Developing Responsive Websites With Bootstrap And J Query Trainer Guide
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y nl O se U Fo rA pt ec h C en t re Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery O nl y Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery se Trainer’s Guide U © 2017 Aptech Limited re All rights reserved. C APTECH LIMITED h All trademarks acknowledged. en t No part of this book may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or storing in information retrieval system or sent or transferred without the prior written permission of copyright owner Aptech Limited. rA pt ec Contact E-mail: Fo First Edition - 2017 Dear Learner, y We congratulate you on your decision to pursue an Aptech Worldwide course. Scanning the user system and needs assessment O ¾¾ nl Aptech Ltd. designs its courses using a sound instructional design model – from conceptualization to execution, incorporating the following key aspects: se Needs assessment is carried out to find the educational and training needs of the learner. re U Technology trends are regularly scanned and tracked by core teams at Aptech Ltd. TAG* analyzes these on a monthly basis to understand the emerging technology training needs for the Industry. C en t An annual Industry Recruitment Profile Survey# is conducted during August October to understand the technologies that Industries would be adapting in the next 2 to 3 years. An analysis of these trends & recruitment needs is then carried out to understand the skill requirements for different roles & career opportunities. Needs analysis and design of curriculum ec ¾¾ h The skill requirements are then mapped with the learner profile (user system) to derive the Learning objectives for the different roles. rA pt The Learning objectives are then analyzed and translated into learning tasks. Each learning task or activity is analyzed in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required to perform that task. Teachers and domain experts do this jointly. These are then grouped in clusters to form the subjects to be covered by the curriculum. Fo In addition, the society, the teachers, and the industry expect certain knowledge and skills that are related to abilities such as learning-to-learn, thinking, adaptability, problem solving, positive attitude etc. These competencies would cover both cognitive and affective domains. A precedence diagram for the subjects is drawn where the prerequisites for each subject are graphically illustrated. The number of levels in this diagram is determined by the duration of the course in terms of number of semesters etc. Using the precedence diagram and the time duration for each subject, the curriculum is organized. ¾¾ Design & development of instructional materials O nl y The content outlines are developed by including additional topics that are required for the completion of the domain and for the logical development of the competencies identified. Evaluation strategy and scheme is developed for the subject. The topics are arranged/organized in a meaningful sequence. Strategies for delivery of instruction U ¾¾ se The detailed instructional material – Training aids, Learner material, reference material, project guidelines, etc.- are then developed. Rigorous quality checks are conducted at every stage. en t re Careful consideration is given for the integral development of abilities like thinking, problem solving, learning-to-learn etc. by selecting appropriate instructional strategies (training methodology), instructional activities and instructional materials. Assessment of learning pt ¾¾ ec h C The area of IT is fast changing and nebulous. Hence, considerable flexibility is provided in the instructional process by specially including creative activities with group interaction between the students and the trainer. The positive aspects of Web based learning –acquiring information, organizing information and acting on the basis of insufficient information are some of the aspects, which are incorporated, in the instructional process. Fo rA The learning is assessed through different modes – tests, assignments & projects. The assessment system is designed to evaluate the level of knowledge & skills as defined by the learning objectives. ¾¾ Evaluation of instructional process and instructional materials The instructional process is backed by an elaborate monitoring system to evaluate - on-time delivery, understanding of a subject module, ability of the instructor to impart learning. As an integral part of this process, we request you to kindly send us your feedback in the reply pre-paid form appended at the end of each module. *TAG – Technology & Academics Group comprises of members from Aptech Ltd., professors from reputed Academic Institutions, Senior Managers from Industry, Technical gurus from Software Majors & representatives from regulatory organizations/forums. se O nl y Technology heads of Aptech Ltd. meet on a monthly basis to share and evaluate the technology trends. The group interfaces with the representatives of the TAG thrice a year to review and validate the technology and academic directions and endeavors of Aptech Ltd. U Aptech New Products Design Model re Key Aspects C Evaluation of Instructional Processes and Material h Scanning the user system and needs assessment en t 1 ec 2 Need Analysis and design of curriculum rA pt Assessment of learning Fo 3 Design and development of instructional material 4 Strategies for delivery of instructions 5 6 nl y “ se O “ Fo