DicomObjectsUserManual Dicom Objects User Manual

User Manual:

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DicomObjects User Manual
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Structure.......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Languages Supported...................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Effects of Using the COM Object Model ....................................................................... 4
1.4 Collections in DicomObjects .......................................................................................... 4
1.5 DicomObjects’ Representation of DICOM Data............................................................ 5
1.6 Interpreting and Using Sequences................................................................................... 7
1.7 Private Attributes ............................................................................................................ 7
2 First steps - Reading, Viewing and Writing DICOM files ................................................ 9
2.1 Your First DICOM Program........................................................................................... 9
2.2 Writing an Image to Disk.............................................................................................. 10
3 Simple Sending and Receipt of images over a network................................................... 11
3.1 Sending an Image.......................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Receiving Images.......................................................................................................... 11
4 Query/Retrieve (SCU)......................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Common Features ......................................................................................................... 13
4.2 DoQuery........................................................................................................................ 14
4.3 GetImages ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.4 GetUsingMove.............................................................................................................. 15
4.5 DoRawQuery ................................................................................................................ 15
4.6 MoveSync ..................................................................................................................... 15
4.7 MoveImages.................................................................................................................. 15
4.8 DicomConnection Based Q/R Methods........................................................................ 15
5 Off-line Media ..................................................................................................................... 17
5.1 Reading ......................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Creating......................................................................................................................... 18
5.3 Updating........................................................................................................................ 19
5.4 Multiply Referenced Directory Records....................................................................... 19
6 Printing ................................................................................................................................ 20
6.1 Printing Using DicomPrint............................................................................................ 20
6.2 Printing Using Normalised Operations......................................................................... 22
6.3 Printing DICOM Images to a Windows Printer........................................................... 22
7 Exporting DICOM Images to Other Formats.................................................................. 23
7.1 Single Frames................................................................................................................ 23
7.2 Multi-frame Images/Cine.............................................................................................. 23
7.3 Non-file Exporting........................................................................................................ 23
8 Advanced Image Review station........................................................................................ 24
8.1 Basic Viewing Controls ................................................................................................ 24
8.2 Multi-frame (Cine) Images ........................................................................................... 24
8.3 Annotations................................................................................................................... 25
8.4 Lookup Tables............................................................................................................... 28
8.5 DICOM Greyscale Presentation State........................................................................... 28
8.6 Display Speed Optimisation.......................................................................................... 29
9 Web Usage ........................................................................................................................... 31
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9.1 Running DicomObjects on a Web Server..................................................................... 31
9.2 Running DicomObjects on the web client .................................................................... 33
10 Writing a Router/Modifier................................................................................................. 35
11 Writing a DICOM Server................................................................................................... 36
11.1 An object to Listen for Associations............................................................................. 36
11.2 Validating Associations ................................................................................................ 37
11.3 Handling C-STORE Operations.................................................................................... 37
11.4 Handling Query/Retrieve Requests............................................................................... 38
11.5 Handling C-ECHO Requests ........................................................................................ 42
11.6 Transfer Syntax and Quality Issues .............................................................................. 42
11.7 Performance and Reliability Issues............................................................................... 43
11.8 Modality WorkList SCP ............................................................................................... 44
11.9 Print SCP....................................................................................................................... 44
11.10 Storage Commitment SCP ............................................................................................ 45
12 Accessing and Modifying Pixel Data................................................................................. 46
12.1 Languages with Raw Pointers....................................................................................... 46
12.2 Languages Using Variant Arrays.................................................................................. 47
13 Creating DICOM Images................................................................................................... 48
13.1 Importing Other Formats .............................................................................................. 48
13.2 Importing Multiframe images....................................................................................... 49
13.3 From Scratch................................................................................................................. 50
14 Using Modality WorkList as an SCU................................................................................ 52
15 Language Specific Features ............................................................................................... 53
15.1 Visual Basic .................................................................................................................. 53
15.2 VBScript ....................................................................................................................... 53
15.3 Visual Basic for Applications (e.g. MS Access)........................................................... 53
15.4 Microsoft Visual C++ ................................................................................................... 53
15.5 Borland Delphi & Borland C++ Builder....................................................................... 55
15.6 Java................................................................................................................................ 56
15.7 Other Environments...................................................................................................... 56
16 Logging................................................................................................................................. 57
16.1 Log Details and Levels ................................................................................................. 57
16.2 File Logging.................................................................................................................. 57
16.3 The DicomLog Control................................................................................................. 58
17 Advanced Usage ..................................................................................................................59
17.1 Over-riding Registry Values......................................................................................... 59
17.2 Altering the List of Default SOP Classes...................................................................... 59
17.3 Transfer Syntax Selection............................................................................................. 60
17.4 Private SOP classes....................................................................................................... 61
17.5 Private Transfer Syntaxes ............................................................................................. 61
17.6 Storage Commitment .................................................................................................... 61
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1 Introduction
This user manual is an important complement to the DicomObjects help file. The help file remains the
primary reference guide for all DicomObjects objects, methods and properties, so if you know which
you need, go directly to the help file. This manual however, starts from the opposite point of view, and
tells you how to use DicomObjects to accomplish specific aims. In many cases you will still need to
reference the help file for full details of parameters etc., but at least after reading this manual, you
should know which sections you need to consult!
The purpose of DicomObjects is to allow you, the application developer, to use DICOM in your
applications, with as little need as possible for knowledge of the intricacies of the DICOM standard. It
is of course not the only DICOM “toolkit” available, but the hope is that it fills an important niche in
the market, due to the following features:
DICOM is accessed through high-level interfaces, allowing many operations to occur on whole
images etc.
Finer level details are available where needed, allowing modification of individual image
All DICOM SOP classes are supported, even types of image or other data not yet defined.
Internal multi-threading, allows high-performance servers to be constructed even using single-
threaded clients such as Visual Basic.
A high level of support and advice is provided as expected from a commercial product.
The pricing structure removes the “up-front” costs often associated with such toolkits.
There are many possible uses for DicomObjects, but here is a brief list of some common ones:
Image viewing software (either stand-alone or web-based)
DICOM image servers
DICOM image creation from scratch in radiological equipment
Import and export of images from and to other formats
Teleradiology applications
Intermediate routing stations, receiving images from one application and sending to another,
modifying the data itself, or the surrounding associations to overcome incompatibilities.
Modality worklist servers, using data from ODBC or HL7
Quality assurance
Off-line media readers and writers including DICOMDIR handling
DICOM and Windows printing
Diagnostic test applications
1.1 Structure
DicomObjects uses only a small selection of objects, but most of these have a wide variety of methods
and properties available. The main items are:
This is one of only two objects to occupy space in a window at runtime, and can display
multiple images.
DicomImage and DicomDataSet
These two hold DICOM instances, and have many similarities, the difference being that a
DicomImage has pixel data, whereas a DicomDataSet normally does not.
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This represents a single attribute (e.g. study date) within one of the above objects.
An object to simplify DICOM printing.
DicomImages, DicomDataSets and DicomAttributes objects hold multiple items of the
corresponding types.
Advanced Objects
Other objects include the DicomLog, DicomServer, DicomGlobal and DicomContext(s), but
these will be introduced as necessary below.
1.2 Languages Supported
The language used for all examples in this manual is Visual Basic. There are several reasons for this,
the main ones being:
It is the language used within Medical Connections for client programming.
The structure is fairly obvious even to those not used to it.
Using one consistent language throughout keeps this manual simple.
Of course, the language specific sections use appropriate code!
1.3 Effects of Using the COM Object Model
DicomObjects uses the Windows COM model exclusively, which has the following advantages:
Language independence
Encapsulation within a replaceable file (The “OCX” file)
However, there are a few drawbacks and common mistakes:
Every method must apply to one or more objects, as there are no “freestanding” methods. An
example where this can be confusing is the “ReadFile” method, which has to be applied to an
existing object (a DicomImages collection or DicomGlobal object) to create a new object of a
different type.
The DicomObjects file must be distributed and registered with every copy of the application.
Fortunately, with version 4, other file dependencies have now virtually been eliminated, and
most modern installers have no problems adding and registering components such as
1.4 Collections in DicomObjects
There are a number of “Collection” objects in DicomObjects, which share many common methods,
enabling objects to be added to, accessed or removed from the collection. The following properties and
methods are common to all collections in DicomObjects.
The number of items currently in the collection
Item(long integer n)
Returns a reference to the n
item in the collection. This is the default member of the
collection, so for instance Images.Item(n) may be replaced in Visual Basic by Images(n). Not
all languages support this simplification however, so the full version or other forms such as
Images.GetItem(n) may be necessary in some environments.
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Add (Object)
Adds an object of an appropriate type to the end of the collection. In general (but with a few
important exceptions), only objects of the appropriate type may be added to a collection, e.g.
only DicomLabel objects may be added to a DicomLabels collection.
Remove (long integer n)
Removes item n from the collection, moving items above it down to fill the gap.
Completely empties the collection, removing all items from it.
In DicomObjects, all collection indices start from 1 (not 0), so the range of items is from
Item(1) to Item(Count).
A DicomContexts collection is indexed by presentation context ID, which must in DICOM
always be a small odd integer, so indices are 1, 3, 5 etc.
DicomImages and DicomDataSets collections allow indexing by instance UID, so the index is
actually a variant, which should be either an integer, or a UID string.
1.5 DicomObjects’ Representation of DICOM Data
The object most commonly used in DicomObjects is the DicomImage, which encapsulates a single
SOP instance, normally including pixel data. A DicomDataSet is virtually the same, but is normally
used for datasets (e.g. query results or elements within sequences) which do not contain pixel data. For
the remainder of this section, a DicomImage (or just image) will be used for examples, but unless
specified otherwise most non-pixel related features apply equally to both.
An important concept to grasp early on is that a DicomImage includes two completely separate sources
of data:
The original DICOM dataset
Ephemeral data such as zoom factor, orientation, associated annotations and windowing values
In general, the DICOM data itself is accessed and modified through the image’s Attributes property,
and ephemeral data through simple properties, but there are a few properties such as Name, PatientID
etc., which are in fact just shortcuts to the underlying DICOM data. All such properties are clearly
indicated as such in the help file. A few properties, such as window Width and Level are ephemeral
properties which may be altered without modifying the underlying data, but where possible, they are
initialised using data from the DICOM dataset.
There are 2 important and often misunderstood consequences of the separation of the two types of data
in a DicomImage:
Two or more DicomImages can share the same permanent data, yet have their own ephemeral
data. This facility is in fact used whenever a DicomImage is added to a DicomImages
collection, as this method causes a completely new DicomImage to be created and added to the
collection. This new image references the same permanent data, and is initialised with a copy
of the original ephemeral data, but this may subsequently be modified. This procedure saves
memory for the large DICOM dataset, yet allows different display parameters (e.g. “dual
window” displays).
Changes made to simple DicomImages properties do not generally modify the underlying
DICOM data (other than for the “shortcut” properties mentioned above). So, if it is required to
save the current window and width settings with an image, this must be done explicitly by
adding Attributes 0x0028,0x1051 & 0x0028,0x1052, as described below.
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References to the DICOM dataset held in an image are made through its Attributes property, which is a
collection object. Slightly different procedures apply for accessing (reading) and modifying the data.
1.5.1 Accessing Attributes
An individual attribute is normally accessed from any language using the group and element tag
numbers. In some languages a syntax such as image.Attributes.Item(gggg,eeee) or
image.Attributes.GetItem(gggg,eeee) is required. However, as Item is the default property for a
DicomAttributes object, many languages allow a syntax more like image.Attributes(gggg,eeee). The
value returned by this property is a DicomAttribute, which has a few properties, but the main ones of
interest are:
Exists: True if the item is present in the dataset.
Value: A variant representation of the data contained
This is the default property, and the explicit name can in some languages be omitted.
The type of the variant generally reflects the type of the underlying DICOM data element, but there are
a few pitfalls to consider:
If the data element is absent (Exists=false), then the type is VT_ERROR
If the data is of zero length (common for type 2 elements and in query datasets) the type is
Pixel data (element 0x7FE0,0x0010) is handled differently, and returns the same value as the
Pixels property – i.e. a 3 dimensional array of bytes or short integers.
If the element is a sequence, the value is a DicomDataSets object (VT_DISPATCH). See
below for details of sequence handling.
Otherwise, if the data element could possibly contain multiple values (i.e. the DICOM VM is
not “1”), then the variant returned will be a single dimensional array of the appropriate type of
value, even if only a single item happens to be present. This will also apply to any attributes
unknown to DicomObjects such as private elements, as the VM cannot be determined. The
rationale for this behaviour is to simplify coding, as a programmer does not need to write
separate code for single and multiple value cases.
As of version 4.1 it is no longer necessary to handle multiple values using a variant array, as the
number of items may be determined using a DicomAttribute’s “VM” property, and the
individual items may then be accessed directly using the ValueByIndex(n) property.
For some applications it is necessary to iterate through all the attributes, without necessarily knowing in
advance which tags are present. In languages which support direct iterators on collections, this is easy
(e.g. “For Each” in Visual Basic), but for languages which lack this facility, the ItemByIndex method is
Some scripting languages (notably VBScript, and some unusual scripts such as that used in MatLab),
cannot use arrays consisting of anything except variants. For these environments, the VariantValue is
provided , which can return variant arrays of variants – see the help file for more details.
Another variation on the Value property is the UnicodeValue. If the value is a suitable string, and if
the character set attribute (0x0008,0x0005) is present, then the value is interpreted according to the
appropriate character set rules (if installed on the operating system!).
1.5.2 Changing the DICOM data
As we cannot know in advance whether a particular attribute will even exist in a dataset, DicomObjects
does not allow direct modification of the value of a DicomAttribute. Instead, particular members of a
DicomAttributes collection may be replaced or removed, using the Add and Remove methods
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respectively. The Add method uses a variant parameter to hold the value, which should normally be of
the same type as listed above for the Attribute.Value result, with the following modifications:
Values will be coerced as necessary – e.g. the value “2” would be valid for any numerical VR.
A zero-length string may be used to set null value.
Single values may be used even when the VM is “1-n” (though arrays are also of course
Where an attribute with the same tags already exists, it is simply replaced.
1.6 Interpreting and Using Sequences
DICOM allows one attribute to contain a sequence of datasets, and DicomObjects provides direct
support for this arrangement by allowing one attribute to contain a DicomDataSets object, which in
turn may contain one or more DicomDataSet objects. This structure is inherently recursive, and
nesting to any depth is allowed (some DICOM IODs require 4 level nesting!), and can be used for both
creation and read access to data in sequences. Note though that recursion is through two levels, as a
DicomDataSet object contain a DicomDataSets collection, which contains one or more DicomDataSet
objects, so it is necessary to be careful with the syntax. The full syntax for retrieving the first item of
an embedded sequence would be:
Set sequenceitem=dataset.Attributes(gggg,eeee).Value.Item(1)
In many languages this can be contracted using the default properties to something like:
Set sequenceitem=dataset.Attributes(gggg,eeee).Item(1)
Further contraction can cause problems (e.g. in Visual Basic), as function parameters and indexes can
be confused, so a common error is to attempt:
Set sequenceitem=dataset.Attributes(gggg,eeee).Value(1)
Of course, where a variable is used to represent the DicomDataSets collection, this confusion does not
To add sequences to a dataset, first construct the new DicomDataSets collection, create new
DicomDataSet items to add to it (using either stand-alone creation or the AddNew method), and then
finally add the collection to the top level dataset. e.g.
Set sequence=new DicomDataSets
Set item=sequence.AddNew
Toplevel.Attributes.Add gggg,eeee, sequence
In some languages, sequence may need to be cast explicitly into a variant of type VT_DISPATCH.
