EK VK100 TM 001 Technical Manual
EK-VK100-TM-001 VK100 Technical Manual EK-VK100-TM-001 VK100 Technical Manual
User Manual: EK-VK100-TM-001 VK100 Technical Manual
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\JK100 TECHNICAL MANUAL - - - -~- ---- ~D~DDmD EK·VK100·TM·OOl \JK100 TECHNICAL MANUAL mDmDD~D 1st Edition, April 1982 Copyright e 1982 by Digital Equipment Corporation All Rights Reserved This document includes material from Microsoft Basic-80. Copyright e 1979 by Microsoft. All rights reserved. eBarco Model GD33 monitor is a trademark of the Barco Corporation. registered The reproduction of this material, in part or whole, is strictly prohibited. For copy information, contact the Educational Services Department, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Printed in U.S.A. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. DEC DECUS DIGITAL Digital Logo PDP UNIBUS VAX DECnet DECsystem-10 DECSYSTEM-20 DECwriter DIBOL EduSystem lAS MASSBUS 4/82-14 OMNIBUS OS/8 PDT RSTS RSX VMS VT CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1. 3.1 1. 3.2 1. 3.3 1.4 1. 4.1 1. 4.2 CHAPTER 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 INTRODUCTION Introduction .. .. . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . G e n era 1 De s c rip t ion ............................. . Accessories and Supplies .•..•..•••..••.••.•.••••• VK100 Carrying Cases ..•..•••••••.•••.•.•..•.. Keyboard Overlays INSTALLATION Introduction Site Considerations •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Unpacking and Inspection ••...•.•.•.•••••••....... Repacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connecting to the Barco Model GD33 Monitor ••• Connecting to a Typical Black and White Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connecting to the LA34VA Graphics Printer •..• Connecting Directly to the LA34VA Graphics Printer •••.•••.••••••....•.•..•. Adding a Terminal from a Multiterminal String ••••••.••.••.•.........••••• VK100 Cables and Connectors .•....•..•.•••••.. Ordering Accessories and Supplies .•.•••••••...... Toll-Free Telephone Orders ••.•.•••.•....•.••. D ire c t Ma i lOr d e r s ••.•.•••..•.•.•••.•••...... 1-1 1-1 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-6 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-4 2-5 2-11 2-13 2-13 2-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . 2-16 Removing a Terminal from a Multiterminal String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 Hardware Interface Information .•..•.••••••••••••• General Communications Interface Information • Baud Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character Format .•.•••.•.•.•.•••••••••••• EIA Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Interface •••••••.•••.•.•••••.•.• Electrical Characteristics ••••••••••••.•• EIA Interface Cables ••••••••••.•••••••••• 20 rnA Current Loop Interface •••••.••••••••••. Electrical Characteristics ••.••••.•...... 20 rnA Interface Cables •••••••••.•....•••• iii 2-19 2-19 2-19 2-19 2-19 2-19 2-21 2-22 2-22 2-23 2-23 2.6.4 2.6.5 2.6.6 CHAPTER 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 3.6.6 3.6.7 3.6.8 3.6.9 3.6.10 3.6.11 3.6.12 3.6.13 3.6.14 3.6.15 3.6.16 3.6.17 3.6.18 3.6.19 3.6.20 3.6.21 3.6.22 3.6.23 B uf fer Over flo w •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Display Interface ••••••..•.•••••••••.••••••.• Composite Video Port .•••••••••••.•••••••• Color Monitor Port ......•.••••..•...•••.• Composite Sync Waveform Timing ••.••.••••• Monitor Selection •.....•••••••.••••.••••• Video Interface Cables ••••••••....•.••••• Hardcopy Interface ••.•.•.••..•••••••••••••••• Physical Interface .•••••..••.•..•...•.•.• Electrical Interface ••..•••.•.••.•••••••• Hardcopy Interface Cables •.•.••••.••••••• Hardcopy Device Sharing ••.••••..••••.•••• 2- 2 3 2-26 2-26 2-27 2-27 2-28 2-28 2-29 2-29 2-30 2-30 2-30 OPERATING INFORMATION Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terminal Controls . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keyboard Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Keys •••••••.••.••.•••••••.•••••••••• Special Function Keys •....•..•••••••••••..... SET-UP Mode Keys ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Locator Mode Keys •••.••••••••••••••..••..•••• Visual and Audible Indicators •••••••••••••••••••• Visual Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audible Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET-UP Mode Description •..••••••.•••••••••..••.•• Set-Up Parameter Summary ••••••••••••••••••••• Changing a SET-UP Parameter (Operator) .•.••.• Changing a SET-UP Parameter (Host Computer) •• SET-UP Parameter Descriptions ••••••.••.••••..•••• Transmit Speed (TS) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Receive Speed (RS) .•••••••.•.••••••••••••••.• Line/Local (LL) •.•••••.••••••••••••••••.••.•• Bas i c (BA) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Parity Enable (PE) ••••••••••.••••••••••••.••• XON/XOFF (XO) •....•.....•.••.••.•••..•••.•.•• Scroll Mode (SM) •••.•••••••••••.••••••••••••• Reverse Video (RV) •••••.••.••.••••••••.•••••. Horizontal Margins (HM) ••••••••.•••..••.••.•• Vertical Margins (VM) •••••••.•.•..•.•.••••••• Expansion Mode (EM) ••••••••••••.•••.•••••.••• Horizontal position (HP) ••••..•••••...••••••• Overstrike (OS) ••••••••••••..••..•••••••••••• Visual Cursor (Ve) ••.••.••••••.••••••••••..•. Text Display (TD) •••••••••..••.•••••••••••••. Graphics Display (CD) ••••••••••••••••••.••••• Graphics Prefix (GP) •••••••••••..•••••••...•• Single Character (SC) .••.•••••••••••••••••••• Local Echo (LE) ••••••••••••••••.•.•••.•..•••• New Line (NL) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Auto Hardcopy (AH) ••••••••.•..••••••••••••.•. Auto Wraparound (AW) •••.•••••••••••••.••••••. Key Repeat (KR) •••••••••••••.••..•••••••••••• iv 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-2 3-7 3-9 3-10 3-10 3-12 3-12 3-12 3-19 3-20 3-20 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-22 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-24 3-24 3-24 3-25 3-25 3-25 3-25 3-26 3-26 3-27 3-27 3-27 3-27 3-27 3-28 3.6.24 3.6.25 3.6.26 3.6.27 3.6.28 3.6.29 3.6.30 3.6.31 3.6.32 3.6.33 3.6.34 3.6.35 3.6.36 CHAPTER 4 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 CHAPTER 5 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 .. . ..... . . ....... ............. . . Keyclick (KC) Margin Bell (MB) Terminal Mode (TM) Keypad Mode (KP) •••••• Cursor Key Mode (CK) Programmed Keypad Mode (PK) Tablet Locator Mode (TL) United Kingdom Character Set (UK) Communications Interface (CI) Hardcopy Speed (HS) Power Frequency (PF) Interlace (IL) ••••• Self-Test (ST) . . . ........ . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . 3-28 3-28 3-28 3-28 3-28 3-29 3-29 3-29 3-29 3-29 3-30 3-30 3-30 PROGRAMMING SUMMARY Introduction •••••••••• Keyboard Codes Standard Key Codes Cursor Control Key Codes Auxiliary Keypad Codes Control Characters •••••••••• Character Sets •••••••••••••••••• Control Functions ••••••••••••••• ANSI Control Functions Summary Cursor Movement Commands Character Attributes Erasing Commands ••••• Programmable LEDs Select Character Sets (SCS) ••••• Enter Graphics Mode Modes ••••• Reports •••••••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . Re set ••••••••••••••••••••• • •••• • •••• Print Commands ••••••••••• Confidence Tests ••••••••••• • •••••••••• Device Control Strings •••••••• VT52 Control Functions Summary •••••• ReGIS Summary ••••••••••• Basic Summary •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Commands/Statements ••••••••••••••••••• Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-3 4-4 4-6 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-13 4-13 4-13 4-19 4-19 4-19 THEORY OF OPERATION .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . ..... ....... .. . . . . ..... . . . ... . ..... . .... ...... . . . .. . . · . . . . . . .. ..... ..... · . . .. . . · ...... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . Introduction Terminal Controller Module Central Processing Unit (CPU) Address ROMs RAMs Data Bus Control Functions v 5-1 5-2 5-2 5-7 5-10 5-10 5-12 5-12 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 CHAPTER 6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1. 2 6.1. 3 6.1. 4 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.7.1 6.7.2 6.7.3 6.7.4 6.7.5 6.7.6 Memory Refresh Cycle ••••••••••••••••••••• Interrupts ............................................. .. CRT Sweep Overview ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vector Generation Overview ••••••••••••••••••• Addressing the Screen RAM •••••••••••••••• Modification of Data in the Screen RAM ••• Refresh the CRT •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Modify Screen ROM and CRT Refresh Timing • Generation of Vectors •••••••••••••••••••• Writing a Character on the Screen •••••••• Arbitrary Vectors •••••••••••••••••••••••• I/O Port Overview ••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• Communication Interface (8251A) Baud Rate Generator •••••••••••••••••••••• Selection of I/O Port ••••••••••••••.••••• Transferring Data Through the I/O Port ••• Hardcopy Overview •••••••••••••••••••••••• 5-16 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-22 5-26 5-29 5-31 5-33 5-35 5-37 5-42 5-43 5-51 5-52 5-52 5-58 Keyboard ........................................................................ .. 5-65 Power Supply ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5-68 TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING Introduction ........................................................................ .. Automatic Tests (PUPTST) ••••••••••••••••••••• Escape Sequences (CSITST) •••••••••••••••••••• SET-UP Mode (SETST) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Error Reporting .......................................................... .. Fatal Errors (TST ERROR) ••••••••••••••••• Non-Fatal Errors •••.••••••••••••••••••••• Power-Up Self-Test .....•.................•......• 8085 CPU Test (CPUTST) ••••••••••••••••••••••• Visual and Audible Indicators •••••••••••••••• ROM Test (ROM Test) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Program RAM Test (RAMTST) •••••••••••••••••••• Video Bit Map RAM Test (VBMTST) ••••.••••••••• Vector Generator Test (VGNTST) ••••••••••••••• CRT Controller Test (CRTST) •••••••••••••••••• CRT Timing .................................................................... .. Diagnostic Tests •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• External Communications Test ••••••••••••••••• Hardcopy Communications Test ••••••••••••••••• Di splay Test ................................................................ .. Color Bar Test ............................................................ .. Screen Alignment Pattern ••••••••••••••••••••• Error Codes .......................................................................... .. Troubleshooting .................................................................. .. Adj ustments .................................................... . Removal and Replacement •••.•••••••••••••••••••••• Top Cover Removal •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Keyboard Assembly Removal •••••.•••••••••••••• Power Supply Assembly Removal •••••••••••••••• Power Supply Regulator Board Removal ••••••••• Power Supply Fan Assembly Removal •••••••••••• Terminal Logic Board Removal ••••••••••••••••• vi 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-5 6-6 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-10 6-11 6-11 6-16 6-24 6-24 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29 6-30 APPENDIX A VK100 TERMINAL SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX B CALCULATION FIGURES 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 4-1 4-2 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 Text Mode Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphics Mode Operation •••••••••••••••••••••••.• BASIC Mode Operation •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••. VK100 (GIGI) Terminal Dimensions •••••••••••••••• VK100 (GIGI) Terminal Shipping Container ••..••.• VK100 (GIGI) Terminal Switch and Cable Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Default SET-UP Switch Pack Location ••••••••••••• Default SET-UP Switch Pack Setting ••.•.•..•••••• EIA Communications Cable Connector •••••••••••••• BARCO Model GD33 Monitor Connections .•.••••••.•• Mu1titerminal String with Terminal Turned Off ••• Single VK100 (GIGI) Terminal to LA34VA Graphics Printer Selection ••••••.••.•.••.••••••• LA34VA Graphics Printer (Rear View) •.•.•••••.•.. Adding a Terminal to a Multiterminal String ••.•• Removing a Terminal from a Multiterminal String • Terminal Controls •.•••••••..•••.••••••••••••.•.. Standa rd Keys ••••.••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.• Special Function Keys .••.••.•..•••••••••••.••••• SET-UP Mode Keys •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Loea to r Keys •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Keyboard Indicators . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keyboard-Generated ASCII Codes ••••••.•.•.••••.•• Keyboard-Generated Control Codes ••••••••..••..•. VK100 (GIGI) Block Diagram ..•.....•••••••••••.•• System Overview Block Diagram .••.••••..•.••••••• CPU Functional Block Diagram •••••••.......••••.. Basic CPU Block Diagram ••••••.••••.•••••.•••.••• Instruction Cycle to Store Accumulator Direct •.. Opcode Fetch Machine Cycle •..•.•.......••••.•••• CPU to RAM Memory Block Diagram ••.•••••••..•••.• 8202 Block Diagram and Pin Description •.•....••• DATA BUS ••••••••••••• il •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Interrupt Block Diagram •.•...••.••.••••.••.•.•.. Vector Generator Block Diagram ••••••.•...••.•••• System Timing . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic Overview of Address and Data Path ••••••••• Screen Update Screen RAM Address Breakdown .••••• Modify Data, Screen RAM Address Breakdown ••••.•. Addressing the Screen RAM •••••••.•.•.••••••••..• Translation of X Bits ..•..••.•.......•••.•.•••.. Modify Data Bi t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Color Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screen RAM Data Timing ••••.•.•..••.•.•••••••.... Time State Generator •••......••.••••••••••••••.. Basic Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arbitrary Vector Timing vii 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-9 2-12 2-14 2-15 2-15 2-16 2-18 3-1 3-3 3-4 3-7 3-9 3-11 4-2 4-4 5-1 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-11 5-13 5-14 5-16 5-20 5-21 5-23 5-23 5-24 5-25 5-27 5-28 5-30 5-32 5-32 5-32 5-38 5-24 5-25 5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-31 5-32 5-33 5-34 5-35 5-36 5-37 5-38 5-39 5-40 5-41 5-42 5-43 5-44 5-45 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 B-1 Carry Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Direction Control ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Basic I/O Port Block Diagram •••••••••••••••••••• 8251-A Block Diagram •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• Mode Register ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Transmit/Receive Format Asychronous Mode •••••••• Command Instruction Format •••••••••••••••••••••• Status Register ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Baud Rate Generator ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Port Selection Block Diagram •••••••••••••••.•••• 20 rnA Transmit Loop .•.•.•••••••••••..•••....•.•• 20 rnA Receive Loop •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EIA Transmit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . EIA Receive . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Line Printer Connected to Single Terminal .•••••• Printer Connection to Multiple Terminals and Connector Names •••.•.••••••.••••••••....••.. Logic for Hardcopy Bus Control •••••••••••••••••• Hardcopy Data Transfer •••••••••••••.•••••••••••• Keyboard Matrix ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Keyboard Read with "A" Switch Pressed ••••••••••• LED (Indicator) Keyclicks and Bleeper Block Diagram . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Supply Schematic •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Vector Generator Test Sequence •••••••••••••••••• Module Removal Sequence ••••••••••••••••••••.•••• VK100 Terminal (Bottom View) •••••••••••••••••••• Keyboard Assembly Removal •••••••••••.••••••••••• VK100 Terminal (Rear View) ••••..•••••••..••.•••• Power Supply Assembly Removal ••••••••••••••••••• Power Supply Fan Assembly Removal ••••••••••••••• Terminal Logic Board Removal •••••••••••••••••••• Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii 5-39 5-41 5-42 5-44 5-44 5-45 5-47 5-47 5-51 5-53 5-55 5-55 5-56 5-57 5-59 5-60 5-61 5-64 5-66 5-67 5-68 5-70 6-1 6-24 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-27 6-29 6-30 B-1 TABLES 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 VK100 Cables and Connectors ••••••••••••••••••••• Related DIGITAL Documentation ••••••••••••••••••• EIA Connector Signals ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EIA Interface Cables •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 rnA Current Loop Specifications ••••••••••••••• 20 rnA Interface Cables •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Terminal Receive Speed Limits ••••••••••••••••••• Fill Character Requirements ••••••••••••••••••••• Video Interface Cables •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hardcopy Interface Pin Assignments •••••••••••••• Hardcopy Interface Cables ••••••••••••••••••••••• SET-UP Parameter Summary •••••••••••••••••••••••• Cursor Control Key Codes •••••••••••••••••••••••• Auxiliary Keypad Numeric Key Codes •••••••••••••• Auxiliary Keypad PF Key Codes ••••••••••••••••••• Terminal-Supported Control Character Function ••• Select Character Set Sequence ••••••••••••••••••• Machine Cycle Status and Control •••••••••••••••• 8202 Pin Description •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I/O Register Addresses •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Program RAM Addresses ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I/O RAM Microcode Address ••••••••••••••••••••••• Interrupt Priority, Restart Address, and Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screen RAM Write'Control •••••••••••••••••••••••• Addressing the 8251A •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Baud Rate Selection ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I/O Port Selection •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Interface Specifications •••••••••••••••••••••••• Possible Error Codes •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Possible Fatal Error Codes •••••••••••••••••••••• Possible Nonfatal Error Codes ••••••••••••••••••• Fatal Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Nonfatal Error Codes •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VK100 Troubleshooting ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• On-Site Recommended Spares •••••••••••••••••••••• DIGITAL Servicenter Recommended Spares •• ~ ••••••• ix 1-6 1-8 2-20 2-22 2-22 2-23 2-25 2-25 2-29 2-29 2-31 3-14 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-5 4-6 5-5 5-8 5-14 5-15 5-15 5-17 5-29 5-50 5-52 5-53 5-56 6-2 6-12 6-13 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-22 6-23 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The VK100 terminal is an interactive graphics terminal designed for use with a user supplied monitor. The terminal can operate in either an on-line or off-line mode and can execute programs written in GIGI BASIC. This chapter prov ides a general overview of the VK100 terminal. The followi ng chapter s desc r i be and summa r i ze i nsta lla t i on, operation, programming character istics, theory of operation, and maintenance procedures for the VK100 terminal. 1.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The VK100 or GIGI (General Imaging Generator and Interpreter) is designed as a terminal subsystem that connects to a host computer. The VK100 provides local (in terminal) processing using a microprocessor. The microprocessor supports two interpreters; a ReGIS graphics interpreter and the GIGI BASIC language interpreter. ReGIS (Remote Graphics Instruction Set) is a graphics language; GIGI BASIC is a BASIC language that uses VK100 unique graphics capabilities. The VK100 is a separate keyboard which requires a user-supplied monitor for displaying screen images. Either black and white or color (RGB) moni tors can be used. Also, the VK100 can display images on an optional LA34VA Graphics Printer which attaches directly to the terminal. The VK100 can be used as a text terminal and as a graphics terminal. The VK100 terminal's basic mode of operation is as a text terminal. In this mode the terminal acts as a translator between the operator and the host computer. When the operator types a message or command on the keyboard, the terminal sends it immediately to the host computer. The host computer receives the message or command and executes it. Then the host computer sends an acknowledgement to the terminal, indicating the message or command was received and executed. The terminal receives the acknowledgement and displays it on the monitor screen. Figure 1-1 shows a simple diagram of the VK100 terminal operating in text mode. 1-1 USER SUPPLIED MONITOR BLACK & WHITE OR COLOR VIDEO OUTPUT /' ~~ I TERMINAL PROCESSOR -- RECEIVER HOST COMPUTER TRANSMITTER COMMUNI CATIONS LINE (20 rnA OR EIA) GIGI TERMINAL MA·6768 Figure 1-1 Text Mode Operation The VKHH3 reset. terminal always enters text mode when powered on or The VK100 (GIGI) terminal's primary operating mode is as a graphics terminal. The name GIGI derives from this capability as a General Imaging Generator and Interpreter. Generally, the host computer places the terminal in graphics mode. In this mode the terminal interprets all data received from the host computer or the terminal keyboard as graphics commands and data. The interpreter and image generator translates the commands and data into the images displayed on the monitor screen. Figure 1-2 shows a simple diagram of the VKHJ0 terminal operating in graphics mode. The commands to the interpreter come from a new graphics command set called ReGIS (Remote Graphics Instruction Set). ReGIS command set consists of a few simple instructions and options. Within the graphics mode is a locator mode. This mode helps the operator locate a point on the screen and report that point to the host computer. The VK100 terminal enters locator mode through the keyboard or a command from the host computer. When the terminal enters locator mode, a large cross-hair cursor appears ont he screen. The point where the two lines cross is the point reported to the host computer. 1-2 USER SUPPLI ED MONITOR BLACK & WHITE OR ,COLOR VIDEO OUTPUT ~ I r-- GRAPHIC INTERPRETER & GENERATOR I--- RECEIVER r- TRANSMITTER HOST COMPUTER COMMUN ICATIONS LINE (20 rnA OR EIA) GIGI TERMINAL Figure 1-2 Graphics Mode Operation The operator can return the terminal to the text mode at any time. When in text mode, the terminal interprets all graphics data and commands as text characters only and not as graphics. The VKHJI2J terminal also contains a BASIC language interpreter. This interpreter allows the terminal to run BASIC language programs. The terminal enters BASIC mode through the SET-UP mode (described in Chapter 3) or a command from the host computer. The BASIC program comes from one of two places, the keyboard or the host computer. The operator selects the program source with a SET-UP parameter. If the keyboard is the program source, the operator types the BASIC program directly into the terminal memory. When the program runs, the output normally goes to the monitor screen. If the host computer is the program source, the program loads into the terminal memory from the host computer. When the program runs, the output normally returns to the host computer. Figure 1-3 shows a simple diagram of the VKII2JI2J terminal operating in both cases. When the terminal enters the BASIC mode, the BASIC indicator above the keyboard lights. The operator can return the terminal to text mode at any time, either through the keyboard or the SET-UP mode. When the terminal is in text mode, it interprets all data as text only and not as BASIC language commands. 1-3 USER SUPPLIED MONITOR BLACK & WHITE OR COLOR VIDEO OUTPUT /- - I BASIC INTERPRETER & MEMORY RECEIVER HOST COMPUTER TRANSMITTER COMMUNI CATIONS LINES (20 mA OR EIA) GIGI TERMINAL KEYBOARD AS THE BASIC PROGRAM SOURCE USER SUPPLIED MONITOR BASIC INTERPRETER & MEMORY RECEIVER TRANSMITTER I-i----; 1----1 HOST COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL LINES L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _GIGI __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....J (20 mA OR EIA) HOST COMPUTER AS THE BASIC PROGRAM SOURCE MA-6769 Figure 1-3 BASIC Mode Operation 1-4 The VK100 terminal hardware is contained in a light weight plastic case. The terminal contains three major assemblies; the keyboard, the processor board, and the power supply, a color or monochrome (black and white) monitor is supplied by the customer. 1.3 ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES DIGITAL offers the following accessories VKl00 terminal. and supplies for the 1.3.1 VK100 (GIGI) Carrying Cases (VK10K-CA) These cases are specially designed to hold the VK100 terminal and all associated cables. They are constructed of high-density, charcoal brown, textured plastic and include two chrome-plated latches with locks. 1.3.2 VKl00 Keyboard Overlays Two types of overlays are available with the VK100 terminal: preprinted keypad and keypad overlays. These overlays are easy-to-install, plastic key covers representing the VK100 terminal's special function keys or user-defined character sets. Keypad overlays cover VK100's auxiliary keypad and are used with the following software packages. CAl Primer (VK10K-AA) Graphics Editor (VK10K-AB) ReGIS Illustrated Text Editor (VKI0K-AC) Character Set Editor (VK10K-AD) Keyboard overlays cover the VKl00 terminal's entire keyboard, including the auxiliary keypad, and include the following. Prepr inted APL character set overlays (VK10K-BB) Blank, full keyboard overlays for user-defined character sets (VKI0K-BA) 1.3.3 VKl00 Cables and Connectors Table 1-1 describes the cables and connectors used by the VK100 terminal. In the future, additional options will be available. nearest DIGITAL Sales Office for further information. 1-5 Contact the Table 1-1 VK100 Cables and Connectors Cable Description BC26M-05 RGB cable with BNC connectors for user-supplied monitor BC26B-01 Y-cable for daisy-chaining the LA34VA graphics printer to multiple VK100 terminals PIN 7015503-00 20 rnA loopback connector PIN 1215336-00 EIA loopback connector BC22B-25 EIA extension to second VK100 terminal from Y-cable (BC26B-01) BC05F-15 or BC05F-50,A0 20 rnA cable with Mate-N-Lok connectors for connecting VK100 terminal (with 20 rnA option) directly, to a line unit BC22A-10 or BC22A-25 EIA null modem; connects VK100 terminal directly to a line unit (6 conductor cable) BC22B-10 or BC22B-25 EIA extension to modem (14 conductor cable) RELATED DOCUMENTATION Table 1-2 lists the related documentation that is available from DIGITAL's Accessory and Supplies Group. For specific ordering information, see the end of this chapter. 1.4 ORDERING ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES You can order accessories and supplies (including documentation) either by mail or phone. 1.4.1 Toll-Free Telephone Orders Call DIGITAL Direct Catalog Sales from 8:30 a.m. one of the following numbers. Continental United States 1-800-258-1710 New Hampshire, Alaska, and Hawaii 1-603-884-6660 1-6 to 5:00 p.m. at /' Canada 1-81313-267-6146 Northern California 1-4138-984-1321313 Chicago 1-312-6413-5612 Outside North America contact your local A & SG business DIGITAL sales office. representative or local The following information applies to all telephone orders. Minimum order is $35 unless charged to Master Card, Visa, or American Express. Maximum order is $5,131313. Phone orders are accepted at current list price only. Phone orders are conditions only. accepted 1.4.2 Direct Mail Orders Mail all purchase orders addresses. per directly DIGITAL to one standard of the terms and following For U.S. Customers Digital Equipment Corporation ATT: A&SG P.O. Box CS213138 Nashua, New Hampshire 1331361 For International Customers Digital Equipment Customers A&SG Business Manager c/o DIGITAL's local subsidiary The following information applies to all direct mail orders. Minimum order is $35 unless paid by check, money order, or credit card (Visa, Master Card, or American Express accepted). No maximum order value. 1-7 Table 1-2 Related DIGITAL Documentation Title Document No. Description GIGI Terminal Installation and Owner's Manual EK-VK100-IN This manual describes the VKl00 (GIGI) terminal. It provides information on installing the terminal and connecting the optional peripheral devices, performing terminal SET-UP, proper terminal operating specifications, and repair procedures. It also provides full specifications for all terminal outputs. A copy of this manual is shipped with each VK100 terminal. GIGI Programming Reference Card EK-0GIGI-RC This pocket size reference card summarizes the programmable features of the VKl00 (GIGI) terminal. It includes a summary of both the ReGIS and BASIC command sets. A copy is shipped with each VK100 terminal. GIGI Terminal SET-UP Reference Card EK-VK100-RC This pocket size reference card summarizes the VK100 (GIGI) terminal SET-UP parameters. The card also contains the default SET-UP switch pack settings. A copy is shipped with each terminal. VK100 Pocket Service Guide EK-VK100-PS This manual is a module-level repair manual. It provides troubleshooting information, testing information, and removal and replacement information for the VK100 terminal. 1-8 Table 1-2 Related DIGITAL Documentation (Cont) Title Document No. Description VK100 Technical Manual EK-VK100-TM This manual provides a detailed block-diagramlevel discussion of the VK100 terminal. It also provides information on troubleshooting the terminal. The manual does not contain a set of schematic drawings. These drawings are a part of the VK100 print set, which must be ordered separately. VK100 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (I PB) EK-VK100-IP This manual provides a detailed parts breakdown of the terminal. It does not provide part numbers for printed circuit board components. That information is contained in the VK100 print set, which must be ordered separately. VK100 Print Set MP-00893-00 This document provides a complete set of electrical and mechanical schematic diagrams for the VK100 terminal. GIGI/ReGIS Handbook AA-K336A-TK This book provides user information to program the VK100 (GIGI) terminal, including system-dependent information. It provides comprehensive descriptions of ReGIS commands, organized alphabetically for easy reference. Extensive examples of the VK100 graphics capabilities are used throughout. A copy of this book is shipped with each VK100 terminal. 1-9 Table 1-2 Related DIGITAL Documentation (Cont) Title Document No. Description GIGI BASIC Manual AA-K335A-TK This is a BASIC language manual for the VK100 terminal. It provides comprehensive descriptions of the GIGI BASIC commands and functions, organized alphabetically for easy reference. A copy of this manual is shipped with each VK100 terminal. GIGI Graphics Editor Manual AA-J942A-TK This manual describes the Graphics Editor software package within the entire VK100 package. The manual also includes descriptions of each Graphics Editor command. A copy of this manual is shipped with the GIGI Graphics Editor software package. GIGI Data Plotting Package Manual AA-J956A-TK This manual describes the GIGI Data Plotting software package: the functional modes, the steps to create a table, defining and displaying plots from that table, and performing statistical analysis. It also describes each of the plot commands and file structures for the table data and statistical results. A copy of this manual is shipped with the GIGI Data Plotting software package. GIGI Slide Projector Manual AA-J943A-TK This manual describes the GIGI Slide Projector software package. It describes the file formats and the use of the automatic and manual modes. It also describes each command and provides syntax and usage information. A 1-10 Table 1-2 Related DIGITAL Documentation (Cont) Title Document No. Description copy of this manual is shipped with the GIGI Slide Projector software package. GIGI Character Set Editor User Guide AA-K337A-TK This manual describes the GIGI Character Set Editor. It describes each command and provides syntax and usage information. A copy of this manual is shipped with the GIGI Character Set Editor software package. GIGI ReGIS Illustrated Technical Manual AA-J944A-TK This manual describes the GIGI ReGIS Illustrated Technical Manual software package. It describes the ReGIS Illustrated Technical Manual its editing and graphics capabilities, and the use of picture files. It also describes the keypad commands. A copy of this manual is shipped with the GIGI ReGIS Illustrated Technical Manual software package. GIGI/ReGIS CAl Primers Student Guide SDC AA-K329A-TE This manual is used with any of the GIGI/ReGIS CAl Primers. It provides an overall introduction to the primers, including their objectives and recommended course of study. It also tells new users how to start the course. VAX/VMS GIGI/ReGIS CAl Primers SDC BE-K39lA-BC (TU58) SDC AS-K327A-BE (Floppy) This computer-assisted instruction (CAl) course runs on VAX/VMS. It helps new VK100 users to begin using the terminal and ReGIS. 