rA pt ec h C en t re U A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorance is just as bad Preface se O nl y The book ‘Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery’ Trainer’s Guide serves understanding on new features and functionalities of Bootstrap framework and jQuery. The faculty/trainer should teach the concepts in the theory class using the slides. This Trainer’s Guide will provide guidance on the flow of the session and also provide tips and additional examples wherever necessary. The trainer can ask questions to make the session interactive and also to test the understanding of the students. This book is the result of a concentrated effort of the Design Team, which is continuously striving to bring you the best and the latest in Information Technology. The process of design has been a part of the ISO 9001 Certification for Aptech-IT Division, Education Support Services. As part of Aptech’s quality drive, this team does intensive research and curriculum enrichment to keep it in line with industry trends. Fo rA pt ec h C en t re U We will be glad to receive your suggestions. Design Team y nl O se U re en t C h ec pt rA Fo “ “ Practice is the best of all instructors. Table of Contents Sessions Basics of Bootstrap 2. Understanding Programming in Bootstrap 3. Basics of jQuery 4. Functions, Widgets, Plugins in jQuery 5. Creating Bootstrap Responsive Layout 6. Creating Responsive Webpages Using Bootstrap and jQuery Fo rA pt ec h C en t re U se O nl y 1. y nl O se U re en t C h ec pt rA Fo “ “ The future depends on what we do in the present. Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery Session 01: Basics of Bootstrap 1.1 Pre-Class Activities nl y Before you commence the session, you should familiarize yourself with the topics of this session in-depth. Prepare a question or two that will be a key point to relate the current session objectives. O 1.1.1 Objectives re U Describe Bootstrap Explain the basic concepts of Bootstrap Describe the process of setting up Bootstrap Outline the file structure and the default source code in Bootstrap Use Bootstrap with CSS and JS Describe the significance of Bootstrap templates en t se At the end of this session, you will be able to: 1.1.2 Teaching Skills C To teach this session, you should be well versed with the concepts of Bootstrap. You should be familiar with the Bootstrap in detail. You should also know how to get started with Bootstrap and its benefits over JavaScript. pt e ch You should teach the concepts in the theory class using the images provided. For teaching in the class, you are expected to use slides and LCD projectors. rA Tips: It is recommended that you test the understanding of the students by asking questions in between the class. In-Class Activities Fo Follow the order given here during In-Class activities. Overview of the Session Give the students an overview of the current session in the form of session objectives. Read out the objectives given on slide 2. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery re U se O nl y Slide 2 1.2 In-Class Explanations Fo rA pt e ch C en t Slide 3 Let us introduce Bootstrap. Explain Bootstrap. Bootstrap is used to make simple and quick front end development of Web applications. Explain students that Bootstrap helps in saving time in designing the Webpages by styling elements. It reduces the burden of writing custom CSS classes of the Webpages elements by including Bootstrap files and predefined class names. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery re U se O nl y Slide 4 Let us understand about components of Bootstrap. en t Elaborate each component of Bootstrap in detail using slide 4. CSS Framework: CSS is used for applying styles to the elements of the Webpage. You can use them by including the classes and thus, assigning classes to the elements. ch C Templating System: Bootstrap is a templating system, which provides template for Websites. This will help the Web developers or designers in reducing time in writing entire code for each page. Bootstrap templates can be used directly. Fo rA pt e JS Toolkit: JavaScript Toolkit helps in including js files that will reduce time in writing code. It is just drag and drop facility. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery U se O nl y Slides 5 to 8 Let us understand about benefits of Bootstrap. Fo rA pt e ch C en t re Tell the students benefits of Bootstrap point wise and explain each one using slide 5. 1. Easy and Flexible: Bootstrap is very easy to use and adaptable to different Web projects. It is very quick and responsive. It reduces time by dragging and dropping the elements instead of writing the code for each element. 2. 100% Responsive Designs: It should be responsive to each Internet enabled devices. For example, it should fit to the screen of devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. It should be easy adaptive to screens with smooth appearance and easy navigation. This is achieved through Fluid container, which readjusts its width dynamically to screen resolution. 