1.7 Private Attributes
DICOM allows programmers to create their own “private” attributes for internal uses, which should
always have an odd group number, but this creates a problem for DicomObjects, as it does not know in
advance what their value representation (VR) will be. DicomObjects has an internal dictionary of all
officially known tags at its release date, but new tags are being added all the time, and a programmer
using the latest definitions may face the same problem. DicomObjects provides two ways of dealing
with this problem:
1.7.1 AddExplicit
This method is a minor variant on the normal Attributes.Add method, supplying a two character VR
code, in addition to the tag numbers and the value. This code must be one of the standard VR types
such as “US” (unsigned short), “LO” (long text) etc.
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1.7.2 AddToDictionary
This is a method of the DicomGlobal object, and adds any attribute you like (whether private or new)
to the internal DicomObjects dictionary. This must happen each time the program is run, as only the
copy of the table in RAM is modified, but it does have a few advantages over AddExplicit:
A Description can also be added (later retrievable using DicomAttribute.Description)
The VR applies to all subsequent use, including reading/receipt via an implicit VR transfer
A VM may be added, which improves error checking, and allows the DicomAttribute.Value
property to return single values where appropriate, rather than arrays.
A few other points about unknown/private elements are worth noting:
DicomObjects properly uses the VR “UN” for unknown items received via an implicit VR
transfer syntax
If an attribute has type “UN”, either because of implicit receipt, or because it was explicitly
sent/written as UN, you may, if you know the type, change it by setting the Attribute’s VR
property directly (this was read-only prior to version 4)
All private elements should be accompanied by an element gggg,0x0010, which is always of
type LO (long string), describing in rough terms what the Attributes are (e.g. “XYZ Company
Internal Values”)
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2 First steps - Reading, Viewing and Writing DICOM files
Although DICOM was first used for network communications, and many developers will be using it for
that purpose, DICOM files are used for this introduction to DICOM, as they are conceptually easier,
and there is no reliance on external equipment.
2.1 Your First DICOM Program
Basic examples are provided in most of the major languages, but here is a recipe for producing a
minimalist image viewer from scratch. As in all examples, the actual script is visual Basic, but the
equivalent should be clear in any other environment.
Import DicomObjects into your development environment
Create a new form/dialog box
Add a DicomViewer to that form (if your GUI uses icons for this, it will be shown as ).
Rename this object to “Viewer”
Add a command which performs the following:
“C:\Program Files\Medical Connections\DicomObjects\Examples41\
[Modify path if installed to non-default location]
Run the program, and activate the command you have created.
If all is well, an obstetric ultrasound image should be shown (my twins!), scaled to fit the
DicomViewer you have created.
So what does the above command actually do, and how does this introduce you to use of
DicomObjects? In fact, you have used 3 of the 10 different object types available, a DicomViewer,
which provides a display area within a window, a DicomImage, which represents a single DICOM
image, and a DicomImages collection, which as expected, holds a collection of DicomImage objects.
We will consider each of these in turn:
2.1.1 The DicomViewer
This provides a rectangular area within which one or more images may be displayed. It has many
properties and methods, to which you will be introduced later, but a few or the more important are:
MultiRows and MultiColumns
These integer properties control the division of the DicomViewer into a number of images
“cells”, a grid of the specified number of equally sized rows and columns, with the ability to
display an image in each.
This is a DicomImages collection (see below), an intrinsic and inseparable part of the
DicomViewer, which holds the images to be displayed by the DicomViewer.
An integer index (1-based) specifying which of the images in the Images collection is to be
displayed in the top-right cell.
2.1.2 The DicomImages Collection
Like most objects, a DicomImages collection may be created as a “stand-alone” object, but a special
collection exists as part of each DicomViewer. This object, accessed as the “Images” property of the
DicomViewer, holds the images displayed by that DicomViewer. It has the standard methods and
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properties common to all collections (see section 1.4 above), but the following additional method is
used in this example:
ReadFile(string Filename) As DicomImage
This is the main method used to read DICOM files from disk. The file is read, and added to the
end of the DicomImages collection. The method also returns a reference to the added image,
but this is not always used.
2.1.3 A DicomImage
This is the object used most commonly in DicomObjects, and encapsulates a DICOM image, whether
that image has been read from disk (as above), generated “from scratch” or received over a network. It
is important to realise that a DicomImage object is more than just the underlying DICOM data, as many
of its properties, such zoom or rotation affect only how an image is displayed or otherwise handled
within DicomObjects, without affecting the underlying data. The underlying data can be altered, but
only though explicit use of the Attributes property or through a limited number of “named” properties.
Some of the more commonly used methods and properties of a DicomImage are:
Width and Level (long integer)
As is normal practice for radiological images, these properties allow the user to alter the
mapping of the original DICOM data to the greyscale values displayed. They exemplify the
principle stated above concerning underlying and transient information, as the initial values are
derived from the suggested values in the DICOM data (if present), but changes to these values
do not cause the DICOM attributes themselves to change.
StretchToFit (boolean) and Zoom (float)
If StretchToFit is true, the image is scaled to show it at the largest size possible within it’s
“cell” in the DicomViewer (and Zoom is ignored). Otherwise, the Zoom property controls the
image’s magnification, a value of 1 causing one image pixel to correspond with 1 screen pixel.
Many other properties exist, and will be considered later.
WriteFile(FileName as String, Part10 as Boolean, TransferSyntax as String, Quality as
In a sense this is the reverse of the ReadFile method above, except that it applies to an image,
not a collection, and it has more options, as it is necessary to specify features such as transfer
syntax, which are determined automatically when a file is read.
Note: For most transfer syntaxes, the Quality parameter is ignored, but for lossy JPEG, it is
interpreted as a quality factor from 0 (tiny but awful) to 100 (largest and high quality, but still
2.2 Writing an Image to Disk
Using the above objects, properties and methods it should not be difficult to see how to write the first
DicomImage in the DicomViewer to disk in little-endian implicit VR format – the Visual Basic code
being simply:
Viewer.Images(1).WriteFile “C:\Image1”,true,”1.2.840.10008.1.2”,0
Other languages will probably require a syntax closer to the following:
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3 Simple Sending and Receipt of images over a network
Although storage of DICOM images in files is useful for testing and interchange on CD-ROMs etc, in
the real world, (outside cardiology!), most DICOM images are transferred using the DICOM network
protocols. Whilst the protocols are internally complex, and advanced programmers can access most of
this complexity if they wish, DicomObjects provides several simple ways for you to do such transfers
without worrying too much about the underlying transport system.
3.1 Sending an Image
For this, the Send method of a DicomImage (or DicomDataSet) is required, and this takes just four
IP address or other resolvable network name of the SCP
Port number on which the SCP is listening
The Application Entity Title (AET) of the SCP
The AET you wish to call your application for this operation
Although some setting up of the SCP to receive images from your application may be required (most
only accept from a list of “known” machines), this simple four parameter method is all you need to do
to do a full transfer, as it will:
Make an Association
Negotiate presentation contexts (to include that for your image or dataset)
Send the image using C-STORE
Close the association
Return the status it is sent (0 for success)
Because of this last point, the operation must be synchronous – i.e. it does not return until the transfer is
complete (or fails). If any error occurs other than a non-zero status code (e.g. TCP connection failure),
a trappable error will be thrown.
3.2 Receiving Images
Every DicomViewer has the ability to listen on one or more TCP ports, and to receive images sent to it
over the network. DicomServer objects have approximately the same functionality without the ability
to display images, and unless noted explicitly, most of the properties, methods and events related to
network activity apply equally well to a DicomServer.
As an utterly trivial example of how to receive an image (assuming you have an application or
equipment that can send images), re-open the simple program created in the last chapter (just use points
1-3 if starting from scratch here), but then add and run code to perform the following method call:
Viewer.Listen 104
Next, set up your sending equipment or program to send images to your PC, using the following
IP Address: That of Your PC
Port : 104
Called Application Entity: Anything (for now!)
Finally, try sending an image to the destination configured above – it should display on the viewer!
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If you are conversant with the normal pitfalls and difficulties of sending DICOM images, the above
may have seemed just “too easy”, but don’t worry, there are plenty of opportunities to apply those
troublesome checks on IP address, application entity titles and allowed abstract syntaxes later on!
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4 Query/Retrieve (SCU)
Retrieving information and images using the DICOM Query and Retrieve (Q/R) protocols is easy using
the DicomQuery object in DicomObjects. By using the same object for both query (C-FIND) and
retrieve (C-GET and C-MOVE) constant properties such as the application entry details of the server
do not have to be re-entered.
There are three main methods , corresponding to the DICOM Q/R procedures:
DoQuery (C-FIND)
GetImages (C-GET)
GetUsingMove (C-MOVE)
All these three methods are synchronous (i.e. they only return when network activity is complete), and
they share most of the same properties to be used as part of their respective queries.
A few other methods also exist, which have some differences:
This is like DoQuery, but permits more flexibility, and is needed for worklist queries.
A synchronous move operation, only suitable for moving to other programs or machines.
This is an asynchronous operation, which return immediately.
Several properties and other features are common to all of the methods, so these will be covered first,
followed by individual descriptions of the 6 methods.
4.1 Common Features
All these methods work by making an association to the remote machine (the SCP), including
automatic negotiation of suitable presentation contexts, followed by the specific query/command
required, and finally closing the association. All therefore need the following 4 properties to be set
Node: IP address or other resolvable network name of the SCP
Port: Port number on which the SCP is listening
CalledAE: The Application Entity Title (AET) of the SCP
CallingAE: The AET you wish to call your application for this operation
DICOM supports many different “Roots” for the query/retrieve hierarchy, these being:
You will need to check which of these is/are supported by your SCP, and set an appropriate value in the
Root property of the DicomQuery. A 4
value WORKLIST is used for modality worklist queries, but
these are covered separately (section 14 below) and will not be covered further in this section.
As it is common to make many consecutive calls to the same SCP using the same query root, these
properties may usefully be set just once, and then re-used for subsequent queries.
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The selection properties actually used to construct the queries (except for DoRawQuery) are:
4.1.1 Date and Time ranges
Normally, DicomObjects attempts to coerce all values used to set DICOM attributes to the correct type
according to the VR of the attribute involved, so time and date values passed as strings will be
converted to date/time variants according to the computer’s international settings, and then to DICOM
format (YYYYMMDD etc.). However, DICOM allows ranges of dates for queries as:
20010101-20010103 1
to 3
January 2001 inclusive
20010101- Any date from 1
January 2001 onwards
-20010103 Any date up to and including 3
January 2001
120000-170000 Any time between 12:0 and 17:00
DicomObjects allows this type of value to be used for dates and times, but no conversions are applied,
so it is the programmers responsibility to format ranges according to the DICOM requirements, as
above, and DicomObjects does not itself enforce any formatting checks. The logic used when a string
is assigned to a date/time attribute is:
Attempt conversion to a single date/time
If that fails, assume it is a range, and store unchanged
4.2 DoQuery
This command sends a C-FIND query to the SCP, and returns the results, as a DicomDataSets
collection, each member of the collection representing one response. The type of object represented by
each response is set by the QueryLevel property which indicates the type of query being performed.
Valid values are PATIENT, STUDY, SERIES or IMAGE. Of the selection properties, only those
relevant to the selected QueryRoot and QueryLevel are actually used – e.g. for a DoQuery with
QueryRoot=PATIENT and QueryLevel=STUDY, only PatientID, StudyDate and StudyUID are used,
though StudyUID would normally be blank in this case.
DicomObjects requests a reasonably comprehensive list of return values, including all mandatory
values. If any obscure values are required (and are supported by the SCP), then you may need to use
DoRawQuery to add them as nulls to the query dataset.
4.3 GetImages
Where the SCP supports C-GET (now increasingly rare!), this method allows simple synchronous
image retrieval. All selection properties relevant to the QueryRoot are used, and the result of this
method is a DicomImages collection.
One of the problems with C-GET is that the SCU must, during negotiation, pass a list of the abstract
syntaxes (SOP classes) it is prepared to accept, yet until the query is run it does not necessarily know
what the SCP will attempt to send it. DicomObjects copes with this by sending a list of all the
DicomObjects User Manual Page 15
commonly used abstract syntaxes with every request, but if you need to, this list can be over-ridden
using the TransferSyntaxes property or the AbstractSyntax registry entry (see section 17.3).
4.4 GetUsingMove
As many SCPs now support only C-MOVE, this method provides a functional equivalent to
GetImages, the main difference being that it uses C-MOVE, in place of C-GET. The internal
mechanics are much more complicated, as it has to set up a listening port, send the request and receive
the images on one or more separate associations, but the overall effect is a similar synchronous method.
There are however, several important differences:
The Destination property must be set to a value known to the SCP to represent this application.
Note that this is the only information which the C-MOVE protocol allows the SCU to send
regarding the image destination, therefore the SCP must be set up to map this name to the
correct IP address and port number. Many users fail to understand that C-MOVE cannot be
used without such configuration of the SCP, and that no DICOM SCU has any way of avoiding
this necessity.
The ListenPort property must be set to the value known to the SCP as above. This port must
not be used for other purposes, and in particular, it should not be used in a DicomViewer.Listen
or DicomSever.Listen call.
4.5 DoRawQuery
Functionally, this is just like DoQuery, the only difference being that a user-supplied dataset is used to
create the query, rather than using the selection properties to create one. This is slightly more work for
the programmer, but does then allow total flexibility, as any of the query and return values may be
included. Please note that the QueryLevel property is in fact a member of this dataset, and an
appropriate value for this attribute (0x0008,0x0052) needs to be included.
4.6 MoveSync
This method simply issues a C-MOVE request, instructing images to be moved to the AET given by
the Destination property. It waits for the operation to complete (by which time any secondary
C-STORE operations must also be complete), then returns the final status of the C-MOVE operation.
This method is ideal for moving images to a different application (whether on the same machine or
another), but it must not be used to move images back to the same application. The reason is that such
images could not be accepted until the AssociationRequest and ImageReceived events had fired, but
these cannot fire while this (synchronous) operation is waiting for completion, so a deadlock would
occur. For moves back to the originating application, use GetUsingMove, MoveImages, or
DicomConnection.Move instead.
4.7 MoveImages
This method is like MoveSync above, but it after making the initial association, it returns immediately.
The result is that it can be used to move images back to the originating application, avoiding the
deadlock described above, but it has a major problem in that no success or error indications can be
returned. This method is therefore not recommended for new applications, and one of the other Move
methods should be considered.
4.8 DicomConnection Based Q/R Methods
With the exception of MoveImages (which has no error return), all the DicomQuery-based methods are
synchronous, and therefore tie up the whole application while they are completing. There are some
occasions, however, where it is desirable to run these methods in the background, and this can be done
DicomObjects User Manual Page 16
using an asynchronous DicomConnection object, using its Find, Get and Move methods. All these are
like DoRawQuery, in that they require you to provide a complete valid query dataset, so they are
slightly more work than the simpler DicomQuery-based methods, but they do provide total flexibility,
asynchronous operation, and full error reporting. They are therefore the recommended query methods
for advanced users.
Please note that the SOP classes required for these methods are not included in the default list offered
by an outgoing DicomConnection. Therefore, if you intend to use these methods, you must specify
them explicitly before calling SetDestination – e.g.
Set connection=viewer.New(“DicomConnection”)
connection.Contexts.Add “1.2.840.10008.” ‘Patient Root FIND
connection.Contexts.Add “1.2.840.10008.” ‘Patient Root MOVE
connection.Contexts.Add “1.2.840.10008.1.1” ‘Verification
Note that if you do this, all required SOP classes must be added as above, as the default list is not used
if there are any manual additions.
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5 Off-line Media
Although DICOM files are used regularly on their own, especially by developers, such image files (as
opposed to network operations) are only recognised by the DICOM standard as part of a “Fileset” on
defined media, using approved filenames, and accompanied by a DICOMDIR directory file. Many of
these requirements such as the requirement to use ISO 9660 format for CDs are beyond the scope of
DicomObjects, but it does provide support for reading, writing and modifying DICOMDIR files, as
well as the actual images.
