of the year. The date value produced by this informat will correspond to the first day of the given quarter. Use 6 for w if you are reading four-digit years, or 4 if you are reading two-digit years. The default w in Version 6 is 4, while Versions 7 and above have a default w of 6. The following table gives examples of how to apply this informat to yield the SAS date value that corresponds to the text shown in each line. Chapter 3: Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 75 When the characters being read are: Use the Informat And the result is: 04Q1 yyq4. 16071 (January 1, 2004) 2000Q3 yyq6. 14792 (July 1, 2000) 1985Q2 yyq6. 9222 2003Q4 yyq6. 15979 (April 1, 1985) (October 1, 2003) 3.4.2 Time Informats MSEC8. Reads IBM mainframe time values accurate to the nearest millisecond. The width is 8 because the OS TIME macro and STCK system instructions store their time values in 8 bytes. PDTIME4. Converts packed decimal time values contained in SMF and RMF records produced by IBM mainframe systems to SAS time values. The width is shown as 4 because SMF and RMF records are 4 bytes long. RMFDUR4. Converts IBM SMF duration records into SAS time values. The width is shown as 4 because SMF records are 4 bytes long. STIMERw. Reads times produced by the STIMER system option in the SAS log. This informat has no default width. It reads times and interprets them based on colons and decimal points. If there is one colon, the first two digits are minutes, and the last two are seconds. If there are two colons, the digits preceding the first colon are hours, the next set of two digits are minutes, and the last two are seconds. If there is a decimal point, the value following the decimal point is translated as a decimal fraction of seconds. It can read time values in the following formats, where hh corresponds to hours, mm corresponds to minutes, ss corresponds to seconds, and ff corresponds to decimal fractions of seconds: ss ss.ff mm:ss mm:ss.ff hh:mm:ss hh:mm:ss.ff 76 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times DATA _NULL_; INPUT A STIMER11.; PUT A; DATALINES; 33 n 51.60 o 14:05 p 3:11.03 q 1:19:21 r 11:46:17.74 s RUN; Corresponding SAS Time Values n 33 o 51.6 p 845 q 191.03 r 4761 s 42377.74 TIMEw. This will read times in the form hh:mm:ss.ff, where hh indicates the hours, mm is minutes, and ss is the number of seconds. ff indicates decimal fractions of seconds. Both seconds and their decimal fractions are assumed to be zero if they are not present. This informat can read AM and PM time values. If hh is greater than 24, and/or mm and ss are greater than 60, the time value read will give the correct number of seconds, even if it is greater than 86399.99 (the number of seconds in a day.) It will parse the time value according to the number of colons in the input string as shown in the table below. hh hh:mm hh:mm:ss hh:mm:ss.ff The program below demonstrates how the informat works, with the SAS time values that correspond to the input line on the right hand side. DATA _NULL_; INPUT A TIME10.; PUT A; DATALINES; 124:46 14:11:03.3 1:27 PM 6:30 AM 18:53 RUN; n o p q r Corresponding SAS Time Values n 449160 o 51063.3 p 48420 q 23400 r 67980 Chapter 3: Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 77 TU4. Converts IBM mainframe timer units to SAS time values. It is used when reading IBM mainframe timer values under other operating systems. The width is 4 because the OS TIME macro returns a 4-byte word. 3.4.3 Datetime Informats DATETIMEw. This reads SAS datetime values. The datetime value must be in the form ddmonyy(yy), followed by a blank or a special character, and then the time in the format hh:mm:ss.ff. dd represents the day of the month, mon is the three-letter month abbreviation, and yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year. hh indicates the number of hours, mm is the number of minutes, and ss is the number of seconds. ff indicates fractional parts of seconds. Both seconds and fractional seconds are assumed to be zero if they are not present. w can be from 13 to 40, with a default of 18. If you use a two-digit year, SAS will apply the YEARCUTOFF= system option in translating the year. This informat can also read AM and PM time values. DATA _NULL_; INPUT A DATETIME22.; PUT A; DATALINES; 22APR2004 5:23 PM n 22APR2004-17:23 o 22APR2004:05:23:15 PM 22APR2004/17:23:15.6 RUN; p q n o p q Corresponding SAS Datetime Values 1398273780 1398273780 1398273795 1398273795.6 3.4.4 ANYDT and Its Variants The release of SAS 9 has addressed a problem with the processing of dates and times that has plagued SAS since the beginning. While informats handle the translation of a string of characters into SAS date and time values, in order to use them you had to know what the string of characters looked like before you processed them. Add to that the many ways that dates and times are represented, and you wind up with the potential for error, and using more than a few PUT _INFILE_ statements over the years. There is now a series of three informats that will intelligently and, for the most part, successfully enable you to avoid this problem. 78 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times The potential for confusion exists with DDMMYY, MMDDYY, and YYMMDD values, especially in the presence of two-digit-year values. Remember that the SAS system option DATESTYLE (detailed in Section 1.5) indicates how such confusions will be resolved. Once again, the possible values for the DATESTYLE= system option are shown in Table 3.4.1. Table 3.4.1 Values for the DATESTYLE= system option MDY Sets the default order as month, day, year. “11-01-06” would be translated as November 1, 2006. YDM Sets the default order as year, day, month. “11-01-06” would be translated as June 1, 2011. MYD Sets the default order as month, year, day. “11-01-06” would be translated as November 6, 2001. DMY Sets the default order as day, month, year. “11-01-06” would be translated as January 11, 2006. YMD Sets the default order as year, month, day. “11-01-06” would be translated as January 6, 2011. DYM Sets the default order as day, year, month. “11-01-06” would be translated as June 11, 2001. LOCALE (default) Sets the default value according to the LOCALE= system option. When the default value for the LOCALE= system option is “English_US”, this sets DATESTYLE to MDY. Therefore, by default, “11-01-06” would be translated as November 1, 2006. The ANYDTDTE., ANYDTDTM., and ANYDTTME. informats will translate dates, datetime values, and time values, respectively, into their corresponding SAS values. This translation will be performed without having to know the representation of these dates, datetime, and time values in advance. There are limits to the types of representations these informats will process, and using these informats will take more CPU time than if you used one of the regular informats to process your data. Chapter 3: Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 79 ANYDTDTEw. This will translate data that can be read with the following informats: DATE, DATETIME, DDMMYY, JULIAN, MMDDYY, MONYY, TIME, YYMMDD, or YYQ into SAS date values. Note that it can extract date values from a datetime value. However, if only a time value is given, the date is assumed to be January 1, 1960. w can range from 5 to 32, and the default width is 9. The following program illustrates the use and function of this informat. The table that follows the program was created from the output file from the program. The table details each of the character strings that are used as input from the DATALINES statement in the program. OPTIONS DATESTYLE=MDY; DATA _NULL_; FILE “ANYDTDTE.TXT”; RETAIN TAB ‘09’X; INPUT A $20. @ @1 B ANYDTDTE20.; /* RE-READ SAME DATA LINE INTO A NUMERIC VARIABLE USING THE ANYDTDTE. INFORMAT */ PUT A TAB B TAB B WORDDATE.; DATALINES; 05172004 20040517 2004Q1 051704 17052004 170504 17MAY2004:15:12:06 15:12:06 2004138 MAY2004 17MAY2004 ; run; 80 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Input String SAS Date Value Formatted Value 05172004 16208 May 17, 2004 20040517 16208 May 17, 2004 2004Q1 16071 January 1, 2004 051704 16208 May 17, 2004 17052004 170504 . 20943 Notes . The input string cannot be translated reliably regardless of the order of precedence. The date could be April 20, 1705 (04/20/1705), or May 17, 2004. SAS will try to apply the MMDDYY. informat because of the DATESTYLE option in effect, but 17 is an invalid value for month. May 4, 2017 As opposed to the example above with a four-digit year, this can be translated. However, this is greatly affected by the DATESTYLE option in effect. See the special caution in Example 3.4.1 at the end of this section on the ANYDT informats. 17MAY2004:15:12:06 16208 May 17, 2004 15:12:06 0 January 1, 1960 Time values are translated as seconds after midnight, 1/1/1960, so the date is 1/1/1960. 2004138 16208 May 17, 2004 Julian date MAY2004 16192 May 1, 2004 Chapter 3: Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 81 ANYDTDTMw. This will translate data that can be read with the following informats: DATE, DATETIME, DDMMYY, JULIAN, MMDDYY, MONYY, TIME, YYMMDD, or YYQ, and create SAS datetime values. If only a time value is given, the date is assumed to be January 1, 1960. w can range from 1 to 32, and the default width is 19. The following table uses the same input data as is used in the ANYDTDTE. informat example above. Input String SAS Datetime Value Formatted Value 05172004 1400371200 17MAY04:00:00:00 20040517 1400371200 17MAY04:00:00:00 2004Q1 1388534400 01JAN04:00:00:00 051704 1400371200 17MAY04:00:00:00 17052004 . The input string cannot be translated reliably regardless of the order of precedence. 1809475200 As opposed to the example above with a four-digit year, this can be translated. However, this is greatly affected by the DATESTYLE option in effect. See the special caution in Example 3.4.1 at the end of this section on the ANYDT informats. 170504 17MAY2004:15:12:06 1400425926 17MAY04:15:12:06 15:12:06 54726 01JAN60:15:12:06 2004138 1400371200 17MAY04:00:00:00 MAY2004 1398988800 01MAY04:00:00:00 17MAY2004 1400371200 17MAY04:00:00:00 82 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times ANYDTTMEw. This will take data that can be read with the DATE, DATETIME, DDMMYY, JULIAN, MMDDYY, MONYY, TIME, YYMMDD, or YYQ informats and translate it to SAS time values. ANYDTTMEw. can obtain time values from a datetime value. However, if only a date value is given, the time is assumed to be 12:00 AM. w can range from 1 to 32, and the default width is 8. This table uses the same input data that was used in the ANYDTDTE. informat example. Input String SAS Time Value Formatted Value 05172004 0 12:00:00AM 20040517 0 12:00:00AM 2004Q1 0 12:00:00AM 051704 0 12:00:00AM 17052004 . The input string cannot be translated reliably regardless of the order of precedence. 170504 0 12:00:00AM 17MAY2004:15:12:06 54726 3:12:06PM 15:12:06 54726 3:12:06PM 2004138 0 12:00:00AM (Julian date) MAY2004 0 12:00:00AM 17MAY2004 0 12:00:00AM Example 3.4.1 Be Careful When You Use the ANYDT. Series of Informats The ANYDT. informats are not perfect. Let’s look a little more closely at the interaction between the DATESTYLE= system option and the ANYDTDTE. informat. As noted in the above examples, the characters 17052004 cannot be reliably translated, so SAS returns a missing value regardless of what DATESTYLE= option is in effect. However, it was also shown that 170504 can be translated. The SAS value you get for those characters varies widely depending on the DATESTYLE= option. Chapter 3: Converting Dates and Times into SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values 83 When OPTIONS DATESTYLE=myd, '170504' is translated as: . (missing) When OPTIONS DATESTYLE=ymd, '170504' is translated as: 20943 (05/04/2017) When OPTIONS DATESTYLE=ydm, '170504' is translated as: . (missing) When OPTIONS DATESTYLE=dmy, '170504' is translated as: 16208 (05/17/2004) When OPTIONS DATESTYLE=dym, '170504' is translated as: . (missing) When OPTIONS DATESTYLE=mdy, '170504' is translated as: 20943 (05/04/2017) Three of the DATESTYLE settings yield missing values, while two yield the expected date values. But for some reason, the MDY setting (italics) gives you the value you’d expect from the YMD setting, and this may not be what you want. While it is always a good idea to check all data that you are converting to SAS from another source and especially when you are converting dates, times, and date-time values, it is critical if you are using the ANYDT. informats. 84 CHAPTER 4 Date and Time Functions 4.1 Current Date and Time Functions........................................................................ 86 4.2 Extracting Pieces from SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values ................................ 86 4.3 Creating Dates, Times, and Datetimes from Numbers ........................................... 89 4.4 Calculating Intervals ......................................................................................... 93 4.4.1 Calculating Elapsed Time with DATDIF( ) and YRDIF() ................................. 93 4.4.2 The Basics of SAS Intervals...................................................................... 96 4.4.3 The Interval Calculation Functions: INTCK and INTNX ................................ 98 86 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times SAS has several functions to manipulate dates, times, and datetime values. The functions can be categorized according to what they do. You can obtain the current date, time, or datetime (as specified by the computer’s clock). You can also easily extract pieces of dates, times or datetimes as numerical values from their corresponding SAS values, or you can assemble SAS date, time, and datetime values from SAS variables or constants. Another set of functions operates with intervals such as weeks or months. 4.1 Current Date and Time Functions Current date and time functions have no arguments, and return SAS values as noted in the following table. The values are obtained from the operating system’s clock. DATE( ) , TODAY( ) These functions are identical, and they both return the current date as a SAS date value. TIME( ) This returns the current time as a SAS time value. DATETIME( ) This returns the current date and time as a SAS datetime value. 