3. Great Grid System: Bootstrap has 12 column and responsive grid. This grid system supports offset and nested elements. © APTECH LIMITED Continue explaining benefits of Bootstrap using slide 6. U se O nl y Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery en t re 4. Better Development Speed: Bootstrap provides already written block of code to developers for designing Webpages. Thus, this helps in reduce time in designing and making Bootstrap even more efficient. Back-end developers can merge the readymade blocks with cross browser compatibility and CSS-Less functionality will help in saving lot of time. ch C 5. Browser Compatibility: Bootstrap helps in resolving cross-browser compatibility issues. With the help of containers the screen width readjusts itself with smooth navigation and no pixels distortion. Web applications developed in Bootstrap will help in smooth running in many Web browsers. Fo rA pt e 6. Customization: Bootstrap can be used as per distinct design requirements. Developers can select and deselect the aspects as per requirements during customization. It is available on custom page, including CSS components, JS components, and utilities. © APTECH LIMITED U se O nl y Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery en t re Continue explaining benefits of Bootstrap using slide 7. 7. Consistency: At first, the twitter team expanded framework to improve the consistency across the internal tools. Later, the co-founder Mark Otto released first version of open source Bootstrap framework. ch C 8. Big Support: Bootstrap provides a big supportive community that help Web developers with any sort of help at any point of time. Apart from this, the makers of Bootstrap keep the framework updated. Give students an idea about GitHub. GitHub is a Web based version control repository and Internet hosting service. It provides all the distributed version control and source code management functionality. Currently, it is being hosted on GitHub with 500 contributors. pt e Note: Bootstrap is the free open source framework. You need not to pay anything, it is available for free. Fo rA 9. Bundled JavaScript Components: This framework has a set of JS components that use for UI components. Name a few examples to students such as – tooltips, alerts, and modal windows. A tooltip is also known as infotip or as a hint. It is a user interface element which appears when a user hovers the pointer or cursor on an item. An alert is a dialog box that gives warning message to the users. Modal window is a pop up window that appears on the top of the current page. © APTECH LIMITED Continue to explain benefits of Bootstrap using slide 8. U se O nl y Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery en t re 10. Simple Integration: Bootstrap has the added advantage of integrating with other frameworks and platforms. It can also use existing CSS files. 11. Extensive Pre-styled components: Bootstrap has pre-styled components such as dropdowns, alerts, and navigation bars. Developers need not to write code for such components. Fo rA pt e ch C Slide 9 Let us understand about setting up Bootstrap. Explain students, how to set up BootStrap using slide 9. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery Bootstrap is very easy to download and available for free. Tell the students that there are two ways to start using the framework on a Website: 1. Download from y 2. Including it from Content Delivery Network en t re U se O nl Slide 10 Let us understand steps to download Bootstrap. C Explain students the steps for downloading Bootstrap from Website using slide 10. Fo rA pt e ch 1. Go to the site 2. Click the button ‘download Bootstrap’ 3. Select an option from download page: a) Download Bootstrap: It allows the precompiled, mini versions of CSS, fonts, and JavaScript downloads excluding original files of source code or documentation. It provides drag and drop facility rather than writing code for each element. It also includes complied CSS, JS files, mini complied versions, Bootstrap theme, and Glyphicon fonts. b) Download Source: It is the source code version of Bootstrap. It provides downloading latest documentation and JS source code from GitHub. It consists of precompiled CSS and JS files, font files, and Bootstrap Less assets. c) Download Sass: It is the latest Bootstrap version which is imported from LESS to SASS. It is only for Sass projects. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery U se O nl y Slide 11 Let us understand about Content Delivery Network (CDN). re Define CDN to students using slide 10. en t Content Delivery Network is a system of network of distributed servers which delivers Webpages and Web content to client locations. Basically, CDN is for the developers who do not intend to host the framework by themselves. It focuses on quick delivery of Web content to global sites and high traffic sites. Fo rA pt e ch C Slide 12 Let us understand about file structure and source code. Explain students the file structure and source code of Bootstrap framework using slide 12. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery After downloading the Bootstrap with precompiled version, there will be a zip file that will be containing all the directories and files. Once the file is extracted, the content will be visible in the form of structured css, js, and fonts directories. CSS is a cascading style sheet files. JS is java script files. Font directories consist of all the fonts. en t re U se O nl y Slide 13 Let us understand about the file structure of precompiled Bootstrap version. C Read out the list of file names of precompiled Bootstrap file structure using slide 13. Fo rA pt e ch Slide 14 Let us understand about the file structure of Bootstrap. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery pt e U ch C en t re Slide 15 Let us understand about default Bootstrap template. se O nl y Tell students that there are few user interface elements that are offered by components and JS plugins using slide 14. These are listed as follows: 1. Button groups and button drop-downs 2. Page headers and hero unit 3. Navbar 4. Navigational tabs, pills, and lists 5. Labels 6. Thumbnails 7. Badges 8. drop-down 9. Tooltips 10. Alerts 11. Modals 12. Progress bars Fo rA Explain students about the default Bootstrap template code and describe few tags or attributes of HTML code using slide 15. 1. tag: It ensures the depiction and touch zooming on the Internet-enabled mobile gadgets. 2. Width: This ensures the screen resolution of the page of the device that fits appropriately. You can set its value as ‘device-width’ that will fit into the screen of the target device such as tablets, smartphone, desktops. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery U se O nl y Slide 16 Let us understand MaxCDN Code. en t re Describe this code snippet to students using slide 16. First describe MaxCDN to students mentioning that it is a CDN provider which provides desired JS and CSS files for working easily with Bootstrap. In this snippet, the links are referring to MaxCDN under the head tag of different versions. Fo rA pt e ch C Slide 17 Let us understand about Bootstrap with CSS. Explain students the difference of Bootstrap version 3 over version 2 using slide 17. Tell the students that the zooming can be disabled on any mobile device. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery pt e U ch C en t re Slides 18 and 19 Let us understand about Bootstrap with JavaScript. se O nl y In Bootstrap, containers are the containing elements that contain contents of Websites and a grid system. These containers are non-nestable that is, no other container can include another container. It is of two types: Fixed and Fluid. Describe each container in detail with examples: 1. Fixed Container: It has a preset width of layout of Webpage which remains constant and does not change across different screens and browsers. It does not vary with change in resolution. For example, In a whole page’s layout, which is known as viewport, of width 960 pixels and each column has a preset width that does not change in fixed container. When a user changes the browser’s window or shrinks it to, suppose, 959 pixels then the container changes to a new layout on a media query. 2. Fluid Container: It does not have a preset width such as in fixed container. It changes its width as there is a change in the size of browser or screen. For example, When a user resizes the browser window then each column of the container adjusts its width according to calculated relative size that is, 25% with 100% layout’s width. Fo rA Explain students about Bootstrap with JavaScript using 18. Web developers can include JS plugins by two ways – By using *.js files individually and by including bootstrap.js file or bootstrap.min.js file all at once. Then tell students that there are again two ways of using JS plugins. One is through data attributes and other is via JavaScript. Now, explain each method to the students by giving example or showing them code snippets: 1. Data Attributes – Developers can utilize all the Bootstrap plugins through Application Programming Interface, short for APIs. In some cases, data attribute APIs need to be disabled. Explain the code snippet to students. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery pt e ch C en t re U se O nl y Code Snippet: $('body').off('.data-api') – This will frees all the events on the body with the namespace ‘dataapi’. $('body').off('') – This will turn OFF the functionality for a specific plugin ‘alert’. 2. JavaScript API – This is another way to use Bootstrap plugins. API is chainable method that returns a collection. This method should receive an object which is optional called options. This object is of string type. When this object is null, this means that this method is not receiving anything and hence, the method with a default behavior. Explain the code snippet to students. Code Snippet: $("#newModal").modal('show') – In this method, ‘show’ is the string object to display the modal dialog immediately. $("#newModal").modal() – This is the default method initialization. Fo rA Explain students about events and transitions in Bootstrap using slide 19. Events: These are custom events and are used to handle different actions of plugins. These are of two types of forms: Infinitive, and Past Participle. Infinitive form is invoked at the beginning of the event. Transitions: It is recommended for Web developers to use transition.js file to apply basic transition effects. This file will not be required if developers are using compiled bootstrap.js file already. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery U se O nl y Slide 20 Let us understand about Bootstrap Templates. Fo rA pt e ch C en t re Explain students about Bootstrap templates using slide 20. Bootstrap template is basically a mock Website used by the Web designers for designing using Bootstrap framework. There are few components of Bootstrap template, they are: 1. JavaScript Code 2. CSS Code 3. HTML pages 4. Fonts 5. Design images Now, explain the students with an example, this will give a good understanding. For example, For an e-commerce Website, the template will have product category page, cart page, contact us page, and customer testimonial page. All these pages are standard pages for any e-commerce site. There are different versions of Bootstrap templates. These have few characteristics: 1. Responsive 2. Easy customization 3. Ready to use 4. Reusable © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery Fo rA pt e ch C en t re U se O nl y Slides 21 to 23 Let us summarize the session. © APTECH LIMITED U se O nl y Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery re Using slides 21 to 23 summarize the important topics learnt at the end of this session. Use these pointers to reinforce some essential concepts and provide a quick recap. en t Next, let us check your understanding of the topics covered so far in this session. 