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.DOCONEIT RESUME .7 OE 025 225 ED: 161 750 .AUTHOR TITLE Knezek, Bernard"D.,, Ed:;. Milleri.Robett H., Ed. 'Application of Sludges and Wastewaters on AgriCultural Land: A Planning and Educational Guide, 'MCD-35. Research Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Centere, . INSTITUTION Wooster. AGENCY, PUB 'DATE . - . Environmental ProtectiOn Aiency, Washington Office.of Water Programs. D..C. Har..78. 99p. NOTE. AVAILABLE FROM ' General Her#ces Administration (8FFS) , Centralized Hailing List Services, Bl4g...--41, Denver Federal Center, Denver, COk80225 (no price quoted) l*t4 EDRS PRICE DEs,cluPTORS. 7.. MF-$0.83 HC-$4.67'Prus Postage. Agricultural Educatlipoi *Agriculture; gnvironmentai EducatiOn; *Land UgETuScience Education;-Soil Conse'rvation;-*Soil Science; Turf Hanagement;' *Waste Disposal:. *Water Resources - ABSTRACT . . of, agricultural This report-addresses the applic agricultural processing wastes, industrial and municipal yaste and reuse land as both a waste management and resource recov neficial practice. The docukent emphasizes the treatment and utilization of sludge and 'wastewater as opposed tb waste: disposal. These objectives ace achiqved through incorporation into well-designed and dperated agricultural pFocluction systems in ways that are compatible with.maintaining the -soil's normal viability and productivity. Waste characterization, crop selection and management, site selection, management and monitoring' are addressed. Sample problems, procedures, calculAtions and diagrams are incorporated into most sections. In addition, public health and nuisance concerns, as well as public acceptance, legal and economic-considerations are discussed. (Aufhor/BB). ° . - , *****************i*****************************************************, *-ReProductions supplied by EDRS are the best thaecanibe made * from the original document. *********************************************************************** * * ', . OffiCe of WatexProgram Operations United States Environmental PrOtectidn., Ag'ency ) cn tvOGIFA -4 a : (WH-546) Washington, D,,C, -20460: Reprint of North Central Research Publication 235 March 1978 - Applica/tons of Sludges. and Wastewaters:. on Agric ural. Land3:/.. . U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH,' EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO; DUCED. EXACTLY. A5 RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON,F ATING IT PITSORGANIZATION ORIGINOF VIEW,OROPINIONS STATED DO T NECESSARICY REPRE SENT oatFlekiALNATIONALASTITUTE OF EDPCAIIKVSITION DO, POLICY . , 2121114' n 2.4 - ,f .111, ri " irk 4r. A Disclaimer Statement his report has been reviewed-by the Environmental Protectio approved for publication. Agency.parid Approval doesnot signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies,of the Environm ntal Protection . / Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commprcial pro ucts constitute' endorsement or recommendation for use. Notyt To.order this publication, "Application of Sludges and Wastewaters on Agricultural' Land: 'A Planning and Educational Guide (MCD-35), from EPA write to General. Services*Administration (8FFS)' Centralized4Mailing List Services Bldg. 41 Denver Federal Centpr. Denver, CO 80225. Please indicate the MCD number and,title of publication. Multiple copies may be purchased from: National Technical Information Service Springfield, VA 22151 Marc!) 1978 ...APPLICATIOW0f.:SLUDGES.. AND WASTEWATERS ON AGRICULTURAL pkND. A ning and pocati90$160de- Edited by Bernard D. Knezek and Robert H. Miller Sponsored by North Central Regional Committee.N C-118, Utilization and Disposal of Municipal, Industrial, and Agricultural Processing Wastes on Land. in gooperationwith. . Western Regional Committee W-124, Soil as a Waste Treatment Syitem Reprinted by U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY OFFICE OF WATER PROGRAM OPERATIONS MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION (WASHING-TOiv, D.C. 20460 MCD735 This bulletin was selecOd,foi- rtpeinting bY'the U.:S:EPA'Office of Water Progeam Operations as one ofsa series of help supply' detailed information for7dse in,selecting,developing,,designing; and operating municipal wastewater treatment and sludge management system The series will.. provide in-depth presentations' of availabte.;information on, topics of major interest and concern 'related to municipal wastewater' treatment and sludge management. An, effort will 6e; "made to provide the most current state-of-theart information available concerning sewagt sludge prbcessing and disposalAtiliiation etOrnatives, :as well as costs, transport, and environmental and;health,impacts.. These reports are not a statement of Agency polCcy or regulatory, requirements. They are being publtshed tO,a'ssistEPA'Regipnal7Administrators intevaluating grant applica0bns`for construtionilf,publicly, owned treatment works under Section 203(a) of they:ederalvWater Pol,ut;i off_ Control Act as amended. They also:will peciVide.planners:dekigners:, municipal engineers, environmentalists and othert kvithAetailpd information on municipal.astewater treatment and,s1Adge management options. 0 , HarolCP. Cahi)14.Jr:,'Direktbe Municipal CobstructiAn Divniion Offide,pf Watein Program 'Operations t %','" ABSTRACT 0 t. This bulletin wasoriginally prepared'under the sp nsorship.of two. regional committees wresenting the North Central and estern States Agricultural Experiment §tations 'and cooperating elemen s of the U.S4 Departmeneof Agqculture (the North Central Regional .0 mmittee NC-118, Utilization and Disposal of Municipaf, Industria'F, and griculiWralProcessing Wastes onland in cooperation with the Weste n Regional Th report ad Pesses 'COmmittee W-124, Soil as a Waste Treatment System) the,application of agrtcultural processing' wastes, industrial and municipal wastes (i.e., sludges and wastewaters) on agricultural land as both a, waste management and resouecOmcovery and reuse pract ce, The document emphasizes the "treAment"and beneficial Utilization f sludge, and wastewater as opposed to waste disposal. These objec ives are 4chievedthrough incorporation into well-designed and operated agricultural prbduction systems in ways that are compatible with m intaining the Applicatio of waste materials soil's normal viability, and productivity. to, forgted land, greenbelts; parks or golf courses,land land reclaffiation projects-are not specifically addressed, although many of the prjnciples concerning their application-to agricultural land would apply discuss ese situations as well. to Waste charatterization, crop selection and management, site seletion, management and monitoring are addressed in a manner designed to lead readers logically through the decision making proc ss., Sample problems, procedures, calCulations and diagrams are incorpor ted into most sections. In'addition, public health and nuisance concerns, s well as public acceptance, legal and economic considerations are discused from a cautious, though informati9e, point of view that also offers ideaS for dealing with such matters based upon experience gained from recent projects. , , . The document does not provide in-depth'design criteria and is not a comprehensive design manual which could be used .to design and manage a land applicatiOn system:. It it-, hOwever, a useful planning tool, educational guide, and information source for those who desire basic information concerning land application systems..'For more detailed and complete design inforMatiOn and procedures, the reader stiould consult such sources as .the EPA Process Design Manuals, "Land Treatment of Munictpal Wastewater", (EPA 625/1-77-008; October 1,977) and "Sludge Treatment and Disposal" (EPA 625/1-74-006; Octoberal4 - currently being updated), the EPA Environmental Factors" Technical Bulletin, "Municipal Sludge Management: (EPA 430/9-77-004; October 1977), and the EPA Technology Transfer Design Seminar publications on sludge and wastewater management available from EPA/Technology Transfer, 26 West St.Clair; Oincinnati, Ohio 45268. Robert K. Bastian MuntcipalyConstruttion Division Office of'Watel. Program Operations U.S. EnvironMental Protection Agency % North Central Regional Research Publication ,235 October 1976 Application. of Sludges, and WakeWaiers ti on Agriailtural Land: A Planning and , Edited ..hy BERNARD D. KNEZEK and 'ROBERT H. MILLER i Sponsored by. North Central Regional ComMittee NC-118, Utilizatioh and Disposal of Municipal, Industrial, and griCulturaj Processing Wastes on Ldnd '2 . in cooperation with ' . . Western Regional Committee W-124,.Soil as a Waste TreOraerft SYistem A. Agricultural Experiment Stations of. Alaska, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, KanSas, Mich- t igan, Minnesota, Mitsouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, and the U. S. Department'af Agriculture cooperating. rt OHIO AGRICULTURAL ;RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT MITER, Wooster, Ohio. Res'earch II etin , 1090 CONTENTS 4* INTRODUCTIONfor Application.of Sludges.and Wastewaters on Agritultural Land, by Bernard D. Knezek and BObert.H. Miller SrTE SELECTION .CON3IDERATIONS, for Sludge'and WasteWiter Application on Agricultural Land, byGeorge F. Hallarty P. Wilding, and A. Earl Erickson . ANALYSES AND THEIR INTERPRETATION for Sludge Application to Agricultural Lana, by Lee E. SOmmer-and Darrell W. Nelson CROP AND'SYSTEM MANA.GEMENT'f& Sludge Application. 'to Agricultural Land, by Robert-H. Miller SELECTION OF THE SYSTEM for Sludge Applicati, on on Agricultural Land, by Richard K. White . . ANALYSES: AND THEIR INTERPRETATION for Wastewater. , Application on Agricultural Land, by Boyd G. Ellis CROP AND SYSTEM MANAGEMENT foe Wastewater Application to Agricultural Land, by ArthUr R. Wolcott and Ray L. Cook" SELECTION OF THE SYSTEM for Wastewater Application oh Agricultural Land, by Ernest H. Kidder PUBLIC HEALTH AND NUISANCE CONSIDERATIONS for Sludge and Wastewater_ 4plication to Agriculttral Land, byThoMas Pt Wasbotten PUBLIC ACCEPTABILITY AND LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS for Sludge and Wastewater Application on Agricultural Land, by Terry F. Glover ... 4.. 1.0 SITE MONITORING CONSIDERATIONSforSiudge and astewater Application,to Agricultural Land, by Pau) A. Blakeslee 11 0. 12 -SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 13 GLOSSARYAF.TERMS APPENDICES APpendix A '; Double Ring Infiltrometer Method for Measuring Soil Infiltration Rates Robert Taft SanitAry Engineering,Center Percolation Ttst Appendix Er-- Sample Calculatiins to Determine Sludge Application Rates on AgefculturalLand Appendix C 7" Some useful FactOrstonversion§:. ApOehdix D PUBLICATIONS* pERTINENTTO Application of:Sewage' Sludgeand WOtewatVr to Agricultural Land 14 CONTRIBUTORS 4 Paul A. ,Blakeslee Regional Sanitary Engineer, Municipal Wastewater. Division,: Michigan Deparftrtent of Natural Resources, Mason,Building, Lansing, Michigan 48926 Ra30.. Cook Professor and Chairman Emeritus, Department of Crop anO.Soil Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1410,..48824 Boyd G. Ellis Professor of Soil Chemistry, Department of'Corop,and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University, East .Lansipg, .MiCh., 48824 Earl.EA&ckson Professor of Soil Physics, Department of Cr* and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University East:Lansing, Mich. 48824. 4 Terry F. over Associate Professor; Department of.Agr,cultUrral,Economics, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 48322' 'Geohie F. Hall Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, The Ohio State University and Ohio Agricultural' Research And Development Center; Columbus, Ohio 43210 Ernest H., Kidder TBernard Professor of-Agricultural Engineering, Department of_Agricul-j iural Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. 48824 4 0.ezek Professor and Associate Chairman, Department of Crovand Soil) Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. 48824' Robert H.' hiiller Professor, Department of Agronomy, The Ohio State Uni-versity and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Darrell W. Nelson Led E. Spmmers Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, PUrdue htversity, .,;West Lafayette, Indiana,47907 ) Thomas P. Wasbotten Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 Sanitary Engineer, Municipal Wastewater Division,-Michigan Department of Natural, Resources, Mason Building, Lansing, Mich. 48926, Richard K. White Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, The Ohio State University and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Columbus, Ohio 43210 tarry. P. Wilding, Professor, Department of Agronomy, The Ohio State University and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Arthur. R. Wolcott Professor of Soil Science, Department of Crop and Soil Saences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. 48824 . .,. North Central Regional Committee NC-118 Utilization and Disposal of Municipal,Industrial, and Agricu.lturlal Processing Wastes on Land State Agricultural Experiment Stations F. J. Wooding Alaska Illinois Indiana Iowa ..; S. 14.1Melsted L. E. Sommers J. J. Hanway (until' June 30, 1976) -M. A. Tabatabai (since July 1, 1976) R. ETlis, Jr IL' D. Knezek (until June 30,11976) Iowa Kania§. , ° L. W. (Jacobs (since. July 1, 1976) R. D. M. L. G. R. L. D. L. G. Gast Sievers Baker A. Douglas L. Pratt H. Miller O. Fine R. Keeney (until June 30, 1976) M. Walsh (since July 1, 1976) U. S. Department of w iic Michigan Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska New Jersey North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin griculturd D. H. Uric T:'Ml. McCalla J. F. Parr, JrA. S: Newman , Forest Service Agricultural Research Service (Nebraska) Agricultural ResearcK Service CooperativeStates Research Service , U. S. Environmental Protection Agency C. Enfield J. Ryan Administrative .Advisors Nebraska Illinois R. W. Kleis (until June 30, 1976) S. R. Aldrich (since July 1, 1976) A p. 3 111 Western Regional Committee W-124 Soil as a Waste Treatment System State Agricultural Experiment Statiort . 4 75 W. A. B. Y. S. H. Fuller ... L. Page, P. F. Pratt, and J. E. Vlamis R. Sabey Kanehiro M. Beck J. R. Sims L. Chesnin R. A. Young V. V. Volk / R. W. Miller D. F. Bezdicek and D. O. Turner H.,W. Hough D. R. Keeney . Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montana Nebraska (T-Nevada Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming Wisconsin U. S. Department of Agriculture R. E. Luebs, B. D. Meek, and J. H,. Smith K. Nettleton A. S. Newman D. Agricultural Research Service Soil Conservation Servibe Cooperative State Msearch Service U. S. Environmental Protection Agency R. E. Thomas Nv. Administrative Advisor R. J. Miller Idaho Settlon 1. CA, - INTRODUCTION for Application of Sludges and Wastewaters an Agricultural Lend ; (ATlanning and Educational Guide Bernard Knezek and Rober, Miller ' Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Amendments of 1972, land application is recognized as an alternative method for effecting stages of vastewater,treatment and for ultimate disposal of solid wastes. For certification and shared -cost funding' under this legislation, a waste treatment proposal (nust include tvidenet that the plan is based. on "the best practicable tecHhology" and "the most cost effective method(s) over the life of the:WOrks." Requirement for.compliance are phased over periods oryears and advancd by stages toward the goal of "eliminating discharge of all pollutants into navigable'surface waters by 1985." The idealized goal of "zero,discharge" is neither practicl nor wholly desirable. Nevtrtheless, , it is to be expected that the 'quality and uses of waters,,. originating in waste treatment operiftions will come under increasing regulation at a.1.l levels of . government: Dischara standardS ultimately,adopted will vary with background leVels in natural waters from one locality.or region to another and will be subject to periodic revision as'new technologies evolve for assessing environmental impact and for effecting rational control. The capacity of soils to receive wastewater and sludg and to inactivate contaminants varies greatly, dependinvupon a variety of soil, plant; and climatic factors. Generally, most well-aerated soils are quite:efficient in organic matter conversion so that 80D loading is not a direct problem. Certain nutrients (such as nitrate) which are produced by organic breakdown may become a problem at.high,loading rates. Soils with high water infiltration capacity, which would allow large'water loading rates, may be ineffectiVe in trapping nutrients even though BOD. elimination is rapid. Therefore,.the, soil selected.for waste application on lan st by 'chosen on the basis of waste characteristics, operation and management asp ct cropping systems, and other factors which make each dtcision an individual u taking. Usually, the best soil for waste application is dictated by a necessary .b ante beiween,potential soil loading rateS'and potential environmental contamination. , , . . Emphasis in this'document il dkrected toward utilization of,agricultural-processing, industrial; and municipal wastes through application on agricultural land. Animal wastes are covered in a separate document. (21).' . si points need-to be clarified to establish the" context within which Several bac 11 of the contributions of this document have.been developed. - f. . Land is a valuable natural resource and the -Viabilityand productivity must not be endangered during application wastes. The system must'be managed so that normal agricultural production can. be maintained.without sacrificing crop quality or yield. ' A balanced system 'mast be established so that the finite ,limits of thq regeneration processes oflhe soil are'not exceeded. r _ 4 , . . .. . . Primary emphasis emphasisisupon utilization of theusable resources in the waste constituents rather.4han providing a dispa01, site. . -. ..0 ., ' . . , . ', i)"11::' , . . . . , . Who.will,be:the priMary Users. of the informati nprovided by the numerous pro:: this-document? thro,ughout its compilation, the :editors have a broad potential audiencePersonal experiences:of both .have shown that a broad spedtrum of individualS and professions volved when a municipality makes a decision to.con4der land application-Of wastewaters and/or sludges; e.g., municipal officials, O4hercommUnityleaders, healih;. 'officials,.sanitary engineers,, consulting engineers, farmers, extension agents, soil conservation personnel, mass media'repreSentaiives,'teachers; and local'citizens with , , a'xlesire to be better informed; feS'tionals who have' contributed. 1 . This document-is not-intendedto provide final design criteria and information-' , whichdould be used to totally design and manage a:lantl application System. Rather it is to be used asa planning tool by peoPle whb'must.plan, as, an eduCational tool: for those Who must educate, and as an informatipn vehicle .for those who riesire infor-. 'nation. For this reason,..the.inLvdual contributions have been organized in a manner which it is, hOped will lead interested people logically through the deciionmaking ot. educational proCesses. A 1 °se-leaf format.was selected to allow for updatfng of various sections as more i formation becomes available without the need 71° to reprint the entire document. This will undoubtedly happen frequently in the next:. ,,5*years in_the area of heavy metals,and nitrogen reactions, where. considerable reaching fruition.. , ) Application of these same wastes to forested land, greenbelts, parks, golf coursesor land redlamation areas isTnot considered specifically. Yet, the prin-, ciples involved. and disdusSed-can often be applied to:these locations as well. --- Bernard D. Knezek is Professor. and Associate aihanDepartment of Crop and Soil S1tientes, MichigarOtate University, East Lansing, Mid). 48824.6 40 Robert H. Miller is,Professdr; Department'of Agronomy, The Ohio S.tiate University and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Columbus, Ohio 40210 $ Sectiort 2 SITE SELECTION CONSIDERATIONS for Sludge and Wastewater Application. on Agri cul tural Land ,George F. ROL Larry 0: Wilding, and. A. Earl Erickson Site selection criteria consider those characteristic's of the soil and land°. scape which,will lead tb,the renoVation, of sludge and wastewater solids without creating environmefital.problems outside the site perimeter. The basiC ob'ective is to apply sludge and/or wastewater'to the soil in such a manndr that a soil can assimilate the wastes and prevent the wastes and harmful by-products fr m moving onto adjacent land, -ihto flowing water, or. into thd groundwater beneath t e land. The site selection criteria for Wastewater renovation are in many ways very .similar to those for sludges. 'There are, however; some very important, differences. Three basic interrelated parameters will .be discussed relative to the best possible site selection. These parameters include landscape features, soil parent, material including geologic characteristics, and properties of the soil. It must be emphasized that soils and landscapes are very 'complex and the principles given here are only guidelines for the seleCtion of. &sludge and/or wastewater application site On-si e evaluation of s&il and landscape conditions is essential prior to final site These on,.site investigation's should be made by qualified soil scientists selection. and supplemented in some cases by specialists such as geologists, hydrologists, engiof organizations in each state, neers, etc. Assistance can be obtained from a humb includin . Depaillpt of Agribulture,,Soif Conservation Service State Departments of Natura4 ResOurces or comparable agencies State Agricultural Experiment.Stations, or Colleges and Universities w t Departments of Agronomy or Soil Science CooperativsExtension Service Professional consultants with training and, experience in the field of lagronomic soil science .U. S. Geological Survey. Site Selection An ideal site for sludge and, wastewater utiiization would have' the following landscape/parent material, and. Soil characteristics. Keep in mind, however, that less than ideal sites may sometime be usable with proper design and management. Landscape A closed or modified closed drainage system (Fig. 2.1) Slopes less than 406; steeper gradients may be acceptable on coarse-textured .soils-or whereimanagement practices (see Sections 4 and 7) or application methods (see Sections 5 and 8) reduce erosion haiaraS. ...---... ........ ........ % "--- . ..."-' / .-- ...>...." V c '/ r--- ----=-- ,,\ <\\ \ \ \ \.\ \\ \ -,---.. ......-. - _ -, \ NI,_ \ 1 / \ \J_,.--- 1 -././ ---- --- s/ // IZI % 1 j ( --- --. .-::: . --- ..-7.. ....-.7... .. . V /I / --: --------. ------ ---7 ---- .... /- - --, s's -..N-, \ \ \ \ . ) FIG. 2. -, \ . --_, '_,.. \ // I "' r "--1--- N , 1,7 -'. - k ., . -- P_ ----- .. .------i --"; --I ---- ".., ' .7 ___ I / , / a 1, -,. _i) ---:-"..--\,...... /i .--biagrammatic represen'tation of open and closed drainage systems. lowpan B ihorizon Fragipan Cemented hard pah GLACIAL TILL OR IMOERMEABLE BEDROCK FIG. 2.2.--Diagrammatic cross-section of a sloping landscape showing the position of various restrictive layers. Parent Material Medium- textured mateiials; finer-textured or high. bulk density materials are suitable for sludges if managed properly and may "be'suitable for wastewaters if overland flow is used.' High pH's and/or free' carbonates (lime). Bedrock and Unconsolidated substrata, when present, should be free-of coarse conducting layers or conduits, and should always4be at least ,3 or-4.feet belpw'the soicsurface. Soils High surface infiltration capacity and moderate subsoil permeability.- .(See Appendix! for methodology.) A soil thickness of at least 3 feet 'Without restrictive layers. Well or moderately well-drained soil conditions to provide Oxidizing conditi ns throughout most of the year; legs well-drained soils if adequately tiled. Moderate to,high moisture supplying capacity' '(15 td 20 percent by volume). Soil pH Values ranging from 6.5 to 8.2? Medium and high levels of organic matte t In the .surface horizon. A more detailed 'discussion of these site selection criteria is contained' in the following paragraphs. Landscape Position. PositiO on the landscape 1so f major importance because it asserts, a majot influence on surface and subsurface water movement (hydrology of area); it influences the amount f soil erosion and therefore the amount of sludgey wastewater, and byproducts wh ch may move off the site; and it asserts a secondary influence through its, coniro on the kinds of soils found in the watershed. TWo I , exist; the open and the closed system eneral landscape drainage. (Fig. 2.1,., The open drainage system of most humid and subhumid areas permitS the movement of sediment and soluble material from a given_ site to the watercourse and then to he major sediment loads in streams, and rivers. contrast, the closed drainage system of some arid and semiarid areas. it a landscape where essentially all products derived within the perimeter are trapped within the system and are not transmitted to major streams or underground water suppl' s. Excess water is ponded and evaporates or filters for short distances These systems contribute little, to the pollution throu h the soils in'these areas. of t e environments outside their perimeter. In the selection of a site for sludge utilization, a landscape consisting of or app oaching a closed drainage system is most desirable. Containment of the sludge an 'its by-products is'necessary until the risk from potential environmental contamina is has been removed by physical, chemical', or biological reactions of the soil. ;.- A modified closed system can easily be developed on a nearly level-landscape erection of small ridges across the outlet of the draiTge,baSin. 11:' . . site for wastewater a MO fled open system. Wherp. visions are made for the interception and removal of Water after renovation In nost landscapes, the surface soiAis underlain by horizons or st t;ignich ,are less permeable4Fig. 2.2) and which restrict water movement and renevat ve capabilities. Examples of leSs permeable subsurface and subsoil horizons-are:' > - finer textured B horizons (claypans) compaction, pans plowpans fraglpans (silt pans) dispersed subsoils .(chemical ions) denseglacial till, shale, siltstone, and!;esiduum overlying limeS'tone duripans (silica-cemented hardpans), petrocalrcic .horizons (caliche or lime. cemented hardpan) .1. ironstofie sheets. Where these layers occur, much of the water moves-down to the less perme layer and then laterally downslope. Where slopes become more concave,'or w re the less permeable layer comes 5loser to the surface, seeps. occur (Fig. 2.2). Shaping of landscapes may cause some,of the above conditions. At anyyroposed site requiring major shaping, the characteristics of the subsoil hoe ons Should be carefully evaluated to determine the 'types of chemical and physi al characteristics which may be exposed or brought closer to the surface during the phaping operation.: Soilsion convex landscape positions or on steep slopes qsUally,are well drained, well oxidized, thinner, and subject to erosion. Soils on concave landscape positions and on broad flats are often more poorly drained, less well oxidized, and eper Water al sediment from. higher positions move to these dow7lying landscape eas. Soil and Parent Material 11, On land used for sludge' and/or wastewater,APpli/CatioAs; the s 1 functions as.a natural filter and as a. tedium for the biological andAemical reactions which result in renovation of these waste materi s. The'suitability, of a site is therefore a function of thephysical, chemical and mineralbgical Characteristics of the soil.; , These are discussed in detail bel w: Texture Texture of the soil and parent geologi material is one.of the most important aspects of site se/ectidh because it influ nces infiltration rate,subsoil percolation rate, moisture holding capacity, and dsorption reactions for waste components. Fine textured, oils include Clay, sandy clay, silty clay,clay.loam, and silty clay,loam.' Medium textured soils are silt, silt loam, loam, and sandy clay loam. Coarse textured scals include sand, loamy-sand, and sandy clay loam: Definitions of textural terms can bR folind,in the U.S.D..A:/Soil Survey Manual (25). mostlesoil, 1 the clay fraction #1115resents only about 10 to 40% of the total , soil, but because clays are plate shaped and have high surface areas, this component, along withorganic matter,-gpverns most physical and chemical reactions in-the soil. These ele4rically.charged particles have structures and properties which permit their large surface areas to hold various nutrients (including phosphates), heavy metals', and pestidides. Nitrate, on the other hand, is not held to these surfaces and is mobile. 