Digital_EL ENGRS OM_Internal Guide To Digital Organizations_1988 1989Edition_1988 EL OM Internal Organizations 1988 1989Edition
Digital_EL-ENGRS-OM_InternalGuideToDigitalOrganizations_1988-1989Edition_1988 Digital_EL-ENGRS-OM_InternalGuideToDigitalOrganizations_1988-1989Edition_1988
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•• 0..:;. • ~ • • • • igital 1988-89 INTERNAL GUIDE TO DIGITAL ORGANIZATIONS DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER: A-MN-ELENGRS-OM-O Rev H, 30-Jun-1988 ABSTRACT: This guide presents general information about Digital and specific information about individual groups, programs, and committees. Included are descriptions of most engineering, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and service groups. Name and subject indexes are also included. This book was formerly titled the Engineering Guide, but was renamed because of its broadened scope. APPLICABILITY: This guide is intended as a reference guide for any Digital employee requiring information or assistance from specific internal groups. The information in this publication is for INTERNAL DIGITAL USE ONLY: do not di stribute th is infot1nation to anyone who is 110t an employee of DigitaL Digital Equipment Corporation- Maynard, Massachusetts TITLE: 1988-89 INTERNAL GUIDE TO DIGITAL ORGANIZATIONS DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER: A-MN-ELENGRS-OM-O Rev H, 30-Jun-1988 REVISION HISTORY: Rev. A 01-Apr-1982 Rev. B, 01-Feb-1983 ECO# ML001 Rev. C, 15-Feb-1984 ECO# ML002 Rev. D, 01-Feb-1985 ECO# AP003 Rev. E, 31-Mar-1986 ECO# LJ004 Rev. F, 30-Jun-1987 ECO# LJ005 Rev. H, 30-Jun-1988 ECO# CT006 Document Management Category: Standards Administration Documentation (TDA) Responsible Department: Standards and Methods Control Responsible Person: Eric Williams APPROVED: Managers whose names appear in this guide have approved their group descriptions. APPROVAL: Eric Williams, Manager-Standards and Methods Control Copies of this document can be ordered from: Standards and Methods Control (SMC) CTS1-2/D4, DTN: 287-3724, JOKUR::SMC Please provide your name, mailstop, cost center, badge number, and ENET node when ordering. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix Foreword xxi CHAPTER 1 CORPORATE OVERVIEW . 1 1.1 SCOPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 FACTS ABOUT DIGITAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 DIGITAL PHILOSOPHY . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4 DEC CULTURE 6 CHAPTER 2 PERSONNEL-ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING/PRODUCT MARKETING ". . . . . . . 7 2.1 MANUFACTURING/ENGINEERING AND MARKETING CENTRAL QUALITY GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2.1.1 Quality Development Progranl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Engineering Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 9 2.2 GRADUATE ENGINEERING EDUCATION PROGRAM (GEEP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3 TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT EDUCATION PROGRAM (TMEP) CHAPTER 3 10 ENGINEERING PRODUCT OPERATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.1 ENGINEERING PRODUCT PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.2 MEM SECURITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.3 INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTS OFFICE (IPO) 3.3.1 Corporate Product Safety and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Standards and Methods Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Office of the Chief Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 4 '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 14 15 16 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 17 4.1 PROTECTING DIGITAL'S COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE WITH INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 4.1.1 Trade Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Patents 4.1.3 Copyrights 4.1.4 Mask Works 4.1.5 Trademarks . . . . . 20 21 4.2 TRADE REGULATION . 22 4.3 PRODUCT LIABILITY . 23 4.4 U.S. EXPORT CONTROL LAWS . 23 . 17 17 18 19 iii 4.5 GUIDELINES FOR HANDLING SOME COMMON LEGAL ISSUES. 4.5.1 How To Get a Patent on Your Idea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.2 Getting Your Publication Approved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.3 When & How to Use Non-Disclosure Agreements. . . . . . . . . . 4.5.4 How to Avoid Legal Pitfalls When You Write . . . . 24 24 26 31 35 4.6 FINDING YOUR LAWYER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 CHAPTER 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 DIGITAL LIBRARY NETWORK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Information Services 5.1.2 Books, Technical Reports, The DLN Catalog, and Interlibrary Loan. 5.1.3 Circulation of Materials 5.1.4 Periodicals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.5 Instructional Media Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.6 Digital Publications 5.1.7 Competitors' Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.8 Purchasing Activities 5.1.9 Information Supply Base Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.10 Consulting Services/Library Start-Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.11 European Digital Library Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 MARKET INFORMATION SERVICES GROUP (MISG) 5.2.1 Competitive Information System 5.2.2 Customized Research Service 5.2.3 External Market Data System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.4 Information Access Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.5 Market Information Resources Management. . . . 5.2.6 Market Research Centers iv . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . ... . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. 37 37 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 5.3 PUBLISHING AND CIRCULATION SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.4 DIGITAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.5 PRODUCT FINANCIAL REPORTING INFORMATION CENTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5.6 SYSTEMS MATERIALS ENGINEERING .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.7 CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (CMAS) 47 5.8 EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (EMAS) . . . . . . . . . . 5.8.1 Eastern Massachusetts Administrative Services Infonnation Services (EMAS-IS). 47 48 CHAPTER 6 DIS STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND ARCHITECTURE. . . . 6.1 INTERNAL EQUIPMENT GROUP. . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 lEG Orders 6.1.2 DECdirect (DDD) Orders 6.1.3 Software Distribution Center (SDC) Orders 6.1.4 Account Management Services. . . .. . . . .. 6.1.5 lEG CAS Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.6 lEG Customer Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . .. .. ... . .. . . . . . .. ... . . . . .. .. ... .. . .. .. . . .... . . . . .. .. ... .. . .. .. . . .... . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . 6.2 DIS INFORMATION OPERATIONS AND SERVICES 6.2.1 Information Operations Program 6.2.2 Information Distribution and Access Program. . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.3 Electronic Data and Information Interchange (EDI.EII) Program 6.2.4 Reference Information Systems Developnlent (RISD) . . . . . . . 6.2.5 DIS Purchasing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.6 DNS Program Office .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. ... . . . . .. . 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 6.3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.1 Digital Information Systems/Human Resource Management·End User Education. 6.3.2 DIS/Executive Contact Program (DIS/ECP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.3 IDECUS (Internal Digital Equipnlent Corporation Users Society) Symposia and Seminars 6.3.4 Professional Resource Exchange Program (PREP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.5 DIS Training and Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.6 Network Training Program 6.3.7 Advanced Network Training Program . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . 6.3.8 Operator Training Progratll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.9 Internship Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.10 Management Development Program 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 6.4 DIGITAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 CHAPTER 7 54 54 55 CORPORATE RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURE 59 7.1 CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.1 Computational Quality Group 60 60 7.2 PARIS RESEARCH LAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 7.3 SYSTEMS RESEARCH CENTER 60 7.4 WESTERN RESEARCH LABORATORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 7.5 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 7.6 EXTERNAL RESEARCH PROGRAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 7.7 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 7.8 RESEARCH AND ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 7.9 MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS RESEARCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 7.10 TECHNOLOGY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 64 v 7.10.1 7.10.2 7.10.3 7.10.4 Technology Strategy Council (TSC) Technology Planning Group (TPG). Technology Assessment Group. . . Engineering Interface Program . . . . . . . 65 65 65 66 7.11 DIGITAL TECHNICAL JOURNAL .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 7.12 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION PROGRAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 7.13 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 7.14 PERSONNEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 CHAPTER 8 .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1 SEMICONDUCTOR BUSINESS OPERATIONS 67 8.2 SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING AND TECHNOLOGY (SCMT) 8.2.1 U.S. Manufacturing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.2 European VLSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.3 Advanced Semiconductor Development (ASD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.4 Physical Technology Group (PTG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.5 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.6 Materials/Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 8.3 SEMICONDUCTOR ENGINEERING GROUP (SEG) 69 8.4 SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS GROUP QUALITY & RELIABILITY 69 8.5 SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS STRATEGIC PROGRAM OFFICE. . . . . . . . . . . 70 CHAPTER 9 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) '" 9.1 MICRO SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT (MSD) . . . . 9.1.1 Micro Systems Development Program Office 9.1.2 MSD Hardware Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . MSD Systems Integration Engineering . . MSD Options Development. .. . . . . . . S-BOX Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . MSD Desktop Systems Development Systems Engineering ... . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.3 Micro Systems Advanced Development. . . . 9.1.4 MSD Systems Quality 9.1.5 Micro Systems Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.6 General Business Engineering ..... . . . . . 9.2 DESIGN AND PROCESS ENGINEERING. . . . 9.2.1 Diagnostic Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.2 Engineering CAD 9.2.3 Low End Network Systenls . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.4 Engineering Process and Technology (EP&T) Project Oriented Groups . . . . . . . . . . Support Groups vi 67 ........................ 71 . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . 71 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 74 74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. ... .. . . . . . .. ... .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... 74 75 75 76 77 77 78 9.2.5 Low End Regulatory Engineering (LERE) ElectrOlnagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 79 9.3 VAX WORKSTATIONS PBU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 9.4 PERSONAL COMPUTING SYSTEMS GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4.1 Personal COlnputing Systems Software Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4.2 Personal Computing Systems Program Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4.3 Personal Computing Systems External Relations Program Office. . . . 9.4.4 Base Product Marketing Group - Integrated Personal Computing (IPC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 81 81 81 82 9.5 DESKTOP SYSTEMS GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5.1 Font Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. .. 9.5.2 Hardcopy CSSE 9.5.3 Video Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5.4 Hardcopy and Input/Output Engineering Group 9.5.5 Architectural Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5.6 DSG Program Office 9.5.7 Video Advanced Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 82 82 82 83 83 84 84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . 9.6 ELECTRO/MECHANICAL DESIGN AND SUPPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6.1 Program Management 9.6.2 Corporate Design Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industrial Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Human Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6.3 Electro/Mechanical Design Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6.4 LEPS Engineering and Corporate Power Conversion R&D. . . . . . . . . . . . Power Conversion Product Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corporate Power Conversion Research and Development . . . . . . . . . 9.6.5 Mechanical Technology Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6.6 Industrial Package Engineering (IPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low End Systems Industrial Packaging Engineering High & Mid-Range Systems Industrial Packaging Engineering. . . . . . . Industrial Packaging Engineering Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 84 85 85 86 86 86 87 87 87 88 88 89 89 89 89 9.7 MICROVAX PROGRAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 9.8 BASE PRODUCT MARKETING AND PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 CHAPTER 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MID-RANGE SYSTEMS BUSINESS GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 10.1 DECWEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 vii CHAPTER 11 HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 LARGE VAX ENGINEERING . . . . . . . . .. 11.1.1 Aquarius Program .. . 11.1.2 Technology Research and Engineering. 11.1.3 CPU Engineering Group . . . . . . . . . . 11.1.4 CAD/CAM/Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 95 95 96 96 . . . . . . 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 11.3 SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 11.4 PLANNING, QUALITY, AND STRATEGIC RELATIONS 11.4.1 Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4.2 Strategic Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4.3 Quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4.4 Strategic Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 98 98 99 99 11.5 TRANSACTION PROCESSING SYSTEMS ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 11.6 VAXCLUSTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MARKETING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 11.7 SYSTEMS SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. . . . . . . 11.7.1 OLTP Software Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7.2 Processor Specific Software (PSS) . . . . . . . . 11.7.3 Systems Productivity Tools (SPT) Program Infornlation Environment (IE) . . . . . . . . Project Management Facility (PMF) .... . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . 100 100 101 101 101 101 11.8 VAX 8600 AND 8650 SYSTEMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 11.9 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING (ATEAM). 102 11.10 HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS MARKETING. . . . 11.10.1 VAXcluster Base System Marketing . . . . . . . . . . 11.10.2 High End VAX Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.10.3 OLTP Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.10.4 Systems Marketing/Competitive Expertise Center. . . . . . 102 102 102 102 103 11.11 MANUFACTURING BUSINESS UNIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 11.2 HPS OPERATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 11.2.1 HPS Conlputer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPS Computer Services Operation . . . . . . . HPS Computer Services Technical Support. . HPS Computer Services Administration. . . . 11.2.2 HPS Facilities Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2.3 HPS MIS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 12 STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12.1 TAPE AND OPTICAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT . . . . . 12.1.1 Tape and Optical Product Management and Marketing 12.1.2 Industry-Compatible Tape Development 12.1.3 Cartridge Tape Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.4 Optical Disk Developlnent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . . .. .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 12.2 ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT STORAGE SYSTEMS 12.3 JAPAN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER. . 12.3.1 Storage Systems Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Storage Systems Advanced Development . . . . Storage Systems Product Development. . . . . . 12.3.2 Selniconductor Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.3 Interconnect Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.4 Asian Base Systems Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABS/JRD Product Planning and Administration ABS/JRD Operating System Engineering. . . . . ABS/JRD System Software Engineering. . . . . . 12.3.5 Hardcopy Buyout Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.6 Japan Procurelnent Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 105 106 106 106 106 106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 109 109 109 12.4 COLORADO STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.1 Disk Drive Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.2 Subsystelns Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Small and Advanced Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mid-Range and High Performance Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HSC Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diagnostics/SQA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Storage Subsystems Performance Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.3 Engineering Operations Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VLSI Development Engineering Power Systems Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanical Packaging Design Engineering Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computer-Aided-Design and Engineering Department Printed Circuit Design Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering Information Services Mechanical Design/Doculnentation Services/Model Shop. . . . . . . . . . . . . Regulatory and Component Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability and Design Assurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.4 MLDS PBU and Program Management Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MLDS Product Managenlent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.5 Site Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.6 Customer Service Systems Engineering (MLDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 109 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 111 111 112 112 112 112 112 113 12.5 ELECTRONIC STORAGE DEVELOPMENT (ESD) .. '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . ix 12.5.1 Storage Systems East Technical Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information Resources CAE/CAD/CAM 12.5.2 Organization Development Consulting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 115 115 115 115 12.6 LOW END DISK SYSTEMS (LEDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 12.7 FORGE ROAD MEDIA OPERATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 12.8 STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (FOR ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING) . . . . . .. 12.8.1 Storage Systems Education and Training 12.8.2 Advanced Manufacturing Technology Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 116 117 CHAPTER 13 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1 LOCAL AREA COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING 13.1.1 Local Area Systems Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAC Documentation and Publications. . . . . Distributed Systems Services . . . . . . . . . . . Network Engineering Technical Services. . . . 13.1.2 Communication Systems Engineering Bridges & Terminal Server Hardware. . . . . . NAC XI Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channel Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAC Ireland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAC Engineering Design Support. . . . . . . . 13.2 WIDE AREA COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING. 13.2.1 Wide Area Networks Program Office. . . . . . . . Wide Area Networks Program Enterprise Network Program Network Standards Program. . . . . . . . . . . 13.2.2 Wide Area Systems Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . Wide Area Communications (Reading) . . . . WASE - IBM Interconnect Engineering . . . . WASE - Computer Integrated Telephony WASE - DECnet Software Engineering . . . . WASE - MaillInterchange Engineering . . . . 13.3 NETWORK MANAGEMENT AND SYSTEMS 13.3.1 MCC Base System Engineering. . . . . . . 13.3.2MCC Applications Engineering. . . . . . . 13.3.3 Network Diagnostic Strategy 13.3.4 Third Party Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.5 DS Technical Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . x .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . ... . . . .. .. .. EVALUATION (NMSE). . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . 119 120 120 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 123 123 124 124 .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . ... . ... .. .. ... .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . 124 125 125 125 125 126 13.4 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE AND ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT .. 13.4.1 Distributed Systems Architecture and Advanced Development. . . . . . . . . . . . 126 126 13.5 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) TECHNOLOGY GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5.1 Product Management Group 13.5.2 Core Products Development Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5.3 Problem Solving Systems Development Group . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . 127 127 127 127 13.6 IMAGE SYSTEMS GROUP (ISG) 128 13.7 NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (NAC) PBU MANAGEMENT. . . . . . . . . 13.7.1 NAC PBU Management ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 128 13.8 NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCT MANAGEMENT 13.8.1 Local Area Communications Product Management . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8.2 Wide Area ComlTIunications Product Management. . . . . . . . . . . 13.8.3 Network Management Product ManagelTIent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8.4 NAC Europe Product Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8.5 Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8.6 Strategic Planning 13.8.7 Customer Information Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8.8 Network Ventures Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 129 129 129 129 130 130 130 130 13.9 NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (NAC) MARKETING. 13.9.1 Product Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.9.2 Merchandising 13.9.3 Geographies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.9.4 Strategic Planning & Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.9.5 Industries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.9.6 Strategic Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.9.7 Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 131 131 132 132 132 132 132 13.10 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING (DSM) 133 13.11 INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.11.1 European External Research Program (EERP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.11.2 International Standards and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Product Safety Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Standards and Systems Interconnection Integrated Services Digital Networks Standardization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Post, Telephone, and Telegraph (PTT) Bureau 13.11.3 CIM International Engineering CIMIE Shop Floor Integration (SFI) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CIMIE Manufacturing Data Integration (MDI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.11.4 International Advanced Product Development (lAPD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.11.5 International Engineering Development Valbonne Engineering Support and International Engineering Development Applications Engineering Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Engineering Consultancy Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Products Group International Engineering Process and Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.11.6 Telecom Application Engineering Center 134 135 136 137 138 138 138 139 139 139 140 140 141 144 146 148 152 154 xi CHAPTER 14 SYSTEMS SOFTWARE GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1 SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . 155 14.2 SPIT BROOK FACILITY MANAGEMENT 156 14.3 VAX/VMS DEVELOPMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3.1 VAX/VMS Product Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 157 14.4 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY 14.4.1 Technical Languages and Environlnents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.4.2 Commercial Languages and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.4.3 Core Applications Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 157 158 158 14.5 CORPORATE USER PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 14.6 SSG MARKETING AND BASE PRODUCT MARKETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.6.1 VAX Systenl Software Base Product Marketing 14.6.2 SSG Business Strategy and Planning Group 14.6.3 Central Engineering DECUS Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 159 159 159 14.7 ZKO PERSONNEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 14.8 SOFTWARE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS UNIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 14.9 ASIAN BASE SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 CHAPTER 15 PRODUCT STRATEGY AND ARCHITECTURE. . . . . . . . . . . 161 15.1 SECURE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 15.2 CORPORATE STANDARDS 162 CHAPTER 16 STRATEGIC RELATIONS GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 16.1 NEW COMPUTING STRUCTURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 16.2 TECHNICAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 16.3 STRATEGIC RELATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 CHAPTER 17 MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.1 COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING 17.2 NEW PRODUCTS OPERATIONS (NPO) . .. . 17.2.1 NPO - Program Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.2.2 NPO Engineering Model Shops (ML05-3 and MLOl-l) . Prototype Module Assembly Cable/Harness/Sub-Assembly/PROM Program Area Sheet Metal/Machine Shops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPO Engineering Stockroom 63 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 - 90 & 91 Class Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii 155 169 169 ... . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 170 170 170 171 171 171 171 17.2.3 New Products Services (NPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Products Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Products Purchasing Component Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design-Component Engineering (DCE) . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Producibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Technology and Applications. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.2.4 NPO Low Volume Manufacturing (ML05-4) Manufacture of Low End Systems. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacture of Modules and Subassemblies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.2.5 Mechanical Component Engineering Support Services (MCESS) . . . . . . . . . . . Customer Service Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tooling Service Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Machining Service Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheet Metal Service Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plastic Service Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finishing Service Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Services .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purchasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Materials Research Laboratory . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . 171 171 171 172 172 172 172 172 173 173 173 173 174 174 174 174 174 175 175 175 17.3 CORPORATE PRINTED-WIRING BOARDS 175 17.4 SMALL SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING (SSM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 17.5 MANUFACTURING CUSTOMER INTEGRATION GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 17.6 MANUFACTURING INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY. . . . . . . 17.6.1 CAD/CAM Technology Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAD Systems Engineering (CADSE) Vantage Development Group (VDG) CAD Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAD Support, Test, And Release (CADSTAR) . . . . . . . . CTC Communications '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical Information Engineering CTC Technical Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering Technical Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GDS Facilities/Plant Layout CAD/CAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . CAD/CAM Applications and Data Management. . . . . . . . . . Application of Integrated Manufacturing Technology (AIMT) Program Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTC Technology Strategy .. .. . . .. 180 180 180 180 180 181 182 182 182 182 183 183 183 184 184 185 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii 17.6.2 Application Systems Development .. .. . .. . . . Application Systems Development (ASD) North ASD Systems and Comlnunications Software Group. ASD Documentation and Training Services. . . . . . . Information Systems Engineering Internal Special Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Text and Information Management Engineering . . . . Technical Systems Group . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . 185 185 185 186 186 187 187 188 17.7 MANUFACTURING MATERIAL/EXTERNAL RESOURCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 17.8 STORAGE SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 CHAPTER 18 GIA MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING 193 18.1 FAR EAST OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 18.2 WESTERN HEMISPHERE OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 18.3 GIA MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING SUPPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 CHAPTER 19 PURCHASiNG "....... 19.1 CORPORATE PURCHASING 19.2 EXTERNAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 195 195 .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 195 19.3 CORPORATE ADMINISTRATIVE PURCHASING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 19.4 STRATEGIC ACQUISITION RESOURCES AND SOFTWARE (STARS) 19.4.1 Software Acquisition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.4.2 Consultant Acquisition & Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.4.3 Software Supply Base Intelligence and Sourcing Strategies . . . . . . 19.4.4 Corporate Purchasing Information Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.4.5 Purchasing EDI Prograln Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 197 197 198 198 199 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.5 ENGINEERING/NEW PRODUCTS PURCHASING (ENPP) 199 19.6 ADVANCE PURCHASING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 CHAPTER 20 CORPORATE QUALITY GROUP CHAPTER 21 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 203 205 21.1 U.S. SALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 21.2 SSMI - CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 21.3 PERIPHERALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 208 21.4 GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS GROUP (GSG)-PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. . . . . . . . 21.4.1 Product Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 209 xiv 21.4.2 TEMPEST Product Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering Support Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interconnect Product Development Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEMPEST Product Design Group Electrical Design Technology Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4.3 TEMPEST/EMIIEncryption Technology Center - Advanced Development 21.4.4 System Integration Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4.5 Secure Software Developlnent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4.6 Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 210 210 210 210 210 211 211 211 21.5 INDUSTRY MARKETING SERVICES 21.5.1 Consultant and Information Systems Marketing (CISM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consultant and Industry Marketing Group Executive and Infornlation Systems Marketing Group .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . u.s. IBM Competitive Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 212 212 213 213 21.6 BASIC INDUSTRIES MARKETING GROUP . . . 21.6.1 Education, State and Local Government. . . State and Local Government Marketing 21.6.2 Discrete Industry Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . Aerospace Marketing .. . . . . . . . . . . Automotive Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . Electronics Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.6.3 Process Industry Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . Chemical Industry Marketing . . . . . . . Oil and Gas Industry Marketing Food and Beverage Industry Marketing. Health Care Industry Marketing . Pharmaceutical Marketing 213 213 214 215 215 215 215 216 216 216 216 217 218 .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.7 CHANNELS MARKETING GROUP (CMG) 21.8 SOFTWARE SERVICES/EDUCATIONAL SERVICES/CSS 21.8.1 Software Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.8.2 Educational Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corporate Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Digital Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corporate Marketing-CSO Training . . . . . . . . The Digital Business Fellowship Program . . . . . U.S. Area Customer Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . GIA Educational Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seminar Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer Support Programs (CSP) . . . . . . . . . Digital Management Education . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Applications Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales and Software Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . Field Service Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Digital Information Systems Training . . . . . . . Development and Publishing 218 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 220 221 222 223 223 224 225 225 225 226 226 227 228 228 229 229 xv Media Communications Group (MCG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quality Assurance Group (QA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.8.3 Computer Special Systems (CSS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.9 FIELD SERVICE 21.9.1 Field Service Logistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.9.2 Field Service Business Developlnent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.9.3 Field Service Business Ventures Group 21.9.4 Customer Service Systems Engineering (CSSE) . . . . . . . . CSSE Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer Satisfaction Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintainability Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability and Maintainability Program Office (RAMP) 21.9.5 Advanced Service Delivery Systems (ASDS) . . . . . . . . . . 232 234 235 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 237 237 239 239 239 240 241 243 244 21.10 STRATEGY AND PLANNING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.10.1 Management Sciences in Field Operations 245 245 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 22 COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CSME&T). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 247 22.1 SYSTEM AND SUPPORT ENGINEERING (SASE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 22.2 SYSTEM INTEGRATION ENGINEERING 22.2.1 System-Level Design Analysis Progra111 - Systems Evaluation Engineering. . . . . 22.2.2 Methods, Strategies, and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2.3 Configuration Management Office (CMO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 251 251 252 22.3 Systems Reliability Engineering (SRE) 22.3.1 Reliability Programs Office, SRE . . 22.3.2 Advanced Development Group. . . 22.3.3 Advanced Systems Engineering 22.3.4 Design Reliability Engineering 22.3.5 Reliability Assessment Engineering 22.3.6 Process Reliability Group. . . . . . . 22.3.7 Reliability University 253 253 253 253 253 253 254 254 CHAPTER 23 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.1 CORPORATE SYSTEMS GROUP. . . . . . . . 23.1.1 Financial Industry Systems Group. . . . . 23.1.2 Information Systems Product Marketing. 23.1.3 Telecommunications Systems Group. . . 23.1.4 Marketing Programs/Travel Applications. 23.1.5 Marketing C0111munications . . . . . . . . . 23.1.6 Finance and Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.1.7 Personnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.1.8 Cullinet Strategic Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 259 259 259 260 260 260 260 260 23.2 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, ULTRIX, PRISM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 xvi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 23.3 BUSINESS AND OFFICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (BOIS). . . 23.3.1 Distribution, Marketing, Sales, and Service Business Systems 23.3.2 Finance and Administrative Business SystelTIS (FABS) . . . . . 23.3.3 Electronic Publishing Systems (EPS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.3.4 Office Information Systenls (015) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.3.5 Market Development and Programs (MD&P) . . . . . . . . . . . 23.3.6 Systems Engineering 23.3.7 Finance and MIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.3.8 Strategic Planning 23.3.9 Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.3.10 Business and Office Systems Engineering (BOSE) . . . . . . . 23.4 LABORATORY DATA PRODUCTS/SCIENCE GROUP. 23.4.1 Laboratory Applications Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . 23.4.2 Scientific Applications Marketing 23.4.3 Business Development Programs 23.4.4 Product Marketing and Planning 23.4.5 Systems Engineering 23.4.6 LDP Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.4.7 Finance and Administration/MIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.4.8 Personnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . (DMSS) . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . 262 262 262 263 263 263 263 263 263 264 264 . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . 264 264 264 265 265 265 265 265 265 23.5 CIM MARKETING AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 '.' NAME INDEX SUBJECT INDEX EXAMPLES 1 2 Publication Approval Request Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-Disclosure Agreement Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 33 xvii Preface What is a manager's job? I recently gave a talk at Marlboro on "DEC Culture". During that talk I discussed my expectations of all Digital employees, managers specifically. I have since thought that it would be a good idea if I wrote down my definition of a manager's job. This is also the definition of my job since I am a Digital nlanager. In this way, all Digital employees can understand what is expected of their nlanager, and evaluate how it impacts them individually. A manager is first and foremost a leader and a doer. A manager should propose what should be done and then make sure that it gets done. Noone at Digital should do things only because "1 was told to do it". This applies especially to managers. Digital managers should believe in the value of the work they are directing. A manager bears a special responsibility with respect to doing the right thing for Digital. He or she directs the efforts of 11lany people. Wasting people's working lives is very destructive. Leaders are certain types of individuals, not titles. The real leader of a project is not necessarily the person at the top of the organization chart. Good managers do not worry about their titles, they see things to be done and get them done. They provide support to people in leadership roles. A 11lanager 11lust develop trust. Digital is not a very formal company. Much of the real nature of an elnployee's duties have been defined over time. A manager and an employee must have a trusting relationship if this kind of working relationship is to function. I believe a 11lanager should be very candid with his or her employees on a continuing basis. There should never be any surprises at perforlllance review thne. A good manager is an informed risk taker. I say "informed" because being bold is not enough. Risks should be taken when the manager feels that there is a good chance of producing a quality product. Frequently a good manager "buys in" to someone else's high risk project. This is good as long as he or she believes in the other person's vision of what should be done. Managers must listen to people, especially the people working for them. The people who do the day-to-day work of an organization are usually in close touch with what is possible and what is not. A good manager convinces his or her people that what they are doing is worthwhile. There are no second-class citizens or organizations at -Digital. If a group of people perceive themselves as being part of a second-class organization, it is part of the manager's job to find out why they feel this way. If there is a real problem, the manager fixes it. If the problem is psychological, the manager changes the way the group thinks about itself. Shnilarly, Inanagers should not permit other groups to be viewed as second-class. Managers are sensitive to the needs of their employees. Keeping people productive is a key management function; after all, they do the real work, not the management. A good manager always has time for his or her employees, especially those that truly need help. Since people are the first priority of the manager, there is, by definition, always enough time to attend to their problellls and listen to their suggestions. Special attention should be paid to those situations where people are being nonproductive although they are doing their best. If the problem is the system in which these people function, a good manager changes the systeln. Preface xix Managers must recognize that only they can remove many of the roadblocks that prevent high productivity. This is an ongoing job; new roadblocks appear each day. This productivity should be used to produce high quality products. I expect Digital to be an industry leader in the production of quality products. Managers must help build and support a working environment that produces quality products. Finally, a manager should be an example for his or her employees. A manager who does the job, never passes the buck, and treats other people with respect will find those traits appearing among elnployees. Every manager is a role model to some extent. A manager who is respected and who is a decent human being will experience problems sometiInes, but will always be in a position to call on his or her employees for support when things become difficult. Bill (BJ) Johnson Vice President Distributed Systems xx Preface Foreword The following text is reprinted with permission from "The Unwritten Laws of Engineering" by W.J. King, originally appearing in the May, June, and July 1944 issues of Mechanical Engineering. That the article has been reprinted many times during its 40-plus year history should bear witness to its usefulness. It offers much wisdOlU to young engineers starting their careers, and to older engineers who know these things perfectly well but who all too often fail to apply them in practice. In Relation To Your Work However menial a11d trivial your early assignments may appear give them your best efforts. Many young engineers feel that the minor chores of a technical project are beneath their dignity and unworthy of their college training. They expect to prove their true worth in some major enterprise. Actually, the spirit and effectiveness with which you tackle your first humble tasks will very likely be carefully watched and may affect your entire career. Occasionally you will worry unduly about where your job is going to get you-whether it is sufficiently strategic or significant. Of course these are pertinent considerations and you would do well to take stock of theDl, but by and large it is fundamentally true that if you take care of your present job well, the future will take care of itself. This is particularly so in the case of a large corporation, where executives are constantly searching for cOlupetent people to move up into more responsible positions. Success depends so largely upon personality, native ability, and vigorous, intelligent prosecution of any job that it is no exaggeration to say that your ultimate chances are much better if you do a good job on SOlue luinor detail than if you do a mediocre job as section head. Furthermore, it is also true that if you do not at first make a good showing on your present job you are not likely to be given the opportunity of trying something else more to your liking. There is always a premium upon the ability to get things done. This is a quality which may be achieved by various means under different circumstances. Specific aspects will be elaborated in some of the succeeding itelUS. It can probably be reduced, however, to a combination of three basic characteristics: a. Energy, which is expressed in initiative to start things and aggressiveness to keep them moving briskly. b. Resourcefulness or ingenuity, Le., the faculty for finding ways to accomplish the desired result. c. Persistence (tenacity), which is the disposition to persevere in spite of difficulties, discouragement, or indifference. This last quality is sometimes lacking in the make-up of brilliant engineers, to such an extent that their effectiveness is greatly reduced. Such dilettantes are known as "good starters but poor finishers." Or else it will be said of a man (or a woman): "You can't take him too seriously; he'll be all steamed up over an idea today but tODlorrow he will have dropped it and started chasing SODle other rainbow." Bearin nlind, therefore, that it luay be worth while finishing a job, if it has any merit just for the sake of finishing it. In carrying out a project, do not wait for managers, vendors, and others to deliver the goods; go after them and keep after them. This is one of the first things a new engineer has to learn in entering a Dlanufacturing organization. Many novices assume that it is sufficient to place the order and sit back and wait until the goods are delivered. The fact is that most jobs Dlove in direct proportion to the amount of followup and expediting that is applied to them. Expediting means planning, investigating, prOllloting, and facilitating every step of the process. Cultivate the habit of looking immediately for some way around each obstacle encountered, some other recourse or expedient to keep the job rolling without losing Dlomentum. There are ten-to-one differences between individuals in respect to what it takes to stop their drive when they set out to get something done. Foreword xxi On the other hand, the matter is occasionally overdone by overzealous individuals who make themselves obnoxious and antagonize everyone by their offensive browbeating tactics. Be careful about demanding action from another department. Too much insistence and agitation may result in more damage to your personal interests than could ever result frOln the miscarriage of the technical point involved. Confirm your instructions and the other person's commitments in writing. Do not assume that the job will be done or bargain kept just because the other person agreed to it. Many people have poor olelnories, others are too busy, and almost everyone will take the matter a great deal more seriously if he or she sees it in writing. Of course there are exceptions, but at times it pays to mark a third party for a copy of the Inemo, as a witness. When sent out on any complaint or other assignment stick with it and see it through to a successful finish. All too often a young engineer from the home office will leave a job half done or poorly done in order to catch a train or keep some other engagement. Wire the boss that you've got to stay over to clean up the job. Neither the boss nor the custOlner will like it if another person has to be sent out later to finish it up. Avoid the very appearance of vacillation. One of the gravest indictments of an engineer is to say: "His or her opinion at any titne depends merely upon the last person with whom he or she has talked." Refrain frool stating an opinion or promoting an undertaking until you have had a reasonable opportunity to obtain and study the facts. Thereafter see it through if at all possible, until fresh evidence olakes it folly to persist. Obviously the extremes of bullheadedness and dogmatism should be avoided, but reolember that reversed decisions will be held against you. Don't be timid-speak up-express yourself and promote your ideas. Every young engineer should read Elnerson's essay on "Self Reliance." Too many new people seem to think that their job is Siolply to do what they're told to do, along the lines laid down by the boss. Of course there are tilnes when it is very wise and prudent to keep your mouth shut, but, as a rule, it pays to express your point of view whenever you can contribute something. The quiet mousey individual who says nothing is usually credited with having nothing to say. It frequently happens in any sort of undertaking that nobody is sure of just how the matter ought to be handled; it's a question of selecting some kind of prograol with a reasonable chance of success. This is comInonly to be observed in engineering meetings. The first person to speak up with a definite and plausible proposal has better than an even chance of carrying the floor, provided only that the scheme is definite and plausible. (The "best" schelne usually cannot be recognized as such in advance.) It also happens that the person who talks most knowingly and confidently about the matter will very often end up with the assignment to carry out the project. If you do not want the job, keep your olouth shut and you'll be overlooked, but you'll also be overlooked when it COlnes time to assign larger responsibilities. Before asking for approval of any major action, have a definite plan and program worked out to support it. Executives very generally and very properly will refuse to approve any proposed undertaking that is not well planned and thought through as regards the practical details of its execution. Quite often a young person will propose a project without having worked out the means of accomplishing it, or weighing the actual advantages against the difficulties and costs. This is the difference between a "well-considered" and a "half-baked" scheme. Strive for conciseness and clarity in oral and written reports. If there is one bane of an executive's existence, it is the person who takes a half hour of rambling discourse to tell what could be said in a sentence of twenty words. There is a curious and widespread tendency among engineers to surround the answer to a simple question with so many preliminaries and commentaries that the answer itself can hardly be discerned. It is so difficult to get a direct answer out of some people that their usefulness is greatly ditninished. The tendency is to explain the answer before answering the question. To be sure, very few questions admit of simple answers without qualifications, but the itnportant thing is to state the crux of the matter as succinctly as possible first. On the other hand, there are times when it is very important to add the pertinent background or other relevant facts to illuminate a simple statelnent. The trick is to convey the maximum of significant infonnation in the miniolum time, a valuable asset to anyone. xxii Foreword practic e of newsp apers in printin g An excellent guide in this respec t may be found in the standa rd have the time and interes t to read the news. The headli nes give you 90% of the basic facts. 1£ you lars. Succee ding paragr aphs particu ant further, the first paragr aph will give you 1110St of the itnport into available space, the article an fit To ance. signific shing Si11lply give details of progre ssively dhnini ly little of hnport ance will be editor sitnply lops off paragr aphs at the rear end, knowing that relativereports , presen ting your facts own lost. You can hardly do better than to adopt this metho d in your in the order of itnport ance, as if you might be cut off any Ininute. trite, and yet many engine ers Be extremely careful of the accuracy of your statements. This seems almost ng when they do not know guessi ally lose the confid ence of their superio rs and associates by habitu r questio ns concer ning answe to able be to ant the answer to a direct questio n. It is certainly import not know, say so, but do you If . answer no than worse is answer your responsibilities, but a wrong of certainty or degree e the exact also say, "I'll find out right away." If you are not certain, indicat reliability can and ability depend approx itnatio n upon which your answer is based. A reputa tion for be one of your most valuab le assets. as to oral reports . It is definitely This applies , of course, to written matter, calculations, etc., as well carefully checking it yourself, first t bad busine ss to submit a report to the boss for approv al withou omissi ons. and errors glaring of full and yet formal reports are someti mes turned in In Relation to the Boss princip le is so elelnen tary and Every manager must know what's going 011 in his or her bailiwick. This that a person cannot possib ly fact fundm nental as to be axiomatic. It follows fr01n the very obvious going on in it. It applies to what's knows she or he unless sfully succes ss busine Inanage his or her es as well as to depart ment sibiliti respon c specifi 11linor manag ers and other individuals charge d with princip le and yet it is very the of ess soundn the deny will heads. No one in his or her right mind l of the rules which follow are c011llnonly violate d or overlo oked. It is cited here becaus e severa concer ned with specific violations of this cardina l require ment. le enough , but some engine ers Do not overlook the fact that you're working for your boss. This sound ssitnp ny, the depart lnent, your fa11lily, never get it. By all means , you're working for society, the compa h your boss. And your boss is throug and yourself, but primar ily you should be working for and mon for young engine ers, in uncom not is It . directly your immed iate superio r, to whom you report t to go over or around the boss. their itnpati ent zeal to get things done, to ignore the boss, or attemp or later they find that such tactics S01netimes they move a little faster that way, for a while, but sooner cannot get by the boss; he or she you cannot be tolerat ed in a large organization. Generally speaking, other things. Besides, most among ate, cooper to determ ines your rating and rates you on your ability the boss our person al loyalty, with of us get more satisfaction out of our jobs when we're able to give the feeling that we're helpin g him or her to get the main job done. your engine ering career, this is Be as particular as you can in the selection of your boss. In its effect upon engine ering organi zations the most second in hnport ance only to the selection of proper parent s. In factor in moldin g the profes sional major a is head, section the even or er, engine influence of the senior and textbooks, master craftsm en sities univer of charac ter of younge r engine ers. Long before the days en. It is very much as in the craftsm lllaster to p ticeshi in all the arts absorb ed their skills by appren is very apt to remain a "dud," game of golf; a beginn er who consta ntly plays in compa ny with "duds" rounds with a "pro" will few a too, no matter how faithfully the rules are studied . Where as even usually improv e a novice 's game. dly. What if he or she turns out to But of course, it is not always possib le to choose your boss advise are only two proper alternatives There be somew hat less than half the person he or she ought to be? ity and execute his or her policies open to you; (a) accept the boss as a represe ntative of a higher author outfit at the first opport unity. A and directives as effectively as possib le, or (b) transfe r to S01ne other(including thecol llpany ) if some great deal of mischi ef can be done to the interes ts of all concer ned s. Consid er the damag e to the other alternative is elected , particularly in the case of younge r person or modify orders to suit ignore leader, the g dislikin s, efficiency of a Inilitary unit when the private Foreword xxiii their individual notions. To be sure, a business organization is not a military machine, but it is not a Inob either. One of the first things your owe your boss is to keep him or her informed of all significant developments. This is a corollary of the preceding rules: A manager must know what's going on. The main question is: How much must he or she know-how Inany of the details? This is always a difficult matter for the new engineer to get straight. Many novices hesitate to bother the boss with too many reports, and it is certainly true that it can be overdone in this direction, but in by far the majority of cases the executive's problem is to extract enough information to be kept adequately posted. For every time the boss has to say, "Don't bother me with so nlany details," there will be three times he or she will say, "Why doesn't someone tell me these things?" Bear in mind that the boss is constantly called upon to account for, defend, and explain your activities to the "higher-ups, " as well as to coordinate these activities into a larger plan. In a nutshell, the rule is therefore to give hiIn or her all the infonnation needed for these two purposes. Whatever the boss wants done takes top priority. You may think you have more important things to do first, but unless you obtain permission it is usually unwise to put any other project ahead of a specific assignInent from your own boss. As a rule, he or she has good reasons for wanting his or her job done now, and it is apt to have a great deal more bearing upon your rating than less conspicuous projects which n1ay appear more urgent. Also, make note of this: If you are instructed to do something and you subsequently decide it isn't worth doing (in view of the data or events) do not just let it die, but inform the boss of your intentions and reasons. Neglect of this point has caused trouble on more than one occasion. Do not be too anxious to follow the boss's lead. This is another side of the matter covered by the preceding rule. An undue subservience or deference to the department head's wishes is fairly comInon among young engineers. A person with this kind of psychology may: 1. Plague the boss incessantly for minute directions and approvals. 2. Surrender all initiative and depend upon the boss to do all of his or her basic thinking. 3. Persist in carrying through a design or a program even after new evidence has proved the original plan to be wrong. This is where an engineering organization differs from an army. In general, the program laid down by the departnlent or section head is tentative, rather than sacred, and is intended to serve only until a better prograln is proposed and approved. The rule therefore is to tell your boss what you have done, at reasonable intervals, and ask for approval of any well-considered and properly planned deviations or new projects that you may have conceived. Regarding Relations with Associates and Outsiders In all transactions be careful to "deal in" everyone who has a right to be in. It is extremely easy, in a large organization, to overlook the interests of some division or individual who does not happen to be represented, or in mind, when a significant step is taken. Very often the result is that the step has to be retracted or else considerable damage is done. Even when it does no apparent harm, most people do not like to be left out when they have a stake in the matter, and the effect upon morale may be serious. Of course there will be times when you cannot wait to stand on ceremony and you'll have to go ahead and "damn the torpedoes." But you cannot do it with impunity too often. Note particularly that in this and the preceding item the chief offense lies in the invasion of the other person's territory without his or her knowledge and consent. You may find it expedient on occasions to do the other person's job in order to get your own work done, but you should first give the other person a fair chance to deliver the goods or else agree to have you take over. If you n1ust offend in this respect, at least you should realize that you are being offensive. xxiv Foreword Be careful about 'whom you mark for copies of letters, memos, etc., when the interests of other departments are involved. A lot of mischief has been caused by young people broadcasting memoranda containing damaging or embarrassing statements. Of course it is sometimes difficult for a novice to recognize the "dynamite" in such a document but, in general, it is apt to cause trouble if it steps too heavily upon sOllleone's toes or reveals a serious shortcollling on anybody's part. If it has wide distribution or if it concerns manufacturing or customer difficulties, you'd better get the boss to approve it before it goes out unless you're very sure of your ground. Promises, schedules, and estimates are necessary and important instruments in a well-ordered business. Many engineers fail to realize this, or habitually try to dodge the irksome responsibility for lllaking commitlnents. You lllUSt make promises based upon your own estimates for the part of the job for which you are responsible, together with estimates obtained from contributing departments for their parts. No one should be allowed to avoid the issue by the old formula, "1 can't give a promise because it depends upon so many uncertain factors." Consider the "uncertain factors" confronting a department head who must make up a budget for an entire engineering department for a year in advance! Even the most uncertain case can be narrowed down by first asking, "Will it be done in a matter of a few hours or a few months-a few days or a few weeks?" It usually turns out that it cannot be done in less than three weeks and surely will not require more than five, in which case you'd better say four weeks. This allows one week for contingencies and sets you a reasonable bogie under the comfortable figure of five weeks. Both extremes are bad; a good engineer will set schedules which can be met by energetic effort at a pace commensurate with the significance of the job. As a corollary of the following, you have a right to insist upon having estimates from responsible representatives of other departments. But in accepting promises, or statements of facts, it is frequently important to make sure you are dealing with a qualified representative of the other section. Also bear in mind that when you ignore or discount another person's promises you impugn his or her responsibility and incur the extra liability yourself. Of course this is sometimes necessary, but be sure that you do it advisedly. Ideally, another person's prolllises should be negotiable instruments, like a personal check, in compiling estimates. When you are dissatisfied with the services of another section, make your complaint to the individual most directly responsible for the function involved. Complaints made to a person's superiors, over the person's head, engender strong resentments and should be resorted to only when direct appeal fails. In lnany cases such coolplaints are made without giving the person a fair chance to correct the grievance, or even before he or she is aware of any dissatisfaction. This applies particularly to individuals with whom you are accustomed to dealing directly or at close range, or in cases where you know the person to whom the function has been assigned. It is more fonnal and in some instances possibly more correct to file a complaint with the head of the section or departolent, and it will no doubt tend to secure prolllpt results. But there are more than a few individuals who would never forgive you for complaining to their boss without giving them a fair chance to take care of the matter. In dealing with customers and outsiders remember that you represent the company, ostensibly with full responsibility and authority. You may be only a few months out of college but most outsiders will regard you as a legal, financial, and technical agent of your company in all transactions, so be careful of your commitments. Purely Personal Considerations for Engineers About 99% of the emphasis in the training of engineers is placed upon purely technical or fonnal education. In recent years, however, there has been a rapidly growing appreciation of the iOlportance of "human engineering," not only in respect to relations between management and employees but also as regards the personal effectiveness of the individual worker, technical or otherwise. It should be obvious enough that a highly trained technological expert with a good character and pexsonality is necessarily a better engineer and a great deal lllore valuable to his or her company than a sociological freak or lllisfit with the same technical training. This is largely a consequence of the elementary fact that in a normal organization no individual can get very far in accolllplishing any worthwhile Foreword xxv objectives without the voluntary cooperation of his or her associates. And the quantity and quality of such cooperation is determined by the "personality factor" more than anything else. This subject of personality and character is, of course, very broad and much has been written and preached about it from social, ethical, and religious points of view. The following "laws" are drawn from the purely practical point of view based upon well-established principles of good engineering practice, or upon consistently repeated experience. As in the preceding sections, the selections are lhnited to rules which are frequently violated, with unfortunate results, however obvious or brOlnidic they may appear. "Laws" of Character and Personality One of the most important personal traits is the ability to get along 'with all kinds of people. This is rather a cOlnprehensive quality but it defines the prime requisite of personality in any type of industrial organization. No doubt this ability can be achieved by various formulas, although it is probably based Inostly upon general, good-natured friendliness, together with fairly consistent observance of the "Golden Rule." The following" do's and don'ts" are more specific elements of such a formula. 1. Cultivate the tendency to appreciate the good qualities, rather than the shortcolllings of each individual. 2. Do not give vent to impatience or annoyance on slight provocation. Some offensive individuals seem to develop a striking capacity for becOlning annoyed, which they indulge with little or no restraint. 3. Do not harbor grudges after disagreements involving honest differences of opinion. Keep your argulllents on an objective basis and leave personalities out as much as possible. 4. Form the habit of considering the feelings and habits of others. 5. Do not becollle unduly preoccupied with your own selfish interests. It may be natural enough to "look out for NU1llber One first," but when you do your associates will leave the matter entirely in your hands, whereas they will be much readier to defend your interests for you if you characteristically neglect them for unselfish reasons. This applies particularly to the matter of credit for accomplishments. It is much wiser to give your principal attention to the matter of getting the job done, or to building up your people, than to spend too much time pushing your personal interests ahead of everything else. You need have no fear of being overlooked; about the only way to lose credit for a creditable job is to grab for it too avidly. 6. Make it a rule to help the other fellow when the opportunity arises. Even if you're mean-spirited enough to derive no satisfaction from accommodating others it's a good investment. The business world demands and expects cooperation and tealnwork among the members of an organization. It's smarter and pleasanter to give it freely and ungrudgingly, up to the point of unduly neglecting your responsibilities. 7. Be particularly careful to be fair on all occasions. This means a good deal more than just being fair, upon delnand. All of us are frequently unfair, unintentionally, simply because we do not habitually view the matter from the other person's point of view, to be sure that his or her interests are fairly protected. For example, when a person fails to carry out an assignment, he or she is sometimes unjustly criticized when the real fault lies with the manager who failed to give hhn or her the tools to do the job. Whenever you enjoy some natural advantage, or whenever you are in a position to injure someone seriously, it is especially incumbent upon you to "lean over backwards" to be fair and square. xxvi Foreword 8. Do not take yourself or your work too seriously. A normal healthy sense of humor, under reasonable control, is much 11lore becoming, even to an executive, than a chronically soured dead pan, a perpetually unrelieved air of deadly seriousness, or the pompous sole11ln dignity of a stuffed owl. It is much better for your blood pressure, and for the morale of the office, to laugh off an awkward situation now and then than to maintain a tense tragic atmosphere of stark disaster whenever matters take an embarrassing turn. To be sure, a serious matter should be taken seriously, and a person should maintain a quiet dignity as a rule, but it does more harm than good to preserve an oppressively heavy and funereal atmosphere around you. 9. Put yourself out just a little to be genuinely cordial in meeting people. True cordiality is, of course, spontaneous and should never be affected, but neither should it be inhibited. We all know people who invariably pass us in the hall or encounter us elsewhere without a shadow of recognition. Whether this be due to inhibition or preoccupation we cannot help feeling that such unsociable ChU11lpS would not be missed much if we never saw them agajn. On the other hand it is difficult to think of anyone who is too cordial, although it can doubtless be overdone like anything else. It appears that 1110St people tend naturally to be sufficiently reserved or else overreserved in this respect. 10. Give other people the benefit of the doubt if you are inclined to suspect their motives, especially when you can afford to do so. Mutual distrust and suspicion breed a great deal of absolutely unnecessary friction and trouble, frequently of a very serious nature. This is a very C01n11lon phenomenon that can be observed among all classes and types of people, in international as well as local affairs. It is derived chiefly from misunderstandings, pure ignorance, or from an ungenerous tendency to assume that a person is guilty until proved innocent. No doubt the latter assumption is the" safer" bet, but it is also true that if you treat others as depraved scoundrels, they will usually treat you likewise, and they will probably try to live down to what is expected of them. Regard your personal integrity as one of your most important assets. In the long pull there is hardly anything more important to you than your own self-respect and this alone should provide ample incentive to maintain the highest standard of ethics of which you are capable. But, apart from all considerations of ethics and morals, there are perfectly sound hardheaded business reasons for conscientiously guarding the integrity of your character. One of the most striking phenomena of an engineering office is the transparency of character among the 11lelnbers of any group who have been associated for any length of time. In a surprisingly short period each individual is recognized, appraised, and catalogued for exactly what he or she is, with far greater accuracy than that individual usually realizes. This is true to such a degree that it ll1akes people appear downright ludicrous when they assume a pose or otherwise try to convince us that they are smnething better than they are. As Emerson puts it: "What you are speaks so loud I cannot hear what you say." In fact, it frequently happens that people are much better known and understood by their associates, collectively, than they know and understand thelnselves. Therefore, it behooves you as an engineer to let your personal conduct, overtly and covertly, represent your conception of the very best practical standard of professional ethics, by which you are willing to let the world judge and rate you. Moreover, it is morally healthy and tends to create a better atmosphere, if you will credit the other fellow with similar ethical standards, even though you may be imposed upon occasionally. The obsessing and overpowering fear of being cheated is the common characteristic of second- and thirdrate personalities. This sort of psychology sometiInes leads a person to aSSUlne an extrelnely "cagey" sophisticated attitude crediting him or herself with being impressively clever when he or she is simply taking advantage of his or her more considerate and fainninded associates. On the other hand a substantiallnajority of top-flight executives are scrupulously fair, square, and straightfolward in their dealings with all parties. In fact most of them are where they are largely because of this characteristic, which is one of the priIne requisites of first-rate leadership. The priceless and inevitable reward for uncompromising integrity is confidence, the confidence of associates, subordinates, and "outsiders." Confidence is such an invaluable business asset that even a lnoderate amount of it will easily outweigh any temporary advantage that might be gained by sharp practices. Foreword xxvii Integrity of character is closely associated with sincerity, which is another extremely illlportant quality. Obvious and lllarked sincerity is frequently a source of exceptional strength and influence in certain individuals, particularly in the case of speakers. Abraham Lincoln is a classic example. In any individual, sincerity is always appreciated, and insincerity is quickly detected and discounted. In order to avoid any misunderstanding, it should be granted here that the average person, and certainly the average engineer, is by no means a low dishonest scoundrel. In fact, the average person would violently protest any questioning of his or her essential honesty and decency, perhaps fairly enough. But there is no premium upon this kind of common garden variety of honesty, which is always ready to cOlllprolllise in a pinch. The average person will go off the gold standard or cOlllprolllise with any sort of expediency whenever it becOlnes moderately uncomfortable to live up to his or her obligations. This is hardly what is meant by "integrity," and it is certainly difficult to base even a llloderate degree of confidence upon the guarantee that you will not be cheated unless the going gets rough. Finally, it should be observed that the various principles which have been expounded, like those of the arts and sciences, must be assiduously applied and developed in practice if they are to become really effective assets. It is much easier to recognize the validity of these "laws " than it is to apply theln consistently. The important thing here is to select, in so far as possible, a favorable atmosphere for the development of these professional skills. This is undoubtedly one of the major advantages of elnployment in a large engineering organization. Perhaps, even more important, as previously lllentioned, is the selection of your boss, particularly during those first few years that constitute your engineering apprenticeship. No alllount of precept is as effective as the proper kind of example. Unfortunately, there is not nearly enough of this kind of example to go around, and in any event it will behoove you to study the "rules of the gallle" to develop your own set of principles to guide you in your professional practice. xxviii Foreword CHAPTER 1 CORPORATE OVERVIEW 1.1 SCOPE Chapter 1 helps you become familiar with Digital Equipment Corporation in three ways. First, a short history of the company's achievelllents is provided. Next, "Digital Philosophy" provides you with positive, growth-producing values inherent to the operation of the company. Finally, a word about "DEC Culture" is included. These topics in Chapter 1 provide you with a perspective with which you may meld your personal goals with those of the corporation to grow and prosper. NOTE All domestic telephone numbers in this guide are on the Digital Telephone Network (DTN), accessible only from inside a Digital facility. See your Digital Telephone Directory or contact your local operator for external exchange codes. 1.2 FACTS ABOUT DIGITAL Digital Equipment Corporation, headquartered in Maynard, Massachusetts, is the world's leading manufacturer of networked computer systems and associated peripheral equipment. It is also the leader in systellls integration with its networks, communications, services, and software products. Digital has about 1000 sales, service, manufacturing, administrative, and engineering sites in 64 countries and employs more than 119,000 people worldwide. Currently ranked 38th on the FORTUNE 100 list, Digital ended Fiscal 1987 with operating revenues of $9.4 billion. Digital's products are used worldwide in a variety of applications, including scientific research, computation, comlllunications, education, data analysis, insurance, banking, financial services, industrial control, timesharing, cOlllmercial data processing, graphic arts, document processing, personal COlllputing, health care, instrumentation, engineering, and simulation. Beginning in 1957 with 8,500 square feet of rented space in the Mill and $70,000 of venture capital, Ken Olsen quickly established Digital in the 1960s as the creator of the "minicomputer " industry. Digital's first computer, the PDP-I, which was the world's first small, interactive computer, broke the lllillion-dollar barrier in 1960, providing interactive computing capability for about $125,000. Digital's first lllinicomputer, the PDP-5, lowered the cost of interactive cOlllputing to about $25,000. CORPORATE OVERVIEW 1 bnportant milestones in Digital's history also include the following: April, 1965 PDP-8, the world's first mass-produced minicomputer introduced August, 1966 First public stock offering available April, 1970 PDP-11/20. Digital's first 16-bit minicomputer available May, 1974 Digital enters FORTUNE 500, ranked 475th in sales. February, 1975 LSI-11 and PDP-11170 computers introduced. October, 1977 VAX-11/780 computer introduced. June, 1980 Digital, Intel, and Xerox cooperate in Ethernet local network project. , VAXcluster technology announced. Digital entered FORTUNE 100, ranked 95th in sales. April, 1983 October, 1983 MicroVAX I computer introduced. October, 1984 VAX 8600 computer introduced. May, 1985 MicroVAX II computer introduced. January, 1985 VAX 8650 computer announced. January, 1986 VAX 8200, VAX 8300, and VAX 8800 computer introduced. January, 1987 VAX 8974 and VAX 8975 systems introduced. February, 1987 MicroVAX 2000 and VAXstation 2000 systems introduced. March, 1987 VAX 8250, VAX 8350, and VAX 8530 systems introduced. April, 1987 First models of VT300 family of terminals announced. September, 1987 Digitals's 1,000,000th VT220 terminal announced. January, 1988 Digital and Apple Computer, Inc., announce joint development program. Digital's computer systems center on four central processor families: • The PDP-8 I2-bit computer family was first used in the laboratory. Today, the PDP-8 functions in machine control, real-time monitoring applications, process control, and a host of business and commercial applications, primarily in DECmate single-user computer systems. • The PDP-II I6-bit computer family brought new technological advances to small computers. Processors from the LSI-II to the PDP-II/84 are software compatible. It also uses the broadest range of peripherals and software ever offered. These systems are used for everything from lunning a lathe to running a railroad. • The DECsystem-I0, a 36-bit architecture system, was the first commercially available tilllesharing system designed for simultaneous timesharing, batch, remote job entry, and real-tillle tasks. DECsystelll-10s are used by more data service companies to provide timesharing services than any other system. The DECSYSTEM-20, a modified version of our large COlllputer, was designed to bridge the gap between the DECsystem-I0 and the PDP-II. • The VAX is a multiuser, multilanguage, multiprogramming, high performance computer system. It cOlllbines a 32-bit architecture, virtual memory operating system, and efficient Inemory management to provide essentially unlimited prograln space. Included in this family of computer systems are the VAX 8800, VAX 8250, VAX 8530, VAX 8650, VAX-II/780, and MicroVAX II. To support its line of processors, Digital manufactures a full line of peripheral equipment, including disk and tape systems, input/output devices, hard copy and video tenninals, and comlnunication interfaces. This large selection of peripheral equipment allows Digital's customers to tailor systems to Ineet their specific needs, with the assurance of expansion capability for future requirements. Complementing its hardware offering, Digital offers software products that include application packages, operating systems, higher level languages, and utilities. These products provide the full capability to meet a cOlllmitment of increased performance at a lower price. 2 CORPORATE OVERVIEW Equally important, Digital provides resources and services to support all of its products. • Software support services that range from getting a specialized system up and running to writing a cust0111ized application progranl. • A worldwide customer support organization of more than 39,000 maintenance, software support, and training professionals deployed at more than 600 locations in 64 countries on five continents. • Over 520 computer-related courses offered in 16 languages at 110 locations around the world. Digital also supports Digital Equipment Users Society (DECUS), the largest such group in the world with over 110,000 members worldwide. DECUS sponsors symposia, publishes newsletters, and adnlinisters a progranl library for its members. A major elenlent in Digital's c0111petitive advantage is its Manufacturing organization. Manufacturing currently consists of about 32,000 people in 34 plants in 11 countries. It is divided into product groups, as well as area groups and functions. The manufacturing product groups - Components, Computer Systems, and Storage - work closely with their counterparts in engineering and the field to orient the c0111pany's resources effectively on a world-wide basis. Today, Digital is one company with one strategy, and all parts of the organization are working toward a C01111110n goal. Four parts of this strategy include the following: development of a single computer architecture; commitment to Ethernet; developl11ent of workstations and personal computers to serve as powerful terminals on these systems; and commitment to "clustering" to allow multiprocessing al110ng large computers fronl a common data base. The following messages clearly state Digital's worldwide strengths: • CUSTOMER'S COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE- When customers choose Digital conlputing solutions, they gain a clear advantage over their competition. • INTEGRATION OF WORK GROUPS, DEPARTMENTS, AND ORGANIZATIONS-Integration of work groups, deparh11ents and organizations is the real benefit that computers can bring to business. • BEST NETWORKS-Digital is leading the way in establishing multi-vendor networking solutions to allow customers maximum flexibility in network design and use. • BEST ARCHITECTURE-A compatible architecture provides access to tomorrow's technology while protecting yesterday's investment. • BEST INTEGRATED APPLICATIONS-A broad range of industry and applications expertise allows Digital to precisely match complete computing solutions to the specific needs of an industry. • BEST SERVICE-A commitment to service is a commitment to the design, installation, and maintenance of a systenl over the life of an application. 