4.2 Extracting Pieces from SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values The extraction functions all use a single argument (represented by arg in the following table), which represents a SAS date, time, or datetime value. This can be either a SAS variable name or the appropriate constant. If two-digit year values are used, the result will be subject to the YEARCUTOFF= option value in effect. They all return a numeric value as the result. The following table gives examples of how to apply each function, along with relevant comments for each example: Chapter 4: Date and Time Functions 87 Function Name Explanation Example DATEPART(arg) Extracts the date from a SAS datetime value as a SAS date value. DATEPART(‘21MAR1998:17:07:00’dt) = 13959 (March 21, 1998) DAY(arg) Extracts the number of the day of the month from a SAS date value. DAY(“14OCT2008”d) = 14 HOUR(arg) Extracts the hour from a SAS time value. HOUR(“7:35:00”t) =7 JULDATE(arg) Extracts the Julian date from a SAS date value. It will return a four- or five-digit value if the year portion of the date falls within the 100-year span defined by the YEARCUTOFF= option. In order to be Y2K compliant, you should use the JULDATE7(); function. JULDATE(“09MAY2004”d) = 4130 (Result is returned as a numeric value, so there are no leading zeros.) Extracts the Julian date with a fourdigit year from a SAS date value. This is the Y2K-compliant version since it always returns a seven-digit number, regardless of the year. JULDATE7(“09MAY2004”d) = 2004130 MINUTE(arg) Extracts the minutes from a SAS time value. MINUTE(“12:17:43 PM”t) = 17 MONTH(arg) Extracts the numerical month from a SAS date value. MONTH(“22AUG2005”d) = 8 QTR(arg) Extracts the quarter of the year from a SAS date value. QTR(“8JAN2000”d) = 1 SECOND(arg) Extracts the seconds from a SAS time value. SECOND(“2:17:43”t) = 43 JULDATE7(arg) JULDATE(“09MAY1890”d) = 1890129 JULDATE7(“09MAY1890”d) = 1890129 (continued on next page) 88 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Function Name Explanation Example TIMEPART(arg) Extracts the time portion from a SAS datetime value as a SAS time value. TIMEPART(“06SEP1976:13:36:33”dt) = 48993 (1:36:33 PM) WEEK(arg) Extracts the week number from a SAS date value, where Sunday is the first day of the week. WEEK(“02JAN2005”d) = 1 (Version 9.1.3) Extracts the week number from a SAS date value. descriptor can be “U”, “V”, or “W” (case-insensitive), and it refers to the algorithm used to calculate the first week of the year. WEEK(“02JAN2005”d,”U”) = 1 January 2, 2005 was a Sunday, so the first week of the year has started. WEEK(arg,descriptor) The U algorithm calculates weeks based on Sunday being the first day of the week. The V algorithm calculates weeks to the ISO standard. Monday is the first day of the week, and the first week of the year is defined as the one that contains both January 4 and the first Thursday of the year. WEEK(“02JAN2005”,d,”V”) = 53 This week is defined as being the 53rd week in 2004, because it doesn’t contain the first Monday or Thursday of the year. WEEK(“02JAN2005”d,”W”) = 0 The year 2005 has started, but weeks are calculated with Monday as the first day of the week. Therefore, the first week of 2005 doesn’t start until January 3, 2005, so this is week 0 of 2005. The W algorithm calculates weeks based on Monday being the first day of the week without restriction. WEEKDAY(arg) Extracts the number of the day of the week, where Sunday=1, Monday=2, etc. from a SAS date value. WEEKDAY(“14APR1999”d) = 4 (Wednesday, April 14, 1999) YEAR(arg) Extracts the year from a SAS date value. If you use a date constant (as in the example) and not a SAS date value, it is important to remember that the YEARCUTOFF option affects two-digit years. If OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=1920; YEAR(“19JUL10”d) = 2010 YEAR(“19JUL1910”d) = 1910 Chapter 4: Date and Time Functions 89 4.3 Creating Dates, Times, and Datetimes from Numbers This series of functions will create SAS date, time, and datetime values from numerical variables or constants. DATEJUL(julian-date); creates a SAS date value from a numeric value representing a Julian date. julian-date must be of the type yy(yy)ddd, where yy(yy) is two or four digits representing the year, and ddd must be between 1–365 (366 if a leap year.) If you use two digits for the year, the YEARCUTOFF= option will be used to determine the century. The following table gives examples of how to apply this function, along with relevant comments for each example: Sample Function Call SAS Date Value Formatted with MMDDYY10. Format OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=1920; –13959 10/13/1921 With the YEARCUTOFF value of 1920, the 21 is interpreted as 1921. 22566 10/13/2021 If YEARCUTOFF is 2000, the 21 is interpreted as 2021. DATEJUL(2005174) 16610 06/23/2005 DATEJUL(1989005) 10597 01/05/1989 DATEJUL(00368) . . DATEJUL(21286) OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=2000; DATEJUL(21286) Comments 368 is not a valid value for a Julian day, so the function returns a missing value. 90 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times DHMS(date,hour,minute,second); creates a SAS datetime value. All four arguments are required. date is a SAS date value, which can be either a numeric value or a date constant. If you use a two-digit year in a date constant, the date will be translated according to the YEARCUTOFF= option. hour is a numeric variable or constant, minute is a numeric variable or constant, and second is a numeric variable or constant. Hour, minute and second are not restricted to their clock times; therefore, hour can be greater than 24, while minute and second can be greater than 60. The following table gives examples of how to apply this function, along with relevant comments for each example: Sample Function Call Datetime Value Formatted with DATETIME. Format DHMS(“08JUN1995”d,15,24,0) 1118244240 08JUN1995:15:24:00 DHMS(“10SEP1999”d,3,0,0) 1252551600 10SEP1999:03:00:00 DHMS(“02FEB2004”d,11,54,15) 1391342055 02FEB2004:11:54:15 DHMS(“30JUN1992”d,8,7,93) 1025510913 30JUN1992:08:08:33 DHMS(“26APR2003”d,23,0,28) 1367017228 26APR2003:23:00:28 Comments The value 93 is just an argument. The function ultimately returns the datetime value in seconds and the formatted value converts the result. Therefore, 93 seconds becomes 1 minute, 33 seconds, which adds 1 to the minute value of 7, and reduces the seconds to 33. Chapter 4: Date and Time Functions 91 HMS(hour,minute,second); creates a SAS time value. hour is a numeric variable or constant, minute is a numeric variable or constant, and second is a numeric variable or constant. All three arguments must be present. hour, minute, and second are not restricted to their clock times, so that hour can be greater than 24, while minute and second can be greater than 60. The following table gives examples of how to apply this function, along with relevant comments for each example: Sample Function Call Time Value Formatted with TIME. Format Formatted with TIMEAMPM. Format Comments HMS(18,0,9) 64809 18:00:09 6:00:09 PM HMS(7,45,80) 27980 7:46:20 7:46:20 AM HMS(15,03,35.56) 54215.56 15:03:36 3:03:36 PM HMS(8,17,33) 29853 8:17:33 8:17:33 AM HMS(21,14,28) 76468 21:14:28 9:14:28 PM The time is not displayed as “7:45:80” because the value is returned as the total number of seconds, and the format is applied to that. Neither the TIME. nor the TIMEAMPM. formats display minute or second values greater than 59. MDY(month,day,year); creates a SAS date value from the arguments. All three arguments are required. month is a numeric variable or constant, day is a numeric variable or constant, and year is a numeric variable or constant. If year is two digits, the century will be determined by the YEARCUTOFF= option. If a value given for any of the arguments is not valid, such as MDY(2,31,2004) (February 31, 2004), the function will return a missing value and give you an “invalid argument to function” message in the log. The following table gives examples of how to apply this function, along with relevant comments for each example: 92 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Sample Function Call SAS Date Value Formatted with MMDDYY10. Format MDY(9,3,1876) –30434 09/03/1876 MDY(12,14,15) 20436 12/14/2015 MDY(3,26,1915) –16352 03/26/1915 MDY(5,22,2033) 26805 05/22/2033 MDY(1,7,2004) 16077 01/07/2004 YYQ(year,qtr); creates a SAS date value from the arguments. Both arguments are required. year is a numeric variable or constant representing the year, and qtr is a numeric variable or constant between 1 and 4, representing the quarter of the year. If year is two digits, the century will be determined by the YEARCUTOFF= system option. This function returns the date of the first day of the quarter in the given year. The following table gives examples of how to apply this function, along with relevant comments for each example: Sample Function Call SAS date Value Formatted with MMDDYY10. Format YYQ(1995,1) 12784 01/01/1995 YYQ(99,3) 14426 07/01/1999 YEARCUTOFF=1920 YYQ(25,2) –12693 04/01/1925 YEARCUTOFF=1920, so year is 1925. YYQ(2005,2) 16527 07/01/2005 Comment Chapter 4: Date and Time Functions 93 4.4 Calculating Intervals Calculating an interval can sometimes be done by using simple math. However, SAS provides functions to calculate intervals because, in most cases, simple math is only an approximation. The function is going to be more accurate. For example, one of the mathematical equations for calculating age is (current date – date of birth)/365.25. This approximation uses the .25 to account for leap years. In addition, some functions provide more capability, such as the ability to redefine the starting and ending dates of periods of time such as years. SAS interval functions are very powerful and can solve a host of problems. 4.4.1 Calculating Elapsed Time with DATDIF() and YRDIF() DATDIF() The DATDIF() function calculates the number of days between two dates. The syntax is: DATDIF(start,end,basis); Start is the starting date, which can be a date constant, a numeric variable or a SAS expression. End is the ending date, also a date constant, a numeric variable, or a SAS expression. Basis is a character constant or variable that tells SAS how to calculate the difference. It has two possible values: ‘30/360’, which sets each month to 30 days, and the year to 360 days, regardless of how many days are in each month or year in the span between the two dates. If a day is at the end of a month (e.g., February 28/29 or March 31) it will be considered as the 30th of the month. ‘ACT/ACT’, which uses the actual number of days in each month and year in the span between the two dates. This is the default, and it is identical to subtracting start from end. If you use a character constant for basis, remember that it will need to be enclosed in quotes, or you will get an error. 94 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Example 4.4.1 The DATDIF Function DATA _NULL_; a = DATDIF(‘19JUL2002’d,’19JUL2003’d,’30/360’); b = DATDIF(‘19JUL2002’d,’19JUL2003’d,’act/act’); PUT a= / b=; RUN; The Log a=360 b=365 The value of A is 360 because basis is “30/360”, indicating a year of 360 days by definition. The value of b is 365, because it was calculated with the actual number of days in the years 2002–2003. If 2003 had been a leap year, then the value would be 366. YRDIF() The YRDIF function calculates the number of years between two dates. It is generally more accurate than using mathematical approximation1. The syntax is: YRDIF(start,end,basis); start is the starting date, which can be a date constant, a numeric variable or a SAS expression. end is the ending date, also a date constant, a numeric variable, or a SAS expression. basis is a character constant or variable that tells SAS how to calculate the difference. It has four possible values, as compared with the two possibilities in the DATDIF function: ‘30/360’, which sets each month to 30 days, and the year to 360 days, regardless of how many days are in each month or year in the span between the two dates. If a day is at the end of a month (e.g., February 28/29 or March 31) it will be considered as the 30th of the month. ‘ACT/ACT’, which uses the actual number of days in each month and year in the span between the two dates. This is the default. 1 For details about age calculations, see Chapter 4: Date and Time Functions 95 ‘ACT/360’, which uses the actual number of days between the two dates to calculate the number of years, but it uses a 360-day year, regardless of how many days are in each year, so the result is number of days divided by 360. ‘ACT/365’, which uses the actual number of days between the two dates to calculate the number of years, but uses a 365-day year, regardless of how many days are in each year, so the result is number of days divided by 365. The following example shows the effect that each basis definition has on the value that the YRDIF( ) function returns given the same period of time. Example 4.4.2: The YRDIF() Function DATA _NULL_; A = YRDIF(‘07AUG1963’D,’08MAY2005’D,’30/360’); B = YRDIF(‘07AUG1963’D,’08MAY2003’D,’ACT/ACT’); C = YRDIF(‘07AUG1963’D,’08MAY2003’D,’ACT/360’); D = YRDIF(‘07AUG1963’D,’08MAY2003’D,’ACT/365’); PUT ‘30 DAY MONTH, 360 DAY YEAR = ‘ A; PUT ‘ACTUAL DAYS IN MONTH, ACTUAL YEAR = ‘ B; PUT ‘ACTUAL DAYS IN MONTH, 360 DAY YEAR = ‘ C; PUT ‘ACTUAL DAYS IN MONTH, 365 DAY YEAR = ‘ D; RUN; The Log 30 day actual actual actual month, 360 day days in month, days in month, days in month, year = 41.752777778 actual year = 39.750684932 360 day year = 40.330555556 365 day year = 39.778082192 As you can see, all four results are different, and this is due to the way they were calculated. If each month is 30 days long, and the year is 360 days long, there are 41.75 years between the two dates. If the actual days in a month are used, but the years are standardized to 360 days, there are 40.33 years between the dates. 96 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times If the actual days and actual year are used for the calculation, then the value is 39.75. If you use the actual days, but define the year to be 365 days long, the value is 39.77, a discrepancy caused by the leap years during that time span. The final example below illustrates the difference between using the YRDIF() function, the INTNX( ) function (since it counts elapsed intervals) and mathematical estimation. 4.4.2 The Basics of SAS Intervals SAS has several interval definitions that are used with dates, times, and datetimes. Although the standard interval definitions handle many standard time intervals, you have the option of using interval multipliers and interval shift arguments, which allow you to define intervals. Multipliers and shift intervals are discussed in detail in Section 5.3. Table 4.4.1 is a list of all the standard interval definitions and the periods that they describe: Table 4.4.1 SAS Interval Definitions Used with Dates, Times, and Datetimes Category Interval Name Definition Default Starting Point Date DAY Daily intervals Each day WEEK Weekly intervals of seven days Each Sunday WEEKDAYdaysW Daily intervals with Friday-SaturdaySunday counted as the same day (five-day work week with a SaturdaySunday weekend). days identifies the individual numbers of the weekend day(s) by number (1=Sunday ... 7=Saturday). By default, days=“17”, so the default interval is WEEKDAY17W. Each day (continued on next page) Chapter 4: Date and Time Functions 97 Table 4.4.1 (continued) Category Date Datetime Interval Name Definition Default Starting Point TENDAY Ten-day intervals (a U.S. automobile industry convention) 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month SEMIMONTH Half-month intervals First and sixteenth of each month MONTH Monthly intervals First of each month QTR Quarterly (three-month) intervals 1-Jan 1-Apr 1-Jul 1-Oct SEMIYEAR Semi-annual (six-month) intervals 1-Jan 1 Jul YEAR Yearly intervals 1-Jan DTDAY Daily intervals Each day DTWEEK Weekly intervals of seven days Each Sunday DTWEEKDAYdaysW Daily intervals with Friday-SaturdaySunday counted as the same day (five-day work week with a SaturdaySunday weekend). days identifies the individual weekend days by number (1=Sunday ... 