1-11 Table 1-2 Related DIGITAL Documentation (Cont) Title Document No. Description VAX/VMS GIGI/ReGIS SDC AA-K328A-TE CAl Primers Course Administrator Guide This manual provides an overview of the course administrator's role and describes how to install and maintain the CAl software on VAX/VMS. RSTS/E GIGI/ReGIS CAl Primers This computer-assisted instruction (CAl) course runs on RSTS/E. It helps new VK100 users to begin using the terminal and ReGIS. SDC BC-K346A-BC (RL02) SDC AP-K392A-BC (Magtape 9-track 800 bits/in) SDC BB-K393A-BC (Magtape 9-track 1600 bits/in) RSTS/E GIGI/ReGIS CAl Primers Course Administrator Guide SDC AA-K347A-TC 1-12 This manual provides an overview of the course administrator's role and describes how to install and maintain the CAl software on RSTS/E. CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION 2.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter contains the following information. Site considerations Unpacking and inspection Repacking Installation Interface information Included in the interface information are special programming considerations to observe for effective use of the interface. 2.2 SITE CONSIDERATIONS The VK100 terminal is a lightweight, single-piece unit that fits on a desk or tabletop. Figure 2-1 shows the dimensions of the terminal. MA·6726 Figure 2-1 VK100 (GIGI) Terminal Dimensions 2-1 The VKl00 terminal usually connects to a user-supplied monitor (display) device. The monitor always operates with the terminal and should be located close to the terminal. Be sure to consider the monitor's size and weight when planning the terminal's location. The VK100 terminal places few limits on the operating environment. Avoid areas that have extremes in temperature and humidity or are subject to high levels of industrial contaminates. Appendix A describes the guaranteed operating conditions and terminal specifications. A small fan in the VKl00 terminal cools the terminal's electronic components. Keep all ventilation slots and an area of about six inches around the terminal clear. Do not place papers or similar materials on top of or under the terminal. The terminal controls and cable connections are on the rear of the terminal. When installing the terminal, allow an adequate area to access the rear of the terminal. NOTE When installing the terminal, keep all power and signal cables free from obstructions, sharp bends, and stress. 2.3 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION The VK100 terminal is packed in a reinforced shipping carton. The carton contains the following items. VK100 terminal VK100 terminal power cord VK100 terminal video cable GIGI Terminal Installation and Owner's Manual GIGI/ReGIS Handbook GIGI BASIC Manual GIGI Terminal SET-UP Reference Card GIGI Programming Reference Card GIGI Installation Card Figure 2-2 shows the packag ing used wi th the VKl00 terminal. Use the following procedure to unpack the terminal from the shipping carton. 2-2 MA·6723 Figure 2-2 VKl00 (GIGI) Terminal Shipping Container 1. Carefully cut the shipping tape and open the shipping carton by pulling out the front flap and lifting the top of carton. 2. Remove the power cord, video from the packing material. 3. Lift out the top piece of packing material and remove the terminal from the shipping carton. Save the packing material and shipping carton. They are needed to ship the terminal back to the repair center if the terminal ever fails. 4. Visually inspect the terminal for physical damage. If the terminal is damaged, notify your local DIGITAL Sales Office. 5. Install the terminal as section of this chapter. 2-3 cable, described in and the documentation Installation 2.4 REPACKING Use the following procedure when repacking the VK100 terminal for shipment. Figure 2-3 shows all of the switch and cable locations. 1. Turn the ac power switch off. 2. Disconnect all cables from the rear of the terminal. 3. Locate the original packing material. If the original materials are not available, they can be ordered from DIGITAL. Refer to Chapter 1 for ordering information. 4. Repack the terminal in the shipping carton (Figure 2-2). Include the power cord and video cable in the shipping carton. 5. Seal the shipping carton with reinforced tape. AC FUSE MONOCHROME (BLACK & WHITE) VIDEO OUTPUT CONNECTOR HARDCOPY RED, GREEN AND BLUE CONNECTOR VIDEO OUTPUT CONNECTORS EIA CONNECTOR AC POWER SWITCH 20 rnA CONNECTOR AC POWER RECEPTACLE Figure 2-3 VK100 (GIGI) Terminal Switch and Cable Locations 2-4 2.5 INSTALLATION The VK100 terminal is very easy to install. The only tool required is a flat blade screwdriver. Use the following procedure to install the terminal. 1. Remove the terminal from the shipping carton or optional carrying case and place in the desired work area. 2. Locate the access opening on the rear of the terminal (Figure 2-4). The eight-posi tion defaul t SET-UP swi tch pack will be visible in the opening. MA-6718 Figure 2-4 Default SET-UP Switch Pack Location 2-5 3. Note the switch positions and determine if the switch settings are correct for the host computer system. Figure 2-5 shows all the switch settings and what they mean to the host computer. Chapter 3 provides more detailed information on the SET-UP parameters. SET-UP FEATURE DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR BOTH TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE SPEEDS (TS AND RS) CONT. (SWITCHES 6, 7, & B) TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE SPEED FEATURES DEFAULT SET FOR 600 (RS2 AND TS2) TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE SPEED FEATURES DEFAULT SET FOR 1200 (RS3 AND TS3) TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE SPEED FEATURES DEFAULT SET FOR 4BOO (RSS AND TS5) TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE SPEED FEATURES DEFAULT SET FOR 2400 (RS4 AND TS4) TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE SPEED FEATURES DEFAULT SET FOR 19,200 (RS7 AND TS7) TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE SPEED FEATURES DEFAULT SET FOR 9600 (RS6 AND TS6) MA-6722 Figure 2-5 Default SET-UP Switch Pack Settings (Sheet 1 of 3) 2-6 SET-UP FEATURE DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR PARITY ENABLE (PE) (SWITCHES 4 & 5) PARITY ENABLE FEATURE DEFAULT SET FOR OFF (PEO) PARITY ENABLE FEATURE DEFAULT SET FOR EVEN (PEl) PARITY ENABLE FEATURE DEFAULT SET FOR ODD (PE2) SET-UP FEATURE DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR BOTH TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE SPEEDS (TS AND RS) (SWITCHES 6, 7, & B) TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE SPEED FEATURES DEFAULT SET FOR 110 (RSO AND TSO) TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE SPEED FEATURES DEFAULT SET FOR 300 (RSl AND TS1) MA·6721 Figure 2-5 Default SET-UP Switch Pack Settings (Sheet 2 of 3) 2-7 SET-UP FEATURE DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR POWER FREQUENCY (PFI (SWITCH 11 POWER FREQUENCY FEATURE DEFAULT SET FOR 60 Hz (PFOI POWER FREQUENCY FEATURE DEFAULT SET FOR 50Hz (PFll SET-UP FEATURE DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE (CII (SWITCH 21 COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE FEATURE DEFAULT SET FOR EIA (CIOI COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE FEATURE DEFAULT SET FOR 20mA (Clll SET-UP FEATURE DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR UK CHARACTER SET (UKI (SWITCH 31 UK CHARACTER SET FEATURE DEFAULT SET FOR US (UKOI UK CHARACTER SET FEATURE DEFAULT SET FOR UK (UKll MA-6720 Figure 2-5 Default SET-UP Switch Pack Settings (Sheet 3 of 3) 2-8 4. If the default SET-UP switch pack settings are incorrect for the host computer, carefully change the switch settings with a pencil or a similar object. Once the switches are set, verify the new settings. If the settings are wrong, the terminal may not be able to communicate with the host computer. 5. Remove the user-supplied monitor from its shipping carton and place in the desired work area. Perform the installation instructions packed with the monitor. 6. Connect the VKl00 terminal to the user-supplied monitor. (The next section of this chapter provides specific instructions for connecting to the Barco Model GD33 monitor.) 7. Connect the communications cable to the appropriate communications connector. If you select EIA communications, connect the ground wire to the terminal communications connector. Figure 2-6 shows the cable connector with the ground wire connected. GREEN GROUND WIRE SCREW MA·67~IO Figure 2-6 EIA Communications Cable Connector 2-9 8. Connect the VK100 terminal to the optional LA34VA graphics printer. There are two methods for this. Section 2.5.3 provides detailed instructions. 9. Connect the power cord to the power cord receptacle on the rear of the terminal. Plug the other end of the power cord into a nearby wall outlet. 10. Turn the monitor power switch on. Allow the monitor one or two minutes to warm up before performing the next step. 11. Turn the terminal power switch on. The terminal automatically performs the power-up self-test. Once the power-up self-test is successfully completed, the ON LINE indicator above the keyboard lights and the cursor appears in the upper left corner of the monitor screen. If any other indications are present, the terminal self-test may have found a fault in the terminal. Chapter 6 outlines the procedures to follow if this occurs. NOTE On some moni tors the cursor does not appear immediately because of a monitor condition called overscan. To eliminate the overscan, set the HP or HM SET-UP parameters. Chapter 3 describes these parameters. 12. Select the terminal SET-UP parameters. Chapter 3 describes the SET-UP parameters and how to select them. 13. After selecting the SET-UP parameters, record their settings and keep them with the terminal for future reference. 14. Fi 11 out the GIGI Installa ti on Ca rd and return it to DIGITAL. Postage is prepaid if mailed within the United States. 2-10 ~ 2.5.1 Connecting to the Barco Model GD33 Monitor This section provides specific instructions for connecting the VK100 terminal to the Barco Model GD33 monitor. This monitor is not supplied by DIGITAL. The monitor must be purchased separately from a local Barco distributor. Monitor operating instructions are packaged with the monitor. 1. Locate the VK100 video cable. three connectors on each end. 2. Connect the color-keyed red, green, and blue cable connectors to the RED, GREEN, and BLUE output connectors on the rear of the VKl00 terminal. 3. Connect the color-keyed red, green, and blue cable connectors to the RED, GREEN, and BLUE input connectors on the rear of the Barco Model GD33 monitor (Figure 2-7). 4. Locate the white switches on the rear of the monitor above the input connectors. Slide the white switches to the 75 position. This switches in a 75-ohm cable impedance and provides the best possible monitor display. 5. Loca te the G/X swi tch on the rear 0 f the mon i to r. Sl ide the G/X switch to the G position. This sets the monitor synchronization for green signal sync. 6. Connect the monitor power cord. 2-11 It is a single cable with 000 c = = = 0 c::II ACPOWER CONNECTOR 000 NOT USED BLUE INPUT LOAD SWITCH GREEN INPUT LOAD SWITCH RED INPUT LOAD SWITCH ~ SYNC INPUT CO.o 0 ""T,"~ 1-751 1-751 1-751 1-751 SYNC SOURCE SELECT SWITCH ~ _75 VID ® @ ® G X EXTERNAL SYNC INPUTS (NOT USED) BLUE INPUTS GREEN INPUTS RED INPUTS MA6770 Figure 2-7 Barco Model GD33 Monitor Connections 2-12 2.5.2 Connecting to a Typical Black and White Monitor The VK100 terminal can connect to a black and white (monochrome) moni tor. DIGITAL does not supply a black and whi te moni tor. Any black and white monitor must be obtained from local suppliers. Use the following general instructions to perform the interconnection. Specific operating instructions for the monitor are packaged with the monitor. 1. Locate the VK100 video cable. three connectors on each end. It is a single cable with 2. Connect one of the three cable connectors to the MONO output connector on the rear of the VK100 terminal. Note the cable connector color key (red, green, or blue). 3. Locate the video input connector on the black and white moni tor. This connector should be a BNC-type connector. If not, put a BNC adaptor on the connector. 4. Connect the video cable to the video input connector on the moni tor. Be sure to use the same color-keyed cable connector that was used on the terminal end of the cable. 2.5.3 Connecting to the LA34VA Graphics Printer The VK100 terminal connects to the LA34VA graphics printer in one of two ways. 1. The terminal connects directly to the printer. 2. The terminal string. is added to the end of a multiterminal If the terminal connects directly to the printer, the printer is dedicated to that terminal. This means the printer is always available to the terminal. In a multiterminal string, two or more VK100 terminals connect to one printer. Each terminal contains a hardcopy protocol. This protocol prevents problems when more than one terminal tries to use the printer. To request using the printer, press the SHIFT and PF1/HARDCOPY keys together. The terminal looks to see if the printer is busy. If the printer is not busy the terminal immediately sends its data to the printer. If the printer is currently printing the terminal generates a print request and waits until the printer is available. The print request tells all other VK100 terminals that a terminal is waiting to use the printer. When the printer completes the copy the waiting terminal then sends its data to the printer. 2-13 When more than one terminal is waiting to use the printer an internal sequence system takes effect. The sequence system determines which terminal uses the printer next. The sequence system continues in effect until all of the waiting terminals have used the printer. When using a multiterminal string, all terminals in the string must be powered on. If any terminal in the string is turned off, that terminal and all terminals after it in the string cannot use the printer. Figure 2-8 shows this point. Terminal 3 is turned off, so terminal 4 cannot use the printer. Disconnect any terminal that is turned off in a multiterminal string from the string. Paragraph provides a disconnection procedure. The following paragraphs provide the two procedures for connecting the VKl00 terminal to the LA34VA graphics printer. GIGI TERMINAL #1 GIGI TERMINAL #4. CANNOT USE LA34VA GIGI TERMINAL GIGI TERMINAL #J..POWER OFF #2 MA-6725 Figure 2-8 Multiterminal String with Terminal Turned Off 2-14 Connecting Directly to the LA34VA Graphics Printer -- Use the following procedure for connecting a single VK1~~ terminal to the LA34VA graphics printer. Maximum cable length is S~ feet. Figure 2-9 shows a simple block diagram of this configuration. To perform the procedure use a flat blade screwdriver, a BC22A-xx interface cable, and one 8-32 X 5/8 inch screw. 1. Locate and connect the BC22A cable to the HARDCOPY connector on the rear of the VKl~~ terminal. The connector can only plug in one way. Connect the ground wi re to the HARDCOPY connector. Figure 2-6 shows the cable connector with the ground wire connected. 2. Plug the other cable connector into the the EIA connector on the rear of the LA34VA graphics printer. This connector can only plug in one way (Figure 2-l~). GIGI TERMINAL -, r BC22A-XX L EIA CONNECTOR .J HARDCOPY CONNECTOR LA34VA GRAPHICS PRINTER MA-6719 Figure 2-9 Single VK1~~ (GIGI) Terminal to LA34VA Graphics Printer Connection EIA CONNECTOR GROUND POINT ACPOWERCORD7 RECEPTACLE PAPER LOW JACK Figure 2-1~ ,ow,~ ON/OFF SWITCH MA-2633A LA34VA Graphics Printer (Rear View) 2-15 3. Push the 8-32 X 5/8 inch screw through the ring terminal on the end of the ground wi re coming out of the cable connector. Locate the grounding screw hole on the LA34VA graphics printer (about 3 inches to the right of the EIA connector). Attach the cable ground wire to the LA34VA graphics printer grounding point. 4. Perform the installation and SET-UP procedures outlined in the DECwriter IV Graphics Printer User Guide (EK-L34RO-UG) • 5. Apply power to both terminals. 6. To verify the LA34VA graphics printer connection, place the screen alignment video pattern on the monitor screen. Do this by pressing the following keys in order: SET-UP, 5, T, 4, and SET-UP again. 7. Pr in t the sc reen al ignmen t v ideo pattern on the LA34VA graphics printer. Do this by pressing the SHIFT and PFI/HARDCOPY keys together. Adding a Terminal to a Multitermimal String -- Use the following procedure if one or more VK100 terminals are connected to the LA34VA graphics printer. Figure 2-11 shows a simple diagram of this configuration. BC22B-XX EIA CONN. HARDCOPY CONN. OLD STRING GIGI TERMINAL GIGI TERMINAL LA34VA GRAPHICS PRINTER BC22B-XX(NEW) EIA CONN. HARDCOPY CONN. NEW STRING NEW GIGI TERMINAL GIGI TERMINAL GIGI TERMINAL LA34VA GRAPHICS PRINTER MA-6729 Figure 2-11 Adding a Terminal to a Multiterminal String 2-16 To perform the procedure use a flat blade screwdriver, a BC22B-xx interface cable, and a BC26B-0l Y-type cable. 1. Locate the last VK100 terminal in the string attached to the LA34VA graphic printer. Disconnect the cable connected to the HARDCOPY connector on the rear of this terminal. 2. Locate and connect the BC26B-0l Y-type cable to the HARDCOPY connector on the last VKl00 terminal. The connector can only plug in one way. Connect the ground wi re to the HARDCOPY connecto r. Figure 2-6 shows the cable connector with the ground wire connected. 3. Connect the cable disconnected from the terminal in step 2 to the female connector of the BC26B-0l Y type cable. 4. Locate the new BC22B cable. Plug one BC22B cable connector into the male BC26B-0l cable connector. The connector can only plug in one way. Connect the ground wi re between the two connectors. Figure 2-6 shows the cable connector with the ground wire connected. 5. Plug the other BC22B cable connector into the HARDCOPY connector on the VKl00 terminal being added to the string. The connector can only plug in one way. Connect the g round wi re to the HARDCOPY connecto r. Figure 2-6 shows the cable connector with the ground wire connected. 6. Apply power to both terminals. 7. To verify the LA34VA graphics printer connection, place the screen alignment video pattern on the monitor screen. Do this by pressing the following keys in order: SET-UP, 5, T, 4, and SET-UP again. 8. Print the screen alignment video pattern on the LA34VA graphics printer. Do this by pressing the SHIFT and PFl/HARDCOPY keys together. 2-17 Removing a Terminal from a Multiterminal String -- Use the following procedure if two or more VK100 terminals are connected to the LA34VA graphics printer. Figure 2-12 shows a simple diagram of the procedure. 1. Locate the VK100 terminal you want to disconnect. 2. Locate the BC26B-01 Y-type cable connected to the HARDCOPY connector on the rear of this terminal. Disconnect the two cables connected to the BC26B-01 Y-type cable. 3. Connect the two cables that were removed from the BC26B-01 Y-type cable. Be sure to connect the cable ground wires between the two connectors. Figure 2-6 shows the cable connectors with the ground wire connected. The terminal is now disconnected from the multi terminal string. BC22B-XX BC22B-XX BC22A-XX HARDCOPY CONN. HARDCOPY CONN. GIGI TERMINAL DISCONNECTED GIGI TERMINAL GIGI TERMINAL EIA CONN. LA34VA GRAPHICS PRINTER MA-6716 Figure 2-12 Removing a Terminal from a Multiterminal String 2-18 2.6 HARDWARE INTERFACE INFORMATION 2.6.1 General Communications Interface Information The terminal operates on full-duplex, asynchronous communications lines. The physical interfaces are implemented using a 25-pin EIA connector and a 20 mA loop connector. Baud Rate Transmit and receive baud rates are programmed through the keyboard using the SET-UP commands. Both transmit and receive baud rates can be set independently to: 110, 300, 600, 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600, or 19,200 baud. The terminal (set up for jump scroll) supports text writing speeds up to 300 baud without using the XON/XOFF characters for synchronization. Character Format -- The format of the asynchronous character is bit serial, consisting of a start bit (always SPACE), seven data bits (MARK equals binary 1, SPACE equals binary 0) an optional parity bit, and one or two stop bits (always MARK). The data bits are ASCII coded, and the least significant bit is transmitted or received first. The parity bit can be programmed for odd or even parity. If parity is disabled, the eighth bit is set to SPACE and no parity checking occurs on input. If parity is enabled and parity errors are detected, the error character is displayed. All baud rates have one stop bit per transmitted character, except 110 baud which has two stop bits per character. The communication data SET-UP commands. 2.6.2 format outlined here is programmed using EIA Interface Physical Interface -- The basic VK100 terminal operates on full-duplex, asynchronous communication lines. The terminal interfaces to the line with a 25-pin connector mounted on the back of the terminal. This connector meets the requirements of EIA Std RS-232-C. Table 2-1 summarizes the EIA connector signals. The following paragraphs explain how the basic VK100 terminal uses each signal. Protective Ground Pin 1 This conductor connects to the terminal system ground via a jumper. The conductor cannot be used for reference potential purposes. Transmitted Data (from VK100 terminal) -- Pin 2 The VK100 terminal transmits serially encoded characters and break signals on this circuit. The circuit is held in the mark state when the terminal is not transmitting characters or break signals. 2-19 Table 2-1 EIA Connector Signals Pin Description EIA/CCITT Circuit 1 2 3 4 5 Protective ground Transmitted data Received data Request to send (not used) AA/101 BA/103 BB/104 CA/105 6 7 8 9 10 Data set ready Signal ground* (not used) (not used) (not used) CC/107 AB/102 11 12 13 14 15 (not (not (not (not (not used) used) used) used) used) 16 17 18 19 20 (not (not (not (not Data used) used) used) used) terminal ready 21 22 23 24 25 (not (not (not (not (not used) used) used) used) used) CD/108.2 * Common return 2-20 Received Data (to VK100 terminal) -- Pin 3 -- The VK100 terminal receives serially encoded characters generated by the user's equipment on this circuit. The terminal is always ready to accept and interpret data after power-up, except in local mode. Request To Send (from VK100 terminal) -- Pin 4 This signal is always asserted (SPACE state) when the terminal is powered up and in the on-line mode. Clear To Send (from VK100 terminal) -- Pin 5 -- A circuit exists for this signal, but the signal is ignored at all times. Data Set Ready (to VK100 terminal) -- Pin 6 -- A receiver exists for this signal, but the signal is ignored at all times. Signal Ground -- Pin 7 -- This conductor establ ishes the common ground reference potential for all voltages on the interface. It connects to the VK100 terminal system ground. Data Terminal Ready (fr-om VK100 terminal) -- Pin 20 -- The data terminal ready (DTR) signal is always asserted, except under the following conditions. 1. When the terminal is not powered up 2. When the terminal is in local mode 3. During the 3.5 second interval following the pressing of SHIFT and BREAK. NOTE This use of data terminal ready (DTR) signal disconnects local and remote data sets when you press SHIFT and BREAK. It also prevents automatic answering when the terminal is in local mode or powered off. This use of DTR also causes the line to disconnect when the VK100 terminal switches from on-line to local mode. Electrical Characteristics -- The EIA interface has the following characteristics. On all signals generated by VK100 terminal, the mark or unasserted state is -6 V to -12 V; the space or asserted state is +6 V to +12 V. On signals received by VK100 terminal, -25 V to +0.75 V or an open circuit is interpreted as a mark or unasserted state; and +25 V to +2.25 V is interpreted as a space or asserted state. Voltages greater than +25 V are not allowed. These levels are compatible with EIA Std RS-232-C and CCITT Recommendation V.28. 2-21 EIA Interface Cables -- Table 2-2 lists the recommended communication cables for use with the EIA interface. Table 2-2 EIA Interface Cables Cable Part Number Cable Function BC22A-10 EIA null modem; connects VK100 terminal directly to a line unit (6 conductor cable) BC22A-25 EIA null modem; connects VK100 terminal directly to a line unit (6 conductor cable) BC22B-10 EIA extension to modem (14 conductor cable) BC22B-25 EIA extension to modem (14 conductor cable) 2.6.3 20 mA Current Loop Interface The VK100 terminal current loop interface is a passive configuration, that is, current must be supplied to the VK100 terminal. The transmi tter and receiver are both passive and optically isolated; the transmitter goes to the mark state when power is turned off. Table 2-3 lists the recommended 20 rnA current loop characteristics. Table 2-3 20mA Current Loop Characteristics Condition Open circuit voltage Voltage drop marking Spacing current Marking current Transmitter Min Max Receiver Min Max 5V 0V N/A 50V 4V 2mA 20mA 50mA 2-22 N/A 2.3V 3mA 15mA 50mA Electrical Characteristics The 20 rnA current interface has the following electrical characteristics. loop 20 rnA Interface Cables -- Table 2-4 lists the recommended communication cables for use with the 20 rnA interface. 2.6.4 Buffer Overflow Prevention The VK100 terminal can operate at transmission speeds up to 19,200 baud. However, the terminal may not be able to keep up wi th incoming data. The terminal stores incoming characters in a 253-character buffer and processes them on a first-in, first-out basis. When the contents of the buffer reaches 100 characters, the terminal transmits XOFF (023 or DC3). On this signal the host computer should stop transmi~ting to the terminal. If the host stops transmi tting, the terminal eventually depletes the buffer. When 50 characters remain in the buffer, the terminal transmi ts XON (021 8 or DCl) to signal the host that it may resume transmi SSlon. I f the host fa i I s to respond promptly to the XOFF signal, the buffer continues to fill. When the buffer exceeds its 253-character capacity, a buffer overflow occurs. When the buffer overflows, the VK100 terminal ignores any incoming characters. Table 2-4 20mA Interface Cables Cable Part Number Function BC0SF-1S 20 rnA cable with Mate-N-Lok connectors for connecting VK100 terminal directly to a line unit. BC05F-50 20 rnA cable with Mate-N-Lok connectors for connecting VK100 terminal directly to a line unit. BC05F-A0 20 rnA cable with Mate-N-Lok connectors for connecting VK100 terminal directly to a line unit. 2-23 The only indication of a buffer overflow is the loss of data on the monitor screen. The terminal does not display special characters on the screen to indicate this condition. Use the following formula to determine a possible buffer. Response time = 153 X Hl / speed) rec speed -- 3 X (trans bi ts / trans where: Rec speed = Trans bits Trans speed VK100 terminal receive speed in bits/second (baud). = 10, except at 110 baud where it is 11. = VK100 terminal transmit speed in bits/second (baud). NOTE The response time is less than 0 only when the receive speed is 19,200 baud and the transmit speed is 110 baud. Never use this combination of receive and transmit speeds. Example 1 The VK100 terminal is transmitting at 1200 baud and receiving at 1200 baud. The terminal sends an XOFF signal which the host must respond to within 1.25 seconds to avoid the buffer overflow. Response time = 153 X (10/1200) -- 3 X (10/1200) = 1.25 seconds Example 2 The VK100 terminal is transmitting at 300 baud and receiving at 1200 baud. The terminal sends an XOFF signal which the host must respond to within 1.175 seconds to avoid a buffer overflow. Response time = 153 X (10/1200) -- 3 X (10/300) = 1.175 second The XON/XOFF synchronization scheme has an advantage over requiring the host to insert delays or filler characters in its data stream. Requiring a minimum of software support, XON/XOFF makes sure that every character or command sent to the VK100 terminal is processed in correct order. This scheme frees interface programs from all timing considerations and produces more reliable operation. Software that does not support XON/XOFF signals from the VK100 terminal can still use the terminal in text or interactive mode. To do so limit the terminal receive speed to 300 baud in jump scroll mode, or 4800 baud in wrap scroll or scroll off modes. Set the receive higher only if the average line length of the data is known. Table 2-5 shows the maximum speeds (baud rates) for each scroll mode selection at different line lengths. 2-24 r Table 2-5 Terminal Receive Speed Limits (No XON/XOFF Support) Scroll Mode 0 Average Line Length in Characters 10 20 40 50 60 30 Smooth Jump Wrap/Off 0 300 4800 600 1200 4800 1200 2400 4800 1200 2400 4800 1200 2400 4800 1200 2400 4800 2400 2400 4800 70 80 2400 2400 4800 2400 2400 4800 Speeds are expressed as baud rates. If XON/XOFF cannot be used, use fill characters after certain characters or character strings are sent to the VK100 terminal. Table 2-6 shows the number of fill characters required for these functions. Use either the NUL (000 8 ) or the DEL (177 8 ) as fill characters. XON/XOFF support following modes. is required whenever the terminal is in the Auto Hardcopy (AHl) Graphics mode BASIC mode (BA1 or BA2) If the host computer synchronization, data will pauses after transmission varying sequence execution does not support XON/XOFF buffer probably be lost. Fill characters and do not prevent data loss due to the times. Table 2-6 Fill Character Requirements Character or Sequence Received TAB Text ED (char) CAN EL FF DECALN ED (full) Receive Speed 110 1 300 2 3 9 600 4 9 20 1200 2400 9 21 42 2-25 2 19 45 86 4800 1 6 39 93 175 9600 1 1 3 2 15 79 189 353 19200 2 3 9 4 32 159 381 709 Two terminal functions, reset and self-test, reinitialize the terminal and erase the buffer. This means characters received after the commands to perform these two functions are lost without being processed. To compensate for this, the host computer may act in one of the two following ways. 1. Immediately after sending the terminal one of these commands the host may act as if it had rece ived XOFF. Thus the host will not send additional characters until it receives XON. The terminal transmits XON only after it completes the specified operation and the XON/XOFF feature is enabled. 2. When the first method cannot be implemented, the host may use a delay 0 f no less than 10 seconds to allow the terminal time to complete the invoked function. If the invoked function detects an error, there is no guarantee against loss of data. This delay is currently adequate, however, future options may require a change in the delay period. The VK100 terminal always recognizes received XOFF and XON signals. Receipt of XOFF inhibits the VK100 terminal from transmitting any codes except XOFF and XON. Up to 253 keystrokes are stored in a keyboard buffer (some keys transmit two or three codes, e.g., cursor controls). If the keyboard buffer overflows, keyclicks stop. Transmission resumes upon receipt of XON. Entering and exiting SET-UP clears all stored keyboard characters and the keyboard locked condition. 2.6.5 Display Interface The display interface provides the circuitry needed to drive one black and wh i te mon ito r and one red, green, and blue (RGB) colo r monitor at the same time. Four separate BNC connectors are located on the rear of the terminal and are labeled as follows. MONO RED GREEN BLUE These connectors provide the signals needed to drive both black and white and color monitors. Composite Video Port (MONO) -- This interface connector drives an external black and white monitor. The output conforms to EIA RS-330 and has the following nominal characteristics. Output impedance Sync level Black level White level 75 ohms, dc coupled 0.0 V to 0.1 V 0.3 V +/- 10% when terminated with 75 ohms 1.0 V +/- 10% when terminated with 75 ohms 2-26 ,- Color Monitor Port (RED, GREEN, BLUE) -- These interface connectors drive an external RGB color monitor. The RED, GREEN, and BLUE outputs have the following nominal characteristics. Output impedance 75 ohms, dc coupled Red and blue signal outputs Signal level 1. 0 V +/- 10% Green signal outputs Signal level Sync level Black level 1. 0 V +/- 10% 0.0 V to 0.1 V 0.3 V +/- 10% Composite Sync Waveform Timing -- The compos i te sync waveform conforms to EIA RS-330 and has the following nominal characteristics. Horizontal period 63.131 -s (15.840 KHz) Horizontal sync width 4.735 -s Front porch 0.789 to 7.891 -s. The exact timing depends upon the HP SET-UP feature setting. When set to HP5 the front porch is 3.945 -So Back porch 7.891 -s minus front porch time Active video time 50.505 -s Frame rate Noninterlaced (IL0) 60.00 (PFl) Hz (PF0) or 49.97 Hz Interlaced (ILl) 29.94 (PFl) Hz (PF0) or 24.95 Hz Vertical sync width 189.394 -s Serration during vertical sync none Vertical blank 1. 