1.3 DIGITAL PHILOSOPHY The Strategy Committee feels that the following statement of PHILOSOPHY may be helpful for guidance in conlmunicating the kind of company we would like to be to employees and people outside of Digital. Honesty We want to be not only technically honest, but also to make sure that the implication of what we say and the inlpressions we leave are correct. When we make a commitment to customers or to enlployees, we feel the obligation to see that it happens. CORPORATE OVERVIEW 3 Profit We are a public corporation. Stockholders invested in our corporation for profit. Success is measured by profit. With success comes the opportunity to grow, the ability to hire good people, and the satisfaction that COllles with meeting your goals. We feel that profit is in no way inconsistent with social goals. Quality Growth is not our prhnary goal. Our goal is to be a quality organization and do a quality job, which means that we will be proud of our product and our work for years to come. As we achieve quality, we achieve growth. The product we are selling includes the engineering, the software, the manufacturing, and the services. The services include field service, software support, sales, order processing, training, and manuals. Responsibility Plans are proposed by managers or teams. These plans may be rejected until they fit Corporate goals or until the Strategy Committee feels confidence in the plans. But when they are accepted, they are the responsibility of those who proposed them. The impetus for a plan may come from outside the group making the proposal, but once accepted, the proposal is the responsibility of the one who proposed it. Others who need to participate in plan implementation are expected to support approved plans. Management We particularly want to be sure that management jobs are clear and well-defined. Because so many people are dependent on the plans of managers, it is very important that their plans have regular automatic measurements built into them. Meeting financial results is only one measure of a plan; other llleasures are satisfied customers, development of people, meeting Digital's long range needs, developlllent of new products, opening new markets, and meeting the commitments made to others in the company. We believe that our commitment to planning assures our freedom to act. Society We are comlnitted as a corporation to taking affirmative action in providing equal opportunity for elnployment and promotion for all persons regardless of race, color, creed, age or sex. We encourage all employees to take responsibility in community, social, and government activities. We are always open for proposals as to what the corporation or an individual on corporation time may want to do in these areas. However, activities done on company tillle or with company funds should have a formal proposal including ways of regularly measuring success toward goals.. Environment As good citizens we have a responsibility to keep our environment free of pollution and to set an example by these activities. Customers We lllUSt be honest and straightforward with our customers. Not only must they be told the facts, but we must be sure they understand the facts. To the best of our knowledge and ability, we want to be sure that the products we sell answer the needs of the customer, even when the customer is inexperienced. We want our products and services to llleet the customer's expectations. To do this, we must clarify in advance all of those expectations in a way that the customer will understand. When we sell a product to a customer, we want to be sure the corporation fulfills the obligations we took on with the sale. We sell our corporation, its products and its services, not a single individual. We must be sure all Digital commitments are met. 4 CORPORATE OVERVIEW Suppliers We wish to be viewed by suppliers as a desirable customer. Business transactions with suppliers will be conducted on an honest, fair, and open basis. Suppliers and potential suppliers will be treated courteously and given an opportunity to present their goods and services for consideration. COlnpetetion is encouraged. Our business ethics require that our employess not accept fronl suppliers any gifts, gratuities, or entertainment that exceed conllnon courtesy or are of nOlninal value. Competitors We never criticize the competition publicly. We sell by presenting the positive features of our own products. We want to be respectful of all competition, and collect and analyze all public information about competitors. When we hire people frOIn cOInpetitors, we should neither ask them for confidential, cOlnpetitive information, nor should we use confidential literature they nlay have taken with thenl. Simplicity and Clarity We want all aspects of Digital to be clear and siInple and we want siInple products, proposals, organization, literature that is easy to read and understand, and advertisements that have a siInple, obvious Inessage. We have thousands of employees and many thousands of customers. We have to keep things sinlple to be sure that we all work together. Our decisions must always consider the impact on the people who will be affected by them. Standard Products Standard products are the base of our business. At times, in certain areas, we will invest in hardware and software specifically for special markets. But we should never lose sight that the base of our business is our standard products. Original Equipment Manufacturers Selling to OEMs is very important to us. There are more applications for our products than we could ever develop. When OEMs take risks and are very successful in a olarket, we should respect the risk they took. However, we Inay compete with OEMs in very large markets or where the OEM covers only a sOlall segment of the Inarket. When we decide to enter a market, we make this decision independently on the basis of the facts. Thereafter, we see if we have an OEM who focuses on that market so that we can openly comnlunicate our future plans to that OEM. If we do compete with an OEM, we do it openly and fairly. Conversely, we will respect the right of our OEM to compete with us. When OEMs are in trouble with their customers, we tell them so they can improve. Personnel Development We encourage people to develop technical skills, breadth of knowledge, and expertise in a specific area. We also encourage people to develop supervisory and managelnent skills. We believe that individual discipline should be self-generated. Promotion We promote people according to their performance, not only their technical ability but also their ability to get the job done and to take the responsibility that goes with the job. Ability is llleasured not only by past results, but also by attitude and desire to succeed. Perfonnance results are also used to decide if a person should remain in his or her present job. Hiring from Customers We should be exceedingly careful when hiring employees frOln customers. SOInetiInes this is reasonable and desirable; but we should do it with all caution and by being sure that the elnployee first tells the custolller. CORPORATE OVERVIEW 5 First Rule When dealing with a customer, a supplier, or an employe"e, do what is right in each situation. 1.4 DEC CULTURE Honesty, hard work, moral and ethical conduct, a high level of professionalism, and teamwork are qualities that are an integral part of employment at Digital. Along with the other professional attributes that follow, these qualities are considered part of the DEC Culture. A First-Name Company Digital is a people-oriented company. The employee receives courteous, fair, and equitable treatment. Enlployees conduct themselves in an infornlal manner and are on first-name basis with everyone at all levels. Self-Direction The opportunity for self-direction. and self-determination is always present at Digital. This allows eInployees to use their abilities and expertise to determine their career paths. Although Digital does stress self-inlprovement and professional growth, decisions concerning career paths are considered the responsibility of the employee. Digital gives encouragement and support in the form of tuition refunds. Job mobility does exist, and employees are free to seek new challenges as part of their professional growth. Open-Door Policy The open-door policy encourages employees with a complaint or a problem to talk it over with their supervisor or anyone else they feel can help theln. This policy makes enlployees aware that the company is concerned with them as individuals and encourages them to voice their complaints. Management Expectations Management expects hard work and a high level of achievement from employees. A great deal of trust is placed in enlployees to give their best effort to a job. Generally speaking, management is by objective rather than by directive. PrOlTIotions are based on merit rather than by seniority. Personal Ethics Employees are expected to act in a mature manner at all times. They should not incur any negative opinions in public either upon thenlselves as employees of Digital or upon the company itself. Matrix Organization Digital is organized around a matrix structure. In a matrix structure, employees interact with other employees on all professional levels, crossing many areas of responsibility and cutting through nlany chains of command. In essence, everyone is accessible and helpful to you so that you can nleet your goal. You go where you have to go, do what you have to do, talk with anyone to get the job done. The matrix organization is goal-oriented and depends upon trust, comnlunications, and teamwork. As a result, Inost employees function as independent consultants on every level, interacting across many areas necessary to accomplish the task. 6 CORPORATE OVERVIEW CHAPTER 2 PERSONNEL-ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING/PRODUCT MARKETING Manager: Dick Farrahar (ML012-2/T8, 223-7738) Personnel works with Engineering, Manufacturing and Product Marketing to enable all groups to meet the following objectives. • Attract, develop, and retain a competent, innovative workforce. • Link business and organizational requirements with individual employee needs. • Understand and manage the impact of corporate decisions and conditions on organizational effectiveness and employee morale. • Develop programs and processes to facilitate communication among employees. • Ensure that elnployees are treated fairly, and in a manner consistent with Digital policies and legal requirements of countriesllocalities where Digital has facilities. • Develop, support, and manage related administrative programs, systems and tools. • Influence, participate in, and ensure the integration of group objectives and Corporate Personnel goals. Personnel-Engineering, Manufacturing, and Product Marketing meet these goals through work in these and other areas of functional support. • Elnployee Relations: Interpreting policy, solving problems and providing counseling. • Compensation and Benefits: Salary planning and review administration, benefits configuration and adlninistration. • Staffing and Placement: Recruiting, interviewing and assimilating new employees. • Human Resource Development and Education: Development planning, education and training including QDP, GEEP & TMEP. • Human Resource Planning and Employment: Human resource planning, workforce analysis, strategic employment and college relations. • Valuing Differences, Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Develop awareness strategies, plans and programs; set goals; evaluating; reporting. • Adnlinistrative Systems: Maintaining personnel data base, employee profiles and records. • Organizational Design and Work Effectiveness: Organizational diagnosis and consulting; organizational and workforce design; process management; business planning. Each employee has the following individuals available for assistance with personnel issues. PERSONNEL-ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING/PRODUCT MARKETING 7 Each group has a Personnel Manager, responsible for the overall management of the functions previously listed. Personnel Managers ensure a productive balance between individual and organizational needs. They consult with group management and other senior-level group members on all aspects of the business that affect people, and provide strategic and long-range perspective on workforce planning issues. The Personnel Representative and Manager help employees in areas including career development and training, job performance, reclassification and transfers, and leaves of absence. Personnel Representatives work with management on issues of workforce planning, job descriptions, salary planning, Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action, and organization design and developlllent. They sign personnel requisitions, salary reviews, relocation advances, vouchers, and exceptions, as well as training requests, tuition refund forms, and transfer and termination fOfIlls. They also conduct exit interviews. . Personnel Representatives make an effort to meet all new employees, either at an orientation or in an individual meeting, to answer any questions and address any concerns they may have. The Personnel Services Administrator (PSA) processes paperwork for tuition refunds, disability benefits, U.S. savings bonds, leaves of absence, taxes, increase letters (notice of salary increase), and automatic deposit agreements. They handle employee transfers, orient new hires, and help with retirements. The PSA is the best source of information on benefits at Digital. They also keep employee records. Your Personnel Services Administrator keeps your personnel file up to date. You can help by supplying your PSA with changes to your address, hOllle phone number, emergency contact, and other essential information. Your departlllent has your Employee Profile, which enables you to keep these records correct. • Manufacturing/Engineering/Product Marketing Manager: Dick Farrahar (ML012-2/T8, 223-7738) • Compensation/Benefits Manager: Bob Mulkey (MLOl-5/A98, 223-1974) • West Coast Engineering and Manufacturing Group Manager: Hank Feir (VCT, 415-853-2229) • Human Resource Development and Education Manager: Larry Rossini (ML03-6/B5, 223-3433) • Human Resource Planning and Employment Manager: Tony Picardi (ML03-6/B5, 223-3432) • Engineering Affirmative Action/Valuing Differences Manager: Donna Taylor (ML03-2/T98, 223-7034) • Business Management and Infornlation Systems Manager: Maurice Vanderpot (ML03-4/A11, 223-7113) 2.1 MANUFACTURING/ENGINEERING AND MARKETING CENTRAL QUALITY GROUP Manager: Patricia Cox (ZKOl-2/D13, 381-1353) The Central Quality Group works with the Corporate Quality Group and the Engineering Education Advisory Board (EEAB) to identify the issues facing the engineering comlllunity that are significant factors affecting quality and customer satisfaction during the design of our products. The group's major areas of concentration are as follows: • 8 To provide education in quality technology for engineers and engineering in cooperation with the Corporate Quality Group. PERSONNEL-ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING/PRODUCT MARKETING critical to the delivery of To identify, develo p, and ensure the use of the quality techno logies quality compu ting system s. • Quality Development Program 2.1.1 Manager: Patricia Cox (ZKOl-2/D13, 381-1353) to assist the engine er in produc ing This group develo ps and sponso rs the develo pment of worksh ops quality produc ts. The following worksh ops are offered on a regular basis: • Introdu ction to Digital for Engineering • Quality • • Inspec tion Moder ator's Introdu ction to Demin g for Digital • Huma n Factors in Design • Exchanging Technical Inform ation Statistics for Improv ing Quality/Productivity • engine ering on topics related to This group also sponso rs semina rs and special worksh ops within s or by Digital experts. produc t quality. These semina rs Inay be conduc ted by external expert ping worksh ops or semina rs within This group can provid e assista nce to engine ers and others in develo engineering. 2.1.2 Engineering Projects Manager: Patricia Cox (ZKOl-2/D13, 381-1353) within engine ering by working on This group identif ies and promo tes the use of quality technology specific produc t develo plnent efforts. The curren t project s in this function are as follows: • • • • 2.2 teristics. Develo p a reliability/availability model for estima ting system charac ering groups . Provide user interface design consulting to Distrib uted System s engine r the approp riate ones to Identify new techno logies for engine ering quality system s and transfe engine ering. Provide consulting to various engine ering groups as reques ted. GRADUATE ENGINEERING EDUCATION PROGRAM (GEEP) Manager: Shirley Stahl (MLOl-3/U51, 223-9244) for engine ers to pursue techniThe Gradua te Engineering Education Progra m provid es the opport unity ments may apply to the GEEP require ce entran cal gradua te degree s full-time. Engineers who meet the electrical, industrial, nlechanical, to pursue degree s (Maste r's and Ph.D's ) in engine ering (computer, software) or compu ter science. candid ates is made by the EngiThere is an applica tion/se lection proced ure, and final selection of s staff on engine ering educat ion. Smith' Jack advise ers memb neerin g Advisory Board (EEAB), whose PERSONNEL-ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING/PRODUCT MARKETING 9 Once accepted into the GEEP and to a university where there is a strong degree progrmn in the discipline the applicant has chosen to pursue, full salaly and fringe benefits, university costs (tuition, books, fees), and the costs of relocating (if the university is at a distance) are paid by the GEEP cost center. The Master's Program is a 12- to 18-month, full-time, graduate study prograol. The length of titne granted to pursue the degree is detennined by the uoiversity progralll requirelnents (thesis/non-thesis, research project). To qualify for the Master's Program, an engineer Olust: have a desire to pursue a technical graduate degree on a full-time basis; be elnployed at Digital for at least 2 years; have olade a contribution to the success of the cOlllpany that can be demonstrated; and have an undergraduate degree. The PH.D. Program is a two-year, full-time graduate study progralll for engineers who have COlnpleted the required course work. This progralll allows GEEP Ph.D. participants to llleet the university residency requirements and to complete their doctoral research and theses. Qualifications for the Ph.D. Program are similar to the Master's Program, except that one must be an engineer with at least four years at Digital, and OlUSt have coolpleted the coursework toward the degree. To be considered for the GEEP, an engineer gains his/her manager's support; subnlits an application for review by the GEEP advisoly board, and to at least two recollllnended university progrmns in a degree area relevant to the technical priorities of the company. The GEEP application deadline occurs in lllid-February each year. For additional information, application forol, and guideline, contact the GEEP office, 223-9248 or HEIDI::GEEP. 2.3 TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT EDUCATION PROGRAM (TMEP) Manager: Libby Finn (ACO/E48, 232-2313) The Technical ManagementEducation Progrmn is sponsored by the Engineering, Manufacturing and Product Marketing organizations to meet the needs of technical managers across the Coolpany. The TMEP is currently under development, with plans to begin piloting its prograols in Ql, FY'89. The objectives of the TMEP are to: • Enhance olanagers' knowledge of changes in Digital's cOlllpetition, lllarketplace, technology and workforce • Strengthen management's ability to influence and manage these changes • Provide a vehicle for the delivery of key Company olessages The TMEP will offer educational activities for senior, middle and first level olanagers who have technical responsibilities or who Inanage technical workforces. Areas of emphasis for senior managers will include: future technologies and lllarkets; senior-level customer relations; cross-functional lnanagement; the management of technical innovation; and the management of organizational change. Areas of eOlphasis for middle olanagers will include: Digital's marketing, technology and competitive strategies; olanaging change and innovation; custooler relations; building cross-functional relationships; and lllanaging. the ·business. Areas of elllphasis for first-levelillanagers will include: project management; olanaging a technical workforce; olanaging technical processes; and understanding Digital's markets, technologies, and cOlnpetitors. TMEP offerings will be comillunicated throughout the organization once they becOlne available. 10 PERSONNEL-ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING/PRODUCT MARKETING CHAPTER 3 ENGINEERING PRODUCT OPERATIONS Group Manager: Jim Cudmore, V.P. (ML012-2/U33, 223-6923) The Engineering Product Operations Group provides Product Planning Management, Security ManageInent, and Organizational Developlnent for the Manufacturing, Engineering, and Product Marketing Organization (MEM). The group's responsibilities include the following: • Help in the definition and comlnunication of MEM strategies, policies, processes, and procedures both within MEM and across the corporation. • Provide a point of cross-MEM focus for the Field Operations Organization to ensure visibility to MEM's cOll1Inihnents, manageinent systeIns, and processes. • Provide a central security focus that supports the development of consistent protection progralns across MEM business organizations. • Provide Inanagell1ent process and organization design consultation to MEM groups. 3.1 ENGINEERING PRODUCT PLANNING Manager: Bill Koteff (ML012-2/T39, 223-3123) The Engineering Product Planning Group drives the planning process across Central Engineering..• The group's responsibilities include the following: • Provide leadership and stability in Product and Process planning across MEM. This activity is in process year-round, with particular focus on the major Q3 budget planning process. EPP 111aintains and publishes the following planning and process tools: Engineering Long Range Plan Process, documented in the MEM Planning Sourcebook Beige Book, annual Q1 statement of Engineering development commitnlents Yellow Book, quarterly update to the Beige Book showing progress against plans Top 100 Product Process, which provides for Inonthly review of critical projects under deveiopinent • Support the itnpieinentation of the Corporate Phase Review Policy and Process. The Phase Review Policy, published as DEC STD 028-0, applies to all Digital product developlnent projects. The policy provides the following: A consistent Inechanisll1 to review the quality and integration of product and system plans A 111eans to approve the level of investll1ent at Inajor decision points in the life cycle of products IInproveinent in product and systenl predictability ENGINEERING PRODUCT OPERATIONS 11 The Phase Review Process, which supports this policy, provides a framework and an operational guideline that enables Engineering, Manufacturing, Finance, Customer Services, Marketing, and Sales to develop and communicate mutual commitments to product plans and execute those plans in accordance with agreed-upon objectives and schedules. The Process defines the lifecycle of products over six phases and provides a set of measurable events for each phase. The Process is sinlple, dynamic, and flexible. It encourages and facilitates effective collaboration among functional groups and improves the discipline and predictability required for an effective development and delivery process. DEC STD 028-0 Phase Review Policy and the Phase Review Process Guide are available from Standards and Methods Control (CTS1-2/D4, 287-3724, JOKUR::SMC). The Engineering Product Planning Group has management responsibility for DEC STD 028-0 and the Phase Review Process Guide. • Drive the development and influence the implementation of an effective Information Systems Architecture across MEM • Sponsor and support the development of tools that will cause improvements in product predictability • Provide staff support services to the following groups: Manufacturing, Engineering, and Product Marketing Staff (MEM Staff> Systems Taskforce Phase Review Committee Product Management Forum Any questions or feedback on matters related to the Corporate Phase Review Policy and Process or Engineering Product Planning Process should be directed to the following people: Claudette Hunt (ML012-B/T61, 223-5867) Bill Koteff (ML012-2/T39, 223-3123) 3.2 MEM SECURITY Manager: Dave Hamilton (MSO-F1, 223-4282) Digital has been successful in opening new markets and continues to penetrate existing markets through the consistent development of innovative new products. As a result of our success we have gained increased exposure in the marketplace, which has concurrently increased certain vulnerabilities. In response to this position, MEM has developed a security organization which exanlines and implelnents plans and strategies designed to protect Digital's competitive advantage. The primary goal of the group is to provide a central security focus which promotes the development of consistent protection programs across all MEM business organizations. The group's deliverables include the following: • Enhance the level of security across the MEM organizations. • Incorporate intellectual asset protection in business strategy. • Promote a closer coupling of security to all business objectives. • Effect positive change in employee attitudes and behaviors in the protection of Digital's information assets. 12 ENGINEERING PRODUCT OPERATIONS • Pronlote cross-functional collaboration in the protection of Digital's long-term competitive advantage. Any questions or feedback on Inatters related to MEM Security should be directed to the following people: Dave Hamilton (MSO-F1, 223-4282) Gary Brooks (MSO-F1, 223-3125) 3.3 INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTS OFFICE (IPO) Manager: David L. Brown (ML04-2/T65, 223-7475, IPOMGR::DBROWN» The International Products Group (IPO), based in Maynard and Chelmsford, reports to Jim Cudmore, Vice President of Engineering Planning and Operations. IPO provides product developers and producers with the following services. • Digital Engineering Standards and writing services to create or modify standards. • Comprehensive and complete product numbering solutions. • Accurate and useful regulatory information. • A comprehensive program designed to overhaul the ECO processes used across the company and to develop new tools for Product Change Processes. We work with standards owners and regulatory people world-wide. The IPO organization consists of the following. • International Products Office Manager: Dave Brown Secretary: Laura Percy • Product Change Process Office Manager: Carlton Davenport • Corporate Product Safety and Regulations Manager: Michael Neuffer • Office of the Chief Engineer Corporate Chief Engineer: Dick Best Manager: June Payne • Standards and Methods Control Standards and Waivers Processes Manager: Eric Williams • Information Systems Development Manager: Linda Mckinnon • IPO Financial Analyst Bill Kelley For more information, contact IPO at DTN 223-7471. ENGINEERING PRODUCT OPERATIONS 13 3.3.1 Corporate Product Safety and Regulations Manager: Michael Neuffer (ML04-2/T65, 223-4129) Corporate Product. Safety and Regulations (CPS&R) performs the following functions. • Manages the total product safety prograln for Digital and coordinates the activities of product safety groups internationally in engineering, Inanufacturing, and field service. • Manages a network of Technical DOlnains and Country Regulatory Advisors in Digital and provides effective information and processes for international product requirements. • Arrange Digital's participation on appropriate external regulatory and industry cOlnolittees on an international basis. • Coordinates the processes for adding countries to, deleting countries frool, and obtaining waivers to the strategic countries list described in DEC STD 066-3 Policy for Designing Products for all Countries Designated as Strategic Markets. CPS&R Inaintains product safety stanfiards and policies, and provides training and consultation, agency interface, industry committee participation, and auditing of product safety functions. CPS&R can help you with questions in the following areas. • DEC STD 060-0 Design of Hardware Products to National and International Regulations and Standards • DEC STD 062-0 Product Submittal to Regulatory Agencies • DEC STD 066-1 Technical Domains in the Product Development P1'Ocess • DEC STD 066-3 Policy for Designing Products For All Countries Designated as Strategic Markets • DEC STD 119-0 Product Safety - Introduction and General Requirements • DEC STD 119-1 Product Safety - Design Criteria • DEC STD 119-2 Product Safety - Test Procedures • DEC STD 136-3 Introductory And Review Processes For Digital Chemical Products • DEC STD 080-0 Product Safety - Industrial Control Equipnzent, Introduction and General Requirements • DEC STD 080-1 Product Safety - Industrial Control Equipnzelit, Design Criteria • DEC STD 080-2 Product Safety - Industrial Control Equipment, Test Procedures CPS&R publishes and updates EL-EN424-00 Digital Product Safety Handbook, which provides or references all essential Digital product safety documentation and infonnation. For further information or assistance please contact the following. • Product Safety Domain Manager Bob Johnson (CPSR::JOHNSON, 223-4424) • Technical Domains and Country Requirements Marcia Slarskey(CPSR::SLARSKEY 223-4393) 14 ENGINEERING PRODUCT OPERATIONS 3.3.2 Standards and Methods Control Manager: Eric Williams (CTSl-2/D4, 287-3696, JOKUR::WILLIAMS) Standards and Methods Control (SMC) offers document writing, editing, illustration, adlninistration, publishing, and distribution services to Digital organizations. Types of documentation include the following: • Digital Standards • Manufacturing Specifications (process and tools) • Manuals • Guidelines • Lists • Non product-specific documentation • Process and Procedures documents • Project Plans • Newsletters • Catalogs Areas covered by Digital Standards are listed below. • Hardware Design and Development • International Product Requirements • Software • Systelns and Architecture • Product and Process Management • Technical Information Management • Manufacturing Process • Field Service Refer to the index document, EL-SMDEX-OO EL-Class Document Directory, to determine which standards and related doculnents apply to your work. You can obtain a copy of theEL-SMDEX-OO by contacting Standards and Methods Order Fulfillment (CTSl-2/D4, 287-3724, JOKUR::SMC). An electronic listing is available on the JOKUR::DEC_STD_INDEX Notes bulletin board. If your organization has established, or is establishing, policies, requirements, guidelines, or standard procedures that need visibility and distribution beyond your immediate organization, Standards and Methods Control will provide you with administrative control and distribution. Contact Don Mehaffey (287-3675, JOKUR::MEHAFFEY) to discuss your plans. Or, if you wish to discuss writing services, contact Jan Litchfield (287-3681, JOKUR::LITCHFIELD) or Lee Mirkovic (287-3680, JOKUR::MIRKOVIC). SMC also manages the internal Stalldards Process as described in DEC STD 001-0 Management of Technical Standards and Related Documentation and DEC STD 066-2· Waivers to Digital Design Standards. Training on Standards awareness and the internal Standards Review and Approval Process is available. For further information, contact Dana May (287-3669, JOKUR::MAY) or Eleanor Feltes (287-3668, JOKUR::FELTES). ENGINEERING PRODUCT OPERATIONS 15 3.3.3 Office of the Chief Engineer Chief Engineer: Dick Best (ML03-3/H14, 223-2273) Manager: June Payne (ML03-3/H14, 223-2912) This group develops appropriate nomenclature for all Digital products worldwide, maintains continuity in the option/module nunlbering system, provides the central focus for reliability prediction data, and furnishes specialized or historical data about options and Inodules. The Chief Engineer's Office performs the following functions: • Consulting on new product nomenclature and other part-number related issues. • Assigning option and nlodule part numbers based on recognizable logical conventions. • Gathering pertinent data on model numbers and maintaining a formal record of responsible people for our products. • Maintaining the integrity and accuracy of option/module data. • Sourcing option/module Master Part File data on APPIX. • Providing infonnation to support numerous business functions within the corporation; for exatnpIe, Export (licensing requirements), Engineering Finance (product financial reporting), Reference Administration (DEC Standard Price File), and Manufacturing Information Center (forecasting). • Providing reliability predictions (per MIL-HDBK-217) to customers, sales, and field service. • Investigating and providing information for specialized and historical data requests. It is important for engineers designing new products and product managers concerned with Inarketing issues and product offerings to contact the Chief Engineer's Office early to allow for the development of appropriate nonlenclature consistent with our other products as well as design, manufacturing, and packaging strategies. Product nomenclature must be in place with the Chief Engineer's Office before other systems (for example, DEC Standard Price System, APPIX Master Parts File, COPUS) can process data associated with the products. The following forms nlust be processed and approved by the Chief Engineer's Office: • Engineering services work requests for printed-circuit boards. • DEC Standard Price List maintenance forms. The following publications are available from the Chief Engineer's Office: • Engineering Newsletter (monthly) containing technical data and systems and procedures that affect engineering and manufacturing, as well as courses and seminars and local IEEE meetings. • Option/Module List (monthly and quarterly) containing model numbers and associated data. 16 ENGINEERING PRODUCT OPERATIONS CHAPTER 4 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING The Engineering Law Section of the Digital Law Department fills the roles of general counsel to the Engineering/Manufacturing organization, and worldwide intellectual property and product liability expert for the entire corporation. This section provides basic legal information for Digital etnployees, explains how to deal with the most common legal problems, and tells how to contact an Engineering lawyer if you need more help. 4.1 PROTECTING DIGITAL'S COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE WITH INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Digital is a high-technology company which invests heavily in research, developnlent, and marketing to maintain its leadership in the computer industry. By one measure, these investments are only as valuable as the lead in the market place and the product differentation which they sustain. The lead obtained through R&D can be sustained by continuing to innovate and improve products at a rate which will keep the company ahead of all other key players, or by obtaining legal rights which will secure the lead once it has been established, or by some combination of the two. Since it is easier to copy an idea than it is to develop one, the value of continuing R&D innovation is enhanced by continually obtaining protection for the innovations. Digital protects its ideas and innovations, often referred to as intellectual property, by using various nlethods provided by law. There are five principal areas of intellectual property law: patents, trademarks, copyrights, mask works, and trade secrets. The following is a brief overview of the law of intellectual property. It explains how you can help Digital protect this valuable corporate asset. 4.1.1 Trade Secrets The law of trade secrets is based on the recognition that it is unjust to permit the misappropriation of technical or commercial know-how that is not in the public domain. The law provides a legal right to prevent, or to recover datnages for, an unauthorized disclosure or use of technical or comnlercial information that is a trade secret. A trade secret may be any confidential formula, pattern, device, or combination of information used in one's business that gives him or her an opportunity to obtain an advantage over conlpetitors who do not know or use it. A trade secret must be kept secret so that it does not become publicly known. A trade secret may be lost by disclosure to others without any linlitations. However, the law of trade secrets can be extended into the marketplace by means of contractual arrangements binding the recipient of information to keep it secret. II II To adequately prevent trade secrets, either ours or those of others, from becoming publicly known, appropriate internal procedures must be undertaken. The following procedures should be adhered to: • Ensure that trade secret information is not provided to customers or vendors except under appropriate agreements. LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 17 • Restrict access to the information to those employees and agents having a "need to know" and inform those ell~210yees and agents having access to the information that it is confidential. • Maintain general security precautions on the premises, do hot leave confidential information in open or uncontrolled areas, restrict access to those locations having sensitive information, and so forth. Sometimes during the course of business we may disclose trade secret information that relates to new products before they are announced. If a business decision is made to disclose Digital infonnation, an appropriate nondisclosure agreement must be signed by the recipient. Although the nondisclosure agreement provides some protection, the best protection, of course, is not to disclose the infonnation. Once released by an outside party, whether accidentally or deliberately, Digital confidential information lllay become public property and subject to unrestricted use. The first approach always should be to try and find a way to conduct transactions without disclosing or transmitting Digital confidential information. This is particularly true for very sensitive and highly proprietary information. Just as we do not want to disclose our confidential information without restrictions, neither do our customers and vendors. At times we may visit a customer's plant or see what is going on in his or her business, and often the customer may ask us to execute a nondisclosure agreement to protect his or her trade secret infonnation. This is a dangerous situation. We are a large company with a great deal of internal developlnent work. Also, we are exposed to a large nUlllber of ideas frOln our custolllers. If we internally develop or receive an idea from a third company which resembles information received under a nondisclosure agreement, Digital's legitimate use of the idea could be in violation with the nondisclosure agreement, even if there was no awareness of the other party's trade secret by the developer at Digital. It is Digital's general policy not to execute nondisclosure agreements. We refuse to receive any trade secret information submitted to us from companies or persons outside of Digital. If for significant business reasons an exception to this policy must be made, then a specific nondisclosure agreement must be negotiated by the Law Deparhnent. An appropriate Vice President must sign the agreelnent on behalf of Digital. It must be remembered that all Digital employees are obliged to respect the trade secrets of fonner elnployers. Thus, no person at Digital is to be given any infonnation which one has reason to believe is a trade secret of a former employer. 4.1.2 Patents Many countries use patents to grant to inventors the exclusive rights to their inventions. In the United States, such exclusive rights take the form of patents granted by the U.S. government through the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington, D.C. There are several types of patent applications including: Utility patents-covering machines and articles of manufacture; Design patents-covering the appearance of articles of manufacture; Process patents-covering procedures by which machines operate or things are made; and Software patentscovering the steps by which a computer operates. In return for granting the inventor an exclusive right, the government asks for a complete disclosure or description as to the manner in which the invention operates. This is a crucial part of the patenting process. This crucial part rests most heavily on the inventor. The inventor has the obligation to describe his invention in his patent application with the help of the patent engineers and patent attorneys. See subhead 4.5.1 for lnore details on how the Digital inventormay satisfy this obligation. Digital invested more than a billion dollars in research and development last year, and filed to obtain Inore than one hundred patents in the United States alone on the results of that research. Patents protect Digital's existing products as well. Every VAX system you sell is covered by at least eight patents. A patent gives the developer of a new idea the legal right to keep others frolll using or selling the idea in a particular country for a limited period, usually ten to twenty years. Digital needs patents because it is almost always easier and cheaper to copy a good idea than it is to develop it in the first 18 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING place. Patents allow Digital to recover and profit from its tremendous investment in technological innovation, and ensure that Digital will continue to have the resources to invest in the technologies of the future. The patent law provides heavy penalties for disclosing or commercializing an invention before the patent application is filed. While customers and others undoubtedly need some inforlllation for planning purposes, inappropriate disclosures in the pre-announcement phases of product development lllay destroy all Digital's chances of obtaining a patent on the product or, if discovered later, may even invalidate a patent Digital has already received. If you are ever called upon to discuss product futures or if your accounts ever request information on unannounced products, you need to know how you can respond without jeopardizing Digital's patents. The rules for dealing with customers are in. the new Corporate Proprietary Information Disclosure Policy (PID). Copies can be obtained from John Riedl by calling him at DTN 297-9737. The purpose of the policy is to lllake information lllore easily available to customers while preserving Digital's patent position. Because lllany sales-oriented activities, such as providing finn price and delivery data, bringing engineers together for in-depth technology discussions, and asking for orders, can create issues under the patent laws, it is important to operate strictly within the policy. Do obtain a properly executed non-disclosure agreement. Stick with your subject. Give only approved presentations and limit discussion to clarification of the information contained in the slides. Particularly avoid giving "firlller" price or delivery data than is contained in the slides or discussing products not covered in the presentation. Do discuss product performance and advantages, but avoid engineering-level discussions of the technologies and architectures used to obtain performance. Only senior Sales Operations lllanagement can agree to accept orders for unannounced products. Never take an order for, or offer to "reserve", an unannounced system for a customer without the appropriate approvals. If you are ever asked to discuss unannounced products with non-customers, contact your local Field Attorney for an appropriate non-disclosure agreelnent. Even with a non-disclosure agreelllent, provide information only on a need-to-know basis (see subhead 4.5.3). Your participation in protecting our patents is critically important. Well-intentioned but careless discussion outside the company could cost Digital billions of dollars in lost revenue, and could subject the company to expensive and embarrassing lawsuits. With your cooperation, Digital can protect its technology for tomorrow while telling its custolllers what they need to know today. 4.1.3 Copyrights A copyright is a legal right to prevent others from copying, distributing, modifying, or publicly displaying an author's work, provided the work is marked with a proper copyright notice. However, a copyright does not protect an author's ideas. It protects only his or her individual expression of those ideas. Ideas expressed in a copyrighted work may be freely used by anyone; however, if sonleone copies the same expression or modifies it slightly, he or she is not free to use the copy or modification. For all copyrighted publications, a copyright statement must look like the following. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1987. All Rights Reserved This statement must be used on the title page or the reverse side of the title page. The year specified should be the year of initial distribution of the publication. ,For subsidiary publications the name would be changed, but the copyright notice would remain the same. NOTE The U. S. Copyright Office no longer accepts the symbol (c). In those cases where © is not available use both the word copyright and the symbol (c). A recent change in the copyright laws allows protection for unpublished works. Those may be.disseminated to a lhnited audience, for example to a small group of potential vendors under non-disclosure agreements. The following notice should be used in these instances. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1985 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 19 This is an unpublished work which contains confidential and secret information which is protected under the copyright laws. The existence of the copyright notice is not to be construed as an adlllission or presumption that publication has occurred. Unauthorized copying is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. The above notice also appears in the inside cover of the Digital Telephone Directory. Digital information protected by copyright is frequently written information. However, it may also include engineering drawings, software, photographs, audio-visual training courses, and other itellls. At Digital we lllake a substantial investment in developing copyrighted materials. We disseminate to our customers a great deal of useful information about our products. At the same tinle, we use the exclusivity that copyright laws provide to prevent unfair use of our publications. Such unfair use occurs when a similar product is made by a competitor and our copyrighted material is used to describe the sitnilar product. You should, therefore, be aware that any written works that are expected to be published must have appropriate copyright protection. In the SaIne Inanner, we must be careful not to violate the copyright of others when we are using their works. Digital invests a great deal of money and resources to acquire and develop software products. Because the software products, once on the market, are easily reproduced and copied (the vast nunlber of delivered Digital computers are a ready market for Digital software), it is important that our cOlnpany legally protect software products against improper duplication and distribution. Digital has elected to protect its software by copyright, patent, trade secret, and contract. A software license agreement is the legal vehicle by which our customers are licensed to use the trade secrets and copyrights incorporated in our software. Without some form of license agreelllent, our trade secrets and copyrights in our software products lllay not be protected when software is provided to customers. For this reason, Digital places extrenle illlportance in providing software only under an appropriate licensing agreement. Digital relies heavily upon copyright to protect its software and firmware products. Recent decisions in the United States have apparently extended the coverage of copyright law to the structure and organization of a program, at least where a number of ways exist to acconlplish the end result of the program's functionality. It is advisable to include a copyright notice on the media carrier (tape hub, diskette cover, chip carrier cover, and so on) and first screen. Further, a string containing the copyright notice should be elnbedded in the code. The choice of notice is dependent upon whether or not the software is to be published, has been published, or will remain unpublished. DEC STD 197-0 Legal Guidelines for Digital Publications contains additional inforlllation of the legal requirelnents for publications, and software including requirelllents for controlling proprietary inforlllation and protecting Digital against liability. 4.1.4 Mask Works Integrated circuits (Le., semiconductors) are manufactured by using a series of masks to either deposit nlaterial or remove Inaterial from the surface of the chip in predefined patterns. The Inasks utilized in this process, and the selniconductor product itself, are protected from unauthorized copying by the Senliconductor Protection Act of 1984. At Digital, Inany of the semiconductor chips used in our systems are manufactured internally. Other chips we use are purchased as custom components to be sold in Digital's products only. Both of these types of chips are protectable under the Selniconductor Protection Act. The protection of these integrated circuits is an important aspect in the overall product protection strategy. The lllask works notice should be on the chip (die) itself, and visible to the unaided eye on the surface. The notice should also be visible on the chip package when mounted on a printed circuit board. The notice should include the letter "M" bracketed by asterisks or the letter "M" in a 20 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING circle. Additionally, the name of the owner of the mask works rights must be included. Examples of appropriate chip notice are as follows: DIGITAL © til 1988 OR *M* DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Note that the copyright notice is included in the first example to prevent unauthorized copying of the lnicrocode contained in the chip, as well as to provide protection in countries that do not have specific laws to protect selniconductors. Also, since the placement of the notice on the chip uses valuable chip surface area, the notices are cOInpressed to occupy as little area as possible, and yet still be readable. An additional requirelllent for protection is the formal registration of the mask works and semiconductor product in the U.S. Copyright Office. This procedure is required prior to enforcing our rights against an infringer, and is perforllled by the Legal Departlllent. All organizations that purchase custom semiconductors are required to insure that proper notices are on the chips, and that registration lnaterials are provided to the Legal Department as soon as the devices are available for cOInlnercial uses such as sales or custolller delnonstrations. 4.1.5 Trademarks A trademark is one or more words, a name, symbol, device, shape, or slogan used by a manufacturer to indicate the source of the goods or services and to distinguish its goods and services frOIn those of others. Digital trademarks inform the customer that the product was manufactured by Digital and not someone else. By using a trademark, the owner of the trademark is, in effect, guaranteeing that the trademark product is of the sallle quality as shnilarly tradelnarked products acquired in the past. A trademark is a valuable asset since it provides a highly recognizable link between a custOIner and the products of the cOInpany. Digital has invested significant amounts of money to associate its trademarks with its products. Marks such as DEC, DECUS, PDP, VAX, VMS, and the Digital logo are well recognized in the industry and throughout the industrial world. However, tradelllarks lnust be protected or they can be lost. It is relatively easy to protect and care for trademarks. Here are some of Digital's more prolllinent current tradelnarks: DEC MASSBUS UNIBUS DECmate MicroVAX VAX DECsystem-10 PDP VAXcluster DECSYSTEM-20 P/OS VAXstation DECnet Professional VMS DECUS Rainbow VT DECwriter RSTS Work Processor RSX The Digital Logo In addition, Digital is constantly coining new marks. Before a new trademark is announced or used, it should be sublllitted to an attorney for a trademark clearance search. This will help us to detennine if our new trademark will infringe on a trademark already belonging to someone else. By having the tradelnark search perfonned early, most legal problems will be found before the cOlllpany incurs advertising and other costs. In addition to the attorneys responsible for the trademark activity emanating from each group, Shirley Flelning, a Tradelnark Legal Assistant, is available to handle" day to day" tradelllark questions. These questions lllay include the following: • Correct trademark usage • If a product name may be used as a trademark • If a potential product name is available for use as a trademark LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 21 • What a correct trademark notice is, and why • Correct spelling of a trademark (for example, ScriptPrinter vs. SCRIPTPRINTER) • When do we gain trademark rights in a product nallle If you encounter any suspicious use of our trademarks by a party outside of Digital, or are planning or participating in the process of choosing a trademark for a new product or service, an attorney should be advised. Proper selection and use of trademarks is set forth in DEC STD 197-0 Legal Guidelines for Digital Publications and EL-00490-00 Trademark Handbook for Digital Employees: Guidelines for Using Trademarks, both available frOln Standards and Methods Control (CTSl-2/D4, 287·3724, JOKUR::SMC). Also available frolll this group are a list of Digital's tradelnarks, EL-00490-01 Trademark Handbook for Digital Employees: Digital Trademarks List and a list of frequently referenced trademarks of others, EL-00490-02 Trademark Handbook for Digital Employees: Third-Party Trademarks List. When one of our marks or the lllarks of others are used, these lists should be referenced. 4.2 TRADE REGULATION In general, our marketing, advertising, and other sales material should reflect high standards of fairness and openness in our dealings with customers and competitors. Often in this field of law, even the suggestion of an unfair trade practice, though contrary to fact, is enough to provoke a problem. Internal materials such as planning documents, newsletters, and competitive updates should employ similar standards in reference to how we deal with and compete with competitors. • Digital's share in a particular market segment should not be defined except where absolutely necessary, and then only in very general terms (for example, "substantial"). Similarly, statements that we "dominate" or "control" a particular market segment should not be lllade. • Documents announcing or discussing price changes should be carefully reviewed. No suggestion should be made that a price change is Inotivated by a desire to injure cOlllpetition or force a competitor out of a particular market or a market in general. • Advertising documentation should not contain specific references or implications that different customers will receive different prices or different terms of sale. Though differences in prices are permitted for different types of customers (for instance, the OEM versus the end user), most advertising does not identify the market or type of customer at which it is aimed. Under these circulllstances, there should be no statements which would lead the consunling public to believe that there are pricing differentials. It is, however, permissible to indicate differences in price based upon quantities purchased. • There should be no direct statements or implications that the purchase of one product is required to buy another product. • Statements should not be made· concerning tactics in dealing with suppliers to gain better prices or nlake the supplier more responsive to our needs. • Any activity or language that would expressly or by implication raise a question of any anticOlllpetitive activity should first be cleared with the Law Department. • Many of Digital's customers, vendors, licensees, and research co-venturers are also competitors. Since the most serious antitrust violations involve agreements between competitors that restrain competition, extreme care must be taken to ensure that all communications with competitors are confined to the particular customer, vendor, or other relationship. Any question about the propriety of a communication with a competitor should immediately be brought to the attention of the Law Department. With base marketing at Digital becOlning the responsibility of the Engineering groups, Engineering should be aware of compliance with those laws and regulations that affect the ways in which we deal with our customers and competitors. 22 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 4.3 PRODUCT LIABILITY In recent years, courts and legislatures of the areas Digital sells in, have been focusing considerable attention on the effect of design and manufacturing practices and 11larketing and sales activities of products being sold and the liability that can be created as a result of these practices and activities. While COll1puter products, because of their traditional use by only a select group of technically sophisticated users, have received only minor attention by the public, the recent broadening markets and wide distribution of the computer is expected to generate more significant legal interest in computer-related product liability lawsuits. The effect of such interest in Digital products, both hardware and software, manufacturing, marketing, and sales practices and activities for our products, is of greater concern to Digital, and its Engineering COll1ll1unity, than ever before. • The manufacturer of a product is under a duty of care to make products that avoid reasonably foreseeable injury to the user and the public, even if there is no contract (for instance, sales agreement) between the injured party and the manufacturer. • Damages 11lay be recovered for knowingly making false representations of a product's capabilities. One who sells products or who, by advertising, labels, or otherwise, 111akes to the public a Inisrepresentation of a material fact concerning the character or quality of a product sold by hiIll is subject to liability for physical harm to a user of the product caused by justifiable reliance upon the misrepresentation. • In recent years 111any regionat national, state and local regulations, along with enforcement agencies, have been enacted covering l11anufactured products. Failure of products to confornl to such regulations can give rise to significant civil liability, and even criminal liability in SOllle cases. S0111e significant acts include USA Consumer Product Safety Act, USA Federal Hazardous Substances Act, Comll1unications Act of 1934 (regulating RFIIEMI), USA Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act, and USA Uniforll1 Deceptive Trade Practices Act. The notion of strict liability that was, until recently, prevalent only in the U.s. is now areality in 1110st industrial nations. The Engineering and Manufacturing comll1unity at Digital can help prevent a product liability case against Digital through continued efforts to design and produce high-quality products that nleet custOlners' reasonable expectations. Means for preventing litigation against Digital include design controls, adoption of standards, component and finished product testing programs, advertising controls, and product safety audits. 4.4 U.S. EXPORT CONTROL LAWS The delivery of Digital's products, technology, and services outside the United States is subject to U.S. export regulations. The heart of these regulations, which are intended primarily to keep militarilyuseful U.S.-origin products and technology out of the Soviet Bloc, consists of detailed export license requirements that must be satisfied as a condition of engaging in numerous types of product, technology, and service transactions. Although most of our international transactions are 111ade under General License or Distribution License authority that permit the transaction to be handled through standard, cOlnpany channels, Digital has certain products that cannot be exported until the U.S. Government issues an Individual Validated License. Some products and technology (e.g., encryption, TEMPEST) always require such Individual Validated Licenses when delivered outside the U.S. or Canada, while other products (e.g., high-end VAX systems) require such licenses only to certain country destinations. Because the applicable license has a significant effect on exportability, export license classification should be obtained froll1 Corporate Export/Trade at an early stage in product design and developl11ent. The products subject to U.S. export laws include finished systems, as well as subassemblies, modules, parts, and they also include prototypes. Covered technology includes technical data in both tangible and intangibleforIll, as well as software. The oral or written disclosure of technical data to a foreign national anywhere in the world is considered an export and is subject to U.S. export laws. LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 23 All Digital employees worldwide, including the Engineering community, whose activities involve the export of products or technical data must be aware of applicable export requirements. Violations of these requirements could have extremely serious consequences for the company, including withdrawal of export privileges and substantial fines. Potential violations of these U.S. legal requirements should be reported immediately by the employee to his or her manager. If this action fails to resolve the Inatter, the employee and/or the Inanager should report the matter to the Corporate Export/Trade Group, in Washington, D.C., and to the Law Department. For more detailed information, please consult the Corporate Export Reference Manual, which is distributed to various levels of operational and Inanagerial Digital employees, or contact the Law Department or the Corporate Export/Trade Group directly. 4.5 GUIDELINES FOR HANDLING SOME COMMON LEGAL ISSUES 4.5.1 How To Get a Patent on Your Idea In the course of his or her work, an engineer may develop an invention (a new and useful mechanism, article or nlethod) that has a degree of novelty and uniqueness necessary to satisfy the requirements of the U.S. governnlent. It is sometime difficult for an engineer to identify an invention from all of his or her day-to-day duties. A simple test is to ask oneself if the mechanisnl, article or method provides inlprovelnents over that which is replaced. For example, does the mechanism perform work faster, better, with fewer parts and using fewer steps? Is throughput increased through a machine or through a mechanism? Is a new substance created by a new process? Is the method such that it uses fewer steps to achieve the sanle product or different steps to create a new product? Once an engineer is able to answer "YES" to anyone of the above questions or to the myriad of sitnilar questions readily obvious in light of the examples given, the engineer concludes that he or she has Inade a potential invention. At this point the engineer/inventor should involve the extensive patenting process currently in place within Digital. HOW TO START The inventor should start by obtaining a Record of Invention (ROI) form. The ROI form can be obtained from the Patent Engineer for your engineering group (see attached listing). In the event your engineering group does not have a patent engineer, contact Joyce Lange (223-3737, WITNES::LANGE, MSO/M6). Once the ROI form is completely filled out, submit it to the Patent Engineer. Again, if there is no appropriate patent engineer, subInit it to the Law Departnlent, Engineering Law Section, in care of Joyce Lange at MSO (111 Powdermill Road, Maynard, MA 01754). The ROI form is then used within the Digital patenting process to determine if a patent application should be filed on the subject matter. Fill out the ROI during the prototype or breadboard stage during the development cycle of a product. Complete it well in advance of any incorporation of the invention into a product that is announced, shipped or described in any publication! Whenever an invention is incorporated in a product that is sold, announced or shipped, the rights obtainable by Digital are reduced or even eliminated by this activity. Therefore, it is very important that the Record of Invention form be subnlitted well in advance of any of these activities to achieve Inaxitnunl protection for Digital. 24 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING It is illlportant to note that within the ROI there are places for the inventor to inform the Engineering Law Section as to when public use, public sale, or publication of the invention is planned. Careful thought should be given in the presentation of infonnation within this section because, as briefly 11lentioned above, a disclosure outside the conlpany prior to the filing of an application in the United States 11lay result in the loss of worldwide rights to the invention on behalf of both the inventor and Digital. To aid in the protection of inventions, Digital has established an Intellectual Property C01nlnittee to support each engineering group. This c01nmittee reviews the ROI fonn and deterlllines whether or not to file a patent application on the invention. A basic Digital patent policy has been fornlulated under which the Corporation attempts to find (and file patent applications for) at least one patentable invention in each product it expects to sell in volume. A patent on our important products may range fr0111 protecting a feattire in the product to the entire architecture of the product. Although the company is more likely to file for patents on inventions actually incorporated in products, Digital will file for patents on other inventions. Patents obtained by Digital are used to prevent other people from making the product. Digital also licenses the use of S01ne of its patents so it is paid a royalty for each product lllade that is covered by the patent. Business factors will determine if we should share the idea by licensing others to use it. As part of their responsibility to protect new ideas of the company, all personnel performing scientific or technical work in the fields of research, developlnent, and engineering should ll1aintain accurate and cOll1plete records of their work. The purpose of Inaintaining these records is to have a legal record to substantiate the conception of inventions covered by patent applications. The Digital Engineering Notebook is a valuable tool developed for this purpose. It is the responsibility of Digital technical personnel to maintain Engineering Notebooks, particularly in those instances involving a description of a development that may be patentable. Notebooks may be obtained frolll Brian Keefer (225-4200, STUDIO::KEEFER). PATENT COMMITTEES· U.S.A. BASED • Artificial Intelligence Technology Center (AITC) (AITC is part of Distributed Systems) Barry Marshall (291-8447, AIADM::BMARSHALL) • Computer Special Systems (CSS) Joseph Smith (264-6554, WOODRO::JSMITH) • Corporate Research (CRA) . Wayne Till1ura (223-6630, CRAVAX::TIMURA) • Distributed Sytems DILG Israel Gat, (226-7751, ERLANG: :GAT) • High Peljormance Systems (HPS) Joe Zeh (297-5924, BARNUM::ZEH) • Low End Systems (LES) Advisory Committee Serge Paul-Emile (223-2694, MILRAT::PAULEMILE) LES-D&PE Jim King (223-5903, ECADJR::KING) LES-EMD&S Ivan Krisstofy (223-6672, ENGINE::KRISSTOFY) LES-MSD Brian Fitzgerald (223-4490, AXIS::FITZGERALD) LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 25 LES-PCSG Bill Kelly, (226-2507, SPCTRM::BKELLY) LES-DSG Dave Sweeney, (223-6371, RAGA::SWEENEY) LES-Worksystem John Cyr, (223-5455, CLIPER::CYR) • Mid-Range System Business (MSB) Charlie Barbas (293-5334, DECEAT::BARBAS) • Semiconductor Operations (SCQ> Rich Hollingsworth (225-4886, ROLL: :HOLLINGSWORTH) • System Software Group (SSG> Willianl Segal (381-1263, MG::SEGAL) • Storage Systems (SS) Harold Potter (237-3067, STARCH::POTTER) PATENT COMMITTEES - FOREIGN BASED • Canada (KANATA) Bill Mooney (621-2515, KA03/1) • Japan (TOYKO; Japan Research and Development Center) See Storage Systems • West Germany (KAUFBEUREN; European Storage Systems) See Storage Systems ENGINEERS • High Pel10rmance Systems Stan Shernlan (297-4524, MROl-3/T4, BARNUM::SHERMAN) • Low End Sl/stems Doug Goldhush (223-7310, MLOl-5/U36, MILRAT::GOLDHUSH) • Mid~Range • Semiconductor Operations Clay Satow (289-1987, APO-2/F2, NUHAVN::SATOW) • Storage Systems Bill O'Brien (237-3128, SHR1-3/E29, CACHE::OBRIEN) System Business Charlie Barbas (293-5334, BXB1-lIF11, DECEAT::BARBAS) 4.5.2 Getting Your Publication Approved Introduction Digital encourages its employees to publish in recognized scientific and engineering journals and other publications, including presenting papers at recognized symposia and conferences, and participating in such bodies as standards setting conlmittees and groups. Digital and its employees benefit frOln the prestige of having papers by Digital employees recognized for the value of their content by being so published and by such participation. However, this encouragement must be tempered by Digital's need to protect its intellectual property rights, and by the need to avoid certain other potential problenls for Digital which could arise frOln the content of a· published article or paper. 26 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING Intellectual Property Rights Protection As of the effective date of the publication of an article or presentation of a paper, etc. which discusses possibly patentable subject lllatter, unless an appropriate patent application has been filed, there Inay be a destruction of the right of Digital to file for and obtain patent rights to the invention(s) discussed (the more detail discussed the more likely the patent rights will be destroyed). Any other distribution of inforlllation outside of Digital which could be considered making the inforlllation available to at least that part of the public generally interested in the subject matter of the information, e.g., disclosures to standards setting bodies having essentially industry wide participation, could have the sallle effect. This applies in virtually all countries outside the United States, in which Digital would be interested in obtaining patent rights. Even in the United States, a one year clock begins to run as of the effective date of any such publication or disclosure, during which a patent application Inust be filed, or else the patent rights are destroyed. The effective date of the publication could be as early as the date the abstract is sent to be reviewed by the publisher or by the review cOlllmittee for the sylllposia or conference. Even if Digital has filed the appropriate patent application(s), prior to product announcelnent, it lllay be inappropriate to describe the product in a publication or disclosure. For these reasons, a publication approval should be obtained before any submission is made of anything relating to an article or paper to anyone outside· of Digital or any other disclosure that is public in nature is made outside of Digital. Also, if an abstract is sublnitted first, the final article, paper, or presentation should separately be approved for publication. Even if the paper or presentation does not disclose patentable subject matter or discloses subject matter which may be patentable but has been decided not to be sought to be patented, by the appropriate PBU Patent COllllllittee, some part(s) or all of the paper may be inappropriate for publication. This is because the publication or presentation could destroy the ability of Digital to maintain whatever Ineasure of exclusivity to the technology discussed in the paper, which Digital could otherwise obtain froln trade secret protection. A trade secret, by definition, must be maintained in confidence by the owner of the trade secret rights - Digital. Publication or public disclosure destroys the confidential nature to Digital of the information so published or disclosed. In SOllle instances, publication can destroy or alter Digital's rights to copyright protection for· certain technologies (e.g., software source codes). Publication of an article or paper containing specific source code listings, without a notice of Digital's claim to copyright protection in the code, could destroy Digital's copyright protection in at least that part of the code so published. It is the responsibility of the author(s), which, for these pursposes, shall include presentation makers, the Inanagers of the author(s), and the others designated in Personnel Policy and Procedure MelllOrandulll 6.30, or by the PHU, to review the request for publication, to insure that the above issues are fully addressed before publication approval, and that Digital's rights to obtain patents are not cOlnprOlnised and Digital's confidential information is disclosed only in accordance with Corporate Security Policy 10 and Standard 10.1 "Proprietary Information Protection", and that other proprietary rights are not compromised. In its role in reviewing requests for publication and evaluating the legal illlpact of pennitting publication, the Engineering Law Section (ELS) relies heavily upon the technical and business judglnent of the author's(s') management and the illlpartial experts reviewing the request for publication. When you submit the material to the PHU Patent Engineer, the ELS will rely heavily on the Patent Engineer's input. Other Issues Publications can also create potential liability or increased risks of liability for Digital in areas such as libel, fraud, defamation, trade liability, products liability and antitrust, among others. Unfavorable 11lention of the product(s) of another company, if proven untrue, could lead to liability for Digital. Representations about Digital's products could, for example, set unwarrantedly high expectations aInong customers or potential customers, and be used against Digital in product liability situations. Statelllents about markets or market shares for Digital products, or "eliminating" the cOlllpetition, or "dOlninating" the lllarket, could have antitrust illlplications for Digital. . Therefore, these kinds of statements in papers published by Digital employees must be eliIninated before publication. The Engineering Law Section is trained to recognize these problems, but this does not elilllinate the function of the author's managelnent to review the prospective publication in an effort to spot potentially troubling statements of this type. LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 27 Publication Approval Process In order to avoid adverse consequences to Digital from a publication, and at the same time support the desire to have employees publish, a procedure set forth in Personnel Policies and Procedures Section 6.30, has been established for review of publications by management and the Law Departlllent prior to publication. Personnel Policies and Procedures Section 6.30, dated August 26, 1985, is currently under revision, and the policies and procedures, as they are proposed to be revised, are described here. The publication approval process applies to all information presented at seminars, conferences, professional and industry standards committees and any other public forulll, including degree requirenlents, articles and papers, and addresses and speeches. It applies to publications like Digital Press, Digital Technical Journal, and others which can be obtained by nlembers of the public, as well as to publications outside of Digital. It applies to co-authoring with non-Digital employees. It applies to trade shows for which Digital appoints Corporate Coordinators. All publications and the content of proposed public disclosures are restricted to internal Digital distribution until approved for publication or disclosure in accordance with Personnel Policies and Procedures Section 6.30 and with the PBU-specific policies of every author, if any. It is the responsibility of each author to insure that the publication approval process is followed and no publication or release of the information outside of Digital occurs until the process has been completed. Since some PBU's have established additional approval policies, authors should check with their managers or PBU Patent COInmittee to learn of any additional requirements they may need to satisfy. According to Memorandum 6.30, the author(s) must obtain the approval of the assigned Corporate Coordinator, or, if there is none, an ad-hoc committee consisting of each author's manager, each manager's iInmediate manager, an impartial, uninvolved person, qualified to understand the importance to Digital of the information to be disclosed and appointed by the appropriate function Vice-President or his/her designee, and the legal counsel for the group. There may be other requirelnents imposed by the group Vice-President such as approval of the PBU manager. These approvals must be in the form of an approval signature. In some PBU's, the policy may include submission of the proposed publication to the Patent Engineer for review of whether some part or all of the subject matter of the publication needs to be presented to the Patent COInmittee prior to approval for publication. In some PBU's, approval may have to be obtained from a direct report to the Engineering/Manufacturing PBU manager, if not one of the managers noted above. According to Memeorandum 6.30, each of the approval signatures should reflect that the reviewing person has examined the proposed publication or pubic disclosure to deterllline if the l1laterial l1leets any of the following criteria which might require continued restriction: • It describes part or all of any unannounced product (part, component or system) or service, or an advanced development project (including results), or any other technical development or design not generally known outside of Digital. • It contains information that, if disclosed, could help our competitors, but, if kept secret, could help Digital maintain a competitive edge. This information could be about past, present, or planned processes, tests, tools, manufacturing or general technology, research projects (including project names), Digital's business (such as its plans or its organization, Le. the names and titles of co-workers), or basic or applied research having potential long-term effect on Digital's business. It could also be information that Digital is considering or has dropped programs, vendors, methodologies, or technologies. • It describes a potentially patentable idea for which a patent application has not yet been filed. (All developments made by Digital employees that IN ANY WAY are different frOln what already exists, whether in Digital or third party products or in existing internal or external publications, are considered patentable until the appropriate Patent Committee or, if there is none, the ad hoc committee, determines that Digital has no current interest in patenting the inventions or in lllaintaining trade secret protection.) 28 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING • It contains comments about proposed, pending, or past litigation or proposed, existing or past leg- islation. (Statell1ents about such litigation must be approved by the Law Department and Digital Public Relations, and comments about such legislation must be approved by Digital Government Relations and the Law Department.) • It contains any statements about the capabilities of or performance of any Digital products, or a comparison with or critique of third party products, or representations about Digital's market position, or the ability of Digital or its products to "eliminate", "control", "dominate", etc. any third party or its products, or any such statelnents which might be construed as detriInental to Digital or its business. The ad hoc committee or Corporate Coordinator should consult other experts as necessary to deterllline whether the proposed publication meets the above criteria for restriction. The Corporate Coordinator must work with the Law Department in making this determination. Some of these criteria clearly call for judgment by the reviewers, weighing the importance of publication against the degree of risk to Digital. The ad hoc comll1ittee or Corporate Coordinator is expected to act promptly so as not to unnecessarily delay the timely publication of the material. Similarly, the authors are expected to sublnit the lllaterial to the ad hoc cOlnmittee or Corporate Coordinator soon enough so that adequate review is possible. The ad hoc committee or Corporate Committee is not a "rubber stamp". Authors should recognize that, for Digital's best interest, publication approval may be withheld, revisions to the lllaterial may be necessary, or higher level approval may need to be sought. In rare cases Digital lllay decide to publish technical information that would be restricted under the rules described in this policy. An example was the publication of the DECNET specifications. Such decisions lnust be approved by the Law Department, Marketing Comll1ittee, and Vice-President of Central Engineering. The publication request procedure starts by the authors making up a package for the reviewers. For ongoing activities, such as professional or standard committees, participants should prepare a "con1lllittee Inen1o" outlining the cOlnmittee's purpose, their proposed participation, and a description of the infonnation they intend to or n1ay have to disclose through their participation. Along with the "COlll1l1ittee memo" or documents to be released and copyright form, if any, that the authors lnay have reveived from the publishers, the authors must attach a cover memo (one page) or the following sample form: LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 29 Example 1: Publication Approval Request Form REQUEST FOR PUBLICATION APPROVAL Author(s): (DTN) (print-Name'------------------------------------(P~i~t-Na;~)------------------------------------- (DTN) (Badge No.) (DTN) Authors' Manager(s): (DTN) Managers' Manager(s): --(print-Names'------------------------ (DTN) (Be sure you include all managers required by your PBU) Expert: (DTN) Attorney: (DTN) Title: Type of Publication (article, paper presentation, degree presentation, etc.): Name of Journal, Conference, Symposia, etc.: Date of Publication or Presentation: Date of Submission Requir~nent: Abstract of Paper's Content: (Note: In addressing each of the items below, cross out the inappropriate response, e.g., does/does not) 1. The Material does/does not describe all or part of any unannounced Digital product (part, component, or system) or service, or any advanced development project, or any other development or design not generally known outside Digital. 2. The Material does/does not contain proprietary information (about past, present or planned manufacturing, test, design or development processes, technology, research project, Digital business, or basic or applied research having potential long-terms effect on Digital's business) that, if disclosed, could help our competitors. 3. The Material does/does not describe a potentially patentable idea. 4. The Material does/does not mention proposed, pending, existing, or past litigation or legislation. 5. The Material does/does not mention any non-Digital employees or third-party companies; there are/are not any representations about the relative performance or capabilities of any Digital or third-party product; it does/does not mention the marketing or positioning of Digital or its products; it does/does not contain any statements that might be detrimental to Digital or its business. Signatures: Author(s) The identified publication is approved: Managers Managers' Managers . Expert Attorney Date: 30 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING ~ _ _ _ If any of the five statenlents in the cover Ille III 0 are lnade in the affirIllative, the Authors should recognize that the Corporate Coordinator or ad hoc cOlllmittee, in balancing the risk to Digital and desirability of publication or committee participation, Illay disapprove the request, require revisions, or obtain higher level approvals for disclosure. If approval is withheld, as tiIlle passes and the product is announced, the patent is filed, or litigation resolved, the author may resublnit the material for publication review. If publication is approved, any copyright release form that must be submitted to a publisher should be signed, but not by the Authors. It should be fOlwarded for signature to the group Vice-President or his or her designee authorized to sign such releases. Authors should ensure that references to Digital as part of his/her professional background should be accompanied by a clear identification that the individual is expressing his or her own views and not those of Digital. 4.5.3 When & How to Use Non-Disclosure Agreements While it is Digital policy that its eIllployees should do their utIllOst to cOlllplete their projects without disclosing Digital proprietary information or receiving another company's confidential infonnation, sOlnetiInes it becollles necessary for Digital employees to do such inforlllation exchanges. It is critical for Digital to take care in both disclosing its own confidential proprietary infonnation and receiving such inforlllation from outside of Digital. Only such information as is necessary for the successful completion of the project should be disclosed or received, and the exchange Illust not take place before an appropriate non-disclosure agreeIllent is signed. Disclosing Digital confidential information without a non-disclosure agreement could cOlllprOl1lise or totally destroy certain patent, copyright or trade secret intellectual property rights of Digital. Receiving confidential information of another without a non-disclosure agreement, which clearly defines the rights and obligations of both parties, could expose Digital to liability, even if such inforIllation, disclosed to Digital, is neither used by Digital nor disclosed outside of Digital. Even with a non-disclosure agreenlent, Digital will have SOl1le obligations not to use or disclose the infonnation, but a properly prepared non-disclosure agreement will place some linlits upon these restrictions, and in addition will clearly define for lnanagelnent the existence of an obligation on the part of Digital and the scope and nature of this obligation. Without going through the forlllal process of executing a non-disclosure agreenlent, including a review of it by InanageIllent, the danger exists that the risks to Digital in receiving such infonnation lllay not be properly assessed, or, worse yet, the obligations upon Digital to maintain confidentiality and liInit use of the infonnation lnay not be fully appreciated and/or Illay not be l1let. Digital has specific policies and procedures for the handling protection and disclosure (within Digital and to outside parties) of its confidential infornlation, and for the receipt, handling and protection of the confidential infonnation of another. No disclosure of Digital confidential information nor receipt of any confidential information should be done without cOl1lplying with Corporate Security Policy No. 10 "Proprietary Infonnation Protection Policy" and the corresponding Corporate Security Standard 10.1 "Proprietary Infonnation Protection Standard." In accordance with Corporate Security Policy No. 10 and Standard 10.1, it is the responsibility of the originator or custodian within Digital of information which is proprietary and confidential to Digital to classify such inforl1lation, to provide for its protection, and to determine the appropriate distribution within Digital consistent with a "need-to-know" criterion, where applicable. (See the Policy and Standard for the different classifications of proprietary infonnation and the different internal handling requirelllents for each.) Managers of such originators and/or custodians are also responsible to insure that this is carried out. Proprietary infonnation which nlust be so protected is defined to also include inforl1lation provided to Digital in confidence by another party outside of Digital, with the additional requirel1lent that such third-party infonnation must be protected in accordance with the terms of the non-disclosure agreelnent under which it was received. LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 31 Because of the potential for loss of Digital proprietary rights by an unrestricted disclosure of proprietary infonnation and the potential for liability to Digital from an uncontrolled receipt of confidential proprietary infonnation from another, all transfers of confidential information into Digital, out of Digital, or through lllutual exchange Inust be done in accordance with a non-disclosure agreelnent. Every such agreement either should be put in place through the Sales Organization Proprietary Infornlation Disclosure process or should be reviewed in accordance with a procedure established by the group or Engineering/Manufacturing PBD which originated and/or which is receiving the information, and the Law DepartInent attorney responsible for representing the group or PBD. Call that attorney for information about the Procedure. The group or PBD-specific procedure will have at least the following requirements: 1. The receipt of confidential information from outside of Digital, whether through nlutual exchange or by disclosure by a third-party alone, must be approved by the Vice-President Manager of the PBD receiving the infornlation; and the Non-Disclosure Agreement, whether for Inutual exchange or receipt of third party infonnation, Inust be signed by the Vice-President. 2. Each PBD Group Manager is responsible for the protection of all confidential proprietary inforInation created in or in the custody of the Group, and must detennine who, within the Group, has the authority to approve outside disclosures of Digital information and sign Non-Disclosure Agreelnents in which only Digital is disclosing its confidential information. 