7=Saturday). By default, days=“17”, so the default interval is DTWEEKDAY17W. Each day DTTENDAY Ten-day intervals (a U.S. automobile industry convention) 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month DTSEMIMONTH Half-month intervals First and sixteenth of each month (continued on next page) 98 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Table 4.4.1 (continued) Category Interval Name Definition Default Starting Point Datetime DTMONTH Monthly intervals First of each month DTQTR Quarterly (three-month) intervals 1-Jan 1-Apr 1-Jul 1-Oct DTSEMIYEAR Semiannual (six-month) intervals 1- Jan 1 Jul DTYEAR Yearly intervals 1-Jan DTSECOND Second intervals Seconds DTMINUTE Minute intervals Minutes DTHOUR Hour intervals Hours SECOND Second intervals Seconds MINUTE Minute intervals Minutes HOUR Hourly intervals Hours TIME 4.4.3 Interval Calculation Functions: INTCK and INTNX The interval calculation functions INTCK( ) and INTNX( ) utilize SAS interval definitions. INTCK() finds the number of intervals between two given dates, times, or datetimes. In contrast, INTNX( ) finds the date, time, or datetime that results after a given number of intervals have been applied to an initial date, time, or datetime value.2 2 As of SAS 9, there are other interval calculation functions available with SAS/ETS and/or SAS High Performance Forecasting. Releases beyond SAS 9.1 might add some holiday-related functions as well. Chapter 4: Date and Time Functions 99 INTCK() The INTCK( ) function counts the number of intervals between two dates, times, or datetimes. It does so by counting from the beginning of the given interval at start-of-period and the beginning of the interval at end-of-period. interval is the SAS designation for a period of time, and can be a character literal or character variable that corresponds to one of the defined time intervals (see Table 3.4.1.) The syntax of the INTCK function is: INTCK(interval,start-of-period,end-of-period); In essence, the INTCK( ) function is counting the number of times that the period interval begins between start-of-period and end-of-period, inclusive. It does not count the number of complete intervals between start-of-period and end-of-period. This also means that the count does not begin with start-of-period, but at the beginning of the first interval after that. The following sample logs demonstrate how INTCK( ) counts. As an example, take the dates Saturday, December 31, 2005 and Sunday, January 1, 2006. The Log 137 DATA _NULL_; 138 v1 = INTCK(‘DAY’,’31dec2005’d,’01jan2006’d); 139 v2 = INTCK(‘WEEK’,’31dec2005’d,’01jan2006’d); 140 v3 = INTCK(‘MONTH’,’31dec2005’d,’01jan2006’d); 141 v4 = INTCK(‘YEAR’,’31dec2005’d,’01jan2006’d); 142 PUT v1= +3 v2= +3 v3= +3 v4= +3; 143 RUN; v1=1 v2=1 v3=1 v4=1 All of the intervals are equal to 1 even though only one day has passed! January 1, 2006 is the start of day, week, month, and year intervals. The starting day occurred on December 31, and the ending day began on January 1. That’s obvious. However, Sunday is the beginning of the week; therefore, the week for December 31 started on Sunday, December 25. Sunday, January 1 is the beginning of the next week, so one week has elapsed between the start of the two weeks containing both dates, and that causes v2 to be equal to 1. The month for December 31 started on December 1, and the month for January 1, 2006 started on January 1, so one MONTH interval has elapsed between the start of the intervals for the two dates, and therefore, v3 is 1. Finally, the year for December 31, 2005 started on January 1 of 2005, while the year for January 1, 2006 starts on the same date, which causes v4 to be 1. 100 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times All of the values are equal to 1 because the INTCK() function is counting the DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and YEAR interval boundary which occurs because of the number of days, weeks, months or years that have passed. To complete the picture of how INTCK() works, let’s look at the effect that the ending date has on INTCK() . The Log 144 DATA _NULL_; 145 v5 = INTCK(‘DAY’,’31dec2005’d,’06jan2006’d); 146 v6 = INTCK(‘WEEK’,’31dec2005’d,’06jan2006’d); 147 v7 = INTCK(‘MONTH’,’31dec2005’d,’06jan2006’d); 148 v8 = INTCK(‘YEAR’,’31dec2005’d,’06jan2006’d); 149 PUT v5= +3 v6= +3 v7= +3 v8= +3; 150 RUN; v5=6 v6=1 v7=1 v8=1 Here you can see that although 6 days have elapsed, still only 1 week, month, and year have elapsed according to INTCK( ) ! That is because the start of the week, month, and year interval for January 6, 2006, is still January 1, 2006, and that is what INTCK( ) is counting. Here are some more examples of the use of INTCK() : Example 4.4.3 The INTCK Function – the Basics INTCK(‘DAY’, ‘15jun2003’d,’22jun2003’d) = 7 INTCK(‘WEEK’, ‘01jan2001’d, ‘01jan2002’d) = 52 INTCK(‘DTDAY’, ‘01oct1872:08:00:00’dt ,’20dec1872:18:00:00’dt ) = 80 INTCK(‘MONTH’, ‘05mar1978’d, ‘01may1978’d ) = 2 Chapter 4: Date and Time Functions 101 Example 4.4.4 The INTCK Function – Counting Backwards INTCK(‘YEAR’, ‘22dec2005’d,’16jul2000’d) =–5 In this example, the from date is after the to date, and therefore, the answer is negative. Since INTCK() counts interval boundaries, the answer is –5 because it starts counting at the start of a year. The start of the year for December 22, 2005 is January 1, 2005, so that is where the count begins. January 1, 2004; January 1, 2003; January 1, 2002; January 1, 2001; and January 1, 2000 are the beginning dates of the years that it is counting. Example 4.4.5 The INTCK Function – Counting Weekdays A) INTCK('WEEKDAY17W','08JAN2006'd,'10JAN2006'd) = 2 B) INTCK('WEEKDAY17W','09JAN2006'd,'10JAN2006'd) = 1 C) INTCK('WEEKDAY17W','06JAN2006'd,'07JAN2006'd) = 0 If you are counting the number of work weekdays that have elapsed, you must be careful to remember that INTCK( ) counts interval boundaries, and that the starting date is not counted in the answer. A) above seems perfectly reasonable. You would expect that there would be two weekdays between Sunday, January 8, 2006 and Tuesday, January 10, 2006. However, you might think that there are two weekdays in the span Monday, January 9, 2006 to Tuesday, January 10, 2006, but the INTCK( ) function counts only 1 weekday, because it starts counting with Tuesday. Why is C) equal to zero then? January 7, 2006 is a Saturday, and since we’ve defined the weekend days as Saturday and Sunday, the WEEKDAY17W interval does not begin until Monday, so no interval boundaries have been passed. The last example for INTCK() illustrates the difference between the three methods that have been discussed for calculating elapsed years using SAS: the YRDIF() function, the INTCK() function (because it counts elapsed intervals), and mathematical estimation. 102 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Example 4.4.6: The YRDIF() Function as Opposed to Mathematical Estimation and INTCK() This uses the same dates, August 7, 1963 and May 8, 2005 for all three methods, but the first line uses the YRDIF( ) function with “ACT/ACT’, while the mathematical approximation divides the number of days between the two dates by 365.25. While the discrepancy is minute in this example, the difference is caused by the fact that the number of leap years in the period (11) is not divisible by 4, rendering the value 365.25, an approximation. The INTCK function counts interval boundaries from their beginning, so it is counting the number of January firsts between January 1, 1963, and January 1, 2003. In effect, unless you were born on January 1, using INTCK( ) to calculate your age will make you old before your time! DATA _NULL_; b = YRDIF(‘07aug1963’d,’08may2003’d,’ACT/ACT’); e = (‘08may2003’d - ‘07aug1963’d)/365.25; g = INTCK(‘YEAR’,’07aug1963’d,’08may2003’d); PUT ‘actual days in month, actual year = ‘ b; PUT ‘math approximation = ‘ e; PUT ‘Using INTCK = ‘ g; RUN; The Log actual days in month, actual year = 39.750684932 math approximation = 39.750855578 Using INTCK = 40 INTNX() The INTNX( ) function takes a given SAS date, time, or datetime value, and calculates a new value based on a given number of intervals. Where INTCK( ) calculates the number of intervals between any two date, time, or datetime values, INTNX( ) takes the start of the period and increments it by a number of intervals to give the end-of the period. The syntax is: INTNX(interval,start-from,number-of-increments, alignment); Chapter 4: Date and Time Functions 103 interval is one of the SAS intervals defined in Table 3.1, and can be a character literal or character variable that evaluates to one of the defined intervals. start-from is the starting date, time, or datetime value, which can be a constant, numeric variable, or a SAS expression. number-of-increments is an integer constant or a numeric variable that indicates how many intervals to advance. If it is not an integer, only the integer portion of the value will be used. alignment sets the returned date, time, or datetime value according to one of four predefined settings. The function calculates the dates at the beginning of the interval period, and then the alignment argument adjusts the result. The values are Beginning or B, Middle or M, and End or E. The default value for alignment is Beginning. The Sameday or S alignment operator was added in SAS 9. The Sameday argument cannot be used with the DTQTR, DTSEMIYEAR, or the DTYEAR intervals, and it has no effect on time values.3 The next series of examples demonstrates various uses and effects of the INTNX() function. The first example is the default use of the function with each of the date, time, and datetime intervals, while the second shows what happens when you use a non-integer as the increment to the function. Example 4.4.9 illustrates the use of the alignment arguments, and Example 4.4.10 shows how to use the alignment arguments to yield specific dates. Example 4.4.7 The INTNX() Function with Default Alignment Each of the examples below increments the date, time, or datetime value by 3 of the interval shown in bold italics. For dates and datetimes, the start date is the same, Thursday, November 2, 2000. The only difference is that datetime intervals (interval names starting with DT) return datetime values, not dates. The interval values for datetime values are calculated in seconds, not days. By default, the INTNX( ) function returns the beginning of the interval given. If you wish to change this, use the alignment argument discussed above. 3 Check releases beyond SAS 9.1 to find whether the SAME operator replaces the SAMEDAY operator. 104 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times INTNX(‘DAY’,’11/02/2000’d,3) =11/05/2000 INTNX(‘DTDAY’,’02NOV2000:15:00:00’dt,3) = 05NOV2000:00:00:00 The time returned is midnight of 11/05/2000, not 3 p.m. INTNX(‘WEEKDAY17W’,’11/02/2000’d,3) = 11/07/2000 The returned date is the following Tuesday. Saturday (7) and Sunday (1) don’t count since they are defined as the weekend days. INTNX(‘DTWEEKDAY17W’,’02NOV2000:15:00:00’dt,3) = 07NOV2000:00:00:00 INTNX(‘WEEK’,’11/02/2000’d,3) =11/19/2000 The value returned is the Sunday of the week, not 21 calendar days. INTNX(‘DTWEEK’,’02NOV2000:15:00:00’dt,3) = 19NOV2000:00:00:00 INTNX(‘TENDAY’,’11/02/2000’d,3) = 12/01/2000 The value returned is the first of the month, 29 calendar days, not 30. This interval will always return either the 1st, 11th, or 21st of the month. INTNX(‘DTTENDAY’,’02NOV2000:15:00:00’dt,3) = 01DEC2000:00:00:00 INTNX(‘SEMIMONTH’,’11/02/2000’d,3) = 12/16/2000 INTNX(‘DTSEMIMONTH’,’02NOV2000:15:00:00’dt,3) = 16DEC2000:00:00:00 Although November has 30 days, the returned date is the 16th, not 45 calendar days, which would be the 17th. Chapter 4: Date and Time Functions 105 INTNX(‘MONTH’,’11/02/2000’d,3) = 02/01/2001 The date returned is the beginning of the following month, not the same date. To get the same date, use the “S” (same day) alignment argument. INTNX(‘DTMONTH’,’02NOV2000:15:00:00’dt,3) = 01FEB2001:00:00:00 INTNX(‘QTR’,’11/02/2000’d,3) = 07/01/2001 The first day of the quarter is returned. INTNX(‘DTQTR’,’02NOV2000:15:00:00’dt,3) = 01JUL2001:00:00:00 INTNX(‘SEMIYEAR’,’11/02/2000’d,3) = 01/01/2002 The beginning of the 3rd semi-year after 11/02/2000 is January 1, 2002. INTNX(‘DTSEMIYEAR’,’02NOV2000:15:00:00’dt,3) = 01JAN2002:00:00:00 INTNX(‘YEAR’,’11/02/2000’d,3) = 01/01/2003 INTNX(‘DTYEAR’,’02NOV2000:15:00:00’dt,3) = 01JAN2003:00:00:00 INTNX(‘SECOND’,’8:00:00 AM’t,3) = 8:00:03 AM INTNX(‘MINUTE’,’8:00:00 AM’t,3) = 8:03:00 AM INTNX(‘HOUR’,’8:00:00 AM’t,3) = 11:00:00 AM The beginning of the 3rd year after 11/02/2000 is January 1, 2003. 106 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Example 4.4.8 The INTNX() Function – Using Non-Integer Increments INTNX(‘HOUR ‘, ‘16:45’t ,2.5 ) = 18:00:00 When number-of-increments is not an integer, SAS will take the integer part as the value. In this case, 2.5 becomes 2. The beginning of the first hour increment is 17:00, and the second is 18:00. Since alignment is the default value of B or beginning, that sets the answer to the beginning of the hour, which gives the result of 18:00. Example 4.4.9 The INTNX() Function with Alignment Arguments INTNX(‘WEEK’,’11/02/2000’d,3,’B’) =11/19/2000 Beginning of the week. INTNX(‘WEEK ‘,’11/02/2000’d,3,’M ‘)=11/22/2000 Middle of the interval. INTNX(‘WEEK ‘,’11/02/2000’d,3,’S’)=11/23/2000 Same day, so the interval ends on the same day of the week (Wednesday), leaving the duration at 21 days. Example 4.4.10 The INTNX() Function with Alignment Arguments to Give Specific Dates Set the date to the beginning of the week. INTNX(‘WEEK’,’27JUL2002’d,0,’B’) = July 21, 2002 Advance to the start of the 3rd semi-month period. INTNX(‘SEMIMONTH’,’01MAY1998’d,3,’B’) = June 16, 1998 Advance to the end of the month. INTNX(‘MONTH’,’05MAR2005’d,1,’E’) = April 30, 2005 Advance to the end of the quarter after next. INTNX(‘QTR’,’06NOV1996’d,2,’E’) = June 30, 1997 CHAPTER 5 Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 5.1 Macro Variables and Dates............................................................................108 5.1.1 Automatic Macro Variables ..................................................................108 5.1.2 Putting Dates into Titles.........................................................................109 5.1.3 Using %SYSFUNC() to Create Dates, Times, and Datetimes in Macro Variables ...........................................................................................110 5.1.4 Using CALL SYMPUT() and SYMGET() with Dates, Times, and Datetimes ....111 5.2 Shifting SAS Date and Time Intervals ...............................................................113 5.3 Graphing Dates ............................................................................................122 5.4 The Basics of PROC EXPAND .........................................................................127 5.4.1 Capabilities of PROC EXPAND .............................................................127 5.4.2 Using PROC EXPAND to Convert to a Higher Frequency..........................129 5.4.3 Using PROC EXPAND to Convert to a Lower Frequency ...........................130 5.4.4 Using PROC EXPAND to Interpolate Missing Values ...............................132 5.4.5 The OBSERVED= Option for the CONVERT Statement in PROC EXPAND...133 5.5 International Date, Time, and Datetime Formats and Informats ............................136 5.5.1 “EUR” Formats and Informats ................................................................137 5.5.2 “NL” Formats ......................................................................................140 5.5.3 Specific Language Date Formats and Informats .......................................143 5.6 Other Software and Their Dates (Excel, Oracle, DB2)........................................144 108 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times 5.1 Macro Variables and Dates There is a high potential for confusion when it comes to the subject of macro variables and dates. Although you have access to dates and times in the SAS macro language with the automatic macro variables &SYSDATE, &SYSDATE9, &SYSDAY, and &SYSTIME, the display of these values is fixed, and therefore they do not give you the power of SAS formats, or of SAS date and time functions. 