Maintenance Service Bulletin 747 28A 2194 RA311 Ex 11K
User Manual: RA311
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DOCKET NO. SA-516 EXHIBIT NO. 11K NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD WASHINGTON, D. C. SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A-2194 (PAGES K-1 THRU K-26) Commercial Airplane Group LiTmmt5HQ , Number: 747-28A2194 Date: August 3. %Zr9?5 Revision 1: January 18,1996 ATA System: 2822 1 SUBJECT: 747 Service Bulletin Revision Transmittal Sheet FUEL - DISTRIBUTION - FUEL BOOST AND CWERRIDUJE-lTISON PUMPS - INSPECTION 1 This revision includes all pages of the serv$e bullet)?. COMPLIANCE INFORMATION RELATEPTO THIS REVISION No more work is necessary on airplanes cbangeU as shown in the initial release of this service bulletin. SUMMARY This revision is sent to add a check of tne boost pump ground wire to the accomplishment instructions, add an A-check inspection interval to the Compliance paragraph and add an optional off-wing inspection of the fuel pumps. The accomplishment instructions format has been changed to agree with Service Bulletin 757-28A0043. The data given in Notice of Status Change 747-28A2194 NSC 1 is included in this revision. Paragraph LA., Effectivity, shows changes of airplane operators. Effectivity paragraph for changes. Each operator should examine the Vertical lines are put on the left edge of each page, except in Paragraph I.A., Effectivity, to show the location of important changes. Pages with a revision number and date, but no vertical lines, have no important changes. REVISION HISTORY Initial Release: Revision I : August 3, 1995 January 18,1996 BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP P.O. BOX 3707 SEAlTLE, WASHldGTON 98124-2207 K-l Commercial Airplane Group D!a!szIHQ - 1 747 Service Bulletin Summary Number: 747-28A2194 Date: August 3.1995 Revision 1: January 18,1996 ATA System: 2822 SUBJECT: FUEL - DISTRIBUTION - FUEL BOOST AND OVERRlDUJElTlSON PUMPS - INSPECTION BACKGROUND COMPLIANCE This inspection will make sure the 747 fuel pumps will not cause a fuel leak. Boeing recommends that the initial inspection be accomplished at the next opportunity when manpower and facilities are available. For pumps 1 and 5 with insulation resistance between megohms when the 500VDC is done, it is recommended that the pump be replaced. If the pump is not replaced, do the inspection of this pump at every A-check or an equivalent time. For pumps with insulation resistance greater than 5 megohms when the 5OOVDCis done, the inspection should be repeated at every C-check or an equal time period after the initial inspection. Operators have sent reports of fuel leaks at the fuel boost and override/jettison pumps. The reports tell that eight fuel pumps have been removed for this reason. The removed fuel pumps had between 34,000-67,000 hours since new or since overhaul. The leaks occurred at the pump/wire bundle interface. The resuft of one teak was a fire at an inboard main tank jettison pump during maintenance. i : It is believed that after a long time, water can get inside the potting of the wire terminal assembly and cause corrosion. The corrosion in the wire terminal assembly can cause arcing between the power pins and the pump case. The arcing causes thermal expansion of the materials inside the cap. This expansion causes failure of the cap attachment flange or the attaching screws and a subsequent I fuel leak. High current during arcing can also melt a hole through the pump end case and connector, which also causes a fuel leak. This service bulletin will test the pump wiring insulation resistance to make sure that no conductive _ corrosion is in the wire terminal assembly. ACTION Get access to all of the 747 fuel pumps. Do an insulation resistance check on each pump. Replace any pumps that do not pass the insulation resistance check. BOEING COMhtERClALAlRPlANE EFFECllVlTY All 747 airplanes line positions 000 l-l 066. INDUSTRY SUPPORT INFORMATION Boeing warranty remedies are not available for the inspection given in this service bulletin. MANPOWER Total Man-hours - 8 for each airplane without a horizontal stabilizer fuel tank, body fuel tank or auxiliary override/jettison pumps. Elapsed Time - 4 Hours Total Man-hours - 9 for each airplane with a horizontal stabilizer fuel tank. Elapsed Time - 4.5 Hours Total Man-hours - 10 for each airplane with auxiliary