The structure of a DICOMDIR file is actually quite complex. Logically, it is arranged hierarchically,
the normal 5 layer hierarchy being:
Fileset, which contains one or more
Patients, which have one or more
Studies, which have one or more
Series, which have one or more
Images, which reference the actual image files, and may contain icons
(Other structures are possible but rare)
However, the data items are arranged as a single sequence within the DICOMDIR file, using a complex
series of file offsets to define the hierarchical structure. It would clearly be very difficult for a high-
level programmer to generate these offsets, so DicomObjects presents the DICOMDIR to the
programmer using the hierarchical structure, and does any necessary offset calculations only during
reading and writing. A DICOMDIR is read as a DicomDataSet, representing the Fileset object, and the
next level of the hierarchy (normally representing individual patients) can be found as the items in its
Children collection, and these in turn have Children properties containing the studies, and so on down
to images. This same structure may be modified or built from scratch to allow modification and
writing of DICOMDIR files.
5.1 Reading
Reading a DICOMDIR file is very easy – just create a new DicomDataSets object, use the
ReadDirectory method, and the whole hierarchical structure referred to above will be found in the
resulting DicomDataSet.
To extract all the information within it, just iterate through the members of the datasets Children
collection, each of which should represent a patient. Each of these will have a Children collection
representing studies, and so on down to images. Note that you should, at each level, check the
directory record type attribute (0x0004,0x1430), to ensure that it is as expected (PATIENT, STUDY
etc.), as some manufacturers (quite legally) add PRIVATE items, which can cause confusion if not
5.1.1 Finding the Image File
Once the lowest level of the hierarchy is reached, the dataset should represent a single image, but you
then may need to find the filename of the image file it references. The required attribute is
0x0004,0x1500, and the value of this is an array of strings, representing the path from the DICOMDIR,
to the image file. e.g. if the directory is at D:\DICOMDIR, and this attribute returns a 3 value array
containing “IMAGES”,”PAT02”,”IMG0004”, then the image file can be found at:
Sample VB code is as follows, but other this is slightly more complex in other languages due to the
need to interpret SAFEARRAYs correctly.
Path=Left(dicomdirpath, Len(dicomdirpath)-9)
DicomObjects User Manual Page 18
For i=LBound(PathArray) to UBound(PathArray)
Path=Path & “\” & PathArray(i)
5.1.2 Extracting Icons
Some DICOMDIR files contains icons representing the referenced images, enabling the user to be
shown low resolution images, without having to read and decimate every large file in the FileSet. If
present, this appears as a sequence attribute (0x0088,0x0200), normally in an IMAGE level dataset, but
it may sometimes be found in a SERIES dataset. The icon itself is like a minimalist image, with pixel
data, and immediately associated attributes such as size and format, but no demographic data. Due to
the way that DicomObjects is structured, extracting this item (the one and only item of the sequence)
will result in a DicomDataSet object not a DicomImage, but fortunately, this is not a problem, as a
DicomDataSet may be added to a DicomImages collection, and the result is (perhaps surprisingly) a
The following Visual Basic code shows how to add the icon from an image dataset to a DicomViewer
Dim iconattribute as DicomAttribute
Dim iconSequence as DicomDataSets
Set iconattribute=imagedataset.Attributes(&h0088,&h0200)
If iconattribute.Exists Then
Set iconsequence=iconattribute.Value
Viewer.Images.Add iconsequence(1)
End If
5.2 Creating
It is perfectly possible to build a DICOMDIR structure in a new DicomDataSet, and then add items
hierarchically through the Children collections (and indeed this was the only method prior to version
4), but there is now a much easier method, called AddToDirectory. This takes an image and a few
other details as its parameters, and adds all necessary elements to the dataset, ensuring not only that
every patient, study etc. has entries, but also arranging the correct relationships, and avoiding
duplicates. In addition, icon images may easily be added to the data. This massively reduces the
amount of work involved in making a DICOMDIR, but there are still some things you need to consider:
You need to choose your own file and path names, and ensure these are not duplicated within a
You must ensure that file and path names correspond to the requirements for your chosen
media. For CDs, this means that they must be 8 or less characters, upper case, and with no
Note that the filename you pass to the AddToDirectory method must be relative to where you
intend to write the DICOMDIR.
When calling AddToDirectory the first time on a new dataset, basic “top level” information is
filled in, including a FileSetID (0x0004,0x1130), but you may wish to check and amend this.
You should, where possible, also arrange for the FileSetID to be written as the volume label
when burning onto a CD or writing to MOD etc.
Some profiles require attributes beyond the basic ones added by DicomObjects. To help you to
add these, the return values from AddToDirectory is itself a DicomDataSets collection, with
four items, referencing the patient, study, series and image datasets respectively. If required,
further attributes may be added to any of these.
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The following example demonstrates many of these features, adding all the images in collection
“images” to a new dataset, assuming that it is to conform to the STD-XABC-CD profile, which
requires data of birth, sex, and performing physician (and a few other values not shown) in addition to
the “normal” requirements.
Dim directory As New DicomDataSet
Dim levels As DicomDataSets
Dim Image As DicomImage
rootpath = "D:\"
TransferSyntax = "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"
For i = 1 To Images.count
Set Image = Images(i)
Set levels = directory.AddToDirectory(Image,path,TransferSyntax, 128)
‘ PATIENT LEVEL – Date of Birth
levels(1).Attributes.Add &H10,&H30,Image.Attributes(&H10,&H30).Value
levels(1).Attributes.Add &H10,&H40,Image.Attributes(&H10,&H40).Value
‘ SERIES LEVEL – Performing physician
levels(3).Attributes.Add &H8,&H1050,Image.Attributes(&H8,&H1050).Value
‘ IMAGE LEVEL – image type
levels(4).Attributes.Add &H8,&H8,Image.Attributes(&H8,&H8).Value
Image.WriteFile rootpath & path, True, TransferSyntax, ""
directory.WriteDirectory rootpath & "DICOMDIR"
5.3 Updating
To update a DICOMDIR, simply read using ReadDirectory, modify as necessary using the Children
hierarchy, and write out again using WriteDirectory. Any necessary changes to the offset values will
happen automatically.
5.4 Multiply Referenced Directory Records
DICOM allows a variation on the neat hierarchical structure above whereby a record can be referenced
by multiple other records, a “Multiply referenced directory record”, or MRDR. DicomObjects supports
such records, through the MRDR property, which is documented fully in the help file, but if such
records are used, it is your responsibility to maintain the directory structure, using the MRDR property.
This type of record is not used by the AddToDirectory method, but DicomObjects does still handle
offset calculations during both reading and writing.
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6 Printing
Printing to a DICOM printer and printing to a Windows printer are completely different operations, but
both are possible using DicomObjects. Due to the multiple possible layout variations, native DICOM
printing is a complex procedure, and in previous versions of DicomObjects, all the separate normalised
operations required needed to be invoked independently. Fortunately however, version 4 has made this
whole process a great deal simpler, using the new DicomPrint object. If you wish to have total fine-
grained control over printing, the original normalised operations do of course remain available.
Printing to a Windows printer tends to be quite different from different development environments, but
some examples are presented after the sections on DICOM printing.
6.1 Printing Using DicomPrint
6.1.1 Minimal Requirements
If you have a set of DicomImage objects in a collection called images, and if the DICOM printer is set
up to recognise your computer’s IP address as a valid source, then the following code should be all that
is required to print images on to film, using a 2x3 format:
Dim printer As New DicomPrint
Dim Image As DicomImage
printer.Node = RemoteIPAddress
printer.Port = PrinterPort
printer.CalledAE = PrinterAET
printer.CallingAE = MyAET
printer.Format = “STANDARD\2,3”
printer.Orientation =”PORTRAIT”
printer.FilmSize = “14INx17IN”
For Each Image In Images
printer.PrintImage Image, False, True
Of course, the bold items will need to be modified to those appropriate for your printer, and may need
to be obtained from the service engineer. You may also need to check and modify the format,
orientation and filmsize according to your printer’s capabilities.
Whilst this code will print basic images, many enhancements are possible within DICOM printing, and
are supported by DicomObjects. The following sections explain some of these.
6.1.2 Annotating Images using DicomLabel objects
One of the fundamentals of DICOM printing is that images are sent to the printer exactly as they are to
be printed, purely as pixel data, with no subsequent modifications at the printer, so any labelling such
as patient demographics needs to be added before the image are sent. In DicomObjects this is done by
attaching annotations to the images’ Labels collections, exactly as can be done for display purposes.
e.g. to show the patient’s ID and the study date at the top left hand corner of an image, the following
code could be used:
DicomObjects User Manual Page 21
Set l=image.Labels.AddNew
l.Text=image.PatientID & “ “ & image.Attributes(0x0008,0x0020)
When printing the image, the final parameter to the PrintImage method must be true.
For more details of adding DicomLabels, see section 8.3 below.
6.1.3 DICOM “Annotations”
“Annotations” as applied to DICOM printing is a much misunderstood term, as it applies to one or
more text strings printed once each on the film as a whole, rather than the more commonly used
demographic or graphic information printed over individual images. In most cases, this facility is used
only to print an institution name, but can be used to add a patient name etc., if the space allowed is long
enough. Unfortunately, annotation formats vary widely between printers, and there may be many
different possibilities, so it is important to check the printer’s conformance statement, and locate the
following information:
The name of the format you wish to use
The positions, numbers and permitted lengths of the annotations permitted by that format.
Once you have done this, you can add the following into the basic code above, at any stage before the
first PrintImage command:
Printer.AddAnnotations annotationID,text
If a format supports multiple annotations, then the last line may be repeated as necessary.
In general you should be very careful when using printer annotations, as they can easily introduce
avoidable printer-specific dependencies.
6.1.4 Preformatted images
If you wish to have total control over the printing process, you may create your own preformatted
images for printing, and send them directly to the printer by setting the Raw parameter of PrintImage to
true. This may be useful where you wish to apply custom overlays etc. on the data. If however you do
this, no windowing or other transformations will be performed by PrintImage, so this must have been
done previously, normally by using the DicomImage.PrinterImage method (as is used internally by
PrintImage when Raw is false).
6.1.5 Checking Printer Status
It is always a good idea before starting printing to check whether the printer is actually available, to
make sure for instance that it is not out of film. One way of doing this is to use the Printer property of
the DicomPrint object immediately after the Open command. In particular, the printer status attribute
(0x2110,0x0010) of this dataset should be checked, as it should be NORMAL.
Please note that this property is retrieved only as part of “Open”, and is not automatically updated.
Should an update be needed in the middle of printing, see the following section on other normalised
6.1.6 Applying other normalised operations
It is possible using DicomObjects to do DICOM printing using a DicomConnection object without
using a DicomPrint object at all (as described in the next section). This gives you complete flexibility
to use whatever normalised operations you want, but it is a lot of work, as you would duplicate all the
operations of DicomPrint. Instead, where you need to do something slightly unusual, you can use the
DicomObjects User Manual Page 22
DicomPrint’s Connection property (anywhere between Open and Close), to achieve similar effects.
For instance, to retrieve an updated equivalent of the Printer property you could use.
Set nullDataSet=new DicomDataSet
print.Connection.NGet, doSOP_Printer,doInstancePrinter
Set newPrinter=print.Connection.ReturnedDataSet
Note that the DicomConnection method used by a DicomPrint object operates synchronously.
6.2 Printing Using Normalised Operations
This was the only method of printing in version of DicomObjects prior to version 4, and is considerably
more work than using the DicomPrint object, but it does have a few advantages over the newer
simplified method, which may be important to some users:
You have complete control over all operations
Print data can be sent asynchronously if you wish
N-EVENT-REPORT notifications can be received, and under some circumstances (if the
DicomConnection object is run in mode doNoSync), a response can be sent.
6.3 Printing DICOM Images to a Windows Printer
Whilst printing to a DICOM printer is important, many users need to be able to print to other printers
through Windows. This is one area where different development environments have different
mechanisms available, but most will in some way support the Windows “IPicture” interface, so
although the code that follows is specific to Visual Basic, similar procedures should apply in other
languages, and will be added to later version of this guide.
The main property used for this purpose is the image’s Picture property, which returns an object
containing a bitmap representation of the image in a language neutral format. In most environments,
this can be used directly either to send to a printer, or to fill an object in a form or print template. e.g.
in Visual Basic, the following code is all that is required to print an image to the currently selected
default printer:
Printer.PaintPicture image.Picture
Of course, for accurate placement on a page, and scaling, more arguments to PaintPicture would
normally be given.
DicomObjects User Manual Page 23
7 Exporting DICOM Images to Other Formats
For use in applications which do not support DICOM, export to various standard formats is supported.
The formats with native support are JPEG and Windows BMP, though other formats may be supported
using custom DLLs, and an experimental TIFF import/export DLL is available from Medical
Connections if required. For multi-frame images, export to AVI files is possible.
7.1 Single Frames
The 3 appropriate methods for single frames are:
All these three use the same routines internally, but FileExport writes to a file, MemoryExport puts the
data in a global memory block (and returns the handle to it), and ArrayExport puts the data in a
SAFEARRAY. The help file provides further details of the parameters required for each method.
As the image produced is only 8 bit, normal windowing and lookups (as used for display) are applied to
the data, though the final screen linearisation (CalibrationCurve) is not applied, as images should be
Where these methods are used on a multi-frame image, just the currently selected frame, as selected by
the Frame property of the image is used.
7.2 Multi-frame Images/Cine
WriteAVI is a new method in version 4 of DicomObjects which allows all or part of a multi-frame
image to be exported in a standard non-DICOM manner. This method is very flexible, allowing choice
of both CODEC and quality either at design or run-time. The parameters are described in the help file,
but some further notes may be useful:
In order to enable run-time choice of compression details, set the ShowDialog parameter to true.
If you wish to suggest initial values for the dialog, this can be done by setting the
CompressorCode and Quality values in the call, though these can be over-ridden by the user if
ShowDialog is true.
For development use, it is useful to use the value SHOW for the codec, as this provides a
method of seeing the four character code for the codec chosen.
7.3 Non-file Exporting
Where it is necessary to export image to destinations other than files, they may often be exported using
the Copy (to clipboard), or Picture methods, as both produce standardised representations of the image,
as displayed.
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8 Advanced Image Review station
One of the main uses for DicomObjects is the production of image review stations, and many of the
toolkit’s features are designed around this need. Before displaying images, it is necessary to locate the
images required, then receive them from a network or read them from a disk, and these “filing” topics
have already been covered elsewhere in this manual, so this section concentrates specifically on how
best to present images to a user.
Of course, this is the type of application where user interface design is of paramount importance, so
although the Visual Basic example can get you started, the details of which buttons do what is entirely
up to you – that is why DicomObjects itself has no intrinsic user interface.
8.1 Basic Viewing Controls
8.1.1 DicomViewer properties
A DicomViewer displays any number of images in a matrix defined by its MultiRows and
MultiColumns properties. The images available for display are held in it’s Images collection, and the
index of the top left image is CurrentIndex, which may be modified to control which images are shown.
If necessary, the images may be edited using the DicomImages.Move or Remove methods. In addition,
it is possible to have more than one copy of an image in the collection – each will have it’s own display
By using the above properties, the user is able easily to control the format of the display, and to select
which images to display. When designing the user interface for this functionality, it is often useful to
highlight images using their BorderColour and BorderWidth properties, and it is easy to tell in which
image a user has clicked the mouse by using the DicomViewer’s ImageIndex method. See the help file
for more details of these.
8.1.2 DicomImage properties
Each image has a set of display properties, which are simple and almost self-explanatory.
Zoom (not used if StretchToFit is true)
OriginX and OriginY (control panning)
FlipState and RotateState
Width and Level (control windowing – i.e. brightness and contrast)
These are present in just about every image browser, and users will expect quick and easy access in
some way to them all. DicomObjects does however provide much more than this, and the more
advanced facilities will now be discussed.