'Inf.iltrationana Permeability Fine textured soils often have as much pore space as coarse' textured soils but pores in fine textured soils are very small and transmit water very slowly.. As result, most water movement in fine textured soils' is along the surfaces of the soil aggregates'andcracks.rather fhan through the entire soil volume. When fine textured surface materials are wetted and theAarge transmitting channels closed, the infiltration rate becomes very slow. Percolation-rate in, the subsoil followsa similar pat-' tern in medwm and fine textured materials. .Swelling of' the clay fraction, particularly high ghrink-swell clay minerals; effectively seals the soil against'fuikher downward movement of water. This sealing causes the water to pond on top 'o-r.Vie?$uboil which in turn favors runoff and erosion from the landscape. One should pe evaluating a site for Sludge,application on fine,tektured soil to 'apure that the amount of water added will infiltrate. Failure to achieve rapid infiltration could, result in temporary anaerobic conditions and increased,risk of odor. , If -poorly and imperfectly drained soils are 'to be used for renovation of waste-. watpr by spray.irrigation, drainage systems will be needed. These drainage .systems .1 should be placed at greater depths and at more frequent intervals:than in normal agficultural drainage deSign. qhi.s will insure several feet, of aprobic soil'for If artificial drainage is normalcrop growth and adequate wastewater renovation. provided, monitoring of drainage water should be undertaken for'the first season to insure that the treatment system is performing as designed. Recently there has been considerable interest in utilizing overland flow for wastewater renovation on fine textured soils where topOgraphy is favorable (see Design criteria for determining both the percent'and length of slope Section 8). for proper renovation are still being developed. , In:contrast to the fine textured soils, coarse textured soils have many large Unless "interconnecting pores which allow waterto move rapidly through,the soil. the coarse textured-material is unde lain, by a finer textured zone ( a finer ial),eq;er carrying suspended soluble compotextured subsoil, pan, or parent ma nents from sludges and wastewaters an move ZOwnward to the aquifer' and may cause: contamination of a public or private water supply. 1 If only coarse textured-soils are available, improved renovation can be achieved by limiting the quantity of wastewater applied at any one time. This allows more time for plant uptake of nutrients and for the soil chemical and biological reactions important for renovation to occur. Under intensive management and proper conditions, wastewater renovation has also been achieved in coarse textured soils by the rapid infiltration-percolation method'(5). 2.5 Infiltration and permeability rates tend to increase with incased organic matter content. Organic matter improveS aggregatioh and porosity and allows water to be transmitted.more rapidly. In addition, organio.Lmaterial in the surface 'helps prevent Crusting; particularly in silty soils. Biotic factors also contribute to variability in permeability. In areas which are forested or which have recently been cleared, old(root channels permit water and potential pollutants to move,through the surface soil more rapidly. Burrowing insects and animals also creatte channels. Following a fieavy rainfall, water may move through the soils in these biotic channels rather than through the soil profile. Thi§'' effectively reduces the renovative capacity'of the soil. Moisture Holding Capacity Soil texture and b lk density (soil weight per unit voldme) of the soil are important factOrS in de ermining the available moisture holding capgcity. This capacity it a measureirofth -moisture a soil can hold for plant Use It also gives an index to the amount ofmoisture a soil can absoib.. Medium textured soilS with bulk densities of less than-95 lb./ft.3 have available moisture holding capacities of 15. to 2Q%. Such soils, when dry enough that plants permanently-wilt: will.absorb 9 to 12 inches of water from sludge, wastewater, or rainfall in the upper 60 inches before transmitting water to the underlying,aquifer; Finer and coarser textured soils. have lower moisture holding capacities and thus would' not retain as much water. Bulk Density In all seals, the moisture holding capacity and percolation rate decrease as bulk density increases. Additionally, platkroot growth is limited-in soils with high bulk densities. Bulk densities greater'than 100 lb./ft.3 are restrictive to moisture movement and plant.root growth. Two common situations where these high bulk density values may oceurare in;fragipans and in unweathered glacial till. Often in the spring of the year, these very dense zones will limit vertical' water movement to such hn extent that watet will be ponded above these horizons and a perched water table Situation develops. . Dense zones or horizons limit the thickness of the soil as a renovation medium, and favor anaerobic conditions above the pan. when -iyaterlogging oCcurs,, Soil compaction and increased bulk densities,may occur when sludge application equipment is used on excessively wet soils (see Section 5). - Soil Reaction ., The glacial till and loess rom which most of.the soils of the North Central Region are developed were calcar ous when deposited. As a result of leaching and soil development, carbonates ha e been removed from the surface.. Soil reactions' near neutral (pH values 6.5-7.5) arejMportant for the,fimmobilization of heavy, metals and phOsphates which occur in sludges and wastewaters. Most soils, of the Western United States; since they have soil reactions near neutral, have suitable soil reactions toimmobilize heavy metals and phosphates. Soils with low pH's (<6.5) must' be amendedwith lime prior to applicationS of sludge to raise the pH., Medium textured soils with,free carbonates at less#than 4 or 5 feet are very effective in Ammobilizing heaVy metals and phosphates which might move downward, particularly in a closed drainage system. Restrictive Layers , Soils are not uniform either vertically or horizontally. In cross-section, the soil can be seen as a series.of layers of differing permeability. A number of these layers .n different soils are restrictive to water movement. 4. 2:1; The most common restrictive layer is the horizon of clay-accumulation. (clay pan)* which occurs in-most upland soils. Asecond restrictive layer is-the plowpan, or traffic pan, which may form 6 to 10 inches below the surface as .a result 'of traffic of heavy equipMent (either farm or construction) over the'surface: Fragipans (silt pans) are a third-type resulting from natural soil-forming processes in silty or loamy materials. These compact pans:s,tart at depths of 15 to 40 inches and haVe. bulk densities ranging-from 95 to J25 lb./ft.''. . . A fourth type of restrictive zone .is the dist) pans.. These, restrictiue layers result from the di ed',subsoil situatiton_or chemic41 rsiohof4ndiyidual soil Parti-. clAsh-404that,the soil mass has lost Moseof its'ftructurardharaCteriiiics.and water, .condacting channels, The main chemical resfiOngiblOor the dispersion-is sodium,.. Most soils with a major clay component of, montmorillonite and a sign4icant amount of sodium have restrictive layers. A fifth- type .of restrictive'layer is, the ,result of .dense parent mdterial or bedrock Such as gl4Eial till, shale., siltstone, etc.' Rock-like layers can also form as the result of preMitation of silica '(duripans), carbonate (petrocalcie and car= cic horizons), or iron fironstOne layers) Soil Variability . , In selecting any site for sludge and/or wastewater Tenovation, iCis important, 'to consider soil variability, Soils developed from loessialMnd-blZ* silt3-materials are most uniform, while those derived from glacial-outwash or interstratified' bedrock materials are most variable. Glacial till may idso be.qUite vb.rJ.ableo particularly when in close proximity to glacial outwash deposits. The'magnitude and, type of soil variability may determine the suitability'of an area for Sludge And/or wastewater application and are importantin determining the patterwand extent of sampling for site evaluation. On-site investigation of a proposed site is essential to determine the'hagnitude of soil variability. Failure to do,so could result in some unexpected environmental or management problems. Sampling every soil series there is a given range inphysicaly chemical, and mineralogical properties. Soil. analyses in Soil Survey Reports represent the central concept of the soil; but soils at a proposed site may have somewhat different charActeriStics. Therefore, it is hikhly recommended that analyses be made-of the soils fOund atthe site Useful laboratOry analyses include particle size, organic-mitter, tpH, cation' exchange_ capacity, moisture holding capacity,.and bulk density. On-site evaluation shouldinclude the measurementpf percolation, perMeabiiity, and water table levels at various times of the year. If clay minoialdgrof the. ,soils is not swell documented, this analysis should also he made. Inmost: of the Western United States and in the central'and western portion of the Noi"th: Central. Region where high' sodium 19vels are commonly found in the soils, electrical conductivity of the samples should also be determined. Soil samples from the actual site also proVide base line data from which soil changes may be, evaluated after sludge and wastewater application Available ReSourdr Material ", The preceding diicussion has Outlined a number of properties of the lAndscape, soils; and soil parent materials which bare important in. evaluating a site,for sewage sludge and/or wastewater application. This discussion is not sufficient for making, afinial decision on site location. Many other resources of published material .14 Aa , .: , . . i, . . , personnel: are, available-and shOuld be onsulteOefore. a filial decition..1.5. made.: -,-. Some sources tf-quaIified personnel, w re diScutsed-.on page .2.1. . :-.. , Tubtished reports on. soils, geo ogy, topograph5r,Hand hydrOlogyeare available for most 'AreatinthecOuntry:: Emph sit is being placed on:publioatiOn,of.more reports for.areasundergoing urbanexpartSion Among theiMost ..liefill standard. reports: available are:the Soil SUrvey Reports produced:by the .,National Cooperative Soil Survey and pUblished by Ae.11.S.. Dept, of Agriculturaehlreport. contains: a detailed map thoWing the areallCdistribution of soilt in the are,-7along-with'physical-T-chemital-,---:--c. and mineralogical:data .and/or es iMatet forall the soils, :'In many aroat, Maps may be available',even report hat not.beOn print'.; Often-an-interim .-report containing soil desdriptlions and data. is'available prior to:the final report. / ATtOils MavisideViloned:by .so-theientire area, :mid is:useful for:generalplanning purposes' At is nOthowever, detailed enough so that it can - . be used wit' fl' t" On-site ntp ction byAualifiedpertonnel.t In areas where a soil.: tUrVeyjtno available, .a.s ils map can be requested by contacting the local Soil .Conservation'Service office.. ;.: . ,In some areat, geolOgit repOrtg-on a.AUdrangle'base are available. These: reports ,give details on thefgeOlOgid-:ttrata:Inthe area, including a map an .disCussion . offsurfi:dial*potits./Some dhemical nd.1hysical data' -on the . various strata .are alSo included in'mottIof'thetereportt,,; ,Thete reports are particUlarly uteful in: identifying-,aquifers and -thus areas where-sandt, gravel, limestone, and:Other-rapid ,conductOrs ff'waterfare'lOcated. .O.potraPhidmaPs of the 7 -1/2. minute quadrangle series )are,aVailable/from theU:S.-ox'Statt Geological Survey for. most of the country. ThesdimapsishowContoUtlines.and cultural:features,.A.nciuding roads, houses,-and' laket..Inmany'areaSYsPe&ialrepoithave been made on 'groundwater.hydrology,by the U.S. ,,or State seOlical:S.urveylptl:.bylocal groups 'interested in -7' ..,' .' , knowing the .. .: "On- site inspection lay trained professionals is a must fOr all tludgeand'Waste7 'water application 44:'..7Thequalified soil :scientist can provide the user withmdre. detailed infOrmatiOnbn the limitatibns.of the soils at the siteand ca identify areas ofsoilt that differfroM tiiosdelineated on a standard soilt map accompanying SoilSuryy Reports.Qualified soil scientists Maybe the local Soil Conservation -Service office, the'State Department of-Natural ReS4Urdet,:the State AgridultUral'EXperiment'Station, or at local professional consulting firms. The Cooperative. Extension SerVice usually has personnel in theCounty7wWcan assist in determining suitable sites.. Geologists' should. alto be consulted Xntases where installations are to be made-to. depths greater than 5 -6 feet; or. where. there may be Help from geolbgic contultants questions conderning a shallOW'orcoMplex aquifer: is available from the.U.S:. or State Geological Survey and.professitnal engineering consulting. formS. George T. Hall its Associate. ProfesSor, Department of Agronomy, The No State University and.Ohio AgriculturaiResearch.and Development Center, Columbus, 45210. Larry P. Wilding is Professor, Department of AgronoMy, The Ohio State University and Ohio Agricultural Reseatch and Development, Center, Columbus, Ohio 43210. A. Earl ricksOn is Professor of Soil Science, Department Of. Crop and Sdil Sciences, Michigan, State University, East Lansing, Mich. 8824. .ANALYSES AND THEIR INTERPRETATION. for.Sludge Application to AgriculturAl Land L. E. Sommers and:3arrell Sewage sludge is a general term u,sed to descriBe' a variety: of materials, com-, monly a_ suspensiOn containing .1 to 10% solids, produced during treatment of Sludges generated during the secondary stage of wastewater treatment wastewater. are normally "activated sludges." Solids seParated from the wastewater during Primary treatment (primary sludge) are subjected-to anaerabic,digestion, producing what is generally referred to as "sewage sludge" or "anaerobically digested sludge" In some treatment systems, both the primary and secondary sludges are digested In addition, wet7air oxidation processes or lime (COI treatment anaerobically. as alternative methods for stabilization are being used in, some treatment In 'accordance with recent policies of of primary and/or secondary sludges. discusSed herein 'refer to application of stabilized U.S. EPA, the recommendations The principal reason for requiring stabilization of sludges is sludges on land. contained in "raw" sludges. ,Additional the potential threat of. dispersing pathogens types.of sludges will require consideration in the future, such as tertiary sludges resulting from lime or alum treatment of secondary wastewater. In general, the majority of sludge applied to land will be either anaerobically or aerobically digested sewage sludge. After digestion, sewage sludge may be further processed to reduce the water content by vacuum filtration or centrifugation, In many cases, sewage slddge resulting in a sludge "cake" containing 30-40% solids. will be applied to land as a suspension containing from 1 to 10% solids (i.e. the form exiting the digester or settling tank). The dewatering of sludge not only influences the economics" of. sludge disposal but it also alters the chemical Composition of the sludge and thus the rate of application on agricultural land. It should be realized that sewage sludge is a very heterogenous material, varying in composition from city to city and, from day to day in the same city. Thus, before a serious attempt is made to devefop plans for sludge application on agricultural land, considerable thought should be given to obtaining representative sample's and making arrangements for accurate chemical analysis of the sludge. Sludge Analyses Sample Collection Preliminary analyses can be made. from a single grab sample, but more detailed rate samples of the sampling,is needed. For calculation of application rates, se 2-3 months for a period cf'6 to 12 months in sludge should be'collected once per of the material to be considered .for land `order to obtain a representative analysis obtaining samples based The most desirable sampling scheme involves application. on flow so that the flow-weighted average chemical composition can be determined. One litert (or qt. of sample'should be stored'in a plastic or glass container so that evaporation of water is prevented. If, dry,sludge is used, these precautions arehot-necessary and a plastic bag will suffice for sample storage and transportation .4011ples, shouldbjected Ee,§mchemical to chemical-analysis as soon as possible. If -storage irrequired, it isgtecommendedthat thasamples be frozen or stored,at 33-36'F. If more than 1 day will elapse 'between sample collecticin and cold storage, enough hydrochloric acid should 6e 'added to -slurry samples to bring the pH viTab to' between 0-and 1. . Sludge Analysis 'Sewage sludges contain-a wide variety of materials, including plant nutrients, organic materials, oils; greases, and trace metals. The metil-tontent-df sludge is especially important be'Kuse many metals are essential fpr plant growth at small concentrations, butjri to)qc at high' concentrations. A complete analysis of sewage sludge iA-very sinvolved process requiring considerable effort. Fortunately, a complete, analysis is not reqUired to. make a recommendation for rates of sludge, application to agricultural lands. The sludge analysis recoMmendations which follow should be considered tentative since future information may indicate that additional elements should be included or that some of the elements Ahcluded' need not be determined. Necessary Analy Analyses required 'of all sludge samples and the suggested 'analytical- methods are shown in fable 3.1. Since the solids content of sludges varies from batch to batch, all composition data must be expressed on an-oven-dry solids basis. The following parameters must be determined to develop recommendatifts for application rates on agricultural 'soils. TABLE 3.1 Methods for Sludge Analysis Parameter Suggested MethOd Percent solids Drying at 105°C feir 16 hrs. Total N (nitrogen) NH4-N (ammoniu9), Micro-pejdahl and 4". Extraction withtassium chloride, and . S.D. NO3 -N (nitrate) Extraction with potassium chloride.and S.D. after reduction Nitric acid-perchloric acid digestion and colorimetry Total P (phosOhorus) Total K (potassium) Nitric acid-perchlgric acid.digestion and-flame .photometry Copper (Cu, zinc (Zn), nickel lead (Pb,) and cadmium (Cd), Nitric acid-Perchlori.c acid digestion, and atomic absorption * References (4,11,20) t S.D., steam distillation and titration of distillate with standard sulfuriC acid. ColorimetriC methods may be used for ammonium and nitrate. $ Background correction (e.g., deuterium or hydrogen lamp) may be needed for cadmium, nickel and lead. 4* 3.2 rl rl r",. Additional Analysis The following elements may be of concern in special instances, but in most sewage sludges which are encountered they will not influence the rate of application of sludge to land: seleni-um, cobalt, chromiUm, arsenic, boron, iron, aluminum, mercury, silver, barium; sulfur, calcium; magnesium, sodium, molybdenum,' inorganic carbon, and organic carbon. (Refer to Secttqn 11 for information qualifying the above :list of elements). With the exception of.sulfur, fcarbon, 'and Wron, all analyses listed above can be acComplished with atomic'absorption' spectrophotometryprovided thessludge contains significant amounts of the element. In most cases the elements .arsenic, selenium, boron, chromium, and mercury are of greatest importance in industrial wastes; however, some municipal 'sludges may contain elevated levelsof these metals if industrial wastes ar added to.the sewage sAtem. In these eases the industrial wastewater should b examined and based on this information a-decision should be made as to which SW e parameter iSiof greatest concern. :Even though some of the above elements may be present in high concentrations in sludge, they do not appear to limit crop growth to the extent of the elements listed under Necessary. Analyses. Considerations for Applying Sewage Sludge on Agricultural Land The: following. information is needed prior to calculating the rate of sludge application: Sludge composition (see Table 3.1) Soil pH, cation exchange capacity, -and lime requirement to adjust soil to pH 6.5 Soil test for available to be grown. and K; P and ;K fertilizerrecommendatiop for crop, trops to be grown. . . The rate of sludge application to land is based on the nitrogen requirement -of the crop grown and the metal content of the sludge. ,If the sludge being applied hasa low metal content, then' it is-possible to use sludge as a nitrogen fertilizer material. However, if the sludge contains high concentrations of Cd In either then the sludge may be'Used as a supplemental nitrogen source only. case it may be necessary to use commercial fertilizer materials to furnish potassium for crop growth: The ranges of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents typically found in anaerobically digested sewage sludges are shown in Table.3.2. TABLE 3.2 Composition of Representative Anaerobic Sewage Sludges. Component -Organic nitrogen Ammonium nitrogen Total phosphorus Total potassium Range * Lb/Tdnt 20 - 100 20 - 60 30 - 100 1% - 5% 1% 3% , 1.5% - 5% 0.2% - 0.8% 4 - * Percent of oven-dry solids Lb:/toa.dry,:sludge 3,3 c) 16 41. ow. After addition to soil, sewage sludge is slowly decomposed, resulting in-release of nitrogen available for-plant growth. Available data suggest that 20% of the, organic nitrogen is converted to plant avaidlebTe forms the first year and that 3% of the remaining 'Organic nitrogen is released each year for at liast three subsequent years. Thus, plant available nitrogen is released for several years after sludge s been added. to soils.' For example, decomposition of a sludge-containing 3% arg i nic nitrogen applied at 10 tons/acre/year for 3 years will releasp of nitr lig en the fourth year Thus, sludge application.Tates are bSsed on the quantity of readily available nitrogen in sludge (i.e.., NH4 and NO.-a) and on the amount of.nitrogen released during sludge decomposition in'soil. The data presented in Table 3.3 is based_upon N mineralization,ratesof 20, 3, 3, and 3% for years 1, 2, 3, and 4 after sludge application. The'exact percentages-used for organic N. mineralization in sludge.: treated soils are undOubtedly a 'function of sludge, soil and climatic Conditions. In more temperate climates, the percentages are likely greater than those used herein! Nevertheless, a deCey-series for organic N mineralization should be employed for calculating-sludge' aliplication rates based on N required for crop growth. An additional consideration in sludge_ application rates is the method of application. For surface applications.:af sludge, approximately 50% of the N4-N applied will be volatilized as NH, re sulting in increased application'raes. If sludge is incorporated 4mmedlatelv (e.g., injected), then available N should equal the fertili,, N recOmmendation. When sludges are added to soils at N utilization rates, the amount of P added exceeds that required for crop growth. Excess availableiP in soils may be related to decreased soybean yields encountered in some'eXperAments. Based on the limited data available, the level of available phosphorA in' soils receiving sludge should be checked and serious consideration given to sludge applications if available phosphorus exceeds 1500 lb/acre. The criteria prevent metal injury from sludge application on lalid are based upon the total amount of Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Cd added in sludges: Whereas nitrogen commonly limits'the annual application rate of sludge, metals in ..I.udge will determine the length of time a given acreage can receive sluage. The upper limit for metal addition is given in Table,3.3 The current version of Table.3.3 differs from the first edition of this paper in that the limits for Ni have been increased by a factor 2.6. This increase in Ni limits reflects recent research data indicating that Ni toxicity to crops will not be a problem in soils maintained at pH > 6.5, as required for 'Soils receiving sewage sludge's. The limits for Pb are not based on potential toxicity of Pb to plants but rather to protect both animals and huMans from Pb exposure through direct ingestion of'' soil receiving sludge. In addition to the maximum accumulation of Cd shown in 'Table 3.3, the rates of sludge application should result in no more than 2 lb. of Cd per acre being applied on an annual basis. It must be emphaSized that. soil pH must be maintained at pH > 6.5 after sludge applications are discontinued. If sludge applications are limited by Zn, Cu or Ni, metal toxicities to plants could result if the soil is allowed to 'become acid in the future. The use of CEC in Table 3.3 does not imply that metals added to soils in sludge are present as eXchangeable cations. -Rather, thre ability of a soil to maintain added metals in-a form, unavailable' far plant uptake is related to the organic matter, clay and hydrous oxide.conient of the soil.: As these soil parameters increase in concentration, increases in CEC result. Thus, CEC was chosen as a. single, easily measured soil property which is praportional to the ability of a soil to minimize metal effects.on crops. i TABLE . Total Amount of Sludge Metals AlloWedson Agricultural Land. -5 Soil Cation Exchange Capacity (meq/100 5 - 15 . Maximum. Pb 500 2n 250. - N -1 125 125 , Cd 5 CU .0 . * > 150 e Amount of Metal (.Lb/Acre) 100' 500 250 250 10 ..-, 2000 1000 500 '500. 20 --' Determined by. the pH 7 ammonium acetate procedure. The values in Table 3.3 are the total amounts of metal.s wliich can be` added With metal contaminated-sludges, one of the above criteria may be Met with a single application, -whereas 5, 1:0, or 20 aPplications._lay,...beneedad for lic,lean" domestic sludges. Furthermore,-when the..metal limits are keacha, sludge sites 'application must be terminated.. A soil pH > 6.5must be maintained,in to Soils. ;after sludge is applied to 'reduce the solubi 1 ity and plant uptakerof potentially thxic heavy metals. Calculation of Annual' Appl ication Rate Step',1. Obtain N requirement for the crop grown from Table 3.4 or obtain N fertilizer 'recommendation from Cooperative 'Extension Service or soil analysis laboratory. Step 2 .Calculate tons of sludge needed Available N in sludge %-Inorganic N(Ni) = (% NH4-N) + (% NO -N) % Org.anic N (N_) ( % total N ).- ( % inorganic N . i) Surfate applied tludge, Lb available Niton sludge =,,(% NH4- 14 X TO) +,(Yp NO3% X 4) ( %N ii) Incorporated 'sludge 0 . Lb available N/ton sludge = (:' % NH4 -.N X 20) + (% NO -1*X:20) +( % No X 4) Residual sludge N in soil If the ion has' received sludge in the past 3 years, residual N fromsTable Annual 'application-rfate i) Tons sludge /Acre re9uirSint rpsidual N Lb. avallaple N/top sludge 2 lb. Cd/acre crop N ppm' Cd x .002 two amounts is applied. Table 3.1 Nitrogen, Phosphorus,.and Potassium Utilization by Selected riops.* Phosphorus Nitrogen Yeteld Crop. Potassium Lb. per Acre 150 bu. 180 bu. 32 tons Corn Corn, silage Soybeans A. 185 240 200 ° 257t 336t 250 125 186 150 150 450+ 300 166 135 .200 ,. 50 bu. 60 bu. Grain sorghum Wheat 8,000 sp 80 100 100 8 Oats Barley Alfalfa Orchard grass Brome grass Tall fescue Bluegrass lb. bu. bu. bu. bu. tons .6 tons, 5 tons 3.5 tons 3 tons. , ' 35 44 35 178 I 99 203 100 120 166 21 29' 40 , 22 '24 24 24 35 91 134 125 125 398' .44 29 311 211 29 24 154 149 r . * Values reporteeabove are from.reporis by the. Potash Institute of America and are for the total above-ground portion of the plants. Where only grain is removed from the field, a significant proportion of the nutrients is left in the However.; since most of.:these nutrients are temporarily tied up in the residues. residues, they:are not readily available for crop Ose. Therefore, for the purpose .of estimating nutrient requirements . for any particular, crop year, complete crop removal can be assumed., .