override/jettison pumps. Elapsed Time - 5 Hours Total Man-hours - 9 for each airplane with auxiliary body fuel tanks. Elapsed Time - 4.5 Hours GROUP P.O. SOX 3707 SEATlIE. WASHlriGTON 93124-2207 Summary- BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 MATERIAL INFORMATION None DO AN INSULATION RESISTANCE CHECK ON EACH PUMP. REPLACE ANY PUMPS THAT DO NOT PASS THE INSULATION RESISTANCE CHECK JETTISON OVERRIDE HORIZONTAL STABILIZER TANK TRANSFERPUHPS (OPTIONAL) NUMBER1 MAIN TANK TANK BOOST PU TRANSFER PURPS (OPTIONAL) AUXILIARY JETTISON PUHPS (OPTIONAL) LEFT SIDE SHOWN RIGHT SIDE OPPOSITE 1 Aug 3195 REV 1: Jan 18196 K3m Summary PagW Commercial Airplane Group Number: Date: Revision 1: ATA System: 747 Service Bulletin 747-28A2194 August 3,1995 January 18,1996 2822 SUBJECT: FUEL - DISTRIBUTION - FUEL BOOST AND OVERRIDE/JETTISON PUMPS - INSPECTION I. PLANNING INFORMATION A. Effectivity 1. Airplanes Refer to Service Bulletfn Index Document D&30300, Part 3 for Airplane Variable Number, Line Number, and Serial Number data. This service bulletin is for the airplanes shown below. IDENTIFICATION BY CUSTOMER, CUSTOMER CODE, GROUP AND VARIABLE NUMBER AAR AIRCRAFT TURBINE CENTER (RTC) RBOOl AER LINGUS (ARL) RA203 RA501 -RA502 AEROLINEAS ARGENTINAS (ARG) RD122-RD127 AIR ATLANTA ICELAA;;; RA256 (AID) AIR CANADA (ACN) RA743-RA745 RA744RA750 RD531 AIR CHINA GROUP (BEJ) RD781-RD783 RG164 RG21 l-RG213 RR451 AIR$‘;~4;lNTERNATIONAL AIR;L;;CE RTlOl-RT103 RT031-RT033 RT876RT880 (CLI) (AFA) RD271-RD272 RD651-RD6ii RA257-RA259 RA262-RA263 RA265 RD657-RD659 RD721-RD722 RD791-RD792 RR302-RR309 RR331 RR332 RT591 RS751-RS752 RT071-RT075 RT121 RT71 l-Rli’16 AIRz;6!yN S.A. (GBN) AIR INDIA (AIN) RA722-RA723 RA725RA726 Aug 3195 REV 1: Jan 18196 RA728-RA731 RD051 RS781-RS782 RUOOl-RU004 747-28A2194 PagW BOEING AIRED;gGASCAR AIR;G;tJ;ITIUS SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 (MAD) LTD. (MAU) AIR NEW ZEALAND, LTD. (ANZ) RD471-RD475 RT67 1-RT673 RT703 RT932 ALITALIA (ALI) RD181 RD753-RD755 RR561 RD451-RD456 RD751 ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO. LTD. (ANA) RB683-RB697 RD231-RD235 RD461 RU831-RU841 RR551-RR556 RT751-Rl755 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS, INC. (CKF) RB002 RA523-RA525 RA635 RA521 AMl;;;;;GHT INTERNATIONAL (AAB) RB102 ASIANA AIRLINES (AAR) RR746-RR747 RT131-RT134 ATA;t7C;SA, AVl;T$6; INC. (ATJ) RA762 INC. (TLS) RD044 RR204 RD203 (ABD) ARABL;;Sl\G ATLAAAI RD201 RT776-R-i777 RU031-RU032 RB044 RD642-RD643 RD646 RD691-RD692 RD752 LEASING GROUP (ALW) BRITISH AIRWAYS (BAB) RA301-RA303 RA305RA308 RD143 RD311 CArDR?yN RA310 RT471-RT499 RA312-RA318 RB41 l-RB413 RD131-RD141 RU121-RU123 AIRLINES (CAM) CANADIAN AIRLINES INTERNATIONAL LTD. (CDI) RT701-Rl702 RT704 RU059 CARGOLUX AIRLINES INTERNATIONAL S.A. (CLX) RJ331-RJ333 RR301 RR721-RR722 RR701 CATHAY PACIFIC AIRWAYS, LTD. (CAT) RD351-RD358 RR441-RR442 RR531 RR951-RR952 RS301-RS306 RT451-RT469 , .; K5 l Aug 3/95 REV 1: Jan 18/96 747-28A2 194 BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747028A2194 CHINA AIR LINES, INC. (CHI) RD081-RD083 RD551 RG171-RG174 RR521-RR522 RT631-RT634 RT636 CITICORP AIRCRAFT MANAGEMENT, INC. (CIC) RA559 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. (CAL) RA217 RA551-RA552 RA561 CORSE AIR INTERNATIONAL (COR) RA023 RA675 RA025 DUB&d; . RA677 RG124 RS235 WING (DAW) RG193 EGYPTAIR (EGP) RS731-RS732 EL AL ISRAEL AIRLINES, LTD. (ELA) RJ151-RJ152 RA781-RA784 RB007 RR225RR226 RUOSl-RU083 EVA AIRWAYS CORPORATION (EVA) RT161-RT166 RT951-RT954 EVE;At;FEN INTERNATIONAL Al;$EE. (EVR) RA113 RA022 RDO41-RD042 RJ131 RB604 RB607 RA631 RJ133 RA633 FEDERAL EXPRESS (FED) RR221-RR224 RR421 FLIyA;;iiN INTERNATIONAL, INC. (FLP) GARUDA INDONESIAN AIRWAYS (GIA) RU061-RU062 RD421-RD426 RT931 GAFA;;‘lTAL GE :;;;;A’ CORPORATlON (GAX) RA216 RA245 AVIATION SERVICE&l,l&(GEH) RA009 RR504 GENREF& ELECTRIC CORP. (GEC) GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN (JAG) RT681-RT682 H.Mkro;gSULTAN’S FLIGHT (SFB) RT440 lBERl15~lNEAS AEREAS DE ESPANA S.A.) (IBE) RD431-RD435 RB421 INT;;;;;lONAL Aug 3/95 REV 1: Jan 18/96 AIR LEASES (IAL) 747-28A2194 ‘s BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 IRAN AIR (FIN) RAlOl-RA103 RJ301 RA161-RA163 RB711 RA112 RROOl-RR004 RD681-RD682 RGlOl-RG104 IRAQI AIRWAYS (IRC?) RJ302-RJ303 RG095 JAPAN AIRLINES (JAL) RD221-RD227 RA526-RA528 RA532-RA535 RA537-RA548 RB721-RB723 RD055 RR261-RR262 RR265RR267 