5.1.1 Automatic Macro Variables None of these automatic macro variables may be assigned values with %LET or CALL SYMPUT( ) , or by any other means. They are read-only, and work by reading the operating system clock when a SAS session is started. This means that they do not change within a given SAS session. &SYSDATE This automatic macro variable cannot be modified, and displays the system date as a SAS date value formatted with the DATE7. format. If the date according to the operating system when the SAS session starts is July 17, 2004, then &SYSDATE would be equal to “17JUL04”. This example shows the value of &SYSDATE when the date is October 4, 2002: /* The computer’s date is October 4, 2002 */ 3 %PUT &SYSDATE; 04OCT02 &SYSDATE9 This automatic macro variable is identical to &SYSDATE, except that it formats the system date with the DATE9. format, and is therefore Y2K-compliant. If the operating system date is November 22, 2005, then &SYSDATE9 would be equal to “22NOV2005”. This example shows the value of &SYSDATE9 when the date is October 4, 2002: /* The computer’s date is October 4, 2002 */ 6 %PUT &SYSDATE9; 04OCT2002 &SYSDAY This automatic variable displays in English the name of the day that the SAS session began (according to the operating system). If you started a SAS job or session on Wednesday, February 11, 1998, &SYSDAY would be equal to “Wednesday”. This example shows the value of &SYSDAY when the date is Friday, October 4, 2002: Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 109 /* THE COMPUTER’S DATE IS OCTOBER 4, 2002 */ 9 %PUT &SYSDAY; Friday &SYSTIME This automatic variable displays the system time (according to the operating system) in TIME5. format. If the system time is 3:36 PM when you start SAS, then &SYSTIME would be equal to “15:36”. This example shows the value of &SYSTIME when the time is 10:36 PM: /* THE CURRENT TIME IS 10:36 PM */ 12 %PUT &SYSTIME; 22:36 5.1.2 Putting Dates into Titles One of the prime uses of dates in macro variables is for custom titles and footnotes. To use a macro variable in a title, you just need to enclose the TITLE or FOOTNOTE statement that contains the macro variable with double quotes like this: TITLE “This is how to put a macro variable in a title: Today’s Date is &SYSDATE9”; To see this in context, look at the following program: TITLE “This is how to put a macro variable in a title: Today’s Date is &SYSDATE9”; ODS RTF FILE=“examples\title.rtf”; PROC PRINT (OBS=5); ID job1; VAR depthead; RUN; ODS RTF CLOSE; 110 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Here is the resulting output: This is how to put a macro variable in a title: Today’s Date is 21JUN2005 JOB1 DEPTHEAD MANAGER 1 ASSISTANT 2 ACCOUNTANT 2 MANAGER 1 ADMIN 2 While the automatic macro variables &SYSDATE, &SYSDATE9, &SYSDAY, and &SYSTIME may give you the information you need, their formats are fixed and cannot be changed. Given the multiple ways that dates, times, and datetimes can be displayed, it would be good if you could use the formats and functions to get the display of dates and times that you want in your titles. 5.1.3 Using %SYSFUNC() to Create Dates, Times, and Datetimes in Macro Variables Many of the date and time functions, as well as formats, are available in the SAS macro language through the %QSYSFUNC() and %SYSFUNC( ) macro functions. When you are using one of these macro functions with dates and times, it has two arguments: the first is the date, time, or datetime function you wish to use. The second argument is optional, but it is the format that should be applied to the result. Example 5.1.1 Date Functions with %QSYSFUNC() This example puts the formatted value of today’s date into the macro variable &date, and demonstrates the difference between unformatted and formatted dates in macro variables. The date value in &RAWDATE is stored in macro space as a text string, and will need to be converted if you want to use it for any calculations. &DATE shows that the WORDDATE. format right-justifies the date display. So, in order to remove the leading spaces, the %LEFT() macro function is used and the result is stored in the macro variable &DATEJ. Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 111 7 %LET 8 %LET 9 %LET 10 %PUT 16592 11 %PUT rawdate=%QSYSFUNC(DATE()); date=%QSYSFUNC(DATE(),WORDDATE32.); datej=%LEFT(%QSYSFUNC(DATE(),WORDDATE32.)); &rawdate; /* SAS Date Value */ &date; June 5, 2005 /* Formatted */ 12 %PUT &datej; June 5, 2005 /* Formatted and left-justified */ Now you can use the result in a title or footnote. Example 5.1.2 Taking a Macro Text String and Turning It into a SAS Date Value This example takes the macro value from the automatic macro variable &SYDATE9 and will get the SAS date value from it. The PUTN( ) function is used here instead of the PUT( ) function because the format is determined during execution of the statement. 13 %LET DATEVAL = %SYSFUNC(PUTN(“&SYSDATE9”D,5.)); /* USE PUTN(), NOT PUT()! */ 14 %PUT sysdate is &sysdate9; sysdate is 05JUN2005 15 %PUT The SAS date value is: &dateval; The SAS date value is: 16592 5.1.4 Using CALL SYMPUT() and SYMGET() with Dates, Times, and Datetimes The CALL SYMPUT( ) and SYMGET() functions are also used to communicate between the DATA step and the macro world. CALL SYMPUT( ) takes a value and stores it in macro space from within a DATA step, while SYMGET() takes a macro variable and allows you to use it in a DATA step. The difference between run-time and compile time is very important. You cannot use a %LET statement to store macro values that are defined during execution of a DATA step. You also cannot use a macro variable reference (with an ampersand (&)) in the same DATA step where the macro variable is created with CALL SYMPUT( ) . The next example uses what was discussed in Sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3 to show how you can obtain a date value from a SAS data set and then put it in a macro variable to use in a title. 112 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Example 5.1.3 Using CALL SYMPUT to Create a Macro Variable Containing a Formatted SAS Date This example calculates the most recent date in a given variable from a dataset, and then creates a macro variable containing the formatted value to be used in a title. /* Get the maximum date in the variable */ PROC MEANS DATA=BOOK.PMDATA MAX NOPRINT; VAR LAST_DATE; OUTPUT OUT=TMP MAX=MAX; RUN; /*Transfer it to a macro variable using CALL SYMPUT() */ DATA _NULL_; SET TMP; CALL SYMPUT(‘ASOF’,LEFT(PUT(MAX,WORDDATE32.))); RUN; OPTIONS NODATE; /* REMOVE AUTOMATIC SYSTEM DATE ON PAGE */ /*CREATE TITLE with macro variable &asof */ TITLE “PROJECT DATA LAST UPDATED ON &ASOF”; ODS RTF FILE=“EXAMPLES\SYMPUT.RTF”; PROC PRINT DATA=BOOK.PMDATA LABEL; VAR LAST_DATE; RUN; This is the resulting report: Project Data Last Updated on June 1, 2005 Obs Date last modified 10/29/2003 1 08/13/2003 2 10/31/2003 3 . 4 06/01/2005 5 03/30/2005 6 06/01/2005 7 06/01/2005 8 07/21/1997 9 07/23/1997 10 12/03/2001 11 Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 113 Since the maximum date in the data is June 1, 2005 (highlighted in bold italics for the example,) that is the value that is formatted and passed to the CALL SYMPUT function as the macro variable &asof. 5.2 Shifting SAS Date and Time Intervals The interval function INTCK(interval,start-of-period,end-of-period) counts the number of intervals between two given SAS dates, times, or datetimes, while the function INTNX(interval,start-from,number-of-increments,alignment) advances a given date, time, or datetime by a specified number of intervals. Both functions use the standard SAS interval definitions (see Table 5.2.1). However, the INTCK( ) function counts at the start point of a given interval, while the INTNX( ) function advances to the beginning of the given interval. The alignment argument available with INTNX( ) will adjust the result to the middle, end, or—if you’re using Version 9—same day of the interval. Nonetheless, the intervals are still measured from their starting point, and the adjustment is only applied after INTNX( ) has moved the specified number of intervals. This leads to problems when your definition of an interval doesn’t exactly match the standard SAS definition of that same interval. For example, the standard SAS definition of year has the first day of the year defined as starting January 1. What happens if your fiscal year starts on July 1, and that is how you wish to measure your year? What if your semi-month period is truly 14 days long? Shift operators and interval multipliers allow you to do this. You have the ability to define the start of an interval definition by adding a shift indicator to it. The shift indicator defines the number of shift points to move the start of the interval. The table below shows the SAS interval name and what the shift increment period is. 114 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Table 5.2.1 SAS Intervals and their Shift Points CATEGORY DATE INTERVAL DEFINITION SHIFT POINT DAY Daily intervals Days WEEK Weekly intervals of seven days Days WEEKDAYDaily intervals with Friday-Saturday-Sunday counted as the same day. days identifies the individual weekend days by number (1=Sunday ... 7=Saturday). By default, days=“17”, so the default interval is WEEKDAY17W. Days TENDAY Ten-day intervals Ten day periods SEMIMONTH Half-month intervals Semimonthly periods MONTH Monthly intervals Months QTR Quarterly (three-month) intervals Months SEMIYEAR Semi-annual (six-month) intervals Months YEAR Yearly intervals Months (continued on next page) Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 115 Table 5.2.1 (continued) CATEGORY INTERVAL DATETIME DTDAY Daily intervals Days DTWEEK Weekly intervals of seven days Days DTWEEKDAY Daily intervals with Friday-SaturdaySunday counted as the same day. days identifies the individual weekend days by number (1=Sunday ... 7=Saturday). By default, days=“17”, so the default interval is DTWEEKDAY17W. Days DTTENDAY Ten-day intervals Ten day periods DTSEMIMONTH Half-month intervals Semimonthly periods DTMONTH Monthly intervals Months DTQTR Quarterly (three-month) intervals Months DTSEMIYEAR Semiannual (six-month) intervals Months DTYEAR Yearly intervals Months DTSECOND Second intervals Seconds DTMINUTE Minute intervals Minutes DTHOUR Hour intervals Hours SECOND Second intervals Seconds MINUTE Minute intervals Minutes HOUR Hourly intervals Hours TIME DEFINITION SHIFT POINT 116 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times For our first example, let’s use the standard case of a fiscal year that starts on July 1. To measure a year interval in those terms, you would have to move the start of the year by seven months. The start point is always included in the count of months to shift. The shift value is added to the interval name by appending it with a decimal point. Therefore, in order to advance the start of the YEAR interval seven months to July 1, you would use the interval name “YEAR.7”, as illustrated by the following: Example 5.2.1 Moving the Start of a Year Interval from January 1 to July 1 DATA _NULL_; a = INTCK(‘YEAR’,’01jan2003’d,’06jul2004’d); b = INTCK(‘YEAR.7’,’01jan2003’d,’06jul2004’d); PUT ‘INTCK with YEAR interval=‘ a + 3 ‘INTCK with YEAR.7 interval=‘ b; RUN; The Log 6 7 8 9 10 DATA _NULL_; a = INTCK(‘YEAR’,’01jan2003’d,’06jul2004’d); b = INTCK(‘YEAR.7’,’01jan2003’d,’06jul2004’d); PUT ‘INTCK with YEAR interval=‘ a +3 ‘INTCK with YEAR.7 interval=‘ b; RUN; INTCK with YEAR interval=1 INTCK with YEAR.7 interval=2 Since INTCK( ) counts the start of interval boundaries, when the interval is “YEAR”, it is measuring from January 1, 2003 until January 1, 2004 (the start of the year containing July 6, 2004). When the interval is “YEAR.7”, you have shifted the beginning of the YEAR interval by 7 months, which declares that the year starts on July 1. In the example above, that shift causes the measurement to commence on July 1, 2002 (the start of the year containing January 1, 2003) and end on July 1, 2004, which is the start of the year containing July 6, 2004. That is why the value returned is 2, not 1. While shift operators allow you to move the starting point of any given SAS interval, an interval multiplier allows you to define the length of your own intervals. You define a custom interval by applying a multiplier value to an interval. For example, if you want to measure biweekly (14-day) periods, you would take the WEEK interval, and multiply it by 2. This makes your interval name “WEEK2”, and it measures 14-day periods starting on Sunday. Example 5.2.2 demonstrates the creation and use of a custom interval, by using a multiplier of 2 for the WEEK interval. It also illustrates some of the features of custom intervals. Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 117 Example 5.2.2 Using an Interval Multiplier to Create a Custom Interval DATA _NULL_; a = INTNX(‘WEEK’,’08feb2004’d,2); b = INTNX(‘WEEK2’,’08feb2004’d,2); PUT ‘INTNX with WEEK interval=‘ a weekdate32.; PUT ‘INTNX with WEEK2 interval=‘ b weekdate32.; RUN; The Log 68 69 70 71 72 73 DATA _NULL_; a = INTNX(‘WEEK’,’08feb2004’d,2); b = INTNX(‘WEEK2’,’08feb2004’d,2); PUT ‘INTNX with WEEK interval=‘ a weekdate32.; PUT ‘INTNX with WEEK2 interval=‘ b weekdate32.; RUN; INTNX with WEEK interval= INTNX with WEEK2 interval= Sunday, February 22, 2004 Sunday, March 7, 2004 In the above example, the start of the week interval two weeks from February 8 is February 22, so it makes sense that the start of the second biweekly period from February 8 is March 7. This is not as simple as it seems. When using SAS intervals, you must always keep in mind that intervals are always measured from the beginning of the starting interval to the beginning of the ending interval. This is independent of the starting and ending dates that you supply. Let’s move the starting date in Example 5.5.2 backward by one week to February 1, 2004. The Log 1 2 3 4 5 6 DATA _NULL_; a = INTNX(‘WEEK’,’01feb2004’d,2); b = INTNX(‘WEEK2’,’01feb2004’d,2); PUT ‘INTNX with WEEK interval=‘ a weekdate32.; PUT ‘INTNX with WEEK2 interval=‘ b weekdate32.; RUN; INTNX with WEEK interval= INTNX with WEEK2 interval= Sunday, February 15, 2004 Sunday, February 22, 2004 118 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Advancing by two WEEKS (line 2) is still a difference of 14 days, as expected. But what happened in line 3? Shouldn’t you get 28 days instead of 21? No, because the start of the WEEK2 interval containing February 1, 2004 is January 25, 2004, and that is where the INTNX( ) function begins its count. Here is a sample program to produce the starting dates of the intervals: DATA tricky; DO intervals= 0 TO 5; b = INTNX(‘WEEK2’,’01jan2004’d,intervals); OUTPUT; END; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=tricky LABEL; ID interval; VAR b; FORMAT b weekdate32.; LABEL interval=“Number of WEEK2 intervals from January 1, 2004” b=“Starting Date of Interval” ; RUN; The resulting table (below) shows the starting dates for the first five WEEK2 intervals of 2004. If the date(s) supplied fall between the starting dates of any two boundaries, the interval count (or incrementing) will commence from the starting date of the previous interval. Number of WEEK2 intervals from January 1, 2004 Starting Date of Interval 0 Sunday, December 28, 2003 1 Sunday, January 11, 2004 2 Sunday, January 25, 2004 3 Sunday, February 8, 2004 4 Sunday, February 22, 2004 5 Sunday, March 7, 2004 How does SAS determine what the starting date of a given interval is if you use a multiplier? It takes the multiplied interval you’ve created and starts counting beginning with January 1, 1960. This is true for all multiplied intervals except multiplied WEEK intervals. Multiplied WEEK intervals are counted starting from Sunday, December 27, 1959, because weeks are defined as starting on Sundays, and January 1, 1960 was a Friday. Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 119 You may also use a multiplier and a shift indicator together if needed. Interval multipliers are directly appended to the interval name (e.g., WEEK2), and shift indicators are appended to the interval name with a leading decimal point (e.g., WEEK.5). To use both the multiplier and shift operator, you first append the multiplier to the interval name to create a new interval name (e.g., WEEK2), and then you append the shift indicator to the interval name. Given a multiplier of 2, and a shift of 5, the interval name becomes “WEEK2.5”. To demonstrate, let’s expand on the example used in 5.2.2. What if you wanted your biweekly periods to start on January 1, 2004? January 1, 2004 was a Thursday, so you want to move the starting date to the fifth day of the week (Sunday=1, therefore, Thursday=5.) Now we’ll generate the same table as in Example 5.2.2, using a shift indicator of 5 days in addition to the biweekly interval of WEEK2. Example 5.2.3 Using Both an Interval Multiplier and Shift Operator to Create a Custom Interval DATA tricky; DO interval= 0 TO 5; b = INTNX(‘WEEK2.5’,’01jan2004’d,interval); OUTPUT; END; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=tricky LABEL; ID interval; VAR b; FORMAT b weekdate32.; LABEL interval=“Number of WEEK2.5 intervals from January 1, 2004” b=“Starting Date of Interval” ; RUN; 120 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Here’s the resulting output: Number of WEEK2.5 intervals Starting Date of Interval from January 1, 2004 0 Thursday, January 1, 2004 1 Thursday, January 15, 2004 2 Thursday, January 29, 2004 3 Thursday, February 12, 2004 4 Thursday, February 26, 2004 5 Thursday, March 11, 2004 When you use a multiplier, you also have the ability to define your shifts within the entire interval created by the multiplier. As an example, let’s create a decade interval by using YEAR10 as the interval. Remember that intervals start at the beginning of the boundary, so the decades would start at the beginning of the first year of the decade. What can you do if you want to define the decade as starting in May of the middle year in the decade (e.g., May of 1955 as opposed to January of 1950?) To shift intervals across years, you need to use the first nested interval within the YEAR interval, which is MONTH. So you would use (number of years to shift*12) to calculate the number of months you need to shift. If you wanted to shift 5 years, you would use 5*12=60. Add 5 to that, which shifts the starting month from January to May, and your interval definition is now YEAR10.65. That would be decades starting in May of years that end in 5. The code below shows the effect of moving the interval by 65 months. DATA tricky; DO interval= 0 TO 5; b = INTNX(‘YEAR10’,’01sep1950’d,interval); c = INTNX(‘YEAR10.65’,’01sep1950’d,interval); OUTPUT; END; RUN; Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 121 PROC PRINT DATA=tricky LABEL; ID interval; VAR b c; FORMAT b c weekdate32.; LABEL interval=“Number of intervals from January 1, 1950” b=“Starting Date of YEAR10 Interval” c=“Starting Date of YEAR10.65 Interval” ; RUN; For this table, we show the unshifted result alongside the shifted result for comparison: Number of intervals from January 1, 1950 Starting Date of YEAR10 Interval Starting Date of YEAR10.65 Interval 0 Sunday, January 1, 1950 Tuesday, May 1, 1945 1 Friday, January 1, 1960 Sunday, May 1, 1955 2 Thursday, January 1, 1970 Saturday, May 1, 1965 3 Tuesday, January 1, 1980 Thursday, May 1, 1975 4 Monday, January 1, 1990 Wednesday, May 1, 1985 5 Saturday, January 1, 2000 Monday, May 1, 1995 The first thing to note is that even though the date we specified is September 1, the starting date of the interval is January 1, because that is the start of the YEAR interval. In the second column, you can see that the interval has been shifted. Even though the starting date of the YEAR10. interval is January 1, 1950, the shifted interval itself starts on Tuesday, May 1, 1945 (italics), not May 1, 1955. Why? Because it is the start of the interval that contains January 1, 1950. The most important thing to remember about using intervals, multipliers, and shift operators is that all intervals, no matter how they are defined, are measured from their beginning regardless of what date(s) you provide when you are using them. The alignment arguments ‘B’, ‘M’, ’E’, and ‘S’ for the INTNX() function do not adjust the date until after the function has executed and calculated its start-of-interval result (also remember that these alignment arguments only work with the INTNX( ) function). 122 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times No matter what, you may use the interval multipliers and shift operators to move the starting point of an interval, and you may use them anywhere that you can use a date, time, or datetime interval. 5.3 Graphing Dates When you use dates, times, or datetime values in SAS/GRAPH, you have to remember that they are numbers. This has a large impact on the axes and labeling. Graphing a result over a period of time without using formats or intervals will usually result in a graph that is not clear or well-defined. Example 5.3.1 demonstrates how the use of formats, interval multipliers, and shift operators can be used to make your graphs involving dates self-explanatory. Example 5.3.1 Johnny’s Savings Account When Johnny turned 10 years old on September 1, 1975, he took all the money he had in his piggybank and deposited it into a bank account that paid 4.5% interest annually, compounded daily. He made a promise to add two dollars at the end of each week from any money that he earned, and that he would take the money out when he reached the ripe old age of 40. Johnny thought he might have $1,000 by then. He kept that promise, so let’s look at Johnny’s earnings from the time he was 10 until he was 40 using the following program: TITLE “Johnny’s 40th Birthday Fund”; PROC GPLOT DATA=book.graph1; PLOT fund*date / VREF=5000 LV=1 CV=blue; RUN; Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 123 Here is the resulting output: Johnny's 40th Birthday Fund fund $8,000.00 $7,000.00 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 date That’s not very helpful. We can see that he started around 6000, and he turned 40 somewhere around 17000. What does that mean? This is easy enough to fix. Don’t we just need to add a format to the dates like this? TITLE “Johnny’s 40th Birthday Fund”; PROC GPLOT DATA=book.graph1; PLOT fund*date / VREF=5000 LV=1 CV=blue; FORMAT date mmddyy10.; /* Add FORMAT statement */ RUN; 124 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Here is the new output: Johnny's 40th Birthday Fund fund $8,000.00 $7,000.00 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 01/01/1970 01/01/1980 01/01/1990 01/01/2000 01/01/2010 date What has happened here is that SAS picked the boundaries and figured out major and minor tick marks. In this example, it has selected major intervals at decade boundaries, and minor ones at year boundaries. That’s not a bad choice for this example, but SAS/GRAPH doesn’t always make such a good choice when picking the boundaries of an axis. Can’t you define the horizontal axis yourself? Sure you can! Johnny’s birth date is in September, so it would make more sense to chart his progress at his birthdays, and restrict the span of the horizontal axis to the period he’s contributing. Let’s shift the interval by nine months to fix the starting date and try this code: TITLE “Johnny’s 40th Birthday Fund”; PROC GPLOT DATA=book.graph1; PLOT fund*date / VREF=5000 LV=1 CV=blue HAXIS=‘01SEP1975’d TO ‘01SEP2005’d by YEAR.9; FORMAT date mmddyy10.; RUN; Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 125 Here is the resulting output: Johnny's 40th Birthday Fund fund $10,000.00 $0.00 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 7 5 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 7 6 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 7 7 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 7 8 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 7 9 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 8 0 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 8 1 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 8 2 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 8 3 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 8 4 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 8 5 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 8 6 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 8 7 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 8 8 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 8 9 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 0 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 1 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 2 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 3 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 4 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 5 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 6 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 7 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 8 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 9 0 9 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 0 0 9 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 1 0 9 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 2 0 9 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 3 0 9 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 4 0 9 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 5 date What happened here? Well, since we defined the horizontal axis as having tick marks every year, SAS accommodated our request. It was even thoughtful enough to turn the labels vertically to make sure that they all fit. Unfortunately, that left very little space for the graph itself, because SAS thinks the labels are more important than the graph. We need better spacing on our horizontal axis. Since decades seemed to work well, let’s use those as our intervals, but we want to start on Johnny’s tenth birthday, and define the major horizontal axis points at September 1, 1975, September 1, 1985, September 1, 1995, and September 1, 2005. An interval multiplier of 10 will create the decade interval, and a shift operator of 69 (60 (months in 5 years) plus 9 (months from January to September)) will move the starting date of the ten-year interval to September 1975 so that it matches the starting point of the horizontal axis. Note that the only change from the previous version is in the interval definition. 126 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times TITLE “Johnny’s 40th Birthday Fund”; PROC GPLOT DATA=book.graph1; PLOT fund*date / VREF=5000 LV=1 CV=blue HAXIS=‘01SEP1975’d TO ‘01SEP2005’d BY YEAR10.69; /* Define X axis with an interval */ FORMAT date mmddyy10.; RUN; Here is the resulting output: Johnny's 40th Birthday Fund fund $8,000.00 $7,000.00 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 09/01/1975 09/01/1985 09/01/1995 09/01/2005 date Now that’s what we wanted. This demonstrates that you have all of the interval types, as well as their multipliers and shift operators, available when you are defining axes that involve date, time, and datetime values in SAS/GRAPH. It makes defining the exact scope of the graph much easier, not to mention comprehending what you’ve graphed. Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 127 5.4 The Basics of PROC EXPAND The EXPAND procedure is a part of SAS/ETS, which is used with time series data. It creates a SAS data set, and does not routinely produce printed output. With Version 9 of SAS, you can use ODS for Statistical Graphics to produce output from PROC EXPAND, but it is an experimental product. 5.4.1 Capabilities of PROC EXPAND It will change the sampling frequency of the data that you have and convert it to a different one. It can interpolate values in time series data, for example, when you have quarterly data that you need to report or analyze on a monthly basis. It can perform the reverse operation, that is, to aggregate (collapse) data from a higher sampling frequency to a lower one, such as taking monthly data and turning it into quarterly data. PROC EXPAND can interpolate missing values even if you aren’t changing the sampling frequency. It also provides for extensive data transformations, and performs all of these functions without a lot of DATA step programming. The SAS/ETS documentation provides detail on the procedure, its statements, and the options for those statements. PROC EXPAND uses SAS interval definitions. This includes shift operators and interval multipliers. For a detailed explanation of shift operators and interval multipliers, see Section 5.2. When you use these interval definitions (plus any shift and/or multipliers,) PROC EXPAND will automatically adjust for any calendar effects (leap years, varying number of days in a month). As with anything that uses these interval definitions, all measurements and calculations are considered to be at the beginning of the interval(s) specified. It is possible to change that definition with options in one of the PROC EXPAND statements, and those are discussed in Section 5.4.5. Table 5.4.1 PROC EXPAND Sample Data The following data set will be used for the examples in this section. This is light rail ridership data obtained from the American Public Transportation Association for the years 2003 and 2004, and is used with their permission. The values for October and November of 2003 have been removed to demonstrate some of the capabilities of PROC EXPAND. 128 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times date Riders (thousands) JAN2003 2679.9 FEB2003 2421.9 MAR2003 2704.6 APR2003 2778.3 MAY2003 2718.6 JUN2003 2618.2 JUL2003 2999.0 AUG2003 3504.7 SEP2003 3329.4 OCT2003 . NOV2003 . DEC2003 2888.6 JAN2004 3132.9 FEB2004 2814.3 MAR2004 3067.3 APR2004 2928.8 MAY2004 2958.3 JUN2004 2966.3 JUL2004 3000.8 AUG2004 3071.2 SEP2004 2958.9 OCT2004 2992.8 NOV2004 3017.5 DEC2004 3038.4 Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 129 5.4.2 Using PROC EXPAND to Convert to a Higher Frequency You can use PROC EXPAND to convert data from a lower sampling frequency to a higher sampling frequency (e.g., converting monthly data to daily or weekly data.) It does so by interpolation, and the syntax to convert to a higher sampling frequency is as follows: 1 2 3 4 PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=seven_days FROM=MONTH TO=WEEK; ID date; CONVERT riders; RUN; The PROC EXPAND statement in line 1 specifies the output data set (“seven_days”), and explains how the data in BOOK.MONTH should be converted, from MONTH intervals to WEEK intervals. The ID statement in line 2 indicates the variable that identifies the time of each record. You will usually use an ID statement with PROC EXPAND; otherwise, SAS will create an ID variable for the input records, and it will use the starting point of January 1, 1960, which may not be what you want. The CONVERT statement identifies the variable(s) to convert. You may also rename the variable(s) being converted in the output data set like this: CONVERT input-var=output-var; Here are the first eight observations from the data set SEVEN_DAYS produced by the above code: date Riders (thousands) 29DEC2002 2770.23 05JAN2003 2573.57 12JAN2003 2449.76 19JAN2003 2393.52 26JAN2003 2391.24 02FEB2003 2429.29 09FEB2003 2494.03 16FEB2003 2571.86 130 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times 5.4.3 Using PROC EXPAND to Convert to a Lower Frequency You can convert data to a lower frequency with PROC EXPAND in two ways: first, you can use the same syntax as with converting to a higher sampling frequency, except that the TO= interval would be of a lower sampling frequency. When you convert your data this way, PROC EXPAND performs interpolation for missing values using a curve fitting method, and allows conversion between intervals that aren’t nested. A nested interval is one that fits wholly inside of another interval (e.g., days nest within weeks, because there are exactly seven days in a week, but weeks do not nest within months, because most months have partial weeks). The following program will interpolate any missing values in our data: PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=quarterly FROM=MONTH TO=QTR; ID date; CONVERT riders; RUN; Obs date Riders (thousands) After Interpolation Original Values From BOOK.MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 01JAN2003 01APR2003 01JUL2003 01OCT2003 01JAN2004 01APR2004 01JUL2004 01OCT2004 2679.90 2778.30 2999.00 2993.28 3132.90 2928.80 3000.80 2992.80 2679.9 2778.3 2999.0 . 