\ a. I . . . , . .. t°Legumes get most of their nitrogen, from the air, so additional nitrogen sourcesi, : are not normally needed. a, Table 3.5.--Release of Res,i,dual.Nitrogen During Sludge DecomPosition in Soil. 'Years After Sludge Application .2:0 2.5 .6rganic N Content of Sludge, % a.o 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 kb. N gleaied per Ton Sludge Added 1.0 09'` !e;. .3.6 1.2 1.4 .2 1.4 1.3 . 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.'3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.2 -Step 3. Calculate total amount of sludge allowable. a. Obtain maximum amount's of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cd allowed for CEC of the soil from Table 3.3 in lb./Acre. b. Calculate amount of sludge needed to exceed Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cd limits, using sludge analysis data. Metal Pb: Tons siudge/acre = lb. Pb/acre 7174745715b x .002 Zn: Tons sludge/acre = Zn/acre ppm Zn x .002. Cu: Tons sludge/acre = lb. Cu/acre ppm Cu x .002 Ni: Tons sludge/acre = Cd: Tons:sludge/acre = lb. Ni /acre ppm Ni x .002 lb. Cd/acre ppm Cd x .002 (Note: Sludge metals should be expressed on a dry-weight ppm mg/kg basis). The lowest val6e is chosen from the above five cilculitions as the maximum tons of sludge per acre which can be applied. Step 4. Calculate amount of P andq.K added in sludge. .v To.25,rof sludge x % P in sludge x 20.= lb. of P added Tons of sludge x % Kin sludge x 20 = lb. of K added 1 Step 5. 'Calculate amount of P and K fertilizer needed. (lb. P recommended for crop)* - (lb. P in sludge) = lb. P fertilizer -needed ( K recommended for crop)* - (lb. k in sludge) = lb. K fertilizer needed - A sample calculation may be found in Appendix B. *P and K recommendations based on soil tests for available P and K. Fertilizer recommendations:1m be obtained from Cooperative Extension Service or soil analysis laboratory. Lee E. Sommers and Darrell W. Nelson areessociate Professor and Professor, respecttxply,,Agronomy Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 3.7 SeCtionA CROP AND SYSTEM MANAGEMENT for Sludge Application :to Agricultural Land Robert H. Miller , The primary emphasis of this document has been the application of sludge to agricultural lands in a manner which will assure that no permanent damage is _done to the land or to the environment. This is articularil im ortant i receivi was es is ease rat er than purchased and the farmer applies the sludge t his land, as an alternate source of nutrients. If this approach is followed, the annual. application rate will usually be based on nitrogen sufficienc for crop growth (see Section 3) and usually will be under 10 tons/apre. The long-term quantity of sludge applied to any one site will be based on the type and quantity of metals .present in the, sludge (see Section 3). Thi section contains a number of considerations important for managing the farming. Operation when sludge is applied to land. As with so many other aspects of waste ap lication to land, no one proposal can be recommended for all situations. The design and management of each site will be unique and require the coordinated efforts i,f the farmer and/or farm manager, the treatment plant operator, qnd agri, cultural, engineers. Management Consideration Soil Management-Site Selection. Proper site selection prior to sludge application greatly sihplifies soil man agement. These factors have been discussed previously in Section ,2 and will be repeated only brief4y before going-on to other considerations. , _ Of primarimportanoe to ihe success of 'the system is the establishment and maintayfice of. a pH >6.5: Most metals are less sluble at pH 6.5 than at.lOwer pH and d a pH >6.5 will restrict plant uptake a d accumulation of met is as well as th ir downward mobility in the soil. Soils should be selected which lave the desir pH or be limed until.a pH of 6.5 or greateris attained. After sewage sludge are applied, soil pH should be evaluated annually to insure that the pH remain at or near pH 6.5. Oxidation of excess nitrogen to nitrate or sludge sulfur to sul ate could lower the soil pH. Other soil properties influencing the chemistryand availability of metals'in soils include the'cation exchange capacity (see Seb- 9' , . tion 3 and the influence of cation exchange capacity on maximum totalsludge.application rate), the soil organic matter content, the presence of hydrous oxides of iron, alumiRum, and manganese, and the phosphorus Content. Soil drainage characteristics, which are influenced by a myriad of factors (Section 2), are also important because they influence the timing and method of sludge application, as well as tillage,,planting, and harvesting operdtions after sludge, additions. Soil Management-Fertility Considerations The nitrogenAin anaerobically digested sewage sludge usually consists.of about one-third ammonib&ICApher sewage sludges also contain significant, concentrations of ammonium nitrogen. The most,commonly employed method of sludge application is on 4.1 4,0 the sOil'surfaCe, after whiCh it may or may'not be incorporated. If thesludge is allowed to dry on the soil surface, Considerable ammonia is volatilized into the atmosphere. The actual amount lost will depend on the nature of the soil, soil. water content, quantity of sludge applied, and the, sludge itself. It has been estimated that 25-50% of the ammonium will be lost if sludge is applied on the surface. If the sludge is dnjected directly into the soil or incorporated into the soil immmedi-, ately after surface appliCation, most of the ammonium will be retained. Sewage sludges generally contain considerably more.phosphoruSrelative to the nitrogen needs of most crops. Sludge applications based on the nitrogen rfquirements of the, .crop may often .over-tertilize with respect to phosphorus. Unless very high amounts of sludge are applied,' howeVer, the soil will immobiliie excess. phosphorus rapidly and over - fertilization, should not present problems for'manY years. : However, in one experiment in Illinois, the application ofa very high amount of sewage sludge in a single year resulted in phosphorus toxicity to soybeans. . Sewage sludges are usually very low in potassium, a value of about 10 lb: of potassium per fon Df.dry sludge being common. Other cations in theSludge will.often compete with the soil solution and restrict pOiaSsipm uptake by plants. Thus, no credit should be :given to even the low amount of potassium in-. sludges and the soil should be fertilized with potassium according to the results.and recommendationspf soil.tests. Soil Management-Rdnoff Control Sewage sludge applied to the surfaCe'ofthe soil without immediate incorporation can be transported, in.runoff waters and result in contaminated surface waters. The potential dangerof runoff increases greatly on sloping land inyegions of high rainfall and is the reason that soils to be used for sludge application shOuld. be -restri/tited to those with less than 6% slopeswherever possible. (See Section 2.) The dangers are most severe if an intense rain occurs soots after liquid Sludge is spread on'sloping land. Methods of application other than surface application muse be:considered where,Sloping,land is'employed. Diversionsor earth-ern barriers-may also .be necessary to contain runoff temporarily, and prevent Sludge from reaching watercourses. These latter considerations.are all. facets of engineering design. .Regardless of slopecertain.conservation practices.can be adopted whichjvill minimize runoff from sludge- treated soils.. Such practices include reduced tillage systems, terraces, strip cropping, and retention of crop residues. on the soil surface wherever possible.Crop Selection Crop selection is not an important management consideration in Systems where the sludge application rate is based on nutrient needs, minimize potential damage by heavy metals,. The farmer or farm -manager has available almost all of the common agronomic .cropS. With no limitatiOns in'the'selection of plant species, it is usually advanta7 =geous"to maintain:on'utilize the normal cropping patterns found in the community. "These patterns have usually evolved beCause of favorable soil, climatic, or eco-. nomic reasons and will probably maintain certain advantages in the sludge application system as well. One possible exception could occur if the:.crOpping pattern of the area is restricted largely to a single crop. _Here there could be advantages employing an:additional crop 'or cropS to increase the opportunity of applying sludge during a variety of seasons... ,.A simple example would be a corn monoCulture.system vs. a corn and grass forage rotation. In the 1 tter system, sludge can be applied to corn land, and incorporated prior to planting after harvest. Additional surface applications could be made on some soils.of he North CentralRegion throughout the winter months, subject to'local or state egulations, when not frozen or covere with ice or snow. The forage component wo ld allowisludge applications to'4 ../land those times when the corn land would be in cessible, e.g.,.wwhen tbo wet for # tr ficability. . , ' . Timing of Operations Timing of sludge applications to land as well as the system are dependent on climate, soil properties, planting, and harvesting procedures employed. 1 the farming'operations of crop, and the tillage, , Climate has a major influence on management of soils .a d crop Arstems reCeiving Temperature has a direct influence on application ,o sludge in areas where' frozen soils or snow cover make sludge applications impractical or environmentally. unsound. In northern areas of the U.S., winter storage facilities for wastes are required and increase the operation costs for the municipality emperature also influences the growing season of plants and the 41114e of decomposit'on bf sludge organics in soil. Both of these factors.influence the renovative ,c ability of the soil. The mean length of the freeze-free,period in days (growing se on) varies greatly within the North Central Region from about 100.days along thb,'Canadian border to about 200 days in the southernmost states of the region. The freeze4ree period varies from 150 to 180 days in.most of the Corn Belt. Useful tempetature data for the North Central Region -cah be fOund in N.C. Regional Publication No 174. 'Cqk sludge. . Rainf1l has an influenCe on all management decisions involiring Sludge appl tion; tillage, planting, and harvesting., Care must be exercised to. assure that sludge _is not applied to met soils with heavy equipment. Such, applications would result in.compaction and reduction in crop yields. Rainfall distribution also influences the amount of sludge storage required by a municipality. If the soils are too wet fof sludge application at the planned or desired time, the farmermaY not be able to accept the'sludge as planned. Storage would thus be required until con ditions are again favorable for applications to continue. Soil prope ties are extremely important to scheduling sludge application as determi ing the ease and timeliness of all tillage, planting4 and harvesting "operalions. Ap lying sludge to land by almost all methbds is an additional operation of concer to the farmer as well as the treatment plant. Delays for the farmer may mean a disruption of his normal tillage and planting operations, indinay be economically unacceptable. Unfavorable soil properties, e.g.,1high water table, saturated soils, etc., also mean that sludge cannot be applied in the Spring of the year and reduce the acceptability of land application for a municipality which must have the capability-for all-season application.. Likewise, delays in' harvesting becauseof wet soils might limit Fall application of sludge with the same result. Thus it is very iMpOrtant that soils be chosen which are well.enough drained' to produce a minimum deka* for all important operational procedures of the system. ,..,,. . . . tol The choice 1pfl,crop or crops providei a means by which the fartheras well as the treatment plant operator can vary the time periods during which sludge cah applied to land.' These aspects have been discussed briefly under'Crop Selectio Some flexibility in sludge application can also be provided by altering the maturity dates of small grains, cOrn, or sorghum cultivars'so that harvesting,`tillage,'and planting operations can more nearly, fit-the,climatic or soil limitations,bn sludge application discussed,previ:ously. . 4.3. Other. anagement Co iderations data showing that.sludge Can retard seed germination and early There are so plant growth. Most ;of these cases have occurred at sludge application rates higher thanthOse recommended here. The retardation is, thought to be caused by a high concentration Ofsoluble salts and/or:high.ammonia contents: These problemS can be further redUced:byOpplying the. sludge 2 to'3 weeks before planting,.by thorough mixing of the sludge in: the tilled soil layer, or by'a thOrough.irrigation%rior to In the humid regiciris Of the U.S.,. the problemwill be potentialli less planting. severe than.inthe'mOre arid non-irrigated regions. , Herbicide:applications for weed control on soils receiving sludge should be the same osithosenotmally Used:for.a.porticular.crop'or soil.. Weed control is espe-. cially important because of a desire to maximize crop yields andnutrient removal:', An'additional weed problem may arise because tomato seeds survive wastetreatMent and grow profusely in sludga-treated soils. a Ii general, the useof other pesticides on'sludgqtreated soils will nothe altered from the normal procedute recommended for untreated Soils. .Sewage sludges should not UsuollACbe applied directly on leaVes of groWing plantS unless:;the sludge Solids can be subsequently washed:Off by arrigation water.. Liquid.Sludga WhenOpplied on leaves. of plants will dry:anO coat the leaves, reduc7. Observations from studies inIllinois have indicated ing photosynthetic that torn yields will be redueedAf the leave.are Coated with sludge repeatedly If deSired, liquid sludge can be applied to row crops during the growing season. dutirig the growing season by.gravity i'rrigetion techniques, by tank wagons, or by oVerheadirrigatiom systems equipPed--With dibp-hosesbetweeiCiOws. Sludges can-be applied to forage crops during the season if applied prior to spring growth, after dormancy, or immediately after cutting and.before signikicantnew growth as begun. , Rob rt H. Miller is a'Professor, Department of Agtonomy, The Ohio State Universi y and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Columbus, Ohio . 43210. ,,,, C ti 4.4 Section 5 SELECTION OF THE SYSTEM for Sludge Application oreAgricultural,Land Richard K. White System and eq 1pment considerations are the major engineering inputs to a` work operation of enovating municipal sludges by land application. What are the criteria which need to be considered in designing an acceptable system? The criteria should meet the following: no detrimental impact on the environment (air,.water, or, soil), while using the best available equipment to handle 'and apply the sludge on the land, in an economical Manner, with good management practices such as uniform. application and minimum nuisance. Three phases in the handling of. sludges for land disposal are interdependent: treatment (storage), transport, and application. The degree of treatment will affect the mode of transportation, e.g., vacuum filtered sludge will need to be uled as a solid. Partially stabilized sludge will need to be incorporated into e soil to avoid nuisance. A vital part of.the total handling system is storage td allow for periods when application to the:soil may not be possible, e.g., freezing weather or soft ground. Once the decision *is made that the sludge will be handled as a slurry (liquid), semi-solid, or solid (cake), the type of transportation and application equipment can be selected. Table 5.1 indicates a range of solids content and handling characteristics. In the following sections on Transport and Application, systems and equip -. ment 411 consider both liquid and semi-solid or solid sludges. One additional consideration, without respect to the sludge being in the liquid,,semi-solid, or solid form, is whethei soil incorporation is needed to prevent odor nuisance or surface ' runoff. Transport The selection of the transportation_systems and equipment should consider the .sludge production rate; i.e., quantity, distance to site, proximity of application area to waterway, railWay, or highway, whether application will be seasonal or year, TABLE:5.1.--Sludge Solids Content and Handling Characteristics,. Type Solids 1Content Gravity fl ow, pump, tank trans Oft Liquid. Semi-Solid ("wet" solids) Handling Methods 8-30% Conveyor, auger, truck transport (water-tight box) So litd ( "dry" solids) Conveyor, buckei, truck transport_ (box) round, andthe life of the application area transport for both liquid and solid sludges. % Tablet .2 lists alternatb modes of For large cities, i.e., largelquantities of sludge, the use of a pipeline, barge, or rail tank car may be the best choice from'anieconomical and management viewpoint. The use, of a truck which provides flexibility often is the best choice for'a smaller "ommunity.: If hauling dislauces are long, it maybe best to use tank. trucks for hauling over the highway and transfer to either a high flotation tank' truck or tank wagon for field spreading. If year-round application by truck or tank wagon is selected, the use 9f flotation tires is necessary to allow field travel over soft ground. The use of tank trucks provides, flexibility in locating-land application-areas, scheduling hauling, and enabling direct application, soil conditions permitting. . TABLE 5.2.--Trnsport Modes for Sludges. Characteristics Type LIQUID SLUDGE 100 wet tons (24,000 gal.) capacity; sirs pended solids will settle while in Rail Tank Car transit. Barge go Capacity determined by waterway; Chi has used 1,200 wet,tons (290,000 gal.) barges. Pipeline Need minimum velocity of .1 fps to keep solids ip suspension; friction decreases as pipe diameter increases (to the fifth ,power); buried pipeline suitable for ; year-round use. Vehicles Capacity--up to maximum load allowed on Can have gravity or pressurized road.: Field trafficability can be discharge. improved by using flotation tires. PrinCapacity--800 to 3,000 gallons. cipal use would be for field application. Farm Tank Wagon and Tractor SEMI-SOLID OR SOLID SLUDGE. Rail HopperCar Need special unloading site and equipment for field application. Truck Commercial equipment available to unload and spread on_ground; need to level sludge piles if dump'truck is used. 1- Comiercial tank trucks are available from companies handling equipment for sewGravity discharge from age_and sludge handling and for livestock manure handling. The rate of dischvge and the area of application 'the tank-truck is most common. can be increased by using a pressurized.tank or .a pumped discharge: Storage, 6 At some point in the system for handling sludge, Atorage will need to be provided. It can occur at the treatment facility cor at the land application site Except for large cities-which may have limited space at the treatiftnt facility, it would normally be best to.proliide storage-at the treatment facility., This storage is necessary so that the. transportation will not be hindered by fluctuations in the sludge output.- Storage is also necessary if a breakdown occurs in the transporta tion, or weather ana,soil conditions at the application area prevent immediate application. Storage may, be provided in the digester or aeration tanks for a short time. Public acceptance of For longer term storage, a tank or- lagoon is normally used storage tanks or lagoons at the treatment site is*better than at the. application site, Settling of suspended solids has been a problem in sludge storage units and in tanks when hauling liquid sludge over long distances. The agitation of sludge in storage units is necessary before transporting. It is best to minimize the number of storage events in the handling system. Application The criteria for selection of application systems and equipment are/dependent Upon several'factors: the form of the sludge (liquid, seMi-solid, or solid), the quantity, the areal. application rate, whether .a yearly application to the same area or one application in several years, whether seasonal or year-round application, To prevent runoff, some states may'require topography of the area, and time of year berms and/or diversions to be formed, requiring land shaping. TwOimodes of application are surface or subsurface (soil incorporation.). The If large ,quanlatter may be required to control odors of partially digested sludge. tities of digested sl9dge are being applied, soil incorporation may be necessary for Table 5.3 indicates, methods and equipment which 'can, be used a good public image. 7"for4surface or subsurface application of liquid and-semi-solid sludges. * - Surface application may be done by two 'general methods--irrigation or tank vehiExperience has indicated that a fixed irrigation system, in lieu of using portBecause of this, irrigation will be better suited able pipe, is easier to manage. to a system which applies sludge regularly. It is_possible to include sludge with .a. treated wastewater irrigation application system. An irrigation engineer'(agricultural engineer) should be consulted to design'the irrigation' system. cle. Communities of 10,000 to 15,000,population have utilized tank trucks to apply their sludge on farmland. The tank truck provides flexibility in whento haul and where to apply the sludge. Year-round application can be performed by selecting sodded fields for application during wet conditions. The use of a pnkliped discharge on the tank (commercially available) will allow discharge over a wider area'or from a roadway, which may be 'important in an eMergency. If there is the possibility of public nuisance from sludge application, and for greater nitrogen use efficiency, soil incorporation should be designed into the application-system- For_special conditions_or at particular seasons' of the, year; -51:3 kij TABLE 5.3.--Application Methods. and Equipment for Liquid and Some Semi-solid Sludges. Method Characteristics Topographical and Seasonal Sui tabi 1 i ty SURFACE APPLICATION IrrigationSpray (Sprinkler) Large orifice required on nozzle; large power and 'lower labor requirement; wide selection of commercial equipment available; sludge niust ,be flushed from pipes when irrigation completed. Ridge and furrow Land preparation needed; lower power -req ui rements than spray. Can be used on sloping land; can be used year- round if the pipe is drained in winter; not suitable for appliCation to some crops during growing season; odor (aerosol) nuisance may occur. Between 0.5 and 1.5% slope depending on percent sol ids; 'can be used between rows of crops. Overland flow Used on sloping ground with, vegetation-with no runoff permitted;. suitable for emergent Can be applied from ridge roads. operation; diffic ft to get uniform areal. application. Tank,Truck. Capacity 500 to more than 2;000 gallons; larger volume trucks will require flotation Tillable land; not usable with row crops or on soft, ground. tires; can use with temporary irrigation ,set -up; with pump discharge can spray from roadway-onto field. Farm Tank Wagon and Tractor Capacity, 500 to 3,000 gallons; larger volume' will require flotation tires; cantuse with temporary irrigation set7up; with pump discharge can spray from roadway onto field. Tillable land; not usable with row_crops_or on soft, ground, ' TABLE 5.3.(continued - -APplication MethodS and Equipment for Liquid and Some Semi -soli d Sludges. Topographical and -7Metho SURFACE APPLICATION, a Flexible irrigation hose with plow furrow or disc cover Tillable land; not usable on wet or frozen Use with pipeline or. tank truck with pressure discharge; hose connected to manifold discharge on plow or ground. disc. Tank truck with plow, furrow cover Tillable land; not usable on wet or 500-gallon commercial equipment available; sludge discharged in, furrow ahead of plow mounted on rear of 4-wheel-drive truck. frozen .ground. Farm, tank wagon and tractor. Plow furrow cover Sludge discharged into furrow ahead of plow mounted on tank trailer-application of 170 to 225 wet tons/acre; or sludge spread in narrow band on ground surface and immediately plowed under--application of . Tillable land; not usable on wet or frozen ground 50 to 125-' wet tons/acre. Subsurface injection Sludge discharged into channel open6d by a tillable tool mounted on tank trailer; applit cation rate 25 to 50 wet tons/acre; vehicles should not traverse , ;injected area '1pr, several days. Tillable land; .not uSable onwet or frozen: ground. TABLE 5.4--Methods and Equipment for Application of Semi-solid and Solid Sludges. Method Characiteristi-c..1-- Spreading TruckmoUnted Or:tractor-powered.bqx:spreader (CoMmercial101able); sludge spread evenly. on ground;.appliCatiOn rate controlled by over the - groundspeed; can be ing or4lowing. Piles or windroWs Normally hauled by dump, truck; spreading and leyelinTby bulldozer or grader give uniform application; 4 to 6-inch layer can be incorporated by plowing. Reslurry and handle as in Table 5.3 Suitable for Tong haul's by rail.transpOrtatiOn, <4 soil incorporati6 can be omitted; e.g., cold weather areas located far from reiidences. Soil incorporation will require a. larger power unit to perform both tillage and application SimultaneoUsly. .Where equipment is currently available at the waste treatment facility A dewatgr the sludge into a cake,;:: land application in a solid form...may be the best option. If the sludge has to be transported a long-Olstance, economics may dictate dewatering. Table 5.4 presents methods and eqiipment for applying sludge to the-',soil in the solid fokto The'spreading method would be preferred over the piling OT windrowing-so that normal farm tillage. operations and cropping can follow. It is important to,considerthe land application oesludges as part-Othe total This means teat not only is the selection and use of,s4i4.164 equipment important, but also management of the total land applicationt6mNin0' operativen fact, without good management he system will not i:04iitiff. treatment system. . . . A review. of the methods and equipment noted in this article will giV4.4dt.i: for selection 00 Laild application system components as well as specific types of e equipment. Richard°K. WhIlteLis Associate prOfessor, Department of Agricultliral-Engineering , The:Ohio State Uni;yqPity and Ohio 'Agricultural Research and DevelopMent,Center; Columbus, 'Ohio 43210'. Section 6' ANALYSES AND THEIR INTERPRETATION for Wastewater Application on Agricultural Land Boyd,G. Ellis . Wastewaters may be generated by municipal, agrisultural, or industrial; waste . 'treatment facilities. Because of the nature of their. origin, wastewaters' ire quite variable and as such'.offer a great challenge to the analyst... Variation in data may occur because; of the method, utilized in obtaining the'sample or from laboratory, to laborafoiy due- to the use of ;different procedures. Recommendations made here should, be considered a'S the procedure (ts) that will produthe most uniformity in 'data and not as the only method possible or even the best ibthod in some cases. 71 Sample Collection . The most critical stage in analysis cif wastewaters is generally iii,*ohtatiiing. a representative sample. 4dividual analyses require one liter (or qt.). or'.1ess . whictl represents a very small part of the total' flow into or out of a Waste treat7. 10 equa 1ment facility. For this reason, it is recommended:'that the minimum e tune grab samples obtained over a, 2-day period and cempbsited to give a single for analyset. The404,.and common system invOiyes .automatic samplers 'which take samples in'troportiailitcoflow for longer periods -0 time : More detail on-sampling is contaiged in. North 'Central Regionl Publication 'Nct,.,.'; . , $ Preservation of samples without some change in 'Cheinistry is almost impossible; consequently, analyses should be completed as soon as possible after t'he saffiple is :obtained.. To keep changes in the sample to "a minimum during storage, the guidelines ,O the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (11) or American Public Health., 4ssociatibn (1) should be followed. It is important to note that a single method, of pre..srving samples is not adequate -.for all analyses. , Wastewater*Analyses Analyses which are ,recommended in all ,oases prior to application of 4 wastewater land are given in 146. 