RR361-RR362 RSOOl-RS002 RS251-RS259 RS263 RS265RS268 RT641-RT657 RT861-RT864 RT966RT967 RU801-RU809 yOgyN AIRLINES (KAZ) KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES (KLM) RD381-RD383 RD601-RD607 RS71 l-RS713 RTOOl-RTOll KOREAN AIR LINES, INC. (KAL) RD071-RD072 RD091 RD053 RR336 RR021-RR025 RR201 RT571-RT586 RD441-RD442 RG221-RG222 RJ132 RT061 RS291-RS292 RS786 RT531-RT535 LUFTHANSA GERMAN AIRLINES (DLH) RD644-RD645 RD647-RD649 RD771-RD775 RD182-RD183 RD291-RD292 RD641 RR202-RR203 RR205RR206 RT041-RT047 RT431-RT439 RT441 MALAYSIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM BERHAD (MAS) RD144 RT021-RT022 RT741-RI750 RD142 RS771 MARTINAIR HOLLAND N.V. (MTH) RJ321-RJ322 RR310 MIDDLE EAST AIRLINES S.A. (MEA) RD622-RD623 NO;rof3MERICAN AIRLINES, INC. (NNA) NORTHWEST AIRLINES, INC. (NWA) RA351 RA353 RA364RA373 RD241-RD243 RD251-RD262 RA358 RR005 RR341-RR345 RR431-RR432 RT401-RT410 OKADA AIR (OKD) RA522 OLYMPIC AIRWAYS (OLY) RD022 RD04&RD050 PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES CORP. (PIA) RDOO&RD004 RDlOl-RD104 RD701-RD702 Aug 3f95 REV 1: Jan 18/96 747-28A2 194 \ BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 PANAIR, INC. (PNR) RG122 PHILIPPINE AIRLINES, INC. (PAL) RD171-RD172 RD41 l-RD414 RD592-RD593 REOOl POLAR AIR CARGO (PAO) RA007 RA013 RA027 RU051-RU052 RU060 RA401 -RA405 RA634 RB041 POTOMAC CAPITAL INVESTMENT CORP. (PCI) RA671 PS Cm&P, INC. (PSG) RA914 QANTAS AIRWAYS, LTD. (QAN) RD517-RD519 RD532-RD533 RHll l-RH112 RS271-RS276 RT551-RT568 QATAR AIRWAYS (QTA) RB681-RB682 ROYAL AIR MAROC (RAM) RD671 RT717 ROYAL&IGHT OM;&(G&OVT. OF OMAN) (RFO) SABENA S.A. (SAB) RS761-RS762 SAUDI ARABIAN AIRLINES CORP. @VA) RB741-RB748 RH121 RR526 SA\DiF;y FLIGHT (SRF) RH122 RS311-RS320 RS699 SINGAPORE AIRLINES, LTD (SIA) RD056-RD059 RR503 RR566 RS741-RS743 RT501-RT529 RR851-RR853 RS231-RS234 RS237-RS241 SOUTH AFRICAN AIRWAYS (SAA) RB071-RB075 RD741 RG121 RS236 Rl781-Rl784 RG123 RG125RG126 RS21 l-RS212 SOUTDJT5;NAIR TRANSPORT, INC. (SIT) RR263-RR264 RR501 SWISSAIR (SWS) RS221-RS222 RS701-RS703 SYRIAN ARAB AIRLINES (SYR) RG141-RG142 S583 (583) RD168RD167 THAi AIRWAYS INT’L PUBLIC CO., LTD. (Tll) RD361-RD366 RS341-RS342 RT691-RT698 K8N Aug 3195 REV 1: Jan 18/96 747-28A2194 ‘5, BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 THEME& GROUP (AGJ) THEX$i~2~ROUP/CAPITAL FINANCE CO. (TCI) TOWER AIR, INC. (TOW) RA012 RA015 RA309 RA311 RD047 RD052 RA201 RDOOl-RD002 RA024 RB003 RD054 RA034 RB005 RD571 RA106 RB042 TRANS WORLD AIRLINES. INC. (-i-WA) RA104-RA105 RA107-kA1 ld RAi14 RA674 RD021 RA164 RA581-RA582 RA651 UNITED AIR LINES, INC. (UAL) RA40&RA418 RA903-RA907 RBOlO-RB012 RD301-RD302 RD513-RD516 RGOOl-RG007 RG091 RT41 l-RT412 RT601 -RT622 UNl;EZDo;ARCEL S;;;;K$E (UPS) RA915RA916 RA029 RA033 RA901-RA902 RA911 -RA913 RB605 USAF - 747 E-4B PROGRAM (UOl) RB013-RB016 VARIG AIRLINES (VAR) RD581-RD583 RS331-RS333 RS721-RS722 VIRz;;;;LANTIC AIRWAYS LTD. (VAA) RA909 RA702 RBOO&RB009 RD121 RT945RT946 WlLMlbIl~~ON TRUST CO. (VVX) WORLDWIDE AIRCRAFT HOLDING CO (WAH) RGOOS . 1 d . Aug 3/95 REV 1: Jan 18/96 747-28A2194 t BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747128A2194 IDENTIFICATION BY VARIABLE NUMBER RAOOl-RA034 RA251-RA266 RA521-RA528 RA601-RA602 RA741-RA745 RB041-RB044 RB681-RB697 RD041-RD059 RD131-RD144 RD231-RD235 RD311 RD431-RD435 RD531-RD533 RD601-RD607 RD681-RD682 RD761 RGO91 RG171-RG174 RH121-RH122 RROOl-RR005 RR301-RR310 RR431-RR432 RR531 RR746-RR747 RS221-RS222 RS291-RS292 RS701-RS703 RS761-RS762 RT031-RT033 RT131-RT134 RT471-RT499 RT601-RT622 RT701-RT704 RT876-RT880 RUO31-RU032 RU831-RU841 RAlOl-RA115 RA301-RA318 RA532-RA548 RA631-RA635 RA744RA750 RB071-RBO75 RB711 RD071-RD072 RD166RD167 RD241-RD243 RD351-RD358 RD441-RD442 RD551 RD621-RD623 RD691-RD692 RD771-RD775 RG095 RG191-RG193 RJl31-RJ133 RR021-RR025 RR331-RR332 RR441-RR442 RR551-RR556 RR851-RR853 RS231-RS241 RS301-RS306 RS71 l-RS713 RS771 RT041-RT047 RT151 RT501-RT529 RT631-RT636 R171 l-Rl717 RT931-RT932 RU051-RU052 RA161-RA164 RA351-RA360 RA551-RA552 RA651-RA652 RA761-RA762 RBlOl-RB102 RB721-RB723 RD081-RD083 RD171-RD172 RD251-RD262 RD361-RD366 RD451-RD456 RD561 RD641-RD649 RD701-RD702 RD781-RD783 RGlOl-RG104 RG211-RG213 RJl51-RJ152 RR031 RR336 RR451 RR561 RR951-RR952 RS251-RS259 RS31 l-RS320 RS721-RS722 RS781-RS782 RT061 RT161-RT166 RT531-RT535 RT641-RT657 RT741-Rl755 RT945-RT946 RU054RU062 RA201-RA203 RA364RA373 RA554RA561 RA671-RA6TI