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c 2010 ECE Publications Office




Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Documentation Engineering
in the Graduate College of the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010

Urbana, Illinois
Doctoral Committee:
Editor James A. Hutchinson, Chair
Editor Jerome S. Colburn
Professor Peter J. Lea
Professor Carol D. Matte


LATEX is a powerful system for producing electronically formatted print matter given a plain text input file with embedded commands introduced by
special characters. Particularly when mathematical content is present, LATEX
has no match in output quality among ordinary desktop word processors.
Therefore it is favored and recommended for master’s theses and doctoral
dissertations as well as journal articles and books.
To use LATEX’s power, however, the student must learn somewhat of an actual programming language. The present thesis is intended as an introduction
to LATEX and how to use it to produce a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign using the specialized document
class uiucecethesis09.


To you, the student



Thanks to Donald E. Knuth, Leslie Lamport, and many others who produced
the great body of TEX software and released it to the public free of charge; to
David Hull, Peter Czoschke, and others in the Physics Department who developed the document class uiucthesis, from which uiucecethesis09 was
derived; to Shane Ryoo, who first made the ECE modifications; to Jerome
Colburn for creating the first “official” ECE Department LATEX files and for
drafting this thesis; to J.P. Peters for taking care of the thesis writers; and
to Matt Carroll for the printing.



1.1 Why TEX? . . . . . .
1.2 Why LATEX? . . . . .
1.3 Operating LATEX . .

. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .


















2.1 LATEX Text and Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 The Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 The Meaning of a “LATEX Template” . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Options in the UIUC ECE Thesis Document Class . .
2.5 The Document Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6 Title Page and Copyright Page . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.7 Abstract and ProQuest Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.8 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.9 Lists of Tables, Figures, Symbols, and Abbreviations .
2.10 The Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.11 A Few Special Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






CHAPTER 3 MATH . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1 Math within a Paragraph . . . . .
3.2 Display Math . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Numbered Equations . . . . . . . .
3.4 Arrayed Elements Inside Equations
3.5 Limits, Integrals, Summations . . .
3.6 Tables of Symbols . . . . . . . . . .

















CHAPTER 4 FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 Elements of the figure Environment
4.2 The Bounding Box . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Controlling the Figure Size . . . . . .
4.4 Cropping a Figure . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Borders on Figures . . . . . . . . . .
4.6 Controlling Figure Position . . . . . .
4.7 Packages for Figures . . . . . . . . .

















CHAPTER 5 TABLES . . . . . .
5.1 The tabular Environment
5.2 Table Rules . . . . . . . .
5.3 Table Titles . . . . . . . .













BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1 The Bibliography List (.bib File) . . . . . .
6.2 The Bibliography Style (.bst File) . . . . .
6.3 Fine-Tuning Bibliography Entries . . . . . .
6.4 Inserting the Bibliography . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Citing Bibliography Entries . . . . . . . . .






















. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
AUTHOR’S BIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Note: As of 3 October 2011, the Graduate College will
no longer accept Author's Biography, CV, or Vita in a
thesis or dissertation.



This chapter describes the origin and raison d’être of TEX and LATEX, followed
by a few words about its user interface, output formats, and fonts. Chapter
2 describes the basic structure of any LATEX document, the concept of a
LATEX “template,” and the template for theses in ECE. Chapters 3 through
6 describe in particular how to put together a thesis or dissertation in ECE
using LATEX, complete with figures, tables, bibliography, and title page in the
format required by the Graduate College.

1.1 Why TEX?
About thirty years ago, Donald Knuth, professor of computer science at
Stanford University, was dissatisfied with the quality of the typesetting on his
six-volume treatise The Art of Computer Programming and resolved to write
his own software to do a better job of it. The result was, and is, TEX (in which
the last letter is a capital Greek letter chi, hence the pronunciation “tech”).
Given a plain text file as input, in which formatting instructions are marked
using special characters—particularly \, {, }, and $—TEX automatically
fills out lines, paragraphs, and pages; hyphenates automatically as well as
possible; and sets fonts and character styles.
From the outset TEX has been optimized to handle complicated math:
∇•D = ρ


∇•B = 0


∇×H = J+
∇×E = −



. . . and there was light. This optimization is one reason for the continuing popularity of TEX (and LATEX) among engineering and physical science
students in the face of competition from such products as Microsoft Word.
Another reason is that TEX and LATEX are free. Related to this reason is the
fact that Knuth and the TEX user community are not interested in coming
out with a new version every few years that entices users to create files that
earlier versions of the program cannot handle and therefore force the rest of
the users to buy the new version. A third reason is that TEX and LATEX are
boundlessly extensible by means of user-defined macros. Many useful macros
are already part of the TEX package (including the macro \TeX itself that
produces the special logo “TEX”). A handy guide to TEX is [1].1

1.2 Why LATEX?
TEX, however, does not automatically support logical document structure.
Plain TEX can be used to write a document with various levels of sections
with their headings in a brute force manner: when users come to write a
section heading, which they’ve decided should be in, say, 14-point bold font
with two blank lines’ worth of space above and below, they hard-code the
commands to set the font size to 14pt and the style to bold and to set
the requisite blank space. This approach is similar to what many users of
Microsoft Word do, setting the font size and style and the paragraph spacing
using the conveniently provided toolbar and ribbon buttons. The TEX users
could write macros to set these styles, just as Word users could (but most
do not) use Word’s style definition features to create the styles they want for
the elements they need.
LATEX (pronounced “lah-tech” or “lay-tech”), invented by Leslie Lamport, is, essentially, a collection of macros that sits on top of the TEX engine
to solve these problems. It provides intuitive commands for creating document structure. To start this chapter, for example, all I had to do was type

Knuth’s own documentation [2] attempts to combine a tutorial with a complete reference manual. It does not altogether succeed in doing so; the learner will see a great
many features that relate to more advanced topics, while the experienced user who needs
information on a particular topic must delve deep into the (fortunately quite extensive)
index, often to find the necessary point covered almost in passing in a small-type paragraph marked with a highway “dangerous curve” symbol in the middle of the discussion
of some other feature.


\chapter{\LaTeX: What and Why} and hit the Enter key. When I ran LATEX
on the file, it automatically knew to start a new page, set extra space at the
top of the page, set the correct chapter number in sequence, set the chapter
number and title in large capitals, set more space below the chapter title, add
a line for the chapter to the table of contents, and not indent the first paragraph. It also knew to set the correct chapter number in the section numbers
of the section heads in this chapter (created by typing \section{Why \TeX?}
and \section{Why \LaTeX?}, respectively) and in the equation numbers of
Equations (1.1)–(1.4) in Section 1.1.
Those equation and section number citations in the last sentence of the
preceding paragraph were also produced (semi-)automatically. I put the command \label{sec-whytex} after the \section command for Section 1.1 and
\label{eq:maxcurlE}, and \label{eq:maxcurlH} on the respective lines
for the four Maxwell equations (1.1)–(1.4). Then, to cite the section and
equations, I typed Equations (\ref{eq:maxdivE})--(\ref{eq:maxcurlH})
in Section \ref{sec-whytex}. (For more on LATEX’s cross-referencing capabilities, see Section 2.5.2.)
TEX (and therefore LATEX) was designed from the outset to justify the
type on each line automatically: that is, to make the left and right edges
of a paragraph line up by breaking and hyphenating words and inserting
extra space between words to fill out each line. In addition, LATEX also
automatically indents each paragraph except after a heading, as in wellproduced books. (Special effort is required to defeat these features, but it
can be done if necessary.)
As mentioned earlier, LATEX automatically produces a table of contents,
which the user can place at the front of a book or report, ordinarily showing
all chapter numbers and titles, section numbers and titles, and subsection
numbers and titles. LATEX also provides features for inserting tables and
figures that can be automatically numbered in sequence within each chapter
and for automatically creating lists of tables and figures that can be placed
at the front of a book.


1.3 Operating LATEX
1.3.1 User interfaces
LATEX works by means of commands embedded in text files that are processed
by particular programs that were originally invoked from command line user
interfaces, particularly the shells in the various UNIX flavors. This type of
process can be bewildering to a user accustomed to pointing and clicking in
a graphical user interface (GUI) such as Microsoft Windows.
Fortunately there are now GUI integrated development environments
(IDEs) for TEX and LATEX, similar to those used by C++ and Java programmers. This thesis was produced using the TEXnicCenter IDE for Windows,
which is supplied with the ProTEXt distribution available from [3]. The user
interface is shown in Figure 1.1. At upper right is the editing window, which
highlights TEX and LATEX commands in color. The document structure in
chapters and sections is conveniently displayed as a tree at left. At a click
of a button, or a press of Ctrl+Shift+F5, the file currently open is saved;
TEX and other necessary programs are run on it; the TEX log, showing the
progress of processing and any errors, is displayed in the bottom window; and
the finished product (such as a PDF file) is displayed in the proper viewer
(such as Adobe Reader).
The toolbars at the top of the window contain many useful buttons. In
addition to the buttons usually found on any GUI (e.g., save, open, new
document), there are buttons to generate and view the formatted output,
find errors, and insert code automatically for lists, tables, character styles,
paragraph alignments, and math symbols.

1.3.2 Output formats
By itself, TEX (and therefore LATEX) outputs a file containing only very precise placement instructions for characters and graphics. It cannot be sent
directly to any particular printer, and therefore it is said to be “device independent” (DVI), which is why it has the extension .dvi. The various TEX
distributions have DVI driver utilities, which make it possible to view such
files on the screen or print them, but the resolution is limited.
A more useful option for handling the DVI files is to convert them to

Figure 1.1: The TEXnicCenter user interface.