262 ms minimum (PF0) 4.609 ms minimum (PFl) Horizontal scans per frame 264 317 529 635 2-27 (PF0 (PFI (PF0 (PFl and and and and IL0) IL0) ILl) ILl) Monitor Selection -- The display interfaces to drive a number of commercially standard monitors. Monitors connected to the VKl00 terminal should have the following capabilities. video bandwidth 8 MHz minimum Horizontal flyback time 12 -s maximum Vertical flyback time 1.0 ms maximum (525-line monitor) 4.3 ms maximum (625-line monitor) Line rate 15.840 KHz Frame rate 60 Hz or 50 Hz Aspect ratio adjustable to 1:1.6 DC restoration To present the best possible display, the VK100 terminal contains a number of SET-UP selectable features to tailor the video output of the terminal to the monitor. These features are as follows. Feature Function PF0 For 60 Hz, 525-line monitors PFI For 50 Hz, 625-line monitors HP0 to HP9 For horizontal centering HM0 to HM9 To horizontally limit the for monitors with overscan VM0 to VM9 To vertically limit the text display area for monitors with overscan EMI For 40 characters per line display text on low resolution monitors IL0 For a noninterlaced display to reduce flicker ILl For an interlaced display on a monitor with a slow phospher, or for taking moni tor screen photographs text display area Video Interface Cables -- Table 2-7 lists the recommended communication cables for use with the video interfaces. 2-28 Table 2-7 Video Interface Cables Cable Part Number Function BC26M-f2J5 RGB cable with BNC connectors for user-supplied monitor 2.6.6 Hardcopy Interface The terminal has a serial interface port for interfacing to a LA34VA graphics printer; this allows dumping of bit map information to obtain a hardcopy. A series-chaining scheme allows more than one VKlf2Jf2J terminal to share a single graphics printer. Physical Interface The interface to an external hardcopy device uses a standard 25-pin female EIA connector. Table 2-8 lists the pin assignments. Table 2-8 Hardcopy Interface Pin Assignments Pin Signal Name 1 2 Protective Ground Downstream Transmitted Data (DTXD) Downstream Received Data (DRXD) Downstream Request To Send (DRTS) Downstream Clear to Send (DCTS) Signal Ground Upstream Clear To Send (UCTS) Upstream Transmitted Data (DTXD) Upstream Received Data (DRXD) Upstream Request To Send (URTS) 3 4 5 7 13 14 16 19 2-29 Electrical Interface -- The electrical characteristics of the hardcopy interface are as follows. On signals generated by the VK100 terminal, the mark or unasserted state is -6 V to -12 Vi the space or asserted state is +6 V to +12 V. These levels are compatible with EIA Std RS-232-C and CCITT Recommendation V.28. On signals received by the VK100 terminal, -25 V to +0.75 V or an open circuit is interpreted as a mark or unasserted state, and +25 V to +2.25 V is interpreted as a space or asserted state. Vol tages greater than +25 V are not allowed. These levels are compatible with EIA StdRS-232-C and CCITT Recommendation V.28. Hardcopy Interface Cables recommended communication cables for interface. Table 2-9 lists the use wi th the hardcopy Hardcopy Device Sharing -- The VK100 terminal contains the necessary logic for series-chaining to another VK100 terminal to time share a single hardcopy device. For every series-chained VK100 terminal, a Y-cable (BC26B-01) and a modem cable (BC22B-x) are needed. Chapter 5 provides instructions on how to connect the terminal in a series chain. There is no limitation on the number of VK100 terminals chained to the hardcopy device as long as the maximum cable length between adjacent terminals is 50 ft. The 50 ft maximum cable length conforms to RS-232-C/CCITT V.28 interface specifications. In practice the number of VK100 terminals served by a single printer is limited by the maximum response time users will accept. When a VK100 terminal is powered off, all upstream terminals (those farther away from the hardcopy device) are broken off the chain. The cabl ing system allows downstream terminals to bypass the Y-cable on the powered-off terminal and remain in the chain. As a general practice disconnect all powered-off terminals from the chain. This eliminates the possibility of inducing noise pulses in the chain, which may cause an erroneous printout. 2-30 Table 2-9 Hardcopy Interface Cables Cable Part Number Function Y-cable for daisy-chaining the LA34VA graphics printer to multiple VK100 terminals BC22B-25 EIA extension to second VK100 terminal from Y-cable (BC26B-01) BC22A-10 EIA null modem; connects VK100 terminal directly to a line unit(6 conductor cable) BC22A-25 EIA null modem; connects VK100 terminal directly to a line unit (6 conductor cable) 2-31 3.3 KEYBOARD CONTROLS The VK100 terminal has two keypads. The main keypad has a key arrangement and sculpturing styled like a standard office typewriter. The auxiliary or numeric keypad allows you to enter numeric data in a calculator-like fashion. The following paragraphs describe the different keyboard control groups and their functions. VK100 terminal Standard keys Special function keys SET-UP mode keys Special mode keys 3.3.1 Standard Keys Figure 3-2 identifies the VK100 terminal keyboard keys that usually operate like standard typewriter and calculator keys. These keys generate ASCII codes which the terminal transmi ts to the host computer. The minus, comma, period, and numeric keys of the auxi 1 iary keypad normally generate the same codes as the corresponding unshifted keys of the main keypad. The SHIFT key on the main keypad does not affect the codes generated by the keys on the auxiliary keypad. The auxiliary keypad has two alternate modes of operation: keypad appl ication mode and programmed keypad mode. The terminal can enter either mode through the SET-UP parameters or a command from the host computer. In both modes the auxiliary keypad generates control functions. 3-2 Figure 3-2 Standard Keys CAPS LOCK CAPS LOCK This key enables the uppercase function of alphabetic keys only. All numeric and special symbol keys remain in lowercase. SHIFT SHIFT This key enables the uppercase function of all keys. If a key does not have an uppercase function, the SHIFT key has no effect. 3-3 Figure 3-3 Special Function Keys 3.3.2 Special Function Keys Figure 3-3 identifies the special function keys on terminal keyboard. The following paragraphs provide description. the VK100 a general SET-UP Pressing this key causes the VK100 terminal to enter SET-UP mode. Terminal parameters such as scrolling can be changed in this mode. 11111111 Arrows Each of these keys causes the VK100 terminal to transmit a control function code to the host computer. Usually the control functions are interpreted as commands to move the cursor in the direction of the arrow. BREAK This key transmits a break signal. Pressing BREAK with either of the SHIFT keys transmits the long break signal. PF1/HARDCOPY Pressing this key by itself causes the VK100 terminal to transmit a control function code. Pressing this key with either of the SHIFT keys causes the optional printer to copy the current contents of the monitor screen. During the copying process the screen is frozen. Once the 3-4 printer finishes the copy, the screen resumes normal operation. If a printer is not connected to the terminal, pressing this key freezes the screen for a short time just as if a printer was copying the screen. Pressing the SHIFT and PFI/HARDCOPY keys a second time stops the printing of the screen contents. When this occurs the terminal returns to the previous operating mode. PF2/LOCATOR Pressing this key by itself causes the VKl00 terminal to transmit a control function code. Pressing this key with either of the SHIFT keys causes the terminal to enter locator mode and display the locator cursor ( + ) on the screen. Section 3.3.4 provides more information on the locator mode. PF3/TEXT Pressing this key by itself causes the VK100 terminal to transmit a control function code. Pressing this key with either of the SHIFT keys causes the terminal to enter text mode and disable graphics mode. When it enters text mode, the terminal cancels any special graphics display parameters that were selected. If the terminal was already in text mode, pressing this key resets any special text features. PF4/RESET Pressing this key by itself causes the VK100 terminal to transmit a control function code. Pressing this key with either of the SHIFT keys resets the terminal. This action is almost the same as turning the power switch off and on. All of the contents of memory are lost except the SET-UP parameter settings, soft character sets, BASIC program, graphics mode macrographs, and any special key definitions. This reset function does not change the SET-UP parameter settings. DELETE This key causes the VK100 terminal to transmit a delete character code to the host system. The deleted character mayor may not be erased from the screen. 3-5 RETURN This key transmits either a carriage return (CR) code or a carriage return (CR) and 1 ine feed (LF) code. Select the des ired function through the New Line (NL) SET-UP parameter. LINE FEED This key transmits a line feed (LF) code. NO SCROLL This key is controlled by the XO SET-UP parameter. If the XO parameter is on, pressing this key the first time stops data transmission from the host computer to the VK100 terminal. This also lights the NO SCROLL indicator above the keyboard, to show that the terminal is not sending or receiving data. Pressing the key a second time resumes transmission from where it stopped. This also turns off the NO SCROLL indicator. If the XO parameter is off, this key is inactive and has no effect on the terminal. CONTROL Pressing this key in combination with another key causes the VK100 terminal to transmit a control code. ESCAPE This key transmits an escape code. 3-6 ONLINE lQCAlNOSCROll BASIC HARDCoPV 000 II 000 l2 0 Figure 3-4 SET-UP Mode Keys 3.3.3 SET-UP Mode Keys Figure 3-4 identifies the keys available in SET-UP mode. 3.5 provides a detailed description of the SET-UP mode. Section II SPACE BAR or UP ARROW Either key steps to the next higher setting for a SET-UP parameter. When the highest value is reached, the setting returns to 0 and starts the cycle over again. Each key performs the same function. II DOWN ARROW This key steps to the next lower setting for a SET-UP parameter. When 0 is reached the setting returns to the highest value and starts the cycle over again. II RETURN or RIGHT ARROW Either key steps the terminal to the next SET-UP parameter. When the last parameter appears on the screen, the terminal automatically returns to the first SET-UP parameter. Each key performs the same function. 3-7 II LEFT ARROW This key steps the terminal backwards to the previous SET-UP parameter. When the first parameter appears on the screen, the terminal automatically returns to the last SET-UP parameter. Alphabetic Keys -- These keys enter the two-letter code for each SET-UP parameter. This displays any SET-UP parameter without stepping through all the parameters. If the operator types an incorrect code, the terminal sounds the bell tone and displays the last correct parameter. Numeric Keys -- These keys enter the numeric parameter setting of a SET-UP parameter. This sets a parameter without stepping through all the parameter settings. If the operator types an incorrect setting, the terminal sounds the bell tone and displays the last correct parameter setting. PF4/RESET Pressing this key with either of the SHIFT keys resets the terminal to the power-up state. All the contents of memory, including the SET-UP parameter settings, are lost. Pressing these keys in SET-UP mode is the same as turning the terminal power switch off and on. When the operator presses this key by itself, the terminal sounds the bell tone. 3-8 Figure 3-5 Locator Mode Keys 3.3.4 Locator Mode Keys Figure 3-5 identifies the keys that have a special meaning to the terminal in locator mode. The following paragraphs briefly describe the function of the locator keys in locator mode. If the operator presses any keys other than those described, the terminal ex i ts loca to r mode, sends the code 0 f the key pressed, and then sends the screen location of the locator cursor. If the terminal enters locator mode through the host computer, the terminal sends a carriage return (CR) code followed immediately by the key code. PF2/LOCATOR Pressing this key with either terminal to enter locator mode ( + ) on the screen. of the SHIFT keys causes the and display the locator cursor lIalili ARROWS These keys move the locator cursor (+ ) around the screen. Each time the operator presses the key, the locator cursor moves one dot in the direction shown by the arrow on the key. Pressing SHIFT with one of the arrow keys moves the locator cursor ( + ) ten dots in the direction shown by the arrow on the key. 3-9 ENTER or RETURN Either of these keys end the locator mode. The terminal sends the screen position of the locator cursor to the host computer. DELETE This key ends the locator mode; however, the terminal does not send the screen position of the locator cursor to the host computer. If the terminal enters locator mode through the host computer, the terminal sends a carriage return (CR) code. 3.4 VISUAL AND AUDIBLE INDICATORS The VK100 terminal has two types of indicators: visual indicators above the keyboard, and audible alarms. 3.4.1 Visual Indicators Figure 3-6 shows the location of the keyboard indicators. following paragraphs describe the function of each indicator. The ON LINE This indicator lights to show that the VK100 terminal is on-line and ready to transmit or receive messages from the host computer. The ON LINE indicator can also show self-test errors. LOCAL This indicator lights to show that the terminal is off-line and cannot communicate wi th the host computer. In local mode the keyboard remains active and all typed characters appear on the screen. The LOCAL indicator can also show self-test errors. 3-10 i ~F1!@J@JB H RD PF2 LOCTR C~PY PF3 TEXT PF4 AESET 0000 000D ~000 1 100 0 Figure 3-6 Keyboard Indicators NO SCROLL This indicator lights to show that the NO SCROLL key was pressed and the terminal is no longer receiving or sending data to the host computer. The codes for any keys pressed while the NO SCROLL indicator is on are stored in the terminal and sent after the indicator turns off. To continue sending or receiving data, press NO SCROLL a second time. The NO SCROLL indicator is inactive if the XO SET-UP parameter is off (X00). BASIC This indicator lights to program mode. In this entered on the keyboard BASIC language commands. errors. show that the terminal is in the BASIC mode the terminal interprets all data or received from the host computer as The BASIC indicator also shows self-test HARDCOPY This indicator lights to show that the optional hardcopy printer is copying the screen. When the operation is complete, the terminal turns the indicator off. The HARDCOPY indicator also shows self-test errors. LI and L2 These indicators are turned on and off by the host computer. LI and L2 indicators also show self-test errors. 3-11 The 3.4.2 Audible Indicators The VKHHJ terminal has two audible alarms: and a long tone (beep). a short tone (click) Short Tone (click) -- The terminal sounds the short tone whenever the operator presses a key, with the following exceptions. 1. SHIFT and CTRL keys do not generate a keyclick, because these keys do not transmit codes. These keys only modify the codes transmitted by other keys. 2. No key generates a keyclick if the keyclick parameter is turned off in SET-UP mode. Long Tone (beep) -- The terminal sounds the long tone when one of the following conditions occurs. 1. The terminal enters SET-UP mode. 2. The terminal receives a bell code from the computer. 3. The cursor is eight characters away from the margin, and the margin bell parameter is enabled. 4. The operator enters an incorrect parameter setting in SET-UP mode. parameter right code or 3.5 SET-UP MODE DESCRIPTION The VKl~~ terminal contains many features. Some of these features help the operator in the daily use of the terminal. Other features allow the terminal to talk to many different types of computers and computer programs. To change these features to the required settings the terminal contains a special mode of operation called SET-UP mode. In SET-UP mode, the terminal displays the status of each parameter stored in the terminal memory individually on the monitor screen. Once the parameter code appears, the operator can change the parameter setting. Changing the parameter setting causes the terminal to operate according to the new setting. The effect is the same as turning a switch on or off. Enter SET-UP mode by pressing SET-UP. The following events occur. 1. The monitor screen scrolls down six character lines. 2. The long tone sounds. 3. The monitor enters the expanded mode. 4. A message similar to center of the screen. the SET-UP TS4 3-12 following 24~~ appears at the top The word SET-UP indicates the terminal is in SET-UP mode. The next two characters are the SET-UP parameter code. This code represents the SET-UP parameter the operator can change. In this case the code is TS and stands for Transmit Speed. Immediately following the SET-UP parameter code is its current setting (4 in this case). This parameter setting code changes when the parameter setting changes. The last four characters in the message are an abbreviation of the current parameter setting. The abbreviation in this case is 2400, to show that the terminal transmi t speed is set for 2400 baud (bits per second). The parameter setting abbreviation varies from setting to setting. The parameter settings entered in SET-UP mode are not permanent. Every time the operator turns terminal power off, the parameter settings return to a condi tion known as defaul t. The defaul t conditions reside in two different physical locations in the terminal, the default SET-UP switch pack and the read only memory (ROM) • The default SET-UP switch pack controls the following parameters. Transmit (TS) and receive (RS) speed together Parity (PE) Default character (UK) sets Communications interface (CI) Power frequency (PF) The operator can change the default values for these SET-UP parameters while installing the terminal. Refer to section 2.5 for the procedure to follow. This chapter discusses the specific function and possible settings for each SET-UP parameter. All other default SET-UP parameter settings are controlled by the read only memory (ROM) in the VKl00 terminal. These default parameter settings are permanent. For a parameter setting different from the default setting, change the setting each time terminal power is turned on. 3.5.1 SET-UP Parameter Summary The VK100 terminal contains all the SET-UP parameters I isted in Table 3-1. The first column in the table lists the SET-UP parameters in the order they appear on the moni tor screen. The second column lists the parameter codes, and the third column lists the possible setting codes for each parameter. The next column lists the exact message that appears on the screen, and the last column briefly describes what the parameter does for that setting_ 3-13 This table serves only as a brief summary of the SET-UP parameters and how they affect the VK100 terminal. See the SET-UP Parameter Descriptions section of this chapter for a more complete description of each parameter. Table 3-1 SET-UP Parameter Summary SET-UP Parameter Para Set Displayed Code Code Message Transmit TS 0 TS0 110*+ Speed TS 1 TS1 300 TS 2 TS2 600 TS 3 TS3 1200 TS 4 TS4 2400 TS 5 TS5 4800 TS 6 TS6 9600 TS 7 TS7 19.2 RS 0 RS0 110*+ RS 1 RS1 300 RS 2 RS2 600 RS 3 RS3 1200 RS 4 RS4 2400 RS 5 RS5 4800 RS 6 RS6 9600 RS 7 RS7 19.2 LL LL 0 1 LL0 LocI LL1 OnLn* Receive Speed Loca1/ Line 3-14 Function Set transmit baud. Set transmit baud. Set transmit baud. Set transmit baud. Set transmit baud. Set transmit baud. Set transmit baud. Set transmit 19,200 baud. Set receive baud. Set receive baud. Set receive baud. Set receive baud. Set receive baud. Set receive baud. Set receive baud. Set receive baud. speed to 110 speed to 300 speed to 600 speed to 1,200 speed to 2,400 speed to 4,800 speed to 9,600 speed to speed to 110 speed to 300 speed to 600 speed to 1,200 speed to 2,400 speed to 4,800 speed to 9,600 speed to 19,200 Local mode. On-line mode. Table 3-1 SET-UP Parameter Summary (cont) SET-UP Parameter Para Set Displayed Code Code Message BASIC BA BA o 1 BA0 Off* BAI LocI BA 2 BA2 Host Parity Enable XON/XOFF PE PE0 Off*+ PE 1 PEl Even PE 2 PE2 Odd X00 Off XO Function BASIC disabled. BASIC enabled in local mode. BASIC enabled in host mode. Parity off, bit 8 set to SPACE. Even parity on, bit 8 set to even parity and checked. Odd parity on, bit 8 set to odd parity and checked. XON/XOFF not sent automatically. XON/XOFF sent automatically. XO 1 XOI On* SM SM SM SM o 1 2 3 SM0 SMI SM2 SM3 Reverse Video RV RV 1 Horizontal Margins HM HM o HM0* 1--9 HM(1--9) No horizontal margins. Horizontal margins one to nine characters from left and right. Vertical Margins VM VM o VM0* 1--9 VM (1--9) No vertical margins. Vertical margins one to nine characters from top and bottom. Expansion Mode EM EM o 1 Normal display. Expanded mode (double-width text characters). Horizontal HP 0--9 HP(0--9) Position HP 5 Scroll o Off Jump Smth* Wrap RV0 Off* RVI On EM0 Ndrm* EMI Expn HP5* No scrolling. Jump scroll. Smooth scroll. Wrap scroll. Normal video. Reverse video. Horizontal display position. Normal horizontal display position. * Indicates the default value of the parameter. + This default value is determined by the settings of the default SET-UP swi tch pack. Refer to Chapter 2 section 2.5 for the procedure to change these settings. 3-15 Table 3-1 SET-UP Parameter Summary (cont) SET-UP Parameter Para Set Displayed Code Code Message Overstrike OS OS o VC VC VC o VC Visual Cursor Text Display Graphics Display Graphics Prefix Single Character Local Echo New Line Function OS0 Off* aSIan Normal text replacement. Overlay text writing. 1 2 VC0 Off VCl Text VC2 Grph 3 VC3 Both* Disable visual cursor. Enable text visual cursor. Enable graphics visual cursor. Enable both cursors. 1 TD TD0 Norm* TD 1 TDI Text TD 2 TD2 Ctrl GD GD0 Norm* GD 1 GDI Text GD 2 GD2 Top GD 3 GD3 Bot GP o GP0 Off* GP 1 GPl= "!" SC Normal processing of text display. Display all characters as text (transparency mode); all characters are displayed as text and not processed, except LF which is displayed as next line. Process all characters normally, display all unrecognized characters as text. Normal processing of graphics. Display graphics commands as text. Display last line of ReGIS at top of screen. Display last line of ReGIS at bottom of screen. Disable graphics prefix mode. Enable graphics prefix mode; character shown in quotes is prefix character. SC0 Off* Normal communications operation. Single character operation. SC 1 SCIOn LE LE o LE0 Off* LEI On No local echo. Local echo every key stroke. NL NL o NL0 Off* NLI On New line mode disabled. New line mode enabled. 1 1 3-16 Table 3-1 SET-UP Parameter Summary (cont) SET-UP Parameter Para Set Displayed Code Code Message Function Auto Hardcopy AH AH 0 I AH0 Off* AHI On Disable auto hardcopy mode. Enable auto hardcopy mode. Auto Wraparound AW AW 0 I AW0 Off AWl On* Disable auto wraparound. Enable auto wraparound. Key Repeat KR 0 KR0 Off KR I KRI On* Disable key repeat parameter. Enable key repeat parameter. KC KC 0 KC0 Off KCI On* Disable keyclick. Enable keyclick. Keyclick Margin Bell I MB MB I 0 MB0 Off MBI On* Disable right margin bell. Enable right margin bell. Terminal Mode TM TM 0 I TM0 VT52 TMI ANSI* VT52 mode. ANSI mode. Keypad Mode KP KP 0 I KP0 Norm* KPI Appl Numeric keypad mode. Application keypad mode. Cursor Key Mode CK CK 0 I CK0 Norm* CKI Appl Cursor key mode. Cursor key application mode. Programmed Keypad Mode PK PK 0 I PK0 Off* PKI On Programmed keypad disabled. Programmed keypad enabled. Tablet Locator Mode TL 0 TL0 Off* TL I TLI On Only four cursor keys control locator mode. Tablet or cursor keys control locator mode. UK Character Set UK UK 0 I UK0 U.S.* + UKI U.K. US character set. UK character set. Comm. Interface CI 0 CI0 EIA*+ CI I CII 20 mA EIA comm. interface selected. 20 mA comm. interface selected. * Indicates the default value of the parameter. + This default value is determined by the settings of the default SET-UP swi tch pack. Refer to Chapter 2 section 2.5 for the procedure to change these settings. 3-17 Table 3-1 SET-UP Parameter Summary (cont) SET-UP Parameter Para Set Displayed Code Code Message Hardcopy Speed HS HS0 110 Function Set hardcopy baud. Set hardcopy baud. Set hardcopy baud. Set hardcopy baud. Set hardcopy baud. Set hardcopy baud. Set hardcopy baud. Set hardcopy 19,200 baud. speed to 110 HS 1 HS1 300 HS 2 HS2 600 HS 3 HS3 1200 HS 4 HS4 2400 HS 5 HS5 4800 HS 6 HS6 9600* HS 7 HS7 19.2 Power Frequency PF PF o 1 PF0 60 Hz*+ PF1 50 Hz 60 Hz power frequency. 50 Hz power frequency. Interlace IL IL 1 IL0 Off* ILIOn Interlace turned off. Interlace turned on. Select power-up self-test. Select external comm. test. Select hardcopy comm. test. Select display pattern test. Select color bar test pattern. Repeat selected testes) until failure. Clear all selected test (s) • Self-Test o ST ST ST ST 1 2 3 4 ST1 ST2 ST3 ST4 ST 5 ST5 CBar ST 9 ST9 Rept ST PWUp ExCm HcCm Dspl ST0 Clr speed to 300 speed to 600 speed to 1,200 speed to 2,400 speed to 4,800 speed to 9,600 speed to * Indicates the default value of the parameter. + This default value is determined by the settings of the default SET-UP swi tch pack. Refer to Chapter 2 section 2.5 for the procedure to change these settings. 3-18 3.5.2 Changing a SET-UP Parameter (Operator) To change any or all of the SET-UP parameters following simple procedure. perform 1. Enter SET-UP mode by pressing SET-UP. 2. Select the SET-UP parameter you want to change. of the four following methods. 3. Use one a. Type the two-character keyboard. b. Press RETURN until the SET-UP parameter code appears on the screen. This key is pressed, the code advances by one. c. Press the ~ key until the SET-UP parameter code appears on the screen. Each time this key is pressed, the code advances by one. d. Press the ~ key until the SET-UP parameter appears on the screen. Each time this key is pressed, the code advances by one. Change the parameter following methods. SET-UP parameter the setting. Use one code on of the the four a. Type the single-digit parameter setting. This changes the parameter setting to the typed-in value wi thout stepping through all the possible parameter settings. b. Press the SPACE BAR. pressed the parameter possible value. c. Press the 1 key. Each time this key is pressed, the parameter setting advances to the next possible value. d. Press t h e ' key. Each time this key is pressed, the parameter setting goes back to the previous setting. Each time the SPACE BAR is setting advances to the next To change more than one SET-UP parameter, just repeat steps 2 and 3 as often as needed. Pressing either the RETURN or ~ key advances the terminal to the next parameter and displays the new parameter and its current setting. Pressing the ~ key steps the terminal back to the previous parameter and displays that parameter and its setting. The terminal always returns to the first parameter (TS) after stepping through all the parameters. 3-19 If the operator presses any keys other than SPACE, RETURN, ~, ~, a parameter code letter, or a parameter value, the terminal bell sounds and the last correct parameter or parameter setting appears on the screen. T, , , When all the SET-UP parameters are set, exi t the SET-UP mode by pressing SET-UP once. The screen then scrolls back to its original position and the normal viewing area appears again. 3.5.3 Changing a SET-UP Parameter (Host Computer) The host computer can change all VK100 terminal SET-UP parameters. It has this capability because the SET-UP parameters directly affect how the terminal acts with specific programs. To change the SET-UP parameters, the host computer sends escape sequences to the terminal. The terminal then changes the SET-UP parameters and acts according to the new settings. The Device Control Strings (DCS) section in Chapter 4 describes the specific escape sequences and message formats that change the terminal SET-UP parameters. 3.6 SET-UP PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS This section describes each SET-UP parameter in detail and explains how each parameter affects the terminal. The SET-UP parameters are listed in the order they appear on the screen. NOTE Unless otherwise stated, entering SET-UP mode and changing parameters does not result in the loss of data on the screen. 3.6.1 Transmit Speed (TS) Set the transmi t speed to match the computer recei ve speed. The VK100 terminal can transmit at anyone of the following preselected speeds: 110, 300, 600, 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600, and 19,200 baud. Transmit speed is independent of receive speed; the terminal can transmit data at one speed and receive data at a different speed. Select the defaul t value of both this parameter and the receive speed (RS) parameter wi th the same defaul t SET-UP swi tch pack settings. NOTE Setting this parameter to 110 baud (TS0) selects two stop bits; all other settings select one stop bit. 3-20 3.6.2 Receive Speed (RS) Set the receive speed to match the computer transmi t speed. The VK100 terminal can receive at anyone of the following preselected speeds: 110, 300, 600, 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600 and 19,200 baud. Receive speed is independent of transmit speed; the terminal can receive data at one speed and transmit data at a different speed. Select the default value of both this parameter and the transmit speed (TS) parameter wi th the same defaul t SET-UP swi tch pack settings. 3.6.3 Line/Local (LL) The line/local parameter allows the operator to enter the terminal into either an on-line or a local (off-line) mode. When the terminal is on-line (the ON-LINE indicator lights), all characters typed on the keyboard are sent directly to the computer and messages from the computer appear on the screen. In local mode (the LOCAL indicator lights), the terminal is disconnected from the computer; messages are not sent to or received from the computer. Characters typed on the keyboard are echoed directly to the screen. NOTE When the terminal is on-line (LLl), the data terminal ready (DTR) signal on the EIA communications line is asserted. When the terminal enters local mode (LL0), DTR is deasserted and the LOCAL indicator lights. 3.6.4 BASIC (BA) The BASIC mode parameter allows the operator to select the BASIC programming capability of the VKl00 terminal. If the BASIC mode is off (BA0), the terminal operates normally. The line/local parameter (LL) determines if the terminal is on-line or local to the host computer. When the operator selects BASIC local (BAI), the standard BASIC programming capability of the terminal turns on and the terminal keyboard acts as the input device to BASIC. In this mode, to enter a BASIC program into the terminal type it on the keyboard. The BASIC indicator lights when the parameter is set to BAl. When the operator selects BASIC host (BA2), the BASIC programming capability of the terminal turns on and the host computer acts as the input device to BASIC. In this mode the host computer normally loads a BASIC program in the VKl00 terminal through the communications line. The BASIC indicator lights when the parameter is set to BA2. 3-21 3.6.5 Parity Enable (PE) The parity enable parameter defines the type of parity bit that the VKl~~ terminal generates for transmitted characters and checks for received characters. All characters contain eight bits seven data bits and one parity bit. Select the parity bit from one of the three following options. 1. Space parity, which ignores received characters (PE~) 2. Even parity, with even parity checking for all characters (PEl) received 3. Odd parity, with characters (PE2) received odd parity the parity checking for bit all for all Select the default value of this parameter with the default SET-UP switch pack settings. Section 2.5 provides information on how to set these switches. 3.6.6 XON/XOFF (XO) The VKl~~ terminal can automatically generate the synchronizing codes XON (DCl) and XOFF (DC3). The synchronizing codes prevent data loss when the host computer sends characters to the terminal faster than the terminal can process them. The XOFF control code stops data transmission from the host computer to the terminal; the XON code signals the host computer to resume transmission. When the parameter is on, and the receive buffer contains 100 unprocessed characters, the VK10~ terminal automatically generates the XOFF code. The receive buffer fills to that point when one of the following events occur. 1. The operator presses NO SCROLL. 2. The operator enters the SET-UP mode. 3. The terminal process them. receives characters faster than it can The buffer empties only after the operator presses NO SCROLL again or takes the terminal out of SET-UP mode. The terminal then takes characters out of the buffer and processes them one at a time. When 50 characters remain in the buffer, the terminal transmi ts the XON code to resume transmission from the computer to the terminal. If the XON/XOFF parameter is off, NO SCROLL is disabled. If the host computer software does not support the XON/XOFF codes, data sent during buffer-full conditions may be lost. 3-22 NOTE The VKH"~ terminal always stops transmission when it receives an XOFF (DC3) code and resumes transmission when it receives an XON (DCI) code, regardless of the auto XON/XOFF parameter setting. 