RA781-RA784 RB41 l-R8413 RB741-RB748 RD091-RD092 RD181-RD183 RD271-RD272 RD38;1-RD383 RD461 RD571 RD651-RD659 RD721-RD722 RD791-RD792 RG121-RG126 RG221-RG222 RJ301-RJ303 RR201-RR206 RR341-RR345 RR501-RR504 RR566 RSOOl-RS002 RS263 RS331-RS333 RS731-RS732 RS786 RT071-RT075 RT401-RT412 RT551-RT568 RT67l -RT673 Rl776-R-l777 RT951-RT954 RU081-RU083 RA216RA217 RA401-RA418 RA581-RA582 RA701-RA702 RA901-RA916 RB42! RDOOl-RD004 RDlOl-RD104 RD201-RD204 RD291-RD292 RD41 l-RD414 RD471-RD475 RD581-RD583 RD661 RD741-RD742 REOOl RG141-RG142 RHlOl-RH102 RJ321-RJ322 RR221-RR226 RR361-RR362 RR521-RR522 RR701 RS201 RS265-RS268 RS341-RS342 RS741-RS743 RTOOl-RTOll RTlOl-RT103 RT431-RT441 RT571-RT586 RT681 -RT682 RT781-R1784 RT966RT967 RU121-RU123 RA245RA246 RA501-RA502 RA585 RA721-RA731 RBOOl-RB016 RB60l-RB607 RD021-RD022 RD121-RD127 RD221-RD227 RD301-RD302 RD421-RD426 RD513-RD519 RD591-RD593 RD671 RD751-RD755 RGOOl-RG009 RG161-RG164 RHll l-RH112 RJ331-RJ333 RR261-RR267 RR421-RR422 RR526 RR72 1-RR722 RS21 l-RS212 RS271 -RS276 RS699 RS751-RS752 RT021-RT022 RT121 RT451-RT469 RT591 RT691 -RT698 RT861-RT864 RUOOl-RU004 RU801-RU809 2. Spares None K-lo Aug 3l95 REV 1: Jan 18196 747-28A2 194 x BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 8. Reason This inspection will make sure the 747 fuel pumps will not cause a fuel leak. Operators have sent reports of fuel leaks at the fuel boost and override/jettison pumps. The reports tell that eight fuel pumps have been removed for this reason. The removed fuel pumps had between 34,006-67,000 hours since new or since overhaul. The leaks occurred at the pump/wire bundle interface. The result of one leak was a fire at an inboard main tank jettison pump during maintenance. It is believed that after a long time, water can get inside the potting of the wire terminal assembly and cause corrosion. The corrosion in the wire terminal assembly can cause arcing between the power pins and the pump case. The arcing causes thennal expansion of the materials inside the cap. This expansion causes failure of the cap attachment flange or the attaching screws and a subsequent fuel leak. High current during arcing can also melt a hole through the pump end case and connector, which also causes a fuel leak. This service bulletin will test the pump wiring insulation resistance to make sure that no conductive corrosion is in the wire terminal assembly. Revision 1 is sent to add a check of the boost pump ground wire to the accomplishment instructions, add an A-check inspection interval to the Compliance paragraph and add an optional off-wing inspection of the fuel pumps. The accomplishment instructions format has been changed to agree with Service Bulletin 757-28A0043. The data given in Notice of Status Change 747-28A2194 NSC 1 is included in this revision. C. Description Get access to all of the 747 fuel pumps. Do an insulation resistance check on each pump. Replace any pumps that do not pass the insulation resistance check. Revision 1 - No more work is necessary on airplanes changed as shown in the initial release of this service bulletin. PLEASE SEND A REPORT OF YOUR INSPECTION PROGRAM. ALSO, SEND THE INSPECTION RESULTS WHEN EACH INSPECTION IS COMPLETE. SENDTO: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP ATTENTION: MANAGER, AIRLINE SUPPORT D. Compliance Boeing recommends that the initial inspection be accomplished at the next opportunity when manpower- and facilities are available, For pumps with insulation resistance between 1 and 5 megohms when the SOOVDCis done, it is recommended that the pump be replaced. If the pump is not replaced, do the inspection of this pump at every A-check or an equivalent time. For pumps with inSUlatiOnresistance greater than 5 megohms when the SOOVDCis done, the inspection should be repeated at every C-check or an equal time period after the initial inspection. E. Approval This service bulletin was examined by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The changes specified in this service bulletin comply with the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) and are FAA approved. This service bulletin and the FAA approval were based on the airplane in its original Boeing delivery configuration or as modified by other FAA approved Boeing changes. Aug 3195 REV 1: Jan 18/96 747-28A2194 ‘s, BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747128492194 If an airplane has