Adobe PostScript (PS) using the utility dvips. PostScript files can be sent
to a PostScript printer, or they can be displayed on the screen, printed, or
converted to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) using a program such
as the free Ghostscript and GSview utilities.
If the TEX output is converted to PS, the fonts must exist in Adobe Type
1 form. Type 1 versions of all the fonts commonly used on TEX projects are
provided with most TEX distributions.
The ProTEXt distribution includes Ghostscript, GSview, and the Type 1
fonts. The installation process connects them all up with the TEXnicCenter
IDE so that one can obtain PS and PDF output at will. (If Adobe’s Acrobat
Distiller is available on the system, TEXnicCenter will use it to produce
PDF.) For example, simply setting the output profile to LaTeX=>PS using a
drop-down menu at the top of the window and pressing Ctrl+Shift+F5 runs
TEX and pops up the result in GSview (unless an error prevents output from
being generated).
If you have a PS file open on display in GSview, then use another program
to make a change in the TEX source file, regenerate the PS, and then switch
back to the GSview window to see the results, GSview will automatically
reload and redisplay the changed PS file. By contrast, if you are producing
PDF to view in Acrobat, you must close the previous version of the PDF file
in Acrobat before rerunning TEX; otherwise, the PDF will not be regenerated.
For this reason, the LaTeX=>PS and LaTeX=>DVI output profiles (especially
the latter) are preferable while the document is being written and edited.
After editing is complete, switch to the LaTeX=>PS=>PDF profile and get the

1.3.3 Fonts
Along with TEX, Knuth created a program called METAFONT [4], which
takes a plain text source file containing point-by-point descriptions of the
outlines of characters and produces files containing bitmap images of the
characters. The intent was that the DVI driver, given a DVI file and a
printer specification, would automatically invoke METAFONT to produce the
character bitmaps to be placed in the final image. Nowadays it is almost
always more convenient to use PostScript, and there are Type 1 versions of


the fonts most commonly used with TEX and many more besides, so METAFONT is rather antiquated. If a TEX document using a font that does not
have a Type 1 version is used to produce a PS file, METAFONT will still
be used to produce bitmap images, but they will show up as jagged and
distorted depending on the resolution of the PS display, in contrast to the
smooth outlines of the PS fonts.
Knuth also wrote the METAFONT source files for the Computer Modern
(CM) fonts used in his textbook. They are the default fonts that will be used
if the TEX or LATEX user does not do anything to specify fonts. They are
used in [1], [2], [5], and the present document. They exist in Type 1 forms
for use in producing PS output.
The CM roman and italic fonts in the body of this document admittedly
do not look very “modern.” They are patterned after fonts typical of math
books from the first half of the twentieth century, and some find their look
rather stuffy. Source files used by TEX and LATEX can be tweaked to substitute Times New Roman or other fonts to get a more “modern” look, but this
is not recommended for documents that contain math. If only the fonts used
for text are set to the new font and those used for math are left untouched,
the output will be inconsistent—the same character (such as x ) will look
different depending on whether it was input as italicized text (\textit{x})
or as math ($x$). Math symbol fonts that match the appearance of the new
font may be available only at extra cost or not at all, while the math fonts
corresponding to the look and feel of CM are freely available as part of most
TEX distributions.



It is not strictly true that, as stated in the previous chapter, “all I had to do
was type \chapter{\LaTeX: What and Why} and hit the Enter key.” I had
a lot of help. In addition to its own text, any LATEX document must contain
references to several other files that collectively tell LATEX how to handle the
various elements.

2.1 LATEX Text and Commands
A LATEX document consists of characters that either are plain text characters
or are to be read as part of a command.

2.1.1 Text
Plain English text is, in general, simply typed into the document file as is.
There are a few exceptions.
• To use opening and closing curly quotation marks “like this” rather
than two closing ones ”like this” (a common error among LATEX novices),
type ‘‘ for the left quote and ’’ for the right quote. The ‘ character
is on the key at the upper left corner of a standard keyboard, which
also has the ~ symbol. The ’ character is the ordinary apostrophe.
• To set an en dash (intermediate dash), as in “the years 2009–2013,”
type two hyphens --.
• The minus sign (−) does not look the same as a hyphen (-) and does
not necessarily look the same as an en dash (–). Setting a minus sign
is discussed in Chapter 3.


• To set an em dash (punctuation dash)—used, as in this sentence, to
set off an interrupting comment—type three hyphens ---. In the Computer Modern fonts (Section 1.3.3), the em dash has the property that
adjacent em dashes form a solid line: ——— was produced by typing
• To prevent a space from breaking at the end of a line (for example,
between initials), type a tilde ~ instead of a space: E.~B.~White to get
“E. B. White” without a line break.
• Multiple successive spaces are printed as one space.
Other exceptions are addressed in the following sections.
One very important special character is the percent sign %. If this character is encountered in a TEX or LATEX document, TEX will ignore the rest
of the line, treating it as a comment rather than text to be typeset. This
feature has the same uses as do comments in programming languages such
as C++ or Java:
% This is a comment
After the end of a paragraph, type a blank line before going on to type
the next paragraph text. Just hitting Enter once, as would be done in Word,
will not be enough; without the blank line LATEX runs the two consecutive
“paragraphs” into one.

2.1.2 Commands
A vast repertory of commands is available in LATEX, some of which are built
into the basic TEX engine, others are built into the LATEX software, and yet
others are defined in the document style file and packages used by a particular
The mark of a command is the backslash \. After the backslash, the
command itself consists of either
• One or more letters, up to the first following character that is not a
letter (e.g., \TeX)
• A single character that is not a letter (e.g., \{)

If a command consisting of one or more letters is followed by one or
more spaces, the spaces terminate the command word but are not printed in
the text. Thus, \TeX as a state of mind? will print as “TEXas a state of
mind?” To force a space, use the special command consisting of a backslash
followed by a space, \ : \TeX\ as a state of mind? produces, correctly,
“TEX as a state of mind?”
After the command word may come an argument, a piece of information that the command needs to do its job. The argument to the command is included between two curly braces {}. For example, as was seen
in the preceding chapter, the \chapter command requires the chapter title:
\chapter{Basic Anatomy of a \LaTeX\ Document}. The argument to a
command can be a single word or can extend over many paragraphs, and it
can itself contain any number of commands with their arguments.
Probably the most common error made in entering a TEX or LATEX document is to leave out one of the curly braces { and }. This error confuses TEX
mightily and can lead to many pages of incorrect output or no output at all.
A large number of error messages, all consequences of a single omission, may
Curly braces can also be put around material other than the argument
of a command. Doing so sets the enclosed material off so that it is processed
all together and terminated without disturbing the surrounding text. For
example, the phrase “TEX as a state of mind?” could be obtained by putting
the command \TeX inside curly braces: {\TeX} as a state of mind? The
closing curly brace terminates the command, and the following space outside
the braces is preserved.
If it is necessary to use a curly brace character itself in the text, put a
backslash before it: \{you\} produces {you}. This is the usual way to print
special characters that TEX and LATEX use as something other than printing
characters. A pitfall is the backslash itself. \\ does not produce a backslash
character, as one might expect, but a forced line break. To get a backslash
character, it is necessary to go into math mode (Chapter 3) and use the
\backslash command: $\backslash$ produces \.
Other commands consisting of characters other than letters include those
traditionally used for producing diacritical marks, such as \’ for an acute
accent, useful in writing your résumé.


2.1.3 Environments
Commands are used by both plain TEX and LATEX. A feature unique to
LATEX is the environment. An environment has its own special formatting
rules and may have special commands that work only within the environment
or redefine standard commands to work in a special way inside the environment. To enter an environment, use the command \begin with the name
of the environment as the argument. To exit the same environment, use the
command \end with the name of the environment as the argument. For example, bulleted lists such as the list of differences between document classes
and packages in Section 2.2.2 are created using the itemize environment.
The command \begin{itemize} tells LATEX to set the extra space at the
top of the list and to define the command \item to mean one list item and
set the leading bullet automatically. At the end of the list, \end{itemize}
tells LATEX to set the extra space at the bottom and forget about the definition of \item.
Environments can be nested within environments. For example, all the
text, commands, and environments used in this thesis are enclosed in one
large document environment.
In addition to the environment name, a \begin command can have a second required argument after the environment name and can have an optional
argument (or argument list) set in square brackets before the environment
name. The presence or absence of these additional arguments depends on
the particular environment.

2.2 The Preamble
The preamble of a LATEX document consists of everything in the file up to the
beginning of the document environment (the \begin{document} command).
The preamble contains commands that bring in definition files (the document
class and packages), define or redefine commands and environments, or set
constant values to be used later in the document, but it contains no text or
other content elements.


2.2.1 The document class
The first line in the document is a \documentclass command. This command ends with a word enclosed in curly braces {}. That word is the file
name of a document class definition file, to which the extension .cls is appended. Thus, the \documentclass{report} tells LATEX to look up the file
report.cls, which comes standard with the LATEX installation. The document class file contains the macros that define how such things as chapter
openers, tables of contents, and title pages will be displayed in this document.
Between the word \documentclass and the braces containing the class
file name, the \documentclass command ordinarily has a list of options,
enclosed in square brackets [] and separated by commas. The available
options are defined in the document class file. For example, this document
begins with

See Section 2.4 for specific information on these and other options.
A standard LATEX distribution contains the classes article, book, letter,
report, and slides. The uiucecethesis09 class, for example, ultimately
derives from the book class.

2.2.2 Packages
After the \documentclass command, the preamble can and usually does
contain one or more \usepackage commands, which invoke package definition files rather than document class definition files. Just to be confusing,
a package definition file has the extension .sty (short for “style”). Like the
\documentclass command, the \usepackage command ends with the file
name in curly braces, which may be preceded by a pair of square brackets
containing a list of options defined in the package file. For example, the first
line after the \documentclass command in this document is
This command invokes the file graphicx.sty, which enables inclusion of
external graphics files.