3. The following Digital Non-Disclosure Agreement has been approved by the Engineering Law Section of the Law Department for receipt of third party confidential information and/or disclosure of Digital confidential information. Agreelnents intended solely for receipt of third party infornlation should have, in Appendix A of the Agreelnent, "none" as the relevant Digital infonnation. Sinlilarly, agreements solely for disclosure of Digital infonnation should have, in Appendix A, "none as the relevant third party information. Any Non-Disclosure Agreements which vary in any way fr01n the following agreement, Inust be reviewed by the Law Department. ll 32 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING Example 2: Non-Disclosure Agreement Form NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT A. DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, (hereinafter, together with all subsidiary and affiliated companies-whlch-It-now-or-hereafter controls, "DIGITAL"), and , having a principal place of business at ____________________________________ , (hereinafter, together with all subsidiary and affiliated companies which it now or hereafter controls, "COMPANY") have developed certain confidential information, both sets (hereinafter "INFORMATION") more fully described in Appendix A. Both parties wish to exchange, during the period defined in Appendix A, INFORMATION for the sole purpose(s) described in Appendix A. B. CONFIDENTIALITY AND COMMITMENTS 1. For years from disclosure, Recipient shall maintain in confidence Discloser's INFORMATION, provided that it (a) is clearly marked with Discloser'S name and confidential, proprietary or the substantial equivalent; and (b) if orally disclosed, is summarized in writing or corporeal form and is clearly marked with Discloser'S name and confidential, proprietary or the substantial equivalent thereof and delivered to Recipient within thirty (30) days thereafter. Recipient shall use the same degree of care to avoid disclosure of INFORMATION as it employs with respect to its own confidential/proprietary information, using at least a reasonable standard of care. Recipient shall notify its employees who use INFORMATION of the obligation hereunder. 2. Each party agrees not to disclose existence or terms of this Agreement. 3. Discloser shall prevent Recipient from being exposed to third party confidential information which is in Discloser'S possession. 4. Recipient shall have no obligation as to INFORMATION that (a) is known to Recipient at the time of disclosure; or (b) is independently developed by Recipient provided Recipient can show that such development was accomplished by or on behalf of Recipient without the use of or any reference to INFORMATION; or (c) becomes known to Recipient from another source without confidentiality restriction on subsequent disclosure or use; or (d) is or becomes part of the pUblic domain through no wrongful act of Recipient; or (e) is disclosed with the prior written approval of Discloser; or (f) is disclosed pursuant to any judicial or governmental request, requirement or order; prOVided that Recipient takes reasonable steps to give Discloser sufficient prior notice in order to contest such request, requirement or order; or (g) is furnished to a third party by Discloser without similar confidentiality restriction on the third party. 5. Title to all tangible forms of INFORMATION and any copies thereof shall be and remain with Discloser. Recipient shall not copy or reproduce in whole or in part any INFORMATION without written approval of Discloser, except as is necessary to fulfill the purposes of this Agreement. Upon written request or termination of this Agreement, all such tangible forms of INFORMATION, with the exception of an archive copy to be used solely for complying with Recipient's obligation hereunder, shall be promptly returned to Discloser or destroyed at Discloser's option. 6. Recipient shall not remove any proprietary, copyright, semiconductor chip protection, trade secret, or other legend ("Proprietary Rights Legend") from any form of INFORMATION. Recipient, when reasonably possible and at Discloser's expense, will add to INFORMATION any proprietary Rights Legend (or modify same) Discloser deems necessary to protect its intellectual property rights, and requests in writing to be so added or modified. C. GENERAL 1. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon three (3) days written notice given to the other, provided that confidentiality obligations under Section B shall survive termination hereof. 2. No rights or obligations other than expressly recited herein are to be implied herefrom. Nothing except that expressly stated herein shall affect either party's present or prospective rights under any country's patent laws, or be construed as granting any license under any present or future patent or application therefor, or preclude marketing any product unless such marketing constitutes unauthorized disclosure and/or use of INFORMATION. 3. This Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Example 2 Cont'd. on next page LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 33 Example 2 (Cont.): Non-Disclosure Agreement Form 4. Consistent with other provisions herein, each party assures that it will not knowingly, without obtaining prior authorization from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce Office of Export Administration, transmit directly or indirectly the technical data received pursuant hereto or the immediate product (including processes and services) produced directly by use of such technical data to Afghanistan, People's Republic of China, or any Country Group Q, s, w, Y, or Z country specified in Supplement No. 1 to Part 370 of U.S. Dept. of Commerce Export Administration Regulations. 5. This document and appendices contain the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes any previous oral or written understandings, corr~itments or agreements pertaining to the subject matter hereof. The Agreement shall not be modified or changed in any manner except in a writing signed by both parties. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any of the provisions hereto so overboard as to be unenforceable, such provision may be reduced in scope by the court to the extent it deems necessary to render the provision reasonable and enforceable. ACCEPTED AND AGREED: DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION By: _ By: Duly Authorized NAME: -----------------(please print or type) TITLE: DATE: _ Duly Authorized . _ TITLE: _ _ DATE: _ APPENDIX A 1. COMPANY identifies the following as its confidential information: 2. DIGITAL identifies the following as its confidential information: 3. COMPANY designates the following person as its focal point for receipt of notices and INFORMATION: NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: 4. DIGITAL designates the following person as its focal point for receipt of notices and INFORMATION: NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: 34 5. INFORMATION will be transmitted during the period of the next 6. INFORMATION will be exchanged for the sole purpose(s) of LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 4.5.4 How to Avoid Legal Pitfalls When You Write The outcome of lawsuits can be affected by correspondence written years before by people who never thought about how their words would sound in court. Whenever anything is written (either in hardcopy or electronically) - a memo, a letter,a note - remember that your words might be read some day by an unfriendly competitor or customer, or by an enthusiastic government prosecutor who lnay interpret its language in the most sinister way possible. For this reason: • Don't speculate in writing about the legality or ethics of Digital's actions. While you should be concerned if you have any questions about the legality of any action, the way to handle this situation is to contact the Law Department, and to find out. Speculation nlight be thought (incorrectly) to be evidence that the conlpany has recognized a law violation, and had tried to calnouflage it in some way. • Don't use "million dollar words" -colorful, careless language that creates an antitrust or other legal problem. Documents containing loose language with dangerous legal implications can be lethal in front of a judge or jury. These are words like"dominant," "entrenched," "predatory, " "controlling a market" and "attacking" or "blocking" a competitor. Words implying collusion such as "destroy after reading" are also dangerous and should not be used. To protect confidential information, stick to the published Corporate Information Security labeling scheme. • Be careful about discussing the company's share in a particular market. Point out that the market "sector" that you are discussing is shaped by your marketing strategy, and nlay not be the saIne as the "market" from the view of the customer or competitor. Private plaintiffs and government prosecutors often try to use a company's own records to attempt to show the market within which competition takes place. It would be unfortunate if our documents contained inappropriate market definitions when the econOlnic facts dictate a different market. • Don't puff up or overstate our importance. Such language might lead a prosecutor or court to lnake an incorrect inference to our detrilnent despite the true facts. • Statements should be avoided that might be construed as defining Digital's fault which may result frOln a product defect. Avoid making any statements concerning regulatory or product standards policies, including Digital's policies and procedures regarding defective products or products that nlay fail to comply with product regulations or product standards. Avoid making statenlents about the difficulties of a product design or the operation of the product. Statements or conclusions as to the reason for or cause of a defective product should be avoided. 4.6 FINDING YOUR LAWYER The attorneys who support various Engineering and Manufacturing groups are identified below. • Engineering/Manufacturing Ron Myrick - (MSO/C5, 223-2991), Assistant General Counsel and Manager, Engineering Law Section • Low End Systems & Technology Al Cefalo - (MSO/C5, 223-8571), Group Manager, Low End Systems; Manufacturing Operations Rick Schuette - (MSOIC5, 223-6502), DSG, PCSG, EMD&S Carter Pledger - (MSOIC5, 223-6355), Worksystems • Mid-Range Systems Business Group Dick Paciulan - (MSOIC5, 223--8426), Group Manager, Mid-Range - Secured Systems; Engineering Product Strategy and Architecture Maura Moran - (MSOIC5, 223-3665), High End Mid-Range Systems; High Peljormance PRISM Worksystems; PRISM Strategy Office LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING 35 David Pursel - (ZSO, 206-865-8844), DECWest Mid-Range Systems • High Peljormance Systems Jerry Lester - (MSO/C5, 223-6571), Group Manager, Corporate Research and Architecture, High Peljormance Systems and Clusters, Engineering and Manufacturing Sites in California, Mec, SEMATECH Bill White - (MSO/M6, 223-7531), External Research Programs, Software Engineering, Cambridge Research Center, Paris Research Lab, Systems Clusters and Fault Tolerant Systems Joe Funk - (MSOIC5, 223-5740), Large Vax Engineering, Systems Manufacturing, Systems Research and Engineering • Storage Systems Engineering and Manufacturing Vince Pitruzzella - (MSO/C5, 223-6604), Medium and Large Disk Systems, Thin Film Media, Thin Film Heads, Advanced Development, Database Systems Penny Smith - (MSO/C5, 223-4293), Tapes and Optical Storage, Small Disks, Electronic Storage DelJice • Distributed Systems Ron Reiling - (MSO/C3, 223-2991), Group Manager, Local Area Systems, Networks/Communications, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Image Systems Engineering, European Engineering Gary Clapp - (MSO/C3, 223-8943), Image Systems Engineering • Software Systems Lindsey Kiang - (MSO/C5, 223-6745), Group Manager, SSG Gary Clapp - (MSO/C3, 223-8943), SSG • Manufacturing Operations Al Cefalo - (MSO/C5, 223-8571), Group Manager • GIA Manufacturing & Engineering Lindsey Kiang - (MSOIC5, 223-6745), GrollI' Manager • Semiconductor Operations Law Group Bill Cray - (MSO/C5, 223-2469), Group Manager, Senliconductor Operations (SCO), Semiconductor Acquisition and Test (SCAT), Semiconductor Business Operations (SBO), Process Technology Group (PTG), Semiconductor Engineering Group (SEG), Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), SEMATECH, Semiconductor Task Force Bob Mayes - (MSO/C5, 223-6984), Semiconductor Manufacturing Technologies (SCMT), Physical Technologies Group (PTG), Semiconductor Engineering Group (SEG), Mask Works Protection, SCO Patent Committee • Patent Services Law Group Ron Clark - crvlS0lC5, 223-3683), Group Manager • Trademark Services Law Group JiIn Perkins - (MSO/C3, 223-6982), Group Manager Shirley Flenling - (MSO/C3, 223-2778), Trademarks Paralegal • David Double - (GEO, 821-4611), IP Coordinator Peter Oliver - (KRR, 734-854290), European Intellectual Property, Safety and Regulation 36 LEGAL SERVICES FOR ENGINEERING/MANUFACTURING CHAPTER 5 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES 5.1 DIGITAL LIBRARY NETWORK The Digital Library Network (DLN) is comprised of 14 technical information centers and two Market Research Centers, which work cooperatively to provide information services to many facilities and all functional groups at Digital. The site-managed information centers share resources through common use of tools, services, and coordination provided by the Distributed Library Systems Group in Concord, MA (VR06). The DLS Group staff includes systems programmers and information consultants. The DLS group is part of the Content-Based Systems Group (CBS). You may gain access to the central data base of the entire DLN's holdings through public access tenninals (PACs) located in the site information centers. From the PAC you may browse through the DLN data base to find material at any node in the network. In addition to loaning books and periodicals, information centers in the DLN provide the following services. • Online database searching service in engineering, marketing, management, education, and other areas. • Research consultants to assist you with specific technical or business questions. • Market research reports and planning services. See more under Corporate Market Research Centers, Section 5.2.2. • Technical reports, including Digital and university reports. • Indexes and abstracts of periodical and report literature. • Standards • Audio and video cassettes, including internally-produced tapes. • Competitors' manuals and promotional materials. • Digital manuals, handbooks, and bulletins. • Directories, dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, and phone books. Several site information centers also sponsor or contribute to technical seminar programs, and the Market Research Centers plan and conduct nlarketing sylnposia. Contact the infornlation center nearest you for assistance with engineering, technical, and business questions. The DLS group (CBS) offices are located at VR06-1/B4. If you have questions about setting up an information center for your site or becoming a member organization in the DLN, call 273-5465. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES 37 Digital Library Network Location and Mailstop DTN Contact Andover APO-1 289-1609 Richard Maxfield NUHAVN::APO_L1BRARY Boxboro BXB1-1/C05 293-5033 Martha Moore PHENIX::MOORE Colorado Springs CX01-lIS18 522-2113 Chris Bowman GENRAL: :L1BRARY Colorado Springs CX03-2/N10 522-5214 Serena Riesgaard TAS::L1BRARY Hudson HL02-2/N06 225-4771 Linda Maguire SHARE::L1BRARY Littleton (Foster St.) LTN1-2/F12 229-6858 Martha Moore PHENIX::MOORE Littleton (King St.) LKG1-2/J10 226-7067 Janet Hebert DELNI::L1BRARY Marlboro MR01-2/A94 297-5040 Michelle Rehill DLNVAX::MARLBORO Maynard ML04-3/A20 223-6231 . Janice Eifrig DLNVAX::MAYLIB Merrimack MK01-1/K11 264-7175 Alison Eckert CIVIC::L1BRARY Salem NIOIW22 261-2254 NISYSI::L1BRARY Shrewsbury SHR1-2/G18 237-3271 Carole Piggford MEMORY::L1BRARY Spit Brook ZK01-3/B31 381-1058 Cathy Sloan ZEKE::L1BRARY Tewksbury TWO/LIB 247-2094 Cal Norton PARITY::CNORTON SITE INFORMATION CENTERS MARKET RESEARCH CENTERS (For Detailed Information, See Section 5.2.2) Merrimack MK01-1/K11 264-6847 Alison Eckert CIVIC::MARKET Marlboro MR02-LlC01 297-5361 Barbara Klein FASTER::MARKET 297-6009 Competitive Literature FASTER::L1TTLEFIELD CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE (For Detailed Information, See Section 5.7) Merrimack MK01-1/K11 38 264-6911 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES Andrea Schulman CIVIC::SCHULMAN 5.1.1 Information Services The research staff in each DLN node provides professional consulting to answer your questions on a wide variety of topics. The staff uses thousands of published sources and over 200 online databases to obtain tilnely, critical infornlation to help you with key decisions. Most information centers have cOlnputer-aided reference services and current awareness services to match your infornlation needs. 5.1.2 Books, Technical Reports, The DLN Catalog, and Interlibrary Loan Materials selected for the Digital Library Network are current and chosen with Digital employees information needs in nlind. Recomnlendations for acquisitions are always welcome. Books in the DLN collections are arranged by the Library of Congress alpha-numeric classification nunlber that appears on the spine of each book. The traditional library "card catalog" has been replaced by an online system, developed by the DLS Group. This system allows you to search for materials in any DLN node by subject, author, or title. In addition to books and technical reports in the Digital Library Network, each information center has access to over 7.5 million volumes in a national online network of university and special libraries. Soon the DLN will provide online catalog access directly from employees' offices through the Corporate Videotex Library Menu, as the DLN Catalog. 5.1.3 Circulation of Materials Any Digital employee may borrow material from the Digital Library Network by visiting, sending a request to, or telephoning the nearest site information center. The loan period is usually four weeks, but policies may vary. The DLN's circulation system is automated. Enlployees are encouraged to use the public access tenninals or check with the site infornlation center staff to register in the DLN client data base. 5.1.4 Periodicals The Digital Library Network subscribes to over 1000 periodicals. In most cases, back issues may be borrowed, and photocopies of articles may be requested. 5.1.5 Instructional Media Services Audio cassette and video cassette training courses are available through the DLN. The collection includes all technical seminars conducted at Digital sites. Call your information center to obtain up-to-date information on these programs. 5.1.6 Digital Publications Most information centers have assembled a collection of Digital publications, which are indexed in the online catalog. Hardware manuals, software Inanuals, handbooks, technical reports, special publications, and directories are available for use in the information centers. In addition, local and specialized Digital newsletters and bulletins are available. 5.1.7 Competitors' Publications Digital exchanges publicly-available information (promotional material, software and hardware manuals) with many other computer manufacturers. The Market Research Center maintains a conlplete collection of these documents at MR02-L/C01. Copies of these publications are available for loan. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES 39 5.1.8 Purchasing Activities The Information and Library Purchasing staff buys books, subscriptions, reports, standards, online services, conlpetitive literature, instructional nledia, and association Inelnberships for nlost locations. All items must be submitted to Information and Library Purchasing, NR02-1113A (DTN 234-4823), on a Digital Internal Purchase Requisition, form nuolber EN-01072-08. Subscription purchases must be authorized by a Vice President or a person designated by a Vice President. It is Digital's policy to purchase only one melnbership to an organization per cost center. 5.1.9 Information Supply Base Management Information Supply Base Management negotiates major contracts with information producers, brokers, clearinghouses, universities, marketing finns, publishers, journal suppliers, and data base services. They participate in a teaol of supply base managers within DIS, work closely with the operational purchasing group, and advise and consult with the purchasing group and remote site buyers. Contact Renata Baptiste (VR05, DTN 273-5446) for further information. 5.1.10 Consulting Services/Library Start-Up Consulting services are available to help groups solve problems involving document/information acquisition, organization, storage and access. Library start-up services can help in planning for a library of any size. Questions regarding oleolbership in the Digital Library Network Inay also be directed to this office. For nlore information, call 273-5465. 5.1.11 European Digital Library Network In Europe, library services are provided by the emerging EDLN. EDLN consists of both engineering and Inarketing libraries, and will comprise a resource-sharing network which is independent frOIn the DLN network in the U.s. For further information, contact CBS offices (DTN 273-5438). 5.2 MARKET INFORMATION SERVICES GROUP (MISG) Manager: Nancy Jaoles (CF01-lIM38, DTN: 251-1003) MISG, through its component organizations, provides central support for external olarket and C0111petitive research. Our goal is to integrate external market data with Digital's efforts to address custOIner needs across: • • • geographies • channels • • products industries accounts applications. Our services range from VTX-based information delivery systeols to customized research, and include assistance in locating and retrieving Inarket-related information in our research centers. See separate entries for the MISG component organizations, including: • Customized Research Service (see subhead 5.2.2) 40 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES • Information Access Services (see subhead 5.2.4) Competitive Information System (see subhead 5.2.1) External Market Data System (see subhead 5.2.3) • Market Information Resource Management (see subhead 5.2.5) • Market Research Centers in MKO and MRO (see subhead 5.2.6) Questions about MISG can be directed to Nancy James, MISG Manager, at CF01, 251-1003, CIVIC::NJAMES or on DECmail @CFO. 5.2.1 Competitive Information System Manager: Denice Brait (CFOl-2!J50 DTN:251-1504) The Competitive Information System (CIS) is a full-text infobase that provides sales and Inarketing groups with titnely infonnation on over 200 companies and 650 products that. compete- directly with Digital. CIS is a very powerful, yet easy-to-use online information resource. The infobase allows for both keyword searching and text searching within the VTX nlenu format. CIS is available on Corporate VTX Menu, the US Videotex Library, and the ACCESS menu. Updated daily, CIS contains product evaluations and comparisons, company intelligence, competitive nloves, sales and marketing tactics, and pricing policies. CIS staff compiles and indexes this critical infonnation fronl more than 30 external and Digital publications ranging from the Wall Street Journal to consultant group reports such as those from Gartner Group, Forrester Research, and Sierra Group. The latest news option in CIS features newswire stories. and press releases from PR N ewswire and MicroTech. 5.2.2 Customized Research Service Manager: Andrea Schulman (MK01-1!K11, DTN:264-6911) The CustOlnized Research Service (CRS) is an in-house, fee-based consulting group whose services are available to Inarketing and engineering groups throughout the corporation. Reports can be comlnissioned on a particular market, company (conlpetitor or customer), application, product or technology. CRS consultants are highly skilled in research techniques and qualitative and quantitative analysis. Each has advanced training in business adlninistration, marketing, or infornlation science, and has broad experience doing research in the computer industry. The work we do is based on a variety of sources including: • Published material from: Market research reports Government documents and statistics Trade and industry literature Local and national press Investment reports Conlpany literature and financial reports • Interviews with: Industry and!or investment. analysts Industry players MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES 41 Government officials Officers of trade associations CustOlners/potential customers In-house experts • Databases of: COlnputer installations in the US and Canada Computer market size and growth Business establishments in the US When necessary we utilize outside researchers who can conduct interviews where confidentiality is required. The deliverable can be in the form of a concise memo, a bound report, weekly, monthly or quarterly news summaries, slides, an electronic file, or spreadsheet. Research is billed by the day. For information on rates or to discuss a project call DTN:264-6911. 5.2.3 External Market Data System Manager: Christopher Hallgren (CFOl-2/J50) External Market Data System· (EMDS) is an online market analysis information resource designed to incorporate multiple external quantitative data sources in one system. EMDS allows lllarket researchers and planners to create reports on various segments and aspects of the U.S. cOlnputer market. These reports can be based on either Digital-defined or externally-defined product, price-band, industry code, channels, geographic, and applications data definitions. At present, EMDS has access to the COMTEC Market Analysis Program. COMTEC surveys a sample of 8000 US business establishlllents for information concerning current and planned use of all kinds of computer products. COMTEC is produced by the Gartner Group. The next release of EMDS, due in the SUlnmer of 1988, will incorporate the COlllputer Intelligence Corporation's Computer Installation Data File. This source describes 180,000 systems (hardware, peripherals, and software) installed and planned at over 75,000 US and Canadian sites. Future additions to EMDS will include International Data Corporation's (IDC) Information Systelns User File, Infocorp Industry Analysis Program, Dun's Market Identifiers, IDC's International Installation File, IDC's Processors in Census File, and IDC's Value Added Reseller File. EMDS is available on the Corporate VTX Library. 5.2.4 Information Access Services Manager: Laura Hunt (CFOl-2/J50 DTN:251-1653) Information Access Services (lAS) specializes in the design, development, and production of marketingand sales-oriented online information and research systems. lAS systems are designed for distributed access across functions and geographies, and deliver both external and internal data sources. lAS custolll-designs information to fit user's retrieval needs. It coordinates all data entry, software development, and staffing of the project. Moreover, lAS prepares the information to exact specifications (i.e., codes, formats, abstracts, and indexes full-text documents. lAS will also support operational online systems with documentation, customer support hotlines, training, and promotion. In addition to design and development, lAS can provide support in selecting information from external vendors. The group can assist in locating, negotiating, and purchasing information in cost-effective electronic format. 42 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES Two lAS systems, Competitive Information System and External Market Data System, are currently available on corporate VTX menus. 5.2.5 Market Information Resources Management Manager: Camille Ahern (CF01-l/M38, DTN: 251-1587) Marketing Information Resources Managenlent (MIRM) manages the evaluation and acquisition of external lnarketing infornlation resources. MIRM's functions include: • Evaluating and coordinating the purchase-and intergroup funding-of marketing research databases, planning services, and reports • Managing corporate contracts with major market research firms • Influencing the content and nlethodology of purchased marketing research to match Digital's research needs • Coordinating market research firms' presentations to wide or intergroup audiences 5.2.6 Market Research Centers Manager: Alison Eckert (MK01-l/Kll, 264-7175) The Market Research Centers, located in Merrimack and Marlboro, serve Digital's marketing community by providing access to a wide range of external sources for market research, market analysis, and cOlnpetitive infornlation. The centers' staff includes Information Consultants can help you answer questions such as: • What evidence is there to link productivity increases to the acquisition of workstations and office autOlnation equipment? • What has been written about Digital vs. Intel's software development? • Are chemical companies automating, and what are they buying? • What has been written about function-point analysis? • What does E.!. DuPont have installed and what are they planning in terms of computers and cOlnlnunications? • I need a prospecting list of companies in Florida in the pharmaceutical business with sales of $10 million and up. To answer these and other questions the information consultants utilize online databases of computer installations, telephone calls to market research firms from whom we have purchased inquiry privileges, as well as material organized in the market research centers. Among the collections maintained by the market research centers are the following: • Over 1000 market research reports covering topics ranging from in-depth analyses of specific companies and markets to broad overviews of industry trends and forecasts. Some of these reports are received on a regular basis as part of vendor planning services, while. others are issued on a one-time only basis. • Company information including product brochures, SEC filings and investment reports in vertical files and on CDROM. • Competitive Literature Collection containing: product announcements and other documents under the Exchange of Publicly Available Information (EPAI) Program; competitive product infornlation; Datapro and Data Decisions looseleaf manuals; competitor reference nlanuals. • International files containing information on the non-U.S. marketplace at the Marlboro site. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES 43 • Directories and reference sources, including Moody's, Dun and Bradstreet, Standard and Poor's, State Industrial Directories, Industry Surveys, U.S. Industrial Outlook, and Industry Nor01S and Key Business Ratios. For reference information call: DTN: 264-6487, MKOl-lIKll Reference Desk, or DTN: 297-5361, MR02-L/COI Reference Desk. The Market Research Center publishes the monthly MARKET RESEARCH CENTER MEMO, which abstracts research received during the previous two nlonths. Inter-group funding of our market research planning services and reports is coordinated through the Marketing Information Resources Manageolent Group. 5.3 PUBLISHING AND CIRCULATION SERVICES Manager: Brian Riddle (NR02-2/Al, 234-4434) Publishing and Circulation Services (P&CS) assists the Digital community in managing its inforolation and coolnlunicating it around the world. P&CS, located in Northboro, Massachusetts, has facilities for printing, InasS mailing, and the distribution and warehousing of literature. The P&CS goal is to provide an expertise center for publishing-related services and commodities. • Printing Media Services provides one- and two-color offset printing, high-volume copying, and laser printing. • The Mailing Services Operation offers mass mailing, bulk distributions, kittings, trade show fulfillment, media response, complete mailing list maintenance, and Corporate Mail systems support. • Corporate Forms Administration analyzes, designs and prints the company's business forms. They also olanage the Corporate Forms program. • Literature Order Fulfillment (LOF) stores bulk quantities of promotional literature, hardware documentation, print sets, and business forms which are available for order by Digital employees and customers. LOF also provides complete inventory control services on all stored iteols. For customer convenience, the Literature Order System (LOS) allows the user to browse through a listing of literature available from P&CS and place orders on-line. It can be reached through all VTX databases. P&CS Customer Service Representatives are available for consultation and presentations covering all the P&CS businesses as well as on-site tours of the production facilities. For additional information, call one of the following: Northboro hotline: 234-4429 Maynard, Parker Street: 223-8542 Merrimack, NH: 264-3027 5.4 DIGITAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Digital Telephone Directory is an employee resource that provides address and telephone information for communicating by telephone or mail. The directory is available to all employees wherever office supplies are stocked. Your department secretary or administrator can direct you to the proper source, or obtain one for you. The following information is contained in the directory: • Corporate Directory Assistance number (inside front cover) • Corporate Customer Assistance number (inside front cover) • Digital Telephone Network (DTN) codes 44 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES • Interna tional sugges ted calling thnes Domes tic sugges ted calling times • Mail services inform ation • Fiscal calend ar • Extension Notification Form (extension change form) • Person nel listing • Depart mental listing • • r information) Domes tic office listing (including facsimile equipm ent and numbe r information) Europe an office listing (including facsimile equipm ent and numbe and numbe r information) Genera l Interna tional Area listing (including facsimile equipm ent • Inform ation on ELF (Employee Locator Facility) • Location Code listing • • 5.5 PRODUCT FINANCIAL REPORTING INFORMATION CENTER Manager: Jerry Shuste rman (ML012-3/A16, 223-9100) tive databa se which contain s The Produc t Financial Reporting (PFR) Inform ation Center is an interac and Software Produc ts from are worldw ide external shipnl ent inform ation on most of Digital's Hardw cal and Consu lting Services. FY81 to presen t. PFR does not contain Revenue Infornl ation on Techni MEM Finance, is an online, in Group ing Report t Produc The by This restric ted databa se, mainta ined se. interactive systetn using 1032. 1032 is a 4th genera tion relational databa y with a need to know produc t Most PFR users are in the Produc t Business Units. Howev er, anybod PFR. Users can query PFR for both shiptn ent infornl ation could also benefi t frOln the inform ation on d data appear ing on an invoice curren t and historical produc t shiptn ent data. PFR carries selecte Ship to Custom er (U.S. only). and to Sold and includi ng the Part Numb er, Quantity, Gross dollars, ation as Part Numb er, Descri ption, PFR also contain s referen ce files which carry such produc t inform is available at both the Invoice MLP, USCLP, Transfer Cost, etc. The Product Shipm ent infornlation the flexibility of 1032 and the of e line-item level as well at the embed ded (cOlnponent) level. Becaus structu re of PFR a user can: Determ ine which produc ts to includ e in the analysis. • • Aggregate these produc ts. only), Transf er Cost dollars, Determ ine the total units shippe d, Gross dollars, NOR dollars (U .5. etc., of produc ts for a given tinle period . d throug h the bill of materi al Analyze how produc t compo nentiz ation (embe ddedne ss) is handle explosion. Sort and total the data in many ways, including PBU and Geogra phy. • Decide on the reporti ng format. • • • and quarter ly to analyz e System s There are also several standa rd online reports available month ly ries within PBU and Geogra phy. If and Compo nents units and Gross dollars by major produc t catego ized reports can be created by custom the standa rd reports do not contain the necess ary information, users. having severa l coded fields. The Hierar chal aggregation including PBU is made easy and flexible by er Cost infornl ation in the Transf and ue PFR databa se is the originating source of Quantity, Reven s. Quarte rly Produc t Financial Perfon nance Report MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES 45 PFR also generates a quarterly Software Product History Shipment Report and a quarterly summary of Shipment Data by Part Number. These reports are available from PFR with appropriate level of approval. Contact PFR's Account Administrator (223-8453) if you need access to the information in this system. Access requires both the applicant's Cost Center Manager's and Group Controller's signatures. Upon receipt of your approved application form, PFR opens an account and the new user is notified of the password and given a PFR User's Manual. PFR offers new users a 1/2 day tutorial about every 6 weeks. The tutorial explains to new users what infonnation is contained on PFR and an overview of how to extract that information. PFR does not offer a class on 1032, but Education Services in Bedford offers a 3 day 1032 Fundamentals class. PFR strongly recOlllmends that all new users take the class, especially those who will be using PFR extensively. 5.6 SYSTEMS MATERIALS ENGINEERING Manager: Dave Baldessari (NIO/P19, 261-2360) Systems Materials Engineering provides materials technical expertise to the designers and manufacturers of CSM products to nleet product goals and base technology requirenlents. Systelns Materials Engineering consists of the following groups or technical cells: • Applied Module/PWB Technology (Producibility) Manager: George Beckner (LKG-A/W4, 226-5618) • CSM Component/Subsystem Technology Manager: Jules Deschamps (NR05-lIJ2, 234-4886) • Applied Fabrication Technology and Development Manager: Erv Parris (LKG2-A/W4, 226-5601) • Plastics Technology and Development Manager: Ira Morris (NR05-1/J2, 234-5188) • Finishes Technology and Development Consulting Engineer: Art Clockedile (NR05/K2, 234-5382) Systems Materials Engineering's goals are as follows: • Minimize the time-to-market for new products by promoting design for manufacturability though the evaluation and implementation of new nlaterials and new processes. • Provide competitive material process technologies for future products to minimize plant costs and maxiInize product perfornlance. These goals are met through the efforts of the organization's highly technically-oriented engineering specialists who provide the following: • Pre-Phase 0 consultation to Design Engineering • Design Engineering support • New product start-up support • Technical Buyout/External Resource Management support • Manufacturing plant support • Base material technology development • Applied material technology development To accomplish its goals, this group provides the following general strategies: • Maintain a core of experienced technical engineering specialists. 46 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES • • • • • logy simula tion, applica tion Provide the primar y technical link (for its areas of expertise) in techno ts. produc Digital g evaluation, and applica tion to new and existin ches from those empha sizing Provide technical engine ering suppor t to shift Digital's quality approa and reliability of purcha sed quality for interna l inspec tion and test to one of suppli er respon sibility lllateriais. with real-time manuf acturin g Provide CAD/CAM and sitnulation tools to assist design engine ering to Inake sound engine ering rds standa ate facts, costs, thne trade-offs, and ready access to corpor decisions. embly buyou t activities. Suppo rt all technical aspect s of complex CSM produc t and subass effective system s produc ts. Translate new produc t design s into manufacturable, reliable, and cost contact: For more inform ation about Materials Engineering Services please Engineering Operations Manager: Paul Rae, (NIO/P19, 261-3051) 5.7 (CMAS) CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Manager: Jilll Magaldi (MR03-2/R17, 297-7394) corpor ation's proper ty (land and Centra l Massa chuset ts Administrative Services (CMAS) manag es the sses - in a partne rship rolebuildings) and delivers quality admini strativ e services to residen t busine ement (facilities), admini strativ e suppor ting corpor ate goals. These services includ e proper ty manag ement center, travel, and space manag al financi s, purcha sing, commu nity relations, inform ation service plannin g. tion, promo te emplo yee develOur Inission is to achieve and mainta in excellence in custom er satisfac te a conlpe titive advant age for promo and needs, opnlen t, value differences, meet changing busine ss Digital. ts severa l facilities in Westboro, The CMAS organization is headqu artered in Marlbo ro and suppor ro locations. Marlbo the as well as Southb oro, Northb oro, Hudso n, and Boylston, 5.8 (EMAS) EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Manager: Mitch Kur (ML023-2/U34, 223-7671) admini strativ e service s to residen t Eastern Massa chuset ts Administrative Services (EMAS) provid es ss goals. busine their g busine ss organizations and assists them in accom plishin engine ering, security, buildin g Administrative services include traditional facility services such as plant ution, and shippi ng and redistrib and ground s mainte nance, custodial services, office services, mail ction projects, space plannin g, ceiving. Other admini strativ e services includ ed are design and constru MIS. site and telecolllmunications (both voice and data), (1-2-3), Powde rmill Road, West The Eastern Massa chuset ts region includ es the Mill, Parker Street site. Conco rd (1-2), Virginia Road (3-6), and the LKG MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES 47 5.8.1 Eastern Massachusetts Administrative Services Information Services (EMAS-IS) Manager: Guilford (Gil) M. Dunn III (PK01-lIC2, 223-5298) Information Services (IS) functions as an Information Utility to the Maynard area tenant cOlllnlunity to support COllllnon requirements in the following areas. • Voice and Data Telecommunications Area/Cluster PBX and LAN services Area/Cluster EASYnet Router services • Electronic Mail/Message Routing services Message Transport Service (MTS) DECmail and ALL-IN-1 mail services • Computer Resources Timesharing Backup/Contingency· Support Dedicated System Operation Tape Library • Data Center Support Services Data Entry Services COM Microfiche Laser Printing Report Distribution • Management Information Systems Development and Support For the common administrative services functions For area tenant customers on a contracted basis The group also provides information and llledia related products and services to EMAS area-wide users as follows. • Library services • Information/Data Servers, including Videotex Server Operator (VSO) services • Microfilm/fiche (COM) Origination/Duplication • Production (high volulne) Laser Printing • IT (In-Transit) Interplant Magnetic Tape Distribution The goals of EMAS-IS are to assist the Digital Information Systems (DIS) function by maximizing the use-of information resources such as hUlnan, -computer, and facilities, and to provide a cost-effective quality service in a cross-functional environment. The following is a list of groups within EMAS-IS. • Telecommunications Manager: Don Andrews (ML03-4/T57, 223-9931) Voice Teleco111111U11ications Manager: George McInnes (ML04-5/B91, 223-6410) 48 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES Data Telecommunications Manager: Don Davis (ML03-4/A25, 223-8974) • Computer Services Manager: Dick Austin (PK01-1/C1, 223-9084) Mill Cluster Manager: Lynn Lanigan (ML03-4/P56, 223-6744) Parker Street Cluster Manager: Tiln Wilson (PK01-1/E1, 223-1677) West Concord Cluster Manager: Dan Irvin (CF01-1/M40, 251-1470) • Systems and Progamming Manager: Ron Colaianni (ML04-4/3C, 223-2595) • Special Services Manager: Dick Wesche (PK01-1/E1, 223-5188) • Data Entry and Videotex Services Manager: Kathy Robinson (PK01-1/E1, 223-9975) • Media and Support Services Manager: Mike Stout (PK01-1/E1, 223-4041) • Maynard Area Information Services (Library) Manager: Janice Eifrig (ML04-3/A20, 223-6322) MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SERVICES 49 CHAPTER 6 DIS STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND ARC HITE CTU RE Manager: Ken Gordo n (VR03-2/B7, 273-3275) a central techno logy focus for the DIS Strategy, Technology, and Architecture (DSTAR) provid es Inform ation System s. To suppor t DIS function and provid es the interface betwee n Engineering and ing field tests and evaluating new this interface, DSTAR works closely with Engineering by perform hardw are and software produc ts. DIS Technical Architecture. This One of DSTAR's primar y activities is to develo p and promo te the interna lly by Digital to suppor t used be to archite cture define s the "style" of distrib uted compu ting y. Knowing that Digital is strateg n entatio implem an its busine ss objectives, and it also provid es on solutio ns formul ated as part of its own largest custom er, market ing and engine ering groups rely of similar external markets. For the Technical Architecture to provid e guidan ce regard ing the needs on distrib uted system s have ement tnanag re example, tools develo ped in suppor t of automa tic softwa been adopte d for external sale. DSTAR is charte red to do the following: function Evaluate and implem ent techno logy and tools applica ble to the DIS • n Expedite the introdu ction of applica ble techno logy into the functio • • tests and provid ing feedba ck Mainta in a strong relatio nship with Engineering, cooper ating on field on produc t design and characteristics Guide the implem entatio n of corpor ate archite ctures • Suppo rt the selling effort to key Digital custom ers • s to the Technical Architecture; DSTAR's deliver ables are embod ied in prototy pe utilities; update DSTAR Journal; presen tations at new or update d metho ds, protoc ols, and standa rds; articles in the ; and consul ting and design semina rs for technical and manag ement levels; custom er presen tations introdu ction of enablin g faster won, sales reviews. The effect in Digital is measu red in contracts or from Engine ering (as a ts produc better ss, busine the techno logy that improv es the effectiveness of and organi zations tions, applica result of better unders tandin g the IS area needs) , better designs of new and training that reflect the new enviro nment . manag ers: For more information, contact Ken Gordo n or one of the DSTAR • Advanced Development • Planning and Integration • Bob Erickson (VR03-2/B8, 273-3200) Henry Thebe rge (VR03-2/W3, 273-3408) Implementation Worth Robbin s (VR03-2/W3, 273-3414) DIS STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND ARCHITECTURE 51 6.1 INTERNAL EQUIPMENT GROUP Manager: John Pacy, (VR03-3/Y4, DTN 273-3527) The Internal Equiplnent Group (lEG) ulanages the internal acquisition of Digital products by providing: • A central source of information about current and future Digital products • Direction for iUlplementation of new systems, systeul architecture and technology • Decision support for cost-effective selection and use of Digital's computer systeuls and products, consistent with Corporate, DIS, Engineering, Marketing and Financial strategies lEG helps engineering to plan for new product acquisition and implementation, equipment forecasting, systeul sizing, lnigration strategies, pricing, and ROJ justification. 6.1.1 lEG Orders (Call DTN: 273-3515) • SYSTEMS-All hardware, CPUs/ PCs/ workstations, tape/disk drives and controllers, cables, expansion cabinets/hardware • OPTIONS-Printers, adapters, network and communications gear, terulinals, expansion cabinets/hardware 6.1.2 DECdirect (DOD) Orders (Call 1-800-344-4825) • MAGNETIC MEDIA-Mag tapes, tape cartridges, disk packs, diskettes • ACCESSORIES/SUPPLIES-Fonts and printwheels, laser printer supplies, plotter and ink jet printer supplies, ribbons, printer accessories (stands, etc.), video accessories (tilt swivel stands, etc.), serial (A/B) switches 6.1.3 Software Distribution Center (SOC) Orders (Call DTN 241-3383) • SOFTWARE-All software with the exception of the DECmate III operating systeul and those applications packaged with the VAXmate VIP Publishing System, must be ordered through SDC. Use an Internal Software Order Form. 6.1.4 Account Management Services lEG has account managers assigned to serve all functional areas of the company. To use lEG resources effectively/ customers should work with an account manager early in the planning/purchasing cycle. Account ulanagement services can help in the planning process and help justify acquisition of new products for critical internal users. Call DTN 273-3418 to schedule some time with your organization/s appropriate lEG account manager. 6.1.5 lEG CAS Services lEG Customer Administrative Services (CAS) is chartered to manage your internal orders through the administrative and lnanufacturing process. CAS also addresses your order-related issues and questions including pre- and post-shipment infonnation. They also serve as your interface with lnanufacturing. 52 DIS STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND ARCHITECTURE 6.1.6 lEG Customer Center (IAMOK::IEGHELP, 273-3515) You can initiate and conduct business with lEG through the Customer Center which is staffed by a product support analyst and a Customer Administrative Services representative. They are available for technical assistance and answering questions related to ordering, configurations, product selections, pricing and availability. CHECK YOUR ORDER'S STATUS ONLINE-Don't waste valuable time making phone calls to track orders. Log into lEGs VTX infobase from the Corporate VTX Library. Your order's status can be checked by keying in your order number, CAR number or cost center. 6.2 DIS INFORMATION OPERATIONS AND SERVICES Manager: Russ Pittenger (VR03-2/B7, 273-3354) Finance Manager: Pat Flanagan (VR03-2/B7, 273-3356) This group provides leadership and program management for Site Information Services, Information Operations, Infonnation Delivery and Access, Electronic Data Interchange, Distributed Systelll Services, and Libraries. It also provides development of text and content-based applications, and the Purchasing focus for DIS. 6.2.1 Information Operations Program Manager: Les Norman (VR03-2/B7, 273-3590) This prograol provides strategic focus for Digital's information operations and the distributed computing environlllent. Current projects include operations standards and llletrics, tools portfolio lllanagelnent, and information security. 6.2.2 Information Distribution and Access Program Manager: Gene Kusekowski (VR03-2/B7, 273-3138) This DIS prograol provides focus and direction for the internal deployment of Digital's strategic electronic publishing and document-based inforolation Inanagement and distribution solutions. The prograin's goal is to promote implementations that effectively showcase Digital's publishing products in our internal business operations. Areas of involvelnent include electronic publishing, corporate Videotex, online reference systems, optical distribution media, and Company Identity. 6.2.3 Electronic Data and Information Interchange (EDI-EII) Program Manager: Sara Ann Gephart (PK01/C1, 223-4518) This program develops Digital's EDI-EII technical strategy and architecture, solves EDI-EII technical issues, and hnplements EDI-EII technology and standards across Digital organizations. The progratn also influences external document and COllllllunication standards, disseminates EDI-EII infonnation, and promotes cross-functional and integration activities within Digital. DIS STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND ARCHITECTURE 53 6.2.4 Reference Information Systems Development (RISD) Manager: Joyce Ward (VR06-1/B4, 273-3433) RISD is an applications development group that builds content-based systems. The group's specialty is text retrieval applications. RISD provides the following services: • Electronic publishing • Videotex applications (infobase design, screen design and editing, and page creation) • Indexing and abstracting • Human factors and testing • Library-based services RISD groups include: On-Line Publishing; Vocabulary and Indexing System Development; and Advanced Text Solutions. Joyce Ward also serves as a Functional Manager of the Digital Library Network Group, providing focus for the Library filembers and autonlated library systenls. 6.2.5 DIS Purchasing Manager: Tom Cavanaugh (VR03-2/B7, 273-3555) DIS Purchasing provides supply base managenlent for DIS-related comnlodities, including telecommunications, information bases, electronic publishing, and electronic data interchange. 6.2.6 DNS Program Office Manager: Ron Jansen (VR03-2/B7, 273-3241) The Distributed Name Service (DNS) is a major component of DECnet Phase V. It nlust be installed and Inanaged as one unified worldwide naming service for Easynet. The DNS Program Office is chartered to deliver a program plan for DNS use on Easynet, to be the focus for comlnon DNS issues, and to nlanage the top level of the Digital Nalnespace. 6.3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT GROUP Manager: Susie Woods (VR03-2/B7, 273-3466) DISHRM assists Information Systems professionals with their contribution to Digital's business by providing programs that develop the skills and knowledge of the I.S. professional while creating a work environment that allows for growth, recognizes and rewards contributions, and manages the changing role of I.S. within Digital. 6.3.1 Digital Information Systems/Human Resource Management-End User Education Contact: Tony Thomas (273-3396) Contributes to keeping I.S. "current" through three major thrusts, each designed around the premise that the value of continuing education comes frOin involving the participants in a variety of experiences. The progranls are targetted at the senior level of DIS, the technical/middle level of DIS, and the broader category of "end user", 54 DIS STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND ARCHITECTURE 6.3.2 DIS/Executive Contact Program (DIS/ECP) Provides skill training and the opportunity for senior level DIS professionals to interact with their industry peers through involvement as an expert resource to major sales opportunities. 6.3.3 IDECUS (Internal Digital Equipment Corporation Users Society) Symposia and Seminars Presentations are given in the three key areas for lllanaging the transition to the 21st Century: technical, business, and individual development areas. The senli-annual IDECUS Symposia and monthly IDECUS Seminars provide the DIS community with a timely platfonn at which to present new information and encourage its rapid dissemination within Digital. 6.3.4 Professional Resource Exchange Program (PREP) Consists of facility level" end user groups", drawn cross-functionally from all levels, which have two pritnary objectives: elnpowerment of the "end user" to understand and clearly articulate their needs to I.S., and fostering within the" end user" community the requirement that all business systems and individual productivity tools be part of an enterprise-wide integration effort. 6.3.5 DIS Training and Education Contact: Ginny Mardirosian (273-3598) Technical competencies required for 1.5. professionals are identified and curriculum are developed. The goal is specific focusing at maintaining state-of-the-art technical competency through a comprehensive Technical Training Program. This effort encompasses a variety of subjects delivered at various levels of intensity and conducted through numerous formal and informal channels. 6.3.6 Network Training Program Contact: Dave Dauphinais (273-3236) This program is a twenty week, full-time training program in telecommunications. Graduates becollle nlanagers of networks or Network Analysts within Digital. 6.3.7 Advanced Network Training Program Contact: Dave Dauphinais (273-3236) This program is a two-year program which provides selected qualifiable employees, who are currently working in the telecommunications area, an opportunity to enhance their telecommunications career. The goals of this program are to provide participants with: state-of~the-art technology • Expose and awareness of the current • Knowledge and appreciation of "DATA" and "VOICE". (Le.: DATA people should be knowledgeableabout VOICE and vica versa) • Management skills development • An opportunity to work with and communicate with peers frolll different functional and geographical areas in the telecommunications area DIS STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND ARCHITECTURE 55 6.3.8 Operator Training Program Contact: Dave Dauphinais (273-3236) This is a sixteen-week training program to train computer operators. The program consists of four weeks of in-class training and twelve weeks of on-the-job training in two different computer operation environments. The curriculum is mainly VAX-based. The graduate of the program is able to function at the D61, Conlputer Operator II level. 6.3.9 Internship Program Contact: Charlene Plotkin (273-3120) Recruits top undergraduates in computer science and business for a two-year internship at Digital. Interns are provided with training on Digital's equipment, close supervision, and lllonitoring. Upon cOlnpletion, the program interns continue as Digital elnployees within infonnation systems. Training courses related to information systems are also offered through Educational Services to members of DIS and its users. Courses are mostly technical and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. 6.3.10 Management Development Program Contact: John Hopkins (273-3082) Concentrates on the factors necessary to· successfully manage this rapidly changing technological environment. This effort concentrates on management needs and utilizes a variety of approaches for delivery. External speakers and consultants playa significant role in this program. Within the context of understanding the changing I.S. role within Digital, job structures are evaluated, tools developed to assist with career movement, demographic analysis and job opportunities identified. Strategies reflecting Personnel thrusts (Valuing Difference and Career Developlnent/Succession Planning) are evaluated and, where necessary, specific programs developed to provide DIS functional leadership. Contact: Donna Friedrich (273-3501) 6.4 DIGITAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS Manager: Peter Brown (VR05-2/Y3, 273-3280) TelecOlnmunications provides and manages Digital's internal voice, data, electronic mail, videotex, video teleCOllllllunication and bandwidth resources. Major networks and systems include the following: • Digital Telephone Network (DTN) Contact: Mike Dougherty (VR06-lIW11, 273-3065) Serves more than 258 Digital locations in the continental United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, and Europe. • EASYNET Contact: Bob McCauley (VR06-1/W11, 273-3063) The single worldwide DECnet network which was formed from the lllerger of the Engineering Network, the DECnetBusiness Network (DBN), and the European network EASINET. • 56 .Terminal Switching Network (TSN) Contact: Bob McCauley (VR06-lIW11, 273-3063) DIS STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND ARC.HITECTURE A private, interfacility terminal switching network based on TYMNET, Inc. hardware and software. Users can access this network directly frOIn more than 100 Digital locations or through the public TYMNETor Compuserve networks, using a local phone call in more than 400 cities in the United States. • Message Transport System (MTS) Contact: John Beirne (VR05-2/D6, 273-3150) An electronic nlail system integrating three standard Digital products: DECnet - the transport layer using EASYNET; message router, the transfer medium; and a user agent (currently ALL-In-1 is the most commonly used user agent). • Internal Videotex System Contact: John Beirne (VR05-2/D6, 273-3150) Digital Telecommunications has the responsibility of establishing and managing the use of Videotex within the company. • Band·width Management Contact: George Pendleton (VR05-2/B9, 273-3061) The overall planner/manager of Corporate Transmission capacity. Its function is to ensure adequate trasnlission/bandwidth capacity to nleet the needs of the Corporation. • Digital Video Network Contact: Mike Dougherty (VR06-1/W11, 273-3065) The internal video network used for training. Digital Telecommunications is responsible for the transmission portion of the network. • Digital Telecommunications Engineering Contact: Mark Endry (VR05-2/D7, 273-3259) Engineering support, research and development, network design, integration, and technical architecture developlnent for Digital Telecomnlunications Networks and Applications. DIS STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND ARCHITECTURE 57 CHAPTER 7 CORPORATE RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURE Group Manager: Saln Fuller, V.P. (ML012-2/T7, 223-7310) Corporate Research and Architecture (CRA) provides the research, technical leadership, and technical foundations necessary for the development of leadership products for Digital. CRA responsibilities include the following: • LEAD in Research Critical to Digital DO applied research in high leverage, high return, but often high risk areas that will be the foundation for leadership products in five to ten years. DESIGN, build and use computer systems five to ten years before they become commonplace. PROMOTE, sponsor, and fund strategic technological opportunities. SPONSOR, via universities, the basic, leading edge research that is of strategic inlportance to Digital. • INTEGRATE and TRANSFER Technology across Digital Effectively INFLUENCE the decisions about future products and technologies. TRANSFER ideas, research prototypes and tools to development groups. COORDINATE research and advanced developlnent across engineering and the corporation. • CULTIVATE Technical Excellence within DIGITAL PROMOTE technical excellence to establish Digital as an innovator and technical leader to our customers. STRENGTHEN the technical career ladder and help ensure that we have the needed range and depth of technical skills for future research and developlnent. DEVELOP technical expertise in areas new to Digital or requiring unusual expertise. CRA is organized into three major areas: research, sponsored research, and technology programs office. These groups are described in the following sections. CORPORATE RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURE 59 7.1 CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH CENTER Manager: Victor Vyssotsky (CRL, 259-6621) The Canlbridge Research Lab (CRL) has a small nucleus of researchers located at the One Kendall Square cOlnplex near M.1.T. CRL will expand steadily during FY89 and FY90 as qualified researchers can be recruited. CRL's objectives are to advance the state of computer science and engineering, and to furnish development groups with new technology for future products. CRL's immediate goal is to identify, attract, and hire top-quality researchers. Once a "critical mass" is built, the CRL temn can identify the most fruitful research areas. Then that team can begin to build the links into development groups that will lead to successful technology and knowledge transfer. Some of these potential research areas include methods for dealing with the complexities of real data fronl nlultiple sources, better tools for applications progranlnling, fault-tolerant computing, and integrating image data with other data types. 7.1.1 Computational Quality Group Manager: Mary Payne (HL02-3/M08, 225-5631) The Computational Quality Group ensures the accuracy and optimizes the performance of Digital's arithmetic hardware and mathematical software. It provides the technical foundations for a numerical computational environment and consults with hardware and software groups on mathematical problenls. 7.2 PARIS RESEARCH LAB Manager: Patrick Baudelaire ( [33] 1 46 45 17 50) Adnlinistrator: Gisele Karchen The Paris Research Laboratory (PRL) is a small recently formed research group, It contributes to strengthen the company's know-how in key technologies for future products in a 5 to 10 year tinle frame. PRL aims to help establish a stronger Engineering presence in Europe by being a center of attraction for first rate computer scientists and building technology transfer exchanges with product development groups. The lab long-term research plan covers three nlain areas: interactive applications and graphics technology, programming technology, theory. PRL is also planning work on special-purpose hardware. 7.3 SYSTEMS RESEARCH CENTER Manager: Bob Taylor (UCT, [415] 853-2202) The Systems Research Center (SRC) engages in research, engineering, and analysis aimed at discovering knowledge that will be useful in developing future products. SRC designs, builds, and uses new Digital systelns five to ten years before they become commonplace. The focus is on distributed personal computing-workstations, networks, and servers. Currently, SRC is exploring tightly coupled nlultiprocessing and programming technology as main themes. The SRC strategy builds prototypes, uses them throughout SRC as daily tools, and feeds the experience back into the design of better tools and Inore relevant theories. Large advances in infornlation systems research have come through this strategy, including titnesharing, networking, and distributed personal cOlnputing. This strategy requires that technical activities be closely integrated. SRC's research activities are described in five areas: hardware, theory, and the three software areas, which are distributed systems, programming environment, and applications technology. Individual researchers at SRC work in Inore than one area-the categorization applies to tasks, rather than to people. 60 CORPORATE RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURE 7.4 WESTERN RESEARCH LABORATORY Manager: Richard Swan (UCO-4, [415] 853-6627) Adlninistrator: Joella Hornor (UCO-4, [415] 853-6616) The Western Research Laboratory is a conlputer systems research group that was founded in 1982. Our focus is computer science research relevant to the design and application of high-perfornlance cOlnputers. We test our ideas by designing, building, and using real systems. The systems we build are research prototypes; they are not intended to become products. Our goal is to develop and test new hardware and software techniques that can be applied in Digital's future products. Our research is directed towards nlainstreanl high-performance computer systelns. Our prototypes will foreshadow the future cOlnputing environments used by many Digital custonlers. We also work cooperatively with product development groups for product reviews and to study specific technical problelns. We encourage and support the use of our design tools by product development and other groups in the corporation. 7.5 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH GROUP Manager: John McDennott (DLB5-3/E3, 291-8431) The AI group engages in research aimed at discovering problem-solving and learning techniques is useful in new Digital products. It organizes itself in a way that promotes the rapid transfer of these discoveries into the Artificial Intelligence Technology Center (AITC) groups who incorporate the discoveries into products. This group also organizes itself in a way that gives the AITC workers high visibility into its research activities. 7.6 EXTERNAL RESEARCH PROGRAM Manager: John W. McCredie (HL02-3/K11, 225-5808) The External Research Program is a worldwide virtual laboratory in which research faculty and students work on problelns of strategic iInportance to Digital. The program serves as a lens to focus information transfer from universities to any Digital group needing resources available in university laboratories and related organizations. Through interactions with key projects, Digital elnployees are better able to challenge, enhance, expand, and support the missions of their own organizations. The priInary goals of the University Research Program are to create and enhance a comprehensive set of prograIns and projects that • Serve as a catalyst to transfer concepts, prototypes, base technologies, and application developnlents to Digital organizations • Strengthen Digital's leadership position and traditional relationships with the scientific, education, governlnent and corporate research communities • Develop long-term research and development relationships with, and communications paths and on-going access to, outstanding research and engineering personnel throughout the world • Help Digital become a key partner in the information technology market in the countries where we operate by increasing our local presence and participation • Support Digital's higher education and product/applications marketing strategies by ensuring that hnportant research and development activities are carried out on Digital products • Serve as a focal point for information about Digital relationships with our strategic university research, engineering, and applications developnlent partners • Develop joint projects on university campuses with Digital's key industrial partners and nlajor corporate accounts to strengthen both our relationships with these corporations and the education and research infrastructure ' CORPORATE RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURE 61 ERP has an outstanding people network of· campus residents and project monitors who can transfer the best of what is happening within university environments to Digital. This activity goes beyond the traditional role of 1110nitoring research to helping Digital understand both its current conlpetitive position and future requirements for complete system solutions. There is a segment of the program that operates in Europe under the management of Robert Boers (SHIRE::BOERS). A description of this program can be found under the section on International Engineering. 7.7 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Manager: Sharon Lipp (HL02-3/Nll, 225-5976) Technology Development Programs (TDP) manages Digital's investments in highly-leveraged research consortia and manages a technology transfer/integration process that maintains Digital's technical leadership position through future generations of cOlnputing and infonnation processing systems. The charter of TDP includes the following: • Identify in concert with the Technology Strategy Council (TSC) critical areas in technology developlnent that are of strategic interest to Digital. • Facilitate the formation of both focused-sponsored research and technology developlnent projects in concert with Digital's University Research Program, the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC), and other external research institutions. • Serve as the corporate focal point and catalyst for technical liaison and technology transfer activities between MCC, universities, external research institutions, and Digital in order to facilitate the thnely transfer/integration of research and technology development results into Digital. Key Goals and Strategies are as follows: • Continue to manage and strengthen TDP by monitoring Digital's investments in MCC and other focused research programs external to Digital to ensure these investments support Digital's longtenn strategic needs. • Explore effective alternatives for transferring research results from MCC into Digital through short-term (6-month) assignments, prototype transfer projects, and consulting arrangelnents with selected research professionals at MCC and Digital. • Sustain Digital's internal advanced development technology transfer program (TTP) to facilitate the transfer of results fronl MCC, universities and other sponsored research progranls into broad segments of Digital's advanced development organizations and product development Inainstrealn. • Continue Digital's investments and sustain the nominal growth rate of MCC through FY90 and beyond. 7.8 RESEARCH AND ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Manager: Bob Stewart (LTNl-2/B17, 226-6268) The Research and Advanced Developlnent (RAD) Comlnittee is composed of senior engineers whose function is to review technical work in research and advanced development and to promote activity in these areas. Part of the role of the committee is to allocate seed money and to promote research and advanced development work that does not fall naturally into ongoing engineering plans (for eXaInple, work that falls between groups, or work that would suggest a major change in strategy). RAD solicits, reviews, and approves proposals for twice-a-year funding cycles. Selection occurs at the end of Q2 and Q4. Reviews of work in progress are held on an ongoing basis. Presently this comprises review of funded work, review of technology areas, and review of specific problenls. Our prinlary deliverable is a quality program of funded work. Other deliverables include 111eeting ll1inutes and a periodically published summary of work. 62. CORPORATE RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURE Current RAD Committee members and their areas of interest are as follows: • Dan Dobberpuhl-VLSI technology, circuits, architecture systems • Les Fox-interconnect tech., cooling, multichip packaging, reliability physics, materials, test Inethods, advanced manufacturing processes • Don Gaubatz-logic programming, PROLOG, formal specification analysis, simulation, verification of hardware systelns, "low end" systems and architectures • Jinl Grochmal-selniconductor tech., signal integrity, interconnect tech., circuit design & reliability physics, VLSI technology • Rich Grove-compilers, languages, S/W tools & environments, vectorization, parallel processing • Judy Hall-operating systems, applications software, security, CPU architecture • Mark Kempf-networks, communications • Larry Kenah-VMS, operating systems, VAXclusters, DECwindows, software development, OLTP • Butler Lanlpson-architecture, distributed systems, programming languages, office systelns • Steve Lipner-operating systems, security, local area systems, software, formal specification and verification • Don Nelsen-semiconductor device and reliability physics, ESD, cryogenic semiconductor operation, .signal integrity, CMOS latchup • Jim Ravan-database systems, languages, tools, expert systems, AI languages & applications, parallel processing softWare & hardware • Bob Rottnlayer-storage; storage technology • John Shebell:-CSSE; reliability, diagnosis • Dick Sites-CPU architecture, systems, buses, microcode • Bob Stewart-bipolar circuits, linear circuits, crash recovery, timing, architecture, science 7.9 MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS RESEARCH Manager: Ron Smart (ML010-l/F41, 223-7011) Management Systems Research (MSR)'s mission, executed in collaboration with other groups in DIGITAL, is to research, test and distribute knowledge for effective Organization Management (OM), leading to applications products and services. MSR's goal is to provide DIGITAL with the knowledge for taking the lead in developing and applying new OM products and services. Inlportant to DIGITAL: There exists a critical need to improve the performance and competitiveness of companies in the global marketplace through better Inanagement. OM products/services have a long-term market potential of $100's of billions, based on potential organization performance gains. CORPORATE RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURE 63 7.10 TECHNOLOGY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Manager: Tom Gannon (HL02-3/N11, 225-5415) Technology Planning and Developnlent (TP&D) is responsible for managing progranls in Sponsored Research and the Technology Office. These programs are focused on ensuring the appropriate technology developlnent programs are in place for the Corporation's long range product needs. To support its mission, TP&D has established the following major programs and functions in strategic . planning; technology assessment; research; and technology transfer and integration. • Strategic Planning Technology Strategy Council/Technology Planning (TSC) • Technology Assessment Technology Assessment Group (TA) • Research Technology Development Programs (TDP) - MCC, SEI • Technology TransferlIntegration Engineering Interface Program (EIP) Technology Development Programs (TDP) - Technology Transfer Programs The primary results and benefits provided by TP&D through these programs to Digital's engineering, ma~ufacturing, and service organizations include the following: • Strategic Planning Drive Digital's corporate technology planning and integration process to ensure a balanced and integrated research and technology developnlent strategy for the corporation (TSC). Influence Digital's research and technology development investments to support Digital's corporate technology strategy (TSC, TA) and the needs of Digital's corporate accounts (EIP). • Sponsored Research Invest in a high-leverage research consortia to acquire critical emerging technologies that complement Digital's corporate technology strategy (TDP). Manage Digital's investments in selected research consortia to gain maximum leverage and return to Digital (TDP). • Technology TransferlIntegration Ensure that new emerging technologies acquired through external research investments are brought into Digital's product development nlainstream to ensure Digital's cOlnpetitive edge in the future (TDP). Influence the development of new leadership products to meet the future needs of Digital's corporate accounts (EIP). Accelerate the developfilent of key technical resources in new emerging technologies through . rotationalassignnlents at leading research consortia and laboratories (TDP). 64 CORPORATE RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURE 7.10.1 Technology Strategy Council (TSC) Co-Chairmen: Sam Fuller (ML012-2/T7, 223-3710) TOln Gannon (HL02-3/N11, 223-5415) The Technology Strategy Council (TSC) is a small, functionally oriented committee composed of key technical contributors representing Digital's strategic technology areas. TSC provides a corporate-wide focus on.the strategic management of Digital's technology assets. Its mission is twofold: • Within the context of DEC's technology strategy, identify, assess and recollllllend resolution of key technological issues of strategic importance to the Corporation. • Review and advocate technology development programs to support the Corporations long-range product needs. 7.10.2 Technology Planning Group (TPG) Manager: Scott Gordon (HL02-3/N11, 223-5849) The Technology Planning staff provides direct support for the TSC's technology strategy and planning activities through coordinating and administrating TSC'sactivities and conducting analyses of technological and business issues and trends as they relate to TSC's agenda. In doing so, Technology Planning seeks to promote and represent a Corporate-wide focus in the technology strategy and planing process. In complement to direct support of TSC, the group also sponsors and lllanages ad hoc reviews and assessments of new technological opportunities. 7.10.3 Technology Assessment Group Manager: Dick Rubinstein (HL02-3/N11, 223-5853) The Technology Assesslllent Group assists the Corporation in responding to rapid technological innovation. The group seeks to identify new technology opportunities of long-terlll strategic importance to Digital. It provides a foundation of technical and business assessments, and supports developlllent of opportunities through consultation, dissemination of information, promotion of AID projects, and coordination of cross-organizational efforts. To this end, it works with the Technology Strategy Council (TSC) and the Technology Development Program office. Goals: • Identify technology risks and opportunities before their consequences affect Digital in the marketplace. • Evaluate specific technology opportunities and recommend appropriate actions. • Assist the Corporation in establishing long-term technology strategies and research priorities • Provide the technical and business analysis needed to respond to new opportunities. • Provide a long-term perspective as a counterbalance to more immediate product and market concerns that often guide corporate behavior. Strategies: • Create and lllaintain a list of technologies of potential value to Digital and to our competition. For each area, we keep data including bibliography, names of researchers and technology trackers, alld current projects. • Identify strategic technology areas for tracking and analysis. • Track cOlllpetitive technologies and technology'investment, domestic and foreign. • Prepare technology analyses and forecasts for selected domains. CORPORATE RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURE 65 • Combine technical and business perspectives in analyses, ensuring that these disparate considerations balance each other properly. • Develop and pursue means of transferring knowledge of new technologies into Digital. • Develop and pursue means of starting and supporting internal work on new strategic technologies. • Identify and develop internal and external sources of technological expertise, both individuals and organizations. • Emphasize system and user issues, not just base technologies. 7.10.4 Engineering Interface Program Manager: Sonja Israel (HL02-3/N11, 225-5397) Associate Program Manager: Eliane Markoff (HL02-3/N11, 225-6074) The Engineering Interface Program (EIP) gives Digital's consulting engineering comnlunity the opportunity to create and participate in ongoing technical exchanges. with their professional counterparts in our corporate accounts. The prograln is a vehicle for establishing direct comlnunication between these senior engineers and key worldwide customers for the purpose of influencing and enriching Digital's long-term product/technology strategy. 7.11 DIGITAL TECHNICAL JOURNAL Manager: Dick Beane (CRL, 259-6627) The strategy is to continue to develop the Digital Technical Journal as a high quality communications channel that supports Digital's image as a technical leader in the computer systelns business. 7.12 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION PROGRAM Chairman: Sam Fuller (ML012-2/T7, 223-7310) Protection of Digital's Intellectual Property and increasing the number of Digital patents has become a high priority for the company. Patent applications tripled during the first year of the progranl. In this prograln, we continue with our oversight responsibility working with the PBU Intellectual Property Committee Chairmen to understand how the individual PBU committees can work together respecting decentralization of operations but developing strategic policy; useful consistancy; and potential sharing of resources. We will continue to work with the Engineering law group and have established training programs for the patent engineers. A video presentation on software patentability and what it means to Digital software engineers and research scientists was created as an educational tool. This program will also be responsible for creating and implementing an intellectual property strategy for Corporate Research. 7.13 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Manager: Agnes Connors (ML012-3/U35, 223-5745) 7.14 PERSONNEL Manager: Jenny Watson (ML012-3/U35, 223-9173) 66 CORPORATE RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURE CHAPTER 8 SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS Group Manager: Robert B. Palmer, V.P. (HL02-2/Mll, 225-6677) Senliconductor Operations (SCO) designs, develops, manufactures, acquires, and supplies LSI and VLSI selniconductor chips, modules, and design services required to build systenls, and to serve the needs of Digital's engineering and manufacturing groups, so as to maximize Digital's competitive advantqge at the systems level. The Semiconductor Operations group supports Digital by the performing the following: • Supply, through Acquisition and Test activities, integrated circuit solutions that achieve highest quality and cOlnpetitive costs. • Design and manufacture internal solutions unique to Digital's systems architecture. The group's objectives are to achieve increased semiconductor value added to Digital's systems by providing a higher level of supply perfoflllance (lnake or buy) than competitors' captive semiconductor operations as Illeasured by Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) data, and to improve the total cost/perfonnance ratio of the silicon content of Digital's systems at least 20% Illore aggressively than Digital's competitors. 8.1 SEMICONDUCTOR BUSINESS OPERATIONS Manager: Dan Hamel (LM02/P35, 296-5550) Semiconductor Business Operations (SBO) is the primary interface between Digital users and SCO for both internally and externally acquired integrated circuits. SBO has corporate component responsibility to provide the lnost reliable integrated circuits for Digital's products, while achieving the speed, functionality, and cost goals of the target system products. SBO works with several Digital engineering groups to specify devices, define sourcing requirements, and develop necessary CAD/CAT tools and test programs. SBO provides integrated circuit design and progralllming selvices for custom gate arrays, standard cells, and programnlable devices. SBO provides technology analysis, device applications, and characterization assistance during the system development phase for custom and standard integrated circuits. SBO purchases, tests, and distributes 1l10St integrated circuits within Digital. SBO also works with other Acquisition and Test centers that interface with local manufacturing facilities and represents the internal semiconductor design and manufacturing facilities to it's customers. 8.2 SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING AND TECHNOLOGY (SCMT) Manager: W.C. (Bill) Robinette, Jr. (HLOIlJ06, 225-5036) SCMT provides Digital with MOS chip manufacturing/sourcing of internally designed circuits and develops processes/base technology for CMOS wafer processing, chip packaging, chip/package interconnect and testing. SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS 67 8.2.1 U.S. Manufacturing Manager: Ruth Rawa (HL01/P06, 225-4535) U.S. VLSI is responsible for all U.S. Semiconductor Manufacturing in Hudson and Andover, MA including wafer fabrication, probe, conlponent asselllbly and test. It consists of process, product, test and asselllbly engineering and manufacturing whose charter is to accept state-of-the-art sel11iconductor technology fronl developnlent and incorporate this technology into manufacturing. 8.2.2 European VLSI Manager: John Perry (AYO, 011-44-506-417111) The VLSI European Operations organization, consisting of Edinburgh and Ayr, are world-class nlanufacturing facilities that supply internal state-of-the-art wafer fabrication, package assembly and final test capacity to produce semiconductor products for advanced Digital systems. 8.2.3 Advanced Semiconcluctor Development (ASD) Manager: Rich Hollingsworth (HL01/P06, 225-4488) ASD develops and transfers to manufacturing semiconductor technology for the SCO component business. In order to remain competitive, R&D is pursued in base technologies and their integration consistent with maintaining a leadership position in semiconductors required by SCO. 8.2.4 Physical Technology Group (PTG) Manager: Rob Hannemann (AP02/F2, 289-1560) PTG provides the SCQ internal customer base with packaging and interconnect solutions from the chip through the system level of the interconnect heirarchy. Their mission includes technology and l11anufacturing process development and product applications. 8.2.5 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Manager: Marlin Shopbell (HL02-1/D07, 225-6146) CIM is defined in SCMT to be the application of advanced computer hardware and software systems, coupled with automated material handling process control, cycle time, manufacturing yields and costs, as a nleans to obtain a cOlllpetitive advantage for the Corporation. 8.2.6 Materials/Planning Manager: Ted Workman (HL02-2/L05, 225-7307) Materials is responsible for the planning, acquisition, receiving, storage and delivery of all materials and equipnlent needed by the Semiconductor Manufacturing facility in Hudson, MA. On a worldwide basis, we plan/schedule the other manufacturing sites in Ayr and Andover. The goal of the Semiconductor Manufacturing and Technology Group is to support Digital's MOS chip and related base technology requirements for system sales to our customers. Contact can be made directly with the organizations listed above. More general questions should be directed to the Business Operations Manager, Gerry Sl11yth (HL02-2/J03, 225-6837). 