8.2 Multi-frame (Cine) Images
8.2.1 Self-running Cine
In previous versions of DicomObjects, the only way of choosing which frame to display was to change
the Frame property of an image. This works well, and gives the programmer considerable flexibility,
but users increasingly expect real-time cine display, especially of cardiology images, and version 4 now
allows such images to “run” autonomously. Only two properties are needed to control this:
DicomObjects User Manual Page 25
By setting CineMode to an appropriate value, the display of an image will run either once or
continuously forwards or backwards through the available frames, or may even oscillate (forward and
back). The rate at which this happens is controlled by CineRate, a floating point value, which is
multiplied by the rate specified within the file itself to give the actual display speed. If you need to
make display changes as the cine runs, such as a frame counter or progress bar, use the
OnFrameChanging event.
8.2.2 Masking
Another feature commonly used in vascular/cardiological imaging is subtraction, where one frame of
an image (the “mask”) is subtracted from all other frames before they are displayed, the aim being to
show contrast, and eliminate the surrounding anatomy. To use this feature, simply set the image’s
Mask property to the frame number required. Note that masking may be specified in the image data
itself, in which case Mask property will be set to the specified initial value. However, if this is frame 1,
then the image initially presented to the user may be blank, so you may wish to check this initial value,
and set Frame to an appropriate alternative value. More complex masking, using multiple averaged
frames for the mask, and mask shifting is supported, but due to the complexities, this can only be
specified using a Presentation State (see section 8.4 below for more details).
8.3 Annotations
After the image itself, the next feature that most users wish to see within their viewers is annotations,
provided in DicomObjects by DicomLabel objects. They have many uses, but the main ones are:
Provide demographic and study related information
Highlight areas of interest to other users
Mark regions of interest for measurements
DicomLabel objects can be used for all the above purposes, but before going further, it is worth
reviewing their main properties.
8.3.1 Types of DicomLabel
There are 10 types of label (the last 3 of which are new to version 4.1):
Ellipse or Circle
Rectangle or Square
The type of label is selected using the LabelType property, and according to this, other properties of the
label may or may not be used – e.g. LineWidth is not relevant to a normal text label.
However, labels are also categorised in another way –according to their relationship to their viewer or
image, and three possibilities exist:
Attached to a DicomViewer’s Labels collection
In this case, the label is displayed at “full” size, with all measurements in screen pixels, relative
DicomObjects User Manual Page 26
to the top left corner of the DicomViewer. The number and content of any images held by the
viewer does not in any way affect the label.
This type of label is commonly used to add demographics known to be common to all images.
It is also used during drawing operations – see below for details.
Attached to a DicomImage’s Labels collection, with ImageTied=false
In this case, the label is displayed at “full” size, with all measurements in screen pixels, but they
are relative to the top left corner of the area of the viewer within which the parent image is
displayed, and the label is clipped to that area. The label is only displayed if the associated
image is shown, but it is unaffected by the zoom, rotation, etc. of the image.
This is the type of label normally used for demographic and image information, as it can remain
visible as long as the image is.
Attached to a DicomImage’s Labels collection, with ImageTied=true
In this case, the label is zoomed, rotated scrolled etc. with the image, with all measurements in
image pixels, relative to the top left corner of the area of the image, but clipped to the area
within which the parent image is displayed.
This type of label is used wherever it relates directly to the underlying pixel data, and is the
only type which can be used for region of interest (ROI) calculations.
8.3.2 Adding Demographic Labels
In general, demographic labels are easy to add – just extract the required attributes from the image,
create a DicomLabel, set its colour, position, type etc, and add to the appropriate Labels collection.
There are however a few points worth considering:
Where there is operating system support (mainly on Windows 2000 and above) consider
extracting names etc. using the UnicodeValue property instead of the default Value property.
The DicomLabel’s Text property accepts Unicode values, and this procedure will allow use of
localised names.
If left as 0, the width and height of text boxes are assumed to reach to the bottom and right of
the clipping region for that label (whether defined by image cell or viewer size). Whilst this
works for simple labels, it can cause unexpected effects when alignment is anything other than
doAlignLeft, or when the text is rotated (Angle != 0), and so explicit sizes are highly
8.3.3 Adding Orientation Markers
A new facility in version 4.1 is the ability to specify the “edge” of an image to be labelled, and to leave
DicomObjects to determine the corresponding anatomical orientation, using the information within the
DICOM dataset – this is done using “Special labels”. This is a powerful new tool, and full instructions
can be found in the help file under “Special” labels, but it is important to note that errors in this area
could have serious clinical consequences, so the following guidelines are important:
Always ensure that sensible, small values are used for height and width, so that the position
remains correct when the image is flipped or rotated
Always use markers in pairs, as this ensures that they are interpreted as orientation markers,
rather than “side markers” – e.g. an “L” on it’s own adjacent to a leg could be misinterpreted as
indicating the left leg, rather than perhaps the left side of the right leg.
Where the language used in not English, the characters used can be changed using the
DirectionStrings property of a DicomGlobal object.
DicomObjects User Manual Page 27
8.3.4 Adding Graphical Annotations
As graphical labels are normally related to features in the underlying pixel data, they are normally
drawn freehand by the user, using the mouse or similar. As a result, there is a need to be able to:
Draw them in a reversible manner
Attach to the correct image
Ensure that the coordinate system used for drawing in compatible with the system used for
DicomObjects provides methods to achieve all these needs. They are included in the visual basic
demonstration, and can be shown in action by selecting the “Annotation” button for the mouse action.
The code is mainly in the MouseDown/Move/Up events, and can at first appear a little obscure,
especially as there are minor differences for different types of label, so here is a summary of the steps
In MouseDown, note the initial coordinates, and use ImageIndex to determine which image was
clicked in.
Create a suitable DicomLabel object, but do not attach it to either the Viewer or the Image’s
Labels collection.
Instead, set its XOR property to true (to enable reversible drawing), and draw directly onto the
viewer using the DrawLabel method.
In any calls to MouseMove, remove the previously drawn label simply by drawing it again (in
XOR mode), update it as necessary (add points or change size depending on type), and then
redraw. This will produce good visual feedback for the user.
In MouseUp, remove the final temporary rendition of the label by drawing it again. If attaching
the final label to the viewer (uncommon), then the final label may simply be added to the
viewer’s Labels collection, but if it is being added to an image (as determined in the first step),
then it must be rescaled to match the image’s coordinate system, before being added to the
image’s Labels collection. To do this, set the label’s ImageTied property as required, then call
its Rescale method, with the target image as the parameter.
Of course, this is an extremely simplistic example, using only one mouse button, and improvements are
easily made.
8.3.5 Using Annotations as Regions of Interest
One of the new features added to version 4 at user request is the ability to use DicomLabels directly as
regions of interest. Having drawn an area as above, this allows a user easily to be shown various
statistical measures of the region. Note that these are only available where the label is a member of an
image’s Labels collection, and its ImageTied property is true, as this enables direct correlation with the
underlying pixel data. Attempts to use any these on other label types will generate an error.
The statistical properties come into two broad categories:
The properties ROIArea and ROILength calculate the area and line length of the label, and then
use the scaling attributes of the image (where present) to translate these into “real world units”.
The type of units applicable can be obtained from the ROIDistanceUnits property, which may
be “mm”, "mm at Imager”, “mm at Imaging Plane”, or if no scaling information is present in
the image, "Pixels". For ROIArea, these should be course be regarded as square units.
The second group of properties relates to the underlying pixel values. The most basic is
ROIValues, which returns the values themselves, but ROIMean, ROIMin, ROIMax, and
ROIStandardDeviation are derived from its values. These values take into account any
modality transformations, whether this be a rescale and intercept (as used for CT images), or a
DicomObjects User Manual Page 28
modality lookup table. For CT the result should be in Hounsfield units, but for most other
modalities, the result is in arbitrary units.
8.3.6 Hit Testing
If you wish to offer users the chance to delete, modify or reposition labels after thy have been drawn, it
is important to be able to check for clicks onto them. For this purpose, the LabelHits method returns a
list of suitable candidates – see the help file for more details.
8.3.7 Saving Labels
At present, there is no standardised method of saving DicomLabels, as they are unique to
DicomObjects, and would not make sense in other environments. In the next version of DicomObjects
there will the facility to convert all display information, including any attached labels into a DICOM
presentation state, but until that facility is available, there are a few alternatives:
Make a sequence of private attributes, holding all the properties relevant to your chosen labels,
and add that to the underlying image. Note that as of version 4, all properties of a DicomLabel,
including Points, are read/write.
Save the information in an external file.
Make a copy of the image with the labels “burnt-in” to the pixel data, using the Capture
8.4 Lookup Tables
In versions of DicomObjects prior to version 4, the only transformations applied to the pixel data
before display were:
Rescale intercept and slope if appropriate
Window Width and Level
Reversal if photochromic interpretation=MONOCHROME1
However, in version 4 and above, the full DICOM “pipeline” is implemented, which allows several
lookup tables (LUTs), and consists of:
Rescale values or Modality LUT
Window and Level or Values of Interest (VOI) LUT
Presentation LUT
Display Linearisation LUT
All these except the last are contained within the image data, and their use is controlled by the image’s
ModalityLUT, VOILUT and PresentationLUT properties, which all default to 1, meaning that if
present, the first LUT in the data shall be used. If more than one LUT is present, any one may be
selected by setting the appropriate property to the correct index, or, if wished, the properties may be set
to 0 to disable a particular table. Note that a VOI LUT, if present, over-rides the Window and Level
properties, and this does sometimes cause confusion if the relationship is not understood, especially as
it is a change from the version 3 behaviour.
The final linearisation LUT is provided to comply with part 14 of DICOM, the “Grayscale Standard
Display Function”. Full details are provided in the help file under the controlling property, which is
8.5 DICOM Greyscale Presentation State
One of the important recent additions to the DICOM standard is the “Grayscale Softcopy Presentation
State” objects, referred to from here on just a presentation state. This is a DICOM dataset which can be
DicomObjects User Manual Page 29
independently stored and transmitted, and should be included as part of a study, but instead of
containing image data, it defines how other images should be displayed. DicomObjects provides direct
support for displaying images using these objects, by setting such a dataset as the PresentationState
property of an image. When this is done, it over-rides all other display parameters such as windowing,
zoom, flips etc., as this is the intention of such a dataset. The only external lookup table still used is the
calibration curve, as described in 8.4 above. The contents of presentation states are well documented in
the standard, and they are relatively easy to construct from scratch, but in a viewer, you are for now
more likely to be using those created elsewhere, so here are a few aspects to consider:
If you wish to retrieve these using C-GET, you will need to add the appropriate SOP class UID
(1.2.840.10008. to the list of classes in the AbstractSyntax registry key (see
section 17.2).
If retrieved via C-GET or C-MOVE, the presentation state will appear as a DicomImage, not a
DicomDataSet. This does not matter, provided you do not attempt to display the item itself, as
assignment to another image’s PresentationState property will still work.
There may be more than one possible presentation state for a given image – if so you should
offer the user a choice of which to apply, using any fields within them suitable for
This is a relatively new feature of DicomObjects, which very few developers have yet utilized. Whilst
it has been tested against all known test images, real-world experience is limited, and feedback on any
issues discovered would be appreciated.
8.6 Display Speed Optimisation
Display speed of DicomObjects is now very much faster than in version 3, as DirectDraw is used
throughout where available, but there are times when there is a trade-off between display speed and
RAM usage, so this section explains the properties and variables available to help achieve the correct
8.6.1 Compressed Image Caching
The normal policy adopted by DicomObjects for the handling of compressed images is to decompress
frames only when necessary, and to keep the decompressed versions only for as long as is necessary for
display or translation, thereby minimising image load times, and memory use. This behaviour is not,
however, always appropriate, especially when cine sequences are shown. All frames can be
decompressed at once by using DecompressAll, and a particular frame can be decompressed using
DecompressFrame, or, and this is often the best option, the CacheDecompressed option can be set true.
When this property is true, then frames are still decompressed only when necessary, but the
decompressed copy is then kept either until the image is destroyed, or CacheDecompressed is set false.
8.6.2 Display Caching
Normally DicomObjects keeps a copy of each frame as it displays it, clearing this cache only when
display parameters change. This is useful when displaying multi-frame images such as cardiac
angiography, as it can increase the speed dramatically, but if runs are long, then the memory used can
be large, and memory paging may have a paradoxical negative effect. If so, then such caching can be
disabled by setting the CacheDisplay property to false.
8.6.3 DirectDraw
Normally, DirectDraw is used wherever possible, but it can be disabled if necessary by setting the
DirectDraw registry value to 0. You can also check if DirectDraw is being used by using the
DicomObjects User Manual Page 30
DicomViewer’s isUsingDirectDraw property. If this is unexpectedly false, then setting the DirectDraw
registry value to 2, will cause a diagnostic message box to display when the first image is shown.
8.6.4 System Settings
Often, the largest improvements in speed can be achieved by upgrading to newer display drivers, and
other system settings can also be relevant e.g.
On Windows 2000, there is a feature, enabled by default, which adds a “shadow” behind the
mouse cursor. Some display systems cope very badly with this, and on such systems, disabling
the shadow (through mouse properties in control panel) can lead to a dramatic increase in speed.
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9 Web Usage
In general, most applications that can be run as stand-alone programs can now be run in alternative
forms on either web clients or on servers, so the only real constraint is your ingenuity, but there are a
few specific issues which need to be considered when using DicomObjects in these slightly unusual
There are many ways of handling DICOM in a web environment, and this chapter explores the two
extreme approaches, one in which DicomObjects is run entirely on the web server, passing nothing but
html and jpeg images to the client – this methods requires a Windows server, but will run with any
client. At the other extreme, all DICOM functionality may exist on the client, which downloads script
from the server, but then communicates directly with a DICOM SCP. In this case, the client must run
Windows, but any web server, and any DICOM SCP can be used. Both the examples consider the
simple process of locating, retrieving and display/manipulating images, as this is the commonest type
of electronic patient record type task required of web applications in a hospital environment, but in
principle, almost any other functionality covered in this manual could be achieved in a web
environment. Of course, hybrid solutions are also possible, running DicomObjects on both the server
and the client.
It is worth noting that passing everything through a web server may have some costs in terms of speed,
but a major gain is security. As currently implemented (prior to the September 2001 security
enhancements which will not be in common use for many years), DICOM has virtually no means of
user authentication other than IP address and AET. Whilst web authentication does have some
weaknesses, it is massively better than anything currently available in DICOM itself, so image access
through a web server can be much better controlled and identifiably logged than native DICOM queries
from a workstation.
9.1 Running DicomObjects on a Web Server
Of course, in order to use DicomObjects on your web server, the server must be running a version of
Windows, and the web server must support a scripting language. In most cases, this means running
Microsoft IIS, but other Windows servers do exist. On this basis, the examples in this section will be
shown in VBScript, as used in Microsoft Active Server Pages, but the principles would apply to other
scripts. For information on usage in VBScript in general, see section 15.2 below.
9.1.1 Issuing Queries
For an experienced web application developer taking the results from a web form, and turning them
into a DICOM query using a DicomQuery object should be fairly trivial, and the web example included
with the download should show you where to get started. Likewise, iterating through the results, and
turning them into valid, hyperlinked html is not difficult, once you know which attributes of the result
to use. One problem you may find is that many SCPs return only a small number of fields to C-FIND
queries, so important information such a study description may be missing. The download example
gets around this by retrieving a full image and extracting the information from that, but you need to
think about your preferred solution to this problem as:
If the web and DICOM servers are separate machines, this could be a lot of wasted transfer –
imagine if the image is a 100 frame cardiac cine!
C-GET is not now widely supported, and the equivalent using C-MOVE is slightly more work –
see below for details.