a non-Boeing modification or repair that affects a component or system also affected by this service bulletin, the operator is responsible for obtaining appropriate regulatory agency approval before incorporating this service bulletin. F. Industry I Support Information Boeing warranty remedies are not available for the inspection given in this service bulletin. Aug 3l95 REV 1: Jan lW6 747-28A2194 ‘9 BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 0. Manpower Approximately 8 man-hours and 2 persons are necessary to do this inspection for each airplane without a horizontal stabilizer fuel tank, body fuel tank or auxiliary override/jettison pumps. Approximately 9 man-hours and 2 persons are necessary to do this inspection for each airplane with a horizontal stabilizer fuel tank. Approximately 10 man-hours and 2 persons are necessary to do this inspection for each airplane with auxiliary override/jettison pumps. Approximately 9 man-hours and 2 persons are necessary to do this inspection for each airplane with an auxiliary body fuel tank. This estimate is for direct labor only, done by an experienced crew. Adjust the estimate with operator man-hour data if necessary. The estimate does not include lost time. These are some examples of lost time: - Time to adjust to the workplace Time to schedule the work Time to examine the work Time to cure the materials Time to make the parts Time to find the tools. H. Material - Price and Availability None I. Special Tools - Price and Availability None J. Weight and Balance None -j Aug 3/95 REV 1: Jan 18/96 Kw13 747-28A2 194 k BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 K. References 1. Existing Data: a. 747 Maintenance Manual (AMM) Subject 20-41-01.28-22-03 and 28-31-01 b. 747-400 Maintenance Manual (AMM) Subject 20-41-01,28-l 7-04,28-22X)3 and 28-31-01 c. Standard Wiring Practices Manual (SWPM) Subject 20-20-00 and 20-60-01 d. 747 Corrosion Prevention Manual (D6-41910) Subject 20-40-00 2. Data supplied with this service bulletin: None 3. Installation Drawings: None L. Publications Changed None M. Electrical Load Data Not changed Aug 3/95 REV 1: Jan 18l96 747-28A2 194 w BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 II. MATERIAL INFORMATION A. Parts Necessary For Each Airplane New Q-rings are necessary if any fuel pumps are removed or replaced. Refer to the Accomplishment Instructions, Note 2, Table 1 for the necessary AMM subjects to get the Q-ring part numbers. I 6. Parts Necessary to Change Spares None C. Special Tools and Equipment I 1. A special megohmmeter is necessary to do the electrical check of the fuel pump on the airplane. The megohmmeter must have 1OVDC and 500VDC voltage supply options with a maximum short circuit current of 5 milliamperes. We use a QuadTech model 1864 megohmmeter. Any equivalent meter is acceptable. The QuadTech model 1864 is available from: QuadTech (OPK96) 100 Nickerson Road Marlborough, Massachusetts USA 01752-4696 Attention: Tom Skarbek Phone: (800) 253-l 230 or (508) 485-3500 Facsimile: (508) 485-0295 NOTE: Test equipment for the low voltage orrwing safety check must be limited to a maximum short circuit power dissipation of 0.05 Watts. Test equipment for the high voltage on-wing check must be limited to a maximum short circuit power dissipation of 2.5 Watts. 2. A standard megohmmeter like the General Radio 1644A, or equivalent, may be used if the insulation resistance test is done off of the airplane. D. Existing Parts Accountability None ... >I Aug 3195 REV 1: Jan 18/96 \(-\5 747-28A2 194 w BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 Ill. ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS NOTES: 1. The paragraphs identified with a letter give the general work instructions and the necessary tests. 2. To replace a fuel pump, refer to Table 1 for the necessary maintenance manual procedure. TABLE 1 7 PUMP NAME AMM REFERENCE. QTY Boost Pump 747 AMM 28-22-03 8 747-400 AMM 28-22-03 8 6/10 NOTES Jettison/Override Pump 747 AMM 28-31-01 747-400 AMM 28-31-01 6 747 airplanes with auxiliary override/jettison pumps have 4 additional pumps (2 each) in the outboard reserve tanks. Horizontal Stabilizer Transfer Pump 747-400 AMM 28-l 7-04 2 747-400 airplanes with horizontal stabilizer tail fuel. Body Tank Transfer Pump 747 AMM 28-22-03 2/4 747 airplanes with body fuel tanks installed. 