68 SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS 8.3 SEMICONDUCTOR ENGINEERING GROUP (SEG) Manager: Duane Dickhut (HL02-2/N07, 225-4941) Seoliconductor Engineering (SEG) provides most of the MOS (CMOS) silicon design expertise within Digital. This group perfonns the following functions: • Designs and develops high perforolance, advanced technology Digital architecture microprocessors. • Provides peripheral chips for other parts of the computing system (video, disk, interconnect, and others). • Develops CAD tools necessary for MOS chip design. Major groups within SEG are as follows: • Architecturally Focused LSI (AFL)-responsible for microprocessor product development • Advanced Development (AD)-explores new applications and design methods • Semicustom Business Group (SBG)-provides access to a state-of-the-art semicustom design capability via a 1.5 micron CMOS standard cell library and tool suite. SBG also designs and develops chips in support of the video and interconnect areas. • Computer-aided Design Group (CAD)-supplies SEG and other parts of Digital with the CAD tools necessary for integrated circuit design • DETCI (Israel)-provides design expertise for complex peripheral controllers in the serial interconnect and low-end disk areas • Computer Resources (CR)-manages the complex computer network in Hudson, MA necessary to support integrated circuit design 8.4 SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS GROUP QUALITY & RELIABILITY Manager: Victor (Vic) S. Aramati (HL02-2/L13, 225-5925) The SCO Group Quality & Reliability organization is responsible for developing and iOlplementing a strategic and coolprehensive quality and reliability assurance program for SCO in support of its business goals. Within the Q&R group, there are four organizations: Customer Satisfaction, Design & Reliability Assurance, Manufacturing Quality Control, and Advanced Development. The Customer Satisfaction group is the primary focus regarding the quality of the products and services provided to all of SCO's customers. This is accomplished through establishing linkages with the customers, providing a Quality Assurance program for sca Manufacturing through process and product audits, and the management of the Device and Material Analysis lab. The Design & Reliability Ass\lrance group ensures that reliability is considered an integral part of the chip design and process development. The DRA group is closely linked with SEG and the ASD group. Their responsibility also includes qualification, infant mortality managelnent, and ORT. Manufacturing Quality Control is responsible for establishing worldwide, continuous, product quality, hnprovelnent programs in Manufacturing utilizing SPC and SQC techniques. This group spans the operations in Hudson and Andover, and is linked with the Ayr, Scotland Quality group. Advanced Development is focused on the development of the next generation of applicable quality tools and statistical techniques. The AD group is linked to the Statistical and Scientific Coololunity both internal and external to Digital. Contacts within the SCO Q&R group are as follows: • Customer Satisfaction Manager: Paul Matranga (HL02-2/N04, 225-5289). SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS 69 • • Design & Reliability Assurance Manager: Maria Menendez (HL02-2/N04, 225-4171). Manufacturing Quality Control Manager: Sharon McAfee (HL02-2/N04, 225-4968). • Ad'l1Qnced De'lJelopment Manager: John Kitchin (HL02-2/N04, 225-4650). • Q&R Program Office Manager: Sharon Silverman (HL02-2/N04, 225-7137). 8.5 SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS STRATEGIC PROGRAM OFFICE Manager: Sharon Wulf (HL02-2/L09, 225-4568) The Semiconductor Operations Strategic Program Office provides leadership in developing, communicating and coordinating integrated strategies for the Semiconductor Operations Group. 70 SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS CHAPTER 9 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) Group Manager: Dotn LaCava (ML012-2/T8I, 223-5063) The Group Manager of Low End Systems is responsible for the operations and strategies for low end systenls. This organization consists of the following groups. • Micro Systems Development Group Manager: Don Gaubatz • Design & Process Engineering Group Manager: Bill Picott • VAX Workstations PBll Group Manager: Art Williams • Personal Computing Systems Group Group Manager: John Rose • Desktop Systems Group Manager: Larry Cabrinety • Electro/Mechanical Design & Support Group Manager: Ralph Dormitzer • MicroVAX Group Manager: Jesse Lipcon • 9.1 Base Product Marketing & Planning Group Manager: Matthew Kochan MICRO SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT (MSD) Manager: Don Gaubatz (ML05-5/E7I, 223-4858) As the premier systems integration organization for Low-end Systems Engineering, MSD performs system integration and development activities for Digital's least expensive, general purpose, lnultiuser and realtime MicroVAX and PDP-II based systems. MSD has product responsibility for low-end realtinle hardware and software (e.g. rtVAX and VAXELN); PDP-II hardware and software including operating systems, languages and layered products; generic Q-bus options and enclosures; and a platfonn for snlall business application software. The group manages the architectural and interface standards for the traditional I6-bit systelns and leading edge 32-bit systems domain. The group also works with Software Development, Storage Systenls, Distributed Systems, Semiconductor Engineering, and terminals groups to focus on a total systelns approach. In addition, MSD has program nlanagement responsibility for the development and implementation of Digital's realtinle strategy. LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 71 9.1.1 Micro Systems Development Program Office Manager: Richard Mollin (ML05-5/E71, 223-2506) This group provides product management, base product marketing, strategic planning and forecasting, and business operations activities for Micro Systelns Development. It also provides Inanagelnent of corporate-wide programs for the development and implementation of a Realtime Strategy and the sale of chips. The Product Management Groups bring hardware, software, and systems to the marketplace and manage the business elements for MSD's products. The Base Product Marketing Group provides customer product and business requirements information as input to engineering. It also provides product information, product messages and marketing programs to external custOlllers and internal Digital groups such as ularketing and sales. The planning, forecasting and business operations functions deal with short-term and long-term business opportunities and issues of the total realtime and PDP-II businesses. 9.1.2 MSD Hardware Engineering Manager: Brian Fitzgerald (ML05-5/E60, 223-4490) MSD Hardware Engineering manages the development of options and components for MicroVAXs and PDP-lls, the overall integration of new products into Inicro-systems, realtime hardware engineering, and the developulent of MicroPDP-ll systems. Responsibilities include 16-bit CPU design and the integration of complete system offerings including Ulass storage and other options, packaging, and software. MSD Systems Integration Engineering Manager: Don Derome (ML05-5/T90, 223-3765) MSD Systems Integration develops new realtime VAX and MicroPDP-ll configurations around the MicroVAX and J-ll CPU architecture, respectively. The group also qualifies new mass storage devices, and comulunications and other options across all Q-bus hardware configurations and 16-bit operating systems. The group designs and specifies complete system products including packaging, custOlner and field information kits, and system diagnostics. Current realtime projects include the design, development and documentation of realtiule systems based on the single user version of the MicroVAX CPU Inodule. Other products/projects include the 11/73, 11/83, and II/53 systems, Q-bus option qualification, upgrades of PDP-11184 systelns, and new mass storage packaging and integration. MSD Options Development Manager: Remi Lisee (ML03-5/U26, 223-3492) MSD Options Development manages the development of Q-bus CPUs and options. The group also develops other options needed in low end systems. Current projects include the development of electronics for low-end servers and program management of BA200 module design standards and handles. S-BOX Development Manager: George Hitz (ML05-5/E60, 223-3408) This group develops the BA200 family of Q-bus packages for end user applications that cover a wide range of environments including office, laboratory, and factory applications. The S-BOX features ease of installation, expansion, manufacturing, and service through new packaging techniques. 72 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) MSD Desktop Systems Development Manager: Roger Gagne (ML05-5/T20, 223-7446) MSD Desktop Systems development develops low-end MicroVAX systenls that can be used in small, multi-user applications and as LAVC servers. The group is responsible for the overall system engineering of a product from definition through the first shipments. This involves writing the engineering specifications and working with other engineering groups to create the various pieces of the product and test them as an entire system. The group also carries the system through into manufacturing and first custonler ship. Systems Engineering Manager: Bob Jurgen (ML05-5/T58, 223-3526) The systems engineering group is part of the corporate wide effort to further define complete systems level cOlnputing solutions for customers. A complete systems level computing solution consists of a fuUy integrated environment of hardware, systems software, and applications software all connected together with networks~ The MSD Systems Engineering group is focused on defining platforms for work group level computing solutions based on Local Area VAXclusters (LAVC), Distributed Realtime and work group level support for desk top devices. 9.1.3 Micro Systems Advanced Development Manager: Jinl Scott (ML03-5/U26, 223-5514) Micro Systems Advanced Development investigates and performs pre-design studies of all system cOlnponents crucial to the next generation of 16-bit and MicroVAX 32-bit products. Enlphasis is on multi-user systems, but issues relevant to single-user systems are also investigated when necessary. Activities include working systems architecture issues (PDP-II, Q-bus, UNIBUS architecture managetllent) with software engineering groups, CPU chip development groups, and the peripheral developnlent groups. Emphasis within Micro SystetllS Advanced Development is placed on the engineering training and process issues affecting time-to-market, testability, and product quality. MSD Advanced Development is also working on the definition of a distributed realtime architecture for Digital and perfornls perfornlance evaluations of realtinle systems in support of this effort. 9.1.4 MSD Systems Quality Manager: Vic Penney (ML05-5/E71, 223-3753) The goal of the Systems Quality Group is to perform actions that will enable MSD, MVB, and other LES groups provide quality microsystems for our customers worldwide. To achieve its goal, the SQG is organized into the following areas. For further information, contact the listed managers. • Quality Management Hank Moran (ML05-5/U52, 223-3708, AXIS: :MORAN) • Customer and Competitive Information US: Hank Moran (Acting) (ML05-5/U52, 223-3708, AXIS::MORAN) EUR: Lorraine Tartaglia (RTO, 865-1167, DCC::TARTAGLIA) • Systems Qualification Dick Bennett (ML05-5/U52, 223-6538, SYSENG::BENNETT) • Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering (EMC) Bob Howland (ML05-5/U52, 223-6635, AXIS::HOWLAND) LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 73 • Competitive Systems Evaluation Ken Kuenzel (Consultant) (ML05-5/U52, 223-1211, KAKVAX::KUENZEL) 9.1.5 Micro Systems Software Manager: Chuck Turley (ML05-5/E71, 223-1895) This group develops and maintains system software for PDP-II systems. It also maintains tools for developing dedicated real time applications for VAX processors. Products include: RSX, RT-ll, RSTS/E, DSM-ll, VAX DSM, MicroPower/Pascal, VAXELN, P/OS, Languages (BASIC +2, COBOL-81, and others) and tools. The group includes software development and maintenance, product management, quality testing, and documentation for all products. Contact the following product managers for further information. • RSX Charlie Franks (ZKOI-3/Hl, 381-1134) • RT-ll Bill Parm (ML05-5/E76, 223-8636) • RSTSIE Paul Laba (MKOI-I/L02, 264-7776) • MPIP, ELN Maureen Johnson (ML021-2/U12, 223-1164) • Languages Joe Mulvey (ZKOI-3/JI0, 381-1218) • DSM Barry Herring (MR03-2/H7, 297-2355) • PIGS Jeff Slayback (ML021-2/UI2, 223-9340) 9.1.6 General Business Engineering Manager (Acting): Chuck Turley (ML05-5/E71, 223-1895) The goal of this group is to make Digital the highest-quality systems vendor for small businesses. The group provides a VAX based systenl platform for small business marketing targeted for direct sales to Digital's small business customers. 9.2 DESIGN AND PROCESS ENGINEERING Manager: Bill PicoU (MLOl-5/U36, 223-8076) The Design and Process Engineering Group (D&PE) focuses on key cross-functional engineering needs within Low End Systems (LES) and across the Corporation. The goals of the Group are the following: • Inlprove test coverage and system availability. • Reduce product development cycle through development of tools and process. • Ensure that LES required base technology needs are anticipated, understood, and applied in a tinlely and conlpetitive manner. • Establish LES as the market leader in providing networking, local area systems, and comnlunications solutions. 74 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) To achieve these goals, the following functional groups are utilized. • Diagnostic Engineering Manager: Jeff Katzif (MLOl-2/C31, 223-1156) • Engineering CAD Manager: Jim King (ML05-2/T40, 223-5903) • Low End Network Systems (LENS) Manager: Dick Belanger (MLOl-5/U36, 223-5857) • Engineering Process and Technology (EP&T) Manager: Joe Cannizzaro (MLOl-5/U36, 223-4383) • Regulatory Engineering Manager: Dan Deknis (ML06B-lIU30, (223-4163) 9.2.1 Diagnostic Engineering Manager: Jeff Katzif (MLOl-2/C31, 223-1156) The Low End Diagnostic Group provides diagnostic and firmware development to support the Low End Engineering design groups based on product, customer, field, and Inanufacturing specifications. The diagnostic/test programs developed are used in design verification, manufacturing, and by the field for installation and repair. The Diagnostic Group develops test and diagnostic requirements in the conceptual stage of the product to nleet product requirements and systems issues. The group is also available for consultation in the advanced development phases of products. The group is organized in the following manner. • Operations Manager: Don Lind (MLOl-2/C31, 223-3871) • Systems Development Manager: Bruce Rozett (ML023-1/P53, 223-8798) • Worksystems Developnlent Manager: Bill Walsh (ML021-4/E10, 223-3142) • Advanced Development Manager: Ron Ross (MLOl-2/C31, 223-7954) • Quality/Release Manager: Charlie Santos (MLOl-2/C31 223-8245) • MicroSystems Development Manager: Hugh Bowen (ML021-4/E20, 223-7013) 9.2.2 Engineering CAD Manager: Jim King (ML05-2/T40, 223-5903) The Engineering CAD group provides a focus on resources for System Simulation and PCB Engineering needs. Engineering CAD provides a consistent set of Design Autolnation tools, libraries, and technical expertise that will support new technology, time-to-nlarket, quality, and cost goals for Low End Systems (LES) PBUs. Services fall into PCB Engineering and System Sitnulation. LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 75 PCB Engineering provides the processes, tools, libraries, and technical expertise that enables design engineers to generate a schematic/data base and to transfer that data base to a design center which provides fast turn-around tinle for PCB layout and fabrication. On average, it takes two weeks frOIn schenlatic to PCB fabrication, with faster turn-around possible on priorities. System Simulation provides a total System Simulation-based Product Development Process, Library, and Tool Suite which encOinpasses Electrical/Logical, Mechanical/Network, and Software Design disciplines within LES. System Simulation enables an engineer to simulate the overall system before comnlitting to layout, thus allowing the engineer to make fewer passes through the PCB shop, which results in considerable time saved in the development process. Engineering CAD also participates in the development and implementation of training for new skill sets required by Design Engineers so that they can avail thenlselves of new technologies. Valid training is an example of this. The following is a list of subgroups. • PCB Engineering Manager: Bob Murphy (ML05-2/T40, 223-8141) • Systems Simulation Group Manager: Don Conrad (ML05-2/T40, 223-7959) • Operations and Administration Manager: John Grose (ML05-2/T40, 223-8008) 9.2.3 Low End Network Systems Manager: Dick Belanger (MLOl-5/U36, 223-5857) Low End Network Systems (LENS) is responsible for the following major program areas: • Generating Low End Systems related long-range strategic plans, and near-term product plans using networks and communications technology. • Monitoring and refining the Engineering Phase Review Process. • Program Office and Engineering for LES Network/Communications products. • Program office for Fiber Optics (Janus) products. LENS provides a focus and direction to ensure that Low End Systems (LES) products have a competitive edge within the networks and comnlunications discipline. The program includes defining LES networks and communications strategy in conjunction with LES PBUs and NAC, and tnaintaining program managetnent for cross-functional NAC programs. The present cross-functional programs are as follows. • Janus introduces into the Low End the benefits of using fiber optics for certain communicationsbased products. Initially it will deliver a terminal concentrator, Q-bus module, and fiber optic link for serial asynchronous communication, including architecture and a set of tools. The present structure of this group is: • Systems Architecture and Technology Manager: Kami Ajgaonkar (MLOl-5/U36, 223-8927) • Network Systems Planning Andrei Shishov (MLOl-5/U36, 223-5944) • Engineering Manager: Tony Bryan (ML03-5/U26, 223-6007) 76 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) • Fiber Optics Program Manager: Hector Torres (MLOl-5/U36, 223-1010) 9.2.4 Engineering Process and Technology (EP&T) Manager: Joe Cannizzaro (MLOl-5/U36, 223-4383) The Low End Systems (LES) EP&T Group is responsible for creating an environment which enhances and stinlulates technology, process development, and implelnentation across the LES organization. This effort ultimately supports the LES long range strategies and goals for the development of industry leading conlpetitive products. EP&T will perform its mission in the following manner: • Development, integration, and communication of the LES technology and process strategies. • Developlnent and management of a unifed process and technology strategy and funding process. • Development and inlplementation of a LES strategy to reduce the new product development tinles. • Identification of new and emerging technologies and the management of their introduction and development throughout LES. • Act as an interface for LES on technology related issues within Digital to such Corporate organizations as TSC, CRA, MCC, and CPT. • Manage the LES Technology Transfer Organization which is comprised of the Patent Office, Maynard Area Engineering Training, and the Technology Exchange Group. EP&T is made up of three project oriented groups and two support groups. • Project Oriented Groups Strategic Technology Planning Contacts: Raul Brauner (MLOl-5/U36, 223-1103 Jonathan Griep (MLOl-5/U36, 223-4766) Chartered to develop comprehensive technology investment plans and strategies which will permit the development of LES' products at the lowest possible cost. The first major goal of the Group is to ensure Digital/LES has the technologies required for the development of new products which will lead the competition or, at worst, match the competition. The second major goal is to maximize the technology investments made by Digital/LES with the development or purchase of technologies which will have multiple uses in several new products, or the re-use of a technology developed by a group which is not a part of LES. The third major goal is to make sure all technologies developed or purchased are compatible with the other technologies required to design and build a new product. • Technology Transfer Manager: Serge Paul-Emile (MLOl-5/U36, 223-2694) Composed of three separate elements: Patent Office-Chartered to identify and protect the intellectual property of LES by aiding in the preparation of legal paperwork and by providing recognition to the developer of the intellectual property. LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 77 Maynard Area Engineering Training· (MAET>-Chartered to provide high impact, cost effective training and education programs for LES and Small Systems Manufacturing. These progralns consist of Technical Senlinars (live and satellite); National Technological University (NTU) Courses; and a Technical Orientation Series. Technology Exchange-Chartered to work with Digital organizations to determine which universities and other research centers are engaged in the exploration or developnlent of technologies and/or processes which are, or may be, applicable to the design and manufacture of new LES'· products. This group will also act as the focal point for LES funding for outside universities or research centers. • Simultaneous Development Process Manager: Subhash Dandage (ML01-5/U36, 223-1039) Chartered to design, model, and test a set of new product development processes for LES which will reduce the tiIne-to-market of products of siInilar cOlnplexity, or will allow the developnlent of . highly complex new products without increasing the time-to-market. In either case, LES will have a new product development process which is highly predictable and will increase the efficiency of the development of a new product. • Support Groups Operations and Planning Manager: Ken Brabitz (ML01-5/U36, 223-6629) Has the responsibility to ensure that the plans, goals, and projects of each of the project oriented groups are integrated into a master plan which fulfills the mission of EP&T and supports the nlission and goals of LES. A second responsibility is to assist the other groups in the planning and/or execution of their projects. • Finance and Investments Manager: Steve Barker (ML01-5/U36, 223-3550) Has two main responsibilities: the first to manage the EP&T resources and prepare any financial reports required; the second to work with the other groups and provide the financial analysis of projects and investment proposals and/or recommendations. 9.2.5 Low End Regulatory Engineering (LERE) Manager: Dan Deknis (ML06B-lIU30, 223-4163) Low End Regulatory Engineering (LERE) obtains regulatory approvals, certifications, and listings for all Low End products in a manner consistent with business goals. Its primary expertise is in the Product Safety and EMC areas. LERE manages the EMC domain in Digital and orchestrates FCC and VDE testing and approvals. LERE maintains DEC SrD 103-0 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Hardware Design Requirements and DEC STD 062-1 Telecommunication Certification/Approval Process For Products. LERE performs numerous lab tests and writes product documentation reports to obtain UL, CSA, VDE, FCC, and TUEV approvals. LERE has the engineering skills to support product development in those areas. • Product Safety Engineering Support Jose Crespo (ML06-1/U30, 223-1833, SAFETY::CRESPO) • EMC Engineering Support Stew Jackson (MROI-D, 297-2847, FCCVDE::JACKSON) • Product and/or Approvals Status Sue Calnber (ML06-1/U30, 223-5205, EMIRFI::CAMBER) 78 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Domain Manager: Peter Boers (ML06B-1/U30, 223-5452) ElectrOlnagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is the ability of equipment or systems to operate without malfunction in an electromagnetic environment. A device must be able to operate next to other devices without detecting interference from, or emitting interference to, these other devices. The Federal COInmunications Commission (FCC) and other international agencies have established levels of allowable Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) that computer devices may emit. The EMC engineering group is also concerned with designing computer equipment that operates in the presence of other devices (such as radio and TV transmitters) that generate electrOlnagnetic fields. Digital's design and test requirements are documented in DEC STD103-0. A nUlllber of EMC engineering skill centers serve the engineering clusters with design guidance and testing support. Representatives frolll the EMC skill centers meet at regular intervals in the EMC DOlllain Forum to discuss policy matters. The EMC Domain Manager interfaces with outside agencies, chairs the EMC Domain Forunl, organizes VDE approvals, and is responsible for DEC STD 103-0. The following individuals and test facilities provide expertise in EMC matters and assist with FCC and VDE product compliance. • Government Systems Bruce ArchaIllbault (MK02-lIG6, ENGGSG::) • High Pel10rmance Systems Steve Bellanca (MR01-2/G6, BARNUM::SJ • Low End Systems-LERE Group Stew Jackson (MR01-D, FCCVDE::) • Low End Systems-LERE EMC Domain Manager Peter Boers (ML06B-1/U30, EMIRFI::) • Micro Systems Bob Howland (ML05-5/E60, KRYPTN::) • Mid-Range Systems John Sherwood (NIO/A2, MSEE::) • Storage Systems Tom Tuttle (CX01-1/P12, NERMAL::) • Test Sites: Colorado Free Field Test Site (522-2295 or 522-2291) Marlboro Anechoic Chamber (MR01-E Hilltop Test Site, 297-2864 or 297-2865) Marlboro Free Field Test Site (MR01-F Horizon Test Site, 297-2881 or 297-2882) SalelnAnechoic Chamber (261-3632) LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 79 9.3 VAX WORKSTATIONS PBU Manager: Art Williams (ML05-2/G1, 223-3954) This group designs and builds workstations which are computing systems that provide high quality user interaction and allow a user to work on multiple activities siInultaneously. Workstations offer stable and predictable performance for technical and business professionals alike are are designed to operate as· standalone systenls and in distributed and/or networked environOlents. The VAX Workstations PBU is committed to becoming a leader of Systems of Workstations that serve the needs of technical and business professionals whose applications require high quality graphics and windowing capabilities in a distributed environment. It is expected that growth in distributed workstations marketplace will be significant over the next five years . VAX Workstations will work to establish workstations as the preferred style of cOlnputing in our target markets. Additionally, our technical focus will be RISC architecture and graphics. The following VAX Workstations managers can help you determine whether or not their group can be of assistance to you. • Low End VAX Workstations Manager: John Clarke (ML05-2/B6, 223-9129, JACOB::CLARKE) • Mid-Range VAX Workstations Manager: Carol Peters (UCO, 415-853-6714, DECWSE::PETERS) • High Performance VAX Workstations and Graphics Manager: Steve Bourne (LM04-1/H4, 296-6648, 3D: :BOURNE) • VAX Workstations Advanced Development Manager: Jeff Lane (UCO, 415-853-6741, DECWSE::LANE) • VAX Workstations Quality/Continuation Engineering Manager: Joe Bitto (ML01-2/U2, 223-6093, ADVAX::LBITTO) • VAX Workstations Product Management Manager: Steve Hansmire (ML05-2/G1, 223-6882, JACOB::HANSMIRE) • VAX Workstations Systems and Evaluation Manager: Paul Kruger (ML01-2/U2, 223-9161, ADVAX::KRUGER) • VAX Workstations Finance and Operations Manager: Barbara Keller (ML05-2/U13, 223-6549, JACOB::KELLER) • VAX Workstations Business Management and Planning Manager: Gillian Scholes (ML05-2/U13, 223-5388, JACOB::SCHOLES) • VAX Workstations Personnel Manager: (Open) Additionally, supporting the VAX Workstations PBU are the following groups: • Workstations Product Marketing Manager: Dave Spinney (ML01-2, 223-2446, ADVAX::SPINNEY) • VAX Workstations Base Product Marketing Manager: Sandy Carpentier (ML01-2/C30, 223-3145, HARBOR::CARPENTIER) • VAX Workstations Customer Service Systems Engineering (CSSE) Manager: Ron Bogue (OGO, 276-9743, CSSE::BOGUE) 80 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 9.4 PERSONAL COMPUTING SYSTEMS GROUP Manager: John Rose (LJ02/F4, 226-2550) The Personal COlnputing Systems Group (PCSG) is responsible for the integration of industry-standard PCs and Apple Macintosh systems into the Digital environment. PCSG provides products which leverage upon Digital's strengths in VAX, VMS, LAVe, DECwindows, and DECnet technologies. PCSG is responsible for integration strategies pertinent to these markets and for proposing future PC integra-" tion products/systems. The group's goal is to assure that Digital becomes the #1 integrator of PCs in the industry. 9.4.1 Personal Computing Systems Software Engineering Manager: Joe Carchidi (LJ021I4A, 226-2796) The Personal Computing Systems Software Engineering Group provides PC integration architecture, delivers products for MS-DOS integration and new integration products for OS/2 and the Apple Macintosh. The group provides a strategy which aligns with the Corporate strategy and coordinates the many technologies and architectures of the Corporation needed to deliver a successful integration of the personal COlllputer. 9.4.2 Personal Computing Systems Program Office Manager: George Symula (LJ02/Cl0A, 226-2447) The Personal Computing Systelns Group (PCSG) Program Office provides planning, program lllanagelllent, and product management for PC integration products. Group activities include: • Developing product and pricing strategies for PC integration in support of the Corporate Network Application Support (NAS) architecture. • Planning and Product,Management for both PC integration syste.m software and for PC integration applications. Included are both Digital-developed and ISV-developed applications. Ownership of the Digital Marketed Software (DMS) catalogue is included. • Management of the Phase Review Process for PCSG. • Management of the Corporate relationship with Apple Computer Corporation for the joint developlnent of products. • Management of the Macintosh Program Office, an advanced development group for DEC/Macintosh integration products. • Contract management with major third party software cOlllpanies. • Responsibility for the management and direction of the European PC Clone Testing' operation located in Valbonne. 9.4.3 Personal Computing Systems External Relations Program Office Manager: Geoffrey Burr (LJ02/Gl0A, 226-2441) External Relations is chartered to explore the feasibility of forming "alliances" with strategicallyselected PC lllanufacturers and "niche" manufacturers in the PC integration areas. The concept behind the "alliances" is to use them as an avenue for playing to Digital's value-added strengths in networking and software integration, provide PC hardware to the marketplace, and yet not invest DEC resources in the design and manufacture of PC hardware. LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 81 9.4.4 Base Product Marketing Group - Integrated Personal Computing (IPC) Manager: Deane Curran (LJ02/C11, 226-2326) The Base Product Marketing Group which reports into both the LES Marketing and Planning Group and PCSG provides product marketing services and support toPCSG and DSG (Desktop Systems Group). The group provides market input for Digital in both product strategy and lnarketing strategy in all areas of integrated personal computing, including desktop systems. The group works with Product Marketing and Industry Marketing on market solutions which include the integration of MS-DOS, OS/2, and Macintosh with VAXes and Digital's Networking. 9.5 DESKTOP SYSTEMS GROUP Manager: Larry Cabrinety (PK03-lIK88, 223-7560) 9.5.1 Font Engineering Manager: Paul Nelson (MLOl-3/E12, 223-8020) Font Engineering is the Focal point for providing fonts to be used on the Digital product line, either for printing or display. The group provides expertise in selection, procurement, and appropriate use of fonts. 9.5.2 Hardcopy CSSE Manager: Bob Bills (PK03-1I10B, 223-7914) CSSE provides lnaintainability engineering expertise to Hardcopy Engineering for their internal developlnent and buyout activities. This group coordinates all service planning activities and ensures a S11100th introduction of products to the field. After initial product shiplnent, CSSE tracks product performance and provides the interface between the support organization and continuation engineering. In addition, there is a Field Service product management group within Hardcopy eSSE. This group establishes service product strategies and develops pricing proposals to complement these strategies. The group also monitors products through their life cycles to ensure continued success of the related service products. 9.5.3 Video Engineering Manager: Al Johns (PK03-1/K90, 223-5520) This group designs a variety of video terminals from simple text-only to sophisticated graphics and imaging terminals. This group designs or coordinates the buyout of monochrome and color nlonitors for Desktop Systems Group (DSG) products and other PBD products. Video Engineering also coordinates and directs video terminal development in Taiwan. The Terminals Team, headed by David Upton (PK03-lIK90, 223-8905, REGINA::), designs video terminals. The Display Team, headed by Craig James (PK03-1/K90, 223-3915, RANI::), designs or coordinates buyouts of lnonitors. The International Team, headed by R.A. Hoffman (PK03-lIK90, 223-6914, SIERRA::), coordinates and directs video ternlinal development in Taiwan. 82 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) Hardcopy and Input/Output Engineering Group Group Manager: Dave· Sween ey (MLOl-3/E62, 223-6371) s and input/o utput equipm ent. This group design s and develo ps (or tests and selects) printing device s. system 's This includ es keyboa rds and scanne rs to be used with Digital experi ence and project manageThe group consists of engine ers with printer and I/O produc t design lllent capability. Engineering expertise includ es the following. knowle dge in the followHigh-p erfornl ance mechanical design engine ering skills requiring expert • ing areas. 9.5.4 Vibration Stress analysis Kinematics Materials and proces ses • Servom echani sm design engine ering skills Electronic design engineering skills requiring expert knowledge in: Analog circuit and logic design Microp rocess ors EMIIRFI Regulatory agency require ments real-time techni ques Software/firmware develo pment skills with particular empha sis on Managers to contact includ e the following: • • • • AdtJanced Development Manager: Tom Dundo n (MLOl-3/E12, 223-8305, RAJA::) Buyouts and Input Device Development Manager: Paul Nelson (MLOl-3/E12, 223-3528, RAJA::) Low-End Printing System Development Manager: John Davis (ML03-6/B16, 223-2934, RAJA::) Low-End Printing System Development Manager: (acting) Dave Sween ey (MLOl-3/E62, 223-6371, RAJA::) 9.5.5 Architectural Systems Manager: Peter Conkli n (PK03-1/19A, 223-3221) produc ts. The group design s and This group develo ps architecture and implem ents firmware for DSG functions unique to a produc t's other or tion, inlplem ents software to provid e drivers, protoc ol transla operat ion. (PK03-lIK90, 223-1300, RANI::), The Architecture/Advanced Development Group, headed by Sujit Kumar produc ts will interface with DSG whose groups ate works with the develo pment groups and all corpor ned with termin al and printer produc ts. The group owns responsibility for several standa rds concer ttees. The group also works functionality, and repres ents Digital on various ANSI and ISO comnlistratin g new architecture and demon pes on advanc ed develo pnlent projects to implem ent prototy technology. LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 83 The Firmware/Software Product Development Group, headed by Richard Glantz )PK03-lIK90, 223-5444, RANI::), designs firmware for video terminal products. The group develops host syste111software for video products and hardcopy products. On request, the group provides terminal emulator software for other products, and it will develop code for unusual languages, touch screens, or other special terminal functions. The group also provides long-term support for firmware and software of all released products. The Hardcopy Firmware Development Group, headed by Harold Hager (ML03-6/B16, 223-5637, RAJA::), designs firmware for printers, scanners, keyboards, and related I/O devices. The group also works on software for these devices and on the develop111ent of standards and protocols for printers. The Quality Assurance and Certification Group, headed by George Cacioppo (PK03-1I10C, 223-4078, REGINA::), tests all products developed within DSG with respect to firmware and software. The group works on products such as PCs and workstations as requested, to test functions, such as terminal emulators. The group certifies all corporate products for compliance with standards for terminal and keyboard functionality. 9.5.6 DSG Program Office Manager: Rick Landau (PK03-1/C10, 223-0915) The DSG Progralll Office is an interface between the hardware, finnware, and software groups of the DSG and the software community at large. The group determines the impact of DSG system product shipment by how well the hardware and software components work together, and whether they were announced and shipped together. For all major programs in this area, such as printers, video terminals, scanners, and the like, the program office must understand all the C0111pOnents of work the system user needs, and find resources for theln. If components of a system are not being built, components not working, components not properly integrated, or other component problems, then the program office is responsible for the repair of those components. 9.5.7 Video Advanced Development Manager: Tom Stockebrand (ABO, 552-2551) This group performs advanced development for terminals and display products. Southwest Engineering, also managed by Tom Stockebrand, performs advanced development for high end/imaging terminals and display products. 9.6 ELECTRO/MECHANICAL DESIGN AND SUPPORT Manager: Ralph Dormitzer (ML06A-3/T96, 223-2146) Electro/Mechanical Design and Support (EMD&S) is a design center in electrical and mechanical engineering and in technology development. The group offers a broad range of integrated customer services for designing, packaging, powering, connecting and cooling computer enclosures. EMD&S provides cross corporate advanced technology and domain management in power conversion, electro-111echanical design, industrial and graphic design, human factors, acoustics and thermal engineering, mechanics, materials, and industrial packaging. 84 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 9.6.1 Program Management Manager: Frank Digilio (ML08-4/U50, 223-3778) Program Management provides an effective and unifonn TEAM approach to manage new product developlnent prograllls, on an interdisciplinary basis, utilizing EMD&S, company-wide and outside resources, frolll the EMD&S exploratory phase through Inanufacturing start-up. Program Management also provides methods to: • Minilllize the product time to market • Assure predictable EMD&S program costs • Achieve excellence in the Power and Packaging of the product (high quality, manufacturability, standards cOlnpliance). Program Management shall: • Serve as primary EMD&S product development interface to client(s). • Ensure Power and Packaging Requirements Document and Engineering Projects Plans are developed, cOlllmunicated and executed. • Serve as the EMD&S Power and Packaging resource lllanagers from the exploratory phase through manufacturing startup Program Management attains its goals and objectives by: • Developing and illlplementing controls and tools which result in program predictability. • Coordinating EMD&S Power and Packaging activities to provide effective system integration solutions across all contributing disciplines. • Improving and maintaining communications between clients and EMD&S. • Focusing project planning, budgeting and scheduling activities to minimize the effort required across all engineering groups. 9.6.2 Corporate Design Group Manager: Paul Benigni (MLOll-3/L12, 223-5676) The Design Group, comprised of the Industrial Design, Human Factors and Graphic Design departlllents described below, is responsible for the visual and ergonomic design quality of Digital's products and their cross-product consistency. The strength of the group is its cross-discipline relationship in the development of design solutions and its central focus. The group conducts advanced development domain activities prior to specific product developlnent and design services on an international basis. Contact the Design Group during the concept phase of user-visible products in order to ensure understanding of your product needs and its relationship to other Digital products. LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 85 Industrial Design Manager: Richard John~on (ML011-3/L12, 223-5113) Industrial Design develops and maintains product designs that have broad applications. Services of this group in product design encompass the related aspects of· aesthetics and product recognition. The unique professional skills of Industrial Design include the ability to communicate concepts and problem solve through the use of conceptual sketches, detail drawings, three dimensional nlockups, and so on. The group develops a distinctive aesthetic appearance that denotes a high quality product appropriate to the end-user's environlnent, and establishes and maintains a strong physical resemblance among products throughout the product lines. Product recognition ensures that the basic configuration of a product relates well to other products in structure, materials, finish, and physical and nlechanical attributes. Industrial Design initiates and participates in advanced development programs. The intent is to visualize the combinations of product aesthetics and functionality, as applied to future users for computers which are nlade possible through the revolution of emerging technologies. Industrial Design also participates in environment design (ACT Facilities, etc.) and exhibit/display design. Graphic Design Manager: Charles Conn (ML08-2/L13) Graphic Design develops and maintains the corporate visual identity. The department strives to meet functional requirements and ensure aesthetic quality in the graphic presentation and perception of Digital and its products. Specific services include designs for hardware and software product markings, including synlbols and typefonts, packaging, labeling and documentation. The department also develops and supports corporate requirements for signage, fleet identification and literature. Functional units with the department include the following: • Graphic Design includes the creation and management of all design solutions, from concept to cOlllprehensive to finished application. • Graphic Art includes the mechanical· production, including illustration, photography and CAD, for all design solutions. • Design Support includes the specification and documentation of design solutions, including component engineering, external resource management and domain management of DEC and Corporate Identity standards. Human Factors Manager: Charles Abernethy (ML011-3/L12; 223-5641) Group supervised by: Betsy Comstock (ML011-3/L12; 223-5642) Tom Abrahamsen (MLOll-3/L12; 223-3545) Human Factors Engineering participates with software developers and hardware engineering product design teams to increase the usability of the entire product including hardware, screens (windowing font, layout), symbols, interface design, input devices, documentation, and packaging. Direct human performances testing of concepts, mock-ips, prototypes, and product revisions is provided. Testing is conducted under controlled conditions in our laboratory located in Maynard in MLOll-3, at other locations, or in the field. Considerable experience has been gained developing computer systems for the end-user. Early involvement with product development tealns is strongly encouraged. Responsible for DEC STD 105 and 107. 86 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 9.6.3 Electro/Mechanical Design Engineering Manager: Dick Gonzales (MLOll-4/U32, 223-4832) Electro/Mechanical Design Engineering (EMDE) provides mechanical engineering services for the developnlent of Digital's low-end products. These services include mechanical project managelnent, conceptual study, plastics consultation, design, functional models, documentation, value added engineering, release to production and post release support. The areas of design expertise include electro/mechanical packaging of small enclosures, cabinets, snlall systems, ternlinals, workstations, interconnect strategies, and a variety of accessories. Specific information can be obtained fronl the following managers: • Engineering Operations - Design for Manufacturing - CAD Technologies Rich Castellano (ML011-4/U32, 223-8451, THOTH: :CASTELLANO) • Product Strategies - Competitive Analysis - Technical Consulting Jbn Walls (MLOll-4/U32,.223-6565, THOTH::WALLS) • New Product Development John Bagley (ML08-4/U50, 223-7018, THOTH::BAGLEY) • New Product Development Paul Lorusso (MLOll-4/U32, 223-6817, THOTH::LORUSSO) • Advanced Development - Plastic/Product Consulting George Doumani (MLOll-4/U32, 223-9124, THOTH::DOUMANI) • Engineering Services - Documentation & Checking - Lab Services TOIn Maher (MLOll-2/E83, THOTH::MAHER) 9.6.4 LEPS Engineering and Corporate Power Conversion R&D Manager: Dave Bertetti (ML06A-3/T96, 223-3091) Power Conversion Product Development Manager: Howard Kaepplein (ML06-3/T96, 223-6191.) The Power Conversion Product Development (PCPD) Group services the power supply needs of Digital's product development groups which require power supplies with less than 500 watt output, predonlinantly the Low End Systelns organization. Program involvement most often begins at the concept stage of a new product and continues until the product is no longer in production. The group works with the system designers to develop a complete power supply specification and business strategy that is consistent with the performance requirements, transfer cost, reliability, funding, and development schedule for the progranl. In addition, the group helps resolve problems related to the entire power system, not just the power supply itself. The group also coordinates efforts to achieve the necessary safety agency approvals and to facilitate the introduction of the power supply into manufacturing. Once a supply has been developed for a product, PCPD supports manufacturing, field service or corporate product safety in resolving issues concerning the supply that may come up at any time during its life. This is true whether the supply was designed and manufactured internally or purchased frOIn an outside vendor. Contact this group whenever a power supply in a 10- to SOO-watt range is needed for a product. LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 87 Corporate Power Conversion Research and Development Manager: Anil Ohri (ML06A-3/T96, 223-5990) The Corporate Power Conversion Research and Development Group is responsible for the development and/or acquisition of new power conversion technologies/tools/processes for meeting the power needs of future computer systenls and related products of the corporation. The group sponsors and directs long-term research programs at various universities for advancing the state of power conditioning technology and tools .. The group also develops CAD/CAE tools for simlution/analysis/modelling of power supply and systems for use by power supply designers through out the corporation. The group helps in transferring technology from research by developing hardware just short of introduction into products. The group also provides Digital with the exploration of strategies for providing power integrity including EMIIESD protection, AC power nleasurenlent and control, design of power controllers and the n1aintenance of corporate power standards. The group provides consulting services to all the power supply groups as well as to various product groups in power related areas. The group provides a communication link between various power supply groups by publishing journal and providing a monthly forum for technical exchange. This group should be informed of any functional power system problems, improvenlents, or changes that are required to optimize product performance. 9.6.5 Mechanical Technology Development Manager: Frank Grimaldi (ML08-3/T13, 223-4177) Mechanical Technology provides engineering consulting and testing services in mechanical specialties vital to product development. Mechanical Technology consists of the following groups. • Advanced Materials and Processes (engineering materials, finishes) Richard Thibeau (ML08-3/T13, 223-6001) • Environmental Engineering (product environmental capabilities) Frank Grinlaldi (acting) (ML08-3/T13, 223-4177) • Product Acoustics (product acoustic noise)· Bob Lotz (ML08-3/T13, 223-5774) • Solids Mechanics (statics, dynamics, kinematics) Frank Grhnaldi (Acting) (ML08-3/T13, 223-4177) Model Lab (ML08-1, 223-3830) Dynamics Lab (ML08-1, 223-3761) • Thermal Engineering (product cooling and climatics) Ralph Larson (ML08-3/T13, 223-9102) Thernlal Lab (ML011-1, 223-4759) I1R Lab (ML011-1, 223-3795) T/H Lab (ML011-1, 223-3795) • EMD&S System Support Larry Warfield (ML08-3/T13, 223-8721) M·echanical Technology resources are contracted members of product development teams where they are responsible for identifying design goals and solutions to achieve desired product performance. Mechanical Technology design consulting activities involve all levels of the physical packaging hierarchy and span the entire spectrum of Digital hardware products. 88 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) Mechanical Technology maintains comprehensive discipline laboratory facilities and testing capabilities. A recent expansion of the laboratories has provided iInportant enhancements, especially in dynamics, thermal, and climatics. Shipping package testing facilities have been expanded to include all capabilities necessary for National Safe Transit Association (NSTA) certification. Mechanical Technology also perfonns independent projects to ensure that appropriate knowledge, tools, and consulting capabilities are available to meet future product needs. It monitors, influences and comnlunicates discipline issues of importance, such as international acoustic noise regulations and materials regulations. Involving Mechanical Technology early in your product development program can aid in setting mechanical/packaging design specifications and in identifying design alternatives to meet product perfornlance and cost goals in the desired developlnent time. 9.6.6 Industrial Package Engineering (IPE) Manager: Larry Nielsen (ML04-2/D17, 223-3758) Industrial Package Engineering (IPE) is responsible for the design and implementation of shipping packages for Digital nlanufactured and buyout products as well as associated options, spares, subassemblies, and related items. The group also offers design and process consultation for Digital manufacturing in solving plant-specific as well as cross-plant packaging problenls. A fundamental goal in providing these services is to achieve cost effective package design while maintaining product protection and distribution efficiency through the shipping environment. The above responsibilities are shared by two subgroups within IPE which do similar activities for different categories of Digital products. Additionally, there is another subgroup that is concerned with services that support Industrial Packaging design work. These subgroups are described below. Contact the IPE group for the design of any protective shipping package(s). The group can also provide assistance in nlaking changes to existing designs and consulting on packaging processes. IPE is a service group and requires funding to provide its services. Written estimates and schedules can be provided. Requests for service should be made well in advance of first shipments to be effective. Phase 0 is not too early to contact IPE to establish initial packaging requiretnents as this will often tniniInize related problenls later in the development process. Low End Systems Industrial Packaging Engineering Manager: Bill Davies (ML04-2/D17, 223-9179) Low End Systems Industrial Packaging Engineering does package design and is associated with nlanufacturing operations nlainly for Low End products. High & Mid-Range Systems Industrial Packaging Engineering Manager: Brian McBride (ML04-2/D17, 223-3833) High & Mid-Range Systems Industrial Packaging Engineering does package design and is associated with manufacturing operations mainly for High and Mid-Range products. Industrial Packaging Engineering Services Manager: Nelson Simkins (ML04-2/D17, 223-3882) Industrial Packaging Engineering Services provides the Component Engineering function with respect to packaging at Digital. In doing this, it works closely with Purchasing to evaluate and specify packaging materials. Docunlentation services for packaging purchase specifications and packaging instructions, are provided by the group. Development of packaging related information systems is another service provided by this group. LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 89 9.7 MICROVAXPROGRAM Manager: Jesse Lipcon (ML05-5/E71, 223-3207) This group develops general-purpose MicroVAX timesharing and server systems based on the MicroVAX, CVAX, and follow-up on chip sets. The group is also responsible for business managenlent of the MicroVAX PBU. Current products are the MicroVAX II, MicroVAX 2000, and MicroVAX 3500/3600. The organization consists of Development under Jay Nichols, Operations under Len Kreidermacher, and Product Management under Lou Philippon. 9.8 BASE PRODUCT MARKETING AND PLANNING Manager: Matt Kochan (MLOl-2/U44, 223-6450) The LES Product Marketing mission is to integrate, coordinate, and manage the LES marketing and planning organizations to ensure that Digital realizes its nlaximum world-wide potential from the products it designs, develops, and offers in the Low End space (General Purpose & Desktop Systems). The Base Product Marketing and Planning Group consists of the following organizations, nlanagers and missions: • Worksystems BPM Sandy Carpentier (MLOl-2/C30, 223-3145) Be recognized as the leading vendor of workstations to the technical and business professional where there is a requirement for high quality graphics and windowing capability in a distributed environment. • Terminals and Printers BPM Joe Meany (PK03-1/D9, 223-3827) Be the leading worldwide supplier of high quality, cost effective terminals, printers, and services for Digital's systenls and networks in support of the Desktop Strategy. • Integrated Personal Computing BPM Deane Curran (LJ02/14, 226-2326) Deliver a family of architected products which will allow Digital to become the leader in the integration of industry standard PCs and Apple Maclntoshs into departnlental as well as corporatewide networks. • MicroVAX Systems BPM Duncan Anderson (ML021-2/P62, 223-2442) Provide standard-setting, general purpose, multiuser 32-bit VAX architecture systems and servers in the $7K to $200K price range. Position MicroVAX as the first choice for: The server intelligence behind the machine on the desk The system in front of the corporate mainfralne The system that ties it all together The preferred migration path from PDP-ll's, IBM System/3x and PC's • Microsystems/Realtime BPM (Open) Successfully manage the PDP-ll business for the remainder of its useful life; keep the PDP-ll customers within the Digital family. Re-establish Digital's leadership in realtime factory and laboratory markets and prevent the further migration of realtime applications away from Digital solutions. • Desktop Communications Ronnie Morvay (MLOl-2/C30, 223-3120) 90 LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) Promote and facilitate the sale of LES Desktop products worldwide through high quality communications to target audiences in support of LES and corporate marketing and sales strategies. • General Purpose/Realtime Communications Abbot Gihnan (MLOl-2/U44, 223-7953) Create and implement high quality communications that make it easy for customers to buy, and easy for the sales organization to sell, our products. • Europe BPM John Forde (RTO/D2, 865-1149) Be the operational arm of LES in Europe to provide Base Product Marketing support to Europe frOln Europe. • BPM Finance Mark O'Connell (MLOl-2/U44, 223-5211) Develop. an integrated, well nlanaged, planning function that results in an organized LES-wide planning process that ensures resource investments which optimize contribution to profit and/or optitnize contribution to well defined strategic goals. • BPM Personnel Kathryn Smith (MLOl-2/U44, 223-5467) Develop and lllotivate creative leadership employees. LOW END SYSTEMS (LES) 91 CHAPTER 10 MID-RANGE SYSTEMS BUSINESS GROUP Group Manager: Bill Demmer, Vice President Mid-range Systems Business (MSB) Group develops, manufactures, and markets competitive S/ystems for commercial and technical customers. The PBD provides a range of general purpose systems in the following pricebands. • $75K-250K • • • $250K-500K $500K-IM $lM-2M MSB is comprised of the following major groups. GROUP PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY GROUP MANAGER Low-End Mid-Range Systems Product Development Don Harbert Large Mid-Range Systems Product Development Steve Jenkins High Performance PRISM Worksystems Product Development George Hoff DECwest Engineering Product Development Dave Cutler Systems Engineering Architecture, Systems Advanced Development, Performance Analysis, Applications Technology, and Consulting Cathy Learoyd DECwest Strategy Dick Angel Operations Dan Jennings MSB Marketing Business Finance Personnel Ken Swanton Investment Analysis/Control Rich Butler Tony Picardi The Mid-range Systems Business Group is located in LTN, BXB, VWO, NIO, ZKO, ZSO. MID-RANGE SYSTEMS BUSINESS GROUP 93 10. 1 DECWEST Manager: Dave Cutler (ZSO, 206/865-8700) The DECwest engineering group is located in Bellevue, Washington. DECwest is responsible for the design and development of an extended VAX Architecture which incorporates parallel processing, vector processing and an enhanced privileged architecture. In addition to managing this architecture, DECwest is also designing and implenlenting high-end systems which are based on this architecture. A rehnplementation of VMS incorporates a number of enhancements and alleviates known problems. A special implelnentation of ULTRIX runs concurrently with, and is integrated with, VMS. DECwest will maintain a strong product set focus over time, which includes product maintenance, base product marketing, long range planning, architectural expansion and extension, enhancenlent of operating system software and implementation of additional high-end processors using state-of-the-art technology. 94 MID-RANGE SYSTEMS BUSINESS GROUP CHAPTER 11 HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) Manager: Bob Glorioso, V.P. (MR01-1/A65, 297-5919) The High Performance Systems Group (HPS) consists of three businesses: • VAXcluster Systems Business Unit Delivers highly available and fault tolerant VAXcluster systems. • On-line Transaction Systems Business Unit Delivers highly integrated distributed TP systelns solutions. • System Components Business Unit Delivers the highest performance and high availability uni- and mUlti-processors as well as fault tolerant computers. The HPS Group includes function and support groups described below and works in concert with Manufacturing, Customer Services and Marketing to specify, develop, deliver, and service high perfonnance cOlnputer systems. 11.1 LARGE VAX ENGINEERING Manager: Joe Zeh (MR01-1/A65, 297-5924) The Large VAX Engineering Group is responsible for the development of high end VAX products. Current products include Aquarius, Aridus, Aquarius II, and Centaurus. Functions within the group include CAD, CPU Development, and Technology, Research and Engineering. 11.1.1 Aquarius Program Manager: Carl Gibson (MR01-1/M31, 297-6779) This prograln will establish the next generation of design process and CAD tools, basic physical technologies, and implementation architecture for high performance VAX/VMS systeols. 11.1.2 Technology Research and Engineering Manager: Jim Esselstyn (MROl-3/T4, 297-4979) Technology Research and Engineering develops the basic physical technologies required by HPS for its high end products. HIGH. PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) . 95 11.1.3 CPU Engineering Group Manager: Jurgen Brornrnelhoff (MROl-2/E47, 297-4778) The CPU Engineering group develops, implements and verifies (through Simulation and Hardware Verification) high perfornlance CPU Kernels, including prhnary I/O adapter and Service Processor H/W and S/W, for use in HPS systems. 11.1.4 CAD/CAM/Diagnostics Manager: Minli Chen (MR01-1/M31, 297-6316) This group supplies the design process methodologies (acquisition, design, developlnent, and integration of conlputer-aided tools into the design environment) needed to develop, nlanufacture, test, and support HPS products. 11.2 HPS OPERATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Manager: Nick Cappello (MROl-2/L25, 297-6261) HPS Operations and Information Systelns provides MIS systems computer services and facility services for the High Perfornlance Systems Group. 11.2.1 HPS Computer Services Manager: Barney Lorence (MROl-2/E69, 297-4374) HPS COlnputer Services provides computer and network support to the High Performance Systems Group. HPS Computer Services Operation Manager: John Barker (MROl-2/E69, 297-7478) Computer Operations provides the following services. • Operations support • System Inonitoring, backups, and restores • Printer and plotter output distribution • Tape and disk media storage • Operations analysis • Hardware support - interface with Field Service • System management • System software and applications software installations and upgrades • Daily software troubleshooting and repair • System performance monitoring • Systenl/Cluster Security 96 HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) HPS Computer Services Technical Support Managers: Lou Jacques (MROl-2/E69, 297-4581) Josh Dane (MROl-2/E69, 297-4483) Technical support provides the following services. • Network nlanagement and support • Automation tools • Distributed output software support • Perfonnance analysis • Financial tools support • Network Security HPS Computer Services Administration Manager: Judy Foreman (MROl-2/L25, 297-5916) Adlninistration provides the following services. • System planning - configurations, layouts, technical edits • Financial administration - automated budget and process control • Order administration - order processing and control • Capital administration - asset control and data management • Program management - user interface, equipment forecasts and contract administration 11.2.2 HPS Facilities Management Manager: Ken Culverwell (MROl-2/L25, 297-2686) Facilities Management provides worlq.wide Facilities management support to the HPS organization. • Strategic Facilities Planning • Construction Management - New or Refit Facilities • Project Management - Computer rooms, Laboratories, Environmental Chambers, Clean rooms • Facilities Managenlent Support 11.2.3 HPS MIS Manager: Drum Chapman (MROl-2/L25, 297-6462) To provide HPS with the information necessary to execute the business. MIS is responsible to ensure that the infornlation can be readily accessed in a timely, accurate, and cost effective 111anner. To support HPS in the achievement of its key goals and strategies; to set the strategic direction and to provide business systems planning for MIS application related services for the adnlinistrative businesses (including HPS Manufacturing); to influence systelns integration and commonality, resource sharing, and MIS planning. HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) 97 11.3 SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING Manager: Fernando Colon-Osorio (MR01-lIL26, 297-7230) Systenls Research and Engineering will provide the basic research and engineering needed to build leadership high performance systems, cluster systems, and fault tolerant systelns within HPS, and verify their effectiveness. The basic technologies are: • Clusters-Evolution of the cluster model of computing from a time sharing Design Center to a distributed model of cOlllputing. • System Availability-Characterize existing systems (clusters and multiprocessors) in terms of their availability. • System Peljormance-Characterize existing systems in terms of their performance as measured by standard benchmarks and workloads. Develop and incorporate into Digital's suite of tools new workloads which are representative of cOlnputing in the 1990s. • Fault Tolerance-Continue to explore both proven and innovative techniques in designing/building highly reliable systenls and incorporate their design as part of Digital's high availability cluster offering. • Advanced Architectures-Research and engineer structures extending Digital's high end. The Centaurus system development program is a lllajor part of this effort. 11.4 PLANNING, QUALITY, AND STRATEGIC RELATIONS Manager: Jan Jaferian (MR01-lIA65, 297-6524) 11.4.1 Planning Manager: Rachel Shimkin-Oberai (MR01-1/A65, 297-7040) The Planning Group is responsible for defining and driving the various planning processes (e.g., PBU, Engineering, LRPs) within HPS and for contributing to the definition and driving of corporate planning processes. This group also provides industry, Inarket, and business analyses to the HPS Manageillent Committee to aid in their decision making. It defines metrics and models and disseminates timely business perfonnance data, including product availability, revenues, and other infornlation. 11.4.2 Strategic Analysis Manager: Dianne Mahany (MR01-1/A65, 297-4134) The Strategic Analysis Group performs cross-functional strategic analysis for HPS, utilizing independent industry analysis and output from the HPS and corporate planning processes. The group focusses on HPS business positioning, both as a business unit within Digital and as a competitor within the industry. This group prepares corporate-level presentations covering HPS strategic and business positioning, and also provides business management and analysis for the Strategic Relations Group. 98 HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) 11.4.3 Quality Manager: Lou Cohen (MROl-lIA65, 297-5580) The Quality Group is responsible for providing Quality leadership in HPS. It does this by providing full time product quality managers to product development programs, providing quality consultants to all of HPS, and providing Quality information to HPS. The quality managers act as quality goal setters and goal keepers for the products they are assigned to. They facilitate and promote the cross-functional conununications that must occur within progranls for quality success. They provide the link between progranl needs and the quality expertise in the Quality Group. The quality consultants provide support to HPS by training and on-the-job consulting in a variety of quality technologies, including Statistical Quality Control, Experimental Design (including Taguchi methods), Human Factors research, Quality Function Deploynlent, and other techniques. 11.4.4 Strategic Relations Manager: Jan Jaferian (MROl-lIA65, 297-6524) The Strategic Relations Group is responsible for leveraging HPS investments, revenue potential, and tiIne-to-lnarket with strategic third party alliances that complement and support the HPS business, development, services and manufacturing strategies. This group provides focus and expertise in the analysis of strategic partnering opportunities and in the structuring, negotiation and implelnentation of third party collaborations. This group reports jointly to HPS and to Corporate Strategic Relations. 11.5 TRANSACTION PROCESSING SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Managers: Rich Whitman (MROl-l/C2, 297-7498), John Manzo (ML03-2, 223-7248) The TP Systems Engineering Group. is responsible for leading Digital into the TP market in a coordinated and strategic nlanner. The organization is divided into the following functions: • Systems Architecture-Provide comprehensive and evolutionary architecture for TP Systems that drive individual product architectures. • Systems Engineering-Coordinate and facilitate implementation of architecture plans with all products that cOlnprise Digital's TP Systenl. • Design Consultation-Consult to customers with designing and implementing large complex TP Applications. • Pelformance Analysis-Provide Systems perfornlance characterization (debit/credit benchmark) to position DEC's hardware and software TP products against competitive offerings. Currently, developing an application sizing tool to be used in the field. • SW Engillee1'ing...,....Develop Software products that meet both Corporation's quality goals as well as comply with the TP Architecture goals. • Product Management-Facilitate bringing the products to market by managing and coordinate the Phase Review Process working with the Engineering, Finance, Marketing and appropriate Corporate Comlnittees. • Marketing-Design and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy that will ensure the largest nlarket penetration with the available products by focusing on DEC resources. HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) 99 11.6 VAXCLUSTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MARKETING Manager (acting): Fernando Colon-Osorio (MR01-1/L26, 297-7230) The VAXCluster System Engineering and Marketing (CSEM) Group manages and delivers the high availability/fault tolerant strategy and Cluster system products for the corporation. The major goal is to establish VAXcluster systems as the preferred solution to IBM for mid-range and high-end systenls in both the technical and commercial marketplaces. The VAXcluster Business Management group provides business analysis functions and information systems to support VAXcluster System business plans, marketing plans and development efforts. The VAXcluster engineering projects are divided into five categories: • CIRRUS Systems Engineering-Develops high performance, fault tolerant system products. • Packaged VAXCluster Systems Engineering- Develops packaged VAXcluster systems (897X, 88XX etc), upgrades to packaged VAXcluster systems, and consulting to other groups developing VAXcluster systelns. • VAXCluster Technical Office-Provides a technical and architectural focus for strategic issues for the entire program and which also develops new technologies in VAXcluster validation. • VAXCluster Systems Engineering- Provides engineering support for our traditional mode of business and customer base. A major cOlnponent of this group is the Cluster Verification Group. • Component Hardware and Software Products - (Pleiades, XCD, VCS, VPA, etc). This group will center on assuring and enhancing" systemness" in both the current CI-based and the next generation of VAXcluster systems. 11.7 SYSTEMS SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Manager: John Manzo (ML03-2/E84, 223-7249) The Systems Software Engineering (SSE) Group was formed in 1987 in recognition of the critical roles that Software Engineering and Systems Development Process are playing in both High Perfornlance Systenls (HPS) and Digital's future. SSE was formed by the merger of Center for Systems Development Process (CSDP), the HPS Software Engineering Group (SWE), and the On Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) Software group. The CSDP program is now called the Systems Productivity Tools (SPT) program to reflect its new focus on providing top quality, state-of-the-art systems productivity tools to HPS and the Corporation. 11.7.1 OLTP Software Engineering Manager: Laura Woodburn (ZK02-2/M37, 381-2243; 297-2658) This group is responsible for the development of transaction processing monitors and related system managelnent tools, and for the definition and delivery of an integrated environnlent based on new and existing tools to design, build, and test OLTP systenls. As part of the HPS Transaction Processing organization, this group participates in the development of Digital's OLTP strategy and architecture. Currently located at two sites, MRO and ZKO, OLTP Software Engineering will also sponsor work in Cupertino and Europe in the future. 100 HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) 11.7.2 Processor Specific Software (PSS) Manager: Tom Lofgren (MR01-2, 297-5170) This group provides software engineering development and support to several of the HPS programs such as Cirrus, Aquarius and Clusters. The extent of the involvement of PSS varies with the needs of the respective program. For example, several significant products such as VAX Perfornlance Advisor, VAXcluster Console and the Cray Server Interface have been produced for the Cluster Program. PSS is developing the entire system software package for the Cirrus Program. 11.7.3 Systems Productivity Tools (SPT) Program Information Environment (IE) Manager: Roy Rezac (MR01-1, 297-4260) This group has developed the DATABUS, an information management architecture, designed to address specifically the need for managing information in Digital's product development environment. The DATABUSArchitecture will enable Digital to develop products in a timely, efficient, and effective manner. This architecture will be implenlented in accordance with the Digital Process Strategy in a series of base levels of the Knowledge Environment for Evolving Products (KEEP) data management systenl. KEEPis the internal software product that illlplements the database programming language conlponents of the DATABUS Architecture. The IE group offers a database system, several layered applications (see below), application support, training, seminars, consulting, and project modeling to understand information needs and usage. Project Management Facility (PMF) Manager: Oleh Kostetsky (ML03-2/E84, 223-3704) This group developed PMF, an integrated system for describing, scheduling, and lTIonitoring the progress of a single project or a collection of related projects (a program) for diverse applications including hardware or software development, manufacturing, document production, construction or relocation projects. PMF provides a set of tools and methods that work together, each focused on a different aspect of project lllanagement. The core of PMF is a Monte Carlo sinlulation tool that generates a probabilistic projection based on risk estimates. PMF also provides interactive tools for building and revising project description, analyzing and reporting on projected and actual project status. The group provides additional assistance in the form of project management practitioners who are trained in operations analysis and project management·and can help users to define their project and to use PMF effectively. 11.8 VAX 8600 AND 8650 SYSTEMS Manager: Rich Whitnlan (MR01-l/C22, 297-7498) The VAX 8600 and 8650 Systems Engineering Support responsibilities have been transferred to the SASE High End Systems Group which has responsibility to resolve any technical problems at the component, subsystem or system level. HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) 101 11.9 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING (ATEAM) Manager: Paul McEnroe (UCF, 408-973-1521) ATEAM provides research, development, and manufacturing of high end interconnect and packaging technologies which maximize the· performance of IC technologies~ Process Developnleht· Group functions are film interconnect technology process development and transfer to manufacturing. Engineering Systems Group - functions are mask design, electrical modeling, test, debug, failure analysis, interconnect reliability, and Data· Center support. ATEAM will also provide corporate support for both the development of custonl bipolar IC's on Motorola's Mosaic 2 and Mosaic 3 processes and the application of advanced interconnect technology to other Digital products. 11.10 HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS MARKETING Manager: Richard Whitman (MR01-1/C22, 297-7498) HPS Base Systems Marketing is responsible for stimulating demand for high performance, high availability and mission critical systenls within Digital and within new and current tnarkets while· keeping Digital's product image consistent in the marketplace. The organization includes the followinggrotlps: 11.10.1 VAXcluster Base System Marketing Manager: Clem O'Brien (MR01-1/C22, 297-5605) • Communicate Digital's high availability/fault tolerant strategy. • Launch new Packaged VAXclusters. • Define the next generation customer requirements. 11.10.2 High End VAX Marketing Manager: Bill Askins (MR01-lIC22, 297-7268) • Launch the next generation High End VAX family in the market. • Ensure that Digital delivers all the elements of sales, service and support associated with the next generation product falllily to llleet customer requirements. 11.10.3 OLTP Marketing Manager: Allan Titconlb (MR01-1/C22, 297-2967) • Market cOlllprehensive Digital "systems" products into the rapidly growing OLTP nlarketplace. • Position Digital as a primary competitor in this market. 102 HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) 11.10.4 Systems Marketing/Competitive Expertise Center Manager: Bill MacCormack «MR01-lI.UP7, 297-2972 Stan Pearson (MR01-1/C22, 297-2962) • Market current HPS products, stimulates demand for future HPS products. • Establish and maintain direct interface to both the salesforce and targeted customers to ensure Inarket feedback is channelled into future HPS products and to promote customer satisfaction with HPS products. • Provide, through the CEC, analysis and interpretation of competitors' products· and strategies in the high end market. • Provide, through the TP Support Center, benchmark and demonstration support for ACTs and CMPs. 11.11 MANUFACTURING BUSINESS UNIT Manager: Chris McGill (MR01-2/FX1, 297-1091) The MBU is responsible for managing manufacturing requirements for HPS products by influence of product design, direction of Inanufacturing technologies and ensuring the worldwide manufacturing strategy of HPS products and systems. The group is structured along product lines with supporting functions. HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS (HPS) 103 CHAPTER 12 STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MAN UFA CTU RING Manager: Grant Saviers, V.P. (MLOl-5/B94, 223-9765) the worldw ide engine ering prodStorage System s Engineering and Manufacturing is respon sible for acturing for Digital's storage Manuf U.S. uct strategy, base produc t marketing, busine ss planni ng and and other solid state memr nducto semico e includ ts produc ts and databa se system s. These produc and cassett e tape drives, l/2-inc h ory devices, arrays, subsys tems, flexible disks (floppies), cartridge able and fixed media hard disk industr y-com patible tape drives, optical storage produc ts, and remov The organi zation suppli es these drives of all sizes, relational and networ k databa se system s and tools. produc ts to Digital either by develo ping or purcha sing theln. do; Enfield, Conne cticut; Tempe , Storage produc ts are manuf actured in Colora do Springs, Colora ts and subass emblie s are also Produc ts. chuset Arizona; and in Springfield and Shrewsbury, Massa ement s are met by facilities requir an Europe ore. Singap and , Inanuf actured in Hong Kong, Taiwan ped in Spit Brook, New develo are in Kaufbeuren, Germa ny and Galway, Ireland. Databa se systelns Ha1l1pshire and Colora do Springs, Colora do. do Springs, and Tokyo, Japan, In additio n to produc t develo pInent activities in Shrew sbury, Colora that suppor t the missio n groups there are produc t manag ement, planning, and advanc ed technology of the organization. 12.1 TAPE AND OPTICAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Manager: David W. Brown (SHRl-4/D25, 237-2070) pment , market ing and suppor t This group provid es the strategy, busine ss plannin g, produc t develo respon sible CSSE and Manthe with for magne tic tape and optical disk produc ts. The group works used on virtually all system s and ufacturing organi zations for these produc t sets. These produc ts are sold by Digital's Inarketing units. software produc ts, associa ted forThe produc ts includ e tape drives, optical storage devices, related as the TK50 to the more expens ive such s device st low-co matter s, and controllers. Produc ts range from Also, the group is develo ping a IBM-compatible units such as the TA79, TU8l and TA8l and TU80. optical produc ts. Software future fa1l1ily of laser-b ased optical disk produc ts, includi ng CD Reader and and media manag ement. ng archivi for t produc re produc ts includ e Storage Library System (SLS) softwa group interacts with custom er The group either develo ps or purcha ses its produc t designs. The ting during the plannin g, Marke ate Corpor and , services, 1l1anufacturing, systen ls engine ering groups that total system s 1l1eet their perfordesign , and testing phases of new produc t develo pment to ensure (PBU) the group is also respon sible mance and compe titive require ments. As a Produc t Business Unit tion and our c01l1petitive positio n satisfac er for the financial contrib ution of these produc ts, for custOln for these produc ts. STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING 105 12.1.1 Tape and Optical Product Management and Marketing Manager: Bruce Gordon (SHRl-4/D25, 237·3538) This groll-PS includes' product 'luanagement and base product marketing for tape and optical disk products and related software products. The group manages strategic and business planning activities. The group plans and manages the business, and communicates the status, of our products throughout Digital. The group works with systems engineering organizations to coordinate product plans. Marketing activities include market research, product promotion, literature development, trade show support, sales training and customer presentations. The Tape and Optical Progralu Office interacts with the sales and marketing arms of Digital, to understand customer and nlarket needs, to support the compa~y'ssalesefforts, and to integrate messages with those of the other nlarketing organizations. 12.1.2 Industry-Compatible Tape Development Manager: Walter Manter (SHRl-4/D27, 237-2623) This engineering group is responsible for the development (or buyout procurenlent) and system integration of Digital's IBM-compatible tape products and related software products like SLS, and optical products like RV20 for archival applications. These include the current nine-track products like TU80, TUfU, TAB1, TU78 and TA78 and other high-end IBM compatible tape products that are currently in development. 12.1.3 Cartridge Tape Development Manager: Demetrios Lignos (SHR1:-4/D28,237-2136) This engineering group is responsible for the design, development and system integration of the TK50 and TK70 family of cartridge tape drives and controllers. They are also involved in progranls to develop follow-oll members of the TK50 and·TK70 subsystem family. 12.1.4 Optical Disk Development Manager: Doug MacKenzie (SHRl-4/D27, 237-3136) This group develops and integrates optical disk products,· including the· CD Reader subsystems, and future optical disk products. 12.2 ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT STORAGE SYSTEMS Manager: Mike Riggle (CXOl-2/Q22, ·522-2300) Storage Advanced Development ensures that a technology base exists to allow Digital's storage products to be competitive and/or in a leadership position. The group primarily develops technology, but technology acquisition occurs when that makes sense. Advanced Development develops or trades critical, .fast-moving technology because it is hard to acquire otherwise. The group works with digital and analog circuits, large scale integration, magnetic recording, magnetic heads and nledia, servos, recording and error-correcting codes, mechanical systems, solid state lUelTIory subsystems, storage subsystems, data base systems, optical memories, and storage architecture. The group providestechriology, subsystem breadboards, and occasionally product breadboards to product development groups. Consultation on storage issues and technology is also available. Advanced Dev~IoPl1lent Storage Systems has the following two subgroups. • Storage Advanced Development, Shrewsbury and Colorado .0 Storage Architecture, Colorado and Shrewsbury 106 STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING It also has the following dotted line (fuhctional) responsibilities: • Heads and Components Advanced Development, Shrewsbury • Media Advanced Developnlent, Forge Road, Colorado • TOPS Advanced Development, Shrewsbury, Boulder • JRDC Advanced Development, Tokyo • ESD Advanced Development, Shrewsbury • Advanced Data Base Systems, Colorado 12.3 JAPAN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER Manager: Tom Kobayashi (JRD/F8, [81]-(3)-2657451) The Japan Research and Development Center (Japan R&D Center) provides an incremental Central Engineering resource that allows Digital to access the technology existing within Japan by doing advanced development projects and product development projects for the worldwide· market. Japan R&D Center provides the following functions. • Provides Central Engineering with easy access to a pool of technical talent difficult to find in· the U.S. • Provides Central Engineering with information on new Japanese products, technologies, and govenllnent-sponsored research activities like the Fifth Generati()n Computer Systenls . Development. As a tool for information dissemination, it publishes the monthly JAPAN REVIEW Translated Technical News. For further details on this publication, contact JRDV01::HISHIKI or JRDV01::S_SATO. • Provides Digital with an alternative management and business-practice approach to engineering. • Collaborates with the Japan Procurement Center for various buyout projects. • Develops Japanese language related products for the Japanese market and provides a presence for the Digital sales/services organization in Japan to enhance Digital sales in what is now the second-largest, single-nation computer market in the world. Contact the Japan R&D Center when you need information about the products being developed. Japan R&D Center is located in a leased building in Tokyo. However, a project to build a permCinent facility in Yokahama is under way. 12.3.1 Storage Systems Development Manager: Jim Lacey (JRD/F6, [81]-(3)-2657501) Storage Systems Engineering in Japan presently has two primary activities. Storage Systems Advanced Development Manager: Masahide Suenaga (JRD/F3, [81]-(3)-2370971) Advanced Development concentrating on advanced media (rigid and flexible) based on vertical recording. The group is providing VR rigid samples in support of the Storage AD goals. They also are evaluating flexible media in support of the TOPS tape activities. The group provides techniCal support for buyout of disk and tape components for U.S. based engineering groups. STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND· MANUFACTURING~1 07 Storage Systems Product Development Manager: JiIn Lacey (JRD/F6, [81]-(3)-2657501) The group develops small storage devices. For this project activity the group is aligned with the TOPS PBU and product lllanagement and project decisions is done by TOPS. 12.3.2 Semiconductor Engineering Manager: Kenji Oka (JRD/F8, [81]-(3)-2657506) This group is an LSI design resource for the Storage Systems. As such, the group is working under the Storage LSI strategy developed· by Mike Riggle. Currently the group is designing DSSIC (DSSI controller for tape) and has started designing SPACE chips for SCB. 12.3.3 Interconnect Technology Manager: Kaz Ono (JRD/F3, [81]-(3)-2370971) Assistant Manager and Project Leader: Yoshi Kawamura (JRD/F3, [81]-(3)-2370971 This group is supported by Physical Technology Group of SCO and NaC, and working on optical data link technology. Currently this group is developing a laser link technology which could extend the distance between FDDI stations. 12.3.4 Asian Base Systems Software Manager: Kaz Ono (EWB/F6, [81]-(3)-2072575) Asian Base Systems Software at JRD (ABS/JRD) is a part of ABS in SSG. The mission of this group is to design, iInplement, support, and maintain a set of software products - called "Base Systelns." These products are required for Digital in the Asian Region. Under the ABS charter, ABS/JRD is going to participate in enhancing and augmenting the architecture, design, and implementation of those Base Systems so that they become as effective in Japanese as in English. ABS/JRD primary consists of three groups, ABS/JRD Product Plan and Administration, ABS/JRD Operating System Engineering and ABS/JRD System Software Engineering. ABS/JRD Product Planning and Administration Manager: Key Kawamoto (EWB/F6, [81]-3-2072577) Assistant Manager: Ken Oyama (EWB/F6, [81]-3-2072579) Assistant Manager: Yoshi Aori (EWB/F6, [81]-3-2072497) ABS/JRD Product Plan and Administration (ABS/JRD/PP A) provides the following three functions. • Documentation preparations • Product administrative services • SQM/JSQG for ABS/JRD products ABS/JRD Operating System Engineering Manager: Shin-ichiro Kurimura (EWB/F6, [81]-3-2072583) Assistant Manager: Takao Chubachi (EWB/F6, [81]-3-2072584) ABS/JRD Operating System Engineering (ABS/JRD/OSE) develops Asian VMS and ULTRIX for the Japanese nlarket, including Natural Language Processing. 