6. L Other anplyses should be made if the presence dl, certain materiati (i:e. ..1eavy metals) is suspected in the particular wastetiater.: 4,.'.,Generally, a knowledge of .the source of the wastewater is sufficient to ide tifv I to ,i ... ., tee analyses that should be made. I Many of .'he _procedures recommended are p) lished in Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water ana' Waste (11) . Other alternati* lietheds arefound in Guidelines for Planning and conducting Water Quality Experiineil* a.1-1 jo* of NC-12 'and NC4R8 (19) and Sampling ancrAn'alysis of Soils, P.4i ion Waste Waters and Sludges: Suggested. Standardization and Methodology, a publ. of N.118 (20). . , , ;,A.s in all.. analyses, analytical procedures shoUld be constantly checked in laboratory g/the use of carefully prepared standards Alich match the matri the samples being analyzed and. by cross-checking with Standard -sainples ex tween laboratories 6, . .:;.. Interpretation of Data Any of the parameters listed in Table 6.1 mity limit the quan that may be. applied 1 to a' particular- site.. In .general, the par commended Analyses:and PrOteduret:for WasieWater$ BODS . EPA.(f.1), COD Yes 4 total solids if.suSpected to be high EPA (11) .Conductivity If highsciiuble salts- are suspec* EPA Cat -EPA (11) , j17' 041..N (nitrogen) EPA (11'); Black (0" "IPA (11)* EPA: (11) (pP (11); Black-(4) 1:::(-alt019n1 um), OtaVitOhosphorus) . SiiTUb-1P;Orthophosphate -_If total: (chloride) (pbtas Si um) s,'high 'conductivity exceeds at 25° t. If conductivity ,at 25° C. Cat' (calcium) ci um) If conductivity. at 25° C. .- mg2+ .(magnesiln) If conductivity at 25° C. Na If c06ducti vi ty exceeds' 2.0 ,m % cm at 25° C. ( sodi um) Heavy metals It.'Tiource of wastewater incl udes fipavy metals 171' (boron) Municipal effluents and if-iuspected i n .others. Pesticides If ,suspected -; Industrial organics If suspected-. q . *El erode methods may be used tf the, quantity ' 17000 .than 10 ppm N as Ntli or 10 ppw'Cl-,..;., , ,4 tFederal Working. Group on. Pest Management. 1975. Guidelines on Analytical Methodology for. Pesticide Residue Monitoring, Pesticides Monitoring Journal., U.S. Government, printing Office. . .., ei ' It 1 to influence gthe short-term performance of` a land application system are water, sus,, Parapended solid-S, readily decomposed organics (BODO, nitrogen, and total salt. meters which may be critical in liMiting the numbers of years a particular system may be used include phosphorus, heavy metals, and industrial organics. A discussion of individual parameters fpllows. *---.---// Water "Watqr'is 4'0041 resource 'which may be utilized for crop needs (i.e., applied -*11;s;' lesS.thab 20.inches per year) or it.may be renovated by its assodiation , or thole inch and thhiological environment at considerably higher rates (i.e., 60 The soil may pose definite limitations upon the quantity year),. (For ,a discussion of this aspect, see Sections 2 and cif water WhiCh may be applied. . . and BOD - ' -solids apd BOD are generally low in secondary effluents but may be qUi:te,high in wastewaters .from: canneries or other industries which process agricur-, forest proabcts.' Infiltration capacity 'can be lost by sedimentation and sAi*.forMation if suspended solids and BOD ldadings exceed the respiratory capaCity of' Mi*obi4i':Opulatichs which decoMpdse organicS filtered out at or near the soil soWsystem is overloaded with'BOD, anaerobic conditions will At moderate rates of apdevelop,',44Csevert b1or and insect problems can result. plication, the'teadily decomposed organits which give rise to BOD can augment the vegetative cover in supplying energy for denitrffication and structural carbon for immobilizing nitrogen and other. pollutants. Nitrogen ,I. NitrogenJn the nitrate form is the critical form of.nitrogen-because of its solubility afia:.'mobiliiy in water, its stability in groundwaters, KO its implications for eutrophication and for.human and animal health. Thd other mipqraq. forms All three are readily taken up bY,Nlants. of nitrogen tare ,ammoniuM and .nitrite. Amkonium and nitrite are converted (nitOfiedp)?40ickly to nitrateim,,moderately well-aerated soil: Under poorly aerated conditions and in the ftes, ce of rapidly decomposng organic matter,. nitxate and nitrite are reduced (len4r fied) to gaseous i Botha nitrification gild denitrifica- fdrms.47hith recycle back intOtt;he atmosphere. tion ar biological processesarried OuPp:by microorganisms which are not very act've at temperatures below 50° F. .' .;;.;.i. -i' . ;., As much as one-third of the organieliltrogen applApd in wastewater-may be reThe releasedqpineralized) as ammonium and nitrified to nitrate the first year The humus will continue : ,maindery4ill be retained (immObilized) in residual humus. to decoilme and`-trease mineral forms of nitrogen and other nutrients in subsequent yeaTs,,J2uP '.4.11erY' Mich reduced rates. the rates of initial and residual release ,.. ,are tedutea'in the presence of'rapidly decomposing carbonaceous materials (BOD) which flay be added as wastes ar: supplied.rby roots and surface trash from the vegetative cover. In overland flow systems, nitrogen may not be a critical loading parameter. since the objective, frequently, Iwill be to obtain partially renovated water for tate_irrigation systemS, inputs intermediate use rather than for disc of nitrogen should not exceed the cap city of the.vegetation to take it up, plus some'allowance for denitrification immobilization. ff no crop is to be harp. ' .77. ;O. ek vestedd.Ame arbitrary limit--perhaps no more than 50 lb. per acre peyear--should be set initially and adjusted as indicated by monitoring experience. Lf crops are harvested, annual inputs of nitrogen should not exceed by more than t096the anticipated harvest removal at yield goals which past experience indicates'onsimilar soils with good management (see Section 7) This quantity-, is d'function 'Of.bOth'tOncentration and rate of application. ''An example calculation.. is given'belowr'- Wastewater,,v4th 12 ppm N as NH4 and 8 ppm WAS NO corn crop with an expected yield of 150 bu7lacie. Problem : Question: is tote applied to a How many acre inches of wastewater maybe applied, during the growing season? . . . Calculation: . . 150 bu. of corn will remove approximately 4i, lb /acre of N, therefore, no more than 125 x 1.5 = 187.5 lb. of N*.!3, b applied 1 acre inch = 226,512 lb. .of water. Therefore, 187.5 lb..g' 4.53 lb. N/gcre. j.nch .P; ;210 ppm N _ - 4.53 lb. N/acre inch. 41.4 acre inches of wastewater maximum. .- Litt-- le nitrate removal is expected during periods when actively growing vegetation is not present.. Consequently, any level of nitrate exceeding :',10 ppm nitrogen would be considered a sexions hazard in wastewaters applied to barren land. pil..mse of cover crops might,W0U'extend the successful application season on,many treaftilOht !....:. sites. .....:. 0 . :. . High Rate - i , Nitrogen application rates for high"rate infiltration percolation systems are dependent upon the magnitude of denitrification and dilution within the aquifer. These parameters will be highly site dependent and cannot be 4sdussed in a gener) alized manner. Phosphorus A4.; ° Phogphorus may be a key element lbr the success of a land treatment system hen viewed over the long term. It can be utilized by crops and adsorbed or preciO4ted by the soil 'Both total phosphorus and soluble orthophosphate determinations; are necessary for proper interpretation of data from wastewaters which are to l applied to land. Within few days (or weeks), all of the applied inorganic condp'Sed,, phosphates should be converted to soluble orthophosphate. Org40# phosphornS-Imay be mineralized more slowly, but should be retained by the so%nIir converted to orthophosphate. If the conversion:to soluble orthophosphatekivreurs, wastewater'may be applied even without an actively growing crop with little danger of immediate loss to the drainage water ,The phosphorus will be adsorbed by the soil and a portion of it will subseq:lasntibe removed by cropping. Soils from each particular site should be examined with respect to their ability to adsorb phosphorus . Due to9limited contact between wastewater and soil in overland flow systems, .phosphate is inefficiently removed and runoff may not be of a quality that can be directly discharged into surface waters. 11.4. I. TABLE 6.27.414ximUrititates- of Wastewater Application Related to Soil Texture, and- thb.;Abiiity cofttie Soil to Adsorb Phosphorus.* ra , Rateof Application acre. inches/year 60 Silty cl y'to clay Cray oam 55 54 Loam 40 .Sandy loam ThLoaMy sand' ( 45 . 4 40 Sand ) Assume 7 ppm total phosphorus in the. wastewater and a crop removal of 25 lb. phosphorus/acre/year, with a 50-year expected life of the Data froM Michigan soils, system. Soluble Salts . Soluble s.alts----grally will' ot accumulate in the soils of the: North Central remove salts ,..Region since precipitalitiruses,,im Fafl, Winter, and Spring by leaching. not trig in the arid or semi -arid areas of.the United States. 31i local.situations,.salts from special indUstries or from use on city streets may give rise to abnormal concentrations in sewage.or storm Waters. Further` concentration of salts occurs evapotranspiration.- In soils which do not transmit rainfall and irrigation water rapidly enough to keep salts moving downWard.throUgh the root zone,4salt injury tosensitiVe crops can occur if wastewater containing mmhos/cm) is -more than 1250 ppm.dissolved solids (electrical conductivity applied regularly during the summer-M6nths. 1°- 'Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) may be an important consideration in the. use.Of wastewaters even though Na.(sodium), K (potassiuM), Ca (calcium)-and Mg (magnesium) are not frequently a probleM inwastewaters. A calculation of SAR values should be.. made according to the following equation: Na SAR = Era 2Mg An example of this calculation for a typical wastewater is shown below: Problem: A wastewater is found to have 150 ppm Na, 75 ppm Ca, and 20'ppm Mg. Question: What is:the SAR for this effluent? Calculation: 1.50 mg 'Nail 23 mg/me...14a. 75 mg Ca/1 +.20 mg Mg/1 12. mg/the Mg. 20 mg/meCa SAR-.= 6,522 1.64 i.07 2 'Wastewaters with SAR_values greater than 15 should be avoided because of their detrimental effect on soil structure and ultimate reduction in the infiltration rate of the soils. Sodium' adsorption ratio values from 5 to15 can, over a peiiod of years, lead to loss-of structure in soil horizons containing more than 10 or 20 clay (loam or finer texture). Lower values are generally satisfactory, although log tend declines in infiltration and percolation capacities have, been observed in moderately fine-textured soils when irrigated with water having SAR ratios as .low as 3. Micronutrients Micronutrients and metals are expected to accumulate in the sludge and not in the. It is likely to remain in the wastewater. Boron is a notable exception to this wastewater and move with the soil water. The toxicity of boron is related to plant species, with the most sensitive crops,showing toxicity at 0.5 mg. B/1. Semi-tolerant crops may show toxicity for levels of 1 mg. B/1. or greater.- In some soil situations, The plants may actually benefit from low concentrations of boron in wastewater. same may be true for iron, manganese, and zinc. Organic Compounds Organic compounds are found in wastewaters. Pretreated wastewaters contain natural products of partial decomposition and resistant synthetic compounds which have detergent or chelatinf,properties and can enhance the mobility of potentially Known organic toxicants which persist in wastetoxic trace organics and metals. waters from conventional sewage treatment include a number of pesticides, chlorinated plasticizers, fire retardants, and other industrial chemicals.:. Most are strongly adsorbed by_soils and. are subject to slow decomposition or alteration to harmless products. They may pose, an environmental hazard in special situations, particularly if water is allowed to percolate too rapidly through the soil. Sources of such chemicals should be identified and regulated to avoid excessive concentrations in wastewater that is to be applied on land where discharge into streams or lakes might occur. BoydG. Ellis is Professof of Soil Chemistry, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State 'University, East Lansing, Mich. 48824. q AA. t/ Section 7 CROP AND SYSTEM MANAGEMENT for Wastewater Application to Agricultural Land Arthur R. Wolcott and-Ray 1.-:"600k 'Land application may be viewed as an alternative treatment method or as an intermediate use for wastewater at a stage of renovation which cannot be discharged directly into surface streams or lakes. The two views do not oppose but support each other. The.need to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater presents the opportunity to use these and other waste nutrients to upgrade natural landscapes or to support production of economic crops In turn, beneficial responses of vegetation to added water or nutrients can contribute to the cost effectiveness of treatment. The choice of land a method for .treating wastewater Will be influenced by public policies and attitudei, funding°incentives, and regulatory constraints which are described in other sections in this publication. Considerationsin site selection and system design also are dealt with in other'seCtions. In this section, factors which should be considered in selecting vegetative covers and principles for management of wastewater application sites are discussed. Selection of Vegetative Cover. The selection of vegetation to receive wastewaters considered inde-pendently of the selection of site or design approach. Consideration must be given tothe hydraulic capabilities of soils and terrain in relation to natural hydrologic systems or to,hydrologic systems which can be imposed on the site by engineering: Climate will influence decisions regarding site, design approach, and vegetative cover. Economic or other advantages associated With a given type of vegetation ,or a given resource management system must be considered as well.. Influence of Water Application Method The widest latitude in choice of vegetative cover is afforded by,. ow-rate irrigation (2 to 8 ft, per year). Low-rate irrigation on moderately permeable soils and slopes of 0 to 6% has the greatest-potential for environmental benefit and economic return of any design approach. Options for vegetative cover and resource management systems range froni public and private landscaping", greenbelts, wildlife habitats, or commercial forest plantings to agricultural and horticultural crops. perennial or annual species can be considered, including intertilled Crops.. 0 In the case of crops grown for food or feed, the appftCation of wastewaters which originate in livestock operations or municipal sewage systems will b0 closely regulated by state health authorities and marketing agencies; Restrictions on use of wastewater will vary with the crop and from state to state. For effective renovation, by low-rate irrigation, the, wastewater must enter and percolate. through 3 to 4 ft: of the soil profile. 'this approach'may not be feasible on slowly permeable soils which will not accept and transmit at least 2 ft. of water On such soils, substantially renovated water can be obtained by overland per year. flow. With suitable engineering, numerous crops can be grown in overland flow systems. On grass or forest cover, as much as 20 ft. or more of wastewater can be applied annually. Vigorous, water-tolerant grasses which form dense. sods are ideal for high rates Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinaceae L.) and tall fescue of application. (Festuca elaiior L., var, arundinaceae) appear most promising under climatic condiReed canary is slow to establish itself from tions in the North Central Region. seed. An established grass in old' fields in many cutover areas is, quackgrass CAgroNackgrass rivals reed canary in production of tough, interlacing pyron repens rhizomes to bind the soil and carry heavy equipment. All three of these grasses are highly productive under Continuously moist conHowever, they lose .palatability rapidly as they approach maturity and must be cut two to four times a year to produce...hay or silage acceptable to liVestOck ditions. A more palatable grass grass Adapted-to moist conditions is timothy (Phleum pratense Improved strains are highly producThis is a buiichgrass, not a sod former. tive and are readily established from seed. Timothy, seeded alone or with wateitolerant legUmes such as ladino clover (Trifolium repens L.) or birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), can be used to provide productive ground cover quickly. Reed canary drilled at the same time in widely spaced rows (3 to 4 ft.) will normally spread, over a period of years, to dominate the stand. L.). In areas of the WeStern: Repon'::where humid conditions and diseases associated with high' humidity are .fiote4:.pi-oblem,. fOrage legumes such as Alfalfa may provide productive cover. Influence of WastewaterAnalysis . O qoc414temiinicipal wastewater. will be required to approach standards Standards for wastewaters for seCondar...y.c.,..kreaXlient14efOre it is applied on land, frOnt;-wdbtiltoductsOr.i.00dprodessing. will be less strict, although primary. treatgreie or coarse solids which'ilight clog distribution , Often' the concentration. of nitrogen left . N. after:these treatments will ...determine the rate of wastewater: appliCation. The nature:of .the vegetative cover will be a critical consideration, since the important processes' which-Can remove nitrogen ,depend on plant activities/and plant products. Nevertheless, vegetative effects. The fate of phosphorus is less dependent soil minerals of removal of phosphorus by Plants will help to extend the. useful life. Other 'nutrients in wastewater are of concern: whiCh adsorb Or .precipitatephosphate: In mainly in terms of the balance of nutrients needed for Vigorousplant growth. special cases wastewater loadings 'may be limited by constituents which are toxic to plants,. liVestock, or'humans. Nutrient Removal Capabilities If wastewater is applied on vegetation which is not to be harvested, relatively Under conlarge acreages may be required to provide adequate renovative 'capacity. tinuously moist conditions, accumulating masses of dead and dying vegetation can intercept oxygen needed, for normal root function. The excessive. 4emand for oxygeh Odors and insect -problems also may be can lead to loss of infiltration capacity. other succulent vegetation should be clipped two D r three r'aggravated. Grasses. and 7.2A, A TABLE 7. .--Harvesied Removal of Nutrients for Selected Cr6ij'and Yield, Goals,.*..!. Crop Yields and Nutrients Harvested, Lb./Acre Reed ".: tiardwood Forest* Canary '::(Annual Uptake, Alfalfa, Nutrient Yield 150 bu. Nitrogen, 125 165 72 V20 220 Phosphorus 22 30 13 12 30 8 PotissiuM 28 150' 14 36; 166 26 3 45 2 10 30 Calcium Corn -.'Seat Corn Grai n Silage Graff 60 bu. Soybeans 35 bu. Grasst', Lb./Acre) Brame "/ 5 T. 5:61..;!. , 4 @4 22 ti Magnesiuii) *Ellis, G.*et al. *Sapper, W..E. 37 (10) (26) times a season to stimulate new growth and avoid excessive accumulations of ve eta7 tive debris. -Nutrients which are notr,em ved.from the site by harvest of vegetiii1Ohor:, Some nitrogen,will be:;10,st,:Oroidg, products will tend to accumulate "n,he-system. % if inputs do not greatly exceed*ChitiOgeni* denitrification, perhaps 15,to quired for optimum, plant growth. Nitrogen and phosphorus whicif.are:titalhed'in"a ',/te'potential sources standing crop, detritus, and residual humus must be reckoned mi of soluble nitrate aid phosphate at some time in thOuture. The effective life of a system can be extended by removing some of the applied nitrogen and phosphorus in harvested Crops. Frequently the first consideration will be to optimize harvest of nitrogen (Table 7.1). In general, agricultural crops produce more harvestable dry matter with higher' Large harvest removals can be nutrient content. than tree species grown for-timber. achieved with perennial legumes and grasses if they are cut frequently at early. growth stages when their nutrient content is high. It should be, recognized that ., legumes can fix all of the nitrogen they need from the air, but they are active ,1,1 scavengers for nitrate if it is present, as well as for phosphate. ;It I The potential for harvesting nutrients with annual crops is generally1 with perennials since annuals utilre only part of the available growing seaSo growth and active uptake. Design estimates of harvest removal should be based on yield vials which;1 "- k Es experience indicates can be achieved with good management on similar soils. mates of nitrogen removal can be extended to allow for effects of roots and surf Unharvested residues retard the release4., trash-left in the field after harvest. They'at soluble nitrogen during periods when no actively growing crop'. is present. supply energy to support denitrification. For design purposes, the overall capacity of a crop to remove nitrogen can be, If vegetation or plaht estimated at 1-1/2 times the expected removal by harvest. ,;*..t. :CI I..: .1 ,7 products are not harvested, some arbitrarily ioWer figure will need to be used. Actual retrOvals will vary with many factors of site and management and can only 'be determined by monitoring in the operational system. potential Toxicities Nc;rmally, micronutrient imbalances'OT metal toxicities will not be a problem with wastewater. In fact, low concentrations of boron, iron, manganese, or zinc may be beneficial to plants on. some soils. Increased uptake of cdbalt, copper, molybdenum, or zinc into forage may benefit livestock. , Boron toxicity can occur in same Situations since this element tends to remain in solution througW:se'dimentation, filtration, and biological treatment. If the wastewater contains more than 0.5 ppm of boron, local agricultural authorities should be consulted regarding tolerant crops which might be grown. If the concentration exceeds 1.0 ppm, it may be necessary to identify and regulate sources of boron in the waste collection system. Unusual concentrations of organic toxicants (pesticides, industrial chemicals) also will 'need to be regulated at their source. Certain hazards are associated with ensiling or with indistriminate feeding of forages maintaifed at excessively high levels of nitrogen nutrition. Abnormally High concentrations of nitrate caps,'''b:6ild up in corn,, sorghum, and succulent annual grasses if growth is slowedipuddenly'by drouth, cold, or extended periods of cool, cloudy weather. Nitrat'e poiso ng can result if such r2ughages° are used as the principal ration for vestock. n the silo, nitrate can Te reduced to nitrous oxide, a poisonous gas which can e a serious hazard to personnel -for several weeks after silo filling. Grass tetany (magnesium deficiency) and fat necrosis (intestinal tumors) may be -encountered where cattle arepastured on grass receiving high rates of nitrogen. Grass tetany is associated with high inputs of potassium relative to magnesium. ',Fat necrosis has -beelkound only onF heavily manured fescue pastures: Excessive nitrogen cap cause lodging of cereal grains and.reduce the process:ing quality of drpps such as'sugar beets and potatoes. No toxicities are involved, but such effectt must be considered if,thesecrops are to be grown and marketed successfully. L9 Susceptibility to DiseaseNii'IndeOtPeses ,,,.,, A number of, plant diseases and insects MI10:1atfac,,, soils.or by atmoipheric humidity. asSoCiat60.4itli. equ range and hosi plant specificity these Pes*k to a given pest can be enhanCed4'.91'Octive tires stations and other local authoritOs. should b' lems might be anticipated and '6 identify. plant" fully resistant. are rfavored by moist The geographic ation. jFrequently resistance r4 i -fecer1e:rin=e ie7a tgtprieties which are use Climate, Soils, Topography Native plant species or crops whose culture 'is well established in the general 'area of the land application site are the most likely choices for vegetative cover since their adaptation to local climate and soils is known. With adequate water and nutrients on well-drained soils, any crop can be grown which is climatically adapted. The availability of water will permit economically valuable species to be grown on , 7:4 43 , FIG.-7.1.--Scrub oak and sparse naileigrasses on drouthy, cutover land in northern Michigan, feplaced (see Fig. 7.01:115-y`corn irrigated with municipal wastewater. , ,,A31 -0,14 04.14 7.2.--Corn is a good candidato for irrigation with wastewater. .Adapted hy-, brids with tolerance 'to importanipl:tli.sease. and inect pests are available for most areas in the North Central Regiod,-. Photo by R. L. Cook. 7.5 9 'dtouthylsOils, so submarginal areas can be upgraded forMore interisiveuSes,(Figs, 7.1 and 7.2). If it is necessary to apply wastewater frequently on slowly permeable soils,'the choice of cover may be narrOwed to grasses or fOrest,Ipecies. On rolling land subject to erosion, year-round protection should be provided thronh use of perennial species or by fall-planted winter covers and trash mulch systems of management where cultivated annual crops are grown. Cropping Patterns Operational efficiencies can be realized thiough specializing'in the'production of a single crop for which there is a ready local market, or two or three crops which Corn and sorghums are can.; require similar field equipment and handling facilities: didates for single cropping because available hybrids cover a widerange of climatic adaptation and tolerance to disease and insect pests. Monoculture promotes the build-up-01.6ecific diseases and,insects. Many crops cannot be grown in successive years in the same field for this-reason. Rotation of crops interrupts the normal life cycles of host-specific pests and helps to keep their: numbers low. Rotation of crops offers benefits in addition to pest control. Rotations involving cultivated and sod crops will help 'to maintain or improve soilStructure and the infiltration, aeratiOn, and adsorptive capacities of the soil. On soils with tight subsoils, improvements in internal drainage can-often be achieved by growing Irrigation may a deep-rooted legume like alfalfa or sweet clOver froth time to time tb-develop their characterneed to be'discontinued for a season to permit such crops istically deep root sygtems. Double cropping--soybeans or silage corn after winter wheat or barley, for example--may be feasible where the growing season is long enough. The accessibility of irrigation water helps to assure quick germination and rapid seedling development. These are essential if two crops are to be harvested the same season.- With suitable short-season varieties and good management, the potential for harvest removal of nutrients and for economic return is substantially greater than with more productive The system also prolong-season varieties which produce only one harvest a year decomposing crop residues. vides year-round soil protection byvegetation and ,Other Considerations Numerous other factors must be considered in selecting vegetative covers -fore land application4systems. ;Since large acreages may, be involved, the established ag4cult4re of the area and available skills, equipMent, storage, handling, transport, and processing facilities are of prime importance, as well as the market potential fora crops which might be grown. Regulations of state or local agencies may determine the quality of water or the schedule of irrigations which can be used on crops for human or livestock contumption. Availability of land or considerations of cost may dictate high irrigation rates and the selection of water-tolerant crops or other vegetation, or these same considerations may lead to selection of native vegetation on submarginal land .where wastewater can be applied at low rates or at sporadic intervals. Management of,MastewateApplication Sites;' % Under' provisions of the 1972 amend ents to the Federal Water Poll.ption Control Act, areas used for land application of, astes will be regulated_as "On-point" sources of pollution. For this reason, they must be:managed as an integral part of the total waste renovation system; Theprimary objective Mustbe to produce renov0.0 water meetings federal and state st444aTcls. for surface discharge, groundwater rOharge, or special intermediate, uses .J,:mPortant but secondary_abjective4sto realize economic or other benefits wiliOlita credited against the cost of..tic6atment. Timing and Rate of Wastewater,..!.4pplication Whter suitable for groundwater recharge or for surface disthargeWiind4drainl age can be:obtained by low-rate irrigation.