The differences between a document class and a package are the following:
• A LATEX document can have only one document class but may use any
number of packages.
• A document class applies to only one kind of document, whereas a
package provides some functionality that can be used in documents
belonging to any number of classes.
There are very many packages in a standard LATEX distribution. Many of
these are described in [6]. Many more can be found online.

2.2.3 Macro definitions and redefinitions
LATEX commands and environments are known as macros because they map
a single command to a sequence of multiple other commands and text. The
\documentclass and \usepackage instructions in the preamble import files
containing macro definitions. It is also possible to put macro definitions
or redefinitions in the preamble, and even in the document body as well.
The commands \renewcommand and \renewenvironment are used to redefine
commands that have already been defined in the document class file or one
of the packages used; for example, to redefine the chapter opener command
to use a different font for the chapter title. The commands \newcommand
and \newenvironment are used to define new macros that are not defined in
the document class file or any of the packages. Given a correctly designed
document class and well-chosen packages, the user should not need to do
any such defining or redefining. Anyone attempting to write such definitions
should be familiar with [5] and [6], and [1] will be useful as well.

2.3 The Meaning of a “LATEX Template”
In Microsoft Word, a “template” is a single file (.dot in Word 2003 and
earlier, .dotx or .dotm in Word 2007 and later) that contains style specifications (e.g., paragraph style Normal might mean 12 point Times New Roman,
single spaced, with justified margins, no indentation, no extra space above or


below the paragraph) and perhaps macro definitions and toolbar customizations. It also contains the overall document layout. Double-clicking on the
template file icon in a folder window opens a new document that complies
with the template and offers all the features programmed into the macros
and styles. (The document is said to have the template “attached.”)
Accomplishing the same purposes in LATEX is more complicated. It requires at least
• A document class (.cls) file
• A blank starter document (usually .tex or .ltx) file, which contains
at least the commands needed for the skeletal structure of a minimal
document and should also contain copious comments mentioning the
various options, commands, and environments offered by the document
There may be one or more additional package (.sty) files. For bibliographies there may be custom BibTEX style (.bst) files and starter bibliography
(.bib) files; see Chapter 6 for explanations of these files.
If the document class, packages, and BibTEX styles are properly written,
it should never be necessary for the user to change anything in those files.
Everything the user needs should be available by using suitable commands
in the LATEX document.
In addition to custom package and BibTEX files, the “template” can and
almost always does rely on a large number of such files that are already provided by an up-to-date LATEX distribution. The starter file should contain the
necessary \usepackage commands for both custom and standard packages
required by the document class.
There should also, of course, be one or more documents that describe how
to use the class and package features. In fact, the ordinary form in which
a LATEX document class starts life is as a file with the extension .dtx that
contains not only the code for the class but also complete documentation in
the form of comments. The file belongs to the class ltxdoc. The comments,
introduced by the percent sign and a space as usual, are themselves LATEX
coded and use commands and environments that format the code for display
when LATEX is run on the .dtx file. There is also a utility program docstrip,
which, when run on the same .dtx file, produces the document class file with

all the comments stripped out. Use of a .dtx file encourages programmers
to write their code and their documentation at the same time, with the
hope that the documentation will explain the code after the programmer has
ceased to work on it. However, the documentation so written tends to be
primarily a reference manual for other programmers maintaining the class
file themselves. At best it answers the question “What does this command,
specific to this document class, do?”
A student trying to write a thesis, on the other hand, needs a document
that answers the question “How do I perform this task, whether by new
commands specific to this document class or in some other way?” This
thesis itself is intended to be such an introduction.
As of late 2009, the “UIUC ECE thesis template” consists of the following files: the document class file uiucecethesis09.cls; the starter document file ecethesis.tex; the IEEE bibliography style file IEEE_ECE.bst;
the starter bibliography file thesisrefs.bib; and this thesis.

2.3.1 Document class uiucecethesis09
The uiucecethesis09 document class is based on the uiucthesis class,
which is available from the UIUC Department of Physics in the form of a
.dtx file as mentioned in Section 2.3.
The earlier uiucecethesis08 class, used through the spring semester of
2009, was also based on uiucthesis but was not made by changing a .dtx
file. It contained changes by Shane Ryoo and the present writer to bring the
thesis format into conformity with ECE and recent Graduate College requirements. These changes have all been transferred to uiucecethesis09.dtx,
from which the uiucecethesis09 class is generated.

2.3.2 Starter file ecethesis.tex
The document starter file ecethesis.tex is a blank thesis that has all the
elements in place to serve as a starting point for writing your thesis. Fill in
your text and information, and delete or comment out the lines you do not
The starter file is set up to encourage you to write your chapters and


other structural elements in separate files, using the \include command to
incorporate them in the final document, so that the main thesis file remains
short and skeletal (see Section 2.10.1 to learn how to do so).

2.4 Options in the UIUC ECE Thesis Document Class
When you begin to write your thesis in LATEX, you are encouraged to start
with the file ecethesis.tex and fill it out. At the top of the file, in the
command \documentclass{uiucecethesis09}, you may select from several
options that primarily affect the formatting of the thesis pages.

2.4.1 Controlling the type size
The 12pt and 11pt options specify larger type sizes than the default 10 pt.
We strongly recommended 12 pt, especially considering the fact that, after
conversion to PDF, the font may well appear smaller than its specified size.
If you still wish to use a small font size and want your figure captions
to appear in as small a font as the Graduate College allows, use the option

2.4.2 Time-stamping a draft thesis
The draftthesis option puts a time-stamped running header on each page
(including the title page) identifying the thesis as a draft, as shown in Figure
2.1. This feature is useful for distinguishing between revisions, but it must
be turned off when you are ready to submit the thesis for format check.

2.4.3 Controlling margin widths
By default, the uiucecethesis09 class produces 1.5-inch margins on both
sides, which more than ensures that the Graduate College margin requirement (one inch on both sides) is met. Line spacing defaults to an intermediate
between single and double. The fullpage option produces lines of text that
extend 0.5 inch farther on either side and are double-spaced. To get these


Draft of October 30, 2009 at 16 : 36



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Documentation Engineering
in the Graduate College of the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009

Urbana, Illinois
Doctoral Committee:
Editor James A. Hutchinson, Chair
Editor Jerome S. Colburn
Professor Peter J. Lea
Professor Carol D. Matte

Figure 2.1: Dissertation title page with the draftthesis option.


wider lines but without the double spacing, use fullpagesingle instead of
Students who use the fullpage option and would like to keep a wide
gutter for single-sided printing and binding may use the offcenter option
to add 0.5 inch on the left side, producing the result shown in Figure 2.2.
(Note that this option [Figure 2.2] is unsatisfactory for double-sided printing,
in which the extra gutter space must alternate between left and right; however, for those students who still prefer to deposit a hard copy of their thesis,
the Graduate College and Library require single-sided printing. Furthermore, note that the combined use of fullpage and offcenter may disrupt
the appearance of the all-important title page, necessitating tricky manual

2.4.4 Other cosmetic adjustments
Following are other cosmetic adjustments enabled by the uiucecethesis09
• centerchapter produces centered titles in chapter openers.
• The fancy option produces chapter openers with the chapter number
in a large font to the left of the chapter title as shown in Figure 2.3.
This option is not recommended because the large chapter number in
the margin slightly violates the one-inch margin requirement unless the
offcenter option is selected. Also, look out for double-digit chapter
numbers! (Alternatively centerchapter may be used, but the results
are not esthetically satisfactory.)
• toclabels puts column headers over the Table of Contents (not recommended).
• largecaps sets the author and title in large font on the title page.
• edeposit is an old option that formatted the title page for electronic
deposit (e.g., list the doctoral committee on the title page). Current
Graduate College specifications require all theses to be formatted for
electronic deposit (even if they are submitted as hard copy), so this
option is not necessary and no longer does anything.


It is not strictly true that, as stated in the previous chapter, “all I had to do was
type \chapter{\LaTeX: What and Why} and hit the Enter key.” I had a lot of
help. In addition to its own text, any LATEX document must contain references to
several other files that collectively tell LATEX how to handle the various elements.

2.1 LATEX Text and Commands
A LATEX document consists of characters that either are plain text characters or
are to be read as part of a command.

2.1.1 Text
Plain English text is, in general, simply typed into the document file as is. There
are a few exceptions.
• To use opening and closing curly quotation marks “like this” rather than
two closing ones ”like this” (a common error among LATEX novices!), type
‘‘ for the left quote and ’’ for the right quote.
• To set an en dash (intermediate dash), as in “the years 2009–2013,” type
two hyphens --.
• The minus sign (−) does not look the same as a hyphen (-) and does not
necessarily look the same as an en dash (–). Setting a minus sign is discussed
in Chapter ??.

Figure 2.2: Chapter opener with 12pt, fullpage, and offcenter.



It is not strictly true that, as stated in the previous chapter, “all I had to
do was type \chapter{\LaTeX: What and Why} and hit the Enter key.” I
had a lot of help. In addition to its own text, any LATEX document must
contain references to several other files that collectively tell LATEX how to
handle the various elements.

2.1 LATEX Text and Commands
A LATEX document consists of characters that either are plain text
characters or are to be read as part of a command.