9.1.2 Retrieving Images
There are 3 reasons why you may wish to retrieve images directly into your web server:
DicomObjects User Manual Page 32
To convert to other formats before passing to the client
To extract information from the image
To push on again using DICOM to the client, thereby improving security and allowing transfer
syntax conversions.
If the SCP supports C-GET, then the GetImages method is perfect for this type of application, as it is
synchronous – you send the request, wait for the result(s), and then use them as you need. However,
most servers now support only C-MOVE, and this is problematic for scripting applications such as
Active Server Pages, as you have no method of setting up an independent object such as a
DicomViewer or DicomServer, then acting on its events when the images arrive. Fortunately, version
4 of DicomObjects does provide an answer – GetUsingMove, which was designed specifically for this
type of application. To the server, it appears as a normal C-MOVE, but to you, it has most of the
simplicity and synchronicity of C-GET. Fuller details of this method are provided in the help file, and
in section 4.4, but I will stress one important fact again, as it causes so many problems.
To use GetUsingMove (or any other C-MOVE operation), your SCP must be set up to
“know” your AET, and how to translate it into an IP address and port number - there is
no alternative!
9.1.3 “ON the Fly” DICOM Conversion
If you wish to send images to any basic browser, without worrying about its type or security settings,
then there is no better method than sending a JPEG image. As this was one of the first uses of
DicomObjects, there is in fact a specific DicomImage method for this called “JPEG”, but this method is
now deprecated, and the ArrayExport method is preferred, as it is more flexible. Assuming that a
required image has been retrieved or read into object image, then the only code required to send it as a
jpeg image of quality Q is:
Response.ContentType = "image/JPEG"
Response.BinaryWrite result
The same could be used to send a BMP file if you do not wish to have any degradation. For a cine
image you could use WriteAVI to a temporary file, followed by a redirect to that file.
Note that images produced this way appear (apart from any compression) just as they would be
displayed, after windowing etc., as only 8 bit data can be included in “standard” file formats. You may
therefore need to provide a facility for your users to change the Window and Level properties before
the conversion is performed (as shown in the example).
9.1.4 Threading/Responsiveness Issues
IIS can be run in many modes, with different numbers of threads, and pools of connections etc. For
this type of application, image retrieval and sending may take significant amounts of time to execute,
so it is important to ensure that sufficient threads are available to prevent one request blocking other
9.1.5 Licensing
Unfortunately, there is no way to “embed” the licensing information held in DicomObjects.lic into a
web script, which therefore must always effectively run in “design” mode. As a result, the
conventional method of licensing control does not work, as any user with access to the server has
access to the license file, which could be mis-used. Therefore, for this type of application, a special
version of DicomObjects has been made, which relies instead on other mechanisms – please ask
Medical Connections for details.
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9.2 Running DicomObjects on the web client
As an alternative to putting the code on the server, you can have the server simply provide code which
will actually run on the client. In fact, you can now run almost any Visual Basic program this way,
using a UserDocument (VBD file), and similar facilities exist in other modern development
environments, in which case many of the issue here are covered automatically for you, but for those
wanting to make their own pages, this section covers a few important issues.
Needless to say, this method only works where you know that all the clients will be PCs running
Windows, and preferably using Internet Explorer, so this is not a solution for everyone.
9.2.1 Creating the DicomViewer
Most modern web design programs will allow you to add ActiveX controls into your web page, and set
their properties easily, but those who may be doing this by hand should use something like:
<object id="Viewer" name="Viewer"
align="baseline" border="0" width="800" height="768">
<param name="BackColor" value="3158064">
<param name="StretchToFit" value="-1">
Once such an object exists on your web page, you may reference it, just as you would any other
DicomViewer, and the VBScript syntax can be used for events – e.g.
Sub Viewer_OnDataChanged()
End Sub
9.2.2 Issuing Queries
Because GetImages is s simple synchronous method, it can be used in a web client exactly as you
would in any other application. The only concerns when issuing direct queries from a web page are
security and validation, as most SCPs will answer queries only to a list of “known” SCUs with
matching IP addresses. As a result, you may need to configure your SCU AET list to include all PCs
from which web-based queries may be issued.
9.2.3 Retrieving Images
If C-GET is used, then the issues in retrieving images are exactly the same as for queries as above, but
if C-MOVE is used (normally via GetUsingMove), then a few more issues are involved:
The details of every SCU must be entered into the SCP, and this is still required, even if the
SCP operates in promiscuous mode
The web script must be able to determine its own AET for use as the C-MOVE destination.
Possibilities for this include a variation on the IP address (returned perhaps from the web server
to which it is available as a script variable), or the machine name [Environ(“ComputerName”)].
Of course, it is not strictly necessary to use DICOM network methods to retrieve the images – if the
web server is set up appropriately, then direct http retrieval of DICOM files is possible, and may be
more secure and efficient.
9.2.4 Security Issues
There is an ActiveX security system to prevent mis-use of trusted components by malicious scripts, and
this does cause some problems for DicomObjects within a web page. In particular, the following
actions need careful scrutiny:
Reading and writing local files
DicomObjects User Manual Page 34
Network transfers
While the security implications of local file access are obvious, the network threat is more subtle, but
imagine how a user with DicomObjects installed on their machine would feel if they visited a web page
on the Internet which ran a script which:
Searched for a local DICOM SCP
Queried that for images (perhaps for a VIP)
Retrieved those images
Sent them to an SCP over the Internet
Did all the above without the user even knowing anything was happening
The above might seem a little far-fetched, but most possible security holes have been exploited, and
DicomObjects must not provide a gateway for malicious users. To prevent this type of thing, ActiveX
controls can be “signed”, as DicomObjects is, with a full publisher’s certificate, and they must then be
marked as either safe, or unsafe for scripting, but here is the problem:
If DicomObjects were marked unsafe, then users could not run scripts using it unless they
lowered their security settings, which is unacceptable in most healthcare environments.
If marked as safe, then the above attack becomes possible.
i.e. it is impossible for DicomObjects to distinguish between intended and malicious use.
The compromise adopted in DicomObjects is to mark it as safe, but to notify the user the first time that
any of the hazardous operations are attempted from within a web script. This is slightly intrusive, but
considered worthwhile to preserve security. Customised versions of DicomObjects with variations on
this policy are available on request, such as an unsigned version without the warnings, which might be
suitable for use on a closed, entirely trusted network. Please ask for details if you think that you would
prefer a different scheme.
9.2.5 Auto-Downloading
Just like any other ActiveX control, DicomObjects can automatically be downloaded into Internet
Explorer on request, providing that a suitable CODEBASE parameter is included in the object
definition. To help with this, Medical Connections can supply a full, signed CAB file for this purpose.
9.2.6 Licensing Issues
Once you use a registered version of DicomObjects, all DicomViewer controls need licensing
information to be passed to them. In other environment, this is through the .lic file for design mode, or
embedded in the application for execution mode, but in web pages, it is provided through a license
pack (.lpk) file, which must contain the license information for all licensed controls on the page.
Medical Connections can supply a ready-made .lpk file to developers if necessary, but it is generally
better to make your own (which you can if you have the .lic file), in case you need to include any other
components. See the following Microsoft knowledgebase article for more details:
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10 Writing a Router/Modifier
One of the common uses of DicomObjects is as an intermediary between other pieces of DICOM
equipment, and in this rôle, the ability to receive data, make simple changes, and pass it on with
relatively few high-level commands has proven particularly useful. Example include:
Receiving data from primary equipment which fails to include to some attributes, adding these
attributes, and then passing on to a server which regards them as mandatory (even if blank).
Receiving images, then sending them on to one or more other destinations, depending on any of
the attributes of the image, such as modality, requesting physician etc.
Receiving data from primary equipment which provides faulty attributes (as some screening
equipment does with patient names), using a modality worklist query to obtain corrected values,
and making corrections before passing the images on to the server.
Receiving images on several different associations, and passing on via a single association to
servers which make the incorrect assumption of one association=one series.
Channelling Q/R requests from multiple clients through a single machine to circumvent
technical limits on number of connections.
Providing transfer syntax conversion on either end of a slow link – perhaps connecting two
pieces of equipment which do not, naturally support any of the compressed syntaxes.
Passing Q/R request on to multiple other SCPs, and providing consolidated responses.
Last, but far from least, due to DicomObjects’ tolerance of the multiple known faults in other
implementations, there are times when it can be used simply to receive data and pass it on
essentially unchanged – a “DICOM to DICOM converter”!
The most basic of examples, adding a null element to an image and passing it on, is of course trivial in
DicomObjects – assuming that a DicomViewer or DicomServer is listening on an appropriate port, then
the following code will add a null requesting physician, and pass on another SCP:
Private Sub Viewer_ImageReceived(ByVal ReceivedImage As
DicomObjects.DicomImage, ByVal Association As Long, isAdded As
Boolean, status As Long)
ReceivedImage.Attributes.Add &h8,&h90,””
Status=ReceivedImage.Send(SvrNode, SvrPort, SvrAE, MyAE)
End Sub
Any more complex use will of course require code specific to the application, but a few general hints
may be useful:
For simple applications such as that above, it is easiest to use synchronous operation,
completing one operation at a time.
For more complex operations involving receipt from, or sending to, multiple applications,
asynchronous operation using ImageReceivedAsync and DicomConnection objects may be
more appropriate. In these cases, it is helpful to keep all operations asynchronous, and observe
the notes in the server section (11.7.3 below) on avoiding inadvertent synchronous operation.
In particular, it has been discovered that some SCPs cannot handle other operations whilst
waiting for a C-FIND response, and this can easily lead to deadlocks if your own code has
similar constraints.
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11 Writing a DICOM Server
DicomObjects has now been used for several years as the lynchpin of several DICOM servers, and
much of its functionality has been designed specifically around this rôle. The following features make
it particularly suitable for this task:
Robust design with no intrinsic message boxes or other GUI features to cause a server to require
user intervention
Extensive use of internal multi-threading features, enabling a fully-featured multi-tasking server
to be written using a single-threaded high level language such as Visual Basic.
A very simplistic server is included with the examples in the download package, and this server runs
entirely within Microsoft Access, using the intrinsic VBScript. Although this server lacks most of the
features expected in a commercial system, it does demonstrate how simple writing such a server can be
using DicomObjects. You are advised to look through the code of this server before attempting to
write your own, if only to see how the components fit together. In general, however, this section
assumes a greater knowledge of DICOM than elsewhere in this manual, on the basis that those
contemplating writing a DICOM server are likely to have more than a basic knowledge of DICOM.
The sections in this chapter, first look at the requirements for a “normal” storage server, and then
consider more general issues involved making your DicomObjects based server fast, efficient and
reliable. Finally, other types of SCP are considered.
The main features required of DicomObjects-based servers are listed, but all authors are likely to have
different specific additions.
11.1 An object to Listen for Associations
Whatever type of DICOM SCP is being written, it is necessary to listen on one or more TCP ports, and
to react to associations received on that port. This requires an object to handle the listening and
provide a “base” for the events that incoming activity generates.
There are two choices for this, a DicomViewer and a DicomServer. Functionally, they are almost
identical for this purpose, and the choice depends more on personal preferences and support from your
development environment that on intrinsic differences. The differences are:
A DicomViewer is a control which can only exist within a window. In some environments this
may be a problem, but generally it presents no problem even for NT services, as even services
have a hidden window, and all windows and/or the controls on them can easily be hidden.
Almost all development environments have good support for attachment of events to such
A DicomServer has all the same listening and response features, but does not have its own
window, does not require a parent window, and cannot display images. It is therefore the
logical choice for a server where possible, but many development environments provide very
little support for attaching event routines to such non-visual objects, and where attaching events
is difficult, a DicomViewer may be much easier to use.
Whichever object is used, it will be referred to from here on as “server” irrespective of its type.
The first requirement for any network server is to listen for incoming associations on a known port, and
this is achieved in DicomObjects using the server’s Listen method, the most common port being 104.
This is normally called as part of the application’s or form’s initialisation procedure. It is perfectly
possible, if you wish, to listen on more than one port, in which case multiple Listen methods may be
used. An equivalent Unlisten method exists, but is rarely used, as all active listening activity is
automatically stopped when the server object is destroyed.
DicomObjects User Manual Page 37
11.2 Validating Associations
When an incoming DICOM association request is received, the first event to fire is
AssociationRequest. In this event, you should do the following:
Validate the calling and called application entity titles, possibly together with the remote IP
address, against a locally defined “allowed” list (this check is not normally performed during
early testing). If the validation fails, then the association as a whole can be rejected by setting
the isOK parameter to false. DICOM requires that every application should have an Application
Entity Title (AET), which should be unique within a given network. DicomObjects does of
course support this requirement, but in practice, associations are set up based on IP address and
port number rather than AET. It is the programmer’s responsibility to check incoming AETs
and to respond as desired. By default, unless over-ridden in AssociationRequest, DicomObjects
will accept any association, irrespective of the AETs.
Check the list of requested abstract syntaxes/SOP classes against the operations supported by
the server. For instance, a server providing storage and Q/R services should reject printing
abstract syntaxes. In general, any unofficial private syntaxes should also be rejected, as
equipment from one of the major manufacturers will normally offer private syntaxes as well as
official ones, and will use those private syntaxes in preference to the official versions unless the
private syntax is rejected. To do this, reject any syntaxes not beginning 1.2.840.10008. If
required, you may also choose the transfer syntax for each abstract syntax you accept at this
stage, but if you decide not to do this explicitly, DicomObjects will make a sensible choice,
based on either a preset list of priorities, or on a list stored in the registry. See section 17.3.4 for
more details of this procedure. Pseudo-code for this whole process is as follows:
For each context in contexts
If context.AbstractSyntax is acceptable then
Choose TS=best value of those in context.OfferedTS
Context.Reject 3
End if
Next context
11.3 Handling C-STORE Operations
When C-STORE operations are received, all reception activity occurs on the association’s own thread,
without “bothering” the main program, but once reception of the images is complete, either
ImageReceived, or ImageReceivedAsync will fire to announce its availability. ImageReceived will be
reviewed first, as it is simpler, followed by a discussion of ImageReceivedAsync, which is really more
appropriate for high performance servers.
11.3.1 ImageReceived
This is a very simple event, whether fired on a DicomViewer or a DicomServer, and your server should
simply do whatever it wishes with the image, set the Status parameter to a suitable value depending on
the acceptability of the image, and then return. Once the routine returns, DicomObjects will pass the
status value back to the SCU, which may then either close the association, or carry out further
operations. Of course, the main operations carried out by a server will be storing the image itself
somewhere (see notes below on type of storage to use), and recording the demographics extracted from
the image into a database for future Q/R operations. If using a DicomViewer as the server it is
important either that its DefaultAdd property be set false, or that the isAdded parameter be set to false
during this routine. This prevents the image being added to the viewer’s Images collection, which
would rapidly deplete the available RAM. Although this event is simple to use, it does have a
DicomObjects User Manual Page 38
significant disadvantage for server use, in that it is synchronous, so no other server operations can
occur until the image has been saved. This may (e.g. for cardiological multi-frame images) be a long
process, so for production servers, the following routine may provide better responsiveness.
11.3.2 ImageReceivedAsync
This routine is called in place of ImageReceived if the server’s AsyncReceive property is true.