- Application,'Tates should_n0,t4eed the soil's capacitY to accept water without runoff. or without.: ponding for, mdr,e.thah,an hour or two. Instantaneons...rates on intertilled crops should not-egceea-0 .5inch per hour on loamy sands or 0.1 inch per hour on clay loams. SoMewhat higheeintensitiesmay be feasible.'on.grass or forest vegetation. To avoid excessively' rapid transit through the soil, the total application should not exceed 1.5 to 2 inches in a 24-hour period--even on soils which will accept more water. -Weekly loadings and irrigation schedules should allow sufficient resid-etcetime for waste constituents to interact with soil systems and plant roots, On perMeable soils, up to 4 inches of water per week (including rainfall) may be feasible during summer and early fall-When-evapotranspiration is high. At other times,,treatment-, effective loadings will be much less because of precipitationsurpluses.and reduced biological activity. Wastewater containing high concentrations of nitrate should not be applied on, cold soils (below 500 F.) when vegetation is dormant and denitri fication occurs slowly or'not at all , , t Winter irrigation of cultivated cropland should not be considered'in the-north.ern tier-of states in the North Central and Western Regions. On grass or forest vegetation, wintery irrigation with low nitrate water at reduced rates may be feasible, except duiing very cold weather or when soils are .frozen. Ir igaton schedules should allow for resting periods between applications for drain& e and aeration of the root zone. This is commonly achieved by irrigating every to 10 days. Longer intervals are required during cold weatheiaan at. normil growing season temperitures Oxidizable organics (BOD) applied with wastewater can build up in surface soil to the extent. that infiltration and aeration are interfered. with and anaerobic conditions develop which are COhducive to odors: This is frequently the factor which determines how often processing wastes high in BOD can be applied in'low-rate irrigation systems. In cold weather it also can be a factor with wastewater pretreated to reduce BOD. i ,.. , _ Rapid infiltration is not'essentiar for .treatment of wastewater by overland, flow. Some deep percofation can occur, depending on slope and soil type. However, the main flow of water is downslope--over the surface or by seepage; hrough upper soil layers. Suspended. solids are filtered out on vegetation, litter, and soil. Thus, they are distributed over a very large Surface Area exposed to the air. BOD is dissipated rapidly,'even at near-freezing temperatures. Effective residence times c n be achieved.on4Iniform slopes of 0 to 6% with downslope exEpsures of-150 to 200 fe . .,Daily applications can be made, except during rainy weather. During cold weat er; applications may need to be less frequent or'discontinued if soil and Titter are frozen. d ' ;-,-44. a.. below Ni Nitrogen can be.rtilpVed effectively by overland 0144' At 'pm,peratures 7 4! 50° F., however, the wastewater may pase.sthroufar.the--system unaltered 'since F very little wilV be taken Up by .0 vegetation or remoVed'ty depitrification. Much of the ammoniu0'and organic nitrogen filtered out from winter applications may be Mosrelease&-tapiOy as nitralp when biological activity resumes in'the-ilpring. Runoff from overland: flow may phorus is rethaved less eflectively than nitrogen. riot meet standards for dischargearid may need ta4e diverted for lat4-rate irrigation on other land areas or for permitted uses in IndAStry. ' In both overland flow and low-rate irrigation systems, water appAications must be discontinued well in advance of field operations so soils can draip and stabilize to carry tillage or .haryest equipment without serious impairM9nt,,afbil'structure. Applications should not,bp.made on bare soil except as needed.toProMote germination and,rdpid development af .a:-newly planted crop. . . Tillage' and Residthe:lianagement ConvenTillage,operatiOns which expose bare:soil should be kept to a minimum. tional plowing (8 to 10 inches) and preparation of a seedbed free of weeds and trash are necessary for most vegetables and root crops: Many field,crops, however, can be planted directl?, in sod ur trash, from a previous crop or after partiallincorporation afjesidues by'shallc*dpcing: On some soils, it,may"be necessary at some time to 1p,wrydeep (2 ft. or:more) to mix impermeable SUbSo04..strata with Mre:ppY0eabie Surface materials..., More 6t4en, impermeable pans fatted by yehicular traffic: pr,by.,. natural processes can be broken up by subsoiling equipMent which leaVes'tfid.Silrfacet.,: wlpflotected by Nqjetation or'Stubble alf&trash. Minipt)umr4illage and no-till methods c4serve fuel, reduce labbi,Casts, and mini, mize compacliOn of soils by heavy equiiirilent.'t,' Crop residues left on the surface or partially incorporated to a depth a 3 or 4 inches; provide protection against runoff The 'decoMposition of residues on'or near and erosion during intervals between crops. the soil surface helps,to maintain a friable, open condition conducive to good aeration and rapid infiltration of water. Local soil conservation district personnel should be consulted regarding till. age practices appropriate- for speeificgalops, soils, and terrain. ,yegetative covers should be managed to promote both a high rate of nutrient Return of residueitp particuharvet'and frequent return of unharvested residueS. larly important where wastewaters have-beentltreated to reduce BOD.. There 4dpes serve to restore an effective balance ofrenelsgy and structural carbon re4tiqi, to nutrients and toxicants. The cycling of Aitrogen and phosphorus through'&60a:y organrelease'of soluble nitrate and phqsisms and their products helps to tegulafp phate. Actively decompcling organic matter also helps to reduce the concentration of other soluble pollutants and can hasten the conversion of toxic organics, like pesticides, to less toxic products. Carboriaceous solid wastes or wastewaters high in BOD, from canneries or wood processing industries, can be used'to augment production of organic matter by On-site vegetatipW. Minimum tillage or no-till methods will reduce decomposition rOes and help to ittaUtpain or increase.the level of cycling organic matter in the soil. a.v."4* ;nother approach for restoring the carbon balance in' pretreated wastewaters is These to manage 1' vhs and holding ponds so as to promote growth of aquatic plants. aPplication on land. can be harve ti e!ti; for feed or for - Nutrient- Imbalances, Toxicants, and pH Control . . may be:.limitedby one or a combina...: .. .,Wast ater applications in a given.` Water, suspended solids,. BOD, phosphorus, sOlti- 3 Lion ,.. of veral loading parameters ble Sits, sodiuth; br in, spectal casesYby certain micronutrients, metals, or toxic;.', In any case, ',nittogen'.,loadingS should not exceed 1-1/2 times the trace organics .. . , ,,..: '. :: .,, . antitipatea-izeinttiraL of :..illtrogefi by harvest except.' as justified by actual monitoring. experience :etc the itp.' ,, . ' /At thiS - level Of nitrogen input, many wastewaters will supply other. ksential nutrients in, quantities -adequate' for optimuml,prOdUction of crops. Nutrizitnbal1*.es may obCur however. These. CorTeoted :since vigorous grovith and high .)ieldS-are es sen tial to assure- efficient removal of eutrophying nutrients by 'harvest: . and maximum benefits from living vegetation and decomposing residues. . Nutrient 'imbalances can be identified by visual symptoms and quick tissue tests':` diagnoses can be confirmed by detailed analysis of plant tissue`. in the field Often, developing deficiencies or toxicitie' sampled at a critical stage of growth. by testing soils systeiatically can be tected, before' serious imbalances every ye r or wo, for available nutrients:ana pH. . The balanCe among .major and Secondary, nutrients is;:of.,primary concern.. Analy tical,:dqerininations shouldbe tadefor phosphorts, potassium, calcitm,':and magnesium;. of known dia0Cistid Value for soil or ;..for tissue, may be: using ureic tissue. of :nitrate* .(NO3)', in Total-:nittOgen (Kj el dahl. N) can be .uSeful , , but the v e indicatot,of the nutritional status of plants with s o.r soil leafy vegeNitrate also : should respect ,to.' there is teasOn to suspect cOikentratiian' WhichAfifght: be-toxic to- livestoa _ table's or humans,: Imbalances involVinOnicronuttieniS' ancrother Metals will be determined-maInly byl.SoilpH rather that by :their concentrati6nSin'the wasiewater,'..' TOxicitieS.aie most likely under. acid conditions and May:.d014.1)1Op SiMPly'becaUse. of the increased availability of-native soil sources.: DefiCiendies, of :essential miCronutrients,are 40ie:likely under 'alkaline conditions. MolYbdenin:.4*IiSejeniuln. are .exceptians,', and.' Contents toxic to animals have been assOciatedgi*S4ils. above .pH . . .ProblemS of deficiency: or toxicity will be minimized-.if.Surface soilS are S. to '7,1011_0§,..;Can-be:done by adding lime to:aciac,spils or sources ..1.11fatej to alkaline sOils.,_.4s*114ted by soil of acidity . fa l tm ; Ipthe.wastewaterj:S veryHatid:-(pW*4:4i lower) or very made every 2 61-3 year:,. alkaline (pi.8,3 or higher),: these extremes will .need: to be neutralized before the:. water is applied on living vegetation: tained: at, pH. tests' : 7 . Supplemental ntitieltO correct deficienCies can be apPlied thtoligh the. itriga-.; tion system or by sUiltable attachments. to tillage or planting, an equipment': Supplemental feitiliza tion:Shoula be gauged to .actUal regUl4ted:.aS indiCated 'by visual symptoms or by changeS in soil or tissue tests. 'Abnormal tissue 'analyses, and visual symptoms can be caused by conditions, such as high salt concentration or poor soil aeration., which impair root functions. Salt concentrations in certain ,irocessing wastewaters may be high _enough to cause direct injury, to plants unlesS, salt tolerant speciei are grown. Note,often, :injurious salt concentrations build, up during the growing season in soi'l's which d,ykot transmit,. 'rWitiStewaters with unusual silt' content khigh water fast enough to assure leachi electrical Coteductanc should not be used for lour -rate irrigation on slowly per means. Can be found to improve internal, drainage. Meable Loss of soil, may result from efPetts of waste constituents such AsClay or sodium. If sodium is 'responsible, it may .be necesSary to increase the caI'7..Cium content of the wastewater:or to amend the soil .with- source of calCium (gypsum; slag, liMe). Deep tillage. or the installation of additional 'tile- for underdrainage may be needed to assure rapid movement ofy salts and.Sodiwn through' the soil. ments in internal drainage also Will. improVe ,Soil 'aeration. Improve- 0.. . . . .ProbleTs with weeds, insects, and plant diseases are, akgravated under conditions of frequent irtigation,..particularly when a single crop groi.niti year ,,after year or when nO-till praCtices are used: Most pests"Bntrolled by,.selecting .resigtant or tolerant varieties and by using pesticides in combination with appropriate g cultural practices. "State and local experts should be consUlted overall pest ,control program. for a given" situation.- developing an Harve' ., Mast crops require 'a perfoci,,Of dry weather before harvest to mature and nd reach a moisture content compatible with harVesting equipment. Additional drying by artificial, means may be necessary for safe .srrage-;Or .to meet market standards.. Soil'; 'smoisture at- harVest,tiMe should lawenough to minimize compactidn by-harvesting e4uipMent . :::..Eor' ;these: reasons; irrioti.Ons: must be 'discontinued Well ,.n advance :Of ...... ' harVest,'...: !i..-; ... .. To Miniiniie sruption of, irrigation.; seheduleS, harvesting aria tillage or .' planting operations which follow must be carried out. Adequate power, . labor .and a equipment must be -proVided for thisi fOrAnevitable delays due : .1', ' .:',. ..`; to weather (Fig. 7;3) . Poorly drained areas it a field can lead to ,expensive delays (Fig. 7.4),. Operations ,in such areas-should be avoided until adequate..-impro;imments ... . . ' in drainage Ican:b.e.,.effeCted. A wide, range of managerial and; tecinliCal skills-inay;be.needed. to coordinate land application ,witly ,the: COAlection,;!pretreatinent, storage of wastewater in a total waste 'treatment SYsteir.- A.Central cOre" ,:profeSiicinal;eXpertise in - 'sanitation 'and irrigation ,engiTieering,:ai well as..,the.'agronoMiC sCienCes;iS,.'essential for a well-. AnaliticalIcayabilitieS for the monitoring required by.State'tagencies must b'e provided within the organization or',by contract with independent: laboratories. These, .plus necessary administrative .and Clerical personnel, technicians, and labor, may suffice if wastewater is applied on submarginal land with ....r,mariage4land*applitatiOn. site ,IminimPm management. 4. 1 . If there is Concern for upgrading land USe ors,for realiling economic return from application of wastewater, other competencies will be requirted. Specific skills will depend upon tie proposed Use of the land-whedier 'for, recreation, forestry, or agriculture.:- Managerisfor such areas 'should have professional training, or,Unique interests and; e4erienee,'approptiate for the type of management required. Technical' and:fiedhanical. vary with the nature of the'',:resource. SethiSkilled labor May perforM many .tasks, bUt..,welltrained..perionnel;:are 'needed to train an1 supervise . FIG. 7.3:--Timeliness in field operaiions, re ires heavy equipMent and personnel' skilled in its use, and maintenance. 'Soilt MO be allowed -to :d.i'ain and stabll -tie Photo by R. L. Cook. such operations. .. (.L FIG. 7.4 .--Poorly drained spots in a fyeld will be unproduttive and can cause Deep tillage may be needed. to repairidamage to soil structure.. Photo bY R. L. Cook. expensiVel'delaYs1(' Additional tile are needed here,. i.. ... In some situations it may. be feasible to distribute wastewater to independent t operatOrs:, Such grrangements should be contractNal.. .Legal . counsel should be sought in drawing up agreements wnich are mutually advantageoUs and yet jetain rights of access' for monitoring.purposes apd provide for courses of actin in the event that water quality ,.standards for d,.scharge. or grotindWsatev fechkaike are nowt met. and .organization ttkuSt be novided to administer s' Such, contracts. .... * ...! 0. , . Personnel . el gi 4 4 4Key individuates should have responsibilities "for liaiscii with reiulatory *genciesand -for informational and 'educational' exchatge within the;, oroanizatioon and with it, 0 .. s, .4. the general. public. ., . ,ii, sr ,.1 -:'; tit, - i- `Soil i , .. e 4 SI Arptir R. Wolcott Ais PrOioessor sof Soil Biochemistry; Department oil Crop and Sciences, Mchigan State University, East Lansing, !itch; 44$82411 .* % " ' 4111% ' 4. Ray, L.... Cook is hProfetsor tmerit& of. Sok ''Scieshce tvid.thairbeft (Retired) , * Department of Soil. Soiinces: Michigan Staip niversity, East Lansing, Mi0:048824.. . 4 ., 7 * fh . . 4, ., tir 0 * a 4 Ott . a . 4.; . Section 8 SELECTION OF THE SYSTEM for. Wastewater Application on Agricultural Land Ernest H. Kidder Three methods of wastewater application to land are considered. --They are sprinkler irrigation, surface irrigation; and overland flow:, InfiltiAtion-percolation systems are not discussed. In the Western states, including thoSe in the western part of Ole North Central In the Eastern Region,both surface and sprinkler irrigation methodp may be used states, the amount,of land leveling and the resulting damage to the soil profile Thetinjection'of wastewater would, in most instances eliminate surface irrigation. into the soil by knifing does not appear to be practical bedause of the dk§turbance t6 the crop and to the soil which would result from weekly applications, and because of the high cost of operating the application equipment. Arenovation and utiliation concept of wastewater application'is emphasized; Water. Management Strategies it. Certifiable waste treatment plans may include cycles of re-use for.purposes Uses which do'not iequire water of the quality specified for terminal,discharge. which generate revenue will contribute directly to the cost effectiveness of a system. Such lees are to be found in industry, agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture. . ' There are beneficial uses of partially renovated water which may produce little orno revenue but which can influence the quality of life and, indirectly, the economic and social goals oT communities and regions. Thbse incl de irrigation of landscaping; greenbelts, and wildlife hhbitats, and containment public 'and privy Land applicaand control of surface flows' for recreational and aesthetic puriloses: ,tion'and surface containment. of 'wastewaters can lead to increased recharge and storIncreased reage in local groundwaters, with increased efficiencies in water use tention of water in local reservoirs (ho.lding basins, cyclic are-uSe systems, soils,4 groundwaters) can contribute significantly to moderation of seasonal and,long-term ,;fluctuations in stream, flows and lake levels. > '.An essential objective in total design must be to provide for containment, monitoring, and control of wastewater flows until water of, the desired discharge quality is achieved. Seasonal and cyclic fluctuations in wastewater and storm water flows originating within the system, and in natural flows entering from outside, must be anticipated it t4.e initial design: Probable increases involtme Or changes in, quality of flows requiring treatment must be allowed for initihlly; or anticipated in Ontingeney plans for, expansion or for adoption of new treatment technologies, as needed, overh,the projected life of the "system. Design and tanagement options for application of wastewaterswill ;vary with the hydraulic capabilities of available soils and terrain and their relation to natural *And engineered hydrologic systems (Table 8.1). ) , `1The renovativecapabilities of soils and vegetation a3e utilized most.effectively with'low rate irrigationiftstems (Fig. 8.1)!. With appropriate management, drainage water suitable for surfffe discharge'or percolate suitable for'groundwater recharge cap bt obtained. Economic benefits from increased eTficienciesin produc: TABLE 8.1--Comparative Characteristics of Low-rate Irrigation and Infiltration-Percolation Systemp.* verland Flow, Design Approach Low-rate Irrigation Factor Liquid loading rate Annual application , .Land needed per 1 mgd Soils Overland Percolation, 0.5 to 4 in./wk.t 2 to 5.5 in./wk. 4 to 120 in./wk. 2-8 ft./yr. 8 to 24 ft./yr. 18 to 500 ft./yr. 140 to 560 acres plus buffer zones 46 to 140 acres plus buffer zones 2 to 62 acres plus buffer zones. Moderately permeable Slowly permeable silt loams to. clays Rapidly permeable sandy loams to 2-6%, Less than 2% loamy:sands. to clay lOams Slopes Infi ltrati on- Flow' Cultivated crops: 0-6%. Forages and sands , forest ,species: 0-15% Removal of suspended solids an4 BOD w,!. 90 to 99% Removal of nitrogen 80 to 100% (may exceed 100%):. 70 to 90%' 0 'to. 80% Removal of phosphorut 95% to 100% (may exceed 100%) 5O to 60% 70 to 95% Evapotranspiration and deep percolation: for groundwater recharge,. disCharge Runoff maximized Deep perdolatiOn maximized for groundwater A Fate of wastewater ; for -recovery and re-use. Relatively 1 i ttl e; evapotrans- into surface waters' piration or deep Or recovery, and reRunoff Con7 use:. trolled Percolatfon. . recharge, recovery:. and, re7use. RunOff not allowed.. Negligible eVapo transpiration. Adapted from R. E. Thomas and C. C. Harlin, Jr. (28) and. C. E. PoUnd and R. W. Crites (23). EPA-660/2-73/006a. Irrigation at 4 in./wk. would be seasonal. An 8 ft./yr. application would average 2-1/2 in./wk. over a 40-week irrigationlieriod. IRRIGATION SYSTEM EVAPORATION SPRAY OR-----ma SURFACE Y_ APPLICATION * SLOPE :::VARIABLE ROOT ZONE ... . .. , . .. . . J..:,i ''.':';.'..;:'. . ;i;WOEEP FIG8.1.--Diagrammatic representation of the low-rate Il._rigation system for wastewater renovation. .tion or increased yields of crops\ will compensate for increase&costs, for transmission and distribution of partially treated wastewater and,the need to extend managerial control over relatively large acreages. Ln most cases,-municipal effluents to be applied througli.liate irrigation systems will be required to meet standards for sbcondary treatment kwith regard'to DOD, suspended solids, fecal conforms, and pH. ;;,. The permeability of fine-textured loams and 'clays is too low to accept and transmit significant, quantities of water in-excess of normal precipitation in the humid On such soils, substantially renovated water for re-use canareas (see Section 2). Other descrifiritre terms for this approach be obtained by controlled overland flow. are "hillside irrigation".and "grass filtration." The filtering action of vegetation and associated organisms at CT near the soil surface can remove suspended solids and organics as effectively as conventional primary plus secondary treatment. Sprinkler Irrigation The water Sprinkler irrigation involves spraying water out through the air. normally infiltrates the soil at the point where it falls. During recent years, a number of mechanical systems have been developed for use on large areas. These systems generally work quite well and :a minimum of labor input is needed for their operation (Fig. 8.2). SPRINKLER IRRIGATION RAINCROP ACTION --, --I /A/. ,\ - . .. -. 7.. ,'V0 ....' i// :.;, r ...: r ; t -',%* q ., ...-.&."'...."" .i.<4.* .;11... %W.. 44.. - .44rp,4 pf . b ytk s1*17c .tt. .....c. 7......0,c,A0reilg .f;q"'"31.-. fr.,:%%;." '°.".0.1.4. 4..."-. \--_..- Q./." ..":".... . VA '-iiP.C.r.."1. J. .. '4'74. et,J., a r Alr, 1 r ac% q. c:qqq., c .I. ',wen ...1.z Cs or.ctoop 4,,,,. 4 .0e.t.....-03rdec..cod 0 &c.c.' .c.....7. em .. r ii..... ....;,,;\ss <\, % .. 4% 1 ...... .c.... A.). ssv, ..,:v .c., te 4. q 4 q. ,.--- TITT/IlifiIiltV of a sprinkler irrigation. system for applying W stewater to FIG. 8.2. - -Diagrammatic representati, land.. .;. TABLE 8.2.--Range of Infiltration Rates for Various Soil Textures. Infiltration Rates ' Soil. 4. .in./hr: 0.50 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.10 Coarse sand Fine sand Sandy loam Silt loam Clay loam Clay to to to to to to 1.00 0.80 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.25 Sprinkler irrigation IS used extensively for the application of was tewater. Rotary sprinklers, which range in capacity from 0.5 to1,200 gallons per minute, make possible a wide .range of application rates. The soiliegture, structureand .vegetaItive cover largely dictate the maximum water intake rase.:: AppeOximateinfiltration, rates based on soil,e given in Table 8.2. 1 It must be pointed out that the infiVtration and percolation rat4,3Ve-a func tion of time, cropping practice, quality of water, permeability of deepersolVlaYers, and antecedent moisture in.,:addition to the soil texture. It is stronglY'*". mended that infiltration and percolation tests be made at, intervals along .a Observations during line, on the specific soil (for methodology, see Appendix A). these tests will provide the initial estimate. of the application rate. Because the water from the rotating sprinkler is, projected through the air, there is concern about the drift of tiny droplets (aerosols). Hence, isolation from public roads and private property must be prescribed when sprinkling wastewater. Some testing is being carried out with sprayer type nozzles and other applicator devices at crop level in an attempt to reduce droplet drift by directing the spray downward, decreasing the opportunity for droplets to become airSorne. The type of equipment used to apply the'mastewater will vary depending on the land area involved,-.available labor, economic ana climatic factors. Solid set type systems have been used, consisting of permanent buried or quick coupling portable pipe laterals using properly spaced rotary sprinklers. Several mechanized systems also are available., The side roll lateral in which the-pipe becomes the axle to turn the. supporting wheels is suited to low-growing crops. It requires about an hour's labor every few hours to roll the lateral to .a new setting. . The central pivotusystem,.as the name implies, uses a lateral line supported Great flexibility is available both in by towers to rotate abiSut a pivot point. application rates and rotation-speeds., 'The system is powered by water hydraulics, oil hydrauLics, eleCtric motors,:air pfessure, or mechanical cable. A rotation period of one revolution in 8 hours makes three rotations in .24 hours possible.. A third type of'system is a giant or boom sprinkler. pulled through the field This traveling unit is supplied by a drag; high pressure, flexible hose. by a winch. It takes abOut an Both its speed of .travel and application rate can be adjusted. hour's time to reposition the applicator unit, drag hose,-etc., after each trip through a field. This unit is commonly used in 40-acre fields and irrigates about 10 acres with each trip through the field. However, giant sprinklers project water high into the air and result in aerosol drift for a greater distance than smaller sprinklers. Surface Irrigation Surface irrigation incfudes all systems which allow water to flow over the soil surface and continually infiltrate as it flows. The land must be rather flat with no excessive slopes for, this system to be feasible (Fig. 8.5). Generally, some land shaping is necessary to level the surface to a sloping plane for efficient irrigation. The dePth of top soil present should be considered in planning for land leveling. Surface irrig tion has not been extensively studied for use in renovation of wastewaters, but is ikely to be used in cases where aerosol, effects limit sprinkler irrigation. The vari us surface irrigation systems are described and, evaluated regarding their poten ial use for land application. In one system, a ditch or .a pipe distrib te the water to the high end of the field where it is discharged onto the surface If a ditch system is used, various' tructures'are required,to assure that'water in the supply ditch is at the proper. SURFACE IRRIGATION FLOODING RIDGE AND FIG. 8.3.-,-Diagrammatic representati methods for applying wastewater to 1 elevation. Pipe systems may be either buried pipes with risers which bring the Where waiter to thesurface or may be gated pipes placed oh the surface of the soil. surface irrigation is uiiaTidiich system is required for collecting and handling excess water which runs off the lower end of the field. This runoff could be applied to a lower field, pumped back to its original supply ditch, and applied again to the same or other fi,ds, or returned to storage. In another system, the entire surface of the soil may be inundated or small channels may be formed to carry the flow over only a part ofthersurface. The partial flooding systems are called furrow irrigation if a row crop is involved. Smaller channels similar to furrows used for a cover crop are generally spaced closer Ridge and fUrrow irrigation involves the use of large and are called corrugations. These large furrows may be / channels with, crops planted on ridges between furrows. flat, forming long narrow basins which are filled and.allowed to set while water infiltrates from thein4 Any of the partial flooding systems should be applicable to wastewater irrigation. When water contains some suspended solids,'the surface of theffurroMaY rest tend to seal after they have been wet for several houi:s, but a period which the soil surface is allowed to dry should restore the infiltration rate. Bendixen, et al. (3) r4ort 'Satisfactory operation'a a ridge,and furrow system in ' which effluent from a two-itage trickling filter was applied to a silt Joam soil. tn'some cases occasional tillage of the furrow may be necessary to fully restore th :infiltration rate. - Land Pi.ePaTAd forfurrow,irrigation also provides, good surface drainage for Furrow systems would be advantageous for runtff"from heavy precipitation: wastew er applicatiqn betause water does not contact the plant foliage and hence wasthWaTer, residues:ai=e not deposited on the plant. . , , POsnrfAte irrigatiiinWhere'Oe entire surface4SiflOOded,;ith,gaith-strUctdre,-f'or- conventional border_irrigation small leVeet the 1.16 e41Ope:. Contdur borders with dikes along the contours, or 4e the:*lqw down cntOur4,44Ch6s Whicn,,:d4ifibute the flowacross.the:slope and allow water to flow otie'diWto the neWone down the slope, aiso are'used. . p appears to be the surface irrigation systom/with the most tentiti4*r.USeqn wastewater renovation. It has been studied rather extensively Border widths usually range, from 4444(in4.des:16tcri,te4a have been developed. 