3.6.7 Scroll Mode (SM) Scrolling describes the movement of existing lines on the monitor screen to make room for new lines on the screen. The scroll mode function has four possible settings: scroll off, jump scroll, smooth scroll, or wrap scroll. In scroll off mode (SM0), the text cursor always remains on the top or bottom line of the display. The display does not move up or down. The terminal adds new I ines to the screen by wr i t ing over the top or bottom line. In jump scroll mode (5Ml), the text cursor immediately moves to the next line. In this mode the existing lines on the screen move up or down to make room for new lines. The new lines appear on the screen as fast as the computer sends them to the terminal. At the higher baud rates, the data is very difficult to read due to the rapid movement of the lines. NOTE Jump scroll mode allows the terminal to add a maximum of thirty lines per second at the top or bottom of the screen. The XON/XOFF parameter must be enabled and supported by the host computer to make sure that data is not lost when jump scroll mode is enabled. In smooth scroll mode (5M2), the terminal receives new lines of data at a limited speed. The movement of lines occurs at the smooth, steady rate of eight lines per second, allowing the operator to read the data as it appears on the screen. NOTE Smooth scroll mode allows the terminal to add a maximum of eight lines per second at the top or bottom of the screen. The XON/XOFF parameter must be enabled and supported by the host computer to make sure that data is not lost when smooth scroll mode is enabled. In wrap scroll mode (5M3), the terminal adds new lines to the screen by wr i ting over the old lines. When the operator reaches the end of the screen, (bottom or top) the cursor automatically moves to the beginning of the screen, and the terminal writes new lines over the old lines on the screen. Existing data on the screen does not move. 3-23 3.6.8 Reverse Video (RV) The reverse video parameter allows the operator to select the background of the screen. In normal screen mode (RV0), the screen contains light (or colored) characters on a dark background. In reverse screen mode (RVI), the screen contains dark characters on a light (or colored) background. 3.6.9 Horizontal Margins (HM) This parameter allows the operator to tailor the video output of the VRl00 terminal to the monitor. If the monitor cannot display 84 characters per line, insert marg ins on both sides of the screen. The width of each margin is in characters. If the horizontal margin parameter display 84 characters on a line mode parameter is set for EMI). one-character margin (HMI), both one character wide. This setting line (40 characters in EMI). is set for HM0, the monitor can (42 characters if the expansion If the parameter is set for a the left and right margins are allows only 82 characters per The maximum margin width is nine characters for both the left and right margins. This setting provides space for 66 characters per line (24 characters in EMI). 3.6.19 Vertical Margins (VM) This parameter allows the operator to tailor the video output of the VKl00 terminal to the monitor. If the monitor cannot display 24 lines of data, insert vertical margins at the top and bottom of the screen. The height of each margin is in lines. If the vertical margin parameter is set for VM0, the terminal sends 24 lines of data to the monitor before scrolling the screen. If the parameter is set for VM1, both the top and bottom margins are set for one line. This setting allows the terminal to send 22 lines of data to the monitor before scrolling the screen. The maximum margin height is nine lines for both the top and bottom margins. This setting allows the terminal to send six lines of data to the monitor before scrolling the screen. 3.6.11 Expansion Mode (EM) This parameter allows the operator to expand characters on the screen to twice their normal width. In normal mode (EM0), characters are seven pixels wide and are spaced two pixels apart. In expanded mode (EMI), characters are 14 pixels wide and are spaced 4 pixels apart. The EMl setting allows a maximum of 42 characters per line. 3.6.12 Horizontal Position (HP) This parameter allows the operator to tailor the video output of the VKl00 terminal to the monitor. The horizontal position parameter lets the operator center the entire display on the 3-24 screen. The normal setting for this parameter is HP5. If the display is left of center, increase the value of the parameter setting. This moves the entire display to the right. If the display is right of center, decrease the parameter setting value. This moves the entire display to the left. Overstrike (OS) 3.6.13 This parameter allows the operator to create special graphics on the screen by typing over characters. If the overstrike parameter is off (OS0), typing over a character replaces the old character with the new character. If the parameter is on (OSl), typing over a character places the new character over the old character without destroying the old character. For example, this parameter allows you to create the "not equal to" sign (~) by pressing the = key, BACKSPACE key, and / key. 3.6.14 Visual Cursor (VC) This parameter allows the operator to change the visual cursor displayed. The cursor is the visual indicator that shows the active position, where the next character will appear on the screen. The text cursor is a solid block character ( . ) ; it only appears when the terminal is in text mode. The graphics cursor is a diamond cross hair (0) at the current drawing position; it only appears when the terminal is in graphics mode. Only one cursor appears on the screen at anyone time. The visual cursor parameter has four settings. In VC0, neither the text cursor nor the graphics cursor appears on the screen. In VCl, the text cursor appears in graphics mode. appears In VC2, no cursor appears appears in graphics mode. in text mode, In VC3, both the respective modes. text and in text graphics 3.6.15 Text Display (TD) This parameter controls how characters processed by the terminal. but mode, no cursor the graphics cursor cursors sent and to appear the in their display are In TD0, normal processing of both text and ReGIS graphics occurs. In TDl, all characters appear as graphics text, including all control and escape sequences. No normal processing of these characters occurs, except for line feed (LF) which causes a next-line function. The XON/XOFF codes are still interpreted for synchronization, but also appear as graphics text. Control codes appear as the proposed ANSI standard two-character mnemonics. 3-25 In TD2, normal processing occurs; those control codes which are not normally processed appear as graphics text. Unrecogni zed escape and control sequences do not appear. 3.6.16 Graphics Display (GD) This parameter controls how characters ReGIS interpreter are processed. sent to the terminal's In GD0, normal ReGIS processing occurs. In GDl, ReGIS commands appear as text, and no graphics display occurs. When the operator enters ReGIS mode while in GDl, the message "GON" appears on the screen, and "GOFF" appears when the ReGIS string is done. In GD2 and GD3, normal processing of ReGIS graphics commands occurs. The last line of the ReGIS commands appears as text on the top display line (GD2) or bottom display line (GD3). This line appears only when there are no more ReGIS commands to process, or when you freeze the display by pressing NO SCROLL. 3.6.17 Graphics Prefix (GP) This parameter allows the terminal to enter graphics mode by receiving a single unique character from the host computer. When the graphics prefix character parameter is off (GP0), no graphics prefix character operations can occur. When the parameter is on (GPl), the line feed (LF) character followed by the graphics prefix character enters the terminal into graphics mode. The terminal interprets any characters received after the prefix character as graphics data. The next LF character received returns the terminal to normal text mode. If the graphics prefix character follows the second LF character, the terminal remains in graphics mode for the next line. The terminal does not perform a line feed function when it receives the second LF character. Use the following procedure to set the graphics prefix character. 1. Enter SET-UP mode and place the graphics prefix character parameter on the screen. If the parameter has not been set, the defaul t character (!) appears as the prefix character. 2. Press the = key. 3. Press the key for the prefix character. The prefix character may be anyone of 95 graphic text characters (space thru -). The graphics prefix character is now set in the terminal. 3-26 3.6.18 Single Character (SC) When this parameter is on (SCI), the terminal sends a carriage return (CR) character after each code or set of codes generated by a single keystroke. The CR character is also sent after a terminal report. 3.6.19 Local Echo (LE) When this parameter is on (LEI), every character sent to the host computer is automatically echoed on the screen. The host computer does not have to transmit the character back to the terminal. If double characters appear on the screen, turn the local echo parameter off, since the host computer is echoing characters back to the terminal. 3.6.2e New Line (NL) This parameter enables the RETURN key on the terminal to function like the RETURN key on an electric typewriter. When the new line parameter is on (NLl), pressing RETURN generates the carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) codes. When the terminal receives a LF code, it interprets the code as a carr iage return and line feed. When the parameter is off (NLe), pressing RETURN generates only the CR code; a LF code causes the terminal to perform a line feed only. If double line feeds occur consistently, turn this parameter off since the computer is performing this function. 3.6.21 Auto Hardcopy (AH) This parameter allows the operator to make a continuous hardcopy record of all text that appears on the screen. When the auto hardcopy parameter is on (AHI), the printer copies the screen: 1. Just before the screen is cleared 2. Each time an entire display of new lines scrolls onto the screen. 3.6.22 Auto Wraparound (AW) This parameter determines where the next character will appear on the screen after reaching the end of the current line. When the auto wraparound parameter is off (AWe), all characters received after reaching the end of the line appear in the last character position of that line. For example, take an 84-character line. With the parameter off, the eighty-fifth text character received appears at the end of the current line and replaces the character already located there. This continues until the terminal receives a carriage return character. When the parameter is on (AWl), the eighty-fifth text character received appears in the first character position on the next line. 3-27 3.6.23 Key Repeat (KR) This parameter allows a key to automatically repeat when you hold the key down for more than 0.5 seconds. The repeat rate speeds up to about 30 characters per second when you hold the key down for more than 1.5 seconds. The key repeat parameter affects all but the following keyboard keys. BREAK ESC NO SCROLL SET-UP RETURN CTRL and any other key PFI to PF4 SHIFT 3.6.24 Keyclick The keyclick is a key. The keyclick needs. However, operator is more the keyboard. (KC) tone generated may be turned research and accurate when every time the operator presses a on or off to suit the operator's experience have shown that an there is an audible feedback from The keyclick volume is not adjustable. 3.6.25 Margin Bell (MB) This parameter acts like the bell in a typewriter. When the margin bell parameter is on (MS1), the VK100 terminal sounds a tone to alert the operator that the cursor is nine characters from the end of the cuirent line. 3.6.26 Terminal Mode (TM) The VK100 terminal follows two different programming standards -Amer ican National Standards Insti tute (ANSI) and VT52. In ANSI mode (TM1), the VK100 terminal generates and responds to coded sequences per ANS I standa rds X3. 41-1974 and X3. 64-1977 • In VT52 mode (TM0), the VK100 terminal is compatible with previous DIGITAL software used on the VT52 video terminal. Chapter 4 summari zes both ANSI and VT52 modes. 3.6.27 Keypad Mode (KP) In normal (numeric) mode (KP0), the auxiliary keypad keys transmit the ASCI I codes for the characters engraved on the keycaps, (for example 0 to 9). The ENTER key acts like the RETURN key on the main keyboard. In appl ication mode (KP1), these keys transmi t unique escape sequences. Chapter 4 provides the exact escape sequences. 3.6.28 Cursor Key Mode (CK) In normal (cursor) mode (CK0), the four cursor keys send the ANSI cursor movement escape sequences. In appl ication mode (CKl) , the cursor keys transmit unique control sequences. Chapter 4 provides the exact escape sequences. In VT52 mode (TM0), this parameter has no effect; the four cursor keys send the codes listed in Table 4-1. 3-28 3.6.29 Programmed Keypad Mode (PK) The VK100 terminal can be programmed to send special sequences for any or all of the auxiliary keypad keys. When the programmable keypad parameter is on (PKl), keys that are programmed to send special code sequences send those sequences. Keys not programmed are not affected. If the parameter is off (PK0), all cursor and auxiliary keypad keys transmit their normal sequences as selected by the TM, KP, and CK parameters. Tablet Locator Mode (TL) 3.6.30 This parameter defines how to move the locator mode cross-hair cursor. When the parameter is off (TL0), move the cross-hair cursor by pressing one of the four arrow keys on the keyboard. The cross-hair cursor moves in the direction of the arrow on the key. When this parameter is on (TLl), an optional tablet pen or cursor positions the cross-hair cursor. The optional tablet connects to the VK100 terminal at the Hardcopy connector. When the tablet is connected, the terminal cannot be connected to a printer. 3.6.31 United Kingdom Character Set (UK) The VK100 terminal contains two different character sets: the United States ASCII character set and the UK (United Kingdom) character set. The difference between the two sets is one character, the # or b sign. When this parameter is on (UKl), the UK pound sign b appears instead of the # sign. Setting this parameter does not immediately change the character that appears on the screen. To obtain the desired character set reset the terminal. The defaul t SET-UP swi tch pack settings determine the defaul t value of this parameter. Section 2.5 of Chapter 2 provides information on how to set these switches. 3.6.32 Communications Interface (CI) This parameter selects the communications interface (EIA or 20 rnA current loop) used to connect the terminal to the host computer. A parameter setting of CI0 selects EIA communications. CII selects the 20 rnA communications. This parameter must be set correctly for the VK100 terminal to communicate with the host computer. The defaul t SET-UP swi tch pack settings determine the defaul t value of this parameter. Section 2.5 of Chapter 2 provides information on how to set these switches. 3.6.33 Hardcopy Speed (HS) Set the hardcopy speed to match the hardcopy pr inter's transmi t and receive speed. The VK100 terminal can transmit data to the hardcopy printer at anyone of the following preselected speeds: 110, 300, 600, 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600 and 19,200 baud. 3-29 3.6.34 Power Frequency (PF) This parameter matches the terminal's video output signals to the monitor characteristics affected by the power line frequency. During the terminal installation, set this parameter for the power line frequency, 50 or 60 Hertz. In the US, the correct setting is 60 Hertz (PFr2l). The defaul t SET-UP swi tch pack settings determine the defaul t value of this parameter. Section 2.5 of Chapter 2 provides information on how to set these switches. Interlace (IL) 3.6.35 Interlace describes a method of displaying characters on the screen. When the interlace parameter is on, every other scan line (row of horizontal dots) appears on the screen. After a complete scan of the screen, the terminal returns to start and scans the lines that were skipped. When the parameter is off, every scan line appears on the screen in order. Using the interlace parameter with a monitor that does not need an interlaced video input causes the screen to flicker. When using the Barco Model GD33 moni tor wi th the VK100 terminal, turn the interlace parameter off (IL0). 3.6.36 Self-Test (ST) This parameter selects the internal test programs performs. The following programs are available. Clear all selected testes) (0) Power-up test (1) External communications test (2) Hardcopy communications test (3) Display pattern test (4) Color bar test pattern (5) Repeat the selected testes} until failure the terminal (9) The self-test parameter allows the operator to select more than one test program. To do this type the number of each test program to be run. The terminal performs the testes) after exiting SET-UP mode by pressing SET-UP. 3-30 CHAPTER 4 PROGRAMMING SUMMARY 4.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter summarizes the programming characteristics VK100 terminal. The summary covers the following topics. of the Codes generated by the keyboard Character sets Terminal actions to control sequences modes in both ANSI and VT52 ReGIS command structure BASIC command structure 4.2 KEYBOARD CODES The following paragraphs describe the codes generated by the VKl00 terminal keyboard. 4.2.1 Standard Key Codes The VK100 terminal keyboard resembles a standard office typewriter. In addition to the standard typewriter keys, the terminal has keys to generate control functions and cursor control commands. Figure 4-1 shows the VK100 terminal keyboard layout and the ASCII codes generated by each key. 4.2.2 Cursor Control Key Codes The VK100 terminal's main keyboard contains four cursor control keys. Table 4-1 lists all the possible codes generated by these keys. The operator selects the ANSI/VT52 mode wi th the terminal mode (TM) SET-UP feature, and the cursor key application mode with the set mode (SM) and reset mode (RM) control functions. 4-1 D DDDD OCTAL CODES GENERATED BY KEYBOARD (SHIFTED CODES SHOWN ABOVE LEGENDS; UNSHIFTED CODES SHOWN BELOW LEGENDS) 0:0 D 033 41 ~OO [lZ]43 D!J44 [t1J45 GZJ36 (}!]46 D:J52 [Z050 rnJ51 ~37 Q!]53 [I:D76 \ 033 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 070 071 060 055 075+ 140 010 011 D I1~71~11~2111~41~~rrl~r¥1r;rlf1?Tl 167 Ulli 162 164 LillJLillJL...illJLillJ~LELJLillJ llrTlI1~3111~ 111~6111g71~~f1J3l~f072ll ~4? I R~~~N D L----.JLWJ 163 144 146 147 ~L.!,gJLillJl.!hJL.QziJ 047 ~~0..:.15::......... . . .~ ESC 1! 3 /I 2@ 4$ 5% 6 1\ 7& 8 • 9( 0 ) •- B CK StAcE = DI.~~1f1flf1¥lITg3lr¥1~~~~~~D .LillJlii2JURJ~Uill~~~~Li£J I :~ I MA3388 Figure 4-1 Keyboard-Generated ASCII Codes Table 4-1 Cursor Control Key Codes Cursor Key (Arrow) VTS2 Mode Up Down Right Left ESC ESC ESC ESC A B C D ANSI Mode/Cursor Key Mode Reset ANSI Mode/Cursor Key Mode Set (Application) ESC ESB ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC [ [ [ [ A B C D 4-2 0 0 0 0 A B C D 4.2.3 Auxiliary Keypad Codes The VK100 terminal contains an auxiliary or numeric keypad to the right of the main keyboard. Table 4-2 shows all the possible codes generated by the numer ic keys. Table 4-3 shows all the possible codes generated by the program function (PF) keys. The operator selects the ANSI/VT52 mode wi th the terminal mode (TM) SET-UP feature, and the keypad applications mode with the set mode (SM) and reset mode (RM) control functions. Table 4-2 Auxiliary Keypad Numeric Key Codes Key Keypad Numeric Mode Keypad Application Mode ANSI VT52 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC , ENTER Table 4-3 Same as RETURN 0 P 0 q o r 0 s 0 t o u o v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w x Y m 1 n M Auxiliary Keypad PF Key Codes Key Keypad Numeric Mode/ Keypad Application Mode ANSI VT52 PFI/HARDCOPY PF2/LOCTR PF3/TEXT PF4/RESET ESC ESC ESC ESC 0 0 0 0 P Q R S ESC ESC ESC ESC 4-3 ? ? ? ? P Q R S ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? P q r s t u v w x Y m 1 n M 4.2.4 Control Characters The VKl"" terminal generates and supports certain control characters. Figure 4-2 shows the control characters generated by the terminal keyboard. Table 4-4 lists the control characters supported by the VKl"" terminal, and the action the terminal takes when it receives each control character. The terminal ignores control characters that it does not support. OCTAL REPRESENTATION OF CODES GENERATED BY KEYBOARD WITH CTRL KEY HELD DOWN (MNEMONICS SHOWN D DDDD ABOVE LEGENDS; OCTAL CODES SHOWN BELOW LEGENDS.) !!~ DDDDDDDDDDDD~ s~'\~ D I T~TB I X~N I I E~Q I D~211 D~ I E~ I N~K I~ml D~E I Ir(154 8 ) • 1* 1* 1* 1* Reports There are three types control sequences. of reports wi th the following escape and Cursor Position Report Invoked by: ESC [ 6 n Response is: ESC [ PI ; Pc R PI equals the line number; Pc equals the column number. Status Report Invoked by: ESC [ 5 n Response is: ESC [ ~ n (terminal ok) What Are You Invoked by: ESC [ c or ESC [ ~ c Response is: ESC [ ? 5 ; ~ c or ESC [ ? 5 c (Meaning: I am GIGI terminal.) Al ternately invoked by ESC Z same. 4.4.1. 9 (not recommended). Response is the Reset ESC c Reset executes the reset routine. The SET-UP parameters, BASIC program, and soft character sets are not destroyed. This is the same as pressing SHIFT and PF4. 4.4.l.l~ Print Commands Sequence ESC t 7 ESC Pn; Pn !q Function Print display image (same as pressing SHIFT and PF1.) Print partial image Pn is a numeric parameter; these parameters specify start and stop line numbers inclusive. Confidence Tests Sequence ESC t 8 ESC [ 3 ; Pn ; ••• y Function Generate crosshatch pattern on display Perform self-tests 4-12 Pn selects the test to be performed as follows. Pn 1 2 3 4 5 9 Test Selected All power-up tests External communications test Hardcopy communications test Display pattern test Color bar test Repeat selected tests until failure Device Control Strings Sequence Function ESC P ESC P ESC P (host ESC P ESC \ ReGIS data to follow SET-UP data to follow Auxiliary keypad data to follow P (host to terminal) r (host to terminal) key ID code s to terminal) q (terminal to printer) Hardcopy data to follow* String terminator * This string is generated by the VK100 terminal and sent to the LA34VA graphics printer. The VK100 terminal does not process the string. All device control strings terminator. For example: ESC P r 4.4.2 must be terminated with a string SET-UP data ••• ESC \ VT52 Control Functions Summary Sequence Function ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC Cursor up Cursor down Cursor right Cursor left Select soft character set 1 Select ASCII character set Cursor to home Reverse line feed Erase to end of screen Erase to end of line Direct cursor address A B C D F G H I J K Ylc* * 1 equals line number, c equals column number. Line and columr numbers for direct cursor address are single character codes whose values equal the desired number plus 37 • Line and column numbers start at 1. 8 4-13 Sequence Function ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC Identify Enter alternate keypad mode Exit alternate keypad mode Enter ANSI mode Dump hardcopy Enter graphics mode (ReGIS) Exit graphics mode Z+ = > < ] Pp \ + Response to ESC Z is ESC / Z. This is not recommended; use What Are You report in ANSI mode. 4.4.3 ReGIS Summary The following summary of ReGIS commands serves as a quick reference guide. Refer to the software documentation for more information on any command or command argument. Chapter I provides a complete list of all the documentation available along with ordering information. ReGIS Commands (graphics mode only) Function Command Screen d [x, y] [dx ,dy] (W ) (E rase) (A ddressing [xl,yl] [x2,y2]) (A ddressing) (N egate 1) (N egate 0) (T ime nnn) (H ardcopy [,Yl] [,Y2]) (I ntensity o to 7) (D» dark (8 lue» (R ed» (M agenta» (G reen» (C yan» Screen scroll offset, quantified to [12,8]. Move this address to upper left corner. Scoll screen by this amount. Writing controls. Clear data and set foreground color. Compatibility with other ReGIS devices. Restore native addressing. Reverse video. Restore video to normal mode. In 60ths (PF0) or 50ths (PFI) of a second. Print hardcopy between Y coordinates. Screen background intensity/color. Dark to bright. Red + blue. Green + blue. 4-14 Function Command Red + green. Red + green + blue. (Y ellow» (W hite» (n ue ~ to 36~» (L ightness ~ to l~~» (S aturation ~ to l~~» Write Angle on color wheel. Percentage. Percentage. Writing intensity/color null; change colors. Dark to bright. (I ntensity to 7) dark (B lue» (R ed» (M agenta» (G reen» (C yan» (Yellow» (W hite» (n ue ~ to l~~» (L ightness ~ to l~~» (S aturation ~ to l~~» (A lternate 1) ~ (0» Red + blue. Green + blue. Red + green. Red + green + blue. Angle on color wheel. Percentage. Percentage. Flashing on. Flashing off. Set shading axis. Set shading character. ~) (S hade from [ , Y] ) (S hade with "c") (S hade 1) Shade on, line pattern shading. Shade off. Pixels per offset vector. ~) (M ultiplier nnn) (N egate 1) Negative writing (invert pattern bits). Positive writing. Exclusive OR pattern with bit map. Logical OR pattern with bit map. Write "negate" setting. Replace, ignore bit map data. ~) (C omplement) (oVerlay) (E rase) (R eplace) 4-15 Function Command (P attern bbbbbb) Binary bit pattern, fills to 8 places. Multiply each bit pattern. Solid line. Digits 2--9 specify standard patterns. (Md) ) 1) p) Position [X,Y] [dx,dy] Absolute position. Relative position, d is offset vector, 0--7. Temporary write controls. Begin position sequence -- save position (up to 7 levels). End and restore starting position. d (W (B eg in) (E nd) Vector [ ] Write point at current cursor position. Absolute position. Relative position, d is offset vector, 0--7. Temporary write controls. Begin closed polygon sequence. Draw to starting position. [X,Y] [dx,dy] d (W ••• ) (B eg in) (E nd) Curve Absolute coordinates Relative coordinates Offset vectors, 0--7. Begin closed curve. Start open curve. End curve. Temporary writing controls. [X,Y] [dx,dy) d (B egin) (S tart) (E nd) (W. •• Circle ) Absolute coordinates. Relative coordinates, offset vectors, 0--7. Position is on the circumference. d = degrees resolution, signed. Temporary writing controls. [X,Y] [dx,dy] d (C ircumference) (A ngle d) (W. •• ) 4-16 Function Command Text Display 'string' (includes BS, CR, LF, TAB) • Display "string" (includes BS, CR, LF, TAB). Offset text line by 1/2 character, d = 'string' "string" d 0--7. Set spacing between characters. [dx ,dy] (A lphabet o to 3) (B Select character set 0 to 3. Begin temporary text attributes (saves 1 level). d = 45 degrees resolution, signed. Restore permanent text attributes. eg in) (D irection d) (E nd) (H eight o to 16) (1 Height times base character size (affects S[r,e]). talic + degrees) Right slant, no. of degrees. Left slant, no. of degrees. No slant. No. of times to repeat bits in character. ([1,2] used for standard si ze.) Dimensions of character area. [9,20] is standard si ze. ) - degrees) (M 0) ultiplier [r,c]) (S ize [r,c]) (S i ze o to 16) Select one of 17 predefined character sizes. Temporary writing controls. (w. •• ) Load (A lphabet 1 to 3) Select character set 1 to 3. I to 10 character name for character set; see R(L). Load specific letter with pattern. 'name') "c· <10 hex pairs > 4-17 Command Function 'c' @ letter :1 etter Report Load specific letter with pattern. Invoke macrograph "letter". ••• @; Load macrograph "letter". Clear all macrographs. (L oaded) (M acrographs (letter , Currently loaded character set name. ... Report contents of macrograph "letter". Report macrograph space usage. )) (=) ) (P osition) Current position. (I interactive» (M Enter locator mode. Arrow increments. [+dx,+dy]» acrographs (letter) ) Report contents of macrograph 1. Report macrograph space usage. (=) ) Resynchronization character. ; Offset vectors are: 3 2 4 * 5 To initialize ReGIS: 6 1 e 7 ;S (I e N e A) W (V I 7A e S e MIN e P 1 M 2) T (I e A e DeS 1) p[e,e] 4-18 4.4.4 BASIC SUMMARY The following summary of the BASIC commands serves as a quick reference guide. Refer to the software documentation for more information on any command or command argument. Chapter 1 provides a complete list of all the documentation available along with ordering information. Commands/Statements AUTO CTRLO DIM ERASE FOR ••• NEXT IF ••• THEN[ ••• ELSE] LINPUT NEXT ON ••• GOSUB PRINT READ RUN TRON/TROFF ABS COS GON$ INSTR LOG RIGHT$ SPACES STRING$ CLEAR DATA ECHO ERL GOSUB ••• RETURN IF ••• GOTO LIST NO ECHO ON ••• GOTO RANDOMIZE REM SAVE WAIT CONT DEF FN EDIT ERR GOTO INPUT MID OLD OPTION BASE RCTRLC RESTORE STOP WHILE ••• WEND CTRLC DELETE END ERROR HOST LET NEW ON ERROR GO TO OUT RCTRL RESUME SWAP WIDTH Functions ASC EXP HEX$ INT MID$ RND SPC TAB ATN FRE INKEY$ LEFT$ OCT$ SGN SQR TAN 4-19 CHR$ GOFF$ INP LEN POS SIN STR$ CHAPTER 5 THEORY OF OPERATION 5.1 INTRODUCTION The VK100 terminal is a graphics terminal which displays information from the keyboard in local mode or displays information from the host computer in on-line mode. The system prints the display data on the Graphic Line Printer (LA34VA). A writing tablet can also be connected to the hardcopy port. Only one type of device may be connected to the hardcopy port, graphics line pr inter or the wr i ting tablet. Figure 5-1 shows the block diagram of the VK100 system. CPU 120/240 AC POWER SUPPLY +5,+12 -12 TO REGULATED Ir-----..., 20MA ~~ HOST ~ COMPUTER EIA -5V L . . _- - - - - ' HARD COpy KEYBOARD MA-8150 Figure 5-1 VK100 (GIGI) Block Diagram 5-1 5.2 TERMINAL CONTROLLER MODULE This chapter describes the functional theory of the VK100 (GIGI) Terminal. The terminal controller module is divided into five sections (Figure 5-2): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CPU Vector Generator I/O Ports Keyboard Power Supply 5.2.1 Central Processing Unit (CPU) The CPU is an 8085 ch i P i 8-bi t gene ral purpose mi c roprocesso r capable of accessing up to 64K bytes of memory. Figure 5-3 shows a functional block diagram of the CPU. The microprocessor (8085A) performs the following functions. Clock generation Interrupt priority selection System bus control Executing the instruction The CPU transfers data on an 8-bit bidirectional Tri-State Bus (AD0--AD7) tha t i s time mul t i pI exed to transmi t the e igh t low ordered address bits. Address bits A8--A15 expand the address capability to 16 bits, allowing the CPU to directly access 64K bytes of memory. The CPU generates signals telling peripheral devices what type of info rma tion is on the mul t i pI exed add ress/data bus. Figure 5-4 shows the basic CPU blocks. The CPU is a single chip that performs the following machine cycles. Memory write Memory read I/O write I/O read Opcode fetch INT ACK (interrupt acknowledge) Bus idle Table 5-1 shows the machine cycle status and control signals. The execution of any CPU program is a sequence of read and write operations. Each operation transfers a byte of data between the CPU and a specific memory or I/O address. Each read or write operation is referred to as a machine cycle. The execution of each instruction by the CPU includes a sequence of from one to five machine cycles. Each machine cycle contains a minimum of from three to six clock cycles (also referred to as T states). Figure 5-5 shows an instruction cycle for Store Accumulator Direct (STA). 5-2 DATA BUS 00-07 ------., ,....,VECTORGENERATOR- ri CPU l! ADR/DATA A8-A15 I IAO-A7 1/0 RD. I/O WRT. AO-AS ADDRESS MUX AO-A12 Al-AO 111 I rI/OPORT W - - - - - - COMMUNICATION INTERFACE 8251-A rI KEYBOARD -,I f'KEYBOARD - - -, MATRIX DETECTS SWITCH LD EXECUTE "",. LV"" - --- i OR SWITCHES DEPRESSED I I I ..... ....,"....... 11 r-o;,.;::;;:;o; ~A~- ] LED • PORT L ___ I_ _ _ _ I _I CONTROL &1 BDO-BD7 CLICKER L __ _ BITO-BIT 3 ---~ --------- -LCLICKER I -l "- I I L I _-=-::'J MA-Bl48 Figure 5-2 System Overview Block Diagram RST 6.5 I INTERRUPT CONTROL I I SERIAL I/O CONTROL 11 ,fJ '7 8·81T INTERNAL DATA BUS A A 11 ,J '7 '7 ACCUMULATOR (A REG.) FLAG (5) FLlP·FLOPS TEMP. REG. (8) (8) "\.7 INSTRUCTION REFISTER U1 ~ I 01:>0 ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT (ALU) D B REG D REG H REG (8) (8) (B) (8) C REG E REG L REG INSTRUCTION DECODER AND MACHINE CYCLE ENCODING (8) TIMING AND CONTROL CLKtUT CONTROL r READY tJ t :, J/M (8) (8) ~ REGISTER ARRAY (16) PROGRAM COUNTER (16) INCREMENTER/DECREMENTER (16) ADDRESS LATCH ~ (8) ADDRESS BUFFER I ~) ~,) DATA/ADDRESS BUFFER (8)1 ~ RESET ~ STATUS A!E (8) STACK POINTER POWER { _ +5V SUPPLY _GND CLK GEN A fI-- v X,_ X,- 1 r HOLD HLtA r RESET IN ~ RESEJ OUT Ag IS ADDRESS/DATA BUS 7 ADQ.7 ADDRESS/DATA BUS MA-8149 Figure 5-3 CPU Functional Block Diagram XTAL ~ ~ INTR CPU 8085 INTA RESET IN RESET OUT / ... .A " V ADDRESS BUS ALE MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS/DATA BUS AD WR 110M II so S1 MA·8147 Figure 5-4 Basic CPU Block Diagram Table 5-1 Machine Cycle Status and Control Status I/O M Sl Machine Cycle Op Fetch Memory Read Memory Write I/O Read I/O Write INTR Acknowledge Bus Idle* 0 = Logic "0", 1 (OF) (MR) (MW) (lOR) (lOW) (INA) (BI) :DAD INA (RSTS/TRAP) HALT = Logic "1", TS = 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 TS SO Control RD WRT INTA 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 TS 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 TS 1 1 1 High Impedance * Bus idle (BI) only occurs in response to: 1. DAD instructions 2. During an acknowledge of RSTS, TRAP, or HALT instructions. 