3. Send any fuel pump that does not pass the visual inspection or the insulation resistance test to a maintenance repair facility. At the maintenance repair facilii, do the inspection procedure for insulation resistance given in the applicable component maintenance manual. 4. Obey all of the warnings and cautions given in the specified manual sections. A. Make sure that the airplane is in an area which permits air to circulate freely. 8. Make sure that fire fighting equipment is available near the test location. C. Make sure that the airplane and work stands are grounded. Refer to the 747 or 747-400 AMM 20-41-01, Static Ground Procedure. D. For all 747 airplanes except the 747-400, open these circuit breakers: 1. 0r1 the P14 panel, open these circuit breakers and attach DO-NOT-CLOSE tags: a. COO801,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN AFT 1 b. COO803,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN AFT 2 c. COO809,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN FWD 3 d. COO811, FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN FWD 4 8. COO835,FUEL OVRD/JTSN, PUMP CTR LEFT i. COO833,FUEL OVRD/JTSN PUMP FWD 2 Aug 3l95 REV 1: Jan 18/96 747-28A2194 w BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 9. CO0838, FUEL OVRD/JTSN PUMP FWD 3 I h. C01673, PUMP JEST OVRD AUX TK 1 OUTBD (RD121 and RJ151 only) i. CO1674, PUMP JETT OVRD AUX TK 4 OUTBD (RD121 and RJ151 only) j. C01688, XFR PUMP 1 FWD BODY TK (RA161RA163, RD301-RD302, RS318-RS320 and RS699 ONLY) RD225RD227, RD231-RD235, k. C01689, XFR PUMP 1 AFT BODY TK (RA161-RA163 only) 2. On the P15 panel, open these circuit breakers and attach DO-NOT-CLOSE tags: a. COO802,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN FWD 1 b. COO804,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN FWD 2 c. COO808,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN AFT 3 d. COO810,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN AFT 4 e. CO0836, FUEL OVRD/JTSN PUMP CTR RIGHT f. CO0834, FUEL OVRD/JTSN PUMP AFT 2 g. CO0837, FUEL OVRDNTSN PUMP AFT 3 h. C01671, PUMP Jm OVRD AUX TK 1 INBD (RD121 and RJ151 only) i. C01672. PUMP JETT OVRD AUX TK 4 INBD (RD121 and RJ151 only) j. CO1690, XFR PUMP 2 MID BODY TK (RA161-RA163, RD225RD227, RD231-RD235, RD301-RD302, RS318-RS320 and RS699 ONLY) k. C01691, XFR PUMP 2 AFT BODY TK (RA161-RA163 only) For the 747-400, open these circuit breakers: 1. On the P414 panel, open these circuit breakers and attach DC-NOT-CLOSE tags: a. COO801,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN AFT 1, position 85 b. COO803,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN AFT 2,‘position R18 C. COO809,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN FWD 3, position J5 cl. COO811, FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN FWD 4, position A8 e. CO0835, FUEL OVRD/JTSN PUMP CTR LEFT, position D2 f. CO0833, FUEL OVRDNTSN PUMP FWD 2, position C2 9. CO0838, FUEL OVRD/JTSN PUMP FWD 3, position C5 2. On the P415 panel, open these circuit breakers and attach DC-NOT-CLOSE tags: ,\. a. COO802,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN FWD 1, position 835 Aug 3/95 REV 1: Jan 18/96 K-11’ 747-28A2194 59 BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 b. COO804,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN FWD 2, position G29 c. COO808,FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN AFT 3, position M29 d. COO810, FUEL BOOST PMP MAIN AFT 4, position A35 e. CO0836, FUEL OVRD/JTSN PUMP CTR RIGHT, position M32 f. CO0834, FUEL OVRD/JTSN PUMP AFT 2, position A38 g. CO0837, FUEL OVRD/JTSN PUMP AFT 3,.position 838 3. For airplanes with a horizontal stabilizer fuel tank, open these circuit breakers on the P85 panel and attach DO-NOT-CLOSE tags: a. C3141, HORIZ STAB XFER/JEiT PUMP L b. C3142, HORIZ STAB XFEWJEIT PUMP R E. Get access to the airplane fuel pumps. Refer to Table 1 for the fuel pump AMM references. In the applicable AMM subjects, do the steps necessary to get access to the fuel pump electrical connector. F. Do a visual inspection of the wire terminal assembly, the electrical connector and the wire insulation on the’ fuel pump. 1. Examine the pump for the following conditions: a. Signs of a fuel leak b. Signs of heat discoloration NOTE: Clean the cap as given in Boeing Standard Wiring Practices Manual 20-60-01 after the inspection for heat discoloration. c. Signs of bulges, bent flanges, broken screw, medium to heavy corrosion damage (as specified in the 747 Corrosion Prevention Manual Subject 20-40-00, Part I, General Information Corrosion Removal Techniques, Paragraph 3.A), etc. 2. If the results of the visual examination of the fuel pump are: a. None of the conditions in paragraph F.l are found, go to paragraph G. b. One or more of the conditions in paragraph F.l are found, . 