2.1.1 Text
Plain English text is, in general, simply typed into the document file as is.
There are a few exceptions.
• To use left and right curly quotation marks “like this” rather than
upright ones ”like this,” type ‘‘ for the left quote and ’’ for the right
• To set an en dash (intermediate dash), as in “the years 2009–2013,”
type two hyphens --.
• The minus sign (−) does not look the same as a hyphen (-) and does
not necessarily look the same as an en dash (–). Setting a minus sign
is discussed in Chapter 3.
• To set an em dash (punctuation dash)—used, as in this sentence, to
set off an interrupting comment—type three hyphens ---. In the
Computer Modern fonts (Section 1.3.3), the em dash has the property


Figure 2.3: Chapter opener with 12pt, fancy, offcenter, and ragged right
margin produced by removing the noragright option.


2.4.5 Controlling margin alignment
When uiucecethesis09 was written, the Graduate College required margins
to be ragged right rather than justified (lined up neatly, as here), apparently
to avoid loosely spaced lines and hyphenation problems encountered by nonTEX users. However, the input file ecethesis.tex overrides this default with
the option noragright so that text is justified as TEX was designed to do.
The Graduate College no longer requires ragged right.

2.4.6 Controlling the depth of Table of Contents entries
The option tocnosub is new with the uiucecethesis09 class to prevent subsections and subsubsections from generating lines in the Table of Contents,
as discussed in Section 2.8.

2.4.7 Controlling chapter title capitalization
The mixcasechap option allows chapter titles to be set in Mixed Case instead
of ALL CAPS, as described in Section 2.10.2. Also note that you must use the
mixcasechap option if you are also using the Hyperref package for hyperlinks.
Hyperref is incompatible with the all caps default of the uiucecethesis09

2.4.8 Generating the ProQuest abstract
The proquest option is used to produce the ProQuest abstract required with
a doctoral dissertation, as described in Section 2.7.

2.5 The Document Body
After the preamble comes the body of the document. All of the text and
formatting instructions are located between a command \begin{document}
and another commmand \end{document}.


2.5.1 Document structure elements
LATEX automatically provides support for dividing a document into chapters, sections within chapters, subsections within sections, and subsubsections within subsections. It should not come as a surprise that these divisions begin with the \chapter, \section, \subsection, and subsubsection
commands, respectively. As was shown in Section 1.2 for the \section command, these commands take the title of the structure element as argument
and automatically format the chapter opener (section header, etc.) as prescribed by the document class file; assign a unique sequential number to
the chapter (section, etc.), appended to the numbers of all the higher-level
divisions in which it is placed; and add a line to the table of contents.
A common mistake is to use the \chapter command in the ecethesis.tex
starter file, rather than (or in addition to) in the separate chapter file where
the command belongs, with the unsatisfactory result that the chapter title
will appear on a separate page before the chapter text.

2.5.2 Cross-references
One of the most powerful features of LATEX is its support for automatically
cross-referencing numbered elements—chapters and other structural divisions, equations, figures, and tables—using the \label and \ref commands.
The \label command, placed after a \chapter, \section, or other command starting a structural division,
associates the name given as argument of the \label command with that
division. Then, wherever a \ref command occurs that has the same name
as its argument, e.g.,
This is Section \ref{subsec-xref}.
the complete chapter, section, or other division number is printed, as follows:
This is Section 2.5.2.
The great benefit of this feature is that if another section (subsection,
etc.) is inserted above the one being referred to, the use of a \ref to a
\label instead of writing the number directly in the file ensures that the
section (subsection, etc.) number is always correct in the printed file.

Figures (Chapter 4), tables (Chapter 5), and numbered equations (Chapter 3), which are all environments, can also have \label commands inside
them. For example, Equation (1.1) contains the label \label{eq:maxdivE}.
Anywhere you want to refer to that equation, you put a \ref command
whose argument is the same as the argument of the \label command:
Equation (\ref{eq:maxdivE}) produces “Equation (1.1)”. (Prefixes such
as subsec- or eq: are not mandatory for labels but are good practice to help
keep in mind the document’s logical structure and the type of element being
There is one wrinkle to this feature. To translate the labels into numbers,
LATEX needs to build a list of labels as it is run, but at the same time it also
has to fill in the numbers, which it can only do using a previous label list.
So if you add, delete, or move numbered elements and thereby change the
numbering, you will need to run LATEX twice to get the numbers to come out

2.5.3 Frontmatter and endmatter
In addition to the elements discussed in Section 2.5.1, LATEX provides support
for automatically producing frontmatter and endmatter elements such as title
pages, tables of contents, and lists of tables and figures. The exact range of
frontmatter and endmatter elements depends in part on the document class.
Title pages require the document title, the author’s name, and perhaps
other information, depending on the document class. These pieces of information are input using commands such as \title, \author, and so on. After
all these commands, the title page is actually inserted by the \maketitle
command. The specific pieces of information required for an ECE thesis or
dissertation title page are described in Section 2.6.
LATEX builds the table of contents by recording the \chapter, \section,
\subsection, and \subsubsection commands as it encounters them. There
are also commands to force input into the table of contents: \addcontentsline
to create an entry equivalent to a chapter, section, etc., and \addtocontents
to add miscellaneous material. The table of contents itself is actually inserted
into the document with the command \tableofcontents. The format of the
table of contents, and which entries it actually includes, are determined by


the document class file. If the table of contents changes (e.g., by adding,
deleting, or moving chapters or sections), LATEX has to be run twice to put a
correct table of contents in the output, just as with cross-references.
Frontmatter elements such as prefaces and forewords (not generally found
in theses and dissertations) usually occur before the table of contents and
are not listed in it. They do not have chapter numbers, but otherwise they
are generally formatted like chapters. To start such an element, use the
\chapter* command:
The asterisk means that LATEX will not generate a chapter number, will not
set a chapter number in the heading, and will not create a table of contents
entry for the preface.
LATEX builds a list of numbered tables and a list of numbered figures
by recording the occurrences of the table and figure environments. To
place these lists in the document, the \listoftables and \listoffigures
commands may be used. With the uiucecethesis09 class, these commands
automatically insert entries in the table of contents for the lists (though they
do not do so in LATEX generally).
Even though LATEX automatically maintains the lists of figures and tables,
it is not mandatory to include them in the document. If you do not want a
list of tables or a list of figures, just omit the \listoftables command, the
\listoffigures command, or both.
Similar commands are used to insert reference lists or bibliographies (see
Chapter 6) and indexes.

2.6 Title Page and Copyright Page
As described in Section 2.5.3, the title page is inserted by the \maketitle
command after a series of commands that specify the information that goes
on the title page. In the uiucecethesis09 document class, the \maketitle
command also produces the copyright page. The title page needs the following pieces of information from you:

• The title of the thesis, supplied as the argument to the \title command. The title is automatically set in all caps, whether or not it is
typed in all caps. To break lines as desired, use \\.
• Your name exactly as it appears in the official records. The name must
be supplied as the argument to the \author command in mixed case
(e.g., “Firstname M. Lastname”). It will be automatically set in all
caps on the title page and left in mixed case on the copyright page.
• The degree sought. This is specified by using exactly one of the following four commands: \msthesis, \phdthesis, \othermasters, or
\otherdoctorate. The latter two require the full name of the degree and the abbreviation of the degree as arguments (for example,
\otherdoctorate{Doctor of Medicine}{M.D.}). This command automatically determines whether the word “THESIS” or the word “DISSERTATION” appears on the title page as well as what is to be done
with the adviser and committee names. The title page for a Ph.D.
dissertation (\phdthesis) was shown in Figure 2.1.
• The year the degree is to be awarded, supplied as an argument to the
\degreeyear command.
• If you are a doctoral candidate or you have a master’s committee, the
names of the members of the committee, supplied as the argument to
the \committee command. Use \\ to separate the committee members.
• The name of your adviser. This is necessary for all master’s candidates except those few who have a committee. Whereas master’s
candidates must show the adviser’s name on the title page, doctoral
candidates must show the adviser’s name on the ProQuest abstract as
stated in Section 2.7. Supply the adviser’s name as the argument to
the \adviser (or \advisor) command.
• (An old command, \schools, was used to list previous degrees and
schools under the old title page requirement, and is commented out.)
You may find it necessary to slightly adjust the file uiucecethesis09.cls
in order to achieve the required 1.5- and 2-inch indents for the Adviser/Doctoral
Committee text block on the title page. Lines 234–235, 238–239, and 241–242

of uiucecethesis09.cls contain the horizontal spacing commands (\hspace)
for these indents, depending on which master’s/doctoral options you select:

\hspace*{0.1in}Doctoral Committee:\\[12pt] %default is 0.2in
\hspace*{0.53in}\begin{tabular}{l}\@committee\end{tabular}%\vfil} %default is 0.6in
\hspace*{0.1in}Master’s Committee:\\[12pt] %default is 0.2in
\hspace*{0.53in}\begin{tabular}{l}\@committee\end{tabular}%\vfil} %default is 0.6in
\hspace*{0.1in}Adviser:\\[12pt] %default is 0.2in
\hspace*{0.53in}\@advisor%\vfil} %default is 0.6in

Displayed/printed results may vary with your selections of font size, master’s or doctoral, and PDF, PS, or DVI. Best results for the title page of
this document were found to correspond with settings of 0.0in and 0.4in
in lines 234 and 235, respectively.

2.7 Abstract and ProQuest Abstract
The abstract is contained in the abstract environment. Only the text of the
abstract needs to be entered. The title “Abstract” is set automatically. Note
that the abstract should not cite any references or refer to any numbered
element in the thesis.
The supplemental material to be deposited with a doctoral dissertation
includes the abstract formatted for publication in Dissertation Abstracts International published by ProQuest/UMI. The proquest option enables you
to produce this abstract automatically. When the dissertation is complete
and correct as shown by a copyedit check, set the proquest option and run
LATEX on the dissertation to produce the ProQuest abstract, consisting of the
ProQuest header over the content in the abstract environment. With this
option set, no output is produced except the ProQuest abstract. Without the
proquest option, the whole dissertation, including the abstract formatted as
a normal part of the dissertion, is produced.
For the ProQuest abstract, the adviser name is necessary. Set the adviser
name using the \adviser command described in Section 2.6.