0:to,:fi0,,eWands1opeS,:doWn the border are between 0.1 and 1%. Length of runs Slope across the border must be nearly zero. ranges froill',1d0t61326:feet ,P0T erJr;n4ti irhe,b0444-..4,:ri.gattow.:SysteRillcanbe.adapted to most soil types and can be v. designecl:towtntwelT-even on sanftsoils by using higher application rates. This typel3flzrigat1(30'0!0h6Taibi.;:U$Otfor grain and forage crops. Furrows may be -'formed'ip boTder.StY115-i The deCtetopient-Of*.kiphiltl w crops. of 'systems. for 'surface irrigation has been TheTe-hcot6t41-1,:iefeied;:,but several ideas show promise and have been successful in 11114t.ed.f4v1d40:'' Automation of a surface irrigation system requires system to provide for delivery of water to 'gates the proper field JocatiOnand,4 -*Icing the opening and closing of turnouts which. The devices which have been developed deliver t14*i.6r-fT6 the 6::the'field. watitrIs PI5rAitches are checks and drop gates which may to control the lOW,'O By reme5tely controlled hydrauliccylinders. ed or operated b be timer-Ciikr OVERLAND FLOW IRRIGATION, EVAPORATION SPRAYApPLICATIONTh GRASS AND VEGETATIVE LITTER SHEET FLOW SLOPE.2-6% 'RUNOFF, /COLLECTION 4., °61NA/ 106400 F? -f OVERLAND FLOW ',;' ',I- FIG. 8.4.-.7Diagrammatic representation-of 'the overland flow nkt1144,of applyirig wastewater. to land. setting time clocks prior to the beginning of an irrigation, water can'be advanc0 from poinf'to point along a ditch by removing checks at-,set time intetttals. , Overland Flow, Irrigation tOverland floi4(Table 8.1, Fig. 8,4) has.been used successfully for renovating fporprocessing wastewaters and is presently being studied for renovating municipal Viatewaters AS well [Carlson et a1. (6), Hoeppel et, a/. (17)] If feasibility can be demonstrated; overland flow might be.used to,' renovate wastewaters from communities in areas with soils'of low.permeapility. Land4ormedsm064-.slopes and a length of run'compatible with the soil texture are necess4ry toagOte,even distribution, effective detention.!times, and Containment and tecolleirof runoff,.over'-land'floW irrigation is ,aforrli'of surface irrigationknown as b0r4r check The emphagis is On "cleaning uji" the large volume of water. which fl *s'4Own the slope to be collected at the base"of'ihe.slope for otfier-Use aable 8. !',1 None of .the pointsmentiOned4teviously will allow for the complete design of a wastewate0:pplication system.. Thefinal choice and` design of a wastewater application, metho4 involves the input of a competent engineer, soil seientist, crop scien-,, tist, and ecdhomist, as.-4ell as consideration of the:regulations of local, state, and fPcler41 agencies Ernest H. Kidder is Professof,4 Agricultural Engineering, Department of, Agrict4tural Engineering, Michiga. State University, East Lansing, Mich. 48824. The assistance of Dr. T. L. Loudon inAtheo,preparation of this section is Acknowledged. The figures used in this section are reproduced, with the permission of C. E. Pound of Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. Thgv first appeared in Pound and Crites (23). PUBLIC HEALTWAND NUISANCE CONSIDERATIONS for Sludge and Wastewater Application to Agricultural Land Thomas P. Wasbotten .Plans for any proposed sludge nd/or wastewater application project should be. ,0 reViewed:With the local unit: of government where the .project is lOcated forcom.pliancei4th 1(301 ordinancei. Lotal, County, .or district health dePartmdilfs, shduld also bili:,Ontacted to obtain periinent-infOrMation on health regulations.: The state , , water pollution control .agency should be contacted and they shoUld be able to proZ*ide direction on any requirements ot,other state: agencies. Assistance can also be -H ,provided,,,by4.0e U.S. EnVironmental-Protection Agency,' the. U.S. pepartiileni ofAgri, . culture,l.c.aggierative Extension Service,, and the.. Food and Drug AdMinistration. In evaluating overall environmental impacts of any land application 'of wastewater effluent' or sludge system, -consideration must necessarily be given to potential public health hazards and off6nsive odor nuisances. Effects that must be considered include;groundwater.quality,#erosols, contact with the wastewater or sludge by the public employees operatint'the facilities, insects and rodelits, .iiolation from "fie stormwater runoff zfttalit the site, and contamination4Wthe crops. Odoi:.COntrOl Sinde.State,and:federal governmentreidlatoryiageilaOsrequire that':zufficient 'jevel,of 130'efiM4ailiireatment be providWfor.:-waSteWater*systems (usuallythe alent',Of:,idat treatment)). odor nuisal*:00fttatiOris.,,shouldfnot be, experienced lethe#tiiai;:40.1cation of waStewater viaitkew#0.'s,:i ere 'offensive odor nuisance cond4 '0,41,iS,:*:.*:.:the result of inidequAte .treatment dby excessive ponding on the d::EXperiencewith induitria; ns haVe:existed generally shows. the'' to land application.Often com site. - A more likely location for the eni.octicill 6f: .Offensive odors.. is at the source' of the. putrescable wastewater 'consti- Sludge applications to:the land pose a much more serious potentdal for,Offensive odbr nuisances if not properly managed. Odor problems tan begin-at the point of initial sludge handling and the odor potential can extend ,for a'significant period of time after the actual application of sludges .to the land. Since sludges producd from wastewater treatment facilities vary greatly in liquid or solid consistency, chemical composition including chemicals which may be added for sludge conditioning, and type and degree of preliminary treatment (very important with respect to odor generation), a case-by-case evaluation 'is usually necessary.Plans for land application' should include provisions for soilincorporation of sludge prior-to rewetting of the sludge by the next. significant rainstorm. Liquid sludge application methbds employing subsurface injection and liquid manure spreading followed by plowing and' discing have been cited in the literature. as being suc Other treatment and odor control methods, for sludge have included'heat ,, cessful. treatment followed by sludge dewatering, composting, chemical treatment with high concentrations of lime and chlorine, and pressure filtration of sludge cake. The , application of well-digested drying bed sludge to laii4 has been-successful for many years apd is still, probably the most 'economical and norMally %dor-free method for smaller facilities. . The often employed method /of applying liquid digested sludge to farmland has ngt always been an odor-free Method, but has been tolerated at isolated locations bdcause, of the lack of freCtuency, duration, and intensity of the odors generaied from the application area in small installitions. Many of these operations are faced with citizen complaints and litigation as 'the frequency of application increases due to greater volumes of sludge generated at the wastewater treatment plant and with adjacent land use ckanges (i.e., a new .residential type house in the country; the adjacent farmer stopping his livestock operation and growing crops, thus eliminating the manure handling operation, etc.). However, with proper sludge digester opera-" tion, sludge handling techniques, and land management at the application site, these odoriproblems can be kept to a minimum. .Better management procedures should be planned for new sludge application systems rather than just duplicating so-called "successful,.1. systems" in a neighboring community. Themost serious, question 'raised in land application systems for wastewaters and: Sludges from a public heal*,!apect is the potential for the...transmission' of pathogens, including both bagteriarand viruses. Transmission cari potentially occur..,:ia the groundwater,i,iyia man eoming. into physical contact with either the wastewater or Slydge, 'via the food :41,iaiii; Gr handling of t4:crop grown eon. the land; Viand via aerdSoXs. 3n. general;: eantrollinethods :haveeconSisted of multiple barrier rest-tic-, by health regulatory dgenp. es, ;including such techniques as immunize.tiaii;stif 'tiiiployees of wastewater treatment: systems, requirements for the disinfectiOn I f'10,stevater, the degree of digestion of sludges required before application-, 'and!, isoratiOn of wastewater and sludge handling facilities from the public. . Although the soil is generally agreed to be an excellent filter and,inactiva . orof bacteria, and viruses, the literature cites a number of cases Where both viruse ; and bacteria have traveled significant distanceS t' rough the soil mantle. Of compar-; able concern, from a -public health standpoint;.qs he protection' of tlleigroundwater; , aquifer from contamination by' other wastewater or. .sludge constictuentS including ' nitrate nitrogen. Many states require that the minimum U.S. Public Health Service drinking water standards not be exceeded for' any' existing wells in ti4 vicinity of the project. Qthers require no measurable ,degradation ,to water quality from exiSting . wells or from future wells as,a result of .the . project. . 4 .... Aerosols are microstopi9 droplets which could conceivably be inhaled into the throat and lungs. Aerosol, travel and pathogen-`survival are dependent on factors such as wind, temperature, humidity, vegetative screens, distance, etc. tittle is actually known about the survival of , pathogens in _aerosols, but research projects are underway to evaluate this potential hazard. Current methods employed to .reduce this potential problem include isolation distances, vegetative screening, effluent and .sludge appliCation techniques. reducing aerosola n, i.e., low pressure, large droplet= spray irrigation equipment, stopping. Of sprayi g during high winds,. and disinfection prior to .application. Parasites The ova of intestinal Tarasitic worms are excreted in the feces of infected individuals and are regularly present in raw sewage. Of particular concern have been Rita of Ascarig lumbridoides. These ova are generally resistant to adverse envirahmental conditions and are still present in both treated wastewaters _and sew-age sludges. Concern with food chain; transfer by the ,sludge-milk-human ;route has 'prompted at ,least one State Health :Department (Ohio) to resgict, sludge application to dairy pastures. This is an area requiring an 'immediate,. intensive research effort: The control:of insects.and,rodentS:bti:niancFapPlication'site application is moreCritical' . than ,for,either.other agriculturapaankoi0Orrig4tedf:agricUltural land because of the possple transmission of bacteriaand:vitilles, from the wastewater, or sludges. Wetter condltions anVincreaSedlyeggtative'cover'.alSciincrease the potential,for the number of insects., and rodents; howeiiei, .conventiQnallii2thOdof control7can normally be uti 1Ao,ContrOT thesepests. :Mosquito propagation could besevere on Wastewater ati li site unleSS the-facigty is properliyi designed:and..pana0ato eliMinate app pond rand.,allOwSfilir sufficient drying.Periodi et bweeq,-appI4ationsof,waStei.1.4t(Or . ..t, d ., ,..'.; : A; .. - Isolation f4rili the,:Public er Of constraints mayheplaCed:ohewasteWater and sludge land:. or,..federalregOatorycagencieS:that:have current authority to lsolate:the,ii,4tei.frOm:thepObliWfroM.Potential odor nuisance and health hazards. or sludge management systems.must often' be suitably fenced .4110,POStedtolinform:the general public:of'the use of.the'Site. sliesAiT.I0Calstate . isolation distan'c0f0OUldWproyided proportiOnalto the deeree:of potent4al health:riskof AOSOlsfroWmastewater irrigatiOn'sitesand-risk of bdOr npisance 4from sludge appllif6oti*SiteSMinimum distances may be imposed fl'Om residOces,: Publica4ss.shOuld Water;suppliies,' surface waters,roads,: parkS playgrounds, etc. onlyhe on a regulated.basiswiO duecOnsiaeration given, to the ad4tiOnalrhealth baiards associated with:wastewater or sludge. . . StOrmwater 'Runoff from the Si t% Along with the need to protect surface:water quality, Surface runoff frommaste-water and sludge application sites,must be managed to protect adjacent landowners. Commonly, berms:and-dikes are, used to eliminaiesUrface runoff from wastewater gation sites.`. Grass filtration wastewater' irrigation systems shoula,havecollection systems. with additional treatment and n assUre.the-resultani.disdharge :-tosurface water meets discharge requirements, $Urface runoffsfrom.:siudge application sitescan usually be. controlled hy:conVentionalHagricUltural soil erosion contrO.1 methods.' With .higrate of liquid 'sludge application,. additional:precautionS high, may he,neCessary to Control.:.surfate runOffAoreduce potential.healtirhazards and nuisance problems,' rates Contamination of -the Crops . Almost all.stateseitherprohibit or'tightly regulate tWgrowth of crops :direct: ly consumed by man where sludges.: or wastewater effluent are applied Of recentcon cerniire:t/ of heaVy metals, PCB', mortur,..And 4het.potential toxicants which may,enterthe food chain. coMmon:practices to reduce this pckentiii involve Control or elimination'of the discharge.of theSetexib cheMi-cals'.-at the industrial wastewater source A prohibition of;ppkiCation of these :INTAstewaers and sludges to the land where agricultural crops orliVesto4,Operations would cause a. potential applied'by_goVernmental regulaiOry: -agencOs.: Thomas P. WashOtien Engineer,MunicipalWasteWaterDiViSion, Michigan. DePartmeni ofi\latUral ResourceS414asOn-BUilding, Lansing, MiCh.:'48926 . , PUBLICACOPPkaILITY AND:.,LEpkycoNspERATIONS,... for S1.udgtrif494, Applidatfon on AgrictiltUral Land Renovation of. municipal wastewater and sludgeg"'on 1,and is not Particularly .a new concept, but it jias 'undergone a:iecent . revival becaUSe of water, quality and economic: concerns, Such systemi of renovation, if properly implemented, call, greatly . reduce nutrient build-uP in water Courses and place the nutrients on land where they can be used beneficially. Applying wastewter and sludge to. the land is often a more cost-effective waste treatment alternative:than conventional renovative, and disposal techniques. However, .municii3a1..kauthorities, and the public must recognize that certain problems may arise when they.66nsider-the land renovation altern tive. Among,. these problems are concerns and Procedures for acquiring the needed land Air such :a . system and the general acceptance. by,, the pubric of the land , treatment` concept Legal and 'Economic Arr ' ements Land Arrangezpents " . Land treatment of municipal wastewater and sludgeS'',is.' an alternative' that should be evaluated; after considering specific community 'COnditions and :goa1s., Once- a deci, sion is made 'to employ land treatment, a Varietyof land acquisitiow Options can be used Each will ;have different impacts .on: landholders and the goals .df -municipal authorities. The variety of the options used refl.ectS varying:caPacities. of cOmmunities to impose costs:on landowners. Fee simple: acquisition of land (outright purchase) provides better control .of It enahles the monicipality to pursue its the renovation-system' by municipalities. ownagoals within state, federal, and loCal, law., -However, the,muni4pality is gener'-' ally required, to Pay, high land costs for the fee interest property.rights and, in addition, is required to add another function ,(agricoltural production:and 'management) Landpurchase is al50115;re disruptive to farmers to its existing service activities. and local,agricultural economics: relative to Other types of:land 'acquisition . arrangements. . In the North Central Region, municipalities. will currently :have' to pay -in the. range of $650 to $1,800 per/acre for agricultural land which is suitable for' renoyation' of wastewater and sewage sludges. To purchase a fart unit and relocate the family under condemnation procedures would currently cost in the range of $18,000 to $26,000 for the farm headquarters buildings, plus approximately $8;000 in relocation This assumes the average tract of land to be a costs in addition to the land costs. 160-acre unit. . Easements or use rights (other than fee interest) on suitable land can be obtained without- acquiring full property rights if mutual gains for, the nicipality Such use rights could run the gamut of permanent easement to and farmer (s) exist. seasonal land use agreements. Use-right arrangements reduce the control of the treat. ment system by municipalities but lower the land cost and are less disruptive to the local economy. Acquiring the use of land, via us-right arrangements usually, meets with better public acCeptance than land acquired .by fee simple acqUisition. 'Further improvethents in acceptability occur if' all 'risks and unknowns of the. renovation system are mini- c. nutrientg to farmeTs ire. made available economically with no- inConL veniences, and farmers' costs are reduced as a result. of the arrangement. . °' '" mized, One example Anconvehience ana un own isDexCess water.: Excess4ater is As problem in most of .the Nortfi Central states :Thus, .application'of wastewater to lapd ' with 'skepticism. by farmers since they require nutrients as inputs to 'their production. activities but do not 'require greater 1:4ater use ; Excess" water impoSes drainage. costs in 'addition to the costs,, of irrigation Such u.tosts will haver to be barne by the municipality before they can negotiate for use rights to apply wastewater o land (7,. 16). In contrast, the water may, be a''distinct .asset which will . attract use -right arrangements in more arid states of the United States. Negotiations between municipal authorities and farmerg tca-apply municipal, sludges to.' land will? not meet .with these problems since the quantity of water applied with sludges 4.s inslknificant. Howeyer, farmers who apply sludges must be assured that their soils or. crops will not be temporarily or permanently damaged by factors such as excess heavy ,metals or solul?le. salts. Payments to _the farmers or landowners for any use-right .arrangement will cer, tainly be involved if uncertainties :with respect to the, application of wastewater and sludge to the land exist; e.g. , unknown heavy ketals, harmful salts, unknown irrigation rates, etc.. these payments by the municipaliiky to Agrmers will probably amount to approximately the existing net agricultural land rents in area since:' farmers stand to lose, at least that much money if problems. arise :For corn-soyh'ea4,, land in the. Corn Belt, such ,rents currently run in the range' of $35, to $60 per' If drainage is required:'°current tile and drain structure costs range from $200 to $550 per acre, depending on local soil and topOgraphic conditions. This figure assumes 10% of the total drainage structure is already in place. Land may also ,11.. acquired'. for use,,'from wastewater or sludge farming cooperatives, In such case, `an agreement is made, between the municipality and a group of landholdeil ,organized. into cooperative for the purpose of receiving and.; using given' amounts of wastewater or sludge generated by the Municipality: The application rate and timing of wastewater .or sludge applications to the- land is largely deter4ned by the- members of the cooperative.. Some.tudies Michigan and. Ohio suggest that even under .'this arrangement, most additio0.1 irrigation and drainage costs would "have to be borne by the municipality in the forM bf a paythent to the ccioperative. ,Negotiations often 'break down if farmers' inputs; are altered greatly because, of additiolial capital for, Modified,drainage Or irrigation.systemS. . . ;;:,InVestment cd't.s, of 'sludge appliCation' equipMen may. he spread: among farmers in Operating: costs,:maY:e:inCliidect in the cost, .of sludge Coeii4eratiVe Arran; ement delaVereditC the:brOiyidual farM unit. bata:ifor-:Sludie, analysis..:(nutrients and Other elements) would:.haVe to be 'provided. to memb:ers 0V the cooperative. before agreements . . far land .use,tand sludge 'delivery. could be;negotiatea, to ;insure. a .patentiar positive ., economic rettpi vitlt*Minimai problems: -te ,.(g .1;,. I, overnmentT,' a 12ecentl& pr, isions % (Water Pollut or Control, water a ..Signil;f7*ant-aliiiative4Li . . oies, alidoRegulation ,,legislatian under ,Public Law 92-500: 72) have made land treatment of. waste, litieS 'should corisider.',.becauSe of rena7 e laW is, a combination of .coercive?.., latiOn-and./ centi4e5ifUnd.iitgrio7aChie.Ve ,t e--objectIve of eliminating the Calls for public a'nts into: navigable.' waters by 1.91. The laW Charge of'pd ; P owned'.treatment plants to Upgracte:to:-'at-least secondary 0-eatment PrOcessesy mid 19T7. The U.S. Invironmenial- PrO4tion Agency..4,S the federal agency c1arged with the. responsibility of executing th0aW and allqifing matphinggrantifUndSlii-the _ states enabled by the law and appropriated` by the U. S. COngreAs:_ . . . agencies now encourage renovation ofWit-te ter and Grants to,state an 1A sludges on land as provided under ,utl.tection 20(d).of the 1972 AmendmentsEncOuragement of wastewater treatment' management thavresultt,in f he-construction o* revenue* , --producing systems and recycling of wastewater and sludges througkagrieulturai prodUction processes which are not harmful to the environment is now part of the:grant pro:visions of the Act (15). The grant prograth is designed to assist municipalities with 75% federal grant funds, leaving 25.%,as the .1Ocal sharedf investment. . . Acquisition .of landsites hick are an integral part of the4treatmentItYstem .(excluding land used for. sa station buildingt and.treatment_plants) is authorized 'a by othefSeCtiont of the:Am ndments and is'included in, cost sharing,. Federd funded grants.areamailable for all secondary and tertiary treatment systems providing such. systems are the' most practical ffom an Operational viewpdint and subject. demonstrations.that such systems are most cost effective as outlined by section :212(2)(c) df'the1972 Amendments (121.; . . . MunicipaLofficialt, be aware of state agencies. and regulations as well Indeed, it is the state agency with which municipal officials as federal provisions. will-work most directly to initiate and implement land treatment. systems. Generally a'specific water quality, pollution control, or intergovernmental relationt div4ion of these agencies is set up to work directly with community officials on matters pertaining to wastewater treatment. . . ' Traditionally state agencies maintain control of water resources which are not under the, navigable waters control powers belonging to. federal jurisdiction. ,Nowever, very. few states in the. North Central Region have specific statutes and.regulations pertaining to the Application of.wasteWater and sludge on land, although this Some states have informal guidelines for wastewater status is changing rapidly. general, while others approve of various systems invcompliancamith treatment thelederal regulationsas reviewed by the state agencies. 'Currently, it is the best practicable criterion (operational practicality and,most cost-effective) interpretation of subsections 201(d) and 2.12(2)(c) of Public Law 92-500 which have moved municipalities and state agencies:to consider the land treatment alternative, ti Other legal restraints with which municipalities should be familiar are regulations restricting the use of condemnatioe powers,"acquiring easements, and contracMunicipalities must have the authority or work in cooperation with tual agreements. the Appropriate governmental agency to acquire interest in land outside their jurisSuch authority or interest is usually restricted by state law. Authority dictions. may be changed if a municipality is includedin a sanitary district; i.e., extra community powers are such authorities. This is.the case in Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Public Acceptability Acceptance or rejection of the land treatment concept by a particular community and/or extra-community involved it based. primarily. on two elements of concern: -, economy and health. Economic concerns are based upon the perception by landholders to or their neighbors of outside factors which might result in positive or negative 4 economic effects when wastewater and sludges are renovated within their community. . ." 0 10.3 6 e t. 4 4 . . 3/4* fr ta ' . :c.4 . Such outside.factorS may include. loss of piloperty values, loss of coMmunitytax base, fear Of odors, and others. q ;, :: .- . . , ' . . +IC a , . Healtt concernsarebasic to evtryone Ad, can arpuse even.thoseindiduakt who are otherwise indifferent to normal dommunity;affairS It t.S easp;:for even small groups of opponents :to cause public controversy by :raising doubtA, fouhAed or un-:* founded about the operation of a lan3reatant system and iWPaCt on human ' Such doubts are often resolvidin4alkirofekisti or conventional treatl' ,;ment systemswhichare'Sometimes much more expepsive and sometimes provide.evenless protection OfThealth. Negotiations within alloimginity illstsurely Aeall.Idoi.niikift heaath. As, - current agricultural producilion systems art greatliy . llf tered-at a OW* costIndAn- ..., formation about Potential health prNlems remainivague,' , ?.% , ii. :: 1mportant Factors Infl uencinglipubl ic. Acceptabi li-ty . i .14 A number 9f factorS are of particular importance in deS7troying the cpportunity., for.faverabie publiC acceptance of a land treatment system. ... ,:; .i' sl . -IMplementing a land treatment project-without presenting' thecknown.f4ts tv ikteryone eoncAmed about the operation of the 'system (economics, health, or,:ri-sk of . nuisance's). is'inviting.failure. Pit should alSo be nosed that providing suctiinforMa-:A tiou will not insure acceptab144.ty. However', previqus social researc4atd experiences 'gin the waterresource development area suggest that perception of thOatianalg'for the plopoted project,is an important factor in determinipg the reaotion of individuals to both thevprOject and municipal officials and agenciesin/aived. .. . ' ,9 4 C ; ' ') . The magnitude of community resistance.varie4 directly wit egemagnitkidelpf economic disruption and population reloadYion. This suggeSts that land acquisition by4utright pkgchase should seek very, large tracts from a minimal :number of rural" landholdars.-THowever,this works againse'minimizing economic%clisrupflon because'stic.h, ap attion imposes serious income redistribution. VI rural. area_s between4andholders 440. . and others receiving income from rural enterpfirs. 4 JP. .' : ii (,) 6v . 41'` 7 '' Locali400 neighborhood resistance at thesite other than frourthelandpwners will vast generally exist either for ecgnomtc or health reasons. Such attitudesoilt) often generact&widespread public controversy anPmust be counteracted4ty accurate ca infarmationand community education. . I. * .6 47- Q eil4. . Renovation of a municipality',s wastewater and/or sl udge involving land in 4' anothel. political juiisdiction may'present additional problems First, voterl,ndifference in these jurisdictions may delay the decision-making process. Second, t%e lb , concerns with4conomichealth'or nuisance problems maybe magnified inthese,juri6dictions and result in outright rejection of,the idea of land treatment,. v .. If farming practices'bechanged greatly and/or profits reduded by 6 _ . , applying wastewater or sludges to land, there will, often be no basis far mutual nego--., tiations between farmers,and municipal officls.- In the Corn Belt, for example, a change from an intensive corn - soybean enterprise to a grass land-beef enterprise would \, -. mean reduced profitS under currat economic conditions and' would not be acceptance.. However, somevfarmers may. choose to cease intensive productionactivities' and find that engaging solely in the supply of use rights to. municipalities is artrogitable and 'desirable alternative. -, . . Generally large land application projects are more likely to.fai.1 because they are more difficult to.control physically or economically. _ . 