5-5 IMACHINE CYCLE TSTATE -I INSTRUCTION CYCLE ,_ Ml Tl T2 -,T3 T4 M2 Tl T2 -,T3 M3 Tl T2 _I_ T3 M4 Tl T2 -, T3 CLK TYPE OF MACHINE CYCLE MEMORY READ ADDRESS BUS THE ADDRESS (CONTENTS OF THE PROGRAM COUNTER) POINTS TO THE FIRST BYTE (OPCODE) OF THE INSTRUCTION DATA BUS INSTRUCTION OPCODE (STA) MEMORY READ MEMORY WRITE THE ADDRESS (PC + 1) POINTS TO THE SECOND BYTE OF THE INSTRUCTION MEMORY READ THE ADDRESS (PC + 2) POINTS TO THE THIRD BYTE OF THE INSTRUCTION THE ADDRESS IS THE DIRECT ADDRESS ACCESSED IN M2 AND M3 LOW ORDER BYTE OF THE DIRECT ADDRESS HIGH ORDER BYTE OF THE DIRECT ADDRESS CONTENTS OF THE ACCUMULATOR U1 I m MA-8192 Figure 5-5 Instruction Cycle for Store Accumulator Direct The CPU can address up to 256 different I/O addresses. These add resses have the same numer i cal val ues (13 13 through FF Hex) as the first 256 memory addresses. The 256 I/O locations are selected by the I/O M output. The status signals, I/O M, 81, and 813, define what type of machine cycle is about to occur. The I/O M signal identifies the machine cycle as either a memory reference or input/output operation. The 81 status signal identifies whether the cycle is a read or write operation. 813 and 81 can be used together (see Table 5-1) to identify read, write, opcode fetch, or halt machine cycles. Figure 5-6 shows the timing and control for an opcode fetch. Address -- When the CPU generates a 16 bit address, the lower byte is latched and the upper byte is held active by the CPU. Bits Af3--AI5 address the following: RAM Memory Af3--A7 -- Row address bits A8--AI5 -- Column address bits ROM Memory Address bits A13, l,and ENA ROM 2. ROM. A14, and A15 generate ENA ROM 13, ENA ROM Address bits Af3--AI2 address the selected Register Control Address bits Af3--A6 address and generate register load pulses. Table 5-2 shows an address map. SIGNAL ClK 10/;1, S1, SO UNSPECIFIED I I ----1---1---ALE MA·8193 Figure 5-6 Opcode Fetch Machine Cycle 5-7 Table 5-2 8292 Pin Description Pin Name No. I/O Pin Description 6 I I I I I I I Low-Order Address. These Address inputs generate the ROW Address for the Multiplexer. If AL 6 /OP is pulled to +12V througX a 5KX resistor, the 8202 configures itself for 4K RAMs. If AL h /OP 3 is driven with TTL levels, th~ 8202 configures itself for 16K RAMs. 39 38 I I I I I I I High-Order Address. These Address inputs generate the Column Address for the Multiplexer. If the 8202 is configured for 4K RAMs, use AH as an active high chip select ¥or memory controlled by 8202. For 16K RAM operation, AH becomes the most significant cOlumR address bit. 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 o o o o o o o Output of the Multiplexer. These outputs drive the addresses of the Dynamic RAM array. For 4K RAM operation, OUT 6 drives the 2104A CS input. (Note that the OUT 0 _ 6 pins do not require inverters or drivers for proper operation. WE 28 o Write Enable. This output drives the Write Enable inputs of the Dynamic RAM array. CAS 27 o Column Address Strobe. This output latches the Column Address into the Dynamic RAM array. 21 o o o o Row Address Strobe. These outputs latch the ROW Address into the bank of dynamic RAMs selected by the 8202 Bank Address pins (B 0 , B 1 /OP1). 8 10 12 14 16 18 5 4 3 2 1 22 23 26 5-8 Table 5-2 82e2 Pin Description (Cont) Pin Name No. I/O Pin Description Bank Address. These inputs select one of four banks of dynamic RAM via the RAS outputs. If the B1/OP 1 inp~t3is pulled to +12V througfi a SKI resistor, the 8202 configures itself to the Advanced Read mode. This mode changes the function of the 8202 RD/S.1 and REFRQ/ALE inputs and disaoles the RAS 0 and RAS l outputs. RD/S l 32 I Read/S l input. This input requests a read cycle. In normal operation, a low on this input informs the arbiter that a read cycle is requested. In the Advanced Read Mode, this input accepts the S status signal from the 8085A (fully decoded for a read). The trailing edge of ALE informs the arbiter that a read cycle is requested by latching Sl' WR 31 I Write Input. This input requests a write cycle. A low on this input informs the arbiter that a write cycle is desired. PCS 33 I Protect ed Chip Select. A low on this input enables the WR and RD/S inputs. PCS is protected against terminating a cycle in progress. REFRQ/ ALE 34 I Refresh Request/Address Latch Enable. During normal operation, a high on this input indicates to the arbiter that a refresh cycle is being requested. In the Advanced Read Mode, this input latches the state of the 8085 Sl signal into the RD/S l input. If Sl is high at this time, a Read Cycle is requested. In this mode, transparent refresh is not possible. XACK 29 0 Transfer Acknowledge. This output is a strobe indicating valid data during a read cycle or data written during a write cycle. XACK can latch valid data from the RAM array. 5-9 Table 5-2 8292 Pin Description (Cont) Pin Name No. I/O Pin Description SACK 30 o System Acknowledge. This output indicates the beginning of a memory access cycle. It is also an advanced transfer acknowledge to eliminate wait states. (Note: If a memory access request is made during a refresh cycle, SACK is delayed until XACK occurs in the memory access cycle). 36 37 I I Crystal Inputs. These inputs are designed for a quartz crystal to control the frequency of the oscillator. If X~/OP? is pulled to +12V through a lKl resistor, XI/CLK becomes a TTL input for an external clock. TNK 35 Tank. This pin provides a tank circuit connection. vcc 40 +5V + 10% vss 20 Ground ROMs -- Four ROMs hold the firmware to run the system: Three 8K by 8 ROMs One 4K by 8 ROMs This means there are uses only 26K. 28K of firmware space, however, the system When the CPU reads the ROMs, it sends out an address (A12--A0) to the ROM. Address bits A13 and A14 select one of the four ROMs. A15 is high for all memory addresses. The ROM addresses follow: 0000--lFFF 2000--3FFF 4000--5FFF 6000--63FF (ROM (ROM (ROM (ROM 0) 1) 2) 3) The CPU sends out the control signals are active low. E53 E52 E51 E50 signals RD and I/O M. Both these The data from the selected ROM is placed on the data bus and sent to the CPU. 5-10 RAMs -- There are two RAMs in the system: System RAM Contains the CPU stacks, work areas and User's programs Screen RAM Stores the CPU data and attributes to be displayed on the CRT. The System RAM and the Screen RAM both are 16K by 1 RAMs. Screen RAM is described in the Vector Generator section. following paragraphs describe the system RAM. The The For any memory operation to occur, the CPU generates the following actions. Address Control Data Figure 5-7 shows how the CPU controls the System RAM. Address -- The address range of the memory is 8000--BFFF. The address bi ts, A0--AI5 go to the Dynamic RAM Controller (8202). The address bits contain the following information: 1. 2. 3. Row Address (A0--A6) Column Address (A7--A15) Row Address Selection (RAS0--3) (A14, A15). B1-DIRECTIONAl LATCH I B202 (AO-A6 ROW) (A7-AI3 COLUMN) OUT 6-0UT 0 ADR-RANGE 8000-BFFF MEMORY RAsO-RAS3 CPU --- - -+-----,/ PCAS 16K X 1RAMS (8) CONTROL WRITE 110M, RD AND WR ClK 22mHZ MA8146 Figure 5-7 CPU to RAM Memory Block Diagram 5-11 Memory addresses wi thin the 8000--BFFF range This combination selects RAS2. have A15=1, A14=0. Control -- The control signals are I/O M, RD and WRT. When low the I/O M signal enables the 8202 to receive RD or WRT commands. If high the I/O M signal prevents the 8202 from starting a memory cycle. The address at this time an I/O address. Data -- The data path to and from 5-6. the memory is shown in Figure Figure 5-8 shows the block diagram of the 8202 and its pin configuration. Refer to Table 5-2 for the 8202 pin description. Data Bus -- The data bus is a Tri-State bus that connects the CPU to the following. RAM (memory) ROM I/O Port Keyboard Figure 5-9 shows the data bus. The CPU time multiplexes the low byte of the Data/Address Buffer. When the CPU reads a val id add ress, the data is gated onto the Tri-State Data Bus. When active, the direction signal RD allows the data in the data latch. The CPU then loads the data into the Data/Address buffer. When the CPU wr i tes a val id address, WRT determines the data flow direction. This implies RD is high and the data is gated on the Tri-State Data Bus. Control Functions divided into two groups. 1. 2. The CPU control functions are Memory control Register control Memory control generates memory reads, writes and opcode fetches. Table 5-1 shows the memory control for these operations. The reg isters that the system uses as control addresses. reg isters are I/O This means the CPU generates the following sequence. 1. 2. 3. Address (of register) Data Control a) I/O M H (The address is an I/O Address) b) RD c) WRT Address bits A0--A6 generate the signals (Tables 5-3, 5-4 and 5-5). 5-12 appropriate register control J :~~RESSES VCC AH5 TYPICALLY AH6 FROM PROCESSOR X1/CLK Ao-AI3 i AL05 AL.IOP, - - - - -...... AH MULTIPLEXED TO DYNAMIC RAM ADDRESS PINS '" -----0-6 _ _ _ _ _ _; / OUTO_6 XO/OP 2 TNK REFROIALE U1 I I-' W "1 OUT2 11 ~r 30 SACK AL3 12 29 XACK OUT3 13 28 WE OUT 1 9 AL2 10 32 RD/S1 31 WR AL4 READ AND WRITE{ AD REQUESTS PROTECTED CHIP SELECT{ ~ EXTERNAL REFR REFRO REQUEST 24 BO L..._ _ _ _ RAS2 A Ls/OP3 OUT6 RAS 1 21 CRYSTAL ?NRp~; CLOCK J l RAsO TIMING AND CONTROL mr B1/0P 1 AL5 VSS WE CAS Bo B, RAS3 OUT4 OUT 5 ENCODED RAS ENABLES TYPICALLY A, • .A, s FROM { PROCESSOR ..r- RAS RAS 1 _ _2 RAS3 XACK SACK II- WRITE ENABLE FOR DYNAMIC RAM COLUMN ADDRESS STROBE t ROW ADDRESS STROBES SELECTS ONE OF FOUR BANKS t- DATA TRANSFER COMPLETE t- REQUESTS WAIT STATE WHEN INTERNAL REFRESH OCCURS XO/OP2 j X 1/CLK - - -...... OSCILLATOR I RASO MA-8144 Figure 5-8 8202 Block Diagram and Pin Description G1G1-(VK100) +5V CPU DATA LATCH r-CPU TR1-STATE BUS DATA BUS 00-07 I-- DIR EN RD -= nn I I DATA RAM I DRIVER I J 110 PORTS ROMS LATCH (4) AF SHIFT CAPS LOCK RAM 16K MEMORY rv 5V KEYBOARD MA-8143 Figure 5-9 DATA Bus Table 5-3 I/O Register Addresses Address Bits 15 14 13 12 '" 0 0 '" '" 0'" 0 0 '" 0'" '0" 0 0 "" "'0" ) '" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '" '" '" '" "0 '" '" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 Hl 9 '0" '" '" '" '" '0" " '" '1" '0" 1'" 0 1 '1" '" '" '1" 00 1'" 0 0 '" '" '" 0'" '" '" '" 0 0'" 0'" '" '" '" '" 0'" 0 0 '" 1'" 1 1 1 0 '" '" 1'" 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 '1" 1 1 1 1 1 '" 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 '" 1 1 0 7 '1" '0" "'" " "'" " " " '" '" 1 1 0 8 1 0 1 0 1 0 '" '" '" '" " 0 '1" 0'" '" '" 0 1 0 " "'" 0 '" '" '" 0'" '" '" 0 6 5 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '" 0 '" '0" 0 1 0'" '" 1 0'" 1'" 0 0 1 0 1 '" 1 1 '" 1 1 '1" '" 0 0 '1" '" '" '" 1'" 0 '" 0'" 0 0'" 0 0 0 0 2 0 '" '" '" 1'" 1 '" 1 0'" '" '0" 1 '" '" 1 1 '0" 1 1 '0" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 '" 1 1 1 1 1 1 '" '" 1 1 " 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 '" 1 1 " '" '1" '1" 1 '1" '1" '" '" 0'" '" 1 '1" '" "'" 0"'" 1'" " Signals I/OM RD WT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '0" 0 0 0 0 '" 1 0 '" 0'" 0 " 0 0 "0'0" 0 0 '" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Address Hex Function 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 6C 70 71 74 78 7C LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD EX EX EX EX 40 48 50 51 58 60 68 70 78-7F SYSTAT A SYSTAT B UART 0 UAR X LO X HI Y LO Y HI ERR SOPS PAT PMUL DU DVM DIR WOPS MOV DOT VEC ER LD BAUD LD COMD LD COM KYBDW I/O WRT 0 " "" " 0 0 0 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 '0" '" '" 1 1 1 1 0 '1" 1 1 '" 0 1 1 '" 1 "'" 0 0 0 " " " '" 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 '" '" '1" 0 0 0 0 0 0 " '" 0 1 '" '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 '" 1'" 1 1 1 0 " 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 " " "'" "'" '" '" '" " '" " " 0 '" '" '" 0'" 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 5-14 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I/O RD 0 "'" '" "'" 0 0 " NOT USED Table 5-4 Program RAM Addresses CPU Address Bits 15 1 1 1 14 '" '1" 1 13 12 11 HI '" Iil '" '" 1 '" 1 9 8 6 7 4 5 2 3 1 '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 1 1 1 1 1 1 8"''''''' Hex T 1 1 1 1 1 1 '" Iil Iil '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16K of Address Space 'f B FFF Hex Hex C 1 T "''''''' 16K of Address Space 'f F F F F Hex 1 NOTE CPU Address Bits 15 and 14 are inputs to the M82"'2 and are used to generate RAS'" through RAS3 RAS -- Enables refresh flip-flop '" '" to be'" cleared RAS 1 '" 1 -- Not Used RAS 2 1 -- Used with address range '" BFFF Hex 8"''''''' Hex to RAS 3 1 1 -- Used with address range C"''''''' Hex to FFFF Hex Table 5-5 I/O ROM Microcode Address Address Bits 15 14 '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 1 1 1 '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 1 1 1 1 '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 1 1 1 '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '1" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '1" '1" '1" '1" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '1" ROM 1 '" '" '1" ROM 2 '" '" '" 1'" ROM 3 '" 1 1 * '" '" '" 1 1 1 1 1 1 '" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 11 ROM '" 7 2 12 1'" 9 8 4 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * ROM 3 and Bit 12 equal to a 1 implies Keyboard address 5-15 Address Space Hex Address Range 8K of Address Space "'''''''''' HEX 1 8K of Address Space 1 8K of Address Space 1 2K of Address Space "'IFF HEX 2"''''''' HEX 3FFF HEX 4"''''''' HEX 5 FFF HEX 6"''''''' HEX 63 FF HEX 7"'''' HEX 1 16 Addresses Memory Refresh Cycle -- A read cycle causes a refresh to occur. The memory refresh is controlled internally by the dynamic RAM Controller (8202). Figure 5-8 shows the components used for the refresh cycle. 128 memory refresh occurs every 2 ms. The refresh logic has 2 sections. 1. Internal Counter -- contains the RAS address used during the refresh. The counter is incremented after each refresh resetting to zero after all RAS addresses have been refreshed. 2. Arbitration -- timing and control logic allows either a read, write or refresh cycle to occur. After any read or write cycle request" SACK (System Acknowledge) goes active if the cycle was not requested during a refresh cycle. If it was requested SACK is delayed until XACK (Transfer Acknowledge) thereby requesting wait states from the cycle requestor. Interrupts -- Hardware interrupts are generated from two sources: (the vector generator and I/O port (Figure 5-10). CPU INTERRUPT LOGIC RST 5.5 RST 6.5 RST 7.5 TX RDY (CPU SEND ME ANOTHER CHARACTER) RX RDY (CPU I HAVE A CHARACTER COME AND GET IT) (CPU ITS TIME TO SCAN THE KEYBOARD) I VSYNC \ VECTOR :\ GENERATOR \1/0 PORT \ NAME PRIORITY ADDRESS BRANCHED TO WHEN INTERRUP OCCURS RST 7.5 1 3CH RISING EDGE LATCH RST 6.5 2 34H HIGH LEVEL UNTIL SAMPLED RST 5.5 3 2CH HIGH LEVEL UNTIL SAMPLED TYPE TRIGGER Figure 5-10 Interrupt Block Diagram 5-16 These interrupts control) • change the flow of the executing program (ROM The interrupts are sampled on the descending edge of the clock, one cycle before the end of the instruction in which the interrupt input is activated. The CPU saves the contents of the program counter before it branches to the subroutine. Refer to Table 5-6 for the interrupt priority structure. The vector generator and I/O port sections describe how the system generates the interrupts. The software controls the interrupt logic by using the RIM (Read Interrupt Masks) and SIM (Set Interrupt Mask) instructions. CRT Sweep Overview The CPU sets the horizontal and vertical timing registers in the CRT controller to control the horizontal and vertical sweep circuits. The horizontal timing registers are R0--R3 and the vertical timing registers are R4--R9. The register functions are as follows. This 8-bit write-only Horizontal Total Register (R0) frequency of the register determines the horizontal horizontal sweep. Horizontal Displayed Register (Rl) -- This 8-bit write-only register determines the number of displayed characters per horizontal line. Horizontal Sync Position Register (R2) This 8-bit write-only register determines the horizontal sync position on the horizontal line. Horizontal Sync Width Register (R3) -- This 4-bit write-only register determines the width of the horizontal sync pulse. The horizontal registers are programmed in "character times" units with respect to the reference. Table 5-6 Interrupt Priority, Restart Address, and Sensitivity Name priority Address Branched To When Interrupt Occurs RST 7.5 RST 6.5 1 2 3CH 34H RST 5.5 3 2CH Type Trigger Rising edge latch High level until sampled High level until sampled 5-17 Vertical Total Register (R4) and Vertical Total Adjust Register (R5) -- These two registers determine the vertical frequency of vertical sync. The calculated number of character line times is usually an integer plus a fraction to get exactl y 50 or 60 Hz verti cal refresh rate. The integer number of character line times minus one is programmed in the 7-bit write-only vertical total register; the fraction is programmed in the 5-bit write only vertical scan adjust register as a number of scan lines. Vertical Displayed Register (R6) This 7-bit write-only register determines the number of displayed character rows on the CRT screen and is programmed in character row times. Vertical Sync Position (R7) -- This 7-bit write-only register determines the vertical sync posi tion wi th respect to the reference. It is programmed in character row times. Interlace Mode Register (R8) This 2-bit write-only register controls the raster scan mode. These bits are zeros which means non-interlace raster scan mode is selected. For 60 Hz the CPU initializes the registers in the CRT controller (CRR) as follows. R0 Rl R2 R3 (horizontal (horizontal (horizontal (horizontal R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 (vertical total) (vertical total adjust) (vertical displayed) (vertical sync position) (interlace mode) total) displayed) sync posi tion) sync width) = = = = 4F 40 44 41 = = = = = 41 0 3D 3E 0 80-1=79 64 68 65 (value can be 60--69 ticks depending on HP) 66-1=65 0 61 62 0 Horizontal Sweep -- The horizontal sweep time is 63.131 -so This is the time needed for the beam to move from the left side of the screen to the right side of the screen (display time) and return to the left side (retrace time). The display time is 50.505 -s and the retrace time is 12.626 -So These times are converted into tick values for the CRTC registers. One tick value is the time needed for the horizontal sweep to pass twelve pixels. One tick occurs every 0.789144 ns. The horizontal sync pulse triggers the horizontal horizontal sync pulse has three components. 1. 2. 3. HS pulse width HF horizontal front porch HB horizontal back porch 5-18 sweep. The The HS pulse width is constant. The HF can be changed by the HP command. If the HF is inc rea sed by one tick then the HB is decreased by one tick. This action controls the horizontal sweep start time, which allows for positioning of the display area in the horizontal direction on the face of the CRT. Vertical Sweep -- The vertical sweep is 513 or 613 Hz. The total vertical sweep is 16.666 ms. A horizontal sweep rate of 63.131 -s provides 264 available scan lines of which 244 scan lines are used. The remaining 213 scan lines include retrace time from the last active scan line. The vertical registers used are R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 (vertical total) (vertical total adjust) (vertical displayed) (vertical sync positive) (interlace mode) = = = = = 41 0 3D 3E 13 66-1=65 13 61 62 13 Character row Scan line Character row Character row The CPU loads the vertical registers with scan line and character row values. The total sweep time is 66 characters. A character row by defini tion is four scan lines, which means there are 264 scan lines in a vertical sweep. The display time is 61 character rows (13--613). The screen remains blank during display time. The screen blank time is five character rows. These rows are divided into: Vertical sync front porch -- one character row Vertical sync pulse width -- four character rows Vertical sync back porch -- zero 5.2.2 Vector Generator Overview The vector generator interfaces the VKll313 to the CRT di splay (Figure 5-11). The vector generator performs four functions. 1. 2. 3. 4. Generates Generates Generates Generates a timing chain display refresh sequence the hardcopy output status The vector generator, under ROM control, places characters and vectors on the CRT display. The system, using a crystal control clock (45.692 Hz), synchronizes the display sequence and generates the timing for the vector generator and the CRT moni tor (Figure 5-12). Time states control the vector generator, sync ROM and the vector ROM. The system uses a crystal control clock (45.692 Hz) to synchronize the display sequence and generate the timing for the vector generator and the CRT monitor (Figure 5-12). 5-19 .---DATA BUS 00-07 VECTOR GENERATOR ~ 1 I I H CRT CONTROLLER BDO- BD7 I TIME STATE GENERATOR I I SYNC ROM H I I II 1 VECTOR ROM I 12 BITS I ~ LD EX:CUTE ---- - I MUX 12 BITS 1 YREGISTER HIGH 1 LOW I - - - MODIFY - -SECTION -l I S BITS J IENABLEI DISABLE VECTOR GEN_GO ADDRESS I X REGISTER HIGH 1 LOW 1 I PATTERN REGISTER l r PATTERN MULTIPLIER 16 (16KX11) SCREEN RAM 12 BITS OF : 4 ATTR DATA I BITS I I I 1 S SITS H 1 BIT l (2) 4X4 FILE REGS DU 12 BITS I I DVM 12 BIT SHFR I DIRECTION f---- WOPS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---1I DATA _ _ S BITS -- SCREEN OPTIONS (SOPHS) l COT OU","T 1 CONTROL 1--) .~ I SCREEN COLOR f DATA COLOR MA-8157 Figure 5-11 vector Generator Block Diagram 5-20 I~8'~~TZ H 8202 I~~:RTZ ~---,-~-- - 8085 L-.5016T 8AUD GENERATOR I------.--i~ DOT CLOCK 15.2064 M HERTZ (65.762n5) t-.:-=-..:.....---.--i~ CHAR CLOCK TO 6845'S 16.666m5 20.0111m5 4.7351'5 HORIZONTAL SYNC HORIZONTAL BACK PORCH 1---'-. HORIZONT,A.L DISPLAY FOR 768 DOTS HORIZONTAL FRONT PORCH Figure 5-12 System Timing 5-21 60.00Hz 49.97 Hz The vector generator performs two separate time shared operations. 1. 2. Modify screen RAM data CRT display A read modify write operation modifies the screen RAM is addressed and 16 bi ts are read (12 bi ts attribute bits). Only one of the twelve data bits at a time. Then the modified data bit is written RAM. RAM. The screen of data and 4 can be modified into the screen The CRT refresh holds the display for a limited amount of time. If the CRT is not refreshed the contents of the screen RAM fade and then disappear. The CRT refresh is a continuous action. The screen RAM is addressed sequentially. For each address twelve bits of data are loaded into the shift register. Then the data is shifted one bit at a time to the CRT display. The data that appears on the CRT is an image of the data in the screen RAM. Addressing the Screen RAM -- The screen RAM is addressed through a two to one multiplexer (Figure 5-16). When the modify screen RAM function is taking place, the address comes from the X and Y register. The WRT/RD signal when high allows the contents of the X and Y register to pass through the multiplexer to address the screen RAM. When the CRT refresh function is comes from the sequential counter low WRT/RD signal when low allows to pass through the multiplexer to taking place, the address used (MA) of the CRT controller. The the contents of the MA register address the screen RAM. The address bit breakdown is shown in Figures 5-13 and 5-14. The outputs of the address multiplexer are divided into two groups, the RAS and CAS bits. The RAS, CAS bits used when modifying the screen RAM are 5-15) : RAS CAS (Figure Yl, X9--X4 Y8--Y2 The RAS, CAS bits used when doing a CRT refresh are: RAS CAS RA0, MA5--MA0 MAII--MA6, RA1 The address bits X9--X2 go through a translator, which makes sure that the output bits X3 and X2 are never equal to a binary three. Bank three in the screen RAM does not exist (Figure 5-16). 5-22 DATA TO CRT SHIFT REGISTER LD/SHFR 12 BITS RAS CAS WRT/AD ROW COLUMN MODIFY DATA VECTOR CRT CONTROLLER STROBE COUNTER MA-8156 Figure 5-13 Basic Overview of Address and Data Path SEQUENTIAL COUNTER r-r== T CHARACTER ROW I o 1 T 59 ~----'yr----~ SELECTS GROUP 0 THRU 63 I r ,..----~A~.\ ~l j '"'"''' 0 CHARACTER ROW '----v---' SCAN { LINES 1 I{ SCAN LINES GROUP 0 GROUP 1 GROUP 2 12 PIXELS 12 PIXELS 12 PIXELS GROUP 63 GROUP 62 12 PIXELS 1 2 3 - I; 1 1 1 - - 11 MA-8155 Figure 5-14 Screen Update, Screen RAM Address Breakdown 5-23 SELECTS WHICH OF FOUR SCREEN SITS ARE TO SE MODIFIED SANK SELECT r I COLUMN ., 1'_ ROW- YS! Y7! Y6! Y5! Y4! Y3! Y21 I.. J WHAT GROUP OF 64 PIXELS A CHARACTER ROW I CHARACTER ROW 0 1 r CHARACTER ROW 59 GROUP 0 GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 0 GROUP 1 GROUP 2 0 1 SCAN { LlI 2 S 1 3 0 1 SCAN { LINES 2 3 YO= 0: EVEN ADDRESS = 1: ODD ADDRESS ~I ~ GROUP 62 GROUP 63 GROUP 62 GROUP 63 XI MEANS ADDRESS SITS X9-X2 MA-8154 Figure 5-15 Modify Data, Screen RAM Address Breakdown 5-24 " ) X3 X2 ~7 ~ 16K Xl SCREEN RAMS 16K Xl SCREEN RAMS 16K Xl SCREEN RAMS 16K Xl SCREEN RAMS BANK 3 BANK 2 BANK 1 ATTRIBUTE BITS v_ CRT CaNT. MAO-MA 11 .J\,. RAO, RA 1 RAO, MA5-MAO V + Yl, X9-X4 ADR \J\ "Y" REGISTER 12 BITS -- I N \J\ "X" REGISTER 12 BITS ~ ~ (Yl-Y8) X (9-2) :) TRANS ROM RAS )0. ~ --MUX DATA BITS MA11-MA06. RAl Yl + Y8-Y2 CAS , " (X9-X2) ) "'- ,/ 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 V I...-- ~(X3,X2) (Xl,XO) '--WR/RD ,, r' I 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 ,t 15 B L I K 14 G R E E N 13 B L U E 12 R E D I I BIT SELECTION Xl XO MA-8153 Figure 5-16 Addressing the Screen RAM Modification of Data in the Screen RAM -- The system sets up registers in the vector generator to place a character or vector on the screen. These registers control how the data is written into the screen RAM. The registers are as follows. Pattern register Pattern multiplier register Write options (WOPS) register These registers, and the bit selected for update, control how the data is modified. The CPU decodes the following wri te commands and then loads the commands into the pattern, pattern multiplier and the WOPS register. Write Write Write Write Write Pattern Multiplier Negate Complement Intensity The CPU loads the pattern register with the pattern to be written into the screen RAM. The contents of the pattern multiplier register (2's complement of the value) indicates how many times the pattern register output is used before allowing the pattern register to be shifted. The default value of the pattern multiplier is one. If the default value is loaded into the pattern multiplier, the pattern register output is used once before shifting. If the pattern multiplier is two the pattern register output is used twice before shifting. The CPU loads the Write Negate, Complement and Intensity commands into the WOPS register. The CPU loads the x and y registers with an address to modify data in the screen RAM. This address accesses a location in the screen RAM. The twelve bits of data are read and bits X3 and X2 select four of the twelve bits. This is called bank selection. Bits Xl and X0 select which of the four bits is to be modified (bit selection) (Figure 5-17). At this time the contents of the pattern register and WOPS determine how the selected data bit will be modified (Figure 5-18). The following example shows how the selected bit is modified for a complement function. GIVEN: The output of screen RAM -- selected bank = 0010 binary The output of WOPS register - bits 2--0 = 100 binary The output of the pattern register = output bit = 1 binary 5-26 TRANSLATOR INPUT (9-2) TRANSLATOR OUTPUT BITS I I I 11 10 9876543210 (000) (001) (002) (003) TA200 TA200 TA200 TA200 1000000000 1000000011 1000000100 1000000111 (004) (005) (006) (007) TA201 TA201 TA201 TA201 1000001000 1000001011 1000001100 1000001111 (010) (011) (012) (013) TA202 TA202 TA202 TA202 1000001000 1000001001 1000001010 1000001011 (014) (015) (016) (017) TA203 TA203 TA203 TA203 1000001100 1000001101 1000001110 1000001111 1110 9B76543210 "X" TRASLATOR ROM INPUT X9·X2 OUTPUT AA AA AA AA 1 0101010 1010101 0 10101010 1 010101 0 A.C AC AC 10101 1 0 1 01 10101 1 0101 1 00 00 100 01 100 10 1 00 11 AD AD AD AD 10101 1 01 01 10 10 1 10 10 1 101 101 101 1 01 00 01 10 11 AE AE AE AE 1 0101 101 01 10101 101 01 1 1 1 1 00 01 10 11 r..C 10 10 10 10 00 01 10 11 SELECTS 1 OF 3 BANKS COLUMN I YB I Y71 Y61 Y51 Y41 Y3\ Y2! I ROW ~ '-___---..~---~I~''-----y-----' CHARACTER ROW NUMBER T Yl : X9' : XB' : X7' : X6' : X5' : X4'I X3' : X2'I Xl : XO EQUIVALENT OF WHAT CHARACTER. ROW SCAN (1 OF 4) T WHAT GROUP OF 64 PIXILS YO-ODD EVEN I SELECTS WHICH OF 4 SCREEN RAM BITS ARE TO BE MODIFIED. (Xl000)=TRANSLATION ADR(TA)200 X' MEANS ADDRESS BITS X9-X2 ARE TRANSLATED MA·S197 Figure 5-17 Translation of X Bits 5-27 WOPS REGISTER BLINK ENA ATTR CHANGE = 1 DATA INPUT (8 BITS) rU PATTERN REG R0 DU DVM I I SHIFTS OUT 9 BITS TEN TIMES FOR CHARACTERS I 3 F2 (O)l-- Fl FO (1)~ BIT { Xl SELECTION ~ (10F4) .~ SELECTION DIRECTIONl-(2) WOPS lKX4 ROM BIT SELECT 3rBIT 3 '--- ..... ADDRESS) V WR DAT 2 WR DAT 1 WR DAT 0 ,...-"X" REG. "Y" REG WR DAT 3 SCREEN RAM ..... 12 BITS ) Y BIT 2 BANK SELECTION BIT 1 BIT a X3~ X2 STROBE MODIFY DATA INPUT (ONE OF FOUR BITS) Figure 5-18 Modify Data Bits 5-28 The output of the WOPS register equals 4 binary, a complement with no negate function. Refer to the complement equation in Table 5-7. Complement Complement Complement Complement M = = = = A + (P + N) 0010 + (1 + 0) 1 + 1 0 (0010 is selected bank) (1 is selected bit) The complement bit zero is written into the selected bank of the screen RAM. Initially, the value of the selected bank was 0010 binary. After modification the value changes to 0000 binary. Refresh the CRT -- The display area of the video monitor contains 240 scan lines (horizontal sweeps) with each sweep having 768 picture elements called pixels. A pixel is the smallest picture element that can display data. The display area contains a total of 184,320 pixels. The colo r of the character s 0 r vector s represents foreground information. The color of the screen represents background information. The characters, vectors and screen can be different shades of black and white or color. Two separate control circuits are used for CRT color control. 1. 2. Foreground control Background control Table 5-7 Screen RAM Write Control WOPS BITS 2 1 0 F2 Fl F0 0 0 0 I I 0 I I N N N N Function Equation Overlay Replace Complement Erase M=A+(P+N) M=P+N M=A+(P+N) M=N Legend for Equations M = Data to be written into memory A = Data now in memory P = Output of pattern register N = Negate bit T = OR + = XOR 5-29 Foreground Control -- The CPU loads the WOPS register with a value that defines the color of the character or vector. The output of the WOPS register bits F7 (blink), F6 (green), F5 (red), and F4 (bl ue) are inputs to the sc reen RAM at tr ibute sect ion. Every time the screen RAM is modified, the contents of bits F7--F4 if enabled are written into the screen RAM attribute section. When the screen RAM is addressed, sixteen bi ts are read from memory. Twelve bits of data are loaded into the shift register and the four attribute bits are loaded into the S163 latch (Figure 5-19). The data output of the shift register is exclusively ORed with bit 0 of the screen option register (SOPS). The exclusive OR selects the foreground or background colors. When the video control bit is zero (normal video) and the shifted data bit is a one, the attribute bits from the latch determine the video data color (foreground). (DATA TO BE WRITTEN SHIFT DATA) EXCLUSIVE OR' WHAT r-~~::~~::--~R~E~AD~~--~COLOR IS THE I-'D:.;..A:.:.:TA~t-I F"::..::.:.:.tooj S163 VIDEO DATA r==--~ LATCH WR/RD BIT 0=0 NORMAL VIDEO 1 REVERSE VIDEO WHAT COLOR IS THE SCREEN BD 0-7 SOPS HORIZONTAL SYNC CRT MONITOR VERTICAL SYNC LOAD SOPHS DATA Figure 5-19 Color Control 5-30 When the output of the shi ft reg ister is zero and the video control bi t i s zero (no rmal v ideo), the at tr ibute bi ts from the SOPS register determine the video data color (background). When the SOPS register bit is a one (reverse video), the SOPS register attribute bits are used for the foreground color and the latch attribute bits are used for the background color. Background Control -- The ReGIS screen command, through the CPU, loads the SOPS register with a value that determines the background color. The SOPS register holds the background attribute bits. The SOPS register attribute bits are; bit 6 (green), bit 5 (blue), and bit 4 (red). These bits are inputs to the multiplexer that in a normal video condition furnishes the background color. The background color is displayed when the output of the shift register is zero and bit 0 of the SOPS register is 0. Modify Screen RAM and CRT Refresh Timing -- The sync ROM in the vector generator runs continuously. Figure 5-20 shows the sync ROM addresses which are a function of the Time State Generator (Figure 5-21) and other bits. Twelve addresses are used before repeating the sequence again. The WRT/RD signal controls the screen RAM address multiplexer. If the WRT/RD signal is low, the address from the mA sequential counter passes through the screen RAM address multiplexer. If the WRT/RD signal is high, the address from the x register passes through the screen RAM address multiplexer. and y The WRT/RD signal changes levels every third sync ROM address. For every WRT/RD time frame a RAS and CAS signal are generated. Depending on the sync ROM address, a load shift register or strobe pulse occurs (Figure 5-19). Strobe pulse loads the four-bit holding register with data from memory (X3, X2). The following sequence of events occur. 1. Data is loaded into the shift register. 2. While the data is shifted is out, the x,y address reads the data to be modified. In another read cycle, X3 and X2 selects the data to be modified and strobes the fours bits into the holding register. Only one bit is modified. 