2.8 Table of Contents
The table of contents is automatically generated when LATEX is run on the
thesis, and it is placed in the thesis itself by means of the \tableofcontents
command, as discussed in Section 2.5.1.
LATEX ordinarily generates lines in the table of contents for all numbered
structural elements down to the subsection level, as shown in Figure 2.4, but
the Graduate College requires table of contents entries only at the chapter
level. Leaving the lower-level entries out simplifies the thesis check process,
so the Graduate College “strongly encourages students to keep the table of
contents as simple as possible” [7]. The tocnosub option prevents lower-level
subsections and subsubsections from being added to the table of contents, as
shown in Figure 2.5.
One strict Graduate College requirement that may cause difficulty for
LATEX users is that “Leader dots must be displayed between the final word
of each title and the page number” [7]. As shown in Figure 2.6, the title
of Chapter 6 of this thesis is just long enough to prevent leader dots, but
not long enough to go to a second line where leader dots would then fit.
Shortening or lengthening the title is an obvious solution, but one that is
unsatisfactory for writers who have thought carefully about their titles. ECE
graduate student Mike Daly provided the solution used to achieve the result
in the actual Table of Contents of this thesis, the relevant detail of which is
reproduced in Figure 2.7. The solution is coded as follows:
\chapter[Producing References and \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, Bibliography]
{Producing References and Bibliography}

Note that the \chapter function takes two arguments: the first, in square
brackets, specifies how you want the title to appear in the table of contents
and contains enough thin spaces (\, ) to force a line break with the resulting
leader dots; the second, in curly braces, specifies the title for the text. Make
sure the wording is exactly the same for both arguments!



LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
LIST OF SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
1.1 Why TEX . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Why LATEX . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Operating LATEX . . . . . . . . .
1.3.1 User interfaces . . . . . .
1.3.2 Output formats . . . . . .
1.3.3 Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . .


















2.1 LATEX Text and Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.1 Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.2 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.3 Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 The Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 The document class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.2 Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.3 Macro definitions and redefinitions . . . . . . . .
2.3 The Meaning of a “LATEX Template” . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.1 Document class uiucecethesis09 . . . . . . . . .
2.3.2 Starter file ecethesis.tex . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Options in the UIUC ECE Thesis Document Class . . .
2.4.1 Controlling the type size . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.2 Time-stamping a draft thesis . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.3 Controlling margin widths . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.4 Other cosmetic adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.5 Controlling margin alignment . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.6 Controlling the depth of Table of Contents entries
2.4.7 Controlling chapter title capitalization . . . . . .
2.4.8 Generating the ProQuest abstract . . . . . . . . .
2.5 The Document Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5.1 Document structure elements . . . . . . . . . . .






Figure 2.4: Table of contents with subsections listed (not recommended).



LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


LIST OF SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
1.1 Why TEX . . . . . .
1.2 Why LATEX . . . . .
1.3 Operating LATEX . .

. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .


















2.1 LATEX Text and Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 The Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 The Meaning of a “LATEX Template” . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Options in the UIUC ECE Thesis Document Class . .
2.5 The Document Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6 Title Page and Copyright Page . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.7 Abstract and ProQuest Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.8 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.9 Lists of Tables, Figures, Symbols, and Abbreviations .
2.10 The Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.11 A Few Special Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






CHAPTER 3 MATH . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1 Math within a Paragraph . . . . .
3.2 Display Math . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Numbered Equations . . . . . . . .
3.4 Arrayed Elements Inside Equations
3.5 Limits, Integrals, Summations . . .
3.6 Tables of Symbols . . . . . . . . . .

















CHAPTER 4 FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 Elements of the figure Environment
4.2 The Bounding Box . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Controlling the Figure Size . . . . . .
4.4 Cropping a Figure . . . . . . . . . .

















Figure 2.5: Table of contents with subsections suppressed by the tocnosub
option (recommended).


CHAPTER 5 TABLES . . . . . .
5.1 The tabular Environment
5.2 Table Rules . . . . . . . .
5.3 Table Titles . . . . . . . .







6.1 The Bibliography List (.bib File) . .
6.2 The Bibliography Style (.bst File) .
6.3 Fine-Tuning Bibliography Entries . .
6.4 Inserting the Bibliography . . . . . .
6.5 Citing Bibliography Entries . . . . .
















. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
AUTHOR’S BIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Figure 2.6: Chapter 6 title does not allow for required leader dots.

CHAPTER 5 TABLES . . . . . .
5.1 The tabular Environment
5.2 Table Rules . . . . . . . .
5.3 Table Titles . . . . . . . .













BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1 The Bibliography List (.bib File) . . . . . .
6.2 The Bibliography Style (.bst File) . . . . .
6.3 Fine-Tuning Bibliography Entries . . . . . .
6.4 Inserting the Bibliography . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Citing Bibliography Entries . . . . . . . . .






















. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
AUTHOR’S BIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Figure 2.7: After Mike Daly’s fix, Chapter 6 title accommodates required
leader dots.


2.9 Lists of Tables, Figures, Symbols, and
LATEX provides support for generating a list of tables and a list of figures automatically. These lists are placed in the thesis by means of the \listoftables
and \listoffigures commands. These commands are included in the starter
file. The Graduate College and the ECE Department do not require these
lists, and leaving them out simplifies the Publications Office review of the
thesis. Therefore, you may wish to delete these commands or comment them
out, especially if you are submitting on deadline.
The template provides the symbollist environment to support lists of
symbols and abbreviations, and the commands for them are included in the
starter file, but if you use such lists, you must make the entries by hand.
Otherwise, just comment out the \chapter{List of Abbreviations} command.

2.10 The Chapters
2.10.1 Writing chapters in separate files
A large project such as a thesis or a book can be difficult to manage. If
the entire project is stored in a single file, the slightest change can require
a needle-in-haystack search through the whole file. Keeping the project in
multiple source files—such as one file for each chapter and one file that provides the preamble, title page, frontmatter, and endmatter—can help keep
the complexity under control.
The command \include makes this division into multiple source files
possible. It inserts the contents of the text file whose file name is given by
the argument to the \include command and whose extension is .tex. The
file that contains the preamble and the code for the title page and so forth
can therefore contain \include commands to bring in the individual chapter
files, e.g.,


to include the individual chapter files introduction.tex, theoretical.tex,
and so on.

2.10.2 Chapter title capitalization
As described in Section 2.5.1, the chapter title is the argument to the \chapter
command. The uiucecethesis09 class now automatically converts the chapter titles to uppercase by default, whether they are entered as ALL CAPS,
Title Case (headline style), or Sentence case (sentence style). If you prefer
to use Title Case in your chapter titles, use the mixcasechap option in your
\documentclass command. If you use this option, the chapter titles will
appear exactly as you enter them. You are then responsible for correctly
capitalizing the first letter of “all important words” [8]. According to one
well-respected source [9], important words are the first and last words of the
sentence and all other words except “a,” “an,” “the”; “and,” “or,” “but,”
“for,” “nor”; and prepositions. Title Case is essential if any of your chapter
titles contains a symbol that requires lowercase letters, such as “GaAs.”

2.11 A Few Special Commands
2.11.1 Blank lines
No matter how many consecutive line spaces you put in your source file
between paragraphs, LATEX will produce only one paragraph break to stand
for all of them. To add a blank line in your output, the \extraline command
is provided with the uiucecethesis09 document class (see Sections 2.2.1 and
2.3.1). Place this command at the end of the paragraph before the desired
location of the blank line.


2.11.2 Verbatim (code) material
A special command \verb is used to produce the command examples verbatim in typewriter-like font in this thesis. The material to be quoted verbatim
may contain backslashes and curly braces itself, so these characters cannot
be used to mark the beginning and end of the argument. Instead, the first
character after \verb must be a character not found in the verbatim material, and then the same character marks the end of the verbatim material:
‘‘\verb|\TeX|,’’ produces “\TeX,” which in turn produces “TEX,” as you
know already.
For displays of verbatim material, such as computer programs,
for (i=0; i<500; i++) {
printf("I will not automate my punishment assignments.\n")
LATEX provides the verbatim environment:
for (i=0; i<500; i++) {
printf("I will not automate my punishment assignments.\n")
The \verbatim environment ends with the first \end{verbatim} command encountered. To produce the preceding display it was necessary to embed each line from \begin{verbatim} through \end{verbatim} in a structure \noindent\verb|. . . |\\.

2.11.3 Suppressing part of the text
You may wish to prevent part of your thesis from printing during the course
of editing it. For example, you may want to work in one chapter at a time
and leave the rest of them out so that you will not have to page through the
other chapters in the output to get to the chapter in which you are interested.
One way of preventing printing is to comment out the unwanted lines with
the % character:

The uiucecethesis09 class, however, also provides a command \ignore,
which you can use instead:
You can also use the \ignore command in-line:
he is \ignore{not }the sharpest knife in the drawer
produces “he is the sharpest knife in the drawer.” Note that one of the
surrounding spaces must be included in the \ignore argument, because otherwise an extra space is produced:
he is \ignore{not} the sharpest knife in the drawer
produces “he is the sharpest knife in the drawer.”