3132.9 2928.8 3000.8 2992.8 Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 131 The resulting dataset QUARTERLY (above) has eight observations, four for each year, synchronized on the QTR interval boundaries. As you can see, the data that were missing from our original dataset (for October of 2003) are interpolated. The second method allows you to perform simple aggregation (addition) without interpolation of missing values. The AGGREGATE method always produces an exact result without interpolation, and it requires that the intervals be nested. This program shows the result of a simple aggregation on our sample data: PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=annual FROM=MONTH TO=YEAR; ID date; CONVERT riders / METHOD=AGGREGATE; RUN; date Riders (thousands) 2003 . There are 2 missing observations for this year, which yields a missing result. 2004 35947.5 Total across all 12 months. Example 5.4.1 The Importance of the ID Statement in PROC EXPAND The following PROC EXPAND step has no ID statement. Let’s run it so that we can see the assumptions that SAS makes in its absence. This illustrates why the ID statement is almost always used with this procedure: PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=ANNUAL FROM=MONTH TO=YEAR; CONVERT riders; RUN; date Riders (thousands) 01JAN1960 2679.9 01JAN1961 3132.9 132 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times How did we wind up with data for 1960 and 1961 when we used data from 2003 and 2004? In the absence of an ID variable to indicate the dates, SAS will create ID values to label the input records, and it will start from its zero point, January 1, 1960. This is why you usually use an ID statement with PROC EXPAND. 5.4.4 Using PROC EXPAND to Interpolate Missing Values PROC EXPAND can also be used to interpolate missing values without converting frequencies. There are two ways to do this; use the one that fits your situation. If you are interpolating missing values at specific points in time, leave off the FROM= and TO= options, but make sure that you use an ID statement to indicate the variable that contains the time points of the observed values. The time points do not have to be evenly spaced, nor do you need a record for each time point within the interval. PROC EXPAND will read the values supplied in the ID variable and figure out the interval to use. Remember that the data for the months of October and November are missing in our sample table. The following program demonstrates: PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=nomiss; ID date; CONVERT riders; RUN; date Riders (thousands) 01JAN2003 2679.90 01FEB2003 2421.90 01MAR2003 2704.60 01APR2003 2778.30 01MAY2003 2718.60 01JUN2003 2618.20 01JUL2003 2999.00 01AUG2003 3504.70 01SEP2003 3329.40 01OCT2003 2993.28 01NOV2003 2788.68 01DEC2003 2888.60 Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 133 The second method interpolates missing values in a time series to a specific interval. Use this when you are interpolating to a different interval than the one given in the ID variable. It requires the FROM= option, but leave off the TO= option, as shown here: PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=nomiss2 FROM=MONTH; ID date; CONVERT riders; RUN; By default, the interpolation is performed by fitting the points to a cubic spline curve. You can request other methods of interpolation with the METHOD= option on the CONVERT statement, and these are detailed in the SAS/ETS documentation. PROC EXPAND will ignore observations that have missing values for the ID variable, even if there are data points for the CONVERT variable(s). Table 5.4.2 is a summary of what PROC EXPAND does when there are missing values for the ID variable and/or CONVERT data points. Table 5.4.2 How PROC EXPAND Handles Interpolation of Missing Values in Input Data ID variable Data PROC EXPAND Will Missing Missing Interpolate Not Missing Missing Interpolate Missing Not Missing Ignore 5.4.5 The OBSERVED= Option for the CONVERT Statement in PROC EXPAND As with the other uses of SAS date, time, and datetime intervals, the default for PROC EXPAND is to consider the values as being from the beginning of the intervals provided in the FROM= and TO= options. This is not always the case with real-world data, and it can cause very different results, especially if the values are not measured at the beginning of the given interval(s), or they do not represent a single observed value for a specific point in time. You can control how the SAS intervals are used through with the OBSERVED option on the CONVERT statement. There are five different values for the OBSERVED= option, as shown in Table 5.4.3: 134 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Table 5.4.3 Values for the OBSERVED= option BEGINNING Beginning of the period MIDDLE Middle of the period END End of the period TOTAL Totals for the period AVERAGE Averages across the period Example 5.4.2 shows how the different values of the OBSERVED= option affect our sample data when we increase and decrease the sampling frequency. The program below shows the code to increase the sampling frequency. It also shows how to rename your output variables in the CONVERT statement by placing an equals sign (=) after the dataset variable and providing the new variable name afterwards. Example 5.4.2 Effect of Different Values for OBSERVED= Option on Increased Frequency /* Create weekly datasets from monthly data using different OBSERVED= options */ PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=seven1 FROM=MONTH TO=WEEK; ID date; CONVERT riders=beginning / OBSERVED=BEGINNING /* Stores result in variable named ‘beginning’ */; RUN; PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=seven2 FROM=MONTH TO=WEEK; ID date; CONVERT riders=middle / OBSERVED=MIDDLE; RUN; PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=seven3 FROM=MONTH TO=WEEK; ID date; CONVERT riders=end / OBSERVED=END; RUN; PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=seven4 FROM=MONTH TO=WEEK; ID date; CONVERT riders=total / OBSERVED=TOTAL; RUN; Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 135 PROC EXPAND DATA=book.month OUT=seven5 FROM=MONTH TO=WEEK; ID date; CONVERT riders=average / OBSERVED=AVERAGE; RUN; /* Put all EXPAND datasets together for side-by-side display */ DATA compare_lo; MERGE seven1 seven2 seven3 seven4 seven5; BY date; RUN; The data set COMPARE_LO is shown here: DATE BEGINNING MIDDLE END TOTAL AVERAGE 29DEC2002 2770.19 . . 580.484 3260.80 05JAN2003 2573.61 . . 597.974 2897.25 12JAN2003 2449.83 2708.88 . 608.442 2638.87 19JAN2003 2393.59 2536.09 . 613.169 2472.89 26JAN2003 2391.28 2436.82 2652.65 613.550 2384.91 02FEB2003 2429.28 2398.83 2506.22 610.979 2360.52 09FEB2003 2493.99 2409.06 2428.26 606.851 2385.33 16FEB2003 2571.80 2454.40 2406.10 602.561 2444.93 23FEB2003 2649.08 2521.78 2427.05 599.504 2524.93 As you can see, the OBSERVED= option has a very large effect on the results that PROC EXPAND yields. The BEGINNING column is the default, and that is the interpolation calculated if the numbers are measured at the beginning of the month. MIDDLE and END do the calculation as if the numbers were measured at the middle and the end of the month, respectively. That is why the interpolated values are missing in those columns in the above chart. The numbers are not available until the beginning of the interval (the beginning of the week containing the middle and end, respectively, of the month). If you’re measuring totals (which we are, since this is mass transit ridership data), the values are radically different. TOTAL means that the number being interpolated is not representative of a single point in the TO= interval, but that it is obtained across the duration of the TO= interval. Therefore, the numbers in that column of the above table represent the number of riders per week. AVERAGE considers the numbers to be the TO= interval average. 136 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times In contrast to Example 5.4.2, Example 5.4.3 shows the effect of the OBSERVED= option on a lower sampling frequency. Remember, since our original data had missing values, some interpolation will take place. Example 5.4.3 Effect of Different Values for OBSERVED= Option on Lowered Frequency DATE BEGINNING MIDDLE END TOTAL AVERAGE 2003 2679.9 2764.22 2888.6 34476.22 2861.76 2004 3132.9 2972.48 3038.4 35947.50 2996.92 BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END don’t give us a very good idea of yearly ridership, because they are considering the entire ridership as occurring on the beginning, middle, or end of the FROM= interval. TOTAL is the value for the entire year, and AVERAGE is calculated on the monthly values. However, all of these values are calculated with interpolation of the missing values in October and November of 2003. PROC EXPAND has many more capabilities, and the preceding examples give only the most basic information on how to use this powerful procedure with time series data. You can refer to the documentation for SAS/ETS to get a much more complete explanation of PROC EXPAND and its options. 5.5 International Date, Time, and Datetime Formats and Informats Version 9 of SAS has formats for dates and times in languages other than United States English. It is included in Base SAS as a part of National Language Support (NLS). The key to NLS is in the LOCALE= or DFLANG= system options. The LOCALE= option is defined in the SAS configuration file when it is installed by your SAS administrator, but it may be changed with an OPTIONS statement, or inside the OPTIONS window. The LOCALE= option implicitly sets two other options which can affect dates, times, and datetime values in SAS. The DATESTYLE= option determines how the ANYDT informats will interpret character strings where month, day, and year are ambiguous. The DFLANG= option defines the default language that the SAS System will use. Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 137 There are a few specific date formats for Taiwanese, Japanese, and Hebrew, but you can consider the majority of international formats and informats as falling into one of two informal categories: the “EUR” category, or the “NL” category. These categories are based on the first two or three letters of the format or informat name. The “EUR” category will select the language based on either the DFLANG= system option or by allowing you to replace the “EUR” in the format name with a specific language abbreviation. Using the language abbreviations is handy if you are working with many languages on the same output, because they allow you to specify the language without regard to the DFLANG= option. The “NL” category is controlled by the LOCALE= system option. 5.5.1 “EUR” Formats and Informats Each of these formats and informats correspond to an English language format or informat. However, the minimum, maximum, and default widths for the format or informat are dependent upon the language being used at the time. Tables 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 list the English language formats and their EUR format names, and the EUR informats. Table 5.5.1 International Format Names and Their English Language Equivalents English language format name International format name DATE. EURDFDE. DATETIME. EURDFDT. DDMMYY. EURDFDD. DOWNAME. EURDFDWN. MONNAME. EURDFMN. MONYY. EURDFMY. WEEKDATX. EURDFWKX. WEEKDAY. EURDFDN. WORDDATX. EURDFWDX. 138 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Table 5.5.2 International Informat Names and Their English Language Equivalents EURDFDEw. Reads international date values in the form ddmonyy(yy), where dd represents the day of the month, mon is the three-letter month abbreviation in the language specified by the DFLANG= system option, or by the appropriate three-letter prefix, and yy(yy) is the two- or four-digit year. EURDFDTw. Reads international datetime values in the form ddmonyy or ddmonyyyy EURDFMYw. Reads month and year date values in the form monyy or monyyyy You may replace the “EUR” with a specific three-letter language prefix in any of the above formats or informats to define the language that you wish to use. This overrides the DFLANG= system option, and is a good way to display dates in multiple languages simultaneously. Table 5.5.3 is a list of all the valid languages with their three-letter prefix. In addition, we’ll show the effect of using each three-letter prefix on the EURDFWKX. format by using the reference date of Monday, August 18, 1997. As a comparison, Table 5.5.3 also includes the reference date formatted as the English equivalent WEEKDATX. Table 5.5.3 International Date Formats with Language Abbreviations LANGUAGE PREFIX LANGUAGE FORMAT NAME FORMATTED DATE WEEKDATX. Monday, 18 August 1997 AFR Afrikaans AFRDFWKX. Maandag, 18 Augustus 1997 CAT Catalan CATDFWKX. Dilluns, 18 Agost 1997 CRO Croatian CRODFWKX. ponedjeljak, 18 kol 1997 CSY Czech CSYDFWKX. pondělí, 18 srpen 1997 (continued on next page) Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS Table 5.5.3 (continued) LANGUAGE PREFIX LANGUAGE FORMAT NAME FORMATTED DATE DAN Danish DANDFWKX. mandag, den 18. august 1997 NLD Dutch NLDDFWKX. maandag, 18 augustus 1997 FIN Finnish FINDFWKX. Maanantaina, 18. elokuuta 1997 FRA French FRADFWKX. Lundi 18 août 1997 DEU German DEUDFWKX. Montag, 18. August 1997 HUN Hungarian HUNDFWKX. 1997.augusztus 18., hétfő ITA Italian ITADFWKX. Lunedì, 18 Agosto 1997 MAC Macedonian MACDFWKX. ponedelnik, 18 avgust 1997 NOR Norwegian NORDFWKX. mandag, 18 august 1997 POL Polish POLDFWKX. poniedziałek, 18 sierpień 1997 PTG Portuguese PTGDFWKX. Segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 199 RUS Russian RUSDFWKX. Понедельник, 18 Август 1997 ESP Spanish ESPDFWKX. lunes, 18 de agosto de 1997 (continued on next page) 139 140 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Table 5.5.3 (continued) LANGUAGE PREFIX LANGUAGE FORMAT NAME FORMATTED DATE SLO Slovenian SLODFWKX. ponedeljek, 18 avgust 1997 SVE Swedish SVEDFWKX. Måndag, 18 augusti 1997 FRS Swiss_French FRSDFWKX. Lundi 18 août 1997 DES Swiss_German DESDFWKX. Montag, 18. August 1997 5.5.2 “NL” Formats The output from the “NL” series of formats is defined by the LOCALE= system option. Unlike the “EUR” series, you cannot specify a language other than the one defined by the current value of the LOCALE= option. Use these formats when your output may be generated in several different locations around the world, but you don’t have to display multiple languages within the same output. These formats work by converting the SAS date, time, or datetime value to that of the specified locale, and then formatting the result. These formats are also noteworthy in that the result is left-justified, as opposed to the right-justification of most of the other date, time, and datetime formats. This is true for all ODS destinations as well as for traditional column-based output. Of course, with ODS destinations, the justification of the column will be performed according to any STYLE in effect. Table 5.5.4 lists the “NL” series formats available and the default width, width range, and English language equivalent for each format. Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 141 Table 5.5.4 “NL” Series Formats CATEGORY Date Datetime Time FORMAT NAME ENGLISH LANGUAGE FORMAT NAME DEFAULT WIDTH WIDTH RANGE NLDATEw. DATE. 20 20–100 NLDATEMNw. MONNAME. 4 4–200 NLDATEWw. WORDDATE. or WORDDATX. 20 20–200 NLDATEWNw. DOWNAME. 10 4–200 NLDATMw. DATETIME. 30 10–200 NLDATMAPw. DATEAMPM. 32 16–200 NLDATMTMw. None. Displays time-of-day from datetime value in local time format. 16 16–200 NLDATMWw. DTWKDATX. 30 16-–200 NLTIMAPw. TIMEAMPM. 