3. While the data is shifted to the CRT, another RAS, CAS, LOAD function is performed. At the proper time another twelve bits are loaded in the shift register and shifted to the CRT. 4. During the continuous shifting of data from the shift register to the CRT, the modified data is written into the screen RAM. The screen RAM data is modified by the execute point, erace and the execute vector commands. During sync ROM address 32, the execute vector command turns on the vector ROM. This activates the write signal. 5-31 .' SYNC ROM ADR 13213113013513412312212112*****11301351341231221211201251241331321 1 23 45 67 B WRT/RD MA X,Y MA X,Y MA X,Y MA 1 X,Y L RAS CAS ~ LD SHFR ~ ~ ~ STROBE WRITE ~ ~ t -1 1R C lDI R C SiR C lDIR C Wi R C LDI R C SiR C LDI R C Wi DATA SHIFTED MA-8196 Figure 5-20 Screen RAM Data Timing TIME STATES _ _ _ _ _D_O_W_N....,OOT CHAR ClK ~ 5 4 +5V JK o C B A o o 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 A 0 13 1 0 B 12 1 0 0 C 11 0 10 1 0 0 15 1 0 14 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 03 0 0 1 1 o 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 02 0 0 0 1 0 o1 0 o 0 0 1 +5V JK 5 00 o 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 1 MA-8151 Figure 5-21 Time State Generator 5-32 r Generation of Vectors The VK100 system can draw both characters and vectors. Section describes characters. The following paragraphs describe vectors. There are two kinds of vectors. 1. 2. Basic vectors Arbitrary vectors Basic vectors fall under the following conditions: 1. 2. If coordinates X=0 and/or Y=0 If the absolute value of x = absolute value of y [X]=[Y] There are eight basic directions for vectors other conditions are arbitrary vectors. (Figure 5-22). All The terminal operator can type a character and rotate it in any of the basic directions (Figure 5-22). For example the operator types in: "FORMAT" TEXT (DIRECTION) "Character to Print" "EXAMPLE" T(D45) "A" NOTE The above must be in ReGIS command mode to work. The T (D45) command displays the A character along the one basic direction, or 45' direction. This character is a basic vector. 3 (135°) 4 (180°) 2 (90°) 1 (45°) -----"""*----- 5 (225°) 6 (270°) a (0°) 7 (315°) MA·81ge Figure 5-22 Basic Vectors 5-33 The CPU has to set up registers in the vector generator to display characters or vectors on the CRT. The following are the registers that are loaded. X and Y DO-Length of major axis DVM-Length of minor axis Pattern Pattern multiplier Direction Write options (WOPS) Screen options (SOPS) Execute vector Error register (only used with arbitrary vectors) The function of these registers follows. X and Y -- These registers are loaded with the starting address of the character or vector. The X and Y register contents address the screen RAM when modifying data. The address control increments or decrements the x and Y individually or both at the same time. The X coordinate is X0 through X767. If the direction of the character or vector is ROM coordinate X0 through X767, X is positive. If the direction is from X767 to X0, X is negative. The Y coordinate is Y0 through Y240. If the direction of the character or vector is from coordinate Y0 to Y240, Y is positive. If the direction is Y240 to Y0, Y is negative. If both X and Y = 0 during a screen RAM modify, the CRT displays the data in the top left corner of the screen. This corner is the first pixel of the CRT during display time. DU -- The length of the major axis is loaded into this register. For character displays, the width of a character is loaded into the DU. For vectors, the firmware knows the vector starting point and how far the vector moves in the X and Y position. The larger of the two values is placed in the DU register. DVM -- The length of the minor axis is loaded into this register. For character displays, the width of a character is loaded into the DVM. For vectors, the DVM receives the smaller of the X and Y values. Pattern -- The pattern register is an eight-bit shift register that is parallel loaded and shifted out one bit at a time to a lK by 4 PROM. This register controls the pattern of the data written into the screen RAM. 5-34 If the pattern = 1, a modify function is performed. If the pattern = 121, the pass data is modified. This does not apply in replace mode. Pattern Multiplier -- The contents of this four bit register can increase the width of a character or vector by a factor of one to sixteen. If the pattern multiplier register is loaded with all binary ones, the pattern register shifts every write time. If the pattern multiplier is loaded with 111121 binary, the pattern register shifts every two write times. Direction -- The direction register is an eight bit register. Only four bits are used. Bits 121--2 tell the vector direction and bit 3 tells if the vector is a basic or arbitrary vector. If bit 3 equals zero, the vector is a basic vector. If bit 3 equals one, the vector is an arbitrary vector. Write Options (WOPS) -WOPS is an eight-bit register. Bit 7 is blink control. Bits 6--4 tells the color of data (12 pixels) when in normal video mode. Bit 3 (equal to a one) enables attributes. Enable attributes is an address bit to the WRT ROM. This allows the contents of WOPS register bits 7--4 to be written into the screen RAM. Bits 1 If it negate equals and 2 describe how the data being modified is controlled; is overlayed, replaced, complemented or erased. Bit 121, the bit, controls the output of the pattern register. If bit 121 a one, the pattern register output is complemented. Screen Options (SOPS) The SOPS register is an register which controls the following three functions. 1. 2. 3. Blink Background color I/O port control eight-bit (EIA, 2121 rnA, hardcopy and self-test) LD Execute -- The execute instructions set the Go flip flop (GOFF) which enables the vector ROM to run. This is necessary for writing the modified data in the screen RAM and reading the file register contents (DU, DVM, DIR, and WOPS). Writing a Character on the Screen -- Writing a character on the CRT is the same as writing a vector. The main difference is that a character is a series of parallel vectors. When you press a key the following events occur: 1. At the next occurrence of VSYNC the CPU keyboard interrupt. 2. In response to the interrupt, the CPU enters the keyboard scan routine, reads the keyboard and determines which key was pressed. The processor then translates the key location code into an ASCI I code and stores it in the keyboard line. 5-35 recogni zes the 3. The processor reads the ASCII character in the keyboard line to determine what character to place on the CRT. 4. The processor translates the ASCII character code into a dot pattern. To do this, the processor reads a character look-up table located in RAM. The look-up table consists of a series of character cells, one cell for each ASCII code. Each character cell contains 10 patterns to be written as vectors on the screen. These pattern vectors compose the character on the CRT screen. NOTE The look-up table is filled with the dot patterns for each displayable character during the ROM power-up sequence. The look-up table can also be filled from the host computer using the Load Character Cell command in the graphics mode. There are 10 pattern vectors for each character. To write a character into the screen RAM, the DU, DVM, WOPS, and direction registers are initially loaded. The following sequence of events must occur 10 times. 1. The X and character register. Y reg isters are loaded. The is loaded into the a-bit pattern of the pattern shift 2. The CPU issues the Execute Vector command. The Execute Vector command sets the GO bit enabling the vector ROM to output. The address for Execute vector is 66. This means address bits Al and A0 are equal to a binary two. These address bi ts, Al and A0, are part of the vector ROM address bits which allows the vector ROM sequence for the Execute Vector command. 3. It takes three cycles (or nine time states) to modify the data in the screen RAM. a. Read cycle -- The X and Y reg ister contents read a location of the screen RAM. The twelve bits of data that are read from the screen RAM go to the bank select logic. Bits X3 and X2 select which four bits will be strobed into the holding register. b. Modify cycle -- The logic uses the pattern output WOPS, X and holding reg ister to determine which bi t will be modified by addressing a lK by 4 ROM. The address of the lK by 4 ROM is determined by the following. 5-36 Pattern register output bit -- (A9) WOPS register output bits (F2,Fl,F~) -- (A8--A6) X register output bit (Xl,X~) -- (A5--A4) Holding register output bits (3,2,1,~) -- (A3--A~) c. Write cycle -- When the write pulse occurs the output of the bit select ROM (WR OAT 3--WR OAT ~) is written into the same bank in the screen RAM. 4. The down counter whose value is initially nine bits gets decremented every time a wr i te takes place. The log ic checks to see if the down counter equals zero. Thi s indicates a pattern or vector has been stored in the screen RAM. 5. The X register is incremented or decremented according to the contents of the direction register. 6. If the down counter is not through five are repeated. equal to zero, steps three If the down counter is equal to zero a pattern (vector) with nine bits is stored in the screen RAM. This resets the Go flip-flop and disables the vector ROM outputs. Steps one through six are performed for each pattern. The character appears on the CRT after the ten patterns are wr i tten into the screen RAM and those locations addressed by the CRT Controller (CRR). 5.2 .• 2.7 Arbitrary Vectors -- The vector generator produces basic and arbitrary vectors in the VKl~~ system. The basic vectors ar~ shown in Figure 5-23. There are eight basic vector directions 45 apart. Vectors drawn in between the eight basic vectors are called arbitrary vectors. The Breshinham algorithm is a series of calculations (Appendix B) that allows an arbi trary vector to light a pixel close to the ideal vector path. A staircase effect takes place when arbitrary vectors are drawn. This staircase effect can be seen by looking closely at the screen when it is displaying arbitrary vectors. A calculation requires twelve time states (Figure 5-24). These twelve time states are divided into four groups. The four groups are repeated until the vector is drawn. The four sequential groups are: 1. 2. 3. 4. DVM time (length of minor access) DU time (length of major access) WOPS time Direction time 5-37 104 ~ .. TWELVE TIME STATES ~I TWELVE TIME STATES VECTOR ROM ADDRESS OUTPUT OF FilE REGISTER DVM DU DIRECTION DVM DIRECTION DU CO (VECTOR ROM) CALCULATION ER+DVM--(ER) LD ERROR , U1 W CO STROBE l u n CALCULATION BR+DU-ER EFFECTXARRAY MAJOR & MINOR AXIS I CALCULATION ER + DVM + l-ER u I CALCULATION ER+DU- ER EFFECT X ARRAY MAJOR AXIS U nL..-_____ ------, CARRY (1) H I I WRT l VClK L U PIXEL WRT -u u ~ ClKS X & Y REGISTER ClKS DOWNCOUNTER LJ:: ClK MAJOR AXIS MA·8331 Figure 5-23 Arbitrary Vector Timing I "r---RE-G-IS-T-ER~III 7< X I DIRECTION ROM +5V I As'"'i58 I I I ______________ ...1I CARRY-ClK MAJOR AXIS V ClK A7 07 YO CARRY A6 06 A5 05 F3 A4 04 F2 A3 03 F1 A2 02 FO A1 01 CARRY-ClK BOTH MAJOR AXIS MINOR AXIS ENA ERROR l PIXEL WRITE X DIRECTION CONTROL Y DIRECTION CONTROL ~ ENA Y (2) ENA X (2) o COUNT 0 U'1 I W \0 SYNC ROM OUTPUT BITS RB, RA READ 2nd i FilE 1 DVM (MINOR AXIS) ClK 2 DIRECTION 3 WRITE OPTIONS (WOPS) READ 1st • REGISTER R~"'D 3rd READ 4th ADDRESS CONTROL FilE REGISTER {on VECTOR ROM GENERATES 2 ClK ERROR PULSES (CARRY IS AN ADDRESS BIT) 025 VECTOR ROM GENERATES {022 1 ClK ERROR PULSE 125 VECTOR ROM ClK ERROR lD ERROR MA-8172 Figure 5-24 Carry Control When writing a vector, the firmware loads the following registers: DVM -- with the length of the minor access. For an example use the value of 3 (Appendix B). DU -- with the length of the major access. For an example use the value of 5 (Appendix B). Error Rec is loaded with a value that the firmware obtains by dividing 2 into the largest value. For an example the value 5 divided by 2 equals 2 with a remainder of I (Appendix B). The following are the functions that occur in each group. DVM Time -- The error register is added to the DVM register plus carry in. The error clock loads the sum into the error. The carry output of the add is strobed into the carry flip-flop. DU Time -- The contents of the error register are added to the DU register. If the carry flip-flop is reset, the vector ROM allows an error clock pulse which loads the result of the add into the error register. If the carry flip-flop is set, the vector ROM does not allow an error clock pulse to occur. The contents of the error register remain unchanged. WOPS Time -- The modified data bits are selected and written into the screen RAM location specified by the X and Y registers. Di rection Time -- The outputs of the direction reg ister, bi ts F3--F0, are inputs to the direction ROM (Figure 5-25). An arbitrary vector is drawn in direction three when the input bits of the direction ROM equal "B" hex. The carry bit equal to a one indicates that the major axis register is only affected. The direction affected is determined by the direction ROM input bits F0--F2. Direction three is a negative direction. Therefore, the major access register decrements. If the carry bit equals zero, the major and minor axis registers are effected. The direction effected is determined by the ROM input bits F0--F2. Direction three is a negative direction. Both the major and minor axis registers are decremented. The vector sequence terminates when the V clock signal clocks the downcounter to zero. This resets the Go flip-flop. The direction ROM produces the signal pixel write. The pixel write must be active to write data into the screen RAM. There are three conditions that prevent a write operation from occurring. 5-40 1. Do not write in direction: 2 from an odd line. 6 from an even line. 2. Do not write if the direction is 5 or 7. The scan line is even (Y0) and the last direction was 6. 3. Do not write if the direction is 1 or 3. The scan line is odd and the last direction was 2. CONTROL "Y" • ENABLE Y • DIRECTION CONTROL l-COUNT UP H-COUNT DOWN CONTROL "X" • ENABLE X • DIRECTION CONTROl. L-COUNT UP H-COUNT DOWN V ClK DIRECTION ROM PIXEL WRITE .-----------------~CARRY CARRY CONTROL STROBE---1 lD ERROR ADDRESS VECTOR ROM MA-8174 Figure 5-25 Direction Control 5-41 5.2.3 I/O Port Overview The VK100 interfaces to the host system through a serial data port. An 8251 programmable universal synchronous or asynchronous receiver-transmitter drives the port. This device translates between parallel and serial character formats. The 8251 adds or removes start and stops bi ts as needed. The data used are ASCII characters. Character parity may be enabled or disabled. The parity bit, if selected, takes the most significant bit position. The VK100 I/O system can connect the three CPU ports. EIA 20 rnA Hardcopy Figure 5-26 shows the Basic I/O Port block diagram. The communication interface (8251A) is the main control of the I/O section. The baud rate generator allows firmware control of the baud rates to transfer data through the 8251A module. The I/O port selection logic is controlled by the SLI and SL0 bits of the screen option register (SOPS). Different combinations of SL1 and SL0 select the desired port or the self-test feature. The self-test diagnostic feature is firmware controlled. A known val ue is sent to the I/O inter face. The val ue goes through the 8251A chip as serial transmit data, to the I/O port selection (self-test). Then the data is serially routed to the RXD input of the 8251A chip. The chip assembles a data byte and sends the byte in parallel form to the CPU. The CPU compares the transmitted value to the received value. SERIAL DATA SERIAL DATA I/O PORT SELECTION MA-B191 Figure 5-26 Basic I/O Port Block Diagram 5-42 Communication Interface (8251A) -- This interface (Figure 5-27) performs the following three functions. Modem Control Data Control Error Reporting Mode Instruction Reg ister -- After an internal reset, the CPU loads the mode instruction register. Then any control register writes will load the data into the command instruction register. To return the 8251A from command to mode instruction, the CPU sets the internal reset bit of the command register. The mode instruction register defines the general characteristics of the 8251A (Figure 5-28). The paragraphs describe these characteristics. operating following Baud rate factor Character length Number of stop bits Parity control The Baud Rate Factor (XI6) -- The baud rate selected is times 16 (XI6) because the TCLK and RCLK frequencies are 16 times the selected baud rates. To obtain the selected baud rate, divide the TCLK and RCLK frequencies by 16. Character Length -- The length of a character transmission may be 5, 6, 7 or 8 bits. The unused bits are zeros (Figure 5-29). Number of Stop Bits (1, 1-1/2, 2) -- If the baud rate is 310 or above, the CPU selects one stop bi t. If the baud rate is under 310, the CPU selects two stop bits. Parity Enable -- When set this bit enables parity generation and parity detection. Parity Generation Bit -- When set this bit generates even parity for data transmission. Even parity means the character bits plus the parity bit have an even number of one bits. After receiving a data character the 8251A parity check logic counts the number of one bits in the character plus the parity bit. An odd number of one bits raises the parity error flag. When clear this bit generates odd parity for data transmission. Odd par i ty means the character bi ts plus the par i ty bi t have an odd number of one bits. After recelvlng a data character, the 8251A par i ty check log ic counts the number of one bi ts in the c h a rae t e r pI us the par i t Y bit. An 0 d d n um b e r 0 f 0 neb its r a i s e s the parity error flag. 5-43 DATA BUS BUFFER D7-D• RESET CLK TRANSMIT BUFFER (P-S) TxD TRANSMIT CONTROL TxE TxRDY c/D 1m WI! ~ ~ m DTR RECEIVE BUFFER (S-P) MODEM CONTROL rn m RxD RxRDY RECEIVE CONTROL ~ INTERNAL DATA BUS MA-8188 Figure 5-27 8251-A Block Diagram D7 MODE INSTRUCTION FORMAT ASYNCHRONOUS MODE D. Ds D. D, D, I s, I s, I I I I I I EP PEN L, L, B, B, L BAUD RATE FACTOR 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 SYNC MODE (lX) (16X) (64X) CHARACTER LENGTH 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 5 BITS 6 BITS 7 BITS B BITS PARITY ENABLE l=ENABLE O=DISABLE EVEN PARITY GENERATION O=ODD l=EVEN NUMBER OF STOP BITS 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 INVALID 1 BIT lY:. BITS 1 2 BITS MA-8187 Figure 5-28 Mode Register 5-44 r TRANSMITTER OUTPUT TRANSMIT/RECEIVE FORMAT ASYNCHRONOUS MODE TxD MARKING 1 - - -......._ - - ' STO~ BITS RECEIVER INPUT RxD I~~;RT~~B-IT-S--~----'-~~~~~ TRANSMISSION FORMAT CPU BYTE (5-B BITS/CHAR) I DATA ~H:ARACTER I ASSEMBLED SERIAL DATA OUTPUT (TxD) DATA CHARACTER L--_--'-_ _~ STOID BITS ~---.r......_---'....f RECEIVE FORMAT SERIAL DATA INPUT (RxD) ,...--"T""----t DATA CHARACTER STOTI BITS I-------IL...--...L..t CPU BYTE (5-B BITS/CHAR) 1 I DATA ~~ARACTER I NOTE1: IF CHARACTER LENGTH IS DEFINED AS 5,6, OR 7 BITS; THE UNUSED BITS ARE SET TO "ZERO"_ MA-8178 Figure 5-29 Transmit/Receive Format Asynchronous Mode 5-45 Command Instruction Register (Figure 5-30) The command instruction register defines the controls used in the operation of the 8251A. The following are the signals that control this operation. Transmit Enable Receive Enable Data Terminal Ready Request to Send Error Reset Internal Reset Send Break Character Enter Hunt Mode Transmit Enable When the CPU sets this bit the 825lA transmit data. Resetting this bit inhibits data transmission. can Receive Enable -- When the CPU sets this bit the 825lA can receive data. Resetting this bit prevents data reception. The Transmit Enable and Receive Enable are both set in the VKl00 system. This allows the 825lA to operate in full duplex mode. Data Terminal Ready test. (DTR) -- The CPU sets this bit for loopback Request to Send -- The request to send signal is normally used for modem control. Error Reset -- When the CPU sets this bit all error flags are res e t • Par i t Y Err 0 r ( PE), Over run Err 0 r ( 0 E), and F ram i n g Err 0 r (FE) are reset in the status register. Internal Reset -- When set this bit returns the 825lA from Command instruction to Mode instruction. Send Break Character -- When set this bit forces TxD to a low. Enter Hunt Mode -- This bit is a zero. The VK100 system does not use the Hunt mode. 5-46 COMMAND INSTRUCTION FORMAT I D, D. EH I IR D, D. I RTS I ER D3 D, I SBRKI RxE I DTR I TxEN 4"""'' ' ' ' 1=ENABLE O=DISABLE DATA TERMINAL READY "HIGH" WILL FORCE [jjfj OUTPUT TO ZERO RECEIVE ENABLE 1=ENABLE O=DISABLE SEND BREAK CHARACTER 1=FORCES TxD "LOW" O=NORMAL OPERATION ERROR RESET 1=RESET ALL ERROR FLAGS PE,OE, FE REQUEST TO SEND "HIGH" WI LL FORCE OUTPUT TO ZERO R'i'S INTERNAL RESET "HIGH" RETURNS 8251 TO MODE INSTRUCTION FORMAT ENTER HUNT MODE 1=ENABLE SEARCH FOR SYNC CHARACTERS MA-8180 Figure 5-30 Command Instruction Format 5-47 Status Register -- Data Communication Systems require the status of the active device. To obtain the status, the CPU reads the status register. The following are the status register bits (Figure 5-31). Transmitter Ready (TxRDY) Receiver Ready (RxRDY) Transmitter Empty (TxE) Parity Error (PE) Overrun Error (OE) Framing Error (FE) SYNDET DSR TxRDY -- This bit signals the CPU that the transmitter is ready to accept a data character. The CPU can use TxRDY for interrupt or polled operations. In polled operations the CPU checks TxRDY using a status read operation. TxRDY automatically resets when the CPU loads a character. RxRDY -- This bit indicates that the 8251A contains a character ready to input to the CPU. RxRDY connects to the interrupt structure of the CPU or for polled operation. The CPU can check the condition of RxRDY using a status read operation. RxRDY is automatically reset when the CPU reads the character. TxE -- When the 8251 has no characters to transmit, the TxE output goes high. TxE automatically resets after receiving a character. The error conditions (PE, OE and asynchronous data transfer section. FE) are covered in the DSR -- The CPU uses thi s bi t to moni tor the hardcopy port. The usage of this bit is covered in the Hardcopy section (Paragraph Asynchronous Data Transfers -- In the VK100 system there are two modes of data transfers: 1. 2. Data transmissions (TxD) Data receptions (RxD) Asynchronous Mode Transmissions Whenever character the 8251 does the following. the Adds a start bit (low level) Adds the required number of stop bits Adds the correct parity bit if parity is enabled 5-48 CPU sends a D7 STATUS READ FORMAT I I DSR SYN-l ~~T D, D4 D, FE \ OE PE I I D, J TXE\ =~Y 1~~Y J L.l I I SAME DEFINITIONS AS I/O PINS PARITY ERROR THE PE FLAG IS SET WHEN A PARITY ERROR IS DETECTED_ IT IS RESET BY THE ER BIT OF THE COMMAND INSTRUCTION_ PE DOES NOT INHIBIT OPERATION OF THE 8251A_ 4 OVERRUN ERROR THE OE FLAG IS SET WHEN THE CPU DOES NOT READ A CHARACTER BEFORE THE NEXT ONE BECOMES AVAILABLE_ IT IS RESET BY THE ER BIT OF THE COMMAND INSTRUCTION. OE DOES NOT INHIBIT OPERATION OF THE 8251A; HOWEVER, THE PREVIOUSLY OVERRUN CHARACTER IS LOST: FRAMING ERROR (ASYNC ONLY) THE FE FLAG IS SET WHEN A VALID STOP BIT IS NOT DETECTED AT THE END OF EVERY CHARACTER. IT IS RESET BY THE ER BIT OF THE COMMAND INSTRUCTION. FE DOES NOT INHIBIT THE OPERATION OF THE jtPD8251 AND jtPD8251A. NOTE: 1 TxRDY STATUS BIT IS NOT TOTALLY EQUIVALENT TO THE TxRDY OUTPUT PIN, THE RELATIONSHIP IS AS FOLLOWS: TxRDY STATUS BIT BUFFER EMPTY TxRDY (PIN 15) BUFFER EMPTY .CTS • TxEn MA-I1179 Figure 5-31 Status Register 5-49 The character is then transmitted as a serial data stream on the TxD output (Figure 5-28). The serial data is shifted out on the trailing edge of TxC at a rate equal to 1/16 of the TxC as defined by the Mode Instruction. Break characters can be continuously sent to TxD if commanded to do so. If no data characters are loaded into the 8251A the TxD output remains high (marking) unless a break (continuously low) has been programmed. Asynchronous Mode Reception -- The RxD line is normally high. When the line goes low this triggers the beginning of the start bit. The validity of the start bit is checked by strobing at the start bits nominal center. If a low is detected at the nominal center a valid start bit has been found. The bit counter then starts counting. The bit counter locates the center of the received bits, parity bits (if it exists) and the stop bits. The stop bits signal the end of a received character. The character is then loaded into the I/O buffer of the 8251A and the logic (RxRDY) signals the CPU that data is available. The 8251A checks each character for errors. There are three types of errors. 1. 2. 3• Parity Error Framing Error Over run Err 0 r Parity Error -- The rising edge of RxC samples the receive inputs data and parity. If a parity error occurs, the parity error flag is set. Framing Error -- Occurs if a low level bit. is detected at the stop Overrun Error -- If a previous character has not been fetched by the CPU, the present character replaces it in the I/O buffer and the overrun flag is raised (the previous character is lost). The occurrence of any of these errors will not stop the operation of the 8251A. Table 5-8 shows the addressing of the 8251A. Table 5-8 Addressing the 8251-A Address Bits CD RD Selection and Directive WR CS 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 X X 1 0 0 0 0 0 X X 1 1 1 0 8251A ~ Data Bus Data Bus ~ 8251A Status ~ Data Bus Data Bus ~ Control Data Bus 5-50 ~ 3 State Baud Rate Generator -- The baud rate for a VK100 system is controlled by: Default set up switch pack (switches 86--88) 8ET-UP mode (Refer to Chapter 4) ReGI8 command (Refer to Chapter 4). On power up, or reset, the firmware uses defaul t set-up swi tch pack (86--88) to load the baud rate generator with a byte value. This value selects the Tx clock and Rx clock frequency. The low four bits of the byte value select the baud rate for the Rx clock pulses and the high four bi ts select the baud rate of the Tx clock. Both the Tx clock and Rx clock frequencies are 16 times the selected baud rate. If the selected baud rate is 300 bi ts per second the clock frequencies are 4.8 kHz. The baud rate generator sends the Tx clock or Rx clock frequency to the 8251A chip which divides the frequency by 16. The result is the device baud rate. Figure 5-32 shows the baud rate generator block diagram. Table 5-9 shows how the CPU selects one of the eight possible baud rates used for the receive and transmit frequencies. t---.j (1) XTALlEXT1 S.68MHz FREQUENCY t - -..... DECODE AND CONTROL t---, a: o ~ ...J U IJl o R CLK BD SD BD BD 0 1 2 3 FREQUENCY t - -..... DECODE AND CONTROL t--..., MA-8173 Figure 5-32 Baud Rate Generator 5-51 Table 5-9 Baud Rate Selection Crystal Frequency Transmit/Receive Address D C B A ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 ~ 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 Baud Rate 11~ 3~~ 6~" 12~~ 2400 4800 9600 19,200 Theoretical Frequency 16 X CLOCK 1.76 Hz 4.8 9.6 19.2 38.4 76.8 153.6 307.2 Selection of I/O Port = 5.~688 Actual Frequency 16 X CLOCK 1. 76 K Hz 4.8 9.6 19.2 38.4 76.8 153.6 316.8 M Hertz Divisor 288~ 1~56 528 264 132 66 33 16 The I/O ports are selected by: Default SET-UP switch pack SET-UP mode (Refer to Chapter 4) ReGIS commands (Refer to Chapter 4). When a power up or reset operation is performed, the CPU reads the default SET-UP switch pack. The condition of switch two (S2) determines if the CPU is connected to the 20 mA or EIA port. If S2 is open, the 20 mA port is used. If S2 is closed, the EIA port is used. When an I/O port is selected the CPU modifies bits SLl and SL0 of the screen option register (SOPS). The condition of these two bits connect the CPU to the selected port (5-33). Table 5-10 also shows this condition. Transferring Data Through the I/O Port The VK100 system uses the following three ports to connect the CPU to other devices. 20 mA EIA Hardcopy 20 mA Port The VK100 system has full-duplex capabilities. This includes a transmit and receiver channel (Jl). 5-52 DATA BUS r----STATUS A REG. COLO ROW A·ROW F SHIFT CAPS LOCK COL 15 MA-B190 Figure 5-33 Port Selection Block Diagram Table 5-lf(J I/O Port Selection MUX Inputs SLI SLf(J A B f(J 0 1 C 1 1 1 D Note 0 1 f(J 0 Port Selection EIA 20 rnA Hardcopy Self-test Level = L Level = H 5-53 Transmit Channel -- The CPU sends the data to the 8251A. This is where the transmission format is put together according to the mode instruction register. The data stream is shifted out of the 825lA serially on the TxD line. The data goes through the I/O port selected log ic. The SOPS reg ister bi ts SLI and SL0 (L, H) selects the 20 rnA drive circuitry to transmit the data to host computer (Figure 5-34). The data that is transferred out to the 20 rnA line goes through a photo transistor. When the photo transistor circuit receives the mark bit, the photo cell transistor is cut off. This allows Q7 to conduct which in turn causes Q8 to conduct. When Q7 and Q8 transistors are turned on the source current (18--50 rnA) flows from pin 2, through Q7 and Q8, out to pin 5. Wh e nth e ph 0 t o t ran sis tor c i r cui t r e c e i v e s asp ace ( s tar t bit), the photo transistor turns on. This action cuts off Q7, which then cuts off Q8. The current that flows from pin 2 goes through the constant current diode. This keeps a constant current of 2 rnA that goes through the photo transistor out to pin 5. Receiver Channel The receiver channel monitors the current loop. If a mark is detected, the receiver channel changes the mark to a binary one. I f a space is detected, the rece i ve r channe 1 changes the space to a binary zero. The receiver channel detects a mark and space in the following manner (Figure 5-35). The marking state is the initial condition. The marking current causes the photo diode to conduct. When the photo diode passes 18 to 50 rnA of current, the photo transistor turns on. The conduction of the photo transistor causes a positive voltage drop that turns on Q6. When Q6 conducts, a mark condition exists. The output of Q6 is inverted. The mark bit goes through the receiver multiplexer to the RxD input of the 8251A. When a start bi t i s detected (space) the rece i ved cur ren t drops from (18 to 50 rnA) to (0 to 2 rnA). The space condition cuts off the photo transistor which cuts off Q6. The output of Q6 is inverted (0). The space signal goes through the receiver multiplexer to the RxD input of the 8251A. Table 5-11 shows specifications. the transmitter and receives interface EIA Port -- The data transfer is the same as the 20 rnA port except the EIA drivers or receivers are selected. Figures 5-36 and 5-37 show the block diagrams. 5-54 +5V CUT OFF FOR AMARK CONDUCTING FOR A SPACE J1 5 SERIAL DATA INPUT HOST COMPUTER os 2 ~~~~2~m~A~---C~O~N-ST-A-N-T~----~+----iSOURCE - CURRENT DIODE = MARK CONDITION CURRENT 0-2mA = OFF = 0 10mA 18-50mA = ON = MARK = 1 •= H: MARK L: SPACE MA-B175 Figure 5-34 20 mA Transmit Loop J1 ~---r---------'r +5V 7 _--..,..----..,.........-+--4 R+ HOST COMPUTER 05 3 ......Jy.,.,.--"'-+--+-I R- 8 = MA-8195 Figure 5-35 20 mA Receive Loop 5-55 Table 5-11 Interface Specifications Transmitter Min Max Units Open circuit voltage 5.121 5121 Volts Voltage drop marking 121.121 2.121 Volts 2.121 MA Spacing current Marking current 2121 5121 MA Receiver Min Max Units Vol tage drop marking 2.3 Volts Spacing current 3.121 MA 5121 MA Marking current 15 CONTROL CP~ GET DATA CPU FIRMWARE I-~\'_-I ROM RAM MEMORY DATA ADR, CONTROL, DATA A12-A8 1 Al-AO 12 LINES I 3 L1NESIL-_---. I/OM,WRT,Fill----z.- ADDRESS LATCH 8 LINES DATA BUFFER CONTROL DECODER 00-07 BAUD RATE ~ GENERATOR ~ COMMUNICATION INTERFACE 8251A START 81T I ,.:!!!.. STOP BITS PARITY BIT. / TxD MARKINGLI_--.JILD_AT_A_BI_T..JslL-__1 5~l SL1~L Tx I/O PORT SELECTOR 1----0 EIA DRIVER TO ~ 2J-. HOST COMPUTOR 1SLO~L SOPS REGISTER '-- Figure 5-36 EIA Transmit 5-56 MA-8201 FIRMWARE ROM A12-A8 r--------------,HERE IS DATA CONTROL CPU I CPU I IADR ,CONTROL I DATA I DATA 8LINES 12 LINES 1 RAM MEMORY A7-AO ADDRESS LATCH I r ilO wii'f I AS-AO AO I DECODER I • I UART I..--WRT ~ __ ...1 110 RD 11 1 I BAUD RATE GENERATOR ~ DATA BUFFER CONTROL DO-D7 ~RD COMMUNICATION INTERFACE 8251A START BIT RxD PARITY /,STOP BIT / ' BITS RxDJ I DATA BITS I I (L J8 RX ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 / 0 PORT - RxD 3 -.----1 HOST COMPUTER SELECTOR r i SL1 =L SLO=L ,--L--....&...., SOPS REGISTER '-- MA-8171 Figure 5-37 EIA Receive 5-57 Hardcopy Overview -- The hardcopy mode outputs screen image information to a hardcopy device (LA34-VA or another future compatible device) to obtain a permanent record on paper. Only the information in the bit map memory is sent to the device. The video attribute information is ignored. The four ways of entering hardcopy mode are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Normal Screen Dump Auto-Hardcopy Partial-Hardcopy Hardcopy Dump in Graphics Mode. Normal Screen Dump -- Once initiated the screen is frozen and the entire image prints. Use SHIFT/PFI keys or DECHP escape sequence (ESC '7) to enter this mode. Auto Hardcopy -- This is similar to the normal screen dump but it is initiated automatically before the screen clears or scrolls an entire display of new text lines onto the display. Auto Hardcopy is enabled using Set-Up (AHl) or SM escape sequence (ESC [ ? 24 h ] ), and disabled by AH9 or ESC [ ? 