1.3 Post Class Activities for Faculty Fo rA pt e ch C You should familiarize yourself with the topics of the next session. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery Session 02: Understanding Programming in Bootstrap Pre-Class Activities y 2.1 O nl Before you commence the session, you should familiarize yourself with the topics of this session in-depth. Prepare a question or two that will be a key point to relate the current session objectives. se 2.1.1 Objectives U At the end of this session, you will be able to: en t re Use different Bootstrap components Write programs in Bootstrap Apply CSS and JavaScript to Bootstrap components 2.1.2 Teaching Skills ch C To teach this session, you should be well versed with the programming in Bootstrap. You should be familiar with the Bootstrap programming in detail. You should also know about CSS, JavaScript, and how to write programs in Bootstrap. pt e You should teach the concepts in the theory class using the images provided. For teaching in the class, you are expected to use slides and LCD projectors. rA Tips: It is recommended that you test the understanding of the students by asking questions in between the class. In-Class Activities Fo Follow the order given here during In-Class activities: Overview of the Session Give the students an overview of the current session in the form of session objectives. Read out the objectives given on slide 2. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery U se O nl y Slide 2 re 2.2 In-Class Explanations Fo rA pt e ch C en t Slide 3 Let us understand about components of Bootstrap. Describe the components of Bootstrap. Elaborate each point in detail using slide 3. 1. Bootstrap is a collection of Less stylesheets that basically utilize all the different components. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery O 5. nl y 2. 3. 4. Then, it compiles them into a bundle that is used in adding to Webpages where each section can be removed or replaced. These stylesheets also provide standard style definitions for HTML components. There are group of configuration variables which regulates components’ visible features. Each component consists – html structure, CSS code, and associated JS. Bootstrap offers variety of JS components that are available as jQuery plugins. They offer additional elements such as carousels, alerts, modals, popovers, tooltips, dialog boxes, and drop-down. All the latest versions of browsers are supported by Bootstrap 3. Some are mentioned – Firefox, Opera, Chrome, IE, and Safari. The advantage of Bootstrap components is that they are adaptive and hence, render themselves as per different browsers. pt e ch C en t re U se Slide 4 Let us understand about layout components. Name the layout components of Bootstrap to the students using slide 4. Glyphicons Navbars Input Groups Pagination Page Header Badges Panels List Groups Progress bars Fo rA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery re U se O nl y Slide 5 Let us understand about Glyphicons. Fo rA pt e ch C en t Explain to students about glyphicon component of Bootstrap using slide 5. Brief them: 1. There are more than 250 glyphs or fonts in Bootstrap 2. They are available in ‘Glyphicons Halfling’ of ‘font’ folder 3. They need a base as well as individual icon class 4. The syntax for using Glyphicon is mentioned on the slide. Explain each keyword in brief to the students for better understanding. a) Glyphicon: it is the base class b) Glyphicon-name: it is an individual icon class. Basically, it uses unicode font reference in glyphicons halfling. c) Name: Here, we use the exact glyphicon name. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery U se O nl y Slide 6 Let us understand about how to use glyphicons in programming. en t re Show the students the example of using glyphicons using slide 6. In the first image, the sample code is written. To use a glyphicon, nested span tag is used as shown in the sample code.Envelope icon:
Now, check the second image on slide 6, in which the output of the code is shown. Fo rA pt e ch C Note: 1. The aria-hidden attribute should be set to true to prevent any kind of unwanted or confusing output by a screen reader. 2. .sr-only class for hiding the additional content on a Webpage but making it available for a screen reader to read. © APTECH LIMITED Developing Responsive Websites with Bootstrap and jQuery U se O nl y Slide 7 Let us understand about Navbars. Fo rA pt e ch C en t re Explain to students about navbars which is short form for Navigation bars. 1. It is a responsive navigation header that is appearing on the top of the Webpage. 2. It is adaptive or collapsible – because it can adjust the as per the size of the targeted screen in Bootstrap. 3. It can contain – links, drop-downs, buttons, icons, or may be combination of these elements. 4. It can be aligned left or right by the Web developers. 5. Basically, when the width of the viewport increases then the navbars are set horizontally. Now, explain the syntax to the students.