108 STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING ABS/JRD System Software Engineering Manager: Kaz Ono (EWB/F6, [81]-(3)-2072575) Assistant Manager: Kokichi Takahashi (EWB/F6, [81]-3-2072585) ABS/JRD System Software Engineering (ABS/JRD/SSE) develops various Layered Software products for the Japanese market, including Languages, Data Base Systems, Windowing System and Printer Software, as well as the design and implementation of the Asian Base Systems. 12.3.5 Hardcopy Buyout Support Manager: Yash Garge' (JRD/F3, [81]-(3)-2370971) The group provides technical assistance during all phases of Digital's procurement of various printer products in Japan. Activities range from product/vendor evaluation, selection, specification development, and technical support until high ~olume shipnlents start. The group also provides technical tracking. 12.3.6 Japan Procurement Center Manager: Toshio Nagamine ORD/JPC, [81]-(3)-2656951) As part of the GIA Manufacturing and Engineering Group and under Japan R&D Center site managenlent, the Japan Procurement Center proctires high-quality, cost-optimized products from Japanese suppliers for Digital worldwide. The purchased products include 64K, 256K and 1M DRAMs, LA50, LN03 and LN02, and LN04, LPS40, LPS20, LA75, LA85, and various other components. 12.4 COLORADO STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Manager: Mike Riggle (CXOl-2/Q22, 522-2300) This group provides the product strategy and development of medium and large disk storage products. After selecting the appropriate technologies, the group designs, builds prototypes, and tests entire storage subsystems. Products are released to manufacturing complete with documentation and test tools. Contact this group if you need information on mid-range and large disk drives and controllers for storage subsystelns. They are knowledgeable in disk recording, servo and precision olechanical technologies, software, microprocessor, and VLSI technology. They define storage subsystem architectures and interface protocols. They also monitor and understand the competition, develop the strategy, and tnake business recommendations for medium and large disk subsystems development. 12.4.1 Disk Drive Development Managers: Paul Esling (CXOl-l/P26, 522-2228) Bill Brown (CXOI-lIP23, 522-2239) Bert Miller (CXOl-1/P27, 522-2226) Ray Parry (CX01-1/P27, 522-2710) This group develops and supports Winchester-type disk drives such as the RA70, RA90 and future drive families. Non-removable head-disk-assemblies (HDAs) containing data are used on Winchester products. Developing high capacity, high performance disk drives for use with Digital's computers, is also done by this group. This group is also responsible for magnetic, rigid disk drive development to meet the applicable storage requirelnents priolarily for Digital's mid-rar\ge system offerings. Product(s) will demonstrate leading edge quality and reliability with the primary perfonnance emphasis on I/O response time (as opposed to pure access time). STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING 109 12.4.2 Subsystems Engineering Manager: Bob'Rennick (CXOl-2/N27, 522-3830) This group develops intelligent controllers such asthe UDA50, KDA50, KDB50, HSC50 and HSC70 for mid- and high-end disk and tape storage devices and future storage subsystems. The group also develops embedded and host diagnostics, subsystem verification and performance measurement tools, and nlanufacturing process software for all Colorado Springs (CXO) products. Small and Advanced Controllers Manager: Bob Blackledge (CXOl-2/N26, 522-2329) This group develops the Q-bus and Unibus intelligent DSA controllers. for the RA series disk drives, future controller families, andlnixed storage subsystem configuration and architecture. Mid-Range and High Performance Controllers Manager: Phil Roettjer (CXOl-2/N26, 522-2305) This group develops the VAXBI and high performance controllers for the RA and TA series disks and tapes. HSCEngineering Manager: Glenn Englund (CXOl-2/N28, 522-2313) This group develops the VAXcluster HSC storage servers. Diagnostics/SQA Manager: Karen Pherson (CXOl-2/N27, 522-2240) This group develops the BIST and high level storage diagnostics for the mid- and high-end disks and controllers, does the software quality assurance through the product life cycle, does System Verification Testing of CXO products, and develops software tools and data acquisition programs for use by Storage Manufacturing and Engineering. Storage Subsystems Performance Engineering Manager: Ed Woosley (CXOl-2/N27, 522-2918) This group does the analysis and measurement of Digital and competitors storage products, focussing on the mid- and high-end storage products, and develops storage performance measurement tools and models. 12.4.3 Engineering Operations Group Manager: Renate Benton (CX01-1/Q13, DTN 522-3659) This group provides technical expertise, product and process development and services which support CXO and DEC strategy for existing and future products. VLSI Development· Engineering Manager: John Shanklin (CX01-1/P13, DTN 522-3820) This is a VLSI development group providing IC design and microelectronic consulting support to state-of-the-art medium/large disks and subsystems development progralns. Current group emphasis is on CMOS digital circuits via a standard cell/custom cell design methodology. Future expansion will be into CMOS sea-of-gates and analog design techniques. 110 STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING Power Systel1ls~ngirieering Manager: Ryan J. Johnson (CX01-lIP12, DTN 522-2304) The MLDS Power Systems Engineering Group is responsible for the development of power supplies, power controllers and power distribution systems for all of CXO's disk drive and disk controller products. In addition, the Arapahoe Power and Packaging Project is managed by this group. Consulting on power related problems with sales, installation and maintenance is also provided. Mechanical Packaging Design Engineering Group Manager: Mike Elkins (CX01-1/P12, DTN 522-2192) The Packaging Design Engineering Group is responsible for proposing and developing cabinets, enclosures and cabling systems for Winchester disk drives, disk drive storage arrays and disk· drive controller subsystems. It is also a subcontractor to other storage and CPU design engineering groups for packaging design. Computer-Aided-Design and Engineering Department Manager: Bob Hess (CX01-lIQ13, DTN 522-2467) The CAD and Engineering Department consists of two primary areas: .Mechanical and Electrical. Both groups provide software and hardware CAE, CAD and CAM tools, processes, development, analysis and support for the drives and subsystem products designed at CXO. Both organization's.goal~ are to provide tools and processes that keep pace with product technology advances and permits more of the design process to become autonlated. Printed Circuit Design Services Manager: Harry Weinbrenner (CX01-lIP17, DTN 522-2186) The group's primary objective is to provide accurate, releasable CA~ pri~ted circuit boarp, design layouts and prototype etched samples of new designs or changes to existing design's that are generated by the CXO/Storage Systems Development Engineering Group. Engineering Information Services Manager: Mike Diaz (CX01-lIP17, DTN 522-2447) The charter of the Engineering Information Services Group is to implement, develop, manage and consolidate information resources. in the area of people, software, systems, networks and servi,ces resulting in cost effective, high quality, accessible, reliable and consistent computer resources which are required for the development of products for CXO Engineering. Mechanical Design/Documentation Services/Model Shop Manager: Bill Major (CX01-1/Q22,' DTN 522-2175) Mechanical design and drawing for all new products and servowriters and ECO adn1inistration for all mechanical parts and assemblies. Document Services ~ncludes Docunlent Control of released data, Micrographics, Engineering.Reprographics and the CXO high volume Copy Center. The Model Shop provides machining and fabrication support for prototypes, pilot production, manufacturing and facilities. Includes Computer Aided programming and machining capabilities. STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING 111 Regulatory and Component Engineering Manager: Tom Tuttle (CX01-1/M12, DTN 522-2295) This group is responsible for providing FCC/VDE/EMC and Product Safety consulting services as well as cOlnpliance testing and certification for all Colorado Springs (CXO) products. Further responsible for selecting, specifying and qualifying high quality components and suppliers. Reliability and Design Assurance Manager: Clark Alumbaugh (CX01-1/M12, DTN 522-2560) This group is responsible for insuring highly competitive· product reliabilities on all current and future products developed by CXO, perform predictions, predictive comparisons for design alternatives, stress screen recommendations, perform environmental testing on modules, HDA's, power supplies, control panels and selection and specification of reliability requirements on components and suppliers. 12.4.4 MLDS PBU and Program Management Group Manager: Tom Burniece (CXOl-2/Q22, 522-2100) This group provides the business focus and program integration for all medium/large disk drives and subsystems for the company. The MLDS Product Business Unit (PBU) resource base includes two engineering and six manufacturing sites worldwide. MLDS Product Management Manager: Ron Johnson (CXOl-2/N25, 522-2961) Product Management manages the business planning, phase review process, cOlnpetitive analysis, announcelnent strategy, and pricing recommendations for MLDS products. In addition, Base Product Marketing provides direct key customer contact on technical lnarketing situations and provides base product literature and sales training. 12.4.5 Site Management Manager: Tom Burniece (CXOl-2/Q22, 522-2100) Mike Riggle (CXOl-2/Q22, 522-2300) This group manages the Colorado Engineering site, interfacing with and assisting various engineering support groups located in Colorado, including Customer Services Systems Engineering (CSSE), and Technical Publications. This includes the following groups: • Finance Manager: Ed Ellis (CX01-1/Q21, 522-3278) • Personnel Manager: (Open) 112 STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING 12.4.6 Custo mer Servic e System s Engine ering (MLDS) Manager: Al Snyde r (CXOl -2/Q13 , 522-2370) of Service produc ts and feaThis group provid es the strategy, busine ss planni ng, and develo pment MLDS PHU. Their prhnar y the by ped develo tems subsys and tures for all Inediu1l1 and large disk deliver ables areas follows. e produc t features that suppor t To ensure custom er satisfaction by defining and develo ping Storag • our MLDS Service goals. optimi ze overall produc t life To integra te produc t reliability, availability, and service features that • cycle costs for our custOlners. margin s while balanc ing Cost To develo p service pricing strategies that provid e maxim um service • of Owner ship and produc t sales. gs and produc ts. To provid e compe titive analysis of Third Party vendo r's service offerin • availability and maintainability To conduc t system level testing and qualification of the reliability, • features design ed into Storage produc ts. ms that escalate to our level To provid e the highes t level of remed ial suppor t for produc t proble • from Field Service or custom ers. ation the perfor mance of To provid e the MLDS manag ement team with timely and quality inform • Storage produc ts in the field. er issues relating to mid-ra nge and Contac t this group if you need inform ation on Service or custom large disk drives and controllers for storage subsys tems. 12.5 ELECTRONIC STORAGE DEVELOPMENT (ESD) Manager: Tom Frederick (SHR-3/010, 237-3437) ds, Advan ced Develo pment and There are four groups within ESD-P roduct Develo pment and Metho are located in the new Storage Technology, Device Technology, and Business Manag ement. All System s East Techno logy Center at Digital's Shrew sbury facility. (memo ry) system s and tester Product Development and Methods design s and develo ps electronic storage ily with the GIA Manuf acturin g packages for the corpor ate set of base produc ts and works, primar Group, to move these produc ts into high-volume produc tion. for electro nic memo ry techno logy Advanced Development and Technology provid es a corpor ate resourc e ry sub-sy stem archite cture for and architecture. This group is involv ed with the definit ion of memo enerati on CPUs. Advan ced next-g for ies new produc ts, as well as establi shing memo ry system strateg tion and develo pment of new Develo pment and Techno logy also provid es a resour ce for the evalua 's memo ry produc ts. techno logies to improv e the density, perfofl nance and cost of Digital ry device techno logy and helps Device Technology provid es a corpor ate resour ce for electronic memo tion. The group also surveys, applica an for part ry other groups within Digital select the best melno use across all of Digital's produc t characterizes, and qualifies semico nducto r memo ry devices for families. and reporti ng suppor t for Business Management provid es busine ss plannin g, produc t manag ement, me1l1ory systenl s. Functi ons includ e the following: • Cost projec tions • Pricing • Compe titive analysis • Market and produc t needs definition STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING 113 • Business and option forecasting • Business plans • Promotion • Sales tools • Sales support Reasons to contact ESD include the following: • Design and development of memory systems • Upgrade of present memory system • Test strategy and test tools for these systems designs • Evaluation of memory system design strategies • Development of appropriate memory system architecture • Selection of a memory device for your application • Advice on the application of that device • Qualification of new RAM, DRAM, VRAM, or like device • Counsel on development of new memory product plans • Availability of memory devices • Memory device or system cost projections • Memory system business planning or management • Memory sales support • Memory competitive analysis To get assistance or learn more about the functions of ESD, visit, phone, or send mail to the appropriate person (APOLLO::last name). • Memory PBlJ and Operations Sr. Group Manager: Tom Frederick (SHR-3/010, 237-3437) • Product Development and Methods Manager: Tom Marmen (SHRl-3/019, 237-3436) • Business Management Manager: John Woelbern (SHRl-3/012, 237-3380) • Advanced Development and Technology Manager: Martin Czekalski (SHR21-3/011, 237-3795) • Device Technology Manager: Steve Cullen (SHRl-3/012, 237-3377) 12.5.1 Storage Systems East Technical Operations Manager: Ed Lee (SHR3/H26, 237-3394) This group provides a variety of engineering and support services for the Storage Systems development and manufacturing organizations. The group participates in all phases of product development by providing information resources and support, design services, CAE/CAD/CAM tools and support, prototype fabrication, and other technical services. 114 STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING 12.5.1 .1 Engineering Services Manager: Richard Cook (SHR3/H29, 237-3440) Englan d Storag e Systen ls. Services Engineering Services provid es hardwa re-orie nted services to New ns. This group also provid es engifunctio includ e nlechanical CAD/CAM, drafting, and model shop calibration labora tory suppor t to and om, mailro , neerin g stockroom, reprod uction , docum ent control Shrew sbury and other Digital sites. 12.5.1 .2 Information Resources Manager: Joseph Onora to (SHR3/E27, 237-2459) ce Center , and provid es compu ter Infonn ation Resour ces operat es the Shrew sbury Inform ation Resour de MIS software develo pment and data comnlu nicatio ns system s and consulting suppor t and site-wi and produc tion services. 12.5.1 .3 CAE/CAD/CAM Manager: Jack Miller (SHR3/F27, 237-3454) compu ter autom ated engine ering CAE/CAD/CAM provid es and suppor ts electronic and mecha nical circuit board design and protoprinted and· ering engine ibility and design tools,a nd provid es produc type procur ement services. 12.5.2 Organization Development Consulting Peter Rojcewicz (SHRl-3/E21, 237-2003) 12.6 LOW END DISK SYSTEMS (LEOS) Manager: Ed Barron (NKSl-2/H2, 291-7041) pment , and manuf acturin g suppor t LEOS provid es the strategy, busine ss plannin g, engine ering develo esters. Uses includ e all PC Winch h 1/4-inc 5 and s for low-en d disk subsys tems, such as floppie workst ations. LEOS mainta ins a system s, low- to mid-ra nge PDP-I I and MicroVAX system s and ents this strategy throug h interna l worldw ide produc t strategy for these fanlilies of produc ts and implem ts, the group design s and builds produc ped develo pment and external buyout s. For internally develo to manuf acturin g compl ete with d release are ts prototy pes and tests entire disk subsys tems. Produc sive use of vendo rs worldw ide to doculn entatio n and test tools. For buyout s, LEDS makes aggres suppor t our needs for disks, media, and controllers. magnetic, servo feedba ck mecha Engineers and technic ians have skills in digital and analog circuitry, re diagno stics develo pment , and nisnls, electro /nlecha nical compo nents, mecha nical hardwa re, softwa LSI chip develo pment . on low-en d disks and contro ller Contac t this group if you need planni ng or technical inform ation devices. STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING 115 12.7 FORGE ROAD MEDIA OPERATION Manager: Phil Arnold (CXF, 524-6002) The Forge Road Media Operation, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado (CXF), is responsible for the development and prototype production of thin film rigid disk media. This organization is the nledia developlnent operation of the Storage Systems Process Technology Group managed by Charlotte Frederick. Group activities include advanced development, product development, process developlnent, product support and new product start-up. Contact this group to discuss actual or proposed thin film media applications, and for assistance with technical problenls related to this media and its applications. The group may also be consulted on issues concerning sonle thin film nlaterials, processes, and analytical techniques. Key contacts include the following: • Plant Manager Phil Arnold (CXF, 524-6002) • Technology Manager Bob Raymond (CXF, 524-6007) • Operations Manager Dan Schaefer (CXF, 524-6005) 12.8 STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (FOR ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING) Manager: Peter van Roekens (ML01-5, 223-1443) This is a Storage-wide engineering function responsible for all engineering at the eight Storage Systems sites, U.S. and International, and includes four additional functions that report directly to Peter van Roekens: • Storage Syste111s Architecture Alan Kotok • Storage Systems Education and Training Susan Anderson-Khleif • Storage Systems Advanced Manufacturing Technology Gordon Norquay • Storage Systems Information Systems (Open) 12.8.1 Storage Systems Education and Training Susan Anderson-Khleif, Storage Systems Manager of Education and Training, Storage-wide U.S. and International. Our primary goal is to provide education and training to Storage Systems employees in the subjects needed to design and Inanufacture current and future Storage products. We deliver courses, workshops, and seminars that impact the development and production of Storage Systems products across the eight Storage Systems sites U.S. & International including Shrewsbury, Springfield, Enfield, Colorado Springs Rockrinlmon, Colorado Springs Forge Rd, Tempe, Japan R&D Center, and Kaufbeuren. A strong internal faculty contributes to the program by teaching courses in magnetics, architecture, quality and reliability, advanced manufacturing technology, our annual Introduction to Storage Systems course, and other subjects key to our business success. 116 STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING Two major geographic hubs, ETR Storage East/SHR and ETR Storage West/CXO deliver a full range of education progranls including a technical core curriculum, VAX/VMS systems and software courses, CAE/CASE and sitnulation workshops, Library services, on-site university and satellite courses, selfpaced instruction in the SHR ETR Lab and CXO Learning Center, DVN programs, an Advanced Manufacturing Symposium Series, a Servo-Mechanical Seminar Series, technical seminars, and the Managenlent of Technical Business Organizations program. • ETR Storage East/SHR Manager: Marianne Hedin (SHRl-4/D20, 237-3258) • ETR Storage WestlCXO Manager: (TBA) (CX01/Training Center, 522-3834) 12.8.2 Adv.anced Manufacturing Technology Organization Manager: Gordon Norquay (SHR4/E10) 237-2526 The Storage Systems Advanced Manufacturing Technology Group (AMT) will continue in fiscal 1989 to act as a technical resource to Storage and Digital Manufacturing in the development and implenlentation of its core technologies through the linkages and contractual partnerships that it creates. As a group, AMT represents over 500 years of experience in advanced manufacturing, specializing in the following core technologies: • Robotics and Autonlation • Vision systems for inspection, automation, and process control • Artificial Intelligence • Computer Integrated Manufacturing • Flexible Manufacturing Systems • Material Handling Systenls and Controllers • Statistical Process Control This organization is also chartered for Research and Development activities in support of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies. The AMT group supports the Storage product and Product Family strategies by demonstrating and implementing cOlnpetitive solutions in Storage and Digital Manufacturing plants to favorably inlpact Cost, Quality, and Time-To-Market. If you have a problem and think that AMT may be able to provide the solution, please contact Phil Smith (237-2393). STORAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING 117 CHAPTER 13 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Manager: Bill Johnson (BoJ.), V.P. (ML012-3/U29, 223-3982 Operations Manager: Dick Pigman (LKG2-lIY4, 226-7307) Distributed Systems consists of the following groups. • Local Area Communications Manager: John Adams (LKG1-2/M7, 226':'7990) • • • Wide Area Communications Manager: Jac Simensen (LKGl-2/M7, 226-7124) Network Management and Systems Evaluation Gary Gottschalk (LI3 local-language produc ts to > = 5 countr ies annou nceme nt and ship schedu le ement over FY88 Manag e the metric s for transla tion and adapta tion to show improv • • ts Perfect proces ses for transla tion and adapta tion of Corpo rate produc s; revalid ate proces s Contin ue to manag e and perfect the transla tion decisio n planni ng proces tion transla in ed involv with Area marketing; educat e major PBUs Proces s Define interna tionali zation needs to be addres sed by Phase Review Ensure Corpo rate PRP incorp orates internationalization require ments Establish and deliver training for PRP proces ses and get their Educate require d Corpor ation, Area, and Countr y functions on these commi tment to follow them Compl ete the implem entatio n of the Translation Progra m Itnplem ent available third-party tools Develo p plans for follow-on third-p arty efforts es Manag e the conclu sion of the AD efforts and its follow-on activiti term require ments Negoti ate agreem ents with SWAS, DCC, and country teams for longer captur ing the costs, and Establish metric s for transla tion costs, proces ses and system s for s manag ement plans for improv ing the transla tion cost metric DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 141 • Complete the Local Engineering Program Attract Maximum Corporate Investment to Europe (Objective 2) • Chair the European Engineering Developlnent Managers Committee, ensuring that needs identified get addressed by Central Engineering sponsor (Bill Johnson) and International Engineering sponsor (David Stone) • Develop a plan for addressing Engineering IS requirements for Europe, particularly in the areas of application portfolio management and data management • Manage Engineering operations and development according to Corporate engineering and financial standards (phase review proce~s, prudent cost center managenlent, internal controls, cost per person reductions, etc.) • Inlplement automated project accounting systems and procedures • Acquire and develop a few very capable consulting engineers who can serve as architects for targetted areas of product development • Continue development capability for UNIX • Provide host management for Reading and Valbonne Engineering groups • Working with Jim Wade, Don Young, Nino Olivotto and the Country Engineering Operations Comnlittee, support the establishment of the Engineering infrastructure for Munich and Turin • Establish graphics and videotex capabilities in AEG Engineer European-specific Products using the Corporate Phase Review Process (Objective 3) • Establish a center in IPG for providing engineering support for marketing's relationship with ISVs • Develop required videotex, telex and teletext interface products • Engineer Arabic products per plans • Provide product management coordination for Hebrew Local Engineering group Support Country-level Activities working with SWAS (Objective 4) • These activities are covered primarily under Objective 1 (particularly the Local Engineering and Translation programs) and the McLuhan Prograln • Continue the McLuhan Program for European Electronic Publishing 1987 ACCOMPLISHMENTS This past year, we have been very successful in upgrading our Engineering campus to an excellent state. All of the Valbonne Engineering groups are now located in the Algorithme complex and have sufficient contiguous space to meet their growth plans for the calendar year 1988. The Engineering library is now a well founded part of the Digital Library network, and offers a full set of services on par with US-based libraries. We are just now completing a hardware laboratory, and installing a CAD/CAM system to support LEG engineering activities in Europe. We have also significantly enhanced our network capabilities. with direct circuits to Marlboro, Paris and Nijmegen. The computing environment has been secured by installing non-interruptible power in all of the facility, including a plug for workstations in each engineer's office. In addition, the hardware acquisition process has been improved giving us good delivery times on all necessary engineering equipnlent. The supporting services from Personnel, IS and Finance are now very much integrated with the objectives of Engineering, and we have the understanding and teamwork to continually Ineet the needs of all of the Engineering groups. 142 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS tionali zation - in local language Consid erable progre ss has been made this year in produc t interna now directly transla table. produc ts shippe d and in the level to which Corpo rate produc ts are been integra ted into the standa rd The work to create a Basic Europe an Version of ALL-IN-1 has ng transla ted version s of a produc t shippi in work our red produc t. Version 2.3 of ALL-IN-1 has pionee shnulta neousl y with the U. S. produc t. g in effective Engine ering and The Local Engine ering Progra m (LEP) has progre ssed very well resultin an Area focus for Engineering has now SWAS an Europe iary. Translation organi zations in each subsid which provid es functional manag ement for these groups . initiation of a Transl ation Decision Coope ration with Area Marketing has been quite effective in the ted. Process for determ ining the portfolio of produc ts which will be transla 1988 PLANS ering facility which should be We have just purcha sed 20 hectare s of land to constru ct a new Engine the Engine ering enviro ntnent e ready in 1989/90. Next calend ar year we will be continu ing to improv and planni ng for the new facility. m to ship transla ted produc ts In additio n to this, we will move to the second stage of the progra for these efforts. shnulta neousl y with the U.5. produc t. DECwindows will be the focus langua ge produc ts by design ing We will also have a focus on improv ing the productivity of develo pingas well as Local Engineering and tools and proces ses which suppor t Centra l Engineering develo pers Translation groups . ORGANIZATION • • International Engineering Development Manager Jim Mills International Engineering Consultancy Group Don March and • Reading Engineering Support Stuart MacKenzie • International Products Group David Bell • IE Process and Quality Manager Bruce McNau ghton • User Information Architecture Advanced Development Jon Barrett • Applications Engineering Group Jem Scanla n Digital/Ericsson Joint Development Goran Lindbl ad • • • • Staff Consultant and Special Projects Odd Jorgen sen IE DECwindows Program Manager John Hurd IE DECwindows Architect Jiirgen Bettels DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 143 Applications Engineering Group Manager: Jeln Scanlan (VBE, [33]-(92)-95-52-14) The Applications Engineering Group's mission is: • To provide quality services and tools to Corporate Engineering in order to develop quality product adapted to local market needs • To develop quality Corporate products in the extended office space in support of worldwide and European business strategies The objectives of the Applications Engineering Group are as follows: • Ensure production of International Base Versions (BV) of relevant Corporate software products by the relevant Corporate Engineering group, mainly in the integrated office space • Ensure delivery of Local Language Varients (LLV) of these Base Versions and provide Local Engineering Group (LEG) supporting activities • Develop and deliver timely quality components of Corporate software products, as agreed with the owning CE group and/or Area Marketing, and, if required, the local language developnlent of the cOlnplete product as above. The conlponent will clearly be a BV. • Integrate the Local Engineering Groups into the projects of the AEG, as an integral part of, and in accordance with, the Local Engineering Program of International Engineering • Transition relevant parts of the AEG oragnization to the relevant PBU as a specific portion of the Engineering Presence Program The accomplishments for FY86-87 (Status November FY 87) are as follows. • Basic Version and Language Version: FCS: ALL-IN-lIBEV V2.0 ALL-IN-1/Dansk, /Deutsch, /Espanol, /Francais, /Hebrew, /Italiano, /Nederlands, /Norsk, /Suonli, /Svenska ALL-IN-lIBEV V2.1(co-engineered by IOSG and AEG) ALL-IN-1/Deutsch, /Nederlands, /Portugues, /Suonli, /Svenska WPS-PLUS/ALL-IN-lIBEV V2.0 WPS-PLUS/ALL-IN-lIDansk, /Deutsch, /Espanol, /Francais, /Italiano, /Nederlands, /Norsk, /Suomi, /Svenska WPS-PLUS/VMS/BEV V2.1 WPS-PLUS/VMS/Dansk" /Espanol, /Francais, /Italiano, /Nederlands, /Norsk, /SuOlni, /Svenska WPS-PLUS/DOS/BIV, /Italiano PC ALL-IN-1/BIV V1.0 PC ALL-IN-1, /English, /Espanol DECpage/BEV V2.1 DECpage/Deutsch V2.1, /Espanol • In Phase 3: ALL-IN-1 V2.1 (co-engineered by IOSG and AEG) ALL-IN-lIDansk, /Francais, /Italiano, /Norsk DECpage/BEV V2.1 /Dansk, /Espanol, /Francais, /French Canadian, /Italiano, /Norsk, /Svenska PC ALL-IN-l V1.0 /Svenska 144 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS PC ALL-IN -1 Vl.l IDeutsch, IEnglish, IN ederla nds WPS-P LUS/D OSI Dansk ,/Suom i In Phase 2: • ALL-IN-lIBIV V2.3 (ex AMETHYST) ALL-IN-l V2.1/French Canad ian PC ALL-IN-l V1.1/E spanol WPS-P LUS/D OSI Deutsc h, IEnglish, IEspanol, INeder lands, INorsk, ISvenska In Phase 1: • ALL-IN-l V2.3/Dansk, IDeutsch, IEnglish, IEspanol, IFrancais, IHebrew, /Italiano, INeder lands, INorsk, IPortugues, ISuomi, ISvenska In Phase 0: • ALL-IN-l V3.0 Software Compo nents: FCS: VTX/VTX20, VTX/Minitel GKS/VSV21, GKS/P ANDA • WPS-PLUS/GEX • Phase 2 VAX GKS-3D V1.0 • Phase 0: VTX/Prestel Gateway Messa ge Router Telematic Server IN FY88 ned above throug hout this year. As during last year, we will be continuing on the deliver ables as mentio these produc ts enterin g Phase with m, Progra indows DECw the In additio n we are heavily involv ed in t and its associa ted "childr en" 1 and 2 in the next weeksl tnonth s. Clearly the ALL-IN-l V3.0 produc 1988. of will also be a nlajor portion of the work for AEG in the remain der and more integra ted into the Base The Corpo rate Engineering section s of AEG are becom ing more ng in FY88, and in the planni ng Group s-BOS E and CAG- both in the deliverables that we are plannihave reperc ussion s on the AEG proces s for FY89. This develo pment of the organization will clearly structu re and organi zation next fiscal. AEG will contin ue to playa key As the Valbon ne engine ering campu s grows in size and import ance, investigate the extens ion of the to ng planni role in the future of Valbon ne engineering. We are already possibility of a simulta neousthe ing review y activel are QA and UI groups to a side-wide entity, and ship center in Valbon ne. ORGANIZATION • • • Applications Engineering Group Manager Jenl Scanlan Secretary Brigitte Llorca Product Internationalization Piero Balladelli DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 145 • Quality Assurance Myriam Martin-Kail • User Illformation Bill Rees-Lewis • Operations Jean-Jacques Creux • EERPITechnology Transfer Leszek Kotsch • Graphics Development Joerg Kochan • Business Communication Development Brian Mottershead • Corporate Engineering Product Management Dave Flynn • CE Product Management Mike Oughton • CE Product Mananagement Jeff Knibbs International Engineering Consultancy Group Manager: Don Marchand (ML03-2/M16, 223-8119) The International Engineering Consultancy Group provides consultation to Digital engineering groups worldwide to assist thenl in designing, developing, and distributing quality international software and hardware products. The objectives of this group are as follow. • Collect and desseminate international product requirements, guidelines, process and engineering and manufacturing information to software and hardware engineers, product and marketing managers, management, third-party vendors, and others actively developing or supporting international products. • Provide international consulting on strategic products, processes, and systems; • Actively transfer the knowledge accumulated about international products to Digital employees involved in the design, manufacture, distribution, and service through formal training programs, demonstrations, and seminars. • Develop and coordinate the implementation of international architectures leading to the delivery of higher quality international products. These areas include hardware, software, manufacturing, delivery, and support systems. 1987 Accomplishments This year saw the start of IECG's formal training program for software developers and architects. To date we have trained over 250 engineers worldwide in "Principles of International Software Design" (POISD). Special training courses are being designed for product and development management; we are also actively engaged in training independent software vendors in how to produce international products. This program is expected, eventually to train approximately 500 Digital software suppliers in the art of designing internatioanl software. We continued to be active in all aspects of Digital architectures-both in hardware and software, and also in all areas of systelTIS consultation. 146 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS also suppli ed to a numbe r of Consu ltancy in the form of inform ation and technical suppor t was engine ering groups in both local y Europe an and US market ing groups , GIA marketing, and countr GIA and Europe . utions to the develo pment of In the area of standa rds and proces sed IECG made import ant contribdevelo pment of the following further the the interna tional phase review proces s and contrib uted to These standa rds covere d power, design standa rds: DEC STDs 178, 060, 062, 012, 073, 028, 002, 047. entatio n Inanufacture. docum re softwa and clature nomen labeling, interna tional require ments, 1988 Plans CHEYENE, PVAX, Firefox, Active system s consul ting for PRISM, PRISM ULTRIX, GLACIER, Digital/Macintosh, and other major system s produc ts Standa rd for interna tional Work on Produc t Manag ement Internationalization Training, The Digital tional Software Design, and Software, the Interna tional Expertise Progranl, the Principles of Interna the IE Handb ook Organi zation of third-p arty interna tional semina rs • • • • • Activity on Multilingual Interna tional Distribution Application commi ttees Establ isment of Digital interna tional and external software architectural Organization • • • • International Engineering Consultancy Group Manager Don March and Secretary Diane Marino Engineering Manager Guy Vancollie Engineering Manager Michael Juerge nsen • Marketing Consultant • Principal Engineer • Product Management Consultant • • Dee Ander son Jon Stewart Lee Rodab augh Software Engineer Carine Avakian User Information Specialist Lydia Velez DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 147 International Products Group Manager: John Kappler (REO, [44]-(734)-85-46-25) MISSION To partner selected PBU Engineering groups to assist them in meeting their International Product Charter and to enable Digital subsidiaries to have quality products that meet their country plans. OBJECTIVES • Work with selected PBU Engineering groups to ensure that their products are designed to adapt easily to country lllarkets. • Manage the process and provision of information that enables the Countries to develop complete LLP portfolios. • For selected PBUs, manage the delivery of LLPs consistent with PBU goals and Country Product Portfolios. • Provide the capability to enable selected third party (ISV) products to be tested, certified and supported as part of Digital systems within Country and European Area strategies. • Through the Local Engineering Programme/Translation Program cause specified subsidiaries to have an effective Engineering and Translation capability. • Deliver quality products in a timely and cost effective manner to support the Arabic market. • Ensure the success of the European Ultrix Engineering Group. • Establish an Excellence Program to enable a demonstrable level of excellence to be achieved in our activities. • Create and maintain an excellent environment for our activities. • Create and maintain an integrated Human Resources Development Progranl that supports our business goals and enables maximum opportunity and chance of success to be offered to those working in IPG. 1987 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Product Development Many activities of major importance were carried out in support of the Internationalization goals of the Corporation and International Engineering. They were wide ranging and included: • Reviewing product specifications and business plans for suitability (specifications, code, etc.) • Persuading Corporate Engineering groups to make their products as easily adaptable and translatable as possible and helping with the education effort • Managing the development and shipment of Local Language Versions of products • Preparing Internationalization routines for inclusion in base operating systems (VMS and Ultrix) • Testing, certifying and reporting on the suitability and technical qualities of Independent Software Suppliers' products. The number of variants in development at anyone time, including end-user documentation, remained high throughout the year. At year end, for exalllple, IPG was working on a total of 90 variants; there were approxinlately 100 phase reviews satisfactorily cOlllpleted during the year. 148 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Product Highlights • Internationalization of DECwindows started. IPG is now working on Internationalization and delivery of Local Versions of DECwindows operating system platforms, addressing VMS, Ultrix and DOS operating systems' base requirements. • LA75 PRINTER achieved the landmark of being the first product to ship Local Language Versions shnultaneously with the US version. Translated User Books were nlade available with the product in five languages. • Fifteen variants of VAXmate were produced to tight schedules. This product was also on the Engineering Top-l00 list. • Sixteen variants of A to Z were developed covering Micro/PDP and Micro/VAX versions and the Base System, Word Processing, and Graphics modules. • Another landmark, of a different sort, was achieved wfth the shipment of the final variant of DEClnate WPS. • Development of products to meet the specific requirements of the Arabic market continued. The strategy being followed is to develop and ship a matched set of hardware and software products early in Q3 FY88 (VT3xx, LN03, FMS, TPU/EVE) to provide a completely Digital Arabic systenl offering. • In direct support of European Area Marketing, an ISV test and certification facility was established. It has now become the European focus for this work. During 1987 many products from vendors such as LOTUS, Ashton-Tate, Microsoft, and Access Technology have been tested and reported on. New procedures had to be developed and published. • ALPS (a translation product of potential major European significance) was ported on to Digital equiplnent with the help of the Translation Program Manager. • The ULTRIX product development group (EUEG) steadily achieved a closer working relationship with Ultrix Engineering in the US and worked on several developments that were, or will be, incorporated into the base operating system. They included a mail interface between Ultrix and VMS Mail, and Internationalization routines that enabled Ultrix to be nearly 100% X/OPEN cOlnpliant. EUEG also provided lnajor representation on the X-OPEN comlnittee. IE Programs Last year saw the first full operational year of the Local Engineering Programme, and for many of the Local Engineering Groups (LEGs), their first ever operational year. Together we have enabled the progranllne to support and deliver against its objectives. Most important of these were the delivery of the Local Engineering Handbook and the job definition and career structures for the LEGs. A significant event last year was the assignment of Herman Oggel as the SWAS Engineering Manager with whom the LEP has been able to resolve many of the outstanding problems around the "Home" of the Local Engineering and Translation Groups. Although these groups were created (LEGs) or moved (Translation Groups) within SWAS, their structure and operation was unclear and differed widely across the subsidiaries. The structure and organization of the groups has now been rationalized within each subsidiary's SWAS organization. The Translation Programme has continued its support of translation technology, and has supported the successful porting of the ALPS TSS (Translation Support Systeln) product to VMS. The pritnary goals of the Programmes have always been· the effective implementation and managelnent of change. Most of the planned change is now complete and consequently the closure of the Progranunes is planned for the end of FY89. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 149 Non-Product Highlights An Electronic Publishing Taskforce was established with support from IPG. 2-year Product Strategies were developed and comnlunicated to Country portfolio managers to help theln prioritize and plan their Translation and Engineering resource levels. A European Phase Review Task Force was established to provide European requirements for the Corporate review of the Phase Review Process. Several reviews of proposals, and responses, were made. The latest Digital technology, the Translators Workstation, in an Advanced Developlnent fonn, was piloted in France and Germany. Offering such things as split screen editing of English and foreign language text, we hoped to increase the productivity of the translation groups. This work is continuing. 1988 PLANS We will be working with PBUs, Countries and other groups within IE Development, to establish programs of activities that result in the delivery of LLPs consistent with PBU goals and Country product portfolios. This includes developing and delivering information to PBUs that will ensure that Corporate products are designed to adapt easily to Country markets. PBU focus in late FY88 and FY89 will be principally on LESG, SSG (base systems groups), and Storage Systems. We will continue to manage the process on behalf of IE Development, providing the infornlation that enables the Countries to develop complete LLP product portfolios consistent with PBU goals. Significant emphasis will continue. to be placed on the DECwindows product set in the belief that a successful international inlplelnentation of this will address the majority of the Internationalization issues for a considerable period to come. We will continue to support the SWAS-Engineering Local Engineering and Translation Groups, particularly through the development of tools for the translation process and the transfer of Engineering processes. The programme will continue to better define a strategy for translation technology especially aligning the strategy against CUP's translation charter whilst at the same time supporting the translation groups in their technology requirements. Emphasis will be on the coordination between CUP-Engineering, SWAS/E and IPG/AEG for the delivery and support of a consistent and cost effective translation technology solution. The support of the Arabic Business Groups, MEG and COG will continue with the expansion of the range of integrated Arabic products. Engineering focus will also be given to the emerging Greek market with a project to place Greece on the Strategic Country List and develop the necessary standards/architecture to enable Greek character set products to be developed. Host Management of the European Ultrix Engineering Group will be provided as EUEG formally becOlnesa full part of Corporate Engineering. Prhne objectives for EUEG during FY88 are: to continue to develop the group towards a critical mass; to deliver the first complete Corporate Product (as opposed to parts of other products) from the group; to commence work on a number of Corporate products; to ensure full advantage is taken by UEG of both the technical and market opportunities that are presented in Europe. ORGANIZATION • International Product Office Manager John Kappler • Product Management Mike Humm • Development Bob Dray 150 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS • tlltrix Vic Goddard • Local Engineeri1lg Programme/Translation Progra1l1 Dave Harvey • Operations Stuart Burnley The International Products Group's mission is to enable Digital subsidiaries to have competitive products that support the Corporate Product Strategy, available in a timely, cost-effective manner, and to start the transition to becoming a Corporate Engineering Group. The objectives of the International Products Group are as follows. • Develop local variants of products • Develop corporate ULTRIX products • Develop corporate Arabic products • Define and implement processes for corporate and local engineering • Define and implement quality goals for lPG's Corporate and Local Engineering development work • Conduct research into Human Factors • Manage programs to provide Translation and Local Engineering facilities in European Countries • Product Development 36 LLVs of eight major Corporate products shipped First Corporate base international version of a product DECmate Last 12 versions developed at the end of FY86 LOLA (Local Language Assistance) French and German versions completed The last versions of this interim product • Arabic Strategy and plans established and agreed on by Middle East and SEENA Groups Justification prepared for addition of Egypt, Algeria, and Saudi Arabia to the Corporate Strategic List Provided consultancy. to Boeing and Hughes Represented Digital on Arabic standards working groups • New Developments ULTRIX development group established in Q3/Q4 Provided corporate representation to X-Open Technical Committee Independent software vendor focus and program established to satisfy demand for versions of third-party VAXnlate products Arabic Translation and Consultancy service established • Process and Quality LLP development process established and in use by IE and Country Groups Fornla} inspection techniques tested and adopted DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 151 Contributed to SARA on international requirements STRIP tool developed, enabling text for translation to be identified and easily reinserted into software sources after translation • V ser Interface "Standard Translation Pack" designed and introduced, providing a consistent package of nlaterial to country translation teanlS DSR-plus established as standard mark-up tool in IPG and countries VI Guidelines and material for use by IECG and aU Engineering groups prepared and published European keyboard surveys carried out and reported, covering: CSS & LK207 Gold Key standards LK250 with VAXmate project DECVS and other User Investigations carried out with significant improvement in our knowledge of users' requirenlents The overall goal of the group is to become a Corporate Development Group. A prerequisite is that countries are able to produce their own local versions of products. Currently, IPG will continue to develop LLVs and also continue to implement progranls that will enable that work to move snloothly to the countries. Eventually, the focus will be to increase the contribution to Corporate Development by working on lnore products within a specific product area and by considering additional product areas. 2-Year Focus • Growth of LLP development will continue, but flatten out • Increasing importance of Corporate development, particularly in ULTRIX and Workstations • Significant growth in ISV-related work 5-Vear Focus • Local engineering groups doing all LLV work from Corporate BIVs • IPG becomes a Corporate Development Group International Engineering Process and Quality Manager: Bruce McNaughton (REO, [44]-(734)-85-31-41) MISSION Define, develop, and assist in the implementation of integrated (cross-functional) processes, which support the delivery of quality products to our customers. OBJECTIVES • bnprove cross-functional Product Team communication and Product Managenlent processes. • bnprove predictability of Engineering Planning Processes. • Improve consistency and quality of Engineering Product Development Processes. • Assist groups in inlplementing the iIllproved processes and training. 152 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 1987 ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Status December 1987) Fonnal links have been established to the Corporate Phase Review Task Force. A cross-functional European Teatn has been fonned and is participating in the revision of the Phase Review Process to incorporate European needs. A Phase Review Process overview training Inodule has been developed and delivered to over 300 staff in Europe to ensure consistent implementation of the Phase Review Process. A Project Planning and Control training module has been defined, developed and piloted. This developnlent is a joint venture with SWAS and CSS to ensure consistency within project management disciplines in Europe. A Product Management training module is being developed as a joint venture between Marketing, International Engineering, and SWAS Country Product Management. In parallel to development of the training Inodule, the roles and responsibilities of product management within Europe are being defined. A program has been established to automate project planning processes. To support product management processes a database system has been developed to automate the process of providing the information required to review the progress of the Top 100 products. 1988 PLANS • Continue participation in the review of the Phase Review Process. Activities will concentrate in review and approval of the new Phase Review Process Manual. • Continue delivery of the Phase Review Process Overview training module. Focus will change to Inonitoring and assisting implelnentation. • Pilot the Product Management training module. Achieve "steady state" delivery of the course, and build a network of trainers in Europe. • Pilot the Project Planning and Control training module to the Engineering community. Achieve "steady state" delivery of the course, and build a network of trainers in Europe. • Define, develop, and begin implementation of consistent software development, translation, and user information processes and training modules. • Focus on consistent inlplementation and full automation of project management processes across groups. • Define, develop, and begin implementation of a consistent Engineering Management Process training module. • Continue providing support to assist groups implementing the training and new processes. • Implement the New Product Database system in Maynard, and review a number of new systems. ORGANIZATION • Process and Quality Group Manager Bruce McNaughton • Group Secretary Fiona Ramcharan • User Project Manager Francoise Fry • Project Administrator April Haxby • Principal Process and Quality Engineer Nancy Lee-Bennette DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 153 • Process and Quality Manager Alan Speight 13.11.6 Telecom Application Engineering Center Manager: Stan Smits (VBE, 828-5746, TAEC::SMITS) TAEC is part of International Engineering and is linked with the Telecom Systems Group and with the Networks and Telecom DCC. This group's mission is to acquire or deliver quality network, communication and transmission products, platforms and consultancy in accordance with Telecom System Group (Marlborough), Networks and Telecom DCC (Valbonne) and Systems Marketing (Europe) requirements. The following are objectives to be achieved. • To ensure that TSG delivers products, platforms and solutions that fit the European Telecom nlarket requirements. • To contribute to TSG solutions as they apply to the world-wide Telecom market. • To give engineering support to the different DCC marketing groups (TIMG, NaC, high-end systems marketing and CIS). TAEC is currently focused on the development of VAX SS7, a layered software product to link Digital conlputer platfonns to the internal comnlon channel systetn protocol of public networks. TAEC is also defining the European Operations Support Systenls (OSS) architecture and assisting the field in developing coherent solutions in this dOlnain. Finally, TAEC is developing systems engineering skills for Public Electronic Mail and Videotex platfornls. 154 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS CHAPTER 14 SYSTEMS SOFTWARE GROUP Manager: Bill Heffner (ZKOl-3/J35, 381-1125) Software Systems provides Digital with the following software products. • VAX/VMS • Software Development Technologies Strategic and Tactical languages - FORTRAN, etc. CASE tools - DEC/CMS, DEC/MMS, DEC/Test Core user applications - editors, spreadsheets - EPIC, WPS-PLUS End User Information applications - VAX/Teamdata • Asian Base Systems • Corporate User Publications • Software Quality Management and clearinghouse • • ' Software Manufacturing Software Business Practices, Base Product Marketing SSG also provides Facilities Management support for those groups in the Spit Brook Road facility and personnel support at the various SSG locations. Contact the appropriate group when you need information about products being planned or developed, or when you identify future requirenlents that can be met by this organization's expertise. 14.1 SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT Manager: Bob Lindenberg (ZKOl-3/J35, 381-1549, SQM::LINDENBERG) Software Quality Management group contributes to the overall product quality of 32-bit software systelns by providing engineering and testing support in the following areas. • Systems Quality, headed by Mike Sowers (ZKOl-2/D19, 381-1334, SQM::SOWERS), performs certification and system evaluation for all 32-bit layered products and new processors. Contact this group if you are building a VMS layered software product or a hardware product that requires software certification. Products developed in Europe are evaluated by the European Systenl Quality Group which reports to Mike Nation (REO, 830-6762, RDGENG::NATION). For Japanese products, contact Key Kawanloto (EWB/F6, JRDV04::KAWAMOTO). • Pelformance Measurement and Analysis, headed by Frank Hassett (ZK03-2/Y05, 381-2239, CHALK:: HASSETT), provides performance measurelnent and analysis of software systelns and builds performance measurenlent and monitoring tools. SYSTEMS SOFTWARE GROUP 155 This group concentrates on the following areas: VMS PeljormanceGroup, headed by Dan Doherty (ZK03-4/S23, 381-1558, CHALK::DOHERTY) works with developers on new system features, ensuring that the system meets its perfornlance goals. Peljormance Tools, headed by Joe Marconis (ZK03-2/Y05, 381-2675, CHALK::MARCONIS), develops performance measurement and lnanagelnent tools for end-users as well as special tools for internal use. A part of this effort is the development of perfonnance lllodeis of VMS systems. • Test System Development, headed by Chuck Dermody (ZK03-4/S23, 381-1548,CHALK::DERMODY), works with VMS development to achieve higher software quality by building software test tools and a methodology for functional testing of operating systems. This group is also responsible for certification of. Local Area VAXclusters. • VMS System Management, headed by Ed King (ZKOl-2/D19, 381-1333,SQM::KING) works to obtain a uniform high level of quality in the VMS family of products. 14.2 SPIT BROOK FACILITY MANAGEMENT Manager: Brad Glass (ZK03-3/S26, 381-1800) The Spit Brook Facility Management group provides administrative support and services for the facility. This support includes the following. • Administrative Services, headed by Ken Madore (ZKOl-3/B22, 381-1001), provides facility planning, purchasing, and office services. • Plant Engineering, headed by Jim DiRico (ZKOl-3/B22, 381-1009) provides maintenance of building and grounds, the plant elnergency organization, and safety engineering. • Security, headed by Dick Barbett (ZKOl-3/B22, 381-1032) provides site physical security. • Computer Services, Fred Kilmartin (ZKOl-3/C10, 381-900), provides computer operation support, equipment planning and forecasting, asset management, data communications, telecomlnunications, and the interface to Field Service. • Information Security, headed by Fred Robinson, (ZKOl-3/B22, 381-1012) is developing a comprehensive infornlation security program for the site. 14.3 VAX/VMS DEVELOPMENT Manager: Kurt Friedrich (ZK03-4/Y02, 381-1422) The VAX/VMS Development Group consists of five software engineering groups jointly responsible for the design, implementation, and continuing maintenance of the following products. • VAX/VMS • MicroVMS • DECnet VAX (for both VMS and MicroVMS) • DECwindows • LAVC Local Area VAXclusters • Volume Shadowing The five software groups are as follows. • 156 Networks and Clusters Manager: Richard Merewood (ZK03-4/U14, 381-1429) SYSTEMS SOFTWARE GROUP • System Management and Operations Manager: Ron Schaefer (ZK03-4/U14, 381-1450) • Systems Group Manager: Rick Spitz (ZK03-4/W23, 381-1570) • System Resources Manager: Nigel Turner (ZK03-4/Y02, 381-1419) • Project and Process Engineering Manager: Trevor Kelllpsell (ZK03-4/T61, 381-1442) The groups engage in a wide range of software engineering technology, from basic operating system support of the VAX hardware, to clustering, networking, files systems, system security, comllland languages, timesharing facilities, and a variety of system- and user-oriented utilities. The group is involved in all stages and aspects of product evolution, beginning at initial ideas, design, implementation, field test, customer support and user doculnentation, in both "hands-on" and consultative capacities. The products listed are the base for a wide range of Digital's business and thus the interactions with other parts of the cOlnpany are lllany and diverse. They are worldwide and involve most of Digital's present and future lnarkets. 14.3.1 VAX/VMS Product Management Manager: Dick Mahoney (ZK01-3/J33, 381-1060) VMS Product Management manages software products developed by the VMS Software Development Group. These products include VMS, DECnet-VAX, VAXcluster software, VAXstation software, POSIX and on-line transaction processing primitives. Software product lnanagers are the prhnary interface between Engineering, other groups within Digital, and the custolller base. They manage the Phase Review Process, define product requirelnents, generate business plans, introduce new products, and manage DECUS activities. 14.4 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY Manager: Bill Keating (ZK02-3/Q08, 381-2330) Software Development Technology develops most VAX Programming Language Products, the Software Productivity tools, the Information Management products, and key terminal and graphics products. This group also manages the strategy for most languages, and for the Digital programlning development environment. Other responsibilities include the Technology, Methodology and Architecture of the Product Marketing Software Engineering Groups. 14.4.1 Technical Languages and Environments Manager: Leslie Klein (ZK02-3/N30, 381-2055) Technical Languages and Environments develops compilers for technical language on VAX systems. The current languages supported are PASCAL, BLISS, FORTRAN, APL, C, PLII and Ada. The group is also involved in the design and maintenance of various software environment tools, such as the VAX Debugger, Language Sensitive Editor (LSE), Integrated Progranl Support Environment (IPSE), Source Code Analyzer (SCA), Program Design Language (PDL), and the Perfonnance and Coverage Analyzer (PCA). This group is also responsible for DictionalY Services (CDD and CDD + ). Advanced Developlllent in areas such as cOlllpiler technology and layered product support for lllUltiprocessors and parallel processors is in progress. SYSTEMS SOFTWARE GROUP 157 Contact this group on questions or issues related. to the products. listed above;. Technical Languages/Environments can also provide additional information on Standards issues for the languages mentioned. Additionally, contact this group when you identify future requirements that can be nlet by this group's expertise. 14.4.2 Commercial Languages and Tools Manager: Tom Harris (ZK02-3/K06, 381-2234) This group develops and maintains language processors, utilities, and programmer productivity tools for VAX-11 systems. The languages have industry-wide appeal for commercial applications although they are not Ihllited to that area. Such languages include COBOL, the extended Digital BASIC products, and RPG. The group also develops key system utilities, including SORT packages, language translators, and the VAX/VMS Comnlon Run Time Library. A set of programmer productivity tools including DEC/CMS, DEC/MMS, DEC/TEST, SCAN, Software Project Manager~ VAX NOTES, and various VNX tools are developed. here also. Additional tools for project design are also being developed by this group. This group is also responsible for our Fourth Generation Languages: the COBOL Program Generator, Datatrieve and Rally. Contact this group on questions or issues related to the products listed above. Commercial Languages and Tools can provide additional information on VAX RTL Standards, CODASYL COBOL, ANSI COBOL and BASIC or Command Language conlnliUees, and DEC Standards for Editors, BASIC, or COBOL. 14.4.3 Core Applications Group Manager: Jeff Rudy (ZK02-3/R56, 381-2994) This group develops and supports the following software. • Graphics Software • Editing Software TPU & EDT • Desk Top Publishing, including WPS-PLUS, DECpage, DECslide, DECgraph and the forthconling EPIC series • Digital Spreadsheets (DECalc and DECalc-PLUS) This group owns the strategy for "Core Applications" and be responsible for their use in various applications. This group is also responsible for End User Information and Computing. 14.5 CORPORATE USER PUBLICATIONS Manager: Sue Gault (ZK01.,3/J35, 381-1126) Corporate User Publications (C.U.P.) is a geographically dispersed publications group located with hardware and software engineering groups in Nashua (Spit Brook Road), Maynard, Marlboro, Hudson, Littleton, Galway Ireland and Reading England. C.U.P. writers, editors, and production people generate and maintain technical publications for customers at all levels of experience. Collectively their responsibilities include the planning, organization, conlpleteness, accuracy, appropriateness, user orientation, and appearance of software publications. To effectively design a software manual, groups gather information from software and hardware engineering, the product lines, software quality management, Software Services training, DECUS, and visits to customer sites. 158 SYSTEMS SOFTWARE GROUP 14.6 SSG MARKETING AND BASE PRODUCT MARKETING Manager: Bill Segal, (ZKOl-3/J33, 381-1263) These groups set software product business, marketing, marketing communication and licensing strategies for VAX software. • VAX Systeln Base Product Marketing • VAX Business Strategy and Planning Group • Central Engineering DECUS Administration 14.6.1 VAX System Software Base Product Marketing Manager: Gail Holland, SDT/ULTRIX/VMS (ZK03-3/Y25, 381-2345) The primary function of these groups is to create. and improve the market "awareness" of VAX Systeln Software. The groups achieve this by developing and implementing progranls involving advertiselnent, promotion, sales training, and other activities that address the markets, custonlers, and environlnents applicable to these products. The groups also contribute to the product/business planning and product market requirements planning, provide lnarket feedback to Product Management, and interface with engineers to do the following: • Clarify/investigate product marketing requirements • Provide engineers with potential product marketing requirements • Assist in defining the function aspects of a product in preparing presentations, or in determining possible product availability dates 14.6.2 SSG Business Strategy and Planning Group Manager: Bob Dockser (ZKOl-3/J33, 381-1216) The SSG Business Strategy and Planning group's function involves business practices and planning for the software products built by the Systems Software Group (SSG). These products include VMS, ULTRIX, and layered products. Business strategy and planning group members are a primary interface for SSG in areas relating to group business practices and strategies. For example: price tiers, volume discounts, corporate software revenue goals, Digital software licensing architecture. 14.6.3 Central Engineering OECUS Administration Coordinator: Trish Gagnon (ZKOl-3/J33), 381-1239 This function is in place to allocate slots for the DECUS Symposia worldwide and to carry out the necessary planning to ensure that speakers and their topics are selected at the appropriate times, to register speakers and other attendees, to direct exhibit hall participation and to plan and iInplement the annual DECUS Europe Engineering Support (DEES) activity. SYSTEMS SOFTWARE GROUP 159 14.7 ZKO PERSONNEL Manager: Chuck Poe (ZKOl-3/J35, 381-1267, VORTEX::POE) The primary mission. of ZKO Personnel is to deliver high quality and cost effective personnel services to ZKO site organizations. It does this by providing the following services: • • • • • • • • PSA Compensation/Benefits Library Services Personnel Systems Developnlent Health Services/EAP Training & Development Personnel Consulting Services Marketing Research Support • Organizational Development • • Human Resources Planning Wellness Center The group also makes a special contribution to achieve organizational business goals through management of an on-site Wellness Center, technical seminars, and a variety of targeted programs. 14.8 SOFTWARE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS UNIT Manager: Brad Glass (ZK03-3/S26, 381-1800) Software Manufacturing Business Unit (MBU) is the worldwide supply organization for Digital's software. The MBU is responsible for the worldwide introduction of new and revised software products, the development and implementation of electronic publishing technology for software supply, manufacturing product standards, and manufacturing integration with Engineering. Specific activities include the following: • New product introduction • Design for manufacture • Consolidated software supply • Manufacturing product management • Development and introduction of new technologies for manufacturing of software • Business analysis and management Contact Brad Glass for further information. 14.9 ASIAN BASE SYSTEMS Manager: Trevor Porter (ZK03-4/Z25, 318-1258) This group designs, implelnents, supports and maintains Base Systems Software products required for Digital to profitably increase market share in Japan and the Far East Region. In particular, it strives for sinlultaneous release of chosen products that are equally effective in Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean and Thai. Also, it delivers software architectures, new products, and special· versions of products designed for the Far East Region. 160 SYSTEMS SOFTWARE GROUP CHAPTER 15 PRODUCT STRATEGY AND ARCHITECTURE Manager: William Strecker, V.P. (ML012-2/T8, 223-3726) The Product Strategy and Architecture group is composed of senior technical personnel who are involved with investigating cross component architectural issues, resolving cross component strategic issues, and systems level architectural consulting. In addition to participating in projects that are defined internally, the personnel within this group are available for consulting assignments throughout engineering as required. The Product Strategy and Architecture Group also has responsibility for the identification of both internal and external topics which are important for Digital's business success. Listed below is the organizational structure of Product Strategy and Architecture. • Security Architecture Contact: Alex Conn (ZKOl-3/B10, 381-1678) • Workgroup Architecture Contact: John Holz (LTN2-2/G11, 226-6600) • Secure Systems Development Manager: Steve Lipner (LTN2-2/C08, 226-6088) • Queuing System AID for OLTP and VMS Communications Architecture Contact: Bruce Mann (ZKOl-2/E34, 381-1298) • Corporate Standards Manager: Gary Robinson (ML012B/E51, 223-5094) • Data Management Architecture, TP Architecture, I/O Architecture Contact: Barry Rubinson (LTN2-2/G11, 226-6103) • PC Integration Architecture Contact: Gayn Winters (LTN2-2/G11, 226-6084) 15.1 SECURE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT Manager: Steve Lipner (LTN2-2/C08, 226-6088) Secure Systems Development is an engineering group that is focused on improving the security of Digital's product set. The group functions by executing architecture and advanced development projects intended to result in security enhancements to Digital's products, and by developing secure system products. The group has developed a security product set (DESNC and KDC) that provides cryptographic security for Ethernet at the data link level with flexible key management. Secure Systems is currently supporting and enhancing the DESNC and KDC. The group also supports the VAX/VMS encryption layered product and is developing a highly secure operating system for VAX. PRODUCT STRATEGY AND ARCHITECTURE 161 Engineers should contact Secure Systems Development when they have questions about the security feature content of their products. The group provides information about security techniques and standards that apply to software and hardware. Since security features and controls are best'designed in', contact Secure Systenls Development early in the product design cycle. As an outgrowth of its work on secure operating systems, the group also has tools and expertise in formal specification and verification of software and hardware. Key contacts in Secure Systems Development are as follows: • Security Architecture and Advanced Development Engineering Manager: Morrie Gasser (LTN2-2/C08, 226-6760) • Secure Operating System Development Engineering Manager: Marty Hurley (LTN2-2/C08, 226-6813) • Secure Network Product Development (DESNC, KDC, VAX Encrypt) Engineering Manager: Jeff Sebring (LTN2-2/C08, 226-6094) 15.2 CORPORATE STANDARDS Manager: Gary S. Robinson (ML012B/E51, 223-4094) Operations Analyst: Mary White (ML012B/E51, 223-5980) This group manages both internal and external standards. Corporate Standards impact the engineering architecture that is the key to Digital's business success. Standards representatives who participate on behalf of Digital at national and international standards cOlnlnittees, which create architectural standards, are either direct reports to this group or are matrix managed by Corporate Standards. Internally, Corporate Standards ensures. that Digital's· strategic systems standards are not put at risk by the activities of external standards groups. Other responsibilities of Corporate Standards include the following. • Definition of corporate policies and strategies for standards in conjunction with the engineering and marketing groups. • Coordination of standards strategies to create industry standards that are technically sound and have a positive impact on Digital's product strategies. • Management of software, functional, and architectural standards that are created by international and national agencies and used by the corporation. Corporate Standards is the primary source of information for Digital's position in the standards efforts of ISO, ECMA, CCITT, IEC, ANSI, IEEE, and others. This group has the expertise available to evaluate standards activities and requirements by the various marketing and engineering groups and advise on what actions are necessary to make the external standards process work. In accordance with Digital corporate policy, Corporate Standards must also be contacted prior to joining or attending any external standards committees. This requirement is based upon the fact that a Digital employee is perceived as a Digital spokesperson representing Digital's official corporate position when she/he attends such a meeting. Corporate Standards does seek technically qualified individuals to review proposed standards; members of Digital's engineering groups who would like to contribute to creating an international or national standard are urged to contact Gary Robinson (ML012B/E51, 223-4094) or Mary White (ML012B/E51, 223-5980). 162 PRODUCT STRATEGY AND ARCHITECTURE The following organizations fall under the management of Corporate Standards. ANSI American National Standards Institute CODASYL Conference on Data Systems Languages CCITT International Telecommunications Organization ECMA European Computer Manufacturer's Association EIA Electronic Industries Association IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ISO International Organization for Standardization JEDEC Joint Electronic Devices Engineering Council NBS National Bureau of Standards Standards does not manage participation. in standards committees concerned with environmental and safety issues (electrical safety, EM!, RFI). This is presently under the managerial focus of the International Products Office (IPO). Likewise, standards committees on nlicrographic issues are the responsibility of Engineering ImagelInformation Services. The following standing committees. are maintained to develop Digital standards and review product specifications: BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL, Keyboard arrangements, VAX languages, and DECnet architecture. Standards supplies you with the following documents and services. • Consultation services: Consultation on interpretation of industry standards, the standards process, politics of the standards organizations, and business consulting services to help in justifying or marketing standards. • Assistance in developing text to describe standards conformance in user manuals or software product descriptions. • Liaison with the National Bureau of Standards and other Governmental standards bodies. If standards are of concern to your engineering or marketing activity, Corporate Standards should be contacted during the earliest phases of a project to determine which Digital, or external standards are applicable. At your request, Corporate Standards will review all project plans and any functional specifications where confonnance to standards is an important or anticipated part of product definition. Additionally, proposed standards, which may become necessary before your product is shipped, can also be identified and interpreted. Corporate Standards should also be contacted to review text of software product descriptions or user Inanuals that describe standards conformance. Because of the legal impact of standards conformance, it is important that the text be accurate. Phrases such as " Conforms to...," "Compatible with... ," "Based upon...," or "Subject to.. ,," have very different legal meanings and can have an impact on customer acceptance of products. Additionally, they may have vastly different meanings in the various international countries in which Digital does business. PRODUCT STRATEGY AND ARCHITECTURE 163 CHAPTER 16 STRATEGIC RELATIONS GROUP Manager: Henry Crouse, V.P. (ML010-1/F41, 223-1555) One of the goals of Strategic Relations is to use complementary external capabilities to achieve the following: • Acquire technologies for strategy execution • ,Provide more complete solutions • Increase coverage in our target markets • Improve tinle-to-market • Further improve financial performance • Focus Digital's internal resources in areas that will yield competitive uniqueness Other goals of the group include influencing Digital mindset to encourage, value and reward use of external alternatives, and to learn fr0111 other cOl11panies' experiences. The prinlary responsibilities of this group are listed below. • Identify external technology/business alternatives that complement Digital's capabilities and support its strategies. • Help develop strategic relations between sources of external capabilities and appropriate groups within Digital. • Manage executive-level strategic interfaces with selected external allies. • Drive processes which involve the following. Licensing (In/Out) Innovative/unique alliances Cooperative consortiums External investments Joint ventures Acquisitions STRATEGIC RELATIONS GROUP 165 The Strategic Relations staff consists of the following: • Bill Lowe (ML012-B/U10, 223-2233) Focused on Storage Systems • Regis Kaufman (CF01-3/M35, 251-1428) Specialist in Software, reports to Peter Koch • Nils Noren (ML012-B/U10, 223-4932) Software Specialist, focusing on POS/Retail Software applications and Product Development • Steve Teicher (OG01-lIG17, 276-8555) Technical Consultant within Strategic Relations • Gail Mann • Larry Ricci (AK01-3/D14, 244-6400) Law Department, Investment Contracting Tax and Legal Structure • Ulf Fagerquist (LKG1-2/M07, 226-7225) NAC, reports to Bill Johnson • Jan Jaferian (MR01·lIA65, 297-6524) HSG, reports to Bob Glorioso • Sharon Wulf (HL02-2/L09, 225..4568) SSG, reports to Bob Palmer • Ken Sills (BXB2-lIG13) MRS, reports to Bill Demmer 16.1 NEW COMPUTING STRUCTURES Manager: Paul Curtin (MR02-3/M91, 297-4271) The New Computing Structures group is responsible for driving business and marketing directions for Digital's proposed utilization of new computing structures. The objective is to insure Digital takes a role in utilizing new computing structures which may adversely affect our existing market share. The group has two focuses. • On-going market and business analysis of emerging conlpanies and products in this area • Formulation and recommendation of corporate strategy and direction The group publishes market reviews and a weekly newsletter that contains current infornlation in the above areas. Mary Rodock (MR02-3/M91, 297-4110) is responsible for market and business data collection. 16.2 TECHNICAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Manager: Walt Dunham (ML012-B/U10, 223-5388) Technical Business Development (TBD) supports the corporate strategy by identifying external alternatives that complement Digital's capabilities and present them to internal operational groups. The goal of TBD is to cause consideration of co-development and/or externally developed technologies, products or processes. 166 STRATEGIC RELATIONS GROUP 16.3 STRATEGIC RELATIONS Manager: Howard Fineman (ML012·B/U10, 223-4952) Strategic Relations focus is to identify and bring in external technologies and business alternatives that complement Digital's capabilities and support its strategies. Unsolicited opportunities are developed with potential sponsoring groups. Potential external collaborators are sought to meet expressed needs of internal sponsors. Collaborative arrangements include the following. • Licensing • Innovative alliances • Cooperative consortiums • External investments • Joint ventures • Acquisitions Beyond initial exploration, a Digital business entity must sponsor a program and be its champion. Strategic Relations works with the sponsoring group and the external group to develop and negotiate the business arrangement and to help the sponsoring group through Digital's proposal and approval process. STRATEGIC RELATIONS GROUP 167 CHAPTER 17 MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS Manager: Bill Hanson, V.P. (MLOl-4/R14, 223-2238) 17.1 COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING Manager: Lou Gaviglia (wJOl-2/C7, DTN: 282-1500) Computer Systems Manufacturing (CSM) Inanages the manufacture and shipment of Digital's computer based systems, software, options, clusters, and network and comlnunication products. This manufacturing occurs in Salem NH, Burlington Vt, Augusta ME, Phoeniz AZ, Westminster MA, and Franklin MA. CSM has a strong commitment to world class manufacturing through aggressive goals of quality, reliability, asset usage, custolller satisfaction, tillle to market, and cost effectiveness. These goals are realized through major programs in CIM, Engineering Support, OTP, JIT/TQC, and New Products Introduction. CSM has strong relationships with Engineering and the Field to agree upon the above goals and help implement these programs. Links to Engineering groups are especially important to CSM's success. The High Performance/Clusters, Mid-Range and Distributed Systems, along with Software and Options Managers work with their counterparts in Engineering on project and program strategy development and System Program Managers on specific systems products. On all new products, Manufacturing and Engineering are linked in this way down to the sub-assembly level. Working with Engineering and other organizations, Computer Systems Manufacturing is involved with products from conception and development to phase-out. Links to Area Management groups are also especially itnportant to CSM's success. There isa close working relationship in supporting Sales and ensuring that the right products are available at the right time to support our customers needs and expectations. On the matching of orders to Product Manufacturing and the Area, they are linked all the way down to the shipping dock to accomplish our goals and meeting customer satisfaction. 17.2 NEW PRODUCTS OPERATIONS (NPO) Manager: Fred Oldfield (ML05-4/F32, 223-2632) A unit of Slnall Systems Manufacturing chartered to optimize time-to-market of low end products. NPO provides products and services to LES engineering to finalize product design, and it provides services to volullle manufacturing plants to enable high volullle manufacturing to successfully intro.. duce new products. NPO optilllizes time-to-market by providing a complete set of new product services from phase through volume production. MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS z~ro 169 17.2.1 NPO - Program Office Manager: Dennis Minnich (ML05-4/F32, 223-5635) The Program Office of New Products Operations (NPO) manages complex new products prograIns that require support from more than one NPO organization. Its function is to integrate NPO's service delivery to ensure that the client's needs are met effectively. Program Managers are assigned to major progranls from Pre-Phase 0 to Phase 4. 17.2.2 NPO Engineering Model Shops (ML05-3 and ML01-1) This group consists of the following key people. • • CC Manager George Gerelds (ML05-3/E22, 223-2309) Operations Manager John Holt (ML05-3/E22, 223-4700) • Financial Analyst Alison Doherty (ML05-3/U70, 223-4406) • Financial Contact Jeanne Gotthardt (ML05-3/E22, 223-2374) • Secretary/Admin Linda LaFleur (ML05-3/E22, 223-3080) The following services are provided. • Mechanical/sheet metal prototype Shop • QTA Prototype Module and Surface Mount Assembly • Engineering raw material and expendable stockroom • Cable, electro/mechanical assembly area • ROM and PROM blasting • Odd jobs (stamping, handles, staking, fixture and unique assemblies) • CAD/CAM DECnet system Prototype Module Assembly Supervisor: Jim Scott (ML05-3/E22, 223-3255) This group provides prototype engineering with a dedicated module assembly build process. Services include the following. • Job scheduling and material coordination with SR 63 • Component pre-forming, assembly, solder flow and inspection of minor and complex modules • Miscellaneous light bench operations (shearing, eyelets, handles, staking pins, punch press.) • Surface mount technology, etch cuts, wire adds, wire wrapping, and model verification against the Corporate Qualified Vendor Listing (QVL) 170 MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS Cable/Harness/Sub-Assembly/PROM Program Area This group constructs prototype items other than PC boards, using given documentation. It generates test equipnlent as desired, given readable documentation, builds sillall lot quantities within negotiable time franle to include power supplies, harnesses, cable assemblies, sub-assemblies, and blasts, stamps, and erases programmable devices using various equipment. Sheet Metal/Machine Shops Supervisor: Ed Mayall (ML01-lIE22, 223-2583) This group provides milling, grinding, sawing, lathe, heat treat, etc. The NPO Engineering Model Shop has two CAD/CAM Systems used to program parts and assemblies, that are connected directly to Digital Engineering NET. The group receives prints over the NET for fabrication. NPO Engineering Stockroom 63 Supervisor: Virginia Barilone (ML05-3/E22, 223-2455) The group stocks orders and expedites raw materials, software supplies, and expendable items in support of Engineering and new products. Services includes kitting materials for prototypes, production lllodels, and new product start-ups. Interplant material and transactions for capital equipnlent are also accomillodated. 901 - 90 & 91 Class Materials This group includes purchasing and provides window coverage between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. 17.2.3 New Products Services (NPS) Manager: Fred Oldfield (ML021-1/T70, 223-7841) New Products Services comprises six groups chartered to ensure that new products are developed using state-of-the-art technology, and that they are cost effective, manufacturable, and introduced in a timely manner. New Products Materials Co-Managers: Bill Berger (ML021-1/T70, 223-6316) Mark Daley (ML021-lIT70, 223-8704) The group is responsible for program materials management from Pre-Phase 0 through Phase 3 for all low-end worldwide manufactured products, and for the BOM development process. New Products Purchasing Manager: Terry Cormier (ML021-1/T70, 223-8270) Purchasing supports Design Engineering by sourcing unique material and providing vendor support on custom design. It also ensures that externally sourced material for low-end new products is cost effective to procure Worldwide. MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS 171 Component Engineering Manager: Rao Yedavalli (ML05-3/U85, 223-8404) Docunlentation Supervisor: Mel LeBlanc (MLO 5-3/U86, 223-8090) The group is responsible for the selection and technical introduction of all new unique piece-parts (non-IC) for low-end new products. This includes performing all Qualification Testing, as well as the preparing Incoming Inspection Procedures and the Purchase Specification. Design-Component Engineering (DCE) Manager: Ron Roscoe (ML021-1/T82, 223-9236) DCE puts a project focus on the introduction of new piece-parts for low-end new products,by working closely with the design and manufacturing communities. Additional services include IC applications engineering for new designs, and conlpetitive analysis of products that fall within the low-end product space. Producibility Manager: Don DeAmicis (PK03-1/A20, 223-3451) The group ensures that low-end new products are designed to be manufacturable and that a focus is driven for cost, Time-To-Market, and Quality. They also provide Manufacturing Engineering external sourcing support and technical resources for vendor qualification/nlanagement of new fabrication and subassembly vendors. Test Technology and Applications Manager: Nick DelVecchio (ML03-3/T92, 223-5192) The group develops module test packages and processes to be used in volume production. This includes developing test fixtures and ATE programs for the Fairchild FF303, Teradyne L200, and GenRad testers. Additional services include generating software tools for creating of PWBs and for Inachine insertion of components, and for designing, developing and installing dedicated test systems for module test at the systeln level (Qv), and for module burn-in. 17.2.4 NPO Low Volume Manufacturing (ML05-4) This group consists of the following key people. • CC Manager Joe Ballou (ML05-4/F32, 223-3421) • Financial Analyst Jinl Lucey (ML05-3/U70, 223-2461) • Secretary/Admin Debbie Post (ML05-4/F32, 223-7555) The following services are provided. • Seed and Production Module Assembly • Surface Mount Asselnbly • Low End System Build • System Level Test of Modules and Systems • Sub-Assembly Manufacturing 172 MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS Manufacture of Low End Systems Contact: Dennis Minnich (ML05-4/F32, 223-5635) This group produces work stations, personal computers, and micro systems in small quantities for quick availability. These systenls include prototypes, seed units, and other pre-volulne production units. This group also provides documented basic processes to transition products into volulne manufacturing. Manufacture of Modules and Subassemblies Contact: Dennis Minnich (ML05-4/F32, 223-5635) This group produces modules and subassemblies to support revenue shipments, and it also performs complex ECO wiring, surface mounted modules, and Field Service repairs. 