As mentioned at the beginning of this document, TEX was optimized for
math from its beginning. A special math mode enables many mathematical symbols to be set and correctly formatted as in the best mathematical

3.1 Math within a Paragraph
For math within a paragraph, a dollar sign $ is placed at the beginning and at
the end of what is to be math: $\pi r^2$ sets πr 2 . (To set a dollar sign, in
math mode or out, precede it with a backslash: \$ produces $, $\$2000.00x$
produces $2000.00x.) The environment math does the same: ∇×H = J+ ∂∂t
was produced with \begin{math} and \end{math} commands, right inside
the paragraph itself.
Some common notations that may not appear to be particularly mathematical nevertheless require LATEX’s math features to produce.

3.1.1 Special characters
As described in Section 2.1.2, the backslash character in ordinary font requires math mode: $\backslash$ produces \. (As described in Section
2.11.2, you can get a backslash in typewriter font with the \verb command:
\verb|\| produces \.)

3.1.2 Minus and plus signs on numbers
Although plain numbers do not ordinarily require math mode (although math
mode is recommended for numbers for consistency’s sake if you are using a

font other than Computer Modern for basic text), negative numbers should
be set in math mode to make the minus sign come out correctly: $-3$ to get
−3 rather than -3. If you have both numbers with positive signs and those
with negative signs, both should be written using math: $+3$ produces +3.

3.1.3 Subscripts and superscripts
All superscripts and subscripts (other than note citations) should be produced using math mode. Put a caret ^ before a symbol to be represented
as a superscript and an underscore _ before a symbol to be represented as a
subscript: $mc^2$ produces mc2 , $e_y$ produces ey .
Multiple-character superscripts and subscripts need to be enclosed in
curly braces: $e^{-j\omega t}$ produces e−jωt . If the curly braces are not
used, only the first character will be super- or subscripted: $e^-j\omega t$
produces e− jωt.
It is not necessary for the symbol next to the subscript or superscript to
be in math mode for the superscripting or subscripting to work. For example,
TM$_{11}$ produces TM11 . The superscript or subscript does not even have
to follow a symbol; for example, $^{14}$C produces 14 C.
If superscripts and subscripts occur together, LATEX will stack superscripts
over subscripts, as in SO2−
4 (produced by SO$_4^{2-}$) or 2 He (produced by
$^4_2$He). If it is necessary to offset the subscript and superscript, enclose

the first element in curly braces: ga b (produced by ${g_a}^b$), g a b (produced
by ${g^a}_b$).

3.1.4 A word about multiletter symbols
As shown by the examples at the beginning of this chapter, putting a letter
in math mode italicizes it, while putting a number in math mode leaves it
upright: $a^2+b^2=c^2$ produces the ordinary algebraic equation a2 + b2 =
c2 .
Multiple consecutive letters are set as if they represented single-letter variables that are multiplied together to make a term: $ax^2+bx+c=0$ produces
ax2 + bx + c = 0. Spaces between such letters are ignored: the command
$a x^2 + b x + c = 0$ produces ax2 + bx + c = 0.


Some writers prefer to write equations that contain whole words as variable names for clarity rather than using single letters. If such variable
names are simply entered in math mode, the spacing between the letters
is all wrong for a word, and any spaces in the variable name are lost:
$y=x+Difference between the two terms$ produces the hideous expression
y = x + Dif f erencebetweenthetwoterms
To avoid the problem, put the multicharacter variable name into the argument of a \mathit command if you want it to appear in italic. You will also
need to force spacing (backslash-space, \ ): $y=x+\mathit{Difference\
between\ the\ two\ terms}$ produces
y = x + Difference between the two terms
Often in textbooks, non-italic letters are used for a multiletter variable
name for clarity’s sake. In that case, use \mathrm (math roman, i.e., not
italic) rather than \mathit.
For example, the command
$y=x+\mathrm{Difference\ between\ the\ two\ terms}$ produces
y = x + Difference between the two terms
The latter remark also holds for explanatory subscripts. In textbooks,
when a multiletter subscript means a word, it is often set roman, whereas
if a subscript consists of a combination of individual letters that each have
their own meaning, they are set italic: $V_{GS}$ produces VGS , meaning the
voltage (V ) between the gate (G) and the source (S), but $t_\mathrm{off}$
produces toff , representing the time (t) during which the device is off.

3.2 Display Math
The displaymath environment produces math formatted to be displayed in
its own vertical space:
∇×H =J+



was produced by the same math coding as in the first paragraph of Section
3.1, but with the displaymath environment invoked instead of math. Notice
that when the equation is inline, the fraction is set small enough to fit on the
line, whereas in display math the fraction is set full size. (To get the fraction,
the command \frac is used, followed by the numerator and denominator
expressions, each in a pair of braces.)

3.3 Numbered Equations
Numbered equations such as Equations (1.1)–(1.4) are produced by using
the equation environment for a single equation, or the eqnarray environment for multiple equations with their equal signs lined up, rather than the
\displaymath environment. To get the equations to line up on their equal
signs, the special alignment character & is placed on either side of the equal
sign. These environments put an equation number at the right of every line.
To get a similar alignment of equations but without equation numbers, the
eqnarray* environment is used.

D = εE
B = μH

3.4 Arrayed Elements Inside Equations
The eqnarray environment should not be confused with the array environment, which produces vertical alignments inside an equation, such as for use
in representing vectors, matrices, and determinants.


\frac{\partial}{\partial x}&
\frac{\partial}{\partial y}&
\frac{\partial}{\partial z}\\








The array environment has to be invoked inside math mode, whereas the
math, displaymath, equation, eqnarray, and eqnarray* environments have
to be invoked outside of math mode.
Inspection of the LATEX code for the preceding equation shows a few
more features of interest. The second argument to the \begin{array} command indicates the left (l), centered (c), or right (r) alignment of the array
columns. The \left and \right commands make the chosen delimiters
(parentheses, brackets, braces, or vertical lines) tall enough to enclose whatever is between them. For many more of LATEX’s math features, see Chapter
3 of [5]. The TEXnicCenter IDE has toolbar buttons to insert codes for math
symbols with a mouse click.

3.5 Limits, Integrals, Summations
Integrals, limits, summations, and the like have expressions above and below
them. These are handled like subscripts and superscripts. Thus,
\int_a^b f(x)dx =
\lim_{\Delta x\rightarrow 0}
\sum_{i=0}^{(b-a)/\Delta x} f(a+i\Delta x)\Delta x




f (x)dx = lim



in display mode and


f (a + iΔx)Δx


f (x)dx = limΔx→0


f (a + iΔx)Δx inline.

3.6 Tables of Symbols
Tables of all the math symbols available in LATEXare available through CTAN
[3] on the path tex-archive/info/symbols/math/.



As can be inferred from Figure 1.1, LATEX supports placement of figures in
documents, automatically giving them numbers that can be cross-referenced
and placing them at the top or bottom of the page as requested by the user.
The figure environment is used to produce a figure. For example, Figure
4.1 shows a simple graphic containing text and was included by means of the
following code:
\caption{A simple graphic.}

4.1 Elements of the figure Environment
Like sections, subsections, and equations, figures are numbered elements (unnumbered figures can be produced with the figure* environment). As with
those elements, LATEX assigns the figure numbers as it runs, but it puts the
numbers in the file based on the previous set of assignments, so after a figure
is added, deleted, or moved, LATEX must be run twice.

To Create Graphics
Figure 4.1: A simple graphic.


4.1.1 Including a graphics object
In the figure environment, the \includegraphics command imports the
graphics file itself. In this case, the file is an Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
file, tocreate.eps. This file type is one of the easiest to incorporate into
a LATEX document. Other types of graphics files, such as those representing
photographs, screen shots, or scanned images, can also be incorporated. For
example, the file used for Figure 1.1 is a JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts
Group) compressed raster image.

4.1.2 Setting the caption
The \caption command places the caption above or below the figure, depending on whether it precedes or follows the \includegraphics command,
and causes LATEX to generate a figure number and print the figure number
and the text of the argument, just as the \section command generates a
new section number and prints it out along with the section title passed as
the argument.

4.1.3 Setting the label
The \label command tells LATEX to equate the label with the figure number
generated with the \caption command so that a \ref command will print
the figure number. If the \caption command is omitted, a \ref to the label
will produce the most recent section or subsection (or subsubsection) number
instead of a figure number.

4.2 The Bounding Box
The following code was used for setting Figure 1.1:
\caption{The {\TeX}nicCenter user interface.}

The \includegraphics command for this figure is much more complicated
than for Figure 4.1. The reason is that LATEX needs to know the location of
the boundaries of the image, known as its bounding box. An EPS file such as
that used for Figure 4.1 already contains the bounding box information in
a form that LATEX can recognize. A JPEG file such as that used for Figure
1.1, however, does not, so the user has to state the horizontal and vertical
coordinates of the bottom left and top right corners of the bounding box as
optional arguments to the \includegraphics command.
There are a couple of wrinkles to stating the bounding box. One is that for
a JPEG file, LATEX interprets the numbers of points (pt, nominally 72
in the bounding box dimensions as numbers of pixels, no matter at what
resolution the image was recorded. Adobe Photoshop reports a resolution of
96 pixels per inch for the image used for Figure 1.1, but LATEX knew nothing
of it.
Another wrinkle is that to include the entire image, only the top right
corner of the bounding box actually needs to be stated. For example,
would have worked equally well for Figure 1.1.

4.3 Controlling the Figure Size
At the resolution at which the screen shot in Figure 1.1 was made, the image
would have been over 10 inches wide, too large to fit on the page. To shrink
the image to fit between the margins allowed by the Graduate College, the
whole \includegraphics command is placed inside a \resizebox command
as its third argument, as seen in Section 4.2. The first argument to that
command is the width to which the figure is to be sized; the value \textwidth
shrinks the figure automatically to exactly the width between the margins.
The second argument to \resizebox is the height to which the figure is to be
resized; using ! here preserves the original proportions of the figure without
the user having to do calculations.