Unlike ImageReceived, the parameter list omits the Status parameter, but instead includes a
DicomConnection object, which is the main object type used for asynchronous operations in
DicomObjects. This enables the status to be sent at any time, using SendStatus, removing the
requirement for the server to delay other operations until after it has saved this image. Threading issues
are discussed in more depth below, but it is worth noting at this stage how useful the SaveImage
method (of DicomConnection) is for this purpose, as simplified pseudo-code for efficient storage is as
Server.ImageReceivedAsync(Connection, Image,…)
[determine where to store image, and update database]
Connection.SaveImage(Image, Destination, …)
Server.ActionComplete(Connection, Action, Tag, Success, ErrorMessage)
If Action=”SaveImage” then
If Success then
Connection.SendStatus(0) // Success
Connection.SendStatus(0xC000) //Or more specific fail code
End If
End If
The result of this code is that actual writing of the image occurs in the background on a separate thread
(one is associated with every asynchronous DicomConnection). During this time, the SCU that sent the
image is kept waiting, but the server can service other operations while the save is in progress. Only
when the save is complete is the attention of the main thread required, to send the status code to the
11.4 Handling Query/Retrieve Requests
This is the most complex part of writing a good DICOM server, but using DicomObjects you should be
able to concentrate on the functionality, and leave most of the mechanics to DicomObjects itself. In
general, you have 3 or 4 variables to consider:
The type of query
(“Operation” property of Connection)
The “Root” of the query
For C-FIND requests only, the “level” of the query
(attribute 0x0008,0x0052 of Connection.Request)
The dataset to match
Whatever the type of the query, you will need to need to use the root and the dataset to query your own
database, and produce a list of matching items. A simplistic example is provided in the Access
DicomObjects User Manual Page 39
example server, but in a production server, the SQL or similar queries are likely to be more complex.
Note that for C-FIND requests, the data to return may represent patients, studies, series or images
depending on the “level” of the query, but for C-GET and C-MOVE, the requirement will always be to
locate images themselves.
In the sections below, a sequence of calls is specified. Whilst these may, especially for testing, be
made consecutively, please note the comments in section 11.7.3 below concerning the placement of
these calls for best operation.
11.4.1 C-Find
This section deals with image-orientated C-FIND operations – modality worklist queries also cause this
event to fire with operation=C-FIND, but the root value will be WORKLIST, and such queries are dealt
with in section 11.5 below.
Your task is conceptually quite straightforward, but details will vary considerably according to the
database used to store image details. You should:
Construct a query using as many as possible of the non-null values in the query dataset.
Arrange for the returned data to include valid attributes corresponding to as many as possible of
the items in the query dataset.
Construct a new DicomDataSets collection object.
For each match located in the database query, construct a new DicomDataSet object, fill it with
the required values, and add that dataset to the collection created above
Call SendData using the collection, and an appropriate status value. If all requested items in the
query dataset have been used for matching, the status should be 0xFF00 , but if some are not
supported, then the status should be 0xFF01.
If required, multiple SendData calls may be made, but a single call is generally more efficient.
Finally, a call to SendStatus with a value of 0 will return that value (success), and complete the
If an error occurs, and the query cannot be processed, a suitable status code (in practice
anything other than 0xFF0? or 0) will terminate the operation. Where possible “official” status
codes should be used.
The following features of DICOM queries may require special consideration and handling:
All attributes used for matching should be returned in the result datasets.
If an attribute is sent with a null value, then it should not be used for matching, but the
corresponding value should be included in the results.
DICOM uses the * and ? characters to indicate wildcard matching.
Items which are normally defined in DICOM to have single values, such as PatientID and
instance UIDs may, in requests only, have multiple values, which are to be interpreted as “or”
matches. However, as such attributes have a normal VM of “1”, DicomObjects will supply
them (via the Value property) as single strings, the components being separated by \ characters.
e.g. a query requesting details for patients with IDs 12345 and ABCDE will give the string
“12345\ABCDE” when either the PatientID property or Attributes(0x0010,0x0010).Value is
requested. It is the server programmer’s responsibility to interpret such strings, and construct
suitable database queries.
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DicomObjects will normally provide date and time values as variants of type VT_DATE, but
DICOM allows date and time ranges in queries, such as:
20010101-20010103 1
to 3
January 2001 inclusive
20010101- Any date from 1
January 2001 onwards
-20010103 Any date up to and including 3
January 2001
similar formats for times
Such ranges cannot be represented as variant dates, so are normally returned by DicomObjects
as strings exactly “as received”. It used to be the programmer’s responsibility to interpret such
ranges, and construct suitable queries, but as of version 4.1, two new properties have been
introduced DateTimeFrom and DateTimeTo, which greatly simplify the handling of such
queries – please consult the help file for more details.
11.4.2 C-GET
There is a general move in the industry away from support from C-GET, and most recent applications
only support C-MOVE. None the less, C-GET is easy to support using DicomObjects, and is simpler
than C-MOVE, with many similarities, so this is demonstrated first, with the necessary changes for
C-MOVE following.
In fact, the necessary programming for C-GET is almost identical to that for C-FIND as above, except
that the data required is always images, so when the “level” is anything other than IMAGE, a relational
search will always be required. However, having located the images you should send, the
implementation is actually easier than for C-FIND, as you only have to send the images themselves,
without having to worry about which data attributes were or were not requested in the query dataset.
The method to send the images is SendImages, but this method in itself has many possible ways of
specifying the image source, these being summarised below.
A DicomImage object
The single image is sent.
A DicomImages collection
All images are sent.
A String
The file referenced by the string is read and sent.
An array of strings
All are interpreted as filenames, which are read and sent.
An object supporting IStream
The stream is read (as for ReadStream) and is sent.
An ADO, DAO or RDO field object
The field is read (as for ReadField) and is sent.
Of these possibilities, the first two are the most intuitive, and they are also the most flexible, as the
image may modified “en route” if necessary (e.g. to coerce demographics etc.). This approach is also
useful if the images have been fetched from another DICOM server. For a high-performance server
however, the string parameters provide much better performance, as the reading of the file from disk
occurs on the DicomConnection’s own thread, not on the main thread, as would be the case if ReadFile
were used, followed by SendImages with a DicomImage(s) parameter. The final two sources are rarely
used in practice, though stream representations of images can be useful in some environments
(especially Delphi).
If you wish to check the result codes returned in response to sending images, you can check the
connection’s Status property, which will return an array containing one value for each image sent, but
DicomObjects User Manual Page 41
please note that this property is only valid once the operation has completed (i.e. when the isReady
property is true, after the Wait method, or in an ActionComplete event).
As with SendData, this method may be repeated as required, and is followed, once all images have
been sent by SendStatus(0).
Note that you can only send images for which the SCU has proposed, and your server has accepted, a
suitable presentation context. So, you must always be prepared, when sending images, to receive error
15 (Attempt to use Abstract syntax (xxx.yyy.zzz) not in negotiated list).
11.4.3 C-MOVE
Although the underlying mechanisms used in DICOM are very different for C-GET and C-MOVE,
DicomObjects has been written to simplify support for both, by providing a common interface, namely
SendImages as above. However, one important addition to the requirements for C-MOVE is the need
to translate the destination AET provided in the request (Connection.Destination) to a combination of
IP address and port number, as DICOM itself demands that these be kept in a server database, and there
is no way for these to be transmitted within the request itself. Once the server has done this lookup
(and presumably found a valid result), it should call SetDestination using the values obtained. Once
this has been done, images are sent, and the operation terminated exactly as described above for
C-GET. If the destination is unknown, the query should call SendStatus(0xA801) and exit.
One difference that you may need to consider is that there needs to be a valid presentation context on
which to send the images, which requires that your server should propose all necessary syntaxes (and
hope that the recipient accepts them). By default, DicomObjects uses a list which includes all
commonly used image SOP classes, but if you are sending unusual SOP classes (such as structured
reporting objects, or radiotherapy objects), you will need to ensure that suitable contexts are set up.
There are two ways of doing this:
Add them to the AbstractSyntax registry key
Add them explicitly by using DicomConnection.Contexts.Add before calling SetDestination.
In either case, your will be over-riding the default list entirely, so you need to ensure that all other SOP
classes required to be sent are included. If the logic of the server permits, the ideal would be to check
the SOP classes of the images to be sent and ensure that all are added explicitly before calling
11.4.4 Progress Notifications
DICOM provides a mechanism for sending progress notifications during C-GET and C-MOVE
operations, and though these are optional, your server may support them if you wish by inserting
SendStatus(0xFF00) calls between SendImages calls. Five properties of the DicomConnection are
passed to the SCU as part of such a status call, these being:
By default, DicomObjects will, at the start of SendImages set NumberRemaining to the number of
images to be sent by that call. The other numbers are initially zero, and are incremented appropriately
as the operation progresses, depending on status codes received. Likewise, Failures, a list of failed
SOP instance UIDs will be updated automatically as necessary. Any of these can if needed be over-
ridden, but the only common requirement is to set NumberRemaining to an appropriate value when
DicomObjects User Manual Page 42
more than one SendImages call is to be made. In this case, DicomObjects will leave your initial value
untouched if it is greater than the number of images to be sent by that call, but the auto-decrementing
will still, of course, occur.
11.4.5 Error Handling
DICOM’s main error notification mechanism is the status code, and a server can terminate a failed
operation by returning any status other than pending (0xFFxx) or success (0) using SendStatus. After
such a call, no further action is needed or possible, and provided that the status code is appropriate, this
should be handled correctly by the SCU. It is often useful however to provide more information about
the error, which may be displayed or logged by the SCU, and for this the connection’s Errors property
may be used. This is a DicomDataSet, and the following values may usefully be added to it when an
error occurs:
(0x0000,0x0901) : Offending Element
(0x0000,0x0902) : Error Comment
Only the appropriate elements, as defined by the returned status will be transmitted.
These values should be set up before calling SendStatus with an appropriate error code.
11.5 Handling C-ECHO Requests
The routine to handle C-ECHO request is the simplest possible – it should set the Status to zero, and
apart from any internal logging you may require, it should do nothing else. The importance of this
routine is that the status would remain at the DefaultStatus value (normally non-zero) if, for any reason,
event routines are not being called.
11.6 Transfer Syntax and Quality Issues
For C-GET, you will not normally need to worry when sending images from a server about abstract and
transfer syntax issues, as it is the responsibility of the SCU to propose suitable presentation contexts.
Similarly, when using C-MOVE, the default list of SOP classes/abstract syntaxes cover most images,
but if you are using something new or unusual, you may need to ensure that suitable contexts are
proposed (see section 4.8 above for example code to do this). Assuming that one or more suitable
presentation contexts have been negotiated, DicomObjects will pick a suitable one for the transfer,
based on the SOP class of the image being sent without further assistance, but there are occasions
where more precise control may be required, and the following sections deal with three such situations:
11.6.1 More than one Suitable Presentation Context
By default, where more than one presentation context is available for a given SOP class, DicomObjects
will choose the first (lowest numbered) in the negotiated list, but if you wish, the PreferredTS and
PreferredPCID properties of the connection may be used to express a preference, subject always to a
suitable presentation context being available. See the help file entry for the above properties for fuller
details of the priority system used.
11.6.2 Lossy Compression Quality
To control the quality factor used when compressing images “on the fly” call the SetQuality method of
the connection, passing both the quality, and the transfer syntax it is to apply to. For lossy JPEG
images, the quality factor ranges from 0 to 100, but other private schemes may have different scales.
Note that DicomObjects does not unnecessarily decompress/recompress images, so if the images were
received or read in a suitable matching compressed form, then this value will be ignored. To force
recompression, read the images into RAM, and use the DecompressAll method before sending (though
multiple lossy compression is not generally considered good practice).
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11.6.3 CoercionSOP
Normally, if a suitable presentation context has not been negotiated for a particular image, then
attempts to send it using SendImages will fail with a suitable error, but as a lowest level fallback,
DicomObjects will, if requested and if no proper presentation context exists, change the SOP class of
an image to the value held by the CoercionSOP value of the connection and try again. The default
value is null (no coercion allowed), and the only sensible other value is 1.2.840.10008.
(secondary capture).
11.7 Performance and Reliability Issues
11.7.1 DefaultStatus
It is vital that the DefaultStatus property of a server object used in a production server should be non-
zero, and should be a value indicating a generic error (0xC000 is commonly used). All events handling
operations successfully should of course over-ride this to 0, but if for any reason these events are not
called (e.g. as can happen in Visual Basic if a message box is active), then the SCU is at least informed
of the error rather than being sent an incorrect “success” value.
11.7.2 How to Store your Images
DicomObjects provides the facility for images to be stored in multiple forms, including database fields
(DAO, ADO or RDO), Streams, or files. Whilst the database formats are useful for small examples
(and are used in the Access server example), most commercial databases (especially Microsoft SQL)
handle “BLOB” data very badly and inefficiently, so you are strongly advised to use conventional files,
storing only the filenames etc. in your database.
11.7.3 Threading Considerations
The server capabilities of DicomObjects are written in such a way that it is possible to write a full
multi-threaded server from a single threaded environment. In order to achieve this however, it is
necessary to follow some rules for “production” use. The important point to remember is that a
DicomConnection, even when in asynchronous mode (as every incoming request always is) can only
have a single outstanding operation, so any further operations will cause the calling thread to wait until
the previous operations have completed. This is best shown by an example, assumed to lie within a
QueryRequest event, where Connection is the DicomConnection provided as a parameter to the event.
When this code is executed, the SendImages method will return immediately, and transfer of the
images on the established association will commence. However, the SendStatus method cannot return
until the operations initiated by the previous method have completed, and this may be a long time,
during which the server would be unresponsive to other requests (and could, if similar problems exist
in the SCU, lead to a deadlock) so this needs to be avoided. To avoid this issue, each operation should
be initiated only once the previous one has completed, and the best way of doing this is to use the
ActionComplete event. Using this approach, only the very first operation is triggered from with the
QueryRequest event, and all other operations are called from the ActionComplete event. Pseudo-code
for this would be:
if operation=C-MOVE then
[lookup destination]
else if operation=C-GET
[lookup images to send]
DicomObjects User Manual Page 44
else if operation=C-FIND
[lookup image details]
end if
if success then
[lookup images to send]
end case
end if
Although not used in the above simplistic example, there will often be occasions where the routine
initiating an asynchronous method needs to pass some data or context information on to the
ActionComplete event, to ensure that subsequent operations are appropriate. The Tag property is
designed for this purpose. Note that the value passed to the ActionComplete event is the value at the
time that the initiating method is called, so Tag should be set before making any such calls.
For testing and demonstration the requirements are less strict, and it may be easier just to concatenate
the calls, (as is done in the Access viewer for clarity), but this once the server is working, it should be
“dissected” as above for production use.
11.8 Modality WorkList SCP
From a simple DICOM point of view, modality worklist (MWL) queries are structurally the same as
other C-FIND queries, i.e. a query dataset is received, and matching datasets are returned through
SendData. There are however a few important differences:
The “Root” property is set to WORKLIST.
The results represent scheduled examinations rather than patients, studies etc.
Most of the details of the request, and most of the results, are placed within the scheduled
procedure steps sequence (0x0040,0x0100) within the main dataset.
Apart from the above differences, the basic methodology is just the same as for other queries – extract
query elements from the dataset (mainly from the sequence) and run a query against the Radiology
Information System database. The procedure step details should of course be embedded in a single-
item dataset.
11.9 Print SCP
It is possible, using DicomObjects to write a print server, an SCP which receives the normalised
operations used in DICOM printing, responds appropriately, and does something useful with the
DicomObjects User Manual Page 45
images ultimately received, such as print to a Windows printer. Such operations would be mediated
through code in the NormalisedReceived event, and all data sent is readily available for this purpose.
Before embarking on this type of project however, two important points should be borne in mind:
The print protocols in DICOM are extremely complex, and your “pseudo-printer” would need
to create internal representations of objects such as films and image boxes as requested by the
The image you would eventually receive would consist only of pixel data and immediately
associated attributes such as image dimensions and pixel depth. No associated demographic
data is normally present, other than that “burnt-in” the pixel data, so the images are not
generally suitable for other purposes.
11.10 Storage Commitment SCP
DicomObjects can be used for storage commitment, but this is an advanced technique requiring new
procedures such as reverse SCP/SCU rôle reversal, and it is considered in a separate section (17.6
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12 Accessing and Modifying Pixel Data
There are several ways to access and modify the pixel data within a DicomImage, but the best method
will depend on your environment, in particular whether the language, such as C++ supports raw data
pointers or whether like Visual Basic, it has good support for variant arrays (SAFEARRAYs).