24 1 ]. To abort hardcopy before completion, use the SHIFT/PFI keys. * The last letter of the sequence is a lowercase 1 (154 8 ). Partial Hardcopy -- This prints the number of lines specified by the parameters in the following DEC PDH escape sequence ESC [ Pn; Pn 1 8] This escape sequence freezes the display and prints from the text line specified by the first parameter to the line specified by the second parameter. Hardcopy Dump in Graphics Mode -- Hardcopy can be initiated using ReGIS screen command with hardcopy option: S (H [, Yl] [, Y2]) If only one Y parameter is specified, the other Y parameter defaults to the current graphics cursor Y position. If neither Y parameter is specified, the whole screen is copied. Graphics Data Stream Format -- The LA34-VA graphic printer accepts the hardcopy data from the VK199 in the following format: CR SP SP SP SP DCS Pn F • • • SD • • • ST PLO DCS Pn F • • • SD • ST PLO 5-58 Where: CR SP Des Pn Carriage Return SPACE (ASCII 2/e) Device Control String: ESC P Parameter value for horizontal resolution selection: = = = = Pn F = = SD ST = PLO = = 1 for horizontal resolution q This final character donates the subsequent characters are encoded raster data to be printed. String Data String Terminator: ESC\. Character processing returns to the method prior to the DCS. Partial Line Down: ESC K moves to next line of graphic data. The line printer connects to VKlee terminals in two ways. 1. Line printer connected only to a single terminal 5-38) (Line printer dedicated to one terminal) 2. Line printer connected to multi-terminals (Figure 5-39) (Line printer is shared by many terminals) Figure 5-38 shows the cables used with both systems. UK100 ~ 'i '2 V \ ! 13 TERMINAL MALEPLUG FEMALE CONNECTION 14 RxD CTS 15 I - TxD RTS \ A ) ~ • ,-v", ! ! ! : LINE PRINTER LA34-VA ' ... )'_J BC22A-XX MA.&186 Figure 5-38 Line Printer Connected to Single Terminal 5-59 (Figure > ( BC22A-XX OR EQUIVALENT CABLE > ) BC22B-XX OR EQUIVALENT CABLE y BC22B-01 (Y-CABLE) ---?) MALE EIA CONNECTOR ----« FEMALE EIA CONNECTOR MA-8203 Figure 5-39 Printer Connection to Multiple Terminals and Connector Names Line Printer -- Connected to Mul ti-terminals The VK100 has the ability to organize multi-terminal demands for the hardcopy device. When the terminal outputs to the hardcopy device, all other terminals in the chain are locked out. The next terminal to be served depends on: the position of the currently printing terminal, its relation to other terminals in the chain, and the entering order of the hardcopy requests. In general, the terminal farthest away from the printer has the higher priority and prints next. There is no limitation on the number of VK100 terminals that can connect to the line printer as long as the maximum distance between terminals is 50 feet. The number of VKl00s serviced is limited by the users response time. When a VK100 is powered off, all upstream terminals (farthest away f rom the ha rdcopy dev ice) are broken of f the cha in. The upstream terminals are reconnected to the printer by bypassing the Y cable on the powered off terminal. VKHJ0 Daisy Chain Bus Control -- The daisy-chain bus connecting the VKl00s to the LA34-VA Graphic Line Printer is divided into data and control lines. Data Lines 1. Transmit (TxD) 2. Receive (RxD) Control Lines 1. Request to Send (RTS) 2. Clear to Send (CTS) Figure 5-40 shows how each terminal interactively controls which terminal uses the VK100 daisy-chain bus. 5-60 14 UTxD RTS TxD FROM 8251A XMIT DATA RTS L DTxD HARD COpy 3 DRxD TO STATUS "8" ACTS 16 URxD RCV DATA RxD TO 8251A 7 .: 5 DCTS 13 4 10-__ DRTS 19 ~------~----------------------URTS TO 8251A DSR INPUT _--------l MA·8183 Figure 5-4~ Logic for Hardcopy Bus Control The signals that use the hardcopy daisy chain are: Upstream transmit data (UTxD) Downstream transmit data (DTxD) Upstream receive data (UPxD) Downstream receive data (DRxD) Upstream clear to send (UCTS) Downstream clear to send (DCTS) Upstream request to send (URTS) Downstream request to send (DRTS) Terminals in the daisy-chain bus use an interconnecting dialogue that allows only one terminal at a time to use the bus. The following paragraphs describe this dialogue. BUS NOT BUSY When the bus is not busy each VKI~~ has as inputs, DCTS low and URTS high. The logic in each VKI~~ passes on the output signals, UCTS low and DRTS high. All VKI~~ are enabled to transfer data. 5-61 CPU WANTS TO USE BUS A CPU that wants to transfer data reads two status registers. 1. 2. Status Register B (checks ACTS bit) Status Register 8251A (checks DSR bit) The ACTS bi t reflects the inverted condi tion of DCTS low (ACTS bit=I). The DSR bit reflects the condition of URTS high (DSR bit=0). The only time a VK100 can use the bus is when ACTS bit=l and DSR bit=0. When the CPU finds the ACTS bit=l and DSR bit=0, it then clears the RTS bit in the command register in the 8251A. RTS switches the following signals. 1. UCTS goes high -- in the upstream terminal this signal name becomes DCTS high and is inverted changing the ACTS from a one to a zero. The upstream terminals have ACTS bi ts equal to zero to prevent the terminals from using the bus. 2. DRTS goes low -- in the downstream terminal this signal name becomes URTS low and is inverted changing the DSR bit from a zero to a one. The downstream terminals have DSR bits equal to one to prevent the terminals from using the bus. CPU USING BUS The terminal after galnlng control of the bus transfers the data to the line printer (TxD). BUS NOT BUSY When the CPU finishes the data transfer the CPU sets RTS. switches the UCTS and DRTS and the bus is no longer busy. RTS Hardcopy Data Transfer -- To transfer data to the line printer the following sequence takes place. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SET-UP The DVM register is loaded. Direction equals 2. The direction register is loaded. Direction equals 6. The X and Y register is loaded. The Baud Rate Generator is loaded. The instruction format register is loaded. For the following sequence of events refer to Figure 5-41. SYSTAT A (X0, Y0) -- Firmware reads 4 bits from the screen RAM, (bits 0, 1, 2 and 3 of scan line zero) by issuing the instruction SYSTAT A. When the CPU receiv 7s the 4 bi ts it masks out bi ts 1, 2 and 3 and saves bl t zero in a register X LSB in the CPU. 5-62 SYSTAT A (XeI, Y2) -- Fi rmware reads 4 bi ts from the screen RAM, (bits eI, 1, 2 and 3 of scan line two) by issuing the instruction SYSTAT A. When the CPU receives the four bits it masks out bits 1, 2, and 3 and saves bit zero in a register X LSB + 1 position. The above sequence continues until six reads are done (XeI, Y12). At this time six-bit position zeros are stored in a register in the CPU. The firmware makes an ASCII character by adding el77 octal to the contents of register X and sends the new value to the 8251A transmit buffer. The 8251A assembles the data into the correct format, and transfers the data to the line printer. The line printer receives and assembles the transmission, subtracts el77 octal from it and stores the resul t in a 256 byte buffer. When its buffer is filled, the line printer transmits XOFF to the Receive Data buffer in the 8251A. This interrupts the CPU, signalling it to stop sending characters. When the buffer is able to receive more data it transmits XON to the CPU. Starting at bit zero position the data is transferred as follows. SCAN LINE eI--12 six bit zeros, six bit ones • six bit 767 SCAN LINE 12--26 six bit zeros, six bit ones • • • • • • six bit 767 SCAN LINE 226--24e1 six bit zeros, six bit ones • • • • • six bit 767 5-63 ADDRESS MUX x = 0, X = 0, X=O X = 0: Y =0 } Y =2 Y=4 Y =6 DOES 6 READS X = 0, Y = 10 X = 0, Y = 12 REGISTER IN CPU X = 1, Y = 0 X=l,Y=2 U'1 I m 01=0 } X = 1, Y = 4 X = 1, Y = 6 X=l,Y=10 X = 1, Y = 12 DOES 6 READS ETC SERIAL DATA STREAM LINE PRINTER MA·817Q Figure 5-41 Hardcopy Data Transfer 5.2.4 Keyboard The keyboard is the user's input device to keyboard logic is divided into two sections. the terminal. The 1. Keyboard Matric The keyboard switches are arranged like a typewriter with a numerical keypad. The keyboard matrix also provides light indicators. 2. Keyboard Interface The keyboard interface is on the terminal controller module and determines which keys have been pressed. The keyboard is a firmware scanned key array, mapped into memory space (RAM). The CPU reads the keyboard array 16 times every 60th of a second to find out if any keys have been pressed. The keyboard logic consists of: Keyboard array Array column selector Indicators Audible section The keyboard array consists of switches arranged in a column, row matrix. There are 15 columns (1--15) and 6 rows (A--F). Each switch has its own column and row position (Figure 5-42). The CPU selects the column to read by using address bits A0--A3. When column one is selected, a ground (low) is present on one side of the following switches: SET-UP, ESC, TAB, ENTER and PFI. If one or more of the switches is pressed, the lows will be felt on the corresponding row bits. Then the CPU does a keyboard read (KBRD). Figure 5-43 shows column two addressed with the A switch pressed. The A switch pressed means the row C output is low and when the KBRD is active D2 goes low. All other bits are high. The code sent to RAM memory for an A is 11111011. The keyboard write register controls the audible and indicator log ic. Bi ts 1--6 control the indicators. Bi t six output has two destinations: 1. 2. ON-LINE LGD Inverted bit six - LOCAL indicator The following are the indicators. L2 Ll HARDCOPY BASIC NO SCROLL ON-LINE LOCAL Bit six controls the ON-LINE/LOCAL signal. 5-65 r- 1 COL 0 2 COL 1 3 COL 2 4 COL 3 5 COL 4 6 COL 5 7 COL 6 B COL 7 10 COL 8 11 COL 9 12 COL 10 13 COL 11 14 COL 12 15 COL 13 16 COL 14 SET UP -0:- ESC V1 I 0'\ 0'\ .ot-." ~ I @ 1 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ NO ~ ~ ~-r- -ol<>-t SCROLL ~~ER r<'1"1 1 PF1 PF2 Lot." -0:"1 Z 2 ..,t"1 PF3 1.0-:0, # $ % A ~ ~~ ~ h>-h ~ ~ X -ot<>-t 3 -ot"1 ~ fa;' C fot<>-t 4 ro:o, PF4 t LOt"1 -ot"1 ~ ~ V ..,t<>-t 5 ..,t"1 t ..,t." y ~ ~." B f.ot<>-t & 7 . ( ) 8 9 0 fo"t<>-t fo"to-! f l "'1." M ...,t<>-t 9 4." 17 COL 15 - + 'v ~ L.1<>-t k,~ ro:o, f.,-\o, -oTo, fot." ~ > ? foto, -0:"1 -ofa, -01"1 D3 -@}- ~6 -<>1'" -<>t." D4 -rg; t"L P : < 0 '01.". ) 1 " ~ I ~~ ~~AK I ~ 21 ROW A (LSD) 01 ~URN , D2 I L.F. - -ot." ~ C.2.NTROL D5 -oT." 4." CAPS LOCK ...... 1': "'"' 'r. L SHIFT":" ...... D6 D7 ~ 3123 4 ~ ~4 LED 1 ROW B LED 2 25 ROWC LED 3 27 ROW D feB LED 4 29 ROW E }.O LED 5 31 ROW F (MSD) ~ }.21 ~ ~~ LED 6 33 CAPS LOCK LED 7 35 SHIFT L rl~7 6 +5V ~B ~ p!I MA-8204 Figure 5-42 Keyboard Matrix LOGIC BOARD KEYBOARD SECTION KEYBOARD ,..... MATRIX COLUMN 0 ,., f":"'\ ~ 0 DB COLUMN 2 0 0 ,. 0 ,., 0 ,., r- - COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 w ...J SO -" SO S1 DB 0 c 0 ,. 0 ,., 0 -" 0 ,., ,., COLUMN 15 "-- I- S1 l' r- 0 II) DA LED 2 t-:- 0 0 0 0 0 0 §}. AO I-A2 r-' DA Y A3 ADDRESS BITS A3, A2, A1, AO ARE EQUAL TO (2) 0 0 1 0 TO SELECT COLUMN 2 LED 6 LED 8 LED 7 +5V ROW A 11 A t-o....L DO t ROW B 01 ROWC 02 ROW 0 03 ROW E CA PS LO CK n LS HI~ 04 ROW F 05 06 ~ 07 '-' 9.,!i R SHIFT KBD R MA-8182 Figure 5-43 Keyboard Road with 5-67 nAn Switch Pressed Write register bits 77 and 8 control the emitted from the loudspeaker: the keyc lick 5-44) • audible sounds beeper (Figure two and A one-shot multivibrator determines the keyclick output is high for 1.5 ms and low for 30.2 ms. signal. the The beeper signal is high for 17.2 ms and low for 16.5 ms. 5.2.5 Power Supply The VK100 is driven by a free running, flyback mode, off-line switching power supply. It accepts either 115 or 230 Vac input and delivers three regulated dc outputs: +5 V, +12 V -5 V. o o so 0 1 so 1 o so 2 1 so 3 0 1 0 1 000 +5V o SD4 o so 5 ~ f.-l.5mS jl 30.2mS o so 6 1 1 KEY CLICKER so 7 SLEEPER n. ~ASI I I I -I7.2mSIKSDW t (ADR=68) MA-8299 Figure 5-44 LED (Indicator) Keyclicks and Bleeper Block Diagram 5-68 The power supply has the following protection. Overcurrent Protection -- No damage to the power supply result from a short circuit of any duration across the output terminals. Normal operation resumes upon removal of the short circuit. Overvoltage protection -- A crowbar circuit is provided to protect the load from damage. The crowbar activates if the +12 V output voltage range is between 13.0 V and 15.0 Vdc. No damage to the power supply results from activation of the crowbar for any duration and at any ambient temperature within specification limits. Tolerance Band = +12 V: 11.4 to 12.6 dc -12 V: -11.4 to -12.6 dc Output Current = +12 V: 0.2 to 0.9A dc -12 V: 0.2 to 0.075A dc Voltage adjustments Figure 5-45 follows. shows the = power none. supply schematic. The explanation The mains are brought in through an EMI filter, (Tl, Cl, C2, and C3) rectified by BDI and deliver approximately 300 Vdc across capacitive input filter C6, C7, C8, and C9. Current surge is limited by Rl and R2 and transient voltages are suppressed by VDl and VD2. By turning on power transistor Q2, this voltage is applied across the primary of T2, charging its inductance with a linear current ramp. When Q2 is turned off, the energy stored in T2 is delivered from the secondary windings through rectifiers, capacitive input filters and smoothing filters to the outputs. Initial turn-on Q2 is done by Rl. Thereafter this task is performed by the feedback winding on T2 driving through R4 and C10. This winding initiates turn-on during the ring down following flyback. The operating frequency varies with line and load. IC3 compares the output voltage level at the base of Q3. When the voltage created by L4 and R15 combination is sufficient to turn on Q3, T3 terminates Q2's drive •• Q2 can also be turned off when sufficient across R12 causing Ql to turn on. SCRI is used overvoltage. as a crowbar designed 5-69 to voltage protect is developed against output 3CCT 350429-1 PCB HEADERS AMP 6CCT 350431-1 j "S1 S2 220- 240V 120V !lUI L ~ T1 *}V01 -f1 V02 N r--r. + .-- * ,\ R2 C2 L1 - R1 '-- H: ~ I I ~ I I lJ1 I -...J R29 * C3 03 I -71+ + C7 +? I' T;~ R4 R6.4 L2 -=- r IMATINGPLUG-FAN fN0120/220V LI:JK CONNECTION -- H~ ~ t-, \ I ~C~ ~t-Z2 I L5 +1 C20+ C21 I-- C16 .. C17 ;;:1' ~ rSCR1 ;: I' 1~~Z1123124 ;;r:;~ R22 R23 R28 ;:08 f---o 012 C15 -:: 09 ;- I' ::..0 ,... R11 R10 r ;::1" I • • I Q1~ \ C14 !·-r~ +,L J R8 ,:? '\ \ • • Q~ R5 r=,- T2 ~C11 R3 C~O C4 t t R9 C6~ CB '1" ,i' ,--1 I - 013 S3 ;::!':: C22 .j + +~, 1C2 R12 \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ \ \ A~ 04 \ R14 R15\ L4 R16 \ C13 ,Ir 010 ~ r 05 \';;:1' \ R18 ;r-. R24 .- t--- \ R19 \ Q3 \ R'13 R20 \ \ '-----1 t-T3 ;;:1" R25 R26 * C18 \ R27 C26 R21 R17' MA-82.1 Figure 5-45 Power Supply Schematic CHAPTER 6 TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING 6.1 INTRODUCTION The VK100 terminal contains a complete set of hardware self-test programs that check all of the major terminal functions. The self-test indicates that a problem exists and where the problem is. Self-test mode has two tests power-up and diagnostic. Power-up tests automatically check the condition of the terminal every time terminal power is turned on. Diagnostic tests check the terminal outputs. Diagnostic tests require optional test connectors. The self-test functions of the VK100 are invoked in one of three ways: 1. 2. 3. Automatic Tests (PUPTST) Escape Sequences (CSITST) SET-UP Mode (SETST) 6.1.1 Automatic Tests (PUPTST) -- The user has no control of the automatic confidence tests invoked when the terminal is powered on. The same tests may be invoked by doing a terminal reset (using SHIFT "-" key). These tests may also be called as a group through the various methods listed below. 6.1.2 Escape Sequences (CSITST) -- All tests are invoked by the escape sequence: ESC [3;Pn;Pn; ••• y] where Pn selects the test to be performed as follows: Pn Test Selected 1 2. 3 4. 5. 6. All power-up tests External communication test Hardcopy communication test Display pattern test Color bar test Repeat selected tests until failure Any set of these tests may be selected in any order; however, they are always executed in numerical order. 6-1 The test select data is stored in a single byte (TSTSEL), with one bit for each test/option selected. While the CPU, ROM and RAM tests are running, these select bi ts are stored in register E, preserving this register. 6.1.3 SET-UP Mode (SETST) -- When the terminal is in SET-UP mode, setting the ST mode to any number has exactly the same effect as specifying the same parameter in the above escape sequence. The selected tests are executed when ST" is set. Thus typing STI9" selects all the power-up tests and repeats these tests until failure. Every time the ST parameter set routine (STPPST) is called, it accumulates the test select data (TSTSEL). 6.1.4 Error Reporting -- Errors occurring during any test are reported in one of two ways: 1. 2. Fatal errors Non-fatal errors Fatal Errors (TSTERROR) -- A fatal error (which c,auses the terminal to be useless) displays an error code in the indicators with the LOCAL indicator, alternating with a possible data i tern wi th the Line indicator, each for about 1/2 second. Table 6-1 shows the possible error codes. Table 6-1 Possible Error Codes Error Codes Basic " " " " " Hard Copy Data Ll L2 " " " " " " " 1 1 " CPU Register Error Data=1111 ROM Error 1 " " Vector Generator Error Data=Bits 14,13,12 of ROM Address in Error Data=Bit Number of RAM Error Data=Bit Number of Screen RAM Error Data=1111 1 1 1 1 RAM Error Video Bit Map Error CRT Controller Register Error 6-2 Data=1111 Non-Fatal Errors -- Errors which allow some portion of the terminal to be useful display an error code in the center of the screen. The following are the possible error codes. 1. 2. 3. 4. KB IC EC HC ERR ERR ERR ERR Keyboard Internal External Hardcopy error communication test error communication test error test error The two-byte mnemonic for the error is stored (TSTERM) and upon completion of terminal initialization is displayed in the center of the screen. The terminal always comes up in the local mode if any non-fatal errors are detected (only LOCAL indicator is lit). 6.2 POWER-UP SELF-TEST Power-up self-tests check the following terminal circuits. Microprocessor Visual and audible indicators Read only memory (ROM) Random access memory (RAM) CRT controller CRT timing Vector timing Video bit map Vector generator Keyboard Communications (internal) The power-up self-test can be started in four different ways. 1. Turn the terminal power switch to the on position. 2. Reset the terminal by pressing the shift keypad PF4 keys together in SET-UP mode. 3. Select the set-up self-test feature 4. Receive a command from the host computer. and auxiliary (STl). The power-up self-test takes about 15 seconds. While the test is running, the moni tor displays various patterns that do not make sense. This is normal. Once the test is complete the cursor appears in the upper left corner of the monitor and only the ON-LINE indicator is turned on. If the self-test finds an error, it shows on either the keyboard or the monitor. 6-3 6.2.1 8985 CPU Test (CPUTST) The microprocessor test checks the following registers: A, B, C, 0, E, H, L, and SP by writing two patterns in the registers. The two patterns are: ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 1 0 1 ~ 1 0 1 ~ 1. 2. The test is as follows: PATTERN ~ A ~ B ~ ~ C ~ 0 ~ E H ~ L ~ SP The pattern is loaded in the accumulator (A register) shifted to the B register ••• shifted to the SP. which is Firmware clears H L and then does a double add with the SP. The H L registers end up with the following. H ~ L 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 0 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 The firmware compares the contents of the Hand L register with the contents of the A register. If either test finds a difference, an error code is generated. The error code = ~~~~ The data code = 1111 After the first pattern is checked, the second pattern is loaded and tested in the same manner. 6.2.2 Visual and Audible Indicators The firmware when testing the indicators and bleeper circuits loads the accumulator with a value (~1~10UJ). This turns on the ON-LINE, NO SCROLL, HARDCOPY and L2 indicators and the bleeper for approximately 1/4 second (Figure 5-4). 6.2.3 The ROM the ROMs are used there is ROM Test (ROM TST) test ver i f i es the add ressabi 1 i ty, order and data of all present in the VKI0~. Only the CPU (8085A) and the ROMs in this test. There are four ROMs that are tested. If an error, the indicators blink. Basic with code equal to with data equal to ~ Hard copy o Ll o 6-4 L2 1 = ROM failure = address of ROM in error To start the ROM test the following steps. 1. Each ROM has a check byte stored somewhere in each ROM and is a function of the ROM address. 2. Set initial value to high byte of ROM address + 1. 3. Rotate current check value left one bit. 4. Exclusive-OR current value with this ROM byte. 5. If value is zero, indicates an error. ROM is correct. Any other value 6.2.4 Program RAM Test (RAM TST) The program RAM checks to see if every bit can be written with ones and zeros and that every address is correct. This test uses only the 8085 CPU and the RAMs. The following patterns are written into the RAMs. 11111111 010HH01 10101010 00000000 The ROM firmware writes the all ones pattern into the RAM memory. To start the RAM test perform the following steps for each RAM byte. 1. Read the first byte and compare with the old pattern (all ones). If the pattern is different, an error occurs. 2. If no error is found, write new pattern into the first byte location and continue this sequence until done. 3. If the error indicators blink with code the bit number of RAM bits in error. = = 0010, the data 6.2.5 Video Bit Map RAM Test (VBMTST) This test checks the entire video bit map for read/write of 0 and 1. A simple vector pattern is written throughout the entire memory (including the attribute memory) and then read back. The test uses CPU, ROM, Program RAM and the vector generator. To start the video bit map RAM test perform the following algorithm: 1. Set pattern = blue. 01010101 (2)' 2. Set vertical position to zero. 6-5 blink = off, color = green 3. 4. Do 256 times: a. Set horizontal position to zero. b. Write 128 dot vector horizontal to the right. Repeat six times. c. Increment vertical position by 2. For pattern = UJl"l"l" ( ), pattern = """"""""(2)' blfnk the following. blink = off, a. Set vertical position to zero. b. Do 256 times: = on, color = red; color = dark; perform 1. Set horizontal position to zero. 2. Do 64 times: a. Do 3 times Read 4 horizontal at current position Advance horizontal position by 4. Compare 4 bits just read with last pattern written. If pattern is different, an error is indicated. c. 3. Read 4 attribute bits at current position. (blink, green, red, blue) 4. Compare 4 bits just read with last pattern. pattern is different an error is indicated. 5. Decrement horizontal position by 12. 6. Write a 12 dot vector to the right. If Increment vertical position by 2. If error indicators blink with code = ""11, then the data = the bit number of data in error (bits "--11 are bit map bits, 13--16 are attribute bits). 6.2.6 Vector Generator Test (VGNTST) The vector generator test writes a series of vectors from a single point and comparises a small portion of the resultant bit map with an expected result. This test uses the 8"85, ROM, Program RAM, and video bit map RAM. 6-6 To start the vector generator test perform the following steps: 1. Clear video bit map 2. Write the following starting at (-I,fi'l) 3. Read and compare the 8 by 8 dot sample from to (fi'l,7),(7,7) with the following pattern: sequence of vectors (Figure 6-1) (fi'l,fi'l),(7,fi'l) (fi'l,fi'l) fi'lfi'lIfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'l (7 , fi'l) fi'lfi'lIfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'l fi'lfi'l1 fi'lfi'lfi'lfi'l 1 lfi'llfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'l fi'lfi'lIfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'l fi'lfi'llfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'l fi'lfi'lIfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'l (fi'l,7) fi'lfi'lfi'lIfi'lfi'lfi'lfi'l (7,7) If pattern is not identical an error occurs. 4. If an error occurs following patterns. the indicators will blink Code=fi'llfi'l1 Data=llll SeQuence of Vector Te.t (8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DU 765 4 3 2 1 0 DV" 765 4 321 0 DIR P"UL 321 0 765 4 321 0 PAT YOPS o 0 0 0 1 000 111 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 1 100 0 1 1 1 1 000 o 0 0 0 1 001 1 1 1 1 101 1 0 0 0 0 1 101 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 000 011 1 100 1 o 0 0 001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 110 1 1 1 1 000 0 0 011 1 1 0 1 0 o 0 000 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 101 0 000 0 1 000 1 100 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 1 101 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 o 0 0 0 1 001 1 1 1 1 1 101 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 101 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 1 1 100 o 0 000 1 0 0 111 1 1 101 000 0 1 100 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 101 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 100 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 011 1 1 110 o 0 001 100 111 1 1 111 0 0 0 0 1 001 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 6-1 Vector Generator Sequence 6-7 the 6.2.7 CRT Controller Test (CRTST) This test makes sure that the CRT controller registers can be read and written. Only one register of the CRT controller, the cursor reg i ster, is read/wr i te. Thi s test uses the CPU and ROM. Two patterns are used in this test. 01010101(2)' 10101010(2) 1. Write the cursor low register it with the pattern. 2. Read the cursor low register and compare with pattern. If the pattern is different or an error occurs. 3. If an error occurs following patterns. the (register 15) indicators will and compare blink the Code=0101 Data=llll 6.2.8 CRT Timing Firmware routine checks for the V SYNC signal from the CRT controller. If V SYNC is not received within 20 ms, a CRT timing error is generated. Code 0100100 (Local and Hardcopy) Data 1001111 (On-Line, Basic, Hardcopy, Ll, L2) 6.3 DIAGNOSTIC TESTS These tests are not normally executed by the terminal. They can be initiated via setup or escape sequences. They exist for diagnostic purposes and for error isolation in repair operations. The VK100 terminal contains five diagnostic tests. External communications test Hardcopy communications test Display test Color bar test Screen alignment pattern The following paragraphs describe Each test. 6.3.1 External Communications Test This test is an extension of the internal communications test in the power-up test. In the external communications test the transmit and receive lines are connected through a special loopback connector. A predefined set of characters are then transmi tted. The terminal receives the characters and compares them to the characters transmitted. If the characters do not match an error is indicated. This test is performed for all communications speeds. This test requires an optional loopback connector. 6-8 To start steps: the external communications test perform the following 1. Turn terminal power off. 2. Disconnect the communications cable from the rear of the terminal. 3. Install the optional communications output number 12-13336-00 is 70-13503-00 is for 20 4. Turn terminal power on. 5. Place the terminal in SET-UP mode. 6. Verify CI SET-UP feature 7. Set the self-test SET-UP feature for selection 2 (ST2). 8. Exit SET-UP mode by pressing the SET-UP key. the test. loopback connector on the terminal connector. Loopback connector part for EIA communications; part number rnA current loop communications. (CI0=EIA; CIl=20 rnA). This starts If no error is found by the test the cursor is displayed on the monitor. Paragraph 6.4 lists the displayed error codes and their meanings. 6.3.2 Hardcopy Communications Test This test is similar to the external communications test described above. In the hardcopy communications test, the transmit and receive hardcopy output lines are connected through an EIA loopback connector. A predefined set of characters is then transmi tted. The terminal receives the characters and compares them to the characters transmitted. If the characters do not match an error is indicated. This test requires an optional loopback connector. To start steps: the hardcopy communications test perform the following 1. Turn terminal power off. 2. Disconnect the the terminal. 3. Install the optional loopback connector on the terminal hardcopy connector. The loopback connector is part number 12-13336-00. 4. Turn terminal power on. 5. Place the terminal in SET-UP mode. hardcopy printer 6-9 cable from the rear of 6. Set the self-test set-up feature for selection 3 (ST3). 7. Exit SET-UP mode by pressing the SET-UP key. the test. This starts If no error is found by the test the cursor is displayed on the monitor. Paragraph 6.4 lists the displayed error codes and their meanings. 6.3.3 Display Test Th i s t est dis pIa y s a full s c r e en 0 f b I u e , red, g r e en , whit e , black, and a c rossha tch pattern. Each display sc reen lasts fo r approximately one-half second and the crosshatch pattern remains on the screen at the end of the test. On a black and white monitor the test displays full screens of increasing intensity. To start the display test perform the following steps. 1. Place the terminal in SET-UP mode. 2. Set the self-test set-up feature for selection 4 (ST4). 3. Exit SET-UP mode by pressing the SET-UP key. the test. This starts An error in this test occurs if one of the display screens is not shown. If this happens the monitor attached to the VK100 terminal may have failed. Proceed with the color bar test. To clear the moni tor screen reset SHIFT and PF4/RESET keys together. 6.3.4 Color Bar This test displays The color bar/grey vertical bars. On order from left to Black Blue Red Magenta the terminal by pressing the Test a color bar/grey scale pattern on the monitor. scale pattern consists of eight equally spaced a color monitor the bars are in the following right: Green Cyan Yellow White On a monochrome (black and white) monitor the bars show as different shades of grey. The bars start as black on the left and increase in intensity to a white bar on the right of the display. To start the color bar test perform the following steps: 1. Place the terminal in SET-UP mode. 2. Set the self-test set-up feature for selection 5 (ST5). 3. Exit SET-UP mode by pressing the SET-UP key. the test. 6-10 This starts F An error in this test occurs if the color bar/grey scale pattern is not displayed or a portion of the pattern is missing. Either error condition indicates that the attached monitor has failed, the video cable is not connected properly, or the VK100 terminal has failed. If you suspect that the terminal has failed, connect it to a different monitor and perform both the display and color bar/grey scale tests. If the same symptoms are present the second time the terminal has probably failed. To clear the moni tor screen reset SHIFT and PF4/RESET keys together. the terminal by pressing the 6.3.5 Screen Alignment Pattern Th is t est fill s the s c r e e n wit h a crosshatch pattern. The crosshatch pattern adjusts the display moni tor connected to the VK100 terminal. To place the screen alignment perform the following steps: pattern on the monitor screen 1. Place the terminal in SET-UP mode. 2. Set the self-test set-up feature for selection 4 (ST4). 3. Exit SET-UP mode by pressing the SET-UP key. This starts the di splay test. At the end 0 f the display test the screen alignment pattern remains on the screen. To clear the moni tor screen reset SHIFT and PF4/RESET keys together. the terminal by pressing the 6.4 ERROR CODES There are two categories of errors: fatal and nonfatal. Fatal errors cause the terminal to immediately stop all operations. The monitor screen displays random patterns that do not make sense. In addition to the random pattern an error code is displayed on the keyboard indicators. Table 6-2 shows the possible error codes. The fatal error code displayed on the keyboard light indicators contains two different messages: an error code and a data code. The error code lights the LOCAL indicator and displays a code in the BASIC, HARDCOPY, Ll, and L2 indicators. The data code lights the ON-LINE indicator and is displayed in the BASIC, HARDCOPY, Ll, and L2 indicators. The VK100 terminal alternates between each message about everyone-quarter second. 