17.2.5 Mechanical Component Engineering Support Services (MCESS) Manager: Ron Walsh (ML05-1/P55, 223-7454) Financial Analysis: Rick Daniels Secretary/Administration: Lynn Landry (223-6464) This group supplies comprehensive mechanical tooling, models, prototypes, interim product build and other related services in support of the New Product Introduction Process. The services are fully supported by Manufacturing Engineering, Quality Engineering, together with custOlner representatives, purchasing specialists, and Mechanical Processes consulting. Customer Service Center Manager: John A. Sannicandro (ML05-lIP55, 223-6769) This group offers the following services. • Customer Representative To focus on your individual project and be responsible for coordinating all pertinent information and data to ensure Customer satisfaction. • Manufacturing Engineer and New Product Support Project Management Process Sheets, BOMs manufacturability, Numerically controlled (N/C) Programming, Quoting. • Quality Engineering Development of Quality Plans, New Product specifications, Incoming Inspection Procedures, Statistical Tools vendor survey service support. • Inspection Services Incoming/inprocess inspection first Article Inspection, Source Inspection, Mechanical Calibration. MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS 173 Tooling Service Center Manager: Paul Caine (ML05-1/E31, 223-6201) This group offers· advanced toolmaking services for designing and building close tolerance manufacturing fixtures, special purpose assembling, test equipment, and statuping dies. Computer aided design and documentation tools are used extensively to ensure accuracy of tool configuration. The group also provides inspection gauging prototype to production tooling, together with a tooling project consulting service. Machining Service Center Manager: John Mitchell (ML05-lIP55, 223-6018) The group provides precision machining, featuring both conventional and numerically controlled equipment with the ability to turn sketches, prints, or CAD data into a model or finished product. This group also provides all the services of a standard machine shop to support the new product introduction cycle. Sheet Metal Service Center Manager: Jon Armour (ML05-lIP55, 223-2685) The group provides a full Service Fabrication area for all of your Sheet Metal needs. This Service Center contains a wide range of Sheet Metal Fabrication Equipment. Plastic Service Center Manager: Ken Berger (ML05-1/P55, 223-2235) The group's precision crafts people strive to create three dimensional visions of the customers ideas in model form. The group recently added 3500 square feet to their Plastic Service Center, giving additional capacity for developing new instant set Polymers to meet the demand of models, prototype and DVT test lots. The group is also able to meet (soft tooled) interim product build requirements. It offers architectural and product marketing modeling as a service. Finishing Service Center Manager: Chris Peters (ML05-lIP55, 223-1134) Finishing Service Center has a Paint Shop and a Silkscreen Shop. The Paint Shop will finish products to Digital specifications, smooth or textured. It also does conversion coatings for aluminum substrates, and phosphate protective coatings for steel. Plans for FY88 include Powdered Coatings, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Plastic Shielding. The group has the only full color Silkscreen Shop in Digital, with full type and layout services for creating artwork. The group can screen labels, logos, sign, keycards, plaques, decals, name plates, panels, etc. 174 MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Services Manager: Lloyd Scarsdale (ML05-lIP55, 223-6495) The group manages the integration of computer hardware and software systems for the MCESS Manufacturing Processes. The group also establishes and enhances geometric database networking and applications to optimize fast turnaround of nlodels and prototypes minimizing the use of B/Ps and other fornlal nomenclature for early product development. Paperwork is not needed by MCESS; accurate database is much more efficient, and preferable. Purchasing Manager: Steve Blume (ML05-2/P1, 223-1702) The group supports NPO Internal Operations and other Digital groups requiring mechanical component purchasing support. Purchasing specialists are available for purchasing complete (traditional products) new products, subcontracting, tooling, and raw materials procureillent. This group, together with the Inspection Services Service Center, provides a complete materials acquisition resource. Materials Research Laboratory Manager: Dana Deblois (ML05-lIP55, 223-3058) The Materials Research Laboratory provides Digital with in-house vendor capabilities for Underwriters Laboratory (UL) and Canadian Standard Association (CSA) flammability testing for all plastics. The group also provides label testing for CSA. Testing for all color (paint) standards and (plastic) standards, and criteria testing to DEC STD 092-0 Finish and Color Standard - Introduction a11d General Requirements, is also done by this group. Those needing color chips should contact this group at 223-3058. 17.3 CORPORATE PRINTED-WIRING BOARDS Manager: Rod Schmidt (wJ02-1/B8, 282-1124) The Corporate Printed-Wiring Board Group supplies all printed-wiring boards (PWBs) to Digital's Module Manufacturing and Engineering. The group supplies PWB Manufacturing and Purchasing with long-range strategic planning, engineering, and quality support. The group manages the following independent businesses. • Greenville, SC supplies high technology, high volume PWBs and future high technology PWBs. Also, GSO develops high technology PWB process/product for the Corporation and provides QTA for small quantities of high technology PWBs. • External Boards Business procures PWBs of all technologies from an external vendor base. • San German PWB supplies medium volume, high mix, medium technology PWBs to the Corporation. Engineering can get information about projects being worked in the PWB world for engineering requested developments. Engineering should contact the group whenever a road block appears between them and manufacturing that could create a time-to-market issue. MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS 175 Prirnarycoritacts are as follows: • .Group Engineering Manager: Duane Napp (WJ02-1/B8, 282-1131) • Documentation and Standards Group Quality Manager: Carmine Tata (WJ02-lIB8, 282-1134) • Group Finance Manager: Marian O'Leary (WJ02-lIB8, 282-1129) • Group. Materials Manager: Bob Steele (WJ02-1/B8, 282-1136) Board sources are as follows: • Quick Turn Around (QrA) Business John Caulfield (GSO/F3, 354-7412) • External Boards Business Roger Jaillet (CHM1-1/E01, 272-7331) • Greenville Board Shop John Caulfield (GSO/F3, 354-7412) • San German Board Shop Sonia DeLaTorre (SGO, 721-2326) 17.4 SMALL SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING (SSM) Manager: Fred Forsyth (LJ01, 226-2076) SSM's mission is to provide the LES PBU with a competitive advantage through manufactured products that meet their business goals. SSM is responsible for the competitive production and delivery of Low-End systenls and terminals. These include the PDP-11 and MicroVAX, Mayfair/GPX, workstations, personal computers, and video and hardcopy terminal products. Small Systems are manufactured in the U.S. (Albuquerque, Westfield, Maynard) in Europe (Ayr, Scotland and Valbonne, France), and in GIA (Canada, Mexico, Far East). Terminal components are sourced frOIn the U.S. (Albuquerque, Boston, Phoenix), frOIn Europe (Valbonne) and from the Far East. SSM also manages major buy-out programs whenever there is a competitive advantage with external suppliers. The New Products Organization (NPO) located in the Maynard Mill is chartered to optimize timeto-market of low end products. NPO provides products and services to LES Engineering to finalize product design, and acts in partnership with the other Small Systems Manufacturing plants to enable them to successfully introduce new products into volume production. It also supports Tempest manufacturing activities in the Low End space. Digital's only high-volume nletal fabrication facility is located in Westfield. They provide cabinets, frames and assemblies to all of manufacturing. Small Systems Manufacturing's charter includes the following. • Deliver competitive Low-End Products that set the standai'd for customer satisfaction in our marketplace • Provide a competitive internal source for metals (prototypes through high-volume) in support of all Digital products 176·· ··MANUFACTURING. OPERATIONS • Minimize time-to-market and time-to-volume by leveraging new product Start-Up Services • Financially contribute to our Low-End Business in order to be successful in achieving our goals for PBT and ROA • Provide leadership and direction for the effective management of worldwide Low-End Manufacturing Resources • Cultivate a multicultural environment with skilled, competent people prepared for the current and future demands of our business The primary goals of SSM's business are as follows. • Have Digital be recognized as #1 in customer satisfaction for our industry • Have Digital's Low-End Products be leaders in the Marketplace as evidenced by steady increases in Low-End Marketshare • Be respected for operational and technical excellence • Achieve aggressive targets for assets and cost of goods sold in support of profit and asset objectives • Optimize our worldwide manufacturing resources • Create an environment that inspires and demands excellence SSM's key strategies that support their goals are as follows. • CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Define Customer Satisfaction from the Customer's perspective Give visibility to our Customer Satisfaction measurements Engage each employee in Customer. interaction • LEADERSHIP PRODUCTS Work with Marketing and Sales to promote our Manufacturing solutions Via Program Management, minimize time-to-volume for new products, maximize contributions for current products, and expedite phase-out for end-of-life products Maintain the competitiveness of our products through Value Engineering • OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE Strive for "real-time" information .flow: locally and globally Establish hierarchical operational control via MRP II, JIT, TQC. Implement effective fiscal control processes dose to the sources of spending • TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE Design flexibility into each process: look to the next generation of technology Vertically integrate: products, processes, expertise, and support Realize Total Quality Assurance in all areas • ASSETS AND COST OF GOODS SOLD Drive the reduction of pipeline inventory: think J.I.T. Via supplier contracts, reduce the cost of materials while improving quality Operationalize Business Plans to achieve competitive financial targets MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS 177 • WORLDWIDE RESOURCES Establish and consistently apply a worldwide sourcing strategy Leverage international resources towards operational and functional excellence Maxinlize worldwide supply flexibility to achieve low cost independent of volume • ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE Re-skill our workforce and empower each employee to improve how work gets done Implelnent a system of Rewards and Recognition consistent with what we value Value our people and have our people feel valued The following is a list of SSM's Group Managers. . • . SSM Croup Manager Fred Forsythe (LJ01/B4, 226-2076) • C.I.A. Interface Manager: Steve Anderson (BPO, 296-3355) • European Inte1face - Small Systems Manager: Dave Lawrence (AYO, 823-3230) • New Product Manufacturing - Small Systems Manager: Bob Hesseltine (LJ01/B2, 226-2290) • Terminals Product Manufacturing Manager: Joe Lonlbardo (PK03-1/19A, 223-9083) • Materials Manager: Dave Greenlee (LJ01-0/Dl, 226-2089) • Personnel Manager: Fred Johnson (LJ01/B4, 226-2001) • Customer Satisfaction Manager: Tony Mongillo (LJ01/C2, 226-2134) • • • Finance Manager: Bruce Steele (LJOllB02, 226-2011) Planning Manager: Susan Whitney (LJO/B4, 226-2753) Westfield Plant Manager: Judy Maudlin (WFO/C9, 242-2345) • Albuquerque Plant Manager: Tony Ciorciari (ABO/B4, 552-2000) • New Product Operations Manager: Fred Oldfield (ML05-4/F32, 223-2632) • Boston Plant Manager: Harold Epps (BOO, 281-5701) • M/E and Technology Manager: Dave Thorpe (LJ01/B2, 226-2095) • Weekly Program Manager: Ron Marchetti (LJ01/B4, 226-2226) 178 MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS 17.5 MANUFACTURING CUSTOMER INTEGRATION GROUP Manager: Don Hunt (MLOl-4/P14, 223-2859) This group's goals are to: • Develop collaborative relationships with leading external sources of manufacturing expertise (customers, universities, etc.). • Develop technology and expertil'e transfers that hnprove Digital manufacturing's performance. • Support the corporation'sgQal. of increasing manufacturing market share by improving and leveraging our manufacturing performance into our Inanufacturing customers. PROGRAM MANAGER PROGRAM GOAL Manufacturing corporate accounts Don Hunt Develop mutually beneficial manufacturing relationships with corporate accounts. Area Corporate Manufacturing Manager Don Hunt Develop manufacturing relationships with leading institutions (customers, universities, etc.) within the U.S. areas. Customer Visits Royce Fuller Manufacturing Reference Site Program George Hughes Develop process for managing customer visits to Digital's manufacturing plants and manufacturing technology centers. Support manufacturing plants' efforts to achieve· high performance levels highlighting the use of Digital's products in that process. Area Partnership with Manufacturing Bob Dangelmayer Support software services in goal of providing solutions to major manufacturing problems within our manufacturing accounts. Goal is to share in the learning derived from these programs. Professional Relations Orientation Ken Kanady Targeted to improving managers' skills in managing strategic relations and providing consistency in our messages. Organization Technology Bruce Dillingham Leverage Digital's socio-technicalleadership to support collaborative relationships with our customers. MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS 179 17.6 MANUFACTURING INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY Manager: Dan Infante, V.P. (ML01-4/P14, 223-2643) 17.6.1 CAD/CAM Technology Center Manager: Dick Anderson (CTC2-1/H12, 287-3010) CAD Systems Engineering (CADSE) Manager: Bill Wehring (CTC1-2/K4, 287-3331) This group provides off-the-shelf, characterized, and transportable VAX-based CAD tools in support of CTC's technology developments, process developments, and new product partners. The group provides selective CAD application support services to established engineering and manufacturing partners for the application software that they develop. Broad elements of responsibility are the following: • CAD systems • CAD interfaces • CAD applications • Tool-technology characterization • Demonstratable pilot design capability • CAD tool training CAD Systems Engineering consists of the three groups described below. Vantage Development Group (VDG) Manager: Dave Ellis (CTC1-2/G4, 287-3387) This group is responsible for the development of Vantage, a CAD design environnlent and tools to service Digital's product design needs through the 1990's. The Vantage Development Group is primarily concerned with the design, layout, and verification procedures and techniques associated with printed-wiring boards, backplanes, and MCAs. Vantage will supercede and replace VLS in the business areas presently served by VLS. CAD Environment Manager: Don Yelton (CTC1-2/K4, 287-3388) The VLS Development Group (VLSDG) provides complete application and base level environment software support and development services to meet the needs of Engineering, Manufacturing, and Field. Service users of the VAX Layout System (VLS). VLSDG is comprised of the following functional groups, each responsible for a different portion of VLS: • Routing Applications Brian Gordon (CTC1-2/K4, 287-3391) Provides VLS automatic and interactive manual etch routing applications fora wide range of packaging and interconnect technologies. • 180 Placement and Engineering Applications Clayton Martin (CTC1-2/K4, 287-3385) MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS Develops and supports software to analyze, detect, and prevent phenomena causing adverse signal transmission effects. This group also supports VLS applications to provide automatic and interactive placement of components on an assenlbly. • Data Flow Applications Christine Mudgett (CTCl-2/K4, 287-3369) Responsible for the VLS internal data structure (WDS), the archive data structure (ADS), and data interfaces between VLS and Engineering/CAE systems and Manufacturing/CAM systems. • Manufacturing and DFM/T Applications Bharat Parikh (CTCl-2/J5, 287-3349) /- Responsible for the implementation of manufacturing-oriented verification software in VLS. • Environment and Workstation Systems Robert Straight (CTCl-2/K4, 287-3320) Develops operating system level interfaces and utilities for use by VLS-based application level software. A Inajor task is performance measurement and tuning of systenl environInent and CAD applications to optimize through-put and interactive response of CADSE supported systems. This group also provides expertise in the areas of interactive graphics, network communications, and hardcopy plotting to user groups. . CAD Support, Test, And Release (CADSTAR) Manager: Fred Haefner (CTCl-2/J4, 287-3383) CADSTAR tests, distributes, and provides a support focus for the CAD software tools developed and/or supported by CAD Systems Engineering (CADSE). • CADSTAR Support Group Carol Breest (CTCl-2/J4, 287-3300) This group facilitates communications among design services, Product Engineering, local site support, and other development groups to ensure that those groups remain aware of each other's problems, plans, and developments. It also monitors each site's ability to use VLS and support thenlselves. It assists local software support groups, as required, in isolating and resolving problems. This may involve technical consultation or facilitating the correct cOll1munication lines into the CADSE organization. • CADSTAR Quality Assurance Group Linda Marshall (CTCl-2/J4, 287-3303) This group ensures that the overall quality of VLS is maintained. It performs individual application tests to ensure the proper operation of new or modified functions within VLS, and appropriate system level process and regression testing to ensure that VLS supports the design processes characterized and/or supported by other groups. It also coordinates BETA test activities at customer sites to ensure that VLS functions properly with site specific design processes and procedures, ensures that the design sites are able to easily and reliably install VLS on supported hardware configurations, and predicts the perfornlance characteristics of those configurations. Contact CADSTAR for guidance on how to use the CAD tools, when a problem cannot be resolved within the design site, or when you need information about future developnlent. delivery of CADSEsupplied CAD tools. MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS 181 CTC Communications Communications Support: Patricia Bright (CTC2-1/J9, 287-3020) The CTC JOURNAL is a quarterly publication with news and technical updates in design, manufacturing, and test automation. It serves as an in-depth progress report for the benefit of the users of these technologies. To be added to the distribution list, contact Editor Pat Bright (COGITO::BRIGHT). Technical Information Engineering Manager: Leo Crosby (CTC2-1/C14, 287-3087) The Technical Information Engineering (TIE) group provides process consulting and software support to Digital's electrical CAD/CAM interface procedures utilized in the design and introduction of Stage o(PWB) and Stage 1 (Module) products. The TIE group also provides CAM software applications and technical engineering support to the Stage 0 and Stage 1 manufacturing environments. Specific responsibilities of the TIE organization include: • Implementation of new data transfer mechanisms to be utilized between the design engineering and manufacturing environments. • Definition and support of a generic, product-descriptive database defined as a primary interface between the design engineering and manufacturing environments. • Implementation of decentralized CAM software applications for use in all of Digital's Stage 0 and Stage 1 facilities. As product and process technologies advance, so do the needs for complete and accurate product data descriptions, and applications which utilize that data. TIE's on-going goal has been to provide manufacturing with consistent, transferable product data and a varied set of integrated manufacturing process applications. TIE is interested in helping you with your product/process data processing needs. CTC Technical Operations Manager: Nick Wells (CTC2-lIH12, 287-3030) Engineering Technical Training Manager: Al Pepper (CTC1-l/L2, 287-3239) Engineering Technical Training (ETT) provides information, training, and services that result in a more effective hardware development and design process. They provide state-of-the-art CAD tool training in the VLS, VALID, and Unigraphics programs to meet product development design needs. Also, Engineering Technical Training has developed the CAD Detailed Drafting Program (CDDP) to train employees to become Detail Drafters. Acting as a clearinghouse, ETT identifies, develops, and delivers the resources needed to meet a wide range of Engineering and Manufacturing needs in relation to .current and future Digital goals. Engineering Technical Training, a Computer-aided Design training resource, offers training courses and consulting in Valid's SCALD System, Unigraphics (UG), and VAX Layout System (VLS), and Custom VAX courses. For information and enrollment, contact the following: • Ulligmphics Wayne Moniz (CTCl-lIL2, 287-3224, CADSE::MONIZ) • VLS 182 Charlie Powderly (CTC1-l/L2, 287-3229, CADSE::POWDERLY) MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS • Valid SCALD Instructor: Al Ramos (CTC1-1/L2, 287-3238, CADSE: :RAMOS) • Custom Courses Joy Tucker (CTC1-lIL2, 287-3231, CADSE::TUCKER) Information Systems Manager: Lee Allison (CTC1-1/K5, 287-3051) The IS group provides both Telecom and Operations support for CTC. The Telecom group is responsible for the voice and data networks for both CTC and CTS. The Operations group is responsible for mainframe and microvax system management and operations in CTC. GDS Facilities/Plant Layout CAD/CAM Manager: Nick Wells (CTC2-1/H12, 287-3030) GDS Facilities/Plant Layout CAD specializes in the design and maintenance of buildings and building services. GDS is a command-driven system using an object-oriented database that allows tremendous flexibility in graphics and data manipulation. Ad hoc reports can be generated by the user to quickly get bills of materials, square footages, or other information that the user feels is critical to his job. Because it is best described as having an open architecture, GDS can be customized to fit .a variety of needs and situations. This toolkit approach allows users to easily define menus, macros, and higher level prograuls on the fly. GDS currently runs on all VAX hardware including VAX Stations. GDS can run stand alone or in an LAVC. For Ulore information contact Jeff Barker (287-3022, COGITO::BARKER). CAD/CAM Applications and Data Management Manager: Ed Tang (CTC2-2/D10, 287-3288) CAD/CAM and Data Management (CADM) specializes in the following: • Integrated CAD Data Structure • Mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE Applications • Workstation and Computer Graphics • Distributed Information Management • Unigraphics Mechanical CAD/CAM Software Within each of these areas, CADM's primary goal has been developing integration tools and integrated applications. CADM provides Engineering, Manufacturing, and Software Services a full range of services including software development, process consulting, and applications support. Organizationally, CADM's groups are managed by the following individuals: • Operations Fran Merriam (CTC2-2/D10, 287-3289, CADM::MERRIAM) • CAD/CAM/CAE Development Dana Nickerson (CTC2-2/F12, 287-3148, CADM::NICKERSON) • Data Management Development Bruce Penney (CTC2-2/D9, 287-3296, MYVAX::PENNEY) MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS 183 • Advanced Det1elopment Mike Thompson (CTC2-2/D10, 287-3125, CADM::THOMPSON) • Product Management and Support George Shaw (CTC2-2/D10, 287-3179, CADM::SHAW) • Mechanical CAD/CAM Michaelene Glowacz (CTC2-lIH12, 287-3023, MECAD::GLOWACZ) The Advanced Development Group brings new technologies to CADM's Integration Development and Applications Development Groups. CADM's Product Management/Support Group brings system solutions to CADM customers. Application of Integrated Manufacturing Technology (AIMT) Manager: John Behuniak (CTC1/G5, 287-3560, AIMT::BEHUNIAK) The applied Integrated Manufacturing Technology Center located at CTS in Chelmsford, Massachusetts is chartered by Digital Corporate Manufacturing to oligrate and apply technologies for the complete manufacturing enterprise, as developed in Digital's leading plants, into other Digital manufacturing facilities, key customers, and vendors to maximize payoff in our integrated manufacturing investment. The scope of the group covers the full range of Integrated Manufacturing, from design concept and customer order through delivery of the product to the customer. The aiol of the group is two-fold: • Bring the OlOSt advanced technology in product and process design, business systems, and production systems from the first application into the various groups in Digital's internal manufacturing plants. • Migrate knowledge and tested systems to strategic Digital custoolers through the Area Partnership with Manufacturing programs, with software services as the delivery mechanism. Integral to both aspects of AIMT is helping both Digital and its customers to understand and incorporate design-for-manufacturing concepts into the initial product engineering phase. AIMT is currently focusing in these areas: • Planning for Integrated Manufacturing • Design for Manufacture • Production Systems Control-Shop floor, Cell and Workstation For information or assistance with your manufacturing problems contact: John Behuniak, AIMT Manager DTN: 287-3560, (617) 250-3560, AIMT::BEHUNIAK Program Management Program Manager: Michael Laine Responsible· for the functional management of CAD/CAM software development in support of New Interconnect Tec1l1lo1ogy, which is primarily directed at Stage 0 and Stage 1 product and processes. 184 MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS CTC Technology Strategy Manager: Sunil Bhalla This function provides technical strategic planning for CTC's electrical and mechanical CAD tools used by product groups within Digital. Currently, a program is underway to define Digital's next generation mechanical CAD system - INTEGRAL. The goal of INTEGRAL is to identify key mechanical and electro-mechanical requirements for DEC's products in the 1990's and to provide the appropriate CAD tools to satisfy those requirements. 17.6.2 Application Systems Development Manager: Oliver Stone (MKOl-2/E12, 264-7480) Application Systems Development (ASD) is a full-service consulting, contracting, and development group located throughout the Northeast. ASD offers a wide range of Software Engineering, Hardware Engineering, Te.chnical Writing Services, Marketing Communications Writing, Course Developnlent, and. Art and Video Services, at competitive rates, to the entire Digital community. ASD can usually nlatch its engineering and documentation resources with the geographic and technical requirements of any group requiring help. Contact ASD for assistance in meeting your technical or business needs. • Finance Manager: Don Parnell (MKOl-2/E12, 264-2217) • Personnel Manager: Bob Maldonis (MKOl-2/G35, 264-0957) • Marketing Manager: Steve Kuchun (ML021-3/E87, 223-6898) The ASD organization includes the following groups; ASD Systems and Communications Software, ASD pocumentation and Training Services, Information Systems Engineering, Internal Special Systenls, Text and Infonnation Management Engineering, Technical Systems Group. Application Systems Development (ASD) North Manager: S.S. Bajwa (ZK02-lIM11, 381-2840) ASD Systems and Communications Software Group Manager: S.S. Bajwa (ZK02-1/Ml1, 381-2840) The ASD Systenls and Communications Software Group is a software engineering group which develops technical applications for many internal organizations including CAEM, the Telecommunication Industry Group, Internal Field Service, manufacturing, advanced development groups, the modem developnlent group, and various marketing organizations. The group has particular experience in areas such as networking, communications, database management, device drivers, manufacturing automation, and real-tinle, and has technical expertise in tnany operating systems, languages, and software tools. The group is skilled in the complete software development process - fronl initial requirements analysis through implenlentation, installation and support of the application software. The group is available to undertake work ranging from small consulting assignments to full-blown product·· development of complex systenls. Examples of projects and products include the following: • Several VMS device drivers for a variety of applications • GM Manufacturing Automation Protocol software • VAX/BTS (Bisynchronous Terminal Support) package MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS 185 • Modem support software and microcode • Phone billing data capture from Bell electronic switching systems • Circuit and Module Producibility Automation for manufacturing (CAMPA) • VAX System Verifier for Manufacturing (VSVP). Contact this group for any of your software development needs. ASD Documentation and Training Services Manager: Martha B. Dufresne (MKOl-2/E12, 264-7488) ASD Documentation and Training Services (ASD-DTS) provides an exceptional range of documentation expertise and is available on a contractual basis to any group within Digital that requires documentation and training services. Its experienced staff of writers, training specialists, editors, and artists can handle all types of documentation requirements. In addition, ASD-DTS has the resources to manage documentation projects from beginning to end, providing expertise in the following areas: • Software documentation • • • • • • • Hardware documentation Training materials Marketing nlaterials Slide shows Video presentations Screen design On-line help • • Editing services • Graphics and paste-up • • Vendor coordination • Document production Document formatting Electronic publishing ASD-DTS has developed a well-deserved reputation for providing its customers with a wide variety of quality documentation on schedule and within budget. Information Systems Engineering Manager: Lee Mari (ZKOl-3/J06, 381-2840) Information Systems Engineering (ISE) is a group focused on providing support to help realize the corporate goal of attaining 6 per cent of the MIS market for Digital by 1990. This support comes in many forms, such as software engineering, marketing and sales program development, field support, CMP technical support, product management, and the like. Currently, ISE is working with the CSG/MIS marketing. group in the following areas: • VAXlink development-(IBMdatabase => RDB/VMS transfer) • CASEIIS support 186 MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS • MIS cooperative marketing partner (CMP) support In conjunction with this effort, ISE is building expertise and experience in the areas of fourth and fifth generation languages and tools (both Digital and third party). This group is also concentrating on the issues involved with distributed systenl management, distributed processing, and the integration of foreign (such as IBM) data into the Digital network. It is also working with a nunlber of other organizations to "use what we sell" by developing applications using Digital's 4GL and CASE tools. Internal Special Systems Manager: John Egolf (ML021-3/E87, 223-3481) Internal Special Systems (ISS) provides consulting, customized application development, diagnostic developnlent, and documentation services. These services include problem analysis, consultation, definition, design, and full-scale implementation of software systems for groups ranging frOln engineering, manufacturing, design, and industrial environment to the business and financial world. This group has expertise in VAX/VMS, DBMS, Rdb, BASIC, COBOL, MACRO, BLISS, PASCAL, FMS, DATATRIEVE, PowerHouse, and many other Digital and third party software products and tools. Products such as PowerHouse and BASIS are being internally supported along with other internally developed products as part of the DIS Toolkit project. Examples of projects and products include the following: • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) • Paperless ECO System for Terminals Business Unit • Various Equipment Control Systems (ECS) for Digital Manufacturing • MOS/MAXCIM Interface-a bridge between the corporate material order system and MAXCIMTM • Skills Assessment Software-a manufacturing training application • IDECUS registration and billing system • HAZnet-an automated tool to help minimize the company's risk in transporting hazardous materials • TEMPEST diagnostics • CALLIOPE High Speed 10 Processor Contact ISS (SPIDER::SOLUTION) for assistance in meeting your business needs for any of the services described. Text and Information Management Engineering Manager: Dave Lambarth (MKOl-2/D13, 264-6177) This group supports the DIS Toolkit, provides contract software engineering resources on a project basis to produce both externally sold and internally used application systems, and supports software externally sold, including VAX ADE and the Courseware Authoring System. The DIS Toolkit is software designated in the DIS Technical Strategy that currently includes thirdparty products such as PowerHouse and BASIS, which are used under corporate license, internally developed software such as Relnote Management Tools, CUE, FTSV, andDDCT. This software and its documentation are distributed to internal user groups worldwide with support, which includes hotline and VAX Notes support, probleln resolution, and third-party interfacing, primarily for Digital Information Systems personnel. TM MAXCIM is a trademark of NCA Corporation. MANUFACTURING OPE.RATIONS 187 Technical Systems Group Manager: Don Wilson (LM04-1/K4, 279-6741) This group combines hardware engineering, software engineering, and technical writing to develop hardware and software products, technical applications systems, real-time applications, custom. hardware, and systenls consulting. The systems and products developed by this group are done at the request of internal organizations, including Central Engineering, Field Service, Manufacturing, AMCs, and PBUs. . Sanlple products and projects include device drivers and support libraries, real-tiIlle monitoring and process control systems, hardware and software for Manufacturing and Field Service tester and process equipment, custom hardware for communications systems and real-time control systems, and custom software for external customers. Technical documentation and communication products include programmer and end-user software documentation, marketing literature and informational videotapes, hardware technical manuals, and program-level project management. Contact this group at the concept stage of your project if you need their assistance. 188 MANUFACTURINGOPERATIONS 17.7 MANUFACTURING MATERIAL/EXTERNAL RESOURCES Manager: Kevin Melia, V.P. (MLOl-5/B98, 223-3779) MATERIALS BOARD OF DIRECTORS (MBOD) Chairman: Kevin Melia, V.P. Secretary: Kathy Stone Functions Staff Program Leadership Material Acquisition Mike Eaton Program Office Barry Weeks Distribution Herb Shumway Material Operations Mike Flaherty Areas PBU's Cycle Time Bob Parmelee Europe Bruce Anderson (Ollie Butler) High Performance Systems Charlie Polay Personnel Pierrette Kelly Quality Warren Cline GIA Bob Graham Mid Range Systems Charlie Polay Finance Bob Faulconer Technology Sandy Hoffman U.S. U.S. Operations Ralph Gillespie Distributed Systems Charlie Polay Systems Steve Stolle Supplier Integration Dave Knoll Field Service Fred Traversi Small Systems Dave Greenlee Demand/Supply Jon Braley Competitiveness Dick Bradley Software Serv Ed Serv, CSS Bernadette Lionetta (Acting) Storage Systems Ed Flynn (Acting) Software Charlie Polay sea Dan Hamel PWB Bob Steele MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS· 189 17.8 STORAGE SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING Manager: Greg Plakias, V.P. (MLOl-5/T33, 223-9723) Storage Manufacturing is responsible for supplying customers with products that enhance the leadership of Digital systems and provide our customers total satisfaction. Our goal will be to support the Corporation's and the Storage business goals of having satisfied customers, targeted returns on Assets and Operating Profits. We will measure our competitive positioning through the following goals and objectives: • Quality and Reliability • Customer Satisfaction • Profit • Return on Assets • Market Share b~fore Tax Storage Manufacturing's groups and contacts are as follows: PRODUCT MANUFACTURING UNITS • Low End Disk Systems Rufus Sanders • MLDS Ann Sandford • Tapes and Optical Systems Guido Ciannavei AREA MANAGERS • Europe (Open) • Storage/GIA Manufacturing Bob Shepard • United States (Open) FUNCTIONS • AMT/CIM Gordon N orquay • Finance Frank Atter • Materials and Purchasing (Open) • Personnel Hope Greenfield • Program Office (Open) • Quality and Reliability Art O'Donnell 190 MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS • Human Resources Don Chace • Staff Secretary Ed Flynn OPERATIONS • • • • • • • • • Colorado Jack Batten (acting) Enfield Bob Paul External Products and Technologies Dave Crosier Springfield Al Tervalon Kaufbeuren Werner Burckhardt Sllrewsbury I Carl Redfield SI1 rewsbury II Jhn Tuttle Singapore C.K. Wong Tempe Rob O'Keefe MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS 191 CHAPTER 18 GIA MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING Manager: Dick Yen, V.P. (TAO) The GIA Manufacturing and Engineering Group consists of three major organizations. • Far East Operations Manager (Acting): Dick Yen, V.P. (TAO) • Western Hemisphere Operations Manager: Ed McDonough, V.P. (BPa-1, 296-3511) • GIA ManufactU1~itlg and Engineering Support Manager: Ed McDonough, V.P. (BPa-l, 296-3511) The G.I.A Group is headquartered in the Burough's Plaza (BPO) complex, Marlboro, Massachusetts. 18.1 FAR EAST OPERATIONS Manager (Acting): Dick Yen, V.P. (TAO) The Far East Operations has major facilities in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, and a purchasing facility in Japan. 18.2 WESTERN HEMISPHERE OPERATIONS Manager: Ed McDonough, V.P. (BPa-1, 296-3511) This group has major facilities in San German and Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, Kanata, Canada, Chihuahua, Mexico, and the GIA Business Center in Acton, Massachusetts. This group manufactures high volumes of power supplies, modules, terminals, PCs, DECmate Ills, PCBs, backplanes, memory products, micro products, units, and systems. They also maintain design engineering sites in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and a support engineering group in Puerto Rico. 18.3 GIA MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING SUPPORT Manager: Ed McDonough, V.P. (BPO-1, 296-3511) This worldwide support organization based in Marlboro, Massachusetts, assists design engineering and manufacturing to introduce new products and processes into GIA manufacturing plants. The organization consists of a Technology Resource Group, Materials and Purchasing, and four business units. The Technology Group is managing the development of the surface mount volume manufacturing process for Digital, as well as the start-up of New Ventures (in new countries) to support GIA Marketing. GIA MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING 193 Manufacturing Engineering personnel from the Technology Group and/or one of the businesses can assist design engineering to develop manufacturing plans (assembly and test) and schedules, and to communicate with the GIA plants. The group luUst review all product documentation, tooling, training plans, procedures, test strategies, producibility, packaging, and cOluponent sourcing of products being introduced into the GIA Manufacturing Operations. Key contacts in the group are as follows. • Technology and New Ventures Group Jim Melvin (BPO-1, 296-3400) • Memories John Sistare (MOO, 297-5378) • Terminals Business/Small Systems Steve Anderson (BPO-1, 296-3355) • Storage Systems Bob Shepard (MOO, 297-7174) 194 GIA MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING CHAPTER 19 PURCHASING Manager: Ron Payne (MLOl-5/B98, 223-3238) 19.1 CORPORATE PURCHASING Manager: Ron Payne (MLOl-5/B98, 223-3238) Purchasing assures supply, competitive cost, and timely delivery of optimum quality materials and services frOIn suppliers. They coordinate the development ,of suppliers and ensure that Digital presents one face to the suppliers. Corporate Purchasing through appropriate organizational linkages influences strategic business decisions. This influence includes, but is not limited to, lead negotiation strategies and selection of suppliers and materials to meet corporate, product, design, manufacturing, and administrative goals. The organization supports all groups throughout the world, including Field Service and Marketing, and ensures a formal make-or-buy decision process at all levels in Digital. In the vast majority of situations, actual buying is decentralized to purchasing groups linked to major Digital line organizations. Corporate Purchasing conducts formal training programs and provides guidance on purchasing strategies, policies, and systems. For further information, contact the Purchasing Hotline at 234-5065. 19.2 EXTERNAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Manager: Mike Eaton (MLOl-5/B98, 223-3143) This group ensures that Digital has contracted for adequate capacity with suppliers of inventory and administrative lnaterials in support of Digital Manufacturing operations. Day-to-day operational work involves translating broad Digital objectives into functional goals. Functional goals are then refined into five-year commodity business plans. These plans are clearly indicated by an integrated set of local level goals that ensure the achievement of Digital objectives in dOlnestic and international environments. Objectives being addressed are as follows. • Making the schedule • Meeting product-cost goals • Helping Country Managers sell by leveraging Digital purchases to gain conlpetitive advantages internationally PURCHASING 195 Specific Commodity Business Plans COMMODITY MANAGER Media Heads Storage Systems Buy-Outs Erie Dail (ML01-5/T33, 223-5703, @MLO) Terminal Systems Buy-Outs Charles Fowler (ML03-6/B52, 223-1176, @MLO) Printed Circuits Ulf Stoeckelmann (LM02-2/P35, 296-6827, @LMO) Printed Circuit Boards Bob Steele (WJ02-lIB8, 282-1136, @WJO) Components Bill Annesi (NR05/P4, 234-4836, @NRO) Cables, Connectors, Fiber Optics, Higher Level Assemblies and any new and/or Undeveloped Requirements Chris Kerylow (NR05/P4, 234-4787, @NRO) Magnetics, Power Supplies, Hybrids, Metal Molding, Metal Forming, Metal Removal, Plastics Tom Dunn (NR05/P4, 234-4786, @NRO) Blowers, Breakers, Fans, Fuses, Motors, Relays, Switches, Filters, Capacitors, Transistors, Diodes, Crystals, Oscillators, Resistors, OPTO Devices Paul Salvaggio (NR05/P4, 234-4795, @NRO) 19.3 CORPORATE ADMINISTRATIVE PURCHASING Manager: Tom Grablick (NR05/Q6, 234-4980) This group is responsible for the tilnely and cost-effective acquisition of non-inventory materials and services such as the following. • Telecommunications • Furniture • Office machines· and supplies • Energy sources/environmental concerns • Travel/rental cars, hotels, airlines • Telnporary labor For more detailed information, contact Ken Poe (NR05/Q7, 234-4021), Administrative Supply Base, or call your local purchasing manager. 196 PURCHASING (STARS) STRATEGIC ACQUISITION RESOURCES AND SOFTWARE 19.4 Manager: Peter Koch (VR06-2, 273-5843, CPDW: :KOCH) This group has the respon sibility of: ation for techno logy and Ensuri ng that interna l decisio n-mak ers have compl ete "suppl y" inform ies • strateg g service make/b uy decisio ns-init ially for global software sourcin ement inform ation Ensuri ng that system s provid e integra ted, accurate and timely manag • ition for Digital's interna l Ensuri ng excellence in the functional nlanag ement of software acquis • ions operat use, marketing, engine ering, and field resale t involv ement in the produc t This group provid es the most leverage to your efforts by early, upfron and busine ss planni ng proces s. Controller • Rozan na Patane (VR06-2, 273-5848, CPDW::PATANE) • Attorney • Planning Bob Perry (MSO/D7, 223-4351, LEAGLE::PERRY) • • Manager: Sandra LeFlore «VR06-2, 273-5849, CPDW::LEFLORE) Software Acquisition Manager: Brian Ota (VR06-2, 273-5852, CPDW::OTA) Consultant Acquisition Manager: Roger Shaller (VR06-2, 273-5850, CPDW::SHALLER) Software Supply Base Intelligence and Sourcing Strategies • ) Manager: Regis Kaufm an (VR06-2, 273-5851, CPDW::KAUFMAN • Corporate Purchasing Information Management • Manager: Bill Galloway (VR06-2, 273-5744, CPDW::GALLOWAY) Purchasing EDI Integration Manager: Eric Ericsson (VR06-2, 273-5844, CPDW::ERICSSON) 19.4.1 Software Acquisition Manager: Brian Ota (VR06-2, 273-5852, CPDW::OTA) contracting with third-p arty softThe Software Acquisition Group conduc ts Digital's negotia tions and of a software acquis ition is to stage ng planni end front ware supplie rs. Our involv ement in the on of supplie r, contrac t drafting, partici pate in team develo pment of busine ss plans, researc h, selecti assure the best busine ss terms help to negotiation, and ultinlately in proces sing the purcha se order for Digital. 19.4.2 Consultant Acquisition & Programs Manager: Roger Shaller (VR06-2, 273-5850, CPDW::SHALLER) ation. These individ uals create Digital hires consul tants to perfor m variou s services for the Corpor ed by consul tants until an provid be shall s service certain busine ss and legal risks. As a result, no To ensure adequa te protec tion, approp riate agreem ent has been signed that addres ses these risks. contact the Consu ltant Acquisition Group for assistance. PURCHASING 197 19.4.3 Software Supply Base Intelligence and Sourcing Strategies Manager: Regis F. Kaufman (VR06-2, 273-5851, CPDW::KAUFMAN) Progratn Coordinator: Jan Phillips (VR06-2, 273-5825, CPDW::PHILLIPS) The goal of this group is to provide general and specific software supply base intelligence to key decision-nlakers and to assist in the development of software sourcing strategies. This is done by: • Providing an overview of the significant developments in the software industry and communicating the potential impac::t of that development on the corporation. • Identifying software suppliers that meet specific operating group's business needs. • Formulating software sourcing strategies that consider the value of the product/technology sourced and the type of relationship to establish with an outside supplier that matches the value of the product/technology. • Assisting operating groups in structuring negotiations with external software suppliers. As operating groups begin developing strategies for working with outside software suppliers and structuring relationships with those suppliers, it is recommended that operating group managers contact this office in order to ensure developlnent of a cohesive software sourcing strategy and to help expedite the negotiation process. 19.4.4 Corporate Purchasing Information Management • Manager Bill Galloway (VR06-2, 273-5744) • Data Center Manager Charlie Anthony (VR06-2, 273-5711) • Systems & Programming Manager Raymond Rosch (VR06-2, 273-5710) • Data Administration Manager Carole DahlstrOln (VR06-2, 273-5709) • Business Manager Clarence Dixon (VR06-2, 273-5705) • Program Managers Corporate Purchasing Reference Systems Mark Goff (VR06-2, 273-5702) CONbase Jan Ketonen (VR06-2, 273-5713) Government Systems Group Ana Rogers (VR06-2, 273-5706) SOFTbase Bill Hartwell (VR06-2, 273-5701) The Corporate Purchasing Information Management organization is chartered with the development of Purchasing business and systems architectures in support of Purchasing organizations cOlnpany-wide. This group is responsible for system development, data administration and providing operational hardware and systenl software. 198 PURCHASING Corporate Purchasing Reference Systems (CPRS) and standa rd reports to Buyers, The Corpo rate Purchasing Refere nce System s provid e on-line inquiry and contrac ts with supplie rs, Purcha sing Manag ers, and the Federa l Gover nment on expend itures er Master System , the Corpo rate worldw ide. Integra ted system s within the CPRS includ e the Suppli ry. Directo VTX sing Purcha Contra cts and Buyer files, and the Corpo rate SOFTbase ™ ghouse, provid ing immed iate The SOFTb ase system is Digital's corpor ate software inform ation clearin ed as an encycl opedia condescrib access to produc t and suppli er information. The system is best SOFTb ase includ es inform ation rs. supplie 1,500 from ns solutio t produc re softwa taining over 6,500 e on Digital's curren t hardw are operat that ts about internally and externally develo ped software produc offerings. CONba se ™ Digital's online directo ry of consulCONb ase is planne d to be a compa nion produc t to SOFTbase, as its custom er base. Both interna l tants who are approv ed to service the Digital internal commu nity and ed implem entatio n, FY90, Q1.) (Plann ase. and external consulting resour ces will be includ ed in CONb Corporate Software and Consultant Acquisition Support Purcha sing system s to suppor t This group is respon sible for Inanaging and operat ing transaction- based ss. busine the Software and Consu ltant Acquisition 19.4.5 Purchasing EDI Program Office Manager: Eric Ericsson (VR06-2/M35, 273-5844, CPDW::ERICSSON) to integra te Electronic Data InterThis function is Corpo rate Purcha sing's focus on Digital's efforts ers and Purcha sing's applica tions. suppli l externa with change into Purcha sing's busine ss transactions and assure s integra tion with apThe function provid es planni ng and status for Purcha sing progra ms propri ate market ing progra ms and other Digital EDI efforts. 19.5 ENGINEERING/NEW PRODUCTS PURCHASING (ENPP) and serve the engine ering comENPP groups are active in each area of Digital produc t develo pment munity with distinc t service as follows. • Tactical Suppo rt Purcha sing • Project Purchasing • Project Materials Manag ement • Software Purcha sing • Consu lting Acquisitions tions, contrac t law, and interOften, comple x vendo r relatio nships require specia lized skills in negotia wide range of skills, group or to a nationa l coordi nation. For this reason , ENPP manag ers have access with progra m manag ers, C001closely work also They xity. comple task the on ing depend Corpo rate, the law depart ment to relieve as such ns functio ponen t engine ers, olanuf acturin g engine ers, and other materials. This suppor t will with ted associa tasks e strativ you from excessive involv ement with admini give you more time for your technical tasks. t, the new produc t purcha sing To help engine ers save valuable project time and reduce time-to-marke , a willingness to work with ortant) group needs an engine ering parts list, docum entatio n (format unimp riate tiole, an Engineering approp the at and, , system (PCA) ization Author e Chang the Purchasing t Requirements and Format Conten Plans: s Busines Business Plan. See DEC STD 130-0 Product/System t. produc your of stage tual Guidelines. Contac t ENPP during the concep PURCHASING 199 The Tactical Support Purchasing function, usually organized under ENPP management,· services· Engineering's everyday parts and equipment needs. These include inventory parts for breadboards and prototypes, new items, and out-of-stock materials. They handle consultant, maintenance, and service agreements. They can also assist you in locating sources for engineering support lnaterials. Finally, the group can identify sources for components, equipment, and materials. To assist you, the ENPP tactical support buyers servicing your area need specification details, part ' nUlnbers, and catalog data if available. They also need quality standards if applicable. An authorized Internal Purchase Requisition is also necessary for the groups to do business with you. This authorizes the groups to commit to a purchase order with an outside vendor. It must be completed by the requisitioner with all the necessary signatures. Without this information, order placement olay be delayed. Call the individual designated for your area (see list that follows) whenever an engineering stockroom cannot supply your needs. For COOlmon breadboard coolponents, it is possible that the olaterial will be in stock. Because it costs Digital approximately $85 to place an order, administer it, and generate a check to pay the vendor, it makes sense to group your small items together whenever possible. The Project Materials Management function exists to aid design engineers in obtaining, controlling, and planning material for building prototypes. As a project-oriented group, they aid in documentation control at the preliminary stage by using a Purchasing Change Authorization (PCA) system. The group also structures and maintains, by way of the parts list, a product materials cost database. Project materials professionals help you establish accurate materials estimates and forecasts early in the project life cycle. This process helps engineers get an early and effective grasp of materials cost. Today, this is especially important because the materials cost often exceeds 60 per cent of the transfer cost. Finally, the group drives processes for the timely resolution of materials issues between manufacturing, engineering, Specification Control Systeols, and the manufacturing plants. Project Purchasing associated with each ENPP group couples with Design Engineering to source all new cOInponents, including fabricated plastic, metal items, and packaging. The Purchasing group is generally organized by commodity specialty, handling active devices, handling passive devices, fabrication, and plastics. ENPP establishes cost-effective sources, evaluating parts availability, lead time, and the capacities of outside sources appropriate for the development and production phases of the product. They communicate sourcing risks to both Manufacturing and Engineering and recommend effective source management. ENPP can also negotiate the most favorable preliminary standard cost, reflecting the proper balance between quality, technical conforolance, and expected volumes. It can also provide a "value analysis" using its internal resources. Contact an ENPP group early in the concept stage of your project. Provide sketches or preliminary line drawings with essential diInensions and specifications. The precise format of these requirements is not important in the early phases of your project. For more specific information on the support available frOIn ENPP and what is required of you, contact the person in your product-area or facility from the following list. • Terminals and Printed Circuits Ed Griffin (MLOl-5/T70, 223-8946) • Storage Systems Erle Dail (MLOl-5/T33, 223-5703) • Distributed Systems Terry Cormier (ML021-1/T70, 223-8270) • Process and Design Support (P&DS) TOIll Cavanaugh (APO-lIC16, 289-1746) • CSM Support Wilt Jones (WJOl-2/E3, 282-1557) 200 PURCHASING • Maynard Plant Bill Keiran (ML05-2/P1, 223-1700) • Japan Engineering Support Craig Auman (BP01, 235-3435) • Europe Engineering Support Robbie Stewart (NR05/06, 234-5026) If you are not sure whom to contact, call the senior purchasing manager within your facility. 19.6 ADVANCE PURCHASING Manager: MurvinLackey (NR05/K4, 234-5205) Advance Purchasing is a new component· of purchasing whose purpose and mission is to find new ways of nleeting customer demands by working with both engineering and the external supplier base in introducing new technologies. An extension of this effort will be to serve as a conduit between Digital and its supplier base as it relates to the preproduct development activities and/or pre-phase 0 issues. PURCHASING 201 CHAPTER 20 CORPORATE QUALITY GROUP Manager: Frank McCabe, V.P. (MLOl-5/T55 223-4597) The Corporate Quality Group provides leadership and strategic direction to Digital in its drive to becOIne the sustained industry leader in customer satisfaction. Working with management, administration and business and operating groups across all geographies, Corporate Quality's role is to help transition the company to greater standards of excellence in all dimensions and aspects of how Digital's business is conducted with customers, with suppliers and with employees. The Corporate Quality staff collaborates with engineering, manufacturing, the field, finance, marketing, personnel and purchasing to integrate and implement quality improvement processes and practices into every conlpany function. The quality improvement drive focuses specifically on the areas of predictability, problem-free installations, reliability, availability, ease of doing business and customer partnerships. For each of these areas, major emphasis is placed on the following: • Prevention and continuous process improvement • Anticipating/meeting customer expectations • Reducing the cost of quality/non-conformance • Reducing internal cost structures in all functions • Cross-functional collaboration and team problenl-solving • Communicating Digital's quality strategy and progress in customer satisfaction • Providing education in quality tools and methodologies The objective is to engage all members of Digital's employee community in the quality initiative with the result that the quality improvement process will become a way-of-worklife at Digital. Corporate Quality Contacts are as follows: • Quality Education Specialist Winni Anketell (MLOl-5/T55 223-7134) Quality/Customer Satisfaction Resource Guide Quality/Customer Satisfaction Education Brochure New Hire Quality Orientation information • Marketing Communications Manager Cynthia Ellis (MLOl-5/T55, 223-9733) Marketing communications support for progralns concerning quality improvement, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction Media relations contact for Digital's Quality Initiative CORPORATE QUALITY GROUP 203 Contact for corporate messages on Digital's Quality/Customer Satisfaction Program • Customer Satisfaction, Stage II Group Quality Manager, Manufacturing Lou Difinizio (MLOl-5/T55, 223-7493) Interface from Field to Stage II Manufacturing Contact for Problem-Free Installation (PFI) and Installation Quality Process • Corporate Quality Finance Manager Christine. Duvivier (MLOl-5/T55, 223- 2679) Manages Cost of Quality reporting across the company Leads process for incorporating Quality goals into business financial goals of each organization Financial support for Corporate Quality • Quality Technical Support Specialist Bob Ferrone (MLOl-5/T55 223-5146) Technical consulting Quality processes for internal support products (Manufacturing, Engineering, Field) • Planning and Standards Manager Bob Kennedy (MLOl-5/T55 223-7196) Inquiries regarding industry and customer quality standards Digital Standards Strategic planning for Quality/Customer Satisfaction function Quality/Customer Satisfaction-internal functional audits • Administrative Assistant to Frank McCabe Angela McCarron (MLOl-5/T55 223-4352) • Customer Satisfaction Manager for Manufacturing Paul McGaunn (MLOl-5/T55 223-2260) Corporate Quality interface for Manufacturing • Customer Satisfaction Manager for the Field JiIn Pitts (MLOl-5/T55 223-5946) Corporate Quality interface for the Field • Corporate Quality Education Manager Rebecca Raibley (MLOl-5/T55 223-9731) Education programs for quality/customer satisfaction Personnel/organizational development interface • Group Quality Manager, Manufacturing Joe Vernaza (MLOl-5/T55 223-7450) Interface for Stage I Manufacturing Process Control and Total Quality Process in Manufacturing 204 CORPORATE QUALITY GROUP CHAPTER 21 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL Manager: Jack Shields, Senior V.P. (OGOl-2/R12, 276-9890) The Sales and Service Organization is comprised of key functions that are deployed in the U.S., Europe, and General International Area (GIA). These functions include Sales, Field Service, Software Services, Educational Services, Conlputer Special SystelTIS (CSS), and Industry and Channels Marketing. These businesses are supported by Finance and Administration, and Personnel in meeting their objectives. 21.1 U.S. SALES The U.S. Sales Organization, under the direction of the senior vice president of Sales, Services, Industry/Channels Marketing, and International, is comprised of the U.S. Sales Manager, U.S. Sales Area Manager, U.S. Sales Operations Manager, Corporate Accounts Manager, as well as the Headquarters Staff and nine U.S. Area Managers. The U.S. Sales Organization Headquarters Staff consists of: • U.S. Sales Manager: Charles Shue, V.P. (MRO, 297-6067) • U. S. Sales Areas Manager: Ray Wood, V.P. (MRO, 297-2789) • Corporate Accounts Manager: William Lynch, V.P. (OGO, 276-8992) • Federal Accounts Manager: Frank Posey (MEL, 429-9262) • U.S. Products Sales Manager: (to be named) • U.S. Channels Sales Manager: Jay Atlas (UPO, 296-4248) • U. S. Business Management Robert Nealon (MRO, 297-7736) • Special Projects and Planning Joseph Zercoe (OGO, 276-8276) • Sales and Marketing Programs Joseph Ford (MKO, 264-3698) • Strategic Sales and Executive Partnership Program Willianl McHale (OGO, 276-9679) SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 205 • Sales Methods and Technology Gale Morgan (550, [916] 361-6562) • Con troller William Vanatten (MRO, 297-2155) • Personnel Programs Claire Muhnl (OGO, 276-0671) • Sales Support David Salmi (PKO, 223-2293) • Sales Training Cecil Dye (OGO, 276-9911) The mission of the U.S. Sales Organization is to: • Provide integrated computing solutions to meet customer needs. • Sell all of Digital's products and services. • Represent all of Digital's functional group by managing account relationships. • Implement approved strategies and sales channels. The goals of the U.S. Sales Organization are to: • Establish Digital as the #1 Sales Organization by being better than the competition at: Satisfying our customers Returning the highest yields Winning new business Expanding the Installed Base • Establish Digital as the #1 Vendor of computer components, computer systems, network computer products and services. Our customers are selecting essentially two vendors - and Digital is the best alternative to the competition. We can continue to maximize sales productivity by focusing on target business that meets the objectives of nlarketing, sales, and service plans, and by achieving a high level of customer satisfaction and preferred vendor sales. • Establish Digital as the #1 Investment It is the collective corporate and functional strategies, and collective employee effort that has put Digital's stock where it is today. We want to continue to improve margins, maximize return on investment and be the #1 investnlent. • Establish Digital as the #1 Employer We want to be the #1 Sales Organization and the best possible place to work. We believe the product set, applications, sales programs, support resources, services, and outstanding caliber of sales people, make Digital an unbeatable team, and the best place for the best sales people to work. 206 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 21.2 SSMI - CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS Manager: Ed Kamins (OGOl-2/R12, 276-9666) This group is responsible for coordinating advertising, sales communications, promotional literature, direct marketing, public relations, and trade shows or other events for Industry Marketing, Channels Marketing, and U.S. Geographic Sales and Service organizations. The following committees have a major role in this group. • Communications Strategy Committee (CSC), subcommittee of MSSC, comprised of top marketing and business unit managers. This committee reviews and approves major .corporate CSC prograIns. • C0111111unications Team - Senior Marketing Communications Managers for Corporate Operations, Field Operations and Manufacturing/ Engineering/Marketing. This Team ensures the integration of all of Digital's lllarketing communications into one corporate strategy. Corporate • COlnnlunication~ is organized in this manner: Corporate Communications Manager Ed Kalnins • • Corporate Communications Secretary Judy Wilcox Finance Maureen Tabor • Personnel • Advertising and Promotional Programs • Public Relatio11s • • • • • • • • Dick Provencher Henry Heisler Janet Shipman Sales C0111mW1ications Kent St.Vrain Group Com111lmications C11annels Janet Shipman Group Communicatio11s Services Bob Roller Group Commw1ications Industry Doug Towle Group Communications Field Services Joe Allan Group Communications Installed Base Marilyn Rutland Direct Marketing Center for Expertise Marilyn Rutland DECWORLD (Open) SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRYICHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 207 21.3 PERIPHERALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP Manager: John Alexanderson, V.P. (MKOl-2/G35, 264-51160) The Peripherals and Supplies Group (PSG) markets Digital products to the existing installed base of Digital customers. Its marketing and selling vehicles include the following: • Digital Sales Reps Installed Base Reps Account Managers General Business Units Volume Sales Reps • OEMs and Distributors • Direct Response DECdirect Plus Catalog Direct Mail Technical Consulting Installed Customer Data Base A marketing organization, PSG focuses on the following product families, promoting expansion, networking, clustering, and migration of the system base to new technology. It strongly reinforces the continued protection of the custOlller's investment in Digital. • Mass Storage • Networks • Clusters • CPU Upgrades • Terminals and Printers • Related Accessories and Supplies • System Growth Planning In addition, it leverages the sale of application software, services, and systems. PSG is aggressively involved in assisting the existing system customer transition to newer technology. This System Growth Planning is developed cross functionally within Digital, bringing together software, hardware, and service. Included in this system growth planning strategy are performance management, capacity planning, and customer business planning. The end result is that the sales force and Digital become business planning partners with the customer. 208 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 21.4 GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS GROUP (GSG)-PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Manager: Suresh Masand (MK02-lIK06, 264-4701) The Governnlent Systems Group performs its mission by providing the goals and executable strategies for Digital's Government Business. GSG drives the Corporation so the necessary Government-focused skills, resources, organization and implementation plans are in place. Furthernlore, towards the execution of GSG's mission, we establish policies and enforcement procedures so that Digital is compliant and consistent in its business dealings with the Government. This includes modifying commercial practice to meet Government procurement regulations. GSG also modifies standard products and services to meet Government-unique requirements. Finally, as part of its charter, GSG selects the appropriate channel to deliver cOlnpetitive proposals. The Government Product Development Office services the needs of the U.S. and selected foreign Governments directly and indirectly by providing specialized expertise, value-added products and services. Our Mission: • Be the leading supplier of secure platforms in the Government Marketplace. TEMPEST Software Networking Physical Security • Set and manage Digital worldwide TEMPEST Standards and Digital worldwide compliance. 21.4.1 Product Management Manager: Doug MacLean (MK02-lIK06, 264-5204) This group, working with marketing, sales, finance, services, and central engineering develops the product strategies, establishes business plans, manages the phase review process, product life cycle, and the product business analysis. The product nlanagers and their responsibilities are: • Small Systems and Workstations Dick Morency (MK02-1/K06, 264-4661) • MicroVAX 3000- Based Products Louise Brandwein (MK02-1/K06, 264-4497) • Terminals, PCs, and Printers Don Barnabe (MK02-11K06, 264-4554) • Large Systems and Mass Storage Tom Beaudet (MK02-1/K06, 264-4047) • Advanced Networking Dennis Cardon (MK02-lIK06, 264-0759) • Nehvorks and Communications Frank Novak (MK02-1/K06, 264-4643) • Secure Software Products (Open) SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 209 21.4.2 TEMPEST Product Development Manager: Dave Anderson (MK02-1/K06, 264-4757) This group provides the product development and design engineering, sustaining engineering, design services, lnanufacturing and field support for TEMPEST products. Engineering Support Services Manager: Bob Roney (MK02-1/K06, 264-4762) This group provides ongoing sustaining engineering support for released GSG TEMPEST products, as well as engineering design service (MECAD, VALID) and quality engineering service support for GSG engineering. Product manufacturing support, ECO activity, product producibility and cost review, and product quality engineering are focused through this group. Interconnect Product Development Group Manager: Dan Eisele (MK02-1/K06, 264-4659) This group develops networking and interconnect products necessary to meet the security requirements of the government marketplace. Of primary focus are TEMPEST networking and interconnect products. The group interacts with product management and with NAC to assure best implementation of networking products meeting GSG customer requirements in accordance with corporate strategy. TEMPEST Product Design Group Manager: Paul Tallo (MK02-lIK06, 264-4760) This group develops both low and high end TEMPEST products and system components required for the government marketplace. Heavy emphasis is placed upon mechanical design packaging and shielding. The group is active in corporate committees to promote improved and more cost effective EMI design, lnaterials, and finishes; and to promote corporate product designs more readily meeting the requirements of the governnlent marketplace. Electrical Design Technology Group Manager: John McCoy (MK02-lIK06, 264-4758) This group is responsible for development of highly user approachable and cost sensitive products (such as terminals, monitors, and keyboards) best suited by an EM! suppression approach for TEMPEST products in the government marketplace. The group also focuses upon new product conceptual approaches, consults in EMI design, and promotes corporate product designs more readily meeting the requirements of the government marketplace. 21.4.3 TEMPEST/EMI/Encryption Technology Center· Advanced Development Manager: ~hil Becker (MK02-lIK06, 264-3408) This group provides the TEMPEST consulting and CATA (Company Appointed TEMPEST Authority) interface to the Government. All TEMPEST Product Certification and Testing, Certified Laboratory Management, TEMPEST Certified Engineers, and Advanced Development are present in this group. The group is also responsible for working with the central engineering groups to design products which meet a level of TEMPEST performance with minimum modifications. This group includes: • TEMPEST Test Lab and EMC Domain Member Bruce Archalnbeault (MK02-1/K06, 264-4759) 210 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL • TEMPEST Compliance Manager & Company-Appointed TEMPEST Authority Robert Bowlnan (MK02-1/K6, 264-3418) 21.4.4 System Integration Engineering Manager: John Gleeson (MK02-1/K06, 264-4559) This group provides the resources and the project management for engineering activities required by the approved/won Government Programs. This group also provides technical support for third-party products which are required by the won programs. This group includes: • TEMPEST Product Development & Thermal Engineering Support Susan Barnunl (MK02-lIK06, 264-4755) • Product Safety Engineering Bill Bausha (MK02-lIK06, 264-4558) • Program Engineering Paul Fleisner (MK02-1/K06, 264-4791) • TEMPEST Product Deoelopmel1t Al Ralnirez (MK02-lIK06, 264-3410) 21.4.5 Secure Software Development Manager: Suresh Masand (acting) (MK02-1/K06, 264-4701) This group is responsible for influencing, modifying, supporting, evaluating, and certifying the Digital software with the Government required security features. This group works very closely with Bill Strecker's Secure Systems Engineering group. 21.4.6 Operations Manager: Carolyn Doherty (MK02-lIK06, 264-4499) This group provides the administrative support, material procurement and control, discrete project spending control, and the cross cost center coordination. 21.5 INDUSTRY MARKETING SERVICES Group Manager: Bob Hughes, V.P. (MK02-2/A14, 264-7355) Industry Marketing provides marketing in the United States for specific industries. The following is the current focus within the Service Industry group: • Telecommunications and Utilities Industries • Media Industries • Financial Services Industries • General Services Industries The group is responsible for the following activities. • Detennine what the industry needs are now and what they will be in the future, and consider both the requirelnents of the industry and the capabilities of our competition. Through fornlal and informal means, product oriented requirements are passed on to Engineering for consideration as products, or features on existing products. SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 211 • Determine the kinds of solutions (applications) that are required by industry. Propose an applications acquisition strategy to Product Marketing to ensure that the appropriate applications are available to allow Digital to win in the marketplace. • Gain and leverage successes in leading edge companies and propagate that success through other companies in the same industry. This responsibility usually results in activities such as the creation of Application Profile brochures, limited numbers of sales calls, and the development of highly-focused education for the sales force. The five-year vision for Industry Marketing is to be so expert in a particular industry's business operation that: • Digital is perceived by industry leaders as the vendor of choice. • Industry Marketing influences Digital product and organization strategy. • Industry Marketing has a definite positive effect on profitability within Digital. If you would like more information about Industry Marketing, or any of the focused groups within Service Industry, the following key individuals can help you establish the most appropriate contact. • Service Industry Marketing Bob Hughes, V.P. (264-7355) • Telecommunications/Utilities Dan Latham (274-6758) • Media Industries Bob Farquhar, Director (264-0549) • Financial Services Sandy Thomas, Director (274-6887) • General Services Peter Robohm, Director (264-3713) 21.5.1 Consultant and Information Systems Marketing (CISM) Manager: Rose Ann Giordano, V.P. (MR02-2/C2, 297-4049) The Consultant and Information Systems Marketing (CISM) Group is responsible for marketing Digital, it's vision, strategy and architecture to key industry influencers, Chief Infonnation Officers (CIOs), and provide a corporate focus for IBM competitive sales. CISM goals are to profitably increase market share in enterprise-wide computing, be the recognized leader in integrated infonnation systems, and be the alternative to IBM. CISM consists of the following groups. Consultant and Industry Marketing Group Manager: James Higgins (MR02-2/C2, 297-5385) The Consultant and Industry Marketing Group (CIMG) is responsible for marketing the Digital advantage to the Inajor industry influencers. The group's goals are listed below: • Gain nlarket share by leveraging the influence of key industry consultants and analysts. • Provide consistent Digital relationships with key industry consultants and analysts. • Align key consulting firms with Digital's strategic targets. • Provide guidelines when dealing with industry consultants and analysts. 212 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL • Co-ordinate international efforts focused on key industry consultants and analysts. Executive and Information Systems Marketing Group Manager: Pat Mullen (MR02-2/C2, 297-6866) The Infornlation Systems Marketing group is responsible for marketing Digital, it's vision, strategy and architecture to Chief Infonnation Officers (CIO's), and key executive decision nlakers. The group's goals are to establish Digital as the recognized leader in integrated information systems and to be the alternative to IBM, and to gain mind-share of Chief Information Officers and other key executive decision makers. U.S. IBM Competitive Sales Manager: Neal Houtz (MK02-2/A16, 264-3998) The U.S. IBM Competetive Sales Group is responsible for increasing the Digital share of business frOin the Digital Nalned Accounts (DNA). The group's goals are to assist the U.S. Information Systems Selling Teams (ISSTs) penetrate the Information SystenlS department in DNAs, along with formulating and inlplementing U.S. sales strategies, to compete effectively against IBM for the DNAs. 21.6 BASIC INDUSTRIES MARKETING GROUP Manager: Jerry Witmore, V.P. (OGOl-2/M02, 276-9777) 21.6.1 Education, State and Local Government Manager: Bob Trocchi (MR03-2/E7, 297-4351) The prinlary focus for the Educational Market is universities, two and four year colleges and school districts. • UNIVERSITIES There are 170 universities in the United States, most with graduate/professional schools that offer doctoral degrees in various disciplines. Leading universities emphasize research and are considered innovators in education. Much of this research is focused on the computer sciences, primarily in the area of networking to allow researchers to communicate across nationaland international boundaries. The office environment at universities is highly integrated, consisting of multi-vendor products and applications. Virtually all applications can be found in this environment, including UNIX. • TWO AND FOUR YEAR COLLEGES There are 3200 colleges in the United States with an enrollment exceeding nine million students and continuing to grow. Digital's penetration in this market is very high. Colleges tend to follow the trends set by the larger universities. This trend indicates that Digital must continue efforts to penetrate the university market if it wants to succeed at the college level. • SCHOOL DISTRICTS School districts in the.U.S. serve a total population of four to five Inillion students. School districts are increasingly combining their purchasing efforts through statewide contracts in order to reduce costs. Digital's sales focus is on districts with enrollments exceeding 7000 students. SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 213 The primary applications in this market are administrative. State and Local Government Marketing Manager: Dale Darnell (MR03-2/E7, 297-6201) The State and Local Government Market consists of all non-federal government departments and agencies including special districts, authorities, and commissions. The State and Local Government Market consists of two markets: • State Government Marketing Manager: Dale Darnell • Local Government Marketing Manager: Dave Knapp The distinction is made for several reasons: different contractual requirements; different information technology needs; the related influencing associations are different; and perhaps, most importantly, each lllarket perceives themselves to be different. For these reasons, we focus our marketing efforts accordingly. The following key segments are common to both markets: • Legislative/Executive Administrative Segment Manager: Marilyn Ashley-Sack All legislative bodies and executive offices. • Judicial/Public Safety Segment Manager: Andy Masland Police, fire, legal council and prosecution, correction and courts. • General Government Segment Manager: Kevin Mooney Monetary-related agencies (taxation, budgetary) and internal service (personnel, purchasing, and other internal administrative services). • Human Semices Segment Manager: Barbara Adams Public assistance and social programs, welfare, unemployment, insurance, etc. • Economic Programs Segment Manager: (Open) Economic development, transportation, highways, motor vehicle, utility regulation, and administration and commercial sector regulation. • Environmental/Housing Segment Manager: .(Open) Natural resources, toxic waste lllanagement, housing adlninistration, and urban planning and developlllent. • Libraries Segment Manager: Joan Blair, EDU Marketing Public infonnation centers. 214 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 21.6.2 Discrete Industry Marketing Manager: Jerry Paxton, V.P. (OG01-lIM02, 276-8991) Aerospace Marketing Manager: Jeff Sands (OG01-lIR06, 276-8268) The highly concentrated aerospace market is one of the fastest growing and is critical to the computer industry. Almost all of the target accounts in this lllarket are corporate in nature, characterized by revenue generated and high computer equipment consulnption. The aerospace market is venturing into such leading-edge technology as Computer Inegrated Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence. The following are the primary applications in this market. • Mechanical Computer-Aided Design (CAD) • Electrical CAD • COlllputer Aided Software Engineering • Manufacturing • Real time analysis Automotive Marketing Manager: Al Fink (OG01-lIR06, 276-8985) The automotive industry is dominated by the large U.S. manufacturers. The industry has been the leader in manufacturing automation for years and continues to pioneer the way in this field and in the areas of networking techniques and quality control programs. The primary applications in this Inarket are Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Engineering CAD, and Office equipment. The first level of suppliers to the automotive industry represents another significant market for Digital. The applications in this lllarket are shnilar to those listed above, with an additional need for Distribution Control. Electronics Marketing Manager (Acting): Jerry Paxton (OG01-lIM02, 276-8990) All of the major corporations in this market have been strong Digital customers for many years. The electronics industry is comprised of the following segments. • Semiconductor • Electronics • Electrical equipment • Computer and business equipment • Scientific and test equipment The primary marketing focus is electronics, particularly the military segment, communications, components, and conSUlner electronics. The scientific and test market is dominated by resellers; the marketing implementation here will be through the Channels Marketing group. Market trends in this area are automation for manufacturing processes, the prediction of production problems, and return of manufacturing in the U.S. instead of abroad. SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 215 21.6.3 Process Industry Marketing Manager: Robert Horne (OG01-1/M02, 276-8501) Chemical Industry Marketing Manager: Doug Slnith (OG01-1/S06, 276-8971) The chemical industry represents approximately 5 per cent of the gross National Product in the U.S. with over $20 billion of capital expenditures in 1986. The EDP market is sized at $2.0 billion for FY88. Historically, Digital has competed very successfully in this market providing the nlost complete set of products to meet industry demands. Currently Digital has a strong presence in the manufacturing, engineering, and R & '0 applications with rapidly increasing penetration into office, sales and marketing and distribution applications. The major opportunity for Digital as a supplier is to be the first to successfully integrate process plant management with corporate administrative functions. The goals of this integration are to improve quality and scheduling, reduce costs, and to capture processing knowledge using expert systems. Oil and Gas Industry Marketing Manager: Joe Lombardo (OG01-lIS06, 276-9418) The U.S. Oil and Gas Industry was a $570 billion business in 1985 and the Industry spent over $1.5 billion for computer products and service during the same period. The recent drop in the price of crude oil has caused major cutbacks in spending, the imposition of tighter controls, and reductions in mangement and the workforce, primarily in the area of oil exploration. The emphasis now is toward higher profitability, particularly in the refining, marketing, and distribution of product processes. Digital is in an excellent position to gain significant market share in these areas based on the following. • An outstanding reputation in the area of oil explorations. • Networking capabilities to handle distribution applications. • Strong position in process control (for refining applications). • Good relationship with engineering/scientific community. Food and Beverage Industry Marketing Manager: Larry Greene (OG01-lIS06, 276-8563) , The Food and Beverage Process Industry is the largest manufacturing industry in the U.S. It is concentrated into 155 firms, each with revenues over $400 million, that control 73% of the industry. In these firms, our target accounts, external computer expenditures are rapidly increasing, from $2.06 billion in FY87 to an estimated $4.27 billion in FY92. This is a growth rate of 15.7% annually (versus the process industry average of 9-10%). The leaders in this industry are using information technology as a competitive weapon. Accurate and thnely analysis of the rapidly changing consumer lnarketplace for marketing and sales, autOlnated nlanufacturing, and optimized logistics are emerging as significant areas for the exploitation of information technology. There are important linkages between R&D and manufacturing (quality control lab), and marketing (new products). Industry executives are beginning to understand the value of this type of integrated information and are looking to vendors to supply solutions. 