4.4 Cropping a Figure
By stating nonzero values for the bottom left corner and placing an asterisk
after \includegraphics, a figure can be cropped. For example,
\caption{Cropping the graphic in Figure \ref{fig:cclogo}.}
produces Figure 4.2. Note the center environment, without which the
cropped figure would be set flush left while the caption is centered—a gaffe
that was committed in Figure 4.1, but that would be much more noticeable
here because the image is narrower. Note also that the cropping values need
not be integers.

4.5 Borders on Figures
You can set borders around figures, as was done for the page images in
Chapter 2, by using the \framebox command around the \includegraphics.
The following code produces Figure 4.3.
\caption{Framing the graphic in Figure \ref{fig:cropcclogo}.}

Figure 4.2: Cropping the graphic in Figure 4.1.

Notice that the frame is some distance outside the cropped graphic itself.
Therefore, if you use the \resizebox command to constrain the figure within
the text margins, you must place the \framebox inside the third argument
to \resizebox, not the other way around. Otherwise, you will get “Overfull
\hbox” messages when you run TEX, and you will also exceed the Graduate
College margins.

4.6 Controlling Figure Position
The optional argument to the \begin{figure} command consists of a selection among t, b, p, and here. These options specify the possibilities for
placement of the figure, which are, respectively: at the top of the current
page, at the bottom of the current page, on a page of its own, or as close
as possible to where the figure environment appears in the source file, no
matter where on the page that may be. If all three of the letter choices (t,
b, p) are entered, LATEX will place the figure at what it determines to be the
best location, which may not be where the user wants it. By changing the
selection of these options or by movement of the figure environment itself,
the user can control the placement of the figure.
For example, for Figures 4.2 and 4.3, the code for the figure environments was placed in the file immediately after the figures were first mentioned
in text. For these figures the t was left out, because if it were left in, LATEX
would have put the figures on the top of their pages, before they were first
mentioned, which is not what the user wanted. (Another way to achieve the
same result would have been to move the figure environments farther down
in the source file.)
On the other hand, Figure 1.1 (discussed in Section 4.2) was tall enough

Figure 4.3: Framing the graphic in Figure 4.2.

that LATEX could not set the figure at the top of the page on which its code
occurred—if it did, the code would be forced onto the next page. Therefore,
the pb options caused LATEX to put that figure on its own page on the next
page instead.
The Graduate College encourages placement of all figures at the end of
their chapters. To do so, move the figure environments. Make sure that the
figures are mentioned in consecutive numerical order in the text, and that
they appear in that order at the end of the chapter. If you prefer to intersperse your figures in the chapters using the four placement commands and
portable figure environment, ECE Publications will check that each figure
appears on same page where it is first mentioned in text or the first possible
page after that (which may be much later if a group of figures is referenced
in a short passage). Exceptions to this rule may be made, depending on the

4.7 Packages for Figures
The graphicx package was used to support the figures shown in this document. Other packages that can be used with graphics include
• epsfig, which is well suited for manipulating EPS graphics and is
described in Chapter 11 of [6]
• subfigure, which enables figures with multiple lettered parts that can
be manipulated individually
LATEX itself has some line graphics drawing capabilities, which are described
in Chapter 10 of [6].



Like figures, tables have a special environment, table, which takes care of
the table placement at the top of the current page, the bottom of the current
page, or a new page; sets up a table number (if a \caption command is used);
and enables cross-referencing the table (if a \label command is used). For
example, Table 5.1 is produced by the code
\caption{Electricity and Magnetism Compared}
Field intensity&$\textbf{E}$&$\textbf{H}$\\
Flux density&$\textbf{D}$&$\textbf{B}$\\
Charge density&$\rho$&$\rho_m$?\\
Current density&$\textbf{J}$&$\textbf{J}_m$?
Like sections, subsections, and equations, tables are numbered elements
(unnumbered tables can be produced with the table* environment). As
with those elements, LATEX assigns the numbers as it runs, but it puts the
Table 5.1: Electricity and Magnetism Compared
Electricity Magnetism
Field intensity
Flux density
Charge density
ρm ?
Current density
Jm ?


numbers in the file based on the previous set of assignments, so after a table
is added, deleted, or moved, LATEX must be run twice.
As with figures, you may wish to group all the tables at the end of their

5.1 The tabular Environment
The heart of the table is the tabular environment. The column alignments
are specified by the second argument to \begin, the columns are separated
by &, and the rows are separated by \\, as in the array and eqnarray
commands discussed in Chapter 3.

5.2 Table Rules
Table 5.1 is not very easy to read as it stands. It would be much more
readable if there were lines, called rules in publishing, to separate the table
from the surrounding material and to separate the column headers from the
table body, as in Table 5.2.
The horizontal lines in Table 5.2 were produced by the \hline command:
\caption{Electricity and Magnetism Compared}
&\textbf{Electricity}&\textbf{Magnetism}\\ \hline
Field intensity&$\textbf{E}$&$\textbf{H}$\\
Flux density&$\textbf{D}$&$\textbf{B}$\\
Charge density&$\rho$&$\rho_m$?\\
Table 5.2: Electricity and Magnetism Compared
Field intensity
Flux density
Charge density
Current density


ρm ?
Jm ?

Current density&$\textbf{J}$&$\textbf{J}_m$?\\ \hline
To get vertical lines between table columns, you put vertical bars | between the column alignment letters in the argument to the \begin{tabular}
command as in Table 5.3, produced by
\caption{Electricity and Magnetism Compared}
&\textbf{Electricity}&\textbf{Magnetism}\\ \hline
Field intensity&$\textbf{E}$&$\textbf{H}$\\
Flux density&$\textbf{D}$&$\textbf{B}$\\
Charge density&$\rho$&$\rho_m$?\\
Current density&$\textbf{J}$&$\textbf{J}_m$?\\ \hline

5.3 Table Titles
A table title should be placed above the table body, whereas a figure caption
should be placed below the figure. Therefore, place the \caption command
above the tabular environment. This does not happen automatically. If
you are using TEXnicCenter, for example, and you use Ctrl+Alt+T to insert
tabular material, a table environment is inserted in which the \caption
command is below the space allowed for the tabular environment,
Table 5.3: Electricity and Magnetism Compared
Field intensity
Flux density
Charge density
Current density


ρm ?
Jm ?

Table 5.4: Electricity and magnetism compared. The flux density and field
intensity are related to each other by the constitutive relations; the flux
density is equal to the field intensity times the constitutive factor. The term
ε is known as electric permittivity, and μ is known as magnetic permeability.
The quantities marked with question marks in the Magnetism column refer
to magnetic monopoles, which may or may not exist.
Field intensity
Flux density
Constitutive factor
Charge density
Current density


ρm ?
Jm ?

\caption{Title of the table}
and you must move it yourself.
Because figure captions and table titles are both produced by the \caption
command, one might be inclined to write table titles the same way as one
writes figure captions, including as much additional information as the reader
would need to understand the symbols and notations in the table body, as in
Table 5.4. Because the table title is above the table body, however, this kind
of caption is unwieldy to read. If you look at tables in a textbook, you will
usually find that the titles are quite short, just a single phrase, and explanatory material is put into notes at the bottom of the table. You can do this
by putting the footnote inside the table environment below the tabular
material, as in Table 5.5. In that table, to improve readability even more,
the explanatory material has been broken into two notes, and superscript
note letters have been used to tie the notes to the table entries to which
they apply. Also note that, because it consists of many sentences, the title
of Table 5.4 must be set in “sentence case” with capitalization only at the
beginning of a sentence and a period at the end. But my preferred style
elsewhere in this thesis is the classic “headline style” for table titles, with
capitalization for each important word and no punctuation. The solution in
Table 5.5 takes care of this problem, too.

Table 5.5: Electricity and Magnetism Compared

Field intensity
Flux densitya
Constitutive factora
Charge density
Current density

Electricity Magnetism
ρm ?d
Jm ?d


The flux density and field intensity are related to each other by the constitutive relations;
the flux density is equal to the field intensity times the constitutive factor.
ε is known as electric permittivity.
μ is known as magnetic permeability.
The quantities marked with question marks refer to magnetic monopoles, which may or
may not exist.

The following code was used to produce Table 5.5. Note that instead of
the \centering command used in the code for Table 5.1, the table body is
placed in a center environment, and the footnotes are placed after the end
of that environment with a special instruction to reduce their font size. The
\label command must be inside the \center environment along with the
tabular material; otherwise LATEX will produce a section reference rather
than a table reference. There must also be line breaks between the footnotes. Finally, note the small extra space (\vspace{0.05in}) added after
the caption, as is done for every table in this chapter, for visual effect.
\caption{Electricity and Magnetism Compared}
&\textbf{Electricity}&\textbf{Magnetism}\\ \hline
Field intensity$^a$&$\textbf{E}$&$\textbf{H}$\\
Flux density$^a$&$\textbf{D}$&$\textbf{B}$\\
Constitutive factor$^a$&$\varepsilon$$^b$&$\mu$$^c$\\
Charge density&$\rho$&$\rho_m$?$^d$\\
Current density&$\textbf{J}$&$\textbf{J}_m$?$^d$\\ \hline

\footnotesize{$^a$The flux density and field intensity are related
to each other by the constitutive relations;
the flux density is equal to the field intensity
times the constitutive factor.
$^b\varepsilon$ is known as electric permittivity.
$^c\mu$ is known as magnetic permeability.
$^d$The quantities marked with question marks refer to
magnetic monopoles, which may or may not exist.}



A powerful utility called BibTEX, written by Oren Patashnik, works with
LATEX to produce correctly formatted bibliographies and reference lists and
accurate citations in text.