12.1 Languages with Raw Pointers
When using a language such as C++, by far the easiest way to access pixel data is to use the
PixelAddress property, which should (subject to the note below on compressed data) give you a pointer
to the start of the actual data. This will always be in little-endian form (DicomObjects does any
necessary conversions while reading/writing), and should be interpreted as a pointer to either bytes or
short integers according to the values of bits allocated (attribute 0x0028,0x0100). This data is
completely unprocessed, so if you do any calculations on it, you may need to allow for DICOM
variables such as:
Samples per pixel (3 for colour images)
Photometric interpretation
Pixel Representation (whether data is signed)
Planar configuration (RGBRGBRGB or RRRRR… GGGG… BBBB….)
Rescale parameters
In a multi-frame images, frames follow on consecutively, so you will need to calculate the frame size
as X x Y x Bytes, and index accordingly.
The value returned by PixelAddress is actually a long integer, which just needs casting to an
appropriate pointer – this is because some languages incorrectly try to dereference official OLE
pointers, and just pass a single byte or short!
If the data is writeable (see below for a possible pitfall), then it may be freely modified through this
pointer. Once the modification is finished however, it is necessary to use the PixelsModified method to
inform DicomObjects that the image needs to be re-cached and redisplayed.
In general, DicomObjects tries to conserve RAM, and so it reads and decompresses data only when
necessary. This has two effects for this type of data access:
12.1.1 Compressed Data
Normally, DicomObjects only decompresses compressed data as and when necessary, so if a
compressed image has been received or read then no large single block of decompressed data will exist.
If therefore you attempt to access PixelAddress for an image currently held in compressed form, an
error will be generated. To avoid this, you can use the image’s DecompressAll method, which will
force all frames to be decompressed at once. Beware, on large angiography multi-frame images, this
can require a large amount of RAM!
12.1.2 Data Read from Disk
The pointer obtained using PixelAddress is normally to read/write RAM, enabling modifications as
above, but when images are read from disk using ReadFile, the default action is to map the pixel
memory to the file itself, as this saves RAM, especially for large multi-frame runs. However, to
prevent inadvertent file modification, this is done as read-only access. To circumvent this, if write
access is required, call the image’s DecompressAll method before obtaining the pointer, just as for
compressed data. This will force the data to be read into RAM.
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12.2 Languages Using Variant Arrays
For languages which do not support raw pointers, DicomObjects can supply a copy of the entire pixel
data in a SAFEARRAY. This will be of the appropriate data type (byte or short integer), and will have
three dimensions, x, y and frame, even where there is only a single frame. By its very nature, this type
of access is likely to much slower than using a raw pointer, and for multi-frame images, a large amount
of RAM may be required.
If you wish to modify the pixels, a compatible array can be used, and simply assigned to the image’s
Pixels property. For this purpose, a 2 dimensional array is acceptable for a single-frame image.
The constraints listed above for raw pointers, concerning compressed and disk-resident data do not
apply to this method of access.
Where samples per pixel is >1, the format will vary according to the planar configuration:
0: The x dimension will be increased (normally by a factor of 3), and the values will appear as R1
G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 etc. along each line.
1: The y dimension will be increased (normally by a factor of 3), and all the lines for each
component will follow all the lines for the previous component.
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13 Creating DICOM Images
DicomObjects has extensive facilities for the import of images from other formats, and the formats
with native support in DicomObjects are BMP, DIB and JPEG. Creating an image from these formats
is easier than making one “from scratch”, so this will be examined first, followed by multi-frame
imports, and finally, complete image creation without an existing file.
As of Version 4.1, AVI files may also be imported using the FileImport method, which will generate a
multi-frame DICOM image.
13.1 Importing Other Formats
Before going further, some important points need to be made, as these constitute some of the most
common mistakes made using DicomObjects.
The Import methods, like any others, need an existing object (in this case a DicomImage) to
work on.
DicomObjects cannot guess what type of image (CT, MR, visible light etc.) you are creating, so
you must explicitly set the SOP class.
Other data will be required to make a complete and valid DICOM object, understandable to
other software.
Using them these points, there are 6 stages to creating a valid DICOM image:
13.1.1 Create Your Image
Use your language’s “new”, CreateObject or similar call. e.g. in Visual Basic this would be:
Set image=new DicomImage
13.1.2 Import the Pixel Data
For full details, see the FileImport, MemoryImport or ArrayImport commands in the help file. A
typical use would be:
image.FileImport “C:\testimage.jpg”,”JPG”
13.1.3 Choose the SOP class (Abstract Syntax)
This value, which is a standardised DICOM UID is normally chosen from the list available in the
DICOM standard. In many cases, imported images will be the “lowest common denominator” in
DICOM, the secondary capture format, but this will not always be the case. The attribute to hold this
value is 0x0008,0x0018, so the VB code to define a secondary capture object would be:
image.Attributes.Add 8,&h16,”1.2.840.10008.”
13.1.4 Add Other Data Necessary
The other data necessary will vary from one SOP class to another, and the requirements are listed in the
information object definitions in the DICOM standard. Some of these are mandatory (e.g. the patient’s
ID), some are optional, and others (including in fact the patient’s name) are “type 2”, which means that
they must be present, even if blank (if genuinely unknown). These are all added individually, using a
format similar to the following VB pseudo-code:
image.Attributes.Add group,element,value
e.g. to set the referring physician’s name to “Dr Smith”, the code would be
image.Attributes.Add 8,&h90,”Dr Smith”
DicomObjects User Manual Page 49
You will probably need between 10 and 30 such lines depending on the SOP class you have chosen,
and the amount of data available to you. In general, as much data as is available should be added to the
Some attributes, such as the patient’s name, may of course be set via shortcut properties, but the effect
is exactly the same as using the above syntax.
13.1.5 Set Your UIDs
All DICOM images must have unique instance UIDs. In addition, each series and study must have
unique UIDs (which must not be the same as instance UIDs or each other either). When a new image
is created, DicomObjects helpfully creates all of these for you, virtually guarantees them to be unique,
and this guarantee is absolute if you use a unique root for the machine (see UIDs in the help file for
more details). However, DicomObjects does not know how the images should be arranged into series
and/or studies, so if you need this type of arrangement, you must modify the images’ SeriesUID and
StudyUID properties to match. The easiest way to do this is to store the series/study UID of the first
image of a series/study, and then use that to replace the relevant UIDs in subsequent related images.
13.1.6 Write Your Image to Disk
Even if you intend finally to send images over a network, it is probably easiest for testing to write to
disk, using the WriteFile method. Note that DicomObjects does automatic conversions between
transfer syntaxes (formats), so any type of image, however imported, may be written in any format.
Special handling however occurs where an image which is already lossily compressed is written out or
sent in a compatible format, as the image is not decompressed and recompressed. This is triggered
where an imported JPEG image is written out using a JPEG transfer syntax (1.2.840.10008. or
1.2.840.10008., and it has two notable features:
There is no further loss of image quality.
The “quality” parameter to the WriteFile command (and network equivalent) is ignored.
13.1.7 Test Your Image
While DicomObjects allows you to create absolutely any form of DICOM data object, it has no
knowledge of the information object definitions required for a valid image, as this is a huge task which
would require a separate program. Fortunately such a program exists, and it is free – the DVT
diagnostic test tool. At the time of writing, this can be obtained from http://www.dvtk.org/index.php.
The program is excellent, and thorough, but is difficult to use initially, so here is brief guide for this
Install and run the tool.
Select File | Open.
Browse to and open C:\Program Files\DVT\Example\example.pdvt
Double-click on Media.ses (left hand column)
Browse to and open your DICOM file.
This will give you a comprehensive listing of your file, with any errors highlighted, for you to correct.
13.2 Importing Multiframe images
Most of the work involved in importing a multi-frame image from a series of individual images is
similar to that above, but a few extra stages are required:
Create a new DicomImages object.
Import each image into a new DicomImage object, and add each image to this collection.
DicomObjects User Manual Page 50
Use the MakeMultiFrame method to create a single multi-frame image.
Add additional attributes as described for single frame images.
The MakeMultiFrame method completes most of the attributes necessary for a multi-frame image, but
it knows nothing of the relationship between the frames, which could for a nuclear medicine image be
any combination of time, angle, photon energy etc., so it is still necessary to add the frame increment
pointer (0x0028,0x0009), and any associated data in order to complete a valid SOP instance.
13.3 From Scratch
Before making images from scratch, it is a good idea to make some using imported image data, as all
the stages described above are required plus new items to provide the pixel data.
When creating image from scratch, it is necessary to include the following attributes to describe the
pixel data:
Tag (hex) Description Common Value(s)
(0x0028,0x0002) Samples per pixel 1 (mono)
3 (colour)
(0x0028,0x0004) Photochromic
Interpretation MONOCHROME2 (mono)
“RGB” (colour)
(0x0028,0x0008) Number of frames [only required if >1]
(0x0028,0x0010) Rows
(0x0028,0x0011) Columns
(0x0028,0x0100) Bits Allocated 8 or 16
(0x0028, 0x0101) Bits Stored 8 or 12
(0x0028, 0x0102) High Bit 7 or 11
(0x0028, 0x0103) Pixel Representation 0 (unsigned data)
1 (signed data)
Several Methods exist to supply the pixel data itself:
13.3.1 The Pixels Property
The easiest (though not necessarily the most efficient) method is to hold the data in a 2 or 3
dimensional array of bytes or short integers. In Visual Basic, this is a standard “array”, but in other
languages, it will normally be referred to as a SAFEARRAY or similar. To use this method, simply
place your pixel data in the array, and then assign the array to the image’s Pixels property. You need to
ensure, of course, that the data you are providing is compatible with the descriptive values you have
supplied as above.
13.3.2 PixelAddress
Using this property is normally more efficient, and certainly easier to use from languages such as C++
which support simple pointers. To use it, allocate the correct space for your data using
AllocatePixelSpace (remembering to allow for 2 or 3 bytes per pixel where necessary), then access the
PixelAddress property, and cast to a pointer to bytes or short integers as appropriate to your data. The
data may then be copied in or created using whatever method you prefer.
DicomObjects User Manual Page 51
13.3.3 CopyPixelBuffer
This method like the one above requires use of AllocatePixelSpace, but after this has been used, the
CopyPixelBuffer may be used to move data efficiently from one location to another. You have
considerable flexibility to define the row and column spacing of the original data, but the DICOM
spacings are taken from the attributes defined above (which must therefore be defined before this
operation occurs). This method is particularly useful for copying from video buffers for frame-
grabbing applications written in interpreted languages, and makes a special case for colour data,
swapping the component order from BGR (the Windows norm) to RGB as required by DICOM.
13.3.4 Mapping Data to a File
If data already exists in a file, then this method may be used to “map” the data into the DicomImage
without reading the whole file into RAM. This method is particularly useful when long multi-frame
images are being created, as it massively reduces RAM usage by reading each frame only as it is used,
and then discarding it. For this purpose it is best to set the DicomImage’s CacheDisplay property to
DicomObjects User Manual Page 52
14 Using Modality WorkList as an SCU
This section is deliberately placed immediately after image generation, as the two are often combined
in primary imaging equipment. By using this facility, equipment can retrieve details of scheduled
examinations, reducing the need for operators to enter demographics and other examination data. This
also helps to reduce errors due to mis-typing, and is expected in most new equipment.
Queries are normally made using a DicomQuery object in a similar method to “normal” queries, but
due to the multiple variables involved, DoRawQuery has to be used, in place of DoQuery. One of the
main oddities of using MWL is that some of the relevant information is, for both the query and the
responses, contained within the Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence (0x0040,0x0100).
This is still however relatively straightforward, as shown in the example below, which retrieves details
of all scheduled CT examinations today:
set query=new DicomQuery
[set Destination, Port, CalledAET and CallingAET]
set dataset=new DicomDataSet
set sequence=new DicomDataSets
set step=sequence.AddNew
dataset.Add &h40,&h100,sequence
dataset.Attributes.Add &h0040,&h0002,Now() ‘ specify today’s date
dataset.Attributes.Add &h0008,&h0060,”CT” ‘ specify modality
step.Attributes.Add &h0010,&h0010,”” ‘ request name
step.Attributes.Add &h0010,&h0020,”” ‘ request ID
step.Attributes.Add &h0008,&h0050,”” ‘ request Accession
Information will then be found in the individual datasets within results, some of it within the
(0x0040,0x0010) sequence.
There are many variables which can be used and/or requested, and you are advised to check section
K.6.1.2 of Part 4 of DICOM (2000 edition) for more details.
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15 Language Specific Features
15.1 Visual Basic
Although ActiveX objects are theoretically language neutral, there is no doubt that they and Visual
Basic were developed to work together, so almost every feature of DicomObjects works easily with
Visual Basic, and few problems occur. Full details of all objects can be found in the browse window
by pressing F2.
Note that some installations of VB have problems with registration of some of the common ActiveX
components, and these can cause errors when the VB example programs are run. For a fix for these
issues, please see the following Microsoft article:
15.2 VBScript
In most respects, VBScript and Visual Basic are similar, so ActiveX objects such as DicomObjects are
easy to use in this environment, but there are a few important differences:
VBScript does not have the equivalent of the project references list, so objects cannot be
referred to via shortened names, and all objects are simply dimensioned as “Object” rather than
having a more specific type. Also, there is no “new” method – and CreateObject (or
Server.CreateObject in ASP), should be used instead, remembering to use the fully qualified
class name, e.g. DicomObjects.DicomImage.
The only general variable type in VBScript is variant, and this has a subtle effect. The values
returned from DicomAttribute.Value are always themselves variants, but they may contain
arrays of other types, and this will produce errors if you try to access individual items within the
array. To avoid this, replace the explicit or implicit Value properties by VariantValue, which
will return values guaranteed to be variants, or arrays of variants. The same applies to the
Pixels property, which can be replaced in this environment by
Unfortunately, there is no way to “embed” the licensing information held in DicomObjects.lic
into VBScript, which therefore must always run effectively in “design” mode. As a result, the
conventional methods of licensing control do not work, as any user with access to the machine
has access to the license file, which could be mis-used. Therefore, for this type of application, a
special version of DicomObjects has been made, which relies instead on other mechanisms –
please ask Medical Connections for details.
15.3 Visual Basic for Applications (e.g. MS Access)
In general, the facilities are the same as for full Visual Basic, but like VBScript above, there is no
facility for storage of the licensing information within the application, so if you intend to distribute
applications using DicomObjects in this environment, you should request the version with alternative
control mechanisms.
15.4 Microsoft Visual C++
Microsoft have provide two completely different mechanisms for use of COM objects in C++, MFC
wrappers, and the #import directive, and each has its own characteristics. In addition, the attachment of
events to the DicomServer needs to be considered.
Whatever form of wrapper is used, it is important to remember that an explicit call to CoInitialize or
CoinitializeEx needs to be made once per program (in application.InitInstance or similar).
DicomObjects User Manual Page 54
15.4.1 Import via MFC Wrapper
This mechanism is invoked (in Visual Studio 6) using Projects | Add To Project | Components and
Controls, and the result is to add a series of header and code files, defining a new class for each of the
objects you choose to import from the chosen library (presumed to be DicomObjects). These are
named CDicomViewer, CDicomImage etc., and the main features are:
This is an excellent method for the DicomViewer, as it can easily be added to dialogs, and
attachment of events is easy using ClassWizard.
A disadvantage is that it is a one-time static import and subsequent upgrades or changes to
DicomObjects interfaces will not be visible unless the procedure is repeated.
The objects created (CDicomXXXX) can create reference counting problems, especially if a
dispatch pointer is assigned to an object which is then deleted, as this causes a Release without
an AddRef. To avoid this, you may need to set the object’s m_bAutoDelete property to false.