216 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL IBM has been the dominant supplier for decades and holds an estimated 700/0 market share. However, food and beverage companies are actively seeking a second preferred supplier of computer solutions. This industry is moving away from internal development of computer applications. They expect their vendors to provide total solutions and support with proven technologies that deliver business results. Digital is well positioned to be a significant player in the food and beverage industry. We have strong product offerings in CIM, Engineering, Laboratory and Office Automation. Digital is the leader in networks and integration technology which are necessary to address the emerging areas of marketing and logistics applications. Additionally, we are starting to see positive results in the food and beverage DNA accounts. In short, trends in this industry match Digital strengths: • A growing understanding the information and its management is a competitive weapon; and application of that understanding in non-traditional computing departments such and marketing and logistics. • A trend toward decentralization of computing out of central MIS areas in to local area centers and eventually to individual local plants or sales offices. Consequently there is a need to link together existing and future computing centers. • A trend toward integrating "islands of computing. " • A move in the industry to 2-3 preferred vendors. Health Care Industry Marketing Manager: Dick Corley (MR03-2H/07, 297-2310) The Health Care Industry generates over $525 billion in annual revenue representing approximately 11 per cent of the U.S. GNP. New reimbursement regulations, advances in technology, and social demands have created a dynamic restructuring of today's Health Care Industry. The rapid pace of consolidation of both· suppliers and vendors continues as the industry responds favorably to the challenge of cost containment with new methods of health care delivery and financing, the developlllent of competitive marketing programs, and an affirmation towards health care informations systems as a prime objective of efficient business management. The health care industry can be characterized in the five following segments. • Hospitals • Health maintenance organizations • Outpatient care facilities • Medical services provided to health care delivery • Long term care The application solutions demanded by the Industry include: • Interdepartmental and generic applications • Enterprise wide integration (networking and services) • Financial!Administrative • Patient Care/Clinical systems The primary application in the Hospitals and HMO market is automation, specifically in regards to the following. • Adlllinistration SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 217 • Patient care • Research • Diagnostic and monitoring Pharmaceutical Marketing Manager: Fred Wilhehn (MR03-2/H7, 297-6733) This market includes the following segments. • Biological products • Medicinal chemicals • Medical chemicals • Botanical products • Pharmaceutical preparations • Medical supplies The primary marketing focus is on the drug and biological segments as they have the highest concentration and greatest potential for revenue and growth. The pharmaceutical industry's needs include the following. • Automation of manufacturing for cost benefits and quality control • Faster new drug applications processes • Ability to tie into the FDA computers • Streanllining of marketing functions (call reporting, post marketing drug interaction surveillance, collection of claim information) Digital's market position in the pharmaceutical industry is extremely strong, due to our research and developnlent efforts and our excellent reputation and experience in the process control industries. 21.7 CHANNELS MARKETING GROUP (CMG) Manager: Jack MacKeen, V.P. (UP02-4, 296-4500) CMG's Mission is to lead Digital in the Development of Worldwide Channel Relationships, while enhancing end user customer satisfaction and contributing to corporate profitability and Inarket share goals. Specific Channels Marketing Group Responsibilities are: • Develop Worldwide All Channels Strategy for Digital • Develop, Drive and Gain Support from all functions within Digital for an All Channels Strategy (Direct and Indirect) for Digital, including the respective strategic policies, Ts + Cs, practices, support including recruiting and account development, and training to implement the All Channels Strategy in the Field. • Support integrated All Channels Industry Marketing Plans by managing Digital's Marketing efforts necessary to sell WITH, TO and THRU CSOs. A CSO is a Third Party Complementary Solutions Organization that provides an application, hardware or software, when used with or sold with Digital's products provides a complete solution to meet market requirements. Today's CSOs include Original Equipnlent Manufacturers (OEMs), Authorized Distributors (ADs), Cooperative Marketing Program Participants (CMPs & SCMPs), Distributor Affliated OEMs (DAOs), and Digital Distributed Software Vendors (DDS). 218 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL • Develop and execute an aggressive and comprehensive Strategy for White Space Markets. The White Space represents indirect end user accounts. Today, these establishments are primarily served by Digital's OEMs and Authorized Distributors. • Increase Customer Satisfaction Regardless of the Channel which delivered the solution or service. CMG is structured as follows to support CMG objectives: • Direct Channels Group (DCG) Manager: Eli Lipcon, V.P. (UP02-4, 296-4557) DCG supports Digital's Direct Sales Force through programs concentrating on the Green Space End User markets. Green Space is Digital-Managed Markets, whose prinlary Sales Channels to end users is Digital's Direct Sales Forces, and System Cooperative Marketing Program Participants (SCMPs) and Cooperative Marketing Program Participants (CMPs) selling total product solutions with Digital. • Indirect Channels Group (lCG) Manager: John O'Keefe (UP02-4, 296-4480) ICG is responsible for developing and executing a comprehensive strategy and marketing support programs for CSOs in Non-Digital Managed Accounts in the White Space End User Markets. The White Space Strategy also includes developnlent of an integrated Plan with Other Digital Functions (e.g. Field Service, Software Services, PSG, Sales) to nlaximize the revenue potential for these accounts and CSO recruihnent. • Market Development Group (MDG) Manager: Dick Heaton (UP02-4, 296-4443) MDG links CMG with Digital's Industry and Application Marketing Groups by aggressively supporting integrated planning teams and recruiting identified targeted CSOs. It also includes the Complenlentary Equiplnent Manufacturer Group (CEMs). Complement the Product Marketing Group Plans and Supports sales of Digital products, thru development and implementation of a CEM plan. CEMs sell bundled, turnkey solutions consisting of application software and industry related equipment. Digital computers, typically elllbedded in the CEM's product, are dedicated to the support of the complementary product. • Area Marketing Group (AMG) Acting Manager: John O'Keefe (UP02-4, 296-4480) AMG is the CMG focal point for integrating and communicating CMG Strategies and programs to the Volulne Areas. Responsible for developing Area Specific Marketing Plans and area training. • Systems Marketing Group (SMG) Manager: Dan Riordan (MKOl-2/D12, 264-8097) SMG provides the CSO to Digital product interface, encourages Digital to plan develop products to meet the needs of CSOs. Also provides training and technical support. • Marketing Service Group (MSG) Manager: Joe Arayas (UP02-4, 296-4265) MSG promotes the All Channels Strategy through CMG Strategic Planning, Competitive Strategy, Policy Development, Decision Support and Marketing Comnlunications functions. • Finance and Administration (F&A) Manager: Bob Cohen (UP02-4, 296-4411) • Human Resources Manager (HR) Manager: Steve Wentzell (UP02-4, 296-4387) • p Key Linkages To CMG: U.S. Volume Sales Jay Atlas (UPOl-5, 296-4248) SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 219 U.S. Volume Sales Operations Ray Wilkes (MR03-3/U13, 297-7905) European Channels Toni Steiner (GEC 107H, 822-2353) \-1. GIA Channels Gunter Lenhoff (AKOl-lIBll, 244-7540) Law Department Dan Bernstein (MR02-1/D7, 297-6604) 21.8 SOFTWARE SERVICES/EDUCATIONAL SERVICES/CSS Manager: Don Busiek, V.P. (OGOl-2/X08, 276-9470) 21.8.1 Software Services Manager: Don Busiek, V.P. (OGOl-2/X08, 276-9470) Software Selvices (SWS), Digital's worldwide field organization, focuses on the implementation of complete solutions for customer business needs. SWS provides customers with a wide range of software and services. These services include applications and custOlnizing services and resources that SWS has developed and continually refines with the benefit of direct customer interaction in the field. SWS complements Digital's customer satisfaction goals, marketing, and selling strategies by accomplishing the following. • Applying SWS products and services in combination with Digital's standard computing products to deliver the complete solution a customer needs for their situation. • Providing key competitive differentiation from Digital's rivals through high quality, and widelyavailable products and services. • Delivering business performance consistent with Digital's financial goals. SWS's worldwide delivery structure encompasses the following. • Field offices throughout the U.S., Europe, and GIA • Computer Services Centers • Application Centers for Technology (ACTs) • Appropriate central support resources SWS's major services and products include the following. • Advisory Seroices offers pre-sales technical support to the sales force. Advisory consulting services, like network services and other management advisory service packages, are included. • Professional Software Services offers consulting services delivered through local offices and Field Application Centers, including software consulting (short-term or resident), and application projects/project managelllent. • Software Products Group (SPG) encompasses: Application products, developed by Digital, as well as from third parties via the DCS and DDS programs; "H-Kits" (software media and documentation); Add-on software; and Add-on documentation. • Computer Services provides time-sharing, with associated services, for local sales support and customer use. These services are particularly effective for pre-delivery conversion services. 220 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL • Software Product and System Services offers software support encompassing software updates, telephone support, and cOlnputer-aided services. These services are delivered by Field Services so that customers have one post-sale contact for remedial services. • Software Services Software Engineering develops application products for Digital, Engineering application tools, productivity aides and business tools for the Professional Services business of Software Services. In addition, the group is responsible for the transfer of new technologies and advanced development opportunities into the organization. The group is also responsible for the interface to Central Engineering and to Software Manufacturing. 21.8.2 Educational Services Manager: Pat Cataldo V.P. (BUO/E17, 249.,.4200) Educational Services provides one of the most extensive and varied educational programs of any computer manufacturer in the industry. As an organization we offer a worldwide network of training, publishing, documentation, information management and communication services. Through lTIore than 120 training locations throughout the United States, Europe and G.I.A., we teach both Digital custOlners and elTIployees how to use the software and hardware Digital sells. We use a variety of training formats including lecture/lab, senlinars, self-paced instruction, conlputer-based interactive video and private satellite COlTIlnUnication. We work with engineering, product business units, marketing, and field organizations on the content that goes into our course materials and documentation. In addition to training our customers and employees, Educational Services also provides a full trange of communications services from writing and illustrating hardware and software documentation to producing videotapes of successful customer installations for the sales force. We can support the developnlent of communications messages in every media from compact disk and microfiche to our four-color brochure, videotex, and computer-generated image. We can also provide this support at any, or every, stage of the developlnent of a conununications product. We also produce technical books and publish under the name of DIGITAL PRESS. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES-WHO'S WHO • Manager Pat Cataldo V.P. (249-4200, @BUO) • Customer Training Tinl Walsh (249-1847, @BUO) • U.S. Area Training Joe Fabrizio (249-4213, @BUO) • Customer Support Programs/Quality Assurance Jim Malanson (249-1455, @BUO) • European Area Training Hernlann Binder (893-3434, @OUO) • GIA Area Training Roger Blomgren (244-6780, @AKO) • Digital Press John Osborn (249-4435, @BUO) • CSO Sales Training Karl Soderquist (264-7513, @MKO) • Business FellO'loship Chet Bowles (291-8316, @DLB) SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTEF!NATIONAL 221 • Field Sel1Jice Training Charles Tharp (283-7600, @FPO) • Office Applications Training Sus'!n George (223-2746, @PKO) • Sales and Software Services Training Cecil Dye (276-9911, @OGO) • Management Training Roy Steele (249-4716, @BUO) • Digital Information Services Training Drew Boyd (283-6210, @BUO) • Course Det 1elopment Documentation and Production Joluut Vanderhooft (249-1411, @BUO) • Media Communications Group Don Elias (249-1593, @BUO) • Quality Assurance/Survey Group Jim Malanson (249-1455, @BUO) Corporate Marketing Manager: Tim Walsh (BUO/E09, 249-1847) To ensure customers achieve optimum productivity from Digital's systems and solutions, Educational Services' Corporate Marketing Group works closely with Engineering, Product ApplicationlIndustry Marketing and customers to design and market innovative training programs. Educational Services currently offers more than 600 courses in a variety of delivery formats such as lecturellab, self-paced instruction, computer-based interactive video and seminars, and via our private satellite cOlnmunication, the Digital Video Network (DVN). Course topics range from the basics of computing, VMS, ULTRIX, data management, networking, and maintenance training to MIS management and artificial intelligence training. Our COlnplementary Solutions Organizations (CSO) Sales Training organization provides product, marketing, and sales skills courses to Digital's distributors (Le., OEMs, CMPs, and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs». If you are in the design stages of a new product and/or are acquiring a new product from a third party vendor to be sold to customers, you should contact the following Educational Services' Product Marketing Managers to help you determine the appropriate customer training solutions. SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Digital Software Products (VMS, ULTRIX, DECNET, DECwindows, MIS, etc.) Jim Stewart BUO/E10 249-4301 @BUO 3rd Party Software and Applications Bob Mjos BUO/E10 249-4205 @BUO Hardware Maintenance Training Brian O'Hern BUO/E10 249-4724 @BUO Educational Services Customer Visits Peg O'Brien BUO/E65 249-4501 @BUO 222 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL Digital Press Manager: John Osborn (BUO/E94, 249-4435) Digital Press, Digital's international computer book publisher, which produces and tnarkets books designed to tneet the needs of professionals in business, government and education. Digital Press titles are authored by experts frool industry and acadetnia as well as COlnpany consultants and engineers. Subject matter ranges from new technologies to strategic products of particular interest to etnployees and custOlners. Digital Press authors receive royalties under an industry standard publishing agreement. Recent best-selling titles include "KERMIT" by Frank daCruz of Columbia University, "COMMON LISP" by Guy Steele of Thinking Machines, and "VAX/VMS Internals and Data Structures: Version 4" by Ruth Goldenberg of Digital. The Press also collaborates with organizations inside Digital to package Corporate publications for distribution to acadeolic and other professional audiences. Recent examples include the "Digital Technical Journal", technical handbooks, the "Digital Dictionary" and the "VAX Architecture Reference Manual". Digital Press sells its products directly to technical and college bookstores, libraries and book clubs, as well as to Digital customers through normal Company channels. Digital Press titles are distributed in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Digital Press Publications John Osborn BUO/E94 249-4435 @BUO Senior Editor George Horesta BUO/E94 249-4227 @BUO Executive Editor Mike Meehan BUO/E94 249-4809 @BUO Sales & Marketing Manager Will Buddenhagen BUO/E94 249-1498 @BUO Production Manager Chase Duffy BUO/E94 249-1427 @BUO Corporate Marketing-CSO Training Manager: Karl Soderquist (MK01-lIJ14, 264-7513, @MKO) Coolplementary Solutions Organization (CSO) training, provides a comprehensive curriculum of training to third party coo1panies on a worldwide basis. The primary role of the CSO training organization is to support Product Marketing, Industry and Channels Marketing organizations with training programs that increase Digital product knowledge to those organizations that: • Re-sell our products • Develop appplications for general sale on Digital's platform • Work in partnership relationship in providing total solutions • Distribute Digital products through resellers The courses offered by and through this organization include: • The SaIne selling skill courses offered to Digital sales • Custom product sales training • Custom support training on Digital products and services These courses are available through a variety of delivery formats such as self-paced instruction in multiple media, seolinars, and on-sites. SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 223 A catalog is published twice a year describing course schedules, locations, course descriptions, price, ordering procedures and registration. Further information may be obtained by contacting; SERVICE CONTACTS MAlLSTOP DTN NET Curriculum Karl Soderquist MK01-1/J14 264-7513 @MKO Development Pam Turner MK01-1/J14 264-1875 @MKO Registration Irene Chevalier BUO/E58 249-4072 @BUO The Digital Business Fellowship Program Manager: Chet Bowles (DLB5-1/E5, 291-8316) Digital Equipment Corporation's Business Fellowship Program is a highly innovative and challenging educational program unmatched in the industry to date. Organized around three programs, the prograIn provides critical, strategic information in an intense, multi-media learning environment. The goal of the program is to make the participants aware about issues, realities and potential infoouation technology so they can make more informed decisions on the issues that affect their business: Competitiveness, Benefits/Costs, Productivity and Technology Trends. The Digital Business Fellowship Program consists of three programs: The Executive Program, the Artificial Intelligence Program and the Networking Program. The Executive Program is designed for CEO's, Presidents, CIO's and Executive Vice Presidents who are directly responsible for making strategic and tactical decisions within their division of responsibility. Designed to last two and one-half days, this Program provides participants with an overview of these advanced technologies, specifically Artificial Intelligence and Networking, and effective strategies to use those technologies in the pursuit of their corporate business goals. The Artificial Intelligence Program is geared toward applying this technology to solving main-stream business problems. The program consists of nine weeks of formal classroom and lab followed by a four-month apprenticeship. The goal of this program is to enable customers to share Digital's unique Artificial Intelligence (AI) experience and start them off to becoming self-sufficient in AI. This will be accomplished in part by focusing attention on primary business tasks to find practical ways to build working prototypes. This program is intended for selected individuals who are viewed by their company as providing technical leadership in applying the AI technology to nleet business goals. The Networking Program focuses on the business aspects of networking and the strategic advantages of information technology. This is a five-day Program presenting an objective view of networking using a wide variety of approaches including classroom lectures, numerous guest speakers and recognized industry consultants, case studies and demonstrations of networking applications, comolunication technology, products and services. The goal of the program is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to make informed, strategic business decision for their organization. Additionally, the Networking Program will assist the participants in developingcorpoate networking strategies and eInploy current and emerging communication technologies and trends. This Program is intended for those managers responsible for making or influencing decisions for their company with regards to information technology. Program participation is highly selective. A controlled evaluation process is in place to ensure that appropriate and qualified corporations and candidates are selected. The Program is conducted in the highest professional Olanner, in a quality setting, with the best instructors and speakers available with the latest tools and technologies. The entire Program is designed to provide an unmatched, invaluable practical exerience for all participants assisting them in solving their business problems by the use of the latest technology. 224 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRYICHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Executive Program Ellen 0' Brien DLB5-1/E5 291-8320 @DLB Artificial Intelligence Ajay Berman DLB5-1/E5 291-8319 @DLB Networking Program Ellen 0' Brien DLB5-1/E5 291-8320 @DLB U.S. Area Customer Training Manager: Joe Fabrizio (BUD/EIS, 249-4213) CustOlner Training is a support service designed to help leverage the sale of Digital products. These services include lecture/lab training, seminars, on-sites, self-paced training products, sales support and training consultant services. We provide a comprehensive range of courses and training products. Our courses and products are all designed to help the user work more efficiently and apply Digital systems in new and more productive ways. For more information contact your local training center or call Customer Support at DTN: 249-4373 GIA Educational Services Manager: Roger Blomgren (AKOI-2/MS, 244-6779, @AKO) This group, headquartered in Acton, supports the full range of training activity throughout the five GIA Regions: Canada, Far East Region, Japan, Latin America/Carribean Region and the South Pacific Region. Area responsibilities include Customer Training, Sales Training, Internal Training, Operations, Sales Programs and Marketing. Area goals are to assist the parallel functions in each Region in nleeting their business and financial goals. GIA Educational Services acts as an interface for the five Regions with the corporation to provide product and marketing information. All types of training solutions are made available to the overseas training facilities. Digital personnel can contact the persons listed below for information and/or assistance with Educational Services products or functions that relate to GIA Regions. (Please note that GIA responsibilities cover the Regions listed in paragraph one, and do not extend to Europe, Africa or the Middle East.) CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Customer Training Harry Riddle AK01-2/G5 244-7046 @AKO Operations Guy Micalizzi AK01-2/G5 244-6785 @AKO SERVICE Internal Training Marcia Cullinane AK01-2/G5 244-6791 @AKO Sales Training Bob Brownson AK01-2/G5 244-6549 @AKO Marketing Brian Osborne AK01-2/G5 244-6768 @AKO Sales Programs Bob Sansing AK01-2/G5 244-6783 @AKO 244-6772 @AKO Marketing Communications Nancy Giddens AK01-2/G5 Seminar Programs Manager: Roger Towne (BUO/ES8, 249-4937) Digital Seminars offer the latest product and application specific information on vital issues and trends within the computer industry. The range of offerings include artificial intelligence, networking, and VAXclusters to systeln management and performance tuning, software version updates, software developnlent and real-tiIne application design which are taught by leading computer professionals frolll Digital and the industry at large. SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 225 SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Seminar Programs Roger Towne BUO/E58 249-4937 RHODES::TOWNE Information Registrar 249-4949 Customer Support Programs (CSP) Manager: Jim Malanson (BUO/E20, 249-1455) In concert with the growing success of Digital Products and Services, we have experienced an increasing size and nUlnber of large project opportunities. Our customers today not only want a technological innovator with products, services and solutions that keep them competitive, they want an educational partner who can work directly with them to train their people to solve today's problems and be prepared for tomorrow's challenges. The Customer Support Programs Group is an outgrowth of our focus on the overall Corporate Accounts Program. Linked to the Corporate Program Management Office under Jon Caputo, program management methodologies and resources have been established to manage large projects from pre-sales through delivery. Our charter is: "In support of Educational Services business within the Areas, provide project/program management services to respond to customer RFIIRFP and to establish the sytems and processes to deliver unsolicited proposals to our Corporate, National and Major Accounts. SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET E/S Program Management Support Diane Bauer BUO/E70 249-4958 FSTVAX::BAUER Digital Management Education Manager: Roy Steele (BUO/E02, 249-4716) Digital Management Education (DME) utilizes several strategies to meet the management education needs of Digital's organizations and to prepare managers for current and future job responsibilities: • Generic Training Programs A core group of general courses which will meet the general development needs of Digital managers. The DME delivery strategy provides for: Open enrollment crossfunctional training which means that participants enrolled are from organizations across the company. Onsites. Generic training which allows the customers to schedule training where and when they want. • Quality Assurance Through a proactive quality assurance process, DME has developed a customer satisfaction approach. Quality is DME's number one goal. The QA Process is a systematic phase review approach to the design, developlnent, and delivery of instruction. A distinguishing feature of this process is the use of an independent QA Team throughout the program development phases which encourages client participation. • Account Focus Each nlajor organization within Digital has a DME Account Manager whose responsibility is to understand the specific needs of the business group and help develop an appropriate training/education strategy. 226 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL This ensures that DME meets the unique needs of various organizations. The primary mission of DME is to prepare Digital managers to lead the company to achieve its business goals through high quality lnanagement training. A secondary mission is to provide skills development for individual contributors. MAJOR ACCOUNTS CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN Field Service, GIA Dave Crimmin BUO/E12 249-4590 Sales, SWS Terry Melle BUO/E61 249-1475 Finance, Personnel, Corporate Operations Phil Randall BUO/E12 249-1895 MEM Cynthia Goza BUO/E12 249-4078 Ed. Services/CSS Phyllis Rappaport BUO/E61 249-4141 Others Louise O'Donnell BUO/E12 249-4346 Office Applications Training Manager: Susan George (PK03-2/B11, 223-1676) The lnission of Office Applications Training is to provide office productivity training to support Digital's office infornlation system strategies, products and services for external and internal custOlners worldwide. To support our mission, Office Applications Training is organized into one focused organization, providing total expert office solutions in Marketing, Course Development, Consulting, Delivery and Office Productivity Training. Office Applications Corporate Marketing is aligned with BOIS Marketing and hardware and software engineering, ensuring timely funding, and development of job-relevant, comprehensive curricula for office products. Office Applications Curriculum Developers develop standard courses or tailor existing courseware to nleet your particular requirenlents. To assist you with educational planning, we are prepared to offer consulting services; developing training plans to direct you to the best training alternatives. Our delivery organization provides Office training in the greater Maynard area as well as satellite offices throughout the United States, including New York, Michigan, California, and Atlanta. We can also bring our training services to your site. This gives you flexibility to meet your training timefranles in a cost effective approach. We are pleased to introduce our first office professional program for Administrative Support Professionals. This program, Office Productivity Training, (OPT), provides comprehensive training curricula for each secretarial level in Digital. The OPT Curriculum provides an overall guide to assist managers and their enlployees in planning training. This program is an enhancement to the job planning process, which is a collaborative effort between managers and employees. One of the services offered through the Office Productivity Training prograln is Personalized Training Plans (PTP). A PTP is customized to meet specific training needs of administrative support professionals in their present position. The PTP will assist you and your manager in the selection of future OPT and Office Applications courses. SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 227 AREA CONTACTS MAllSTOP DTN NET Marketing Carolyn Temmallo PK03-1/B11 223-3298 BIGMAC: :TEMMAllO Development Mike Christensen PK03-1/B11 223-4672 BIGMAC: :CHRISTENSEN Delivery Bill Chaplin PK03-1/B11 223-6877 BIGMAC: :CHAPLIN U.S. Training John Dischinger PK03-1/B11 223-4721 BIGMAC::DISCHINGER Office Productivity Training Helen Goldberg PK03-1/B11 223-7174 BIGMAC::GOlDBERG Sales and Software Training Manager: Cecil Dye (OG01-1/E13, 276-9911) Sales and Software Services Training, a world-wide organization, is chartered to provide training programs and services which support the development and ongoing training needs of Sales and Software Services representatives. The organization is divided into several functional groups (Planning, Development, Delivery) that work to support the training needs of Sales and Software Services. The Planning group serves the initial point of contact for alltraining requests and maintains a close link with Sales, Software, and Marketing to "assess" and "plan" training programs that cover a variety of selling related skills, Le., consulting, technical, and account management. The Developlnent organization maintains a staff of professional developers who develop courseware in a variety of formats (traditional lecture lab as well as seminars, workshops, DVN, and self-paced packages) based on delivery, cost, and time constraints. In addition to traditional development activity, the organization publishes a monthly audio cassette journal that covers a wide range of topics for its subscribers world wide. The Delivery group (segmented by headquarters and field functions) is positioned to deliver training rpogralns using the saIne variety of formats that the Development group employs. Our catalogs are published twice a year and include curriculum maps, course descriptions, listings. of training center locations, and registration information for each course. SERVICE CONTACTS MAllSTOP DTN Planning Sales lou Swinand OG01-lIH13 276-9184 NET Sales SWS Bruce Byrne PK03-2/K79 223-9262 GIA Sales Training Bob Brownson AK01-2/G5 244-6549 Tactical Programs Sue Everson OG01-1/H11 276-9718 CSTVAX Strategic Programs Bob Powell OG01-lIJ11 276-8655 CSTVAX U.S. Field Operations Vicki Rose QlO 264-7202 New Hire Sales Training Bristow Watson QlO 264-7101 Development Tom Yocom BY02 245-5332 WIZDOM Field Service Training Manager: Charles Tharp (BUO/E03, 249-4202) Field Service Training is committed to supporting the total spectrum of Digital's products and systems by providing up-to-date training and consultancy. The FS Training Curricula includes both hardware and software courses; networks and cluster training; and business applications and skills training. In the United States, lecture/lab training is offered at the four major Employee Training Centers: Bedford, Atlanta, Colorado Springs and Santa Clara. The Field Training Centers schedule Lecture/Lab training on a linlited basis and on-site training is also available as requested. 228 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL The Field Training Centers, located in each US area, offer area specific courses in IVIS and SPI format. Each area has a dedicated FS Training Manager who, with the help of his/her staff, responds to the area needs and assists the area organizations in their training planning process. A forlllal process and curricula has been developed to assist the Field Service organization with individual curricululll planning and FS Training is currently developing an automated system to be used as a personal training planning tool by FS Unit Managers. SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET FS Training Manager Charles Tharp FPO-lIA12 283-7600 @FPO Eastern Zone Training Manager John Burns FPO-lIA10 283-6203 @FPO Western Zone Training Manager Ray Carrado CX03-2/C12 522-3733 @CXO U.S. Non-Technical Training Programs George Cann FPO-lIA10 283-7602 @FPO OGO~2/E13 276-9751 @OGO Development Charlie Eicher Central Registration: (Lecture/Lab) Bedford Atlanta Colorado Springs Field (FTC) Registration Area Registrars 249-4660 435-2359 522-4429 FTCs see EE-Course Schedule or FS Training Catalog Digital Information Systems Training Manager: Drew Boyd (FPO/A16, 283-6210) The courses offered by the PJ.S. Training Organization include software product training on tools and lnethodologies, human resource and Inanagelllent training. These courses are focused on meeting the training and development needs of the information management organizations within Digital, as well as the software product training and development needs of Digital's engineering and Illanufactureing organizations. The DJ.S. Training course .catalog and course schedule are published twice a year. Courses are offered in Bedford or can be arranged to be offered on-site and all DJ.S. Training classes are open and available to all Digital employees who meet the respective course prerequisites. SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET D.I.S. Training Linda Bell BUO/E10 249-4960 FORCE::BELL Development and ,Publishing Manager: Joluut Vanderhooft (BUO/E73, 249-1411, RHODES::VANDERHOOFT) Development and Publishing is an internal Digital service organization available to work with you to solve your information needs from conception to delivery by providing a total range of documentation, course development, publishing and information lnanagement solutions. Our products and services are designed to cover a wide range of applications such as consulting, general education, technical training development, documentation, s,oftware help systems and information retrieval to assist you in lneeting your comlnunications requirements. SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 229 The Development and Publishing organization is linked with Engineering groups to provide the level of assistance appropriate to your conlmunication needs. Our resources are located in Burlington, Colorado, Europe, Japan, Littleton, Hudson, Marlboro, Maynard, Merrinlack, Seattle, Shrewsbury, Spitbrook Road, and Ten Tara Boulevard. We will asseluble a special design tealU for each project to cover the full range of your needs. Course Development As course developers, we design and develop sound learning systems tailored to your requirements. We build training programs using anyone of many information channels, including lecture/lab, audio, video, Computer-Based Instruction (CBI), Interactive Video Information Systems, printed nlaterial, and on-line doculuentation. Services As consultants, we will work with you to determine what services are best suited to meet your needs. Development and Publishing Training Services coordinates with you to assess information requirenlents to adapt the most appropriate communication vehicle to accomplish your objectives. We can provide task analysis, instructional design, course development, as well as consulting and applications development services for the Compact Disk Read-Only Memory (CDROM). Documentation The Development and Publishing group is one of the major providers of documentation for Digital's products and services. Docunlentation is produced for employees, end-users, custOluers, OEMs, and service personnel both technical and business related. This documentation includes, but is not limited to, a wide variety of product service related documents, such as illustrated parts breakdown (IPB's), pocket service guides, installation, fault isolation, troubleshooting, Field Change Orders, FRU-inserts and luany luore. We also produce a wide variety of end-user related documents, such as user, owner's, system reference, customer installation, and other operating manuals relating to Digital businesses such as: Process and Procedure manuals, Policy Documents, How-To Books, Organizational Guides, etc. Production We will service your production requirements from start to finish by providing writing, editing, illustrating, typesetting, page luake-up, and printing. Our artists can convey your ideas in many forms including, but not limited to, technical illustrations, graphic design, cartoons, posters, logo designs, overheads, and 35mnl slides. Editors work with your words on-line or in hard copy to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, consistency, clarity, and impact. Documentation Contacts SUBJECT CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Corporate Documentation Manager Mike Moffa BUO/E19 249-4214 EXIT26::MOFFA Applications Jerry Pierce ZK01-3/E11 381-1075 SUPER::PIERCE Chips, Boards & Systems Bob Johnson PK03-2/H31 223-7421 PNEUMA::JOHNSON Clusters AI Lachance MR02-2/D14 297-4156 MRED::LACHANCE Communications Emilie Schmidt FPO/A4 283-7463 PARROT::SCHMIDT High Performance Systems AI Lachance MR02-2/D14 297-4156 MRED::LACHANCE Languages Jerry Pierce ZK01-3/E11 381-1075 SUPEA::PIERCE Low End Systems (PKO) Susan Fields Tamker PK03-2/H31 223-7197 PNEUMA::FIELDS Marketing Peter Browne TTB1-5/E08 264-2777 WAGON::BROWNE Mid Range Systems AI Lachance TTB1-5/E08 264-2802 WAGON::LACHANCE 230 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL SUBJECT CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Networks Emilie Schmidt FPO/A4 283-7463 PARROT::SCHMIDT PC's Jack Jurras PK03-2/H31 223-4251 PNEUMA::JURRAS PDP11 Operating System Paul Kent ZK01-3/D40 381-1105 SUPER::KENT Software Arline Stith PK03-2/H31 223-2316 PNEUMA::STITH Storage Systems (West) Ron Brown CX03-2/C12 522-2884 CLOSUS::RBROWN Storage Systems (East) Jerry Kasten SHR1-4/D21 237-3642 GRAMPS::KASTEN Terminals Jack Jurras PK03-2/H31 223-4251 PNEUMA::JURRAS Ultrix/Unix Paul Kent ZK01-3/D40 381-1105 SUPER::KENT VMS Paul Kent ZK01-3/D40 381-1105 SUPER::KENT Workstations Dan Hiller MR02-2/D14 297-6731 MRED::HILLER European Graham Ward RGM-A1/G1 830-3040 RDGENG::WARD Documentation Manager Maynard/Stow/Hudson Bonnie Samet PK03-2/H31 223-7718 PNEUMA::SAMET Course Development Contacts AREA CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Course Development Manager Pat Weger FPO-1/A6 283-6356 CYCLPS::WEGER Bedford Bob Hymes BUO/E19 249-1499 EXIT26::HYMES Burlington George Cope FPO-1/A6 283-7654 CYCLPS::COPE Colorado Dick Stone CX03-2/C12 522-2352 CLOSUS::STONE Europe Graham Ward RGM-A1/GA 830-3040 RDGENG: :WARD Hudson Bob Johnson PK03-2/H31 223-7421 PNEUMA::JOHNSON Japan Yoshiko Owaga TKO 81-3-989-7183TKOV01 ::OWAGA Marlboro Dave Killelea MR02-2/D14 297-5057 MRED::KILLELEA Maynard George Gardner PK03-2/H31 223-7422 PNEUMA: :GARDNER Merrimack Lou Gobeille MK01-2/M26 264-6965 LAUREL::GOBEILLE SUPER::FRIEDMAN Nashua Alan Friedman ZK01-3/E11 381-1080 Seattle Lee Joseph ZSO 206-865-8739 DECWET::JOSEPH Shrewsbury Jerry Kasten SHR1-4/D21 237-3642 GRAMPS::KASTEN Stow George Gardner PK03-2/H31 223-7422 PNEUMA::GARDNER SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 231 Editing, Illustrating, and Publishing Contacts AREA CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Publishing Manager Martin Kelmanson TTB1-5/E08 264-3286 WAGON: :KELMANSON Colorado Dick Stone CX03-2/C12 522-2352 CLOSUS::STONE Europe Graham Ward RGM-A1/G1 830-3040 RDGENG::WARD Littleton Steve Cordeiro LJO-21111 226-2292 RAINBO::CORDEIRO Marlboro Tom Benfey MR02-2/D14 297-2232 MRED::BENFEY Maynard John Ridgley PK03-2/T12 223-2384 PNEUMA::RIDGLEY Merrimack Peg Hurd MK01-2/M26 264-7230 LAUREL::HURD Nashua Tom Benfey TTB1-5/E08 264-2599 WAGON::BENFEY Shrewsbury Jerry Kasten SHR1-4/D21 237-3642 GRAMPS::KASTEN Stow John Ridgley PK03-21T12 223-2384 PNEUMA::RIDGLEY MAILSTOP DTN NET Instructional Design and Consulting Contacts AREA CONTACTS Services Manager Bob Hymes BUO/E19 249-1499 EXIT26::HYMES Burlington George Cope FPO/A4 283-7654 CYCLPS::COPE Colorado Ron Brown CX03-2/C12 T22-2884 CLOSUS::RBROWN Marlboro Reza Sisakhti MR02-2/D14 297-5972 MRED::SISAKHTI Maynard Kyu Sun Rhee PK03-2/H31 223-5793 PNEUMA::RHEE Nashua Reza Sisakhti ZK01-3/E11 381-1054 HARDY::SISAKHTI CDROM Services Contacts CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Kathy Jamieson ZK01-3/E11 381-1638 HARDY::JAMIESON Media Communications Group (MCG) Manager: Don Elias (BUO/E17, 249-1593, EXIT26::ELIAS) The Media Communications Group (MCG) is a full-service communications organization specializing in working with internal clients to design, develop and produce the right messages for the right audiences. We work with a comprehensive range of distribution media from print and conlputergenerated images to satellite broadcasting and multi-media presentations. Our job is to apply our talents to your cOlumunications needs in such a way that your organization will succeed. Under the MCG umbrella are the Media Design and Development Group, Media and Publishing Production Group, Digital Video Network (DVN), Micromedia, Systems Integration and Engineering Group and Media Archiving/Duplication and Distribution. Our major locations are in Bedford, Maynard and Marlboro, Massachusetts, Merrimack, New Hanlpshire, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Atlanta, Georgia and Reading, England. 232 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL Media Communications Design and Development SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Media Design and Development S. Moloney MK01-2/N25 264-3299 HYSTER::MOLONEY Media Development J. Thompson G. Scontsas I. Storey L. Reeg MK01-2/N25 MK01-2/N25 MK01-2/N25 MK01-2/N25 264-6540 264-5350 264-4455 264-6996 HYSTER::THOMPSON HYSTER::SCONTSAS HYSTER::STOREY HYSTER::REEG Direct Marketing L. Johnson MK01-2/M26 264-8724 HYSTER::JOHNSON Graphic. Design B. Holland MK01-2/N25 264-5655 HYSTER::HOLLAND Marlboro· Office D. Pitochelli MR02-3/C15 297-5672 HYSTER::PITOCHElLi Media Production Services SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET AudioNideo Production and Equipment Rental K. Maas BUO/E47 249-4463 EXIT26::MAAS Computer Images (Slides and Animation) D. Harbison BUO/E36 249-1894 EXIT26: :HARBISON Corporate Photography P. Bailey PK03-2/T10 223-2022 EXIT26::BAILEY Publishing Production Services SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Publishing Services M. Rothberg BUO/E35 249-4361 RAINBW::ROTHBERG Color Prepress A. Turi BUO/E35 249-4539 RAINBW::TURI Print Production J. Riley MK01-2/M26 264-1763 HYSTER::RILEY Digital Video Network CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET R. Warshawsky BUO/E35 249-4739 EXIT26::WARSHAWSKY CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET J. Bourque FPO/B5 283-6282 EXIT26::BOURQUE Micromedia Media Archives, Duplication & Distribution CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET B. Morey MK01-2/N25 264-6149 HYSTER::MOREY SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 233 System Integration CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET C. Ball BUO/E35 249-4327 EXIT26::BALL CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET T. Dresen IPOIIPO 435-2863 TRNING::DRESEN Atlanta Operation Colorado Springs Operation CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET R. Brown CX03-2/C12 522-2251 CLOSUS::RBROWN CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET G. Ward RGM-A1/G1 7830-3041 RDGENG::WARD European Operations Quality Assurance Group (QA) Manager: Jim Malanson (BUO/E17, 249-1455) The Quality Assurance Group provides information, decision support tools and consulting support to help Educational Services achieve and maintain excellence in product quality and customer satisfaction. The group applies skills in measurement and evaluation, statistics, programming, computer graphics and decision analysis to assess quality. The focus of these systems is to ensure that Educational Services is fully meeting the needs and expectations of both the employee and customer groups we service. This group also provides a Survey Support Service which is extended not only to Educational Services but all of Digital. They create and implement survey instrulnents to support large scale gathering of information and completing analysis to support both trend development and problem identification. A few of the annual surveys completed are: • Corporate Personnel Satisfaction Survey • Corporate Customer F&A Survey • DECUS, Pre-Symposium Service Evaluation SERVICE CONTACTS MAILSTOP DTN NET Quality Assurance, Survey Support Lois Collins BUO/E70 249-1791 RHODES::COLLINS ESDP-QA Connie Seidner BUO/E70 249-1771 RHODES::SEIDNER 234 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 21.8.3 Comp uter Specia l System s (CSS) Manager: Russ Gullotti (NPO, 264-6209) ers' special compu ting needs. These solutio ns ess exists worldwide to provid e solutions to our custom produc ts that compl ement Digital's standa rd -niche market nlay take the fonn of custOln design s or 's quick respon se, custom er driven, offerings either on a world-wide or geogra phic basis. CSS is Digital engine ering and manuf acturin g organization. re drivers, tools, and protoc ols to CSS, primar ily a hardwa re organization, will also design softwa e custom ers with a total systen ls suppor t the hardwa re. ess works with Software Services to provid solution. country ess produc ts are either custom or standa rd with either world-wide, geographic area (or specific), or custon ler specific focus. ment that cannot be fulfilled by an Custom Products: ess will respon d to custom ers who have a require , custom er-spec ified produc t. existing Digital offering. This will result in a contract to supply a unique In some cases, CSS will price. it The custOlner will pay non-re curring engine ering fees and a per-un nature of the opport unity. The the on ing internally fund part or all of the engine ering effort, depend a standa rd low-to -mediu m volum e resulting produc t, with some additio nal effort by CSS, may becom e produc t for ess. s within Digital, and using the Standard Products: Working with custom ers, PBUs, and Marketing Group y a market need for a lowidentif may CSS ts, produc ler experi ence gained fronl initial sales of custOll pment . These needs will typically to-nled iunl volum e produc t and choose to internally fund its develo a local require ment unique to a from or arise out of a recogn ized gap in Digital's produc t offerings, particu lar geogra phy. the needs of the geogra phies and CSS expend s significant effort to assure that its produc ts respon d to evelop ed produc ts. ering-d Engine are positio ned in a cOlnplelnentary fashion with Centra l develess uses the following paraIlleters to determ ine if produc ts should be funded for engineering opnlen t. ies Strategic fit with CSS, other groups in Digital, and geogra phic strateg • • Market and profit potent ial for CSS Fit with ess skills and resour ces • Technical feasibility • EconOlllic and busine ss risks • manuf acturin g organi zations in To achieve these ends, CSS has its own marketing, engineering, and n to four busine ss units in the additio In world. the hout busine ss units located near custom ers throug ca/Car ibbean Region and India), United States (including one respon sible for both the Latin Ameri Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, and CSS has units in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canad a, hire. Hanlps New a, Japan. A volunl e manuf acturin g group is located in Nashu ing needs: An engine er should contact CSS if he or she has any of the f9110w • • • A need for technical data on a CSS produc t. ures, opport unities . A need to unders tand more about CSS Engineering - strategies, proced g CSS produc t, or a new A need to solve a custom er proble m - either a proble m with an existin help. proble m requiring CSS Engineering INTERNATIONAL 235 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND If you need help to solve a customer problem or wish to investigate product developlnent status or strategies it is best to contact CSS Marketing. They are the CSS focus for Product Development. SERVICE CONTACTS MAllSTOP DTN NET Group Product Marketing Manager Dick Scarborough NUO/H3 264-1000 CSS::SCARBOROUGH A1 MAIL: @NUO Peripherals and Graphics Dave Chosiad NUO/H3 264-3212 CSS::CHOSIAD A1 MAIL: @NUO Industrial and Scientific Jim Aitken NUO/H3 264-3233 CSS::AITKEN A1 MAIL: @NUO Network Systems Bill Koester NUO/H3 264-3239 CSS::KOESTER A1 MAIL: @NUO Your contact regarding engineering of a CSS product varies depending on its point of design and/or lllanufacture. If you need more information or direction as to which engineering group to contact, call one of the following: SERVICE CONTACTS MAllSTOP DTN NET CSS Product Group Engineering Manager (ACTING) Herb Grossimon NPO 264-6318 CSS::GROSSIMON A1 MAIL: @NPO CSS Engineering Operations Manager Joe Kurta NPO 264-6565 CSS::KURTA A1 MAIL: @NPO Owen Fisk Joe Smith Andy White NUO/A02 NUO/H10 MUT 264-1048 264-6445 865-1174 CSS::FISK CSS::JSMITH ECCGY2::WHITE CSS Area Engineering Managers: USA GIA EUROPE 21.9 FIELD SERVICE Manager: Dave Grainger, V.P. (OGOl-2/Lll, 276-9625) Field Service provides high-quality, accessible, cost-effective preventive and remedial maintenance services to our customers for their Digital products. The organization also supports our hardware product groups with installation and warranty services that are consistent with the lllarketing strategies of the product groups. As a product group itself, Field Service develops service products that help differentiate Digital products in the marketplace. Field Service and Engineering work as business partners to develop products that offer Reliability and Maintainability Program (RAMP) features, as well as our service delivery offerings to ensure Digital's competitive edge in the lnarketplace. The Field Service Management Committee is the Strategic and Operations Control body for Field Service. Following are its lnelllbers: • Field ServiceChairmal1 Dave Grainger V.P. (OGOl-2/Lll, 276-9625) • U.S. Field Service Don Zereski, VP (WFRl-2/C8, 268-3326) • CIA Field Serl1ice Jerry Montague, VP (AKOl-2/F8, 244-7477) 236 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL • European Field Service John Barrett (GMO, 829-9200) • eSSE Steve Davis (OGOl-2/C17, 276-9154) • Business Development (Open) • Logistics Bob Good (DASl-2/N17, 275-2514) • Business Ventures Bud Keating (OGOl-2/J16, 276-9634) • Finance Bob Hult (OGOl-2/L17, 276-9811) • Advanced Service Delivery Systems (ASDS) TOlll Karpowski (OG01-1/G17, 276-9637) • Personnel Joe Gaffney (OGOl-2/L11, 276-9614) • Legal Dick Smith (MSO/M6, 223-8266) • HQ Operations Orson Niederhauser (Secretary) (OGOl-2/L11, 276-9629) 21.9.1 Field Service Logistics Manager: Bob Good (DASl-2/N17, 275-2514) Field Service Logistics (FSL) is a worldwide organization supporting the Field Service objective of providing high quality service to Digital customers. This objective is being supported by material distribution/repair centers (located in Andover, Massachusetts, Nijmegen, Holland, and Hong Kong), and a repair/refurbishment/new build manufacturing plant (located in Salem, New Halnpshire). The distribution/repair facilities provide the administration and physical systems for the receipt, repair, storage, and shipment of service parts worldwide. The Inanufacturing facilities provide product retrofit, conversion, and refurbishment capabilities; repaired and end-of-life service parts; and new build diagnostic equipment. Field Service Logistics is connected to other corporate groups such as Distribution, Engineering, and Materials working in partnership with them to advance Field Service Logistics goals in the· areas of Level of Service, Repair Technology, and Inventory Mangement. 21.9.2 Field Service Business Development Manager: Open (OGOl-2/L11, 276-9630) The Business Developlllent Group (BDG) assists FSMC in establishing and cOlnlllunicating business direction, policy, business practices, and strategies, ensuring geographic consistency where appropriate. The group also represents Corproate Field Service at various forums/ committees/taskforces. • Headquarters Operations Manager: Orson Niederhauser (OGOl-2/L11, 276-9629) SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 237 The group manages development and ongoing application of the FS Management Operating System (FSMOS). FSMOS provides a common workking mechanism for the FS Strategic and Operational Planning Process and assures it is dynamic and flexible, provides for ease of integration between the individual groups, and is Inanageable. It also provides HQ operations support to FSBDG. • Strategic Marketing Manager: Will O'Brien (OGOl-2/M13, 276-9626) The Strategic Marketing Group is responsible for: Increasing awareness of Field Service capabilities both internally and in the marketplace. Ensuring consistency of service messages across all product families and geographies by working through CSSE with Base Product Marketing and with Geography Marketing. Providing strategic marketing leadership for Field ervice to achieve Worldwide Strategic Market Share Goals (HPS & SPS). • Software Product Services Manager: Rich Maxwell (OGOl-2/M13, 276-8996) The Software Product Services (SPS) Business Management Group provides leadership for FS/SPS worldwide programs so that Field Service goals of customer satisfaction and profitability are achieved. Specifically, they manage to achieve: One worldwide SPS Portfolio and a consistent Software Warranty Program. Consistent worldwide SPS Pricing and Business Policies. Identification and introduction of new SPS businesses. Coordinated SPS Service Delivery Strategies. High quality worldwide SPS LRP and BOD. SPS leadership on all strategic Corporate committees. • Self-Maintenance Services Manager: Dave Starratt (WFRl/B9, 268-3262) The Self-Maintenance Services (SMS) Business Management Group is chartered to integrate all of Digital's self-maintenance and environnlental products into a quality service offering. They develop and communicate the SMS strategic plans and support the implementation of those plans. Implementation of the SMS group business plan will be executed by the gesographies. All SMS products and services are positioned to broaden the Field Service portfolio into a one company, one strategy, service organization. The SMS group has continued its transition of shifting the revenue management and sales support activities to the geography level. The focus of the Headquarters Organization is to develop worldwide strategic programs associated with new product introductions and support of corporate products. The new product emphasis has been directed toward the expansion of the environmental products family to include uninterrupable power systems. 238 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 21.9.3 Field Service Business Ventures Group Manager: Bud Keating (OGOl-2/J16, 276-9634) Business Ventures Group (BVG) designs and develops new business programs for Field Service worldwide. BVG provides strategic direction and support to the field organizations for development and hnplementation of these new business programs through the following key contacts: • Integrated Service Management Manager: Ed Malone (OGOl-2/J16, 276-8231) • Integrated Logistics Support Services Manager: Dick DeBoalt (OGOl-2/J16, 276-8045) • Integrated Administration Support Services Manager: Bob Macolini (OGOl-2/J16, 276-8518) • Service Management Consulting Manager: Dan Loesel (OGOl-2/J16, 276-8383) • Geographic Consultant Manager: Ralph Harmon (OGOl-2/J16, 276-9921) • Operations Support Manager: Paul Ladden (OGOl-2/J16, 276-9887) • Business Support Manager: Marty Berke (OGOl-2/J16, 276-9723) • Planning Manager: Ed Deary (OGOl-2/J16, 276-8535) 21.9.4 Customer Service Systems Engineering (CSSE) Manager: Steve Davis (OGOl-2/C17, 276-9154) Customer Services Systems Engineering (CSSE) has the following basic functions. • Reliability • Serviceability • New Product Introduction • Support • Product Management/Marketing CSSE manages the planning, development, introduction, and retirement phases of Digital's products for Customer Services. CSSE Operations Manager: Bob Barnard (OGOl-2/E16, 276-9914) • Management of strategic and business planning activities. • Ensure consistency and quality of administrative tools and services in support of CSSE Mission. • Assist eSSE Manager with tactical operations of function. Operations groups and their responsibilities consist of the following: • eSSE Process Development Manager: Steve Hoyt (OGOl-2/J13, 276-9236) SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 239 Responsible for development of cross-organizational processes that support Field Service programs throughout CSSE. New Product Planning/Pricing/Announcement Phase Review Process Development of requirements for Service Business Model (improved pricing model) CSSE FCO process CSSE Pricing Process Developlnent of a Corporate Software Security/Liability process Technical Information Distribution to the Field Product Safety incident investigations, worldwide and maintenance of DEC STD 132-0. Managelnent of the F.S. Library, which provides technical and engineering information support to all Stow organizations. • eSSE Administration Manager: Bob Brown (OGOl-2!J13, 276-8633) Responsible for development and maintenance of systems and tools that provide the infornlational requirelllents to support CSSE major programs. These systems are networked for inforlllation frOIn cross-organizationallcross-functional, and worldwide sources. Maintenance of Problem Managelnent Systems (f¥ISM/TJME/CLD) Development of new Problem Management System to replace PRISM and TIME New Product Introduction tools F.S. Corporate Competitive Analysis database CSSE Costing Models (including dOCulllentation and training) Algorithlll/metric development for measurement of all CSSE products Management of CSSE cOlllputing resources/cluster for OGO Customer Satisfaction Group Manager: Hank Watkins (OGOl-2/E16, 276-8115) The CSSE Customer Satisfaction Group provides a focus to external organizations for systems (hardware and software) problem Inanagement, problem escalation, solution development and delivery processes, and technical infonnation in support of Field Service's customer satisfaction goals. Also provided is a program lllanagement focus for CSSE selected fu:nctions, including: • Systems focus for Installation Quality • Revision Management • Technincal Information • H/W and S/W Support Processes The following managers can help you determine if the CSSE Customer Satisfaction Group can be of assistance to you. • 240 H/W and S/W Support, Revision Management Carl Cline (OGOl-2/E16, 276-9844) SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL • Central Log Desk (Critical Customer Problems) Problem Management Ron Miller (OGOl-2/E16, 276-8422) • PRISM (H/W Problems) Problem Management Bruce Judson (OGOl-2/F17, 276-9232) • S/W Problem Management, Customer Dispatches Dick Waite (PK02-1/G10, 223-9309) • Installation Quality, Field Service Technical Information Brian McKeown (OGOl-2/E16, 276-8390) Maintainability Engineering Maintainability Engineering is the Engineering and Manufacturing interface for Customer Services. Maintainability Engineering ensures that Digital's products can be serviced by our field organization, by working closely with nlanufacturing and engineering. This group also leads Customer Services' new products introduction team, coordinating efforts to ensure that the tools spares, and training are availaple to service a new product, and that field introduction happens smoothly. Additionally, this group manages the Field Service support of the product throughout its product life cycle. CSSE works with the PBUs to ensure integrated goals. We have a Service Product Management function, that establishes a service product family strategy, produces service product pricing proposals, and ensures we have competitive service products. Contact Maintainability Engineering gets involved early in Phase 0 while product requirenlents are first being defined. Early consideration of service requirements is critical to the economical design of a product. If you do not know the contact in Maintainability Engineering, call the appropriate manager listed below. Systems and Clusters Manager: Ron Howington (OGOl-2/F16, 276-9720) • High Pel10rmance Systems and Clusters John Earnshaw, (MR01-1/S35, 297-4461) • Mid-Vax Svstems Bill Freeman (VW01-lIC05, 285-6124) • Decwest Coast Bill Hilton (ZSO) • Base Software Systems Al Legerlotz (ZK02-1/N71, 381-2814) • Product Management Cliff Pitz (OGOl-2/F16, 276-9365 • Consultant Group Mike Robey (MR01-lIS35, 297-5067) Peripherals Manager: Max Weinfuss (OGOl-2/F16, 276-9152) • Mid to Large Disks Al Snyder (CX02-lIK97, 522-2370) • Low End Disks Products Steve Dail (NKSl-2/F4, 291-7168) • Data Bases Products Rick Ellison (OGOl-2/F4, 276-8379) SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 241 • Memorl/ Products Jean Hoxie-Wasko (SHRl-4/D16, 237-3333) • Storage Marketing (Open) • Operations (Open) • Tape and Optical Products Renee Kahlau (SHRl-4/D16, 237-3331) • Quality Dick Leonhardt (OGOl-2/F16, 276-9159) GIA CSSE, CSS/VES/Government Manager: John Florentine (OGOl-2/F16, 276-8056) • • GIA Ralph Gilbert (EWB/F7, 207-2612) Computer Special Systems Phil Dudziak (MKOl-2/J7, 264-7988) • Vendor Equipment ServiceslGov't SyslPow. & Environment Lee Spector (OGOl-2/E13, 276-9757) Network and Site Services Manager: Bill Lahtinen, (LKG2-AIAA3, 226-7327) • Service Development Groups Local Area Communications Dick Russell Wide Area Communications Bob Howell (LKG1-1/B19, 226-7461) Network Management Services Gail Blizard Network Service Development Barbara Cochrane • Functional Support Groups Network Service Product Al Schatzel (LKG1-1/D12, 226-7507) Networks and Communications Fred Larson Network Services Technology Mark Hald (LKG1-lIB19, 226-7449) Marketing Services Alan Brind 242 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL Market Applications Systems Manager: Henry Adleman, (OGOl-2/F16, 276-9381) • Corporate & Office Applications Bill Taylor (MKOl-2/K13, 264-5938) • Manufacturing & Sciences Applications George Evans (MR03-2/R13, 297-5479) • PCs and Terminals Bob Bills (LJ02-lIH11, 226-2277) • Workstations and Industry Applications Ron Bogue (OGOl-2/G16, 276-9743) • Micro and PDP-ll Systems Herman Millet (ML21-2/P62, 223-8632) • Marketing and Information Support Bruce Marier (OGOl-2/J13, 276-9602) • PC Integration Program Hank Spencer (LJ02-1/H11, 268-3430) Large Systems Business Unit Manager: Gary Blenis, (MR01-1/S35, 297-4425) • Large Systems Group Manufacturing TOlll Abel (MROl-3/P76, 297-5145) • Large Systems Group Engineering David Braithwaite (MROl-2/L14, 297-4400) • Large Systems Group Service Product Management Joe Holewa (MR01-lIS35, 297-4423) • Large Systems GrollI' Serl'ice Delivery Support Ernie Racine (MROl-2/L14, 297-4428) European Maintainability Engineering Manager: Harry Fleury (RE02-G/H9, 830-3620) • European CSS, Terminals and Local Maintainability Engineering Ken Parker (RE01-G/6-1, 830-3736) • European Commercial Systems John Beecher (RE02-G/F9, 830-3630) Reliability and Maintainability Program Office (RAMP) Manager: John P. Shebell (OGOl-2/E13, 276-9595) RAMP provides technical support functions and general technology Hason to Customer Services and Digital's Product Developlnent community in the following areas. • Maintainability Engineering for" cross product" power supplies and controllers, lllechanical packaging, thermal management and control systelns, and physical interconnect. • Corporate Environmental support and training for the line Service organizations for both remedial escalation and in support of the Site (planning) Services activity. • Maintainability Engineering support and technical vendor liason for power conversion, distribution, and conditioning products. SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 243 • Base technology consulting to Customer Services on component, physical interconnect, power conversion, and process technologies; designing for environmental compatibility: and CSSE representation to the Engineering comunity in these domains. • Long-range technology appraisal and planning in support of the Field Service long range planning process. • General consulting on reliability and maintainability technologies. • Service representation to a nUlnber of Corporate bodies including: Research and Development Committee (RAD) Corporate Process Task Force (CPT) Corporate Research (CRA) Technology Strategy Committee (TSC) The Reliability Advisory Committee (RAC) The Contact Physics Committee Related DEC Standards bodies. The group also facilitates dialogue among the Service, Manufacturing, and Engineering communities in areas that are technology rather than product developnlent intensive. This includes support for a variety of Service and Engineering seminars, briefings, and task groups. In general, they are the people to call within Services when you don't know whOln to call. The following managers within RAMP can help you determine if their group can be of assistance to you. • Physical and Power Conversion Technologies Steve Zabinkski (OGOl-2/E13, 276-9596) • Environmental Support and Site Se11Jices George Yacubovich (OGOl-2/E13, 276-9295) All other functions are handled by consulting staff that reports directly to John Shebell. Richard Lang (OGOl-2/F13, 276-9600) is the Consulting Engineer responsible for the Technology Appraisal process. 21.9.5 Advanced Service Delivery Systems (ASDS) Manager: Tom Karpowski (OG01-1/G17, 276-9637) Advanced Service Delivery Systems is a Field Service organization responsible for facilitating the implementation of a worldwide Digital service network and value added services to our customers. Inclusive within this objective is the definition of Field Service Business and Information Architectures, and the development and integration of our system and network tools in support of the Field Service delivery system. • Program Managemel1 t Office Manager: Harold Long (OGOl-1/G17, 276-9623) • Architectures/Engineering Development Office Manager: Steve Teicher (OG01-1/F17, 276-9901) • Information Management Business Architecture Office Manager: Ken Harris (OG01-lIG17, 276-9901) 244 SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 21.10 STRATEGY AND PLANNING Manager: Ken Senior (OG01-2/R12, 276-9893) 21.10.1 Management Sciences in Field Operations Manager: John Wettniller (OG01-lIG13, 276-9089) Management Science provides analytical business consulting and systems support for management decisions. This group works proactively to provide general business and systems consulting to all of Digital in order to facilitate the development and implementation of management strategies and operational practices. A primary goal of this group is to form business partnerships with the organizations it supports, allowing greater effectiveness in identifying and addressing key client issues and problems. Managelnent Sciences considers itself a Corporate resource and strives to bring a cross-functional, cross-organizational, and objective approach to its projects. All analyses, conclusions, and reconlnlendations are based on what is best for the entire Corporation rather than any particular organization within it. The following is a list of the groups within Management Sciences. • Models and Database Management Senior Manager: Joy Abraham (OG01-lIG13, 276-9040) • Field Service Senior Manager: Andy Weigl (OG01-1/G13, 276-9119) • Corporate Manufacturing Senior Manager: Eric HUlnphrey (OG01-lIG13, 276-8415) • Sales, Services, Marketing, and International Strategy and Planning Senior Manager: Sally Harvey (OG01-1/F13, 276-9095) • Industry Marketing, CIA Sales and Marketing, U. S. Sales, and U. S. Finance Senior Manager: Steve Frigand (OG01-lIF13, 276-9067) • Software Services, Educational Se111ices, Computer Special Systems, Sales Support, .Product Marketing, SSMI Finance, and Communications Senior Manager: Bill Scott (OG01-1/F13, 276-9097) SALES, SERVICES, INDUSTRY/CHANNELS MARKETING, AND INTERNATIONAL 245 CHAPTER 22 COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CSME&T) Manager: Bill Kent (TWO/B21, 247-2585, CSMADM::KENT) COlnputer Systems Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Group (CSME&T) is a component of COlnputer Systems Manufacturing (CSM), and is responsible for Product Support and Enhancenlent and Manufacturing Process Development, Support, and Enhancement. CSME&T is cOInposed of six Engineering Departments. System and Support Engineering (SASE), managed by John Sofio (SASE::SOFIO), is responsible for design support frOIn FRS through EOL, in ternlS of design integrity, system integrity, and VE/enhancenlents. Systems Integration Engineering (SIE) is managed by Glenn Rosander (VICKI::ROSANDER). The SIE nlission is to find and resolve on site product integration and installation problems, in a manner not visible to the customer, through systems verification testing. Systems Reliability Engineering (SRE), managed by Tom Weyant (CSMSRE::WEYANT), is responsible, as a company-wide resource, for providing the means and measurements to drive and improve Digital Systenl Reliability, and to make reliability a profitable attribute to the company and Digital's customers. Product Information Management (PIM) is managed by Bill Moran (PARITY::MORAN). The PIM mission is to identify, define, and apply the appropriate computer technology; to optinlize the way work gets done; and to deliver the process for information transfornlation into the product process domain, in order to ensure cOlnpliance to the Computer Integrated Enterprise (CIE) environment. Process Developnlent Line (PDL), managed by Dave Beveridge (PARITY::BEVERIDGE), is responsible for delivering to volume manufacturing a certified, predictable process incorporating new technologies that support the corporation's module requirements. PDL's Technical Service Organization services systenl manufacturing plants by supplying and supporting them with soft tools and programs and special equipment used in the assembly and testing of modules, backplanes, power supplies and subassemblies, units and systems. Manufacturing Process and Materials Engineering managed by Rich Powers (PARITY::POWERS) provides designers and nlanufacturers of CSM products with integrated manufacturing processes for the transformation of tnaterial into product. COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CSME&T) 247 22.1 SYSTEM AND SUPPORT ENGINEERING (SASE) Manager: John Sofio (TWO/A14, 247-2250, SASE::SOFIO) This group has the design and systeln support responsibility for currently shipping CPU/systems, cOlumunication devices, and network and cluster interfaces. Design support connotes ownership of the hardware and firmware design, the documentation and design data bases, diagnostics, etc. This support applies to modules, backplanes, power supplies, boxes and cabinet level packaging, andsystelll configurations. The scope is CPU and related internal options (such as floating point processor and bus adapter), various communications and systelll interconnect products, and a liInited number of storage controllers (usually those developed by a CPU design group). SASE engineering is responsible for design maintenance of the products they own, such as supplying product-specific technical support to manufacturing and the field, problem correction/ECO generation, design and implementation of value-engineering and reliability enhancement modifications, and integration of new peripheral options into supported CPU systems. SASE may also initiate system enhancement, technology-upgrade, or "mid-life kicker" design activity where there is PBU agreement that it is appropriate frolll business and product-strategic standpoints. SASE administers and operates "Problem Central," a one-stop system technical probleln resolution function that is jointly managed by SASE and Customer Service Systems Engineering (CSSE). Technical problems (suspected hardware design problems) reported into Problem Central are addressed on a prioritized basis. SASE performs system level troubleshooting and fault isolation as required, the problenl cause is identified, the ownership for problem resolution is assigned to the appropriate support engineering group, and the problenl is tracked through fix evaluation/implementation, ending finally with root-cause analysis and loophole elimination. Where problems are found to be caused by products that are not supported directly by SASE, hand-off and liaison is established with the appropriate support group (e.g. Storage Systems Support Engineering, Software Engineering), and Problem Central continues to track the problem through resolution and corrective action. Problem Central also serves as a technical inforlllation service and an enhy point for getting customer problems or special needs serviced. SASE provides system level support for its products. A system engineering view of the product set is lnaintained, and hardware, software, and architectural knowledge of the product is integrated into an understanding of the system as a functional entity being used in a real-world environment to perform a customer's application. Performance, functional compatibility, migratability, and upgradability are iInportant. considerations to the system engineer. In addition to providing problem-solving system support, the system support role also calls for technical consultation on supported products over a wide set ofdemands, ranging from technical support (as requested) to marketing and sales efforts, to technical explanation for users (internal and external), to DECUS sessions and customer interface, to special projects. SASE supports the various "DR" -type options, and often finds itself involved with customer support in "roll-your-own" applications of these devices in their systems. Customer Project Support Group (CPSG) provides system design/documentation and system introduction/support program lllanagement services to marketing and sales organizations dealing with customers who purchase non-standard systems in volumes that require project treatlllent. Various other groups within SASE can assist with specials that do not meet CPSG's project selection criteria. SASE becomes involved with new products as early in the design cycle as possible, with the object of providing design input based on support experience with predecessor options, learning the new product and its related CAD tools, and preparing to assume design ownership when its transfer to support engineering is appropriate. This also helps identify value-engineering and reliability enhancement opportunities. 248 COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CSME&T) SASE is also interested in early involvement with new system options when its system support experience can be of value in establishing product specifications and system integration characteristics, and is interested in providing a systenl level design critique for major new peripheral options. The VAX New Products COlnmittee (VNPC) is managed by the SASE Program Management group, which also maintains close liaison with its counterpart MSD New Products Committee. For each of the supported development engineering organizations (PBUs), there is a corresponding Engineering Support Unit (ESU). • High Pe1f0r1nance ESU Manager Doug Rothenberg (MED::ROTHENBERG) • VAX Cluster ESU Manager Don Reczek (AMUCK: :RECZEK) • Large Mid-Range ESU Manager Ron Nickerson (DELI: :NICKERSON) • Small Mid-Range ESU Manager Howard Janke (SASE::JANKE) • Micro Systems ESU Manager John Bressler (MORGAN::BRESSLER) • Network & Communications ESU Manager John Morgan (WORDS::MORGAN) • Program and Problem Manager Angela Smith (SASE: :ANGELA) • VNPC Yvonne Chen (SASE: :CHEN) The goals of the VAX New Product Committee are to provide a uniform method and common process for test and qualification of VAX Systems and Clusters; to provide an objective evaluation to PAC and PBD of system level test and qualification plans and results; and to improve the internal system level qualification to ensure integrity. • Prol1le111 Central Doug Myer (SASE::MYER) SASE adlninisters and operates "Problem Central," a technical problem resolution function that is jointly managed by SASE and Custonler Services Systeln Engineering (CSSE). Includes PMS, an automated Problem Management System for QARS. • Customer Project Support Group (CPSG) Manager John Galbraith (AURVAX::GALBRAITH) CPSG provides system design/documentation & system introduction/support program management services to marketing and sales organizations dealing with customers who purchase nonstandard systems in volumes that require project treatment. If project does not nleet CPSG's project selection criteria, it is referred to appropriate organization. • CSSE Liaison Carl Cline (COIN::CLINE) COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CSME&T) 249 When to call: Contact this group for technical assistance with one of its options; the "Option/Module List" indicates the responsible engineer and manager on a per-item basis. SASE must be consulted (and have approval authority) on any value-engineering and reliability enhancement plans for its products, and is interested in suggestions for such projects, either on specific products or about enabling technology developments. Call SASE anytiole there is a need for technical assistance on a systeol question. Performance and/or functional queries are handled. In particular, if you suspect a functional or performance system probleol to be a design problem (or if it's just not clear what's happening), contact Probleln Central (IMGAWN::PMS OR SASE::PMS)-DON'T DELAY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE PROOF!-we're anxious for the earliest possible awareness of potential probleols. Designers developing new CPUs and options can avail themselves of the system expertise in this group to review their new products as good systeol elements. Product managers of new VAX CPUs and options MUST COlne to the VNPC and outline their product and program plans. H you are looking for help with a special customer project or a non-standard system, we may be able to help. In general, various internal and customer special projects end up here when another honle can't be found. SASE is oriented toward technical support that promotes customer satisfaction. 22.2 SYSTEM INTEGRATION ENGINEERING Manager: Glenn Rosander (NIO/B18, 247-2856) System Integration Engineering (SIE) provides a system testing service located in Salem, NH (NIO). Tests are performed on shippable, manufactured products, rather than engineering prototypes. SIE verifies that products, as designed and manufactured, are functionally correct, achieve the criteria for POM-shipment system integration, and Ineet customer expectations. The SIE systeln testing service has four major areas of responsibility. These include three test activities and an additional site responsibility. • POM Verification: Standard system packages, new systems, and new peripherals are reviewed and tested from a customer's perspective and for suitability for POM shipment. Product installation, documentation, diagnostics, as well as the functionality and installability of the products within systems, are examined and validated. This testing is perforoled on the entire range of Digital's product line. Testing continues on traditional products to ensure compatibility with new hardware and software releases. (POM Verification is the technical hurdle associated with qualifying a system and/or option for POM shipment. Various other quality and process control criteria must also be satisfied.) • Cluster Verification: This verification encompasses the testing of large VAXClusters using fresh lot inventory from manufacturing. After Cluster Qualification (performed by engineering on prototypes and capitalized equipolent), verification testing is done. This phase focuses on installation methods of the hardware and software, time to install, order completeness, and maximuln configuration testing. Two large clusters are maintained in test Inode. The configurations evolve to obtain homogeneous and heterogeneous mixes of various VAX processors and cluster peripheral nodes. The clusters are exercised according to test plans to achieve the best possible validation of the system functionality of the cluster. • Distributed Systems Verification: Like Cluster Verification, this testing uses fresh lot inventory from manufacturing to test large distributed systems. Verification is performed after Distributed System Qualification and focuses on those areas of perceived high risk for Digital. Verification may be in terms of size, cOlnplexity, new products, or the inclusion of third party gear on Digital's Distributed Systeols. This testing also focuses on time-to-install nletrics, maximum configuration testing, completeness of the olanufactured product, effectiveness of the order adlninistration process, and functionality as perceived by the customer. 250 COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CSME&' • Systeln Test Technology Center Host: SIE manages the system laboratories used jointly by SIE, MSEE (Mid-Range System Evaluation Engineering), CQG (Cluster Qualification Group), and DSTEG (Distributed Systenls Test Evaluation Group). SIE acts as the representative of the Technology Center to NIO plant staff, and provides specific services to the other tenant organizations, such as specialized office automation and material acquisition support. SIE also includes three advanced development groups. These three groups research future industry direction, develop new methods, tools, and processes that enable test organizations to function effectively within the future technology environments. They also develop processes and tools to analyze, nlanage, and distribute test data and systems- or product-level rules and information. 22.2.1 System-Level Design Analysis Program - Systems Evaluation Engineering Manager: Bruce Smith (ML03-3/E67, 223-6740) System-Level Design Analysis Program - Systems Evaluation Engineering (SLDA/SEE) is a developInent organization staffed with highly-skilled personnel in system/cluster test methodologies. The group is developing the System-Level Design Analyzer (SLDA), a computer-based tool ahned at early identification and analysis of system interaction problems. SLDA uses artificial intelligence and expert systenls techniques to provide key systenl data throughout the design and manufacturing stages of a new product. Present system test methods are capital intensive, expensive, time consuming, and test engineer knowledge-dependent. The multi-stage SLDA development program will improve systeln test efficiency and effectivity by putting process, priority, and method into the complex system interaction dOlllain. SEE also consults on state-of-the-art system testing issues, the technology of testing systems, and special testing problelns. 22.2.2 Methods, Strategies, and Tools Manager: Roland Ramponi (NIO/B18, 261-2767) This advanced development group studies industry trends and future technology directions to detennine what testing methods need to be devised to test these future computer environnlents. We analyze present and future customer, sales, Engineering, Manufacturing, and Field Service requirelllents and goals. Fronl these studies we identify what attributes of systems need to be tested and measured in order to provide the necessary information, to both the consumer and the producer, to 111ake informed technical and business decisions. MST defines, quantifies, and documents these key systenl attributes. We develop testing and analysis nlethods to ensure that these system attributes are within expected tolerances. We develop, document, and implement these methods in hardware and software for use by operational test groups to test for, and measure, those attributes. MST also designs and develops the infrastructure needed by a test facility to automate the data collection, data reduction, data analysis, and the reporting of test results. COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CSME&T) 251 22.2.3 Configuration Management Office (CMO) Manager: Dick Caruso (TWO/AIO, 247-2644) The Configuration Management Program is concerned with the design, development, and ongoing support and Inanagement of system-level products, processes, base-systems, clusters, and networks via the establishment, recognition, and control of the knowledge or information by which these are regulated or coordinated. The Program covers the development and/or implementation of the following, and establishes the ongoing responsibilities of the CMO: • A Configuration Information Specification • DEC Configuration Information System (DECCIS ...pronounced "deck-sis"). • Integration of DECCIS into DIGITAL via appropriate process linkages and ongoing administration and updating of DECCIS and process use The key element of the Program is the DECCIS database, which enables the management of systems and products via the "rules" and "data" (Le., both Systeln and Product Level Configuration Information) required to plan or upgrade system configurations. A usable version of DECCIS is available; the process covering its use is being worked and the first planned use will occur in late FY88/early FY89.. The information originates during the design cycle and is verified during the various stages of testing. Therefore the process covering the use of DECCIS includes loading, updating, and Inanaging the access of systems and product configuration information by the responsible Engineering group till the responsibility has transferred to a support organization, which then assumes responsibility for it. The process extends into the systems/product test cycle (Le., SIE Verification Testing), and includes information access by Corporate organizations needing it. The information includes the systems-level, generic, or macro-level knowledge necessary to plan, nlanage, or update systems (Le., Networks, Clusters, Packaged/Standard/SBB Systems, Base COIllputers, etc), as well as product- or option-specific rules and data. DECCIS is a database for the online acquisition, storage/retrieval, and control of a COIllmon set/formally recognized body of configuration information for corporate use). With the use of DECCIS, the progr,am realizes major positive effects across the various functional areas of the corporation (Le., Sales/Service, Marketing, Engineering, and Manufacturing), by significantly inlproving the developIllent, introduction, and support of systems, products, and processes, and by dramatically lessening associated overhead. Additionally, the program, through the Configuration Management Office, establishes a control point and administrative responsibility for DECCIS, as well as a configuration expertise for consultation or coordination of configuration issues. When to call: Contact SIE with questions regarding system, cluster, or distributed system functional testing; when systems or new options require paM certification; or when problems are being experienced with the integration of POM-Verified products in systems, clusters, or distributed systems. 252 COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CSME&T) 22.3 Systems Reliability Engineering (SRE) Manager: Tom Weyant (VWO/C06, 285-6081, CSMSRE::WEYANT) This group's strategic objective is to achieve higher levels of reliability and availability in Digital's products and systelns. The SRE group performs tasks including the following: system reliability and availability modeling, allocation of reliability requirements, design for reliability, qualification testing, reliability tracking and data analysis, and assessment of the impact on reliability of new manufacturing processes and new technologies. Moreover, the SRE group develops new cOlnputer tools for use by reliability analysts Digital-wide, and reviews the applicability of tools developed in the industry. The group is cOlnprised of six SUbgroups. 