1) Replace the fuel pump. 2) Go to paragraph G. G. Do an insulation test of the fuel pump. 1. Disconnect the electrical connector of the fuel pump. 2. Use a AVIRON Model T477W bonding meter or an equivalent ohmmeter. Standard Wiring Practices Manual 20-2M10, paragraph I. Refer to Boeing 3. Use the ohmmeter to measure the resistance between pin 4 of the electrical connector installed on the pump and the braided bonding jumper. The braided bonding jumper is installed between the pump motor impeller and the airplane structure. K c18 Aug 3l95 REV 1: Jan 18/88 747-28A2194 w BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 I NOTE: The measurement between pin 4 and the bonding jumper is a continuity check, not a bonding resistance check. a. Record the resistance measured between pin 4 and the braided bonding jumper on the data sheet shown in Figure 2. b. If the resistance is less than or equal to 10 ohms, continue the test. Go to paragraph G.4. c. If the resistance is more than 10 ohms, replace the fuel pump. Go to paragraph G.2 and do the insulation resistance test on the replacement pump. 4. This insulation resistance test can be done on the airplane with the fuel pumps installed or off the airplane with the fuel pumps removed. Of a. If the insulation resistance test is done on the airplane use a QuadTech megohmmeter, or equivalent, with the specifications given in paragraph II.C.l. Set the megohmmeter for 10 VDC and go to step G.5. CAUTION: The fuel pumps are in flammable leakage zones. Each pump is tested at 10 VDC before it is tested at 500 VDC. The 10 VDC test is to find fuel pumps with low insulation resistance that can arc or overheat when a high voltage is applied. the results of the 10 VDC test determine if the 500 VDC test is done on a fuel pump installed on the airplane. b. If the insulation resistance test is done off of the airplane use a megohmmeter with the specifications given in either paragraph II.C.l or lLC2. This test must be done in less than two hours after the pump is removed. Go to step G.6. 5. Use the megohmmeter to measure the resistance between pin 4 and each of pins 1,2 and 3 of the electrical connector installed on the pump. a. Record each resistance measured between pin 4 and pins 1,2 and 3 on the data sheet shown in Figure 2. b. If each resistance measured between pin 4 and pins 1, 2 and 3 is equal to or greater than 1 megohm, go to paragraph G.6. c. If any resistance measured between pin 4 and pins 1,2 and 3 is less than 1 megohm, replace the fuel pump. Go to paragraph G.2 and do the insulation resistance test on the replacement fuel pump. 6. Set the megohmmeter for 500 VDC. 7. use the megohmmeter to measure the resistance between pin 4 and each of pins 1,2 and 3 of the electrical. connector installed on the pump. a. Record each resistance measured between pin 4 and pins 1,2 and 3 on the data sheet shown in Figure 2. b. lf each resistance measured between pin 4 and pins 1, 2 and 3 is equal to or greater than 5 megohm, go to paragraph ~6. ‘C. lf any reSiStanU3measured between pin 4 and pins 1,2 and 3 is below 1 megohm, replace the fuel pump. For pumps that have an insulation resistance from 1 to 5 megohms, it iS recommended that the pump be replaced. If the pump is not replaced, do this test on the pump at every A-check or an equivalent time. If the pump was replaced go to paragraph G.2 and do the insulation resistance test on the replacement fuel pump. If the pump was not replaced go to Paragraph G.8. Aug 3195 REV 1: Jan 18l96 K-R 747-28A2194 w BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 8. If the pump was removed to do this test, install the pump. Refer to the AMM as specified in Table 1 to get the necessary instructions. NOTE: New O-rings are required to install the fuel pump. Refer to the AMM as specified in Table 1 to get the part numbers for the O-rings. If the pump was not removed to do this test, connect the electrical connector of the fuel pump. 9. Make sure all the fuel pumps are visually inspected and tested for insulation resistance. a. If