6.1 The Bibliography List (.bib File)
The bibliography entries must be listed in a text file with the extension
.bib. The file name does not have to be the same as the LATEX document
file name (therefore the same bibliography can be used with multiple LATEX
projects). A sample reference list, thesisrefs.bib, is supplied as part of
the ECE template; you can start with this and add your own entries at the
end. (Only those entries cited with \cite or \nocite will be included in the
bibliography itself.)
Here is the entry in the .bib file for [6]:
"Michael Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin",

= "The \LaTeX\ Companion",
= "Addison-Wesley",
= "Reading, MA",
= "1994"

The entry begins with @book, which specifies what type of bibliography entry
this is, and contains a list of pieces of information within a pair of curly
braces. The first piece of information is a label to enable the entry to be
cited within the main LATEX document using the \cite command with that

label as argument. Thus, \cite{LaTeXCompanion} produces “[6]” in the
main document. The rest of the information consists of field names, such
as author, each followed by an equals sign and the information itself, which
may include TEX commands, in quotation marks.

6.2 The Bibliography Style (.bst File)
Comparing the code for reference [6] in Section 6.1 with that entry in the
References, you can see that the software has performed some intelligent operations on the information to make the bibliography entry conform to IEEE
style, such as the title in italics followed by a period and extra space and,
more impressively, the first names of the authors reduced to initials. This
magic is wrought by BibTEX using a bibliography style file with the extension .bst. A LATEX distribution contains an IEEE style file IEEEtran.bst,
but for UIUC ECE theses a slightly modified form of this file, IEEE_ECE.bst,
is provided. The style file also directs BibTEX to translate in-text citations
to sequential numbers [1], [2], . . . , to give the corresponding numbers to the
entries, and to output the entries in the order of these numbers (regardless
of the order in which they were entered in the .bib file), all in keeping with
IEEE style. There are style files to support many different bibliographic
conventions, for example, entries sorted and cited by author and year.

6.3 Fine-Tuning Bibliography Entries
Sometimes it is necessary to get around the smart formatting features defined
in the .bst file. For example, in the entry for [10], the author is an organization, The Unicode Consortium. Processing the field author = "The Unicode
Consortium" for IEEE style turns this name into “T. U. Consortium.” Enclosing the entire organization name in curly braces causes the name to be
treated as a unit rather than analyzed into first, middle, and last names:
author = "{The Unicode Consortium}",
And in the entry for [11], if the article title were not given special treatment,
then the unit of measure (GHz), initialism (UV), and proper name (Bragg)

would appear incorrectly as ghz, uv, and bragg. To prevent that result, the
whole name is enclosed in curly braces:
title = "{150 GHz of thermo-optic tuning in direct
UV written silica-on-silicon planar Bragg grating}",
Alternatively, each individual term requiring an override of BibTEX defaults
can be enclosed in curly braces.

6.4 Inserting the Bibliography
The bibliography itself is inserted in the main LATEX document using the
commands \bibliographystyle, whose argument is the file name of the
.bst file, and \bibliography, whose argument is the file name of the .bib
\bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} % IEEEtran.bst

% references.bib

When LATEX encounters these two commands, it writes the file names into a
file pertaining to the document that it keeps for its own use (where it also
keeps labels, numbers, and titles of chapters, sections, tables, figures, and
other numbered elements for producing tables of contents, lists of tables and
figures, and cross-reference resolutions). The separate program bibtex then
has to be run on this file to generate the correctly formatted and sorted
bibliography and the citations translated into the correct format (an IDE
such as TEXnicCenter carries out this step automatically). LATEX must then
be run again to incorporate the citations and the bibliography into the main
An \addcontentsline will also be needed to create a line for the bibliography in the table of contents, as described in Section 2.5.3.

6.5 Citing Bibliography Entries
As previously mentioned, to produce a citation of a bibliography entry, use
the \cite command with the the first item in the .bib file entry as argument.
Thus, given the .bib file entry

"Michael Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin",

= "The \LaTeX\ Companion",
= "Addison-Wesley",
= "Reading, MA",
= "1994"

the command \cite{LaTeXCompanion} produces “[6]” in the main document.

6.5.1 The “Preferred” Citation Style
In the “preferred” citation style in the ECE “Reference guide: IEEE style”
[8], each reference in a group is cited in its own pair of square brackets, and
a range of citations is indicated by an en dash between the brackets for the
first and last citations. To make this style, use \cite for the first and last
reference, set the en dash, and use \nocite for the references in between:
produces “[11]–[13]” (these references are included as examples in the file
IEEE_ECE.bib). Only [11] and [13] are shown, but [12] also gets numbered
and added to the bibliography, so it can be cited later, as in this sentence.

6.5.2 The “Acceptable” Citation Style
The “acceptable” style in the ECE “Reference guide: IEEE style” [8] differs
in two respects from the “preferred” style:
• References cited together are grouped within a single pair of brackets.
• The en dash in a range of citations occurs within the pair of brackets,
between the first and last citations.


To produce the first effect, put all the citations in the group into the
argument of a single \cite command, separated by commas:
\cite{LaTeX, LaTeXCompanion}.
produces “[5, 6].”
To collapse more than two consecutive citations into a range within one
pair of brackets and separated by an en dash, you must use the cite package
by setting
in the preamble of your thesis. Then
\cite{Impatient, TeXbook, ctan}
will produce “[1–3]” instead of “[1, 2, 3]” as would happen without the use
of the cite package.

6.5.3 Comparison of the Citation Styles
Notice in the last example in Section 6.5.2 that the cite package inserts extra
space in front of the left bracket. Therefore, if you use the cite package, it
is no longer possible to produce the “preferred” style:
now produces a defective result, “[1]– [6].”
The “acceptable” style has one advantage over the “preferred” style. Suppose you cite a group of three references that have not been previously cited.
• If you are using the “acceptable” style (\cite{refA,refB,refC,refD}),
the cite package will automatically collapse the group and set the en
dash: [1–4]. Now suppose you are revising your thesis and find it necessary to add a citation to the second reference in the group somewhere
before you cite the group: \cite{refB}. . . \cite{refA,refB,refC,refD}.
The cite package will handle the change automatically, producing
[1]. . . [1–4], and even correcting for the references now being no longer
in citation order in the group.


• If you are using the “preferred” style, however (that is, the command
\cite{refA}--\nocite{refB}\nocite{refC}\cite{refD}), then your
citations [1]–[4] will become [1]. . . [2]–[4] when you add an earlier citation for refB. Nothing will seem wrong about the group citation (so
the Publications Office will not mark a correction), but the reader will
no longer be aware that you meant to cite refB, now numbered [1],
in the group. You will then have to correct the group citation by
hand: \cite{refB}--\nocite{refA}\nocite{refC}\cite{refD} to
produce [1]–[4] as you intended.



We hope that this introduction has been helpful to you in using LATEX to
produce your thesis. Much more information can be found in [1], [5], and [6].
If you encounter difficulty with the operation of any of the features of the
ECE thesis template described here, please contact the ECE Publications
Office. We will do our best to fix any bugs that are found in the template
(but no guarantees!) or inaccuracies found in this document; bringing them
to our attention will benefit future students as well. Of course, we cannot
answer every general query about TEX and LATEX features not specific for
the UIUC ECE thesis template. We do keep a small, noncirculating library
of TEX and LATEX reference works in our office, and you are welcome to visit
and use them.



[1] P. W. Abrahams, K. Berry, and K. A. Hargreaves, TEX for the Impatient.
PDF of book originally published in 1990 by Addison-Wesley, who
graciously released the copyright back to the authors, 2003. [Online].
Available: www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/impatient/book.pdf
[2] D. E. Knuth, The TEXbook. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1986.
[3] The Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN). [Online]. Available:
[4] D. E. Knuth, The METAFONTbook.

Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley,

[5] L. Lamport, LATEX: A Document Preparation System: User’s Guide and
Reference Manual. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994.
[6] M. Goossens, F. Mittelbach, and A. Samarin, The LATEX Companion.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994.
[7] UIUC Graduate College Thesis Office Web Site. [Online]. Available:
[8] “Reference guide: IEEE style,” ECE Publications Office, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Oct. 2009.
[9] The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed.
University of Chicago Press, 1993.

Chicago and London: The

[10] The Unicode Consortium, The Unicode Standard, Version 5.0. Indianapolis, IN: Addison-Wesley Professional (imprint of Pearson Education), 2006.
[11] C. Holmes et al., “150 GHz of thermo-optic tuning in direct UV written
silica-on-silicon planar Bragg grating,” Electron. Lett., vol. 45, no. 18,
pp. 954–956, 2009.
[12] S. Zhang, C. Zhu, J. K. O. Sin, and P. K. T. Mok, “A novel ultrathin
elevated channel low-temperature poly-Si TFT,” vol. 20, pp. 569–571,
Nov. 1999.

[13] R. K. Gupta and S. D. Senturia, “Pull-in time dynamics as a measure
of absolute pressure,” in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS’97), Nagoya, Japan, Jan. 1997, pp.



In addition to checking the format of every ECE thesis and dissertation for
compliance with Graduate College requirements, the ECE Publications Office copyedits theses and dissertations for consistency, clarity, and readability
as well as correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax. Publications
Office personnel are available to answer questions about editing and writing
issues as well as questions about the use of LATEX and the ECE thesis template, though we are by no means experts in the use of LATEX. We keep a
small, noncirculating library of TEX and LATEX reference works in our office,
and students are welcome to visit and use these. Our print shop can print
and bind your thesis when you are finished with it.

Note: As of 3 October 2011, the Graduate College will
no longer accept Author's Biography, CV, or Vita in a
thesis or dissertation.



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