10.4, 1 4 -Excess water is ,a problem-in all but the Western Nprth Ce*tral states and limits farmer.accePtabiftty of the quantities of wastewater *deemed economical and necessary,by,the municipality: These,opinion should be reconciled before plans are made. Initial Approaches to Obtain Acceptability The concerns-and restraints mentioned above4maiZe it imperative that municipalities purposely plan steps to,gain public.acceptability iii4the initial stages of development of a land treatment system. A number of important steps are discussed below. is importantto inform farmers; their r presentaltives, other governmental agencies, the tress, and, homeowners about the kno n effects of land treatment;! both behefkcial and detrimental, including legal info atiOn about land acquisition. IC IP Municipalities must work out the-details of legal restraints within which land treatment can be_operative. 4 . , . , . tUniZipalities should' bite negative ve reactions with _h p announcements that large acreages are proposed to be usedJor treatment prior.tO announcements abouthe sewagTroblem'and the4land treatment alternatives: :' Farmers . . and other. groups shOuldbe informed abod the operation of thesysteeand its land requirement givenAte sewage load of *the municipality. 6 . , 4,. .,..1 . . . If the decisionhas been made to purchase the necessary land,- do not schedule to purchase or obtain tise-riOrt:arrangements,immediately. Rather,, :a schedule of land acquisition.should be so t uP'Ovet 2 to 5 year s. A contract arrangement with * One or two farmers in the initial year could-be made (or a farm unit purchased) and the unit couid be set up as a deMonstration and monitoring-site for publid view and vo work on minimizing the uncertainities before pushing,ahead-with larger acreages . Mtnicipalitios should. consider operation ofland treatment systems-With a wide variety of land acquisition arrangements-ranging froM NrChase of tracts offered fOi sale Over.i.tlime,.:userright arrangements'*ith:a fee; use.,of land other i7e.;,.bid'by,farmers to acquire thwagricultur opposite negotiations wastewater and sludge on'their farms.. Tie systqms should be flexible with respect to wastewater and sludge.applic#tion rates and tprms of,contract, which might re., quire planning for.jnereased storage:Ai #1.;ii-eatment pdant or at some station point near ,land'sites. OperaaonAreements should alSa,beflexible in order tp4Sflmulate ;) .. new teghnology with lower costs of Operation.. , i ., 6 6 . .. . t The municipality should be certain thatnet, costs not:be transferred from the sewage generating region to thpffecipient regfon. If.lbIS occurs, a form .of compensation Will have to be paid in addition to thd Use-righOiee.. I' '!): '5, . , . ,.: ;4 t . I ... : gethfbifferentoMmanity decision-making units.mayllave to either be. brought to- k r (couity,,municipalitA-and farmers) or re-arranged so thdt repnSentatives ofApeagricilltural setor; homeowners, county and municipallofficials all have This is ajorm of inter -. partic*atiOn p the ffercisions,,involying land treatment. In such vcases each voter has some stake in .nalizing the.publicotce bance problem, the decision vind bagaini g positions can be expressed and:made. known to municipal . IRO 4,Officials, . . c.. ), : '''' . . is, 0 ,... Lard pUighase4Or tho"citY:farm" arrangement is often desitable for a municiHowever, the arrangement is pality because 41 allowsl)eTter control'of the system. often..Viewed negatively by the public andresUlts in land being taken from the,tax . ,6 .41 16'4 e 7 rolls.' Use-right arlangeents, orbetter still,. bidding by farMers to receive the nutrients are better arrangements for public.acteptability, buttesUlt in weakened municipal control and contract terms. Continual conversion.ofvUncertainties. of the system into known facts. aids dedision making, lowers costs, and increases acceptability. Acceptability. is also .enhanced if knowledge of this conversion is Widespread among various:groups 'who mist interact on public service delivery decisions, including farmers and others inter-: ,ested in the rural scene. Terry F. Glover is Assotiate Professor, Department of Economies, Utah State University, Logan, 11tah -83422. 10.6 SITE MONITORING CONSIDERATIONS Or Sludge and Wastewater Application to Agricultural land Paul A. Blakeslee Monitoring in the broad context includes observation of system performance, checking the quality of affected natural systerrth, and observing and recording environmental impacts as'quality changes occur. The.role of monitoring in land application systems shoUld be that of confirming the predictions and judgements made during %. the project development and design stage with respect to these systems. It should be employed as a tool in expanding understanding of system perfbrmance, not as a ,substitute fbr the fullest reasonable understanding of the many interrelated physical, chemical, and hydrologic factors within any project prior to implementation. , . The project designer must consider the impact of three basic factors on the natural system when developing a wastewater or sludge application proposal in order to predict project success. The factors for prime consideration are: Public health impact through disease transmission Toxic materials and their impact Nitrogen compounds andtheir:impact on ground and surface water.sources. The objectives of system monitoring can be fulfilled by devel9ping a monitoring program which considers: Applied wastewater and/or sludge characteristics Soil characteristics Groundwater and surface water quality Quality of vegetation produced. The costs of an effective monitoring program should bp incorporated into the routine and ongoing costs of operation of the unit generating the wastewater or It may be possible sludge to be treated or used in an on-land applicatioA program. to develop a full monitoring program including all sampling and testing capability within the normal operations of the generating unit where a large scale operation For smaller projects, the specialized testing methods to be employed is involved. may require the use of Cooperative Extension Service and/or commercial testing services.i Wastewater and/or Sludge Characteris tics 4,0 Tpe wasteWater or sludge tote applied at a site is like the raw material in a Manufacturilig prOcess. To be assured of an acceptable end product, i.e., crop,.epthe raw material must be of consistent,. riched soil,, or other benefit to the The recommened analyses hava2been covered in Secknown, and. acceptable quality. -ions 3 and 6. , Soil Characteristics Th6tharaCteristics ofthe soil system employed fOr'treatment.should have?been. fully:estAblished during project'design and the monitoring program developed should identifY changes in.sthse characteristics to avoid permanent or irreversible soil system damage. Samples of the untreated soil should be. bilected and retained fOr future testing. ThecOncentration of applied trace elements in` the soil an&Where, pbssible the available chemical form of such materials should b'e routinelydeteimihed. The frequency ofsUch determinations mayvary from project to- project;. -with the monitoring frequency'being adjusted to the rate of change obserVed.and prOjeft,:scope.: In cases where domestic wastewater or sludge with little industrial waste pres6nt is applied, annual sampling may be, sufficient. COmmon grOupings of elements which should be considered fOr soil monitoring :On be determined from the composition of the waste.material. These may include: Cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc. 'Mercury, arsenic, chromium, and boron. If other potentially harmful metals or organics are present in the wastewater or sludge; the testing program.shouldhe expanded to inciUde them. Groundwater Monitoring Monitoring wells must be designed and located to meet the specific geologic and hydrblogic condit'iois at each site Consideration must be given to the following: Geological soil and rock formations existing at the specifiC site Depth to an impervious layer Direction of'flow of groundwater and Anticipated rate of movement.Depth of seasonal high water table, .and an indication'of seasonal variatidris in groundwater depth and direttion of movement Nature, extent, and consequenceS Of..mOunding of grOundwaOr'Whidh.tan be anticipated to occur aboVe the natUrallYbccurtirigwater table Location of nearby streams arid Swamps-. Rotable and nonpotablewater supply well's 'Other data as appropriate. , 1:AT to'establish site. groundWater toWitions:.t OUgh:idst41*be. lation of a seties.,,Of,5imple observation_wells priO.iftothe actu election of'. : ,..;;:°_ locations and depths for permanent monitoring, wells Groundwate uaatYShOUld.ble monitored immediately' below thewater table.sUrface,near the site :',A5'..dist4hde-: from the site-increases,, the depth of sample withdrawalfrOm.Wittilh%tA grairidwalje.r .$0.0qui systeM may need to be increased or sampling at multiple depths. It. ma ;' . ., :,,,; assure interception of affected groundWateronitoring well stOkjqp te as to detect any influence of wa5tewaterapPlication on the'..groptwOr re OLurpe4'.' 2 Water level measurements should be accurate to, 0.01 feet (1/8 inch) and refer- enced -to a permanent referen4e pOinf, preferably U.S. Geological, Survey.. dafum. Measurements should be made under static water level conditions prior to any pumping fOr sample collection.. Al]. monitoring wells :should be securely capped and locked when not in use to avoid contamination. }To e4ab_lish a suitable. data base for reference to :background conditions, a .. minim*of,.three montE1Y---Satiples,--should: be collected from each monitoring well prior s:tO. piacIn'g the on land application, system in operation. In cases where background -,;Water.. quality adjaCpnt, tO the- site may be influenced by prior. waste applications, Of'nonitOrineivells or 4analysis of water quality from eXisting wells in the same aquifer bekOnd the area Of influence; will be necessary. SaMpleSt.s14iiiilf'041111oi1OClitedii:Monthli, during ,f . After the aCcumul,4t3ion,;:of,4, miniflium..of the first 2 YearS Of.: operation.. yearS of groundWater, ifioni:toring', information, modiftication of the", freqtteistcy:Of sampling maybe considered. The follOwing sampling procedures ,should pe44mplOyed; .." ; .tlianthreeltiine$ the ',amount the well 'and/Or grairel pack '.shOuid be exhausted from 'the' :.A meastned amount of ..wa*ei - of water a. . the aae_sof'irery -low :TtkermealiiNity -,before 'taking a SART, fOr ig}n41 ygi s soldr., the Well 'may haVe. to be exhausted and latlowed to :refill. _before a ' , Sample" is cbIlected.:;. . . Pumping equipment should, be thoroughly rinsed before use in ' ' Y w.e 11 . , ; . .. . ! pumped fr qr each monitoring. Well ,'should be discharged to the grounder u face 'awaS, from the went to avoid -recycling. of flow in- ght-Ppe it b i1 ity -..,Water st be ctilleCted .stor o.avOid co9,taminat.On tion , ' transpOrt s intWerence Sri .t!* iCbr y in a -s1.11).s0cp.eht,..0a., ) e !. :, ample Analy'Si es collected for ackgroUnd watei!..'qualityatWaStewater,:appliCation e analyzed for t ollowine.:'(Nete!%.Parmaeters1.,for4rOundwater..r. indusarial ,.waste' 'sit'es 'ate .sludge applicati = y, and-should: be determined 'Wastes, ,applied,` analyseS may th$ composi . oride Specific conduct ,..!.1a.....,-;,;; . ,t An 'I' iir.idUalbasig* TABL'Iii.V-IPi'Obableo Available Form, the Average Composition Range for Selecte ,ci4t6c1Pic CroPd Suggested Tolerance Levels of Heavy Metals in Agrono A -Wien Used for Monitoring Purposes. Common Average Probable Available Form Suggested Tolerance, Cpinposition Range*' Level -ppm PPm Cations Bat+ Cd++ Co++ Cu++ Fe++ Mn++ Hg++ 200 10-100 0.05-0.20 0.01-0.30 3-40 20-300 16-150 0.001-0.01 0.2-1.0 0.1-1.0 0.1-5.0 10-30 15-150 Li+ Ni++ Pb++ Sr++ Zn++ . 3 5 150 750 300 0.04 5 3 10 50 300 Anions As0; HBOi Cr04- urine dine olybdenum Selenium 'Vdnadium F- 0.01-1.0 7-75 ( 0.1-Q.5 1-5 ,. I- 01-0.5 Mo04 Se04 VOi 0.2-1:0 0.05-2.0 , , 2 150 2 10 , 0.1-1.04 1 3 3 .. 2 Averagerya1yes for corn, soybeans, alfalfa, red clover, 14fieat, oats, .;.barley, and .grasses'irown under normal soil conditions. 'Greenhouse, both soil and solutiOn, values are omitted. Values, are for corn)..eaves at or opposite and below ear' leaf at tassel stage; 'Soybeans., the youngest mature leaves and petioles on the plant after first pod formation; legumes, upper stem cuttings in earl,r flower stage; cereals, the wholC,plants at :boot stage; and, grasses, whole plants at early hay cutting stage. 4, TOtalphoSphorus Methylene blue active substances ChemiCal.pxygen demand' .AniAiiavy,mefali:or toxic: substances fpund:In'the gioplied wastes. er adequate background water quality information has been obtained, a minimum of one sample per year, obtained at the end of the irrigation season in the'case of seasolal operations, should be collected from each well and analyzed for the above constituents. other water samples should be analyzed for chlorides and specific conductance as indicators of changes in groundwater quality resulting from the waste, applied. If significant changes, are noted in chloride and/or specific conductance levels, samples should immediately be analyzed for-the other parameters listed above to determine the extent of water quality deviation from background levels. Vegetation Monitoring The vegetation produced on a wastewater or sludge application site may be the most sensitive, and meaningful monitor of the impact of materials applied to the site Uniform analytical procedures should he'used. Similarly, uniform selection of the portion of the plant to be analyzed should be used so that the information obtained from a given site is readily comparable with other systems. (See footnote to Table 11.1.) The values in Table 11.1 have been'suggested (18) as common average,composition and suggested tolerance levels for monitoring purposes. The tolerance levels suggested in Table 11.1 for agronomic crops are generalized concentrations averagedover,many crops. They are one-half less than the values which are:"i toxic to animals, plant levels at which appreciable transfer of the element from the vegetative-portion of the plant to the grain occurs, and/or the level known to be toxic to.the plant itself. Therefore, the tolerance levels allow for some elementalincreases in the vegetative. portion of plants: without significant increases in seed grain or immediate .food chain hazards. Levels are intended only for grain crops-or hay for,animals.' Vegetable crops are excludeal The tolerance levels do not apply to crop's where the vegetative portion of the pihnt may be consumed by humans. Sampling and Analysis Methods To permit effective comparison of monitoring data obtained over a period of time ara wastewater or, sludge application site, or to permit the.comparison of data from one-site with,another, it is essential to use uniform sampling and analysis techniques wherever possible. A bulletin entitled Sampling and Analysis of Soils, Plants, Wastewater and Sludges: Suggested Standardization and Methodology, NC-118, North Central Regional Publication No 230 (20), has been developed for this purpose. 11% Paul A. Blakeslee is Regional Sanitary Engineer, Municipal Wastewater Division Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Mason BuilAang, Lansing, Mich. 4926. - 1971. American Public Health AisOciation. of Waste and Wasteurater. -13th pd. Anonymous. 1970 Standard. Methods for the ExaMina.Von .:,1v Terms. Glossary of Soil Science Society' of America-, Madi.sbn, Wis. W., R. P. Hill, W. A. Schwartz, and G. G. Robeckr. 1968. Ri'clge'an'd Bendixen, J.'.San, Eng. Div.,' Furrow Liquid Waste Disposal in a Northern Latitude. Proc. ASCE, 94 (SA1): 147-157. Methods of Soil Analygis. Part 2. Chemical and Blabk, C, A. (ed.) 1965. Agronomy No. Y. Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, Ills: biological Properties. In Land TreatMent of Liquid Waste: The Hydrologic System. 1973. Proceedings of Joint Conf. on Recycling Municipal Sludges and Effluents on Land, July 1973, Champaign, Bouwer, H. E. G.. Hunt, and T. B. Delaney, Jr. 1974., Wastewater Treatment U.. S. Army Engineers Waterways Exp. on Soils of Low Permeability. Vicksburg, Miss. Carlson, C. A. ,, An Economic and Institutional Analysis, of Land Treat: E. 1975. ment-as a Wastewater Management. Alternative for Southeastern Michigan. Ph.D. DiSsertation, MiCh.State Univ. Christensen', L. Watev Quality Criteria 1972. ommittee on Water, Quality Criteria: 1972. Repbrt of a joint -committee of the National' Academy of Sciences and the U.S. GPO Stock -No-.-550100520. National Academjf of Engineering. . Decker, W. L. 196'" Temperatures Critical to Agriculture.. Univ. of Missotri Agri. Exp.. Sta.', N. C. ,Regional Research Publication Ncr. 174. I. .1.1.1 F. Schneider, E. P.' 10. Ellis, B. G., A. E. Ei:ickson, -B. D. Knezek, R. J. Kunie, Land Treatment of. Wastewater in. SoUthj Whiteside, amid A. R. Wolcott. 1973: Report to%I.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Contract Nos. eastern Michigan. DACW35-73-C--0163 to 0170. 1974. Methods .for Chemical Analysis of Water 11. Environmental Protection .Agency: National Environmental Research Center? Cincinnati, Ohio. and Wastes. Vol. 12. Federal Register. ° 38, No 174; Monday, Sept . 10, 1973: 13. Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. 92-500, 92nd Congress, ,5.2770. 14. Foth, H. D. and. L. M. Turk... 1972. Oct. 1,972. Fundamentals of Soil Science. Public Law .john Wiley. and Sons, ,.Inc. 15.:-.Glover, T. F. 40. - Treatment. No.-214. Reflections on the EPA Interp. retation-of Best Practicable Dept. of Agri. Econ. and Rural Soc.-,- The Ohio State Univ.,. t SO 1974-. Glover, T. 'F.' 197 of EcOn: Uta 1 HOeppel, R. E., P . ; d Treatment of Wastewater. and Sludges. Mimeo., Dept. Univ. nt, and T. on Soil's of Low !ermeabil ity . Delaney Jr. 1974.. Wastewater Treatment Army En gineers WaterwaYs Exp Sta., . U. S . Vicksburg, Miss, 18. Melsted, S. W. 1973. Soil Plant Relationships (Some Practical Considerations in Waste Management). In Proceetlings of Joint Conf. on Recycling Municipal Sliidges and Effluents oh Land, July. L973, Champaign, NC-12--NC-98. periment 1073. Guidelines for:Planning. and Conducting Water Regional. Puilicati.on.. 20. NC-If8c.,1975% SI%) ling and Analysis of Soils, Plants, Waste Waters and Sludges: N. C. Regional Publicatii.on 730. SugOsted St4ndardization and Methodology. , '21. NC-124. .1975. _'Guidelines for Manure Use and Disposal in the Western Region, USA. Washington' State Univ., College of Agr., Res. Center Bull. 814. 1973,. 22. Page, A. L. Fate and Effects of Trace Elements in Sewage Sludge-when. ;Applied to Agricultural Land. Environmental Protection 'Agency. Pound, C. D. ,and R.' W. Crites. 19737* Wast er incl. Re-use by Land Application.; Report by and Eddy, Inc. to U.S.E.P.A., Vols. I 'and'. II. ,EPA-66/2-73-006a andltb. U.S. GPO. licalf 24: Proceedings of the Joiht Conference on .Recycling Municipal Sludges and Effluents on. Land. 1973. Sponsored by U.S..E.R.A., and the. Nat. Assoc. of. State Universities and Land Grant Colleges. Library of 'Congress Cat.,, No. '73-88570. Soil Survey. Staff : book No. 18. 26, sOpper;',W. E. .:1973.::.Crop Selection, and Management. AlternativeS,.t.- :Perennials. , Tn PrOceedings'.of Joint. COnf, on Recycling MPni-PipalSludges and on Landi-July .1973YChampaign,,,I,11. Sullivan, R. H. M. M. Cohn, and. S. S. Baxter. -143. Survey of FaCilities Using Land Application of Wastewater. Report of the American 'Public Works , - Asociation to U.S.E.P.A., EPA-430/9-73-006. 28, ThomaS, R. E. and C. C. Hai4en, Jr.. 1972. Experiences with Land Spi-eading of. Municipal Effluents. First Annual IFAS Workshop on Land Renovation of Wastewater, Tampa, Fla. (June 1972). , U.S. Environmental PrOtection, Agency.: Water Quality. Strategy Paper. Third ed. planning:Assistanceand Policy. Branch, East-ROom:.215,,,.401: WS WashingtOn,:D,c. .20460, .WH '30. White, M. Y .%,1-famdy. and T, Disposal of Organic WasteS , 1974 SyStems arid Eqpipment for Ohio 14p.:,jRes.-und :Dev.Center, WOO ShOtt,. SOp Acre inches/year -7.TheamOunt (inches)of Water, ,or effluent Spread on 3. acre o land in l.. Sludge.floc producedjnrawi or Settred.wastewater:py the growth. bf:zOogleal,bacieria and other organisms in the iireSenCeof,dissolved'oxygen ,and:aCcumUlated:in sufficient concentration. by returning ;floc previously forMed. Product is waste7activated.sludge Activated. sludges = , ions ..or.-.compoUndsto theSurface:o Adsorbed..- adsorption: The: attraction Soil colloids adsorb largeamounts of ionS and. water.' Solid. Aeration_ The ptocess by whiCh air in the soil replaced by air from'the atmos- phere. molecular oxygen aSaTart ofAhe environment. Aerobic HOnly in the'presendefof mOletular:,oxygen digestiOxv AerosoTh Agronomic Alkalinity Digestion Of:organic waste'sOlidS by means Microscopic.drlets dispersed in'the atmgiphere. -trcips'haVing economic iMportance in agriculture. . A soil:or material with .0..of.8.5!:Di higher, or with a high exchangemcire-Ofthe'exchange.eapacity). ablesodium.content Anaerobic -- The absence of molecular oxygen. of air or free oxygen Living or functioning in the absence Anaerobic digested sludge -- The.stabilization of organic waste'solids brought about through the.!action of microorganisms in the absence of elemental oxygen. and dies within 1. Annual &Epp -- A;Frop which completes Its entire life -or, fess:d.e7., dc#0, beans. Aquifer Stratum below the surface capabA:pf holding water. readily available for plant use Basin -2 An efficient system of4rrigating in which . is: divided into basins which. are .filled with 'waticiF.P *st practlicablereatment 'sewage treatment as the,Most operationaT .:,Area1 ppm in the plant) for.the growth of plants; i.p., nitrogen, phosphorv, potassiuth. : , . . : Matrices -- That Arch tIllifei)4in or formtolirthing, or serves to enclose it. metg2 taxicitis 7- Tok,i-cities arising from too hi:J, ; levels of metals in the soil. f, ., . Od Per, etc. at-such.leyels that These could be due tol'eadmiipm, nickel,', .zinc, they cause stunted or, ,reduced reduced' and micronutrient4mbalances wiittin,the 41. plant. 1 ... Methylene blue active substances -- A measuig of the amount of anionic surfactants (detergents) present in water,. 10! ' MGD -- Millions of 'gallons per day.. k&ronutrient A chemical element necessary in on1;'extremely shall amounts f< 1 ppm in tile plant) for growth of'plants; B, Cl, Fe, Mn, Mo; Zn, Cu.. Microorganism.-- An organisM so small it, cannot be seen clearly without the Use of a mVoscope. Mineraliz4 Theconversion o'E an element in organit_.combination to its inorganic forth A a result of microbial decomposition. tl qtionoigui ture--,Cultivation of la single crop, such as wheat or cotton,to the exclu- sion of other possible uses of the land. : Mulch -.7. Soil, ttPaw, peat,.or any other loose material placed on ite ground to' *serve soil moiSture; or:prevent undesirable plant -growth or soil erosion. NC-98. ti of North Central, Regional COmmittee of the State Agricultufal Experiment Stas and Cooperative State Research Service titled "Environmental AcCumulation tritnts as Affected-by-Soil and Crop, Manaiement.t tov% `'NC -118 :-1North Central Regional. Committee of the'State Agricultural Experiment Stations and Cooperative State Rpsearch Service titled "Utili'zation'and Disposal of Municipal, Industrial and Agricultural Processing Wastes on Land." o. ; POndihg *The accumulation of free water on thesoilsurface. 13.5 Potable Watell ,suitable foe drinking. 4 .Precipitated 7" To. separate out. in solid form from a. solution.r Precipitation surpluses Excessive rainfall. Primary sludge :(raw sludge) -- Sludge'obtained from a primary settling tank, which is the first settling.tank for removal'of settleable soiltl'irough whiCh wastewater is messed in a treatment work. n:Ithabsence o Putrescible wastewater constituents'-- Microbialy decomposed oxygen. 4 Renovation - renovated:water -- Water which has undergone treatmenOlitough.chem ical or biological, means whereby, impurities,bayebeen removed,,thus making I more desirable for ayarticular Use. ;t ,:r A statement of probability with reference to t heproh 11 Risk statement occurrate; impact, and duration of an 6ent.. Row crop.-- A crop such as corn, beans, sugar beets, cotton, etc., usually gra or cultivated'in rows. Runoff -7 That portion oftotal precipitation finding its way into drainage chanIt consists of ever varying proportions of both surface runoff,and nelst. groundwater: runoff: Sand J' 1 ' i. ! J J i. -1 Soil particles between 22and 0.005 mm in diameter.' Secondary treatment -- The treatment of biological methods after,primaryitreatment by sedimentation. Sedimentation -- Deposit of sediment by natural or mechanical means. Seeps -- A spot.Where water oozes out slowly from'the soil and gathers in a pool or prodqces merely a wet place, usually on a hillside as a hill base. .-. . . . . . Selective breeding -- The breeding of selective plants or animals chosen .because of certain desirable qualities o4. fitness,. as contrasted to random or chance breeding. . . . .The climate, characteristic of theregions intermegiativbetween the, is true deserts and.subhumid areas,under which precipitati'On such that.a vegetation of scattered short grasses,°bUnchgVaor:shrubs prevails. . Shallow discing -- The 'process by which-debris as chopped int the soil by use of a diSk, normally feSs thal1.5 ieCes and put under ' Shrink-swell potential - -'The potential 'of a soil material to result of:wetting or drying. ange volume as a 3 Laterals used'in irrigating low-growtng row crops and forages. Side.rO11 laterals TheyHaremOunted on wheels 1;.,th the pipeline as the Ale.. A. length of flexible.. hosris ilsedto make the connection to the main line. I. 13:6 4 5 Silt - q. Soil P'articles between 0.,O5 and 0.002 mm in diameter. .2. Soil compaction -- The process by which soil grains are rearranged to decrease,void .spaceand bring them into closer contact with each other, thereby increasing the-weight or bulk material per cubic foot. . di/ hprizon -- A layer .of 'soil approximately parallel to the land surface and differing from adjacent genetically related layers. .,' Soil profile -- A vertical section of the soil from the surface through all its horizons, incleing C horizons. Soil structure -- The combination or arrangemSnt of primary Soil particles into secondary particles, Units, or peds. Sod former -- Any Crop or vegetative cover, which quickly-forms a heavy, close-knit, top growth over the surface of the soil and a root system which binds the soil particles together, thus forming a sod, vIch as white clover or bluegrass. Specific conductance -- A measure of the capacity apacity of water to convey an electrical current. This property is related tp the total concentration of ionized substances in .a water and changes in the, specific conductance at a given monitoring well location give an indication of a change in groundwater quality. Sprinkler irrigation (spray irrigation) -- Irrigation by means of above-ground ap.ialicators; which PrOjecv\water outward through the-air, making it reach the'' in droplet form. , Static water level -- Equilibrium water level reached in an observation or monitovr ing well after an extended period. Strata Layeri or beds of rock. Structural. carbon -- Structural forms ofmost organic molecules are made up of carbon skeleton with other elements bonded to it. a,.$ Submarginal land -- Land incapable of sustaining a certain use or ownership status economically. .Substratum -7 The C horizon of a soil. . . 4): . ..Surface irrigation -- Irrigation distribution of water over the soil surface by flooding'or in furrows for storage in the soil for plant use. Suspended solids -- Solid particles whiCh do not precipitate out of not easily filter out:. They may be colloidal in nature. .Texture (soil texture) -- The relative proportion in a soil of'the various size groUps of individual soil grains (sand, silt, and clay). . Tight subsoil -- A subsoil which is very compact and permits only very slow movemerjt of water. Tillage operations -- Working,the soil to bring about more favorable conditions for plant growth. Tolerance level.-- The highest level an organism-can resist or endure before becoming affected. Toxic ,trace organics -- See industrial organics: . Tiickling filter. -- A bed of crushed ston', gravel, or cinders'ofrelativelylarge size and usually about.S feet or more thick. applied at the surface Aerobic' and the solids precipitate out during their descent through the bed. . ',. It bacteria decompose tile soli& Rs' 4 _ N ainty,-- Usually refers to an eventrabout which nothing is known with'respect to impact, duration,:; and probability of occurrence. II That drainage consisting of drain tiles placed in trenches deep Underdrainage etoughoto all& the covering soil to be cultivated and the,p3file adequately drained. 