10 4–200 NLTIMEw. TIME. 20 10–200 Unlike the Englishlanguage formats, fractional seconds may not be used. Table 5.5.5 shows the difference between two different LOCALE settings when each of the following formats are used. 142 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Table 5.5.5 Differences in the “NL” Formats Based on LOCALE= Option Setting FORMAT NAME OPTIONS LOCALE= ENGLISH_US OPTIONS LOCALE= SPANISH_SPAIN NLDATE32. April 16, 2006 16 de abril de 2006 NLDATEMN32. April abril NLDATEW32. Sunday, April 16, 2006 domingo 16 de abril de 2006 NLDATEWN32. Sunday domingo NLDATM32. 16Apr04:18:25:45 16 de abril de 2004 18H25 NLDATMAP32. April 16, 2004 06:25:45 PM 16 de abril de 2004 18H25 NLDATMTM32. 18:25:45 18H25 NLDATMW32. Fri, Apr 16, 2004 06:25:45 PM vie 16 de abr de 2004 18H25 NLTIMAP32. 06:25:45 PM 18H25 NLTIME32. 18:25:45 18H25 Table 5.5.6 shows the available “NL” series informats, their default width specification, the width range, and the English language informat to which it is similar. Table 5.5.6 “NL” Series Informats FORMAT NAME DEFAULT WIDTH WIDTH RANGE ENGLISH LANGUAGE EQUIVALENT INFORMATS Date NLDATEw. 20 20–100 DATE. and WORDDATX. Datetime NLDATMw. 30 10-–200 DATETIME. Time NLTIMAPw. 10 4–200 TIME., with AM/PM NLTIMEw. 20 10–200 TIME. CATETORY Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 143 The whole point of the “NL” series of formats and informats is that you do not have to worry about the specific language that will be using the format or informat. The LOCALE= option will take care of it. In this way, the same SAS program can be used anywhere, and the output will be appropriate to the local language. It is important to understand that the “NL” series of formats and informats works just as well with the English language, so there’s no need to use SAS program code beyond the LOCALE= option to switch between English language formats/informats and other languages, unless you need a specific English language format that does not have an “NL” equivalent. 5.5.3 Specific Language Date Formats and Informats In addition to the “NL” and “EUR” series of formats and informats, SAS has a few other date formats and informats for specific languages. Some of these are available in Version 8, and are noted as such. Hebrew Date Formats (Version 9) HDATEw. displays a SAS date value in Hebrew. You will need the correct character encoding installed on your system to display this correctly. The SAS date will be displayed as yyyy mmmmm dd, where dd is the day-of-the-month, mmmmm represents the month’s name in Hebrew, and yyyy is the year. w can be from 9–17, with a default width of 17, and it is right-justified. Use odd numbers for w to get the best display. HEBDATEw. displays a SAS date value according to the Jewish calendar. w can be from 7– 24, with a default width of 16, and it is right-justified. There are three forms of the display, long, default, and short, dependent upon the width specified. Again, you will need the correct character encoding installed on your system, or you will get substitutions for non-printing characters. Japanese and Taiwanese Date Formats (Versions 8 and above) MINGUOw. displays a SAS date value as a Taiwanese date value in the form yy(yy)mmdd, where yy(yy) is the year, mm is the number of the month, and dd is the day of the month. w can range from 1–10, with a default width of 8, and it is left-justified, and zero-filled. The Taiwanese calendar uses 1912 as the base year (i.e., 01/01/01 is January 1, 1912). Also, the year values continue to increase past 100; they do not cycle. January 1, 2012 is “100/01/01”, not “00/01/01”. 144 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times NENGOw. writes a SAS date value in the form e.yymmdd, where e is the first letter of the name of the emperor (Meiji, Taisho, Showa, or Heisei), yy is the year, mm is the month, and dd is the day of the month. w can be from 2–10, with a default width of 10, and it is leftjustified. SAS will omit the period if w isn’t big enough. Japanese and Taiwanese Date Informats (Versions 8 and above) JDATEMYDw. allows you to convert Japanese Kanji in the form yy(yy)mondd to SAS date values, where yy(yy) is the year, mon is the Kanji representation of the name of the month, and dd represents the day of the month. w can be from 12–32, with a default width of 12. You can separate (yy)yy, mon, and dd with special characters or blanks, but you must make sure that the width specification allows for any blanks and/or special characters in the input field. Two-digit years will be translated according to the YEARCUTOFF= option. JNENGOw. reads Japanese Kanji date values in the form yymmdd, where yy is the year, mm is the Kanji representation of the name of the month, and dd represents the day of the month. Since yy is two digits long, this informat is always affected by the YEARCUTOFF= option. w can be from 16–32, with a default width of 16. You can separate yy, mon, and dd with special characters or blanks, but you must make sure that the width specification allows for any blanks and/or special characters in the input field. MINGUOw. converts a Taiwanese date value into a SAS date value in the form yy(yy)mmdd, where yy(yy) is the year, mm is the number of the month, and dd is the day of the month. w can be from 6–10, with a default width of 6. You may use separators such as blanks, dashes, or slashes between the year, month, and day values, but they must be present between all of the values. The Taiwanese calendar uses 1912 as the base year (i.e., 01/01/01 is January 1, 1912). In addition, the year values continue to increase past 100; they do not cycle. January 1, 2012 is “100/01/01”, not “00/01/01”. 5.6 Other Software and Their Dates (Excel, Oracle, DB2) Most other software packages keep their dates in some sort of numerical form in much the same way that SAS does, while some software packages have a special variable type for dates. Microsoft Excel stores dates as integers, but it uses January 1, 1900 instead of January 1, 1960 as day zero. Times are stored in Excel as fractions of days, so noon of a given day is .5 (exactly one half of a day.) Datetime values are stored in Excel as the day relative to 01/01/1900 plus the fraction of the day. In Excel, 6 p.m., on January 1, 1900 is represented as .75. Excel also has a major limitation on its dates: it cannot store dates as Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 145 negative numbers, so any date prior to January 1, 1900 is going to be represented by a character string, not an Excel date value. This may cause problems if you are importing data from Excel. If you want to do the conversion from/to SAS date, time, and datetime values to/from Excel date and time values, you can use the following conversion table: Table 5.6.1 Mathematical Conversions between SAS and Excel To convert Excel values into SAS values Creating a SAS date: Subtract 21916 from the Excel date value. Creating a SAS time: Multiply the Excel time value (fraction of a day) by 86400 (# of seconds in a day). Creating a SAS datetime: Subtract 21916 from the Excel date and time value, then multiply by 86400; To convert SAS values into Excel values Creating an Excel date value: Add 21916 to the SAS date value. This works only for dates after December 31, 1899. Creating an Excel time value: Divide the SAS time value by 86400. Creating an Excel date and time value: Divide the SAS datetime value by 86400 (seconds in a day), then add 21916 to that. Again, this works only for dates after December 31, 1899. What do you do if you have dates before January 1, 1900 to convert? Going to Excel, you will have to store them as character strings, and you won’t be able to use any of the Excel math functions on them. On the other hand, if you are going from Excel to SAS, then you can take the character string from the imported data set and use the INPUT( ) function (Section 3.3.2) to get a valid SAS date or datetime value. The ANYDT informats may also prove useful in situations like this. Example 5.6.1 shows how to use an INPUT statement and a DATA step to process a CSV file when you have mixed character and date values from Excel. Note that we have to use the OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF= statement to process the two-digit year values in the sample file correctly. 146 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times Example 5.6.1 Reading an Excel CSV File with Dates Prior to January 1, 1900 THE CSV FILE “EXCEL_TEST.CSV” 01/01/00 01JAN1899 Not an Excel date value, so it is not in the Excel date format for the column. 01/01/01 The Log 117 OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=1895; /* If not specified, the first and last dates in the “excel_test.csv” file will be in the 21st century! */ 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 OPTIONS DATESTYLE=DMY; DATA convert_excel; INFILE "examples\excel_test.csv" PAD MISSOVER; INPUT @1 date anydtdte10.; PUT _infile_; PUT date= +5 date= worddate.; RUN; NOTE: The infile "examples\excel_test.csv" is: File Name=C:\book\examples\excel_test.csv, RECFM=V,LRECL=256 01/01/00 date=-21914 date=January 1, 1900 01JAN1899 date=-22279 date=January 1, 1899 01/01/01 date=-21549 date=January 1, 1901 Chapter 5: Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 147 Since the dates are in the CSV file with two different formats (DATE9. and MMDDYY.), we can’t use either of those informats to process the input field. The ANYDTDTE. informat allows us to process this easily. These are conversion issues specific to Excel that may arise when you are trying to import or export data to/from Excel. When you import data from other packages into SAS using the IMPORT procedure, or one of the database engines, SAS should understand and convert the dates, even though the reference date may differ. There are exceptions to this rule, one of which is using a WHERE clause inside PROC SQL for foreign databases. You will have to know the date, time, or datetime format for the foreign database to select records based on dates, times, or datetimes. However, before assuming that your dates are numeric (or of type “date”), make sure that you are not working with character strings masquerading as dates. If you have a character string, you will have to convert it to a SAS date, time, or datetime yourself with the INPUT( ) function (Section 3.3.2) Sending dates to other databases and software packages should be fine if you use the EXPORT procedure or one of the database engines. If you are determined to send dates to another database or software package the hard way, then you will have to produce SAS date, time, or datetime values as character strings in the format of the other software. You can use a picture format and the PUT statement to accomplish this, as long as you know the correct representation of the package for which you are creating the data. For details on creating picture formats, see Sections 2.5 and 2.6. Example 5.6.2 shows how this is done for a DB2 database. Example 5.6.2 Writing Datetime Values for DB2 Using a Picture Format PROC FORMAT; PICTURE dbdate LOW-HIGH = ‘%Y-%0m-%0d:%0H:%0M:%0S’ (DATATYPE=DATETIME) . - .Z = ‘0000-00-00:00:00:00’; RUN; DATA _NULL_; now = ‘01JUL2005:20:18:32’dt; PUT “now displayed as datetime value: “ now; PUT “now displayed as datetime18.: “ now DATETIME18.; PUT “now displayed as dbdate.: “ now DBDATE.; RUN; 148 The Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times The Log now displayed as datetime value: 1435868312 now displayed as datetime18.: 01JUL05:20:18:32 now displayed as dbdate.: 2005-07-01:20:18:32 APPENDIX A A Quick Reference Guide to SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Formats This table shows the result when the same date, time, or datetime value is displayed with the corresponding format, using the default length for the given format. 150 Index A %A date directive 56 %a date directive 56 AFR (Afrikaans) language prefix 138 ampersand (&) 111 ANYDTDTEw. informat 79–80 ANYDTDTMw. informat and 81 ANYDTTMEw. informat and 82 CSV files and 147 DATESTYLE= system option and 8–10, 78, 80, 82, 135 Excel conversions and 145 ANYDTDTMw. informat 81 DATESTYLE= system option and 8, 10, 78, 135 Excel conversions and 145 ANYDTTMEw. informat 82 DATESTYLE= system option and 8, 10, 78, 135 Excel conversions and 145 automatic macro variables 108–109 B %B date directive 56 %b date directive 56 C calculations INTCK( ) function and 98–102 INTNX( ) function and 102–106 number of days between dates 93–94 number of years between dates 94–96 CALL SYMGET( ) function 111–113 CALL SYMPUT( ) function 108, 111–113 case sensitivity 56–57 CAT (Catalan) language prefix 138 character constants 93 character strings DATETIME. informat 70 informats and 77 PUT() function and 60–61 character variables date, time 3 INPUTC( ) function 67–68 INPUT( ) function and 67 PUT() function and 60 PUTN( ) function and 61 constants, date and time as 3–4 conversions, between SAS and Excel 145 CONVERT statement, EXPAND procedure converting to higher frequency 129 METHOD= option 131, 133 OBSERVED= option 133–136 CRO (Croatian) language prefix 138 CSV files 145–147 CSY (Czech) language prefix 138 custom formats 54–60 D %d date directive 56, 59 DAN (Danish) language prefix 139 DATA step Excel conversions 145–146 FORMAT statement 16–17 %LET statement and 111 DATALINES statement 66–67, 79 DATATYPE= option 56, 59 DATDIF( ) function 93–94 DATE7. format 108 DATE9. format 20, 108, 147 date directives, picture format 56–60 152 Index &DATE macro variable 110–111 DATE system option 5, 11 DATEAMPMw.d format 49–50 international format for 141 quick reference 149 DATE() function 86 &DATEJ macro variable 110 DATEPART() function 87 date directives and 59, 60 datetime formats and 47 dates as constants 3–4 automatic macro variables 108–109 CALL SYMPUT( ) function and 111–113 counters for 2 creating character strings 60–61 custom formats 54–60 datetime values and 19, 47–49 default justification 19 Excel and 144–145 external representation of 3 formats for 19–43 graphing 122–126 Hebrew formats 143 in titles 109–110, 111 incrementing values for 16 informats for 65, 67, 70–75, 78 internal representation of 2 international formats and informats 135–143 interval definitions 96–97 interval functions 98–106 Japanese formats 143–144 Japanese informats 144 quick reference 149 shifting intervals 113–122 %SYSFUNC( ) macro function and 110–111 system options and 5–11 Taiwanese formats 143–144 Taiwanese informats 144 width specification 12–13, 18, 19 YEARCUTOFF= system option and 64–65 DATESTYLE= system option 5, 8–10, 78 ANYDTDTEw. informat and 80, 82 ANYDTDTMw. informat and 81 LOCALE= system option and 135 missing values example 83 DATESTYLE=DMY system option 8, 78, 83 DATESTYLE=DYM system option 8, 78, 83 DATESTYLE=LOCALE system option 8, 78 DATESTYLE=MDY system option 8, 78, 83 DATESTYLE=MYD system option 8, 78, 83 DATESTYLE=YDM system option 8, 78, 83 DATESTYLE=YMD system option 8, 78, 83 datetime values as constants 3–4 automatic macro variables and 109–110 CALL SYMPUT( ) function and 111–113 custom formats for 54–60 date formats and 19, 47–49 default justification 19 Excel and 144–145 external representation of 3 formats for 47–54 incrementing values for 16 informats for 67, 77, 78 internal formats and informats 135–143 internal representation of 2 interval definitions 97–98 interval functions 98–106 quick reference 149 shifting intervals 113–122 Index %SYSFUNC( ) macro function and 110–111 width specification 12–13, 44, 47 YEARCUTOFF= system option and 64–65 DATETIME() function 86 DATETIMEw. informat 77 ANYDTDTEw. informat and 79 ANYDTDTMw. informat and 81 ANYDTTMEw. informat and 82 character strings and 70 international format for 142 DATETIMEw.d format 50–51 international format for 137, 141 quick reference 149 DATEw. format 20 DTDATEw. format and 51 international format for 137, 140 quick reference 149 DATEw. informat 70–71 ANYDTDTEw. informat 79 ANYDTDTMw. informat 81 ANYDTTMEw. informat 82 international format for 142 DATJUL() function 89 DAY interval 96 INTCK( ) function 