22.3.1 Reliability Programs Office, SRE Manager: Norm Smith The functions of the Reliability Programs Office include program management, and development of the SRE charter statement, budget roll-ups, and assessnlent and performance measures. 22.3.2 Advanced Development Group Manager: Tom Weyant The activities of the Advanced Development Group currently include development of crash rate predictive nlodeling and data analysis techniques, management of the CSM Reliability University (RU), and research in the area of advanced statistical analysis techniques. 22.3.3 Advanced Systems Engineering Manager: Rick Howe ASE performs reliability and availability modeling of Digital networks, clusters, and standalone equipment, cost of ownership economic modeling, and research in the area of stochastic nlodeling of cOlnputer systems. 22.3.4 Design Reliability Engineering Manager: Bob Shelton DRE conducts a reliability progranl for new products fronl initial concept through product retirement. The focus is on early design review and analysis to detect and correct design problems prior to commitment to fabrication. The tasks include reliability and availability modeling, prediction of failure rate and allocation to lower level assemblies, analysis of system and circuit design, failure modes and effects analysis, and qualification test strategy and management. 22.3.5 Reliability Assessment Engineering Manager: David Jones RAE maintains a qualification laboratory for reliability demonstration testing of new products (RQT). This group also performs a tracking function by gathering reliability data on conlputer systelns and their cOlnponents, from multiple sources including vendor new product qualification, manufacturing, and field use. Information gathered will be used in future new product development efforts and to identify current performance and opportunities. COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CSME&T) 253 22.3.6 Process Reliability Group Manager: J.P. Keller PRG provides the Ineans, procedures and technical expertise to define and relate process and reliability goals. The group aims at·providing tools and procedures for process control and monitoring, thereby assessing process practices and maintaining process integrity. It will also participate in developing test and control plans for new processes, materials and help to assess risks associated with their use. 22.3.7 Reliability University RU plans and staffs an internal education program aimed at developing more in-house reliability expertise. The objective is to identify qualified candidates within Digital's current technical ranks and provide thenl with a cooperative program of in-depth academic and practical training in a broad spectrum of reliability topics. When to·call: • For any reliability question or related problem. • For involvement in new system design, for reliability consultation and/or design team participation. Also RQT. • For interest/needs/inputs/information on system reliability and availability characterization and modeling. • For any consultation or involvement in the nlanufacturing process and materials. • For interest in reliability training. I I 254 COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CSME&T) CHAPTER 23 PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP Manager: Peter J. Smith, V.P. (MR03-lIE8, 297-5160) The role of the Product Marketing Groups (PMGs) is to support Digital's mission to provide enterprisewide information systems. By providing the layered software environment needed to reach the potential of Digital's base systems and networking technologies, Product Marketing leverages Digital's investment in base distributed computing technology. We add systems engineering, application integration, and an extensive portfolio of worldwide applications to develop Digital's products into enterprise-wide solutions. To acconlplish this, Product Marketing maintains strong technology partnerships with strategic customers and applications partners in key areas. We use the knowledge we gain from these relationships to build a strong Product Marketing systems engineering focus. Systems engineering complements Digital's base product and technology investments. It is the means by which Product Marketing·develops and drives high-quality information regarding product requirements into the Product Business Units (PBUs). It enables Product Marketing to provide an increased level of product integration so that it is easier for the sales force to match a Digital-based solution to a customer problem. In addition, Product Marketing works with Software Services to position Digital as the complete systenlS integrator for our worldwide industry customers. Product Marketing continues to provide expertise directly to the Sales Support organization, the Application Centers for Technology (ACTs), the Customer Solutions Center, and to the Field through its close ties with the geographies' Industry Marketing Groups. PRODUCT MARKETING GROUPS • Corporate Systems Manager: Bill Steul, V.P. (PDM1-2/C2, 291-0550) • Engineering Systems Manager: Don McInnis, V.P. (MR03-1/Q17, 297-4383) • Business and Office Information Systems Manager: Henry Ancona, V.P. (TTB1-2/G10, 264-3700) • Laboratory Data Products (LOP) Marketing Manager: Gary Eichhorn (MR02-4/F19, 297-4300) • CIM Marketing and Product Development Manager: Dave Copeland (MET-2/C7, 291-7702) • Group Marketing Programs Manager: Linda Moore (UP01-3, 296-4564) • Product Marketing Personnel Manager: Willow Shire (MR03-1/E8, 297-7827) • Finance and Planning Manager: Pat Spratt (MR03-lIE8, 297-7611) PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP 255 • Independent Software Vendor Group Manager: Mike Mancuso (MET-1/H3, 291-7502) • Marketing Communications Manager: Pete Zotto (CF01-1/M38, 251-1174) • Systems Engineering Manager: Mike Taylor (MR03-1/E8, 297-4525) PRODUCT MARKETING CONTACTS Corporate Systems Vice President: Bill Steul (PDMl-2/C2, 291-0550) • Financial Industry Systems Group Manager: NorDl Goldberg (PDMl-2/L11, 291-0200) • • IS Product Marketing Manager: Patrick Zilvitis (PDMl-2/F2, 291-0402) Telecommunications Systems Group Manager: Bill Kania (PDMl-2/L11, 291-0320) • Marketing Programs/Travel Applications Manager: Bob Weiner (PDMl-2/F2, 291-0474) • Marketing Communications Manager: Barbara Watterson (PDM1-lIF2, 291-0440) • Systems Engineering Manager (Acting): Bill Steul (PDMl-2/C2, 291-0550) • Finance and Planning Manager: Terry Fink (PDMl-2/B2, 291-0495) • Personnel Manager: Barry Moore (PDMl-2/B2, 291-0431) • Cullinet Strategic Alliance Manager: Deborah Nicholls (PDM1-lIF2, 291-0346) Engineering Systems Group Vice President: Don McInnis (MR03-lIQ17, 297-4383) • Business Groups Marketing . Rakesh Kumar (MR03-lIQ17, 297-7166) Systems Engineering Prakash Bhalerao (MR03-lIQ17, 297-6246) UNIX Program Office PRISM Workstation Program Office ULTRIX Group Glenn Johnson (ZK03-3/W16, 381-0411) Systems Software Base Product Marketing Manager: Gail Holland (ZK03-3/Y25, 381-2345) • Support Groups Finance Larry Rosenberg (MR03-lIQ17, 297-6774) 256 PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP Operations Bryan Marler (MR03-1/Q17, 297-7473) Pers01mel Rich McNeal (MR03-lIQ17, 297-4336) Business and Office Information Systems (BOIS) Vice President: Henry Ancona (TTBl-2/G10, 264-3700) • Distribution, Marketing, Sales and Service Business Systems Jhn Willis (TTBl-4/E03, 264-5487) • Financial and Administrative Business Systems Michael Carabetta (TTBl-2/C02, 264-8255) • Electronic Publishing Systems Howard Woolf (TTBl-2/B05, 264-3901) • Office Information Systems Gene Hodges (TTBl-2/F03, 264-3734) • Market Development and Programs Tom Richardson (TTBl-3/F10, 264-3961) • Systems Engineering Dick Loveland (TTBl-3/F09, 264-6800) • Finance and Business John Doherty (TTBl-2/B06, 264-3995) • Planning Claire Messier (TTBl-2/G10, 264-2293) • Personnel Leigh Bodington (TTBl-2/C05, 264-3907) • Business and Office Systems Engineedng Pamela Johnson (ZK03-2/X37, 381-0733) Laboratory Data Products (LOP) Marketing Manager: Gary Eichhorn (MR02-4/F19, 297-4300) • Laboratol'y Applications Marketing Ty Rabe (MR02-3/M84, 297-4198) • Scientific Applications Marketing Larry Kruger (MR02-3/M91, 297-7118) • Business Det,elopment Programs Brian Wade (MR02-3/M38, 297-2590) • Product Marketing and Planning Randy Levine (MR02-3/M91, 297-6255) • Systems Engineering Herve Lavoie (MR02-4/E14, 297-6938) • LDP Engineering Herve Lavoie (MR02-4/E14, 297-6938) • F&A/MIS Hank Soboski (MR02-4/F19, 297-5512) PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP 257 • Personnel Jim Fleming (MR02-3/M78, 297-6845) CIM Marketing and Product Development Manager: Dave Copeland (MET-2/E7, 291-7702) • Systems Engineering Dee Stewart (MET-1/E1, 291-7657) • Product Development Bob Andersen (MET -2/E2, 291-7758) • Systems and Applications Support Group Val Patel (MET-1/E5, 291-7511) • Market Development Peter Graham (MET-2/A4, 291-7475) John Ardini - Acting (MET-lIF6, 291-7591) • Product and Services Marketing Don Jenkins (MET-2/E7, 291-7726) • ApJ1lications Marketing Don Bell-Irving (MET-2/H2, 291-7704) • Finance Marty Scarpati (MET-2/C5, 291-7539) • Personnel Austin Moss (MET-1/F3, 291-7855) Digital groups are encouraged to contact Product Marketing when they can benefit from their expertise. This group can provide the following information. • Market requirements and trends in all of Digital's markets • Contacts with industry consultants, trade groups, and standards organizations. Product Marketing would like to capitalize on the expertise of Digital's engineers to strengthen our marketing efforts. Engineers who feel that the work they are doing could contribute to marketing efforts are .encouraged to contact the appropriate people. The following are SOllle examples of the activities Product Marketing would like to know about. • Development (or identification) of a new product or application suitable to any of our Inarkets • Unique or interesting applications of computer technology to solve science, engineering, corporate information, office, and manufacturing problems • Willingness to be a reference site or provide pre-sales support to the Digital sales force 23.1 CORPORATE SYSTEMS GROUP Manager: Bill Steul, V.P. (PDMl-2/C2, 291-0550) The Corporate Systems Group (CSG) is organized to increase Digital's focus and market penetration in the corporate inforolation systems, telecOlnmunications, travel, and financial services markets. CSG is one of the five strategic product Inarketing groups reporting to Peter Smith, V.P., Product Marketing. CSG focuses on enterprise computing and networking. CSG is also responsible for the acquisition and integration of applications and the development of production application strategies and progralns for corporate computing across all industries. eSG's goal is to have Digital recognized as number one in distributed production systeols. • 258 Financial Industry Systems Group PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP Manager: Norm Goldbe rg (PDM1-2/L11, 291-0200) IS Product Marketing Manager: Patrick Zilvitis (PDM1-2/F2, 291-0402) • Telecommunications Systems Group • Manager: Bill Kania (PDM1-2/L11, 291-0320) • Marketing Programs/Travel Applications • Marketing Communications Manager: Bob Weine r (PDM1-2/F2, 291-0474) Manager: Barbara Watter son (PDM1-1/F2, 291-0440) Systems Engineering • Manag er (Acting): Bill Steul (PDM1 -2/C2, 291-0550) Finance and Planning • Manager: Terry Fink (PDMl -2/B2, 291-0495) Personnel • Manager: Barry Moore (PDM1 -2/B2, 291-0431) Cullinet Strategic Alliance • Manager: Debor ah Nicholls (PDM1-1/F2, 291-0346) 23.1.1 Financial Industry Systems Group Manager: David Stroll (PDM1-2/L11, 291-0200) market, and deliver a surerio r set Financial Indust ry System s Group (FISG) is charter ed to develo p, sectors of the financia . services ce of compl ete solutions for the banking, investm ent, and insuran ry Marketing Group . industr y worldw ide. FISG also works closely with the Financial Indust 23.1.2 Information Systems Product Marketing Manager: Patrick Zilvitis (PDM1-2/F2, 291-0402) ide IS soluti9 ns and platfor ms IS Produc t Marketing develo ps and markets integrated, enterp rise-w includ e databa ses, CASEIIS, ms platfor and to meet commercial compu ting needs. These solutions endor networks, OLTP, multiv ctures, archite d selecte of migration tools to compe te for replac ement increas e market share and to be and integra ted AI solutions. These solutions will positio n Digital to s. recogn ized as the standa rd for distrib uted produc tion system 23.1.3 Telecommunications Systems Group Manager: Bill Kania (PDMl-2/L11, 291-0321) the following areas: TSG develo ps and market s solutio n platfor ms and applications across • Intelligent Networks • • Value Added Networks Public Netwo rk Manag ement • Public Netwo rk Operat ions • Custon ler Applications service provid ers with the last The first four solutio n areas are focuse d on the telecom munica tions area focuse d primarily on corpor ate telecom depart ments. PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP 259 23.1.4 Marketing Programs/Travel Applications Manager: Bob Weiner (PDMl-2/F2, 291-0474) Marketing Progralns charter is to nlanage perfonnance testing on Digital and competitive products and systenls for CSG's markets and other special projects as they arise. In addition, it is responsible for travel related services startup on behalf of Product Marketing. 23.1.5 Marketing Communications Manager: Barbara Watterson (PDM1-1/F2,291-0440) This group develops and communicates Digital's corporate computing and networking messages. The group scrutinizes competitors' products, service, and marketing strategies to better direct Digital's corporate computing messages. This group works closely with High Performance Systems Marketing, with Rose Ann Giordano's Consultant and Information Systems Marketing group, and with the field marketing progranls groups to package and deliver the product applications and solution systenls content of Digital's corporate computing strategy. 23.1.6 Finance and Planning Manager: Terry Fink (PDMl-2/B2, 291-0495) Finance and Planning provides business support to the Corporate Systems Group in the areas of finance, control, planning, systenls, and facilities. 23.1.7 Personnel Manager: Barry Moore (PDMl-2/B2, 291-0431) This group provides eSGs personnel administration and planning, recruiting, organizational developnlent, and enlployee relations. 23.1.8 Cullinet Strategic Alliance Manager: Deb Nicholls (PDM1-1/F2, 291-0346) Management of the relationship with a major software vendor, influencing Cullinet's investment in developing applications for the VAX platform, including joint development efforts. 23.2 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, ULTRIX, PRISM Manager: Don McInnis, V.P. (MR03-1/Q17,297-4383) This group's charter is to specify, build, and market complete computing solutions to engineering organizations in targeted industries through all channels, worldwide. BUSINESS GROUPS • Markefi ng Rakesh Kunlar, 297-7166 Responsible for all marketing activities focused on engineering organizations at all levels, and includes: market research, product strategy, third party applications, pricing, pronlotion, field programs, and distribution strategy. • Systems Engineering Prakash Bhalerao, 297-6246 260 PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP Responsible for development and delivery to sales and sales support of application modules and complete solutions designed to meet the needs of the customer's engineering organization at all levels: Work group, Department, and Corporate. • UL TRIX Group Manager: Glenn Johnson (ZK03-3/W16, 381-0411) The ULTRIX Group is responsible for specifying an ULTRIX strategy that creates a world class UNIX offering. The group performs both development and product management functions. The Development effort has four major areas of focus: hardware systems support; user interfaces; networks and comnlunication; and the integration of UNIX with VMS through software products. It provides a full range of engineering activity from basic operating system support of the VAX hardware architecture to state-of-the-art graphic interfaces (including DECwindows and the X windowing system), direction and support for industry standards (such as POSIX, SVID, and X/Open), file systems, system security, networking and distributed computing capabilities, system management, utilities. Documentation, performance, and quality groups complenlent the development functions. The Product Management group is the interface between the Development Group and the customer base as well as other groups within Digital. This group manages the phase review process, helps define product requirements, creates a business plan, and orchestrates DECUS activities. ULTRIX Product Managenlent is also responsible for management of Digital's licensing agreement with AT&T and ULTRIX third party applications activities. The Inajor portion of the ULTRIX Group resides at the Spitbrook Road facility in Nashua, NH. The group also includes the Western Software Lab (WSL) in Palo Alto, CA and the European ULTRIX Engineering Group (EUEG) in Reading England. The following lists the ULTRIX Group contacts: Hardware Systems Support Manager: Dave Cardos (ZK03-3/T79, 381-0376) User Intelface Manager: Ken Reilly (ZK03-3/W17, 381-0404) Networks and File Systems Manager: Kent Ferson (ZK03-3/T79, 381-0389) Documentation Manager: Bob Amber (ZK03-3/T13, 381-0463) Product Ma11agemel1t Manager: Gary Oden (ZK03-3/V06, 381-0529) Licensing Manager: Jim Despathy (ZK03-3/V06, 381-0521) Technical Director Manager: Jim McGinness (ZK03-3/W16, 381-0407) System Quality and Pelformance Manager: Torn Hayden (ZK03-3/T13, 381-0311) Westem Software Lab Manager: Smokey Wallace (UCO-3, (415) 853-6651) European UL TRIX Engineering Group Manager: Vic Goddard • UNIX Program Office Responsible for developing, supporting, and marketing ULTRIX operating systems. • PRISM Workstations Program Office PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP 261 Responsible for the high performance ULTRIX workstations business which includes: system architecture, engineering, manufacturing, service, marketing, and product management. • Systems Software Base Product Marketing Manager: Gail Holland (ZK03-31Y25, 381-2345) SUPPORT GROUPS • • Finance Larry Rosenberg, 297-6774 Operations Bryan Marler, 297-7473 • Personnel Rich McNeal, 297-4336 23.3 BUSINESS AND OFFICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (BOIS) Manager: Henry Ancona, V.P. (TTBl-2/GIO, 264-3700) Bu.siness· and Office Information Systems (BOIS) provides complete business and office solutions for custooler needs in all industries worldwide. BOIS consists of four major businesses: • Distribution, Marketing, Sales, and Service Business Systems (DMSS) • Finance and Administrative Business Systems (FABS) • Electronic Publishing Systems (EPS) • Office Information Systems (OIS) Supporting these four major business segments are five functions: Market Development and Programs, Systems Engineering, Finance, Strategic Planning and Personnel. In addition to the four businesses and five supporting functions, the Business and Office Systelns Engineering (BOSE) group reports jointly to BOIS and to the Software Development Technologies group in Engineering managed by Bill Keating. 23.3.1 Distribution, Marketing, Sales, and Service Business Systems (DMSS) Manager: Jim Willis (TTB1-4/E03, 264-5487) The DMSS group provides a worldwide product portfolio and marketing strategy to penetrate and gain market share in distribution/logistics, transportation, marketing, sales, service and retail stores. The DMSS solutions position Digital as the leader and preferred supplier of distributed systems and networks-the fastest growing segment. 23.3.2 Finance and Administrative Business Systems (FABS) Manager: Michael Carabetta (TTBl-2/C02, 264-8255) The FABS group satisfies the computing needs of the accounting, finance ~nd administration functions of large companies and governments worldwide. FABS works closely with Industry Marketing to develop a product portfolio and marketing strategy to gain market share within these functions. 262 PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP 23.3.3 Electronic Publishing Systems (EPS) Manager: Howard Woolf (TTBl-4/B05, 264-3901) The EPS group provides enterprise-wide word/document processing and electronic publishing systems across all industries, functions, channels and geographies worldwide. EPS works closely with Product and Industry Marketing (particularly Media Industry) on requirements for a competitive publishing architecture and product set which is well-integrated into application solution systenls. 23.3.4 Office Information Systems (OIS) Manager: Gene Hodges (TTBl-2/F03, 264-3734) OIS nleets the needs common to every office in large enterprises for all industries, worldwide. These COlnmon needs are business communications, applications integration and end user conlputing. The business communications segment includes Mail, EDI, Videotex, information sharing, and voice applications. The applications integration segment includes a standard end user integration platform (ALL-IN-I), user interface standards and office system administration and management. The end user computing segment includes desktop integration, professional decision support, executive information systems, procedural automation and simple project management. 23.3.5 Market Development and Programs (MD&P) Manager: Tom Richardson (TTBl-3/FI0, 264-3961) The MD&P group provides two services for BOIS: • Communicates and promotes to internal and external audiences the messages and strategies of the major business segments. • Gets the BOIS products and solutions to market using a well-staffed, well-trained, well-motivated field force selling to targeted, predisposed customers and prospects. 23.3.6 Systems Engineering Manager: Dick Loveland (TTB1-31F09, 264-:-6800) The mission of BOIS Systems Engineering is to define and drive the development of complete solutions for business and office information systems through integration of Digital and third party products on standard Digital platforms, characterize and test solutions, and sponsor technical partnerships to accelerate the definition and delivery of new solutions. This group is organized to align with the four business segments. 23.3.7 Finance and MIS Manager: John Doherty (TTBl-2/B06, 264-3995) The BOIS Finance and MIS group provides financial nlanagement and analysis, business analysis and information systems for BOIS. 23.3.8 Strategic Planning Manager: Claire Messier (TTBl-2/GI0, 2.64-2293) The BOIS Strategic Planning function manages the major business planning activities for BOIS. PRODUCT MARKETING .GROUP 263 23.3.9 Personnel Manager: Leigh Bodington (TTB1-2/C05, 264-3907) The BOIS Personnel group provides recruiting, organizational development and employee relations functions for BOIS. 23.3.10 Business and Office Systems Engineering (BOSE) Manager: Pamela Johnson (ZK03-2/X37, 381-0733) The BOSE group, reporting jointly to BOIS and to SDT Engineering, has two responsibilities: • To deliver leadership ALL-IN-1 office systems and business communications applications in support of the BOIS strategy. • To drive Digital's corporate mail program and to contribute components, consultation and development resources to help other application development groups in Engineering. 23.4 LABORATORY DATA PRODUCTS/SCIENCE GROUP Manager: Gary Eichhorn (MR02-4/F19, 297-4300) The Laboratory Data Products Group (LDP) provides Digital's marketing focus on the scientific research and laboratory marketplaces. The charter of LDP is to provide integrated computing solutions to scientists within research and laboratory organizations worldwide, to understand the cOlllputing needs of scientists and develop strategies for meeting those needs, and to provide strategies, positioning, and technical information to Industry Marketing and Sales Support groups to assist in maxilllizing Digital's lllarket share in scientific and laboratory computing. Typical customers in this market include industrial R&D laboratories, educational deparhnents and laboratories, non-profit institutions, government research organizations, llledical research organizations, salllple handling laboratories. The industries where these customers are concentrated include the Process Industries, Discrete Manufacturing Industries such as Aerospace, Autolllotive, and Electronics, Government, and Education. LDP is one of the strategic product marketing groups reporting to Peter Smith, V.P., Product Marketing. 23.4.1 Laboratory Applications Marketing Manager: Ty Rabe (MR02-3/M84, 297-4198) Both LDP marketing groups, Laboratory Applications Marketing and Scientific Applications Marketing, concentrate on defining and Inarketing cOlllplete, worldwide solutions for science and research that clearly differentiate Digital from its major competitors. The Laboratory Applications Marketing group concentrates on science and research activities within larger organizations. Applications of interest to this group include data analysis, laboratory information management, instrument control, real time control, signal processing, time-critical computing, bioresearch, and scientific office. 23.4.2 Scientific Applications Marketing Manager: Larry Kruger (MR02-3/M91, 297-7118) Both LDP marketing groups concentrate on defining and marketing complete, worldwide solutions for science and research that clearly differentiate Digital from our major competitors. The Scientific Applications Marketing group concentrates on organizations devoted to science and research. Applications of interest to this group include simulation and lllodeling, illlage processing and scientific visualization, program development, and supercomputing. 264 PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP 23.4.3 Business Development Programs Manager: Brian Wade (MR02-3/M38, 297-2590) The Business Development group is LDP's focus on Digital's field organization. It provides strategic links with key Industry Marketing groups, with Sales and Sales Support, and with Channels Marketing. This group is also responsible for field training and Marketing Communications Activities. 23.4.4 Product Marketing and Planning Manager: Randy Levine (MR02-3/M91, 297-6255) The Product Marketing function provides requirements to Digital engineering groups and works with thenl to bring products to market and to incorporate them into LDP marketing programs. the planning function maintains LDP's strategic plan and participates on behalf of LDP in corporate planning and forecasting activities. This group also conducts the LDP Consultant/Analyst relations program. 23.4.5 Systems Engineering Manager: Herve Lavoie (MR02-4/E14, 297-6938) The mission of LDP Systems Engineering is to define and drive the development of complete solutions for scientific and research customers through integration of Digital and third-party products on standard Digital platforms, to characterize and test solutions, and to sponsor technical partnerships to accelerate the definition and delivery of new solutions. The group is organized to align with the the two LDP Inarketing groups, Laboratory Applications Marketing and Scientific Applications Marketing. 23.4.6 LDP Engineering Manager: Herve Lavoie (MR02-4/E14, 297-6938) The major product developlnent areas of LDP Engineering are scientific and technical information Inanagenlent systems, real-thne data 'acquisition and control for research and scientific applications, graphing and display of scientific data, and libraries for scientific computing. Products include LABSTAR software and I/O library for the researcher and LIMS/SM as an applications software tool for automating laboratory processes and Inanagement of tested data. LDP Engineering provides consulting on real-time applications, instrument interfacing (especially IEEE488 bus), and laboratory automation. 23.4.7 Finance and Administration/MIS Manager: Hank Soboski (MR02-4/F19, 297-5512) This group is responsible for financial management and analysis, and for LOP's financial and business infonnation systenls. 23.4.8 Personnel Manager: Jinl Fleming (MR02-3/M78, 297-6845) This group is responsible for personnel functions, recruiting, organizational development, and elnployee relations. PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP 265 23.5 CIM MARKETING AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT GROUP Manager: Dave Copeland (MET-2/E7, 291-7702) The elM Product Development and Marketing Group is responsible for the following functions: • Defines and maintains the strategies for the worldwide manufacturing nlarket (marketing, products, services, and channels). • Implements programs and plans, with others, to achieve the market strategies. • Ensures that all strategies are based on the corporate product plan. • Develops expertise in systems engineering and product development for CIM. • Directs marketing and planning efforts through all channels. • Targets manufacturing departments and all areas of the enterprise which influence the use of computing in manufacturing. The manufacturing market is commonly segmented into levels shown below. The system target market or CIM is Levels I, II and III. Level Description Application IV Corporate-wide System Payroll, Accounting, Corporate MRP, Corporate Distributing, etc. III Plant-wide systems MRPII, distribution, manufacturing decision support, maintenance, energy, and resource management II Area Control Shop floor scheduling and control, process control, quality management, supervisory cell control Machine control, distributed process control, factory data collection devices Direct machine or unit control o Machine or process Level 0 is the machine or process being controlled by computers at a higher level. The CMPD group will address Level IV computing when applications are manufacturing oriented and will support the Information Systems Business Group (ISBG) in representing our manufacturing solutions to IS executives. The CIM group is also responsible for maintenance and applications across all basic and service industries. CIM Product Development and Marketing contacts are as follows: • elM Marketing and Product Development Manager: Dave Copeland (MET-2/E7, 291-7702) • Systems Engineering Dee Stewart (MET-lIEl, 291-7657) • Pmduct Development Bob Andersen (MET-2/E2, 291-7758) • Systems and Applications Support Group Val Patel (MET-I/E5, 291-7511) • Market Development Peter Graham (MET-2/A4, 291-7475) John Ardini - Acting (MET-lIF6, 291-7591) • Product and Seroices Marketing Don Jenkins (MET-2/E7, 291-7726) 266 ·PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP • Applications Marketing Don Bell-Irving (MET-2/H2, 291-7704) • • Finance Marty Scarpati (MET-2/e5, 291-7539) Personnel Austin Moss (MET-1/F3, 291-7855) PRODUCT MARKETING GROUP 267 NAME INDEX A Abel, Norma , 127 Abel, Tom, 243 Aberdale, liz, 120 Aberna thy, Charles, 86 Abraha m, Joy, 245 Abraha msen, Tom, 86 Adams, Barbara, 21.4 Adams, John, 120 Adleman, Henry, 243 Ahern, Camille, 43 Aitken, Jim, 236 Ajgaonkar, Kami, 76 Alexanderson, John, 208 Alissi, Geno, 128 Allan, Joe, 207 Allison, Lee, 183 Alumbaugh, Clark, 112 Amber, Bob, 261 Ancona, Henry, 262 Anders en, Bob, 266 Anderson, Bruce, 189 Anders on, Dave, 210 Anders on, Dee, 147 Anders on, Dick, 180 Anders on, Duncan , 90 Anders on, Steve, 178, 194 Anderson-Khleif, Susan, 116 Andrew s, Don, 48 Angel, Dick, 93 Anketell, Winni, 203 Annesi, Bill, 196 Anthon y, Charlie, 198 Aori, Yoshi, 108 Aramati, Victor, 69 Arayas, Joe, 219 Archam bault, Bruce, 79 Archam beault, Bruce, 210 Ardini, John, 266 Arker, Joel, 128 Armbru ster, Glenn, 133 Armou r, Jon, 174 Arnold, Phil, 116 Aronoff, Sheldo n, 119 Ashley-Sack, Marilyn, 214 Askins, Bill, 102 Atkinson, Uoyd, 129 Atlas, Jay, 219 Atter, Frank, 190 Auman , Craig, 201 Austin, Dick, 49 Avakian, Carine, 147 Azar, lssa, 139 8 Bagley, John, 87 Bailey, P., 233 Bajwa, S.S., 185 Baldessari, Dave, 46 BaHour, Fred, 132 Ball, C., 234 Balladelli, Piero, 145 Ballou, Joe, 172 Barbas, Charlie, 26 Barbett, Dick, 156 BarBone, Virginia, 171 Barker, Jeff, 183 Barker, John, 96 Barker, Steve, 78 Barnabe, Don, 209 Barnard , Bob, 239 Barnum , Susan, 211 Barrett, John, 237 Barrett, Jon, 143 Barron, Ed, 115 Batten, Jack, 191 Baudelaire, Patrick, 60 Bauer, Alfred, 139 Bauer, Diane, 226 Bausha, Bill, 211 Beane, Dick, 66 Beaudet, Tom, 209 Becker, Phil, 210 Beckner, George, 46 Beecher, John, 243 Behuniak, John, 184 NAME INDEX 269 Beirne, John, 57 Belanger, Dick, 76 Ben, David, 143 Bell, Unda, 229 Bellanca, Steve, 79 Bell-Irving, Don, 267 Benfey, Tom, 232 Benigni, Paul, 85 Bennett, Dick, 73 Benton, Renate, 110 Berger, Bill, 171 Berger, Ken, 174 Berke, Marty, 239 Berman, Ajay, 225 Bernstein, Dan, 220 Bertetti, Dave, 87 Best, Dick, 16 Bettels, J. iirgen, 143 Beveridge, Dave, 247 Bhalerao, Prakash, 260 Bhalla, Sunil, 185 Bills, Bob, 82, 243 Binder, Hermann, 221 Bitto, Joe, 80 Black, Bob, 137 Blackledge, Bob, 110 Blair, Joan, 214 Blenis, Gary, 243 Blizard, Gail, 242 Blomgren, Roger, 225 Blume, Steve, 175 Bod.ington, Leigh, 264 Boers, Pete.r, 79 Boers, Robert, 135 Bogue, Ron, 80, 243 Bourne, Steve, 80 Bourque, J., 233 Bowen, Hugh, 75 Bowles, Chet, 224 Bowman, Chris, 38 Bowman, Robert, 211 Boyd, Drew, 229 Brabitz, Ken, 78 Bradley, Dick, 189 Brait, Denice, 41 Braithwaite, David, 243 Braley, Jon, 189 Brandwein, Louise, 209 Brauner, Raul, 77 Breest, Carol, 181 Bressler, John, 249 Bright, Patricia, 182 Brind, Alan, 242 Brommelhoff, jurgen, 96 Brooks, Gary, 13 Brown, Bill, 109 Brown, Bob, 240 270 NAME INDEX Brown, David L., 13 Brown, David W., 105 Brown, Peter, 56 Brown, R., 234 Brown, Ron, 231, 232 Browne, Peter, 230 Brownson, Bob, 225, 228 Bryan, Tony, 76 Buddenhagen, Will, 223 Burckhardt, Werner, 191 Burke, Bill, 134 Burniece, Tom, 112 Burnley, Stuart, 151 Burns, John, 229 , Burr, Geoffrey, 81 Busiek, Don, 220 Butler, Ollie, 189 Butler, Rich, 93 Byrne, Bruce, 228 c Cabrinety, Larry, 82 Cacioppo, George, 84 Caine, Paul, 174 Caldwell, Jim, 121 Camber, Sue, 78 Camelio, Bob, 140 Cann, George, 229 Cannizzaro, Joe, 77 Cappello, Nick, 96 Carabetta, Michael, 262 Carchidi, Joe, 81 Cardon, Dennis, 209 Cardos, Dave, 261 Carpentier, Sandy, 80, 90 Carrado, Ray, 229 Carty, Bob, 132 Caruso, Dick, 252 Castellano, Rich, 87 Cataldo, Pat, 221 Caulfield, John, 176 Cavanaugh, Tom, 54, 200 Cefalo, AI, 35 Chace, Don, 191 Chaplin, Bill, 228 Chapman, Drum, 97 Chen, Mimi, 96 Chen, Yvonne, 249 Chevalier, Irene, 224 Chosiad, Dave, 236 Chow, Peter, 121 Christensen, Mike, 228 Chubachi, Takao, 108 Ciannavei, Guido, 190 Ciorciari, Tony, 178 Clapp, Gary, 36 Clark, Ron, 36 Clarke, John, 80 Cline, Carl, 240, 249 Cline, Warren , 189 Clockedile, Art, 46 Cochra ne, Barbara, 242 Cohen, Bob, 219 Cohen, Lou, 99 Colaia nni, Ron, 49 Collins, Lois, 234 Colon-Osorio, Fernan do, 98, 100 Comstock, Betsy, 86 Conklin , Peter, 83 Conn, Alex, 161 Conn, Charles , 86 Connor s, Agnes, 66 Conrad , Don, 76 Cook, Richard, 115 Cope, George, 231, 232 Copela nd, Dave, 266 Cordeiro, Steve, 232 Corke, Malcolm, 137 Corley, Dick, 217 Cormie r, Terry, 171, 200 Cox, Patricia, 8, 9 Cray, Bill, 36 Crespo, Jose, 78 Creux, Jean-Jacques, 146 Crimm in, Dave, 227 Crosby, Dick, 122 Crosby, Leo, 182 Crosier, Dave, 191 Crossm an, Red, 132 Crouse, Henry, 165 Cudmo re, Jim, 11 Cullen, Steve, 114 Cullina ne, Marcia, 225 Culverwell, Ken, 97 Curran , Deane, 82, 90 Curtin, Paul, 166 Cutler, Dave, 93 Cyr, John, 26 Czekalski, Martin , 114 D Dahlstr om, Carole, 198 DaH, Erle, 196 DaH, Steve, 241 Daley, Bob, 119 Daley, Mark, 171 Dandage, Subhas h, 78 Dane, Josh, 97 Dangeh nayer, Bob, 179 Daniels, Gail, 131 Daniels, Rick, 173 Darnell, Dale, 214 Dauphi nais, Dave, 55 Davenp ort, Carlton , 13 Davidson, Scott, 123 Davies, Bill, 89 Davis, Don, 49 Davis, John, 83 Davis, Steve, 239 DeAmicis, Don, 172 Deary, Ed, 239 DeBlois, Dana, 175 DeBoalt, Dick, 239 Deknis, Dan, 78 DelaTo rre, Sonia, 176 DelVecchio, Nick, 172 Demen t, Ralph, 132 Demme r, Bill, 93 Dermod y, Chuck, 156 Derome, Don, 72 Deschamps, Jules, 46 Despathy, Jim, 261 Diaz, Mike, 111 Dickhut, Duane, 69 Difinizio, Lou, 204 Digilio, Frank, 85 Dillingham, Bruce, 179 DiRico, Jim, 156 Dischinger, John, 228 Dixon, Clarenc e, 198 Dobberpuhl, Dan, 63 Dockser, Bob, 159 Doherty, Alison, 170 Doherty, Carolyn, 211 Doherty, Dan, 156 Doherty, John, 263 Dormit zer, Ralph, 84 Double, David, 36 Doucet, Peggy, 127 Dougherty, Mike, 56 Douma ni, George, 87 Dray, Bob, 150 Dresen, T" 234 Dudziak, Phil, 242 Duffy, Chase, 223 Dufresn e, Martha , 186 Dundon , Tom, 83 Dunham , Walt, 166 Dunn, Guilfor d, 48 Dunn, Tom, 196 Duvivier, Christi ne, 204 Dye, Cecil, 206, 228 E Earnsha w, John, 241 Eaton, Mike, 189, 195 Eckert, Alison, 38, 43 Egolf, John, 187 Eicher, Charlie , 229 Eichhorn, Gary, 264 EHrig, Janice, 38, 49 NAME INDEX 271 Eisele, Dan, 210 Elias, Don, 232 Elkins, Mike, 111 Ellis, Cynthia, 203 Ellis, Dave, 180 Ellis, Ed, 112 Ellison, Rick, 241 Endry, Mark, 57 Englund, Glenn, 110 Epps, Harold, 178 Erickson, Bob, 51 Ericsson, Eric, 199 Esling, Paul, 109 Esselstyn, Jim, 95 Evans, George, 243 Everson, Sue, 228 F Fabrizio, Joe, 225 Fagerquist, U1£, 119, 166 Farquhar, Bob, 212 Farrahar, Dick, 7 Faucher, Cornel, 129 Faulconer, Bob, 189 Feir, Hank, 8 Feltes, Eleanor, 15 Ferrone, Bob, 204 Ferson, Kent, 261 Fields Tamker, Susan, 230 Fineman, Howard, 167 Fink, Al, 215 Fink, Terry, 260 Finn, Ubby, 10 Finnegan, Jim, 121 Fisher, David, 139 Fisk, Owen, 236 Fitzgerald, Brian, 25, 72 Flaherty, Mike, 189 Flaig" Scott, 119 Flakes, Rod, 132 Flanagan, Pat, 53 Fleet, Neville, 120 Fleisner, Paul, 211 Fleming, jim, 265 Fleming, Shirley, 36 Fleury, Harry, 243 Florentine, john, 242 Flynn, Dave, 146 Flynn, Ed, 189, 191 Ford, Joseph, 205 Forde, John, 91 Foreman, judy, 97 Forsyth, Fred, 176 Fowler, Charles, 196 Fox, Les, 63 Frampton, Lois, 127 Franks, Charlie, 74 272 NAME INDEX Frederick, Tom, 113 Freeman, Bill, 241 Friedman, Alan, 231 Friedrich, Donna, 56 Friedrich, Kurt, 156 Frigand, Steve, 245 Frongillo, Mike, 133 Fry, Francoise, 153 Fuller, Royce, 179 Fuller, Sam, 59, 65, 66 Funk, joe, 36 G Gaffney, joe, 237 Gagne, Roger, 73 Gagnon, Trish, 159 Galbraith, john, 249 Ganoway, Bill, 198 Gannon, Tom, 64,65 Gardner, George, 231 Garge', Yash, 109 Gasser, Morrie, 162 Gat, Israel, 25 Gaubatz, Don, 63, 71 Gault, Sue, 158 Gaviglia, Lou, 169 George, Susan, 227 Gephart, Sara Ann, 53 Gerelds, George, 170 Gibson, Carl, 95 Giddens, Nancy, 225 Gilbert, Ralph, 242 Gillespie, Ralph, 189 Gilman, Abbot, 91 Giordano, Rose Ann, 212 Glantz, Richard, 84 Glass, Brad, 156, 160 Gleeson, john, 211 Glorioso, Bob, 95 Glowacz, Michaelene, 184 Gobeille, Lou, 231 Goddard, Vic, 151, 261 Goff, Mark, 198 Goldberg, Helen, 228 Goldhush, Doug, 26 Goldman, Sue, 130 Gonzales, Dick, 87 Good, Bob, 237 Gordon, Brian, 180 Gordon, Bruce, 106 Gordon, Ken, 51 Gordon, Scott, 65 Gormley, Steve, 130 Gotthardt, jeanne, 170 Gottschalk, Gary, 124 Goyal, Deepak, 129 Goza, Cynthia, 227 Grablick, Tom, 196 Graham , Bob, 189 Graham , Peter, 266 Grainge r, Dave, 236 Greene , Larry, 216 Greenfield, Hope, 190 Greenlee, Dave, 178, 189 GI'enier, Ray, 131 Griep, Jonatha n, 77 Griffin, Ed, 200 Grimal di, Frank, 88 Grochm al, Jim, 63 Grose, John, 76 Grossim on, Herb, 236 Grove, Rieh, 63 Gruhnw ald, Winfried, 139 Gullotti, Russ, 235 H Haefne r, Fred, 181 Hager, Harold, 84 Hald, Mark, 242 Halt, Judy, 63 Hallgren, Christo pher, 42 Hamel, Dan, 67, 189 Hamilt on, Dave, 12 Hannem ann, Rob, 68 Hansm ire, Steve, 80 Hanson , Bill, 169 Harber t, Don, 93 Harbiso n, D., 233 Harmo n, Ralph, 239 Harper , John, 127 Harris, Ken, 244 Harris, Tom, 158 Hart, Jim, 133 Hartwe ll, Bill, 198 Hartzb and, David, 127 Harvey, Dave, 151 Harvey, Sally, 245 Hassett , Frank, 155 Hawe, Bill, 127 Haxby, April, 153 Hayden , Tom, 261 Heaton , Dick, 219 Hebens treit, Mark, 125 Hebert, Janet, 38 Hedin, Marian ne, 117 Heffner , Bill, 155 Heisler, Henry, 207 Herring , Barry, 74 Hess, Bob, 111 Hesseltine, Bob, 178 Higgins, James, 212 Higgins, Ron, 128 Hiller, Dan, 231 Hilton, Bill, 241 Hitz, George, 72 Hodges, Gene, 263 Hoff, George, 93 Hoffma n, R.A., 82 Hoffma n, Sandy, 189 Holewa, Joe, 243 Holland, B., 233 Holland , Gail, 159 Hollingsworth, Rieh, 26, 68 Holt, John, 170 Holz, John, 161 Hopkins, John, 56 Horesta , George, 223 Horne, Robert, 216 Horner , Mike, 134 Hornor , Joella, 61 Horsnell, Verena, 138 Houtz, Neal, 213 Hovey, Richard, 122 Howe, Rick, 253 Howell, Bob, 242 Howing ton, Ron, 241 Howlan d, Bob, 73, 79 Hoxie-Wasko, Jean, 242 Hoyt, Steve, 239 Hughes, Bob, 211 Hughes, George, 179 Hughes, Richard, 137 Hult, Bob, 237 Humm , Mike, 150 Humph rey, Eric, 245 Hunt, Claude tte, 12 Hunt, Don, 179 Hunt, Laura, 42 Hurd, John, 143 Hurd, Peg, 232 Hurley, Marty, 162 Hurley, Peter, 120 Hymes, Bob, 231, 232 Infante , Don, 180 Ingalls, Earl, 125 Irvin, Dan, 49 Israel, Sonja, 66 J Jackson, Jim, 120 Jackson, Stew, 78, 79 Jacques, Lou, 97 Jaferian, Jan, 98, 166 Jaillet, Roger, 176 James, Craig, 82 James, Nancy, 40 Jamieson, Kathy, 232 Janke, Howard , 249 NAME INDEX 273 Jansen, Ron, 54 Jardin, Pierre, 138 Jenkins, Don, 266 Jenkins, Steve, 93 Jennings, Dan, 93 Johns, AI, 82 Johnson, BiU, 119 Johnson, Bob, 230, 231 Johnson, Fred, 178 Johnson, Glenn, 261. Johnson, L., 233 Johnson, Maureen, 74 Johnson, PameIa, 264 Johnson, Richard, 86 Johnson, Ron, 112 Johnson, Ryan J., 111 Jones, David, 253 Jones, Peter E., 138 Jones, Wilt, 200 Jorgensen, Odd, 143 Joseph, Lee, 231 Judson, Bruce, 241 Juergen Schrader, Ernst, 139 Juergensen, Michael, 147 Jurgen, Bob, 73 Jurras, Jack, 231 K Kaepplein, Howard, 87 Kahlau, Renee, 242 Kalin, Rieh, 128 Kamins, Ed, 207 Kanady, Ken, 179 Kania, Bm, 259 Kappler, John, 148 Karchen, Gisele, 60 Karpowski, Tom, 119, 244 Kasten, Jerry, 231 Katzif, Jeff, 75 Kaufman, Peter, 166 Kaufman, Regis, 198 Kawamoto, Key, 108, 155 Kawamura, Yoshi, 108 Keating, Bill, 157 Keating, Bud, 239 Keefer, Brian, 25 Keiran, Bill, 201 Kell, John, 124 Keller, Barbara, 80 Keller, J.P., 254 Kelley, Bill, 13 Kelly, Bill, 26 Kelly, Pierrette, 189 Kelmanson, Martin, 232 Kempf, Mark, 63 Kempsell, Trevor, 157 Kenah, Larry, 63 274 NAME INDEX Kennedy, Bob, 204 Kent, Bill, 247 Kent, Paul, 231 Keresey, Paul, 120 Kershaw, Lynne, 122 Kerylow, Chris, 196 Ketonen, Jan, 198 Kiang, Lindsey, 36 Killelea, Dave, 231 Kilmartin, Fred, 156 King, Ed, 156 King, Jim, 25, 75 Kirby, Alan, 126 Kitchin, John, 70 Klein, Barbara, 38 Klein, Leslie, 157 Klinker, Gary, 121 Knapp, Dave, 214 Knapp, Jean, 132 Knibbs, Jeff, 146 Knoll, Dave, 189 Kobayashi, Tom, 107 Koch, Peter, 197 Kochan, Joerg, 146 Kochan, Matt, 90 Koester, Bill, 236 Korf, Dave, 131 Kostetsky, Oleh, 101 Koteff, Bill, 11 Kotok, Alan, 116 Kotsch, Leszek, 1.46 Kreidermacher, Len, 90 Krisstofy, Ivan, 25 Krueger, Bob, 121 Kruger, Larry, 264 Kruger, Paul, 80 Kuchun, Steve, 185 Kuenzel, Ken, 74 Kumar, Rakesh, 260 Kumar, Sujit, 83 Kur, Mitch, 47 Kurimura, Shin-ichiro, 108 Kurta, Joe, 236 Kusekowski, Gene, 53 L Laba, Paul, 74 LaCava, Dom, 71 Lacey, Jim, 107, 108 Lachance, Al, 230 Lackey, Murvin, 201 Ladden, Paul, 239 Lafleur, Linda, 170 Lahtinen, Bill, 242 Laine, Michael, 184 Lambarth, Dave, 187 Lampson, Butler, 63 Landau, Rick, 84 Landry, Lynn, 173 Lane, Jeff, 80 Lang, Richard, 244 Lange, Joyce, 24 Lanigan, Lynn, 49 Larson, Fred, 242 Larson, Ralph, 88 Latham , Dan, 212 Lauck, Tony, 126 Lavoie, Herve, 265 Lawrence, Dave, 178 Learoyd, Cathy, 93 LeBlanc, Mel, 172 Lee, Ed, 114 Lee-Bennette, Nancy, 153 LeFlore, Sandra , 197 Legerlotz, Al, 241 Lenhoff, Gunter , 220 Leonha rdt, Dick, 242 Lester, Jerry, 36 Levine, Randy, 265 Levy, Len, 133 Lewandowski, Mary Ellen, 120 Lignos, Demetrios, 106 Lind, Don, 75 Lindblad, Goran, 143 Lindenberg, Bob, 155 Lionetta, Bernad ette, 189 Lipcon, Eli, 219 Lipcon, Jesse, 90 Lipner, Steve, 63, 161 Lipp, Sharon , 62 Lisee, Remi, 72 Litchfield, Jan, 15 Utsios, Ken, 134 Uorca, Brigitte, 145 Loesel, Dan, 239 Lofgren, Tom, 101 Logan, Bob, 130 Lombardo, Joe, 178, 216 Long, Harold, 244 Lorence, Barney, 96 Lorusso, Paul, 87 Lotz, Bob, 88 Lovela nd, Dick, 263 Low, Jeff, 129 Lowe, Bill, 166 Lucey, Jim, 172 Lynch, William, 205 M Maas, K., 233 MacCormack, Bill, 103 MacKeen, Jack, 218 MacKenzie, Doug, 106 MacKenzie, Stuart, 143 MacLean, Doug, 209 Macolini, Bob, 239 Madore, Ken, 156 Magaldi, Jim, 47 Maguire, Unda, 38 Mahany , Dianne , 98 Maher, Tom, 87 Mahoney, Dick, 157 Maillard, Janet, 135 Major, Bill, 111 Malans on, Jim, 226, 234 Maldonis, Bob, 185 Malone, Ed, 239 Mancuso, Mike, 256 Mandel baum, Jack, 130 Mann, Bruce, 161 Mann, Gail, 166 Manter , Walter, 106 Manzo, John, 99, 100 Marcha nd, Don, 146 Marche tti, Ron, 178 Marconis, Joe, 156 Mardiro sian, Ginny, 55 Mari, Lee, 186 MarianelH, Emilio, 126 Marier, Bruce, 243 Marino , Diane, 147 Markoff, Eliane, 66 Marler, Bryan, 262 Marme n, Tom, 114 Marshall, Barry, 25 Marshall, Linda, 181 Martin, Clayton , 180 Martin-KaU, Myriam , 146 Masand , Suresh, 209, 211 Masland, Andy, 214 Matran ga, Paul, 69 Maudli n, Judy, 178 Maxfield, Richard, 38 Maxwell, Rich, 238 May, Dana, 15 Mayall, Ed, 171 Mayes, Bob, 36 McAfee, Sharon , 70 McBride, Brian, 89 McCabe, Frank, 203 McCarr on, Angela, 204 McCarthy, Martin, 134 McCauley, Bob, 56 McCoy, John, 210 McCredie, John, 61 McDerm ott, John, 61 McDonough, Ed, 193 McEnroe, Paul, 102 McGau nn, Paul, 204 McGill, Chris, 103 McGinness, Jim, 261 NAME INDEX 275 McHale, William, 205 McInnes, George, 48 McInnis, Don, 260 McKeown, Brian, 241 McKinney, Tom, 128 McKinnon, Linda, 13 Mclaren, Kei th, 120 McNaughton, Bruce, 152 McNeal, Rich, 262 Meany, Joe, 90 Meehan, Mike, 223 Mehaffey, Don, 15 Melia, Kevin, 189 Melle, Terry, 227 Melvin, Jim, 194 Menendez, Maria, 70 Merewood, Richard, 156 Merriam, Fran, 183 Messenger, Dale, 125 Messier, Claire, 263 Micalizzi, Guy, 225 Miller, Bert, 109 Miller, Jack, 115 Miller, Jim, 131 Miller, Ron, 241 Millet, Herman, 243 Mills, Jim, 140 Minnich, Dennis, 170, 173 Mirkovic, Lee, 15 Mitchell, John, 174 Mjos, Bob, 222 Moffa, Mike, 230 Mollin, Richard, 72 Moloney, S., 233 Mongillo, Tony, 178 Moniz, Wayne, 182 Montague, Jerry, 236 Mooney, BUl, 26 Mooney, Kevin, 214 Moore, Barry, 260 Moore, Linda, 255 Moore, Martha, 38 Moran, BUI, 247 Moran, Hank, 73 Moran, Maura, 35 Morency, Dick, 209 Morency, Jane, 120 Morey, B., 233 Morgan, Gale, 206 Morgan, John, 134, 249 Morris, Ira, 46 Morvay, Ronnie, 90 Moss, Austin, 267 Mottershead, Brian, 146 Mudgett, Christine, 181 Muhm, Claire, 206 Mulkey, Bob, 8 276 NAME INDEX Mullen, Pat, 213 Mulvey, Joe, 74 Murphy, Bob, 76 Murray, Robert G., 131 Myer, Doug, 249 Myrick, Ron, 35 N Nagamine, Toshio, 109 Napp, Duane, 176 Nation, Mike, 155 Nealon, Robert, 205 Nelsen, Don, 63 Nelson, Paul, 82, 83 Nicholls, Deb, 260 Nichols, Jay, 90 Nickerson, Dana, 183 Nickerson, Ron, 249 Niederhauser, Orson, 237 Nielsen, Larry, 89 Noren, Nils, 166 Norman, Les, 53 Norquay, Gordon, 117, 190 Norton, Cal, 38 Novak, Frank, 209 o O'Brien, Bill, 26 O'Brien, Clem, 102 O'Brien, Ellen, 225 O'Brien, Will, 238 O'Connell, Mark, 91 O'Donnell, Art, 190 O'Donnell, Hilary, 134 O'Donnell, Louise, 227 O'Hern, Brian, 222 O'Keefe, John, 219 O'Keefe, Rob, ]91 O'Leary, Kay, 134 O'Leary, Marian, 176 aden, Gary, 261 Ohri, Anil, 88 aka, Kenji, 108 Oldfield, Fred, 169, 171 Oliver, Peter, 36 Olivotto, Nino, 139 Ono, Kaz, 108, 109 Onorato, Joseph, 115 'Osborn, John, 223 Osborne, Brian, 225 Ota, Brian, 197 Oughton, Mike, 146 Owaga, Yoshiko, 231 Owen, Brian, ]32 Oyama, Ken, 108 p Pad ulan, Dick, 35 Pacy, john, 52 Palmer , Robert, 67 Parikh, Bharat, 181 Parker, Ken, 243 Parm, BHI, 74 Parmelee, Bob, 189 Parnell , Don, 185 Parris, Erv, 46 Parry, Ray, 109 Patane, Rozann a, 197 Patel, Mahend ra, 126 Patel, Val, 266 Paul, Bob, 191 Paul-Emile, Serge, 25, 77 Paxton, jerry, 215 Payne, June, 16 Payne, Mary, 60 Payne, Ron, 195 Pearson, Stan, 103 Pendlet on, George, 57 Penney , Bruce, 183 Penney , Vic, 73 Pepper, Al, 182 Percy, Laura, 13 Perkins, Bill, 120 Perkins , jim, 36 Perry, Bob, 197 Perry, John, 68 Peters, Carol, 80 Peters, Chris, 174 Phalen, Alice, 120 Phetson , Karen, 110 Philipp on, Lou, 90 Phillips, Jan, 198 Picardi, Tony, 8, 93 Picott, Bill, 74 Pierce, Jerry, 230 Pieters, Fred, 136 Piggford, Carole, 38 Pigman , Dick, 119 Pitochelli, D., 233 Pitruzzella, Vince, 36 Pitteng er, Russ, 53 Pitts, Jim, 204 Pitz, Cliff, 241 Plakias, Greg, 190 Pledger, Carter, 35 Plotkin, Charlen e, 56 Poe, Chuck, 160 Poe, Ken, 196 Polay, Charlie, 189 Porter, Trevor, 160 Posey, Frank, 205 Post, Debbie, 172 Potter, Harold, 26 Powderly, Charlie , 182 Powell, Bob, 228 Powers, Rich, 247 Proven cher, Dick, 207 Pursel, David, 36 R Rabe, Ty, 264 Racine, Ernie, 243 Rae, Paul, 47 Raibley, Rebecca, 204 Ramch aran, Fiona, 153 Ramirez, Al, 211 Ramos, Al, 183 Ramponi, Roland, 251 Randall, Phil, 227 Rappaport, Phyllis, 227 Ravan, Jim, 63 Rawa, Ruth, 68 Raymond, Bob, 116 Reczek, Don, 249 Redfield, Carl, 191 Reeg, L., 233 Rees-Lewis, Bill, 146 Regli, Keith, 123 Rehill, Michelle, 38 Reiling, Ron, 36 Reilly, Ken, 261 Rennick, Bob, 110 Reuthe, Beth, 134 Reynolds, Jim, 122 Rezac, Roy, 101 Rhee, Kyu Sun, 232 Ricci, Larry, 166 Richardson, Tom, 263 Riddle, Brian, 44 Riddle, Harry, 225 Ridgley, john, 232 Riedl, John, 19 Riesgaard, Serena, 38 Riggle, Mike, 106, 109 Riley, J., 233 Rinaldi, Mike, 134 Rines, Tom, 133 Riordan, Dan, 219 Rivera Oyola, Luis, 134 Robbins, Worth, 51 Robey, Mike, 241 Robinette, Bill, 67 Robinson, Fred, 156 Robinson, Gary, 162 Robinson, Kathy, 49 Robohm, Peter, 212 Rodabaugh, Lee, 147 Rodock, Mary, 166 Roessler, Brigitte, 136 Roettjer, Phil, 110 NAME INDEX 277 Rogers, Ana, 198 Rojcewicz, Peter, 115 Roller, Bob, 207 Roney, Bob, 210 Rosand er, Glenn, 250 Rosch, Raymo nd, 198 Roscoe, Ron, 172 Rose, John, 81 Rose, Vicki, 228 Rosenb erg, Larry, 262 Ross, Ron, 75 Rossini, Larry, 8 Rossiter, Dennis , 131 Rothbe rg, M., 233 Rothen berg, Doug, 249 Rottma yer, Bob, 63 Rozett, Bruce, 75 Rubins on, Barry, 161 Rubins tein, Dick, 65 Rudy, Jeff, 158 Russell, Dick, 242 Rutland , Marilyn , 207 s Salmi, David, 206 Salvaggio, Paul, 196 Samet, Bonnie , 231 Sander s, Rufus, 190 Sandfo rd, Ann, 190 Sands, Jeff, 215 Sannica ndro, John, 173 Sansing , Bob, 225 Santos, Charlie , 75 Satow, Clay, 26 Saviers , Grant, 105 Scanlan , Jem, 144 Scarbor ough, Dick, 236 Scalpat i, Marty, 267 Scarsda le, Uoyd, 175 Schaefe r, Dan, 116 Schaefe r, Ron, ]57 Schatz, Joseph, 122 Schatze l, Al, 242 Scherp enhuize n, Jan, 136 Schmid t, Ed, 132 Schmid t, Emilie, 230 Schmid t, Rod, 175 Scholes, Gillian, 80 Schries heim, Jeff, 120 Schuett e, Rick, 35 Schulm an, Andrea , 38, 41 Scontsa s, G., 233 Scott, Bill, 245 Scott, jim, 73, 170 Seaver, Bill, 132 Sebring , Jeff, 162 Segal, Bill, 159 278 NAME INDEX Sega1, William, 26 Seidner , Connie , 234 Senior, Ken, 245 ShaUer, Roger, 197 Shankl in, John, 110 Shaw, George, 184 ShebeU, john, 63, 243 Sheeha n, Claudia , 120 Shelton , Bob, 253 Shepar d, Bob, 190, 194 Sherma n, Stan, 26 Sherwo od, john, 79 Shields , Jack, 205 Shimki n-Ober ai, Rachel, 98 Shipma n,, 207 Shire, WiJIow, 255 Shishov , Andrei, 76 Shopbe ll, Marlin, 68 Shue, Charles , 205 Shumw ay, Herb, 189 Shuster man, Jerry, 45 Sifleet, jean, 128 Sills, Ken, 166 Silverm an, Sharon , 70 Simens en, Jac, 122 Simkin s, Nelson , 89 Sisakht i, Reza, 232 Sistare, John, 194 Sites, Dick, 63 Slayback, jeff, 74 Sloan, Cathy, 38 Smart, Ron, 63 Smith, Angela, 249 Smith, Bruce, 251 Smith, Dick, 237 Smith, Doug, 216 Smith, Joe, 236 Smith, joseph, 25 Smith, Kathryn , 91 Smith, Norm, 253 Smith, Penny, 36 Smith, Peter, 255 Smith, Phil, 117 Smits, Stan, 154 Smyth, Gerry, 68 Snyder , Al, 113, 241 Soboski, Hank, 265 Soderq uist, Karl, 223 Sofio, John, 248 Sowers , Mike, 155 Spaldin g, Nick, 138 Spector , Lee, 242 Speight , Alan, 154 Spence , Marty, 124 Spence , Rob, 120 Spence r, Hank, 243 Spinney , Dave, 80 Spitz, Rick, 157 Spratt, Pat, 255 St. Vrain, Kent, 207 Stahl, Shirley, 9 Starrat t, Dave, 238 Steele, Bob, 176, 189, 196 Steele, Bruce, 178 Steele, Roy, 226 Steiner , Toni, 220 Steul, Bill, 258 Stevens , Derek, 122 Stewar t, Bob, 62, 63 Stewar t, Dee, 266 Stewar t, Jim, 222 Stewar t, jon, 147 Stewar t, Robbie, 201 Stith, Arline, 231 Stockebrand, Tom, 84 Stoeckel mann, Ulf, 196 Stolle, Steve, 189 Stone, David, 134 Stone, Dick, 231, 232 Stone, Kathy, 189 Stone, Oliver, 185 Storey, I., 233 Stout, Mike, 49 Straight, Robert, 181 Strecker, W.i11iam, 161 Stmll, David, 259 Sudan, Lee, 131 Suenaga, Masahide, 107 Swan, Richard, 61 Swanto n, Ken, 93 Sweeney, Dave, 26, 83 Sweeney, Dick, 120 Swinan d, Lou, 228 Symula, George, 81 T Tabor, Mauree n, 207 Takahashi, Kokichi, 109 Tallo, Paul, 210 Tang, Ed, 183 Tartaglia, Lorraine, 73 Tata, Carmin e, 176 Taylor, Bill, 243 Taylor, Bob, 60 Taylor, Donna, 8 Taylor, Mike, 256 Teicher, Steve, 166, 244 Temmallo, Carolyn, 228 Tereshko, Jim, 125 Tervalon, Al, 191 Tharp, Charles, 228 Theberge, Henry, 51 Thibeau, Richard, 88 Thoma s, Sandy, 212 Thomas, Tony, 54 Thomp son, J., 233 Thomp son, Mike, 184 Thorpe, Dave, 178 Thurk, Mike, 128 Timura , Wayne, 25 Titcomb, Allan, 102 Tobin, Dan, 131 Torres, Hector, 77 Towle, Doug, 207 Towne, Roger, 225 Traversi, Fred, 189 Trocchi, Bob, 213 Tucker, Joy, 183 Turi, A., 233 Turley, Chuck, 74 Turner, Nigel, 157 Turner, Pam, 224 Tuttle, Jim, 191 Tuttle, Tom, 79 u Upton, David, 82 v Valet, Isabelle, 138 Vanatte n, William, 206 Vancollie, Guy, 147 Vanderhooft, joluut, 229 Vanderpot, Maurice, 8 van Roekens, Peter, 116 Vaskas, AI, 132 Velez, Lydia, 147 Vernaza, Joe, 204 Vyssotsky, Victor, 60 w Wade, Brian, 265 Waite, Dick, 241 Wallace, Greg, 128 Wallace, Smokey, 261 Walls, Jim, 87 Walsh, Bill, 75 Walsh, Ron, 173 Walsh, Tim, 222 Ward, G., 234 Ward, Graham , 231, 232 Ward, joyce, 54 Warfield, Larry, 88 Warshawsky, R., 233 Watkins, Hank, 240 Watson, Bristow, 228 Watson, Jenny, 66 Watterson, Barbara, 260 Weeks, Barry, 189 Weger, Pat, 231 NAME INDEX 279 Wehring, Bill, 180 Weigl, Andy, 245 Weinbr enner, Harry, 111 Weiner, Bob, 260 Weinfuss, Max, 241 Wens, Nick, 182, 183 Wentzell, Steve, 219 Wesche, Dick, 49 WetmHler, John, 245 Weyant, Tom, 253 White, Andy, 236 White, Bill, 36 White, Mary, 162 Whitm an, Rich, 99, 101 Whitm an, Richard, 102 Whitney, Susan, 178 Wilcox, Judy, 207 Wilhelm, Fred, 218 Wilkes, Ray, 220 Williams, Art, 80 Williams, Eric, 15 Willis, Jim, 262 Wilson, Don, 188 Wilson, Tim, 49 Winters, Gayn, 161 Witmore, Jerry, 213 Woelbern, John, 114 Wong, C.K., 191 280 NAME INDEX Wood, Ray, 205 Woodburn, Laura, 100 Woods, Susie, 54 Woolf, Howard , 263 Woosley, Ed, 11.0 Workman, Ted, 68 Wulf, Sharon , 70, 166 v Yacubovich, George, 244 Yea ton, Tim, 127 Yedavalli, Rao, 172 Yelton, Don, 180 Yen, Dick, 193 Yocom, Tom, 228 Young, Donald, 139 z Zabinski, Steve, 244 Zeh, Joe, 25, 95 Zercoe, Joseph, 205 Zereski, Don, 236 Zia, Sultan, 119 ZiIvitis, Patrick, 259 Zotto, .Pete, 256 SUBJECT INDEX A ABS/JRD See Asian Base System s Softwa re Accoun t Manag ement Services, 52 ACT See Application Centers for Technology Ada, 157 Advanc ed Archite ctures, 98 Data Base System s, Colorad o, 107 Develo pment, 51 Manufa cturing Techno logy, 117 Materia ls and Processes, 88 Networ king, 209 Semico nductor Develo pment, 68 Service Delivery System s, 244 Technology Enginee ring and Manufa cturing , 102 Text Solutio ns, 54 Advisory Services, 220 Aerospace Market ing, 215 AFL See Archite cturally Focused LSI AIMT See Application of Integra ted Manufa cturing Technology AITG See Artifid al Intelligence Technology Group AMG See Area Market ing Group AMT See Advanc ed Manufa cturing Technology ANSI, 163 ANSI COBOL, 158 APL, 157 APPIX, 16 Apple Madnto sh, 81 Application Centers for Technology, 220 Integra ted Manufa cturing Technology, 184 System s Develo pment, 185 Applications Applica tions (cont'd .) Engineering, 125 Engineering, Valbon ne, 144 Applied Fabrica tion, 46 Module/PWB Technology, 46 Aquariu s, 95 Archite cturally Focuse d LSI, 69 Archite ctural System s, 83 Archite cture Advanc ed Develo pment, 83, 126 Enginee ring Develo pment Office, 244 Area Market ing Group, 219 Aridus, 95 Artifid al Intelligence Research Group, 61 Technology Group, 127 ASD See Advanc ed Semico nductor Develo pment See Applica tion System s Develo pment ASDS See Advanc ed Service Deliver y System s Asian Base System s Softwa re, 108, 160 AT&T, 261 ATEAM See Advanc ed Technology Engine ering and Manufa cturing Atlanta Media Operati on, 234 Automo tive Market ing, 215 B BA200, 72 Bandw idth Manag ement, 57 Base Softwa re System s, 241 BASIC, 158, 163, 187 BASIC +2, 74 Basic Industr ies Market ing, 213 BASIS, 187 BEITA See Busines s Equipm ent & Inform ation Technology Assoda tion BLISS, 157, 187 BOIS SUBJECT INDEX 281 BOIS (cont'd.) See Business and Office Information Systems Books, 39 BOSE See Business and Office Systems Engi neering Bridges & Terminal Server Hardware, 121 Business Development, Field Service, 237 Equipment & Information Technology Association, 137 Fellowship Program, 224 Strategy and Planning, 159 Ventures Group, 239 Business and Office Information Systems, 262 Systems Engineering, 264 BVG See Business Ventures Group c C, 157 C/FM See Cable/Facilities Management Cable/Facilities Management, 123 Cable/Harness/Sub-Assembly/PROM Program Area, 171 CAD, 121. Detailed Drafting Program, 182 Environment Group, 180 Support, Test, And Release, 181 Systems Engineering, 180 CAD/CAE, 88 CAD/CAM DECnet, 1.70 Engineering Services, 115 Technology Center, 180 CAD/CAM/Diagnostics, 96 CADSE See CAD Systems Engineering CADSTAR See CAD Support, Test, And Release CAE, 121 CAE/CAD/CAM, 115 CALLIOPE, 187 Cambridge Research Lab, 60 Cartridge Tape Development, 106 CAS See Customer Administrative Services CBS See Content-Based Systems Group CCITT, 1.63 See International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee COOP See CAD Detailed Drafting Program 282 SUBJECT INDEX CD Reader, 105 CDROM Services, 232 CEN/CENELEC, 138 Centaurus, 95 Central Engineering DECUS Administration, 159 Central Massachusetts Administrative Services, 47 Central Quality Group, 8 CEPT, 138 Channel Products, 121 Channels Marketing Group, 218 Chemical Industry Marketing, 216 Chief Engineer's Office, 16 cm See CIG See CIM See CIMG See Computer Integrated Enterprise Customer Information Group Computer Integrated Manufacturing Consultant and Industry Marketing Group CIMIE See Computer Integrated Manufacturing International Engineering Circulation of Materials, 39 CIRRUS Systems Engineering, 100 CIS See Competitive Information System CISM See Consultant and Information Systems Marketing Cluster Verification, 250 CMAS See Central Massachusetts Administrative Services CMG See Channels Marketing Group CMO See Configuration Management Office CMOS See Semiconductor Manufacturing and Technology COBOL, 158, 163, 187 COBOL~81, 74 COBOL Program Generator, 158 CODASYL, 163 CODASYL COBOL, 158 Colorado Free Field Test Site, 79 Springs Media Operation, 234 Storage Systems Engineering, 109 Commercial Languages and Tools, 158 Commodity Business Plans, 196 Common LISP, 127 Communications Act of 1934 (RFIIEMI), 23 Commu nicatio ns (cont'd .) SSMI Team, 207 Strategy Committee, 207 Commu nicatio n Systems Engineering, 121 Compensation/Benefits, 7 Competitive Inform ation System, 41 Compe titors' Publications, 39 Comple mentar y Solutions Organization, 223 Compo nent Engineering, 172 Computational Quality Group, 60 Compu ter Integrated Telephony, 123, 129 Resources, 69 Services, 220 Special Systems, 235, 242 Compu ter Aided Design See CAD Compu ter Integrated Enterprise, 247 Compu ter Integrated Manufacturing Interna tional Engineering, 139 Marketing and Product Development, 266 Semiconductor Operations, 68 Services, 175 Compu ter Systems Manufacturing, 169 Engineering and Technology Group, 247 CONbase, 199 Configuration Management Office, 252 Consul tant Acquisition & Programs, 197 and Industr y Marketing Group, 212 and Inform ation Systems Marketing, 212 Consum er Product Safety Act, 23 Content-Based Systems Group, 37 Controllers, 110 Copyright, 19 Core Applications Group, SSG, 158 Core Products Development, 127 Corporate Administrative Purchasing, 196 Commu nicatio ns, 207 Design Group, 85 Export Reference Manual, 24 Forms Admin istratio n, 44 Market Applications, 243 Marketing, 222 Market ing-CS O Training, 223 Market Research Centers, 38, 43 Phase Review Process, 11 Power Conversion R&D, 88 Printed-Wiring Boards, 175 Product Safety and Regulations, 14 Proprietary Inform ation Disclosure, 19 Purchasing, 195 Purchasing Reference Systems, 199 Quality Group, 203 Research and Architecture, 59 Sales Accounts, 205 Corporate (cont'd .) Software and Consul tant Acquisition Support, 199 Standa rds, 162 Systems Group, 258 User Publications, 158 COSIMA/CIM-OSA See Esprit CIM Softwa re Course Development, 231 Courseware Author ing System, 187 CPRS See Corpora te Purchasing Reference Systems CPS&R See Corpor ate Product Safety and Regulations CPSG See Custom er Project Support CPU Engineering Group, 96 CRA See Corpor ate Research and Architecture CRL See Cambridge Research Lab CRS See Custom ized Research Service CSG See Corporate Systems Group CSM See Compu ter Systems Manufacturing CSM Compo nent/Su bsystem Technology, 46 CSME&T See Compu ter Systems Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Group t, 200 Suppor CSM CSO See Comple mentar y Solutions Organization CSP See Custom er Support Programs CSS See Compu ter Special Systems CSSE See Custom er Service Systems Engineering CTC See CAD/CAM Technology Center CUE, 187 Cullinet Strategic Alliance, 260 CUP See Corporate User Publications Customer Administrative Services, 52 Center, 53 Inform ation Group, 130 Project Support, 248 Satisfaction, 69, 240 Service Center, 173 Support Programs, 226 Visits, 222 SUBJECT INDEX 283 Customer Satisfaction, 204 Customer Service Systems Engineering, 80, 11.3, 239, 248 Customized Research Service, 38, 41. CVAX, 90 D D&PE See Design and Process Engineering Data Bases Products, 241 Flow Applications, 181. Switching, 122 Telecommunications, 49 DATABUS, 10l DATATRIEVE, 1.58, 187 DBMS, 187 DCE See Design-Component Engineering DCG See Direct Channels Group DDCT, 187 DDXF See DISOSS Document Exchange DEC/CMS, 158 DEC/Macintosh Integration, 81. DEC/MMS, 158 DEC/TEST, 158 DECaJc, 158 DECalc-PLUS, 158 DECconnect, 129 DEC Culture, 6 DECdirect, 52 DECdirect Plus Catalog, 208 DEC-FOOl, 121 o ECgraph, 158 DECnet Architecture, 163 Software Engineering, 124 Technology, 81 VAX, ]56, 157 DECnet/OSI, 129 o ECpage, 158 DECrouter 200, 124 DECserver 200, 121 DECserver 500, 121, 129 DECslide, 158 DEC Standard Price list, 16 DECsystem-10, 2 DECSYSTEM-20, 2 DECUS, 3, 157 DECwest Engineering, 93 DECwindows, 81.,156 DECWORLD, 207 DEES See DECUS DELQA, 129 284 SUBJECT INDEX Design and Process Engineering, 74 and Reliability Assurance, 69 Reliability Engineering, 253 Design-Component Engineering, 1.72 Desktop Communications, 90 Publishing, 158 Systems Development, 73 Systems Group, 82 DESNC See Ethernet Security DETCI (Israel), 69 Development and Publishing, 229 Diagnostic Engineering, 75 Dictionary Services (COD and CDD+), 1.57 Digital BASIC, 158 Business Fellowship Program, 224 Copyright, 19 Engineering Notebook, 25 Information Systems Training; 229 Interconnect SBU, 129 library Network, 37 Management Education, 226 Marketed Software, 81 Network Architecture, 126 Philosophy, 3 Press, 223 Publications, 39 Publications, Legal Guidelines, 20 Software Products, 222 Standards, 15 Technical Journal, 66 Telecommunications, 56 Telecommunications Engineering, 57 Telephone Directory, 44 Telephone Network, 56 Video Network, 57, 233 Direct Channels Group, 219 DIS See Digital Information Systems DIS/ECP See Executive Contact Program Discrete Industry Marketing, 215 DISHRM See Human Resource Management Disk Drive Development, ] 09 DISOSS Document Exchange, 123 Display Team, 82 DIS Strategy, Technology, and Architecture, 51 Distributed Information Systems Toolkit, 187 Name Service, 54 Realtime, 73 Distrib uted System s, 200 Archite cture and Advanc ed Develo pment, 126 Group, 119 Manufa cturing , 133 Services, 120 Technical Evaluation, 126 Test Evaluation Group, 251 Verification, 250 Distribu tion, Marketing, Sales, and Service Business Systems, 262 DLN See Digital Library Networ k DME See Digital Manage ment Educati on DMS See Digital Market ed Softwa re DMSS See Distrib ution, Marketing, Sales, and Service Business System s DNA See Digital Networ k Archite cture DNS See Distrib uted Name Service Docum entatio n and Standa rds, 176 and Trainin g Services, 186 Services, 15, 111, 120, 230 DRAM, 109 DRE See Design Reliability Engineering DSM See Distrib uted System s Manufa cturing DSM-l l, 74 DSS See Distrib uted System s Services DSTAR See DIS Strateg y, Technology, and Archite cture DSTEG See Distrib uted System s Technical Evaluat ion See Distrib uted System s Test Evaluat ion Group DTN See Digital Telepho ne Directory DW88/TELCOM Special Events, 132 E Eastern Massac husetts Admini strative Services, 47 EASYNET, 56 ECMA, 163 See European Compu ter Manufa cturers Association ECO See Produc t Change Process Economic Program s Market ing, 214 ECS See Equipm ent Contro l System s EDE/Wang, 124 EDI See Electronic Data Interch ange EDIIDISOSS, 124 EDI-EII See Electronic Data and Inform ation Editing, Illustra ting, and Publishing, 232 Editing Softwa re, 158 EDT See Editing Softwa re, 158 Educati on Advisory Board, 8 Corpor ate Quality, 203 Marketing, 213 Education, Corpor ate Quality, 204 Educational Services, 221 EERP See Europe an Externa l Research Program ErA, 163 EIP See Engine ering Interfac e Program EL-Class Docum ent Directory, 15 Electrical Design Technology, 210 Electro/Mechanical Design and Suppor t, 84 Electromagnetic Compatibility, 79 Electronic Data and Inform ation, 53 Data Interch ange, 199 Publish ing System s, 263 Storage Develo pment, 113 Electronic Data Interch ange, 187 Electronics Marketing, 215 11/73, 72 11/83, 72 11/53, 72 ELF See Employee Locator Facility EMAS See Eastern Massac husetts Admini strative Services EMC, 112 See Electro magnet ic Compa tibility EMD&S See Electro/Mechanical Design and Suppor t EMDS See External Market Data System Employee Locator Facility, 45 ENET See Etherne t Engineering CAD, 75 Design Suppor t, 121 Interfac e Program , 66 Legal Services, 17 SUBJECT INDEX 285 Engineering (cont'd.) Model Shops, 170 Newsletter, 16 Notebook, 25 Personnel, 7 Process and Technology, 77 Product Operations, 11 Product Planning, 11 Projects, 9 Stockroom, 171 Support, CIA, 193 Support Unit, 249 Systems, ULTRIX, PRISM, 260 Technical Training, 182 Engineering/New Products Purchasing, 199 ENPP See Engineering/New Products Purchasing En terpl'ise Network Program, 122 Environmental Engineering, 88 Marketing, 214 Support and Site Services, 244 Environment and Workstation Systems, 181 EP&T See Engineering Process and Technology EPIC, 158 EPS See Electronic Publishing Systems Equipment Control Systems, 187 ERP See External Research Program ESD See Electronic Storage Development ESD Advanced Development,· Shrewsbury, 107 Esprit CIM Software, 140 ESU See Engineering Support Unit Ethernet Security, DESNC and KDC, 161 802.3 Technology Center, 121 Ethernet· 802.3, 124 ETSI See European Telecommunication Standards Institute ETT See Engineering Technical Training EUEC See European ULT~IX Engineering Group European Area Training, 221 Channels Marketing, 220 Commission, 138 Computer Manufacturers Assodation, 137 Digital Competence Center, 136 Digital Library Network, 40 Engineering Support, 201 External Research Program, 135 286 SUBJECT INDEX European (cont'd.) Field Service, 237 Interface, Small Systems, 178 Maintainability Engineering, 243 Media Operations, 234 PC Clone Testing, 81 . Product Safety, 137 Telecommunication Standards Institute, 138 ULTRIX Engineering Croup, 261 VLSI Semiconductor Operations, 68 Workshop on Open Systems, 138 EWOS See European Workshop on Open Systems Executive and Information Systems Marketing, 213 Executive Contact Program, 55 Export Control Laws, 23 External Boards Business, 176 Market Data System, 42 Research Program, 61 Resource Management, 195 F FABS See Finance and Administrative Business Systems Facts About Digital, 1 Far East Operations, 193 FCC, 112 FCC Approval, 78 Federal Hazardous Substances Act, 23 Federal Sales Accounts, 205 Fiber Optics, 77 Field Service, 236 Management Sdences, 245 Training, 228 Finance and Administrative Business Systems, 262 Finanda.l Industry Systems Group, 259 Finishes Technology and Development, 46 Finishing Service Center, 174 Firmware/Software Product Development, 84 FISG See Finandal Industry Systems Group FMS, 187 Font Engineering, 82 Food and Beverage Industry Marketing, 216 Forge Road Media Operation, 116 FORTRAN, 157 Fortune 100, 2 Fortune 500, 2 FTSV, 187 G GDS Facilities/Plant Layout, 183 General Business Engineering, 74 General Govemment Marketing, 214 General International Area See GIA GIA Channels Marketing, 220 CSSE, CSS/VES/Government, 242 Educational Services, 225 Field Service, 236 Interface, 178 Manufacturing and Engineering, 193 Government Systems Group, 209 Graduate Engineering Education Program (GEEP),9 Graphic Design, 86 Graphics Software, 158 Greenville Board Shop, 176 GSG See Government Systems Group H Hardcopy Buyout Support, 109 CSSE, 82 Hardware Engineering, 72 Maintenance Training, 222 Systems Support, 261 HAZnet, 187 Heads and Components Advanced Development, Shrewsbury, 107 Health Care Industry Marketing, 217 High End VAX Marketing, 102 High Performa nce PRISM Worksystems, 93 Systems, 95 VAX Workstations and Graphics, 80 Housing Marketing, 214 HPS See High Performance Systems HSC50, HSC70, 110 Human Factors Engineering, 86 Human Resource Management, 54 Human Services Marketing, 214 I/O Library, 265 IAPD See International Advanced Product Development lAS See Information Access Services IBM Interconnect Engineering, 123 ROB/VMS Transfer, 186 IBM SNADS and PROFS, 124 ICG ICG (cont'd.) See Indirect Channels Group IDECUS, 187 See Internal DECUS IE See International Engineering IEC, 162 See International Electrotechnical Commission IECG See International Engineering Consultancy Group JEEE, 163 lEG See Internal Equipment Group Image Systems Group, 128 Indirect Channels Group, 219 Individual Validated License, 23 Industrial Design, 86 Industry Market Applications, 243 Marketing Services, 211 Industry-Compatible Tape Development, 106 Information Access Services, 42 . and Library Purchasing, 40 Management Business Architecture, 244 Operations, 53 Resource Center, 11.5 Services, 39, 48 Supply Base Management, 40 Information Systems Engineering, 186 Product Marketing, 259 Input/Output Engineering, 83 Instructional Design and Consulting, 232 Med.ia Services, 39 Integrated Manufacturing Technology, Application, 184 Personal Computing, 90 Program Support Environment, 157 Services Digital Networks, 138 Intellectual Property Competitive Advantage, 17 Protection Program, 66 Rights Protection, 27 Interconnect Product Development, 210 Technology, 108 Interlibrary Loan, 39 Internal DECUS, 55 Equipment Group, 52 Special Systems, 187 Videotex System, 57 International SUBJECT INDEX 287 International (cont'd.) Advanced Product Development, 140 Electrotechnical Commission, 137 Pl·oducts Group, 148 Products Office, 13 Standards and Regulations, 136 Team, 82 Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, 138 International Engineering, 134 Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 139 Consultancy Group, 146 Development, 140 Pt·ocess and Quality, 152 Internship Program, 56 IPE See Industrial Design IPG See International Products Group IPO See International Products Office IPSE See Integrated Program Support Environment IS&R See International Standards and Regulations ISDN, 129 See Integrated Services Digital Networks ISE See Information Systems Engineering ISG See Image Systems Group ISO, 163 ISOIIEC, 138 ISOIOSI, 125 ISS See Internal Special Systems J j-11 CPU, 72 janus, 76 Japan Engineering Support, 201 japan R&D Center, 107 JEDEC, 163 JRDC Advanced Development, Tokyo, 107 Judicial/Public Safety Marketing, 214 K KDA50, KDB50, 110 KDC See Ethernet Security KEEP, 101 Keyboard Arrangements, 163 L LA50, LA75, LA85, 109 288 SUBJECT INDEX Laboratory Data Products/Science Group, 264 LABSTAR, 265 LACE SBU, 130 Languages, 74 Language Sensitive Editor, 157 Large Mid-Range Systems, 93 Large Systems, 209 Business Unit, 243 Large VAX Engineering, 95 LAVC See Local Area VAXclusters LOP See Laboratory Data Products/Science Group LEDS See Low End Disk Systems Legal Guidelines for Digital Publications, 20 Legal Services for EngineeringlManufacturing, 17 Legislative/Executive Administrative Marketing, 214 LENS See Low End Network Systems LERE See Low End Regulatory Engineering LES See Low End Systems libraries Marketing, 214 library Network, 37 Purchasing, 40 Start-Up Consulting, 40 LIMS/SM, 265 literature Order Fulfillment, 44 LLV See Local LanguageVarients LN02, LN03, LN04, 109 Local Area Networks, 121 VAXclusters, 73, 156 Local Area Communications, 242 Engineering, 120 Product Management, 129 Local Government Marketing, 214 Local Language -Assistance, 151 Varients, 144 LOF See literature Order Fulfillment Logistics, Field Service, 237 LOLA See Local Language Assistance Low End Communications and Transmission, 129 Disks Products, 241 Disk Systems, 115 Mid-Range Systems, 93 Low End (cont'd.) Network Systems, 76 Power Supply Engineering, 87 Regulatory Engineering, 78 Systems, 71 Systems Industrial Packaging, 89 Systems Manufacturing, 173 VAX Workstations, 80 Low Volume Manufacturing, 172 LPS20, LPS40, 109 LSE See Language Sensitive Editor LSI-1l, 2 LSI Design, 108 M M/E and Technology, 178 Machining Service Center, 174 MACRO, 187 MAET See Maynard Area Engineering Training Mail/Document.lnterchange, 129 MaillInterchange Engineering, 124 MAl Lbus, 124 Mailing Services Operation, 44 Maintainability Engineering, 241 Management Control Center, 125 Development Program, 56 Information Systems, 48 Sciences in Field Operations, 245 Systems Research, 63 Manufacturing Business Unit, 103 Corporate Quality, 204 Customer Integration Group, 179 Data Integration, 139 Distributed Systems, 133 Information and Technology, 180 LegaI Services, 17 Management Sciences, 245 Market Applications, 243 Material/External Resources, 189 Operations, 169 Personnel, 7 Process and Materials Engineering, 247 Quality Control, 69 Support, GIA, 193 Market Applications Systems, 243 Development Group, 219 Information Resources Management, 43 Information Services Group, 40 Research Centers, 38, 43 Marketing Communications, Corporate Quality, 203 Field Service, 242 Marketing (cont'd.) Industry, 211 Service Group, 219 SSG, 159 VAX Systems Software, 159 Marlboro Anechoic Chamber, 79 Marlboro Free Field Test Site, 79 Mask Works, 20 Mass Storage, 209 Materials and Purchasing, GIA, 193 Board of Directors, 189 Planning, 68 Research Laboratory, 175 MAXCIM, 187 Mayfair/GPX, 176 Maynard Area Engineering Training, 78 MBOD See Materials Board of Directors MBU See Software Manufacturing Business Unit MCC See Management Control Center See Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation MC~S . See Mechanical Component Engineering Support Services MCG See Media Communications Group MDG See Market Development Group MOl See Manufacturing Data Integration Mechanical Component Engineering Support Services, 173 Design, 111 Packaging Design Engineering, 111 Technology Development,88 Media Advanced Development, Forge Road, 107 Communications Group, 232 Industries, 212 Memories, GIA, 194 Memory Products, 242 MEM Security, 12 Message Transport System, 57 Methods, Strategies, and Tools, 251 Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, 62 Micromedia Publishing, 233 MicroPDP-l1, 72 MicroPower/Pascal, 74 Microserver Program, 129 Microsystems Marketing and Planning, 90 SUBJECT INDEX 289 Micro Systems Development, 71 Market Applications, 243 MicroVAX, 72, 90, 127, 176 Program Group, 90 MicroVAX 2000, 90 MicroVAX 3000-Based Products, 209 MicroVAX 3500/3600, 90 MicroVAX I, 2 MicroVAX II, 2, 90 MicroVMS, 156 Mid-Range System Evaluation Engineering, 251 Systems Business Group, 93 VAX Workstations, 80 Mid to Large Disks, 241 Mid-Vax Systems, 241 MIRM See Market Information Resources Management MISG See Market Information Services Models and Database Management, 245 Model Shop, 111 Modules and Subassemblies, 173 MS/DOS, 124 MSD See Micro Systems Development MS-DOS Integration, 81 MSEE See Mid-Range System Evaluation Engineering MSG See Marketing Service Group MTS See Message Transport System Multivendor Interconnect sau, 129 N NAC See Networks and Communications NACM See Networks and Communications Marketing, 131 NAS See Network Application Support NBS, 163 Network Application Support, 81 Diagnostic Strategy, 125 Engineering Technical Services, 120 Management and Systems Evaluation, 124 Management Product Management, 129 Services, 242 Standards Program, 122 Training, 55 Ventures Group, 130 290 SUBJECT INDEX Networks and Clusters, SSG, 156 Networks and Communications, 120, 209 Europe Product Management, 129 Field Service, 242 Marketing, 131 PBU Management, 128 New Computing Structures, 166 New England Storage Systems, 115 New Products Services, 171 New Products Operations, 169 901 - 90 & 91 Class Materials, 171 NMSE See Network Management and Systems Evaluation Non-Disclosure Agreement, 31 NPO See New Products Operations NPS See New Products Services o Office Applications Training, 227 Information Systems, 263 Market Applications, 243 of the Chief Engineer, 16 Productivity Training, 227 on and Gas Industry Marketing, 216 015 See Office Information Systems OLTP See On-Une Transaction Processing On-Une Publishing, 54 On-Line Transaction Processing Marketing, 102 Primitives, 157 Software Engineering, 100 Operator Training Program, 56 OPT See Office Productivity Training Optical Disk Development, 106 Option/Module Ust, 16 OS/2 Integration, 81 051, 129 p P&CS See P&DS See P/FM See P/OS, PAC See Publishing and Circulation Services Process and Design Support PBX/Facilities Management 74 Public Access Terminal Paperless ECO, ]87 Paris Research Laboratory, 60 PASCAL, 157, 163, 187 Patent, 18 Committees, 25 Office, 77 PBX/Facilities Management, 123 PCA See Performance and Coverage Analyzer PCB Engineering, 76 PC Integration Program, 243 PCPO See Power Conversion Product Development PCs, 81, 209, 243 PCSG See Personal Computing Systems POL See Process Development Line See Program Design Language PDP-8, 2 PDP-ll, 72, 74, 176 PDP-l1/20, 2 PDP-ll/70, 2 PDP-l1/84, 72 PDP-ll Systems Market Applications, 243 Performance and Stress Characterization, 126 Measurement and Analysis, 155 Periodicals, 39 Peripherals, 241 Peripherals and Supplies Group, 208 Personal Computing Systems, 81 Personalized Training Plans, 227 Personnel Engineering/Manufacturing/Product Marketing, 7 PFR See Product Financial Reporting Pharmaceutical Marketing, 218 Phase Review Process, 11 Physical and Power Conversion Technologt'es 244 ' Physical Technology, 68 PID See Proprietary Information Disclosure PIM See Product Information Management PUI, 157 Placement and Engineering Applications, 180 Planning and Standards, Corporate Quality 204 ' Plastic Service Center, 174 Plastics Technology and Development, 46 PMF See High Performance Systems POISD POISD (cont'd,) See Principles of International Software Design POM Verification, 250 POSIX, 157 Post, Telephone, and Telegraph Bureau, 138 Power Conversion Product Development, 87 PowerHouse, 187 Power Systems Engineering, 111 PREP See Professional Resource Exchange Program PRG See Process Reliability Group Principles of International Software Design 146 ' Printed Circuit Design Services, 111 Printed-Wiring Boards, 175 Printers, 90, 209 Printing Media Services, 44 PRISM, 241 Workstations Program Office, 261 Worksystems, 93 PRL See Paris Research Laboratory Problem Central, 248 Problem Solving Systems Development, 127 Process ' and Design Support, 200 Development Line, 247 Industry Marketing, 216 Processor Specific Software, 101 Process Reliability Group, 254 Producibility, 172 Product Acoustics, 88 Change Process, 13 Financial Reporting Information Center, 45 Information Management, 247 Liability, 23 Management, 209 Marketing Personnel, 7 Marketing Group, 255 Safety and Regulations, 14 Safety Engineering, 211 Safety Europe, 137 Strategy and Architecture, 161 Professional Resource Exchange Program, 55 Professional Software Services, 220 Program Design Language, 157 Program Engineering, 211 Project and Process Engineering, 157 Project Materials Management, 200 PROM, 170 Proprietary Information Disclosure, 19 Protection, 31 Prototype Module Assembly, 170 PSG SUBJECT INDEX 291 PSG (cont'd.) See Peripherals and Supplies Group PSI Program, 129 PSS See Processor Specific Software PTG See Physical Technology Group PTP See Personalized Training Plans PTT See Post, Telephone, and Telegraph Bureau Public Access Terminals, 37 Publications Approval, 26 Legal Guidelines, 20 Publishing and Circulation Services, 44 Production Services, 233 Purchasing, 195 PWB See Printed-Wiring Boards Q QA See Quality Assurance Q-bus, 72 Quality and Reliability, 69 Quality Assurance, 234 Quality Development Program, 9 Quick Turn Around (QTA) Business, 176 R RAD See Research and Advanced Development Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act, 23 Radio Frequency Interference, 79 RAE See Reliability Assessment Engineering Rally, 158 RAMP See Reliability and Maintainability Program Office Rdb, 187 WASE Communications, 122 Realtime, 90 Record of Invention, 24 Reference Information Systems Development, 54 Regulatory and Component Engineering, 112 Relia hili ty and Design Assurance, 112 and Maintainability Program Office, 243 Assessment Engineering, 253 Programs Office, 253 University, 253 Remote 292 SUBJECT INDEX Remote (cont'd.) Job Entry, 123 Management Tools, 1.87 Research and Advanced Development, 62 RFI See Radio Frequency Interference RISC, 80 RISD See Reference Information Systems Development RJE See Remote Job Entry ROI See Record of Invention ROM, 170 Routing Applications, 180 RPG, 158 RSTS/E, 74 RSX, 74,124 RT-11, 74 RU See Reliability University s Salem Anechoic Chamber, 79 Sales, Services, Industry/Channels Marketing, and International, 205 Sales, U.S., 205 Sales and Software Training, 228 San German Board Shop, 176 SASE See System and Support Engineering SBG See Semicustom Business Group S-BOX Development, 72 SCA See Source Code Analyzer SCALD, 183 SCAN, 158 Sciences Market Applications, 243 SCMT See Semiconductor Operations SCO See Semiconductor Operations Secure Software Development, 211 Systems Development, 161 SEG See Semiconductor Operations Self-Maintenance Services, 238 Semiconductor Engineering, 108 Operations, 67 Protection Act, 20 Semicustom Business Group, 69 Seminar Programs, 225 Service Industry Marketing, 212 SFI See Shop Floor Integration Sheet Metal/Machine Shops, 171 Sheet Metal Service Center, 174 Shop Floor Integration, 139 Shrewsbury Information Resource Center, 115 SlE See System Integration Engineering Simultaneous Development Process, 78 Site Information Centers, 38 Skills Assessment Software, 187 SLDA/SEE See System-Level Design Analysis Program Systems Evaluation Engineering SLS See Storage Library System Small Systems, 209 Manufacturing, 176 SMC See Standards and Methods Control SMG See Systems Marketing Group SOFTbase, 199 Software Acquisition, 197 Development Technology, 157 Distribution Center, 52 Manufacturing Business Unit, 160 Product Services, Field Services, 238 Quality Management, 155 Services, 220 Supply Base Intelligence, 198 Solids Mechanics, 88 SORT Packages, 158 Source Code Analyzer, 157 Southwest Engineering, 84 Sowers, Mike, 155 SPAG . See Standards Promotion and Application Group SPG See Software Services Spit Brook Facility Management, 156 SPS See Software Product Services SPT See Systems Productivity Tools Program SRC See Systems Research Center SRE See Systems Reliability Engineering SSE See Systems Software Engineering SSM See Small Systems Manufacturing SSMI - Corporate Communications, 207 Standards Standards (cont'd.) and Methods Control, 15 and Waivers Process, 15 Promotion and Application, 138 STARS See Strategic Acquisition Resources and Software State Government Marketing, 214 Storage Advanced Development, 106 Library System, 105 Marketing, 242 Storage Systems, 200 East, 114 Engineering, 116 Engineering and Manufacturing, 105 GIA, 194 Manufacturing, 190 Strategic Acquisition Resources and Software, 197 Marketing, Field Service, 238 Program Office, 70 Sales and Executive Partnership Program, 205 Strategic Relations Group, 165 Strategy and Planning, 245 Subsystems Engineering, 110 Subsystem Testing, 126 SWS See Software Services Synchronous Communications, 129 System and Support Engineering, 248 Integration, 234 Integration Engineering, 211, 250 Simulation, 76 Test Technology Center, 251 System-Level Design Analysis Program Systems Evaluation Engineering, 251 Systems and Clusters, 241 and Communications Software, 185 Engineering, 93 Management and Operations, 157 Marketing Group, 219 Materials Engineering, 46 Productivity Tools Program, 101 Reliability Engineering, 253 Research and Engineering, 98 Research Cen tel', 60 Software Engineering, 100 T TA79, TA81, 105 Tactical Support Purchasing, 200 TAEC See Telecom Application Engineering Center SUBJECT INDEX 293 Tape and Optical Product Development, 105 Products, 242 TBD See Technical Business Development TOP See Technology Development Programs Technical Business Development, 1.66 Domains and Country Requirements, 14 Information Engineering, 182 Languages and Environments, 157 Management Education Program, 10 Reports, 39 Standards and Related Documentation 15 Support, Corporate Quality, 204 ' Systems Group, 188 Technology and New Ventures Group, GIA, 194 Development Programs, 62 Exchange, 78 Research and Engineering, 95 Resource Group, GIA, 193 Strategy Council, 65 Telecom Application Engineering Center, 154 Telecommunications, 57, 212, 259 TEMPEST Diagnostics, 1.87 Product Development, 210 TEMPEST/EMII Encryption Technology Center 210 ' Terminal Interconnect and Communications Servers 129 ' Servers, 121 Switching Network, 56 Terminals, 90, 209, 243 and Printed Circuits, 200 Business/Small Systems, GIA, 194 Product Manufacturing, 1.78 Team, 82 Test Sites, 79 System Development, 1.56 Technology and Applications, 172 Text and Information Management, 187 Thermal Engineering, 88 Third Party Software, 222 Transmission, 125 3270 Terminal Server, 121 TIE See Technical Information Engineering TK50, 105 TK70, 106 TMEP 294 SUBJECT INDEX TMEP (cont'd.) See Technical Management Education Program Tooling Service Center, 174 TOPS Advanced Development, Shrewsbury, Boulder, 107 TP&D See Technology Development Programs TPG See Technology Development Program TPU See Editing Software, 158 Trademarks, 21 Trade Regulation, 22 Trade Secrets, 17 Tran;;Ction Processing Systems Engineering, Transmission and Controllers, 1.29 TSC See Technology Strategy Council TSG See Telecommunications Systems Group TSN See Terminal Switching Network TU80, TU81, 105 TYMNET, 56 u U.S. Area Customer Training, 225 Copyright Office, 19 Export Control Laws, 23 Field Service, 236 IBM Competitive Sales, 21.3 Manufacturing, Semiconductor Operations 68 ' Sales, 205 Volume Sales, 219 UDA50, 110 ULTRIX, 124, 1.59, 261 ULTRIX LISP, 127 UNIBUS, 73 Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act, 23 Unigraphics, 182 UNIX, 261. Utilities, 212 v Valbonne Engineering Support, 141 Vantage Development Group, 180 VAX, 2 ADE, 187 Debugger, 157 DSM, 74 Encrypt, 162 Languages, 163 Layout System, 180, 182 VAX (cont'd.) USP, 127 New Products Committee, 249 NOTES, 158 OPS-5, 127 Prolog, 127 RTL Standards, 158 System Software Marketing, 159 Workstations PBU, 80 VAX/VMS, 155, 187 VAX-II, 158 VAX-ll/7$(}, 2 VAX/8600 AND 8650 Systems, 101 VAXcluster Software, 157 Systems Engineering and Marketing, 100 VAXELN, 74 VAXlink, 186 VAXstation Software, 157 VDE, 112 VDE Approval, 78 VDG See Vantage Development Group Vendor Equipment Services, '242 Video Engineering, 82 Videotex, 57 VLS See VAX Layout System VLSDG See CAD Environment Group Wide Area Communications (cont'd.) Product Management, 1.29 Wide Area Systems Engineering, 122 Winchester-type Disk Drives, 1.09 Workstations, 90, 209 Market Applications, 243 WPS-PLUS, 1.58 WSL See Western Software Lab x X.21, 129 XAOO Gateway, 124 Xl Program, 121 z ZKO Personnel, 160 VL~I Development Engineering, 110 European Semiconductor Operations, 68 VMS, 156 VMS/SNA, 123 VNPC See VAX New Products Committee VNX, 158 Vocabulary and Indexing System Development, 54 Voice Network Management, 125 Voice Telecommunications, 48 Volume Shadowing, 156 w WAC See Wide Area Communications WACE SBU, 130 Waivers to Digital Design Standards, 15 WASE See Wide Area Systems Engineering WASE/CIT . See Computer Integrated Telephony Western Hemisphere Operations, 193 Western Research Dtboratory, 61 Western Software Lab, 261 Wide Area Communications, 122, 242 SUBJECT INDEX 295 30-J u n-1988 EL-ENGRS-OM +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ READER COMMENTS I I I Your comments and suggestions will help Standards and Methods Control improve their services and documents. I I I I +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ If so, did it arrive within a satisfactory period of time? Did you request this document? Please comment. What are your impressions of this document? Consider format, organization, completeness, readability, and illustrations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOLD ON THIS L l N E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Did you find technical or clerical errors in this document? If so, please specify the page number(s) and the error(s). Are the instructions for the update package clear? 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