1 . , - gs .''' lit The uptake of uptake -- the process Oy which plants take elements from the Soil. dryweight by certain element, by a plant is calculated,by multiplying the ,,,.. 1, ,. ir he concentratici of the element'. 0 ° t, , .9.G.S. datum -- Elevetion relative to mean sea leVel established by the United ,States Geological Survey. United States Geodetic Survey. ftcqum flitation -- Separation of substances by use of a filtering system with the sid,of a vacuum. e 0* Vol 0 1 ' ' lization - vaporization -- The conversion of a liquid or solid into vapors. A W11124 -- Western Regional Committee of the State Agricultural Experiment Stati9n4 and-Cooperative State Research Service titled "Soil as a Waste-Treatment 0 System." water table -- The upper surface of groundwater or that level below.which the soil is saturated with water; locUs of points in soil water at which the hydraulic 'k: pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure. zt Wastewater loadings -- The amount of wastewater applied per acre-per unit of time. Watershed -- The total.runoff from a region which supplies the water 2f a river or lake; a catchment area or drainage basin. Yield goals -- The highest anticipated or expected yield a field shoUld produce. p. 13.8 wi ;A O'l Appendix .A Doubt ter :Method for Measu g Infi 1 ti N. 1965 .Rate of Water inta e..: in the Field: ...In Methods of Pratt li'IMOnagr,,aptil. No . 9, eri can' SpCiety of AgrOnOmy,. Madi- ., . 1'-: Meta/ cylinders,; test, :using ' smoo three I 0 .. . . 1 0'. inches and: prtefe,r0f.y.' 12 !to..',1,4;.; inches-. ...:Make,.:. inside diaMe that t4e,r,cy oheS 4fiaif.preferably.' .gtOre,iMaki4 the diameters:. ; riside eaeh,other9;f,,deSired; :,".,,tutst.,:Weldlthe. inclind,,I :sea CYlinders u. o, r. t, make t 0.,.. t?"..a- reliOna.bly smo. Oth fipis",h.,., ..:1:f: a' S..iit.:. 0.f....::... .400.8f :an.eartilieh,;...d,4m liproVide a buffer :,ico,mu' 1, 'mafine,,,clescrlibeti. above ; ..1311t: iii.e 10 }gauge .,;..... .14.. '4.hits ;.':''...4ie:. a aaiiieteaia.t least..48.'sinChe.,#:-. . e; crli y, metal ", .gst.,:a , " ,ssteel :.or galvani zed'e of. thickness, not to 1444' gai.'w):.01.0 s.s.l. a sharpened Cut tirig.; edge.l i.,; -:Pro7. ,mceed).'.9...08,. inc id4d.. Make the *the' .lpeas#itig,,ey s. Sr . I i:4 e. 1nders for Use ii .a ;Single' o preferably ',fiVe. oyi - :, .. .. ...,.,:We0:1,:a.;.1'.ein"pf" rc,ing girip.'-aTound thO,. top . ...s.,.':.., :. -..: 1'4, ;.:..,.. ',.. it. .. .',Plate:: :. 41sio..'a4picice241t.',Steil.1.4,2 e4at14a4t. 1:/2,,,,. inch. .,t,h4.-cc and !porn 2 ,..' 1 ches.. larger than:.,0e,--,Sthuill6tiV,If:::;,tkg)l.argep.t Inttasuring ,cylindor.::.::::Weld ..:2' iiiiiii;?ta ..IttLe... lOwqr':.face,,i6';-;,046,:tA ....,'ilite app;oxini6te-1:19* centered. on :the."..dyiin- . - 4,,..... ; :. . . Y . . .,....derIV..-. 1 t' 'de s i roa....., for". grciate.4..eake. in carrying' the;:lxf ate , weld.: 'a handle of Steel 'rod I/ 2-. ifiai in. diatieter ,'td one edge:4 '' . Driving h .a . :0;:%,41'. me "Win' =' , ' 4. '.:.kt 0-lb . 'sledie,hammer, usedi,With', a tamping blow .rather than soils ,Hake a heavier and bettor ham steel Ock*Weighing about -30 lb.. (this , g;-:,blow ;Its! ade4uate foir' - man a .haridle 'to ,one:` &tie of a w lett is proVided,;iii. :a hf481c;;liAvft, dime oiii'about 8 by 2 inches) . A-Iter:t ed.;`,Inalleabfe iron reduter";to a ..:na$1Vely,: attach aqV1/4 iffitti. by 63 in ti, 4,':'4f.00t length of stajNard 1.=1/4:. itich"tal,'Van od ':piPe , and ;fill the reducer. and , ,. WPipe with 15.0 20 lb Of l'oad.'. ... . .,. .4 . r,vater 4,tipiply:; Use 50-gdalon .st*.,.1. milk cans,- or Other suit- ;;Irupg,:,10rga . able," dintainers: for transporting iir6;tez: tO...the.sit'e 2f the measurements . Use. Icets of 410 ti1.4.12.-4,06.t.t capaCity:. to cony;ey. water to the Cylinder. ''..,',iiiine.orOore ,, EsIploy.,:water sui; e 'Pudd.iipg protect on de0i or .loOsely ;;fitting soil, surfat0, . IJ b a piece -of folded burlap,: cloth, heavy. paper, , '..'irisider the central cylinOryto. protect the wilt40t. -WAttdikelis £ ied.; timepiece Which can be eiicl,:to Timing de less . llook gauge: . Grin:4 a.416 and bend this enciehrolig lel with the long axis o,the..r4. f welding rod to a fine point at one end, which, the pointed end is paralSolder a flavapiece of brass .about 3/4 by form` a hook. in 14.1, . Y". . to the .welding r/4, by 1/14 inch 4 the long. dimension f ..the bra site' the hook,'plae t;.'0A 4 ;'.'42,...,?., aboUt 3:1,inclieS:fipal. the prid oppo , I piece j!.6rperilituldr to . , . Use this ,\asSembly,.j,n.conneOt'j,On '.10.til .'a `triangii- the axiS,, of'.:...the ..We.kil mg, rod.' 'far enkinekr!s scale .tO %measure the distance ,of.ther::J10,0r-,$)..irfa.,Ce ,,in ithe cyl - ^ inder elow a reference point Alternatively; .:11,s6'..7f4,1.;flarieniet*ii,dee'fribed belon'$ 'qr...the Constant-head ..device in ''9:: ,,' .; .,.S,:';rL ,..: ,' 1 : '1 ..MandMeter: '',;AS an ailternatiVe to the hook gauge fOr.,meig'ui::ii:ig4,.' level of ,water?inside..,:thes:,c6tral cylinder, Prepare O. in4nOnieter:44.0ter lowing manner. gradUated\piPeite..of perhaps 30 cm:::length and *Oral lilliMeters inpipce of '2 by 12-1ndhbOard iii the, Shape of a 'right triangle with one ang e o out 300 and, awl with the of a , length slightly 'greater tharq at 'Of ihe graduated - pipette,...,,..Fasten the pipette to the,edge of the ttiangle,:sY 0:10,0Ps the hypot:''''''' eritise, ' andk.'fasten the side which fth .,s .the other 1.0c4,4',Iiiip,s0 angle to a tri Irlt, .Sectii0, a . it! e ' , .,d. outside the infiltrom, er. ;4efore eachi,,USttar ulAy level the platform. ,Befon:g 'Adding water to st t theo4ntiltratiOn'k ttdch one end of a 1$p ie e. Q, of, fleAli'le tubing to-,t tom .o1 the ,pipett :..bnct4 eild the other end tr , 1 liti . 461.. over r the . .e. ,innef cylinder . cyliriders eck the`11Otiton! .' . Imme di " ithendpead the posit ion of , teA merii us on'. t",pipette sdale, and.nOltipti::- the valliesi;>by the appropriate actor t ob 'ain 're4,tfigs of..:.Vertical .11i6V;ementA of ti$ ,water surface in inches . .or-...c en t iiiiet% s as de sl ted,,.. eThe o on versaOrto. ffil4`1Fit.iw remain; the same as ,; 1 ong ., c as e lat..okit.,..#31 ar.ciiitiel3r leyeleoli.. 4,,...'..... ',.., ',... ,..1.. ,.....ika^. : ..... "I ,,. !, ` , '''" . . . tw RipdIttae ,to causb' pater to fi 1 1: t he flfscib ie. tube A . . ,top Off` at ly foillotVing,dditio of: water to4)the inliieri..cyri 61.4,;S10,Ak On the top of the . 4 .s. t. .. I' angular ,piece of 1/4 -inch steel- plateN.which is set on itiiie'e...!ieveling Pins and . .. . k t. = , , . eide..d3,atneter; and 'cut off the ?.Wer, restricted ? end :..con, pri,.; u , P ; N' ''. ks y.. , '' co stant-he "cl deviceOt 1±1,4 toAtant,head is4106 maintained in the cylinder, c n40.t 'the. inailV!Iwater:.44spy; tank toi;a.. ,,..floa .1/5 ;aitached to the side of the/ P 9.. 1: .-: : . ; 0 mea4u r r sip, ng441inder '.: (or 1-6,,e. veake if tlie).-fUrrow il. h'4 in method is used) . Use tube 0 sufficient Siie (usualky..,412iricrhhliameter) to make. the connec. it...ed ... $ ...; . . ',..- Sele . a nerd ,atea that is tepretentative fo:the purpose, of the measurement. ..Examiop 46.ilciessribe., the' stiit,*1 profil;t,cOriditijons If 'rexture, structure, water contentTand adsbriled sodilim, with :partitul4r reference to to the first foot. Secute samfiles4lor meas rneth#'.adsorbed sodith 4riteiii: *ere sodium may be a problem) and . the,,,,at Record the kind o 101::' op and, the stage of growth,. and describe ter- o'i.. liftil'ch. and.,sthe con ition .of . the soil sUrface p.i.orptti -.- freshly culti- vated,%cio dy,',cru*ted;,tra.Cke...dretc. M,akefote of any other 'Condition observed :.whichx-miglit4have al? influence on rate-of wa et .intake: Ta. yit sites for the the :obj'e..ottive V current meas ments on, three or :more sites, select the' exact... asUreinents .withinf, a mite@ aret normally 1/2 acre.'or less.: UnleSS to make m ements of-. special conditions, avoid areas which may ov,? for be affectO b unusual?! Sur ce disturboCe; animal burrows, stones which might dam`age: the cylinder, -anima. Apyaf ic, or inachine traffic. Set a cYlnaervi lace and presi' it firmly into the soil. For cylinders less 4se:the. driving plate on the cylin,de!, stand on the plate, and drive the aylind into: the ion by tamping the plate with the driving thafi .24 incheS in diameter, Drive- the.!cylindeli in 'vertically, using a carpenter's level as needed. Do not drive: the cylinder.; into.the soil irregularly sp that-first one side and then the hamper. other goes down. .-.. (0 ThiS procedure produces a poor pliond betWeen the cylinder wall and 14.2 GJ . , If the cylinder should enter the soil at an angle, remove it and reset Win another joCatiOth- Drive the' the soil, ,and it disturbs the. soil core within th'e'cylinder. ';'OrAinder'into the. soil to a depth of approximately:4 inches. c. Arbund theHmeasUring Cylinder,, place a buffer -cylinder having a diabeter at Drive this cylinder'int6.the soil to a: depth of 2 to 4 least 8, inches greater. , inCheS by tamping it around the:circumfeence with the dTiving-hammer; Strictly As JNiertiCal movement of this cylinder into th.soil is not particularlyimportant. an.alternative to the buffer Cylinder; construct a buffer Pond ,by thrOwinaUp-a loW' 0'..tO 6 inches) dike around the cylinder, avoiding disturbance Of-the soil inside the dike, and keeping theinside-t6eOf the dike. at least 6 inches from the cylOder. . ;Place burlap or other puddling protection deviCe On. the' soil within thecentral Then fill the buffer pond on the outside with water to-a depth OfAbouti, cylinder. 2 inches, and maintain approximately the same depth throughout the period of obser-, (The depth of water in the buffer pond is not critical as long as a::suPply, vation. of water is always available for infiltration into the Soil.) :Immediately after .adding water to the buffer pond,fill'the centkaYcylinder with water to the desired depth (usually 1.tc0 inches), remove the puddling protection device, and.make a measurement of the water surface. elevation by a hook gauge' (or manometer if desired). Use the cylinder edge for the reference level, and mark the cylinder so that all sub -. sequent measurements can bemade at..the same oint on the cylinder. Alternatively,: a stake to provide a reference level.' o if the'basin or furrow method is used, e Carry Record the hook gauge reading and the time at which the observation was made. out these operations quickly, so that errors from intake during the operations will be pall. , Make additional hook gauge measurements at intervals, andirecord the water level and the time, For Most soils, observations atjathe end of 1, 3, 5; 10, .20, 30, ,45, 60, 90, and 120 Minutes,,, and hourly thereafter,' will provide adequate information. Make obsemations:more frequently as needed onsoilS having a high rate of intake. As'a general rule,the intake between measurements should not exceed 1 inch.' Continue measurements until the rate of:intake is almost constant. 1 . When the water level has dropped 1or 2:1.nchesfinthe cylinder, add sufficient 'water to return the water surface approximately to its initial elevation. :Record the level and time just before filling and.the'level.:after filling. Keep:the:interval between these two readings as shOrt as possible to avoid errors caused by intake during the refilling period: (In analyzing the results, the asSumption is made that the refilling is instantaneous.) If a. constant water leVel in the.cylinderor basin is maintained by a float valve, measure,the rat, of depletion-of-water in the supply tank by a hook gauge, manometer, or automatic water-stage recorden: r. Robert Taft Sanitary. Engineering. Center Percolation 'Test Ref.; A S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare. 1967. Manual of Septic-Tank 'Practice. Public Health Service Publication No. 526, pp. 4-8. Pr9edure: AO? or, 4 '1411Number and ocation of tests: Six or more tests shall be made in separate test 7Fhokespaced uniformly overfthe proposed absorption field site., 11111 Type of test hole: . Dig or bore a hole, with horizontal dimensions of.4 to 12 inches and vertical sides to the desioOepth. To save time, labor, and volume of water required per test, the-holeitan be bored with a 4-inch auger. , 3. Preparation of test hole: Carefully ,scratch the bottom and sideS of the hole with a knife blade or sharp-pointed instrument, to remove any pMeared soil sur-, faces an0 to provide a natural soil-interface into which watet may percolate. Remove al'l loose material from the hole. Add 2 inches of coarse sand or fine gravel to.4protect the bottom from souring and sediment. ,7) . . . . . . . Satnration and swelling of the soil: It is important to' dis nguish between saturation and swelling.' Saturation means that/the void spat s between soil particles are full of water. This can be accomplished in a ort'period of time Swelling is caused by intrusion of water into the-in idual soil, particles. This is a slow process, especially in clay-type soil, and is the reason for requiring a prolonged-soaking period.: In the conduCt of the test, carefully fill the hole with clear water tot'.amini, mum depth of 12 inches over the.gravel. In most soils, it is necessait:to refill the hole by supplying a surplus reservoir of water, possibly by means, of. an automatic syphon, to keep water in the hole for at least 4 hours and"prefgerably overnight. Determine the percolation rate 24 hours after water is first added to the hole. This procedure is to insure, that thesoil is given ample oppqrtunity to swell and to approach the condition it will be in during the wettest-season of the year Thus, the test will give comparable *sults in..; the same soil, whether made in a dry or a wet season. In sandy soils containing little or na clay, the swelling procedure is not essential,,,artd the test May die made as described under 5C, after the water from one filling of the/hole hAs'completely seeped away. 11, * Percol on rate measurement : - With the exception of sandy soils, percolation r ei me surements,should be 'made on,the day following the procedure described , 5. t 4,. above. 1 4 0 f water mains in the t st hole after the overnight swelling peribd,.adjustthe depth to approximately 6 inches over the graVel. From a-4i* reference point, measure the drop in water level over a 30-minute perick-this drop is used: to calculate the percolation B. If no water remains .in the hole after the overnipt swelling period, add ,clear water to bring the depth.of water in the hole to approximatlaly 6inches over the gravel. FroM a fixedreference point, measure the drop in water level at approximately 30-minute intervals for 4 hours, refilling 6 inches. over the gravel as necessary. Thedrop which occurs during the final 30-minute per'od is used to calculate the percolatidn rate. The,drops during prior periods Vide information for possible mOdifl.cation of thAygtocedure to .suit local circumstanceS. , .. ;11.;' 0 . C. In sandy soils (or other soils in which .ote first 6 inches of water seeps away in less than .30 minutes, after the overnight, swelling period), the time: interval between measurements should be taken as '10'minutes and the test run , for 1 hour. 'The drop. which, -occurs during the final 10 minutes is used to culate 't,he, percolation rate. cal - Appendix B ample Calculations .td Determine Sludge' ApPlication Rates on Agritultural Land (Section'3) Slud9e: Z% NH4-N, 0% NO3 -N, 5% total N, 2% 13, 0.2% K Zn, 10,000 PI mil; Cu, 1,000 PPin; Ni, 50 ppm; Pb, 5 ocio -ppm; Cd, 10 ppm Silt loam, CEC = 20 Imeq/100 g; °fertilizer recommendations from soil- tests are 25 lb. of 'I) per acre and 100 lb. of K per acre. Previous applications: From Table13.4: 10 tons/acre for 2 previous years 180 bu. corn - 240 lb. N,.441 P, 199 lb. Calculate annual rate based on N and Cd 1. Available N in sludge, NH4 -N N, Incorporated sludge application Lb: available N/ton sludge = 20 x 2% + = 40 + 12 =. 52 lb. availablg N /ton sludge 2. Residual N rrom Table 3.5 for-3% orgabic N dge added 1 year earlier )' . el 10 tons/acre_x 1.4 lb. N/ton = 14 lb: N b) Sludge added 2 years earlier 10 tons/acre x 1.4 lb. N/ton = 14 lb. 1) c) Residual N = 28 lb. 37.idge application Rate'Y °a) 240 lb. needed - 28 lb. residual = 212 lb. from sludge 212 12 dil b. N N/ton sludge - 87 tons/acre Calculate application rate for 2 lb. Cd/ cre 2 lb. Cd/acre tons/acre'. 100 s/acre 10 ppm Cd x .002 14.6 41% .4. The lower amount is applied = 8.7 tons sludge/acre Calculate total sludge amount which may be applied Based on Table 3.3, maximum amounts are calculated as follows: Conc. Metal Maximum in Tons of Amount Sludge Sludge/Acre lb./acre 1 b ppm 2000 , 5000 2'00 1 OW 10,000 60 500 1,0k 250 500 , Cd 5000 20 1 000 The lowest amount is from equation . 'P ferti 1 izer '8.7 tons/acre .x 2% P xF 20 0'58 lb. P/acre Fertilizer recommendation is,25 tb. P/acre No fertilizer P needed. K fertilizeek 8.7 tons/acre x 0.2% Kx 2O' ae 34.8,1b. K/acre. Ferti 1 izer recommendatti on' .fs,,,fl 00 1 b. K 'acre Fertilizer K needed = 65 1 000 lb. 'Zn/acre 10,000 ppm Zn x..,002 500 lb. Cu/acre 1 000 ppm Cu x -.002 500 I b. Ni/acre 50 ppm Ni x .1102 20 lb. . Cd/acre 10 ppm Od x .002 Thus, sluAge application Calculate fertilizer needed 1. 2000 1 b. Pb/acre 5000 ppm Pb x .002 t limited by Zn, at 50 tons/acre. . Cal cul ati on is 4:gallons acre-:inch of of.ligtid = 1, cm..hectare of 2. liquid46 100,000 titers = 100 m.3' 2,205 lb. metric ton = 1,000 Cubic feet per ° ° econd, x 5.39 x mg. /ter'. = lb./day Ripion gallons per day x 1 acre = 40844 yards 2 = = 43,60 feet 2 lb. /day meters2 Acre-inches'.x 0.226 x ing./liter = lb./acre ha-cm x 0.1 x mg./liter = kg./hectare English-metric conversions a. acre-inch x 102.8 = meter b. .quart x 0.946 = liter English Um x.0.907 metric ton d., English tonic /acre x 2.242 = metric tons/hectare e. lb./acre..x 1.121 = kg.-/hectare 1 ft.3 = 7.48 galloonsi.=,, 28.3 niers U .1 lb. 102,787 = 3,630 ft.. T 0.454 kg.' 7-- 0.4047 geCtare . 'Appendix D a Application of PuBLiCATWNS PERTIOENT TO Sewage Sludge, and Wastewater. to Agricultural ,latrid. a." Proceedings of Conferences and SymPos , . Recycling Treated:Muni.'cipal WaStewater and Srudg(OhroUgh Forest atid-qop Land.. Edited by E:Sopper,and L. T. Kardos. Symposium. eld August i2,1724, me Pennsylvania State University Riess,tiniVersity Park, .13a.- : . Recycling Municipal Sludges and kffluents dnij.ana:)Joint conference held ;July 9-13 ,.. 1973,-. Champaign, I11 . National Association of State .bnitersities.-od Land-Grant College*, Washington, D.C.. . Ultimate Dispose.]: of 'Wastewaters and Their Residuals... SymPosluin..heleApril ' 26 -27, 1973, Durham, N.C: 'Raleigh, N.C. Nort,h 'Carolina-. Water ResoUrces...Ikese,iith ittite Land for WaSte Management. Conferense:lheldOct .; The Agricultural Institute of Canada.'Oitawa, Ont.. zi . ." 5. Land Disposal of Municipal Effluents andSludgeS'.' ConferAkce fleid.MarCh. 1973 at Rutgers Univ.-P , liew Brunswick N.J. EPA,902/9-73*;001. , - i ' , ....... , 6.1 WaStewater, Use; the Production of Food and Fiber--Progeedtngs4 Conference' lrel4 March 5-7 1974, at Oklahoma CitY, Okla. EPA-.66.0/2-74Ari4.June 1974 . - Municipal Sludge Mana.geFent.,' Conference held June. 11. 43) ,,1974, 'in Pittsburgh, Pa. Information Transfer; Inc.? Washingtoli, D:t. - , Municipal:` Sludge ManageMent and DiAposal. `.Conference .1414 August 18-20, '1975 iri Anaheim, Calif ' Lnformation /Transfer, Inc..,..R0019,Tille.. Md .4,,..1 ',:: 1* Virus Survival in' Water and Wastewater Systems.. Edited; by ttlk ---'- Manna, Jr. and B. P. Sagik., Symposium held in April '1974' at the Univez,sity of, TexaSAUStin.. Center 'fax:,..Research in, Water' Resources, University'af Te)( kistic Teicas, . ., EPA. Reports -- Sewage..Wastehiaters and Sludge. . Survey of Facilities Using, Land. Application of Wastewater, .N1'. M. Cohn,'S. S. Baxter: -.EPA-001..9-73.406, July 1973. -7 2 .;.:'41.4,, : .. j", WaSfewat r Treatment a.nd Reuse bY':1,4nd Application'V.Valumt.1 - C. E. PQU d and; t.. W. Crites., EPA460/2-731006a., Augtist r97t. WaStewater Treatmenf ,andReuse by tend 'Application - Volume. II, by and R. W-. Crites: .,EPA/660-2. 3-006b, .August 1973. . Renovation of SeCoridaryEffluent 'for ReUse as` .a Water -Resource, .by. KardOs, W. E. Sapper, E. A. Myers., R. Pa.rizek,. and P., EPAQ''660/2174-016, Feb. 1974. . 5. Feasibility,of Overland.Flowlbr.TTeatment of Raw Domestic Wastekater-, by Thomas, K. Jaason; and L. Penrod: EPA-660/2-74,087, Dec, 1974.. . Evaluation of'Land Application Systems, EPA-430/9-75-001, March'.1975. . . . . C: to Pound,,R. W. Crites, D. A. A Guide to the Selection of cOst-Effactive Wastewater Treatment Systems, by Hebert, R. 14.^Patel,.C- Chupek, and L. FeldMan. EPA-430/ R. H. Van .Note, P. 9-75-0021 July 1975. ound, R. W, Crites,. S. Costs of Wastewater treatment by Land Application; by C. E. andD. A. Griffes..' EPA-430/9-75-003, June 1975. 9. Land'Applicption of SewagelEffluents and Sludges: SeAected Abstracts, by Water Quality Control Branch, Robert S, Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Ada; Okla. EPA-660/2-74-042, June 1974:. - - 4 10: Fate' attd tffec Land, f Trace Elementg'in Sewage Sludge when ,Applied to.. Agritultural EPA-670/2.-74-005, Jane 1974. ie. -I' Process aesign'Manuaffor,Sludge Treatment and Disposalffide of Technology EPA-625/1A-p06, Oct: 1974. - 'Transfer, USEPA. 12. 13. d Municipal' Sewage SlUdge,.byl% E. Oditaff, Ifeadi. Ep-670/2-7Y-049,'June 1975. Review of Landapreading of Lig L: 'Masse,' J. M. Genc, and . Trench' Incorporation .of Sewage Slt Walker, W.,D. Burge,,IL L. Chaney, E. in Mar ginal Agricultural Land, byj. M. Menzies. -EPA-,600/2 n, and J., 75 -034, Sept. 'EPA' Reports 1: ", ood Processing. Wastes Proceedings Fifth National' Symposium on rood Processing,Wastes, held April 17:19, EPA-660/2.-74-058, Jude 1974. :1974, ;in Monterey, Calif. chmidt,, Wastewater Characterization for the Specialty Food Industry,-by,C. J. EPA1-660/2-74-075, Dec: 1974. J. Farquhar' and E; V.'ClAilents; III. . , Symposium:on Tood Processing Wastes, held March 28-30, "Proceedings Third A-R2-72-018, Nov. 1972.* A.972, in New Orleans,'La., i , b . 4. Waste Contrc4 and Abatement in the Processing of Sweet Potatoes, by C. SmallEPA-66042-73-021, Dec: 1974.wood, 'Jr., R: S....Whitaker,cana N. V. Coyston. 1 ot. . Egg. Breaking and. Processing Waste Control and JreaimentkY W. J. Jewell, H. R. EPADavis, D. .F...Johndrew, Jr:, R. C.' LoehT, 141.- Sidvewicz,,,and R. R. tall . - 5. . ' 660/2.-75-019, June 1975. . . Water' 6. Aerated ,Lagoon Treatment of Food Processing Wastes, by K. A. Costal. Pollution Cian,rol Reiearch Series 12060--03/68, Mach-1968. t i - 1.' y. Upgrading LagOons; 'EPA Technology Transfer, Seminar Publication, August 1975 *Somepapers in thePrOceedings of,FirstSecond,' Fourth, and following National ,Symposia. may be perOnent, to land. applications 14.10 .1 , dT Wastereatment, Upgrading Meat PacIiing,Factrities to Redude Pollution. Technology Transfer Seminar PUblication, Oct. 1973. s . : . . . , .. , . '10. EPA . . ' Waste Treatment, Upgrading Poultry-grocessing Facilitieshto Reduce Pollution. EPA Techl5logy Transfer Seminar Publication, duly 1973: Meatpacking. Wastewater Treatment b Spray Runoff Irrigation; by J. L. Witherow and M. E. Rowe; PNERL Working Paper NR. 151 May 1975, Pacific Northwest Environmental-Research Laboratory, EPA,.Co+vallis, Ore. ' . Effluent'Variability.imthe Meat-Phtking anOlotritry. ProcessinOndustxies,: J. F.:Scaief.:'PgERL.Working.Paper No 16, June 1975,0acifiC..Northwest.EnVi-.: ronmental Research Laboratory.; EPA COrVallis, Ore.. ,, 1.2.. ,AffOlivenessof Spray Iriigation as a Method for the Disposal=of Dairy Wast'es; by G. W. .Lawton, 1. E. Eitgelbert;ilt. A. Rohlich; ana'N.-;Parges. . A Plant' Agri.' Exp. Sta'. Res. Report,No. 6, Univ. of Wiqonsin, Madison,° Wis. 1... . 13. , The Development; Dialuation and Content oia Pilot Programin Dairy UtliliP-ti Dairy'Weste Disposal and Whey Processing, lyy:W.,S., PAbuckle and L..R. Blanto Coop. Ext. Serv..'and Dept. of Dairy Sci,., Univ.,of MarylandCollege Patk, bid; . , / 14. An,Evalliation of Cannery Waste bis osal by direrland Flow Spray IrrigationZC. W. Thornthwaite AssociatesPublicatieds inClimatolOgy Vol; 22-, No Sept-. 1969," Laboratory, bf ClimfologylEAler,.N. J. . . U. S.,ArMy Corps of Engineers/Reporis 1, I. <1..,/ . - Assesfiment of the Effectiveness and Effects of .Land Risposal. Methodologies of °Wastewater Management, by C. H. Driver; B. F, Hrutfiord, D. E. Spyiqdakis; p. Welch; and D. D. Wooldridge. WastewateY Management Report 72-1, Jan. 1972: . Wa.stewatet.Management by Disposal on the. Land, S. C. Reed;'CoordinatOr. Co Regions.Researh and Engi4ering Laboratory, Spec. Report 174 May 1972, Ha N; Reactions of Heavy Metals with Soils;with Special,Regard to. Their Appli Sewage Whstes, by G. W. Leeper, Nov. 19272. Selected Chemical Characteristics of Soils, Forages, and Drainage Wa Sewage Farm Serving Mell;ourne, Australia, by R. D. J9hnson, R. I.,J pinesly, and D. 17.,David, 'Jan. 1974. .' Wastewater Treatmtnf on Soils of Low Permeabilitjr, by R. anef. B. Delaney, Jr. Misc. Paper Y-74-2, July.1974. ..Uoepp? Land Application of astewate: 'Die Fate of Viruses, cteria,and avy.Metals at a Rapid Infiltration' Site', by S. JA. Schaub, E. P. .Neier, Kolmer, and C. A. SO4pr. Report TR 7504, MaY 1975-,-1-4.S, Army Medical lioentineering ResOrch'and Development Laboratory, Fort. Detrick,Frederick, Ma. , EValuation of Land TreatMent of Municipal'Wastewater and PhySical Siding of Facility hwtallations, by W. J. Hartman, Jr.,May 16, 1975. '4,, 6= . , . Miscellaneous , . 4 , .7., .. Ao 1 . Fc*org.InvolVed,In.liand Application of Agricultural and Municipal Wates:' Agri. Res..-SerV.,.USe Dept: of Agriculture,' Beltsville; Md.,:July 1974: ..... Treatment and 'Disposal of.Wastewater*Sludges,.by-P: A. Vesilind. Sonce Publishers', Ann Arbor, Mich:, 1974./ ". Ann Arbor 4 Land Trdatment and DiSposal'of Municipal and Industrial Wagtewatei; edited byR. L. Sailk4 and T. ASano.. .Ann A bor Science Pub4shers,Ann Arbor, MiCh., '3. Soil Limitations for Digposal of Muhicipal Wastewaters-, by I. F. Schneider and E. Erickson.-Research%RePoF 195, Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, MSU. . .Land Treatment of Wastewater in Southeastern Michigah, by B. G,-Ellisp.A. E. Erickson; B. D. Knezek, R. J. unze, I. F. Schneider, E. P. Whiteside,. A. R. Wolcott, and,R. L.Cook, June 1573,' Dept, of Crop and'Soil Sciences, MSU- 5, Knezek, E: Erickson, B. Impact of-Waste ter on Soils by B. Q. Ellis, 1972, Inst. ater Res; Tech. Report No. 30, Oct. fnst. of and A.-R. WOlco of Water Res, MSU.. , . Sampling and Analy sis'ofSoils, Plants, Wastewaters, and Sludge ..-Suggested o Standardizationan d Methodology.- North Central Regional Pub.'236 Agri, Exp, Sta., M SU.'.. :Publications to be Available Within 6-12 Months. F. 1. Soils for Management and Utilization of Organic Wastes and-Wastewaters. Pro-, ceedings of SympOsium held March 11-13; 1975, at Tennessee Valley Authority;, Published by Soil Science Society of'America, Madison, Wis. Muscle Shoals', Ala. ..' Land Application Of Waste Materials,: ',March-15-18,-1976, Des Moines, Iowa. of America, 'Ankeny,.Iowa. Proceedings of National Conference eld Published bythe Soil.Conservatior Society4 .'.'Land as a. Waste Management Alternative. Eighth Annual Cornell University Waste. Management -Conference held april 28-30, 1976, Rochester, N. Y. published by Cornell University,,Ithaca, N. Y. . . Virus Aspects of Applying Municipal Wastes to. Land-. 1976, at University'-Of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. . Sylposium,held June 28-29,. .Utilizing Municipal Sewage 'Effluents and.Sludges on Land-for Agricultural production. Edited by L. 'W. Jacobs, 1976. To be publighed as A. North oCentr41 7 Regional Extension Bulletin. : I. General Description and ..Utilizing Sewage Sludges, on AgriCultUral Soils; Considerations;.II. FaCtOrs for Determining Mates of Application, by L. W. JacobS PI 1976. To be published as.a two bulletin:serieS; Coop. Ext. Serv., 'Mich. State Uleiv: * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTtNG OFFICE. 1928 - 777-066/1121 Reg. 8
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