all fuel pumps had the visual inspection and krsulation resistance test done, the visual inspection and insulation resistance test are completed. Go to paragraph H. b. If the visual inspection and insulation resistance test was not done on any fuel pump, do a visual and insulation resistance test on the pump that is not tested. Go to paragraph F.l. H. Remove the DO-NOT-CLOSE identifiers and close the circuit breakers that were opened in Paragraph D. I. Put the airplane back into serviceable condition. Aug 3/95 REV 1: Jan 18/96 747-28A2194 %L BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 I I / DO AN INSULATION RESISTANCE CHECKON EACH PUMP. REPLACE ANY PUMPSTHAT DO NOT PASS . THE INSULATION RESISTANCECHECK SEE @ JETTISON I II TRANSFERPUHPS (OPTIONAL) /’ f$lHBER 1 HAIN TANK TANK BOOSTPUMPS AUXILIARY JETTISON PUMPS(OPTIONAL) LEFT SIDE SHOWN RIGHT SIDE OPPOSITE FIGURE 1. AIRPLANE FUEL PUMP INSPECTION Aug 3/95 REV 1: Jan 18/96 SHEET1 OF3 . 747-28A2 194 w BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 JMPER WIRE BUNDLE C CONNECTOR WIRE SEE JUHPER TYPICAL 0 A ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR UIRE BUNDLE CAP BLACK 1 RED 2 REGOHHWETER GREEN 3 JUMPER FlGURti 1. AIRPLANE FUEL PUMP INSPECTION Aug 3195 _.- - REV 1: Jan l&96 SHEET2OF3 747-28A2194 k BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 747-28A2194 BLANK PAGE ‘l-f! . Aug 3/95 REV 1: Jan 18/96 FIGURE 1. AIRPLANE FUEL PUMP INSPECTION SHEET 3 OF 3 y-as’ 747-28A2 194 20 747 FUEL PUMP INSPECTION DATA SHEET AIRPLANE TAIL NBR: HRSICYCLES: PUMP NAME INSTALLED PUMP PART NBR. SERIAL NBR. TSOnSN DATE: GRND RESIS TANCE otYNm E MA’N AFr B00sT NBR 2 MAIN FWD BOOST PUMP NBR 2 MAIN AFT BOOST PUMP NBR 2 MAIN OUTBOARD OVRD/JEfTlSON PUMP NBR 2 MAIN INBOARD OVRDNETTISON PUMP CTR WING TANK LEFT OVRD/JElTlBON PUM’ CTR WING TANK RIGHT DVRWJEITISON PUMP NBR 3 MAIN FWD BOOST PUMP NBR 3 MAIN AFT BOOST PUMP NEW PUMP (IF NECESSARY) 500 VDC 10 VDC OVHUNEW . PIN4 NBR 1 MAIN FWD BOOST PUMP RESISTANCE IN MEGOHMS (INSULATION CHECK) PIN 1 PIN 2 PIN 3 PIN 1 PIN 2 PIN 3 PART NBR. SERIAL NBR. . INSTALLED PUMP PART NBR. PUMP NAME SERIAL NBR. TSOITSN 0vttuNEw PIN 4 I 500 VDC PIN 1 PIN 2 PIN 3 PIN 1 PIN 2 ZEN&l MAIN FWD BOOST I I NBR 4 MAIN AFT BOOST PUMP HORlZONTAL STAB TANK LEFT TRANSFER PUMP HORKONTAL STAB TANK RIGHT TRANSFER PUMP INSERT DATA FOR ANY BODY TANK TRANSFER PUMPS OR RESERVE TANK OVERRIDWElTlSON PLEASE SEND TO: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP All-N: ROY COTTON M/S 04-EC P.O. BOX 3707 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98124-2207 NEW PUMP (IF NECESSARY) RESISTANCE IN MEGOHMS RESlS TANC E IN PUMPS IN THE UNES THAT FOLLOW: PIN 3 PART NBR. SERIAL NBR. Commercial ,‘L m!m!aisHi .I 747 Airplane Group i. Number: Date: Revision 1: ATA System: Prepared By: Service Bulletin Evaluation Form 747-28A2194 August 3,1995 January 18,1998 2822 Bill Bottenberg 1 SUBJECT: FUEL - DISTRIBUTION - FUEL BOOST AND OVERRIDE/JET-TISON PUMPS - INSPECTION 1 Use this evaluation form to tell us what you think of the quality of this service bulletin. We will use the data that you give us to improve the qualii of our service bulletins. Please include data about these or other items: - Did this service bulletin meet your estimate of qualii How easy is this service bulletin to understand? Are the Planning Information, Material Information and Accomplishment Instructions satisfactory7 will you do this service bulletin fully? If not, please tell us why. Is the Manpower estimate satisfactory? NOTE: Plea’se do not use this evaluation form to tell us to make changes to your manuals. To make these changes, please use a Publication Change Request (PCR) form. Please give us this data: - .3. .i OPERATOR: TODAY’S DATE: PREPARED By: TITLE: ORGANIZATION: TELEX CODE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: BASE: COMMENTS: lf necessary, please use the other side. Thank you for the time you used to give us your comments. Give the completed evaluation form to your Boeing Field Service Representative or send the evaluation form directly to this address: TJ. Taylor, Manager Service Bulletin Engineering Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P.O. Box 3707, Mail Stop 29-85 Seattle, WA 981242207 BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPlANE GROUP P.O. BOX 3707 SEATTLE, WASHItiGTON 98124-2207
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