15.4.2 #Import
This directive was introduced as part of the Active Template Library (ATL) features of MSVC++, but
is useful even in MFC programs. It creates objects called IDicomImagePtr etc., which are reference
counted encapsulations of the underlying dispatch pointers. Note in this context that IDicomImage* is
totally different from IDicomImagePtr. The main features are:
The files produced (.tlh & .tli) are updated automatically if the DicomObjects OCX is changed.
The wrappers have good reference counting, and easy access to all properties and methods.
Although a IDicomViewerPtr object is defined, its use is not as easy as a CDicomViewer, and
in particular, even if a window is created, attaching events is non-trivial (see next section of
DicomServer events).
To create “new” instances of other objects use the wrappers’ CreateInstance method – e.g.:
IDicomImagePtr image;
There is a bug in MSVC++ which will cause a compilation error when version 4.1 or above of
DicomObjects is #imported. This can be avoided by putting the following line before the
#import directive
#define FontPtr IFontPtr
15.4.3 DicomServer Event Sinks
As in most languages, the weakest part of COM support in MSVC is attaching events to non-visual
objects such as DicomServers. This can be done by explicit use of event sinks, and this is
demonstrated in the supplied MSVC example.
15.4.4 Trapping Errors
The wrappers created using #import check for errors reported by throwing _com_error exceptions if
any errors exist. These exceptions may easily be caught using try…catch (not the structured exception
handlers TRY..CATCH..END_CATCH), and they contain both the error code (as WCode()), and the
15.4.5 Recommendations
My personal choice when using COM in MSVC++ is to use the MFC wrapper for visual objects (e.g.
DicomViewer), #import, making IxxxPtr objects for other objects, and to avoid sinks on non-visual
objects where possible (a DicomViewer can often be used in place of a DicomServer). All these
methods are shown in the MSVC++ example, which you are advised to study.
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15.5 Borland Delphi & Borland C++ Builder
Borland provides similar support for ActiveX/COM components in Delphi and C++ Builder, which
will therefore be discussed together. ActiveX is supported through import routines, which create
“packages”, which then give access to the objects, properties, methods and events. In previous
versions of DicomObjects, a “package” was supplied, but this was found to cause more problems than
it solved, and as of version 4.1, users should “import” the objects themselves. To import
DicomObjects, select from the menu Component, then Install ActiveX Control, then choose
DicomObjects, and finally hit the “Install” button (not build unit).
Important Note:
There are serious bugs in the import routines in the original release of version 6 of Delphi,
which will cause compilation to fail if you import yourself using these versions. These bugs are
fixed in the latest updates, which are highly recommended.
Borland applications appears to have problems upgrading ActiveX controls properly. If after a
DicomObjects upgrade you are experiencing unusual behaviour from a DicomViewer control, please
try deleting the control and replacing it with a “new” one. If you do this, you must then remember to
re-link the events on the control’s property sheet.
Note that the following words used in DicomObjects are reserved in Delphi, and have been replaced in
this standard import file as follows:
Label replaced by Label_
Type replaced by Type_
Array replaced by Array_
XOR replaced by XOR_
The ItemByIndex property has been included to allow the members of a DicomAttributes collection to
be iterated using a simple integer counter.
There is a bug in the Borland import routine in versions prior to version 6, such that properties and
methods of a visible control (here a DicomViewer) which themselves return ActiveX objects (i.e.
IDispatch pointers) are not properly imported. The most common property affected is the “Images”
collection of a DicomViewer. To circumvent this omission, you should use the DicomViewer’s
“ControlInterface” property, and access other properties from that. e.g. instead of:
Use instead:
The easiest way to create new objects is to use the CoDicomXXX.Create method, as below:
Attaching events to a DicomServer is not easy, but can be done. If you need assistance, please contact
Medical Connections.
There is a potential problem with DicomImages’ ReadFile, ReadStream and ReadField methods in
Borland languages, as these methods return a reference to a DicomImage or DicomDataSet object
which is often not used (the item placed in the collection being used instead). In most languages, this
extra reference is released immediately, but it seems that Borland languages create a hidden variable,
which is not released until the current function ends. This can cause problems with file deletion etc., so
if it is necessary to ensure that all references to an image (or dataset) are released, then a line such as:
Should be replaced by:
image:=images.Readfile (filename);
(equivalents apply in C++, using NULL)
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15.5.1 Error Handling
Error handling for ActiveX generated errors appears to be seriously lacking in Borland C++ Builder,
and though Borland have promised improvements in the future it is currently almost impossible to trap
and handle errors within the program.
15.6 Java
DicomObjects is not a native Java collection, and there is currently no Java bean version. However,
provided you are using only Windows, there are several Java Ù ActiveX/COM bridges commercially
available, and DicomObjects has successfully been used with many of these. Note that the various
bridges may differ greatly in their efficiency, and whilst most DicomObjects programmers make
relatively few calls through the ActiveX interface, you should check the speed of various bridges if you
have an application which will be making thousands of calls.
15.7 Other Environments
There are now dozens of environments which support ActiveX/COM, and it would be impossible to
cover every one. Most will support the majority of DicomObjects functionality with no problems at all,
but for a few things you may need to be inventive. In particular, if your environment only supports the
variant variable type, then make sure that potentially multi-valued (array) attributes are accessed using
VariantValue rather than the default Value property.
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16 Logging
DICOM is a complex, relatively new protocol, and there are very many possibilities for errors to be
made by yourself, by established implementations or (even!) by DicomObjects, so when operations
fail, either during development, or after installation at a user site, it is important to be able to obtain
enough information to diagnose, and where possible, fix or circumvent the problem. To provide this
information, DicomObjects has extensive log facilities, which can be accessed and controlled in several
ways. The data available is the same, whichever access method is used, so this will be considered first,
followed by access details.
16.1 Log Details and Levels
DicomObjects allows quite fine control over which information to log, using a bit field with the
following values:
Decimal Hex Information Logged
1 1 Errors
2 2 Warnings
4 4 Informational Messages
8 8 Detailed Logging
16 10 All DICOM attributes received or read
32 20 All DICOM attributes sent or written
64 40 Byte-level data received, except contents of data
128 80 Byte-level data sent, except contents of data
256 100 ALL bytes received
512 200 ALL bytes sent
The levels normally used are:
0x7: High level logging only
0x3F: Details of all attributes sent and received
0xFF: Byte-level data, excluding data
0x3FF: Full logging, including pixel data
In general, 0x7 is useful for continuous logging of servers etc., 0x3F for semantic problems (missing
attributes, wrong values etc.), and 0xFF for communication errors. 0x3FF should be used with great
caution, where images (as opposed to just queries etc.) are transferred, as the log can become huge, and
program execution slows to a crawl. Where appropriate (i.e. excluding PDU/PDV values etc.) the
same levels apply to file reading and writing, as to network usage.
16.2 File Logging
Recording to a file is the main method of logging in DicomObjects, as files can easily be e-mailed,
printed and analysed. There are three methods of controlling such logging:
Direct manipulation of registry keys
This method has the advantage that it can be applied to absolutely any DicomObjects based
DicomObjects User Manual Page 58
program without needing to make any changes whatsoever to the program itself, though a small
disadvantage is that any changes to the registry keys apply only when the program is restarted.
Manipulation of the registry cache using a DicomGlobal object
This method requires support within the program, but is very flexible, and logging can be
started, stopped or modified at will.
Methods of the DicomLog control
This method, likewise allows fine control, but requires a DicomLog object.
The registry keys involved, which may be modified either in the real registry or via
DicomGlobal.RegWord are:
This is either 0 or 1. 1 enables logging, 0 (default) disables.
Loglevel (DWORD)
This controls the level of detail as above.
LogLocation (String)
The directory into which log files are written. They are always called D.O.xxxx.log, where
xxxx represents the date and time. If absent, the logs are put in C:\.
An advantage of this method when investigating crashes is that every single entry is flushed to disk as
soon as it is made, so the record is complete right up to the point of the crash, but a downside of this is
that logging may slow the whole process and/or machine considerably, especially if all pixel data is
logged at byte level! The logging may, under these circumstances, cause sufficient slowing that other
applications timeout on network connections. The log files created are opened using a mode which
allows read-access even while the log is being written.
16.3 The DicomLog Control
This is the only visual control in DicomObjects other than the DicomViewer, and it receives exactly the
same log information as file logging, but it has three extra facilities:
The log messages can be displayed as they are produced.
The messages are available to the program so programmers may do their own custom filtering if
they wish.
Logging to specific filenames may be controlled using the FileOpen method.
Please consult the help file for more details.
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17 Advanced Usage
17.1 Over-riding Registry Values
Many aspects of DicomObjects are controlled by values held in the registry, which has the advantage
that they can be controlled and changed without requiring changes to the program that uses them, but
there are times when a program may need to know what values are in use, and also to be able to change
them. For this reason, from version 4 on, DicomObjects implements a cache of the registry values,
reading from the “real” registry only the first time that a value is accessed. As well as giving speed
improvements, this enables the cache to be modified directly, and this is done using the RegWord and
RegString indexed properties of a DicomGlobal object. These properties are read-write, and any
changes apply immediately.
The root of all DicomObjects registry keys is:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Medical Connections/DicomObjects
Values directly under this key are indexed as single names, e.g.
Values within subkeys are similarly accessible using the \ character to delineate keys, and a trailing \
indicates the default value of a key. See RegWord/RegString in the help file for more details.
17.2 Altering the List of Default SOP Classes
There are two situations where DicomObjects needs to guess in advance which SOP classes/abstract
syntaxes it will need for an association:
When initiating a C-GET operation
When using an outgoing DicomConnection
(where items have not been added to the Syntaxes collection)
In both these cases, DicomObjects uses the space-separated list of SOP classes held in the
AbstractSyntax registry value, which may be modified either directly, or using
DicomGlobal.RegString, as in section 17.1 above. If this value is missing, the default list is:
DicomObjects User Manual Page 60
In future versions of DicomObjects, this list may be expanded, but all current SOP classes should be
17.3 Transfer Syntax Selection
In most cases, the default transfer syntaxes proposed and accepted by DicomObjects for network
operations will be appropriate for your needs, but there are cases where fine control may be necessary,
especially for teleradiology applications and others operating over slow links. There are 3 basic
methods for controlling the transfer syntaxes negotiated:
17.3.1 TransferSyntax Registry Key (SCU & SCP)
When DicomObjects needs to find a default list of transfer syntaxes to propose, or to choose which to
accept, it looks for a value with the name of the SOP class (abstract syntax) involved, within the
following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Medical Connections/DicomObjects/TransferSyntax
If no such value exists, the default value of the above key itself is used, and if this is absent, an internal
default list is used, which is:
1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 (EXPLICIT_VR_LE)
1.2.840.10008.1.2 (IMPLICIT_VR_LE)
1.2.840.10008. (EXPLICIT_VR_LE_LJPEG57)
1.2.840.10008. (EXPLICIT_VR_LE_LJPEG70)
1.2.840.10008.1.2.5 (EXPLICIT_VR_LE_RLE)
1.2.840.10008. (EXPLICIT_VR_LE_JPEG51)
Instead of using the “real” registry, values may be manipulated by using DicomGlobal.RegString.
Whatever the source, the list should be a space separated list of transfer syntax UIDs. For outgoing
associations, all are proposed, and for incoming associations, the first in the list matching any of those
proposed is accepted. Therefore, the list should contain not only all UIDs you wish to allow, but they
should be in decreasing order of preference. For DICOM compliance, the list should normally contain
implicit VR little endian (1.2.840.10008.1.2), but explicit VR syntaxes should appear first, to avoid the
known problems with implicit VR usage.
For outgoing use, any transfer syntax UIDs immediately preceded by an asterisk are proposed in their
own presentation contexts, with all others grouped in a separate presentation context. This allows the
SCP an opportunity to accept more than one. The asterisks are ignored when accepting an association.
This is the only form of control allowed for the simple DicomImage.Send method, but for other
operations, alternatives exist as below:
17.3.2 Queries (SCU)
A DicomQuery object has a TransferSyntaxes property, which, if non-blank, over-rides the default
registry-based value for any associations created by that object. The format is exactly the same as
described above, and it is also used to select from incoming proposed transfer syntaxes while accepting
secondary incoming associations as part of GetUsingMove.
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17.3.3 DicomConnection (SCU only)
Before calling SetDestination (which actually negotiates an association), an application may modify the
DicomConnection’s Contexts property, and normally, this consists of just a series of Add methods to
include all the required SOP classes. However, once a SOP class has been added, the associated
transfer syntaxes may also specified by modifying the DicomContext item’s OfferedTS property,
which may be set to either a single string value, or an array of strings. e.g.
Set connection=new DicomConnection
Connection.Contexts.Add 1.2.840.10008.
Connection.Contexts.Add 1.2.840.10008.
This code proposes secondary capture SOP class, with just explicit VR little endian, and CT, with both
implicit VR little endian, and lossy JPEG.
Note that indexing of a DicomContexts collection is by presentation context ID, which must always be
odd, so the indices will be 1,3,5 etc., not 1,2,3.
If OfferedTS is left blank, then the default registry values will be used.
17.3.4 In AssociationRequest (SCP)
By iterating through the proposed contexts and looking at the values in the OfferedTS array, an
application may select which one it wishes to use, and then assign that to the AcceptedTS property. If
this property is not assigned, then the default acceptance policy, using registry values is applied.
17.4 Private SOP classes
As DicomObjects is non-SOP class specific, you are free if you wish to define your own private and
extended standard SOP classes. If you wish these to be displayed by DicomObjects, then the usage of
pixel related attributes (mainly the 0x0028 group) should be standard.
17.5 Private Transfer Syntaxes
Custom DLLs can be used to implement private transfer syntaxes, enabling custom compression
methods to be used. Full details may be found in the help file under “Compression and Decompression
17.6 Storage Commitment
Storage commitment is a relatively new facility in DICOM, whereby a server explicitly takes
responsibility for the long-term storage of an image, this being regarded as a separate step from the
simple receipt via C-STORE, with a status of 0 (success). DicomObjects provides all the tools needed
to implement storage commitment as either an SCU or SCP, these being:
N-ACTION support (SCU & SCP)
Reverse rôle negotiation (SCU initiates association)
These procedures require a detailed knowledge of the underlying DICOM protocols, and in order to
implement this facility, you will need to study the standard closely, but the following slightly unusual
aspects of DicomObjects will need to be considered:
In order to implement reverse role negotiation, the default values of RequestorSCURole &
RequestorSCPRole (properties of a DicomContext) will need modifying, either before calling
DicomConnection.SetDestination (when initiating as SCP), or in AssociationRequest (when
DicomObjects User Manual Page 62
accepting as SCU). Clearly, these should be applied only to presentation contexts using the
storage commitment SOP class.
NEventReport events are fired differently according to the mode of the DicomConnection. In
order to be able to respond to them with a non-zero status (if you wish to reject them), the
DicomConnection’s Mode property must be doNoSync.
DicomObjects User Manual Page 63
18 DicomObjects for Windows CE
As of version 4.1, DicomObjects is available for the Windows CE environment, allowing use on
devices such as PDAs or some tablets. Due to the range of devices and processors, such versions are
made only on request, but this can be done easily. The vast majority of the functionality of
DicomObjects is identical under CE, but a few limitations exist due to the environment:
DirectDraw is not used
Picture, Paste and WriteAVI methods are not available
Circular and polygonal shutters are not applied
Memory mapping is not used for image files.
In addition, the following limitations apply to DicomLabel objects:
All text is left aligned (Alignment property of DicomLabel objects is ignored)
Arc labels are not drawn, and interpolated labels are drawn as polygons
BoundingPolygon and all ROI functions are not supported
Labels do not rotate (Angle is ignored)

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