100 INTNX( ) function 104 shift point 114 DAY() function 87 DAYw. format 20, 149 DB2 databases 147–148 DDMMYYB. format 22, 149 DDMMYYC. format 22, 149 DDMMYYD. format 22, 149 DDMMYYN. format 22, 149 DDMMYYP. format 22, 149 DDMMYYw. format 21, 38 DDMMYYxw. format and 22 international format for 137 MMDDYYw. format and 24 quick reference 149 YYMMDDw. format and 38 DDMMYYw. informat 71 ANYDTDTEw. informat and 79 ANYDTDTMw. informat and 81 ANYDTTMEw. informat and 82 DATESTYLE= system option 78 DDMMYYxw. format 21–22 MMYYxw. format and 26 YYMMxw. format and 37 YYQxw. format and 41 DES (Swiss German) language prefix 140 DEU (German) language prefix 139 DFLANG= system option 135, 138 DHMS() function 90 dollar sign ($) 67 dot (.) See period DOWNAMEw. format 18, 22–23 international format for 137, 140 quick reference 149 DTDATE9. format 51 DTDATEw. format 51–52 DATEw. format and 20 quick reference 149 DTDAY interval 97 INTCK( ) function 100 INTNX( ) function 104 shift point 115 DTHOUR interval 98, 115 DTMINUTE interval 98, 115 DTMONTH interval 98 INTNX( ) function 105 shift point 115 DTMONYYw. format 52 MONYYw. format and 28 quick reference 149 DTQTR interval 98 INTNX( ) function 103, 105 shift point 115 DTRESET system option 5, 11 153 154 Index DTSECOND interval 98 shift point 115 DTSEMIMONTH interval 97 INTNX( ) function 104 shift point 115 DTSEMIYEAR interval 98 INTNX( ) function 103, 105 shift point 115 DTTENDAY interval 97 INTNX( ) function 104 shift point 115 DTWEEK interval 97 INTNX( ) function 104 shift point 115 DTWEEKDAY interval 97 INTNX( ) function 104 shift point 115 DTWKDATXw. format 52–53 international format for 141 quick reference 149 DTYEAR interval 98 INTNX( ) function 103, 105 shift point 115 DTYEARw. format 53, 149 DTYYQCw. format 53–54, 149 Dutch (NLD) language prefix 139 E equals sign (=) 134 _ERROR_ automatic variable 68–70 ESP (Spanish) language prefix 139 "EUR" formats 137–140 "EUR" informats 137–140 EURDFDD. format 137 EURDFDEw. format 137, 138 EURDFDN. format 137 EURDFDTw. format 137, 138 EURDFDWN. format 137 EURDFMN. format 137 EURDFMYw. format 137, 138 EURDFWDX. format 137 EURDFWKX. format 137, 138 Excel (Microsoft) 144–145 EXPAND procedure capabilities 127–128 CONVERT statement 133–136 converting to higher frequency 129 FROM= option 132–133, 136 ID statement 129, 131–133 interpolating missing values 127, 132–133 TO= option 130, 132–133, 135 EXPORT procedure 147 exporting data 147 external representation, date and time 3 F FIN (Finnish) language prefix 139 FOOTNOTE statement 109 FORMAT procedure date directives and 58 PICTURE statement 54, 147 VALUE statement 54–56 FORMAT statement date directives and 58 functionality 16–18 INFORMAT statement and 66 formats 16, 17–18, 65 custom 54–60 date constants and 4 "EUR" 137–140 external representation of date, time and 3 for date values 19–43 for datetime values 47–54 for time values 43–47 graphing dates and 122–123 Hebrew 143 Japanese 143–144 language-specific 137–140 "NL" 140–143 Index PUT( ) function and 60–61 quick reference 149 syntax structure 18 Taiwanese 143–144 using wrong 68 FRA (French) language prefix 139 FROM= option, EXPAND statement 132–133, 136 FRS (Swiss French) language prefix 140 functions calculating intervals 93–106 creating date, time 89–92 current date, time 86 date directives and 59 extraction 86–88 G German (DEU) language prefix 139 graphing dates 122–126 Gregorian year JULIANw. informat 71 PDJULG4. informat 73 PDJULGw. format 28 PDJULIw. format 29 PDJULIw. informat 73 H %H date directive 56 HDATEw. format 143 HEBDATEw. format 143 Hebrew date formats 143 HHMMw.d format 44, 45, 149 HMS() function 91 HOUR interval 98 INTNX( ) function 105, 106 shift point 115 HOUR() function 87 HOURw.d format 44–45, 149 HUN (Hungarian) language prefix 139 155 I %I date directive 56 IBM mainframe time values 75, 77 ID statement, EXPAND procedure 129, 131–133 IMPORT procedure 147 importing data 147 INFORMAT statement 66–68 INPUT statement and 65 informats 3, 65 ANYDT variants 77–83 "EUR" 137–140 for dates 70–75 for datetime 77 for time 75–77 Hebrew 143 INFORMAT statement 65–68 Japanese and Taiwanese 144 language-specific 137–140 "NL" 142 using wrong 68–70 INPUT statement Excel conversions and 145 informats with 65–67 YEARCUTOFF= system option and 5 INPUTC( ) function 67 INPUT( ) function date values and 7 Excel conversions and 145, 147 functionality 3 informats and 65, 67–68 YEARCUTOFF= system option and 5 INPUTN( ) function 67 INTCK( ) function 113, 116 calculating intervals 98–102 internal representation, date and time 2 interval multipliers EXPAND procedure and 127 graphs and 122–126 shifting intervals and 117–122 156 Index intervals basics of 96–98 custom 117–119 definitions, standard 96–97 INTCK( ) function 98–102 INTNX( ) function 102–106 measuring 121 number of days between dates 93–94 number of years between dates 94–96 shifting 113–122 INTNX() function 98, 102–106 shifting intervals 113, 121 YRDIF( ) function and 96 ITA (Italian) language prefix 139 J %j date directive 57 Japanese date formats 143–144 Japanese date informats 144 JDATEMYDw. informat 144 Jewish calendar 143 JNENGOw. informat 144 Joshi, Bhairav 2 JULDATE( ) function 87 JULDATE7( ) function 87 JULDAYw. format 23, 149 Julian date JULDATE( ) function 87 JULDATE7( ) function 87 JULDAYw. format 23 JULIANw. format 24 JULIANw. informat 71 PDJULG. informat 73 PDJULG4. informat 73 PDJULGw. format 28, 29 PDJULI1. format 30 PDJULIw. format 29–30 PDJULIw. informat 39, 73 JULIANw. format 24, 149 JULIANw. informat 71–72 ANYDTDTEw. informat and 79 ANYDTDTMw. informat and 81 ANYDTTMEw. informat and 82 justification date formats 19 PDJULIw. format and 29 K Kanji representation 144 L language-specific formats 137–140 language-specific informats 137–140 %LEFT( ) macro function 110 LENGTH statement 12–13 %LET statement 108, 111 LISTING destination 19 literal values quotation marks and 3 YEARCUTOFF= system option and 64–65 LOCALE= system option 135, 140, 142–143 M %M date directive 57 %m date directive 57, 59 MAC (Macedonian) language prefix 139 macro calls 57 macro functions, date and time in 110–111 macro variables CALL SYMPUT() function and 111–113 dates and 108–109 quotation marks and 109 MDY() function 91–92 METHOD= option, CONVERT statement (EXPAND) 131, 133 Microsoft Excel 144–145 Index MINGUOw. format 143 MINGUOw. informat 144 MINUTE interval 98 INTNX( ) function 105 shift point 115 MINUTE( ) function 87 missing values DATESTYLE= system option 83 EXPAND procedure and 127, 132–133 symbol for 58 wrong informats and 68–70 MMDDYY10. format 17, 24 MMDDYYB. format 25, 149 MMDDYYC. format 25, 149 MMDDYYD. format 25, 149 MMDDYYN. format 25, 149 MMDDYYP. format 25, 149 MMDDYYw. format 24 CSV files and 147 MMDDYYxw. format and 25 quick reference 149 YYMMDDw. format and 38 MMDDYYw. informat 72 ANYDTDTEw. informat and 79, 80 ANYDTDTMw. informat and 81 ANYDTTMEw. informat and 82 DATESTYLE= system option and 78 MMDDYYxw. format 25 MMYYxw. format and 26 YYMMxw. format and 37 YYQxw. format and 41 MMSSw.d format 43, 45, 149 MMYYC. format 27, 149 MMYYD. format 27, 149 MMYYN. format 27, 149 MMYYP. format 27, 149 MMYYw. format 26, 149 MMYYxw. format 26–27 MONNAMEw. format 27 international format for 137, 140 quick reference 149 157 MONTH interval 97 example 129 INTCK( ) function 99–100 INTNX( ) function 105, 106 shift point 114, 120 MONTH( ) function 87 MONTHw. format 28, 149 MONYYw. format 28 DTMONYYw. format and 52 international format for 137 quick reference 149 MONYYw. informat 72–73 ANYDTDTEw. informat and 79 ANYDTDTMw. informat and 81 ANYDTTMEw. informat and 82 MSEC8. informat 75 N National Language Support (NLS) 135 NENGOw. format 144 "NL" formats 140–143 "NL" informats 142 NLD (Dutch) language prefix 139 NLDATEMNw. format 141 NLDATEw. format 141, 142 NLDATEw. informat 142 NLDATEWNw. format 141 NLDATEWw. format 141 NLDATMAPw. format 141 NLDATMTMw. format 141 NLDATMw. format 141 NLDATMw. informat 142 NLDATMWw. format 141 NLS (National Language Support) 135 NLTIMAPw. format 141 NLTIMAPw. informat 142 NLTIMEw. format 141 NLTIMEw. informat 142 NODATE system option 5, 11 NOR (Norwegian) language prefix 139 158 Index numeric variables date, time as 3–4 functions from 89–92 INPUT( ) function and 67 LENGTH statement and 12–13 O OBSERVED= option, CONVERT statement (EXPAND) 133–136 OBSERVED=AVERAGE option, CONVERT statement (EXPAND) 134–136 OBSERVED=BEGINNING option, CONVERT statement (EXPAND) 134–136 OBSERVED=END option, CONVERT statement (EXPAND) 134–136 OBSERVED=MIDDLE option, CONVERT statement (EXPAND) 134–136 OBSERVED=TOTAL option, CONVERT statement (EXPAND) 134–136 ODS destinations 19, 140 OPTIONS statement DATE/NODATE system option 5, 11 DATESTYLE= system option 8–10 LOCALE= system option 135 YEARCUTOFF= system option 6–7, 28–29, 145 OS TIME macro 75, 77 P %p date directive 57 PDF destination 19 PDJULG. informat 73 PDJULG4. informat 73 PDJULGw. format 28–29 PDJULI1. format 30 PDJULIw. format 29–30 PDJULIw. informat 30, 73 PDTIME4. informat 75 period (.) format syntax and 18 in informats 65 missing values and 58 PICTURE statement, FORMAT procedure 54, 147 POL (Polish) language prefix 139 PRINT procedure 17–18 PROC step 17 PTG (Portuguese) language prefix 139 PUT _INFILE_ statement 77 PUT( ) function 60–61, 67, 111 PUTN( ) function 61, 111 Q %QSYSFUNC( ) macro function 110–111 QTR interval 97 INTNX( ) function 105, 106 shift point 114 QTR() function 87 QTRRw. format 31, 149 QTRw. format 30, 149 quotation marks character constants and 93 literal values and 3 macro variables and 109 R &RAWDATE macro variable 110–111 RMFDUR4. informat 75 RTF destination 19 RUS (Russian) language prefix 139 S %S date directive 57 sampling frequency converting to higher 129 converting to lower 130–132 OBSERVED= option and 134–136 SAS/AF objects 65 SAS/ETS 127, 133 SAS/GRAPH 122–126 Index SECOND interval 98 INTNX( ) function 105 shift point 115 SECOND() function 87 SEMIMONTH interval 97 INTNX( ) function 104, 106 shift point 114 SEMIYEAR interval 97 INTNX( ) function 105 shift point 114 shift operators EXPAND procedure and 127 intervals and 113–115 slash (/) 59 SLO (Slovenian) language prefix 140 Spanish (ESP) language prefix 139 SQL procedure 147 STIMER system option 75 STIMERw. informat 75–76 SVE (Swedish) language prefix 140 Swiss French (FRS) language prefix 140 Swiss German (DES) language prefix 140 &SYSDATE automatic macro variable 108, 110 &SYSDATE9 automatic macro variable 108, 110, 111 &SYSDAY automatic macro variable 108–109, 110 %SYSFUNC( ) macro function 110–111 &SYSTIME automatic macro variable 109, 110 T Taiwanese date formats 143–144 Taiwanese date informats 144 TENDAY interval 97 INTNX( ) function 104 shift point 114 time values as constants 3–4 automatic macro variables and 109–110 CALL SYMPUT( ) function and 111–113 counters for 2 custom formats 54–60 default justification 19 Excel and 144–145 external representation of 3 formats for 43–47 incrementing values for 16 informats for 67, 75–77, 78 internal formats and informats 135–143 internal representation of 2 interval definitions 98 interval functions 98–106 quick reference 149 shifting intervals 113–122 %SYSFUNC( ) macro function and 110–111 width specification 12–13, 44 TIME5. format 109 TIMEAMPM11. format 17 TIMEAMPMw.d format 46 clock values and 43 international format for 141 quick reference 149 TIME() function 86 TIMEPART() function 47, 88 TIMEw. informat 76 ANDTDTEw. informat and 79 ANYDTDTMw. informat and 81 ANYDTTMEw. informat and 82 international format for 142 TIMEw.d format 45–46 HHMMw.d format and 44 international format for 141 quick reference 149 TITLE statement 109 titles, dates in 109–111 159 160 Index TO= option, EXPAND procedure 130, 132–133, 135 TODAY( ) function 86 TODw.d format 47 clock values in 43 quick reference 149 TU4. informat 77 two-digit year DATESTYLE= system option and 8 extraction functions and 86 YEARCUTOFF= system option and 5, 64–65, 77–78, 145 U U algorithm 33, 88 %U date directive 57 V V algorithm 34, 88 VALUE statement, FORMAT procedure 54–56 variables See character variables See macro variables See numeric variables W W algorithm 35, 88 %w date directive 57 WEEK interval 96 example 129 INTCK( ) function 100 INTNX( ) function 104, 106 shift point 114, 116, 118 week number calculation U algorithm 33, 38 V algorithm 34, 85 W algorithm 35, 88 WEEKDATE.37 format 18 WEEKDATEw. format 31 example 18 quick reference 149 WEEKDATXw. format and 32 WEEKDATXw. format 32 DTWKDATXw. format and 52 international format for 137–140 quick reference 149 WEEKDAY interval 96 INTCK( ) function 101 INTNX( ) function 104 shift point 114 WEEKDAY( ) function 88 WEEKDAYw. format 32–33 international format for 137 quick reference 149 WEEK() function 88 WEEKUw. format 33 quick reference 149 WEEKVw. format and 34 WEEKWw. format and 35 WEEKVx. format 34 quick reference 149 WEEKWw. format and 35 WEEKWw. format 35, 149 WHERE clause, SQL procedure 147 width specification for date formats 12–13, 18, 19 for datetime formats 12–13, 44, 47 for time formats 12–13, 44 formats and 18, 19 informats and 65 WORDDATEw. format 35–36 &DATE macro variable and 110 FORMAT statement and 57–58 international format for 140 quick reference 149 WORDDATXw. format 36 international format for 137, 140 quick reference 149 WORDDATXw. informat 142 Index Y %Y date directive 57, 59 %y date directive 57 YEAR10. interval 121 YEAR interval 97 INTCK( ) function 100, 101 INTNX( ) function 105 shift point 114, 116, 120 YEARCUTOFF= system option 5–7 DATJUL( ) function and 89 Excel conversions and 145 extraction functions and 86 Japanese/Taiwanese date informats 144 MDY( ) function 91 PDJULGw. format and 28–29 PDJULI. format 30 two-digit year and 64–65, 77 YYQ( ) function 92 YEAR() function 88 YEARw. format 37 DTYEARw. format and 53 quick reference 149 Y2K problem 5, 108 YRDIF( ) function 94–96 INTCK( ) function 101, 102 YYMMC. format 38, 149 YYMMD. format 38, 149 YYMMDDB. format 40, 149 YYMMDDC. format 40, 149 YYMMDDD. format 40, 149 YYMMDDN. format 40, 149 YYMMDDP. format 40, 149 YYMMDDw. format 38–39 DATESTYLE= system option 78 quick reference 149 YYMMDDw. informat 73–74 ANYDTDTEw. informat and 79 ANYDTDTMw. informat and 81 ANYDTTMEw. informat and 82 DATESTYLE= system option and 78 YYMMDDxw. format 39–40 YYMMxw. format and 37 YYQxw. format and 41 YYMMN. format 38, 149 YYMMNw. informat 74 YYMMP. format 38, 149 YYMMw. format 37 YYMMxw. format 37–38 YYMONw. format 40, 149 YYQC. format 42 DDTYQCw. format and 53 quick reference 149 YYQD. format 42, 149 YYQ() function 92 YYQN. format 42, 149 YYQP. format 42, 149 YYQRC. format 43, 149 YYQRD. format 43, 149 YYQRN. format 43, 149 YYQRP. format 43, 149 YYQRw. format 42, 149 YYQRxw. format 42–43 YYQw. format 40–41, 149 YYQw. informat 74–75 ANYDTDTEw. informat and 79 ANYDTDTMw. informat and 81 ANYDTTMEw. informat and 82 YYQxw. format 41, 53 Special Characters . (period) format syntax and 18 in informats 65 missing values and 58 & (ampersand) 111 $ (dollar sign) 67 = (equals sign) 134 / (slash) 59 %% date directive 57 161 162 Index Books Available from SAS ® Press Advanced Log-Linear Models Using SAS® by Daniel Zelterman Cody’s Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS® Software by Ron Cody Analysis of Clinical Trials Using SAS®: A Practical Guide by Alex Dmitrienko, Geert Molenberghs, Walter Offen, and Christy Chuang-Stein Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS ® Examples, Second Edition by Glenn A. Walker Annotate: Simply the Basics The Complete Guide to SAS ® Indexes by Art Carpenter by Michael A. Raithel Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS® Software, Second Edition Data Management and Reporting Made Easy with SAS ® Learning Edition 2.0 by Ravindra Khattree and Dayanand N. Naik by Sunil K. Gupta Applied Statistics and the SAS ® Programming Language, Fifth Edition by Ronald P. Cody and Jeffrey K. 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