6-11 Table 6-2 possible Fatal Error Codes Error Code Displayed Local No Scroll Basic Hard Copy L 1 L 2 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 Microprocessor error 0 X 0 X X X X Data code X 0 0 0 0 0 X ROM error 0 X 0 0 ? ? ? Data code X 0 0 0 QJ X 0 RAM error 0 X 0 0 ? ? ? Data code X 0 0 0 " X X CRT controller error 0 X 0 X X X X Data code X 0 0 0 X 0 0 CRT controller timeout 0 X 0 X X X X Data code X " 0 0 X 0 X Vector timeout error 0 X X X X X Data code On Line X 0 ? = = = ON OFF variable condition 6-12 Meaning Nonfatal errors do not hal t the terminal processor. Instead, the terminal displays an error code on the keyboard indicators and in the center of the monitor screen. The terminal may still be used if a nonfatal error occurs. In this case, the terminal remains in on-line or local mode with the appropriate indicator lit. The error is indicated by any of the BASIC, HARDCOPY, LI or L2 indicators blinking. An example of this type of occurrence is a keyboard error. If the self-test detects a keyboard error, the L2 indicator blinks, and the message KB ERR is shown on the monitor screen. Table 6-3 lists all of the nonfatal error displays and what they mean to the terminal. Table 6-3 codes the terminal Possible Nonfatal Error Codes Indicator Error Code No Scroll Hard Copy L L Basic 1 2 f2J f2J B B " B B B B B B 0 B = = Screen Code Meaning ID Err Vector generator and internal communications data loopback error IT Err Vector generator and internal communications timeout error B KC Err Vector generator, keyboard and communications control signal error B B KD Err Vector generator, keyboard and internal communications data loopback error B B KT Err Vector generator, keyboard and internal communications timeout error Indicator FF Indicator blinking 6-13 Table 6-3 Possible Nonfatal Error Codes (Cont) Indicator Error Code No Scroll Hard Copy L L Basic 1 2 Screen Code Meaning (2) B (2) (2) (2) None Video RAM error (2) B (2) (2) B KB Err Video RAM and keyboard error B B IC Err Video RAM and internal communications control signal error B B ID Err Video RAM and internal communications data loopback error B B IT Err Video RAM and internal communications timeout error B B B KC Err Video RAM, keyboard and internal communications control signal error B B B KD Err Video RAM, keyboard and internal communications data loopback error B B B KT Err Video RAM, keyboard and internal communications timeout error None Video RAM and vector generator error KB Err Video RAM, vector generator and keyboard error B B B B B 6-14 Table 6-3 Possible Nonfatal Error Codes (Cont) Indicator Error Code No Scroll " " B = = L L Basic Hard Copy 1 2 B B B B B B Screen Code Meaning IC Err Video RAM, vector generator and internal communications control signal error B ID Err Video RAM, vector generator and internal communications data loopback error B B IT Err Video RAM, vector generator and internal communications timeout error B B B B KC Err Video RAM, vector generator, keyboard and communications control signal error B B B B KD Err Video RAM, vector generator, keyboard and internal communications data loopback error B B B B KT Err Video RAM, vector generator, keyboard and internal communications timeout error " Indicator FF Indicator blinking 6-15 6.S TROUBLESHOOTING The troubleshooting section consists of Tables 6-4 through 6-6. These tables show the indicators error code, screen code and the module to replace. Table 6-7 numbers. the on-si te recommended spares Table 6-8 lists the their part numbers. DIGITAL Servicenter Recommended Table 6-4 shows and the i r Spares part and Fatal Error Codes Indicator Error Code On Line Local X " " " " X X X X " " " X X " X X " " X X " " "? X No Scroll " " " " "" " " " " " Module to Replace Basic Hard Copy L 1 " " " " X X X X Data code "" "" " "? "? " "? X ROM error Data code Logic ? X "? RAM Error Data code Logic ? X X CRT controller error Logic X X X X Data code " X " " X X X X Data code " X " X Vector timeout error X X X X Data code X = ON = OFF = Variable condition 6-16 L 2 Meaning Microprocessor error CRT controller timeout Logic Logic Logic Table 6-5 Nonfatal Error Codes Indicator Error Code No Scroll Basic " " "" "" " "" " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " "" " "" " " "" " " "" " B B " B B " B "" B B B "" B B "" B B "" B B "" B B " Indicator " == Indicator B 0 0 Hard Copy " """ "" "" "" "" "" B B B B B B B B "" " " """ B 0 B B B B B B B L L 1 2 "B B B B B B B B B B B B B B """ "" "" "" "B B B "B" B" B "" B " B B B B B B "" "B " B " B B B 0 B B B B B "" B" "" "B B B B B B B B B off blinking 6-17 Screen Code Module to Replace KB Err IC Err 10 Err IT Err EC Err EO Err ET Err EM Err HC Err HO Err HT Err KC Err KO Err KT Err None KB Err IC Err 10 Err IT Err KC Err KO Err KT Err None KB Err IC Err 10 Err IT Err KC Err KO Err KT Err None KB Err IC Err 10 Err IT Err KC Err KO Err KT Err Keyboard Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Logic Keyboard Logic Logic Logic Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Logic Keyboard Logic Logic Logic Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Logic Keyboard Logic Logic Logic Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic and Logic Table 6-6 Type of Problem Power VK100 Troubleshooting Symptom Check No indicators, no video on monitor, no SET-UP key response, no fan Line fuse Power cord Corrective Action Replace if open. Reconnect at both ends. Replace power cord if open. Power supply connections J2 and J3 Reconnect power supply. Replace power supply. No indicators, no video on monitor, no SET-UP key response. Fan is on. Check power supply voltages: +12, +5, -12, (Fig. 6-1) If voltages are wrong replace power supply. If voltages are ok: Replace keyboard. Replace logic board. Replace keyboard. Replace logic module. No indicators, no SET-UP key response. Fan is on and video present on monitor. No fan, SET-UP key responds, Indicators are on and video is present on monitor. Fan is obstructed. Clear obstruction. Fan cable. Replace power supply. Error code displayed in indicator (self-test error). See Tables 6-4 and 6-5. 6-18 Table 6-6 Type of Problem Video with a color monitor. VK100 Troubleshooting (Cont) Symptom Check Corrective Action No cursor displayed. HP, HM, or VM SET-UP features are set wrong. Change SET-UP feature settings. Monitor brightness Increase monitor brightness. Monitor power on Turn monitor power on. Have customer check monitor fuse. Have customer replace monitor fuse. Run color bar and screen alignment self-tests. Replace logic board. Have customer swap monitor with another monitor. If problem is solved the monitor is bad. Monitor repair is the customer's responsibility. Check video connections. Reconnect video cable. Wrong color displayed. Replace video cable. Replace video cable. Have customer adjust monitor. Incorrect data displayed or sync is lost. Replace video cable. Replace logic module. 6-19 Table 6-6 VK100 Troubleshooting (Cont) Type of Problem Symptom Check Monitor is bad. No cursor displayed. Monitor repair is the customer's responsibility. Replace logic module. No color is displayed. The monitor display is always white. Video with black and white (monochrome) monitor. Corrective Action HP, HM or VM SET-UP features are set wrong. Change SET-UP feature settings. Monitor brightness. Increase monitor brightness. Monitor power on. Turn monitor power on. Have customer check monitor fuse. Have customer replace monitor fuse. Run color bar and screen alignment self-test. Replace video cable. Have customer swap monitor with another. If problem is solved, the monitor is bad. Replace logic module. Monitor repair is the customer'E responsibility. Replace video cable. Incorrect data is displayed or sync is lost. Replace logic module. 6-20 Table 6-6 Type of Problem VKl00 Troubleshooting (Cont) Symptom Check Monitor is bad. Hardcopy No hardcopy output (lor more terminals) Corrective Action Monitor repair is the customer's responsibility. Make sure all VKl00 and LA34VA terminals are turned on. Make sure correct I/O cables are used and connected. Perform the hardcopy selftest on all VKl00 terminals in the string. Wrong data is printed. Replace logic module on failing unit. Replace hardcopy cable. Perform the LA34VA self-test. The problem is in the LA34VA. Check the SET-UP parameters at VKl00 and LA34VA terminals. Change the SET-UP parameters. Perform the hardcopy self-test. Replace logic module. The problem is in the LA34VA. 6-21 Table 6-6 Type of Problem Communication VK100 Troubleshooting (Cont) Corrective Action Symptom Check VK100 does not communicate with the host system. Check the SET-UP parameter settings in the terminal and make sure that they agree with the host system. Change the SET-UP parameters. Perform the external communications self-tests. Replace logic module. Replace communications cable. The problem is in either the modem (if one is used) or the system. Table 6-7 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 4 1 4 1 On-Site Recommended Spares Description Part Number Logic module Power supply assembly Keyboard assembly y type cable Video cable, coaxial Loopback connector (EIA) Loopback connector (20 rnA) Power cord (115 V) Power cord (230 V) Power cable (dc) Plunger, 5/16 dia. Grommet, snap-in, 5/16 dia. Screw, sems, slotted head, 4-40 X 3/8 Fuse, 2 A, 250 V box of 5 Screw, sems, slotted head, 10-32 X 3/8 Keycap removal tool 54-14230-00 70-17387-00 70-17397-FS 17-00197-00 17-00223-00 12-15336-00 70-15503-00 17-00083-09 17-00083-10 70-17389-00 90-09964-00 90-09966-01 90-09702-00 90-07215-00 90-06444-00 74-16355 6-22 Table 6-8 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 20 20 1 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 DIGITAL Servicenter Recommended Spares Description Part Number Log ic module Power supply assembly Power supply module (PCB only) Power cable (dc) Receptacle assembly (ac) Power cord (115 V) Power cord (230 V) Power switch, 2-pole, 16 A Fan assembly Fuseholder Keyboard assembly Keyboard distribution cable Indicator, ANCD @ 10 rnA Keyboard plunger Keyboard spring Keyboard contact, quadfurcated Keyboard contact Switch, array cap. solid adapter Fuse, reg. blow, 2 A 250 V (box of 5) Screw, Sems, slotted head, 10-32 X 3/8 Support, C Bd. standoffs Screw, Sems, slotted head, 4-40 X 3/8 Plunger, 5/16 dia. Grommet, snap-in, 5/16 dia. Screw, captive, hex slotted Bumper, round Bumper, square Fastener, pinch-on Screw, hex head, slotted, 6-32 X 5/16 Case, bottom Case, top Y type cable Video cable, coax Loopback connector (EIA) Loopback connector (20 rnA) Foam insert, top Foam insert, bottom Carton, die-cut Polybag Tape 54-14230-00 70-17387-00 12-16987-00 70-17389-00 70-17411-00 17-00083-09 17-00083-10 12-17051-00 12-16488-00 12-16931-00 70-17397-FS 70-17390-00 11-10864-00 12-11862-00 12-11863-00 12-11865-00 12-11866-00 12-14332-00 90-07215-00 90-06444-00 90-09313-00 90-06444-00 90-09964-00 90-09966-01 12-16682-00 90-09538-00 90-09624-00 90-09601-00 90-09967-00 70-17394-00 70-17395-00 17-00197-00 17-00223-00 12-15336-00 70-15503-00 99-06742-00 99-06742-01 99-06793-00 99-05128-17 99-06486-00 6-23 6.6 ADJUSTMENTS The VK100 is not adjustable. All power supply and video outputs are constant. The appropriate module must be replaced if an output is low or not present. The video monitor is adjustable. The monitor is provided by the customer and is the-responsibility of the customer. Adjustments to the monitor must be made by the customer or a service technician who has been qualified by the monitor manufacturer. DIGITAL does not supply any monitor for use with the VK100 terminal. The best way to determine if the monitor requires adjustment is to swap the suspected bad monitor with one that is working correctly. If the problem d i sappea rs the moni to r is bad. I f the problem remains the VK100 terminal contains a problem. Use the procedures in Chapters 2 and 3 to test the terminal and locate the problem. 6.7 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT To remove or replace a subassembly, the only tools necessary are: Common blade screwdriver or 1/4 inch nutdriver Figure 6-2 lists all removal procedures in this chapter and the sequence in which they are performed. As an example, Figure 6-2 shows that to remove the terminal logic board the top cover, keyboard assembly, and power supply assembly removal procedures must be performed first. TOP COVER (PARA 5.2) KEYBOARD ASSY. (PARA 5.3) POWER SUPPLY ASSY (pARA 5.4) 1 1 POWER SUPPLY REGULATOR BD (PARA 5.5) POWER SUPPLY FAN ASSY (PARA 5.6) TERMINAL LOGIC BOARD (PARA 5.7) MA-6709 Figure 6-2 Module Removal Sequence 6-24 / 6.7.1 Top Cover Removal To remove the top cover perform the following steps. 1. Remove plug. power from the terminal by disconnecting 2. Turn the terminal over so that the bottom of the terminal is access-ible. 3. Loosen the four (4) captive screws at the corners of the terminal (Figure 6-3). The screws may be loosened wi th either a nutdriver or a blade-type screwdriver. 4. Grasp the top and bottom halves of the terminal and turn the terminal over so that the keyboard is face up. 5. Grasp the top cover by its s ides and lift the cove r and off the terminal. 6. Install the top cover by performing steps 1 through 5 in reverse. CAPTIVE SCREWS o @] MA·6710 Figure 6-3 VKlOO Terminal (Bottom View) 6-25 the ac up 6.7.2 Keyboard Assembly Removal To remove the keyboard assembly perform the following steps. 1. Remove the terminal top cover (Paragraph 6.7.1). 2. Release the four (4) pop fasteners securing the keyboard assembly to the terminal (Figure 6-4). To release the pop fasteners pull up on the plungers. 3. Gently remove the keyboard assembly from the terminal and place it in front of the terminal. 4. Disconnect board. the keyboard ribbon cable from the logic CAUTION Do not disconnect the keyboard ribbon cable from the keyboard. Any attempts to do so will damage the connector and force replacement of the entire keyboard assembly. 5. Remove the keyboard assembly. 6. Install the keyboard through 5 in reverse. assembly by performing KEYBOARD ASSY DO NOT REMOVE THIS CONNECTOR Figure 6-4 POP FASTENERS (4) LOGIC BOARD KEYBOARD CABLE CONNECTOR MA-6711 Keyboard Assembly Removal 6-26 steps 1 6.7.3 Power Supply Assembly Removal To remove the power supply assembly perform the following steps. 1. Remove the terminal top cover (Paragraph 6.7.1). 2. Remove the keyboard assembly (Paragraph 6.7.2). 3. From the rear of the terminal, remove the grounding screw securing the connector bracket to the power supply chassis (Figure 6-5). The screw may be removed with either a nutdriver or a blade-type screwdriver. 4. Release the four (4) pop fasteners securing the power supply assembly to the terminal (Figure 6-6). To release the pop fasteners pull up on the plungers. GROUND SCREW @l)Oc:::::lO 0 MA-671S Figure 6-5 POP FASTENERS (4) VK100 Terminal (Rear View) POWER SUPPLY ASSY J9 (NOT SHOWN) Figure 6-6 Power Supply Assembly Removal 6-27 5. Gently remove the power supply assembly from the terminal and place it next to the rear edge of the terminal. 6. Disconnect the 6-wire power output cable from J9 on the terminal logic board. 7. Remove the power supply assembly. NOTE P14 connects to J14 for 115 V operation, or P14 connects to J13 for 230 V operation. 8. Install the power supply assembly by performing steps 1 through 6 in reverse. 6.7.4 Power Supply Regulator Board Removal To remove the power supply regulator perform the following steps. 1. Remove the terminal top cover (Paragraph 6.7.1). 2. Remove the keyboard assembly (Paragraph 6.7.2). 3. Remove the power supply assembly (Paragraph 6.7.3). 4. Disconnect the 3-wire connector from J11 on the regulator board. 5. Disconnect the 6-wire connector from J14 (230 V) on the regulator board. 6. Remove the power output cable from J10 on the regulator board. 7. Remove the four (4) screws secur ing the regulator board to the power supply chassis. Remove the regulator board. The screws may be removed with either a nutdriver or a blade-type screwdriver. 8. Install the power supply assembly by performing steps 1 through 6 in reverse. 6-28 (115 V) or J13 6.7.5 Power Supply Fan Assembly Removal To remove the power supply assembly perform the following steps. l. Remove the terminal top cover (Paragraph 6.7.1) . 2. Remove the keyboard assembly (Paragraph 6.7.2). 3. Remove the power supply assembly (Paragraph 6.7.3). 4. Disconnect the 6-wire connector from J14 ( 115 V) (230 V) on the power supply regulator board. 5. Remove the two (2) screws securing the fan assembly to the power supply chassis (Figure 6-7). The screws may be removed with either a nutdriver or a blade-type screwdriver. 6. Install the power supply assembly by performing steps 1 through 4 in reverse. or J13 MOUNTING SCREWS POWER SUPPLY CHASSIS (REGULATOR BOARD REMOVED) MA-6714 Figure 6-7 Power Supply Fan Assembly Removal 6-29 6.7.6 Terminal Logic Board Removal Perform the following steps to remove the terminal logic board. 1. Remove the terminal top cover (Paragraph 6.7.1). 2. Remove the keyboard assembly (Paragraph 6.7.2). 3. Remove the power supply assembly (Paragraph 6.7.3). 4. Release the four (4) pop fasteners secur ing the log i c board to the bottom cover (Figure 6-8). To release the pop fasteners pull up on the plungers. 5. Remove the terminal logic board. 6. Install the terminal through 5 in reverse. 7. Be sure to set the customer settings. logic board by performing steps 1 default SET-UP switches TERMINAL LOGIC BOARD MA-6712 Figure 6-8 Terminal Logic Board Removal 6-30 to the APPENDIX A VK100 TERMINAL SPECIFICATIONS VK100 TERMINAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions Height Width Depth 9.88 cm (3.89 in) 49. 30 cm ( 19 .40 in) 31. 10 cm (12. 25 in) Shipping weight 5.7 kg Weight (12.5 Ibs) Environment Operating Temperature Relative humidity Max wet bulb Min dew point Altitude 10' to 40' C (50' 10% to 90% to 104' F) 28' (82' F) 2' C (36' F) 2.4 km (8,000 ft) Nonoperating -40' to 66' C (-40' 5% to 95% 9.1 km (30,000 ft) Temperature Relative humidity Altitude to 151' F) Power Line voltage 90--128 V RMS single phase, 2 wire with ground wire 180--256 V RMS single phase, 2 wire with ground wire (internally selectable) Line frequency 46 Hz to 61 Hz Current 1.3 Arms max at 115 Vrms 0.7 Arms max at 230 V A-I Power Input power 120 VA apparent, 60 W max Current limiting 2 A/250 V normal blow fuse Power cord 2.0 m (6.5 ft), 3 prong Product Safety UL: Listing per UL 478 CSA: certification per CSA C22.2. No. 154 IEC 435 and VDE 0804 compliance Program Memory 13K bytes available to the user and down-line loadable: 7.8K for BASIC programs 2+K for ReGIS macrographs and keypad key definitions three soft character sets each 95 X 10 X 8 bytes Display Outputs Text mode 24 lines X 84 characters max or 24 lines X 42 double-width characters Character 8 X 10 dot matrix with descenders Character set 95-character displayable ASCII subset (upper and lowercase, numeric and punctuation) Text cursor type Blinking block character; can be disabled in SET-UP Graphics mode 768 pixels horizontal 240 pixels vertical Graphic cursor type Diamond shape with cross hair in the center; can be disabled in SET-UP Locator cursor type Large cross hair A-2 Permanent UK/US ASCII character set: 128 characters, 8 X 10 dot matrix Graphic pattern memories Three user programmable and down-line loadable soft alphabet character sets: 95 characters each, 8 X 10 dot matrix Four bits per segment of 12 horizontal pixels Eight levels of grey for black and white monitors Eight colors for color monitor: black, blue, red, magenta, green, cyan, yellow, and white Blink Visual attributes Video outputs Output to drive one black and white (composite video) and one color (RGB) monitor (with composite green video) simultaneously Adjustable horizontal and vertical margins to accommodate monitor overscan Adjustable horizontal centering 50/60 Hz refresh, noninterlaced or interlaced Keyboard General 83-key unit Key layout 65-key arrangement and sculpturing similar to standard typewriter keyboard, with an 18-key auxiliary keypad Auxiliary keyboard 18-key numeric pad with period, comma, minus, ENTER, and four function keys Visual indicators Seven indicators: five indicators dedicated to ON-LINE, LOCAL, NO SCROLL, BASIC and HARD COPY; two indicators userprogrammable A-3 Keyboard Audible signals Keyclock: sound simulates typewriter Bell: sounds upon receipt of BEL code, or sounds nine characters from right margin (keyboard selectable) Communication Type EIA RS-232-C/CCITT V 24 or 20 rnA passive current loop (keyboard selectable) Speeds Full-duplex: 110 (two stop bits), 300, 600, 1,200, 2,400 4,800, 9,600 and 19,200 baud; transmit and receive speeds are independent of each other Code ASCII Character format Asynchronous serial Character size Eight bits including parity bit parity Even, odd, or none (keyboard selectable) Synchronization Keyboard selectable via automatic generation of XON/XOFF control codes Modes Normal line, single character, local echo (keyboard selectable) Hardcopy Interface Drive an LA34VA graphics printer with daisy-chaining capability Auto hardcopy A-4 APPENDIX B CALCULATIONS CALCULATION #1 Error Register = 2 DVM Register = 374 (l's complement of 3) Carry In = 1 Error Register = 377 No ca~ry Decrement Strobe Major and Minor Axis Error Register DU Register Error Register = = = 3778 005 8 004 Carry Strobe Direction -- Decrement X and Y Do a Pixel Write Decrement Down Counter 5 - 1 = 4 Downcounter = 4 RULES AND DRAW VECTOR 1. 2. 3. Do not write in direction if 2 from an odd line or 6 from an even line. Do not write if the direction is 5 or 7, the scan line is even (Y0) and the last direction was 6. Do not write if the direction is 1 or 3, the scan line is odd and the last direction was 2. B-1 I - ~ ~IRdcTlIONI3 ., 1" r- IDEAL'"...., VECTOR I [\, ~ MA-9756 CALCULATION 12 Error Register = 0048 DVM Register = 3748 Carry In = 1 Error Register = 001 Carry Strobe ~ Decrement Major Axis Set carrY FF Error Register = 0018 DU Register = 005 8 006 8 Error Register = 0018 (No Error CLK) Strobe Direction -- Decrement X Do a Pixel Write Decrement Down Counter 4 - 1 = 3 DRAW VECTOR B-2 r CALCULATION 13 Error Register DVM Register Carry In Error Register = 1 = 374 = 1 = 376 No Carry Strobe Decrement Major and Minor Axis Error Register = 376 DU Register = 005 Error Register = 003 Carry Strobe Direction -- Decrement X and Y. Do a Pixel Write Decrement Down Counter 3 - 1 = 2 DRAW VECTOR EV EN ~0:---+-+-+-+-+--1 ODD EV EN H---+--'k-+-+-+---1 ODD EVEN ODD EVE N L-.JL....L----'-----'---'--'-MA·9758 B-3 CALCULATION 14 Error Register = 003 DVM Register = 374 Carry In = 1 Error Register = 000 Carry Strobe Error Register DU Register = 000 = 005 Error Register = 000 Decrement Major Axis 005 Strobe Direction -- Decrement X Do a Pixel Write Decrement Down Counter 2 - 1 = 1 DRAW VECTOR ODD Y=1 EVEN Y=Q ODD Y=1 EVEN Y=Q ODD Y=1 EVEN Y=Q MA-9759 B-4 CALCULATION is Error Register = 000 DVM Register = 374 Carry In = 001 Error Register = 375 No Carry Strobe = = = Error Register DU Register Error Register Decrement Major and Minor Axis 375 005 002 Carry Strobe Direction -- Decrement X and Y Do a Pixel Write Decrement Down Counter 1 - 1 = 0 DRAW VECTOR VECTOR COMPLETE ODD ODD I __ _ EVEN __ _ __ _ r- ~ ~IR~CTIIOJ 3 1"'- EVEN __ _ ODD - - EVEN __ _ - IDEAL' VECTOR I l\. F\ MA-9760 B-S EK-VKIOO-IP-OOI ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN VK100 GIGI TERMINAL HOW TO USE THE IPB GENERAL This IPB is compiled following the organization and nomenclature of the engineering drawing structure. MAJOR ASSEMBL Y LOCATOR The Major Assembly Locator (first illustration) is an index that provides a description and a figure reference for all illustrations used in this manual. INDENTED PARTS LIST This manual identifies each assembly being broken down (figure reference callout), and all parts of that assembly. Further breakdown of an assembly is shown by an asterisk (.) preceding the item callouts in the Description Column. The number of asterisks preceding an item is used to denote the subordination of that item with respect to the Major Assembly. A single asterisk preceding an item description indicates that the item is part of the major assembly being illustrated. Items that are subordinate to single asterisks items, are denoted by two asterisks ( •• ) and immediately follow the related single asterisk item. Additional asterisks are used, as required, to denote further subordination. This system of part identification, provides a means for the user to identify the nex t higher assembly item and make alternate selections for parts when the required replacement part or assembly is not immediately available. COLUMN CALLOUT DESCRIPTION Figure & Item - I ndicates the figure number and item number of each part. ECO Cut-In - The notation at the top of this column indicates the ECO level of the system (option), at which the IPB was initially prepared. Subsequent ECO level designations, that modify existing parts or add new parts to the device, are inserted in the ECO Cut-I n column next to the part that is added or modified. A bracket (II preceding the item description is used to indicate the parts affected by ECO's. Vendor Code/Part No. - Indicates vendor parts that are not stocked by DEC. Refer to the Field Service Spares Catalog (vendor part number to DEC part number) for the vendor code cross-reference. Used On Code - Letters in this column correspond to the variation codes assigned in Figure 1. Parts with an Alpha notation(s) are used only in those option variations. A blank indicates that the part is used on all option variations. Ref Fig No. - A cross reference between illustrations. For each Major Assembly, the number in this column denotes the figure of the next higher assembly. For all subassemblies, the number in this column denotes the figure showing additional detailed breakdown. SYMBOL USAGE Hardware Designators - Alpha designators for screws (S), washers (W), nuts (N), and retaining rings (R) are inserted after the item number callouts on the illustration when stacked item numbers are used. Attaching Hardware - The @ symbol is inserted before any part that is used as attaching hardware. Attaching hardware is denoted as those parts that are not an integral part of the referenced assembly. Description Lists the name of the part and pertinent specifications (when required). Asterisks preceding the description denote the subordination of the part to the nex t higher assembly. (NFRI Not Field Repairable - The (NFR) symbol is inserted after any assembly that is not to be field dismantled. DEC Part No. - Lists the DEC part ordering number. A blank in this column indicates a DEC part number was not assigned at the time of publication. Other Symbols - Any other symbols that are required for kits, accessories, etc., will be explained and appear as part of the item description. REVISION HISTORY PRINTING 1 st Printing ECO LEVEL VK100 70-17387 70-17397 70-17484 54-14228 70-17388 70-17389 70-17411 00000-00000 00000-00000 00000-00000 00000-00000 00000-00000 00000-00000 00000-00000 00000-00000 DATE PAGES AFFECTED 9-29-81 Copyright " 1981 by Digital Equipment Corporation. AII'rights reserved. DEC r",'aves the right. without notice. to make suhstitutions and modIfications in the specifications of products documented in this manual and further reserves the right to withdraw any of these prodUdS from the market without notice. N/A OTHER IPB MANUALS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT THIS OPTION, ...... . N/A DEC is not responsihle for errors which may appear in the technical description (including illustrations and photographs) of the products covered hy this manual. None of the descriptions contained in this manual imply the granting of any license whatsoever to make, use or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Printed In U.S A ~D~DD~D\ Lls~1 PARTS / / / / "'1 2 i 3 /tS) VK100-01 Figure 1. VK100 GIGI Terminal IPB-VK100 A FIG. & ITEM NO. 1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IPB·VK100 DEC PART NO. DESCRIPTION VK100 GIGI TERMINAL Code A - Used on Model VK100-AA 115V Code B - Used on Model VK100-AB 230V VK100·AA VK100-AB *KEYBOARD BASE ASSEMBLY **Enclosure, Bottom Keyboard **Bumper, Square (Adhesive Backed) **Bumper, Self Stick **Screw, Slotted Hex Hd No. 6·32 x 3/4 *VK100 Logic Board *KEYBOARD/KEYCAP ASSEMBLY *POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY 115V *POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY 230V *Screw, Slotted Hex Hd No. 6-32 x 5/16 * Keyboard Top Assembly * Power Cord 115V *Power Cord 230V 70·17394·00 74·23626-00 90-09624·00 90·09538-00 12·16682·00 54·14230·00 70·17397·00 70·17387·00 70·17387·01 90·09967·00 70-17409·00 17·00083·09 17·00083·10 Labels (Not Shown) *Label, "Electrical Data" Rear Panel * Label, "Electrical Data" *Label, "FCC Class A Processor" 36·1 7318-00 36·13209-00 36·17880-02 2 ECO CUT·IN VK100 00000 REF USED ON CODE FIG NO. A B A B A B A 3 2 2 ~D~DD~D\ LlS~1 PARTS 2 11 ~. VK100-02 Figure 2_ Power Supply Assembly 3 IPB-VK100 FIG. A & ITEM NO. ~- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DEC PART NO. DESCRIPTION POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY 115V POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY 230V 70-17387-00 70-17387-01 *Power Supply Chassis Assembly *Power Supply, Switching *Fan Assembly 115/230V 50-60 HZ *Screw, Slotted Hex Hd No. 10-32 x 3/8 *Fuseholder, (F1) 12A 250V *Tubing, Shrink *Fuse, 2A 250V *A.C. RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY *Screw, Slotted Pan Hd No. 4-40 x 3/8 *Switch Rocker (2 Position) *A.C. WIRING HARNESS ASSEMBLY *Screw, Slotted Hex Hd No. 6-32 x 5/16 *Plunger *Grommet, Snap-In *Cable Tie (Bundle) *Nut, Kep No. 10-32 *D.C. POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY 70-17483-00 12-16987-00 12-16488-01 90-06444-00 12-16391-00 91-07685-00 90-07215-00 70-17411-00 90-09702-00 12-17051-00 70-17388-00 90-09967-00 90-09964-00 90-09966-01 90-07031-00 90-06565-01 70-17389-0J *Label, *Label, * Label, *Decal, Decals/Labels (Not Shown) "Danger Stored High Voltage" "2 A 250V" "Power Supply" "Ground" 36-16930-00 36-17165-00 90-09255-00 36-1 2680-00 . IPB-VK100 4 ECO CUT-IN 70-17387 00000 USED ON CODE A B REF FIG NO. 1 1 8 6 7 A FIG. & f ITEM NO. 31 2 3 4 5 6 DEC PART NO. DESCRIPTION ECO CUT-IN 70-17397 00000 USED ON CODE REF FIG NO. KEYBOARD/KEYCAP ASSEMBLY 70-17397-00 1 *VK100 KEYBOARD!KEYCAP ASSEMBLY *Bracket, Key Array Support (R.H.) *Bracket, Key Array Support (L.H.) *Plunger *Grommet, Snap-In *Screw, Slotted Hex Hd No. 6-32 x 5/16 70-17484-00 74-23702-00 74-23702-01 90-09964-00 90-09966-01 90-09967-00 4 6 VK100-03 Figure 3. Keyboard/Keycap Assembly 5/6 IPB-VK100 A FIG. & ITEM NO. 41 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DEC PART NO. DESCRIPTION ECO CUT-IN 70-17484 00000 USED ON CODE REF FIG NO. VK100 KEYBOARD/KEYCAP ASSEMBLY 70-17484-00 3 *VK100 KEYBOARD MODULE ASSEMBLY * Adapter, Keycap * Keycap Set (Basic Set) * Keycap Set (Basic Nu meric Pad) *SPACE BAR ASSEMBLY **Bar, Space * * Bracket, Space Bar **Bar, Equalizer **Switch, Keyboard Cap Tilted *Clip, Space Bar Equalizer 54-14228-00 12-14332-00 12-14333- 72 12-14333- LA 70-15050-00 12-11857-02 74-24159-00 12-11858-00 12-11860-00 74-24160-00 5 1 VK100-04 Figure 4. VK100 Keyboard/Keycap Assembly 7/8 IPB-VK100 A FIG. & ITEM NO. &1 2 3 4 5 6 DEC PART NO. DESCRIPTION VK100 KEYBOARD MODULE ASSEMBLY 54-14228-00 *Board, Etch (Rev. C) * Keyboard Array Assembly * 18 Key Numeric Pad Assembly *Screw, Phi Pan Hd No. 4-24 x 3/8 *LED 2MCD 10MA * Keyboard Distribution Cable Assembly 50-14227-00 70-13910-00 70-14561-00 90-1 0033-00 11-10864-00 70-17390-0J ECO CUT-IN 54-14228 00000 USED ON CODE REF FIG NO. 4 3 4 VK100-05 Figure 5. VK100 Keyboard Module Assembly 9/10 IPB-VK100 A FIG. & ITEM NO. 61 2 3 4 5 6 7 DEC PART NO. DESCRIPTION A.C. WIRING HARNESS ASSEMBLY 70-1 7388-00 *Connector (P111. Universal (Socket Housing) 3-Pin Mate-N-Lok *Terminal (P11), Universal Socket Contact *Terminal (P11), Universal Ground Socket Contact *Terminal, Quick Connect *Terminal, Ring *Cable Tie (Bundle) *Label, "Cable Identification" 12-12167-00 12-12169-01 12-17519-00 12-17000-00 90-07930-00 90-07031-00 90-09532·00 *Wire, Strand, 18 AWG (Brown) *Wire, Strand, 18 AWG (Blue) *Wire, Strand, 18 AWG (Green/Yellow) 91-07786-11 91-07786-66 91-07410-54 ECO CUT·IN 70·17388 00000 USED ON CODE REF FIG NO. 2 VK100-06 Figure 6. A.C. Wiring Harness Assembly 11/12 IPB-VK100 A FIG. & ( ITEM NO. 71 2 3 4 DEC PART NO. DESCRIPTION D.C. POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY 70-17389-00 *Connector (P9, P10), Socket Housing 6 Pin Mate-N-Lok *Terminal (P9, P101. Socket Contact *Cable Tie (Bundle) * Label, "Cable Identification" 12-10821-06 12-09379-00 90-07031-00 90-09532-00 *Wire, *Wire, *Wire, *Wire, 91-07786-22 91-07786-33 91-07786-66 91-07786-00 Strand, Strand, Strand, Strand, 18 AWG 18 AWG 18 AWG 18 AWG (Red) (Orange) (Blue) (Black) ECO CUT-IN 70-17389 00000 USED ON CODE REF FIG NO. 2 3 1 2 1 2 VK10()"07 Figure 7. D.C. Power Cable Assembly 13/14 IPB-VK100 A FIG. & ITEM NO. DEC PART NO. DESCRIPTION 81 2 3 4 5 6 A.C. RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY 70-17411-00 "Connector (J12), 3 Pin Power Plug "Terminal, Ring "Terminal, Quick Connect "Terminal, Spade "Cable Tie (Bundle) "Label, "Cable Identification" 12-1 7046-00 90-07930-00 12- 17000-00 12-17045-00 90-07031-00 90-09532-00 "Wire, Strand 18 AWG (Green/Yellow) *Wire, Strand 18 AWG (Blue) *Wire, Strand 18 AWG (Brown) 91-07410-54 91-07786-66 91-07786-11 ECQ CUT-IN 70-17411 00000 USED ON CODE REF FIG NO. 2 DEC .. - 3 I \ 3 VK100-08 Figure 8. A. C. Receptacle Assembly 15/1 6 IPB-VK100 ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN COMMENT SHEET Any and all comments and suggestions for correcting errors and/or additional information to improve this manual will be reviewed and researched for possible use when this manual is revised and/or reprinted. Enter your comments and suggestions in the form provided below and return to Technical Documentation. MODEL VK100 GIGI TERMINAL FIGURE NO. ITEM NO. PUBLICATION NO. FIGURE NO. CHANGE FROM CHANGE FROM CHANGE TO CHANGE TO FIGURE NO. ITEM NO. FIGURE NO. CHANGE FROM CHANGE FROM CHANGE TO CHANGE TO FIGURE NO. ITEM NO. FIGURE NO. CHANGE FROM CHANGE FROM CHANGE TO CHANGE TO EK-VK100-IP-OOl ITEM NO. ITEM NO. ITEM NO. ADDITIONAL COMMENT(S) Please describe your position .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Organization _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip or Country _ _ _ _ __ ---------- - ------ - - - .Fold Here- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ -_ - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 00 Not Tear - Fold Here and Staple mamaama 111111 BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO.33 MAYNARD. MA POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE Digital Equipment Corporation Educational Services Development and Publishing 129 Parker Street, PK3-1/T12 Maynard, MA 01754 No Postage Necessary if Mailed in the United States I
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